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No. 802232
Your digital shoulder to cry on.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/795235 No. 802277
I feel stupid for saying this because it's extremely minor compared to other shit going on in my life, but Mother's Day is bumming me out. I dont talk to my birth mom as she's been hooked on meth and heroin for decades and my step mom and I have never had much of a relationship. Both her and my dad were physically and verbally abusive growing up, but things she said and did just cut deeper. I get along with my parents now and she's been there for me before in my adulthood, but we didn't really have a relationship back then and have even less of one now. She keeps me at a distance intentionally and I don't know if she feels some sort of guilt for her actions or she just doesn't like me. She wasn't supportive growing up and while I didn't feel like I could go to my parents for anything back then, she was just more malicious about anything I did. Like, when I was around 13 or 14 they caught me self harming and she hit my cuts and went "aww, poor baby" in this heavily sarcastic tone and then went on a long angry tangent about how I was just doing it for attention and needed to get over myself. My dad would usually just get mad and yell in those sorts of scenarios, but she was more.. hateful, I guess, for lack of a better term. Of course it wasn't like that 24/7, but it was still a volatile household to grow up in.
Idk this shit usually doesn't bother me but I've had to start actually dealing shit from my childhood with a new therapist. I have an absolutely devastating problem with failure and he's trying to get to the root of that, so I had to analyze the earliest instance I could remember in which I felt like a failure. I think I was like 5 or 6 at the time and she smacked the shit out of me for not being able to properly spell a word in something I had drawn for her. I guess the wounds are kinda raw right now because of that but I still feel pretty pathetic complaining about my parents and my fucking mommy issues as a grown ass mid 20s adult who moved out years ago. I dont like discussing this with anyone in real life as it feels immature as hell, but I can't help feeling bummed and going back to old thought cycles of wondering why tf neither of my moms actually liked me.
No. 802288
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I'm feeling horny right now, I just want to see pictures of cute/hot goth guys, but everytime I tried to look up for porn is either pictures of women or pictures of women pretending to be guys and calling themselves thembos/femboys.
I can't with this, Pinterest is my only ally in my horny journey.
No. 802293
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I guess anons were right, going on a break really is a breakup with extra steps. Hold me nonitas
No. 802301
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After isolating for over a year bc of covid and then (probably) unrelated personal health and family crises, I finally got to get coffee with some friends for an afternoon, but I just spent the entire time listen to them cry about how hard their life was. One of them complained her dad bought her the wrong car (what the fuck) and when I gently tried to offer a solution to one of her problems that has literally been my actual job to deal with for the past 10 years, she glared me down and insisted she had tried EVERYTHING and I shouldn't try and make any suggestions because she definitely already tried it. We all gained covid kilos and I get that we all handled the depression that goes with it differently, but I can't understand how everyone has somehow gotten so much worse in that time? I felt like I hit rock bottom, gained the most weight I had ever put on in my life and felt like I had no choice but to try turning my shit around, I followed mindfulness guides, researched how to change my diet and started following yt fitness and pilates and even still felt like my change was slow and frustrating. After seeing these friends, I no longer feel like my efforts were insignificant. I guess that's a small bonus, but I don't think I want to be friends with them anymore, they're not having that "wow, I need to get myself out of this downward spiral" moment, even though I have offered to go to fitness classes with them or do meal planning or shopping together or even just take the fucking advice on accessing things she's entitled to from government services. I feel lonely. I never expected these people to be the kind to WANT to stay in their sadness and their situations but after the hangout I can't see them in the same light that I used to. Even still, having these thoughts and seeing my friends let themselves down makes ME feel like an asshole for having the motivation to at least try to better myself. Wtf.
No. 802309
>>802288Peter Steele did a Playgirl shoot, but other than that i can give no recommendations. I've been in your position and felt your pain.
>>802301I'm proud of you for all the work you did. The more you commit to positive change the more it attracts similar people, so you can grieve what you thought were good friendships, but also be excited for the better people you'll meet.
No. 802435
>>802392Ay me too. I don’t see why you can’t get wisdom tooth extracted while on your period. Unless you’re one of those people whose mouth/teeth become sensitive during (didn’t know this was a thing). It’s a fast easy procedure.
Maybe you’ll feel side effects from blood loss more though. Ask your dentist!
No. 802495
So anywho, someone post their shitty boyfriend problems so we can collectively ignore the crackhead.
>>802482Wtf? Why would you endanger your employees like that. I hope everyone there knows he’s a coward.
No. 802500
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The anon pretenting to not be a scrote still managed to look like a tranny in the end >>>/ot/802466
>"Women don't watch anime, cause when it doesn't make your dick hard you can tell it is absolutely retarded with no plot"
>implying women don't like anime because it won't make their dick hard
Hope you're considered retarded even among your peers scroty
No. 802511
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Whenever someone really attractive talks to me or show any sort of interest I get scared because why would they give someone like me the time of their day unless they want to use me
No. 802534
>>802488You just responded to them. This is why they keep going.
Anons please recognize their posting style. It's like a male larping as a radfem.
No. 802567
browsing /meta/ actual suggestions and complaints be like
passive aggressive moderation who act like fast food managers and don’t even use/like the site yet they love being jannies (power-tripping assholes), fucktarded userbase who they can barely control and carry the interesting shitposts, 90% of the posters being males, lurkers, and self-posters, getting the bright idea to move celebricows to /ot/ confirming the inevitable death of the series, angry banned v-tuber spams illegal child pornography as revenge because men are entitled and feed off of emotions like the genetic mutated beasts they are, anons screeching “BRING BACK GC THREADS BITCH!!!!” instead of shutting up and going to ovarit to spam their nonsense (not everyone here dislikes trans woman, so please for the love of god stop repeating the same old shit in the mtf thread, even the unintegrated radfems are getting tired of it), good old infighting that gets no where woooohoooooo
i love it, never gets old.
No. 802681
>>802669>>802674We live together & I never saw him jerking it to porn tho. If he had a porn addiction I would probably break up with him in a heartbeat.
>>802660I will try & ask him about it thank you nona.
No. 802839
I finally heard that so called "Everything at the end of time" album, comments were scaring me a lot with everyone saying they had mental breakdowns and cried and started questioning their lives. When I heard it (specially part 5 and 6) it feel…familiar, i felt understood. I don't have dementia, but i have cptsd and this album just sounded like the sounds i hear in my nightmares, my grandpa did had dementia…but that was the mildest of his various other mental illnesses, this album just sounded exactly like him, like his mental state: broken, confusing, nervous, hopeless and deeply, deeply wrong, it didn't scare me at all because i already know those feelings. I feel like a freak just because I didn't feel that bad hearing it, but that's just how it is, seeing people feel so traumatized and scared over songs and meanings that don't really face me that much makes me uncomfortably aware of how mentally fucked i actually am.
No. 802920
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I wish my dad and brothers actually put in any effort on mothers day. I give my mom a gift and make her brunch but every year she still ends up upset by the end of the day because nobody else in this house will do fuck all for her for ONE day. Now I gotta clean this shit up as usual smh
No. 802935
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ok so ive been dating a trans woman for fairly long and lc you wont like me for this but it’s incredible. it’s like she really gets me more than actual women and our relationship has been way better than the previous lesbian relationships ive had where we would go and just eat and stare at eachother or she would be standoffish. when we go outside to shop she will pick out clothes for me and it’s always the tightest lingerie but it’s kind of cute, and she always borrows it too and we take nice pictures at the beach while we wear the lingerie. it deeply saddens me as a cis woman that im validating my transbian girlfriend and people find that problematic i love how comfy everything pls don’t believe the lies from the terfs here ya’ll(bad bait)
No. 802941
nonny, why didn't I think of this before? It's probably so easy in the middle of an economic and health crisis
No. 802953
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You'd think after a day of low effort bait anons would learn. Stay salty farmers
No. 802958
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The file folder on Chromebooks is so fucking shit that I wish I could deck the Google CEO right in the face. Why did I buy this piece of shit instead of a PC? Oh yeah, it was more affordable.
No. 802963
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some days my self esteem is so low i genuinely start thinking about ways to kill myself over how ugly my face is or the fact that i have no ass
hell is earth
No. 802978
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>>802975Anon…I hope you survive.
No. 802979
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Genuinely wish I didn’t draw so much fandom shit on my art accounts. I’m the type to be REALLY in a fandom one second, then the next I’m kinda over it. But in that time I draw a lot of fanart and then get followers wanting that specific fandom related art, and it kinda hurts whenever I post oc’s and other non fandom related things I always lose followers. I know that my follower count isn’t my worth as an artist but it’s still irks me.
No. 802992
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Accidentally posted this to confession thread, for fucks sake.
Blocked a scrote after he tried his best to twist and turn me finally calling out his bullshit as misandry. I hate these male feminists who think they can just talk shit about women but the second you refuse to baby them, tell them it's not cute to make fun of women only shit, they flip their shit and try to paint you as a schizo or a sexist.
No. 803019
>>803009What was it?
The same thing has happened to me… like I just regret seeing something so upsetting..
No. 803036
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What the fuck I hate not being in touch with my emotions but I also rely on it, since I can endure the dull brewing fear and despair inside without having to let it bubble over. But it's tornent to have this constant drag. Just having issues with a family member I never expected it to get this bad. True to what I said here about not facing it, I don't want to type the details.
No. 803055
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Every time I smoke weed I relapse into old unhealthy habits like overeating and watching hardcore porn. I know that if I want to detoxify and quit those things for good I'm going to have to quit weed too for a few months, but then a couple weeks or even days into my break I start to crave smoking to take the edge off and I cave in. I think I'm going to need to go back to smoking cigarettes for awhile so I can stay sober. Nothing crazy, just a cig every now and then when I get the urge. It's really the ritual of smoking that comforts me the most rather than being high. I was never addicted to them anyway and just used it as a method to self-harm. It was really easy to quit when I finally decided that I was done.
Thinking about all of this though I'm realizing that my cannabis use in and of itself is becoming problematic if I feel like I need to go back to cigarettes, so I really do need to just stop for awhile. Do any anons know if they sell herbal cigarettes alongside tobacco cigarettes in most convenience stores, or would I have to go somewhere else for that?
No. 803068
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the fuck is this, a female imageboard?
also don't ban me I'm gay and a literal 10/10(male)
No. 803073
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bruh this looks like another dimention
anyway I'm leaving I hope JK Rowling wins and shit
No. 803075
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>>803073I admit I'm not a 10/10
buh bye
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>>802979wow we live in parallel dimensions, I only post very specific content from one fandom and I know it's weird and obsessive but I don't care about follower counts at least. just do you my friend as long as you're having fun. it's not as deep as everybody makes it.
that said I noticed people hardly want to see original content which sucks. they are kinda addicted to their series, well it's easier to just stick to big fandoms than seek out something new and small. what might help is keeping your ocs consistent and playing up their world and their stories, then your followers might be people who are invested like a fandom of your own. also maybe you could follow/befriend others who make original content, not to feed off their fans but to see how they deal with the problem and be inspired. godspeed though, I really admire original content creators and wish I'd try it myself already. honestly seems a lot more worth doing.
No. 803083
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>>803068wow, banned so quickly
where are fujos when you need them?
buh bye
No. 803103
>>803068>>803073>>803075>>803083>>803087these were mine anon, if you asked so u could tag or w/e
also go to sleep it's monday tomorrow
(faggot male) No. 803116
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anons stop, he's not cute he's just another scrote and that's probably not even him
No. 803119
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>>803109Damn where's the hospitality.
>>803112Maybe he's not really gay and just said that because he thought we'd be more welcoming.
No. 803164
>>803155business or computer science
also he's def a /pol/tard
No. 803175
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>>803166Funnily enough, I'm actually a psychology major. We were out playing putt putt and when he told me "he expected me to be more aggressive and mean since I'm a psych major," I got so confused. Literally never have I heard that stereotype. Cold? Yeah, seems about right. Aggressive? Idk about that one.
No. 803187
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>>803172i dont need the money as long as you ditch his crusty ass. those types of dudes are all around my campus and its not worth the brain energy to interact with them
No. 803202
I took zoloft for a few months, but I ran out. I didn't even think it was doing much, until I started having withdrawals, and now I am clinging to the last threads of my sanity.
at first I was overly emotional, everything was making me cry, and little things that were sad seemed really fucking sad to me. anytime I'd read a quote that was remotely deep, I'd just start crying. bizarrely enough I was also really horny.
well now I basically did a 180 and am void of most emotion, except feeling really depressed. but nothing is making me cry. and the horniness is gone, I'm basically asexual right now. I feel so fucking depressed, I can't even remember the last time I felt this bad. I can't go to my therapist because like I said I don't have insurance, unless I wanted to pay for a therapy appointment for about 200$ for like 50-55 minutes of therapy and to be honest therapy never really did much for me, it was more just someone to talk to as I didn't (and still don't) have friends. and he wouldn't be able to prescribe me more zoloft as my psychiatrist would have to do that, and an appointment with her is more like 500$.
and I don't even feel real anymore, I'm starting to just feel like a shell of a person. I don't feel anchored in reality anymore. I am this close to wanting to commit suicide, honestly if I wasn't such a coward about pain I probably would have done it already.
No. 803239
>>803055I miss ciggys so much. There's lots of herbal ciggys you can get online shockingly, even on Amazon. I've never seen them at convenience stores or gas stations but I bet tobacco shops would have em, probably not a huge selection tho
Also suggest you try d8, for me it feels like weed but it makes me feel less fucked up and retarded kek
It gives you the relaxed heavy feeling without the insanity type feeling you described weed giving you kek. No harm in trying, you may like it
No. 803240
>>803202Anon, idk where you live, but in the US my primary care doctor was able to prescribe depression meds, zoloft in particular too. Most doctors offices have sliding scale things too that make visits cheaper, and in my experience most docs are willing to give you depression meds at your first visit just because 1. They would literally rather medicate you than treat you kek
And 2. It's easier for them to just throw pills at you. Please try and find a normal doctors office you can visit to get medication if you feel like it helped you and your depression. Please don't feel like you shouldn't be here, you are stronger than u realize. Love u
nonny No. 803246
>>803241Damn anon that really sucks. I just wonder when men like that will stop getting excused for their sexist behaviour. Most of the times, we just get blamed for being "raging extreme feminists"
It gets better with each generation I suppose…
I will change to an IT job when I finish my studies…any idea if it's as bad in the programming world? Most IT guys I know are pretty chill.
No. 803370
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>>803141>>803112>>803112Lol i am gay, just an attention whore
Also sadly not white but almost there
Threads here seem to go so slowly it's like pissing in a light pole
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>>803199>>803195It's not clocking when an attempt was not made
No. 803428
>>803195"I hate women. Fuck these bitches. Theyre so fucking misandrist i lose braincells when i talk to them. Fuck their made up oppression. Rant over"
There's something kinda universal in this. Also oppression is such a deflated word, I seriously doubt someone can look at an incel and not think they're oppressed. Everyone is justifying abuse with overstatement of pain. Not generalizing huge population chunks would do wonders to the endless culture war the US is vomiting.
No. 803430
>>803361What kind of class anon?
Kind of reminds me when I went to college doing graphic design and I expressed my worries about not having been to art school.
>at registration: o yea no worries its all about your progress in art lal>at the exams: yeahhhhh you made a lot of progress but you should be at this level (the level of someone who's been at an art school for 6 years)It made me so pissed, I wasted 3 years and a lot of money because stupid young me kept believing their lies….
Almost no one without preliminary drawing skills passed by the way
No. 803439
>>803397You sound like you would fuck your clone wtf
>>803428>I seriously doubt someone can look at an incel and not think they're oppressed>Incel>oppressedlmao
No. 803467
>>803463I'm not denying any of that, just stating how overstatement of harm is always at the root of
abusive behavior. Nobody acts like that under the mindset of villainy or a power fantasy, even Nazis have their root on collective victimization.
No. 803501
>>802963So what?
At least you can jump high and run quickly and pull off skinny jeans effortlessly without looking dumpy
No. 803518
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>>803501Big asses makes people run slower? Even if they’re relatively fit?
No. 803540
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>>803534I didn't believe you anon but damn
No. 803544
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>>803518I have a big butt, but I don't think it makes running harder. I literally run across my house a lot of the time lol
No. 803574
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how do i protect my job from this witch? i'm a swimming teacher on Sundays.
>first day of work was yesterday
>she has no superiority over but me tells me to take my sunhat off
>has no authority to ask me that, but i remove it as it's my first day
>interrupts my lesson to tell me to move my hat. its not in the way
>i tell her im a full-time student English teacher
>immediately tells me 'we hated student teachers' and that she humiliated a student teacher once
>implies we're inexperienced/unworthy of respect
>tell her i'm at X school
>mocked the way i talk (RP English) and says 'ooh yes X school only accepts As and A*s' in what was supposed to be 'my voice'
>stops her entire lesson to stare at me with an appalled expression
>her students look around in confusion as to why she's stopped
>start reading swim teaching manual during break
>'you're not looking very confident with that book luv'
>i am good a my job, which i have been doing for 3 years
she really doesnt like me and i'm afraid she's going to get me fired. it seems like she's trying to provoke me so she can report me for misconduct
can you imagine if the roles were reversed, e.g. if she tells me she's at a rough school and i imitated her cockney accent and said something like 'did i axe you bruv innit'
No. 803598
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>>80346199% of the issues of social justice come from excusing some forms of prejudice and harassment because it's not as bad as others.
No. 803618
>>803605"They're not viciously persecuted, killed"
Cishet women are also not persecuted and killed gratuitously anywhere. Human rights violations are how I'd define actual "oppression" and men make up a way larger chunk of
victims of violence and it's absurd to neglect that. Also ignoring the "homophobia is a made-up oppression" bit which I can't even-
No. 803622
>>803618>Cishet women are also not persecuted and killed gratuitously anywhere. >cishetTwitterfag detected. The millions of missing women in China and India due to son preference rear their ugly heads.
>Human rights violations are how I'd define actual "oppression" and men make up a way larger chunk of victims of violence and it's absurd to neglect that. And what does that have to do with INCELS specifically? Is no one wanting to fuck them because they're ugly inside and out a human rights violation? Are they gonna die if they don't get their pps touched? Just face it, what you said is stupid as fuck.
No. 803624
>>803620You do know how homophobia never happens because you were caught in literal coitus right? Displaying gender-non-conforming behavior or even walking hand in hand with the same gender can get you persecuted in ways no cishet female is for simple existence.
Also controlling your consentual sex life is one of the largest assaults on human dignity and privacy a government can do.
No. 803635
>>803622I was limiting it to where I live (LATAM) but that's fair.
"And what does that have to do with INCELS specifically? Is no one wanting to fuck them because they're ugly inside and out a human rights violation? Are they gonna die if they don't get their pps touched? Just face it, what you said is stupid as fuck."
I wasn't talking about incels? I mentioned them because victimization is how the most vicious collective hate get their roots.
I think you're missing arguments here.
1. Victimization and overstatement of harm is often used to justify gratuitous hate and harassment.
2. Men make up the majority of
victims of male violence, you can't say they're also not oppressed by it.
3. Claiming homophobia isn't a "real oppression" is absurd.
No. 803666
>>803654So men who are
victims of male violence are being oppressed by… women? Aren't
victims at all?
I don't see how what I said is wrong.
No. 803680
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My grandfather is dying, he's probably the only male in my shithole Muslim nation that I have any respect for
he was born into a fuedal kingdom and his land was Invaded by the nations of India and Pakistan, 2 of his elder brothers died during the fighting and his family fled to Pakistan and lived as tenant farmers and laborers, at age 14 my grandfather joined the Navy as a Cabinboy and served in the Pakistan navy for over 38 years, he worked every single day of his life for his family, not just his wife and children but his brothers and their children, paying for their tutions and working tirelessly to help them get decent jobs, In one generation he transformed our family of landless peasants into a middle class-upper middle class family and he was not even religious
He never prayed, never bothered reading the Quran, he was a cold cynical man who claimed he was likely going to Hell and didn't Care, he claimed the world already was worse then hell, as he had seen so much misery, death and suffering in his life
When he got cancer the first time, one of my Uncles(his own son) said that this was a divine Punishment by Allah upon him and he still didnt care, he trusted medicine not Mullahs, right now he's bed ridden and dying and only wants to talk about his chilshood with his children and grandchildren not about God and the Afterlife
He is a good man, too good for my shit hole country
No. 803689
>>803683scroll up babes
>>803618>>803679might call you a scrote just cos it obviously upsets you that much kek
No. 803705
>>803690I'd probably get accused of blasmemphy law and it would never even get published, the reason my grandfather could get away with his quasi-atheism was cause he was the head patriarch of our family and despite being the 2nd youngest brother he was most respected sibling cause of all the sacrifices he made for his family and the opportunities he gave to them
So his case was kinda unique
No. 803820
>>803815In theory I should, but I have grown to hate it.
I think the source of my misery is that I feel stuck in a monotonous life without opportunities. I might try a change but last time I tried it just didn't make much of a difference.
At first it felt like I had many opportunities but after a while I ended up in another monotonous routine.
It's not just the job though. I hate being alone too, but I also cannot really get along with people either. That why I have no friends and no partner. I just never manage to connect with people for some reason. I am not autistic, but I guess I might be too introverted or something, because it seems like everyone remains at acquaintance terms with me and never gets any closer.
No. 803822
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i'm boring. i've been called "boring" all my life, online and off, and while i understand that i'm not here to entertain anyone it kind of sucks that my dullard self can't get any friends because of it. i also get ignored in mmo's.
i remember playing with this one girl who actually made a new character to play with her friends (perfectly understandable man) and when i tried to approach her she literally ran away from me. it was depressing at the time, but after i found out who she was it grew even MORE depressing. wanna die
No. 803839
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I feel so fucking defeated right now. The housing market is impossible and I keep losing to other offers who are willing to pay anywhere between $40-100k more than asking price on already inflated houses. The market in my area has worsened due to covid and it will never go back to the buyer's favor ever again in the foreseeable future. The more I wait, the more unreasonable houses become.
Rent increases every year. I'm tired and want a place of my own.
I thought my husband was on board to buckle down and get a house before our lease expires in a few months. But no, his parents have promised him free rent if we move back in with them, and now any house listing I mention has a problem or is "too expensive." He's resolved and won't look. It's obvious he has no intention to search anymore now that he knows there's a fallback option thats cozy to him but uncomfortable as hell to me. He's trying to put a positive spin on this by trying to say we can save money, or they have a giant house–but not really. Here's the rub: His parents are hoarders who live in filthy conditions, and his mother is mentally infirm. His father is a pig and makes me angry. Whenever we come over for Sunday dinner he stuffs his gob and then leaves dirty plates and gross napkins for either me or his wife to clean up while he waddles away to go relax. He never cleans, and he's very defensive about his electronics hoard which is a fire hazard. He's stubborn too and thinks he knows best. He's such an out of touch old man that he said we were getting "scammed" when we tried to explain the current market to him. That houses go for thousands of dollars over asking and that sellers want extra thousands in dilligence money as comp for taking their houses off the market even if they choose your inflated offer.
I don't want to live with these people.
This problem would all go away if my husband could compromise with the fact that we can't afford to live here, and we also can't afford to wait for his parents to croak over the next decade in hopes that we can sell their $600k house.
I want to beg him to move where housing is affordable but he just won't do it. He's too afraid to ditch the familiarity of the area, and he doesn't want to branch out of his dumb dumb retail job because he's afraid he'll take a pay cut.
It makes me cry because we could buy beautiful, gorgeous homes elsewhere with lots of rooms and plenty of yard for the amount of money we're offering for mediocre homes here that investors are snatching up for a premium to flip anyway. I don't care about my job and my manager is a cunt, I can find an okayish paying office job anywhere. Why do I have to keep suffering and being unhappy here for? Let's just go…
No. 803876
>>803813>>803820Jesus. With the exception of settling down, this is exactly how I am about life right now. And if you quit your job to pursue things you enjoy, then you have the guilt of…well, not working. Maybe you need to work part-time if you don't already? That way you'd have a better work-life balance. If it still provides enough income for living expenses, that is.
Rooting for you, anon! Hopefully, we'll get through it soon.
No. 803886
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Does anyone else have this thing when they're going back and forth between faith in something higher than our dimension and thinking we're just meat robots and a sum of chemical reactions in our brains and there's nothing after death? It feels like my two hemispheres are constantly fighting each other. My autism doesn't allow me to just believe in something, it forces me to compare different arguments. I only know what I wish was true, I know that I wish there was something more, because I enjoy the concept of higher justice, for example, and I enjoy the idea that there's a being which can love me and know my thoughts, fears and desires without me having to express them like I'd have to with another human, but those are just my wishes, I can't say I have "faith". As a kid I couldn't even believe in Santa Claus, but I was always wondering about stuff and open to different ideas, I valued nature and animals and I felt like they have a certain "essence". Then at 13 I became an edgy atheist, fangirling over Hitchens, Dawkins, Dennett and Harris like a retard, then I started questioning myself because I got into conspiracy theories, then I had a short phase of pure atheism again at 18 again, and honestly that's when I felt the best, so free and light, everything seemed so simple, no overthinking. And then I became something you could call a born again christian, I started studying the bible and I got into gnosticism, and everything became so complicated because of so many interpretations. And now I'm in between, but it got so much worse for both sides, on one side it's not just atheism but lingering over pessimistic philosophy and reading Cioran which makes me want to off myself, and on the other side it's valentinian christianity and sperging about how everything about our souls is pre-determined and there are three types of souls/humans; hylics, psychics and pneumatics, and that I'm probably the second worst one, the matter-dwelling one, because there's no pure faith in me but constant questioning and going back and forth, so I'm fucked, because only the matter-free souls can go to heaven, and usually you can't change your destination. I know it sounds shallow but I wish I could just have an outright supernatural experience to convince myself there's something beyond and be fucking done with it. The closest thing I can think of could be the fact that I woke up at night at the exact same time when, as I later found out, my mom died at a hospital. And when I woke up I felt like something happened. But then again, it could be just a coincidence. It wasn't the first time I woke up at night feeling anxious. I'm jealous of the people who tell me they met some fucking cubes of light hovering above their beds and talking to them. I'd be scared shitless but at least I would know. All of this makes my depression and death anxiety so much worse and yet I can't stop dwelling on it. Sometimes I feel like I don't even care about the truth anymore, I just want some peace of mind
No. 803888
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My sister has 2 kids and a husband, a mortgage, cats, the whole circus. She's 32 and she was telling me about her 29yo friend who just signed papers to buy an apartment with her boyfriend of one year, no comment on that but my sister then said "it's about time, she's almost 30".
Bitch, what? It's weird to see them doing all these couple date nights as well, she's so unlike that stuff but I guess covid changed her, no clue but I'm 27 and wonder what the fuck my sister thinks of me then? She supposedly talks about me to other people, describing me as the artistic, cool sibling but I wonder if she just sees me as a burnout who couldn't even get that family thing she has, she recently found out I'm gay so idk. Lots of thoughts, left a bad taste in my mouth but not for me, for her friend, she's a nice hyper woman.
No. 803898
>>803839You want an actual house and a future, he wants to live with his mommy and daddy.
I don't want to be one of those "dump his ass" posters, but I think you can see how this would go, anon.
No. 803900
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The thought that most of nature is already destroyed makes me so sad. It's hard to put into words. I can't even sit in the garden anymore without thinking about all the animals that used to live here, european bison, ground nesting birds ect. There are some rewilding projects, but it's such an upward battle. I mean people mangage to get attacked by cows (like by putting kids on their backs, or approaching calfs), how are they ever going to coexist with bison? There are just too many of us, where are the wild animals even supposed to go?
Nature has always been the one place where I feel at peace with myself. But all people seem to want are tourist friendly easy to access nature themed theme parks.
How do I deal with this nonnies? I honestly feel like crying just thinking about this.
No. 803902
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I told my ex I wanted to go totally no contact a while back and recently he's sent a few things to my place like flowers and a gift basket. There's no note with them so I guess he technically hasn't said anything but it's still "contact" to me. He was such an emotionally abusive asshole, only acting apologetic when he realized he was going to lose me, and even now he's trying to manipulate me. It's just with this meaningless bullshit when the screaming and gaslighting stopped working. If he doesn't get the picture by my lack of response I swear I'm going to maul the next gift he gives me and dump it on his doorstep.
Just leave me ALONE, can you not do a single thing I ask of you even when we're finished? Fuck off to hell.
No. 803939
>>803635Never claimed homophobia isnt real. Gay men are the most privileged out of lgbt. Regardless, fuck them.
Why gatekeep vent thread? Nigga who cares.
Let women vent about men
No. 803942
>>803918Honestly anon you should believe in yourself. School is just about hard work and remembering things.
You can do it
No. 803948
>>803946I have adhd and i take meds and i find im a lot more on alert and it helps me focus a lot.
Do you know what caused you to be diagnosed with adhd?
No. 803960
>>803913It's really difficult when I think I can't do better than this
and me being able to put up with it means I don't deserve any better than this, let's be honest here. He's perfect besides this. I've posted about it here before but he switched to a freaking flip phone when I told him I didn't like the consumption of p0rn. TELL ME HOW MANY GUYS WOULD DO THAT AND I'D EASILY DUMP HIM, lol. He also let's me call him out on his misogyny and isn't like "waaa,
I don't say anything when
you talk shit about men, waaaaaaaaa", or at least he hasn't yet. He also hasn't gotten tired of me (granted it's only been going on 6 months, so maybe it's just around the corner) yet and seems to actually enjoy spending time with me, we get along very well, share most of the same values, he's funny, I'm physically attracted to him, and he is seemingly physically attracted to me too despite me being flat-chested.
No. 803977
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i just hate myself
i hate being a bpdfag
back in feburary my bf left me for another girl who lives thousands of miles away from him a day before our 3 year anniversary
and i still love him, i cant get over it. its all i can ever think about
it just hurts so much
why cant i find happiness
No. 803982
>>803957Anon you should take your doubts seriously, but I agree with
>>803964 and I think you should at least give it more time
My mom is textbook inattentive ADHD in literally every aspect of her personality and life, she was diagnosed in her late 30s and she still takes meds. I was too young to be aware of the difference starting the meds made for her, but when I ask her about it now she seems lukewarm about them overall. It helps her function and make fewer mistakes at work but her life is still a mess and in her early 60s she still struggles immensely with shit like procrastination, decision paralysis, and executive dysfunction in life-impacting ways. (not to say it's hopeless for ADHD to improve, she has a lot of other issues)
I've had a similar experience w/meds, they help me maintain focus on complex or boring tasks and reduce my urge to get up and autistically pace around all the time but it doesn't do shit for my executive dysfunction or a lot of other ADHD things, you still need to develop other coping strategies.
Check out the ADHD/autism thread, there's been some good discussion and info recently
No. 803999
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I can't really talk about this specific topic to anyone I know but it's the general bullshit that comes with having an Asian (specially Vietnamese) immigrant family. Can't talk about it with friends because they're all white, all the asian people my age I come across came to this country just to study and they have at least some toxic traits of the culture ingrained in them. Can't talk about it to a psychologist since they're usually white and the ones who aren't immigrated when they were adults so they don't take what I have to say seriously.
The bullshit i'm talking about is how they're so adamant about clinging onto outdated values like "women usually do most of the housework, look pretty etc", "respect your elders" (even though they have done nothing to actually earn that respect) and especially toxic stuff like "mental illness can't be discussed openly, that's for white people", "be grateful to your parents for doing the bare minimum like provide housing". They think getting rid of that type of mindset is just white washing yourself and getting rid of the culture from "the motherland". It's that type of thinking that prevented me from getting diagnosed with Autism and ADHD as a kid and had the same bullshit straight A's, timid/shy asian student expectations shoved onto me.
My family is also extremely biased towards anyone who's Vietnamese to the point where they forced me to see a tutor for years who had the police called on them multiple times because they assault the kids she was tutoring. When she groped my chest I couldn't talk about it for years but when I did I was immediately dismissed with "you're just saying that because you don't like her!". There was a driving instructor who yelled at me whenever I did something wrong (since I was LEARNING to drive), the only reason why they allowed me to stop seeing him was because he was so unstable he would go on and rants in public about his wife who cheated on him in front of his daughters. Even then they just took it as me refusing to learn how to drive. Would they allow that behavior if it was a white person doing that to me? HELL NO they'd pull me out immediately. But because these people came from the same country as my parents did and to them I was just some soft, white-washed kid who just wants to be lazy all the time nobody listened and I was forced to go through another traumatic event after another.
They're a lot better now (it's not saying much I know) but these days I can rarely bring myself to trust what they have to say. Especially since what they said is just plain false or the person they personally recommend turns out to be severely under qualified and a borderline scammer they just shrug it off and leave it up to me to clean up the mess that they led me to. Then they act offended and hurt when I verbally turn down their suggestions and become passive aggressive saying stuff like "FINE, I was just TRYING to help you. But since you're treating ME like this I won't HELP you anymore" (they will "help" afterwards).
I guess it's been really getting to me these days since I'm not quite over the fact that i'm never going to get any actual closure with my parents. They'll never acknowledge that they are shitty parents and the cause of most of the traumatic things that happened to me and they definitely won't bother trying to make amends. As nice as the idea of karma is I know the people who are the main cause of at least most of the emotional baggage I carry will die patting themselves on the back thinking they did the best they could've done and that they are good people.
No. 804129
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Just found out that a factor for why Melinda and Bill Gates divorced is because of his meetings with Jeffrey Epstein. He'd been doing this since 2013 and continued even after the sex crime accusations. The divorce has been in the making for two years. Bill claims he only met with Epstein because people told him he had rich connections for his philanthropy, and never went to his parties…right. Did Bill really need money so badly from a kid trader and diddler even if that's all this was? Good for Melinda moving to divorce the creep.
But this just confirms that I don't think there's such thing as "good" rich people. It seems like any kind of "good" these sociopaths do is an effort to expand their own wealth or image. They're always on a power trip and stepping on other people because they think they're special. I have theories about this man. Like is no one concerned that a massive software dev with lots of power and money was meeting with the world's worst sex slave seller? Really makes you think.
No. 804143
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>>804084I felt the same way when I broke up with my last boyfriend, which was a lame relationship going nowhere. I think the heart of this feeling isn't mourning the actual relationship that has been lost, rather it's mourning for the relationship you had first hoped it could become.
No. 804166
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>>804164Same anon but the reason I think he murdered her is the day before she had a massive heart attack they had gotten into a huge argument.. he was also
abusive as fuck to her so I consider him a murderer and want nothing to do with him.
No. 804171
>>803999Anon, I am not an immigrant in an Anglophone country nor am I Asian but I am Eastern European and literally everything you just said is something my mother used to do and still does. Everything from the shitty "help" with shady tutors, to patting herself on the back for "helping" and asking for gratitude just because she gave birth to me and didn't straight up starve me afterwards, to "discussing mental illness is for white people" (or in our case, Americans, because here you'll be labelled as crazy and gossiped about and everyone will avoid you or worse yet, bully you in public).
If you complain about their mindset you're not accused of whitewashing yourself, but you're called a weak millenial/zoomer pussy and how back in the day your great-grandmother was breastfeeding her kids with one arm and shooting Nazis and driving a tractor with the other. Your parents see you as your property to do with as they please even well into adulthood, and if you're a woman you'll be harassed into doing what you're "meant to do" even if you don't want to while male children are never held responsible for anything and treated like little emperors.
The only solution I've found is to go low contact and move as far away as possible, sadly.
No. 804214
>>804080Update no one cares about but the exam went well and I got an A.
Now I'm gotta rest with horrible stress headache but I'm really happy!
No. 804255
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nonnies how do i stop feeling like a retarded loser every time my bf calls me on the phone and i don't really have anything to talk about. i just can't think of much to say and i don't really do much in my daily life to just be like "i did this and this and this this". he'll be like say something and my mind blanks. it's making me wanna stick a fork in my eye because i actually enjoy having him call me most days or i call him and we just talk on the phone simply to talk but then i don't actually have anything to talk about
i hate this so much i don't wanna come off as boring or braindead to him
No. 804269
>>804262Nta, but you can absorb shit into your bloodstream through your cheeks. For example, if someone with low blood sugar passes outs, you're supposed to rub sugar on their cheeks and gums
atleast, I think that's what you're supposed to do. You have mucus membranes in your mouth.
No. 804309
>>804279this is a neat idea i'll try it out
>>804289how do you simply "make your life more eventful". yeah i could go for a walk or go get a coffee or something but that's not very interesting and is not significant in the scheme of things
No. 804325
>>804296So sorry, anon, that sucks. It's so unnecessary and frustrating. At least the teacher substitutes the average of homeworks, so does that mean you'll pass/won't need to retake it?
Speaking of, my own vent:
>we had 5 difficult exams in 2 weeks>have a bad feeling for one of them, but wave it off, I passed all my exams before, it'll be fine>log in today and see I failed not one, but two exams and literally the only person to fail in that one class which every idiot except me passes without troubleNow I gotta retake these two exams. It's been 3 months since I took the exams so of course I completely forgot everything and need to cram in the knowledge of a whole semster in two weeks. I need to pass these exams or I'll flunk out of college. I'll mcfucking kill myself if I fail. I just hate myself and it completely destroyed my self esteem. I've never had to retake an exam, let alone two, and I'm so fucking scared because I'm so overwhelmed and badly prepared.
No. 804333
>>804325Nonnie, I absolutely know you can do it. I don't know how but I'm totally sure of it.
If the nerves and lack of concentration become unbearable you might try talking to a psychiatrist, it saved my college life.
But knowledge-wise you got this, you're smart and it's gonna be a piece of cake.
No. 804340
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Why can't I escape the prison that is female self-objectification? How many tomes of feminist lit will it take me to finally get it through my skull, to give me complete instinctual understanding that I should completely stop basing my worth to society by looks? Why do I have to break down crying because I took my measurements and feel like I don't deserve to wear nice things? Yeah, Naomi Wolf, beauty is a currency that is borne from patriarchy, how the fuck do I make myself feel good in an Eastern European country where every single woman has loads of it? I'm not fat, I haven't been fat for a long time, but fuck, why does it feel like I can't escape looking at myself like a moid, killing my bones and posture for the disgusting male gaze? Why do I feel I'll never be loved because I'm a certain size? What the fuck, am I still 16 or something?
When do I stop being retarded and have anxiety attacks because I can't wear things that make me feel good? And why is it that the things that actually make me look good get me called a whore or slutty? My sincere apologies for having T&A, sir.
My graduation dress is giving me more stress than my finals. Fuck being born as a female in this shit dick-run society. First world feminist rant over.
No. 804374
>>804355Yep now it's time to plan out how you will be cutting her from your life. She sounds
toxic and bipolar. Can't help those who don't want to help themselves!
No. 804381
>>804340I know how this feels,
nonnie. Never been overweight yet still feel like a fatty boombalatty all the time because I don't look like a photoshopped Instagram model. And trust me, I think every woman knows how it feels at least on some level. Even the women who are comfortable with their bodies and looks probably had to go through years of deprogramming to reach their current situation, and I bet even they sometimes feel inadequate in front of societal beauty standards. It's something that has been ingrained in us since childhood and sadly I doubt we will never fully get over it, so it's just healthier to stop hating yourself for not being able to fully rid yourself of this indoctrination. But the best thing we can do is to protect future generations of women from having to do starvation diets, plastic surgery, spending copious amounts of money on makeup, worrying about what they wear and whatever we are made to do to live up to the standards of being a woman.
No. 804382
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I’m just depressed that animal rights issues are seen as some weird niche activism bullshit. Also, advocating for animal rights or changing agricultural practices always seems like a dead end if a billion other things related to the cost of living, food deserts, and wages aren’t addressed alongside it. All I’m left with is some feeling of horror and pain seeing chickens and other animals treated just like we are, commodified garbage that loses its usefulness and worth once it stops producing.
I get it make fun of me for feeling bad that hens shit all over each other and peck each other to death until they prolapse or their wings break or a worker beats them until they die. It’s horrible and there is nothing that can be done besides ~lol go vegan~ and it fuckin sucks
No. 804385
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I wish I could astrally project and hang out with all the other lonely outcast girls instead of sitting here alone as balls trying not to cry. I talk to sheep now to stay sane.
No. 804436
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>On hot topic website
>See shirt that says "Nonbinary"
>lol they can't be serious
>Reviews are pissed off teens complaining that they put it in the women's section
>Shirts are sold out anyway
>Even hot topic knows 99 percent of enbies are women
No. 804443
>>804340I'm with
>>804407 on the cultivating "other areas of your life" idea. After reading a lot of feminist lit I understood the folly of fixating on romantic relationships, how they've been completely misrepresented in media and how most are a losing game for women and always have been. As much as I considered myself a strong person, I realized I'd still been centering relationships and men in my life, and that was what needed to change. I got back into a lot of hobbies, tried things that seemed fun with female friends or by myself, worked with charities, focused strongly on my career and went back to school. I had so many other interesting and fun stuff going on in my life, I noticed I no longer gave a fuck about getting a man or a good relationship anymore. (Which translated into caring less about weight and appearance, save for being clean and tidy.)
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a happy and fulfilling romantic relationship if possible, but whether I do or not is mostly based on luck. And I wouldn't force myself to live a sad and miserable existence dependent on whether I won the lottery or not, you know? That's pointless. You choose what you base your happiness on. Really engage with things you're interested in, and appreciate how you can be valued and loved due to other things: athleticism, smarts, determination, creativity, kindness, humor. Rather than looks alone.
No. 804474
oh my god where to even start with this one.
well first off my parents are hoarders, mainly my mom, but my dad doesn't really seem to care and just lets it happen. my parents were both extremely neglectful to us growing up, which has resulted in all 4 of their kids basically being emotionally stunted adult children who struggle to live in the real world. I have a personality disorder and serious mood issues, and my sister has crippling depression as well as other mental health problems. I for one can't maintain friendships to save my life and have anxiety over the most miniscule things.
well anyway. my mom is extremely arthritic, and she broke a bone about 2 weeks ago and has been in the hospital since. she just had surgery last week, and is going to be released either today or tomorrow. since our house is a total hell hole full of clutter and shit and is literally falling apart - oh and it's not even really a house, it's a trailer - we know that the healing is going to be rough. my mom said someone suggested a healing facility where she could go and heal for 6 weeks or however long, but apparently that's not in the cards now, I have no idea why, it might be because our insurance won't cover it?
but anyway. I just walked in and my brother (who doesn't live here, but has been helping my sister do some decluttering) was on the phone with my mom. she was on speaker phone. I didn't hear the whole conversation but my mom was crying and upset, and I couldn't even tell what she was saying. my brother got off the phone and started ranting about how we're enabling her and how she gets out of serious conversations by crying (which is true, you literally can't have serious discussions with her, she'll just start getting emotional and crying). my brother also said he wasn't going to visit us at the trailer anymore because it's too gross (like, okay? fuck off then?) then he started going on a tangent about how they catastrophically failed raising us. which is true, but there's no point in talking about it really. I've had the same conversation nearly a hundred times with my parents, and they always just victim blame and act like I'm a fucking idiot for saying they didn't raise us right. that being said my dad actually listened to him. I didn't hear the whole conversation though because I left.
even though everything my brother said was true, I'm honestly over talking about it. I'm past the point of giving a shit. not only is there nothing that can be done about it now, but my parents aren't receptive to it, and deny that they did anything wrong. honestly all it did was put me in a really fucking bad mood, and now there's going to be more tension between all of us. I was already not in a good mood today and now I'm in a really fucking bad mood.
No. 804493
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I'm going to the dentist tomorrow and it's really stressing me out, it's the first time in 3 years because the last time I went it hurt so much I cried.
I also moved countries so I'm currently trying to get health insurance but I clearly won't be covered on time, I really hope I'll get some kind of refund.
I'm sorry for all my burger sisters, it's awful having to think of your health as a cost. Good luck to anyone who's struggling with medical issues.
No. 804598
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I'm going to fucking scream I had 3 periods each within 2 weeks of each other and I was going to visit the obgyn about the problem but I just got the 4th period after barely 3 weeks from the last one. I'm having 2 periods a month at this point and spending 10/30 days bleeding. I think I'm sick right now so this just adds to it. Can I even visit the obgyn while bleeding or do I have to let it pass? Being sick with a 4th period in 2 months is worrying me even worse now
No. 804605
>>804598you absolutely can and should, this is completely anecdotal and I have no idea if it would help with whatever is going wrong with you, but I also had horrific sporadic periods that could last up to a month at a time, it was fixed by putting me on the pill and a hormonal IUD at the same time
I've had that regiment for 13 years now, and now I just don't have periods at all, it's waaaay better
No. 804616
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look at this this fucking picture. the mustached weirdo on the back left is ed fucking kemper. The ed kemper than raped and killed a bunch of girls then cut his moms head off and orally raped it. Scrotes love Kemper because he's intelligent with mommy issues. They all claim that mommy drove him to murder and he turned himself in after he killed her, leaving out the part where he committed another murder directly after he killed her.
But this picture? How much of a pick-me do you have to be to let a child rapist necrophiliac serial killer hold your baby? I expect this shit from men because they've all got fucked up urges below the surface and they emphasize with shitstains like kemper. But Jesus christ when I see women doing this shit I just???? The woman next to him is his sister. Why the fuck would you visit your brother who raped your Mother's decapitated head? What the actual fuck are you getting out of that relationship?
This is like that mom whose son molested and killed her daughter when he was 14 or something. He got put away and he said he did it because he wanted to kill his mom and figured out he could hurt her more by killing her other child. A decade later this lady has another child and is letting the kid talk to the other son in prison??? I just???? Men show you exactly who they are and some women just close their eyes
No. 804621
>>804620It's pretty common among women to do things like this, I'm not saying it's inherent or at all
right but I've come to accept some of us have this tendency. It's sick and disappointing. Not as bad as being a murderer themselves but it's almost close when they'd basically become an apologist for them and probably assist them if they were able to be together. Personally it's one of the things that keeps me from going full misandrist because there's a lot of shitty behaviors among my own sex too and their enabling. I also don't think all scrotes are okay with serial killer shit but still, horrible evil shit
No. 804631
>>804620God my cousin was a Richard Ramirezfag when she was an edgy 15 year old and I bullied her for it every chance I got so she would get out of that phase. No one in my bloodline is going to be a hybristophile and get away with it. I call it tough love.
There are a few instances of men thirsting after sadistic female killers but it's not as common, because surprise surprise female killers aren't as common.
No. 804638
>>804637I appreciate it anon
But I’ve been with the same person for many years
Tbf we both have some mild sexual trauma and i think maybe that has something to do with it
I just wish I could get over it, it’s so hard to be having sex and think nothing but how I’m screwing it up
No. 804641
>>804638I have trauma too so I can fully understand but I can feel you a little bit. It’s a big mind body connection to relax into which is already something we struggle with then trauma around it just makes it even harder since it was overwhelming and almost uncomfortable anyway.
I’m sorry anonny that there’s no easy answer.
No. 804644
>>804641I think that does help
Honestly I’m not really thinking about relaxing when doing it
Just thinking about the nitty gritty details of how well I’m doing whatever thing
I should try to relax more
I appreciate it
nonny, thanks for talking it through with me
No. 804645
>>804643Thanks anon,
I have started seeing a therapist recently actually, I think once I feel comfortable enough I will eventually bring up those topics
No. 804650
>>804645That's so good to hear. Therapy really changed my life around. It was a completely different experience once I was truly able to open up to my therapist. I'll be rooting for you,
nonnie. You got this.
No. 804701
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I was clean for 3 years and now that covid has basically ruined my life I relapsed tonight.
Cutting feels so fucking good and idk why I stopped. Starving and reckless sex dont do it for me anymore and at least this doesnt have a extreme affect on my physical health. Its like a itch thats finally being scratched.
No. 804703
>>804701Get help
nonnie. You'll feel better.
No. 804713
No hate towards you, anon above me, but I just wanted to say the "get help" meme, or more widespread "reach out, speak up!" platitude, is so retarded. Getting help means piles upon piles of pointless documents, second opinions and wrong diagnoses, a string of futile appointments, neverending redirections and retraumatisation. Modern psychology is so vague and tainted by pseudoscience and shallow whokeness alike. The majority of therapists do it to fuel their ego (like nurses) or because they have problems of their own. Otherwise, they understand mental health problems solely according to a textbook and are incapable of having complex conversation that extends further from what one can think of independently. Thanks to covid, all of this isn't even accessible. Before covid it was difficult enough to get professional "help" within two years of requesting it, but now anything that isn't deemed acute or life-threatening is unworthy of attention. For example, I tried contacting my therapist last month, and they could only get back to me yesterday because they're swamped with "crises". "Getting help" is a meme and it won't solve your mental health problems. Don't wait on it.
*reposted to fix a typo
No. 804720
>>804713Just because you had bad experience anon doesn't mean you should speak from a position of authority and discourage other people that may need it. There may be some trial and error when you try to find the perfect therapis / therapeutic approach but it's not a wasted effort.
Also, you seriously should drop your therapist, extremely unprofessional behavior to get back to you so late with such half-assed explanation. Hope you can find someone better.
No. 804723
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>>804703Ive already tried therapy and its just not something that works. Bottling up emotions and having extreme episodes just works for some people and thats okay.I appreciate the sentiment.
>>804713anon was just giving the usual advise not that retarded. Yes, therapy can be ass but the suggestion wasn't rude.
No. 804729
>>804713No, not a therapist, she needs a doctor. For someone as unstable as anon with cutting, starving and reckless behaviour, I don't recommend just getting help from a therapist but first getting meds from a psychiatrist
and maybe going into therapy on the side. Good psychiatrist will also give you advice on how to deal mentally and therapists aren't always needed. Ideally the doctor will recommend a legit therapist if it's needed.
Psychiatrists are doctors with long, difficult and extensive education, psychologists can legit have just a few years of pseudo-school and are good to go. That's why they suck so much.
Also not everyone is from a country with shit health system, I could get help this week for free if I needed it, without any documentation. I used to book several different psychiatrists when I had serious mental health problems and stuck with the one that was good. Helped me tremendously whithin a year, now I don't self-harm, no meds, no anxiety.
No. 804762
I want to get breast reduction surgery so bad, it would make my life so easier, just some c-cups please. I hate mine so much, I'm underweight but my tits make me look 20 pounds heavier, they're so annoying and unflattering, I can't wear most things without looking motherly and homely, like a sack of potatoes. I hate it. I wanna look chic, not like a mother of 3. The fashion that's in right now where I live is not made for big busts, I swear. I allowed my sister to take a picture of me yesterday and god damn, I looked so bad, they look so big, completely killing my vibe, so I'm in my feels right now. Rant over.
No. 804764
>>804713You're right and you should say it
>>804720You need tons and tons of time and money to do therapy shopping in the first place, or even just to find one lol.
No. 804794
>>804777Anon, definitely take lactase pills if you have them on you.
Once I mistakenly got one of those store-bought lattes that was not lactose-free and I literally couldn't work that day. I spent the whole day in the bathroom, alternating between vomiting and shitting my brains out, all this accompanied by agonizing stomach pain
No. 804824
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My bf is visiting for a few days and it takes him forever to get up in the morning. He messages me and falls back to sleep instead of waking the fuck up and meeting up with me. Bitch I was so excited to spend time with you and here you are falling asleep and making me wait for you. Makes me just want to ignore you the whole day and leave your ass in the hotel alone and unable to go anywhere. He's great to me otherwise but this feels like such a personal attack, especially since this is our first time being together. Sometimes I wonder if I have some sort of personality disorder by how quickly I feel attacked by stupid shit or if I'm inherently petty as hell.
No. 804902
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In one month I will be 2 years sober! I am 5 pounds away from a healthy BMI after being overweight for like four years!
I wish I could just let myself enjoy this feeling but my head won't stop reminding me that I better get a fucking job soon. I'm so damn lonely and lost.
No. 804908
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>>804902You’ve made so much progress and are well on your way, anon!! I’m proud of you, try to enjoy your accomplishments ♥
No. 804946
>>804713I agree. In a nutshell if one depends on therapy for everything, one wouldn't grow and learn how to cope with life. It has been ingrained in our minds to rely on it whenever, it's unrealistic. The only positive thing about the mental health business is that it helps when you need it the most.
I have had help and been on meds, at the times I needed them the most. Now that I don't have access to help and am slightly older, I have to seek out what to do to stay mentally healthy. Such as watching my sugar intake (too much sugar causes bad moods and less energy), avoiding high fructose corn syrup and excessive artificial dyes (really shit for you, avoid them at all costs),caffeine. Eating whole grain bread, eating less processed foods (keep the ingredients natural/simple and understandable).
It's pretty much a start-up program to teach you how to be your own therapist. Eat well, sleep well, take up a hobby or two, vent, think logically/realistically, don't stress over everything, appreciate the little things. Tada!
No. 804959
Idk why but I keep thinking about the lady who used to live next door to me who commit suicide, it's been over a decade now but it's one of those things that I just can't forget or make peace with the fact that it happened. I was friends with both her sons, we'll call them A and S. Looking back on things they both treated her real bad. The older brother, S, more so. But even A could be a little shit. A was my age and I mainly hung out with him because when they got a PC, S quickly became addicted and so rarely left the house that he became so pale he practically glowed. His mother tried to stop things by confiscating the PC and locking it in her car boot but S would scream the most vile things at her and do petty shit like steal her cigarettes as "revenge" so in the end he was just left alone to waste away on the internet. The father was an abusive alcoholic, much like my own. We frequently heard the arguments next door but to my knowledge neither A nor S ever intervened. I've been throwing myself in front of my dads punches since I was fucking 5. How on earth is it not natural instinct to defend your mother??? I wish I brought this up to them, or at least A. I wish I at least told him to grow up and realise that his mother is a human being with feelings too. I remember so clearly how sweet and kind their mother was to me. I always offered to help her do things and said please and thank you and the fact that something so simple meant so much to her breaks my heart. She was friends with my mother and would often comment that I was a good daughter and she wished she didn't have just boys so she could have a relationship like my mother and I did. I remember the funeral like it was yesterday, I felt sick, it felt so wrong. It shouldn't have happened to her, she was a good woman. Her scrote husband should have offed himself instead. I guess the one good thing to happen afterwards is that A did realise the error of his ways, it hit him like a brick wall. I'll never forget his advice to me: never leave an argument with your mother unresolved, no matter what, it's irrelevant in the long run. As for S he just continued to be a weirdo shut-in who never spoke about what happened. I think deep down he knew what he did and the guilt was eating away at him. I eventually lost touch with both brothers after we grew apart but I still see the dad occasionally where he works, he absolutely stinks of fucking booze, even when he's on the clock. God those scrotes did not deserve that woman. RIP H, I hope you found happiness and peace wherever you are now. Thanks for the sleepovers, the dinners, the ice creams in summer, the trips to the cinema, and everything else you did for me. You're not forgotten. ♥
No. 805138
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I'm so TIRED of everyone talking about men. bringing the sperging into every discussion… I know. we hate them. they suck. so can we have one conversation that's not about them somehow. None of you pass the Bechdel test
No. 805185
>>805180You matter, Canadian nonita. Thank you for your countries maple syrup. ♥
Also totally random and off topic but do Canadians buy into the theory that Trudeau is Castro's illegitimate son or nah? I'm convinced he is.
No. 805206
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>>805185hehe you're too cute! I've never heard that theory about Castro. I think Justin looks a lot like Pierre. plus, Justin was born just a little over 9 months after Pierre and Margaret got married, so if she did have an affair, she would have been a newlywed at the time. I think it's unlikely that Pierre isn't the father. it's super icky that Margaret was 22 and Pierre was 51 when they got married though.
No. 805212
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I still can't figure out how to not make my glasses fog up with my mask indoors and I'm tired of looking like an idiot in public.
No. 805230
>>805212depends on what type of lenses you have.
Circle lenses dont fog up if you have them sitting on the tip the nose. but you also have to make sure your mask stays in one place on your face at all times
No. 805237
I'm afraid I'm an autopedophile. I'm a virgin and I never roleplayed any dd/lg or age regression shit with anyone and I would never want to do that, I'm not a regular pedo because I never found children's bodies attractive, I hate pedos. It's just always about me and fantasies about being molested as a child. If there's a man I'm attracted to, I can start from imagining my adult-self with him, but there will be inevitable, intrusive fantasies about me being like 10 or 11 and him being an adult, and him giving me all the attention I never had as a child and being romantically involved with me and then having sex with me as I get older, or him being my caretaker and molesting me but maintaining a relationship with me after I enter adulthood. I never search for any porn/hentai/manga that could fuel my fantasies, but I did read pedo/incest erotica and I self-inserted as the underage character. For a moment it feels like the most fulfilling fantasy ever and then I feel guilt and disgust because I know it was most likely written by an actual pedo. It's a part of me I could never ever tell anyone about, even if I had a partner whom I could trust, I would never tell them about it and I would never try to roleplay it. But it appears in my head almost always when I masturbate. It feels almost demonic in nature and I'm ashamed of it but I can't get rid of it. When I was 15 my therapist told my mom I displayed symptoms of someone who endured childhood sexual abuse, and I have some memories of 5 year old me undressing dolls and kissing and touching them, I also reenacted rape with another girl when I was 9 and she was 10, we were both naked and I was giving her instructions on what I want her to tell me, and I was asking her questions like "why did you kidnap me?" but I don't have any memories about actual molestation or rape. My childhood memories are pretty vivid so I find it hard to believe I could be repressing something. I don't know where all of this is coming from and why it gest worse with age
No. 805283
>>805237This is going to sound weird, but it actually sounds more like you have OCD than any sort of pedophilic predilections.
Google "ocd invasive thoughts"
No. 805302
>>805297It's uncommon for any single mental illness to be present by itself without any others and/or without trauma
I'm not a doctor though
But it wouldn't be unusual for a mental illness and a paraphilia to be making each other worse, or for one to have developed because of the other
No. 805323
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I’m going to kill God one day.
No. 805390
pickmes are destroying the site
>b-but women can have retarded opinions and shit taste too!!!I know that, and I can still call you a retard for it. Retard.
>>805087And it all could've been easily avoided if they didn't respond to the bait
No. 805440
>>805427Bookmark from now on,
nonny. You can have many many bookmark folders to your hearts content
No. 805462
>>805427depending on the phone make doesn't your browser offer a chance to look at your recently closed tabs? if you're an iPhonefag I know safari allows you to hold down the plus sign for a new tab and it'll list your recently closed tabs. No idea if it'll list all 120 though
if you're not an iPhone user see if you can find a similar guide online for your phone OS, no guarantee it'll work but it's worth a try
No. 805502
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Having to post here again because I'm disturbed about the lady discussed in the tinfoil thread, I'm scared to be alone with my thoughts to sleep. I wish I didn't look it up. I'll tack on this happy image and try to think about it instead.
No. 805503
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>>805502Oh my god, you too?? it literally ruined my night
Then I made the mistake of checking the egirl kawaii thread on snow and it made it even worse. I feel like shit now
No. 805516
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I’m having another premenstrual total emotional breakdown. I need to stop my period but I’m too afraid birth control hormones will make me gain weight. I really am an idiot.
No. 805519
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>>805502>>805503I unhid tinfoil out of curiosity and now I'm even more depressed. I hope that woman is okay.
No. 805557
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It's one of those days where I feel like I have to get up and leave my office RIGHT NOW and just travel somewhere. Pic related is what I'd probably love to do the most right now, just stare at a big, glowing city from my room.
Man, I just want to stop feeling stuck and like shit constsntly.
No. 805681
>>805675He went white because he wasn't even thinking that far ahead outside of busting his nut, but still wanted to fuck anyway because men know unwanted pregnancies are ultimately our problem unless we want abortion or child support monies. Even then they tell us to fuck off.
Sorry that happened to you.
No. 805682
>>805675My hooking up phase was shitty, risky, spurred on by my underlying emotional issues rather than a desire for sex. As nice as sex positivity sounds.. Too many women have horrible sexual experiences in their twenties and it can take years to process or figure out the true motivation behind those phases
I'm sure the guys fucking me back then don't know or care how I look back on those memories now
No. 805724
>>805716>I control a lot of situations>You hold the power of discomfort in your handsYou're fucking crazy,
nonnie but I like the way you think
No. 805798
>>805783When I was at university people thought I was gay for a while and I just let them think that. Guys would have the grossest discussions with me present. Multiple times I found myself surrounded by men agreeing that girls of about 12/13 should be legal. That periods or pubes should make that call for us.
I cleared up the rumour about me being gay and they never got into that stuff in front of me again. Don't know if lesbians typically are let in on those gross convos. I'll never forget some of it.
No. 805807
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A smug libfem just told me that intersectional feminism should include gay men and for that reason 'afabs' should self-flagellate for enjoying BL. I wish her a very nice peaking someday.
No. 805809
>>805762I resonate with this so much as I had a similar experience but the scary thing is that you don’t even have to provide evidence for men to be calling you crazy and people believing it. My ex was emotionally
abusive but my pickme reaction was to agree with his insults and work on my apparent flaws. Whatever he wanted I would do, but of course he was never satisfied because what he wanted most of all was someone to verbally attack. Then I found out he was telling everyone I was
abusive and controlling, that I would never let him hang out with friends etc.
The rage I felt was fucking intense. I remember searching our messages and finding literally hundreds of examples of me encouraging to see his friends, supporting him with his work, calmly asking him to stop after he sent me dozens of insults rather than arguing back. Basically being a decent person. Zero examples of me being controlling or
abusive. I could have created a massive evidence file and sent it to all his friends to prove my innocence but that’s what a crazy person would do, right? He got me pretty good.
I resisted contacting him after the break up like you but I bet he’s out there still talking shit about me. Men like that are so fucking weird. If a scrote has his ex ranting at him at 3am, I wanna know what he did to her.
No. 805830
>>805803They thought that the moment you either grew a pube or bled (whichever comes first) that you should be good to go. That consent laws shouldn't be needed because 'nature tells you when' I pointed out that in just the space of a few decades girls menstruation onset age has changed from what it used to be. I asked how that factors in, I pointed out that girls of just 10 or 11 often menstruate, that's not even rare.. 'nature tells you when she's ready'
There was a discussion of breast buds at one point too. Don't know how these men know so much about the shape of newly developing breasts on 12 year olds. That you go through that awkward pointy stage. Don't want to think about it. Puberty in itself (in its early stages) was a fascination to them.
No. 805838
>>805809 >I could have created a massive evidence file and sent it to all his friends to prove my innocence but that’s what a crazy person would do, right?This is me any time an ex pulls petty shit on me. Do I react and risk looking crazy or do I sit back any let them lie to people. You can't win with petty people like that.
My first bf fed my dad lies after we broke up. I'd just lost my mother so the period of time when my dad 'didn't know who to believe' was a rough one.
No. 805843
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I feel so tired all the time it’s like I’m not present in my own life
No. 805846
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>>805807Hope you are having a nice day, radfem-chan
No. 805849
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I want to know who I could have been, I feel robbed, it’s so unfair
No. 805853
>>805462Thank you for your suggestion but unfortunately my mobile version for chrome it only gives me that option a second as a tiny pop up that I missed in my panic, my phone is not idiot proof enough for me!
>>805440You're right
nonny I will learn from this tragedy and come out better for it
No. 805924
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>>805881Suicide is a waste of time. You might as well abandon society before your life
nonnie No. 805949
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>>805557Bitch me too the fuck
I hope we will get to do it soon nonnie No. 806088
>>805978>I love the anonymity a city gives youAmen to that!
I love nature too, but I hate living in small towns cause everyone is so nosy.
Now I'm pretty normal so not like I am the source of much gossip, but I still hate it.
No. 806151
>>806139Oh god, same. Thinking about this fact literally kept me awake last night. I question all the time if I'm autistic, but my therapist says I'm not.
Honestly, the average sperg is still far less socially awkward than me.
No. 806184
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>>806139>>806151Fuck. Same. The annoying thing is that I become self aware literally 15-20 minutes after I say or do something absolutely retarded and then I can’t even continue the conversation. I want to die.
No. 806190
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>>806139>>806151thank god there are others out there. Lowkey wish i was autistic so i couldn't tell if something i say is awkward as hell. ignorance is bless
No. 806205
>>806190I get flashbacks to cringy shit I did when I was 6 years old and I shake my head vigorous to try to forget it.
I wish I had the self esteem and confidence to just not care.
No. 806257
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Bf made dinner and while that sounds sweet on paper, he's a terrible cook. It was so bland and tasteless, like what they serve to people in nursing homes for sustenance. I choked down a few bites to not hurt his feelings. Now it's 9pm and I'm hungry fam, I wish he would go the fuck to sleep so I could sneak off to the kitchen and make myself something edible.
Also I hate it when I accidentally quote posts and have to delete and repost.
No. 806280
>>805946Do people really need to beg to be treated with basic levels of respect? To be treated as humans? Are you even aware of the verbal abuse minimum wage workers face on a daily basis?
>that's all they're qualified forYou really, really think that? When I worked in fast food, it wasn't just teenagers working there. My coworkers were mothers in their 30s, veterans, disabled individuals, immigrants - including myself, degree holders (one of them was a fucking
microbiologist) who were just unable to find work in their career field. Sometimes shit just happens and fast food/retail/other bottom barrel yet essential jobs are the only things we're able to grab and hold. My coworkers were called racial slurs and sexually harassed every fucking day for just standing there, doing their job. Someone screamed and went red in the face because I merely asked them to insert their card into the machine. It goddamn ripped my heart apart seeing my coworker with Down Syndrome cry in the back because customers kept harassing her. My coworker had her ass grabbed by some man, and management didn't ask him to leave. This was Chick-fil-A too; people are always shocked to hear the stories of what I witnessed and experienced there.
Even in my "slightly more real" job in retail pharmacy, we still get screamed at over nothing. I don't even want to write the shit my black supervisor had to endure from customers. Just because we make $15/hr instead of $7.25/hr doesn't mean people all of a sudden view us as humans.
But hey, you know? Even if it was just braindead teens, that doesn't mean you get to view them as a lesser being. I shouldn't have to give you a list of reasons why you should be respectful to others. Hell, when I say "respect" I really only mean "don't scream at workers". It's not that hard! If one of the workers is being rude to them, don't try to escalate the situation in hopes of getting some sorta free shit - just report them to HR and be done with it. Years ago, a manager at some grocery store was straight up being xenophobic to me and the cashier was just laughing, so I just dropped my shit and reported them to corporate. Do people like that deserve respect? No! But if someone hasn't done anything wrong then that doesn't give you the right to view them as subhuman just because their current job is shit.
No. 806285
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>>806275I feel this. I find porn to be disgusting and the ones that have violence mixed in really freak me out.
I hate how people are trying to normalize it too. I hate getting called "boring" or a "prude" just because I don't want to watch random strangers fuck in disgusting or violent ways.
Fuck Coomers No. 806329
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I fucking hate being nice to people and especially hate when someone expects you to be nice to others solely because you're the same sex or race as them and *~join together*~ like we all have to be some kumbuya hivemind shit.
Also hate that one e-celeb anons won't stop posting and simping over, he's fucking hideous and annoying like all the others. I want to snap his bones and shove them up his dick on his shitty livestreams for the world to see. Inbred looking "sO rAndum" fucker. fucking die. won't mention who cause that'll just summon them. I wish I could beat up and spit on some nonas irl
No. 806333
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i always see the worst in people. when i meet someone new i instantly look for annoying qualities and wait for them to say something that will make me dislike them. even other girls. maybe it helps me justify avoiding interacting with anyone ever.
No. 806363
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>see this on insta
>smile because fellow small tity woman lookin fine
>shes just like meeeeee
>see scrote comment that says ‘who is he’
>smile fades, feel shitty and ugly again
No. 806371
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I regret deleting my discord because I was befriending this french animation student that I met here on lolcow, and she was super smart and interesting, I liked her a lot. Her username was cats&frogs and I swear I had her discord number tag too but I lost it. She showed me a sand animation she made and I showed her Pui Pui Molcar. I miss her greatly. If you're out there, please respond, I still want to be your friend, I should had asked you for your instagram. I had to delete my discord because of an asshole, but I want to be your friend.
No. 806411
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does anyone else have this problem? not saying I look flawless like beyonce but I am objectively sort of pretty. I'm trying to decide between two photos for a profile pic and the longer I look at them, the more flaws I find. I literally made a pros and cons table to list what I like and don't like about each photo and I can't help but nitpick stuff like "noticeable head tilt" and "bags under eyes more prominent" and "hair slightly messier". I don't really like my smile showing teeth in the one photo, but then I think I look bitchy in the photo where I'm not smiling. and on and on and on ad nauseum.
No. 806428
>>806413i watched this video, and it was quite insightful. i just hope she hadn't made the mindless comparison to bestdressed (someone who chooses to be in the spotlight on her own terms and invites venom by oversharing/dishonesty VS britney who was forced into it as a child to be the breadwinner) because it doesn't serve her (very
valid) argument.
No. 806440
>>806428See, that's the point. You're holding Bestdressed to the same standards as someone who had a huge manufacturing process behind her dictating everything about her public image and subsequently taking advantage of her. People try to validate their own petty hate for internet celebrities by saying "well they're in it out of their own will so they have to handle the downside of fame as well", even though they are much more fragile and much less influential than actual idols who have millions of dollars and an access to resources that can keep them together even during the most vicious PR disaster. Like what was Bestdressed's huge sin? Pretending to be a bit more relatable and middle class than she actually was? Oh no! Better flood her subreddit with weird a-log nitpicks about her!
Even the vtubers who choose to take up an anime avatar to have some privacy while creating content have psychos dedicated to doxxing them and dishing out all the dirt they can find. People obsessed with nitpicking public figures for being a person like themselves are sick for supporting this sort of an
abusive culture. It's one thing to call someone out for committing crimes, grooming teenagers, spreading racist propaganda or overall encouraging violence and bigotry but who the hell gives a fuck about someone making human mistakes based on ignorance everyone does during their lives.
No. 806472
>>806440>>806413If we all report nitpicking in threads and also call out anons for it, we can make it stop. Let's make lolcow less nitpicky!
>>806463If the fake name you used is somewhat believable you can tell them it's your chosen name because you're genderfluid, or alternatively if you're able to convincingly Photoshop your ID you can do that. I did the former.
No. 806503
>>806440if you cultivate your fame, you are exposing yourself to people whose inalienable right is to be critical, as harsh and unreasonable as it may be, like right here on lots of love cow dot farm. you may not like the idea that's just the other side of the coin. which is OK for adult influencers, but not for teenage Britney who was groomed into it.
nothing stops internet influencers from slowly fading into obscurity and taking a normal, less public job if they can't put down their phone and ignore crazy people shitting on them. there's such a quick turnover nowadays that it may not even take that long.
No. 806513
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Fucking hate it when you follow up with a coworker on a task you're both on and they respond with "sorry, was working on [something else] the whole day" Like bitch??? We've all been working on something the whole day? I'm not asking for an excuse I'm asking on progress you passive aggressive fuck?
No. 806624
>>806601They tend to be CSA
victims or undiagnosed autists so much of the time that I find it hard not to empathize. Always amazes when women hate ayydens that much but will happily stick up for.. plain old perverts living out a sexual fantasy.
Been watching detrans women telling their stories for years now, the same few themes always come up, sexual abuse, a household that favoured males, late autism diagnosis
No. 806639
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I get really insecure about my hulking shoulders that don’t look good in anything except for baggy masculine clothes, and then I realize I’m not supposed to look like a malnourished female child with no body and decent boob fat. Starting to seriously agree with people saying female beauty standards is either to look like a little girl with blunted maturity or hypersexualized pornbot 3000 victoria secret model
No. 806714
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>>806666Yeah its not looking good for me health wise so I hope I gone before 50
No. 806723
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Please…….I am so sick of the general man talk on this site lately……..
No. 806731
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I'm gonna work abroad for 2 months I know it's not that much but I'm really scared, I've never been to another country, so far away from home, among total strangers. I'm gonna worry about my health too, not being able to contact my doctors immediately etc. But I really need that money so
No. 806793
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I made a C this semester in one my hardest courses (Circuit Design/Computer Organization) which was an online class because of…you know, Covid.
Anyway my dad is so fucking smug about it. He keeps saying shit like "Ah yes a C! Shows that you know the barest baseline of the material xDDD". When I tried to tell him that it wasn't too important for what I want to do with the major, he still went on and on about how it's ~still important to know~ like he knows a damn thing about CS. I think he's salty about his favored "kid" – who isn't even actually his kid, she's his shitty-terrible sister's daughter – dropping out of university to try and become a backup dancer for some SoundCloud rapper or something, I don't know. I wish he'd stop lmao.
Maybe he also thinks I'm dumb? I can be a little ditzy, I guess, but I can't help that – I don't like being "a ditz"! It isn't fun but that's just how my mind is.
No. 806796
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Just confirmed one of my coworkers is a rat bitch. I wondered who had been poisoning the well about me to my manager. The manager is never in the office and is 100% remote unless there's an audit at the office–which was recently in fairness. I chalked it up to just having messed up and my manager being kind of a high strung tyrant type to get worked up over small shit. I'd honestly never had a more difficult boss in my life and I've never "disappointed" anyone in my career until she told me that a week or so ago. I promised her I'd do better, even though (a contracted consultant having messed up a project behind my back and trying to cover his ass by shifting his mistake on both of us) some shit just wasn't my actual fault.
I was wondering how and why shit had turned so bad?
It's cause this bitch, who is NOT my supervisor or superior in any way, has been reporting about any little petty thing I do at the office to my manager–does anyone report what wrong she does, NOPE! This cunt is the manager's golden favorite.
She's been completely two-faced to me too of course. I thought I was being paranoid about her attitude towards me and my manager's sudden resentment. I finally had proof today.
During my 1:1 with my manager–who was being way more personable because I had stepped up–she told me to try not to use our contracted file girl to "delegate" work to. Referring to a situation from Monday: I asked if our file girl was busy and if she could verify a document was present in a binder (3 minutes TOPS and I was really overwhelmed or I would have myself). As the file girl was going to check for me, rat bitch comes storming over and tells her to sit down and that she actually should be continuing to print out documents and not help me at all. I apologized to file girl because I didn't realize she had priorities or I wouldn't have asked. Rat bitch ignored me for the next day.
Why did she react that way and why was it such a big deal? Other people ask file girl to verify documents all the time, and yet I'm not allowed? File girl isn't busy fyi–she prints out a dozen documents a day to look busy but has her ear buds in and is on her phone–which I don't care about UNTIL rat bitch is acting like I'm disturbing the peace and shirking work.
So how did my manager know about this when I'm pretty sure file girl didn't say anything? Cause the rat bitch told her since she was the only other one there on the floor. I've suspected she's ran to the manager whining about me for other shit, but this just confirms what she does. Obviously she sees me as a threat or she wouldn't be trying to sabotage my reputation over retarded shit that she could easily just talk to me about if it were that big a deal.
At least now she's on my radar.
No. 806808
periods should be considered an illness for some people. half of my symptoms are the same as a severe stomach flu now I can't eat fuck all today
>>806666>tfw already like this in your 20sI'll probably be dead around 30 or slightly earlier tbh. most people in my family don't live long anyway
No. 806819
>>806666Most of my family were centenarians when they died and I plan to be as well just to spite the whiny bitches on lolcow who cry how you're practically dead and forgotten after some arbitrary age.
You think I'm old, ugly and worthless? Aww too bad, I'll probably outlive you just so I can laugh at your funeral. I've decided to live forever just to piss you all off.
No. 806843
>>806819I love this! I also want to grow old. I don't blame those anons for being depressed or whatever, but I'm optimistic about life and want to see how everything turns out. I still have so much I wanna do and see. All of the older women in my family
except for one are still living their life and being happy. I don't see why people think life is over for middle-aged people
or even 30 year olds. If anything that seems like the age where life gets easier.
No. 806844
>>803941So I had to put her to rest this morning. It was something that I knew was going to happen, I mentally prepared myself but it still hurt. I also just feel just… the insane wave of guilt, even though I know the realistic view on it is that it'd be selfish to keep her alive whilst she was clearly struggling and I would not be able to care for her as much as she needed, and I just can't help but look back and wish I did so much more for her. I also just feel real fucking guilty calling into work and telling them I just could not come in because I know myself and that there's no way I'd be able to work like this, I got the "welllll.. do you have any sick days??" response (even though like, it's not going to matter, it's just the new manager saying that), we're so understaffed with tons of call offs constantly that I know fully well how difficult a day can be just from 1 call off, that I feel like a bitch for it. I just have an admittedly horrible problem with feeling guilty and at fault for everything.
It just hurts, man. I keep turning around to check on her, every time I walk into my room I almost start to greet her the way I would before, etc etc. My family dog died 2 years ago which was HORRIBLE, but slightly different because I had already moved out when he passed away, instead of this situation where I'm now getting used to her not being beside me.
No. 806845
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>>806371Oh my god this is crazy, I just posted something about you on the retarded shitpost thread, like one hour ago because I was missing you and hoping you would see it! I'm so happy!!! Please send me something on discord at cirno_is_cool#0568 I hope we can talk together soon!
No. 806882
>>806880Bitch you think I care if I’m about to fucking kill myself and had this shit life about not using slurs?
repeats dyke 100 times Of course I’m desperate, I’m 25 and the only sex I’ve had was rape holy fuck. I just want a one night stand, any fucking guy or girl with stds (use a condom) is allowed to take advantage of me.
No. 806891
>>806885I am dramatic obviously. But the trio profiles don’t want me. I didnt know that they’re trios.
I have a horrible shit life. Even as a teen I’d only be able to have sex from men in their 40s and they’re just randoms. Fuck social etiquette, I’m a meek nice girl that tries so hard. Fuck dykes. Fuck pedos. Fuck scrotes. Love to all that have some compassion for me despite the rage vent (kiss my ass if there’s 0).
No. 806900
I hate how when I make a vent post someplace some retard has to come in and play contrary Mary to my vent. Then they get offended and try and insult me when I say they should fuck off and try shoving his own dick up his ass. Oh? You don't like somebody telling you what to do when you didn't ask them? Wow how about that
No. 806914
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>>806891>>806882>I’m a meek nice girl that tries so hardShe didn’t even say anything about slurs you autist. Everyone can see your baggage from space.
No. 806939
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if only I looked like this
instead I have a brown face, big nose, dispropportionated forehead, circles and prey asymetrical eyes
No. 806960
I want to lose 20 lbs but also I want to gain 20 lbs
>>806958Try drugs before you off yourself babe
No. 806983
>>806939I forgot how nice the Bad Boy looks were.
Anyway, I'm sure you are beautiful anon. None of those features make you automatically ugly, and you have to remember how much touching up these celeb pics have. K-pop idols get plastic surgery, have professional makeup artists, go on extreme diets and photoshop their photos. If you want to improve your appearance then find ways to do that, but don't compare yourself to any celebrities
No. 806987
i had a work from home job but now i have to go back to the office and i dont want to. its way too cold there and i dont want to wear a bra and shoes. the last time i had an in-office job i had to take a blanket in because it is so fucking cold.
>>802964i used to have gaps in my resume and HR treated me like shit in interviews, so then i lied about the start and end dates and now HR loves me and I always get hired for jobs. its like you cant get a decent job unless you are a sociopathic liar. then people wonder why half the workforce is popping xanax.
No. 806992
>>803574i had a job at a coffee shop with a girl like this. the entire time i wanted to punch her so badly i couldn't even focus on anything else. i had self control, but one day she'll do that to someone who doesn't, and she will lose her teeth. just greyrock her and stack cash. if you greyrock she'll lash out harder and harder to try and goad a reaction from you, and eventually she'll cross a line and get fired. in theory anyway.
>>803839so, his parents are literal hoarders but he WANTS to move back in with them? so he is okay with living in a pigsty?
No. 807006
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I just saw someone from my design school (in my shit country) living in belgium and I'm so fucking fucking fucking jealous like you have no fucking idea, I'm fucking crying I have no words
Why the fuck do I not have money
No. 807007
>>804474can you call the hoarder show on them? i fucking love that show. it would be hilarious to see all their shit get thrown in a dumpster.
>>804824most moids do that. they are incapable of taking care of themselves and have horrible sleep schedules and self care routines. moids are esssentially overgrown 10 year olds.
>>805724>someone on this site actually runs around blaring airhorns at people No. 807012
>>806666i'm planning to suicide by 60 or 70 because old people are just constant pain and illness and medical emergencies and it's like, fucking why?
>>806804well, it's been 5 hours, is she dead or not? i have to know.
No. 807021
>>807019I feel you, the worst thing is belgium is where my more-than-friends special someone lives and if it wasn't for me being in this shit hole country I would be kissing that person right now
I fucking cried my eyes out
No. 807050
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started working my first job as a cashier (about 5 days now) and it's making me feel like such an incompetent baby. I'm always so anxious and nervous, I constantly accidentally say the wrong total (so embarrassing), I can't remember plu codes for my life (a coworker will tell me what something is and I'll completely forget come next customer), I constantly blank out when counting money.
I'm sure these are all things I will get better at with time but it doesn't help that the head cashier is a strict stuck up bitch, when other cashiers train me its fine but when she does I have to relearn everything her meticulous way.
I just feel so defeated and confused and need some words of encouragement or something
No. 807055
>>806805I meant about
>>806903Thank you for trying, we’ll get through it
No. 807085
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>>807050aw it's okay
nonnie. you've only just begun. you're not even a week into it yet. don't be so hard on yourself. you'll get the hang of it eventually. when I was a cashier, I kept a list of PLU codes at my till so I could look them up if I needed to. are you allowed to keep a list like that? to this day, I still remember that bananas are 4011 and I haven't worked in a grocery store for over a decade now. give it some time and you'll know the codes for many items off the top of your head. I noticed that you said you "always" and "constantly" feel a certain way or make certain mistakes, but that sounds like a black-and-white/all-or-nothing thought pattern to me. I bet you probably do things correctly at least some of the time. give yourself some credit the next time an interaction goes smoothly.
No. 807100
>>807079It was definitely an overreaction but like I said I’m pms-ing and the whole thing that led to it was that I got a random refund on concert tickets for a concert I was pretty sure was still happening, I asked a question on the band’s subreddit since it had a very active sub with a cult following (it was a jam band, i since deleted the post) just to find out they changed the venue in the same city so now I have to try to win a chance to buy new tickets. I told him I asked a question on the band’s subreddit and within 5 minutes he said he was on my account and I was furiously trying to scrub it just because I liked being anonymous (it’s literally my only online/account presence, no socials or anything so I’m a pretty private person), plus like I said I’m just having a shitty go of it with working a ton during a very heavy finals week and getting my concert cancelled didn’t help, the Reddit thing was just kinda a tipping point.
>>807092Thank you for getting it lol.
In other news I’m 2 pages into Why shulamith firestone was Right so I’m right on schedule lol, hopefully the longer I work at it the quicker it gets, I don’t care if it’s good I just want it to be DONE.
No. 807104
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I paid 90 and was only refunded 20
DHL wont deliver partial replacement until Monday
This other seller is holding on to my paper until she gets her shipping equipment
I don’t have enough to cover for the proxy service holding my 10 items in warehouse
I ordered 2 items I don’t want and now I have to sell them to some sucker who will pay a hefty price for unpopular untranslated limited print manga. Saying that descriptive shit makes it sound more interesting than it is. It’s stupid witch manga cook book.
I want to order different manga but they don’t have a box set so I have nothing to order until they make one. And I want to order nails from jpn friend because she’s selling them for cheap and they’re cute but I never wear the ones I have now so what’s the point. I ordered a bunch of CDs over the month and I don’t have a designated CD player. I have wood carving tools and wood but no saw. I have a shopping addiction and all my self control is lost to restrictive eating.
I’m really over school and work and people in general including myself. I’m frustrated. I just want to read high school debut and watch Mine.
No. 807194
>>806819Imagine the absurdity of wanting to die because you won't be a pretty 20 year old anymore, right? Some women on this thread internalized manosphere shit way too much. Life doesn't end when you're 40, trust me. Unless you develop some legit complicated health issues your quality of life doesn't decline. People feel like shit because they eat like shit and don't exercise.
Eat well, exercise and you won't be decrepit at 40.
No. 807270
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No. 807273
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I just want a normal stable life, is even that too much to ask for? Why can everyone else have it but not me?
I know everyone has their own shit going on but at least they have family, friends, a so, some financial security or at least some mental stability. Meanwhile my retarded ass can't even get help for my mental issues because I'm "high functioning" and don't look like I'm homeless. I want to have at least ONE normal and stable aspect in my life. Fuck
No. 807312
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I'm tired of ppl, even neurodivergent ones putting us neurodivergents on pedestal for being smart, creative, being hecking valid and cute uwu.
this type of propaganda makes assumptions that you must lack of empathy, never develop your social skills and practice your IQ to success in life and get praised as an absolute genius. not to forget you must be in spectrum to be even considered as "smart."
i get it that nd ppl need enpowering stories of other nd people, but also have to face the reality of life at some point to fix problematic behaviour. you're not entitled to discriminate others bc of your adhd, etc.
i'm saying this bc im tired of these special nd snowflakes claim that neurotypicals never suffer of same problems as neurodivergents to even feel "relatable"
im proud of my autism and add, but i still feel huge empathy and keep myself in the ground. i have nothing to brag about to anyone else except develop healthy self-love for myself after years of abuse and bullying.
picrel elon musk sucks the worst of them neurodivergent snowflakes
No. 807337
>>807321Anon, I know plenty of women who lived single and happy. If anything, I know more single elderly women who are happy than taken ones. Being in a romantic relationship isn't a prerequisite for a happy life. That said, it sounds like you, personally,
want one, and you should tackle your personal insecurities first. It's not easy, I get that, but even the ugliest human can get a good relationship if they just have the ability to apply themselves without crying about how lonely they are and how it's not their fault. The only kind of relationship you'll get in like this is one where your partner fancies the type of person who's desperate and insecure, and that isn't healthy, trust me.
>>807326It's hard to process it in a constructive way, so a lot of them fall into black and white thinking. Autism is a neutral force, both a blessing and a curse; I will admit it's much harder to live in society when you have autism, but autists usually also have something they're better at than their peers (not all of them, unfortunately). It really is a spectrum in many ways, though, so it's hard to talk about in short form.
No. 807338
>>807315you can't live a fulfilling life when people look at you and treat you like dogshit
i still get some kindness for being young (i look like a kid), usually from older women and sometimes men who pity me, but that'll go too when i'm old
unfortunately you can't really live life without having to interact with people either
>>807321i don't even want a partner or friends anymore, i stopped caring about that as a kid. i just want strangers to stop harassing me / staring at me like they want to murder me
going outside is literally terrifying for me. i can't be happy because i can't do anything in peace, it's tormenting.
No. 807353
>>807321My personal advice:
If you are "ugly" (I dont like calling other women ugly), smile more and have more confidence, that is actually something that boosts your looks, it works for me. Be more genuinely happy, giggly, confident and stop calling yourself ugly and stop being mean to yourself. If you continue calling yourself names it will just ruin things for you, seriously.
No. 807405
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>>807315i kind of expected you reaction, there's always negative feedback when it comes to neurodiversity in some way.
dear anon, idk what are you talking about but
bold of you to assume i value beauty or any shallow thing you sperged in your message as a defense.
i'm ugly and in fact i look like an asian potato. i don't wish to have a prettier shell, just trying to get better with taking care of myself.
No. 807469
>>807465i think he only does it, because he turns into a maximum troll when drunk, and making these comments is the only way he's thus far been able to get a reaction out of me.
he's pressing down on past trauma whenever he does it though (totally unrelated to him, moreso my mother + a boy in the neighborhood) and i don't want to tell him about that, because…lol
i know you didn't ask for all this, but yeah
>>807467he keeps saying shit like "omgg you're so beautiful XDD you look just like your MOTHER xDDD" and "why can't i take pictures of you? if i were sexy i'd want my photos taken as well XDDDD" and "you dont know what those men would do to you if they could…"
it's just disturbing as fuck. i'm going to bring it up to him when he's sober. i don't think he means anything bad by it but i gotta implant the idea that it's "wrong" when his brain isn't boozed out.
No. 807522
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I hate that the thought of getting healthy is scaring me, I'm happy on all the incredibly progress I've made but I've lived with mental illness since I was a kid so I don't know who I am without it, I don't how the world works without it, the thought of living without it is scary.
My depression and anxiety are two worst best friends I've ever had, they're awful to me but also the only thing that has been constant all my life. What am I gonna do without them?
No. 807533
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I’m just realizing at almost age thirty how incredibly fucked up it is that my mother romanticized Lolita to me. A part of me understands that it was done to her (she was groomed by a literature teacher when she was 17) and that it is a cycle but I also hate that she made me a target for predators and perpetuated my trauma by making me believe it was okay and even ‘special’ to have an older man pay that kind of attention to you. I don’t know that I can ever make peace with it and nobody else in my family gets it because they aren’t the daughter that it was done to. The worst part is she drank all through my childhood and probably doesn’t even remember what she did. The last time I tried to speak to her about it she was so far removed from the role that she played in it that it made me feel worse than saying nothing at all. It makes me sick to think of all the disgusting predators that I allowed to ruin me because I thought it was romantic.
No. 807561
>>807101This, I backspace so much and sometimes I'll even post and then delete. I don't understand why people post so much crap in /snow/ when the holy backspace key exists
The farms is like a litmus test for knowing how sane my talking points are on any given week
No. 807572
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so I'm trying to get rid of my old car. asked my coworker if he'd want it (we're delivery drivers). he is usually driving really shitty cars that break down within a month or two. I have legit seen him go through 4-5 cars in a year.
my old car is not in the best of shape, but it only has 97k miles, and it's really loud and the ABS light is on but other than that there's really nothing wrong with it. it got stolen a few months back, and when they found the car they didn't find the key so we had to have a new key made, which means that someone out their still has the key and whoever buys it will probably want to have the ignition changed. all of that being said, this car is in good condition for how old it is (10 years) and is probably a step up from what he usually drives.
anyways, I was going to sell it to him for a few hundred dollars, which is definitely less than it's worth. I messaged him about 2 weeks ago on the app that we use to communicate with coworkers. he never messaged back, so I figured he wasn't interested. then we saw each other at work about a week later and he was like "hey you messaged me didn't you?" and I was like, yeah, and told him about my car and he seemed interested. then he messaged me the next day and said "I'll see you in the next few days"…. well than another 5 or so days went by with absolutely no word from him, until we saw each other at work yesterday. I asked him if he'd want to look at the car today and he said yes, and that he'd want to bring his mechanic friend. he said he would call me. he didn't so I texted him asking if he wanted to look at the car today, and he sent me some long winded message about how he's fighting with his estranged wife over text message or something. like, okay…? that didn't answer my question. so I just straight up asked if he wanted to look at the car today (again) and he said yes. he said "I'll call you in an hour". that was 2 hours ago.
I have to be to work at 5:30 and there were other things I had wanted to do today, but instead I am just sitting around, waiting for him to call me. I want to call/text him, but I would feel like I was badgering him. I wish he'd either come get the fucking car or just tell me he's not interested, not this stringing me out bullshit. he has been so fucking flaky. I get that he's stressed out about his wife and whatnot, but for fuck's sake, if you're that stressed out then just tell me that you're busy today and ask if we can plan for another day.
I don't know what to do, I thought this would be easier than craigslist but it's even worse. somewhat tempted to just sell it off of craigslist and tell him he missed his chance, I'm so fucking annoyed.
No. 807585
>>807533What the fuck. I'm sorry for you anon. It 100% confirms that no (male) teacher has any business teaching lolita to his underage students.
How did your mother romanticize Lolita to you? Has she ever read the story? I never get how people can do that when Humbert confesses to wanting to impregnate Lo just to have a next little girl to abuse. Like even if you somehow believed his bullshit earlier, this is the moment that should wake you up.
No. 807672
>>807662sexual liberation taken to the extreme → sex is completely meaningless fiction of genitals that releases hormones
They are saying that cheating is fine because it is just physical pleasure completely divorced from the romantic relationship.
Of course it is nonsense and sex is not meaningless.
No. 807752
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I've just sat here for at least half an hour trying to figure out how to submit a job application by Friday. The office I'm applying to doesn't accept applications by email. Only by mail, fax, or in person. I live two hours away and I'm applying to over a dozen other jobs in addition to currently working, so I'm not about to take a four hour road trip just to drop off some documents. They might as well request for it to be sent by courier pigeon. Who the fuck mails or faxes things anymore in this day and age?!
My region is under lockdown. An emergency stay at home order has been in effect for weeks now. I'm only supposed to leave my home for essential reasons, and this sure as fuck doesn't feel like one. My printer is out of ink and I can't get any delivered until Tuesday at the earliest. So I'm thinking I'll either have to print and fax my application at the UPS store or get it printed at a library and send it off by registered mail. I don't even know if these services are still being offered in lockdown, and I'm worried about compromising my privacy by having some potentially nosy fuckwad print off and look through my transcripts and such. Or maybe I should send the application in by email since the office's email address is publicly available online. But then I'd probably get rejected for not following instructions.
Do I even really want to work at an office that is so out of touch, archaic, and inconsiderate? It's only students applying to this job. Why are they making us jump through so many hoops when students are less likely to own printers and fax machines? Are they just trying to reduce the pool of applicants so that they have less work to do themselves? This is some bullshit.
No. 807755
>>807736Anon, these are completely normal and understandable desires. Even for people who don't have as much trauma. One of the biggest perks of being in a relationship is knowing that someone else always has your back, wants to support you and will be there with you through tough times. You are not fundamentally broken and your traumas do not make you unlovable. I can guarantee you that there are people out there who would love you regardless of the struggles you face. I spent years with a BPDchan enduring his hateful outbursts, degrading comments, lies and manipulation largely because I still saw good in him and wanted us to be able to enjoy the life we had during those times everything was okay. Granted, I was dealing with my own intense self esteem issues and let him step all over me, but even to this day I would be willing to be able to support another person so long as they were actively trying to improve themselves (unlike my ex). As you note, there's a line between caring and carrying. You can't expect someone to drop everything they're doing and constantly put their own needs on the back burner whenever you're having an issue, especially if they come up frequently. But if you're trying your best and just want support and extra motivation/cheerleading sometimes, of course a good partner would do that. It's a pleasure to be there for someone when they're feeling down and comfort them, because you want to see them smiling again. Just don't rely on other people too much, not only for their sake, but because you need to develop self reliance so you're strong enough to endure things in case they're ever not around. (And in a worst case scenario, so you're strong enough to get out in case the other person turns out to be
abusive, sadly.) Don't lose hope and know that you have plenty of good traits. The things that happened to you are not a reflection on you as an individual. Try not to put yourself down.
No. 807916
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I'm having the hardest time getting this one work project done, and I want nothing more than to just chill with my family in the other room, but that would mean actively abandoning my work, so I'm just sitting here at my computer procrastinating and feeling bad about it
No. 807949
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I was suppossed to go to the gym today but I don't want to because this old creep commented on my weightloss a few days ago. Last time I lost weight he also started talking to me when I got skinnier and it completely ruined my progress because I just couldn't get myself to go. I can't just avoid him becuase he's in ALL the zumba classes with the instructor I like to go to. It's making me sad, I know I should just tell him to pls stop but it sucks if I have to be that person™. Everyone in the class is a regular and people talk to eachother.
I already vented to a friend who is a personal trainer and he was all like "lel he's probably gay if he's in a zummba class" like I don't give a shit, It's not okay to comment on my body!! and also fuck me, because if it was a hot guy around my own age it would probably have made me happy.
No. 807955
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>chronically undervalued employee in healthcare
>always clearing up other peoples messes because I don't want the patients to suffer
>99% of the people I work with are complete morons who don't do things correctly no matter how often I show them
>the few irl friends I have live far away
>no luck making new friends nearby because everyone I meet is a libfem type and its too draining to pretend I agree with trans bs
>will probs never own my own house because poorfag and poorfamily despite working all the fucking time
>have bf who says he cares but doesn't actually put effort in
>know I should probably leave him but then I would have no one to talk to irl
>try to maintain hobbies but truly nothing brings me joy
>it never gets any better
>too scared to kms but absolutely miserable
No. 807966
>>807964I'm like this too. I generally let other people take the lead so I don't have to think about it.
The older I get the worse I get at reading the smallest social queues and the more I beat myself up over it too. This isn't how that's meant to go..
No. 807979
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Fuck I'm going on a trip with my aunt and her friend, my aunt is straight and in het relationship so I'm not assuming there's anything between them, but her friend looks and sounds like a butch lesbian. I don't want to sound offensive because I know women can be totally gnc and still not gay, I don't want to imply that all lesbians have certain vibe and look, but she triggers my gay radar so much. I'm quite stereotypically femininine looking and I wonder if she could feel anything about me if she's indeed gay. But maybe I'm just assuming things and she's totally straight? Fuck I don't know. She's like 15-20 years older than me. I'm a dumb closeted virgin and I'm so shy around her I can't talk sometimes, I'm scared she will think I don't like her. I'm trying to look good around her even though it's kinda hard when you ride in a car for 13 hours and the weather is shit. Also she reads a book, I also wanted to take a book with me but I was in a hurry while packing and I didn't have much space left and I forgot it, I don't want her to think I'm stupid and I don't read books???????
No. 807985
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>>807955Aw anon. You’re going to burn yourself out, if you haven’t already, by putting in so much with little to no return. You will find someone who loves and values you properly, or if you haven’t talked to your bf, maybe try having a conversation with him about how you’re feeling? About work, your relationship, how you’re feeling in general. Sometimes people just don’t know until you tell them, especially men (not that we should coddle them but…) Try taking good care of yourself and putting yourself first before doing anything to yourself. I know it’s hard when you’re so depressed and tired, but start with little things. You deserve it. Hope you feel/things get better soon anon. Hugs.
No. 807986
>>807979I’m sorry that’s happening to you,
nonnie, don’t think too much about it, and even if she was gay, due to the age gap, she wouldn’t be interested in you anyway, just enjoy your trip and make lots of pretty memories.
No. 808019
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When I'm in conflict with someone my instinct is to apologize even when I'm not really the instigator, just so the conflict is over. I sucks and I adjust so much and lose so much energy. I don't wanna be a fucking PUSHOVER ANYMORE
No. 808181
>>808168Unpopular spicy opinion: The NHS needs to die.
At this point it's too big to manage efficiently and fails to provide quality care. The UK government spends over £3000 per person a year on the NHS. The majority of people with health complaints would be better off being given the money to spend in the private health sector.
No. 808191
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very transparent and cringe when people diagnose any woman they had a bad experience with as a bpd
people who constantly complain about bpds probably deserved whatever the uwu bpd manipulator~ did to them
this might be a reach but i feel like most males who have been ~manipulated~ by a bpd and uwus about it online probably
>targeted bpd because they realised she was vulnerable
>tried to exploit her
>had a rude awakening when it went wrong and got dished exactly some of what they were trying to serve
i dont really feel bad for people, especially scrotes, who get burned by bippies
i get on absolutely fine with people who don't seek to exploit me/want something from me. don't poke a tiger or whatever
No. 808192
>>808188not really
t. literally every country in europe yes even the poor ones
No. 808196
>>808176I would probably be really bad at it
nonny but I wish you the best and hope the summer sun gives you a boost soon. I'm sorry you're having a bad time, the NHS's mental health support really is absolutely shocking unless you're in a privileged post code
>>808181Sounds like the take of someone who doesn't actually need the NHS
I'd rather we stop giving tax breaks to millionaires, selling off our nationalised systems and letting big companies get away with tax evasion
No. 808197
>>808183I'm sure working class people love waiting months or even years for treatment, in some cases people die waiting for chemotherapy. If the government just gave them the amount that there treatment would cost the NHS, they wouldn't have to wait, they could go directly to a private hospital and get the treatment they need.
>>808188The NHS is highly variable in quality. Somewhere like South West England has a much high standard of care compared to somewhere like the West Midlands.
>>808193The NHS is already part privatised and it was Labour that did it. Funding the NHS literally gives billions massive global corporations. There's nothing socialist about it.
No. 808205
>>808192Please don't speak out of your ass.
I actually lived in Germany and the Netherlands and Italy. Of those three only Italy has somewhat comparable service.
Germany was terrible. I couldn't get a GP to see me at all. They would tell you they weren't accepting new patients and tell you to fuck off, rudely. I gave up after 6 months of trying.
The Netherlands was not so bad, but the GP would literally give you 5 minutes and then prescribe you paracetamol and shoo you out of the office. I also got misdiagnosed and almost died there.
Italy was decently OK, just long waiting times.
No. 808206
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>>808191Sort of unrelated but I don't understand the Kuromi/BPD meme. It seems kind of Tumblr-y to associate a mental illness with a random character like that.
Like if we're going to associate a cartoon rabbit with BPD, I feel like Happy Bunny makes more sense.
No. 808220
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Eat. Sleep. Buy. Repeat. Eat. Sleep. Buy. Repeat. Bullshit your way into caring about human beings when really they’re all just objects. You’re not a human being to me if I don’t know you. Get job so then you can pretend you really want a piece of desirable junk and the recycle keeps repeating. There really is no point in attempting to have a successful life is there? There is no more fulfillment in life and everything is so boring unless you end up messing up other people’s lives, that’s the only joy I get imagining myself messing up and destroying other people
No. 808262
>>807979Forget it, I made a complete retard of myself and I also had an autistic meltdown when we arrived because there's more people here than I exoected and I'm afraid of crowds
I can die now
No. 808265
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>>808243are you scared baby? LOL
No. 808344
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Can't stop thinking about how, if you view humans as you would any other animal then our soul purpose in our life - the meaning of life itself - is to procreate. Therefore viewing homosexuality through that same lens means it's some kind of defect. I'm not a lesbian, I'm a stupid animal that refuses to continue its bloodline. I'm like one of those pandas zoos pay crazy money for in the hopes that they'll breed, only for the panda to sit around doing nothing all day. The key differences being that pandas have a healthier diet than me and people forgive them for their shortcomings because at least they're cute.
No. 808358
>>808344This is stupid.
First, there's homosexuality in the animal kingdom, among lions, parrots, penguins - just the top of my head.
Second, we're not like wild animals, for better and for worse. We shouldn't have our standards set to the same as them.
Third, there's plenty of straight women that are infertile or simply chose not to reproduce. They are not broken.
Please, get out of that backward headspace.
No. 808372
I've seen some anons bitch about this on meta and get told off, and it's annoying me every fucking day now so I'm gonna sperg to vent:
I fucking hate the amount of posters who accuse everyone of being a "scrote", I hate that they seem to think having any opinions that disagree with theirs are inherently sexist or male. I HATE SO FUCKING MUCH they're so ignorant to the fact they're limiting women just as much by saying you have to act, think or believe certain things or it's "scrote behavior". Like women aren't allowed to do or believe these things. Or like women are somehow superior beings just because they're jaded by bad experience.
It really boggles my mind, both here and previously 4chan, that there is such a vast majority (or loud minority I have no idea) of people who have come to believe EVERYTHING boils down to women vs men. Like we're different fucking species. As if nothing can be seen as humans as a whole, no grey areas, just black/white. It feels so juvenile and recessive, like fucking children believing all cats are girls and all dogs are boys but not so innocent as that. Like don't get me wrong, I understand using it as a way to discourage stupid shit like asking for nudes of cows or something, but it's way past that in 99.9% of the context I see. And it's fucking everywhere, every cow, every flake, every thread!
And it feels like everyone's just.. OK with it or in agreement with it. I hate it. I always loved that LC was a more female centric place, I used to feel very alienated years before when I'd go on 4chan outside of cgl (I say years before because I personally find current 4chan to be unbearable). Yet somehow it's become the worst version of that. At this point I wish there was some inbetween variant where no one gave a shit about whether it's a female or male posting. If we're following the anonymous rules and no blog posts etc it shouldn't even be a thing that comes up.
Only issue then is that I know THAT would be misconstrued into some gender special no pronouns haven or something. It's like I'm living in fucking bizarro world and everything is sjw tier and they all somehow don't realize their attempts at social justice are infact creating the exact environments they think they're crusading against. I'm starting to think that the people who go on about this shit so strongly are just trying to compensate for their own internal sexism/racism/problems/whatever and it always shines through. I'm. SO. TIRED. OF. IT.
I wouldn't even care if they thought this way if they'd just realize how fucking hypocritical and nonsensical it is! It's like being surrounded by flat earthers or antivaxxers or something.. like they have some personal reason they can't back down from it and they lash out and push it on everyone else not understanding that's what they're doing. Yet it's.. everywhere!!! And I don't mean just lolcow scrote posters anymore, I guess I've expanded to everything in general. How is this all so far spread how is EVERYONE either okay with it or constantly pretending to be?!
Ok, I'm done. I'm good.
No. 808378
I love my boyfriend, but I've been having such doubts recently. He's loving, caring, devoted to me etc… but the problem is that he's neither a 'tortured artist' like I am, nor a dominant male presence in my life. He's a complete mess when it comes to handling life, even bigger than I am. I wish I could look up to him, but I cannot because he doesn't have a passion he's good at. I obsessively miss my abusive ex (or rather my twisted mental image of him) because he was definitely dominant and had stuff going on for him. My bf feels like a boy rather than a man and it's been troubling me recently. He wants to work on himself, though.
As ashamed of that as I am, I end up longing for an edgy artsy dom bf (even though such person probably does not even exist). I don't know what to do or what I want. I feel like I've been lying to myself all this time. I crave strong emotions, not this boring domesticity. I guess shit will work itself out with time, one way or another.
I wish I could feel a passion for him that I've for my ex.
It doesn't help that I am a difficult person that is definitely not easy to easy
No. 808382
>>808344Survival of the species is hardly a concern for humanity in the birth rate sense. We obviously have other much more pressing areas of focus if we want to sustain humanity.
Life is a collective, not all the worker ants or bees breed etc.
No. 808383
>>808344We don't know everything about nature, animals and the purpose of our behaviours. Life, even in animals, may not be only about reproducing endlessly. It could be that homosexuality or not reproducing have a purpose in nature as well.
If it doesn't, honestly who cares, we're at a point where we don't need to reproduce or abide to nature's imaginary laws, especially if nature sucks in many ways. By nature you should be okay with being raped. By nature people who are even slighly unhealthy are defects and should be killed off. By our understanding of nature, women are useless when they reach menopause or are infertile. Fuck nature.
No. 808392
>>808381Something similar I guess, but not exactly same. Sorry for that. Every day I discover new ways in which I'm fucked in the head. I'm starting to think I'm not suitable to any human relationships because no person will ever be enough for me… or at least it feels like this at the moment.
Legit wish I could off myself and start again because this mess (aka myself) seems unsolvable at the moment.
No. 808402
>>808378I feel you, anon. 100% the same issue. I've come to feel like maybe all I ever have is this idealization of how I want my partners to be and reality will always fall short and disappoint me. Whenever I meet a "dominant" man it seems like my abrasiveness wears him down and he becomes spineless or boy like, like you're describing, or physically
abusive. I'm very confrontational and so when we argue about it, the strength/up-down of that will sucker me back in because even though I don't want actual fights/conflict, it's easy to confuse for being close enough to what I do want.
I don't think we should be settling for less, and I don't think we owe it to anyone to stick with them while they "improve" - if you end up not wanting to. I know everyone has to compromise and reality often won't match our ideal, but sometimes people just want and provide different things and aren't meant to be. Obviously you want more passion or friction and someone to be your rock, and your dude isn't able to be or give that. I understand being stuck or comfy even if you long for more, so I wouldn't fault you staying, I haven't left mine… But I also think if you want more, go get more. Not every love is meant to be who you spend the rest of your life with, some loves are just for the "now" and end up no longer relevant to your "now"
No. 808403
>>808385How can I know it's just water retention?? I drink a lot of water btw
>>808386For breakfast I have a slice of wholegrain bread with cheese and either spinach or arugula and a cup of coffee with almond milk. For lunch usually a carb+protein+fiber combo, for example chicken breast with rice and vegetables. Sometimes soup as well. For dinner same as lunch. Nothing extraordibary, really. I also cut out yoghurt recently. I sometimes binge but the next day I repent by eating only soup or salad
No. 808406
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>>808403Didn't read your original post so sorry if retard, but bodybuilding fag here - try drinking an electrolyte drink (like Pedialyte) and also one I like:
Pic rel, drink it in the morning, I usually only do it once a week or two but some people prefer it daily.
Helps flush excess water retention out.
No. 808410
>>808406Adding: I prefer warm tap water to help dissolve the salt and sea salt instead of himalayan can be substituted
If you sweat lots or drink excessive amounts of water your body will be low on electrolytes/minerals and backwardsly retain more water
No. 808418

>>808397Yeah, I'm in therapy but IDK if it's doing much. I need to talk to my therapist about this since it's also been bothering me. I also feel like she doesn't recognize (or doesn't admit) psychological processes happening in my head. I want to avoid jumping at her with my google knowledge, but seriously… maybe that's why I feel understood by retarded psychological websites more than by her.
I have forgotten for years what I want out of a relationship, or maybe have been unaware and thought that love is enough. But now it feels like it's not, and I'm lost. I'm neither in a headspace nor a situation to make any rash decisions. I'm also afraid of losing something precious because of obsession with a ghost and unrealistic expectations.
I've never felt passionate love for my bf, never was obsessed with him and became asexual before our relationship started, so it certainly doesn't helpI've recently been feeling jealous of members of suicide cults because goddamn it, I don't want to be trapped in the mundane reality until I grow old and turn to dust. I've been brainwashed anyway and it doesn't seem to get better with time.
>>808402>Obviously you want more passion or friction and someone to be your rock, and your dude isn't able to be or give that. I understand being stuck or comfy even if you long for more, so I wouldn't fault you staying, I haven't left mine… But I also think if you want more, go get more. Not every love is meant to be who you spend the rest of your life with, some loves are just for the "now" and end up no longer relevant to your "now"I'm aware of this, and yet… I'd hate to be the person who throws their significant other away because suddenly, they decide that they want a newer, flashier toy. Also the break-up would ruin both of our lives ATM. I know that anons always go 'dump him' and they may often have a point, but not everything is so easy.
>I wouldn't fault you staying, I haven't left mine… What kind of person is your partner, if I may ask? I'm curious what kind of relationship you have.
No. 808422
>>808362Sorry finally read og post.
I recommend trying keto diet if it's viable for you, continuing HIIT is very good but it is designed to make you sweat heavily so I'd double my recommendation in making sure you are getting enough electrolytes/mineral intake
Another thing that can work quite well for people is intermittent fasting. Most people time it so their fast is evening/overnight, but you can look into it to see what you find works best for you.
If you need something to help curb hunger during I highly recommend trying collagen peptide powder, I put mine in my water bottle and sip throughout the day and it stunts my hunger completely when I'm doing hard cuts.
Also try something like my fitness pal app if you aren't already and track the exact portions/measure them out of what you're eating. Lots of people accidentally eat a lot more than they think they are and after a while you'll get a better idea of what your proper portion is.
If you do work out, don't be afraid to lift heavy weight. You won't become masculine out of no where, and the extra muscle will weight more on a scale but both look better and also help burn more calories daily.
Lastly - "cheat days" or "cheat meals" are not a thing in diets purely for personal pleasure. If you are restricting heavily in diet for some time, your metabolism will slow down to meet this low standard. You will want to eat higher amounts of calories some days so your metabolism stays higher and doesn't just adjust to the restricted amounts.
What I've touched on here in this post is from years of bodybuilding/fitness and dieting but all very viable for the average person as well. I highly encourage to Google and read on these concepts though and not just take my word for it, they're very much backed by medical study and not purely my anecdotal take.
No. 808430
>>808419Bodybuilding-chan (lol) here, sorry I'm multitasking don't mean to keep double posting
I do agree with this anon, recovery is just as important so HIIT shouldn't be every single day. If you're doing HIIT workout correctly you shouldn't even be able to do it every single day. Good rule of thumb: if during your HIIT you are capable of speaking a full sentence to reply to someone, you aren't pushing the "work" time hard enough. Also don't be afraid to do short work time with longer break time between HIIT counts, it's supposed to be hard and it's much more sustainable beginning this way.
Ie. For cardio 20 seconds of "work" with 60 seconds of break for 10 rounds 2-3 times weekly is a great start. Even if you can't do the 10 rounds, just as many as you can til you're drop to the floor tier exhausted. And be mindful of your breathing, infact breathing in/out is all you should be thinking about if you can think at all. Lots of people forget to breathe or hold their breath whole exerting themselves physically
Kk I'm leaving now sorry for ramble textwalls good luck anon
No. 808468
>>808442You've been fighting, anon. Your whole life. Whether it was one big event or many small ones over time, you've learned to be this way in order to survive. At some point, it was the defense mechanism you required to get through some shitty shit. That's why you're like that, and there's no shame in that. Can you really fault yourself for learning to do the only thing you were able to get by?
It's good you've recognized it, even began to question it. You can use your disatisfaction now as a tool to help guide you in the future, and the present. Some people it can help to reflect and consider all the "reasons" in their life they ended up having to chose this particular form of self defense. It can be hard and painful if you've not faced them before, and sometimes you can't even think of any or recognize them. In either scenario, the next step, when you're ready, is the same:
You have to teach yourself a new way to cope. You have to slowly unlearn the habits of this past defense that are now hindering you. It doesn't happen over night. It takes time. Sometimes you take steps backwards, or sideways, or not at all. But if you keep trying to work against it and do differently, little bit by little bit, then eventually you will end up in a happier place. And if you take a wrong turn and don't like it, you can do it again and again until it suits your present: your now. It's much like learning a new language: it can be hard, feel impossible, you'll mispronounce things and there's a chance you'll always have one hell of an accent. But people do it all the time, and you are no exception. You've already fought your whole life to get to this point, what's a few measly steps in a new direction?
I highly recommend looking into cognitive behavioral therapy. It's something I think literally every one should be aware of, do and could benefit heavily from. You can easily look up worksheets, techniques and things to do and fill out online without seeing a professional. Even if they seem redundant or silly, print them out and write on them. Push positive reaffirming thoughts against your negative ones. When you feel yourself shutting off or withdrawing, remind yourself you want to open up and remain. You won't always succeed, but keep trying. Improvement comes to those who practice, and the successful don't let their bad days stop them forever. You can do it. "The world is your oyster", as they say. Your mind, your body, your emotions, they are yours – all yours - and if you wish to, you can train yourself to adjust: to be experience them fully, to share them fully, over time. Just as once, perhaps long ago, you were forced to train this past defense.
No. 808495
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>>808372The majority of posts labeled as scrote do tend to post sexist shit though, or furiously defend bottom of the barrel men, even actual abusers and rapists at times. I can believe women are like that too though but that doesn't make it any better.
No. 808518
>>808495women like that deserve to be called scrotes and would probably post on /r9k/ about being happy to have been called a scrote anyway
No. 808532
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I started sleeping less hours than I usually do now, and because of that I end up having a huge amount of energy to draw only at 2am and later, when I am actually supposed to sleep. I know that there's a high chance if I will draw while being sleepy, I'll regret it tomorrow. Uuuuugh what the hell, I don't even know how to deal with it
No. 808542
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it hurts that i have no one i can call my "best friend". i listen to my friends when they need to vent, but i can't vent to anyone. opening up is scary
No. 808570
>>808191Bpd has just become a term that means "woman who treated me poorly" mostly used by men. I have legit seen men say "my ex was bpd" and go on to describe a bunch of behaviors that arent even synptoms of bpd. Someone can be
abusive or manipulative without being bpd.
No. 808588
>>808544don't go back to work
some people are sick, that's what benefits/disability/whatever your country has is for, sick people
you aren't lazy, you have to take care of whatever is wrong with your body, that's your job, like when people tell kids their job is to go to school, work is work and you don't always get paid for it
No. 808612
Just had the most embarrassing dinner of my life with my bf and his family kek
my boyfriend, his parents and siblings, and his sibling's partners are all programmers, engineers, medfags or in school for one of those. I'm 20 and never attended a single college class because I spent the last 3 years living in my car, then working wagie jobs to get a shit apartment and trying not to throw myself off a bridge. I'm signing up for community college next semester because it's all I can afford and they all say "oh, that's nice" but I know they're bullshitting. They have money, support from their family and all the right ~connections~ so they can't even imagine what it's like. The rest of dinner was them talking about their jobs, internships, entrance exams, shit I have no fucking clue about. It's over for me, I will perpetually be trailing behind and viewed either with pity or as a lazy fuck.
No. 808622
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>>808573enjoying life in the moment is based as long as you aren't completely stupid about it.
No. 808674
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>>808612you've come a long way. don't be embarrassed of your journey. you've had to work really hard to get to where you are now. that makes you a resilient person and builds character, which is something money can't buy. I know lots of people who started out in community college and eventually transferred to university. if money is an issue, maybe you could take out a student line of credit someday. there's no need to look down on yourself for not having the same advantages that others were born with. clearly your bf recognizes your value and good qualities.
> I will perpetually be viewed with pity or as a lazy fuck"mind reading" like this is a cognitive distortion. try not to assume what others are thinking without having much to go off. after all you've been through, one dinner that you perceived as embarrassing won't make or break you. and you're still so young! you have plenty of time to get to where you want to be. I didn't go to uni until I was 21. it took me longer than usual to finish my undergrad because I attended part-time for some of it while working simultaneously, and now I'm in law school, getting good grades, winning awards, and on track to graduate next year. you never know what life has in store for you!
No. 808675
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this is extremely petty but I really hate the waifu generator thread. yeah once in a million days they post something interesting but 90% of the time it's the most forgettable, blandest moeblobs imaginable and straight up coomershit. buncha flavor of the month looking bipches. I truly think /m/ should be a fujo/yumejo board exclusively
No. 808677
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elon can smd
No. 808679
>>808675>I truly think /m/ should be a fujo/yumejo board exclusivelypls no
husbandos are usually just as bland but gender inverted, don't think your taste is better for involving males. I swear there's this fujo tendency to look down on liking female characters because they associate all of it with scrote behavior. rise above it. that thread in particular can get kinda boring but it's fun for imagining OCs or appreciating the occasional nice looking character. I hated the otome thread because the husbandos are so predictably bad. I'm partly a fujo but ngl it's fun to let go of worrying about coomer tastes and enjoy anime waifus who are actually better appreciated by women anyways. that said I hate moeblobs as well but there
are better female characters and so when I see the waifu thread, I like to imagine them with personalities to my taste. and okay I can enjoy the occasional stereotypical waifu appearance.
No. 808689
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>>808686Come on why do you hate fun? it's just a game
No. 808691
>>808686also somebody just posted one exactly like you described, I'm genuinely amazed if that's not a male because I don't understand that taste
>>808688please shut the fuck up I just like pretty anime girls because I'm bi and no longer uncomfortable with female characters like I used to be from internalized misogyny. sorry I'm not 100% fujo anymore
No. 808692
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>>808679I'm pro-waifu generator thread and also pro otome and husbando thread, just let people have their fun please
>>808691I think people who post tiddie waifus are also female, just have shit taste or find the results funny and amusing, or idk, maybe they like the face and the eyes and care less about the body
Like, it's not that deep, not everyone is a scrote
No. 808696
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>>808695Cool, hide the thread and move on
(keep it in /m/) No. 808698
>>808695Agree. I can't take waifufags seriously because I always see their big booba mommy sperging as performative and either projection ("she's totally me!") or trying to impress scrotes. And lest we not forget the "but I'm bi!" to justify them unironically simping for the most coomerish characters with literally no other purpose than pander to moid kinks and the only remotely homosexual activity being this parasocial relationship with a cartoon character.
>a-are you s-saying y-you hate f-f-f-female characters???? n-n-nice i-i-internalized m-m-misogyny t-there, c-c-c-c-checkmate!!!!I love this argument because apparently male-created wish fulfilment waifus are real people to them. Seethe and go back to any of the billion waifushit boards if fujos and yumejoshis bother you that much.
No. 808705
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I told that two-faced manlet off but I don't think it's enough. I'm flying to Australia when I get the money and beating his ass.
No. 808712
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>>808698you know… not all female anime characters and waifus in that thread are as you describe and not all of us are talking about their big boobas oh my gosh step on me. as long as we agree on that, cool but it seems like anons are generalizing anyone who enjoys them. also yes some of us are bi some of us are lesbians so what. maybe I'm misunderstanding and you only mean certain ones but otherwise you can pry picrel from my cold dead hands
No. 808725
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Why must I love the look of jewelry but have such a hard time wearing it? When I put bracelets and rings on I get annoyed feeling them against my skin and start fiddling with them until I take them off a couple hours later at most. Necklaces are the most tolerable but only if they have a shorter chain or are chokers, because the long ones dangle around and bump against my body and get dragged or caught in stuff. I don't want to get my ears pierced so I won't even bother with that, not to mention I could only wear studs because I have paranoia someone would snatch a dangly earring out of my lobe and tear it open. I'm clearly too autistic for jewelry. (I think it looks cool but if I ever got totally decked out like picrel I think I'd actually go insane.)
No. 808736
>>808733I'm just annoyed that apparently females can't
possibly be into female characters, no, it's being a pickme even if you're a lesbian. That's too narrow-minded especially when not all of us act like coomers about it but if we did we would still be female coomers and not male. Ok I'll go away now since this has reached derail territory but honestly I'm venting as well because I hate this veneer of moral superiority but who cares in the end it's not real
No. 808745
>>808721>it was ruining their precious waifu experience.It wasn't like that, she was angry because she hates yaoi and hates how everything has to do with it in this site and how assblasted yaoi lovers get when called out. She just wanted a comfy cute maid thread.
I know this because I'm that girl.
I don't even have waifus. I just like maid uniforms. They're cute.
No. 808746
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No. 808751
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>>808749Noooo shhh it's not like that I swear
No. 808756
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>>808745if it's just about the maid uniforms then what's wrong with posting anime boys wearing them? if it's because
>but that's sexual!then why is pic related allowed?
No. 808757
>>808756Well idk but I didn't post those, can't control what others do in this god forsaken website either
Also this happened months ago, let it go, stop being a prude pls
No. 808763
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>>808757>stop being a prude plsno u
No. 808768
>>808745imo male maids don't really have anything to do with yaoi. the aesthetic is nice on both genders. i think it's not worth it dying on the hill of "nooo not male maids!" because the thread clearly has an abundance of female maids as well.
i really do hate the trend of people just complaining about shit they don't personally like. not everything posted on this imageboard has to be for you. and this goes towards both waifufags and fujos. if an image posted is kind of cringe or gross looking you can hide it btw, the little hide button on the image file exists for all you anons not wanting to see big maid tiddies or men in dresses
No. 808769
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>>808768> really do hate the trend of people just complaining about shit they don't personally like. not everything posted on this imageboard has to be for youtell that to the anons who can't handle a good pair of mommy milkers but then go on the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread and say they want to get a daddy dom
(I'm not even into either, but god anons are so annoying)
No. 808771
>>808768>i really do hate the trend of people just complaining about shit they don't personally likeI mean it's called the vent thread for a reason
>>808769doubt those are the same posters tbh.
No. 808795
>>808789if you're
>>808769 then yes
No. 808884
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No. 808889
>>808691this is so bizarre. you say you're bi and like pretty anime girls then you go on to judge people posting exactly that in the thread and claiming they're all scrotes. sounds like your internalized misogyny is still there.
i'm a woman who has posted plenty in that thread. i'm not exactly making "waifus", just girls i think look cool, or have a theme. just bc you don't agree with my taste doesn't mean you have to shit on me and call me a pickme. no need to sperg out over a harmless thread
No. 808918
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Oof I've been single for couple of months now and I don't even feel like dating again. I'm lonely as hell but I'm just too tired to invest so much time, nerves and effort in a new person. I miss being with someone and doing cute shit but initial stages of dating just suck so much.
No. 809070
>>809007Weebs literally have brainrot from consuming media where women are hypersexualized all the fucking time. They don't even notice it anymore.
>>808889Normal people don't want to see your moid fantasy women slapped in their face all the fucking time that are crafted only to make men's dicks hard and have absolutely zero resemblance to what real women look or act like. Go outside sometimes maybe you fucking coombrain.
No. 809073
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>>808372So these are the anons who complain about scrote accusations huh
No. 809083
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I worked 7 hours of OT on Sunday to do a clean up report and made a huge dent. Part of me is extremely proud, and part of me feels somewhat responsible for being behind in the first place. It’s complicated because being able to complete the “clean up” portion is dependent on outside variables, and I’m the sole person responsible for almost 1000 client records being completed. I came up with a great system, but again, it’s dependent on outside variables that I hadn’t quite ironed out yet. Current records are good, but now I’m just fixing what was missed in process development/making tweaks.
All this to say that it’s weird being proud of myself for getting work done that “should have been done,” but it was a process in its infancy stage that I had to develop from scratch and it’s almost ironed out completely. Sorry if vague, don’t want to give out info obviously.
No. 809099
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>>807312I feel like the more we're expected to be perfect baby uwu angels who can do no wrong, the less room we have to
actually become better people through admitting our faults and past mistakes.
It's like these dumbasses want to have the results with none of the actual work. They just can't accept the fact that, especially when it comes to neurodivergence, people have to do actual work to have actual results. Meaning some of us start out as intolerable, self-centered cunts but get better at being decent, friendly people. This is what 'working' on oneself means. It means there's something that needs to be worked on because it sucks.
I'm tired of having my autism/adhd invalidated by people who can't face their own ironically autistic bullshit. Being a difficult person or having a less than ideal personal history doesn't negate anyone's neurodivergence, and vice versa. By putting us on a pedestal we'd be shutting out people who'd benefit the most from even basic help or peer support. These neuro simps make it all out to be as if you have to be a perfect amgelic ethereal pure being to be 'actually' autistic, implying people don't deserve to be recognized or helped if they're struggling at all. Which is just so freaking backwards if you think about it.
No. 809206
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Dunno I just feel kinda sad and disappointed
No. 809228
>>809217No shit. Every new trend is manufactured in a marketing department these days. Not only that, but it is impossible to start anything and have it go viral unless it is backed by some big advertiser (Twitter/Facebook/Youtube/Tiktok/…etc).
We like in the fakest of times.
No. 809248
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I was rejected today by my long term crush I had recently reconnected with. I thought he liked me too but I was mistaken, he was just being friendly when he would call me on the phone and offered to take me to a fancy restaurant next month for my birthday (either that or he changed his mind/come to his senses) He said he doesn’t like me romantically because he’s married to his job but I don’t believe this for a second despite him being busy with work very often. Friends are doing the usual “You're beautiful! His loss!” bullshit, but let’s be real, if I had a better personality, was more attractive and not an ugly fat this would never have happened. This is a common theme of men leading me on and then rejecting me. I just want to self sabotage. Feel free to cyberbully and tell me to “hit the treadmill, fat” so I never eat again.
No. 809250
>>809228Is that new though? I don't think it is. But it's worse now, you're right.
>>809231Never heard, thank you anon!
No. 809258
>>809248I could shower you with compliments and tell you it's his loss, how sometimes people are not meant to be but I know that kind of shit doesn't work.
If you feel like losing weight could boost your confidence you should do it, but do it in a healthy way, nonatella, with a calorie deficit and more importantly exercise to shape up your body and give you that dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin rush your brain desperately need.
No. 809269
>>809248If you were ugly/fat he wouldn't look twice at you.
You need to fix your personality or whatever else scared him away.
No. 809285
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Woah I didn’t know bisexuality is a made up sexuality identity now! These people are starting to sound like incels when a woman doesn’t want to have sex with them, you should be embarrassed.
No. 809286
>>809273go somewhere were you would also want to go in your free time and then try to meet people there. Stay tf away from dating apps.
>>809248Block him everywhere and just get a crush on a different scrote. This man is wasting your time.
No. 809287
>>809248Sometimes it's not that he doesn't like you or find you attractive at all, but that he is still holding out for someone he is even more attracted to. He is probably stringing you along as a back-up, it is a common tactic. He will seem interested in you and even keep calling you up on his own and make plans he never follows through, but when you try to lock him down he has every excuse in the world cause maybe the girl he is really pining after will still agree to go out with him.
Try cutting him off completely and see what happens, if he chances his mind in a couple of months and comes back to you because it didn't work out with the other girl, don't fall for it and tell him to fuck off.
Don't let a guy do this to you. There is nothing wrong with you at all, scrotes are just selfish like that.
No. 809289
>>809285It's weird to me that they immediately jumped to saying that
obvious bait post was made by a bi anon when it sounds more like something a straight person would say.
No. 809293
>>809282Last June? And then it was three years before that. Fuck.
I need a fwb, I was kinda wild in my early 20s but my ability to make even a one night stand happen seems to have dried up since then. and I’m tired/afraid of rejection. after this past year I look like a skinnyfat sack of mashed potatoes and it makes trusting some rando difficult.
No. 809338
>>809330The XY aroma is rather strong with this one but if you
really concentrate there's also undertones of troonacy. A bitter, aged product. Most definitely an acquired taste.
No. 809342
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>>809339Exactly what a scrote would say!
No. 809355
>>809352We had those threads. They were called the Pinkpill threads. Admin banned them because anons
larping troons and scrotes kept screeching about wanting to get the evil manhating femcels out instead of hiding the threads.
No. 809406
>>809400I don't remember but it has gone down long ago.
There's also crystal chan or whatever it is called.
That place had more pinkpill vibes last I was there.
No. 809431
>>809400I heard it got raided by scrotes and the admin shut it down. It was a pretty slow-moving board anyway, most of us come here just to vent about men and let out our frustration every once in a while and then continue on with our lives or feel like talking about something else, it's not a very sustainable model for an imageboard.
I miss the PP/GC threads a lot though, some of the anons there were outright brilliant with their social commentary. They're what originally made me peak and I probably would've continued on being a troon under construction without them.
No. 809461
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> decided to catch up to a childhood friend on internet
> We have a nice talk, exchange selfies cause we haven't seen eachother in five years
> Right after that he asks if I sell nudes
Yeahhh…fuck you dude. No wonder I stopped talking to my old friends. He even knew that I got a partner.
No. 809465
>>802232Im kind of scared that my dad is going to kill my family. hes been
toxic all my growing up and hes been crazy into religion, especially recently, and will never apologize to us directly when he does something wrong but instead believes god will forgive him and thats all he needs. Hes never been physical, only a few times when i was really young. he made a joke(?) to my sibling about being sad that they took bestgore down. Idk. He just seems like any moment he could just snap and kill us all. Idk what to do about it. I just want my mom to divorce him but even then getting that topic in conversation with him would cause a big situation.. idk what to do nons
No. 809495
There's this popular Instagram artist who creates content in the same niche I used to be in, and I always saw her in my story viewers, yet she never followed me nor liked my posts.
She's been posted a few times in the artist salt thread, and although I've never done any posting of my own about her, I still feel some sort of comfort in reading others' disdain about her. I don't know if that makes me a bad person.
Last year, I noticed that some of her OC details started sounding very similar to mine, which made me a bit upset as I'd spent over two years researching the history and culture which goes into it. It hurt because while I struggle to break even a few likes per post, she easily rakes in a few thousand within an hour of posting. To see all the praise she gets for how amazing she is and how much love and care she puts into her OCs, while I can barely even get a single comment on mine…
Well, it hurt to say the least. My tunnel vision and fucked priorities caused me to neglect any and all schoolwork and responsibilities for my OCs and art, and knowing that it was all for nothing in the end sent me spiralling into a depressive episode that lasted a terrible few months.
I don't post in that niche anymore. I know there's no point in keeping my head up if I'm going to be the one accused of stealing. I know people are going to take her side because she presents herself as bubbly and sweet while my "image" is more snarky, cynical and sarcastic.
No. 809496
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i had finally gotten a job at some shitty gastropub. literally worked there for 2 days only to find out they'd hired some other person to bartend too and let us face off in a battle of the bartenders on separate shifts where I apparently lost. It was some piece of shit craft beer place and I have zero experience managing craft beer, so I guess it was whatever.
anyway I lost the job after two days but my boss didn't tell me via text or call so I drove only for her to say in so many words that I fucking suck but hey at least i'm licensed to bartend in the state! if only other joints were hiring. this was the only place to call me back in months that paid more than 8 USD/hr. the thing is, my very cool stupid bitch disease is trying to tell me that I lost the job because I'm retarded and I can't even keep a simple food service job. it wasn't even good and I can't stop fixating on the fact that I lost the job. I have other shit i'd prefer to do like my furniture/upholstering workshop but that shit takes money and I feel like my brain is in a blender right now. i just wish I was single so I could go live at jobcorp for 18 months and get full training to become a carpenter, i'm tired of cycling through bottom of the barrel customer service jobs where I have to be social, I like hard labor. I like making shit and I wish I could just feel useful but when all of my money is being drained into one project and rent it's not fantastic.
No. 809497
none of the pics in the waifu generator threads are "sexualized" unless you count the ones with big boobs but the majority of us are just playing with the ai and making cool-looking characters. i hate anime tbh but i like the program. unclench
No. 809510
>>809493>>809494The admin has always seemed cool, I think the person who banned me was just one rogue libfem mod who wanted to punish me for wrongthink. They're probably not there anymore anyway.
>CC tends to have more femcels and weebsThat makes sense because I noticed a lot of >tfw no bf fembots migrated over there after the /r9k/ raids kek.
No. 809518
>>809500You sperg and obsess so hard about other women who are just living their lives.
There are no bisexual women in your inbox, freak, lmao.
No. 809573
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someone i thoguyht was a good frindd is reavealing their colours as a whole-ass bpd chan who was jsut pretending to be into the same shit i'm into so they could get into my pants. now they're over me they're being a massive bitch to me and revleing in it.
this person knows so much about me. they met my fucking family. i'm such a stupid fucking bitch.
No. 809584
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i will never be successful so why even try. what if this is just the best version of me, i keep trying and nothing good comes out of it. i suck at everything
No. 809585
>>809573be on the lookout for that one edgy bpd-chan here who likes to
victim blame
No. 809662
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I ate very little and healthy today so why the fuck am I gassy and having hot flashes? Stupid broken body, I hope it's normal again by tomorrow
No. 809703
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Not planning suicide or anything but I don't see what's the hype with living until you die of old age but i'm too scared to properly commit suicide at least when i'm sober. If I had the option I'd just skip to the end and just die in my sleep. With the circumstances I was born into it feels like i'm at least 3 steps behind everyone that I know who's close to my age. Those people are in a serious relationship that's been going on for at least 5 years and currently living with their bf/gf and have something that's at least somewhat meaningful to spend their time on. Meanwhile I can't get a relationship that lasts more than 3 months because guys are kinda just looking for a pro-bono therapist (who doesn't expect them to actually improve on themselves), who'll do at least most of the chores and has the income to be financially independent. Everyone I talked to about my circumstances and current issues who are either professionals or someone I know personally can't say there's something I need to fix with myself other than generic advice that translates to "git gud at life gg ez". Also it's that I've been dealt with a bad hand with just life in general, went on without any legitimate support until last year. Even that I had to fight for because the government wants people with some form of disability to make themselves out to be as weak and pathetic as possible to have their issues properly acknowledge in the first place. Everyone I talked to could only generally say is "damn that sucks, I don't know how you do it" in some form. I'm grateful that i'm not just getting dismissed and questioned all the damn time like when I was a kid but yeesh it's not really reassuring to essentially hear "glad i'm not you" from everybody who actually listened.
I'm spending my days arranging meetings, appointments, all disability support related because my parents did so little legitimate parenting that they're content with me being the government's problem now while they move to the other side of the country. At least I don't have to be around them for much longer. I can't pick up hobbies that doesn't involve staring at a screen because i'm just too damn tired from holding onto my life from falling apart even further to not only pick up a hobby but also be patient enough to screw up and learn from those mistakes. I'm struggling for scraps in your typical hospitality job that has fuck all hours. Whenever I try to save up there's always something that pops up and takes whatever's in my savings. Whenever I try to get myself back up and move on there's always something that'll shove me back to the ground and beat the shit out of me. I have to keep living throughout this cycle with this vague hope that one day I'll break out of it. There's no guarantees but I have no choice but to struggle and keep my head above the water.
I've been feeding my brain pointless stuff to be happy about like collecting plush toys in a video game but it's been catching on lately and being really cheap with the serotonin. I'll try to end this on a not so weepy point and say while all of the mess I mentioned has been going on I've been seeing more of my irl friends and got back into dnd because of them as well. It is nice to hear that a couple of them are working jobs that pays them enough to not really have to worry about money. Compared to last year where it seemed like everyone was broke and/or burnt out because something of covid-19 related mostly everyone I checked in on seems to be doing a lot better these days.
No. 809735
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nonnie I think you're amazing
No. 809765
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Not really a vent exactly,but I’ll go on. This one ftm that I still keep contact with because I’m awkward and don’t know how to distance myself from people just came out while me and a few others were talking in a gc.They acted as if this was some secret that nobody knew about and as if everyone thought they were a born dude.At that moment I was so fucking confused because they posted photos of themselves on sm before and is so try hard at “being a manly guy”.It was just “NO SHIT” .I wanted so bad to just say “I know,it was kind of obvious” right after that,but they would make a call out on me and get me ostracized from the small music community we’re in.My other mutual also said that they “thought you were cis all along”. ISTG anons,once I stop being so awkward,I am bolting.
No. 809775
>>809768>>809769i absolutely know nurses do a shit ton of work and i believe they should get a pay raise. right now what theyre getting here is really low and i absolutely advocate for them to be paid way better with much more benefits.
however, if someone makes a mistake here, the first person legally responsible is gonna be the MD since he/she administers and schedules treatments, medication etc. that kind of responsibility also comes with better payment since they face harsher disciplinary action.
No. 809810
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Haha I might just end up killing myself in a few years time who knows. Haha. Always a possibility. It's never really gone away has it
No. 809817
>>809775I'm finishing my med school in a year and I'm also euro. I'm in a country with public healthcare.
I just want to vent about how little the doctors are paid in my country, it's such a difficult and time-consuming job after long, life-draining school but we don't even get paid properly. 6 years of school and after that 5 years of training before you even get a proper job. While training, you basically get worked to hell and back and get paid the same as a receptionist or a secretary.
Nurses should also be paid more but they pay is not that bad when compared to doctors, not to mention their school is significantly shorter and easier.
I'd love to stay in my home country after I graduate but I feel like for the sake of my mental health I have no choice but to go work abroad for a while. I'm gonna burn out so fast if I don't even earn properly after doing and sacrificing so much.
No. 809826
>>809817lol yeah. in germany in our last year of med school (which is basically onee year of residency after 5 years of studying) we get paid 400 euros a month. $550. :))))))))
nurses in training get paid more than that. and this is a lot. a few years ago it was 200 euros. ca. $300. in some states of germany this last year is UNPAID. nurses would fucking strike if they had to WORK UNPAID FOR 10 HOURS A DAY FOR A YEAR.
No. 809828
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I need to vent and my husband's asleep, so here I go.
Last Friday I went to the pharmacy to get my medication but the trainee said I couldn't get it because the dosage wasn't right or something. They promised to clear it up with my doctor and call me.
I went on to lower my dosage so that the meds would last over the weekend and got hypomania thanks to that. Now, they didn't call me on Monday so I called them today and they let me know the doctor's name. The doctor was my old one so I told them I'd call around myself (because I don't trust them to do it, which I didn't tell them).
So, I call my nurse but she doesn't answer so I call the office and the lady there was rude but said she'd leave a call-back request for me so that my nurse would be in contact as soon as possible since I'm out of my meds and have mania.
My nurse calls me and she's annoyed and acts like I made the mistake. She tells me that they don't do the prescriptions that I need to call the basic healthcare clinic that I've never been to about this issue and have them write me a new prescription or some shit. The thing is, they don't take calls this late.
I had a good cry and now I'm just pissed. I'm responsible, take my meds always, take care of myself, and now because someone made a mix up (and because of the over-enthusiastic trainee, who said that I've received the earlier package no problem from the prescription (the prescription has three packages)) I'm having mania and want to kill myself. And of course, everything has to be done by me, for fucks sake. Like it's not hard enough having bipolar by itself I always have to deal with the bullshit that is public healthcare.
No. 809831
>>809814That was actually very heartwarming in a way, but also gen z are so old now lol after all of these years of dominating news segments how are they going to cope when alphas start pushing them aside in the headlines
I couldn't help but roll my eyes when the camp kid cried about his suicidal experience, obviously that must have been awful for him and I'm glad he pulled through, but one look at the other attendees and their placement in that moment and you already know most of them have gone through something similar so it just seemed very unnecessary of him to create that awkward moment. As a cold European I hate those American reality tv types of crying displays, it should be enough to talk about something without making it everyone's job to comfort you.
No. 809842
>>809826I currently live in Germany and your doctors are lazy as fuck.
You basically subsist off the fucked up healthcare insurance system you got going here without doing any work.
In my country GPs work at the NHS hospitals everyday, then go home and open their private practice and work another 4 to 6 hours servicing everyone who needs to, welcoming everyone, including German tourists.
Meanwhile I come here to Germany, pay into your fucked up system and go to get some medical advice and they chase me away with the excuse that they are not accepting any new patients despite their private practice being literally empty. What sort of fucked up system is this? And this happened to me all over the city. I couldn't find a single GP. Took me 8 months of searching and finally I lucked up with a GP office 1 hour by train away from home in a small town.
Sorry but I needed to vent. I'm sure you didn't setup this fucked up system, but you will soon be benefiting from it.
No. 809844
>>809826What's sad is that Germany is where doctors from here go to get paid better. You might get paid 400 eur (which is pretty sad) in your last year but we mostly have to work for free - it's presented as an opportunity to learn.
After that we earn around 1000 eur (1200$) a month for the first 5
years after graduating.
It's legit shitty, they just work young doctors to the bone. No wonder we have shortage of doctors, everyone just runs abroad when they can.
And sadly cost of living in the main city here isn't
that much lower than it is in Germany.
No. 809875
>>809862I have a good relationship with my parents. My mom is dead now, but I Skype with my dad almost everyday and often talk to my siblings too (they still live at home).
But to be honest, it is because I don't really have friends or a social life of my own.
I notice my younger brother and sister are much less close to dad and to each other, cause they have their own friends.
My dad sometimes badmouths them for being rude to him, and I have to defend them every time.
Me and my dad don't really have much in common at all. It is really just that we both have no one else to talk to. But we have grown really close now.
No. 809983
I wish my sister would just fuck off and die. She started cleaning the house obsessive compulsively around midnight. This is a slight compared to other things she's done. I stopped talking to her for months and felt pressured and forced into it when she temporarily came back from uni last week, and all she's done the entire time is take over the house while she's been here and complain about it. It's tiresome. Every conversation with this unbearable narcissist bitch feels like she is insulting me, my life choices, and my intelligence, and last night I declared I'm no longer going to speak to her again. You think I would've just completely cut her off every time she comes back here, but I have nowhere else to go when she's here. My parent's homes have always been my prison, I can't wait to leave this place and flip everyone in my family who isn't my dad the middle finger.
I can't forgive someone who's been antisocially manipulative, tried to goad me into self harm, attempted to physically beat me, and verbally abused me in a similar way our abuser mom did. I cannot forgive the parts that involved physical harm, or tried to instigate self harm especially. They fucking traumatized me. I do not know how my therapist is the only one who understands that I am unwilling to forgive my sister for all she's done, while the rest of my family is nonchalant and acts like it's no big deal. One day her psychopathic ass is gonna snap, and people won't fall for her falsehoods anymore. I'm not gonna be the one who snaps.
No. 810001
My sperm donor just came home early from work because he massively fucked up (risked someone's life fucked up) and will likely be fired. The only reason my mom is staying with him is because of his job since he's close to death from poor health; she doesn't want the hell of a divorce if he's gonna croak off soon. We just spent $300+ on groceries this week because he fucking eats so much. Mom and I are underweight, so it's all on him. He refuses to take control of his habits, he blows money like crazy. He nails a minimum 3 energy drinks a day, cigarettes, etc. If he loses his job, he's gonna be on the streets. He has NPD. Nothing goes through that skull. NOTHING. I'm literally going to lose my inheritance over him stuffing his face (not that I feel entitled to his money, but at least waste your money on better shit). He's almost at 6 figures and has NOTHING saved, He doesn't even blow it on the fun usual shit like vacations or partying, no, plopped in front of the TV set from the moment he got home, till he went to bed my whole life, and wouldn't let me leave the house without a meltdown. He's a verbally abusive fuck, was physically abusive but no longer has the energy from being a human tub of lard.
No. 810021
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accidentally sent a screenshot to my ex's mother (was trying to send it to someone with similar name and i was never arsed to delete her number)
She sent me the cutest message saying how she misses me and how we never got to say goodbye
I'm sad once again.
No. 810072
>>809982if you weren't at fault in the accident, you should sue whoever was responsible. a lot of personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning you only need to pay them once you win the case. sorry if you know this already, it wasn't clear from your post and it sounded like money might be an issue. regardless of whose fault the accident was, I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain and going through tough times.
also, if it's available in your area, you might want to look into medicinal marijuana for pain management. I apologize if this unsolicited advice sounds patronizing or dumb, it's just that I just wish I could help you, even if only in some small way!
No. 810137
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No. 810180
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Fucking retarded bpdchan me ruining yet another relationship i’m just going to keep doing this forever i love him i hate this i’m tired i just want a dad i’m so tired i just want him to hold me i’m so tired i’m so tired i’m going to go cry and cut myself in the shower i’m so tired i’m so tired why doesn’t he love me
No. 810228
>>810199yes, satan is basically punching your uterus so it bleeds in pain monthly.
The bible is actualy the devil's book, god and adam are the devil, Lilith new what they were up to asking her to be a slave and so she got cursed for all gens.
Also, in my mind-canon the reason the Bible says Eve came from Adam's rib is because Adam was a disgusting pedo and Eve was literaly Lilith's and his daughter he decided to groom into a submissive bride.
You know in your heart that's true, lot's of men through out history did the same.
No. 810236
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I got called retarded for having these thoughts before, but I keep feeling like if my friend almost got groomed and an ex-friend actually got groomed in some way by a genderspecial.
Years ago, a genderspecial began to force themselves into the lifes of 2 people I know. The first one cut them up the moment she began to feel uncomfortable but the other one became awful and bitter towards everyone exept for the genderspecial and their friend group, and then disappeared without a trace.
I don't have a lot of the details, but I keep noticing how scared and sad my friend gets when the genderspecial appears on her social media. She doesn't want to talk indeep about it but she keeps telling me that she just want to stay away from those people.
I do not trust the genderspecial, but I don't want to jump into conclusions that fast. I am pretty worried about the person who disappeared, he became so strange to me during that time, but also I noticed how unhappy he was getting. I hope he is okay and everything, but I can't stop feeling that there's more that the 3 of them, and probably many more, have been hidding for a while.
I feel so dumb and weak for letting it happen, I tried to talk to both of them and do what I could do, but it wasn't enough. I hope that these are just bad thoughts and not a reality, but I just keep getting this feeling that something isn't right.
I hope this makes sense, ESL-chan here
No. 810306
>>810236That sounds like the genderspecial made you're friend hate everyone on purpose. Certain people are experts in isolating their
victims from their friends because they want the
victim to have nobody else in their life
It seems like the genderspecial took advantage of your friend as soon as they had them alone. Have you any suspicion that it might be sexual abuse? Something very similar happened to a friend of mine
No. 810315
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>go to get freezie pop
>bf says he wants my grape
>no one gets the grape, i no share
>he insists to give him the grape
>i open the cherry limeade and give it to him
>he doesn't even notice the difference and happily eats the freezie pop
No. 810333
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One of my male friends confessed to me right after I told him I like someone else. I rejected him because I obviously like someone else. He then rejects me as if I was the one who confessed to him. What stupid bullshit is this?
No. 810345
>>810306Actually, a while ago I was lurking through the genderspecial's accounts and got a few things that made me believe that something was off; for example, they are friends with a 16 year old they/them who posts nudes because ~Twans body positivity~ and a FtM they used to talk to about who could top or be the bottom.
They got into a fight when she turned 18, the genderspecial made vage posts about "Not feeling the same anymore"As for my personal experience, they were trying so hard to be the Internet parent. They also had a weird thing to see pedophilia in everything, like seeing 2 people hugging. They actually tried to call me a pedophile for liking my friend's posts even when we were both the same age, and when that didn't work they told her that "they'll keep an eye on me" and how "I may poison her mind".
I don't know, I hope this doesn't come off as a vendetta, but I just get that "Pretends to have a cute pastely personality to attract kids" sort of vibe coming from them and I can't take it off.
No. 810349
>>810348No offense
nonnie, but what are you getting out of this relationship? He basically admitted he thinks of spending time with you as a backup plan in case his friends are staying home. You deserve someone who wants and looks forward to your company.
No. 810425
>>810386Is this something you're being formally diagnosed with? ASD isn't necessarily a repulsive defect or a life ruining curse like you're making it out to be. ASD can't be cured because there's nothing to cure. Autistic people who practice literally no shame, self-awareness and self-control are just shitty pathetic people who behave that way because they're hiding behind their disorder. So they drag Autistic people who appear as totally normal down with them.
>Every thought and action must be calculated to mimic that of a normal person, and even after all of these years it still doesn't feel natural for me.I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown too.What you're doing is what any Autistic person who bothers to be decent do everyday and it's called masking. There's nothing wrong with having to do that but if you don't allow yourself to take a break from masking you will burn yourself out. It will make your situation worse overall
>Who could I have been without this?While there's a lot of aspects of Autism that still need a lot of research asking "if you weren't Autistic what would be the difference?" is like asking "if you were born with an entirely different set of circumstances what kind of person would you be?" The answers are so varying and inconsistent there wouldn't be one that can actually help you. So before you decide that your life has been and will be ruined by what you think is Autism you can start taking matters into your own hands before "Autism" ruins it. It could be helpful to spend time reflecting on what happened that led you to come up with this statement.
No. 810439
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>4 am
>scrote friend calls me on discord drunk off his mind almost crying
>it's because one of his female friends blocked him on steam
>he assures me he hasn't sent her any uncomfortable messages over the course of the year
>begs me to try and add this friend to ask her why she hasn't been responding to his messages
>try and see if it's a bug, doesn't look like it
>explain to him he may have been blocked
>"but whyyy i didn't say anything sob"
>try to explain to him he may have made her feel uncomfortable in some way
>"but i didn't do anything!!"
>fine i'll figure it out
>he still can't add her on steam today
>still won't get that he may have been blocked
>denies it vehemently even while sober because he's overdosing on copium
God, I fucking hate drunks. I want to tell this faggot so badly I'm not his therapist and that just because he's into me I don't have to solve all his girl problems. Maybe she blocked you because you get blackout drunk and spam people with messages? Who knows.
No. 810442
>>810425Except it is almost a life ruining curse. My life went to shit as I started to develop severe anxiety, depression and retarded tics because of it. Sadly autism is not only about being quirky and having weird interests, it is also being ill and feeling something wrong at all times. People feel something wrong with you as well, and if you tell them that you're autistic you're going to be treated like you're subhuman.
Masking is necessary and I don't want to take breaks from it, it should be natural for me to act like any other normal person. I don't care if I burn myself out, I want to be and act neurotypical. Surely if I weren't this way I would be healthier, way more comfortable with myself and I wouldn't feel like an animal compared to other people. I wouldn't have to make and keep up a personality for my friends and family, I could just be myself without them thinking I'm a freak.
No. 810447
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>>810439>4amdamn you have scrotes calling you around the clock? what are you, a 24/7 troubleshooting hotline for guys who can't with themselves?
No. 810451
>>810447I guess I flippin' am, because I made the mistake of telling him I was on.
My sleep schedule is fucked so I normally wake up at 3 or 4 AM
No. 810453
>>810451just letting you know you deserve more respect and sending you good energies
I would never dream of enlisting a friend to scout someone who blocked me, like how
extra No. 810528
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I’m pretty sure I’m developing a gambling addiction. The mediocre minimum wage job I applied to and got hired at hasn’t even called me or notified if I will be trained or scheduled and they never pick up their phone. I’m simply in danger, I need more money to consoom
No. 810538
>>810500>>810503>>810505First of all, it's absolutely clear you're not a troon. You made that very clear in your first post, so there's no need to stress yourself out on that detail because people here understand you full well.
Second, since you already know you're going to dump him I'm not gonna lecture you on that. You're making the right choice. His inability to understand that it's not your fault is someone else is a slimy simp and starts orbiting you, is a sure sign he's not gonna understand nor respect the rest of your emotional needs. There's just no empathy in that at all.
I'm sorry someone did this to you. Do these people actually now believe you're trans? I'm not saying you should have public fight on social media with him, but I think you'd be well within your rights to tell those people not only what he lied about but also why. The reason being he's possessive and insecure, and tell them the reason he himself gave to you. He compromised your image by telling lies so fuck his privacy right back, right? If someone asks, just tell them everything.
You will absolutely find new friends. You already had a good momentum starting to build up, hadn't you? You can do it again. Don't let him become successful in isolating you. He did that because he could sense your ability to make friends, bond with them and be liked. Once you've dropped his dead weight, you'll find it all much less exhausting. Wishing you success.
No. 810554
>>810462We've been good friends for over 9 years or so, I've been lenient on him because we have fun playing games together (as well as not having a pattern of doing this) I think he's been getting too comfortable.
But fuck, this was over the line. I've decided I'm going to talk to him about it.
>>810540Kids are literally memeing themselves into thinking they have mental illnesses, I've seen these videos of these incredibly young kids pretending to have rapid tics and tic attacks, and they're exactly how a child would imagine a mentally ill person to act. A caricature. Wearing a hoodie on backwards and recording yourself having a "tic attack"? Seriously? (kid is under 16 so I can't post)
No. 810657
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>all these retards on twitter supporting Demi lavato for coming out as non binary and they/them
No. 810679
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imagine being such a desperate fuck to talk to people to go on random discords and then have trouble doing so because discord is unfamiliar and dunno how to enter convos without feeling weird
No. 810681
>>810666Then personally I see no problem with it other anons might disagree but that's not a
problematic age gap
No. 810687
>>810683When I had abnormal cells they broke the news to me as if I already had cancer or something. Seemed very serious. I cried for days. I had a bunch more paps to keep an eye on it, the end. 5 years on that's all that happened. I had HPV too and it cleared up by itself.
Sorry you're feeling freaked anon.
No. 810722
>>810713Sorry your mom is being a cunt today,
No. 810950
>>810946Your post is like 50 shades of cringe.
Nothing more pathetic than black people
being racist against each other.
No. 811000
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Always reminded myself that my job is just a paycheck and a means to obtain money to do the things I actually want outside of work.
So why am I being such a sensitive little tart over the fact that I'm suddenly the least liked in my department for no reason at all?
No. 811004
>>811000Right there with you
nonny. I have complained about this on here plenty of times. It sucks and it's unfair.
No. 811008
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I'm disgusted. I went to FashionPlus and then subsequently on reddit to look for outfit ideas.
Immediately got a really eerie feeling, hoping I wouldn't have to deal with any trannies but I had an unsettling feeling when seeing two posters. The first poster I saw, I thought "huh… could be a dyke, looks like a male" I went to their profile and saw they had posted on /r/lesbiansactually and /r/dykesgonewild. I'm thinking "Oh okay, so it's a woman". Saw they had a NSFW post titled "I love my queer body" as I unblurred it I said "please don't be a tranny please don't be a tranny please don't be a tranny…" Of course, saw his tiny little chode. Fuck.
I instantly closed out of that subreddit since the other posts were also MTF. Headed over to PlusSizeFashion and saw picrel as the first picture. I thought to myself "This can't be a woman." Went to their profile, CTRL+F for the word "trans" and instantly found a post for MTF.
God fucking damn it, not even fat women are safe from men taking and wearing our fucking clothes. FUCK that's so upsetting.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 811009
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OH MY FUCKING GOD. I now see why the comments are locked for the first post that I mentioned.
Fuck troons and their disgusting fucking habits.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 811019
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>>811009"If you have any decency left you will delete this and clean your fucking bathroom." I love this person.
No. 811029
>>811009Yeah, this was posted in the MtF thread. They went through his post history, and it turns out he has an actual scat fetish.
What you're seeing there probably was not a mistake.
No. 811120
>>809983as of today me and her are vowing to no longer speak, at least, she swore by that until I came home from my therapy session when I shittalked her for 20 minutes. and then had the fucking audacity to act like she didn't just mutually agree with me that we don't talk at all and spoke. fucking pressing my buttons on purpose, I swear. gesture her to go away and she does
my father just left for a business trip and we are left alone for another six days, she leaves within five. god praying nothing drastic happens
No. 812558
>>809842lol sorry doctors are not working themselves to the bone for you ig. yeah, GPs are not taking patients because GPs in small towns are NOT PAID WELL and there are NOT ENOUGH OF THEM. not because they have a bad work ethic.
>>809844that's fucked up,
nonny. at least we get semi-decent money after graduating. i don't blame people coming to germany. what's funny is that many of my doctor friends are working in austria and switzerland because the pay is so much higher lmao. standards i guess.