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No. 811045
Vent away.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/802232 No. 811090
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I think I built weird feelings over this one streamer that doesn't even speak my languages…because of his personas design. The design looks amazing and just for my taste, and his voice matches so well…
The issue is that I keep being way too obsessed with it. I stay up at nights thinking how I should go finish my artwork so I could finally draw a lot of fanart of him so he would notice. I even thought of starting participating in his chat just so he could tell my nickname and react to me. I want him to share my artworks and be happy with them…
I know I sound like a dumbass but I also admire the way I am inspired, I just hope it won't take too far and notice in time kek.
I got a partner, but we both are introverted people who are always busy with doing our own stuff. I am a huge sucker for actually good character designs.
No. 811118
>>811090I recognize you from the tarot thread, and also because I also dated a streamer
How are you nonna?
No. 811145
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it's prob because im not eating clean, not exercising anymore and have had too much coffee on working days that i deflate on days i have off and don't drink it but still. tired with no motivation is not a good mix when your standards and ideas of productivity are so high. bleh
No. 811172
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when to 4chan for the first time in a while (/tv/ to be exact) and clicked on a favorite youtuber thread, half the thread is scantly clad 5-12 year old girls. is 4chan just pedophiles now, WTF?
No. 811204
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>>811172Its made up of 25% racists 25%incels 25% pedophiles and 25%troons
Its a dead horse, just sitting on the internet attracting flies and creating maggots. All the slightly amusing users left a long time ago.
No. 811228
>>811221Oh my fucking god
Are you serious
Is he for real dead or is he just dead playing idolmaster??
No. 811229
Fucking tired as hell. I need at least two months straight off of work.
>>811172/tv/ has always been the pedophile board and it's a lot tamer now than it was ~10 years ago. This doesn't even include the people who would spam pizza on blue boards around that time period too.
No. 811236
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>>811228now he gets to play idolm@ster forever
;-; No. 811252
>>811221It can’t be put into words. Fuck this. Why couldn’t it have been watsuki.
>>811234>People on twitter are writing shitty thinkpiecesI don’t want to be one of those people, but I hope if Berserk is ever continued or completed, it’s how he would have wanted it. If he would have wanted it to continue. I hope he wrote down somewhere what he had planned. He was an excellent creative and corporations aren’t always respectful even when your works are published posthumously.
No. 811257
>>811253You can always choose the path of loving yourself
and/or God. It's not an easy path, but it's always possible, and you'll always deserve it.
The realization that you're all alone is harsh. In a better world everyone would have truly loving parents, but the world isn't just.
No. 811258
>>811253By loving
yourself and accepting that your parents are the way they are
No. 811259
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I got diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri today and I'm terrified I'm going to go blind or fucking die
No. 811291
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>>811221Fuck this gay earth sisters
No. 811302
>>811221Nothing after golden age arc was that good though, and imo there was no possible way to write a satisfactory ending after something like the eclipse. Or maybe there was, but not for Miura, not anymore. The art style went to shit too with the moefaggotry
Of course, the golden age arc is still one of the best pieces of manga of all time, and Berserk was very influential, and it's sad that the man died so early, but there's no reason to be sad about not seeing the end of Berserk. I never wanted to see the ending because I knew it would never live up to my expectations. I think it's better that way.
No. 811322
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>>811118Oh, hey there! I hope you are doing well.
I am good, what about you? Pushing myself to finish this big artwork of mine so I could finally chill, but I think I will spend my whole week on it. I love learning more about art, but colour theory will always be my enemy…
No. 811386
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as a black anime fan i am beyond devastated by kentaro miura's passing. i feel so sad that he died at such a young age. But also grateful that he created such an impactful series. yall maybe its cuz of my period but i can't stop tearing up. Say what you want about your thoughts on the eclipse but seriously i love casca she is one of my most cherished female characters in all of anime. Seeing a dark skinned anime girl who could kick ass, had a muscular build, and spoke up for herself was so refreshing and i'll never forget my reaction to seeing her fort he first time in the anime.
No. 811406
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No. 811446
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>>811221>open lolcow after a long day's work for my daily dose of milk and keks>find out Kentaro Miura diedWhy did it have to be like this nonnies?
No. 811449
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>>811432>>811402this thank you anons!
like i literally never said she was black. I swear the moment you mention a character has dark skin and that means a lot to you as a person who too has dark skin and is rarely depicted in anime, the fucking skintone police come out to be like "well AKSHULLY CASCA IS DARK WHITE" like stfu and let people celebrate a beautiful dark skinned anime girl who had an amazingly ripped back.
>>811402 No. 811455
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>>811431Apparently we're not allowed to say anything bad about the rape fetish manga cause the mods are fans and handing out bans.
(ban evasion) No. 811462
I feel like lolcow is the one weeb site were we should be able to express dislike of rapey scrote media.
No. 811481
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My back hurts that sitting and standing up for long periods of time hurts like a bitch, I just want to lay on my bed with my warm blanket on my back for the whole day. But I have to cook and stay sitting on my computer even if I’m not doing anything because my dumbass brother will whine about me not doing anything when the thing is that no one has hired me yet on any platforms in which I’ve applied for jobs and I’m already done with my university assignments.
It’s fucking annoying how just because he works he think he’s the only one doing something, it’s not my fault our cousin decided be a tool and not work nor study anything, just because i’m resting doesn’t mean I’m slacking off, how fucking tiresome I can’t wait for him to either move out or for my aunt or mother to take me with any of them, he needs to stop being so fucking pushy every single second of the day.
Hell, I even tested him, I spent a whole day just standing up at the kitchen, and he didn’t say a thing, but one day I woke up later and he won’t stop whining about it.
No. 811519
I want to quit my second job so bad bc everything is shitty and our owner does not care. He’s the one that ran away and hid while I had to deal with an aggressive homeless customer while he was there. The “issue” is that my boyfriend, who’s been working there on and off over a decade and know the owner very well, is going to be the GM soon, and he plans to get the shop and everyone in it into shape again once he’s in charge. I fully believe he can do it, but I’m just fucking tired of everyone being shitty with no accountability. Every time I mention quitting, he and my coworkers tell me to just hold on a little longer, but another fucking incident just got reported to me by staff, and I’m pissed. I shouldn’t be this worked up about an ice cream shop I work at 16 hours a week, if that. I don’t need this job, but I love it, or at least used too. Idk I hate feeling held hostage even though I know I’m technically not.
No. 811533
Starting to hate someone with ADHD.
All this person does is talk and talk and talk and talk and talk…
I don't want to hurt them because they have ADHD and that's how their mind works, but I can't get a word in edgewise and I'm rotting from lack of stimulation. Everything they say is so shallow and stupid. All they do is talk about rap and stupid youtubers that I don't care about. They say they care about me but if I mention my own problems it's a one word reply and I've hardly opened up before they change the subject or send a TikTok. They have 3 main replies when I say anything and they are "yes", "lmao", and "oo".
Fucking ADHD. Fucking ADHD. I don't care about your stupid rap music, I dont care about Ludwig streaming, I don't care about the thing I already know about but you explain to me anyway, I don't care about American politics (you live in Germany, why do you care anyway?)
This is how their line of dialogue goes on a daily basis, and its barely an exaggeration:
Him: "Never forget when Ludwig employed a fan and had her move across the country to work with him. Also, do you know what annoys me? How Avatar hasn't brought out the live action remake yet. sends tiktok. Also, this streamer just (most banal thing ever). And never forget when a woman made her son out of wool"
Me: "yeah, I remember. I don't feel well today"
Him: "sadge. Lmao, what is this? sends like to TikTok stream. Do you know what annoys me? Germany has voted anti trans policies. It's always white men (he is a white man). Also I ordered (shit sneakers) and they're coming the same day as my Balenciacab shirt. sends a picture of his screen with callmekevin playing. I'm hungry. Did you hear spongebob had its worst view count ever the other day? sends 1.5 second video of joji song on his screen"
This is every fucking day of my life and I don't know why I dont just bite their whole head off like a mantis.
I have never expressed this to anyone. I'm sorry that it's so long but I have to fucking say it somewhere because I get so frustrated sometimes that I just want to cry.
No. 811597
>>811519Quit the job. You don't owe your boyfriend shit, much less the coworkers.
When your bf becomes GM (hope he has that in writing or anything, just to be sure that actually happens, and it's not a flimsy promise ot make him stay a shitty job) and really makes a difference and improves the shop, you can always consider coming back. In the meantime, they can always hire someone new for a 16 hour week job. And if they don't want you to quit because they will have a hard time finding new staff, well, gee, they should wonder what's the reason for that. If the job is that shitty, you shouldn't be expected to suffer through it just for the sake of other people.
No. 811715
>>811707I wanted to but it felt like overeaction, you're right. I told one of our mutual friend what happened and she told me that he's just like that and that i'm still a great girl (even with a fat elbow)
Thank you sm for reading my mess of a post and answering, it truly made my day and avoid a binge.
No. 811716
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Today a guy that I kind of liked (I thought it was mutual) managed to say "Your best friend is hot", "You're really not my type" and "Your hot friend seems a lot more interesting than you" in the space of three minutes.
I'm not even that upset, I'm glad he killed any feelings I had for him in three sentences because I never have to see him again after tomorrow. Mainly just wanted to share this somewhere because I can't tell my friends but its really funny lol
No. 811730
>>811716Damn what a douch, i hope it was only physical attraction on your part because he sounds like an uninteresting cunt, simply saying "your hot friend" makes him an Asshole. I hope your friend reject his undeserving ass.
>>811719sorry i laughed
No. 811733
>>811533I have ADHD and can also be very annoying so listen I think I'm qualified to say I don't expect anyone to put up with being annoyed by me and I wouldn't put up with anyone who used their diagnosis as an excuse for basic communication skills unless I was their paid carer.
Is the person a friend? Friends are meant to communicate not just spam each other, he can just use Twitter like every other energy vampire if all he wants is an audience.
Maybe if you're invested in the friendship you could try explaining that the conversation is one sided but please don't let him suck you into more emotional labor if he turns it into a pity party. If you don't see him irl you can always just reduce your replies and fade out.
No. 811749
>>811705you're not doing anything worse than being an incel, if you ever feel bad about how you view him, think about how HE sees women, you're interested in what he represents, not what he actually his.
Having power feels great, it's his fault for giving you power through an online relationship but you have much more power over much more men than you think, don't get jealous over a replaceable man
No. 811776
>>811529>HERE THEY COME CLICKITY CLACK DOWN THE TRACK WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF MIXED SIGNALSI'm so sorry anon but this made me bust out laughing lmao
I hope you can feel better soon, I am also a person who overshares grief and tend to test people's patience with my shit. It's hard, but try to find another way of releasing the floodgates, like something creative like drawing or writing down your feelings. It sounds dumb, but getting my feelings/thoughts out of my head and onto a piece of paper relieves that need to vent out at full force on people. good luck
No. 811824
>>811812Don’t worry,
nonnie, as long as you’re not doing something
because you want the attention of some scrote, it’s okay, the issue with Shayna’s outings is that she does them to get Fupapa’s attention, again, after so many “breaking up” ultimatums and “finally, totally literally, objectively, basically: moving from Tulsa Oklahoma” it’s also worrisome how she goes out because she gets drunk and that’s dangerous.
No. 811847
>>811776Lmfao I’m so glad someone got my reference
Thank you for your kind words.
No. 811916
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Anyone else getting insane post-vaccine mood swings? I got my second dose of Pfizer almost 3 weeks ago. Last week I was insanely horny, and I’m like, nearly asexual. This week I’m incredibly emotional. My printer isn’t working and it’s making me want to cry
No. 811939
>>811802-wont let a woman talk/ changes the subject when shes explaining something
-not that smart. Doesn't want to learn anything ever, never wants have fun little debates or conversations that include actual thought or opinion
- all thoughts are surface level. Nothing has any depth
- XXXTentacion tattoo, clearly has 0 taste and just follows that dumb line of Joji style rappers, and because men are capable of only one interest at a time he must build his entire being on this music
Good God
nonnie, you're right, I was so blinded by empathy that I forgot that all blokes are still scrotes
No. 812055
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why do men bother lifting the other toilet seat lid if their piss won't even reach the bowl?
No. 812058
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I broke something in my arm a few hours ago and i’m in a cast and if that wasn’t bad enough I lost my comfy sleep position and now I can’t sleep because of the pain and because my pillows are flat now lol
I haven’t slept properly since the beginning of our third lockdown yesterday I only slept like 2 full hours then got woken up by allergies can I just have some decent rest one night without waking up at 3am PLEASE at least I only need this cast for a week
No. 812065
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why do I feel so bad abotu what my dad thinks of me? why do I care at all? he left me, why should anything he does or say matter to me, he left me, why do I want him to think I'm decent? he thinks I'm such a fucking loser he can't even bring me around his new family. why did he leave me then? why would you leave me with the abusive whitetrash woman you were so embarrassed of if you didn't want me to turn out like her? why are you so sickened by me turning out to be crazy when you left me with her? how can you still expect me to do better than mcdonalds when I come out of the asylum and still be disgusted by how sad I am when you say I can't actually stay with you after all, why did you offer? why would you say you would clean out a room for me and then take it back? why do you hate me so much?
how come he don't want me man
No. 812170
>>812153NTA but I think they meant US men. As in United States men, not "us men".
At least, I hope.
No. 812186
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>>812183its ok to be wrong
No. 812188
>>812065Sounds like a fucked situation.
Your dad is a dick for leaving your pregnant mom because he was too classist. That's disgusting on so many levels.
I don't think you will ever win his respect. You would have to completely change who you are and start behaving more middle class.
And that's just the first step. Even if he welcomed you back in his life, his new family would hate you, believe me.
I think it best to forget about him and just try to work on your life. And if he ever offers you money, take it.
No. 812189
>>812138God you americans are so quiet and timid.
Unlike us in England, Scandinavia and Japan were we love direct confrontation.
No. 812213
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>>812212>>812206No it’s more like I was half asleep and now I’m awake and unsatisfied with that awful thing we just did and he didn’t even cuddle me afterwards i feel like a prostitute or something
No. 812221
>>812213Still awful, I'm sorry you had to be subjected to this. Absolutely not defending your bf but I"ve seen a lot of discussions about this kind of sex (no idea what would be an English term for it, I'm ESL), some people, both men and women but mostly men, seem to be completely oblivious how damaging or degrading sex like that may feel to some. So I really hope that's the case here and he's not intentionally malicious, you need to talk to him and let him know it's not okay with you.
>>812220And this comment refers to what? It's okay for men to ignore lack of clear consent if their partner is of age?
No. 812231
My stepdad is a nasty person. It's hard to believe but a couple years ago I respected him and put him up on some stupid pedestal because I thought he was one of the good ones. I've vented about my situation here before, but the tl;dr is that two years ago he cheated on my mom. He manipulated me to keep it a secret for awhile bc he knew about my bad relationship with her. Amittedly she is a personality-disordered mean human who I don't have a speaking relationship with, but he's got zero excuse, she fussed over him and they lived in a great house if only he'd kept his dick in his pants. He has rented with me in a two bedroom apartment since mom kicked him out of their house in the divorce.
I don't have a single drop of pity for this man. He makes double my salary and yet he's frivolous and stupid with his money while he tries to play dad and lecture me about mine (but this is simply because I don't make enough, not that I make ample and am dumb about it). Maybe he'd have the higher ground if he didn't do dumb financial shit like cheat and divorce, get into trouble with the IRS, buy a new truck, and go on exotic trips with a new woman he's barely known for a year while putting her on his insurance and phone bills. He's also a monster to live with. He's a slob and has zero consideration for anyone but himself. This ranges from only rarely ever doing his dishes and cleaning the kitchen, camping in the living room 24/7 despite having his bedroom, belching and farting, playing the TV loud, and messing with the thermostat to the point where some days it's 80 degrees in the apartment because he's shirtless on the couch. Even though he views me and expects me to be my mom, I am not my mom and refuse to be his maid. He's blatantly compared me to her before when he's been mad at me, just because he knows I hate her. Two months ago he had the audacity to puff his chest into me which ended up in a physical altercation. Why? Because I was trying to clean but was so hot from him having the door open with the pollen and heat coming in, that I "snottily" asked him if he'd shut the patio door yet–and how fucking dare I speak to the king that way! He bruised my arm and tried to force the whole "go to your room" command as if I'd been an insolent 12 year old. He tried to throw in my face how the kitchen wasn't clean, without knowing that maybe if he wasn't making me sweat with the temperature that I would've cleaned quicker…not that he wasn't capable of doing the dishes in the sink himself instead of waiting for me to pick up like usual. Anyway, the latter proving he doesn't respect me an iota, and frankly neither do I him.
I've had enough. I'm done with my so-called "family" and their clown tactics. I could go on about the mistreatment, neglect, abuse, and non-care these people have given me but no one likes a novel at this hour.
You're probably wondering what I'm going to do about this situation? Well, I went and bought a house with my fiance. Fortunately my fiance's family gives a shit about his well-being and lent us money so we could offer on houses competitively in addition to our loan. My family didn't offer to do squat for me. My stepdad has been trying to buy a house too since I am not renewing the lease on the current apartment
Yet apparently, mister lecture-about-money is actually mister broke because he didn't bother to save so that he could make competitive offers on houses. He's being rejected at every turn.
The night my fiance and I got the call that our offer was accepted, be could barely contain his seething jealousy. Because the icing on top? We had won the bid on the same house he tried to get cause it was near his girlfriend. He's big mad about it, he could hardly believe we came up with the money to win it somehow.
He's tried to act excited for us to be a halfway decent human, but he is struggling inside. He told me I'd have to ask my friends or hire a moving company to help me move because he's "too old" to help me anymore. Know what he's not "too old" for? Re-shingling the roof at his girlfriend's house for free. Or playing multi-hour golf games with his buddies a four hour commute away. But yeah sure, he's "too old." Just say you don't want to help me you asinine fuck!
Just admit that parents of millennials like you are projecting fucking failures. You blew the life you had and you can't even help me when I haven't even started the chance at mine. Even my mom got help with her first home from my grandparents.
If they rot later in a nursing home somewhere, they'll have no one to blame but themselves. I'll just say I'm "too old" to help them.
No. 812243
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Day ~90 of not being over my ex while he's totally over me. I feel like I'll never find love again. I don't even find other people attractive.
No. 812332
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>>812310pic related is goals & that's pretty much how I've spent my last 4 months
No. 812481
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i went to my first job ever and it was just boring training. now I’m just really scared of really doing all of the tasks because what if I fail? i’m also not much of an outgoing personable type
No. 812534
how do I cope with the fact my best friend is literally the most perfect person I know?
I'm pretty friendzoned, and I mean I don't mind being friends, I enjoy friendship
buteverything he does is so charming, he's very, cute, funny, caring, patient, plays piano nicely, buys or recommends me books about his interests, looks handsome, is an athlete
it's like everything he does has the purpose of making me fall in love with him and it's kind of getting in the way of being genuine friends sometimes
No. 812548
>>812534I don't know your dating history but if you want him to just stay as a friend then maybe remember your most
toxic arguments with bfs and imagine getting to that sad state with him. Might work. Romantic relationships sure go to shit like nothing else.
No. 812549
>>812547I mean, I know right? it's fucking weird how nice he is there has to be something wrong with him that he's hiding
I confessed to him a while ago and got rejected
No. 812577
>>812549right now you see him as perfect because you're balls deep into him. This is a trap made by your brain. Trust me. He's a scrote. Scrotes ain't shit. Value yourself more, don't put him on a pedestal.
I say this because I passed through the same situation. I fell in love with someone who works in professional animation… turned out to be a manchild that gets overwhelmed easily. Nobody is perfect. Once honeymoons are over, you will know you are better this way. Trust me. Life will give you exactly what you need if you believe so.
No. 812589
>>812534You have one life to live and you met this miracle of a boy. HE PLAYS PIANO NICELY
Wait, if you met one, maybe you can meet two? Bet on yourself.
No. 812598
>>812534there are like
1000000 cute funny charming caring and patient boys that play piano out there
but he's emotional unavailable. Do you really want an emotional unavailable asshole? come on.
No. 812630
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>>812604I am but it’s a healthy jealousy. I need a pianist.
No. 812694
>>812684I agree partly with this as well. There's some aspects of radfem culture that aren't bad, like calling out double standards more often, the fact that they're not willing to bend over backwards for sex positivity culture, and especially the denouncement of theybys. I truly think someone needs dysphoria to be a tranny and most theybies are gnc or lgbt women, who feel pressured into it. This also happens with women who randomly decide they're transmen sometimes. it's very sad to see mentally ill women (I know they're trainwrecks and it doesn't justify their actions but still) like Trisha or Demi become enbies to attention seek and remain relevant, but a part of me can't help but feel part of it's at the hands of their mental illnesses. I cannot fucking stand theybys period but I legit think most of them are sad cases.
I have a few trans friends irl who'd disagree with me on this, so I never make my opinion known non anonymously. However I think once you get off the internet people are a lot less sensitive irl by comparison. I just don't know that many or haven't met a lot of insane tranny randos irl who would encroach upon my status as a woman, so I'm quite indifferent to their existence as long as there's nobody harassing or bothering me. I've been in a lot of punk and art hoe type spaces where some of the weirder ppl conglomerate, I just avoid anyone I don't like. Most of the population is cis when you get down to it, there's not as massive increase as people think. A lot of its online only shit, people develop personas, the she/theys online are typically shes irl, a lot of kids outgrow it. Celebs doing it is more of a new thing, but they again, are still a small percentage of people.
No. 812714
>>812684>I'm not a terf but…>Here's a list of fundamental terf beliefs I agree with that would 100% get me ostracized by TRAs for being a terfGirl just accept it, your people pleasing urge to use preferred pronouns doesn't mean you really think of them as women. You know there's a difference and that's enough to get you called a
No. 812738
>>812694i only read parts of the interview but elliot/ellen page talking about not being "lady like" as a kid (i don't remember clearly, but something about dressing or sitting a certain way) is something that makes me think that most trans people wouldn't consider themselves trans if genderroles didn't exist. many trans people will talk about how they feel on the inside is what makes their gender, but then they only express their gender on the outside, if that makes sense. so i think this "you were born in the wrong body"-mentality can be dangerous, because i think the reason many trans people will feel this way is only because they don't fit the idea of how a person of their gender should behave and dress. i think it only feeds into people's body dysmorphia that we go "oh, you like boyish things? then you are a boy, you are just born in the wrong body!" but at the same time i don't have a problem with trans people like this, i don't want to hurt them or bully them. i just want for us as a society to address how gender norms affects us without being either transphobic to the point where you will bully all trans people or being accepting to the point where you lose all critical thinking and defend predatory and
toxic trans people
No. 812753
>>812738Yeah. I don't really think Ellen is trans either, she seems like she's another gender nonconforming lgbt person who felt insecure with gender roles forced upon her. Which sucks because I respected that she was a gender nonconforming lesbian who hadn't fallen into that trap yet. I do have a gender nonconforming trans friend whos not an theyby who still passes as male, just a little flamboyant, who's had dysphoria since childhood and a slew of other issues, I can't really demonize all trans people because of that. I've heard his perspective on his gender and it's not chalked up to gender norms. It's legitimately feeling like he was born in the wrong body from a young age. We met when I was in a very dark place, and I thought at first that he was gonna be a tumblr tier nightmare, but wasn't that way at all. Again, differences between internet and irl. I don't have the energy to hate every trans person who acts like an idiot online or care about them like
terf radfems do when outside the internet there's very few people forcing that kind of mentality. And there's probably trans people online who act like idiots there to appease the whole woke crowd or easily fall into groupthink there who aren't that way irl either. The internet makes people mask their true beliefs, be far less nonpartisan, or have deviating opinions, in favor of mob mentality on sites like Twitter. In real life you'll tend to find people are far less annoying and anal about dumb shit. The internet is where free stupidity reigns. Sometimes you'll find rationality, but stupidity is more overwhelmingly common. It's the price of social media. I just don't think things are as prominent as people make them out to be. As an amerifag, it's the definition of performative activism to please others, people go all out in their fake wokeism by thinking retweets will save Palestine; as an example, when it's a far more complex social issue that their social justice online can't solve. Then when they log off, the issue usually becomes irrelevant to them. It's sad but it's true.
No. 812762
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Just saw that someone who had my heart (things didn't work out for various reasons) posted a vague picture as his pfp that implies he's in a relationship… I feel like absolute shit :((( I don't know why I'm so hurt… I know my feelings for him were more limerent than something like love, and although I heavily disliked the way he'd treat me I can't help but feel sad. In comparison, my life is a dismal, rotten mess. I never got the sense he cared about me and always longed for his acceptance. I feel so hurt right now. I guess this is where I should completely let go (finally) but it just hurts to see. I'll probably be cryibg in bed every night for the next week, wondering what's wrong with me.(emote)
No. 812766
>>812764You will find love, but first you will have to find it within yourself.
You aren't rotten.
I'm rooting for you.
No. 812767
>>812762There is nothing wrong with you, I promise you
I want you to be happy nonna
No. 812768
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I wish the farm had something fun going on right now, you can really tell these are dead hours because no discussion is taking place
No. 812773
>>812766>first you will have to find it within yourself.I feel retarded for asking but how do you do that?
>>812767Thanks fam, I appreciate it.
No. 812820
>>812795Go for the pudding. Hope you feel better soon.
>>812800I have done something similar except the bird did not fly out of the way in time so it just hit my wind shield. I felt bad and I tried to swerve away but there was nothing I could do. Birds aren't the smartest animals sometimes…
No. 812824
>>812798Lmfao I'm loving the moral orel reference
I HAVE to do kegels to even have a chance to come, and orgasming with someone else is just a hassle. A penis gets in the way. There's so much pressure. The male ego just sees the female orgasm as a reflection of his manliness
No. 812853
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I'm playing mass effect legendary edition and I forgot I couldn't romance Garrus in ME1. I'm so fucking mad why wouldn't they add that. Kaiden is so boring and Liara is practically a rapist towards femshep. Just give me my sexy husbando from start to finish goddammit
No. 812861
>>812721if any bf of mine, current or past, treated me this way, i would have dumped and humiliated him on the spot. all guys i have dated have been well aware that i have had an eating disorder since puberty and my weight fluctuates. my ex and i (after trying to be friends after breaking up) did stop talking shortly after he made a kinda rude comment about my stretch marks but it was unrelated to that. current bf is too mature to care about those kinds of things, he always says he thinks i look great, no matter how bad i feel about my weight.
any person who treats a partner that they know has body image issues as if their preferences matter more than their WELLBEING is a cunt. you better have a long conversation about what is he thinking, if he is a nasty coomer and says "b-but muh titty gf" you should consider how this will effect your future together. peoples bodies change when they age and they can change when they have kids too. growing old together with a guy obsessed with boob size? well im just glad my bf has never made me feel not good enough, quite the opposite. don't stay with someone who is making you miserable with your body, especially if you struggle with body image issues, its a no brainer.
No. 812883
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>>812683me and my online friend just had a massive fight and now in all that bull she's contemplating ending our friendship i guess. it's been a long ride, but now im hopped up on painkillers and alcohol, I'm pathetic and had a long crying episode during the entire convo where we were just stubbornly spewing shit. I'm numbing myself because I don't even have the gall to message her again. fact of the matter is I care about her and she's done a lot to cause me pain. she doesn't mean to but she literally is so caustic to the point of fault bc she can't deal with her own emotions. we didn't used to be like this, and I'm in physical pain even thinking about it. she's not in a good place rn and neither am I so I don't want to be abandoned or abandon her, but I don't know if it'd be good if we stayed friends. since I have mutual friends with her itd be abandoning them too. I've known her for quite awhile and we didn't used to be this way. fuck quarantine and fuck everything that's divided us. I just want the past back. doesn't everyone
No. 812896
>>812715Are you new? There were opinions like this in the gender crit threads all the time but unfortunately the extremists couldn't handle it. As always, those who scream the loudest ruin everything for everyone
>>812684I feel the same way about everything you mentioned but the other anons are right when they say that we would get called a
terf and cancelled for expressing any of that so for all intents and purposes that makes us terfs
No. 812897
>>812863Where do y'all live to be that young? That's normal graduating age where I'm from.
I'm pursuing my Master's now and I'm 29. It's normal here since you usually need to have a year of work experience first.
No. 812907
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Does anyone just feel drained when you have to play therapist for your SO, and never get your feelings aknowledged no matter how much you indicate you feel like absolute garbage??
I take anti depressants, im severly depressed, im seeking therapists and i talk with a psychologist. Im constantly trying to get better and do better. And i feel tired whenever i have to be my SO therapist the whole time. I do love him, and i care how he feels, but sometimes i feel like he doesn't care how i feel. I feel more like shit today because i took my medication, and im just tired and dizzy.
It's honestly making me feel worthless, like i dont matter to him. And im only there to hear how he feels. And to figure out how to help him. I tried to tell him to seek a clinic, or a psychologist but he says it doesn't help. Well fuck you because i cannot help that much either because i got problems on my back aswell.
Why do some people not understand that you aren't their personal therapist?? like damn, i like helping and i love being there for people, but when they never give anything back to me it just feels like im a burden and like i dont even matter or exist.
No. 812910
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Getting myself to relapse to my ED under the guise of doing it for a guy, even though I know he probably wouldn't really care about my body size and that men would even fuck a piece of moldy bread.
I haven't sent nudes in years and I'd probably block him if he started demanding them, but there's something so motivating about telling myself "You told his ass your body was "small", don't disappoint him".
I already ordered a new scale. Let's go bitch time to be skinny af!!!!
I know it’s wrong but I feel so excited fuuck
No. 812977
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I invited some friends for dinner, I asked them which day was best for them, and they all told me "Saturday is perfect". Now they all cancelled one hour ago, and I already made all the food, and it's a lot.. if they would have told me a few hours before I wouldn't have made the food
No. 813012
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I think I posted a couple weeks ago about guys getting scammed into buying gift cards, today this came up on an advice column that’s published in some American newspapers
It’s infuriating that they’re so easily swayed by photographs on the internet, but they’ll never believe retail employees telling them they’re getting scammed by their fake internet girlfriend
No. 813021
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I’m sick of being the weird girl. I just want to feel like I’m part of society for once.
No. 813032
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I'm so stressed out and frustrated with my mum! She's 63 years old but she acts so childish! She's being so dramatic and picking fights with my siblings and I every week. Sometimes she will also pick a fight with my dad who's not so healthy to deal with her dramatic outbursts. She will suddenly scold or text super long rants to everyone without any warning over some perceived slight or something very minor. She also randomly goes on a religious rant and kept on bringing up our past faults or failures. Today my younger sister got scolded for using too many drinking glasses. News flash mum! What's the purpose of buying a bajillion drinking glasses and not using it? I really don't know what's happening to her. She wasn't like this when she was in her 50s. Yes, she's the typical nagging, Asian helicopter mum type but she usually scolds or nags us if we only did something seriously wrong and not over something silly like using too many drinking glasses, or posting funny messages on Facebook. She's also constantly talking about death, saying she might die soon even though she's quite healthy except for having a slightly high cholesterol level. At first we were scared that maybe she's showing symptoms of Alzheimer because my older aunts all have it when they're in their 70s, so we made her go and see a specialist on Alzheimer and the doctor said she's healthy and just advised my mum to avoid stress and eat healthy to prevent early Alzheimer. Maybe it's the pandemic making her act all dramatic and hysterical? I just miss my old not so naggy mum. I'm sad she has become this unbearable naggy person that we can't stand to be around with. It's like she has forgotten how to have fun and enjoy life after she reached her 60s. I don't know who I can ask for advice on this matter. I hate growing old and having to act as a parent to my own parent.
No. 813069
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I am becoming all of my parents worst traits.
No. 813086
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I'm so upset about the English release delay for Vampires Dawn 3. It's not even the waiting that bothers me, I don't mind having to wait because I really respect Marlex and all the work he's put into the game. The hardest part is feeling stupid for having to play after everyone else has already enjoyed it and the fact that it seems like I'm the only English fan who actually cares. I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth avoiding spoilers because I want so badly to be a part of it and see what everyone else is saying and how they're reacting. I'll cope but it sucks to feel left out of a game that means so much to me. I know a little bit of German but not enough to play a game of that scale.
No. 813095
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About to be tmi and gross about skin problems but anyway – I’m so fucking sick of boils anons. My sister’s a hospital clerk and came home one day with a skin infection; it healed quickly and uneventfully but passed on to me and I’ve been suffering from it for 6 months now. If I so much as sweat too much, bam, new boil that takes forever to burst and leaves behind a deep purple scar. Once a month I get a particularly huge one that makes it painful to work or walk. I use a surgical grade disinfectant wash twice weekly and even now I’m sitting with two new boils. The fuck. I’ve taken so many antibiotics i’ve probably built a resistance and now I might have to resort to an IV. How in the goddamn fuck do clogged pores ruin your life so hard
No. 813113
>>812987wtf!! I'll eat with you anon!
I understand the difficulties of getting together with friends. I nearly gave up on a couple of them because it seemed like they never wanted to hang out. Regardless I hope you still have a fantastic weekend doing whatever makes you happy
No. 813126
>>812684You realize trannies see you a
TERF for this precise take right? JK Rowling is called terven demon for saying less. Lol respecting pronouns isn’t gonna cut it. The sooner you realize you can’t be “ally” to trannies while having actual ideological boundaries the better off you’ll be. The fact that you know you can’t say this out loud should already be a clue to you that you’re not actually pro-trans, you’re just placating.
No. 813150
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I've been working on this art project for a month now, but yesterday my mental health decided to fuck me up, so instead I spent the whole day doing housework and looking at a bright side of things. (After all, COVID messed up a lot of us)
I feel too tired to do anything today which makes me feel horrible, because I always feel like that time is my enemy and I am running after it just to not lose my passion towards said project. I am always afraid that all of this work is going to be a waste and I will have nothing myself to prove. I keep looking at people who inspire me and they are the biggest young and old overworkes, truly showing that they are not sleeping for days and tourting their mental health and energy just to get the job done. I feel the same way about it.
On a good note, I am feeling tired because I spent good time in a mall, picking nice summer clothing after 8-month long lockdown. But I still feel like shaking myself so I could work on art. Forcing myself to focus only on one art-related thing is the only way for me to not get distracted by other artworks which sucks. I feel so terrified, thinking I will not finish my tiny "dream" in time, after all everything around us keeps changing.
I pity myself too much, not too sure what to do.
No. 813153
>>812684Most women capable of higher thinking agree on this,
nonny. Most women are troon-exclusionary by default even if they're not radfem. Only women in hyperwoke cultures are coerced into playing pretend. You have to remember: It makes no different to trannies. If you don't want dicks in all your holes and spaces, you're a bigot who support stunning brave gals getting murdered by men. It is that black and white to them.
No. 813168
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my head is too small for my body and Im tall and I got a beak nose and bad posture while moving awkwardly from shyness I am an a b o m i n a t i o n
No. 813209
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Noooo I saw the fast many legged bug in my room and I couldn't bring myself to step on it and now it's under my bed nooo I need to step on it next time it shows up so it doens't eat me in my sleep, sorry bug
No. 813247
>>813218That sounds really hellish. I can't imagine being stuck like that. I really hope you get the money soon, like online if possible, or selling things. I would be despairing too to be so trapped. Why can't they let women be their own people? That pisses me off. If you're an adult you should be able to rent.
I think you will make it as long as you don't let it all crush you. I really hope you get to be free soon.
No. 813251
>>812684You're a
TERF lol. Try saying any of that anywhere but here and you know you'd get yelled at for "being transphobic".
No. 813299
File: 1621729456024.jpg (192.35 KB, 1080x858, IMG_20210522_211700.jpg) really hate that whenever common """flaws""" in women's bodies (that a lot of women hate seeing in themselves) are being discussed there's always going to be someone implying that the ridicule women go through for having said flaws comes from ~society~, with men never having something to do with it.
Not pictured in the cap, but on the comments you can read some women swearing left and right on how men never mind about the breasts' saggyness. It's 100% bullshit, just look at how the asker in the original question is a dude.
Men judge women's bodies on a daily basis, especially if they get to have sex with said women (they don't say anything not because they don't care about what everyone recognizes as a physical flaw, but because showing disgust or disillusionment at the body of the woman when they're about to get their dick wet would mean she wouldn't want to have sex anymore). If they get to brag about the chicks they've fucked they will always make fun of the ones they screwed when they were desperate (the more unattractive ones in their eyes).
No. 813330
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oh great, the eurofags with their shitty television ripping off better patriotic burger audition contest shows are ruining all of the threads. i’m so fucking exhausted damn I really need to hide that thread until a new one is made
No. 813341
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>>813330the American fears this
No. 813345
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repost to scare an american
No. 813353
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>>813347bad bait, too unrealistic
No. 813361
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I wish I had friends I feel like a loser my bf has friends but I don’t and he’s gonna go hang out with them this is just like “I love you man” but the gender roles reversed
No. 813365
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my bf called me pornsick for wanting to give him a prostate orgasm and idk if he was kidding
No. 813366
>>813365Girl, are
you kidding?
No. 813410
>>813392Why do you not want to talk about what’s going on in your head with your boyfriend? Some anxiety thing?
If your bf is interested in what you have to say, he’d know to initiate topics you’re passionate about. So he’s either too self absorb to notice your lack of talking or he’s just as “boring” and passive.
Btw wanting to be “interesting” in a man’s eyes is pickme mentality. Don’t fall for that, you know you’re a whole person even if you don’t actively perform to everyone.
No. 813424
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There is nothing more lovely than the sound of a crying toddler outside at 12 am. Take the fucker in already jesus christ
No. 813449
>>813410i get what you're saying but you just implied i am passive which is the same as being boring kek. it's fine though. it's not about being a pick me for him, it's just the fact that i don't want to be a black hole of conversation in front of anyone, but especially not the person i'm in a relationship with??
also to answer your other question i think it's partially an anxiety thing but also because it's just… stuff i wouldn't wanna talk about? idk, a lot of my thoughts are like that, or inappropriate for the moment, or some other reason.
he does notice i don't really talk a lot sometimes and he'd kind of like poke and prod at me half jokingly like "say something" but i know he probably thinks it seriously. we can't JUST talk about hobbies and shit that gets boring and there's not enough material to talk about there… like yeah i played some video game for a few hours today. cool. what do i talk about for the next 4 hours. it's just bizarre that this is even happening
No. 813471
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>>813449Nta but you seem really hung up on the "boring" thing when all it sounds like is having anxiety over not being an excellent conversationalist. Spoiler: most people aren't. People don't just talk for 4 hours. We're not an AI bot that just generates replies forever. People do something together like watch a movie, discuss what's going on on screen and
maybe related topics that pop up. Then it falls silent again until the next thing comes up. Shit, me and bf just sit in silence for hours sometimes, occasionally we'd poke each other to show memes. Maybe try some form of social lubricant. A little alcohol is basically magic even for the socially retarded. It doesn't even matter if you say weird shit, you're tipsy, and he likes you. What matters is remembering the feeling of how easy and nice it is for words to come out.
I've been around people who can talk endlessly yet they are boring (subjective ofc). It's hard be genuinely boring or uninteresting when one has rich inner world filled with experience, love, desires, struggles, even hate. The ocean does not mind that it looks of mostly empty water to people with no desire to see its depths.
No. 813505
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My dad was abusive and it affected my childhood/life down to my personality and subconscious behaviors. I used to play down what he did because he was the breadwinner but it only made it worse. He used to threaten how much worse off I would be if CPS would ever visit.
No. 813510
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Lillee Jean's mom makes me think of my mom, and their terrifying attic culture reminds me of what it was like to be so brainwashed by my mom.
I know it's just as likely that I would have been this severely mentally ill anyway, but I just can't help but wonder if I had been allowed outside and have friends and family and if I hadn't gotten sick, would it still all have been this bad?
Why are there moms that are willing to destroy their children to keep them forever? Why are their moms that don't care how disgusting and pathetic their daughters turn out as long as that sickening waste keeps them trapped?
I was always worth nothing without her, so she just didn't care how worthless I was becoming because the only way that I matter is whatever she decides about me
I still know in my heart even now that I'm away from her, I'm nothing because I'm not what she wanted anymore. I'm not anything, I don't exist.
It's not even her fault, she was beaten and abused for years by her stepmother, she can't help anything she did because she got fucked up so badly.
I think I'll never be happy in my life, I was always worth nothing because I always wanted to escape from her and my only value was ever going to be if I was what she wanted. I was meant to take care of her until she died and then kill myself. Instead I left and now I'm a ward of the state and completely useless and worthless.
Sometimes late at night like this, I just can't stop thinking about how badly I fucked up everything and how I don't think there was a way to stop everything from being so fucked up. We were both doomed from the start. She's married, but she has always told me how alone she really is, and now without me, she's even more alone. I'm alone too. I used to wish for family and friends, but now I can't even look at other people in real life. I'm alone but it's easier; for her it's harder.
I don't know what to do. I'm worth nothing.
No. 813527
I'm so fucking tired of my parents, holy shit.
my mom recently broke a bone and was in the hospital for 2 weeks. my mom is a hoarder and our small house (that is literally falling apart) is filled to the brim with clutter. we knew that her healing here was going to be really fucking difficult, and someone at the hospital had suggested to her to go to a healing facility for about 6 weeks or however long it would take to heal, and literally everyone but my mom knew that was a better idea than trying to have her heal at our house. I'm not even sure if their insurance would cover that, but I very much doubt my mom even tried to find out. my mom didn't want that, she just wanted to come home. in those 2 weeks my brother and sister did a lot of work decluttering and even after that, our house is still full of clutter. after my mom was home for a few days she realized how difficult it was going to be to heal here. and she was like "I guess I should have tried to go somewhere else and recover" and started to complain about the clutter (which is 100% her fault that it's even there, because she's the one that won't let us fucking get rid of stuff). like, no fucking shit. THATS WHAT WE WERE TRYING TO FUCKING TELL YOU ALL THIS TIME.
my mom is really fucking loud. she's just loud in general, always screaming with her nails-on-a-chalkboard voice and terrible vocal fry. she also leaves the TV on literally 24/7 (she did this even before she broke a bone). like I will wake up in the middle of the night and hear the TV going (I can't shut my door because of mold in my room). she doesn't give 2 shits that this is insanity inducing. one time she turned on the TV during my zoom computer science final when I had specifically asked everyone to be quiet for 2~ hours, then when I complained about it to her later she just rolled her eyes and was like wElL SOrRy (she wasn't sorry).
she can't properly use the bathroom due to her injury so she has to shit and piss in the livingroom into a bedpan thing lined with a trash bag that my dad has to throw out (thank god cos I sure as hell ain't doing it). and then it makes the whole house smell terrible (if I don't smell the shit/piss I smell the chemical smell of the wipes they use). my dad takes care of her, and honestly I admire him for that. my mom has had arthritis for as long as I've been alive, and he's done a lot of taking care of her. most men probably would have left her at this point, and yet she doesn't seem to realize how lucky she is and still has the audacity to fucking shriek at him over petty ass things on a daily basis.
my parents really should have never had kids, they were never equipped for it, mentally or otherwise. I just want to fucking die honestly, my life is going nowhere, I have no friends, I keep feeling like I can't fucking breathe and having headaches. just the state of this fucking hoarding house alone is enough to make me want to blow my fucking brains out. can't get therapy because no insurance, can't move out because I don't make enough money, I have 0 skills or education aside from a GED. I would get a second job but my current job schedules me different every week so I don't know if I should get a morning or a night job.
No. 813543
>>813505>He used to threaten how much worse off I would be if CPS would ever visit.My
abusive mother would say the same thing. She also would like to tell me how much worse abuse I would suffer in foster care to scare me into never telling anyone what she did. She also once took me to see a counselor so I guess to get me a diagnosis of some kind so she could get disability checks off of me and I remember I tried to tell the counselor what was happening and on the way home my mom and my brother mocked me the whole time about how the counselor didn't believe me and no one ever would and that my brother made sure that she knew that I just made up lies. Gosh I hate people that abuse children, I really hope there's an afterlife and they suffer the most terrible of fates.
No. 813647
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I swear to god other women are hyping up males too much. Even the prettiest one that you can find gives me super bad energy and makes me nauseous. And no I’m probably not a lesbian, I’m slowly starting to become unimpressed by males even the ones with peak beauty. I’m definitely not asexual either so what the fuck is happening to me?
No. 813695
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I just found out that my hs crush works at the starbucks that i always order from on ubereats. a hungry bitch like me sometimes orders a lot of shit but now im embarrassed and prob won’t order from there again bc he has probably packed my fat ass binge bags that have my name on them and i have a name that he would know is mine…shit like this always happens to me unironically and im tired nonas….
No. 813701
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>"You are so cute, like an 18-year old"
Ok while it's always nice to know I don't look my age, especially at 30, but it feels icky as fuck to be compared to a teenager out of all things
No. 813748
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i want to fuck brandito.
No. 813749
>>813712Men, that’s who.
>>813701A guy who used to be in my friend group repeatedly told me I looked like a schoolgirl. I thought it was a weird compliment as I was only 23 anyway so shrugged it off as him being autistic. His gf later discovered he was grooming underage girls on snapchat. He wasn’t stupid enough to get involved with them irl so just decided to larp by dating young-looking women. Disgusting.
No. 813764
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I lost a bit of weight (mostly water probably) in the past 10 days or so because of basically not eating at all due to anxiety and stress. I saw my bf yesterday and he commented that my figure looked hot and that my face was cuter and less puffy.
He didn't mean it in a shitty way at all but it made me feel so bad. It just sucks to hear that treating myself like crap and being so unhealthy apparently makes me look better. Makes me kind of relapse into ED thoughts tbh, knowing that I can never eat what I like and look like I want to at the same time. I always thought my bf disliked skinny girls so those comments coming from him were even more of a slap in the face.
No. 813766
>>813750>>813757"You don't look old! You look just barely old enough for me to legally fuck you, I promise! Which is great because I'm not allowed around the local high school anymore"
>>813761Because men can't compliment you without adding some gaslightning into the equation
No. 813774
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I wish men would just drop dead or at least experience the pain of being kicked in the balls every time they said something stupid so maybe, just maybe, they would think twice before spewing some stupid shit
No. 813778
I always felt lucky with all those shitty/missing dad stories, while my dad is a loving and caring parent (in his own way, he's not emotionally open). But nowadays, either because he's getting older or because I am getting too old for it, I'm getting really impatient with him interrupting and/or not knowing when to stop talking. He's a slow talker, and sometimes I ask something, and he gives such a roundabout or overly detailed answer, that I regret asking. It's good that he's knowledgeable on these subjects, and I often only ask to be social, but he has no sense for delivering information or stories. But it's most annoying when I go to ask my mother, because I know she'll give me a precise and short answer, and my father butts in and starts to talk over her, but way too long of an answer, or often he doesn't even understand the context or misunderstands the question. And if we bring back the subject to the original point after he butted in and we waited for him to finish, he'll tell us that "no one ever listens to him" and "why even ask". Well, I wasn't asking you, wasn't even facing you, but you think you need an output on everything, so here we are. At least we're polite.
No. 813796
>>813774In the beginning, when Adam was first created, he spent whole days rubbing his face in the grass. He picked his ear until it bled. Tried to fit his fist in his mouth. And yanked out tufts of his own hair. At one point, he tried to pinch his own eyes out in order to examine them. And God had to step in.
Looking down at Adam, God must have felt a bit weird about the whole thing. It must have been something like eating at a cafeteria table all by yourself, when a stranger suddenly sits down opposite you. But it's a stranger who you have created. And he is eating a macaroni salad that you've also created. And you have been sitting at the table all by yourself for over 100 billion years. And yet still, you have nothing to talk about.
It was pitiful the way Adam looked up into the sky and squinted. Before he created Adam, God must have been lonely. Now he was still lonely. And so was Adam.
Then came Eve. Since the Garden of Eden was the very first village, and since every village needs a mayor as well as a village idiot, it broke down in this way. Eve. Mayor. Adam. Village idiot. And that is the way it was from the very beginning. Sometimes when Adam would start to speak Eve would get all hopeful that he was about to impart something important and smart. But he would only say stuff like, little things are really great, because you can put them in your hand as well as in your mouth.
Eve would ponder how one minute she was not there or anywhere, and now she was. Adam would ponder nothing. In her dreams Eve danced in the tops of trees. Her beautiful thoughts flew out of her ears and lit up the sky like fireflies. And there were all kinds of people to talk to and hug. And then she would hear snoring. She would wake up and there would be Adam, his yokel face pressed right against hers. His dog food breath blowing right up her nostrils.
Eve stared up at the sky. Adam draped his arm across her chest, and brought his knee up onto her stomach. God, watching in heaven, feared for Adam's broken heart as though the whole universe depended on it. Adam was close to the animals and spent all day talking to them. Except for God, Eve had no one. She would complain to the Lord any chance she got.
Adam is a nimrod, she would say. And the Lord would remain silent. God was the best and all that, and she loved the hell out of him. But when it came to trash talk, he was of no use. Adam was constantly trying to impress her. Look what I have made, he said one bright morning, his hands cupped together. Eve looked into his hands. She pulled away and shrieked. Adam was holding giraffe feces. I've sculpted it, said Adam. It is for the Lord. He opened his hands wide to reveal to her a tiny little giraffe with a crooked neck.
On some days Adam galloped about exploring. His hair was wiry, and when it got sweaty it hung down in his eyes. Adam was cute this way. On one such day he saw a snake. Adam made the snake's acquaintance by accidentally stepping on his back. Wow, that's smart, said the snake through gritted teeth.
Their eyes locked. And in that very moment the snake concluded that, indeed, Adam was a lummox. And that as king of the Earth, his reign would very soon end. There was a new sheriff in town, and it was he. It was no longer the story of Adam, but the story of the snake. He could tell all of this just by simply looking into his idiot eyes.
I've seen you around with another one like you, he said to Adam. But instead of the dead legless snake between the legs she has chaos there. That's Eve, said Adam, all animated. I named her that myself. God made her from out of my rib. He showed the snake the scar on his side.
The snake looked at him in silence. The idea of Adam– Adam the shlemiel, Adam the fool– being God's favorite was enough to give the snake a migraine. You weren't at all like I imagined, the snake said. I thought you'd be closer to the ground. More pliant. Greener. I tried to explain to God that to make you balanced up on your hind legs was architecturally unsound. I don't know why I bother.
Adam sat and listened wide-eyed. Eve hadn't the patience to sit and chat like this. So when the snake suggested they get into the habit of meeting every once in a while to talk Adam was very excited to do so. As they lazed on their backs staring up at the sky the snake would brag about how he was older than the whole world, and that he used to pal around with God in the dark back before creation.
He said that in the darkness, it was a truer, freer air time. That in the darkness was the good old days. He told Adam that back in the very beginning he had all kinds of thoughts on how to make the Garden of Eden a better place, but that God was just too stubborn to listen to reason. Make the earth out of sugar, I told him. Instead of stingers, give bees lips they can kiss you with.
Adam didn't always agree with the snake. In fact, a lot of what the snake said went straight over his head. But there was still something about him that made him get into a very particular mood. He made the world feel bigger. Sometimes when Adam was with Eve, sitting there in icy silence, he would think to himself, I sure could go for a good dose of snake.
You would think that after all the time they spent together the snake would finally find it within himself to start liking Adam just a little bit. But instead, he only grew to hate him more. He took to comforting himself with thoughts of Adam's wife, Eve. From what he heard from Adam, she was hot and smart. Often he would imagine running into her, and the instant synergy they would have. Adam neglected to tell me how leggy you are, he would say, wrapping himself around her calf.
The snake had no idea what he looked like. He was hairless, bucktoothed, four inches tall, and he spoke with a lisp. Adam had the IQ of a coconut husk, but he was still human. The snake, in his arrogance, was unable to grasp this, and so he daydreamed. Sometimes I think you were watching me, the snake imagine saying to Eve, because I felt like there were ribbons wrapped around me. Ribbons made of raw pork intestines. I would turn around to catch you sneaking a peek at me from behind a tree, but all I'd see were the hedgehogs which mocked me. Come my dear. Let us eat from the tree of knowledge.
On Eve's very first day Adam explained to her the rules of the garden just the way God had explained them to him. He had lifted his head up and had made his back stiff. He had spoken the way a radio broadcaster from the 1940s would. Another kind of woman– someone softer than Eve– might have found this charming. He explained that except for the tree of knowledge every tree in the garden was theirs to eat from.
I am a fan of the pear, Adam said. It is not unlike an apple whose head craves God. Tell me more about this tree of knowledge, said Eve. She enjoyed the sound of it– the tree of knowledge. It sounded very poetic. There's not much to tell, said Adam. If we eat from it we will die.
From then on Eve talked about the tree of knowledge all the time. It was tree of knowledge this, and tree of knowledge that. It's like it wasn't a tree at all, but a movie star. Sometimes she would just stand by the tree and stare at it. It was on such an occasion that she met the snake.
When Eve first caught sight of him she brought her hand to her mouth and gasped. She had seen some repulsive animals in her day. A booby that percolated her vomit to just beneath her tonsils. A dingo that instilled in her a sublime sense of nature's cruelty. And a deathwatch beetle that filled her with existential dread. But still, there was something about the snake that made her realize in a flash that the world was anywhere from 60% to 80% oilier than she would have ever imagined.
Hi, said the snake. In the mood for some fruit of knowledge? It's fruity. We were told not to eat from that tree or else we would die, said Eve. Die? What an ignorant thing to say, said the snake, all chewing on a blade of grass on the side of his mouth. If there is an escape hatch from paradise then it isn't really paradise, is it? The snake made interesting points. That appealed to Eve. He could see he was making an impression.
All I'm saying is to give it a try. Many things will be made immediately clear to you once you partake. I could talk about it all day and you still won't get it. You have a right to at least try it, right? I'm not saying go out and eat an entire fruit. Have a nibble. A nibble isn't really eating, is it?
Eve found arguing semantics exhilarating. She looked at the tree. The way the sun shined through its leaves was beautiful. Everything seemed to point to nibble the fruit. Then the snake said, think about it. Does God want companions who can think for themselves, or does he want a bunch of lackeys and yes men? Wouldn't God want a few surprises?
It would seem to me that God's telling you not to eat the fruit was just a test to see if you could think for yourselves, to see if you could exist as equals to God. The day you taste the fruit is the day God will no longer be lonely. At least give it a lick. Eve looked at the fruit, then she looked at the snake. Then, slowly, she parted her lips and pushed out her tongue– all wet, and warm, and uncertain.
She ran its tip along the smooth flesh of the fruit. The snake smiled. Has anyone died? he asked. Now take a tiny little nibble. Just a speck. Just to see. The fruit was squishy and tart. She smushed it around in her mouth. She squinted her eyes. It was a bit like trying on new glasses. It was a bit like an amylnitrate popper. It was a bit like a big wet kiss on the lips, right at first when you weren't sure if you wanted to be kissed or not. She felt 1,000 little feet kicking at her uterus.
The idea of her own nudity, as well as Adam's, had always felt more like a Nordic coed health spa thing. Now, with the fruit of knowledge, it felt more like a Rio de Janeiro carnival thing. Her breasts felt like water balloons filled with blueberry jam and birds. Her nipples were like lit matchsticks. Her thighs, the way they squished against each other, were like scissors cutting through velour.
With her lips still glistening in tree of knowledge fruit juice, she ran off to find Adam. The snake watched her as he chewed on his slimy blade of grass. And as she receded into the distance, he thought something along the lines of, now that's what I'm talking about.
Kiss me Adam, said Eve. Taste my lips. Adam, like any lummox truly worth his salt, could smell the minutest trace of knowledge coming his way. And thus, he knew how to avoid it like the plague. But yet, there was also this. Eve had never sought him out in the middle of the day before just to kiss him. It felt like a very lucky thing. When he took her in his arms he told her that he loved her with his whole entire heart. He closed his eyes tightly and brought his lips to hers. Then he squinted. Then it started to rain, and Eve began to cry.
During the darkest days ahead, with the fratricides and whatnot, Adam would often think back to his brief time in Eden. As he became an old man, he would talk about the garden more and more. A couple of times he had even tried to find his way back there, but he very soon became lost. He didn't try too hard anyway. He didn't want to bother God any more than he already had. When Adam met someone that he really liked, he would say, I so wish you could have been there. It didn't seem fair to him that he was the one that got to be in Eden.
This sunset isn't bad, he'd say. But the sunsets in Eden, they burned your nose hairs. They made your ears bleed. He couldn't even explain it right. When you ate the fruit in Eden it was like eating God, he would say. And God was delicious. When you wanted him you just grabbed him. Now when he ate fruit he can only taste what was not there.
But it wasn't all bad. After Eden Eve became much gentler with Adam. After getting them both cast out she decided to try as hard as she could to give Adam her love. She knew it was the very least she could do. She sometimes even wondered if that was why God had sent the snake to her in the first place. Adam would tell his grandkids, his great-grandkids, and his great-great-grandkids about how he and Nana Eve had spent their early days in a beautiful garden naked and frolicking. And the kids would say, eww.
The children would swarm into the house like a carpet of ants. The youngest ones would head straight for Adam, lifting his shirt to examine his belly for the umpteenth time. They smoothed their hands across his flesh and marveled. Where is grandpa's belly button? they all asked. He stared at the children. They were all his children. And as they slid their little hands across his blank stomach, he wondered what it was like to be a kid.
No. 813806
>>813778That must be annoying, have you tried explaining to him why nobody can manage to talk to him for long and suggesting how you two can both compromise so you can both make it through a conversation?
It is really tiring and frustrating, but also he will have done his time with frustrating things like teaching you to use the toilet and talk. It would be a shame for him to become isolated just because people gave up on him.
Texting could be a last resort option because at least you can just scan what he's said for the actual point
No. 813808
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This doesn't exist. All the liquor stores in the area decided to play a prank on me and design an item I'd love but never ever have it in stock and act like I'm schizophrenic when I ask them about it even though they have a 10 ft poster in their window that wasn't there a month ago but ok
No. 813809
>>813807Some single mothers are
victims of rape or their birth control failed and they can't access abortion.
No. 813814
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Why do guys act like they don't get jealous in relationships? Or even worse, make fun of women for feeling jealousy when they obviously feel it themselves too but choose not to express it for whatever reason. Is it an ego thing?
I think my bf thinks I was overly friendly when I met his friend and is doing what I described right now. I literally don't know where the boundary is on that sort of thing so maybe I did fuck up kek
No. 813816
>>813808I tried the unicorn flavor of the energy drink and it was disgusting. Are any flavors good?
Also wake me up when monster ultra Rosa has an alcohol version.
No. 813822
>>813814Maybe it's just your boyfriend who is like that or a local belief for you because I've never encountered any belief that guys don't get jealous
It might be helpful if you and your boyfriend sat down and talked about what things make you jealous, being able to talk about these things is important
No. 813842
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My nice friend is renting an apartment with two women: straight one and pansexual one.
The pansexual one keeps joking about rape, even tries to queerbait straight girl into making out with her, joking that she will rape her for being straight.
How am I supposed to take all of these Tumblr sexualities seriously? What the hell?
No. 813852
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>>813842Just came here to post related I saw on Tumblr. "Butch bait" and then an objectified femme's body. It feels incredible rapey. This such a scrotebrained thing to create. I see "lesbians" (the wlw crowd) using daddy in their tags.
No. 813853
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i swear to god if the anons use their ugly ass thread i’m seriously going to be so angry, let me have this one thing on this terrible site.
No. 813862
>>813814Yeah it's an ego thing. Admitting you're jealous means showing your insecurities and being vulnerable, and women are usually a lot better at that than guys. That's why jealous guys will often express it in a pouty way and go with stonewalling or acting distant instead of just saying something made them feel jealous. Either that or the protective angle where they'll go with 'don't go to that party with x male friend because I don't trust him with you' when they really mean 'I'm afraid you'll like him more than me, especially after a few drinks'. They will make fun of jealousy and not express it directly because they don't want it to seem like they're weak or not confident. It's like how they make fun of people who get upset at a jab and "can't handle banter", because to many guys the most important virtue is (seemingly) being chill about everything at all times.
Just ask him about the friend thing and tell him it's fine if he's jealous and you weren't sure if you were being too friendly with him. If he still refuses to admit it even if it's obvious then I guess try to ignore it from now on and not let it affect your actions too much. He can't expect you to take his feelings into account when he won't even tell you he has them.
No. 813909
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my beautiful cat sooty died. she was the love of my life. how do i function normally after this?
No. 813928
>>813876I know right! In my experience women usually just bring it up when there's something bothering them in the friendship or when they feel insecure, whereas men are often too spergy to actually talk through their issues with eachother and let shit fester. It's so ironic that those tend to be the same scrotes who complain about women being catty or backstabby to their friends.
>>813909My condolences anon, looks like she was an adorable cat. It's okay to feel sad or dysfunctional after a loss like that and I hope you get lots of support from the people around you.
No. 813948
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>bf driving us back from trip
>stopped at some dump gas station for gas
>bf wanted me to go inside and buy bullshit water or whatever
>step out of car
>remember might be gud idurr to put on mask even though it's not mandated anymore
>distracted by finding dum dum mask in purse
>surprise pothole beside the car
>suddenly falling back sideways
>flashed entire gas station
>palms of hands scrapped to shit and knees bruised with asphalt prints
>two people noticed I fell before my bf did
>he finally realizes, no care whatsoever
>tell him I need actual first aid like a spray or band aids as he was reaching for hand sanitizer
>tells me I should go inside with him and get some
>no, no I don't want to go into an establishment that just witnessed me fall and flash because I'm fucking humiliated and angry and in pain so I just wanted to stay in the car
>actually argues about this and slips to call me by his ex's name cause he wants me to just get over it and go inside
>oh and I'll never see these people again anyway
>bf goes inside and ofc the dump doesn't have first aid
>they point him to buy first aid stuff like bandaids but he doesn't
>comes out with water and says how staff weren't helpful
>"Well evidently you didn't think I hurt myself bad enough or else you'd have bought those band aids while raising hell to those shitty employees."
>argues that he didn't want to "reward" them by buying their first aid and yelling at them for not helping wouldn't have done good anyway
>you patronized their establishment and bought water from them, so yes you did "reward" them anyway and maybe having gotten a little irate at them on my behalf would have made me feel a little stood up for it wasn't about improving their stupid business
Basically he thinks I overreacted and that me falling and hurting myself is a "deal" but not a "big deal" and I'm a "big girl." Okay, but couldn't you have acted a little more pressed? Oh and he's miffed I'm venting about it anonymously, to which I reversed uno and said "Don't worry, I'm anonymous and they won't ever know who we are." He doesn't want me to vent because he admitted he doesn't want to be judged for underacting. After debating this in the car for the past 40 minutes (because he couldn't just leave me alone with my feelings until I felt better), he's profusely apologized and said it was a learning experience for him. I still feel bad, I just wanted to feel advocated and fought for when I was vulnerable.
No. 813950
>>813748six hours later and I still want to fuck brandito
I want to fuck all the doomfist mains.
No. 813959
>>813953They should have first aid.
Why does them making minimum wage if they even do make a difference? It's their fault their shitty lot has holes in it and yeah maybe their owner should fix it.
And are you ESL? Did you skip or just not read the part where they DID have first aid to sell but my bf just didn't buy any to prove some shitty point? You deserve a bonk too.
No. 813966
>>813948Why are you blaming the employees? It's not their fault you fell, and it's not their fault your boyfriend decided to not buy bandaids. You are both assholes. Also,
>They should have first aid. >they DID have first aid to sell…What?
No. 813976
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>>813842sell their story anon
No. 813980
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>>813948Damn you both seem like shitty people, two sour peas in a funky pod. First error is not bringing your own basic bitch first aid on a trip, second error is having a boyfriend, third error is laughably believing your boyfriend cares if you get hurt, fourth error is that you’re embarrassed that you fell in front of a bunch of crackheads and truckers at a Shell gas station which means I’m sure the employees have seen stumbling and falling all the time. You anons always have the craziest, dumbest stories from the most mundane shit. Suck it up please, kids are dying have you ever thought about the children!?
(infighting) No. 813999
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>>813990>Is 7/11 a gas station or a convenience storeNta, but yes
No. 814012
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Impostor syndrome hit me hard today. I was supposed to turn in my piece for a fun art exchange thing, but after seeing everyone else's amazing art, I felt so ashamed and embarrassed of what I had created that I couldn't even give my half to the other person. I felt so bad about my art that I actually cried for hours. The person running the event told me I could commission art for my partner to compensate for my lack of art which is good since I would never want to leave my art partner empty handed, but still. Why can't my art just be good? I've drawn for so long and I know I'm improving, but my art still looks like I'm in the early stages. It hurt so bad to get a reality check and realize that I'll never be as good as those other artists and I just felt so stupid having applied for this event in the first place. I knew there were going to be amazing pieces in this event, but literally everyone's art is so perfect I feel completely out of my depth. I'm so dumb.
No. 814024
>>814012That sucks
nonny, sorry you had to go through that. What I find helps is looking at other beginners.
Also if this was an art exchange you should’ve given the work you made even if it did suck! Part of the fun is getting something you didn’t pay for. And chances are you’re your worst critic, did you show anyone to get some feedback? They may have loved it and if you still felt like it didn’t reflect your effort you could draw something else for them.
No. 814025
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>>813990It’s a reference to a terrible tragedy that happened right after 9/11, they found pork rinds in the 7/11: do the math. SAD! it makes me tear up anon and it seems to have shaken lana’s core as she blessed us with her indie gurl voice and poetry
No. 814027
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>>813967 >Hope you trip into glass lmao.I won't because I know how to watch where I am going.
No. 814030
>>814027Kek anon they think the world revolves around them.
>why didn’t my boyfriend stand up from me? why wasn’t he my shining knight in armor beating up the underpaid employees who will probably be on channel news 5 stabbed to death because they work at a dumpy gas station!! I thought all of you were radfems or something like idk maybe girlboss your way into a bandaid?
(infighting) No. 814053
>>813948Lmao at the replies you've got though.
I understand your frustration, sometimes I also want to just feel protected and cared for, and your bf certainly didn't do that. Give him another chance, maybe he'll redeem himself. Get better
No. 814070
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I'm in my late-20s and having a bit of an early life crisis. I was struggling with mental health issues for most of my teen years and well into my 20s. Now I'm at the best I've ever felt in a long time, and I'm finally working towards all of the dreams & goals I always had but never felt like I could reach before. But I'm still haunted by all the lost time, and where I could be now if things had been different. I feel afraid, like I don't have nearly enough time to do all the things I want to do. I'm trying to calm down and remind myself that most of my goals & dreams aren't that crazy or lofty or really on any kind of time limit to accomplish. But I can't help but look at the people around me and think of how far behind I am in so many things comparatively. It makes me panic that I'll never be able to catch up
No. 814085
>>814070Firstly: congratulations on the state of your feelings as of now, on to my second part, sorry for being harsh.
BITCH, you did not go through all of that shit just to compare yourself to others who didn't go through what you did. You feel better now huh, well most people didn't have to spend so many years trying to feel better or normal, of course they are "ahead" and it's just logical you aren't there yet, I know it feels awful and gut wrenching but that's just where you are. You're moving forward every day, and you'll be okay, absolutely no point in comparing yourself to anyone else, especially to people who were never in your situation,
nonny. Hugs.
No. 814089
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this dude is so fucking ugly he looks like he lives in his parents basement, showers quarterly, dropped out of community college to pursue his dream of drawing some degenerate cartoon porn, eats 6 hot pockets a day, etc etc could go on all day tbh
No. 814113
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I hate how extremely uncomfortable and avoidant I become whenever I'm fighting with someone or need to confront the person, because it's always such a hassle and puts me in a very negative mood where I feel very nervous and just want to do anything but that. I often regret it afterwards when I act like that, because why should I be the quiet and nice one when the other person is going full ham without any consideration to my feelings and doing what they want? This is always in my mind when I am in those situations too, but I still cannot bring myself to unleash the anger in me and go full fight mode like other people. These things always plague me in my mind, I keep thinking about all the things I could've said and what would've happened if I stood my ground instead of keeping quiet since I always get in such a panicked, uncomfortable mood whenever a confrontation/argument is happening. I don't want to exaggerate it or something, but I feel like this comes from the constant daily fights I had with my family where I was always forced to defend myself and could never properly rest without having someone start a stupid fight with me that always put me in such a bad mood too. For 20 years straight. When I'm in a situation like that with my friends or partner, I just want to flee as fast as possible. I hate arguing and fighting more than anything - I don't get how people can take joy or excitement in that when it always puts me in such an extremely shitty mood.
No. 814139
>>814131What did anon even do? All she did was sit in the car and expect her bf to do something about her injuries.
Who knew so many anons were bitter gas station employees who believe no one else has ever worked a minimum wage job before and think doling out band aids requires some herculean gesture.
No. 814162
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>Listening music playlists on Youtube.
>Find a playlist of sad music about the hardships that women can face.
>Read the comments.
>"As a trans girl…"
>"As a Non binary Genderfluid demi girl…"
>"It should be called playlist for afabs"
>"I love the amount of people who don't identify as women in the comment seccion"
No. 814163
>>814159>she didn't even go in and ask for helpRight, the bf did and they didn't help him except to point to where he could purchase some. Are you caught up yet?
>>814156I remember when anons could just vent without retards responding about their ptsd from that time customer was meanie pants to them.
No. 814165
>>814159…but you're exaggerating her words. She didn't want him to scream, she said "be irate for me". That doesn't entail screeching at employees, and don't bring their wage into it. The owner was probably there, as they usually are.
I get her situation, if I got hurt on the premises of a place, I would at least want my boyfriend to let them know that something broken on their property has caused someone to get hurt. In a "miffed" way (again, doesn't mean yelling). But he didn't do that, just bought water and left. Apparently didn't even mention it. And don't act like if you ate shit in front of a group of people, you'd be totally okay walking in and asking for help. You'd be embarrassed as hell. And even if YOU personally weren't and have an "i don't care" attitude, you know a lot of other people would be. She just wanted her boyfriend to stick up for her, after she got hurt on the property of a business, and get a bandaid for her. Which he did none of those things and I'm assuming she feels like he didn't care.
No. 814166
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I'm fucking angry, I want to get ripped like her. I wish I was her. But whenever I think about getting ripped I think of doing it for an asshole that doesn't even love me. It's a shitty intrusive thought, I always wanted to get ripped for myself. But my brain keeps going back to him, asking for him to love me.
I don't want to love anyone, I wish I could hurt him to be honest. I don't want a relationship with anyone right now, or ever. I just want to get ripped. For myself. Please if someone has advice on how to stop the bad thoughts please tell me.
No. 814169
>>814163>Right, the bf did and they didn't help him except to point to where he could purchase some. Are you caught up yet?She said they didn't have a first aid, not that they refused to help. What are they supposed to do, pull one out of their ass? They're gas station employees, not paramedics.
>>814165She said "raise hell on behalf of me to those shitty employees"? That does imply screaming. Also, i used to work at a gas station and the owner was only there in the early mornings til about noon so no the owners might not have been there.
Don't know why you guys are caping so hard for her, she's not going to eat you out.
No. 814170
>>814168what about the
dr*v3r thread
No. 814172
>>814169>She said "raise hell on behalf of me to those shitty employees"? That does imply screaming. Regardless, she is mad at him for not being mad on her behalf. Whether he screamed or not, whatever, his choice. OP was clearly angry when arguing with her boyfriend anyway.
>Also, i used to work at a gas station and the owner was only there in the early mornings til about noon so no the owners might not have been there. So it's really a matter of might have might not. But that is really inconsequetial to the bigger picture. I just wanted to say that so you can stop making up a scenario in your mind so you can justify being a cunt to this anon who just wanted to vent here.
I really said what I had to say about it. I don't see where anon said "Guys was I an asshole?!". Nobody fucking asked for your opinion or asked you to bitch at her in the vent thread, wage cuck.
No. 814179
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>>814175> Im sure you live in a mansion with your 750k salarykek, you have such a wild imagination,
nonny. Your only concept of being a non-wagecuck is living in a mansion with a 700k salary. Embarrassing.
No. 814182
>>814175You're losing your shit about a scenario that didn't even happen because anon committed a thought crime because she was actually frustrated at her bf.
I still can't figure out why you're here telling us about your gas clerk job.
>>814176 is right.
No. 814183
>>814178I just don't understand why all of these anons felt the need to attack her when she just wanted to vent about the rough day that she had, not necessarily that the situation needs commenting on. It's shitty and pointless and users deserver to get banned for it.
>>814180Disagreements are fine here, nobody gives a shit. What's downright stupid is dragging this shit out for hours because different anons feel the need to jump in and say the same thing that anon before them did.
>omg nonny you're such a dumb whore, you and your boyfriend are assholes No. 814184
>>814182But like i said, she made up with her bf, not sure what the big deal is.
>>814183Youre the ones insulting people for being "wagecucks". But sure, were the ones dragging it out. Glad you feel good about yourself by comparing yourself to people who make less than you. Very noble of you lmao.
No. 814196
>>813528super late reply, but ty, I'm gonna try
>>813529I failed that class lol, but I'm trying to teach myself python again and get some skills, wish me luck and thanks
No. 814204
>>814117>>814135Eh not true, I've had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago and while I had to be on a strict diet for a while, now I can eat greasy stuff. If it's too greasy, it will just immediately leave though, because my stomach just expels it instead of trying to process.
Anon, maybe go get checked just in case? Not being able to process grease is normal, but it shouldn't hurt.
No. 814264
>>814260i second all of this
nonny. im sorry you're suffering. i dont care about the pandemic anymore. old people fucking die thats what they do. it sounds harsh but its true.
what country are you in?
i just want to leave the uk. they '''opened up'''' borders to about 6 countries but then mandated £100s of tests, thus making it inaccessible to anyone who aint loaded.
No. 814302
>>814297No! Don't accept things below min wage
nonnie, I know times can be tough but it is slavery. You can for sure find something else that is min wage at least.
No. 814319
>>814313It’s 9-6pm and 18,000 - 19,000 k a year I’m british and I need a job. I’m on universal credit at the moment aka welfare but I’ve got a degree before the pandemic I had five job interviews for good hours and good money lined up but they cancelled on me
No. 814325
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I'm so tired. I'm in a two-year therapy programme with people who are actually mentally ill just because I tried to kill myself.
The therapy is just teaching us very basic shit about how to problem solve and manage emotions - things that you learn as you grow up and encounter the world. It's helpful for the others on the programme and they need it so it's useful in a way. I was managing on my own just fine, I was a lecturer and a researcher and functioned well in society, never got in trouble with the police and didn't need medication. I just realised that earthly pleasures and achievements aren't motivation enough to keep living. I decided I wanted to die and made the arrangements.
Woke up in hospital on two different occasions and got yeeted to the psych ward. Now I'm in intensive community therapy.
I got diagnosed borderline and was told I'm impulsive. I disagree, as do friends and family. The treatments aren't doing anything to change the way I feel about life. I wish they would just put me down like I wanted and stop reviving me, instead of making me go through patronising therapy sessions that don't help. They kept promising my quality of life would dramatically improve and that I'd have a different perspective very quickly. I don't.
I'm on medication but feel no change, the only difference is that I'm just nauseated a lot now. I'm not allowed to manage my own medication so I don't have the option to overdose anymore.
I know the only solution is to try harder to kill myself and hide in a public toilet to do it or something so that I don't get taken to the hospital too quickly. I'm just frustrated that I have to do this messily in a public loo rather than in a dignified manner in bed. It might not work, too.
No. 814340
>>814327I’m going to go to it anyway just because. I’ve got uni debt £25k and over they want now for re paying. I’m quite lucky because I don’t have rent since my parents house is paid for and we just have the bills.
I give them money even though they say it’s okay but I just contribute anyway
However my worry is if I dont have a job that pays over that amount that if anything happens to my parents because they’re older then they’ll come after the house and try and take it. But I’ve heard the uni debt gets written off?
I’ll do my best to pay it off though
No. 814343
>>814325I could've written this post. 2 suicide attempts, bpd diagnosis, seriously questioned that diagnosis for a long time and people around me refused to believe it too. I was sent to a type of daycentre for mentally ill people and most there were schizo and highly sedated from meds. I spent a couple years thinking I was the odd one out… the most sane one amongst crazies. A few years have passed and tbh once I'm
triggered by stress I do get where my diagnosis comes from. Shit goes from fine to suicide attempts real quick and I feel way too old to still be like this. I was in heavy denial before.
So I wish I had entertained the idea of my diagnosis being accurate..sooner. It sucks that people with very different mental illnesses (and different levels of functioning) all get lumped in together in the same therapy or centres like that though.. I never understood that. Guess it's cost effective.
No. 814349
I hate my mum's choices when it comes to dating even though it's nothing to do with me, watching her make stupid choices also makes me worry that her dumb is in my dna. I wish I was rich so I could do more for her and then by default my advice would have more weight to it but instead she just gets to ignore what I say. I love her but I'm so fed up watching her get herself hurt
>>814034Thank you
No. 814355
>>814345Ah that sucks anon. Sounds like a post I could have written, I know how it feels to have that sort of thing happen.
Where I usually go wrong afterwards is sticking my head in the sand, so don't be like me and send everyone involved a polite email about it asap. I don't know what kind of people they are but chances are just apologizing and owning up to it will earn you some leeway. You might want to make up some bullshit reason but don't stray from the truth too much.
No. 814398
>>814358Anon if she's your bestie then you ought to be able to respectfully challenge her opinions without necessarily fighting or becoming enemies.
How does she define "man-hate." What kinds of discrimination would men actually face? Ask her if it's worse to be told not to rape than it is to be raped.
Sometimes if you ask questions and let people speak through their logic out loud, they'll start to realize how dumb it sounds and walk it back over time.
I find that sometimes calling issues out on the nose makes people more liable to get defensive and stubborn. To be fair, when it's a friend I really am talking so that they can come to reason, it's not that I want to win an argument over them if they could only see the other perspective.
No. 814427
>>814413Men always stick up for other men harder than he will for women. If your bf is not actively looking up GC perspectives on his own, he's not actually open to it. It seems he doesn't actually have any counterpoints to you, he's simply disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing because it's exactly like you said: he has trouble accepting the possibility that whichever leftist scrotes he looks up to are wrong. He might only change his mind if he hears it from another leftist man, unfortunately.
Does he continuously bring this up as a source of conflict?
No. 814429
>>814398She pretty much just repeats tradthot opinions back at me and really started to hate other women. She constantly shows me videos of women saying dumb shit about men and turning their kids into troons etc. saying "these women think ALL MEN are rapists!! They want all men to be weak soyboys instead!"
She is convinced that the liberal feminists have destroyed the world and turned all our men into faggots and trannies because women are too nice and vote for things like trans rights so it's all women's fault and women shouldn't be allowed to vote. I tried to talk sense into her several times, but it's no use.
I could probably still be friends if it was just tradthottery like she wants to be a mom and wife and not work or whatever, but I can't stand women who hate other women and bend over backwards for men. It just makes me sick and I have been talking to her less and less cause she keeps bringing it up.
No. 814507
>>814481I second this tbh. Maybe this is something that they both feel strong enough about to end the relationship over but personally I don't see why it's such a big deal to have different opinions on some things to your partner as long as you generally have the same core ideologies. Neither of them are trans and she said herself she doesn't hate all trans people she's just gender critical so it's not like they're even on opposite sides.
>>814413I debate with my boyfriend a lot and there are some topics we had to accept we fundamentally disagree on even if it's annoying but if I found out my boyfriend was asking online for epic end all arguements for the purpose of shutting down all my arguments on the topic down I would be offended ngl
No. 814530
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Feels kinda weird/bad not being curvy in 2021/today's social climate, yes having curves (not talking about being fat) has always been attractive but now it's definitely more of an upfront REQUIREMENT for women it seems and it's definitely a niche for men to actively be into more… plank like bodies like myself lmao. It's just a bad feeling knowing that at any given moment I'm getting judged for having a nonexistent waist and ass and it's not something you can just fix by losing weight if you were fat, for example, my genetics simply dictate that I will not have a feminine waist and ass.
No. 814600
>>814586why is everything about fucking? Did you think that maybe its about how you are treated in general by society + dating etc.
>>814587with me i have big hips and a small waist but i have small boobs who are asymmetrical and saggy, i have no ass and i also have a long torso/short legs body proportion.
So yeah my body is not typical and not attractive.
No. 814601
>>814591I genuinely love that saying, I'll try to remember that in the future when I'm feeling emo. Thank you
nonny. ♥
No. 814602
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This is shallow but goddamn. I have a friend whose media opinions I respect, she writes really thoughtful critiques about movies/shows/music and I feel like I really learn from them. She commented on my favorite movie of all time (she knows this) and made some weird, negative judgments on it. They didn’t quite make sense to me, but I thought, she knows what she’s talking about; I’ll try and watch the movie with a new lens. Today the movie came back up in conversation and… she admitted to never seeing it. Just a youtube clip of one scene. I felt weirdly hurt. She made these disparaging comments about a movie she knew meant a lot to me without ever having seen the whole thing. I’m starting to doubt a lot of her other critiques are that well informed.
No. 814613
>>814561Not that it's much consolation, but about the part where you feel like you're losing out on future friendships: Don't worry about that. IMO the worst friends to have are the ones who demand a bubble of
toxic positivity and can't handle hearing that someone else has emotions about people that are sometimes-daresay-negative. Those are the types of superficial people who'd kick you out of their circles anyway for minor faux pas.
Have faith in the fact that you will heal and move on to better people willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
No. 814616
>>814603I usually have a very strict rule about not discussing "it" and it's inadvertently got me seen as an "inspiration" and "strong" when the reality is I keep a lid on it because this is hell on earth and absolutely terrifying. Why do we fucking meme ourselves into this shit? Thank you so much though,
nonny. Ily, fellow cancer bitch. ♥
No. 814634
>>814608Yeah, you’re right, she’s most certainly seen most if not all of the movies she critiques in full. But I reserve my right to feel real fuckin bitter
>>814615it’s Hedwig and the Angry Inch!
No. 814635
>>814613I definitely believe that too as we're all people at the end of the day. People shouldn't have to act happy with every single relationship in their life at all points in time. The ones who believe in forced positivity are a sort of
toxic on their own yeah. I guess it just feels sucky since I'm now more lonely than I was so I want to find new people. Thank you for the reassurance anon.
>>814590I will say the saddest part about female friendships is the ones that end over their BF or husband. It feels like women are more willing to ditch their friends for some guy who wouldn't do the same with his mates. It's also a load of crap because technically a woman can make her own family with a sperm donation but men can't magically make a baby.
No. 814636
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>uwu look at this wholesome and cute boi
That is a grown ass male. Please explain to me how an adult male, who has lived for over 40 years, is in any way wholesome. It is a man. I'm tired of seeing these grandpa and dad pics being called ''wholesome''. Uwu look at this grandpa who made 9 burgers for his grandkids but no one wanted his gross burgers. Jesus who cares.
No. 814681
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>>814636I want a hello Kitty squish, my life would improve a 5% more than it is right now.
No. 814688
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I don't wanna draw stinky commissions I want to draw my beautiful husbandos. But if I don't do commissions I won't have money to spend on my husbandos
No. 814691
>>814636I grew up with a dad who refuses to step foot into a ladies clothes shop even with a woman. When my mom was in hospital he wouldn't go buy her a dressing gown real quick because .. that's womens clothing and he didn't want to be seen in that section buying womens things. A frumpy old dressing gown for around the hospital? Nobody was going to accuse him of idunno.. crossdressing with a frumpy nightgown.
I can kind of get why this daughter likes him holding the big girly squish. Some dads are so weird about that shit it's pathetic
>>814681Me too
No. 814699
>>814691My dad never bought my mother flowers because its', and this is a direct quote
"it's gay for a man to carry flowers".
No. 814728
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Nothing against BLM but I don't get why BLM has to be a part of the pride flag now; I have to design something for a client with pride colors for June and now it has to include brown and black and it just doesnt go well together not to mention I don't get how they fit together ideologically either; and the client is not even american
No. 814731
>>814728It's nothing to do with BLM. It's the Philadelphia flag but I agree that it's retarded and completely unnesecarry.
An article on it here, if you don't like it you're automatically an evil cis white man kek: No. 814740
File: 1621883610374.gif (947.58 KB, 500x382, 41BCB30F-BA30-47C5-861C-33BD2A…)

Boy hurt my feelings, I have no friends, I am morally bankrupt. Hug me nonitas.
No. 814746
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>>814731Oh, thanks for for educating me, I feel a bit stupid now. I've been only seeing this flag circulating in SM since BLM movement started happening, often described that we need that color update because of the BLM and I just associated these together without doing a deeper research. Reading the article I feel like it kinda adds a bit more animosity in a way, opposite to what it's supposed to do. I guess I should be happy I don't have to include asexuality flag because that would just be a total design mess lol
>>814730Yeah I'm thinking borders could work, I'll try that approach! Ultimately here it's the intentions that matter more than pleasant palette but I'm kinda sad about missing out on getting to design something with just clean rainbow colors against white backdrop
No. 814757
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>>814746Don't feel stupid
nonny. I only know about the flag because I used to be terminally online when it was first announced. It's definitely picked up traction again recently with BLM but like you said it just adds more animosity. I'm middle eastern and it's just like… why. This is literally making race relations WORSE because spergs of colour think disliking this eyesore is racist. The Gilbert Baker OG pride flag (picrel) reigns surpeme imo.
No. 814762
>>814760I saw it described once as a perfect metaphor for trannies hiding behind
POC to invade the gay community and I kek'd hard at the accuracy.
No. 814766
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I don't know how else to explain this, but I'm at times I am extremely affected by "inception". What I mean by this is, you've seen the movie of the same name Inception, you know that inception is the idea of planting an idea layers deep in someone's subconscious that by the time it reaches their conscious, the idea ends up growing into something much larger than it originally was. Now I don't mean I am affected by this in a LITERAL way that someone is going into my mind, but for example: I call my boyfriend just to see what he's up to, he's not really doing anything and we say bye but I notice he sounded a bit off or different to me at the end of the conversation. When I hang up I tell myself it's whatever and I don't think anything of it. As hours pass though, I start having side effects similar to what one might have during a panic attack, like my stomach hurting a lot, headache, just feeling stressed out in general. And at this point I realize the source is actually freaking out in the back of my ind about the non-thing hours earlier, and that deep down it's definitely not a non-thing anymore.
I don't know if this explanation even made any sense to anyone else but jesus christ
No. 814773
>>814772I'm gonna be brutally honest,
nonny. You sound like you hate thinking, period. I get hating the crazy ones but governments and huge media corporations are not your friends, it's completely rational to do your own research and not be spoonfed the narrative.
No. 814783
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>>814728Maybe try using a less neutral shade of brown?
No. 814795
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>>814785I thought pizzagate is satanic panic 2.0
Anyway i'm not a pizzagater but I do believe this is symbolic of something inherently fucking vile and I think people who would defend Tony Podesta or his obsession with torture, mutilation, death, and pedophilia are paedophile apologists.
No. 814827
>>814825Yes. I am also suspicious how a huge chunk of them writes the same copypasted story: I need to run away from my parents! I am (random trannie shit)
Sure, a gofundme will definitely pay you enough cost for a year of rent…
No. 814829
>>814827It's always with the "fascist" parents too when the reality is they just watch fox news or think that white guilt is dumb. I don't recall ever seeing any updates on those things either, I expect most take the money and spunk it on shit they don't need whilst still living with their "
abusive" parents.
No. 814831
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>>814821And people out there still defend this guy. I don't know why would someone defend a "person" who maked jokes about pedo rape and strangling newborn babies, he even used pedo codes in his instagram page
No. 814834
I really want to fucking kill myself, I've been crying for 4 hours, my entire face hurts, even my gums and teeth, I have no tears anymore but I'm still sobbing. I'm sitting in the bathroom because I don't want anyone to see me. I've spent my entire childhood and early twenties in my room, I was homeschooled and autistic, never had any friends or relationships. Now I'm forced to live abroad for some time because I need work and I have to live with other people. The work doesn't scare me, but being around other people makes me insane. I have no idea what to talk about with them, I can't look them in their eyes when they talk to me, I always wait until everyone leave the kitchen to make myself some food, my aunt kinda helps me but even with her, I don't know how to hold a conversation, and it makes me insane when I hear her laughing and talking with my roommate, I wish I could be like this, I wish I was normal. I know I will never gain any satisfaction from interactions with other people so I don't feel like there's a point to my existence. It gets only worse with age. People always tell me it will get better if I force myself to be around others, but I only feel worse. I feel more alone around others than when I'm physically alone. The existential isolation is killing me. No one will ever know how you feel and how you think. No one will ever understand. You will always be alone
No. 814945
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I spent my whole life being a people pleaser, being the one asked to bear it all because I'm easier to control, tried to see the good in people when my peers hated their guts, having my opinions and feelings discarded because I was othered by the group(s), being disliked for being non-confrontational I guess but when I try to stand for myself and finally say no when I want to and refuse to do shit I get hate. At this point I don't know what should I do, should I go full bitch?
No. 814968
>>814951If she's dealt with it her whole life there isn't really any way she can be more patient, it's already been her whole life.
>>814964I hope you can move out if you haven't already and get some distance soon anon, it must have been very hard to handle that with no escape when you were growing up
No. 814969
>>814945Not that it will make you feel better, but most people receive resistance and hate when standing up for themselves. That's part of what makes standing up for oneself so hard, it's very rare that the other side concedes to your wants and needs with understanding.
You don't have to be a bitch, just accept that conflict is fundamental human nature and it isn't necessarily that personal.
No. 814976
>>814934Read up on books about emotionally immature parents, cause that's what you've got. Not every type of abuse is angry, violent, or hateful. Sometimes it comes in the form of a parent who carries out emotional violations on your boundaries, while both expecting you to play adult or child depending on when it's convenient for them.
It's selfish behavior at best.
No. 814978
>>814968Thank you
nonny I am trying to move out ASAP but rent prices are high in the city where I live haha.
>>814945Do whatever you think will make your life your “best possible life”. If people react negatively because you are standing up for yourself, then sadly those people might not be worth pleasing anyways. All you can do in these situations is be your own best advocate when others aren’t willing to. Good luck and I hope things go well.
No. 815058
>>815052absolutely pathetic, I have never once encountered a man that has that issue
you should kill him
No. 815059
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I suck at formatting and creating posts on social media. Imo, I have good and interesting content to share but I often fail at mediums and ways to deliver that are popular. I never learned how to be popular and influence people and it shows. It makes me salty that someone with equal or lesser sharables to mine will get more attention simply because they knew how to post and not what they're posting. I know this is the case for anything really, but I'm really upset at myself for being so inept to not receive the kind of attention I want.
It's not that I don't receive any attention or feedback, I'm just greedy and want more of it to validate that what I have and do are worthwhile.
No. 815073
>>815052So he considers his own seed too dirty to ingest, while you accept it?
This actually isn't hypocritical at all. It means he's well aware of his own genetic inferiority and the toxicity of any substance that might come from him, even if you aren't (or if you're aware, but don't like having to recognize it). It's okay if you prefer pretending not to see it, but maybe don't have kids with him.
No. 815103
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>tfw the shipping for your items was way more than you anticipated
rip me
No. 815138
>>815133They truly are, they struggle with it constantly as well.
My ex, on the other hand, was both. I felt like I was going crazy and to this day I don't know what he forgot and what he just pretended he did.
No. 815190
>>815171I honestly suspect ADHD sometimes because he also has a bit of a hard time focusing and remember shit he studied. What were the other symptoms?
If that's the case, my man is so fucked lol he already has mild OCD, anxiety and thricotillomanie (only on his beard, thank God).
No. 815200
>>815190that's rough. does he have the beard to keep from pulling out the rest?
anyway, my ex was forgetful to an obscene degree. I used to get pissed but it affected his goals and responsibilities and I could tell how much it distressed him. he was genuinely apologetic too. he even missed exams and time with family from it, confusing them and pissing off his mom. he also sucked at studying because his focus was that bad. homework went in late even though he spent ages trying to do something before the deadline. if he got distracted from anything, it would mean hours down the drain.
sorry that's all I can remember about it, but it really sucked for him
No. 815215
>>815200Thank you for the answer. I think his is not
that bad but he once said to me that he was very frustrated about not remembering anything we studied during college (where we met)
And to answer your question, he does. He mostly picks at his moustache area, and when it gets really patchy, he shaves it all off. However, he keeps picking compulsively at the stubs. Once he hurt his skin doing so. I really hope it doesn't evolve to skin picking.
No. 815219
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I'm at a point in my life where I've either gotten rid of or learned to be more mindful of my various unhealthy coping mechanisms. I'm proud that I've made this progress, but I'm starting to feel lost upon realizing how far I've actually come.
It's like I don't know myself, like I've been on autopilot believing I'm living a fulfilling life just being healthier. In reality there's a void that I'm unsure how to fill because I never took the time to actually care about or for myself. Self hatred is one hell of a drug, I guess.
No. 815231
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>>814969>>814978Simple but actually felt good to hear, I'll grow a thicker skin. I just needed to out my negativity at 2am, Thanks anons!
No. 815269
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I can't say this to anybody else. I'm sorry for posting.
I keep cutting myself but it's getting expensive in dressings. If I don't dress them they stick to my clothes and stain them. If I try to stretch the dressings out, they start to leak and stink really badly. They need stitches but I don't really want to waste NHS time when I know they'll heal just fine eventually.
I've started feeling some of the blood loss. My lips and tongue and cheeks go numb sometimes, and my vision goes black when I stand. I got really tired making a cup of tea yesterday and had to rest. I don't know if it's related but I'm physically disabled with nerve damage and I noticed my symptoms getting much worse lately, I become pyrexic and sweaty at night because the damaged nerves aren't regulating my temperature properly and the pain and function is worse.
I know it's disgusting and that the only actual solution is to stop doing this, but it's the only thing that makes me feel any better. I've been trying to find and compress the carotid in my neck so I can be at peace but I just keep falling unconscious and waking up with a headache.
I don't know what to do
No. 815324
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I don’t know if I can handle anything anymore. I wake up and all I can think about is my body and all the things wrong with it, I sit in front of the mirror and cry while I pick out everything wrong with me that I will never be able to fix. I’m exhausted all the time so I can’t distract myself, I have no friends and no hobbies and my boyfriend basically uses me for my body and ignores me the rest of the time. I hate waking up because my brain just floods with all the bad thoughts and I have to experience them for the entire day without any breaks, I just cry and cry in bed until my eyes feel raw. I wish I was brave enough to kill myself.
No. 815328
>>815317I remember a time where the word woman felt weird to me and I think it's a mixture of wanting to distance yourself from all the shit that women take on. Then we have this thing where we call grown women 'girls' so much of the time that it babies us and makes the term woman hit so different. There's various reasons why 'woman' or 'she' can feel uncomfortable. If you go to a therapist though you need to be careful that they don't lead you down the 'sounds like dyphoria' route.
I opened up to a therapist shortly after getting out of a bad marriage. My dad and hub were the only two people in my life in the years that proceeded that and they passed some shitty views onto me or treated me as if I wasn't competent. I needed to process that but got met with 'sounds like dysphoria'
No. 815329
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I've been trying to help out a friend who is really struggling with their anxiety and depression. I don't fault them at all for that because this year has been real rough for the both of us. It's just the way how it feels like they're dragging their feet into the ground because of their current state that has been testing me. It's been a few months of back and forth where I generally try to give all the advice and some validation so they can start picking themselves back up. I get that improving your own mental health doesn't have a simple step by step process. Even when you have all the supports in place it won't stop your life from falling apart again. Starting an Oppression Olympics doesn't help anybody and it's why I'd rather vent it out here than say it to their face
I always get so agitated when someone I know with anxiety and/or depression gets in this state. You need a break from every source of stress that you reasonably can while you're figuring things out alright that's fair to say. The problem is when it's a cycle that goes on for at least a few months. When I come up with something they could at least consider to do to help themselves and explain why it could help them too the response I get is so damn dismissive worse when they have to be pretentious about it. There is always some immediate reply I'd get that can be summed up to:
>yeah nah.. effort
>can't do it because anxiety
This person will have their wording sound like it came from a stereotypical American emo kid from a 00's movie.
>I'm going to drown everyone I know in my despair
>I feel like I have to be the light in the room
>I can't deal with thinking about the unknown without my head hurting..
>Doing that will make me feel warmthless and I don't have a lot of warmth in my life right now…
I'm guess I'm taking this personally because while we both have similarities with our past it just feels like they're not taking me seriously at all. Like everything they know I've been through means jack shit to them since what they're going through must be so much worse if nothing I say means anything of value to them. But it's not something I can say to them now otherwise they might self-destruct even more and start straight up lying to me or just ghost me. I'm torn between "A friend needs your help and you're just victim blaming them now" versus "Clearly they want to stay that way and keep on self-destructing and at this point let them". They recently started seeing professional help so I guess the healthy thing to do is to give them a "I really care for you but this is too much for me" message?
No. 815348
>>815329I know how you feel anon as I'm currently going through something similar. In short, you shouldn't cut them off but definitely stop trying as much before you burn yourself out with their problems, you'll be of no help to anyone until you help yourself. The same thing goes for your friend, too.
As an example, my friend is someone I care about a lot. We come from a similar background, and they have things in their life that make it objectively shitty, shittier than most people, but there are also things they could do to improve it, more opportunities than I've had when I was in their place. However, they refuse to and would rather bitch and moan incessantly about how much better everyone else has it compared to them.
I've tried speaking with them and suggesting things they could try, I've offered to help them with things until they can get back on their feet - nope, nothing will do, they're already trying some half-assed solution and it's supposedly helping a lot. I insist that it doesn't sound like a good idea but they won't have it. Come next week they will be back moaning about the world being unfair and yet again refuse to help themselves.
It's become so taxing that I've just stopped helping. I've stopped responding, writing multiple-paragraph replies, I've stopped listening. I cannot, it's like talking to a brick wall. Moreover, their coping methods that they say are giving them relief are clearly making things worse and they're becoming a massive cow in their own right. I hate to watch them deteriorate but nothing I say matters one bit so I've just stopped. At some point you just have to let go, and that point begins when it starts affecting your own life.
No. 815353
>>815332atta dude, i'm very skeptic on full vegan diet to be the best solution for maintaining healthy diet without stressing out about taking enough B12 etc supplements after abandoning meat 100%.
Been there and done that, I struggle with remembering to eat regularly, I can get picky when it comes to food textures so I remain to eat varied omnivore diet.
It just doens't make sense that you have to choose either all animal and environment respecting options or do nothing to be considered as real animal lover. Fucking black and white vision of life smh.
also why do these radical vegans keep lying that humans got herbivore teeth? Bears got "carnivorous" teeth and they still eat most of the time berries, and the rest of diet they're considered as omnivore. And the list goes on.
video related because I keep imagining this video when I see one of those radical vegans defending animals being saint compared to us devil human beings.
No. 815365
>>815332There's nothing to feel guilty about. Eating a varied diet of food from local sources is far more ethical than a strict vegan diet. I've written a few posts about this here so I won't repeat myself but here's a synopsis
>growing non-organic fruit and vegetables requires large amounts of pesticides and fertilizerPesticides leach into the environment and damage the biodiversity of the ecosystem. The use of artificial fertilizers poisons rivers and ground water.
>popular vegan foods are often importedImporting food increases global pollution through the use of petrochemicals. It also increases the price of food where it is grown to the point where local people can't afford to buy their traditional diet staples.
>meat alternatives are not always ethically sourcedRain forest is destroyed so palm oil and soy bean can be grown
Basically if everyone were to eat a vegan diet the world would become a
toxic hellscape in a few decades through habitat destruction and soil depletion.
No. 815375

>>815354>because no cow will become the next president.Doubt. There’s plenty of presidents/world leaders who are basically lolcows and there has been throughout history.
>>815353Humans have a mixture of flat teeth for grinding up food, and sharp incisor and canines for cutting. Some Vegans claim that just because we can’t kill and eat another animal with our bare hands, that we shouldn’t be eating it, that it’s unnatural and therefore bad for our health. Tbh I don’t know much about prehistoric human history aside from the basics, but we supposedly evolved from chimp like monkeys, (who absolutely can kill and eat without tools, and do so to smaller monkeys and sometimes each other, and are also very keen on eating insects which are also living things) and gradually lost our large canines as we started to develop and rely more on cooked meat and tools. It’s natural for species to lose features that they don’t need anymore because natural selection or whatever I’m not fucking Darwin idk. We have always eaten what is available.
I also believe that it depends on who you are and your genes. Ancestors from colder parts of the world (I’m talking Hunter gatherers) ate more meat because there is less vegetation and they can’t grow anything in the winter months and there is limited things to forage. Unlike ancestors from hotter climates, where far more fruit and plants grow all year round. I have seen people do really well as vegans, and become far healthier, lose weight etc, but I feel that wouldn’t happen to me. I have a fast metabolism, likely some Neanderthal ancestors, and I crave red meat on a regular basis. I don’t understand how fat vegans like the cow Phoebe fatfemmevegan advocate of intuitive eating, but then shame people for wanting to eat meat. It’s retarded honestly.
No. 815381
>>815375Also not to be retarded, but what if we started farming insects and eating them? In some countries they eat fly burgers, and they eat insects in a lot of other counties. Sometimes I even look at the dried mealworms I feed to birds and think they look appetising, and could potentially make for a delicious snack. If we learn how to cook then we can add them to rice, potatoes, curries etc.
These flyburgers look like they could be really tasty with all the usual additions to a burger, if you fry them up with seasoning and a glaze and onions and garlic in the pan.
I ate snails when I went to France once and they where decent, they had a texture like mussels and they where just garlicky and buttery.
No. 815427
>>815383How does not blocking her help you at all? You're not really over them until you stop filtering your actions through what they'll think of it, whether it's "too much of a reaction" for them. You're only over her when you don't give a fuck.
Every reaction feeds her ego. The only reaction that doesn't is blockage, because then she isn't even left on read.
No. 815445
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If you're fat it means you're weak, just put the fork down is not that hard
>Muh genetics
Yeah that's why they were so many fatties in Auschwitz right?
No. 815459
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>>815284Thank you for replying, anon. I'm sorry that my post distressed you, I hope you're okay.
>>815286That's a good idea. Thank you for the suggestions. I'll consider some sensory alternatives. I used to go running before I became disabled and that helped a bit to stave it off, but haven't yet found something to replace that.
>>815292Thank you for the kind reply. To reassure you, they usually heal fine without intervention, they just look uglier. It's difficult to explain, but the cons of going to get stitched far outweigh the pros.
No. 815474
>>815445It's more like
>muh unresolves mental issues, muh shitty eating habits imposed often from the crib onwardsThat is the real problem with fatties. 9 times out of 10 the obese ones were raised by retarded parents who got their kids addicted to sugar early on.
No. 815494
>>815478hey, at least hers
was a complete sentence.
No. 815507
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my friends keep telling me about their dating shenanigans and im super jealous like not of them but im jealous that i havent made it that far with the guys im talking to yet. They dont even ask to meet up or if they do ask its usually right after no words are exchanged except for hi. I feel like everyone around me is going to find love and im still going to be projecting onto shoujo protagonists at 27 years old lmao. I know men are not the prize. But i would like for a man to shower me with gifts and call me beautiful and basically be my prince charming. Its not my fault my brain and heart are set up this way. I was born to be simped on not to be the one doing the simping. Idk what im even doing wrong tbh. Im seriously a catch and even if i wasnt that literally stopped no one else from being showered with romance. I just want a beautiful romance at least once in my shitty ass life. Like im tired of this grandpa!!
No. 815532
>>815474I was at the beach one time and this boy maybe 6 yrs old was idk bothering his sister, and his mom (obese) was shouting at him from 8 ft away "TYLER stop it. TYLER leave your sister alone" (she wouldnt get out of her beach chair of course just yelling at him while sat there) and then said "TYLER i'll give you a cookie if you leave your sister alone".
It always stuck with me because like wow, she just taught the lesson of "bother sister, ignore mom yelling until she gives cookie, i get cookie." And countless times ive heard parents in stores being like "TYLER you better be good if you want to go to dairy queen after." Like why are you making shit tier junk food into the reward? Do literally anything else. Make the reward going to the arcade or a pack of pokemon cards or whatever kids want, a LOL surprise toy or whatever the fuck, jesus. Not food. I just dont see how people are blind to the associations that that kind of thing is obviously going to form. For one thing if youve made dairy queen/junk food this special reward thing, the kid will see home cooked food as less desirable than junk food his whole life. So yeah, parents are frequently worse than you can imagine with food.
No. 815540
>>815535Nta but 6 months in… this is as good as a guy gets behaviour wise. It does generally only go downhill with time. If you have issues that early on or if a guy is low effort/hard to communicate with.. it screams of worse things to come.
I'm usually not a fan of sweeping statements but that's one I'd stand behind
No. 815542
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Im a grown ass autistic hag and I forgot my keys at the office and its too emberassing to get them since it's kinda far away and I had to ask my parents to bring me the keys
Also I didnt realize that I had been walking around with stains on my sweater till now
Sometimes i dont really think i am fit to live independently but im not autistic enough to receive a lot of help
No. 815546
>>815532Yeah, it's insane how many parents make food, especially fast food or candy, into a reward for young impressionable kids.
The opposite is also a problem when it comes to becoming obese in the future though. When my mom was young, her mother was not quite an anachan but she was obsessed with food and not getting fat, and constantly told my mom not to eat that slice of birthday cake or that she'd get fat if she ate that cookie. So she wasn't allowed to indulge in any unhealthy food during childhood, so what did she do when she got into college and moved out? Right, eat all the chips and sweets she liked. She was obese for a very long time up until she managed to lose all the weight a few years back.
So generally, any kind of parenting that puts a lot of emphasis on food is bad and increases the chances of adulthood obesity, in my experience. I'm very thankful that I was raised with a healthy view on food, neither treating it as a reward nor condemning it.
No. 815563
>>815542>Hag that's kind of rubbish at everythingGod do I know that feel
Try to make it into a positive anon, despite everything you have parents that love you enough to go get the keys and you're functioning enough to show thanks to them and as corny as it sounds having family and friends that care is one of the greatest things
>>815556The above text kinds of relates to you too kek
No. 815584
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>>815563It's true though, i am lucky with the support system i have. Many of my ND friends really cannot count on their family (narcistic, absent or dead).
>>815556Sorta but I'm fairly socially aware so I do feel ashamed when I commit a social faux pas kek
>>815566it hit me that this is indeed a bad brain day and that's ok sometimes.
anyway i made some lentil soup and offer it to nonnies that gave me a reality check (saged for not venting)
No. 815600
>>814531I see you and I hear you
No. 815619
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My next door apartment neighbour started a chicken farm next to our terrace (we live on the ground floor). And now I have to wake up at 5am every day to the sound of his fucking rooster screeching.
No. 815623
>>815606Yeah, I also hate how they’re infecting other countries with their retarded takes, at least in latam, we got so many fucked up issues that we really shouldn’t fucking care about wether trump took a shit or not, or if a new word salad is somehow something nobody should say, but we somehow have to know and make a big deal about such things because, reasons?
It’s fucking annoying, I hate it so much and it’s so bothersome, how about everyone just focuses on their own shit instead of, not only pushing it towards others, but also making it the only canon of the way the world should be??
Like, it’s fucking hypocritical that we
have to learn about Americans’ issues and partake in their discussions, yet the majority of Americans don’t even know where the fuck is Peru or Cambodia.
No. 815628
>>815623This. I'm so annoyed when I see BLM scribbled on walls of rotting buildings in my europoor country. What the fuck. Imagine virute signaling for amerifags even though they will not see it. I'm not saying that black lives do not matter, but that whole circus has nothing to do with us. If someone has the time to waste on BLM, maybe they could use it to make
POC (BTW I hate the term, but I guess there is nothing better) that live in our 94% white society feel more welcome.
No. 815661
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I'm lucky I was born in a western country with a good passport and a minimum of social infrastructure, but ffs, there's hard times ahead for young people here. It feels like we're in the path of an oncoming train and the people in power couldn't care less. The cost of living here has outpaced the salaries of most white collar workers, entry level jobs for educated people are few and far between, the ones that exist barely pay more than minimum wage, decent and affordable housing is disappearing, people are forced to accumulate sky-high debt to get any kind of education/certification, and despite all of this basic social services continue to be scaled back. What kind of a life is this? We're experiencing a brain-drain because people find that a job in their field will pay up to 60% more in the country just next door. I find it shocking that older generations that benefitted from robust social programs and financial regulations can be so apathetic about the quality of life that future generations are going to inherit. It feels like we have no protections to mitigate the oncoming crisis. Millions of people are going to be forced to shoulder the burden of austerity while the top income earners continue to benefit from tax breaks and bailouts. Where the hell are we supposed to go to make a dignified living?
No. 815667
>>815525That's very kind. Thank you. I'm in the East Midlands so a bit too far away, but I really appreciate the offer.
I promise it's not an emergency. They still heal, it just takes about 6-8 weeks usually.
>>815569Hello anon, thank you for the suggestion. I'm in the UK and currently reliant on the NHS mental health services. I have been given a few different antidepressants but they aren't doing anything but making me feel sick.
Regardless, I'm trying to avoid bothering anybody IRL with this. If I'm very honest, I'm not in a place where I want to put serious work into changing right now. All I want to do is cut myself. I am sorry to everybody who messaged me with goodwill, as reading this must be very frustrating. I still appreciate your kindness and your advice. Thank you all.
No. 815692
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>>815495>muh holocaust this>muh holocaust thatdrops 1000s of bombs on Gaza killing 67 children and 248 Palestinian civilians in total, permanently injures thousands other, just to make a statementHow long are you going to keep playing the
No. 815701
>>815694Not all Jews are supporters of Israel.
But in a time when Israel is committing such atrocities, for Jews worldwide to keeping portraying themselves as the
victims while remaining silent on Israel, or even openly supporting Israel, is, I have no words for it, but very strong emotion of how wrong it is.
If they really cared about the Holocaust they would speak up against Israel and the similar attrocities being committed there.
>>815697People need to know what is happening. This child is one of the most fortunate.
Most western media is censoring what is really going on so most westerners have no idea how bad and how unjust the situation really is.
No. 815740
>>813712I've heard this from men. It's disgusting.
Usually it's like… at the mechanic shop or some guy at a gas station.
No. 815796
>>815777Except back then it was used by scrotes to describe their tactics of pumping and dumping women and manipulating women who are too good for them. I swear 'people' aka men only care because it's women who have created a checklist for identifying shit men and are using this terminology not to get played.
>>815761If you're female and you're depressed by it, just know that men's view of dating is 100x worse and more shallow than you can even imagine. Better to have this exist so women can join in solidarity and finally recognize how trash all men are.
No. 815808
I'm a geriatric millenial, I don't know what to do with myself or my life and everything feels so pointless
I hate work, I hate school, I've tried to go to college 3 times now and I'll have a class here or there that I enjoy but they're nothing that would lead to a career and after a year or two I just burn out and can't take it anymore
I'm not lazy, I've worked full-time most of my life, sometimes more than 40 hours a week, a previous time I went to school I worked full time, went to school full time, and did a field school
I'm not stupid, but I struggle with school work that involves any kind of paper or report writing to the point that I often won't even do them
I can't focus, I have no ambition or motivation
the only things I like to do are get high with my partner, play video games and watch TV, I like to hike but I can't now because of covid, I don't have a license and it's a pain in the ass to get it where I live, and I like to travel
for years I supported my partner through school and getting her career started and now she is the one doing that for me but I just can't seem to make progress and she's getting fed up with my failure to launch
I do all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and household management for my partner, I even did all this while working full time; I also like doing this but it's just not financially possible for me to be a homemaker
I'm supposed to be graduating this year from a part time applied software development program but I had to drop classes and don't know exactly when I'll finish and I don't know how the fuck to get a job when I graduate
I just want to have a shitty job like Starbucks or a drugstore cashier, work 40 hours, and be able to pay my fair share of the bills
I'm not suicidal but I don't know where to go, I feel like something is wrong with me or in my brain but I can't see anyone right now or talk to anyone because my partner will know and I'm not comfortable telling her until I have a diagnosis and a treatment plan because I'm afraid I'll go and they will tell me I am normal, just a fuckup
It feels like everything I'm good at or enjoy doing just isn't worthwhile to capitalism and being able to make a living just gets harder and harder all the time and no one wants to do anything about it
No. 815816
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The people work their entire lives to make money so they can consoom stuff so they don't have to think that much about wasting their lives working for the companies that make the products they consoom. Also there is this system were the people that make more money or don't have to work at all own the companies that do the things the people consoom so they can consoom more than the other people and those people are envied by the people who work all of their lives for the companies that make the products they consoom. It is all a giant consoom cycle made by people owning the consoom companies so they can consoom more and feel better about being able to consoom more. Stop consooming. Stop working. Only consoom the essentials. Then you don't need to work so much. Because you need to consoom to live. But why live when the other people can consoom more than you and an such have better lives than you? You need to work more and consoom more to feel better about yourself. If you work more hours your company will surely reward you with more money so you can consoom more! Then you can show off to the other people how much you consoom! And after 50 years of working 10-12 hours every day you will surely be able to consoom more than anyone! I mean you can't just stop working, right? We get prepped all our lives after entering elementary school to work for the consoom so we can die at 70/80 from consooming too much after overworking ourselves. You are nothing more than a tiny ant whose whole purpose is to work your entire life and consoom the things the companies make. As a motivator they have the people that can consoom more than you will ever be able to. But you don't know that. Because when you work more you will surely bw able to consoom more. That is the essence of you life.
No. 815828
>>815817Why do you care?
Why do you give them attention?
They exist because you care enough about them to write a post on /ot/ about it.
You are clearly intrigued.
You don't want to admit it, but it does work.
No. 815835
>>815823And it doesn't change if you're a Stacy in men's eyes, they still have the audacity to do these things even if you're way out of their league. Even when you're like their dream girl. They put in such little effort because they can with other women who will eat it up. It's fucking ridiculous.
I've stopped dating men altogether and being single is glorious. But whenever some moid finds out that I'm single by choice they always get pissy because apparently for the sake of humanity a woman like me has to offer her pussy on the dating market. I've literally had some scrote tell me it isn't fair for me to restrict myself from men. You can really tell what they think of women this way, they shop for us on dating apps like they shop for a car.
>>815828Ntayrt but get the fuck out of here and get a personality you crusty smegmoid.
No. 815842
>>815836Nta but yes, men on dating apps have a rotation of like 4 different hobbies (gym, hiking, 'traveling', reading) and they actually do none of them but just say that they do to look like a catch to women who are too good for them but are worn down from seeing the homeless convicts on dating apps
Just delete the apps girls, it's not worth it
No. 815900
>>815878ntayrt but I am also from Canada, grew up in the States and …
do you know about Canada? a lot of places in Europe have a better work-life balance and better social services
No. 815912
>>815784Anon I think you might live in my city because there was something in the news about rear ending and shooting last week, I believe. Last summer, I heard someone get shot on the sidewalk 20 ft from the window where I was sleeping. I was on the 1st floor and hid in my closet for hours. I had to move so that I stopped waking up in the middle of the night thinking I heard the screaming.
I'm in a nice neighborhood, and it still seems like someone is shot or stabbed nearly every other week.
I will say I've noticed these things usually happen in the same exact intersections over and over. I feel better if I just avoid driving down those streets.
Use the app Citizen. It will help you to see exactly where the crime is happening.
I know it is scary
hugs Carry mace with you and just be vigilant! Don't engage with strangers if you're alone. There's really no need for it.
No. 815916
>>815825I'm this anon
>>815912I'm in ATL too, so I figured. Don't drive through mdtwn if you can avoid it! That's the neighborhood I had to move from. Depending on the school you're attending, you can request a security guard to walk you to the parking deck if it's after hours.
No. 815925
>>815896I know I know, a lot of my European friends are struggling to find work, but as
>>815900 mentioned there are some differences that are interesting to me.
No. 815929
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This girl in my class messaged me, I'm not sure if she wants to be friends or is one of those people who mooch off you for better grades. Regardless it's exciting because I thought about making friends with her. I'm scared to reply lol I don't want to mess it up. I've been so isolated recently
No. 815933
>>815835This happened to me. I ticked all his boxes both physically and personality-wise and he admitted it but he still had to follow his stupid redpill playbook and dismiss, disrespect and devalue me. I had enough seeing his reddit history relating to "creating dread" and talking to miserable redpillers. When he abstains from complimenting you because it's "validation" then they may as well be spiritually gay.
Now he occasionally tries to get my attention with stupid ass crypto/political texts and I will never reply. These men are so "alpha" they circle back to being celibate.
No. 815953
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I long to be connected to people that I feel are similar to me. But I cannot. I do not exist for them.
I fucking hate seeing a random social media user on the net (not a youtuber or a streamer) who has all the niche interests that I do, same outlook on world etc. and knowing that this doesn't matter because we will never be friends. Even if I try to. Any time I have attempted online friendships, I have failed. I guess even though I feel like those people are right for me, I am never right for them. Or they already have good IRL and/or online friends. I guess I experience some kind of parasocial girlcrush, without the long-term obsessing and stalking.
I wish I could express myself so that other people would look at me like this and become my friends.
I hate myself and my life so fucking much, I wish I could delete everything and start again. Everything about me is hopelessly fucked. I am forever unable to connect with the people that I long for.
No. 815954
>>815912>>815916I'm the OP, hi neighbor. My school is in 5 Pts and while it has parking I'm just really antsy about driving in general. Apparently a lot of people take Marta? Idk if that'll be good because the 5 Pts station is apparently sketchy.
I also don't think I'll be there after hours by any circumstances whatsoever but these shootings and carjackings are happening in broad daylight with no fucks to give. And so many people who get shot by stray bullets like wtf. And I don't think anything will change with the current politics of our city atm.
No. 815955
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>>815953I could be your friend nonner! what are your interests?
No. 815971
>>815955You are so kind,
nonnie. I really appreciate this ♥
and the gif is so cute I'm heavily into writing, toy collecting, weirdo vidya, true crime, literature, modern Japan and ~sophisticated~ weeb shit… I guess when I write it like this, it almost seems normal. The thing is, I'm very specific (or autistic) when it comes to my hobbies. I'm going through phases to make things worse (I never stop liking something, but every two weeks I'm obsessed about something else). It's hard for me to describe why some people seem like they are everything I could ever want in a friend.
I guess miss having someone else who writes, gets crazy about the idea of real husbando robots (and how human robots would change the society), shares some of my autism and has their own autistic passions they can tell me about.
I have no idea how people connect with each other.
No. 815974
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>>815971You sound cool, I share similar things! And I like listen to the things others are passionate about.
Add me if you want to!
yayyaywooo#9543 No. 815982
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I’m in the middle of a fucking shitty ass shift and I hate it. I’m entirely new to this thing oh my god I literally want to die my feet are seriously hurting. I envy the middle aged anons here who work at a desk and can sit, my foot heels are burning as much as shayna’s cooch
No. 816031
>>815835This is so true, I was really surprised at how badly men treat my Stacey friends. All this time I thought it was just because I'm an awkward underachieving uggo, and had this narrative in my head that if I were a hotter nicer person, I'd have some Mills & Boon romance but no, it doesn't work like that. Even the smartest hottest life of the party Stacey I know has it just as bad and after processing this realisation I eventually retired from men.
It's hard for younger women who want kids, though. Men know they can find women who will tolerate their shit because women who haven't had the kids they want by a certain age have a tendency to panic and lower their standards. It doesn't help that they're constantly told their eggs are drying up. I think some hope that fatherhood will morph their moid into a decent human being. Nope.
No. 816089
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I'm a desperate pick me with really low self-esteem, especially since I've gained weight. I have no life and I'm a fucking loser and probably older than many of the users on here kek. I don't know how to better my self-esteem.
No. 816091
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I keep failing drug tests because my mom smokes so much weed in the house. None of my doctors believe me that I'm not smoking it.
I guess I have to move into a fucking tent in the yard.
No. 816098
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>>816095I should have used this one
No. 816109
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I made a dating app profile last Tuesday cause I got a little sick and figured I was going to be bored at home for the next few days. I actually want a relationship with someone but at the same time I wasn’t taking my profile and my matches too seriously.
Anyways a guy super liked me and he was really handsome so I matched back. We talked for a while and had a ton in common- I liked him! After talking for two days he ended up asking for my number, but privacy, so I sent him my social media instead, but he replied back he didn’t have the ones I had. I wasn’t really sure how to reply so I just left him on read for the night and would sleep on whether I should give him my number/just say we should continue talking on the dating app.
The next morning I wake up to a notification that he added me on my social media and it turns out he made an account just to talk to me there. I thought it was sweet, albeit a little extra, and we’ve been talking there since. It was nice at first, but it’s barely been a week, and he has become super attached to me. He’s practically been begging to meet me and hes been saying things like “it’s okay if x happens because I have you”, and telling me that he likes talking to me so much more than spending time with his friends, etc. He even told me he stopped talking to other people after we started talking because he really likes me and wants this to work out.
I’m stuck because I like him a bit. I definitely think he’s handsome (and I know he’s not a catfish), has a good job, and is kind (he gives off puppy energy/so many guys would’ve hinted at sexual things by this point, but hasn’t even in the language he uses when he compliments me. It’s always cute/pretty/whatever over hot/sexy), but there’s no way I could like him to the extent he likes me in under a week. I don’t even understand HOW he got so attached to me???? Some people told me to just meet him and see if the vibes are there and others told me to just tell him he’s coming on too strong/ghost him, but I’m just starting to get a little pressured talking to him rip
No. 816115
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I was excited to befriend someone but now I am scared, I think I'm a full-blown schizoid… I am scared to be expected to talk about myself and keep up with this person, and she seems like a stacy which I am not, I'm suddenly so reluctant to continue. HhhHHh nonners what do I do…
No. 816125
>>816109Sounds like you made the right call in not giving him your phone number. Yikes.
If you want to meet him, bring a friend, meet in a public place etc. etc. Be safe!
No. 816145
>>816109It doesn’t sound that weird to me that he wants to meet after a week of texting, or that he asked for your number after 2 days. Imo it’s worse when someone is always texting you and never wants to meet because it’s obvious they’re treating you like an option. The whole point of dating apps should be to actually meet.
You should follow your gut though, if you think he’s off, it’s probably best to cut contact asap.
No. 816146
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I feel like I'm incapable of doing anything right or normal. My posture is off when sitting. I always look stiff standing still talking to someone. Something with my makeup is always off. I drive with a passenger anywhere, they find something to belittle my driving about. I put in wireless earbuds, someone tells me they're upside down. I always have to repeat myself asking a question in a public place, I always phrase the question in such a way the other person looks confused even if they know what I'm asking. Any new person I meet, whether I act excited or calm or quiet, they will turn to someone else as soon as possible. I always slightly overdress or underdress to an event, just enough to be noticeable. The list goes on.
I have no idea how to live as seemingly effortless as other people do. I feel like I exude a constant aura that tells everyone something is off with this woman and to keep your distance. The only reason I have friends is because they all date back to elementary school when I was apparently less socially crippled.
No. 816158
>>816146i understand how you feel. i think when someone is constantly
A) surveilling themselves for wrongdoing, strange behaviour, things that are wrong/embarrassing/shameful/offputting
B) carrying a tightly wound ball of nervous energy and uncertainty about themselves, maybe this translates into being a bit of a doormat, or acting like a skittish rodent in stressful (sometimes imaginary) situations
C) looking for signs of rejection in the ways that others treat them, or extending some sort of confirmation bias about their ideas of themselves, low self worth, etc through the eyes of an imaginary other/a stranger
this really carries in your (anyone's, not you specifically) demeanour, which is ultimately a self fulfilling prophecy, because it definitely comes across as very stilted and offputting. sometimes completely baffling or uncanny, depending on the level of latent fear and shame at hand
maybe none of those apply to you, but the same principle follows over with a lot of insecurities or ways that people overcompensate and cope (in the meme sense), self-soothe or try to correct the narrative, etc.
it can help to find friends who share your interests or values and carry themselves with a "who gives a fuck? lol" attitude, and learn to instil yourself with a similar confidence, or just be able to laugh at the awkward moments you might find yourself in the middle of, rather than cringing or feeling a spike of shame or loneliness
it is easier said than done, i have certainly not been so lucky! but anything you can do to get outside of your own head really helps. for some people, things like birding or learning to identify plants can help distract from those fears and self conscious thought loops as they arise. maybe something relevant to where you live, something to keep you busy when you are out and about, and stop you from thinking about others thinking about you.
you are not just a person in relation to others and their snap judgements of you, you are not just a person in relation to the fumbles you make in social settings; you are anon, a fully fledged human being unto yourself, with a rich inner world. maybe getting to know yourself would help some, and then you could come to like yourself in a more meaningful and authentic way than a friend or acquaintance seeing a single trait or action and judging it in a vacuum, even if they happen to judge it in a positive way.
No. 816173
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>>816113Sorry for your loss
nonnie. May your kitty rest in peace. Hug for you
No. 816174
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>>816149Thank you, you helped me feel a little better. I'll try to be excited too. I'm viewing it like the rest of my anxiety, something that is present but I'm going to deal with and overcome, instead of run away from. So I continued talking to her despite my terror. Thanks, I'll try to keep being excited!
No. 816176
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>>816113I'm so so sorry, anon. May he frolic peacefully in kitty heaven.
No. 816205
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I love art more than I love him
I now understand
Art is my one and true love
I am an artist
I love myself
No. 816237
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Have humans always been this sociopathic to get off on tragedy? Ik it’s 4chan but I’ve heard people (moids) irl talk about major mass murders with such desensitization that it actually excites them…
No. 816262
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I lost my waterbottle yesterday and I can't find it!! I know it's somewhere in the house so why can't I find it?
No. 816284
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I want to believe in fate. I want to believe that I'm special. I want to believe that there's a plan. I really want to believe that there's somebody out there who I'm fated to meet.
I just don't, though. Everybody is suffering pointlessly and labouring under false illusions. It breaks my heart and I can't find my own meaning in life.
No. 816307
>>816284You can be special too, if you find something to strive towards.
I don't get people who are sad about not being special, it sounds like their parents lied to them too much or they read too many YA novels as teenagers. Nobody is innately special, it's what you do that sets you apart from the masses.
There's no innate talent either, I wish people would stop believing dumb teen fiction about young prodigies who just woke up one day with a
gift of some kind. You become good at things you like doing, or you become just okay at it. But in both cases you're going to suck at first, and you're going to be neither if you just quit at the start.
I was told I was a literal retard as a child and my own mother treated me like I was mentally deficient until I moved out. I firmly believe that I would've been a mediocre, spoiled nobody crying over being a former gifted kid like all the sad twitterfags if this had not been the case. Instead I was told that I was less than normal and that I needed to put in a lot of effort if I wanted to fit in. Turns out I wasn't a retard at all, I was just on the spectrum, and I'm doing very well for myself now because mommy didn't coddle me.
I wish people stopped treating hard work as a sign of mental inferiority.
No. 816353
I’ve been mad at my boyfriend lately for a variety of things but I don’t want to break up cause I know he’ll just go out to the bars this weekend and find someone else instantly, also I’m retarded and got too attached really quickly because we never used condoms because of his sex anxiety and I never did that right off the jump with another guy. I know I just need to stop being mad about things and just be nice and then he’ll want to spend more time with me, but it’s impossible when I send him a long “goodnight, are you still free tomorrow? I get off work at 2pm so I can come over then, if not that’s okay just let me know. hope your classes went well and I can’t wait to hear about them” just to get “goodnight” in return 30 minutes later. All we talk about his how depressed he is, how boring he is, how hot he is, is it unreasonable of me to want him to pretend to be interested in me for like 1 day? I went to the beach with my friends on Monday and he didn’t ask me what we did, I got my haircut yesterday and he didn’t ask me what I did to it, he just talks about how he’s boring and depressed so I have to comfort him, or talks about how he’s so hot and I get to agree with him. I don’t think he’s ever called me beautiful or even pretty in the 7 months we’ve been together, I guess I’m not seeing him today but I’ll be surprised if we last the rest of the month. I hate breakups cause it’s always me initiating it and at this rate I’ll never have a long term partner because I have so little patience and can’t put up with this shit and all my married friends seemed to have learned better to it up with this shit
No. 816364
>>816353>I don’t want to break up cause I know he’ll just go out to the bars this weekend and find someone else instantlySo you're willingly staying with someone who you know is just with you out of comfort?
You're getting literally nothing out of this. Cut this off so you can open up space in your life for someone better. A bunch of my friends are married too and they're not putting up with shit like this just to be in a relationship.
No. 816379
>>816373In fairness, I somehow don't think 'raw sex from the start' anon is one of the anons talking a big game though. There's a whole mixture on here.
>>816374I had it happen with one guy. I was years into being sexually active before I saw it for myself. He was younger and inexperienced and I think he felt dumb or like he was under a microscrope when putting the condom on. There was a performance anxiety around it. That being said…you have to learn to get over it. The solution isn't going raw. You put it on for him, you don't make a fuss if it happens. You work around it and if he honestly just can't perform then bye.
No. 816381
>>816353> don’t want to break up cause I know he’ll just go out to the bars this weekend and find someone else instantly, > we never used condoms because of his sex anxietyInb4 years from now you will find out that he's been cheating on you the whole time…anon, please be careful.
All in all, he sounds like a selfish douche who is just using you as his own "mommy" or a therapist with benefits. Everything you mentioned sounds miserable to me. It's one of the most one-sided relationships I've ever read here. Do you have low self-esteem?
You don't have to find a LTP immidatley, sure it can take some time, but it's ten times better to have actual standards for people instead of going for any random one while thinking "as long as you I am not single I am fine". It'd be best to break it off, without listening to his manipulative bullshit (I assure you, once you try breaking up with him he will guilt trip the shit out of you; don't trust it).
I feel worried and horrible for you. Do you have any single friends? Do you feel like you are in a huge need of relationship because of your married friends? Life is a random rollercoaster, but not a race.
It's rather best to break a terrible relationship before you realise that you wasted a year or more on a person who never cared about you in a first place.
No. 816389
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>sex anxiety over condoms
>She buys it
No. 816394
Idk the right thread to put this in but I guess this works? Preface, I’m not complaining per say. I’m not retarded and know how to integrate and shut up about personal opinions but it’s something I’ve noticed: I feel like LC has become completely overrun by kiwi farms type people. I’ve been here since the earlier days, came from cgl for the very first moo thread but over the last year at least I’ve stayed contained to that thread and not lurked around the board. I feel like this place used to be some PULL some kiwi but now it’s 99% KF refugees. Basically every thread devolves in to “blah blah disgusting troon” or similar arguments. Felt like before, because there was a more even spread, people just shut the fuck up and didn’t care about that shit unless it was in a relevant gender related thread. Like the board is overrun by the people who originally came in for the gender critical threads or because KF wasn’t taking their bait.
Again not complaining for change which is why this isn’t in meta, I know to just be quiet and stay contained to the threads I want because the board is the way it is, I just miss the days when every single thread wasn’t filled annoying people who spread out from other threads. Used to be a board with no hivemind shit just a mix of people who wanted to share the milk, but now there’s shit like “don’t you know where you are? We hate troons, what a hero, based, argue with me now” wish things could go back to when there was no agreed upon “we.”
Plz don’t ban me, I’m not truly complaining about the state of the site I just wanted to diary post my feelings about the user base shift instead of infighting with the people I disagree with
No. 816402
>>816383You are not his girlfriend but a mother or nanny, and you shouldn't be one. Stop listening to "I need to fix him" narratives and find yourself a normal partner… We all deserve something good.
How did you even fall in love with him?
No. 816406
>>816394 >blah blah disgusting troon >don’t you know where you are? We hate troons Yesterday this was posted on what felt like repeat all day
>So I was just sitting around thinking about why troons annoy me so much, again. Here's an explanation. It's the same explanation I posted in another thread an hour ago, but slightly reworded! I don't love them either but stfu already.
No. 816414
>>816394>I feel like LC has become completely overrun by kiwi farms type people. I’ve been here since the earlier days, came from cglSame and I have the same impression, though I wouldn't say it's overrun, it has just gotten more.
>Basically every thread devolves in to “blah blah disgusting troon” or similar arguments. >Like the board is overrun by the people who originally came in for the gender critical threads or because KF wasn’t taking their bait. Oh… I thought you meant the increasing 4chan-type lingo- and shitposters who sound unintegrated.
I don't get how you make the connection between KF and GC since I thought KF was neutral or supportive of TiM troons. Well regarding that, I think it's just that current-with-the-times topics get more talked about. Gender bullshit wasn't as big in 2016 as it is now and LC also had quite a bigger amount of scrotes at the start.
No. 816416
>>816410If you want to end things and you're sick of worrying about him hitting up a bar and replacing you like it's nothing..remind him of his sexual issues while you break up with him. Source a lack of sexual fulfillment as a large contributing factor in the breakup.
The guy has you going condomless this soon into dating. He expects you to take on that responsibility/risk and he can't even communicate with you. He deserves it.
No. 816417
>>816413Nta Remember when people got banned left and right for not posting milk or going OT, talking about plainey, etc? I remember.
Hell, not even the temp was this bad
No. 816437
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I'm radfem and have been getting tired of the GCfags too. You can seethe and call me a tranny all you want but you're the reason why we lost the GC thread. If you just contained your sperging to the relevant thread we would have been able to keep it, but you couldn't keep your yap shut and had to word vomit about troons in every single thread.
No. 816449
>>816418literally this, check the amount of newfag nitpick threads on /snow/, twittersjws thread, artist salt and celebricows, also one
twitterfags were migrating from pull for a long time now, ever since last summer
No. 816455
>>816448reading this makes me angry. there are so many people who don't deserve to be pet owners. what a sad existence that must be for a dog.
you should throw the toy for the dog to fetch in front of the owners to demonstrate HOW MUCH the dog wouldn't enjoy it. assholes.
No. 816459
>>816448I was venting about my neighbours barking dog on here lately. Afterwards I realised that I'm living here several years, mostly work from home and by a front window… I've never seen this dog get walked. Not once. The dog exists in a townhouse with no real garden to speak of but sits at the front door sometimes and freaks out at anyone passing. It had never hit me before. Why own a dog if you won't walk it? There's 2 adults and 2 teens there.
The barking got so bad lately that I was thinking about how my quality of life and sleep and work here is affected by it but the dog isn't getting to live much either. Given it barks at everyone and everything they probably can't even walk it now if they wanted to. I lose my mind listening to it sometimes, I really do but they've failed that dog.
No. 816511
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This is a pretty dumb thing to vent about, but I absolutely hate my home culture's traditional dress. I'm expected to wear this every year and I hate it. It's extremely tacky, with a bunch of crap gems and glittery shit on it,and looks like I'm wearing a giant bejewelled potatao sack
No. 816611
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I need help. I think i have ADD/ADHD whatever it is I CAN'T GET THINGS DONE AND FOCUS. I half ass EVERYTHING. I want a career in freelance illustration and I know I should post art online and study everyday but I always fall back into bad old habits. I know how to build an audience. I know how to improve and self critique myself BUT I CAN'T seem to keep a schedule together and work. Any advice welcome. I tried bullet journaling, vision board, the app Notion, Fixing my sleep schedule and working out everyday, pomodoro. I always seem to stick to stuff 2 to 3 days max, and then go back to being miserable. The worst part is that i love creating but i get frustrated by my own lack of skills and i can't seem to find the force to push through mediocrity to reach marketable skill. I'm just a hot mess with no diploma. I have no mouth and i must scream.
No. 816640
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My new psych tried calling me twice this morning, no booked appointment and he gave me an attitude when texting me. This is not normal behaviour from medical people where I'm from, you can't just call me and act pissy when I tell you it's not an okay time for me, please let me know when we can do this next time, weird cunt. I don't want a man as a shrink anyway, but I forgot to mention it to the head doctor lady.
No. 816696
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>>816567"Nigel" is from this, but hetpartnered feminists use it in a disparaging way when talking about their bfs. Like tongue in cheek but it rubs me the wrong way, like they are trying too hard to fit into the radfem lesbian community, or they actually are actually just lesbians and should dump their bfs instead of being miserable with the evil Nigel
No. 816714
triggered the vent about it though? Where did it come up?
No. 816715
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Sometimes I believe that i have some kind of DID.
I'm one person with my family, and a completely different person with other people. With my family i'm childish and talkative and do stupid jokes and laugh; with other people i'm a stuttering quivering mess. But the thing is, i've no control over it, this shit is an unconscious switch.
5 mins talking with me and people with sensibility or experience with mental problems ask me whats my deal or if i'm getting help. JFC, i was just talking with a teacher right now through zoom, first meeting ever, and he figured out that i'm an anxious desorganized mess. But then i go to a fucking therapist and they tell me i'm normal and there's nothing wrong with me, because with a therapist i act like i'm safe, and they don't see the mess that i am in my daily and professional life.
My family (and therapist) doesn't believe that i'm an anxious mess, and i can't act like how i act around them in social and professional settings. I wish i could control which mask i'm wearing in which setting.
And the oddest shit is that i can't fully relate to these personas. I don't want to be playful with my family because they're jerks, but it's my role in the family as the youngest one (even though i'm fucking 30). And i can't relate to the insecure and fearfull mess that i'm in public because i've no patience for insecurity or hesitation (and general bullshit) in me or other people, but that personality was beaten into me with a decade of bullying.
It's all so tiresome.
No. 816722
I'm pretty sure I have some kind of OCD because I have a lot of things I "have" to do every day in order to not feel anxious. I took up daily walks initially because I had gained some weight during university and thought it was a good habit to have, nothing too strenuous, but as time went on I guess I became more obsessive about the number of steps I get. Otherwise I'm not very active so I thought this was fine, I knew that some people considered how much I walked excessive but my defense in my mind was that I am otherwise pretty lazy, I overeat sometimes, etc., and it's not like I'm running so it's pretty low intensity, I even read books on my phone sometimes as I walk because I go at a rather relaxed pace.
But when I can't get the amount of steps I want I feel so horrible. It's gotten worse as time goes on, walking a certain distance becomes easier and then the goalpost moves forward. I used to walk an hour daily, then two, now I find myself walking around eight hours daily to feel like I'm okay, if my legs hurt I take painkillers and continue.
I get huge health anxiety if I don't do this and have panic attacks even though I know on some level that this is unhealthy, I've even injured my knee from the repetitiveness of walking this much every day and I know I need to take a rest. But the idea of not walking tomorrow is making me really depressed and frightened, like I will immediately stop taking walks as soon as I break this "streak" and succumb to poor health, I always think I'll become bedridden and obese as soon as I stop doing these daily walks. I wish I could talk to a friend about this but it feels so embarrassing and stupid.
I really don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow, push through it and potentially hurt my leg more or take a rest day and panic. I know for normal people the decision is obvious, I wish it was easier for me to behave like a normal person, but I feel like such a failure in every sense of the word and meeting my OCD "rituals" are the only way I can feel okay. It's hard.
No. 816803
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People keep referring to me as Sir or they'ing me… In therapy, I actually discussed only super briefly how I got dysphoric bc of a weird sexually coercive relationship I was in with my cousin, but maybe I never fully processed it? This is awful. Either way we live in a world where everyone is expected to identify out of womanhood if not a super-feminine (short hair and don't really wear makeup) or I am actually trans or sth idk which option is worse. Sorry for awful typing I'm tipsy
No. 816817
>>811685i really missed our relationship so i started saying ignoring him was childish and i said i just wanted to be friend again. He suggested we just strated over as if nothing happened but NOT ONCE did he ask why i was mad at him !
I hate myself so much for carrying about him
No. 816831
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I did nothing for the past year yet still manage to feel regret and wish I could go back and do it over. Idk maybe it's the wasted time that kills me
No. 816870
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Why are mods so lazy? There was a scrote thread yesterday, and there are literally dead gore pics everywhere now. How long until the new mods come along? I should honestly just leave lolcow for like a week or something until all of this shit clears up and mods actually do their job. There is a genuine tranny/scrote evasion going on. Does anyone know when the new mods are coming? so we'll actually have mods at all. Fuck sake
No. 816909
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The tale of history: women create threads that are extremely hilarious and comfy (despite the really dumb infighting about having a fetish for pregnancy or baiting dula peep simps) despite me not agreeing with some of the anons, thread gets invaded and ruined by undesirables, jannies be like “Hm, let’s just punish ALL OF YOU” because of some unwanted element. Not blaming the jannies for doing their job and realistically nothing can be done to keep men and trolls out of here, but why can’t we just have nice things without scrotes who have a civilization system failure and go on test rage? Can we have voice verification or something? Damn
No. 816938
>>816935Idk what that fic is
is Wangxian a character from Genshin Impact? That's what it sounds like but can't you just use the "Tags to exclude" feature in the filter section? That way you can block out that fic and all the other ones that have those tags
No. 816985
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for some reason whenever I experience any minor emotional stress I want to gorge myself on it. like I just randomly saw something that made me think of my ex, and now I want to comb through every social media profile he has and see what he's doing and who he's dating and inflict even more emotional pain on myself, despite the fact that I haven't thought about doing that in months. I don't know why I spiral like this. it's like emotional self harm
No. 817049
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I wish I could quit this site. It would be so much easier if /ot/ was of a lesser quality.
No. 817050
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>>815329Good god man, I know. I was in this situation last year with a friend who would just nonstop do the exact things described in OP except with attention whoring suicide stunts mixed in. He only stopped once I literally just started screencapping his 2007 emo quotes before they got deleted to show him how fucking ridiculous he sounded. Sometimes a friendship can come out of the other side of this situation unscathed but other times you just need to know when to let it go. Sometimes therapy isn't actually that helpful because they'll figure out a spiel to tell the therapist to convince them that they're genuinely
victims with the worst lives on earth and the therapist doesn't really have any other context so they just have to take their word for it. It's good to be a helpful and empathetic force in the world, but there always comes a time when depression isn't enough of an excuse.
Just remember to hold them accountable and not set yourself on fire to illuminate their emo poetry slam.
No. 817082
>>817075NTA, but here it is
>>>/m/139588You'll probably see more big nose appreciation on the first thread, but both have it
No. 817088
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>>817084Tbf there are some actresses with big noses but I don't think they are popular. AD is not very popular either, it's kinda niche.
No. 817100
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>>817087oh no I have never found him any kind of attractive but she-driver is kinda hot
>>817067don't do it anon, distinctive features are so charming, Jennifer Grey ruined her career with one bad nose job
No. 817114
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>>817100>Jennifer Greyshe was gorgeous as she was
No. 817119
>>816855Ayrt, it's not like I said that point blank, I just told it to two women (two moms at that) and they were just asking me questions about myself (since I'm new) and they were surprised I mentioned I had bought an apartment with my brother.
Tbh I don't think I'll be able to relate to any of my coworkers, they are all upper middle class whose main interests are brands and travels, even at my previous job in retail people were more interesting.
No. 817120
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I realize that I've been getting really upset over the notion of marrying my current boyfriend and living the rest of our lives together. He's wonderful, my first everything, and we definitely love each other alot, and I really do feel happy in our relationship… but it still hurts my heart when I think of the life I could have had with a girlfriend/wife instead. I catch myself listening to these lesbian-centric songs and reading comics w/ lesbian relationships, and I find myself so enthralled in that experience— so much that I've started crying over it when I'm alone, too. My bf is so perfect that if I break up now I very much know I won't find a male that loves me like he does ever again.
I should've hoe'd around more in uni.
No. 817132
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I’m grieving and can’t cope. I want to write a novel about a woman who goes back in time before it’s too late. I even fantasized about the final pages for over half an hour. That’s how desperate I am to go back. I wish I could illustrate it or write things out cohesively in times like this. What’s the point of grieving if I’m going to move on and forget these thoughts eventually. I don’t even want to “live in this moment” if these are the facts I have to face. I wish I was the woman who went back in time. I used to write stories often, for myself. When I was 13 I had a fanfiction account and wrote one of the most bizarre stories imaginable. It was incoherent nonsense. I wish I could at least do that much again. I hate how mourning makes me feel like I’m not myself. I do become a different person. All the deaths pile up on me like they happened at once and I can’t look away. I can’t even project this shit into a healthy outlet. I clean manically or go ortho or some ocd type of shit in bursts and then it feels like I’m a bystander in my own life. I don’t cry because it’d be more embarrassing if someone called or my neighbors heard me sobbing. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I wish it was me in place of her, but that’s not what she would have wanted. So I’ll just write.
No. 817136
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>>817113I think her nose (and face in general) is cute too. A wide/flat nose is more feminine to me than other types of large noses.
My nose is just slightly too big in all respects - a small bump on the bridge, a bit too long, a bit too wide, the tip is a bit too bulbous… they're all minor flaws on their own but all combined together looks tragic.
No. 817142
>>817120so don't find a male, find a woman
nonnieI used to be in a situation like yours, and I have never felt more genuinely happy dating and romantically interacting with women. If you can't stop thinking about it and constantly pine for what could've been, there is a huge chance you're a lesbian nonita
don't trap yourself in a marriage and have your awakening 10+ years in
No. 817207
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I’m seriously concerned I will never find love because I just want to scroll lolcow with a girl and live honestly and I’ve surrounded myself with people who would #cancel me for even mentioning it. I’m lucky enough that I can date people rather easily if I want to, but I want to be understood and understand in equal measure. I wanna cuddle up in bed with someone and discuss our favorite cows amongst other conversations like movies and games and media. Enjoying ourselves honestly.
No. 817287
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>>817207feelinbg this always
No. 817321
>>817276Same anon, same.
Sometimes I stop breathing next to other because I'm worried I might be too loud and people will wonder what kind of idiot I am kek
No. 817382
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>>817287Farmers should just date
No. 817387
>>816373It's honestly not the least bit surprising. Farmers are over the tope misandrist for the most part (not to say misandry isn't legit, but the level some take it to is a bit mental) and when your view of males is that low, but you're still a heterosexual being with needs, you're gonna settle for absolute garbage because you don't think anything better is on the table. It really doesn't help that a lot of them admit to finding boyfriends on 4chan and even r9k of all fucking places.
I assure you, ladies, decent men exist. If you're not a landwhale and even just of average attractiveness, it really isn't as hard as you think to find a solid quality male. I bagged a top tier specimen at 21 with hardly any effort and we've been together for the better part of a decade. Stop settling for trash or you'll never find a prize.
No. 817394
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>>817389This but unironically. Where's my lolcow browsing
TERF gf who will tell me when my favorite threads update with something truly milky and we can cuddle up and read together. So wholesome!
No. 817396
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back to work and I still don’t know a lot of things, wish me luck please. good thing it isn’t during the busiest time
No. 817400
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I just found out that my company is going through a round of layoffs and I'm one of the survivors.
I feel kind of guilty about this, I'm one of the last hires and I'm worried one of the reasons I was not let go is because the person who hired me felt guilty for bringing me in during this time.
Like, a lot of people that are gone had way more experience than me, I hope I'm not here still out of pity or because I'm a female and they need that quota filled.
No. 817417
>>817411Are you that one friend who is always shitting on other girl's bfs?
Please don't do that. Nobody likes you for doing that.
Unless you literally have info that he's a rapist just shut up.
Nobody wants to hear about how much higher your standards are.
No. 817427
>>817417I'm married and I still acknowledge that my husband is flawed. That doesn't stop me from being able to appreciate the good things about him.
All men are going to come with a negative, it's for the woman to decide if what's good about him outweighs what's bad about him. It's not man hate, it's the reality for straight women.
No. 817434
>>817387>If you're not a landwhale and even just of average attractivenessWhy push this narrative anymore? Even fatties and uggos can have decent men as long as they've got their shit together and vetted for someone decent.
Thinking you need to meet a certain male standard to attract them is an absolute joke.
Also you met your Nigel at 21. Let us know how your 30s play out.
No. 817443
>>817411Yep. Some examples right off the top of my head:
>Woman has been with boyfriend for a long time, surviving several years of long distance. They're now living together and engaged. He makes far less money than her, regularly visits strip clubs and is a military gun nut. She's a literal lawyer but still enough of a brainwashed libfem to say "oh it's not really a big deal to me, I would even pay for a stripper for him teehee" while looking dead inside>Attractive single mom who makes her own money is engaged to a fat blue collar scrote who openly talks about what IG whores he follows and how much he loves porn. Has openly admitted "well I don't really like how much he talks about sex" and thinks he's kind of retarded, never includes him in social activities, but has still half-heartedly agreed to marry and pop out another kid for this troglodyte >Balding scrote cheated on his prior wife but is now married to a woman over a decade his junior. She's had kids with him and done all the work; he's seriously never touched a diaper in his lifetime. He also openly talks about strippers and delusionally rants about Trump and how its women's duty to propagate the speciesGarbage all around. Somehow, these woman still swear up and down how amazing their men are. The self delusions are DEEP and there are countless other examples I could've brought up. I have zero doubts
>>817387 Nigel is just as fucked up but she's convinced herself he shits gold. As
>>817437 brought up, the bar is in hell, so.
No. 817448
>>817437That is not what I meant and you know it.
>>817441And stop it with this pathetic "muh girls are angles" bullshit. It's statistically proven that lesbian couples experience more domestic abuse than any other coupling.
And your dyke fakebf does even less than a normal moid would. Fucking sick of you lesbos shitting up this place. No. 817451
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No. 817454
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>>817448Any actual farmer would have seen that bullshit debunked at least once on this site. Fuck off, balls.
No. 817456
>>817448Hey buddy I hate to break it to you but the statistics that brought those results asked lesbians "have you been abused in a relationship?", not "have you been abused in your lesbian relationship?".
This was debunked ages ago. Turns out a lot if these women were abused by men in past relationships, so what's next? Are you going to tell us men have considerable rape statistics and think its women raping them and not other men? This kind of shit is to make women look bad.
Don't buy I to propaganda. Scrotoids are the scum of the earth no matter what way you look at it
No. 817468
>>817451>>817453>>817454>>817456>>817459Go write a thesis on it. I honestly don't care about your copes.
Just don't shit on happy het couples for no reason at all other than being a sad jealous bitch. I have never once remarked on a lesbian couple at all in any way, because it is not my business. I would only say something if I had proof of cheating or violence. But otherwise I keep it shut. Not because I don't have my own opinions, but because I know that the other person is not me, and has their own different standards, and I might think that their partner is not very good looking, or very smart, or very caring, but they might think differently and after all they should know better since they actually live with them. So who am I to start airing my unsolicited opinions?
Just be nice. It doesn't take much.
>>817466I am new here, but don't worry. I'm not coming back. This place is too miserable. Almost as bad as
No. 817470
>>817454Either that, someone new to the farm or infight bait
>I assure you, ladies>LandwhalesSounds so non farmer
No. 817471
I escaped my abuser but it doesn't matter. I feel like I have been ruined for normal life. I used to feel depressed every day, now I randomly feel anger but with no outlet, I just keep it inside because I'm not egotistical enough to believe anyone truly cares, but it hurts regardless. Before it would've made sense to be angry but it's like his abuse kept that at bay. Now I am just this broken, evil person.
I used to believe that if I escaped I would be normal. I could finally live my life. Now I know that without my abuse to give me the benefit of a doubt, like it was his abuse that made me behave strangely, it's obvious that I have been this pathetic, stupid, and disgusting since birth. I deserved everything. I have kind friends who I care about, but even my family agreed with how he treated me. I don't think anyone who cares for me really knows how horrible I am. It's funny, only my abuser knows how to treat me and what I deserve, is the only honest person. I wish it wasn't that way. I want to die so much and even saying that makes me hate myself as a stupid attention-seeking whore.
No. 817474
>>817468>I am new hereCalled it. When do I get my diploma in farmer language studies?
Look at this flounce happening in real time, really makes you think
No. 817483
>>817474Bit weird that they're new and yet they're 'sick of lesbos shitting up this place' ?
Then they leave in a flurry of drama lol
No. 817490
>>817448>And stop it with this pathetic "muh girls are angles" bullshit. It's statistically proven that lesbian couples experience more domestic abuse than any other coupling. NTA but lol cope
Page 37:
>At first glance, these findings suggest that both male and female same-sex couples experience more intimate partner violence than do oppositesex couples.
>However, a comparison of intimate partner victimization rates among same-sex and opposite-sex cohabitants by perpetrator gender produced some interesting findings: 30.4 percent of same-sex cohabiting women reported being victimized by a male partner, whereas 11.4 percent reported being victimized by a female partner. Thus, same-sex cohabiting women were nearly three times more likely to report being victimized by a male partner than by a female partner. Moreover, opposite-sex cohabiting women were nearly twice as likely to report being victimized by a male partner than were same-sex cohabiting women by a female partner (20.3 percent and 11.4 percent) (exhibit 9). No. 817493
>>817394>>817389im cute but kinda NEETy, I'll be your
terf gf laid ease
No. 817496
>>817471I escaped a really bad relationship, had spent years of living under that pressure. For the first few months I did experience a high just because living alone again felt like heaven after that. Then you find that you're still carrying demons from it and you have to very actively work on loving yourself and building up a sense of worth. Which is about the hardest thing to try and retrain yourself in.
I guarantee you have all this value and you're just concentrating on the bad stuff, which is to be expected after what you've been through.
No. 817531
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>>817513Yes fear of dying alone is
valid. Have you considered platonic relationships? As I grow older, I become more and more okay with never dating again as long as I have my "people".
No. 817546
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>looking through listings
>find one of an artbook I'm interested in
>The listing pics are of some moid standing with his dirty socks on top of the book to keep it open
No. 817552
I haven't been on lc for months but since yesterday I feel so terrible that I felt the need to write here.
Most of the time I'm fine but that's only because I daydream 24/7. Usually about being famous, always imagening that I'm talking to the celebrity that I like the most atm. And whenever I tell myself that no, I will never be famous, that I will only lead a normal life, I panic and feel very sick.
Yesterday everything just came crushing down suddenly and for the first time in 6 years I felt suicidal. I graduated university, I studied something I am not interested in (because I'm interested in nothing but the idea of being famous), I will soon have to move out, I don't have friends, I never dated. I neither want to stay in the tiny town I live at now because I don't have anybody but my family here, but I'm also terribly scared of moving to a big city because I don't believe that I manage to find friends (I tried so hard in university and didn't make a single one) and therefore would be completely alone.
On the one hand I'm so arrogant to think that all normal hobbies, jobs, activities, men, whatever are beneath me, but on the one hand I'm that big of a loser that I don't even succeed at living that average life. I just wish I was born again, I'd do everything differently, or I wish I was content with living a normal life, having normal dreams like a job, a house, a family, like everybody else.
No. 817558
>>817556Well, most of girls here are so rude :(
i wish i can have kind friends like lain
No. 817581
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>>817552Maybe you're afraid of failure so much you purposefully lock yourself into an impossible fantasy? You feel less bad about not achieving something highly improbable than failing at mediocrity. Like, what do you even daydream yourself being famous for? Do you have a talent, a passion? You're supposedly so interested in fame but you're not doing anything to take even a step in that direction?
When I hear people are obsessed with being famous but no real plans, it means they long for the adoration and recognition they currently lack irl. And/or they struggle with a solid sense of identity, they don't know who they are if no one is looking. Their self-worth is completely externalized.
It is hard but I know you know that you have to get over it. Get a hobby, find friends, stop "performing" every aspect of yourself. Maybe try some lsd or shrooms. Become a well-rounded person and maybe you'll naturally attract others enough to make you popular.
No. 817583
>>817552It IS arrogant of you to think you're above normal jobs but maybe that will change if you find something normal you like, you never know where you might find happiness until you've looked everywhere
But you can still be famous at any age, you can argue it's never been easier for a normal person to find fame than now so you might as well try but how famous is enough for you? These days fame is short lived, what will you do if it ends? Do you mind if everyone thinks you're desperate for attention or hates you when you're famous? We can make you a star baby
No. 817589
>>817567>>817577my cheating ex also gave me an sti (it was chlamydia though). I didn't have symptoms and so I didn't find out for months. when I confronted him about it, he feigned disgust and disbelief and told me that I must have been the one who was cheating. but I always get tested before having sex with someone new, and my tests came back fine before I hooked up with him. so I knew it was him. years later I confronted him again and he finally broke down and admitted that he was the one who transmitted it to me.
I had two cervical biopsies last year, roughly six months apart, and it was honestly traumatic. like a hole punch to the cervix. hurts for weeks after, just like random stabbing pains out of nowhere. I thought I was going in for follow-up pap tests both times but had to undergo impromptu biopsies because the doctor said something didn't look right. my next appointment is scheduled for next year so I hope it resolves itself. can't help but feel like the doctor is just waiting for cancer to develop so that they can finally take action and do something about it.
No. 817614
>>817581Yes, that's absolutely true. Deep down I know that I would fail because I have no talents, but actually trying, failing and therefore having the confirmation that achieving my dreams officially failed would destroy me.
When I was a teen I practiced piano up to 5 hours daily because I genuinely believed I could become the next Lang Lang but I'm no longer interested in that and no longer young enough to be as delusional and enthusiastic as I was as a kid.
When I was 18 I worked part time because I wanted to buy a guitar and join a band, now 7 years later I still haven't bought one. I'm not interested in playing guitar or joining acting classes or a theatre group, I want to immediately be a rock star, an oscar winning actress.
I'm not sure tho whether it's because I get no attention and love from people other than my family irl, or if it's because I've always been so obsessed with celebs (or fictional characters) that I dream of a way of being close to them (by being a celeb myself).
>>817583Please don't misunderstand, I would never talk bad about somebody or something, it's just that whenever I hear about having a certain hobby, dating a certain guy, simply living life a certain way, I immediately secretly think that I would never ever want that.
Sometimes I have nightmares about getting married or being pregnant, that's how much it scares me.
My dreams about fame are so childish and unrealistic that I wouldn't even be content with being famous on social media or just in my country, it has to be in the US, worldwide.
No. 817632
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>>817624>>817554Oh my god it's like a curse. Sometimes I'm convinced women who recognize the absolute basedness of committed lifelong female friendships don't exist outside of lolcow. I'm surrounded by het normies who will choose their miserable marriage every time. Please how to find a ride or die fujo
terf best bitch.
No. 817659
>>817632They do exist but it's the same as finding a sustainable long term romantic partner, even when you find the right person it's going to take work from both of you
I've read a lot about women who develop strong friendships after their kids grow up and move out so don't worry if you lose some friendships in the early adult years, there's still hope
I plan to submit myself to a retirement home as early as possible so I can make friends with all the lonely widows. My grandmother is lonely because she's so judgemental of other old women and doesn't want to give up her home, but I would rather cause mischief with a lady gang in the bingo room
No. 817677
>>817632Try to hang out where more self sufficient women gather. I found a lot of feminist women (like actually feminist, not "porn is empowering~" types) in university. It can depend on your courses, but in general they are looking to define their own livelihoods. Self defense/martial arts classes are also good, I've met some truly tough women there. Feminist groups, again, look for radfem or at least gender critical groups not choice feminism. Women's charities/orgs and work groups. Also yes to
>>817659 older women in general. There are certainly still older pickmes or women that have lived in the depths of patriarchy for too long to see clearly, but there are also a ton who have been totally disillusioned by the idea that men are necessary or define them in any way. Also boomers or older typically won't even engage with the concept of troonery, it's so completely insane and out of left field for them they won't put up with that shit unlike zoomers' endless virtue signalling.
No. 817687
>>817679A lot of orgs and shelters are really understaffed so their sites will typically discuss work and volunteering since they can use all the help they can get. Look for keywords about "contact/our team/get involved/volunteering." I searched for women's shelters + domestic violence shelter + sexual assault shelter and then looked at what each one actually did and how I could contribute. Also some of these places will be called "centers" rather than shelters. They may not have actual housing or such for women in need but they serve to connect women to other groups/entities that can help them, from therapy to getting work after abuse and so on. This can be a good option if you don't want to be so close to the abuse (I know can be emotionally difficult/frustrating) and more focused on getting women back on their feet.
Also, some groups like Habitat for Humanity specifically have Women's Build days where you're taught how to do something construction-related only with other women.
No. 817692
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I went on a whole adventure making friend online to both scrotes and women and I concluded that I don't really need online friends. I reflected that all that I was looking for was validation from other people, becoming something different than what I truly wanted. Now I'm enjoying life in solitude, free from the demands and values people were forcing onto me in the first place. I'm going to start hanging out with the women I know irl more often and snap out of this "seeking the perfect people online who can tolerate me" adventure. I'm finally realizing my value and worth and it's about time to find people that match my energy.
No. 817752
>>817741Don't make men marry dogs, dogs can't say no and they can't read our write so how are they gonna file a divorce, you know that's not fair
>>817745She'll get there eventually
No. 817783
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Seeing what men have to say about porn is just so fucking vile, even when they think they're being super cool about it.
No. 817796
>>817783Actually I saw that thread on /adv/ and it was a woman who made the posts in your screenshot.
Yes a woman lmao
No. 817837
>>817783Snacking doesn’t give you irreversible brain damage and broken cock, it just makes you a fat fuck, fat fuck.
>>817796(X) Doubt
It would be some potent handmaiden copium.
No. 817860
>>817858Oh, I see. Thank you anon.
>>817859>There needs to be a tiktok hate thread There (kind of) is
Tiktok Cringe
>>>/m/11941 Tiktoker General
>>>/snow/1202180 No. 817879
>>817849Age of consent here is 16 and he basically got her super high and tried to fuck her immediately upon her becoming legal. He was very pushy about it, apparently, but luckily she stuck to her guns and didn't cave. He's in his mid-20's btw.
So basically a grown ass man tried to get a child high and coerce her to have sex as soon as she cleared the stat rape line.
No. 817927
>>817924Kek what does that mean?
>sex is like pizza… needs more ketchup >sex is like pizza… best in a wood-fired oven>sex is like pizza… share it with your familyIdk
No. 817928
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>>817927Kek those are better than the original, picrel
No. 817952
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What the fuck I thought Laura Les was just an ugly horse faced teen girl but it turns out he's a fucking troon and now I feel betrayed, I thought he really was a woman because I never really paid attention until I googled it.
No. 817968
>>817957I am the anon, and you are rejecting the biological reality, women control sex, women control men……..
Men are degenerates they biologically have strong urge to have sex, that is why incels lash out with violent rages, why men pay for feet pics, why they buy women’s underwear. This is why dick is worthless, women are selectors, we determine who is allowed to pass his genes on, that is also why most of our ancestors are women. When you teach girls that their worth is as much as males, you and tell them to have sex without understanding its innate value, you essentially ask them to undersell themselves….. I am not saying we should all remain virgins, and save ourselves for a uwu only one, or even that you are worth less because of the number of males you have sex with, all I am saying is that the quality of males lessens as sex without any tradeoff becomes more ubiquitous.
No. 817970
>>817957You are rejecting the biological reality, women control sex, women control men……..
Men are degenerates they biologically have strong urge to have sex, that is why incels lash out with violent rages, why men pay for feet pics, why they buy women’s underwear. This is why dick is worthless, women are selectors, we determine who is allowed to pass his genes on, that is also why most of our ancestors are women. When you teach girls that their worth is as much as males, you and tell them to have sex without understanding its innate value, you essentially ask them to undersell themselves….. I am not saying we should all remain virgins, and save ourselves for a uwu only one, or even that you are worth less because of the number of males you have sex with, all I am saying is that the quality of males lessens as sex without any tradeoff becomes more ubiquitous.
No. 817975
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I am anon from job-thread
> Goes to job finding place just to end up getting yelled at by some old lady;
> I moved here only a year ago, she kept angrily yelling and asking "WHY I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING OVER PAST 3 YEARS" (I am only 20yo), when I live there only for a year (I am looking for a job ever since I got my ID) and spent the other one doing document work in order to move out;
> She sent me to a different building because I am registered in a "different area", when this place is closer than a place where she sends me to (1hr difference), and website said that you can register at any place (which I found out only after leaving);
> At the end she mumbled "fucking %my nationality%, thinking I do not know swearings in their language;
Well, being a non-eu(I'm not a burger btw) immigrant in Europe is fun. Duh. News hate us and our president, Americans hate us, internet hates us… I don't know what to even do at this point lol
No. 817983
>>817976She is absolutely right, you on the other hand didn't even make a single point.
>>817980It's 1 man to 7 women last time I checked. 6 out of 7 men did not reproduce, they died before they had a chance for that. This is what turned us from apes to humans, brutal natural selection of the male population. And I don't care if it's considered "misandry" to say this, but it was a good thing and we need to bring it back. Most men should absolutely not reproduce. They should just work to provide us with resources and compete with each other so only the best can rise up through the mud. Being with us should be a privilege.
No. 818058
>>818053I am like you.
This might be stupid but it helps me - when I get the urge to restrict, i always remember my boobs totally disappear and my arms look like ugly twigs and people actually comment on how eerie it looks. I like having nice arms and having actual boobs so it stops me from going all in even though restricting and hunger feel pretty good to me. I also get really tired and fogbrained and my skin will get degraded and develop wrinkles faster if I don't have any protein and nutrition. I need to study and work and I'm not gonna hinder myself and let myself be worse than other people by not eating.
No. 818072
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>>817978What you call “non-delusional “ feminism, ie. liberal sex posi feminism, does exactly this, it stands for the individual woman’s choice to do whatever she wants, have sex with whoever, enact whatever kinks (without being shamed obviously, because kinkshaming is a totally
valid form of oppression),
She wants to get her ribs removed to be more hourglass, well that’s totally an empowering individual choice not effected by social conventions and images drilled into our heads.
Does she want to enact every trendy porn degeneracy on her male partner’s command, another individual choice.
Because as we all know, no human ever has been influenced by social conventions, the media or norms of the time, every choice made is a completely original and curated by their own minds.
No. 818079
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I got my first job and my adhd and autism are so bad I can't concentrate. I have simple things to do but I still fail, I ask about the same thing twice, my motor skills suck and packing orders takes me longer than other people. I'm pretty sure they think I'm retarded. I also hava anaemia and high blood pressure so after like 2 hours of physical work - which isn't even that hard judging how other women are handling it - I struggle to catch a breath, I'm sweating like a pig, my face is red and I feel like I'm about to faint. I drop things a lot. It's been only 4 days and I'm scared they will kick me out. I have 10 hour work day. I can't sleep at night. Can't make any small talk with my coworkers either because I don't know how. I feel so pathetic I want to die.
No. 818094
I hate veganism.
Not the vegans themselves, I was a "militant" vegan and despite suffering from nutritional deficiencies, unhealthy weight loss, fatigue, hair loss and other symptoms even with a carefully planned diet, regular doctor check ups and supplements I still felt like everybody else must join my deathcult or they were carnist murderers. Every time I supplemented something back to normal levels, something else would go to shit. Then I read about bioavailability differences in plants x animal products and things started to become clear.
The moment I started craving beef liver like crazy (which I don't even particularly like taste wise but it's very nutritionally dense) due to anemia was when I decided to say fuck it and actually value my health.
Factory farms are bad, monocropping is also bad so are a lot of things acceptable to a vegan, and most of the things vegans take issue with can be attributed to capitalism and how it doesn't allow for small farmers to make a living. Except of course the fact that to have meat you have to kill an animal, if that's the main reason someone is vegan/vegetarian then there's no way around that but you have to accept most people are okay with this and that if I have to choose between living with subpar quality and slaughtering animal for food, I'll choose the latter a million times over. It honestly worries me so many people going vegan and making the same mistakes that I did. Most people I knew who were in my groups weren't even supplementing B12 because they were relying on fortified foods and didn't know why they had so many health issues.
All my life I heard from doctors and dietitians that if you have to supplement all the time it's not a healthy and sustainable diet. Supplements aren't supposed to be a staple in your life
I wouldn't even believe I'm saying what I'm saying right now back when I was a vegan but good god. It took me fucking up my health to realize this. You have to be a special kind of mentally ill to continue being vegan despite your subpar health.
No. 818108
>>818094I’m glad you did what you needed to do get healthy.
Also was burned by veganism despite a “perfect” vegan diet. (Doc visits, supplementation, meal planning, the works)
For me my mental health took a dive to the absolute depths of Agony. The physical stuff was bad but nothing compared to how my brain broke down.
I cried when I could function like a normal person after a few weeks of eating meat. Jesus fuck I cannot believe how much you can fuck your self up on diet alone.
No. 818127
>>818094>militant veganI've just chosen to ghost aggressive vegans. You can't argue with them because they'll start getting aggro and passionately vegansplaining nutrition to you using dubious sources, if any. Any mention of veganism being a very first world lifestyle and vegans themselves polluting the planet by consuming by and large overfarmed imports packaged in ten layers of plastic gets you called all sorts of names.
I don't support factory farms and luckily they're not as much of a thing in my small country, but I have to eat meat because otherwise I will die, period. I've been told I can just take supplements, just get b12 injections, just this, just that. It's not normal, it goes against nature. They try to argue how there's plenty of countries where people subsist on a mostly vegan diet but there legitimately are none where people don't eat dairy, fish or eggs at the very least.
No. 818128
>>818124>>818117Please take this advice from a wise old
nonnie, the dick ain't worth it.
No. 818146
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>>818117Embarrassing. Why are you like this?
No. 818167
>>818117Spin plates like men do.
Why are you putting all your eggs in one basket for a dude who isn't your bf or committed to you in any way? That's the real clown shit girlfriend.
Any dick that doesn't serve to please you gets ghosted. Use dating apps to make sure you have fresh and new supply (might be hard to do if you're rural, in which case RIP).
Have no less than a three's rotation of scrotes all willing to take you out for free meals, date activities, and a nice cuddlefuck afterwards. Obviously, and I shouldn't have to say this, don't hook up with dirty and questionable dudes who seem desperate. Run at the first red flag. If you trust em start making them pick you up and drop you off too. Make men work for you.
>how do I cripple his self worth? Block and ghost. The problem is that you're already emotionally invested in him, so suddenly sperging out will just be an ego boost for him knowing that you showed your hand. Don't give men the satisfaction.
No. 818186
>>818171It's not. The worst part is making up the lies to explain why some weekends you're busy when in reality you're just having fun with a different dude. Since I had pics of myself with girlfriends on social media, I'd usually just say I was out with them to make myself appear more Stacey. Sometimes scrotes would pushback but that's when I'd say "Ew you're being clingy/possessive byeeeee" lmao.
Keeping track wasn't difficult, especially if the scrotes picked had a unique characteristic or way of communication. I'd make them send me selfies so I could keep track of who's who, and rename their numbers and internet handles to something I could keep track of. When I was out on the dates I put my phone to silent and hide notifications so the scrotes never knew. I'd book my whole weekend with dinner, it was awesome.
No. 818195
>>818189Nta but did you just gloss over
>>818167 that you referenced? Men are spacey and unreliable in general, by dating more than one you don't get overly invested in a single guy that will likely let you down eventually and can just enjoy the benefits of having a boyfriend (getting treated to dates, decent company, physical affection/sex, some measure of emotional validation) without the downsides (worrying about what he's doing, whether he'll eventually drop off the face of the planet, deeper commitment so you end up being a live-in bangmaid for a lazy idiot who never grew up).
No. 818196
>>818189I don't anymore. Now I have a husband. Just saying that back in the day I enjoyed dating and the validation and attention chemicals my ape brain craved.
It's stupid to chase men and put them on pedestals, women wind up with their feelings hurt.
If there's no sign or show of commitment then it's free game and it goes for women too. We're just memed by society more that we have to be doting and selfless to a single man who actively hurts us and holds no reciprocity of devotion. It's stupid and almost always ends with our lose.
No. 818200
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Suddenly remembered being 16 and 'coming out' to my friends as a homoromantic asexual at a party. Back then I was drinking the queerio kool aid and thought I was asexual because I still wasn't comfortable with my sexuality.
No. 818206
>>818197Not at all, it's smart and helps avoid pickmeism. Women have all the power on the dating scene but have recently started acting like they don't, buying men dinner and overcommitting after a couple dates.
That's stupid. Dick is worthless, and the vast majority of men are just playing a game and trying to get laid while women are trying to find ~the one~. Instead maybe think about what men are bringing to the table, if anything.
No. 818218
>>818212Men are also disgusting but unfortunately hetero women have to stoop to their level, women have the power, why not use it…..
Sidenote, why is this “bigger person” moral fagging only used on women?
No. 818238
>>818222Three years and no title anon?
Love thyself!