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No. 893228
Dare to be stupid.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/880117 No. 893261
>>893231Aww still hope a miracle happens and it starts working again?
>>893232Usually the stains are on the back side of my teeth but recently I’ve gotten stains on my front teeth and it’s so embarrassing but I can’t help it I can’t live without tea. Im gonna go get whitening stripes and mouth washes etc. and hope it goes away
No. 893384
>>893232I don't but my sister would drink tea with a straw lmao
Dunno if that helps anything though
No. 893571
>>893512The tea is made at double strength and brewed in a 2L container. It's a big satchel of tea (predetermined size, not sure how many it would be considered). The black tea is from Teavana. On the box it is called Noir Glace but I'm pretty sure it's the English Breakfast tea. The recipe: put tea bag in 2L container, fill container with hot water (boiling) to 1L line, steep for 5 minutes, pull teabag out (do not crush, it will give a bitter flavor if you do), add a large scoop of ice, and finally add cold water to the 2L line.
Been awhile since I worked there. Kek.
No. 893587
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>>893578The particular taste for hard, collagen-filled bodies is definitely modern. You can look at victorian erotica like picrel and get a sense of just how much more natural men's preferences used to run.
No. 893593
>>893578Mens sexuality is easily conditioned and influenced. They like the balloon doll look because that's whats in porn, and their orgasm conditions them to like it.
Also they probably get off on the fact that a woman permanently changed her body just to pander to mens dicks.
No. 893738
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>>893590Agreed. Men are just disgusting. Looking at older photographs like this makes me feel better though. Natural should always be the most beautiful.
No. 893751
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did anyone else feel horny and very attracted to hamlet when you read it in high school?
No. 893772
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What do you call it when you’re laughing at a joke about a disadvantaged group because you are part of that disadvantaged group, but it pisses you off to see the advantaged group laughing at the same joke?
Like, when it gives you that “The fuck YOU laughing at, bitch?” response,
No. 893782
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has anyone tried this? is it any good? if not i'm just going to eat and egg and bagel. (i need to grocery shop wahhhh)
No. 893798
>>893786samefag forgot to add
No. 893920
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Is anyone else constantly aware of their heartbeat? I just found out this doesn't happen to everyone, but I can always feel mine especially in my chest and stomch, sometimes fingers too. If I'm distracted I can ignore but sometimes it bothers me.
No. 893975
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just got my first pair of docs, they are comfortable but is it supposed to be a pain to put on/take off?
No. 893996
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Tips on how to make a small corner into a cozy home office?
I'm starting WFH in about a month and I need/want to prepare.
Also do wifi booster/expanders actually work?
No. 894006
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>>893996WFHer for 3+ years now: get a footrest. Trust me. Also all your wires and charging cables are gonna be an eyesore so either shell out for those custom tabletops with grommets that cables can pass through or you can do what I did which was get a small wooden "tunnel" (I got lucky and found mine in a thrift store) that they all pass under. Mine looks kind of like picrel except stained dark. I put it behind my computer setup and put plants on top to disguise it too. And seconding anon above; my wifi extender works great.
No. 894127
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What is this color called? I mean the color of the shirt. It's greener and darker than turquoise and it's not teal either
No. 894251
>>894228What I've seen in genderspecial spaces is that pronouns =/= gender so you can be a trans woman with he/him or they/them or nyan/nyanself pronouns for example.
Nothing makes sense anymore
No. 894258
>>894228Well, I have an enby friend who I listen to when she rambles about what makes her feel enby, so I kind of get it.
When it’s a girl who goes by he/him pronouns, it’s because, as far as I get, she doesn’t know what is supposed to be “feeling like a woman” so she goes for the opposite which is “feeling like a man” but she still is like, conscious of her biology and how it will never change how it makes others
men and pickmes perceive her.
So it’s basically like, because of the gender brainfog that has been polluting the air for so long, an insecure woman who has been always reduced to her body parts
my friend is beautiful so everyone will always verbally dissect her will prefer being considered a “non-woman” rather than a gender-non-conforming woman who isn’t really into being the center of the attention and has insecurities that she hasn’t been able to workout so she can accept herself as she is and not as some object for the pleasure of others.
No. 894328
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>>893863I feel mostly the same as this anon
>>893864 and play my game with all males too. I toggle off all the really gross stuff like the parasites, vore, etc. Plus in a weird way I'm kind of interested in the backstory of the characters and the actual plot kek. I really enjoy the romance sim aspects (even if it's kinda underdeveloped at the moment), to the point I can overlook all the really weird fetishy stuff. I also like that you can set the game to text-only, as I don't really like visuals and stuff when I play these types of things, so it's nice to see that in an NSFW game. But yeah it's a weird game anon kek.
No. 894366
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My best friend faked his own suicide online to get away from a shitty friend group years ago, and only recently decided to start using the platform again under a different name. I did a 5D chess move and baited to see if his old mentally ill pals still lurked, and they came right out of the woodwork.
Am I a terrible person for gaslighting them that he really is dead? One of them genuinely put out an overly gushy "if you're still out there" post, and I crushed them completely and told them to go get therapy.
From my understanding, this group created constant drama and a couple of them suicidebaited on the regular.
I know I can't fight his battles but buddy, I hope you appreciate what I've done for you tonight in the long run, even though you'll never know it was me trying to look out for you… not wanting you to get trapped in the cycle of abuse… even if it was the wrong thing to do…
No. 894404
>>893753Because it’s “exotic” or “rare” otherwise people would be shilling fat bellies or anything else that isn’t common, like, why seek for the attainable, which is right there next to you, when you can look for something that you’ve never seen before or that you’ve only seen a few times?
It’s kind of why you see people from places that commonly has curly hair looking for ways to straighten their curls, while the people from places with usually straight hair are getting shilled perms and “beachy waves”.
No. 894445
>>894366Update, there is definitely someone still trying to stalk him after all these years. I have done my damnest to call them a creep and stomp them out. They even made themselves out to be a schizo without anything from me. I'm even telling other people to avoid his main abuser in hopes that we can have peace.
This is all wrong, isn't it?
I'm scared that I'm making everything worse.
No. 894624
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How did women with wavy/curly hair historically achieve the hairstyles at the time? I know most women had straight hair and (during the early part of the 1800s) women would only comb their hair and not use any products, but what about white women with 2A-3A hair? Most seem like,if they tried to do historical hairstyles, it might look frizzy or not as 'neat', but maybe they could be achieved if they ironed their hair every time
No. 894648
>>894646Don't. Touch. It.
Just wash it with lukewarm water, keep the area clean, and if you have sudocrem just dab a little bit on and leave it
No. 894736
>>894474Simplify the plot and then see if any other known story would fit into the template you've created.
If you barely have to simplify it at all for another story to fit, it's derivative. If you have to break it down to bare bones to get another story to fit, it's not.
No. 894842
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Is it bad to pet your pet for a really long time? Is there such a thing as too much petting?
No. 894874
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European women who have visited or lived in the States, where did you go and what did you think of the relations between the sexes? Some European women on reddit said US women are made to feel 'separate' and friendships between the sexes are not as common or as relaxed. US nonnies who have visited or lived in a European country do you think this is accurate? Where did you go?
No. 894885
>>894624rag curls, usually. also not washing your hair everyday makes straight white hair "gritter" and easier to style.
>>894841personally, i was a weird lil sperg with no friends and the middle child of my family who was often spoken over and ignored, so i spent a lot of time alone and the habit just formed. (there was also some shit that happened that only made it worse, but that's how it started for me)
No. 894908
>>894904Internet randos calling you dirty to shame you into being more like them is common but that doesn't make them right. Baking until the chicken is done kills off any bacteria that may exist on the meat, and tap water might have god knows what in it that just contaminates it. If you're scared of antibiotics or something in the meat itself, you can't wash that off, it's already been treated.
So TLDR: it's pointless and unsanitary.
No. 894931
>>894904No, you shouldn't. People on the internet just want everyone to do what they do to validate their own lack of knowledge.
>>894911To clean up every droplet, you'd also have to decontaminate the counter, floor, taps and any appliances or tools that were within 3 feet, which I doubt the people that wash their chicken do. In my experience, the people that cry about others been dirty usually have the dirtiest habits.
No. 894965
>>894963I don't like the porno banner either, but lolcow is first and foremost a board about lulsy people and not about being a funny and cute community. That being said , we actually have some pretty cute banners (like the cow bumping nose one) and some funny /ot/ related banners.'s banners are exactly what you mentioned though, I do really like their banners in general.
You could also be the change you wanna see and create banners and post them to the /meta/ thread
No. 894990
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>>894984doupleposting. This is the one I'm referring to
No. 894992
>>894978I know the name because she's mentioned a lot but haven't read her threads. I don't know what she looks like.
>>894984Yes I hate that one too! I don't get it that often, thankfully.
>>894989I've been here for over a year. I just find them boring. I stick to ot.
No. 895167
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TMI but my ass hurts on the right side do you think I have an inner hemorrhoid everything else is camp though
No. 895199
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>>895196anon, i’m so fucking sorry and this might not mean much coming from a stranger on an image board, but i’m thinking of you and sending all the good energy to you right now that i can. it must be so scary especially when your doctors are speaking in vague medical terms. cancer treatments really have come so far and i have faith there will still be a positive outcome for you here. try to find some support groups online for young women going through cancer treatments, community will help you through this journey more than anything. one of my friends went through stage 3 her2+ er- breast cancer last year at 28 and is now in remission and said her biggest challenge was finding YOUNG women to relate to.
i hope you keep us updated and i seriously wish you the best. your fear and anxiety are 100% justified, but it’s okay to still have hope.
No. 895205
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>>895196Hope everything turns out as well as it possibly can. Dunno what living with cancer is like, but if it makes you feel any better, it's surprisingly not too bad to live with even severe spine/spinal cord damage.
No. 895208
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Any alternatives to this expensive ass shit?
I know there are plenty, but people aren't saying they are as good as the OG shit. Should I just spend 100$ on thsi crap
No. 895232
>>895228yes. They take your picture at that place and you wait for like 10min for it to get printed. I suggest you make an appointment if you can because it gets super full at the beginning of the semester. But at my uni it was just first come first served and the line went up the hall it gave me anxiety just looking at it.
You might also have to pay for it
No. 895243
>>895208>>895213Thanks for the input
Any recommendations ? I use my iPad for not taking but I really like the paper feel of writing with a pencil.
>>895235That's how m*le YouTubers are like.
No. 895247
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Where did scrote originate? Just saw Cindy mention it in a plan with me video
No. 895258
>>895252I will be pissed if scrote gets ruined.
>>895254Someone in the planner community who got popular by cussing and having relatable plans as a mom and chronically ill person.
Don’t get excited, she’s a sex pozzie libfem with a thembie kid. I really wonder where she heard scrote and why she feels cool to use it. She loves men.
No. 895283
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I’ve noticed that ostensibly every non-white girl fetishizes and idealizes white men like crazy. Trust me, they’re not saints. I too prefer white men but that’s normal for a white girl. Why is it that non-white girls see them as preferable? Why is it that, as soon as you stray further than the most normie social media sites, every girl/woman on the internet only wants to date white guys?
No. 895293
>>895283Fuck, I mean to say “Ostensibly every non-white girl ON THIS WEBSITE”
No. 895314
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Would it be weird if I wore this skirt irl? Is it too costumey?
No. 895318
>>895283>>895293>>895312alright, I know that white western men aren't perfect, I know they can be awful and degenerate but most of us in Asia and Africa are aware of the fact that men of our communities are so so much worse, some worse then others but its not a even question about their horribleness
I would average prefer an average western moid over any moid in my country, cause the moids in my country on average have equal chance of being porn addict degenerates and so what do they even offer, when you've lived though such extreme forms of patriarchy anything looks better in comparison
even an American GI from the 1950's would probably more progressive then most third world scrotes
No. 895352
>>895339+1 to this
>>895348Yes, it has a very big negative impact on short-term memory. Not so much on long-term memory.
No. 895357
>>895353>I can remember shit people told me in 2006 like I had it written downThat's long term memory. The two types of memory are completely different things happening in deffernt regions of the brain. Your short-term memory is impacted, and is certainly worse than it would have been have you not smoked.
Please don't fall into typical drug denial. Whatever you do, do it informed. Just be aware you're losing memory when you smoke, then keep smoking if that's an ok sacrifice for you to make.
No. 895390
>>895283>>895312Also, insecurity. Wanting to assimilate, to not feel like a minority anymore. Which I get. Tinfoil and stupid question. But why is dishonest race reporting and promotion of interracial couples so common in the West? Are elites really so naive to believe it will solve issues arising from a multicultural society? Reporting of poor quality surveys saying nonwhite facial features and dark skin is more attractive to white people. There are hundreds of quality studies on pubmed contradicting this, yet never reported on kek. The opposite is stated too which is also bullshit if you dive into pubmed. Neither living in the West nor exposure to western media ("eurocentric beauty standards") results in greater attraction to white people/features.
Poc prefer their own race and rate them as much more attractive than us kek. However, most of this bs is specifically targeted at white women with attempts to play on our anxieties; reports that mixed race children are rapidly on the rise (not true) and "science says" our children will be more attractive, with a higher IQ, have fewer mental or physical illnesses, be taller, stronger and happier if racially mixed and fully white children will struggle in this Brave New World. None of that is supported by evidence kek. It's fucking creepy with a constant fear mongering vibe. "Don't be left behind! Think of the future! Don't harm your children!
Don't be white!" In my country, there was a trend at one point of newspapers basically saying white women needed to prove they were not racist by taking a brown dick more often. Around the same time, some Western dating app company was exposed for tinkering the algorithm so white women were matched with nonwhite men. It came to light because most women stated a preference for white men yet never matched with them. Confused by the results, they talked about it online and realised it was by design, which the company eventually admitted to and they asked for a refund. Woke commentators slammed them as racist (again) and said it plainly this time, "you SHOULD be fucking brown and black men!" White men lost their shit kek.
>>895318We're talking about 2nd or 3rd gen
woc living in the West anon. A better cultural fit with men of their own race, preferring many things about them including physically and disliking a lot of things about white people yet are desperate for a white boyfriend. Why? They have a lot of issues with white women in particular. Again, why? It's a different phenomenon from what you're describing, which is completely understandable.
No. 895397
>>895390nta but i think its because once again white men can be seen as individuals. Racism for black, asian, and hispanic men for some reason makes them more hostile to the women of their own races.
Exampole: Lots of american black boys/men will degrade and humiliate black girls 24/7 and brag about wanting to fuck/rape white women but turn around and cry when black women wont date in their race + the domestic abuse rates that they have in their households.
So some women will bet on finding a nice guy of a different race(usually white) over risking being subjected to what they saw their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters experience.
No. 895482
>>895390Interesting, I’ve had the opposite experience (I’m a burger). White female + nonwhite (usually black) male is encouraged but white male + nonwhite female is encouraged way more. That would make sense though if NW female / WM is far more common and white males run the entertainment industry I guess. Sucks for nonwhite moids I guess because male love interest = white usually.
I wonder if this contributes to white men’s shitty behavior though, if all women are competing for them leaving them spoiled for choice. I don’t know.
Personally I think all moids are subhuman and I have an easier time relating to a woman across the planet speaking an entirely different language than a moid of my own ethnicity.
No. 895511
>>895507Maybe but I think the chances are small since they had the vaccine. Even if they got it I think they'd have less of a chance for it to turn into something deadly.
>>895501Hope you'll be okay anon!
No. 895521
>>895514yes it is. i did it on twitter for a while and only met up with a man once. at a bank, where he took out money, got on his knees, and gave it to me and my friend. then he jacked off in his car.
i really don't understand the psychology behind it, but the one summer i did it i made $1k. i'd get a bunch of DMs on twitter but mostly guys wanting to roleplay it. there are some serious ones out there willing to spend big bucks.
>>895505i've only ever gotten on the bus at bus stops in my neighborhood. sometimes a stop would be in front of someone's house just by coincidence. when you enroll in a school you give them your address for them to pick you up
No. 895532
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>>894771Kek I've responded to a two-month-old post before.
>>894775It's pretty nice. I feel like I have more time to learn a new language now. There's a couple threads about this topic.
This one is locked but just in case you would like to browse:
>>895525I also feel like "Honey", "sweetie", and "dear" could be added to the list. Though not always because it's normal for Southern women to call you those it just depends on if you're interacting with a nasty or not.
>>895314Omg no anon, I think it's so cute.
>>895348My aunt who smokes pretty regularly will sometimes talk about a story or juicy gossip as if she didn't already tell my mom the day/two days before, so I think so.
No. 895581
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>>895568Just read some scientific articles on NPD. Don't listen to people online because narc is quickly becoming just another buzzword to slander anyone you don't like.
No. 895601
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Do those pimple patches actually work? Do anons have any specific brand recommendations? I'm going crazy over my sudden break out that's happening for no apparent reason.
No. 895648
>>895283I'm not white, but I am dating one for a specific reason. Brown men are socialized in a narrow conservative mindset, while modern day white guys are more "loose". Once you date one brown guy, you've dated them all in my book. They can be charming, funny, and very attractive, but you can't be anything other than a cookie-cutter of what their parents want if you actually want to get serious with them. Not only that, at least in my culture of brown men, they are all mama-boys. They do everything their mother's want and at the same time are misogynistic about it. God forbid you want shorter hair because apparently every brown man has the same taste as the other and will reassure you that you are ugly for simply having shorter hair. With white guys at least, you are given more freedom of expression and more options in life rather than pop 10 kids and slave your days away being a "bitch" to his parents. It would be a blessing to find a brown man who's worth the effort, but no, they make themselves so unstable and emotionally absent. With that being said, I don't think white guys are worth being worshipped. They're pretty lazy and they age tragically. They're also kinda corny, but it beats being stuck in the same marriage situation as my mother's.
No. 895657
>>895642It’s actually pretty wholesome and positive, if you don’t get into the weird washi tape drama.
The planning isn’t just about a to do list, it’s about long term goals, productivity, and trying to just be a better person who enjoys life more. It’s especially helpful for certain kinds of people who need to direct themselves at work or even NEETs who want to take steps to help their situation or mental health.
It’s pretty easy to make friends in the planner community and get to support each other
No. 895671
>>895652I don't know about dick size(still a virgin) but I know white men tended to look better, when I went to Germany it was just awe inspiring for me to see men who weren't all majority skinny fat cause that's the norm for men in my country, pudgy bellies, moobs and weak arms is what I see everyday, to see men who were skinny or fit as being the norm was revolutionary, also I think height maybe a factor, average male is probably 5'7 in Pakistan, which is my exact height, I've talked to Arab women online who told me similar things, that the men in their scrotes have horrible pudgy bodies as the norm and its accepted
again that's just the physical aspect, even though I know from experience the misogynist right wing is still super liberal by Islamic standards
No. 895673
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Does anyone have any information about this…organization? They were stationed next to the entrance in our student hub handing flyers like picrel and had this creepy excited look on their face when being ecstatic. They saw me as a target based on how young “weak” I look (I look younger than my age) but having researched on cults and shit for 10 years; I’m on to you, fuckers!
No. 895675
>>895646I know what you mean and you shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to go. I know the feeling of being a stranger in your own family where everything is about appearances.
Make up an excuse: your partner's family insists on you spending Christmas at their place and you already said yes, or your friend went through an epic breakup and they are feeling depressed and you promised you'd spend time with them and help them with moving out or you adopted a cat with feline leukemia and it needs constant supervision and attention, or you could just say yes to coming to their place for Christmas and then phone last minute that you're not feeling well, it could be the delta variant and you don't want to risk it etc
No. 895680
>>895671Whether men are fit or not depends more on countries than ethnicity I think, because each country has different food, local dishes, diets, laws about the food sold locally, etc. Men from my ethnicity where I live tend to be either a bit shorter than average or way taller than average, there are a lot of fat, skinny, fit, etc. guys too but what turns me off the most is their behavior and the fact that they're moderate but very hypocritical Muslims who want kawaii submissive waifus or a free baby-sitter. White guys where I live tend to not have these expectations on average, some of them are attractive and nice, a lot more really aren't, but I'd be too worried one of them would call me the equivalent of a "sand nigger" behind my back to date just any white guy.
No. 895682
>>895670It's more than just that. Their mothers want you to do their bidding as well as be a mini-her. He will suck on her tit as she makes every decision for him. There is no pleasing the mother-in-law, she will consider you a whorish peasant who stole her baby boy. To live with the constant humiliation and degradation from the in-laws is to be expected. It's more than the average lazy male who's given everything while the daughters are ignored type of situation. I feel for these mother's though, they are often paired up with men they don't really love nor feel attracted to just because their parents are pushing them out the nest as soon as possible. So they often raise their boys as if they were the man they always wanted. It's quite insane and kinda gross. You have sons still living with their mothers well into their adulthood and the mother's are hesitant that their sons ever leave because they have this strange relationship of babying their sons. More often than not, their sons don't even work. It's not like the sons have anything to offer their mother's other than be their overgrown baby obsession of knowing that it's the only control they have in life.
>>895676I so know what you mean.
No. 895684
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>>895610the ones i use work for pimples that haven't been popped. it still leaves redness i think.
No. 895685
>>895680Diet plays a huge role. western fast foods mixed with oiled desi food, but there's also a fact that there is aboustetly no culture of exercise of self improvement in our countries, a small minority will go to the gym for their flabby biceps but that's where it ends
the concept of Personal exercise started in Anglo countries and spread to the rest of Europe, it never gained traction in the third world
No. 895686
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Anyone know where to get a similar cheaper version of this dress ? $88 feels a bit overpriced
No. 895694
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>>895687Its not, the only who exercise regularly "Kushtibaaz" but that's a full time career and they use mostly outdated training exercises
the whole concept of "Physical culture" in a post agrarian society was developed in the western world in the 19th century No. 895702
>>895694Where do you think the word "gym" comes from? "Gymnasium." Every dude in ancient Greece was lifting big rocks in his spare time, naked with his other dudes, centuries before the time of Christ. We literally have Platonic dialogues that took place while a bunch of greasy, hairy naked Greek dudes were lifting kettleballs and talking about philosophy because iPods didn't exist.
Exercise wasn't even exclusive to men since women had their own class of athletics. Especially the Spartan women were extremely physically fit and almost always trounced the Athenians. Why do you think that is? They exercised more!
We literally have Galen's dietary plans for an athlete.
You have made me so mad that I am going to eat yogurt.
No. 895704
>>895697Of Course exercise for athletes(mostly wresters) but not the common man, who was a peasant farmer and the Olympics were only restarted in the 19th century
>>895702You do know this was only practiced a small minority of free born men and women in Greek society, the vast majority of greek society were either slaves or serfs
No. 895707
>>895648nta, but are East-Asians similar? In the sense that the parents are overly involved in their children's lives?
>>895702>a bunch of greasy, hairy naked Greek dudes were lifting kettleballs and talking about philosophy because iPods didn't existnta but I really enjoyed this sentence kek
No. 895715
>>895711I didnt react to
anything she said about her people, I reacted when she said Anglos brought exercise to the rest of Europe. Which is patently wrong.
No. 895718
>>895704You wouldn't consider pre-19th century farming as exercise?
>>895694Physical culture =/= exercise in general. The The Indian Charaka Samhita calls for exercising for personal health and predates this movement by centuries. Traditional Chinese medicine has a variety of exercises.
Of course slaves, serfs, manual labourers and farmers wouldn't come home and exercises, they'd have done enough. It's not a cultural thing, it's because they would have spent their whole day completing physical tasks.
No. 895732
>>895729F-fuck. I want to die. I know they know it's me.
>>895731I really hope so. I'm so confused.
No. 895734
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>>895727hope this helps. i was using it when you could see it. at ease now
nonnie No. 895738
>>895734Thanks anon! Whew, now I got that off my mind.
>>895735Thanks! I don't know, I was looking about it online and read some contradictory info but what made me curious is that the person I was sort of stalking contacted me right after visiting their profile. Must have been pure coincidence, at least I hope it was.
No. 895762
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>>895757i use one with a physical fan in it and it’s been going strong for like 5 years now and i love it. i personally think all the apps/stereo-generated sounds are trash.
No. 895921
>>895762My dumb half asleep ass read this as
>Soothing Sound of Moving Air Blocks.>Disturbing Noises.Was so confused, had to read it five times to get it
No. 895955
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In your opinion, has Alexa Chung had a nose job? Old pic pre-fame.
No. 895967
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What the fuck are red/blue pages??? Am I missing something? I can’t find any more tweets about the supposed library fire, and there’s no replies to this tweet. Is this supposed to be a real incident or some inside joke sort of thing??
No. 896252
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No. 896288
>>896188I think the issue was that OF was hosting illegal type of porn (rape, cp, animal sex etc), not porn in general.
>>896223>>896231It was definitely a lab leak but not an intentional one. Chinese labs are notorious for their shit hygiene practices and overall half-assed security measures.
No. 896291
>>896223It was leaked from their lab which engineered viruses for study and/or bio warfare.
Whether it was intentional or not…well, who knows. I'd guess not considering the Chinese government either killed off or disappeared a lot of the original lab scientists, which was to cover the details of the leak so they wouldn't be embarrassed.
No. 896324
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What's the goal behind this stretch? I always thought I had to push my elbow towards my shoulder on the other side, which never did anything for me, but I have weird joints because of hypersomething, so maybe it's because of that. Or did I do this wrong all the time and I have to push my elbow back? Because here I get some resistance for once.
No. 896408
File: 1630421865881.png (979.97 KB, 1413x1001, ida.PNG)

Can't believe this shit really gonna make it's way all the way up here to NYC. Should I just work from home tomorrow? My boss made me and another coworker switch to an online meeting because he doesn't feel like coming in tomorrow kek. The rain can't be THAT bad but now I'm wondering if I should just stay home too since he won't be coming in (and maybe go out with my parents lol)
No. 896442
>>896398DNI if Italian, have pronouns in title/bio/whatever, watch Controonpoints.
No. 896445
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what is the name of this photo editing app that has this type of brush?
No. 896516
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>>896495>dni if you think animal crossing animals are cuteWow, which animal gave you a trash can as a gift,
nonnie? They’re all cute, except the obviously ugly ones, look at Goldie, she’s the cutest.
No. 896739
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if i'm not as ugly as i think i am then why do strangers irl make fun of my face, right next to me? and other times they'll stare me right in the eye for a full minute with either a scared or disgusted look on their face. do i smell or something? or maybe it's my giant eyebags? maybe i look like a druggie to them? cause idg what else is there for them to make a big deal about. i don't dress unusual or anything.
No. 896755
>>896398DNI if:
You support the porn industry
You support prostition and sex trafficking
You support trannies, nonbinaries and "neo-pronouns" or love to talk about muh gender shit
You have a tiktok or actively use tiktok
You have a twitter
You follow "influencers" on instagram
You live your life through social media validation
You actively partake in any kind of discourse
You constantly talk about political, extreme conspirational, racist and delusional bullshit
You consider yourself "woke"
You think being a "slut", "bimbo" or whoring yourself out is good and empowering
You discuss feminism without even reading a feminism book or talking to/learning from actual feminists
You dress in an attention starved manner (e-girl/kawaii gamer/alt fashion)
You dress in a "sexy" way or upload "sexy" or nude pictures online (includes ass shots in yoga pants etc)
You support eating disorders
You support extreme body modifications and obvious plastic surgery
You unironically consume subliminal or hypno videos
You unironically defend any religion that kills, enslaves, or harms women in any way
You hate women, have misogynistic ideas, or think women are in any way lesser
You think women from x background or x country don't face discrimination
You unironically believe being a "trad wife" is a good thing (housewives are ok, you know what I'm talking about)
You defend men from their vile and ignorant acts
You think men are innocent, misundrestood, or poor creatures who just need guidance
You unironically believe you """can't get along with other women"""
You are pro-life, anti abortion
You have NPD / BPD or similar
You don't treat others with basic respect
You watch rupaul dragrace or support drag queens aka mockery of women
You listen to songs that degrade and objectify women
You let your kid watch youtube from an early age
You hate kids or want to harm them in any way
No. 896780
>>896743People that are obsessed with gender shit and seriously think they can disregard their sex to be their fae/fae pronoun bullshit their bpd told them they are.
They will basically wear pride stuff or stuff announcing everyone that they go by “fox/foxes”
assuming they go out at all.On the internet, they have random flags that after a few days are considered twansphobique, they use picrew to make characters with random colorful flags to express their “identities”
pst, it means who they want to fuck and spend their days preaching about gender bullshit and talking to the mentally ill about turning into another colorful soupletter friend.
No. 896791
constantly talk about politics
"lesbian" but the only thing you talk about is fujo ships
No. 896811
>>896398DNI if you
>defend pornhub/porn/sex industry>unironically get angry about other people's ships in fandoms, fujoshi, etc>are obsessed with having a gender identity>diagnose strangers with BPD for arguing with you online>stan any celebrity>are obsessed with k-pop >want to suck on "man titty"/"bara titty">are attracted to Harry Styles or Ed Sheeran>think Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, Dylann Roof, etc are/were attractive>are a tradthot>are a pick-me>get mad at women for not wearing makeup >think women should dress any one way or the other>think feminists should be in service to MRAs>like Vaush, ContraPoints or any other breadtuber>are a male in his 30s>think fatphobia is a real issue>are a prison abolitionist>think women are responsible for men's issues>are constantly seething about bisexual women>try to "cancel" women for things you let men get away with>are obsessed with how much you love kids and want to have them (or hate kids and don't want to have them)There's probably more
No. 896818
>>896400Would you date someone like you? I used to ask men this a lot and it was like the light went on in their head for the first time (not accusing you of being a moid just maybe narcissistic and spergy).
>I've barely ever even spoken to a boy/man in a private/casual manner, and never for longer than like 2 minutes.Just talk to men kek download Tinder and practice on some fuckboys. Do you go to school or have a job? Hobbies? How have you never spoken to boys or men before? I'm honestly envious.
No. 896855
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>>896805ugh.. nothing, nothing to see here
No. 896880
>>896853There must be a way to report them. Even though the "report abuse" form doesn't list URL hoarding as an offense, it's in the community guidelines and they
do enforce it.
Personal experience: Tumblr got me for "URL hoarding" and made me release all my URLs, only for them to be snatched up by other URL hoarders running empty blogs, lmao.
I asked them how to report URL hoarding when I see it, but they haven't replied. I kind of wonder if one or more of their mods just wanted some of my URLs, can't lie.
No. 896895
>>896398DNI if you
>are a male>are a tranny, they/them or neopronoun sperg>are a weeb unless you watch any of the anime I approve>use reddit>use 4chan>use excessive memespeak/unironically call yourself a memelord>watch anitubers>watch minecraft youtubers>watch vtubers>like kpopI'm not asking much.
No. 897015
>>896934Dating men fucking sucks because they're too sexually aggressive or suspiciously dodgy if they don't want it. Like other anon said
>>896995 it can be sign he's fucking around with other women.
Men in relationships either want sex as soon as possible, or if they say to take it slow what they mean is they're not very interested. It's up to you as the woman in the relationship to steer it exactly as you want. Basically, ignore what he says. You are the gas pedal and the brakes in the relationship, not him.
No. 897289
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What does it mean??
No. 897407
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Have any of you ever taken a guy’s virginity?
Have any of you ever taken a HOT guy’s virginity?
No. 897420
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When writing a CV, do you put what are you currently studying or only the stuff that has diplomas and certificates?
No. 897428
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what is this from? I saw it posted in the ftm thread and it looks exactly like a local nobody Elvis impersonator. I kinda want to send it to him using a fake account claiming it's legit fanart of him but want more so I can have a whole lot of pics kek It's hilarious to me to think this dude would either get weirdly proud of himself and really try to break it as Elvis in showbiz or get really creeped out and send some kekworthy reply telling me to fuck off. no opinions on my plan, just tell me what this is from thank you nonneies
No. 897432
>>897427Exactly, like, those self-proclaimed “hurr durr virgin loser at 30” are not virgins, they’re disgusting coomers with 3000 different fetishes due to porn overexposure, they just never put their flappy dicks inside a real, breathing human being.
The moment a moid puts his dick in a plastic pocket pussy, jar of something or a Mchicken, they stop being pure virgins.
And when they jerk off, they’re basically taking their own virginity and innocence by acting like disgusting monkeys.
Males don’t know what’s purity and will never know because they exist to coom and stroke their chodes.
No. 897440
>>897428It's from a defunct comic called Blackgrass about a priest who meets and falls in love with a ghost who died in the 50s. The artist, Kinomatika is a cow, and ended up just drawing a bunch of porn of the characters instead of finishing the comic.
She's a themlet who calls herself a lesbian despite being married to a man and being in a "polycule" with him. She used to chimp out and e-beg a lot on Tumblr.
No. 897451
>>897436you know, I knew this is what you all would think but I just don't want that
>>897440thank you for the info. I should have guessed it had such a backstory but still I;'m a bit surprised. I'll be sure to do this cow's work justice in my fruitless scheme
No. 897546
>>897437Acute mercury poisoning is not the concern, that takes a way higher dose than you could ever get from eating fish. I think it did happen to some Inuit from eating seal livers actually, but that is way higher than what's in tuna, and not a fish anyway.
The concern is chronic exposure, which you will not feel the effects of, but which will make you slightly dumber for each atom of mercury that enters your body. At a rate of a couple cans a week it probably won't affect you noticeably in your lifetime, but I mean, why would you risk that. Just eat canned mackerel instead, it's better for you (low on the food chain so not much bioaccumulation of pollutants) and the environment as well.
No. 897607
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I didn't want to derail the Mikan thread but I saw this picture posted in it and personally find it cute and don't see a problem with it. What is wrong with it? I can be oblivious to these things so I appreciate learning it.
No. 897714
>>897420Yo cuando hago mi CV le pongo muchas cosas, por ejemplo:
1.Mi experiencia laboral
Pon lo más relevante y lo que aprendiste del puesto en el que estuviste, no importa si el trabajo no tiene que ver con el que estás buscando, mientras haya sido un trabajo digno. Por ejemplo:
>Ayudante en x supermercado>Aprendí a trabajar bajo presión, compañerismo, etc2.Lo que estás estudiando actualmente
Incluye en qué grado o semestre estás y en qué año entraste. Igual yo lo dejaría breve, pero podrías poner una pequeña frase de por qué elegiste tal universidad o tal carrera.
3.Los lugares en donde has estudiado antes
Puede empezar desde el kinder o la primaria. Si tienes otra carrera o una maestría, ponlo como lo principal, e incluye el año en que entraste, el año en que te graduaste, la carrera, el título que te dieron, y si te graduaste con honores o cualquier otra cosa relevante sobre eso (ejemplo: si fuiste parte de la sociedad de alumnos etc).
4.Certificados oficiales avalados por la autoridad de tu país o universidades especiales. Aquí donde yo vivo solo los certificados que son de cierta dependencia tienen la validez oficial. Todo lo demás cuenta como diploma, aunque diga "certificado".
5.Tus habilidades
Pon todo, toooodo lo que sepas hacer empezando por las cosas que creas que podrían ayudarte en el trabajo que buscas y terminando por las no tan relevantes. Por ejemplo: si sabes ser cajera, o si le sabes a los programas de office, o si le sabes al photoshop, si sabes manejar redes sociales, etc tu ponte a pensar.
6.Los idiomas que manejas y qué nivel de de habla, lectura y comprensión tienes en éstos
7.Todos los diplomas que tengas
Y con éso me refiero a TODOS, no importa si en primaria te ganaste un diploma por haber hecho x cosa. Intenta ponerlos desde la fecha más reciente hasta la final. En esta parte pones todos los diplomados, cursos, concursos y cosas de las que tengas un papelito que te diga que lo hiciste bien.
8.Cualquier otra cosa que quieras agregar
Ahora sí todo esto va a tu criterio. No hay CV que tenga demasiadas cosas, entre más completo mejor.
No. 897751
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>>897714Muchas gracias, anonita! Eres la mejor!
No. 898054
>>897949A based
nonnie that posted some manifiestos about trannies in the mtf threads, I think she also posted a few times on /ot/ but I’m not sure.
No. 898087
>>898043I think my diet is alright but I plan on trying new healthier dishes anyway
more for my mother's health than anything else. Thanks anon! Just wanted to make sure I wasn't being inefficient by not targeting different parts each day.
No. 898191
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could i buy one of these butt electrical muscle stimulators and use it on my face like a diy NuFace microcurrent alternative?
No. 898416
>>898412No it means
guy that
No. 898642
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French anons, I need some help. I have a new job working a bit with French clients. What are some nice “customer service” type reply’s that I can give to them, when thanking them? Any recommendations on learning resource?
No. 898665
>>898661I imagine you wrote this quickly on your phone while shoving several mangas in your trenchcoat and making your way to the exit of Barnes & Noble kek…
Which one are you interested in? Can't you find it and read it online? has a lot of mangas
No. 898666
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>>898649Women are already born with all of the eggs they will ever release through ovulation, we don't "make" our gametes throughout our lifetime like men do. They should still be heavily discouraged from reproducing with their retardo sperm.
No. 898704
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They're just more likely to be poor. How uncharitable do you have to be to see some nasty old white guy dating a young black/asian immigrant girl and think "ew, these minorities must be greedy or have a fetish for elderly caucasian dick."
Also there are plenty of white girls who date old white men; remember picrel? If you live in a world where Melania Trump exists and you still think this is a non-white phenomenon, it's probably on you.
No. 898713
>>898694>>898695>>898704These are just sugar daddy relationship, and most rich and stable older men tend to be white
its not that deep
No. 898720
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>>898717a lot of my friends' single moms always go for younger guys. like guys around the age of their own child.
i always come back to thinking about sarah paulson and holland taylor. 32 year age gap. they look like mother and daughter
No. 898721
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>>898717Tilda Swinton is married to a kiwie whose 18 years younger then her
No. 898727
>>898721Isn't she poly with him and her first husband?
>>898723>>898720Wow really, like half their age? That's more than a little weird, especially if they have children that age. Where do they even meet those, insta DMs lol? I don't know anybody like that here, what country?
No. 898901
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Does anyone have the recipe, or an approximate recipe for Denny’s 9-grains pancakes? They’re amazing but I don’t live in burgerland so I can’t just go to a Denny’s to buy some.
No. 898977
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>>898940Yotam Ottolenghi
His book "Simple" is the best resource, but his Guardian column and Instagram are also great if you don't want to spend money. No. 899076
>>899072not really, it's really rare to ban someone from using postal services (depnding on what country you're in, it might not even be possible) and usually they'll only refuse service to fraudsters or people who don't pay.
they might investigate you tip off law enforcement if they think something's fishy about your activity tho
(source: am a postal worker)
No. 899156
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Did Soren really die or were her rich parents able to pay their way into giving her a fake orbituary so she could live an internet free life? Really hope it's the latter tbh
No. 899184
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Who actually is this that got posted in leftcows is it just an old pic of Shayna?
No. 899292
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Are there any biological advantages that women have over men, for e.g I just learned that women naturally have higher color perception then men and I decided to test it out with my brother, dad and husband and they all seemed to fail with regards to being able to see different colors
I also know we have higher pain tolerance
Is there any other stuff that's less well known
No. 899298
>>899292We store more fat, which is useful if food is scarce.
Women are also better at teamwork and communication, but that is also due to socialization.
No. 899322
>>899318nta but:
>Men’s hormone testosterone is linked to a decrease in their immune system and risk of cardiovascular diseases as they age. It is also linked to risky behavior: smoking, drinking and unhealthy eating habits.Source: No. 899326
File: 1630681334860.jpg (156.91 KB, 1000x551, huntergatherers1.jpg)

>>899298>>899292>>899299>>899303>>899309>>899315All of this makes sense with regards to our evolutionary history, we evolved to be Hunter Gatherers, in those societies males don't live long and often die in in the Hunt, women were the gatherers and were the ones who passed down the wisdom and all that the tribe had learned to the next generation
No. 899340
>>899318There are a lot of contributing factors to the lifespan thing, it's probably a blend of lifestyle and genetic factors (you could argue that a natural predilection toward taking care of your health counts as an inborn trait though).
With two X chromosomes, you have a lot more protection from any X-linked genetic defects because you have two "copies" of each sequence to work with if one is faulty. An example would be red-green colorblindness - men are 16x more likely to be afflicted than women.
>>899329 rates of Alzheimer's and dementia in women is actually strongly tied to the fact that women just live longer overall. Diagnosis rates in both genders are the same until 80-85, after which women become slightly more at risk. This relatively increased rate makes sense because in general, men have to be way healthier to even make it past 85.
No. 899345
>>899292A bunch, actually. Obviously we have more fat which helps during famines, but also, in combination with the fact that since our bodies circulate blood in the torso more for reproductive purposes, therefore storing heat mainly in the torso (while in men it spreads out evenly) - that helps to survive and work more efficiently in severe temperatures that help protect the body from extreme cold. So an additional protective layer of fat is super useful, like Lynne Cox, the swimmer who swam the Bering straight in 6-7 degrees Celsius water.
Plus, we have much better balance, a field of vision about 15-20 degrees wider than men, better agility and flexibility (look at women's gymnastics) and better endurance/stamina. Basically, traditional sprots are rigged in men's favor, considering how women's strengths are focused on survival and being aware of your surroundings. There's actually much more i haven't mentioned, but women have so many advantages that men gloss over because they aren't showy and you can't tard strength yourself through winning them.
No. 899415
>>899381I had this as a kid, sort of. I would occasionally gag eating yogurt, I think because it would kind of form a membrane in the back of my mouth, sort of like the membrane that bubble soap makes in a bubble blower, just due to the consistency of yogurt. So I would kind of yawngag and stick out my tongue to break the membrane. I didn't really find it unpleasant so I would sit there eating trix yogurt and occasionally gagging, and my parents would be like "are you ok?"
I think this happened because I have a relatively small mouth and a thick, fat tongue; this made it easier for the membrane to form. I think I stopped it from happening by "chewing" the yogurt more instead of just trying to swallow it like a liquid, in order to mix in saliva and reduce its viscosity. But again this only happened to me with yogurt due to its specific viscosity, never with ice cream or a milkshake or anything else, so idk if it's the same issue you have.
No. 899685
>>899681Keto but it's not sustainable, people usually gain the weight as they eventually re-incorporate more amounts of carbs into their nutrition.
When I went vegan I didn't lose any weight kek
No. 900017
>>896398DNI if you are under 25.
I hate 'early twenties' people
No. 900050
>>900025DNI if you
>like anime>like korean media>like japanese/east asian fashion and makeup>like e-girl fashion and makeup>use tiktok>you claim yoga pants are "comfortable">are a tradthot>are pro-choice>are pro-porn and sex "work">do your makeup like a bimbo/drag queen>are a libfem>think bullying skinny women/girls is okay>are edgy/like "dark humor">play visual novel games>play weeby games>play mobile games>you have no hobbies outside of being terminally online>are a tranny>are nonbinary/use pronouns>you post your personal life and info online for all to see>you use your name for your username>you feel the need to have your name anywhere on your profile in general>support blm/antifaum, cant think of anything else but theres prob a lot more
No. 900146
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What do you eat with papaya? Do you just cut it up and enjoy? I bought a papaya to try, but I have literally no idea what to do with it. I really just want to see the boba-looking seeds
No. 900161
>>900146I mostly eat it when my stomach is fucked, it helps a lot with that, probably because it’s so, I don’t know, soft or mild?
But when the rare case of me feeling like eating it because it’s tasty happens, I like to mix it with blueberries, melon, strawberries, cherries or peaches.
No. 900163
>>900158It happened to me as well when I moved to another country, you can just find people that needs shoes and clothes and give everything to them, it’s better than throwing it away because you’re not really sure if someone will actually pick those items up from the garbage bin.
If the country you’re at has a donation center or something like that, you can also give your stuff to them, and if someone were to ask why, just tell them that you just need a change of pace or something like that.
I don’t know why that need of changing your whole wardrobe happens, but as long as you just don’t throw everything away in a trash can, I don’t see why it would be a bad thing.
No. 900209
>>900163>>900164Thank you nonnas! I will leave them where someone can find them, or I’ll look for a donation center. The language barrier is very real.
>>900168I totally would, I love giving people things, it makes me happy.
No. 900330
>>900304Wash your hands before getting in the stall and take out your cup before doing other business.
Then use a water bottle to rinse the cup and put it back.
No. 900344
>>900335Is it too small? When they get filled up it clogs the holes and the suction is lost.
I also had troubles with mine for a long time because it didn't unfold properly. When it became softer from months of using and cleaning it it became much easier to put in quickly. Try different folding methods maybe
No. 900366
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Is there a nice way to tell your friends that their dog is fat? I'm a vet tech, and it's one of those hills that I'm willing to die on, but it seems that it really offends people. I don't want to lose friends over my crusade, but like there is no excuse for your pet to be fat. My friends dog can barely walk now and at this point it seems like animal abuse. What do I tell them?
No. 900373
>>900346There was this study they did with male penguins to examine how visual stimulation affected their mating habits. They first used a stuffed female penguin posed in mating position, which the male penguins happily copulated with. The penguins eventually destroyed the stuffed specimen with their forceful mating though, so the researchers removed the head and put it on a stick attached to a rock. The male penguins were once again quite eager to mate, covering the rock with their semen. The research team then went one step further and replaced the head with a white, ring-shaped object that abstractly resembles a penguin's eye. This did not deter the male penguins, who happily continued to fuck the rock.
It seems like the male brain isn't particularly detail-oriented when it comes to attraction. That's why they can look at someone who's been photoshopped into michael jackson with a centaur horse ass and still get horny.
No. 900380
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>>900304I used to be so shy with it and carried wipes, now idgaf. I wash my hands, take it out in the stall, exit the stall and wash the cup in the sink (a rinse is fine). If people see, whatever it's just blood
No. 900383
>>900366I mean either directly (just straight up tell them that their dog looks dangerously overweight and if they want to lengthen its lifespan, they'd better give smaller portions and walk it more often) or in a passive aggressive way (keep steering the conversation to the topic of their dog-feeding habits and what was the last time they have been to a vet and if the vet made any remarks about the dog, etc. Maybe after a while it will click for them)
>>900373nta, but I guess then the wise 'males will fuck anything' saying is literally backed by science
No. 900472
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>>900446Mines the same, probably brain damage from all those sleepless nights raising kids. She refuses to learn technology and makes me help her with documents and basic computer things. (Not a scrote, lookism is just real) She thinks life is easy and I'm just lazy because she's been handed grades & jobs, and people always jump to help her due to her looks and cute accent. Lectured me about how getting a job is so easy so stop being lazy, when I asked her how she got her jobs she told me an old man chatted her up on the street and said to come work at his jewelry store. Another few times she got hired on the spot for customer facing jobs bc she was apparently "so charismatic". When I went to an interview and didn't get it even though I was qualified, she said "of course they didn't hire you, your shirt is ugly". ????
It's like she lives in an alternate universe. Listening to her is so tiring and confusing.
No. 900483
>>900472>when I asked her how she got her jobs she told me an old man chatted her up on the street and said to come work at his jewelry store. Another few times she got hired on the spot for customer facing jobs bc she was apparently "so charismatic". When I went to an interview and didn't get it even though I was qualified, she said "of course they didn't hire you, your shirt is ugly". ???? Sounds like shit my mom would say to me on a PMS day kek.
>>900446You're supposed to be smarter than your parents, if you're not they fucked up somewhere. But yeah, my main thing is that I wish my mom would read more? Like she's one of those people that doesn't believe in follow recipes for the most part. Brags about not doing certain steps in cooking and just "winging it" and mocks me when I try to be precise? She's not dumb but sometimes I wonder
No. 900485
>>900446My mom is incredibly sheltered, gullible and lazy.
She's actually a wonderful person and funny as hell, but she was raised in an
abusive household and trauma-bonded with my grandma to a point where she never escaped her learned helplessness and arrested development. She hates sex and has only had sex twice with my dad, both times falling pregnant with me and my sister, which was the intended outcome. She blindly believes the weirdest shit she hears on TV, doesn't trust computers or technology, doesn't have any hobbies past watching women's talk shows and gossiping over coffee, doesn't want to improve or learn anything new, doesn't know much about anything.
She loves kids and is brilliant with them but it's almost as if she's a big kid herself. The only reason she wants to be with a man is for company because she's scared of being alone, usually that ends in cheating or getting dumped because she won't have sex with them. She loves her friends but always bitches that they're too busy with their own families and can't hang out like they used to.
Lads I think my mom has autism.
No. 900499
>>900446My mom is incredibly smart and kind, I wish I could get to her level of emotional intelligence some day.
My dad though, when he was younger he had a lot of street smarts and was super charismatic. I remember being a kid and seeing how everyone in the town loved him and knew him, I'd be proud when someone asked me if I was his daughter. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, he turned into a big manchild that reads extreme conspiracy theories all day and has 0 friends. He rarely gets out of the house anymore. It started in his mid 30s. Just the other day he was putting a magnet on my arm because I got vaxxed. And to think he used to make amateur movies and had a semi successful youtube channel when youtube first became a thing. I don't know how his brain degenerated so much, but my mom said he changed a lot as well so it's not just me growing up and realizing he's a retard.
No. 900602
>>900591Eat lots of iron-rich food, with an emphasis on eating foods high in heme iron like liver, shellfish, and cold water fish. Non-heme iron (what's found in most plant based and fortified foods) is way less absorbable by the body, so you'll have to eat about twice as much to get the same effect.
You can also try an iron supplement - if you do, make sure to look for one high in "elemental iron", as this determines how much of the iron your body will absorb. These always give me a stomach ache, but taking them with a meal helps.
No. 900704
>>900693As someone who also has friendship issues, and I think there's a possibility that you might be reading too much into this. There's a good chance that it just slipped their mind, which is annoying but probably shouldn't be a dealbreaker.
If it's weighing on your mind, I'd go with directly telling them that you feel hurt. At the end of the day, there's no downside to choosing that first, since you can always end the relationship later if they're still being disrespectful.
No. 900723
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>>900707I think it’s a lack of maturity, like, when I was a teen I used to be into bdsm bullshit and I would only look for characters getting spanked or I would even have rape and step-bro fantasies.
But when you grow up, you understand that those things are fucked and you get to stop feeling turned on because of them, and you also manage to feel repulsed by them.
Also pic related, the fact that there are communities out there in which dumbass kids and dumbass adults can freely talk about deranged shit, makes people feel like they’re the normal ones when no, only being able to cum while looking at a video of a woman getting slapped and spat on, is fucking retarded.
No. 900766
>>900704Thank you, anon. I think I'll just mention it calmly when we see each other. He has admitted guilt after being thoughtless to me in the past so we both need to work on things. Meet in the middle between sensitive sentimentality and average moid obtuseness.
Above all I know silently stewing and ignoring it is the worst course of action.
>>900712Kek this post helped honestly.
No. 900810
>>900788Yes it is. I used okcupid for a while years ago and liked it a lot more than tinder/other swipe apps. But it seems like they've mostly made okcupid match-first as well, as far as I can tell anyway. Maybe it's just the app version. But I don't hear people talk about okc much anymore so I assumed there aren't many people on it.
Thinking about it, I also miss the match% element from okc which nothing else seems to have; I feel like this explains why my tinder matches all seem to have about three collective brain cells. If there was a match% I'd have known if they were a nincompoop or not before swiping.
No. 900943
>>893491I'm the same
nonnie, I have a week leading up to my period where I want to eat everything under the sun, drink a lot of alchohol, smoke a lot of cigarettes/weed, and jerk off constantly, but then when I finally get my period I'm pretty clean, my appetite is literally gone, and I recede to my usual level of horniness.
No. 900980
>>894336Your oat milk is probably off by now
nonnie but with any kind of milk (i usually have soy around) I use it in a roux for any sort of pasta bake. Just throw in pasta with the roux (flavoured with cheese or nutritional yeast) and some veggies, throw it in the oven and you have a bake
No. 900984
>>895313My family is italian so I have the genes for good gnocchi making, and I actually have some home made ones in the freezer atm.
You can use any sort of white potato for gnocchi reallllyyyy, they'll just provide varied textures for the gnocchi. I usually use just the cheapest, white brushed potatoes and they've held up pretty well.
Also huge tip, and the reason I'm writing this post, is to NOT over kneed it. It'll come out chewy. You want to mash the potato as much as possible and then just fold the dough in before rolling it out. This will create a soft, melt in your mouth sort of texture.
No. 900987
>>900973The famous ones at least, hence why a good chunk of the popular music in the later half of the past decade either barely had varieties in melody or was basically just melodic talking (think of Billie Eilish for example).
The amount of effects and ways to arrange are pretty much endless though.
No. 900996
>>896188Sorry for the impending autism.
I'm surprised how many questions I can answer in this thread.
>why is it just OF that was supposedly being effected by MastercardThey weren't, multiple sites were affected. The only reason OF is being talked about is because they're so popular.
The reason MC is cracking down is because they're now requiring 2257 records for any sort of adult media posted online. If there is a person in a video, they need to be identified. This practice has been around for years as a result of FOSTA/SESTA, but now they're cracking down on it hard. For clip sites this means every porn video you upload has to have this record of everyone in the video.
These records have to be kept in a physical file at an actual address, and that record has to be easily accessible. This gets messy when you consider a lot of sex workers do so from their homes, which means they have to pay someone to store that info, which can be expensive.
SO in terms of onlyfans, this means that every creator will (if not now, in the coming months) get this done and it's a LOT of work and a lot of policing every single one of their creators.
Instead of doing all this, OF just took the easy way out and banned porn.
Now, even though they've reversed this, I'm pretty sure they're still going to heavily crack down on it in future.
No. 900999
>>896515why asexuals specifically
nonnie? It's not like they're going to
rape you
No. 901132
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>>901101A bullet journal is quick, easy and customisable to your needs if you use it how it originally was intended (not with all the intricate drawings and tens of supplies)'s also a bullet journal app but idk if that's useful or handy.
No. 901310
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>>901285>>901297Screenshot from my ipad so idk how the quality looks like, sorry in advance.
They want you to simplify with positive exponent only.
No. 901317
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>>901316Is this right for the second one? I hope you can read it
No. 901320
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>>901316And this? I hope that's right and I don't embarrass myself
No. 901329
>>901317>>901320Hi anon. You're on both answers. I'm just figuring out HOW you got to the answers.
It all goes smooth and easy then the (-ab^-2)^3 how come the one in the bracket did become a negative, but only the one outside of it? Thanks again,
it helps a lot
No. 901334
>>901330Some do, some don't, it all depends if you are the type of asexual that doesn't have any sexual attraction or the kind that doesn't have any sexual feelings/needs
So the first type might just do it for the feeling of the orgasm, but don't necessarily think of anything/anyone during the masturbation session. I've heard some doing it for the results as well, like feeling more relaxed or calm, feeling more sleepy, etc etc
No. 901380
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I was talking with my boyfriend about how beautiful some women are and how desirable it is for a commoner like me to look like a doll and showed him some instagram girls that I think look absolutely stunning. When he saw photos of these women (picrel, just created a collage of them to compile some of the pictures I showed him) he was weirded out and said that ''yeah they look like dolls but that is absolutely not desirable, they are weird to look at''. I was shocked to hear that since all of these women are absolutely stunning and I bet most of women would trade almost everything to be as pretty as they are. I also showed him some average/above average women and he agreed with me that they are indeed pretty. When I asked to rank picrel women from 1-10 he said that they would land on the 5-6 scala since they are weirding him out and that its not a good look to look like a doll. When asked to rank the average/above average women he replied with 7-8 since ''they arent weird looking''.
My question is: Why does he find average women more attractive than 10/10 beauties? Why did he find them to be weird and doll-looking and why is it negative to look like a doll for him? Wouldn't anyone want to look like a doll or is it just me?
No. 901393
>>901380These women in the photos
are pretty, but some of these have very obvious photoshop anon lol
No. 901399
>>901380was this written by a scrote? are you a scrote pretending to be a woman and trying to get validation? something about this post screams “i told my gf these severely filtered insta thots are 10/10 but she said that they were strange looking and that the average woman is much prettier and i think she’s wrong and should look like a doll for me. lolcow validate me pls”
if not seek help anon
i don’t like this post
No. 901401
>>901345Thank you anon, rest well!
I'll also rest and show you my work. You've been more helpful than my actual teacher
No. 901417
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really living up to the thread name here, but do men (apart from trannies) really pretend to be women online? And if so why? Is it always sexual? I've never seen this happen first hand because I've been on only female dominated websites most of my life
No. 901442
>>901380Believe it or not but some scrotes can also sense when something is off. Some of these girls are kinda uncanny or too fake looking.
>>901417From what I've seen they either do it for fun or attention.
No. 901571
>>901519There's no way to get comfortable other than throwing yourself into it. I never danced at all in public past the age of like 6 until some years ago I decided to try to get more comfortable dancing in public so I went to a couple lame ass dubstep shows at clubs across the city from me, where I probably wouldn't know anybody, and just, idk, probably flailed like a retard, but I feel like it broke the ice for myself. It was dark, I wore a hoodie, I didn't gaf about the music, I didn't want to meet any of the people there, it was kind of fun. I probably still look like kind of a dancing sperg but I can just be kind of goofy about it and I'm fine with that, I'm not trying to be some kind of sexy person.
No. 901611
>>901607It's a couple of factors - the textiles are higher quality, the fabrication of each piece takes longer, more design and research go into each piece, and workers at all stages are generally better compensated. All that aside though, the primary reason designer clothing costs more is because they cater to a small and wealthy clientele.
Because there are fewer pieces sold overall, relative price per piece is higher because they don't have access to the economy of scale factor that most large clothing makers have. More importantly though, they want their clothing to seem more exclusive and therefore more desirable, and keeping prices high keeps designer clothing out of the hands of customers they don't want to be associated with. That's why designers are currently throwing a fit over secondhand luxury retailers like the realreal - they never planned for products from past seasons to end up on the secondhand market, and they're afraid that it's going to affect the perception of their brand, as well as their reputation as the sole provider of their brand's goods.
No. 901614
>>901607Scarcity and reputation that the brands have. Depending on the item only a certain number of it will be released and only for one collection. Reputation has to do with getting celebrity and upper class people to wear it so that the prices can be jacked up out of reach for middle-lower class that they dont want destroying their brands image. They will even burn old or slightly damaged product rather than sell it because it should always have a prestigious image instead of allowing common people to have it. Some brands genuinely make their stuff in-house which raises the price instead of hiring third world factory workers and usually those brands focus on good construction with the best products. In my opinion that's the only sort of "good designer" compared to the sweat shop producing peace of shit ones. Outlet stores also supposedly produce lower quality lines compare to the official store versions. This happens a lot with purses.
Ok now my stupid question if you had a blonde with a redhead would their kids only come out as either color or is there a chance hair colors mix? Can someone with blonde have a kid with a brunette then the kid comes out dirty blonde? Asking because of character design stuff between two parents.
No. 901829
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>>901820They're usually horny and emotional young folks, who're figuring out relationships. Fictional relationships are a safe, personal imaginary testing ground for that, but with poor self-regulation shit gets too personal. They're taking their perceived romantic needs and putting them into relationship dynamics and characters that they find interesting. Think about it this way: It's a bit like having imaginary friends all over again but this time you have a basic grasp of romance and sexuality. Fanfictions and essays are an expression of that, and people know that if they execute them well, they get validation from like minded people who seek comfort from these fanworks.
No. 901942
>>901936She got dumped by her gf of 4 years (they'd even been engaged) she cried hard for a few days and then started calling some online person her new 'wifey'
It came out that her and the ex never had sex in their years together and now she's rushing into securing this new person that people think is some hypersexual tranny. It's a fun shitshow right now
No. 902190
>>902146I really don't think the horses like it at all. I was obsessed with reading about equestrian sports for a while (just because I love the clothing and gear), and the people in those communities are always trying to create this artificial dichotomy between their own inhumane practices and other slightly different inhumane practices utilized by "bad" riders. Like "oh, isn't it awful that so-and-so was using a curb bit? You could totally see that her horse had all this bloody froth around its mouth, unlike my horse who I use a snaffle for and who only produces huge amounts of regular colored froth."
There's also this creepy fascist-feeling dog training aspect that really emphasizes dominance on your part and complete submission on the part of the animal. I understand that you need to exert a certain amount of control over a large animal that can hurt you, but the whole keeping your horse in a state of sedate confusion by constantly making it second guess itself so it'll relinquish control of its body to you feels weird and a little sociopathic. You really can't bring this kind of stuff up around horse people though, because they'll instantly accuse you of not knowing what you're talking about (as if it takes an intimate knowledge of horses to see that an animal that's frothing, tossing, and rolling its eyes isn't happy).
No. 902487
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>>902392>>902467It's been around for forever, picrel kek
I think I first read it in 2013 or 2014
No. 902681
>>902665My mom never let me watch Twilight because she's a twat, so I was anti twilight because of her. Beiber was my guilty pleasure but I would have never admitted that. Honestly I still haven't watched twilight.
My mom never let me enjoy things other kids liked, she always shat all over anything popular
No. 902720
>>902665I didn’t like both, my mom loved twilight though, but I refused and I still refuse to read it because I really don’t feel like it. I like the parodies, they’re fun.
I don’t mind some Bieber songs though.
No. 902981
>>902621>>902714>>902146>>902190This just sounds like a certain subset of the horse community tbh, a way of thinking that certain older generations had that still influences some younger people. Those annoying 'I control a 1200lb animal give me attention' horse girls for one. There is a spectrum between 'force free clicker trainer' to 'pile on severe equipment and teach learned helplessness' with most horse owners falling in the middle. Just like dog people really. Consistency in riding is important for safety- the horse is getting feedback and learning from the rider constantly. Many riding instructors for beginners will say 'make him listen' meaning the rider needs to correct themselves and therefore the horse, to get the correct response so that the horse doesn't learn dangerous habits. Instead, this often leads to new riders fighting with an unsuitable for beginners lesson horse and having a terrible experience. There are shit hole riding places everywhere that do this, have kids kicking and pulling at either totally checked-out or agitated horses. Good riding is about timing and constant little feedbacks between horse and rider.
A lot of horses are in living situations where much of their exercise comes from riding and they seem to enjoy interacting people if they associate it with going out, especially in groups, and getting food. A lot of people say riding is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's going to be shit. The body language you all are describing sounds like bad riding- the head tossing, hollow backs, wringing the tail and wild eyes. Horses have very expressive body language. A small layer of 'froth' is normal though, it lubricates the bit, which is often a metal blend chosen for a zany, sweet taste just for that reason. If a bit is even used.
Breaking a horse in modern times is just getting the horse used to stuff, 'breaking in' like wearing a shoe to wearing the saddle. Its more a western (cowboy riding) term. Idk if used to mean breaking the spirit in old times or not. Most people just call it 'starting under saddle' now.
Also leading and moving a horse around with body language, driving away or drawing the horse towards you, and simple (not harsh) pressure and release is very understandable to horses because they are herd animals. Herd animals move eachother around in the same ways. If you watch a group of horses you will see it, either subtly (body language, some veryyyy subtle) or not so subtly (hooves, teeth, charging).
No. 903167
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>>903141Yeah you would definitely have to have the means to actually take on the responsibility of legitimately owning a horse. I love driving through the country and seeing all kinds of horses. Especially if it's rainy out or winter time and they have their jackets on, so fucking cute. If I ever have the opportunity I'd love to care for a horse, it would be worth it imo. I think I would choose sheep over a horse though because I could process the wool and that would be so rad. Ideally I'd have both heh.
No. 903194
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What would you name this plush?
No. 903248
Too poor to go see Twilight in the cinema but I found Edward hot, so pro
No. 903288
>>902981Do they like it though? Or do they just tolerate it? Riding isn't essential to be with your horse and form a connection, and I'm sure that it would be happy to just run around with you by it's side rather than on it's back, but I guess being on top of it and showing off that your horse obeys you feels good to a lot of people. If you have the space to ride a horse, then you have the space to let it walk normally. And no, don't compare it to proper dog training because it's hardly the same.
Honestly I think that if someone is caring for a horse and the horse is really comfortable around that person, it would probably let them be on their back for a short while and then that's it. But no horse enjoys painful harnesses, riding and being led around to jump obstacles or run races.
No. 903373
>>903296Damn, didn't think my hometown neighborhood would gain so much notoriety, kek. By my mom's accounts, 30-40 years ago it was nowhere near this bad, maybe a couple of bad drunks around at most. Even in the late 90s-early 2000s I remember it being pretty clean and safe for me, a child at the time, to go shopping there. It didn't get that bad until the 2010s. But it's had a bad rep for a loong time.
It's probably the largest outdoor heroin market in NA at least. I assume that it's also a sort of Skid Row situation, since Philly is such a hotspot for drugs they can't really have (or dont want to/like to have) drug trade moving around the whole city if police decide to clean up just Kensington. It's more conventient to give the junkies their own spot and try to cut down the market slowly from the main valve, i guess.
Besides that, local authorities just dont give a shit about the area. It's "the ghetto", it's where poor, puerto rican and black communities live, so ofc police dont give a shit unless pushed to. It's hard to crack down on such a large place, yes, but it's literally the US government, it's not like they dont have the recources. But if you actually visit Philly, the difference between Kensington and downtown, for example, is pretty much like night and day. That's my uneducated, anecdotal opinion from a sort-of-local.
No. 903442
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looking for a post. I think it was posted a couple of months ago. It was describing how, in their workplace, the moids that work under her, so she started manipulating them. One way was going to them after they had obeyed her, and saying something along the lines of 'hey, I appreciate your contributions, not many people here are as hard-working as you as a way to get them to view obeying her as 'compete with each other, rather than obeying a woman. I also recall she would try to scare them by calling them to her office, making them fear that they did something wrong, but then just seem empathetic towards them
No. 903455
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>>903442kinda wanna find it myself lmao sounds amazing
No. 903583
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Do people still pay for music? I heard pirating isn't exactly popular with zoomers so I'm curious
No. 903676
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>>903296Philly local here. A few reasons:
>kensington is a dope tourist destinationWe have the best heroin on the east coast lol. People literally travel here for it and then they stay
>locals don't really care enough to clean it upAny pushes to solve it gets pushback. Safe-injections site proposals, cleaning up the trash, police involvement, etc, locals complain about it one way or another. The result of this is nothing gets done. Throw in some suburban hippies who try to "help" but ironically make things worse.
>it's isolated and conveniently locatedUnfortunately, Kensington ave is also out of the way and easily avoidable. A good chunk of the avenue is under a major transit train that runs though the majority of the city. If they need to beg for dope money, they just hop on the train. Our transit shut down one of the major stops for a month earlier this year because of this shit:>kensington was always kind of unfortunateLow-income demographic, it's under a long train overpass so it always seemed really sketchy. It has gotten terrible pretty quickly, I'd say in the last five years because of
>homeless camp cleanupsThe city has been ramping up on cleaning out homeless camps but these junkies don't just disappear. So where would they go where the police won't bother them?
Anyway it's pretty terrible. Feel bad for the businesses and families still living there.
No. 903678
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How do you guys feel about this
No. 903681
>>903679top from left to right: taylor swift, rihanna, katy perry?, beyonce
bottom from left to right: lady gaga, ariana grande, nicki minaj and adele
No. 903732
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>>893228I know about apps like snow and b612 but what the hell are these Russian girls using?
No. 903742
>>903696Low self-esteem, negging by parents and 'friends' into 'giving him a chance', being told they're stuck up if they're picky, lots of reasons.
My older sister is the full package and ended up having some retard's baby not long ago, after which the retard promptly left her. She got pressured into settling down ASAP now that she's early 30s by our parents who broke her down over time because she was being 'too picky' and 'was going to die alone'. Which IMO is a lot better than raising the child of a balding degenerate with awful genetics. It's not like I didn't try to talk her out of it, but I'm considered the outcast loser of the family so it's not like anyone listened.
No. 903785
>>903696Low self esteem and judgment from other people
>>903747imo I think women who don't want anything to do with men get shat on waaaay more than women who don't want kids.
No. 903844
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Are there anymore purikura aka print clubs/Japanese photo booths left in Southern California? I want to take silly over the top edited pictures again, they were so fun
No. 903903
File: 1631094373937.jpeg (77.44 KB, 750x386, 6A1BC637-E0AE-43EC-8486-7B9E71…)

Am I missing something or did Youtube forget to add back the “save to playlist” button on videos for mobile?? I have to minimize the video and press the three dots to save to playlist, which is an annoying extra step considering that creating shorts is useless and unrelated and honestly doesn’t fit in with the rest of the functions I should see when I’ve clicked into watching a video…
No. 903908
File: 1631094781478.png (12.46 KB, 720x152, Screenshot_2021-09-08-01-50-21…)

>>903903You have to scroll to the right and click "save"
No. 903955
>>903747It's gross when even people who should know better (should be wiser) push women to marry really young. I mean look around at all the unhappy or barely civil co-parenting relationships that it ultimately results in.
I never had kids but I married at 22. I was so insanely flattered that a guy was proposing to me and telling me he wanted me forever. It gave me a sense of worth that I never had before. I should've had a sense of worth already if I was raised better.
No. 903958
>>903955are you still married anon? my mom met my dad at 19 and spent 30+ years with him and then i guess decided that she was miserable the whole time and walked out on our family.
because of this im really hesitant to get married before im in my 30’s, or even at all.
No. 903960
>>903957It's not gross, especially if you keep them clean. Not any less gross than fake nails.
Although funny thing, recently on tiktok I noticed zoomers have an aversion to natural long nails. They're simply so accustomed to acrylics they can't comprehend people used to grow their natural nails long and paint them. When I was a kid all the women around me had longer natural nails and nobody thought it was weird. Acrylics took off in my country only like a decade ago.
No. 903963
>>903957It's not raggedy or disgusting if you keep them clean (and clean-looking), the shape is consistent and if they have good texture, healthy color, are strong and so on. My personal bias is that longer natural nails are actually pretty, and that they're even prettier with no or just clear nail polish on.
If your nails grow well then go for it. Not everyone has hair and nail privilege.
No. 903967
>>903955>>903962Shit gives me anxiety because I got married at 22 as well and last year was rough as hell. We don't even have kids yet. I want to get things to work out like they used to, but I don't want to use no damn baby as a tool to 'fix' a relationship.
Sometimes I doubt men even understand what they're getting into (or what they're about to put their women through) when they say they want a wife and a family. And my man is not even among the stupidest or clueless of males, I can only imagine what it must be like to get involved with an actual legit obtuse dumbass of a guy.
If a woman thinks they're being picky they should just go ahead and be pickier. Men can either improve themselves and get better at meeting women halfway, or they can perish mad and without offspring.
No. 903976
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>>903949Yes and no. Scrotes get told that they'll never get pussy and getting pussy is what they apparently care about. You can literally trick them into thinking everything is fine if you give them access to a vagina. All that bitching and moaning about being lonely and misunderstood is out of the window the moment they get the cooch.
Sure, pussy doesn't really fix a guy because men cannot be fixed, but it sure medicates them. Men's emotional landscape is entirely based on peepee in poonani.
Women get told they're not people and their consciousness/soul/psyche/etc. isn't real, while men get told they're cringe if they can't get their dick wet.
No. 903982
>>903976Men told to aim for pussy (which basically defines their worth and strokes their ego) and women told to aim for commitment for worth and that 'winning at life' feeling.. the amount of pain and conflict that mismatch has caused and will cause people
Maybe I'm simplifying it too much but it feels like the root of so many issues and I don't buy into it being instinct based like alot of scrotes like to claim. I mean it's not 'spreading your seed' if you're deathly scared of getting them women knocked up and having to be dad.
No. 904013
>>903998I've learnt over the years that living with a partner doesn't do it for me. My own living space makes me happy. I don't want kids and I don't want a live-in partner anymore. I could find a partner who maybe wants that too but from an outside persepctive even finding my 'personal ideal' and attaining it will be painted as me losing at life. I'm not overly worried but it's a strange thought that we have these expectations so set in stone for every woman.
It took me a decade of dating to accept that live in partnerships don't make me happier. That that commitment isn't worth all the downsides for me. It shouldn't take 10 years to figure that out but then we're told we ought to want these things and aim for them so badly.
No. 904023
>>904013you're doing the right thing,
nonny. my mom has been dating her bf for 16 or so years and they don't live together. they have apartments in neighboring houses (their basements are connected even) but everyone has their own living space and their own life. her bf comes over for a few hours in the evening, then goes home again. also when he's sick or when my mom's sick, they don't visit each other so as to not exchange any germs. it's the ideal relationship model. she doesn't have to cook for him, clean after him, or anything like that. they even get separate hotel rooms when they go on vacation because they both snore like crazy.
No. 904042
>>904024It’s not a bad thing, I’ve never had actual boyfriends because I have high standards, which are a good thing as well, and I’m fine, if anything, I feel like being on a relationship with someone makes you lose your course to what you actually want to achieve and gives you unnecessary stress like, i don’t want to constantly perform being something that made someone “fall in love with me” I just want to be myself.
And like, if someone does like you even if you’re not the constant performance of what seems attractive to them, that makes them a great
candidate to become your partner.
No. 904130
>>904121The cat one was posted in some thread that an anon started about wanting to run a cat shelter? Hadn't even spotted that thread before the gore was posted in it.
It reminded me of when I was a kid and I saw a run over dog for the first time. I was small and holding my dads hand to cross the road right by the poor dog. His stomach was on the outside of his body and at that age I was feeling some intense feelings on seeing it… My dad wanted me to face the reality of life being cruel. I'm not too sensitive to that stuff now so maybe it worked but fuck dad I was a bit young for that at the time.
No. 904223
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I'm trying to find a super low profile platform bed with clean lines but haven't been able to find anything that suits my needs. All of the frames I've seen online are either too tall (with legs that can't be detached), made of ugly materials, or unavailable in a single size. Is there any way that I can make something remotely similar to pic rel out of ikea stuff? I'm wondering whether any of the doors or pine cabinets that they sell could be hacked to make an extremely minimal bed frame for a twin sized mattress. To make this question more stupid, I essentially have zero knowledge on how to build things.
No. 904264
>>904251I have a friend who used to not have goals in life because she was extremely depressed.
Her family is shit and are constantly making her act like the head of the household.
So she just felt like she just existed to be everyone’s mom and emotional support forever.
Luckily she managed to meet people willing to tell her that being locked at home forever was a bad idea and that she could think of anything.
She still doesn’t really feel happy at all about most things, but at least she’s moving away from her shitty family soon.
No. 904269
>>904267well thats still kind of a goal.
reminds me of the Rush lyric “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”
No. 904295
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Do property owners make these just for fun or do they know a satellite is going to pick it up? Or another reason?
No. 904296
>>904269Nonnie you are the first woman I’ve ever encountered who listens to Rush!
I hate Rush but I like that you’re different.
No. 904384
>>904224Ayrt I was allowed to donate anyway despite my hemoglobin being somewhat low (or the technician made an error?) and almost fainted after they took out the needle. They had me wait an extra 15 minutes because my vitals weren’t right but I had to use the bathroom after scarfing down juice and water then left.
I was above average weight which might’ve help me go through with the donation but I don’t think I will do it again.
No. 904459
>>904414I really only do it if I happen to be going into the shower or something, it's too much work to take off my clothes every time. It does make it feel more comfortable though kek. Something about being naked and on the toilet in my own home is peak relaxation, not a damn care in the world.
I'd also like to ask a poop related question. Do anons just leave their shirts down (assuming regular length shirts that would end at about hip height) or do you lift up your shirt? All my shirts get pulled up and tucked under my arm pits/my chin so my entire torso is exposed. I've been doing this since I was a kid lol.
No. 904469
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>>904414well i did some googling and after reading your replies i came to the conclusion that some of you need diet changes and more comfortable clothes damn
No. 904656
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What’s this style of dress called?
No. 904760
>>902682My last ex hurt me but I stayed civil because I'm a loner so I figured I might need to phone in a favor from him at some point. I did.. and he helped when I needed it.
I contacted both him and my dad during an emergency lately and my dad was tbh useless but my cheat of an ex helped immediately. Weird to think about that.
No. 904782
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Why is braiding my own hair so difficult? I’ve tried so many times, I used to be able to braid my hair when I was a kid, but now my hands are completely out of sync. Is it possible to be able to braid my hair again? Or am I doomed to never being able to wear cool braided hairstyles?
I just want to look like a cool elven princess.
No. 904860
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Alright I know this guy looks mega goofy
but who is he
No. 904869
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>>904860American Gladiator
No. 904877
nonny. I'll pass the info to her.
No. 904898
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>>904892same it's why I asked after all… teehee
No. 904957
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>>904954I notice a lot of women who's husband dies and, even if they're young, they grow old and die alone. I wouldn't say it's what someone is supposed to do but I find it really admirable. It's selfish but I daydream of the sort of husband that would do that if I died.
No. 904960
>>904954Also, I just looked up the stats and holy fuck:
Camille Wortman, professor of psychology at Stony Brook University in New York has researched grief and has found several studies confirming the fact that men move on faster than women after the loss of a spouse. She told The Wall Street Journal, "In the first year after a spouse's death, 54% of men have a sexual relationship, compared with 7% of women. By 25 months after a spouse's death, 61% of men had a new relationship, versus 19% of women, and 25% of men had remarried, versus 5% of women."But of course, no shaming men for moving on. They do it because of biology and need for emotional support but that doesn't mean they don't love their deceased wife anymore. God I hate these articles.
>>904957Yeah, sadly it's men that kind of lack loyalty. I'm just amazed how they manage to rationalize moving on in such a cold detached way.
No. 904970
>>904963My granddad died when my nan was only 50, and she never remarried or even had a serious relationship again. She's 90 now and spent a long time travelling, socialising, taking up whatever hobbies she wanted and enjoying being just her. She always told me that she was done with a man trying to own her.
Same with my mom. My dad died when I was 16, and Mom said that she was happy being her own boss for the first time in her life. She loved my dad and couldn't see anyone living up to him, and didn't want that either. So I really think women just want the peace after all the time being caretakers for men.
No. 905131
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would yall rather wear warm colors or cool colors for the rest of your life
No. 905227
>>905202Binging is an addiction behavior that a lot of people have, for various reasons (weird childhood, bad cope for anxiety, etc). The people who exercise enough to offset it or keep their binging occasional stay more or less normal, while people who binge all the time or are sedentary get humongous.
You could pretty much ask the same thing about anyone with an addiction. How do alcoholics get like that when drinking makes you vomit, shit yourself, and get terrible hangovers? It's a maladaptive behavior, it's not something that makes sense.
No. 905285
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>>905152>>905158>>905159Unfortunately I did not get to meet her even though she died in my lifetime. Everyone in my family bemoans that me and my cousins didn't meet her. She lives in a rural town some hours away from us so I suppose our parents never got round to it. Unfortunately when she passed her farm was fought over by her children and her less caring kids got it and let it rot. As far as stories about the farm itself mom doesn't tell me much except that grandma had a way of calling the cows that was the word "coe-anch" and that she taught her to call cows that way.
I notoriously hear of her as one of the kindest people anyone has ever met. She once notoriously baked my dad an entire chicken when she met him because he was "so skinny" and he ate the whole thing and when he was done she went to make another at which point he said he was full and she sadly said "Awh, honey, you must not like my chicken" and my dad literally ate another half of a chicken and almost got sick. We still have a box of rusty jars of preserves that she had given my parents that day and they never ended up eating though mom said she was great at food. She was the kind of grandma that would take generations of grand kids for the summer in the 70s and my mom found it a reprieval from her
abusive father.
I hear she was a little peculiar in some ways. A lot of people, including my grandma who doesn't believe in the supernatural, say that my great great grandma had dreams about other people's futures and could call and warn people of things. However, she was paranoid of TV sets and believed people watched you back through them so though she had one she always kept it covered up.
Related to her are also other interesting family members like my great great uncle who killed his father when he was only 12 years old for beating his mom. We have a family pic of him in jail reading a Bible. He looked like a really proper 50s boy with gelled hair. That part of my family is also related to Clyde Barrow. I have a cool family but I missed out on meeting a lot of the coolest people before they died.
No. 905293
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Does anyone know how to interpret the OCA and would want to do this for my results?
No. 905350
>>905340They do but they'll never tell you that.
My sisters both got ugly tattoos in high school around 2012 and are now hardcore regretting it, but they'll never admit that in front of me because I told them that they would.
Their tats are even uglier than before, so faded and muddy they look diseased. Oh well, now I get to laugh at them while they cope and pretend to be totally happy with their choice lol.
No. 905355
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Is there a national dish of your country that is popular outside your country, but the 'foreign' version of it is different?
Example: Hungarian goulash soup is a soup with beef and potatoes and paprika but people from outside Hungary think of it as a thick stew, almost with a pottage consistency. Picrel is real goulash soup
No. 905356
File: 1631207301382.jpg (194.21 KB, 1200x1200, Beef-Goulash-square-FS-43.jpg)

>>905355This is what people outside of Hungary think of what they hear goulash
No. 905357
>>905326Have fun! I also enjoy making jewelry because it's easy to pick up and just start making something with my hands without excessive planning or thinking, and I can make cute things for my friends. That could work for you too?
>>905340I have a couple of tattoos I got as a late teen and now they're about 5-6 years old. I don't really care for meanings in tattoos and mainly just got whatever I thought looked cute, and while I'm not super in love in the first tattoo I got I still don't regret anything. If it would disappear tomorrow I wouldn't care, and if it had to stay forever I'd be okay with it too. There's one that I still really like actually, but honestly most days you just forget it's there. Obviously this comes with the territory of not being a retard who gets retarded designs and not getting a visible tattoo for your first few pieces. This is just my experience though, none of my tattoos are in a visible spot and are all easily hidden, so it makes sense that I wouldn't obsess as much.
On a separate note tattoos are more common than ever but I feel like people still react very strongly to it. Some people get tattoo high and go all out filling their skin with garbage within months and act like getting tattoos make you interesting somehow. On the other end of the spectrum you get people who act like people who get tattoos must all be brain dead idiots. Weird how strongly people react to something you can just hide.
No. 905406
>>905340i got one in a bit of a silly spot and i regret the placement a bit, but by regret i mean more like 'ugh, i wish i'd got that elsewhere but it's still fun', not 'god, i wish i could peel it off my skin'. it's not such a big deal really
>>905357I've definitely looked into making jewellery too! I've thought about taking classes for it before too, so i'll definitely look into it! I've also thought about making those little spell jar type things - i'm not particularly 'witchy', but i feel as though it's along the same line of creating something nice and personalised, and getting to mess about with gemstones and crystals at the same time. thanks for the recommendation!!
No. 905426
>>905340i gave myself a few tattoos when i was 13 and i regret them hard. luckily they’re small and not visible, but obviously if i could go back and not tattoo myself i would. im 20 now and still hide them from my orthodox parents. kinda considering fessing up so i can enjoy life without hiding my thighs & ankle where i tattooed myself. i just know my dad would have a fit though.
i hope to have my tattoos removed some day, honestly don’t know why i haven’t removed them already. feel like a damn fool
hiding my ankle tattoo has been such a fucking burden, i wear socks every day of my life and cant wear cute shoes. ive never tried to cover it with makeup but maybe ill give it a shot
No. 905450
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>>905340I think people with small and subtle tattoos tend to feel more ambivalent about them as time goes on, while people with big showy tattoos often secretly regret them but will never admit it. I have an m&m-sized stick and poke from years back that I still love, so I'm obviously biased lol
The standard tattoo shop style is especially conducive to producing a tattoo that people will eventually regret, since tattoo artists often push for features (thick, defined lines and overall larger size) that look cartoony and unrefined, just because they make the artist's job easier. I think the finer, lighter lines in a well executed stick and poke age a lot better, because they fade into the skin without looking weird and dusty.
I don't think picrel is a stick and poke, but it's the kind of tattoo that I think most people can get without regretting later on.
No. 905458
File: 1631212629385.png (125.74 KB, 851x938, 9A0F3302-C3B1-49D1-8376-B1CD62…)

Why are hair on your head pretty but gross once they fall down? They are made by the exact same substance…
No. 905461
>>905340I have a black and grey patchwork sleeve and a couple more pieces around my body. I can honestly say that I don't regret any of them at all, but I also don't have any bad tattoos. A lot of tattooed people probably do have regrets, but whenever I see that, it's because their pieces are objectively shitty (e.g. bad quality, bad subject matter). I could maybe be nitpicky about my arm and want something slightly smaller, or slightly to the left by a few millimeters– but that's about the extent of the criticism I have.
Paying ~$250 an hour for a tattoo might hurt your wallet, but it won't hurt your soul five, ten years later; the art will age well and remain clear for many, many years. Of course, no matter how good an artist is, the smiling penis tattoo probably won't ever be something that will age well.
No. 905514
>>905355>>905356I only learned I had the wrong idea of goulash when I went to Hungary on vacation the year before covid (had a great time btw). My gastronomist friend kept saying "you'll get to try
real goulash when we get there", but I didn't think it was going to be a completely different dish, just a tastier version of what I though was goulash. You should have seen my face when my order arrived. She didn't tell me on purpose, she revelled in my confusion.
I'd like to hear from anons what other misconceptions there are too.
No. 905569
>>905451I did twice (in a 3GS and in a 6) and it went fine both times, it didn't affect any of my data at all. It's a good way to prolong your phone's life on the cheap.
I would still suggest you back up your data just to be safe, i do it every time i send something for repair, just in case.
No. 905586
File: 1631221216083.jpg (106.7 KB, 700x700, shampooinghair_0.jpg)

Nonnies with fine, greasy hair, what shampoo and conditioner do you use?
No. 905597
>>905579Trying to balance out dick sucking major superpowers.
It's all about whose dick is to be sucked when, how much of it you put in your mouth, when do you take out one and put in the other, training your mouth to gape wide to suck multiple at once, etc.
No. 905624
>>905340I have alot of ink in places nobody sees. The oldest is about 13 years now and I like him as much today as I ever did. I've a whole sentimental attachment to them where they're not for aesthetic or fashion or for other people to look at. I spent stupid money on getting the best artist and nobody even sees this shit lol
I think that weirdly helps, staying clear of any fashion based decisions and putting it somewhere where it's nobodies elses business.
No. 905632
File: 1631225358316.jpg (5.09 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20210910_00543788…)

Anons, can you determine whether im "fair" or olive/yellow-skinned?
Usually a lot of people call me white but i live in a middle-easternish country so i feel like the criteria for what is considered white skin is different than what most of you would consider.
I want to buy foundation for the first time but i dont wanna bother the workers too much - and want to have a basic understanding of what category i would be in. These are the pics i took. In all of them, the background is a white sheet of paper (for contrast) and the lights are usual yellow indoor lighting. One is with fpash on just to show how much darker i can look with flash. I assume its about undertone more than skintone but still.
TL;DR: background is usual white paper. am i olive-skinned or white?
No. 905636
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Is this good at all? Have you eaten something like this?
No. 905645
>>905632Imo you're yellow/goldish. Olive and yellow aren't the same actually, olives most of the time is greyish/greenish.
>>905637Wtf is your problem?
No. 905655
>>905637retail employees aren't trained in proper foundation matching. they're trained to sell you a product whether it matches or not. most people don't even know you can be pale and olive and most foundation lines don't carry olive undertones.
>>905632you should take picture in indirect sunlight. flash and indoor lights alter your skintone too much. olive is an undertone, you can be any race or depth. there's a sub on reddit for olive people, they will be able to give better advice than lolcow. i think you could be a warm olive, but i'm not great at deciphering undertones. definitely warm thoough.