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No. 831513
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males who are obsessed with anime
pathetic, disgusting, low testosterone
No. 831549
>>831541im sorry anon
idk why steam is offering porn games as animated backgrounds and icons you can pay for now
No. 831563
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I hate Google search now, it's borderline unusable. Half the time I get weird spam sites as the top results and it's difficult to find results matching what I want, they always direct me to woke news articles that are only marginally related to the topic I'm searching, like they're only showing what they want me to see. They fucked it up real bad.
No. 831594
>>831582>scraper sitesI had no idea that's what they're called! Thanks to you, I found something vaguely helpful. We can report those sites. I wouldn't do that to 'help Google' but cause I genuinely hate them. article on wikipedia was enlightening for me
>Some programmers who create scraper sites may purchase a recently expired domain name to reuse its SEO power in Google. Whole businesses focus on understanding all expired domains and utilising them for their historical ranking ability exist. Doing so will allow SEOs to utilize the already-established backlinks to the domain name. Some spammers may try to match the topic of the expired site or copy the existing content from the Internet Archive to maintain the authenticity of the site so that the backlinks don't drop. For example, an expired website about a photographer may be re-registered to create a site about photography tips or use the domain name in their private blog network to power their own photography site.This explains why so many of those websites have random Polish urls.
No. 831602
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I like some BL myself occasionally and I'm fine with shipping but I absolutely hate how delusional Fujos can be about their head-canons, I mean their are some fujos who are 100% convinced characters were supposed to be gay all along but were changed in the last minute to appease the "Straights" or were made to be "queer-coded" and what's worse is when this delusion gets applied with real life people
One infamous example of this is Louis fake baby conspiracy, which is something idiots actually believed and were obsessed about, that Louis Tomilson(a member of one direction) relationship and his child were all fake and that he was actually gay and was seeping with Harry styles
It got so bad that the mother of his child Briana Jungwirth was harassed on social media by these morons who said that she was setting back gay rights[ No. 831921
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How stupid easy it was for me to get pregnant when I was younger and when a baby would have ruined me, and how much harder to get pregnant is now that I'm older but in a financial advantage with a husband who loves me.
No. 831932
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Drag queens and anyone into them
No. 831958
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Fucking tags in fanfics, also warnings, like bitch, just read the story, if you don’t like it you can close it and look for your shitty cosplay ASMR videos so they can help you cope.
It spoils the whole thing if you know how to fucking read, it’s infuriating when the story is decent and while reading you remember a fucking tag you passed by telling you the whole issue of the fucking story.
Fuck. Tags.
No. 831969
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I hate home decor with words or phrases on them. I don't need some faggy ass pillow telling me how to think or feel. Stay in your lane, homeshit. I am the master of my domain, I make the rules here. Even worse when it literally says "home" on it or if it's some retarded kitchen tchotchke with the word "eat" printed on it. Motherfucker I know where I am and what to do here, mind your damn business.
No. 832003
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>>831513Men who watch anime are bottom of the barrel.
>>831562Ugh, agree. That shit is so nasty and uncomfortable. On that note, i hate men who associate neutering their dog to themselves. Like, it's a dog. just get them snipped. "I dont wanna do that to my boy" type guys. they're so retarded and rather have them be in heat every so often.
No. 832065
>>832003>>832057>>831562tbh i don't like "dog guys". i like dogs just fine, tbh so im not going to sperg about pets. it's just that "dog guys" always have this pathetic, gross masculinity complex they're projecting onto a damn animal. they always have a male dog, and it's not fixed, and it has its poor ears cropped probably because he literally just got it to look "tough". and it's not trained for shit.
legit one time at the grocery store i saw a guy with an adorable pit bull puppy, and i couldn't stop myself from going "aww, so cute!" i didn't even ask to pet it or anything and the dude glared at me and tugged it away as the puppy wagged its tail at me and tried to come closer. like what the fuck. poor thing probably never gets affection and never will. fuck guys like that
No. 832269
>>831908>“sCiEnCe iS aWeSomEpeak reddit behavior, agree it's insufferable
>>832003>On that note, i hate men who associate neutering their dog to themselves. Like, it's a dog. just get them snipped. "I dont wanna do that to my boy" type guys.I swear to god it's some behavior
triggered by a subconscious fear of castration. I've met sensible men who acted like this even though it was necessary to neuter the dog (otherwise, it would get a cancer in the next 4 years and die). Men really be mourning their dog's balls when snipping them can be lifesaving and make the dog happier longterm (okay, I shouldn't speak for dog, but what I mean is that they are not wrecked by an intense biological need they cannot fulfill).
>>832056I agree (?) this sucks, hope we get a borzoi in the next one
No. 832351
>>831908Yep I know exactly what you're talking about, the annoying ass "I fucking love science!!11!" crowd who only just repost pictures of space and jerk off over Marvel superheroes.
>>832065I truly think a lot of men have a very weird relationship with their dogs if they own one lol. Like I can't tell you the amount of women I've come across who complain about their boyfriends or husbands being so attached and in love with their pet dog and how they coddle and give more attention to them then their actual partners. I mean just go on something like dogfree on reddit and the amount of women posting about these kinds of stories is insane. I don't mind dogs overall, but men who are obsessed with their own dog creep me out. It's funny how the stereotype usually goes that women feel more attracted to a guy if he owns a dog, but definitely not me - if I was going on a date with a man and he couldn't stop sperging over his dog I'd run fast and never look back
No. 832384
>>831960I don’t mind if they tag horny shit because not everyone is into that, but tagging stuff like
>drug use>minor character death>kidnapping And stuff like that ends up spoiling the story, or when some bitches start basically chatting in the tags like
>Character is funny xDD>Character is depress:(((>Character hates Character xDD>Character wants this two end!1!1! It’s so retarded, I end up never reading those even if I like the characters because it’s already spoiling the whole ass story.
No. 832506
>>832459This gave me horrible flashbacks. It's the worst when they don't even have any kind of scientific background and they explain basic concepts as if they're mind-blowing.
That reminds me, I hate how presumptuous some guys can be to actual people in science, especially women. It feels like most men in non-STEM fields are impressed by a STEM degree unless you're a woman, they talk over you so often it's insane. I had a man who was a philosophy major tell me biology wasn't a real science like physics and I honestly had no idea what to say, we were in a seminar class together and once I mentioned something I had learned in another class and he raised his hand to basically tell the professor after looking it up on Google that the disease I had mentioned was a real disease. Like, yeah, what did you think?
No. 832527
>>832351>>831908>>831950Semi-related to this, Reddit skincare enthusiasts who just smugly parrot something someone else in their circlejerk wrote and watch Hyram on YouTube who himself drinks from the same poisoned well.
Every concern or question about
toxic chemicals will have the same canned response of "um actually sweaty
everything is a chemical", and make fun of OP. Even though that's usually not what the person wondering wants to know and they know it, they just want to feel superior.
What people usually mean by that is they are scared of dangerous synthetic substances that are poorly researched, I thought that was obvious, even if poorly worded?
Not everyone who doubts the ethics of a multi-billion dollar industry is an essential oil-peddling, anti-vaxxer naturopath. I'm beginning to think many of them are corporate shills the way they all parrot the same phrases and pool of information. I used to be one of them myself until the cult mentality started pissing me off.
There are thousands of shitty ingredients still in use industrially, the law is too slow to keep up with all of them, it's reasonable to be sceptical, and the current PFAS scandal is proof of this. I've been called all sorts of names for being scared of this and I love being proven right.
No. 832530
>>832527samefag, forgot to link to this website which is cool but clearly made by a redditor. The whole website has the same patronizing tone, from the dumbed down explanations to the "Goodie!" and "Icky!" labels on some ingredients.
No. 832553
>>831908It completely astonished me the amount of scrotes who maintain this brainless IFLScience mentality even through and beyond actually acheiving a STEM degree. They're science fans, not scientists.
In physics in particular, anyone studying astrophysics was a drooling cretin. Particle physicists were less awful but CERN made sure there were still plenty fanboys.
Female only STEM university when??
No. 832638
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I hate hate HATE having to do something later in the day.
My ADHD is so bad and I’m so awful at time management as it is, I always leave too early or too late and I’m constantly afraid I’ll get distracted and forget my engagement entirely. I can’t concentrate on work because I have a haircut at 3 fuuuuck
No. 833008
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I hate Demi Lovato. She just looks unhinged and unstable, and everything she does is stupid, pathetic and laughable.
No. 833235
>>832188Dumbass fucking take
Drag queens are obsessed with female performers and their knowledge and study of female artists would put you through a brick wall. Also if they have a “stereotypical” character it’s a reflection of the things they love. A ditzy dumb bitch stereotype is the man poking fun at himself, not at women as a whole. They love women. They’re just performance artists and artists in general, making their own clothes and doing their own makeup.
No. 833242
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>>833235>They love women.This you?
No. 833249
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Woketard zoomers claiming anyone wearing cutesy make up and being a weeb is "asianfishing", I genuinely don't know why this makes me so autistically pressed but oh well.
No. 833330
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I hate Summer. With every fiber of my being. I'm pretty sure I wrote the same thing about last winter, but god do I hate summer. Ice age when
No. 833380
>>833330Agreed. Fuck summer. Everyone looks ugly and uncomfortable. If I have to see another black tank top with neon bra straps digging into sunburnt skin I'm gonna throw something.
Also I saw a family at the grocery store today with two kids in their underwear and the youngest completely naked. There's not even a beach or lake in my town, what's wrong with parents.
No. 833771
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>>831456 tedtalk of a 10 year old (with what seems like a full face makeup also) talking about how she can't wait to be an adult and work all the time. I hope in few years she'll enter her teenage rebel phase and become a hippie or something.
No. 833780
>>833771Whenever I see a child who's too career or interest oriented about anything, it makes me sick because I know an overbearing parent is coaching that child to be whoever they want them to be.
She's only 10 and she looks and talks like someone who's 20 years old. Something is seriously wrong with that picture.
Her daddy is the billionaire Grant Cardone watching in the audience @2:05, note the creepy lizard people behind him. He got his little girl up on the stage to perform and tell the children watching that they can be just like billionaires if they work hard and start early enough.
No. 833804
>>833771Why did I have to see this. This is so creepy. I hate seeing girls dressed and made to look like grown women, she even behaves like one.
Teenage rebel phase, please save her.
No. 833838
>>833800yeah I've had a morbid interest as I follow art tube in general so I have watched a few. all of them going "Well not me! I only looked because of the drama! Idk how to use it! i've never been on a… I think the technical term is "forum" before"
either they are protesting too much and they all know perfectly well how to use an image board
or they're admitting to being too stupid to comprehend something as extremely simple as using an image board
No. 833864
>>833800Those are the people you don't trust. They're just trying to make it look like they don't browse here.
Many of them do and that's why so many know the hot goss.
No. 833949
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plastic surgery in hollywood, especially one done on underage girls like breast implants and lip injections
No. 834320
>>834300Depends on the context.
I personally hate it when I'm arguing in good faith and staying on the subject, and then the knuckleheadn I'm arguing with who's feeling less and less like they're ahead try to bring up irrelevant points and criticisms by scouring my social history looking for a gotcha. If it's relevant, sure, but I'd say whenever this happened to me it was usually done by a male who felt threatened.
No. 834461
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People who get rich off doing retarded shit and the even bigger scumbags who profit off giving them a platform.
Gorilla Glue woman is now pregnant with her sixth child and is resorting to peddling her snake oil which she claims she used to grow 3 inches of hair in 2 months. Lying ass bitch.
No. 834462
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youtube thumbnails where people pull really weird faces. stop that
No. 834470
>>834463Sorry anon but had she never put gorilla glue in her hair as a stunt then she'd still be a literal broke who with five kids.
She's gotten a shitload of plastic surgery and tons of donations which is why she can even afford to set up a product and merch business in the first place.
No. 834489
>>834178I don't care, literal teenagers shouldn't be getting any sort of cosmetic surgery done unless it's for a car accident or something. Billie eilish and bhad bhabie are the worse contenders of this.
>Inb4 muh they're all pure innocent angels who would never have anything doneLol. It's already suspected of billies breast augmentation, bhad babie already admitted to it. You really think they passed the parental consent law for plastic surgery just for normies to use? Obviously it's for people who want to make it big and get lots of attention
No. 834508
>>834502I have, and also seen countless photos of weddings on social media… bridesmaids generally just wear normal looking dresses that are neither ugly nor likely to outshine the bride.
idk maybe you live in a weird hick American town but where I live, they literally do not stock objectively ugly dresses.
No. 834512
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I love Sailor Moon but I'm tired of Youtube putting these clips in my feed. The random videos their algorithm decides to shove in everyone's feeds at once are always terrible.
No. 834515
>>834512It recommended me the same thing a few hours ago and it wasn't even funny.
Also is anyone else experiencing repeat recommendations for shit they've already watched?
No. 834530
>>834502I can agree with you. Not just with wedding just in general. You can always tell who the jealous one of a female friend group is since she's the first one to go out of her way to fuck up another friends appearance whether it be bad pictures, recommending on putting bad makeup on them, recommending shitty things, etc
I'm still young though and only 20, I could imagine people mature a bit and stuff like that won't happen
No. 834550
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some of the reviews on shein. i rely heavily on reviews (as does everyone else) when it comes to online shopping and seeing 30 comments of random song lyrics, weird emojis, and anime references piss me off so much. it makes finding an actual, helpful review hard and not to mention….seeing all these stupid messages is super rage inducing. granted, you’ll usually only find these on things that are especially trendy or popular but i encourage you all to go take a look for yourself, there are far worse examples. picrel was a review for leg warmers.
No. 834553
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>>834550me again… here’s yet another one
No. 834817
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Sherliza Moé
No. 834856
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>>834821I hate it too, but I feel like since the birth rates are falling they are just going to double down and push even more romance on people to get them to couple up and breed. Hopefully with more people choosing to be single we get a few shows catered to our preference though.
No. 834899
>>834860That’s an interesting theory! I had a friend suggest to me that I was asexual because that’s kind of how I am. In theory I think relationships are nice, but currently I’m not interested in talking to/interacting with men kek. I think asexuality is
valid, but I do also wonder if some people confuse being asexual with just not being interested in a romantic/sexual relationship as portrayed by the media (or the people around them). Glad to see other farmers agreeing though. I’ve complained about this to friends irl and I probably just end up sounding like a femcel lol.
No. 835051
>>833330Late reply but soon. We're going to go through a solar minimum so maybe you should enjoy summer while you can.
>>834899I agree. Not everyone falls in love with someone or even works out their sexuality when there teenagers. It took me until I was 23 and what
triggered it was meeting someone that I found attractive and enjoyed spending time with. People would always act shocked and as though there was something wrong with me if had to explain that I was in my 20s and had never even had my hand held romantically. It's fucked up because I can imagine that teenagers get into bad relationships purely because they want to feel like they're normal.
No. 835238
>>835180can confirm, am an "asexual" autist kek
I just have the lowest libido ever.
No. 835241
I know this is really stupid, but I fucking hate when straight smut manga aimed at women still doesn't show men properly. What I mean is, in hentai it's the norm to show only the women, and the man is either rarely show, or drawn without the face etc., but why does this happen in josei? I don't want to look at this random female character, give me MEN.
>>834899My friend suggested that I'm asexual, but I just didn't have courage to tell her I mostly get off to jpegs of 2D men. Oh well.
No. 835254
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That too. My post was inspired by pic rel(NSFW), which is a trifecta of 90% of the sex scenes showing only the FL, ML being in this curtain looking bathrobe, and the story being so awful it's unreadable. I normally avoid hentai for women, for the reasons above, but this one was tagged "fantasy", so I was intrigued, instant regret.
No. 835296
There's a lot of it on Just go to browse and check josei and smut. That being said, 99% of it is trash. A lot of them being just straight-up rape, blackmail, power harassment and so on. Not my cup of tea. Searching on hentai sites works too, no specific tags, but they're pretty easily recognisable by art style.
>>835291Yeah, I strongly recommend checking pixiv and Japanese side of twitter for fanarts.
No. 835305
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>>835256That's what I think too and I also find it baffling. Female mangaka are able to draw guys in BL but somewhow if there is a female character all focus has to be on her.
It's annoying to look through Pixiv but sometimes you find gold.
No. 835314
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whatever the fuck this esoteric bullshit is
No. 835381
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entire BNHA but especially this ugly and obnoxious piece of shit. if you wanna fuck it… change your taste in 2D 'men'
No. 835589
>>835241Same, and of course the women in them are usually drawn with huge tits despite being aimed towards women.
But anyway, a josei smut I read recently that actually shows men's bodies is Lady & Maid. It's actually a manhwa, but tbh smut manhwas are usually better than smut mangas in my experience. Some other good ones are The Blood of Madam Giselle, Him & Him & Him, Sweet Dream, and Totem Realm.
No. 836547
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this basically
No. 836584
>>836547I guess this is a weird way to cope but this is why I refuse to dress feminine or have long hair, because these days I'll just look like another troon with my masculine face and tall body
People will think I'm a fakeboi or butch but I can live with that kek
No. 836590
>>836547I embrace a bit of an andro look but at the same time I'm pretty grateful that I'm not tall or large in build (and that my face shape is round/soft) because people are that cruel about certain features on a woman. Styling yourself in a butch way is one thing but nature giving you masc qualities…anons rip into that so hard.
I posted lately that I think I had a transwoman stop and ask me for help. Or I'm leaning towards thinking they were trans but honestly it could've been a woman. I can't know for certain. My point was it's not always that clear and in future with trans becoming more common I'd say we'll have these mystery interactions more and more often. Walking away not knowing what their backstory is.
I've seen those posts where anons 'clock a tranny' in public and rush here to tell us how shit and clockable they looked. I feel like reading those threads has them staring too much at other women, nitpicking features.
No. 836598
>>836588I tend to think it's the second one. Looks conscious young women who are at least small in stature/maybe ana too and who try to build themselves up by talking about wide shoulders and bigger builds as if they're the most obscene features to possess. The same posters that say "oh wow she really ballooned up!" and that's their whole contribution.
I mean it could be a tranny cope but I think it's more likely that tbh.
No. 836623
>>836598>and that's their whole contribution. Please always report posts that do nothing except point out how chubby or ugly someone is, it adds nothing to the discussion and gives newfags the wrong idea about what to post
>>836610This, I knew a girl who had such an unusually masculine bone structure that I always wondered if she was intersex and I feel awful for her knowing people must always be wrongly "clocking" her. You can't always know but some chuuni anons think they have xray Y chromosome super sight
No. 836625
>>836602Yeah, seeing someone in real life is way different from seeing pictures online. Bio men just generally walk and carry themselves a certain way that's pretty easy to recognise. As
>>836610 says though, it's not entirely black and white. There are definitely troons out there that pass quite well and bio women who look more ambiguous. It's kind of hard to tell because of the whole visibility bias where any troon you can instantly clock is also going to be bad at passing, whereas if they pass well you might not even give it a second thought. I still think the vast majority of trannies are clockable in person, but you never know I guess.
No. 836685
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>>836656And then it never got mentioned again…
No. 836687
>>836623I've been "clocked" as a tranny due to my androgynous build, small tits and masculine looks but I can assure them I was born with a vagina and I'm not even intersex as far as I'm aware. People just have warped ideas of how women are supposed to look like and expect everyone to be petite and curvy with delicate features.
That said, the only people who have pondered if I was born a male have been male with porn-fried brains themselves. Which really makes me wonder if the anons posting nitpicky "wow she ballooned up" and "she looks like a tranny" non-contributing shit are actually scrotes with their impossible standards for women.
No. 836957
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I hate this, its so fucking stupid. I have seen a fuck ton of people over the years say how Rowling "ripped off" Tolkien. First of all, most of these things are common tropes used in fantasy writing cough eragon cough and secondly Tolkien was hardly as original as people think he was.
Almost all his entire world and plot are copypasted from Germanic mythology with his own twist on it. Ever heard of the Volsung saga? Ever heard of the Ring Cycle? He definitely took some ideas from Wagner's operas too. Eowyn is basically Brunnhilde. The love story between Arwen and Aragorn was exactly the same in Die Feen. The major difference is that he made a hobbit the hero of the story instead of the traditional hero (which would be Aragorn).
And don't get me wrong I am a huge LotR fanatic. But JKR is a talented writer and it pisses me off when ignorant dumbasses say things like this.
No. 836969
>>836957I hate how it's trendy to hate on Rowling.
Also dementors are completely different from nazguls. Dementors were inspired by Rowling's depression and ptsd. They are a representation of those feelings, and how they can destroy a person mentally.
No. 837000
>>836957I think the mark of a good writer is how vivid they can make the environment their characters are in and also the dialogue between characters which both Tolkien and Rowling do amazingly well. I hate when people compare them too they're completely different stories.
Honestly I think Rowling gets downplayed a lot for her writing abilities, even before the trans shit.
No. 837278
>>837262She basically said that erasing the significance of birth sex is also erasing oppression women face based on their sex and implying that they're oppressed because they identify as women, not because they were born as one. Which would ignore things like aborting female babies based on their sex. That was enough to cause a tranny meltdown because apparently giving a shit about womens' rights is genocide to all the misogynistic hons driving the movement. She didn't even say troons aren't ~
valid~, she mentioned how many "wonderful trans women" she knows and how she doesn't regard them as "lesser women" yet that one thought crime supporting female rights got her canned. And let's be real she probably would've been fine if she was an author popular with men but because Harry Potter is generally favoured by women TRAs were more than happy to shoot her down.
No. 837866
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“Dewy” skin. We’re humans for fucks sake, not plants. We don’t get dew on our skin. We just sweat. Anyone trying to achieve a “dewy” look just looks sweaty or greasy.
No. 837872
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>>837870older than that even
No. 838244
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I've joined a discord for a game to look for fireteam for activities that require more players and they legit have separate section for "Women heart emoji" while men section is just called "Guardians" which is a completely gender neutral name of the player character in said game. Why not "men eggplan emoji" if you insist on separating it like this? Somehow it annoyed me more than jokes "wife bad, won't let play game" in the same community.
No. 838254
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>>838092Ulala no one tell this anon animals were working for humans since inception of humankind, long before capitalism was a thing, may blow her mind
No. 838260
>>838254NTA, but it being ancient doesn't make it right, lmao.
Like, people have also been fucking animals and shitting themselves since the dawn of time, do we need to retvrn?
No. 838361
>>838282You’re a fucking legend
nonny kek
No. 838382
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I hate it when I make a post in a thread I like and then some random anon posts after me with some bait or "hot take" and the whole thread goes to shit.
No. 838522
File: 1624668708695.png (2.47 MB, 2100x1364, screenshot.png)

I hate when male artists (especially sculptors for some reason)dedicate their craft to depicting women like this, while the men look fairly normal. There's something so perverse about it.
No. 838724
File: 1624693668607.png (360.65 KB, 426x446, f ffhfnh.png)

I think she's dumb and overrated
No. 838930
I tried to watch a youtube video, one that I remember watching before, and it gave me an alert to confirm my age, and when I clicked it, it told me to either send a picture of my ID or my CC info. As I miserably put my CC info and then my address in I thought, that there's no way this information won't be stored somewhere. And lo and behold, when I checked google pay it was there. I could delete my card from payment methods, but not my address, I could only change it. So I closed the entire google pay account, which somehow retracted my age veryfication. I still can't watch that shitty ass video, that was a waste of time. Maybe I'll verify my age again, but I'll change my address to a field of corn. Fuck you google.
No. 839078
>>839046I don't get it. I've witnessed resistance to so many common sense swaps.
>switching to a safety razor from disposables'No I can't, it's sooooo expensive! And it doesn't have the moisturising strip!'
>Using aleppo soap instead of washing up liquid'It's a cube haha do I just rub it on dishes? That will leave so much soap scum!'
>Using a Dove beauty bar instead of shower gel'Ew gross! Won't bar soap get dirty?'
Carbon footprint aside, it's like they hate money or something.
No. 839084
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Yeah yeah ok I get it it's your "aesthetic" or whatever, but I can't see shit
No. 839337
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This is probably specific to ten years ago, but anything involving stick men doing le epic shit is a particular flavour of fedora that disgusts me.
No. 839405
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>>839398Then when you click to see what post they're replying too it scrolls up and you lose your place in the thread
No. 839475
File: 1624793129569.jpeg (22.98 KB, 478x641, 3.jpeg)

I am so sick of anachans. They shit up every thread and every conversation irl with their retarded nitpicks of themselves/others and sperging about food, they just can't hold it in and need to sperg about how fat random women are. Go be mentally ill somewhere else
No. 840053
File: 1624860618913.png (452.48 KB, 1116x617, Screenshot (95).png)

These "koreans react to…" videos. it's so cringey how many comments on those videos are infantilizing adult koreans. like, those are adults. please stop cooing about how "innocent and naive" they are compared to the icky western people
No. 840258
File: 1624886608540.png (29.65 KB, 438x165, ok.PNG)

I hate anons - and people in general because I've seen similar opinions expressed non-anonymously - who think like that, grow some empathy and stop thinking violence and death is a solution to anything
No. 840267
>>840263You don't think the year-long lockdown was traumatic? The zoomers were in their developing years and had to isolate like nothing in recent history.
I'm not defending them, just saying collective-trauma clearly isn't a realistic solution, especially with a generation so disillusioned.
No. 840508
>>840287Especially with posts like "Your shithole country deserves [insert tragedy here]". It boggles my mind how anti-America anons think a terror attack does justice when the majority of Americans disagree with our government's choices and want to reduce our military presence overseas.
Idgaf what happened in your home country–saying that random civilians deserve to die in any capacity is legitimately sociopathic. And ik some anon will make fun of me for saying it but I always think about how if I was killed and there was a news article about it there'd be at least one person celebrating my death because I fit the category of people they hate. Just look at incel forums and you'll see what I mean, plenty of other groups do this in regards to race, nationality, or sex as well.
No. 840542
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I fucking hate the fact that people like this exist and it's not a joke.
No. 840574
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>"Goth look doesn't look nice on brown people"
No. 840575
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>>840542from the MTF Thread, This is why I say that Zoomers desperately need a war
No. 840598
File: 1624908206853.gif (726.31 KB, 210x130, 2E3D548A-0299-4447-9576-85EE2A…)

So I'm watching this true crime show and now I'm really pissed off. This episode is about a man who kidnapped a woman to keep as a "girlfriend" in his fucking bunker. No one talking about it seems to even acknowledge what he did, instead they put so much emphasis on how smart he was and how he was so "depressed" because he didn't have a gf.
Meanwhile, last weeks episode was about a man(who was also a cult leader) who manipulated a young woman he was having an affair with to kill his wife. And of course all the blame is put on the young woman and everyone talking calls her ruthless, cold, etc.
saged bc I'm not sure if this is too spergy for this thread.
No. 840658
>>840650well she's 14, Autistic, a Polyamorous Lesbian whose also Asexual and she's aries
and that's about all I can tell
No. 840667
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>>840574>>840656Goth looks good on everyone tbh, but it looks extra good on darker girls
I was the only goth kid in my school along with a white dude, white dude ended up Joining the marines and becoming a "bro" while I stayed Goth
No. 840670
>white dude, white dude ended up Joining the marines and becoming a "bro" while I stayed GothEssentially what happens to all goths
Also goth isn't just fashion there's a faggy culture with music that "we" like and just dressing alt doesn't mean you're goth it just means you're mentally ill lol
( No. 840678
>>840574The Effina thread is literally just a bunch of weird, racist Arab women who are mad that some other weird, racist Arab woman is more popular than them.
They're delusional about what they look like, too. It's bizarre.
No. 840723
>>840681goth and I agree, the contrast is fucking attractive. shouldn't stop
POC from wearing goth, though
No. 840989
>>840950I hate how every time someone makes a
valid statement about BDSM and its retardation there's always one anon that's like "b-b-but anon let people like what they like, they're happy". If kink wasn't actually being used as a murder defense or being pushed onto young girls who are being choked, slapped, and/or spanked during their first time then I wouldn't give a shit but kinksters are literally insufferable and they deserve ample criticism.
No. 841114
>>840948are you the one sperging in the historical crushes thread
please get a grip
No. 841311
File: 1624975081058.jpg (100.14 KB, 633x841, rainbow_flag.jpg)

Anyone who lives like this
You can imagine how I feel about Luna and her living conditions.
No. 841320
>>841220That's obvious but people have them anyway. I live somewhere where up until lately we had no abortion here so you'd have to fly off to another country to fix your booboo. People took that risk anyway.
Paid the extra expense and took days off work, hid their travel plans. All that.
I just think it's way weirder to sit around worrying about whether you can force the woman to keep it rather than worrying about being able to dodge the expense and responsibility. When push comes to shove and you're facing those child suppport bills for real… they don't want it. So I'm convinced it's virgins crying about their 'rights to father' if honestly faced with it they'd run at the first medical bill
No. 841481
>>841150If men don't give a fuck about the women they've impregnated beyond one night, then they too lack the capacity to care for the children from those situations as well.
It's all about power. They don't want to have to
pay for their children, they just want women stuck raising and paying for their progeny. Oh the woman doesn't want to do that on top of the physical risks? Well she's a mean stupid doo doo head who don't care about life!
Yeah fuck that. I'm glad women are more than just broodmare slaves tethered to the mercy of some useless scrote. You'd think this was logic from spergy virgins who just wanna make sure their once in a lifetime lay is worth something, but I've honestly seen dudes who know the consequences still act like it's entirely a woman's problem to deal with.
No. 841494
>>841311I was thinking about this the other day when somebody posted a selfie and the bedroom in the background was in a similar state as this pic. Do people have no shame in moments like this? Why showing the world how you live? It isn't cute or quirky, it's disgusting.
>>841346kek, also my brother lives like this.
No. 841528
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>>841311it’s the food stuff left in there that gets me
No. 841722
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Cant figure out what theyre called but items where the image shifts when you move it (??..) I cannot STAND the texture of these it literally makes me gag to touch anything with this feature
No. 842164
File: 1625049467042.png (52.84 KB, 774x552, efrbbrbb.png)

these fucking "omg this song shaped my childhood" comments. And it's not because of the kids themselves, but recently so many fucking videos have these comments, and it's always songs from the early 2010's when before there were just normal comments, now these comments are being pushed by the algorithm for some reason
No. 842681
File: 1625096286594.png (2.44 MB, 1080x1920,…)

This fucking model's face on pull and bear. It's like close your mouth and stop looking at me like that
No. 842846
Now I can feel my fucking toes again
No. 843544
File: 1625169839213.png (211.15 KB, 452x554, Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 20.56…)

can we just? no we can't. cringe and rage errytime
No. 843721
File: 1625178789127.jpeg (31.82 KB, 453x588, 1AFC1F71-EB7C-48C9-9D22-C88CA8…)

I hate, 3/4 sleeves so fucking much, that it triggers me seeing them irl when I’m trying to buy some fucking clothes. If you want people to wear tops or dresses with 3/4 sleeves, just tell them to pull the sleeves up to the desired height you want them, don’t just go around creating unfinished shit because that will save you some pennies in your shitty workshop.
No. 843866
>>843805Even if you wear one of those cotton no wire no pad ones they're still tight. It's like being suffocated all day. My autism gets
No. 844086
>>843665It's their pure need for selfinserting and kinning.
I don't understand how kinning became 'normalized' when the kinners where pure laughing stocks years before.
No. 844220
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These hats and everyone that wears them, retarded as fuck
No. 844224
File: 1625241646939.png (421.78 KB, 544x608, history.PNG)

>>844086>I don't understand how kinning became 'normalized' when the kinners where pure laughing stocks years before.This goes for a lot of other things tbh. Like the retarded gender specials garbage and the daddy dom shit. It's nuts.
No. 844431
File: 1625261208782.jpg (71.96 KB, 540x559, tumblr_675f505d15e469f3a3bc0b4…)

I hate color schemes or "aesthetics" that consist of pastel pink paired with black. The egirls ruined it. Kuromi is fine though.
No. 844471
File: 1625264084879.jpeg (Spoiler Image,121.06 KB, 896x1270, disgusting.jpeg)

Just came across this shit. It's supposedly an "erotica" novel for kids aged 10-15. I read a small paragraph of it and red flags went off immediately. (graphic sex scenes written by an adult man with children in mind) The majority of this authors works are like this, the rest are books meant for toddlers. How the fuck can pigs like this get published? And if that wasn't enough, his books are in school libraries (image is spoilered because it's really gross. It's a cover of one of these books)
No. 844490
File: 1625266993846.jpeg (442.91 KB, 1242x503, 09D8BB2C-B526-47BB-823E-169C48…)

>>844471Looks like a fucken creep. How the hell do you have that in children’s libraries?
No. 844599
File: 1625278566408.jpg (422.19 KB, 1600x2000, YungbludPRESS_NOV20-00003-2000…)

I hate yungblud, I cant stand him and for a while I couldn't understand why he bothers me so much aside from being cringe and making shit music but I know now, he just always has his mouth fucking open, it makes him look like a mouth breather. also in videos he always gets super close to the camera and show the inside of his mouth. gross. in general I feel like he just doesn't have control on his expression, he moves his face so much. other than that i know nothing about him
No. 844606
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>>844599even when he has his mouth closed it is not closed all the way. Yungblud cannot close his mouth.
No. 844617
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>>844599He’s always reminded me of one of those Mr. Meaty puppets
No. 844618
>>844606exactly like whyy
>>844608it does look like that but i think it just a jaw thing, debby ryan has it as well but its not as bad for her
>>844617kek literal twins level
No. 844620
File: 1625280330213.jpg (142.96 KB, 1156x1200, EytxjhrUcAIi_MZ.jpg)

Pirivleged women that choose to be prostitutes or thots. Not poor girls from 3rd world countries or mentally ill girls. Pick me's that would step over other women's dead bodies to get male validation and attention.
They do so much harm to the world, because of them suffering of women that are forced into prostitution by negative circumstances is invalidated. Many times they post on Twitter about how there is illegal content not only on Pornhub but on popular social media too as an argument to why pornhub is not as bad. Because of them scrotes become more entitled too and the general social representation of women is twisted.
I Don't promote the hatred of women that are poor or mentally ill and end up being thots, but a lot of women are clearly in good situations in first world countries and are not mentally ill and they WILLINGFULLY choose to be thots. I wish you could see how women perpetuate the opression of women as much as men do.
No. 844623
File: 1625280488983.jpg (293.33 KB, 1280x720, Yungblud_Photo_by_Chris_Bresla…)

and samefagging but yungblud has shoots where he makes me go "damnn this guy is" and shoots where he looks like a middle aged lesbian
No. 844635
>>844631if it was so traumatizing they would stop, there are twitch thot millionaires and onlyfans millionaires that have more than they need and they continue to do what they are doing because they enjoy male attention. Stop victimizing women like these ones. The real
victims are poor girls or girls that were sexual abuse
victims and end up in hard-core porn because of extreme trauma. Not Twitch thots and onlyfans thots that are obsessed with attention from men.
Even if we banned prostitution, women would still get naked and sell their sexuality and opress other women. It is just the nature of our kind. We are apes. In bonobos, female bonobos that want to climb the hierarchy help males rape other female bonobos. There have always been women that run brothels, that groom other women and that help associate the image of feminity with objectification. The internet is literally full of such women. We need to separate female
victims from female oppressors and start pointing our fingers at the oppressors that play into patriarchy the way they do
No. 844637
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>>844623>>844624he looks like if you took harry styles and mixed the worst of his genes with a snub-nosed monkey and carrot top
No. 844643
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>>844641reminds me of when someone said leo dicaprio looks like a gold lion tamarin
No. 844729
File: 1625297222038.jpeg (772.08 KB, 828x830, 14C116A0-D42B-4A53-B712-910764…)

Hate moids
No. 844734
>>844623Alright, I just looked this guy up because I'd never heard of him and initially just from seeing still images I thought he looked ugly af but after seeing and hearing him in motion he is kinda attractive to me now
One of those rare instances where a person is more attractive irl than in still photos
No. 844735
File: 1625299614208.jpeg (637.03 KB, 1170x912, B0AFF929-2FD2-4680-8063-EA8C51…)

Shut the fuck up seriously just shut the fuck up, I can’t believe how fucking entitled people have become. The tantrum they had with Supernatural/ Destiel, stupid takes on the Pixar fish boy movie (about the creator’s own actual childhood no less) if I hear the word queerbaiting one more time I’m gonna scream.
Can we not just flick our bean and enjoy slash fanfic anymore? We gotta harass authors and insist the ships become canon? Give every dipshit moido who keeps saying women can’t understand friendship extra fodder?
Also these guys were cousins, tf.
No. 844753
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"Everything is political"
No. 844780
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>>844751it's all going to backfire so badly lol
sucks because seeing different kinds of characters is nice but now it'll always seem forced.
No. 844785
File: 1625308235731.gif (716.58 KB, 220x220, sja.gif)

I hate this fucking gif. There's ZERO reason to roll your eyes like that and pop them out. I don't know why it pisses me off so much. There's something so annoying and childish about it.
No. 844795
>>844792Finally someone has said it.
Anyone using them is braindead and should be euthanized.
No. 844798
File: 1625310437881.jpg (151.22 KB, 720x1175, Retard.jpg)

I hate it how social media (especially US one) tries to romanticise the shit out of moving out to Europe / different country, claiming you will ~ become a main character and life gets ten times easier ~, when it really doesn't and being immigrant is challenging as fuck. Fuck these people.
In a lot of cases people who unironically believe it are people who live in a normal, mediocre country without any problems, they never go outside or discover places yet they claim that their country is ~ boring as fuck ~.
No. 844826
>>844808It's different when you're an American or Canadian living an alright middle class life who is just bored and wants to be the mc of their own romance novel, and when you're a poorfag from Eastern Europe or SEA who lives in a commieblock apartment with her parents who earn 200 dollars per month.
I moved abroad because of the latter and yeah, you're absolutely right - nobody wants me here, I get treated like garbage by people who have never met anyone from my country just because of stereotypes, I haven't seen my parents in a year and it's super difficult to get a job as an immigrant, but I make crazy money and it's not like I'd get treated much better at home. You don't see the point in moving abroad because you're not poor, to put it simply. All of my middle class and richfag friends live comfortably in a big city back home and don't see a reason to move because they don't need to, I did. Now I can afford normal things for my mom like a functioning toilet and fridge, and that would have never happened if I had stayed at home.
No. 844849
>>844801I think that even if you don't need to move for work or quality of life, moving away is a good way to broaden your understanding of other people and challenge the concepts you have been brought up with. I know I sound like a hippy and I'm being really vague but learning a new language and culture really did make me reaccess so much about myself and my life, and even though I decided that I prefer my own country I took a lot of interesting perspectives back with me.
I don't think it counts when you're so rich that you don't have to interact with the place you move to though lol, that's just an extended holiday
No. 844922
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I hate people that praise their water fast and the benefits, and I hate water fasts and any other kind of weekly fasts people talk about. Its so retarded, of course you are going to lose weight you're quite literally starving yourself, what is even the point if you're not an anachan
No. 845330
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>>844922i hate "cleanses" for this reason too. juice cleanses are starvation. the word "detox" pisses me off. we already have a fucking organ dedicated to detoxing. it's like douching your vagina when your vagina already self-cleans. pointless and anyone who does it is retarded.
No. 845417
>>845412Idk. I think for some people working out is just not in their minds right now, and for the average normal guy/girl working out is something that takes some time to put your mind into.
Like, one situation I could think of why they aren't working out is if they suddenly have to deal with their whole family in one house all times and no privacy, or having to take care of kids. Dunno, even if it wasn't like this, some people do stress eat and putting the pressure of having to lose weight on top of it might make them discouraged to work out
Sorry I'm not a native english speaker
No. 845450
File: 1625396667307.png (20.49 KB, 603x288, twitter.png)

The covid lockdowns and their consequences has been a disaster for the human race.
No. 845498
>>845473Yes, fasting is very beneficial and more natural/normal than constantly eating the entire day. Our ancestors were totally used to fast because they had to hunt and didn't have tons of available food 24/7.
It helps regulate blood sugar, so there's less insulin resistance, you enter ketosis (here's where you lose fat), it delays aging and cell oxidation, reduces inflammation (which is a cause of cancer, heart diseases and rheumatoid arthritis), increases the release of the growth hormone (vital for metabolism and muscle strength) and it may protect against neurodegenerative diseases.
This is why intermittent fasting is so popular and imo better than week long fasts, those ones don't make sense to me. Neither do the detox diets and juice cleanses
No. 845562
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>>845541I notice people talk like this on Webtoon as well, so annoying.
No. 845642
>>845559>fewWhat? It’s everywhere, doesn’t matter what are you into, there’s going to be a bunch of tranny fanfics or enby shit.
Even in compilations there’s at least 5 enby bullshit fanfics.
No. 845788
File: 1625426544921.jpg (106.08 KB, 1050x656, friday-night-funkin-1050x656.j…)

a game about rap battles and not a single black character in sight
it's become the new homestuck or undertale and it looks like shit
No. 845799
>>845788creator was typical white trash that got "cancelled" a while back for saying all jews and non whites should die. of course he made a rap game with no black people.
plus newgrounds so not surprising
No. 845812
>>845450>>845466go back to /pol/ you cringey autists
>>844922god yeah. i mean sure starve yourself if you're an anachan but stop acting like you're an enlightened fitness guru. so fucking annoying. that and the carnivore bullshit.
>>845318why do true crime retards even bother denying that they love extreme violence and edginess? there's no reason to get into that "hobby" unless you worship evil scrotes and admire their actions.
>inb4 but the psychology tho No. 845845
File: 1625430827291.jpg (5.82 KB, 100x150, ABQ Jane Doe.jpg)

>>845819>You are also ignoring that many women get into true crime cause they want to be able to protect themself better.That is some major fucking cope. I love true crime but at the end of the day enthusiasts are rubbernecking other peoples' tragedies. Better to be true to yourself, admit that you're into the drama of it all, and embrace your trashiness.
No. 845850
>>845812It's a mixed bag with alot of the content out there being trashy. There's something for everyone tho. Police interrogations of killers are becoming more popular on youtube and that's all psychology based and using skills to get people to speak. Men seem to love that aspect. As much as the meme is that only women eat this up.
I can't enjoy fiction at all so my spare time is spent watching true crime or true disaster docs. I don't get off on watching plane crashes, murders or building collapses but I guess that's the thing… we're wired to concentrate on disaster and try to figure it out.
No. 845908
File: 1625434090821.jpeg (1005.38 KB, 1618x1504, 19E50691-104B-4066-9B1C-4663CE…)

I fucking hate anyone with a DNI list.
“If you even slightly disagree with even one of my opinions you’re an evil piece of shit nazi and you’re not allowed to like my art at all and I’ll block and report you if I find out you exist!”
Saddest part is that this one isn’t even the worst one I’ve seen.
No. 845921
>>845908The bit about not being allowed to be neutral.. nice lil added touch there. Very reasonable person.
I'm old enough to have changed my mind on certain topics over the years. That's life. You find yourself in limbo sometimes. Even that is offensive now.
No. 845924
>>845845You aren't everyone, and it's not a cope. Knowing how fucked up men can be and the way theu target their
victims is very helpful.
No. 845952
>>845909Nta but I only know it because I'm detrans and I binged some weird content while figuring my way back out of it. It just means that you think trans should equal ..actually transitioning in some physical way.
I'm only a few years past my own retarded gender phase but when I got diagnosed with 'gender identity disorder' there was a system of referring you to get medical treatment. They didn't ask whether you wanted it. They automatically assumed you wanted to change aspects of yourself. That was the entire point. People now act like that's such a dated and primitive concept of what being a tran is but..well it's dated by about 5 fucking years then. The whole system with gender clinics ran on the concept of diagnosis and transition til a handful of years ago. Now you stay at home and tweeet about your struggle while being totally in line with your birth gender in every external way. No diagnosis, treatment or anything that affects you irl. No effort, expense, appointments. Just role playing online.
No. 845965
>>845924or maybe you're just an edgelord in denial. if you're against men's violence against women you wouldn't enjoy consuming media portraying it (often in extremely graphic ways). school shooters and serial killers take inspiration from famous criminals.
>>845819many women get into true crime because it's arguably the most trendy subject in all forms of media.
No. 845972
>>845845nah. i watch shitty reality shows and talk shows if i want to rubberneck trash. i listen to true crime podcasts that detail the crime in respectful ways and honor the
victims by describing how their family and such dealt with/recovered from the tragedy. i feel like listening to non-sensationalized true crime reports have definitely made me aware of warning signs in moids and that i should never, ever give a guy a chance if he gives me creepy vibes. i should also be very careful about vetting boyfriends in general.
No. 846008
>>845972I've been personally pretty affected by death and I watch true crime with that often on my mind throughout. That's my reference point when I hear about the pain families go through after a murder. I might've started out watching Jeffrey dahmer documentaries and just being amazed by the freakish aspects of it but that changed over time.
I feel like every true crime youtube vid I've ever watched had a strange mix of men making poor taste jokes underneath it, calling a woman in the vid ugly or being trolls.. and then people feeling so genuinely sorry for the families affected by the crime. There's always that divide.
No. 846036
>>846008same, i never watch/listen to anything true crime related if i don't feel like it's being respectful and serious. i won't disagree a lot of this shit is disgusting and in poor taste. however, a lot of mysterious deaths and disappearances have been solved by coverage of these crimes, as well as donation funds set up to help law enforcement and families of
victims. it's not all bad by a longshot.
No. 846316
>>846299It can be both actually. Sure you need to have some morbid curiosity, but one may assume it's good to know how sickos think. Personally, I will never look the same at men in casts. They can ask for help someone else lmfao
>these are just really thrilling stories and that's all there isWhy do you feel the need to decide for other people? Maybe it's all there is to it to you.
I had a law enforcement member in my family who was working at a high level. He wasn't the most communicative person, also because he constantly had to keep things happening at his job secret. He made a habit of buying a crime magazine (and a tawdry one, cause there wasn't anything else published at the time and those were pre-Internet times) to inform his daughters about dangerous stuff happening.
No. 846370
File: 1625490506130.jpeg (75.9 KB, 1200x675, D437A013-0566-4AF7-B5D2-121A41…)

I hate forced wojaks like this. I blame men for being on the internet, this is complete shit. Moids always sucking their own dick because they think they’re meme gods or something for creating shit like this MSpaint that only took 5 seconds of copy pasting
No. 846381
>>846370What is this mushroom supposed to mean anyway? I saw some redditor on discord posted it as his pfp. What's the point?
I think oh wojaks were fine, but after people started throwing their own wojaks they became ugly as fuck. Eg I also hate a screaming face guy.
No. 846535
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Everybody hates reality TV, but they watch it just so they can tell how much you hate it, whatever problem's you have change the channel until you find somebody whose worse off and then suddenly your life doesn't seem so bad does it, well let me tell you something it is that bad! Reality TV the birthplace of the Moron, some of us laugh with them but most of us act them, we all know your not famous for your talent, everyone is so sick and tired of your stupid face, famous for being famous
No. 846562
I hate when people yell at you for not knowing popular celebrities/songs/TV. In the 90s it was "ew you're weird, why don't you like normal things" but now it's more like people think you're pretending not to know something to look cool and I feel like a douche when I ask what song is playing or don't know what "let's make a deal" is. I grew up without cable and
>>846535 reminded me how I always get REEEE'd at like it's incomprehensible that someone could have asshole hipster parents and never got into the habit of watching TV or listening to top 40 radio
No. 846685
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When strangers try to talk to you even when you're wearing headphones, especially when they're men. If I wanted to hear shit from a random person I wouldn't be wearing these big, visible things on my head and minding my own goddamn business. Even when it's something absolutely innocuous I'm not interested unless you're telling me that I dropped something or that my bag is on fire.
No. 846694
>>846685God yes, and they know exactly what they're doing. There are all these other men around
not wearing bulky visible headphones and pointedly attempting to ignore you, but scrotes just have to question the single woman who doesn't want anything to do with them. Fuck off forever.
No. 846705
>>846694Fucking exactly. And even when they're saying something inoffensive you never know if they're using it to rope you into an uncomfortable conversation you never consented to. A million times I've been waiting for a train, listening to music on my headphones on full volume and out of all the available options not wearing a set some (usually older) moid just
has to come talk to me instead of someone who doesn't have to go through the trouble of pausing the music and taking the headphones off just to hear what they're saying. Do they even realize how suspicious and annoying they look doing that shit?
No. 846826
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Fake shutters, more specifically fake shutters that are too small or inappropriately shaped for the windows they’re framing. No shutters are better than bad fake shutters. If I ever own a home and it has terrible fake shutters I will guarantee remove them or replace them with real ones, even though that’s a niche product that’s bound to be expensive here in burgerland.
No. 846900
File: 1625551747637.png (69.85 KB, 262x200, imagen_2021-07-06_010840.png)

This Link? Ugliest Link. The Link of Hyrule Warriors. I hate him. He is a dumb himbo but NOT in the good way, comes across as a bit of a narcissist.
No. 846922
File: 1625553203640.jpg (25.21 KB, 825x291, IMG_20210706_143013_706.jpg) ruined my day so I'm sharing it with other anons so I can hopefully come back and read people ripping into this guy and feel better.
>cringey virgin hires an escort and blogposts the whole thing>'if you want to have sex why not do it with a whore?'>Wattpad tier cringey descriptions of sex >Says shit like 'she feels like a loose onahole'>Wanted to lick her bloody discharge>general male retardationPathetic anime obsessed coomer male. I hate it.
No. 846928
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>>846922"and I was just staring (I think menacingly) at her naked body…"
No. 847014
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>>847007"""kweer""" shit is worse than anything I've seen come out of any other "funny" website really. It's like a fandom but with woke pity points and nothing makes sense. It's not funny at all. And most people who use these memes aren't even homosexual.
No. 847019
>>847015How to really make friends:
Have a lot of intuition and self respect. Don't try to be funny on purpose. Socialization skills don't matter much and if you force them it will look stupid so just talk to people the most natural way you can.
Have hobbies, search people within hobby clubs and try to see who you vibe the most with. Get to know people with similar interests. Use the bff feature from bumble. If someone feels "off" don't excuse their behaivor just because you're friendless. Move on and try to find someone else. Don't attatch too quick because people can be assholes. Beware of the people who lovebomb you.
Not everyone who has similar interests to you will be good enough to be your friend, it's okay to be selective. Say, you like anime, but there's a ton of people who like shitty waifushit. Your tastes don't have to align perfectly but it's also annoying if you're not in the same communication channel.
It's okay to give second chances, but not thirds. Some people might look "perfect" for you but things sometimes just don't happen and that's okay. It's trial and error. Good luck.
No. 847025
>>847014In the same vein, I hate when people use "gay" to describe literally anything. 90% of the people who do it are trannies or straight girls who call themselves "pansexual."
It's not necessarily something I hate, but straight teenage girls on Twitter constantly declare arbitrary things gay as a way to convince themselves they're lesbians. They declare that something really popular, like wearing crocks with socks or that retarded strawberry dress, is a "lesbian" thing because they're desperately looking for excuses to call themselves lesbians when they never have and never will eat pussy. It's sad and embarrassing.
No. 847036
>>847025I get so frustrated with the "bisexual" women I've know (and the bisexual-identified cows on here) that have made no attempt to seek out female companionship and, no, swiping on Tinder doesn't count.
Part of it is annoyance cause they're a huge reason why bisexual women get dismissed and part of it is just bewilderment. Like, wtf are you doing? Stop verbally reminding me that you're bi and start actually being bi.
t. Not-Like-The-Other-Bisexuals anon
No. 847054
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>>847045tbh skyward sword link is fuglier. Look at those eyebags, he looks retarded
No. 847071
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>>847036Even when you meet up with those women, it becomes soon enough painfully obvious how straight they actually are. Actual bi women are great, but they're like a needle in a haystack.
>>847039Kinda to be expected. Even with IVF being an option, many want the traditional marriage and have 1.6 kids deal and generally want to be as conforming as possible. That's what they see as success and it's just easier in so many ways, despite the risks.
>>847046Having too much tiktok like language in a bio is genuinely a good way to pick out the fakers on Tinder. Most just want to do the make up of another woman, hold hands and just have a close best friend. Maybe a little peck for on social media and before you know it, you become a tiktok prop.
No. 847077
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>>847075I googled "queer couple meme" and all I found was this
No. 847078
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>>847075Do you mean shit like this?
No. 847083
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>>847078>>847077I meant this meme
No. 847089
>>847039NTA but I have to admit that it hurts when I see a bisexual woman end up with a man when she turns 30 like a switch went on, which is why I don't date non-febfem bis myself. But I also recognize that most of them are under the societal pressure of women being expected to become mommies and caretakers after their 20's and that women having "girlcrushes" is regarded something you just grow out of or they have an actual desire for kids and it's just easier with a man. If women could fertilize each other I'm 100% that the amount of female bisexuals ending up in straight relationships would plummet.
The "bisexuals" who are serial straight daters and are disgusted by regular, non-super model level celebrity girls and lesbian acts outside of drunken stupor can fuck off though.
>>847083Accurately portrays all the "queer" heterosexual relationships I've ever witnessed. Straight people need to stay in their lane.
No. 847093
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>>847089>Straight people need to stay in their lane.They will never do it. The lgbt+ shit ruined it. Now everyone belongs in the lgbt+ fandom. And if you call them out, you're the one who is wrong.
Sad shit. But this is why I hope the LGB Alliance takes off.
No. 847096
>>847089I honestly wish there was a woman for me out there who could love me, make me feel protected, and who doesn't eventually treat me like shit. They always do the first two, but fail at the third. I'm tired of searching.
After my 4+ years relationship with a woman who berated me and used me as the butt of the joke I just can't anymore. I feel like all women I find will be just like her. I just feel stupid when I date women.
No. 847099
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>>847096Anon, it could be that you unconsciously believe that you deserve bad things and you attract the same kind of relationships to validate that feeling. Maybe if you changed your self-image you would attract other types of women. Picrel is a great book, recommend it
No. 847112
>>847089>if they have an actual desire for kids and it's just easier with a man.True, however as one of those bi women who usually dates men it's annoying that it changes the way people respond to my plan to adopt children. When talking to female couples about children people ask about IVF or adoption but when because I'm with a guy they naturally assume I want to birth children myself, which makes total sense and I'm not trying to say that's offensive, but when I explain I want to adopt they want to debate me or don't take me seriously.
If I was with a woman and she wanted to carry that would be fine for me or we could adopt without people trying to tell me that to do with my body, but because I'm the only one with a baby factory in the relationship I'm now expected to use it? I know this is nothing compared to the homophobia I would have to deal with in a female relationship but it still grinds my gears that people take my bodily autonomy less serious depending on who I date
mpreg capabilities when No. 847136
File: 1625570493739.png (3.03 MB, 1677x2048, Screenshot_20210706-061943.png)

>>847093OT but it's a bit amusing to see this used in gendercrit ways cause it was drawn by a "non-binary" male.
It's like when we had the GC thread and I saw anon's unwittingly using TS Madison as reaction gifs.
No. 847250
>>847136Holy shit lmao,
that's who drew it? Yet another case of kweers being so close to understanding things, yet so far away.
No. 847529
File: 1625604611952.jpeg (1.04 MB, 3072x4096, E1MqL2wXEAUzgrh.jpeg)

This is autistic but I hate when people drink directly from blenders or eat food from pots and pans. It just seems so clunky compared to getting a cup or plate.
No. 847902
>>847515Seconding what
>>847764 said, what kind of shitass people are you hanging out with? If someone you're dating is judging you that harshly for waiting, dump him/her. If it's friends/acquaintances reacting that way, make new friends, but also stop sharing the details of your sexual history with people you don't intend to be intimate with. The only person who needs to know who you've fucked and when is your partner, and only if you're comfortable and feel it's truly necessary to share.
It's fucking weird to expect that everyone has had sex in high school. What is this, 1976? I feel like most people who have sex before 18 these days are mentally ill, targets of groomers, or losers who peak in high school.
No. 847981
>>847976They deserve every bit of abuse they get, honestly. They should shut their mouths and book the fucking appointment. They also chimp out hilariously when you remind them of what they are (a receptionist) and what their job is (to organise appointments with drs and nurses, and to keep their fucking opinions to themselves). The thing is, if you give them grief, they give you exactly what you need (usually a 5 min appointment or phone call with a doctor or nurse, to approve a prescription or referral)
All NHS receptionists should be replaced with McDonald’s staff and the country would vastly improve.
Surprisingly I’ve had good experiences wots hospital receptionists.
No. 848013
>>847973>>847976I thought it was just my GP's receptionist, holy shit. I try to be nice to her because I imagine her job probably involves a lot of abuse and stress, but nothing I do works and she has made me cry so many times over the years that I would believe if you told me that she exists only to make me suffer
>>847981I agree Hospital receptionists are different, ime they're obviously overworked but if you act like a sane reasonable person they will sometimes overwork themselves even more just to help you out
No. 848065
>>847973The only doctor's receptionist that I've met that wasn't like this is gay man. He is always cheerful, helpful and understanding, which is ironic because he gets more abuse for being a gay.
>>847976>ever since the pandemic and the rise of the cult like "thank the NHS" bullshit it's got worseThere's never been a major covid outbreak where I live. The only people with any work to do are the doctors and nurse practitioners who speak to patients on the phone. Everyone else is sat in an empty surgery in full PPE doing fuck all. Retail workers are at more risk and get no thanks from anyone.
No. 848454
File: 1625707344423.jpeg (526.21 KB, 750x714, 31702CDC-4DEB-4E21-9DFB-71239B…)

I don’t know what it is but I’m pretty sure something about this picture is racist kek
No. 848470
>>848454loosened her hair, reduced her nose and lip size and basically turned her into a rejected elsa.
lady in picrel is pretty tho
No. 848481
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I've never been so repulsed by a vid recommendation in my life
No. 848504
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>>848454Angel Ganev pretty much just copy and pastes that face on everyone, even the dudes. His work is nice aside from the crappy sameface
No. 849037
>>848508>>848647>>848959I don't care how autistic it is, all of you are correct and I sincerely think anybody who makes it even remotely clear that they're not accustomed to imageboard culture should be banned for it
>>849035They're basically calling you a roastie whore, they've just learned over time that putting "white" in front of them gives them a thin veil of protection so that they can pretend they're just being anti-racist and not at all sexist
No. 849384
File: 1625801708004.jpeg (47.33 KB, 440x437, F5F5F243-57C6-4FAE-89EE-2A2506…)

I don’t know what I hate more. The fact that the creepy scrote from Cat Person was in fact a real person, or the fact that the real Margot (who dated him while he was 33 and she was still in high school) and a legion of Twitter faggots are falling over themselves to make him out to be some poor victim who was slandered by the story because he’s dead now. Who cares, another predatory loser bites the dust.
Kristen Roupenian is a moron for modeling her equally insufferable protagonist so closely after the chick, though I seriously doubt she ever expected to go viral.
No. 849430
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Content creators who rely on acting like e-whores instead of having an actual personality.
All of these "virtual streamers" are doing nothing but the same crap Twitch e-thots do, just with anime avatars.
No. 849463
I hate all clothes that have prints on them, all types of jeans, leggings, crop tops, flats, 2000s fashion, 2010s fashion, twee fashion, hipster fashion, creepycute style, pastel x (grunge/goth/etc), """"quirky"""" mismatched fashion, nymphette fashion, zoomer fashion, bimbo fashion, e-girl/boy fashion, mallgoth, scene, 50s dresses, bodycon dresses, thongs, I just fucking hate clothes.
Everything is either too fucking ugly, too uncomfortable, or too tacky whether it's old or new. Hated it when I was younger and still hate it now. Eyesores all around. I'd rather wear a blanket forever.
No. 849470
>>849463i mean it’s fine to not like certain styles of clothing, but this list makes you sound like my autistic 4 year old nephew that refuses to change his clothes with the new seasons because new clothing upsets him and hates every single thing except t-shirts with trucks on them
definitely autism
No. 849500
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>>849463>wearing a blanketgo the greek drapery way, ultra-easy and no-sew
No. 850995
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I hate hot tea. Why drink something that burns you on purpose?
No. 851636
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this lady's mascara in this tutorial. who OK'd this?
No. 851672
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everything this image encapsulates
i wish pickmes loved themselves
No. 851759
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I hate you fuckers who get jobs through personal relationships with employees/managers lol
nooooo you have to apply through the 10-page online application portal that will time you out if you take more than 5 minutes which would have been avoided if the employers looked at the fucking resume you made for the specific job nooooooo
No. 851760
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I hate boomers so much, can't even look on the news with a single child neglect and/or abuse story without 15 boomers in the comment section trying to argue as to why the child deserved it or the parents made a mistake it's ok just forgive them. Literally EVERY SINGLE article on my local news site I went to about it had one or more boomers in it. I hate these middle aged rats, they barely count as human
It's even worse when the person who got caught doing the bad is part of a church(any religion) then boomers will REALLY find any excuse to be in denial
No. 851937
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(containment thread escapee)
No. 851974
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>>851965I can see it.
(driversperging) No. 851982
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No. 851984
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No. 852053
>>851759god i hate the application process too. its such a waste of time and half the time they dont even have the fucking grace to tell you why they didnt select you.
ive been rejected from jobs that i was overqualified for, jobs that were LUCKY to have someone like me interested.
No. 852542
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i hate how the some of the gay community portrays movies like luca as gay representation. like they're kids, it's for kids and its more like a simple adventure movie. i really enjoyed the movie until everyone artist i knew on insta was drawing comics of them being being together. why do people have to over analyse media in order to align with their beliefs?
i hate it when they label every popular movie/show/game/character(s) as LGBT when in fact it isn't. I'm not going to deny that there has been more representation in these media's but fuck guys take a break.
No. 853370
File: 1626215812956.jpg (61.18 KB, 962x1088, P00493053.jpg)

These are the tackiest and most try hard shoes ever, this is the kind of shit the donut steel from the Resident Evil movies would wear to show how badass and cool she is. Also I feel like the kind of people who currently wear them would have made fun of goths in the 2000s for wearing something similar.
No. 853406
>>853380it's been a hot minute since i talked about this. i don't believe that kids should be coaxed into learning about sexuality at a young age. maybe when they are late middle school early high school.
and i don't think a kid would give a shit about any kind of representation when watching a movie.
>>853380and when you confront them about it, they label you homophobic. smh
it reminds me of the mr.potato head situation. at the end of the day it's a kids toy :/
No. 853408
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>>851991live in da woods. your ancestral instincts are calling.
No. 853420
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>>853370i think shoes like picrel are the tackiest tbh.
No. 854207
>>854174nta but it shows that you're unintegrated and a twitterfag
t. zoomer
No. 855146
>>855094>>855144português?It's because the "m" and "n" are pronounced, in this case.
Imagine Trisha Paytas saying it lol "Com
muhfortable-ngh" and "In
No. 855336
>>855331Same, the cold is so limiting and demotivating. I just fucking hate doing things in winter. Right now I'm procrastinating showering because I don't wanna get undressed, and dreading my 5am wakeup tomorrow and driving in the dark to work.
I'm not a fan of summer either but I can't deny that it massively lifts my mood, I'm much happier even if it's uncomfortable at times.
No. 855338
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Flies. I'm a britbong (bad enough start to any story I know) and the summer heat is killing me. No one here has air conditioning and I don't have a fan so I'm stuck with an open window 24/7 unless I want to melt into a grotesque anon soup. The same fly keeps coming in, doing a circle around my room (terrifying my hamster, might I add), and fucking off out the window, and repeating it again and again. "Close the window anon!" I hear you cry. I CAN'T the heat becomes intolerable after 15 seconds. It feels like the fly is taunting me. My NEET hovel isn't even that dirty idk what keeps attracting it. Other than my pain. Fuck flies.
No. 855364
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These "curly" fries
No. 855394
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I hate unsolicited dick pics
No. 855518
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the current popularity of shitty "female gaze" horror movies, like suspiria, picnic at hanging rock, 3 women, etc (this also includes flavor of the week A24 trash like the witch and midsommar)
for the most part, these movies are predictable, paper-thin, and have little more to offer than a vague sense of atmosphere. The main characters share a complete lack of agency, and the fact that they're considered at all feminist is beyond depressing - apparently, red pillers are right and all women desire nothing more than to imagine themselves as a callow suicidal waif, with no aspirations other than to live out their tragic aesthetic goals. Women in these movies are unfailingly passive (slasher movie final girls are positively driven by comparison), and the casting of that as some kind of fundamental feminine quality is beyond regressive. They're also not scary, like, at all (sPoOky scooby-doo vibes at best)
No. 855589
>>855545Same I also find them fucking annoying. They also continue to start fights and gaslight other anons for having different opinions.
I wish they would just get banned.
No. 856009
>>855765Everyone wants a good written female character but coomers are stronger and more willing to throw their sheckles for the next set of exposed thighs rather for the character that has an interesting story.
I honestly don’t see what’s the big deal with also wanting more cute guys with exposed midriffs or backs that are not that deep, it’s nice.
No. 856183
>>856167I did have a crush on the weird kid, he wasn't a loser just a quiet guy who seemingly had no friend's and kept to himself, I wanted to talk him but never got the chance too, I think he knew I followed him so he avoided me mostly
Then right after he joined the army and has no social media presence, so i have no idea what happened to him
No. 856187
>>856167You may be surprised. I was one of the weirdos, and even a 'spaz'. After high school, I got messages from guys in my school telling me they thought I was hot but they were afraid of me or of asking me out in front of people. One classic line I got was
>anon you're like sex on legsGrody..
No. 856239
File: 1626528168145.jpg (69.26 KB, 450x600, 1622226033199.jpg)

I hate that street fashion photos (those you or a friend take for fun, not professional fashion editorials) are so curated and tryhard now. I don't take any but I like looking at them and I hate that zoomers keep trying to force the "aesthetics and vibes" by without understanding that a huge part of the charm of these photos came from the candidness of them, of people just wearing wacky clothes they enjoy and hanging out somewhere random when someone took a photo of them. They're just having fun, they're not trying to pose for their shitty instagram. What you see nowadays feels forced and "set up" like they just dressed like that for a couple of hours specifically for a photoshoot and probably never wore it again. There's no charm. There's no authenticity. There is only hyper image conscious aliexpress egirls with online shopping addictions who spend their time trying to thrift flip ugly clothes with no sew tutorials. I hate it.
No. 856310
>>856167i do find that this is true with female weirdos, the classic spergy self-identified otaku and quiet emo kids, sensitive friendless shy girls of the 2000s and 2010s. one of my friends who was a total outcast at some private school for kids with behavioural problems is hit up by brazenly thirsty former classmates in her dms (who used to bully her!) to this day.
but the sentiment is off-putting, and gross. you are an outcast, but at least some of your peers who ignore you (if they aren't outright bullying or ostracizing you publicly) might be shamefully and privately attracted to you. okay, how does that solve the issue of being a leper? especially for kids who come from messed up home situations or are kind of weird but quiet, not acting out for attention, and got mercilessly bullied anyways. not that more volatile kids or teenagers deserve that treatment. i think people in this position were all longing for meaningful friendship, or at the very least a bit of kindness. someone being attracted to you doesn't help that in any way, especially if they are too embarrassed to even admit it to themselves until a decade later. that actually just makes you feel like even more of an outsider
gross that people say this to actual children too, what, is a hypothetical boy in your third grade class being mean to you because he "likes" you supposed to a balm for getting bullied or having no friends? is the idea of a boy having a crush on you supposed to be valuable or help your situation in any way? wouldn't it be better to explain to children that kids can be cruel and set them up with some extracurricular activities or play dates so they understand that there isn't something inherently wrong with them that makes everyone reject them, and that they can make nice friends outside of school? it would prevent a lot of weird adolescent complexes that causes them to behave in offputting ways which alienate people further, making their peers think something is actually wrong with them
i am using the word kids and preteens/early to mid teens interchangeably here, i just realized some of this sounds kind of strange if you take "kids" to mean literal children with regards to hypothetical attraction from their peers. you know what i mean though, the nature of boys having a crush on you from the tween years into your teens changes a bit, and it becomes more uncomfortable at this age No. 856332
File: 1626536860204.jpeg (52.66 KB, 375x552, pa-pa-pa-pa-puffy-c0e7bba6-911…)

>>856324>Jfasion stuff died with fruits, honestly.Yeah, I think so too. I didn't mean J-fashion specifically, just in general I feel like the photos are less fun to look at because everyone's so concerned with if their face looks perfect that a lot of personality is gone. Or maybe I'm just a crazy nitpicky bitch. Probably both.
No. 856506
File: 1626553213883.jpeg (33.8 KB, 244x273, 9E2F9728-C927-4781-B19D-335816…)

>calls people twitterfags/newfags/scrotes while not contributing to the discussion at all
No. 856510
>>856506and the twitterfags/newfags/scrotes contribute? No. They don't.
Take this to /meta/ scrote.
No. 856579
>>856565Really? at worst I would had thought it would just be full of egirls with daddy kinks
How's the tranny sissy situation?
No. 856594
File: 1626561287392.gif (153.3 KB, 275x223, 1518878304322.gif)

husbandofags whose husbandos are from shounen or seinen anime are so fucking irritating to me. Why is your favorite 2d moid from a moid anime targeted towards moids AND written by a moid? There's a difference between a male character written by a fujo mangaka and one written by a most likely asocial japanese scrote. And i'm tired of seeing your "flavor of the seasonal animes" husbandos outside of /m/. Farmers recognize when waifus made by/for scrotes, but apparently the man-made fags are okay? No I've had enough
No. 856614
>>856597I just have a deep-seated hatred of shounen anime.
>>856600I've never even seen pop team epic, I just used this gif to describe how I feel
>>856599no, I've heard the mangaka is female(?) tho so if that's true I'll give her a pass
No. 856753
>>831563this post is a month old but this absolutely
there was a period of time where google was really good at pinpointing obscure information but it's just gone downhill; completely buried in nonsense and spam. I don't know what happened to it.
No. 856767
File: 1626579318812.jpeg (83.37 KB, 750x666, Glasses-for-your-face-Tips-fro…)

I hate the type of glasses that women wore in the 1950s and 60s, the shape is just bad.
No. 856784
File: 1626584058109.png (132.5 KB, 554x439, 104.png)

>>856594I like dumb action and don't see why I should let scrotes stop me from liking it.
No. 856785
There's way too many catfishers nowadays, if you speak in any slang on the internet i assume youre an autist.
No. 856837
File: 1626592143765.jpg (70.46 KB, 1017x880, 20210718_020523~2.jpg)

I hate practically everything about this
No. 857057
File: 1626618489680.png (86.67 KB, 600x153, 1625619156159.png)

The gossip girl reboot
No. 857099
File: 1626622544582.jpeg (41.73 KB, 338x500, 618AB0B6-6C18-4CC8-98FA-A49BF4…)

>>857057I’m so far removed from the teenage girl demographic now that I couldn’t even tell you if a troon eating a moids ass is appealing to them or not. Take me back to 2002 nonnies, or just end me like Old Yeller. I’m out.
No. 857113
File: 1626623152625.png (305.95 KB, 640x470, 4ispoxx8zoe51.png)

>>857099I miss the 2000's so much, I would have even preferred the 90's
No. 857149
File: 1626625226434.jpg (20.68 KB, 473x475, sendo.jpg)

>>856594Shoujo and otome husbandos are always so generic and samefaced. I have found the best husbandos in Hajime No Ippo so far.
No. 857186
File: 1626627958641.jpg (32.55 KB, 391x471, 14727.jpg)

>>857149God I had a huge crush on him as well, Sendo
No. 857261
>>856594Naruto was written by a scrote for scrotes.
Amnesia was written by a woman for women.
And yet, unlike Toma, Naruto would never put me in a cage.
No. 857640
nonnie, you'll make them realize just how board culture is steeped in
problematic toxicity splooged out of the predatory misogynistic autistic scrotes of weeb web yore. questioning our very existence on a space like this using their culture when ours is in place yet is so derivative.. kinda fucked. almost need to have a modern day philosopher to parse this one out
No. 857727
>>857640Keep it up
Fuck pedo scrote memes
No. 857820
I hate coffee and I hate people that try to get you to drink it by saying "no this is really good it doesn't even taste like coffee!" If it has coffee in it, yes it does. Then I take a sip and go "yup it's shit" and they go whaaat but it's so good??
>>857640I would send you a screamer
No. 858020
File: 1626715375006.jpg (464.32 KB, 1333x2000, 9353a6cef857ba9179f33b1914844d…)

People who cannot tolerate moderate discomfort and complain about everything. It's so hard to be around people like this. Humans are capable of adapting to practically torturous conditions that modern day people could not fathom. Your ancestors have starved, survived the freezing cold/burning heat, endured lack of medical treatment, and just simply lacked electricity and modern convenience. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but be quiet when you have to walk 20 minutes on a man-paved sidewalk in shoes so comfortable you don't even notice them to a post office where people you will never meet send your mail across the entire planet. Not to mention, discomfort is not something that should be completely eradicated. Discomfort is a part of life the same way comfort it. I'm not saying people deserve to suffer or be in terrible pain, I just mean you should be able to tolerate some mosquito bites and have your feet sore after a day of walking and still be thankful for your clothes, the weather, etc. You shouldn't feel the need to complain non-stop if the train you're on for 10 minutes isn't running cold air conditioning. I feel like the only people I can be really close with are people I meet in backpacking groups or people who grew up in the 3rd/2nd world. It makes to so full of love to see people express gratitude for a shitty camping meal at a simple fire even if it its bitching cold outside.
No. 858114
File: 1626720930654.jpeg (345.38 KB, 828x1474, 6102876B-92C0-4CF7-948C-4D828C…)

seeing shit like this on social media every day. have people lost their fucking minds?
No. 858118
>>858114Social media is hell of a drug
I find it even more annoying when they direct that shit at europeans
No. 858125
>>858114I'm black, I can't speak for everyone but most black people aren't fond of this shit, It's literally condescending and patronizing, also I bet with almost certainty this woman is dating or married to a white man
all these hyper woke black women are
No. 858135
File: 1626722269597.gif (343.67 KB, 549x376, 250.gif)

>>858114>literally starve and give me your money and the house you live in>it's the minimumThat's certainly working out great for them, I'm sure. Expecting that from Americans in a national housing crisis shows how retarded and terminally online these crazies are.
No. 858137
File: 1626722370147.jpg (34.07 KB, 600x450, 5f10b7384dca68684147ab66.jpg)

When kids try to give you food that they've already had in their mouth. It's always a soggy ass cheeto puff.
No. 858247
File: 1626728334340.png (3.78 MB, 750x1334, 15918564-DA1B-430A-A179-67B096…)

this tiktok i just saw of an old man putting on stockings and high heels in what appears to be a busy goodwill store and the subsequent “yasss queen” comments
No. 858460
>>858402I would do this, kek.
But then I also like to eat uncooked ramen blocks.
No. 858647
>>858118I think it’s hilarious when wokies from my country parrot the whole “local black and indigenous
POC” thing because aside from black people being our smallest racial minority, the white majority
is the indigenous population and everyone else are immigrants. They spend so much time on North America-dominated social media that they don’t realise the whole anti-colonisation shtick takes on a completely different meaning when transplanted wholesale to our own country. It’s even worse when they adopt American racial politics with the whole one drop thing and end up sounding like Varg Vikernes.
No. 859352
File: 1626838305556.gif (185.11 KB, 220x180, EDC2F168-980A-4FCE-8694-F4E243…)

the fact that embedded videos here won’t work in my fucking mobile browser
No. 859689
File: 1626882554829.jpg (5.06 KB, 225x225, ab9.jpg)

Might sound kind of pathetic but I kind of hate it when nerdy male characters, and also male emo and goth characters in media are rarely paired with a girl on their level, they often chase after or end up with the perfect girl-next-door type or popular outgoing type, usually because of the "opposites attract" meme (or it's just the male author's fantasy). Anyway it's annoying and I wouldn't be surprised if the real life versions were the same way.
No. 859779
File: 1626888903539.jpg (34.05 KB, 800x522, wat.jpg)

when you make a simple statement and an anon tells you to stop being "aggro"
No. 859981
File: 1626902166931.jpeg (52.33 KB, 554x554, images (9).jpeg)

Grapefruit juice. Or just grapefruit in general. Seriously, what a disgusting excuse for a fruit. Why would I want to consume something that tastes like soap?
No. 860022
>>859981I don't get it either. People say it's good with sugar on top, but it tastes like nail polish remover no matter what you put on it. It's not just a sour taste, that shit is
No. 860035
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Milo Manara 9/11 tribute
No. 860140
File: 1626918203036.jpg (20.73 KB, 473x378, ef60ace9dc0555b4bdcebf048e3ae3…)

>um chile anyways so
Its bad enough seeing this retard speech on other parts of the internet but seeing it on lolcow from newfags/tourists is just awful
No. 860201
>>860185i just saw a
>tell me you’re a # without telling me you’re a #in the wild in /snow/
No. 860330
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>>859779I see this all the time and it pisses me off on behalf of the OP who is usually being reasonable
>Calm down, lol No. 860606
File: 1626969692608.jpg (17.14 KB, 236x354, 1345610d1e91f576b7a149270a0022…)

Tryhard hipsters who don't wear shoes. Right now there is one sitting near me in a bus, he's got huge brand headphones, ipad in hands but no shoes. I see guys like him from time to time.
Just Why? Not wearing shoes in the city where there's a lot of sharp stuff on ground is just dumb. It doesn't connect you to nature, it'll just make your feet dirty, rough, bruised and stinking.
No. 860639
File: 1626972446206.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, 1467998748873.jpg)

>>860606>going barefoot on the busjust reading this gave me foot fungus
No. 860779
>>860681>>860646>>860644Well acshually since social media has become the defacto and IS keen on censoring any discerning voices from mainstream so a fringe imageboard is place for these discerning voices away from normies so it includes conservatives as well wether its liked or not (except of topic)
Also go back to twitter
No. 860796
File: 1626984312449.png (Spoiler Image,402.22 KB, 1280x1134, importantinformation.png)

>>860642>>860779Interesting arguments, anon. I found this infograph a little while ago on /m/, and I feel like you might have something to say about it. Thoughts?
No. 860862
File: 1626989599120.jpeg (42.69 KB, 780x520, picky_vs_spd-84038ffa.jpeg)

>>860852No, I see this sometimes and imagine anon like this
No. 860879
>>860606I've never done it in a city, but I do get it. It gives you strong durable feet that don't need shoes. It makes you use natural movement patterns and it's nice feeling the ground. Barefoot shoes can't entirely replicate this, through it's the compromise I've reached. The sharp stuff risk is overstated, when's the last time you've had a shoes sole damaged by a shard of glass?
>>860639Not an issue, since people going barefoot is rare. The fungus also likes it moist so it wouldn't survive long.
No. 860920
File: 1626994813136.jpg (93.76 KB, 960x960, Fuck you scrote.jpg)

This bitch.
No. 861080
File: 1627015904568.jpeg (488.1 KB, 505x3665, 95333335758.jpeg)

>>860923Au Vyst. She was a big CC fan and emulated Alice's style. He found her on Tumblr and they met when she was 15 and he was 33. Married her later when she was 21.
No. 861149
>>861103Always remember to roast eloquently, farmers, for maximum entertainment.
>>861142Yeah the double standards are insane.
Scrotes should be more shamed for being gross and letting themselves go.
No. 861150
>>861112i find all fat men ugly, but think that fat girls/women can be beautiful, cute, striking (ie Lizzo, Adele, Beth Ditto). Make if that what you will.
>>861142It's not that deep, I don't think most anons really consider those women ugly. It's just hype backlash, I think. Basically "everyone says this woman is the most beautiful in the world, but for me she isn't and I'm tired of seeing her everywhere". The title probably should be "woman whose looks you find overrated" or something.
Sidenkte, but a lot of ankns who like "uggo" men also find unconventional women hot.
No. 861170
Anons that bump a thread to ask a question without referring to any other post in the thread, or posting any kind of contribution themselves
I like to see old threads being bumped, but when I see a post like
>>861155 I think the anon couldn't be bothered to read the previous posts and just wants her (you)s
No. 861308
File: 1627054067933.png (1.01 MB, 1089x634, 56979763467.png)

I fucking hate people who make true crime mukbang videos as well as the people who watch the videos. Imagine someone describing the murder of your family member in depth while cracking jokes and stuffing their face with Popeyes chicken. It's sick. The true crime "community" in general is sick.
No. 861341
>>861308This is the same woman who cried her eyes out because she was apparently attacked by a man in her own home and I assume SA-ed by him. Then nikocado
triggered her and sent her into a meltdown because he made her feel unsafe in her home…. Would she like for someone to giggle and mukbang their way through a retelling of her traumatic story? That's what bugs me.
No. 861435
File: 1627067451633.jpg (161.89 KB, 1200x600, 5c5ac7d584ba0f01c827384d.jpg)

Electronic scooters. Fuck those ugly ass things!
They look stupid, they stand and lie over the place that makes it impossible to use the sidewalk and are fucking dangerous because for some reason people forget all sorts of traffic rules when they use it.
No. 861439
>>861382I consume true crime and don't feel desensitized to any worrying degree but I know that any time I dare to read youtube comments I see men who will find any way possible to blame a woman for her own murder or to find some empathy for the killer. Every time.
It's shocking how much that pops up and fills/ruins the respectful tone of any discussion. This petty blame game of easing male guilt and finding fault with any woman involved. These men should not be spending their time watching TC if that's where their head it at. They do lose touch with it being real and someones greatest source of pain and grief. It's like a game to them to win arguments.. about dead people. The guessing games and reaches are beyond offensive and just some projection of their own bitter views. I dread to think of any family member who watches vids about their loved one and sees it.
No. 861516
>>861308I don't mind tc shit when it's respectful to the
victim(s), shows concern for the
victim(s), and puts in basic research. I'll only accept tin-foiling about unsolved cases if the death revolve around a person that has died 70 or more years ago
No. 861634
>>861308>>861335God me too. It all feels like they are exploiting those terrible incidents for money that of course never sees any of the actual
victim's families or any other causes that help or prevent the tragedies they pretend to have sympathy for, because that thought doesn't even cross their minds. Neither do any of them include actual prevention discussion in their videos. All those cases get treated like mindless "content", instead of actual people. The youtube suggestions look like they're AI generated, "The terrible case of x", "The gruesome death y", "The tragic fate of z", "The [negative adjective] [crimescene related noun] of [person name]".
No. 861693
File: 1627094665726.jpg (24.42 KB, 500x109, tumblr_9ed65b7d682b9bb159b7835…)

DNI banners on tumblr. These people don't even post any original content either why are they adding these banners underneath a reposted and stolen gif?
No. 861695
File: 1627094730842.jpg (29.39 KB, 500x125, tumblr_7fc96d8d9b95e43568bd7c0…)

>>861693Picrel is another banner that I think is somehow even more retarded and over-the-top
No. 861702
>>861699Being a
terf fujo was literally the norm 10 years ago before trannies and fake bois took it over. I used to find such good fics. Now everything is gender special rhetoric. Women can't enjoy anything anymore.
No. 861704
>>861699The fact that being a pedo is on the same level as being a
terf or fujo is insane to me. Hell, even being a tranny but not the right kind of tranny is on the same level apparently. (truscum/transmed)
No. 862813
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>>862811this annoys me too, then I'm reminded of how much joy their shit shooping has brought to the world and all is forgiven.
No. 863079
File: 1627254759577.gif (2.44 MB, 498x280, tenor.gif)

>be me
>discover "invincible" today and binge watch it
>enjoy it a lot
>look for fan discussion
>it's full of scrotes making jokes about the pet comment, hating the girlfriend, calling monster girl a "legal loli", calling elements of the show "too feminist"
I hate it.
No. 863448
>>863437Oh god it’s so true, I’m surrounded by anachans and it honestly gets tiresome when you’re eating something, anything, even if it’s healthy, and It’s like it
triggers a reaction making them talk about being size something or not being able to buy regular sized clothes because they need uwu kids’ clothing.
It’s honestly sad, like yeah, It’s not easy being too skinny because everything makes you feel like a hobo, but there must be a way to find peace with such things, right?
No. 863478
File: 1627267275281.jpg (259.55 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

The absolute worst youtuber and food person. People say his recipes are really good but I refuse to ever try any of them and I hope he goes bankrupt
No. 863530
>>863478so many of his recipes require so many steps for no reason. also some of his ingredients are hard to find in regular grocery stores. like, yeah i get substitutes are a thing, but he could at least let the audience know if leaving an ingredient out or substituting with a more common ingredient would work well. this is why i love youtubers like aaron and claire. in the video attached, at 40 seconds, aaron just straight up says we can skip green onions, it's so helpful. in other videos he often mentions, "don't worry about it" when it comes to certain ingredients, and they still come out amazing. this josh dude, though… his videos are barely recipes. and like
>>863517 said, he's basically just showing off the equipment and ingredients he has.
No. 863657
File: 1627288085622.png (Spoiler Image,517.15 KB, 983x507, Screenshot 2021-07-26 162606.p…)

I hate how the new and trending section on Steam is constantly poluted with vile sex games. What the fuck kind of man is actually potentially spending money on and playing this shit. All for a glimpse of 2D tit and pussy. The stinking degeneracy.
Saw this one the other day and made me want to curbstomp the devs.
No. 863659
>>863657Jesus fuck yes. I wanted to see what their wallpaper engine is all about and the majority of shit was disgusting nsfw stuff, didn't bother to look further.
Also I think there is a filter in settings that filters specifically those hentai games. How fucked is it that there are so many of them that they need a special filter for it
No. 863662
>>863657Ewwww, Jesus Christ I wish I didn't hover on this
>What the fuck kind of man is actually potentially spending money on and playing this shitSociopaths
No. 863680
>>863670I never got into Twitter thankfully, didn't understand the hype.
Every time I'm taken there via a link from some other site I remember what a cesspool it is. Like you said, everywhere you look there's trannies and fakebois, everyone's got their ~pronouns~ in their bio and a furry pfp.
No. 863896
>>863724Try working with scrotes that constantly barge into your office for free therapy sessions. Being used as an emotional dumpster gets old real quick.
If my friends tell me about their issues I don't call it trauma dumping.
No. 863911
>>863907I wonder if they really don't see how this is casting a bad light on them, no matter the reason. Especially regarding the language thing; there are entire game companies who refuse to let their games get translated into other languages
because they get pirated so much.
No. 863933
>>863426Having anything to do online is scaring the shit out of me now considering how things are going
Twitter, reddit ban could very well transfer to other services
(thinking about psaki's statement)
Imagine getting banned from twitter because womanlets duh denying anyone gender dysphoria and bam you can't use your cards you can't use any online service and guess what everything is online and you now starve on the streets
No. 863938
>>863926How is it 'pathetic'? A comic not being published in your language is a
valid reason not to buy it. Are people supposed to part with their hard-earned money by buying a comic in Japanese, that they cannot understand, just to support the author? Come on now. I think the only solution to the scanlation problem is a manga-reading app that is a Netflix equivalent (I know Shonen Jump is trying something like that, but it has a small selection of titles and I don't think it's available anywhere). Many people, except for children, would be ok with shelling out $5 monthly to read everything in good quality and without hassle. Especially if new titles would get translated thanks for that.
No. 863970
>>863670A while back biden's nice tweeted
"told my daughter about this farmers protest in India and she's crying for justice"
Same goes for Kamala' relatives
They also keep tweeting stupid shit
I bet I saw a tweet asking to nuke a country that progressive didn't like, also it was from some official or their relative
No. 863982
>>863938Look, my issue with these people is less about their reasoning for pirating, and more about how they choose to grovel at the author's feet when the author talks about how much they hate people who pirate their work. Whether it's something as "justifiable" as a work not being available in their language or just not wanting to pay for a series, it's not a good look to say that you are illegally reading their work one way or another directly to their face.
Piracy is always going to exist and a majority of these people will probably still not pay for it regardless of whether it gets an official translation or they come across more money to actually afford it. It's wrong, and I know it's wrong as someone who illegally reads most of my manga online but I don't spend my time justifying it online or putting a target on my back by making that known.
No. 864075
File: 1627329305775.png (1.49 MB, 1822x1080, 07YpPsG.png)

i fucking hate men so much. my mom sent me this funny tiktok of a group of women making fun of typical dads by dressing up in dad fashion and gathering around a bbq grill and the comments were full of men talking about how women aren't funny (wrong) and that if the situation was reversed (men making fun of women) everyone would be upset, and that gender discrimination goes both ways. i hate hate hate hate HATE men, i want them all fucking gone already.
No. 864335
File: 1627343592758.png (351.61 KB, 487x486, c13.png)

I hate this meme format. It's always annoying normalfags using it.
No. 864356
File: 1627345222674.jpeg (505.48 KB, 790x1159, 9593B3DF-4FFE-407E-B9A5-114586…)

I’m fucking despise women who tell other woman to not encourage “eating disorders”on men when all they is that they want a “tall,skinny bf”.Who fucking cares,the beauty standards for woman are so high but suddenly it’s harmful to say you want a thin partner,they cape so hard for shitty,out of shape dudes, it’s embarrassing.
>>864292UGH I hate the dad bod shit,you just know they’re lying to themselves.If I was a conspiracist,I’d say that this some kinda Hollywood scheme to lower women’s standards for men.No one finds beer guts and skinny-fats to be hot come the fuck on.
No. 864363
>>864292Big noses on men disgust me so much. I literally cringe to think of one touching my face while kissing or, god forbid, my vag. Pickmes will find any flaw to worship for male approval points.
They can't help our facial structure but I still feel justified in hating on men for their faces because, unlike most women with imperfect features, they probably haven't considered plastic surgery as an option. My nose is bigger than I prefer, nothing crazy but not the ideal button ski slope. I'm generally opposed to plastic surgery but I still compulsively think about it because it's so ingrained in me to try and improve my appearance. It pisses me off that men can go through life never thinking that way.
No. 864386
File: 1627347289100.jpg (188.5 KB, 885x1080, original-early-male-nude-print…)

Men who work the top half of their body only.
No. 865199
File: 1627435353128.jpg (181.78 KB, 736x980, 40b61958c7c98d1e4a9433cb3915ca…)

The amount of videos and gifs on Pinterest.
No. 865212
>>864991I have a weird name and it's not a problem, whenever anyone asks for it I automatically spell it out just in case
Weird names are becoming the norm so imo spelling names out will become more expected, It's not an issue.
No. 865244
File: 1627440403893.jpeg (67.97 KB, 720x1280, download (4).jpeg)

this girl from tiktoks face makes me cringe every time I see it. she is truly just so hideous it's painful to look at her and her personality is so bad too
No. 865272
>>865251And a botched brow lift it would seem. I agree…she’s extremely ugly kek.
She should just pay someone to punch her nose the other direction.
No. 865420
File: 1627459715996.gif (8.09 MB, 557x652, GIF-210728_160600.gif)

>>865251Damn, they really fucked up lmao
No. 865783
File: 1627487325831.png (463.93 KB, 1014x630, yuck.png)

These 700 dollar plus D&G shoes.
No. 865825
File: 1627490050883.png (382.97 KB, 368x524, scrote.png)

males who wear skirts
No. 865826
>>865766Our front door is so thick I can barely hear it when someone knocks, let alone talk through it. Now that you mention it though, there has been a rash of burglaries in the neighbourhood so maybe instead of a scammy salesman it was a burglar checking to see if someone was home. God I hate this.
>>865776That’s clever! I’ll look into that. Maybe I can also put one of those “beware of dog” signs in my kitchen window or something.
No. 865833
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>>865825Troonery = no thanks
Kilts = yes pls
No. 865843
>>865825As a butch I know I'm a huge hypocrite for saying this but I just don't trust men in skirts! Literally why wear one when like
>>865833 said kilts exist. Your balls can feel the breeze and you don't like a freak. Oh, but then you can't coom to that huh. Honestly at least I have the excuse of being over 6'0 with a fridge body for wearing mens clothes. Scrotes just wax lyrical about challenging gender norms even though they're the ones giving skirts a gender by drawing attention to themselves when they wear one. If they truly considered all clothing unisex then why demand applause for wearing a skirt? Just wear one and stfu, coomer.
No. 865924
>>865905Imagine living like them where everyone laughs at your dumbass jokes because you may chimp out on them if they don't.
Men rlly do live in a bubble.
No. 865981
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>>865977Weren't rage comics back then similar to those though?
No. 866137
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>I hate this era of the internet. I want wojak, gigachad, political compass, "based", etc. to be relegated to rage comic status already. Tacky and annoying as fuck.
No. 866142
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>Facts, internet humor peaked in late 2018 then it all imploded in a tryhard post-post-meta-ironic constantly pessimistic and politically charged mess.
No. 905818
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Delusional women who swear that they look like teenagers, and say you’re body shaming them and that you’re insecure. Reminds me of that Luna Aquatard This is on a post about Eugenia Cooney btw.