File: 1620251489663.jpeg (108.32 KB, 1066x800, 06D6C3AC-5F45-4C57-873B-575E3E…)

No. 799865
Anything goes here.
No theme, no venting, no discussion about anything, you come here to be an absolute retard and shitpost. Post whatever you want. Bark if you want to. However, global rules still apply, don't infight, don't post nsfw shit, don't be racist, etc
previous thread
>>>/ot/771391 No. 799872
File: 1620251961759.jpg (42.26 KB, 500x667, Cr0Kg2-VUAQ6PeJ.jpg)

>>799865I throw this at you ? What do you do ?
No. 799873
File: 1620252017198.gif (80.31 KB, 400x400, Tumblr_l_100192606024231.gif)

coming to pickup Mr. Shrew
No. 799891
File: 1620253731946.jpg (30.92 KB, 214x214, BIPCH.jpg)

>>799865wat te fuk did yuo jest fackeng say abaot me, yuo litel BIPCH? Il hav yuo knoe i gradated top of mie clas in the Navy Shrews, an iv ben involve in nummerus secrit rades on Alkaeda, an i hav over 300 confermd kills. I are traned in elifant warfir an im the top snyper in the entir US armid forses. Yuo ar nuthing to mee but jsut anutor targit. I wil wiep yuo thi fuk out wif presishin the lieks ov wich has nevir bin sene befoar on this Erth, mark mi fuckeng woerds. Yuo thenk yuo cen get awae wiv sayeing that shet to ME ovor de imternets? Thenks agen, fuckor. Aes wi speke i am conntakteng mi secrit netwerk ov spize aecross the uessay an yuro IP is bing sneffed rite now zo yuo betir prapar for teh storm, maget. Th sturm tat wieps out tth patetic litel theng yuo cal yuro lief. Yuor fuckeng DED, noaselet. I can bee aniwer. Enytime, an i can kil yuo in ovar seben hundrad difrint waes, jost wif my NOASE. Not oanly ami egstensably traned in noase combat, but i hav axess to thr entyr arzenal of the Yoonited staets Sneff Corps an i wel yuse it to its ful ektent to wiep yuor mizerable noase of th faes ov de comtinant, yuo litel shipt. Ef oanly yuo cood hav nown wat umhoaly retibushun yuor litle clevir coment wes aboat to breng down upan yuo, maebiy yuo wood hav helt yuro fuckeng tung. But yuo codent, did yuo, an now your peyeng de prise, yuo gotdam iddeot. I wil shipt foory al ovor yuo and yuo wel droawn in et. Yuore fuckeng ded, bipch.
No. 800147
File: 1620294100773.jpg (7.72 KB, 273x270, 3b77694a5f495aa2333ec0c5330c34…)

No. 800156
File: 1620295859746.png (85.06 KB, 168x216, giraguin.png)

>>800147I think you mean kira quin dite za dusto
No. 800203
File: 1620304048331.jpg (189.48 KB, 1280x719, swimmerchan.jpg)

Me when I go swimming (haha just kidding I'm 100% rock hard lean muscle, my muscles are so dense I sink to the bottom with an acceleration of 25 metres per second squared as soon as I step into the water because I'm so muscular. I can't swim)
No. 800205
File: 1620304632175.png (Spoiler Image,171.26 KB, 1242x414, B5BD351C-E1A4-407B-ACCD-5EC073…)

No. 800251
File: 1620309152398.jpg (6.02 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg)

Writing "y'all" is culturally appropriating the Texans
No. 800268
File: 1620310297959.png (339 KB, 550x408, HEYHEY.png)

No. 800306
File: 1620314506674.gif (1.27 MB, 374x374, tumblr_nbua0d6VPE1rk8c0so6_400…)

No. 800388
File: 1620319667637.jpg (22.37 KB, 270x360, nline_p91ty99rh_500.jpg)

>>800268Hey farmers ! Have you confessed your sins in the confession thread today ? I hope so !
No. 800669
File: 1620338153918.jpeg (34.14 KB, 400x240, 6BA911FD-63BE-4F87-A852-BBD9A5…)

>>800388shut up jesus
>>799891I legitimately think shrews are cute but the pic was too irresistible
No. 800838
File: 1620353429685.jpeg (35.61 KB, 400x240, 41A4F796-4EAD-417B-A539-08174E…)

>>800799>>800826nooo this might inspire me to have similar dreams. the pool sex one in particular, I'd rather not have the other one
though not planing to sleep much between now and mid next week, have 3 projects due, help manifest decent grades for me nonas
No. 800934
>>800928t. a squirrel
Yeah, we're on to you, you little critter. Go eat some nuts!
No. 800941
>>800669>>800799>>800838>>800826Fuck I too wanna dream about actor dicc, please tell me your secrets
Whenever I dream about actors is just too realistic, they are either on tv or just ignore me
No. 800964
>>800941I am very horny and heavily repressed, so it comes naturally, it also comes with having an imagination from hell
when in said celeb crush's career is he the most attractive to you? magnify what about him you like, where he is the most sexually magnetizing, and consume media, interviews, motives that reflect your favorite things about him. find outfits you like, find events and ideas you like, get a feel for it. I'd say pick an age and time frame of his career specifically, but that's completely up to you, although if it helps narrow down what "form" you want
all this may bring about a better mental image of him in a dream, even allowing you to create a scenario in your head before you dream it
No. 801120
File: 1620391008181.jpg (29.23 KB, 555x471, fe96babb73f7f2aabe25111843ebc6…)

>>800964I guess that's my problem then, I am too much of a Stacy and I am not sexually repressed enough
No. 801128
>>800779my ex bf had a tantrum leaving mcdonalds cause they messed up his order. he threw the burger on the ground in the parking lot and then later sobbed at the gas station asking if i still loved him after witnessing all this.
i have not dated since him and this was in 2017
No. 801449
File: 1620421913874.jpeg (107.36 KB, 953x570, 198C6887-D9CD-4EB1-9871-8E7339…)

No. 802295
File: 1620558413496.jpg (37.68 KB, 482x598, 184580006_10219247430116463_85…)

whattup bitches im here to stir fry up some shit
No. 802307
File: 1620559897435.jpeg (33.89 KB, 450x300, B7354394-B626-474C-BEB4-F269EA…)

>>802295giant plate of korokke please!!
No. 802507
File: 1620570134810.jpg (60.32 KB, 425x1053, 71TQC8bTMLL._AC_SX425_.jpg)

>>802307one bitchass hoe racket coming right up
No. 803026
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No. 803042
File: 1620614948611.jpg (218.95 KB, 768x1024, 150.jpg)

THE shitposting hideout
No. 803053
>>800287fuck is THAT why i couldn't do it
wouldn't be a problem anymore LOL
No. 803090
File: 1620622230358.jpeg (235.16 KB, 1080x1231, 183377942_10215530534415553_15…)

Happy motehrs day bobby
No. 803093
File: 1620622606424.png (237.01 KB, 341x401, ariana.png)

Please I just want cock inside my wussy
No. 803094
File: 1620622638326.png (Spoiler Image,77.78 KB, 1888x842, succ.png)

No. 803095
File: 1620622772886.jpg (98.74 KB, 1280x720, rushhhh.jpg)

Listening to the the Guitar Hero 2 playlist to feel something
No. 803097
File: 1620622998117.jpeg (37.1 KB, 233x222, 1743DBAB-6218-4854-BF53-77C6B8…)

>>803093is that… an ariana
No. 803138
File: 1620626192491.jpeg (247 KB, 750x553, C2B7389C-EA0A-4C7F-AE36-B3ECB7…)

This little guy can't even drink on the job because he's lactose intolerant. But so am I, so how will either of us know what's good on the menu?!
No. 803225
File: 1620636831009.jpg (116.1 KB, 800x600, 57dc9c1e85f4b.jpg)

>>803095I was thinking yesterday how guitar hero has the best loading screens and menus and general user interface design out of all the games I've ever played
No. 803393
File: 1620655377672.jpg (29.88 KB, 400x400, Christine.jpg)

fat autistic trans lesbian appreciation post
No. 803736
File: 1620677207090.jpeg (27.55 KB, 320x223, D4E8DC3C-DCFD-4C1A-ADE0-4F1452…)

love to eat burgers I'm a burger f slur but only for cheese borgy
No. 803940
File: 1620696980196.gif (Spoiler Image,1.94 MB, 490x276, b13.gif)

after a good spergout i wanna kiss whoever i argued with
No. 804003
File: 1620705812397.jpg (408.55 KB, 1400x1400, KendallsRap_HBO_Getty_Ringer.j…)

This is the energy I feel tonight
No. 804004
File: 1620705952720.png (451.45 KB, 522x470, ohmy.png)

>>803940I remember watching this moment in Banana Fish and being like this
No. 804656
File: 1620801005208.jpeg (69.84 KB, 750x1105, F6FA3356-21D3-4B03-A43C-62B31F…)

1 hour Explosive diharrea
No. 804660
File: 1620801278180.png (863.22 KB, 1280x1734, tumblr_1a90ed26b348754f99a2fb8…)

Lolcow really is my place to stay, here I feel very at ease, it's like my personal therapy and entretainment website. I can be an unapologetically insane woman that judges other unapologetically insane women, but I'm cool.
No. 804661
File: 1620801368273.jpeg (116.98 KB, 976x725, 1620801059478.jpeg)

My ex bf literally looks like this, I'm so sorry for doing that to myself.
No. 804663
>>803940Shit really craving a kiss like this rn
Hopefully in my dreams, cause imma sleep soon
No. 804669
File: 1620802003355.jpeg (131.3 KB, 600x901, 6D566703-141A-4476-A782-023C0D…)

>>804660this place is the closest to ideal because we can be unfiltered and even when we infight I know like
>>803961 said there is still love among us. I also want to hug others here all the time, kiss and make up. granted I don't like the gossip side much anymore (I know that's the point of the site) and disagree with anons a lot but it is still good here in other ways I can't leave!
No. 804687
File: 1620804539066.jpg (54.16 KB, 625x415, 23-steel-magnolias-quotes-that…)

Ouiser is my favorite from Steel Magnolias, watch the movie please
No. 805045
File: 1620845106333.jpg (11.85 KB, 259x194, birth.jpg)

No. 805092
File: 1620847095838.jpg (10.45 KB, 300x297, ceb321df-6df0-456c-8783-e7953d…)

No. 805098
File: 1620847224863.gif (1.9 MB, 300x192, DBCF93BF-8AB0-436A-852B-FB2696…)

shlap shlap shlap shlap shlap shlap shlap
No. 805128
File: 1620848806558.gif (895.55 KB, 280x280, D02CD2A5-3096-4C68-BC62-BBAF20…)

>>805122thank you and goobye
No. 805272
File: 1620859758813.jpg (46.54 KB, 720x1557, FB_IMG_1620859308426.jpg)

For my dearest carrey chan
No. 805324
File: 1620864735185.png (253.78 KB, 680x680, 9B4A9853-16FA-443B-BF13-F8BA64…)

No. 805326
File: 1620864766198.jpg (30.18 KB, 600x405, 2a45740f7a48898ef7a42d95c5e4d9…)

Good evening weebs, neets, hikkis, and stank hoes
No. 805330
File: 1620865032619.jpeg (55.5 KB, 679x368, BF5997C3-94DB-47AD-B8B3-A2C301…)

another moment where the liberal cultural marxist media gets their facts wrong, for your information SNOWFLAKE these are piss bags
No. 805352
>>805293deuxmoi, is a random blind item blog, take them with a grain of salt, however, I love blinds about him, true or not
I always thought he wasn't hooking up with ariana though
is there hope for me yet, considering I actually do have a decent sized ass? No. 805386
File: 1620871018806.jpg (80.53 KB, 640x637, borth.jpg)

>>805330I wish I didn't see this
No. 805388
>>805365Can’t escape this party scene
Hell with countess, now I’m queen
You can catch me on the street
Fabulous and looking sweet
All decked out head to toe
Six-inch heels, don’t you know
Men will come and men will go
Love yourself and it’ll show
Feelin’ Jovani
Feelin’ Jovani
Feelin’ Jovani
And it feels so good
No. 805451
File: 1620880687787.jpg (422.55 KB, 2064x1516, 20210512_222728.jpg)

vent art uwu
No. 805787
>>805776Vent identifies as a vent and that’s
valid, don’t be such a bigot.
No. 805955
File: 1620933798580.gif (3.04 KB, 75x131, 1619934056422.gif)

Lolcow is like my sekrit girl club, I have no fucking friends irl but here I can pretend I'm a stacy and we all paint our nails and listen to "no tears left to cry" as we read the newest Azealia Banks twitter shenanigans.
No. 806062
File: 1620939240691.png (547.05 KB, 1088x1042, chickenvsduck.png)

No. 806092
File: 1620941173303.jpg (14.22 KB, 236x280, 4296e5f7feb7f0742ab4241763f22b…)

No. 806129
File: 1620944363249.jpg (27.65 KB, 360x360, 21dc59e1c587f3957de7fb0a959a70…)

Oh! Hey mommy. Didn't think you'd get out the shower so quickly. I was playing with some shaving cream while you were doing your thang. Haha. I wish you didn't pee in the shower though. I wanna be able to hear it because it sounds like frying chicken haha. I like that about you.
No. 806186
File: 1620948422922.png (85.45 KB, 304x168, 47320473204732074.png)

>>806169YES MY IDOL I feel blessed and ready to prove all the bipches that doubted me wrong. I kiss your tiny feets, thank you!
No. 806195
File: 1620949197300.gif (4.48 MB, 444x250, GlisteningWeepyAbyssiniangroun…)

No. 806242
File: 1620955239556.jpeg (38.43 KB, 633x530, C32AC658-D00F-484D-8FC2-7649C5…)

i miss shrew posting anon
No. 806308
File: 1620963219189.gif (6.77 MB, 480x433, giphy-downsized-large.gif)

I wanna have sex and then have NACHOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 806319
File: 1620965538407.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.85 MB, 6160x3695, pixlr_20210319013238669.jpg)

>>806308I see what you're doing there, very sly
No. 806344
File: 1620970732288.png (244.62 KB, 545x376, yehaw.png)

something by youuuuu maaaakes me feeeeeel like a dangerouuus womaaaaaaan
No. 806398
File: 1620979405872.jpg (235.94 KB, 1242x1242, 1596190566472.jpg)

>>806344it's "bout' you", not "by you"
No. 806600
File: 1621008754249.png (273.32 KB, 659x706, Heavy_Grand_Duchess_Set.png)

femboy heavy
No. 806734
File: 1621021852567.jpg (820.03 KB, 1920x1280, Abre-Madrid-Manel.jpg)

No. 806754
File: 1621023271561.jpeg (169.82 KB, 722x852, B44E164B-1413-4074-BE6C-F334A6…)

No. 806800
File: 1621026109689.webm (462.64 KB, 960x720, 1618739178036.webm)

shout out to the farmer who made me discover pui pui molcars, I hope she is doing ok
No. 806846
File: 1621029232081.gif (438.74 KB, 320x256, axolot.gif)

>>806806nonnie is that you ? I have answered your message on the vent thread!!!
No. 806855
>>806851Oh I understand! Thank you for helping us kek!
>>806848thank you, me too!
No. 806934
File: 1621036143447.jpeg (13.21 KB, 275x205, 1620599008054.jpeg)

I want to have sex
No. 807008
File: 1621044649528.jpg (7.5 KB, 222x280, mfw.jpg)

>tfw feel sick from not eating so you eat and feel even MORE sick and shit everything out after 10 minutes so you wait awhile to eat again, feel sick from not eating so you eat and feel even MORE sick and shit everything out after 10 minutes so you wait awhile to eat again, feel sick from not eating so you eat and feel even MORE sick and shit everything out after 10 minutes so you wait awhile to eat again, feel sick from not eating so you eat and feel even MORE sick and shit everything out after 10 minutes so you wait awhile to eat again, feel sick from not eating so you eat and feel even MORE sick and shit everything out after 10 minutes so
No. 807251
>>807008Wooow are you me??
Sounds like you have bad IBS, there’s also some condition where your bowels work way too fast (it’s the opposite of gastroparesis)
Do you have periods of time during the month where do dont poop for a few days though?
No. 807322
File: 1621096458619.jpg (107.58 KB, 1080x389, Screenshot_20210515_183155.jpg)

No. 807335
File: 1621097296382.jpeg (154.54 KB, 1323x1500, E9AF6547-3E64-4DCE-AAA0-C9AA7E…)

>>807322I mean, this exercise is amazing.
No. 807403
File: 1621104152395.gif (479.5 KB, 220x212, tenor (3).gif)

I use an AD block browser yet the thread is still there at /m/!!!!
No. 807416
File: 1621105321057.gif (10.35 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif)

>>807403I kek'd, well played nonita
No. 807473
File: 1621108774857.png (2.04 MB, 2984x4248, lolcow users.png)

I know it's retarded to still use wojaks but i dont care!
No. 807478
File: 1621109244284.png (110.97 KB, 272x275, 1606130189564.png)

>>807473I'm here for the normie representation. And here I was, thinking I didn't have a seat at the table with you guys.
No. 807492
>>807473I'm 3/5 normie, 1/5 radfem and 1/5 weeb
Well memed, nonette
No. 807504
File: 1621112145961.jpg (17.36 KB, 438x438, 1501022708659.jpg)

>>807473One normie representing
No. 807584
File: 1621117579656.jpg (654.67 KB, 1600x1425, lookinamirroranon.jpg)

you were the lolcow all along.
No. 807587
>>807584>>807582I wish nonnies, I wish. I am a nonperson both offline and online.
To be honest, I don't think this meme is thorough enough. It doesn't even have an oldfag wojak.
No. 807595
>>807473middle row is the best kek
there should be one for the au(r)tistic lc users who make memes, thread pics, banner art etc.
No. 807603
File: 1621118976656.png (580.32 KB, 1280x1280, 1619199218833.png)

>>807473kek, great work, just here to report that the lesbian one is weirdly accurate
No. 807686
File: 1621129606631.png (74.4 KB, 500x566, descargar.png)

>>807639I have done that before
and to micky moon too
pic unrelated…
No. 807695
>>807473Lmao I love it, please make more
nonnie (rooting for the BPDfags and autists)
No. 807700
File: 1621131088996.png (1.93 MB, 2984x4248, 1621108774857.png)

>>807473Sorry nonna but the representation of the radfem was bothering me, I fixed it to be makeup-less (a more accurate representation) and she has a daring face now.
Also fixed the yellow text to make it more readable
No. 807713
File: 1621132402439.png (3.99 MB, 6192x4248, lolcow users.png)

I'm op from
>>807473thank you for the additions nonnies, also thanks for the additions
>>807700I feel like it's too cluttered to add the autist, maybe someone better than me can help me organize this
No. 807719
File: 1621132737305.jpg (14.81 KB, 500x279, 20210515_223854.jpg)

I found corpse husband
No. 807721
File: 1621133348597.jpeg (582.26 KB, 1500x1868, 004FF364-964B-4ECB-A1E3-292D33…)

>>807473I’d advise to get off this website. I know this tiny little imprisoning box called a phone or computer can be very hypnotizing but I advise to free yourself because it’s going to destroy your life. Stop wasting your time here where you can’t even see anyone’s faces and true personalities.
No. 807757
File: 1621139253342.jpg (24.01 KB, 640x324, 05d4558cf90ad42280bf3542b0b488…)

>>807721Do you unironically save images like this? Be honest.
No. 807761
>>807713This is great. I love that there are so many user archetypes, and they're all so accurate.
Also, I agree that tranny janny pic is 10/10. You're amazing for cataloguing all the autism and wacky characters of this site, anon.
No. 807766
File: 1621141767761.gif (920.94 KB, 245x140, 90226B3A-C8D4-443C-9EAC-22A59F…)

>>807763maybe it was that she wanted a Victorian style romance or a Victorian style storyline with said teacher and typed it out? pardon me I'm tapping into limited brainpower for this one
No. 807779
File: 1621143101291.png (9.74 KB, 1184x99, lm.PNG)

>>807773Samefag, one of her responses in the previous caps thread lol
No. 807860
File: 1621152236266.jpeg (2.37 MB, 2506x2046, AC8CF4D2-3BBA-4CA9-8ED9-C1195A…)

Was watching midsommar and thought about lain
No. 807920
>>807713I'm not exactly any of them but I share many similarities with multiple. Also
>the lowest caste of the lolcow social pyramidWho are the highest caste on lolcow?
No. 808160
>>807773>>807763Thanks for explaining this, I love that her incredibly flowery post ended in a reee
I used to type like this when I was younger, it brings back fun yet cringey memories>>806800>>807942Wholesome, bless this hellsite
No. 808161
File: 1621184923542.gif (650.25 KB, 362x350, tumblr_74c422fcd15789bb1018249…)

No. 808227
File: 1621188913506.jpg (40.56 KB, 854x480, 2235c42ab760a11461c0f5c713306d…)

No. 808312
File: 1621193125400.jpg (17.43 KB, 300x299, g1hatemen.jpg)

No. 808376
File: 1621197091872.jpeg (83.47 KB, 500x577, E15D8DC9-703D-4127-BB78-61B4FB…)

I like garlic bread despite myself
No. 808404
File: 1621198346002.png (88.37 KB, 397x285, 158776F4-244F-4477-A110-39D623…)

>>808390I'm interacting bla bla
No. 808460
File: 1621202795048.jpeg (69.28 KB, 500x375, 50C3FDE7-F2A2-4F6F-B620-844DC1…)

doing taxes one day before tax deadline
I'm so lazy I just wanna file late and ask for an extension I don't wanna do this
No. 808541
File: 1621210591005.jpg (Spoiler Image,180.65 KB, 1080x1571, Screenshot_20210516-191402.jpg)

Might cry
No. 808564
File: 1621212980498.jpg (2.23 MB, 2826x4000, iamyourbravestsoldier.jpg)

No. 808700
File: 1621231483869.jpg (2.4 MB, 2000x2653, 91558e5a68876bb855619f019bc719…)

bird boobs?
No. 808702
File: 1621231581866.jpg (2.53 MB, 2000x2653, 4e138f808955a19d14f86a1463ed91…)

bird boobs.
No. 809413
File: 1621287031718.png (1.22 MB, 933x690, 5455ADBD-79CE-4B8D-A906-9EB561…)

No. 809422
nonnie did you make this because it's really funny
No. 809472
File: 1621292071104.jpeg (24.53 KB, 236x236, C6E5B26E-CD3B-4B07-8573-80B044…)

>>808567>>808740>>808722>>808560Is it weird to be fully adult and still want calico critters? I never got them when I was a child, but now I’m an adult and can afford to buy them. I want to make a whole town and play with them and create stories… Is that too autistic? It’s just like the sims but cuter, isn’t it? And I’d want to sew unique outfits for them too. Like winter war coats and spring ball gowns. This seems like a hobby that could very well take up many hours of time out of my week. At least 10.
No. 809489
File: 1621292992088.jpeg (36.17 KB, 440x330, 423BF5CC-AAFB-4C42-8E59-15E616…)

>>809472It’s nice,
nonnie, I’m honestly excited about being able to save for some sets that I want so I can play with them and take lots of pretty pictures of them
for shitty memes I hope they release some schnauzer family! That would seal the deal with me!
No. 809492
>>809489one of my fave tiktokers is an account and just does a bunch of weird stories with them. whoever that
nonny is, i love her
No. 809503
File: 1621295792469.jpg (438.76 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20210517-185603.jpg)

I want a man like this
No. 809559
File: 1621301104367.jpg (64 KB, 676x840, 801d70c72ede305bfec25b2b76e386…)

Lolcow calico critter party
No. 809565
File: 1621301942654.jpeg (180.28 KB, 1242x1242, 64B31AF5-27E9-44CE-A4C3-FF3BB9…)

>>809559I would love that so much.
>>809422i can’t stop making calico critters memes, send help No. 809939
File: 1621359041176.jpeg (54.78 KB, 474x379, 7175BD09-41ED-435F-AC3F-5DBD1F…)

No. 809992
File: 1621362233803.jpg (128.77 KB, 640x360, DrWw9KuWkAA2hYX.jpg)

ladies, thoughts?
No. 810112
File: 1621371646089.jpeg (75.32 KB, 640x622, EE31EBD5-C6DD-4379-BA71-4D0D96…)

>>809992Wait, sonic isn’t a feminist and he’s always trying to avoid this poor Doctor to get his world domination? Sonic is shit, let’s bully that blue bastard!
No. 810132
File: 1621374192798.png (203.75 KB, 499x325, baddaypls.png)

what a weird day today at the farm
No. 810136
File: 1621374429727.jpg (245.46 KB, 1280x1280, B612_20210518_164657_670.jpg)

>>809565Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
No. 810138
File: 1621374680156.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.86 KB, 250x400, lover.jpg)

Take me, have your wicked way with me
No. 810194
File: 1621379027572.jpg (14.6 KB, 235x232, 3c3e84361009a4044d1c1ef6ae1235…)

I'm making tost at 3 am
No. 810261
File: 1621386301998.jpeg (100.1 KB, 749x734, AAC59B63-70B3-473E-9053-17E218…)

>>810216I can't promise you it hasn't been eaten yet but I offer you this pizza
No. 810267
File: 1621387982739.jpeg (534.36 KB, 1242x1532, D82BDF0E-3952-4C33-A01A-EE72BF…)

>>810261I really want some pizza.
No. 810319
File: 1621395087192.jpeg (98.46 KB, 640x629, 5764620C-C687-4E04-A0CA-7D7D90…)

sometimes I see a pic and think "I gotta show this to the lolcow girls" it's nice that we are almost like friends but anonymous. often harsh to each other but friendly.
No. 810423
File: 1621413842812.png (317.57 KB, 622x546, EyL8HLqUUAQ0SHg.png)

new midwestern emo band
No. 810449
File: 1621417370743.jpg (1.5 MB, 1238x1920, heeeeeeere's madohomu!.jpg)

come play with us nonni…
No. 810552
File: 1621427262434.png (13.53 KB, 462x367, 1621421723280.png)

whoever did this i love u
No. 810644
File: 1621435125770.jpg (135.73 KB, 728x1082, 20210326_061005.jpg)

No. 810777
File: 1621445473089.jpg (Spoiler Image,160.3 KB, 1190x1000, 404b.jpg)

it's that time of the day again
No. 810807
File: 1621448431626.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.2 KB, 640x827, itdo.jpg)

No. 811050
File: 1621462509196.jpg (131.57 KB, 739x739, tumblr_47b98b93e635ac9140f3e8f…)

>>810319>>810353same, I have so many stupid photos saved just so I can post them here kek. It's a nice feeling, I love it here
No. 811105
File: 1621468490915.png (1.9 MB, 1548x947, 1560830139999.png)

follow the rules
No. 811113
File: 1621469448937.jpeg (82.81 KB, 540x492, A9669E5F-2002-4BE5-A485-4F6E44…)

>>811105I am suddenly illiterate
No. 811123
File: 1621471149290.jpeg (91.08 KB, 1242x401, 6CEA4463-7CC8-42E1-B712-E7F5F3…)

This must be great, it says it’s for lady.
No. 811126
File: 1621471304570.jpeg (16.38 KB, 284x177, 5E8180D5-4DAE-4B25-8B84-7B096B…)

>>811105But I like looking at the sun!
No. 811143
File: 1621475275170.jpg (94.31 KB, 1200x1200, flossdildo.jpg)

Ok anons I don't know if this is the right thread or not but I need to post about this.
Picking my teeth feels /really/ good. Like, sexual levels of good. I use one of these lil bitches and the feeling of slowly penetrating between my teeth and rubbing the pick on the inside of my irritated gums hurts but is sooo satisfying. It isn't fair to call it sexual because I don't feel it in my clit or anything I can't compare it to any other sort of pleasure, the ache is really dull yet overwhelming and I love rubbing the pick between the teeth where it hurts the most.
The gaps between my teeth are really small and I don't really floss (I have adult braces so i pick) so maybe that's why it makes me have mouth gasms.
Do any of you relate to this???
No. 811157
>>811143Sadly yes, always enjoyed hurting my gums. As a teenager, I used to push my nails into them, even kinda "bite". I have some picks at home and every now and then I get
triggered and spend minutes pushing them between my teeth. It's dangerous if you do this too often, you can erode your gums or something (don't want to look it up, but found out when I googled the topic for the same reason you posted).
No. 811162
File: 1621477545354.jpeg (81.49 KB, 1200x1200, C0E96AE6-B5CB-4CEF-897F-0C25D8…)

>>811159nta but gums and mouths in general are sensitive. If’s very understandable.
>>811143I’m like this too but with my electric toothbrush and soft bristles kek. The bristles in my gums feels so clean and refreshing. I’d brush my teeth upwards of 4 times a day if it wasn’t unhealthy. Kits like picrel are also really good. I think it’s the psychological satisfaction of having a superbly clean mouth that make it so relieving. After using either the metal or floss picks I used to go in with harsh mouthwashes because the contrasting burn felt soooo good. It’s definitely some sort of weird mental thing because it’s not actually sexual. Idk why it feels so fucking satisfying.
>>811149>>811157>>811155To curb potentially harming your gum line you have you tried the water flossers? It’s supposed to be safer. I think also the flossing falls into some kind of ASMR category, I wouldn’t watch people get their teeth cleaned but it’s relaxing listening to the sounds and getting mine cleaned at the dentist. I wish they sold the water and air hoses for domestic use purposes.
No. 811202
File: 1621483413395.jpeg (270.47 KB, 1242x1242, D7D4614E-6B3F-449C-8876-72384C…)

>>811147It doesn’t work, I’m so mad, I wanted some dating simuiton for lady!
No. 811363
File: 1621512129190.jpeg (200.36 KB, 749x999, 59439EC7-57D2-47E2-B515-794513…)

Hell’s living room.
No. 811379
File: 1621514326130.png (1.29 MB, 760x747, 63B40863-A5BA-4C08-91F9-A6E416…)

put fae/faer pronouns in my instagram bio so i can secretly mock people who scramble to accommodate my bullshit identity
No. 811394
>>811363Can you imagine this coffee table but in an
adam driver version?
No. 811514
File: 1621527412457.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.93 KB, 216x300, s-l300.jpg)

>>811394>>811397Not to get into a dispute who is hot or not, but we deserve sociopathic sexymen tables after we've been subjected to pic related for years. If a scrote claims that equality has been achieved, I will ask him why I can't buy a glass table held by a sexualized male figure in the nearest furniture store. Hell, in any store.
>>811405If you reverse search, the table is handmade and OOAK. Some random rich bitch instagram fashionista owns the entire room. She's not any of the Hadids tho
No. 811540
File: 1621529510053.jpg (93.04 KB, 720x720, 6c9d99c7374587000046b57990d2c2…)

>>811514There are some, but it's not as common
No. 811551
File: 1621530265072.jpeg (22.03 KB, 300x300, D031F91E-BDE6-47F0-B744-0665B4…)

>>811542It’s a nice touch for a hotel or a big house/apartment though, specially if it’s near a garden with a pool or next to the pool/jacuzzi bar.
No. 811566
File: 1621531063735.jpg (84.02 KB, 1080x514, 189112287_2985719601659346_705…)

Good morning lolcow! Let's all do our best today, let see what is available to discuss…
>people who claim everyone is a pedophile
o-oh okay, see ya tomorrow!
No. 811592
>>811588>You see a lot more female nudity in art and film than you see male nudityYes, because the female body is objectively better looking even as a straight woman.
>We need to start objectfyingm men moreAll attempts have flopped for good reason. The vast majority of the population just isn't interested.
No. 811594
>>811588I agree with
>>811521 I think even without the objectification of women, women in general are just more attractive than men.
and I'm bi, so it's not like I'm not attracted to men. Straight women might see it differently though No. 811607
File: 1621533591615.png (Spoiler Image,110 KB, 340x689, 1621256622508.png)

>>811600I'm a straight woman, I 100% disagree
Hmm male triceps and tiddies, I also love how usually is do flat and rectangularish, but slightly soft.
No. 811616
File: 1621533940519.jpg (Spoiler Image,176.05 KB, 521x863, IMG_20210520_150545.jpg)

>>811608lmao imagine being this new
No. 811648
File: 1621535588578.png (27.08 KB, 160x160, 73EC971F-4E02-481B-8494-38F2D1…)

>>811633….. so no bara tiddies?
No. 811658
File: 1621535945952.gif (2.21 MB, 480x267, giphy2.gif)

>>811621oh my god, I can't. Thanks for the keks
No. 811675
File: 1621536643914.jpg (96.23 KB, 720x965, FB_IMG_1619978636030.jpg)

Do not take the bait anonitas
No. 811686
File: 1621537464916.png (Spoiler Image,117.26 KB, 604x361, D624D990-3C9D-420C-AB14-FA32AC…)

>>811678>>811660Thanks nonnies. I was sad y’all didn’t wanna see. I shall spam more
No. 811699
File: 1621538678844.jpeg (75.93 KB, 718x1080, IW-2620192206477.jpeg)

>>811692I feel like farmhand has a different definition of tourettes. He just yells scrote but I don't think it's very tourettesy. I'm glad he got banned quick though. He's like a gnat.
No. 811703
File: 1621538913657.png (340.1 KB, 2048x1086, Screenshot_20210520-152126.png)

I find picrel little guy cute.
No. 811811
File: 1621548375548.png (78.41 KB, 282x285, Screenshot 2021-04-27 135337.p…)

There's estrogen and then there's estroongen
No. 811821
File: 1621549585192.jpeg (236.26 KB, 640x1136, 223C5182-9776-4CE2-8602-099AC9…)

>>811798Clink clink,
No. 811901
File: 1621559914955.jpeg (226.79 KB, 1773x1169, 0B3AFA1F-8C57-45A6-A62D-C0E747…)

I like how the side bitch is right behind kimmy and his main bitch
Edit -
>>811898 I fucked up lol
No. 811903
File: 1621560154707.png (397.39 KB, 622x601, good bras.PNG)

I am sick of real bras, I am done with real bras, this is all I'm wearing for the rest of my life
if my tits go in my pits, then that's where god wants them to be
No. 811914
File: 1621563066095.gif (658.43 KB, 220x202, asdf.gif)

>>811903Hear, hear! I've stopped wearing wired bras due to money issues (good and comfy ones run between $20-30 and sometimes more) But turns out they're just damn comfortable to wear.
No. 811918
>>811912From what I've read, there's still no real decision about whether wearing a bra has any effect on boob sagging.
The whole thing is weird, you would think that bouncing around would make it worse but cardio exercise tightens those muscles that they sit afaik. I don't expect a real decision in the bra divide in my lifetime but I'll take the risk of saggy boobs over the discomfort of a bra
No. 811919
>>811912I thought that was a myth.
I decided way before I had boobs that I would never wear a bra and haven't looked back since and I really dont regret it. The most Ive done is worn nipple covers. One strange thing I have noticed is that my boobs never hurt when I exercise or run but all of my friends who do wear bras always seem to complain about it.
No. 811924
>>811906>>811919man I always hear both, it's like that shit where every three years they decide eggs are either bad for you or good for you, I have no idea what's right
anyway, I let em swing, who's gonna stop me
No. 812000
File: 1621575994268.jpeg (82.58 KB, 600x600, A5237595-6456-4F1A-A1A8-FC759E…)

how is it that even death can be cute
someone fucking explain this
No. 812012
File: 1621580521074.jpg (133.07 KB, 678x1280, ef31.jpg)

>discount boy
No. 812179
>>812012Just so you guys know, these sorts of images are used to fish for personal information on people.
>Your social security number + your mothers birth name = your goth name! Not this one, but fair warning for those who see this shit on facebook.
No. 812198
File: 1621601161802.png (428.81 KB, 630x779, unnamed.png)

>>812192It's a joke. A lot of these ask for shit like your first pet's name, the street you grew up on etc. Common security question answers.
No. 812207
File: 1621601900898.jpg (1.01 MB, 2560x3422, hunk.jpg)

masked man hot
No. 812228
File: 1621604254276.jpeg (130.82 KB, 1242x552, 23660668-F2D8-4EAD-9E1B-4F9720…)

>>812198You have to be clearly retarded to read those and think it’s harmless, also, the real
>this is your ____ Are:
>birthday>first letter of your nameB
>first letter of your first name>first letter of your last nameC
>birthday Any other information would make people think it’s suspicious as fuck.
No. 812305
File: 1621613370788.jpeg (205.44 KB, 750x435, memed-io-output (3).jpeg)

the guys who made me feel like a grotesquely huge amazon freak back in the day grew into mad manlets lmao
No. 812323
File: 1621614753649.jpg (85.96 KB, 727x1098, acceb89a858a50b27f4efd6caaacfd…)

who wants to play [your name] the hedgehog! i managed to find an actually cute one
No. 812568
File: 1621638312491.jpeg (90.19 KB, 816x979, 5B2CB555-9068-4A1B-8C5C-ADF4CE…)

>>812323My hedgehog is pretty, I wish she had another pair of shorts or in another color though.
No. 812651
File: 1621647829826.jpg (171.73 KB, 900x1060, kisspng-hedgehog-vertebrate-ma…)

>>812323None came up for my irl name or my main alias so I used a nickname I rarely go by anymore
No. 812666
File: 1621650918805.jpg (104.9 KB, 489x960, NLXxWhB4AmKgRpx4Jm0t8R0mPIUoFC…)

You could say the other results that came up were conventionally attractive, but this first result I got is absolutely the hedgehog I deserve
>>812323She's cute!
No. 812696
File: 1621654392277.jpg (379.65 KB, 850x1169, bruhhog.jpg)

>>812666>>812323Thanks, I hate it.
No. 812703
File: 1621654753168.jpg (112.98 KB, 1000x1414, a3b9e517966bbfda674ab14e139fd7…)

>>812323she looks so cute daww
No. 812720
File: 1621655703607.gif (767.96 KB, 637x358, lilly.gif)

No. 812725
File: 1621655894183.gif (1.34 MB, 332x332, 1.gif)

No. 812726
File: 1621655901285.png (1.35 MB, 1300x867, d2kinmm-6320820c-346d-4e85-980…)

>>812323This one is somewhat well drawn, though it's not nearly as cute as yours rip
No. 812739
File: 1621656714082.png (385.43 KB, 503x352, woah.PNG)

No. 812741
File: 1621657046396.jpeg (363.87 KB, 1000x1334, A862F9AF-4E14-48A2-BB1D-60FC71…)

i want a pet gengar
No. 812790
File: 1621662084998.jpg (64.54 KB, 720x648, 5ab2a57b-79bd-4f23-bebd-d90a47…)

I want love
No. 812799
File: 1621663025236.jpg (253.55 KB, 1063x796, IMG_20210522_134939.jpg)

>>812323why have I never thought of this? currently finding the hejjihoggu of everyone i know
No. 812841
File: 1621668982708.png (108.23 KB, 600x800, 1576666212687.png)

I got timed out for the first time after using this site for 6 months, mods….why do you hate me?
I just and call scrotes and whores ugly, thats all.
No. 812879
File: 1621676755483.jpg (66.23 KB, 1000x1000, 01296185e114d6daa02a282ab4ae64…)

>>812323I did not expect to get anything at all
No. 812881
File: 1621676980463.jpeg (86.28 KB, 657x604, A1196C29-7E1C-4661-9D67-2C94AF…)

doesn't drinking milk with alcohol = guaranteed puke? I want to puke
No. 813056
File: 1621699837047.jpg (1.09 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0778.jpg)

Do you even lift, sis? Can you squat your dog?
No. 813072
nonnie, someday I will squat with my doggo.
No. 813091
File: 1621704421472.jpg (147.78 KB, 922x672, Yorkshire Terrier.jpg)

>>813056Would be sad if I couldn't considering he's rat-sized
No. 813278
>>813091aww omg this is exactly how my dog looks.
>>813103ill give my dog a hug for you anon.
No. 813279
File: 1621725147592.jpg (121.49 KB, 872x916, C-3HO_zXsAEgpeN.jpg)

>>812323I like my hedgehog she has a cute dress and ice powers
>>812207>>809503You are my people
No. 813524
File: 1621756575754.gif (3.97 MB, 498x254, rock lobster.gif)

No. 813525
File: 1621756706379.png (1.56 MB, 1598x814, lilly.png)

No. 813649
File: 1621774075294.png (2.73 MB, 1876x2048, Screenshot_20210523-074707.png)

I read a Dragon Age fic the other night where Hawke used blood magic to force Anders to jerk off. I keep laughing about it what the fuck
No. 813655
File: 1621774947212.jpg (59.2 KB, 518x552, PoolWorld.jpg)

No. 813670
File: 1621778751174.jpg (73.6 KB, 1280x720, 20201114_075234.jpg)

this is haunting
No. 813679
File: 1621781095376.jpg (23.1 KB, 292x292, heghog.jpg)

>>813322Hm I dunno, the twitter account I found her on had a picture with her using ice powers but nothing is written… I bet that blue brooch has something to do with it. I just know it. No 13 year old would pass an opportunity to give their character a magical necklace.
By the way my best friend used to have a jolteon character and she wore a blue magical gem necklace too. Also her uncle was raikou and she could change her type
No. 813894
File: 1621802986705.png (177.23 KB, 299x750, vVhkso1aa8MVfGraF7xt6-uLvamMPQ…)

all yuo bipches kin komaeda
but I got the real good kin right here
I want to kin the dumb hot muscular stacy
No. 813992
File: 1621812785837.jpg (120.29 KB, 1080x639, xrykaamw5r071~2.jpg)

No. 814072
File: 1621816955182.jpg (248.21 KB, 958x596, elliot-page-protagoniza-portad…)

get in the fucking robot shinji
No. 814091
File: 1621818018560.jpg (134.06 KB, 1000x750, WEWhzfuVnjbGqNdjYVKA99-1200-80…)

No. 814100
File: 1621818959165.gif (17.57 MB, 600x338,

I love these ads
No. 814102
File: 1621819024434.jpg (239.22 KB, 1439x806, EUPHORIC EXPLAINING.jpg)

>>814096It's called EUPHORIA you big
terf No. 814107
File: 1621819279196.gif (16.61 MB, 600x338, (4).gif)

>>814105The game isn't anything like the ads and kind of sucks tho
No. 814108
File: 1621819310896.gif (4.61 MB, 600x338, (3).gif)

No. 814111
File: 1621819411354.jpeg (129.52 KB, 1024x922, 4DADAB74-1A8A-44A6-BBAA-672EB3…)

>>813894I love her too
>>813918shut up Thom
No. 814120
File: 1621820594539.gif (6.94 MB, 600x338, (5).gif)

>>814109Lilly would stay in the relationship threads
No. 814127
File: 1621820934206.gif (8.8 MB, 600x338, (9).gif)

>>814120This is my last Lilly Spam
No. 814189
>>814141I wish they'd pay me, the game actually sucks and isn't like the ads. I watched this video putting all the Lilly Garden's Ads in order to make it one full story. I liked the art style and how dumb it all is, I started to stan.
The game is nothing like the ads.
No. 814203
File: 1621829089963.gif (10.34 MB, 600x338, (6).gif)

>>814189The video is too big for me to download without taking forever but here is the link- No. 814250
File: 1621836618633.jpeg (57.88 KB, 640x822, 0A3CD1B2-1D74-4286-991F-CD34D8…)

>>814072I miss the old ellen
No. 814267
>>814072I seriously can't get over how uncanny the resemblance is.
>>814102How the fuck does she suddenly look at least 15 years older than she is and at the same time like a whiny teenage boy? Her skin is sagging really bad and her features are just deteriorating, she looks nothing like she used to. Is she on drugs or something? It seriously looks concerning, she's only 34.
No. 814273
>>814267>How the fuck does she suddenly look at least 15 years older than she is and at the same time like a whiny teenage boy?Anorexia nervosa
>Her skin is sagging really bad and her features are just deterioratingIt's because of anorexia nervosa
>Is she on drugs or something? She has anorexia nervosa
Seriously guys? I thought awareness of that illness is high in the general population, but I guess not.
No. 814278
>>814189That sucks but also always seems to be the same with many mobile games
What's the game actually like? Thanks for the video link btw
No. 814330
File: 1621853479786.png (Spoiler Image,226.76 KB, 967x580, cf4453210c1e9e7a3fc9d9b7c9a897…)

>>813894a greedy gross not-like-the-other-girls slut instead of a sad complex pretty boy with phenomenal lore and a following of skilled fujo fanartists?
uhhh you can keep her
No. 814436
File: 1621864468767.gif (732.88 KB, 644x360, taco-flying-through-the-sky-gi…)

No. 814455
File: 1621865874173.jpeg (18.46 KB, 554x554, images (6).jpeg)

dis me
No. 814610
File: 1621876713276.jpg (88.94 KB, 499x569, tkmoCD8.jpg)

Recent events brought this beautiful memory back into my life
No. 814722
File: 1621882458009.jpg (732.04 KB, 1798x1016, yup.jpg)

No. 814739
File: 1621883561960.gif (525.7 KB, 356x200, 200.gif)

attention ATTENTION, i'm easily triggered by TURTLES, i repeat, i'm EASILY TRIGGERED BY TURTLES!!!!
No. 814742
File: 1621883851698.png (6.74 KB, 63x79, okuyasu.png)

No. 814756
File: 1621884420048.jpeg (40.68 KB, 828x620, 71DB22A8-DDEA-4AA7-AC4D-40AA30…)

I fucking want my fried chicken nachos back taco bell
No. 814895
File: 1621892893538.jpg (81.89 KB, 400x300, 1348.jpg)

No. 814940
File: 1621897197199.jpg (10.28 KB, 236x314, 951c5be2bc7fd28a3bd6b2d63907ca…)

I want to get drilled, seeded, and bred, I want a big leaking creampie on my wussy, very creamy and warm with a beautiful post orgasm bliss
No. 814956
File: 1621898093774.gif (698.97 KB, 620x348, vom.gif)

>>814940I want to unread this post
No. 814960
>>814940This reminds me of the horny jail escapee that we have at
that thread on /m/ and I honestly love her because her posts are a mix of funny, insane, horny yet very vanilla with a pint of relatable. Maybe someday it will get old, but today is not that day
No. 814961
File: 1621898679427.gif (886.8 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif)

This could be us
No. 814990
File: 1621901263735.jpeg (86.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1C0404CB-DEB9-497B-ABD9-675869…)

>>814940Me too
nonny. Just with a big strong and tall bara tiddied man
No. 815108
File: 1621913408114.jpg (29.77 KB, 600x379, 1615801809607.jpg)

>>814990Oof. Ditto,
nonnie. With a very specific one as well. Great pic
No. 815122
File: 1621915266058.png (127.5 KB, 540x466, 2C1D1200-A996-4C0B-80F5-11CDFD…)

>tfw I just discovered that talc near the vulva can cause cancer
What the fuck, I just discovered a few days ago that I could put some talc so my pussy stopped itching, and now I can’t use it because it causes cancer??
At least I’ve learned about it before I decided to use talc on a daily basis or something like that, I hope I can find some alternatives soon.
No. 815145
File: 1621920015159.jpg (62.97 KB, 598x607, b0d6f96c512fe5c2d3649ea9985e0f…)

>>815134NTA but I wish they didn't make His into such a disposable character by the end of the trilogy. Like, he never was super important, but the spy shit was straight up cartoonish, I laughed out loud.
I guess most, if not all characters were a joke by the end of the third movie.
No. 815156
>>815145the force awakens is the only one that exists solely because of how much i love him and the potential he had in that one.
tlj and tros are trash for what they did to him, seeing kylo is just a bonus.
>>815152he appears in all three of the new trilogy, albeit not very often. his best scenes are in the first one imo!
No. 815159
File: 1621921381952.jpeg (97.05 KB, 668x639, 732ACB18-EDFA-40EA-B433-4EB956…)

>>815156thanks. I saw the first and was neutral toward him but he's growing on me thanks to fans like you hyping him kek. time to marathon!
No. 815162
File: 1621921497981.jpg (75.05 KB, 540x820, 4e26c9363bb5e5e53acadf0bba990f…)

>>815152He does. But I'll already warn you that he has like 10min of screen time
at most in each film.
I wish it was more because his character had potential imo and because I wish he had more interactions with Kyle Ron and I am lowkey fujo and wish it had more fanfic fuel for them to hate fuck
>>815156I personally prefer TLJ overall as a movie but yeah, they did His dirty there, but was still salvageable. By the third movie he could be plotting to take Kylo down (in a real, effective way) and the main villains could be him and Kylo, plus Kylo vs Hux. But nah, bring palpatine back and
kill Hux only to have another character identical to him in his place lol
No. 815163
File: 1621921632207.gif (3.35 MB, 480x270, 1612328249637.gif)

>>815162My fucking phone keep autocorrecting HUX as HIS REEEEEE
No. 815164
File: 1621921932374.jpeg (55.87 KB, 960x960, E4971784-A0F8-4983-B877-F03E64…)

>>815163kylo is literally a kyle lol
No. 815166
>>815159hey it's no worries!! it's always really exciting when people find a fondness for him, he's great! i hope you have a blast marathoning!
>>815162i honestly think they had no idea what they were doing beyond halfway through tlj, and the inclusion of palpatine at all was so fucking stupid it bored me to tears to see it lol.
at least i have a nonsensical amount of fanart and fanfic to read with him and kylo. No. 815185
File: 1621923996995.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.67 KB, 489x530, 10c175e4091c4ddc52c2a96870b3ee…)

>>815179>>815176>>815178Kek glad to see you here, nonette, I'm your fan
>>815174I like it both ways, this fanart is great imho
Hopefully someday Disney will make an animated series focusing on the trilogy characters so I can have more Kylux interactions
and even Reylo No. 815186
File: 1621924201654.gif (621.04 KB, 320x240, HjnzQg.gif)

No. 815191
File: 1621924353068.jpeg (121.26 KB, 749x850, E11E3E71-AE89-4DF2-B167-F2E984…)

>>815162also why is he holding a cat? I didn't think there could be cats in star wars? disney truly stopped trying, is cute though
damn this thread is starting to get too focused, here's my shitpost meme pic attached
No. 815198
File: 1621924624501.png (143.8 KB, 556x370, 104980.png)

>>815191The cat was actually just an injoke made by one of the writers, it's not canon
only in my heartHe said the ashes from this scene were actually just Millicent's (the cat) litterbox and the joke spread.
No. 815199
File: 1621924692257.png (146.67 KB, 199x324, babey.png)

>>815191one of the writers said that hux owns an orange tabby named millicent. there's also talk of him owning a powder blue couch. it's mostly jokes but the fans include it in their personal canon too. (me included.)
throwing the focus to this pic so it's not sw-centric. look at how mischievous this little kitten is.
No. 815201
File: 1621924824279.png (533.09 KB, 545x376, pizzly.PNG)

pizzly bear
No. 815207
File: 1621925463745.png (473.06 KB, 505x368, hello.PNG)

No. 815213
>>815211My mom used to shop at the salvation army when I was young and she'd just get a shit ton of toys & books. She brought the pink one of these "Wuv Luv" toys home.
They give birth to those derpy babies.
No. 815217
>>815207I had the mom on the right and the baby in the center
it would not give birth after hours of labor and I eventually preformed a c-section by breaking it
but the pouch velcros back shut, so like, I guess that's like when a woman's stomach muscles never rejoin
No. 815220
File: 1621926261436.jpg (32 KB, 357x500, Tacowaco.jpg)

No. 815224
File: 1621926428112.jpg (Spoiler Image,45.67 KB, 429x600, Pillsbery.jpg)

No. 815229
File: 1621927073065.jpeg (Spoiler Image,603.2 KB, 1125x865, 2D5CD870-C59C-494E-8880-650E1C…)

>>815227good night (for me)
No. 815385
File: 1621945650285.jpeg (33.97 KB, 304x470, 3C27D2B8-3F88-4360-8A78-EDA0EC…)

How many breads have you eaten in your life, Nonnies?
No. 815451
File: 1621949218174.jpg (29.08 KB, 400x400, everyday_original.jpg)

When I played in Bridgeport for the first time in the sims 3, I was looking at all the different sims living there to decide who I would like to play as. I saw Polly with her coat which looked fancy in the thumbnail and thought she was some cool rich lady. Well guess what she has nothing to her name, literally lives in the basement and wears socks with sandals. But I felt bad for her and sent her to college and now she is a successful artist and lives in a house by the beach.
No. 815641
File: 1621965218072.png (106.41 KB, 202x386, Bella Hot.PNG)

>>815451I always make Sims 4 Bella Goth super hot. I only change her and Cassandra Goth.
I have mods to make the boobs bigger, sometimes I make Bella bottle Blonde and all she does is cheat on her husband with every hot sim she sees. Other times I make her super goth whose obsessed with vampires.
No. 815644
File: 1621965375061.png (107.73 KB, 500x299, im-so-powerful-my-mind-ugh-lt-…)

>mfw I can read the greek thread thanks to extensive mathematical torture
No. 815645
File: 1621965397609.png (305.62 KB, 432x420, 2.PNG)

>>815641I also make over these Sims every single time I play the game.
No. 815653
File: 1621966071444.png (84.51 KB, 830x312, Throwaway.png)

They feed us poison then give us false cures while making are true medicine illegal
No. 815654
File: 1621966079250.jpg (34.54 KB, 474x554, hehe.jpg)

>>815644Me too, but it's because Slav runes are very similar to Greek runes
No. 815658
>>815645Me too, I put that pink newsboy cap on Yuki, it looks so cute
>>815477Thanks I liked it, I'm so happy so many people in the comments love Polly too.
No. 815756
File: 1621973446676.png (14.04 KB, 811x67, gdgdg.png)

Risking it all for a dumb experiment
No. 815780
File: 1621974705877.jpg (31.99 KB, 500x500, descargar.jpg)

>>815756my thoughts exactly
No. 815785
File: 1621974921009.webm (5.66 MB, 1280x720, ZyQd7YokqiAPEapR.webm)

It's me strutting through /ot/
No. 815787
File: 1621975056112.png (138.77 KB, 500x400, descargar.png)

>>815785kek I laughed so fucking hard
No. 815799
File: 1621975465538.jpg (106.19 KB, 339x700, p45578-vyr-649045578_-1_-1_355…)

Simpler times
No. 815815
>>8157782 cups grated cucumber (from about 1 medium 10-ounce cucumber, no need to peel or seed the cucumber first, grate on the large holes of your box grater)
1 ½ cups plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint and/or dill
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 medium clove garlic, pressed or minced
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
No. 815861
File: 1621977944371.jpg (145.16 KB, 640x960, IMG_20190626_152717_862.jpg)

gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode.
she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr"
he said "NO.." … da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine.
boy was cryin and went to pic up her body.
she was ded.
he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever…" (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr)
No. 815870
>>815863I think I posted him before. It's DG, frontman of Misthyrming.
I'm not a stalker I swear but I found his metal archives profile and it's called gonzalizimio kek
No. 815909
File: 1621980518080.jpg (46.11 KB, 735x583, 5f61d9590ef1221a5d96e3e987f394…)

>>815773I kinda want this but I guess nobody cares about hornyposting ITT (maybe)
Or maybe just post in the fantasy thread?
I personally just talk about how much I want dick right here
No. 815913
File: 1621980733352.jpg (73.55 KB, 736x736,…)

>>815773Yes on my menstrual cycle I get horn and form stupid crushes. I need a site to track them all. Pic related
No. 815915
File: 1621980829328.jpeg (45.09 KB, 800x800, E008B837-6CAB-463B-9F46-DB6D8C…)

What does he says?
No. 815932
File: 1621981368460.jpg (200.42 KB, 1366x768, 74335775.jpg)

lmfao you have clearly never watched a single video of ours together holy shit. we're in a full time bdsm relationship based on dynamic, not some vanilla bedroom only thing. i worship his holiness 24/7. but thanks for providing us with material for our next 'salty beta' video
No. 815946
File: 1621981749463.jpeg (49.84 KB, 577x800, B9D4E280-8EBD-4613-A07C-BE9F3C…)

>>815932Come on
nonnie, we all know satan is a twink.
No. 815956
File: 1621982486092.jpeg (62.2 KB, 580x580, W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvcGxhY2VfaW…)

>>815946I think he's too muscular to be a Twink tho
No. 815959
File: 1621982660771.jpg (81.91 KB, 600x849, c52c876de40060272ea3b743e398a1…)

me and a nonny laffin at males
No. 815976
File: 1621984091920.jpeg (Spoiler Image,571.27 KB, 1000x1500, 90730FCF-56E9-4BD2-98E7-EC0118…)

>>815897the composition and angle of this fucking photo. even if it weren't who I were horning over
shamefully and shamlessly my eyes would
direct straight to the pants every time
No. 815983
File: 1621984728412.jpeg (54.66 KB, 500x505, 08DE2E88-5F45-46A9-86B0-90D8BF…)

>>815641oh man don't tempt me. I am making this cute tradwife sim with kids, when I got to the husband I stopped and closed the game to think about it. on the one hand she is trad, and her husband could be made hot, but the horny in me also wants to make a sexy big boob neighbor lady who she divorces him for. but that breaks the trad role… Maybe she just cheats with her and he doesn't care because (outdated view about lesbians because he is stupid). or I can skip the husband altogether and make them married lesbians. much to think about
No. 815996
File: 1621985885078.gif (1.22 MB, 250x250, 1426986890889.gif)

>>814330>>814351I'll never understand why this excuse of a game has a fandom in the first place and more than two games. Is it the crappy designs? The poorly constructed story? The one-dimensional stereotypes they call "characters"? I won't get it… The only thing I do understand is, if you like this… "thing", you should go to a therapist or an ophthalmologist. Maybe both.
No. 816004
File: 1621986096891.png (1.07 MB, 1870x778, State.png)

The shit I stumble accross on tumblr is sometimes pretty funny
welcome to th Nut House indeed
No. 816021
>>816004I am the
>#EngagedAtheistI have transcended theism, m'lady
tips fedora No. 816030
File: 1621988368275.jpg (3.27 MB, 4032x2268, tinypiggies.jpg)

No. 816038
how do the hornyposters get so horny? my sex drive is basically dead, not even images or written smut does much for me anymore. i'm not on meds either
>>815983>or I can skip the husband altogether and make them married lesbiansdo this
No. 816042
File: 1621988829644.jpeg (422.24 KB, 1242x1643, B3F6AADB-6D6F-4A8D-A261-95A681…)

>>816038I honestly haven’t been truly horny in a really long time, I just pretend to be horny, then I get horny.
No. 816055
File: 1621989739154.png (92.45 KB, 369x233, E12EFC6E-96CE-407C-84C1-B21DE7…)

i think a troon is making my pizza why do they ruin everything
No. 816056
File: 1621990119547.jpeg (2.3 MB, 4032x3024, AB547E12-0EF6-4B0F-B1FA-A20C9E…)

>>816030I have kittems too, fostering them for a shelter
No. 816088
File: 1621993351214.jpeg (277.11 KB, 2250x2145, DA17D9F3-75A4-4CCF-B5AA-898BDB…)

>>816085It's literally food and there's hormones already in most food, if anything was there it'd get shit boiled off in the oven
this has to be the strangest nitpick, I could care less who makes a pizza as long as it turns out well
or just imagine it's this guy making your pizza, tazz
No. 816123
File: 1621997451531.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1638x2048, BE5FF0CF-91B4-479C-A66E-DD4F78…)

Scrotes are extremely boring and unfunny. Im the funniest bitch alive
No. 816156
File: 1622002389368.jpg (30.3 KB, 437x647, ill.jpg)

mfw lolicons
No. 816179
File: 1622006123616.png (478.08 KB, 640x645, AAD3D88D-9F4E-47FF-95E1-AF578A…)

>>816156well memed nonuita banana, here is my contribution
>mfw lolicons No. 816182
File: 1622006576136.gif (2.64 MB, 420x236, a6077b600b202d26622c9ff8ba82b6…)

No. 816183
File: 1622006604643.gif (1.55 MB, 332x332, whoreo.gif)

No. 816184
File: 1622006670667.jpg (18.52 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

No. 816186
File: 1622006892039.gif (1.63 MB, 320x240, EB3002A9-5397-4FF2-AEBA-CFA682…)

>>816184I fucking love boohbahs
No. 816193
File: 1622007577376.gif (896.13 KB, 420x322, getit.gif)

No. 816198
File: 1622008329280.jpeg (80.3 KB, 500x750, 6354F1BE-EFB9-4AD7-9B53-C80F7B…)

>>816195I'm literally in love with you
No. 816239
File: 1622014976336.jpg (224.09 KB, 828x829, 1600745523904.jpg)

>>812739I want to annihilate this delicious dapper cherry boy
No. 816261
File: 1622017143982.jpg (285.81 KB, 1065x799, Wou.jpg)

No. 816271
File: 1622019366601.png (101.42 KB, 500x386, tumblr_9f21d7e8f39de610c80a454…)

hands you this take good care of him
No. 816397
File: 1622036773349.gif (4.16 MB, 600x334, ezgif-4-18b0bdb91463.gif)

No. 816426
File: 1622038931113.png (113.32 KB, 649x400, muhsleepdemon.png)

No. 816503
File: 1622047672120.jpeg (57.3 KB, 590x817, 590C328D-07F9-4B22-B3B3-EF69F7…)

>>816261Oh it’s foobieboobie! Fancy seeing you here
No. 816519
File: 1622048596416.jpg (1.45 MB, 1848x1571, 1454885562892.jpg)

>>816239pic reminds me of this.
ichi a best btw
No. 816609
File: 1622053048080.jpg (64.47 KB, 720x960, 75519348_2343254265976210_8321…)

"you don't make a love spell for a man, you just fuck him hard"
No. 816615
File: 1622053236706.gif (629.86 KB, 220x217, 490E6401-39C2-416D-AB23-469838…)

>>816609Spongebob has some nice cake.
No. 816622
File: 1622053569755.jpeg (23.59 KB, 275x202, 28D55E12-2741-4915-A074-DEF532…)

>>816519KEK thank you for putting this image in my life
No. 816634
File: 1622054088289.png (301 KB, 500x529, 1452553430357.png)

>>816612I love this fucking anime
No. 816636
File: 1622054128196.jpeg (108.81 KB, 768x432, F68C0CBC-F4C9-4366-8ECF-9E8519…)

>>816623Don’t listen to her
>>816519, ichi is the best brother and this is a fact of nature. You can’t find a fictional scrote who is so socially inept that he will chimp out and shit on a counter just anywhere, you know.
No. 816656
File: 1622055141440.jpg (436.04 KB, 1280x714, descargar (5).jpg)

Enough. Post muscle women NOW
No. 816681
File: 1622056217677.png (705.27 KB, 636x900, m's greatest enemies.png)

>>816653>At least post other husbandos or whateverwell this is gonna
trigger anonas extra hard
No. 816692
File: 1622056872701.jpeg (39.27 KB, 904x511, E90186B1-3CA2-4C38-ADEF-F5C827…)

oh… 2dshit…
No. 816694
File: 1622056915570.jpg (199.55 KB, 1280x1061, tumblr-59d13c50c81adc1a42cfed8…)

don't need necks to coom. i'll throw in burnt toast to balance things out
No. 816697
File: 1622057090002.jpg (53.89 KB, 720x720, 2bb17fc5892e92ee10b663ae1668e8…)

>>816636When I said ichimatsu is a nasty bitch, I meant that in the most loving way possible. He's stinky but i love him
No. 816704
File: 1622057467597.jpeg (125.47 KB, 638x900, 0128E04F-3F93-4EF8-86D5-418DE4…)

>>816681this is gross and you should feel bad
>>816694>>816697this is based and you should feel smart
No. 816716
File: 1622058061430.jpg (45.22 KB, 448x604, e8adc77e1fcfc520fbd2f9f1469c32…)

Superior husbando incoming
Beefy body tiddies, introvert, has a doctorate, is a DILF and love animals. Also, can your husbando lit 5 cigarettes, turn them in his mouth with them still lit? Yeah, I didn't think so.
No. 816720
File: 1622058319465.jpg (190.11 KB, 900x900, EaDyGcFUcAA7Z73.jpg)

>>816716yes. post some real men itt
No. 816726
File: 1622058575848.jpeg (106.66 KB, 750x808, 5D91194E-678D-4FC8-83C1-15EE8D…)

>tfw no threesome with Fire and Ice duo
We could listen to fire & ice while watching that gay skating men movie with the fire & ice scene as we fuck.
No. 816732
File: 1622059032686.gif (4.63 MB, 540x350, DCE4425D-9D7D-4D60-8BDC-04E0E7…)

begone weebs PLEASE BEGONE
No. 816736
File: 1622059352515.jpg (416.71 KB, 818x1158, 77417251_p0.jpg)

i'm going to keep posting more boys out of spite tbh
purple a best
No. 816742
File: 1622059508059.gif (2.9 MB, 295x370, 09664e98-36bf-4515-9e32-036659…)

I guess this is a husbando thread now
No. 816743
File: 1622059530993.jpg (84.45 KB, 800x500, lili-reinhart-short-jeans-2018…)

my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife
No. 816744
File: 1622059534491.png (843.67 KB, 499x869, uigsd.png)

>>816733That's Joseph Joestar and he cheated on his wife with only one woman
No. 816753
File: 1622059650010.jpg (213.88 KB, 1067x1334, 2bb17fc5892e92ee10b663ae1668e8…)

I only like pretty boys if they look too much like 3dpd i get scared and disgusted
No. 816756
File: 1622059753499.jpeg (38.23 KB, 400x400, A8B0A7A3-C495-472C-9A78-25FAC4…)

>>816749for starters you have to be an animal to be a jojo fan in the first place
No. 816764
File: 1622059997317.jpg (73.08 KB, 600x788, buff ninja kara.jpg)

No. 816768
File: 1622060111013.jpeg (96.92 KB, 749x750, 4A2DA670-25E5-4D2B-B90C-95FCDF…)

>>816765boygroups can go fuck themselves though
No. 816769
File: 1622060126302.png (575.8 KB, 579x932, fd71dc94987a331a5fa191a09b9922…)

No. 816771
File: 1622060224911.jpeg (60.45 KB, 733x1200, 191961E9-5508-4545-BDA3-F48B93…)

some of you were given government approved processed shit as babies and I can tell
No. 816776
File: 1622060359786.jpg (452.82 KB, 2000x1407, 1.jpg)

No. 816777
File: 1622060362563.jpeg (67.47 KB, 363x501, 115B49BB-CE25-47BA-A686-8466F1…)

that's it 3dpd time again, unspoiled
No. 816779
File: 1622060419121.jpeg (186.91 KB, 888x2048, E5610022-C8EB-48FD-912C-122662…)

You ever cry Bcs 3D men are so ugly? Bc that was me this morning
No. 816781
File: 1622060515910.jpeg (85.19 KB, 487x730, 7A6F0D63-A807-4A61-965C-866CE6…)

y'all are dickriders and I deadass cannot relate
No. 816782
File: 1622060584902.png (1.75 MB, 833x1200, 8469677ee1a7b1c1625047ba4e2b19…)

No. 816783
File: 1622060610296.jpg (63 KB, 1077x795, Ev0OvMkUYAEIgZ-.jpg)

>>816776what is it about matsus that awakes in people so much autistic horniness?
even i used to draw porn of them back in 2016 when I was a teen… No. 816784
File: 1622060623236.gif (2.06 MB, 498x343, tenor.gif)

>>816779are you implying that monstrosity in your image looks any better
No. 816786
File: 1622060711619.gif (8.34 MB, 540x450, Tumblr_l_578973885420001.gif)

No. 816791
File: 1622060824505.jpg (209.62 KB, 859x1424, Screenshot_20210526_222620.jpg)

>should just rename this retard the website
even raiding scrotes are funny twice a day
No. 816795
File: 1622060922021.jpeg (500.13 KB, 2048x1536, 2DCC7608-6844-47BD-A978-EBE0A8…)

>>816779>>816716What’s with you anons and 2d character with inflated egos and commitment issues
>>816776Please start posting this shit in the husbando thread or something before you get banned, because I like the oso content. Or there should be an osomatsu containment thread for geniuses like us.
No. 816797
>>816788after getting over my weebshit fatigue I'd rather like a real human who looks and acts cartoonish
nothing wrong with that if that makes sense
No. 816801
File: 1622061221610.jpg (94.02 KB, 736x1070, 1621992408521.jpg)

>>816779toji tojitotitties jitojitojtitties itojitoji tojitoji toji toji tojiv tojitoji toji tojititties titties tojititties tojitojitojitojititties vtojitotitties jivtojitojitoji toji v vtojitojitoj
No. 816808
File: 1622061646368.jpg (315.53 KB, 1080x1920, Character_Diluc_Card.jpg)

>>816726Excuse me but Diluc is supposed to be babyfaced, skinny and cute. And getting a rough fucking from Kaeya.
No. 816810
File: 1622061925219.jpg (105.03 KB, 806x1200, another ninja kara.jpg)

>>816783because the matsus themselves are horny. like attracts like. i wish more 2d guys canonically fapped tbh
last one for now
No. 816814
>>816810>i wish more 2d guys canonically fapped tbhexcuse me what
now I'm interested
what episodes
No. 816862
File: 1622065084700.jpeg (78.66 KB, 1024x988, p6a759uxpzx61.jpeg)

Words to live by
No. 816897
File: 1622068341651.jpg (82.38 KB, 1000x1000, candy bottles.jpg)

why are these?
No. 816905
File: 1622068800931.png (310.25 KB, 422x426, yuck.PNG)

Also, why are these? In school I wanted on so bad, the kids would get them from the corner store. I had one and it tasted disgusting.
No. 816908
File: 1622068946037.jpg (10.75 KB, 316x160, images.jpg)

but these are based
No. 816911
File: 1622069283721.jpg (87.53 KB, 640x941, dolphinjotaro.jpg)

>>816731you mixed up the dolphin part, a little.
No. 816916
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>>816897the first time I encountered these was at a carnival as a 5 or 6 year old. a fortune teller lady told me it was a love potion
No. 816917
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>>816915ew, I thought this was a joke. How did they taste?
No. 816918
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>>816390Heartwarming actually
No. 816920
File: 1622070047710.gif (6.11 MB, 268x400, 8ac2777_400.gif)

I love being a real woman and having a real functional pussy meow meow meow meowowowowowwwo
also I wish all males would an hero
No. 816925
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>>816694>tfw no stupid looking stitched up husbando to fugREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 816929
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Hello can we be friends?
No. 816932
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Seeing if this works because I haven't tried black texting before
No. 816952
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>>816917Regular ketchup chips are my all time favourite, but this is an abomination
No. 816963
File: 1622073674887.jpg (44.26 KB, 480x335, 878ac0a9b87e0ddf4b14fd04f54798…)

Look at this
No. 816980
I thought
>>816930 was a response to
>>816929 No. 817097
File: 1622090781671.jpg (111.88 KB, 1024x768, 1435861566Pajama4.jpg)

imma find some pajamas so i can look like TLC in this video
No. 817109
File: 1622092507820.jpg (97.85 KB, 466x728, 314e1b93b92c2958d2f199a9e2b8b4…)

Just like magic
Middle finger to my thumb and then I snap it
Just like magic
I'm attractive
I get everything I want cause I attract it
No. 817122
File: 1622094363249.jpg (39.4 KB, 368x500, tlc.jpg)

>>817121If it's not clear, I love TLC
No. 817125
File: 1622094568591.jpg (11.18 KB, 250x236, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x…)

me unironically
No. 817129
File: 1622095144553.jpeg (113.85 KB, 640x580, 15643383-EC58-47F4-B93C-9D6DD3…)

>>817125that's cringe, but I accept it
No. 817147
File: 1622098008365.jpg (37.59 KB, 480x520, 1502459500156.jpg)

>>817143I more or less guarantee Taylor Swift posts here, if the rumours from years ago of her posting on 4chan are true
No. 817154
File: 1622098759514.jpeg (95.63 KB, 1024x567, EmMCOkAXIAEwmEj.jpeg)

>>817147>>817143Kek I'm
>>817109 and unfortunately I'm not Ariana Grande.
I wouldn't doubt though that Ari and Doja Cat use lolcow.
Ariana is a carreyfag.
No. 817160
Are you talking about Carrey-chan? It has been revealed since that there's more than one person lusting over Jim Carrey in the farms, hence why Ariana is one carreyfag but not
the Carrey-chan. She's iconic
No. 817173
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>>817168I guess I'm on this site way too much kek
You're right about Carrey-chan being the one making the kid grids and manifesting meeting him
power to her, I'm doing it for her as well kek, but she is from the US. She's just not from major cities like LA or NYC.
I used to think she was alone as well in her Carrey adoration
maybe at her extent, she is, but the current Unconventional Male Thread has shown that there is more than one Carrey admirer. Maybe like 3.
But she'll always be the one and only Carrey-chan in my heart, truly a pioneer.
No. 817174
File: 1622102543093.gif (270.08 KB, 650x886, A3179C8E-4326-4AC6-872E-5222CA…)

Bow to your lord and savior Korean Jeansus
No. 817179
File: 1622103125673.png (2.28 MB, 1414x1337, 1523392068675.png)

i kind of miss her
No. 817182
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No. 817202
File: 1622106573004.jpeg (110 KB, 640x633, 01A1225E-FCD7-44BE-9704-9E5118…)

>>817168>>817173kek yes I am the "main" but theres more than one, just nobody else who does stuff like the faceapping or manifesting. technically wasn't the first one who mentioned him here, but around the time of sonic last year was the first carreypost that sparked my interest. Then I saw the cursed movie, then covid happened. Hard cope for me
technology is developing at such a rate that you can do silly things with face AI, but it's also terrifying. I kinda worry my actions might be interpreted as malicious because people use face technology so fervidly to produce illegal and crass deepfakes. That's not ok… I find visual patterning and variation interesting, that's all there is to it. The actor guessing games from the faceapp thread were fun to make, picking the candidates was great, cutting out choices was the harder part.
i do hope he or any of the other actors won't see any of this shit, but if they do, they do. one day I will get there, one day I will get there, to where I want to be. if I don't, well, I'll try a forage the best life for me possible if I can bear it. this site helped me get through isolation to some extent. I'm happy about that. now if the world would go back to normal faster, that would be great!
No. 817222
File: 1622108282158.gif (92.24 KB, 480x477, tumblr_22ce853bfaf64bf6708db9c…)

>>817160Ayrt, I am one of them but whenever someone mentions a Carreyfag I would always assume it's the one who pushes hard to meet him IRL and stuff, since she's the most memorable one.
>>817168There were lots of Carreyfags before in much, much older threads tbh
No. 817227
>>817222older than the threads from last year? I guess I was lurking predominantly cow boards before late 2019 & early 2020, and didn't utilize /ot/ and /g/ much, I don't remember seeing carreyfagging until around early 2020
I'll take your word for it. would love to go back much further into the sites archives for the hell of it. it's a lot of work but it'd be interesting to see what lc was like at the time of its formation
No. 817242
>>817202The actor guessing games were fun!
The faceapp thread can be a bit weird to me with the walls of generated near-identical AI children but it's not hurting anyone and I like when people are getting playful and having fun together with it
>>817227There are some very interesting discussions buried in /ot/ threads, I wish people were less afraid of bringing back old threads from the catalog
No. 817245
>>817223Stalin is truly the wet dream of women from tradthot thread. He genuinely hated all of the confident and strong women, but still enjoyed "actresses" that were seen to him as whores; He hated when a woman would dress up in something nice (stuff like Lacey underwear, elegant, puffy dresses and corsets) , preferring weak types, the ones who will sit in a corner quietly, like a mouse, and wear nothing but a bland, long clothing.
>>817227Yup! However, Carreyposting was pretty rare compared to current threads, after all his girlfriend's suicide is a difficult and rough topic, I've never seen people fangilring over Carrey that hard, only saying that he is attractive and stuff.
No. 817247
>>817242the faceswaps, the genderbends, the memes, everything else as well is great. it does stride into the uncanny valley, as AI often does, but it's all in good fun
no hurt in retooling old threads into new threads, I know it's technically forbidden to necro them but nobody said anything about reposting similar threads
No. 817250
>>817247Also I like when people find relevant posts from old threads and quote them back into new ones, it feels like the boards become a kind of library
Afaik necroposting on /ot/g/m/ isn't against the rules as long as you're adding new content or generating new conversation, unless the thread topic has become against the rules since it was last active but I can understand why people would rather not
No. 817254
>>817245Never knew that about Stalin, given his reputation as an infamous dictator it makes sense. Now you're making me want to research into this kek
I guess at this point I just don't expect shit from men, living or dead, enough to be fully disappointed when I learn they are or were scumbags. I'm disappointed, but not surprised. They're given the patriarchal pass to be more brazen about their degeneracy than women and the ability to get away with it when they possess wealth and status.
I'm just glad there are spaces where I can comfortably talk to other women about things I am too ashamed to address in public
No. 817367
File: 1622128567531.jpg (263.47 KB, 700x640, Beaverbollocks.jpg)

beaver one, beaver all
let's all do the beaver call
No. 817636
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>>817372oh my god same, fuck me
No. 817637
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>>817636wait wrong picture
No. 817671
File: 1622150620361.jpeg (24.39 KB, 636x636, received_415757992847986.jpeg)

>try meditation
>close eyes
>my whole vision goes from black to light blue
>apparently I've unlocked my third eye
nice but I ve used up my monthly-spiritual-time allowance and its time to go back to being atheist
No. 817768
File: 1622162638039.jpg (72.81 KB, 736x552, a6a8022a3f86c6c753e5571f4f5dc1…)

>3 am
>see a huge roach crawling to your direction in the bathroom
rip bozo
No. 817866
File: 1622178024711.gif (2.81 MB, 268x400, e4ace18f1f6d0418095e0ddcfc5234…)

I want Star Wars woman body pls
No. 817880
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>>817874Actress Daisy Ridley, she's the main character of the Disney Star Wars movies and she's very fit
No. 817881
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>>817880I also think her face is cute
No. 817893
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>>817768she just wants a friend nona
No. 817900
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No. 817902
File: 1622184720695.jpg (27.32 KB, 660x495, FB_IMG_1621818459859.jpg)

I know this is bizarrely specific, but my cat's food was smelling exactly like a Happy Meal oily box from the 90s, especially the fries area. wat
No. 817915
File: 1622186458623.gif (12.37 MB, 600x600, 1613704029252.gif)

[x2] Break it down bitch, let me see you back it up
drop that ass down low then pick that motherfucker up
[x4] Back that pussy tease a motherfucker
[x2] Rub that shit it's yours bitch, grab his dick it's yours bitch
No. 818024
File: 1622200027556.jpg (93.83 KB, 250x305, 2204278-a068dee5821f63fdce5ed2…)

Make way for ur fatty queen
No. 818049
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No. 818103
File: 1622206383423.jpg (98.77 KB, 640x832, IMG_20210528_090015.jpg)

No. 818166
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Took amberlynn's crown and bun… savage
No. 818182
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Hehe cheese!
No. 818203
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>>818160Couldn’t agree more. They’re like parasites but not the ones you can ignore because you can’t see them. Only worse, they don’t fear or feel anything. You can’t intimidate a mushroom. You can’t scare fungi into extinction. You can’t get revenge against them. In the end you die and will only be their food. They can live on you and feel nothing. They don’t even do it because of some sort of fucking survival instinct or need to fucking further the fungi kingdom. They do it because they can. You can’t use medicine or an exterminator to make them entirely go away. Literally all of them are like this and it’s insane. The scariest part is that if fungi were eradicated we’d probably die. People who eat moldy food scare me. I don’t trust them any more than I trust mushrooms. The concept of spores scares me. Spoiler for “hairy tofu”. Fungi fear is going to make me ocd and put bleach on everything one day. I should live in a filtered glass box.
No. 818235
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>>818203This is why I love mushrooms, praise be to our fungi overlords.
No. 818241
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>>818235agreed anon, I loved that mushroom episode of Hannibal. that's how I wanna go tbh but make it a ritual sacrifice to the almighty mushgod
No. 818273
>>818271That's their business. Imagine gatekeeping existence/survival.
I'm a mushroom whiteknight to the end
No. 818280
File: 1622226041015.jpg (107.97 KB, 640x596, 20210528_201934.jpg)

>Tfw no fungi bf
No. 818290
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No. 818295
File: 1622227076444.jpeg (242.19 KB, 1440x783, 998720A9-40B2-4745-AA80-82A2A0…)

>>818282you’re being really mean and viscous to an anon with feelings in defense of a non-creature creature that thrives off the death of every cell in your body. STOP IT! This is proof mushrooms are bad and make people turn evil.
When I think about how mushrooms are evil, I unwantedly imagine mushroom spores sprouting in my bellybutton. It makes me feel really queasy and scared, so much that I prefer not eating anymore. I know spores can’t survive the digestion system (if this isn’t true don’t fucking correct me) but that’s my biggest fear. Toe fungi and infectious necrosis via spores from TLOU are my biggest nightmares.
>>818290We don’t need earth. Mushroom lovers are gaslighters…
No. 818300
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The Fungi Kingdom does not discriminate
No. 818304
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>>818295If you hate fungi, maybe you just need to look inside yourself. Embrace your mortality, decay is inevitable. It's all a natural process, nothing about it is malicious. The weak should fear the strong.
No. 818310
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>>818295Does this scare you?
No. 818311
>>817880Oh my GOD!
I think I fell in love…
No. 818313
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>>818297BTS’ in the soop. Not sure which episode.
No. 818335
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>>818271>>818295>>818278You're all going to be mushrooms one day nonatellas.
No. 818461
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Me listening to shoegaze alone in my room
No. 818462
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No. 818494
File: 1622255304096.png (513.46 KB, 479x522, TNlgrhW.png)

>>818469keep fighting the good fight anon!
No. 818498
>>818474No bpd here just a fun-gal
>>818476>>818492>>818494Love all shroomanons
No. 818510
File: 1622257614680.png (581.56 KB, 539x702, lionsmane.png)

lion's mane mushroom coolest mushroom
super good for your brain and promotes lucid dreaming I wanna run my fingers through it
No. 818512
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>>818510I like the gooey-looking ones. They're honestly so beautiful.
No. 818515
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>>818469why do I sense that this is discharge komaeda-chan? it probably isn't but I know she is smart like this.
No. 818543
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i love when games make up brands for clothes/food.
No. 818546
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No. 818550
File: 1622263228219.jpeg (305.74 KB, 1440x1080, BA15A57D-13D9-49AD-85F9-CEC33F…)

>>818546Near scared me seeing this on the main page kek
No. 819061
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No. 819077
File: 1622334667459.jpeg (42.07 KB, 394x394, F437B30C-B7F8-4825-8F5F-9A7593…)

>>818527anon you’re only pissed off because your pussy probably smells like fungi, btfo fungi-chans the club
No. 819086
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Gus, Star Wars Gus and capeshit Gus
No. 819113
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>>819105Well I mean, I would have to watch those movies if they made such an excellent casting decision
No. 819127
>>819121He's not in the movies, he's part of the mandalorian series! You can easily watch it as a standalone series, all you need to know it that it happens 5 years after Darth Vader's death (the fall of the Empire, kinda like if it was 5 years after Hitler's death)
My boyfriend kinda think he's the best part of the Mandalorian series as well (with baby Yoda and the IG unit robot)
No. 819197
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>>818527how come every time farmers are having fun being weird or learning me things, someone shows up to shit on it
No. 819241
File: 1622362374161.png (656.18 KB, 800x689, 6oz_Can_Cayenne_Xtremes.png)

Just ate way too many of those goddamn wasabi soy flavored almonds and I'm extra stupid because I need to go to bed soon. Seriously all the varieties of savory flavored almonds are WAY too easy to snack on. These bad boys were gone in like four days, I can at least make the Wasabi Soy last longer.
No. 819250
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No. 819264
File: 1622366932047.jpg (80.2 KB, 728x970, fq44ms40yd561.jpg)

Her song is called Gimme More because that's all you people want from her is more moRE MORE MORE MOOOOOOORE
No. 819290
File: 1622372441080.gif (2.68 MB, 500x375, supa-dupa-15.gif)

I thought I was thinking but I was actually speaking out loud. I told my boyfriend "I can burn down your house and fly to Nicaragua and change name" It was just an intrusive thoguht and it means nothing but now he looks at me funny. Oops
No. 819295
File: 1622373099180.jpeg (10.42 KB, 224x224, download.jpeg)

I block your path and say "Ow wAhAhAhOW" what will you do
No. 819319
File: 1622377083712.png (319.96 KB, 330x660, LQ42aMr.png)

No. 819502
File: 1622401882153.gif (1.8 MB, 638x438, d508faf47d1ca203e73a856542733f…)

I think about this everytime I cook frozen pizza
No. 819504
File: 1622402070284.gif (1.43 MB, 260x173, its_done.gif)

>>819502Pizza's ready nonnies!
No. 819719
File: 1622426803517.jpeg (93.07 KB, 1242x415, 30778763-C808-430B-B212-16CBFB…)

Better check if your ships are legal in your countries, nonnies.
No. 819731
File: 1622428079492.gif (97.15 KB, 440x248, ezgif-4-a613bf5489f1.gif)

idk what this thing is but it's how I'm feeling right now
No. 819732
File: 1622428155350.png (Spoiler Image,36.59 KB, 475x475, EmfJvSVW4AE3Iw5.png)

No. 819748
File: 1622430222003.jpg (22.05 KB, 640x427, ffa91c924b400af45cc0df603f9826…)

long phlegm-y snort
HELLO ladies
No. 819769
File: 1622435208484.gif (1.14 MB, 498x295, 372918372107542305.gif)

>>819732What are you.
No. 819928
File: 1622457299291.png (14.27 KB, 250x216, my brain functioning.png)

if anyone wants a new season of an anime they like, tell me to watch it because after i watch something it sometimes gets a new season or a movie. the only time this hasn't worked is with mob psycho and it makes me very upset that it hasn't yet
No. 819943
File: 1622458322887.jpeg (117.03 KB, 551x1200, 3EA6FAF4-68C3-4F69-93FE-82A21D…)

>>819928Code geass and ohshc. The people have been waiting on new seasons for over a decade, what if you were the hero we’ve been waiting for…
No. 819964
File: 1622460573868.jpeg (185.09 KB, 472x659, B8679DFB-DCFD-4BE1-AC88-33612D…)

>>819928We have the same powers,
No. 820072
File: 1622473716048.jpg (41.59 KB, 596x628, 343.jpg)

kek I'm doing schoolwork and reading something about gauge factors and the abbreviation is GF and it says here "you can obtain the actual GF from the sensor vendor." this is human trafficking you guys, also here it says "a GF of less than 10" somebody call the police. I don't know why I have the sense of humor of a 13 year old redditor but I can't help it
No. 820129
File: 1622479416852.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.11 KB, 836x1280, fashion.jpg)

No. 820159
File: 1622483544921.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.71 KB, 1280x720, i6zpvbqullw41.jpg)

>>820129Ah it's peach spirit sakuya
No. 820368
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No. 820370
File: 1622501676962.jpg (116.5 KB, 354x657, Untitled.jpg)

hocus pocus
No. 820439
File: 1622508663279.png (326.73 KB, 500x281, 0DDDE1F4-A045-41CA-A6C7-A3ECE8…)

>>820368Iconic Jerma moment
No. 820442
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>>820370Also, I don't have a cat, but I want to own one
No. 820450
File: 1622510815556.jpg (31.74 KB, 434x532, d0f460d1cc71de7adde16877231987…)

one day i'll save enough money to open up my own lesbian bar.. no trannies…no moids…just raw energy
No. 820518
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No. 820545
File: 1622527711777.jpeg (130.31 KB, 960x720, 8B687206-FD6E-49AC-AEA7-FE13E2…)

Women own the void!!! Only women know what true suffering is!!
No. 820559
File: 1622533571569.jpg (443.3 KB, 1080x1132, Screenshot_20210408-201340_Chr…)

No. 820671
File: 1622550701143.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.63 KB, 575x562, IMG_20210504_081028.jpg)

No. 820781
File: 1622563685692.jpg (Spoiler Image,284.92 KB, 1597x898, no escape from starwarsman.jpg)

I was looking for sims 3 mods and I found him in some preview images. His face is not visible but I KNOW It's the cursed man sim
No. 820847
File: 1622571010672.jpg (34.76 KB, 283x320, 7885800.jpg)

No. 820886
>>820781lmao the file name
What is he wearing, though? Why is
it all ripped? Human shirts couldn't tame his tits?
No. 820898
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No. 820914
File: 1622576287991.jpeg (208.95 KB, 1242x1142, ABD74200-2EAB-4364-B3D6-EEBDF0…)

>>820898Welcome to the club,
No. 820956
>>820906A little leaf wouldn’t be enough to cover THAT pp,
nonnie, also the boobs, those can’t be seen by anyone.
No. 820973
File: 1622579825629.jpg (46.31 KB, 460x558, this.jpg)

No. 820981
File: 1622580519155.gif (137.55 KB, 400x372, 73753_original.gif)

>>820977tfw no alien farmer friends
No. 820991
File: 1622581508439.jpeg (106.5 KB, 993x559, EBF9D978-8177-4239-A851-DF3523…)

i'm not going to be able to find a guy in my shithole city who looks like him, can contort his face, and also has a sense of humor, that's too much to ask
No. 821003
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>>820997yeah I was curious about how the old one would look de-aged and it's actually kind of accurate. talk about the uncanny valley
i would still rather fuck him the most between the ages of about 35-50, but I digress, that's a very specific age range No. 821007
File: 1622582851764.png (439.14 KB, 540x411, aaa.png)

>>821003Is he playing kakyoin in the left picture
No. 821050
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I’m getting a fucking heart shaped bowl for my breakfast cereal and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me.
No. 821052
>>821050I hope you have the best breakfast thoughts
Get two so that if you accidentally break one it's not terrible
No. 821064
>>821056kek how we wish
jim ilysm ♥>>821048girls taste flies all over the place but I commend how she was open about being a fangirl of him of all people
>>821045he's one of the first guys I think I got wet over. having this freudian abomination of a crush come back to haunt me over ten years later
>>821050it's so cute!! you should get multiple colors!
No. 821086
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No. 821111
File: 1622596679364.jpeg (55.71 KB, 810x162, 517C4B17-A184-4047-AD48-45322F…)

less than two months until I collect mine and I wanna kms. I don't know what to do with it
No. 821113
File: 1622597061758.jpg (66.7 KB, 1000x748, Ez7Ldg4WUAMsLDP.jpg)

>>821111give it to me if you're going to kys.
No. 821122
File: 1622598827256.png (1.02 MB, 1000x748, lolllllll.png)

>>821113jajajajaja no mames que buen meme
picrelated soy yo alv
No. 821127
File: 1622599653119.png (626.5 KB, 652x518, rgbfbgfbgrrgfb.png)

No. 821165
File: 1622604995166.gif (91.22 KB, 464x342, molly.gif)

No. 821166
File: 1622605019586.gif (304.38 KB, 272x200, 200.gif)

No. 821252
File: 1622620291474.jpeg (501.77 KB, 1666x1666, 730E8D8A-04A8-4A61-88BE-3EA605…)

the complete grid is done!
No. 821344
File: 1622632431818.jpg (109.7 KB, 1200x785, CquLIFlUMAAnGbe.jpg)

I love Pig
No. 821350
File: 1622633782907.gif (1.73 MB, 320x180, 4a80705f6f3747100fea6c95445491…)

god I wanna chimp out so fucking badly just give me ONE day of the month to bite people and slam some heads in the pavement god why can't i be in a shounen anime let me fight let me bite
No. 821362
File: 1622635482960.jpeg (23.69 KB, 450x338, E489E99B-44F3-4556-9212-1B123B…)

>>821356I didn’t want to do this but you give me no option.
No. 821374
Ayo, look like I'm goin' for a swim
Dunk on 'em, now I'm swingin' off the rim
Bitch ain't comin' off the bench
While I'm comin' off the court fully drenched
Here, get some haterade, get ya thirst quenched
Styled on 'em in this Burberry trench
These birds copy every word, every inch
But gang gang got the hammer and the wrench (brrr)
I pull up in that quarter milli off the lot
Oh, now she tryna be friends like I forgot
Show off my diamonds like I'm signed by the Roc (by the rock)
Ain't pushin' out his babies 'til he buy the rock
Ayo, I been on, bitch, you been corn
Bentley tints on, Fendi prints on
I mean I been Storm, X-Men been formed
He keep on dialin' Nicki like the Prince song
I-I-I been on, bitch, you been corn
Bentley tints on, Fendi prints on
Ayo, I been north, Lara been Croft
Plates say Chun-Li, drop the Benz off
Oh, I get it, huh, they paintin' me out to be the bad guy
Well it's the last time you gonna see a bad guy do the rap game like me
I went and copped the chopsticks, put it in my bun just to pop shit
I'm always in the top shit, box seats, bitch, fuck the gossip
How many of them coulda did it with finesse?
Now everybody like, "She really is the best"
You play checkers, couldn't beat me playin' chess
Now I'm about to turn around and beat my chest
Bitch, it's King Kong, yes, it's King Kong
Bitch, it's King Kong, this is King Kong
Chinese ink on, Siamese links on
Call me 2 Chainz, name go ding dong
Bitch, it's King Kong, yes, I'm King Kong
This is King Kong? Yes, Miss King Kong
In my kingdom with my Timbs on
How many championships? What? Six rings on
They need rappers like me!
They need rappers like me!
So they can get on their fucking keyboards!
And make me the bad guy, Chun-Li
Ayo, I been on, bitch, you been corn
Bentley tints on, Fendi prints on
I mean I been Storm, X-Men been formed
He keep on dialin' Nicki like the Prince song
I-I-I been on, bitch, you been corn
Bentley tints on, Fendi prints on
Ayo, I been north, Lara been Croft
Plates say Chun-Li, drop the Benz off
I come alive, I, I'm always sky high
Designer thigh highs, it's my lifestyle
I come alive, I, I'm always sky high
Designer thigh highs, it's my lifestyle
I need a Mai Tai, so fuckin' sci-fi
Gimme the password to the fuckin' wifi
No. 821424
File: 1622645589580.jpg (46.67 KB, 500x586, EDpw_LrU8AA11yN.jpg)

do any of you want to be my pgf (plane gf for you normies)? i want to be in love and im desperate to vore someone in my plane mouth
No. 821445
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why the fucngj is my spotify roasting me rn? I get it I have the same music taste as when I was 16 no need to rub it in
No. 821667
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>>821445mine is worse and random as all fuck
No. 822053
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this made me cackle a bit
No. 822491
File: 1622783615921.png (2.55 MB, 1242x2208, 77047E1F-F39E-4489-B254-FA2C39…)

Yeah I know Diplo sucks and is a mega scrote but I’d be lying if I said he didn’t create any bops.
No. 822533
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>>822510ntayrt but they picked up a guy for kidnapping a 9 year old girl (they found her alive in his basement) and they like him for the Delphi murders. His name is James Brian Chadwell II
No. 1125130
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No. 1125223
File: 1649237627767.jpeg (22.03 KB, 480x360, 5B7F3752-981D-41C1-A520-C10B44…)

Artists: I call upon you to draw Wrong Perlman
No. 1126563
File: 1649349218940.jpg (81.56 KB, 1080x1350, Ezra-Miller_01B.jpg)