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No. 91047
>>91021I'm completely flat chested. I can't wear anything that isn't literal children's clothing without flashing everyone. I get guys going way out of their way to tell me how unfuckable I am and busty girls alternating between "my problems are worse than your problems, but I'd never actually wanna have the chest of a ten yo boy ofc", "at least you'll never have to deal with guys hitting on you", and "you'll know they're with you purely because of your personality".
My bf says he likes them but almost everything he sends me and says is attractive are super busty women, like literally bigger than their head. The few flat girls he likes are either 2d lolis, asian, or babyfaced. I really want him to find me attractive but I doubt he's ever going to actually be attracted to me without surgery. I'm a complete stick btw so no I can't "make up for it". I've been considering surgery for years now and even got my bf to say he won't break up with me if I get it. But tbh getting my chest cut open for cosmetic reasons scares the shit out of me. Plus I actually really like flat chests and I'm not into the whole "sexy"/curvy aesthetic at all. I'd have to save up at least 5,000 bucks just for the surgery and would have to get them redone every 3-5 years. I'd be missing out on at least 4 or 5 flights to get it, but at the same time what's the point in visiting if he isn't going to be attracted to me? It'd be solely for him in the "don't do it for someone else" sense, but I know I wouldn't feel so miserable all the time thinking about how he's only with me because he thinks he can't get anything better and we wouldn't be fighting about it either. And no that isn't just me guessing or being paranoid. He's said it almost word for word multiple times. He didn't mean to, but he's said it and variations of it so many times it can't just be a bad choice of words.
If any flat girls have been in a situation like mine what would you recommend? Breaking up is definitely not an option and I won't accept anything other than a 100% monogamous relationship so "sharing" is out too.
>>91045It definitely was, that's the same wording and style they always use. But if there's a flat chest general why not post in it?
No. 91049
>>91047I know its hard to find a partner that actually likes flat chests but it is possible.
Out of 5 guys i dated 1 was actually into small boobs (AA-B cups) 1 told me indirectly hed prefer if i had bigger boobs but still liked mine and the other ones just said they liked them and didnt really indicate that they prefered bigger tits
Dont get surgery just because your current bf might like bigger boobs. Im currently dating the one that indirectly told me he would preferred if i had bigger boobs but its okay.he still compliments them, asks for pics of them and other nsfw stuff. I wanted to get fake tits for him too but i realised that he is dating me for my personality and if i really wanted to get a guy that liked small boobs, i would be able to find one.
If you want bigger boobs for yourself then get them. But if ure only doing it for another person and it really bothers you that they prefer bigger boobs, just find a guy that likes small tits
No. 91050
>>91049I already said breaking up isn't an option, but thanks for taking the time to respond.
Honestly you're a much much stronger woman than I am. I'd turn into an absolute mess and never let my bf see me in anything form fitted without padding if he told me even indirectly that he wished I was bigger. Even now I don't know if I could ever let him see tbh.
No. 91052
>>91050Tbh its just a matter of time
I clearly remember when he told me that over text and i just remember i bursted out crying during class kek
But with time you just get over shit like that
As i said he still compliments them and makes me feel loved so its okay i guess.
If you dont want to break up with him then i guess its a serious relationship then? Guess what, over time everyone bodies will look like shit and we will be covered in wrinkles. What matters is that he loves you for your personality. Your body is just an extra that soon will turn into a saggy/wrinkly mess. Beauty is not permament.
No. 91053
>>91052I'm glad you've made peace with it but I don't think we have the same personality and tolerances. It's a sweet concept and all, but the whole "everyone is beautiful/everyone gets ugly eventually" does nothing for me. Compliments only make me feel worse when I know someone is lying.
Thanks for trying to help though. I hope things work out well for you too.
No. 91058
>>91057I usually just laugh it off and go 'hahah yeah im def getting plastic surgery soon :) ' just to shut them up tbh but thats my response to my cousins
When its a friend id definitely say something mean back to them lmao. Shes fat?fucking perfect. Make that bitch cry KEK
No. 91063
>>91057>says you're like a child>breaks down when faced with her own obesityFirst things first, I assume you've told her to fuck off with the child comments. If not, then that is definitely your starting point.
I'd say let her be smug about one particular fat roll, so long as she quits comparing the two of you when its an area you could be self conscious about. If she s really obnoxious with it, remind her that its nice to have contrast in all things. After all, tits look best when you can actually distinguish them from the rest of the fatty tissue.
Hell, get her mad enough to chase you and you could even help her lose a few pounds.
No. 91079
>>91075This is the b-cup or below thread. DDs with a small band aren't huge but they aren't small either. Feel free to post ofc but you aren't a part of this anymore than any other average sized or busty woman.
>>91077That's cool, but quite frankly I highly doubt any of the women here care if that's what you want or not. They either care about how they feel about their own body or what their bf/gf/husband/wife or potential any of that think. You could chop your boobs clean off and it wouldn't change anything.
No. 91105
>>91099>lose weightI'm working on that already
>get a boobjobNever mentioned wanting one
No. 91106
>>91105You said you were jealous of her and that her already big tits were getting bigger. That's usually what girls who want boobjobs say, my bad. You're what used to be average anyway not small.
Good luck with your diet. Try to ignore the people telling you to stop cause you'll just get even smaller. If your family is anything like mine you'll be hearing almost every meal.
No. 91124
this must be where the "girls go for douches" meme comes from
No. 91128
If you guys are being made fun of by your friends for having flat chests, you have shit friends.
Flattie here, never had any complaints, don't care anyway. I'm a damn fairy sylph and it's elegant as fuck.
>>91125My big breasted friends usually cover up or else they attract attention from assholes or feel they look too sexy for their day jobs etc
All breast sizes have pros and cons
No. 91131
>>91123>>91124There isn't much of a choice. My bf even actually like flat chests, but I'm not anything like the flat girls he actually likes. We fit together perfectly in very way but this one. Breaking up in search of someone who might someday not care about breasts at all would be very stupid. Especially considering how extremely rare that would be when you're literally flat chested.
>>91119He isn't purposely sending me porn of busty women, at least not since the start when we weren't really dating it yet. It took more than a few arguments but once he finally understood how it made me feel he agreed to stop. It's more random music videos, games, movies etc. with naked women and the occasional comment about how hot they are now. And then he'll say it isn't sexual at all when it's literal porn posters in a movie and very porno-y sex scenes.
The thing about him feeling like he couldn't get anyone better is mostly hints and him saying "if even you won't want to be with me I must be a huge failure" he said he meant it in the "if someone who loves me got sick of me" way. But with context and how many times he's said similar less up front things it feels a lot more like a slip up.
He says he'll try to prove irl that he's fine with them, but then I said I might never let him see my chest and he said he wouldn't care at all. I know for a fact that he's very much attracted to breasts so it's not like he's neutral or more of a butt guy. He then backtracked and said of course he cares but he said word for word that he didn't. And I also know that he is attracted to flat girls, but again they're all either 2d, very babyfaced/barely legal types, or asian. I'm short but I have a very mature face and I'm not asian. He knew I was flat from the start. Our first conversation was about it, but I had a mild baby face back then and hinted about it. I've lost weight since then and now I feel really old looking compared to the flat girls he likes.
No. 91136
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>>91089fuk u and ur 34 c having ass
No. 91137
>>91136But anon what would we know about her terrible suffering? /s
Seriously though all these bitches saying they never had any problems with guys when they aren't even small. Of fucking course you don't, not even b-cups are actually small. They're just smaller then what's almost required to be hot now. At least if you live somewhere like the US, according to various eurofags it isn't as bad over there.
No. 91142
>>9112734c is tiny.
>>91136that's not 34c.
No. 91156
>>91072Tbh no. They make people look ridiculously fat from the side and I don't dress revealing. Small boobs would be kawaii but big chests make me look like a lumpy linebacker
>>91061I'm 5.5. And have massively broad shoulders to go with the tits….
No. 91198
>>91131You're a fucking idiot for staying with that guy. Why would you date a man who wasn't attracted to you? The fact that you had to have arguments with him over this shit to begin with makes him seem like shit.
>"if even you won't want to be with me I must be a huge failure"Holy fuck, what a dick. It blows my fucking mind that you're still with this dude.
No. 91210
>>91169Nobody cares you fat whore. Lose some weight and your udders will get smaller. Why did you think telling us about your huge tits would be appropriate here? You want pats on the back?
Oh poor you, having such huge tits, oh it must be terrible. You're so beautiful but you don't know it.
Have I sated your thirst for compliments or are you going to keep fishing for them you greedy cunt?
No. 91216
>>91210I'll never understand why they come to places specifically for flat girls. Are they so used to being worshiped for their breasts that they expect literally everyone to tell them how hot they are? If you're going to be that much of an obvious attention whore why not do it somewhere with a bunch of guys, much less in the b-cups and below thread? Do they burn up inside with jealously because "flat" women dare have one space to complain? It's almost all negative so far anyway, is even negative attention enviable?
>>91213You aren't bitching about it in a b-cups and below thread and expecting sympathy and compliments though. They do this literally every single place flat girls talk about being flat. They'll even butt into conversations and say "well I don't know how it feels because I'm super busty and have no problems with guys (teehee), but I'm sure personality matters more."
No. 91219
>>91217Agree. This is about small boobs yo. Not big ones.
Also, never had any issue with men saying they were too small tbh. I've had one ex tell me he preferred smaller. My current bf has joked about getting me to eat sweet potatoes since they supposedly increase your boobs but he says it jokingly.
No. 91226
>>91225They almost are now. They're considered one of the most important things when it comes to attraction and you see them 24/7. When it comes to what's sexy vags are never mentioned, it's always boobs with the occasional butt thrown in too. As ridiculous as it sounds vags are less sexualized than breasts are.
But anyway while I know it isn't all rainbows and sunshine for you either saying "at least it isn't __" is about as helpful as your mom saying children in Africa are starving when she's trying to feed you something gross af.
No. 91233
>>91231Honestly your complaining sounds way more unattractive. I guess that's a bit hypocritical to say but I just told you I find it attractive. How small are you even? If you end up being 5 inches you won't be any better than the attention whores from before. If you're fat you can gain a few inches by losing weight even if you aren't obese.
Feel free to make a dick thread if you want, but this isn't the place to discuss dicks.
No. 91236
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>>91021>chestletsOP you've made my day
No. 91240
>>91237I appreciate the thought, but imagine if a small busted woman came into a small dick thread and said what you did. It's not malicious, humblebragging, or fighting the oppression olympics but it doesn't help at all either.
Also the average dick is 5 to 6 inches depending on different sources. Idk what thin means to you exactly but I have trouble getting more than a finger in without a lot of pain unless I'm both extremely aroused and very wet. Vags aren't gaping black holes like porn would have you believe. The average dick wouldn't 5-6 inches if there's no way the average woman could be satisfied by it.
No. 91243
>>91203We'll probably have to agree to disagree.
No. 91244
>>91243> It'd be a perfect relationship if I either wasn't flat or had a better suited face. This isn't a normal way to think about your relationships/body, he either likes you as a package including any perceived flaws or he doesn't , you shouldn't be left feeling like you're at fault for not having a different body type.
>Again he said he meant it in the "if someone says they love me and practically begs for my attention everyday and yet still doesn't wanna be with me" way.You're backtracking to cover him now, you already said that he'd said similar things so often that you doubted this.
>I was just saying that it really feels like I'm his last choice sometimes.Again, not a normal thing to be feeling in a relationship.
Do you think he's a perfect physical specimen, or are you tolerating his physical flaws in ways that he isn't for you? Because I doubt he's going home feeling the same way you are about your body.
No. 91273
>>91250Yeah and with small boobs:
>pedophiles stare>can't wear a lot of sexy stuff for which you need cleavage>most small size bras are geared towards young teens and look childish>still can't go without a bra, unless you use pasties (nipples can still poke through fabric)>society looks down upon small chests>small chests are seen as unfeminine and supposedly make you less of a woman according to society>most people find boob size pretty important and prefer big sizes>in general, flat chests are seen as a jokeThe fact that more people go through expensive, invasive surgery, to increase boobsize, rather than to decrease boobsize, tells something.
No. 91283
>>91273You could've said all those points with one sentence: "I have low confidence and blame it all on my small boobs"
Can you think of any real problems? Such as hernia's, paying 100 euro for a simple bra because you need the support, breastpain during sports, bad skin because of boobsweat, saggy boobs at an early age,…
No. 91291
>>91283Oh yes it isn't a problem at all that the majority of the population prefers medium to big boobs.
You do know that for animals the biggest goals in life are to attract a mate and spread their genes? And yes, humans are part of the animal kingdom too. Even if you don't want to spread your genes, I bet you would still want to attract a mate. And if the majority of the population is already put off by the size of your chest, the pool you can choose from becomes increasingly smaller. Plus even when you attract a mate, their friends and family will always regard you as subpar.
If you hate your big bad boobs so much, then get a reduction. But you don't even actually hate your boobs probably, you gladly put up with everything for what you get in return. Again, there's a reason why there are more breast augmentations performed than breast reductions. Maybe, because big boobs are worth the trouble?
No. 91294
>>91250>>91283>b-ups and below threadIf you're putting the focus on your large/above average/average breasts you are offtopic. No one cares about your problems here. We have our own and you aren't going to convince us you go through so much worse.
Feel free to post in the boobs thread on g >>/g/res/19767
No. 91299
>>91291lol bitch I did have breast reduction but I wasn't trying to turn this into a personal blog post. And yes I had very low self-confidence about them just like you about your small ones. But let's turn it around, why don't you get breast augmentation then since you're so willing to suggest it to me.
Do you honestly think all men want huge udders? They don't.
All I was saying is both sides have their problems but if you prefer to wallow in self-pity, be my guest.
No. 91309
>>91303how is stating general facts blogposting?
So sorry for showing you that you're not the only one with problems and breaking your little snowflake image.
No. 91313
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>>91309You do realize at least two of us are posting right? Having giant saggy cowtits that hang to your knees or whatever you're claiming to have had are indeed disgusting. I would never want them or be attracted to them and I'm sure they did cause you trouble.
However it's not about who has problems. It's about you are in the wrong thread and therefore attention whoring by repeatedly bringing attention to the fact that you don't fit the description.
You'll be on-topic when you saw off what's left off your tits, until then blend in or fuck off to a thread that will care.
>>91311Thanks for that.
No. 91341
>>91299I don't necessarily have very low self-confidence about my chest. I just know the fact that it's less than ideal and I will always be at a disadvantage.
I'm more worried about paying my way through university, than getting a boobjob atm.
Also, I doubt that with your breast reduction you went from huge to small/flat. You probably went form huge to average, which is still pretty damn big. So you again, probably prove my point, people generally prefer average to big.
No. 91360
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>muh back
>muh lustful stares
>muh unwanted attention
It's so hard being the ideal of beauty. Ugly girls have no right to complain. We pretty girls get men staring at us or telling us we're pretty it's so hard :(
Seriously, though, big boob whining pisses me off. You try to play it off as "so what if men aren't attracted to you? Muh back!" but we all know you would do nothing but bitch if big boobs were considered ugly so fuck off. You don't know what it's like to know that 90% of men out there aren't going to be interested in you unless you get painful implants on your favorite erogenous zone, so you can just jump off a fucking cliff and die with your bitching I hate you all. Inb4 you pretend not to care if men are attracted to you or not.
No. 91363
>>91360Big boobs are considered ugly in my perspective though.
If I could swap my fat, fleshy, gross E cups with your chest, I would in a heartbeat. I really, really would. Maybe then I could stop strapping them down everyday with a binder.
You don't know how good you've got it.
No. 91365
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Small tits ftw
No. 91367
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probably photoshopped to hell and back but still, she's so pretty
No. 91370
>>91366I haven't been linked to shit, I'm new in this thread, I just don't appreciate being told that I "secretely" love having strangers lech over me, not being able to find a decent fitted bras, popping out of all my t-shirts and having to strap down my tits just to feel like a normal woman.
I don't think itty bitty titties are your problem though. If your basing your entire self worth on what you think men do or do not want out of you as a woman, you've got way bigger problems then just your bra size.
No. 91371
>>91370Again not me either. The poster you quoted was referring to the other one big tit anon that kept saying we should be grateful men never look at us like they do her. All your complaints are the same as every flat chested/very small breasted women just reversed a bit. I physically can't wear anything but children's training bras and many women feel like they'll never be a woman if they don't have breasts.
It's not basing your entire self worth, it's about being able to find a partner that doesn't spend nearly every moment during sex imaging big tits and wishing you were at least half their size.
But since you decided to blogpost like every other cowtit anon here this also applies to you.
>>91313>>91323>>91325>>91331And here's the thread link >>>/g/19767 feel free to post there all you want.
No. 91372
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Now then back ontopic. I'll never understand why people say small breasts look unfeminine. Say it's unattractive, girlish/boyish, or whatever, but they look way more feminine then cowtits do imo. They have a soft, girlish, and delicate aesthetic. Big boobs just make you look matronly and like an upside down triangle if you have any shoulders or don't wear clubwear 24/7.
No. 91377
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>>91367No offense, but her face looks a lot like Suzys
No. 91378
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>>91376>>91377I see it. Like a prettier version of her.
No. 91379
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>>91378That's enough spamming for now, but you get the idea.
No. 91381
>>91371What's the purpose in insulting me here, I'm not attacking any of you. I really do think you have the better hand.
Also if that's what all of your previous sexual partners have thought, the problem isn't you, it's them.
No. 91383
>>91382This is kind of a weird attitude to take lol, I'm in here complimenting all of you. I wish I could wear a dress like
>>91373, it's so cute.
No. 91385
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>>91383You can compliment without making it about you. A compliment is saying you like the way it looks even though you have big tits. Saying how much you hate them and every flat girl has it so much better than you isn't a compliment. It's throwing an offtopic pity party in a thread that specifically says it's for smaller breasted girls to talk about their breasts and experiences, not about big breasted women and how they feel.
If you want though I can post more like that, seeing as it actually would be ontopic.
No. 91386
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>>91385This is larme by the way. It can be easily made to work with western clothing if you know what to look for, so cowtits are possible in this fashion.
No. 91388
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>>91387>>91383This is the full version of that dress.
No. 91389
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>>91385Well I mean I can contribute my own stuff too, but my pity party was really only in retaliation to the pity party posted here
Post something like that implying that every girl that suffers with this kind of shit secretly enjoys being treat like a sexual object is pretty much asking for a backlash. Hell yeah it upset me.
On-topic though, Gemma Ward in her heyday really was top-tier though.
No. 91390
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>>91388Fugg I want it. Risa Nakamura is such a qt.
No. 91391
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>>91389It wasn't every woman I'm sure. It was most likely specifically that anon and all the ones exactly like her like I said before. It was humblebragging not actually complaining about it.
>>91371> The poster you quoted was referring to the other one big tit anon that kept saying we should be grateful men never look at us like they do her. I'm not into runway fashion all that much, but she looks pretty cute.
No. 91394
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I really like the way jumpers hang off of a smaller chest too. It's too qt, especially with knee-highs.
No. 91397
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>>91394I find it both adorable and lewd. It's a shame how cute things are considered to be a children's thing in most western countries now. The average Japanese woman isn't a kawaii uguu baby, but they have a lot more access to cute and actually feminine things than we do.
No. 91402
but if you want to wear something more mature/not trying to look cute it looks dumb imo…kind of like youre wearing your older sisters clothing
No. 91414
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>>91413Like which one? They vary a lot. Honestly I'm comprable to this pic. Flat on the top, but less full on the bottom than this lady. I've gotten measured and even done it myself.
No. 91418
>>91414They're sister sizes. That's not small, just average. But so are b-cups and they're included so welcome aboard.
>>91415Check out r/abrathatfits
No. 91442
Wondering, where do you guys get measured for bras? Can you do it yourself? I am a 34A, but I feel like my bras don't fit me right.
No. 91454
>>91442Definitely do your own measuring. Check out the beginner's guide from r/abrathatfits or go here .
No. 91561
I hope everyone here got professionally measured
I 'was' a 36B, turns out 28F fits waaay better.
>>91549Actually with big enough breasts and bad bras, nerves can become damaged so you feel less
No. 91567
>>91549Exactly, that's why women with big breasts are less sensitive as a whole. They have the same amount of nerve endings but they're stretched out and have more fat covering them. And yes I know breasts aren't pure fat, but even skinny women have fat in their breasts if they're big enough. In fact if your breasts aren't made up mostly of fat when bigger it means you have dense breasts. Which is abnormal and increases the risk of breast cancer greatly. Both men and flat chested women are fully capable of nursing under the right conditions. Even newborns will sometimes leak milk out of their nipples after being born. course women with big breasts can be sensitive, but all that means is that they'd be even more sensitive if they became smaller because they'd have less in the way of the glandular tissue and the nerves would be less stretched out.
>>91553>The cutaneous sensibility of all tested areas decreased significantly with increasing breast size and increasing breast ptosis. No. 91576
>>91204I'm on the same boat. I've been thinking about fat transfer, which is where they remove fat from a part of your body and inject it (I believe) to another part such as your butt or your boobs. If I get that done then maybe I'll be a round B-cup babe, but results may vary. I'd remove fat from my butt or my upper thighs since I'm a pear-shape so I'll gain it back in those areas anyway. I don't want implants because I don't want to go back every few years to get them redone and also the scarring is not going to look good and it's basically a lifetime commitment that costs a lot of money. Maybe I'll consider the fat transplant because it's more "natural" and they won't look ballooned like Nigri's.
For now I'll stick with these pointy As on my chest that won't sag anytime soon since they basically defy gravity because we have nothing that can be weighed down :')
No. 91578
>>91573Same, girl :/
I work at the front desk of a hotel and people think I'm some high schooler with a part time job wearing her mommy' clothes and does not know what she is doing. I know this is gonna sound cliche, but faking confidence makes people think you have your life together and will take you seriously, boobs or no boobs. I am short, have A-cups and a baby face. If I put on an act of being self-confident then people won't mess with me. I've also found that wearing a push-up bra only makes me look younger. Nobody can really see my cup size of I'm wearing a blazer, anyway.
Also I make my voice sound deeper on purpose so I look older because I have a high pitch voice.
No. 91579
>>91577I don't know much about fat transfer. The only other solution is gaining weight on purpose, but weight gain goes to my butt, thighs, and stomach (hence my strict diet and exercise regimen to remain slim).
For now I just use every trick in the book to enhance them, such as ruffle tops, having good posture or wearing a lightly padded bra if I wanna go all out.
No. 91637
>>91617>>91629That's a nice sentiment but it's basically like asking "Why do people care if they're fat/have severe acne/are "ugly"/have a small dick for cosmetic reasons?" Things that are considered inferior and unattractive are going to make people insecure if they care about other people's opinions. Especially something so tied to their partner's (and therefore their own) sexual and emotional satisfaction.
I'm glad that you don't have any trouble with it but it's pretty ignorant to think that everyone concerned about is making it up entirely.
No. 91819
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>>91759>>91817And if you're literally flat like me if you try to wear an actual bra or a camisole instead of a training bra your bra will also gape open. At least the vast majority of people around you won't see it in a sexual way when you're flat. Thank god for small mercies.
No. 91820
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>>91817>>91819Is it possible for you to place some darts in the back of the garment to close it tighter around your figure?
I still think a flat chest is more lovely. Least you can wear shit like picture related without looking like demented wench.
No. 91829
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>>91823idk I still feel like you've got the better deal. I have a massive cleavage and I'm sick of having men ogle me like I'm a "thing" and not a person. When it gets hot, if I wear cool, low-cut tops it's pretty much every second man I pass on the street leching on me, so I cover up instead and have to suffer through the Summer sweating like a roast hog. SWEATY TIT CLEAVAGE IS THE WORST ANON.
Instead I've taken to wearing binders and small, elasticated sports bras so I can pretend I have a smaller, flatter chest, but they're equally as sweaty in the heat.
Maybe it's just a grass is greener kind of thing, but I've always found a smaller chest to be so dainty and elegant. I've desire one since I was 16.
>>91826I'm in the UK so it is potentially something may be covered by the NHS, but generally unless you're lucky enough to get an easy referral it's a process that can many years of consultations and even then I'm not sure if they'd agree to take me all the way down to an A cup, or if E cups are even considered "big enough" to warrant a reduction since I think British women have the fattest tits in the UK.
I was going to say I'm surprised you recognised me, but actually it's been getting so hot here lately and I've been experienced the sweaty tit cleavage again and it's sent me into an udder rage so I've been ranting about it for days now.
No. 91830
>>91829You're making it pretty obvious tbh. And I'd say it's worth a try if it bugs you enough to keep complaining about it here. And tbh if you don't even try it sounds more like you're bitching just to bitch instead actually wanting to change. I get like that too, but in that case you'd be better off in the general breast thread. My bf is English and he knows several women who've gotten pornstar tier implants covered by the NHS. You've just gotta be assertive and keep trying till you get someone who will listen.
And you seem to be under the impression that when we complain it means we want giant tits. Honestly I'd hate being over a b-cup and I don't mean hypothetically. I was fat as fuck before and I hated it. It might've been a bit different if I had had actually attractive breasts and had cleavage, but the only reason I even want an a-cup is so clothes can fit better and so I don't feel like I'm disappointing my bf so badly. Even the biggest girls here have only ever said they want c-cups. No one so far has said they wanted ds much less dds or an e-cup.
also >udder rage
I giggled
No. 91838
>>91637>>91617It isn't even being jealous. Even when you yourself are happy with your chest, other's may bug you about it all the time.
While you yourself might not compare yourself to others, your busty friend (or family member or coworker) might just barge in and all of the sudden talk about how big their boobs are and how non-existent yours.
Even if you yourself don't mind your chest, when other people make negative comments about it all the time, draw attention to it often, and you see everywhere in society that your chest is supposedly inferior, and your size is only found in childish looking training bras, and you don't fill in the space in clothes, it can certainly affect you.
I personally don't want implants, and my boyfriend likes my chest. But I would like to not be seen as inferior, childish, unfeminine for just my chest. But sadly, that's society for ya. Doesn't matter what you do or achieve, society will always judge your looks.
No. 91861
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it makes me sad to see you all so neurotic about something so inconsequential. as an oldfag let me tell you no one cares about boob size after age 25. everything that can be done to a boob has been done by that age. people being obsessed with boobies is laughably immature after that age. please factor this in to any enormous life decisions you are thinking about making.
No. 91864
>>91838It sounds like your bigger boobed friends are just being cunts, what sane person 'barges in' to a conversation about their bra size?
It's easy to blame it on 'society', but you're part of it so make some changes and tell those people they're being bitches over boobs.
'Everywhere in society'? Yeah, no, I don't agree, I'm also smallchested but I've never experienced a time where other women/men talked shit about small size, they might've liked it larger but never 'tiny tits are bad and awful'.
Have you tried looking for small bras online or something? I'm assuming you go bra shopping at local stores but pretty much everyone seems to have trouble getting bras that fit(there's even some long tutorial on reddit to measure yourself) and the most common advice is to get custom fitted - just go in and get something sexy at a customized small size? If you're only looking at the stuff in Walmart or whatever no wonder why the only thing stocked there is 'my little training bra for fetuses'.
No. 91926
>>91861>>91864>>91868Are y'all actually small or are you b-cups? B-cups are average not small so that would explain why no one cared too much. I've also heard that America is a lot more harsh about it than other countries and considering the time difference I'll assume y'all aren't American.
I'll link my reply again
>>91637People care about very small breasts/flat chests as much as they do severe acne, morbid obesity, and having very out of the ordinary/"ugly" features. And it does affect your sex life again the same way morbid obesity would from a aesthetic standpoint. It doesn't matter how much your partner may like or love you, if they don't find you attractive they don't find you attractive. Saying no one cares and that it doesn't affect anything is about as true as saying "everyone is beautiful".
I get the same comments that >>91925 does. I've even my had my dad tell me I could go without a swimsuit top and that everyone would just think I was boy. My grandmother points out my chest literally every other time I see her. I've gotten told the usual "You'd be lucky to get raped", "The only man that would actually marry you would cheat on you with your own kids", "the only guy that would go out with you would be gay guy in denial", and etc. all said by men. I get offers to help pay for boobjobs, get told to at least have the decency to pad, that I'm more like a short man than a woman, and etc. almost all by men. From strangers, family members, classmates, and even a store employee once. If they didn't care why would I get so many insults and why would everyone automatically assume I must hate it? I'll get looks of pity and have women telling to not get sad because "at least men will never look at you in a sexual way ever" when I try things on and they don't fit in the bust. I've never said anything about it or gotten any more disappointed than anyone does when something doesn't fit. Why would a complete stranger go out of their way to say that if "literally no one" cares or thinks anything negative about it?
Several of my family members have had boobjobs and nearly every single one of them has done it mostly for their husband and has said it helped their marriage. The only exception is one woman who avoids talking about it as much as possible. Most were just an average b-cup and one was already busty. 313,000 American women get boobjobs every year for a reason. And those are only new ones, not touch ups or increasing the size of existing ones.
Also I have less than half an inch difference between my upper ribcage and my "breasts". I've spent literally months worth of hours searching for bras online and literally the only thing that fits are children's training bras and the occasional bralette made for younger teens. If I go into a normal bra/lingerie store I either get told they don't carry anything for me, get directed to the children's area, or get told I absolutely need a super padded push up bra and chicken cutlets.
>>91865Again no one has said they wanted big boobs. That anon even said she didn't want them to be average/"normal" sized.
No. 91927
>>91926fuck i feel you so hard…. even though my bf tells me he loves my flat chest i know he wouldnt 'mind' me having bigger boobs
sometimes i just think of getting fake boobs for my future husband.
No. 91937
>>91926I agree with you. As an AA (i'd KILL to be even a small B cup) I get the same treatment from a lot of people.
>>91929>>91927My boyfriend always says he likes my chest. But the other day I was talking about how I was thinking about a boob job (I kind of want one but honestly I don't think i'd go through such an invasive surgery) and I asked how big he would think I should go. I showed him a bunch of pictures of women and he like came himself when we came to jessica nigri. it just sucks knowing that unless I get surgery i'll never be really that sexually attractive to my partners :(
I'm so frustrated honestly. I eat well, good weight, take great care of my skin/nails, nice butt. But having no tits makes me so unattractive. Just that really brings my "attractive-ness" level down a few points. Not really sure how to explain it (ESL fag) but I'm you girls can understand what I mean. Like you could be considered cute or sexy or even beautiful but without tits it feels like you will never be anything close to that.
No. 91990
>>91940>>91937>>91929I sometimes miss my ex bf only because he liked small tits. Every other guy i met other than him (and one other guy but i was never attracted to him) liked medium sized/big tits
And the thing that sucks the most is that i dont have an ass either. I basically look like a 12yo boy
No. 92039
>>91990Honestly anon, the lamest part about men is that a large amount of them are "boob" men and even "ass" men who tend to prefer "small boobs" at around a b cup (not sure flat/aa/a).
I have a cute butt but guys generally don't focus on that usually. All they tend to look for is tits. At least with your small butt you can look cute in shorts/pants.
No. 92067
>>92062did you not read what i said? she said guys dont usually focus on butts
>I have a cute butt but guys generally don't focus on that usually.She needs to update, butts are in and boobs are out. No one looks at tits anymore, a butterface with huge breasts is still deemed as disgusting, a butterface with a nice ass can be forgiven. "ayyyy nice ass".
No. 92078
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>>92074Women literally hate her because men used to rave over her ass when she was still relevant
No. 92079
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>>92074Guys would find her disgusting but if she had a nice fat ass and flat tits with that face she'd be forgiven and still stared at.
Certain people would hate her because she is white with a fat ass but that doesn't matter.
No. 92080
>>92079stared in a positive way of course*
the butterface in last post would be stared at but men wouldnt find her attractive
No. 92087
>>92078>>92079>>92080Then all the men you've met behave in the exact opposite of all the men I've met. And the problem with what you said is that is that even men that called themselves "ass men" and said they didn't care about breasts still wanted her to get implants and drooled over big tits.
I called bait because of your typing style. You sounded like a 50yo neckbeard trying to pretend to be a female teenager. What does "she needs to update" even mean? She needs butt implants or she needs to tell men to completely change their preferences because it's "current year"? And what does "are you on 4chan 24/7" mean? What does 4chan have to do with "butt guys" not caring about butts irl?
No. 92105
>>92087Because only on 4chan they dont get up to date with trends, 2 years ago thick eyebrows were considered not /fa/, and in 5 years they will realize ass>tits
as for the update thing, i used to browse on 4chan all day and I seriously wanted to thin my eyebrows until i realized weeb standards suck, rock with what you got. there was a girl who had this issue to when she was complaining about her non korean chin.
men irl care more about ass nowadays trust me
t. girl not neckbeard
>>92101thanks for proving my point.
No. 92106
>>92101The whole point is they don't want it to be this thing that they have to get over and that you have to make up for. Literally no one tells busty girls that they have to make up for their tits and that some day maybe their partner will stop drooling over flat chests and start seeing it as a neutral thing instead of a lack of a flat chest.
Once again "everyone has flaws/is beautiful" is completely meaningless. So is "at least you aren't missing your legs" or etc.
>>92105Quite frankly if you're taking your beauty standards from 4chan you need jesus and some self respect.
No. 92134
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Fuck this, your tits Can be "big" compared to your body, Candice is a B-cup and is one of the hottest women in the world, waist is all.
No. 92162
>>91047He wouldn't have asked you to be his gf if he wasn't attracted to you. He already knew you had small breasts before he asked you out. If it really bothered him, he wouldn't have gone this far with you i think.
If it bothers you, you should ask him to not send you pictures of other women because it makes you feel self-conscious.
I don't know what makes him think sending you that is a good idea. He sounds very tactless. Hopefully he'll agree to stop doing that for you. If he cares about you, he will.
No. 92165
>>92129i've seen and heard quite the opposite from bodybuilders lately
they care more about a nice muscular ass nowadays
No. 92171
>>92150>>92158No it was specifically because of the tits. Their husbands said so pretty explicitly. A few of them were a lot less confident, especially the woman that was already busty. Extremely distasteful at a family party/gathering type thing, and just at all imo. But that's pretty much the standard way men behave here, in my family and everyone elses' I've seen. Boobjobs are considered just another thing to buy. Like whitening strips or getting a haircut almost. If you're an a-cup or under you deserve getting cheated on and having your bf go to strip clubs for "refusing to take care of your appearance". As I said I get told to get one all the time.
>>92162I think we've finally worked it out. It took literally months of weekly arguing, but I'm pretty sure I finally got through to him. It just feels really conflicting when he says he doesn't care but then literally the second a busty character is on screen he comments about it. Usually before I even notice it too much and I'm way more observant then him when it comes to everything else.
>>92150I couldn't do it and I'd end up hating him in less than a week, but I can see why anon would stay. She said she was literally flat. Finding someone who tolerates that much less likes it is nearly impossible if you aren't a irl loli or you aren't willing to become an androgynous tomboy athlete.
>>92134>>92136>>92148Small tits is a-cups and under, not b-cups and certainly not anything bigger than that. I really hate how op made the thread because they aren't in the same category at all. I know tons of guys that love b-cups. Literally every guy I've known that's claimed to love small breasts or "every breast that he can touch" had a lower limit of a b-cup that they were actually attracted to. That's what pretty much every guy means by small, guys refer to a-cups and below as flat and titless. Idk or care about what 4chan or bodybuilders think, I'm talking solely from my experiences irl.
How is not liking a-cups are smaller from watching too much porn? I definitely agree excessive porn watching and addictions are extremely bad for men, but I don't see what having preferences has to do with that. I'm bi but I'm pretty much solely sexually attracted to women with b-cups and under and I heavily prefer cute "flat" butts and very skinny women. I also love pale skin and I'm not usually attracted to tan skin or darker. Tbh I genuinely find black dicks gross, so I would never be cruel enough to date a black guy. Am I "brainwashed" by porn too? Except it'd be the opposite because big tits, giant butts, interracial, and "exotic" people are what's pushed now.
Considering how everyone is mostly moping and ranting until around after NA goes to bed and then suddenly every night it's almost solely "if you say not every guys loves literally titless women you're a liar/literally no one cares." I'm going to assume it's a cultural or regional thing. I'm only up cause I can't go back to sleep. All the other Americans are probably still sleeping.
No. 92174
>>92171shit, im speechless. i have an aa-cup but i never felt like it stopped me from getting a guy. i know plenty of women that have a-cups that are married/dating attractive and successful guys.
everybody has preferences but i dont think it means that they wont date someone unless they have x,y or z.
For example I think my bf's penis is a bit too small but fuck, i dont think i ever loved someone as much as him. And no, that doesnt mean i fantasise about other guys' dicks
No. 92176
>>92174There's a huge difference in how women think about and see dicks vs how men see women's bodies in general. Tbh I'm more of a special case and I admit it. I'm super into dicks and I kinda understated how much I dislike it. It kills sexual attraction for me completely. Even if it didn't I'm not really attracted to dark skin or black facial features so there wouldn't be much attraction in the first place.
I could date a black person and come to love them eventually. But while I wouldn't wish they'd bleach their skin or anything like that no matter how much I'd love them or how long we'd be together I'd still find the average slightly below average white guy way more attractive then I'd ever find them. Even if I never said how beautiful pale skin is, looked almost solely at thing with a focus on pale skin and European facial features, imagined white people during sex, hinted about plastic surgery and skin whitening, and talked with my friends about how hot everyone but black people are like men do with breasts it'd still be just plain cruel to get into a relationship like that.
No. 92220
>>92178I think it's actually just you who's a piece of shit. Most normal people don't dump actual relationship compatibility for looks at every chance they get.
>>92171There's so much wrong with this I can't. If anyone insinuated small cups deserve to get cheated on I would actively hurt them. My preferences are just that, mine, not mine-to-subject-random-people-to.
I don't find black guys attractive and I dated one for a bit, the physical wasn't an issue because most people LIKE THE PERSON, not just their meatsuit.
Sounds like you're obsessed with tits, and your SO is in a weird place where he feels he can't mention it at all without upsetting you. Kinda childish imho.
No. 92224
>>92220They haven't just insinuated it they've outright said it. Some are men I (and most non-white trash women) would never ever date, but most of them are just average men and women. It's just how it is here.
Would you consider it obsessed if it were the same thing with race? If you were black and literally every woman he liked was super white and only ever said white people are pretty? That he linked you white women every other day and said how pretty and hot they were but never any other race. And if a black woman did show up he either completely ignored her or though she was unattractive even if she was super model tier?
It's great if you're okay with your partner thinking you're unattractive and have him push through sex, but I'm not at all and that's why I worry.
I wouldn't care so much if he could at least tone it down a bit. I've asked him for months to stop sending porn and random naked women and talking about how hot their breasts are. It feels almost like he's trying to rub it in face and make me upset. It would be literally almost every other day. And it was solely super busty women, never even just busty, average, or even the very rare small woman. If he at least did it to smaller girls too at least once I wouldn't feel so bad. But despite saying he likes it or that "a cute girl is still a cute girl without tits" he's never once done anything like that.
Tbh I think I might leave this thread. It's just making me feel even worse when he's finally agreed to stop sending me head sized cowtits porn every other day. Good luck anons.
No. 92248
>>92224Yes, the person you described is obsessed and in an unhealthy way with skin. I don't find black men attractive, to me they are unattractive, but a model hot dude of any colour isn't getting kicked out of my bed too soon. There's preference and then there's 'never gonna touch' <<< which, btw, is only acceptable in gender terms. (Ie, not straight or gay, won't touch that).
You think he's 'pushing himself through' sex with you?? What, he's said "man, sex with you is really difficult, I have to focus on something or someone else to even finish"? Because if he has, and you haven't dumped him, you're letting yourself be treated that way. If he hasn't said that, you're projecting your insecurity onto him. YOU think you're too hideous too fuck. YOU think he has difficult having sex with you.
Does he send you porn links and make you watch it with him? Because my SO watches a variety of porn and 80% I find repulsive, either the people or situations. I don't mind him watching it and frequently interrupt when he's playing with himself because I like playing with him. But, I don't watch porn and I don't 'sit down with him' to watch it together. I made it clear porn doesn't turn me on, so if he likes it, he can watch whatever.
You sound incredibly sensitive about your chest size to the point that your SO isn't allowed to mention or talk about tits around you, positive or negative. Even when he tries to reassure you, you dismiss it because you don't FEEL he's being genuine. It's like you've decided he's obsessed with big tits, hates yours, and nothing he can do or say will change your mind.
No. 92253
>>92248>implyingI said you don't seem to think physical attraction is important and seeing as you just said you're obligated to fuck everyone in your preferred genders it's true.
>There's preference and then there's 'never gonna touch' <<< which, btw, is only acceptable in gender terms. (Ie, not straight or gay, won't touch that). You and my bf and I are completely different people then. If you can honestly believe that nothing you say applies.
Feel free to think I'm "insecure" because I don't want my bf to actually be attracted to me and get worried if his words directly conflict with his actions. It's not that I've "decided" he is he never shuts up about it literally every single day. I avoid talking about it and he always brings it up. It's not "positive or negative" and I never said he must hate me or find me completely disgusting. Go ahead and tell me exactly what my bf and I do and think.
You're obviously a sjw and I don't think any of our world views are even remotely the same. Pull assumptions out of your ass all you want. Someone who thinks like you means absolutely nothing to me. I'd almost rather get advice from a robot. And btw I never will fuck or date a black, arab, or muslim man if that'll
trigger you too. People can have standards no matter how "unacceptable" that is.
No. 92283
Boobs dont = hot, there are do many factors, most men "like" them because its literally being forced upon them by their friends, guys eho are rich, attractive and alpha prefer perky boobs, flat stomach, banging hips and just an overall healthy, youthfull, symmetrical and proportionate look because that shows fertility, breast are literally fat saggy baby bottles, do you find this girl attractive just because she has hue tits? No.(or atleast if you have some kind of standard) her body is ugly and unproportionate. Again boobs dont = sexy
No. 92329
>>92326So much projection.
No one is trying to make you feel bad, we're discussing how we feel about our OWN bodies. If you're so insecure that that
triggers you then hide the thread
No. 92334
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>>92284This is exactly what I said!
A booty can only make a butterface look attractive. Examples: iggy azalea and Draya michele
iggy has cup a without all that contouring and bras.
These autists really need to stop whining about small tits and start worrying about their flat butt if they have an ugly face!
No. 92388
>>92375I think to love oneself is concerning more the spiritual and the mental self rather than the physical self.
Once you learn to love and accept yourself as a spiritual being all the rest becomes unnecessary.
No. 92397
>>92384That's called body dysmorphic disorder and it's an actual disorder, not everyone who wants to change something about their appearance. You could say the same the same for losing 10 pounds, working out for aesthetics, and wearing make up to correct your skin. I think at least 98% of women who get boobjobs don't need them in any way at all, but why is this so different compared to anything else? I feel really ugly and end up hating my face without bangs because I have a 5head. With bangs however I genuinely think I'm at least on the better side of average and maybe a bit above. Sometimes it really is just that one thing.
>>92388>spiritual self>accept yourself as a spiritual beingWhat are hippies doing on lolcow?
No. 92401
>>92400There are actually a couple of posts upthread, and obviously I have no clue how many posters it is but it's obviously at least one saying shit like they think the entirety of society thinks they're inferior because of the size of their tits. That's messed up man. and that's not even mentioning the anon who seems to think she needs to get surgery to make her douchebag of a boyfriend stick around.
Even the posters saying shit like wanting to fit into clothes better or having a little more confidence scream of "If only this one thing were different, my life would be 100x better." when in reality, they'd be insecure about something else in its stead. Even if it is something small that doesn't really bother them aside from being something they think about every once in a while. If they could wave a wand to fix it, and did, they'd feel exactly the same way about something else in a matter of weeks.
It's like how rich and famous celebrities can be surrounded by all of that luxury, and still be miserable. People who win the lottery have an initial spike of happiness, and then go back to normal. It's human nature to find flaws in things and reasons to be unhappy with your life.
No. 92410
>>92406But you can't separate the aesthetics of fat from the health implications. We think fat people are ugly because it's bad to be fat.
It's not like I'm an outsider looking in anon, I'm on the itty bitty titty committee too, and for a very large portion of my life suffered from the same anxiety and low self esteem regarding it a lot of the people in this thread have. But I'm happy about my boobs now, and it's because I stopped giving a fuck.
Accepting yourself isn't some like, self love trip of rainbows and forcing yourself to be happy about things that you don't like. It's accepting that the vast, vast majority of people don't get to be beautiful, which includes you. But also that beauty isn't the be all and end all. It's not that everyone is beautiful or any bullshit like that, it's that it's okay to be ugly. It's not the only valuable trait you possess.
No. 92411
>>92409I wish that too, but like I said above most girls are coming here to rant and then go back to not really caring. Also since you seem to think we want giant boobs we don't. Literally no one in this thread has ever wanted or even considered getting large breasts. Just average/slightly smaller than average at biggest. So don't feel like you have to tell us that the grass isn't greener, no one is envying you while hating their lack of breasts.
>>92410I'm not disagreeing about that, I'm saying that no matter how many times you say it in this thread nothing will change. You have to want to accept that, if you don't you'll never be happy with yourself no matter how much other people tell you to be. Especially if they really do have bdd like you seem to think. Disorders don't go away because a stranger on the internet told you to love yourself.
No. 92412
>>92411I don't think most of the posters in here do have dbb, for the record. I think most of them just have regular old bad self esteem.
Any post on the internet is just shouting into the void really, it's not like I'm expecting anything good to happen, just enjoying the discussion. But I think it's also worth saying on the odd chance that it does help someone. Sometimes people don't realise not giving a fuck is genuinely an option.
>You have to want to accept that, if you don't you'll never be happy with yourself no matter how much other people tell you to be.I think this is pretty good proof for the fact that ultimately people choose how to feel about themselves. If it were just because of outside influence or "Society" people with nice families or good support systems or just really fucking insistent friends wouldn't ever have to deal with this shit.
No. 92414
>>92412Yes and no. Your environment plays a very big part in it. Hence why people with depression are told to avoid certain people, places, and situations. And obviously someone who tells you you're a piece of shit every day and how no one will ever love you is going to eventually wear you down. What I meant was if someone doesn't want to be helped or isn't in the right state of mind at the moment they can't be. Same with anything.
>>92413It's okay anon, I make tons of typos too.
No. 92416
>>91047Wants big boobs because her bf generally likes girls with big boobs and she thinks that's a problem and she needs to look good for her man or else doom
What I'm trying to say is that this is fucking retarded, even if she did get big boobs what next on her journey of being his dream girl? leg extensions? laser eye colour surgery?
she's a mess and needs therapy tbh
No. 92420
>>92405"Waah waah guys find me too attractive! It's so hard to be the beauty ideal!"
Why come to the small boob thread just to humble brag about sacks of fat on your chest?
Do you think you're going to get empathy?
No. 92429
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I'm flat and the only time my boob size really bothered me was in middle school when everyone was getting boobs and nothing happened to me. I like going braless and I also like wearing a push up bra, it varies day to day.
No. 92450
>>92439Is this you saying that you're jealous of the fact that most women have a chest, and then in the same sentence trying to turn around and direct an insult at them for it?
Chestlets are nuts holy shit.
No. 92481
>>92454bitch you are the cancer of lolcow, assuming everything like you see our ip addresses. You fucking flat pancake.
>>92453a nice face will save you then. nice faces are wife material.
No. 92483
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>>92481fucking hell i dont have a nice face nor a nice ass. my tits are pretty nice but they dont really matter. should i just kill myself?
No. 92487
>>92483That anon is just trying to make flat chests feel better or trying to say no one with small tits should ever complain. I don't know which at this point. Tits do matter obviously, it takes less than a few minutes of being anywhere but this thread to figure that out. They'll only count to chubby chasers if you're fat though.
inb4 "om anon stop being dramatic no ones gonna lynch you" duh, but that doesn't mean tits are seen solely as for babies or aren't considered in attractiveness at all and you know it.
>>92481>You fucking flat pancake. Cowtits/jealous fatty confirmed
>>92480Most women don't think about dicks constantly whenever it comes to even vaguely lewd things and you don't see them on almost every advertisement, movie, and game either. Women literally almost never talk about dicks to each other and compare. I'm assuming you're a robot since that's who always asks stuff like this. Unless penetration is impossible or it's big enough to be painful the vast majority of women don't care at all. The only real exceptions I've seen tumblrinas and huge sluts that make everything about sex. Which means basically no one anyone but other sjws would be interested in.
No. 92488
File: 1463345382037.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.89 MB, 1440x2108, spooked.jpg)

>>92485my body looks pretty similar to this one, except skin color and my hips are less round and smooth.
No. 92489
>>92487Most women don't think about dicks constantly whenever it comes to even vaguely lewd things and you don't see them on almost every advertisement, movie, and game either. Women literally almost never talk about dicks to each other and compare. I'm assuming you're a robot since that's who always asks stuff like this. Unless penetration is impossible or it's big enough to be painful the vast majority of women don't care at all. The only real exceptions I've seen tumblrinas and huge sluts that make everything about sex. Which means basically no one anyone but other sjws would be interested in.
oh yeah i thought you meant girls cared MORE about dicks than guys did abour tits&ass
No. 92490
>>92488Spoiler please, but that's fine. On the better side of average too if you live in a fat country.
>>92489Definitely not.
No. 92491
File: 1463347026015.jpeg (53.94 KB, 568x390, image.jpeg)

can that butterface cow plz look at booty and realize men fuck booty and not titty? titties are for da kid to suck on bby
No. 92543
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>>92493>>92492cry harder loser you'll forever have a pleb taste
im not that anon tho
No. 92545
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>>92491>>92543You tell em gurl
No. 92548
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>>92545what are you implying with that shitty meme
>>92544enjoy some booty
No. 92550
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>>92549does it matter? Point still stands
>face>ass>tits No. 92551
File: 1463385375763.jpeg (23.69 KB, 236x363, image.jpeg)

An ass that big is hnngggg
would they have been tits everyone would be just disgusted.
No. 92552
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No. 92553
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No. 92554
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where do you think men would stare at? the butt or the tataz?
No. 92555
File: 1463385494701.jpeg (81.23 KB, 500x706, image.jpeg)

Men like bodies in pic related more than Pamela Anderson's body….for a good reason.
No. 92556
File: 1463385587343.jpeg (49.94 KB, 450x541, image.jpeg)

Kate Upton isn't relevant anymore for a reason
Kate Upton would have never been relevant had her face not been qt
Kate Upton's body is shit
She has no ass or hips.
No. 92558
>>92553she looks like a horse
can you stop spamming thread about TITS now
No. 92560
>>92555Chill the fuck out.
Not eveything in life is male approval.
When will the robots finally die No. 92616
File: 1463414168282.png (146.91 KB, 704x819, tumblr_mrao8nQjEY1rcs9cno1_128…)

I'll start spamming the thread with something actually relevant. Cowtits I know it's insanely hard for you to not have attention 24/7 but please don't make this about you.
No. 92627
File: 1463414449109.png (143.57 KB, 614x500, tumblr_m7t3kmHLhY1rcs9cno1_128…)

>>92626Posting this again since the first time won't be seen.
Cowtits I know it's insanely hard for you to not have attention 24/7 but please don't make this about you.
No. 92629
>>92616You little bitchboys keep saying "cowtits" as if it's an insult.
Oh no, what a dreadful thing it is to fit into conventional standards of beauty and have literally everybody who isn't a paedo be attracted to us. Woe be to all of us, so sad so sad.
I happen to think a flat chest is very aesthetic and you can certainly rock many an outfit with a smaller chest that would otherwise look ungainly with a larger one, but this "hurghhhh cowtits fucking cowtits >:[" shit makes you look like bitter little faggots.
Is it impossible for you to have a thread celebrating your own beauty without allowing it to be compromised by your insecurity?
No. 92632
>>92629>>92631How is cowtits any more insulting than plank chest/ironing board/flat chest for women who aren't even close to flat. Besides it's a meme from halfchan. Cowtits vs dfc. Why are you even here if you nothing about imageboards? You sound like the insecure one here.
Look through the thread to see what I mean. Every single day it's "you're so lucky guys don't find you attractive at all. They just love me so much it gets tiring :(" and then "reduction omg no I'd never get a reduction or put any effort into getting one" This is the flat chest thread, and yet we have cowtits coming in just as often. Not to mention the butt spammer who is obviously a mad busty/fat anon or a robot for whatever reason.
No. 92637
>>92631Its literally you guys who come in here and shit this thread up, there was even an anon that pretended to be flat for a few posts untill she gave herself away by calling the other anon pancake, literally one one gives a shit about your tits, no one, maybe 13-year old dude bros or ghetto/white trash, as long as they fit your body your good, and no thats nooooooot the same at all lmao maybe if you were talking about loose vaginas, boobs arnt even a sexual thing, its milk bags, how can you compare that to dicks which are the main sexual asset, and vaginas for women, you could equate the boob thing to a foot fetish or something but not dicks.
No. 92642
>>92641And yet you came to shit up the thread anyway. See
>>92632 If you're that insecure you should avoid this thread. You're only going to get
No. 92644
>>92642bitch i was the one who said that tits are milkbags.
No. 92664
>>92661There's actually complaining and then there's humblebragging. Almost every single big tit anon in this thread has been doing the latter. They say how horrible it is but then go out with nipple deep cleavage and never even consider a reduction that would be practically free for someone that big.
No one here wants to be a sex object, but obviously some girls don't want their bf to find them unattractive. If that's wanting to be a sex object that just proves that you're so used to being adored that you'll never understand.
>insultinglol no, you do realize there's more than one anon here right?
No. 92666
File: 1463439079836.png (469.97 KB, 468x602, 1463362582372.png)

Why do you large breasted girls com to our thread? You have your own thread and yell at us for whining about our small chests in it, but then when we make our own thread you come here to yell at us some more. I'm literally crying right now.
No. 92667
>but then go out with nipple deep cleavage and never even consider a reduction that would be practically free for someone that biglol no. I don't think you understand that when you have a large chest, EVERY garment that doesn't have a high-cut neck displays a ridiculous amount of cleavage because your cleavage runs so high. A top on you that would display nothing would display everything for me, you can't escape it.
Regarding reductions, I want one so bad, but I'm a 'only' a 34F and the NHS would never consider a reduction for me, even though I get back pain and welts in my shoulders from the weight of my bras. It's really not as as cut and dry as you think.
I'm coming into your thread because I'm fucking sick of scrolling past /b/ and seeing "cowtits, cowtits, they secretly love the attention". Yes, honestly, it does upset me so congratulations, you won I guess. I don't want to be this way and I wish people would stop rubbing it in my fucking face.
>>92666Chin up chuck, at least you can look elegant in demure dresses and not have men survey you a set of walking holes and little less. Small chests are beautiful.
No. 92668
>>92666I honestly don't know. It's like this in literally every single flat chest related thing I've seen or been a part of. They love to call us jealous, but I'm starting to think they're just projecting.
Even irl I get busty girls heading straight for me and almost instantly talking about boobs and "Oh anon you're so lucky to be titless, you'd hate being like me. The other day a guy asked for my number and said I was attractive like a huge creep. Good thing you'll never have that happen to you." or they'll come over to complain about guys staring at cleavage and usually on that same day they'll talk about how sexy their cleavage is and how to make it bigger. I'm literally flat so they obviously don't want tips, they just want to brag.
Yet if when they start saying "poor titless anon it's not all bad" and you say something like "at least I'll never have to deal with boobsweat or sagging" they get really angry and suddenly you're a huge bitch. They can say how lucky you are to not have that but when you say it it's bodyshaming? Hell they straight up tell you no man will ever be sexually attracted to you and that's fine, but agreeing with them isn't. Even just agreeing with them and saying you don't want giant tits makes them mad. Like wtf you just said I wouldn't want them and I agreed with you. Then you
must be jealous and you
must want tits bigger than your head no matter what.
If "all sizes are equal" why do they always insist everyone smaller than them must be jealous.
>>92667I said most
in this thread if you weren't posting in this thread it doesn't apply to you. And yes you can get tops without nipple deep cleavage. When I say that I mean your nipples are literally almost poking out and it's not all that far from your belly button. My aunt goes out like that all the time and will tell me how much she hates attention. Bitch you have higher cut tops and you know you can avoid it at least a bit. Also
>>91830 If women can get boobjobs covered by the nhs you can get a reduction at least partially covered.
No. 92672
>if women can get boobjobs covered by the nhs you can get a reduction at least partially coveredIt really doesn't work like that Anon, and if it did somehow end up working out for me it'd take me around 7 years for it actually to get put through. They'd just tell me to pay for it privately.
I wouldn't take the whole "you're lucky you'll never have that happen to you" thing so seriously though. What that means more to me is that you'll never have men approaching you on the basis that they believe you're an easy fuck because of your body, so for the men that do approach you you'll know that it's because they're genuinely interested in you as a person… or you just have a really beautiful face idk.
No. 92675
>>92672No that's word for word. I've had way more women explicitly tell me that I will never find someone attracted to me specifically because of my tits than men. And I get a ton of men telling me that too.
As for I'll never get men thinking I'm easy fuck because of my body that's all I ever get. Men very bluntly saying since no one else will want me I should just fuck them since they're making a sacrifice. Or that I should get used to being a fucktoy because no man will ever want to go without tits in a monogamous relationship. Sleazeballs hit on everyone, that's a big part of being a sleazeball. I get mostly old men who also tell me because I'm flat chested I shouldn't expect a man at least 30 years in my age range to ever want to fuck me. And no I'm not wearing skimpy clothes or hanging out in clubs. Getting hit on or harassed isn't a big tit only thing and if you're saying the bigger your tits are the more harassment that you get you're also saying the "sexier" you are the more likely you are to get harassed. Therefore women going out in barely nothing should expect to be harassed and we should avoid it?
I'm not saying you'll be guaranteed a slot in instantly. I'm saying people have gotten way stupider things paid for and if you aren't even going to try you're either extremely lazy or you don't care at all. It's like a fat person complaining about being fat but refusing to put down the daily xxxl milkshake with five different candy bars ground into it. Nut up or shut up basically.
No. 92681
>>92675Men that say that kind of shit are porn-washed little boys though who think fucking a shithole is some kind of delicacy that all women crave and desire.
ngl though, regarding reductions though, I am frightened. They would have to remove my nipples and resew them onto the skin, and then there would be the scar. I want a smaller chest, but the scars and the loss of sensitivity in the tissues surrounding the site… I'm torn as fuck between uncomfortable, ungainly natural tits or beautiful, small frankentits.
No. 92684
>>92681Same with the guys that do the same to you, but do you understand now why hearing at least men will never ever hit on you is extremely annoying? The worst part of it is that it's only ever that kind, never even asking for a date even if it would be obvious it's a pick up thing. If I'm going to get harassed and have people tell me even the absolute bottom of the barrel wouldn't want me I'd rather get a "compliment" about my chest as opposed to an insult.
A lot of women feel the same about boobjobs. They feel like it'll improve their self esteem and they know it will make clothing fit better, but it is an invasive surgery. If it makes you feel better all the women I've seen loved their reductions and the only people I've ever seen argue against them are men. I've seen a lot of fake breasts, breast lifts, and reductions and unless you go completely flat it leaves very small and unnoticeable scars. If you already have white stretch marks it'll be like a few extra tiny ones. No. 92685
>>92683This samefagging is pretty awkward but good ol' US of A. The old guys are mostly black for some reason, but the younger ones are usually white and sometimes hispanic or black. Even a few arabs, but usually the arabs try to shower women with compliments, try to bribe them, and touch them.
I had one ask me what school I went to and got visibly disappointed when I said I was too old for that. Absolutely disgusting tbh. I'd rather be insulted for hours on end then spend a few minutes with them. I sympathize very heavily with all the European women out there considering ours are the best behaved.
No. 92706
File: 1463449359565.jpg (219.07 KB, 1000x1000, george-harrison-wonderwall-mus…)

>>91119sorry but guy here (not robot - /fit/)
this is odd to me. it's like the paradigm that if a girl does this she knows what she's doing and is purposefully doing a hatchet job on the other person. and that guys doing this are being ignorant because they are guys and aren't confronted with the necessity to think twice as early nor as pressingly. i guess maybe it's fifty-fifty and you have to work out if you're with a child-minded idiot doing sublimated aggression or with a purposeful narcissist who knows how to try and program people. don't mean to derail.
tl;dr - bless you farmers i get so much perspective here im turning into fucking ghandi but a horny version
(mail here XD) No. 92712
>>92711I'm pretty sure it is more of an American thing. Almost all of the flat chested women that have the worst experiences are from there with a few brits mixed in. But a b-cup isn't small at all, it's completely average so that explains that.
Also we are "manchest-flat" hence the reason it's a flat chest general. See
>>92675 No. 93034
>>93032This right here. G cups are not the norm. If anyone has real G cups they'd look like saggy flabs. Very rarely are they good looking.
I'm a B cup and it slightly pisses me off that even B cup bras are harder to find because thanks to plastic tits DD is now the norm.
No. 93060
>>93031don't get implants for your bf, you will regret it and resent him for it.
The only reason to get implants would be for yourself and if you're sure it'd make you much happier.
But I'm sure you're great the way you are.
No. 93178
File: 1463644438496.jpg (86.19 KB, 640x427, 47bdc986fe134cbc1c56af93f5bfae…)

>hanged out with my friend yesterday
>she has a great F cup rack
>my back is killing me, i'm seriously considering a breast reduction due to this shit
>tfw had to call it early in order to not kill her
>went home and cried in my bed
Really this fucking close at crusade against ungrateful cunts right now.
No. 93188
>>93181Another classic "just get surgery ;)" post.
I sure do want to fuck up my breasts by getting implants, that not only are fucking expensive, but also are extremely painful. Not only that, they'll look like shit.
Cowtits don't know how good they have it.
No. 93318
File: 1463724617528.gif (866.03 KB, 500x244, pathetic.gif)

>>93260>this entire thread>waaahhh busty girls get more attention than me>waah waaahhh muh attentionlol, you're pathetic
No. 93319
>>93178Wow what a great friend you are. Is it really that impossible for you to imagine other people might not have it easy either?
This is just like HAES, where thin girls aren't allowed to complain they're too thin.
No. 93322
File: 1463725333395.jpg (5.88 KB, 250x187, tumblr_inline_ng59dkNoos1qeou2…)

>>92284Men don't give a shit about face, pic related
No. 93339
>you ALL want attention.I legitimately don't.
I don't know about anybody else in this thread but even having people glance at me in the street makes me feel very uncomfortable and I don't understand why anybody else would thirst for that.
No. 93344
>>93321complaining about back pains seems like a pretty valid reason to me
chestlets don't know how good they have it
>>93339same here but some do like it I guess
No. 93346
>>93339>but even having people glance at me in the street makes me feel very uncomfortable???
What does not wanting physical attention have to do with wanting the emotional kind of attention you receive when you talk about your problems to strangers on the internet? There's different types of attention.
Deep down all humans want to be validated and have a kind of attention paid to them.
No. 93347
>>93346I've been in and out of this thread complimenting and flattering girls who possess a smaller bust, and I personally do believe a smaller chest is preferable at least to me, but they don't want to hear it. Apparently what they want isn't another woman telling them that they're already beautiful, that there's so many clothes they can wear better, how they're more likely to be taken seriously in a professional environment and that if they require validation that it's something they're going to need to find within themselves,. What they really want is a dozens guys following them up the street eyefucking them which is not only gross but frankly fucking pathetic, and I don't have time for weak women who rely on a male perception of them to boost their confidence. It's sad.
>deep down all humans want to be validated and have a kind of attention paid to themIf people are going to stare at me I want it to be for a good reason, not because I have two overly large sacks of fatty tissues and milk ducts attached to my chest, something i didn't have to work for and didn't choose.
These girls complain about not being overtly sexualised in their society, but they wouldn't actually like it if they had it. It'd be fun for all of 5 minutes and then the insecurity from being perceived as an object and fear of being sexually/verbally assaulted every time they stepped out the door would creep in.
No. 93349
>>93347>If people are going to stare at me I want it to be for a good reason, not because I have two overly large sacks of fatty tissues and milk ducts attached to my chestI just spelled out the varying definitions of wanting attention, which aren't limited to feeling physically desirable…yet, there you go again.
I'm saying both sides are acting fucking insufferable. It's cringe worthy reading posts with people trying to explain why their features are worse off when the other one is better. It's not objective like that for everyone. Stop it.
No. 93366
>>93360I feel for you too, anon. It really sucks sometimes.
>>93361I'm 5'4 lol I'm just really flat. I've seen a couple places online that do my size, but it'd be a whole lot easier being able to buy in stores so I can actually see what I'm getting, y'know?
No. 101821
>>101805oh god anon i feel so bad for you. i always feel like my bf throws me a bit pity party when talking about my small boobs and i still do not know if he actually likes them or not.
if something similar happened to me i dont think i could take it. also, who lets their partner fondle their friend's boobs in a non sexual way? of course its sexual. dont be dumb
No. 101871
>>101805>I walked in on my boyfriend stuffing his face in his best friend's large breasts >she lets him play with her boobs some times.The fucking question here is why you didn't dump that piece of shit yet and aren't right now thinking some way of backstabbing that idiot friend of his with something that's precious to her.
By playing this dumb you are only letting them to make a fool of you, anon. The next time you'll walk in you're gonna find them fucking and they'll come to you the next morning with a smile in both of their faces.
Jesus christ, do you feel some inferiority complex towards them because of your boobs or something? Have some self-esteem. What a lack of respect towards you from their part.
No. 101872
>>101805Are you a troll?
Do people actually let their boyfriend's make out with big boobed girls because they feel bad about having a flat chest?
No. 101925
File: 1468120345203.jpg (569.45 KB, 2560x1440, IMAG2813.jpg)

I'm a B but should be an A because I gained like 30lb. Also my tits have hella stretch marks cos of it. I'm getting surgery asap. Pic related - they're okah from the side but those stretch marks kill me.
No. 101992
>>101962I only judge others when they have big tits and they're wearing something that doesn't obscure their nipples and they're out in a very public area. It only bothers me when the girl's nipples are showing through her shirt. I know that being topless is legal in the U.S., but some girls need to show some consideration for others.
Also, this is the smartphone age where anyone can take a creep shot. If people aren't offended by boobs, then people are taking pictures and posting it on reddit/4chan "Look at this dumb slut who doesn't wear a bra in public! SHE DESERVES TO BE SLUT SHAMED!! " "OH MY GOD I KNOW THIS GIRL! Hold on /b/ let me get her DOX so we can send the pics to her co-workers"
No. 102063
>>101928In better pictures they are. Hopefully bio oil will help a little.
>>101946I…already do? Also what tits lmao it's not a nude or anything.
No. 102511
File: 1468312054240.jpg (32.63 KB, 477x593, 1463752379551.jpg)

Hey there chestlets,
just stopped by to let you know that you are genetically inferior. You're like manlets and dicklets.
You lack secondary sexual characteristics of a woman.
How does it feel?
File: 1468321379780.jpg (73.52 KB, 500x470, tumblr_naspbaQzFM1rgf7zzo1_500…)

>>102511banning me wont make your tits grow chestlet
No. 102770
>>102523Sad thing about this is that knowing your need to shitpost and very bad attempt to troll, you have a small dick. At least chestlets can fix their issue but you're going to be stuck with your two inch peen for the rest of your life.
Although, I guess if you aren't going to be going out enough to meet or even fuck a girl it doesn't even matter.
No. 105727
Of course nice ass and tits help and overly misshapen ones hurt, it's not a secret, bet bigger isn't necessarily better. In the grand scheme of thing it's irrelevant though.
And most of the time it's kinda like that song where one learns to love the imperfections of their girlfriend… except even physically and we start preferring the boob and butt shape and size of our partner.
No. 105734
File: 1470086268617.png (157.73 KB, 500x359, 1443205498600.png)

>>105727Is this going to be the new robot magnet thread?
No. 105737
>>105727>>105734I have never even used /r9k/, out myself as a guy and suddenly I have to be a robot.
Some depressed delusional NEET from /r9k/ would not even give an honest answer or is simply implying you aren't a female enough to be banned now?
No. 105738
>>105735>>105737If you don't wanna be mistaken for one don't act like one. Assuming the new admin and farmhands aren't complete shit you only get the robot symbol if all your posts relate to sex, politics, or trying to hook up.
And if you're going to post in threads that have been dead for a month at least try to something less generic than the same old "I'll tolerate you anyway/everyone is beautiful on the inside."
No. 105748
>>105738Also you didn't even understand what I was saying correctly.
Not everyone is beautiful on the inside, in fact most people aren't, that's way I put personality at the top. If a girl has a nice body a guy will definitely have a one night stand/ short relationship no matter how shitty her personality is but every guy knows don't stick your dick in crazy. Being a sane person is prerequisite, having a nice body seals the deal but large breasts aren't necessarily a part of that. And what I said about the imperfections is also very true, they grow on you and become a fetish more often than not.
Of course if your breasts are disfigured that isn't going to be the case but if they are just small you may find your partner preferring it that way after being with you for a while. So you could also say shape>size. I'm not going to defend myself to you, I found the thread amusing and interesting so I responded giving an honest answer that wasn't incel b8
No. 105749
>>105748Where is anyone saying that it's impossible to love someone despite them being small chested? My issue isn't with you stating your opinion. It's you thinking anyone on here cares or that it's some magical thing no one's ever heard before. This whole thread is full of nothing but what you've said and several variations of it. Hence why I put"/everyone is beautiful on the inside" because that's another thing people love to say.
Again you bumped a month old thread just to tell everyone who you would and wouldn't have sex/a relationship with aka exactly what robots have been doing. Of course you're going to get mistaken as one.
No. 105751
>>105749Why does everyone on smaller image boards take everything so seriously and treat their boards like its sacred ground?
The threads here are already incredibly slow, a month ago is nothing. Lighten up a little and stop treating things here like a witch hunt and maybe you'll enjoy yourself, if you don't like the thread and the conversation don't bump it then ok? It's a simple solution. There is a large contrast between what I said and what r9k posts here, the drama you create by treating things like a witch hunt makes things just as cancerous.
No. 105752
>>105751I made one post about how it might become the new robot shitposting thread like the dick size one since it was bumped and has been spammed for days before. You're the one who got
triggered over it.
No. 105808
File: 1470133538741.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 1900x695, three3.png)

Girls always want what they don't have.
If you looked at porn for even a fraction of a second you could see Mens tastes run the gamut.
No. 105812
>>105811So why do Women hate what they have and want what other Women have?
Do Women just hate themselves? Do Women just hate each other and want to tear each other down?
Or have Women just been looking at too many Cosmo magazines?
>>105820For example some Men are worried about the size of their Penis
1. A Large Penis is considered a sign of verility
2. Men see other Men in Porn and never see a small Penis
3. Women are almost never heard of preferring a small Penis.
4. Men with large packages are often featured in Gossip Mags.
No. 105826
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused by your posts
You said
>>105813>Everyone has their own reasons. You can't speak of women as a whole.Then I mentioned several general areas as to why Men are insecure about Penis size (Media/Peer Group)
>>105823Are you saying that Women can have literally hundreds of unique reasons for being insecure about their Body, too many to list?
You can't give me any generalizations? I'm just wondering why you are posting, because I'm not getting any information.
No. 105828
>>105826>Are you saying that Women can have literally hundreds of unique reasons for being insecure about their Body, too many to list? No, I'm saying that I couldn't possibly guess the root of an individual's insecurities with their body. And there isn't any "Women's Insecurity Agreement" out there. Women are individuals.
For example, I have no insecurities about my breasts. They're fine. But I have a friend who is very insecure about hers, because she developed large breasts very early, and was bullied and sexually harassed because of them.
But I'm not going to tell you that every woman with big breasts developed them early, and is insecure about them because they were teased. Because I also know many women who aren't insecure about their large breasts, and were never bullied about them.
No. 105830
File: 1470141588241.png (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 1170x550, roasties.png)

God females are disgusting
File: 1470141743214.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.27 KB, 420x298, buschke_Lowenstein_tumor_of_pe…)

>>105830Unlike us men huh, what girl could turn down this.
>>105843How is that ironic? They think everything female orientated must be super sjw.
Why do you care so much about what a few people on an imageboard think of people on a another imageboard anyway? There's no way you aren't the guy that threw a fit last night. Were you expecting to get worshiped for your daring opinion or something? Honestly why are you even here? To try to get everyone to love men from 8chan? You've made it extremely obvious you're not from any related imageboards and I highly doubt you give a shit about dakota's shoops or what weeb #1846 is doing. If that offended you so much you really need to build up some self esteem.
No. 105846
>>105844I find it ironic in the same way /v/ and /cgl/ used to "fight" even though a lot of them basically had the same interests.
> There's no way you aren't the guy that threw a fit last night. Were you expecting to get worshiped for your daring opinion or something? Honestly why are you even here? To try to get everyone to love men from 8chan?What shitfit guy are you talking about? I'm just interested in stuff, and 8ch has dropped in quality after the handover from hotwheels. So I thought I'd take a peek in here and ask questions. Since a primarily female demographic on an imageboard. Asking a fiance with BPD about certain subjects can get a bit… touchy.
>>105845I'd just like to know girls general opinions. I'm not trying to attack anyone.
No. 105850
>>105846>I find it ironic in the same way /v/ and /cgl/ used to "fight" even though a lot of them basically had the same interests. Not even the cosplayers will necessarily have the same interests and the attitude and tastes are different. Even if they were that's like saying fans of different teams or sports should love each other because they have similar interests.
Is that your post post here then? If you're
>>105841 then you might as well be the exact same person anyway. If you wanted to know there's hundreds of posts in this thread. It's been beaten to death. And ignoring everything everyone's been saying to get the answer you wanna hear and getting offended over everyone not obsessing over what some imaginary group of 8chan guys think of their tits is just pure robot behavior.
No. 105852
>>105850I think this guy struggles with the concept of individual differences.
For example, I love anime. But I'm not one of those fans who is consumed with "fandom" stuff and draws their pairings. Both myself and the fandom-lover would both probably say "I love anime" but we express it differently.
No. 105856
>>105851Only when you act like one and especially when you type and act exactly like a guy that was sperging out before. And now if you're gonna pull the whole "I'm not mad you're mad" and still ignore everything everyone has said I'm just gonna call troll. Also what
>>105853 said. B is now at least 60% robots at all times and gets to be almost 80% sometimes when it used to be maybe 1% at most before the constant raids.
No. 105858
>>105852No I'm just thinking there is a lot of crossover between the interests of what was traditionally /cgl/ and /v/ and yet you viewed each other as polar opposites.
I'm not saying pairing you all up like Noah's Ark, I just thought it was interesting that some of you would prolly get along pretty well if not for both sides seeing them as the "other".
>>105856Nah no raid just me. I think it happened after the split from GamerGate and then the other split when the candydoll people got pushed off 8ch. People went looking for places to go. And were bored.
No. 105861
>>105858>some of you would prolly get along pretty well if not for both sides seeing them as the "other".Bud, have you ever read any posts on 8ch about women? They hate us. I don't want to be a part of their weird Madonna-whore complex.
Half the time when robots post here, they're all "I'm suicidally depressed because I am not a chad and all women think I'm creepy for not being alphaaaa why are you all such shallow whores?????"
No. 105862
>>105860>You seem really thick.Perhaps, I have a different perception of /v/ at least on 8ch. Have you ever been there for any length of time? It's just that what you are saying sounds similar to something I would hear on /v/.
>>105861The posts about hating Women is usually the same few people all the time. The angry bitter robots. I mean if I asked 8ch what thought of 8ch I'd probably get a "have you ever been there? They hate us!" and the cycle continues.
I'm sorry I got waaay off topic for this thread, it's just random stuff I think about captures my interest.
No. 105866
>>105862Yes I have, even in 2 seconds it's really obvious we wouldn't be friends. I hate fanservice, nudity (even "nonsexual"), rape (especially explicit and super sexualized aka about 99% of all the rape they love and want for "story/impact" reasons), the stereotypical "manly man" talk and the list goes on and on. And don't give me that "that's just pictures most people don't like them." bullshit. I've talked to tons of them and no matter how much they claim to hate rape and fanservice they get extremely pissed if you wanna skip it despite it "only being a small and unimportant part" or say you don't wanna watch or play something that's 60% softcore porn with hardcore porn mixed in. Or they "hate it" but nothing every actually counts as porn and even piv and blowjobs with boob physics don't count as even mild fanservice. And not to mention all the rants about women and how they're such whores for cosplaying characters they got super pissed at when someone even slightly hinted about them actually having clothes on and just generic women hate rants. Seriously it's not just because we're "closeminded."
This is extremely offtopic at this point and you should go make another thread if you really want to discuss this. I was spot on when I said it was just someone trying to force us to love 8chan and everyone from it.
No. 106570
>>106569The OP image was made by a robot, but they'd be attracted to any boob thread. Pretty much almost all they ever do besides complain about women and "chad" is complain about how a character's boobs aren't big enough and that there isn't enough porn in movies, video games, shows, and etc.
Also sage goes in the email box.
No. 106592
>>106551>>106570Lmao this delusion.
You know just because women are superficial as fuck and all have basically the same preferences doesn't mean the same applies to men. For every guy who prefers big boobs there's one who prefers small ones and several who don't give a fuck.
Stop lying to yourself, if nobody likes you it has fuck all to do with your boobs, probably more with your shitty attitude.
No. 106601
>>106592>You know just because women are superficial as fuck and all have basically the same preferences doesn't mean the same applies to men.Other than that if it's so extremely common show me an example. Why are literally 99% of video game characters, anyone doing any kind of fanserivce, and just women in general that aren't doing things solely for other women and are legal busty or average at absolute smallest? Why is literally every single mod that comes out for games giant breasts? Why literally almost every image that isn't CP on r9k? Why are the most watched videos all busty or average? Why does every "sexy" ad/music video/tv show use cleavage and big breasts or very large butts? Why do women with bigger breasts earn more both in and out of porn?
Stop playing dumb so you can do the whole "literally every woman can get whoever she wants and literally no woman likes anyone but Brad Pitt". No. 106610
>>106608>It's the same thing with movies, shows, advertisements, and wages irl.Show me an example. Who loves small breasts? Where can you find a website/movie/anime/etc focused solely on small breasts like you can for big breasts?
>Men in videogames and porn are hardly representative of the male population either.Both are aimed at men. Most of the guys you see girls creaming themselves over are the pretty boy/dilf type anyway. Not Arnold at his peak.
No. 106622
>>106601>>106610Porn isn't real life. Chinese cartoons and video games sure as fuck aren't real life.
I'm male and I prefer women with smaller breasts. Although it's not really about the breasts, it's more like the kinds of girls I like tend to have smaller ones, but I like them for other reasons. All kinds of body shapes can be really attractive, including big breasts or almost no breasts at all, as long as the rest of the body matches. Though personally if I had to design my perfect gf or something I'd probably go with slender with a B cup. Breasts can be kind of ugly in shape though, but it has nothing to do with size.
No. 106626
>>106622>I prefer women with smaller breasts>B cupEvery single time. B-cups are literally average for women who aren't fat. It's been the most common breast size since we've kept track of it. It's changed to a c-cup recently but with a huge band size and a 75% obesity rate in America it still doesn't apply to women who aren't fat.
The only reason OP says b-cups and below is because it's an image from r9k and it's been argued about throughout the whole thread. The only ones that called it small were girls very obviously fishing for "I'd kill to be your size" and men.
>>106624>Men might fap to it but not necessarily want that in real life.So they complain and mod/try to make sure literally every woman has large/average breasts but they don't actually like them? The bustier women are the more they get paid but they actually prefer "small" aka avergae breasts like b-cups. If they actually liked them and not b-cups and above like I've been saying why is it impossible to find things for a-cups and below like you can for literally every other size? What next people don't actually like clear skin and white teeth? Come on now.
>How many intelligent, dominant, or otherwise worthwhile female characters do you see depicted with big breasts?I see tons, but considering you think b-cups are tiny you probably mean only women with tits more than twice the size of their head. Now how many characters do you know of with and a-cup or smaller and older than 18 period? Much less ones that are actually relevant to anything. 1,000yo technically legal lolis don't count.
No. 106632
>>106622OT but I love how all this talk about breast shape and volume and bullshit tends to slide on most people because it's so normalized for people to critique women's bodies.
But if a woman were to talk so specifically about penises like this she'd be considered a cock-obsessed weirdo with 40 different kinds of unwashed dildos under her bed.
Fuck this entire thread is strange.
No. 106639
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The guy before was saying literally 50% of all men absolutely love women with small breasts. You said you loved small and that the vast majority of men actually love a-cups and below. If they love it even more than everything else why is everything else including the extremes so much more common in literally everything? You also conveniently ignored this
>Now how many characters do you know of with and a-cup or smaller and older than 18 period? Much less ones that are actually relevant to anything. 1,000yo technically legal lolis don't count.
>B is smaller than average but like I said A can be fine too.It's literally average and has been for decades. Go look it up.
> If you want to be attractive in real life breast size is the last thing you should worry about. A girl with no breasts at all can easily be 10/10 with a good body, style, and personality.So another version of "everybody is beautiful" again? Don't pretend like tons guys would be throwing themselves at a girl like this and completely ignoring the kind that's plastered everywhere because one is slightly thinner than the other or one smiles a bit more.
This kind of talk just proves my point anyway. If the only way you can make it into a positive thing is "I guess that'd be okay if she can make up for it" and "if everything else is perfect you'll be dateable. Literally no one tells busty/average women "well if your body, personality, and face are completely perfect I'm sure someone out there will ignore it."
And once again if it's only a porn thing why is it nonexistent in tv, shows, movies, advertisements, and games? There's actually quite a few small breasted women in hollywood but they never have the same roles, outfits, or scenes as everyone else does.
>>106634> I wish more women were more honest with themselves and with men about that sort of thing, it would make everything much simpler.They are very honest. Go look at the vag thread on g and everywhere else on here that isn't the penis thread because it's literally 90% robots. Even when I'm extremely aroused and wet I can barely get one finger in width wise and as tmi as this is it's pretty satisfying. Length really makes no different unless penetration is either physically impossible or almost physically impossible. Every time and actual woman complains about dick size not being enough it's always width which can vary a lot from woman to woman.
No. 106640
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>>106639>>106631Actually here for reference. tldr: if you ignore the women with huge bandsizes they've barely gotten bigger.
"For American women, the average bra size is way up, but actual breast sizes are relatively stable (or flat) to what they’ve always been, new boobs research reveals.
It’s long been said bra sizes are increasing, and that the average bra size in America was steadily climbing upward — but anecdotally, this has been summarily dismissed as due to a general rise in obesity and the larger breast sizes that come with it.
But now, a look at the average bra size issue reveals that women’s breasts aren’t getting much bigger, they’re just figuring out that the A/B/C/D stock options aren’t the most commonly seen bra sizes in actuality.
Options are changing, and along with it, women are being exposed to a wider array of retailers via the internet — ones that aren’t constrained by physical stock limitations to commit only to a small range of sizes, sizes that don’t fit most women. To wit, breasts aren’t getting bigger, but women are getting educated about how to really get a properly fitted bra. (Protip: mall measurements generally are not the way.)
The Inquisitr previously covered a bra revolution of sorts, spearheaded in many ways by Reddit’s A Bra That Fits (click here to open and spreading in a viral way among women on the web. The subreddit and other discussion groups like it counter the “plus four” method of fitting favored by cookie cutter bra retailers which often places women in a larger band size to fit the A/B/C/D varieties of bras sold in bricks and mortar non-specialty shops.
Racked, which is not actually a blog that deals with boobs, but shopping in general, spoke with a rep from the retailer Intimacy, who said:
“Instead of forcing D+ breasts into A to D cup bras, women are beginning to purchase larger cup sizes (G cup, for example) that actually fit properly… [Twenty years ago] the American market carried less than 20 sizes, so women with bigger breasts squeezed into bras that were two or more cup sizes too small. Therefore, the idea that breast size is increasing is perhaps slightly inflated due to women actually purchasing larger (and more accurate) bras for themselves.”
While a G cup sounds ridiculous and far off the American average bra size, taking into account the lack of “plus four” measuring, it makes a lot of sense. A woman wearing a C cup in a “plus four” size would probably find herself in a far smaller band and an F cup — which has a similar cup volume, but fits better overall.
Are you one of the growing number of women who’ve discovered their “average bra size” wasn’t average at all? Did it make a difference?"
No. 106642
>>106634I have absolutely no preference on penis shape. Like, it is never something I have thought about.
And I don't have an exact preference for dick size either. Skill is way more relevant to me.
So I absolutely agree with>>106632. Go find our dick thread in the catalogue. No one has an exact measurement of "their perfect dick".
No. 106647
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>You said that the vast majority of men actually love a-cups and below.
I never said that, I said for most men it doesn't matter that much, and that many prefer small.
>If they love it even more than everything else why is everything else including the extremes so much more common in literally everything?
In what? Porn? Video Games? Since you keep asking for a counter-example, the penultimate game I played is pic related. Sure is giant knockers in there.
>So another version of "everybody is beautiful" again?
No, but most women probably can be beautiful to some extent, and either way it sure as fuck doesn't depend on breast size. I can understand being insecure about your face or major problems, but breast size is not what will keep you from being beautiful. And it's not about "making up" for anything, big breasted women will look crap as well without any of the things I mentioned. Actually the only kind of body shape that would turn me off regardless of fatness is big breasts with no hips or ass, that just looks weird.
This kind of insecurity you create for yourself (or often women create for each other) is so stupid. There are plenty of ways to be beautiful without conforming to some bimbo porn archetype, which isn't attractive in real life at all. There is a huge difference between what the lowest common denominator of all porn consumers finds fappable, and what individual real life men with any sort of taste find attractive, which is extremely diverse.
>Even when I'm extremely aroused and wet I can barely get one finger in width wise and as tmi as this is it's pretty satisfying. Length really makes no different unless penetration is either physically impossible or almost physically impossible. Every time and actual woman complains about dick size not being enough it's always width which can vary a lot from woman to woman.
I see no problem with you saying any of that.
No. 106648
>>106642Yeah the post above yours completely contradicts that.
>>106643In my experience B and C are the most common, with probably a bit more B with young women. Though maybe I'm overestimating sizes. Which would just mean my preference is actually even lower.
No. 106651
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>>106647Congrats you finally found one example of an average bust. Literally the only one I've ever seen. And yet it still has cleavage on npcs, several posters everywhere that are literally just cleavage, an almost naked chole dancing in front of you, and a half naked woman when you save chole from the train tracks. If breast size doesn't matter why is literally every example of skin showing busty? Now what about everything else. If it doesn't matter at all why is it nonexistent and why is it impossible to find even a minor example without tons of big breasts being shoved in your face?
>I never said that, I said for most men it doesn't matter that much, and that many prefer small.>I think the prevalence of big breasts in pornographic media has to do with the fact they make women seem like sex objects. Men might fap to it but not necessarily want that in real life.If they don't like big/average breasts and actually prefer small breasts than yes the majority would prefer a-cups by your logic.
>it sure as fuck doesn't depend on breast size.The only time I've ever heard different is from robots that come here solely to argue about it. Even the absolute most pc and desperate places just say you could maybe get someone to ignore it if everything else makes up for it.
>This kind of insecurity you create for yourself (or often women create for each other) is so stupid.Literally the only shit I get from women for it are either really fat and are doing the whole muh curves thing or super busty attention whores that make their boobs their life. Men on the other hand I get tons of shit from literally almost daily including my family. Literally every single time I've heard a guy say they love all types/small breasts they always had a lower limit of b-cups. The ones who loves all types "coincidentally" only ever dated and liked super busty women as well. I've explained it over and over in this thread months ago. I'll repost it after this.
>I see no problem with you saying any of that.Why would you? The only people who get offended by women saying dick size doesn't matter unless it's physically impossible to use for it's intended purpose or big enough to hurt are robots determined to blame everything on their completely average/even above average dick.
>>106648>Yeah the post above yours completely contradicts that. Wtf are you talking about? Everyone so far has said unless it's a legit deformity or too big the vast majority of women don't care.
>In my experience B and C are the most common, with probably a bit more B with young women. Though maybe I'm overestimating sizes. Which would just mean my preference is actually even lower.You just said b-cups were most definitely not average. Seriously wtf are you talking about?
Also this
>>106650 No. 106652
>>106647>>106651"People care about very small breasts/flat chests as much as they do severe acne, morbid obesity, and having very out of the ordinary/"ugly" features. And it does affect your sex life again the same way morbid obesity would from a aesthetic standpoint. It doesn't matter how much your partner may like or love you, if they don't find you attractive they don't find you attractive. Saying no one cares and that it doesn't affect anything is about as true as saying "everyone is beautiful".
I get the same comments that >>91925 does. I've even my had my dad tell me I could go without a swimsuit top and that everyone would just think I was boy. My grandmother points out my chest literally every other time I see her. I've gotten told the usual "You'd be lucky to get raped", "The only man that would actually marry you would cheat on you with your own kids", "the only guy that would go out with you would be gay guy in denial", and etc. all said by men. I get offers to help pay for boobjobs, get told to at least have the decency to pad, that I'm more like a short man than a woman, and etc. almost all by men. From strangers, family members, classmates, and even a store employee once. If they didn't care why would I get so many insults and why would everyone automatically assume I must hate it? I'll get looks of pity and have women telling to not get sad because "at least men will never look at you in a sexual way ever" when I try things on and they don't fit in the bust. I've never said anything about it or gotten any more disappointed than anyone does when something doesn't fit. Why would a complete stranger go out of their way to say that if "literally no one" cares or thinks anything negative about it?
Several of my family members have had boobjobs and nearly every single one of them has done it mostly for their husband and has said it helped their marriage. The only exception is one woman who avoids talking about it as much as possible. Most were just an average b-cup and one was already busty. 313,000 American women get boobjobs every year for a reason. And those are only new ones, not touch ups or increasing the size of existing ones.
Also I have less than half an inch difference between my upper ribcage and my "breasts". I've spent literally months worth of hours searching for bras online and literally the only thing that fits are children's training bras and the occasional bralette made for younger teens. If I go into a normal bra/lingerie store I either get told they don't carry anything for me, get directed to the children's area, or get told I absolutely need a super padded push up bra and chicken cutlets."
"No it was specifically because of the tits. Their husbands said so pretty explicitly. A few of them were a lot less confident, especially the woman that was already busty. Extremely distasteful at a family party/gathering type thing, and just at all imo. But that's pretty much the standard way men behave here, in my family and everyone elses' I've seen. Boobjobs are considered just another thing to buy. Like whitening strips or getting a haircut almost. If you're an a-cup or under you deserve getting cheated on and having your bf go to strip clubs for "refusing to take care of your appearance". As I said I get told to get one all the time.
Small tits is a-cups and under, not b-cups and certainly not anything bigger than that. I really hate how op made the thread because they aren't in the same category at all. I know tons of guys that love b-cups. Literally every guy I've known that's claimed to love small breasts or "every breast that he can touch" had a lower limit of a b-cup that they were actually attracted to. That's what pretty much every guy means by small, guys refer to a-cups and below as flat and titless. Idk or care about what 4chan or bodybuilders think, I'm talking solely from my experiences irl."
"They haven't just insinuated it they've outright said it. Some are men I (and most non-white trash women) would never ever date, but most of them are just average men and women. It's just how it is here."
"As for I'll never get men thinking I'm easy fuck because of my body that's all I ever get. Men very bluntly saying since no one else will want me I should just fuck them since they're making a sacrifice. Or that I should get used to being a fucktoy because no man will ever want to go without tits in a monogamous relationship. Sleazeballs hit on everyone, that's a big part of being a sleazeball. I get mostly old men who also tell me because I'm flat chested I shouldn't expect a man at least 30 years in my age range to ever want to fuck me. And no I'm not wearing skimpy clothes or hanging out in clubs."
No. 106653
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>>106647Lmao are we really gonna go there bitch
No. 106655
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>>106650>No one has an exact measurement of "their perfect dick".>>106651
>If breast size doesn't matter why is literally every example of skin showing busty?Because flat chested women don't wear tops designed to show cleavage. The two main characters of the game are basically flat, but I guess you focus on what you choose to focus, like one completely irrelevant NPC, and you won't be happy until every single female with more than an A cup is exterminated from fiction.
>If they don't like big/average breasts and actually prefer small breasts than yes the majority would prefer a-cups by your logic.Women designed to be fap material in pornography or whatever will often have exaggerated sexual characteristics including big breasts. They're fap material, not actual women that men want to date. This doesn't just apply to breasts, but to everything else about them as well. My point wasn't that men prefer small breasts, I already explained that to you twice. My point is that thinking porn represents what men want from a girlfriend is retarded. And even in porn you're just going by the average. Pic related is literally the OP pic of the only current porn thread at the board I normally post on.
>The ones who loves all types "coincidentally" only ever dated and liked super busty women as well.If I was one of the women here and you were a guy complaining about being ugly I'd now be telling you about how you obviously just have a shit personality and are no fun to be around. My guess is you're either crippled by insecurity or have way too high or skewed standards for men, and for reasons that have nothing to do with your breasts, since small breasts do not make you ugly. Maybe all the men you look at have the same tastes because you only like a certain type of men?
>Why would you?I'm saying I don't give a shit about women talking about what kind of dicks they like, unlike the strawman the other poster was constructing.
No. 106656
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>>106653Ikr I could do this all day if he wants
No. 106658
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>>106653>literally the character known for her "unrealistically gigantic" boobs>>106656>literally weebshitPic is the last game I played through. And I'm not cherry picking unlike you.
No. 106659
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>all women in porn have huge boobs
Fourth pic, same thread.
No. 106660
>"You'd be lucky to get raped", "The only man that would actually marry you would cheat on you with your own kids", "the only guy that would go out with you would be gay guy in denial", and etc. all said by menWell either you live around a bunch of assholes, or you're the asshole and people insult you back about your most notable feature.
>Several of my family members have had boobjobs and nearly every single one of them has done it mostly for their husband and has said it helped their marriage. Is your family kind of ghetto? Boob jobs are trashy as fuck, I know literally nobody in real life who has done that.
No. 106663
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>>106655>The two main characters of the game are basically flatlol no, Chole is very obviously at least a c-sup and max is a b-cup.
>I guess you focus on what you choose to focus, like one completely irrelevant NPC, and you won't be happy until every single female with more than an A cup is exterminated from fiction.You mean the npc you're forced to talk to progress the game? I asked for an example of a small breasted woman that didn't have tons of busty fanservice. According to you the only time it's like that is in porn, but you can't actually give me an example. I don't care if every woman is busty what I care about is guys always claiming literally everyone loves flat chests and the only reason any woman can't get a date and have men worship them is because they're the evilest woman alive. You also completely ignored this
>have exaggerated sexual characteristics including big breasts. They're fap materialAgain if breasts don't matter whatsoever why do they need to be bigger and why does making them bigger make them better fap material?
>My guess is you're either crippled by insecurity or have way too high or skewed standards for men, and for reasons that have nothing to do with your breasts, since small breasts do not make you ugly. Maybe all the men you look at have the same tastes because you only like a certain type of men?Nope, they've told me without me ever asking or bringing it up. See
>>106652 I don't even bother looking for guys for the most part because they without fail literally always bring it up first or go about how hot big boobs are specifically. Meaning we wouldn't be sexually compatible.
>>106658Here's another example, seems like you are cherry picking. Other examples are WOW, metro last light is 50% completely forced porn, almost all gorey games like dead island etc.
>>106659>all women in porn have huge boobsLiterally no one has said that. Stop trying to derail and read this
>>106652 Come on tell me again about how literally no one cares.
>>106660313,000 American women get boobjobs every year. Chances are you do but you think the only kind of fake boobs are the dolly parton kind. So if someone said all that about a fat person it most only because they're the evilest person ever and not because people don't like fat people? Why do things like this happen?
>If they didn't care why would I get so many insults and why would everyone automatically assume I must hate it? I'll get looks of pity and have women telling to not get sad because "at least men will never look at you in a sexual way ever" when I try things on and they don't fit in the bust. I've never said anything about it or gotten any more disappointed than anyone does when something doesn't fit. Why would a complete stranger go out of their way to say that if "literally no one" cares or thinks anything negative about it? And most of all why would some random robot know more about how flat chested women are treated more than a flat chested woman herself? Even if everything you said was 100% true my experiences do not match up whatsoever and no amount of making shit up on the internet is going to change that. For fucks sake if I changed everything around to make everyone hating me being fat no one would bat an eye other than a few robots trying to pull the whole "but you have fetishists thing." But lets pretend for a second I really do have a horrible personality. I've been extremely obese before, 200 pounds at 4'11. Literally more twice the upper range of a healthy weight and yet I've never gotten anywhere near as much shit for it. Surely it'd be exactly the same or even worse because they'd have something "actually unattractive" to make fun of?
No. 106665
>>106663>lol no, Chole is very obviously at least a c-suplol
>I asked for an example of a small breasted woman that didn't have tons of busty fanservice.>it's busty fanservice because there's one irrelevant NPC whose name I don't even remember who has average breasts
>why does making them bigger make them better fap material?Exaggerated female characteristics? Same reason men in straight or gay porn are overwhelmingly ridiculously muscular and have huge dicks?
>I don't even bother looking for guys for the most part because they without fail literally always bring it up first or go about how hot big boobs are specifically. Like I said, sounds to me like you're just always going for one type of guy. The type that has shitty close minded tastes and is also a dick. Normal people don't do that shit.
>Here's another example, seems like you are cherry picking. I showed you the last two games I played. You're cherrypicking characters I never heard of except for Lara Croft who is literally synonymous with big tits (too bad actually she's a good character, or used to be).
>Chances are you do but you think the only kind of fake boobs are the dolly parton kind.I'm pretty sure I'd notice the difference, otherwise wtf is the point?
>So if someone said all that about a fat personFat people get bullied because they're rare and their fatness is their own fault, not to mention unhealthy.
>And most of all why would some random robot know more about how flat chested women are treated more than a flat chested woman herself? Why would some random cow know more about what men think or like than a man?
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>>106665>lolYou tried to say b-cups weren't average. Face it you don't know shit about cup sizes.
>I'm pretty sure I'd notice the difference, otherwise wtf is the point? Fake breasts look exactly the same when clothed, even unclothed the only difference will be very small scars either around the nipple or by the armpit. The only time they don't is when women purposely go for the ultra fake look.
>Like I said, sounds to me like you're just always going for one type of guy. The type that has shitty close minded tastes and is also a dick. Normal people don't do that shit.Like I literally just said
I'm not going for anyone. The only guys I ever went for to begin with were on the "nerdy" side or a bit gothy/emoish when I had my edgy phase at 12. I'm not saying the average guy will randomly go up to people and tell them that or that a good person will. They'll think it or just not be attracted to someone, but I have experienced tons of it and no amount of you making up excuses will change that.
>I showed you the last two games I played. You're cherrypicking characters I never heard of except for Lara Croft who is literally synonymous with big tits (too bad actually she's a good character, or used to be).You do realize there's at least three other women posting right? You're the one who brought up Life is Strange and I replied, then you brought up Assassin's Creed and I remembered more than a few "sexy cosplays" of it spamming cgl for a long time. I told you I don't care about video games but if you're going to lie and say it doesn't exist at all in a game I'm gonna call you out on it.
>Fat people get bullied because they're rare and their fatness is their own fault, not to mention unhealthy.Yeah no, they get bullied based on looks a lot of the time. The only time they get bullied otherwise is when they're doing something really stereotypically greedy. Again I actually was almost hamplanet tier I know what it's like.
>Why would some random cow know more about what men think or like than a man?When said man has been saying for hours that everything I've experienced is impossible and has never happened to anyone ever and then backtracks and says it must be because I'm a huge bitch and is still trying to say there's no way more than literally 2 men could ever feel that way and
literally no one feels that way then yes you're obviously don't know shit.
If you had a 1 inch dick that was constantly on display along with every other man's, couldn't think of any positive examples that weren't fetish porn but tons of big dick examples, women talked about dicks and posted them even 1/4 as much as men talked about tits, and had tons of women make fun of you irl including family and had guys telling you "at least you'll have more experience with your tongue" and yet a woman was arguing about how literally no one actually had any real preference and literally no one would ever do anything like that would you honestly take them seriously?
No amount of shitposting is going to change what I've experienced irl. I've been asking you for proof because if you're going to try to override everything I and a lot of other actually flat chested (not c, b, a, or aa-cups) have experienced you need to have some kind of proof other than "you're and evil liar and wrong because I say so."
No. 106670
>You tried to say b-cups weren't average. Face it you don't know shit about cup sizes.If that's a C cup, the average among women I know is at least D.
>Fake breasts look exactly the same when clothedI'm pretty sure they don't look exactly the same as before the surgery.
>making up excuses What the fuck would I have to make excuses for?
>say it doesn't exist at all in a gameNever said anything of the kind. You claimed the opposite, that small breasts don't exist in media.
>Again I actually was almost hamplanet tier I know what it's like.Yeah that might be your issue. Being fat with no tits is a bad look pretty objectively.
>When said man has been saying for hours that everything I've experienced is impossible and has never happened to anyone ever and then backtracks and says it must be because I'm a huge bitch and is still trying to say there's no way more than literally 2 men could ever feel that way and literally no one feels that way then yes you're obviously don't know shit. This is hilarious because it's exactly what I've seen posters here tell men who said they couldn't get laid because they're too ugly or whatever. Which unlike small breasts is a legitimate problem.
Look I'm male and I don't give a shit about boob size. Most men I know don't give a shit about boob size and sure as fuck wouldn't make it a condition for dating someone. I don't know anyone who ever had a boobjob or who would want their girlfriend to or who would associate that with anything but cheesy porn and trailer trash. And I know flat-chested women and they sure as fuck have no trouble getting laid or finding boyfriends. You either live in some weird boob-obsessed parallel universe that I've never visited, or your actual problem isn't your boobs but being fat or unattractive in other ways, or more likely your crippling boob-obsession and other mental issues.
No. 106671
>>106670>I'm pretty sure they don't look exactly the same as before the surgery. So you know exactly what every woman's breasts you've interacted with have always looked like? I padded mine for a while years back so clothes would actually fit and everyone was super shocked when they found out I was flat chested.
>Never said anything of the kind. You claimed the opposite, that small breasts don't exist in media.I can't tell if you're being really dense on purpose. I meant you claimed there was literally 0 busty women much less any fanservice and only "small" breasts.
>Yeah that might be your issue. Being fat with no tits is a bad look pretty objectively. Same as above, I'm 100 pounds now.
>This is hilarious because it's exactly what I've seen posters here tell men who said they couldn't get laid because they're too ugly or whatever. Which unlike small breasts is a legitimate problem.First off literally no robot has ever just said they can't get a date because they're ugly. They've always said it's because they're not brad pitt/5'11 or below/not black/have a "small" dick that's literally average. All of which are absolutely ridiculous like if someone said only women with head sized tits could get a date. I'm not even saying a flat chested woman couldn't get a date. Like you said if you found someone who was more into butts and you were really pretty with a 10/10 body you could find someone actually attracted to you despite that. The problem is when you aren't and don't want to listen to someone always telling you how hot women with actual breasts are and saying you're tolerable at absolute best.
If you had said that they could probably get someone despite that I wouldn't have argued but this entire time you've been saying it's impossible for anyone to ever dislike a 100% flat chest like this and even if a guy says he does he's lying and actually likes it. And that men actually love flat chests just as much as breasts and that they wouldn't care even the tiniest bit if every woman with even an a-cup and any pictures/videos/games of them disappeared because flat chests are just as good. That's just plain bullshit and you know it. All to push the "Women never have any real problems like men do."
>Look I'm male and I don't give a shit about boob size. Most men I know don't give a shit about boob size and sure as fuck wouldn't make it a condition for dating someone. I don't know anyone who ever had a boobjob or who would want their girlfriend to or who would associate that with anything but cheesy porn and trailer trash. And I know flat-chested women and they sure as fuck have no trouble getting laid or finding boyfriends. You either live in some weird boob-obsessed parallel universe that I've never visited, or your actual problem isn't your boobs but being fat or unattractive in other ways, or more likely your crippling boob-obsession and other mental issues.And I'm female and I've had everything happen to me above. No matter how much you say it I'm not going to believe it until I see it irl. B-cups are average in the US and have been since the very beginning, but it's definitely not in my area. I've literally only met one other woman that was both an adult and below an a-cup, literally everyone on both sides of family are really busty, and the one woman that's a c-cup gets "jokes" about how flat chested she is. Even going to my 13yo sister's graduation I was literally the only flat one there that wasn't a 10yo or younger. Maybe that has something to do with it, but the same thing still stands some people obviously do care about it. And unless I cut my family off completely and move away where I am to the magical place where you are I highly doubt it's ever going to stop.
>I don't know anyone who ever had a boobjob or who would want their girlfriend to or who would associate that with anything but cheesy porn and trailer trash.And yet several of my relatives have had them and they get brought up a lot. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it never actually happens.
>more likely your crippling boob-obsession and other mental issuesSo we're back to no one could ever actually dislike flat chests and you must be a horrible person?
I'm going to bed. Have fun in your fantasy land where every single man loves flat chests and absolutely no one has any preference towards any size whatsoever.
No. 106678
>>106665>I'm a guy btwBe less obvious.
I'm about to start calling posts like yours "dickbaiting".
No. 106806
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We are all born with our own set of imperfections, so you can only work with what you have. However, not all things are set in stone; there are aspects of yourself that you improve or change. I believe that confidence, whether it is in your body or in what you can do, is a strong attractive quality and that it dwarfs the significance of whatever quality you may lack.
It has been stated above that one wouldn't feel insecure about something if one didn't have low confidence in the first place.
If you have low confidence then you should embrace it, because deliberately trying to increase your confidence by suppressing negative feelings is likely to end up demoralizing you instead. Acceptance is the first step towards self-improvement. If you are unhappy with something you should come to terms with it, and if you do that you will be able to focus on what you need to do to improve.
By improving your performance you can become more competent which will genuinely boost your confidence. You only need a bit of willpower to do that.
No. 106914
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The issue is that one particular body feature is discussed without regard to the rest. Every guy has their preferences, but there isn't anything innately bad about small breasts. However, they're harder to pull off than big or average breasts. The latter two look okay with most body types, while flat only looks good in specific cases. Flat chests go well with either a very childlike appearance - obviously, or a boyish/muscular appearance, plus in the rarest cases, on full 10/10 women, they can contribute to making the girl look more elegant.
If you're encountering problems because of your flat chest, chances are, you look something like pic related - average (or worse). You're not childlike in appearance and you're not tomboyish either, and certainly not qualified for the third group. Slapping on big tits on a body like this will definitely make it more arousing, but that's all it will do, it's not going to get more attractive otherwise. Still, you will probably have a slightly easier time finding a date, just don't expect miracles. The effect will likely be greater in trashy areas.
Above all though, it's important to understand that even if you do fit the first two groups through some technicality, you may still have an average or worse face, in which case you're stuck being average.
No. 107025
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>>91047Just remember
A flat chest means when he's hugging you, you're closer to his heart
No. 107057
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People always say a perk of small boobs / flat chest is being able to go braless, and it confuses me so much because am I the only one that feels insanely awkward with nips poking through shirt?
No. 108147
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I love A B Cs. Huge breasts are intensely overrated.
No. 108165
>>108153Stop being bitter and jealous it's not healthy.
No. 108168
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ITT: robots trying to shame "chestlets" because they think small boobs are the same as their tiny dicks
No. 108273
>>91047yeah don't blow 5 grand on tits. money doesn't buy happiness.
mine aren't flat, but they're small. my bf likes feet and bellies. all i have to do is buy moisturizer and clean out my belly button.
don't know how he got into that, but i've learned to enjoy it. turns out the belly button is an intense erogenous zone for some women, like madonna. i know how she feels.
No. 108281
>>108168>shameI think see more white knights instead because of what
>>108187 say which also applies to many robits as well
No. 114116
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If anyone feels bad about having small breasts, just remember that small breasts are 'high fashion titties'.
No. 114119
>>114116I'd feel better about my high fashion titties if I wasn't Frodo Baggins in the flesh.
Jokes aside, I don't mind them but I don't know how to dress them or my body so that it doesn't look frumpy. Being 5'3'' sucks.
No. 114138
>>91926Everyone here that has said that breast size doesn't matter is lucky enough to be so foolish. I stand by what you say and know exactly how you feel. It's difficult to feel womanly when you do not have breasts. To people who don't understand: why do you think breast cancer awareness is such a meme? It's because both women and men hold a high importance for the femininity of breasts, there is no doubt about it.
Having small breasts is like being a man with a small penis, if there was a female equivalent word for emasculating it would describe having a flat chest perfectly.
No. 114139
>>114138Lul. If your boobs are that much of an importance just shut up and get a boob job. Enjoy your bolt ons. If your personality is cool, if you have hobbies, if you're accomplishing shit in your career… why would you give a shit. Like
>>114124 expressed, it would be nice and every flat chested girl has had the idea but at the end of the day who cares
No. 114170
>>114148I am flat chested anon. 32 A when Im in shape and B when I get fat. I cant empathize with your patheticness. You should not let a man's attraction to you determine your self-esteem. Grow a pair
>>114162Think about this… Nigri has had 2 boob jobs and is going to have to go in for revision surgeries every 6 to 10 years. Eventually her bolt ons will look as saggy and leathery as her face. She can never go back to having cute perfect naturals like us.
No. 114175
>>114162Bralettes are made for us, and most lingerie. I love plunging necklines. Wearing that with a good bra and sticking a bra clip on the back is enough to push my titties up to get that "killer cleavage". There's always tit tape too.
At the end of the night, you won't have tits that hang half way to your naval and that's a great thing. Besides, large tits on smaller girls just makes them look top heavy and chubby especially if there are no hips to balance it.
No. 114189
>>108285Studies like this are dumb. That doesn't prove money buys happiness, that proves that having a stable financial situation where you can access all the basic stuff in life reliably as well as afford some luxuries makes life more comfortable.
If you had all that handed to you you'd be just as happy.
And it ignores that you can easily have all those things and still be unhappy, which is what the saying means, that there are more important things than just having more cash.
No. 114257
>>114241If you feel so bad about your bf not liking your breasts how about you find a new bf instead?
Definitely easier than getting a boobjob
No. 114259
>>114257If you follow the conversation back to her original post, the anon you're replying to already said they don't think boobjobs are the answer. Why also should she dump her guy just because he liked how her boobs got bigger during her pregnancy? You sound shallow.
And clearly the solution to that is communication, and finding out his reasons for finding her swollen boobs attractive. Which probably had more to do with her fertility than on the merit of big boobs in of themselves.
No. 114266
>>114241I'm sorry some people are reading too deep into your post. I know how you feel.
At one point when I gained a bit of weight my breast got bigger and my boyfriend noticed right away.
Now, my boyfriend has never said anything bad about my breasts, he always says he loves me and loves my breasts, etc but I could tell how much more "excited" he was around them when they got bigger. He look way more interested in them, and I could tell he thought I looked hotter.
I understand that some people prefer larger breasts and that is ok. But it does hurt a bit and make me feel less like a woman sometimes being so small chested. I know my boyfriend finds larger breast attractive but he has never said smaller breasts are unattractive or gross. He has only said positive, nice things about my body and I can tell he is attracted to me either way.
I felt so good and happy about my breasts and sexuality when they were bigger and I could tell my boyfriend was too.
Sometimes I think about getting small implants (I just want to be a b cup, just a little bigger) but I don't really think surgery is something I'd want to really do. I would probably never get surgery at all but I have thought about it when I was younger.
I do think your reaction is normal, and it's OK. I empathize with you. If anything, you should try to talk to your boyfriend and tell him how sad or insecure you sometimes feel about your breast and their size and if he's a keeper he will help you feel better.
No. 114281
>>114208boobs =/= dick
boobs = abs
cunt = dick
I admit abs are nice, but they're not super important.
No. 114301
>>114283I never said they don't. But relationships aren't just based on finding every single thing about someone topnotch attractive. If you are very compatible and love each other it can work out easily.
Obviously if he did not like small breasts at all or was disgusted by them etc then she should find a new bf. I've dated guys who were fat, and although I don't "prefer" fat people I never thought they were gross or weird. I liked
their chubby-ness because it was theirs.
BUT if she find this a deal breaker I do think she can find a man who prefers smaller breasts. I know they exist too, but thats really all up to anon's judgement.
No. 114310
>>114302>large c-cupSo like, you're super fat with no tits?
Because that's what that means.
You can't have a bra size without both a band and a cup, I can't believe we have to so through this again, why can't any of you stop buying the bra matrix retardation.
No. 114316
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Daily reminder D cups are tiny
This is 34D
No. 114320
Big tits are just gross.
No. 114325
>>114321They feel big when my back hurts and they look disproportionate with the rest of my body.
Do you know how hard it is to find a band size of 32/34 with DD's without shopping online? I hate bras. I hate boobs.
No. 114330
>>114316..on a large guy.
That doesn't proof shit. If I wear that same bra, I will sink in it.
Also, why do so many anons always try to state their opinion as truth? Geez. (yes that also counts for you,
No. 114334
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>>92559Flat ass detected.
No. 114342
>>114321anon, you do realise that most women wear the "wrong" bra size right? (saying this bc you realize a "D" isn't "big").
If anon is wearing an uncorrect D/DD 32/34 bra she could easilyyy be a MUCH larger size. I am a super small breasted lady and wear a correctly fitted 28DD cup.
Also, even if anon is wearing a right cup size they may still ache, my boobs always hurt due to medication I take/hormones haha.
>>114325 No. 114396
>>92550I agree with that. Especially that face always comes first. No offense to all the butterfaces out there.
That said small boobs + big ass look better in proportion than big boobs + small ass to me.
No. 275642
>>275635very stupid. first of all, two cup sizes isn't the same difference between a 5'5 guy and a 6'2 guy. that's a huge difference. height actually serves a purpose in that taller/larger people are more menacing/seen as better protectors, though this isn't necessarily true. still, i think height preference at a certain point is largely a product of conditioning. bigger boobs are NO MORE LIKELY to lactate than small boobs, because fatty tissue has nothing to do with milk production. this is social conditioning crap that has no actual bearing on women's ability to lactate, and in fact, having larger breasts can make lactation more challenging.
and why would men be attracted to women who have larger breast which (by your theory) would indicate that they're lactating and have already had other men's babies, if men are evolved to be so hyperaware of women birthing other people's children that they claim mothers are evolutionarily less attractive to them? please go back to r9k.
No. 275671
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>>275647>mfw i have broad shoulders and am a h cup 120 lb titmonsteris this just some rambling or is there some truth behind this
No. 275683
>>275680I've known two strong women in my life who had to get implants for other reasons. All the complications involved before and after simply sound annoying to me.
I think implants are fine if the woman genuinely wants them. Otherwise they're unnecessary and would probably cause more psychological damage long-term anyway about one's own natural appearance.
Like: Oh, I changed this already and it went alright. Why not change this, too?
No. 275813
>>275714First of all your friend's experiences with therapists sets nothing in stone for how you're going to experience therapy. I'm fairly certain that the amount of people who've been helped by and improved their lives and mental health thanks to theraphy far outweights those who had a bad experience. Second of all, you're nearly thirthy and have never had a relationship. It's not wrong to have never had a relationship per say when it's a concious choice, not when it's thanks to your own bodyshame. What do you have to lose?
I've stuggled with depression for years which I refused to seek help for the longest of time. I made all kind of excuses for myself "My case isn't severe enough" "I'm too anxious too go" "A therapist doesn't want to talk to someone who only cries" "What kinda good is talking gonna do?" etc. but eventually I did go and it was one of the best decisions I made. I highly regret not seeking professional help sooner, because by choosing to dwell in my depression I wasted my teenyears and did damage to my life I'm still dealing with to this day, which I could've easily prevented by seeking help sooner.
Please don't be like me making endless excuses for yourself and seek proffesional help.
No. 275820
Not plank chested but I hate how people act like women who don't have bigger than D cups are literal boards and its sooo impossible to disguish their gender if they had their shirt off
IMO, literal 180 degrees chests, are the only ones that are flat, only obnoxious fat harpies act like women who don't have huge tits have had full masectomies
>>275647Not really, I, myself, and knew tons of women who had pcos aka low estro but had a pear shaped body, its about genetics if anything
No. 275830
>>275820Omg this, their still there y’know?
Idk if its to make themselves feel better “i may be chubby, but atleast i have boobs!” Downplaying that thin women have boobs too lol
No. 275832
>>275820It's dumb. I'm a AA and my boyfriend even admitted before we started having sex he thought my chest would literally look like a boy's.
Do you know what 'cup' means? Do you think I just a wear a bra for fun if there's nothing there?
No. 275834
>>275820>hate how people act like women who don't have bigger than D cups are literal boards Thank you for saying this. I have smallish breasts (80C/28C), but they're faaaar from flat. I can't even cup them with my hands, yet I have still been teased by both men and women on my "non-existent breasts". Wtf? Thankfully I have good self-esteem and I can recognize when people are being stupid, but it's crazy that small breasts are seen as equivalent to a child's flat chest. It's not surprising many small-breasted women end up feeling terrible about their breasts when they look perfectly fine. A guy even said once his moobs were bigger than my breasts (hint: they weren't, he barely had any moobs).
>Not really, I, myself, and knew tons of women who had pcos aka low estro but had a pear shaped body, its about genetics if anythingIf I may ask, what were the symptoms of your PCOS and how did you figure you had it? I always assumed I couldn't have PCOS because of my pear-shape fat distribution but the hypochondriac in me needs to be sure.
No. 275851
B cup here. Every partner I have been with, male or female have said I have nice breasts and nipples. I myself have no problems with the shape and size. I barely ever wear bras unless I'm exercising, and they still look good as new.
Although I have never had problems with my breasts in a security sense, I have definitely had comments that I 'have no boobs' by my older overweight sister and quite a few times by an older overweight female coworker.
Overtime I have definitely found ways to shield my chest because I never really thought about the no bra thing, I used to be quite carefree, you know, just chuck on a tshirt and done, but sometimes people would be funny about it.
It's not like I wore seethrough tops or anything,just baggy t- shirts, but because I guess you can see the outline of the boob and obviously sometimes it gets cold so there's a bump in the shirt where the nip stands up, they seem to either stare or be weird about it. So now I wear my hair down over the nip.
Or i carry my bag in front or fold my arms if I'm face on to a person.
Bras suck and I don't like wearing them. I hate the feeling. I also hate that my preference for this is sexualised.It's not for a sexual reason, it makes my breast ache. I also don't wear undies unless I'm on my period or wearing a dress. I like comfort. When I do wear bras it's almost always sports bras.
I cannot speak for women with bigger chests because maybe they like bras, but sometimes I feel like bras are a bit of a myth. Like I get the science if you are running, you need support, but honestly, my breasts hurt a lot after wearing bras, plus I'm aware this sounds conceited, but I am 28 and my breasts are still perky. To be fair, I have never had children, nor have I ever had large breasts, but I still don't reckon non bra wearing contributes to sagging outside exercise.
But yeah, nothing wrong with small breasts. I feel like if people compare or insult you about them it's definitely them being insecure. I have nothing against overweight people but like I mentioned before, I've only had this teasing from overweight women with large breasts. I'm sure thin women do it too, I'm just sharing my experiences.
I'd probably consider implants one day when I'm way older, but even then, I'd only get like a C cup or Emily Ratakowski sized boobs.
Sorry for the long sperg about boobs.
No. 275858
>>91047I feel like you are probably a nice girl, and I'm not trying to be a bitch, but your bf sounds awful and you sound really immature.
Why does he send you photos and comment on busty chicks? Also…the fact he likes lolis…girl no.
You yourself said you like having a flat chest, then why change it? Be happy with what you have if you prefer it.
Something is making you insecure and if it's not you, because you claim to like your own chest then why all the worry about surgery? I know you said breaking up is not an option but it sounds like your bf is the root of your insecurity.
Either he is making you feel this way or you have a jealousy problem and are over reacting.
No. 275864
>>91047You sound really insecure and compare yourself too much to other women and worry too much about the type of women that your boyfriend is into. If he loves you, he loves you. My boyfriend crushes on or comments positively sometimes on women in movies with angular thin shaped faces Eg-Eva Green, Ana kendrick.
I have an oval face with full cheeks, nothing like these girls. However does this mean I worry I am not his 'type'? Nope.
I think you are way too in your own head about this. Try not to focus on what he likes. I mean if he ever tells you 'I prefer this' or makes you feel bad then ditch him, but it sounds like you are creating this own problem in your head.
No. 275866
>>275813To tell you the truth, there are a lot of reasons i am too scared to go there. Not telling here because it is the wrong thread.
But i thank you that you were honest with me and told me that. I really mean it.
I can't promise that i will go, but i will google them. Maybe i find someone.
No. 275893
>>275884“More than a handful is a waste” is another saying.
I’ve been with guys who get off on fitting the entire tit in their mouth. Would be pretty damn impossible with bigger boobs. Also guys who don’t give a fuck as long as they’re pert and round.
No. 275924
>>275918Damn. Did you ask for a blood test because of your periods? By bad, do you mean very painful? Also, what did the blood tests say?
Sorry if I'm bugging you with those questions haha.
No. 275926
>>275924Its np
They suggested blood tests and ultrasounds when I told them about periods
It detects certain hormomes that show pcos and ovaries vs pcos ovaries also look different
Anyone can have it really, I knew women who I'd never even think for a second could have it, have it, think Victoria beckham
No. 276105
>>276075Don't despair anon, there are men out there who don't really care how big your tits and ass are. I won't say it's easy to find them, but they are out there. I've been steady with a former manslut for one and a half years and he's apparently had a lot of options, but I'm his longest relationship and I'm only 32A.
It's really easy to go into the man-hate thread and come out thinking there is no hope, but keep in mind that so many people have access to the internet now that of course absolute losers and monsters are going to be there, too. A lot of decent guys don't spend too much time online or, if they do, they only go to places pertaining to their hobbies.
No. 276116
>>276063I'm in the same boat, my tits completely deflated after years of being overweight and then finally losing 50lbs. Also, just general age. It sucks because I'm actually in a financial position to afford surgery but I just can't bring myself to be that unabashedly vain. There would be no hiding that. I feel like it goes against my 'personal ethics' being a hippie/natural/feminist type in most regards.
I'm trying to just learn how to accept it because there will probably be more and more things like this as I age.
But yeah I've had that thought quite often too, that I'd rather them just be cut off. Then I could stop fucking with bras, too!
No. 291039
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>>290647I wish
Then I wouldn't have broken my wrist slamming mirrors due to my body image issues placed by my ex because his ex had huge tits and I didnt and he felt the need to constantly shit on me for
>inb4 some random shit excuse about how it doesn't count or whatever No. 291059
>>91021>H cup>Getting too busty here, unless you're a model no one will find you attractive.this is a joke right? It's not like every girl sees a guy drop his pants and he has a monster cock and goes, nope im out.
where are the penis reductions for the men
No. 291068
>>290647y'know how we like different types of guys right? Men like different types of girls.
Funny thing is when I see these sorts of threads.
"OMG I'm so small uwu when im with a guy everyone thinks ive been kidnapped by a pedophile"
"OMG I'm so busty when I'm out with a guy everyone just thinks he hired as an escort uwu"
Sound like you just hate yourselves.
No. 291100
>>291082who said anything about what men wanted? I'm saying people in this thread have poor body confidence and self-image.
Why do you think people get into plastic surgery binges? They think this will make them more confident, then this, then this. Then they just end up looking like a freak.
No. 291122
it's only americans who seem to like oversized unreasonable obnoxious body parts
slightly larger than average is attractive, but when it becomes disgustingly huge, saggy and causes health issues it's completely understandable why someone wants smaller breasts
the only people who like unreasonably large dicks are women with weird fetishes or other men, yeah a little larger than average is good but a woman still wants to actually be able to fuck the man too
and men don't have to worry about penis aesthetics either sadly, just size, I wish they did though, then they'd get a taste of their own medicine and shoot themselves
No. 291141
>>291134If that was the case they'd shave more and worry about their glands and how clean they are but most of them cba to trim their pubes or make their dick not smell, they'll literally have a rotting breakfast sausage in a bush and saggy balls but expect a plump, pink, smooth, wrinkleless, pubeless pussy that smells and tastes like candy
And ik ik >men dont do that!
Women will still suck and fuck ugly dicks but that doesnt mean there isnt any pressure to have a nice looking one
No. 291165
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im a 32A and i absolutely looove it. wouldnt want my tits any other way! never wanted them to be bigger, ive always liked the tiny look on me. i love the aesthetics of it and being to bounce/run around without discomfort. dont even gotta wear a bra which is really fun for summertime. lesbian/bi girls love 'em too, never got any negative comments from them hehe… ironically though i like balloon tits on other girls. ive been teased a few times about my boobs but its all in fun and i joke about it myself too.
No. 291173
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My boobs aren't big but I'm rather short, so they do look somewhat large and I hate it.
Kendall Jenner's boobs are my ideal size and shape, but completely unattainable for me. I adore a smaller chest.
I'm on the heavier side, so I'm hoping once I lose some weight they'll get smaller, too. Does anyone have experience with breast size in terms of fat loss?
No. 291184
I've always been so fucking insecure about every little thing, I would find the most ridiculous stuff to hate about myself like uneven eyelids, "bendy" knees, hairy arms… yet I have never been insecure about my (around) B-sized boobs. I didn't like how triangle-like they were instead of full and round but not to the point of being upset by it.
Now I'm actually like thank god for my small tits, especially when they hurt me - like during sports, sleeping on a stomach, nearing my period. I'm like, wow, imagine having big boobs - imagine the even bigger pain. Imagine the misery in a crazy heat like through this summer. Sometimes I even wish I wouldn't have boobs, just for comfort.
I'm actually a little bit proud of myself about it; I can wear sports bra in public, under normal everyday clothes, which makes me flat as a desk, and I don't care. A strange thing to be proud about, you'll think, but it's just that I'm so insecure about my looks that this feels really fucking refreshing…
No. 291203
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>>291122>it's only americans who seem to like oversized unreasonable obnoxious body partsTheres a Brazilian "Miss Bum Bum" title
No. 291204
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>>291185I always thought I was a 32B but then when I looked into sizes more I found out I’m actually a 36D. I almost exclusively wear sports bras/bralettes so I haven’t tried on any yet but I thought it was crazy, I had no idea how bras were actually sized. Mine look similar to pic related but a bit less perky/full on top. If any anons feel bad about their boobs I always recommend checking out under bust is 31” and bust fluctuates between 35-36” No. 291511
>>291210But that's "modest chest" vs "cow tits"
not a flat/near-flat chest vs average/normal tits, in which case normal titties win almost every time because being flat means that most clothes don't fit you properly apart from baggy graphic tees which just make you look like a teen boy. Most feminine shirts, bras, swimwear and dresses are designed to actually take boobage into account, which makes them gap and look stupid on a flat chest.
No. 291567
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32A here, I love my chest now but there was a time in middle school where I wore 2 of my older sisters bras to make them look bigger. Now I don't even care that they're small. I'm 5'2 and thin so I would say they are proportionate to my size, which is what matters tbh.
No. 293123
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There's a site that (for educational purposes), has pictures of normal boobs. I tried to find one similar to my own. (minus the piercing). I'd say I have a very similar body type to this pic and chest. But I honestly don't know what size I am. In some styles and brands I'm a B while others I'm a C. I know band sizes play a role in cup volume but i don't get why sister sizes are a thing or are so similar. I've been on a shitty tinder date before and the guy would always joke how my boobs are small. (Even tho he's never seen me without clothing). I always thought they were average for my body type. They're not flat, but not gigantic either. Boob standards are pretty weird.
No. 294610
>>275961The problems of having very shapely small tits.
I couldnt get fakes because i hate the look of them so all i can do is wait till im older, praying that i will gain weight, or hope they will get bigger due to pregnancy.
No. 294650
>>294476They probably aren't as saggy as you think anon. Anyway on sizes: there are two different sizing systems really; the first is European bra sizing where your cup size is the difference between ribcage and the fullest part of the breast. This is the most accurate as far as bra shopping goes. The second is colloquial understanding of cup size as volume. This is what 95% of the population thinks of and what most mall bra brands are designed around.
So as far as shopping for the best fitted bras you can get you are probably a D.
As far as most other people's perception of your chest size you are probably indeed a B.
No. 307374
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I've got small tiddies and giant areolas and it's literally the worst combo ever. 38% of my boob is areola. I wouldn't even mind having small boobs if they didn't look like sad deflated balloons without a bra, with a giant dinner plate areola in the middle.