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No. 895055
Stop putting your spicy hot takes in this thread, that’s what the unpopular opinions thread is for. Let basket-case anon vent about their alienation in society!
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/887989 No. 895063
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people like these REALLY piss me off
No. 895065
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Grrr, I'm so angry about things and stuff! Why don't more people like Star Trek Voyager?? It doesn't have to be perfect for you to have a good time, what's wrong with episodic adventures? There is totally character development, you're just not paying attention or forgetting episodes. Hot damn it, they've been travelling for 7 years I'm sure they've gotten plenty of torpedoes from other planets and plenty of dilithium for the replicators to make parts for the Delta Flyer why are you nit picking this campy space show, do you hate fun???
Stuff and things.
No. 895073
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Bullies should have to pay me reparations
No. 895092
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this shit makes me so sick, i fucking hate these disgusting scrotes, but i think i might hate the retarded pickme whores in the comments even more who are sucking his disgusting chode and saying hes OMG SOOOO GORGEOUS AND STUNNING AND BRAVE AND HAS SUCH AMAZING MAKEUP SKILLZ EVEN BETTER THAN I HAVE OMGGGG !!!
fucking sickening i hate this planet and these pornsick men who LARP as women and pickme whores just as much and they should all walk off the edge of the flat earth (technically not an alog because the earth isn't flat hehe lol)
No. 895148
I only have 2 scrote friends from highschool times so I know them about 10 years by now.
Which is why this is even more bizarre to me, did he just hold this in for 10 years?!
Or does he just feel entitled to my time bc his therapist is coddling him into believing that's how it's supposed to be?
If it bothers him to tears that I don't answer to his anime recommendation then maybe he needs more therapy kek
I'm too old for this shit
No. 895153
I miss her still. She was my best friend for 12 years. I was in love with her for almost 8 years, despite other relationships and attraction towards men. She was the epitome of what I wanted, more like needed and still don't dare to ask for anything more or less. Despite our flaws, we worked together so well. I should've told her.
It's time to let her go. This is somehow so painful yet nothing is really going to change. She taught me so much about love, friendship, trust, how to be yourself, raising others up even when you feel down… All the dumb stuff we did together, all the tears, all of the obstacles we conquered, I will not forget. I will still love her and honour her memory, while still loving myself. I'll live for both of us.
I'm definitely going to be sorry for the rest of my life but today I'm going to learn from it.
No. 895216
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My pathological lying ruined all my previous 2 relationships. While I managed to lie much much less to my current bf, I still did lie here and there, especially about saying that my piece of shit deadbeat dad that I haven't seen in years was actually a great, loving dad and he just died when I was a kid or that I'm working with my dream job instead of actually working retail in the neighbouring city.
I can't fucking stop myself and I feel so bad, like I'm ruining everything.
We're gonna meet my sister and her bf sometime this week for dinner and I'm not sure if I should damage control it all and ask both my sister and him not to talk about certain stuff to not make my lies come out or if I should just accept defeat and that I'll never fucking change.
I hate it so much, I just wanna be honest but I just fucking can't.
No. 895219
>>895217Deanna wore a corset, there was episodes about her being impregnated, foot fetish episodes, and many episodes surrounding sex and the nude wedding shit especially when her mom was present. She was entirely worthless as a character with little personality besides chasing riker. At least 7 of 9 had a borg story arc before devolving into the gross romance stuff.
There were also a lot more random sexy coomer alien characters/races and episodes in TNG than voyager
No. 895240
>>895229I absolutely can't handle it. Last time my dumbass lies got exposed I got into my worst depressive episode I ever had. Plus my sister also thinks that I stopped lying so I'd have double the shitshow.
You put it perfectly, I feel vunerable as fuck without my dumb little lies but I also hate how everything needs to be calculated and planned because of them. Nothing is spontaneous.
No. 895273
>>895092God what the fuck, he legitimately looks like Grimace in a wig complete with the bowling pin body shape and vacant AGP stare.
>>895097Does anyone else think that handmaidens doing this are just unconsciously trying to prevent the tranny from having a nuclear meltdown instead of legitimately feeling sorry for this serial killer looking beast being laughed at? It's almost so over the top performative you'd think there was a gun being held to their heads.
No. 895369
You let him die because it was convenient for you. You could have genuinely helped him, you could have saved his life and you choose to make it worse until he couldn't live anymore. You made that decision and I hope it haunts you. I hope you feel like garbage you evil bitch. He was the way he was because you enabled it. You were the one who kept bringing in the snacks and treats and the beer even though his health had gotten so bad he couldn't even get up on his own anymore, he was six foot fucking four and his legs were starting to ROT. You LEGITIMATELY could have prevented this, you were there the entire time and you are a FITNESS INSTRUCTOR specifically for people his age and weight and you didn't even TRY, WHY DIDN'T YOU TRY. He was a nice man, he was passionate about cars and music and all he wanted was to see his friends, to drive his classic cars, to be involved in our lives like he was family because he was family! He was the only thing close to a grandfather I've ever had in my life and you let him rot away!! You were the one who convinced him assisted suicide was a good choice, you encouraged him to literally kill himself rather than help him. Oh and I fucking know about the money, that 700 dollar mattress, the pension, the duck down jacket. Is dad next??? You sick bitch.
No. 895440
>>895073Me, too, nonna
But reading stuff like that helped me coming to terms with my mental state and I stop trying to play it down. They ruined parts of my life and I have every right to be angry and if I would meet them again today, I would make them suffer, so their cortisol level would be very high forever.
No. 895544
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I'm gluten intolerant and yesterday I are a lot of noodles and today I'm definitely not okay
No. 895683
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I miss him. Trying to remember my value though and focus on myself. Still miss'm, simple as.
No. 895698
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God, my anxiety is so bad it's killing me. I attended my first uni class today. I felt as if I was about to throw up and I couldn't stop stuttering like an idiot whenever it was my turn to speak. Worst is I had to read texts in a foreign language together with strangers twice my age.
No. 895730
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so i've been close (online) friends with someone for 5 years and she's always been incredibly shady. like not in a way that actually hurts anyone, but being an active troll on a few platforms, lying about her age, lying about important things happening to her, never agreeing to meet up with me, and only actively reaching out to me when she says she's going to kill herself. i remained friends with her because she was obviously extremely out of touch and didn't really have anybody else and i was lonely too, plus we shared very niche interests
but lately she's ditched me for other people who run in our same circles, and i have an inkling it's because i know too much about her and she'd rather talk to people who don't know all the weird crazy shit. she's also trying to have more of a public online presence/persona, so me knowing too much about her might be unappealing to whatever it is she's trying to do. i don't know, it was an extremely one sided relationship because the proportion of her talking about herself vs. asking about me was way out of whack so i shouldn't be upset. but it's weird for other friends of mine to say "i'm really getting to know so and so" and i'm thinking shit you don't know the half of it and you probably shouldn't get involved because she's a literal emotional vampire. i won't say anything because i'm not a bitch, but i'm really hurt that i invested years of effort into being a friend and she's just bouncing to newer shinier people she can lie to. needless to say i am disillusioned
No. 895733
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I always feel so stressed looking at good art, like I want to make cool concept art but all of my art just sucks ass and it’s impossible to get better I’m like stuck at certain point and it feels impossible to get any better than I am.
No. 895793
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>>895768not op but i guess her shirt kinda looks like a vent
No. 895972
No racebait/jewbait here (although I predict some inbred /pol/tard will respond with it) but I'm really pissed because I have a Jewish last name and if you look up my name's unique spelling then this antisemitic website full of Jewish surnames comes up.'s a freakishly long, obsessive list of all possible Jewish surnames to try and 'expose' less common Jewish names (24 VOLUMES!). To which I fucking ask, for WHAT purpose? Who fucking cares? I'm willing to bet many of the people with names on that list were not raised Jewish and have no connection to Judaism aside from some ancestral ties. This level of hysteria and dedication shocks me because most antisemites (aka /pol/tards) that I've seen don't freak out about Jewish blood–mostly Jews who actively practice the religion because they "control the world" or w/e. I'm only 1/4 Jewish but since I've got ancestry and my last name is originally Jewish, by these freaks' standards I would probably be executed. I kinda have to lol at the audacity of people to even condemn people for their heritage when a lot of ancestries (not even just Europeans) are guaranteed to have some degree of degeneracy like incest and rape at one point or another.
And tbh the saddest part is that just from this context alone I can see how internet misogyny is so common that it doesn't even outrage me like this did. It took one website to make me vent here about Jew-hunting antisemites but I probably come across multiple websites per week that are dedicated to hating women and the most I think is just a sigh like "yeah men should all die out, that'd be gr8".
No. 896074
I'm so tired of this place and honestly I don't think I can keep up a real job. My dad treats me like his wife, I have to cook for us, I have to shout at him 3 hours to clean even a little bit, to make him shower, they've abused me so much and I grew up so isolated it's impossible for me to make normal friends or go to work and frankly he wants me to stay here forever. Also it's impossible to meet anyone here and my mind is so scrambled and scattered from everything it is literally impossible for me to keep a job.
Any effort I make to be a normal person is futile. All the puzzles I do, the books I read are irrelevant to my life situation. I had to go through all forms of abuse from bullying, to poverty, to beatings, to CSA to literally everything my brain is rotten but I'm still a decent human being when I could be horrible. I'm not an ana chan im not a pick me and so on I genuinely dont hurt others and I dont hurt myself although I have these urges. I tried working and studying but to my life that is absolutely nothing. If I don't get out of here ASAP I will do something bad. I'm willing to do anything to get out of here and I cannot accept people's help because if you get help from people they expect you to do some sort of performance like they bought you and you're their lil monkey if you don't say what they want to hear they rip you into pieces.
All my life I've gotten looked down on by people with more privilege than me that put in less work than I do. And they tell me I have a victim complex as soon as I try suggesting bettering themselves because they do have the resources of having a successful life. I don't have resources and I have been beaten, pissed on, humiliated, raped and these are not fucking lies I wish they were lies. Of course I never got any support for it anyway. My entire life I've had to listen to some privileged bitches complaints and act like their fucking therapist for free when nobody's done it for me. Sorry it seems I try making it into a competition but maybe you're the inconsiderate one if you think I should listen to you whine about your mom doing some stupid shit that totally triggered your mental illnesss uwuu while I'm in a miserable and desperate situation with the worst memories and when I tell you something about my life you act like I'm lying or you're straight up uncomfortable. Maybe you're the inconsiderate one. Like have you ever thought that maybe it's your fault? Because my entire life I have questioned myself while others don't seem to question themselves and all their pains and sufferings are valid and when I tell them to question themselves they act like I'm this evil guilt tripping narc and it doesn't matter what I had to go through or have to go through because if I don't kiss their ass they immediately lose their empathy for me. I've been nice and considerate to people but everything it takes them to hate me is suggest that maybe it's not as bad as they think it is because I genuinely know that. All my friends my entire life have been richer and more privileged than me and when I gave them some constructive criticism then they all snapped finally and literally tore me to pieces for "invalidating their pain". My entire life I've had to put on a facade about my life and my childhood and my living situation just to appear like I'm like everyone else when my life since my childhood has been on some horror movie fanfiction tier of bad.
I'm leaving but the chances are I will end up homeless and raped once again and it will once again is going to be my fault for some reason. WHY IS IT ALWAYS MY FUCKING FAULT. I don't want your sympathy or empathy or fake nice words I can shove them up my ass. I just want to get this horrible shit out of my system without paying 50 euros to a shrink that might lock me up in a moldy eastern european hospital room because I say the "wrong" things.
People are so fucking vile honestly and I have found that it is those that appear mentally ill that most of the time are fake non empathic snowflakes that don't have real issues in their life, but unfortunately I always end up with those kinds of people because I'm unwell and normies would never accept me. But shit bitch I'd rather be forever alone than have people like the one's I've had in my life until now. I've always put myself in other people's shoes, but nobody has ever put themselves in mine. Why should I accept you're right? And why is it that if I don't accept that you're right I'm the patronizing self righteous one? Have you ever taught that maybe you're that one?
bitch you're literally lucinda your illness is made up and you live in comfort and your parents acting cold towards you 3 times in your childhood is not horrible narc abuse your mom not wanting you to do drugs is not horrible narc abuse or enough to justify your shitty behavior, laziness or whatever you're doing like bitch if you had my life what would have you done??
And people are fucking insane they act as if I go to a shrink and pop some pills I will be able to keep a job and be normal and like the aftermaths of horror like abuse will just go away. In any normal country I would be granted benefits.
No. 896224
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>>896146>>8961474chan scrotes always say that to real women to
trigger them, but then they just droool over some ugly troomer pussy with socks in pic related
No. 896301
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I'm this fucking close to ordering a body pillow with my comfort character on it, but wouldn't dare because I'm
married. And I live with my husband. I would not dare to do this to him.
We had major problems with intimacy for a year or so, and as much as I tried to fix it he sort of pushed me away and treated my emotional needs like a stupid chore. He said and did some hurtful shit and it took time for him to actually understand the extent of the damage he's been putting on me. Lately he's been more sensitive to my needs and treats me better and gives me affirmations through words. I see he's trying to be closer to me.
But I've already fallen back to my habit of escapism and maladaptive daydreaming. I spent so many years getting rid of the husbando-habit/distant crushing thing, and at one point I didn't need it because I found fulfillment IRL. Now I just point blank don't. I've retreated back into my own head and as much as I resent myself for it, I can't help but enjoy the soothing quality of my romantically, erotically, emotionally fulfilling daydreams.
The daydreaming habit is something I originally got rid of because it's actually really fucking distracting. It literally puts my life on hold, I get nothing done and every time I have to snap back to reality it rattles me to my core making me nauseous. I'm fortunately getting over my one year long absolutely retarded crush on a really good friend, but I'm face first in fantasizing about fictional dudes who're nothing like my husband. Currently I'm hyperfixating on (the idea of) a subby scrawny manlet pretty boy around the same age as me who I want to be strong for and take care of without emasculating or clowning him. Just being my 'too much, too strong' self around him and having someone beautiful and gentle to protect and care for. I don't want to go into depth about how much my husband isn't like that, but it's obvious that the comparison is inevitable. Comparing my husband to these fantasies hurts just as much as myself being compared to a supposed fantasy woman.
I want my marriage back. I want my sex life back. I want my life back. It all used to be so good. I still have the desire to enjoy being with my husband and I find genuine love towards him. Apparently I'm just afraid of being emotionally abandoned by him again, but isn't this me in the process of emotionally abandoning him right back? It's like my whole being has tried to shed my emotional ties to him as a response to him invalidating my struggle and it hurts so much because I see value in my relationship, I'm just scared of being pushed away again for the stupidest of reasons. He's nowadays kissing me and hugging me and all, but I'm out her still vibing with Mitski's Washing Machine Heart.
It's like he's fixing everything or at least trying sort of but now I'm too far gone and I'd rather just dream my life away. He's consistently made me feel decrepit and 40 for over a year, despite me being 25 and in shape hitting the gym four times every week. How do I even recover from that. How do I even.
No. 896307
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Every time I finally reflect on stuff, I hate myself so much.
I spent most of the year looking for a job and I could have used this time to get new hobbies or work towards my dream job/dream life/dream self but instead I just gave in to instant gratification and just mindlessly browsed the Internet and watched random Youtube videos. Actually looking back, most of my life has been spent either online or in a dissociative, daydreamy haze. I just recently realized that not remembering large chunks of your life is not normal and I guess I can thank my inability to be in the present and tendency to daydream. Someday I'll realize that I'm suddenly 65 years old and I had literally done nothing but stayed in my head all of my life
No. 896315
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>>895055I hate my hooded eyes so much I just wanna claw at that stupid puffy skin. Even when I was at my lowest weight they managed to make me look like a frumpy grandma. My eyes are upturned and slanted, but my retard slav eyelids make them look sad and down facing. That paired with my fat cheeks is making me wanna commit. I literally became an ana chan a few years ago because of my face, because even when I'm skinny it somehow makes me look fat and flubby. The worst part is whenever I see myself in the mirror I feel good, and I love my appearance. I even recently got told that I look beautiful and could have whoever I want, I've been told I'm pretty many times. So why when I see pictures and videos of myself do I look hideous? I don't think people compliment me out of pity either, but that only makes me feel more delusional and uncertain of what I look like. Is this BDD? I want off this fucking ride already
No. 896318
>>896313I have done online tests and according to them it is unlikely. I was also in therapy for a long time and my therapist also said that he doesn't think I have it.
I think my problem is just that there's a huge gap between thought and action. Even if I have desire to do something, by imagining doing it, I feel almost fulfilled as if I had done it
No. 896326
>>896318anon. I am in the same boat, I am not a specialist, but I am very well versed on psychiatry and I generally understand the human brain very well, this will come off as hypocritical, but get off the internet. You are suffering the side effects of internet usage since childhood. We as human are programmed to be hunter gatherers and the amount of damage internet use does to our brain is not even studied properly, we are not made to perceive hundreds over thousands of concepts daily, we are not made to watch stimulating imagery constantly. What we consume on the internet literally changes the anatomy of our brains and our chemical production. Internet usage is very likely to cause extreme day dreaming and attention span issues and depression. I've never been as addicted to anything as I've been to the internet and the only times my daydreaming became lesser in intensity was when I stayed at a monastery for 2 weeks with no technology, my brain was literally rewired by being in nature and having a normal routine and staying away from this horrible drug called the internet.
I've smoked for years and did not get addicted, I've smoked weed, done speed, done acid, done ketamine and the internet was the only one that gave me an addiction. It takes me mentally elsewhere but then I have to come back to reality and it hurts even more. You need practical restructuring in your life not some psychiatric tests or some therapist telling you empty words when the internet is hurting your brain. Go one or two weeks with no internet and you will see what I'm talking about.
No. 896350
>>896326Thank you for your comment, I found it very valuable. And yes, I also suspected that (over)using the Internet has definitely contributed to the reduction of my attention span. I've been actually planning on using the Internet (or my laptop altogether) in a structured way, planning out which websites I'm gonna use and for how much time and stick to just that because otherwise it's gonna be website after website and video after video and suddenly it's the end of the day and it's time to go to sleep.
>but then I have to come back to reality and it hurts even moreOh God, I know that feeling very well. I remember trying to interact with people after having spent literal weeks with nothing but surfing the Internet from morning to night. I felt like an alien, couldn't pay attention to what people were saying to me and I desperately wanted to go online for some information overload because I did not find the presence of people stimulating enough (the irony…). Also it's interesting how overusing the Internet is followed by a hangover-like feeling, there's a hazy feeling, can't focus, the regrets of wasting time start rolling in, there's the craving to go online for some more so I don't have to deal with the regret and the shame etc
No. 896392
>>896301just do it
divorce him
marry your pillow
No. 896448
>>896245My boyfriend was also raised by a single mother and turned out to be a good man, could that really be why? His uncle was also a good example of a decent human being growing up.
When I was younger I'd always read /r9k/ posts about how men that grow up with single mothers grow up to be miserable human beings and incels, yet what I saw in real life counters that.
No. 896458
>>896452Nta and obvs I'm female but years ago I went to therapy. My mom has passed but growing up my dad was distant and verbally
abusive so her and I shared a room, a bed and were attached at the hip basically. I had to unpeck how I was some weird emotional replacement for a marriage on top of being her kid. I'm not angry but yeah this happens and affects you in your adult relationships. My bro didn't get that treatment but as the youngest (she couldn't have any more kids after me) I fell into a weird role. I see single moms get like that too.
No. 896528
>>896520>it’s 2021And las year was 2020, when December 31 passes, it will be 2022, and after that, it will be 2023! Wow, super cool.
It still doesn’t make weed consoomers any more
valid, smoking weed is retarded.
No. 896548
>>896520Dunno what you talking about. My impression was that many people here smoke weed.
Maybe it's because the farmers in snow and pt might not be the same as the ones posting here?
No. 896626
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>>896582based anon, have a good day
No. 896665
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Literally all i wanted in life was to collect games and consoles and be surrounded by my nerd filth but i had to be born in a shitty third world country with enormous taxes for imports. I worked so hard to save and finally get a Genesis and i can only find bootlegs and buying the original ones is more expensive than just importing them. Fuck, literally i have no reason to work if i can't enjoy my hobbies. I am going back to being NEET, fuck this country.
No. 896697
>>896665wait how are you going to be a NEET in a third world, in my third world country the only option for men is to be some kind of wage slave for your leech extended family with no personal autonomy of your own and for women to be a housewife and be a domestic servant
I'd love to escape this hell as well but I know being a NEET here would be impossible
No. 896716
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>>896697My mom pays the bills and i have a house. Yeah, i know i am a disgustig parasite but fuck it, there is no reason for me to live anyway so i am just going to NEET until she dies and then off myself.
No. 896727
>>896720Not the same. I just want to collect original games and consoles.
>>896724wrong anon. I am sad this place is going to close.
No. 896799
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There was a party last night and I didn't go. I wish I had friends. I wish people enjoyed my company, I wish I enjoyed theirs. I wish I was a lovely social butterfly and not I a fucking dumbass socially retarded anachan who doesn't know how to do anything but hide away in my room for 20 hours a day. This shit has ruined my life and my ability to connect with others. If you have eating disordered thoughts please please please get help. Dont romanticize it like I did because before you know it you'll have a full blown eating disorder that's spiraled out of control and has completely warped your perception of yourself and the others around you. Also my teeth hurt.
No. 896824
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>>896665I feel you, anon. Fuck those taxes, they don't even get used to help the country lmao
No. 896876
>>896861Thanks a lot anon. It's actually funny how he got invited to ttrpg only thanks to me, I talked to a stepbrother about how I am worried that he doesn't spend too much time with him (sister went full hateboner mode at me for a year and declared a war against me which included my husband, groomed stepbrother into being her underage therapist that will always be with her and tried manipulating him into hating me, but I would always be nice towards both of them no matter what) just to as always end up getting cucked like that.
I always feel guilty when it comes to venting to people until it's too late, but I've had a lot of stress in my head over the past months and you are right. Thanks a lot. I felt incredibly petty and needy because this 'session' is so long but I realised all I really need is to talk about my troubles to him. It actually sounds really stupid come to think about it, but I always feel like as if I am a really needy type while doing nothing but freelance or art studies most of the time.
I was being nice to a sister and still am the whole time,bbut long story short is that she got jealous of him getting married that she tried forcing her bf to marry her just for him to break up with her and she thought that was the biggest drama of the whole family and put it all on him until I came back. She got incredibly petty because she couldn't stand seeing us together and thought everything should be about her when his health went complete downhill after a huge amount of stress the family put on him (because they turned him into her babysitter), doctors still couldn't figure out what was happening to his health last year but now it's better. Still, she couldn't realise the fact that people got a lot of things to deal with and went petty mode while being a 28yo.
No. 896893
>>896876sounds like there's always been competition between your husband and his sister and because he got married first she feels like she lost the "battle". Maybe your husband should have a talk with her and not chicken out of it. Damn, she is 28, she could act like an adult.
And no, you don't sound needy, you sound hurt, because you tried to build a relationship with his sister and she just doesn't care. Hope you can clear that situation and your husband will understand and help you.
No. 896912
>>896893The thing is, there was never any competition in a first place from his side, only hers. She is a highly insecure person who never had any job, let alone education. For some reason she always wants to be higher than everyone instead of being happy for her whole family members, to a point where she started helping her mother with garden only after she paid for her weight loss surgery (too busy playing games and sitting in the same room). He always thought they had a nice bond but he never saw it from an outsider's perspective - she is a control freak that uses people.
I think that will take a long time sadly.
No. 896928
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fucking shit it's 1:30 am and I forgot I have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 8
No. 896991
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I can’t tell you how much I hate male teachers. I’m so fucking sick and tired of going on campus and hearing this fat scrote who keeps taking his mask off despite the fact that you can still get the virus and die when you’re double-vaccinated and giving a whole ass speech while virtually teaching nothing and expecting people to quickly understand. It also blows my mind how you spend 500 dollars on a course and then the instructor has the audacity to give LinkedIn as homework because they’re too lazy to actually teach. Second week was an absolute mess because he had nothing in control or in order. I fucking hate this class I have no interest in photography I can’t wait until I’m done with this class ughhhhhhh
No. 897005
I feel like such a grandma compared to everyone on lc. Not because of age, but due to behavior, interests, etc. How is everyone here horny all the time and apparently masturbating since childhood, and having all these twitter/tiktok/IG accounts (despite hating it?) and so many other things? I was such a goody-two-shoes as a kid that I never ventured outside of children's sites until I was a teen, never saw porn until early adulthood and even then it did nothing for me. My sex drive didn't kick in until 16 and I only feel anything if I'm physically ill and don't want it to happen, otherwise it's nonexistent. Smut and images do nothing. I can think someone looks nice aesthetically, as if they're a painting or artwork but have no sexual feelings for them. I'm not on antidepressants so there's no excuse. And I have no social media at all and can't understand like one third of internet slang especially abbreviations. Never posted selfies, nudes, etc and don't get why others do so. I feel like I'm missing out on something, but when I try to get into these things that are supposed to be normal, even amongst outcasts I don't enjoy it, hell other outcasts thought I was weird. Sometimes I'm convinced that I didn't truly go through puberty or something. Even other children used to treat me as if I was younger than them and made fun of me for not talking to males outside my family, not liking male celebrities and stuff like that like why am I like this? Where's my desire for anything? apologizes for any world salads and typos I'm just pouring out shit.
No. 897013
>>897005To be honest, I feel out of place with everyone because of this, too. They talk as if hypersexuality is the norm. I've never wanted to have sex with or even kiss anyone, and I'm well into adulthood, but I do want an intimate relationship. I think I am sexually attracted to women, maybe, but I don't want sex. Sometimes I wonder if it's because if autism, on my end.
Probanly unrelated to your srruggle, but this is also something I think goes unaccounted for when talking about comphet. People assume everyone who dated the opposite sex kissed or had sex with them, or had a sexuality/libido that made telling who they had romantic attraction to easy. I didn't realize that I wasn't interested in men (at all) until the last couple years, because I didn't have sexual drive to lean on. I've never kissed or fucked anyone. I have no interest, and I never had any interest.
No. 897160
>>897005I'm sorry
nonnie but I really want to abuse cute anime boys it's just how I am
No. 897166
>>897143NTA Literally a vent thread, but go off I guess.
>>897147>>897159It's not a non-horny woman's fault that society treats you poorly for being sexual, as a woman. Nonsexual women also get shamed for being "prudish pickmes". I swear to god, you people need to stop misdirecting your anger.
No. 897172
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>>897099Nonny, I'm so sorry that this happened to you and that people were so quick to assume things about you here. I'd suggest looking into alternate job listings, if you can't rely on the one you're currently applied to. Maybe a temp agency could help, if you're in a real bind. Also, treat yourself to something nice, if you can. The world is being hard on you, so you need to be kind to yourself. If you see this message, I hope you will accept this GAN generated cat, and it may make you feel even a little better.
No. 897180
>>897174AYRT, I just think that's reading into the post a bit. OP does say that, but also frames it as something that it's
her fault for not understanding. It reads as incredibly insecure when people get upset at someone like OP for expressing their own feelings of confusion or inadequacy. There's nothing wrong with being horny or nonsexual, but I've repeatedly seen people attack people for expressing a lack of sexuality and assuming that they're "bragging about being pure celibate maidens" or something, when it's a genuinely alienating experience. I'm actually sorry if I'm misunderstanding you or others, but this comes across as troubling to me.
No. 897183
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Nothing feels worse than eating excessive amounts of cheddar puffs, listening to emo music with depressing lyrics, and crying over a moid at almost 4 AM. I miss him so much.
No. 897184
>>897178Find the cheapest therapist you can find, use them to vent about anything and everything. Seriously, doesn't matter if it's a shitty therapist (as long as they're not unhealthy ofc). And if you happen to actually find one that has good ideas the you might even get some help.
Having a healthy regulated output for all that negativity is going to improve your relationships so much.
No. 897186
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>>897183I'm sorry, keep hanging in there bby
No. 897296
>>897136I don't care if he is vaccinated or not, I honestly don't. However, he is legally not allowed to work until he is, so if he doesn't get vaccinated, he'll have to close the door down to the business, hence vent.
I quit my job two weeks ago, and I was ready to start working there this week.
>>897172Thanks anon, I've been looking at jobs that can also fit into my FT school schedule, and decided to order an onion pizza to soothe self. Thanks again
No. 897340
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>>897297The fandom degraded so much now, everyone has an ''ironic'' taste for anime and either is a huge coomer or sjw. I hate being born to dress like this, too.
No. 897349
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Out of all the possible symptoms from the Covid vaccine, I had to get diarrhea just fml.
No. 897358
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>>897344>>897354Have you anons tried an oat bath yet? You put oats in a sock and then let it soak in your bath for a while before getting in. It's really soothing for super dry skin.
No. 897363
>>897297>>897321>>897337>>897340I was kinda bullied out of it as well but I never cared and kept reading manga and watching anime, just never got back into the fandom part (not that I was very active either way).
If you want to read manga, please go ahead and buy yourself some volumes. I promise you don't have to interact with any fandom or any coomer or any piece of shit that bullies you to enjoy those things. It's a shame that people who are into anime and manga are now the "lol so ironic xddd im edgy and i love hentai" type but please understand those are just the loud types that have twitter and are disgusting as fuck.
I promise and assure you, there's normal adults that still read manga and watch anime at their own leissure because either the story is interesting or the art looks cool. And even if that wasn't the case, who cares? As an adult I can read and watch whatever the hell I want. I've been into a female author books and the queen's gambit mood recently, but just last month I was watching some 2011 Hunter x Hunter because I've only ever watched the 90's one, and I sadly am also following the new Higurashi anime because it reminds me of the time in middleschool when I would watch amvs of said show without even having watched it in the first place lol.
As adults we can have varied hobbies and do whatever the hell we want. Don't let stupid people ruin your fun. I hope I helped because I felt autistic writing this up
No. 897371
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> meet a cute guy
> watches hontra
No. 897373
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>>897364If you love and miss baths, I got one of these fold-up Japanese shower baths when I lived in a really small apartment. I really did use it every year in the winter.
No. 897655
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Why the fuck aren't female-only gyms the norm/more common? I want to go back to the gym so badly
Anons engaging with scrote posts is also really pissing me off today
No. 897707
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>>897655>Why the fuck aren't female-only gyms the norm/more common?Because moids complain about it, especially if trannies get involved
No. 897785
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I just feel so shat on by everyone lately.
The landscaper blew me off under a stupid excuse today after I worked from home just to be around (my boss and coworkers hate this even though I rarely if ever do this while they get to wfh or live literally 5 minutes from the office). He claims he'll come tomorrow but who knows, by the day this yard grows more unmanageable and it's like a jungle thanks to the previous owners. It's stressing me out because I don't want it to start intruding on our neighbor's properties and people getting pissed at us. I'd do it myself but I'm not equipped. It's the one home improvement thing I can't fucking do by myself and my husband is too much of a pansy about bugs to do it either.
Speaking of husband, he did a few things around the house finally but only after he made me feel like such a bitch because I had to nag. I HATE nagging. I HATE having to mentally manage loads when he should just pull his weight automatically. It makes me feel old and uncool. When I talked about this responsibility he said I should make him a list…ugh, why is this such a typical moid copout? I used to say this to my mom when I was a teenager. You know we have to unpack boxes. Unpack them. You see a dirty dish. Clean it. You see the floor is dirty. Sweep, vacuum, or mop. Idgaf what he'd do as long as he'd do something besides spend his waking hours playing games. He goes to bed religiously at 10pm every single night like an old man and typically sleeps in unless he opens at his store. He thinks it's some kind of superpower that I stay up until midnight or later and can wake up at 7am. No? I just have responsibilities and want my personal time, my body adjusted as needed. I'm not tired. Last night he went to bed at 10pm (whines when I won't immediately join him too), slept until almost 10, got up and played a game for an hour and then came downstairs to where I was working to pass out next to me from 11am to almost 2pm until he had to leave for work. He didn't do shit and acted so grumpy when I heckled him for having to go to work, which is the only fucking thing he'll have to do today. At least he apologized, but jfc he needs to stop acting like he's got it bad or something. He's got a fucking charmed life to be able to laze about like that.
Meanwhile work has given me more than a couple virtual heart attacks today because my coworkers type stupid shit that when not clarified almost get me in hot water with my boss. Not because they hate me, but because they don't fucking understand how the things they type sound. I'm not a manager, I don't get manager pay, and yet my job is to literally micromanage and herd idiots by email all day to get them to perform their functions until I can FINALLY perform my functions, and ofc if there's a breakdown in the process chain then it's my damn fault for not reminding leadership enough to finish their fucking jobs.
I wish I could order delivery so I can at least eat some delicious food instead of having to cook myself something for the umpteenth time, but everything's too damn expensive. $30-50 minimum for meals that aren't worth the amount and drivers demanding 20% tip, all cause covid. And of course the food will be soggy and cold for the pleasure.
I just want to be done right for once. I swear I don't do anything to warrant this shit besides my jealous feelings I keep to myself and browsing Mongolian basket gossip imageboard.
No. 897799
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>>897707Sucks because the gym looked really nice too. Just wish it was easier to have women only spaces.
No. 897841
>>897785i know exactly how you feel
nonnie, my husband is basically useless around the house and i have to mentally keep track of all my own shit plus anything I feel he needs to be doing. pisses me off.
No. 897853
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Everyday I'm thankful for developers who put hot male characters in their games.
No. 897859
>>897738yeah I’m dumb as hell anon, it was the pfizer one they gave me thankfully. thanks!
>>897767first dose, my second dose is scheduled for 2-3 weeks.
No. 897875
>>897841He knows what he's doing
Start sending him memes and articles about "strategic incompetence" and the weight of managing the "mental load" of others. Let him know you're on to him, shame him in front of everyone
No. 898084
>>897875This, even if he was legit incompetent and not lying to get out of doing chores like… fucking learn? Youtube exists.
Not that I think anons could necessarily do or say anything to force their husbands to pull their weight, most will dig their heels in and wear their wives down until they cave and do it because it's easier. Then they get the choice of either divorce or a lifetime of servitude.
No. 898089
Okay, so…
My boyfriend is an artist and basically it’s what he does for living (selling his art, his drawings…all that stuff).
Two years ago he met this girl who was way younger than us, a bit immature but she was always eager to learn and to collaborate with my bf. Some things happened and she got kind of lost in the way but we didn’t think much about it. She appeared once in a while to spend time with us and we saw her as someone volatile but with good intentions, we thought that she didn’t took their job too seriously because of her young age but things were in good terms.
Fast forward to last year when my bf meets this girl (our age) which is also an artist but she was much more compromised with the jobs they did together. At first she was always available and she also admitted that my bf was a referent to her.
Basically we started seeing how hypocrite she was almost immediately. She was always talking shit about not only the mutuals they knew in the art scene from here but also talked shit about people like her boyfriend or some old friends of mine who I didn’t keep in touch with.
She always did the things she criticised and furthermore she started seeing my bf as some kind of competence because he was always better than her (she also told him this multiple times). For example, my bf once told her that it was okay to share clients and she agreed with him but the moment one person (ONE person) send him a message about one of his paintings, she went bat shit and started questioning him about stealing clients.
My bf didn’t want to argue with her, even when she started planning things behind his back when she told him before that she would involve him in -that- thing. Nor when she started cancelling plans with him to do some works to other people which benefit her and only her.
The last straw was that basically she stole a piece of him. Literally it’s the same drawing, even with some distinctive characteristics. I can’t go into much details but it’s not a common drawing so it’s even harder to believe that this ideas was hers. My bf confronted her about it but he was super calm about it, telling her that it was okay to be inspired by him and that it didn’t mean a thing but he was kind of pissed off because she cancelled their meetings like 4 or 5 times.
Again, she started denying all these accusations and told him that he was just saying these things to feel better about himself (when actually she’s the one earning money with it, my bf didn’t even buy that drawing, it was a present for her). He asked her about cancelling their meetings and she started all these stories about being that busy when my bf knows she cancelled some of those to work to other people individually and he even told her that he understood that she wanted to earn money only for herself but it was kind of shady (it even surprised me how calm my boyfriend was about all this because he has a terrible temper sometimes but he was very assertive with her and didn’t lost his shit once).
Well, this girl decided to call the first one I was talking about and basically started telling her lies we supposedly told about her. I have to mention they don’t know each other, so this fucking moron went to search for her number, called her and spent an hour or more on the phone telling her how we hate her, how we only used her and basically laughed at her expense. We only talked with the second one about the first one once, telling her what happened when she disappeared and how we thought she was too young yet and we hoped on the future she would get in the right way somehow (I also told her this, before, not a big deal).
The problem is that this young girl is truly resentful and obviously it didn’t matter what my bf or me told her about what happened, of course she went crazy at us and told us how terrible we were and basically she threatened to death at this point.
I don’t actually care about these threats or her opinion right now because truth is she’s not someone essential to my life and losing her wouldn’t mean too much even when I care about being labelled as someone fake when my intention never was to hurt her or to give the impression I was someone to backstab her. Actually, if I tried to be fake, I know I could be the worst but I don’t enjoy this drama shit.
What makes me rage is that this stupid girl thought she was sooo clever to go and tell her some shit when she talked bad about so many people that if my boyfriend starts contacting them, she would be finished in less than one week. I know that is what she is afraid of, being called out about all the bad things she told about everyone. She even talked bad about our friend, the one she called but I’m so sure she didn’t tell her about it and I specially remarked this when I was defending myself. I also told her how this morning this girl was following me on all my social media platforms and even reacting to my content but now that my bf called her out I’m blocked on everything. Funny how this morning I was always she seemed to like and not hate and now I’m the fakest one on all this shit when I don’t even belong here kek
Perfect timing if you ask me, now that he decided to call her out finally after more than half a year dealing with her shit, we’re the bad ones.
I know we and I can’t control how people feel about us or reacts to our behaviour but I wasn’t expecting it and I’m just so surprised about her manipulative ways, I didn’t think she was capable of being this cruel to this girl who she doesn’t know just for her resentment and to cover up her poor choices.
TL;DR manipulative people creating some kind of high school drama with some friend just because my boyfriend called her out on her shit…
No. 898114
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I'm just mentally exhausted from my own sabotaging ways. I have a doc appointment in one month that i hope will fix me but until then i just feel like i'm gonna be lazing around and be tired to make times go by faster. I hate myself in that state but idk how to cope anymore. I just want to be free of my mental prison…
No. 898140
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I'm getting cystic acne again at 23 after already having had 2 rounds of accutane… my skin was clear for only a year I can't take this shit anymore sisters imma off myself
No. 898166
>>898140Have you ruled out hormonal issues? I mean more than just taking birth control.
I was skeptical about accutane working for me because I knew my acne was genetic and likely hormonal, since my mom is in her 60s and still has it and looks super rough for it. I'd always been on birth control but it never helped. Topicals and diet bullshit never helped. Then at 29 years I started taking spironolactone and I'm kicking myself for not finding this shit out sooner. Acne was gone within two weeks. Every now and then I get a spot but that's because I behave like a normie now and go to work or bed sometimes with an unwashed face lmao. I don't produce the sebum that would clog my pores like I used to because the med addresses androgens. MtF trannies are prescribed this because of the hormones too kek.
I'm just saying, if you're willing to try anything else at this point you could try it. It's not scary like accutane. It just made me pee more so drink more water, and also it's not good for fetuses so you'd have to stop taking it while pregnant. Another downside is that it only works for as long as you take it too, but like I said the risks are minimal and the tradeoff is pretty great.
No. 898185
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>bf gets butthurt whenever I joke about buying a dildo
This retard literally has a big dick. How on earth can he still feel ~inadequate~ over a toy that's smaller than he is. I might just buy a dildo out of spite because I'm going to ovulate soon and I'm already horny as fuck.
No. 898195
>>898167Well, it was straight out of the horse's mouth. Why ARE you still with him? Security? Sunk fallacy? FOMO?
While you're figuring that out, leave him and get your life together. Find someone else. Get a new hobby. Get a pet. Something.
Trust me, there are plenty of men who would give a unicorn's ass if it meant making sure you felt like a queen after a pap smear.
I know I'm being dramatic, but I hope you get my point.
As for my vent. It always feels like one step forward two steps back with me and my happiness.
I move away to school after COVID, change my major track to something I'm actually happy with it, I'm on cloud nine–And then my dad's health turns for the worse. Even his doctor isn't sure if he's going to get out of this one. Now I'm scared, stressed, and alone. No one to speak to because I'm such a freakshow fuck up who can't keep at least one friend.
On top of that every time I look in the mirror my misery shows in my face. I don't smile, I'm breaking out, my eyes are dark, sunken, and gaunt. I hate myself
No. 898243
imagine having this exactly
>>898157>>898180and then also going through the fact that not only are you an "undesirable" to men due to your body type (that you physically cannot alter) but also having your wishes of wanting a family completely invalidated by men who go out of their way to say that women with big hips and small waists make better mothers
fuck me sorry for existing
No. 898268
>>898250Your kids are going to remember you being there and present for them. They're going to remember your smile, warmth, and the effort you put in. Your kids right now see you as their world and a whole person.
Yes, the kids will probably notice you're overweight. But more importantly, your kids will remember how you treated them, and also how you treated yourself. They can either remember their mom having great self-esteem and working towards better habits despite the setbacks and problems–this behavior teaches that they have value and are worthy of working towards health no matter what mistakes they've made. Or…they can remember their mom as someone who hated herself and had so much insecurity that she did isolating and sad things, like crop herself out of family photos from shame…and that they too hold dubious worth depending on their looks.
Just a perspective. Contrary to what lolcow thinks, family and friends care about your weight to the extent of your wellbeing, but they LOVE you and want you in their pictures! Plus, if you ever do lose the weight one day it's kind of a neat thing to see your progress.
No. 898298
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>>898275Happy birthday anon, I made this for you. Sorry your friends are dicks
No. 898357
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Autoimmune disorders run in my family and I'm afraid I'm starting to exhibit signs of one. Theirs are basically debilitating in almost every way possible and I just want to be a normie in terms of health. Give me diabetes before lupus, rheumatoid, or fucking anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis god.
No. 898468
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My workplace waited for me to sign the agreement to tell me they're not paying me the bonus that I earned. Fucking pieces of shit
No. 898567
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Why can't period be every an every 2 months thing
No. 898593
>>898163I really hope it's that because I had more sugar lately fingers crossed anon
>>898166I've always been scared of birth control and have never taken any but I will take your advice and check that out before going back on accutane if it gets worse. Do you have any other side effects like bloating/appetite/sex drive changes? Thanks anon
No. 898602
>>898468Found a polish site shit talking the company. Wish my country had a site that would let you rate employers.
The bitch is also ignoring the email I sent her. She works from home I know she saw it. She thinks she's punishing me, a grown ass 30 year old woman. Jesus fuck I hope karma is real because she needs something to bite her in the ass.
No. 898770
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>>898602I just realized that because of the agreement I lost a chance for unemployment pay. I have no income now.
No. 898785
>>898777Like a few mintues have passed and I haven't gotten a text back, and I keep re-reading what I said thinking, "Did I say the wrong thing?" and I want to be left alone but at the same time, I want to talk to her, SOMEBODY so badly. I always over think everything I say to someone, even my own family. I feel like i may have blew it, I'm very honest, I can't help but be honest.
I just wanna spill everything
No. 898842
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>>898644This is such an attention seeking post.
>>898709>>898696Deadass. Really highlights the level of narcissism that random hos think anyone, especially jannies who can barely be fucked to look at reports 5 minutes a day, gives a damn about them. Bet they the same twitterfags who be like "omg I'd totally be a lolcow if I was famous". Like no you won't, you're boring af.
No. 898855
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>>898709I mean we got posters here that keep a log of anons who've revealed their emails/icons so who fucking knows what's going on with anyone. With that said as long as you don't post suspect things, no one really cares.
No. 898880
>>898863Didnt know that either. I only even knew who Nate was because he dated Leda.
But at this point, i think id be more suprised if a male youtuber with a very young audience (especially an emo/scene one) from the early youtube era
wasn't a groomer.
No. 898885
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I'm very disappointed in the world right now and feel as if all my dreams were crushed by all these mentally ill troons and horrible narc people.
I grew up with anime and as a child it literally kept me alive and it helped me disconnect and I have a special connection with the anime/japanese aesthetic. Now modern degenerate weebs have turned anime into exclusively coomer shit and all the things I like and even my style is being appropriated by mentally ill troon pedophiles.
My dreams are crushed, I've always wished I could be on the internet sharing my ideas or connecting with others, but I always attract people that see me only for this aesthetic but I'm entirely different from them.
I just hate how everyone is a troon pedo or a perverted scrote that can only see you as his fake internet gf and not see you for who you are or for the things you want to express. I love art and self expression, but I can't do it in this world without censoring myself.
I fucking hate scrotes, pedos, pick mes, sjws, right wingers and they are everywhere.
Also, Japan, the place I've wanted to visit since forever is a shithole full of pedophile groomers and my favorite female arrtists are objectified by them in the most pedophiliac way
No. 898914
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Ffffff %@$&*! The sims 2 with their inverted y axis and inability to change it aaaargh @#$%&! Do you think I'm flying a fucking plane?!?! I'm changing alien nappies. Shitting shit and fucking fuck I am the maddest person itt
No. 898915
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bought a perfume I had lusted over for years, sprayed too much, noticed it smells bad and chemical-y and I can't stop noticing that.
No. 898916
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I can't believe my mom had sex with my dad. His family's genetics are dog shit. Why make me so hot just to make me frail and predisposed for mental illness??? Reminder, reproducing with ugly unhealthy men is child abuse.
No. 898934
>>898916i honestly think men should pass a test before conceiving a child, on another note,
everytime i have my periods i am reminded of how superior women are, moids could never stand the sight of blood
No. 898953
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>>898931yes but when I was younger I was just not aware of it anon. I watched cute anime with moe stuff and to me they were just loveable innocent child like characters. I looked at Japanese girls wearing maid outfits and I just thought Japanese people must love cuteness. I didnt make the pedophilia connection until like 1 or 2 years ago. Thank you for the kind words though. I just dont want to possibly attract these people into my life, like troons or nasty pedo scrotes. I got really sad today learning that the author of a girls last tour is a pedo and seeing the sort of disgusting stuff he posts about.
>>898944yes I am a weeb but I thought being a weeb was different, it seems being a weeb is about cooming to loli characters and being an ugly bearded white man with scoliosis that dresses himself like a Japanese moe moe kyun girl because of his pedophilia. I think my connection with Japan and Japanese media goes beyond this depravation of being a weeb.
No. 898971
>>898952I’m the first anon that posted, NTAYRT
But I just got a job as a clerk in a school. I get paid to spend 6-7 hours doing arts and craft stuff like laminating or making photocopy requests and delivering them to the teachers. If there’s nothing that needs to be done I’m free to do whatever I want at my desk, like homework or listening to podcasts. My only interaction with the students is giving them hand sanitizer at lunch one day a week.
No. 898980
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>>898885>>898953People are clowning on you, but I agree, anon.
>yes but when I was younger I was just not aware of it anon. I watched cute anime with moe stuff and to me they were just loveable innocent child like characters. I looked at Japanese girls wearing maid outfits and I just thought Japanese people must love cuteness.This exactly. It's why I still get pissy when I see anons here insist anime belongs purely to scrotes and trannies.
There have always been girls and women who enjoy/enjoyed this shit without a male gaze or a pick-me agenda. Little me didn't pick up on a huge difference between shoujo/kids anime and manga vs ecchi shit, it was all just cute and pretty. It's still cute and pretty to me, and there are tons of female artists.
And you know what? Everything is owned by fucking men. You can't enjoy movies, books, music, fashion, games,
anything without running into their bullshit. Always some song with a good tune, but the lyrics are stupid bullshit about the gf who dumped them or how many women they've totally fucked, long-ass paragraphs in books about women breasting boobily down flights of stairs, jiggle physics in every fucking game, unnecessary male gaze scenes in films that are "critically acclaimed", clothes produced by gay scrotes and shown off by women who are paid in pennies to model for hours and told to commit suicide if their waist grows even 1 inch. Nothing is safe. The only hobby we have left is probably knitting (and even that will probably be stolen by troons).
I'm not going to give weeb shit up just because of penis-havers. Anime is for girls and women, J-fashion is for girls and women, all cutesy shit is automatically for girls and women. Males should just do construction work, stick powertools in their mouths, go to war and die. That's the law now, don't care that I'm autistic, fuck off
No. 898992
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>>898953I love cutesy shit I love slice of life, moe blobs I love motherfucking K-ON. Never let men ruin things for you. Think about all the weeb women of the world. Women can and do manage to enjoy weebness independently from male bullshit. Take China or Korea or SEA countries, all have dedicated women-funded women-run otaku circles big and small. Otaku women have become sustainable business owners, successful authors, screen writers, and celebs with fan base almost entirely made up of girls, inside and outside Japan. Distance yourself from the discord scrote crowd and focus on finding other perhaps older weeb women to connect with. You will never stop running into pick-mes and retards but it’s such a different experience when you’re surrounded by those who feel the same way you do.
Maybe learn a language if not Japanese. IME non-english speaking online weeb spheres tend to be more divided by sex. Scrotes prefer to stay in their own cum crusted pockets while women gather in their own fb groups/websites.
I had a weeb renaissance in my early 20s and it feels too undignified to give up something joyous because of moids.
No. 898994
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My parents are arguing at 1am. My mom is screaming a fair bit. I just want to sleep
No. 898995
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>>898989>>898988>>898984his crusty ass face as a banner, is this supposed to be attractive ? i should be turned on ?
No. 899027
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No. 899030
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I wish my boomer parents would stop watching fox news holy shit
I'm so sick of seeing Tucker Carlson's shitty spray tanned face on the TV
No. 899047
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>>899039nta but wtf is wrong with de/g/enerates?
No. 899068
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swear to GOD this heartburn will kill me. tempted to take 2 Zantac. but I will only take one like a good idiot
No. 899088
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>>899058Just don't go to the Dr for weight loss anon. They just want to get commission from pushing pills. You lost a lot already idk why you need their help.
No. 899111
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I bought these jeans today and even though I like how they fit I really wanted that loose, baggy look but because I have wider hips/butt I think that type of silhouette is just not in the cards for me. Sometimes I wish they had binders but for like your hips instead of your chest kek
No. 899135
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>>898980>it was all just cute and pretty.lmao reminds me of the times when I would listen to trance and whatever techno music on youtube, and the thumbnail was always some anime girl
I was like 10 or 11 and absolutely didn't pick up on how awful many of the 'cute animu pictures' were, because I was just happy having a colourful cartoon pic on my screen while blaring music I felt was fun. Child me just went yay beep beep boop boop colours and sounds wow what fun. It was all just cute and pretty and caramelldansen. I was just vibing and didn't see it for what it was.
Only in retrospect I see how much I've been influenced and damaged by the loli shit being so normalized.
Picrel the thumbnails were something like this, I picked out a less creepy option that's still an example of the aesthetic.
No. 899164
>>899151You need another job,
And you can't let the shallowness of your work environment bring you down. You know youre capable and worth more than this. Hang in there. I wish I knew you well enough to give some proper advice
No. 899173
>>899151Yea, it's more difficult for us, especially if you have rbf then you're instantly an arrogant bitch even tho no one talked to you yet.
The trick seems to be to get REALLY good at something/your job to the point where they can't really replace you. Or at least good enough so you can get a new job easily. As long as you're not an asshole you'll get by.
No. 899188
>>899164i wish i could find another job but i need the experience ahh, i'm not sure what to do without being a big pushover. this shit always happens to me :/ i remember during high school one of my scrote supervisors completely ignored me and gave all of his attention to this beautiful charming talkative college girl even though she didn't even work there :< one time when i had to go to an event he asked my female supervisor if she thinks i'll embarrass him so yea. suicide fuel LOL. i guess working in a more technical position would be a good way to counter working in a hyper-social high school type work place but yea ill grin and bear it lolololol
>>899172>>899181fuck i feel like it's so much worse for introverted women because we're expected to be more "talkative" and agreeable if that makes sense? also the older women in my office are so vile i don't know how to deal
>>899173>The trick seems to be to get REALLY good at something/your job to the point where they can't really replace youtrue, but i feel like my supervisors would just see me as someone they can take advantage of. guess i have to lean in kek
(don't use emojis) No. 899246
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Knowing that I will probably have to work for the rest of my life once I get out of school makes me want to commit suicide. I already feel unusually numb and fatigued from life and I’m deathly afraid of how my career will turn out or if I even will have one because I don’t have the energy or enthusiasm for capitalist work. I just want to drop everything like an idiot and run away to become a bum.
No. 899256
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>>899164>>899172>>899173>>899181>>899243how are you people still out there being fooled into replying to a man talking about "big tiddy stacy" and using retarded emojis
>>899247you really shouldn't've
No. 899274
>>898916Same tbh, my dad's not even hot, my mom is much better looking and I got all my physical flaws from him. Not to mention mental issues, both me and my brother are highly anxious, I'm always depressed and it's obvious his family is mentally unwell - shizos, mentally slow people and so on. Dad is depressed, aggressive and used to be physically
I genuinely don't understand why my mom that was a popular very good looking "Stacy"-type girl attending a very hard STEM university had children and married a guy who never helped her, treats her like his maid, almost failed highschool but puts her intelligence down all the time. He talked her into not working, wouldn't ever help with anything at home and now he's acting all high and mighty because he's earning more than she is. Of course I'm glad I'm alive so I can't complain much about her having children with him, I hate that I had to grow up in such a shitty family environment.
Growing up with parents who hate each other, cheat on each other and father that's physically
abusive to his own wife is much more damaging than if they separated and found loving partners. And I always feel guilty because it's because of me and my brother that my mom is bound to him and she basically ruined her life because of us.
No. 899279
>>899278They just
have to squeeze that last drop of money out of you
No. 899335
>>899331Shit maybe you are right. I don't know for sure tho, it's not like they talk about their weiner status on tv lol
I know JAL was in the news some months ago because they decided to change their " ladies and gentlemen" greetings for more "gender neutral" ones. That was the first time I ever heard anyone talking about gender-neutral-ness in japan.
No. 899341
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Made the mistake of curiously looking into Oscar speculation forums and now I'm too caught up in checking in on reactions from the ongoing film festivals. Literally waking up at 5am without an alarm because I'm too excited to see if there are reviews for Dune or Spencer or whatever the hell else. There's something engrossing about how everyone just knows that contenders have to follow certain narratives like "this actor is long overdue for a win so he'll got nominated whether or not the movie is good" or "so-and-so doesn't need to win the Volpi Cup, in fact it might hurt her chances for the Oscar" or "This entry is this year's Mank/Roma/whatever because it will garner (so-and-so) reaction". This is by far the stupidest thing I've ever hyperfixated on but I know too much now to be free.
No. 899350
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>>899343You're not gonna believe this but I've seen mostly raves (which I didn't expect either). You can see several already in the hashtag but here are a couple that are published on websites. Picrel to avoid (imageboard) redtext most lukewarm review I've seen so far is Indiewire's but its criticism is mostly for the script/direction.
No. 899358
>>899350Oh man I didn't know the trailer was out but she doesn't look like her at all lol
thank you for the links! tbh I've read (in blind gossip sites) that KS is one of those stars that love giving out "favours" for good reviews/ parts so it wouldn't surprise me if she went all out with this. I guess I'll wait until the "normies" watch the movie and give their reviews.
No. 899418
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and it's hard to be a human being… and it's harder than anything else
(if you don't have all of these you will be miserable)
No. 899483
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Sage 4 sperg but I hate my fucking manager. I have shit to do outside of my job so I asked for 10-15 hours a week, he gave me 23 at first which I didn't really mind because it's not that much but now he's given me 35 hours a week and considering I'm a cashier, I hate it. I'm gonna ask the assistent manager or whatever he is at my work to give me less hours because jesus h christ
No. 899517
>>899510Like the badass kid who keeps running around in Applebee's and you just want to trip him so he fucking
stops? Yeah. I can't stand bad kids either. Just reflects badly on the parents who can't reel them in.
No. 899545
>>899524Because she hates her kid, the kids father, and her life. Kek. She's too deep in her own depression to really care about whatever the fuck her hellspawn is doing until it gets too bad to ignore.
Abortions and birth control are legal in the U.S ladies. It's more merciful than having a kid you can't stand because you're not ready for the responsibility.
No. 899606
>>899597If that happens the abortion wasn't complete.
>Fetus cells in women's brainsWhat?
No. 899916
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i have a male friend with whom i enjoy doing a specific hobby. no one else i know does this hobby and its predominantly male anyways. now this friend of 3 years is dropping signals and im not trying to pick up. every. time. i wish men realized that if a woman doesnt act interested its because she fuckin isnt
No. 899956
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What is up with FTMs and Ryona? why are so many of them into gore? They're heading into schizo mtf territory at this point.
No. 899964
>>899956i’m like 95% sure
from own experience that it has something to do with autism and the way it warps their empathy and sexuality
No. 899970
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>>899462I like this one. Still good seven hours later.
No. 900031
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>be sitting with my MIL and SIL having a drink
>were all watching our kids and watching a movie
>not getting hammered but a little tipsy on a weekend night
>son hops up into lap
> my drink is to the side of my seat
>just sitting there for like 49 seconds
>my 2 year old proceeds to then throw his sippy cup aside on the floor
>lands right on my glass of margarita
>glass shatters , it’s my first drink too, like halfway filled.
I have to pick it up and tell the kids to keep away from area.
No. 900118
>>900104Yes exactly. Don't get women who mutilate themselves and cut all those sensitive nerve endings away.
Who cares about pussy shape anyway, it's such a non-issue irl.
It's just a cheap insult made in retaliation for 'small dick' insults anyway, except it didn't catch on in normies like small dick jokes did because no one cares kek
No. 900183
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>>900180Had the same issue and it was hell!! For me it was mostly psychosomatic and once I wasn't as stressed it got a bit better, but definitely try picrel or any magnesium supplement as well as eating bananas for potassium. Use a sleep aid like valerian to relax your body and stay relaxed in sleep. Puff your cheeks out to stretch tight facial muscles. Experiment with facial massage. Good luck,
No. 900187
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>>900132Oof, I would hate life if I was apple shaped.
No. 900235
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>>900187Still, at least anon can form grammatically correct sentences.
No. 900276
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>>900238No, I have not been on drugs and even if I were I wouldn't forget it but whatever you say
>>900229For a couple of weeks now. There's just a lot of mean/sociopathic girls on here and they're the same ones that say they are radfems. Look at some replies of the replies
>>900242>>900187replies for someone that complains about their body shape
>>899671anon is very depressed and suicidal and in a bad situation
>>900084 the reply
I'm glad the friend finder thread was closed down. The feminist flood of lolcow made me think this place would have good people, but afterall it's a gossip imageboard for people that foster a lot of hatred and sociopathy. The discord server I joined was "radfem" but they're all back stabbing each other and they've been playing with my mind for 3 weeks now. They impersonate me, post personal things about me when they think a post sounds like it could be mine and they accuse other anons of being me and attribute posts made by someone larping as me to me. They're insane. The person that LARPs as me is probably one of them too.
>>900251No, I don't wanna do that. I'm not like that. I just want them to leave me alone and stop thinking about me and stop bothering me.
No. 900291
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>>900272here is my gross mole and the reason i’ve never worn shorts in my life
No. 900363
>>900307>>900328Thank you, sweet nonnas.
>>900358I would like to try that, do the at home removers work pretty well?
No. 900385
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I’m so flustered why can’t people answer my questions am I the only one with this problem ahhhh
No. 900406
>>900401i've never been given a name for it, because apparently it's a few different things working together. basically i can't use my legs much, i'm not paralysed but things move out of place and dislocate if i move in the wrong way, which is agnoisingly painful when it happens. i get around with mobility aids, sometimes use a wheelchair if i need to.
i'm fortunate that my condition is fixable and i'm going to get surgery (possibly multiple) for it. i do think after that i'll probably lose a lot of weight just from the novelty of having fully functioning legs, since i'll want to use them. but right now i'm so stressed about it, and i need to lose weight before surgery anyway. they didn't say exactly how much, but they said "you can afford to lose a few lbs" and i was like haha yeah.
i think i need to work on the binge eating before i start exercising because i'm just going to gain everything back.
it definitely felt good to shout into the void about it though. thanks for replying, anon. it feels good that somebody is listening.
No. 900417
>>900362I am the same weight and have done the same thing. I have the PCOS body shape too, giant wide shoulders and ribcage + oddly narrow hips. I started hypothyroidism medication and it helped me get to 220 without doing anything else, but to get below I have to eat around 500 calories, otherwise it stays the same.
I also suffer physical pain from an accident, so I try to walk more instead of run because it'll make my condition worse.
I don't binge eat, I just have an unfortunate metabolism, so I can't give much help on that, but when I was younger I would just drink a lot of water to the point I was full. I've honestly come to accept that I'll look like this the rest of my life though.
I want you to know that I relate completely to everything you said about having to be ana to lose weight lmao, it is so fucking painful. I just don't know if the pain is worth it to starve myself the rest of my life so I look a certain way. I believe in you to cure your binging.
No. 900439
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I hate tomboy-obsessed moids. They don't don't want a "tomboy gf", they want a hentai trope who plays sports with them but is also petite and cute and super skinny. The same guys who used to bully me for buying clothes from the boy's section as a kid are now on 4chan wondering where all the tomboys have gone. Not to mention none of those precious tomboys would've fucked them in the first place. It's hilarious to imagine all of these moids sitting in their mom's basement jerking off to old Ellen Page movies thinking "I could've saved her."
Also, I don't get the whole "muh tomboys being brainwashed into becoming trannies" meme. Every single TIF I've ever met was a girly girl before transitioning. There are a bunch of enbies at my school (I'm 18, jannies don't ban me) and they wear more makeup than the "cis" girls.
No. 900456
>>900439True, me and a lot of other masculine girls who played real sports were mostly ignored by most of the normie scrotes, we had bf's though but they were often in the same sports clubs as us and so part of our circle
Either way I'm still fairly masculine to this day and only a small minority of men are interested in me but that small minority is still better then most scrotes
No. 900463
>>900439It's the new monthly flavor of "cool girl", mix of muscle fetish + childhood friend trope. Irl they would get
triggered if she was more fit than him, or had better banter, or had no manners, or had more confidence than him.
>The same guys who used to bully me for buying clothes from the boy's section as a kid are now on 4chan wondering where all the tomboys have gone. I don't get the whole "muh tomboys being brainwashed into becoming trannies" meme. I dressed like a tomboy since childhood and never got any male attention, mens eyes just slide past and if forced to interact they act pissed/like they want to run away. Though I guess you firstly have to be a 10/10 and then don a hoodie. If they didn't want tomboys to become ftms then they shouldn't degrade girls for being confident/loud/assertive/non feminized.
No. 900513
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Only thing i agree on Tories with.
I pray that this doesnt make it through parliament. They’re putting up our taxes to pay for living corpses to shit their diapers because their selfish kids won’t look after themselves like any loving son or daughter would.
Boomers should pay for their own care, they never take responsibility for anything.
I swear to god, I am not footing the bill for this. Absolute lunacy.
No. 900525
>>900439They think tomboys irl are like in hentai, like you said, so if they actually existed these women would be girly women who like completely normie sportswear BUT they would also be total nerds who'd make fun of them for being greasy, disgusting otaku while also liking them for being greasy otaku. I'm sure there are women like this who like both sports and geeky hobbies irl and who have short hair but they're not actual tomboys and they would 100% be into well-adjusted normie men anyway.
When I think about it, most tomboys I knew irl tended to have very long hair because they wouldn't bother going to the hairdresser very often.
I know that applies to me too but anyway. No. 900530
>>900523Right, just fuck the pandemic I guess.
>>900524Happily will be a Karen if it mean defending my health.
No. 900550
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I don't understand why people blame women for things like being a costhot,ethot whatever and "ruining" things. The entire reason these women do this is because men give them money and fuel this business.If Men stopped being horny monkey retards for one seconded and stopped giving them money they would all leave. Of course that will never happen but at least recognize who is the main reason for this garbage plague.
No. 900588
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blogpost incoming but my mom in particular is so favorable towards her sons, even though they don’t do anything for her and she has explicitly stated that she wishes she had daughters. one of her dumbass sons said something really bad online that warranted law enforcement coming to our home a few years ago, wasn’t too long ago but it wasn’t recent. one of them in a selfish leech and the other one is a selfish disabled emotional manipulator who used to bombard my mom with fake suicide threats just to get what he wants or to receive attention. me and my sister have realized this obvious bias and came to the realization that we hate both of our brothers. tl;dr I slammed one of the doors because they don’t have manners to close their door if they’re going to fart all over the place and he came out looking like an idiot, my mom was there right in time to break up my screaming because if he were to ever put his filthy hands on me, he would be knocked out on the ground. i‘ve been telling this woman a million times about his presence, how he should be placed in a group home away from us, my feelings of despair and anxiety, and I hit such a breaking point when she had the audacity to ask me
>why are you screaming? maybe reevaluate yourself, there’s something wrong with you
she rather cape for her sons who are absolutely no value and have pretty much traumatized both me and my sister in the most unorthodox way possible. this is going to be drowned out by annoying infighting and derailment but i don’t care anons, i’m tired of men, tired of my life being dictated by men, dictated by uncontrollable factors
No. 900594
>>900546If you’ve ever been to a care home and would leave your parents in a place like that then you’re a sociopath. Those places are nothing like the movies.
it’s Any loving son or daughter would take in their parents or hire a live-in nurse.
No. 900595
>>900588You could move out if you look into living in a cheap area.
i’m sorry this is happening to you my mum favours my youngest sister to ridiculous levels where she used to physically drive her to end of our 30metre drive to get to the bus stop
scrotes are everything wrong with the world. God i hope i secure a teaching post in a girls boarding school.
No. 900607
>>900594And any loving parent should have the foresight to plain their own retirement instead of burdening the children they chose to have, who they can reasonably expect to be living their own lives. They might not have the resources to help, they might not live close enough, it's not fair to demand they drop and sacrifice everything for caretaking duties.
I have every intention of taking care of my parents, but that's because I don't plan on having kids myself and should have the time/money. But my parents are extremely unselfish and would never expect it, it's just something I want to do.
No. 900648
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Hey farmers who eat meat, would you eat picrel? It's braised short rib stew on top of roasted veggies topped with parsley and bacon.
I'm one of the anons with autistically picky partners. He told me there was "too little meat" and thought the meat may be tough. He didn't even try it and told me he was gonna eat leftover manicotti I made yesterday.
If it looks like shit then whatever I guess but I thought it looked alright for a homemade braise stew situation? Am I fucked?
No. 900658
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>>900650>>900651You're too kind nonitas, ty.
No. 900670
File: 1630806179449.jpeg (109.38 KB, 828x720, 9183A70B-659A-4131-8911-C53286…)

i feel so cringe at the idea of signing up for tinder to meet men. tldr, i have no way to meet men and i don't have friends to meet men through them either. when i go to the app store to look at tinder it literally only has 181 reviews/stars… that should tell you how little it is used where i live. i'm so pathetic i can't believe i can't meet people normally in real life somehow. the more i stew over this the more i would prefer to just be alone. but then i stew over being alone. everything is so much harder without social connections.
No. 900679
>>900648That looks delicious anon. He doesn't deserve you.
>>900670Tinder is rough esp in regards to tinder men. Always wait to message back. Crazy dudes will either unmatch you or flip out and reveal their true nature early on. Easy way to weed out some of the worst ones.
No. 900684
>>900679christ i didn't even think about how many crazy types might be on there, especially considering how little it's used here, the crazies are probably all on there because they have nowhere else. FUCK
>>900683this is a really good idea. can i just make a fake profile without linking a phone number or whatever it requires?
No. 900705
>>900648>>900658loving all the queens coming together to bully scrotes
what recipe did you use anon.
any recipe recs for beginners?
No. 900715
>>900684You need to enter your phone number becayse they send a confirmation code to it, but I think it doesn't really make a difference? A few years ago, when I was living in a different city, I installed tinder with the same phone number and had made a completely different profile, but I did use a throw away email address. Either way, your phone number is kept private.
>>900688Tinder is kinda stupid so it forces you to put at least two pics when setting up your account, but it has no means if recognizing if it's the picture of a person or if they are two different pics. Because I only made an account to lurk (so swipe everyone left) I just put two cat pics I grabbed off the internet.
>>900710Yeah, I got some 80 likes in just one day. I think a lot of men must think I am there to cheat on my husband and not showing my face cause of that. There are those who literally swipe right on everyone too.
No. 900744
>>900648 I'd eat it.
>too little meatThis makes me very irritated for some reason, so I'm about to A-log: He's a piece of shit and should kill himself. That's a shitload of meat.
Never cook for him again, the cunt is probably a fat fuck anyway.
No. 900757
>>900743>>900750nta but literally what is your british damage? it doesnt need the bacon but anon probably did it for her meat bastard scrote, bit roasted vegetables are fine & good.
And hold on a second, what in sin do you mean "would pair better with a carb"? As far as I can tell that's literally potatoes right there, and if it's turnips or smth good on anon, not every meal needs to be served on a bed of soggy fat fries you toothless pom. Go swill ypur cider and sit on the kerb.
Actually you must already be blind pissed because those vegetables aren't mashed either. What's wrong with ypu? I literally hope you are trolling. Literall… british people tryong to say literally anyone else can't cook… you understand you're a joke yo the rest of the world right? Like a literal punchline, because of how nasty ypu eat?
No. 900764
>>896315Look up how focal length effects the appearance of faces. Your face literally does not look like it does on camera, and movies, photographers, and influencers all use meticulous lighting and/or post processing to mitigate facial rounding.
Don't go insane over this, it's a problem with the camera, not your face.
No. 900776
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>>900772her scrote eating her manicotti:
No. 900780
>>900765I don't think you have very good reading comprehension. I said "Not every meal needs a carb". I said "That meal has a carb anyway, as those look like potatoes". Are you arguing with these facts?
And also, why do you think SHE wants him to eat more meat? I'm pretty sure this is a troll because you have everything literally backwards.
For the record anon's meal looks a bit heavy but tasty, the potatoes and carrots look well-roasted, and what's actually missing is a salad or other green vegetable, but there's no way the aforementioned meat bastard would touch those so it's fine.
No. 900890
>>900881Yeah I. Just very emotional right now I guess but that’s not a bad idea
I do acknowledge how what I said could come off as manipulative…I just wanted them to give me advice, or something
No. 900900
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This ugly motherfucker makes it such a trial to visit Know Your Meme. Now every time I look something up my day is ruined
No. 900924
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it seems i have to disenroll from my previous university that i havent been attending for about 4 years to get into a new school. i have until the 8th to get this shit done. it all depends on how fast the university staff does it. i hope it all works out or i might get ideas of sudoku. wish me well anons
No. 900928
Very self-pitying rant incoming.
I hate how no one ever takes me seriously, ever takes my anger seriously. When someone asks me for help I never refuse, when someone does something I don't like, I tolerate it. I do everything I can to not disturb, irritate or inconvinience someone but when someone can CLEARLY see I am getting extremely irritated by something they do that is easily avoidable they just do not give a single fuck, despite me telling them numerous times it angers and irritates me to no end. No one gives a single fucking fuck. And when I get angry at them they always laugh it off or think I'm not actually angry at them and misplacing my anger. Just stop doing that thing, it irritates me so, so much, it ruins my whole day. How many times do I need to tell you? I would never make someone suffer like this, I do all in my power to never ever get in someones way and this is how I am repayed. It's not like I haven't told them how much it bothers me, I have so many times, it doesn't go through their thick dense fucking skull, or they just don't give a fuck. I will literally become the next joker because of this.
No. 900930
>>900928I think the only solution is to stop caring like them
People are assholes
No. 900954
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my bf's roommate can be so fucking annoying and downright rude sometimes. i've been holding this in for a while. he's one of those gays that never knows when to shut the fuck up. blog post incoming.
he can't just say his opinion once and be done with it. he has to say it over and over when literally everyone has moved on. if you disagree with him he has this "i know more than you" attitude about it even over the most trivial shit.
one time my bf and i made a stir fry together and we let his roommate have a bowl. he went on and on about how the duck sauce we used didn't have any flavor, and as he was eating it he was like, "i'm just thinking about how this could be better" no one fucking asked and it wasn't made for you!!!!
there have also been a few occasions where he'll make judgey comments towards me. he once looked down at my feet and told me "girl you need a pedicure" all because my big toe was a little fucked up from an infection that i already took care of and it was healing. he also roasted me once unprompted, about my torn jeans, and that it looks trashy. he also has pointed out my dark circles when i didn't have makeup on. shut the fuck up, you're a man.
and what's funny is that one time he vented to me about how it's hard for him to find a bf. (he's super picky too btw) we started talking about his type. he said he liked masculine hispanic guys. (my bf is hispanic too) and i just went for it and asked him "if (bf) was gay would you date him?" and he immediately got red and started laughing nervously.
no fucking wonder his roommate would tell me "leave (bf) alone" when i would playfully get after him for stuff like cutting his hair. like fuck off, it's none of your business. put down women all you want but you're still a fag and i can get what you can only dream of with far less effort. lmao
No. 900955
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>>900950I immediately scolded him over this and blocked him. I know this sounds dumb because I can literally nip this in the bud by not dressing goth, but I should be able to dress in alt clothes without having to fend off leghumpers looking for a mommy dom
No. 900985
>>900969my bf has been annoyed with him too but not for the same reasons i have. he once had beef with his roommate over the cat and dog he decided to adopt. both animals, but especially the dog, were really noisy to the point where my bf was losing sleep and couldn't relax on his days off.
i forget the dog's breed but it's one of those really social dogs that needs constant activity (the dog was originally on a farm) and here is his dumbass roommate trying to fit this hyper dog in an apartment all by itself. the dog destroyed a bunch of stuff cause of its stress of being locked up alone.
at one point my bf threatened to move out and leave all the rent to him if he didn't get the animals under control. luckily his roommate has for the most part so my bf can actually relax now. but i know their issues with the animals caused a divide in their friendship cause my bf will still bring up how stubborn he is with the animals. he finds them really annoying.
his roommate should not have animals at all. he doesn't have a car so he can't take them to the vet. the cat has been grown for a while now and really needs its balls removed. it's been in heat over and over and every time i go to my bf's place i can tell the cat is in agony. he's so irresponsible.
my bf knows about everything that i've ranted about concerning how he's rude and all he can say about it is "well he is gay" like ok????? i know plenty of gay men who don't act like that. men are so obtuse.
No. 901035
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it feels so shitty to think about how the youtubers i loved most growing up turned out to be groomers or sexually abusive in other ways. it heavily sickens me, i can't go back and watch their old content and reminisce or anything without thinking about how they're no different from the men who've been gross to me. i'm mainly referring to cryaotic since i watched him so much, he was a very comforting presence for me through the ages of like 13-16. dan avidan too, though i engaged with his content later. but 13-16 was a time where most of my life was spent just going to school and watching youtube, i didn't go out with friends or anything. i was very emotionally distant from my family, the people closest to me were these shitty youtubers
No. 901043
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Men are so fucking annoying and clingy "I love your voice so we need to call everyday!" no we fucking don't faggot, I don't want to waste my time sitting in a fucking call with you when I should be finishing no more heroes 3 and starting new game plus.
No. 901057
Had a horrible day at work I hate being a foreigner so much.
> Sitting at my desk, boss walks in
> 'hey anon did you hear that the other foreign guy's friend works for us now?'
>'Do you know him?'
> I know where this is going.
> '…no? Are you asking because you think that I know him since he is from the same country?'
> At this point people usually back down, and take the out. He stares at me blankly, and replies with a sure 'Yes' and doubles down with a 'I know for a fact, you all live in communities and know each other.'
> I am blown away by this sheer display of ignorance, just the sheer fact that he is trying to convince me that I know all foreign people is baffling.
> 'No John, I do not know all other people from my country.'
> He is now agitated 'But it's a fact, you all know each other.'
> '…no.'
> 'Anon, could I speak to you in private.'
> He proceeds to make me stand in an empty room and tries for the third time to make me admit that I, do in fact, know all other immigrants.
>I refuse to agree and eventually say I need to go home.
This was on Friday, I am probably going to get sacked. Fuck you John , you ape-brained racist bigot.
No. 901173
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He has audacity to complain when there should have been women and children getting refuge
No. 901356
My rich friend didn't tip at a cafe we went to. It was the new kind of modern tablet thing where if you pay with a card the cashier will show you a screen where you can choose to give a tip. Ever since they became a thing in the last few years I always leave a small tip, not always 20% like at a restaurant, but around 10%, since it's counter service. My friend, who is very wealthy, chose 0% and it rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe I'd feel differently if they'd JUST bought a $2 cup of black coffee, but they were getting a nice drink + food prepared and their total was over $15. Plus, the place was super packed and the cafe was understaffed. I feel like I lost respect for this person since it would be literally no sacrifice to them to tip. I tip regardless, even if I have just $30 to my name, cmon.
Also yes, American tipping is stupid blah blah blah.
No. 901378
>>901262I'm an autist and was a NEET when I met my wife on a hobbyist forum. Just follow your passions and focus on becoming your best self. You're very likely to meet other women that way, plus you'll have a fuller, more interesting life to invite them into. Even if you don't find romance, at least you'll have spent so much time doing what you love!
Pro tip: Go for the other tards. It makes life so much easier when you can be freely autistic in ways that you'd have to over-explain to a neurotypical gf.
No. 901403
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>>901173These men complaining about a fresh meal of bread fruit and meat, meanwhile their abandoned wives and sisters hiding at home waiting to get tortured by Taliban.
No. 901404
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This cute blond guy was looking at me but after our eyes met my stupid shy self looked at my feet as I walked past
No. 901489
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>>901475If he's as garbage as you say he is, he will never give you closure. He'll make excuses, deny wrongdoing, straight up call you a liar, etc. You're wasting your time. Move on.
No. 901511
>>901475>>901489>He'll make excuses, deny wrongdoing, straight up call you a liar, etc. He'll also enjoy the additional proof that he has so much power over you and your emotions.
It really won't work out like you want it to anon, the only 'closure' you'll get is more evidence he dgaf about you. Protect your dignity and stay away, that's all you can do when someone doesn't care.
No. 901513
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the worst thing about ed recovery for me is having a large wardrobe of expensive clothes that I bought under the impression of "uhh I'll never get bigger! only smaller! and I'll just make sure that I never get bigger than these clothes because they're worth a fortune!" but now I just have all these carefully curated, beautiful clothes that I could fit into last year or the year before. now I'm too big for stuff that I still fit in earlier this year and I'm feeling really conflicted. part of me wants to diet to fit the clothes for the event I'm dressing up for instead of buying a new outfit. hate it!
No. 901534
>>901521yeah I've realized that but it's hard to give up things I felt were perfect for me. clothes used to be a kind of comfort thing for me, like I would feel secure wearing something I thought affirmed "who I was" which sounds like tranny shit tbh. since last year though I realized how much I was using clothing as a crutch in many different ways. so yes
nonny. peep my depop for deals and steals
No. 901566
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I'm very ugly. Even more deformed than pic related. I'm also an apple shape. I'm anorexic and constantly extremely underweight. I'm so jealous of beautiful women and I cannot stop myself from trying to hurt them on any given occasion I love seeing cute girls suffer. They have no idea how much I've suffered from being this ugly, they deserve it.
No. 901581
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>>901566You sound like a tranny. Did you post this hoping biological women would respond like "I totally know what you mean, anon"? When does this fruitless quest end? You won't get validation.
Do you type things like pic related as well? Go and seek help, and I don't mean HRT.
No. 901590
>>901579Agreed. Wanting to harm women for being attractive is 100% a male trait. The only women I've seen with such tendencies are FtMs on testosterone, and I think that says it all.
They think those feelings are somehow universal, too. It's like they literally can't imagine any other way to see the world. If that poster is not a delusional tranny, he 100% thought he'd get the "femcels" he tells himself are totally equal to incels to relate.
Males cope, seethe and die forever
No. 901600
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I have fucking cancer, no girlfriend and will never get one because I'm too tired and bitter because I have cancer. A kissless fuckass NEET, I am so fed up with myself. I really tried before this, was studying, it was difficult even then but it's now impossible and people keep sending me awful inspiration porn, thank you, I am aware everyone else could do more than I do or did. It's not normal to constantly think about suicide or how to keep on staying alive but that's how it be on this fucker of a planet, I am glad there's at least the vent thread. It's also just downright stupid of me to be thinking having a gf right now, as if that's my biggest issue, what the fuck is wrong with me.
No. 901604
>>901601That's because they want to fuck them, and when that option disappears, they want to murder them or see them harmed.
Sometimes, they do get the sex they're seeking, but then they remember that they are
still subhuman, so they feel spiteful anyway.
No. 901617
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I’m fucking losing it anons. I’m moved back in with my parents and locked down working from home. I just feel like complete shit all the time. I have a degree and am working in my field straight out of college and I have good friends but I just feel terrible about myself all the time. Working from home is killing me and for everything I’ve achieved and all the progress I’ve made in just the past few years I just feel like a completely useless sad sack who’s never going to get better. I hate myself, I’ve convinced myself all my friends back in my college city hate me too, and I’ve walked away from every guy who ever showed interest in me because I was convinced he would drop me too. I just broke things off with my fwb in my college city even though he was a guaranteed lay and a place to sleep whenever I visited. I just feel like complete and utter shit and I’m tired of it all. I literally lie in bed until 9 and rub one out just to get up in the morning. this lockdown can’t end soon enough. Fuck.
No. 901665
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I honestly wish my friends would outgrow weebshit. I'm starting to resent and hate it. I don't want to be an autist sounding downer but I no longer care for the majority of anime. I think I've developed a revulsion mechanism. I don't know how to tell them nicely that I don't care for it anymore, but I think a couple of them can tell. One of them is just a huge sperg and it's bothering me. At least nobody's a fujoshit, or else we would no longer be friends. I'm a selfish sociopath for this one, but I thought I'd found friends with interests closer to my own and everytime the turbo weeb one brings up 2d shit which is way too often even though I've tried to get her into live action movies and tv that isn't just tumblr fandom crap I wanna gouge my eyes out. I wanted to have mutual interests with these people and I'm losing at least one of them to the cult of 2d lunacy.
Fuck me. I refuse to watch any new series. So many of them are coomershit produced for and by scrotes. Most, in fact. Anime circles are full of misogynistic and sexually harassing groomer men and degenerate women who end up acting like pickmes for disgusting scrotes. I hate what the attitude in anime communities did to me. How much misogyny it makes women internalize. I hate what it does to other people. Why did I waste so many years being into it. Some I still hold close (Little Witch, Haikyuu, Watanabe's series, Ouran, and some of kyoani which I know can be scrote baity but they were part of my early stages of watching when I actually enjoyed myself and wasn't exposed to so much degeneracy, a couple others) but most of it makes me wanna vomit and I don't want to watch anymore. I don't know how to tell my friends I don't care anymore. I don't know how to make the one turbo weeb shift topics. Like girl please tell me you have any other damn interests for the love of god.
No. 901668
>>901665>Watches only mainstream coomshit and male-pandering series>Hates fujos>WHY IS ANIME SO MISOGYNISTIC UGGGHHHH kek I think at this point it's a You problem
nonnie, are you like 19 and just outgrew your weeb phase?
No. 901672
>>901668I watched hundreds of series before I stopped watching and there's an increasing lack of non fetishized decent series and always has been, it's just that I finally woke up and decided that I didn't care for it anymore
What's wrong with western film or even live action East Asian films instead of anime? Not "pretty" enough for 2dfags? Either way, I find the change refreshing. I just think my one friend in particular who displays the turbo weeb behavior has a lot of internalized misogyny. I want her to unlearn it. I think if she's was exposed to more media outside of stupid 2dshit she'd probably feel better about herself. Yes, western media has its problems but my weeb friend seems to have constantly played the NLOG weeb girl because she was surrounded by scrote influence from a young age and it clearly has hurt her self esteem. I just want her to see other media. There's so much more than what she's seeing. I used to be a lot like her and that's why I worry
No. 901679
>>901674Hentai, the degenshit, and yes, fujocrap also helped fuck up a lot of my young sexuality. I didn't want to admit it for years, but a lot having to do with my prolonged interest in it and interaction with those who consume it has fucked me up. I know not everyone who does is a bad person, I love my friends dearly and they helped me out of a tough loss, I don't want to lose them over something as simple as that.
Watching my friend put herself down hurts though. I know it's way more than just the unattainable 2d obsession bringing her down and her internalized misogyny from growing up but I can't help but feel the media she consumes helped contribute to it. And I love her dearly, like in a platonic way, want her to love herself more. She's grown a lot since I met her but sometimes I don't know how to tell her the truth out of fear I will hurt her. Guess it's best to be upfront but I don't like going for the jugular since I know how much she loves anime
No. 901683
>>901672I watch western movies and series, but always default back to weebshit because that's just what hits better, I live outside of the Anglosphere so maybe it's a cultural difference that I simply don't enjoy, for example, movies and series originating from the USA because they're too over the top, lack subtlety and don't resonate with my expectations. There's nothing wrong with liking pretty things though, one of the things I like about anime is the aesthetic and appreciation of beauty, enjoying gritty and objectively ugly things just for the sake of being ~deep~ has never computed with me past my teens. I hate the coomer series but every year there's at least a few that are genuinely good and that's enough for me tbh, I never understood the constant flow of endless consooming of media instead of digesting one satisfying piece well.
However you do you anon, just don't become one of those "anime is for brainlets, I love my Bojack Horseman and She-Ra" people in my vicinity kek
No. 901687

>>901679I am very fortunate that my virgin rage stopped me from ever liking fujo shit(hate men for fucking each other instead of me) but it sure did permanently make me attracted to aloof people who can't commit if their life depends it. Or the unironic acceptance of """tsundere""" men.
Just make sure you also highlight that you're worried about her and want her to have self worth.
No. 901699
>>901687>I am very fortunate that my virgin rage stopped me from ever liking fujo shit(hate men for fucking each other instead of me)This confession explains a lot of the spergy fujo hate on this site and I had already generally deduced it tbh, absolute mental illness to be an unironic femcel seething over fictional men not choosing to fuck you.
>>901679In all honesty the "fujoshit fucked up my sexuality" finger pointing is reminiscent of all those self-hating male troons who blame anime for becoming a perverted scrote fantasizing about being a lesbian schoolgirl instead of taking responsibility for being a degenerate loser memed into something he wanted himself.
No. 901735
>>901702That's factually what her mom is. If the only reaction you have after reading this is to ask anon to respect her
abusive mom on an anonymous image board you have mental issues.
No. 901742
>>901723Finns aren't generally mean, they're just really autistic, don't take it personally. Unless they're boomers or bald, middle-aged men wearing specific attire, they're most likely just short-circuiting since they aren't used to the situation and don't know what to do. I've had a girl run away from me when I was trying to give her a free tote bag at a fair, it's just how it be.
I'm foreign and still use English language service sometimes, especially with doctors since my vocab isn't really up to par there, not once have people hung up on me. They're pretty nice once you get used to it! Just treat them like shy cats and approach gently and non-threateningly, that usually works for me.
No. 901763
I just had a fucking traumatic experience and I want to vomit. I live with my mom, dad, sister and her dog and our house is pretty small, it's actually not technically a house but a trailer (but it's stuck to the ground). we actually live in a relatively safe part of town but I guess we still have some degenerates. I was laying in bed looking at my phone & my parents and sister were out in the living room watching TV when there was a bunch of noise outside our front door. I didn't hear it very well but then someone started beating on the door with their whole body and heard someone yelling and my dad going NO. WE DONT WANT YOU HERE. I immediately grabbed my fucking phone and starting dialing 911 as our dog was going apeshit. my dad was holding the door as this guy was slamming his body FULL FORCE up against our door. we have a dead bolt but with that amount of force Idk. I called the cops and this bitch was so calm and just kept being like "do you know him" NO I DONT FUCKING KNOW HIM. then she asked what race he was and other stuff, mind you I barely saw the guy, I only saw him through the small window on our front door. she almost seemed irritated at me. LIKE JUST FUCKING SEND SOMEONE ALREADY HOLY SHIT. he kept being like LET ME IN and LET ME IN YOU MOTHERFUCKER COME ON YOU ARENT GONNA LET ME IN???? my dad kept being like WE DONT KNOW YOU, LEAVE after I called the cops I went up to the door to help my dad. I screamed I WILL FUCKING STAB YOU. I WILL CUT OFF YOUR BALLS AND FEED THEM TO MY DOG, DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME? and he just kept being like COME ON MOTHER FUCKING LET ME IIIIIINN. then he kept going around our house and I kept hearing thumping sounds like he was throwing stuff/himself at our house. I kept being scared he was going to break one of our windows and climb in because if he did man we would have been COMPLETELY FUCKED. mind you my mom recently broke a bone and also has arthritis and cant walk currently. then he continued to throw himself at our door and scream at us, I had scissors in my hand this whole time trying to muster up the courage stab him in the stomach if I had to. my sister called the cops again and the bitch kept being like "do you know him" NO YOU FUCKING BITCH WE DONT FUCKING KNOW HIM. a few times he was like YOU ARENT GONNA LET ME SEE MY DAD and THIS IS MY DADS HOUSE. no it's not. I screamed SO FUCKING LOUD hoping that maybe someone would hear. the 911 lady also told us to go in a different room and hide from him and im like bitch?????? if he can kick down our front door he can definitely kick down our other doors. he also tried to break into my parents' car and the car alarm started going off. I also set my car alarm off hoping it would attract someone. finally the cops got their and arrested his ass, I seriously don't know how much longer our door was going to hold up. I looked at my phone after the cops got there and it had been 27 minutes since I called them, that was a couple minutes after they got there so maybe it was more like 22 minutes, which I guess isnt that bad but it felt so fucking long. probably obvious at this point but this guy was fucked up on something. had to be worse than alcohol or weed, probably meth. which is terrifying because people on meth dont feel pain so if I stabbed him he might not even notice. now I'm having heart palpitations, its almost 2am here and I dont think I'll be able to sleep anytime soon. everytime I hear any little noise or thump I panic. I'm going to buy a gun.
I hope you get raped in prison, contract AIDS and/or overdose on meth, you subhuman inbred parasite maggot.
No. 901770
>>901723>>901734>>901744Yeah, Vääksy a countryside place alright. People in Finnish rural settings are even less used to any foreigner approaching them, much less in English. Especially anyone older than a millenial will be awkward with trying to deal with a situation where they
actually need to apply any English skills. Even the young folks that know English will mostly sperge out as discussed before. I'm sorry that it's leading you into a tough situation, I hope you find a way to enjoy your stay a bit more. I think you'll have at least some success with Google translate, if you run simple sentences through it. Asking people to write down instructions in Finnish on a small note or something is always a good emergency measure, when dealing with Finns that stumble over whatever they're trying to get out of their system. Sounds excessive at first, but it's worth a try.
I also pray you get some good freaking food soon, if you're literally just on salmiakki and tomato soup all the time. Sounds exhausting.
No. 901786
>>901781It's astounding how much being stoic and calm is equated to being an apathetic stone cold bitch. Drives me nuts how emotionally unaware people in general are and then they fuck each other up mentally just because of their own braindead notion of what 'keeping it cool and professional' means in practice. I don't know if it's in their training, if the average person is really that unempathetic and slow, or both. She could've told you firmly that alright we got this, we're sending someone as soon as we can, what's your address, stay on the phone, help is on the way, it'll take x amount of time, all that. Not this call us back we're busy anxiety inducing type of shit nobody needs to hear when they're in danger. Sorry about this counter vent, but it's a specific frustration of mine, how people who're actually in pain and/or danger are just left hanging like
on so many levels and in so many instances
No. 901823
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Warning for catty shit but I work in a STEM field dominated by males, often being the only woman, and I've had to work like a dog with no handicap at all and suffer through endless shit situations where I often end up being the scapegoat and being duped into overworking and abuse. But my industry also has a huge hard-on for witnessing female empowerment so a new, way more attractive girl walks in and is immediately showered with praise and encouragement and plastered all over marketing. I know it's not her fault and the girls are super sweet, I know it's all for show, but I just can't help but feel bitter and wonder if I wasn't a loser gnc lesbian freak I'd probably get treated with more dignity and didn't have to witness all this smoke and mirrors only there to hammer in how I'm not even considered a proper woman and how my hard work will never be recognized.
No. 901832
>>901823It's ok to be bitter, it's a shitty, unfair situation that isn't her or your fault.
Scrotes gonna scrote and that praise means absolutely nothing coming from them, because the ones not using it to crawl up her pussy are doing it to appear woke despite being anything but. Once they get bored they will go on to complain how easy women in tech have it and put her on blast or gossip monger about her sleeping her way to the top even if it's not true.
The opinion of what I'm assuming are greasy tech bros is as worthless as the opinion of men who browse reddit, as they're one and the same. Do yourself a favour and get closer to her, together you're stronger and can back each other up when the males inevitably mistreat you or her.
I'm lucky to work in a fairly old school, un-hip tech company (think IBM but shittier) where the average age is 40+ and the atmosphere here is a lot more relaxed. My coworkers are a different kind of retarded but at least you get your work done and go home, no office politics and there's lots of women here too, mostly older mom types. If you ever want to switch jobs, gravitate towards places like that. You'll escape most of the shitty STEM male drama so I recommend it.
No. 901893
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my gf is giving me the silent treatment after i told her i dont want to argue. Now she messaged me again just to give me one word responses that I don't know how to respond to, but if i don't respond, she will feel "left alone". I don't know what her problem is. Asking about it doesn't help. It's like i'm supposed to figure it out myself
No. 901900
>>901884You can’t be near your family or friends at all times. This is what these people get for being so dependent on other people and the system.
>I can’t go outside and do my degenerate things anymore wahh wahhh I hate the pandemicLmao, it’s hilarious to see extroverts nearly die from the thought of being by themselves for a long time. Human beings are social but not all the time. It’s about time anon sits her ass home, eat a banana and make a painting or something and learn to be by herself.
No. 901912
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>>901896you kicked a girl out of a discord server for being ugly?
No. 901929
>>901926Maybe but it sucks that she has been taking T
nonnie No. 901958
>>901949tinder dinner dates with men then walk out.
jk but i hope you find a solution
nonnie, that sounds really difficult. don't be afraid to reach out to people, that's what friends are for
No. 901984
>>901962tell me
nonnie do you watch psych vids on YouTube? you sound like it
No. 901986
>>901952>>901958>>901960>>901981Thank you for the suggestions, anonitas
I'm American, but was denied emergency food stamps and will have to wait 6-8 weeks. Unfortunately, my friends are all also broke grad students waiting for the same pay day lol. The pantry is open once a week (that's where I found the rice & sugar), but we don't get so many donations.
I actually did go out with a bi male ex-friend who was aware that I'm a lesbian for free pizza, he let himself into my dorm and felt me up for hours that night. was pretty terrifying and we haven't spoken since.
No. 902003
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I hate myself for sounding like a lil bitch but I'm so tired of constantly being hurt. Whatever I do and no matter how much I try to please everyone, it's never good enough. I just want to crawl into a hole. I can't wait for winter so I can have an excuse to never leave my apartment.
No. 902021
>>900560based. always with the selective arguments…
>>900572we live in a patriarchy so it is relatable for every woman to be annoyed by scrotes. i like this place being one site to express these feelings without getting sexism thrown back at me
>>901896aren't discord servers for making friends, with you know, your personality?
>>902003it takes a lot of effort to build boundaries when you are a nice person anon. people just won't see how hard you are trying. maybe isolating yourself is the way for a while. maybe they will reach out. maybe it is time for new friends
No. 902133
>>901173aww poor little man only got a meal of meat, fruit, and bread in a nice western country. so #brave and #inspiring.
all afghan men are nothing but spineless worthless cucks. i was against the us meddling in but the us military should have at least enlisted and trained afghan women instead. the women there actually have everything to lose. it's so infuriating to see men have so much physical strength and the upper hand in society and politics and they do nothing with it. they run faster than the women when shit goes down. i hope the men who fled are haunted with guilt every day of their coward lives.
No. 902176
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>>901265i felt like this a lot before i found the love of my life. it took me so long to let myself go with him and fully trust him. i'm just not a very trusting person and part of it had to do with childhood trauma as well.
at the start of our relationship, my bf told me he would wait for as long as i needed to open up. he said we could go at the pace i felt comfortable with. if someone truly loves you, they will do that for you, anon. if he won't or he pressures you, then immediately move on. it'll be hard to find someone like this but they do exist. never give up hope. i almost gave up on finding love and my bf saw through my "tough girl" act when we were just friends. he described it as a darkness i was clinging on to so much that i wasn't living. don't allow yourself get to the point that i was, it was truly awful.
>I just don't want to be vulnerable to someone that can be a stranger, and to someone that I will possibly break up with and never see haven't even found anyone and you're already thinking negatively about the relationship. if you go into a relationship expecting it to fail, it WILL fail, one way or another. either by your own fear or you or your partner's inability to fight for each other. a good relationship doesn't just happen, it takes time and effort. you need to be able to know who is worth fighting for.
relationships require work but they also require a certain amount of losing control. i know for people like us, complete control is everything. it was control that kept me safe but it also left me isolated. everything is a gamble, sis and you have to accept that. but if you stay true to yourself, have a good judgment of character, and go slow, you can minimize your loses. if you're always afraid to lose, you will never win. i wish you well.
No. 902202
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Shut the fuck up you whiny little son of a bitch. I have avoided this video for two days. I keep seeing it. I want to unsubscribe. It's not that bad. It's not supposed to be anything but a spicy lil tendie in a NICE tortilla. fuck OFF with your bullshit """Takes"" for internet points you DUMBASS you din't even wear that in real life, you are such a fraud. A FAKE And a fucking loser. If you did wear that irl you are a fucking psychopath on top of it. I got mental issues. All people who wear weird shit do buddy, trust me, they fucking do and you are NO exception. Your anger, if manufactured, lends more to clickbait FRAUDULENCE than being a sociopath foaming at the mouth on cam not giving two fucks about his pathetic skinny body by shoving fast food and processed bullshit down his malformed gullet and has the gall to complain. maybe elevate your senses, you may benefit to graduate beyond a toddler palate but I doubt you will. faggot bitch. fack fucker, godamn it I mean fake fucker. he's just a loser putting on a lame show, think about it. what is he really doing. and who is he really trying to be? it's not good, people should look twice, keep their eye on him at all times, there's something wrong with this guy,. he's wrong about the chicken thing though
No. 902206
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The walmart checkout camera made me look like this but more square today gave me major bad vibes guys
No. 902210
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I'm so frustrated with how often my thoughts on plastic surgery change. half the time I'm saving up for procedures and the other half I think it's a terrible idea. on the one hand why should I resist something that could afford me higher self esteem and better treatment from other people; on the other hand what message does it send to my sisters, who have the same nose, if I cut mine up and mould it beyond recognition? how do I live with the financial loss? would I spiral if the surgery is botched, and I end up still hating my face, but also unable to recognise my own reflection? ugh.
No. 902235
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>>902231He definitely gets bullied kek. I like him but that being said
>>902202 was a brilliant roast
No. 902315
>>902300Shut up, he's a treasure.
It's so refreshing to see someone not orgasm at a sniff of chocolate. Us anti-chocolate fags need representation.
No. 902381
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I’m not sure where to put this but I’ve been going through a mini existential crisis. everything has felt static and I feel like I’ve barely changed even though my personal style, beliefs, interests, and hobbies have changed. Ive gotten over the fear of death but the lingering feeling of watching everyone you love slowly die and knowing you might be able to outlive them makes me really upset. I’m just afraid of watching the people I care about die or get hurt or get old. I know making these connections is one of the gifts of life but it makes me want to cut ties and live all by myself out of fear of losing someone. How would you anons cope?
Also I think it’s because I forgot to take my pills kek
No. 902389
>>902381Nobody can really cope with the death of loved ones. It's not like all other things that can heal. Nobody can prepare for it either.
You just cry and keep living and then cry again from time to time.
No. 902407
>>901786yeah and she wouldn't even tell us how long it was going to be when the cops got there, she seemed super not concerned, she also kept asking us if we knew him after I said NO several times.
and for an update; after they arrested him they took him to a HOMELESS SHELTER not a jail cell because there wasn't an arrest warrant out for him??? I'm fucking scared he'll come back, we're trying to figure out how to press charges. I want to buy a gun but I also don't want to get shot by the cops for defending myself.
No. 902438
>>902431I just realized that I was actually looking at a completely different ghetto tour youtube channel somehow, but thanks for the concern anon! The one I was on had a bunch of different cities and a ton of videos, so it's not too risky (my residence's also not technically in the video or anything, just a couple of blocks away).
It's funny, because seeing the area at night on video makes it look way worse than it actually is. During the day, there's a lot of vehicle traffic so it's pretty safe. It feels like they might have done a couple of takes to be honest to get the maximum number of weirdos walking around, but I guess that's to be expected.
No. 902579
>>902573I can't imagine making such a drastic decision. And based on what? Discomfort you
think you may be experiencing based on descriptions of other people's discomfort? Are you really so uncomfortable in your own skin that you need to lop off chunks of it of it to feel better? Or are you really just desperate to be a part of a group? The thing you said about people treating it like counter culture hit the nail right on the head.
No. 902581
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>>902573I feel your pain anon, have a similar situation. Feels so helpless to watch it happen knowing you can't actually help at all or they'd hate you.
On another note. It's interesting to watch as it quickly seeps into the mainstream and isn't exactly "counterculture". I mean it's still (probably?) a minority consisting of mostly youth, but even if they are acting counter to say their parents, they all march in lockstep with each other's choices. It is conformity, just to their own small but growing group.
No. 902593
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While I enjoy how different everyone are here and how everyone comes from different walks in life with different experiences, it sometimes really aggravates me how unapologetically toxic some anons are.
Have been a couple times where I've almost dropped my jaw with how psychotically narcissistic some responses are to anons that didn't even deserve that kind of response. I know some people are just trying to provoke but it's easy to tell those apart from the ones that genuinely believe the bullshit they spout
No. 902601
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No offense but ever since I started to wash the dishes regulary and even clean the mess around that wasn't even done by me she started to be quite impatient and quick-tempered if I don't do shit she asked within the minute, I should've stayed a recluse in my room honnesty brings no good
No. 902651
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My male friend, after about a year of barely tolerable nb shit, is going full tilt mtf. I'd really like to ask him to reaaaaally think about it (his first reason he gave me is that he likes "dressing like a woman") but I don't wanna lose him as a friend either; we've known each other so long.
No. 902672
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I fell in love with someone I couldn't be with, while being in a happy relationship and now I'll probably never see him again because he's leaving for a long time, I have to mourn this nonexistent love story all alone like a fucking retard. I'm feeling relieved because I was a afraid this was going to ruin my current relationship and devastated at the same time, because I'll never know what could have happened between us. It seemed like a he liked me a lot too. I whish I could have just held his hand once or touched his pretty hair, I wish I had kissed him to. I hate that he'll never know how much I love him deep down, and I'm afraid I'm going to carry this stupid love for a very long time.
No. 902759
>>902753if you can, deleting social media helps a mile. you know it’s still vaguely happening, but with no proof and nothing to remind you of it, it’s a lot easier to deal with the FOMO. social media can be so
toxic for sure
No. 902770
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>>902760I have a few suggestions for the next thread pic.
No. 902816
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I wish i didn’t have to leave my bed. everything is too overwhelming, being awake is too much already, having to interact with people and going outside, looking at the internet and what’s happening in the world makes me physically ill. I would never say this to anyone irl as I hate appearing weak, I do push through it and do what I have to do but god it’s embarrassing to have to lie when people ask me what I do in my spare time because all I do is stay curled up in bed in the fetal position either asleep, watching stupid game shows or hrh all day long.
No. 902826
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Goddamnit I don't have time to get sick I have a small party to go to on saturday where two people that have different beefs with a third person is attending and I have to see how it plays out
No. 902831
That Texas abortion ban has me spiting mad. 100% of pregnancies are caused 100% by sperm so really what should be happening is any sexually active male should mandatorily have to get the snip. It’s non invasive, it’s a same day surgery and totally reversible. Will there be some possible complications? Probably but that’s ok, that’s an acceptable risk to prevent unwanted pregnancies right? Oh nope, no, better make sure the ones at the most medical and economic risk, women, shoulder the burden.
On top of that my husband brought up how women were saying they would protest by not having sex and he didn’t understand why the people, men, who did nothing wrong were getting punished? Hmm, you mean like the women who now face jail time if they get an abortion? And being forced into a medical situation they might not want while the man who impregnated her has no accountability? Being pregnant is a massive medical thing, especially in the US with its deranged medical system and lack of support for women in general. How about this? Why don’t boyfriends and men who just want to fuck go get the snip!? Why don’t they take the fucking hit if they need sex so badly? Why is reproduction solely policed for women. Men need to start stepping up if they give a shit about the women in their life as anything other than a flesh light.
No. 902897
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>>902884I thought I was cured from being a weeb but then the pandemic happened, and I got very ill too. Now I'm sitting here like a neet, playing Touken Ranbu and is all about the 2D again. Welp.
No. 902904
>>902897I became obsessed with 3d men and gossip about them during the pandemic. now I know every single one of their rumored misdeeds. I'm always finding out more. I love it. human beings are so awful
even when I was a 2dfag I liked disgusting reprehensible villains
No. 902921
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>>902904My ex boyfriend thirsting on 18yo onlyfans girls made me realize there's no such thing as a nigel. AMALT even your boyfriends, brothers, father, uncles, coworkers…
No. 902942
>>902898In the world we live in, what do you expect? Being a woman is the reason I get treated like shit on a daily basis. My mother expects me to be her maid because "women clean and cook, men can't do that you silly", like
>>902914 said fathers secretly all despise having daughters because they can't bond with them, as a woman I'm physically weaker, I can't get a lot of "male" jobs without being a literal genius, I'm expected to raise children when I don't have any protective instincts towards them, compared to men we are seen as fucking animals or holes to fuck, even by other women and so on and so on. Why wouldn't I hate being a woman?
No. 902955
>>902898Because they are obsessed with being
No. 902996
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I always forget how many degenerates are on here
No. 902999
>>902986We're literally groomed to be self hating and insecure and hate our bodies, cutting yourself up is exactly what they want whether it's getting boobjobs or chopping them off completely.
It's cringetier exactly the same as a black person doing skin whitening and wanting to be white.
No. 903007
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i had an elaborate daydream where bf and me fought and broke up in the end and now i wanna wake him up (he's sleeping peacefully right next to me, and we went to bed with no problems at all) and ask him if he loves me because i feel like crying. nonas why am i like this. i could've just not imagined it.
No. 903051
>>903031>>903033I feel the weirdest mixture of sadness and joy seeing other farmers appreciate LP/Chester.
> I think the situation of Chester highlights humanity in a sense, he made music about his suffering and abuse and expressed genuine feelings, but he was turned into a joke.I couldn't say it better myself.
>>903042>I am right there with you nonaCount me in. Sending lots of love to you guys along with this song
No. 903071
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but where can I find another lesbian who likes fandom rp, kpop, and weeaboo shit (particularly pretty boys)? Don't worry, I know I'm trash.
No. 903072
>>903071GOD I wish I could RP. I haven't done that in like 15 years. I have noooo self confidence, so it wouldn't even be fun if I tried because I would be on the brink of an emotional break down the entire time. It's why I can't play DnD…
Pretty boys are okay but I like my 2Ds with muscles.
No. 903090
>>903087Forgot to add: In addition to people just expecting me to get over things, I'm often expected to forgive them and make amends with
toxic people who haven't changed as well.
No. 903094
>>903084but… aren't you a lesbian anymore if you are into guys right, even 2d?
I'm confused.
No. 903102
>>9030942d men aren't real, so…
do you think people that enjoy violence in their vidya would enjoy violence irl?
No. 903106
>>903087Im not exactly
>an adult who presents normallyOr at least I wasn't for a long time but when I was dealing with the worst of my mental health shit I was pretty much aware I was simply reacting to what was around me and how I was treated growing up. The whole family dynamic was abnormal. Yet others made out like I was an anomaly in an otherwise functional household. The frustration of others painting that false image was in itself crazy making.
I watched a video not long ago where a relationship therapist was talking about how families often have that one person who gets the rough end of everything.. shows all these symptoms and it's collectively the whole family offloading their mental problems on them but they get the same thing like
> we're all fine and you're the anomoly in the familyThat hit home so hard. The amount of posts on here that hint at the same thing going on and fucking them up for a long time. Whole families need to drag their asses to therapy, not one person.
No. 903430
>>903361People feel the need to be nice to people for no reason, like the block button is right there. I find it hard to sympathise with people who don't remove people they hate from their lives and complain and bitch about like they are stuck with them, it's so easy to end a friendship, it's not like they are an
abusive spouse, jesus.
No. 903464
>>903430They're not doing it out of niceness, they're just two-faced.
Anon pls, it's concerning you're mixing up the two.
No. 903470
>>903466Where are you thinking of moving to?
Ignore me if that's too prying.
No. 903474
>>903470Nah, i'm pretty bored. I have a good opportunity to move to the UK or Ireland, I don't care much about anything else except the language (which at this point i don't have to learn). Germany is a second option; the balkans, too.
>>903471It probably doesn't suck as much as you think it does, but yes, there's a pretty visible bias towards men in many higher-paying sectors. I also know several friends who are/were camgirls, so idk if the second part is true but it well could be, unfortunately
No. 903480
>>903474I used to have an Australian friend who had camgirl friends that were visibly physically exhausted from having to cam so many hours a day.
It might have been a bad area or something but they explained to me a situation where a man will buy an apartment block and let girls live there as long as they work the camera for them. My friend would pay for hours long blocks for them and then go to work so they could sleep on cam.
No. 903491
>>903484I don't get the fantasy land that men live in where online they're always insisting that fertility is so important and they need good sperm and good egg counts in their women (who shouldn't be allowed abort) but you just know they'd freak the fuck out if they got laid tomorrow and a baby was conceived for real. We all know they're virgins full of shit fantasies about what they'd do in made up scenarios.
Men who are actually out fucking around… aren't doing shit for their kids. They're either begging you to go ahead with the abortion or they're making false promises and the minute that kid is birthed they start falling short of those promises.
No. 903497
>>903484Bc they know they use their dyks as weapons/threats. If he can't get a woman pregnant against her will he's "lost his power".
>>903491They only care about good sperm count until you try to tell them being a coomer and sitting playing vidya all day makes for poor sperm count.
No. 903503
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Haven't celebrated birthday with my grandparents for 4th year now and I am not looking forward for it. I haven't seen them in soon to be 3 years and I miss them. Their health is doing really bad and I am hoping I'd be able to travel and help them. I've been overworking myself over commissions for 2 weeks, sleeping 3hr a day and feeding myself off energy drinks. I keep feeling stressed out while also being tired as hell, I just need some damn rest. No one gives me any support, I am just blankly working on projects while sucking the energy out of myself.
No. 903534
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>>903071I had a friend i rped with forever, but we stopped 6 or so years ago because we moved apart. I need friends like you though and i'm kinda sad there isnt a friends general here, unless the discord is still active? i dont know if we can start a new thread in ot
No. 903558
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Cat gore in threads below pls be careful anons
No. 903563
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>>903558thank you anon ily
No. 903591
>>903528I know I'm not an irl person, but I get you anon. Fwiw you did the right thing while you were around with your family, and don't think that having done different would have been the easier way since they probably would have just scapegoated you if you reacted or caused trouble.
Your mother will get exactly what she deserves and the types of men she raised. You won't be around to blame soon.
No. 903617
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>>903587Hate the irony that you can keep your virginity just to date someone who wouldn't date you if you weren't a virgin just for them to be put off by you not knowing how to give hand jobs or whatever. There is no winning.
No. 903620
>>903617Probably projecting but why the fuck would you waste your time on that nonita? Go find someone who loves you and makes your first times trying new things fun and special and no pressure. Source, I was raped when I was a virgin, had a string of sexually
abusive relationships, now I’m a self respecting celibate lady who owns a vibrator. Go on, break a few hearts and maybe you’ll inspire these losers to level up. You’ll feel much better too!
No. 903627
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>>903620Yeah. I was never raped but the first time I ever let a boy into my room having been a KHV he beat the dogshit out of me and ripped my clothes trying to rape me but luckily I got away and I have even met some guys who want to hold that against me.
Anyway, he isn't a cunt about it per se but it's clear he's confused and disappointed but it's like what did you expect?
I admittedly like virgin boys back but I expect them to completely not know what they're doing. It's part of the reason they're so cute. I also feel bad because I am already at an age where now that I realize that I don't know how to be sexual that I feel like I neutered my natural feminine seductiveness by being such a prude and think about how I might end up alone for a girl who's more seductive when guys realize they don't ACTUALLY like inexperienced girls.
No. 903629
>>903534I'll be your friend, anon! What is your discord?
No. 903636
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>>903071i don't care about kpop but i do enjoy rping pretty boys!
No. 903643
>>903094they think lesbian is a fad or something lmao, they’re bisexuals in denial. anon it’s okay to be bisexuals don’t listen to the radical lesbians making fun of you for liking scrotes, I mean they’re
valid in making fun of you but just don’t listen ok bb <3
No. 903646
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Relationship vent:
>moved into a home with fiance with both names on the deed
>the mask of him putting in effort slips further away by the month
>rarely any dates he plans anymore
>leaves everything domestic including home improvement up to me
>tasks me with reminders and list-making to get him to do anything
>never cooks dinner and never grocery shops besides asking me if I want anything before coming home bc he's buying himself snacks and it can't be too complicated obv
>intimacy is mundane plus he's iinfertile and in denial about it but is waiting to see if anything happens by chance which it won't until he gets medical help
>he's going to stick with his low responsibility job because he doesn't want to take on more for better pay which means an earning burden will always be on me
>I'm too exhausted to be a bitch and a nag about these issues and don't feel like my frustration would amount to a win anyway
Without him I wouldn't even have this house, I'd be an even worse off loser paying almost all my paycheck to rent with my stepdad. I can't even stay mad at fiance because he will apologize and fix things when I complain, but I wish he would just do and have ambition that I admired at the beginning.
Self vent:
>I've been made to feel matronly, fat, and homely but put on a happy face and don't trouble anyone with my self esteem issues irl
>try to fix issues behind closed doors with no support besides my fiance's which isn't saying much these days
>yet shallow friends drifted away already and barely tolerate me around and only because I'm the backup friend
>even the few friends who I felt closer to act distant
>coworkers and strangers are generally less kind now compared to when I was younger and attractive
>orbiters let me alone years ago after I put up boundaries and dropped pickmeism
>know if I deleted social media tomorrow only two people would have my number and might care
>doubting myself that I'm even an interesting person to get to know or have conversations with since all interest seemed to fade about me when looks went out the door
>try to make new friends but it's like pulling teeth so I give up after awhile for feeling foolish
>apparently my resting bitch face grows worse over the years and people generally are offput by me without ever having done them wrong
Work vent:
>my manager has been described as a tyrant and is a raging southern giga karen who doesn't give a fuck about my professional development
>she's keen to keep me in my place as doing all her delegated managerial tasks for low pay on top of my regular duties
>meanwhile less qualified, less hardworking, and less senior coworkers who report to different managers all have been promoted over me
>department vp claims she's going to downgrade my manager so I won't report to her anymore but if nothing beneficial happens after that I know I ought to bounce
>jobs wrack my nerves like abusive relationships and I hate job hunting
>only reason I'm staying at current is because I get free health coverage and I'm not being verbally abused by shitty people so I just have to deal with being neglected by my shitty boss for shitty pay for now
And I'm just so mad at myself that after two college degrees, and several years of work experience that professionally and financially it isn't amounting to much more than this. I'm so fucking angry and exhausted and I feel desperate because my future husband will not make any dough. It's like we're just waiting for our privileged parents to croak to see if the old turds left us any saving grace for the trouble of having taken their shit. And I could write a whole other paragraph about my unsupportive and shitty family but that's probably evident given how isolated and alone I am to deal with these issues and how annoying I come off. I really, really am having a hard time believing life will improve and things will get better right now.
And I know furthermore that it's so stupid, but what especially put me over the edge tonight is that my stupid vape battery broke and I can't find my backup, so now I can't even toke to numb my mind and calm my ass down.
I know it's unhinged, but I kind of feel like writing everything I just typed down in a letter and leaving the house for an evening while my fiance finds it and sits on it for an evening. Something's gotta give or my sanity just might.
No. 903659
>>903653Actually I think what's so insulting is that I don't really need a "good" sex experience back I'm just aroused wholly by the guy himself, it's worth it just to touch them. There's also love as an attribute. I was a spergy virgin when younger excited for sex but after feeling genuine attachment I feel like I could live my whole life without complete sex oddly.
Also, for whatever reason I didn't associate my attempted rapist with being a man but just a horrible person so when I am touching a guy I like I don't make a connection to that other guy at all, it's a completely unique experience. That's just me. I'm really sensitive and obsessed with human contact. The idea of sex toys make me kind of uncomfortable, I don't like masturbating with things besides my fingers.
No. 903666
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>>903653> Honestly don't know how someone can get raped then go back to fucking men.I mean.. I get what you’re saying I really do but like just why
No. 903668
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>>903665I definitely have unfortunate pick me attributes that I struggle with. It's hard because it's not like I do it because I have sentient thoughts about how I need to do it to be liked it's just how I genuinely feel. In fact I don't think it classifies as a pick me as it is just genuine feelings I've had since I was small but either way they innately make me a doormat which is a problem so I need to try to toughen up.
(avatarfagging) No. 903687
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Moids will literally insult the fuck out of you because you have standards.
I fucking hate moidd. You will put standards and your wants on your bio and they'll purposely message you just to insult you,
If you're mad about what's on my description, fuck off and find someone else.
No. 903690
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>>903687And they themselves always have way more standards than they admit to.
No. 903752
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>>903750Right and these men are so against getting clipped too. Like their “manhood” is going to be taken away. Men always have the loudest voices for issues that don’t regard them.
No. 903824
>>903814Could this be part of a larger problem with your bf or intimacy in general? I don't want to make assumptions but he sounds pushy. He seems uninterested in your needs and only concerned with his own orgasms. Of course I understand why you wouldn't want to tell him you dread sex with him, much less about your fetish, but if you can't have that honest conversation… is he even the right guy for you? For one, my gf and I have openly discussed our fucked up sexual inclinations because they impact our relationship. We kind of have to. Not only that, but I feel closer to her knowing more about her inner world. When we tell each other our private thoughts, we gain a deeper understanding of each other and our trust strengthens.
I get that it's a fetish you've had since childhood, so it may feel like an intrinsic part of you. I guess I'd just encourage you to ask yourself why you've returned to it lately. What was the catalyst? And what exactly are you seeking that the real world can't give you?
No. 903826
>>903821She's being blunt, but
>>903823 is right that your anxiety is a self fulfilling prophecy. In most cases, the anticipation of pain is worse than pain itself. That's because we're more resilient than we think! I know phone calls can be frustrating, but you'll feel so much better when it's all fixed. Good luck Anona.
No. 903851
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Watch out someone is posting gore
No. 903857
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>>903851Stay safe sisters
No. 903862
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Can't even browse lolcow in peace
No. 903884
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the mad dyke(s) constantly spamming every thread about bihets are such obsessive speds it makes me kek. they’ll make anything on here about bisexual woman to the point it’s some proper azalea banks level autism. a thread could be having a conversation about which fish is the best source of healthy oils and some fuming lesbian will come in and be like ‘well, the only women i’ve seen enjoy salmon are bihets and straight women, so the answer is obviously cod’. also bump to get rid of the gore
No. 903910
>>903892>>903900Where were you talking to these anons? I'm not asking to be snarky, I'm genuinely curious about where you're finding farmers outside of lolcow. Ngl whenever gore gets posted I assume it's scrote, but I'll admit I feel inclined to say that because the one time I did see gore on here it was a video of a dead naked woman on a bed with her face bashed in and it struck me as something a very deranged male would post. I could be wrong tho.
>>903904>>903909Nta but I've noticed it happen multiple times in the threads here on /ot/
No. 903915
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>>903892>>903900>Whoa! Mentally ill people? On tumblr???Next you're gonna tell us this place is full of trannies after knowing all those "lolcow posters" "outside" on twitter.
No. 903916
>>903910when the friend finder thread was still up I joined a lot of discord servers.
>>903911You know when someone is mentally deranged enough to watch gore, it wouldn't be past such person to begin terrorizing others or even post it here. They already have the personality dynamics of someone sociopathic/psychopathic.
It's just like scrotes that have pedophilia tendencies. They consume loli porn and so on, but they already have these sociopathic personality dynamics, so it wouldn't be past someone like that to one day snap or do worse things. I'm not saying 100% it's a woman, I'm saying that there is a possibility. Since I know what kind of girls come here and a minority of them are very mentally unwell.
No. 903924
>>903921how do you know that if it's anon?
It literally could be anybody else.
I wonder if farmhands check the IPs of the gore posters and it could as well be someone using a VPN
No. 903929
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I love my boyfriend so much and he usually makes me feel very comfortable with anything we talk about but he keeps dropping my real name after I told him in confidence that it makes me uncomfortable and if he could just use the nickname all my friends use because that's what makes me most comfortable but he keeps slipping it in randomly when we're intimate and it just…it's not intimate. I feel like I get punched in the gut when I hear or read my name but he doesn't seem to understand, or doesn't WANT to understand how much it affects me and I'm not sure how to address it without coming off rude, but I also don't want this to become a habit or begin to think of him negatively if he continues to use it..
No. 904014
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The worst part about having trich is having to draw the eyebrows back in or having people make comments about it otherwise
No. 904053
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I called out of work today to just lay on my couch and watch Netflix. I forgot that coincidentally I was supposed to get trained on another function which maybe might lead to a promotion down the line. It'll be awhile before that person offers training again.
But you know what? Why am I so eager for more work? Yet another function I have to do for no increase in pay.
No. 904065
>>904053Good for you, anon. I love the kind of shitty jobs that I can call out of all the time. Some jobs will only fire you if you show up naked and smoke crack in front of customers.
Minimum wage=minimum effort
No. 904079
>>904070Never go for your face or head anon! Sometimes I bonk my head too but then realise that's a very bad idea and go for the leg. Try to redirect it to your leg. Also I'm not approving of this, you and I should both be in therapy (wich I currently am)
You'll look back at your nice memories of pictures and see the bruises and that just feels bad.
No. 904099
>>904065It's an office job but I'm definitely overworked for the pay.
The work will just be waiting for me when I return, I just won't be around for anyone to bug me for this or that.
No. 904246
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my mother confuses me.
I live with my parents and my mother doesn't let me have anything, everything I get for myself she has to claim, this week alone she stole the raw meat I got for my cats, my chocolate rice cakes, and my lunchbox.
Every time I get something for myself she feels the need to take from it and shakes it off with a laugh and 'you have a good eye for x' and it's been going for years it's exhausting, I sometimes buy groceries for the home with my own moeny and every time I'm in the supermarket I let her know and ask her if she wants anything and still she feels the need to steal from my things.
She can't even let me have compliments, she has to bring me down or just get irritated at me if people said good things about me, she can only be happy and nice to me if people spoke badly about me.
At the same time everything I ask her to do or change she does the exact opposite just to piss me off and act stupid, she always acts stupid and when I get angry in return for her behaviour she tried to guilt-trip me and plays the victim and oftentimes involve other people by moaning how bad of a daughter I am
I'm starting to question if it was a lie when we were on a holiday and she told me that she was out of clean panties and asked me for a pair of mine and did this for days, she always borrows my perfumes as well even though she has a bigger collection, she uses my hair comb even.
It's really draining and I can't understand why she behaves the way she does, she was nasty towards me as a teenager although never made me clean the entire house or anything like that but she always body shamed me, called me names and told me I was a failure and that she regrets me, and was physically abusive at tims… the physical abuse stopped and now she's doing a 180 and complaining I'm not in med school and why I don't have confidence like others my age and why I can't be normal, she still says that I was a mistake and a regret though.
I can't wait until I'm able to move out and get away from her and never talk to her again,, I'm tired of her and her many faces and neverending lies.
No. 904268
>>904246Wtf, I hope you get out soon. I know somebody's mother who is constantly negative, controlling, and condescending, but yours sounds even worse. And how can she criticise your low confidence after she treats you like that??
Get out, start a better life for yourself. I know that when you do you will feel better. You deserved to have a better mother but hopefully when you have your own space you will feel better on the inside. Because she seriously sounds draining.
No. 904315
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Another day, another "wake up horny for no reason then suddenly extremely suicidal for no reason within the span of an hour" type of PMS, also feeling like I haven't slept in years when I actually slept for 9 hours
No. 904334
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>>904330Petition to bring back cute old timey cigarette vending machines
No. 904729
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I won't lie, those body pics that anon posted in other thread made me horny. But I don't want her to post pics though.
Fuck I need to find gf already.
No. 904792
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I fucking hate when I spend half of the day maladaptive daydreaming instead of getting on with one of my hobbies or just SOMETHING. Get me out of this hell disguised as heaven.
No. 904813
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Idk what happened but I slammed my finger today at work and it felt like I slammed the nail off. I didn't obviously lol but I felt instantly nauseous and my hearing got all muffled, then it started ringing. I work at a drive-thru starbucks and I of course was on drive-thru bar so there's like an order being taken in my ear, and it made me feel even more sick.
That's never happened to me. I physically couldn't stand up and felt so embarrassed but I basically had to rip off my headset and go sit down. I had like a weird cold sweat too. I get hurt all the time at work (I'm clumsy and my store is high volume so I'm always rushing around lmao), in situations and days where it's much more hectic too so I can't say it was stress. It passed but I still feel freaked out by it and embarrassed because all my coworkers got worried. I hope it was just a fluke.