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No. 904837
I don't care what boys like, stop dancing like a retard!
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/895055 No. 904854
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I want to stop ovulating I want to not be horny and I want to stop overeating I cannot control it
No. 904857
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>>904854i want to start eating but my appetite is fucked from my anxiety recently
No. 904876
I hate, hate, hate astrology! This is such a dumbass obnoxious hobby, it has no value, doesn't give any skills, and only wastes your intellectual potential. Recently in game called LoveNikki there was a new suit added - Aries suit, and guess what? All astrofags were spending about how it's "NoT ArIeS!!!", because it doesn't fit their narrow minded stereotyped view of this star sign. The worst thing is that they consider it to be a valid critique, as if the images they have in their mind are somehow rooted in objective reality and werent changing through centuries, making devs look like hererics for daring to play with suit's aesthetic.
Also hate how when I google "I have astrology", the first thing google shows is " Is hating astrology sexist????" , "Why moids hate astrology so much oh muh godddd???", because it's the most useless hobby you can have that's why, you fucking brainless vermin. Didn't know that I must be a fucking scrote for hating that pseudoscience too. Basically femlets are sperging about their magickal special interest all over the internet and embarrassing all of us by association with them. Fuck them honestly.
No. 904879
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I'm home alone right now and there are like 30 fly larvae in the kitchen. I sprayed them and now I'm waiting for them to die, but I don't think I can handle taking them out. This morning there were even more and my siblings helped get rid of them, but this is too much for me, they gross me out so badly. I have no idea where they could be coming from, everything's clean and the trash they initially crawled out from has been taken out. There has to be a nest somewhere else but I'm not searching for it, fuck this shit I can't wait to get back to my small freezing flat. My family keeps getting pests like these because no one cares enough to get rid of flies and such the moment they appear. We have a lot of flies around and every year tons of them get in through the windows and no one kills them and then my mother has the gall to call everyone out and pretend like it's all happening because we're lazy and don't clean often enough and she would if she just had the time! God, I'm so glad I moved out. If these were moths I would've just left.
No. 904966
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>>904876So glad someone feels the same. I don't care if people are casually interested in astrology for fun, like if it helps you reflect on your life or learn something about yourself despite knowing it's just flinging shit at the wall to see what sticks who cares (similar to personality types, psychics, tarot). The women who take it sooo seriously are an embarassment though. I'm probably extra salty since the stereotypes about my sign are literally the exact opposite of my personality, but I do find it hilarious that every time some self-avowed astrology expert has tried to guess my sign they've been dead wrong. The worst part is like you said, you're taken as not being feminist(??) somehow if you're against it. Please let's not hold this idiocy up as some icon of womanhood.
Although fuck scrotes for their misogyny and acting like all women are braindead if they enjoy a single dumb hobby. As if their addictions to porn, video games and capeshit are superior. No. 904989
I’ve recently started working in this posh tourist trap town where everything is super expensive and the restaurants are all 5 star whatever. The money is good and I enjoy it but my GOD is it obvious when customers are rich. They are literally so entitled. They will
>hound you for every little request, no matter how small and insignificant, they have to have it exactly the way they want it. Including demanding to take home display models when larger items are online order only. They force you to bend the rules for them with no regard for the consequences
>not take no for an answer
>flagrantly break rules (such as opening merchandise to look at even though I showed them exactly wha tit looks like cos we have unwrapped ones for show)
>interrupt while you talk to other customers,
>make a mess of displays and don’t make any effort to keep things tidy because they’re used to things being done for them
>expect you to come off the till when there’s a very long queue to help them with something they could easily fucking do themselves if they only pulled their head out of their ass for 5 minutes
>have you running around like a headless chicken because they can’t make up their fucking mind or do anything for themselves
>in restaurants and food stalls they will ask for your recommendation and then belittle your choices. They think it’s a funny joke.
>when you make a mistake they straight up laugh at you and patronise you. Or give sideways glances to each other. They don’t know what it’s like to work in crowded retail where you make silly mistakes and forget things because you’re basically multitasking constantly.
>one time a woman came in the shop and was super annoying and picky the whole time and when she left, she brought loads of rubbish out of her bag and asked if we had a bin. I pointed out a public one literally metres across the street that she could clearly see. I later found all the rubbish stuffed in our umbrella bucket
>one time a woman came in the shop and was like, pointing to all the things in the store saying “I’ll take one of those bags, one of those paintings, some of those cushions” so I’m literally like “ok, well why don’t you bring them to the till so I can scan them?” She pulled a stank face and said “actually, never mind” and stormed off
>they expect you to know the answer to everything and will raise their eyebrows if you don’t
>they will waste so much of your time and other customers time agonising over minor decisions and when you come to scan their items they sign, tap their feet, roll their eyes and act like you’re a fucking idiot
>but in the same breath ask you “what’s the difference between goooseberry and raspberry ice cream”
>seriously you better not keep them waiting for any amount of time or they will retaliate
>one time my colleague told some people they couldn’t come in cos the store was closing in one minute, it was literally 9pm, they fucking reported her to the head office. “We should have been allowed in if the store is still open”
>”I’m just going to show my wife, she’s down the road” “no you’re not, put it down and go get her in here. ” “alright calm down, I’m not a shoplifter”
>their children are rude and condescending, one time I made a joke to a child who initiated conversation with me and he took what I was saying seriously and straight up said “you’re stupid” and they all laughed as if it was adorable or something.
>even their dogs are fucking badly behaved and they think it’s cute and will laugh and coo while you clean up the fucking mess it made and they don’t thank you
>poorer people actually seem to care about you, your dignity, time and maintaining the store and upholding the rules for the benefit of others.
>rich people are completely fucking oblivious to everyone except themselves and their families and friends.
No. 904994
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I’m finally watching the Chris Chan documentary and holy fucking shit I hate scrotes so much. They’re so fucking useless and pathetic. Imagine devoting hours and days and weeks and months of your life to tormenting a retarded manchild. Chris is fucking disgusting too and I’m glad he’s going to jail but none of the fucking wet chins who harassed him are any better. Imagine if there was a rotation of farmers catfishing Lillee Jean or following Shayna around Seattle. But there isn’t, because that’s fucking retarded and a waste of your own time. Men on the Internet are complete fucking scum, no exceptions.
No. 904996
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>>904989so basically they're completely detached from human reality
No. 905003
>>904977See this is what happens when you give that much of a fuck about """family values""" and let boomers disrespect you like that. Fuck that noise, all the boomers in my family can kiss my ass, cope and seethe if they don't like my decisions, I'm a fucking adult already
>>904994Ikr? I thought that i was the only that wasn't really amused by their stupid, psychotic obsession with Chris.
No. 905019
>>905003and of course now that the shit has hit the fan and actual criminal charges are being pressed, they've scattered like the roaches they are.
I'd love to see a mainstream Chris Chan documentary one day, but there's no way they'll find any interviewees or subject matter experts because no one is ever going to claim association with this fucking disaster
No. 905020
>>904989Anon if I didn't have only 1 other coworker I'd think we were running the same country store/boutique. Your experiences make my heart ACHE. I've also been asked a dumbass "what's the difference between -x- berry- and -x- berry- product" and you need QUICK recovery if you don't take them seriously at first like I did. Also it's shitty but always presume they can't do shit. Some people would hold up an item and say "how much is this" when the price is clearly on the package. The ONE time I decide to point out that the price was on the package the lady says *oh, ok, can you please read it. I want to buy this but I can't see very well and I only have cash." And idk that really sobered me up on assuming with the public. Even if a customer comes in telling you what to grab, and it seems rude, you just don't really know why they chose that route. It's not always coming from a bad place, even if they fail to communicate that.
Sorry for the autism. Otherwise everything you wrote I fucking feeeeel. Fuck entitled rich fucks. The card tapping makes me seethe.
No. 905033
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>>905019Lmao at the CWC trolls being tracked and hounded on, questioned in detail about how they bullied a genuine retard not just mentally but sexually as well, mics being shoved into their faces, pics of them taken when they're about their business
No. 905059
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bf said i’m not ‘that pretty’
No. 905060
>>905059just tell him you like that he isnt “too tall”
men are soooo insecure about their heights. guarantee that will sting
No. 905071
>>905059I'm pretty sure there's a term for this type of thing where a guy says his girlfriend isn't pretty so she will feel like she's unlovable and physically repulsive so she'll stay with him but I can't remember it. He thinks he's one step ahead of you, one up him by leaving an egg under his bed then leave without saying
anything. No texts, no calls, voicemails, etc.
No. 905076
i love the way
>>905071 thinks, im with her, hide some gross shit in his apartment and steal his tv remotes or reset his videogames
No. 905088
>>905071>>905076Nah leaving an egg out to sit under his bed won't actually create a stink only unless the egg was bad/ rotten in the first place. Eggs usually just ferment and the inside becomes solid like candy but no smell if it was already a healthy egg. I would suggest raw fish/ seafood and hiding it somewhere he won't ever look. Raw chicken livers and hearts are great too, will create an absolute vile stink within a week which gets much worse the longer it's left.
You could shit in his shoes and piss on his hat's and clothes, maybe bake some tempting chocolate brownies with your shit mixed in and leave them there for him on the day you leave and don't come back.
No. 905090
>>905088you are batshit insane, azealia is that you ? (ilu)
>>905087and the fucker did it over text ? sending you good vibes anon, you can do better.
No. 905091
>>905090he didn’t break up with me just said ‘you’re not especially pretty’
i don’t want to date someone who’s not attracted to me
No. 905097
>>905096god i hope you're not the same
bpd chan that posted a bunch of other terrible shit in the past about her boyfriend. i'm gonna kick your ass if you are!!! he is terrible how can you not see that? you would be happier alone than with him
No. 905105
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>>905100i’ll never have this
No. 905108
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I think my mom might have walked in on or at least overheard me masturbating. I was in the middle of it when I heard her knock and try at the door (it was locked but the lock is shit and sometimes doesn't work) and I said "don't come in" but then she said through the door "never mind, it's ok" so I rushed to get dressed, went to her room and asked what she needed, and she said "it's okay, it's okay." Either way, the act is ruined for me forever
No. 905115
>>905113he lives 2 hours away so i’m not gonna go 2 hours to do that but i thank you for the suggestions anons
salmon is so delicious and expensive i’d struggle not to waffle it down
No. 905123
>>905105No instead you'll have yourself and you'll be happier, living a longer more fulfilling life. Where's your strength? You need to be strong.
Marriage was created by scrotes as a form of mate guarding so every other scrote could see the woman "belonged" to some other scrote because there's nothing a scrote fears more than fathering children that aren't his. Marriage was a way to eliminate that risk. It's just mate guarding and control. Marriage is just a another way to control and regulate women and womens' sexuality.
No. 905126
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don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown
don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown
don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown don’t have a mental breakdown
No. 905234
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why god why don't i have a christian bale boyfriend? this is actually suffering please i'll do anything just give him to me
No. 905240
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what a fuycking smug shit eating grin. I swear the feeling of pure animosity I felt toward this cretin was incredible. I cannot even speak to the fact that he made the same clickpait title with his precious WENDYS being BIG BIG BIG while he SHITS all over some good ass American style spicy TORTILLA TENDIE? Fuckoutofhere!!! I'm not unsubbing AND I'm not clicking this video. fuckj this guy I swear he's got tabs on who writes words about him on every inch of the web. he saw what I wrote and he responded accordingly. faggot
No. 905250
>>905240studying this image closer I notice the "Masks" in the background are now covered by a dark veil. his aggrandization of Wendys may be a nod to Irish supremacy, or white nationalism in general considering he spit on something he deemed
POC worthy. he responded to his attacking something that is putting more flavor into the mouths of the masses by shilling a red haired loli's bacon burger? suspicious. sinister, even
No. 905338
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>>90532120 isn't too old. It's not uncommon in our generation to have careers start later. I know ot's hard to stay hopeful since the world is megafucked right now, but there's still time for opportunities to arise. Good luck anon, you deserve it.
No. 905343
>>905321can you not immigrate also? I'm looking into immigrating and I will probably do it soon. Do you live in the EU? Because if you do you can go anywhere you want!!
What sort of musician would you have liked to be? I have always wanted to be a singer. this website can help you with improving your singing. Learning how to play an instrument is quite easy at any age, but learning how to sing with your voice is very hard. You can look into making songs in FL studio if you want. You can also write. There's no limits to making art really, it's not your fault your environment did not help you become an artist, follow your heart. Most artists are born in families of artists so they are socialized to become that or live in an environment where they can find other artists.
No. 905400
>>905321I get what you're saying but most first world people who want to be or are a musician or writer don't make a living off it.
>>905343> Do you live in the EU? Because if you do you can go anywhere you want!!Tbh people always say this but it's not entirely true. You've got to be market active (aka make money) to freely move countries within the EU. Although there's options for non-market active people like students or elderly.
No. 905453
>>905445ME TOO, I have invested in a couple of lint roller because it gets everywhere! I like having long hair because I like the way it makes me look and feel but wow is it a pain in the ass to manage.
I want to get a short haircut but I’m afraid I’m going to regret it.
No. 905476
>>905445>>905453I have to vacuum the floor damn near every day because of my hair and it sucks. Also, it takes me two/three weeks to get through a bottle of conditioner even though I only wash it twice a week.
I've also thought about cutting it at least up to shoulder length but ngl I like the compliments I get because it's so long and healthy ugh
No. 905504
>>905476I cut my long hair shoulder length at the start of the year and it's barely falling out anymore, it's great. A ridiculous amount of hair used to come out when I washed it, I thought I must be balding even though I showed no sign of thinning.
That said I regret cutting it, the lob was cute but it's grown out so it's not quite short, not quite long and it's sooo boring.
No. 905603
>>905583Yeah, getting your ex to tattoo your boobs sounds a little,
sus. I'd leave her where the fuck she is anon, a married with kids woman who's okay with an ex seeing her topless is bad news bears
No. 905613
>>905583i'm a bit freaked out because i was about to come here to vent about my ex and i flirting with each other, my ex also being a loner who masturbates to me.
i'm so drained and afraid i don't want to write anything about this anymore
No. 905630
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My dentist appointment got re-scheduled for the third time. I have a fucking infection you assholes
No. 905684
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I feel so retarded for having ppl like me and never like them back out of pure fear and anxiety. One of my friends struggles with pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks and was still able to get into a relationship while I've been in one. I don't know what's wrong with me or how to fix this. Worse thing is I know a lot of ppl would like to be in this position but honestly it's the same with everyone, whether they're good looking or not. Shit. Guys that I actually like and feel comfortable around are all taken and all the girls I talk to are straight, dating apps don't work either. I know some anons might think it's better to just be alone but there's a feeling of dread of not being able to overcome this and end up being left behind by everyone including my friends that I lean on. I have pretty bad mood swings too so sometimes I think everything's ok and I do have a good time on some dates and other times I can't even breathe properly without feeling like I'm having a heart attack. I need therapy but I'm too fucking busy this year and gotta pass the bar exam as well.
No. 905688
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I am sick and tired of you young women uttering phrases like "I hate that as a woman I HAVE to [insert bullshit you totally don't have or need to do].
Do yourselves (and me in particular) a favour, and read Wilhelm Reich's "Listen, Little Man". Because it's talking about you too, Little Woman.
No. 905773
>>905151Kek fatties aren't any more to blame for fast fashion than anyone else. Their reasons aren't more bad or hypocritical than anyone else's. Either you justify purchasing shit made from cheap labor and unsustainable production sources or you don't purchase.
If you want to call fat people greedy bingers then just do that and get it over with than these shoddy attempts at virtue signaling. At least the fats needing to buy clothes from sources that accommodate their size makes more sense than skellys buying theirs when they have access to better options for their size which you implied. Stupid.
No. 905982
>>905603She wouldn't be fully topless, but shirtless yeah. The flirty comments she passes off as jokes sometimes do cross a line I personally wouldn't cross in a relationship though. I'm 100% sure she does it just for the thrill of flirting and not because she's actually looking to hook up, I'm just still attracted to her sexually like a degenerate scrote. It's been years since we dated.
>>905610By god am I trying. Just to clarify I never think these things about my other customers no matter how gorgeous they are and I've tattooed my fair share of boobs and butts.
>>905613I hope that my ex doesn't know about me masturbating to her I would die if she did.
No. 905987
>>905848I'm very secondhand furious about this. I hope if this happens again you just keep talking over him and finish your thought. Or say "Excuse me." in a very polite way and finish your thought. Now he may hate you for this and try to screw you any way he can. But somebpdy has to teach shitheads a lesson or he will just keep doing this to shy people, as well as to actually autistic people who already struggle to make themselves heard. A single event like this can make a shy or autistic person withdraw and not try to parricipate again for a very long time.
But he may well also just start giving you straight As so he doesn't have to talk to you. You would be surprised how many petty tyrants fold straight away when anyone stands up to them even a little bit. I've learned this through being nuts/autismo enough to nail people to the wall. Dickweeds like this guy have no idea what to do, and either they become very angry at you, or they knuckle under like a whipped dog. It's about 50/50.
Alternatively, for a less public confrontation, go to his office hours and let your autismo sperg fly about whatever the subject at hand was. Just pretend like ypu're super super interested in it and want to discuss it more. Or just keep asking him questions about it for as long as you can think of more things. This will teach him the lesson that if he doesn't let you speak in class he'll be hearing a lot more later. Since he disrespected your time, go and disrespect his time. You can even do this via email, just send him long winded emails about the subject. Professors have to read and respond to student emails so you can waste his time like a motherfucker while seemingly acting totally normal. If he stops responding then ypu have cause fpr genuine complaint to the administration, so he has to talk to you. He doesn't even know that you have a lot more power over him than he has over you. Teach him that.
No. 906022
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i just got an invitation to a wedding and then to a funeral. i don't know how to feel
No. 906174
>>906159Samefag but I had a whole week working in a lab with a wannabe funny 'clown class' type scrote and I feel like one more hour with him would make me off myself. Every single one of his joke was some reddit quote, screaming English shit like 'big brain time' 'karen' 'omg the glove made a sign, hahaha that's the meme' 'haha I move my hips like I fuck, invisible rape haha' and so on.
And most of it was painfully normie reddit shit too.
Not a single thing was from his own head, only quotes. That isn't funny, that isn't clever, that isn't humor. Yet most of the five or so classmates would laugh or force a chuckle. One handmaiden would even straight up say 'omg you're so funny, you can think of so many funny things to say about such a boring thing'.
I absolutely hate how unfunny scrotes get praise for embarrassing bad humor and it makes them such insufferable overconfident clowns. Men are so funny, am I right?
(don't use emojis) No. 906202
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i have nothing to vent about rn but I’ve never been this horny in my life thinking about a scrote
No. 906213
I feel almost sick of my boyfriend. We live together and have been dating for nearly 3 years and yet something clicked recently and I've just realised that hes an asshole. He's a coward who never sticks up for me if people talk about me behind his back, I need to do any phone calls for him, hes hyper critical of how I spend my money and spend my time, if I spend a day just sitting around reading he acts like its a waste of time and I could have been productive. He refuses to see a doctor for his obvious mental health issues, but will call 111 because his ear got blocked after a bath. He's this kind of guy thats like women have it so easy, men have to work harder to get in to relationships and women bully men for being virgins and being a woman is easier. Oh my god, once after I asked him to please get some help for his anger issues and anxiety he was like theres no support for men theres a stigma. I googled it and found a whole ass mens support group and centre near where we lived. I was like holy shit you never actually looked did you? You was just making excuses and his ass never went cos he had a counsellor once 4 years ago and it didn't work so therapy is pointless for him. He doesn't like how I do my makeup, he gets embarrassed if I talk to loud or show any sign of happiness in public, he gets annoyed when I look visibly upset in public because it makes him look bad. He doesn't like me always being around when hes hanging out with his friends, which is fine, but hes too much of a coward to tell them that so I have to make up lies because he doesnt want me to tell them that either. I dont know, I love him, but i feel like im not being treated right at the moment
No. 906231
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>>906229Don't you dare anon
No. 906237
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nonnie, I love you too ♥
It's been years since I've been suicidal, and this post made me go back to find the post I made right after chickening out of hanging myself in my dorm room kek. Reading that old post makes me feel so fucking stupid, I was so stupid back then. I can't believe it's been almost 6 years now.
I hope anons going through shit right now will hold on. I don't want to get preachy but my life is going so well. Not in super extraordinary ways, actually, it's going well in the most boring and ordinary way. It's peaceful. Every breath I take feels like a blessing. Every moment I live feels exhilarating. I really want and hope that other nonas will be able to feel at peace with the world and their existence as I am in mine. It's been a long journey, but I hope they may look back at themselves and be thankful for not going through with permanent decisions.
also yes I know I'm supremely fucking stupid for getting that worked up over a boy. He messaged me years later to apologize, then still kept blaming me for being crazy and ignoring his role in making that happen. Needless to say, I am now a very happy single lesbian No. 906328
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I don’t know how people can go so long without showering. I know depression can be a factor, but I feel more depressed when I don’t shower. Showering and being clean automatically makes me feel better. Same with cleaning my room/desk. I do not understand how people can live like this, especially moids.
No. 906343
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>>906273I'll hold you,
nonnie No. 906354
>>906328Used to have bad hygiene as a child, it was mostly due to laziness but education plays a big part as well, without a proper parental role you just end up picking bad habits thinking it's normal to be/live like that. Then by the time has passed I wasn't taking care of myself because I was depressed, but I was still somehow much better (less worse) than I used to be.
Now I stay clean with a nice routine and keep my stuff tidy as well, the only time I allow myself to skip shower is during my period when it hurt too much to be able to stand properly.
Honestly I wish I learned to at least change my clothes everyday if showering felt such a chore when I was a kid. No. 906429
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How do I not kill myself over not having a body like this
No. 906458
>>906429??? That's a very achievable, normal body. Are you a tranny or something?
As long as that's not the problem, I'm sure yours is just as nice.
No. 906464
>>906353Because with porn you at least see a real body in motion. In porn its purely a sexual object. It being explicitly porn establishes at least in the tiniest way that this is basically fictional. The egirl presents herself as a real life person. She presents herself as a girl you could possibly date for real. Men will then tell themselves they need a girl like this egirl. There's a level of parasocial relationship with the egirl that doesn't exist with porn videos
>>906356I have seen so many stunningly beautiful women in my life, like really breath taking, and not a single one has had a face like that of the same face all egirls have. Isn't that interesting?
>>906395My reaction to guys following egirls is the same as most guys reaction to hearing a girl has had a 16 man BBC gang bang. These men are degrading themselves. Their self worth is SO LOW they are out here supporting women who see them as nothing but a number in their notifications. The worst is the amount of "anti porn/anti OF" men who STILL like these whores "because its not porn" "because they aren't asking for money" You're paying these whores in your TIME and ATTENTION. Most OF egirls don't post porn either! If a guy I'm talking to follows a single fucking egirl I ghost immediately. I won't even be platonic friends with men who support them as it speaks SO much about their character
No. 906470
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I keep having anxiety that I'm going to be fired from my retail job because I got irritated and short with some customers who weren't leaving when we were closed. Usually I'm very cool-headed, but I'd been stressed lately & was irritated that they wouldn't answer when I repeatedly asked what it was they needed. I didn't yell at them or anything, but I was very obviously annoyed and hasty with helping them and simply walked away when the woman tried reprimanding me for being impatient with her.
No. 906480
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>>906464I'm not anon, but it also creates a bad stereotype for women and it makes girls wanting to make genuine internet content unable to do so without being sexualized or without being put in the same category as some meitu talentless woman that doesn't even have beauty. In this era having talent or beauty is absolutely useless because some narcissist is gonna be ahead of you by 10 miles using photoshop and manipulation tactics. The photoshopping stuff also creates an unrealistic beauty standard for women. Egirls desensitize men and they enable the idea that women on the internet are there to satisfy some sort of parasocial relationship and make men feel good. There's also eboys, but men making other types of content are never put in the same category as "eboys" and are treated with respect, meanwhile I've observed that absolutely all women on the internet are approached by men as if they are egirls. It's also crazy I've seen beautiful women being called ugly because of the egirl phenomenon. They're being called ugly by the same men that drool over photoshopped pictures of women.
>>906476but yeah this anon is right, if you don't support egirls, that doesn't mean you should support the porn industry.
No. 906489
>>906484Any woman who exercises regularly (or is just lucky) has a body just as good as that, if not better. It's not unrealistic. Even a rectangular body shape can look feminine and beautiful when adapted.
>Thanks for calling me a man though.I didn't, unless you're trying to say that the answer to "Are you a tranny or something?" was actually yes.
No. 906499
>>906213The best advice I can give you is: stop clinging, rip the bandaid off. Don't wait until you're six years in with kids and more cosigned assets before you wish you had the strength to leave three years ago when you realised what a jerk he is. It's gonna be a whole hell lot harder to separate then.
You're young, you will find better and fall in love again.
No. 906501
>>906429Not even her body looks like that, anon. Her waist is liquified - you can see it on her arm that's been widened.
You're beautiful. If you feel insecure about having a boxy waist, you can always invest in a waist trainer. Also, smaller chests give you a wider variety of cute bralettes. Spoil yourself.
No. 906549
>>906213Sounds like one of my exes he's probably a bpdfag incel. It's great you realized hes not all you imagined he was 3 yrs is better than 10
>I dont know, I love him, but i feel like im not being treated right at the momentyou really aren't. All it comes down to is whether or not your partner is treating you as well as you're treating him? Clearly not. Get some distance from him, even if you feel like you cant break up right now give yourself time to think about if this is what you want to settle for for the rest of your life. He's not going to be there for you in emergencies, he's not going to be a good father, he's not ever going to truly make you part of his social circle or family. If you have even a base level of love for yourself you wouldnt make yourself suffer through this. The more tightly you wind yourself up in his issues the harder it will be to separate later, thankfully you can choose to move on now with relative ease
No. 906643
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Spent 6 months waiting for a therapy appointment only to miss it because I wrote it down on the August calendar page… I can’t even call the place because they use a private number, so I’d have to start the whole process again and explain why to my primary care physician, which would be extremely embarrassing
No. 906703
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>buy myself dinner
>buy dad dinner too
>accidentally get chicken fried chicken instead of chicken fried steak (mixed the two up)
>dad currently bitching and moaning about it
am i wrong for not giving a single shit? in my eyes it's like holy fuck, you got a free meal, i didn't give you the scraps of whatever it is i'm eating like your fugly sister does, why are you being such a retarded ass baby
No. 906831
>>906813the proof is incredibly damning. this person hasn’t done anything particularly bad though other than hiding his gender identity and i know that if he cries about being "doxxed" due to being transgender, some of the server members will hugbox him which would make me feel bad. my conscience just can't help but see doxxing as a morally wrong thing to do (yes, ironic for me to say considering this site).
yeah, i am definitely being weak here and probably need to get over my conscience. i don't like the idea of biological males in women only spaces and i wish he'd leave.
No. 906853
>>906831Do you know where you are? it's not ironic since we are against actual doxing. I am not even sure if what you would do even qualifies.
I am scared of what the fucker does with the informations he's collected.
No. 906857
>>906777Anon-chan, that's not doxxing and props to your friend for wanting to call a troon
IN A WOMEN SPACE out. You don't know what he is like in their DMs, it's one thing being 'nice in public'.
If he was actually a good person, he wouldn't have spent all of his time lying just to get in woman's space.
No. 906975
>>906813This. I'm not as Anti-Trans as some people here but MTFs will never ever face any struggles biological women have to go through and just simply cant relate to anything other than hobbies, that's of course if you didn't find one that didn't act like a bimbo cariature, little girl, or thinking throwing on a dress makes him a lesbian. I find troons like Blaire white especially funny since they'll harass women for their appearance yet have a laundry list of plastic surgeries and fillers as if cis women aren't harassed to hell and back for the longest time for even just wearing too much makeup
This is my own personal main issues with cis women trying to maintain relationships with trans women
>Inb4 hur dur what do you mean you call them cis/women/ etcI'm a professional and have to have a habit of referring to people as their gender identity while also making it clear during a discussion of trans if I'm speaking about trans women or cis women. Get over it
nonnie not everyone wants to live off their parents and shut out the world
No. 907222
>>907207how the fuck is it cute that i don't know shit about meme money
No. 907233
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I hate how it feels like on the internet you have to justify enjoying anything. Can't I enjoy a subpar series in peace? Just because I personally enjoy it and have fun consuming this piece of media doesn't mean I think It's some impressive high quality art. Let me enjoy my junk food media in peace, for fucks sake.
No. 907245
>>9072255 is average- like how most people look like. Go on the streets and see what the average person looks like
6-is slightly above
7-is above
8-you are cute and nice looking but still not Stacy
10-you are Stacy
anything under 5 is gnome tier but this system cannot be properly applied by lolcow users imo most lolcow users have BDD some of them are probably 6/10 which is slightly above average and they think they are disfigured gnomes from under a bridge
No. 907280
>>907236>That's why so many of them become incels and have 0 awareness and expect perfect looking womenThis is what I don't get. Most incels just need proper hygiene/grooming and to work out (not even /fit/ levels) and they'll be in the playing field for dating someone even above their league, since women are almost always dating down anyway. Instead they get hung up on that one stacy who rejected them or "led them on" when the delusional tards probably a) mistook human decency for flirting since, you know, treating the opposite sex with decency doesn't exist among scrotes and b) only wanted her for sex anyway.
Even if they have shit personalities, women tolerate that shit too unfortunately. Everything is handed to these subhumans on a diamond plate and they still want someone to spoonfeed them.
No. 907283
>>907268I think it might be worth it to bring up some of the little things that you miss first (like cuddling in the morning and doing things together) without explicitly connecting your concerns to his new business, to see if it's possible to work out a solution on an issue-by-issue basis. That way, you can see if fixing some of the more habit-related stuff improves how you feel about the relationship or if your partner's commitment to his business is going to be a more fundamental problem.
I started a business a few years ago, and I've seen a lot of the same issues. There's a real temptation to overwork at the outset while you're seeing a lot of rapid growth, but it's not healthy and definitely contributes to burnout. He might not have a sense of just how much time he's spending on work, so just making him aware and tentatively setting up some workarounds (like scheduled dates or something) could make a big difference.
No. 907357
>>906975Agree. I'm not anti trans either (although I'm sure many libfems will call me a
terf while farmers will say "Do you know where you are? Go back to Twitter!" if I share my views lol stuck in the middle) but it's a simple fact that while cis women and trans women have difficulties that overlap, cis women also have experiences that trans women will never be able to relate to and cis women deserve to have spaces where they can talk about their lives and struggles without someone who can't relate hijacking that place. Trans women would seethe and claim violence if cis women came into their places while pretending to be trans.
No. 907475
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I spent over 100 dollars on a haircut that shows out how circular my head is and and makes my body dysmorphia worse and I’m scared to express how much I regret it.I feel like raving over this stupid cut I spent 7+ hours getting.I miss my geeky Afro anons..
No. 907502
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No. 907554
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>>907502Based we need actually hot, good at sex men. Almost every woman is eternally sexually frustrated bc there's only ugly unhygienic men who don't know what foreplay is. I hate how I have high libido yet all I see and smell is shit in the shape of men. Like go to gym, and get a hair transplant, and eat my fucking pussy I don't want to deal with your emotions or interests or demands. I'm not sucking your cock, and only piv once you've shown you can give me multiple orgasms.
No. 907615
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No. 907665
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>>907554You're an absolute Stacy anon. Queen shit.
No. 907807
>>907800Exactly this! There's a retarded 40 year old woman that has decided she's non binary on my fb that always crusades for trannies and her new fixation is middle schoolers. Parents have become rightfully outraged that the bathrooms at their local school allow the children to go where they identify and it has of course led to everyone using just the ladies. The 40 year nb finds the parents
abusive for being angry about this. Like do people completely forget their highschool experience after a while. Teenage boys will take advantage of anything they can. Every boy in that school is jot suddenly a girl. People are retards
No. 907848
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sometimes it’s so boring on here, like I want to hear more about comics or manga where women kill men, spill blood and shit I don’t care if you’re a virgin and asking about sex for the 10th time like everyone wants to know about your sex life. sometimes I do come here purely for man-hate purposes as a coping mechanism because it’s like, where are all the aggressive and loud bad bitches at? give me some good recommendations please for manhate mangas it’s not even political either I just need some good recs
No. 907857
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>>907848Innocent by Shinichi Sakamoto
It's not the sole focus of the plot but this character Marie Joseph-Sanson is badass. Won't give you a list of
trigger warnings but be warned it is gory,
problematic etc but so fucking good
No. 907885
>>907865>>907873>>907874Don't give her/him attention anons.
>>907870Oh, that's disappointing, maybe someday I'll check how gory it is because art is really breathtaking.
No. 908126
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I'm in my mid 20s and I've got my first real job only 3 months ago. So I've been working with the same people for 3 months now and I still barely talk to them. Someone starts a conversation and I still struggle to answer. I still forget to look at people when they talk to me. I still talk so quietly they ask me to repeat myself. I still have dissociative episodes. This really makes me paranoid because being around other people like this makes me feel even more autistic than when I was a neet spending my entire days in front of my pc. People have always told me that the more time I spend with others, the easier it will be for me. But it's bullshit, it's just as hard as it was before and it's getting worse every day, I'm mentally drained. I'm never going to be normal. I'm never going to have any friends or a partner. Even though I feel fairly competent at the things I have to do at my job, my inability to function in our team makes me feel like a retard. Every day I'm at the verge of crying and I have to try to hide it. I can't sleep at night. My life is so pointless. There's seriously no point to continue. When I was a neet, the only things that kept me alive were my interests and hobbies, now because of my job I don't have the time for them, so not only I'm not making any progress as a person in a society, but I'm also regressig as an artist. I can't go to therapy because I work abroad and I wouldn't feel comfortable enough to speak to a therapist in a different language, and besides that, none of my past therapists were able to help me. I'm taking two weeks off now and I'm back in my country, I was thinking about going to a psychiatrist, but again, what for? Just to vent? They can't do anything for me except giving me drugs that will sedate me or make me sleepy all the time, and even if they manage to fix my anxiety a little bit, they won't fix my inability to make human interaction. I'm so done with myself
No. 908136
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>be bpd-chan
>mom is bpd-san
>self-isolate because I'm aware that I'm a monster
>be empty all the time
>always on the edge of chimping out and acting like what I really am
>have to take care mom because it's what she wants
>she is much more experienced in sociopathy; if you don't give her what she wants, she already had options picked out for what she would say if you denied her in order to smash you into complying
>wouldn't teach me to drive, despite being my only family in the state when I was 16
>didn't even get my own bank account until I was 24, all the money I made at work before then went into her account
>tells me how disgusted and disappointing she is by me all the time, but the times that nail me in the chest are when it's over my health getting worse as if I fucking enjoy high blood sugar and knowing their gonna have to fucking cut my feet off if I can't start predicting my hormonal fluctuations better, as if I fucking control that somehow
>know that no matter how hard I try, even if I escape her house, I cannot escape her genes, and I am condemned to be as evil as she was and her father was and his mother was
I am so tired all the time. Honestly, bpd-chans probably should be put down before we can reproduce
No. 908140
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Jesus fucking christ I’m so stupid I posted this incorrectly
I feel really frustrated and angry that I can’t draw at all. I should really stop looking at artists on social media, why won’t things come out the way that I imagine them I hate the idea of being an artist what should I do
No. 908147
I'm PMSing right now so I'm really pissed.
So I've gained weight. I know I have, I've struggled with disordered eating for the last 6+ years. I'm half Asian half white and I take from my white side - I'm 6ft+ tall with a very large frame, my extremities, limbs and bones are large and are bigger than some men my size. I've spent most of the last years crying about how weight can't change these features.
I've been trying to accept myself more and appreciate that a large frame like mine helps to hide the weight I've put on this year. Apart from my new double chin, it isn't too noticeable when I have clothes on.
My Asian mother has Alzheimers and tells me everyday that I need to exercise and points out how chunky my arms are now. Each time I just dismiss it even though it fucking hurts and it makes it so much harder to accept my body when I have to hear what that voice tells me each time I wake up from her. Today I couldn't help but burst into tears when she started trying to "help" me.
She'll never understand how much this hurts me. She will never understand that I have disordered eating because growing up I always compared myself to other women, including the tiny framed Asian women in my family and asked myself "why are my **'s so huge?" She will never understand how much time I wasted hating my body, staring at thinspo, scrolling through forums instead of doing something fucking productive.
I've even been dieting recently and I think I've lost some weight since my stomach doesn't feel as big anymore (I don't weigh myself) but shit like this just makes me go fuck, why don't I just go into that downward spiral again where I spent hours of my day looking at thinspo, drink zero calorie drinks, fast and exercise until I'm about to pass out.
No. 908149
>>908136If you have a capacity for introspection and a smidge of self restraint, you can grow out of it. All you need is an environment stable enough for long enough to foster the growth. So leave your mom as soon as you can.
t.recovering bpdfag
No. 908161
>>908154I guess what I really meant is like, does this feeling stop? Like if I can train myself in all respects to act like a normal person, would I feel better?
I'm not going to stop trying either way, that's the right thing to do. But I would really, really like to feel better than this
No. 908191
>>908185NTA but are you seriously confused about how reproducing and living with men gives them the power? Not only do they desperately want those things and 'win' socially and evolutionarily speaking when they get them, it puts women in immediate physical danger. 9 months of decreased mobility and increased vulnerability that only gets worse post partum, with the addition of a child he can use to hurt you as well? Relying on him financially and emotionally throughout the process, potentially for decades? Being in close confines so you can't escape if he wants to hurt you, being socially pressured to stay no matter what, usually legally obligated to raise the child with him?
You are doing some insane mental gymnastics to justify your sex life. The only way to dominate men is by separating from them entirely, because they obsessively desire our company, reproductive capacity, bodies, time and energy. The workplace is the only real exception since it's a fact of life that we need to work together, but anything else is disadvantageous to us.
No. 908192
i arrived to college less than a month ago. the first week was great, i met a bunch of cool people and even found a boy i dated up until last weekend. i knew from the start that he was not good for me, but we were compatible in a lot of ways so i gave it a try. his mental illness is more severe than mine, and i knew this was a big issue but i ignored it. i would do everything i could to help him when he cried, talked about how much he hated himself, how he wished he wasn't mentally ill, etc. then one day, my mental health is pretty bad and i say some things that hurt him, even though they were based in reality…and then he dumped over that. i'm still sad about it just because i'm lonelier than i was before, but i don't think i'll have a problem finding someone else.
anyway, i found his mom's facebook. i know she wouldn't be able to look at him the same if i informed her that her son asked if he could call me "mommy" in bed. i would feel bad telling her but at the same time, it's quite tempting.
No. 908206
>>908192Yeah, I know that's an awful feeling when someone can't take what they dish out but don't involve his family.
This shit reminds me of when my mom tried to tell me fucked up fetishes my dad had when I was only 7 to hurt my dad and I am permanently traumatized by it. Two whole decades later I actually found out my mom was probably lying about it too but that's irrelevant.
No. 908210
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It was a long 6 days but I got my Mammom UR card. I hope the developers don't add another event right after this. I CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER EVENT I WILL SCREAM.
No. 908212
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stupid vent but stomach hurts from too much water and lemonheads.
No. 908213
>>908195You are pulling some navy seal tough guy shit with that 'just train a bigger, stronger, potentially dangerous and hateful human being like a dog' nonsense. It's cringe.
And no obviously we cannot fully separate from men if we want to reproduce, we're talking about the minority who want to dominate them. The only way to do that is separatism, anything else is wishful thinking and a cope for your desperation to have a moid in your life.
No. 908226
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i fucking hate oxford commas but i guess i'll fucking use them. stupid apa formatting.
No. 908236
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>>908231A guy I dated at some point fell in love with a girl who ended up being, not a camgirl but one of those girls they obsess about on 4chan. I had this image of her in my head of how much greater, smarter, more mature, more moral person she must be in contrast to me. When he finally found out she was an attention whore and lied to various people about aspects of her personality to various men I got to see the screenshots he had of her talking. I couldn't believe it because to me she was obviously retarded. Talking about her favorite food is sushi and coffee and typing like a tumblrina. I couldn't believe that she was obviously worse than me. So now my OCD eats away at me telling me that a man will never truly love me unless I unapologetically am horrible to them. That fear has disturbed me in the past long before I even met him and I wish it would leave me alone. I don't want to be loved from hurting people.
No. 908237
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>>908233what in god's name anon, were the authorities notified??
No. 908243
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Excited, nervous, feeling insecure about this first date with this guy. He's so sweet and I love talking over the phone and idk. I'm retarded feeling right now.
No. 908265
>>908233>When you first meet them you build a false image of them in your head so of course you'll look at them positively.I didn't have an experience as crazy as other anons but this is so true. It's hard having to reconcile the false good image you had with the reality. Actually pisses me off a lot that I would be so nice to him and compliment him in waysthat put myself down and were the complete opposite of the truth. And he just took it. I mainly don't think about him now but sometimes things remind me and this is one of them. It's the weirdest feeling when you realize there was nothing special about them that deserved to be put on a pedestal, that they were a complete disappointment of a human. But you have to be fair to yourself yknow. For me at the time I only discovered these flaws as I went, and the concepts themselves I had no prior knowledge of. Things that come from porn and 4chan and twitter political brainrot. When you first encounter those things in someone you already formed a good image of, and you know nothing of them, you are not prepared to understand what's happening. Kek I had such ridiculous conversations with this loser where he tried to make me agree with his tankie shit repeated verbatim from twitter, and even then I was like this is insane and goes against my deepest gut feelings. It's good to be away from it all and honestly these feelings of rage and at times insecurity, are healthy because you have to face that you simply weren't prepared for that to happen. The camgirl thing, it proves these guys were pornsick and not respectable humans at all yet you weren't prepared to see that yet when you hadn't known them for that and thought they were good guys who you loved. Over time it will get better I promise and the best thing is to allow yourself to feel conflicted but recognize how biased you were from "love". You can do better and these guys are a dime a dozen these cursed days, nothing special. The camgirls are their own people with their own problems but you should not feel jealous of them at all, believe me and hopefully in time you can come to see that as clearly as possible. Those men were pornsick and simping as a result of viewing it, it doesn't go deeper than that with the reason they liked those girls. Male parasocial relationships basically if that's the term
No. 908300
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>gets nothing but a shampoo for my birthday when all of these people know my hair are sensitive and picky
might as well bought me a cheap booze, would have been more useful. ways to show you hate me now, I guess. yay
i feel like such a salty, spoiled child and i miss my family that i havent seen in years.
No. 908325
>>908322someone to save me from my shitty situation, but validation from someone who at least pretends to care about me for a night wouldn't hurt either. Kinda disgusting. In a way it's the mildest form of love. I've thought of more specific things than that but it comes down to someone just verifying my existence in a way more than platonic. Not gonna happen. I guess.
Friendships don't count and an uncaring family certainly doesn't count.
No. 908329
>>908325If you aren't happy with yourself alone, people don't see you as someone they would like to be around. The pain, the thinking, the suffering, that is the process. You have to think about what really makes yourself happy until you find it out for yourself, and not distract yourself from that search with entertainment, self-indulgence or copes from therapists.
Yea verily, so sayeth Ru: "If you don't love yourself, how in the hell ypu gonna love somebody else?"
No. 908336
>>908329I'm good at feigning it. I just hide the fact that I hurt and despise myself from most people that aren't my therapist.
It's cyclical. It happens every few months minimum and then I try and lapse back out of the cycle and I always go back to hating myself. I guess that's not good enough for love. Anyone who sees these scars is going to run away or see me as an object to be used, at least that's my experience thus far. I've been trying to distance myself from this mentality of weakness but isolation made me sicker.
No. 908348
So not to be too gaslight gatekeep girlboss but a lot has gone down in my life in the past few weeks and I thought I'd share because honestly I'm stressed. So a few weeks ago I was hanging out with my cousin, drinking wine and watching movies. I only had two glasses and he had four. Things are cool, we're shooting the shit, I'm kind of buzzed and he's slurrring his words and kind of doing this weird thing where he swayed his head back in forth involuntarily. Then he starts saying how I'm so pretty and I have a nice ass and I get really fucking uncomfortable. I freeze up and try and laugh it off. I started talking about the movie, trying to change the subject and he keeps trying to lean in and kiss me. Like 15-20 times. I kept talking while pushing him away everytime and pretending it wasn't happening. He pukes on the couch and I have to clean it up while he falls asleep on the floor like a stupid drunk baby. I tell him about it the next morning and he apologizes.
But I wasn't satisfied. I couldn't stop thinking it for days and days afterward. It's not like getting drunk makes you stupid and do shit you don't want to do, it just lowers your inhibitions. I wondered how long he'd been looking at me like that for, why he thought it was okay. We've been best friends since diapers. So anyway, after stewing on it for awhile I put on the Gone Girl soundtrack and message his girlfriend about what happened and mention how earlier in the night he told me he was thinking of breaking up with her to fuck college girls (he's been in college for two years starting this semester and she's a senior in high school). I take a nap and wake up to him absolutely fucking losing it on me via text. He's all like "Why are you doing this to me? I was drunk, I said I was sorry, you should have just talked to me instead you didn't have to message my girlfriend, I made a mistake, I wanna kill myself, REEEEEE". I'm not having it. So he shows up to where I live, with my wheelchair bound grandpa I take care of who has no idea about any of this, and I hear him downstairs from my room talking to my grandpa and he's like "Yeah, I was just in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop in and say hi and see if anon wanted to grab some lunch or something". So gramps calls me down and I'm nervous and freaked out and don't know how to say no so I go with him. (1/2)
No. 908364
>>908336You only hate that what you see as your self doesn't match what you would like yourself to be. You hate that you don't naturally like the things that you see other people like.
You are not in a relapse, you are yourself. You are looking clearly at yourself right now, without some illusion of an identity you're trying to assume to cover up your own.
It doesn't matter what anyone else wants from you or wants you to do. It only matters what you for your own reasons like to do. I felt a void because I didn't know any other people like myself, but only when I was around other people. When I was walking in the forest, by a river, when I was walking on the beach, I didn't think about other people at all. I thought "Ooh, neat crab. Ooh, seaglass."
When I was in college I hated every second I had to spend around groups of people. I like some people one on one, bit in groups they all put on a mask to get along. After college, I knew that having some job where I had to get along with some random boss, some random dillweeds for coworkers and all the rest, would just make me hate every second of my life. But I didn't want to live with my parents so I needed to do something. Luckily I ended up in a solo foodservice job where i didnt have to do anything bit cook food and repeat the same four lines to customers. Doing that for a year was a really eye opening experience. I realized I actually liked being at work just about as much as not, as long as I was alone. All this time I thought I hated working, hated school, hated everything. But what I actually hated was being around people and having to wear a mask of being normal - for me, that meant tbis burning anxiety that I would let slip how weird and fucked up I am. Being that self conscious every second of the day drains you. It took all of my energy just to maintain a thin veneer of not being weird. But i wasn't that good at it anyway. It's not like I had a ton of friends or whatever. So what was the fucking point?
I basically realized I'm not even that crazy. I did the job well enough, I showed up on time and kept the place clean ish, I cooked the food like normal, thats all there is to it. I was like the only normal reliable employee he had, everyone else was some kind of crackhead, methhead, all sortsa heads. I realized that as long as I was alone and busy with something, literally anything, I was happy. I could just play my music, sing to myself autistically, wear literally anything cause people couldnt even see below my neck, and slap pancakes on plates. I did get terrible acid reflux from eating…well all the pancakes I could eat. So idk, bring lunch. Learn from my mistakes.
It's actually fascinating, because when you're in that position, people expect literally nothing from you. If they see you in there spergily singing to billy joel while making pancakes, they love it. They actually tip you more for being just fucking weird and memorable.
Now, it can be hard to find a job where you are allowed to be alone. I don't mean a career or whatever. You can't plan for the future because you don't know what you like to do yet. If you can't find something solo, try to find something with people who are as different from you & the people you grew up with as possible. Like, if ypu're white and work in a chinese/mexican/soulfood restaurant, all white people are about as weird to them, so you can just be who you are. And in the restaurant industry, if you're not literally on drugs, you're a prize employee. I am very much not joking. It's freeing to be valued literally just as a pair of hands, especially when you've always felt the need to justify even exosting. Why do you exist? Idk, to make pancakes I guess. You don't even have time to think about it, you have to make pancakes. I did this for about a year, and a side benefit was being motivated to work on my hobbies and try to make them pay so I didn't have to make pancakes anymore, and I quit once I was making about as much from my hobbies. This too was simplified: it changes your outlook from "What do I want to do with my life?" to "What sucks a little less than standing here making pancakes that I can make $60 a day from?" And that question is much easier to answer. But it had to be alone. No people to worry about offending, no office parties, no quarterly review. Just one old white dude boss man, and all he needs from you is make them pancakes. All I really needed, and all you need if you are like me, was time to be alone and think.
No. 908437
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I'm so sexually frustrated. All I want is a nerdy twink-looking dude with a future and similar bdsm fantasies as me, is it really too much to ask for?
No. 908442
The other day we went to a dinner with my bf's uncle and it's honestly have been a long time since I was as uncomfortable as I was then.
From the moment he got into a taxi he started behaving like an embarrassment. He is a really fat guy and he barely was able to fit in the car. So he started berating the driver because his car is "too small" and screaming at him that he should be embarrassed to be driving such a piece of shit. It was a Mercedes, so you know, not a small car, but I guess it is too much for his ego to accept that he was the problem. He also was screaming at him for not wearing a mask. After he calmed down a little bit, he wanted to make a conversation with the driver. The driver was a foreigner, so my bf's uncle started patronizing him, like "your english is really good, your family must be really proud of you" but talking really slowly, so the poor stupid foreigner would understand. I am a foreigner too and I am really sensitive to shit like that. I was petrified, but you know, had to deal with it to keep peace.
We got to a restaurant and it was an asian place and he started back on his shit. He was speaking over the manager who came to sit us down. He was asking everyone where they are REALLY from. And of course speaking really slowly and as if he was talking to children. And also he was leering on the waitresses, who were probably 16 years old, like following them around the room with his eyes, almost licking his lips, he grabbed one of them by the arm so she could listen to his "hilarious" joke and expected her to laugh. He also was joking about every ethnic group you can name, Jewish people, Indian people, Muslims, Americans, Scottish people Africans…. I do wonder whether he jokes about people of my nationality too? I bet he does, when I am not around. He always makes sure to point out that I am a foreigner - never lets me forget that i am not like everyone else in the family. I bet he think himself to be gregarious and welcoming, but he is just obnoxious.
No. 908517
>>908460I mean, she's right, most people are ""'"hetties"""" and will fuck and have kids, sorry if that
triggers you.
No. 908537
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Worrying too much about everything. My mom had a breakdown the other day, said she hasn't been taking her meds, and she's got PTSD from 9/11 (she used to work in the area so she was there when it happened) so I spent the entirety of yesterday thinking about if she's okay.
My friends haven't been doing to great either. I constantly want to help them, but I cannot offer anything besides "I'm here to listen to you."
My self worth is at zero. I want to die so badly.
No. 908603
>>908517It doesn't "
trigger" me, just don't pretend like you're doing anything for women and against men if you still give men power by fucking them and giving them resources and children lmao
No. 908656
>>908650Start desensitizing yourself if therapy and meds can't help you. The only way you're going to get over the problem is to face it. Start at some minimum wage job where there's not much to lose if you fuck up, call out, or need to quit.
Life isn't going to slow down waiting for you to catch up. All that's going to happen is that your peers are going to get even more ahead while you stay in place thinking about the what-ifs. The fact is most people are mistreated on a daily basis and it's about developing healthy perspective and copes to get you through it. You won't learn any of that by shutting off and hoping one day things are gravy.
No. 908678
>>908525I assume that you don't list your vaccination because you're unvaccinated. That would be a dealbreaker for me personally unless it was some kond of medical thing (does that exist?), but I think you would have explained that. If you're gonna stick with that whole….thing, you'll have to understand that it's gonna be like looking for a fellow moon landing truther. There's like some but they gonna be weird, and usually not in the good way.
And while I agree that short guys often have complexes, writing off a whole group of people is not a good look. I doubt they were all literal midgets. I mean what's your "cutoff" for height? How would you feel about men having a height limit for women they'd date? In fact a lot of them do, which is probably part of why you aren"t getting likes. Although short guys who try to lift & bulk up (due to complexes) often end up looking like lord of the rings dwarves. But it's mostly because they feel like shrimps around other men, and if you build their confidence a little they will stop all that lifting bulking protein shake pumping farting….stuff, and look like a human again after a couple months.
Here's something you could try: Just lie abput your height. Men give themselves an extra inch almost always, often even 2 or 3 extra inches. So just subtract 1, 2 or 3 inches from yourself. Men usually don't actually care about height if they like you, it's just a meme thing. So if you show up and are taller than them, even though the listed heights say otherwise, they'll think it was cause they were lying lol. Plus most girls wear heels om dates, and a lot of girls be wearing air force ones and chunky filas that give a ton of secret height. So if you just wear birkenstocks or flat thinsoled sneakers like keds/vans you'll kind of "subtract" a couple inches vs what a woman your height in thicker soled shoes would actually measure.
No. 908740
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I feel even more detached from reality it’s very scary, I feel like a ghost in a shell or a zombie. Some help pls
No. 908789
>>908650>>908763Yeah, I don’t think comparing yourself to your peers and mulling over lost time is going to be helpful. It’s depressing and isn’t going to make you feel more motivated.
I was in a very similar situation a few years ago, and what got me on the right track was finding some work that I could do from home. Getting used to a schedule and being able to make and spend my own money helped me regain a sense of control, and not having to deal with the added pressure of interacting with other people kept me from getting overwhelmed.
Anon, I would look into some online freelancer work as a first step. Try textbroker or callcenter stuff - they generally let you keep your own schedule, and you won’t have to deal with coworkers. I’m rooting for you!
No. 908812
>>908763I think she meant well. I have two options, be completely left behind and mentally regress into a 13 year old forever or try moving on with my life. I'm used to harsh advice and I'm not a pussy neither overly sensitive, but I've objectively been through very bad abuse. Also, if I don't get used to having a job I might end up in a very bad place later in life.
>>908789Call centers here demand you to go to their office. I worked a small callcenter job not long ago and it was horrible. I live in a developing country so I had to give costumer support to entitled American boomers that treated me like some slave and I broke down after 1 week.
No. 908824
>>908814uh no… it was just too early to be going over to each others houses i guess. we both lived with our parents and it was in the middle of the virus.
No. 908833
>>908808>>908821Men must give back.
True couples 69 in the bushes.
No. 908854
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>>908851i don't think guy eating you out in a very public place is the bare minimum
No. 908859
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>>908849We learn from our mistakes. You are blessed with you new self
No. 909004
>>908998he did ask for a hotel amidst wanting to fully have sex but i said no and then we eventually had sex at his place one day. idk why this
triggered you so hard, doing stuff in public is a very normie thing.
No. 909053
>>908808this reminds me of when my ex tried to get me to fuck him at a grave yard.
Idk some of y'all are wild.
No. 909059
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>>909036>dick in mouth>just touchingok zoomer
No. 909067
>>909053my 16 year old me would have agreed to your ex's idea, but my 16 year old me with social media around would have gotten a lolcow thread, kek
sometimes I'm very happy that I grew up before all those instagram and tiktok bullshit
No. 909090
>>909084K. Nothing wrong with it if no one is around. What you're describing is exhibitionism and most people who have sex in public are aiming for the opposite ie NOT getting caught by people. Who knew such a stupidly common thing couples do would
trigger so many nonnies?
No. 909102
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When I see a tasty boner I get a strong urge to bite it with great force, anyone else?
No. 909107
I went back to my home country to stay at my parents house and it's in such a terrible condition. Every single surface covered in…stuff. No attempt at organisation either. There was no surface that was uncovered. I had nowhere to put my phone down, even.
When I lived there, I used the opportunity of an empty house to clean the shit out of a room, throwing away food and toiletries that hadn't been touched in years. That was my idea of taking advantage of an empty house. The stuff I threw away was never missed or noticed. But now I don't even have the time to do that. I've offered to reserve a day with my mom and we can clean up but it's always met with defensiveness and hostility, no no it's your dad's fault he refuses to bla bla etc etc OR she's going to try and sell something at retail price (as if). Meanwhile there are 15+ bottles of deoderant around the bathroom, god knows how many more bottles of shower gel, for what reason? Why keep buying more? Just use the last 8th of the shower gel up! Why do you ALMOST use it up, then get a new one and never fucking touch it again??
They also have so many damn spiders there because of the mess, with my arachnophobia it just makes me so stressed to stay a night. I'm also a bit worried about what'll happen when they get older (60s now). It'll get worse I'm sure, and if the worst happens I'll probably have to hire someone to throw things out and I hate the idea of that because I'm a sentimental bitch.
I don't know, I've tried to sit them down and have a talk about it, but I guess I can't do anything unless they decide to. My mom has anxiety and I KNOW the environment doesn't help her so why does she fight SO HARD to keep it that way?
No. 909111
>>909098men truly don't clean their dicks tho, thought that was common knowledge
>>909105some of them outright let it sit inside the toilet too
No. 909116
>>909110If you consider washing your boyfriends blue cheese chunks off his dick foreplay then I have to give you my condolences.
Foreplay is meant to turn the woman on. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, babygirl.
No. 909118
>>909111>men truly don't clean their dicks tho, thought that was common knowledgei mean i've never had any experience with unclean dicks lol. maybe it's just luck but all 2 dicks i've had sex with were pretty much always clean, even the cum tasted and looked extremely neutral. i would definitely have some visceral reaction like gagging to a guy presenting me an unclean dick but it's just never happened
>some of them outright let it sit inside the toilet tooidk what else you want them to do with it other than let it hang or sit on the rim lol. hold it in their hands???
No. 909130
>>909095Putting a dick in my mouth only makes sense when I'm horny, any other time it's not appealing.
>>909114People also forget that there are cameras everywhere. I got caught sucking dick in a car park because while no one was around, there was still CCTV.
No. 909138
>>909131I think it just seems a little inconsiderate anon. Like if the whole premise is that having sex where someone could possibly catch you is exciting, doesn’t it inherently mean that someone could see you boning without wanting to? In that sense, it’s almost like flashing in that you’re potentially subjecting an unwilling participant to your weird sex stuff.
It’s also hard to gauge just how alone you actually are. I was once awake in my hotel room at like 4 AM, and I saw a boomer couple having sex in the jacuzzi outside my window. I wasn’t too pleased kek
No. 909143
>>909138I agree it's bad if someone catches you but it just depends on you're THAT unlucky that you're gonna get caught I guess. If you ask a bunch of people whether they've done it outside somewhere most are gonna say yes but how many times have they actually seen someone else having sex outside? The problem is couples like the boomers in your story (kinda based that they're old and still in love but w/e) and
>>909140 where some people are just so retarded that they pick THE most public and inappropriate places.
No. 909145
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take your sex lives to /g/ I’m tired of reading this shit
No. 909148
>>909103>i think im traumatized because one time i dated a fat guy, his cum was literally orange and chunky. i will never recoverChrist anon, I hope you'll recover one day. That's awful. Should've sued him and demanded monetary compensation.
It's a shame that genitals are unappealing in general. Vaginas are okay but they're not really nice to look at either. At least I'm not disgusted by them though.
The first time I saw a dick however, I was simultaneously disgusted and horrified to the point of almost crying and I'm neither lesbian, joking nor exaggerating. It was clean and all, it's just the fact that it was a dick. And dicks are ugly as hell.
No. 909191
>>909188>SerbiaThis is no longer the old people fucking thread
This is now the Balkan thread
(derailing) No. 909195
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I don't really hate women, I hate society and men for allowing them to do whatever they want.
They're like children, they have greatly diminished mental capability compared to men on average and if you let them freely do whatever they want they will destroy your civilization.
Islam is right about women and when I saw the Taliban rightfully take back their country and restore order so women stop learning toxic western whore mentality I was happy for them.(moid)
No. 909204
>>909200That's a completely
valid feeling too anon, kek.
>>909197>Even the Serbian old folk be fuckingThis vent thread really went places.
No. 909205
>>909197>The study included 174 patients >Among men, 23.3% had an STD, and among women 20.8%Meanwhile
>Adults over the age of 50 consistently represent around half of the population of those living with diagnosed HIV in the U.S.Sure there might be some old people fucking but case in point that's really nothing compared to the point the original anon was making about how common STDs amongst along people in some places
No. 909208
>>908663>There's some interesting overlap between the bullshit you say and the bullshit incels sayThere's some interesting overlap between the bullshit handmaidens say and the bullshit moids say
>haha you're so insecure about men, what an insecure man-hater are you!Implying it's not natural for a woman to hate men or be insecure about men in the patriarchy lol
No. 909213
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Got my PTSD legitimately triggered for the first time in a while watching a popular TV show for like the DUMBEST reason because a major character who shares my name was SA'd and I remember it being super controversial around the time I was SA'd so I had to hear the phrase "my name got raped" all the time and it was really upsetting and I completely forgot that was even a thing until I saw the character onscreen doing something completely inconsequential during the first episode so I didn't even see it happen on screen like kill me
I didn't even think I was capable of feeling like that since I wasn't even a fan of the show at the time but just something in passing that happened to coincide with the incident but DAMN.
No. 909229
>>909157gotta take your own advice anon and not
blame yourself. you moved on and know better.
trash really attracts trash yikes
No. 909244
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Pretty sure I just walked in on my boyfriend looking at a huge Instagram models ass I’m gonna cry
No. 909245
>>909237Same thing is happening with drug addicts as with food addicts.
>waah waah stop vilifying usHow about no. Your addictions are your problem. How I react to them is my problem.
No. 909251
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>>909229But then you think to yourself "how awful of a person must I be to not even keep someone as bad as that" He also cheated on me twice with the same girl (not the girl he's now with, even that girl left him after a few months apparently)
No. 909256
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I saw a crop top that I really want, but I'm overweight and self-conscious of my stomach so I know it would just be a waste of money
No. 909259
>>909256Why not buy it and work towards losing the weight that you feel so uncomfortable with? Don't be a hostage to yourself
No. 909268
>>909265nta but she said when they JUST got together. That's different. I wouldn't be as rough as the anon you are replying to but it's a
valid point.
No. 909278
>>909273>missing the point this hardTry rereading
>>909264 and
>>909272, this time with a little better comprehension. Come on, anon. I know you can do it.
Changing your writing style doesn't make it less obvious btw
No. 909284
>>909276I highly doubt this. I like to believe the world isn't that disturbed.
Man, I'd like to laugh at MGTOWs mocking women for the "argument of the holes" but some of you guys will even use it on other women. "You disagree with me so you must be an INCEL."
No. 909295
>>909287The thing I hate is that I was trying to actually make a point that thinking that's a bad thing to do is
valid but shouldn't be approached with such hostility as is clear by the poster herself saying it made her upset and ended up getting called a man. And now I will probably be banned for infighting lole
No. 909296
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>>909276>Most people fuck before they're "together".nta but I thought this was a meme and studies showed that people were actually having less sex and hookup culture was exaggerated? if it's actually true then I have yet another reason to avoid men. why can't they just wait
No. 909312
>>909276Lmao I don't know where you live but around here dudes only fuck when they don't plan to date you.
Either way its a gamble imo
No. 909327
>>909318This is the second anon today just talking shit without having the faintest idea about statistics. The other one was the anon who thought 50% of aids patients are X meant the same as 50% of X are aids patients.
It's just morons flinging shit. Enjoy the show but don't try making any sense of it.
No. 909330
No. 909343
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I want chips so bad rn
No. 909348
>>909214And stop making me re-live second-hand embarrassment
No. 909364
>>909357"context" does not impact statistics.
You're just another shit flinger.
No. 909404
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nonnies should i become a born again virgin and save myself for marriage? i don't want to be an Easy Whore™ like that dirty anon that had sex with her boyfriend outside of bedlock
No. 909410
>>909404Getting married as a woman in this modern day dating situation is the biggest L you can possibly take unless you luck out and meet one of the few lesser scroty males.
ride the cock carousal
No. 909413
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I don't really see the value in art like this.>Sorayama states, “I think my work is an acceptable expression because I am Japanese. Overseas, robots in the shape of humans cannot be made due to religious restrictions. I think that sexy robots have been highly evaluated because they are drawn by artists of the yellow race who are not religious and punishable. Giger was a Swiss and exposed taboos such as internal organs and bones to the world. I thought he was a real pervert. My artwork is more socially acceptable than his”.>“My life work is to express light. I also have a desire to oppose social norms in my work. Depicting things which are supposedly taboos is an important motivation in my creative activities”.Isn't a subjugated woman just a hyper-expression of social norms?
No. 909425
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>>909404nah, become one of those cloistered nuns
No. 909462
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I have a mom who tells lies about me a lot. I am pretty sure she really believes the lies about me too because she shows genuine emotional distress when recalling "things I did." I didn't realize until about a half of a year ago when I finally talked to her side of the family out of her supervision that she had been telling these lies to the family. They were really huge tales about me joining a gang, being promiscuous, and physically harming her. It turns out my family had been distant to me from all these constant lies. Just a few days ago I found out she told them I convinced someone to kill themselves on Skype with me when I was younger. Someone did kill themselves on Skype with me but I tried to talk them out of it and stayed so they wouldn't die alone. Because they were an anon I couldn't call the police or anything anyway. I was devastated and cried till I puked from watching them die and my mom was there. I actually dedicated quite a bit of my time to trying to help depressed people online and she apparently spun this into me "helping people kill themselves" and that I approached it very "cold." I even held onto this value so much I ended up getting a degree in psychology to continue to help people. Even though I am now able to correct these stories in my mid twenties I can't help but have this sadness that the impression my mom gave them of me will never fully go away. I don't think they believe her anymore I just feel like first impressions hang around and it wouldn't be their fault. I am just sad thinking over all the people I've known from childhood that got close to my mom and started hating me. It feels like by just trying to make it out of my abuse and look the other way at what my mom did that my mom's extraversion combined with lies has poisoned an entire area from ever connecting with me. Sometimes I want to move away from my city just because my mom knows so many people. I also feel that it's all my fault sometimes, thinking of all the little wrong things I did like not cleaning up after myself enough as a kid or just being too socially awkward. I know it isn't my fault but I just feel really bad right now and worried that I can never escape what she did to my reputation.
No. 909533
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I love my friends to death and back, and I'm truly blessed to have met people like them in my shitty life. But sometimes I really wish they shared my main interest. Or that I had a different circle who shared that interest, but too many anime fans are freaks of nature, exclusively enjoy weebshit so they look down on anything non-japan or want to do weird shit like cosplay/RP (no offense to the handful of anons who are into that). All I want to do is discuss and play/watch shows and games we like or hate.
No. 909653
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>>909533Cosplay is so fucking tiresome, I don’t know if my autism just acts up when such things are presented to me, but I always feel like there’s no way to have fun with cosplay shit unless you actually like to/know to sew shit.
I can’t even fold a piece of paper, but my best friend always tells me to do closet cosplays with her of the characters she ships.
But I’m so fucking autistic, I can’t ever find the right clothes, I always feel like I need a wig, I’m shit at makeup and I hate when a character doesn’t have the same skin tone that I have.
Like, yeah, have fun and all, but the moment you go out, everyone judges you and takes pictures of you to make fun of you afterwards because you wanted to dress up like a funky cartoon girl, I don’t like that.
No. 909748
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>>909741it’s been like that for a looooong time, anon.
No. 909763
>>909276Lemme give you a tip
nonny: cock sucking can give you oral cancer!
No. 909778
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>>909462Wow, your mom sounds like a gigantic piece of shit, and the fact that people would even take a mother saying these things about her kid at face value is outrageous. I don't think anyone here would fault you if you cut ties and moved to a different city; moving can be a great opportunity for a fresh start, too.
No. 909792
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I hate the retarded "life isn't fair" take parents do when their kid encounters any setback or injustice. It's not training your kid to be strong, or whatever, it's just teaching them learned helplessness young.
No. 909797
>>909781And that being said, I want to reiterate
>>909741. The stripper image has to be sold with the voice all the time and I'm tired of it.
No. 909812
>>908678if ayrt is from the US, 45% of people are unvaccinated. it's not as hard to find them as you're making out. and the advice about height is terrible. no woman should have to settle for a man shorter than her, ESPECIALLY a tall woman. OP
nonnie, don't settle for less than 6'4"
No. 909819
>>908678If you think the same people wary of the vaccine are flat earth types you'd get quite a surprise. Most people wary of the vaccine aren't even wary of other vaccines. Also
>>909812 short qt unvaccinated boy supremacy.
No. 909820
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My dad has recently been obsessed with researching narcissistic behavior ala YT because of his relationship to my mother as she and him are not in the best of conditions now. But its like he's imagining me or compares me to my mom in his head and so when I respond to him in a less than polite tone he says shit that vaguely references what he's learned from his YT vids. Its funny because he acts like such an asshole to me and expects me to take it but I'm not a fucking pushover so I say what I need to say because I will not tolerate shit like that from any man INCLUDING my male family members. He seems to take that as being a "Bitch just like your my mom" and so he'll be say shit like, "Take responsibility for your actions" or he'll point out my standing up for myself as talk back to him while completely disregarding his douche actions to me that made me tell him off. He is so misogynistic too and he'll make offhand comments about women or my mother that are so disgusting. My mother isnt the best person to be with but my father certainly isnt better. Its fucked up and he doesnt do this to my brother who is actually disrespectful and rude asf to the whole family. I feel like Im being attacked by him and I know its not in my head because it goes on constantly and I cant confide in others irl cause Ill know they'll tell me otherwise.
No. 909824
>>909726I'm so sorry you have to go through that, and I can't imagine how painful it is to have to relive that by having that freak try to contact you again. I recommend talking to a therapist about this because it sounds like you may not be entirely over what happened to you. If you can't do that I recommend talking to a crisis hotline to just vent about it, sometimes it's good to be able to talk to someone who is supportive about it, even if it's completely anonymous. The people on there are genuinely more knowledgeable about what/if can be done in your country as well.
You may want to look into what can be done in your country about a stalker/harasser because there may be some kind of protection you can get from him if the behavior continues.
Look after yourself,
nonny. Practice some self care, meditate, draw a bath, light some candles, read a book, do whatever you normally do to de-stress.
calling a suicide hotline/mental health hotline just to talk about it because this sounds like something you should talk
No. 909889
>>909827>>909865Definitely check that out.
My mom was taking some meds for gastrointestinal issues and it caused this. Same symptoms.
No. 909921
>>909827I'm also 24 and dealing with the same thing, early onset dementia runs in my family (mothers side) too. Are you sleeping okay? Stressed about anything recently? Because lack of sleep can cause that kind of memory issues, mine has been improving a little since I've been sleeping more (it's still pathetic 7 hours) but I'm hoping I can get 9 hours a sleep a day eventually. Another issue is your vitamin D levels, start taking a supplement if you haven't already. I don't know if you're in lockdown/working from home but vitamin D deficiencies fuck you up in so many ways including cognitive function. Everyone should be supplementing for vitamin D imho, that's something that I feel like everyone who takes it can vouch for.
Another thing that can be relevant is if you have had COVID. Some people develop long COVID (even some who were asymptomatic) end up developing cognitive issues afterwards for a period of time.
Definitely get your blood checked at least, a lot of things can cause your memory to be not as well. Improving my sleep and getting vitamin D through a supplement + actual exposure has helped me a LOT.
No. 909970
>>909964You should voice your concern privately to your s/o, he'll probably listen to you if he knows you're genuinely worried and care about his family. You could try to be there for his sister too, listen to her, ask her a select few important questions and make sure she understands that she can seek you out when she feels like she needs help. I'd avoid openly antagonizing an
abusive man because it can turn against you or her or your s/o very quickly, but don't bottle it up either. If you're worried about a woman who struggles, that's more than enough reason to offer your shoulder for support. If she needs positive affirmation and a sign that she's cared about by people beyond this one douche, you could be one of the people to give her that crucial signal.
You can do it. I hope she also finds the courage to establish better personal boundaries.
No. 910042
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I feel even worse coming on here and I have nothing else to do
No. 910135
>>909827There are a bunch of reasons why this could be happening that aren't dementia-related, including chronic stress and a number of medications. See your doctor ASAP and get a referral to a neurologist or a second opinion if she brushes you off; while the cause probably isn't anything deadly, certain underlying issues like
>>909865 can cause long-lasting or permanent damage.
No. 910174
My throat and lungs hurt, when I breathe I want to cry, and my fever is worse now,I hope I have pneumonia or something so at least I know what is wrong with me and I know I have to rest at home and I know how to treat it, I have had a fever for half a year but no other symptoms except on some days slight pain in my throat and lungs, I've been to all sorts of doctors and nobody could find anything wrong with me, but now I remember when I had pneuomonia as a child I also went to the doctors so many times and nobody could find anything wrong with me. But why did it get worse now, I have an exam tomorrow, and another one in a few days, and then more next week, now I'm sure I'll fail them. I tried to take the exams a few times but since I'm sick my performance is bad. I never cry but now I'm trying not to cry all day because it hurts, at least I am alone now I can cry. It's funny, I dont cry a lot from my eyes but water droplets fall from my nose. I wish I didn't have responsibilities I wish I could stay at home until I was better. Sorry for stupid boring vent about disease
No. 910347
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As an American I fucking loathe how uncommon bidets are. All my friends who hear about those Japanese toilets with built in bidets and say "eww" like shut the fuck up you morons.
Anyway I just had to shit at work and it wasn't the cleanest job ever so I had to leave the stall with toilet paper stuffed in my crack, wet some paper towels (and hope to god no one came in), then go back into the stall and clean myself because I was NOT sitting in soiled underwear for the rest of the work day and wiping myself with dry toilet paper made it feel like I'd sooner clog the toilet with how much I was using before I got clean enough to leave. If we had bidets? Just clean myself in two seconds then done. Fuck this country, give me bidets.
No. 910355
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i moved to uni a day ago and i already hate it. i feel like an ugly little gremlin next to the other girls. i haven't been flirted with since i was 12 years old. that was my peak which fucking depresses me. i just cant socialise with anyone without thinking about how disgusted they must be by me.
No. 910427
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>>910347just use a water gun
No. 910441
>>910436I mean it's not like there's
nothing you can do. Get a good job, get plastic surgery or if you don't wanna do that, be a little more slutty. Society is still plastic and shallow, but being ugly isn't really stopping people these days.
No. 910446
nonny I'm so sorry you went through that but I am so glad you could heal and understand that you were being manipulated. It's not stupid that you believed those things, these people know how to get into people's heads, find their insecurities and exploit them, they're predators, and destroying women is their lifeblood.
No. 910660
>>909824Thank you so much for all the tips anon! I am in therapy for my PTSD thankfully so I can talk to my therapist about what happened next session. I just got terrible thoughts that he was going to find me and hurt me somehow. I feel a lot better today though, I had a bath like you said and it helped me.
>>909731So far he's only tried to contact me those two times, there was no police intervention and I'm pretty sure all the proof of what happened is gone now. I could look into getting one but I don't know if it's worth it
>>909768I really wish I could, any anons that live in Kansas willing to fuck a pedophile up? kek
No. 910731
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this will be the most retarded vent but i'm so hurt. the only thing i asked of my bf for my bday was to not drink and spend the day with me but he got piss drunk of course. i painted him stupid ass detailed art even tho i'm shit at drawing it took me a fucking month and i spent like 100 euro on his bday gifts but he couldn't even stay sober for one day. i'm so sick of this man, even my bitchy coworker gave me some nice chocolates but my own bf just treated me like trash. sorry ik im immature and stupid just needed to vent.
No. 910782
>>910747yeah idk i just feel stupid.
>>910761thanks anon you are very sweet, really appreciate the wishes
No. 910815
>>910785thanks anon i was happy with the painting too!
>Genuine question, what do you see in him?i don't know, he just seemed different from other men, he was calm, kind, feminine, but idk i feel like i was tricked now. maybe it's just my emotions speaking through me rn but that wasn't what i signed up for.
No. 910826
>>910815That's surprisingly common. A lot of men try very hard to get women and then simply stop trying, reverting to the slobs they really are. It especially works well when you've dealt with other horrible men in the past so you think that the facade is truly a catch.
I'm really sorry you have to deal with him. As corny as it sounds, the best birthday gift you can give yourself is putting yourself first. I hope you can leave him soon.
No. 910887
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one of my profs this semester has such shitty organization skills i hate him so damn much
however i know that hating him and whining about how shit he is won't help me, so in 5 or so minutes [i have pomdoro timer up] im gonna mow through this assignment i should've done days ago for his course and pray for the best
fuck me in the ass
No. 911084
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i'm not normal and never will be. everything feels too hard. i feel hollow and nothing is enjoyable anymore. i'm tired of being disappointed. i'm tired of being fucked up.
No. 911223
>>911212NTA but woah I’ve never heard of this! Is there any affects on like periods or breast changes? Asking because when I eat like shit my boobs hurt and periods suck due to the hormonal changes
Have you tried it? How well does it work?
No. 911225
>>911208You know you cannot just "pop" most (if not all) antidepressants and get instant results, right? I'm glad you have to get diagnozed to get meds, even with that I've been hearing my whole life how people who take medication for mental illness "just want a magic pill to fix all their issues", that they are entitled and spineless etc.
If there's something wrong with you, talk with a doctor. If no, find a different solution.
No. 911250
>>911208The most common anti-depressant, SSRI, won't really do anything to you if you aren't actually depressed and would take a month of constantly taking it for it to do anything and you'd be miserable before you were better. Just elaborating on what
>>911225 said.
No. 911251
I actually waited until my dad dies and he did pass last year. Holding on seems pointless now.
No. 911256
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My sister has made bad decisions all her life and was never made to deal with consequences. She had a kid at 18 years old and now she's having another kid with an entirely different man 10 years later. It's the most cringe thing either. My mother (when she was alive) was fine with this and so was my dad.
Meanwhile i have a career, my own house and live with my wife of 12 years. I never got any praise or 'congrats' from them. I feel very seperated from my family. I'm married and happy, but i dont want kids, (difficult in a lesbian relationship too) but it's wild that my sister can fuck men, have babies and get praised because …?? no idea really. It's so bizarre and i dont want to deal with the aftermath of her breaking up with this guy she isnt even married to and dealing with her.
No. 911259
>>911256I can relate anon. My family shits on me for no reason when I’m doing well and do the most for the family. Meanwhile my sister gets worshipped when she’s doing awful and making retarded decisions.
I will never understand, but she was the favored one even when we were both little, so maybe it’s just carried into adulthood.
No. 911272
>>911268Some employers are stupid as fuck
I got fired last month because I didn't put 2 invoices into the system. No one noticed until I fixed the error on my own. It wasn't even a high amount of money orimportant invoice.
Hope we both find something miles better.
No. 911317
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>>911067Stay strong
nonnie, I'm sending huge powerful positive and lucky vibes toward you and your mom!
No. 911391
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I just started my first semester of college. It's basically my second since I had to drop out very suddenly due to someone in my family dying out of the blue and some health problems I had. I took it as an opportunity to focus on other aspects of my life and then hopefully do amazing this semester.
It really turned out better in theory than in practice because I just ended up really miserable. My life has gone from horrible to fucking worse with more things in my life spinning out of control. I've gotten more and more depressed and I find it so hard to focus on my studies. I envy the person I was in the first half of the year where despite taking medication that made me so lethargic I was able to adhere to a semi decent work ethic. Now I struggle to get through even half an hour of work without getting distracted, and concepts take forever to sink in. I stopped seeing my therapist since I'm now broke and the wait list at my college's counselling is endless.
I had extensions granted due to the recent shit that life decided to throw my way, I managed to catch up to all of my submissions thanks to that which made me feel a bit better. Then I talked to the people in my group for our project and they're both light years ahead of me. It seems like these two have everything together and they've truly gone above and beyond what's expected while I was commending myself for getting into a groove but what I've done isn't even a fraction of what these two are doing.
I feel so out of place. I'm getting my ass kicked by these submissions and I really wish I could go back in time and redo things and not be depressed. This year has been such a tremendous fucking shit show, failing all of my classes would be the shit cherry on top.
No. 911405
>>911391>Then I talked to the people in my group for our project and they're both light years ahead of me. It seems like these two have everything together and they've truly gone above and beyond what's expected while I was commending myself for getting into a groove but what I've done isn't even a fraction of what these two are doing.>I feel so out of place. I'm getting my ass kicked by these submissions and I really wish I could go back in time and redo things and not be depressed. This year has been such a tremendous fucking shit show, failing all of my classes would be the shit cherry on top.Anon, I know it's hard but don't worry so much about how everyone else around you is doing and just go your pace. College is different for everybody and there are plenty of people who struggle just like you do. There's no use worrying about the past, shit happens. The most important thing is to finish it in the end.
I know it's easier said than done, but don't put so much pressure on yourself and try to make this college experience as pleasant as you can.
No. 911549
>>911522You've either never met a smarter than average person or you're deep in denial. Putting down others won't make you or anon soar any higher. So
>>911405This is actually good healthy advice.
No. 911576
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>meet a guy from my school who used to go to elementary school with
>'oh, that's cool. We can catch up on stuff' ,I think
>he brings his switch and says we can play Splatoon 2 in between classes
>he turns out to be a coomer, talking about hentai and much porn there is of marina
>whenever I'm mean to him, he just takes it as a joke
I might just 'befriend' him so I can play his switch sometimes, but not talk to him more than I need to and ''''jokingly'''' make fun of him every chance I get, without overdoing it. God, I need some female friends
No. 911687
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>>911673Always happy to help
No. 911739
>>911706So why get mad when you can also make good grades just by having friends lmao
Anon acting like doing well in an average American state college involves high level corruption and Bad Genius cheating schemes.
No. 911746
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>>911605>>911610>>911618When on a gossip site, always remember that a huge proportion of the userbase is there because tearing down a given cow props up their own flimsy self-esteem for a handful of moments. That's why the threads featuring women who are top of the game in mainstream culture or whatever shitty subculture they belong to (e.g. belle delphine, billie elish) or people who are absolute fucking losers that other losers or former losers can easily identify with (e.g. shay, anachans) have the most passionate and hateful regulars. Billie isn't old-looking or ugly or w/e, but the people who nitpick her depend on that idea because it makes them feel less shit about themselves.
No. 911796
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Lots of this recently
No. 911867
I had an exam today but I didn't go because I had a fever of 38.5°C so I got a bit scared that it would grow higher (I feel very sick also besides that) and then later I took a sleeping pill and measured my temperature after sleeping again and it was only 37°C. so I felt like a lazy loser and like I could have gone to the exam. Even though I know that is stupid and I probably would have done horribly on the exam but I still felt bad but now my temperature is above 38°again and now I feel justified even though I know that is wrong and stupid and I should not be happy that my temperature is growing. I wish I was dead really but not in a depressed way I just don't want to be sick anymore all I've done today is lie down and cry and look at the rich people in crazy dresses on lolcow
>>911853Me too and I don't wanna be a slave to the "here is a piss poor photo of my child in poor light can you paint it?" people either, I want to sell my own original paintings
>>911860I pray for you
No. 911916
>>911208Cold shower. Now.
>>911236I stayed at the YMCA and it was loud and turbulent, like an elephant learning to tap dance. I'm sorry that your situation isn't as temporary as mine was, but earphones or plugs will save you, and if you're brave enough, talk to them about it, or get your pet moid to do it for you.
No. 911928
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>>911794>most women would much rather have sex with an unattractive manPossession of military grade copium is illegal. Can’t believe incels necking themselves when all they need to do is type ur so secksi at the nearest female.
No. 911940
>>911916talking to them won't fix anything, we tried it and now they are twice as loud and annoying, they are just assholes and I think about putting butyric acid under their doormat when we move one day. The other neighbours aren't any better, so everyone deserves to suffer.
>>911917Anon here you answered to. It's been the right decision. I'm drinking way too much myself, but if my partner would ask me to stop for one or two days (or seek help or something like that), I would and could do it. It will hurt for some time, that's for sure, but you will be better off without him, an alcoholic as a partner isn't fun for a serious long-term relationship. And now, buy yourself a cake and eat it while watching something nice and uplifting.
No. 911949
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I wish my voice was louder, there was this girl in the afternoon when she was crossing the road a car honked at her and she went "IT'S STILL GREEN!" and her voice was clear and loud. Mine is meek in comparison even when I'm mad, is there voice training?
No. 911974
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this guy i know is like a master coder (he has a popular game up on steam that he's the main dev for – to the point of being the main bug fix guy) and he's the same age as me. i'm so fucking jealous
we're both 22 by the way. why did god curse me with a dumbass brain on top of chronic laziness/apathy/add/whatever this constant brain fog is
No. 912127
>>912082I had a similar experience, my family was
abusive and I was bullied in school and the man who molested me seemed like the only person who cared about me. He moved and I was obsessed with getting his attention back because it was the most “positive” attention I had known. I would cry all the time wishing I could turn back time so he would still “love” me, getting older made me feel worse every year. Nowadays I still feel agony over this and hate myself but it’s less than in the past because I’ve learned to occupy myself reading, doing silly quiet hobbies, and maintaining even one friendship. It’s difficult to break out of that dark place but I hope you’re able to find some peace anon and know that you do deserve better, it’s hard when you are already alienated and that becomes your standard of love but it isn’t and you shouldn’t settle for that, he is a disgusting creep who took advantage of you and it’s not your fault you feel this way, it is the design of grooming.
No. 912143
>>912129also just to follow this up im pretty sure my boyfriends going to leave me soon because im genuinely so depressed and i dont want to get out of bed i dont want to eat i never feel like talking anymore im sure being around me is super annoying and i also just feel very ugly and probably look ugly all the time too
im sure he looks at other girls all the time and thinks to himself "oh shes cute and she likes to talk" like im sure he's just going to fuck off and find someone else lol
No. 912185
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god I love women, and not in a TikTok-faux-wlw-bisexual but in a women-are-such-complex-beautiful-individuals-whose-humanity-has-been-discredited-for-centuries-and-yet-we-persevere-and-this-beauteous-world-of-womanhood-continues-to-unfold-before-me-as-I-learn-to-love-myself-and-my-innate-womanhood-as-well-as-my-sisters-around-me-and-our-unbreakable-bonds type of way
No. 912225
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it seems like we're always out of painkillers when I need them the most, guess I'll pray myself to sleep
No. 912342
>>912305Maybe whoever did it, did it so they weren't "cancelled" or fired for discrimination or whatever. I am solely a crypto
TERF because you can't be it without scrutiny
No. 912347
>>912338I empathize. When I worked at a call center there was a notorious scrote who would call late at night to get female agents on the phone, and ask for complicated but specific items and itineraries just to hear the women talk. It was sexually motivated, not some lonely old man wanting to annoy service workers for company.
I never got that infamous call, but bets are if I did I probably would have gotten in trouble for telling him to neck himself kek.
No. 912386
>>911771then i must be autistic for not wanting to fuck 60 year old scrotes who get the boners for me
thanks for enlightening me anon
No. 912391
>>91236012 year olds shouldn't be on the internet to be honest
>>912361gross! he wanted you to think of his genitals for some perverted fantasy. "yass kween youre still a real woman even with the wrinkly penis and balls! embrace your femininity!" the underwear talk clearly shows it's a bimboification fetish for them.
>>912386can they still get boners past 50? lol
No. 912398
>>911605lolcow has always been full of anachans, fags pretending to be women, and underage girls. But yes, it gets exhausting. theres nothing wrong with how she looks.
>>911632I never understood the "only fags like bara" meme either.
No. 912419
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so my family is probably going to test all positive for covid, the weirdest thing is that I’ve been near them so much and I only got the first dose of the pfizer and I don’t feel anything yet, maybe sometimes I feel icky at night but I felt fine. they don’t seem to have severe symptoms as well, not that I know of as of yet especially my own mom who is probably more vulnerable to getting serious symptoms but she still has a sense of taste. i’m kind of scared even though I’m 19 but yeah, I feel slightly asymptomatic but I’m getting tested
No. 912468
>>911654i have an ed and i'm dealing with something similar right now and your post hit close to home.. unfortunately people without eds usually don't get that forcing recovery doesn't work, they try to because they mean well by it but the decision to recover is a tough one and it needs to come from within yourself to truly take. i would try explaining this to him and telling him that you do want to get better, but it's not that simple and it's certainly not an overnight process. also speaking from experience if you recover just to keep somebody around and you part ways for a different reason later on, you're a lot more likely to relapse (another reason why doing it for your own sake and not to appease anyone else is important)
i hope you're able to salvage your relationship as well as get better whenever you're ready to, i'm sorry this is happening anon.
No. 912470
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I wish I wasn't completely useless
I don't even have motivation to be useful, which is even worse
Sometimes I try, but it's always fruitless
No. 912474
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I wish polyvore was still alive. I want to smack the greedy assholes who just bought the website for datamining and threw all the fun stuff on it into the trash for their shitty online shop.
No. 912573
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Instead of studying, I went into camwhoring right out of high school. I made a pittance, and now I find myself unemployable at 28, living with my parents again, having wasted years of my life. I got into it because it was an easy way to make money, and I very badly needed to move away from home. Yes, I'm retarded, and yes I deserve being an unemployable NEET for pedo pandering and supporting the porn industry, but god damn. I had so many chances to stop. So many people told me to at least study something while I "worked" like this, and I just went reeee sex work is real work at them.
No. 912587
>>912573eh, i don't think you don't deserve to be unemployable for being young and making a mistake. you went into it right after high school, people that age are notoriously retarded and don't consider the future and given how that would have been around the time sex work started being glorified online so much, it's not hard to see why a teenager would see it as an easy way out.
if you were easily recognizable or doxxed you can probably find a job if you give yourself a makeover and legally change your name, and regardless of what some people think it's never too late to get an education. you aren't doomed forever, even if it feels that way
No. 912615
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I got a strike on one of my social media accounts for being too spicy, I'm really embarrassed about it tbh. Generally I'm very courteous and polite to everyone I interact with, I never bully or dig into people even if I cannot stand them. What I'm thinking is that I posted an ebil terf meme or some shit or took the piss out of coomers, something that makes touchy tards reeeeeee.
Totally okay to call for the murder of women who don't want to see Buffalo Bill in a public toilet tho, of fucking course.
It's honestly so tiresome anons…
No. 912620
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>>912615holy shit, I am fucking DONE with twitter. they banned you for something harmless yet this shit is perfectly acceptable and the taliban is allowed a twitter. I don't even know what to do anymore, the world is going to shit.
No. 912629
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I really struggle to make close girl friends and my last two girl friends both didn't support me during this shit year despite me doing the same for them. They went through some really shit situations but I was always there to check up on them or listen to them. They were the only two girl friends I've had since my former best friend who was very toxic (BPD)
My closest friend is a guy and he's more supportive than either of them. Not perfect but he makes a genuine effort.
My issue with this friend is that he admitted to having a crush on me. I really thought I had managed to break the cycle and have a real platonic friend. He said he felt better about telling me and he was scared of my reaction because he knows how much other guys have hurt me in the past.
I couldn't be honest so I told him that it was fine. I was really upset. It felt like it invalidated every aspect of myself. I guess I fucked up and should have told him that I was hurt by it but I don't know what that would accomplish other than make him feel shitty too. I've felt so uncomfortable with receiving compliments on my physical appearance from people who aren't women, gay men or men in committed relationships. Each time it just made me question if there really is more to me than having tits. Looks like there isn't.
Sorry if this counts as GC sperging but this friend will probably troon out soon. They say retarded shit like if I was a girl I'd be goth or I'd wear <article of clothing>. That shit grosses me out and he's said it more since he confessed his feelings to me. I've tried to gently talk him out of these ideas and get to the root of it which amounts to "being a guy sucks so it seems like being a girl may be better."
I wanted to strangle him and say that I wish I were born male so I wouldn't have had to deal with molestation, assault or being groomed ever since I was a kid. I wish I were male so I wouldn't have had to deal with this identity crisis whenever someone tells me they had a crush on me the whole time. I wish I didn't have to ever deal with stalking or the possibility of being stalked or murdered some day by some crazy man.
If he troons out I will distance myself from him. I don't really care too much about trannies or non binary people but I wouldn't be okay with someone transitioning for such a retarded reason. It also sucks because I can't help but feel that I AM PART OF THE REASON because he mentioned OTHER MEN. He also talks about how much he hates men too and it's like umm, news flash? You are a male!
I just want a girl friend, nonnies. :'(
No. 912636
>>912635Ilu too
nonny. I hope we get through this bullshit soon.
No. 912709
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Speedrunning is so autistic. I get playing the game a few times if you love it but pouring hours upon hours just so that you are 1 millisecond faster than some other autist is so useless.
I've been watching some Hollow Knight records and I can't help but think.. Why? Is it even enjoyable to be replaying the same fight for hours? Mastering so that you land a jump right on a certain pixel? This shit has to take weeks to master. And no one but a few other people will care, it isn't really anything to show off.
I know that hobbies don't have to be really productive, but still… What a waste of time and life.
No. 912739
>>912652I'm not sure how this works in your country but maybe try applying for an English program of a med school abroad? If it's a realistic option for you money-wise. I'm a med student in the central Europe and we have a whole English program with classes for abroad students and they go way easier on them (since they have to pay for the classes while national students have free education). There's an entrance exam as well though, from what I've heard it's not
that difficult. I know a lot of these students are here as a second chance at med school.
Only problem is if you're set on a certain more well-known school but students from our school work in US or other 'wealthier' countries all the time with no problems after they graduate if they are at least a bit smart and motivated.
There's always a way anon, if it's your dream, don't give up.
No. 912767
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everyone around me is in a salaried career and getting pay rises and I'm stuck working in minimum wage customer service despite having two degrees. kill me because I'm too much of a chickenshit to kill myself.
No. 912840
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I hate how easy it is to hurt me. I keep putting my faith in the wrong people and end up paying for it. Everything goes wrong at the same time. I can't be fixed. I want winter to come so I can wrap myself in layers and finally jump off that bridge.
No. 912874
>>912855Homie, I had a period from Hell for 100+ days straight. I felt like death… too many appointments later, I got on the iud and it changed my periods so dramatically I still think it’s a joke.
Hope this helps, but you defined need to go to a doc. Look for income adjusted offices if you need to
No. 912882
>>912863No, I didn't (forgive me, I'm not sure what that is lol) I'm not on any medication or anything, and my periods were fine until this one.
>>912874Thanks anon. I guess I'm just so used to OBGYNs ignoring me I don't consider it an option kek. I'll make an appointment and see if they can do anything at all.
No. 912892
>>912882It took 3 doctors before I was taken seriously; after your first appointment ask for a referral to a specialist.
Good luck, and also heating pads help
No. 912895
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My past makes me scared to get cosy in a budding relationship. I hate this. I was severely emotionally aboused twice, and I want to be happy about this super cute and chill person taking an interest in me, but I'm so scared that this is just the honeymoon phase before they abuse me too.
I just want to feel safe and have it be true safety. I don't want to be constantly bracing myself anymore. How am I supposed to feel love when I'm constantly on my guard
No. 912897
>>912874nta but also had a life changing IUD experience, went from hell periods that would soak thru 2 overnight pads in a day to ones so light that I don't even use menstrual products anymore I just wear thinx (period underwear).
I have no health insurance and am "low income" I got mine at Planned Parenthood for $400 out of pocket. It was like $800 at first but they have a program you can apply for if you don't make a lot of money and they discount it. The front desk worker was very kind and walked me thru the process.
No. 912917
>>904837Just had a discussion about porn and sex work with a guy I'm talking to (it was initiated because I'm working for a company that collects data and had to unfortunately see a porn data collection job that left me feeling icky, a lot of the censured photos seemed like sex workers). I clearly stated I was against porn but I believe it will never seize to exist so it needs to be regulated a lot more. We need to have consent from both parties very clearly stated on contract as well as the ability for both parties to remove their videos from the internet if they don't want to have them anymore. I also believe amateur porn should not be available on the internet since there's no way to know if people consented to it or where it comes from. Sex work should not be glamorized as it is nowadays by things like onlyfans and liberals wanting to market it as "empowerement" when it's the complete opposite. Porn contribues to trafficking and the experience of a first world onlyfans instagrammer is not the same as a poor girl in a third world country that feels the need to pursue prostitution or sex work to live "a better life". I clearly stated I do not judge ANY of these women, I judge the patriarchal world we live in that enables this and convinces them that it's ok to continue this narrative of men seeing us as only sex objects.
Of course this scrote decides he wants to debate me (he even stated this happens to men to which I almost had an aneurysm about it). I clearly stated "I do not discuss feminist issues with other men, so no" and I can't believe how annoying men are, they are so used to voicing their opinions or trying to play devil's advocate that he kept pushing the subject and called me "intolerant". Dude go talk to the whole internet, your friends, your mom, your sister. I don't care, I don't want to talk to you and I stated it clearly, why do they think we are forced to listen to them? I voiced my opinion, you voiced your opinion, done.
I'm also so tired that every time I talk about how women are exploited someone starts talking about trans women, why?? Can we keep on subject? The world truly doesn't give a shit about us.
No. 912939
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>>912830kek that's actually a pretty close depiction of how my mom can be, money > everything
No. 912943
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had a good therapy session
No. 912945
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I feel so shit today for no good reason. And I still have a lot of work to do. I just want to sleep it off or maybe cry.
No. 912947
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I applied for a job and interviewed for it last month. Finally just received an official job offer and it’s 100% not at the office I applied for. I figure I’ll just take the job because it’s a government position and I hate working at a restaurant with teenagers. Just kinda disappointed because this means more traveling than I would have had to do with my local office, and I heard winter is going to be terrible this year. Fuck it, I so desperately want a respectable job.
No. 912994
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I saw something very disturbing a few hours ago that I can't get out of my head. I have very vivid dreams and remember them pretty much every night, and they get incredibly easy influenced by what I thought about and saw in a day. Even if I manage to distract myself, I know it will come to haunt me when I go to sleep, probably for the next few days on top of that. I am upset.
No. 913183
Both my ex and I are artists, but I'm slightly more "successful" than her (I'm really not popular in the grand scheme of social media). This always bothered her when we were dating and she would get passive-aggressive and weird when I would get commissions, and she wouldn't get any. I always tried to reassure her, and I honestly feel like I was supportive as possible towards her, but it was never enough for her. I was a pretty huge pushover in that relationship and I'm very glad it's over LOL.
Her art's always been weirdly inconsistent and I have more than a few reasons to believe she traces, or at least heavily references off of other people. She's also just not very original, and I'd always notice her work/stories just being re-skinned versions of webcomics or tv show she watched (like Riverdale of all things?). I don't think that's the worst crime on earth, but she's an adult and wants to publish these stories (I don't know how since she can't write or commit to making a webcomic so).
Anyhow, we used to ship some OCs together. When we broke up I made it clear that we weren't going to ship those OCs anymore, because why would we? But just recently, like… two years post-breakup, she suddenly added a bunch of new characters to her "cast" of OCs. And well they're basically my OCs. They have the same roles, personalities, but different names and slightly different designs. It's half-entertaining and half-enraging, but there's always plausible deniability so I don't think there's any point in calling her out. I also just don't think the drama is worth it, either. It's annoying and stupid, but ultimately they're just characters. The re-skin of my OC that was her "favorite" is the most obvious though LOL. I honestly wonder if other people can tell.
No. 913204
>>913081That’s genuinely so embarrassing. SJWs who lack awareness are oblivious to how much they tell on themselves with their bitching. They come off insecure and inadequate to the point of unhinged, they don’t look like brave martyrs in the slightest.
>>913183Lmao sorry anon. Why are online artists so prone to cow behavior? I half way want you to be petty and dramatic lol she’s never gonna make it anyway.
No. 913247
>>913183dw anon, other artists can tell and a lot of them (me included) find the original artists/source and don't give the copycat attention. People who copy aren't interesting to follow anyway - their ideas can be good if they ripped off a better artist, but they can never keep up making the same level of content, since they didn't have the skill to begin with.
Plus it's hard to call out character theft because I feel it's so niche, it's more subtle than tracing and no one really gives a shit unless they've also experienced it the same way. Sorry that you had to deal with so much shitty behavior, nonna.
No. 913328
>>912897if you don't mind sharing, which IUD is it?
i'm just finding out i have some sort of autoimmune disease and i immediately had to stop the pill (high risk of blood clots). i'm assuming i can't use any kind of hormonal BCs and i've read some copper IUD horror stories. I used to have apocalyptic periods (skipped them with the pill), so even heavier flows scare the shit out of me lol.
No. 913343
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>we will never have pretty women like this as celebrities again
>everyone suffers from sameface
>everyone suffers from plastic surgery addiction
>there isn't a single living actor or singer alive that hasn't had at least something done
>not even going to mention the general internet influencer sphere and the amount of work THOSE people have
just nuke everything
No. 913372
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>>913345it's so depressing. i truly think we've hit a point where there is zero difference between unconventional and ugly to so many people. were the people complaining about certain trends 20 years ago expecting it to go this far? did people 100 years ever even have a thought occur in their brains about this sort of thing?
No. 913382
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I'm going on a date with a cute guy from tinder and once he gave me his insta I couldn't stop myself from checking the likes on his post and now I'm gonna throw up there's so many pretty girls but I'm a creep I'm a weirdo what the hell am I doing here I don't belong here I hate being a goth autist dating normies is so hard I'm gonna go punch the wall
No. 913391
>>913382Thank you, you threw me right back into being 16 with that song, hate that feeling.
Good luck with your date, he might think that you are way better than the other women out there, after all, he is going on a date with you and not them.
No. 913411
>>913362broccoli is not good on the stomach
nonny, eat bananas and stick to rice and simple foods okay?
No. 913425
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I just embarrassed myself someone please comfort me, or laugh at me. I need to move on from this instantly.
No. 913447
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>>913425your ride is here
No. 913458
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>>913450As someone who constantly embarrasses myself in front of people, I offer you my sincerest condolences
No. 913483
I watched a cat get hit by a car today. The cunt in front of me that hit it didn't even stop. I honked as it crossed the street, as they got close, even as they hit it. No reaction. I looked for it for about an hour, because it ran off after being drug under the vehicle, but I couldn't find it. I'm so upset, I don't know what to do. I cant stop seeing it my mind, that 5 second event is playing in slow motion, over and over and over and over again in my head. Tonight I'm drinking for the first time in years to try and banish this horrible fucking image from my OCD brain. Why are people so heartless? How could you not stop or care even a tiny bit? I can't stop thinking about where its home was, if it had one. Whether or not it made it back so it's people could get it help. Or whether it just crawled under some dumpster and bled out, scared and alone and in pain. I fucking hate people and I fucking hate the world. I hope that worthless waste of air fucking chokes.
If you have an outside cat, please please please listen to me and just keep them inside. I promise that being kept indoors is a much more merciful fate than the gutwrenching shit I saw today. PLEASE.
No. 913486
>>913483i’m so sorry, anon. i had a similar traumatic experience when i was in high school and saw
my friend’s dad accidentally roll their lawnmower over a kitten when they were moving it out of their garage so they could have band practice. it didn’t die immediately and the dad had to “put it out of its misery” and i was so freaked out and crying that they ended up canceling their whole band practice because of it. i felt like i was the only one affected by it though but i guess that’s scrotes for you.
No. 913495
>>913483Oh my God, I think this would literally destroy me.
I was being driven home once by my friends mom who hit a bunny and she literally laughed at me for crying, I asked her to check if it was okay and my friends aunt literally came around the corner and hit it again. Neither of them cared. Never went back there.Whenever there is sudden bad weather I have terrible anxiety about the cats who are left outside and if I think about it too much I'll start crying because I feel so helpless and I imagine cold, wet cats out in the middle of a storm where anything could happen to them.
No. 913512
>>913500Dont feel bad about yourself
nonnie, and that's a red flag, guys into BBW can be extremely creepy and
abusive No. 913519
>>913512Weirdest thing is when I used to binge eat to get fat he disapproved, he also always complimented me too telling me my butt didn’t need to be bigger bc it’s perfect etc etc I don’t understand why he could do all of that with a straight face? Why? idk maybe he’s just waiting for the perfect bbw woman to walk into his life
>>913506I’m really considering it anon, I have been crying nonstop since I found out. Part of me wants to ask him about it so he can reassure me but I feel nothing he says will make me feel any better, and even if he manages to give me a reasonable explanation it will always be in the back of my mind, and I already have enough on my plate as it is
No. 913587
>>913578>making fun of another womans tits or how their vag looks when theyre completely natural/normal looking just makes anons look like retarded scrotesnot accusing all of them, but i wouldn't be surprised if some of the anons doing that
are scrotes bc most of the time the boobs or vulva in question look completely normal, or even nice. i can't automatically fault some anons for having warped standards though when in a lot of cases the only exposure they've had to female bodies other than their own has been pictures of women who've been photoshopped or surgically altered to meet a porn definition of perfection. once you've been in a changing room a few times or have female friends you're comfortable around and see how much variation in bodies there is, you kinda grow out of holding other women to impossible standards
No. 913601
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One person I know from a Discord server got into a Tumblr fight with Sarah Z. Her video about shipping wars got bad recieved by both sides, and for a while I was mostly laughing at my personal cows from both sides throwing an autistic tantrum over it, but now this person from Discord is trying to bait her into an argument and posting a lot of KYSs on her tag. Eventually, Sara actually semi-replied.
I'm so embarrassed, said person doesn't know about my Tumblr account, so they are not attached, but I feel so ashamed after reading all of those posts.
I wish I could have normal fandom-friends to talk with. I don't want to deal with this again.
Reposted for fixing grammar errors.
No. 913720
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>goes on on my phone because multitasking
>clicks on catalog for /ot/
>loads pretty fast
>clicks on a thread
>thread takes a fucking millennium to load or never loads at all
>goes back to homepage
>load again
>rinse and repeat
why the fuck is it so hard to use this website on mobile? jesus christ not everyone is ass-ridden to their huge computer setups
No. 913738
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Wtf is with this thread? Do you not understand the word "vent"? It's a fucking angry thread not just for journaling your day. Jfc
No. 913747
>>913738You're thinking of 'things you hate thread'.
Vent doesn't have to be angry. It's just getting rid of some accumulated emotion, people tend to vent about their boring days all the time irl
No. 913763
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please read this with a screamo voice, if you don’t, I hope your Christian or tacky neighbors blast the most annoying music tonight
No. 913775
>>913762you said the forbidden w word
nonnie you must know that if you use the whore word you're sporting a scrote
No. 913801
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I can't stop myself from arguing with scrotes online, kill me.
No. 913808
>>913699>>913758It's been ramping up in the past week. Just report shit like this
>>913801 and
>>913709 and
>>913698Newfag gtfo to mundane thread
No. 913818
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It annoys me how white-passing minorities act offended when other people do not automatically know that they are actually not technically white. I saw a video of a girl on tiktok being pissed off and reacting to a video someone else had posted about inspiration for couples photos for biracial couples. One of the photos included was the girl who was mad, with her bf/fiance who is dark skinned. She is mixed race but has blonde hair, light skin, and light eyes. She was offended that she was included in the post. Obviously the OP had just downloaded the pictures off Pinterest or something - how would she have known her race when she looks white? All over tiktok there is similar stuff, people with light skin, light hair and light eyes who look white. At what point are you just white? One drop rule in America is crazy.
No. 913825
>>913813Did you have any issues with the first two? And I don't mean you sweated, had a sore arm and felt lethargic. I mean did you have actual adverse effects?
I wish the governments did a better job of informing the public about mutations and issues that would arise if people failed to mitigate the spread.
The only reason we'll need more doses is because the virus is gaining resistance to the vaccines because there are healthy people refusing the vaccine and not following covid guidelines in regards to isolating when positive, people refusing to quarantine after travel (how did the virus spread again oh yea, from fucking tourists) or people refusing to sanitise their damn hands or wearing masks.
We're being offered free medicine to help combat a deadly disease. I really wish people that aren't informed and also refuse to inform themselves would stop spouting their concerns. I refuse to believe someone that's too lazy to look at research in favour of vaccines and not those weird studies that end up being redacted actually cares or the anti vaxxers fear mongering has worked more than the government and scientific experts. Not sure which one is more sad tbh
No. 913835
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I'm not interested in life, everything is pointless and a pain. Pursuing a career, education, relationship or anything is exhaustive and not worth the suffering. I'm not suicidal, I just wish I hadn't been born
No. 913836
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>>913823>>913813You questioned the science religion anon, that's not allowed. And yeah I was considering getting the vac bc of at risk family. But then read about how all these women getting fucked up periods/having their autoimmune diseases worsen, and then social media deleting their groups and posts. Its not even about the science, they're acting shady af. Then a month later after the censoring moderna says they launched a study into why women are getting fucked up periods. Then there's retards screeching how fucked up periods is a common side effect from vaccines (ok but then why did moderna say they're launching an investigation?). And the medical staff in my country are legally required to get the vac or they'll be fired. Now they're trying to expand vac requirement to all jobs. They shot themselves in the foot by going full facist, it just pushed more ppl away.
No. 913842
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>>913835It's boring and shit bc it was made by men for men.
There is no human reason for money or for anyone to work more than two or three hours a week at the very most. All non-creative jobs (practically all jobs now being done) could have been automated long ago, and in a moneyless society everyone can have as much of the best of everything as she wants. But there are non-human, male reasons for wanting to maintain the money system:
1. Pussy. Despising his highly inadequate self, overcome with intense anxiety and a deep, profound loneliness when by his empty self, desperate to attach himself to any female in dim hopes of completing himself, in the mystical belief that by touching gold he'll turn to gold, the male craves the continuous companionship of women. The company of the lowest female is preferable to his own or that of other men, who serve only to remind him of his repulsiveness. But females, unless very young or very sick, must be coerced or bribed into male company.
2. Supply the non-relating male with the delusion of usefulness, and enable him to try to justify his existence by digging holes and then filling them up. Leisure time horrifies the male, who will have nothing to do but contemplate his grotesque self. Unable to relate or to love, the male must work. Females crave absorbing, emotionally satisfying, meaningful activity, but lacking the opportunity or ability for this, they prefer to idle and waste away their time in ways of their own choosing – sleeping, shopping, bowling, shooting pool, playing cards and other games, breeding, reading, walking around, daydreaming, eating, playing with themselves, popping pills, going to the movies, getting analyzed, traveling, raising dogs and cats, lolling about on the beach, swimming, watching TV, listening to music, decorating their houses, gardening, sewing, nightclubbing, dancing, visiting, `improving their minds' (taking courses), and absorbing `culture' (lectures, plays, concerts, `arty' movies). Therefore, many females would, even assuming complete economic equality between the sexes, prefer living with males or peddling their asses on the street, thus having most of their time for themselves, to spending many hours of their days doing boring, stultifying, non-creative work for someone else, functioning as less than animals, as machines, or, at best – if able to get a `good' job – co-managing the shitpile. What will liberate women, therefore, from male control is the total elimination of the money-work system, not the attainment of economic equality with men within it.
3. Power and control. Unmasterful in his personal relations with women, the male attains to masterfulness by the manipulation of money and everything controlled by money, in other words, of everything and everybody.
4. Love substitute. Unable to give love or affection, the male gives money. It makes him feel motherly. The mother gives milk; he gives bread. He is the Breadwinner.
5. Provide the male with a goal. Incapable of enjoying the moment, the male needs something to look forward to, and money provides him with an eternal, never-ending goal: Just think of what you could do with 80 trillion dollars – invest it! And in three years time you'd have 300 trillion dollars!!!
6. Provide the basis for the male's major opportunity to control and manipulate – fatherhood.
No. 913858
>>913842"everyone could just work 2-3 hpurs a week and it would all be fine!!!"
you are extremely privileged and also dumber than a rock. please go and tell this to every nurse, every kitchen worker who makes your food, every 3rd world farm worker who plucks ypur fruit & picks your cotton & harvests your coffee & cocoa by hand. do you know how to automate these jobs? no? if ypu do, please tell us all, it wpuld be a great help.
thank god every day that you were born in a place where you have the privilege to type out dumb shit like this instead of working to eat. your chapo reddit fantasy of an automated future is not here yet nor will it be in your lifetime. if ypu would like to help bring it closer, which I agree is a good goal, feel free to study engineering, computer science, robotics, or whatever you want, which again, you have the privilege of doing in leisure & comfort, unlike 3/4 of the world.
all first world society asks from you is some six to eight hours a day of your labor, if you are able to give it, in any helpful or entertaining way which you choose to give it, and in return you have the privilege of living the most comfortable existence of anyone on the planet, ever. I won't be replying to your inevitable whinestorm. bye
No. 913862
there's a reason it was and is mostly male philosophers crying about what's the point of life whereas women were busy doing shit. Men must be put to work and given purpose or they lose their minds. Women on the other hand are just fine living a easy breezy life, probably because we give birth so we never feel like we have no value. We always have value, even post-menopause. The woman's touch cannot be replaced kek
Women attempting to be 'masculine' try and imitate men and then feel empty. We don't have SHIT to prove and we don't need to justify our existence because we are not men. Men are expendable, they must spend all their time giving us reasons not to get rid of them.
>>913858nonny, calm down. there are words of wisdom even if you don't agree with the full premise. Learn to look past what offends you and look at what enlightens you.
No. 913880
>>913868I was going to point out how weird it is for a man to not naturally hate trannies but then I got to the part where you say he's bi……
Hold this L
No. 913892
>>913873I'm glad I'm not alone. He's the first person in my life I've ever revealed my true feelings about this towards and I'm so happy that he's understood me on the journey, even before he began to agree. Based hubbands.
>>913875Paste me, mommy.
>>913880I'm bi, what are my other options? Marry a bi woman who will just leave me for a man cause she can't admit she's straight and just likes lesbian porn? Even if my hubby is a little bit faggot, he's still great to me and greatly prefers to date and have sex with women. I've confided in him about my worries in him being an egg or whatever bc he had said that years ago but he was deadly serious when he told me it was due to social pressures and only having tranny friends around him at that point. I believe him on it not being a true feeling and being forced on him.
No. 913904
>>913836You're right. It's very shady how they're censoring information. I remember reading an artcicle about how many fact checkers are funded by Pfizer themselves too. Smells fishy. From now on I'll keep my mouth shut and continue to limit my web exposure.
>>913825I didn't anon but I still dislike that they're pushing so many boosters. My country has a very high vaccination rate with over two thirds of the population and they are still pushing booster shots even though we all follow mask mandates, social distance and took both shots since we are forced to (which I am not completely against). I am sure they are planning a 5th one as well. I wonder for how long will these boosters go on? Will they go on forever? I am aware the flu shot also works this way but it's not mandatory.
>>913823 This anon had bad side effects and must have the right to deny further shots.
I wish they also offered free medicine to diabetic patients but that's another argument.
No. 913932
I think everything is dying, society is dying and you might argue that it was just as bad in the past but I will vehemently disagree. There were problems in the past, but the problems of the past are here in the present too and actually amplified. We are losing moral value at an alarming rate, we are losing artistry, beauty, authenticity and everything is replaced with plastic and lies. I hate modernity. All my favorite artists are older. I just think creativity and authenticity is dead amongst modern artists. Everything is porn and plastic just porn and plastic, everyone and everything just looks the same. Even the stereotype of the, unique, liberal out of the box artist is dead. Now it has been replaced with identical looking alt fashioned kids. At least, in the past true artists had to fight and suffer for the right to express themselves. Now everyone can be anything they want without truly being that. You can be a woman if you want to, you can be an artist, you can be anything. You can buy anything. Feminity can be bought. I'm tired. I want to die but I don't. I just want to speak out this incomprehensible train of thought to someone that can magically de and understand it.
No. 913991
>>913858samef to add that I am literally a Marxist. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is what Marx said.
You, the privileged who say "From me nothing, to me what I want," you exist on the backs of billions of laboring people.
You receive the products of their labor due to your birth & status, and you give nothing back to them. You are worse than the bourgeois, who labor intellectually & artistically. You are aristocracy, you are the rent collectors: dead weight on the world who suck the life from working people.
No. 914024
>>913991based marxist
nonnie based marxist
nonnie No. 914026
>>914022Are you serious right now? They got it at the grocery store, buying the food they need to live, retard. Stop trying to excuse your willful ignorance and selfishness by blaming someone who is dying for going out
once for groceries. God you're evil.
No. 914031
>>914019It's not completelty off the radar for me but many people have been having side effects like menstrual problems so I would rather it be optional. I keep my mask and social distance. People shouldn't be bullied into taking more and more shots when 2 shots are essential. Other countries have very low vaccination rates and we should focus more on that rather than booster shots. If anything, rich countries hoarding shots is selfish.
>>914022Comments like this are inhumane because there are people with autoimmune disorders that can't take it and are being treated like animals.
No. 914041
>>914031I have the tism and autistic ppl usually react badly to most medicine bc certain genes. Also much more likely to have an immune response. But modern medicine still doesn't take people like me into account, they don't even take women into account when they make their medicine. There was tons of women who reported reproductive issues yet we're quickly censored online. Once it became a big enough issue though the medical board tried to give out bullshit like "it's just stress for the pandemic/repro issues are normal for all vaccines!". Meanwhile they're now doing an investigation into why women are having repro troubles after getting vaccinated. It's not about the science it's the shadiness of it all.
Why should I take something that I 99.9% know will make me sick. I get that original anon is freaking out bc of hospitalized family, but seriously op fuck off don't take your anger out on ppl who have nothing to do with it.
No. 914052
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I hate when rich people do shit like this. As if they cared about the working class. And normies act like this is some revolutionary statement when it's just another rich woman larping to be relatable and get votes.
No. 914087
>>914062Because your illness doesn't obligate people to accommodate to you, it's YOU who needs to figure out how to cope with rejections. Dude probably dodged a bullet if that's you think your mental illness makes you entitled…
Side note but you can't be diagnosed with bpd before adulthood… I hope you're not…
No. 914090
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aagh. why is art so hard. I just dont improve no matter how much i draw. i grab this stupid wacom pen every day and shit out another ugly piece after another, and it takes me ONE glance at a better artist than me to just instantly make me sad. Why do i even try anymore, ive got nothing going on for me if i cant even do art right, because i cant do ANYTHING else
No. 914092
>>914083Thank you anon, I guess that was the reality check I needed.
It's still a pretty shitty situation, feels bad.
>>914087Yeah we're both 25, I said school but it's uni, w/e.
No. 914269
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>>912127thank you anon i really appreciate it. i have to keep reminding myself that how im feeling is solely due to the abuse and it's not a genuine feeling, it's just me processing the trauma but it still hurts i wish getting over it wasn't such a challenge. i also feel even shitter every year that goes by, none of my friends have been through stuff like this so i feel pathetic for having these feelings towards someone i loathe, it's comforting in a way to know im not alone. i'm very sorry this happened to you too, i'm happy that your hobbies have helped you though i hope things get better for you too and thank you for the kind words.