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No. 813930
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What type of head brush is this? What can I type to find this sort of brush
No. 813962
>>813952It's called having facial expressions
nonny, and it's normal
No. 813971
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Do any of you cuties know chemistry? I have lactic acid at 80% dilution and I cannot work out how to find the pH of it. The more I Google the less I understand.
Please help, I'm trying to treat a yeast infection and my gonzo vagina science is being roadblocked by my dumb ass
No. 813995
>>813987I preferred going on a trip to Europe instead of having a Quinceañera because that’s when the whole
>she becomes friends with everyone after a glow up for her birthday partySchtick stopped being important to me.
No. 814112
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does masturbating like this even work??
No. 814193
>>814122well it's not an 18 year old girl so who cares
>>813987my older sister had a big sweet 16
i didn't have any friends, i stayed home and played vidya on my 16th birthday
No. 814284
>>814281It's not illegal per se, but anyone who has any very young adults in their life knows how fucking immature and naive they are. Or just looking back at your former self, I'm sure it's not uncommon to ve lead on by an older guy.
I don't really know how to judge about gay relationships. Like obviously the same problems stand, but they have a much smaller pool, and if your backwater swamp has 3 gay men in total, and the two others are either 19 and attractive an 30 butreally unattractive, then what do you do? Die sexless?
No. 814304
>>814281Nobody should judge 18-19 year olds for wanting to be with older people or the resources an older person can give them, they will do whatever they want because nobody can convince them they aren't actually all grown up yet, but we should absolutely shame older people who pursue these relationships because they are old enough to recognise the uneven gap between 18-28+ of understanding everything about life.
I didn't feel this way when I was a teenager but assuming you're 28 or older yourself, have you spoken to a 18 year old recently? The difference in life experience is huge, teenagers can be brilliant but it doesn't feel like talking to another adult at all. You want to protect them not fuck them. I would feel very predatory if I was involved with someone that young and I don't believe any 30+ who says that they're experiencing a deep understanding with a teenager, they might be using the teenager as a prop to roleplay being young again but they are still using their experiences to leverage control in a relationship with someone with less life experience. You might remember feeling like an adult at that age and I know we have many anons in that bracket here but really anyone 18-19 is just a child with a credit card.
No. 814308
>>814303I can't help but see people age of 18-23 as babies, mostly because me and my friends who are in their 20s are still confused and naive about a lot of things (especially with pandemic fucking everyone's lives out), I've also got little brothers and sisters.
I wouldn't want to date anyone who is more than 2 years younger than me, 3 years and more would be fine if both of adults are in their 30s and stuff.
>>814304> have you spoken to a 18 year old recently? The difference in life experience is huge, teenagers can be brilliant but it doesn't feel like talking to another adult at all. This! They may be smart and have some rough experiences in life (all of us do), but in the end it's still a barely legal adult who can't teach anyone life.
No. 814311
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How come I'm getting an expired ban notification only now? On top of that I can't even recall being unable to post at any point the last few months. Ofc I'm not bothered about not being banned, but curious how did that happen?
No. 814324
>>814315Unfortunately mine
>>814316I think so too, but why notify me on it now, over a month later? I've posted many many times since then
>>814317I use VPN sometimes but usually same IP, and it definitely was my most here
No. 814390
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What was life like before 9/11? I was a kid around that time, living in latam as well, so I wouldn’t really know what changed.
No. 814391
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DAE think the pandemic will be the new excuse for munchies, narcs and NEETs to blame everything on?
I think it's fair for everyone to blame things on the pandemic for the next couple of years, and some people will have had their whole lives destroyed by it through losing their close loved ones or careers and businesses that they spent their whole lives working on, but I can't shake this feeling it's going to become the new reason why in 2030 Jeremy won't put down his PlayStation 6 and move out of his mother's basement at 35. I can't tell if I'm predicting the future or just laying to groundwork to become a victim blaming type of adult
No. 814408
>>814386Pretty much
>>814388 Emo music became associated with some stereotypes like any music does, so over time this got exaggerated and blended with other stuff that was currently popular with teens and they got called scene kids referring to the idea that they were just taking part in the emo scene but weren't actually in it for the music or whatever, scene music had a different sound too. Standard infighting the same as in any music subculture ensued.
At the time there was such a huge divide that emo was all about the music wheras scene was more about the aesthetic and the lifestyle etc that some emo bands and emos specifically distanced themselves from anything that fit either stereotype because they believed they weren't being taken seriously because of it, but since people outside of this couldn't tell the difference between either it was all pointless
Time has erased everything and people now just use emo and scene interchangeably, even mixing it up with goth
Some people really still care about it, there were even some anons passionately arguing about it here in the starter pack aesthetic threads
I probably joined in kek No. 814422
>>814390I was 10 when 9/11 happened. I live in the UK, there's two things that stand out to me, at least in my memory of the events.
1: Things were… more hopeful? Not overly optimistic but 9/11 was so intensely shocking that it really made most westerners realise how it only takes one event to send everything into chaos and cause war, and of course we were blissfully unaware of shit happening in other countries so the footage alone was genuinely a life changing moment within itself, to see such terrors uncensored on live tv was really something else. I genuinely remember watching the news coverage like it happened last week 'cause it left such an impression on me. So after that and then the bullshit war on terror wild fucking goose chase in the middle east the general population was much more aware of how quickly things can change for the worse. Our safety net was removed, basically.
2: It was much easier to live at least partially off the grid. ID wasn't such a big deal, hell even driving licenses weren't. For example, my father rode his motorbike with no license and no tax or insurance for 10+ years and when he crashed it he came clean to the police and they shrugged it off. They figured getting smashed up in a crash was punishment enough. Nowadays it's a lot harder to do anything like that, even civilians can run your license plate through a website to see if you're insured. CCTV has massively increased, even in small towns. I think mass surveillance is much more widely accepted as well now because people will just say "well you wouldn't want another [insert terrorist attack here] happening would you?", before it was more normal for people to see mass surveillance as invasive/kinda useless. I also remember a lot of people in my town working off the books, cash in hand in the 90s too. All the while collecting job seekers allowance, that's been cracked down on too. All in all the government is just a LOT more involved in your business post 9/11.
No. 814632
>>814500I live in Canada and similar to
>>814574 I started getting pap tests when I started having sex in my early 20s. If I remember correctly my doctor recommended that women get a pap done every 2 years once they become sexually active or reach their mid 20's. We're not charged for these either. It's just a preventative procedure. Cancer can be diagnosed at any age so it's normal that cancer screening is incorporated into our regular checkups.
No. 814633
>>814606I wouldn't trust anyone's answers on this because I don't think people could possibly know that unless they either specifically know of people in all those groups or live in an incredibly small area where nothing happens without you hearing about it
How can you really know?
No. 814648
>>814606I've been out of high school for about two years now so I'll just use my microcosm there as my anecdote. E-girl/boy stuff hadn't taken off yet so the most you'd see was people wearing goth makeup. Same goes for alt fashion.
We had a small trans population, since the group is small in numbers anyway, but a trans boy was on my homecoming court one year.
I'm not sure if anyone was a /pol/ dweeb or trad but I live in the midwest so having conservative fuckheads happened by nature.
No way of knowing if anywho had a mental illness unless I personally knew them, so no conjecture there.
Plenty of weebs and furries though. When I was a senior, this freshman girl tried to rope me into listening to her recap the entirety of Steven Universe's plot. Every time I'd go in the library for lunch, we'd sit down to play Mancala and she'd give me the scoop.
Largely normie in my area. Trends don't crop up until they've been around for a while. Although, the VSCO girl style caught on pretty quickly here.
No. 814666
>>814657I don't think it's the death of anything. There's always going to be people who prefer traditional romantic relationships and people who prefer being casual like you describe.
Actually I don't even know if it's that specific to this time. My mom was a teen/young adult in the 80s and from the stories I've heard she and her friends were very casual about relationships and friends with benefits and all that as well. Maybe it's more of a young people thing rather than a change over time?
No. 814672
>>814657I think finding all of these qualities in a person has always been very rare and people nowadays are just more open about their needs and don't want to just settle for something halfway there. Although I agree with
>>814667 too.
No. 814705
>>814629Anyone born >1996, though I imagine there's a sharp cultural divide between older and younger zoomzooms.
>>814633You can make estimates based on your experiences in school or whatever. I'm wondering if the subculture adoption is as strong as it seems based on browsing shitflinging websites like lolcow or if I'm just getting overexposed to outrage porn.
No. 814776
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what dress up game was this made in?
No. 815084
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I told my doctor that I was taking only 20 mg of citalopram, and he told me to take 40 for a while, and that if I feel no changes then I should take 60. Idk, I hate being sad and feeling too much, so I took 60 today. And for most of the day I felt "fine" but now I feel, a bit overwhelmed? Like, I feel calm, but definetely a bit off. Does anyone have experience with Citalopram?
No. 815094
>>815091How did you feel when you were put on 40 for a year? I honestly felt almost to nothing, it's only now that I'm in 60 that I felt better with a side dish of "what the fuck is going on". I might have had a dumb an hero thought earlier but I feel okay ish.
At least it is better than prozac: when I was put on prozac the first months I felt super good and then I felt absolutely no benefits.
No. 815104
>>815098I started smoking weed at 21 to help with insomnia I've had since pretty much forever. I went on antidepressants at about age 26 after going to ask about therapy options with my gp. I ended up sobbing and he's been my family doctor and was at my birth so he got a bit teared up and just gave me a prescription for tablets. I was apprehensive but also at a breaking point and thought to trust the doctor.
Basically I smoke weed at night to help me sleep, and whenever I'm free during the day and/or night. I've been habitually smoking for nearly a decade so my tolerance is probably higher, but when I first started using I only got recreationally high at the weekends or whenever I was off work but always used it to help with sleeping or if I was having a low mood smoke some for a pick me up. It's not a perfect system and I will over indulge. It was worse when I was younger and I'd panic if I ran out of weed. Honestly the biggest tool at your disposal for not feeling shit is your mind and doing things that are good for it. Like eating healthy. Actually exercising and not avoiding responsibilities. I still struggle with how to manage my anxiety and depression, but I'm too apprehensive to try other medications again because of the weight gain. I had to buy a whole new wardrobe and hated the excess weight. It made every part of my day worse and myself more self conscious.
No. 815140
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>>815071>>815096nta but atleast for me, urban dictionary doesn't give the correct definition of munchie. i'll spoonfeed you anon, a-log is picrel and munchie is someone who has munchausen syndrome (so someone that fakes either being ill themselves or someone else close to them, usually a kid, being ill)
No. 815505
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Why do people adore and support confident men (bisexual LARPers or gays, or "alpha" men), but if a woman is confident about herself, people feel hatred and cringe?
Even such thing as "I look great today" or "I am amazing" ends up getting a negative light from another woman or other person.
No. 815518
>>815505The whole 'I look great today' or 'look at this cutie (yeah it's me)' thing is so weird to me regardless of gender.
Tbh I see women supporting other women when they self compliment like that, most of the time. A random scrote is more likely to jump in and call them ugly.
No. 815523
>>815505The only people who support and love overconfident men and cocky ("alpha") men are incels and other losers who project on them.
Most people, myself included, find both to be very cringe.
There's nothing wrong with being confident about yourself but that's not the same as constantly pointing out how great you look, how smart you are, or something similar. It just comes off to me as someone who's very insecure and trying to convince everyone including themselves that they're hot shit or fish for compliments. Kind of like that
>I think that I'm the worst so I always act like I'm the best line from a Marina song.
I think I look good but simply don't feel the need to brag about it or tell it to anyone because I don't think they'd care what I think of myself. If I went on a date with a man who actually said those things to me out loud I'd laugh at him and assume he's overcompensating.
No. 815533
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>>815522it means to curl it inward
No. 815534
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>>815522It's when you are flat ironing your hair and you use the iron to curl the hair inwards or outwards. I believe it's called flipped ends if it's bumped outwards
No. 815597
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>>815594> since it's from the Japanese word for sageruTIL
I always thought it's like, spiritual cleansing with sage lmao
No. 815605
>>815594what is sageru?
I always pronounce it like the herb because I thought "sage" meant that we are sages if we know how to sage, smarter than the rest or something kek
No. 815684
>>815652anon, you need to calm down. its normal lol
better than being dependant and clingy 24 7! you are your own person
No. 815699
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Im moving in less than a week and my landlord is doing showings. I truly do not want to be there when they are showing my apartment would it be stupid of me to not go and instead just fuck around at target and just pray no one steals my dildo or finds my weed? Or should i just stand there awkwardly while strangers judge the place i called home for 2 years?
No. 815732
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are mods asleep or something? or are they allowing us to have that scrote thread up to allow us to shitpost for no reason?
No. 816121
>>816107-yeah it’s weird. It’ll make you look desperate tbh
- depends on the person, but if they really wanna talk to you, they’ll be fine with exchanging numbers (if they’re turned off by you not having ig, then you’re better off without them)
-a decent timeframe between messages is good (like 1-2 mins at least) so you don’t come off as too desperate or eager (and so they have time to think of a reply)
No. 816124
>>816121thanks for the answers. I'm actually worried about the opposite with texting. I don't like being chained to my device and I hate super long text conversations that are awkward and require constant fast answers
at the same time I know it's an asshole move to always take forever to reply. this is tough
No. 816134
>>816119I used to smoke “casually” like that because most of my friends were smokers and I wanted to fit in, don’t do it
nonnie. It’s way too easy to get addicted and turn the casual smoking into a pack a day habit. Even if you do keep it casual, it’s smelly and bad for you.
No. 816370
>>816306Yeah I notice that too. I'm pretty sure they're the ones unusually mad about femboys too, and who will occasionally implicate soy products in the feminisation of men, which is classic /pol/ canon.
>>816208It smelt like kiwifag recently in pt.
No. 816545
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I want to become more organized with my financials, you know keep track of what goes in and out. How do you stay track of your financials? I was thinking about using an app but there's so many in the app store, if any of you use one, which do you use?
No. 816582
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>>816578we found him. Detain him, girls!
No. 816593
>>816306When I saw a bunch of people getting mad at one anon for saying that a guy who likes being fucked in the ass isn't straight, I knew what was up, lmao.
Also, I'm pretty sure some Kikomi comics get reposted on /pol/. Shit's annoying, I wish scrotes would die.
No. 816595
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>>816593Pol is funny sometimes, I like the memes
No. 816724
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How much do I need to train so I can lift a person without fucking myself up or dropping them?
No. 816813
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What is RAQ?
No. 817053
>>817046I wish there were more celeb gossip spaces where you could discuss that didn't seem so exclusive or infested with oversensitive retards. lsa is a cesspit, all the discord servers dedicated to gossip or at least the ones I've been to are filled with oversensitive children, datalounge won't stop screeching for me to turn off my adblocker on mobile thus browsing is a chore, cdan is unreliable as fuck and enty is ban happy, blindgossip doesn't post enough, deuxmoi is so so.
just want a more lively place for gossip discussion that isn't infested with utter idiocy and where there's actual discussion, but there doesn't seem to be a space like that, not even lc's threads are safe
No. 817081
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My ex sent me this photo and said it reminded him of me what does it mean
No. 817146
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Could someone please recommend me books about learning to have more empathy/boosting empathy/being more empathetic etc? thank you
No. 817197
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Anyone know what this is? It's so pretty I want it
No. 817360
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>>817343logitech bluetooth M317. I’ve never needed a better mouse. The most extensive game I play is sims.
No. 817404
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I dont have full on BPD, I have BPD tendencies that come out from time to time (mainly when I feel abandoned or really hurt)
Thing is I want to learn how to stop assuming what people are trying to say and stop making things out of proportion. I want to learn to calm down and look at the good side of things and the facts presented instead of jumping to conclusions because of my feelings.
Does anyone have resources for this? including books or yt vids
No. 817412
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>>817343I use this one, it's comfortable with a rubber texture (nice because my hands get sweaty fast) and I can change the glow on my computer. It can even glow rainbow. I won it in a competition
No. 817501
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>>817467I've been using a roccat kone owl eye (picrel) for three or so years and I love it. it's more expensive than it was back then, but maybe you chould start there and look at related brands, prices etc.
also, this YouTube channel helped me a lot bc of how picky I am lol. I recommend it! No. 817607
>>817582I honestly don’t think it’s a good idea to post about your actual ideas that you plan to use in the future, because It’s an einoun-eey-moose forum, people will be able to pick your ideas and use them for their own profit, even if you claim they’re yours, nobody will believe you.
And also posting in anonymous forums isn’t viewed as something nice, so it might also give normies that think
>anonymous = 4chins = unhinged racist nazi fuckersA really bad first or last impression of your works.
No. 817617
>>817532Unfortunately they might throw it away when they don't recognise it as being of any value
Report it to the police if you haven't already, make them take it seriously
No. 817618
>>817607But I ask more for advice at how to bulid world/stories etc. Where to start, how to make notes etc., NOT actually posting ideas here.
For example, I built most of the world in my head, but I don't know how to put these ideas on paper (notebook), I don't know where to start. Should I create categories or should I start by writing a general concept of the world and places and explaining what they are for, etc.
No. 817628
>>817619Honestly, I'm proud of what world/characters/story I've made so don't worry, I won't post it here.
But that's why I want to put it on paper, I don't want to waste years building the world so it would stay only in my head.
>>817621That's good idea, but I'm afraid to make threads because my eng is shit.
No. 817706
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No. 817733
>>817706I like it. Smells a bit like jolly ranchers to me.
>>817730What's going on
No. 817806
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Why do people do this to kids? I've never heard of this but apparently it's common. And a lot of the responses said it was older girls/women doing it to them so I don't think it's always just grooming.
>>817281They memed the ideology so much that they started to believe it after a while.
No. 817813
I want to eat a damn burger but my stomach's like "not today bitch, and not tomorrow either"
No. 817895
>>817806I also experienced having to be a personal therapist to people much older than I was and with women it just seemed to be desperation, they had literally nobody else to talk to and had no social skills at all so they had to enclose this mad personal shit on literal preteens.
>>817828Yeah this. For men it's so often about legitimately wanting to control a girl much younger than they are but as for women it's usually because they sincerely lack social grace, understanding of boundaries and self control. Not saying it's right or acceptable at all because it isn't but it comes from a very different place than a 25-year old male suicide baiting a 15-year old girl unless she sends nudes or puts out.
No. 817916
okay can someone just tell me if i'm coping or if this is true?
are there people who are actually……naturally skinny?? or like, naturally small?
i feel like alot of my body dysmorphia stems from the people i grew up around. many of the "popular" girls had extremely petite bodies in middle school/high school. i was never fat, i'm 5'3 and my highest weight was about 113lbs, but the way my body is shaped, or something, made me always feel huge and obese next to these girls with really flat stomachs. its almost like some girls have really small/thin ribcages, and when i look at my entire torso but specifically my ribcage, it sticks out a bunch and makes me look kinda..large? even when i'm really not, it just makes me look thicker from the side. and not the thicc meme but like my ribcage literally looks THICK kek
i saw some girl on twitter today, she is slightly shorter than me but like, has that extremely thin body i was talking about earlier, where they have a hella flat stomach and their entire upper body just looks small. i guess my question is, do people with that body shape ever truly look…big?? even if they gain weight kek because it seems like they are just blessed
or i am just a chungus and am coping. i don't really know anymore sisters. i'm losing my shit KEK. being in the house for a 3rd semester is gonna kill my remaining 3 brain cells
No. 817919
>>817916Yea, some people simply have a small build and don't eat too much so they don't pack on weight. Genetics.
You also reminded me that flared ribs are a thing, ugh. It always looks creepy to me
No. 817925
>>817919ok that makes me feel slightly better about looking weird.
i am having trouble finding what flared ribs look like.
i have also came to the discovery that my anatomy is really fucked, my right side has an extreme intention for my waist/hip, and my left side has virtually none. like, my waist on my right side looks snatched KEK and then my left is just a straight line, basically. dear god. one shot at life and this is the hand i'm dealt. i'm over it man
No. 817929
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>>817925Do you have scoliosis? Because I have the exact same thing going on with my hips. Getting fit and building muscle helped a bit but idk if it can be fully corrected without a brace
Pic related is rib flaring. The lower part sticks out a bit more than it should. Also ribcage size is genetic but the flare can be fixed.
No. 817930
>>817929i know my mom has scoliosis but i was never checked for it. i feel like thats…probably the only explanation for such a vast difference in sizes of my waist/hip ratio. i actually got a tattoo years ago on the "flat" side of my waist and it has somewhat concealed the absurd difference KEK. idk maybe i should ask a doc if its something fixable?? i had no idea it could be something like scoliosis i kinda just thought i was lopsided and retarded
it kiiinda seems like my ribs might point outwards when i look at them from the side, but looking straight on, they seem to "wrap" around my body normally, so maybe that is one thing i don't have to worry about.
sorry for my extremely long winded spergouts here anon, i applaud you for dealing with me and thank you for your input
No. 817939
>>817930If you have the time and money def get it checked out. Scoliosis gave me really bad backpain, especially because I work at a desk for 8 hours + game a lot. But it also turned me into a gymrat so lol
Always happy to help anon!
No. 817946
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If I were to make a historical comics thread, should I make it in /m/ or /ot/? Would anyone like that?
No. 818136
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why do i got recommended to watch the hoff twins documentary on yt and why it has so many views under 24 hours
No. 818213
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Autism tier question here, but what am I supposed to do when people who know English speak Japanese to me?
Whenever I go into Japanese bookshops, libraries or exam/japan centres, the staff there speak in Japanese to me, but since they live and work in London, they're able to speak in English. I feel like if I talk back to them it's insulting to their intelligence, assuming that they can't speak English, and makes me look like a retarded weeaboo trying to unnecessarily speak in Japanese, but on the other hand, it's also accommodating to have someone put the effort to let them use the language that feels most comfortable.
I've been thinking way too hard about this, please free me from my retardation anons.
No. 818272
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how can I make a proper storytime thread? Give me suggestions. Also this thread was immediately locked unlike many scrote-made threads lmao
No. 818276
>>818272What differentiates that thread from the mundane thread or any of the other vent threads?
Perhaps incorporate some rules, like the story needs to actually some value to readers and be set out either with a begining middle and end or as a green text?
I don't think it was locked quickly for any deep reason imo it just depends on whether there are mods around
No. 818379
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Is it correct to immediately note down anyone who starts talking about bonobo love lives as the solution that will lead us to world piece as a degenerate? I feel like you have to be a turbo coomer if you think the solution to everything is if everyone just had more sex more casually. This isn't even a tradthot sperg, do people really think like this? Are bonobos REALLY the example?
No. 818385
>>818379I don't know if I've ever seen that specifically but it sounds pretty fucking stupid
but I have seen countless arguments of people saying it should be acceptable for humans to do certain things because x animal does it, like people are always making arguments for non monogamy that way. "lions aren't monogamous, so humans shouldn't be! wolves aren't monogamous, so humans shouldn't be! chimps aren't monogamous" etc etc. as if there aren't a million intrinsic differences between humans and animals, people just cherrypick the things they want that animals do and ignore the rest. wolves shit in the forest and don't wipe their asses, does that mean you're going to stop using toilets and washing your ass? didn't think so.
oh and chimps and bonobos have also been known to be cannibalistic. watch people start trying to argue that eating babies is okay because chimps do it. No. 818400
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does anyone remember the name of this female youtuber that was popular during mid to late 2010s? I think she got canceled around 2017-2018. She's this white YouTuber with pinterest-esque fall aesthetic and all I remember about her is she had a buddha statue in her room and she got caught stealing art. (pic isn't her but looks very similar)
No. 818404
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No. 818408
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>>818400Why would you do this to yourself?
No. 818409
>>818408Ntayrt but she’s another youtuber/cow who looks similar to Kenna
It’s not a self post if that’s what you’re suggesting.
No. 818422
>>818419She’s a youtuber who looks kinda similar to Kenna
>>818403 and that’s how I knew exactly who OP was talking about
No. 818478
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why do scrotes post gore?
For shock? Don't they realize it makes them look unhinged and retarded?
No. 818566
>>818552Eh I posted my art but it was kinda shitty so I deleted it. Anyways this is what the contest said they were looking for
>Do you love yourself the way you want to be loved? We only want YOU to LOVE YOU, from head to toe, from heels to hooves to antlers.>Love yourself as you dream, as you vibrate or as you invent. Love yourself different, excessive, shy, baroque. Love yourself inward and outward. Bring out the best in you, be authentic. >The only limitation is that there is no limit: we are looking for fluid goddesses, dykes or queers, alien beings of non-binary gender, trans heroines, pseudo-digital entities, Martians, fantastic, bizarre, pagan or posthuman. >Also non-conformist women and men who want to transform, become "queer", go beyond labels.>Love me, convert me, love me queer. No. 818580
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>>818571>>818576alright will post it again for you nonners but when I say "rushed" I mean it
No. 818695
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>>818670It's ok if it's a criticism that makes sense but a lot of times people who have nothing to do with art say stuff that is just not true and it's annoying; for example, often criticized flat illustration used by many corpos, it is soulless just as people say so no point to argue but it's not lazy and not anyone can do it.
No. 818740
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How many pairs of shoes do you nonnas have? I wonder what's the norm and if I'm crossing the line; I have 7 pairs, 2 different dr martens, 2 sporty ones, 2 for trekking and one for horseriding.
No. 818743
>>818740If i hadn't so many hand me downs from my sister i would have
- 1 po flip-flops
- 1 po strappy sandals
- 1 po sneakers
- 1 po wellies (i don't know if that's how they are called, basic rubber boots for dirty work)
- 1 po boots for winter
- 1 po dress shoes
Anything else is just a nice bonus imo.
No. 818747
>>818740doc martens, steel toe work boots, and oxfords.
keep it simple and practical
No. 818755
>>8187401 ratty old pair of combat boots that I wear every day
5 pairs of beautiful heeled oxfords/boots that are great but never get worn because they aren't as practical as the ugly boots
1 pair of flip flops that are comfy but have way uneven soles from wear
I used to wear different pairs of nice shoes all the time but nowadays every time I consider it I'm like 'yeah they look good but what if I have to run or climb a mountain unexpectedly' and go for the run down combat boots anyway.
No. 818763
>>818740Martens, Vans, and a pair of flip flops.
>>818747 when it comes to keeping it simple.
No. 818805
>>818784Nah no need to be envious, unexpected mountain climbing never actually happens to me. I'm just worried about being unprepared even if it's some unrealistic scenario like having to climb. A couple years ago I ended up having to walk 4 miles in painful heels due to a ride not showing up and I've been afraid of something like that happening again ever since.
It's like packing way too much underwear to a trip because who knows what'll happen except this is an actual detriment to my outfit.
No. 819044
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What are these called and is there a website for these
No. 819050
>>818570idk what country/region you live in anon but I got my humidifier years ago from my local pharmacy (CVS) for like $50 and it's great, just a soft green LED that turns red when it's empty which I find handy, it has a little cup thing for inhalants but that shit makes it harder to breathe imo
it doesn't look like they have the exact same model since this was 5+ years ago but this one is similar No. 819068
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is my retarded autistic gravitation toward twins in games/shows/general a result of some kind of subconscious desire to have the twin i absorbed in the womb alive and with me?
No. 819182
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baguettes, what is the translation of "poti" in pic related? from everything else I think it means "honk honk, I am a _____ joker" what is poti?
No. 819218
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>>818740just a single pair of sneakers
No. 819230
>>819224Why would that piss anyone off? I'm sure they understand not everyone is talkative, and I'd bet they get sick of having to make small talk for hours on end anyway. They might get slightly bored if they're a total extrovert who needs constant socializing but like… they're working lmao. Their job is to do whatever makes you a happy customer, not to have a good time and be entertained by you.
Actually I've read quite a few threads like 'hairdressers of reddit, what do customers do that you hate?' and I've never seen them mention quiet customers.
No. 819280
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Burger anons be honest with me. How bad is the anti-CA sentiment really in your state? Every time I visit a state or city oriented page there's always at least one post that expresses something similar to picrel.
I'm just looking at other potiential places to move to not just because of the current situation of my city but also because I don't want to be one of those americans who has never traveled outside thier county.
No. 819291
>>8187403. There's the pair that I wear everyday and then I've two pairs of near identical ones for when these need replacing.
I just wear one pair til they're falling apart basically. Hate breaking in new shoes.
No. 819298
>>8187401 pair of sneakers for daily wear
1 pair of old sneakers for wearing around the house/walking in the woods
1 pair of running shoes
1 pair of flipflops
And then a 6 or so more pairs of sneakers, boots and heels I bought but never ended up wearing. I do want to get a pair of sandals stil.
No. 819303
>>8187402 slippies
1 vans slip-on shoes
1 pair of work boots
1 dress heals
1 pair for the gym
No. 819333
>>8187401 pair of dr martens
2 pairs of vans though one is falling apart
1 pair of gym/work shoes
2 pairs of gym shoes that are technically my sister's but I use them
1 pair of flat sandals (though I occasionally borrow flats from my sister)
and like 3 pairs with heels/platforms that I don't wear because they make me 190 cm tall
No. 819348
>>8187401 pair of slides
1 pair of adidas
1 pair of old running shoes
I'm a poorfag.
No. 819355
>>818740-old skool flatform vans
-vans for winter
-some weird sneaker vans
-vans era
-work shoes x 2
-dressy shoes
-nikes for running, nikes for inside shit
-combat boots
No. 819423
>>819351“Playas hate us cause they ain’t us”
No but seriously as a Califag who grew up in the Bay Area, I still like my state but I’m 1000000% over the Bay Area and its smugness.
No. 819603
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Just watched Another Round at a cinema. What other films with high density of Mads Mikkelsen should I watch? So far, I've only seen The Hunt, Death Stranding, Rogue One (not much of Mikkelsen there tbh) and Another Round (as mentioned). Where do I go from here? I'm planning to watch Hannibal but I'm not sure if I am ready for commitment ATM.
No. 819690
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Asking all the married anons
What is marriage like? Do you still love your partner? Do you feel secure in your marriage? Is he like your close friend or just someone who meets your needs?
Deep down I wish for a long-lasting mutual respect marriage but I know I'm too introverted and paranoid about moids to even enter a regular relationship, let alone move in with someone for the rest of my life.
No. 819705
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>>819603flammen and citronen. mads is part of a ww2 resistance group.
No. 819728
>>819690Different anons will give different answers, Like I think marriage is a dumb patriarchal institution but at the same time I'm married to a man, mostly cause of the legal protections and taxes that marriage offers
I do love my husband and I know he loves me, but he's his own type of man that I can't put into any box and I'm my like a manhating socialist radfem
So its a bizzare relationship
No. 819838
>>819690I married too young. I was 22 and my partner was a couple years older. We seemed perfect though. He was a doting partner right up until the moment that he just.. wasn't anymore. He'd been the one wanting marriage but he was also the one that left very suddenly only 2 years in and I don't know why. Whether there was someone else or maybe at 26 it hit him that he didn't fully want to be settled already. He won't communicate to provide me that closure.
I learnt that married or not things can seem perfect.. right up until the moment they stop working. It's like any relationship in that way. I wouldn't marry again because 8 years later I'm still stuck dealing with the divorce. Would've been nice if id waited and picked better but divorce rates are high anyway. Im stupidly introverted too so living separate to partners might be best for my own long term happiness. The older I get the less I want to live with partners
No. 819877
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How do people with pets masturbate? I mean that like, do you straight up kick your pet out of the room/house just so you can get off? Isn’t doing that too cruel versus simply not getting off?
What if your dog is clingy and cries when you leave it alone? And what about pets that aren’t cats or dogs but still can’t leave a room unattended (like rats, ferrets, rabbits etc in a cage)? I want a pet but I don’t care about masturbation and I don’t understand why pet owners would subject them to that. Animals have more sensitivity to smells and if must already stinks bad for humans then it seems like something that would be even more upsetting for them. Forcing them to be kicked out of their space for that purpose also seems really selfish and unnecessary, like you’d be better off not doing it.
And how does it not freak and or gross you out that your pet is right there when you’re doing that?? This question has been bothering me since I overheard this guy talk about how his dog barks for attention outside the fucking door when his partner comes over. Why even bother at that point?
No. 819882
>>819877>cruelI'm sorry but I can't let my pet dictate my life and closing the door to my bedroom in order to have sex with my girlfriend whilst my cat has the rest of the flat to himself is not cruel in any way.
He used to yowl and scratch at the door, but now he's learned to be quiet and mind his business. A clingy animal is a poorly trained one.
In general I'm genuinely puzzled by bleeding heart pet owners who let their animal walk all over them because it being unhappy for 5 minutes is "cruel". I was called cruel by a guest who saw me spritz water at my then-kitten because he was chewing on electric cables. Okay, so I should let my pet get electrocuted? I should get rid of my work PC and table lamp just so my cat is more comfortable? Literal madness.
No. 819885
>>819832All around while checking the ground every little while so that I don't misstep. I look around at people, at pigeons, at cars, at shop window displays, I look up at the buildings, trees and sky…
I do initiate eye contact, my gaze naturally goes there when people are passing me. I'm also the type that likes to interact with strangers, I'll comment on stuff unprompted and initiate talking all the time.
No. 819920
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>>819882ata, I see what you’re saying but I really don’t see how those are equal situations in any way. One example is you disciplining your kitten not to kill itself, and the other is leaving your clearly uncomfortable cat to sort itself out in the rest of the flat so you can have sex in the next room. Surely there are better options, like teaching your cat to get used to you not being in the same room 24/7 first. Or leaving and then having sex while you’re out. Or some other method of encouraging independence that doesn’t abruptly start with closed door + anon’s gf = cat unwelcome until further notice that leads to the behaviors. I know leaving it with someone else or letting it outside isn’t practical for everyone but is there really supposed to be no better method? That’d seem more like working around the fact that there’s another living being dependent on you versus them somehow dictating your life via a choice you made when you decided to keep them. The cat scratching part sounds so awkward though. I’d feel bad for it, but at least it eventually figured to just do something else. Maybe you provide your cat with enrichment toys and stimulation outside of those times, or it doesn’t need you for that anymore. Maybe the word cruel doesn’t apply to you specifically as an owner. But it certainly does for others like the guy in my OP.
>>819897A cat being able to take itself outside at least is better than nothing. But if the animal isn’t like that then it’s SOL. I really don’t understand why any pet owners would give the message “you stay here by yourself, I’m going to make this room smell bad and you might be scared but you need to leave me and a possible stranger alone for an hour+.” If it can hate certain smells, certain shapes, and certain sounds then they can come to hate those times too. Forging a sense of independence and resources in a separate vicinity when your pet can’t leave the entire premises on it’s own seems more practical. I wouldn’t bring my dog into the bathroom when I shit but at least even with the door closed I can respond if it’s barking or whatever. Going to the bathroom is also a necessity, it’s not like you can choose not use the restroom or reasonably never use it at home.
>>819900>>819902Thanks for the answers, to all of you. After considering them, I’m gonna get a stag beetle.
No. 819956
>>819920Are you autistic or something? You sound retarded, a cat doesn't get uncomfortable because you put it in a different room for a little while. A cat can handle boundaries and rules. Pets can spend an hour or a couple of hours alone or in a different room and they'll be fine. Bad smells are okay too. What do you think happens when you fart, when you cook, when you open up the windows and a nasty smell from outside blows in? Not to mention in the wild? They're animals, they're build to handle bad smells. And if you have an animal that truly can't be alone for a bit (I don't see how that's possible because you can't possible take your pets absolutely everywhere) then that's a choice you've got to deal with.
>“you stay here by yourself, I’m going to make this room smell bad and you might be scared but you need to leave me and a possible stranger alone for an hour+.”If a pet is scared being alone it has issues that need to be solved. A healthy pet has no trouble handling a boundary that means it can not be here or there for a whole, I don't understand why you think they can't handle that.
No. 820008
>>819920For some reason, my cat really likes my natural smell. Whenever I’m sweaty, she tries to lick me, and she loves rubbing her face in my old T-shirts. She doesn’t notice or care about any smell from me getting off in my room, either.
I do take her out of my room when I’m horny, though. It’d just be too awkward otherwise. She usually gets a bit annoyed, but isn’t traumatised or anything. It’s not like you’re throwing them out, they just won’t be in your bedroom for a little while. I guess having toys and stuff would help.
No. 820017
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>>819949Depends a lot on you, I think the main difficulty is in being able to control both hands independently; if you plan to learn on electric piano you'll not have to bother learning the dynamics which will make things a whole lot easier. Ultimately it's definitely doable all by yourself if you're not aiming at pro level.
No. 820024
>>819877I honestly don't care, they're an animal and though my cat is likey aware I'm having sex or masturbating, they don't have an understanding of it the way humans do. My cat will leave my bed if I start masturbating simply because I'm moving around too much. As for sex, sometimes she watches and wrinkles her face in disgust, but it's kinda her choice to watch.
I just don't understand (unless the person whose dog humps a pillow while they're having sex, I can see why that would be uncomfortable to see during sex) why people feel this need to anthropomorphize their animals. My cat knows I'm mating, but it doesn't mean anything to her.
No. 820085
>>820077Don't go through a wannarexic phase, anon. You'll not only get loose skin if you lose even a considerable amount of weight, but it'll also make you age much faster and will fuck up your metabolism in such a way that you'll never digest food normally afterwards and are more likely to end up gaining weight if you eat normal amounts again.
If you want to lose weight without all that, you'll have to do so at a very slow pace. Therefore, through minor gradual diet changes or exercise.
No. 820149
>>820141>>820138>>820136Yeah I thought about this too anons. I think it's a mixture of depression and her just disliking a lot of people and things. She definitely has some issues going on, but she also doesn't want to get that sort of help. She's been like this ever since I was little, though in old videos she seemed much more alive when she just had my older brother. I feel like she regrets a lot of things.
>>820146That's the thing though, she refuses. She doesn't like to do anything. She thinks everything is useless and a hassle. She never encouraged me to do "unnecessary" things (like having fun, hobbies and such) either when I was little.
No. 820248
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Will putting a tea bag in a gifting bag make it smell nice for a long time? Or should I just get lavender sachet or a soap and put it there while the gifts are still at my place?
I got some Christmas presents and birthday presents for people, they all are covered in nice gifting bags and such. However, everyones birthday (and of course, Christmas itself kek, I just didn't have Christmas last year due to lockdown) are far away, so they all are just dusting around in my room. I thought it would be nice if they scented like something good for an extra touch.
No. 820303
>>820292i can't tell if this is bait because it reads exactly like some sort of memey "help a black unemployed trans nonbinary disabled latinx genderqueer questioning agender arab-italian-influencer survive" gofundme post, kek. so maybe try ebegging on twitter
alternatively - report the fraudulent charges??? is this not common sense?? and get jobs
No. 820340
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Please recommend me a show that has some nice husbandos? For some reason, I like scrote-y characters, like the main characters of Be-bop Highschool or Ryuji Sakamoto
No. 820455
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Is it immoral for a content creator to date a fan who is 10 years younger than them if they’re both full grown adults?
No. 820493
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>>820492You know phone cameras distort features right? Especially the closer they are
No. 820692
>>820680I used Time Until, which has widgets and lets you set custom pictures, I liked it so well I ended up actually paying for it.
It's a minimalist way to keep track of important dates for me, because I was tired of google not actually alerting me for things I put on the calendar.
No. 820748
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When women describe their periods as 'heavy', do they mean the amount of blood, the physical effects of menstruation (fatigue, raised body temp, cramps etc), or both? I'd say that my blood flow is pretty high/'heavy', but I don't really suffer from the physical effects that much tbh
No. 820752
>>820748It's just the volume of blood I think.
My symptoms are bad but the amount of blood is light. A lot of the time people assume that heavy flow means more pain and light flow means none… my experience hasn't matched up with that at all.
No. 820756
>>820751I can't say for sure, but I severely doubt it since skin-lighting cream companies would just put lemon juice in their products, instead of
toxic chemicals, to avoid as much controversy
No. 820791
>>820751I used lemon on my face to lighten my upper lip shadow and all that happened was an acid burn lol.
I recommend a cream like Snow Shining. I use it to blend my lighter face to my neck and also my darker knees, and it works really well.
No. 820820
>>820791don't they have
toxic and harmful chemicals in their products?
No. 820845
>>820820No idea, I was recommended it by another anon, funny enough
Where did you hear that?
No. 820853
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Who is buying this shit?
No. 820859
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>>820855Retarded children I hope
No. 820907
>>820887Kek, looking forward to the update. Good luck, anonita
>>820894Yes, when you go outside. You might want to look into vitamin D pills if you haven't already, though. vitamin D deficiency is no joke, it could make depression even worse.
>>820895I've known two celibates. My old roommate broke his celibacy after six months of knowing him. The other was celibate "by choice," but really it was because she was horrifically ugly (think progeria). I was celibate for two years until one day I decided I wanted dick
No. 820935
>>820930Depends where your from I would guess but also on your status in the US, I think most states require you actually live and work there legally. Also the license may not be
valid in other countries, so if it's a short stay, might be a waste.
No. 820946
>>820930>>820935my german friend did that while she was an exchange student and it's
valid. saved her lots of time and 2000 euros.
No. 821055
>>821038I can't speak for others but I'm numerically retarded, it's the same as dyslexia but not
For some reason my brain has no problem with the other stuff and it's always been that way, and as a result I get stressed looking at numbers to the gulf between my understanding of maths and anything else continues to widen
I sometimes wonder if I was able to express maths in different words, would it be different? In basic maths you can only call numbers by what they are (I have been told this changes in advanced math but I'll never know) wheras in any other topic you can use different words and terms as alternative options when your brain gets stuck on something.
No. 821073
>>821067Thank you for your support
nonnie! I never use the word because it feels so made up kek
No. 821074
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I’ve been craving chalk regularly for years since I used to secretly eat is as a kid, only the street kind tho. Should I just buy a pack and get over with it? I’m not planning on swallowing I just wanna take a bite and chew on it
No. 821076
>>821038With something like literature, you tend to have a series of things you learn in introductory classes, and then as you progress it builds on that knowledge pretty easily, e.g. learning about grammar fundamentals might let you analyze the syntax in a book in the context of the book's theme more easily. Basically, even with different analytical framework in upper level classes, you use basically the same tools. But most classes review the fundamentals at the beginning and the course order isn't really important after you get past foundational classes. I think a lot of abstract topics like philosophy can be pretty similar, which is why there's more freedom with what order you take classes with.
In terms of math, if you start out feeling lost it's easier for a mistake you never learned to fix to get lost as you progress through a course and snowball. A lot of students might neglect a unit and think it won't matter in the long-run, until you have to build on that idea in a later class, and then you have to juggle learning what you were supposed to learn ages ago with a new layer to it. Plus you usually have to put in extra effort to relate it to your daily life, i.e. harder to remember.
No. 821077
>>821049Same, I become totally disoriented when I have to deal with numbers
>>821055>in any other topic you can use different words and terms as alternative options when your brain gets stuck on somethingI think there are different ways of conceptualizing the same mathematical problem, my mom tutored me when I was struggling with basic math as a little kid and she did this a lot. Then again, it's going to be uniquely challenging with math because you're dealing with a fundamentally different "language". Ofc dyscalculia is a legitimate challenge in itself too
Interestingly, I was reading about how the approach to teaching math in my country transitioned from focussing on speed and efficiency to the development of "number sense". It's basically the difference between knowing the steps you need to take to solve a mathematical operation, and actually understanding the logic behind that process. Evidence has shown that it hasn't been very successful though, the method is cumbersome and confusing, and children's math skills have generally declined. This was the my experience in school and I found it super frustrating, I can't help but wonder how much this teaching method might have impacted on my ability to process numbers because I always assumed I was just retarded. I think I'd like to have another look at the fundamentals to know whether this is the case. Being numerically illiterate feels like a huge disadvantage in the current job market.
No. 821088
>>821085If I'm in a controlled environment where I can't change anything and just have to cope with it, I'd rather be hot. Cold makes it hard to move properly, you end up shivering and chattering and it's extra physically uncomfortable on top of the temperature.
But in general cold weather is better to deal with, you can always put more clothes on and it's easier to sleep.
No. 821096
>>821077>Evidence has shown that it hasn't been very successful though, the method is cumbersome and confusingThat's disappointing when you think about it because the people who designed it must have done so with high hopes only for it to make things harder, I wish we could find a way to make maths more approachable for kids like me
I'm one of the anons you quoted and I do think teaching makes a difference even in hopeless cases, I had a very patient teacher who managed to make some basic stuff click by relating it to physical objects etc ofc when you get to harder and harder equations it's more complicated to do it but without that teacher I probably still wouldn't be able to carry money. Imo some of the ridiculous examples in maths books just seem to make it worse!
No. 821134
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Have any of you actually followed your old weeb, kboo, whateverboo dreams and moved to an asian country?
No. 821159
>>821134My family actually wants me to go live at the grorious nipon because i was a weeb for my whole teenage years, I did want to learn Japanese and get a kawaii japanese boyfriend, but I always knew that living in another country, specially in a country with such a different way of living, was impossible to me.
But my family will send me stuff about the life in Japan from time to time, making me cringe to oblivion because they must think that I’m still a weeb.
No. 821162
>>821159My dad is a weeb (not a creepy anime weeb, just loves Japan) and he'd be over the moon for me if I lived there. Too bad I can't afford it and I'm too old kek but either way I only like it in short trips, I couldn't cope long term.
I keep telling him he should move there instead so I can have a holiday house, but he wouldn't ditch out fam for glorious nippon.
No. 821219
>>821203becky just means a basic white girl
stacey = pretty (if not gorgeous) physically fit girl, usually privileged, gets things in life easily as a result of her beauty/privilege, also I would presume she's mentally/emotionally stable. at least, that's how I understand stacey. but stacey's can be any race.
No. 821220
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>>821203Becky is a 4-8 normie usually with extroverted tendencies. Stacy is a 9 or 10 and her social disposition doesn’t matter because her looks and innate charisma (from being attractive and or confident) can hard carry an opinion of her, despite any possible demerits.
>>821134During my school years I spent terms in both japan and korea. Of course, it wasn’t anything like my kdrama/kpoop and animu dreams because I was still a nerdy introverted foreigner. But I don’t regret it, it gave me some irreplaceable life experience and helped me realize that my fanatics didn’t come from a place of reality. It was also genuinely enjoyable the majority of the time. I wouldn’t want to live in either countries though.
Reading your question reminded me of how I used to declare I was going to go to high school in japan to my family all throughout years 3 to 6. Sailor moon vhs tapes started my weeaboo brainrot.
No. 821505
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Is it a bad idea for a UK anon to say to NHS she’s a tranny if it means you can finally get a much needed breast reduction? Would they even remove only a small portion of the breast at request would she be forced to get a full mastectomy? Would you need to claim “nonbinary” to keep them?
>>821241Despite you putting little to no outward effort, people come to you, not the other way around. Introverted stacies are introverts who can be homebodies but still get invited out, or not be disregarded for their lack of engagement. You don’t try to initiate conversation and keep to yourself like a regular introvert. People remember you and regardless of your relationships the general consensus when you finally arrive at an event is an outwardly very positive one. Despite your introversion, extroverts and introverts alike still go to you.
No. 821512
>>821505ime you get put on hormones first, you have a series of blood tests done to confirm your hormone levels before and during, that's all closely monitored while you sit on a surgery waiting list for at least a couple years.
I was 'living as male' for a couple years and then came to my senses, the only reason that I still have my breasts is that waiting list.
No. 821516
>>821094I slept with other men, hung out with my gal pals, took myself out of on dates. There were a lot of "treat myself" days.
>>821119If you were ever mistaken for underage, you are definitely attracting pedos. It's just a fact of life. The thing that matters is that you need to learn how to spot the non-pedos from the actual pedos. I'm the same way as as I see it, it's an easy asshole filter.
No. 821656
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>>821604Got it real bad the night I got the second shot of pfizer (basically 10-12 hrs later), felt like I was in an oven, couldn't sleep at all. Then the next day I felt like a husk of a human being. The day after that I felt fine lol. My coworkers had similar timelines
No. 821666
>>821662Nta but you just have to find a guy that won’t bring up the age stuff, comments like:
>haha you look so young>your nudes feel illegal lol>they/I will have to check your ID!Are red flags indeed, If you like the guy and he doesn’t seem to be too excited about being with a woman that looks younger than her age, that’s okay, but if he goes full retard about it, break up because he might have some hidden stuff around.
No. 821680
>>821607I’m Mexican, which is why I’m asking. Some of the male protags are darker than their female counterparts as well as some villains/villainesses
One soap opera I could think of where the leading actors were mestizo is Camila
No. 821698
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Has anyone here ever sold most of their valuable belongings? If so, how did you go about it? I'm curious and I need to make money.
No. 821729
>>821725start very small. like
very small. 10 jumping jacks and 10 crunches daily. you will start to feel better and more motivated once those super small steps become a habit. then you can increase it as you please.
I bet you can do 10 jumping jacks and 10 crunches right now, even!
No. 821735
>>821698I used facebook marketplace for my things.
>>821725Dumping my exercise equipment onto the bed works for me.
No. 821803
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Would a femme lesbian actually pander to hentai addicted scrotes for the money or is it more likely that she’s bi/straight and is just pretending for the attention?
No. 821808
If all I like in men is their faces, hair, wrists, hands, and dick, do I really like men? I'm not obsessed or attracted to anything else, not their chest, meat tiddies, abs, tummy, nothing
No. 821810
>>821808Nonnie, if you like their masculine features and their
dick I think you like men.
No. 821877
>>821874Basically if a woman wants a breast reduction, she has to fight tooth and nail for it - prove how much agony she's in, how much of a mental toll it's taking for her and explain why she feels the NHS should fork out for something deemed 'cosmetic'. But some trans people are rocking up and saying it's giving them dysphoria, and in some catchment areas, they're getting whisked straight into the process and getting their breasts removed. Same with sterilisation/gynae stuff too. Personal e.g. I've been trying to get sterilised on the NHS for over 10 years now, but they won't do it. Yet I know of 2 trans people who have undergone full/partial hysterectomies because their periods
trigger them. I get it must be shit for them, but at the same time, why should that get to trump my need too? Either way, it's all fucked, and now because of it, I am having to pay up to £5k for an op I could and should theoretically get for free because I pay more than enough in tax (NHS is tax payer funded). It's depressing.
No. 821908
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how common is it for straight women to think about kissing other women on the lips? not even someone you know like you just see an image of a random woman and think she's so cute/pretty that your first thought is what it'd be like to kiss her. i never have these thoughts about men except for fictional ones (but tbh i have to actually like the character whereas with women they can be someone i don't like or know nothing about but still want to kiss). but i heard some women enjoy kissing non-romantically on the lips so it doesn't always mean anything right? tbh i can't tell the difference between platonic/romantic kissing and it seems to vary between cultures. with the way i was raised i thought just merely looking at another woman was too inappropriate lol
No. 821934
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Do teenagers, or even adults, have sleep-overs? I only had a sleep-over at a family's house once when I was like 6-8 years old, and I've always seen sleep-overs as something for young children
No. 821942
>>821934How do you define sleepovers? If you mean the typical slumber party thing where you stay up late with a group of friends and watch movies and play games and sleep in the same room, then I went to those a couple times a year, mostly on birthdays, until I was maybe 14.
If you mean a sleep-over as in, hanging out with your friend and staying the night to sleep there, I still do that pretty regularly. Especially since my friends don't live close by it's more practical to sleep over.
No. 821962
>>8219585 not including me. The problem is, that this person is really weird when it comes to also wanting to be a center of attention.
It goes to a point where I am talking to someone, they would start randomly singing some song to get attention. The person is 7 years older than me, with no job and lives in these peoples basement. Would throw tantrums or do other shit for attention. It's irritating.
No. 821971
>>821967They live w their grandma and mother. Grandma is asocial and mother is, well, a softie kind of a person who allows this person everything. This person was so obsessed with their insecurities and my apperance that they ended up making their mother pay at least 200k for weight loss surgery, instead of working out like a normal person.
They would never show up for 3 months but now they are going to make everything about themselves, because of weird euphoria they r having over…spending parents money on a useless surgery that could have been fixed with less money…
No wonder father left their mother long, long time ago. Father is still shocked about the whole thing.
No. 822006
>>821934I started going to sleepovers when I was 10 and continued very regularly until college. It'd just be me and one or two other friends at most until middle school. Most weekends from 10th through 12th grade we were having big sleepovers, usually 7-10 people every time. Every house had something different to offer and we made our own fun just goofing off, gossiping, playing games, going on adventures in the woods or the mall, etc. They were an extremely fun and formative period of my life and I'm still very good friends with all those girls some 10 years later. I think I'm an exception though in that this was our primary way of hanging out.
Everyone being able to drive and gaining adult responsibilities was the death knell, though. Once enough people would rather just drive home and sleep in their own bed or just can't stay the night at all, nobody else wants to spend the night either.
No. 822044
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>>822042If you don't want to use that job as a reference just leave and don't come back. Fuck em.
No. 822204
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how do i write male characters? i find males so dull and gross, nothing about them is relatable, they’re basically subhuman, so how do i do it??
No. 822267
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Can someone please tell me what this font is called? Thank you in advance
No. 822398
>>821734what did he bring up anon? if you don't mind me asking? :( i'm sorry about that, honestly the thought that maybe i fucked with a pedo makes me sick to my stomach.
>>821774well he wasn't drunk so it wasn't a slip-up or anything, the context was in a joking manner, since his friends always bothered him about it, we were joking amongst ourselves i guess. also he really liked bigger breasts and I'm flat, it wouldn't be nearly as bad if my breasts were bigger to offset my face but i have an unfortunate body.
No. 822399
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>>822379>>822380I don't keep up with artcows but holy shit do I love it when cowposters are exposed.
Anyone else find it fascinating?
No. 822402
>>822399Yeah I don't keep up with them either but exposed self posting is always the fucking best milk. The 2nd hand embarrassment is extreme but worth it.
My fav example: Vicky. Sometimes I just go back to re-read her desperately trying to convince anons she's skinny lmao.
No. 822425
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>>822395Yes. It's called work expenses!
>>822398He brought up coming across cp on 4chan sometimes and that he could easily search for it if he ever had the urge, since he was pretty tech-savvy (he's a software engineer now). He was adamant in letting me know that he liked small bodies, but child faces made him want to barf so he's not a real pedo guys. It was always in the back of my mind whenever we fucked since I low-key looked underaged, but after I gained a bit of weight and it turned out he liked that, I thought maybe I misread him.
It makes me queasy, but honestly that relationship enabled me to quickly spot pedo clues when dating so they're easy to avoid now. For a time I tried to dress very mature to avoid attracting pedos but FUCK letting them dictate my life. Now I dress in my stylish clothing that I like, put on a disagreeable face in public to any man, and mock pedos whenever they try to creep on me.
>pic related, it's me No. 822501
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Any upcycle/decor ideas for these really skinny glass bottles? Family found them while cleaning, we think it was a giveaway from a wedding or party. The brand/contents aren't that special so I'll just pour them out. Normally I'd use old glass containers for plants but these seem too skinny to put anything in. They're 10 inches tall and the mouth is less than half an inch in diameter.
No. 822543
>>822517>>822523>>822527Yeah I thought of putting long-stemmed plants, it's just that we have no garden so I'd have to go out of my way to procure them. Still I love the idea of a couple stalks of lavender in them, perhaps it's worth it!
No. 822547
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>>822501You have been confirmed as female. You may keep posting on this site.
No. 822576
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Why are men incapable of doing a decent job at pretending to be women? Pic rel looks like he was trying to make a legitimate attempt, and even if he made the OP pic less scrote-y, it would still be obvious that he is a scrote. I know they hold very low regard for women, but I know how to write like a man on 4chan, or other online spaces, even though I have no respect for men
No. 822662
>>822650That's my hope, but I worry she won't be able to really understand why it was cringe and be unable to apply it in future conversations. But you're right, she's not retarded and I should give her more credit. At the least, having a quick conversation about it is better than me continuing to get quietly irritated.
She's my best friend and such sweetheart, so I really don't want her to feel guilty/ashamed. Sorry for gushing lol
No. 822681
>>822674That's an on-point description of male imageboards, kek. They always make up imaginary situations and imaginary women having totally real thoughts to them and then post how women need to be killed for thinking that way. Literal schizo behavior.
>>822680The same way you upload images.
No. 822906
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How do women bounce back like this after a month of giving birth?? I mean she didn’t change her body much during pregnancy but she is so skinny now i wonder if she is an ana chan
No. 822936
>>822906Some women (through diet or genetics) don’t gain much fat throughout pregnancy. There’s not a need to put on much fat - most of the weight gain is the fetus, fluid, placenta etc, i.e. weight that will come off with birth or shortly after. Combine that with caring for a newborn, especially if breastfeeding, and some women easily return to their pre-pregnancy weight.
Idk anything about this particular woman though and celebrity pregnancy culture is gross, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was ana-chan.
No. 823037
>>822952Some of the popular ones and alt-chicks became white trash babymommas with sometimes white trash babydaddies, new-age sjw/get the vaxx!!! spergs and mlm hunbots or wagecucks for retail. One chick I know who was formerly a whitewashed Mexican emo who lived passing as another white alt chick and was always embarrassed about speaking Spanish got married to a black guy, returned to her roots and hates white people now while also being a clout-chasing wannabe makeup guru on Instagram because YouTube failed. Some alt chicks pulled a Lauren Southern and married well-off Asian dudes while larping as suburban conservative/rino-Karen’s retaining muh white pride shtick.
Some of the other guys became drug dealers, drug addicts/crackheads; in 2015, someone I knew since elementary school got sentenced to life in prison for shooting up a store over a pair of pants then had the police and swat team chasing him all the way to his house.
The formerly emo/metalhead white guys and Mexicans became faggot soyboys and male feminists or Trump supporters/qtards living off their Uncle Sam money from the military.
No. 823040
>>822906Why do the replies to this act like it's completely natural?
The real answer is she undereats.
If a picture was posted of an overweight woman after birth everyone would know it's because she consumes more calories than she burns, but for some reason people play stupid when it comes to skinny women.
No. 823255
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So this has happened so far
>my cat finds mouse
>mouse is in her moth
>I try to take the mouse away from her (using a tissue) to dispose of it and stop her from torturing the mouse to death
>the mouse escapes my grip
>cat is still trying to hut the mouse
If I see that mouse again, what should I do? I don't want to kill it tbh, just get rid of it
No. 823322
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Is there a name for these kind of video formats?
There is a preview of the exercise and a countdown for how long you need to hold it/rest. I prefer these so much more than regular exercise videos where they talk on and on and on.
No. 823326
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>>823324NTA but the quick release of death sounds better than dying of hunger, thirst or shock convulsions
No. 823364
>>823359take it slow, like a couple times a week send her a meme or something you came across that's relevant to her, or relevant to something the two of you talked about. Only if she picks up the vibe and starts initiating convos with you, can you pick up the pace and eventually get into a natural daily-chat friendship.
it's definitely harder in 'rona times to start new friendships like this, but sharing experiences also helps form that daily-talk bond. if you can't meet up in real life, propose a watch party of a nostalgic movie or something. It won't sound flirty you're trying to watch 50 shades or somthing
No. 823366
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I've got a really sore neck, especially when I move my head towards the side the pain is on. it's right behind my right side lymph node under my jaw. the pain is from where I described all the way back to below my ear. it's a little swollen too. the neck soreness has gotten increasingly worse over like three days but my throat isn't sore (just scratchy). wtf is this anons and should I go to the ER/urgent care?
No. 823368
>>823364Thanks for the reply! I’ll probably take the advice on sending memes and stuff.
I was mostly worried about sounding flirty because it’s a guy though, and tbh almost all of my friends are women so I’m not really used to talking to men one on one in a friendly situation. I feel like watching a movie might be weird unless I invite someone else?
No. 823532
>>823530I'm terrible at it. My anxiety brain just tells me everyone in the room hates me and thinks I'm stupid
That on repeat every day lol
No. 823540
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Should I get into Berserk, even if the author is dead?
No. 823556
>>814606I live in the Midwest, and shit's pretty normal here. I'm a zoomer fresh out of highschool, so I can speak on it. People tend to migrate towards people like them, but people don't do 'cliques'. There's a large portion of normal people. There's genderspecials and troons, but out of 4000 people, they're like… 20? 30? Munchies are far more common though; even relatively normal chicks can become DID whores. Furries? They exist but rare. Alt fashion is more common, but not as common as normies in champion hoodies and tights. E-girls/boys are just in it for the fashion. Polfags and trads? They stay on the low or don't appear at all. Fandom weirdos are pretty common and actually pretty accepted though. Mostly, everyone is normal. Subcultures mix. They rarely exist how they do on socials.
>>823540It's not that good.
>>823544 is right.
No. 823596
>>823582I used to be like this and overcame it through the eventual emotional burnout. Probably not the answer you want, but I think for many people feeling things is more effective than logic. You already know what you’re doing is stupid and pointless yet you’re continuing with it. The good news is that you’ve recognised it’s an issue.
Obviously do not recommend having a breakdown but maybe reflecting on your feelings in real time will help. Prepare yourself some questions for when you’re being oversensitive. Like, how is this benefitting me? What else could I be putting my energy into? Is this worth ruining my day over? Am I giving satisfaction to someone who wants to hurt me? If yes, why am I allowing that? Etc. Police yourself and hopefully you’ll start to feel differently about the minor things which upset you.
No. 823608
>>823530Yes. I recently realized I've predicted a lot of the decisions my friends have made regarding their careers and education, for example. And even years before they talked to me about it, there's a lot of stuff regarding others and myself that I just "know".
This is something dumb but it makes me laugh kek but very often, I'm listening to a playlist and when a song is ending I just have this feeling of "x song will play next" and it happens. I get very excited ngl
No. 823625
>>823590Apologize then immediately act like nothing happened.
>>823544NTA but I just started watching it. I didn't know there was pedo stuff in it…
No. 823627
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Is Hannah Montana real because she did live performances and did stuff in character, or is she still considered fictional?
No. 823716
>>823655From Lauren Bacall's wiki page: (
>At Hawks' suggestion, Bacall was also trained by a voice coach to make her voice lower and deeper, instead of her normal high-pitched, nasal voice. As part of her training, she was required to shout verses of Shakespeare for hours every day.That doesn't sound healthy and when I googled Lauren Bacall voice, there was a vocal disorder called the Bogart-Bacall Syndrome named after them. Doesn't sound pleasant. No. 823717
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Would it be weird to ask my neighbor how they got their own light fixture installed? I come home from work in the evening and for some reason most my neighbors keep their blinds open and lights on so it's easy to see inside (I personally don't get it). One night coming home I saw inside the a unit and they had picrel installed. The ones already in my unit are ugly as fuck and I want to change my lights!
No. 823718
>>823699Since you feel like your virginity is important enough to make you feel like something is wrong because you haven’t “lost” it yet, “losing” it with a rando will only make you feel worse.
Just get in a nice relationship with someone you like and let it come naturally, you won’t turn into a witch if you don’t have sex before your 30’s and if you do, I hope you can give me some cool witch stuff like candles and cool spells to get my own demon servant.
No. 823728
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>>823718nta but I love you, anon. Wish I had someone like you to tell me that when I was younger
No. 823852
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>>823836>is it ok if people can see the bra straps on my shoulders and back ?Of course it's always OK in the sense that you don't have to hide you're wearing a bra, but if it looks good/not bad depends on the design of the dress tbh. For example bra straps on a halter dress or with the entire back exposed looks bad imo but if it's a dress with a back where only a few centimeters of the horizontal strap (lol idk the name of it) is visible, it's fine imo.
If it has a low back, you can use bra-strap extenders to pull the straps low enough to have them sit under the fabric.
No. 823913
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What colour does this look like to you? I'm pretty sure there's something off about the my phonescreen's colours but I can't compare it to another screen rn.
No. 824066
>>823920But what colour did OP see?
Will we ever know?
No. 824172
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>>824152Pic related, or better sleep. I also thought I had ADHD when it just turned out that I was super depressed and grieving. A few months on a low-dosage antidepressant and cbt therapy cleared it right up
No. 824199
>>824152So you want to get better at multitasking specifically (why? there's nothing better than being mindful and fully focused in one thing at a time)
Anyways, meditation, exercise, mind/concentration games and sleep/caffeine like the other anon said might work. Also try to not be mentally stimulated all the time (with music, noise and tv for example)
No. 824202
>>824152Like another anon said, multitasking isnt the same as having a good attention span so I'm a bit confused by your post, if anything people who have weak attention spans are the ones who multitask the most
I know this is just my opinion but it sounds good that you're able to focus on one thing, so many people complain online these days that they can't even watch a show on Netflix without also being on their phone, but you could try something like throwing and catching a call whilst watching tv or walking?
No. 824390
>>824373I’m not an accountant but my Mother and my brother are.
Like most jobs it can be okay, depending on the people you have to do the accounting for and your coworkers, it can have a regular amount of stress.
If your coworkers are shit, like that fucker Albert, fucking retard, your boss is sneaky or untrustworthy, the payments are always later than expected, the budget never works out, the country gets retarded changing their currency every 4 months and you’re an unorganized mess unable to keep the receipts around, you might have a bad time from time to time, mostly during the end of the month and during New Year’s Eve.
Excel is extremely important.
No. 824400
>>824390>Excel is extremely important.Fuck I haven't used Excel since I was 16 (22 now). Is it possible to reteach myself online?
>>824387That sounds like a pain in the ass but not the kind of pressure that makes me panic I guess… I'm thinking more about boss/coworker expectations and the individual workload
Also do you have to talk to A LOT of new people or just coworkers + regular clients?
No. 824403
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>>824373Isn't the stereotype about accountants that they tend to be socially awkward introverts with no charisma? I know some people that work in accounting, they've basically mentioned the same conditions that
>>824387 and
>>824390 described.
No. 824409
>>824400It’s possible, there’s lots of nice YouTube videos that will give you tips and such, age has nothing to do with what you can or cannot learn,
nonnie, it’s all about wanting to do it.
No. 824441
>>824409Ty anon, I was just unsure if it was possible to teach yourself to an acceptable professional standard. I'm definitely willing to do it, I need to get out of this NEEThole.
>>824417The places I'm aiming for are apprenticeship type roles (education+work training) so I hope…they wouldn't throw me off the deep end immediately? Thank you for sharing your experience though, anon. Is it annoying when newbies ask questions/help in the office?
That guy's behaviour sounds fire-worthy tbh, I hope that's how he ended up…?
No. 824458
>>824172Coffee has zero effect on me and I don't want to abuse it anyway since it's bad for the teeth.
>>824199>>824202Yeah, I actually wanted to say multitasking, sorry for ESLfagging. I dunno, I get frustrated I can't do two simple things at the same time, I never listen to podcasts because I'd have to stop doing everything to fully grasp what they are saying, but I hate being unproductive.
No. 824523
>>824518It's possible if it was very very recent
>>824519Nope, why would it? Everyone moves on at their own rate, just mske sure you're not doing it as a cope/self harm
No. 824525
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Why am I more concerned with anonitas opinions than anyone else's? Sometimes I will stop visiting a thread I like just because my post got made fun of but if people on other imageboards do it then idc
No. 824543
>>824535baja and strawberry best. I like blue too, but I hate the dye turning my entire mouth and teeth blue, and the other two are better
have not tried the new baja variant
No. 824561
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>>824543>>824538I got the baja blast, it’s yummy and sour. Thanks nonnys
No. 824620
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For Muslim anons, is it true that women being celibate is considered bad in Islam? would an unmarried woman who chooses to be celibate be looked down upon?
vid unrelated
No. 824708
>>824561I wish I could share a drink with Kuroko and hang out
Fuck this gay 3d earth
No. 824836
>>824826 A lot of women just don't appeal, ig? I was attracted to a really masculine butch once (male-passing to the extreme), but considering I don't meet any butches irl, I don't know. Being attracted to a FtM isn't turning me off like I thought it would. Thinking about a man with breasts and a vagina is fine, and I even like the thought, but I'm not attracted to females directly? The thought of being with a female isn't stimulating whatsoever. Yeah, I know FtMs aren't males, but I'm attracted to a FtM who looks like a guy, so I'm utterly lost.
>>824830 That's why I asked here and not elsewhere. I'm confused by the kool-aid.
No. 824891
>>824771yes esp among upperclass people in the suburbs
>>824745a lot of people tend to ditch their friends after they get in a relationship
No. 824901
>>824899i wonder what will be changed and what'll influence those changes
to tiktok
-no amnesia
-can control switches
-most likely also has autism, adhd, dysphoria, tourettes etc etc etc
>>824900what are orz?
No. 824905
>>824901Kek how old are you, anon?
>>824900Actually thought about this the other day and today I saw few tiktok kids using it, maybe it's coming back?
No. 824928
Do any other non-native-english anons come across so many fake pages when searching for something in your language? By fake I mean obviously poorly machine translated but not outwardly malicious, more like they're making these sites to profit off of ads. It's really sad, in the past few months for some things I search for 90% of the results are those fake sites. I mean, I mostly search in English anyway, but sometimes I need to find a store that sells something and I come across so many of them. They have a country letter code in the url before the domain name.
>>824901orz is like a smiley of a person kneeling on the ground with their head hung down in defeat. The o is its head, r are its hands and z its legs. Sometimes they write OTL which is the same but a big person
No. 824976
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How can I stop splitting on people? Sometimes I think they're the best and then I feel like they fucking suck.
Example, I got a love letter in the mail. The letter says "I LOVE YOU IT'S TRUE" but weeks ago he told me he never loved me kek and then he started saying "No I was very fucking stupid, I actually love you!!!" And I half fell for it half -everything is ruined now- you know? Idk what to do, I half want to throw it away and half just keep it cause -aww how sweet- and shit.
No. 824989
>>824977Queer means a person wants to be seen as special because they’re thinking outside of the box -ie, That person wants to be involved either romantically or sexually with someone other than what is expected to him/her- or because they want to put themselves in a retarded box -ie, someone who is *~enby~* because he/she like to wear both “feminine clothes” and “masculine clothes”-
In the end is spicy boring retard with no personality other than who they want to fuck or what they want to wear.
No. 824995
>>824977I've seen it used as like instead of saying LGBT+ community people say queer community so it's often used as a blanket term that could mean a ton of things, but I've also seen it used as "I have a lot of complicated feelings about my sexuality and I am not straight" so genuinely who knows what he means
but he's saying he's just not-straight without using the word "not-straight" because people get upset that it implies derivation from a norm
even though that's what queer means too No. 825022
>>824997NTA but I think it's just become more fashionable than "questioning". They're both vague and that's kind of the point, but I get the impression that "queer" is supposed to align you more closely with lgbt whereas "questioning" suggests some awareness that you might just be straight.
To be clear, I'm not saying that I agree with this lol, that's just my understanding of how people use this word. People can do whatever they want, I personally wouldn't want to attach this word to myself though
not only because I'm fully aware that I'm bi lol. I'm apprehensive about people that are really invested in "queer" discourse because they tend to look at the world with blinders on.
No. 825026
>>824997>>825022yeah maybe my own unpopular opinion but anyone who actively calls themself Questioning as if it's a conclusive identity is just straight and doesn't want to admit it yet
if someone is genuinely questioning their sexuality they're not going to stop at a question mark as a satisfactory answer, because they'll already know they're not straight and be able to find a more accurate label. anyone who hits Questioning and is happy stopping there just doesn't want to have to go back to calling themself straight
No. 825034
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>>825032Nasty bitch, mine are probably nicer than yours
No. 825056
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>>825030let me shoot the can and let it burst like a champagne bottle
No. 825066
>>824928I just saw one today when I was looking up an author and thought how weird it was, they had a lot of obviously translated stuff about other topics as well
>they're making these sites to profit off of adsyeah probably, same as these slideshow sites
No. 825148
>>825038For me, I have them turn off and I don't download the optional updates anymore just because my laptop froze one time from doing it. Never again.
>>824829I'm not sure but I feel that way all the time, too. I don't know if we're just mentally ill, or it's a sign from the universe urging us to blossom into our next phase of life and the only thing holding us back is people that are from the past (people who have been in your life for a long time).
No. 825149
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So anons, do you watch your favorite YouTubers' ads?
I do.
No. 825195
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>>813929What is this banner from?
No. 825207
>>825188>cis womenit's just women
and women can't be autogynephilic, it's just called being horny
No. 825221
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Anyone have a guess as to what these drawer pulls were? This is from r/transpassing and I'm curious why this guy would obscure them.
No. 825225
>>825224>are you sure he is obscuring pulls?He scribbled them out.
If someone could ID him from the knobs alone, I'm sure they could identify him from that tip of a room in the picture.
No. 825263
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Can you proudly claim to be bi for years (the word was pan) then say you were comphet all along and come out as lesbian
No. 825280
>>825277>>825263technically yeah but it’s still stupid. Comphet is more about being trapped in a culture or other conditions that Stockholm syndrome you into thinking that you’ve been straight all along because of shit you mostly subconsciously (were taught to) do. It’s not because you knowingly, willingly, and yearningly engage sexually specifically with men, and enjoy it. That’s just being bisexual. Unless she was disastrously repressed and never actually got with men, she’s still bi but men in dresses probably
fit with her “pan” idea of being a lesbian.
No. 825290
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Should you be worried when a male coworker starts getting all touchy with you? Like constantly holding your shoulders to talk to you and slapping your arms as a "joke"? A bit like picrel but a lot less agressive.
I freaking like this guy and I'm hoping he's not being weird, we both have partners.
No. 825413
>>825405I have a phrase that I liked to repeat at the height of my anxiety phase. Back when I wouldn't be able to breath, even.
>"I will become calm, anxiety will fade away, A wonderful inner confidence will overcome my doubts And set me free to live my life the way I really want to.">You're going to find that soon enough, you're being able to meditate, which is something you found quite impossible to do before!I found the website a whiiiile ago but it has still helped me through high school and college. Whenever you're in a stressful situation, repeat the phrase until you feel calm again.
No. 825442
>>825428what do you mean especially in Japan's culture? The east asian fujos are the same as they always have been. Hatred for female characters/OCs is a staple of fujoshit and has been around since it's inception.
So yes, it has always been like this, and is the foundation of fujoshit. It's always full of infighting and ship war crap, and woke or not it will likely never change
No. 825463
>>825459been a long time since internet access and computers were that hard to get, shits cheap nowadays and it’s hard to be part
of the global economy (which most if not all third world countries are) without internet access.
No. 825684
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I'm not the other anon itt but her post got me thinking about something I've considered. basically my hair right now is unevenly textured where part of it is wavy but the rest is straight, and it sucks. Can someone tell me what it's like to get a perm? What is it like to maintain that and if you had one did you regret your decision? I just want my hair to be naturally even because I'm too lazy and unused to curling/straightening it myself
No. 825714
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My mother (and one of the bra-fitters at Victoria Secret) said that if I don't wear a bra, my tits will end up saggy. Is this true or just fear-mongering? Will my tits actually sag because I don't wear a bra? I have pretty small-ish tits and find wearing a camisole is the most comfortable thing for me. The bra-fitter also directed me to some bralettes, which I found weird because they don't provide support, and the whole point of wearing a bra is for 'support', so it seems like there's no difference between a bralette and camisole.
No. 825721
>>825621I might bite the bullet and make a kiwifarms account. They have enough interesting drama threads and I'd just have to deal with the annoying blogposts and armchairing. They've got space for off-topic discussion too, but I don't know fun it is, I haven't checked. I'd probably end up using it anyway since I'm already there for drama.
I much prefer anonymous posting tough, so I could end up just lurking and never making an account.
No. 825752
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>>825668Nah that's the kind of soft I meant! Kind of like someone gave me a halo effect like picrel. There's probably some surgery in the after but the general "softening" is what I'm looking for.
No. 825810
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>>825752You'll need makeup for a transformation similar to this. Other than that, maybe try to get straight eyebrows like her (be careful, they don't look good in everyone), do the wavy/curly hair you feel it works and maybe get an eyelash lift? Your eyelashes will be curled up and that might give you a "softer" look
No. 825860
>>825714This exact question came up just last week, didn't it?
There's no solid scientific consensus that bras either prevent or cause sagging. There's evidence on either side of the argument except in cases of women with absolutely huge breasts, so by that logic just do whatever makes you feel comfortable. It's probably all genetics and lifestyle based like everything else
No. 825886
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I like Montero don't come for me, but why the line "call me by your name"? What is sexy or romantic about this? Why does Lil Nas want to be called by his lover's name rather than his own (or a nickname)? I don't understand
No. 825889
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>>825886I’m pretty sure it’s just to reference the movie where a 24 yr old man falls in love with and dates a 17 yr old boy,classy
No. 825915
>>825886A person requesting their lover to call them by their own name is to insinuate an intense bond and unity with borderline ownership of the person whose name is relinquished. It means you are your lover and they are a part of you, a name being precious and individual but now to be shared between two people intimately. It’s romantic and retarded and wasn’t invented by the pedophile who wrote that shit book.
>>825905>>825889Enough tinfoiling. A movie adaptation of a disgusting book isn’t the only reference someone can make with the same prose.
No. 825919
>>825913that's okay, but in my opinion it isn't any deeper than it being a gay movie that a lot of people enjoyed despite the age difference.
>>825915nta but how is it tinfoiling? I think it's very likely he's referencing a popular contemporary film about a gay relationship as a gay man himself. calling your partner by your own name is much less common than people referencing this movie.
…also, victorian anon is that you? No. 825930
>>825919It’s tinfoiling because the anon I replied to had acknowledged in her own comment
>>825905 that the idea of Montero being about pedophilia is a tinfoil.
Believing the reference is to “popular gay movie” is a different picture than describing it as
>>825889 ‘s
>movie where a 24 yr old man falls in love with and dates a 17 yr old boy,classyThe song can share title to the film, and even be a reference it without sharing the author’s intent. I simply explained what the title means.
I’m not her! I think she was told to stop a few months back. No. 825940
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>>825915Okay anons I was the one curious originally and I tried Googling it and he's actually commented on this. The answer is both.
>"It was one of the first gay films that I had watched," Lil Nas X, whose real name is Montero, said in a video as part of Genius' "Verified" YouTube series. "I thought the theme was so dope, like calling somebody by your own name is love, keeping the love between you two." Though the song is named after the artist himself, that title is actually supposed to reference the man who inspired the song, as the two main characters called each other by their own names in the "Call Me By Your Name" film. I like the whole "close bond" idea more than the movie, but he was still intentionally referencing it. I understand Lil Nas is young and probably not trying to glorify pedophilia, but that doesn't change the fact the movie involves a gross age gap. I know gay relationships have less material to work with, but all the more reason to come up with your own stuff. (Also it's still a somewhat weird concept to me, but I've had issues with codependency so I value my individuality in relationships.)
No. 825955
>>825938We never really talked about it for a while but I assumed it was something he did and I had to be ok with it as long as it didn't affect our sex life. I accidentally came across porn on his phone and even though the content could have been much worse (it was actually pretty tame porn wise) it still made me feel like crap so I brought it up. He was defensive and embarrassed at first and and didn't understand why it would be a big deal but apologized afterward. He said he would stop and he didn't have a huge attachment to porn, it just helped. I'm inclined to believe him based on the type of porn it was
gifs of solo women masturbating and I trust him so idk what else I can do. This feels like best case scenario tbh.
No. 825974
>>825889Original anon here,I wasn’t accusing Lil Nas of pedophilia,
I personally love his music and would never think of him as a creep,just pointing it out because I’ve seen the film be glorified with people ignoring the weird age gap when the film first came out.Just wanted to clear the air
No. 825978
>>825975browser cookies, the ip is most likely dynamic and it changes which is why shannons lie was so obvious.
there's multiple ips used on the same few devices so its easy to tell who is who
read the evidence part No. 826199
>>825938Late response but most men I have dated either did not watch porn (for lofty intellectual/moral reasons or just discomfort and low sex drive) or watched exclusively JAV + hentai. I have mixed opinions on this…on one hand, it's a bit alarming when a guy doesn't show stereotypical horny male behavior since we've all been conditioned to accept male libido as this, like, unstoppable force. That being said, the men I dated who did not watch porn for moral reasons and/or grew up without ever really taking an interest in it have been the best. The men who did not watch porn specifically during our relationship but admitted to watching it previously were respectful but gently pushed weird fetishy things on me sometimes. The ones who actively enjoyed lewd content during our relationship were extremely annoying and demanding about sex and more likely to ask me to do things I didn't feel comfortable with. I didn't feel insecure or anything since I am bi myself and I used to follow sexy-weeb instathots, so normally the conversation was limited to "isn't this girl hot" "yeah, noice"
So yeah. At this stage in my life I wouldn't tolerate it, especially since I don't partake in it myself. My current bf of 3 years falls under the category of "low sex drive, has seen porn but never developed an interest in it" which is how I would describe myself too. It's not because of insecurity, for me it's just the level of trust I guess? I find that porn addicted partners are more secretive and protective of their social media/computer/etc. Since my current bf has no SM and nothing to hide, I enjoy being able to use his phone or hop on his PC whenever I want without him getting jumpy. I believe the only case where it would be acceptable for a bf to watch porn (assuming he only consumes ""ethical"" content) is if his partner also indulges in the habit and they are open with one another about it.
No. 826215
The stupid part of this question is that I'm asking lolcow about it but can I sue or press charges against my landlord for negligence if there's been a consistent internal mail theft problem and despite having security cameras they haven't done anything about it? Also, they lied to my face about mail theft before I signed on. The main reason I'm asking is because I want to break the lease early due to the area being unsafe as fuck but I'm really scrambling to find a legal basis to do so.
>>826120I would review your lease contract and tenant rights in your area to make sure, but I'm pretty sure landlords can refuse to rent their property to anyone at any time. You could argue you're being discriminated against but this probably only works if you can prove they're being like racist or homophobic to you or something.
No. 826222
>>826214Groups from either side will say it's not possible, I think it's possible if your male friend is not attracted to you or has gotten over that hurdle of attraction.
I have a male friend, he and I both have been in relationships for years and we're very very tight. We talk bout literally anything from shitting to masturbation to our partners and issues with them and we give each other good life advice.
It's possible, but I'll say it's also very rare that you'll find something that won't sprout into possible feelings. You just have to have everything aligned properly and to get all feelings out in the open first.
No. 826338
>>826309I think it was just made as a standalone short film by drag queens who knew each other sure tbh beyond that
No. 826349
1) if woman is ugly, he’ll still fuck her (just not date her). Probably when he’s desperate but basically guaranteed we all know that men have no consideration for how sex will ruin your friendship.
2) if man is ugly, woman can be deluded into overlooking it and actually giving him a chance to date.
The latter has happened to me many times. Since I have a huge fear of meeting people and making friends, I would feel obligated to consider dating the scrote because I’d be losing one of the few people in my life. The woman just has to have very low self-esteem and no one else around to talk sense into her and confirm that he’s ugly as sin. In one case I gave an incel a chance and he bailed after he coerced me into sex (and coerced me into dating ultimately with “you led me on” kek). I’d say the only way that a woman and man can be actual friends is if they’re both gay, but then again I feel like some experimentation might happen—like if you remember when Janice and the gay guy kissed in Mean Girls except idt Janice was lesbian. The risk is always gonna be there, but imo who cares because men are truly terrible friends to women anyways so might as well just not befriend them at all.
No. 826415
>>826373don’t scare me like that anon
>>826393yeah it is, figured out how to cash into his dumbfuck little kid audience by making lame ass songs about his privileged life as a white male with ADHD who happens to get loads of ad revenue and views, poor him wearing that emotional mask! very much deep
No. 826420
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What are some alternatives to Nandos?
No. 826439
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>>826415oh god i thought so, it's so bad
anyway has anyone posted his (alleged) high school pictures yet? kek
No. 826498
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Nonnas, I have a trial shift for waitressing at a pub/bar tomorrow and I'm super anxious about it because I have no idea what to expect. It's my first job since I was 14 and I remember pretty much nothing about working in that environment. Can anybody tell me what to generally expect, or give me some tips?
No. 826505
>>826498The menu is your bible. Wear comfy shoes. Take your time when you're with your guests, but hustle when you're behind the scenes. Smile, double check things, make sure you ask them if they're alright every so often. Same goes for your coworkers, try to help them out when you can.
No. 826552
>>826504Ewww lol, I can't fathom getting comfortable enough in a public toilet to do that.
>>826540I'm specifically talking about looking at porn, sorry I was unclear. I have no issue with my partner jerking off at all! I meant it would be specifically tricky for my bf to arrange a porn-watching session just based on how our schedules align, but again, anything is possible..!
No. 826637
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What kind of gothic or gothic-ish outfit can I wear with these? and can I wear tights or fishnets with them?
No. 826696
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>>826637I would wear these with them. I don't think they have a name, i just googled 20 denier ankle socks
No. 826733
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Where can I download or read the 86 novel? I need it because my best friend got me into it, we watched the anime together and I really want to know more about it.
>pic related the character i care about the most.
No. 826778
>>826198I always tell my references, I don't think you have to though. also I have no idea about your second question, sorry nona
also you can usually apply for some jobs (at least more entry level ones) without references, you can sometimes leave the reference space blank or put "n/a", I did that once and I still got a call back. if you have references it's good to use them though
No. 826806
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What theme do you anons browse lc in?
For me, I use darkcow.
No. 826846
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>>826806Jungle, of course.
No. 826893
>>826891Unless your house is completely emptied of belongings, from my experience it's better when you're there - first of all they don't have to worry you'll accuse them of damaging anything while you're away, second of all if they need something they can go directly to you and ask immediately.
If you have a trustworthy renovation manager you already know overseeing the workers you could talk to them and see what they'd prefer but from what you're saying it doesn't sound like that's the case.
No. 826904
>>826891Yeah like the other anon said, staying home is usually better. Of course if the work lasts all day and you have things to do you don't need to stay around the whole time.
I try to at least be there when they arrive, offer them a cup of coffee and have some smalltalk, generally establish some trust where I know what kind of people I'm dealing with and they know I'm approachable for questions and whatnot. In the same vein I like being there when they leave but that's also because I usually pay them on the spot (if they were hired through less than official channels).
No. 826918
>>825938He watched it a couple of times but he doesn't have the habit of watching it, especially when we're together. And when we're not together since we were in an ldr at certain points of our relationship, he'd just masturbate in the shower without a phone kek
I met my bf when I was a massive coomer so I know he didn't have a reason to lie to me in order to impress me.
>>826882nta but since I'm in a similar situation, my bf grew up in a pretty religious environment and he went to an all boys religious school which somehow was actually really innocent and he never had the desire to develop a porn watching habit. Usually from these kind of surroundings I expect men to be coomers anyway, but I guess his shyness and a lack of a large group of male friends ended up with him being unexposed to an over sexualized environment as a kid. And he was raised by a single mother