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No. 347887
I stopped posting on fb in late 2016 and in early 2017 I deleted my Facebook and haven't looked back. I had my profile since 2005 when I had to use my college email just to be able to register. I would say I was a very active user, sometimes hours a day. I nuked my insta shortly after fb and I stopped using snapchat when they did that UI overhaul I just really didn't jive with it. So, anyways.
I will say things are different now for me socially, but in a good way. I know this is not everyone's experience, but for me it really stripped away this vain/superficial later from my life. I no longer care about sharing whatever latest shit I bought, made, found, or new place I visited. I just have those experiences without the attached urge to "share." When I finally decided to quit, I remember looking through the feed and just feeling so.. I don't know another word besides pathetic, when I thought about how fake everything looked. I would think about how the person posting maybe framed everything in their picture "just so" and spent time writing a few drafts of their post. Or checking back to see their "likes" and just how sad that seemed to me. Again, it may have been just my perception based on the fact that sometimes I did those kinds of things, but the attached shame to it was just too much lol.
Also I can't remember exactly when it happened for me, probably around 2016, but suddenly all selfies became incredibly cringe to me and still do to this day, for the most part. Just kinda started seeing them as wholly representative of unchecked narcissism and it made me sick, especially anyone who posted more than one a month or so.
Privacy and data protection also became a huge concern for me over time, so that's obviously incompatible with fb.
This was just a few of many reasons, I won't get into them all here, but suffice to say I feel like I live a much more authentic life now without social media. I do miss updates/pics from the people I truly care about, but I see them irl and still sms text so it's okay.
No. 347906
I quit using facebook when I realized that no one really gives a fuck about me or anything I post. I rarely check it now and don't really post anymore.
It didn't affect my friendships at all, because I have no friends and literally everyone on my friends list were people I haven't seen in years, if ever. Most were people from my high school whom I haven't seen for a decade or more, whom I weren't really friends with in the first place, anyway.
Couple years ago or so I had a meltdown and posted about how I wanted to kill myself and the only comment was from a girl I used to hang out with in high school making a dumb joke. That kind of made me realize nobody really cares, and I didn't really care either so I abandoned it after that. Comparing my useless NEET life to my old high school classmates who were graduating uni, hanging out with friends, travelling, starting great careers, getting married, having children, etc. was also depressing. Well, it's still depressing but at least it's less in my face now. 90% of what all my facebook friends posted were dumb memes so there's that also.
I also have a Twitter for posting art but it's been over a year and a half and I've been stuck at 10 followers(most of them bots) and I'm not much active so I'm thinking of just deleting it.
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'm kind of sick of social media. I had a lot of fun on deviantart when I was a teen posting shitty art and making efriends but it all seems tiring and pointless now. I don't know why I was ever into broadcasting my boring shitty life and retarded opinions on the internet in the first place as if they mattered. It might be fun if you have some close IRL friends to do it with but I don't have that. And thinking back on some of the dumb shit I posted is just embarassing.
So I just mostly lurk on lolcow now. I feel like I have merely replaced one bad habit with another but at least it's anonymous and a bit less lonely here.
No. 347907
This is all super insightful! When I was a teen, I used to have every social media.
I had a tumblr blog that was so tacky looking.
My Twitter was pretty active, but I was letting the “fame” get to my head so I deleted without looking back.
I had a Snapchat, and I loved it at first, but I found myself over-broadcasting and not really enjoying myself when doing activities because of it. I also realize a lot of people on Snapchat have a tendency of repeating spontaneous moments irl when something funny happens so that they can record the moment and post it. This leads to fabricating moments that were genuinely great without a camera filming. Someone irl does this, they literally yell “Do it again so I can record you!!”
Facebook has always been my downfall. I used to have a full friend list! It was impossible to use the site like that because my newsfeed refreshed every few seconds. Also, my inbox was perpetually full and it was physically impossible to respond to so many messages. I loved the validation though, a little too much. I deleted that account and opened a new one with not even 1/5 of the friend list from the old account. From there, everything felt better.. until I realized that social media is just so overwhelming in general for me.
Even with my new Facebook, I found myself taking every interaction (or lack of) a little too personal. I’d become hyper-fixated on a person’s every interaction. I felt like I was micro-managing all of my “friends.”
I made an Instagram later on, which also ended up getting deleted because it just felt inauthentic to me and a bit overwhelming as well. People from my past were suddenly springing up, and I noticed everyone seemed to always be online. A fresh post garnered a lot of likes in just a few minutes.
Overall, I’ve just stuck with Facebook, but I need to come off it for a long time. I think social media can be cool, but I also do think that if you become codependent on it, it’s time for a break.
No. 347912
>>347877I still have fb but never post, only use messenger and the marketplace function, which is pretty great to be honest. Also events in my area. Once a year I post something about where I am (I tend to travel and move because of my job) so it keeps everyone in the loop so to speak.
I'm highly considering deleting fb but I still have old friends who only use it, and I'm managing a few work pages with that account so eh.
>InstagramI made a point to never post my face because who cares ? I only post places or food. I actually like looking back on my little diary of pretty pictures, that's it. I'm thinking of creating a pro one to share my drawings though as I'll probably get back to doing work for magazines.
>SnapchatMy dirty pleasure. I love seeing my international friends do random stuff. I like the fact that people will send me pics of their cats and it won't bother me because there's no obligation to answer on snap, or save pictures.
>LinkedInTried to connect with people there when I was job hunting. It was moderately useful. It's nice to have a pro feed that I can browse at work without feeling like I'm not doing anything.
No. 347944
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I’ve been wanting to unplug for a couple of years, but I’m torn because I live in another country and social media is the easiest way to stay connected with friends/family (because only my parents or people who also live abroad have WhatsApp, and only a handful of my friends use chat apps like Line.) I mostly use FB to keep utd with events in my city these days. Maybe when I finally feel secure with everything here, I’ll delete everything. All it ever does is make me sad, anyway.
No. 347966
Mid last year I realized how negative my use of sm really was. I had people I wasn't very fond of added on fb, or people I didn't care for who interacted regularly with people I didn't like that I would see, and I think I reached a point where my own pettiness and negativity started becoming a burden.
On top of that, I was dumb and posted my art IG to a public FB group and some people on my friends list noticed, and up until that point I had kept my art and rl separate. It probably sounds dumb, but I just wasn't ready for it, and as my mental health plummeted, I stopped feeling confident enough to post art knowing people I saw every day would see it. So instead of just not posting what I drew, I stopped drawing for months.
I started with unfollowing people on fb which helped a lot, but abandoning it altogether was honestly one of the best things I did for myself last year.
I made a new IG and Twitter for my art that I kept separate from rl save a few close friends. I barely use IG, I never liked it very much anyway, but I actually really like twitter. It feels a lot more genuine than IG ever did.
No. 348009
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>What would be a reason for you to quit?
Pic related. I want to draw more which I did before the social media era.
Haven't used Facebook for years. I'm on instagram 30 min a day which isn't much anyways. Deleted twitter a year ago.
My Tumblr is kinda popular though and honestly I think it's super boring but I feel obligated to be active for my followers.
What really is time consuming and truly addictive to me is Lolcow and Youtube. I'm on lolcow several hours a day. It's such a nice escapism but I know it's an unhealthy addiction. Honestly help me anons how do I stop?
Also, I have a youtube videos playing 24/7 as background noise and I'm incapable of sleeping without listening to a certain youtuber. It's fucking crazy and I've been doing this for 6 years now. I wish there was some hardcore therapy for this shit
No. 348041
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I only have lurk accounts on Tumblr, Twitter and FB.
I would delete FB as it the only one under my real name, but i use it for Ads Manager and messenger.
I use Discord A LOT though.
No. 348098
I quit social media because I felt I was putting myself on display for everyone to see, I never really enjoyed social media to begin with, so it was pretty easy.
First, it was Facebook, which my family actually forced me into (weird, IK, but I’m from a region with ~family values~, and I was young so I had to listen to them.) to keep in contact with extended family abroad, so it would be this constant circle jerk of saying “Merry Christmas”, “Happy New Year” “ILY, I miss u”, etc., etc. My feed was also just full of lame memes and straight up propaganda from my country, very low brow content all in all.
After that I looked into newer social media like insta and snap, and got pretty sick of it too, and now I only have a private snap which only close friends know about, and some people I met online. It’s more refreshing that way.
No. 348123
I've grown tired of social media simply because the people I follow are boring as shit, I'm not interested in mundane details of their day, selfies or stupid, immature SJW-slanted clap backs for RTs. Everyone is too busy with trying to be popular and racing for the likes, so they rarely pay attention to what other people post so there's zero interaction too. They burn themselves out and either overshare or simply fabricate things to be more sensational. I definitely did it myself as well, and part of why I detoxed from social media was the thought of people reading what I'm doing in detail starting to scare me. Lolcow definitely did a number on me in that sense, the anons here can be massively nitpicky and catty about the cows' posts on social media. Third reason was the introduction of algorithm feeds. Posting hollow content continuously and jumping through endless SEO hoops is ridiculously retarded.
I prefer to talk to my friends via private discord servers and chats, and only follow accounts actually posting interesting content such as art, photography or sharing news for my favourite franchises. I miss the time people actually had websites and blogs.
>>348004>>348006Happened to me too. Linkedin can be actually useful, especially if you work in the business/sales/media/tech field.
No. 348196
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The amount of time I funneled into tumblr is downright embarrassing. I would go to work, come home, and go on tumblr for hours and that was my life. I ended up deleting my tumblr a few times, but after I remade it the last time, I have barely used it and am far better for it.
Recognizing I have an obsessive personality has made it much easier to avoid things which I can immerse myself in. I have a FB but I pretty much don't use it other than a means to organize get togethers and browse sale groups for collectibles I'm after. No snapchat because I barely have any friends to use it with, and I would rather fling myself off a bridge than go on twitter. The only one I actually use is instagram, but it's very casual and something I don't do more than 15 minutes at a time.
My interest in lolcow comes and goes. I can go months without going on it only to come back and browse 1+ hours a day. But as
>>348117 realized, these sorts of habits are symptoms of bigger problems, and I've gotten good at reining things in before I get in too deep.
I do miss connecting with others, especially via fandoms. It was always kind of hit or miss, but once you clicked with the right person, it was always so fun. Even so, I'm so much happier out of the spotlight and keeping to myself and close friends. I'm hoping to eventually delve back into hobbies more after years of obsessive internet use.
No. 348296
>>348084It's dumb as shit when they're so wrapped up in it to where they even notice and get bitter about it.
Even worse when you delete your own account and people fucking come at you as if you blocked them or something and immediately assume there's a feud between you two now. They're exactly the people you should be blocking in the end…
No. 348577
>>348414tbqh I don't really care. I'm not doing anything illegal and am a mostly honest person.
Couldn't really care less if zuckerfuck or my government knows I like watching femdom reverse gangbangs and spend too much time on imageboards whining about having no boyfriend while rarely leaving my house.
(Although I don't really want my family to know that kek, but hopefully that risk is low)
No. 348789
>>348615This is what I'm scared of. Since I've moved back home, I had to ditch all my old friends here for various (upsetting) reasons. I have absolutely no friends here anymore. I only see people when they visit or when I visit somewhere else. I use it to keep in touch with friends who are far away. I feel like if I deleted it now, I would be completely forgotten about and that it would actually make my depression even
worse. I mean I don't know what would actually happen until I did it, but the fear is very real.
In the future I would love to delete it, I fucking hate what social media did to society.
No. 348824
I used to be very active on Tumblr from around 2011 to 2016 but have deleted it. I don't have any other social media accounts except for Facebook, which I haven't updated in several years and has no personal information other than my name and face. I've thought about deleting it but I am still friends with a couple of dead friend's accounts and want to keep access.
Keeping up an image on Tumblr could be exhausting at times, especially during the rise of callout culture so it's a relief to not have it and not have any posts to curate on Facebook. I used to have a snapchat but lost interest and deleted it.
>>348414This, I don't understand when people put full legal names on everything. They dox themselves then post stupid shit that reveals when they leave their houses for extended periods of time, leaving them open to burglars/stalkers. I also see a disturbing number of photos posted with full exif data included. When people do use usernames they often don't even change them across accounts too, leaving a trail.
It just makes me sad that little kids are posting online with personal information and that will still be there when they are adults. If I had internet access as a kid I would have royally embarrassed myself but the evidence never left my cheap point and shoot camera.
No. 352135
>>348756Anon don't panic! I think most of the people cancelling are only focused on public figures nowadays for the attention. As long as you’re not rich and famous, you should be okay.
But I get where you’re coming from. My last true social media account was my Twitter from 2017. I put it on private after a while because I couldn’t delete it for some reason, I finally deleted it last month. I hated my time on Twitter. It’s all political, petty, racist, and attention whorish. All people care about are getting as many retweets/likes as possible, being tagged by media outlets, and taking down anyone who is even slightly successful at their job for something they said 20+ years ago.
No. 506434
American politics and normies. As someone who lives in a shitty third world country seeing first wordlers complain about "muh pronouns" or "muh pc censorship" like it's as important as world hunger annoys me to death.
>>347944Same, anon. Youtube is the death of me and i cannot do anything without my comfy playlist playing in the background.
No. 506526
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Like other farmers, I also spend way too much time on here. I hate it but sometimes I just have nothing better to do. I've thought about deleting my facebook a million times but I just can't bring myself to do so for some reason. I literally only use it for messenger and haven't posted anything in a year. A lot of people I know have actually deleted their FB accounts or have also stopped posting. My goal this year is to finally delete that damn thing.
I did however manage to delete my old tumblr and it felt great honestly. Lots of artists and cosplayers that I had previously followed on there had either stopped posting completely or just deleted their entire blog, so I figured I'd do the same. Made me sad as hell seeing all the abandoned blogs that I used to love checking in on. I do miss when tumblr was the main hub for fandoms and junk. It's way better than twitter in terms of tags and getting your art out there.
I did end up making a new tumblr to start fresh and purely to save jfashion and kawaii pics, but now I kind of regret coming back there. It's kind of a ghost town and is crawling with a lot of garbage. Since when was there so many little spaces and age regressors on tumblr?? They're fucking everywhere and a lot of them melt into the kawaii blogs. Same with those girls that push their ~kawaii lewd sets. I hate it so much. I should just save all the pretty pictures on my hard drive and bail.
The social media I mostly stick with is twitter and Instagram. I find twitter to be nicer than tumblr in terms of how a lot of people interact on there but with that there is also a lot of petty fighting and tagging is shit.
Instagram is ok but is getting on my nerves with all the fucking ads in my feed. I don't even bother to scroll through it anymore and just watch stories from my close family and friends. OH and I hate how there's even ads in the goddamn stories section lmao Is clogging up my feed not enough for you insta? Fucking Christ. I should probably delete it too.
It's frustrating when you're an artist and if you want a following you HAVE to post your art somewhere but a lot of these websites make it difficult or intimidating. I also hate the idea of having to spread out and have multiple accounts on different websites just to be noticed.
Tbh I just want another website like tumblr but with a decent tagging system, algorithm, and not filled to the brim with advertisements or porn bots.
No. 506543
Quitting tumblr was one of the best things I've done.
I've stopped using my first personal facebook account and just kept a burner account to run my art page.
It's so hard to quit social media because I need it for my art stuff.
>>506526> I also hate the idea of having to spread out and have multiple accounts on different websites just to be noticed.ugh I hate doing this especially with formatting my stuff to look nicely on those other platforms. Twitter's algo is shit, it fucks up the thumbnail so much. Insta works best with square pics and I hate cropping my pieces just to make it work. The biggest reason I post my stuff almost everywhere is to get some bases covered against "it's-not-here-yet-so-i'll-repost-it" reposting. Sure it won't stop jerks but at least I'll have some grounds for a DMCA report that I posted the OG. Sorry for the sperg, I just did this a while ago and it's so exhausting.
No. 511863
I think I'll delete my twitter account very soon. I'm abroad for a few months at the very east and I'll just use messenger to talk to my friends and whatsapp for my family. Almost all my mutuals either are my friends irl anyway so I have other ways to communicate with them, or I can't stand them anymore because they won't stop spamming about American politics (we're not Americans) and SJW shit they know nothing about. And among that second category many of them already unfollowed me or blocked me for have supposedly
problematic opinions anyway. I do have an instagram account as well and I'm only using it to post pictures of food or places I'm visiting like it's a normal photo book, I'm barely looking at what people post.
It's dumb but I got so used to turning on the computer when getting home after school and then work that I feel like even if I deleted everything I'd just waste it on the internet in a different way, like reading useless and weirdly specific wikipedia articles non stop until I fall asleep.
It's amazing the number of hours I wasted these past few months on twitter and hating it all because I was unemployed and nobody wanted to hire me. I could have done so many things instead. Now that I'm busy I'm not even using it as much as I used to anymore. Same thing for lolcow and 4chan actually, I'm barely online in general nowadays. Having other things to do in general feels way better.
>>506363>>506397Yeah tbh the entire article made it seem more like it was a personal problem on her part than instagram being evil and brainwashing everyone.
No. 511893
>>511865Same, anon. I only have Snapchat and my old tumblr that I barely use. Deleting instagram was one of the smartest thing I've ever done.
I would constantly feel like shit because all I saw was friends having fun, going on vacation etc. or photoshopped bodies. I read articles about how insta basically ruins people's mental health so I just quit.
I have very few friends and I never post selfies or whatever so social media is pointless for me either way.
No. 511901
>>511898One of the reasons for being a red flag is often stuff like hiding that one is taken/married, a single parent etc.
I think the younger generations don't really have that fear considering they often use their real name for youtube, instagram etc in hopes of being discovered
No. 512444
>>348577Super late reply since I've actually been avoiding coming here too often, but I think it's important to say.
I don't think it's really about you doing something illegal or being a dishonest person. It's about people having a window into your life to utilize for discrimination, manipulation, social engineering, influencing, etc.
You can be a saint, but that doesn't mean everyone with access to your information is. It's easier for people to have an advantage over you without you ever realizing just from knowing certain aspects of your life. And while it may not be that huge of a concern right now, we know that all that information you're putting online is being sold to groups with nefarious intents. Not all of them are very transperent on what they're using that data for, and I'd imagine there's a pretty big market demand for a database of searchable "traits" any individual is likely to have.
The world isn't as nice as you are. Protect yourself.
No. 513194
>>511893I think some of us were lucky enough to grow up in the short-lived era where it wasn't normal to put your real identity online. Powerlevel but I was born in the late 90's, got internet access when I was 10 and my 'attitude' towards the internet is that, while it
was home to me, it was only home to my gamer/hobby identities, not wtf I did at school or the hauls I bought or the state of my friends and family.
Then again there's tons of people 25+ who spread their shit online now, usually because it gets them profit. I can't imagine being any younger and not realizing you DO have a choice not to basically conscript yourself to a like machine. Then again I do love my (you)s, lol.
No. 513214
>>513212Sorry to doublepost but forgot to mention, every couple of years I have a person I'm lightly stalking because they have everything on public. Currently I check up on one of my uni friends because he has a distinct online personality on twitter and generally I don't meet many people that are so familiar with the online world as he is so I find myself reading his tweets sometimes.
Did the same in high school to some random dude that made edgy 4chan references on facebook and he really liked jojo. That guy was kind of a personal lolcow though
No. 515750
>>515742I personally don’t really see YouTube as social media, if you aren’t putting up your own videos or anything. I get what you mean though about being falling down a rabbit hole of video watching, though I would rather do that than mindlessly scrolling through instagram/tumblr/twitter/fb.
I would say try to find hobbies and stuff to distract yourself from watching videos all the time. At least some youtube videos have the ability to be useful and interesting compared to the usual shit on other apps.
No. 515936
>>515752> I don’t want to delete fb because it has so much content from my youth I don’t want to lose foreverIt might not be exactly what you're referring too but you can download every data you produced on Facebook as a zip file through the preferences menu. you'll get your images, conversations, timeline, everything. I did that before deleting mine, but (sadly?) lost the archive since then.
>>347888This post pretty much summed up how I feel and act about social media. Removed my inactive Facebook more than a year ago. I'm fine without everything bad about it, but somehow I think it was a mistake, I lost and will lose good friends even quicker without it and will actually end up alone hikki-style in a few years if I move in another area
No. 515989
>>513194I have the same thoughts. It's even really weird when the name I use in either is said in the other. They're completely separate.
I only have a linkedin for work reasons.
I've considered dropping twitter, but I keep going back to it for news, so all I've done is make sure it can't be traced to me.
No. 517002
>>516774This is why id only follow good artists who dont speak english if I had one since no one can claim I have any idea tf they saying outside art
Also damn I miss artists not being on twitter
No. 517270
>>516968Lmao this is why I have never had twitter.
I finally took the plunge and deactivated it but I’m def feeling like real withdrawal symptoms wondering what all the useless cows I follow and people I don’t even talk to anymore are doing
No. 518977
I used to have Facebook, Twitter, instagram, WhatsApp and be on quite a few online music board obsessively discussing a certain music band.
A few years back I deleted everything except LinkedIn (because in my field of work it is still essential). I did purge my 3000 linkedin connections down to 350.
- I deleted facebook because I realised all I had there were superficial connections to people that were not really friends.
- WhatsApp was a fucking hellhole. My workplace uses it for group related inviting itself in my personal place, where I used to have only family and friends. I couldn't say no to be added to work group so deleted.
- twitter is an other hellhole where people seem to be at each other throats constantly and endlessly bickering over what is kosher and PC or just sperging xenophobia all over the place, deleted.
- instagram, the platform of the histrionic clusterfucks. My colleague and friends pressured me to get on it. Soon enough all I saw were people documenting every fart they had, every shit they took, snapping their over inflated ego through carefully filtered content. I could not have cared less if I had been paid to actively not care : deleted.
- reddit : was about the same as twitter without the advantage of brevity kek. If twitter idiots have some insights, reddit morons are oblivious to their conditions and persuaded they are smart. Some r/ are worth a read for some above average content and fun comments but that's about it. Deleted.
- Also deleted youtube. Fuck that platform and their latest craze of bombarding people with ads right, left and centre. Wasted way too much time watching and commenting.
How is life without it ?
Facebook of all the above is still a big deal. I've been told more than once by newly met friends or colleagues that they could not find me on facebook, genuinely puzzled. People still organise a lot of their social stuff through it even if it's less prevalent than 10 years ago.
Life without it is awesome. I'm a bit of an introvert so originally, facebook was mainly a way to fit in for me. I wanted to belong, to be "normal". I thought I was weird to enjoy being on my own. I learned in good time it was as acceptable as being a more sociable person. So no facebook is a relief :
> I never wonder what people are up to and no longer obsessively stalk through their feeds
> When I meet someone I meet them. I don't go from what I've seen on facebook or insta first.
> When I catch up with friends, I actually catch up. I no longer say "I've seen you've done this and that on Instagram"
> I have a lot more free time on my hands than your average social media obsessed fanatic.
> My free time is spent practicing drums, playing with some bands in town, reading a lot more than I used to, get out in the morning first thing for a good run etc. I used to get on facebook first thing. Now first thing I put on some nice music, sip my coffee watching the sun rise, listen to birds chirping in the distance.
> a lot less people are connected to me now. I've lost sight of dozens of "friends". The one that matter have my phone number and can call me to chat (yes, CALL. I dont answer texts anymore).
> my family is the only one that has a direct, instant access to me. All other people don't.
All in all I'd say I'm a heck of a lot happier without all those added layers of disturbance in my life. I'm no longer anxious about comparing myself to others, metrics (likes & comments), pictures, how my life looks to outsiders. I'm more busy actually living my life and less busy constructing a tuned reflection of it for the sake of an audience of remote friends and acquaintances. I no longer spend hours fighting over twitter and reddit arguing with sperging brick walls.
I love the anonymity of lolcow, I find it the only acceptable form of online board now : rules mean you leave your ego at the door and actual convo are at the center of the action.
Tl;dr : deleted all the social media I ever had and never looked back.
No. 519057
>>518977Thanks for sharing your experience of deleting all social media anon! I'm getting sick of social media too. It gives me anxiety due to FOMO. Also the constant barrage of unimportant information and negativity that's prevalent in most social media is affecting my mood. My work and hobbies are also affected because I often lose focus due to the constant need to check new posts/tweets etc. I'm beginning to realize that I've become a social media addict which sucks.
I'm gonna do a one month social media detox next month. I'm gonna delete all the social media apps on my phone (except for whatsapp cuz I need it for work. Wish I can delete this too!). Your post definitely helped in giving me the push. Wish me luck anons! I hope I can last a month though. Haha.
No. 519073
>>519067Weirdly comforting to see how many on here have the experience of being a shut in. I'm not really one anymore but when I was a young adult I was housebound with agoraphobia and my parents made me feel like nobody else on earth has ever shut themselves off like that.
Similarly I haven't returned to social media because of that hurdle of starting with an empty friends list, hard to explain it to people.
No. 519192
>>519057You can do this anon ! I never looked back after deleting it all, removing apps from your phone might help you take a breather too. Heck even just removing all notifications, you can do that in your phone settings, and watch how much quieter your life become. Everytime you have an urge to social media, try to think of what else you could be doing. Like at work, focus on your work instead. Think of small tasks you need to get done to take a breather from heavier ones instead of checking your phone, or take a break and have a walk. At home grab this book you never finished, put on a movie and actually focus on it and watch (not be like those people half there half on their phone for the whole movie…), around the dinner table make it a no phone rule. I can't tell you how many times I'm out eating with friends and there is always this awkward moment where they all go quiet, compulsively checking their feeds and texting. Meanwhile I'm here enjoying my food (not taking pictures of it), and purposefully getting the convo started again while they're all buried face in screens, kek.
I swear people got to train to learn to be people again.
I'm with you anon, you'll last the month. Be fearless !
No. 519499
>>519192Thanks anon! I did it! I finally deleted all my social media apps on my phone. I just hope I can last for at least a week or two without feeling the need to check up on my social media. I still feel the need to check up on my social media even though I know I've deleted them. Feels weird not being glued to the phone.
Will definitely catch up on my readings and brush up on my art skills. Will also try out new hobbies like sewing and gardening which I've been putting off since forever. Cheers to a one month free of social media nonsense!
I will post my progress once in awhile here if you anons don't mind since I basically don't have any irl friends, just online ones I've made trough social media. Oh god… what have I done? Haha.
No. 519838
>>519685Hi anon! Quick update. I survived Day 1 without social media! At first it felt super weird though not having to check up on new updates/posts when I woke up this morning. It has become an automatic habit of mine to open my social media apps the moment I wake up to see new posts/msgs. Felt kinda lonely as well being disconnected from my online friends. Also, throughout the day, I found myself frequently picking up my phone to check on my socmed to later realize that I've deleted them all. I did this at least 15 times today. I feel like an idiot everytime I do this. lol
On the positive side, managed to finish a lot more paperwork at the office than usual since I'm no longer constantly distracted by my phone. And the most amazing thing is my phone battery actually lasted until late in the afternoon! I usually have to recharge my phone around 1030 am.
Now I'm trying to cut down on surfing random websites during work though. I'm a huge procrastinator which is worrisome.
No. 519873
>>519869I totally see your point anon, I was like you as I moved country a lot (and companies) and lived in about 5 countries in 10 years… and hesitated quite a bit before offing my online presence. thing is, I realised all those people I stayed connected to in my case are just not friends. When I nuked my entire social media, apart from LinkedIn (how i wish i could get rid of it too) i did lose touch with a lot of them but most of them did not notice or care. Maybe it's just me but in the end, I truly didn't see the point or keeping those superficial connections up. It's not like I was skyping with them or texting on any regular or even remotely regular basis with them. So why would I care about their news ? They mostly did not care about mine.
Some people did get back in touch on linkedin and keep in touch calling every so often.
Otherwise I just value the small, close circle of people I can call friends.
No. 520019
>>519874Anon I think you hit the nail on the head and you're not alone in that experience.
I felt exactly like what you describe prior deletion. It's so weird to constantly judge yourself harshly because some friends seem to get more together, take more pictures together etc…personally it just did not help my self confidence.
And if you dont "play the game", well you are deemed a weirdo and kept at arm's length.
I guess it's easier to ignore social media later in your life. I imagine younger teenagers/early 20 something would have a hellish time keeping outside of the bubble - although I think it would all be for the better if they all did.
>>519838Well done anon ! Yeah you'll feel like urges to compulsively check your phone. Just gotta train your brain to learn how to keep focus again. You'll need to "practice" that a lot.
Let us know how the next days go ! I hope you'll see more positive things out of the experience.
Let your friends know where they can contact you while you detox, you might be surprised how people will go the extra mile to keep in touch.
No. 523926
>>523905Don’t you also mean kpop weebs and sex workers. Kek
Fuck twitter, honestly.
No. 524000
My fb account has been in limbo for "real name verification" for a few years now. I haven't used my legal name online since 1999, and I'm not about to start now.
I'm a DJ and recently became active in the local community again. But my entire scene, which is international, works solely on fb (I had maxed out on the 5K friends limit).
I always knew fb was deleterious to the Internet, but I didn't realize to what degree until I began trying to network without it. Zuck has built a wall around information; nothing gets in or out. Info posted solely to fb may as well not exist, and people's reliance on the ease of fb discourages them from posting elsewhere or maintaining their own sites. He is truly anti-Internet, and fb is a betrayal of the original intent of the Internet.
I mean, I couldn't even find out info about my own recent DJ gig because the promoter posted it only on fb, and without logging in all you can see of event pages is the main image and basic deets. is a work around not having an account, but the site keeps losing its log-in.
What to do? I can produce the documents needed to verify the name I used on fb and everywhere else, but I'll feel like a traitor.
Google doesn't even recognize for-fun vanity websites any longer. I moved my domain name email management to Google prior to 2012 so it's grandfathered, but now their only option for domain management is a fucking business account. I only switched to Google from my friend's linux server because I lost reliable computer access (he didn't have a web-based UI) and I felt like I had sold my soul to the evil side.
I've been online since 1993, and this is not the Internet we envisioned!
No. 524092
>>524000I don't have the answer, but everything you wrote resonated so strongly with me. The internet isn't the internet anymore at all!
You could try to make a Facebook page very similar to your actual name, keep it locked down, but use it to make a 'page' for your DJ name? It's still not exactly what you want, but you would be able to have more access to event pages at least.
>Google doesn't even recognize for-fun vanity websites any longer. What did you mean by this?
No. 524309
>>524000I just wanna say anon I agree so much with you. Seeing this anti-internet philosophy people and corporations now have drives me insane.
>>524092She means that you cant just make a website for shits and giggles now, no profit, like the good old days. She means its all regulated to business or personal accounts now. The internet is streamlined and boring.
No. 524391
I deleted my facebook years ago and I don't miss it. I still use instagram, twitter and tumblr, but I don’t post anything personal in these accounts, they are completely anonymous and I only use them to follow content that can inspire me (photography, art, cooking, decoration, fashion). I never used other social media besides these.
I believe that social media are good to be inspired and even entertained, but I don't feel good sharing my life in them, I feel superficial and pathetic…
I'm an artist so I just started posting art on social networks, but over time I realized that the pressure to get likes was directly influencing what I wanted to do. I made a personal website with a portfolio and I put my art on it and it has been very good for me!
My social life hasn’t changed much, I’ve always been very reclusive and distant so I’m losing contact with people naturally. I like to get to know people online so I recently made a discord account and joined a friend's server. It's been fun, but I don't like to join other servers because it's full of teenagers and I feel uncomfortable.
I don't give my accounts for people I know in real life unless if we're really close, and some people think I'm weird but I honestly don't mind it.
Generally I feel better not sharing my personal life and maintaining anonymity, so I am satisfied with my current life and I don't feel like deleting my current accounts, but I also wouldn't miss them if anything.
I really recommend for everyone to give it a try, it's refreshing!
No. 535400
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>>520019Hi anon! I did it! I actually survived my one month social media detox challenge! I'm actually quite happy with the experience. On the last day of my challenge, I didn't even have the urge to download all my social media apps back on my phone immediately. I officially went without social media for 33 days. I'm actually proud of myself. I only caved on Day 34 since I really miss my online friends and I wanted to see how they're doing during the pandemic outbreak. I feel like I want to try doing another social media detox challenge again soon. Maybe after the whole Covid 19 is over. But this time I want to block/ban all social media apps and also browsing image boards.
Only downside to the challenge is that I slacked off on doing any art since I don't have the need to post it on social media. But I did try out a new hobbies like baking bread and cooking new recipes. So it's all good.
I really recommend doing a one month social media detox challenge, especially to those who are too addicted to chasing internet popularity/followers/likes. It's good for your soul and mind.
No. 536310
>>348009Oh goodness this pic really hurts. I’m in my 20s and I see all these people who have multiple talents, but I don’t have any. I spent all of my teen years being online 24/7. I was a clout-chaser who thrived off attention whoring. Now I’m slightly jealous of people who actually got to spend these development years on fulfilling hobbies.
I also feel like a lot of people who are good at a hobby might ruin the fun of it by over sharing it online.
No. 536604
>>511900>I am pretty guilty of stalking my old friends through my mobile browser to check what they're doing and I end up feeling depressed. It's pretty unhealthy and I don't know how to stop myself.I know this is an old post but I'm in the same boat right now. I can will myself into not checking but then maybe after a week I go "why not check in on them" and then I feel gross again. I don't talk to these people anymore because our interests changed and they have definitely become "twitter-y" for lack of a better word- extremely reactionary and desperate for likes on their hOt TaKeS and willing to argue over things that just don't matter. I guess I'm shocked by how they have changed from people I used to respect to whatever this is. I need to stop looking, but I understand your problem.
We just have to cut it cold turkey. No excuses.
No. 536680
>>536661I think my particular problem stems from being disappointed and missing them, and the friendship we used to have. The group have just become too annoying to talk to anymore for me. All of them sort of moved over to Twitter when Tumblr went down and I didn't so I'm the only one "moving on" from that group.
I don't think what you're doing is bad if you're rooting for them. If you feel contempt for them, though, that isn't healthy. And I speak from my own experience as I try to quit doing it. I don't "hate" my ex-friend group, though I know I'm only looking at them to keep rolling my eyes and be disappointed, which does nothing at all for me.
No. 536725
I used to be full-blown addicted to sites like Twitter and Discord years ago since they move so fast and I was able to get fast responses (quick hits of dopamine). One thing to helps me is to make the websites I'm addicted to boring to visit. For example on Youtube cut your subscriptions down to the bare minimum so you only need to check your subscriptions once a day.
>>536310Me too. I wish I didn't waste so much time online doing god knows what as a teenager. I'm so behind in life compared to my peers now because they were out doing productive things and I just wasted my entire life online.
No. 536757
>>536725Yes! On the one hand, I’m grateful I wasted my youth online because it kept me out of dumb irl shit. I got to meet cool people with similar interests. On the other hand.. I wasted my youth online. It also sucks. People who draw, paint, play guitar, are great photographers etc. intimidate me because most of them have been at it since their teen years. I know it’s never too late to learn, but it’s demoralizing when you feel so behind.
I think about how I’m at least grateful to have had a childhood. Playing outside with friends. Collecting dolls. Those are some experiences that kids growing up with tablets are missing out on. Not to sound like a granny, but today’s kids are missing out on life since their elementary school years.
No. 536816
>>536725Drop youtube subs completely, or dont log in, only watch videos when you feel like it.
>>536757The generations growing up just now, are TOTALLY fucked. Theres no doubt about it, those kids growing up on 100% screentime and having iPhones since they were 12 or younger… horrible way to raise a mind. And potentially a contributor to our offense culture where everyone is angry
all the time.
No. 536959
>>536942There are much healthier ways to spend time online like watching informative YouTube videos or something. Not scrolling a
toxic echo chamber site.
No. 537181
>>536942Same here, the stress of everything has made things worse. At least I don't have cancer.
Thanks for the other tips anons! I logged out of instagram and I don't really have a reason to log back in. I'm going to allow myself to indulge in reading informative sites and other cozy communities that aren't so commercialized.
No. 537761
>>347877For anyone struggling with YouTube addiction - there are browser extensions you can download that only show you the video you want and disable video suggestions, comments etc, so you're more likely to be able to watch something essential and then just stop. I just don't use YouTube on my phone anymore since this isn't an option.
I also recommend tracking mobile screen time to give you an idea of something physical to cut down on.
Think about using your phone 'purposefully', eg. meditate for a second before unlocking it to make sure you have a logical reason for doing so. It's impossible to fully cut the online sphere out of your life, but you can create a healthier relationship with it, so replacing compulsive browsing with just using the internet to fulfill certain tasks is a great way to go.
No. 537765
>>537761Cont -(sorry I'm just remembering all this stuff that helped me cut down, I'm sure it'll help others on this site) - replace compulsive validation on social media with validation from skill-based achievements, which can still be online. Use language learning sites, flashcard software for school, etc, to feed into your serotonin addiction instead.
People mock 'quarantine schedules' but if you do suffer from internet addiction and depression they'll help. Make a list of some things you want to try or practice that don't involve the internet, then pick one for every hour or 2-hour slot of the day.
There's an r/nosurf subreddit with tips and advice, as well as lists of ways to fill up your new free time.
No. 558976
>>558934nah, personally i'm on weheartit and it's so much fun, it's just about the pictures and collecting them, personality doesn't come into it.
I think i've mostly quit social media at this point, i just don't like being perceived online anymore. I keep instagram to follow people i'd lose track of otherwise and text friends but i've finally rid myself of the "i need to post pictures of myself and amass followers and keep everyone updated" mentality which is good.
No. 560987
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all this #blm stuff makes me want to take a 3 month social media break. i care about the current happenings, i genuinely do. police brutality and racism are issues i believe need to be combatted… however, all this emphasis on social media activism is insane! i remember back in 2014/2015 ppl on tumblr would be like "why are you not reblogging every resource about the ferguson situation??" or "seeing you not use your platform to speak out about this issue tells me a lot about what you are like as a person…". these posts have now returned, but in 2020 they are on all platforms.
yes, speaking up is important… but guilt tripping others into speaking up about something they necessarily aren't invested in, and keeping tabs on how much online activism they participate in or how they react to the situation is really weird. it's also manipulative.
while i get that it spreads the word, why do others want random influencers or celebs to speak up about something they necessarily don't care about? is performative social media activism better than actual activism? i also see stuff like "how can you be posting selfies/talking about your interests/being excited in a time like this?". bro… america is not the centre of the world. terrible stuff happens every day. by that logic no one should be able to enjoy themselves ever.
it's incredibly shallow and annoying. according to some people, you can never do enough. because even if you spread the word by sharing articles and links someone will call you out for not donating. it's just.. so performative and i feel like some ppl are competing with each other when it comes to showing their followers how much they care about the situation.
No. 561145
>>560987I'm considering deleting my twitter and maybe my fb account too because of this shit. First thing I saw on the case was the video of the black man getting murdered with no warning whatsoever and the video started playing automatically, it fucked me up the entire day. I don't want to see that shit, especially because there's nothing I can do about it since I'm not even American and we already have similar problems in my country, and I think that while it's necessary to get as much evidence as possible in cases like this one it's super disrespectful to just randomly repost the video instead of linking a news article with accurate info and either pictures or the video of the crime.
>i remember back in 2014/2015 ppl on tumblr would be like "why are you not reblogging every resource about the ferguson situation??" or "seeing you not use your platform to speak out about this issue tells me a lot about what you are like as a person…"And I feel like it's just like the mid-2010s too. People are guilt tripping each other over talking or not talking about the case, but I'm 100% sure many of the celebrities who are talking about it aren't even being genuine.
No. 561177
What happened to George Floyd was disgusting and I hope his family receives justice but Jesus, people become totally insufferable because of it. I had to delete Twitter because of it.
No. 561269
>>560987this. what's worse is I'm not even fucking american and shit like this happens too often in my country. americans are always silent because "it happens all the time!!" in other countries but when they have a political outburst you better reblog pointless walls of texts to your 20 followers anime account or you've literally murdered all of the black population.
it's so performative it's disgusting, these people don't do anything other than sit on their asses and retweet shit texts written by 15 year olds. my country has a bomb attack every month, yet no american curr. Floyd derserves justice but autistic reeing on social media isn't going to revive him. Respect to the actual protesters seeking justice but social media activism is worth jack shit 90% of the time, but hey, they signalled that virtue, they're good people.
I'm going to delete twitter and tumblr until this passes tbh. Going to follow the news on actual news outlets.
No. 561277
>>561212> Minorities have tried being civil, and we literally get killed for it time and time again. Civil? By igniting riots going on for multiple days/weeks and ruining local businesses, a lot of them being run by minorities? Gathering as big groups during a pandemic risking the virus spreading even further?
>>561269This. They don't give a shit about "raising awareness" for other countries having much bigger issues but when something happens in the US everyone is supposed to stop on their tracks and focus all their strength on social activism with guilt tripping "If you don't RT this you're part of the problem!!!!!" bullshit.
No. 561283
>>561279B-because everyone is American a-and even if y-you're not y-y-you still need to spread a-awareness!!! have a heart you stupid foreigner!!!! I know your country is ridden with severe poverty/violence/terrorism/homophobia/misogyny/whatever but ANYONE who sees this better stop what they're doing and RT no excuses allowed!!!!!!!
Americans couldn't even pronounce my last name correctly, I don't need to give them my time of the day to "spread awareness" about which phone numbers I can call to donate money to whichever American communities they want. Fuck your country, deal with your own problems you have caused yourselves. No matter if you're white, black, asian, hispanic or whatever racial minority, you're still an American first to everyone else outside of the borders. Learn to cope with it.
Sorry for the spergout but this has really caused me severe rustles for years.
No. 561286
>>561283>I know your country is ridden with severe poverty/violence/terrorism/homophobia/misogyny/whatever but ANYONE who sees this better stop what they're doing and RT no excuses allowed!!!!!!!Sometimes the EXACT same problems as what's happening right now with George Floyd in my country but the USA doesn't give a fuck. I don't expect Americans to care but they shouldn't expect foreigners to know exactly what's going on in the USA and how and why it's happening.
Actually I bet the French news and white French people are still sperging hardcore about Camelia Jordana saying on TV that she's scared on cops and doesn't trust them as a Franco-Algerian woman and that many Black and North Africans in France feel the exact same way because "muh reverse racism, I was called a fromage in the banlieue once, cops are just doing their job!!!1!", while also shitting on the USA for being a racist country where cops are trash. So not only are social media focusing on American issues but you can't even escape that irl on on TV or the radio.
I'm tired so sorry if I'm not being coherent No. 561292
>>561286French anon here, didn't even know about this issue with Camila Cabello.
C'est dingue la façon dont la France essaie piètrement de copier le modèle américain avec les sjw's, les gauchistes etc. Il est temps que ça s'arrête.
Anyway, I quit social media because I'm tired of the cancel culture, sperging autists on Twitter/Instagram licking each other's asshole for validation points, celebration of narcissism, and the call out culture. Looks like social media has become a competition about who can "roast" the best or can be the meaniest, fishing for likes and retweets. People get way to invested in virtual clout, while it literally does nothing in real life. It's only a void to fill since their lives are so empty.
Almost 8 months without fb and Insta, and I feel way much better.
No. 561296
>>561292>copier le modèle américain avec les sjw's, les gauchistes etc.Il y a tellement de choses qui vont pas en France, même en parlant de racisme que ce soit en métropole ou dans les territoires d'outre-mer, ou les liens diplomatiques entre les anciennes colonies en Afrique et la France, mais tout ce que je vois c'est petit bourgeois blancs pourris gâtés sur twitter qui parlent non-stop des droits pour les femmes trans (puisque les hommes trans, aka des femmes, n'existent pas et n'ont aucune importance apparemment hmmm really makes you think) et qui arrêtent pas de dire que le racisme c'est mal sans rien proposer de positif pour changer les choses. De mon expérience personnelle irl ce même genre de personnes s'intéresse absolument pas à toi si tu n'es pas le modèle type du parfait POC tout droit sorti de tumblr qui est d'accord avec TOUS leurs avis. Bref. Entre me faire traiter de bougnoule/beurette par l'extrême droite ou me faire cancel par des bobos parce que je m'en fous complètement des droits des personnes transgenres je préfère juste direct supprimer mes comptes aussi mdr.
>I'm tired of the cancel culture>the call out culture>Looks like social media has become a competition about who can "roast" the best or can be the meaniestSame, I'm sick of it. Especially when they do that with celebrities instead of just boycotting them for good reasons, because it almost always backfires and give them free publicity. Usually it's done by total hypocrites, that reminds me of Jeffree Star accusing his former beauty guru friends of racism for old racist tweets while he's actually guilty of the same thing. You know irl these losers wouldn't even try to start shit with anyone, just one slap across the face and they're ko.
No. 561312
>>561296The beauty community is just a festering hole of hypocrites. Perpetually engaging in catfights, but wouldn't even be able to throw a decent slap in real life. Bunch of pussies. Oh, and the hive-mind is the worst of it all. Pushing people to suicuide with bullying and harassing when celebrities or just simple people can have ""
problematic"" opinions, but in the same breath, they scream at the top of their lungs how "mental illness awarness is important!1!11!!" It's just tiring.
Les soit disant "anti-racistes" sont les gens les plus racistes qui soient. Que ces gens là soient blancs, asiatiques, noir, etc. C'est toujours la même chose, "le racisme c'est maaaaall!!!2!! minorités oppressééééées!!!" sans jamais proposer de solutions derrière.
Je suis métisse (caraïbes/France/afrique) I know that struggle lmao, insultée par les sjw et les attardés d'extrême droite. Oh la question des transgenres, je pourrais parler des heures dessus… Tu as un discord sur lequel on pourrait discuter de ça ? J'ai peur de derail le thread.
No. 561332
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>>561312Désolée, j'ai plus de discord depuis super longtemps et j'utilise rien d'autre qui pourrait être similaire. Mais c'est cool de voir que je suis pas la seule française à penser de cette façon, parfois j'ai l'impression d'être un extra-terrestre quand je vais sur des sites ou dans des communautés francophones/français, ça me rassure.
No. 566456
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I literally just deactivated my Twitter account on my computer and deleted the phone app. Let's see how it goes for a month but I feel like I'm going to resist temptation easily.
Right now that means I have a instagram account I don't use a lot and a facebook account I want to delete but I can't yet now because I stay in touch with my friends with messenger. I'll keep my facebook account until I get a stable job somehow and I'll see if I will need to keep or not depending on my job or if coworkers will want to stay in touch with me this way (answer will be "no" but who knows). At least I should be removed from fandom bullshit now.
No. 566510
>Have you quit social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, tumblr, etc.?
Quit FB a long time ago, never bothered with IG, Snap, Tumblr, Twitter etc.
>What has your experience been? How has this impacted your friendships?
My experience has been okay for the most part, because I didn't feel the need to be super involved. Some people definitely think you're totally weird for having no socials and you absolutely make less friends than you otherwise would.
Work-wise having no FB has never been an actual problem, just a minor inconvenience.
Sometimes it does feel a little lonely, like you're missing out on things. "Everyone's raging over xyz, maybe you should too."
I've pondered making a Twitter acc lately, but it also seems to be the time where everyone's going "Twitter is toxic, closing this shit, etc", so lol. Not sure if I should bother.
No. 580990
Like all forms of addiction, it's symptomatic of a deeper issue. That issue may be as simple as having inadvertantly conditioned yourself to reach for your phone at the behest of an impulse.
This is my unsolicited, half-assed advice, but, I'd think downloading an RSS reader and compiling feeds for news, miscellaneous hobbies, etc. on your phone if you're suffering from social media withdraw might be an effective solution; my theory being that it's a very small departure from social media proper, but it transforms /passive/ consumption, e.g. advertisements and algorithms geared specifically for stimulating those dopamine receptors, to /active/ consumption, in that you're proactively seeking out media that isn't necessarily as pertinent or stimulating. An opportunity to read relevant stuff and stretch your attention span, so it turns a harmful habit into a productive one. Plus, a feed on your phone is a very suitable ergonomic replacement, in that, when you impulsively pick up your phone, you can just select the RSS app instead of an Instagram app or whatever. As far as I'm aware, most news sites have RSS feeds, as well as a lot of blogs. And YouTube, too, although you have to dig through the page's source.
No. 583549
>>581176I had the same issue! I made a 2nd account and went through the people I was following and I followed everyone who wasn't my friend. Then I unfollowed those people on my main account and deleted the account off my phone (I have the details for the acc though).
Since doing this I have stopped randomly scrolling through IG and I've only been opening up IG to reply to friends.
No. 583752
>>580990This is good advice, specially the RSS reader.
I think looking for alternatives that suffice the needs SM does is a good strategy. Asking yourself "why keep I logging into these sites?" and look for alternatives that help you lessen your dependence of them.
I depended on twitter for years to keep in touch with several friends. I keep in touch with them through chatting nowadays so I can afford stop going on twitter which has become a complete cesspool and now I don't have to deal with its bullshit anymore, and it's been so refreshing. I feel a lot more hopeful and positive since I was able to stop checking there everyday.
No. 584947
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I spend too much time online. Mainly lolcow and shopping sites that I never buy from. How much time should I try to limit myself to? What are some activities to do to distract myself from the internet, aside from exercising? I feel like I need to get some hobbies that I genuinely enjoy if I want to limit my screentime long term but I get disinterested in my hobbies every few months or so