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No. 870927
>>>/ot/864288Oh god, not another relationship rant please…
No. 870946
I made a vent thread with a babushka pic. This image is vile
Come here:
>>>/ot/870942 No. 870978
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Not OP, but leave Medusa ALONE
No. 870999
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>>870988Babushka Medusa is actually the name of my new band.
No. 871030
>>871021There's already a rant thread, newfag.
Just fucking deal with it. You can't get everything you want on
No. 871202
femcel sperging beware
I honestly can't understand how men are able to be so full of themselves to think that their opinions matter (esp when it comes to sex issues). they can't even reproduce by themselves and are eternally dependent on us for it. women create them, give them mitochondrias (the power houses of the cell, in case anyone forgot) and the first cell of their body, nurture them from nothing, and yet they still have the gull to assume their opinions are in any way important. honestly when a scrote says some misogynistic shit (for example that all women are sluts, dumber, weaker, worthless, whatever) I become enraged not because I am insulted at the misogynistic shit itself (its too easy to disprove to care), but because I hate that he has the nerve to say this about people who are inherently more important and valuable than he is. And the most impressive shit is when you put their stuck-up asshole tendencies down, they don't become more adequate - they actually manage to get even a bigger ego. If it was just individual men and individual cases I wouldn't care, but this so widespread and systemaric that its unbearable. These retards are absolutely unfixable and I am tired of dealing them
No. 871288
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I think it's such bullshit that we are supposed to make such a big deal out every shitty thing that happens and we have to over analyze and make it part of our identity like, it's impossible to get over something if you make such a big deal out of it. I also hate how we are encouraged to play the victim and blame everything on our parents yeah they're people they fuck up, sometimes bad and there's no excuse but there's absolutely no reason for me to sit here and be a little bitch and whine about oh how could my parents do this to me boo hoo hoo. Like why are we letting our parents mistakes and retarded decisions affect who we are as peolpe and how we live the rest of our lives? Why should I be that girl with the issues who can't form meaningful relationships and why should I be that girl who hates men and can't trust them just cause my own father is a piece of shit? I hate the term daddy issues it's like you're doomed to be somehow fucked up just because your father decided to not give shit about anyone but himself. I refuse to let shit like this affect me, and I hate that it has affected me before. I realize I took that shit personally when in reality it has absolutely nothing to do with me. It's like they want you to be like this. At the end of the day who your parents are is just luck and just because I happened to be born this person's daughter doesn't mean that should dictate how I live the rest of my life and who I am as a person. Vent over
No. 871330
>>871288I know ppl get angry when the
victim mindset gets brought up but it's partly true. Yeah we now are able to talk about the shit that ppl do to us, but because most women are still running on the "self harming/
victim/etc" programming that society drills into us, nothing ever changes. For example abortion rights, why would we need to constantly beg for abortion to stay legal and safe. Just get rogue gynos to teach doulas, normalize del em machines, fast and accessable online birth control/abortion pills.
So focused on what's been done that some just sit in that despair. The more you seek out traumatizing things online the more you get traumatized, realized this when I got more depressed after reading radfem stuff. Anyway shitting on scrotes and smoking fat blunts have done more for my mental health than talking about my troubles to a therapist.
>It's like they want you to be like this.Point blank men get off on women who talk about how women are suffering all around the world. Everyone knows women are treated like shit, saying it out loud won't change mens minds. And yes they want us to be traumatized no matter what, easier to control.
No. 871395
I feel like my body is not allowed to be mine. If I want to get into shape, it's for other people, it's for society, it's never for me and it weighs me down and I self sabotage myself from working out. Even though I'm at my most emotionally and mentally stable point in life, this still weighs down on me. Even though I've minimized my social media presence, no longer post any kind of photo of myself, and wear loose flowy clothing that I like but also hides my body shape, underneath I still feel insecure about my body. I want to do it for me, I want to be as physically healthy as I can be in body as I am in my mind, but I can't bring myself to just do it for me.
To a larger extent, if I ever have a long term partner, I don't think I'd ever be able to have sex with her. I'm so used to only being attractive to men because of what I could offer them in terms of sex, but the idea of engaging in sex with a long term partner who loves and cherishes me and does it out of love as much as out of pleasure, feels so foreign. I think it would also start fucking with my head again. I'm not asexual, I enjoy sex very much, but doing it with another person brings too much up for me that I'm happier off masturbating because then I know it's solely for me rather than feeling used. It sucks lol.
No. 871411
>>871262Major red flag. Anorexia literally kills people and this is what he has to say to you?
Now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he doesn't understand that he is hurting you, or he doesn't know how serious anorexia is. Defnitely talk to him again. He needs to understand that this is dangerous and that your really struggling. Your feelings are
valid. (also tell him to quit it with the stupid jokes)
No. 871418
>>871369God, yes. There are a lot of reasons I don't date (as a straight woman), but one of the biggest is that I just can't fucking deal with the constant, constant, constant badgering for sex, the knowledge that NOT giving in will result in him having pissy feelings I'll have to manage for him, the running tally in my head of "ughhh have we done it enough for me to have earned a night off," the anxiety of performing it well enough to keep him interested, the knowledge that in his mind, the best version of ANYTHING we could do together would involve fucking. I like sex, and I guess there are probably men out there who wouldn't pull this shit, but the idea of meeting a man and beginning the long fucking process of "okay, what weird shit are you into. how much will you sulk when I don't want to fuck. is "I don't want to" going to be a reason you accept at all." is exhausting to even contemplate. Even a couple of years after my ex and I broke up, I still find myself relishing the absence of that shit in my life. I know how bs and unfair it is now, and I just don't think I can go back to living that way, which ends up meaning I don't date. And I just don't really feel bad about that, because the alternative is such a fucking nightmare.
No. 871424
>>871369This was me and my ex. The more he bothered me about sex the less I wanted to sleep with him, ironically. Sex with him turned into a daily chore. I felt no pleasure and immediately went to the bathroom to "clean myself".
And it was literally an argument Everytime we went more than 2 (sometimes 1) day without sex.
"Oh so you're everyone else's hoe". No, you just literally turn me off with your sex pest ways. I do not miss sex with him at all, he wasn't as great as other women hyped him up to be in the end.
No. 871438
My mother accused me of biased research because of my radfem beliefs, when I know for a fact I've spent more time reading dry medical papers and statistics than she has. Of course, she's not a stupid woman, but I know she's never had the interest in biology or psychology that I've had. If I get in too deep to feminist theory, medical science, or psychological studies, she's quick to try to subtly "gotcha" me with questioms that could be easily answered by Google, if she actually wanted to know the truth. Who knows, maybe I am wrong? But it's not like she'd know, unless she actually bothered to research any pf the things I say that she claims to be so bothered by.
She accused me of intentionally cherry picking evidence to support my worldview, as if I haven't changed many of my views when presented evidence or admitted I was wrong more times than I've ever believed I was right. I'm not an expert, but to handwave my views as cherry picked because they conflict with how she's seen the world is extremely childish, and it's a notion I'm either too cowardly or too generous to suggest to her. I don't want to be mean, because she's been through a lot, is going through a lot currently, and actually bothers with listening to me sometimes (unlike my male relatives), but I do find it incredibly grating and patronizing to be treated like an ignorant child, when I'm an adult who she raised to be thoughtful and careful.
No. 871476
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I hate seeing people from my country claim they're 1100% fluent in english, perfect even, no one ever could claim otherwise!! They keep making silly mistakes that would be okay and absolutely no big deal if they didn't always make such a big fuss over being so excellent. The mistakes are always something like: saying "They hit me always!" instead of "They always hit on me!". These kind of people never seem to know when to use "much", "many" or "a lot" correctly and I end up feeling like an actual grammar nazi for finding it obnoxious as hell.
No. 871586
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>tfw just spent $109 buying bulk spices for my stupidly overdone cabinet
No. 871590
>>871490Well think about it from her view, she changed your diaper and taught you how to walk… Now you're driving her around lol. Like another Anon said, it's a mom thing.
My mom also sometimes scares me when she drives, and I'm sure I scare her too lol
No. 871609
>>871591I don't trust any of them.
And I don't see why everyone needs it? The virus is legit bullshit and it's just elitist control to enforce a cashless world completely, a new government within time and ID everything on us. I don't want it. And not everyone can have it due to whatever is wrong with them.
(>>>conspiracy thread) No. 871613
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My friend and her kids are about to be homeless because she made mistakes (long story short, she attempted to buy a home and spent her savings on a binder, assuming she was getting proceeds from a will that was still being contested in a court case that had not reached a final agreement)
She keeps asking me what to do and I just have no fucking clue what to tell her. I feel awful because she has literally nobody—dead parents, dead baby daddy, nobody but I don’t know what to do for her. She has to find housing for her stupid fucking shitbull, a husky and three bratty unruly kids by the 15th and I’m so frazzled over it.
No. 871644
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My partner is a terrible narcissistic man child, but I'm pretty much settled with him because he's a.) The only person I've ever dated, and we have for 10 years b.) Hot and sometimes pretty cool. There are other reasons, but he's so explosive and emotional. He had an outburst today after a long day of brooding and ended up telling me he's extremely close to leaving the relationship. I'm too disrespectful, I don't try to get interested in his hobbies or work life when he tells me about it. And I also don't dote on him like when we first started dating.
We had a kid a few years ago who I pretty much am entirely alone taking care of. Between that and dealing with my partners emotional needs/outbursts I'm so spent on loving him. I dont want to waste his time anymore. He always talks about seeing other people when we talk about splitting up. I imagine he would like to meet someone new while he's still young and can start another family.
It would break my heart in an enormous way if he did do that. But this guy has pretty much turned my heart to stone. I know I won't be able to give him a nice loving relationship for a long time.
I have no options as far as where or what I would do if we did split up. I'd certainly be taking care of our kid probably 100% of the time.
I'd miss the security of having another reliable parent. But other than that I think I could manage being apart. I could distill all the pain from this relationship, and abuse and trauma thats come from it into some crystal-clear, cold heartbreak.
Either that or crawl toward our child's adulthood and therapy together into whatever unknown oblivion of togetherness that looks like.
I feel so messy and bpd as fuck tonight.
No. 871651
>>871644Take the kid and go Anon. Don't let him threaten you like that, you and the kid don't need that
toxic bullshit.
Maybe he'd be better at being a co-parent, but from the sound of it, he seems too immature.
No. 871659
>>871613Can you help her monetarily
nonny? She porbably wont ever pay you tho
No. 871694
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I’m a female SWE at Snapchat and need to vent. I just went on a date with a guy who is working as a SWE at a no-name tiny company…
He gave me a speech the entire time about how I was only hired at Snap due to affirmative action. WTH? Do guys actually believe this, or they just say it to stroke their egos?
He then asked me if I can actually code, since he’s never met a girl who did Then challenged me to a DP and Trie LC question… then said he believes Damore and that women are less fit to be SWEs… I said good night.(emoji use)
No. 871713
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i don't know who else is college age but I'm about to be 23 here soon and still haven't graduated. i did a gap semester and also changed majors so my credit hours are all over the place. i feel incredibly burnt out already and just want it to be over with but I don't even like what I'm studying lol. i don't even like to work but I'm a people pleaser and a pushover so I'm a 'good' worker. i feel like shit for not being graduated and having a real job like people my age
does anyone have advice on landing internships? I have an interview for a library desk job position (basically ur paid to babysit the school's printer). i was excited to have a mellow job for the semester but i was scolded for not getting a 'real job' internship. i just know if i work an internship and do 15+ credit hours I'm just going to get burnt out so quickly. help
No. 871720
>>871694Software engineers aren't human and if you need proof go to somethingawful and count how many histrionic morons are also swes
You post here so you're one of the good ones
No. 871746
>>871601If they don't understand that sometimes real life keeps people from being able/feeling up to playing, they're not worth your time. I go for weeks without logging on and longer without actually playing, but my partners are always glad when I pop on even for a quick hello, and every time I've given an excuse for not being around much, they're always understanding and say they can relate. If they whine like children, block them.
I feel your pain. I can't do note RP anymore because I fall behind on replying and get overwhelmed, and my mood for IM RP is so fleeting these days.
No. 871870
>>871822Have you tried fat head pizza? It's a low carb recipe but it's wheat free and easy to make.
>>871863Try cleaning you ears with sodium bicarbonate mixed with water before you get in the shower.
No. 871885
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Used my friends PC (with his permission)and found a folder about me on there. Recordings of me and my voice, pictures I've sent him and ones he's got from elsewhere as well as ones he's taken of me (whether I'm aware or not). I'm not exactly as spooked as I thought I'd be, because the pictures etc aren't explicit or creepy, moreso me just doing every day things like cooking, out walking, chilling. Most of them are from when he lived with me briefly last year during lockdown.
Anyway I'm gonna ask - why do you think he's doing it? How should I approach it? He's never expressed interest in me, romantic or otherwise & like I said none of the pictures are explicit or creepy (upskirts or cleavage shots). So just like.. why? Is this friendship ending behaviour?
No. 871886
>>871885that's fucking weird as hell even if it's not sexual, most likely he's into you but is too afraid to say it.
>is this friendship ending behavior?I'm not telling you what to do, it's your decision. but I don't think could ever be friends with someone if I found out they were doing that about me.
No. 871940
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>>871885Run anon and never look back, regular guys who are interested in you don't do that.
No. 871949
>>871941Very helpful given the current context
nonnie, ty.
No. 871984
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Lately I've been obsessed with this one guy, I've never felt anything like this before, I can't go on with my day as usual because he keeps popping up in my head. I get the impulse to contact him multiple times a day and always want to hang out with him. I feel completely bewitched, it's driving me insane. I've been into many guys in my life, but never in a way that it literally pollutes my brain and prevents me from focusing on my own life. I just want those feelings to go away, but it feels so nice being around him, it's intoxicating.
I'm already in a relationship btw
No. 871995
>>871984Are you me
nonnie? Because I’m going through the exact same thing right now as well, I feel like a silly teenager who just had their crush kiss them. If you hang out some more and you’re still interested and he’s reciprocating then go for it and break off your current relationship. That’s what I’m going to do anyway so I’m not a hypocrite. (I swear)
No. 872129
>>872090unfortunately if they did add a lesbian flag someone out there will whine about it being "
problematic" for some lame-ass reason and demand it gets replaced with another version, then the new one will also be considered "
problematic" for another lame-ass reason and so on. don't understand why troons have to have their own pride flag emoji though, i thought the rainbow was supposed to represent everyone lgbt. now i've even seen asexuals piss and moan about not being included.
No. 872264
>>872205I just got a flashback to being in a similar situation years ago. While we were out shopping one day he popped into a bathroom and took forever. It was weirdly long but shit happens so I didn't ask..a little while later while in a store he tells me he'd been wearing a butt plug the whole day and had been in the bathroom having trouble with it. We had plans to go back to mine and even though I had housemates I honestly felt like I'd be assaulted if he thought behaviour like that was OK. I made excuses and cut contact. Really thought I had some camp harmless friend where I could shop with them like you might with a gay dude.. he was getting off it. Maybe even literally getting off while I spent a half hour waiting outside a public toilet.
Oh how dumb I used to be
No. 872269
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Why the fuck are men such babies when it comes to pain? They can’t tolerate even small levels. Every man I’ve ever known has been like this. I’ve been through child birth, repeated staph infections, fucked up broken teeth. Never once have I been rushed to the ER. Never taken any sort of prescription pain medications. My brother and husband, though?? Let them get a tiny cyst, a cut, anything and they’re begging for any relief. And they get it. Doctors don’t believe women can even be in severe pain, it seems.
No. 872393
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>>872378You'll make it through, anon. You can do this!
No. 872399
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>>872378Everything is gonna be alright! Take deep breaths and stay hydrated. Things might be tough right now but this will pass.
No. 872440
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>>872382I unfortunately saw it just now. Over the years I've been lucky and avoided seeing most of this shit here, but today was an exception. It's even worse because today was really bad day for me. Seeing that dragged me even further down. I genuinely feel bad for all mods who constantly have to see all that crap.
Sorry for making some stupid reports sometimes too No. 872450
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Raccoon update:
RIP little guy. He's still in the hull of the boar and STILL chittering. My ex has been dragging ASS and making every which excuse to not save the critter so I called the rehab center and got transferred to the only biologist in the county who handles these cases. He's yet to call back. I texted ex allllll day yesterday about it (his day off) and he STILL didn't get it done though. He did manage to peel back all of the carpet though and he mentioned probably having to cut down into the boat and make his own access hatch to reach it. But apparently he got tired because it still hasn't been done. I texted him this morning and he said "I wish I didn't have to work, or at least had my dad's help." Nonnies he's 38. He also works 8am-2pm it's not like he is too busy.
I can't believe I was with this guy for over a decade. This really was the straw that broke the camels back which feels pretty pathetic because I put up with a lot of abuse that any sane person would have ran from. I can't believe how worthless he is still, even when an animal is actively suffering in such a terrible way. No sense of urgency AT ALL. I feel like I'm finally seeing him for who he is and it's so ugly.
Pour one out for raccoon nonnies. I almost want to tell him to put my breaking up with him aside and let me into the boat so I can get the damn critter myself.
No. 872484
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I feel like I peaked. Not in the form of some retarded scrote "wall" shit, but my brain capacity and creativity. I look at various ideas and stuff that I wrote when I was 16 and feel like I must've had some kind of brain damage since then.
No. 872511
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Moids under 40 (specifically white moids although idk if this disease has spread to other demographics, I just don’t have experience) have such horrible nonexistent social skills, it’s so frustrating and pathetic. I like to sit in parks and read and I always have rich older lonely boomer/genx men with cute dogs try to chat with me, even if they’re old and physically unappealing they aren’t usually creeps and I’ve realized this is just normal behavior for people pre-internet to be able to successfully come up to and start conversations with women. Meanwhile I’m going out if my way to message with millennial scrotes on apps/dating sites and I get passive “lol yeah I guess” answers in return or weird inappropriate stupid jokes, maybe I’m not understanding something I assume if they just weren’t interested, they just wouldn’t reply at all. I’m the one who is high functioning aspergers, but at least I’m trying. I really can’t wait for the “epidemic” of white millennial men dying alone complaining about how women don’t care blasted all over shitty daytime talk shows.
No. 872627
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I just saw the STUPIDIEST SHIT EVER shared by someone on instagram. Basically, a man with painted nailpolish saying that kissing, touching, messaging and doing similar stuff with someone else when you are in a relationship isn't cheating because "it doesn't involve genitals". CLOWN WORLD I WANT TO FUCKING HIT SOMEONE IN THE FACE
pickme libfems and narcissistic degenerate scrotes please die challenge
When will people wake the FUCK UP
No. 872661
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One day I'm going to snap and go feral bc of family's nagging. Reminded me today 4 times to water the garden, and two more times while I was in the shower. I think they find it funny to goad me, like little fucking children.
No. 872664
>>872516 I guess it should be but I don’t mind, most of them just have dad energy vs gross creep energy, like they make me think of the kind of dudes that patiently send money every month overseas to Ukrainian women they find on dating sites and don’t see anything suspicious about it. Usually it’s the dog that approach’s me first because I have to make eye contact with every dog at the dog park.
This may also be a factor in that they’re obviously lonely and unmarried in their 50s+ but I can’t help but think a least one younger scrote out of the 8m people that live in this city should also be lonely and think I’m cute but I’ve been approached in public exactly once in my entire life by someone my own age, in a huge metropolitan area. It’s depressing, fuck the 21st century, just take me back to the 70s-90s when people actually lived life.
No. 872694
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If I had the ability to the destroy the world I would. I remember someone telling me that I wanted to punish the world and that’s pretty accurate and shameful but I don’t care anymore. I will never find solace in myself and I will never believe that you can because it’s impossible. There is no sole instrinsic value you can find in yourself, people seek extrinsic rewards and belonging. It’s all so tiresome, I’m literally wasting my life on this shitty website where you put strings of text into the void and gets lost forever, desperately trying to feel like you belong but you don’t, constantly interacting and getting no attention I thought it would be easier anonymously. Fuck you horrendous ghosts and phantoms behind a screen none of this shit matters
No. 872728
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I saw some art that a friend of mine made and it’s plunged me into such a terrible mental sludge. It was just a few hours ago and yet I still feel shit. I wish I could look at the wonderful art my friends make and not feel bad and yet I just always do. I wish I was never proficient when I was young because it just turned it into a novelty. I always saw it as a hobby to downplay myself, and after a breakdown in high school, I stopped drawing as frequently as I did. I really don’t draw or paint at all. I used to cry when I was younger when I would have a funk, because I always felt like my skills were a gift that could be taken away. Now I just feel a solemn emptiness and that’s how I know it’s truly gone. I feel like I’ve stagnated so hard while everyone’s caught up. I was usually highlighted for my art or just known as that one girl that draws and people would hype it up, and I would always feel uncomfortable about it. I was always oblivious (because I can’t tell) to how others saw me because of this, but I’ve had one friend in the past (middle school) tell me how she felt overshadowed by me, and I felt terrible. Now I just envy how people can just make art and brush it off. People effortlessly make art and I can’t. I don’t mean effortless as in, no work put in, but in the sense that they can just sit down and begin without second thought. I think I take it too personally because art was everything to me, so I just don’t know how others do it since I’ve always been so in my head about it. People make art, they’re in the right drive, have the discipline, and creativity, and make it. I think I just need to come to terms with the fact I’m not as good as I thought, nor an artist. I get so embarrassed when I try to do anything art related because.. well I don’t know why really. I just feel really ashamed. Sometimes I don’t know how people do things because I don’t even remember how to.
Anyways this friend of mine told me “you’re not the only person here that knows art” and it was said jokingly but still. I’m not even an artist anymore so it’s like how does it correlate. We’re catching up after 3 years apart but still. Made me realize I need to do something to step it up.
No. 872783
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Is my Youtube recommendation page trying to annoy me these days? I keep getting pushed the video of this kid that someone posted on the Twitter hate thread less than a month ago. I just looked at her Youtube channel for less than a few seconds and now no matter how much I keep pressing the "Stop recommending this channel/video" option, it keeps appearing on my recommendations. Now it's spreading and I got more videos recommendations of the same style of kids' drama.
It took me so long to take away the video of the mental illnesses OCs out of my way, I don't know how long it will take for this to disappear.
No. 872854
I have finally worked up the courage to tell my mother that maybe we are a bit too physically close and that we should keep a distance since I'm not a child now, and it's fine and I'm actually very, very happy about it, she's a bit unconvinced but I think she got where I was coming from. But she's blaming it all on me, like, I'm always so cuddly or whatever while it is her who makes me sleep with her and gets sad when I'm not on her boobs every second of the day. When I'm alone enjoying my time alone, she gets upset at me. When I'm around her, she needs to have her hands somewhere on me. And due to years of being physically close to her while I was younger, I'm used to feeling comforted when I'm laying on her arm or on her lap and now, since we're trying to 'keep a healthy distance' I'm trying not to do that and it's making me antsy. I feel like a little kid. I know I'm not supposed to feel sad and I'm supposed to be grown but I like feeling like a little kid when I'm around her and she has always encouraged it, I mean, it's so embarrassing but I talk in 'babyspeak' sometimes with her and she does too with me. I know it's probably not normal, since my aunt has scolded my mother for it a few times, that I'm very grown to be acting this way with her. And I also feel like it's finally time to stop because it makes me embarrassed to admit I like being squished in my mom's boobs and how it makes me feel like a baby, it's still hard. My first kiss was her when I was 13. Whenever I'm near her I just want to lay besides her while she strokes my back and kisses me. But I need to woman up. It's very shameful and I want to feel like a grown up now, I'm in medschool ffs, I should act mature and grown and not still seek comfort in my mom's arms every single day. It's a hard transition to make, with my mother pouting all the time when I keep a distance, and her feeling like it's because I'm angry at her, when I'm not. I have talked about this before here and my feelings have shifted on it a lot, where I sometimes feels uncomfortable with her, but most of the time, it makes me feel soothed but I know I need to stop.
Repost, sorry.
No. 872862
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>>872728I just want to say, I feel you anon. And there's so much pain in your post I can definitely resonate with. Part of you probbaly already knows it, but there's no such thing as "gift" or "being an artist" as a predetermined "quality" of a person. There's something that's blocking you from commiting, maybe too high expectation you've put on yourself given your past when it all came to you more freely; and now something is holding you back. You ARE as good as you thought and can always be better and all you need is to push agains the insecurity blocking you, and shake off the expectation. It's really hard to do and I know it but from your post it's clear to me you need it, and eventually you'll find a way to do it. I wish you well and will keep my fingers crossed things will work out for you.
No. 872868

>>872728Holy shit, I could have written this! I also stopped drawing in high school because I constantly compared myself to others. Since it was one of my main forms of self expression it felt like I cut a limb off or something. I was also obsessed with the idea of talent and was constantly questioning if I had it and if I didn't then what's the point of drawing anyway?
I recently picked it up again and my perspective completely changed. You have to be kind and patient with yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. That's the most important thing. You cannot improve without making mistakes. The other thing: talent doesn't really matter in the long run. It gives a small advantage to people but 'less talented' people can catch up with practice and work. Also, the best thing would be ditching 'talent' form your dictionary altogether, because what is talent when it comes to drawing? It's spatial awareness, the ability to think in 3D and see how forms relate to each other in space. And these are all skills that you can improve! Also imo the word 'artist' is completely overused nowadays and lost their meaning. Nowadays everyone is an artist who traces something and puts it on Instagram.
I'd advice to stop thinking in categories such as talent vs absence of talent or artist vs non-artist. Try to cultivate a growth mindset and believe in yourself. Good luck!
No. 872871
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>>872868Samefag, I recommend checking out Drawabox videos on Youtube, he made me have many art related epiphanies
No. 872889
Breakups are so fucking hard. I've been crying so many tears. My muscles are sore, I can barely see straight, I've taken 3 naps today. This was an almost 7 year relationship. All gone, because he couldn't actually get help for his sex and porn addiction until I told him I didn't want him in the house. He has been texting me how much he loves me. He calls me an angel and he wants me to be happy, the best for me. He wanted us to get married, or wants us to get back when he's better and get married. I don't know if I can do that. After going through all this, I don't want to get hurt by him again. I was so patient, but I had to put my foot down, kinda. I think it's over for good, he left believing this is a temporary leave. I want to be alone. It's good he's getting help, finally, but I don't want to hold this over his head. I was crying so badly in front of him and I told him, "This is what happens when you don't get help for your addiction. This is what you get. I need to be alone." I honestly don't think he's seeing how severe this is. I think he's only getting help because he just doesn't want to lose the relationship, it's not for his own well-being. If I didn't say anything, he'd continue fueling his addictions to this hour. It's not just sex and porn, he was addicted to alcohol and smoking weed. I'm done helping him out. I can't let him pick and choose which addictions are acceptable. He has to stop doing all of them, on his own. I'm done. I can find someone else who doesn't have addiction. I need stability in my life.
No. 872950
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So fucking sick of scrotes acting like their dicks are the best thing in the world. It makes me kind of happy to tell them that I'm bisexual because some of the dudes I've dated seem to get in their feelings when they find my world doesn't revolve around their dicks.
A lot of the time when I invite my scrotes over when I need attention (or sex) I'm on here, talking shit about dick havers (or hadders).
I wish I didn't prefer men, because women are a lot more attractive in every way, but it's how i'm wired and I hate it.
No. 872970
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Tiktok is the actual scourge of the universe. Asian Americans who aren’t even Japanese are trying to cancel anyone who likes JFashion. These people are so terminally online, it’s nauseating.
No. 873047
>>872974This reminds me of the video where they did a panda express taste test and all the older chinese people were honest and either had
valid criticisms (a little undercooked) or said they enjoyed the food and the asian-americans were saying tHiS iSnT AuThEnTiC Ew DiSguStInG
No. 873199
>>873047This is so embarassing. The older people don’t mind but the second gen who doesn’t even speak their language kept insulting the food?
Another video of a chinese american who speaks only english talked about people who “asian fish” and only referred to a weeb who clearly only likes Japan showed up on my FYP. Do they think they’re superior and like they can call people out just because they’re asian? Lol
A fun fact about these people is that all of their videos get no views but the moment they try to cancel someone for circle lenses, that have 200k+ views. If that doesn’t scream clout chasing then I don’t know what does.
No. 873277
>>873047I always get the vibe that they have a huge identity crisis about what they are, they're Asian on the outside but born and raised in America, live by the American culture and are much closer to an American young adult than someone who's a Chinese (or other Asian country) native by their manners, morals, ideals, fashion and so forth. They're constantly being shamed by their older relatives for not speaking Chinese well enough (if at all) and probably don't know any native Chinese people outside of their family and the American identity politics brainrot just adds fuel to the fire so they just adopt this vague "Asian American" label and start calling teenage girls colonialists for owning a Rilakkuma purse or something. It's stupid.
That video is dumb anyway, of course shit like Panda Express would be the bottom scrapings nobody would consider "authentic Chinese food". I don't know about all the melodramatic Asian American teenagers talking about muh authenticity, they give me the vibes of people who wouldn't enjoy organs on the daily. They seem to just rate "greasy fast food that tastes bad", I'm sure you could get that at places in China too.
No. 873343
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lugubrious to think that I am honestly not afraid of death and that it is living I am afraid of
No. 873355
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I'm so done. Done with my friends, my ex, I'm done with my family, my father and brother, I'm just so done. I want to hole up in an empty cozy flat, watch TV, play vidya, browse Internet, read books and never come out. Fuck uni, I wish I could have online classes next semester because I'm done socialising. People just fucking suck a lot of time and I don't want to talk, say stupid shit and have to think it over and over, or have someone be shitty and rude to me and feel bad about it. No. I'm just not gonna anything anymore.
No. 873482
>>872928>I'm just angry at the years I wasted on himThis is how I feel. I caught him several times and the first time was less than a year into the relationship. At the time, I really didn't have anywhere to go. I should have left. He helped me be an escape from my
abusive, narcissistic family. He was meeting with escorts, and I caught him other times afterwards still seeing escorts and wasting money on camgirls. Over time, he stopped seeing escorts, but even a few months ago he almost hit up a local girl asking for nudes, I caught the draft email. His intentions are still there, despite him saying it's because he's stressed and that's not the "real him". I've presented him with so many outlets and he still returns to these actions and attempts to do them in secrecy. I, mentally, cannot be around addicts anymore. It makes me feel anxious and paranoid, and like I said, I don't want to anticipate catching him again, whether he calls it a relapse or not, I just don't want to witness it. Period. It sucks it took so long, but I'm more secure and independent. It's funny, he has told me I'm "too independent" recently, which means he can sense I know my self worth.
I just feel stuck now. He's still texting me every couple hours asking me how I'm doing. He still loves me, but I don't think I want to go back. I feel so weird, but I need to move on.
No. 873497
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Me, a month away from receiving medical attention but in pain and slowly withering away as I wait for my doctors' appointments.
No. 873531
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I hate that stupid fucking “goth gf” meme so much. I could just dress normie but men harass normie women all the time so it makes no difference, so I guess just fuck scrotes in general. Just let me be an edgelord in peace ffs
yes the Shayna thread set me off
No. 873577
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Why is everything today 'post-', 'meta-', or an analysis of something? Am I just ignorant or is there nothing new going on in culture at the moment? Am I stuck in a loop of looking back at the past and hearing nothing about the present or is society doing so? Yeah, hollywood making endless sequels to successful franchises and nostalgia bait is not a huge problem, but who cares about Hollywood nowadays? I want to know why is one of the more popular genres on Youtube bad media analysis video essays, talking about how great something was, instead of making something good that is? Is this making any sense? Yeah, there probably are some good things on youtube happening right now and my algo is just really crap, but it seems to my stupid brain people actually made shit that was good in the past and didnt just talk about good media that happened before like now. I'm trying to make something of my own right now, so dont call me out as a hypocrite here either. Youtube itself is now just a corporate shitplatform that lets almost no one have their crative stuff seen. Where is the good shit, like, where's the fresh, new creative brain-produce!? This time in art history fucking sucks major donkey dick to me, idc if im stupid and biased and dont like anime or vidya or whatever, what happened to literally every other creative outlet? Fuck this timeline's lame.
In short, it just seems, key word, seems to me that in the past, things - mostly creative things - happened, and right now, we're just talking about the "happened". Please, correct me if im wrong.
No. 873619
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i took a zinc supplement and now my stomach is being fucking ruined as a consequence. it hurts so bad, never taking one of those shits again. pic unrelated
No. 873708
>>873700There's a very dedicated incest larper camping in the thread, see
>>872854 . Just ignore him.
No. 873715
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>>873709considering you browse shayna's thread i can only assume you have bpd and nitpick her to make yourself feel better like every other weirdo that browses her thread… but i'll make you feel better anyway. if this body was on any other person, nobody would bat an eye. really the only thing that sticks out is how fat she is. if she lost weight, even with the exact same structure, it would be fine. sure it's not some ridiculous standard that people feel they need to live up to these days but most bodies naturally aren't lmao. the fact that this body belongs to shayna means that every hidden quasi-cow on this website will nitpick it to DEATH.
No. 873720
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There's a bait poster in the MTF thread again. Hoping this retard doesn't post gore again for the 5th time.
No. 873769
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oh my god I keep realizing that eventually I’m going to have to work and give my energy to a job and it’ll continue to suck the life and energy out of me until I die just like my mother. i have no problem with working but there really is no good rewards to it nowadays, you get $10 an hour for what? making ceos even more rich and hiring as much people as possible so they don’t have to pay a fair and livable wage? god I think that is one of the reasons why I am definitely considering suicide there is no way to make a difference anyways.
No. 873823
>>873709Shatna's problem isn't her body shape. It's the self neglect, alcholism and impending obesity. It doesn't matter what body shape she has, she would still look like a pork roast and get dragged for it. Having an hour glass figure would not undo years of not exercising, excessive cheemsburger consumption and sitting alone drinking cartons of Stutter Home.
>>873726If this is regarding the tattoo discussion in the other thread, maybe there are people that just don't like tattoos? Some people like something and some people don't. It really isn't that deep.
No. 873913
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Hair is still falling out like no other. At this point, my hairline is looking like a scrote's from how much has been lost. My medicated shampoo might not work, so I'll have to get my blood tested again. I'm starting school in a new college this semester after transferring. This just feels terrible. How the hell do I cover it up without looking embarrassing. I don't even want to see my friends with it this bad.
No. 873926
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>>873913I'm so sorry anon, that sounds terrible. Did the doctors discover what causes it? If you dress in an alt-ish way, you can get away with wearing a beanie all the time
No. 873980
>>873972And pro vaxxers literally want to make it illegal to not be vaxxed with a non FDA approved vaccine. Violating the basic medical code consent.
>denying scientific research and evidenceScientific research and evidence that seems to change every next day. Wear mask no don't wear mask get vaccinated but oh now you need boosters too. Oh what women are reporting period troubles? Censor and ban those groups off Facebook and Instagram.
>they saw a youtube video of some jackass telling them the gubment vaccinates them poisonous gay microchips or something.No, outside of the internet, where real ppl are, most are suspicious of the vaccine because it's a new medtech, not FDA approved, has new studies every week finding horrible side effects like heart inflammation, and gov making it so you can't work to earn $ to eat without getting a vaccine.
But I guess go on, you'd fit perfectly in Naze Germany, exactly the sort of black and white thinking they love.
No. 874000
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my work team made a fucking whatsapp group and added me without my consent. i told them i would decide by the end of today, but they still added me. my manager said "if i refuse they will have to rely on outlook and teams for me". that's the fucking point of our work related outlook profiles the fuck?? i'm only willing to interact with them through work accounts and socials and i refuse to give them my time outside of working hours. is this even legal?? it's my personal number and personal whatsapp account the fuck i'm livid aaaaa
No. 874014
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I vomited yesterday because of mentrual cramps and I got glands in my throat I feel them whenever I swallow something, this is the first time. Should I be worried?
No. 874015
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>>873962You're right anon, thank you for the reply. Going to go and try to leave those thoughts on the backburner and have fun
No. 874065
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>leave tumblr because ugly men kept sexually harrassing me
>join ig, women keep sexually harrassing me
It's a much much less frequent but what the actual fuck? So far all of the profiles have been real women, with their relatives tagged in pictures/following them.
It's the purple hair isn't it? Idk what else would attract people like this honestly. I'm going dark brown next time, fuck this shit. Keep your ass and genitals in your pants.
No. 874184
>>874177That fucking sucks
nonnie, im sorry that happened. I have really shitty allergies so I also can't wear wool, which sucks cause a lot of the nice and warm winter stuff uses it. I have a wool coat with a liner inside but if the outside touches my skin even a little I get really red and itchy all over that area. I hate not being able to wear cool wool clothing.
No. 874249
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I love being a snake, befriending trannies and trainwrecks just to keep a VERY close eye on the shit show is my fav new thing to do. I've read and built everything and every kit in my house a million times. Watched all my movies. Everything. There's quite literally nothing else to do now with COVID and mandates constantly flopping back and forth. This is the only way I get my social fix aside from the discord with my gals. I know what I'm doing isn't really befriending and its just me getting my foot in the door to stalk but I'm having a great time nonetheless. Feels good to be bad, man.
No. 874280
Saw my gran for the first time since I left the hospital for trying to rope again. She was furious at me and said "what am I supposed to do without you here? I need you"
I already felt guilty but that really made me feel rotten to the core. I said I was so, so sorry and that sometimes I can't control myself as well as I would like to. She just grabbed my hand and said she'd never let me go.
I feel alien in my body, I'm way skinnier than I remember and moving around I feel so strangely light. I wonder if it's just my fatigue lifting from my nerve injury/long COVID, but can't be sure. It could just be the residual mania. I only lost ~2kg while I was in hospital but I look very haggard and drawn.
I'm convinced now that there's no way out. The lady who spoke to me in hospital said something about this attempt completely resetting my brain, and she's right - I do feel very different. I think I proved myself right. I feel strangely peaceful; I can't die, so I have no choice but to find out what my purpose is.
My psychiatrist wants to try ECT and I don't know what to think. Will it make me stupid? I'm not the brightest anyway but I make my living as an academic, so I can't afford to lose any more brain cells.
I bought some reasonable quality acrylic paint, gloss varnish, etc. so that I can get back into painting for fun. I prefer oils but the drying time is often a problem for me, and it's hard to get a nice even finish. Gonna test them out by painting a portrait of my dog. I'd like to start selling my paintings because I used to be good at it, but I don't know what people want to buy. It would be a nice and productive way to recover from the latest psychotic break. I thought maybe mythological figures, like Medusa or Hecate. Or the local wildlife, foxes and deer, swans, robins and stag beetles. I don't know.
No. 874339
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>>874014samefag I'm fine now
No. 874409
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I hate my stupid period brain. I always end up obsessing over some stupid shit, usually some scenario I've completely made up. The worst part about it isn't "wah I made myself sad over nothing" but the fact that I feel like such a traitor to my sex when I realize that "oh shit my period made me a retard." And in some cases I feel like I should apologize for my retardation when it effects my loved ones they're so sweet to me when I open up to them about my feelings, ask what they could do for me to help me feel better or feel loved, even though they tell me and show me they love me all the time and they didn't even do anything wrong so I have to admit that my period made me act retarded, and they are always so understanding and fucking nice they literally treat me like I was a sad kicked puppy they want to give all the love in the world even though I'm the one who kicked myself. God I hate myself for being a "tee hee brain no worky cuz woman" stereotype and it was a hundred times worse on birth control so I guess this is terminal retardation.
No. 874437
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>>874409I just get horny.
No. 874441
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>>874438Acceptance is key. There's worse crimes in the world nonita!
No. 874547
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Tomorrow I go for the first training in almost 3 years since pretty serious injury, I missed the sport terribly in these three years but now that it's scheduled and imminent I feel really stressed again all of the sudden… any of you experienced something similar and if so, how was comeback for you?
No. 874566
>>874564Yea nvm don't do it. Servers like this get raided by moids all the time unless they have the strictest vetting system in the world. So many
terf servers have insane questionnaires you have to fill out to even be considered to get let in
No. 874572
>>874566NTA but at this point I'd probably be ready to fill in a 10-page application to exist in a server with only terven women. After having to witness the tranny nonbinary shit in mine all day long I want to eat a bullet.
And honestly it's not even the raids that are the worst because it's just the dumb moids being dumb but when gatekeeping fails and insufferable spergs enter, the kind who use "gendercrit" as an excuse to be homophobic or racist. Or the really deep end polilez schizos who can't have a discussion with nuance to it.
No. 874575
>>874566where do you even find
terf servers? The only vaguely
terf adjacent one i found was the lolcow discord, because it has voice verification
No. 874602
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>>874589there is a way, anon
No. 874627
>>874606then you don't come here enough since several anons and even mods have pointed out this has been an issue
>Using 4chan memes and lingo is scrotesWhat? Anons don't get called scrote over stupid things but then they do, wym
The best ones are anons who admit they know that the anon most likely isn't a scrote but then continue calling them it anyway just because, like why even waste your breath or start infighting? Half the time anons will literally start infights over things they agree on as well it's ridiculous. I need a break from this place it's like being in a mental hospital
No. 874650
>>874627I don't think you're long enough here yourself and need to integrate if you can't tell what I mean with 4chan incel lingo.
But yeah, it does sound like you need a break if anons trying to gatekeep lolcow from scrotes on the expense of accidently getting accused of being one is that terrible to you.
No. 874665
>>874650>need to integrate if you can't tell what I mean with 4chan incel lingo.oh? I remember once I got called a scrote for saying waifu… when I was mocking something a scrote would say
>gatekeep lolcow from scrotes on the expense of accidently getting accused of being one is that terrible to you.sure but scrote accusations do not belong to anons in distress. we literally have an almost non existent scrote raiding problem and I promise you that the anon venting about how unrealistic porn is in the dumbass shit thread isn't that, neither is the person calling shaynas vulva a vagina going to do anything and it's letting scrotes win. On top of that you act like I'm the only person on lolcow who ever had this happen to them when several other anons had this happen and it's become a bannable offense to accuse people of being male for no reason
anyway - the real scrotes are the ones who keep trying to make anons walk on eggshells or act like we're being plowed with scrotes daily, it's terrible to tear down people who are in a weak spot and literally giving scrotes the benefit by destroying lolcow
No. 874694
>>874679show me where scrotes are raiding constantly enough to the point where witchhunting anons to keep the scrotes out is totally necessary
No. 874718
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>mfw I've been on lolcow for 6 years by now and I've never been called a scrote
No. 874750
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I can’t even go anywhere on the internet without being shit on for being black, but no I’m the bad guy. Rather than take my side people love to play centrist. Fuck me
No. 874766
>>874710So if males are raiding and spamming gore explain to me why it would be appropriate to claim venting anons are male
Also caps or it didn't happen
No. 874777
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>>874766Here you go anon, rein in your reddit vibes before larping.
No. 874792
>>874787>>874787how is "I don't think we should call women in distress scrotes" unhinged???
>>874784It just seems like you're trying to nitpick women who don't have feminine typing enough, it just reminds me of trad pickmes in the tradthot thread who would mumble on about how every movement of yours has to be feminine. At this point it just seems like you're trying to get vagina or boob pics in order to "verify" that I'm not a scrote… just because me venting about how anons who need help get called scrotes is just ruining this place and allowing actual scrotes from 4chan to laugh at us
No. 874806
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>>873913colored dry hair shampoo
i'm so sorry to hear what you're going through anon.. do you have discord? drop a throw away and i'll add ya No. 874856
>>874805I guess but still, stirring up shit for no reason only benefits them, continuing to attack other anons you admit yourself are most likely female doesn't do anything, they came here to shit up this place and by calling anons who clearly aren't scrotes, scrotes you are helping them and no one seems to understand that. If you truly, down to gods earth, believe someone is male without them outright saying it, ignore, report and mods will check their previous posts to see if they are larping, if not you are giving them exactly what they want, which is anons tearing each other down while they get to watch it all. Embarrassing behavior
No. 874865
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>tfw I wanted to buy a cute tiffany floor light for my new living room but it's actually way too fancy and out of sync with the furniture styles I ordered
I know sometimes people can get away with pairing antique-y with modernism, but this isn't gonna work. My sectional just doesn't jive that way and the giant tv just kills the tiffany vibe. I'm so upset, I'm really struggling to find a floor lamp that "fits" the room. Oh fam, why is the lighting being the most difficult aspect of this damn room?! I hate being so retarded.
No. 874871
>>874862also if one scrote coming here weeks ago is enough to set off a male witch hunt then you need to seek therapy
>inb4 nouu>inb4 yOu UsEd 4ChAn LiNgO!!!111!! No. 874876
>>874871nta but the fact that you're still mad about this for hours means
you need to seek therapy tbh
No. 874888
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after years of putting myself into horrible relationships with toxic men i finally have something nice going on. hes very polite, communicates well, and most importantly he actually cares about how i feel. sometimes i get really worried that if he ever sees me without clothes he might get grossed out. been talking for 4 months getting to know each other and hopefully we might start going out next time i see him! its long distance but the feeling is mutual and ive seen him in person several times already
No. 874922
>>872862>>872868ayrt..thank you nonas so so much, I’m truly taking to heart these genuine responses. Thank you
>>872862 for being so heartfelt.
>>872868 I’m going to try to be more patient with myself, usually when I try to start again I start to scorn that I’m not like my past self, and don’t let myself have space to flounder for a bit. I will also check out the vids. We’re gonna thrive nonas.
No. 874961
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I always scroll past the vent thread accidentally now because someone just had to use a spoiler-worthy image..
Also a part of me feels bad that I tend to like the 'annoying' characters from tv and movies, realizing this probably speaks to my own annoying personality…but moreover how people must hate me too.
No. 875074
>>874589kek reminds me of when I was a teen and used to do pushups in my room after a spat in the hopes I could knock my 6 foot 5 father the fuck out one day.
I also did the same in my early 20s, when I went to the gym I'd use the dream of being able to fuck up my friends' shitty boyfriends who they refused to leave. Just give 1 good punch. Was still no match though.
No. 875083
My coworkers are going to bring my mental health back down, I know it.
They're so damn negative. And externalise it. Everyone is incompetent, everyone wastes time, everyone is stupid. Of course i'm likely counted among those when i'm not around them.
And i've went through this whole journey at work where I've learned not to take it personally. If someone asks me to do something and I have the time and it's not intense, I'm happy to. If it becomes a pattern sure, bring it up that it's not my responsibility, but I won't be foaming at the mouth at the prospect of helping someone. I used to get caught up in all of that but I've found letting it go has me much more relaxed once I leave work at the end of the day. It's not for the people pleasing aspect, it's just…I can do it, otherwise I'll just be on my phone so OK, you know? And it's put me in a much better headspace.
Anyway, my coworkers aren't the same. The guy was fucking banging his fist on the table, yelling at the screen that they can fucking do it themselves when asked to do something that would take <5 minutes. He was glued to his phone for hours before this. Someone from another department makes a mistake in our paperwork when taking over our tasks and it's "are they retarded??". Like no, they just don't know the niche thing we do as well as us. Have some empathy, dude.
They're really bringing me down. I kept asking my coworker to chill out today because his yelling about how this and that was bullshit started to really make me uncomfortable.
No. 875128
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I've been using topical minoxidil 5% for 4 months, my doctor prescribed it to me after I got diagnosed with androgenic alopecia. My hair stopped falling out as much as it did before, but minoxidil caused terrible flaking of my scalp and what's worse, I noticed I have small hair growing under my nose and even inside my nose. I know all women have some hair on their faces but my hair was always very light since I'm a natural blonde, and that new hair is darker and thicker. At first I thought that maybe I'm leaving some minoxidil on my cushion and when I sleep I just rub my face into it. But then I noticed new, dark hair in places I never had visible hair before, like on the top of my palms, and the "happy trail" on my stomach. I also have a lot of new tiny hair on my cheeks and even on my forehead; thank god it's so light you have to get a closer look to notice it, but I'm scared it will get darker over time. I read that in some rare cases minoxidil can cause generalized hypertrichosis in women and it looks like I'm one of the unlucky ones. I don't know what to do. I don't want to stop using it and have visible balding spots on my head, but I also don't want to grow a fucking mustache and a beard. I hate my body so much, I feel so ugly. I just want to sit in the corner of my room and cry
No. 875133
>>875101it's mostly millennials and older gen z, but i've started to see pushback from gen z which is why the younger ones give me hope.
remember the super straight guy, he was gen z and did get people his own age to agree with him too
No. 875146
>>875141That's exactly what I meant in my original post (I'm the one who wants to beat the father). I know weapons exist, but somehow it wouldn't feel as nice to just use them when his guard is down. It would be great to deck him when he's angry, ready and stupidly sure of being the "dominant" one and then just watch his sudden change in behaviour as he realises that he's a little bitch.
>>875142You know, I feel like in reality that wouldn't really work. The adrenaline wouldn't make him feel the pain, and if it doesn't do that then a man will just be even more angry and he'll break your neck.
No. 875159
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>>875155ntayrt, but i was confused on anons age as well…
No. 875168
>>875140This could've been written by my partner but about her much younger halfbrother. Exact same dynamic of never lifting a finger to help her do school stuff, never giving a shit about her interests, never spending a dime they didnt have to and sometimes still not. And then her halfbrother gets literally everything, toys, computers, every effort to get him into activities, etc.. The worst part is that kids who are more stable & mature and don't complain that much about being denied stuff (in my partners case she assumed her parents actually couldbt afford stuff, which turned out to be NOT true at all) just end up getting ignored by parents. While little shits that threw tantrums in the lego aisle (me, not really but more than her lol) got everything they screamed for.
To some extent its definitely unconscious sexism (sort of like "girls should be content and balanced with what they have, boys need stuff to do"), but also i think attitudes toward children have become more permissive over time, which is good in some ways, but i think can lead to emotional immaturity as you described when they never have to deal with being denied something.
No. 875226
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>>875100>Me joining a discussion between my moots about gender roles, they agree with my cryptoterf views only to turn around to talk about how they don't "feel" like a woman because being called a "lady" or "girl" makes them uncomfortable, they hate their body being sexualized and they don't want to be a man either so fuck the gender binary!!!111mass peakening can't come soon enough
No. 875280
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I was supposed to hang out with two of my friends today - one of which I haven't seen in over a year. She cancelled because she wasn't feeling well or whatever. I thought maybe me and my other friend would still do something together but she hasn't said anything about it so seems likely I'll just be at home drinking now. It kinda sucks extra as well because I dropped going to my boyfriends place with his support to spend some much needed time with friends. Now I'm just laying here battling bad thoughts again feeling like the world is against me. It was hard to reach out to friends again in the first place because my self worth is so low.
No. 875282
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>>875128If it's not getting better you're going to have to bite the shaved head bullet anon, I'm sorry. It's not worth getting hirsuitism (saying as a naturally very hairy person). A high quality wig and headwrap (picrel) looks really natural I know an older lady who uses that method and I couldn't tell until she told me her hair is fake.
No. 875289
>>875277Yea basically. I’ve lived here my whole life (with a couple out of state moves) and it’s frustrating to see how it’s turned out.
I have kids, a house, generations of family and my best friends. The fuck am I supposed to do? Move to Idaho or Vegas like everyone else?
No. 875318
>>875308We are recalling the governor but not sure how that will play out. I’m not a republican but honestly I’m almost willing to vote for one because they seem a little harsher when it comes to peoples fee fees kek
Between the government and PGE’s failing electrical equipment that is causing most of these huge fires, I feel like we should just let the whole state burn down and start over. I think most of us just don’t know what to do. Like how do you clean up pig shit without a shovel. Everyone says “vote!” But the measures are jokes and basically force your hand to vote one way because the other option is worse. Or the wording is confusing as fuck.
No. 875337
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Ladies I'm at the end of my rope. I am almost at full capacity in every instance of my life. I can't socialize anymore, just ditched my boyfriend and his sister's friends in order to be here. I have 3 external harddrives and almost all of them are full. My desk area is really messy and I feel overwhelmed. I want to lay down and cry but I can almost feel nothing. My ex confessed his love to me and I feel nothing towards him and I don't know how to tell him without destroying and semblance of friendship we had.
I fucking dunno what to do but goddamn it I'm so tired.I'm gonna try to clean up… but I feel like I can't do it…
No. 875363
>>875357Good job
nonny! After your desk is cleaned out you'll probably feel a bit better and if you're feeling up to it you could wipe the desk down, take a shower and start clearing your hard drives if you have to. I hate cleaning up too but having a clean desk and taking a shower after I'm done cleaning always makes me feel better. You'll be okay nonna.
No. 875377
>>872480Yes which is why if I ever bother dating again I reserve the right to collect free oil changes, meals, and weed from simps and let my "male friends" hang out with me because I refuse to participate in the double fucking standard.
They are ALL whoremongers
No. 875385
>>875376nta but that's probably a male who can't help himself but come over and explain how to work out to le women.
Anyways, ignore it. You can do squats, leg raises, hip thrusts or whatever you want and get a nice ass.
No. 875419
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everyone is lying to me. jesus fucking christ. lie after lie. im the one taking all the punches. life is a mindfuck. hell is other people.
No. 875529
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I've felt like I'm faking my mental illness for a long time. This week I survived a suicide attempt, and once I'd stopped hallucinating, I tried to just discharge myself. The ward consultant went nuts and kept shouting at me, "you just tried to kill yourself!"
(so much for patient confidentiality)
I think being online has desensitised me to how big a deal that is. It didn't strike me that it was something significant until that point, a real life doctor getting really stressed out over my decision to refuse treatment.
I had to explain my process to my case worker afterwards, how I'd looked up fatal dosages of obtainable drugs by bodyweight and taken twice that for good measure. How I'd looked up the most lethal and easily obtainable drug according to UK A+E statistics. How I'd sourced the drugs from dodgy online pharmacies and ordered in small batches over a couple of weeks to avoid suspicion. How I'd emptied the drugs into a chewing gum case and disposed of the wrappers in a public bin days earlier so that A+E wouldn't know the drug or dosage I'd taken if I was found. How I'd written DO NOT RESUSCITATE on the places medics would go to first (my inner arms, across my chest). How I've been seeking a Do Not Resuscitate order through the NHS's specialist solicitors over the last few months. Putting all these things together, it starts to sound kind of extreme. Like I started to wonder if maybe I am actually too mentally ill to be making rational decisions? They like to interpret my behaviour as impulsive and emotional but this attempt (like the last one) was the result of at least a month's prep. I don't know if that makes me more sane or less sane.
I don't know how I feel about the fact that I failed. I expected it to happen because I was busy thinking about timelines and how your current consciousness exists in the universe with the greatest probability of you being alive. I don't know how it works yet but I think I'm just irritated. I haven't found what I'm looking for yet, and I think some anons warned me that I wouldn't right before I did it. Should've listened.
Anyway, I'm glad they didn't section me but I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do now. Do I just keep trying to find new ways? Or is there really such a thing as fate? Something I'm fated to do? I want to believe in that, but I'm so tiny and useless in a huge universe, it's hard to believe in that.
What is it that keeps us alive?
No. 875543
>>875424Listen, anon, I understand what you're going through. You're not getting any acknowledgement for taking care of your mother and you're right, it's terribly unfair!
Some advice (that you didn't ask for, but I'm giving it anyway): try to trick your mum into taking her meds. Either ground the pills into a powder and put that in her drink, or tell her they're vitamins; anything but avoid arguing with her, as you will always lose.
I'm rooting for you!
No. 875688
>>875651Lmao he's only pissed because that'll influence his funsies money if her salary is less and he'll be expected to contribute equally or more sometimes.
I dated men like this, they weren't autistic but they were greedy and selfish. Couldn't have given a fuck less about my personal development, creativity, or happiness. All they cared about was that I would be a domestic and career workhorse for them so they could go fuck off playing videogames or other escapisms. Men just hope for a second mom who they can also pretend to be better than in adulthood. That's why they're so jealous of "trophy" women who they perceive as doing nothing to be living cozy off their man's dime–because that's exactly what they'd do if they could–except those women are expected to look good and be entertaining as a minimum.
Your friend is just stuck in the delusion of being a "good" woman as society and men have conditioned her to behave. Let her graduate from the school of hard knocks. She'll learn.
No. 875703
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Why are my only 2 modes of socialization 1. dead silent to the point people think I don't like them or 2. sperging way too long when something I like gets mentioned and not realizing no one gives a fuck
No. 875810
>>875749Hey anon, that sucks and I've had the same issue too before. I managed to solve it with three ingredients: borax, sugar/peanut butter (some ants like different things), and a flat, nonporous surface like an expired credit card. Ants love sugar. Borax kills ants as it is a poison to them and it slowly dries out and cuts their exoskeleton. Be careful if you have pets, though, as it will upset their stomachs.
Mix two cups of sugar, a tablespoon of borax, and enough water to melt down the sugar borax together but not so much that it's runny. Get your nonporous surfaces out (I cut up my old plastic cards and business cards) and dump a teaspoon of the mixture onto it. Wait a bit until they harden a bit. Put them around places that you see ants, such as a corner near the kitchen or washroom. They'll slowly come to the source of sugar (or fat if you used pb), eat, and take some of the mixture to their nest where it'll slowly kill the colony by poisoning their food source as everyone shares the food. The method is a bit slow, around two weeks, but after that, I saw way less/no ants and even queens (!!!) come out of their colony. Kill the queens if you see them and keep checking the areas of the problem for a bit longer to see if the ants have been eradicated. Best of luck, anon!
No. 875907
My crush is heavily addicted to weed and I don't know how to help him. He's been smoking since he was like 15, and he's 28 now. We're not anything serious yet, we've been on a couple of dates, but today is the third time he didn't come to meet me because he got stoned and he's sleeping the whole day. He doesn't eat either. Last wednesday his coworker told me he ride to a coffeeshop during a fucking BREAK at work in order to buy weed because he couldn't make it without smoking, as he supposedly screamed. It was pouring rain and he had 30 minute break. He lies to me he could stop smoking whenever he wanted, but situations like this show he's emotionally dependent on it. We both live in Netherlands, well, he's been here for 3 years and I've been here for 2 months only, I get it's legal to smoke here, and I don't know much about weed and addictions, but it's clear to me he is addicted and he lies to me it's ok. I don't know what to do with him. Can you even go back to normal after smoking weed every day for years? I read that those people need to be put on anti psychotic drugs because they may experience hallucinations and shit after tossing weed away. I know he would laugh at me if I even mentioned some form of therapy, he thinks anyone who's against weed is close minded.
No. 875911
>>875583Thank you anon, I really appreciate that. I'm sorry you're in a similar way, I hope you're having a gentle day too with no angst or distress, only the nice comfy brain-empty moments.
Everything is so confusing, isn't it? I just want to h•ld h•nds with somebody and feel safe and like I'm not going to evaporate or glitch out.
No. 875923
>>875835>I hate it when people call me a muslim because of my ethnicity.This reminds me of how retards in my country conflate islamophobia with actual racism. I've been raised by my very moderate and open-minded muslim mother and my father who's super fucking weird in terms of religion, and I don't see myself as muslim, but I've had several times when people assumed I was one in ways that fucked me over, and I know that in theory, if someone decides to physically or verbally assault me or to discriminate against me because I'm north african people would treat it as islamophobia like it's a specific form of racism and not its own thing. I also had my little sister telling me that me saying I don't believe in god is islamophobia when I just think the religion itself is dumb as fuck and not the believers. At this point the word islamophobia barely has any meaning.
>Why are western liberals defending this shitBecause they're not affected by it the way you are and, especially if they're Americans, ost muslims they know keep their beliefs private and don't believe in the most extreme parts of Islam. I said my mother is pretty moderate, for example she thinks the inheritance laws that discriminate against women are fucking trash despite believing in god. A bunch of people in the West think that way, regardless of religion, they'll pick the good parts and pretend the bad parts don't exist because the bad parts are beyond fucked up.
No. 875954
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I think my RBF is worse than I thought. I’m used to people telling me in the past to smile more, but recently I was looking at a photo with my reflection is visible in the background and I look miserable. In the photos where I do smile it has that forced, half-raised look. I don’t want people to think I’m angry or nervous all the time so I guess I’ll try to find some tips about expressions
No. 875958
>>875931Feel the same, anon. I'm the same height and I reached BMI 20.7 recently which used to be a comfy "healthy skinny" looking weight for me, because I have a really big skeleton. I know that I am very lean and I'm a UK size 10, but still I saw myself in a full length mirror in a shop with overhead lighting and looked so dumpy and blobby/soft. Irritatingly, at the same time, my face looks a bit too gaunt and old. I guess losing weight and exercising can only do so much for us, the rest has to be done with styling.
Try to accept that there are some things you cannot change about your body shape or fat distribution, and make sure diet and exercise are part of a wider, happy life. If you're younger than 25ish, you might find that a lot of fat and plumpness drops away from your bod soon anyway (not in a bad way, it's just a second puberty thing I think). We'll be OK.
No. 875960
I'm just so fucking ugly, weird looking, tall, and autistic. There's no point in trying to live, because I can't fit into society. I have zero friends and nobody cares about me, they can smell the desperation and find me off-putting as I have no social skills and have a monotone, quiet, sad voice. I really do look like shit, almost deformed. The looks I get while out and the reactions from men over the years have more than proved it's not "insecurity". What's the point in living if you can't connect with others? As soon as things get harder, nobody would protect me. I'm just a genetic failure consuming resources while feeling sorry for myself and fleeing into the internet, which is progressively making me worse.
No. 875975
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Idk where else to put this but I’m greatly saddened by the news of Trevor Moore’s death. For anyone who doesn’t know, Trevor from the skit show Whitest Kids U Know died at 41 a day ago. I know life isn’t fair, and you never know when your time will come, but this just feels so wrong.
No. 876024
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Only just read about the Chris Chan troll's animal abuse and I feel awful. I haven't even seen the pics and don't plan on looking at them but I hope her life is destroyed over this shit. Imagine harming a living thing that depends on you just for the sake of impressing some discord scrotes.
I used to have a strong stomach for gore etc when I was an edgy chantard teen but I just feel so shitty even hearing about it. Maybe now that I'm an adult it's not just le gory shocking image but it actually sinks in that someone/something had to suffer so horribly idk
No. 876070
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The amount of discourse I’ve been seeing on tiktok about obvious white girls dressing in JFashion is so nauseating. On top of that, it’s not even Japanese women calling them out—they’re all Asian Americans who feel like they should be allowed to gatekeep fashion and keep insisting it’s ~Asian Culture~ like it’s some closed religious practice. Zoomers really have brain rot if they can’t tell people apart because of their makeup.
No. 876093
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>>876075You’re asking critical thinking questions that all these mouth breathers would never consider. I just want to know who the fuck looks at this girl and thinks “ah yes, she’s trying to look like an asian woman”.
No. 876108
>>876099Most likely. Most of them are Asian Americans or Performative activists (read: Weebs/Kpop stans) that think people dressing like this is what encourages violence against asian women. When are we going to stop blaming women for shit men do? lol
>>876101Anonette, don’t you see the very culture rich circle lenses and falsies she’s wearing to look like she’s asian? The way they talk about her is as if she’s pulling an Ollie London.
No. 876142
>>876070Asians in Asia seeing white people across the globe adopt their styles: "omg this is so cool, we love it!"
Asian-Americans who have never set foot in Asia nor invented the style seeing white girls adopt the styles the girls in Asia invented: "this is so racist to ME (and all asians but mostly ME) how could you steal this from ME u racists"
No. 876144
>>876142They're so annoying.
>waaaaah I was bullied at school for eating dumplings so now you can't eat them, waaaah!Like, I was bullied for having bushy brows and freckles but now they're trendy, grow the fuck up.
No. 876237
>>875960I'm sorry your feeling like this anon but
>Tall>Autistic>Monotone, quiet, sad voiceYou're kinda my type lol.
No. 876286
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everyone on the celebricows thread keep insisting billie's tits are ugly cause theyre fat girl tits. it reminds me of being younger and checking scrote communities they also always said "remember fellas, big tits on a fat chick DONT COUNT". personally my fat distribution has always gone to my breats since i was a child (i was a very fat child). i lost weight through CICO years ago and maintained it till covid hit and i pulled a shayna. im currently losing weight, and actually have been doing really well. but im still on the heavy side so i absolutely do COPE with bringing attention to my cleavage. like its all i can do for now i dont want to lose weight too fast and look ill cause of it. i also just want to be healthy and not "thin" the way i used to be. i had no tits or ass and i didnt care cause i was a dumb ana chan. but now i actually like my tits mostly and want a healthy bmi where im not flat.
i dont know i just feel weird cause everytime billie gets mentioned everyone yells SHES FAT SHE USES HER TITS TO COOOPEEEE. like i do agree shes doing that, thats like the only COPE you can pull when fat. i dont know, im doing way better than i thought i could with eating rn. but i am absolutely in COPE city and i feel shitty thinking everyone sees me like that. i knew some men did but women too i dont know messes with my fat head. its the one thing i can hold onto till im at the bmi i want i need to COPE and i feel self conscious know about it.
No. 876298
>>876286Cute cat!!!
also honestly, I think Billie's boobs are fine. They're round and big, I think that's nice. But I don't wanna sound creepy
No. 876299
>>872728Anon, as cliche as it sounds, it's really never to late to get into or back into art if it's one of your passions. Being known as the artist or the painter as a kid can be a mindfuck when you hit your 20s and develop other interests because you have "artist" wrapped up in your identity and the checklist of milestones that comes with it. THROW THE CHECKLIST OUT. Can you still "see"? Do you look at objects and think about the form, the light, the shape language, the color etc. regardless of intention to draw the thing? I went to art school, dropped out when I lost financial aid and stopped making art of any kind for 7 years because I was so embarassed that I couldn't find the money to finish school and "be a real artist". The problem tho, was my mindset which was self-critical and full of
toxic expectations. I had to let it go, accept that my skills had backslid, and just focus on having fun making pictures like I did when I was a kid. Curiousity is key. And you know what, it didn't take long for my skills to come back because even though my muscle memory was gone, I was still "seeing" the entire time and I understood forms and value better than when I was in school because it was always there lurking in my subconscious.
If you decide to pick up art again, in any form, spend some time journaling or list-making about why you love and want to make art (to remind yourself when you're feeling down) and focus on improving your creative process over the success of individual pieces. The mental/emotional battle and relationship one has with their own inner critic is the most difficult part of making art and all the people you see on social media either hide it or have learned to develop a healthy relationship with their process which is why it looks to effortless, but it's not, for anyone.
No. 876300
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>>876214>>876144literally this entire comic
No. 876320
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Getting vaccinated tomorrow and all of the paranoia and doubts are making me feel crazy. I will still do it because I need to visit my grandparents. I have not seen them in three years and their health keeps being worse.
I think I am more scared of regretting not seeing them rather than taking the vaccine, even though I do not know how my poor health is going react to it.
No. 876409
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For the past couple of weeks I've been having an allergic reaction to something in my diet. My throat swells right up within a couple of minutes of eating/drinking and no one could work out wtf was causing it because it was being triggered by everything - hot, cold, sweet, savoury, homecooked, purchased, healthy, crap. So I got an allergy test done at the doctors and it turns out I am allergic to fucking CAROTENOIDS aka the naturally occurring chemical compound that gives things colour.
I can't eat carrots or sweet potatoes or shrimp or butternut squash or peppers or melons or salmon or broccoli or tomatoes or lobster or corn or ANYTHING with any fucking colour.
I'm gonna be stuck eating white bread and water until the day I die, I guess. This is so unfair. I am a good person. Why am I cursed like this???
No. 876485
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This super cute girl I’ve been talking to for months finally scheduled a date with me last week…then cancelled because she was tired from a trip. Understandable, we reschedule for the following weekend. I’m so excited! I’ve been telling everyone about it and it’s honestly the highlight of my shitty week. I didn’t hear from her for a bit, so I checked in with her yesterday about our date was tomorrow? She says yup, we’re still on! We’re supposed to meet in like 30 min and she asked to cancel again due to her period. Again, understandable but I work all damn week at 2 different jobs that exhaust me. I feel like she doesn’t like me as much as I thought she did. Ugh. Cancelled plans with friends and shit for this. So frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 876491
It really makes me sad when I remember the times I tried to seek help by going to a psychologist when I was around 15, which led to my family making fun of me and basically downplaying my issues, completely unaware of how their daughter has been self harming ever since she was around 13. They made a huge joke out of me and they still mention it to this day as if it's really the funniest shit ever. I'm an adult now, but I still suffer from the aftermath. All of their mockery led to me developing a huge fear of expressing my feelings and problems to anyone ever again, so I don't think I could seek help ever again. It's too uncomfortable, too personal, too distressing. What if they don't understand me again? What if they don't get where I'm coming from again? Back when I talked to one, she asked me if I was getting hit at home and I told her no out of fear that she was going to call CPS or something. I opened up about my self harming to her, even showed her my cuts and then she came to the conclusion "I might have a bit of depression" even though back then I knew I had something more than that. I know I have issues, I'm still self harming and I don't like to self diagnose but I'm sure I have some fucked up shit going on in my head all thanks to my tiring, toxic family I still live with. I get suicidal too quickly, I get the urges to self harm almost every day but I'm trying to stop that now. I just don't think I could ever talk to anyone ever again. Fml.
No. 876492
>>876409This is a stupid question but can you develop allergies later in life? You never had problems before? I'm sorry
nonnie, this is shit. You can eat green, white and blue/purple veggies right?
No. 876528
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>>875975This news really upset me too, anon. If I smoked I'd 100% be getting high with dinosaurs tonight in his honor. To this day my siblings and I shout "MISTER PRESIDENT" whenever someone is being too loud and ruining everyone's nice time, or "IT'S SATURDAAAY" on Saturdays/whenever we have our bows out. He left some really good stuff behind. RIP Trevor, you'll be missed.
No. 876554
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>>876548you sound like a cutie tbh
No. 876567
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>>876555I don't get it her calfs look normal.
No. 876585
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>>876375Borderline. This creator in particular was taking such a hard stance against Asian Fishing but is now calling herself a gaijin gyaru with this shit makeup and educating the weeb masses on how to learn Japanese from a Genki textbook and duo lingo.
They legitimately went against some tiktoker who speaks fluent Japanese and said she was profiting on “Asian culture” when she’s lived in Japan and speaks the language but made the mistake of wearing a very obvious cosplay seifuku. Now they’re posting shit like this. How can they walk and breathe at this point?
No. 876589
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>>876585Honestly this wave of stupid teens come of as jealous and they want to make others as miserable as they are and that's why they do this cancelling shit. They'll cancel anyone and everything anytime and they'll find some weird excuse for it. It's dumb. Back in the 2010's we didn't have any problem with anyone (except fatties) who wear jfashion and want to do japanese makeup UNLESS they started saying they were half asian or whatever. We had so many threads on cgl sharing makeup tips and japanese magazine spreads.
I know egirls now do have an extreme way to do makeup now that makes their eyes look more almond shaped and pretty, and I think that's stupid and ugly when they take their makeup off and look like a whole 'nother person with a white trailer park hick face, but come on. It's just makeup. Let them be cringe and have fun.
No. 876596

>>876070I'm gonna be that person, but most asians who complain about these looks are actually ugly as sin. Of course they would complain about girls who are cuter, no matter the race.
You know what they could be doing instead?
They could talk about how China is killing some asian minorities. They could talk about how in some asian countries they kill female fetuses. They could talk about the pornsick prostitution problem in asian countries.
But no, their ONLY concern is people making their eyeliner too long and acting cute. Are those people who want to act like anime characters cringe and retarded? yes, they are. But do they deserve all this attention and complaining? No. It's not as big of an issue as they make it to be. It's just cringe retards being autistic and doing dances on tiktok. Literal 30 second dances. Just swipe on your screen and boom, problem solved.
It's almost like they only care about east asian and japan stuff. Eating pocky and ramune is
problematic now? I don't see Glico or Lotte, the japanese candy companies, complaining at all. They want to extend their business. Next they'll say we can't play Nintendo games because they're for japanese people too. Why the stupid ass segregation? Why regress like this?
Seriously, they all come off as jealous. I bet they're all big weebs into Japan as well and just want the attention, and what other way of gaining attention than to claim this or that should be cancelled. Meanwhile they'll do this while eating nissin or maruchan and listening to BTS's new single. It's all so tiring.
No. 876599
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I didn't realize how out of touch zoomers are until the whole chris chan debacle.
Was hanging out with my friend when I mentioned that I find it frustrating that there is put more empthasis on Chris' gender identity than it is on Barb as the victim and that it feels like she is being relegated to being a side note in all this. Of course her little brother had to chime in that whether or not you should respect someone's pronouns just because you don't like someone is an important discussion. I admitted that, sure, it's something worth to be discussed but should really someone raping their own mother be the trigger for that?
Kiddo just left the room in a huff and I didn't see him for the rest of the night.
No. 876602
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> Seriously, they all come off as jealous. I bet they're all big weebs into Japan as well and just want the attention, and what other way of gaining attention than to claim this or that should be cancelled. It’s true. Look through the people who are “calling out” Asian fishers and they’ll look like this or they’re every other race but Japanese. It’s all performative activism considering that none of them talk about the actual issues going on in these countries and instead are hyper obsessed with someone doing eyeliner. Not every single person who wears winged eyeliner is Ollie London.
No. 876604
>>876599It's funny because zoomers will say how in touch with political and social issues they are. But they're all so fucking out of touch, it's incredible. They only care about acting woke to fit in. Worst generation we've had in a long time. Boomers used to complain about millenials but millenials are pretty okay compared to zoomers.
I wonder how will the next gen will act like when they grow up. RIP the earth.
No. 876609
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>>876602this ugly as fuck "makeup" look would be torn to shreds on cgl back on its hayday.
>>876603Have one more!
No. 876611
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>>876596This girl is Mongolian and she's never ever discussed or brought up any of the actual issues in Mongolia, the massive pollution and air poisoning, the epidemic of children being kidnapped and having their organs harvested, Mongolian girls being sex trafficked and being sold as "brides' to Chinese men(this is currently going in my country as well), the one time she ever brought up Mongolia was in relation to how certain steppe people occasionally get portrayed as the "bad guys" estern media, which is a negative stereotypes but historically that's what happened, Steppe people invaded, raped and destroyed settled peoples in Europe, China, Iran, India and Arabic, in my country(Pakistan) the word for Barbarian is still Tatars
No. 876614
File: 1628493899778.jpg (70.54 KB, 1280x720, Q3Iqgk0.jpg)

>Be me
>Casually see the Art Salt thread
>Read recent posts
>Anons remembering artists who disappeared
>Artist comes to mind
>Porn artist who deleted all accounts but a Twitter one
>New Twitter account is not porn but One piece and RWBY trans fanart
>No explanation
>Decide to dig into artist's mutuals' accounts
>No one knows
>Find one of an ex Discord friend
>Artist became a TiF and drank the moralfag kool aid
>"Never felt attached to his art, just projected, I'm sorry anon"
>Artist is now hidding from her fujo past
This is what I get for checking the art salt thread.
No. 876617
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>>876609Don’t worry
Nonny, have some more of her Gyaru looks. The only views this girl has on her videos are the ones where she’s doing her performative activism (and b4 being called a vendetta-chan, her face pops up most frequently in the gyaru tags I glance through).
No. 876622
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>>876617wonder how these tiktok Asian activists would feel about the Gyaru style, as the aesthetic was primarily a form of rebellion against Japanese sexism as well as beauty standards, embracing dark skin as well dying their hair and getting perms, to counter the traditional Asian beauty standards of having straight dark hair and white pale skin, but technically it was "apportion" of various western styles without any attempt to learn their history or nuances of these styles, they just liked cause it was cool
No. 876627
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>>876300Imagine thinking white people going to an Asian restaurant in itself is racist. Imagine being told that a full restaurant is full is racist. I'm repeating myself but I wish that were me, I'd rather be told that curry smells weird while I'm eating it rather than being treated like an idiot at work and being discriminated against while job hunting because of my race.
No. 876633
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istg thesimsressource has the absolute worst search and sort system in this entire universe. I just want to find those few dresses I had downloaded six years ago again. I'd go into my download history, but I'm locked out of my account and I'm not getting any mails when I click on I Forgot My Password, so that's out of the window, too.
No. 876636
>>876599These zoomers are unknowingly copying tumblrinas that were already annoying SJWs but even these people were more aware of political stakes than these kids.
>>876596I've already seen people shitting on obviously Japanese video games like JRPGs but I'm not sure it's the same people who do that.
No. 876639
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>>876300Look, as a mexican living in mexico that eats very smelly food with tons of onion and cilantro everyday, I wouldn't care if they said my food is smelly. I would be like, yeah man it is. Like menudo is very smelly and condimented for example, and as a kid I hated it. But if I see americans at a mexican restaurant I would simply not complain, I would be like "oh cool! they like my food" "finally someone likes this even though it's smelly" etc whatever.
>>876627Exactly, I feel you. Discrimination comes in all forms but thinking white people at a restaurant is racist is such a weird thing.
No. 876641
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>>876625Do they not understand that it wasn't ever about black people rather as an "FU" to centuries of colorism in East Asia
No. 876642
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>>876300is the girl on the left supposed to be black ? cause the hipster guy is clearly a white guy but he drew the girl really ambiguous looking
No. 876646
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>>876642No she 100% looks like one of these white girls. That very specific type.
No. 876652
>>876650Should be praised for growth and becoming more openminded as adults
>>876651Lol I feel you anon, you'll cringe for a bit and then it will pass and you'll be ready to overshare again
No. 876660
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>>876646that could be the case, but the artist has made other comics about
WOC dating white men before so It wouldn't be too out of the question
anyway this is a comic of his that never fails to make me rage, I don't know what his issue is, modern realistic art and techniques that we still use to this today came out of Western Europe, realism and actual artistic sciences didn't exist anywhere else, that doesn't make other traditional art styles lesser but if you go to western art school this is what you will learn, in other countries they do teach the native artistic history as well as the technique's pioneered in western europe(by yes dead white guys but also some white women) cause you wouldn't have modern art without them, even the style he uses was cause of dead white guys
No. 876673
>>876671I think leftists (and especially women) are more likely to seek out help and be open about mental health. Men hate going to the doctor and admitting that there's something wrong with them, especially if they're more conservative.
On the other hand, the extreme annoying woke lefties love wearing and collecting mental illnesses like a badge so they probably skew the statistics with their munchie self diagnosing.
The Internet alone should be enough proof to you that an insanely high number of rightie males are degenerate and mentally ill.
No. 876696
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I wish I hadn’t looked into the Furry thread that got necroed, oh god oh fuck
No. 876700
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>>876696I've been there, anon. Morbid curiosity is a curse. I hope you feel better soon.
No. 876702
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>>876660I'd love a thread on this whiney 3 incher.
No. 876707
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>>876687He draws every white person as ugly, blond, haggard and smug and every asian a composed, rational, victimised supermodel. Asian men are all chads and Asian women have curves to rival Hendricks. He might never go outside, but we do.
No. 876712
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>>876707This is the female version.
No. 876713
>>876687his older brother admitted that he was a
abusive egomaniac that always wanted to get his way
No. 876719
>>876660>the masters>dead white guysthat's retarded and insulting to the cultures they're from
>white man is ugly but white woman is beautifulgross
No. 876728
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After reading all his whinge and cringe seeing that little kid get kicked in the back gave me quite the thrill. Get that fucker!
No. 876731
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>>876728You had one semi-famous comic that was basically a porno, you wrote every female character to be neurotic and or completely selfish
No. 876734
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>>876731He is mentally unwell. Who the fuck thinks like this? picrel.
No. 876748
>>876743The Philippines were colonized by Spain. He’s saying that being forced to learn Spanish in an American school is
triggering his tragic epigenetic PTSD.
No. 876772
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my city is in lockdown for almost a month now. our neighbors are a bunch of assholes. these nasty bitches be gossiping and making up rumors about others ppl. so fucking annoying
No. 876777
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I feel so frustrated that no matter what I’ll do, they’ll always be bitter out-of-touch millennials who truly don’t understand anything at all. They’re allowed to have race discussions about Asians in here, but if I were to ever give my opinion that is against there’s I’m going to be slapped with racebait. I’m starting to realize this place is only for certain kinds of people and I’ll never fit into it. It’s so exhausting seeing this everyday and no one cares, this place will always be a deluded and ignorant wasteland who literally think that racism is from the 80s and 90s and totally in the past! I’m so exhausted seeing that if you call a racist woman out, it’s misogyny instead. I’m so exhausted that everything is boiled down to be a woman when there’s a lot more problems that can affect people at the same time. I’m just so tired of trying to explain myself and it revolves into infighting and getting banned, while other people get to say the n-word because the mods and the admin rather ply favorites with their favorite scrote imageboard and gossip websites. I’m so fucking tired of all of this.
No. 876818
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>>876791>imaginary huwhitey racist Are you blind anon? Have you not seen what was in and is still happening in the celebricows thread? Scrotes are racist but we really need to understand that the anons on here can be just as ignorant as them because they’ve unfortunately have brainrot from browsing 4chan or KF. Picrel example, this isn’t “imaginary” this could actually just be a racist woman, have you ever considered that it’s not always scrotes who believe this? Your mindset is actually super dangerous and it upsets me.
No. 876846
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yeah this man is a deranged moron
No. 876856
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>>876728>The bamboo ceilingThis guy is fucking hilarious. His comics are like a sanitized version of Redpillcomics. They are both insanely preachy and have the same projection and
victim complex going on.
No. 876861
>>876856KEK, the fucking similarity is killing me. He
has to be an incel on the quiet.
No. 876862
I'm so fucking angry at you, I'm so tired of leaving every interaction with this uneasy feeling in my gut because there is always SOMETHING, usually two or three things, that you had to sperg over and get upset about in our conversation. And you make that shit everyone else's problem, you treat us like fucking dirt because you CHOOSE to interpret every casual fucking thing in the worst way possible. It's like you're lying in wait for someone to do ANYTHING to piss you off, so you set up these precious house of cards scenarios that everyone has to tiptoe around. I'm SICK of you looking at all of us as if we're malicious cruel people that you deign to hang out with. Gee I wonder why you have no other friends? Could be you've alienated fucking EVERYONE in your life with your purity obsession? Oh sorry, I forgot you're perfect and a perpetual victim of God and this cruel world. Fuck I really miss who you used to be. I miss when you would BE with me instead of treating me like a shameful shitstain too far gone for re-education - then again, maybe you always thought that, but your old cult said you should keep it to yourself so you pretended to accept me in hopes of later conversion? Who the fuck knows. I can't believe you went from my closest friend to an obligation I can't wait to be free of. You make me feel bad, like I'm disconnected from you and myself and everything that actually matters to me. I hate that you're pretending to be my friend because it's convenient and muh conflict avoidance. If you're so fucking pure then just fucking add me to your list of untouchables and be done with it, bitch.
No. 876864
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>>876818The thing is, that thread
is teeming with scrotes. There are definitely some actual racebaiting anons, but some of this shit just gets too obvious. Come the fuck on.
No. 876886
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i got a B on my final thesis and i know that's still a good grade and everyone is happy for me and proud of me, but i still feel shitty because i always got As. i know it's my own fault because i got lazy towards the end and just wanted to be done with my thesis. i hate that i feel like i've given it my all in the moment of me turning in my work. and then, when i look back at the situation, i know that i've barely put in any effort.
No. 876892
>>876849Not just a stereotype. I watched a compilation video of recent Asian hate crime on some Asian site (so no reason to select clips to fit a narrative). The
victim was often an old woman being viciously attacked by a single Black man and there would be about several Asian men standing literally two feet away and they'd be terrified, keeping still and doing nothing but look around. No joke every single person who rushed over to help and put themselves in danger was a young Asian woman. I was beyond sickened. No wonder they fuck Chad.
No. 876893
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sick of being so fucking obsessed with my boyfriend. i got into the best skl in my country, im healthy and moderately cute, have friends, but all i can fucking think about is him. hes an addict with charges for selling drugs, not even that cute, kind of an asshole and im so obsessed with him. everything i do im always thinking about him
im obsessed with comparing myself to girls hes been with and i have stopped eating bc he used to talk to a girl somewhat skinnier than me
why am i wasting so much mental energy and time on him. radfem anons pls save me.
No. 876896
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>>876602How is winged eyeliner synonymous with east/southeast asians now? Ancient egyptions are the ones that started it so this is all so stupid
No. 876898
>>876894its never too late to change anon
no time like the present
i believe in you
No. 876918
>>876907Nta but you can find really cute maxis match cc on cc finds pages and tumblr. Try fave cc creators I could recommend that are mainly on tumblr are kumikya, dogsill, clumsyalienn, marsosims, aharris00britney (they make incredible clothing collabs with ayoshi), imvikai, ridgeport’s old cc, greenllamas (they make good hair and great clothing too, they even made a maxis match bratz collection), pixelunivairse and others I can’t think of.
No. 876922
Look, I know racism exist and it's absolutely not a thing of the past, but I'm so tired of people (especially zoomers) saying that all white people are the devil and that they stole everything from minorities. Sometimes literally making shit up or rewriting history, making it seem like european and other "white" cultures don't exist. Like I get it, bring attention to minorities and their struggles, but there's no need to shit on everything that's good about "white people" (which is a stupid ass burger term, since white people aren't all the same in culture) to lift others up. So now if your eyeliner is pointy you're imitating asian eyes, if you get curly hair you're stealing from black people, if you get tattoos you want to skinwalk indigenous people, and I've seen people getting angry at white people wearing kimonos or cosplaying anime characters (because anime = japanese, probably). Also, scrotes are scrotes, no matter the ethnicity.
No. 876923
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>>876915Exactly. And ime quality Asian women prefer their own men anyway. A lot of these guys are bitter they can't skate by with little effort while still retaining a laundry list of requirements for their female peers. Why should Asian women prioritise them because they're of the same race?
No. 876935
File: 1628518787651.jpeg (38.67 KB, 324x459, EF708D15-B571-45C8-8F23-5F640F…)

>>876922>saying that all white people are the devil and that they stole everything from minorities. Sometimes literally making shit up or rewriting history, making it seem like european and other "white" cultures don't exist. Like I get it, bring attention to minorities and their struggles, but there's no need to shit on everything that's good about "white people" (which is a stupid ass burger term, since white people aren't all the same in culture) to lift others up. can’t. make. this. shit. up. also reply to the right person, moron.
No. 876936
>>876489I don't know, the doctor just told me to strictly avoid them and gave me an epipen to carry in case I accidentally put an apricot in my mouth or something. I asked if there was medication (like those lactaid tablets) I could just take and she looked at me like I was a retard lol.
>>876492Yeah, I was absolutely fine with all foods up until a couple of weeks ago. Like not even lactose or gluten intolerant or anything common like that, I was 100% allergy free, and then BAM my throat starts swelling up out of nowhere. I can supposedly eat the veggies outside of the green-yellow-orange-red spectrum but I'm so paranoid about everything that goes in my mouth now omg. Might just live off crackers and pray to the veggie gods that I don't get scurvy.
No. 876938
>>876923 >>876935
The fetishization of asian women leads me to be wary of any white guy. If they watch anime, mention anything about “loving asian culture”, make remarks about asian women, call you small/obedient, or even mention japan they’re a creep. Honestly there’s a whole laundry list that just makes it not worth it to date white guys. It’s not even a race problem. With the exception of nlogs and a small number of white women who are obnoxious about culture and often hate themselves for being white, asian/white lesbian couples seem to not have have this problem at all (at least from what I’ve seen). Lolcow anons who like asian culture are totally chill, vs when you look at anime board on 4chan, for instance.
No. 876940
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>>876938You need to be wary of the skin walkers too. I'm noticing more and more white trannies posting their inspo goal pics of Asian women.
No. 876942
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>>876940Here's the inspo. Literally me!! lmao.
No. 876946
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>>876944oh it can be worse.
No. 876953
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>>876951Yeah he does it in every pic.
No. 876955
>>876940This legitimately makes me want to move out of the west
Wtf why
No. 876959
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No. 876960
>>876818One obvious /pol/ scrote trolling and even getting redtexted for it isn't much to stand on, anon. Get a grip and don't bite the bait.
>>876846This guy is unbelievable. He's like some alternate timeline Elliot Rodger if instead of becoming a fullblown delusional incel he became obsessed with identity politics.
No. 876964
>>876957I'm guessing 2 months, my last period was in June. He's in a different state. I'm getting an abortion as soon as possible I do not want this child. I hate my fucking life. I was on birth control but I suck at taking pills. I had an IUD but he made me take it out because he didn't like feeling it. The BC also fucked with me immensely.
I'm on the phone with planned Parenthood trying to get the abortion pills. Idk how I'm going to tell my mom. Just when life was supposed to be ok this shit happens of course. I don't want this child at all.
No. 876974
>>876968This is true. I feel so fucking stressed like I left him and now I'm supposed to suffer carrying his hellspawn? Of course the shittiest guy I sleep with is the one that knocks me up. I hate it. I want it to be over with I don't want this kid.
I'm half a mind away from wire hangering myself I'm freaking the fuck out. I hate him so much and I know it's not all his fault because I fucked up with the pills in the end but I still blame him. It's like I'm cursed. I want this thing out of me and I won't be able to smile until it's gone.
No. 876984
>>876846There’s fucking tons of vampiric folklore in Asia. This freak is just pissed that he’s not the sexy, pop culture Western version.
Instead of doodling shitty political cartoons, why not do something productive, like writing comic about a bloodsucking aswang who terrorizes the Filipino diaspora in California or some shit. If he’s that angry about shitty/lack of representation in Western media, he can do his
literal job and create something that isn’t some piss poor impotent incel manifesto.
These comics are a sorry attempt to cover up the fact that he’s not talented or clever or creative enough to actually do something meaningful and engaging.
No. 876986
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>>876896I don’t know if I want to keep the topic going because people are derailing it a lot but go through the #EAbaiting or #AsianFishing tag and you’ll see that they’re trying to crucify anyone who happens to look like this just because they like kawaii shit. Then they say THIS is what’s perpetuating stereotypes when this girl doesn’t even say she’s Asian and mentions time and time again that she’s white.
Their argument is that she’s “racially ambiguous” but the girl looks like every other white e-thot with heavy eyeliner. The comments on her tiktoks alone are filled with angry and jealous weebs seething that she ~sexualized~ sanrio because it’s allegedly aimed at kids.
No. 876988
>>876977>>876976Thanks you guys. I'm panicking and crying. I don't have a car so I'll have to Uber to the center and my mom is usually home so I'll have to come up with something to tell her when I go…
The IUD was only for 3 years and I was going to get a new one but yeah, he bitched about it so I took the pills instead. I should have never listened to him. Now I have to go through all of this shit. I'm so fucking stupid and stressed out and mad.
I'm never letting someone fuck me over like this again. He literally ruined my life I hate him so much
No. 876990
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>>876981>mei ling from shit bland game that no one here plays or cares about Go back to /pol/, failed woman.
No. 876995
>>876987I feel like I have to tell her because I just set an appointment and she's going to want to know where I'm going and why the toilet is about to look like a hell scape when I come back. Fuck fuck fuck.
>>876986Sorry for derailing I guess?
No. 877001
>>876995I’m assuming there’s only one toilet in your home?
If so, you can claim diarrhea. Like you had some bad fast food or something.
No. 877002
>>876988We're here for you
nonnie. Soon all of this will be behind you and you can continue with improving your life. You deserve someone way better than that shit bag and he should have never pressured you to take out your iud. Just calm your nerves as best you can and see what your best options are.
No. 877008
>>877001>>877000Yeah. Only one bathroom. She asked if I was pregnant because I couldn't keep food down and was going to buy a test for me, but I stopped throwing up as often.
I went and bought the test today and low and fucking behold. I am pregnant. I'm sure if I told my stupid ass ex he'd be happy. I have an appointment for Thursday and I want it to hurry up and get here already so I can officially end the nightmare of him. Fuck.
I'll probably tell her I'm headed out with a friend or something. This is such bullshit I'm so mad at myself for getting pregnant by him. I already felt stupid because of all the money I wasted on him and his stupid user mom, now this?
Muslim men are cursed.
No. 877012
>>876997Thanks anon. I'm so scared and literally have no one to talk to because he isolated me so bad… I lost my discord friend who I knew since 2018 or earlier because he made me delete it.
I want to call him and curse him out but I don't want him to have my number.
No. 877013
>>877008Do you know what her reaction might be considering she was already going to buy you a test? Like what would happen if she found out he got you pregnant and you don't want to keep it? Does she know how
abusive he's been towards you? Sorry if this is way too intrusive, but it's best to get whatever support you can find asap. You shouldn't go through this alone
No. 877015
>>877013I already told her I'd get an abortion and she didn't seem too happy. She knows how bad he is. She's the reason I got away. I would have been barefoot hating my life and stuck in a kitchen.
She's religious, but agrees a baby is the last fucking thing I need. So I can't really tell how she'd actually feel outside of disappointed that I fucked up this hard. So stupid of me to not tell him to get over the feeling. My other ex did. So fucking dumb. I fuckin hate him so much.
But I'm glad we broke up because he probably would have tried to convince me to keep the hellspawn. I'm grateful I'm not with him at least.
I really don't want to have to go through this alone I can't stop crying. This is the worst news of my life so far.
No. 877021
>>877016I'm tired of being a complete flop in life. I moved out to become better at this life shit and I came back with nothing. I had more going for me when I was living with her, but I met this guy and ruined everything.
Now it's literally everything and I don't know how to react. I don't know if she'll want me to keep it and I'd rather not find out. I think I'll end up telling her when it's over. I really don't want anyone trying to convince me to keep it.
No. 877046
>>877024Not Muslim but christian. I just moved back with her last Monday, I'd hope she wouldn't kick me out…
>>877026I'm definitely getting the abortion. 2 years of his shit is enough for me.
>>877027Yeah, I could really really use a friend. I'll have to make a discord. I didn't know CC was still a thing. When we had the what if talk and I said I'd get an abortion, she wasn't really supportive… When I was younger she said she'd never let me get an abortion and honestly I don't have the mental strength to have that talk for real. My life has fallen apart enough already. Now pretty much all of my energy is focused on making it to Thursday and getting this curse lifted and out of me.
No. 877068
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aaaaaaa I want a cute room I want to feel inspired in it but I'm too poor to renovate!!!!
No. 877092
>>877046Yea its still fairly active and they made a new FF thread. I can put my discord on there if you wanna talk, no pressure of course. And I get how that'd be a huge pressure you, especially when you're an adult and should feel in control of your own decisions. The last thing you need is someone making you feel bad about a decision you made with only one realistic solution. You can't raise a child you've never wanted and is a constant reminder of someone you hate, its not healthy.
>>877055I get that. There are some other natural otc meds you can take that don't work in that regard though, if you're interested in it.
No. 877096
>>877090Lesson learned. He had me under the impression that he wasn't actually Muslim because he smokes weed and was a pimp. (Yeah bad calls all around, thought I could ~change~ him or whatever). But instead of being a secular guy with a Muslim mom, he might as well have been a practicing one with his dress code rules and the way women weren't even human to him.
>You can't raise a child you've never wanted and is a constant reminder of someone you hate, its not healthy.This is why I'm so gun-ho about getting his DNA clusterfuck out of me. I know I'll hate it and that's really not fair for a poor baby. God forbid it's a girl. One time he told me if I ever got pregnant with a girl he'd try to kill us both. He of course ~apologized~ but that sealed the deal on ever reproducing for him period. I told mom he said this but I still think she'd want me to keep it because religion or something of that nature. So definitely just going to have to tell her after the fact. Probably way after the fact. Sorry God or whoever is judging me right now. I'd probably try to kill the baby myself if I carried it to term. I get how some of those homicidal new mom's with PPD feel on a new level.
No. 877101
>>877090totally never date an Arab Worshipper(was he Arab, non Arab Muslims tend to be super insecure and have a massive inferiority complex)
>>877096>Lesson learned. He had me under the impression that he wasn't actually Muslim because he smokes weed and was a pimp.Technically speaking both those things are allowed in Islam, both smoking pot and having sexual brothels, Muhammad himself was given a sex slave from Egypt as a gift
No. 877107
>>877101pot smoking is allowed for them? I wonder why his mom made such a big deal about not smoking before prayers then…
That was pretty informative actually, explains why he always acted like god's gift to earth
No. 877148
>>877144Chris Chan can use a computer too Nona.
>>877127Sounds like the fakest of the big three monotheistic religions. This just fuels my hatred even more and he didn't even practice, just had bizarre insecurities and standards for me he couldn't even hold himself too.
No. 877149
>>877138It's ok to be a tard anon, as long as you only embarrass yourself on occasion.
-am also a tard
No. 877152
>>877107As someone who spent time in a Muslim country I can confidently tell you that pot smoking and even cigarette smoking are NOT allowed. Any substance that hurts your body (alcohol, cigs, weed) isn’t allowed. You can check multiple fatwas from multiple sheikhs on this. However, cig smoking is somewhat socially acceptable, while drugs and alcohol are considered taboo. That son of a bitch was lying to you. I’m so sorry, anon.
Hopefully by this time next week you won’t be as worried and anxious. It’ll all have passed by.
No. 877165
>>877157Do you mean shisha/hookah? If you do, then yes they do have a pretty big hookah/coffeehouse culture. I’d say it’s the Arab/Muslim equivalent of English pup culture. However it is also not religiously allowed, nor is tobacco. This something that any Muslim knows.
It’s also not considered a big deal, much unlike alcohol and drugs. Oh, and it’s only not considered taboo when the men do it. A woman smoking hookah is considered very taboo—but that doesn’t stop upper middle class women form doing it anyway.
No. 877178
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Alright, the mods really need to figure out something with this disgusting porn/CP spam shit. It's embarrassing that this still happens
No. 877184
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>>877178Saw that post too. On the front fucking page. My week has been shitty enough, I really did not need to see that.
No. 877198
>>877191they're going to do it anyways, anons are allowed to express disgust.
>>877196well first and foremost you aren't paid, privacy issues, the works…
No. 877206
>>877189Let’s just keep reporting it. I really don’t wanna have to look at that image anymore, though.
>>877191You’re absolutely correct. It’s fucking awful, but you’re right. We should just stop posting about it and keep reporting until it’s gone. There’s nothing else we can really do, unfortunately.
No. 877237
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Earlier I was listening to my Spotify likes on shuffle and a song came on that I thought my husbando would really like. I forgot that he isn't real for a second.
No. 877263
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the “spotting for up to 6 months” I’m getting from my copper IUD is not blood as much as it my literal uterus wall shedding here and there.
Kinda gross but stains way less than blood I suppose
No. 877314
>>877152All I have to do is make it to Thursday and I can smile again. All I have to do is make it to Thursday…
It's hard though. Thursday seems so far away I almost regret taking the test. But I know I had too. I'm so mad at myself. But once it's over with on Thursday maybe I can start to forgive myself. So until then I guess I'll smoke myself into a coma and try and pretend everything is ok to the irl people…
No. 877315
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I’m coming to a fact that there’s no way I can live in this world for very long. There’s nothing physically wrong with me (nothing I’m aware of anyways), but I genuinely feel so tired of the prison that I know I will be in until I die. There is no getting out of it and that was just my fate unfortunately, I’m not meant to live in this world at all and all of its hidden rules and soul-sucking activities that you’ll eventually regret and the suffering you continuously have to suppress in your mind to get through the day. I will never have a good life and being drowned by wishful thinking and optimism is dumb. Lots of people in this world have to fulfill he position I am, there is no way I can change it and no control I have. It’s over, knowing I’ll never live long enough relives my anxiety. Knowing that I can leave a job because I don’t even care and want to live is relieving. Being in nature reminds me how nothingness is soothing and none of this truly matters.
No. 877373
I rushed the decision of going to uni because my parents wanted me to and I didn't know what else to do. Getting into a trade or something seemed below me, because then the years I spent in my country's equivalent of high school, crying every day and forcing myself through it, would have been totally wasted. And my grades afterwards weren't even good enough for most things, so I was too scared to apply anywhere, I didn't know what to do, who to ask and no one told me. Now I'm just trying it out, hoping for the best I guess. I'm scared that I'll fail this too and will have to apply for a trade anyway, but after having wasted my early twenties and so much of my parents money. I wish someone would just tell me what to do or that I don't need to meet any expectations and that it's fine to let things happen around me. I want to make enough money to get a nice apartment and a cat, I want enough free time to draw what I'm interested in. A job that doesn't require a degree should be sufficient for this, but for some reason I feel like I need to be better than that. Like someone is going to look down on me if they knew how much time i spent in higher education only to end up somewhere where it's completely meaningless. I'm scared of the future. I'm not suicidal, I think, but ever since I was 14 I just assumed it would end soon. I didn't plan for any of this and none of it feels real to me. I thought about getting career counseling again and telling them this time that I want to drop out and try something easier and more practical but I don't know how my parents would take it. They would probably encourage me to finish the degree first and search for something else only after I have failed. Which makes sense, but I want everything to be clear and easy now. Above all I just want to live as a shut-in neet if I'm being honest
No. 877463
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>>870927I'm sure this has been ranted about 1000x before, but i keep seeing stupid facebook posts about it and it's making me angry. fuckin' johnny depp! I see friends who share shit like picrel, also crying about johnny depps dumbass, likely just cause they want to fuck him. He dated winona ryder when she was 17 and he was 27 and had already been married once!! he took her virginity!! and since then it's been pretty much a constant stream of women at least 10 years his junior. He's a fuckin creepy moid in his 50s who married a girl in her early 30s, why should I give a shit he got rekt? I think amber heard is based af and It's making me angry that my friends would think he was a huge creep if it weren't for the fact that he's their childhood crush that starred in all their favorite edgy movies. Have some fuckin' conviction.
No. 877477
>>877472Leave them a bad review that's fucked up. We had one dog get shaved because the new girl didnt feel like dealing with the fluff, the whole damn point of spending that money to make the dog look nice. She also cut off the dogs 2nd coat which isn't supposed to be cut into for no reason.
I just wanna rant that I'm jealous of healthy cheap foods in some of Asia and the large amount of public transport with buses, trains, even boats. Sounds like a dream to just pay for a monthly transportation card instead of buying the car on top of insurance fees each month. The fact you can get onboard while tired instead of worrying about your driving at 6am, damn. I keep watching videos about how lobbying ruined many health and transportation things in the 60s-80s for burgerland it sucks. You have to go so far out of the way to be low sugar, PFAS contamination free, low sodium jesus fuck. Guess it makes sense why some of my family died early.
No. 877504
I don't know where else I can post about this but here goes. I've been trying to get pregnant with my husband for the past few months and nothing is working, and it's starting to affect how I feel about our relationship, and I guess about myself in general.
>inb4 it's me
Nah. I'm younger than him, get my periods, and I've been pregnant a couple times before–but ended in abortion. It would be so easy for him to just go get tested, but each time I ask he bumps me off and never does. He's never gotten any exes pregnant before, not even the one he was with for 10 years, and apparently she recently got preggo/had an abortion with a hookup so it ain't her either. Perhaps he's scared to find out the truth, he probably is infertile and would need to make lifestyle changes that he wouldn't and probably couldn't stick to in order to have a chance. He's been taking maca root powder, but that hasn't been successful and he doesn't stick to the routine long enough for it to work imho–I know some nonnies take maca root and believe in it but the studies are pretty shaky about it actually being beneficial for male fertility.
Of course he feels bad about it, but it's hitting me a certain way. I guess because of the fucking irony. Like of course now when I'm in a good financial place and in a healthy relationship where a pregnancy would actually be welcomed, it isn't happening. I'm angry and I don't know what to do with these feelings. He said if he winds up being infertile that I could go the surrogate sperm route but idk that's really gross to me. I'd rather adopt if it came to that but it's a huge can of worms, and all I wanted was the nice experience of reproducing with the guy I married. It hits different when you don't have a choice in the matter anymore…
No. 877513
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I'm really worried about my dad. I just want him to go to the doctor to check what the fuck is up with that weird ball he's got on his back. I nag him every day to get it checked, I wake up and tell him the same phrase every day "go to the doctor" from breakfast to dinner. He's had it for 2 years and my dumbass googled it a year ago and it said cancer. Look, I know I'm being somewhat paranoid, but like he's a bit older and I don't want him to die. I was also hoping it's just a weird hard cyst and not a tumor. I know to a certain degree that his refusal to get it checked is because of our lack of funds due to my shitty expensive uni my dad wants me to attend. How do I make this stubborn old man go to the doctor.
No. 877521
>>877504>inb4 it's meSis idk where you think we are but this is one of the few places on the internet that understand scrotes can have trash sperm and won't immediately assume you have no eggs and are solely responsible for fertility
Anyway he needs to go get fucking tested. If he can't even do that, how would be cope with being a parent? Either he doesn't care enough, he's a manchild who won't go to the doctor, or he's letting his pride get in the way of your future. Put your foot down.
No. 877549
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>I'm so successful! I moved to a new country and started my own business, it's so easy!
You moved to a third world country and kept your first world salary. Stop trying to shill your shit here. I'm getting tired of the digital nomads.
No. 877587
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This comment fills me with so much rage. If you don’t SHARE your culture, then how the fuck do you preserve it??
No. 877594
>>877587Because they're privileged kids living cozy lifes and only getting to cherrypick their ~culture~ in the form of cute clothes, food and some exoticized traditions like muh sacred sugar skulls. It's always 2nd/3rd gen immigrant kids saying this shit because they're so far detached from their parents'/grandparents' original culture that they consider it some private family ritual without realizing that there are probably millions of native people who are looking forward to introducing their culture to other parts of the world.
A good example would be kimonos, kimono designers in Japan are absolutely desperate to spread the appreciation of traditional kimonos worldwide to keep the culture alive and developing but then you get American-born Asians (3rd gen SEA immigrants and Chinese trust fund kids) throwing a screeching fit about whitey's dirty gaze being laid upon the holy nipponese garb. I will never get that photo of aforementioned "Asian American activists" yelling at a bunch of old Japanese women for holding a Kimono exhibit for westerners out of my mind.
No. 877598
>>877594What the actual fuck. They yelled at old Japanese women for .. holding a kimono exhibit? How is anyone supposed to appreciate your culture if you’re screeching and demanding it to be locked only to your communities? I’m so sick of these American raised idiots who don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.
I mentioned this in another thread but, the funniest part of these performative activists is that most of the time the stuff they’re gatekeeping is from Japan while forgetting wtf Japan did to their Great Grandparents. Lmfao
No. 877599
>>877598The thing is that it wasn't even "their culture", none of the activists iirc was of Japanese descent. It was just a bunch of spoiled "we're Asian Americans and this is Literally Killing Us" kids attempting to be woke.
>most of the time the stuff they’re gatekeeping is from Japan while forgetting wtf Japan did to their Great Grandparents. Asian countries historically took turn fucking each other up in general and currently China's fascist government is dominating the whole continent but reee how dare you wear a hello kitty shirt
No. 877633
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>>877631Even they themselves admit
No. 877643
>>877632well as a race our mentions go back to antiquity, the first mention of us is the Vedas(over 3000 years ago), where we are described as one of the illiterate and immoral meat eating barbarians, that women of our tribes are viewed as immoral and unchaste and we are used as an example of what not be like, then Arab Invasions came that we fought back, then we got in a war with the Sindhis and then got invaded by the Arabs and then various fights wit foreign peoples, some won and some lost
we have had our own kingdoms here and there, some lasted centuries and some decades, one unique cultural tradition that we maintained up until and during the colonial period was this system of how to deal with widows, most widows in other South Asian ethnic groups were expected wear white, never look another man again and continuously mourn their husbands and some were burned alive, in our culture the widow would marry the younger unmarried brother of her deceased husband and he would adopt his brother's children as his own, if he didn't have any unmarried brothers then she would be wed to his male cousins but it was a practice that helped protect widows from social isolation, everyone considered this weird and would claim it went against Islam and Hinduism
cause Islam forbids adoption and traditional Hinduism forbids remarriage
No. 877666
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>>877633This guy's inferiority complex comes up every single comic
No. 877706
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>>877699You'll be okay anon, get some water and take some deep breaths, I'm here for you!
No. 877721
>>876300The things he complains about are so fucking petty.
>Waahhh grampa told me I don't speak tagalog enough>Asian girls are partaking in white supremacy by dating white boys and not me>Boo hoo I was told I look pale for a Filipino>Whiteys are eating and making muh cuisine, waah>muh bamboo ceiling>Learning Spanish in school is LITERAL GENOCIDE >Why are there no Asian vampires???? racistsHe has such a ridiculous whiney inferiority complex he's basically self-sabotaging at record speeds. What's funny is that he grew up in Iceland and Italy, not America, so these comics just seem like some weird re-imagining of his life if he grew up in the US based on stereotypes he heard from others.
No. 877729
>>877433>>877434It's just that in my country you can leave school after the 10th grade to get into a trade and start earning money, but I tortured myself for three extra years to get the higher degree that lets you get into uni. Not using it would feel like a waste and even though I passed okay overall I got bad grades in the important subjects (like math and my country's language) so after finishing school I was too exhausted to think a lot about it and too scared to apply anywhere, all places want those specific grades to be good, the rest doesn't matter. So I worked as a cleaner for vacation homes until the first semester started and that's my only job experience so far. At this point I feel like I'm not good enough to get into a trade but also feel like working a trade isn't what I'm supposed to be doing since everyone always told me about my "potential"
>>877440Same, all the teachers and my parents kept on talking about uni to then get into a well-paying job even though trades are probably just as profitable if you're only average in your major. I'm scared of dropping out though, what if other paths also don't suit me? I want everything to be sorted out now and I don't want to burden my parents any further, I'm just too disconnected from it all to actually do something about it
No. 877733
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People who say that they'd rather be homeless than live with roommates get under my skin. Not everyone can afford to live alone, especially in my area which is HCOL. How fucking privileged and naive do you have to be…
No. 877734
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>>877721speaking of Asian American Incels, I've noticed a lot of these guys are obsssed with "Genghis Khan" and Mongolian imagery cause they conquered parts of Europe, but do they know that Genghis Khan killed substantially more Asian people then White People, hell during the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty there was a official caste system in which Ethnic Chinese were at the 3rd lowest No. 877746
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I'm so done I want to cry there's always something wrong with my documents, I'm supposed to be eligible for transport reduction but the justification they're asking for just got taken away from me without notice so I have to sort that shit first now.
No. 877821
>>877636I've been posting on both for years and yeah, there's definitely more LSA posters making the transition to lolcow. I can tell because of the reaction images of black celebrities and slang posting. Or maybe it's just one chick sticking out like a sore thumb
>>877642Is she the one that made the race-baity black girl thread? I hope she grows out of that phase and touches some irl grass soon
No. 877864
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Any anons from/live in Colorado here?
I really have to vent. WHAT do restaurants here have against seasonings? Hell, why do they hate salt and pepper, even? I’ve lived here for all of two months, sometimes I’m tired after work and don’t feel like cooking, so I go out to some cute little local place and… GET SERVED PLAIN, BOILED, NOT SEASONED FOOD EVERY TIME. I thought the meme where I’m from that “yankies don’t use salt” was a lie, but I’ve come to find out this stereotype is true for a reason. Now, I’m not overweight myself, but I’ll tell you the stereotype of Southerners being obese is true too, in case you were curious. And it’s because the food is fucking delicious. It’s really hard not to eat 10 whole pieces of chicken fried chicken smothered in gravy with biscuits on the side. I love everything else about Colorado, but goddamn, the restaurants here just makes me sad and angry.
No. 877874
>>877864You have to live on the perimeter of the US to have delicious food. Middle-America has shit taste in just about everything. I lived on the west coast for a few years (im scandi), and there’s lots of good variety and international options.
Maybe you just have to cook at home though. I never had southern food, but I always wanted to try it, sounds delicious.
No. 877879
>>877782>>877839This Aiden pissed me off from the start by asking for my pronouns when they asked no one else for theirs and clearly did it because I'm the only GNC person here. I wanted to troll her and say I had some dumb neopronouns but my boss was there so I just said "I'm a woman". Then when I was talking to a co-worker about planning my wedding (I work with my fiancée) she approached me to tell me how great it is to work with other queers and I had a very strong urge to punch the little midget. I told them never to call me that again and left the room before I said anything that would get me in trouble. I get that she's young but ffs, a lot of us oldfags have a strong aversion to being called queer, it's common sense not to call every gay or bi person you meet that. Fucking zoomers, man. They think if you don't like being called queer it's "
terf rhetoric". "Learn your history!" they shout, while never learning theirs. Well, maybe not her history, I'd bet my paycheck she's heterosexual.
No. 877890
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>>877868oh shit def need to take my iron pills again which I’ve been lacking for over 6 months..
I’m also vegetarian so low white blood cell count is actually a concern but otherwise I had my first period and it wasn’t any longer than my usual periods but a bit heavier on the first 2 days, with cramps coming back now that I’m off the pill.
Thanks for the warning though, I’ll keep rolling with it for now because I’ll take cramps over taking a pill and the side effects etc.
No. 877903
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>>877864>>877874>>877897>>877901Middle American was colonized and settled mostly by German protestants, who purposely secluded themselves and lived lives without vice or enjoyment, most of these sects didn't even allow coffee
No. 877916
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My parents came home from Costco with a giant three pack of jam even though I have homemade blueberry jam in the fridge that I have been trying to get them to try for weeks because it's fucking delicious but noooooo, let's just buy this shitty excuse for jam instead. Homemade jam is in a league of it's own, so easy to make and fruits in our neighborhood are so cheap that I refuse to go back to store bought jam.
No. 877922
>>877916omg anon I would love some jam on some homemade fresh baked bread.
Reminds me of the breakfasts my grandma would make when she needed to tend to the farm early morning. Homemade jam every season with cheese and bread. Didn’t mean to blogpost on your vent but that brought back nice memories.
but back on topic, homemade jam is sweet and perfect enough to not warrant all that sugar and chemicals, wish you parents could enjoy your local handmade jam instead
No. 877932
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>>877922Anon that's such a cute memory! Homemade jam is perfectly sweet but not disgusting, and there's so much more variety to be had! I remember my host mom had made homemade strawberry jam and it was otherworldly.
>>877925I do want to make strawberry jam next! I just made blueberry jam because I had a pack of blueberries in the fridge that I forgot about but it was too much to eat before it went bad so I made jam with it lol.
No. 877974
>>877879Good lord I cringed reading this, being an oldfag GNC lesbian myself I too would be ridiculously offended at some zoomer asking for my pronouns and calling me "queer". How the fuck do you even handle a situation like that without getting written up, I have no idea
>>877930I work in IT and while there are a ton of programmer sock troons they rarely work, they're usually "indie game devs" writing shitty coomer transbian visual novels with some web based engine or bad pixel art platformers in unity and hustling nudes on the side for a coin. I've only met FTMs and they're usually either old school truscums or too meek and shy to cause a scene about gendershit. I know only one MTF who has been able to work a regular job and that's only because he was working there before transitioning. More often than not they're just straight out crappy programmers because they refuse to learn new skills due to their autism making them rather pick 10-year old obscure tools and in the case they're actually competent they're hell to work with in a team setting and nobody would ever want to hire them. If they ever even applied for jobs instead of "freelancing" i.e. bitching at people in open source projects and generally being insufferable spergs amidst suicide baiting.
No. 878007
>>877963Jam is stupid easy anon, and that's coming from me who's a mediocre cook! I followed this video but many others are pretty similar. anon! I hope you'll make the most delicious jam.
No. 878032
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If I saw my mom as not a mother but any other person in my life and judged her that way, I'd say I have pretty toxic relationship with her. She always complains, talks to me about things I dont care about (and I have to pretend I do), judges others, blames me on our money situation, gets inestable or angry out of nowhere, wants to die soon ish BUT ALSO makes me feel guilty because she's sick with low mobility and shes always hurting. She never wants help and pretends things are fine. And I am scared of abandoning her because she might die or something. Just like my dad died in 2016.
But I want to get out of here as soon as I can… I just cant do it yet. I feel dumb. Help? I think once I leave this place I will have a better quality of life.
No. 878034
I'm a CSA survivor but it's something that hasn't really had an effect on me (I think). I don't know what CSA survivors typically go through, but I lived a relatively normal life growing up. Maybe my shit self esteem, attention seeking behavior, and hypersexuality stemmed from it, or maybe that might've just been puberty. I don't know if I should ever tell my parents about it, and at this point I don't know if it's worth it.
I was sexually abused by my babysitter's son, and my babysitter was aware of it. I remember being taken into the bathroom and made to lean over the edge of the tub and then feeling something painful. I remember him making the other girl there with me get on all fours, and I remember him trying to get me to blow him but I just kept holding his dick with my teeth. I also remember being made to sit by myself in the hallway just outside of the bathroom, looking up at this calendar that I thought had a creepy image. My parents stopped having that lady babysit me, not because I was being sexually abused, but because she tried taking away one of my toys and I held on to the point where she dislocated my arm from pulling so hard.
I'm not angry, and I'm not humblebragging about how the experience didn't completely destroy my life, but I also feel weird remembering that this was an actual thing that happened to me but it's just another memory to me. It has no more of an effect on me as when I remember jumping off my couch while holding a balloon thinking I'd swing like Tarzan. This isn't really a vent but it doesn't seem appropriate for any other thread.
No. 878133
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>>878110Understandable and you're welcome.
No. 878160
>>877068I feel you, anon. i want new cute things for my room, but everything is so expensive. I think you can buy one piece at a time at least
>>878136Glad she was able to help her sister. That's so gross. how do you even cheat right before your wedding?? i dont get the point if you wanna leave, just leave.
No. 878163
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I have to work with a lot of new hires and it really fucking sucks explaining the same basic bullshit over and over to teenagers who dont really want to work.
No. 878167
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>>878106wait no but I am homo. I'll still share my jam with you in a non-homo way though
No. 878176
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>>878172Absolutely anon ♥
No. 878181
>>878034It's a defence mechanism, your brain doesn't connect any emotion to the memories because they're too traumatic. I think it falls under dissociation but I'm not sure. I saw my dad beat up his then gf to bloody pulp when I was a kid but to me it's just another memory as well. I remember there was blood on the walls and I remember the cops but there's no emotion attached to the memory. It has still fucked me up but in more covert ways.
Attention seeking and hypersexuality are very common symptoms for csa survivors.
No. 878184
>>878174I was actually considering that briefly but like you, I felt cringe. I'm an Arab but still it feels like I'd be "intruding" even though I know I wouldn't be perceived that way. My ex who died, she was Buddhist. After her death I spent a lot of time in temples basically venting to these poor fucking monks who had to deal with me and the kindness blew me away. I turned up drunk, I turned up high, didn't matter. They gave me tea, they calmed me down, they listened and let me pay my respects. I need to get over myself and fuck feeling "cringe" and try it out. Thanks for the reply, anon.
>>878176Thank you very much, Jam-Chan. ♥
No. 878248
>>877729>It's just that in my country you can leave school after the 10th grade to get into a trade and start earning moneyGermany? (In that case, maybe ask in the kraut thread, for more specific advice)
I feel for you. I'm in a bit of a similar situation where I can't entirely see past my own expectations of myself, which I realize are largely my parents' expectations, that I have internalized.
Personally, I think it's not worth it for you to suffer over something you don't really want. But you have to find your own answers. What would you do if your parents weren't in the picture? Why do you see trades as lesser? Are those reasons even relevant to you? What can you imagine yourself doing for the next couple of years? How much money do you need for the lifestyle you want? Maybe write some questions down and see what answers you can come up with.
I don't think you'll be rejected from trades. Seems like you've been thought that academic achievement is all that matters. But it's not nearly as important there and even if it was, since you have three years of extra schooling your miles ahead of the requirements.
>I'm scared of the future. I'm not suicidal, I think, but ever since I was 14 I just assumed it would end soon. I didn't plan for any of this and none of it feels real to me.Have you ever talked about this to a friend or a therapist? That seems pretty heavy to be dealing with alone.
No. 878249
>>878245Sorry man but I definitely judge pretty women who date ugly men. I usually assume that they have a poor self image and feel sorry for them
Anyway I'm glad that you're free of him now
No. 878344
>>878333don't worry
nonnie I got you
No. 878391
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Dear females, this is why I sometimes fantasize about rape.
It's about having someone give up, submit, understand that I'm in control and I can do what I want, I'm 20 times physically stronger than you and you have no choice but to let me do it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 878418
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I keep getting women in my dm's who after a while, try to sell me their OF. I feel a bit insulted because sending random, half nudes doesn't work on me because I'm not a man and they think crap like that would work.
There are very very little bi/les women in my country and now the ones contacting me are sex workers. Damn I must be ugly or some shit.
No. 878425
>>878418you aren't ugly babe, dating apps are a shitshow even for straight people but probably even moreso for lesbians with all of the unicorn hunters and other bullshit out there. I hope you find a gf anon
>>878424I'm straight and even I know that wouldn't work lmao
No. 878433
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>>878413All I can do is look through the gaijin gyaru tag on tiktok or twitter and think about how some of these people would have been roasted to hell and back if Gyaru secrets was still a thing. Gyaru is also coming back in style for the weebs and they’re trying really hard to say that you don’t need the clothes and hair to be gal which is literally 80% of it. I just want to do silly gossip, not nitpicking e-girls who show their butthole for money.
No. 878457
>>878447I've seen men claim this too and it's utter fucking bullshit, you don't even need to look up specific studies about "empathy", the proof is in the pudding.
>look up any violence/murder/abuse statistics, 90%+ of it is committed by men>the most patriarchal/chauvinistic countries in the world punish women for getting raped and throw gay people off of buildings>a huge amount of male suicides are murder suicides>a ton of porn features violence/choking, women getting degraded/dehumanized, go to any porn site and scroll and you'll see it immediately. even if a man doesn't jerk off to it he knows it exists and doesn't care>incel forumsAnd trust me there are more examples, I just can't think of them.
Lmao @ "Karens" as the example for women lacking empathy. Because we all know middle aged white women asking to speak to the manager because they got her food wrong is totally the same thing as murdering women because they won't fuck you.
>even moids usually harp on "women take care of kids because it's in their nature hurrdurr"Men flip flop on this, when a woman wants to be a lawyer or a business woman it's "women are too empathetic and nurturing for the cold competitive world of business" but when they turn you down it's "women are cold hearted evil bitches who don't care about my feelings and only care about money"
No. 878472
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>finish first small procject
>go and publish it on github pages
>it won't use my css file
I tried everything on how to link it and I don't want to waste another hour on figuring it out
No. 878618
>>878615My relationships always end around the 2.5 year mark and being honest..I'm usually hit with an awareness that I was pretty unhappy for most of that time. I don't even fully see it til I'm out of the situation and reflecting back on it.
I don't know how people last years and years either.
No. 878738
>>878641I've been in the mental health system in my country for 20 years (from 12 to 32) and I've never accessed therapy in that time. I've tried to but you get meds and nothing else. An appt 4 times a year to check that your meds are semi working…and you're in and out the door in under 5 mins. That's the extent of what free mental health care is where I am. I have CSA in my past and when I first was put on meds social services knew there was abuse in the home. Still no counselling. I don't know how high the bar is set in order to be referred for it.
It's weird to think how an awful lot of people on psych meds are getting their prescription for free here, I've known people on 6 or 7 meds all at once…drugged up to the eyeballs and it's all paid for. But therapy is the one thing that can't be provided? I suspect it'd work out cheaper in the long run to give people therapy and cut back on the obscene amount of drugs they give some people to numb them out from unresolved trauma.
No. 878759
I just want to get this off my chest I guess.
I've come to realise I have a huge fear of stagnation, and I strongly associate any kind of stability with stagnation. My hometown friends have had the same job for 5+ years and one even bought a house and the idea disgusts me, like I have this visceral reaction that I'm so glad that's not me. Since I was 20 I've never spent more than 2 years in the same place doing something similar, and have lived in 3 other countries overall.
When I was young I'd yearn to leave my small hometown and just get out. Get out of my town, from the people I know, and away from my (decently run, developed) country. But now at 30 I've realised I keep doing the same shit. When I settle a little I think i'm wasting my life because it's not what I really want to do, and I go somewhere else to do something else. New social net, new town, new environment over and over.
And I'm not rich, I don't have savings, this process is stressful. I wish I could just pick and settle somewhere, because at this age and onwards I think it's going to affect me long term. And the more time I'm indecisive about it, the less time I'll have to live my "actual" life once I do find my place. But then the concept of being in one country, choosing that for LIFE? That, to me, feels impossible.
No. 878769
>>878759I'm early thirties and I met a guy lately who is the same age and similar to you. He's lived across different countries and he takes off every couple of years for somewhere new. I'm so different that I found it hard to understand the drive that's behind it. I just bought a house myself. I didn't know whether to think he's running away from internal issues or whether he's just different.
How do you deal with relationships if you like to move around? I'm thinking it must get in the way when the itch to move kicks in again and your partner might not want to join you. Do you date or skip it?
No. 878780
>>878775First of all, dump him.
Second of all, you have to make friends at the beginning of your studies before groups are formed. It's possible to join a group later, but it's hard unless you're a social butterfly and liked by many already.
No. 878817
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Sometimes I hate that I come to this website but my friends don’t understand some of things that bother me or don’t have similar interests. I get genuinely good advice here even if it comes off bitchy sometimes but it’s nice to be somewhere I can talk to others anonymously without fear of being judged in person. To think I used to be afraid of imageboards but as long as I maintain my thick skin, it makes this place that much more tolerable. Thank you for being honest but nice assholes.
No. 878818
>>878775Pre-covid, I always suggested joining clubs. Clubs were my bread and butter to making friends- you join a group of people where you already have a common interest, and upperclassmen/existing members are generally very nice because they need/want new members in order to keep the club alive (I can also attest to this because my friends were part of a board for a club and did put up and were very nice with the literal autists in our club). Outside of clubs, I made a handful of friends in the variety of classes I took, but I think friendships will usually blossom in the first few days/weeks before everyone settles in. Language classes are usually the best opportunity to make friends too since you'll have to practice speaking and will be put into groups/paired up for practice. There's also volunteer opportunities, and maybe joining something like a conversation partner program to help international students with their English.
In current times, I honestly don't know how the fuck people are making friends in uni anymore without being introduced to someone. I really hope you'll meet some people anon. If not in uni, hopefully after graduation. I had a small friend circle in uni but stopped being friends with most of them because it turns out they were shitty, and after gradating I worked a retail job with lots of cool people around my age and befriended a lot of people there. It's really, really hard to put yourself out there, but I hope you may find a circle of friend who accepts you and cherishes your company!
No. 878841
>>878722I called the crisis hotline, and explicititly stated I DO NOT WANT MORE MEDS THEY DON'T WORK
Therapy? 5 year wait, no can do. You should try more meds!
No. 878857
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Do high-functioning autists not shower??? Like there are incredibly low-functioning autists but damn the ones who can actually talk and function aren’t stupid enough to not simply take soap, a washcloth or loafa and WASH THEMSELVES? I’m sperging myself but it isn’t neurodivergent to stink, it’s so incredibly basic among animals (humans are animals) that cats can self-clean themselves. No one is saying to constantly shower in a day like just don’t be a stinky tourneyfag or cartoon convention bum it’s 1-2-3 autists love math don’t they??? 1-2-3 BOOM you’re clean. I’m crying that the standards are so incredibly low, just because society is inherently against disabled people does not mean you get to go buck wild and stink, have some self-respect for yourselves pls. Dove, Dial, Squatch, Brave, Irish Spring would love to introduce themselves to you, they’ll be your new friends in the shower habitually <3
No. 878867
>>878857They hate the
sensory stimulus of water all over their body or some shit.
No. 878897
>>877706I came to vent again and I just saw this reply super late and it was so cute, it made me feel better
nonny, ily
No. 878992
>>878857For some, iyts not the autism itself that keeps them from washing, it's the depression that comes with it
For some, the sensation of the water hitting their skin is unpleasant
No. 878999
My neighbor's daughter, bless her little heart, is so obnoxious. She screams at the top of her lungs all day every day (while playing). No I'm not going to tell a little girl she is being too loud and no I don't blame the parents for their kid having tons of energy. But I'm still going to vent about it on lol cow dot farm. It's no wonder her parents have her play outside all day long. I think I'd blow my brains out if she was doing that in my house all day. It already sounds like she's screaming right next to me when I am in my bathroom. Sadly I'm in a two year lease lol so I have to get used to it. But I also have to admire her stamina. It's as if the only time she isn't screaming is when she's breathing between screams. How tf does she never go hoarse?
>>878985No, I wouldn't. Because I know if I did they would use my influence as a platform as they have done with other influential people who have spoken out. I would block and ignore to keep them off my page while not giving them any words they could use to fuel a campaign against me. They actively look for influential people to talk shit on them so they can beg for money from handmaidens. Best to not give them that opportunity.
No. 879065
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I'm one of the fucking cancer anons and while I am pretty okay for the most part, what kills me lol is that I don't qualify for any mental help, because I don't require radiation (yet) and I seem too stable. I am unmedicated bipolar ass bitch, with an ed and cancer. The moment I am left alone, all I can think about is my mom having to make calls about having me cremated and me somehow having to face dead relatives who hate me, I don't wanna have to see my dad wtf. I can't talk about this stuff, I never talk about this stuff because not many know. Please no cancer questions, I am not up for any.
No. 879086
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My mom threatened to break any future coffee mugs if I keep buying more. It’s not far, man.
No. 879125
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I have eyebags like Shayna. I don't even drink and I live a healthy lifestyle please how do I change them
No. 879128
>>879065 Can you ask your mom to email different therapists or go through your GP? I'm really surprised your oncologist can't refer you to one.
Anyway if you wanna talk about it with someone who's gone through cancer I'm in the discord server, sending you love anon
No. 879131
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I am always worried about how others view me. Ever since I've tried to attract a boyfriend I've been dressing more feminine and I guess I've "glown up". I've gotten so many positive comments about it, even ones telling me to go into modeling (which is like, the biggest compliment)… but I hate my hair this way and I don't like the way I dress. I want to look like a dyke, like I used to in high school. Do I conform and feel validated, or do I look cringe but feel free?
No. 879162
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I hate tiktok bitches who call themselves what they obviously are not she is not a gyaru
No. 879281
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Have to pull an all-nighter for work, which I haven't done since college (and haven't missed) but the people I work with are inconsiderate dumbasses and the client won't budge on deadline. I already did the whole "screaming into my hands" freakout and I'm perpetually on the verge of angry tears though now I'm just trying to look at the bright side of it, like maybe I can listen to a nice audiobook and make a good cup of coffee
No. 879316
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I hate my coworker so fucking much, the stupid cunt never does shit ever since she's started working from home so it all falls on me and I can't keep up anymore and end up making mistakes. I might end up losing my job because of this.
No. 879323
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can tranny devitos just be b& from marvel shit i’m tired
No. 879325
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>try to enrol into college
>get good results (A) in what I want to study, but overall have meh scores (B-C)
>not enough to get in any good college
>need to beg for table scraps from the good colleges and hope that some students drop out so I can enrol
>the shit schools aren't emailing me, so I can't enrol rn
I feel like my grades aren't good enough at all, even if they're not bad. I envy how my mom could just easily waltz into college when she was younger even though she got mediocre results
No. 879330
>>879317No because I'll just end up looking like I'm trying to make excuses and my boss likes my coworker a lot more than me. Every time something goes wrong she emails or messages me first to ask who fucked up because she simply expects it from me.
I honestly think I'll try to start looking for a new job next week because the pay is shit anyway.
No. 879375
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God I hate this. 95% of her comments are young girls saying how she is beautiful and a queen. She is terribly overweight and her tiktoks are so cringy. It makes me want to scream that she is being encouraged the stay this way. She also claims that BMI is a shit way to measure health, is stigmatising lmao and does not take into account different races, body sizes and sexes.. why do people encourage and compliment this?
No. 879471
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Fuck you guys for turning my attempt at bringing back a thread into an annoyance. Maybe some deserve to stay dead.
No. 879581
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>>879564Macron and his haunted scarecrow wife ruin your theory. Also pic related.
No. 879587
nonnie? macron was a student of his wife I think like
>>879570 talked about kek
No. 879589
>>879564Could be that most men in younger age groups are immature morons. Perhaps the older men get put on a pedestal because while they may have some typical male attitudes, they're at least established and have something to offer in exchange for dealing with their shortcomings. If an older man isn't hideous and doesn't have limp dick, then those are perks.
Every time I've seen an older woman with a younger man, it's because the guy is dicking her, but also being babied by her. Coomers love the idea of a sugar mama who will basically pay their way and give them desperate older lady sex.
I myself don't ever see getting with a younger dude because I can't stand their selfishness, immaturity, lack of skill and life experience, brokeness, and all the while they have an air of superiority even when they're losers compared to the women they date. How can any older woman feel sexy and empowered while basically hand holding and taking care of scrotes? Yeah nah, male looks and dick aren't that good to be putting up with that. And what judgments do older woman × young male couples get anyway? Weird looks like the women are milfy creeps, and then everyone tells the scrote in question that he can do better.
I hate to say it but an older man seeking out a young woman makes more social sense. Scrotes get tons of social status for being old yet dating a young hottie out of their league. And we all know for the most part that women tend to be the more doting and responsible partner no matter their age. Moids have nothing to lose and everything to gain by dating younger. Whereas women are just judged more and have a lot to socially, financially, and emotionally lose.
No. 879610
>>879608My boyfriend had the same problem. Always clogged the toilet, pooped every few days. I kept insisting he take some fiber so it wouldn't be so rough on the plumbing but he refused. After two years he finally started taking some fiber capsules and worked up to enough to poop regularly and he never clogs the toilet anymore. He still takes big shits they just break down more when they are flushed. It saved the plumbing. It will help with the tearing and bleeding, too.
tl;dr You need more fiber in your diet or take fiber supplements to save your plumbing and asshole.
No. 879611
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i wish people stopped trying to sabotage me trying to become healthier
No. 879627
>>879611That post is a cope holy shit. Yeah you loose weight and probably "look better" but it seems like they have some unhealthy thinking habits that need to be unpacked in a therapist's office. All those "probably" isn't really a productive way of thinking. If OP's hair and nails are getting fucked up it's possibly a deficiency of some sort and maybe didn't lose weight in a healthy way.
Wish ya luck on your health journey, anon!