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File (hide): 1620692719841.jpeg (136.27 KB, 1080x875, F0EB3A39-DE70-4390-8BEA-088D0D…)

No. 803906

If you ever think your question is stupid, remember that there will always be someone with a question that’s even more stupid than yours

Previous thread: >>793965

No. 803950>>803954

Not a stupid question but there is a wrong way to shampoo your hair, especially if it's long.

No. 803954

You shouldn't tangle it up or focus on the ends unless you use a lot of other products on it, that'll just dry it out.

No. 804035>>804037

File (hide): 1620710750555.jpg (171.99 KB, 1400x700, o.jpg)

Why can't Orajel be used continuously? What happens if I use it for more than 7 days?

No. 804037

I always thought it was because if you have to use it for that long continuously you should have seen a dentist already but using it should still be fine???

No. 804040>>804047>>804191

Is it rare for women to have a fetish for giants?(not giant women though)just wondering since it's always men having such a fetish.

No. 804047

I mean, yeah, most women don't fantasize about giants? Even most men don't think about giants. It's a rare fetish on general I would think.

No. 804057>>804064>>804217

Hey anon where's the best place to look for a used car? Also any tips so I don't get walked all over because I'm a female. I'm from burgerland

No. 804062>>804072>>804075

File (hide): 1620719124119.jpg (6.76 KB, 550x550, Donegal-Cuticle-Trimmer-1043.j…)

do cuticle cutters work well? And what works better, one of those scissor-types or like pic rel?

No. 804064

Honestly, Reddit has a lot of good info on this like https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ebfkrf/i_just_bought_a_used_car_for_the_first_time_here/

Cargurus is a good site for searching. Know what model you want (look for something fairly reliable), how much mileage you’re after, know what price you want/is reasonable/are capable of paying, and do not ever err from those things once you step into a dealership (if you’re not buying from a private sale). The dealers will try to tack on every unnecessary add-on under the sun or try to fuck with your financing. Stick with what you want for as long as it takes and be willing to walk if they act like they’re incapable of doing it. They are desperate to sell and there are MANY other competitors who will accommodate you if they pull back, but they absolutely do not want to lose the sale. You have all the bargaining power even if they try to convince you otherwise. And honestly, if you have anyone at all to bring with you, bring them. Even if you do the majority of the talking, having another set of eyes on all the paperwork and to ask questions will make it harder for them to sneak something in.

No. 804072>>804093>>810372

Kek when I saw this on front page I thought this was some sort of oldschool pen and wondered if we have a stationery thread

No. 804073>>804099

Do eggs have different calories depending on how they are prepared? For example does a hard boiled egg have more calories than a scrambled one

No. 804075>>804093

Aren't these bad for you because they leave you vulnerable to infections once you cut off/push back your cuticles? At least, that's what I heard.

No. 804093


yeah I've heard that too, but I can't say I really care. I've been pushing back my cuticles for ages too and nothing ever happened so I put the risk in the same basket as eating raw cookie dough.

No. 804099>>804110>>804113>>804115

File (hide): 1620726165375.png (270.94 KB, 923x299, letmegooglethatforyou.png)

Since you usually add milk to scrambled eggs, obviously. Anything you also cook/fry with also gets added to the calories, ex. oil and fat.

No. 804110>>804116

I personally never add milk to scrambled eggs but okay

No. 804113>>804114>>804116

>adding milk to scrambled eggs
What? Also,
>calories bad
Literally never gave a shit about calories and never been a fatty.

No. 804114

Yes but the question was whether eggs have different calories depending on preparation

No. 804115>>804116>>804117>>804124

>Since you usually add milk to scrambled eggs, obviously.
Where are you from? This is SO BIZARRE.

No. 804116>>804121>>804123

Nta, but adding milk to eggs isn't weird? It's supposed to make them fluffier

No. 804117>>804121>>804123

nta but everyone i know makes scrambled eggs by adding milk, i'm from the uk

No. 804121>>804124>>804131

I've been adding milk all my life but anons responses made me Google it and apparently it just makes eggs rubbery, not fluffy. I feel so betrayed.

No. 804123>>804131

I've only heard of adding a little bit of cream for the fluffiness, never ever encountered anyone adding milk. TIL I guess!

No. 804124>>804127

Hungary, I haven't met anyone not adding milk.

I don't think it makes it rubbery, at least mine aren't. One of my friends uses so much milk it makes them the consistency of snot, but they sure as hell don't become more rubbery.

No. 804126>>804130

why do men make such a big deal out of anal? i always see stuff like "she does anal she's the one hurr". i don't want to feel inferior for not wanting to do it because i don't want to sacrifice the literal physical integrity of my asshole and possibility of a ton of problems that can come from anal

No. 804127>>804132

I'm Hungarian as well and never met anyone who adds milk to their scrambled eggs kek. Maybe it's a regional thing?

No. 804130>>804134

Anal could both mean
>she's a freak (in the very sexually open way)
>she's willing to give up her boundaries and tolerate discomfort for my pleasure
Which are both A-OK in a man's eyes. Anorectal violence is no joke.

No. 804131

Putting any sort of fat in the eggs weighs them down and prevents them from getting fluffy. Think of a meringue. You take out the yolk (the fatty part) and beat it until it's a literal ball of fluff. If you want your scrambled eggs to be fluffier, add a splash of cold water instead and always cook on low heat.

No. 804132

I grew up and live in Budapest. But it's not like I ask everyone I come across how they like their scrambled eggs, maybe I'm just in a weird part of town kek.

No. 804134>>804147

>Anorectal violence is no joke.
>i don't want to sacrifice the literal physical integrity of my asshole
Never do something you don't want to just because a man wants you to. If he pressures you, ditch his ass. There are many men out there who'd care about your comfort/discomfort

No. 804147

tbh i would do if it didn't have consequences like?? i don't know how i'm just supposed to put aside the fact that the veins at the opening of the asshole tear easily, hernias pop up from the pressure/pain, stretching out your asshole like that means SKIDMARKS on your underwear, and other stuff. i just don't get how i'm supposed to put all that aside

No. 804152>>804195

why do my eyes look bigger in the mirror but beady in photos?

No. 804156>>804163

Is lolcow shadowbanned on Chrome? I was making a search with the real name of a cow (which I've never seen anywhere else) and the site didn't appear in the results, whereas with another search engine it was on the first pages.

No. 804158

Gen Z hospital was super cringe but I guess that was the idea right?

No. 804163

never had this problem

No. 804191

women having paraphilias is rarer than in men in general, and having one means you're more likely to develop others. so yes it probably is rare, but due to internet more women are probably getting memed into it by porn or shit.

No. 804195>>804206>>804216>>804224

File (hide): 1620741483378.gif (3.82 MB, 480x266, focal length gif.gif)

depending on the cameras focal length it can make you look anywhere from massive nose'd caricature to tiny face'd charlie kirk meme, most of them are not set-up to take accurate selfies at arms length which is why so many people just take a selfie in the mirror

No. 804203

File (hide): 1620743958186.png (229.27 KB, 1080x342, Screenshot_20210511-155854~2.p…)

Who's that? He looks like a cliché goth/metalhead from boomer cop shows.

No. 804206

what are cameras used for passport and ID cards like, those always gave me the worst faces ime

No. 804216

this gif is unsettling but explains a lot

No. 804217

Cargurus, start with all cars in your area or by body shape. Narrow it down by engines, year, price, color, whatever you need if you have no idea what you're after. Bring someone who's amazing at getting the hell out of the car place if you want to test drive the ones you like and are shy. Be firm that you have somewhere else to be. My friend gives out fake numbers and emails so they can't spam you if you don't like the car or hated the salesperson. Don't buy a salvage and always check the car's crash records. Be aware every car company has different trim levels that will go from basic to leather with a nicer tablet and heated or cooled seats. Stay the fuck away from electric vehicles unless you can afford a Tesla and have CHADmo chargers all over your state. They are the only charger that charges in a few minutes while the others need hours. Don't buy a hybrid unless you're buying new because the battery to replace is 4-8k if I remember. When you're ready bring someone who's very firm to negotiate if you find a car you really love. Bring either full cash or partial if you'd like to pay off monthly to gain credit. Cash also gets discounts because they know you can pay it all, and if you've just graduated school apparently some places will give a discount.

I hope this helps anon, I've been staring at cars and visiting dealerships since I might finally rid myself of this shit car. Please don't be afraid to test drive everything so you don't buy a bad choice down the road. It turned out my original dream car sucked to drive so I'm very happy I moved on to the car I'll probably be buying. I would not have known it was so good if I hadn't gone around test driving.

No. 804224>>804235

which length is supposed to be accurate in that gif?

No. 804225>>804226>>804264>>804266

What do you wear for hiking?

I'm going to a national park in a few months so it will be hot but I have no idea what to wear besides "sturdy shoes". It's a one day trip and I don't want to have to buy extra stuff for the trip kek

No. 804226

Jeans, sunglasses, a hat. Maybe bring a backpack with water and a snack? I always bring a mini first aid kit but I’ve never had to use it (everyone eats my trail mix though)

No. 804235

about 50mm is the most accurate to what you see in the mirror/in person, it's what professional photographers use (if they're not embellishing it with favorable focal lengths ofc, a lot raise the focal length since it gives women dainty facial features and men wider jaws)

No. 804263>>804271>>804327

File (hide): 1620752629518.png (2.57 MB, 2000x2000, 1617547748666.png)

My little bedroom gets really hot and humid in the summer, and since I'm taking online classes I'm going to spend several hours working in there. What's the most efficient option for keeping my room cool?

I'm thinking about getting a window unit air conditioner. Idk anything about installing these things, and I'm a bit apprehensive about how much trouble it's going to be to uninstall when I move out later on this year. I know they're heavy enough that you need an extra pair of hands but is it manageable for a beginner?

No. 804264

Be careful of ticks if you're in an area with them. Make sure you cover up bare skin if they're a risk and check for them afterwards. Also, sunscreen.

No. 804266

Depending on where you live you should consider covering any exposed skin, even tucking your pant legs into your socks to protect against ticks. There are tick removing tools you can carry around in your back pocket too. They've recently become a big problem in my part of North America.

No. 804271>>804275

Honestly yeah just buy a really good air conditioner/dehumidifier. You’re going to need and use it for years, might as well invest now before the warm season becomes too intolerable and they’re all sold out/higher priced.

No. 804275>>804341

Yeah that's what I was thinking, it's a good investment. My only other concern was the possibility of small openings between the unit and the window that could allow bugs to fly inside my room, but I'm assuming those could be sealed off with any old removable material.

No. 804290>>804297>>804307>>804311

File (hide): 1620755968521.gif (4.23 MB, 480x360, unnamed.gif)

Anons, can you recommend me lifestyle porn media, preferably with good plot? I'm working on losing weight while depressed as hell and would like to daydream about life in which women wear pretty clothes, live in stylish apartments and experience joys and tragedies. I don't know how to explain it better… Hm, maybe like a perfume commercial with story and characters? I want to look at something beautiful and sappy.
I would ask somewhere on /m/, but hardly anyone goes there…
Pic kinda related, love that movie to death

No. 804297

sex and the city is ofc the first thing that comes to mind haha

No. 804307

Idk if you like period films/dramas or older stuff, but I like My Fair Lady and Roman Holiday the Elisabeth movies, Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola, Downton Abbey. Emma and Pride and Prejudice are also nice.

No. 804311

The Devil Wears Prada, kinda

No. 804312

How do I stop picking my face? I do it when I'm not paying attention, especially right before bed when I'm tired. My nails are already short as can be and I try to keep busy with my hands playing instruments and doing fibre art, but I look like an aged methhead now.

No. 804315>>804318>>804321

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If there was an embroidered patch or a keychain with some sort of nod to lolcow would farmers wear it in public? Like a small “lol” in cow print on the bottom hem of a shirt or dress. I have some design ideas and want to make them, but I wouldn’t sell them.

No. 804318

Ma'am, that's the shit they do on Tumblr. No thank you. That patch is very cute though.

No. 804321

It’s a cute idea but I wonder if it would work at all, it could also attract random white knights and newfriends.

No. 804327>>804341>>804363>>804509

File (hide): 1620759129047.jpg (260.8 KB, 1280x720, its easy bro.jpg)

It's easy, anon. Get a really small window unit, I recommend this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RGM11L5/
I'm 5 feet and weak as hell and I can lift this thing, install it no problem. New air conditioners usually come with foam or tape for the holes, and you can also tape the shit out of the sides with duct tape to keep out bugs.

To maintain, insert a tablet every month and after every heavy rain. This avoids mold, which means no weird smells. Make sure to also slide out the front filter 1-2x a month and wash the dust off.

After the summer, aim a hose at it to clean out any dust/build-up (air conditioners are waterproof so feel free to go ham but make sure to avoid wetting the plug), let it air dry, then store it right side up, but if you're consistent with placing tablets every month

No. 804341>>804509

File (hide): 1620760727909.jpeg (73.77 KB, 1200x675, 92E620EB-063C-4E77-B3E7-70F10F…)

Like >>804327 said they usually have foam that you tape to the window (it has an adhesive side) to avoid anything crawling in. You can also use tape and seal it in for extra protection. I have a large unit similar to picrel and clean up is easy, you take the tube and the window frame apart and wash them. The unit itself has filters you can remove and clean, I’ve checked and nothing gets inside the actual body. The window frame panel also has a filter that is easily cleaned. You don’t need anything more than soap and water, let the pieces air dry and then you can store it away for the following months. Because it functions as a dehumidifier so it works better than my old fan, but it’s heavier and still uses a lot of power.

No. 804352>>804365

has anybody taken the pdq-4 test online? i’m confused by the too good scale. is it saying that if you have people you dislike, talk behind people’s backs, and get upset that you likely have a pd? i understand answering true to “i have never told a lie” being a criteria but i don’t get the others at all.

No. 804363

Ot but america is so fucking cute, I want to pinch his cheeks.

No. 804365

>if you have people you dislike, talk behind people’s backs, and get upset that you likely have a pd?
This is shit normal people do at some point in their lives. It’s impossible for you to have lived to be 18+, use the internet enough to end up on lolcow, and never have done any of those things. Infants get upset, it’s not like every baby is a diagnosable narc. I’ve never taken the test but if that’s all it takes for it to diagnose you then I doubt it’s very accurate. An online quiz won’t take circumstantial situations into account either.

No. 804383

Is it normal that I always get cold sores in the same exact spot? And when I don't have it, but start scratching that spot, it starts tingling and a few hours later it starts forming? Can others relate to this? Sorry if gross

No. 804400>>804405>>804425

Where can i download books free? Yea yea i should buy or loan but i am broke and the library is closed

No. 804405>>804406

Samefag *for free and I had gone girl in mind specifically

No. 804406>>804420

Try Libgen. Or google the title of the book you want and add 'pdf' or whatever format you want to read it in. Found this for you: https://books-library.net/files/books-library.online-12292346Xg5D5.pdf

No. 804411>>804427>>804504

when do yall say i love you for the first time? what range for yall is good

No. 804420

Thanks, I did try to search like that but I was curious if there were some secret book bootleg societys anons know of. I found this link too but it’s massive on my screen, but beggers can’t be choosers I guess

No. 804425>>804432

Try hoopla, it hooks up to your library card for books that have ebook versions. If you need a library card your local library would probably have online applications.

No. 804427

I've always done six months in both my relationships (not planned, just happened that way). I would say anything less than three months is too soon, but anything more than a year would be too long at least for me

No. 804432

I’m not american kek

No. 804461>>804488

Remember when Art Angels came out and it had a big ad on Tumblr's dashboard? Or am I remembering it wrong

No. 804486>>804488

File (hide): 1620774136575.jpg (267.42 KB, 1080x1082, IMG_20210512_010027.jpg)

Can someone confirm or deny if medication really works like this?

No. 804488>>804490

nah it’s just fatboi bullshitting as per

i remember! it was cool. i miss being obsessed w art angels

No. 804490>>804495

it didn't check for me because how can CICO fail? I feel like the everyday binges and sedentary lifestyle are the problem, not meds but idk shit

No. 804495>>804499

yeah, she sits on her arse all day doing nothing but writing soren fanfic, smoking weed, and being a tit online, so you really can’t tell me that it’s ‘because of the meds’. it’s such a shayna excuse. i bet she drinks sugary garbage all day and never has a sip of water and thinks that has no impact on her lifestyle

No. 804499

bet she would say she lives in a fruit/veggie desert (or how amerifags call it) and is too poor to eat healthily. She's a great argument for the need of disabled/mental people being employed (even via home office) since they clearly go fat and crazy otherwise.

No. 804504

Where are you from? I noticed it differs greatly by culture. Where I'm from most relationships basically don't seem to start before either one goes "I love you and that is why I want to be in a relationship with you" lmao.

No. 804509

Thanks for these tips! This is exactly what I needed to know

No. 804521>>804524

Are there any anons who get disability checks?

No. 804524>>805405

I did for a couple years

No. 804543>>804551>>804580>>804708

Ladies is it weird to be kinda turned off by a dude who uses poor grammar when texting? Talking to this dude right now and he texts like a fourth grader, can't tell if I'm a picky asshole or is it a legit red flag if an adult male can't text (not in just a "lacks correct punctuation and spelling" way, more of a "I have to reread the text multiple times to try to figure out what he's saying" way)

No. 804551>>804602

If the man is a boomer, that's a fair excuse. If he is not glued to his phone and lives more in the real world, that is a really good and desirable excuse. Otherwise I would be turned off by it too but maybe I'm picky as well lol. I judge guys who type like underage eboys but this sounds even worse, depends if you can handle it in a lasting relationship context and also how it is explained by his personality/circumstances. Imo it depends why he types that way which you'd have to infer with context

No. 804580>>804602

It’s not weird. Not even 1 normally articulated text message? Is he retarded?

No. 804590>>804592>>804594>>804596

Are the people on this website genuinely ok? Just saw an anon said that tarot/astrology was misogyny and i cant really tell if they were joking or they actually believe it. Sometimes i just question you guys so much on your beliefs.

No. 804592

of course not, we're on 4chan for gals in the first place!

No. 804594

Remember, the demographic of a site like this is largely not ok but also we don't all think that way lol. Mostly it's individuals with specific extreme beliefs you will run into as the weirdest posts here. Overall though… Sometimes farmers act like we all share the same beliefs especially about feminism when we don't.

No. 804596

We're all mad here
but at least 1/3 of the time it's probably bait

No. 804601

File (hide): 1620790081946.jpg (68.65 KB, 720x576, FB_IMG_1620451466097.jpg)

Can any medfag here explain to me why is it that when I go keto my feet get almost instantly softer? Like all it needs is 2 days of keto and it improves by like 50%, I'd say. When I eat carbs, it's super dry and rough. All of the other symptoms I understand, but not this one.
If it helps, I have PCOS and insulin resistance, a history of diabetes in my family and iron deficiency (one of my doctors explained once that it was due my pcos as well, because my thyroid is kinda bullshity or something like that)
Thanks in advance!

No. 804602>>804603>>804708


>not glued to his phone and lives more in the real world

I think this might be it anon, he doesn't use social media and isn't on his phone a lot. he also really likes talking on the phone so he probably isn't familiar with texting etiquette now that I think about it

lol possibly, he is a very weird dude. sometimes the texts are fine but he has a habit of skipping words which makes the text not make sense, or switching the orders of the words like
>how's day your been
>did go the store? (missing the 'you' and 'to')
It's like he doesn't read over the text to check for typos or to see if it's coherent. It drives me crazy so I was wondering if my annoyance was valid even if our irl conversations are fine haha

No. 804603

could he be dyslexic? that's super unusual but I don't have dyslexia I don't know if it applies to whole words

No. 804619>>804628

It's 12:31am, I'm doing crafts but I'm bored as fuck and my boyfriend is out cold/works early. Should I just go to bed? I'm not tired but I'm not satisfied

No. 804628

I vote sleep and you will hopefully feel better the next day

No. 804633

is it possible I'm really going through second puberty rn? My chest was about a "mouthful" give or take lol, about a month ago and now they're a good handful, although slightly uneven, but maybe they've always been uneven but I never noticed? wtf is this. I'm 21 and not on birth control

No. 804679>>804690>>804699

Is it worth taking (multi)vitamins and minerals?

I'm pretty sure I do have some deficits but most of the stuff I see being sold is overpriced for the amount you get.
For example you have to take 2 pills per day and those 2 pills MIGHT have the recommended daily dose or not even half, while the bottle itself has like 60 pills in it. So, worth like a month.

No. 804680>>804683>>804684>>804730

File (hide): 1620803743351.jpeg (156.22 KB, 1029x1544, 02E59982-8BCA-4D8E-A77B-F579EF…)

Was there a shoujo manga thread in /m/ or did I imagine that? I checked the catalogue like three times but I swear there was a thread specifically for this genre.

No. 804683>>804719

Make one if you can't find it! Please make it, I would love to see it, a shoujo manga and anime thread

No. 804684>>804719

Maybe the shoujo bingo thread? >>>/m/71611

No. 804690

I personally only take vitamin D because I was diagnosed with deficiency a few years ago and a week before my period I take calcium supplement because it helps with the mood swings

No. 804691>>804694

Anons who went from undisciplined lazy mess to disciplined achievers, how did you do it??

No. 804694>>804695

With discipline

No. 804695

no shit lol

No. 804699>>804702

>MIGHT have the recommended daily dose or not even half
They're food supplements not food substitutes. You're expected to eat and get the rest of nutrients that way. Multivitamins just add a little extra.

No. 804702

Lmao shit you're right

No. 804707

What are your favourite editing apps that are simple yet high quality? I want to have polished and neat Instagram photos. Not filters, but pictures with a solid background, text and maybe a picture on top. I'm on Android

No. 804708

It isn't weird and this isn't what you asked, but that's so attractive to me. I love simple, honest men. I wouldn't worry about it. It's a minor thing that doesn't seem to change who he is.

No. 804717>>805238

Is "autist" not a real word? Everytime I type it my phone underlines it.

No. 804719>>804730

File (hide): 1620810499691.jpeg (29.53 KB, 400x306, DF245D34-82E7-44EC-BBE4-7B197A…)

No that wasn’t it, it was a thread active within the last 2 months at the very least. I think I probably imagined it.. So >>804683 I will make one later! Thank you for checking as well though.

No. 804730>>804903

the "favorite girly manga" thread? it hasn't been active recently though

No. 804793>>804833

Dies a fitness tracker really need a heart rate monitor? I kind of want one without because I’m not sure if it will give me anxiety aka freak me out when my rate is too low or too high. Does it track properly without measuring heartrate though?

No. 804833

your heart rate is directly related to the amount of calories you burn, fitness trackers that take your heart rate into account are more accurate so yes

No. 804840>>804891

Why is there a name field if namefagging is forbidden? Is it just a standard image board template?

No. 804846>>804848>>804851

Two questions
1. How do you really know when you're attracted to someone? At most I might think someone looks nice, the same way I feel about paintings.

2. How come the more I become aware of my surroundings, the more disturbed/uneasy I feel? Not over anything specific or only over bad things but like just the basic senses (touching for example), or just knowing that I'm here (not on lolcow lol but like in this world) and that I exist. Idk how to explain it.

No. 804848

2. There's something you're avoiding. For some reason, you feel deeply dissatisfied with your existence and responsibility in this world. Without realising it, you have become accustomed to a passive way of life. Becoming aware of your surroundings and experiencing them fully breaks this barrier and allows the uncomfortable feelings to reign freely. You might also be highly sensitive.

No. 804851

>1. How do you really know when you're attracted to someone? At most I might think someone looks nice, the same way I feel about paintings.
Maybe you need to form emotional connection to be actually attracted to someone? I'm like this, I can appreciate someone's beauty in that very platonic way you describe but the attraction would only appear once I get to know them better.

No. 804855>>804912

Is it weird to have morbid curiosity? I worked as a vet intern for awhile so blood and stuff doesn’t bother me.

Eg. (TW) I’ve been suicidal for many years and often pondered whether train tracks would be the way to go. I sometimes google the aftermath and it convinced me out of it.

I don’t spend hours looking at gore or subscribe to any of those fucked urp sites or forums. I don’t enjoy seeing people die or anything/if it’s really grusome or malicious I refuse to look (like the mosque shooting in NZ).

No. 804891

At this point I just think it's a honeypot

No. 804903

File (hide): 1620835320208.jpeg (80.58 KB, 600x435, 0670988A-D026-4CFA-9CF0-465A8D…)

Yes!! Nonatella ily, this was the thread. And the last post was only 29 days ago. I can’t believe I was so blind. You’re fucking awesome!

No. 804909>>804921

How many limes are there in 2Kg of limes?

No. 804912

Please no, Trigger warnings are for idiotic people and kids.
But I think it’s not truly a good thing to be searching for shock content, because you’re just polluting yourself with ugly stuff, you might end up looking for more gruesome pictures as the time goes by and it really can’t be good for the mind.

No. 804921>>804925

Quick maths: about 25 average sized limes

No. 804925

I suck at maths of any speed, so thanks!

No. 804982>>805238

do i get a king mattress or a california king mattress because i sleep with tall dudes

No. 804996>>804997>>804999>>805000>>805004

what does gatorade taste like?

No. 804997


No. 804999

Kind of like Jelly.

No. 805000

Depends on the flavor, most taste like colorant

No. 805004

No. 805061

How can I stop people from infantilizing me and treating me as a child?

No. 805076>>805119>>805169

Whats a handmaiden? i keep seeing that word thrown around in the mtf threads

No. 805119


I took it as a reference to The Handmaid’s Tale i.e. women who aid the patriarchy / the oppression of themselves and other women but let’s see if I’m wrong…

No. 805136>>805153>>805169>>805173

Why are Americans so fixated on and love to claim they are another nationality like Irish, Scottish or Italian etc despite being born and raised in America? Just because your great grandfathers uncle was from either of those places does not make you anything else but American. I always wonder why this is.

No. 805153>>805170>>805196

I'm an Irish person from Ireland living in Ireland and the most annoying type of man is American men who fetishise the fuck out of me and expect me to be some kind of feisty "lass" with a heart of gold

No. 805169

Women who support the troon movement basically at the expense of their own rights because they havent realized it's not actually good for them or their kids
A lot of Americans grow up thinking EU in general is really cool due to their different languages and cultures. By claiming they're irish, french, german, etc they feel more special from the average american despite them knowing nothing and yeah being 100% american. A lot of people in the USA just want to feel special in some way if they aren't half or 1/4th something cause there are a lot of varying people who are.

No. 805170

do people actually do that? Sure, Irish/Scottish characters in cartoons are like that, but do Americans really?

No. 805173>>805177

I think white Americans just want some kind of culture and history they can take pride in that isn't puritanism, Native American genocide, and Ronald McDonald.

No. 805177>>805178>>805189

This but also couldn't you say that the US is also younger than most nations and that might play a role? Also in its (relatively) recent history there were many immigrants making a life in America, which used to be important in their identities like the Germans, Irish, Italians, etc. The thing is that now they've been in America for generations and have much fewer ties to their family's roots, so it doesn't make sense to claim being those things anymore. But as annoying as it is I still think it makes sense to cling to them and want to know more about their family history which isn't really that long ago in the grand scheme of humanity

No. 805178>>805189

samefag but my point is many Americans aren't necessarily descended from the puritans right? their ancestors can be immigrants from later on than that

No. 805187>>805188>>805197>>805200>>805208

Someone called me anonymously and it was a classmate with her friend (she works at this take out place i bought food from once)
they were laughing and not telling me who they were. and i have a feeling they did it to bully me. Correct?

No. 805188

They were repeating my address and name
I feel mocked and taunted. Gonna hang up the curtains.

No. 805189>>805193>>805207

I mean whether they're actually descendant from puritans and slave-owners or not, your average born and raised white American is probably going to be a mixture of European ethnicities they don't really have a strong cultural connection to anymore. The history of the US as a nation is so boring, brutish, and short I can't really blame them for wanting to latch onto their 15% Italian heritage or whatever.

No. 805193

it’s true, they lack the culture/history european countries have i guess.

No. 805196

> I'm an Irish person from Ireland living in Ireland
Are these really the lengths we have to go to now

No. 805197

Bully them back by tracing the call and calling the police on them, preferably while they’re at a party.

No. 805200

This is beyond retard shit kids usually do. If you wanted to you could leave a review with her name and say how unprofessional it is that she used your information from a transaction to harass you. It's beyond unprofessional to use someone's info that has nothing to do with their order regardless of the place they work. She should be reprimanded for that behavior as it could continue to other people who happen to go there.

No. 805207

I don't see anything wrong with feeling and appreciating a connection though, it's the same with Americans whose families are of non-European descent and non-white, yet there is less criticism when they express ties to their family roots. It's not like the connections are completely diminished anyways, sometimes the family maintains traditions or even the language of the culture they came from, and I think it makes sense to feel connected from that. It's not the same as being totally actually Irish guise like some act which is annoying, but imo it's either you're against anyone including poc from associating with their family's history and roots or everyone should be able to do it (but with more self-awareness than there often is). I think it's a good enriching thing for anyone to learn more about another culture and often it's because their family goes back to it or they even knew family members while alive who spoke the language/etc. The hate is overblown

No. 805208

Talk to her manager about that behavior, especially since she got your info from a professional setting. That's fucking weird, uncalled for, and scary.

No. 805213

File (hide): 1620855548358.jpg (682.33 KB, 1800x1200, kejonuma-leisure-land-56-2-180…)

Any anons into abandoned places (especially theme parks) here? I'm going crazy trying to find photos of a USA (I think) abandoned theme park with a fairy tale theme. Specifically, I'm looking for photos of a giant book monument that was located near the entrance (?). I think here was a text on it how you can meet all your favorite storybook heroes in the park. IDK what happened in the last few years, but it's like all blogs about abandoned places got purged. Or maybe google just refuses to show me the results - I get pages and pages of shitty clickbait lists of 'top 10 haunted abandoned parks' instead of OC. I feel like I hallucinated that park, but I saw it for sure.

No. 805238

your phone is ableist

you get the men limb shortening surgery

No. 805244

File (hide): 1620858256770.jpeg (819.22 KB, 1125x835, D16508CF-BA15-4AE6-BAEB-212FD6…)

Should I join my town’s Japan-America
Society’s local chapter even though I’m not Japanese but am a weeb who likes their culture?

Also kek at this pic

No. 805250>>805257>>805258

File (hide): 1620858944787.png (23.95 KB, 165x200, D4820A8D-8AC5-400C-99C1-D7BFD5…)

Do you wash your hands before and/or after showering?

No. 805255>>805260>>805271>>805278>>805289>>805294>>805300>>805331>>805353>>805357>>805362>>805472>>805507>>805732>>806445

What's the longest time you've been banned from lolcow & why?
I've only been banned once (for a day) for derailing and I've been wondering ever since.

No. 805257

Yes actually, mostly before

No. 805258

while I shower

No. 805260

It was 2 or 3 days for infighting, but it was a big infight fest so I think mods were handing out hefty bans that day kek

No. 805271

I got banned for 3 days because I said I think it's kind of weird that most males prefer 100% hairless women… on the thread about body hair, in a conversation about what ways women might shave according to moid preferences

No. 805278

I got banned for 1 day for infighting, i would be surprised if there were nonnies that have never gotten banned.

No. 805289

longest I've been banned is one day, don't remember why, I get five minute bans all the time though

No. 805294

I remember now, think 3 days for derailing in /meta/ when /ot/ was shut down. I deserved it

No. 805300

Only like 10-15 minutes I think for not integrating? I bow down to authority lol

No. 805331>>805349

Three times, twice for minor blogposting in the MtF thread (the mods are hyper stingy in this thread) and once on /ot/ for infighting. I actually can't believe I got banned for saying "go back to twitter" when some fights go on for hours but whatever. It didn't really matter because each time I had written my posts before sleeping and I had woken up the next day with the ban already expired (ngl the first time I saw the message I got scared I had been banned forever lol).

No. 805349

> ngl the first time I saw the message I got scared I had been banned forever lol
Me too, I thought I was getting banned forever and I got really mad, I almost tried appealing the ban, but then I acquired some reading comprehension and saw that I got banned for like an hour.

No. 805353

File (hide): 1620867365724.gif (668.21 KB, 320x240, fuck the po.gif)

2 weeks for "bait" even tho I wasn't baiting. I evaded that and many other bans anyway lmao they're all old bans that's currently over now btw so i'm not doing it now

No. 805356>>805360>>805361

File (hide): 1620867945247.jpg (41.59 KB, 600x600, randomexample.jpg)

I know it's not gargantuan but is 5'8" too tall to wear heels? are low heels at least doable? and how about long skirts without looking massive? on second thought please just tell me I can wear them I'm not that huge…

No. 805357

I got banned for 3 months on 4chan once for posting Swami's selfies like three times
The mods here are a lot more reasonable

No. 805359

How would a lolcow orgy be like? (as in the lolcows themselves)

No. 805360>>805368

It looks good as long as you look like the girl on the pic (good balanced figure)

No. 805361>>805368

Wear what you want anon, heels look great on tall women

No. 805362

Three months, from october to november, cant remember why now

No. 805368

>good balanced figure
Hnnng thanks for the insight anon. I mean I am a healthy weight I guess considered slim, but my thighs/hips are a little wide… and small head kek. but I think I look like the pic actually her head seems smaller like mine. not sure what you mean by balanced.
you know what… true!

No. 805398>>805411>>805438

Are there a lot of blind people who don't want to be cured similar to how many deaf people don't want a cure?

No. 805405

What happened?did you become 21 or did you get a job?

No. 805411

I don't think it's quite the same because it is a different kind of disability with a different history and different impact on living. Deaf people get excluded from communication in a way that blind people don't while being very aware of it happening in front of them. It makes them not want to become part of the community that shuts them out.

That said, I remember a blind newsreader from my country talking about how a man on the train told her he'd rather die than lose his sight which made her feel like shit so if people try hard enough, we can get the vision impaired to hate us too.

No. 805431>>805434

File (hide): 1620877466107.jpeg (26.5 KB, 792x1001, BA74DBDA-DE4A-4881-9400-85FB40…)

Dildos need condoms? Why?

No. 805434

depends on material but some are porous i think and can harbor bacteria so condom is better

No. 805438

Deaf people also have a cultural community created by sign language and specific references so some deaf people don't want to lose this culture as they enjoy it within the community. So in a sens they are not exclude for cultural and social interaction.
My born blind friend said once she is kinda sad there is no real blind community like the deaf one. She thinks it's because there is no specific language within blind community. And she get sometimes super frustrated not being able to have access to some media, like comics and video games. She has trouble to relate both with valid since she miss so many aspects of our lives and other blind people since she don't really relate to them except for blindness.
I never asked her if she would choose to heal if she could. Probably yes when she was young but she is now quite in peace with her disabilty.

No. 805443>>805450>>805718

While the subject is up, what do blind people do when it comes to dating? I don't mean in a rude way but I feel like that might change a lot of dynamics so do they date other blind people more often, or seeing people, or neither? Something I always wondered

No. 805450

have no idea about people who are born blind, but my aunt went blind from type 1 diabetes. she was married before she went blind, but eventually their marriage didn't work out. not sure if the blindness contributed to that, but it probably didn't help.

No. 805472

I think it was 2 or 3 mins but I posted uncensored yaoi dick lol

No. 805487>>805508>>805602

How is body type determined? if i look at my bust, waist, and hips together, I'm pear-shaped. If I zoom out and take into account my shoulders, i'm rectangle-shaped. What am I really?

No. 805507>>805532

Half a day or so for making a joke about the forbidden man, I think?

It doesn't count for me interesting observation, I've ended up on mobile IPs that have been banned for reasons not pertaining to me at all. I'm surprised how many people in my city have had cell IPs banned from lc for posting inflammatory shit, way more than I would've expected

No. 805508>>805602

ok so i looked up how to know if one is an inverted triangle, and it says "You are an inverted triangle if your shoulder or bust measurement is more than 5% bigger than your hip measurement". My shoulders are 24.5 in and my hips 35, but when I look in the mirror, my shoulders look wider by a good two inches or so. wtf

No. 805511>>805518>>805523>>805526>>805527>>805550

Are there good guys out there? My only first and real relationship was abusive and shit. I haven't lived enough but I'm losing my hope. My heart aches at night and I cry, just like I did in that previous relationship. It's cheesy I know, I'm one of those hopeless romantics. Doesn't help that I'm friendless, have a dysfunctional family. I plan to get myself skills for a job, go out. But I'm not hopeful there are good men or friends out there. I feel like giving up at life later on.

No. 805518>>805526

My first bf seemed perfect right up until the moment he suddenly ghosted me (and left me to deal with all our shared bills and the lease) My second bf was abusive emotionally and physically/sexually. He broke up with me in a slightly more mature way though, his one grace lol

I feel you. Having a lack of social supports or coming from a dysfunctional family doesn't help. It can leave you very vulnerable to accepting abuse.

No. 805523>>805527>>805528>>806045

My best advice is don’t worry about men, worry about yourself. Improve your life, be independent, etc. Good people do exist, but if you have low confidence and you’re in a shitty place in life, you’re a lot more likely to be taken with the bad ones.

No. 805526>>805531

My second boyfriend was one of the worst things that ever happened to me, but he was perfect right up until he wasn't. He was a delight. Attentive, adoring, told me things like I was the first thing he thought about in the morning and the last thing he thought about at night. He was actually a little obsessive at times. One night he went to a party, and the next day he completely changed. He stopped being cute and attentive and spent weeks distancing himself. I asked him why once and he turned it around on me. Made me feel like I was being weird when I wanted to know if we were ok. Then he left. A few months later he contacted me to let me know he would like nudes from me. I told him to fuck off.

It was the first time I believed someone when they said they loved me, and the first person Inwas ever totally comfortable around. He was perfect. And I will now spend rbe rest of my life knowing two things:

1) even the perfect people will hurt me

2) Men. Are. Shit

He was always afraid that I'd leave him for someone else, or that he wasn't enough and I'd end up cheating. Looks like he was projecting on me

No. 805527

>>805523 This is very true.

No. 805528

This is sound advice!

No. 805531>>805542>>805575

I had a partner drastically change overnight and I spent years torturing myself, racking my brain on how such a thing happens.

Then another partner changed in a less sudden way.. That time it was a poorly hidden affair. I hate that no matter how perfect someone might seem I'm just painfully aware that you can't get too comfortable.

No. 805532>>805546

I have a dynamic IP at home so I get assigned IP's that were banned from time to time. I was also surprised how many people in my area/country apparently use lolcow. It's not all inflammatory remarks though, there's a lot of blogposting bans and such. They post in threads I don't even visit, which also reminds me this site is bigger than I perceive it.

No. 805542

In a way I'm glad it happened. I've learned not to trust people and to be wary of safety. I will never be caught off guard again, and I will forever be aware that beneath the surface all men are less than swine. I gave him more love than he deserved and he traded it all for a strangers pussy. I will never let myself be vulnerable like that again

No. 805546

Yeah some of the bans are from a long time ago or were filed in threads I'm not even aware of. Lots of them were goreposters or shockposters from what I can tell who just posted a gross pic, said something newfaggy or scrotey, got banned. First time it happened I was confused, but then I recalled that mobile IPs are dynamic and reassign themselves constantly. The world, and this site, are a lot larger than I perceive them to be. Even if two years of my time here as a poster, three as a lurker, have felt like an eternity.

No. 805550

I assume the type of "normie" guy that isn't internet addicted,never used OLDs, is mild tempered and doesn't want to be King of the World gets taken young and then taken again the moment he's single.

No. 805570>>805591

Can anyone give me advice? I wanna start working out but the gym is too expensive for me atm. I'm really particular about working out and dislike people other than my boyfriend and family hearing me, and we live in a shared house in a pretty small room. There's room to work out but I'd be pretty much right beside my boyfriend as he sleeps, but an alternative I can think of is maybe running outside. Does anyone know of another alternative?

No. 805575

File (hide): 1620895502131.jpg (87.45 KB, 1000x352, calisthenics-park-amsterdam.jp…)

Running is a good idea, also maybe you could check if there are any workout parks like picrel in your area?

No. 805589>>805624

okay this might sound really stupid but does anyone else have like.. two different types of arousal? like sometimes i feel it in my stomach and other times i feel it in my clit. they're very distinct feelings and only occur separately. i get it in my stomach when i have more voyeuristic fantasies and i experience 0 vaginal excitement but when i have a fantasy about actually having sex with someone personally i get wet and my clit gets hard. i've never seen anyone else talk about this so is this a thing?

No. 805591

You can do workouts inside if you have space enough to lay down a yogamat. You can do hiit cardio, yoga/stretching, pilates/bodyweight excersises, even a little strength training with some additional equipment like dumbbells or resistant bands (doesn't have to be expensive). There's lots of videos on youtube (fitnessblender is a popular one but there's tons and tons) with at-home workouts. Look for no-jumping/apartment friendly workouts if you want something silent enough not to alert your neighbours. Outside you could also do rollerblading or cycling if you don't want to run.

No. 805596>>805599>>805603>>805610

What kind of outfits do you think of when you think 'she dresses like a tradwife'?

No. 805599

I think of the meme with a flowery dress because that's all I know of tradwives

No. 805602>>805901

Not the answer you want to hear but you’re probably not going to fit into any type exactly. There are billions of women in the world, realistically how many are going to be perfect examples of like 10 body types? I saw a youtube video of a woman discussing really detailed style rules for her body and thought that was dumb, but now I agree with her. Find out what works for your specific body. Of course you can use the shapes you’re closest to as a starting point but not as strict rules.

No. 805603

faux 1950s style, but no trousers of short hair because that's not ~femenine~

No. 805610>>805613

A polka dot 50s dress and a ball and chain around her ankle so she can't get away from her shitty TradChad

No. 805613


No. 805624

I have this too, but for me it's not dependant on fantasies or anything, it's random lol

No. 805632>>805634>>805637>>805639>>805652>>805660>>805674

File (hide): 1620902294893.jpg (366.54 KB, 1070x787, Screenshot_20210513-123249_Fir…)

How bad would it be to go to the gym in shorts, with unshaved legs?

I stopped shaving like 5 years ago but am not super hairy, actually I don't even grow hair on my calves because of tight pants kek. I even went to work last year in pants that were knee length and doubt anyone saw or gave a fuck but in the gym I get really insecure. I'm finally comfortable enough to work in just a sports bra when it's too hot inside but shorts scare lol.

My legs look like pic related if I shave. I tried mens razors, waxing, all the shit you can imagine but I just don't think it's worth the pain, money and my legs look uglier after.

Guess I'm scared of other women judging me (since I'm not into men)? Although I'm 90% sure no one gives a shit

No. 805634

Strawberry legs just means your hair follicles are getting clogged during shaving. Exfoliate before shaving, let your legs soak for a while to soften the hair, use conditioner as shaving cream. Shaving cream is really drying. And moisturise without fail after shaving and if you can be bothered in general after you put heat on your skin. I don't have advice about going hairless because I would be to self conscious myself.

No. 805637>>805668

If I saw a woman without unshaved legs I would think she's awesome, because I'm too insecure to go outside without shaving. I wouldn't think it's weird or gross at all.

No. 805639>>805644>>805668

It's a power move tbh, it shows you don't care about what people think of you. Cool

No. 805644>>805668

This, just do it anon!

No. 805652>>805668

do it anon, it also shows other women that they dont have to feel pressured into shaving if they don't want to

No. 805660>>805668

I'd think it looks ugly for 2 seconds and move on with my life.

No. 805668



Kek thanks anons, guess I'll be wearing shorts then

No. 805674

I'll always remember one time when I was a teenager I was waiting to be seen in accident and emergency. Sitting in a row of seats feeling like I wanted to curl up and die. A man kept looking at me and then over at another woman. Gesturing at me to look.. This middle aged woman had a long skirt on but you could see some hair there. For the love of God my guy we are all here because we're ill or suddenly injured. I'm not joining in with you and making faces because a woman has hair.

I can't imagine being that bothered by someone elses leg hair

No. 805690>>805731

Question from an ESL: What is the correct pronounciation of Beijing, 'Beijing' or 'Beizhing'? I heard both

No. 805718

Like everyone, depend of the personnality of the blind person herself :) My friend dated both seeing ppl and blind ppl. Both have their pro and cons. She went to restaurants, cinemas, parties with her dates, and she reached the same bodycount than me ^^.
However, I could add two points :
1/ The dating process meets the same difficulties than others person with physical abilities : you can only have friends and lovers that see the human in you before the disability, and be aware of the fetish guys. It's like extra prudence. And you need ppl ready to face others and support you through your handicap.
2/ A lot of blind kids are not well-educated, because of the lack of structures, the institutions, etc… resulting adults not well socially adapted (I'm not talking about the one whose blindness is linked to mentally disabilities). Some are bullied. And some people losing gradually their sight are really ashamed. These ones often withdraw for social life, self-isolated, became depressed and lost any motivation except being alive. It's so depressing, and of course those ppl don't have enough social interactions and self-estim to date, even others visually impaired people.

No. 805721>>805726>>805730>>805733>>805778

If a woman wears men's cologne would it put off all the scrote's nearby? I mean, in theory men's cologne is designed to be liked by women so it would make sense.

No. 805726

When I was in middle school I used men’s body wash and deodorant and boys hated it, so I assume same principle whether they realize why or not.

No. 805730>>805743

idk but I've heard that the only difference between cologne and perfume is marketing, and one perfume company found that their perfumes weren't selling to women, so they started marketing to men and made more money selling the exact same formula as cologne. I don't think it will work.

No. 805731

I think the correct pronunciation in 'Beijing' (like 'Bay-jing')

No. 805732

2 weeks for race-baiting because I wrote the post at 2 am and didn't have the sense of brain capacity to realise that it could be misconstrued as race bait

No. 805733

Sometimes I would wear men’s deodorant because women’s won’t be as effective to keep me from sweating or because my brother’s deodorant is the first thing I saw while on a rush.
When I do that, people compliment me more on my scent than when I wear the usual women’s deodorant. So I guess it could actually attract some people more than repel them.
It’s not the same as wearing cologne though.

No. 805742>>805747>>805748

Does being vegan really help animals?

No. 805743

File (hide): 1620913913500.jpg (48.84 KB, 795x390, 15961924457142.jpg)

Cologne is less concentrates than perfume

No. 805747

Imo but not as much as vegans like to think. They often engage in other practices that are indirectly harmful to animals like eating plant-based foods that have been produced in a harmful way for the environment, buying faux leather crap that's terrible, in general consumeristic behaviour etc. I think what helps the animals on the long-term is drastically decreasing consumption, living sustainable and creating as little waste as possible but most people don't want to do that. It's possible to consume animal products while living in harmony with nature rather than exploiting it to the point of exhaustion and destruction.

No. 805748

Yes and no. I don't think there are enough vegans to make a global impact but we could get there if the movement was so massive, the demand for meat was severely reduced = less animals being bred and killed.
However, people who go vegan for ethical reasons, can find peace in the fact that they aren't contributing to the meat industry and aren't paying for an animal to be killed

No. 805749>>805758>>805784

Where do I rid myself of my old laptop? I know some electric appliances stores can collect them to recycle them, but it's mostly small stuff like alarm clocks or razors, are there more specialized stores?

No. 805758

If it's completely beyond repairing then you can consider giving it away for parts - just put an ad that you're giving it away for free and it's likely someone would respond, or reach out to some computer repair points; otherwise find where is nearby authorized electronic waste collection point and just drop it off there.

No. 805778>>805782>>805964

Idk but I know it confuses straight women

No. 805782>>805964

Tell me more

No. 805784

Where I live they have a municipal e-waste program. Usually every Saturday they have a rotating set of locations where you can drop off e-waste like old computers for free. Maybe where you live has something similar?

No. 805788>>805793>>805794>>805802>>805808

I had a friend in high school and we ended up talking even as we went into university in different parts of the country, only occasionally but when we did talk the conversations were pleasant and long. I thanked him for remembering my birthday and he said he would always remember our birthdays, i.e. the birthdays of people in our friend group from high school, and he did wish them happy birthday as well every year. A few years ago we were talking about politics and we agreed it was a shitshow and I brought up the idea that I might move to some other country far away and make use of my degree there. He seemed surprised but after that he never tried to talk to me again, I initiated a few times and he was polite but didn't really make an effort to converse anymore. Did I say something wrong? Is it normal to not want to talk to someone anymore if they plan on moving somewhere else?

No. 805793>>805813

I don't think thats normal, but I can relate.

After I moved out to a different country, my friends from home country ended up stopping talking to me. I am still wondering why tf when I never had any beef with them and acted like a decent human.

No. 805794>>805813

Could be unrelated to you anon, maybe something happened in his life and he hasn't felt like talking to anyone

No. 805802>>805813

> Is it normal to not want to talk to someone anymore if they plan on moving somewhere else?
I mean if a friend of mine said she's planning to move abroad long-term or permanently I'd just KNOW the friendship is going to water down and eventually just disappear. (terrible wording here but I think you get what I mean). You contact each other less and less, have less and less to talk about and drifting apart and eventually falling out of contact is almost guaranteed. So I get why he would just cut it off there.

No. 805808>>805813

Bit different but I was talking a guy online for a few months. He lived 2 hours away and I figured we'd meet at some point. One day he tells me he might move country soon. That made me question what the point was in keeping up our thing. I phased out talking to him.

Maybe your friend hoped for in person meet ups again and that dashed his hopes.

No. 805813

Yeah, I thought that initially but thinking about it, it just felt kind of sudden, like even that conversation died quickly right after.
You're probably right, our entire friend group used to do a meet up sometimes once every couple years so it probably felt like less of a "long-distance friendship" and maybe that's why he maintained it at first? I feel a little sad now because I actually ended up staying in the country and my moving plans were more castle in the sky than anything concrete, but I guess it sounded definite to him. Maybe I'll reach out one of these days to catch up.

No. 805854>>805859

Do people in wheelchairs have sex?

No. 805858>>805863>>805866

Where did all the people with stretched ears go?

No. 805859

Not in a wheelchair but of course, they don't spend their lives in wheelchairs and their handicaps don't necessarily prevent them from having sex.

No. 805863

Why you reminded me of this disgusting trend
>Imagine the smell

No. 805866>>805869

holy shit you're so right, i havent seen someone with gauges in like a solid 2-3 years…where did they all go? did they get their ears sewn up or smth?

No. 805869>>805963

The girls with gigantic, I’m talking 1 1/2-2 inch plugs, I knew in hs just took them out and have flappy ear holes they wear regular earrings in now. It looks bizarre. I haven’t seen any dudes, though, idk what happened to them. Hopefully death. I still have 00s and wear tunnels kek

No. 805871>>805894

God I know how retarded this is but I can't make up my mind. I gained some weight during the pandemic from getting high and eating. My partner says I look better for it. I'm neutral about how my body looks. However, I can't fit into a lot of my old pants. Do I lose weight or buy new pants?

No. 805874>>805876>>805877>>805880>>805883>>805943

If lolcow was for scrotes what celebrities you think would top the "unconventional attractive women" thread?

No. 805876

Samefag. Think like a coomer.

No. 805877

I don't think there would be one, tbh

No. 805880

They would use such a thread to post pictures of random women they knew irl and dunk on their looks while adding it to their wank banks.

No. 805883>>805893

Older women are considered unconventional attraction for them I think?
So maybe some hot older women ( like 40 or 50)

No. 805893

You're probably right

No. 805894

Buy some new pants. Always useful to have a few different size. Weight change are quite common during life. I used to have 2 pants in 2 differents size and one who can strech and fit whatever shape I am. But I am used to keep clothes for looong time.

No. 805898>>805916>>805999>>806019>>806057

Half my posts are me bitching about shit I went through with exes. Makes me wonder, do virgin anons feel left out when they see anons relate to each others scrote posts or is it just a relief to see what you're (not) missing out on?

No. 805901>>805940

File (hide): 1620929825739.jpg (11.24 KB, 200x237, Shoulder-width-measurement-bac…)

I'm actually an inverted triangle, if I measure shoulder width and hip width instead of circumference, 18 inch shoulders and 13/14 inch hips. If I measure like pic related, not including the side of my upper arms, then my shoulder and hip width is the same, 13 inch shoulders, 13 inch hips. I'm 18/19 bmi, so I must have very muscular upper arms, although to me they look noodly. I guess this means i should avoid long sleeves and go for either cap sleeves or sleeveless tops (?

I rather have a flat butt and wide hips tbh lol.

No. 805916

my eyes just glaze over them tbh. I literally don't know what to think.

No. 805940

Nah anon sleeveless stuff can make you look wider and long sleeves can do the opposite but it depends on the actual garment. The key is balance between the entire outfit. I recommend trying an app like Zeekit where you can try on clothes on your actual frame using AI.

Have you looked into dressing for your face? This might be of interest to you, I like it better than kibbe honestly.

No. 805943

Probably like Emma Stone? Neckbeards are always obsessed with white actresses, just see r/gentlemanboners for example.

Or maybe a butterface like Anisa or just random internet personalities in general that aren't sexualized often (leave it to these cumbrains to do that kek)

No. 805963

>I haven’t seen any dudes, though, idk what happened to them. Hopefully death.
kek anon

No. 805964

KEK nonna
In all seriousness, I wonder if more "masculine" scents would fit me well, there's already some fragances "for everyone" that I'm a bit interested in.
Anyone has tried this?

No. 805968>>805974>>805975>>805993>>806058

do people here really hate Ariana Grande?

No. 805974

Yeah, visit the Celebricow thread. I personally like her music, though.

No. 805975

I love her music but I don't care for her personality. Funny enough I was humming 35 + 35 when scrolling by

No. 805993>>806006

Her personality is pretty cow-like so yeah. Music is kind of meh, I just don't like how most of it is sex obsessed, it seems try hard at times.

No. 805999

I don't really care, I'm a schizoid volcel so when I realize that I don't have to deal with STDs or contraception I feel at peace.

No. 806006>>806038>>806050

>Her personality is pretty cow-like so yeah.
Why, how come? I only recently got into her, so I'd like to know

No. 806019

Neither. I just don't really care.

No. 806038>>806039>>806058

NTA and this is just one example, but once she tried to get a Japanese word tattooed on her, spelt it wrong and ended up getting 'BBQ grill' permanently on her in a language she doesn't speak, and when Japanese people were like why did you even do this in the first place if you don't speak the language she went full BPD on twitter and started suicide-baiting. this was only a few years ago and she was in her twenties. she's just a big old cringey cow

No. 806039

I remember she also copied and stole off aesthetic and merch from other artist

No. 806043>>806046>>806068>>806077

Bespectacled nonas, do glasses ever get into the way of kissing? Is there a difference if both parties are wearing glasses?

No. 806045

:-) Thanks anon!(newfag)

No. 806046

Yes they do, my gf's foundation rubs off on my glasses when we make out. My glasses tend to slide down my nose though, maybe if they were fitted better they wouldn't get in the way idk.

No. 806050>>806055>>806058>>806064

File (hide): 1620938470882.jpg (138.33 KB, 737x648, Screenshot_17.jpg)

She might have changed since then but she was a real bitch when she was younger

No. 806055

She still acts like a pretentious idiot with "mental health" card, only last year she butthurted at some random kid at twitter and thrown an army on him (said kid was her stan which makes it better)

No. 806057

Makes me glad I never gave anything more than a kiss to men which I hated and am glad I can be at peace with loving women. God speed to all the straight anons that shit doesn't seem worth it.

No. 806058

Africana Grande is a cringey self-obsessed weeb with an eating disorder that happens to be able to sing like Mariah Carey. Her trying to change her own race and her "uwu I'm so small" schtick on their own are enough to make her a cow.

No. 806064>>806066>>806067>>806106

I have the perfect joke for this but I dont want to be that one person who takes things too far

No. 806066>>806071

Well now we want to know what it is

No. 806067

I think I know what it is. Please don't go there

No. 806068

you made me remember making my ex girlfriend shy by removing her glasses to kiss her, fun times.

No. 806071

Oh my god, nevermind. Don't do it, anon.

No. 806077

It’s annoying but you kind of get used to it, I kiss my friend on the cheek all of the time and our glasses bump a lot, so I end up having to take off mine because she needs hers to figure out where I am.

No. 806106>>806109

>I hope they fucking die
>22 of them actually died
oh no…

No. 806109

I was too stupid for that, whoops

No. 806249>>806307

Why is Jeffree Star so fucking gross and disgusting and ugly?
Like, he says "multiple men has visited my throat" and is obsessed with sex, it's like he knows he's ugly so he needs to prove the world he pays others to have sex with him lmao

No. 806258>>806287>>806290>>806292

does anyone else feel like there’s someone looking out for them despite everything? like some kind of higher being. i’m not religious and i’ve never really been, nor am i particularly spiritual, but i’ve always believed there’s something watching out for me and giving me luck and just helping me along. i’m worried that one day my luck might run out because i really have been so fortunate, but at the same time, i really do believe there’s something out there giving me a hand and that it’ll always be there. i promise i’m not on drugs or schizo or anything

No. 806287

File (hide): 1620960173249.png (49.1 KB, 387x322, louise hay.png)

>does anyone else feel like there’s someone looking out for them despite everything? like some kind of higher being.
I do!
>i’m worried that one day my luck might run out
You won't, the universe is always looking out for you. Read pic related by Louise Hay, listening to her audiobooks has helped me greatly in my life.

No. 806290

Samefagging, but here, you can listen to Louise Hay's audiobooks for free on youtube (the one I'm putting as the thumbnail is the one where that affirmaition comes from)


Remember: all is well in my world.

No. 806292

yes I feel this. haven't always been lucky but everything feels like it fits together in a plan even the bad things

No. 806307

I always wondered if he was so ugly due to botched plastic surgery or if he was naturally born that way and slathers makeup on it as compensation

No. 806343>>806345>>806347

My boyfriend left for a trip and left me his car in case i needed it, I used it today and I don't know if I'm being paranoid, but it seems there's some sort of gps tracker?, and an address I went to is now saved….. like there's a red dot on the map on the screen showing where I went. I went to two addresses, but only one of them is saved. How would I go about removing it? would turning the battery off and then back on maybe wipe it or something???

No. 806345>>806353

Why would you want to delete it?

No. 806347>>806353

There's probably a recently visited spots or saved addresses option in the menu or settings where you can delete it?

No. 806353>>806357>>806367>>806379>>806386

Because he's extremely jealous and I went to a guy's house. I didn't do anything wrong mind you, I went to have him install some underbody lights.
I've thoroughly gone through all the settings and there's no setting to erase it smh

Maybe I shouldn't delete the address bc I didn't do anything wrong anyways, I just didn't want to have to deal with his rabid barking if i could avoid it

No. 806357

>he's extremely jealous
>didn't want to have to deal with his rabid barking
You know this is toxic, right?

No. 806367

You could google the model of the gps and look for its manual to see if it mentions saving addresses?

No. 806379

I’m sorry. I hope you know you deserve better and there are ways to safely get out.

No. 806386

You can and should avoid the rabid barking by dumping him right now.

No. 806391>>806419

Anons with IBS - do you take enzymes or probiotics? If yes what brand?

No. 806419

I had IBS for about 10 years and it mysteriously left after that (thank fuck) but back when I had it I found that any and all supplements/vitamins/anything health related in pill form made it worse weirdly enough.

No. 806437

Anons, would you forgive and keep being friends with a girl who's been cheating on your abusive bf and sending nudes to him7

I am trying to understand my Bipolar friend. She didn't forgive ex after many years, of course, but even after the fact happened she KEPT being friends with the girl, leading to her crying throughout this day about her being salty, seeing them lovey-doveing on internet. Now they ended up getting so close that she let her on her vent account (in which she at the beginning mostly whined about them). I don't fucking understand tbh. Ex and girl with which he cheated are still together n live together btw.

For years, everytime I'd tell her 'why tf did u keep being friends with her and only marked ur ex as an enemy' for years, to which she would never answer. That possibly could be because the girl is good at playing innocent.

No. 806438>>806446

Is it even possible to make friends in a pandemic if you’re not into social media? I’m okay at getting along with people face-to-face if we have similar interests but if there’s nothing that forces us together at regular intervals (school, work, hobby meetups) then I have no idea how to build a friendship with someone. Once I’ve befriended someone it’s relatively easy to maintain contact one on one over text or in small group chats, but I’m talking about the period before you’ve reached that point. It seems like many people get to know each other at their own pace by commenting on each other’s social media posts but that requires everyone involved to make regular social media posts and even the thought of that gives me serious anxiety. I guess I could make a semi-anonymous account just to comment but then I worry I’ll come off as creepy.

I wish I could just join a knitting circle or even a local forum or something. My country’s main forum has a hobby section but the last remotely relevant post there was made in 2015…

No. 806445

Half a year ago 3 days for tinfoiling on the rona thread. It was about vaxx passports and well, it came out to be true.

No. 806446>>806449

What causes blood vessels to pop? I just noticed some in my arm and I'm freaked out a little. Am I exercising too vigorously maybe?
This is something I also wonder about. I'm sort of a hermit but I would love to go out with some friends. Problem is, I don't have any. I also update my Facebook like once in 3 years so…yeah it seems pretty hopeless. Also I'm not vaccinated yet so can't go out to random outdoor programs in my area either

No. 806449

Edit: would love to go out with some friends once in a while

No. 806456

Pixie cuts are basically short hairstyles with bangs sometimes, right?

Doesn't that mean that dudes have pixie cuts too? Do you think they'd get mad if I'd point it out?

No. 806461>>806471>>806482>>806491

What's a good website for putting together moodboards? Not a phone app. I just wanna throw together some moodboards.

No. 806471>>806617

I feel like doing it in Photoshop would be the most convenient

No. 806482>>806617

Maybe PureRef?

No. 806490>>806512>>806514>>806540

Which do you think is easier, moving overseas to a new country alone or with a partner?

No. 806491>>806617

maybe bighugelabs
and there was this other site linked in the 'rate my taste thread', forgot the name

No. 806512

I think it's always easier to move somewhere with somebody, whether friend, partner or relative, you'd be there to support each other.

No. 806514

Alone. Being an immigrant is difficult as fuck.

No. 806540


Yeah, I did it twice alone. My advice is don't do it. It's very hard. It also depends on where you go, but basically being alone in another country is super alienating.
Being honest, I only did it because I was suicidal and this was my way of doing a radical change and it worked for that purpose, but it brought with it other problems.
My life is now in perpetual shambles cause of those stupid decisions.

No. 806549>>806554

Where irl, do I meet cute smart boys who aren't autistic and aren't already taken?

No. 806554>>806556>>806582

Maybe if you work at the United Nations, I’ve seen lots of cute and smart guys working there and cute couples as well. Working at the UN looks frustrating if not utterly boring though.

No. 806556>>806564>>806566

How utterly specific

No. 806564

Yeah, it’s honestly the only interaction I got with the outside world after dropping my uni studies, so it’s the only place I’ve regularly been to since they offer language courses. After attending those courses I could confidently say that there’s a bunch of beautiful people working at the UN.

No. 806566>>806572

anon must be UN recruiter

No. 806572

File (hide): 1621005813678.jpeg (113.45 KB, 526x685, 55503BE9-9AA4-49F5-9F2F-DBC260…)

No. 806582>>806588

Which headquarters UN-chan? NYC?

No. 806588>>806592

Addis, actually.

No. 806591>>806592

you guise, what the fuck is a "foreign national"? I've read the definitions I don't know how many times now and I STILL don't get it

No. 806592>>806595>>806597

What like in Ethiopia? What's it like there? I once had a friend from Ethiopia.

Anyone who is not a citizen: tourists, foreign students, immigrants (without citizenship), refugees, illegal aliens…etc. It's meant to avoid negative connotations.

No. 806595

ah okkkkk, thank you so much anon!

No. 806597

It’s okay, you can’t really go out much and the power and water services are shit, but It’s not that bad at times and if you keep yourself in a bubble. Going to the UN is quite the breather, I get to see pretty people and I get to learn a new language, even if there was not many things to do.

No. 806617

Yeah but then I have to install photoshop or some other program. I just want to make a few moodboards quickly

I'll check those out, thanks!

No. 806636>>806642

Absolutely do not cut it off. Do several 10-minute soaks in warm salt water daily, and it if still isn't healing, go to the doctor.

My ex had a wound after an ingrown toenail that he didn't take care of and refused to get looked at, it looked more and more gnarly and he had to take antibiotics several times until he finally got part of the nail removed

No. 806642

Okay thank you!! I'll keep soaking it in salt water then with a close watch.

No. 806649>>806650

Can anyone reply to this real quicj i want to see something

No. 806650>>806651

No. 806651>>806655

No fucking way… turns out i'm really invincible after all kek

No. 806655>>806661

what did you do?

No. 806658>>806671

File (hide): 1621016475223.jpg (21.83 KB, 500x281, 9240be201b9f4f651267b2e7506938…)

i am leaving my first apartment at the end of the month and my landlord keeps hounding me about doing showings. Only we are still in covid and i dont feel comfortable having people in my apartment that i dont know looking at my shit and probably coughing and shit lmao. this is a dumb question but when your landlord is doing showings do you have to leave your apartment? Even though i dont feel comfy with people being in my apt i also dont wanna see them because its fucking awkward. why the fuck cant landlords offer showings AFTER the tenant has moved out. This is so inconvienent and annoying and giving me anxiety.

No. 806661>>806669

File (hide): 1621016599946.jpg (131.37 KB, 1080x1378, 20210514_211944.jpg)

Iykyk. I guess it's been lifted or something? Also i'm possibly risking getting another one by posting this lmao. Don't know what the deal is but i'm not complaining since i didn't even do or post anything to deserve it in the first place

No. 806669

I once had that happen when I was using a vpn, no idea why kek

No. 806671>>806676

They don't do showings after the tenant moves out because they will lose money from letting the place be empty? How is this not obvious? Your landlord is giving you advance notice in case you want to leave or clean up, you're not required or expected to leave the apartment. If he's expecting you to showcase without him there, then you should tell him flat out no and/or insist on virtual showings (as simple as a video)

No. 806676

fuck them and their money LMAO jk but thanks i didnt think about virtual showings.

No. 806680>>806683

What OTC medicine do you guys like to take? My allergies are kicking my ass and I usually don't take meds for it but its bad this year.

No. 806683>>806748

For allergies I take otc zyrtec when I don’t have rx cetrizine. It works really well.

No. 806687>>806735

Is there some kind of Fireden archives but for here? I want to look for specific words across all the boards.

No. 806735>>806746>>806864

File (hide): 1621022105822.jpeg (50.7 KB, 777x144, 677E9022-6F08-4F54-A136-956328…)

There's a search button at the bottom of /ot/ homepage, don't know about the other boards though

No. 806742>>806758

Is there realistically any way to deal with strangers online starting rumors about you being trans (as in born male)?

No. 806746

I've been here for years, have scrolled down to the catalog button so many times and yet this is my first time noticing that search button

No. 806748

Thanks anon! I normally just deal with my allergies every year but I'm too pussy to deal with it this year so meds it is lol

No. 806750

What do anons recommend for a clothing rental service? I want to use it only once, but most seem expensive.

No. 806758>>806768

is this happening to you? that's weird. in the right situations leaning into it should get you woke points, right? social suicide but saying you're a TERF should work kek

No. 806764>>806778>>806817

Do you guys think y2k fashion would bring back a new wave of eating disorders again? I've seen thrift shops literally sell Japanese children's clothing for people from around 45kg to under 55kg, they seem to forget that this kind of clothing is made for children and will not fit a healthy adult woman. People are still buying them somehow cus I've seen girls here are so afraid of being more than 50kg and that is honestly horrific, sometimes people seem to forget that clothes are meant to fit us and we are not supposed to fit into clothes.

No. 806768

It's due to being involved in a male dominated hobby and decent enough at it to draw attention. I don't like having pictures of myself online so that doesn't help, but people have even said it after seeing pictures.
Part of the problem is that so many people in the SJW portion of the same community have this idea that it's not an insult to be called trans in the first place. I'd probably be called a TERF just for saying "btw I'm cis"

No. 806778

It already has KEK

No. 806817>>806871

Kinda not the point of your post but I'm kind of surprised that genderspecials haven't already brought a new wave of eds in strive for andronogy; super thin, no muscles no curves.

No. 806841>>806859

Always hearing anons say which kind of people are uninteresting so what kinds of people do you find interesting

No. 806859

People who are funny, people who say weird shit, have fringe(but not fucking insane) opinions, like niche things, just anyone who isnt a normie i guess

No. 806863>>806869>>806913>>806949

File (hide): 1621030323641.png (376.2 KB, 827x986, 145032300.png)

Why do furries have such a high concentration of trannies?

No. 806864

Wtf, I had never seen it before, probably because I only use the catalog view though. Thanks a lot!

No. 806869

Abnormal retardation attracts abnormal retards

No. 806871

That's already kind of happening. With ftms anyway. It's a very uncomfortable combo of idolizing gay thin men and eating disorders. And they make sure to remind everyone that men get eating disorders too.

No. 806879>>806887>>806897>>806898>>806957>>806965

File (hide): 1621031549685.jpg (75.79 KB, 1000x1000, 100pcs-1ML-Tiny-Small-transpar…)

Wtf can you do with these? I have a couple from something else I bought.

No. 806887>>806901

>mini terrarium keychain
>potion (colored liquid or resin inside) with label on front necklace/keychain
>save dried lavender, ground spicy dried pepper, or similar in it?
Google "mini charm bottle ideas" and get more ideas

No. 806897>>806901


No. 806898>>806901

Bottle up your period blood and make a mini bloody mary molotow cocktail

No. 806901>>806965

I think they're way too tiny for a terrarium (although that would be so cute, I love terrariums), but I like the other ideas. Thank you anons! I am actually currently on my period.

No. 806913

They have being autistic in common. Genderspecialism and identifying with animals are both manifestations of autism.

No. 806949

paraphilias occur easily in clusters

No. 806957>>806966

world's smallest glitter jar

No. 806965>>806966

When people make aquarium acrylic nails, they use a little bit of clear oil as water and green food dye to make a moss ball (it will naturally assume the shape of a sphere). Fun tip if you do wnd up wanting to make mini terrariums

Is it an etsy thing by any chance? You can make tiny spell jar earrings/necklaces/charms for witches and spiritual people to buy from you

No. 806966>>806968

That's actually what they were for lol. I bought nail decorations and those are the bottles they came in, but now some of them are empty.
Earrings sound cute! I thought about using that aquarium method to make some kind of potion looking thing. And nah, I'm not looking to sell them.

No. 806968

File (hide): 1621040601858.jpg (32.59 KB, 500x371, c08109a6378ef2ed0373f106053039…)

Ah, I meant like one of the ones with liquid that you shake and watch it fall to the bottom, sorry. i'm not sure if that'd translate well to a small size though

No. 806991>>806997>>807003>>807004>>807020

File (hide): 1621043386914.jpeg (136.02 KB, 750x894, 4578899B-2915-4FF7-8471-C5120F…)

how are you going to explain the millions of pictures and screenshots of random cows on your computer and phones? like what do you guys even do with them, delete them? document them? will they become artifacts once this website finally goes MIA?

No. 806997

File (hide): 1621043846561.jpeg (54.74 KB, 750x1065, 98842B93-2DE0-4FED-89D1-7E56EF…)

I've been filing all my caps and receipts in dedicated folders for years, I'm like the NKVD of autism

No. 807003

usually delete if somethings not worth keeping

No. 807004

I don't really participate in cow threads anymore, but I just delete it.

No. 807020>>807033

Unrelated but one time I had my phone on in my lap with the gallery open in class years ago when shayna had pussy boils and i unknowingly had a screenshot of her nasty pussy up for everyone to see and it was mortifying when I realized. I don't really have pics of cows too much anymore but now I try to make sure no one sees my gallery

No. 807033

File (hide): 1621047280006.gif (2.24 MB, 286x258, 245246356356.gif)

No. 807060>>807063

What are forward facing eyes and why are they a big deal?

No. 807063>>807071

File (hide): 1621051655116.jpeg (24.88 KB, 460x309, images (63).jpeg)

Animals that hunt have front facing eyes for better focus and depth and prey animals have side facing eyes for a bigger scope of vision so can they see predators almost in every direction and run away

No. 807070>>807074>>807076>>807083

File (hide): 1621052884947.jpg (183.06 KB, 1920x1080, E1MylpcXIAI30Fm.jpg)

Does sex really feel better than masturbation??

No. 807071>>807075

what about snakes and lizards then?

No. 807074

Hugging someone I had a crush on felt better than masturbation, so I would assume so.

No. 807075>>807077

Birds will eat them, they are weak, but venomous and sleezey.
A Lion is never going to worry about an eagle picking it up and eating it, snakes and lizards however will have to worry about lots of things.

No. 807076

Physically not usually, emotionally (if you actually care about them and vice versa) yes.

No. 807077>>807080

what about kodomo dragons or whatever they are called?

No. 807080

It doesn't hunt traditionally, though. They attack their preys and basically wait for it to die due to infections because his teeth and saliva are full of bacteria.
Kinda like crocs, they hunt differently, do their evolution is different to most hunters. It's not a 100% universal truth, just a rule of thumb.

No. 807082

What kind of weird/oddly specific thing you consider as a red flag in a person? For me its the kind of people that are in more than 3 controversial fandom, 1 or 2 may be bad taste but more than 3 is a pattern fo sho.

No. 807083

No. 807106

How do you know if sexually you love women more than men but emotionally you are very into a guy???
Girls turn me on a lot, men are ugly, yet I'm in love with a scrote

No. 807108>>807109>>807110>>807114>>807115>>807158

File (hide): 1621060901410.jpg (68.98 KB, 411x399, 20210514_153633.jpg)

Best hangover cures? I feel like ass nonnies

No. 807109>>807407

pozole and tacos

No. 807110>>807114>>807407

Greasy food. The kind that glistens and looks like trash and you would never eat otherwise.

No. 807114>>807407

greasy burgers are a better hangover treatment than greasy chicken in my experience, but either works. get fries too nona

No. 807115>>807407

bananas if you're on a diet

No. 807117

im 23 everything is closed and tinder is filled with obnoxious people how the fuck do i find the woman of my dreams.

No. 807118

File (hide): 1621063426215.jpeg (18.46 KB, 554x554, images (6).jpeg)

does anyone have the version if this meme but with sakura card captors??

No. 807158>>807407

eggs with a lot of salt, or quesadillas

No. 807161>>807165>>807490

How can you make it easier for someone to feel comfortable while being intimate? My bf was a virgin before meeting me, and every time I've tried to get him off he couldn't finish. He explained that he felt extremely nervous, that he was doing the wrong things, didn't know how to look "sexy" for me, and even that he felt selfish when he lets me touch him. He almost cried at the end because he couldn't "perform" for me and he felt like he let me down. I don't do PIV or ever want to, so it's not like he has to stay hard and cum, but I'd like to make him feel relaxed enough to do so.
I did my best to reassure him, and just have been touching him randomly to make him feel good and not as a means to an end (orgasm) but I wonder if this will make him feel more pressured/anxious. Also he has definitely been wonderful besides this, he's been getting me off every time and has been so passionate the entire time even though I take a while (sometimes more than an hour, since I'm also very nervous). Any ideas on how I can help him get over that mental barrier?
I was going to post this in /g/ but the sex advice thread seems ded.

No. 807163>>807178>>807183

File (hide): 1621077294307.jpg (40.55 KB, 640x429, midsomm2-640x429.jpg)

Does any of you have any experience of going for women-only getaways? Something like "mindfulness and yoga weekend" or women only short activity camps etc. I found out about things like that being organized and being stuck in very male dominated work environment I gotta say I'm really tempted, but I don't know anyone who's ever went for anything like that being an adult.
If you have zero experience like me, do you think you'd want to go?

No. 807165

what your bedroom is like? maybe it would help to make it more atmospheric? Have dim lights instead full or no lights at all, try long, not fully sexual foreplay like massage with oils or whatever, that could definitely help with relaxing and getting away from anxieties.

No. 807173>>807176

Sometimes if my stomach is acting up I'll get this accompanying pain in my lower back. My stomach itself wont hurt, just my back. It feels pretty similar to premenstrual pain. Is that a thing?

No. 807176

I get that too, though usually it's stomach pain from overeating specifically. I assumed it was because pain makes me tense and I could be holding my body in an uncomfortable way but idk, it's weird.

No. 807178

Anon, women only getaways are the only evidence we have that a kind God exists. I encourage everyone to do it at least once

No. 807182>>807184

File (hide): 1621080420863.png (109.29 KB, 1080x892, Screenshot_20210514-180934~2.p…)

It might be too specific but I use the japanese keyboard on Android and the circled part is an option to show you faster some kanjis with the pronunciation you entered. Is there any way to select which kanjis you want to see first? It always shows me some weird shit before the more common kanji I want to use.

No. 807183

I'm not socially outgoing enough to wanna spend my weekend among strangers but if I did, the women-only part sounds really nice.

No. 807184>>807190

idk about google keyboard but i'm using swiftkey and it suggests me my most used kanji

No. 807190

Ayrt, it doesn't really do that, like it proposes me very common stuff like 心 or 新 first but then it goes with a bunch of weird romaji spellings before showing some less common kanjis.

No. 807252>>807253>>807254>>807263>>807268

Is it my imagination or are we getting more and more homophobic anons these days?

No. 807253>>807257

As long as they're only homophobic to men, it's not a bad thing.

No. 807254

I think it's just the one person astroturfing

No. 807257

There's been an increase in anti-lesbian talk I think

No. 807259>>807288

Is Lily-Rose Depp well-known in France because of her mom or is she still not particularly relevant celebrity wise?

No. 807263

any space with a lot of anti-trans talk inevitably gets reactionaries who think they're in good company

No. 807268

Dyke-anon has been floating around for a while now if you're talking about her? She can't get through one sentance without using the word dyke a bunch of times coz she just hates those damn dykes

No. 807277>>807278>>807297

how to make someone fall in love with me? any tips and tricks are appreciated.

No. 807278>>807293

cook with your period blood and constantly leave hair everywhere where they'll see it clearly

No. 807279>>807284>>807286>>807289>>807291>>807325

How do y'all perceive women with deep voices? I've a very deep voice and I'm too used to it to understand how people feel about it. Scrotes get triggered by it so i think it's like a super power.

No. 807284>>807565

Beautiful, I wish my voice was deeper kek. I have a friend who has a low, deep voice as well and she always sounds self-assured, it's really lovely to hear her read things.

No. 807286>>807565

I have deep a voice from a short phase on testosterone, I like it, some scrotes clearly hate it. I feel like the kind of scrotes that act weird because of it aren't ones I'd get along with anyway. It only really highlights that.

When I show up to work early and my voice is at it's deepest (happens when I'm tired) the guys that'll chat away to me unfazed are the coolest guys. I've learnt that

No. 807287

Why are leftcow thread pics almost always red scare related when usually the milk/thread is about other dirtbag leftists (from when I skim the thread)

No. 807288

Ngl I don't care about celebrities but I don't think she is that famous there, she is "just" a model which is not enough to get the public's attention.
ot but she looks super old for her age wtf, it's like she inherited the worst traits of her parents

No. 807289>>807325

File (hide): 1621092850792.jpg (14.16 KB, 419x370, e3433e67.jpg)

It's nice when there's variation in depth when it comes to people's voices. Makes me curious and I'll probably think you sound super cool when talking with where your voice rests naturally. Let's just, idk, resonate out loud in a room together. It'll sound great I promise

No. 807291>>807565

I think it's cool when it's combined with an imposing stature. Like I know this lady who's in her 50's who's tall tall and fit (she was a model in her youth) who has a deeper voice and she just demands respect and vibrates strength and leadership through everything from her height to her posture to her voice to her behaviour, she's so damn cool. She's like my inspiration for when I grow older.

No. 807293

I'm looking for serious answers but thanks for the laugh, non

No. 807297>>807307>>807820

File (hide): 1621093859698.jpg (297.12 KB, 1494x1722, CKL8IQC.jpg)

Identify their emotional need and fulfill it. If they are nurturing type, be a poor wounded animal they can take care of, if they are shy inexperienced type, be the one to break them out of their shell, if they are indecisive and anxious, take their worries away by taking charge of their life. I know there is a book called Art of Seduction that deals with this type of seduction, but I havent read it myself, so I cant vouch for it.

No. 807307>>807313>>807334>>807820

This sounds like manipulative scrote tactics wtf. If this was in reverse I'd never want a man to knowingly and purposefully (ab)use my emotional need to get me to fall in love with him.

No. 807313>>807319

Nta but they said
>Identify their emotional need and fulfill it
And then you went to
>knowingly and purposefully (ab)use my emotional need
How'd you make that leap?

No. 807319>>807329

How is
>Identify their emotional need and fulfill it in order to make someone fall in love with me
>knowingly and purposefully (ab)using emotional need
It's literally using someone's emotional need to make something happen for yourself

No. 807325>>807565

Marry me aaaahhhh.
I like the way you think anon heh.

No. 807329

That's relationships

No. 807334

I don't think there's a way to "make" someone fall in love with you. Actually,"making" someone fall in love sounds kind of manipulative, like something you would do with black magic, idk

The only thing you can do is to show them who you are, flirt a little and hope this will spark some interest in them too

No. 807355>>807363

Anons in their late 20s/early 30s, did you notice having more difficulty losing weight?

No. 807363

I'm in a healthy range already but for all of my twenties I know I would randomly drop weight here and there, sometimes from stress, sometimes for no reason at all. Since entering my 30s theres been no random drops I've noticed. Been stressed to bits lately and if anything I'm bloated. That's new

No. 807367>>807372>>807394>>807422

For non-Americans, are there naming trends in your culture/language/community that are considered silly or trashy? I need to know if there’s like a German or Vietnamese version of Makayleigh.

No. 807372>>807785

In my country it would be phonetically transcribed foreign names, most notably Jessica and Brian (Dżesika, Brajan), they would always sound so weird paired with a normal polish surname. Usually they'd come from "lower class" families who were hoping that giving a kid foreign name would make them more 'worldly'.

No. 807376>>807386

File (hide): 1621101581404.gif (11.33 KB, 256x192, 1552091950624.gif)

Is there any way in hell to contact Japan Post from overseas? I have a package stuck in the shadow realm that left japan in early February but no updates since then, and it wasn't EMS.
Would it be rude to ask a Japanese friend to inquire for me if there is no other option?

No. 807378>>807387>>807391

File (hide): 1621101671152.jpg (933.43 KB, 4032x3024, b78sdaqnzfb11.jpg)

Has anyone here seen an individually wrapped potato irl? These are so wasteful, but I am so curious about them. Why do they exist

No. 807386

A friend had no idea where one of her parcel was, she sent it to herself from her Japanese address to her address back home. She had to send a fax somehow so finally learn that her parcel was in our country, just not in our city yet. If nobody can help you in Japan you'll have to send a fax.

No. 807387

Omg yes my dad bought one of them for my mom, I think you like poke holes in the plastic and can make a baked in the microwave? My mom wanted a baked potato after surgery and the ol’ oaf when to the store and bought the pre-wrapped microwave baked potatoes instead of a regular bag of potatoes, we had never seen them before!

No. 807391>>807393

I have bought them in the past but have since stopped. The ones I bought were marketed as being microwave spuds, and the plastic film traps the steam inside to cook the potato quickly. They were nice for work lunches

No. 807393>>807395

You can easily replicate the effect by wrapping the potato in damp paper towels! They also have microwave potato pouches that work even better

No. 807394>>807497

in Poland, some English/USA names are being used and definitely are considered trashy. Especially since they have to be spelled phonetically, you are not allowed to have the original spelling unless you have double citizenship or something close to that. So that's how we end up with the meme that is Brajan (=Brian, aka Brajanek = little Brian), Dżesika (Jessica) etc. Also, fancy names that are regularly in use are considered trashy if paired with unfitting last name (something like Vanessa Dung)

No. 807395

Thanks, anon! I'm going to have to try that out. I miss that fast, spuddy goodness

No. 807407

File (hide): 1621104562859.jpg (64.62 KB, 735x724, 1619971258392.jpg)

Thanks nonnies! Made a big greasy fry up then went on a hike. Feeling fresher than a daisy!

No. 807422

French and just using english sounding names, it makes you look like a reality TV addict (Kevin is synonymous with dumb dude here). I've never seen any localized version of names like the other anons though.
On the other side of the spectrum there's using some really old fashion names, you can instantly see who comes from a tradcath family, which makes you some kind of repressed loser.

No. 807490

tbh usually this indicates a history of abuse they need to work out in therapy

but also if you dont want PIV and are enjoying receiving other pleasure from him, don't feel you need to do the same for him if he doesn't actually want you to just because that's the norm

No. 807497>>807540

Dont forgetti Andżelika

No. 807503>>808038>>808075

Are there anymore threads with cows like "Preferribly Ellie/Stephine?" not someone who photoshops, but someone who skin walks and obsessed with looking like different actresses.
I read through all those threads and it's hilarious.

No. 807507>>807535

Why are people complaining about the algorithm on Twitter? Maybe I'm using the website wrong (only on mobile and I don't use the app) but I only see stuff from people I follow and what they retweet and everything appears in chronological order. There's the elusive sponsored tweet but it's mostly corporate crap I immediately block anyway.

No. 807519>>807539

File (hide): 1621113435895.png (241.65 KB, 382x417, 68FD12D0-3319-4139-B11D-627739…)

I got some matches on tinder a few weeks ago but I was busy with other things & haven’t had the time to text these people (back). Is it weird or awkward to text them now for the first time even though those matches are like 3-4 weeks old?

No. 807535

I only use the mobile website too but my timeline is a mess, tweets jumbled up so I’m seeing shit from hours ago above tweets from minutes ago. I don’t use it much anyway but it must be annoying if you’re trying to follow reactions to a developing news story.

No. 807539

it's a good excuse for an opener, briefly say what you were busy with and say sorry for the late reply, they'd probably actually be pleasantly surprised you still responded

No. 807540

I think this one has become normalized, but maybe I'm wrong. It almost seems like a normal name to me. Not as cringe as Brajan or Dżesika. Maybe I just got used to it cause some girls were called that when I was a kid.

No. 807565

Men ain't shit so I'm glad there's women that appreciate my voice type, is far, far more flattering.
>I feel like the kind of scrotes that act weird because of it aren't ones I'd get along with anyway.
>the guys that'll chat away to me unfazed are the coolest guys. I've learnt that
I had a similar experience, my voice kinda works like a test to discard shitty men, and it's very obvious by the first time I talk to them lmao
>she just demands respect and vibrates strength and leadership through everything from her height to her posture to her voice to her behaviour
That also happened to me too, I'm 5'8 (average scrote height in my country) and as men always get catty with me i had to develop a strong character who takes no shits and people just assume i know what do even tho i don't.

For the record, I'd say my voice does give me some privileges starting with people taking me way more seriously and actually hearing what i say, i didn't notice all of this until other women including family started pointing out that men didn't listen to them like they did with me and some even asked me to help them get heard which made me aware of misogyny to a deep level, I'm not man nor i sound like one but they took me seriously because they could see me as an equal of sorts and that fucked me up, i think it's quite unfair.

No. 807568>>807574

How do I spoiler something?

No. 807574>>808027

File (hide): 1621117058606.png (Spoiler Image,221.38 KB, 1142x684, imlikethathelpfulpaperclip.png)

If you're talking about text, I usually do two # on each side of the text. There's a guide in this post >>>/meta/6821 If you mean how to spoiler a photo, you just click the button in picrel after you upload the file.

No. 807577>>807590>>807631>>807657>>807660>>807679

Why do Lesbians love Hozier so much?

I'm really stoned and the internet doesn't help and I've been thinking about it for like 10 minutes now.

Help me Lolcow
Help me Lesbians

No. 807590

am lesbo, hate hozier
but i was a music snob long before i realised i was gay

No. 807631

Is it lesbians or is it "lesbians"?

No. 807655

Okay i googled this but it keeps misunderstanding the question.

How do i record the audion coming from my phone? Like sometimes im on a zoom/discord video call with my bf (on phone) and he does cute stuff like singing. I record the video with some application but the voice it presents with the video is my own voice from my earphones/mic. Do you guys know any app for this? Android user btw.

No. 807657

because hozier is good

No. 807660>>807699

Is she some famous anglo singer? I confess I don't rly care about the sexuality of the artists I like.

No. 807673

Does anyone here make YouTube videos showing their face? And if so, how did you get over the anxiety of putting yourself out there in the first place?

No. 807679>>807699

So I'm not sure if this will make sense because I too am stoned. First of all, Hozier is very pro-LGBT so that's a good start.
Second, he writes his love songs with a more wlw gaze. Like instead of the typical, "oh boy, i want to fuck you" scrote shit, but it is always with respect and admiration. His songs are always about adoring these strong and complicated women, which is rarely seen because when men sing about women they are objects or on a gross pedestal.

Make sense?

No. 807691>>807692

How big is the possibility of a person being "mentally ill" if they constantly talk nonstop over how mentally unwell they are, treat it like a quirky thing and also have a bunch of mental illnesses that doesn't match with their behavior at all?

No. 807692

maybe they don't have what they say they have, but sounds like there is something wrong with them if they're attention seeking like that

No. 807699

He's a white Irish alt/indie singer with a soft and artsy aesthetic. But exactly as >>807679 said, his good qualities actually seem genuine. No drama, no partying, doesn't really like being in the spotlight but has still been very critically acclaimed. Also his voice is legit amazing. I'm not really a fan of his genre but hearing him sing this totally unaccompanied was wild.

No. 807722

I'd put this in the graphic design thread but it's dead, so: what happened to fontpair.co? It used to have countless pairings; you could even sort by serif/serif, serif/sans-serif, and so on and still get multiple pages of pair ideas. Now it only has like, a dozen Google Fonts on hand. What gives?

No. 807775>>807787

which is less likely to give me constipation/diarrhea, a slice of ice cream cake or an eggroll? answer quickly my stomach is mad

No. 807776>>807781>>807782>>807788>>807791

File (hide): 1621142864739.jpeg (27.42 KB, 400x319, b65zjuiek3ehhmp75dyl.png.jpeg)

would you rather be broken up with because your SO cheated on you but them not telling you this is the reason– only giving you a vague reason because "ignorance is bliss" and they "don't want" to "hurt you" – or would you rather them telling you they cheated and leaving you the choice to either stay or leave?

No. 807780

I vaguely remember Youtube letting you tune recommendations by clicking an option that said something like "Don't recommend to me based on [this random video I watched]". Anyone know if that's still possible?

No. 807781>>807782

saged bc samefag, but the argument against the latter is that telling someone you cheated on them is not about being honest but to rid yourself of the guilt……………. and I'm feeling pretty awful after being told i was cheated on, almost suicidal, so maybe there's some truth to it? I would rather him have told me "hey I'm not ready for a relationship, let's break up" instead of this. Now I feel ugly and boring and repulsive.

No. 807782

just cut his balls off

No. 807785

>lower class families call their sons Brian
holy shit there too?? In mexico it is basically a meme. All shitheads are called Brian or Kevin and they probably rob people.

No. 807787

Eggroll is probably safest?? Ice cream is super likely to make your tummy hurt idk. The eggroll is fried but if it’s not really greasy you should be okay I think. Good luck anon

No. 807788

if STDs were magically not a concern, i think not knowing would be easier in some ways even if messed up. having closure is good but cheating is evil. however, if they were stupid enough to cheat then STDs probably are a concern and i'd want to know to get tested.

No. 807791>>807793

Well personally I would want to know because I value the truth even when it's painful and that way I'd know he was a cheating fucktard rather than just losing feelings for me. Plus I'd want to get checked for STDs. I'm sorry you're going through this though, and it's okay for you to feel differently. Please do not take his actions personally, his choice is a reflection of him being pathetic, stupid and desperate for affection anywhere and everywhere, not because you are somehow deficient.

No. 807793>>807801

>not because you are somehow deficient

This just seems like cope anon, that's vastly nice of you, but it's not true. I mean, at the very least I wasn't sufficient to him. Hopefully I'll be sufficient to someone else

No. 807801>>807802

But it is true, he's the deficient one. A healthy individual who willingly entered into a monogamous relationship would be satisfied with a single partner they loved. An unhealthy individual keeps looking for affection elsewhere. Hence why men cheat on even the most smart, beautiful and talented women with whores and maids. It's really not about you. You're thinking with your ego rather than logic, which is understandable considering the very personal wrong he has committed against you, but I hope once you get some space and time to heal you'll understand that. In a way you're right, you're not sufficient for him - but no single woman is going to be sufficient for him until/if he grows up. Cheaters look to fill gaps in themselves with other people.

No. 807802>>807807>>807808

If true, I don’t know if it’s any better, knowing I was just used as some void-filler and that they really didn’t love me for me, but for how I made him feel about himself. It’s dehumanizing … sage because ot sulking

No. 807807>>807808

It is, and you deserve better. I'm sorry anon

No. 807808

emotional cheating is also the worst. Why would you need anybody else if you already have a bond and share mutual intimacy with someone ? how many people do you have to be emotionally intimate with?

thanks nonny

No. 807820>>807827>>807831>>808435>>808597

File (hide): 1621148915103.png (66.78 KB, 566x618, 2345.png)

I downloaded the book, started reading it, and… yeah. Manipulative shit

No. 807827

Wtf it literally calls the other person your “victim

No. 807831>>807886

can you use these tactics if you're trying to score someone you think would be a lot more manipulative than you?

No. 807836>>807841

Why do British people (and maybe other people idk) so regularly refer to their spouses as 'partners'? In the US most people seem to say boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, whatever. Do British people just like to keep you guessing about their sexuality?

No. 807841

Not British but it's common in my country too, they just want to convey that it's a serious, adult relationship despite not being married. Bf/gf sounds too casual in comparison, and a bit childish when you're older. It's not them playing the pronoun game to make their sexuality a mystery, though it still makes me consider they might be gay every time I hear it.

No. 807842>>807843>>807846>>807885>>807915

File (hide): 1621150379629.png (5.3 KB, 182x203, 1620855911744.png)

I have a "special someone" who isn't my boyfriend, but we have agreed to be exclusive to each other. Still, we are basically nothing.

I have 2 guys who want to eat my pussy and one girl. The special someone I'm talking about is a LDR type of deal. Again, we're not in a relationship. And I'm a horny mf, should I just let the 3 people I'm talking about eat my cunt out and obviously not tell this person?

No. 807843>>807844

If you are unfulfilled in your relationship with this special someone you should probably just break it off. LDRs only work if you are head over heels about each other and even then, it is tough. if you are even considering letting three people eat you out, I'd say you aren't really in love and should just cut ties.

No. 807844>>807845>>807847>>807848

I do love this person, but like, the opportunity to get free sex is there too you know? I don't love the other 3 people at all. It would just be something casual that no one has to know about

Or do you think it would make me guilty in the end? legit question

No. 807845

Samefagging but I'm not letting them cum in me or anything. Maybe I'll just let them fondle my tits a little and then tbh that'll be all.

No. 807846>>807849

You agreed to be exclusive which is basically a relationship already. That would make sexual interactions with others cheating and make you a worthless piece of trash for doing that.

Just break it off and then you can hoe as much as you want.

No. 807847

I would feel guilty, and I don't think I could bottle it up forever. It's a decision you will have to make anon but presumably you'd be hurt if this person did it to you? For selfish reasons even, I wouldn't do it just because I'd feel very shitty afterwards.

No. 807848>>807850>>807851

You dont love them if you are thinking of cheating already. Especially in the beginning of a relationship you should only be thinking about that person.

Honestly you sound like such a shitty person, scrote tier scummy behavior.

No. 807849>>807852>>807854>>807895

He told me he isn't ready for a relationship, and I told him I'm not either. We just want to have sex when he comes and visits me. We literally stablished we're not in a relationship.

Idk, in a way, it makes me happy to see these people actually wanting me, it boosts my ego. I'm not someone who usually gets that many people interested in me. So it's like, "wow I haven't had my tits sucked in a while, I actually wanna see how it feels again" and… yeah.

No. 807850>>807895>>808137

You can say that, but it's not like I'm giving you all the deets about the relationship. When I wanted to get serious and commited to him, he basically chickened out and said that he isn't ready and that he doesn't feel romantic love for me but still wants me to take his virginity. So yeah. It's a weird situation. I did/do love him but he also has done me many wrongs (I don't really want to disclose more in fear of outing myself out).

No. 807851>>807857

I was suspicious of the idea that 'free sex' is something of interest to the anon, weird phrasing. But anyway, if you guys aren't in a relationship but are exclusive (sounds confusing like some real Ross & rachel shit) you are still doing something you don't want the other person to find out that you are doing. So don't do it, or break up, or say to the person you are considering having sex with other people and see what they say.

No. 807852>>807853

You are trash and if you are really a woman you are an embarassment to our gender. I hope you are just a LARPing tranny who jerks off to these weird fantasies.

No. 807853>>807856>>807857

Cool, but do you think I care what a rando on an imageboard says? I just want to have sex, he hurt me, and asked if I should or not. All else is just unnecessary moralfagging

No. 807854>>807858

So… you're FWB?

No. 807856>>807858

if you didn't care then why did you ask for opinions in the first place

No. 807857

>do you think I care what a rando on an imageboard says
Nta, but you literally asked for our opinion on what you should do, so clearly you do care. Anyway this anon >>807851 is right imo.

No. 807858>>807862

Yeah, I guess so
Hmm… the thing is I don't feel that guilty
I'm here to ask a question, not to be scolded. There's a difference

No. 807862>>807864

>I came here so you would tell me my bad behavior is totally ok and I dont need to feel bad about it
You are very childish. Just do everyone a favor and dont commit to exclusivity that you are clearly not willing to stick to. Just break it off you selfish baby.

No. 807864>>807865>>807867>>807869>>807877>>807890

Tbh I was hoping for a more FDS kind of response since that's popular here, as in "If he already told you he doesn't want a relationship then you can do whatever you want". Again, he hurt my heart telling me he didn't even love me, all this time. And it's not like I'll have full on sex with these people. Sucking a tiddie is not sex lmao

No. 807865>>807868

Even more reason to break it off with him. The other person treating you badly means it is time to end it, it is not justification to cheat. Betraying their trust makes you an even worse person than them.

Any sexual act with another person is cheating. You know this. God you are such a turd.

No. 807867>>807868

My whole thing is, if he hurt you so bad then why did you agree to be in a exclusive ldr? And why won't you break up with him if you no longer want to be in this relationship?
>Sucking a tiddie is not sex
…what? You said you wanted to have sex with 3 other people and have them eat you out. It would still be cheating anyway.

No. 807868>>807870

The thing is, yes I know it's a bad thing to do. I know this yet I feel no guilt, but it's like, I could tell these people to fuck off anytime for him too. But right now I don't know if I can do much "for him" though. Since he really fucking hurt me when I was very, very in love with him.

>you are such a turd

Yeah probably, it's weird not feeling any guilt for this, like, I seriously don't know what's wrong with me. But at the same time I feel nothing wrong, idk really

I still have feelings for him.

No. 807869

you're looking for a bunch of anonymous people to give you permission to cheat on some guy who broke your heart. Step back and reflect anon - break up?

No. 807870>>807872>>807875

Samefag but I think what I feel is, if they suck on my tits a bit it's not really sex so it isn't cheating. I control up to where they can go. The only thing I am scared of is the eye for an eye situation but if I never tell him, is there truly a problem?

No. 807872>>807873

That is cheating, wtf. That's like saying kissing another person while you are in a relationship isn't cheating. In fact, I would say breast sucking is worse. Why are you doing all of these mental gymnastics instead of breaking up with him

No. 807873>>807874

Because I love him ughhh but I'm sexually frustrated, I love him so much but he's far away and it's not like he wants a relationship with me right now anyways. He just wants to come to my place and fuck me. I'm not his girlfriend, so what's wrong with me experimenting without him knowing? I have no feelings for the other people so I don't feel like I'm cheating.

No. 807874>>807876

I think you know this guy is a dick, consciously or subconsciously, and you're looking for justifications wrt you wanting to hurt him back. I can tell you that won't make you feel better long term. He probably doesn't care about you beyond wanting you to take his virginity (weird, not normal behavior, red flag anyway) so nothing you do is likely to even hurt him the way you hope/think it will. Just move on for your own good if you're being real, anon.

No. 807875

> if they suck on my tits a bit it's not really sex so it isn't cheating.
Lmaooooo whatever you need to tell yourself to find fulfillment you're not getting with your ~exclusive~ but not really bf

No. 807876>>807880>>807881

But then isn't it better if I just fuck the other people and him too since he doesn't want to be my bf and he just wants to fuck? Why deprive myself out of people making my tits feel good

No. 807877>>807882

Honestly girl I think you need to decide for yourself whether you think you are exclusive or not. You can't be exclusive AND not be in a relationship at the same time. If he told you he doesn't want a relationship, you're not exclusive and you should fuck those other guys if that's what you want. But don't pretend you're exlusive cuz you're not, don't let a dumn guy who doesn't want to invest by making it official keep you on a leash.

No. 807879

File (hide): 1621154017423.jpg (122.08 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Anon really isn't gonna give up until we tell her to just cheat

No. 807880>>807882

Because at the end of the day you will still probably want to face yourself, and sleeping with a bunch of people and not telling someone who believes you are "exclusive" is unethical, even if your heart IS broken. The guy sounds like a shithead, but you will be a shithead too if you break any sort of promise that you two have made. It isn't even about what you may or may not do to him, it is about how you will feel after. It's very shallow to think that 'your tits feeling good' will counteract any bad feelings you'll have about yourself weeks, months, years whatever down the line. Obviously in the end its your choice but cheating is never justified, and if you just want to experience sexual gratification then tell him what you want to do and see what he says.

No. 807881>>807882

Don't? Nobody is stopping you. But then don't say you're exclusive when you're clearly lying.
Just one question, do you really want to fuck all those people or are you just doing it to make him jealous/fill a void/prove some point?

No. 807882>>807883>>807888

I mean, yesterday he just told me he "loves me as a human being" but that he's "not ready for a relationship" because he needs irl touch. As in, he probably does love me, but he's keeping this up to when we finally hang out irl and do our stuff. The guy is pretty sweet, but very, very stupid. He said he's not looking for anyone else in the meantime or even after we do our do irl, because he just isn't ready (he's a manchild with a fear of commitment, and he wants to "work on himself")

So yeah, I do love him. But tiddie suck is very enticing too

Ugh, I know, I know, I've thought about the guilt down the line too. But also… it's not like he loves me loves me. I'm not going to sleep around, it's just going to be some kisses and some tiddie touch and suck and that'll be it, I can make myself forget on command either way tbh, plus I've become super forgiving of myself so… as long as we aren't 100% commited what damage can it really do?

Nahhh, I don't want to tell him or make him jealous. I just see someone else touching me as not such a big deal, the problem here is actually hurting him though. Which I obviously know it won't happen because I'll never tell him.

No. 807883>>807885

What, this was about e-dating all along?

No. 807884>>807887

File (hide): 1621154474201.png (53.47 KB, 239x775, A75A41F6-2ADD-477E-B57C-A7D05C…)

What’s with all the insane autism going on in choachan right now? It reminds me of ashreha’s garden before the fall. Is this all being done by the tumor girl? Who is she btw? All I know is she’s a retarded wannabe vtuber who streamed herself working at a suicide hotline on the board and accidentally doxed herself in the process. I don’t even know her username so I can laugh at her because it keeps getting deleted.

No. 807885>>807889

Yes, I mentioned it here

No. 807886

You could but it could also backfire and why are you trying to get with a manipulative person anyway? They are damaging to your well being and your soul. Especially if you actively know they’re toxic then just steer clear nonny

No. 807887>>807896

Holy shit that sounds amazingly milky, tell us more please

No. 807888

You keep saying it'll "just" be titty sucking, tbh I feel like you'll end up doing more than that. Anyway, clearly you're already sure that you want to go through with this despite the advice that anons gave you.

No. 807889

I missed that. Okay so you're
- in an online relationship
- with a manchild
- who doesn't want to commit
- but tries to keep you on a leash by pretending you're exclusive when you're not

dunno anon you stand nothing to gain here. You can either demand you make it official or you're not and can go fuck other people. I'd straight up tell him that I'm going to fuck other people because we're not in a relationship. That's my final verdict.

No. 807890

>FDS kind of response
You obviously understand nothing about FDS and are just twisting vague motions to your benefit. 1) They say to immediately drop a man if he makes it clear he doesn’t want a relationship with you past a certain point and if he’s mistreated you before. This dude has done both. 2) Are against casual sex before committed relationships, and yes, “titty sucking” and whatever else you’re discussing with these other people counts. You want to cheat on an asshole e-boyfriend with people who just want to interact with your body sans any affection. Whatever, just own it.

No. 807895

imagine promising exclusivity to a scrote that doesn't even care enough to pretend to be your LDR boyfriend. This is some retarded shit. Drop his ass.

No. 807896>>807917>>807921

File (hide): 1621155891471.jpeg (20.15 KB, 275x275, 6C27161F-28A3-4FE3-9B90-F3CAE2…)

ata and I don’t have all the details, I only skimmed btsg and the current dumbass shit thread for this information. Some random retard keeps spamming her fave group of nobodies in every thread that gets bumped on the front page, posting bait comments while avatarfagging for her favorite group. Eventually she gets too comfortable and links to a stream of herself as an attempted vtuber OR she linked a tiktok and anons checked her username and found out her identity and the suicide hotline thing. I think it’s the latter because I saw a reply to her deleted comment and it looked like she was posting her old tiktoks. She regulary posts on imageboards and is trying to get famous. This was the comment summarization I read
>shes a treasure stan (teume=tumor) trying to become a famous streamer/vtuber god knows why. A low point was her streaming her volunteer work on a suicide chat hotline and basically doxxing herself. She’s been banned from a lot of forums for being annoying, offensive and/or endlessly promoting her nugu channel

But it still doesn’t provide any links, usernames, and all the videos she posts gets deleted. Apparently she does this spamming, incoherent retardposting on other boards until she finally gets banned so it’s only a matter of time. Right now she made a thread about how choachan admin is a man and the site is looking for a new admin, and bumped every thread on the main board with a comment that admin is a man.

No. 807915

It's not wrong to date around but tell this dude that unless he wants to be your boyfriend you aren't exclusive and date whoever you want. Unless you want to be exclusive with someone you don't meet idk

No. 807917>>808145

Holy shit that's prime milk, link to that thread?

No. 807921>>808145

>shes a treasure stan (teume=tumor)
What does this mean, where does this word come from?
Also she should get a thread here, if not a general choachan milk thread

No. 807925>>807928>>807930>>807931>>807934>>807943

Not including North Korea, do you think there is a single country in the world where not even one of its citizens use lolcow.farm?

No. 807928


No. 807930

Probably? There’s a lot of countries with tiny populations where most people don’t speak English.

No. 807931


No. 807934

I mean think of the vpns too, I think there's a least 1 person from each country thanks to vpns

No. 807943

I don't think there's a ton of users from SEA countries aside from expats, least likely country would be Bhutan. Lolcow is probably blocked in China (but they use VPNs).

No. 807952>>807965>>808001


No. 807963

I ran out of shower gel so I just washed myself with 2in1 shampoo and conditioner today. Got me wondering, hairy anons… do you condition your fuzzy spots? Is that a thing worth doing?

No. 807965>>807969

>He said calmly.

No. 807969

Kills me everytime. I like the second dumbledoor tbf. I liked his spunk.

No. 807996>>807997>>808003

what's with bpd-chans and sanrio

No. 807997

I want to know too, but my tinfoil is that because its a cutesy thing that makes them feel 'uwu smol', which is another excuse on their mental illness and doing nothing in life but making others miserable around their 'the world should resvole around me' mentality.

No. 808001

>The goblet of FIYAA

No. 808003

I'm old and past the worst of my bpd but theres the sanrio connection and then often the abdl one too.. childhood trauma is what bpd stems from so makes sense. Stunted emotional growth after either a neglectful or dysfunctional upbringing.

No. 808012

how to get over a relationship that ended years ago?

No. 808027

Shocked every time I see jungle in the wild, you madwoman

No. 808038

She's the only celebrity one on here I believe, but there are a few skinwalker threads


>Erin Painter

No. 808044>>808050

How does my kpoppy friend expect me to respond when she sends pictures of her merch for her favorite kpop boys? Like when she messages "look at my toploaders" and sends our gc pictures of random korean men I've never seen before, what does she expect me to say? How handsome the random korean man is? How extensive her collection is?

No. 808046>>808051>>808064>>808094>>808110

Why do people care so much if someone has an onlyfans? It’s either they’re clutching their pearls or it’s thinly veiled jealousy.

No. 808048>>808055>>808084

After I get my covid vaccine, should I stay at San Antonio or Miami Beach? What do burger anons recommend? I would be on my own and I don’t know how to drive btw

No. 808050

You could just go for a safe response like
>wow! How cool!
>looks really Nice!
>are those just your favorites or like the whole band?
>who are they again?
Most of the time they love it when you ask about them so they can start reciting all the information they’ve acquired about them.

No. 808051

Idk about other people but I do find it hilarious some of the normie women that start onlyfans. You thought they were narcissistic before they started shilling their nudes and than start acting like an infamous baddie within the few months then more often than not, spiral. It's interesting to watch.

No. 808055

No. 808064

I just think it’s sad to see women creating an onlyfans for attention, I mean, if you want to post saucy pictures on your social media, cool, they’re nice, but most of the time I feel like they end up doing actual porn and it’s shitty because of the way they get treated by scrotes, since they’re unable to treat their fantasies with any sort of respect and such.
Even if you don’t care about the comments and the coomers, it must quite mentally exhausting having to deal with a bunch of scrotes that are your clients and that are willing to pay lots of money to the models for doing degrading stuff.

No. 808075

Kittyphine and Erin Painter

No. 808084

San Diego has nice beaches if you wanna consider other options

No. 808094>>808100

Nobody is jealous that you prostitute yourself. It's fucking sad how normalized whoring is now.

No. 808100

this. people are so fucking stupid for brainlessly opening a nsfw onlyfans account without thinking of any consequences. its sad how normalised it is to a point where i'd see a barely 18yo kid creating a porny OF.

No. 808110>>808115

I think it's likely many will regret it someday or pay a mental price they didn't expect. That's their own risk to take though. We all live and learn and take risks that may or may not pay off.

I never sold myself but when I was younger I made poor decisions when it came to my sexual lifestyle. I worry that sometimes sex positivity is only helping to lead lambs to the slaughter, so to speak. My 30 year old ass knows things my 18 year self wishes she knew back then.

No. 808115>>808118>>808119>>808120>>808127

>My 30 year old ass knows things my 18 year self wishes she knew back then.
But would you know those things if you never had those experiences in the fist place?

No. 808118

nayrt retard alert

No. 808119>>808124>>808131

Most people who aren't libfems know that having lots of casual sex is not empowering for women as they make you want to believe. You don't need to sleep around to know that.

No. 808120

Also nayrt but I’m assuming 30 year old Anon’s mistakes aren’t splashed across the internet for the world to see.

No. 808123>>808145>>808254

File (hide): 1621181272945.jpg (Spoiler Image,448.91 KB, 1536x2048, gore.jpg)

This man is autistic, doesn't shower, is morbidly obese, couldn't land a job at Target despite applying seven(7) times, is overall cringe due to his utter lack of social skills, and yet he somehow has a gf.

Women, why are you like this?(scrote)

No. 808124>>808126>>808152

People dont have casual sex because it is "empowering", they do it because horniness.

No. 808126>>808139>>808140

Cope. Acting as if a scrote cares about the pleasure of his one-night stand and that fucking random men is in any way satisfying. lel.

If you are horny buy a vibrator that will get you off better than any man can. If you want to have sex with a man there is this cool thing called a relationship in which you can have sex as many times as you want with someone who cares about you and actually will put in work to learn what you like.

No. 808127

I get what you mean. My wish is that I could've avoided them altogether if I'd had more guidance. That'd be in an ideal world. I'm still pretty affected by the situations I walked into back then.

No. 808131

Alot of women sleeping around dont understand what the real underlying drive is. I didn't sleep around for empowerment but I had poor social skills and entering a 'kink lifestyle' as a young woman I got to experience this instant popularity. I had been awkward and isolated before that. It ultimately wasn't worth it though. Long term it's been one of my major regrets.

No. 808137

off topic but why would anyone in their right mind want to loose their virginity to someone they have no romantic interest in? Is it so it doesn't sting once they eventually break up as much as it would if it were someone they loved? weird but smart?

No. 808139>>808141>>808143

I have a question, why do you get so defensive about this? I am not saying that you or anyone else should be having casual sex, but is it so hard for you to conceive that there are women who genuinely enjoy it?

No. 808140

Nta, I stopped having sex with guys a couple years back when I sat and thought about it honestly. I do get more pleasure from a dildo than the average no strings fuck with a guy. I was in some serious denial about that. For me there was always this emotional need that I didn't want to admit to..I wanted attention more than anything so I settled for the most meaningless fleeting form of attention. When I examined it like that.. investing in fancier sex toys made more sense than hitting up apps again.

No. 808141>>808144

Because you are told that you should enjoy it, when you actually don't. Women only have casual sex cause they are literally brainwashed into thinking it is fulfilling, cool and empowering to be "just like the boys" and have sex without feelings, when that is not how women work at all. It's very damaging to young women so yes, it pisses me off to see that kind of shit encouraged everywhere by libfems and see 18 year old girls brag about "having 200 bodies" and opening OnlyFans on their birthday. It's tragic.

The only reason women do any of this is for validation and you should find your validation not from selling your body and sleeping with random scrotes, you should find it within yourself because you are smart, develop a skill or contribute to society in a meaningful way.

No. 808143>>808146

Probably because despite desiring casual sex, most women who engage in it report having negative experiences. Can't remember where I saw the article, but it's true. Most males treat their hook ups like a fleshlight.

No. 808144

Ntayrt but while I don't think it's entirely black and white, you're right that a lot of women think they're having sex for pleasure when really they're having it for validation. It's not something you tend to have dawn on you til you're reflecting on it much later on. I think that's common enough. Men fuck around for pleasure but with women it can have all these hidden motivations behind it.

No. 808145

File (hide): 1621183509076.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.82 KB, 630x350, JpqPFHD.jpg)

Ew looking at this makes my chest itch and feel uncomfortable
Mods deleted the thread she made and I didn’t screenshot because it seemed useless she’s going to get permabanned anyways and there was no definitive proof it was her, also she clearly wants attention from kpopfags so I didn’t want to actively feed into that by immortalizing her via screenshots
but there’s still her comment on every thread in /kpop/. I’m not linking because I think it counts as advertising, but you can just go to choachan.cafe and go to the bts general thread. Search the thread (there’s only one) for “suicide” and the comments talking about her should be there. But her actual antics seem wiped from the entire site. Picrel I saved a picture she used during her attempt to troll the previous bts thread by calling the members trannies and asexual. Teume is the abbreviation of the korean pronunciation of “Treasure Maker” which is the fandom name she’s a part of, and what korean fans call themselves. The romanization would be like [Teu]rae-jeo [Me]i-keo.

No. 808146>>808149>>808165

I think I found that article, according to which only 50% of man and 24% of women view casual hookups as positive. But also
>People who viewed hooking up positively were more likely to have positive experiences with hooking up. If you believe it will be a good experience, or a bad experience, it seems that this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. So, if we are telling women that casual sex is negative and unfulfilling, it may be that we are creating this outcome in women, who might otherwise be unbothered by just hooking up. A recently published article on the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality examines the issue of casual, or recreational sex, and finds that for both men and women, casual sex improves their feelings of sexual satisfaction. But, for men and not for women, recreational sex improves their overall feelings of happiness and sexual self-esteem.

No. 808149>>808159>>808164

> if we are telling women that casual sex is negative and unfulfilling, it may be that we are creating this outcome in women
Diff anon but surely women would have less nsa sex, rather than still having it and just disliking it more? That seems more likely to me

When I was young I thought sexually active people were winning at life so I stayed pretty sexually active. I had high hopes but it was mostly meh tbh. A handful of genuinely good memories among too many mundane ones. I wish we could get rid of the whole virgin equals loser thing.

No. 808152>>808162

Most of them dont do it because they're horny or because of empowerment…they do it to feel desired but most of them eventually learn that men wanting to fuck you, does not mean they desire you.

No. 808159>>808179>>808182

Women are having less casual sex and even tinder is taking a hit

No. 808162

Isn't this just the sad truth.

Attention/validation/feeling hot because a man wants you. Then you realize half the porn out there is freakshow stuff that still gets their dicks hard. If you're female you automatically could bed most men you meet if you wanted to. It's not even an accomplishment but I've been in that messed up headspace. Thought I was proving myself desirable. I didn't value myself all that much in general.

No. 808164

>I wish we could get rid of the whole virgin equals loser thing.
Completely agree, but I feel like lot of anons here overcorrect and go back to straight up slut shaming.

No. 808165>>808169

This is exactly the kind of bullshit they try to push on women. Never trust any of this "science". The reality is just that sex with men fucking sucks unless you train the man how to please you and he is actually attentive and knows your body/your reactions. Women aren't as easy as men when it comes to sex and everyone knows this.

The only "positive" women get out of casual encounters is validation, attention and feeling desired. Which you shouldn't get from fucking random scrotes but from within yourself and for your accomplishments.

Zoomer women are gonna be so fucked up because of this bullshit and I feel genuinely sorry for any woman who has to grow up in this "sex positive" hellworld where your classmates are all waiting to turn 18 to open their OnlyFans accounts.

No. 808169>>808172>>808174

Zoomer girls arent even seeing that even though this sex positive stuff is preached, zoomer men still have pretty virgins as their dream girl like all the men generations before them lol

No. 808172>>808177

Same fag and I can see 10+ years from now when the scrotes are in marrying age complaining about all their potential marriage partners having only fans or being whores in the past

No. 808174>>808189

Yes, this will also eventually flip back around when people realize that making every woman a whore is going to destroy our society. Then suddenly all the women who had OnlyFans accounts and are now in their 40s will be made to feel like shit again and shamed for it.

You can't unfuck yourself in the ass on camera. That shit is forever and you WILL regret it. Maybe not today or tomorrow but 100% 20 years from now when you want to have your own family.

No. 808177

There was a case lately where a married woman either hit her head and died or her husband killed her..that was the big question. I watched vids covering it and lots of men think she deserved it because she did either OF or similar. Her husband had been supportive of her job and the income and he took the photos! But it's still totally understandable if he wanted to just smash her head in one day?? Men were really sticking up for him. Sick how they view situations like that.

No. 808179>>808182>>808184

I can believe that. Dating apps were newish sort of and they've been around for a couple of years. It's always funny reading reddit accounts of men trying to get the most out of apps and blah blah blah, when really, when it comes to most men you can't polish a turd so women are getting burnt out with all the dickheads. Talking with women in my own circles the general consensus these days seem to be it's better to be content with one's own company than settle for a dickhead. Even the ones that got married early are even backing out of those relationships, women are finally catching on.

No. 808182>>808190

I mean.. this could just be covid related, I wouldn't consider this a win yet. Of course people will have less casual sex with strangers during a pandemic.

No. 808184

I can't say how many times I've randomly come across men complaining online lately 'women on dating apps have insane standards now, who tf do you think you are, you ain't nothing special becky'

Men have been on apps trying to punch above their weight for years now. I'm guessing women are getting a lil sick of it. Tough luck guys. Date within your own league maybe?

No. 808189>>808195>>808225

>making every woman a whore is going to destroy our society.
Slow down on that incel juice, friend
I don't agree with the normalisation of OF either but maybe put the blame where it belongs instead of slutshaming? I actually hope that the one good thing to come out of this is that slutshaming loses its bite and becomes one less weapon used to control women

No. 808190

Not really. I broke up during covid and went on apps and there's plenty of people still going on dates. I hadn't used apps for a few years and some of my friends met their boyfriends through them so I thought why not. After about 2 months and a few dates in person I tapped out. Men don't get any wiser with age, in fact the process to weed them out is quicker. Most of the time a meeting wasn't even needed, the text based conversations were enough.

No. 808195>>808200>>808201>>808208>>808219

Go back to twitter. Making every woman a whore will absolutel destroy our society because it makes women a commodity and assigns their value based entirely on how good they are at fulfilling men's fantasies. Yes this should be shamed and discouraged.

In fact we should bring back shame for a lot more things. Furries and BDSM kinksters need to be forced back into their basements. Men who wear women's underwear to jerk off should be forced to do it in secret in their bedrooms instead of out in public while calling themselves women. Bring back shaming people for their abnormal and degenerative behavior and lack of moral values.

No. 808200>>808204

>Making every woman a whore will absolutel destroy our society because it makes women a commodity
>BDSM kinksters
>Men who wear women
Please explain what these three have to do with commodities, because to me it seems like you are a sexually repressed freak that projects her own self-hatred onto others.

No. 808201

The radfem archetype from the shitpost thread rears her head, eh?

No. 808204

Do you have an issue with reading comprehension?

No. 808208>>808210>>808218>>808229

You think that a world where women go back to hiding their bodies and being shamed for casual sex is a world where women aren't still a commodity valued "entirely on how good they are at fulfilling men's fantasies"? Just read a book set in the fifties and you'll see that's wrong. Your puritanical fantasies are warped, women are no more empowered or free in conservative societies, slutshaming is just another patriarchal tool

No. 808210>>808213>>808214

Nta but we are still in that world. The only difference now is men think they can run through those women while they're young and then settle down with a innocent virgin when they get old.

No. 808213>>808216>>808229

No, the difference is that you dont get disowned for premarital sex and dressing provocatively cant be used as defense for rapist. Seriously, get a grip you weirdos and stop doing this trad "not like other girls" routine.

No. 808214

>sexually repressed freak

Exactly, the only difference is that now moids think they are entitled to free no-strings-attached-sex. How is that a win, exactly?
At least in conservative societies moids had to work hard for sex and after getting it they had to live with the same woman and provide for her for the rest of their lives.
How the fuck is being expected by society to provide free sex for nothing, a win for women?

No. 808216>>808222

Women still do get disowned for who they have sex with and people still blame women getting sexually assaulted because they were drunk or dressed sexy. Idk what planet you live on.

No. 808218>>808228>>808236>>808257>>808277

File (hide): 1621188638434.png (183.81 KB, 859x799, statistic.png)

And yet, women have never been this unhappy.

source: http://ftp.iza.org/dp4200.pdf

Casual sex and whoring does not make women happy. It makes men happy. You are debasing yourself because men tell you that you are a cool girl who is free and powerful and not ashamed of her body. You also let the porn industry tell you that people who don't spit in each others mouth and whip each other are sexually repressed.

No. 808219

No. 808221>>808223>>808244

File (hide): 1621188745568.jpg (118.63 KB, 566x642, 1619863468273.jpg)

My special someone has noticed my moody bpd whiplashes. Uh-oh, what do now?

No. 808222

That's our point, slutshaming is bad

No. 808223

Are you in therapy? Have you told them you have bpd?

No. 808225

Slutshaming is not going to go away because you post about it on twitter.
You are free to live your lifestyle as you please and people are free to judge you based on that lifestyle, just like you judge others based on theirs.
And if you think it is only men who slutshame, you know nothing.

No. 808228

I would tell you to go see a therapist, but you probably think those are in some kind of patriarchal prostitution cabal.

No. 808229>>808263>>808309>>808843

Women have always been judged by men and assigned a value. It the 50s she was judged for her ability as a housewife and mother, now she's valued for her ability to please men and shove over sized dildos up her ass on OF. Neither is a solution to the problem.

>dressing provocatively cant be used as defense for rapist
Rape is increasing in all western societies and the rates of prosecution are declining.

No. 808236>>808242>>808320

Your own study remarks that women might finally be more comfortable revealing how less happy they are compared to when they were just coming off of the Civil Rights Act.
>It has been recognized that an individual’s assessment of their well-being may reflect the social desirability of responses and Kahneman (1999) argues that people in good circumstances may be hedonically better off than people in worse circumstances, yet they may require more to declare themselves happy. In the context of the findings presented in this paper, women may now feel more comfortable being honest about their true happiness and have thus deflated their previously inflated responses. Or, as in Kahneman’s example, the increased opportunities available to women may have increased what women require to declare themselves happy.
So it's not that conservative society socialized actually happier women, they were just more conditioned to believe they were most likely. Also, this study was published in 2009, so I feel as though we're missing quite a big chunk of data here.

No. 808240>>808263

If you wear a face mask all day and it smells bad when you take it off… is that normal or is it time to see a dentist?

No. 808242>>808249>>808250

They are saying it is a possibility that women MAYBE feel more comfortable to declare themselves unhappy now, that is meant in a "keep in mind the possibility that…" way, not as a factual statement that this is definitely only because they now feel that way.

No. 808244

Get honest, and of course make sure you're pulling your weight in getting help.

I wasn't yet diagnosed when I was in my first big relationship and I remember trying so hard to cover up the crazy and also not understanding my own crazy. Rough times.

No. 808249>>808251>>808252

Satisfaction on that graph follows the same trend for men and women, so it is pretty clear sexual liberation is not a cause here. It is a graph of decay of welfare state and markets domination over everyones lives.

No. 808250

Considering this is a sociological study, I'd contend any explanation is no more valuable than another. So in your eyes, how can they prove more sexual promiscuity is the root of women's decreased happiness? Is men's overall happiness decreasing for the same reasons, except it's because it's perpetuated by themselves?

No. 808251>>808272

>domination over everyones lives.
That's hot

No. 808252>>808258

Women used to be more happy than men, now we are less happy than men, that is the point. Even tho we are now "liberated" we have become less happy than men.

No. 808254

Where did you find this creature?

No. 808257>>808270

Lmao it's literally a trad/conservitard talking point to point to studies like this to show how much more happier women were in le olden days when they were treated like unpaid domestic servants and banks could legally refuse to issue an unmarried women a credit card. Yeah this sex positive shit is lacking, but are you even capable of any nuance?

No. 808258

>Women used to be more happy than men
Doesnt that prove that patriarchy is actually good for women then?

No. 808263>>808305

Difference being that now you are free to choose to work and be independent, you can simply give no fucks if they think you're a prude and you won't be tied to an abusive husband with 4 kids being marital raped.
Lay off the incel ideas and look into conservative countries, things are much better for you guys, the number of reported rapes being bigger just means women have some hope of justice.

See a dentist anon, if you're brushing flossing it shouldn't be so bad.

No. 808269

Will I ever get unbanned from LC’s discord server?

No. 808270>>808299>>808305

i think we have another incel infestation, don't even bother

No. 808271>>808276

Anyone else feel pissed when they see a photo of someone giving the middle finger?

Like I know it's not directed at me personally..but it still sparks that feeling.

No. 808272>>808274

Pls go back to the fetish threads on /g/ and stay there.

No. 808274>>808279>>808298

Not even my kink but it was getting so serious on here that I had to say something retarded to lift the mood

No. 808276

I don't even care when someone does it irl, it's just a finger.
Mooning and flashing is actually offensive but it's also a self own because it indicates that you know you are horrible to the eyes

No. 808277>>808286>>808299

File (hide): 1621190657623.gif (931.55 KB, 220x207, 4934A961-D1CE-45AB-B296-69716F…)

>You are debasing yourself because men tell you that you are a cool girl who is free and powerful and not ashamed of her body. You also let the porn industry tell you that people who don't spit in each others mouth and whip each other are sexually repressed.

nigga take your ass back to /pol/ no one cares

No. 808279

What if this whole debate is mormonchan's kink?

No. 808285

Does caffeine make you sweat?

No. 808286>>808299

Really sounds a 4chan incel who just learned radfem rhetoric and what a cool girl is 10 minutes ago and is trying to integrate.

No. 808294>>808300

What is the cheapest option for an e-reader?

No. 808298>>808352

I appreciate it noona

No. 808299>>808308>>808351>>808453

File (hide): 1621192403470.png (661.34 KB, 906x780, empowered.png)

>everyone I don't like is a scrote, go back to pol!
Please get new material, its legit the same shit everytime you talk to libfems who think sexwork is "so empowering UwU"
Cope, seethe, sell your butthole pics to own the scrotes

I am so happy we live in times where women are this empowered that we can livestream our births on OnlyFans! Crafty businesswoman doing it for herself!

No. 808300>>808319

if you want to download books illegally, perhaps Tolino if they are still on aliexpress

No. 808305>>808308>>808354

>the number of reported rapes being bigger just means women have some hope of justice
More women being raped doesn't equal more justice, especially when the number of rapists being locked up is decreasing.

>every poster that has a different opinion to me on LC is a male
That's why this place is going to shit. It's like the LC equivalent of Godwin's law.

No. 808308>>808316>>808322

>>everyone I don't like is a scrote, go back to pol!
>>every poster that has a different opinion to me on LC is a male
Look, its not about whether you are some incel score, it is that you might as well be, because you act exactly the same.
Also seeth, cope, dilate, fuck you.

No. 808309>>808311

>Rape is increasing in all western societies and the rates of prosecution are declining.
Do you have a source for that? Not meant in a combative way btw, I just feel like hating everything tonight

No. 808311>>808314>>808342

Nayrt but please keep in mind the rate of reported rapes is increasing in most countries because it's finally being taken a little more seriously, we can't actually say that the rate of rapes has changed because rapes used to go so underreported

No. 808314

>we can't actually say that the rate of rapes has changed because rapes used to go so underreported
While we dont know exact numbers, it is probably a safe assumption that sexual assaults would follow similar trend as other violent crimes, which is falling.

No. 808315

Being aware that the sex liberation of whoring yourself out is damaging doesn't equate to thinking women should only dress modest and become Puritans. Wear whatever the fuck you want that's not the issue, it's the complete desensitisation of selling your hole as anything but soul crushing.

No. 808316>>808320

Yawn. Must really suck to hear these uncomfortable truths when you already sold your ass on OnlyFans and now don't feel empowered at all.

No. 808319

Thank you. So classic kindles for example doesn't make you load your own files? If so I won't even search for used ones

No. 808320>>808329

Exactly, nobody cares about scrote accusations we want a discussion. It's frustrating please use actual logic
>So it's not that conservative society socialized actually happier women, they were just more conditioned to believe they were most likely.
Ok what even is this argument. I would like to be conditioned to believe I'm happier, isn't that just being happy? wtf is this doublespeak, apparently women were still happier. You could also say therapy conditions me to think I'm happy.

No. 808322

I can not understand how someone can be so closed minded as to think that all women are going to agree on any given topic. It's either narcissism to think that only your world view is correct or is retardation because you don't realise that LC is full of women from all over the world how each have different experiences in life.

I actually enjoy that aspect of /ot/. I get to see real anonymous perspectives from other women living a different life to me. Why are you so determined to turn the only place on the internet where this allowed happen into an echo chamber?

No. 808327

I wasn't that anon. Also, she replied directly to the ones crying scrote to give them their own medicine

No. 808329>>808332

Ayrt and no? The operative word is "conditioned" because it denotes that you're being taught to believe that, regardless of if it's true or not. I would like to think you have critical thinking skills that allow you to challenge the things you were taught all your life. Women in the West were conditioned to believe life outside of domestic work is not acceptable and in turn would make them unhappy. Do you also believe that, or are you a part of the group of women who realized that's bullshit and that women deserve the choice to enter the workforce if they choose to and they can also find happiness there too?

No. 808330

You're contributing absolutely nothing, you are just being angry and I assume it's because you feel personally attacked.

The literal REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE coming from your posts because some anons on here are telling you that sexwork is not actually empowering for women is telling.

No. 808332>>808340

Actually I reread your post and I get it now, and I agree with you sorry for my mistake. I do think it's good that we can now do other things with our lives I just took issue with something I'd actually misunderstood

No. 808334>>808339>>808346>>808364>>808432

How is sex work empowering?

No. 808339>>808354

Some women literally believe that selling bootypics to incels is being a crafty businesswoman who is exploiting men instead of them being exploited by the sexwork industry and and stuffing more money into the pockets of the men who own OnlyFans.

The amount of times I have had to read about Belle Delphine being a smart businesswoman is absolutely insane. Young women look up to this and think being a whore is a career choice like any other and because women are now free to do with their bodies whatever they want that means you need to exploit yourself and let men exploit you for financial gain.


You don't have any actual arguments against what I am saying so you do the old "y-you must be a scrote!" that is so popular on here when you run out of things to say. Again, YAWN!

No. 808340

It's all good! I just think it's quite difficult to fully pinpoint where women's decline in happiness lies because some women still subscribe to views that were held pre the second wave feminism movement, which could be where their unhappiness lies, while others would like to focus on modern problems that affect women now. That being said, a Western woman may also be unhappy for completely different reasons than a woman from non-Western societies. Honestly, being on LC has helped open my eyes to some things while cementing my views on others when it comes to feminism. I don't think I'll ever "take the blackpill" though.

No. 808342>>808375

File (hide): 1621194985033.png (72.76 KB, 918x751, stat.png)

No. 808346>>808351>>808353

IT IS NOT. Nobody claims that. Radfems like to pretend that that is libfem line, but it isnt. There is a difference between being pro sex work and pro sex worker. Existence of sex work is a condemnation of economic system we live in. But shaming or criminalizing sex workers does nothing but leave them even more vulnerable to abuse.

No. 808351>>808361>>808394

Women who do OnlyFans are not vulnerable. They are not streetwalkers in third world countries who need to prostitute themselves to survive.

The only women I feel bad for who do OnlyFans are young girls who are groomed by society and scrotes (like Bhad Babie or whatever her name is).

Grown women chosing to sell their nudes instead of working a normal job are not vulnerable and perfectly fine to shame for their horrible life choices. This whole "women can do no wrong, EVER!" is absolutely libfem bullshit and not helping anyone.

You think >>808299 this woman is a poor vulnerable victim? She is literally selling the birth of her baby for men to masturbate to. You think this shouldn't be shamed or criminalized? That baby will come into the world on ONLYFANS.

No. 808352

I tried..

No. 808353

The majority of whores on OF and other sites are not victims in the same way that actual sex trafficked women are or women forced into it due to abuse and poverty. Most women uploading to OF do so entirely by choice. They then encourage other women, including teenage girls to make the same choice. It's sick.

No. 808354>>808355>>808375

Yeah anon that's why japan and egypt, paragons of feminism and equal societies, have such a low rape rate! totally not because of the hostility faced when reporting it and no hope of a sliver of justice that makes the whole process not worth it

And because some women believe that, your solution is to make us all go back to the 50s to be abused at home quietly because that's better than some women being sluts.
If you're not an incel you sure think like one.

No. 808355>>808360>>808371

>Saying women were happier 50 years ago = forcing everyone to be 50s housewives again
Strawmanning, no real argument

>If you're not an incel you sure think like one


No. 808360

>I don't like your argument so I'm ignoring it

So anyway what's the worst value item from McDonald's and why?

No. 808361>>808368>>808370>>808375

>Women who do OnlyFans are not vulnerable
>The majority of whores on OF and other sites are not victims
All right, in that care what the fuck is your problem? What does it matter if they "encourage" other women into it, as you yourself said, selling porn on OF does not one a victim, so who cares?

No. 808364

it isn't. women just got meme'd into it.

No. 808368

Idk if there's a generation gap with people that had a childhood relatively free from the Internet and porn sickness compared to gen Z and younger but selling the idea to women and young girls that it's a viable career to conmodify your body is completely fucked up. There's nothing liberating about being objectified and no cope will erase the fact about what type of audience you're catering too. You will not be able to block that shit out.

No. 808370>>808399

File (hide): 1621196735331.png (454.82 KB, 1080x654, 1616119452039.png)

I can not believe how retarded you actually are. Do I need to remind you of how much pornography is a detriment to our society, how it makes women into commodities? How it destroys relationships and how it promotes actual sexual abuse and sex-trafficking?

That teenage girls see this shit and think it is normal to open an OnlyFans? That they aspire to do it once they turn 18?

Just because the women doing OnlyFans are not victims doesn't mean their behavior isn't a fucking plague on society as a whole.

>what's wrong with every woman on the planet becoming a prostitute?

Are you REALLY this dumb?

No. 808371>>808374

Anons have already told you that they had an entirely different mentality to what happiness meant to a woman and what they were expected to say, besides all the other economical factors, like you can see for men too.
In my notoriously violent country domestic violence official rates fell, but only a retard would believe it's not because those women aren't now stuck at home with no way of getting help and under 24h watch from their abusive husbands + no money to escape from the extensive layoffs.
You're doing the same shit and taking data at face value with no critical thinking. Honestly if you're too autistic to grasp such a small amount of nuance in data there is no hope for you, commit an hero.

No. 808374>>808379

File (hide): 1621196951198.png (189.89 KB, 500x494, 1620253254207.png)

Don't you have a custom fart compilation due? You can't let the customers wait.

No. 808375>>808399

I never mentioned anywhere else but the west. More women are being raped (see >>808342) and less men are being put in prison for doing it.

Telling teenage girls to sell themselves on OF instead of having a stable and fulfilling career is outright evil. Sex work is not a sustainable life choice.

No. 808377>>808380>>808384

oh my god, it's yet another sex work infight

No. 808379

Back to /pol with you

No. 808380

Every week

No. 808384

The worst part is I thought a civil discussion could actually ever be had about this. But alas, it's always going to be a revolving door. It's similar to the suicide clusters of 3 theory. If an infight about fat people/landlords/sex work happens, the other two are shortly to follow soon after. Antinatalism too if we're having a wild card week. Online discourse is like licking a pole in the winter. You just get stuck until someone comes to help you get your bearings again.

No. 808394

I feel so bad for Bhad Babby. She clearly has a lot of issues and it's sad to think that she has probably been planning an OnlyFans for years. I still can't believe that I seen grown ass men lusting after this girl when she was like 15 and shit. She was groomed

No. 808399>>808407>>808416>>808447

>muh commodities
Stop pretending to be a marxist, even having this discourse makes sense only within a liberal framework.

>selling the idea to women and young girls that it's a viable career to conmodify your body is completely fucked up
>Telling teenage girls to sell themselves on OF instead of having a stable and fulfilling career is outright evil
Nobody cares about careers! People work to make a living, and unfortunately under a current system that means making profit for the worst scum on the planet. Selling yourself in a corporate office or in a factory does not make you any better than a prostitute. If sex work bothers you so much than I heavily encourage you to join your local communist party, because we are not getting rid of it otherwise.

No. 808407

If you can't see the difference between working in an office and posting videos of yourself destroying your own asshole on OF, I just don't fucking know what to say anymore.

I've worked at a shit office job. As much as I hated it, it didn't require me to mutilate my own genitals as wank fodder for scrotes and I was able to move on to something better with both my mental and physical health intact.

No. 808411>>808414

Is there one anon that just comments


A lot or is it several anons?

No. 808413>>808416>>808431>>808432>>808433

How's being against barely 18 year olds doing onlyfans not a normal opinion to have around here? Are we following the same cows on /snow/?
Not even that sperg anon I'm just confused.

No. 808414>>808415

Nah, I definitely do that sometimes. Usually if an anon says something that I couldn't have said better myself.

No. 808415

It's always a nice ego boost when you get that response

No. 808416>>808428>>808431

A lot of the cows are also aware of their threads and selfpost on here and I guess they get offended when you point out that prostituting yourself is not a career.

There is no way someone gets this upset and tells people to kill themselves if they don't feel personally offended because they sell their own anus destruction videos.

Communism is cringe. The word "commodity" is not marxist in itself.

No. 808428>>808431

It's always funny seeing people talking about Marxism as if it's a viable system. It's a basic failed model that you learn about in econ 101. It's a good telltale sign of someone talking absolute shit.

No. 808431>>808782

File (hide): 1621199952904.png (193.87 KB, 917x911, QsqvbWKQwS.png)

Ideally nobody should be doing OF. People dont do it because they like it, they do it because you need money to live. Anons here talk about how they could pursue better career instead, but that shit is not option for most people. The only social mobility that exists anymore is down. Those 18 year olds are given bunch of shit options for paying bills, and choose the least shit one, which for some of them mean OF. You dont stop it by shaming sex workers, but by creating at the very least, a functional welfare state that keeps people from ever having to prostitute themselves.

>Communism is cringe.
Well the market decided that women selling themselves is profitable, so stop complaining.

>Marxism as if it's a viable system
It is not system at all, it is an analytical method. Also your econ 101 is mostly propaganda with no empirical basis.

No. 808432

The amount of newfags during summer and after PULL being closed, along with activity on art/salt and threads about cows like CH or western animatiors and twitter SJWs ended up bringing a huge amount of weirdos from Twitter.
it isn't. the whole 'OnlyFans gives you ez money' is a meme, the only way you will ever even be able to make at least decent amount of money on OF is by already having a huge fanbase (see People from trash reality shows). It's still not worth it in the end zz

No. 808433>>808439

majority of the women here agree that its not good, sperg chan just mixed it with some weird mix of radfem and incel arguments

No. 808435

Damn. I replied yesterday saying that fulfilling someones needs is just normal relationship shit… but fuck me. Too many relationship self help books go down this weird route of treating partners like prey

No. 808439

seems like the disagreement has to do with sex workers themselves, even though they're part of the problem too to an extent

No. 808447

If you really can't see a difference between selling nudes or sexual favors and an office job, go ask your dad to sign up on OF and see what kind of facial expression he makes.

No. 808453

You’re so passionate and aggressive about something that not many women do.

No. 808550>>808552>>808553

Would it be bad to tell my cheater ex that he will never amount to anything and I hope he eventually kills himself?

No. 808552>>808563

I wouldn't advise it. Next thing you know, he's going to be posting your text with the male equivalent of "I'm in this bitch's head rent free" next to it. He isn't worth it.

No. 808553

No. 808555>>808575

File (hide): 1621212379723.jpeg (125.64 KB, 708x1024, E01JcBLVkAI9az6.jpeg)

Do any anons know which editting app this is? Or that has a similar paint brush blurring tooling?

No. 808563

true anon that would be embarrassing

No. 808565>>808577

Why do i only feel turned on when i feel like shit (extra hungry, tired, having chest pain or having trouble breathing) or do literally nothing at all, but not over anything else? (mainly normal things people like such as images, erotica, etc)

No. 808575

Mosaic feature in Meitu

No. 808577>>808578

I'm only ever horny when I'm hungover. Maybe we endorphins cause we feel like crap?

No. 808578

we want*

No. 808593>>808594>>808600>>808607>>808618>>808626>>808645

File (hide): 1621215796359.jpg (555.32 KB, 1920x1920, maryam-bani-otero-kokichi.jpg)

We have komaeda kin anons, but where are the kokichi ones?

No. 808594

Pls no

No. 808597

This shit is very chuunibyou, though. It's all like "Seduce your prey and make them miserable, but make them love you!!!", but lists no examples of that behavior in action.
It's like someone watched a movie or read a novel and boiled down what the villain character(s) tried to do, but avoided going into detail because they don't want people to realize this comes from fiction.
I know actual abusers/manipulators do this, but all these books avoid actually explaining themselves.

No. 808600>>808603

fuck back of to kinnie tumblr

No. 808603

I'm not a kinnie, I just want to meet the kokichi ones and ask them a question

No. 808607>>808609

Why can't you guys ever pick a nice and non-cunning character like Aoi or Gonta?!

No. 808609


No. 808613

I moved recently and feel paranoid to where I am thinking of sleeping with a weapon near my bed. It is a rough neighborhood but I noticed whenever I leave to take my dog outside someone is watching me from the apartment complex and when I look over, they vanish. I just see the curtains go back to normal. I keep telling myself I'm paranoid. Am I justified? This has happened mostly everyday since moving here.

No. 808618

File (hide): 1621219534041.jpeg (44.28 KB, 473x435, 57DA2144-C8BE-4D16-B0A6-D3E7EA…)


No. 808621>>808624

Is it bad practice if I only ever set an appointment with my therapist when I'm going through a difficult time/feeling, and not on a regular basis like every 1 or 2 weeks? And yes, ok, it's also partially influenced by me wanting to save money?

No. 808624>>808661

Of course that's not bad, wtf anon. Maybe discuss your misplaced sense of guilt and obligation with them next session.

No. 808626

File (hide): 1621221156245.jpg (2.33 MB, 2346x1832, 36c.jpg)

my best friend is a mikan kinnie

No. 808633>>808644>>808660

is it bad to be a lesbian but tell people you're bi instead?

No. 808644>>808650

What's the motive or context?

No. 808645>>808667

begone weeb

No. 808650>>808656>>808660

I prefer dealing with biphobia then lesbophobia. I've noticed people are less uncomfortable if i tell them im bi then a lesbian. I'd rather keep my real sexuality to personal friends only anyway. Something about it feels immoral though, like I'm tricking people or something dumb like that.

No. 808656

Nah, it's completely valid and understandeable. Do what makes you the most comfortable, only you know what the truth is. Don't let anyone make you like you're doing something bad just because you want to keep your sexuality to yourself. I know social media pressures us to be 100% honest with labels and shit, but there was a time when we didn't have to wear badges saying what we preffer in bed, and it was alright. Just saying

No. 808658>>808659

Can you be in denial of the fact you might be slightly depressed?

No. 808659

The first step to get better is acceptance
Try not to sulk

No. 808660>>808664

It's funny to think what the reaction would be if "lesbian" and "bi" were switched in this scenario, kek. There'd be mass sperging and rage all over.
But yeah you're fine anon. You don't really owe anyone shit unless you're actually dating them.

No. 808661

Thanks for the frank answer kek, I probably needed to hear that. I guess I thought regular appointments is what you're supposed to do if you want therapy to take any real effect.

No. 808664

In the bi thread there actually was an anon saying that she used to identify as a lesbian when she was dating a woman, and then identified as straight when she was with a man. I do think the difference in reactions is interesting lol

No. 808665>>808668>>808669>>808673>>808680>>808717>>808758>>808855

How do I stop thinking smoking cigarettes is cool? I want to start smoking just because I think it's cool. Just sometimes, maybe like, when out on a date or other special occasions. It's not so bad if it isn't a habit right?

No. 808667

kek you know this is an imageboard yeah? (nta)

No. 808668

Inject into your thoughts that it makes you smell bad to most people and clings to your clothes, destroys your hair teeth and nails, is unhealthy even in low amounts and especially that people who smoke to look cool are insufferable tryhards. Maybe the last part is harsh but I hate the meme that it is cool and edgy, it's such a horny teenager take.

No. 808669

Smoking is disgusting and ages you up and makes you wrinkly, smell like shit, and people won't like kissing you because your teeth will be stained and your breath will smell like poopoo

No. 808673

When I met my bf he smoked over a pack a day and it was disgusting. He coughed up shit every morning and when he finally quit? Suddenly his boner was bigger. This is my input.

No. 808680

Non-smokers don't think it's cool and personally I look dowm on it.

No. 808716>>808752

Why does Twitter keep unliking tweets that I've liked a while ago?

No. 808717>>808741

It is nearly impossible to smoke just "sometimes", nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. It takes just a few cigarettes to lose control of it completely and become a cigarette addict for life.

Don't start what you can't stop.

No. 808741>>808747>>808849

Eh I dunno about that, I tried smoking a fair few times as a teen and couldn't have gotten addicted even if I wanted to, I found it that horrible.

I have no idea how people actually get addicted unless they actively try to make it a habit. It's a really unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling at first, which is not true for heroin or cocaine.

No. 808744

Is it possible to get pericoronitis only behind one tooth? Something is definitely going on behind my back bottom right molar and it seems like the symptoms for pericoronitis. Weird thing is, I just had my dental check up/cleaning 5 days ago and they didn't say anything. The pus didn't start appearing until like yesterday though.

No. 808747>>808761

That's why I said "nerly", there's always some exception to the rule, I know a person that hated heroin when she tried it. But you have to realize you're… you have to shut up. It's not about you, you medical curiosity, you freak of nature. You're a statistical error. You are to be ignored.

No. 808752>>809112

shit website. people always theorize it's due to conscious manpilulation but it probably is due to incompetence of the company and not caring.

No. 808758

File (hide): 1621237309692.png (68.05 KB, 225x168, djarum splash.png)

If you smoke clove cigarettes you'll look just as cool/have something to do/excuse to leave and you'll not smell as bad (people might what that smell is bc it's unique) and it's self limiting because it's hard to smoke an entire clove and it's easy to limit it to weekends, events etc because they are more expensive. The Djarum Blacks are pretty goth, I like the specials but Splash are aesthetic af and are good for beginners I think. For a lighter flavor and still nice packaging try Bali Hai.

No. 808761>>808764

>you have to shut up. It's not about you, you medical curiosity, you freak of nature. You're a statistical error. You are to be ignored.
wtf, calm down. I'm not encouraging anyone to just give smoking a go, obviously it's addictive. I just never got the impression addiction to nicotine was immediate, rather that it develops over time as tolerance builds and a habit forms. It was only an assumption that I didn't look into until now, but it's not an unreasonable one. This study (https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/9/3/313) even says specifically
>It has been assumed that nicotine dependence has a slow onset and occurs only after prolonged daily use of tobacco.
And the rest of the research makes it seem like it simply varies between individuals, with 3 main types of smokers (rapid onset, slow onset and resistant to dependence). Rapid onset looks to be the most common so I'm not saying you're wrong, just that you didn't need to sperg the fuck out like I was saying something absurd.

No. 808764>>808779

It's not overreacting to go down hard on you for trying to minimize a deadly addiction just because it didn't personally affect you. I know already the vast majority of people get addicted fast, and it is highly likely to happen to OP too, and that's why I answered her what I did.

No. 808779

'Minimizing' lmao half my post was about how fucking awful smoking is. And this is a website for adults, if my post made someone jump to the conclusion that smoking is perfectly safe and a great idea then they're gonna die young of stupidity regardless.

No. 808782

The market is over saturated with porn and sex work, aren't fucking wankers complaining that they're newfound careers aren't as lucrative because there's absolutely no lack of supply of fucktards trying to sell their nudes.

No. 808808

If you had genital contact at 9 with someone your age, does it count as having sex?

No. 808811>>808815>>808818

What's the line between emotional cheating and close friendship?

Some people act like once you're in a relationship you're only allowed to vent to your SO and no one else? Like I just don't really get it.

No. 808815

This one varies by person, region, sexuality, age range etc, you aren't going to get a collective answer on it
My rule of thumb for emotional cheating with either gender is that if you feel guilty and or have the impulse to hide any of the friendship from your partner then maybe you're doing something wrong, but this obviously doesn't work when applied to anxious guilty people or sociopaths

I think it's really unhealthy to make your SO your whole world, I tell my SO everything eventually but I have my friends to talk to too.

No. 808818

If you wouldn't want your SO to find out about it, wouldn't say the things you say to your friend while your SO is sitting next to you, then it's crossing the line.

No. 808838>>808840>>808842

File (hide): 1621249776746.jpeg (54.74 KB, 700x855, A1AED5CB-6B66-41E1-A4BE-51E8A1…)

Is it bad to play with toys if you’re not a kid? Like with calico critters, because the sets are fucking cute and I’ve never felt this urge to play with a toy for a really, really long time.

No. 808840

I think it's whatever as long as you are a functional adult who doesn't sit at home and whine, calling themselves so smol n fwagile like it's popular nowadays

No. 808842

My rule is that if you pay your rent (or in my case mortgage) you can then do whatever. Your 'I'm a real adult' card won't be revoked

No. 808843>>808860

>Rape is increasing in all western societies and the rates of prosecution are declining.
I could name a reason for that in Europe but I'd be banned for racebaiting.

No. 808849

This was true for all of my friends who started smoking in high school. They all thought it was horrible initially but pushed through that feeling because they wanted to be cool and rebellious, and would mock others for giving up. I guess that’s not the norm but it hard to feel sorry for people like that when they eventually do develop an addiction.

No. 808851>>808853>>808854>>808858>>808881>>809087

What are some ways to minorly inconvenience people

No. 808853

whistle behind them

No. 808854

Cut the middle button off their jacket and turn off the power to their phone charger

No. 808855

go to /fa/. All the try-hard scrotes there think anorexia and smoking are cool

No. 808858

unplug their chargers
misplace their phone or keys
eat their food from the fridge
stick gum under their shoes

No. 808860

I thought Ashera's Garden might go there but they never did.

No. 808881

Doing annoying sounds like cracking your neck or whatever bones can be constantly cracked, walking around the house while talking by the phone, forgetting to fill the jar for the cold water, doing annoyingly repetitive sounds like clicking a pen or even receiving lots of notifications with your phone on vibrate. Logging off their accounts, turning off the heater of the shower, constantly changing the place of stuff like: moving the hand soap from left to right or putting the toothpaste in another cabinet.
i hate annoying sounds so fucking much that i would love to stay in the soundless cabin for the rest of my life

No. 808984>>809053>>809104

File (hide): 1621259684972.jpg (21.15 KB, 225x470, So what IS a Cloistered Heart_…)

Would anyone like a nun or religious imagery thread on /m/? I just want to post paintings of nuns and angles

No. 809008>>809037

what's that one instagram influencer with the weird lioness type of face called?

No. 809037>>809055

File (hide): 1621262616494.jpg (75.12 KB, 976x549, _118488337_teigen.jpg)

I have no idea what you mean and I don't know if she is an influencer but Chrissy teigen looks like a retarded lion to me

No. 809053

Do it sister!

No. 809055

File (hide): 1621263249352.jpg (93.92 KB, 1098x728, mistake.jpg)

She reminds me of Ligers and all those crossbreeds between big cats in captivity

No. 809069

I started those shakes that are supposed to substitute a meal but idk what food i can eat now since i was usually watching to get in all the protein. Now i get it through the shakes. Should i just have a salad? I think carbs are not too good either. Any anon having experience with this?

No. 809087

- When they’re walking behind you, walk super slow
- when ordering food, take your time
-use or take someone’s “favourite thing” (shirt, utensils etc.)
- eat their food that they saved
- misplace their stuff (ex.keys)

No. 809104

yes please

No. 809112

Ayrt, I've seen this theory as well, mostly for "controversial" tweets (like Rowling's big troon tweet) but in my case it was weeb shit I liked two years ago, and I randomly came across it again the other day and it was unliked, no reason for this to have been purposefully unliked.

No. 809126>>809168

I'm gonna make quesadillas for dinner tonight. What vegetable side dish would you guys suggest to pair it with?

No. 809130>>809140

How do I stop sweat from sticking to my armpit hairs? I'm a naturally odorous and sweaty person and I don't use deodorant (I just shower instead). Yesterday, when I was showering, no matter how hard I scrubbed my armpit, it still stunk, but it stunk slightly lesso when I shaved it. I don't want to shave (because radfem), so what can I do to stop this?

No. 809140>>809142

Sorry for the obvious but… why don't you just use deodorant? It's intended to do precisely what you're asking.

No. 809142>>809168>>809184

they cause more pit stains than they solve due to the chemicals

No. 809145>>809150>>809158>>809164>>809166>>809169>>809212

Ok but what if I take being cheated on as a compliment????? Hear me out now but like, it means that I'm SUCH an amazing person, they found one tiny flaw, but everything else about me was perfect, but this tiny flaw of mine was a need of theirs they needed to meet to feel fulfilled, but then they didn't want to let go of me and all of the other needs of theirs I met because they loved me that much, like I brought out the selfishness out of them. Not saying what they did isn't wrong, or that I would ever forgive if/the next person that cheats on me, I'm just wondering if me believing these things about myself was the reason they cheated would be good cope and help me more easily move on? How would this backfire? I'm already feeling better telling myself this stuff. Like I look in the mirror and I'm like "yeah who would want to give you up babe, you're such a catch"

No. 809150>>809152

>this tiny flaw of mine was a need of theirs they needed to meet to feel fulfilled
If you mean cheating with sex then, sex isn't a need, it's a desire. They could've fapped and still came

No. 809152>>809153>>809157>>809182

like, not being good at blowjobs….. lol

No. 809153

that's still oral sex, and that's not a need

No. 809157>>809272

Accept it for what it was. You're only making excuses for him with that cope above. People can treat like you shit sometimes and it hurts but you need to accept it and also just feel angry. Let yourself feel angry at a person who hurt you. It's healthier to accept reality.

No. 809158>>809160>>809162

I feel similarly but I always thought it was a cope. Truth is, I just don't care that much about my partner cheating. Just as long as I don't have to deal with any consequences

No. 809160

Nta but an ex cheated on me before and I found myself weirdly not caring, we broke up anyway but it didn't quite sting like cheating is meant to.. I guess the love had already fazed out

No. 809162>>809181

I defenitely care, I feel I have to use this cope or I'll do something bad to him, I don't want to allow myself to feel angry because I know it gets really bad. Just want to forget about this and turn it into something that reflects something positively about me instead of negative like I'm really tempted to believe and know deep inside is ~probably~ true.

No. 809164

File (hide): 1621274040621.gif (695.03 KB, 800x600, ccf4e0bf8f1fb1ca0e2a8ff664bf4c…)

No. 809166>>809174

hahahahaha what a stupid bait

No. 809168>>809434

Roast vegetable salsa.

>roast onions, bell peppers and tomatoes until soft and sweet

>dice then mix in a bowl
>add lime juice and chopped coriander/cilantro

Just use a mineral salt deodorant. It's natural and it works.

No. 809169>>809174

File (hide): 1621274382960.jpeg (50.8 KB, 490x482, 1611347156725.jpeg)

This is the most retarded thing I have ever read on the internet. Bravo.

No. 809174>>809175>>809177>>809178>>809222

God forbid someone doesn't want to feel like shit for being cheated on amirite?

i'm not going to sulk like you guys sorry not sorry

No. 809175>>809187

Literally fuck off.

No. 809177>>809187

Sulk about what? They're not saying they had some guy cheat on them. Weak bait

No. 809178>>809272

Cheating has nothing to do with you. The most amazing people and the worst people in this world get cheated on. Cheating has everything to do with the person doing the cheating being a selfish piece of shit and nothing with you.

You shouldn't take it as a fucking compliment, but you also shouldn't take it as that you did anything wrong and some of their "needs were not met". That is bullshit. You can suck a man's dick 5 times a day and if he wants he will still cheat on you.

There is literally nothing you can do to prevent it from happening, you just hope and pray that the person you love is not such a selfish prick that they would take a dump on your heart just to get their dick wet with someone else.

It sucks but it's true.

No. 809181>>809187

>I defenitely care, I feel I have to use this cope or I'll do something bad to him

>i'm not going to sulk like you guys sorry not sorry

No. 809182>>809187

This won't make men cheat on you less, but if you need blowjob tips and tricks lmk

No. 809184

There's alot of those 'invisible' ones now. They promise not to stain either black or white clothing. I wear all black tops and I find them fine

No. 809187>>809190>>809192

Caring and sulking is not the same. You can care and attempt to not let it change your emotional state at least I'm trying here.
Oh wait, I know why my question struck a cord with you guys, you probably had boyfriends cheat on their girlfriends with you and you're angry that they wouldn't dump them for you. You're trash just like the boyfriends, just so you know.
I don't even like giving blowjobs that much tbh, I should've probably let him know before we got together. It got one sided, but he can't say I didn't make an attempt. He said it was clear I didn't enjoy it and he didn't want to make me uncomfortable. He's still shit.

No. 809188

File (hide): 1621275781151.jpeg (118.5 KB, 512x602, BA66838D-2D0C-4ADE-9436-7B399E…)

why do you guys like the argue so much do I need to call mommy admin?

No. 809190>>809194

>Oh wait, I know why my question struck a cord with you guys, you probably had boyfriends cheat on their girlfriends with you and you're angry that they wouldn't dump them for you. You're trash just like the boyfriends, just so you know.

Look, I know you are hurting, but you're a retard.

No. 809192

>you probably had boyfriends cheat on their girlfriends with you and you're angry that they wouldn't dump them for you. You're trash just like the boyfriends, just so you know.
Me lesbian, lol

No. 809194

I kinda love it when tards start up with the 'yeah well you probably' and then they make up wild stories that are just unlikely to apply to anyone on here

No. 809199>>809202>>809205>>809218

File (hide): 1621276512240.jpg (137.89 KB, 600x900, MV5BYWUwN2UwYTktMDk4OC00YTg0LT…)

I want to start watching Castlevania! Is it good?

I like stuff like FMA and binged Berserk manga before.

No. 809202

Sooooo good. I was caught off guard with how quickly I got into it. I haven't seen the newest season yet though!

No. 809205

Eh, it’s not great but it’s a fun little show
I only watch it for the Hector and Lenore tbh

No. 809209>>809219>>809430

What are your favorite boards on LC right now? Mines are currently /g/ because of the unconventional male thread and /meta/ because it’s shitposting central where nothing gets done at all.

No. 809212>>809272

You sound like a doormat.

No. 809218

As a fan of the games, I got deeply irritated by the dumb dialogue where multiple characters sound like the same sweary juvenile american man. Constant gore too, it gets ridiculous.
Great animation, though, and I really like what they did with the character Isaac.

No. 809219>>809220

/m/ and /ot/ all the way, i like /snow/ too

No. 809220

Pretty much same

No. 809222>>809272

Ive been cheated on a few times. One time I didn't give a shit he was a placeholder and the girl that he cheated on me with told me and I forgave her on the spot and told her not to worry lol. Dumped him obvz. Second time it hurt but he got dumped and I never dwelt or thought it meant I was defective. I just thought he was dick. Third time I was cheated on so much and didn't know but suspected but was gaslit to not be so suspect if you get me. That one hurt and brought shame and embarrassment. More so because how could I let myself be disrespected and other people knew and actually took joy from it. I think if those people weren't so fucking odd I'd maybe have dwelt and got caught up in it, but the odd thing those spiteful cunts encouraged me to just cut the entire situation off. In fact one of the girls that thought it was so funny was being cheated on. She was pregnant at the time and her bf presented her with a dildo at Christmas in front of his family making a joke because she complained about their lack of sex life because he was getting it elsewhere. I told her when it came out about my bf and in the process I got confirmation of his mate (the girls bf) also cheated so told her. She's still in complete denial about it and has been bad mouthing me. She had an entire horseshit conversation with me about how she didn't care but was cursing my name any chance she got for knowing about it. Didn't have the heart to tell her her boyfriend came on to me a few times and even groped my ass when her back was turned and my ex saw. People will cope hard that cheating isn't a big deal but it's a betrayal of trust. Good luck.

No. 809251

Am I gonna get lung cancer or some shit from sleeping in a room that's been treated for bedbugs? It smells so weird and chemical-y even though I aired it

No. 809261>>809303>>809430

Why do those gross "daddy doms" call girls kittens? Do they find animal babies sexy too?

No. 809272>>809312

doormat would be if i stayed despite knowing? I dipped as soon as I found out and wished him godspeed
Thank you anons this was my first relationship so it's probably why it hurts so much, this >>809157 anon was right and I should probably allow myself to feel. I'm not even angry anymore tbh, but then my mood does tend to change quite frequently, lol. Also I skipped over your replies because I know you guys are probably right. It's neither a compliment nor indicative of something being wrong with me. I'm obvi going through the 7 stages of grief, prob shouldn't linger too long in denial. introspection is a bitch. Also I'm really sorry to hear you were surrounded by so many gross people nonny. Like attracts like seems true. I hope you're with someone a million times better now

forgot to sage

No. 809290>>809322

How can one diversify their gut flora?

No. 809303>>809364

Hello Kitten, it appears to me that you haven't been on discord very recently. Daddy is getting displeased. I would appreciate a message if possible.

No. 809312

You most randomly went off on some bpd style rant about me probably being a man stealing piece of trash earlier..and now my post is one of the ones being praised. Alright then

No. 809322>>809328

File (hide): 1621282885825.png (66.47 KB, 744x486, 0CD199EF-8500-4236-9973-5BC76D…)

You need to eat lots of fiber, fruits, veggies and fermented foods like yogurt, which is honestly the only one that comes to my mind.

No. 809328

Good fermented foods: yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, Kefir and natto if you're brave

No. 809359

is it possible to fix or at least somewhat transform an inverted triangle body shape with just exercise?

No. 809364

Yes that type of thing. Just why?

No. 809371>>809392

File (hide): 1621285174070.jpg (234.7 KB, 1620x1080, pick.jpg)

Which one? if you had to pick

Beavis for me

No. 809392>>809415

The blonde, can't hack the other ones mouth.

No. 809415>>809421

The blonde is beavis. I'd maybe let him eat me out. Get him to spaz out to the point where he's having one of his vibrating episodes and then take advantage of that.

Buttheads mouth isn't something I'd want anywhere near me.

No. 809421

why have you given this so much thought anon

No. 809430

none tbh. i feel like everything's getting worse with the constant bait (plus lack of milk on cow boards)
i guess the same reason people call each other "baby"

No. 809434

Nta but shit this sounds amazing, I might make this tomorrow

No. 809457>>809470>>809471

I am stupid and confused about "skin removal surgeries post weight loss". Are they even worth it for some people people, doesn't your body go back to normal over time anyway? (Not counting these 300kg people from tlc). A person that I know ended up spending her money on it even though she wasn't that fat to even need it, but she is obsessed with her own insecurities and wants to do nose job so idk. Weird stuff.

No. 809462>>809463>>809491

What is considered a normal amount of time for a couple to be dating before becoming engaged?

No. 809463>>809467

3 years?

No. 809467>>809473

Yeah, I'd say 3 years minimum. I think around 6-8 years is a good measure, if you can stay with the same person for more than 5 years, that's probably a good sign for marriage

No. 809470

I lost about 40kg and I definitely need some surgery but my weight has been stable for a few years now so I am saving for it. I'd guess for people with binge issues it would be kinda risky, shane dawson balloneed tf back after his.

No. 809471>>809475>>809551

Genetics play a big part, specially with rapid weight loss, while some people go back to normal others aren't as fortunate.
Still, willing to go though such a dramatic surgery just for a little loose skin doesn't seem worth it imo, I've heard horrors about the recovery and the scars idk.

No. 809473>>809477>>809478>>809479

For a twenty something couple sure, but for people like me on the cusp of 30 and wanting kids, I won't wait 3 years just to see how it's going.
My parents married after 8 months and their marriage was a success. They married when my mom was already 35 though. I don't want to repeat the same mistake.

No. 809475

Horror stories? Such as?
I read that there's a low chance to get scars idk
Just worried about her

No. 809476>>809483

How come we're not allowed to complain about threads?

No. 809477>>809481

Anon…it's different times now…wake up. It won't work in 8 months of knowing eachother lol

No. 809478>>809481

I didn't know Ariana Grande used lolcow

No. 809479>>809481

>on the cusp of 30 and wanting kids, I won't wait 3 years just to see how it's going.
…What? You wouldn't wait 3 years to see if you want to have kids with someone? 3 years is not that long.

No. 809481>>809482>>809486>>809487>>809520


My sister has severe low-functioning autism most likely a result of my parents age.
I am terrified of ending up with a disabled kid. I would rather risk a divorce than risk the health of my future children.

No. 809482

Yeah it's better to give your child trauma from your disfuncional marriage and inevitable future divorce

No. 809483

I thought you're just not supposed to complain about a thread while in that thread. I think you can complain about it elsewhere, where appropriate.

No. 809486

I hope you realize taking time to make sure you pick a good partner to be a parent to your kids is just as important. 8 months is just not enough time to decide if you want to give birth and then raise children with them. If you end up picking someone who is a bad parent, then it's not gonna be just a divorce to your kid

No. 809487

If you are that terrified you can just get some sperm donor…

No. 809491

I'd say two years? I doubt it'll happen at all if it hasn't happened by year five or so, though.

No. 809509

File (hide): 1621297193557.jpeg (34.34 KB, 340x255, 4DC8F2BC-801F-49C8-9314-AAF4BC…)

I’m going to a hotel with a whirpool in the room. Is it safe to have sex in it? I don’t mean in terms of not getting pregnant, I just mean like I’m not gonna get an infection or something stupid.

No. 809512>>809517>>809519>>809527>>809539

File (hide): 1621297359863.jpeg (Spoiler Image,667.18 KB, 1244x850, 7109CA8E-4C22-41C5-BB17-D7D4FC…)

This painting is very popular, and I see the appeal. But why is the guy’s face so fucking weird? I can’t pinpoint what’s wrong with it but it looks ugly and gross. Is it bad facial anatomy or something?

No. 809517

I think it's cause you can see too much of the right (our right) side of his face. I'm pretty sure that side would be more hidden at that angle. I agree that it looks weird

No. 809519

the eyes look strangely upturned and the jaw/ear is a bit misaligned i think.

No. 809520

>My sister has severe low-functioning autism most likely a result of my parents age.
It's not because of your parents' age. Today, many children are born with autism, even in young couples. There has been a BIG increase in autism over the past 20 years.
Nobody knows why autism is increasing, and nobody cares to investigate why it happens.
I suppose it would be a toxic chemicals that we come into contact with every day (in food, water, air, everyday objects, etc.)

No. 809527

Crying men are just hot.

No. 809539

The colors on his face makes him look a bit sickly.

No. 809551

If you lose enough, it's not just a little and it can lead into actual physical danger if it gets infected. It's kinda like having big saggy boobs but fucking everywhere.

No. 809563>>809784>>809790>>809798

File (hide): 1621301831451.jpg (33.57 KB, 330x500, cb4f2b31.jpg)

Maladaptive daydreamer anons, I absolutely can't concentrate at all when studying and I feel like my daydreaming habits became 100% worse with time, to the point where I swear I currently can't concentrate for more than 1 min straight. Even when I'm ""focused"" my mind is still thinking about a million things at the same time. Even right now, as I write this.
It makes me want to kms cause I'm approaching my mid 20s and I honestly feel like I will never be able to properly study and get a degree and be successful in life.
So I need to know, was any of you actually able to get a degree and/or a decent job while being in a constant state of daydreaming? Did you have to take meds to solve the problem? Do meds even work?
I'm really curious to hear experiences living like this because I feels like I'm doomed. It doesn't help that I love thinking about my stupid imaginary stories/worlds way too much. I love being able to entertain myself for hours without doing nothing. But of course, I just keep neglecting my own real life because of that. Anyway, just tell me how you learned to live like this, I beg you

Pic unrelated

No. 809568>>809578

File (hide): 1621302104793.gif (383.69 KB, 618x618, neetismindblown.gif)

How do you guys do it? How do people decide they want to trust a total stranger to live with them daily for years? It amazes me!

No. 809578>>809581

Is this about flatmates? Because if yes, I'm seconding this question

No. 809581

Anyone really!

No. 809611>>809619

What happened to our mental health? Why is everybody depressed now? I know covid is part but even before then we've been heading this way. Now every other person I know has/had depression. Is it social contagion? isolation and the internet? capitalism? a conspiracy to make money off us all as patients? negative cultural outlook? loss of religion/identity? all of these?

I know you could say "well we have a medical term for it now but we didn't in the past" and yet, seems like back then people were tougher, or when they were depressed it wasn't on this massive scale, and humanity always had horrible and even worse things happening in the world. So why all of a sudden can even less people handle it? are we becoming like japan with its neet problem? I swear this isn't solely from covid happening

No. 809619>>809621

People just have the luxury of sitting around on the internet talking about how depressed they are these days, previously people would have no way of broadcasting it, no way to see other people talking about it and realize they have the same issues, and no inclination to discuss mental health in the first place. They'd just be alcoholics instead.

No. 809621>>809685

Damn. Not that alcoholism is good by any means but I feel like this current way is also dangerous in terms of roping more people in. Instead of doing anything, good or bad anything at all, we can sit on the computer and become accustomed to our "depressed" label. I wonder if kids on the internet can become depressed by suggestion when otherwise they would grow out of it

No. 809670>>809752

Why does EVERY Reddit or Twitter goober describe any opinion or person they don’t like as “gross”? It is so valley girl dumbass, I hate it.

No. 809685

I think so. You can absolutely see a correlation between rise of mental illness in young people and the boom of social media and mass communication. This is a thought world and thoughts are contagious.

No. 809717>>809723

What are some arguments that speak for Pro-Life specifically about the risks or dangers? (Don't worry its not my own opinion just an assignment for class and can't think of more)

No. 809723

procon.org is a good website for debate help for this and other such topics, I used it a lot in school

No. 809752

I use the word gross when I want to use a word that's deemed problematic these days and don't want to get in an argument about semantics.

No. 809767>>810104>>810121>>810128>>810145

Who should I see if I suspect I have some sort of enzyme deficiency, a gastro or a dietician? I get painful gas and sometimes diarrhea when eating garlic and any kind of onion and also get bad gas when eating certain fruits or fruit juices with sweeteners

No. 809778>>809780>>809793

Art historian anons, could you possibly help me? I was at an exhibition years ago and remember seeing this painting that to me, had a really striking color palette. The three colors that jumped out were white, gold (or red) and deep blue. There were women on the painting and they all had super white skin, maybe with a greyish cast, as if they were made of marble and their hair was either gold or red, I can't remember and some of them were dressed in blue. I loved the contrast of the colors. The painter was either Italian or French, lesser known and mayyybe he was from the 16th century…? Not sure. This is a shot in the dark, I know

No. 809779

How do you share a bedroom with someone? I've never been in a place where I had to share a room, especially with a stranger, and I'm a turbo autist. I'm paranoid my hygiene isn't good enough since I'm sweating like crazy when stressed aaaaa

No. 809780

Forgot to include the obvious: the name of the painter is what I would love to know

No. 809784>>809790>>809890

File (hide): 1621341452298.jpg (50.91 KB, 786x700, 343399971.jpg)

I feel this anon. I'm 26 and I never had an actual job. Even when someone talks to me directly my thoughts go somewhere else and I can't control it even though I try. Some people know my intelligence is fine but they still blame me, they say I'm just pretending to be retarded because I'm lazy. Next week I'm starting my first job and I'm extremely stressed out. The job itself isn't hard, I'm just scared I will be too unfocused to do it correctly for 8 hours straight and they will kick me out. I feel like a loser all the time

No. 809790>>809890

You guys will be fine
I fell in and out of short term jobs for something like six years before I learned to plaster on a smile and act like a human. It takes time and a lot of crying but you just have to stick at it, and now I'm one of those adults who can go on holidays and spend lots of money on stupid anime merch

No. 809793>>809797

was it the wilton diptych

No. 809797

No. 809798>>809890

I just have to give myself extra time to "study" since the majority of that time I will be on another planet. whenever I dip back into reality I say okay I'm going to bring my focus back to this textbook now. at some point I can also guide myself into daydreaming about whatever it is I'm studying, imagining myself explaining the material to someone else in relation to some fantasy situation I will never be in. I also turn on short youtube videos about the topic to bring myself out of my mind with someone else's voice and moving pictures. the amount of time I spend "studying" is insane but ultimately I do get A's.

No. 809843>>809864

I flossed in between my molars a little too aggressively and now my right one's been aching for a week. What should I do? That tooth also has dental fillings. help. Should I get it pulled out? they pain urgh

No. 809861>>809866

so this question has been bothering me for a while but when you have anal sex is it common for a little bit of like .. poop residue to be on the penis of whoever is fucking you?

i was talking to a gay friend about this once and he says that he doesn’t douche for a number of reasons and i imagine douching to be completely “clean” would likely inflame the asshole area. but even if you watch what you eat so you don’t have any poop in your butt surely there would still be a little bit of poop residue in your ass? do gay men just not care about that? especially if you’re fingering someone anally is it just not a problem to get poop on your fingers and under your fingernails. or does your asshole like clean itself a bit naturally (i’ve heard anal mucus is a thing)

i’ve never had anal sex nor do i plan to but this question has been bugging me

No. 809864

At this point I'd just see the dentist

No. 809866>>810110

I've had anal a handful of times and I didn't do an enema but I went for it on days where my stomach was feeling good..where my last poop had been a good one. Gross but it is what it is. I didn't have mess but one time that I thought there was no mess.. the guy afterwards said there was the smallest crumb of poop and he just didn't tell me til after. Just residue. He didn't want to stop because of it.

I've been on the giving end more often and I've had people clean themselves out…and I still got shit on..more than a crumb. It's fairly dependant on your system that day, how you ate recently, how deep you go. Enema or not there's still no guaranteeing that it'll stay totally clean. Anyone partaking in it needs to accept the risk basically. Sometimes enemas if done wrong can cause the very thing you hoped to avoid too. Poop water comes out when you thought you were good.

No. 809873>>809878>>809881>>809888>>809911

Is it bad to be low maintenance? I see a lot of anons complaining about their boyfriends being like that or that women who claim they are are pickmes, but I consider myself low maintenance and I'm a volcel.

No. 809878

I don't think so at all, unless you say you're "low maintenance" to excuse not showering/taking care of yourself to your own detriment and/or being a pickme. I'd say I'm low maintenance because I'm not interested in going beyond looking clean and presentable, ie. doing nails, curling hair, makeup, or whatever is considered "high maintenance".

No. 809881

I'm low maintenance but I'm clean as hell. I skip make up, I have short hair and my clothes are all black, easy to match up and comfy. If you're skipping out on a lot of the more optional parts of womens care routines then I think that's fine. Keep clean though.

No. 809888

I feel like there's two different versions of low maintenance – the one the two nonas above mentioned, just being clean, and then just taking and accepting everything given to you without ever complaining and never asking for something yourself and not allowing yourself to be selfish in a way, which is what I imagine most here are complaining about when we're talking about low/high maintenance.

No. 809890

Thank you for your replies, I feel a little less alone now. It's nice to know that at least some people can manage to be daydreamers and still be present enough in the real world to be able to study and get stable/decent jobs. It gives me some hope at least.

I don't know if this will help, but I never had an actual "serious" or proper job either. I'm currently working with my mom as a pet groomer, and although I can't make a living out of it, at least it's a job where I can let myself get lost in thought without too much problem. I usually bathe dogs, so I just go into auto pilot mode and wash them while I think about whatever I want.
Worst case scenario, I may take a bit too long if I'm too distracted, but it's such an easy job that it's kinda hard to fuck it up in a serious way.
Good luck on your first job, anon! I really hope it goes well.

No. 809911

I don't think it's good to be low maintenance in a relationship with a man. By low maintenance I mean being the easy cool "chill" girl, never asking for anything and being as accommodating as possible. This will usually get you taken advantage of and chained to a scrote who sees you through the convenience you provide for them rather than liking you as a person. A lot of men want to expend as little effort as possible, by being high maintenance (in attitude, not in surface level shit like expensive makeup/plastic surgery) these types of men will leave you alone and look for an easier target.

No. 810070

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Any law students here? How many hours do you usually study/read per day? It's my first year, I find myself seated in front of a book for over two hours just … reading. Not even studying or producing content. It's not my problem having to do it but I genuinely wonder if this is the norm or if I'm just slow as fuck and need to do better. Excuse the shitty meme kek

No. 810104>>810115

Bumpety bump

No. 810110

thank you for your candid answer! well i suppose i am happy i am a lesbian so anal sex is something i’m not likely to consider doing. it just sounds like a lot of effort lol

No. 810115

See a GP, describe symptoms, ask for a referral to a specialist. That's how things function where I am, do you not have access to a GP?

No. 810121

Sounds like IBS to me. Go to the gastrologist if you want, or simply avoid food that is making you feel unwell.

No. 810128

iirc those foods are listed are irritants or whatever they're called on the fodmap diet
>Garlic and onion are high in the FODMAP, fructan. Fructans are a type of oligosaccharide (i.e., the O in the FODMAP acronym). Like other FODMAPs, fructans are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and rapidly fermented by bacteria in the large intestine leading to symptoms in some people with IBS.

No. 810145

Hrmm sounds like a mild case of IBS. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates since your stomach can't digest them too well, highly recommend lowering salt intake as well. See a GI so they can prescribe medication to alleviate intestinal cramping then seek a dietician for assistance on food planning if you're having trouble sticking to the diet your GI will assign. Hope you feel better a lot of my patients present comorbid, it fucking sucks

No. 810157>>810158>>810160>>810166>>810371

File (hide): 1621375962481.jpg (144.92 KB, 1280x997, descargar.jpg)

I want to make a "Lolcow's movie night recommendations" chart, so I need your help nonnas, please recommend me all the movies you might think we all would like here, so far I have these:

Gone Girl
Jennifer's Body
Mean Girls

Little Women (please tell me which version)
The handmaiden
Confessions of a teenage drama queen

It doesn't matter if the movie is mainstream or not, please tell me your suggestions!

No. 810158

Maybe Parasite and Marriage Story too since it has Adam Driver kek

No. 810160

"Ready Or Not" and "Knives Out"? I think the endings the leads get are pretty satisfying

No. 810166>>810171

i feel like the only person who doesn't like jennifer's body

No. 810169>>810210>>810223>>810230>>810240

Do you think any of the farmers here have ever intentionally/maliciously killed anyone?

No. 810171

I also didn't like it. I fell asleep watching it tbh and skipped to the end when I woke up.

No. 810173>>810195>>810198>>810279

A munchausen can't lie their way into brain surgery, right?

A close family member of mine has repetitively claimed to have the mill run of typical facticious disorders. It started off as cancer in the ninties, moved onto chronic tooth pain and then MS in the 00s (a munchie favorite), then it became a misfiring nerve in the brain in the 2010s. She'd also made one of her own kids believe they were going to die from factitious severe health complications in their twenties. She's flying to and from the capitol for surgeries (apparently) and taking a cocktail of drugs. I'm just assuming she's had brain surgery, it could all be bullshit there as well. Even there there's more and more incremental things going wrong like "They left a piece of gauss in and its hitting the nerve" or "they got the wrong nerve" and it's just a repeat. And she has to go back.

It recently has stopped entirely though, as in dead silence about her health problems, which is very unusual. The constant health complaints have dissipated although a generalized "I'M SICK!" comes out anytime she's pressured on anything. I have a feeling the doctors caught onto her lying.

There is a chance it is genuine, but considering her past history and the fact that she's drugged and malnorished her own children makes me think it's sus, especially how it's all died down at once. I think what's happened is the doctors and everyone realized it was all facticious bullshit and she got an embarrassing lecture by the doctors for wasting everyone's time.

Maybe the whole brain surgery arc was bullshit and it never happened, but on the chance it did happen, I'm fucking horrified that doctors would do something on the basis of someone just claiming symptoms. Or maybe it's all genuine idk.

No. 810195

She's either sick in the head or.. fucked in the brain. Either way she's ill in the same organ I guess?

No. 810198

If she lied about cancer, she probably lied about brain surgery. Idk about your healthcare system but I’ve heard that private doctors are more willing to give possible munchies (or genuinely sick people with undiagnosed/rare illnesses) the time of day. I’d still be inclined to believe it’s all a lie and she got caught, like you said.

No. 810209>>810218

Would chocolate melt if I throw it into a pot of simmering milk? I have a bar of 100% chocolate thats too bitter for me and I want to make hot chocolate with but I'm too scared it will seize and waste it.

No. 810210

These bitches can't even have diarrhea without posting the details here, there's no way anyone's secretly a murderer here

No. 810215

I got greedy and cut an avocado when it wasn't quite ripe enough, can I save it and have it continue to ripen? I wrapped it in cling film and put it in a cupboard lol I hope somebody else has a better idea

No. 810218>>810219

I think you're supposed to put it in a bowl of glass over a pot of boiling water to melt it. Pretty sure the chocolate can burn otherwise.

No. 810219

Samefag, I meant glass bowl, oops.

No. 810223

Honestly I was thinking of asking the same thing after lurking the in-laws thread

No. 810230>>810237

idk I ate the yogurt out of the work fridge knowing it was the diabetic's emergency sugar just because I was hungry and bored. my justification? it's yogurt and it was in date. it's replaced often enough for them to curtail the actual emergency

No. 810237

So not only are you an office food thief, you are an office food thief who steals from diabetics. Disgusting.

No. 810240>>810290

I once recommended that a friend maybe try out a menstrual cup

It was only today on lc that I learnt menstrual cups cause all your internal organs to fall out

I swear I didn't know at the time

No. 810244>>810665

Medicine that can cause drowsiness- is it just in the beginning of taking it or can it cause drowsiness all day if its a once a day medication?

No. 810279

You think that your relative is smart enough to trick to neurologists? Not just small town GPs, but literal brain surgeons? That's like tricking rocket scientists.

Judging by what your relative said happened to their "nerves" during "brain surgery", they don't know enough about anatomy for fool people who have specialised in that area for a decade.

Also, brain surgery is never done without imaging first. They would have seen no reason to operate on the scans if your relative is malingering.

No. 810290

you now have blood on your hands

No. 810293

Do clit piercings actually make your clit more sensitive? I've seen some people with nipple piercings say their nipples got more sensitive, and some people say they got less sensitive, so I'm wondering if it's also a hit or miss kind of thing with clit piercings.

No. 810300>>810301>>810303>>810304>>810310>>810318

Are any of you EST anons having trouble with youtube loading?

No. 810301>>810314

Nah, it's loading fine for me on mobile and desktop

No. 810303

no problems here, watching frenemies currently

No. 810304>>810308

not EST but yeah I’m having issues. Are you on desktop or the mobile app?

No. 810308

Desktop mac on Chrome. Damn! Lucky anons.

No. 810310

Not EST either but yes. Using chrome here

No. 810314

Samefag, both mobile and desktop are actually not working for me now. Getting a 429 error on my phone.

No. 810318

File (hide): 1621394699091.png (125.05 KB, 693x505, 2A58E466-EF8D-4A4E-90E6-59D10C…)

yes. I'm on mobile both in safari and the app won't let me finish my video.

No. 810371

Forgot to add Steel Magnolias, for the nice female frienship

No. 810372

Someone should make that thread, and by someone I mean me

No. 810373>>810390>>810405>>810407>>810427>>810428

File (hide): 1621405474121.jpg (135.06 KB, 540x926, 1769a851afb8c5c338338b6a6e7658…)

I know most of you nonnas will find it to be a meme, but does someone else feel like they can sometimes channel their femenine energy?
I'm not talking about being a pickme or a doormat, it's more on the veins of being secure and confident with your body, sexuality, and sensuality, for yourself. Idk, it feels like I've never been in tune with myself until now, I used to hate my body but learning to love it makes me feel, not femenine (I'm NOT typically femenine at all) but at peace within myself and my female body

No. 810383>>810385

Do Felv+ cats need special care? I want a cat and was browsing ads and there are several with this disease that can be adopted for free

No. 810385

Most cats with persistent FelV die within 2-3 years.

No. 810390>>810398

File (hide): 1621407801182.jpg (190.57 KB, 1300x863, 114561660-sexy-man-dressed-as-…)

>femenine energy
>being a pickme or a doormat
>my female body
This post is giving me 'hi fellow females' vibes

No. 810398

Oohhh nooo, how dare women want to be confident in their body? woe is me

I'm not a troon, I just believe in things like vid related, women can like whatever they want and believe in whatever they want.

No. 810405

can's answer this cos I have legit never felt even remotely comfortable with my own body, my own sexuality or sensuality etc. for a lot of reasons. I'm glad you're feeling good about yourself though nonny. if you find the secret to magically becoming at peace with your body and sexuality do share.

No. 810407>>810427>>810430>>810436

File (hide): 1621411255822.png (763.01 KB, 512x663, 12389735987634057843053.png)

I essentially agree. The concepts of femininity/masculinity in themselves are brainwashing tools developed by the patriarchy. This is what being gender critical asks us to examine. Recognizing that society generally defines masculinity as strength, logic, confidence, virtue (basically everything good/leadership qualities) while femininity is softness, submission, gentility and kindness (things that make us more easily controlled by men) and seeing that both concepts are damaging to us. Women obviously have "masculine" qualities in droves and often uphold them far more successfully than men, and not all "feminine" characteristics are bad in moderation, such as being caring. For me, accepting my so-called femininity has been recognizing that I am free to be whoever I want to be in the body I was given, that my physical form doesn't define or diminish me despite what I (all of us) absorbed from the environment.

It's also involved a more cognizant appraisal of how I've been socialized and deciding for myself what traits I want to keep and which are no longer serving me. For example, I'm happy to continue being kind to those who deserve it, but I no longer allow anyone to silence me if I'm cut off during conversations. Other women who have a mature outlook and understand these things (that we do not solely exist to cultivate male approval and are capable of whatever we want) are 100x more relatable and high quality as individuals than even more socially aware/intelligent men. I think that recognition of a shared struggle and shared triumph is the closest concept of "femininity" that I accept, and having that woman-specific perspective makes me a better and stronger person. Even though sometimes I would've loved to have been born a scrote so I could just bumble through life and get asspats and lauded as a hero simply for not being a complete fuck up.

No. 810427>>810431

File (hide): 1621414675317.jpg (184.04 KB, 990x1476, The New Soviet Man and Woman -…)

I mean for most of our history as a species, we were barely evolved apes trying to survive, no concept of masculinity or feminity just pragmatism
As a socialist I have a view that the New Soviet Man and Woman as the ideal of what the only substanable human path for us

No. 810428

I genuinely don't get what ~channeling your feminine energy~ means? Like I just exist as a woman and am happy and comfortable to be one but I'm not focused on 'being' a woman. I'm just a functioning person and human being.

No. 810430>>810762

File (hide): 1621415670343.jpg (74.31 KB, 290x500, D_NQ_NP_652390-MLC44261879515_…)

>For me, accepting my so-called femininity has been recognizing that I am free to be whoever I want to be in the body I was given, that my physical form doesn't define or diminish me

>ther women who have a mature outlook and understand these things (that we do not solely exist to cultivate male approval and are capable of whatever we want) are 100x more relatable and high quality as individuals than even more socially aware/intelligent men.

Exactly. For me femenine energy is not femininity, it's being your natural self, in tune with the fact you are female, and feeling power because of it. Idk, this is a weird concept to explain, but I feel like this, I am in tune with my body and being, and it shows in me being more confident, accepting no shit from people, feeling like I am a magnetic being in some way.

For me femenine energy is not wearing high heels, but more of a "I'm glad I'm a female, and I'm going to flaunt it, and feel in tune with it" situation

No. 810431

>As a socialist I have a view that the New Soviet Man and Woman as the ideal of what the only substanable human path for us
for me it's the return to monke path

No. 810436

I love this photo. She looks like the people from Avatar

No. 810467>>810468

is there like an advanced search alternative for tumblr or something like that? cause I can't find the kind of stories I want even though I've seen them on people's blogs.

say for example, hypothetically speaking of course, if I search "(character name) thighfucking" or just shorten it to thigh, I'll get no results, it's like this with tons of other subjects too, at best I might get 2 or 3 results. yet there were many times I manage to accidentally find stories with that exact topic and character I'm looking for, usually from looking through someone else's blog and stumbling across their recs, re-blogs, etc.

so I'm thinking why the fuck wasn't it in the search results before? or now for that matter. these weren't recently made stories either and they're not deleted. does it have to do with the way people tag things? is there a way to see literally any post that has certain words in it, like on a third-party site or sth

No. 810468

Tumblrs search engine is shit.

Maybe you could go to the blogs archive? Or use google + keywords?

No. 810665>>811164

Depends on how fast it gets into your bloodstream and stay there

No. 810675>>810691

Dumbass question coming through!!!!
Do women that use enhancing drugs to grow their muscles like those insta fitness girls (you know, tho one that aren't that big but you know aren't natural) get the bad side effects from using test like ftm do? Asking for a friend.

No. 810691>>810693>>810734

I've seen body builder women with bigger clits than most transmen get

And that shit is permanent

No. 810693>>810696

I wonder if there are any benefits from it…sounds scary

No. 810696>>810798

I'm an ex fakeboi and as much as I cringe when I look back on those days..it was all worth it for the clit upgrade

No. 810699

When will i be a farmhand?

No. 810721>>810726

File (hide): 1621441680633.jpeg (351.1 KB, 750x742, 331BC6A0-4ADA-417D-AD41-47A1FA…)

Why does everything seem so boring now? Especially when you’re grown up?

No. 810726


No. 810734>>810742>>810745

Having sexy muscles is not worth it if it gives you a disgusting big clit

No. 810742

>she hates big clits

No. 810745

I like big clits and I cannot lie

You other sisters can't deny

No. 810748>>810749>>810754>>810769

are small clits hated tho? mines impossible to find ive never seen it but i can feel it

No. 810749

samefag but the hood is just thicc

No. 810754>>810757>>810760>>810763>>810764>>811201

oh my god here comes the "i'm small teehee" girls. nobody cares about your clit. why would anyone hate any size clit?? it doesnt matter and grows/shrinks depending on arousal. Can't find yours? Get more aroused. jesus

t. irritated that people here think anyone would hate any parts of their bodies unless the scrote is the one doing in hating, in that case scrote lives don't matter. real sapphics don't give a fuck about their partner's body parts

No. 810755>>810758

Is there an astrology thread?

No. 810757

nope. I do not.

No. 810758

catalog > ctrl+f

No. 810760

Breathe nonna, you're creating fake scenarios in your head again.

No. 810762

NTA but this really resonates. Getting in touch with my divine feminine is currently an obstacle im trying to overcome in my spiritual journey and you laid out the concept very well. Thanks

No. 810763>>810792

ita. i was just asking lmao,
damn you're insecure about a body part not many people will see, arent you. grow up lmao

No. 810764>>810767>>810792

>refers to self as sapphic
god, lesbians really are unbearable people, lmao. i think some lesbians hate women more than scrotes do sometimes.

No. 810767>>810768

Nta but let's not start with this retarded shit again

No. 810768

it's not just another day on lolcow dot farm without farmers coping over their insecurities by putting down other anons

No. 810769>>810771

I mean an anon above you is calling bigger clits disgusting… Reality is the difference between a big clit and a small one is a portion of an inch. Who cares

No. 810770

How do I let go of a relationship when I know it would never work out but I still love him?

No. 810771>>810774>>810776

im just like sooo smol~

No. 810774>>810775

What are you talking about?

No. 810775

nonny probably thinks mentioning a body part is the same as bragging about it

No. 810776

Mental retardation

No. 810779>>810780

nobody ever posts anything here sarcastically to trigger fellow farmers

No. 810780

On the internet?? Who would do such a thing??

No. 810782>>810791>>810794

Why is red wine called vino tinto and not vino rojo when white wine is called vino blanco?

No. 810788>>810790>>810796>>810797>>810926

How often do you end up getting period blood on your underwear? I feel like every single period I manage to fuck up at least once.

No. 810790

every single time, thats why i got a BC pill where i only take the placebo twice a year. i hate periods and would love to do away with them, especially since i dont even want kids

No. 810791

England used to make red wine by colouring white wine with color, so it was white wine tinted (teñido) to look like red. When the term got translated to Spanish it made sense to call it vino tinto since it was a lie to call it a true vino rojo.
Eventually the term stuck even though some countries do call it vino rojo.

No. 810792>>810795>>810799

TA and I'm not a lesbian, I'm straight. I didn't want to say "lesbian/bi" because I didn't want you spergs to do exactly what you're doing now when I merely mention wlw.

aren't you the insecure one crying about your teeny weeny widdle cwitoris? what you said wasn't even close to the topic of conversation, where anon said BIG clits were gross, why did you even need to bring your "tiny" clit into this? Like I mentioned, clitorises grow and shrink depending on arousal. So if yours is "impossible to find" you're not horny enough. I'd know because I have a smaller clit too (but of course you didn't see me bringing that up in a conversation on BIG clits) but it presents itself when I actually am aroused.

No. 810794

>Tinto originates from the Latin word tinctus, which means dyed, stained, or tinted. The vino tinto reference simply describes the color of the wine, not the type of grape used to make the wine… During wine production, the skins of red grapes tint the white must until it turns into a red color. This means it is tinted a dark color instead of simply being red. That's why the Spanish refer to it as vino tinto—not vino rojo.

No. 810795

>Taking the internet this seriously
No wonder this place is bait central for scrotes

No. 810796

All black underwear here. I don't think I leak often but if I do its no biggie. All black pants too. Sorted.

No. 810797

Like every time at least once

No. 810798>>810800>>810803

Kinda based ngl
Big clit chads rise up Especially us that are natty

No. 810799

i could barely read your post because all i see is mental illness and fragility. please get a hobby or go back to work.

No. 810800>>810802

File (hide): 1621447502608.jpg (161.06 KB, 952x1464, fightfightfight.jpg)

No. 810802

Looks like a friend :)

No. 810803

Natty big clits are the only based clits

No. 810814>>810817>>810822>>810825>>810832

I don't want to start an argument about age but how do people feel about getting a first tattoo in your 30s? E.g. Going this long without a tattoo, would you bother + what do you specifically think about calf tattoos?

Bonus question, where are cool locations on the body for a decent sized tattoo that can be obscured in photos?

No. 810817

If you have to ask this, please don’t get a tattoo.

No. 810822

It makes more sense than a teenager getting an impulsive permanent tattoo

No. 810825>>810842

Honestly doesn't matter when you get a tattoo, as long as you want to have one. I have no idea how people in their teens/early twenties can even afford tattoos really, at least the big ones.
Seen some cool calf tattoos but I think it's a weird spot to have an only tattoo. If you have something everywhere or at least plan to though it's cool.
When it comes to obscuring, depends how you dress, I guess anything in the chest area, especially below boobs will be obscured for majority of the time. It's a pretty painful spot though. Thighs are often obscured too I guess and definitely not as painful so maybe there?

No. 810829>>811094

Does putting that you're female on a job application actually help? I typically do that thinking it'll help me (my field is fairly male dominated). But I haven't gotten an email or call back at all so I don't really think it makes much of a difference?

No. 810831

Since anon brought up the tattoo talk
Do medical staff in your country have tattoos? Is it allowed in other countries?

No. 810832

Once you start getting them you can catch the tattoo bug so to speak, as in it can be addictive

I got a bunch done between 19 and 26, I'm 32 now and I still love them and like the not-so-on-show places that I picked for them. They were very much for myself and not fashion or to be seen by others. I felt that addictive buzz though so I'm glad I stopped before getting too covered. If you go for it maybe just pace yourself cause that's a common enough thing. Tattoos artists joke about it. When they get a new customer it tends to quickly turn into good repeat business

No. 810842

I've always liked leg sleeves and my friend has a very cute tat on her calf that curves a bit round to the front. I do have an idea, I have a couple tbh and they're sort of related so it could possibly turn into a cohesive sleeve.

I've always liked leg tattoos, but I also like when I get to dress up, but my friend who has the leg tats still manages to look classy/elegant when she wears dresses and they're visible but idk if it's because she gorgeous too lol

I also sort of like below the elbow on the inside. When I say obscured I don't mean under clothes, even just from a front or certain angle. I like some arm tattoos because they're not always exposed or can be hidden idk.

If any nonnies have nice tattoos I'd love to see, perhaps I'm having a midlife crisis but these ideas have always bounced around in my head.

No. 810926

I'll jinx myself with this, I know, but it hasn't happened for me in a long time. It's easier with winged pads.

No. 810992>>810995

Dae think body language analysis is bullshit?

No. 810995

There are some patterns worth noticing maybe but people who are into it take it as gospel which is kinda insane. Same as it is for example with polygraph testing, can be considered a clue but should not be treated as the final truth.

No. 811031>>811087

Can you use a vibrator wand on a man? My scrote bought one to use on me but I hate it.

No. 811047>>811067

What’s the best way of covering up weed smell? I live in a legal state but my rental is super strict about people smoking in the building or having marijuana at all.

No. 811067

If you don't wanna go outside the most fool proof way (besides edibles obviously) is to first seal up any gaps underneath your door with a towel. Then put a couple of scented dryer sheets in a cardboard tube/paper towel roll and breathe out the smoke through that. This will pretty much neutralize the smell but you'll still get some escaped smoke that you didn't inhale, if you're worried about that a bong is better than a joint since it doesn't stay lit as long. Afterwards you can light some incense to cover up any smell that might be left. You're good unless your landlord barges in two minutes after you've smoked.
Alternatively wait till like 3 am and smoke while hanging out of your window, but honestly if you take the basic precautions I mentioned I doubt anyone will notice.

No. 811087

I heard a guy say putting a hitachi wand on his dickhead was so good he was worried to do it too much in case he got used to it and ruined everything else in comparison so yeah seems like it

No. 811094>>811124

Do you have a unisex name or something? If they're interested in you, they'll research you. Putting your gender on a resume just seems like you're exhausting to deal with

No. 811124

It's not on my resume? It's the application portal that asks for your gender, race, veteran status, and so on. My name is feminine anyways.

No. 811136>>811140

File (hide): 1621473916829.jpg (64 KB, 600x509, lettucecat.jpg)

Terraria, Minecraft, or Stardew Valley?
Or are all of them fun and I should buy all of them?

No. 811140

I haven't played Minecraft but both Terraria and Stardew Valley are fun!

No. 811164

Thanks anon! I think it stayed in my system all day lol. I stopped taking it (it was just allergy meds) and immediately I stopped feeling so sleepy the next day!

No. 811175>>811177

How do you join a fandom? My small circle of high school weeb friends have all moved on from loser hobbies, but unfortunately I still like anime and miss having people to talk about it to.

No. 811177

You don't, just suffer in silence like the rest of us and post to the husbando and waifu threads. Or you can try to find anime conventions near you that weren't kill from coronavid and socialize with fellow autists.

No. 811187>>811247

do lesbian sugar mommy/sugar baby(idk if this is the right term) relationships exist? anyone have any experience in one? any recommendations on where to go to look for something like this

No. 811195>>811393

What the fuck are peanut butter vibes

No. 811201>>811207>>811211>>811235>>811245>>811246

Unpopular Opinions: we need to ban lesbians/GC-fags from making any boring conversation into a war zone about hating scrotes and ironically invalidating how another woman feels while blaming scrotes that they’re the ones who are invalidating her. God it’s so exhausting, just like the admins who ban driverfagging they should start banning GC spergs. Call me a scrote, tranny, whatever enemy you made up in your mind because you get angry when someone is testing against your beliefs. But for the love of god, shut the fuck up. Not everyone here loves lesbian sapphic goddess white tradcore female loving sex and yes, some of the anons here are heterosexual. Get over it lol

No. 811207

This is the stupid questions thread anon

No. 811211>>811267

>we need to ban lesbians/GC-fags
they really do live in some of your heads rent free lmao

No. 811235


No. 811245

project your insecurities more. great thread choice btw

No. 811246

anon got called a handmaiden & got so heated that she accidentally posted in the wrong thread… this is art

No. 811247

I don't know nona but I'd be curious too. I want a mommy :l

No. 811267

Trannies, like the men they are, are masters of projection

No. 811268

File (hide): 1621493245236.jpg (57.21 KB, 450x321, mirror-man (1).jpg)

Do you think it says anything about you when most of your closest friends have diagnosed mental illness? (Among my bff circle I've got one bpd, two bipolars, one NPD, and multiple depressed people who take meds). Personally I feel pretty stable, and my life is very normal, but is there a certain personality type that attracts mentally ill people?

No. 811283>>811295

Is fluoride in toothpastes bad?

No. 811294>>811318>>811329>>811355

Does anyone else get super uncomfortable when you're listening to something with headphones and the audio only plays in one of your ears? It makes me cringe and bothers me extremely. I don't know if that means I'm autistic or have some sensory issues.

No. 811295

it's good locally on the teeth, for your enamel, but don't swallow it

No. 811318

I have this too. Even just today I had to search for the mono version of a song on YouTube, because the original had the guitar only on the right ear and I couldn't focus on anything else lol.

No. 811329

i fucking hate songs that put the instruments in different ears because if you take a headphone off you can't hear half the song. i also cant stand videos that sound like 75% is in one ear and im not even sure why it happens since there's usually a way to put audio on both or one side in editing.

No. 811340>>811352

is constant exposure to bluetooth bad for you?

No. 811352

makes your teeth blue. it's in the name

No. 811355

I only listen to audio in one earbud anyway

No. 811393

Nothing in this song makes sense, don't question it, just vibe

No. 811880>>811884

File (hide): 1621556602706.jpeg (198.33 KB, 750x566, A7816D38-12D4-4BE3-965C-A0630E…)

as a retarded american not raised religiouy, is this not what most christians think? is there differences between different regions, like europe and south america?

No. 811884

Both parties sound retarded.

No. 811889>>811891>>811895

File (hide): 1621557386783.jpg (131.57 KB, 739x739, 1621462509196.jpg)

Anons! I need help to decide whether I should order a limited (one time only) hoodie or not.

The cons of it:
- It costs 60€ without shipping, my partner will order it for himself which would make it 145€. I am going shopping to mall soon this weekend, thinking that itd be probably be better to spend my cash on something IRL.
- It's a grey colour.

The good things:
- We both love this artist and appreciate them a lot, so having the same hoodie makes it even cuter.
- It has my favourite sea creatures.
- This artist creates merch once a year and there'd never be another chance to order previous design again…so I guess exclusivity?

No. 811891

No. 811894>>811899>>811908>>811909>>812068

>Meant to post here:

Why do alt-right scrotes get with Asian women yet wouldn’t fuck with other races besides white probably?

No. 811895

Only if you have money to spare, can pay for rent, food and all that.

No. 811899>>811909>>811942

Probably because asians are the closest to "white" as minorities come. Also they are usually brought up learning to cook, clean, and function as the housekeeper in a more traditional marriage setting. Conservative guys like that. They aren't looking for a girl with a masters degree who can't cook. In general asian women are more non-confrontational as opposed to black/latina/white women etc..

No. 811908>>811942>>811978

pornsick and see east asian women as feminine and submissive, maybe slightly due to wars/military where americans visited local prostitutes.

No. 811909>>811910>>811911>>811976

I'm pretty sure it's because no other woman wants them, but they probably use Asian women that need green cards. Additionally, they probably fell into the stereotype that Asian women are submissive and pure.

Men are retarded and their lives are only built around stereotypes that they perceive unlike women that actually use critical thinking skills. Most of those alt-right men are sheep and pretty much live their lives based on what they're told and what they consume via media and that's this:

>Asian women are smol petite submissive pure and will do whatever I say

>Black women are loud, aggressive, rebellious but make a good duck because all they do is twerk
>Latinas are crazy and mean, psycho but I love that latin fire
>Indian girls are off limits
>Muslim women are hot because they are covered up and will bear my children
>White women are annoying and victimize themselves, too close to my bitch mother

This is all they see of us. I live in a neighborhood that's primarily conservative white men from the military and wouldn't you know, nearly half of the neighborhood is white men/asian women.

No. 811910

*good fuck. not good duck lol

No. 811911

>black women good fuck

Most men I've met cannot wrap their head around it that I dont need a huge horse dick to get off and I'm not a sex queen

No. 811913

Does dermarolling your hairline really work? I'm seeing before and afters in the internet tho but it feels too good to be real

No. 811933>>811948>>811962

File (hide): 1621566492633.jpg (41.61 KB, 502x604, enneagram.jpg)

Why are Christians (particularly the hip millennial types) so into Enneagram? It doesn't seem particularly more "christian" than other pop psych models, at least to me.

No. 811942

>Probably because asians are the closest to "white" as minorities come
Nope.. fair skinned Latinos and West Asians from Christian cultural background are the closest to whites. Dont let American geopolitics and fetishisation confuse you.
>In general asian women are more non-confrontational as opposed to black/latina/white women etc..
That's more accurate, but this answer is even better
white people fetishizing minority women based on sexual stereotypes (projection) has been going on since columbus discovered the americas.. look up old colonial post cards youd be amazed how much the sexual stereotypes they pushed on aboriginal and black women reflect on the ones they push on asian women today. Same story.

No. 811948>>811997


I’m millennial Christian and have never heard of this.

No. 811962>>811997

I’m a millennial Christian and this looks like some new age/occult shit, I don’t trust it.

May God help them.

No. 811963>>811965

are people born in 1998 millenials or zoomers?

No. 811965


No. 811967>>811968

Why the fuck do so many mennot know how to wash their backside or themselves in general? I fucking hate living with moids where I have to sit on the chair they use and they make it fucking reek

No. 811968

What the fuck that is so disgusting I want to cry

No. 811976>>812068

File (hide): 1621571460109.jpeg (157.67 KB, 1500x1500, C62F8370-8AC4-4629-A2A3-2B9748…)

I see now that they’re retarded enough to make a fb page based on their fetish and muh gunz.

Just because the guy in picrel looks Asian, it’s not like the irl photos where it’s only white guy with Asian chicks. Muh diversity, amirite?


No. 811978

I couldn’t help but think of that family guy clip

No. 811997

I see. Just for some context, I watched one youtube video by a Christian film critic, and he also happened to be into enneagram, so now my recommended is full of stuff like vidrel, and they're always Christian vloggers.

No. 812060>>812066>>812100>>812104

If a person got lost in a forest, would they be able to live off of grass and leaves?

No. 812066

No. They're indigestible at best and toxic at worst.

No. 812068>>812677

On the reverse end I've noticed that a lot of annoyingly woke WOC often date/married to white guys, however their dynamic is a lot of different

Racist fugly white men get married to self hating Asian women, that's simple enough, I suspect those relationships are loveless and based purely on fetish
With Woke women they often tend to date a specific type of white Guy, a white guy whose a good guy but also very bland and average, Like imagine a moderately liberal white guy whose not terminally online all the time and has no idea about culture wars

No. 812100>>812150

Earlier this month they found a missing woman who had survived off moss and grass for 5 months apparently. She did it on purpose too, so my guess is if you're unhinged enough you totally can.

No. 812103>>812152

Is there anything in particular that determines the way fat sits on your stomach? It annoys me how when I sit down the area below my belly button is still pretty flat but my upper stomach gets rolls in the worst places. Why is that part specifically so 'malleable' compared to the more sturdy or stiff fat in other areas? Does it have to do with muscle/fat ratio?

No. 812104>>812146

I feel like you'd subside on your existing fat reserves more than anything. One thing you'd definitely need access to is clean water, without water you'll be screwed within days.

No. 812146

This doesn't really work unless you have the right vitamins right?

No. 812150

If she ever does a reddit ama I will have so many questions

No. 812152>>812169

I think posture and strength training for your core helps. I've always thought my belly button is weird because of a stomach roll, turns out I just never engage my core. I've rejuvenated my belly button since. It looks normal and proud lol.

No. 812169>>812177>>812178

Oh that could be it! I have a similar issue with my belly button too.
What kind of exercise worked for you? Is there anything in particular you'd recommend?

No. 812177

Nta but planks, there are a million variations and imo the most complete core exercise

No. 812178

Like anon above said planks, and when standing pushing your hips forward and engaging with your core when relaxed every so often and just tense the muscles and get use to working them. Helps you stand up tall too.

No. 812226>>812230>>812238>>812247

Who does it better?
Art salt or celebricows?

No. 812230

Does what

No. 812238

Neither, theyre both retarded

No. 812242>>812244>>812249>>812253>>812259>>812265

File (hide): 1621605306402.jpg (175.47 KB, 634x991, 1438976789781.jpg)

I have chunky big arms like picrel, but I am closer to underweight than a normal bmi. What kind of clothes can I wear that don't make my arms be in display aside from burkas and oversized sweaters? Should I lose weight?

No. 812244

>Big arms
>Like picrel
>Already underweight
I think you got body dysmorphia nonna idk

No. 812247

Celebricows, I love art drama but art salt thread is boring af for a long time now

No. 812249

Just let your arms slosh in the wind. S'all good anon.

No. 812253

>closer to underweight than a normal bmi.
What? There's nothing inbetween normal and underweight

No. 812259

You're fine, anon. Get help.

No. 812265

the other anons are wack

i have had comparatively large arms both when fat and skinny. it is what it is. i just never wear anything sleeveless.

i like to go for something with more room/flowier rather than tight on the arms. cap sleeves are a definite no, off the shoulder is fine. just find what you like and what flatters your body. good luck ol' chunky arms.

No. 812270>>812271>>812272

File (hide): 1621609365706.png (693.24 KB, 1366x720, 04-26-21_7-29-23 PM.png)

who do you think this is?

No. 812271

File (hide): 1621609422527.png (753.77 KB, 1366x720, 04-26-21_11-14-35 PM.png)

No. 812272>>812274

Trisha or Courtney Love

No. 812274>>812277

File (hide): 1621609739074.png (686.78 KB, 1366x720, 04-26-21_11-13-54 PM.png)

It's Trisha!

No. 812277>>812278

Do you play this on a tablet or why is this potato quality settings?

No. 812278

my laptop is shit

No. 812318>>812336

About one month ago I distributed resumes pretty much everywhere to find a summer job (june, July, August). I got a few callbacks but didn't get the job so I kinda gave up and made plans for the summer.
Someplace just called and set an interview for tomorrow, I wrote on my resume I was available for june-july-august, is it ok if now I'm only available for July and August??

No. 812326>>812335

Have any anons here taught ESL in China, Japan, or SK without knowing the language? How was it?

No. 812335

From exp in SK, I can tell you that people will talk shit in front of you in their language, thinking that you don't know it (which you don't in this situation). This country is really mean towards non-koreans.

They are disrespectful to people who know Korean fluently, would keep pushing talking in English on purpose instead of responding to fluent Korean, or they would still keep pretending to be anything just to not answer to you. There are a lot of blogs that actually show that even though its nice being in SK, doesn't mean it's not difficult. Streets are also oftenly full of trash during nights.

No. 812336

Go for it, but don't lead with it. Wait until they ask you when you're available

No. 812366>>812379>>812407

is anyone in here a history major/majored in history. what do u do now

No. 812375>>812376

Why does USA have so many meme college majors? I see it all the time with the twitter woke crowd, you click on their profile and see they have the most ridiculous named major ever

No. 812376

Because the government can easily indoctrinate them, then push them out with $200,000 debt and no job opportunities so they become reliant on the gov. Retards who are broke n' woke are super easy to manipulate and secure votes from.

No. 812379>>812381

Not me, I know two people who majored in history. One's a code monkey now, the other one works in the international relations department of a law firm.

No. 812381

christ, everyone i know is in code. im way too stupid for it. i know tumblr html. i guess im shooting to become a history teacher

No. 812407

Apply for museum work. Should've done art history but you're close enough, and you can also try natural history museums. You can do intern work or apply for a visitor desk position, then move up from there. Lots of museum admin work only requires a degree, any degree.

No. 812421>>812454>>812467

Does anyone else ever get the feeling that everything they write is completely incomprehensible? Whether it be sharing ideas/opinions, writing a story, or even just summarizing something. Is this a form of impostor syndrome or something? I feel like a babbling nonsensical idiot when I write.

No. 812454

I feel like this when sending texts.

No. 812457>>812464>>812469>>812470

Why do a lot of Canadian animated shows have toilet humor?ex 6Teen TDI
It ruins the shows for me to the point that I stop watching it completely

No. 812464

seems more like a general kid's show thing, american and japanese children's cartoons have a similar amount. I guess because children (apparently?) find it funny?

No. 812467

I feel like this when it comes to actual speech. Like my ideas get muddled and disorganized in the act of of verbalizing them. I forget certain points I wanted to make or phrase things awkwardly in the moment. Writing is actually easier for me because it gives me time to reflect and think about how I want to position something. Then again I’m an English major so clearly I’ve already made my bed lol.

No. 812469

No. 812470

Another anon said it was children shows in general, but the two you referenced are actually created by a specific production studio that makes shows for the older kid group with a lot of gross out humor. Kids shows can and do use the same elements of course, regardless of origin, but in the grand scheme of things I don’t think it’s that common outside of action comedies for that 11-15 demographic. Especially when the shows are about “real” characters i.e. reality tv show parodies like TDI.

No. 812478>>812516

If you met a cow who had a “career” would you pretend to be a genuine fan so you can take a picture with them

No. 812504>>812527>>812528>>812571

File (hide): 1621632722729.png (41.62 KB, 665x495, fatfuck.png)

How do you stop stress eating?

No. 812516


Under no circumstance would I want to be seen in the same frame as a cow.

No. 812527

Find an alternative, healthier outlet for your stress.

No. 812528

Don't have the food you binge on in the home in the first place.

No. 812571

1) You're most likely dehydrated, and your brain is tricking you into thinking you're hungry, as we get a solid portion of our water intake through food. Drink a full glass of water and see if you're still hungry. Continue to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
2) Try chewing gum to give your mouth something to do.
3) If you have to snack, try munching on something with high protein/fiber content so you'll feel more full. See: nuts, cheese, fruits/veggies, etc.
4) Do literally anything other than doomscrolling. The internet is a never ending source of stress, so to not be stressful, severing a major stress source will lift a bit of the weight off your shoulders.
Hopefully that helps a little.

No. 812656

Has anyone tried making friends in another country only to end up friendless again?

No. 812677

So a power-play? The strong dominate the weak.

No. 812706>>812743

Is artificial cheese/bacon/chicken flavoring vegan?

No. 812743

Some of it is. I lurked on /r/vegan for a while and I remember them talking about certain brands of cheese-flavored popcorn being vegan and such. I don't know how to tell which are, though. I believe bacon bits (at least some brands) are actually vegan.

No. 812797

Had a random shower thought/question: I know from the old threads on here that Dasha edits herself, including her weight and stuff, but how come it doesn't look as obvious as someone like Dakota or Venus?

No. 812802>>812815

Are you supposed to lie and say a meal made by a loved one tastes good when it actually doesn't? Not like it's from your grandma, but like a friend? Is some honesty okay or does that make you a prick?

No. 812809>>812810>>812811>>812813>>812870

This is probably a mega retarded question but it’s been on my mind a lot. Is it ever okay for a father to tell his daughter that she looks sexy? My dad who I have a super estranged relationship with saw some pictures of me recently that my mom shared with him. We are pretty much no contact but he sent me an autistic block of text about how beautiful I’ve become and had a line in there about me being sexy. It was a super word salad text, but most texts I’ve ever gotten from him have been word salad. I keep making excuses to not freak myself out because my dad is a mega boomer (over 70 years old) and maybe him saying that is just the insane way people talked in his time to their family?? I’m also 98% sure my dad genuinely is on the spectrum.

No. 812810

My grandpa has made some uncomfortable comments about me having a “real nice figure” so I think to some extent old men are just misogynist creeps as a matter of course, but using the word “sexy” strikes me as going too far even for that. It’s creepy for sure.

No. 812811

No, that's weird. My father is also barely in my life, but I would be grossed out if he said that to me. although older female relatives have jokingly called me sexy, but I feel like that's different

No. 812813

no, that's not ok.

No. 812815

Idk I kind of do but I usually phrase it like “next time you make this, maybe you could try adding a bit more/less of this ingredient” or something similar but in like a friendly tone? Lol. My logic is saying something like that shows you would like to eat with them again and believe they have the capacity to cook well, the recipe just needs adjustment. But I’m not known for having great tact so maybe don’t listen to me lol

No. 812870

That's 100% not okay. Honestly I would be worried about him going into full-blown genetic sexual attraction mode if you ever meet.

No. 812882>>812886>>812906

Can you feel molested by someone who had no intentions of molesting you? Like, they weren't touching you in a sexual way but you personally felt icked out by it and felt as if you were violated? A person really close to me, on certain occasions makes me feel this way. Squeezing my ass even though I've told her not to, a kiss on the neck, massaging my inner thighs and my back etc. It feels very uncomfortable to me but I know 100% it's not from a 'predatory' place from her but I just feel gross, I've told her off multiple times but she gets offended that I'd think she had bad intentions and I know she doesn't. It's frustrating. I have vented about this before here, she's my mom and I love her very much but she just doesn't understand where I'm coming from.

No. 812886

it doesn't matter what her intentions are, you told her to stop and that it makes you uncomfortable. she's ignoring your feelings, and even if it doesn't come from a "predatory place" it's still creepy as hell and seriously not okay. makes me uncomfortable just reading it anon, I'm sorry she refuses to respect your boundaries. I'd feel violated too.

No. 812906

We told you it wasn't okay last time, it's still not okay, and you obviously also still don't think it's okay
I'm sorry this is happening to you but as hard as it is you need to advocate for yourself, you already know it's not going to stop if you don't

No. 812970>>812980>>812983

File (hide): 1621689178650.png (32.18 KB, 229x103, IMG_20210522_150821.png)

Who is the goth cutie? Some Castlevania character? They did him dirty by getting rid of the hair etc

No. 812971


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 812980

He's from Castlevania game on ps2, but Netflix changed everyone design to make them basic and boring. Isaac just got the worst deal of it

No. 812982

Agree with you even though I haven't played the game. Disappointed there doesn't seem to be much content about Isaac since I love his original design!

No. 812983

Is that the lighting on did they change his skin?

No. 812984>>812991>>812996>>813122

I spend alot of time alone, but then I always have. Lately I keep catching myself saying "I don't know" out loud. No idea why I'm saying it. I never say anything else out loud like that.

Wut is that?

No. 812990

I want to snack on something but idk what to get, any sugesstions?

No. 812991

Dunno, I had it for a long time. I'll say "fuck me", "it's OK", "let me die" sometimes out loud when I'm cleaning up and stuff, in a half-whisper some days, luckily no one ever caught me doing it yet. It's also weird because I say them in english while it's not my native language. I think it's some kind of response to my inner monologues, but it doesn't always make sense.

No. 812996

If I'm thinking of something I did in the past that was really cringey/embarassing/mean/generally something negative I'll say "Kill myself" aloud.
It's super weird.

No. 813045>>813047>>813051>>813052>>813106

Where did superwholock come from? why this specific combo? I mean wholock are both British and iirc have the same lead writer, but supernatural? What the hell do all these three have in common?

No. 813047

cute guys innit

No. 813051

These were the most popular/big fandoms on Tumblr during that time

No. 813052

doctor who and supernatural are both science fiction/fantasy, I think. They're combined, not because of the content, but because they had overlapping fanbases

No. 813104>>813105>>813108>>813110

My boyfriend accused me of cheating and i spammed him and now he blocked me
He said “we’re no longer exclusive”
I didn’t do anything wrong. But i feel happy even if distressed at first that he blocked me.
So my question now is, was it normal of me to spam him with “liar?” I just felt defeated because he claimed to trust me…

No. 813105>>813109

Girl just move on and block him back, he sounds abusive. Go find someone else to love asap so you can forget about his stupid ass

No. 813106

No. 813108>>813111

>So my question now is, was it normal of me to spam him with “liar?”

No, get help. The only times I ever spammed someone like that was when I was mentally unstable.

Also, he's a knob. Move on and find someone else who isn't insecure like that.

No. 813109>>813115

I’m just hurt. I talked to him about using tinder before we got together and sent him these silly screenshots of weirdos. But the funny thing is that was. Then i put the settings to female only bc just for meeting up friends.
i sent him a screenshot of a weirdo guy that sent me a dick pic randomly and above it had a tinder notification bar that there were matches to be waiting or something.
I am sayingg this openly like this because i have nothing to hide. I swear i didnt cheat. I’m confused. I guess we’re both toxic. I promised him that i’ll get better with this therapy i’ve been attending a few times and work on my social skills. He didnt make me feel good though and I always felt uncomfortable…man…I hate myself. For letting myself so fooled. He didn’t love me did he? That’s why he talked about pregnancy and love so fast. I hate myself so much to be so naive. I have adhd so my mind is so chaotic. It’s why I went for the therapy to no longer be so ugh

No. 813110>>813114

Good riddance. Don’t say another word to him, it’s over. This is the exact type of male you want to cut off as soon as possible.

No. 813111

I’m mentally stressed plus I have adhd. He makes me uncomfortable because we hve a weird history. Didn’t help it. But you’re right. Thank you. I guess I’ll finish my tasks, sleep and cry this away and feel better yhe days after.

No. 813114

Okay but I already blew it up. He showered me with love and I believed it. I was so vulnerable because my mom was in the hospital having back surgery and I thought she’d die. shuts up I guess I’ll stop yeah.

No. 813115>>813117

Are you underage or what the fuck? Stop with the retarded self-loathing. That guy is a bpd piece of shit.

No. 813117

I’m just being fucking retarded because of immense stress and I feel fucked over. I’m doing so bad. But you’re right. What the fuck this is not me. At all. I’m done yeah.

No. 813122

Are you answering your internal monologue. Sometimes I'll catch myself in an intrusive thought and say something audible to counter it. I don't do it around other people probably because of socialisation but when I'm alone I'll speak to myself. I honestly think it's normal. I sing to myself too. Like sometimes I'll sing what I'm doing lol.

No. 813245>>813267>>813296>>813342

How do you keep your skin semi dry looking all day with makeup on? After an hour I look like i dunked my head in chicken oil

No. 813267

Try a matte foundation

No. 813296>>813331

Apologies im about to sperg like this site has never seen i love makeup. So my routine is to apply moisturizer and wait 20 min for it to soak into the skin before applying any makeup. It fills in your pores and prevents excess oil production to make up for being dry. A matte finishing spray/powder will be your best friend it can help reduce shiny forehead syndrome. Last tip is to reduce the amount of makeup applied in layers, don't cake your face in concealer and foundation it'll cause your pores to begin oil production like a mfer since they're clogged. Pick one or the other but not both, if you need to hide something color correct it and use a foundation.

No. 813297>>813301

"X dwarfs Y". Is there more of X or of Y?

No. 813300

Why does my dog lay on her back all the time?
She just rolls over onto her back and wags her tail and then takes a nap

No. 813301>>813337

X is larger/greater, it's making Y look like a dwarf. Never thought about it too hard but the wording does seem kinda odd, must be confusing for some non-natives.

No. 813331

Which matte setting spray would you suggest?

No. 813337

Thank you!!

No. 813342

I have oily skin myself and I could never find the right method. I tried a bunch of different matte products, oil-controlling primers, setting sprays, nothing really worked. That said, a light bb cream or a mineral powder foundation combined with oil-blotting sheets throughout the day tended to work fairly well, and it definitely helps to wait after applying moisturizer like the other anon said. Oil-controlling primers are just 100% a gimmick imo, you’re better off just blotting throughout the day.

No. 813355>>813380

If I start using a vibrator will it become harder to coom with just my hands?

No. 813380

No. 813397>>813399>>813401>>813407>>813409>>813439

is asexuality a sexual orientation? why or why not?

No. 813399

Asexuality would be the lack of a sexual orientation, which doesn't exist. Everyone has one and a lack of sexual interest or desire usually stems from medical issues or repression. I do think some people can have low libido but I don't think asexuality is real.

No. 813401>>813405

I mean… yeah. I'm of the opinion that the absence of sexual attraction to people is essentially the opposite of bisexuality and is still quantifiable. The number 0 still holds as much value as any other number, doesn't it?

No. 813405

kek no.

No. 813407

No. Claiming a lack attraction to abc [people] with or without exceptions of xyz [“asexual, _romantic” “aromantic, but _sexual” “asexual but sexually active” etc.] is not a sexual orientation. Even if self claimed asexuals actually were mentally castrated eunuchs, not being sexually attracted to others (people, even “things”) in itself is not a sexual orientation. It’s just mentally ill or repressed, which is fine. But again, not a sexuality. A straight person isn’t straight just because they’re not homosexual, they’re heterosexual. If you’re not sexually attracted to either sex it has to be consistent and irrevocable for me to buy it. But asexuals are never like that, again disproving it.

No. 813409>>813483

Yes. Some people don't want to fuck, period, and that's an orientation outside the bounds of normalcy. Obviously, that means they'll run into problems IRL, especially when they want to have a relationship. It's made even worse by the fact that society has trouble taking "No" for an answer from women specifically.
Not sure why some people get very angry about it. I've seen the argument that straight people will just use it as a way to "join" the LGBT, but they already do that with the T using genderspecial BS ("I'm agender nonbinary uwu"), and there are self-described asexuals who still date the same sex, or none at all.

No. 813425

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Context: I'm a very small time instagram "artist" like less than 50 followers small and half of then are family and friends, with that in mind today I received a comment in one of a pictures asking to DM a page (_thehouseofthe_art) is it a scam? Is it a bot? Should I report it or just ignore it?

No. 813439>>813446

It is not an orientation like being gay or bi or straight. Being left-handed and right-handed should not get grouped with having no hands.

No. 813443>>813445>>813451

am I a dirtbag if I'm 27 and wear Pokemon shirts?
like is it trashy to wear cartoon/logo shirts at this age? I don't go outside or have social media or friends, I have no idea how I'm supposed to outwardly appear at this point

No. 813445

Pokemon is one of the most popular and mainstream franchises in existence, nobody gives a shit about your tshirt

No. 813446>>813453

That's a false equivalency. A better comparison would be asking someone how many hands they have, not which hand they predominantly use. I guess you could argue being ambidextrous is an allegory for bisexuality, but even in that case, having no hands at all still falls under its own category like the other three.

No. 813451>>813454>>813472>>813475

millenials are all dirtbags, you're trash and you'll all still be dressing like consoomer children in the retirement home, pick whatever cartoon or soda brand you feel like

No. 813453>>813462

nta but on the contrary, if in a universe where hands were not imperative to survival and comfort then it would be apt an apt analogy. “How many wisdom teeth do you have” when some have few, all, or none is probably a more appropriate contemporary analogy though. Or innie or outie or no bellybutton. Though those can be artificially imposed or removed.

No. 813454>>813457

Damn bitch, did a millenial steal your boyfriend and shit in your cheerios?

No. 813457>>813469

I'm not the one who made your culture spongebob memes and scene haircuts, I just hate you for it

No. 813462>>813468>>813483

That's what I'm saying. The absence of something is still accounted for, not excluded. It's the whole "nothing is something" principle. Which is why I personally believe asexuality should be deemed a sexual orientation among the rest. It accounts for whom (i.e. which group of people) someone is sexually attracted to, not if someone is sexually attracted to someone.

No. 813467>>813502>>813503

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How to stop binging please I'm fat already but don't wanna go the ~pro ana thinspo~ route

No. 813468

yeah but asexual people still have hetero sex yet have pity points for being asexual

No. 813469

Our culture is vine and depression you little faggot

No. 813472

who hurt you

No. 813475>>813477

>implying non-millennials aren't consoomers
Huh??? It only gets worse when you're born into watching ads at 15 second intervals.

No. 813476>>813484

Does size really matters? I like how big dicks look but I've heard that they could be uncomfortable and even painful.

No. 813477>>813481

gen z are the biggest consooomers while pretending they care about the planet

No. 813480>>813897

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how can i encourage my cat to go outside? she used to go outside a lot but the neighbour's cat scared her and now she won't leave the house

No. 813481>>813487>>813488

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If zoomers aren't buying fast fashion, every new makeup scam, unsustainable "vegan" junks, Corpse Husband merch and 10 physical kpop albums, it's because they don't have jobs yet kek

No. 813483>>813501

>It accounts for whom (i.e. which group of people) someone is sexually attracted to, not if someone is sexually attracted to someone.
But in regards to asexuality it is about “if” per its own definition. In practice, self proclaimers might have a different story, but heterosexuals and homosexuals in denial is irrelevant. Asexuals [should] have sex with (and be attracted to) no one, the no one being an exclusion of not just physical persons, but the idea and concept of persons. Making “nobody” an all-encapsulating thing including an absence of people, rather than referring to a specific person. That is why despite us agreeing on semantics, I can’t consider it an orientation to be placed among others. In practice, asexuality does not mean what it descriptively should. And if it somehow did, I can’t be convinced the minute few it’d ever apply to would not be a minority among minorities of which whom psychological anomalies are more present for an explanation, rather than being “just is”.

My stupid question: How would someone confirm their asexuality? The act of doing so (i.e. feeling attraction and ever enjoying having sex) would negate the identity even for the sake of experimentation. Throughout someone’s entire lifetime they’d have to abstain, reject, and remain romantically apathetic. I don’t think it’s possible for an individual to be aware of and objectively monitor their feelings to such a great length. And it’d be worse (both ethically and scientifically) to subject them to the judgement of others for testing momentary feelings. However it should be noted that >>813409 asexual women don’t receive discrimination for IDing as asexual. It’s because they are women.
Including asexuals is like the alphabet circus including intersexuals. One is a medical condition and one is probably just bad luck and repulsion. Exclusion in this case isn’t harmful, I don’t see how an asexual would benefit from whether or not they have sex with anyone being considered an orientation.

No. 813484

'size matters' =/= 'bigger is always better'. Obviously there is an upper limit and big dicks can cause pain, but you're just gonna have to fuck someone to find out because everyone is different.

The main thing is that too small is straight up awful. What counts as 'too small' depends on the individual, but I'd say anything <5" and thin. It's a psychological turn off, they feel underwhelming and even painful sometimes because they can kinda stab against the vag walls instead of fully rubbing against them, you can't genuinely flatter your partner which is awkward. I've dumped a guy who was otherwise great because I was so displeased by his small dick, never again.

No. 813487

holy fuck no way

No. 813488

I bet that when they're 30 they're still going to buy kpop merch shit and shit on the new generations for not being as woké as they are

No. 813489>>813490>>813493

I keep getting yeast infections from my vibrator, but I wash and disinfect it thoroughly each time (or, I have since I noticed the connection, it was just a quick rinse in the past).

I was fine for like 10 years then at some point it just started.

I have a new vibrator on the way because maybe there are minute cracks on it the bacteria has got into that's hard to clean, but I'm scared it's literally just the vibrations that's doing it.

Can just vibrations give you a yeast infection?

No. 813490>>813491

>Can vibrations give you a yeast infection?

No. 813491>>813494

Samefag, but to answer: no lmao. It's probably just bacteria from the vibe or something else you may not have noticed. If vibrations gave you yeast infections you would get one every time you rode in a car or something

No. 813493

anon, your vibrator is old, throw it away please and get a new one and next time please clean your vibrators with soap and then boil them

No. 813494

Imagine how more traumatizing would rollercoasters be if vibrations gave you yeast infections kek

No. 813496

If Ariana Grande wasn't a singer, would she had ended making an onlyfans?

No. 813501>>813518

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you agree that sexual orientation is fluid and not rigid for the entirety of someone's life? Or are you of the opinion that once someone's had sex, they're automatically out of the running for ever id'ing as asexual? To me, someone's prior sexual history is independent from the present if they realize/recognize they're not sexually attracted to anyone. That being said, you also don't need to partake in sex ever to know you're not sexually attracted to anyone, similarly to how straight people aren't sexually attracted to the same sex and the opposite for gay people. Not to mention, being asexual is not the same as being aromantic. A person can test the waters of being in a relationship without sex, yes? There is no inherent benefit in any sexual orientation being considered one besides visibility and community, which can arbitrary to some and valuable to others. Ultimately, we fundamentally disagree and I guess that's fine.

No. 813502>>813508>>813509

Have you tried OMAD? Many people with self-control issues find it easier to not eat at all than eating small meals, so they just eat one big meal a day to achieve that full feeling, limiting calories while at the same time intermittent fasting.
Maybe pick up a hobby as distraction. I can play vidya or practice the piano for hours straight. Alternatively, abuse some typa stimulant. Although it can make you binge on the comedown. Not much you can do sustainably beside raw will power tbh, remember how shit it feels every time.

No. 813503

maybe look into intermittent fasting?

No. 813508>>813514

>abuse some typa stimulant
This is the stupid questions thread, not the stupid answers thread.

No. 813509>>813514

>abuse some typa stimulant
ever seen requiem for a dream?

No. 813514

Hey she asked. No one would drugs solely because someone on the internet said so, right?

No. 813515

Anons, I realised that the artist that I follow is a huge NLOG. She even called herself a nlog and intellectual for just liking "furries". Don't think I ever seen her having female friends (well, she had one but this lesbian trooned out) either. Sucks

What to do, I love her art and never minded her being an asshole, but I kept noticing too many things

No. 813518

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>Do you agree that sexual orientation is fluid and not rigid for the entirety of someone's life?
I don’t think it’s fluid. Or rather, I wouldn’t use the term fluid to describe someone coming to a retrospective realization later in life due to circumstances. “Aha!” moments happen, but that doesn’t translate to innate fluidity in my opinion.
>Or are you of the opinion that once someone's had sex, they're automatically out of the running for ever id'ing as asexual
No, I’m of the opinion that if you enjoy sex by any capacity then you are automatically exempt from being asexual. But that would be moreso about a subject that cannot have autonomy over the situation. Having sex itself, as a conscious choice, negates asexuality.
For the sake of giving the topic nuance, I wouldn’t separate asexuality and aromantics because that’s isn’t really done when discussing, for example, homosexuality. Throughout the discussion I considered them a single unit for the sake consistency (despite addressing them as otherwise) but I understand why it would seem an important distinction to make. But if someone isn’t one and the other, then they’re still either bi, heterosexual, or homosexual (-romanticisms incl.)?
>A person can test the waters of being in a relationship without sex, yes?
Of course. But that exists for all people, regardless of possible differentiating orientation.
I do like your answer about why acknowledgment of an asexual identity may be beneficial. It’s been an interesting discussion, goodbye.

No. 813545>>813551>>813558>>813567>>813570

Between loving someone deeply and earnestly but they are a dumb idiot and chosing someone who loves you tenfold and can provide for you, which one would you chose?

No. 813551

Right now I'm choosing the first one and It's causing me too much pain

No. 813558>>813563

Neither. Choose yourself.

No. 813563>>813576

Wouldnt chosing myself also mean chosing the best partner? this is a genuine question

No. 813567

Not enough information tbh. I would pick neither, but it depends on a) whether the first guy loves you back and b) what you mean by dumb. Like, not intellectually stimulating? Or is it the dangerous type where he's an actual financial liability? I would never let a guy put my own money or future at risk, but I also would never get with a guy I feel meh about solely for the financial security.

No. 813570

i don't know why i'd be attracted to an idiot. sweetness is cute but if a man was that dumb it'd wear me out fast. second case, i mean if the catch here is i don't fully love him either then whether i'd be with him would depend on if i can provide for myself or not. i can so i would mainly be interested in relationships for mutual love and if it's not there on my or his side then we're wasting each other's time.

No. 813576>>813579

Sure, but neither of those options are close to the ‘best’ possible one. If you have the option to refuse both relationships then take it, put yourself first and go find someone who doesn’t have huge downfalls. I’ve had similar partners before and learned that the consequences of both really aren’t worth it.

No. 813579>>813598

What were the consequences?

No. 813591>>813610>>813638

Why am I getting high quality matches who message first after adding a full body picture and a pic of my anime figure collection? What's the logic here?

No. 813598

Hurting myself/others and wasting time. Specifically with the dumb idiot I put up with shit I shouldn’t have and suffered unnecessary emotional pain. Eventually he became abusive, at which stage I had invested so much effort into making it work that I stayed for too long. A dramatic consequence but I won’t risk letting someone have such power over my emotions again. With the nice guy I hurt him by leading him to believe I wanted to be with him. I became uncomfortable but also resentful towards him, felt like I owed him all the time and considered cheating because I was so stressed and bored. I really regret hurting him because he was a decent guy.

Massive waste of time and energy overall and my head is still kinda fucked from the abuse. Only you know your own situation so it might not work out the same, but it’s not good to get with anyone if you’re already seeing issues.

No. 813610>>813617

A lot of men think no body pics = whale. I didn't have any body pics on my profile and the amount of men that wanted to talk about my weight. I am thin too so I would send a photo and they'd start discussing how pleased they were I wasn't cat fishing but 99% of them were hat fishing

No. 813617

>no body pics = whale
Men are simple I guess

No. 813638

they envy your collection

No. 813686>>813730

Why does my face always look dehydrated even though I drink tons of water? Even people who barely drink any at all look healthier than me.

No. 813730>>813736>>813738

You could be dehydrated because you’re drinking too much water

No. 813736>>813739

Nta but ???
For me personally there's no doubt my dehydration is because I don't drink enough but how do you even become dehydrated because of too much??

No. 813738

How does that work

No. 813739>>813744

you're pissing too much

No. 813744>>813763

But you're not pissing away more hydration than you get from drinking more water right? That sounds like some 'apples are negative calories because your body spends more energy digesting it than the apple contains' meme shit.

No. 813758>>813765>>813834

Should I make a terf twitter acc or would that be retarded

No. 813763>>813768

you can still be very dehydrated when drinking plenty of water, but it has more to do with lack of electrolytes. i don't think it works like the other anon is saying
i also don't mean overhydration, that is very rare and generally only happens to hardcore athletes who fail to reup their electrolyte intake during heavy periods of physical activity, like a marathon.

No. 813765

I assume most people use terf accountant to interact with terf twitter

No. 813768

Oh I see that makes more sense. I think generally for most people a lack of electrolytes isn't going to be a problem in daily life like that right? As long as you don't spend all day doing sweaty workouts?

No. 813769


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 813834

Nah, that would be great. You are giving a lot of hope for people who are as sane as you

No. 813897

Indoor cats live longer, so if she's set up with a litter box and stuff you might just want to let her chill indoors.

No. 813933

Next Thread: >>813929

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