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No. 139588
A containment thread for us driverfags to sperg.
Post here about Adam Driver's:
>film roles and characters>different looks>interviews>merch>homemade AD memes to die for! ♥>insane people and conspiracy theories from r/adamdriverfansetc.
Notable happenings in last thread:
>the rise and fall of chair drama feat Lidia Franco>Anette trailer finally gets released, the movie is coming on the 6th of July 2021>House of Gucci (release in November 2021) is being filmed, charming photos make driverfags wish they were Lady Gaga >Adam Driver to star as a professor in Hitler studies in another movie by Noah Bauman - "White Nose", to be released in 2022>More upcoming AD movies: historical drama-thriller "The Last Duel" (release in October 2021), science fiction thriller "65" (TBA)>the discovery of driverfag cow aka Sariah Wilson and her romance novel "The Seat Filler" based on meeting Adam DriverDo not come here to talk how ugly AD is according to you, how driverfags have no taste etc. This is an Adam Driver positivity thread (though healthy criticism is okay). If you hate him, just hide the thread!If you see hater posts, please report them as derailing and do not replyPrevious thread
>>122022 No. 139947
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New thread inauguration party!
No. 139976
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>>139947Ayyy, we made it to Thread 2.
No. 139977
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>>139976I never noticed how he was being circled by thirsty ladies in these party pictures
No. 139988
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I hate this fucking book so much. Never expected to read about Sariah instructing Adam Driver how he should ran his charity, yet here we are.
I take screencaps whenever something infuriating or stupid happens and I have way too many by. now.
No. 140010
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>>139977The guy on the top left is sending me kek
But yeah, understandable, all those women wanting a piece of him lol he seem to be comfortable though (drunk?)
>>139988Oof, mang. I am still at the beginning, but I caught myself physically cringing at one part (the "you never even sniffed pizza" one lol)
I am not looking forward to the rest of it
Here's Oscar doing what we all wanna do
his tiny hands!Also I must say that I am glad that we are in a new thread now because the old one was so heavy, it would always crash on my phone lmao
I am very glad
No. 140025
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Sariah wilson allegedly a mormon. If this true big yikes.>>139988I feel I know Sariah is very controlling person in general after reading it.
Go for it Anon. I hate that the MC is bitching everytime where there is not Adam Driver self insert in present.
No. 140029
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I feel morally obligated to post some Adam Meaty Tiddy™ on the first 10 posts of the new thread. It's on the thread title, after all.
No. 140039
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>>140010> I caught myself physically cringing at one part (the "you never even sniffed pizza" one lol) I am not looking forward to the rest of it What is the opposite of a treat? Because you are in for it. Seriously, through the entire book there are so many parts when the protagonist comments on someone eating (or not) some junk food, or just scarfing something down. Not-Adam even enables her LMAO.
>Here's Oscar doing what we all wanna doI wouldn't even notice him if you didn't say he's there!
>Also I must say that I am glad that we are in a new thread now because the old one was so heavy, it would always crash on my phone lmaoThought I was the only one. My phone is trash and almost doesn't allow me to post on lolcow (unless I use Opera Mini or something). I hate this so much
>>140025What does the twitter person mean? How does the knowledge that Sariah may be involved in a cult-like religion may change people's opinion on her paper-thin, trashy romance novels? This isn't Lolita so that you have to look into cultural context, references, biography of the author etc. to fully enjoy the prose. I feel like OP only wants to flex about her complicated relationship with ~Mormon culture~. I mean, Stephenie Meyer also turned out to be a Mormon. Did it bring something to our understanding of Twilight? Not much, if anything, it worsened it. Anyway Sariah kind of reminds me of Stephenie looks wise, so it would be another similarity. Didn't expect to say that, but I respect Stephenie TONS more for never writing an RPF and instead mostly inventing Edward and his family.
>Go for it Anon. I hate that the MC is bitching everytime where there is not Adam Driver self insert in present.Thanks, I will dump screencaps along with my commentary. Hope it's not clogging the thread too much. Bitching about this novel makes me feel better.
So, about those screencaps… Sorry in advance for autism. As fan fiction writers would say, DLDR (kek).
>#1 - nice to know Sariah also has the 'man big, thing small' fetish. I found that part almost kind of cute. Could I imagine Adam Driver saying something like it? Probably not. Please correct me if I am wrong.>#2 - how are we feeling about Star Wars being turned into a film trilogy about fae/faeries? Personally, I find it too weird. Cannot imagine something with that feminine title being as popular as SW. I mean, it would be fine if I didn't know she's truly referring to SW… but she is, so I bring my knowledge about the real life film series and it clashes with the title. Anyway fictionalized versions of real franchises are so tricky. Offtopic but I wanted to do that in my novel, but now I think I will go with straight up referencing everything. Good to not be a burgerfag and be able to do things like that. I feel like 'X thing but under a bland name' kinda weakens the impact. IDK I just don't like it, but understand it's necessary. ANYWAY back to the topic. I hate that Sariah just HAD TO include her spergout about TROS in her fucking novel. Also it never stops confusing me that she apparently forgot that without JJ Abrams (and the 2 other writers), there wouldn't be Rey and Kylo at all. This is peak spergout. Especially when you remember she pasted hashtags in the middle of her 'thanks' section. The only good thing I can say about it is that in the future, the novel will be like an unintentional period piece of both Star Wars and Adam Driver fandom (or the more unhinged parts of it).>#3 - I hate the verb 'to swoon' thanks to Sariah and her readers. Anyway I died at Sariah once more shilling her idea of Adam Driver as Mr Darcy.>#4 - Sariah would literally murder farmers that say that AD is ugly. LMFAO. Anyway it really feels like she's getting on her soapbox here. Kinda hard for me to imagine her character (who is kinda playing hard to get?) sperging how hot 'Noah' is. Kinda related, but Sariah often describes Noah as having primitive, animalish charm to it. Am I imagining it, or has Adam Driver expressed being uncomfortable with people talking about him like that? Not sure if that was something that happened, or I just mixed farmers' reactions to the 'he looks like a monkey' comment by an interviewer and AD being bashful when called a sex icon.>#5 - nothing much to say, just cringe. Because I know that Sariah watched the relevant part of TFA like 100 times.>#6 - why did you not buy the cutout??? If you are gonna be an obsessed sperg, you might as well go for it. I recently saw a guide on how to DIY a cutout of your waifu and I almost wanna send it to Sariah (disclaimer: I absolutely wouldn't. Especially since she can afford like 100 cutouts of Adam Driver). Anyway if her character is such a sperg as well as a self-insert, why there is no mention of her writing fanfics about Malek and Aliana? Kind of a missed chance here.>#7 - there is doing your research, and then there is just lifting someone's statements from a page, rewording them a bit and pasting them in your novel. THIS IS NOT OKAY. Like if I had too much time on my hands, I could make a giant reference file of every Adam Driver interview that she used for Noah. I have shit memory, and yet I constantly catch myself recognizing his exact words in Sariah's novel (and once words of redditors at r/adamdriverfans). How the fuck is that not a basis for a lawsuit? When she made the announcement about giving AITAF 1/4 of her earnings from the first week of the novel sales, for a moment I thought they have striked some kind of a deal… but then I realized it's just her being crazy as usual (not that Adam would agree to something like that in the first place, see >>139988).Anyway I have admitted to not being the best with romances
>>139792, so maybe this book just isn't for me. I have to admit to feeling very uncomfortable with being subjected to Sariah's fantasies. Like the entire novel feels like the fanfics I would imagine (when I was a kid) about myself (sorry, my self-insert) and whatever anime/vidya guy I was crushing at the moment. The plot points, the drama, the hero literally up the ass of the protagonist… I think it would be better if the novel either stayed in Sariah's head (or diary), or at least she was more subtle about this being an RPF about Adam Driver and herself.
No. 140045
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>>140010Thank you for pointing out the guys face, it’s hilarious. I also never noticed they’re grabbing Adam’s hand kek
>>140025I don’t see how being Mormon is relevant to her other books, unless we’re taking about sexual repression. Maybe they’re an outlet for her fantasies, but that’s every romance novel. And I don’t pass off bad writing on religion. Seems like people are making weak excuses for her mediocrity
>>140039>Sariah just HAD TO include her spergout about TROS in her fucking novelI find her fixation on TROS to be the most disturbing thing about her. Asking Adam about the ending was her original premise for entering the contest to meet him (I don’t know if it’s true or just a noble cause to sell her followers). She seriously went to a red carpet event with her daughter and the help of his charity and didn’t realize it wasn’t the right place or time. Then she enters another contest and makes inappropriate comments to Daisy about JJ and wears a shirt about TROS. Not to mention her constant sperging on Twitter. It just seems really wild for a married adult with a kid to be that fixated and to not realize saying these things is socially odd. Giving me Annie Wilkes from Misery vibes
No. 140052
>>140045>Giving me Annie Wilkes from Misery vibesYou know… kinda same. Good thing Sariah has a husband and children, cause God knows what would happen. I was under the assumption that she was divorced and that's why she became so obsessed with Adam/Reylo, but turns out it's not true.
God, your post gave me an idea for a 'novel' about Sadie Wilson who kidnaps an unnamed movie director so that she can force him to canonize her OTP. It would be hilarious if someone wrote it as both RPF and a Misery fanfiction. I hope someone wrote it in an alternate reality (cause I sure as hell wouldn't, I'm not psycho kek).
No. 140067
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>God, your post gave me an idea for a 'novel' about Sadie Wilson who kidnaps an unnamed movie director so that she can force him to canonize her OTP.
I think Sariah Wilson will not be happy for that. Can wait to have a thread about that in her twitter. Lol I kinda wish this is a movie than a novel
Currently I'm on chapter 22 and dear god, This lady doesn't understand the concept of phobia. Not Adam became her therapist to cure his kissing phobia. Adam want Not Sariah Kiss him and it described in a very horrendous. The kissphobia saga is the most cringy, and it make me most uncomfortable. After she finally kissing because you know Phobia "cured" te-he , she want to date him.
I curious , What do Book/Literature anons think what her literature taste because she seems not happy when white noise adapted into film starting him.
No. 140071
>>140067Lol just realized I'm a dumbass, meant to type Sadie Williams. Really hope she doesn't sperg about us. I feel like she (or her agent? someone?) may have google alerts set up whenever her name is mentioned. Maybe she has a good tard wrangler though (or maybe not, judging by her twitter).
>Currently I'm on chapter 22 and dear god, This lady doesn't understand the concept of phobia. Not Adam became her therapist to cure his kissing phobia. Adam want Not Sariah Kiss him and it described in a very horrendous. The kissphobia saga is the most cringy, and it make me most uncomfortable. After she finally kissing because you know Phobia "cured" te-he , she want to date him.I am around the same moment and the phobia/anxiety/trauma thing incredibly pisses me off. Like when she kept sperging how she has this dark secret weighting her down… ugh. Not to mention it's kinda disturbing she had to mention that she had a pillow with Not-Adam when she was 14 (obviously I know it's only the character and not the real Sariah, but still). Everything about this novel is so horrible and annoying.
BTW are the other celebrity characters based on someone? Excluding the one who's supposed to be a Daisy Ridley stand-in. I have no idea if I am unfamiliar with the references or if all other stars are just random characters she came up with for the novel.
>I curious , What do Book/Literature anons think what her literature taste because she seems not happy when white noise adapted into film starting him.She has a goodreads authors page. She had actually added novels that are not by her to her shelf (and even rated some!), so maybe you can figure something out based on that:, and if you click on 'with text' to the right, you can see her review/opinion on the novel. From my brief look, she seems like a hardcore fan of fluffy romances.
No. 140075
>>140067Don Delillo is similar to David Foster Wallace and is part of lit bro culture, so I get the lack of enthusiasm. I’m jaded because I’ve had to work with Delillo scholars and they’re definitely a certain type of guy (I’m actually wondering what they’ll think of the movie). But I’m always interested to see how things are adapted, so I don’t really mind.
I also see a lot of undergrad students complain about the books she mentioned. They’re not to everyone’s taste but they’re also usually crammed into entry level lit classes. Sariah can’t really talk when she wrote a cringe masterpiece like ‘Just a Boy Friend’
No. 140081
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No. 140086
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>>140075>I also see a lot of undergrad students complain about the books she mentioned. They’re not to everyone’s taste but they’re also usually crammed into entry level lit classes. Sariah can’t really talk when she wrote a cringe masterpiece like ‘Just a Boy Friend’This made me more interested in reading Catch-22 and Slaughterhouse-Five. Not that I'm gonna do that soon, but someday for sure. I already wanted to give them a shot someday, especially Vonnegut's novel since he seemed like a cool guy (pinkpill me if I don't know about something).
>Sariah can’t really talk when she wrote a cringe masterpiece like ‘Just a Boy Friend’Have you read it or is it infamous?
Sidenote, but I just discovered that The Seat Filler isn't even Sariah's first 'dating a Hollywood actor' novel. At least this one isn't RPF AFAIK.
>>140081Based and driverpilled
No. 140092
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>>140086>Have you read it or is it infamous?I haven't read it, but the cover art speaks for itself. It looks like porn for mormon moms
No. 140093
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No. 140102
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>>>140045OT to the discussion but he looks so hot here,
oofHe does look amazing in black, especially
>>140039>nice to know Sariah also has the 'man big, thing small' fetish. I found that part almost kind of cute. After a while it does get kinda repetitive though, albeit it is relatable
ngl I chuckled at the "he's like a refrigerator turned into human" part, sounded like something some farmer would say in a negative way lol
>how are we feeling about Star Wars being turned into a film trilogy about fae/faeries? Personally, I find it too weird. Cannot imagine something with that feminine title being as popular as SWI thought it was a bit weird as well, but it didn't bother me that much. I guess it could be turned into something more masculine easily , kinda like the series Fables or like that movie Grimms (or something like that).
The TROS spergout and TLJ praise was definitely cringy, though. I rolled my eyes when she just basically copypasted her twitter opinions onto her book like that, felt very clunky as well.
>Sariah would literally murder farmers that say that AD is ugly. LMFAO.Man, did I cringe at that as well kek it was just "goofy looking", which is so innocuous. Here he is called a deformed rat faced bastard kek Just take the L and move on
Sariah would sperg out when getting shitted on for posting him on the conventional male attractions
>I know that Sariah watched the relevant part of TFA like 100 times.The interrogation scene? kek
>>140071Please write your Sadie Williams novel KEK
No. 140103
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Samefagging, but to all toyanons:
Have you seen the new photos that Hot Toys released of the TROS Kylo?? Apparently they changed the head sculpt for the final release. That would also explain the delays (aside from Corona)
I personally think it looks so much better!
ngl I do want it right now. Hopefully it won't sell out before I get a proper 9/5 lel
No. 140118
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>>140103>>140104>>140106HT Kylo anon here, HOLY SHIT! I checked the website a few days ago and there were old photos. God damn, I'm so excited!! You made my day with that news. He is literally perfect. I want to scream, I feel like I won the lottery!
>>140102>ngl I chuckled at the "he's like a refrigerator turned into human" part, sounded like something some farmer would say in a negative way lolThat part made me wanna neck myself. It was supposed to be quirky but really did sound like a
triggered farmer. Kek
>I guess it could be turned into something more masculine easily, kinda like the series Fables or like that movie Grimms (or something like that).Yes, masculine! That is the word. Thanks for expressing the idea better.
>>I know that Sariah watched the relevant part of TFA like 100 times.I feel like she meant the fight at the end where Rey owns his poor ass. And the weird thing between them happens, kinda like between Voldemort and Harry's wands. At least that's how I remember it.
>Please write your Sadie Williams novel KEKTotally would if I weren't a terribly slow writer. I'm forever envious of people that write 100k fics in like a week.
No. 140148
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>>140118I am very happy for you,
nonnie! Please review it once it reaches you!
>He is literally perfect. Yes, it's a huge improvement. I am now seriously debating wich one I like the best.
I definitely prefer the hair on the TROS one, and I also like the fact that he looks slightly less angry, maybe I am seeing things but even looks like he has the beginning of a smirk?
the fact that he's less angry would work better when dressing him up with normie clothes kekBut I like the head and nose shape of the TLJ one.
No. 140153
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>>140148Samefagging again, but I wish they had chosen this hair style for the TLJ because it's less flat, but it's a ridiculously specific scene/take, so I understand why they didn't
No. 140180
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>>140175KEK Nona you'd caught me dead before letting a 250+ dollars luxury doll like that anywhere near my pussy
No. 140214
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I finished the seat filler, What a trainwreck. The story was boring and flat. The character are obvious self insert (Not-Sariah and Not-Adam) and one dimensional(Allan and Shebbly). The Author herself, is really obssesed with him , she throws many AD reference as many as possible. At the point it's getting really annoying. Why only snickers is mentioned as candy/sweets. Are they live in a town that only allowed snickers is eated as candy or sweets??
>Funfact: Adam has a snickers tv commercial.
Also the conflict is really forced especially in the last arc when they tried to gets married kek.
Not Adam is really Adam Driver but he talks like he is on sets and interview everytime in this books. Every dialouge with him , is like him reading a bad movie script. I bet she never know what Adam talks in real life(When I mean in real life , like talking in daily life, Stay Mad Sariah).
The MC which is Not Sariah is really boring, zero character development. She only try to be quirky and bitches when Not-Adam around. While trying to deal le typical Evil mom.
I think I have mentioned before but the Trauma and kissphobia is make me triggered so much. First of all if you have a phobia, you must need to consult a professional when you try to get yourself a theraphy. But No, in this book let use a homemade exposure theraphy with Dr Not-Adam Driver. I laughed when Not-Adam complained that he thinks mc used him and lied to him as therapist. Why do you agree to be her personal therapist while she never consult a
Professional before.
I waiting her next sequel : Our Love Forever feat Not-Adam Driver
Nice Shoes,Cinderella kek
No. 140233
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>>140148This is my wholly subjective opinion, but I would go for the new Kylo! He has so many cool accessories (the hood, the cape, the mask etc) and you can do a lot with him. When I read people's opinions, it looks like he is the most polished version. And this one is retarded, but I zoomed into both figure faces and I realized that TLJ Kylo reminds me of something… then it clicked that his expression looks like the lady from pic related. I might be going a bit crazy since TROS Kylo also has a bit of confusion in his eyes if I look really hard, but it's not as much as TROS one.
>>140153That hair was amazing! They really should have went for this one even if he looks like this in just one scene. TFA was the best movie for Kylo's hair, IDK what happened later on.
>>140175Anon… I know you are joking but please don't. lmfao. Seconding
>>140180. Even ignoring that it's expensive AF, how would that be sexually pleasing? LOL
>>140214>>Funfact: Adam has a snickers tv commercial.Like in real life? Jesus christ, I never knew. I need to watch it. Not-Sariah's obsession with snickers seemed like ONE personality trait and even that it's ruined now that I know it's an AD inside joke once again.
>I waiting her next sequel : Our Love Forever feat Not-Adam DriverWould love to see a sequel featuring mean driverfags trying to tear them apart LMFAO. It's always hilarious when cows write in their 'haters' into their wish fullfilment novels to get revenge kek.
No. 140254
>>140250Please do, I'm so
triggered about not being able to find it!
No. 140281
>>140233In case you haven't seen it yet, here's the snickers super bowl ad. I didn't even realise before this
nonnie mentioned it. Surreal
>>140214>>140233Kek I can definitely see what you are talking about the confused face! I still kinda like the head and nose shapes. But I guess I'll keep saving movie and then I'll just grabbed the one that is available to me more easily lol
Also, I tried my best to find the webcomic, but alas. All the results were unrelated degen shit
Guess we gotta ask for it in the dumbass thread kek
No. 140309
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Forgive me, nonnies, for I am horny again and I will never get over the fact that Adam was holding Jermima mid sex by one arm. One arm, nonnas
Wish Girls kept going solely for Adam's sex scenes. I think he will never do another series again and that makes me sad (hopefully I am wrong)
No. 140324
>>140309My stupid ass clicked on the NSFW spoiler on the train thinking it was another joke about Adam’s bare chest.
I think it would be nice to see him in a series again too. Once actors transition into films they usually don’t go back to tv acting. But I think the rise in streaming has made some movie directors/actors interested again because there’s a bigger budget and they can create more “serious” stories.
I also think Adam chose to do Burn This in order to stay in New York for a while with his son, so maybe if he got an offer close to home he would do it.
And now this video is going to fuel my daydreams the rest of the day. Honestly, I haven’t met a guy who can manhandle me correctly in bed like this and it makes me sad
No. 140328
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>>140324I feel you too anon. But I think he has a reputation in film. I'm not sure he is coming back to tv series. Because he got so many awards and nominations for his film work.
Btw,How many anons has finished the novel?
No. 140352
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>>140324>My stupid ass clicked on the NSFW spoiler on the train thinking it was another joke about Adam’s bare chest. Sorry
nonny lmao I never spoiler his tiddies, personally.
>some movie directors/actors interested again because there’s a bigger budget and they can create more “serious” stories.I think I mentioned it in the old thread but once I had a dream that he was part of a HBO series that was directed by Martin Scorsese or the likes and he was a priest against celibacy or whatever. He was not the protagonist, but he was a big secondary character.
Hopefully I have divination powers in my dreams kek
Or I'll have to write the novel in less than a year sell my soul to Satan and HBO
>And now this video is going to fuel my daydreams the rest of the day. Honestly, I haven’t met a guy who can manhandle me correctly in bed like this and it makes me sadRelatable, unfortunately. That clip has lived rent free in my mind since I first watched girls
>>140328Big tiddies man makes brain go brrrr
>Btw,How many anons has finished the novel?I greatly overestimated my tolerance for shitty RPF self insert novels. Really thought I'd be able to review it by tomorrow but I am literally in the middle of it still.
No. 140353
>>140352>Or I'll have to write the novel in less than a year sell my soul to Satan and HBOThat would be so worth it, anon.
>I greatly overestimated my tolerance for shitty RPF self insert novels. Really thought I'd be able to review it by tomorrow but I am literally in the middle of it still.Same. I suddenly want to read literally anything else from my long book list.
No. 140363
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>>140353I was kidding when I said I wanted the Kylo Ren voice AI to read it for me, but honestly it would be so practical cause then I'd be able to mindless listen to not-Adam Driver reading his own lines while drawing or doing chores. I used to do it with other books, but the overtly robotic voice would get on my nerves after a while, while that AI AD voice is fairly natural.
No. 140378
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What the fuck. When I saw Rian Johnson's name, I had to double check. She's been substituting names of real people (AD, Daisy Ridley) with bullshit she came up with, only to mention Johnson like no problem AND somehow make him the director of the fae movie. WHY? This is infuriating and jarring as fuck since it completemy breaks what little suspension of disbelief I had. I can't. Why didn't she change his name to something like Rudy Jamestown? Everybody would know who she meant, but it wouldn't muddle Sariah Wilson's Extended Universe (>>140086 those other 2 books about dating actor happen in it as well). But I guess she HAD TO crawl up Johnson's ass one more timer. Wonder why she didn't write about Sariah and Adam Driver… oh wait, that would be a surefire way to get a lawsuit
No. 140379
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>>140378fuck you sariah, I'm so glad I haven't paid for this travesty.
Too lazy to stitch that screenshot in, but even in this book she is demanding answers from AD why Ben Solo died. JFC, gatekeeping suddenly seems reasonable.
No. 140388
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>>140378I know we've been joking about her obsession with Adam, but if I was Rian I would be equally worried. She tweeted about her conversation with him to the point that other Star Wars fans started voicing concern and now she's directly naming him in this book. It's seriously creepy.
Sariah really wants that TROS ending fixed
No. 140418
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>>140388OMG your shoop killed me! Especially since I just reached pic related and all I can think about is how Sariah has zero self-awareness of how she comes across even to other women who are kinda spergy about Adam and Ben
No. 140439
>>140418I'm done with this shit. Terrible experience, do not recommend, here is a fun twitter thread breaking down the novel (in case someone hasn't read TSF yet and doesn't want to waste time): apparently one of the celebrities was a riff on Joaquin Phoenix, with whom Sariah apparently has some beef???
No. 140443
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>>140439Someone in twitter mentioned before. She dislike Parasite without watching it.
Here the reference
No. 140449
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>>140439Isn't it the Chase character? All I could think about was Joaquin Phoenix and Joker, but then I thought it was just in my head. Guess not
>>140443When I read this I thought she was dissing on Roma (because LATAM and also Oscar winning), but the parasite parallel is way more obvious now in hindsight.
>>140388This gave me a hearty kek, I love it anon!
No. 140451
>>140443>I hadn't seen it. I preferred romantic comedies and fairy talesThat's a taste of a child…
>>140449The bizzare thing is that Chase is the prince charming of her previous novels. IDK what to make of that. I guess she abandoned him as soon as she could upgrade to Adam Driver?
No. 140543
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Happy May the 4th!
No. 140544
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>>140543(That's just my excuse to post Kylo Ren)
No. 140548
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>>140547Gotta have some Ben Swolo
No. 140554
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>>140544All the gifs reminded me I've been craving a quality single player game in which you can play as Kylo. Sigh.
BTW I have finished The Rise of Kylo Ren comic and must say that the later half is less emotional (IMHO) than the first one, mostly because it focuses on characters that don't exist beyond the comic. Still glad that I read it.
No. 140555
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>>140543Happy May 4th. Some of my favorite parts of the movies were his stylized combat scenes.
No. 140558
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>>140555Also, is anyone else interested in going to Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland or Disney World? If you've already gone, how was it? It seems cool and I heard Kylo was in one of the rides.
None of my family or friends like theme parks, so I don't know if I'll ever go
No. 140561
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>>140558I would actually love to go there, the ride looks amazing.
I would love to go and wear some campy shit like picrel while disneybouding Kylo Ren and buying some souvenirs and maybe even a lightsaber
I am cringe, but I am freeUnfortunately this is not at all on my foreseeable future because my country's economy is in the gutter and we're a covid ghetto kek
No. 140564
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Today in /ot/. Damn, nice to know that I am literally influencing Hollywood. Why the fuck does James Franco still have a career then?
No. 140567
File: 1620153032752.gif (655.66 KB, 160x180, tumblr_inline_o1946jlqP61rifr4…)

>>140564>Makes me physically illLmao "oh no le scawwy adam dwivew twiggwes me uwu"
I can't wrap my head around this one, there are literal Saville and Epstein simps on this site but for some reason a goofy looking actor is the biggest sin
Also what's weirder is that they don't know what types of women I like either? I may actually like weird looking women as well. Am I influencing Hollywood? I wonder if these nonnies are the same that complain about Anya Taylor Joy being fug (I personally think she's cute though)
Have some
triggering tits
No. 140570
>>140567This is
triggering me because I know that I will never be able to rest my face on those tits.
No. 140571
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I have no words
No. 140576
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>>140570Big same
>>140571I fear ever laying my eyes upon its competition, then
No. 140579
>>140561Same. I'm a little jealous seeing everyone's pictures there today for May 4th. Disney is one of the only acceptable public places to dress like an over-the-top fan (aside from conventions).
>>140562Damn, that looks cool
>>140564Honestly, these type of comments are just funny to me. This whole site is made up of hundreds of threads about the weirdest people and topics on the internet, yet talking about a mainstream actor is somehow controversial. Women have thirsted after weird looking men since the beginning of time (the unconventional attraction thread is wild), what's new?
>>140571Okay Amazon editors, which one of you is the cringe driverfag?
No. 140582
>>140579>Okay Amazon editors, which one of you is the cringe driverfag?Kek this reminds me, I always wonder if some of the cows or even youtubers that use this site are covert driverfags. Like, I had a suspicion that maybe Jenny Nicholson or Amanda the Jedi could be farmers, they are strong candidates to be crypto-driverfags.
Vidrel, Drew Barrymore being a driverfag @ 1:20
No. 140703
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So does it mean AD is okay with it? Or are they just being polite in the organization's name since she is donating profits
No. 140707
>>140703I think it was polite to thank someone for publicly donating, even if they are an overbearing fan. The org is largely run by other staff, so I don't know if Adam is even aware or knows what the book is about. Gucci is about to finish filming so I doubt he's doing much work with AITAF right now anyway.
Also, I don't think the org gets that many substantial donations (aside from the Ben Solo fundraiser Adam made a thank you video for). It's mostly grants, so it's good to highlight a donation so others might feel inspired to contribute.
Wonder how they would feel about her snarky comment about how "Noah" runs his fictional charity
Sariah would probably die happy if he ever acknowledged her the same way, but I highly doubt the book generated that much money
No. 140725
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>>140707This anon wrote exactly my thoughts down so just have a rare 30 year old Adam picture
No. 140732
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>>140703>>140707I'm on the same mind anon. I think the organization just being polite for her. Anyway I don't think Sariah will come back in twitter, even if she back again,her tweets will be disabled for reaply. She still active blocking people tho. She posts in another in social Media, facebook and Instagram.
No. 140770
File: 1620318572437.jpg (145.51 KB, 750x734, IMG_2166.jpg)

>>140761I'm sure they're aware of the book, but I highly doubt they "worked closely on it."
Sariah or her publishing company may have contacted AITAF beforehand to propose a donation and see how the book would be received legally (I'll donate if you don't sue me). But I'm almost positive Adam is largely uninvolved because a lot of celebrity endorsed nonprofits are inundated with similar cases of fans donating to get attention. And honestly, a lot of celebs plant the seed for an org and raise funds but aren't involved in day-to-day business. At most he may have given the green light because he doesn't plan to sue and money is money. This was probably his face when he got the phone call about a weird self-insert romance book.
I could be completely wrong and eat my words later, but that's just my perspective.
No. 140875
File: 1620407011446.jpg (73.61 KB, 828x823, E0y_wmrVUAYGBwu.jpg)

>Adam Driver + #HouseofGucci security team member at wrap party May 6, 2021. “What do I do turn to the dark side?” caption -cr: just.jack.italy
Cute photo stolen from ADFiles ♥
No. 140879
File: 1620408368125.jpeg (425.84 KB, 750x731, 3D86FD92-7355-49DA-ADFD-4584D9…)

>>140875I think it’s cute he also signed this for his sound tech
No. 140890
Damn, I want new quality AD content… like a good interview…or a movie…
>>140879That's so cute! I would not be able to tell what he scribled, though!
No. 141009
File: 1620500654288.jpg (43.75 KB, 739x415, IMG_20210508_160421_972.jpg)

I am currently just two chapters shy of finishing that published fanfiction, and I can post my unrequited honest review later
I fucking hate the liar revealed trope>>140770Kek that picture is perfect. And I agree with you 100%.
>>140875He looks kinda tired, aw. I hope he get a bit of rest before they start filming White Noise.
Which btw is my mos antecipated movie of his, I think! I really like all of Noah Bambauch's movies, especially the ones starring or co-starring Adam.
>>140879Super cute!
>>140896He also made a quick video for Ben's son saying he was Kylo Ren, wasn't it? I may be remembering it wrong, though.
No. 141011
File: 1620501884468.jpg (169.66 KB, 1515x1839, 272726366328828272733672728282…)

I just get Kylo Ren Nendoroid and it's on new condition with decent price.
>>141009I hope he doesn't overwork too much. I mostly excited with 65 anon
I think he wrote his son birthday message as kylo ren, correct me if I wrong.
Btw , Do nonnies know he also involved as main cast in Yankee Comandante?
No. 141013
>>141011Apparently he did a video too! Vidrel, Ben talks about it. Very cute.
I knew he was doing Yankee Comandante, but was it filmed already or is it yet to start? People really don't talk much about this movie. All I know is that he's supposedly blonde there lol
No. 141019
>>141011>>141013I think it was approved by the studio, but COVID probably delayed shooting for awhile. It might start later this year or maybe even next year. I think they probably want to film in Cuba, but I don't know what the pandemic situation is like there.
The birthday story is really cute.
No. 141028
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>>141013I waited my entire life for this
No. 141030
>>141011>I just get Kylo Ren Nendoroid and it's on new condition with decent price. please post cute photos when you get it!!!
>>141028what the fuck, it looks good on him though I will always love his dark hair the most
No. 141033
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>>141028I do prefer his black hair as well, but this a great shoop, wow
He looks like a 90s grungy boy
I guess we also have Matt to guesstimate how it will be lol
>>140890I also really miss his interviews. I love the SAG-AFTRA interviews with Janelle Ridley. Especially those there are one hour long, even if I hear some of the same stories sometimes.
No. 141145
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No. 141147
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and I've seen he being compared to a goat before, so it's fitting No. 141184
File: 1620655572541.gif (2.05 MB, 400x241, ezgif-6-1b7b0839a30d.gif)

Okay, so here's my giant Seat Filler review/sperg at this point I don't know if anyone will care or read kek but I need to rant somewhere
So I will begin with the bad shit and then write the things that I think were okay/good, so we can end up on a positive note.
Spoilers ahead, I guess?
The bad
>The characters
Everyone and their mother here already talked about how bad the self-insert protagonist is. Although Sariah tries to make her so much like not other girls because she eats ice cream by the pint cause she's always hungry, goes to a black tie event with pink converses and likes the Star Wars allegory (which literally everyone in this universe does, even the normies and random people in the street), she still comes off as very bland. I'd say most characters are very bland - her supposedly foil, Shelby, is the blandest. I don't remember her having any unique interests aside from her job. But at least it makes sense why they are friends, I guess. Juliet at least is presented a little bit more flawed, since she has a bit of selfishness to her, but it's mostly presented as it being justified because of her daddy issues and phobia and whatnot.
Not-Adam Driver is also very bland, I believe because she didn't want to tarnish her Adam fantasy, I guess. So she didn't make him very fleshed out outside of the "handsome-humble-down-to-earth-introverted-actor-military-man". Considering how she was so adamant on the fact that she was writing about Adam, sometimes I felt myself imagining a completely different person. Kinda like Adam Sackler (and a biiiit o Charlie Barber, to a lesser extent)? Where it was obvious that there were so many things lifted from his real life (including the Rian Johnson thing and basically quoting some of his interviews) but some stuff just felt a bit too fantasy-like and inauthentic.
By the way, here are the main differences that I can remember between Adam and Noah:
>Noah has always been from an acting family
>Noah lives in LA although he did live in NY before
>Noah uses wacky socks
>Noah is not married
>Noah didn't go to college
>Noah doesn't know how to drive I think that was a joke on the name Driver?? but that subplot went nowhere
Also this has nothing to do with the characterization itself, but I think Rubie Jorgansen or whatever was a damn ugly name replacement for Scarlett Johansson lol Lily Ramsey was okay, I guess. Another thing, the maiden name of Juliet's mom is Barber and he goes visit her basically in one of the outfits that Charlie Barber uses, too.
>The dialogue
They are supposedly millenials but the dialogue reads too cool-wine-momish. I mean, yeah, of course. But then I wonder why she didn't make them a bit older? Like he's 36 and she's 34. Wouldn't sound super natural either, but more natural - Juliet is like a zillenial. I highly doubt she would say shit like
to a fucking Harry Potter reference, of all things. It's possibly the normiest book and movie saga there is.
The banter is also pretty meh. I guess it's innocuous, but again, very bland. I expected something a bit more sharp.
Also, take a shot for everytime Juliet says
>Why did [x] made me feel [y]?
Take another shot if right after, she overstate it by saying she's extra [y] now. How another nonnette said, no subtlelty in the dialogue at all.
>The plot itself
I think the whole kiss phobia thing is a bit stupid, but okay, not enough to break my suspension of disbelief.
Now, for a book that is this long… Basically nothing happens? Aside from the seat filler events and the Vegas Wedding, everything else is just so uneventful and mundane. I usually don't mind small scale stories at all, but then the characters have to be interesting enough to hold it together. I think she could've done more with the movie star premise thing (I don't know if she did it in her other book), like visiting a movie set, going overseas, maybe even visiting the not-Joaquin Phoenix' house and having something kinda heated like an argument happening there, or even explore the stalker fan narrative a bit more to create a big threat, I don't know. Maybe she will make a trilogy out of it when other shit happens? kek not looking forward to it
I hate the romcom cliche "they hate each other at first". I guess she did that because that's the pedestrian version of Enemies to Lovers, like Reylo?
But to me the worst offender in this storyline was the liar revealed trope. I absolutely hate it. It's so overused that at this point, it's just lazy. It was already building up to this, but I gave Sariah the benefit of the doubt and I thought that she would maybe deconstruct it, like Juliet would tell Noah about her lie and he would be just like "Oh, okay, I don't care". But as soon as he threw a mini-fit over a random mom telling a white lie to calm her kid down, I knew it was going down that route.
Also, can she please calm down with the TROS spergs?? There were like 4 times that she made her characters sperg about it, and it always felt clunky , like the whole dialogued just came to a halt so we could hear about how "muh ben solo should've lived uwu". I GET IT. When the random little girl was on the verge of crying cause "Malec" was dead, I just laughed cause it really could not get more anvilicious than that.
this is entirely on me but I though there was going to be at least one sex scene, but then finding out that she was mormon, it made sense that it didn't
And please stop using "my ovaries exploded" and "swoon", Sariah, I beg you
The Good/Okay
Despite the plot being very boring and all, it's written competently. Like, I've seen the onision books and stuff like that, so at least it wasn't this outrageous lol
I chuckled at like 5 dialogue pieces. I don't remember exactly which, but better than none at all.
I liked the part at the very beginning when not-Sariah-nor-Daisy was trying to rememer which character Noah was playing and she said "Toby? Phillip? Charlie?", it got a laugh out of me. I think that, if she didn't market it so heavily that it was based on Adam, it would actually be kind of a clever, subtle reference. (When I saw that the hospital they went to was called Patterson it didn't have the same effect because I was tired of this book and it wasn't as charming anymore considering all of the TROS spergs and the literal Rian Johnson name drop)
I liked like 2 scenes (maybe 2 and a half): The one where they are watching a movie together and then he takes her to his neighbor's home and the moment they are alone in his hotel room after the wedding. I thought they were sweet and well written enough, I liked the scenarios too, despite them being very simple and mundane. I think those were the only moments that I didn't feel neutral or that I wasn't cringing lol
At lastly, I liked that it had a clear sense of consent. I know, the bar is on the fucking floor, but considering how many 50 shades of Grey clones we have with murky consenting, I thought it was nice that everything was very clearly consented.
That's it, sorry for this mini-essay and sorry in advance for any typos and shit lmao
No. 141232
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>>141030>>141033I have more fellow driverfags, get some water and stay hydrated before looking at this
No. 141242
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>>141232Damn, this is pretty good! And I'm generally not into blondes at all
No. 141262
File: 1620681322140.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.93 KB, 775x792, Hnggh1.jpg)

Spoiler for Nsfw images
Just something to fuel my femdom AD fantasy
No. 141293
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>>141286Have your welcoming tiddy pic
No. 141301
File: 1620709605323.jpg (3.92 MB, 6143x3813, pixlr_20210511020059853.jpg)

>>141294>Some weird chameleon thing going on.It's probably because he loses/gains a lot of weight on his face, plus different hairstyles.
But considering the movie that he's gonna be blonde in, he will actually have the hair super short and maybe a full beard? Curious to how they're gonna style him
No. 141302
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I love when he
1. Pull his shirt down like that, for some reason I find it really alluring
2. Cringe at his own answers because he knows it was probably very unsatisfactory, I think it's cute
No. 141340
File: 1620743699480.jpg (767.57 KB, 1920x2160, merge_from_ofoct (6).jpg)

Yesterday I have stumbled upon the beauty that is the sequel trilogy with "bootleg" screencaps. I have nearly died from laughing (mostly at The Rise of Skywalker - the rest pales in comparison), so I thought I will share. Some of those caps are meme worthy. From now on, Kylo will never not be Kellogg to me from now on. downright retarded content that is very hit-and-miss.
>>141184Ah, thank you anon! I love reviews, especially reviews of shit things. I wish I could write all my thoughts, but I'm tired as hell. I have appreciated your analysis! I must say that I missed some of the references that you pointed out. Also, that's so kind of you to finish the review on the positive side of things.
>Considering how she was so adamant on the fact that she was writing about Adam, sometimes I felt myself imagining a completely different person. Kinda like Adam Sackler (and a biiiit o Charlie Barber, to a lesser extent)? Where it was obvious that there were so many things lifted from his real life (including the Rian Johnson thing and basically quoting some of his interviews) but some stuff just felt a bit too fantasy-like and inauthentic. NGL, Noah is a result of smashing Adam Driver biography, trivia and interviews with Generic Swoony Romance LI together. Anytime Not-Adam was doing something romanting/flirting/etc I felt that the LI clearly has taken over.
>the HE SPOKE NERD thingomg I forgot to mention this when I was trashing this novel, but this killed me. Harry Potter isn't a nerd thing, maybe someone from Sariah's age group would think so. It's also incredibly hard for me to imagine Adam Driver 'talk nerd' like it was portrayed in TSF. It also felt out of character for Noah, since he doesn't seem to have 'nerdy' interests at all throughout the book.
>this is entirely on me but I though there was going to be at least one sex scene, but then finding out that she was mormon, it made sense that it didn'tI will be honest. When they kept practicing kissing, I have decided that the book is written in a code. You read about kissing, but actually are supposed to think about fucking. The narrative makes A LOT more sense then, especially with Noah proposing at the end of it. Not the best example, but I guess the kisses signal sex in the way that the hero lighting a cigarette of heroine was supposed to meen sex, even if it happened in the middle of the street
(if anyone cares, more on the topic here The novel really is about this Hollywood hunk teaching the virginal heroine about sex and helping her get over her sexual trauma. It's just filtered through mormon censorship LOL. Kinda like Edward's lust for Bella's blood also was a sexual metaphor (yeah, I know vampires work like that in many other works, but we are talking bad romance novels by American mormon moms).
>And please stop using "my ovaries exploded" and "swoon", Sariah, I beg youIf you look at goodreads, Sariah's readers adore the verb "swoon" and use it as often as possible. Maybe it's a thing among wine moms?
No. 141434
File: 1620796890729.jpg (37.99 KB, 675x844, FB_IMG_1619979959328.jpg)

>>141340Kek thanks for shade racist Kellogg,
nonny, had some good keks!
>NGL, Noah is a result of smashing Adam Driver biography, trivia and interviews with Generic Swoony Romance LI together. Yes! Absolutely this.
>When they kept practicing kissing, I have decided that the book is written in a code. You read about kissing, but actually are supposed to think about fucking.It does makes sense. I thought that the scene before the hospital scare thing was actually leading to fucking because at least imo it was the saucier one, I guess? He was opening her shirt and she said she waited 24 years for that, I don't think it was about kissing because of the way it was worded…
Mark my words, if Sariah ever writes a book 2, they'll marry first to do the nasty (probably just implicitly), like some.good christians even though I don't think the characters were christians.
Anyone else think she's gonna make a trilogy out of this book? She has like, 3 trilogy books, no? I don't think it's out of reach at all, especially considering it'll still be a money making fulfillment self-insert RP fic. She might even justify it by saying that she's helping AITAF and stuff.
Anyway, random filler pic
No. 141518
File: 1620830388275.png (128.01 KB, 1842x682, Screenshot (308).png)

Today in /ot/: we're obsessed about Belle Delphine (to paraphrase Samantha, I Do Not Know Who Belle Delphine Is), hating on the smallest flaws in women and Adam Driver is 'crusty' despite being more fit than many women. LMFAO
I'm on my way to be banned, it was nice knowing you girls.
>>141434The racist Kellogg Jan was my fave, but I did not want to post it cause someone could misunderstand it as racebaiting or something. Lol
No. 141523
File: 1620832413864.png (617.37 KB, 720x1280, 1620831474646.png)

>>141518Guess I will be banned too. It's a bit tiring, but I guess we just have to ignore it. We are scapegoats for some reason lol we've been pitbull spergs, scrotes, goreposters, now we're Belle Delphine stans (or whatever the fuck).
Nobody is stopping you from creating your containment thread (unless kpop related), so just do it and stop accusing everything on us just cause you don't like the man's face.
By the way, someone posted this is the hate thread kek time to download lineplay again
jk… Unless? No. 141558
File: 1620843432047.jpg (163.79 KB, 803x667, Don't Ask, Don't Tell.JPG)

No. 141575
File: 1620858826662.jpg (203.85 KB, 720x698, IMG_20210512_184243.jpg)

I go to the Daiver thread at r/adamdriverfans for my biweekly dose of Adam related keks and this time some believed that Daisy and Adam made paper planes with notes on the like teenagers. How quaint.
At least I've seen more people realizing the delusion, one person even commented "His family pictures in Rome made me realize.. What if we were overthinking this?"
Oh, you don't say.
Some still defend it, I think they'll die thinking Daisy and Adam are painfully in love.
Last cope I read was that the pandemic delayed his divorce. Funny, for a man in the brink of divorce to pay for his family to be with him at another continent
No. 141579
>>141575Losing it at the
>please stop telling people we are friends I dunno I think he really loves his wife and kid and does his best to keep things as private as humanly possible.
No. 141581
File: 1620862067831.jpeg (23.06 KB, 647x474, images (1).jpeg)

>>141580Oh, this absolutely fanart. Someone even pointed out how the writing is intact even though the paper is creasing. This is Adam's handwriting, you can see it's slightly different. I know that handwriting can look different depending on the day or how much effort you're putting into it, but to me personally it just looks like someone trying to copy his and her handwriting.
It baffles me that there are still people out there making shit up like that to "prove" that they had a relationship beyond coworking.
No. 141583
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>>141581Also, samefagging just to say - even if this is 100% legit, it really proves nothing , affair-wise. I would probably just look at it and think they were trying to be funny and lighten up the mood on set.
Aside from Reylo, is there any other reason to why people latch onto Daisy/Daiver?
No. 141594
>>141583>Aside from Reylo, is there any other reason to why people latch onto Daisy/Daiver?It kind of reminds me of some of the obsessive Harry/Louis 1D shippers from the Tumblr days (or other teen celeb couples). If the celeb you have a crush on will never be with you, the next best thing is for them to be with someone you like and approve of. I feel like it gives them an accessible romance they can live through vicariously and control.
But no one really knows much about Adam's wife (aside from what they choose to let the public know), so it's like being shut out and the fans can't partake in it. Especially because they don't have social media.
Or it's just collective mental illness. I've never understood people who take stuff that far.
No. 141599
File: 1620879970602.jpg (693.63 KB, 1342x1080, Ot.jpg)

>>141518>>141523I'm late , but is obvious you fall another /ot/ shitty bait.
Goodluck in the ban nonnies ,hope the mods give a short one
>>141533>The farms are a small group obsessing over internet culture, This. I glad Driverfags accepted in
This site , because it makes the site has less femcel atmosphere (No offensive) imo.
Also the line play event, the face looks ugly lol, Adam sweetie ,I'm sorry.
Pic related
Wish mods put this picture for the ban of driversperging kek No. 141601
File: 1620881917381.gif (2.99 MB, 540x300, 11a0cfbefb71e370bf25c8037c4bf1…)

>>141599Kek I am the Simpsons meme one and it was actually one of the shortest bans I've ever experienced. Like, maybe less than an hour.
I knew I was gonna be banned but hey, hopefully the message of letting us autism in peace got across
>I glad Driverfags accepted in This site , because it makes the site has less femcel atmosphereI mean, yeah, you gotta be a gigastacy to appreciate Adam Driver. I know I am.
Pic very much related
No. 141602
File: 1620882722065.jpeg (153.32 KB, 631x842, D2nG07QU4AA1k9b.jpeg)

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Adam Driver. The beauty is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of peak male performance most of the sexy big nosed appeal will go over a typical farmer's head. There's also Adam's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The driverfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the meaty tiddies, to realize that they're not just beautiful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Adam Driver truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the beauty in Adam's existencial catchphrase "Did I answer your question?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Adam Driver's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Adam Driver tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the driverfag's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
No. 141681
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Rare redheaded Driver
No. 141683
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>>141681We can always count on SNL to give him different hairstyles and colors
No. 141685
>>141681I'm unsettled, all I see is a kylux lovechild.
BTW is it worth watching SNL sketches (?) just for Adam Driver?
No. 141701
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very hit or miss, but they are usually very short, so why not.
No. 141785
File: 1621017311495.jpg (27.38 KB, 622x415, FB_IMG_1621015172264.jpg)

>>141685>kylux lovechildI see it
No. 141900
File: 1621085420325.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.89 KB, 858x724, 186242365_135438781955007_3397…)

I'm glad I saw this shot from Annette now so that I can prepare myself mentally. Not something I would ever want to see tbh (don't worry, I'm overreacting at a sight of an umbilical cord)
No. 141920
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>>141900At least they didn't make it super realistic, blue and veiny. Just thinking about it makes me kinda queasy cause I am a big baby myself kek
tokophobiaRandom gif
No. 141955
File: 1621129413928.jpg (120.89 KB, 1080x1080, 122993962_371375710676211_7502…)

Found randomly on Instagram
No. 142062
File: 1621188743790.jpg (37.91 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_1621187505738.jpg)

I see this as another sign from the universe
I wonder how common is the priest fetish
No. 142216
File: 1621257546630.webm (2.02 MB, 640x800, 186572857_542516723405864_7497…)
I wish this video was longer because I really like when he does this
No. 142224
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hay sexy baby gurlz
No. 142282
File: 1621277724568.webm (Spoiler Image,4.23 MB, 1280x720, 1610938257994.webm)

>>142252>his grunts must be so delicious, manly and adorableProbably something like vidrel (very NSFW)
No. 142327
File: 1621288117255.jpg (25.71 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_1621214610922.jpg)

He looked so good on this trip
No. 142342
>>142330ugh I need those fingers IN MY VAGINA
No. 142368
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>>142341>>142342Congrats on making it to the pasta thread more than once
nonnie, you're an inspiration
No. 142422
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Anyone else get thirsty for smoking pics? On a surface level I know it’s bad for his health, but on a base level it’s hot. Maybe it’s his big fingers holding the tiny cigarette or just an oral fixation.
No. 142435
File: 1621353130358.jpg (307.84 KB, 724x720, PicsArt_05-18-02.48.08.jpg)

>>142425>>142422Yes! I also agree, it smells terrible (unless it's like vanilla or cherry cigarettes), ages you faster and gives you cancer, but I'll be damned if I don't think it looks hot.
I think it's because it draws attention to the mouth and to the hands. I don't know. Like, I think it's nice when he puts his hands near his mouth like this
>>139947 or this
>>142368 No. 142567
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Manifesting meeting Adam randomly like this lel
No. 142646
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>>142636Welcome back, nonna!
I don't know if you're a troll or not, but I fucking love the shit you write. Please never change
Plot twist, it is Sariah thirsting anonymously No. 142650
File: 1621381873639.jpeg (606.27 KB, 750x915, 4BC005A3-1796-4F93-9CA7-87E557…)

>>142636Girl, he’s really got you by the throat
This is old, but I love the coat. Guys in my area dress like shit so even a slightly stylish outfit gets me
No. 142651
>>142646Thanks! All I feel is genuine
>>142650This coat makes him look like a snack, I wonder how it smells like. Maybe pine wood, musk, inscence and other delicious manly scents. He must feel very warm, it makes my heart flutter and my face feel red. If he could only grab my butt and give it a hard spank… then I would go down him and immediately put his large cock on my mouth. I love Adam Driver
No. 142652
>>141147Oh my FUCKING god. This picture is everything, I just want to go there and kiss his neck, he looks so sweaty and beautiful, I have no words to describe what I'm feeling right now, only that my tiddies feel ready for him to touch as I continue making out with him… god blessed this man, he's the only man I have ever found truly attractive… other men suck, how can they compare?
>>141184God yes that long neck and the way he kisses her, I would always be ready for him to fuck me if he did that to me
No. 142677
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>>142650Is this the same coat as picrel?
Which reminds me, I like to play this silly game with myself where I give myself imaginary points when I recognize one piece of his wardrobe that he has used in another movie before.
There's this flannel (not the classic black and red one) that I could spot in Marriage Story, While We're Young and BlackkKlansman. I think he said in an interview once that he does use his own clothes a lot for movies because it's hard finding shit that fits him kek
>>142662Holy shit, this would be so good. Please Universe, I beg you
And Wes has worked with Brody more than once, so he could bring him too and it would be perfection
>>142653>>142651>>142652Kek manifesting this for you and me, nonette
in our dreams, cause I don't wanna cheat and don't want a father to cheat either No. 142696
File: 1621404926047.webm (15.12 MB, 1920x1080,…)
Hornonny, I am dedicating this video to you
It's mostly played for laughs, but there are some enjoyable elements to it kek (no nudity but kinda NSFW)
No. 142833
File: 1621452247802.webm (10.14 MB, 480x852, 9isDX5NdS_sOa8lw.webm)
>>142693>>142762I reckon this is you, nonita
No. 142905
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Stephen Oyoung about working/training Adam Driver for Looper
What's it like holding a lightsaber?
After a while it just becomes kind of second nature. It becomes almost like a tennis racket, let's be honest. [Laughs] But yes, the funny thing is even now, no matter how many times you do a lightsaber fight, no matter how many times you rehearse, you always do the sounds subconsciously with your mouth. You always start with [mouthing lighstsaber noises].
I may have mentioned this as well. I trained Adam Driver a little bit for his role in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," the first movie. That was incredible, but we did the same thing, man. He straight up, the first day we were rocking with the lightsabers and he would just be [mouthing lighstsaber noises]. Me, too. And I had to remind him, "Hey man, we've got to stop. Because when they film, you're going to start doing that. And then they're going to catch you. And it's going to be strange. You don't want to get into the habit." [Laughs] So that's another pro tip: Don't make the lightsaber noises when you're doing lightsaber fights.
Tell me about Adam Driver. I'm fascinated by this man.
I am too, man! Again, only good stories about Adam. And I'm not just saying that to be politically correct. It's actually very reassuring when you can work with an A-lister who's actually nice, professional and just cool, somebody you'd want to get a beer with or something. But you know he's a Marine and we talked about that.
He's just like a normal dude. Sometimes I'm like, how did this even … Where did you come from? But he's just a normal dude. He was a Marine. And then he went to Julliard. He got a scholarship. And I think from there, he took the acting world by storm on the East coast. But he's always remained humble and hardworking, which is something that, again, another pro tip, if you're trying to get in this business, no matter how big you get, got to stay humble, got to stay hardworking, because people will talk trash about you! Look, I could have talked so much trash, but I didn't! I only said good things. See? You want people to say good things about you, then you'll work more.
I thought it was cute that he was doing the woooun sounds kek Ewan McGregor did it as well
No. 143410
File: 1621572495956.gif (1.13 MB, 387x387, ezgif-7-17ba84f6853e.gif)

Apparently he's going to Cannes for Annette
Can't wait for the pictures
No. 143525
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>>143410Cannes pictures always hit different, I'm excited. I've also heard the movie will be on Amazon in August, so that's nice
No. 143553
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>>143532I actually pay for Amazon but they don't always put their movies in my country's catalogue, and if they do, it's full of delays. I'll probably torrent Annette, The Last Duel and House of Gucci kek I wish I could watch any of them on theaters but alas
>>143525They do! Reminds me when people were saying that Olga was all over Adam during Cannes 2018 and that Olga might have had a crush on him (or more extremely, that they slept together but meh)
for such an "ugly" man it seems like everyone has a crush on himIrrelevant, but I think they would make a cute couple.
>>139977>>139976I guess these are from the same day? Considering the hair and such.
No. 143625
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Adam being silly
No. 144476
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No. 144624
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>>144492Get that throat ready,
nonnie No. 144644
File: 1621802246646.jpg (197.81 KB, 750x1126, adam-driver-bw_08-01.jpg)

>>144635No, it was for a shoot and interview for Flaunt Magazine.
Driver has a physical presence like some bird of prey. His arms are long. His fingers are long. Even sitting down he exudes largeness, largeness folded into itself. His hands are massive. I keep my hands hidden beneath the table because I am scared that I will reach out and caress Driver’s fingers, unknowingly, nodding along to his answers.And this was by a moid, I am guessing he is gay? I guess people are generally shocked by his size.
No. 144667
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>>144653If it's just for the garters, I'm sorry to inform you those are literally the only two pictures he's wearing them.
But the whole shoot is cute, if you wanna stay around, we have nice tiddies and arm pics
No. 144671
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I really like his looks for the Breitling ads.
No. 144683
File: 1621817910691.webm (16.74 MB, 1280x720, Breitling-Cinema-Squad-Behind-…)
>>144678Yes, absolutely! I love both of her looks. Actually, everyone is looking really good there, Brad Pitt aged very gracefully.
>>144673>>144679>>144677>>144676lmao this kinda reads like a mix of fanfic and manifestation journal. You can do it
nonnie, believe in yourself and you'll kiss Adam Driver
I also think the idea of screaming someone's full name during sex is super funny kek reminds me of Jim Jarmusch's Coffee and Cigarettes where RZA and GZA kept calling Bill Murray by his full name at all times.
sorry for being beyond OT lol No. 144905
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Us in here ITT
I am the one in the white shirt and red shorts
No. 144989
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No. 145142
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>>144989Kek imagine if this was real
>>145071His legs also look amazing in that video. Hannah was weak af, I'd be so pumped to run with him
No. 145185
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>>145171I guess it really depends on how tight his underwear is lol
On this scene there is definitely some slapping action happening
No. 145186
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>>145185Another Adam running gif for your consideration
No. 145193
File: 1621982286681.png (97.17 KB, 206x204, BEEG.png)

>>145185look at the size of that dong, I bet he's loooooong when fully erect
No. 145195
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>>145185I know what I want for Christmas.
No. 145211
File: 1621984428627.gif (Spoiler Image,14.11 MB, 524x253, ezgif-3-40b20d513a9a.gif)

>>145193>>145195KEK the pics
I don't think it's fair to judge a man when he's soft, but if he's a grower his wife is very lucky
No. 145214
>>145213oh my god no way, I'm dyingggg AAAAAAAAAAA
yes yes yes yes I want to suck his cockkkkk AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm having a heart attack
No. 145230
File: 1621996925200.gif (2.07 MB, 512x288, unnamed.gif)

>>145227I love that anon, she's being her best horny self
something I'm too embarrassed to beSometimes when I post shirtless Adam, I'm internally hoping she'll come and give her insight on it.
No. 145254
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Not into him but liked this fanart enough to share it with you who are. anyone know who made it? (sorry) (I'll keep searching)
No. 145255
File: 1622011755455.jpg (245.73 KB, 1910x1080,…)

I do miss the driverfags a lot
nonnie No. 145270
File: 1622015714613.jpg (126.81 KB, 1200x675, Jpdrinkad.jpg)

>>145257>>145254I missread lol
The artist is lunchisover on tumblr or
@dallasbling on twitter
No. 145323
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Is size difference a turn on for anyone else? I just want to feel delicate next to a man. All of the interviews about costars commenting on how large he is gets me. And the interviewer who asked to see his hands. Maybe it’s because all the guys I know are manlets or big in the fat sense
I need to go for a run.
No. 145335
>>145323SAME. It's a huge motivation for me to lose weight. I'm of average height in my country (so tall according to amerifags, lol), but my bf is even taller than AD, so there is some potential there.
>I need to go for a run.Like, to release sexual energy or to get fit? Enjoy either way!
No. 145357
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>>145255His legs are so long here, oomf
>>145323>>145335I do have it too, but I think my main focus personally is that I like to be lifted, carried and tossed around. I'm also on the taller side, both for my country and in the US, so I'd have to be really thin and/or the guy has to be really big. I am around the same height as Olga, and here she's wearing heels and he still towers over her
niceI also think it's nice how he is really tall but he's not lanky, he has great proportions, while still having long legs.
No. 145412
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No. 145440
File: 1622102868479.webm (2.25 MB, 640x640, 192828770_335961194556215_8508…)
Oh, to be Keri Russell
No. 145497
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I wish that wine decanter was my throat
No. 145518
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nonnie just use some blotting paper for a better experience
No. 145558
>>145270Wow thank you resourceful driverfag anon!
>>145323who is she? she's cute
No. 145565
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>>145558It's an italian actress called Alba Rohrwacher. She plays one of the main characters in the movie Hungry Hearts. The full movie is on YouTube
No. 145580
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A song from Annette called ‘So May We Start’ with Adam singing was just released
No. 145590
File: 1622175176812.jpg (95.21 KB, 550x254, zz560b2e36.jpg)

TIL that Noah Baumbach is actually a big friend of Wes Anderson and they wrote
Life aquatic with Steve Zissou and
Fantastic Mr Fox together. I feel like a dumbass for just learning this, but hey, now this
>>142662 is just a matter of time. I can't wait
>>145580Thanks, anon! It's already on YouTube too
No. 145818
File: 1622241725383.gif (3.13 MB, 268x400, 5ce7ec85bf2794431b49f29813ce70…)

>>145760Same, I'm super hyped! Apparently the full album will be available when the movie hits Cannes. I'll be super tempted to listen to it, but I don't wanna spoil the movie plot.
Hype aside, I think White Noise is still my most anticipated one.
No. 145889
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>tfwywn have Adam Driver hold you from behind and have his mouth so close to your ear you can actually feel his breathing tingling it
why live
No. 146180
File: 1622415026800.gif (2.95 MB, 540x350, tumblr_pssx7lSom91weksw2o3_540…)

>>146138>>146139Godspeed on your hornescaped, nonnette.
I'd help you more but my phone went kapoot and I lost my whole Driver gallery
for nowYou should watch HBO Girls if you haven't yet, lots of sex scenes with him. That and shirtless and/or touchy-feely scenes.
No. 146376
File: 1622491128735.jpg (55.02 KB, 640x845, cf0f52d6496dd145ec19d0093acc82…)

Saged because irrelevant but I finally had a dream with this man that we actually interact and it was cute
He was a professor at my old uni (it makes sense cause it's an Arts and Performances one, but even in the dream I was confused to why he was teaching it outside of the US) and I met him there. Noah Baumbach was also there, for some reason. Noah was actually reviewing my sketchbook when Adam arrived. Sidenote: Not only was I a much better artist than what I'll ever be IRL, it had an embarrassing amount of Kylo Ren fanarts there and I was dreading Adam would see them, even though they were like Mandalorian concept art tier lol
Anyway, I don't remember much of our interaction, just that Adam looked at me very friendly all the time and it made me very shy although I was trying to play it cool. He also got super close to me and whispered something in my ear (I think it was a joke about Noah) and I felt small goosebumps.
No. 146516
>>146376OMFG that's such a cute dream! I love it. Also, that's an adorable photo of Adam…
I'm gonna finally watch Logan Lucky tonight, hope it's good!
No. 146644
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Did you like the movie? It was a fun, light watch for me. Also, to this day my mom will call AD (she doesn't know his name) as "that boy with no arm" cause it was the first movie she ever saw with him kek
No. 146674
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>>146670they caught us again,
nonnyalso works for being banned for driversperging
No. 146756
File: 1622744736869.jpg (333.62 KB, 575x1082, 1617754828212.jpg)

>>146675Kek i made this meme last thread but it's so fitting here
>>146678Kylo Ren in the thumbnail as well, ofc
No. 146999
>>146987Really hope it's not! To be fair, I haven't been posting much recently, and I used to be one of the people constantly bumping this thread. I'm definitely NOT off the driverfag train, but waiting for new movies to get releases (along with promo interviews, hopefully) so I have something new to sperg about. I can't wait for Anette!!! I haven't listened to the released song to not spoil the movie for myself.
It doesn't help that my mind has entered a grey rock phase and I'm incapable of being excited or interested in anything atm. I want to finish watching Girls, but I also don't want to force myself when I'm not in the mood>>146756>>146675Based memes, thank you for them!
>>146644>Did you like the movie? It was a fun, light watch for meI did! I found it really fun and I liked Adam's character in it. The arm was really unexpected and I found the moment when it gets sucked in fucking hilarious. The fact that Clay was in military (and that's how he lost it) was interesting, considering Adam's past. I didn't really get the heist success explanation and first, but then it clicked. I'm kinda bad with heist movies in general, but this one was super enjoyable. Thanks Adam for my fun.
Now the only movie with prominent Adam role that I yet have to see is This is Where I Leave You. I'm gonna watch it in the next few days ♥ BTW, weird question, but is there a website that shows you how many minutes an actor stars in every movie they've been in? This would be really helpful for spergs like me to decide which Adam cameo I should see next, kek.
No. 147006
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>>146987I haven’t been posting much either because I’m waiting for the movie releases and possible press tour. Part of the pain of liking AD is short-lived periods with lots of new content followed by long spaces of nothingness. But I’m still as thirsty as ever
No. 147079
File: 1622948036207.jpg (824.01 KB, 1039x766, B612_20210605_215030_917.jpg)

>>147073oh my god im so horny right now I need to touch my tits
No. 147080
File: 1622948474852.gif (2.95 MB, 540x400, 1eb9a93e20a57796d339a4a56059e6…)

>>146987Fret not anonnie, 2 days of inactivity is not enough to kill a thread kek
Like these anons
>>146999 >>147006 I am also waiting for the new releases so we can discuss it. I could spam his pics like I've done in the past, but 1. my phone fucking died and I lost all of my collection of Driver pics rip 2. I feel a bit
too spergy when I am the only one spamming the thread nonstop kek so I restrain myself
>>147073>>147079KEK that pic angle
Kylo Ren is hot and probably the best part of these movies
alongside with old Luke, as I said in the SW threads heheHope you can at least enjoy that (seems like you already are)
No. 147175
File: 1623007133542.jpg (53.8 KB, 640x375, ft2lpxxjp8371.jpg)

>>146999Somehow I missed the part where you were talking about watching WWY and I hope you like it! I honestly really liked, I thought it was going one route and then it went completely different. I also really like Jamie, even though he is an asshole - he's a good character imho. I also love the clothes Adam was using in this movie
tight black jeans, yesI don't know of any site like you described, but tbh I think he's at a point in his career that he will either be the protagonist or a prominent secondary character. I think he'll do cameos in Noah's movies at best if he's currently working on another project that is near (kinda like Meyerowitz Stories that he appears for literally 2 minutes) because he and Noah are super close and he can make the time for him.
>Aesthetic Wes Anderson movie when>Aesthetic Sofia Coppola movie whenAlso I don't know if this is much his style, but I'd like to see him star/co-star in a David Fincher movie or a Tarantino movie (even though he's an asshole, his movies are fun imo)
No. 147182
File: 1623012698786.jpeg (461.92 KB, 1177x1676, DxX1-ZhV4AARa1Q.jpeg)

>>147179Broody dark cowboy Driver when
No. 147253
File: 1623069622589.jpg (828.18 KB, 1920x1920, Parents.jpg)

>>147175I want to see Adam play as evil married couple/parents
not my idea, someone mention in youtube comment (Something like Lucious and Narcissa Malfoy) and their son need to be Draco malfoy archetype
>>147175>Aesthetic Wes Anderson movie when>Aesthetic Sofia Coppola movie whenI'm begging you ,hollywood please make it happen
No. 147491
File: 1623180698260.gif (1.02 MB, 203x248, ezgif-3-fe5b441cd1fd.gif)

>>147253I would love to see this, especially with Charlize. Full disclosure, I know this is completely idiotic, but thanks to stupid rumors and blinds and that Furiosamore fanfic writer on /r/adamdriverfans, I have this weird idea that she has a slight crush/admiration for Adam. I would like to see their chemistry on film. I think older women compliment him well.
What other types of characters would you like to see him play? I think he has a great range.
I guess something that is kind of the opposite of Kylo Ren would be interesting, like a guy that is good or tries his hardest to be good but actually has a lot of evil tendencies, either he recognizes it or not. A slow descent into corruption would be interesting to see.
No. 147595
File: 1623246202865.jpeg (196.36 KB, 750x785, 8B0D762B-D326-4AEE-BE95-5A903F…)

>>147491> I would love to see this, especially with CharlizeI’m a little biased from some friends experiences, but Charlize has a bad track record with anger and film crews. I kind of get it because her childhood seems like it was really hard and the whole industry in general is stressful, but I don’t know how well that would go down or if they would clash. Maybe if the movie was similar to Patterson and more relaxed. I guess it’s impossible to know how costars will get along until they’re actually on set
>What other types of characters would you like to see him play?I like seeing his range. I don’t know how people will receive Yankee Comandante, but he hasn’t really been in a war movie (that I remember) so that will be interesting. Also doing a musical seems like he’s pushing his own boundaries since he said he’s self conscious of his voice. I think as long as he continues to mix it up and still do art house projects that would be cool. Or maybe try theater again
Also, here’s a gift he gave his Gucci stylist
No. 147650
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>>147491Yes, she's his girlfriend (and therapist too, iirc). Don't worry, she's not a lot in the movie at all.
OT But I don't know anything about her, why are you weirded out?The movie itself is very lukewarm, imho. It wasn't painful to watch or anything like that, but it wasn't anything special, either. Also, kinda nitpicky, but I don't buy that Adam is Jason Bateman's full brother at all lol Tina Fey and Jason, I can see it. But Adam is just too tall, too broad, too black haired lol they look nothing alike.
>>147595oh yeah, I've heard that she's arrogant and kind full of herself. Shame, cause I usually like her performances.
>I guess it’s impossible to know how costars will get along until they’re actually on set True! I feel like AD generally goes along well with his costars (male or female) because of his military discipline. He always talks like he doesn't feel like anyone is less than anyone else and that they're all part of making something bigger work (making a movie) and that he learned that from the military, so I guess he probably tend to keep to himself even if he doesn't like the person he's working with, same for his own ego. Sometimes I wish I was a temp in the staff just so I could see the interactions from a close afar lol
Also is that a picture of them together framed? Cute! He also gave gifts and wrote a thank you letter to a dude from the 65 crew.
No. 147831
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No. 147917
File: 1623456419139.png (973.03 KB, 1024x554, cvgquwjlz9471.png)

New Annette tease frame.
I am so curious for this movie, but I can wait as long as we have a long Cannes Press Conference
I wonder if they're gonna promote it in site.
No. 147976
File: 1623515224328.jpg (104.28 KB, 1000x874, 799329c3e9dfacbb75f9ae7283cb51…)

>>147939You can't just drop that information and not share the art, anon
jk… unless? No. 147979
>>147175You think he will do a Fincher movie?
He was a huge fan when he was younger, whole fight club thing and all, but when the Sony mails got leaked there was Fincher's mail saying casting driver in Star wars was
>a big mistake I just imagine if Adam found out about this (he probably did) how he bad he felt when someone he admired said something like that about him.
No. 147981
File: 1623518677163.png (Spoiler Image,194.72 KB, 554x469, ok.png)

>>147976I have conveniently cropped the image, I feel weird about posting the full thing for some reason.
I had a weird way of stylizing Kylo, or I guess I should say, Adam Driver's facial features.
Then again, Adam Driver is a bit of a weird looking man, and that's why he's cute No. 147985
>>147981I love your style,
No. 147988
File: 1623521647174.png (170.29 KB, 640x562, 9ammcygh42r51.png)

>>147925I saw some discussion about this too! I wonder if it's gonna be something like Pinnochio? The movie seems very trippy. Has anyone watched Holy Motors or something else by Leos Carax?
>>147979I had absolutely no idea about this, whaaat
>"Oh no, I like Adam Driver a lot. I was just being flippant. I've since asked Steven Soderbergh to apologize on my behalf, but I don't think he thought it rose to the level of actually being addressed. I think he understood it was a joke. But if Adam Driver takes umbrage with it, I can't apologize enough.">It's kind of weird that Fincher just wouldn't directly apologize to Adam Driver, but that might just be how the dude who directed Fight Club and Seven does things. Regardless, Driver probably could care less as he's in one of the largest movie franchises in history.I would be kinda offended, but also a bit smug. I think he'd still work with him and I can imagine Fincher apologising in person as well, but that would probably be a bit awkward.
Still, Adam always talk about how he has these directors that he'd accept the role on spot, like the Coen Brothers or Martin Scorcese, I bet Fincher is one of them considering the whole Fight Club thing, as you mentioned.
>>147980WAT I am learning so much today. Imagine if AD is actually picrel.
In all seriousness, I thought Rodrigo Santoro's character in Westworld was super hot
too bad the character itself was reduced to a shitty simp and I think Adam could totally pull that off
>>147981Thanks for actually sharing
nonnie kek
No. 147990
File: 1623522338397.png (604.97 KB, 845x696, myboy.png)

>>147985Thank you, here's a SFW drawing as well.
>>147988I'm legit glad I actually have a place to share this shit. I don't even draw anymore, I have a completely different hobby now.
No. 147993
File: 1623522996451.jpg (104.46 KB, 661x900, 46f5e65eb349604da2c983df7a5921…)

>>147990This is cute! Sad that you don't draw anymore.
I am also an artist but the only piece I shared was meido driver on the last thread kek I love how both of Kylo Ren's outfits and his saber is inspired by knights. Disney did really well in that aspect.
No. 147994
File: 1623523971534.png (252.61 KB, 922x733, stupid cape.png)

>>147993My wrists started to get really bad and it became more and more painful to draw as often as I was previously. I still do visual art occasionally, but nowhere nearly as frequently as I used to. I feel like I don't draw nearly as well as I used to! I have so much goddamn Kylo art, it's nuts.
The knight aspect is one of my favourite parts. His outfits are so wonderfully simple and elegant.
No. 148027
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>>148005watering your… corpses?Welcome,
No. 148116
File: 1623611640418.gif (1.63 MB, 396x252, ezgif-2-9fc9b7d7315d.gif)

>>148038Kek I know this is facetious, but thanks; glad to amuse you
No. 148170
File: 1623660129483.jpeg (132.05 KB, 1771x944, DRz4VmXVoAAm2Qe.jpeg)

>>148159Permanently horny anon, are you back?
No. 148247
File: 1623718436512.gif (2.44 MB, 500x500, tumblr_afcdf17b693c45f5d545d0d…)

Sometimes I don't know if I should post saucier Kylo fanart here or at the horny husbando shitposting thread
No. 148261
File: 1623732338631.gif (1.97 MB, 540x268, d9aa27043426ea7e569d08080000f8…)

>>148257Welcome anon!
If you liked Driver with glasses, he wears it throughout the entirety of The Dead Don't Die
which I personally hated tbh and I usually like Jim Jarmusch and Midnight Special, which I didn't watch yet but he looks cute af, picrel
No. 148262
File: 1623732521627.gif (4.62 MB, 268x500, tumblr_0f9705283d434051461e3d3…)

Also forgot to say that I know exactly what videos you're talking about csuse I stumbled upon them when looking for 3D/sfm kylo porn kek, but yeah, a no for me
Would watch only if it was Adam himself.
Anyway, welcoming complimentary tiddy gif
No. 148310
File: 1623758560011.jpeg (66.21 KB, 574x680, Egx2NCzX0AA4LWl.jpeg)

>>148262Why is there such a lack of Kylo in 3d porn?
Animated Rey fucks every creature that walks and crawls yet Kylo is rare.
No. 148312
>>148262This GIF reminds me that some of the sex scenes in girls are almost porn-level, minus explicit genital shots. I remember getting butterflies when he made the girl crawl down the hall (I’ll just ignore the controversy of that scene).
>>148310Agreed. A 3D Kylo would honestly be better for me than a guy dressed as him because even my horny brain would reject the wrong face
No. 148313
>>148247It's up to you, but… Please post here!!! I don't care for the hornyposting thread since it's 99% boring content
and it's on /g/. Our husbando has an entire thread, why post him with characters who cannot be hornyposted about anywhere else? I don't like how driverfag thread is deader because of the hornyposting one.
No. 148381
File: 1623782836455.webm (3.67 MB, 1856x1080, 1612050012305.webm)
>>148310When I looked for it I've found some decent ones (even though they were mostly focused on Rey, they had a good Kylo model), but I lost it all cause phone went boom etcetc
I'd agree with
>>148318 , probably not enough women doing SFM/3D, usually I see more drawn fanarts made by women. Which is nice, but sometimes I crave something more 3D and closer to reality
>>148313Kek I guess I'll post it here when it's just random fanart, but when posting dumbass fanfic, I'll post it there. I'm not as brave as this
nonnie yet
>>148312>A 3D Kylo would honestly be better for me than a guy dressed as him because even my horny brain would reject the wrong faceYES, this so much! I guess you could "cheat" by using the helmet, but then the proportions and the voice would still be wrong.
>mfw these guys can't even be 194cm tall with 3 head units of shoulder width, pathetic
>This GIF reminds me that some of the sex scenes in girls are almost porn-level, minus explicit genital shotsYeah, I'm not even a prude at all yet some scenes there definitely caught me off guard lol
so much ass eatingI remember showing it to my moid and he was shocked too because it was very realistically shot, to boot. Like this one
>>142282 I love the sounds he makesI have this video excerpt from last thread since I lost the whole scene, o well
No. 148382
>>148381bonus post
I wish lolcow would let me post more than one media per post like 4chan, I'd feel less like a spammer sperg
No. 148388
>>148381>>148313Kek I guess I'll post it here when it's just random fanart, but when posting dumbass fanfic, I'll post it there. I'm not as brave as this
nonnie yet
Guess I will have to check
>>148312that thread every once in a while! Super thankful for you posting quality fanart here though ♥
God, that crawling scene is the best, I want more content like that. I know it's not based pinkpilled uwu of me whatsoever, but I have a huge interest in certain aspects of BDSM
and it's not femdom at all and this part kind of scratched that itch.
No. 148408
File: 1623791086343.jpeg (60.95 KB, 607x680, DSEVsT2UEAAeycU.jpeg)

>>148388No problem! Japanese and korean fanartists are my favorite.
>God, that crawling scene is the best, I want more content like that. ikr? I'd say I'm vanilla as fuck but I love a good manhandling kek
No. 148436
>>148426The lips move so weirdly, but the model is good. I think something about the nose looks a bit different, but hopefully it wouldn't be noticable…
Is there a point in playing Battlefront II for Kylo? Or any other games?
No. 148440
File: 1623814592085.gif (8.62 MB, 540x445, tumblr_0a379096b3f20e63acd0f48…)

>>148436The lip animation is more on the animator. Or the rigger, but tbh I really don't know if you can rig it yourself, I've never messed with SFM.
As for Battlefront II… Well, solely for Kylo Ren, no. IIRC he's not even playable from the start? Also AD didn't dub him (the only game he dubbed some lines for was the Lego TFA one lol)
But if you enjoy games like TF2 or Overwatch (with less variety in champion playability), then sure. And if you like SW, of course.
The backgrounds are super cool and the models were revamped a while a go, I think they are super pretty. It was free for a while (not sure if it still is) so the userbase was actually pretty big, so the waiting time was not long (like TF2, RIP)
I don't think there are any other games featuring Kylo, afaik. Most of the SW games are spin-offs and/or non canonical anyway, and I believe most happen during the OT time period… Considering how the male gamer fanbase of SW didn't like the sequel trilogy
at all, I highly doubt there are going to be games that are on that timeline on the near future. There are talks for a Battlefront 3 and a SW open world game, but the first one has no story to it and the second one I think it's gonna be a spin-off RPG as well.
Here's a Ben Solo skin mod for BF2.
No. 148532
File: 1623848476758.jpeg (119.07 KB, 400x633, 0E3E028E-4559-4447-9768-D5B82B…)

>>148483She would probably thank us
No. 148536
>>148440Wow, that model is so good-looking! I still think there is SOMETHING tiny bit off about the honker, but maybe it's just my Adam-vision getting in the way, kek.
>The lip animation is more on the animator.You are right. I realized after I posted that it's a fan made thing and not actual game content (I was phoneposting, so I just clicked around to see Kylo and didn't watch the video, kek), which is why the lip synchro seems off.
>As for Battlefront II… Well, solely for Kylo Ren, no. IIRC he's not even playable from the start? Also AD didn't dub him (the only game he dubbed some lines for was the Lego TFA one lol) But if you enjoy games like TF2 or Overwatch (with less variety in champion playability), then sure. And if you like SW, of course.
Super sad. I guess I will have to enjoy whatever content with the model is available on the net. Sadly, I have zero interest in shooters, especially online ones… Even the Lego game would be more fun to me, though. The new Skywalker Saga one will probably have some funnies with Kylo (though without Adam's voice). There's Kylo in that the Sims 4 SW add-on, right? Also was tempted to play it since it seems fun, but I haven't really played the Sims in ages. Would be a rough come back after TS2.
I wish there was an action adventure/RPG game in which you can play as Kylo (even if you're just using a skin on a different character). I guess I should look into Kylo mods for different games.
No. 148547
File: 1623856643069.gif (Spoiler Image,2.36 MB, 540x275, tumblr_osj78bSo281vlci76o2_540…)

>>148483>>148532>She would probably thank usKek absolutely
Lena is a nasty, ugly bitch, but she's the OG driverfag, if anything. If she didn't have a crush on him, at least she was very fond of his body. All of his sex scenes (and even shirtless scenes) were not accidental kek
Spoiler for naked Adam and Lena + her weird scowl
>>148536I guess you could try looking for mods, indeed! You can play as Kylo in the Lego games after finishing it and unlocking it, but yeah lol Let's see how the Skywalker Saga one will pan out
I am excited because I am an SWFag lolFor a serious game featuring Kylo Ren… highly unlikely. I can't think of the top of my head any non-lego games (or shitty movie tie-in games) that you actually played as one of the main characters, you're usually just a rando made-up for the game. TBH I would find cool enough if you were to be a random character but interacted with Kylo and Hux at the Starkiller base and whatnot. But the chances are really small…
No. 148549
File: 1623857192428.gif (2.11 MB, 459x247, ezgif-2-c2174836695c.gif)

>>148547samefagging to say, I also think that cutesy romantic scenes like these were kinda telling. Of course they were also professionals, but I really can't get over the fact that she started writing Sackler to be more like Driver.
No. 148605
File: 1623901977403.gif (914.11 KB, 486x274, ezgif-2-c1b677c6c8cb.gif)

horny again
No. 148731
File: 1623956308690.gif (981.6 KB, 169x274, ezgif-2-b6be63ec38eb.gif)

>>148655Anon, are you not acquainted with the lyrical genius of Wet Ass P-Word?
The big nose make it better because you can also feel a harder part as he eat you outSwipe your nose like a credit card>>148679Embrace it No. 148837
File: 1623989043434.webm (Spoiler Image,5.61 MB, 1280x720, InShot_20210618_005333272.webm)

I still don't understand why they removed the jizz shots from this Girls episode
It's not as if they didn't show it for any other scene
HBO, I need answer, why is big nosed sexy man semen forbidden
No. 148933
I usually consider a 2 minutes long yt video to be an unrealistically demanding, and yet I spent almost an hour watching this. Never in my life have I heard scrotes talk so much about fashion and fabrics as in this video, kek. Outside of fashion industry, I mean.
When will Sideshow ship my boy? I need him in my life ASAP aaah
>>148837They did??? Good thing I torrented seasons 1-4. I will have to continue watching on HBO since I couldn't find a torrent of those…
No. 148974
File: 1624052884326.gif (3.05 MB, 582x640, tenor.gif)

>>148933I'm anxious for you, anon kek I'd also be dying. The downside of buying it locally is that the prices are usually insanely jacked up, but at least it would be home super quick.
>They did??? Good thing I torrented seasons 1-4. They did, super weird. I also torrented it, but on the broadcast version they had the same scene reshot without the cumshot. The cum version was shown as a bonus bluray feature lol
and I lost my shit when I first saw itI wouldn't mind more Adam money shots No. 148980
File: 1624054073696.gif (1.69 MB, 353x442, ezgif-1-04915619931c.gif)

>>148976never say never, anon
No. 149016
File: 1624079403591.jpg (582.08 KB, 1030x1248, Screenshot_20210618-035851_Fre…)

Imagine drunk karaoke singing with Adam
No. 149161
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No. 149186
File: 1624205942039.jpg (26.93 KB, 640x397, 8bzsikapfy561.jpg)

Me @ neckbeard/twitterfag Kylo Ren haters while clutching my 10 figures of him
No. 149205
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>>149186I would just hit them with picrel
No. 149218
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>>149205I remember loving this tweet. Mostly because at the time all of my guy friends were moaning about the sequels and later the girls in the group quietly confided that they thought he was hot.
I really don’t know what the psychology of it is. Maybe it’s a combo of villains being more interesting, the bad boy element, or having a guy want you 100% like that. And the extra Adam factor. But in any case, I hadn’t seen all my normie friends make comments like that before and it was great
No. 149223
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>>149218I may be completely off the mark, but I'll write my two cents on this:
Once I was reading about character design concepts and they were saying that a lot of the heroes had to reflect the country's (usually the US) ideals of morality and it being a little deviant of that was too risque (we're talking about super heroes in the 40-60's), especially considering the post-war patriotism and red scare stuff.
So a lot of the heroes had that played out look of being strong, usually anglo males, with light color combinations, kinda like a soldier with extra steps.
So the writers and designers usually flexed their creative bones doing the villains, because every deviation of this cookie-cutter pattern could be written off as "well, he's the bad guy/girl, they are not supposed to be role models". So stuff like longer hair and revealing outfits (especially on men), was something way more common with villains. That's also why a lot of villains can come across "queer-coded" as well. Some were coincidental, but some literally were written to be queer-coded to show that it was evil.
Although I am talking about character design, the same can fit for their personalitis: Villains were/are allowed to be more nuanced because they didn't have to be the perfect role model for kids/good citizens.
And even though we're past these times (and anti-heroes archtypes have grown a lot since the 70s - Iron Man being one of them because he was an alcoholic jerkass-, I think they peaked in the 90s), a lot of these "character design canons" are still in our collective mind. Colors like black, green and purple (and a combination of these together) are very present with villain designs. The long hair, the flamboyancy, the angular, sharp designs, and leather lol. Looking at Loki, that Sebastian Stan character whose name I forgot, Kylo Ren, even Lucius Malfoy and a lot of "tumblr sexy men" still fit these categories.
Regarding Star Wars, I was always a dark side fan solely for aesthetics lol I believe a lot of people are in the same boat as me.
I guess some just see "big man with long hair in leather pants brain go brrr" and that's enough for them kek
I know it is for me, although I like Kylo as a character as well - dick bulges in black leather pants just look deliciousLike yeah, a lot of women especially have fantasies of being dominated (not necessarily full fledged BDSM, just some rougher sex with pinning), it's not a mystery and it's become more mainstream than ever now. But it has always been a thing, the nazi uniform fetish for example is rather popular. The "bad boy that is only good for me" is also popular, as you mentioned.
And sorry for writing too much again, I am always too fucking rambly kek
No. 149237
File: 1624234007808.png (769.61 KB, 2464x1641, 1624233597023.png)

Samefag cause I was bored so I made this fanart of our banner because it's outdated and to be completely honest I think they did Adam and the borzoi dirty
sorry for the irrelevant artfagging
No. 149256
File: 1624248665669.jpg (50.05 KB, 828x483, EV8B6c7WsAEu5t7.jpg)

>>149223I think I also read a theory that the "bad boy / villain" attraction has something to do with women feeling guilty about wanting or initiating sex, so it's easier to fantasize about a guy taking control (with the caveat being that it's a fictional scenario and someone you're attracted to). I'm with you on the leather pants
>>149237I'm still impressed by how many good artists we have on the farms and in the AD thread. If I tried to draw him it would probably come out like the Badly Drawn Sasuke meme
No. 149259
File: 1624254307572.gif (1.62 MB, 268x330, e2a351874dadcd9574607565956d38…)

>>149256KEK that sasuke is amazing, I even feel inclined to ask you to draw Kylo so we can have our own version of it
kylo Ren drawing party whenAlso, thank you, anon! I think I am pretty avarage/mediocre, but that's good cause at least I'm not so good or so bad to be clockable, just run of the mill deniability
>has something to do with women feeling guilty about wanting or initiating sex, so it's easier to fantasize about a guy taking controlNever heard of that theory before, but it does make some sense
>I'm with you on the leather pants No wonder why the draco with leather pants meme/trope is so popular. Any black pants look really good, especially if you have shapely legs (Like Adam's), but the way leather shines and hugs really elevates the legs
and boner kek No. 149290
>>149259>KEK that sasuke is amazing, I even feel inclined to ask you to draw Kylo so we can have our own version of it kylo Ren drawing party whenNTA but I also can't draw but I don't think I can fail that epically. That is a talent in itself. It's easy to make a plain bad drawing, but this is so bad it's good.
Sorry for OT in advance, also blowing off some steam but not at any of you ♥
>Never heard of that theory before, but it does make some senseI always hear that theory and while I imagine it's true for some (ie. Mormon bodice ripper readers), it isn't accurate for me. God it sucks to be a woman
sometimes. You can't just have sexual preferences - you need to justify them, think why you have them, how the patriarchal culture affected you, if it's feminist of you to have them, if you are even allowed to enjoy them if they aren't politically consistent with your beliefs, if you aren't secretly self-harming through them… etc, etc, etc. It never fucking ends and it's all so exhausting. I want to table flip. I feel like some fujoshis when their interest is intellectualized as exploring equal relationships instead of just finding two men fucking hot.
No. 149300
File: 1624283492205.jpg (598.26 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_3010.jpg)

>>149290Sometimes I think men jump through mental hoops to try to figure out why women like certain things, but don't really examine their own preferences. I never even questioned liking Adam until some farmers on other threads started making up conspiracy theories
which feels like scrote behavior tbhI like the bad boy stereotype, but he was also attractive to me in Hungry Hearts and plenty of other movies.
>I always hear that theory and while I imagine it's true for some (ie. Mormon bodice ripper readers)Reminded me of Sariah's romance novel poster
No. 149322
File: 1624296108117.gif (2.75 MB, 500x278, da0de5780ee5fdc58ead0a00ff844d…)

>>149290>>149300No words, you are absolutely right
>I feel like some fujoshis when their interest is intellectualized as exploring equal relationships instead of just finding two men fucking hot.Kekek I am also a fujo and I feel this so much, more than one person tinfoiled that I must be a lesbian.
sorry for being this explicit, but I like seeing literal dick heads rubbing together how does that make me a lesbian??I think that exploring the psychology of things can be fun, but this
>Sometimes I think men jump through mental hoops to try to figure out why women like certain things, but don't really examine their own preferences.Is so true.
And honestly they should be doing this way more considering the shit that's always on the front page of xvideos.
All this talk also reminded me if there's any truth to the full frontal nude shot of Adam for The Last Duel of if it was just someone trolling
No. 149464
File: 1624406480574.gif (Spoiler Image,2.43 MB, 268x268, tumblr_p797o8zrRd1x20wxqo2_r2_…)

This whole short is awkward and stiff, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish it were me
No. 149472
File: 1624419019494.gif (Spoiler Image,2.68 MB, 600x338, tumblr_2c9d39f8361ece8f6e7a868…)

>>149469Have this one as well, nonner
No. 149475
File: 1624419188008.gif (3.82 MB, 500x416, Adam-Driver-and-Golshifteh-Far…)

>>149472Also this one cause I love the ear nibbling
No. 149495
Just found out Annette is playing in a cinema near me in 23 days. I will probably see it twice. Kinda would like to score a poster, but I've never managed to get one of any film that I actually like. By the time I check the box, the good ones are already gone.
>>149464I somehow had no idea that this exists and now I feel uncomfortable as hell (even without watching the short film). I totally understand why anons would like to be in Joanne's place in that gif!
No. 149508
File: 1624449927315.jpeg (467.55 KB, 750x792, 39D33B3F-D146-40B4-ABD9-B52B6E…)

Looks like White Noise has started filming. I wonder if that’s his movie costume or his normal clothes (or both since he seems to wear his own clothes in some movies)
No. 149511
File: 1624450666690.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1254x1366, 4AC9F1E9-C425-4A01-99D9-563927…)

>>149495Lucky! I don't think it will be available on theatres around here so soon. I will have to either torrent it or wait for it to be available on prime video.
Btw I watched Holy Motors yesterday, it was… something. Interesting picture, but I hope Annette is a bit more traditional on its story telling lol
>>149508Oh, nice! Is that Greta Gerwig or Joanne? I really can't tell lol
The clothes look a lot like those he wore when he was papped at Rome, but it also looks like the Marriage Story ones so who knows lol
No. 149512
File: 1624452217628.jpeg (459.39 KB, 750x725, CE0AEFAA-C865-440C-B06A-5279FE…)

>>149495I’m planning to go too! Still trying to convince some friends, but they all hate musicals. I wonder if the audience will be all Driver fans.
>>149511I think it’s Greta and she’s wearing a robe over her costume, so that’s why I was wondering if he was just wearing his casual clothes for the movie.
Those paparazzi pics of him during Gucci still get me
No. 149516
>>149508This phot has a big cryptid energy.
Makes me think of a photo of Tania Head caught in the wild still lurking near WTC, the one at the end of her documentary I cannot imagine being a paparazzi lmfao
>>149511Omg that's such a cute picture of Adam! I have never even heard about Holy Motors but you made me want to see it so I also can compare Annette to it…
>>149512I will be dragging my bf, but probably will go alone first if he cannot go with me ASAP due to work. I didn't tell him it's a musical, just that it's a 'big Adam Driver picture' and he agreed to go kek. To be fair, I also go to whatever movie he wants to, unless it's something like Saw (full of gore).
No. 149524
File: 1624458330555.jpg (17.13 KB, 238x320, dbec022ccd36cfb8442ac60eddb587…)

>>149516If you watch Holy Motors, learn from my mistakes and watch it alone, because there are some awkward scenes, including a full on erection showed nonchalantly.
This is peak thirsting, but I wish they'd do some nude scenes with Driver. Doesn't have to have a boner, obviously. Considering that Anette is gonna be way more "americanized", I highly doubt it, though.
I still liked most of the movie, but it left me scratching my head a lot.
random pic is random
No. 149641
File: 1624512640800.jpeg (27.9 KB, 739x415, EMKbO8vXsAIVf-O.jpeg)

>>149635They are fucking cute, I love them. They should have him pose with those cats for a photoshoot for GQ or something like that. I am sure he knows of the meme.
No. 149647
File: 1624516935820.png (421.24 KB, 1019x660, imagen_2021-06-24_014207.png)

I don't know if I'm into adam enough to buy this but it's kinda cool
No. 149648
File: 1624517174333.png (1.84 MB, 1200x1200, imagen_2021-06-24_014554.png)

>>149647I would buy this for the lolcow meme but I'm not so sure either lol
No. 149649
File: 1624517232567.png (76.59 KB, 500x500, imagen_2021-06-24_014637.png)

>>149648would you nonners?
No. 149657
File: 1624518731911.jpg (101.07 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.2138302109_pdsd.jpg)

>>149647These are one of the best toys/bobbleheads funko has ever released imo, they have much more personality, expression diversity and appeal. 9/10 very cute would have on my work desk
>>149648Buy this and send to my p.o. box, it's the official robe of the high priestess of the House of Driver
>>149649I would as a joke if I was not in a relationship. I guess I'd rather have a Kylo helmet mug, though.
>>149650Absolutely would wear this to the gym, I want Kylo Ren to protect my pussy from preppy himbos
Also considered getting picrel (someone posted it on the previous thread) as a joke for my birthday, but it was too expensive for a gag self gift
No. 149947
File: 1624655583609.gif (Spoiler Image,3.42 MB, 600x514, E4aOsh1VgAA8n8m.gif)

Been thinking about this gif a lot
No. 150014
File: 1624717777280.jpg (128.01 KB, 750x1164, IMG_3068.jpg)

Kind of a weird prompt, but does anyone have songs that remind them of AD?
When I was looking for the Anette soundtrack to stream I came across this song that's very clearly about him.
But sometimes I also think of him when I hear 'Son of a Preacher Man' since his step-father was a minister. It happens to me a lot where songs remind me of people
No. 150043
>>150014This song reminds me of him because of that cute video of him drunk dancing to it
Also the John Denver song he sang for the popcorn interview
"Holding out for a hero" reminds me of Ben Solo because of the meme
And sometimes when I am listening to Butthole Surfers I think of his character on While We're Young because one day my brother suggested that I was like him for liking "hipster music"
I don't believe the Butthole Surfers are hipster though??Sometimes I do wonder what he likes to listen to. I wonder if he likes grunge/stoner rock because it was really popular during his childhood/early teens. Maybe I'm just projecting though kek
No. 150063
File: 1624749476273.jpg (55.58 KB, 1154x513, lol.JPG)

I recommended looking up Adam Driver goods on aliexpress. There is some cool and… uhh, truly special stuff there. See pic related. The implications of this having a child size. You hungry? IDK microwave something, mommy is busy driverfagging'
yeah, I know it's technically a size for people up to 16 years old, but whatever>>149647I was gonna scoff at those (not a big fan of 'chibi' figures), but the comparison to Funkos made me realize they are kinda cool… Though I feel like Rey resembles herself more than Kylo does, but maybe I'm biased
>>149648Imagine taking home a tinder date to THIS LMFAO
>>149657That was me! I also wish it wasn't so expensive, but I assume it was made by a small company, so yeah…
>>150014LMFAO the lyrics wouldn't be bad if they weren't clearly about AD. They kinda feel Sariah-like to me now
No. 150064
File: 1624749525846.jpg (56.5 KB, 1070x484, reylo_but_make_it_lgbt.JPG)

>>150063the existence of a Reylo mask celebrating homosexuality is bizzare to me
No. 150072
File: 1624752367831.jpg (72.63 KB, 500x478, EcwkmQ_WsAE8kDu.jpg)

>>150063>You hungry? IDK microwave something, mommy is busy driverfagging'KEK
Sariah>>150064Don't you know that Kylo Ren is actually a stunning and brave transman? You couldn't see his scars on TLJ because his tits are just too fucking big
No. 150074
>>150043I love that video. I can’t imagine going to a concert and looking up and seeing him
>>150064I wonder if companies make automatic rainbow duplicates of products for Pride or if this was an intentional choice
No. 150103
File: 1624773031410.jpeg (183.51 KB, 982x1080, AE4309DC-8352-4BCE-AA6A-3BD7B7…)

>>150074That video is so fucking cute hnng please god let me get drunk in a bar concert with Driver someday
Random meaty tiddies that I wanna touch
No. 150352
File: 1624918797238.gif (9.46 MB, 540x700, tumblr_0c66143aed8a0758c487691…)

The non-believing dudettes on the shitpost thread at /ot/ discussing the validity of mantits clearly never scrolled past this thread, shaking my diddly darn head
No. 150356
File: 1624919499217.png (480.13 KB, 380x569, 0DEBC955-D41A-45C5-9DC4-09DD83…)

meant to say through, not past wat
this is now an excuse to post another pic
No. 150705
File: 1625160433009.jpeg (51.3 KB, 551x680, 162384378954.jpeg)

>On the cover of the special edition of M Magazine for Cannes film festival, available tomorrow. Adam Driver. 37 years old, the american actor is one of the faces disrupting contemporary cinema. Comfortable in any genre, from action to comedy to drama
>he became known through the series GIRLS by Lena Dunham, then become a hero in Star Wars. All the while, seducing serious cinematographers like Jim Jarmusch, Noah Baumbach and Spike Lee. However, considering he never watches himself on screen, he is considered by his peers an actor almost from another era. Very much anticipated is his turn in Annette, by Leos Carax, which opens the festival in competition. Adam is renowned for his challenging role choices and his discretion (privacy).
No. 150742
File: 1625173731422.png (109.76 KB, 297x409, f30jlu3adi871.png)

>>150705Finally something new! Usually they have interviews to accompany those, right? My french is shit, but I could try to translate it if available.
Someone also mentioned that the last duel trailer will drop "soon", but I'm not holding my breath.
Have some lukewarm item from deuxmoi on him.
No. 150743
File: 1625174488969.jpeg (398.69 KB, 750x898, 8477137B-5529-4B66-958F-E97FC2…)

>>150705Finally some new photos.
>>150742I work at a museum and have honestly fantasized about a scenario like this. I can also imagine he would be pretty intense
No. 150851
File: 1625251242476.jpg (72.95 KB, 1080x1319, 1625197122139.jpg)

>>150743Some of the shots like this one look somewhat awkward/stiff, usually he's a great model so I wonder if he was asked to stay still for too long or if he was tired or both. I mean, they are okay pictures but aside from the one you posted, they're not very interesting or lively (also the one where he is smiling)
I wanna see the possible promo photos for Gucci! I hope him and Gaga shoot together, I'd love it
>I work at a museum and have honestly fantasized about a scenario like this. Are you me? Spoiler for nlog
I don't work on a museum but I've been trying for a while to work for my favorite one here and sometimes I fantasize about finally getting the job and also meeting my faves there No. 150852
File: 1625251376553.jpg (92.56 KB, 1242x1228, 1625196899316.jpg)

>>150851Not nlog, for blog lol
Anyway bonus picture
I never noticed that Gisele Bundchen was in the Devil Wears Prada No. 150858
File: 1625254390790.jpg (83.2 KB, 540x900, EQzqujoXsAAN0V8.jpg)

>>150851I think some people need a bit of direction for photoshoots and if they aren't given a clear idea or theme it becomes more like a portrait session.
>I don't work on a museum but I've been trying for a while Go for it! It's been a really wonderful opportunity and you get to meet a lot of interesting people.
The only actor I've met so far is the guy who played young Han Solo in the movie Solo that bombed. >>150852He really does rock that denim shirt a lot.
>>150855I'll keep an eye out. I think I have some saved somewhere.
No. 150872
>>150864At Julliard?
Reminds me of all the fitness bros at my school who would eat eggs, chicken and broccoli.
No. 151037
File: 1625378318493.jpg (311.68 KB, 2310x3264, 1625377662485.jpg)

>>150864>>150872I remember also reading he ate a whole rotisserie chicken? I wonder if he was doing Atkins/Keto
>>150858Thanks anon, I'm definitely trying kek
>>150855He definetily does, he said himself in one of his interviews that most of the time he has to do it because "It's hard finding something that fits a Sasquatch" - not a direct quote but he did call himself that. Nonnies that have really tall boyfriends/relatives know the struggle to be true.
A shitty collage: Top row - Left is during Girls, Right is for the movie what If.
Mid row - Left is for the Logan Lucky press interviews, right is Girls.
Bottom row - left is Girls, right I think is a random street snap during the Paterson filming.
There are for sure more, I like to play with myself a game of spotting the same clothing watching his movies. This
>>150852 was used in Marriage Story as well, btw. He's been using it so much, I wonder why. Makes it look like he's on the run or something lol
I guess The Last Duel and House of Gucci are movies that are going to have a complete fresh wardrobe for him, though, considering the theme for both.
No. 151038
File: 1625378502133.jpg (628.42 KB, 1021x1562, 20210704_020915.jpg)

>>151037Sorry for the potato quality of some of the pics. Seeing in motion though you can definitely tell they are the same piece of clothing, though.
Also wanted to share this. I believe we'd all be Jemima.
No. 151081
File: 1625416208742.jpeg (454.48 KB, 750x915, 87B6FCEF-E1C7-41A4-9B4A-B06E44…)

>>151038The only reason on this earth why I would ever want to be Lena
Probably going to be a lot of candids during the White Noise filming
No. 151126
File: 1625433284942.webm (15.64 MB, 1280x720, IMG_20210704_180526_811.webm)
>>151037>>151038these made me realise how often I use the word definitely, I definitely need to improve my vocabulary and proofread my shit>>151081>Probably going to be a lot of candids during the White Noise filmingHope you're right!
Little clip from Annette.
No. 151127
File: 1625433333552.webm (3.33 MB, 1280x720, YouCut_20210321_171127702.webm)
>>151126And I'm also bringing the meow back from the last thread.
No. 151216
Anyone else attending the simultaneous worldwide Annette premiere? I can't wait til tomorrow ahhh
>>151037Ahh thank you, this compilation is priceless! Damn, his clothes must be really good quality to withstand years of use.
No. 151263
File: 1625514805549.png (475.65 KB, 527x580, os0cx74rd7871.png)

>>151216I think I won't be able to do it, unfortunately.
Now I am confused; is he going to attend Cannes physically? He hust got to Ohio, you think they'd postpone it if he was to travel back to Europe in such short notice
Random pic from the Paterson BTS, rip Nelly
No. 151276
File: 1625519804603.jpeg (276.75 KB, 750x711, 113E7169-7CD1-4A67-97EC-0F6790…)

>>151263I think he’s actually there because this interview picture was posted.
They usually have promotional contracts, so I think they knew he had to go in advance and are probably shooting other scenes without him. I think he probably wanted to settle in his family there early too since apparently filming will take a few months
No. 151352
>>151288I have never read any Reylo fics so this is all based on what I've seen of shipping content in passing, but
I imagine the concept of Kylo as a domme fits better with younger audiences who still think edgelord tropes are edgy therefore think he is a powerful bad guy, whereas older viewers see him as a immaturely misguided and manipulated character wrestling with identity and daddy issues which doesn't make him seem like a confident domme. Maybe this is why you feel a disconnect in your interpretation of the character?This was my first driverpost so maybe I'm entirely wrong kek, I don't know much about him but I like reading the most recent posts when I scroll /m/ because you guys are so funny
No. 151358
File: 1625575042561.jpeg (483.07 KB, 750x701, 18B58B79-E38D-469F-94E4-D2BC21…)

>>151288>>151352I definitely think a lot of younger girls or casual viewers interpreted him as being a classic villain in all black who falls for the girl vs someone who was conflicted and vulnerable. I also think a lot of fan fiction writers are new to storytelling and don’t know how to write complex dynamics, even if they understand them.
I just looked at reylo stories on AO3 and one of them is about sex with Kylo, his dog, and an underaged Rey who is also his niece?? So I guess some people just use the characters as lazy plot devices for their weird fantasies?? Or maybe this is normal for fan fictions?? I’m kind of shook now Sometimes I wonder what Adam would think of a lot of the fan fiction and art
No. 151364
File: 1625576961024.jpeg (99.45 KB, 599x900, 16984795945.jpeg)

What were their stylists thinking? What is this??
No. 151367
File: 1625577197504.jpeg (75.89 KB, 454x680, 16284739855.jpeg)

Is marion wearing bike shorts that are no longer fashionable? Why is Adam Dressed like he was on his way to mcdonalds and accidentally ended up at Cannes?
No. 151372
>>151288>>151352>>151358>>151365>>151368I don't read any Kylo fics (though I'm occasionally tempted to dive into the ocean of Kylo Ren/reader fics) because I'm uncomfortable reading fantasies and headcanons about him by anyone else. I have an intense attachment to him as parts of his story resemble my trauma, so I relate to him even more than I crush. Sometimes I wish I could go full-blown husbandofag retard and make a tulpa so that I can be "more in touch" with him and never even have to consider reading fanfics by other people. The problem is that I'm not insane enough for that.
I mentioned it in OT some time ago without mentioning it's Kylo, but seeing another female sperg claim to be "legally married" to him disturbed me to ungodly degree. I don't need this energy in my life>>151358>I definitely think a lot of younger girls or casual viewers interpreted him as being a classic villain in all black who falls for the girl vs someone who was conflicted and vulnerableFucking sad when fans are just as wrong about the characters as haters.
No. 151386
>>151373I feel like at some point in time I knew exactly who you had in mind, but I forgot. Mind reminding me? Not gonna lie, the thought of someone actually working at SW movies validating Tom Preston's 'Disney created Kylo Ren to mock white cis straight male fanboys/school shooters and their entitlement' delusion makes me wanna barf. When the topic was brought up,
nonnie mentioned that Kylo wasn't sympathetic in TFA, but I disagree
totally forgot to reply then, kek. He was written as a confused and hurting person from the start, even though we were supposed to wonder if he's finally gonna get pulled into the light or dark. The entire Han Solo scene highlighed that he's not the villain that he desperately tries to pose as.
No. 151393
File: 1625591202281.jpg (26.76 KB, 640x345, ypmxaoafctm41.jpg)

>>151386>E. K. JohnstonIf i'm not mistaken even Solo Story book writer said that he shouldn't have been redeemed, or he was meant to die, something like this.
Most writers on starwars's website are also his haters, so yeah we have a rough time.
I absolutely agree with you, the whole point of his character is someone who thinks solution from his fears and loneliness is a dark side, but he is proven wrong at every step.
Kylux shippers sharing the notion of him being irredeemable monster, who deserved to die also breaks my heart, from things I encounter on twitter it feels like they not only misunderstood his character they just hate him.
No. 151394
>>151393>Most writers on starwars's website are also his haters, so yeah we have a rough time.WTF is going on there. I sure hope they also hate Darth Vader and every other fictional villain/antihero who got a redemption arc.
>Kylux shippers sharing the notion of him being irredeemable monster, who deserved to die also breaks my heart, from things I encounter on twitter it feels like they not only misunderstood his character they just hate him.What the fuck. Where did it come from? From Hux suddenly being a mole in TROS? Or wanting them to be two baddies banging it out? I'm glad I don't care about shipping in Kylo's case, usually I love to do that.
No. 151405
File: 1625594770712.jpg (126.54 KB, 2048x1366, 1625592208022.jpg)

>>151276The face that he's making here really looks like a mix between hide your pain Harold and that Daenerys meme. I believe jet lag and tiredness from traveling is playing a part lol
>>151352>I don't know much about him but I like reading the most recent posts when I scroll /m/ because you guys are so funnyYou're a star, anon!
>>151358KEK I fucking love that pic so much, it's so versatile.
But damn that spoiler. As some already said, I think a lot of people just think Adam Driver is hot and use Daisy/Rey as a self insert for sick, bizarre shit like that. I like approximately 3 fanfics on AO3 because they cater to stuff I personally like, not AU and are not OOC
at least not too muchI guess this is why I stick mostly with asian fanart…
>>151394>>151393>>151386I guess this is the type of mess that happens why you don't have everything laid out and everyone on the same page from the get go. Both Kylo and Rey could be very interesting, basically the opposite to each other regarding the jedi order and the force. Bringing balance to the force finally yadda yadda I also really liked the idea of Finn being a force sensitive stormtrooper, but nah.
Every single character fell short and was handled really poorly, Kylo was the one that got the most characterization out of all of them but still crashed and burned with TRoS. Which I bet even Disney hated considering they killed their cash cow lel
>>151364>>151367Oh boy. I really hate her shorts. This outfit would've looked a thousand times better if she was wearing pants, or a pencil skirt with her shit tucked in. I also dislike her hair; it's very KStew chic but she can't pull it off. The pixie she has in the movie is so cute! Maybe she could pull off the asymmetric hair if it was fluffy and not gelled down.
Adam looks okay, but again, too casual. Both are too casual, seems out of place. Like two higher end of middle class parents attending their kid's pastry bake off competition for the spring festival in their school garden.
No. 151409
File: 1625595500651.jpeg (20.14 KB, 360x360, hairporn.jpeg)

>>151394E. K. Johnston and her friends do think that selling Kylo and Vader merch is breeding nazi ideology in kids. I really don't understand why people like that keep working for lucasfilm and why lucasfilm pays them for writing boring books and horrendous takes on twitter.
I really don't know, i guess one of the reasons is they sucked up to anti reylos and sometimes even pretend to care about finnrey. In a way it's a "not like other girls" logic of liking a villain the "right" way. I was a multishipper at first but after the whole shitshow that star wars shipping is, idk what I'm at this point.
Oh I just remembered that chart a kyluxer did and somehow Hux was in the redeemable side higher up and Kylo was at the bottom as a purest evil. I really don't know what some people were watching at this point and don't really care.
No. 151413
File: 1625597724185.jpeg (117.24 KB, 1400x858, dd59616722.0.jpeg)

>>151386>>151393>>151405>>151409As someone who has never really pursued in-depth commentary on Star Wars, I'm pretty surprised to hear this. I guess my interest stopped after the movies and cast interviews. The complaining and finger-pointing on all sides kind of dampened the enjoyability as well.
It's a bit lazy of them to draw moral lines in the sand when Lucas Films and Disney make bank on Storm Trooper merch. If we're going to nitpick about glorifying nazi tropes they could start with that. But I also think adults constantly underestimate young audiences. Kids watching a conflicted character do bad things and then suffer for it aren't going to immediately think it looks cool and become bigots
I'm kind of with this anon
>>151372 about wanting to maintain my own interpretation of the character, regardless of what other fans, critics, or Lucas Film employees think. To me he was a lot more dynamic than that
Hot take because I'll probably eat my words, but I do think the sequel trilogy may be looked upon a bit more kindly in 5 or 10 years in a similar way to the prequels. I remember people hating them for a long time, but it seems like now they're accepted and some even like them more No. 151424
File: 1625605200871.jpeg (450.92 KB, 750x913, 5596FE0B-53D1-4DA2-97A8-65B9B7…)

I admittedly don’t know much about men’s clothing and suits, but this is similar to his 2019 look. I like the sunglasses.
I’m excited for the movie and hopefully it turns out well. Musicals are pretty polarizing, but I’m just happy for something kind of experimental compared to his other projects this year
No. 151428
>>151425I’m ready for some new Driver porn after Girls!
How did you end up watching it? I’m nervous to go to a theater but I think it can be streamed?
No. 151441
File: 1625625968145.jpeg (213.32 KB, 1388x934, D120FF3C-D95B-4E5D-B5B8-70BBD4…)

>>151425Holy fuuuck I'm so fucking ready for this
I can't wait for it to be torrentable, or for it to be on prime
No. 151499
File: 1625670689821.png (244.39 KB, 549x590, driver.png)

I saw this and thought of you all.
No. 151515
File: 1625678021043.jpeg (54.42 KB, 750x601, 0084A337-74E9-4E64-997A-D11AF6…)

>>151499If a man can’t sing a ballad while eating you out, he’s not good enough for you
Also, that video of him blowing smoke into the camera sent me
No. 151517
File: 1625679655415.jpeg (95.5 KB, 600x599, E2F47E37-0EF2-4BAB-B2B1-24EFEB…)

>>151424I wonder why he's always wearing sunglasses when attending Cannes? Maybe to sugarcoat his jetlag tiredness?
is the French sun too bright? KekAlso I legit love musicals, I wish it wasn't such a polarizing genre.
>>151499Thanks, anon! My body is ready kek
Does he swipe his beautiful nose like a credit card?
>>151512>In my opinion, he caries the whole story. Marion is great too (as well as the other male co-star), but she has less to do than Adam.I am guessing this is the case cause he was also a big part of the production? Like he said they've been working on it (Carax and him) since 2014. Also Carax said he contacted Adam at the time because he saw him on Girls! I thought that was so cool, he already saw his potential there.
Don't quote me on that but I think he said that he liked Adam because he was "wild" in his performance. I guess not being shy to doing explicit things helped as well>>151515I saw this yesterday and lost it as well but didn't know how to share lol I wonder if it's partially a fuck you for people talking shit about him smoking in Rome. That was so weird
and your post number is cool af No. 151518
>>151517>Does he swipe his beautiful nose like a credit card?Anon who saw the movie, actually I'm not sure. There are moments when you can't see his face at all, but he's singing a lot too. At worst, you can use your imagination kek
>I am guessing this is the case cause he was also a big part of the production? Like he said they've been working on it (Carax and him) since 2014.I noticed Adam was one of the producers, but I didn't realize the whole backstory. It's so cool how he backups off kilter projects like this one.
Sidenote, but I've seen someone claim that Annette is somehow (partially?) autobiographical for Carax. If anyone ever knows what's up with that, please let me know. I googled and I have no idea.
No. 151540
File: 1625693695936.webm (3.41 MB, 640x640, 213385963_2072121289601842_757…)
>>151515This in video!
>>151518>but I've seen someone claim that Annette is somehow (partially?) autobiographical for Carax. If anyone ever knows what's up with that, please let me know. I googled and I have no idea.Tried looking for this in other languages also and couldn't find anything. Maybe in french…?
No. 151572
File: 1625721347590.jpg (60.46 KB, 828x1017, RDT_20210708_02133066397540281…)

Reporting the news to whom may not know yet: Adam will be the face of the new Burberry fragrance!
I wonder if now we're finally gonna see the shirtless horseback ad.
No. 151573
File: 1625721394770.jpg (317.79 KB, 2048x1363, RDT_20210708_02130740801934306…)

And samefagging because I love his height difference.
No. 151666
File: 1625775496835.jpg (388.27 KB, 1024x764, gettyimages-1327330470-1024x10…)

>>151573I know the other actor is short in general, but the height difference really stands out when they're all lined up
No. 151692
File: 1625789790353.jpg (57.3 KB, 592x595, 3d43223b564e380c6aada1f1d4d850…)

>>151673I know the feeling, Olga is my height as well so it's cool to see how his height compares. Does he get to pick her up as well? Kek
>I can't wait till the movie streams, cause it kills me to have no-one to talk about it in depth!!!Tell me about it anon, I wanna watch it so badly too!
No. 151734
>>151572>Reporting the news to whom may not know yet: Adam will be the face of the new Burberry fragrance!Oh, I missed that! Thank you for updating the thread with news for scatterbrains like me. I got excited cause I thought it might mean the ad with his photo will be published in a magazine… but then I realized that it would probably be in one for scrotes, and I don't really read magazines anymore. I could check the new issues, but I would probably look in the wrong one. Kek
That reminds me, I think I have a magazine somewhere with the wristwatch ad he was in (?)
and more importantly, one with him on cover and with an interview kek I know it's retarded, but I never grew out of enjoying those things.
>I wonder if now we're finally gonna see the shirtless horseback ad.I just read about the horse photoshoot controversy. I assume the leaked photo cannot be seen anywhere by now?
>>151692>Does he get to pick her up as well? KekYes, he does!!! It's a really nice moment>Tell me about it anon, I wanna watch it so badly too!I thought it will be shown in like a week and found out it's gonna be shown in cinema regularly in over a month. Welp. Really happy I went to the premiere. Hope it streams earlier than that. At this point I may forget my initial thoughts
No. 151754
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>>151734This is the photo. You can't see much of it, tbh, which makes me even more curious. All we know is that there's a beach, a horse, and shirtless Adam lol
The Burberry ad with Domhnall Gleeson was amazing, I hope it's something like that. I'd die happy.
>Yes, he does!!! It's a really nice momentI can also die happy from this
someday I'll do a compilation, although I'd feel very scrotey kek
>At this point I may forget my initial thoughtsUnironically, write it down. I did this for that Sariah book lol and although it may seem not worthy it at first, it's a good exercise in thought organization (?) and writing. Despite my subject it was surprisingly fun to write it down and make it into a review. Maybe you can even post it here later so it doesn't "go to waste".
No. 151767
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>>151754I second the idea of writing thoughts down. I liked our little informal book review club
I’m so excited to watch this. For some reason I really like this little shot from the trailer. The intimacy of the angle + the motorcycle helmet + long hair
No. 151798
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CDAN posted the most boring blind they could find about him
No. 151799
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>>151798Samefagging, what got me curious was actually this comment. Does anyone know about this?
I swear the driverfags are the sanest fanbase of his there is. Probably because is the smallest as well lol
>>151767Yes, this scene is perfect!
No. 151836
>>151798>had a possible brief stint in the military I have family members who have served and this statement would be considered extremely taboo. You don’t question someone’s service (it’s not “possible”, it’s public record). Whoever wrote it probably doesn’t understand military culture or how charities are run, but if you threw around statements like that near other marines they would probably take issue.
It’s pretty dry in general though. That Reddit sounds wild and I’m glad I’ve never looked at it
No. 151849
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>>151831Kek, so true. Especially because he sings way more on Hungry Hearts, comparatively. But I get it, the Coen Brothers are way more famous.
>I think that makes it for me the worst movie Adam Driver has been in and had a significant role Did you like "The Dead Don't Die"? I really disliked it, which is a shame cause I like Jim Jarmusch. It just felt like an inside joke between the actors and I was left out.
>>151836>>151818The comments are busy with obvious redditors, and from that sub. Some even called each other out lol
I used to go to /adamdriverfans to laugh at the crazy conspiracies, but now it's more moderated and the crazy died out a bit.
No. 151904
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So, the sex scenes or at least the pussy eating singing scene has been leaked kek
Although I'm dying out of curiosity, I wanna have this experience on it's fullest, streaming it in hd lmao
But for anyone else interested, I saw it available on Twitter I don't use it, but I follow Adam Driver Brasil
on other platforms and they announced they retweeted it
No. 152014
>>151904Was the part where
Adam bangs from behind also leaked? It was part of the same scene, I think
No. 152033
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I swear if I ever meet Noah I will beat him up for this
No. 152042
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>>152033I saw this and holy shit lmao he even looks shorter, somehow. Is this how he's gonna look like the whole movie? If so, I volunteer for the gang beating of Noah. This looks like a SNL skit kek
>>152014I don't know
nonnie, I didn't watch the leak, but you could check it out
Damn Amazon please stream this movie already
No. 152061
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Marion is so beautiful, damn. I can't believe she's 45, too.
I think her and Golshifteh are the prettiest actresses he ever worked with. I'd say Lupita and Laura too, but they only interacted during interviews and not the movies they were in lol
No. 152095
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Same, Lupita, same.
No. 152117
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sometimes I hate it here
No. 152138
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>>152061I just realized that Adam also worked with Laura Dern, but I meant Laura Harrier, picrel
>>152122Aw, that's a cute little encounter. Also makes me see her in higher regards.
>>152117I was actually there and seeing this happening live. I know the transman shit is a joke and all, but wide hips?? His shoulders are huge, and it clearly tapers at the hips. I wanted to post a pic and asking what she was talking about, but not worth the ban kek
No. 152142
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>>152138Anyway, better pics of…. This. I will never forgive Noah, I know the character in the book was dumpy and old
but then, why cast Adam Driver lol, but I truly thought he was going the Marriage Story route and just say fuck it and give the Hollywood treatment where ugly = glasses and unkept hair
As shallow as it is, this made my priority in seeing this movie a bit lower
No. 152144
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>>152139you say as if it is a bad thing
No. 152190
>>152144I've never seen anything like it. so it was weird the first time lmao.
even his titties are talented
No. 152211
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>tfwywn be Marion having long eye contact with Adam, clean his suit and make him laugh
No. 152267
>>152142I don’t really mind it, but maybe I’m desensitized as a Tom Hardy fan (the wig they had him wear in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was so bad that at one point they had to do reshoots). I think Adam is very distinctive looking, so they probably wanted him to look different and especially not like he did in Marriage Story
>>152211It feels really intimate to fix someone’s clothes, even though it’s not really. I always like small red carpet moments like this
No. 152475
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No. 152790
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No. 152879
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>>152790I just wanna sit on his lap for 5 minutes, I don't think that's unreasonable at all
No. 152962
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Sideshow will release a new Kylo Ren statuette!
They only have this picture so far, I hope we have yt reviews soon enough.
No. 152968
>>152879Me too,
nonnie, it must feel nice.
No. 152971
>>152962Wow, I'm not usually into figures, but this seems pretty nice. It would be cool to see it once they show more detailed pictures.
>>152879>>152968I third this. Also his hair in that picture looks so nice. I hope he doesn't have to cut it too short in the future
No. 153055
>>153051I love him in historical costumes with long hair.
The trailer looks pretty interesting, but I'm low-key nervous since SA is such a sensitive public issue and I could see the movie getting slated if it isn't pulled off well. Also I don't want scrotes to latch on to his character (a man supposedly being falsely accused of SA), since that narrative is also a hot topic.
But at least they didn't butcher his hair like the other men in the movie
No. 153081
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>>153055>I love him in historical costumes with long hair.He really looks fitting for the role lol
I remember one anon saying last year that she liked Adam because he looks like a medieval man
she posted it on the conventional thread and people dog piled her lol I hope you're a regular here, now, nonnette
>I could see the movie getting slated if it isn't pulled off well. Don't quote me on it, but I think Comer said the main scenes were portrayed in 3 different perspectives, one from each main character? I think it will be interesting, to say the least. The trailer seems to heavily imply that she's telling the truth though and will still pay for it
>The truth does not matter, there is only the power of menI'm very intrigued. It wasn't very high on my priority list, but it piqued my interest. Hopefully the theaters in my country will be open by then.
else, I'll torrent it by November
>Also I don't want scrotes to latch on to his character That's indeed the worst case scenario lol
>>153078I can't wait to see it up close and from other angles. Show me the schnozz! And I love how these realistic figures have his moles.
No. 153146
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Those Juillard photos are truly something. So weird to see youngish Adam with hair!
No. 153147
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>>153146can't wait for twitter to take this out of context
No. 153148
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No. 153149
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No. 153165
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>>153149Reminds me of this old photo that was leaked a while back. It seems like they had a lot of apartment dance parties.
It’s crazy how well he aged though. It’s like the reverse of DiCaprio
No. 153185
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>>153149Lmao this one is super cursed
>>153165>>153147He looks cute here imo, but yes, he does look better now. I think the hair also helps, balances out his features better.
Kinda random, but sometimes I lurk his LSA thread for pictures and such
they are way hornier than us, at least outspokenly and there was this user saying she doesn't wanna watch the last duel because she doesn't wanna see him
possibly dying again. Is this common? Never heard of such thing before.
No. 153189
>>153149I would stand with the anons who would always shit on him when he was posted in /ot/ but he looks really cute here. I fear I’m starting to see the appeal.
>>153147>>153146>>153165Someone should write a fanfic where he’s your campus crush.
No. 153248
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>>153212Yeah, I know. I worded poorly, but it's because I didn't want to spoiler for those that don't know the story kek
Which makes me think, I guess she won't be watching house of Gucci, as well? It's such a weird reasoning, to me.
>>153189>Someone should write a fanfic where he’s your campus crush.I guess this could work for his Girls' character, Adam Sackler.
No. 153284
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Thinking of Driver dick again
No. 153435
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If you have a few hundred dollars want to try some of Adam’s pre-red carpet skincare routine, here’s a list.
It’s funny imagining him brooding in his hotel room with eye masks.
No. 153445
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>>153435Kek that's some cute imagery. I can imagine something like picrel but with a face mask instead.
I remember someone saying he uses (among others) Tom Ford's Ombré Leather. I got really intrigued by this fragrance, wish I could try it irl because it has smoke, leather, moss and jasmine. It's described as "warm and spicy".
No. 153452
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It's coming
No. 153455
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>>153452Another pic for this campaign
They did film an ad, right? I hope it's not just a photoshoot, but the pics are also very welcomed.
No. 153571
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>>153553I really liked that effect, too!
>>153557According to reviewers, it's very woody with a touch of fresh citrus.
Fresh, luminous and bold, the scent is brightened with sparkling bergamot and invigorated with juniper and black pepper. Juniper, a classic British ingredient of the perfumers palette, brings a vibrant freshness to the scent, and is deepened by a trio of warm cedarwood oils from three distinct mountain ranges; Virginias Apalacian, the Atlas Mountains in Africa, and the Himalayas in Asia.I fucking love cedar so it's probably delicious. Wish I could get a sample of it, maybe soon enough.
>>153554A better look of the pic itself.
No. 153789
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Such lovely locks…
No. 153792
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Say thank you to Burberry
No. 153817
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>>153789Perfect. Is this during the TLD filming or is it an edit?
>>153792He looks amazing. I'm now always picturing him smelling like cedarwood.
I couldn't find the ad anywhere but Instagram. I want higher quality!
>>153812I didn't even think of that but I believe you are right. I feel for the horse, hopefully Adam was gentle enough and they were quick to shoot.
No. 153818
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>>153817Oh samefagging, I think the centaur bit is super cheesy lol I'm not mad at it, though, it made me laugh
On other news, maybe the Gucci trailer drops this week, let's see
No. 153881
>>153818the centaur moment had real big brain energy. either they had no other idea on how to end the commercial while leaving a strong impression on the viewer, or it's someone's fetish.
or both Congrats, I guess it worked since it's so stupid. You aren't a real hero until you merge with your horse, while staying in command, of course.
Adam looks gorgeous though so I will still enjoy this a lot.
No. 153884
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>>153881I googled Zoolander to make the comparison and Google immediately suggested Adam Driver. So glad I'm not the only one.
No. 153894
>>153817The ad is so extra that it's almost comical, but I kind of love it. Even though it's a men's fragrance, it seems completely geared towards thirsty women. Especially the centaur bit.
But I'm actually pleasantly surprised because a lot of perfume ads are super abstract and weird. I guess because it's hard to explain and sell a scent, so they have to try to convey it through an artistic lens.
No. 153908
Full version of the ad.
They had to post it now even thought it was supposed to premier in few days. No. 154002
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>>153894>>153900I really like perfumes add for this reason.
Natalie Portman's for Dior is one of my favorites, it's like excerpts of a life that'll never have
and I believe that was the pointAlso I agree with you that this ad is very female gazey. Usually they have cologne ads geared towards men to have strong, famous dudes, yes - but it's more like a male power fantasy, with suits, watches, women… Very James Bond-esque. Kinda like RPat for (also) Dior. Not a shirtless dude racing against a horse in the sunset lol
We have so much footage of AD running, btwThat being said, I prefer him with a bit more fat, but the look of him turning on the water against the sunlight is really pretty. It's my favorite shot, personally
>>153908Tbh it barely changed anything, it was mostly longer shots lol
No. 154065
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Samefag, just found these on insta. I actually prefer his body here, he looks more hydrated.
No. 154066
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>>154065I really love the lighting of these shots. Nothing beats the golden hour
No. 154142
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>>154074Adam Gucci poster. The trailer supposedly comes out later today
Some said it's gonna have all the actors putting on italian accents, I'm fearful lel I can only take so much cheese at a time
No. 154170
>>154142It's here!
Leto's accent is so over the top, but it looks like it will be an entertaining flick
No. 154220
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>>154207>>154216Big same. I had literally one dream where he interacted with me, and I'm like half of this thread kek
I mean, was it a nice dream? Reminds me of the other non-driverfag anon that is there in the thread pic that dreamt about touching his tits.
I'm going to sleep soon and I hope the universe grants me a dream like that.
No. 154274
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>>154236I wasn't, sad>>154247How did he even fit, rip all of your dresses kek
For my fellow crafty toy anons (or not), AliExpress finally has a recast for his HT head. I'm tempted to buy it and try to mod/paint it myself, but I don't have an airbrush currently so I fear that the paint won't spread out evenly in a natural way, even with thinning. It's fairly recent, let's see if they'll offer a painted version later. TBH even if you don't paint it, the sculpt is so nice. Maybe customize it to look like a Kylo Ren marble bust or something like that lol
I really wanna have a Kylo fashion doll to sew for, particularly
ant the OG HT ones to displayHere's the listing if anyone is interested: No. 154374
File: 1627763950821.webm (448.33 KB, 640x360, videoplayback_0_.webm)
>>154324Not to get too OT but they definitely have jointed bodies, probably at the same store too. You just need to find one with the right neck peg or buy it separately.
AliExpress is a doll parts haven, specially if you like to customize stuff. They also sell many clothes, in case you don't want to sew some stuff. You could probably find clothes there that fits most of his characters lol
Somewhat related audio
No. 154397
>>154374I just realized (am dumbass): can I buy a body and put the genuine HT head on it when I want to dress him up? That would be the best
he's finally shipping soon. Endless hours of fun, especially if I buy him nice clothes!
No. 154475
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>>154397Some HT's neck pegs are kind of annoying, because they have this rounded end so it's kinda difficult to fit it in most bodies - I don't know if they did this to avoid bootleg bodies or heads because they are kinda inconsistent anyway (the first Kylo toy has a different peg and you can't put his newer heads on the older body, for example) and also because that wouldn't make much sense anyway cause you already would have at least one original to be able to interchange them
at least afaik they don't sell spare partsThe recast head has a hollowed out neck with no rounded tip to it, so you can find bodies around AliExpress that fit. They probably left it that way for that exact reason
I'll see later if I can find a possible suitable body and I'll link it here for you!
Anyway, another Burberry BTS pic. Boobs in my mouth
No. 154533
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>>154509>>154510I laughed, nonner, but check your priorities
at least it's with the recast No. 154553
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I am really enjoying the pics from the Burberry ad, it's been a great couple of weeks to be a driverfag kek
No. 154782
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Why people keep spreading this rumor?
You just need to watch 5 seconds of girls to know that he clearly doesn't mind. Also to me it makes no sense that someone that went to theater school would mind shit like this
I went to art uni that had a theater course and the theater students were naked for a lot of shit, I believe it's not that different in the US
No. 154785
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>>154784190cm man?? With big feet??
No. 154795
>>154782IDK anon. The TV series only proves that he's okay with other actors looking at him, not randoms running around. But I agree that the rumor is stupid, IDK where it came from.
>sadam driverokay that made me laugh, even though I understood it as 'sadboi Driver' rather than 'hussein Driver' kek
>>154785that movie is one of the best ones for driverfagging IMHO
No. 154877
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>>154782I think this has been thoroughly debunked. He's taken a lot of pictures with extras and staff during Gucci and White Noise. But I think Chair-Gate probably fueled it
>>154852Welcome! Getting hazed on the Unconventional Male Attractions thread is like a right of passage to arrive here. But now you can be as thirsty as you want. I also wasn't into very muscular men, but I think it works well with his general look and vibe vs a lot of stereotypical muscular guys
I'm super excited for Annette. I'm going to miss him with long hair
No. 154908
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>>154852Welcome! So happy to see a new Driverfag here!!!
also genuinely rec the whole /m/ board, it has some fun or interesting threads>reading embarassing amounts of Kylo Ren x reader ff afterwards (I actually found some really good ones which is great, I'm really picky and reader insert is definitely a huge hit and miss most of the time). I know it's subjective and probably much to ask, but would you mind sharing those links? I trust farmer recommendations!
>I love the fact we actually have a space to talk about our oh-so-controversial attraction to himThis always kills me. Like I saw the Gucci commercial and I was asking myself how the fuck it's weird to be attracted to THAT? Pre-centaur, of course kek
>>154877>I'm super excited for Annette. I'm going to miss him with long hairSame. Also bummed that in the next 2 movies that will come out after Annette,
Driver dies. Fuck
No. 154918
>>154908I'd have to sift through my notes to make a complete list but this one here is my absolute favorite so far
I even downloaded it which I've never ever done before kek there's only 4 chapters and the author stopped updating 5 months ago
holding on to the hope she'll update eventually though but it's definitely one of the best smut fanfictions I've ever read. It's well written and pretty in-character (since he's not portrayed as plain evil and it's evident he's struggling with the fact he's got a good side) plus it's about having a force bond (definitely my favorite trope when it comes to the SW universe) and I love all the kinks involved (power play in particular. There's a short mention of breeding/pregnancy in chapter 4 but one can easily ignore that, at least that's what I did kek). Really hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did!
No. 154940
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>>154852Welcome, nonnette! I'm glad we have new Driverfags! And you read the whole previous thread and this one as well, I'm impressed lol
some people barely do that for the main boards
>I never really been into super tall, muscular guys/size difference or anything like that so having the hots for Adam definitely took my by surprise I saw the Ben swolo meme like the rest of the world but never payed much attention to it, but when I saw him lifting Lena up with his tiddies bare, I knew it was game over for me.
>I actually just wanted to say that from what I can tell the people who post in here seem super lovely and interesting and I apprechiate you a lotNO U!
But no, really, this thread is pretty comfy and actually got many laughs out of me. And it's going to be even more fun to have another opinion to weigh in on the movies and such!
And thanks for the fic rec
>>154918 kek
>>154795>he's okay with other actors looking at him, not randoms running around.Fair enough. That made actually realize that considering he had some stalkers and has been doxxed, this could go into really creepy territory fast
But as the other
nonnie said (and the blind itself) it has been proven fake. Unless he does this intermittently (?)
No. 155044
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Finally, my HT Kylo is arriving in 5 days! I'm super happy and excited but at the same time, I have so much stuff going on in my head I'm worried I will not be able to properly enjoy opening that box. IDK maybe I should wait? Hopefully I will get into the mood once I pick him up from the delivery point!
>>155016>because I finally started watching GirlsOoh, what a timing! I just went back to watching Girls after dropping the series for a few months since the 4th season was kind of boring. I'm binging the 5th one. I enjoy it overall, but Adam is still the best thing about it, I'm sorry.
Let us know how you like the show and especially Adam's moments!
>(the explanation was that he's taking pills and they can make him really paranoid which is why whenever he's tripping he gets very intense about people looking at him)wow I love it
>but I spent hours thinking of Sackler before going to sleep so I guess that explains itMaybe we should all be doing that lmfao
No. 155051
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I love his beautiful face…
No. 155065
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>>155016This sounds like a fun dream!
>>155044>I have so much stuff going on in my head I'm worried I will not be able to properly enjoy opening that box. Me and my boyfriend and some other people I know also enjoy unboxing important stuff, so we usually do it only on weekends to fully appreciate it. I think it's not unusual at all if you wait, after all, it's something special that you wanna "treasure" the moment, right? Sometimes when you are stressed, cake can cheer you up, but sometimes you can't enjoy it to it's fullest due to the stress. So see what mood you're in when you grab it! I'm very excited for you.
spoiler for blog but I've applied for a home temp job that pays in dollar and if I get it I'd be able to order one for my self in literally two weeks of work aaaa manifest/pray for me nonnies>>155051Choose your fighter
Just regular Adam but he's in a lake
No. 155154
Just finished watching 5th season of girls, only one more to go. What can I say?
Angry Adam is terrifying I do have to agree that the quality of the show drops, but I'm not exactly sure when. The latter half of the 4th season really tested me though (or was it just Ray's city hall plot? That was too realistic, so boring I stopped watching).
>>155065I'm manifesting for you so hard, nona!!! I hope you get TROS Kylo so we can swap sweater tips. lol
No. 155336
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>>155154For me, personally, I'd just recommend the first 2 seasons. Those were the ones I genuinely liked.
I absolutely hated the third, the fourth and fifth I tolerated, and the last one I disliked.
I also just kept watching because of Adam, and he elevated his character a lot, I think if it was any other actor, Sackler would probably just be a weirdo sex pest made boyfriend made sex pest again. No one can convince me otherwise kek
It also helped that he and Lena had legit great chemistry, one of my favorites that I've ever seen with one of his co-workers
Sorry Daivers. And even though Lena was never beautiful, she at least was normal looking and sold her part of just a regular annoying girl very convincingly.
Spoilers, I guess? But
I fucking hate how by the end of the series they try to sell this idea that Jessa was Hannah's best friend all along. What? Am I the only one that thinks that Marnie was the one they sold as Hannah's BFF from episode 1?? They fact that they suddenly changed it to be Jessa just for the ~conflict~ of the 5-6th season being that she's dating Adam and oh no muh bwest fwend betwayed me just felt really cheap and ass pull-y. Maybe I'm the one that didn't pay attention enough, but I watched that God forsaken series back to back and was legit confused by that shit. Marnie is even the one that helps Hannah raise her baby!! No. 155563
>>155336Finished Girls so I finally can reply!
>I also just kept watching because of Adam, and he elevated his character a lotSame. Marnie and Jessa were so fucking insufferable I would drop the tv series just because of them if not for Adam. I feel like watching this thing from start to finish was a real achievement on my part tbh I feel like that about finishing watching anything, but that's just mental illness for you#. The writing was all over the place, many plot points ended up being pointless, and I was so mad about Adam's ending - though I guess at least it was a nice, sad episode.
I really didn't want Adam to end up with Jessa, the biggest POS this series had. In the end, Marnie ended up being just as bad, but at least in the beginning she didn't seem like a completely awful person. The ending pissed me off cause I feel like Jessa got what she wanted, and I don't think she deserved that - and I also never bought her miracle romance with Adam. I really hoped Hannah would stay with him, even if it would go against the 'maturing and leaving bad relationships in the past' thing. Seeing Jessa get a mental breakdown after Adam dropped her was satisfying (even if a small part of me felt bad for her as well). God, I just hate her!!! Even Adam deciding to be alone would be better than the forced Jessa relationship.
Now I completely see what you (I think) meant about Shoshanna being the best person out of girls. I really enjoyed her time in Japan and wished that weeb Shoshanna would stay like that forever. She was so endearing! Beyond her being the clown of the group in season 1, the only thing I have against her is that she's kind of bland and I wouldn't watch a tv show focused on her… unless she would be her weeby self.
I fucking hated Hannah giving Ray a blowjob in thanks for him hauling her ass out of nowhere. It was awful, stupid and ruined both of them for me. Also not sure if I bought Ray's romance with the cute fattie, but ehhh.
You are 100 right about Marnie being Hannah's best friends. I thought the same! Also I've read commentary about those episodes on avclub and literally everyone noticed the bullshit. Marnie wasn't wrong when she called Jessa a secondary friend.This would be a waste of time if not for Adam, as overall, there was too much of bad or plainly annoying content.
No. 155855
This is critical. Which AD did you get and does it fit the sign in your opinion? a Pisces, I got Charlie and couldn't agree more lmfao
No. 155935
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>>155855Mine was Clyde Logan, I am not mad at all. He's not my
absolute favorite character of him, but I believe we would get along well.
>Aquarians love their family and are cleverWhy, thank you!
>>155563Funny enough, I wanted him to be
with Jessa just out of spite. First because as I said, I thought the whole best friend ordeal was stupid as fuck (also thx for validating the Marnie thing), also because I hated Hannah the most out of everyone kek of she was to be with Adam from day 1 even though her character was getting progressively worse, I'd probably still ship them, but it got too messy (he being with Mimi-Rose was so fucking out of left field and even OOC if I'm honest. I think they did that so Adam would have a reason so appear less to work on SW) and Hannah just got too fucking annoying for me to want her getting what she wanted lol which wasn't even getting back with Adam, it was just that he and Jessa didn't get together. And my last reasoning for wanting them to be together was just completely shallow; sex scenes between them because Jemima is prettier than Lena kek
But realistically, if the series was to keep going, there's no way Jessa and Adam would be together still, and they knew that themselves.My crack pairing is Shosh and Adam. She can fix him
No. 156401
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My mind keeps coming back to this gif
No. 156453
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I want to thank the anon responsible for the driverfag version of the Rick and Morty copypasta. How about we perfect it for future use? By which I mean replacing the literary part with something related to AD. My first idea was to mention the book Adam narrated:
>There's also Adam's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from ancient Greek tragedies, for instance.
>for instance, the beauty in Adam's existencial catchphrase "Did I answer your question?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Doerries' military epic The Theater of War.
I'm open to different suggestions, though. Has Adam ever mentioned any book being important for him? Or maybe a type of acting theory? I hope this isn't too autistic LMFAO.
Pasta copied below for convenience (as the thread in which it was posted is probably gonna get nuked) - without any changes
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Adam Driver. The beauty is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of peak male performance most of the sexy big nosed appeal will go over a typical farmer's head. There's also Adam's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The driverfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the meaty tiddies, to realize that they're not just beautiful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Adam Driver truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the beauty in Adam's existencial catchphrase "Did I answer your question?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Adam Driver's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Adam Driver tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the driverfag's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
No. 156578
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>>156453kek anon, thanks for the appreciation, I actually first posted this modded pasta itt
>>141602I don't even remember why the fuck I did it, probably some anons where randomly shittalking driverfags again and I felt like shitposting without getting banned kek
It's kinda bad because I did it on a whim on a generator, your sugestions are very good!
>Has Adam ever mentioned any book being important for him?As you mentioned, he usually talks about greek classics (the ones he was reading for the Theater of War project, likely), the Ajax one by Sophocles is one that I remember him mentioning during an SAG interview.
>>156510It's from the Gucci trailer,
>>154170It's not out yet but I'm looking forward the sex scenes and the campiness of it all
No. 156799
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>>156763>I really wish there was a sex scene with her and Adam.Boy, how I wish
No. 156823
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I was actually lurking the Deuxmoi sub and stumbled upon this lol
Mento illness luv
No. 157020
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>>156984Is it downloadable already?? But in good quality? If so, I'll download it asap
>>156998the second is not so different from what people with personal cows do kekIf lolcow goes down, I'll miss my fellow driverfags
No. 157096
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No. 157125
>>157110…so I take it you didn't like Annette? Why?
T. Anon who saw it at the world premiere (and has mixed feelings about the film)
No. 157145
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not a driverfag but thought you all would find it funny
No. 157353
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>>157145Kek I obviously like him for other reasons as well, but the height helps
I've downloaded Annette and I really wanna watch it but I've been busy so I haven't yet. Maybe this weekend I'll finally be able to do it!
On other news, the new Breitling pics are very nice hnng
No. 157357
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>>157145And a last pic to illustrate this tweet
>>157096Lol kinda sad, aw. Where we're taking the new Driverfags?
>>157097I've been randomly permabanned from c.c (even though I was there for it's inception, but they've been having this ban problem) and I don't use discord, not my thing. Since the donations, I don't think lc will croak so soon, but if it did, I'd have nowhere to go lol
No. 157415
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>>157020>>157097Is it dying? We should act fast and find a place to migrate
No. 157470
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>>157415It's not. We're in the middle of a bumpy road, but it's gonna last at least for another couple of years due to the farmer's donations. IIRC, the current Admin even said that the next one won't need to worry about paying for the server for at least one full year, so yeah. But a lot of us got a bit scared. No need to take immediate action kek
>>157360>>157455>cute little touches of 'tism.lmao wholesome
Jokes aside I legit think it's wholesome when non-driverfags come comment
In the first thread we had a fair share of insults kekYou're always welcome!
No. 158071
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>>157353I’ve been avoiding the thread because I haven’t had time to watch Annette yet either and I was worried about spoilers. But I’m pleasantly surprised that most people here are chill about it. Twitter and Instagram kept recommending me spoiler clips.
I did see the post about his shoe size though. He’s a US 14 and Google says the average male is 10.5. Take of that what you will
No. 158088
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>>158073>It feels to me like nobody cares about Annette and it makes me sad, since it's new Driver contentIn my case it just came out in a very bad time because I've busier right now than all year lol I'll try to watch it today, but it's one of these weeks that I've been pushing all of my hobbies to the weekend and I wanna do them all but have to pick cause I don't have the time
I could also write a dumbass review like a did for the book, everything spoilered, of course
>>158071I'd lick these louboutins clean No. 158095
>>158073All the Driverfags on twitter already saw it, but the movie never got a cinema release in my country, we don't have Amazon so I had to go full Mad Jack The Pirate and I feel bad about it because I really wanted to support the movie.
>>158088If it's in your local cinema, go and see it there. I think it's one of a few new releases that absolutely needs to be seen on a big screen and with dolby atoms sounds system.
No. 158097
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>>158095Unfortunately I don't think it will ever get a theatrical release here in my country either. Maybe next year, on a small indie theatre. But otherwise…
I don't feel too bad pirating it though because I already pay for Amazon Prime and if it ever get released on cinema I'll be the first one there kek it's just that for some reason it'll only be released in my country, on streaming mind you, in November. I don't know what the fuck is up with that, pirating it is
No. 158103
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>>158097We don't want to be criminals but Jeff Bezos is forcing us into it.
>also, literally us No. 158210
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Just finished Annette and I have a lot of thoughts that I might right later when I have the time! I generally really liked it, though.
Also this could've been endgame if Henry went to therapy.
>>158103He was asked to play Captain Hook, wasn't he? I don't remember by whom (Disney?), but he declined.
>>158101>HES WEARING RED BOTTOM SHOES LIKE THE SLUT HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kek is this a thing somewhere??
Am I a slut too for loving loubies? No. 158212
File: 1630353338449.gif (2.89 MB, 268x376, 2b5cb302a7303a8b5f1776fcb15395…)

>>158210>rightMeant write, too lazy to delete my typo while phoneposting, have this gif
No. 158311
had to drop this here
>>158210>>158212pls write the review! would love to read it
No. 158315
>>158236Driver is a narc and sees his daughter only as a doll.
It's basically r/raisedbynarcisists the musical.
No. 158367
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>>158311Okay! I'll write it as soon as I am able
Also that lego video is pretty cute lol
I didn't even know they made lego horses, but of course they do>>154274A follow up for this, they now have the painted head. I will wait to see if anyone posts a review with pics, I won't buy anything from AliExpress without a customer pic first kek
But honestly, at that price, I'd rather buy the unpainted head and an airbrush and do it myself, personally. But if any other anon doesn't have the motivation and/or skills to do it, it's an option.
Btw, to the nonnette that bought the HT kylo: Did you open it?
No. 158463
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>ywn be the hand in gifrel
No. 158489
>>158474Holy shit anon, I feel this. Also love how you placed Driver, kek. So elusive and forever out of touch.
What is the original pic? Google says it's Anthy from Utena, but the colors are kond of off
No. 158494
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>>158474I love the poorly edited in oriental short hair kek
but yes, when even live
>>158489Definitely not Anthy. She looks indian, I thought it might be Nena from Jojo but upon googling, it's also not it.
No. 158511
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>>158500Heh neat easteregg!
This is my favorite"touching Driver hair" gif because it's really intimate, reposting since it's kinda sorta on topic still
No. 158513
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Arms and shoulders appreciation, from the Annette BTS. I like how gentle he is with this doll
No. 158869
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Here's my review! I'd say it's more of a big word-salady thought dump than a review, but hey. I am also probably forgetting a lot of stuff since I just found the time to write it today and I watched the movie last week.
I decided against spoilering it because else it would be a giant ugly black box, but everything after this has big SPOILERS
I watched Holy Motors this year to get familiarized Leos Carax' "language", and although Annette is way more straightfoward and has less room for it's plot interpretation, I'd know that I was in for a very non conventional movie, with some meta stuff in it. I think that the first scene in the movie shows that well; I like how it kinda looks like actors walking together to a stage play and get in character by the end of the song. I think that a lot of this movie have strong "stage play" vibes at some points, like when Adam and Marion are dancing/fighting on the boat. I don't know, maybe it wasn't on purpose (but it's not rare to directors do stuff like these when there are budget restrictions), but the blue screen with waves kinda turned upside down/sideways to emphasize the dramatic storm and how the water was being throwing at them in this small practical stage (the boat itself) really reminded me of when I was watching Les Mis live, and they'd do some clever tricks to represent the surroundings and feelings.
Another thing that is very theatre-like that I really liked was the fact that you could see a lot of the women that were part of Henry's act as other background characters like nurses and stewardessess, like a real Broadway musical ensemble. I thought that was pretty cool and also added to that "meta" feeling, like we are watching a movie that it is supposed to be a representation of a story, not like a "simulation of real life" (I don't know if I am making sense since I'm ESL lmao)
I also like how generally, when Ann is on screen alone, the colors of the movie get a bit warmer (aside for her opera/dream/fear sequences). Maybe I am misremembering it, but I had this impression that scenes with Henry were usually a bit more gloomy looking whereas Ann's had a bit more of a warmer tint before she learns that Henry abused the girls. By the way, is one of the girls Kiko Mizuhara or was I seeing things?? That caught me really off guard lol
I couldn't really get why Ann always had an apple with her. If anyone have any theories, I'd appreciate to hear them! I didn't search for anything online because I wanted to write my opinions without any influences.
As I said, the plot itself is pretty straight forward (more than what I could say about Holy Motors, which I had to digest for a while kek).
I thought that Ann singing in the moonlight when she goes into the woods mid-opera is kinda like a peak at her mind, like her fear of being alone (which is kinda the same Henry has, which is highlighted by the scenes where he fails to sleep and the club scene), and it goes to Annette; either genetically or because Ann is now "haunting Henry through Annette' - which again, can be interpreted as either because Ann is literally haunting him by possessing Annette when she sings or the liking, or because Annette just carries too many qualities that are akin to her mother so he's always constantly being reminded of Ann.
I think that Henry has that boxing theme because he's always in a kind of "match" with his audience, just like he says "laugh, laugh, laugh" with disdain at the beginning. And he essentially does anti-comedic rants instead of real stand-up, which I think has a nice flavor of irony to it. They reminded me more of my uni's theatre students doing presentations. I think that Henry became a comedian to both feel superior to his audience but also to be less lonely, but these are just my two cents. When he meets Ann on his bike, it kinda make me think that Henry likes the attention/controversy and that Ann is more focused on the art and not the attention. I guess it again ties in with the theme that Henry is lonely as fuck and it manifests itself in being an attention whore.
I liked Simon Helberg a lot in this movie as well, the scene where he's conducting and talking about Ann is nicely shot. I wish they actually had an affair-affair after Ann finds out that Henry is abusive towards other people, it would've been an interesting addition to the plot and also would actually bring the question if Annette is Henry's or Simon's. They been together just once a week before she met Henry just makes Simon sounds delusional and like he's projecting what he wanted into Annette - and maybe that's the point, but I personally felt like it didn't have as big of a punch then if we were actually left wondering if Henry is exploiting a child that is not even his, killing both of her parents. But Alas. (Both of the killing scenes I enjoyed a lot because Adam is just so big, strong and threatening, you know neither of these characters confronting him have much chance against him. Their lives were literally in his hands, it's very scary to see the size differences and how every effort to even break from him is useless)
I like how the ghost of Ann has two sides, the one that resents Henry and the one that loves him. Again, whether those are real paranormal events or just Henry's mind, works imo. I thought that the scene where he's having trouble to fall asleep and then when he does, Ann's ghost get spooned by him is really cute. When they both confront him at the court scene is cool, as well. I maybe misrebembering again, but is "good Ann" only seen in mirrors and "evil Ann" actually seen in front of him? That would be a nice little metaphor.
I think that it is also good that Henry got his comeuppance by going to jail, and it is very heartbreaking when he says "Am I not allowed to love you?" to Annette and she straight up refuses. I mean, I know he doesn't deserve that, but it seems, at least to me, that he actually regretted his shit during prison time and learned to be a better person - Especially if you consider that he had seen Annette as a doll/puppet all this time, and this is the first time he sees her as a little child. But not even your child daughter wants anything else to do with you, damn. It's sad to see her not showing any type of affection towards him as he hugs her for the last time until god knows when. Although I thought it was sad, it was also really refreshing, imo. No redemption for the asshole narc dad. When did that last happen, especially for a protagonist? I also thought it was cool how his birthmark thingie in his face kept growing through out the movie, like the toxicity he has starts to take a physical form outside as well.
Anyway, I also think that the monkey she leaves behind with her doll "corpse" is also a representation of her child wonder/innocence, because that monkey has always been with her in every other scene; she would hug the monkey or the monkey would hug her. So leaving it behind would be a big deal.
Does anyone know why Annette also resents her mother? This kinda left me wondering. I thought it may be because her mother haunts Henry through her, so her mother also used Annette selfishly as a puppet to get back at her father. But I'm not sure if that's it, and that was a bit confusing for me. If you don't consider the Ann haunting to be paranormal and simply a metaphor, maybe Annette resents Ann because she passed her fears of being alone and her talent, which led her to be exploited by her father? I don't know, just throwing it in the air. I was with Henry when he asked Annette not to blame Ann lol
I liked the intro song, the we loved each other so much song grew on me (and well, it was basically the movie leitmotif so that helped), the nurses song, the storm song, the interrogation song, the travelling around the world song and the last one. I guess those were the big numbers that stayed with me the most. Musicals have these big songs that are usually character feelings/motivations (in opera they are the Arias) and the ""filler"" songs; they are not filler in the original sense of the word because they are usually the opposite, songs to advance the plot. But they are filler songs in the sense that not much thought is put into these songs, since they are mostly sung dialogue vs sung emotions/motivation (in opera those are cantatas, simplifying this explanation a lot). I felt that this musical had a looot of "filler songs", and it would've been better to just straight up make it a book musical, aka a musical with actually spoken dialogue between the big songs. They kinda keep flip-flopping it and it felt a bit weird structurally imo. There were also some parts with "talk singing" that I thought sounded a bit weird. I think everyone sang well, but I feel like they could've pushed Adam a bit harder for his singing, like I felt like he sang more vividly for Marriage Story and we could have used a performance like that in this movie as well, but it was fine.
Unrelated to the movie note: I could identify a lot of clothes he wore for While We're Young and Girls being repeated here.
I was very happy with his naked scenes lol I with the eating out scenes were longer and more detailed kek But I take what I can get. I know that this was a director choice, but still, the tickling scene put a daunting question in my mind: Is Adam Driver a footfag?
TL;DR: 8/10 for me.
Sorry for big text, thanks for reading my bullshit thoughts
No. 159134
File: 1630891139200.jpg (5.58 MB, 4032x3024, driverfagswerehere.jpg)

Saw this at a local con and thought of you lovely ladies. I consider myself a retired driverfag but I love these threads so here you go.
No. 159154
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>>159134Aw, thanks anon! That's some really nice art. I can see it's a reylo print. I kinda like some aspects of reylo but to this day I have no idea why it amounted
this much popularity, like no other SW couple ever has. Pic very much rel lol
And it's still strong after the botched last movie, which is impressive. But I guess that would be a topic for the SW thread instead.
>retired driverfagDo you mind me asking why retired? Kek just legit curious. Was it after or before this thread?
>>157476I swore I had answered this, guess it was only in my mind, sorry! But thanks for worrying about us,
No. 159259
The Driver slander on /ot/ is disgusting, I just needed to say that.
>>159197I realize that this is 99% on me being ignorant, but…
Did anyone else felt like they were taking crazy pills when the movie was advertised to the normies like "with a music by Sparks OMG!!!"? I know they are largely responsible for Annette, but I've literally never heard about them before (I know there was some documentary about them this year and that's it). Like who are those scrotes and why the fuck am I supposed to care? Do they have a decent hipster following in the USA or wherever they crawled from? I want to blame it on them being unknown in my country, but maybe I am wrong and theu actually have 250 fans here kek. It was SO bizzare to see them advertised like they are Thom Yorke or a band as recognizable. I don't see anyone going to see Annette for Sparks but I'm probably projecting so excuse me if I sounds like a moron. The music in the film didn't make me interested in them, if it's any consolation for my ignorance.
No. 159273
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>>159266>Parisian rent isn't so bad with arts subsidies.huh
Nta but maybe I should move to France then
No. 159334
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>>159134This actually looks pretty cool. I’m sort of picky about posters and fan art as decorations, but this one seems like it could fit well
Also, Driver Twitter is probably the most annoying after Reddit. Everyone is either nitpicking him for spending too much or calling him a sugar daddy when it’s extremely obvious that he didn’t have to pay for any of the Breitling watches since he’s literally their celebrity sponsor.
Most things celebs wear on the red carpet are rented or gifted anyway.
No. 159380
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>>159309>Work on getting a hit Driver gif in FranceA gif is all it takes? I'm on it
jk i know it's probably a brainfart or something>>159334>it’s extremely obvious that he didn’t have to pay for any of the Breitling watches since he’s literally their celebrity sponsorAnd even if he was to pay for it, so what? It's not like he's using
his money irresponsibly. I wonder if they think it makes a literal celebrity that starred in one of the biggest franchises in the world less relatable because he has expensive watches. I mean, I probably wouldn't pay that much on a watch, but if I had his money suddenly I'd probably get one or two luxury items, even if just to see what the fuss is about. He's feeding his kid, his wife and his dog, those watches are nothing
Has anyone ever nitpicked the designer clothes he wears as well?
No. 159394
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>>159380I'll keep thinking about this gif for a long time, what a beautiful man
Cute Kylo Ren fanart in animal crossing style in case anyone hasn't seen it yet
No. 159521
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>>159514Yeah, that one is obviously a joke (and I suppose even the reaction is mostly an exaggerated joke anyway), but there is some weird shit on A03 like stalker AU, incestuous AU and whatnot.
But honestly, at this point this is just expected from fandom shit, I bet that you could find all of that cringy shit under any tag that is popular. Even the "anti" shit is expected lol to me the only thing that crosses the line is the IRL stalking shit, and unfortunately that also has happened in other fandoms, like 1D and Cumberbatch from Sherlock.
I don't even like AUs, so I usually just collect fanarts
No. 159649
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I like this era of Adam a lot. He looked healthy and b i g
No. 160417
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This billboard in Glasgow…
No. 160427
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>>160417OofOutdoors are forbidden where I live due to visual pollutions laws, so I can only imagine this would be quite a sight to behold lol btw, I really wish I could get a sniff of that perfum. Probably wouldn't be as curious if it wasn't for Adam, but I do love cedarwood.
Anyone else is looking forward to the Last Duel? I wasn't so hyped up before, but the trailers got me interested. I also like Comer.
No. 161011
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I haven't been able to driverfag as much cause I've been busy, but Adam holding a latte with his face
No. 161570
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>>161448>I'm "retired" because of crazy fans of his on RedditWhat do you mean by crazy, if you don't mind me asking? I've always wondered what it's like for artists who draw characters or celebrities. I know a lot of it gets stolen by fan accounts and sometimes people make weird requests.
I like the idea of reylo, but the fan side of it is a bit unhinged. I saw someone on Twitter a few days ago who swore the reason there were no leaked imaged of White Noise is because they're secretly filming a Star Wars project with Adam and Daisy.
Also, I'm ready for some historical looks
No. 161611
>>161570 I don't mind at all. It's the fans who demonize his wife who are the ones I mean when I say crazy. I was lurking around not too long after that AITAF incident where a fan insisted Joanne bullied her. Maybe I'm stupid but I did believe it may have happened the way the fan claimed…at first. But even if it is true, Reddit driverfags take it too far. Maybe Joanne is a bitch, maybe she's not. None of us can tell from a handful of photos and she's his problem anyway. I hope she treats him well, of course, but if not he knows what to do. The high level of personal investment on there grossed me out.
Most of the Reylo fans I've seen are unhinged too. I dislike the pairing but not as much as I dislike the insanity associated with it.
You're 1000% right about historical dress Adam and I hope we get more too. Cheers, anon!
No. 161678
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>>161570>I saw someone on Twitter a few days ago who swore the reason there were no leaked imaged of White Noise is because they're secretly filming a Star Wars project with Adam and Daisy.Can't wait for their reaction when it turns out they were wrong and there is no secret reylo movie. Psychofans
(and Sariah Wilson)on suicide watch
>>161611Maybe I'm wrong, but I've always thought that the insane fans are a minority. Even r/adamdriverfans seemed to calm down a bit when I checked it (granted, it was a solid few months ago).
I just remembered going on a late bus home from work when the AITAF drama was relatively fresh and reading all
driverfags back then lol. I hope you guys are still around, even if the thread became slow.
Anyway, tag yourself. I'm mask/fanboy Kylo Ren. Also apologies if the old ass meme already was posted, run into it randomly and couldn't resist sharing
No. 161800
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Rip the adam driver files. unpopular opinion i hate new rebranding
No. 161956
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>>161807One of the decent Adam Driver fan news account. Too bad the new rebranding as Adam Driver Central are gonna cater the twitterfags.
I semi retired using lolcow because I lost interested in the content.At this point the only communities I like and post is the DriverfagsAlso remember Sam Era , Good Times Anon.
No. 161984
>>161800It feels like an end of an era. This new rebranding is already annoying with the rats pandering. Yeah TADF joked about it, but it was not a main thing.
They mentioned how old owner and creator was bullied, anyone knows what happened?
No. 162013
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>>161956>>161984You've been missed, nona. Also I love the meme lmfaoWait, why the fuck is this rebranding happening? What was wrong with AD Files?
>the rats panderingYou know, sometimes I hate that everything needs to have a fandom with cringey, autistic name. I remember the funny post where someone was complaining about that like it's a new thing, and another person was like 'yeah, but did you hear about Jesus Christ?'. I do think that it's true that in the last year, those cringe fandom names became a much bigger thing. I wish they were at least something punny and toungue in cheek, like 'adamirers' (still cringe, but at least hard to treat seriously) than fucking rats, which sounds psychotic with the whole 'gotta feed the rats' thing. Sorry, I'm probably overly rude about it, I guess I'm just too old. lol
>They mentioned how old owner and creator was bullied, anyone knows what happened?Huh, I would also like to know more about that
No. 162213
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I am free to driverfag again for a little while, finally aaa>>161448>Rey wasn't sold outI am not surprised, tbh kek Kylo is absolutely the fan favorite of the pairing, on both sides
>These threads are actually bringing the spark back.Welcome back! (if you're to return)
>>161570>I like the idea of reylo, but the fan side of it is a bit unhinged.It's completely unhinged. Both sides, honestly, the anti-reylos were also very weird. But this is unfortunately expected now as far fandom shit goes. I guess the main difference of the reylos is that older women are also invested (Sariah being a big example of this), the weird stalkers and also the fact that SW dudebros are very offended by the "twilightification" of the Star Wars. Kinda like they are mad at the Mando series for the "minionification" of Grogu.
Going a bit on a tangent here, I actually like Reylo as well, but if I was the writer of the last movie I wouldn't make them canon, at all. Which could actually be a good thing - let Ben live and them the romance could be built upon (and milked) with more care and time.
a bit of a personal opinion here but non canon couples are also more fun kek>>161611>I saw someone on Twitter a few days ago who swore the reason there were no leaked imaged of White Noise is because they're secretly filming a Star Wars project with Adam and Daisy.This made me legit laugh out loud. This kind of conspiracy theory is so funny to me. That was the sole reason why I'd check the Daiver thread at r/adamdriverfans, but since it became more moderated and less crazy, I stopped checking it out. It's a two way street because yeah, it's a good thing that the crazy is under a leash now, but damn it was funny. I remember reading some fanfic-tier "gossiping" there.
>>161678> I hope you guys are still around, even if the thread became slow.I am totally still here! I like our little fangirling corner of lolcow as well lol
>Anyway, tag yourself.I am matt and snarky kylo lol
That meme reminded me of this one. Tag yourselves
or pick your husbando I am Clyde, which matches this lmao
>>155935>>161956Missed you nonna! I like your memes (and I love your "virtual accent", if that makes sense? You write in a unique way which I like
>>161807I like Adam Driver Brasil, I think it was the biggest fanpage second to TADF. They are very good for pics and I speak portuguese lol Also I like how they are just unapologetic horny aunties, but in a professional way, if that makes sense? Like, they deliver the news, photos, etcetc but they are not also uber woke and do not pretend they are above wanting to see them tiddies and stuff. Most portuguese interactions on their instagram is full of horny comments as well. I don't know how twitter is but from caps some people always seem so holier-than-thou
>>162013>I wish they were at least something punny and toungue in cheekI absolutely agree, can't believe I am saying this but even cumberbitches is more creative kek
I also wanna know about the bullying rumours, cause I am as nosy as Driver himself
No. 162640
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New Breitling thing, I love those
No. 162684
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>>162640I remember a director gave a little anecdote about Adam driving out to meet him on his motorcycle instead of taking a taxi.
I think it’s funny that his endorsements so far are high-end watches, motorcycles, cologne and… Snickers. Has he been in any other ads?
No. 163066
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>>161984I heard it too. Isn't the old owner has a discord server that patreon exclusive??
I kinda wish that I ask the Twitter community but that's gonna expose me as farmer.
Anyway Immigration plan when? I know the site will still up until the end this year. If this community is gone forever gonna blend myself with the twitterfags.
I wish there is a space to dicussing AD that is free from crazy Reylo . I know there is tumblr but still… >>162213Oh I also like Adam Driver UK
No. 163068
>>163066Would love to migrate somewhere. Though it's not yet confirmed that lolcow will be dead by the end of this year. Let's not lose faith.
>that webmkek!
No. 163073
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>>163066I’m open to an AD discord if it’s our small lolcow group. It’s nice having a no pressure place to discuss little snippets if the site dies
Pic unrelated
No. 163080
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>>163066>>163068>>163074>> takeover plan
trigger tranny miners
No. 163118
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>>163100 has so many mug/cup pictures, I could fill the whole thread if I wanted to be annoying
and banned again, most likely No. 163127
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>>163066I'm down for a driverfagging discord
[spoiler]I'm a reylo thought[spoiler]
No. 163138
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>>163127I also like reylo
and kylux! I just don't associate with the people that identify as reylo, especially the western side. I really have to filter a lot of crazy shit to find good fan content of this ship.
No. 163154
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>>163138I get that, community has different levels of cringe, but still I feel more comfortable in that community because I don't see moronic takes on how
>Kylo dying is actually a good thing and Rey being a Skywalker is a perfect ending uwuBack in the day, early 2016 I was a multishipper and liked kylux jokes and art, but at some point most of them joined anti community and started "supporting" finrey. From that point on I started avoiding them, now all I see is how mad they are Kylo got a redemption, (even thought I think it was poorly executed it was still the only thing that had any depth in that damn movie) how they are "right" fans for supporting genocidal nazi as a villain and not like reylos wanting him to redeem himself.
No. 163222
>>163217I remember when he was shilling Finnpoe (which was a cute ship, even if it would never happen). So weird that he jumped on the Finnrey ship just to shit all over Reylos, Kylo Ren and Disney for not giving his character a bigger role (which sucked, I agree! But that comment was so immature and gross).
>he blew it all out of proportion and made it all about "shipping" with his infamous NY meltdownWhich one was it? The pipe one or was there another? LOL
>As usual woke crowd would rather hate on a fictional ship than say that yeah this black guy said something cringy.It sucks that the idea of fandom without racism, sexism and other discrimination ended up like this. Hate how the moralfags feel entitled to decide which characters everyone is allowed to like and how they are supposed to interpret them (even if it contradicts canon).
No. 163234
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>>163222JJ sidelined Finn in the first movie and used him as a marketing tool to hide his real protagonist Rey and subvert everyones expectations. Thats why so many people to this day are locked in their TFA marketing delusions. Rian gave Finn his own plot, enemy that he defeats in an epic way rather than throwing them in the garbage to reference that other movie. In TROS his character is a literal joke, yet John goes out of his way to defend JJ and tells people not to touch his boy, at the same time he openly hates on Rian. Imagine calling out Disney for racism and at the same time defending a dude that cut out first female asian lead, gave her 2 minutes of screen-time.
It really looks like he was offended to be paired up with Kelly because he doesn't deem her attractive, "supported" finnpoe for clout when in reality he wanted his character with a white woman.
>Which one was it? The pipe one or was there another? LOLOn the same day to deflect attention from his stupid comment he made a post about reylo on twitter with Kylo and Rey fighting scenes and sarcastically named it "star wars romance". At the same time he went after people in the comment sections. He was doing it all on NYE by his time. 10 days later he made a video to show how he didn't care about teenage girls calling him out, by dubbing on them, while every @ was in it and woke crowd went after those people.
Some of those @ were really his fans and that one girl met him outside of some event, his sister even filmed the interaction and hugging for social media obviously, that girl received death threads for being a reylo and feeling disappointed by John's behavior.
>It sucks that the idea of fandom without racism, sexism and other discrimination ended up like this.Thats why I avoid almost every other fandom interaction, everyone has some awful take ether on reylo or Adam. Some of them have never seen the movies but tumbler told them it's
problematic and racist to like it.
No. 163237
Some scene with Adam from The Last Duel. Sassy Le Gris anyone teaches me how to download videos from twitter I will use the knowledge here
No. 163242
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>>163237So ready for this movie.
Also, not sure if this is true since it’s a random Twitter account, but it’s kind of funny to imagine
No. 163246
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>>163242He looks so so good in that period clothes and everything, I hope he will do more movies with middle ages aesthetic.
I think that anon was talking about their friend in marines not particularly about AD, but I can imagine Driver being able to do that as well.
He did mention that he wishes to be addicted to sleep on The Dead Don't Die press when he was asked about addiction to something, so idk if he even gets enough sleep.
No. 163260
>>163237I personally use this site (you can use a similar one though) and then convert to webm on another, like (you can convert pretty much everything to everything here)
>>163252Thank you, it warms my heart so much!
No. 163275
>>163260Thanks a lot! Doing testing with this vid
>>163252Don't shy away from joining driverfaging at some point
No. 163279
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>>163276Thanks for your support, you have respectable choice of preference, here have some 2D Adam
No. 163280
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>>163154>Kylo dying is actually a good thing and Rey being a Skywalker is a perfect ending uwuIs this actually a thing, though? I thought that the hate for TRoS was the thing that united all SW fans kek Granted, I don't use twitter and just recently went back to tumblr. I've mainly seen this opinion on YT, SW subreddits that I go to casually and 4chan SW toys threads lol
>how they are "right" fans for supporting genocidal nazi as a villain and not like reylos wanting him to redeem himself.I see, I can see this argument making the rounds.
>>163222>I remember when he was shilling Finnpoe (which was a cute ship, even if it would never happen)I also remember this and I agree with you. The fact that Disney went out of their way to give them "girlfriends" that were basically they, but in a women's body, was funny and tragic. I even prefer RosexFinn to that.
>So weird that he jumped on the Finnrey ship just to shit all over Reylos, Kylo Ren and Disney for not giving his character a bigger role (which sucked, I agree! But that comment was so immature and gross).Also completely agree with you. Literally every character was butched IMHO, Kylo Ren was the most fleshed out but the ending was still shit. Finn should've had the Kyle Katarn treatment or at least somewhat similar, he was reduced to a Rey simp and it was so stupid, especially how they bring this up in TRoS to only drop it halfway when he meets his female self that was Lando's daughter???? Why does every character has to be convolutedly connect like that aaaaaaaaa
>>163234>muh I'm 28 I don't care about ships I did it when I was 12!!!This sounds so much like he is just embarrassed of doing it and says he doesn't in public, while shipping shit in private lol I guess this was his deflection when he changed from Finnpoe from the clout (or even as a joke) to Finnrey.
>In TROS his character is a literal joke, yet John goes out of his way to defend JJ and tells people not to touch his boy, at the same time he openly hates on Rian. Imagine calling out Disney for racism and at the same time defending a dude that cut out first female asian lead, gave her 2 minutes of screen-time. press F. I thought Rose was a bit annoying, but had growth potential. What they did to her in TRoS was so bad. Only to introduce more useless new characters.
I guess this is getting a bit too OT, but we could keep discussing the ST at the SW thread here
>>>/m/140565I really want to know: How would you rewrite TRoS or even TLJ if you did it? I am planning on doing one myself, but I always like to read everyone's versions.
>>163237Yess I hope I can see this movie when it releases!
>>163260Convertio is a godsent. I use it whenever I wanna post webms here at this carthaginian tapestry forum, mostly this thread kek
>>163252>>163276Thanks for the support anon, you're cute and based, may your water always be in the perfect temperature for drinking at the given weather
No. 163289
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>>163280Is it safe to visit SW thread here? I tend to avoid general discussions, at this point I'm just tired. TROS managed to retcon not only TLJ but the whole saga and even new Disney canon, I feel like there is no point in arguing about what should have happened when people have different opinions even on what actually happened.
Only thing I'm sure about is that if Adam wasn't in the sequels, I doubt I would have been invested in them at all because I hated the fact that Lucas sold lucasfilm to Disney from day one. Adam really carried it all when Disney did everything to sideline him.
No. 163291
>>163289It reminds me a bit of GOT. The last season left a bad taste in everyone's mouths and overshadowed a lot of the good things the series had done.
The Force Awakens was generally well received when it came out, but TLJ was mixed and TROS was panned by almost everyone.
I will say, regardless of all the drama and the way the movies ended, I've already seen two kids in my neighborhood dressed as Kylo for our Halloween block party and it makes me happy
No. 163301
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>>163289Yes, it's not a crowded thread at all lol
>>163291>I've already seen two kids in my neighborhood dressed as Kylo for our Halloween block party and it makes me happyAw, that's so cute. My nephew also likes Kylo Ren!
Kinda OT, spoiler for blog:
My sister is planning on taking my nieces and nephew to a comic con or other con next year cause they've never been to one and I am seriously considering a Kylo Ren cosplay. I know I'd get cool aunt points with my nephew kek we'll see No. 164413
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TLD will be a death of mine
No. 164566
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>>164515This should be unspoilered so the world can get driverpilled
I wanna watch TLD so bad but I don't want Blair witch tier shaky footage. I'm a patient pirate
No. 164675
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>>164566It's bombing hard, maybe we should watch it in cinema? Baffling how Ben and Matt reunion didn't attract more people
No. 164677
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>>164675Samefag, yet it looks like audience and critics like the movie
No. 164687
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>>164675I don't know if in my country the theaters are open yet, but if that's the case maybe I should go. Although I think I'd be going alone lol I am already vaccinated anyway
No. 164690
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>>164687I plan to lure feminist friends to see it with strong women movie argument and dudes with medieval sword fights
No. 164707
>>164675Im having to wait until next week to watch it.
Honestly, these days box office numbers don’t seem like a good indicator for how good a movie is. Theater viewership in general is low and most people prefer streaming. But I could definitely see a wider audience for a horror movie during Halloween than a historical drama about rape.
If anyone goes to see it I would be interested in reading your reviews!
No. 165320
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>>164675It was worth it just saw it yesterday with my bf. And was surprised to see as many people in the theater for it when we saw it.
Chapter 3 hit close to home and made me cry though.
No. 166741
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Posibility Adam Driver in Hideo game ?
I know he used to follow an adam stan account in the past. But I think Adam himself is not into heavy video games guy. Still posibble if he write a script that intersted him enough
Ot but If Adam and Mads get casted into his next project it will be the ultimate fanservice to him lol
No. 166743
>>166741God I would die. Did Kojima comment on the movie in any way? I love his tweets but I'm too lazy to grasp how twitter works.
I'm kinda tempted to go see The Last Duel, even though the topic of the movie seems harrowing
No. 167092
>>166743I decided to go watch TLD in theater even though I'm also someone who feels uncomfortable with the main theme. It helps knowing beforehand and I kind of reframed it as two actors. I will say that he plays his role well and the historical costumes suit him
>>166741This is hilarious, I never knew he followed a stan account.
Adam seems like the type to have casually played COD or something like that after the Marines. Sometimes I wonder what his hobbies are, but I guess moving between projects and having a kid doesn't give you a lot of free time. The Star Wars cast all said he was good at ping pong
No. 167141
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>>166741When was this posted? I tried looking for it, but Kojima posts so much lol I speak japanese so I wanted to see if he commented anything on the movie itself, but it was fruitless lol It doesn't help that I don't use twitter so I don't know how to properly search for shit.
A game with AD would be so cool! But I don't even know if he would have the time to partake in such project. If Kojima was to call his favorite husbando Mads as well, then it would be a very interesting day at /m/ kek
I am making plans with my brother to see this movie in November. I'll be super late to the party, but so is life. I'll write my thoughts down when I do, but I guess so far everyone seems to like it?
No. 167797
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>>166741July 2021
>If Kojima was to call his favorite husbando Mads as well, then it would be a very interesting day at /m/ kekYeah, mads and driver will be a neighbor each other
Also yum, no spoiler because i want the world get driverpilled
No. 167955
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Happy Halloween, Driverfags!
No. 167958
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>>166741>Posibility Adam Driver in Hideo game ?As I did the Kojima-Mads investigation yesterday (hardcore driverfag, big Hideo fan, casual Mads admirer), I have looked into Kojima's interest in Adam. Sadly, it appears to be almost non-existent. The best I was able to find was picrel and an adorable thread of tweets gushing about Paterson (without mentioning Driver). I think he may have casually followed due to interest into whatever movie of Adam.
TBH I haven't looked movie by movie, but if I wasn't able to find any 'Adam-san ♥' posts, the collab of our dreams isn't happening anytime soon.
On another note…
I went to see The Last Duel yesterday. As expected, it was a brilliant but difficult movie to watch (mostly in the final part), so I do not plan to watch it any time soon… if ever.
One scene was extremely hot to me, though. A a bonus, I have managed to snag the Annette poster after I have long gave up on it!!! This is my first time being able to grab a Driver poster after a few attempts. Too bad I was too depressed to go pick up Patterson one, I had a big chance of actually getting it.
>>167797It's from Annette, isn't it? My memory is shit. He doesn't look like that in Gucci, right?
>>167955Happy halloween to you too, nona!
No. 168303

>>167958I searched for some keywords in japanese in Kojima's japanese twitter as well, and it seems to be as you say, indeed. He likes movies, he likes Star Wars, he likes legos, so it's no surprised that he "bumped" into Driver a lot. If he was smitten as with Reedus or Mads or even that other pakistani (i think) dude whose name I forget, we would know. It still would be pretty cool if he convinced Adam to work on one of his games, as many mentioned before I don't think Adam is particularly interested in vidyas that much but he likes the challenge and new experiences, so I think he'd agree to work on it if the project was interesting (and since it's Kojima…)
Well, let's just throw that into the universe kek
Also nta but yes, it is from Annette! But speaking of Gucci, here's the second trailer for the movie. I am really looking forward to this, it looks like campy fun.
>>168223Maybe you just like historical strong men? I dunno. Watch the thirst edits after it comes on a streaming platform kek
No. 168434
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No. 168435
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>>168434I hope Hideo pick up Adam so I can see a realistic render of his tiddies.
No. 168439
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>>168435That would be the dream, I want Kojima to put him in a homo scenario like Otacon and Snake with one of his husbandos
No. 168440
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Mini tit dump
No. 168522
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>>168434Too lazy to tag all, but I appreciate the Driver spam…
>>168303>I searched for some keywords in japanese in Kojima's japanese twitter as well, and it seems to be as you say, indeed. He likes movies, he likes Star Wars, he likes legos, so it's no surprised that he "bumped" into Driver a lotI think that Kojima is the type of person (or of a fanboy/otaku) that gets easily excited about new media and characters. He nosedives into his obsession of the week and then moves on to another thing. Regular spergs are stopped by money and/or space issues. Kojima probably has an infinite amount of both, so he can casually buy merch of characters that he likes at the very second. He probably also gets gifted a lot of this stuff — like the Patterson matches with Adam's name on them. For that reason, I don't think any interest matters unless Kojima is consistent with it for a long time. lol
>>168435>tiddiesDon't forget that Kojima is clearly an ass guy.
Can't believe that picrel is true. Source: So we would get a nice butt for sure.>>168439I love Otasune because their relationship is the heart of the Solid Snake timeline MGS series, so that would be great. At the same time, can the potential Adam character have a hot lady love interest? I think it would be the best of both worlds… or he can be bisexual and the hetero relationship could be in the past with a lot of flashbacks. Sorry, I enjoy both types of ships (even if Kojima isn't the best with female characters, I do like quite a few of them)
No. 169076
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>>169001>>168946>>168941I legit will never understand Ridley Scott's decision with those accents. It just cheapens the movie. It's distracting. He didn't ask for accents in the Last Duel, is it the fact that the Gucci one is more over the top? It still feels too High School play-ish, imo.
>Wait until you hear Jared LetoYou've picked a rrreaall fieerrcrrraaahckerrr
>At the same time, can the potential Adam character have a hot lady love interest? I think it would be the best of both worlds… or he can be bisexual and the hetero relationship could be in the past with a lot of flashbacks. Sorry, I enjoy both types of ships Anon I'm 100% there with you, this would be my dream
No. 169306
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No. 169319
>>169306I love it. It's like the odd couple at prom.
He's been looking more dad-like in all of the recent pictures with his sweater combinations
No. 169357
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>>169306I don't won what we won either
the pics?, but I love their look, I think they look really cute!
The only thing that's weirding me out a bit is that it looks like Gaga got lip fillers? Something is a bit off. But I love the purple on her.
No. 169360
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>>169357I don't know*
Have another pic
No. 169401
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>>169306The actual winning pic
No. 169409
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I wonder if this is the ring from the movie
No. 169410
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No. 169425
>>169410Did Adam say 'okay'? I cannot hear shit over the screaming and sadly IDK how to read lips. Looks like he is not enjoying the whole circus, kek. Gaga seems much more in her element.
They both look great, love Gaga's outfit! IDK what that anon
>>169309 just noticed she got banned, based is talking about, I think it's cool that she looks different and mostly (?) kept her face. I know Gaga had work done, but you can still tell it's her. She's a bit unconventionally attractive, but not ugly at all (and I don't stan her or even listen to her music).
No. 169543
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>>169425I thought he said something like "Oh, okay" kinda like "oh, okay, I see what you are doing now". But seeing it upclose on my pc I'm not so sure anymore lol Especially considering that Gaga seems to be answering something?
>She's a bit unconventionally attractive, but not ugly at all I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I think she's pretty cute. She had a rhinoplasty but didn't go overboard with it and still kept the shape of it, just went a bit smaller, and I think it suits her greatly. The bar is in hell, but kudos for her for not going with standard hollywood skislope button nosejob.
>>169462I think it may be a meme among his fans, not a bigger general meme like the Marriage Story one. Kinda like the luscious hair thing became a meme as well, but not in the general sense. This is my guess kek
No. 169636
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Adam Driver has revealed he found comic book convention Comic Con to be scary and said he is “not anxious to go again”.
The Oscar-nominated actor, 37, has starred in a host of movie blockbusters, including playing Kylo Ren in the sequel trilogy of the beloved sci-fi franchise Star Wars, which has featured at the convention.
He told The Graham Norton Show: “I didn’t like it. I didn’t know the rules. I couldn’t go out for a coffee without a mask in case I was recognised, and when I opened my window there was a band playing the Star Wars theme on repeat.
“It was scary. And there are 2,000 people who are very devoted – there is a lot of energy.
“I saw what it was, and I am not anxious to go again." a burger anon myself but I find his opinion relatable to me. Star wars fans tends to be have crazy behaviour.
Maybe some burger driverfag can give me an insight what american comic con look like
No. 169644
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>>169636Crowded beyond belief, smelly, exhausting, most of the attendees fall somewhere on the spectrum so social skills are not a priority, every fan of everything is the biggest fan of that thing etc.
I know people like Driver probably have it written into their contracts that they have to do these dumb conventions for promo but there needs to be pushback.
No. 169667
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>>169644Imaging the smell from this picture alone…
I don't know if he considers himself an introvert (he has some of those qualities, but I don't think he minds attention when it's on his own terms, like lighting the cigarette in the theater), but anyone would be nervous stepping into that sort of crowd and being the center of attention. Especially with some SW fans.
>>169646I feel like that would be a problem too. People seeking content with no boundaries
No. 169795
>>169667Kek the Sariah edit I love you
nonnieHave some crumbs, Driverfags
I wish they'd release the SAG interview with the Gucci cast, I usually love their interviews
No. 169873
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I feel like a teenager but I legit like this edit, forgive me nonas
Not in a shipping way (and I don't even think that was the intent), just the visuals + song
>>169636Also, late, but I absolutely love this suit and look. He could destroy me wearing it at any time.
No. 170286
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I'm ready.
No. 170423
>>170344I thought he looked handsome in the first movie, but I'm weak for men with nice hair. The next two are variable. When he became Ben Solo again I thought he looked really nice.
I like the way he looks in BlackKkKlansman, Logan Lucky and Marriage Story. Less so in What If and Frances Ha.
He kind of reminds me of the "two face" girlfriend on Seinfeld. Not that I think he's ugly, but I think some character designs work well with his features and others don't.
No. 170705
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They can play siblings at some point
No. 170763
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Apologies if this has been posted before but I came across this article while looking for something and I thought of this thread. No. 171292

I've been so out of loop and there's a lot of new things I see all the time on insta and tumblr that I wanna post but I just don't have the time and/or the right headspace to come here and post but all of the driverfags
and Driver himself are always in my thoughts and prayers, love you all my beloveds
Someday I'll go back to spamming his tiddies ITT and annoy frontpage users, I promise.
Anyway his interview with Graham Norton had some gems, I liked this part especially. Ties in nicely with this, my body is ready as well
>>170286>>170344As some other nonnies have mentioned, I think he looked amazing in TFA. I liked his body in TLJ (somewhat controversial, I guess), but the styling was just not there. He actually looked better on Girls during that time because I think they bothered with his hair and didn't give him high rise pants that made him look boxy lol like this look during Girls?
>>>/m/122451Fuck me up, Adam. He's just pure Wagyu beef.
>>170423Kek I love this reference
I think his peak was during 2015-2017, I like all phases of it. From the filming of Paterson and TFA and Hungry Hearts (I absolutely love his hairstyle during that movie, I think it fits him amazingly. It's a slight shag) to the filming of TLJ. He also looks cute as the nerdy guy in Midnight Special, even though I didn't watch that movie yet. The glasses are charming!
>>170705I think maybe cousins.
>>170763Kek I think it has been posted before anon, but no worries. I am guessing he did that cause he was probably doing something akin to Keto, like Atkins or so.
>>171236The lyrics are funny but the melody is just not for me lmao I appreciate it, though. Never enough Ben Swolo memes
No. 171329
>>171294I'm really excited for Gucci! My friends and I are going to a dress up showing.
>Did you see that Ridley Scott blamed millenials for TLD box office flop?This was so aggravating. He should just celebrate Gucci (it's doing fairly well as far as I can tell), but this is just dampening things. He could have blamed COVID, streaming, a general drop in theater viewership, but he chose millennials
No. 171350
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>>171329>My friends and I are going to a dress up showing. Sounds so fun, anon! Are you all wearing Gucci or just generally dressing fancy? Maybe fancy 80s?
Also when I saw this interview outfit I immediately remembered the
nonnie that said she wishes he was in a Wes Anderson movie wearing a mustard turtleneck. I feel like this is close enough kek
No. 171351
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>>171350And this is also very Wes Anderson kei. Hopefully his Noah connection will convince Wes to work with him, I'm ready
No. 171361
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>>171359I think you may be right but whoever came up with that is shit at their job, cause it alienates a chunk of his potential viewers and weirdly enough, actors as well? Like, Driver is an older millennial and Jodie is the same age as me and I think a few others itt. Maybe if he was like "Zoomers and their phones/TikTok!" it would still be a tard move but at least a lot of them are not even allowed to watch TLD yet, nor do I think most have shown interest in doing so. Or better yet, COVID blame like everyone else.
Not that it will stop me from seeing the movie
which I'll have to wait to stream cause the theatres stopped screening it for Marvel shit or #cancel Ridley or anything, but shit take was shit
No. 171394
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>>171350> Are you all wearing Gucci or just generally dressing fancy? Maybe fancy 80s?I don’t own anything Gucci, but a friend and I are going to recreate the viral photo. I’ve heard some people are planning to go all out though. I’m just happy to go to a screening where everyone is excited and embracing the theme
I also fully support Adam doing Wes Anderson. Hopefully that will happen some day
No. 171425
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I'm gonna say something controversial.
Even thought Marion was perfect for the part of Ann in Annette seeing how Gaga created such a huge buzz around HOG, it's basically already part of pop culture and everyone gets the references and all. Obviously she can sing, now imagine her as Ann and putting Annette on the map for the masses. I know movie would get even more hate from locals but still, with big buzz Oscar chances for Adam would have been sky high and so far not only this year but in his whole career Henry is his strongest performance. It breaks my heart that it will never get a nom.
>also this scene with gaga/driver heigh difference would have been even cuter
No. 171498
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Miss u ♥
No. 171615
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Oh, I forgot that it was his birthday like… a week a go? Doing promotions during your birthday must suck lmao
Have him being cute trying to avoid stepping on Gaga's dress
>>171394Sounds super fun, nonna! Who are you going as?
>>171425That would be kinda cool. Apparently the original Ann was intended to be Rihanna but she didn't want to do it? It would've been really iconic, in lack of a better word. I loved Marion, though.
>>171498Missed you too!
No. 171667
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One of the biggest driversperg posters here. I miss all of you so much! I want to reply to posts properly but I'm too tired from being sick with flu. I have an idea though. IDK if any of you plan to participate in lolcow movie streams. If the process of streaming copyrighted movies will be worked out, how about we have a driverfag stream (unrelated to the weekly ones)? Some light-hearted movie (aka anything but The Last Duel) plus maybe YouTube stuff. I really love the idea of watching movies together, but I don't want to push Driver on general farmer population unless we have a night dedicated to lolcow crushes.
No. 171808
>>171667Nonnie, this is a good idea! I think anyone is free to use the lobbies to stream their own choice of content outside of movie night hours so I think you should do it. Maybe a Saturday night in-between regular movie nights? Do you have any movies in mind?
Not sure if you're keeping up with the movie night threads, but we worked out how to stream copyrighted movies from google drive. You could do it on either cytube with the use of a Tampermonkey script which every anon participating would have to download, or on a platform, which is now posted in the newest thread and doesn't require any additional scripts. Both official rooms are linked in the new thread, so the choice is yours!
No. 171915
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Just finished Gucci!
I enjoyed it overall. I think the people who expected it to be a suspenseful drama will be disappointed, but if you're open to a campy and slightly humorous movie with beautiful clothes and sets you'll be happy. I was surprised how much people laughed or cheered in the theater. I will say that the editing choices definitely hurt the movie and Jared Leto's acting is so over the top that it ruined certain scenes that should have been sad. Also, the sex scene in the trailer was intense and I would love to be picked up and carried like that.
Guess we'll have to wait for White Noise and 65 to see him again since he's taking a break.
Here's a cute pic of Adam having his picture taken with the car. He said he liked taking his picture on set
No. 172061
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>>171915>since he's taking a break. I still don't believe him. Once director he simps knocks on his door he will go back to work.
No. 172073
>>171808I've been ruminating over it and Patterson has been the first movie that came to my mind. Could make it a Jermusch double feature and watch The Dead Don't Die too. Patterson is like a perfect movie since it's lighthearted, funny and has a weeby element.
I think inbetween the usual nights would be great, if any other driverfags would be into it!
>>172061>>171915He's taking a break? I can see why since he's done so many movies recently, it's crazy. I felt flooded with content (in a good way). Happy to have 2 more movies to watch (I will go see HoG when I'm allowed to leave house again, so in a week). I guess I will have to watch all the ones with cameos later on
or use the time to catch up on Mads movies kekAnyway I wonder how long is that break supposed to be (read an article and it didn't mention it)… good for him for carrying about his mental health and spending time with family.
No. 172085
>>172061>>172073I think his break will feel a lot like 2020. He was filming a few projects, but there were no releases, interviews or press events. It felt very dry and then we were suddenly given The Last Duel and Gucci.
But like other anons have said, he could easily change his mind if he was offered a compelling project. I think he probably just wants to be with his kid right now.
There is the hope that if he or one of his movies is nominated that he'll go to the 2022 Oscars. But that's kind of a coin toss
No. 172813
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Behind that ugly blue filter there are such a nice colors to his clothes . Ridley Scott is demented for hiding this in darkness, every shirt has so much detail and work on it.
No. 172814
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>>172813Samefag. Look at this rich purple, all the gold details. I feel robbed.
No. 173001
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I miss driversperging so much. Going to finally see Gucci this weekend. Will post my thoughts here for sure!
No. 173382
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>>173001I miss driverfagging so much, as well! I've been so busy, December's been crazy. I still haven't been able to watch TLD and HOG is not even on theatres were I live.
But even though I didn't watch TLD yet I saw this gif on tumblr and literally dreamt about. I wasn't the lady in it, unfortunately.
>>171667I would love that so much! I've been to 2 movie nights in the farms and they were so much fun. I also agree with anon
>>172073 that Paterson is probably the best option for the first movie to stream, since it's super cute and casual. I'd also suggest What If, but he's a secondary character, even though he appears quite often. Hungry Hearts is a good one and it's fully on YT, but it's a bit heavier - but since we all watched it (I think), it wouldn't be a problem, I think.
Anyone knows how to host? I also would gladly watch movies with non-driverfags that aren't annoying (aka spamming that he's ugly every 20 seconds), so I don't know if we could promote the driverfag movie night on the streaming thread or just ITT.
>>172813>>172814I understand using filters to make the colors cohesive and "moody", but it can definitely look washed out. Even lazy, sometimes, because it's easier to just slap a filter instead of coming up with a cohesive wardrobe and background props and such. I don't think it looks as bad as Twilight for example lol but it would still be better to tone it down, a bit. Alas.
No. 173401
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>>172813>>172814>>173382All of the images and gifs I've been seeing are motivating me to finally watch it. I've also had a few coworkers (who don't know I like Adam) mention finding it good.
It annoys me that it was only released in theaters because I think it would have been much more successful. And Scott kind of put his foot in his mouth
No. 173423
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>>173382>But even though I didn't watch TLD yet I saw this gif on tumblr and literally dreamt about. I wasn't the lady in it, unfortunately.Maybe controversial to say, but there were some hot scenes in that movie, damn.
Not the final rape scene which is painful and horrible but the one from Adam's POV which plays like something out of a bodice ripper where the heroine plays coy but is into it. The scene in the movie it's portrayed as a game — which is part of the plot, but I don't want to get into the deep shit here. Wanted to say that I was very much into it, NGL. Also the one preceding it, where Adam is playing around with a girl during a small orgy>I would love that so much! I've been to 2 movie nights in the farms and they were so much fun. I also agree with anon >>172073 that Paterson is probably the best option for the first movie to stream, since it's super cute and casual. I'd also suggest What If, but he's a secondary character, even though he appears quite often. Hungry Hearts is a good one and it's fully on YT, but it's a bit heavier - but since we all watched it (I think), it wouldn't be a problem, I think.OP who suggested driverfag movie nights and Patterson, glad you agree! I've been thinking about Hungry Hearts too since it's a good movie and Adam looks great in it. Would be SUPER happy to see What If since it's one of the last few movies with AD I haven't seen. Time to pick up the more episodical ones. Then it's only SNL and interviews lol
I found this article and I think it may be a bit helpful as a refresher about his movie roles (despite subjective opinions)>Driver plays Walter, a co-worker of Maria, the boy’s mother. Although his role is small, his hands are still hugeThat's a good line LMFAO
>I also would gladly watch movies with non-driverfags that aren't annoying (aka spamming that he's ugly every 20 seconds), so I don't know if we could promote the driverfag movie night on the streaming thread Same! IDK maybe we can mention it on the same day or like a day in the advance. Good thing is that we can mute annoying users, but I would still prefer not to have to do that and just enjoy watching in driverfag company. I don't want retarded comments like 'sTrAiGhT wOmEn HaVe No StAndArDs' ruining my mood.
IDK how many of us are here, me and you is two — is there at least a third anon and what time would be fitting for everyone? Maybe it will be a good idea to get other famers on board (maybe with a disclaimer that we are hoping they play nice in the one regard).
>>173401Kek what a perfect meme. Scott truly went full retard there. As good as the movie was, it was a harrowing watch overall, despite AD and some hotness mixed in.
No. 173501
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Apparently Marriage Story is playing in 10 minutes or so! No. 173509
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>>173501Oh shit, I missed it! Any Driverfags there? How was it?
No. 173513
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No. 173515
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No. 173516
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No. 173518
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No. 173520
>>173519will watch after the movie night.
>>173509it went perfect, more anons interested in driver movies, we got driver emotes. Everyone please throw ideas about desirable driverfagging movies and time!
>>173513>>173515>>173516>>173518 No. 173521
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If we all pool our money we can buy his Gucci outfit. Or maybe just one of the threads from his sweater.
I know there’s a driverfag out there with oil money who’s going to snatch this. Or just a movie prop collector
No. 173689
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>>173634I remember he said in an interview that the karaoke scene made him extremely nervous because he hates singing. That's why I was surprised he agreed to do Annette, but I think maybe he likes pushing his own boundaries or he was sold on the overall project.
Musicals seem to be a bit more common now, so I wonder if he'll ever do it again. Or theater. I'm still bitter I never saw Burn This
No. 173720
>>173689I'm not even a fan of musicals, but it makes me seethe that there are so many that will never be played again and yet theaters are not capitalizing on selling recordings. Like what's the point of this? People who can afford will go see the play anyway, just to bask in Adam Driver's (or whatever other hot guy… IDK why, but I feel like the majority of theater stans are women and gay men) presence. I get that there may be some legal caveats, but they are not even trying.
I fucking want to see Burn This and I never may — unless somehow, someone is holding on to some bootleg of a horrible quality (which would still be a blessing).
No. 173737
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>>173720It’s very frustrating. I’ve heard that the NY Public Library has recordings of all the broadway plays and you can make an appointment to watch in the Reading Room, but that’s a lot of bother and impractical for most.
It took a while for the Hamilton recording to be released, but I was hoping it would show producers that audiences will still go to the theater if they can, and those who can’t still have some form of access
No. 174077
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Just had a dream where I was watching HoG with my parents in the movie theater and it was very awkward cause after a sex scene they showed a close up of Adam's penis with a semi hard on. It was still throbbing. I remember thinking "that's some professionalism" cause he was just so chill about it in the scene lol
>>173720>>173737I am a big musical fan and this has always bothered me. Hopefully, they'll see the Hamilton success on D+ and start doing this for most stage productions, at least the big ones. I wouldn't stop going to theaters after watching something on my TV, the vibe is completely different. Just like I wouldn't stop going to concerts after watching a recorded concert, if anything, it makes me wanna check it out live even more.
>>173634I feel like farmers will definitely cringe at the sex scenes on Annette lmao
No. 174091
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>>174077>>174085One of the people who went to see Burn This also said that there was a film crew recording it, so a tape definitely exists. But I don’t know if it’s for the Broadway archive or intended to be publicly released.
I thought maybe COVID would influence more productions to release some of the recordings, since theater was bleeding money and I’m sure people would have paid to buy or stream some of them.
I guess I just have to content myself with shaky cellphone clips for now
No. 174219
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They were too much of a charming due for the movie with "that" plot
No. 174247
>>174219God, yes. Especially Driver. I loved how everyone in the movie was pointing out how hot and handsome he was. I instantly imagined so many people in the audience
and nonas seething kek
No. 174319
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This thread made me watch annette and i finally understand what you guys see in him
No. 174323
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>>174319Congrats on achieving a higher level of consciousness, nona! I hope you will attend a driverfag movie stream ~coming soon~
How did you overall like the movie? Personally, I don't find it a prime driverfagging material because of how exhausting it is to watch, plus Adam's character is infuriating (really well played). Also, not a fan of how he looks in the later part of the movie.
If you would like more AD content, I would recommend The Last Duel since he looks similar to how he looked at the beginning of Annette (if you liked the long hair). The movie is about a sensitive topic and may be painful to watch. It's really respectful though and basically a #MeToo narrative.
No. 174334
>>174327That's the problem, no date has been decided on. The best idea is to stream on a Saturday 8GMT in between regular movie nights. So looking at the stream schedule… those would be eligible:
>26th of December, could be earlier like 4GMT >1st or 2nd January (also earlier hour) if something else is going on the New Year's Eve>15th of January (nothing planned for the date as far as I see)Suggested films:
>Paterson>What if>Hungry Hearts No. 174920
I’m not a driverfag but I saw this video and thought I needed to share it with you ladies. Adam Driver in Ratatouille.
Embedding doesn’t work with the stupid “shorts” format YouTube does now so here is link: No. 175077
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No. 175141
File: 1640191731606.webm (4.08 MB, 720x720, Adam Driver in Ratatouille (6)…)
>>174920Thank you so much anon, this is a treasure!!! Now we need Adam Driver in Ratatong.
No. 175334
>>174920>>175077I love when the thread jumps from memes to erotic pictures.
Hopefully whoever made him aware of the good soup meme will show him this one day
No. 175607
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Merry Christmas, my beloved Driverfagettes!
I hope everyone is having/will have/had good celebrations!
No. 175623
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>>175607Merry Christmas to all!
No. 175973
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It was shared as a blind a few days ago and a few people speculated who could it be. Now this dropped.
Idk fellow driverfags but in recent interviews he talked about his family, spending time with wife and kid more than he ever did so I don't believe this is true.
No. 176057
>>175973I would be like "huh, sounds like AD and Joanne Tucker… but nah, that part doesn't fit" because of the ~fandom mom and dad~ comment. I stay as far away as possible from "rats", but I would be genuinely shocked to hear about such sentiments toward Joanne Tucker. Huh. Though now I remember some sperg on r/adamdriverfans mentioning people overcompensating for their jealousy and stanning her for God knows what reason. I am not a Joanne hater, mind you. I'm completely neutral towards her. That's why it's really weird for me to hear that some people may treat her like she is some beloved figure on her own.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear there are no cheating rumors so far. For their child, I hope they aren't getting divorced. I also remember Adam saying that he never wants to get a divorce after Marriage Story, so there's that… it would be extremely sad if life forced his hand in that regard.
>>176056Do you think it's possible to find an Adam Driver of your own in the wild?
No. 176071
>>176057>overcompensating for their jealousy and stanning her for God knows what reasonYeah, but idk if they are overcompensating or trying to look righteous when they write thirst tweets over her husband. The weirdest thing is when they acts as if they like her more than Adam, like bitch you just look dumb.
Only beef I have with Jo is the way she dresses for red carpet, she has enough money to at least tailor dresses she chooses. Yes, Adam is no style icon but he look good in simple black tuxedo (if they find it in his size ofc). Other than this I simply don't care about her? Like I only ever seen her in sweet nothing, girls and the report cameo, I can't judge her acting abilities with this.
No. 176072
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>>175973Are reddit weirdos responsible for this?
No. 176080
>>176078You know that people will consider him guilty by association. If this is true and he doesn't want to have anything to do with the cult, it will be wise of him to separate.
>People are still digging into it but I don't know if they found who the founders of the cult really are.Do you have any good source? I want to read what others are saying
yeah I will google too. Cults can be fascinating, though I doubt that this is as interesting and sad as Heaven's Gate.
No. 176082
>>176080samefag, all I found when searching Tucker + cult was this:
>When you're numbered among the Lord's anointed, you're supposed to feel special, but for Jeremy Tucker, he was just another mindless cog in the machine of the Kingdom of God. It didn't matter though, he would work hard to do his part, until that hard work nearly cost him his life…a description of a "Was I in a cult?" podcast (The Order: “Feel Like a Number”, released on the 4th of November). Probably not related.
That and Lipstick Alley thread, will check it out.
No. 176089
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>>176072>>176080>>176078I did an investigation about the book and the author mentioned in the image .
The book is real and here the description :
Manhattan Cult Story: Abuse, Crime, Sex, and My Life inside a Secret Organization
“We were invisible. We had to be. We took an oath of absolute secrecy. We never even told our immediate families who we were. We went about our lives in New York City. Just like you. We were your accountants, money managers, lawyers, executive recruiters, doctors. We owned your child’s private school and sold you your brownstone. But you’d never guess our secret lives, how we lived in a kind of silent terror and fervor. There were hundreds of us.”
Right under the noses of neighbors, clients, spouses, children, and friends, a secret society, simply called School—a cult of snared Manhattan professionals—has been led by the charismatic, sociopathic and dangerous leader Sharon Gans for decades. Spencer Schneider was recruited in the eighties and he stayed for more than twenty-three years as his life disintegrated, his self-esteem eroded, and he lined the pockets of Gans and her cult.
Cult members met twice weekly, though they never acknowledged one another outside of meetings or gatherings. In the name of inner development, they endured the horrors of mental, sexual, and physical abuse, forced labor, arranged marriages, swindled inheritances and savings, and systematic terrorizing. Some of them broke the law. All for Gans.
“During those years,” Schneider writes, “my world was School. That’s what it’s like when you’re in a cult, even one that preys on and caters to New York’s educated elite. This is my story of how I got entangled in School and how I got out.”
At its core, Manhattan Cult Story is a cautionary tale of how hundreds of well-educated, savvy, and prosperous New Yorkers became fervent followers of a brilliant but demented cult leader who posed as a teacher of ancient knowledge. It’s about double-lives, the power of group psychology, and how easy it is to be radicalized—all too relevant in today's atmosphere of conspiracy and ideologue worship.
The genre of this book is biography and true crime. So the cult is real ???
The author biography
Spencer L. Schneider is an attorney who specializes in corporate litigation in New York. A native of Brooklyn, he received his BA in Philosophy from Washington University in 1982, and his JD from Cardozo School of Law in 1985 where he was Articles Editor of the Arts and Entertainment Law Journal. He has published law journal articles as well as essays in East Magazine. Mr. Schneider is an open water marathon swimmer and ice water swimmer. He works as an ocean lifeguard, operates a lifeguard training academy, and co-founded a water rescue group. He lives in New York and East Hampton and has one son and one dog. His book about his 23 years in an ultra secret Manhattan cult for NYC's elite is complete and coming out soon.
When I search about Manhattan , Well fuck.
Maybe some newyorker anon can give a better understanding about Manhattan.
Then again, this is a big tinfoling so take it with grain od salt, if this true the thread direction will be interesting.
Source : No. 176095
>>176089Thank you so fucking much, after posting
>>176082 I re-read the blind and realised that I was being retarded as the name of the book was mentioned. It sounds fascinating, hope it's well written
>Then again, this is a big tinfoling so take it with grain od salt, if this true the thread direction will be interestingI am scared. Is it gonna be Violent Chair Assault: Electric Boogaloo? Except real this time
No. 176096
>>176072Somehow this past week seems wilder than the months of promo and new movies.
It all seems too weird, but I wonder if someone was poking around Joanne’s background due to the divorce rumors and found all of this.
Strongly doubt Adam is personally involved. It seems like a two or three-degrees of separation situation, but definitely weird if true
No. 176099
>>176095Do you think he will get scrutinized for having a wife involved in a cult even if he is not part of it?
>>176096I don't know who mentioned her family being involved in a cult but right now Adam's twitter fans are digging into it and apparently they are onto something.
Considering he always distanced himself from any sort of religion I doubt he would join a cult, but it's possible her family used his name.
No. 176101
>>176099I also wonder whether his wife is even involved given no one really knows her relationship with her parents.
I have friends who’s parents are strict Mormons and they’ve distanced themselves and aren’t a part of the church, even though they grew up in it. It doesn’t feel fair to paint someone with that sort of label unless they’re a confirmed participant or she directly benefited from it as an adult.
I’ve never really had strong feelings about her or given her much thought, but it seems so weird that I want to give her the benefit of the doubt
No. 176102
>>176101>I want to give her the benefit of the doubtSome Adam stans on twitter clime they have collected data on her being part of it, like it's indisputable and it's not even the worst part of it all? Don't they realize they are creating more problems for possible negative outbreak against Adam?
If they post google doc they are writing on this I will keep you updated.
Ok so, if his wife is really part of the cult and he isn't what will be a reaction of general public? I mean if he is also part of it, it's over for him. Even thought Tom Cruise is part of it for years, he elevated his side hustle to a religion.
No. 176105
>>176102Even though he’s a well known actor, he isn’t exactly high profile. None of my friends or coworkers had even heard of Chair Gate, which felt like top news at the time. I think it would make waves in certain communities, but maybe not reach household mainstream. Especially if the connections are murky enough that outlets could be sued.
I have to say, this makes a possible divorce more appealing
No. 176109
>>176105>I have to say, this makes a possible divorce more appealingSo far it's all just rumors but if some reddit psycho crafted it all, managed to find Tuckers connection to some cult and Joanne's involvement in it, ether some PR firm or tmz needs to hire them.
Idk divorce itself seemed unlikely to me until this cult allegations. Adam talked about his wife and kid more than he ever did on HOG promo. There were deux moi reports of him having a holiday trip with his wife etc.
Yeah it's likely general audience may don't find out about it, but twitter will be even more annoying than usual, some viral yourube/tik-tok vids are also possible.
No. 176117
>>176102If the truth is horrible, I'd still prefer to know it. Very interested in reading the doc if twitterfags release it. Hope it's solid work and not some psycho sperging.
Fuck, what if Adam was also part of the cult and is divorcing to cover that up? I sure hope not, shit is fucking wild. Also I can see the holidays being a last-ditch attempt to patch up the marriage. Do I believe it? I believe nothing at the time, but that's one possible explanation.
An anon a week ago made fun of driverfags for thinking he isn't a shit person despite being a Hollywood actor and I bet she will laugh like crazy if something bad comes out of it. Like it's our fault if AD got into some insane shit No. 176120
>>176117Maybe I’m naive or just too old to take any Twitter conspiracies seriously, but I’m not putting any stock into this unless there’s actual documentation. As in the speculative upcoming lawsuits, not a Twitter Google Doc. I find it hard to believe that the
victims suing (and the one who wrote the book) wouldn’t name him if he was in any way involved as it would be the easiest way to get publicity.
I guess after chair gate I would rather wait to see if anything comes of it than to assume he’s guilty of something that sounds kind of outlandish
No. 176124
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>>176117Who are we supposed to over-fixate if it all turns out to be true? He is the only thing keeping me involved in popculture, I will go full hermit-cinephile lost in the past glory of arthouse cinema.
No. 176269
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No. 176708
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Happy new year fellow driverfags
No. 176714
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Does anyone have a link to twitterfags sperging about Joanne and the cult? I tried to find it, but I must be using wrong keywords.
>>176708Happy New Year to my driverfags!!! Hope this year brings us all many happy moments and reasons to continue driverfagging! ♥ Love you all.
please wish for me my daki dream coming true No. 176816
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>>176714>>176708Happy new year, Driverfags!
I'm currently traveling so I haven't been able to post much aside from some hornyposts, but I am really intrigued by the cult rumors, splitting rumors and pregnancy rumors. When I get home I'll fall into that rabbit hole hard lmao
also nona I was gifted a new tablet this Christmas, maybe I can try and draw your daki when I get home! No promises though cause I'm shit kek No. 176830
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>>176714Haven’t seen anything about the cult rumors. Some of the accounts I follow did mention (and condemn) the divorce rumor. There is definitely a weird range of reactions between “Joanne is our queen!” to “Hey, let’s not speculate about his private life.”
I have noticed that The Last Duel is receiving a bit more popular attention now that it’s streamable
No. 177346
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Hello lovely nonnies, after months of lurking and getting halfway through Season 3 of Girls, I decided to make my first Lolcow post and share my thoughts. I was pleasantly surprised by Lena Dunham as Hannah and with the show in general. This show has such a real and weird vibe to it that i love. Honestly what a powermove of her to have so many hot men around her lmao. Marnie is a very frustrating character to me and her relationship with Charlie is annoying as hell to me. They are both shitty people in their relationship. Marnie was shitty first, Charlie became shitty later on when he kept coming back to her, instead of just calling it quits. I do feel kind of bad for the character of Marnie since she seems so lost. Shoshanna is so weird and I love her. I was also rooting for her and Ray, I thought they were kinda cute at first. But I guess I wasnt listening correctly, because when they said their age gap I was a bit shocked, I didnt quite realize how young Shoshanna is compared to the rest. So that sucks . Jessa veeery quickly became the most interesting character to me and I cant wait to see what else is in store for her. Her self destructive behavior and being so nonchalant about everything is intriguing and I hope she gets a relatively happy ending, love her. And now to the star of the show (after Jessa of course), Adam. How they tell us hes a sociopath and sex addict and thats how he behaves at first, only to surprise us with the depth he has and how sweet he is? The finale of Season 2 where he ran through the city to Hannah to help her. I cried a bit ngl. I usually dont like sex scenes, but there is definitly something about him that makes it work. Honestly im really jealous of you driverfags to have such juicy scenes of him. I wish my celebrity husbando(s) had such raw sex scenes lol.
In conclusion this is a very interesting and easy to watch show to me. Ive seen Adam as Kylo ren first and after girls, I can definitly say I want to watch everything he is in.
No. 177544
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Picrel made me kek
>>176816nona you know where to reach me! Email added. I still believe in the original anon (she sent me a gorgeous sketch 1,5 months ago), but I wouldn't say no if you wanted to draw a daki!!! Of course only if you had something out of it. I think anyone who makes an Kylo daki should sell covers on etsy or somewhere lol. Imagine the profit! There is nobody else selling atm AFAIK>>177346Aah happy to see you! Welcome to lolcow and to the driverfag thread. You don't have to sage on /m/ (especially if you post on topic), it's better not to since the board is so slow and people should see your post!
I agree completely with you about Marnie and Shoshanna! Also you are right, Lena Dunham was based when she hired hot dudes for sex scenes that she wrote herself lol. You are in for a wild ride in the next seasons.
>Ive seen Adam as Kylo ren first and after girls, I can definitly say I want to watch everything he is inPlease feel free to share your thoughts if you do! Also there is a driverfag movie night planned for January (Paterson plus something else), so feel free to join! More info about movie nights
>>>/ot/979576 and
>>>/ot/987155(schedule)I'm curious who is your husbando, but you don't have to tell if you don't want to!
No. 179312
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Horse girl confirmed
No. 179433
>>179312Measuring his physique by horse standards did him well, I think his body never looked better than in that add. It could be argued that he has never looked better than in it. I'm not a fan of Adam being extremely buff like in picrel. Or is that only my perception that his chest looks bigger than in the Burberry and?
Has anyone smelled that perfume? I need to the next time I'm in a beauty store
>Horse girl confirmedI wish they asked him about the shocking ending to the ad lol
No. 179434
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>>179433oops dropped my picrel
No. 181330
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Why did they miss an opportunity of this two doing Actors on Actors?
No. 182063
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Annette got 11 César nominations, including best actor for Adam Driver
No. 182088
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>>181330It does seem random, but he might be unavailable since he talked about taking a break before his next promotional tour this year. A lot of people are making fun of Gaga’s interview anyway.
>>182063That’s pretty cool. I think out of the three movies he was in this year, Annette is the most interesting and experimental choice. It was also his first time producing.
I’m a bit sad The Last Due’s release was so botched because I watched it recently on HBO and thought it was pretty good. The lead actress should at least get some award.
Is anyone else excited for 65?
No. 183481
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>adam driver made the top 5 on rotten tomatoes’s fan favorite actors of 2021
>which is wildly impressive cause he’s the only one who didn’t do a major franchise film that year
No. 185413
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I knew we shouldn't trust him on taking a break
No. 185477
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>>185413Ready for more candid shots in Italy.
Also absolute weird side note- last thread we were talking about how pale his nails are and I’m noticing it again.
No. 185557
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>>185477I think paps were there mostly for Gaga, I will be very pleased if they pull HOG pap shots on Ferrari as well.
>how pale his nails are I always thought he just had a manicure like that, if it's not than he has zinc and calcium deficiency.
No. 185670
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Do you think he will betray Martin Scorsese?
No. 185699
>>185670>>185680I think I have mentioned it before, but I think he would be a good Doctor Doom or some other high-caliber villain. Too bad Marvel movies have just gone downhill since like maybe Thor or GotG.
>>185477>Ready for more candid shots in Italy. Same! The Ferrari movie seems like it has potential. Let's see…
>>182088I am, very much. I thought it was gonna come out in 2021, and I lowkey forgot about, but since I was reminded of it I'm excited again lol I love sci-fis!
No. 185817
>>185701Unfortunately, I'm sure they'll also be advertising heavily for the new Jurassic Park movie like they have been during the Olympics. Might be weird.
It could be delayed in post-production for some reason or another, especially if it's CGI heavy. Otherwise, they're only 2 months out from release…
No. 279857
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Lets celebrate with new Megalopolis pappics
No. 287574
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Adam will play younger De Niro, yes he will be on his knees the whole movie just like Gary Oldman in On The Tiptoes
No. 287575
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As 65 showed he should do more actions movies until he is still young
No. 287795
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Do you think he knows people have a thing for his big paws?
No. 287796
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I wish he was this hot in a movie where he doesn't play a villain, or his recent good boy roles are of old men, yes I still thirst but why doesn't he want to make it easier for us?
No. 288168
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Sooo now that sequel trilogy timeline is back with that Rey centric movie set in 15 years in the future from TROS, are there any chances of us getting our Big Ben back?
No. 288361
>>288184They announced it at Celebration, idk if it will get cancelled as some other projects did, but Kennedi looked confident with it.
I doubt they want our Big Ben back but at the same time I doubt Adam would come back to star wars
No. 290594
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Am I a bad driverfag is I want Adam to actually join the Harry Potter reboot as Snape even thought twitter will cancel him for it?
No. 290746
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I will never forget how Angie's ex husband asked to be photoshopped so he look taller
No. 290751
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I will never forget about The Rock openly simping for our boy
No. 290752
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No. 290754
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Now that I look at how they somehow turned Jude Law into unsexy pirate, I'm no longer sad that Adam declined playing Captain Hook.
No. 290945
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>Adam Driver Reportedly in Final Talks to Join the MCU
I would rather see him as Snape than share him with mcufags
No. 291794
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They don't understand how Marthy isn't against actors banking on stupid movies so they can bankroll real cinema?
No. 291796
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>Adam will never hug and kiss me like this on our wedding day
Why live?
No. 292248
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How do we feel if this happens?
Gosling as Dr Doom against Driver's Mr Fantastic?
No. 292487
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I can't believe Chloe Zhao is robbing us from Adam as Dracula
No. 297962
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How come I have never seen how his hair looked under the helmet??? It's sooo cute
No. 299453
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No. 299458
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>>299455I didn't hate the 2000 version of it; Ioan Gruffudd was a perfect Reed. I love Adam, but not only can I not see him as Reed, I don't want him to play an asshole version of him and have the whole MCU moral police chasing and hating him as a person. Yeah, they are not brighter than space wars fans when it comes to seeing the difference between an actor and a character.
Oh, and I don't want to see all the memes of Adam stretching in a weird way, making dumb one-liner jokes, and being the butt of the joke (you know, "le smartest man alive" will get dragged in the current "le ironic MCU").
No. 299566
>>299492Nah, to me, it looks like he is doing the MCU to avoid going back to Star Wars, lol.
On a serious note, I really don't know. He was legitimately disappointed with how they treated his character and the sequels in general. (Remember how he was zoned out and depressed after the final reshoots of the movie on the plane ride back home?) However, he never openly complained about it. He was open to returning, but at this point, it seems like Lucasfilm, with their merch, books, and social media, is trying to diminish him and his character. It's almost as if they hate that he ended up having a bigger fan following than the characters they intended as the new Luke, Han 1, and Han 2.
No. 302621
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I hate how Annette is out of weird movie conversations, even retarded film twitter didn't pick it up.
No. 303601
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He is such a simp for old directors
No. 303603
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They forgot that Adam isn't British and kinda sucks at accents.
No. 303605
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My short kind appreciating my tall baby is truly heartwarming
No. 303606
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I don't know how to explain this, but this two having a sex scene feels like incest. I may not be making sense but this is how I feel.
No. 303612
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No. 303725
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>>303612such a bad fake mustache. looks like he's wearing one of these without the glasses
No. 304012
>>303725No wonder they never showed it in the movie.
Still, he would have been amazing in a classic retelling of Don Quixote
No. 304227
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We moved too fast from this. To this day this whole thing feels like a fever dream
No. 306578
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Sources say Adam and Margot are out from playing Reed and Sue, because Disney couldn't pay them as much as they've asked.
No. 324934
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The shoulders, the hair….
No. 324935
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Yay! I disliked the movie but I still want it to do well so he does more action roles instead of old Italians
No. 325154
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I liked it.
No. 325155
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>>324936How about this crossover?
No. 325156
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No. 325157
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I miss him so much you wouldn't believe.
No. 346173
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He should play a race driver now.
No. 346207
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>>325157I recently had a dream that Kylo had a spin off series (prequel to the movies) and Adam was actually reprising his role
even though Kylo was supposedly a bit younger and damn.
I think the best option would be an animation with Driver voice acting in it. Preferably made by a japanese studio.
No. 347506
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>>347504At least we got Driver/Cruz interactions…
No. 347518
>>347516He looks too good in this one
I want him to play a real weirdo like this in a new movie. Oh and we need him in a good comedy.
No. 347567
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What happened to the Hot Toys nonna? Did you get him?