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No. 823177
welcome fellow forty niners to another installment of dumbassery
previous thread
>>>/ot/813802 No. 823184
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repost from the last threa
this is literally me, ha ha ha ha I wanna fucking die rather then live in my fundamentalist Muslim country
No. 823185
>>823184I hope you can one day escape,
No. 823196
>>823185Maybe after quarantine, I'm thinking of using a Christian refugee program that can smuggle me out, I'm not actually Christian but I am willing to pretend for my entire life if it means escape
>>823189what are you plans if any for escape
No. 823208
>>823184I'm sorry for you, noonie.
I don't understand how some white women are obsessed with wanting to date a Muslim. Keep seeing these kinds of people lately.
No. 823233
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For the past few days I have an urge to say “oh my sputnik” instead of oh my god like a tourettic tic
No. 823242
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>>823239kek what the fuck? Anon wtf it’s just cartoons. Stop caring about what other weebs say. I promise there’s bound to be plenty out there with shittier taste in
trashy anime than you. You’re probably fine. It’s not like you’re a bnhafag or cooming to hisoka.
No. 823245
>>823239 im into video games and I feel the same way. I wonder if its because the vocal communities centered around nerdy interests are so dominated by scrote discourse that thats why we find opposites in everything from the opposite opinion. Cause I know when I talk to female fans privately about my opinions or come across them the rare times I do they tend to agree with me, but its not common. Dont know if thats your experience.
Also generally, I hate what most nerds like and find their tastes shit. They tend to be mega coomers and dislike actually interesting stuff imo
No. 823263
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>>823239Are you the anon that cried over character ranking charts?
For me it's easy to visit anime tags or look up art, because I have absolute ground level basic bitch predictable taste and I like the most popular male characters.
No. 823282
>>823248>>823245It's not exclusively men and coomers doing the shitting although they're part of it
and sometimes nonnettes too. Tbh I care more about farmers opinions than scrote's. Also the only people I've encountered with the same taste are tumblr/twitterfags and they tend to add their gender autism to everything so
No. 823283
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I'm having so much fun with this.
No. 823289
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>>823252KEK I was right!?
>none of the characters i like are even poorly writtenAssuming you ATA, the feeling of shame is you being self aware nona. Picrel.
No. 823305
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>>823290Sure, I don’t really have a leg in that race because my husbandos are 100% all immaculate 2D and TV examples of literary excellence. But I wish the infighting thread was still around. I would write 3 spergy paragraphs explaining how Reiner the ptsd insanity war criminal is a better fictional character than at least half the hxh fags. Hisoka is low hanging fruit because he’s just that bad. Togami is better than him, but he’s also the best male character in dangan ronpa by virtue of being highly entertaining with low annoyance value. But all scrote characters in that series are weak and or lame. They’re all written pretty shoddily, but it has many really interesting female characters though.
No. 823309
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Does anyone here know of the tumblry photographer Laura Makabresku? I had a love-hate relationship with her art, since while it was beautiful, it sometimes veered into 'this is art because the subject is pale, thin and self-harming uwu'. The prose that she posted along her photos also was extremely pretentious.
Anyway I decided to check on her after a few years and turns out she became a giant Christian sperg in the meantime. I would say good for her since she admits that she used to be extremely unhappy and mental before she became a born again Christian (as if it was not clear from her edgy photography), but tbh she also doesn't seem quite sane right now. I have read a few of her interviews (most of them done for niche Christian websites/magazines) and she legit sounds like she's been indoctrinated by a cult. Maybe I should give her props for knowing the ~deep lore~ of her chosen religion, but it's still super unsettling.
No. 823312
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>>823309The one recent interview that was translated to English
No. 823346
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Decided to dip my toe in survey-answering for some shopping money and it feels, idk, impenetrable? I don't ever seem to qualify for any surveys. Am I supposed to be the president of an IT company that buys/leases cars every year or fucking what?
No. 823356
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>>823236Just imagining it makes me laugh
No. 823382
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I wonder how many ppl are out there manifesting y2k energy today. how many people will don their bucket hat and look up at the blue sky w/fluffy white cloud. how many will adjust their tiny headphones secured to their head wi/metal band while they listen to BLU CANTRELL
No. 823404
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>>823239Trust the process
nonnie. It’s part of a weeb life cycle to lament their shit taste. And then one day we wake up and embrace ourselves fully.
No. 823431
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I love it when I decide to listen to an album that seems like something I wouldn't like from the cover and it turns out amazing
Similarly I hate it when I listen to an album with an amazing cover and it sucks
No. 823435
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>>823182I usually stick to regular books too but I just started reading this horror manga by Junji Ito and I really like it. Picrel is an example of the art.
No. 823437
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Anons help, I was sitting at a red light at a busy intersection and this teenager came up to the car(he was standing in the middle of the road) and did a hand motion for me to roll down the window. I inched forward a bit and locked the doors because it was scary and he like…smiled and waved it off then walked away. What the fuck did he want?! I kind of wish I would've rolled it down because now the mystery is killing me
No. 823457
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>>823214I live in Pakistan but specifically northern Punjab and so instead getting acid attacked we get mostly shot here cause the quantity of guns, so If I die at least It will be quicker then most women
No. 823469
>>823464Anon I'm a realist, there's no chance of that ever happening in Pakistan
people here literally believe a man who raped a 9 year old girl, had a sex slave and 13 wives was the greatest human being who ever lived and will ever live and his state where he was priest king was the greatest society on earth
Communism may have been our only hope and now that's dead, so things won't get better for women in Pakistan or any Muslim nation
No. 823505
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As a Burger, I seethe whenever someone outside of the U.S. tries a PB&J or mac and cheese and says they hated it.
No. 823508
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>>823309Used to like her 2deep4u tumblr pale blog stuff when I was younger, especially since she's schizophrenic like me and it gave me hope that I could make something of myself despite it. Totally unsurprised that she's currently taking the unhinged Christian route
No. 823514
>>823505I get the mac and cheese part
I'm southern, so soul food is very near and dear to me, but pb&j's fucking suck.
No. 823520
>>823514the only good pb&j was potbelly's toasted one and they discontinued it.
sign I eat out way too much I knowwhy must every sandwich place discontinue my favorite sandwich
No. 823523
>>823505The existence of pb&j proves to me that people like some foods only because they're used to it and not because it's actually good
The first time I heard about it I thought it was done kind of Disney gross joke food
No. 823536
>>823526i'm too desperate for approval. sometimes i pretend to hate things i like just to fit in
>>823529i don't know i guess the art styles and how silly and exaggerated it is, it seems more relaxing and fun. but some people are like "designs are
too silly/tacky=bad" "names are silly/obvious=bad" "not realistic=bad" etc.
No. 823559
>>823536if you like cartoons try more adult swim type of content. variety of art styles and scenarios with older audience in mind. Liking cartoons isn't just for kids. Have you seen Tuca and Bertie? and maybe check out more manga and indie comics. i think a lot of those can be goofy but have serious themes as well.
>but some people are like "designs are too silly/tacky=bad" "names are silly/obvious=bad" "not realistic=bad" etc.don't let other people dictate whether something is meaningful or quality to you. for me, a mix of comedy and seriousness is important to any work to have a full emotional impact. cartoon designs are obviously going to be goofy a lot to make characters and their personalities easily identifiable and that's to be expected ; what matters is if they convey characters well in their setting. The whole not realistic part gripe people can have is dumb to. Fiction required suspension of disbelief in first place; what matters is if the contrivances make sense for the plot and follow the logic of the universe.
No. 823581
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I just realized.. how much of an ABSOLUTE crackhead I look like, even when I put effort in my looks. It makes no difference.
No. 823585
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Anybody know good sites to post nsfw art? I like to make woman x monster/demons erotica. lmao
Besides twitter, I hate twitter
No. 823605
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i like my ladies unhinged and with honkers. she caters to my tastes. whisk me away
No. 823621
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Today was a good day. First, I got to spend a lot of time with my crush and it turns out we have a lot in common. Second, I picked some flowers and made syrup and cookies from them.
No. 823629
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billie eilish is sneaky little queerbaiting queebie because she knows the only people listening to her music are the lesbos who would even make the lesbos in the lesbian /g/ thread vomit and zoomer genderspecials spamming “HOT OMG KICK ME MOMMY” Under her social media posts (someone kill me for typing this)
No. 823634
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YT please stop recommending me these two. I have nothing against them but I really don't want to see their awful thumbnail faces again
No. 823653
>>823611i know she apparently
dies near the end of the manga for no good reasonbut i will pretend that never happens and that she is happy and also my wife
No. 823666
nonnie! ♥ I only told my mom and she thinks she had it too and it also just went away.
I've never had any issues down there so i don't know what to expect
No. 823715
I thought I was just making this up but there really were Bratz music albums in the 2000s. I swear there were Barbie albums too and they covered 1985 by Bowling for Soup kek
>>823598Change the username/password to a random keysmash and change the email to one of those 24hour temp emails. Then deactivate, if you try to reactivate it before 30 days you won't even know your credentials to login anymore.
No. 823794
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This is my first oc webm.
No. 823874
>>823865I know you don't have whiskey but can you have drinks at dinner? I'm a seriously shy, quiet person so ngl alcohol is my fav way to become comfortable with people and make proper friends.
Last time I was in a situation like yours I also focused a lot on how I wanted to have fun by kinda visualizing it I guess? I've had fun hanging out with people in the past obviously so I just think of situations like that but with the new people. Probably sounds retarded, but I surprised myself by how easy it was to act more outgoing than I usually am solely because I wanted to have a good time.
No. 823879
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I swear anime servers are filled with no fun allowed kind of people
No. 823949
>>823184Late to the party but legit I was scrolling through that meme last thread thinking "centered on their Western userbase, won't apply to me, nbd", then reached that and I put my head down on my desk KEK
May we find our way "home", fellow thirdie
No. 823971
>>823962come to liverpool and say it to my face yeah? swear down i will steam you like gran's broccoli and dont think i wont. you know nothing about us and you probably fart in bed like an amerifart and then a laugh track plays or the seinfeld theme, so dont act like you're all that on me, ok?
love sandra xx
No. 823996
>>823993no, I think
nonnie is thinking of ninnie
No. 824051
>>824048>New underwear every monthThat and things like stitch fix or thread up or whatever its called, I don't understand. Why do these people want monthly clothing additions that they didn't even pick?
Americans are insane and their insanity always spreads to other anglophone countries, I hate it
No. 824094
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I want to make stories and I have so many ideas but I never know how to finish them
No. 824107
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>>823999It might not be you, I know a girl who looked like a meth goblin in many photos but it beautiful irl, cameras are just like lolcow users as they both exaggerate bad features
>>823977Um… hehe
queefs nervously sounds top notch anonsenpai
No. 824114
>>823868>>823874Thanks, I had a beer eventually. I chilled out but left probably a touch too abruptly. I was also very boring because my nervous nxiety ran out and I was left with nothing. But I'll build up resistance to it with practise I'm sure!
I think a lot of people are rustier than they think with social interactions after the lockdown.
No. 824223
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My Japanese isn't really good but I'm practicing every day and being able to read straycatj posts in the original moon runes faster and understanding them more is a source of increasing joy for me.
No. 824266
>>824258At first I thought you were kind of slow for not thinking that the idea of a public and private persona is a known concept, but actually I'm the slow one because I just didn't read your post right
Interesting, there are many people I know who I have never seen in an open field
No. 824277
>>824265thank you
nonny. we need more men to show skin to make up for women always being hypersexualized and you have to love a self-starter.
No. 824315
>>824301Hopefully. I'll give it another week and then go back to my random bedtimes.
Best of luck to you, fellow anon. We'll get it figured out!
No. 824326
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>>824305Yes, the point is that women rarely are aware of all the things that make up female socialization. One might say that they grew immune to it but the truth probably is that they just don't recognize the patterns.
No. 824354
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lorelai gilmore had the best fits. i was watching this show and oh my god I saw one of her shirts and it was sort of tie dye but it had muted colors I wish I could find a shirt like that. i hate that fashion from that era is being revitalized into pieces of clothing that looks like one of the anons here who have digestive problems ate jolly ranchers and shit all over it. lorelai core needs to come back pronto I want normal clothing I don’t want to look like an industrialized whore
No. 824355
>>824326what would be considered female socialization? I'm trying to make up a list so I can break every rule of it.
>you feel more powerful conforming to beauty standards and by looking better compared to other women>subconsciously trying to improve your appearance when a man enters the room>calling other women we don't like "bitch" "cunt" etc; >actual sex being reserved for men jacking themselves off, where you actually cum is from foreplay (sex is one-sided?)>wondering how you would look like, if you would look ugly in another person's eyesI'm wondering if more could be added to the list, I don't experience the same as other women since my mother raised me fairly neutral when I was younger, so I wonder if other farmers could add on.
No. 824364
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No. 824368
>>824355It’s not that simple like
>calling other women we don't like "bitch" "cunt" etc;Your desire to do that could be rooted from female socialization pitting girls against each other or you could genuinely have a reason to view them that way. Or it could be a mix of both, to varying extents. You could make the argument about “bitch” being a slur but that’s not really related to specifically socialization as much as just general misogyny.
>subconsciously trying to improve your appearance when a man enters the room>wondering how you would look like, if you would look ugly in another person's eyesAgain could be a result of female socialization, or just insecurity (like a man could do this with women), or from an attraction to that man. Or it could be a combination, or that the extent you care about it is more driven by female socialization than the desire itself. Or that the extent physical insecurity matters to you is driven by some degree of female socialization etc. These things aren’t this black and white where there’s just a list of traits that are universally “female socialization”. There are consistent things but the ways that they manifest in your actions, and to what extent, will vary a lot by the individual. All you can do is try and be aware of your actions and understand yourself, interrogate why you do certain things, why you think certain things etc.
No. 824411
>>824369Nta but
>constant apologizing for minor inconveniences or for no reason at all, reallythis one ties into your taking too much space theory
No. 824412
>>824265same, while watching my thoughts were with the one anon who is really into him. WTF was that white woman's instagram song? I was confused in the end what was the intent.
>>824367>anon we aren’t missing anything from these books especially the heterosexualityAnd what's wrong with that? We can't all be lgb sis
>>824392this, especially everyday new shitty romance books get published. maybe even more than ever since self-publishing and ebooks exist
No. 824413
>>823949Nta but I know that feel, I hate how that was so accurate and how
> centered on their Western userbase, won't apply to me, nbdIs also extremely accurate. Maybe we’re the same person, anonita.
No. 824418
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>>824364I liked the old painted covers too. These days romance books all have these flat art covers which I don't like, but at least they aren't as embarrassing to read in public.
No. 824434
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I'm about to make something to eat that is Very American. The eyropefags who piss on their legs in the shower will cower before my chopped up grilled hamburger in a brioche bun, ketchup and pickles interspersed
No. 824440
>>824436everybody likes attention and since they have long known they will never get attention the basic easy way (being attractive) they go the other easy way (showing off how much of a circus freak they are).
at least that is my hypothesis, it’s about getting attention in the laziest way possible, like any cow. its a biological process for survival that has gone haywire via tech (social media).
No. 824445
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>>824436You just reminded me of this girl who popped up in my insta feed
No. 824484
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I've been accused of being underage so many times on lc despite being in my mid-20s
No. 824493
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holy shit youtubers are streaming the creepshow drama and they’re looking at the threads live right now. It’s going to prompt more lurkers and trolls like holy shit don’t come here we don’t want anymore newfags
No. 824497
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>>824493I can already sense the gore and cp that will get spammed like whenever we get a new influx of outsiders, so bye bye for a while, nonnies, hopefully the newfags and retards will get bored if nobody responds.
No. 824508
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>>824493im so sick of twitterfags not sageing in threads but i think this will be a good opportunity to stay away from the website for a while.
No. 824572
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>>823634My first encounter with the girl on the left was when her first
eating flowers asmr video popped up.
>>824529>>824548That's why pic related is my queen.
No. 824594
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100 messages of infighting about whether marinas boobs are real or not in the stacy thread
No. 824793
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>>824751benny havana, anona. Ntnl. Keekweek Theme Day a.k.a. Y2K RISE AGAIN will be held on June 10th. Refer to post
>>823386 for all information
No. 824840
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obsessed with how people go on twitter and just say things
No. 825045
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The Shannon outing made me think that if I was the one with my post history exposed, not only it would be in the fucking 15 hundreds (considering they go back to 2015), but it would be mostly hornyposting, venting, shitposting, dudefagging and the rare, eventual actual useful post. Especially in the last 2 years or so that I've been using the ot boards heaps more often than the main ones.
No. 825087
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Not my pic but I just for this shit in the mail. Apparently it's Fortnite related? Wtf
No. 825094
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>>825080get him ramones, they make you taller.
No. 825154
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The longer I'm on the internet, the more my grammar skills and the ability to speak properly seem to decline. I only speak English, but sometimes I realize my sentences come out like I'm just learning it. My brain is actually rotting.
No. 825179
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>>825154>>825168I'm in the same boat. The only thing letting me know that my brain isn't fully gone is that I haven't completely bombed learning anything for my courses. Being terminally online is a disease.
No. 825233
>>825168>>825179I think we deserve financial compensation.
>>825174That's how I'm living. When I'm cleaning or walking to the bathroom to take a shit, I'll lag to make the experience feel realistic.
>>825181I swear I've seen something like that, but it was a very long time ago. Was she white?
No. 825273
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most of the scars on my left hand are from cutting bagels/english muffins
No. 825275
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See you later.
No. 825278
i had a dream that i met up with 4-5 farmers from the vicky thread. we saw vicky in the wild while it was dark outside, so we quickly laid down in the grass so we wouldn't be seen. vicky was having a photoshoot with "frankie" and doing crazy poses, like putting her hands down to the grass and sticking her butt in the air. some of the farmers were taking pictures of her so we could laugh at her candids later. we all tried not to laugh in the moment but still ended up laughing really hard from her poses. she saw us lying in the grass laughing and she just got really embarrassed and dissappeared
the farmers and i ended up in a barn attic to chill around. i wanted to go downstairs for a moment, but when i was there, i heard someone approaching, so i grabbed a nearby baseball bat. vicky appeared, she also had a baseball bat. all the farmers upstairs got quiet, so i had to confront her alone. i was terrified because suddenly i was really tired and i couldn't stand on my legs unless i held on to something. so vicky was behaving really hardcore, obviously ready to beat me up, and i was just trying to calm her down because i knew i wouldn't be able to defend myself. she decided to go for the farmers upstairs and walked up there with her bat. that's the last thing i remember, but later i was running away with the other farmers and we were all intact so i guess we survived
that's not the only sort of scary vicky dream i had, i wonder why my subconscious is so scared of her kek
and i just slept for 21 hours, what's up with that
No. 825285
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>>825279i had the opposite thing happen with børns. i thought he was a lesbian even after seeing pictures of him (i admit i wasn't looking very hard)
No. 825315
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I logged back at Feh after a year (Fernand oblige) and the game sucks so much, my barrack is so cluttered, there's too many modes I don't want to touch any. At least I have two nuke units ready but where's the fun in this game anymore lol.
No. 825322
>>825321same and i feel the same way about
waifufags here too. but they're gonna get mad and go on about how "women can be pornsick too!" "you're just a prude!" etc
No. 825323
>>825321No comment on whether their trannys
Anon but some women are pornsick. I know I started watching porn way to young and now my minds kinda fucked from it.
No. 825597
>>825592Similarly but I see anons post about really specific things sometimes and I worry that it looks like I wrote their post, like there was one anon who turned the same age as me on the same day who posted about it
I don't understand why people post identifying information like mentioning both their city and job at the same time
No. 825605
>>825593I'd be mortified, but I'm just glad this is an anonboard so they couldn't see my other posts. I'd probably get a 30k word callout post just for some of the men I've posted on the unconventional male attractions thread kek
>>825594There's better discussions on here anyway
>>825597I guess the sense of anonymity these boards have gives people confidence to post identifying info.
No. 825650
>>825504That wouldn’t be necessary. There’s enough people genuinely coming out with those takes (see: twitter).
Recently I checked out a book on goodreads. An Indian woman had asked if she got a “bad” copy as hers contained Spanish (the book was about Latino families so was sprinkled with very basic Spanish that I’m guessing burgers would generally understand). Several people attacked her for implying that Spanish was “bad” even though she was obviously asking if it was a printing error. Can’t decide if they were looking to be offended or if their brains are truly fucked at this point.
No. 825665
File: 1623187549806.jpeg (835.85 KB, 653x960, 6C4A3A81-CBB0-481C-9D3C-2D5D82…)

Could have sworn I posted about this a few months ago but I’m even more tempted to reread this, bet it’ll feel comfy seeing one of my childhood obsessions again.
No. 825670
>>825504I still remember the time some Americans ganged up on a Croatian woman on Twitter because she didn't have #BLM in bio or tweets about BLM. She said she did, but as she mostly tweets in Croatian they probably didn't notice.
Some dumbass then goes to google translate, tries to translate
black lives matter to Croatian, pastes the result in the search bar and screenshots the 0 results she got. Americans continue to gloat and bully the woman, accuse her of lying and tweet "ooooh you got her" to the girl who posted the screenshot.
Except the translation made no sense and was something like "black colour living material", so of course there were no results.
Anyway I hope someone comes and unplugs them from the internet soon, I can't deal with their one digit IQs any longer.
No. 825703
>>825683>I'd keep it up until anons were like "Do me next!", and it'd just be like a fun, interactive game for everyone involved. Anon, we're more likely to make fun of you for lurking and pandering to farmers than to do this
>>825698She is generic as hell, but I like her music. I feel like Beef was better than all her other songs though
No. 825718
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>>825698Absolute shenanigans, anon.
No. 825724
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tinfoil: all lolcow users are the same person but from alternate universes
No. 825753
>>825746They don't want any woman they consider unworthy (aka unfuckable) to have options. They want them to be as lonely and pathetic as men who aren't attractive to women, and when they hear that other men would happily fuck them it makes them rage.
I think it goes deeper when it comes to racial stuff though, men go fucking nuts over comparing and ranking women by race. I think that's a tribalism thing (eg natsoc psychos obsessing over white women in wheat fields), and also an attempt to control 'their' women by triangulating them against other races. Eg white men comparing white women unfavourably to asian women so that they act more desperate and submissive.
No. 825755
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>>825667>>825669omg anons I’m reading it again and this shit is so based
No. 825756
>>825746Everything men do is to impress other men, not even women. For example,
some of the men who end up with thin women secretly want fatties, but choose not because they don't want to get bullied by their friend group for dating a fat girl. But also this
>>825753 No. 825757
>>825742fiction does affect reality and pairing a gay coded man with a woman is homophobic
>>825748both are the two sides of the same homophobe coin. in this house we stan healthy and respectful portrayals of gay men
No. 825759
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>>825757okay this is definitely bait
No. 825773
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One of the Twitch streamers I like to watch answered my ask on Tumblr.
No. 825779
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>>825771Reminds me of a text my bf sent about his coworker today. He works with almost exclusively men and will tell me some of the absurd shit they say. The coworker is like 55 btw.
No. 825818
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there must be some magical qualities from the unconventional male thread that grants everyone who posts in there funnyjuice because that thread makes me cackle harder than an escaped salem witch
No. 825837
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>>825834call me old fashioned, but i was raised to serve my queen. clean for her. cook for her and everything i do is for her. and if she cheats? that is on me! she caught me slipping and i will apologize and do better.
No. 825843
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I think my bff thinks I know Japanese but I’m just good at assuming stuff, I barely understand some random words because of the funky Japanese cartoons and comics that I consoom.
No. 825917
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>>825864abandon ship that kpc is ever coming back to lc. if only the crystalcafe thread were active
No. 825932
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>>825929It's called being based
No. 825944
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I’m kind of embarrassed that I like Bo Burnham
No. 825972
>>825771Okay seriously, what part of evolution has made men feel the need to try to make everyone carry on the exact same genes?(as far as females go). Like how dystopic would it be if every single female to walk the earth just fit the moids personal preferences and just all looked the same? There would be absolutely no generic diversity and nobody would be able to adjust to whatever climate they live in
Exclusively being attracted a certain phenotype of woman, harassing men for not being attracted to that phenotype, encouraging other men who exclusively breed with that phenotype. Did evolution fuck moids over so badly that they've all become complete smooth brains who think there's no consequences to anything in nature?
No. 825979
>>825972nta, I agree with you and that's part of why I think it's cultural not biological. I think men are very influenced by our culture and what the media/porn shills to them as attractive
when they argue over preferences of women I think it is nothing more than a circlejerk where they can enjoy treating us like possessions or products they can pick and choose, something like that.
No. 825985
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I'm out of the loop with the Creepshow drama and I reported an Amy namefag because I didn't know it was a meme in that thread
Sorry jannies
No. 825988
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i think a husbando/waifu edition of the mspaint thread would be a fun idea. maybe anons can even try to guess characters. but idk how to make good OPs so i won't make the thread lol
No. 826003
>>825834Hell no, how they engage with the material is too different.
>>825929How does that even work, depends on the characters or are you a wierdo who ships your husbando with other guys.
No. 826019
>>825834i am both
>>826003not her but i ship my husbandos and waitus with me and other male chars with male chars. i like other ships too but i go crazy for fujobait
No. 826045
File: 1623233336299.gif (942.11 KB, 220x220, eeeeEEAAAAA.gif)

>mfw I had to go /g/ for tech help
I wish we had a tech thread here so I wouldn't have to ever visit that foul place again.
No. 826070
>>826059Yes, 100%
Although I worry that it looks smug when I do it
No. 826075
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I really do wish the Celeb thread wasn't moved from snow (it shouldn't have been moved from /ot/ in the first place, but oh well)
No. 826089
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>>825707 Posting the best Golden Kamuy ship.
please tell me you're trolling No. 826098
File: 1623237855075.jpg (4.88 MB, 2658x2197, bat.jpg)

I don't know what's wrong with me. Every time I see a human picture I think eugh, but I never think this irl when I see someone. Nonnies, am I online too much?
No. 826141
>>826135Makes sense because men can't take flattering photos to save their lives
>>826137And this!
No. 826143
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i once posted in the dumbass questions thread because i didn't understand a meme and someone replied "i know this is the stupid questions thread, but you sound so fucking autistic."
No. 826186
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I think about Pitbullanon a lot
No. 826258
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>>826189He didn't say anything! Yes! I truly am God's favorite little princess after all kek this made me nervous all week.
No. 826299
File: 1623257129931.png (668.82 KB, 834x808, Memegenerator6-9-2021.PNG)

>>826287It isn't exactly a dumb bitch meme but i was thinking about those anime girl impact font memes you see on tumblr
No. 826305
>>826299Omg love it! wouldn't mind one of those memes with a cute girl pointing pistol and sthg like "back off you fugly slut, my husbando is
/is mine only" (maybe not exactly in those words kek)
No. 826316
>>826305More like I’ve had dinner with your favorite fictional man and he’s never heard of you
>>826308Based honor anon
No. 826318
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my eyesight went down from minus 6.25 in both eyes to 7 and 6.75 in the past year… anons wtf i thought it was supposed to stabilize by now (I'm 20)… maybe spending literally every second of my free time in front of a screen since quarantine wasnt the best idea
No. 826336
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>>826308why would I lie anon? lying isn’t in my blood, therefore I must tell you the truth that you are a dirty, dirty, slutty conniving clever girlbossing southern belle fugly whore
No. 826342
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>>826299please be patient i have autism.
No. 826400
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Marlon Brando was one odd-looking old man. He looked like his younger self stuffed in a budget fat suit.
No. 826404
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>>826400samefag. Also TIL he had no Italian ancestry.
No. 826408
>>826342Kek I love this one
nonny, this is how I feel wearing my itabag
No. 826597
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Help I ate a bowl of fruity pebbles and it was good so I went to get another bowl and I took a single bite before realizing there was a fucking dead bug in my bowl.
No. 826613
>>826186Good times.
>>826405That and impersonating women. Fucking grown ass men. And the women who eat that shit up are just as retarded.
>>826409Kek that reminded me of this lady.
Bottoms up. And the devil laughs.>>826597That's very common! ..Unfortunately. If they're little brown bugs they're called weevils. I'm sorry that happened,
No. 826656
>>826613That's the vid I thought of too. I thought it was somebody trolling me with an outdated joke..but she was serious and everything is linked to the devil somehow!
Just let me drink my energy drinks and have my gay sex while typing LOL at the end of all messages, those are some of the few pleasures I have in life
No. 826664
>>826655Well anon it's not even about attractiveness. I'm attractive and I know plenty of better looking women who have been expected to date down. If a hot/successful woman dates 'up' then everyone freaks out at how much hotter/richer her bf is than her and debates whether or not she deserves him. I'm guilty of thinking that way too, I think it's because actually attractive men are so few and far between whereas we've become accustomed to beautiful women in our faces 24/7.
What it comes down to is the expectation that women can't have standards to begin with. They can't possibly want a moid who earns more than them or is better-looking even though hypothetically if you take on a man who is worse-off than you, that's objectively going to make your life worse than it would be if you're single. Speaking in terms of cost-benefit analysis, it's a net loss to be with a man like that. You're better off single. All hetero relationship dynamics can be described as being unpaid female labor when you consider how many women are caretaking for men and receiving nothing in return except for lessened life spans, worse health, worse finances, and lessened life satisfaction. Stating that you want a man who is better off or no man at all is the most practical standard but it's too ~demanding~.
If a man doesn't make your life relatively better than before then he's absolutely not worth your time. Alright I'll stop pinkpilling in here.
No. 826665
>>826648My dad went to the premiere of one of the original Star Wars movies and someone was running up and down the aisle in the waiting line outside the theater screaming
"DARTH VADER IS LUKE SKYWALKERS FATHER!" over and over. Insofar as he was aware nobody beat the guy up though.
No. 826677
File: 1623282060668.png (427.36 KB, 613x361, 20090217033207!Strawberry_Shor…)

Looking back it's crazy to see how much influence this Strawberry Shortcake had on my childhood (to be fair I was obsessed with it).
I loved strawberries because of Strawberry, baking because of Angelcake, books because of Blueberry, gingersnap cookies because of Gingersnap, cargo pants because of Orangeblossom, and Huckleberry was literally the first crush I ever had.
Kids today are missing out man
No. 826691
>>826668>>825768I'm wondering if you can do a combo of 'dedicate your life to humbly and silently benefiting the women around you' with 'just leave women alone'. Maybe make them think eating pussy will make their dick bigger. Make them think Elon Musk, the Rock, and Joe Rogan have dedicated their lives to leaving women alone. Whatever you do, you have to write your manifesto in the reddit style: half motivational TED talk (designed to appeal to the unfounded confidence of the average male by vaguely waxing poetical about human potential), half bro science YouTuber (omg this guy is so confident and saying big words but i feel like i could have a beer with him and ask him about his pecs! I don't need to see his sources haha i trust him), all bullshit. Contains the phrase 'Think about it :', at least one reference to shitting, and some awkward 2010 phrase like 'sirs' and 'twas'.
I hate male Internet so much
No. 826702
>>826677Oh my god I still have the movies. I love them.
>>826691This completely. You could even add in Keanu Reeves. Men will listen to any man screaming or using big words.
No. 826720
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>>826677This era of Strawberry Shortcake was the best. The character designs were so cute! Picrel of a newer (the newest maybe?) design makes me want to throw up. It’s so hideous.
No. 826736
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>>826720jesus wept, this looks like a twitter tranny's picrew icon. Did they really need to make her thighs so exposed? Obviously they were going for a budget version of picrel and failed hard. Disgustang!
No. 826739
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I am a chronic farter, so whenever I'm with my bf lounging in the couch I have to put on a blanket, put my hand down my pants and spread one ass-cheek so my fart comes out as warm air instead of making a loud sound. He still hasn't noticed I am stealth farting the entire time I am with him.
No. 826745
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>>826739mine knows I do it but he never knows when
No. 826757
>>826748Quite important, it can make or break a man's attractiveness to me.
That said I have no clue about men's fashion and can't explain my taste in words, I just know what I like when I see it. Definitely more on the street wear side though, not suits and button ups and shit like that. I like youthful, casual fashion.
No. 826765
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>>826720Wtf is that nooo
One of the main reasons why the 2003-2008 version outfits were so good was because of how close they were to how kids actually dressed then. Picrel was literally my everyday fit as a 7 yr old minus the hat ofc. What kid wears leg warmers with a mini skirt? Gross
No. 826772
>>826759You know, like,
>>826769Reminds me of when a moid told me that women have more fashion choices and I didn't know what he even meant because I guess I've seen a lot of guys online with their fashion Instas and stuff. He is just lazy.
No. 826785
>>826765>leg warmersThose are… socks
>mini skirtIt's just a shorter skirt, not mini. She's even using shorts underneath it.
I mean, it's ugly, but to call it inappropriate is a reach
No. 826801
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I have become a woman possessed with learning how to draw. The only problem is I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, so I'm literally just drawing things around me and random images. I have some books on drawing, but I don't have all the materials that it requires and the other one is basically like "just draw shit around you lol"
I'm having fun anyway, even I feel like I'm failing at studying
No. 826807
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>>826720Some anons are angry about this design, claiming it's "inappropriate" with "exposed thighs", but that's not what I'm about.
I just think it's fucking ugly with the bulging eyes and shit. All the older designs were so much better.
No. 826830
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I think if the internet went down for good, be it from a bad actor or pure misfortune, I would be glad.
No. 826870
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>>826830based 10th dimension boys farmer
I wanted to respond to bait so fucking bad but even giving nona a (You) would fuck the thread up. So I ignored her. Even when anons are unhinged fibbers and batshit insanely autistic, shitposts sprinkled with infighting is sometimes fucking fun. I wish the thread was unlocked.
No. 826881
>>826422Personal blogs are super fun
nonny. I personally really love customizing profiles, so modern social media formats that basically only allows a profile pic + header layout is so restricting to me.
If everyone could suddenly move to older internet forms like blogs or livejournals it would be a blast. If enough of your friends do it everyone can do it…
No. 826890
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I figured out why I find board tan so cute she looks just like Faye
No. 827003
>>826899The thumbnail is the second time this week I've seen nirvana associated with punk, has grunge been reclassified recently or is this just a coincidence?
And yes I know it's weird Al yankovich dressed as Kurt Cobain.
I saved it to my video playlist for when I'm done studying anon, thanks.
No. 827020
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Trying to call my local Planned Parenthood is the worst experience. On hold forever, call gets dropped after waiting a long time, and when I do get someone on the line they act like me calling them is a personal affront.
>pls I just want to schedule for July
>Currently on hold for 15 minutes so far
No. 827036
>>826274Well shit, that didn't take long! He asked me out and I've been so hyped all day at work I think I've given myself a headache.
I need to look at some men-aint-shit content to stop being so nervous about this cutie, good lord
No. 827083
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>>827080Kingu = King Pingu
noot noot No. 827144
File: 1623346137085.png (Spoiler Image,552.75 KB, 816x579, blood of pingu.png)

>>827083How did you know I always imagime it says Blood of Pingu I even made am image
No. 827170
File: 1623347703642.png (119.42 KB, 720x420, Screenshot_20210610-105317.png)

Where my Canadians at?
No. 827181
>>827024Nope, it's always been like this even before COVID. The doctors/nurses there are super nice but reception is the absolute worst.
I gave up and am going to use their shitty online booking once July 1st rolls around
No. 827295
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>mfw I could be talking to any of my old friends on here without ever knowing
No. 827298
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>>827208No one will know if you post your own post anon (except the mods)
No. 827313
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>watching The Nanny and they make a crack about Princess Diana's bulimia
No. 827316
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no anons, I am definitely not googling how to deal with a sudden urge to cut your hair right now
No. 827338
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>>827295You made me google the picture (on my phone it looked like a kigurumi) and damn, now I kinda want this Kotonoha Katsura figure JUST for the yandere version. Too bad it's been released forever ago and it's probably too expensive second hand for me to bother (School Days is a garbage, but an enjoyable one to me and Kotonoha was absolutely the best)
No. 827374
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I saw this dumb incel pasted the same exact victim blaming statement under several different comments on a true crime video so then I wasted my dumb time looking through more comments to see how much he had done it, and then wasted even more time looking to see his profile to find out he does this a lot
This brought nothing to my life, and now I'm telling you about it, why do I waste my time like this
No. 827376
>>827177The mundane one isn't dumb stuff, it's just boring every day life
>I made cerealThe dumbass shit is dumb stuff that may or may not be mundane
>I spilled my cereal>And then I licked it off the floor AWOOOOOOO No. 827442
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>>827441It was vegan chorizo.
No. 827449
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I think it's funny when underage anons are caught posting and they act like 2018 and 2019 are years long passed when to me they feel like they just happened. Still not entirely convinced 2020 even existed, just woke up one day and it was 2021.
No. 827470
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what the holy fuck is going on with gordan ramsay’s editing team kek
No. 827488
>>827471Whenever I hear about stuff like this, I wonder if it's one of those things where older people are letting their internet bfs/gfs that they've never met scam them out of thousands of dollars.
Anyway, it's kinda cute that she's so happy to talk to him.
No. 827558
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I just realized I’ve been using this site for 4 years
No. 827574
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>enjoys packing for a trip
>it's like a puzzle! it's fun!
What kind of psychopath wrote this?
No. 827582
>>827574I can relate, partly it's fun because planning for an upcoming trip keeps you excited and anticipating it, partly because I just like organizing stuff. There's something satisfying about putting together a capsule wardrobe and trying to keep the luggage weight down by packing efficiently.
Wouldn't say I'm a psychopath but I am on the uptight side, I like being prepared.
No. 827590
>>827584sorry anon but you're austistic.
No. 827599
>>827588Wait a second, nta but is this why I cannot comprehend what Luna Slater looks like? Even after seeing countless pictures and selfies she's like an eldritch being, I can't describe her except that she has black holes where her eyes should be
But not for any other cow, just Luna lol
No. 827606
>>827602I've been seeing similar opinions lately. Idk I think it's cute. You're a
nonnie too.
No. 827624
>>827602I'm 28 and I like it
Plus nonna and nonette and nonita
No. 827630
>>827628I think people who use
nonnie are faggots and I have fun saying that.
No. 827638
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>>827591I am packing early but it doesn't make it less stressful sadly
No. 827644
File: 1623389131497.gif (781.77 KB, 400x225, sip.gif)

>>827643lc is a sophisticated and refined council for discussing taxes and bills. smiling and happiness is for children.
No. 827688
>>827602Sorry I'm 23
I also love saying nonatella, jail me!
No. 827724
File: 1623401283832.jpg (259.54 KB, 1408x792, war-table_orig.jpg)

We must summon the high war council, for that twitterfags are invading because of the creepshow art thread.
Nonnies will defend the battlements by shouting big meanie words like 'retard' and 'fag'.
Nonacitas will share their based TERF ideologies in the bailey.
Nonnettes shall sperg near the drawbridge with copypastas alongside overusing 'kek'
The one who stay will be kept as prisoners in the dungeons and will end up joining our forces, as we did during the Great Pullfag Invasion
No. 827747
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>>827724A day may come when the sperging of lc fails, when we forsake our nonas and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
An hour of minors and invading scrotes, when the age of cows comes crashing down, but it is not this day!
No. 827859
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My family recently got netflix and there's literally nothing remitely interesting on it.
Do i really have to get a vpn to see something decent?
No. 827862
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No. 827866
>>827826Depends a lot on where you live. Some places are safe for a woman to go clubbing alone but other places not so much. Be extra careful about not getting drunk or spiked, go to the staff if anything seems wrong
I have done it before and felt cool and independent but also other times I felt like a friendless loser lek
No. 827895
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i just spent an hour typing up a huge autistic post (in notes not here) analyzing my own preferences and realized why i'm so picky when it comes to husbandos. probably THE most autistic thing i ever typed. dare i post it
No. 827911
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I feel like such a nerd but whenever my bf wears a polo
No. 827918
>>827915ok so as much as i post about how great husbandos are there are way more 2D guys that I hate than like. and the handful that I do like only get like 5-10 minutes of screentime. i'm not trying to be contrarian on purpose it just so happens that the super popular characters have personalities I hate (with some exceptions). it's like some mangakas are trying to make the most unlikeable character imaginable while passing them off as "heroic" at the same time
assholeness and aloofness itself is not the issue, even some characters i consider husbandos have those traits and are sometimes seen as "edgy", but i prefer a more tone-downed or nuanced variant or the type that has something to make up for it. unfortunately it feels like extreme ones are a lot more common and popular. i only tolerate that type if it's done for comedy.
like the neets in OsoSan are assholes and have personalities taken to extremes, but they're funny to me so i end up liking them anyway, and i can relate to them a little.
suigetsu from naruto shippuden is an asshole, but he too is funny and has something charming about him. compared to sasuke, who is also an asshole but gives off a 'no fun allowed' brick wall vibe
and is kinda boring in general tbh. if you poke him he'll get annoyed or maybe ignore you at best. whereas suigetsu is the kind of guy who'll poke you right back. he seems like someone you can banter and have a drink with, those are the type of 2d assholes i like.
now with aloof guys i prefer if they're the kind who is socially aware, knows how to have a normal conversation and emote but just chooses not to or doesn't feel like it all the time. but some aloof characters seem so cold to the point of being autistic or having no personality, like you'd have to teach them how to feel and i'm not into that shit. i can't be assed to post more examples and this post is already too long so yeah. so i think my types are:
>charismatic/funny/smug assholes>kind of mild assholes>someone to relate to to some degree, or someone who's more on my level?>non-autistic/not dead serious/laid-back introverts (ironically enough i'm the autistic type)>(not mentioned) sleepyheads, slightly gloomy guys, mild edgelords No. 827930
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>>823177After hanging out with a nerd friend I will allow one scrote to live once the racialgenderpaleontologist war begins. All other men can go to hell.
No. 827940
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I know this is being disrespectful of boundaries but I will not know peace until I know the details of Simon and Martina’s (of EYK fame) divorce. I hate that they don’t intend on giving anymore info I mean I understand their decision but as a curious, albeit nosy onlooker like how do you go from being such an over the top lovey couple to being totally split up in (seemingly) under a year? Also would be curious what Simon’s perspective of his tattoo sleeve is now. Ugh I just have so many questions
No. 827980
>>827963>Girl fingers herself on her period>Omfg worse thing ever like what even is thatNewsflash - sex is gross, porn is gross, periods can happen unexpectedly, momo is obese so she probably has irregular periods too. I don't know why you would even watch a gross girl do gross porn and then act shocked when you find out she has bodily functions. Do you bitches get suicidal anytime you change your tampon or pad?
Also if you "knew" it was blood you wouldn't play mental gymnastics to act like she had some crazy unknown disease for having her period. Some of you are worse than scrotes
No. 828014
>>827980samefag, but you honestly must be new here if you aren't aware that we nitpick mariah. chill out.
btw i don't get periods anymore due to my IUD so… you're fucking gross kekif you are still getting mad at this, you should take a break from lolcow.
No. 828022
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The berleezy discord server is having a night for fangirls and I honestly want to join but also I'm so fucking awkward.
yeah it's berleezy anon… still not over him…
No. 828025
Whoever the two anons in the Unconventional moids thread were that said Kate Winslet's body was bangin', you 1-2-K.O.'d my body dysmorphia today and I'm indebted to you both.
>>826868I'm unironically thinking of making this a server on discord. Seems fun. Should I?
No. 828027
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berleezy sperging…
aaaa i just want to wake up in his arms. I feel like I'm cheating since I have a bf it's so not fair for him that I'm so in love with this stupid fucking youtuber. parasocial bullshit.,…
In other news, CallMeKevin is adorable is really seems milkless. I'm going to post him in that other thread.
No. 828056
>>828014>you're gross because you get periods and I don'ttroon much?
>no ones gonna read except for the fact I double responded to you to tell you how mad you are?
(hi troon) No. 828078
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>>828070Fuck, me too.
Worst part is that I planned a romantic date with my boyfriend tomorrow and was expecting some railing, but I got my period yesterday.
>Inb4 you can still do itToo messy, too painful,
No. 828304
>>828269That's awesome
nonny, that had to be such an encouraging and pleasant surprise. Enjoy the unexpected pay day
No. 828363
Happy that I've evolved from a horny self-hating scrote pleaser to a misandrist who couldn't care less about simple-minded biological afterthoughts.
tried very hard not to use the retard word for you guys xx>>828360Which one babe?
No. 828365
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>>828363There was just a solar eclipse yesterday morning
No. 828497
>>828488We could be friends,
nonnie. I love sperging about my husbandos and sometimes I tend to write dumbass short fics.
No. 828512
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Here's to all the anons whose waifus/husbandos die in their source material, have shitty writers, get used as holes without any of their charm/are unfeasably ooc in fan content, or don't have a lot of alternate outfits. May you get good content or be blessed with the ability to create your own.
No. 828518
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>>828514We might not able to stop you… but
he can.
No. 828596
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I don't expect or ask for males to have builds like Chris Evans, cause I know that shit is immposble for most people but they can alreast try the bare minimum for physical health and not be skinny fat, chubby and deathly obese, picrel is very doable for the average male with moderate exercise
No. 828605
>>828601I hope to god you're trolling, I feel fetishing people's body types to be wierd asf, I want both men and women to be as healthy and fit as much as an average can be
I mean we all can't have our ideal physiques and body types but we should try to be fit and healthy
No. 828612
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based eighties anime. Would be a controversy if said now
No. 828625
Just found out an old shitty flame has been gaming with teenagers this past year. I feel a visceral disgust. Before this, he was emailing a literal highschooler. I fucking hate him.
>>828612Based. It would only be controversial on leddit and chans. Someone make this a banner kek
No. 828663
>>828660Exactly lol and any guy older willing to date someone so young is usually going to be an
abusive ass.
No. 828724
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I kind of wish there was a moetron created for each decade of popular anime, it would be neat.
No. 828782
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I randomly remembered this book that I read a lot when I was learning English. It's this choose-your-own adventure style book about a female pilot whose plane crashes and you have to survive until the rescue team finds you. I loved it so much and wished it was twice as long
No. 828793
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i've capped so many emails that newfags put in the sage field that it's turned into a whole collection at this point. and this was only in a span of 3 days
No. 828861
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windows update added this to the taskbar, it's cool I guess
No. 828877
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>tfw no cute cuddly himbo bf
No. 828915
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A while ago I posted in the question thread asking if anyone remembered the anon who said she faked the Taylor swift 4chan photos and I found the post!
No. 828922
>>828915Damn, I don't remember this at all. I love when farmers admit to things like this though. Reminds me of the anon who said she was the person in the meme of a girl eating spaghetti out of a bag.
>>>/ot/514629 (linking this for myself)
No. 828949
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My dad used to physically and sexually abuse me so much i dreamed with crushing his dick and balls with these bad boys and making him scream helplessly, i was 6yo and it was a very recurrent thought.
No. 828958
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>>828949ok so we will stop talking about dad bods. anyway how is the weather it is fine here
smile I hope every one has had a nice meal today, if not please try to eat something. thank you. enjoy the weather however bis
No. 828996
>>828983I agree entirely but it is hilariously ironic that gay male erotica is actually the most pro-female and least harmful porn out there.
But honestly I feel smug as shit knowing I can get off without ever giving a single scrotoid any sexual pleasure.
No. 829006
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>>828983Good point but tbh there is good stuff out there. Problem is you have to make a huge effort to seek it out. Fujo stuff is fine but sometimes I do crave something more relatable.
I'm not into femdom really but things like pic related are refreshing.I also hate how in Hentai and pornography in general the men are ugly as fuck.
No. 829023
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No. 829024
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My heart belongs to sims 2 but i really love the spooky vibe sims 1 had. Even before pic related expansion pack, how the house you played was in a grey void, the prank calls, and the fire that looked more like lava.
No. 829028
>>829024The prank calls with the scream mask used to shit me up as a kid. And the creepy messages.
And when aliens used to abduct your sim and they'd run around screaming terror
No. 829029
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>>829021>>829018Not a guy nor troon
(stop attention whoring) No. 829033
>>829028Ah, I still remember their screams. Especially the children's.
They were so loud.
No. 829056
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I want to start working and learn how to fend for myself in case the unthinkable happens out but I don't know where to start
No. 829130
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>>829098he has two dicks? count me in
No. 829136
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>>829130>>829098If the Edd nonnies keep multiplying I'm going to turn into one of these to forget.
No. 829160
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i dont know if its because of quarantine induced autism or if im genuinely retarded, but i’m in a real life club with people for the first time and I’m on lolcow. I can’t even say I wish I was home because I’d still be doing this, just with the added benefit of wearing sweats and drinking in bed.
No. 829223
KEK, what did
>>829029 originally post? a mirror selfie of her outfit in her room?
does anyone still have it>>829006Based & hot although i don't like his facial expression
No. 829253
>>829242I have mixed feelings whenever I see shit like this. Being in a country with free healthcare here..I still see alot of ftms begging for money to go privately and get top surgery without the 'torturous' 2/3 year public wait list.
In a way it saves the taxpayer and means that the only ones funding it are fully supportive of that decision anyway. But then I also wonder how many end up regretting their surgery and could've done with a 2 year waiting period to think about it. I'm saying this as an ex fakeboi who abandoned ship 1 year into hormones.
No. 829254
>>829250cause guys are content with faceless men and floating dicks as long as the chick is hot.
There's a nice thread going on /h/ though if you can ignore all the other shit.
No. 829255
>>829253I also live in a country with free health care and this is how the process goes:
>E-beg to book an appointment to a private clinic because you can't wait for two years on public healthcare to make a life-changing decision that will irreversibly alter your body and its functions in a surgery that could go horribly wrong>Regret it a few years after>Demand public healthcare to fix the damage you did to yourself during your gender psychosis out of taxpayers' pockets This is what happens and why I can't support trannies getting frivolous work done, it'll end up costing everyone in the long run.
No. 829259
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why am I even more bored than usual, nothing fills with me joy, food disappoints me like what the fuck
No. 829307
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I got sucked into the police impersonator rabbit hole kek I can't stop watching videos about them
No. 829325
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No. 829332
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>>829325Accept the truth,
nonnie, Achilles was head over heels for Patroclus.
No. 829338
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I CAN'T STOP BURPING JESUS CHRIST MAKE IT STOP. i don't even drink fast so wtf
No. 829348
>>829332most achilles could've been was a bisexual
he had multiple wives SHUT UP!!!!
No. 829373
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>>829332this is your brain on tumblr
No. 829388
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>>829368>>829378My God, her twitter and Her Instagram is under "Princess Sarah of Sierra Leone" when she's basically just the child of a single village chieftan
No. 829397
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oh my god the outside newbies, stop turning this into PULL. the ugly typing styles and moralfagging is getting on my nerves and I guarantee the new posters are minors who are so fucking stupid and don’t read the rules
No. 829425
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every time I come here nonas are always horny and able to coom from the slightest breeze but i can't. just how?
No. 829479
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>>829475this scene is the first thing that comes to mind whenever i see one of those fucking hats
No. 829488
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I'm not a Muslim Anymore so both of these are retarded for me but this is straight up factually wrong
The design on the left came from Saudi Arabia in the 1930's, then spreading to Egypt during Islamic rivalism before finally being enforced in the wider Muslim world
My female ancestors (who mind you were Muslim for 800 years) would have worn clothing similar to the pic on the right then left, as they were peasant farmers who wore practical loose clothing for labor
No. 829497
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>>829488This is more or less what most women in greater Punjab region(which is mostly still rural) dress like, they literally would not be able to survive and do essential work if they wore those trahsbags
No. 829509
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>>829436Buy a sun parasol. We are making them trendy again in /g/.
No. 829539
>>829436Would recommend! Even better is those rain/sun combo umbrellas. It has a thick black layer on the bottom to block out ALL sun. Great because you can create your own little shade and keep it with you.
Usually I'll just wear sunscreen because I find holding an umbrella in all sunny weather a bit of a chore, but if it gets super hot or I forgot to bring sunscreen then it's good as a backup.
No. 829589
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Just saw someone refer to K farms as "the fruit forum" and it's waaaay funnier than it should be to me. Did I wake up high?
No. 829619
>>829606if you already trust them enough to sleep over every night that's a good sign. just never ever clean up anything after any of them, ever, never think "oh I'll do it just this once to be nice" or you're signing your contract to be their live-in maid.
I shouldn't have to tell you not to fuck any of them, that's just roommate common sense, but seriously being the only girl moving into an established man house, you have to put your foot down as you walk in the door that you won't be their mommy or their maid.
No. 829627
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My male celebrity face matches.
No. 829675
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>>829672Sage for the samefag but by biggest pig I mean she owned a literal hog that was in the livestock show not that she won as a pig
No. 829682
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I’m high as balls haha big funny
>>829663Also yes, ik what you mean nonnita. can’t elaborate atm but yes
No. 829750
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Anyone tried the "gamer" dating apps? I always get ads for them because of my hobbies, but haven't tried them because I'm pessimistic and have an aversion to online dating.
No. 829812
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watched a recent tasty video and did not regret it after seeing this face
No. 829826
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I went to the store and stopped by the toys section for fun. The dolls were so tacky and ugly. There was a mermaid and she was all neon rainbow and her tail was plastic. It really sucks man, they used to be so beautiful. I have this purple doll on the left and she is so beautiful and her tail is rubber so she can move. I put her on my desk for old times' sake. Her tail is all broken and patched because I played with her so much and her hair is a little frizzy but she is still beautiful
No. 829833
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>>829831It's not but all the mermaid barbie designs are similar, is it this one
No. 829895
>>829869This is both odd and poetic. I like your ideas
nonny. Manifesting a cozy, happy, decadent little world for you.
No. 829896
>>828983>>828996>>829006Am I the only one whose never had this problem, like when I was younger I just used to read self insert ships with my husbandos and that would well satisfy me, eventually this led to self insert ships with 3D IRL males that I found attractive
I'd I avoid the noncon, sub/dom and ddlg shit, I never read hentai or BL cause it felt kinda ridiculous basically
No. 829907
>>829897I can get that to an extent but there's this disconnect for me between drawn stuff and actual sexuality, Its hard to explain but I feel like I have a primitive sexual attraction, e.g I find a lot of kinky stuff kinda funny, I mean abuse aside
A grown woman calling some guy "daddy", men and women in uncomfortable looking leather clothing, women wearing Victoria's secret lingerie and other "kinky" and sexual shit, isn't erotic or even disgusting for me, Its just kinda dumb and stupid looking and I'm left with a feeling how anyone takes this seriously
Like I just have sex, I dont shave or wear goffy looking underwear, But I'm fit and I like having sex with my husband whose Also very fit, we discuss what were gonna do and what were feeling for and capable of doing and make sure we both have enjoyable time and that's sex for me
No. 829914
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>tfw I won’t be able to get a character for my stupid gacha game because of the covid vaccine
At least it will be less probable for me to die, and I will appreciate the exercise since I won’t be able to play my dumbass game for hours like I’ve been doing so far.
No. 829977
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just found out that decriminalization of same-sex marriage in my country predates women's voting rights
No. 829991
>>829976Believe me anon, the males in my country are just as horny if not so, however if they ever have pre Marital sex they'd have dishonored the girl's family and would probably get beaten near half death by her family
India BTw
No. 829997
>>829976The amount of documentaries and shows I've seen where men have blamed a lack of sex for them going out and killing people. If a kind woman had just thrown me some sex this would never have happened… what??
In between relationships I've just gone years without sex and without giving it much thought. Sex is not a god given right that people owe you. You can get yourself off just as easily. You have porn, toys, your own hands. Sex is nice but nobody should be losing their mind over a lack of sex when orgasms can be achieved solo. They can fuck off seeing themselves as deprived
No. 830002
and my bad, that was for all women.
before that, only educated ones over the age of 30 were allowed to vote
No. 830060
-be prepared to work on your relationship with your husband and spend time together
-have balance in the relationship. Your husband should not have power over you and you shouldn't have power over him, you are equal partners
-have a satisfying sex life that you both enjoy
-hold your husband to a high standard. To keep the perfect wife, he has to be the perfect husband
-have a shared life goal that you both want to make happen
-accept the curse of the straight woman. You're husband will always have lower emotional intelligence than you. He will say stupid shit and do stupid things. No matter how many times you explain he will never understand because it's like trying teaching algebra to the mentally retarded
-provide a stable loving home
-learn about health and mental development to give your children the best start in life
-spend time with your children and take an interest in their lives
-teach them new things and show them the world around them
-be patient and understanding
-display temperance even if what they've done has pissed you off
-do not fight or argue with your husband in front of them
-contribute to their future financially and by giving them the belief in themselves that they will need to succeed
No. 830067
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So one of my favorite games growing up was Earthworm Jim 2, loved its humor and its surreal, trippy quality. Recently, driven by my fondness for the game, I Googled its creator out of curiosity, thinking it would be some weed smoking, chill dude and it turns out the creator Doug Tennapel is an alt-right, Bible thumping, Trump worshipping madman who believes in transhumanism and one of the walls of his house has the American flag painted on it. Wow
No. 830088
File: 1623690050659.png (597.98 KB, 720x564, Screenshot_20210614-220114.png)

Okay imagine the worst attributes and stereotypes of western men, now imagine that but combine with worst attributes and stereotypes of middle Eastern Muslim men and finally combine that with worst attributes and stereotypes of Indian men and you get the men of my ethnicity, Urdu speaking Punjabi's
I'm not exaggerating when I say that I hate them and am also so ashamed of them, I mean their misogynistic shit heads but even the other shit heads mock cause how pathetic they are
They watch porn and have sexualized degenerate fantasies, 99% of them are mama's boys who were raised as princes, their Muslims who basically suck up to Arab and turks and pretend that their actually somehow Turkish or Arabic cause they curse their real ancestors
No. 830109
File: 1623691992681.gif (1.03 MB, 400x224, heartbreaker.gif)

I was obsessed with this music video when I was a little kid and I finally taught myself the very short, simple but cute choreography from the lobby scene.
>in b4 Mariah Carey can't dance
That's exactly why this choreo was so easy to learn.
No. 830110
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I was listening to music on Spotify and I was like "wow, this song is sooo noisy I love it!" and I went to go like it when I realized I also had a youtube tab up and had been listening to two different songs at the same time for like four minutes without realizing it.
No. 830115
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>>830110Lol this has happened to me before too
No. 830233
>>830221happy for you,
No. 830234
File: 1623701940130.jpeg (199.51 KB, 1100x899, 70A21DF5-5CDE-4387-9977-4C21E9…)

if you never did it you gotta try once in your life
No. 830235
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Ate the last pizza part my brother wanted to save that'll teach this little shit
No. 830316
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Great, can't wait for all the troons to buy up UV stock. Not that I want MLP stuff.
No. 830327
File: 1623710002263.png (224.65 KB, 460x436, onefear.PNG)

My bf's brother just had his first daughter born and my bf seems so amazed by the kid, forwards me photos of her all the time; now I'm worried he's changing his mind about having children and I'm most certainly still not interested in parenthood… hopefully he'll get pissed at once we go to visit and be reminded it's not all that cute
No. 830331
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>>830329I think she's supposed to be wearing those puffy 70s shorts.
No. 830355
File: 1623712940587.gif (1.45 MB, 320x240, dhad10989_21.gif)

I've been making a lot of friends lately and it's been great since I lost contact with a lot of people throughout covid, but in doing so I lost a lot of free time with just myself to draw and relax. I'm an introvert so my social battery gets drained really easily and I like having a lot of time to myself, but in having such a busy friendgroup I've been nonstop hanging with them every day for the past week and a half. I'm more than grateful to have friends I can depend on and relate to again and I'm also so glad I'm spending less time on the internet but I won't lie, I'm ridiculously exhausted from the constant hangouts. It's just too addicting to stop though since I haven't had such close friends in a while. It's more good than bad though so I hope I don't sound ungrateful, I'm not trying to complain.
No. 830387
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>>830386>blocks your path Be afraid because I won’t hesitate luv.
No. 830390
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Just imagine how many newfriends are here after the latest drama. Welcome("newfriend". okay, newfag)
No. 830392
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>>830390t-thanks, anon-sama! I hope I will live up to your expectations!!
No. 830398
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>>830392First of all, don't use this image
No. 830400
File: 1623718913953.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.01 KB, 499x532, 1616860227965.jpeg)

>>830398sorry!!! is this better?
No. 830414
File: 1623720961097.jpeg (911.02 KB, 1821x1821, AA589F2B-8982-41D8-9B3D-55EDA1…)

I posted my own Peepy music video on sm today and no one liked it, I cry
This is dumb to say but this little stuffed animal totally brought me out of a pretty bad depression and made me want to create again, so I did my best with the video
I won't let it get me down though, I really enjoy Peepyposting so I'll keep doing it quietly in my corner of twitter even if no one likes it.
No. 830423
>>830414im sure you and your peepy are very talented, anon
pls post peepy pics
No. 830447
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>>830423!! Thank u for encouraging me anon! Peepyposting for you
No. 830448
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It makes me almost piss my pants in laughter when anons say they’re going to go to another site if their complaints aren’t dealt with. Wtf do you expect the jannies to do? Cry a river over your precious absence? Like damn bitch just leave
No. 830451
File: 1623725619697.jpg (31.92 KB, 500x281, 33.jpg)

The more anons complain about hornyposting and shipping, the more I want to post it. But I'm not creative enough beyond "dick make pussy brrrr"
No. 830464
File: 1623727507149.png (36.76 KB, 632x304, smellsslikescrotum.png)

imagine thinking 4chan is better then lolcow. brain damage
No. 830478
>>830464well lolcow is for women and isn't troon friendly, 4chin has a whole bunch of weirdo troons.
Thats the only reason why they hate us. We don't welcome men in any form.
No. 830493
File: 1623731895689.jpg (90.67 KB, 640x932, 1621438823624.jpg)

someone please come knock me the fuck out I need to get up tomorrow
No. 830498
>>830464This site isn't full of moids who post revenge porn of their ex gfs or wives and drawn cp, but yeah, we are the worst, I guess.
>>830391You should tell her she isn't. Keep her away from there, lol. Most of my irls end up regretting and deleting their accounts.
>>830305I read this as Jack Black…
No. 830506
>>830464>there are boards on 4chan that aren't dedicated to bullshit…We like to talk to about anime and male genocide to uwu
>4chan actually done something good for the worldLIKE WHAT?
No. 830527
File: 1623736249132.jpg (278.06 KB, 1080x1013, Fjfueidiri38339risjqj.jpg)

Why are teens fucking virtue signaling on a webtoon completely unrelated to poc/gay rights…
No. 830567
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FA's are literally delusional
No. 830659
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I fucking hate this dude so much anons he makes me feel a type of rage I thought it was impossible to feel every time someone reposts one of his videos
No. 830662
>>830659literally who?
No. 830668
>>830110kek this happened to me like 2 days ago
>listen to a new song on spotify>wtf this song has like people talking on it that's really cool>realize i have a video someone posted on here playing in the background>>830310i have to agree with you on that,
nonny No. 830688
>>830464I'm glad they don't like lolcow. If we have a worse reputation than 4chan people will be less likely to come here.
>4chan actually done something good for the world.the state of moids is beyond saving
No. 830696
>>830659 considered alt these days? gross
No. 830706
>>830697I mean it used to be a fun place, it hasn't been fun since 2016
/b/ is mostly porn and trap threads, /rk9/ is mostly trap grooming threads, /pol/ is a constant state of race baiting between white racists, self hating brown guys vs mostly pajeets and the other non white groups in a never ending game of spamming porn, /gif/ and /his/ are the same
/cm/ and /co/ are still fun to browse
No. 830715
>>830693Yes. Both good songs, too.
>>830697Because they'll do anything to make them stand out from the
other alt girls. Dying their hair isn't enough, and since they're young, they're fueled by attention from self-pitying lards on r9k/soc. Most are just too retarded to listen to warnings and will eventually find out how terrible those men are when they get their nudes leaked or when some retard starts cyberstalking them.
No. 830724
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>>830691I thought you were still talking about Thomas Sanders and was very amused
>Thomas Sanders>skinny No. 830742
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No. 830753
>>830748no you didn't, yo mama did
just like every other part of you
No. 830755
I just want to keep my blood inside my body is that so hard? I want off the female experience ride
No. 830788
File: 1623761887053.png (183.27 KB, 720x1180, Screenshot_20210615-175610.png)

You know when the drawing Muhammad thing became popular online I remember no one ever drew Muhammad accurately, so I went to an Islamic school so I was taught what Muhammad looked like according to first hand accounts
>He was of slightly above average height
>He was really light skinned, something brought up multiple times in the Hadiths
>black hair that reached his shoulders
>long eyelashes
>slightly bulky
And he was apparently really handsome, Even in his youth he was so good looking that he got a sugar mama who was 15 years older then him and a successful trader to marry him, just cause of how hot he was
I'm not a Muslim anymore but if people are gonna draw Muhammad at least draw him as somewhat good looking, cause he was good looking
No. 830790
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I bought a sports bra on poshmark and it is kinda stretched out, but like, everywhere but the band which is weirdly tight lol I figure the seller must have had some big ol milkers and all I can think when I wear it and get annoyed by it is "A Troon would DIE to be wearing this right now" and I just kek and endure
No. 830801
File: 1623762553703.jpg (88.79 KB, 1024x899, 1620883535573.jpg)

>tfw the pride march is literally on your birthday
>can't go because I'll be probably dying thanks to my second vaccine shot
No. 830815
>>830812ntayrt but why are you so
triggered kek. you’re literally purposely missing the point to try and start an argument because you feel that attacked. back to twitter with you
(infighting) No. 830839
File: 1623766014576.jpeg (8.58 KB, 172x151, 15384949493.jpeg)

>>830834You reset again, didn't you
No. 830860
>>830839Holy fuck kek
>>830834Keep an eye on the shape and colour
nonnie, get it checked out if it even looks slightly unsymmetrical etc
No. 830863
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I wanna try savory oatmeal, but none of it looks good enough to make. I just want my sweet oatmeal with fruit, spices, milk and nut butter.
No. 830882
>>830839begone mr. resetti
>>830860it's mostly flat and brown
No. 830964
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looking at some of the recent redtexts in various threads…did janniettas forget what "infighting" means? one post was just telling a newfag to sage for example. or did I forget
No. 830967
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It's so weird for me to look at some fashion shows, idk why would they hire such young models for such "mature looking" fashion; just saw a collection of pics from Louis Vuitton 2022 collection everyone on the catwalk looks like a baby
No. 831116
>>831112It is nice! He even remembers the name of us lowly staff and the cleaning staff names too, he truly is a gem
(Also me too, anon, can't resist that commander charm kek)
No. 831176
>>831119The last time I tried to be friends with a straight scrote was in college after a group project. He was nonstop venting to me about how lonely he was and then described his sexual experiences on a date unwantingly in grotesque detail and then vented about how no woman ever swallowed his cum after a bj.
That friendship didn't last long. -10000000/10 never want to be friends with scrotes again if this is their definition of friendship
No. 831184
File: 1623792917950.gif (1.75 MB, 380x213, giphy.gif)

I'm starting to exercise again this summer, but not alone this time! I finally was able to save up for a fitness wheel for my cat so me and him are able to exercise together. :D
No. 831359
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I understand 3D men are shit but who the fuck has Frieza for a Husbabdo, shit taste but still better then IRL males
>“I devoted my first love to Lord Frieza, and I loved him so much that when I was 19, I told my mom, ‘I love Lord Frieza so much. I just don’t think I could ever love a human, so I won’t get married. I’m sorry.’ My mom replied, completely seriously, ‘Do you think Lord Frieza, who has the power to destroy entire planets, would ever have feelings for a mere human girl like you?'” No. 831374
File: 1623822736922.png (786.75 KB, 577x857, 483920432955364.png)

>>831362Go simp for a 3dpd porn addict if you want, don't try to infect others with that nonsense. As if a pure-hearted family man with godly powers is anywhere in the same realm as a degenerate, lying, emotionally manipulative scrote with peepee poopoo humor. Fuck grass, this is 2021 betch my feet only touch the inside of my house and fuzzy slippers
No. 831415
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I feel conflicted about this, but she has the perfect ASMR voice. I've fallen asleep to her interviews multiple times
No. 831426
>>830934Shay once called Miley "Hannah Montana" and an anon did a minirant about it saying
>It's fucking Miley Cyrus not Hannah Montana!I made fun of them and got two replies saying anon was right to be mad about it ("she's pedopandering!) and one reply from a Mileystan saying Shay "probably doesn't even appreciate Miley's new, mature, sophisticated music. Whatever, nonas, I'm still right.
No. 831466
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So I randomly remembered the textbook I used to learn English from when I was in elementary school. I loved it soo much, especially the comics. The story was so silly looking back lol
It was about a detective (who looked like Janet Jackson btw) and she worked together with a bunch of 11 year old kids to catch a bad guy named Dr. X who had an invisibility potion and used it to turn celebrities invisible so he could blackmail their fans for money
No. 831492
>>831481it doesn't help that a lot of people online, including farmers, actually
especially farmers, constantly shit on women who enjoy anything fun over the age of 18 and make a big deal about how "x is childish, x is for teenagers, blahblah" always empathizing the age and going on about how anyone over 24 or 25 is "closing in on 30 omg!!1" like there's no other inbetween. yes i'm mad.
No. 831495
>>831492I've been getting that shit from farmers since I was 25 and I'm 28 now. No kidding.
>closing in on 30>almost 30>pushing 30>one foot in her 30s>basically 30Just stop.
I have no issue with being in my thirties, and some of them will claim they're 30 themselves - which I call bullshit on, because then you'd know people don't stop loving something as soon as they turn some magic number - but you have to be pretty dense to not see that they're using thirty year olds as a literal dogwhistle for "grandma".
I'd feel pretty bad for them because it'll come back to bite them on the ass once they start "closing in on 30" themselves, but they're petty cunts so I don't. Enjoy crying over it I guess.
No. 831501
>>831495>>831499>>831492There's a girl in my clan who is 29 and won't stop crying about her time to do fun things running out, obsessing over looking youthful, quitting her job to do fun stuff before she turns 30 and panicking when she got an unflattering blouse whose color made her look like a 30 year old mom, as if that's a bad thing to be. It's pathetic and sad.
She's a former farmer (lol) and lives in a major city in Australia where nobody cares about this sort of thing.
No. 831565
File: 1623850574108.jpeg (Spoiler Image,206.38 KB, 781x1920, E37-6F6WQAAAsfZ~2.jpeg)

hello everyone, it's me, nagito komaeda on the nintendo switch
yesyesyesyesyesyes awooooooooooga
No. 831566
File: 1623850690393.jpg (112.96 KB, 800x935, Diana_Ross_1976.jpg)

When I was young one my greatest wishes was one day there would be a black version of Taylor Swift, by that I mean just a cute Carefree black girl who sings just fun songs about either love or friendship maybe with a quirky aesthetic, I mean it didn't seen like an impossible dream so I hoped It would happen one day but it never did and now even with supposedly woke female artists it's still bad if not worse
Black female artists are either hyper sexual and or hyper political(Also no Janelle Monáe isn't doesn't defy any of these stereotypes, idk why people bring her up anytime I talk about this)
Its just kinda depressing and it feels like Its never gonna happen anytime soon, like there will never be someone like Diana Ross who was a feminine black woman but not a hypersexual fuck doll
No. 831571
>>831566Young Whitney was kinda that, RIP sweet princess.
Sadly the longer we go on, the less diverse the entertainment industry seems to be. The woke shit is just invented to cover it up, I'm convinced.
No. 831577
File: 1623851834636.png (183.63 KB, 279x389, dummy.png)

is there a search function I don't know about? or do I have to use catalogs
No. 831585
File: 1623852203097.png (141.34 KB, 586x298, shes got a lot to say about cr…)

The newfags who post here make it so easy to find their profiles, embarrassing.
No. 831586
>>831585I normally feel really bad when people out newbies because I know I'll eventually slip up and leave my own email address in the form but
>BeetleselfThere are no words
No. 831596
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>>831586this one didn't even need an e-mail lmao
No. 831675
>>831585i hope they get a call out post for going on the
TERF imageboard!
No. 831774
>>831652You’re a kind soul,
nonnie, please never change but the kid gave me a 5th degree cringe.
No. 831839
File: 1623872888700.png (555.88 KB, 1125x1545, C135C3D4-3739-4911-8F40-295C8D…)

okay so it's so fucking weird how a lot of 4chan's boards hate black people more than trannies, like i unfortunately still visit 4chan because of cgl and biz however i visited /b/ the other day and realised that the tranny hate thread has people defending it like crazy compared to the race thread
makes me wonder if its because deep down, they know that trans women are men and that 4chan's males stick together no matter what.
i probably make no sense but i drank so mych caffeine tbag i canno stop thinking
No. 831855
>>831853It only gets posted on /b/ because they want to share their pictures with other degenerates, or at least that’s what I’ve read about it, I never browsed /b/.
They don’t get raids because they’re part of the people raiding and posting gore or cp wouldn’t count as a raid to them, it would be basically giving them what they want.
No. 831882
>>831537I'm gonna take a guess that you have a STEM job, right?
>>831839Yeah they know trans women are men, most troons know too. Just look at the way they treat trans men in comparison.
No. 831913
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is simply wanting to accomplish a feeling of pride over surpassing the expectations of your younger self shallow?
No. 831947
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if only there was a dogi thread… watching her have a legit mental breakdown and get thrown in a psych ward on telegram today was fun and sad. she started doxxing her closet nazi husband at one point in attempt to out him. he more or less seems like a bigger piece of shit than her, and they're both very ugly.
No. 831953
>>831853The non porn boards are fairly safe and they have enough moderation that you raids are shut down quick enough. You see more gross weird pic spam and porn than anything illegal
I hate that ic became a porn zone
>>831946Every time
No. 831956
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>>831949yeah I capped everything and have no where to post kek. I sort of feel bad for her.
No. 831978
File: 1623890548679.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1080x8126, ss_20210616131040.jpg)

>>831962shes schizo for real, but her comics were ok before the off-tha-deep-end /pol/ stuff. heres a long ass screenshot if anyone cares to read,, 2 lazy 4 crops.
No. 831981
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Just saw the EU is gonna start charging VAT and handling fees for every order coming from outside Europe. I am so pissed, where am I gonna get cheap cute clothes from now, anons?
If I want to buy anything from aliexpress now I have to pay 21% vat AND 6€ of handling fees (plus shipping ig). I'm becoming an ancap fuck this.
No. 831982
>>831968Turn off any electronics that you aren't using to study. If you have to go online, exercise some self control and don't open up any other tabs or websites. Eat light snacks when needed, and drink lots of water, especially if you're using caffeine or other drugs to stay awake. This depends on the subject matter, but if possible copy down your study material on paper. Many people find it easier to remember things when they've physically written then. If you already have handwritten notes, rewrite them. Give yourself a short break every hour or every 90 minutes - go outside, practice a hobby, fuck around on lolcow, whatever - but set a timer for your break and when the timer goes off, switch back into study mode, no "five more minutes," no "one last thing."
No. 831984
>>831968pomodoro method babey
25 min study, 5 min break, repeat 3x,then 15 min break