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No. 788790
previous thread
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 788892
>>788890Why is not having a close relationship with extended family a bad thing? What if the extended family were alcoholics themselves or
abusive people? I'm shocked you'd think an independent and emancipated person wouldn't make a good witch lmao.
No. 788910
>>788892If they come from a lineage of drunks, I can't imagine that the family history was very powerful or they could sway powers or anything. If they come from
abusive people, obviously the "magick" they've tapped into didn't even protect them. How can that possibly positively affect someone else? They'd be better off helping people by being social workers with their poor life experiences.
No. 788940
>>788890>Would you trust someone who could claim to "magickally help you" but their lives are laughable?I wouldn't trust anyone who claims to be able to help me with magic, great life or otherwise.
Hell, it's even worse if they have a good relationship with their family and a great life, since they are using their good life circumstances to trick people who don't have those into believing their bullshit.
No. 788942
>>788890>>788910It's all a retarded roleplay anyway, anon. You could have at least said
>I don't think you should be allowed to call yourself a "therapist" unless you're successful and have a great relationship with your extended familyNow that would be some kinda take, at least.
No. 788956
>>788910Great way to both gatekeep and
victim blame lol
No. 788974
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Mew Mew Power savagely beats Tokyo Mew Mew any day. The 4kids dub is hilarious for making the girls into various flavours of violently loud spazz and steamrolling any sincerity that the original series might've had. The dub is exhausting and endearing at the same time, which is a hard feat to pull off. It's a post-ironic viewing pleasure. I specifically like how it's mangled into pieces and localized (using that word loosely) to hell and back. It has that special dysfunctional 2000's touch.
The original series is yaada yadda gay poopoo peepee serious shit nobod6y wants to watch anyway. The 4kidz is a whole new piece featuring serious themes such as ADHD, modern slavery and unhealthy obsession with dating/romanticism, all through the eyes of pubescent girls. I mean there's still some of the emotional intelligence stuff but the bright colors and the screaming distracts me into not caring much, after one episode of that shit I'm literally too exhausted to care. It's even funnier and more interesting than the Ghost Stories dub.
The fact that Mew Mew Power is better than the original is not even the only point I'm trying to make. I'll also state that all dubs have the capacity to be easily superior to and more entertaining than the originals. Saying that people who watch the dubs are 'the real geniouses' would be fake, gay and stupid because none of that big brain garbage even matters in the face of living a little. If you watch anime you're a retard to begin with. Trying to be intellectual about it is even worse. Like, if you have to struggle to be deep you've already made yourself look stupid.
The more ridiculous a dub is, the better it is. Mew Mew Power is perfect, aside from the fact that it rots a developing brain in a quick, thus shouldn't be shown to anyone under 16.
No. 788985
>>788981It mostly bugs me because of how subjective it is and the fact that it's used often with the implication that " no chicks can't be hot unless it's my narrow definition of hot that may or may not be appealing to scrotes and lesbians"
While Birds of prey was an alright movie I didn't specifically thought they were "hot". Though Harley served looks in that movie, I love a good clown aesthetic and I could see an oc of mine rocking some of her get ups
No. 788992
>>788940>>788942Sorry, I should have also stated that I don't believe in any of this shit and would never ask someone for spiritual help. Just something that makes me laugh.
>>788952Mine too, people in the astrology field seem to have the most chaotic lives with a lack of self control.
>>788956Also this sounds hilarious. I will continue to do this.
No. 789003
>>788997if you do, be ready to be bombarded with extreme audiovisual stimulation
the first episode is the result of having to cram the whole premise into one airable bit to introduce the concept not only to the target audience but parents and buyers too. A machine gun of infodump on everything. It's really hard to explain the high-speed rail of thought that is even the first 5 minutes. The only option is to accept everything. It thankfully gets easier after that.
Since episode two it dips into the 'normal' pace, which consists of savage humor, general chaos and a bunch of screeching. All the characters and their temperaments are super turned up and sometimes their reactions are just way, way off. It's a bit of an experience.
And it's all on youtube, so access is easy. If you have free time, snacks and brain cells to kill, it's a ride.
No. 789024
>>789018True but to be fair I kinda sus them out a little bit but when there's a demand there's somewhere to fulfil them. I'm a lot more "insular" about this stuff personally, as I see it as ways fostering a good relationship with yourself and the world around you regardless of your origin. But I suppose with paganism-witchcraft becoming steadily trendy it was to be expected.
Though some of the tools are quite nice got to say so it tickles my aesthetic loving bone lol.
No. 789228
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Cornbread is trash and doesn't deserve to be known as an American southern food staple. It looks nice on a plate and that's about it. Cheese grits isn't that good either, they're just ok. Ketchup grits is especially heinous.
No. 789233
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>>789222I agree. that's why i love kikomi. she's funny and unique to lolcow
No. 789639
>>789632yes people make fun of shit like twilight and 50 shades and now it all has to be extra pandering like bridgertons. and most male actors aren't as hot or young as their female counterparts. tired of the media trying to meme women into obessing over mediocre men.
No. 789646
>>789639I just think it's a pretty shit trope most of the time. Often times it leads to both or one of the leads ( usually the male one) to act in
toxic to downright
abusive ways and then they expect me to buy into them 'slowly " getting on, just because the guy ( usually) is hot.
There's exceptions to the rule though but I don't get why people feel so hyped around it
No. 789650
>>789639I just wished those examples weren't so godanm shit.
Also I generally hate erotica based around female submission unless it's G×G ( and even then) so fifty shades was going into my shit list regardless lol.
Twilight felt like reading a wattpad fic before those were a thing but Dominic noble made me reconsider some shit. As long as it seen as the wish fulfilment guilty pleasure to some that it is, I think it's not as bad as some will say. Again if you don't think too deeply
No. 789682
>>789646the toxicity is what makes it fun! it does suck it's usually an excuse for the man to be
abusive, the women should be awful in their own ways.
>>789650women's smut encouraging more BDSM and sub fantasies is weird to me, but men and boys making fun of all this shit is annoying. women actually buy books and read so at least more shit will keep coming out, hopefully some of it is better.
No. 789692
>>789682Yeah I generally find that stuff tiring especially if it gets repetitive. Like I said I have my exceptions. I just dislike most.
I'd take a thousand friends to lovers or even no romance over Rivals/ enemies/ bullies to lovers any day of the week. I'm a lover of fluff and light heated banter
No. 789693
>>789632Agreed. The abundancy of male gaze in media has now been recognized as a bad thing, but instead of appealing to the female gaze more the response is seemingly to try and erase appeal to either gender.
The 90s and 00s at least still had media that unapologetically went for appealing to women. Not by trying to be woke and having a forced feminist message, but just by being made for and by women. A lot of media like that gets criticized now more than ever. I think it's because right now female characters have to be portrayed as super smart and strong and cool to be considered PC. And media framing women like that is just not going to be relatable for actual women. Whatever happened to chick flicks? Right, things like desperately pining for a hot guy or makeovers or being petty about fashion and popularity or girls being bitches to eachother are defining parts of what makes a 'chick flick', and you can't have those anymore. It's so typical for modern woke culture that what's branded as mysogynist is media that's pretty much exclusively appealing to women in practice, like Twilight or 50 Shades or those crappy little smut books. Because apparently women have to be and act a certain specific way or else it's not feminist. It's ridiculous how skewed the logic is there. Maybe this is more of an argument for women-centric media in general and not the female gaze, but the two are closely connected.
No. 789696
>>789682I just hope that a female top/ dom and sub male gets some sort of mainstream success because I swear to god it ain't even half as
toxic as the sub woman X Dom dude pairings taking a few exceptions lolol.
But unlikely. It doesn't actually seem to be a somewhat popular enough genre of erotica/ lit if browsing sites with books tells me anything
No. 789699
>>789693Taking a few exceptions ( heathers and mean girls) I could go without needless catty behavior, especially if over some scrote
Great female rivalries for the win though.
Also most of what you said it's on point
No. 789703
>>789646I also dislike enemies to lovers most of the time, but it's completely understandable why it happens so much from a writing standpoint. It's the easiest possible way to create conflict and drama in a romance plotline. Character development happens almost by itself because it's ooc/unexpected for villains to develop feelings for eachother and they'll have to change for it to work.
That way you don't need the skill to have the characters be interesting and unique enough for audiences to naturally be invested in their romance. It's a lazy plot device similar to the best friend betrayal or the villain turning out to be blood related to the hero. Those don't have to always be signs of a bad story and can be very well done, but they're often used for cheap drama by mediocre writers.
No. 789709
>>789703Such scalding hot take. I love it! I find it interesting that I never gravitate towards enemies to lovers as a young girl writing. I remember really liking the idea of two people being like a pair of mismatched socks or even working a bit as a team or unit to be a lot more interesting.
Also the world and people themselves are complicated and unpredictable, so making them dislike each other at first often times felt…cheap. and it is cheap most of the time!
My favorite couples of this type are nina and Matthias from six of crows and even naveen and tiana from princess and the frog. But everyone in that movie is such a fun to watch-
No. 789766
>>789702>Would a movie like Legally Blonde even fly today?I don't think so. Basically any movie of that type gets called
problematic nowadays. With Legally Blonde it's especially crazy because the entire point is taking your life and goals into your own hands despite what others thing, without having to stop being feminine to be succesful.
The root cause of mysogyny in media appears to be looking down on feminine qualities and considering them lesser because they are inherently female. Current 'woke' movies attempt to solve the problem not by respecting female qualities, but by removing everything feminine altogether. Right now, the ideal strong woman is a man with (well hidden) tits.
>>789699>Taking a few exceptions ( heathers and mean girls) I could go without needless catty behaviorI agree but imo the word 'needless' is key here. Heathers is a bit more complicated but Mean Girls is a great example of cattiness being not just an amusing/relatable trope, but an important part of the plot. The characters all display some level of cattiness and superficiality, which are interestingly considered very feminine flaws. Then as the movie continues the protagonist evolves from looking down on these traits and feeling superior, to indulging in them too heavily and embodying them, to finally establishing a balance between the two. It's interesting to me how in the end the message isn't that caring about popularity and looks is inherently bad or stupid like how Cady perceives it at the start. It's just that you shouldn't let those things run your life.
I think that's an important distinction and the problem with needless catty behavior in most media is that it's either just there because it's a chick flick and apparently catty drama is central to what teenage girls like, or it's used to victimize the protagonist and therefore always unquestionably evil.
Going off on a bit of a tangent here, sorry. But now that I think of it Mean Girls kind of parallels the evolution of every high school 'not like the other girls' girl. At first you think not caring about girly stuff makes you better and smarter, which is pretty much just internalized mysogyny, although I don't like that term. Then at some point you overcompensate once you realize femininity is fun too. Then finally you gain a healthy relationship with these traits and settle somewhere in the middle, not forcing yourself towards either extreme because of some bias one way or the other. At least I've seen this type of development happen with a lot of nlogs as they mature and I think Mean Girls is a great example of becoming comfortable with your own identity as a woman. No. 789792
>>789779Ohh I see, that makes more sense. When I hear homeopathy I specifically think of homeopathic dilution. Which is basically diluting a substance to the point that not even a molecule is left and the end product is chemically exactly the same as regular water. Then they claim the water somehow 'remembers' the substance, and then they charge a gorillion bucks for 10ml of water.
So I find what I consider homeopathy really dumb but I didn't know you used it to refer to any natural medicine. I think plenty of natural remedies like herbs and the like are
valid so I get why you'd use them as a more financially viable option.
No. 789802
>>789766That's a very interesting take on mean girls! It's probably why I was very forgiving about that movie's shade since the movie was about the shade.
I think Heathers does high light of the futility of it all as well in its own dark and bitting way.
No. 789809
>>789766Also I think my love of heathers and even mean girls is that it makes a mockery/ criticism of high school tropes, such as mean girls and unironically comes up with some great characters along the way
I do like high school media that doesn't feel the need to rely on stereotypes completely to tell a story lol
No. 789818
>>789766>>789702Are you guys dumb? Gen z girls love legally because of early 2000s fashion. It was trending on Netflix last week
Also the kids love The Heathers because of the musical.
No. 789825
>>789818Don't forget legally blonde has a musical as well ( there right there/ gay or European is such a meme)
I personally got into heathers because of the musical. I like both a lot
No. 789827
>>789766> feminine qualitiesWhat do you mean by feminine qualities?
I don't know if you're the same anon
>>789693 who thinks that women being catty, pining for a scrote, being fashion crazy and not being strong and smart is somehow good. In case you are, your entire opinion is trash.
There's nothing wrong in being empathetic and caring but these are the qualities that I like seeing in both men and women. In the same vein, I like seeing women who are smart and strong in their own way (it doesn't need to be some girlboss stereotype or kung fu graduate).
I don't think we're nowhere near that point and you still have tons of movies that have those elements you desire, more or less.
No. 789833
>>789827I agree with that notion! Also I would love media that highlights "Soft" strength, like authority and diplomacy and healthy emotional intelligence.
As flawed as Brave was I do admire that they showed Elinor having her own strength and poise and influence. I don't know I just think if well written characters like that are such badasses
No. 789837
>>789802Yeah Heathers is a bit harder to place because it's also kind of a satire of the genre as a whole while Mean Girls plays it a little more straight. Heathers comments on the same issue but just does it in a different way, by having the extremely severe and serious exist right alongside the extremely petty and mundane. It also helps that Heathers had a great deconstruction of the typical mysterious bad boy love interest trope.
>>789802>I do like high school media that doesn't feel the need to rely on stereotypes completely to tell a story lolSame, it's really hard to find unfortunately. I think over the years the American high school stereotypes have become so ubiquitous that writers think it'd be odd not to have them in a high school setting.
To some extent stereotypes seem to be a fundamental part of the genre though. High school media very often has themes of insecurity, social belonging, expectations, finding your identity. With most high school settings it's probably not that thought through, but I also think stereotypes are so common because in a way, teenagers do actually tend to see other people as stereotypes a lot. The whole thing with cliques and comparing yourself to others and having that out group that you probably have a way oversimplified view of is a very teenagery way of seeing the world.
No. 789853
>>789837Yeah Heathers did a awesome take on the rebel/ bad boy trope! It's a really solid movie godanm-
Interestingly I never related fully to that idea of the stereotypes and I actually took great joy as a loner of knowing about the struggles and lives of my classmates as it kinda made me realize everyone has shit going on. I would love a high school movie or series highlighting that feeling of finding out about people's depth and subverting and playing around with stereotypes and cliques for an authentic feel? Hopefully that makes sense.
I'm currently writing about a original characters life and that includes a high school segment and I'm basically throwing most stereotypes out of the window deliberately because I cannot with them at this point.
Also euphoria sucks
No. 789859
>>789827With feminine qualities I mean any trait that's typically associated with women. That includes both good and bad traits, and I definitely don't think cattiness or pining for scrotes or any of these things are good qualities at all. They're flaws and should be portrayed as such.
What I have a problem with, though, is any trait being considered bad or worse than it is, not because of the trait itself but because it's associated with femininity.
Strong action type women who aren't stereotypically feminine can be great characters. Nurturing empathetic type women who are more typically feminine can also be great characters. Hell, I don't think that how feminine or masculine a character is matters at all for how good a character they can be. What I have a problem with is media pushing a specific type as 'strong' and all others as bad.
Women are individuals, but right now it doesn't seem like female characters are treated like individuals at all. It looks like at some point female characters stopped being real characters and started to be treated like representatives for the entire gender. If you have a male character that's dumb or something, that's fine. But if you have a female character that's dumb, it's going to spark outrage and claims that it means women as a whole are being called dumb. Pair that with a negative bias towards typically feminine traits and you get the perfectly sterile 'strong woman' we see today, who is stronger and smarter than everyone else and doesn't have any personality traits that could possibly be interpreted as offensive towards women.
In the end I think we agree, I also just want to see female characters who are strong and smart in their own way, be it typically feminine or not, because they are individuals and not a sociopolitical statement.
No. 789889
>>789872Honestly I wouldn't mind a fan project surrounding the common interpretation of Janis having been a plastic in junior high/ early high school! It could put her petty behavior on hindsight and maybe a more humanizing look at the plastics too.
Also thank You! In the story I'm writing my MC is something of a loner but doesn't hate most of his classmates although he's very guarded in general. But even he doesn't paint all of his classmates as one off people if that makes any sense :P. Although his Sharp tongue comes out if anyone gets shady or for the sake of others at times so he's still had something of a sweet spot there in spite of his sarcasm and cynical nature
It would be kinda long to explain and I probably already went off topic lol
No. 790202
>>790112Nayrt but the strong woman that kicks every mans ass seems like a pretty prevalent trope to me. They don't always have to be sassy, so Rey and Captain Marvel fit the bill imo because of how almost Mary Sue tier powerful they are and basically show no real flaws.
The sexy femme fatale action type is certainly a thing but it's been on a decline for at least a decade. Older portrayals of characters like Poison Ivy or Harley Quinn were much more like that, but their modern incarnations clearly gravitate more towards 'empowered womxn kicking privileged white male ass'.
What is the last (action) movie you've seen where the female character has any significant flaw or isn't impressively smart/combat savvy? Honest question because I can't think of any.
No. 790228
>>790202What action movies have you seen where the male character isn't smart and combat savvy?? That's the default requirement for action heroes, as a general rule.
I'm fine with mary sues in action movies because god knows gary stus are everywhere, I just wish being hot wasn't a prerequisite for women only. There are so many old, mediocre looking male action stars.
No. 790236
>>790202The other anon has a point. Why would I want to watch an action protagonist who isn't either physically or mentally impressive? Bridget Jones would suck in a serious action film.
Potential Mary Sues can avoid being such without sacrificing physical or intellectual ability, eg: Sarah Connor. She doesn't start out Mary Sue for one, and the process of how/why she becomes a bad ass makes sense, the trade off for her transformation is she finds it harder to show warmth or affection even to her son, and she still shows abject fear when the terminator shows up, signalling trauma from the first movie.
If it's a super hero then you can skip the process but you can still deal with their humanity in some way that's interesting, like Buffy did in a flawed way.
No. 790245
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Gingered men look so unappealing that they barely register as human. The redish brown or blonde beards, nonexistent brows or too thick brows, oblong shaped heads, lopsided hairlines with excessively thin hair. They look like modern depictions of goblins or abominations. Redheaded women look normal so it’s even more bizarre how strange the men look.
No. 790524
>>790202Why would an action character not be smart or combat savvy? Or learn it during the course of the film? Most male action stars are perfect and badass, and men don’t care. What actual “flaws” does James Bond have? Does John Wick have?
A Mary Sue is a fanfiction term for a reason, it doesn’t work when applied to original media because by definition most main characters are Mary Sue’s.
No. 790578
>>790548I'd also like to see more explorations of mutually
toxic relationships where both partners are
toxic to one another, not to glorify it. the psychological aspects of relationships that become mutually
toxic are interesting (doesn't mean sexually, just in general). I love seeing characters be flawed shitty people
No. 790605
>>790548Agree, sweet vanilla balanced relationships for the win even if dom/ sub stuff is fun.
>>790580I'm not so sure about that one but I do find annoying how people jump the gun and name and bland female lead of mild importance a Mary sue regardless of them qualifying or not because shit writers do exist.
Also anyone here who has watched shadow and bone hates the costumes? I'm ok-ish with the sepia tones but wtf is with the costumes?? Even game of thrones had more personality then this
No. 790690
>>790672>Bit of a strawmankek seriously. What genuine vegans are buying multiple polyester tops a year? If you’re a lifestyle vegan aren’t you going to be buying second hand clothing anyways, and linen canvas bags instead of numerous pleather bags from fast fashion stores?
>>790620>>790611At the same time your picturing an unethical vegan, you’re imagining an ethical non-vegan consumer that will actually care for their animal product goods and not spend copious amounts on cheap labor and manufacturing as well. When what you’re actually looking for is an ethically conscious minimalist that only shops locally.
No. 790808
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>>790779Nah carnivore I’m fine eating my salty grass sold at whole foods for $50 dollars
No. 790979
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>>790808>carnivoreI was on your side right up until that
No. 791142
>>791126I also think a lot of it is how you come across.
Confidence and an open minded expression can do so much.
While I personally do not personally see myself as pretty, I know I do have "pretty privileges" . However a lot of the times where I've experienced things that would count as pretty privilege I was wearing no make up, sweat pants and just generally looking like a hot mess. Still I'm a bubbly person and at least acted like I have self esteem and damn people really appreciate that and cliché af to say but think that's attractive.
So stupid blog posting aside, Pretty privilege is not just down to the way you look or dress, it's also the way you act. Be a chill person and people will be chill with you
No. 791179
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>>791150I’m so sorry
nonny I wish we could give you a safe haven in Europe instead of allowing a bunch of scummy islamcels to come in and ruin everyone’s life instead. All women deserve liberation from Islam.
No. 791200
>>791199I honestly feel the realistic and optimal society would be one where Men primarily only serve as laborers and soldiers and women as Doctors, Lawyers, Leaders and and do all the intellectual work
I think that would be best for everyone Involved, men would like it and women would like it
No. 791420
>>791407I don't have a dog in this fight, but like glass houses bitch
outside of tumblr gifs most lesbians do not look that um "heathy" from what I've seen
I feel men and women in general are just are fat, ugly, dumb, lazy and don't even live up to quarter of their potential
No. 791422
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>>791410Finally someone dropping the truth bomb. Les/Bi anons always shitting on literally any men that anons wanna fuck like it's any of their business, meanwhile their community is known for being attracted to women like pic related. Which is fine, but certainly not a pinnacle of aesthetics for most people. So how about just letting other women fantasize about fucking whatever adult people they are attracted to? I would keep that comment to myself had I not been tired of the constant 'the straights are not alright lel' comments.
>>791407But why should straight women clamor for your respect in the first place? Shouldn't it be a given, because of solidarity? Kinda rude when you expect to be supported by them while you shit on them constantly. Also, please consider that maybe you don't get the beauty of whatever male that
triggers you, just as straight women don't get how can anyone thirst over a fat bulldyke with cankles.
No. 791423
>>791400 It's a system/theory that tells you what types of clothes look best on your body based on various factors. Like the apple pear hourglass etc. bodyshapes but far more intricate. The name refers to the man who thought it up.
>>791398I've looked into it before and I don't really see a problem with it categorizing bodies? No type seems to be described as better or more desirable than others. If you go to a stylist and she dresses you a certain because you're fat or tall or curvy or have big boobs or whatever your body gets categorized too.
No. 791430
>>791422Or a girl with a shaved hair cut and a nose ring-
Rip being a bisexual in this day and age, half of the girls I could date have some unfortunate styles in general even when they are pretty to me, yet I'm in a phase where most man don't appeal to me lol.
No. 791439
>>791426I would be so down for that! Husbando robots when? It's the best of both worlds! Unless certain women would ruin it by shitting on robofuckers and advising to just go celibate and focus on female friendships kek
>>791437The comments like "the straights are not alright" certainely imply that OP isn't straight herself and that's what I've been refering to
No. 791456
>>791441 and
>>791445>>791444Learn to read. I said it's fine, but if you are into this type of look, it's not your place to scoff at other women being into unconventionally looking people. But of course your first impulse is to hide behind feminism instead of facing the hipocrisy.
No. 791468
>>791458It's more so the indication to me that they may be a SJW or a lib fem that's trying to use Me to spite someone lol. I think the style can work somewhat, but I just see it as a bit of a yellow flag and it does not look flattering on a lot of people.
Dyed hair is pretty cool tbh
No. 791473
>>791456Im straight,i find the super ugly deformed old men posted here ugly the bull dyke that you posted is ugly too, so now whats your point.
Are you that mad that sometimes women express their opinion that some ugly men who are shilled as attractive by society are ugly.
No. 791475
>>791471The fact that it can still happen quite a bit in female homosexual relationships does upset me too…
Like danm imagine ditching a scrote only for your homegirl to be a scrotette?
No. 791480
>>791470There are multiple anons and that point was brought up once now. And let's not kid ourselves here, the standards for women are much higher than for men. Just compare the conventional and unconventional threads on /g/. And the same standards are reflected in the media.
My biggest issue is women, straight or not, reinforcing the beauty standards that scrotes set, who willingly reduce themselves to a sex object and claim it's because of empowerment or whatever. Or say they're a wifey and trad on the other end of extreme. There's never going to be any progress for normal and sane women if we as a group keep putting ourselves in these second grade roles. And mostly, I do think women lose in hetero relationships. Statistically and mentally and everything, and despite all of that, they think it's okay. So yeah, things are doomed and there's not going to be any change. I feel sorry for straight women who are aware of this and need to cope with that fact.
No. 791489
>>791484Not to be mean to this poor woman because I bet she's a ray of sunshine who would carry your luggage if you ask
But that's like comparing dog shit to human shit and making one asked winch looks nicer.
No. 791493
>>791490meant my reply to
>>791474 as well, phone posting sucks.
No. 791503
>>791495Learn to read. This comment:
>>791248>I think only stupid women date menstarted the discussion. Shitting on (straight) women and
victim blaming them isn't as cool or progressive as (some of) you think it is
No. 791513
>>791490You're right anon
>>791495 nta yet I see girls here saying shit like "I don't care about the suffering of straight women, they did it to themselves" all the time. I agree most dudes are ugly and shitty but that kind of thinking means most women in bad situations are to blame and don't deserve support. Completely ignoring how our entire societies want women to be with men, can punish them if they don't, and most are naive about men. But also not all women want to be blackpilled and celibate by ignoring their natural attraction. Maybe they are hoping to find a man who will work on his flaws as she works on hers, you know like any healthy relationship.
No. 791515
>>791490Yeah I was making fun of some woman in the lolcow cap thread and a salty lesbo replied to me like "that's just the straight experience
nonny, pity her". Rolled my eyes, cringe. Bitter clam muncher, your straight best friend won't break up with her Nigel for you sowwy
No. 791561
>>791422I'm bi (aka attracted to men), and I'm just sick of being shown ugly men all the time. I understand that men do it to big themselves up and keep the standards for themselves low, but it kind of feels like I'm being gaslit by all the (straight) women around me when they praise hideous men and say beautiful women aren't good enough for them.
Like, in no world does someone like Robert Pattinson belong with FKA Twigs or Kirsten Stewart, and Jay-Z does NOT belong with Beyonce, Lauren Miller is way too pretty for Seth Rogen, Adam Driver looks like a fucking rat and if he were female every male would rain insults down on him for daring to show his face on camera, etc. I've been raised/socialized all my life to adhere to heterosexual dynamics, so I should understand, but I don't and feel like I never will. You really don't need to be a lesbian or attracted to fat women to see the problem.
No. 791571
>>791515I'm pretty sure that was me. I'm not a lesbian, I said that because that's pretty much how every straight relationship is when the guy isn't anti-trans (or when any political discussion comes up and your opinions differ), to some extent. It often takes something else to convince them, even porn, because with only a few exceptions, men don't like listening to women.
I wasn't being sarcastic, I genuinely don't think anon deserved to be made fun of for that. Guys really are just like that, at least some progress was made. I don't know how to explain to you guys that it's not just lesbians who see the issues with straight relationships and men in general. I'm sure there's some lesbian equivalent to that shit, but I haven't seen it and don't hang around that many lesbians to know.
No. 791573
File: 1619382352932.jpg (179.3 KB, 1200x1500, robert_pattinson_instagram.jpg)

>>791561All right anon, I get what you mean with likes of Jay-Z, Seth Rogen, etc. But Robert Pattinson is incredibly attractive in conventional sense. Like what kind of man do you consider attractive if even this does not make the cut?
No. 791578
>>791573NTA but I personally think RPat is very ugly, he looks dirty and neanderthalish imho, but I don't judge people that think he's hot because eh taste is taste and I have some questionable tastes myself
>>791561>looks like a fucking rat and if he were female every male would rain insults down on him for daring to show his face on cameratbh that already happens with him, but the female version at the face app thread was quite popular for a while kek
No. 791583
>>791561I agree with you on parts, but Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs looks matched
the only thing sucked was that he was a pussy that didn't call out his racist fan-girls
If a literal who like Ross Lynch could do it, then why couldn't he
No. 791589
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>>791573I'm just not seeing it. He looks average/above average on his best days, and on other days, like he comes from a long line of inbred peasants and will stab you with a piece of glass so he can steal your wallet and buy a pack of cigs. Maybe if you knew him IRL and he had an amazing personality, it'd make sense, but all these random women worshiping him as a god? No, I'm tired.
Guys I consider attractive enough to simp/stan over would just be most of the guys you see when you Google "male model". They're actually handsome and eye-catching. I don't understand why most female actresses/celebrities have to be on a level of looks where they can compete with models, but male celebrities seem to get in solely through their connections or their skills (which often aren't even that good) and they're not expected to be that good-looking. The amount of times I've been reee'd at and told "It's about talent" when I say some male actor isn't handsome, but then the same person turns around and complains that a beautiful actress looks "too old" or is "ugly" (they almost never are).
No. 791597
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>>791589nta I'm not saying he's super handsome, he's good looking enough for the most part and he looks matched with FKA Twigs imo
I'm more angry about the fact that he didn't say anything about the racial slurs his girlfriends was facing from his psycho former twilight fans
No. 791603
>>791571 . I'm sure there's some lesbian equivalent to that shit, but I haven't seen it and don't hang around that many lesbians to know.
Anon, it's lesbians, there a sexual minority and I don't doubt some have settled down with what they could find just on those grounds alone
No. 791617
>>791608I actually misread as Kirsten durst and I was like " Yeah she's really pretty and was smoking as a younger woman-"
Kristen Stewart is a bit long on the face but good on her for coming out
No. 791641
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>>791630Huh, he actually did look okay. That's kind of tragic. Reminds me of how the guy who played Harry Potter let himself go and now looks like a homeless drug addict. Is it just how British men are?
No. 791667
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>>791641I am starting to think that some anons here just dont like men. They like boys.
No. 791675
>>791667Someone posted Barron Trump when he was like 12 in one of the male attractions thread in /g/ lmao. Plus, there was that anon who said she wished men stopped growing at 13. What's going on with farmers lately?
>>791671>why the hell should I want a grown ass man…well, aren't you a grown woman?
No. 791684
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>>791667…I mean, he looks young there, but at least he didn't look like this? I don't know what to tell you anon, but the image you posted there looks healthier than this for sure. I don't think wanting a guy who looks like he takes care of himself means you must like boys. If that's how it is now, I really weep for the fate of myself and other male-attracted women.
No. 791689
File: 1619389445579.jpeg (278.49 KB, 1200x900, emma-watson-before-and-after.j…)

>>791684Samefagging, but this is Emma Watson for comparison.
She managed to age without looking haggard and weird like her male co-star(s). She's extremely pretty. I don't understand why it's seemingly so hard for men to do the same.
Is it really so impossible for them? It's not even like the two have different life circumstances. Both wealthy, successful celebrities that can afford to look good. Probably both do coke because it's Hollywood. And yet, consistently, the men end up looking like ass while the women look gorgeous. It's fucked.
No. 791700
>>791682This is kind of a good point, too. Women who are like 18 up to their early or mid 20s (or even younger) are somehow expected to be attracted to men who are in their 30s, 40s and up. Meanwhile, all men are pretty much expected to be into young women, even 16 year olds.
It just doesn't seem right to me.
No. 791704
>>791700Op here and i want to clarify that I'm into women as well and while a lot of women look hot even well into their 40s I'm not attracted to them
either, so I'm pretty egalitarian in that sense
No. 791707
>>791698Look at the picture I posted, look back at
>>791684. Some people will insist that Radcliffe is a handsome man in spite of everything, but I'm in the wrong for saying Emma Watson is extremely pretty. L.
>inb4 you claim they're looksmatchedEnough of the delusions
No. 791714
File: 1619390589306.jpeg (816.01 KB, 3264x2448, 792E07B3-4B8A-4CD0-9F26-E19DCF…)

Hottest celebrities around, that woman’s gunt is making a true fashion statement.
No. 791715
File: 1619390625014.jpeg (20.84 KB, 700x402, 5ee0fbe7bfd17.jpeg)

>>791689>>791707One of people on these photos is on midnight coke trip, and the other on the red carpet with professionally done makeup. Picrel is how Daniel Radcliffe looks normally. By conventional standards, he is a very attractive man. You dont have to personally be attracted to him, but you cant argue that he is somehow objectively subpar.
Now as for an average man, they do age like shit, because nobody ever teached them how to do proper skincare routine. Or just generally follow healthy lifestyle outside of working out.
No. 791726
File: 1619390954764.png (Spoiler Image,174.72 KB, 622x1285, handsome_squidward__full_body_…)

>>791702At least I'm not exclusively attracted the human embodiment of this image.
No. 791733
>>791726Are you the anon in /g/ who posts about how hot you find dadbods and baldness? Pack it up.
And yeah, if I'm going to be thirsting on anon about some celebrity scrote, he better be a fucking 10/10. Real life is more forgiving, but I'm not sure what's so great about posting about how wet you get for weird/ugly men who happen to be famous. Keeping your aspirations low and preparing yourself to settle if the worst comes to the worst? It makes no sense to me.
No. 791736
File: 1619391384412.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.81 KB, 470x1115, main-qimg-6842a5149fd6b054f5e2…)

>>791727Ok, stop, nobody described him as "sex god". As for what I am used to seeing, the answer is an average man (duh). You cant tell me these isnt a clear distinction between Daniel Radcliffe, or Rober Pattinson, or whatever other popular actor, and picrel.
And just out of curiosity, could you post picture of a man you find attractive?
No. 791744
>>791736The guy in your image definitely isn't a far cry from
>>791715. He could do 4 months of lifting/weight loss and be on the same level. Maybe do something new with his hair. I really don't see a wide berth of difference. Is it the money? Blue eyes?
There isn't a specific kind of guy I find attractive, which is why I gave the generic male model answer. It's subjective (and I feel like some anons will sperg at any guy I post and make him out to be Driver-tier regardless at this point kek), but when it comes to actually thirstposting, I will never understand anons who go crazy over really average guys.
No. 791752
File: 1619392081289.png (89.65 KB, 1333x1000, social-worker-526067-HL-a2c971…)

The amount of female social workers with hybristrophilia is scary. I don't trust anyone that goes into social work for penitentiaries for goes to work with criminals out of prison.
I'm sick of living around violent scum, and I'm really tired of seeing violent scum get benefits the more benign offenders aren't entitled to.
No. 791759
>>791752I forgot my unpopular opinion after all that
Anybody that sets out to be a social worker shouldn't be one, period, or at least their power should be seriously curtailed. Or social work should be managed by the police.
I don't know why people think social workers are UwU perfect. All those criminals brag about how much of a joke the system is once they get those extra illegal perks gifted by "compassionate" social workers.
No. 791761
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>>791742The worst part is that many men who resemble that picture are socially conditioned to think they deserve a woman like this, or even that she's not pretty enough.
No. 791767
>>791755The point isn't to talk shit about people's taste (especially since you already seem to know these men aren't like, perfect), the point is that it gets tiring to see straight women praise average or unattractive men as "sexy" or "very attractive", and it's even worse because men generally don't worship anything less than 10/10 model-tier women below 30 years old.
>>791757I agree with that, I'm just confused how horniness can be targeted at people who are not only strangers, but strangers who don't stand out in any specific/positive way.
No. 791862
>>791715>By conventional standards, he is a very attractive manthe man:
>no lips>tiny face with close together eyes>messy hair>short and disproportionate >gross beardwhat does "conventional" and "very attractive" mean? White and British?
No. 791996
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emma watson is one of the blandest person ever but people hype her up for stupid nostalgia reasons.
she is not extremely pretty. im so fucking tired of everyone pretending she's gorgeous. its literally just cause she was your crush in middle school and nothing else. she is plain and pedestrian as fuck, just well dressed and makeup. ive never been a potterfag so seeing people go crazy over her is bizarre to me.
>>791689 No. 792044
File: 1619428284070.png (447.92 KB, 1024x411, fw3xc6646hj61.png)

>>791719Black woman here, it has less to with white women and more to do with black men being the weakest link in our community, there colorism is so fucking deep and illogical that they would jump for the chance to be with the woman on the right then on the left
They make literal fools out of themselves and the black community to get with white women
(no1curr, racebait) No. 792047
>>791996what do you mean, she has really delicate features. she's leagues above any big-lipped cheekbone-fillered celebrity.
it's a shame she's retarded, such a waste of a pretty face.
No. 792162
File: 1619446593393.jpg (1.04 MB, 1619x2048, MV5BMTQzMjkwNTQ2OF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

I never understood why people kept gushing over Ryan Gosling and calling him a sex symbol for years, when he looks like nothing but the most basic man I've ever met. Is his acting that good or something?
No. 792175
>>792162He's one of those male celebrities that have been memed into attractiveness, even if it's not really true. That's how they were selling Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom years ago.
Like, think about it. Even here, where he-who-must-not-be-named, Pattinson and other ugly male celebrities are worshiped and thirsted over for no apparent reason, how many Gosling anons do we see? It's fake news.
No. 792177
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>>791996I never watched HP or read the books. I don't go crazy over her (I like more tomboyish women personally), I just think she's really pretty in the same way a lot of other female celebrities are, especially in comparison to her male counterparts, kek. Also, what
>>792110 said.
I'll take 1000 Emma Watsons over another one of these. There is absolutely no excuse.
No. 792183
>>790245I disagreed at first, but now I’m seeing ugly ginger men everywhere. This guy I’ve been sexting with is a ginger with freckles. I’ve never seen his entire face, and I’m worried now.
I’m going to kms if I sent nudes to a ginger male butterface. Fuck you for gingerpilling me anon
No. 792192
>>792183Tell me you weren't dumb enough to show your face to this guy-
Ginger women are cuties tho
No. 792207
>>792204I think she's liked and treated like this because - maybe thanks to a lazy content - she never did anything
problematic; standards are low nowadays.
No. 792234
>>792230I disagree. Chris Evans has a lot of attractive qualities that people find irresistible for a reason.
>incredibly white smile–—
nonny imma reason with you, I was going to disagree with you but then I looked him up and you're right. KEK
No. 792240
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>>792234>>792230I swear they're made in generic male factories
No. 792244
>>792230it makes me cringe especially as a black woman who sees other black women foam at the mouth for him. The only reason why they love him so much is because one time once he was spotted flirting with a hot black girl in like 2005. thats it and thats all it took for him to be a sex god king in the. i want to cry the bar is in hell. anon was right about straight women being the worst LMAO jk.
>>792243 sorry i accidentally deleted but he is cute! its just LSA DRAGS IT
No. 792324
>>792317He Can actually pull off the scruffy look somewhat.
And he was a danm heartthrob as a young man
No. 792341
>>792244>>792251I mean its complex, I think Chris Evans attractiveness is more of a meme at this point for black women on twitter and LSA
He really does seem like a nice guy for the most post so I feel that's a factor
No. 792348
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>>792342>>792345>>792162I think its important to remember his attractiveness literally started as a meme
>In 2010 Ryan Gosling starred in Blue Valentine, the film was given an NC-17 rating by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) due to a scene involving Gosling's character giving oral pleasure to the female protagonist. Gosling publicly criticized MPAA's decision by saying it is a sexist to give films with scenes depicting women performing oral sex R ratings while his scene in Blue Valentine was given a NC-17 rating. The actor's bold statement received praises from women's blogosphere, most notably a column post on Ms. Magazine blog in November 2010.
>Jezebel[2] posted an article about the single topic Tumblr on the same day it launched and a number of similar articles followed on celebrity blogs like Huffington Post Women[3], Perez Hilton[4] and BuzzFeed[12], as well as news media outlets including TIME Magazine[5], CBS[6] and The Guardian.[7] The blog also enjoyed significant coverage from the women's fashion magazines and blogs, including Marie Claire, Stylist and Vogue among others. Since the onset of mainstream news coverage, the image macro series has continued to circulate on Tumblr[8] No. 792364
File: 1619458759865.jpeg (366.74 KB, 828x985, 40D46679-FDA0-465E-9318-4CA9B1…)

>>792345research suggests that "normie" looking people tend to be the ones like more as well
>>792348kek I had heard it started as a meme but not the full story
>>792352I only like blonde hair on certain men, and most lighter haired men look better with dark hair (see: Chris Evans, I'm not sure what his natural hair color is but he looks 1000x better brunette, Gosling looks better with dark hair too, etc). I tend to be most attracted to naturally dark haired guys
>>792324god why did Johnny have to turn out to be such a mess, guess he always was, but why
No. 792381
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>>792350>>792352nta, I feel attraction towards men with blonde hair when its matched with some darker feature, either eye color or a slight tan skin color and vice versa, That said I'm attracted towards pale skinny white guys as well, as well buff white guys(Like I unironically would go for the Chad meme guy)
No. 792400
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>>792230>>792244I also think its important to remember that the attraction towards Chris is both genuine and ironic at the same time
basically a lot of colorist black men will claim attraction to only very light skinned women, so black women started ironically posting Chris Evans as their #1 black male crush, claiming he's just a light skinned black man and calling him Chris Jamal Evans
No. 792506
>>792364>>792381Kek thanks anons, I'm glad to see other women in agreement because the majority of other white women go for these white bread men that look so boring to me. To be fair, they probably think the same of the men I like.
Anyway, no doubt that there's some blonde haired, blue eyed incel reading this and seething because a few women on an obscure imageboard said that they prefer other men. I've posted this opinion elsewhere in a female-only community and ofc it had some moid who lashed out with some passive aggressive response. Just get a spray tan and dye your hair. Wear colored contacts if necessary. Women do all of that shit and most of them don't complain about it ffs.
>>792400When it comes to non-black women, I thought black men were attracted to the women who emulate black women and tan their skin like Kylie Jenner. There's a joke too that black men like overweight white/latina women but I don't know how true it is.
No. 792509
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>>791996she has so great features every combo with her looks beautiful.
No. 792549
>>792509she's plain janey but share the sentiment with a previous anon that she's far better looking than the women who get obvious fillers and giant lips.
no comment about her acting tho
No. 792615
>>792602The media always uses it as a meaning for "working yourself to death for the sake of capitalism since you have to prove yourself to your male coworkers that you are exactly like them or else you will never get that equal payment by working 110% more".
"Girlboss" basically means capitalist pick-me & is a buzzword that gets glamorized as we work ourselves to death
No. 792621
>>792615That isn't true, the term comes from the owner of Nasty Gal, Sofia Amouruso. She was a horrible boss, treated her female employees like shit. The term has a bad rep not because of "working yourself to death", but because it's about treating your fellow women like shit in order to get ahead. But the term now has been co-opted by misogynists and everyone is called a girlboss now. Gone Girl is a girlboss. Any
problematic woman is a girlboss. Someone yesterday during the oscars called the film "Promising Young Woman" by the name "Promising Young Girlboss", because it's girlboss behavior to avenge your friend for being raped. You're a filthy capitalistic girlboss for taking pride in your work, for not wanting to be a stay at home mom tradwife.
No. 792628
>>792621And nobody fucking cares of course as usual, but if it was transmisogyny everyone would be up in arms. Every day women are getting clowned for basic shit that was seen as okay or even progressive in a nice way 20 years ago, but now EVERYTHING relating to race and gender can be used as a political talking point by heads treating it like a sports team score for the other time.
toxic as fuck and exhausting. Its better to unplug from the internet
No. 792772
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>>792764Yes, and they avoid acknowledging this by accusing anyone who points out that they're doing it for attention and internet clout while not actually solving any issue or protecting anyone of "supporting pedophilia!!1!".
No. 792804
File: 1619496811241.jpg (41.09 KB, 620x350, ziggler.jpg)

>>792381>>792506Funny thing actually, I don't think I get attracted towards natural blonde men but I have a Wierd asf towards buff guys with bleached blonde hair
like I find bleached blonde hair on men looks better on men then natural blonde hair
No. 792912
>>792797>>792843Because the system is straight up flawed. Kibbe left our of body types and compositions, because he didn't believe they could be real.
Not about to sperg about how men are, but it's just one example how men will determine something doesn't exist just because they themselves can't grasp it. So really it's just Kibbe being a kibbe and his system is literally incomplete, ignores like 25-35% of actual existing body 'types'.
His choices led to a system, that when used, leaves women not represented in it sort of hanging and styling to the next closest type they can almost sorta fit, which results in styling that's off. My guess is, that a system to styling that looks "solid" like this probably attracts women who feel frumpy and insecure because their bodies/faces are not really represented anywhere as something worth styling.
>>792797>who has the most attractive type to men or who looks the youngestwhy did i fully expect this to be the case
No. 792919
>>792912(same anon sage reply for correction of typos, i dumb)
*kibbe left out some body types
No. 792972
>>792969I'm the one who posted
>>792912 and this is what I mean.
When we reduce the physical features into measurables (absolute height of skeleton being x, and bluntness of features being y, very roughly) it's possible to get a basic grasp of how much female existence kibbe's system ignores. Like are these women supposed to be unstyleable? What a message to send. Too bad some women buy the idea anyway.
The system leaves out tall women with delicate features and narrow bone structure, as well as short women who have stern, severe features but aren't stocky or fleshy. Just to name a few.
I only noticed this because I got into the system and had my 'tistic run with it. Less on that now, but it was interesting to see how something so promising turned out to be so dysfunctional in practice.
Sage for fairly mild sperg, sry.
No. 793030
>>792972Wouldn’t severe looking short women be Dramatics? Not sure if that’s easy to gauge from the tests but the height limits really only work one way. I could be wrong though.
I agree with you about lacking a category for tall women who can handle delicate detailing - the only options are close to no embellishment at all, or two different types of large, chunky jewelry, details and patterns. My specific gripe with kibbe is how shit the flamboyant natural category is - it’s basically a catch all for tall women who aren’t D or SD and is so broad at this point it barely means anything. I thought I was SD for a while despite none of the suggested lines looking good on me bc flamboyant naturals were described as straightwaisted and more “athletic”, until I realized the celeb with a similar body to me was actually flamboyant natural despite not looking anything like the top examples of an FN. there definitely needs to be another option for tall girls at this point - especially since women are just getting taller on average
No. 793092
>>793030yeah you can tell it was done by an old unfashionable scrote because his ideas of height are ridiculous. plenty of women over 25 are 5'10" or taller.
>>792935there's literally no spot for women with round or chubby faces in kibbe either, because scrotes don't notice those & so think they don't exist, OR can't possibly also be thin/tall.
No. 793261
>>793217I don't think this is unpopular so much as simply wrong. There are people who get through life by using others, but there are also those who have a big community of friends and people who care about them because they've been good to them, so that has merit too. Between being
toxic and being supportive to receive the same benefits (and being nice has more enduring benefits because you aren't burning bridges), there's no reason not to take the kinder option.
No. 793412
>>793402Who is this unpopular with? 12 year olds on twitter?
>>793408Why the fuck is it so hard for moids to have both decency and a job? Literally the world caters to them. Why women have to choose between a leech and a rapemonkey when we're expected to be all the things at once.
No. 793416
File: 1619561657754.jpg (245.22 KB, 1200x1598, the-selfish-gene-30th-annivers…)

>>793217Girlboss energy. Remember you have to pick and choose the short and long games.
No. 793429
>>792841>You cant name shit because the internet coddles and enables severe mental illnessLmao not all internet communities are
this fucked, body systems specifically attract these weirdos, even some scrotes were fighting over Kibbe types it was hilarious as fuck.
>Literally does not attract a bunch of unhinged psychos these days?You're either delusional or one of them, just a look to that mf reddit and the extra weird, cultist behavior in Kibbe's private group tells you everything.
No. 793433
>>793425Yeah cause like you don't have to be a pushover but you don't need to relent being kind and giving either so idk what this anon's been smoking lolol.
Hell, I don't always expect people to thank or appreciate a kind gesture of mine because in my case it was given for its own sake. I do appreciate being appreciated and don't necessarily tolerate people being unkind or rude to me when I offer or they asked for help but sometimes people act like they are expected to be given a parade by holding doors open for people and idk what to tell them-
No. 793479
>>793217I agree with
>>793261 insofar as this opinion is not unpopular, it's the operational method of liberal societies. The laws basically say "treat others however the hell you want just don't create chaos by harassing/assaulting people". We've internalized that this anti-social attitude is a necessary evil for getting ahead in most environments. What does this do to a person though?
Developing compassionate relationships is painful but they're also a source of incomparable joy. I don't think we're avoiding any pain by denying ourselves the joyful aspect of compassionate experiences and altruism for its own sake. Actually it usually deepens the pain of isolation and meaninglessness. I'm not saying we should all go through life bending over backwards with some performative jesus-loving moralism, I'm saying that the most damaging effects of pessimism are felt in our internal relationships to ourselves.
No. 793490
>>793488I'm a little more forgiving on the design and animation, but I think the main characters in both shows are designed in such meh ways comparing to one off background characters who have more variation in shape and less eye seering colors imo.
Also I have a feeling the tone in both shows won't be able to handle it's drama and Comedy since at least Hazbin wants to focus on redemption and other emotional shit but I don't think it has the finesse
No. 793809
>>793583I think bad guy is still a fun song other then that she's not someone I listen a lot.
I liked her green haired phase
No. 793849
>>793847American teens maybe lol
Never saw that type of behaviour in the kids at my school nor country. They literally just wanted to vibe
No. 793882
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>>793823>>Alt girls who complain about the negative attention they receive while dressing like clown hookers are dumb I hate this, what exactly is "hooker like" in the e-girl fashion? It's stupid coomer males spreading this idea because alt girls tend to be sexually liberated but still too hot / picky to be "available" to regular scrotes thirsting after them, therefore e-girl = dumb whore because she refuses to have sex with me.
No. 793905
>>792577I get leered at, and used to cry a lot when I was developing because of what
>>792756 is saying basically. I'm not sure if it helped me tbh. You could say that I'll rarely be turned down for a fuck, but I think most women here would happily trade not being sexualised or called whoreish for wearing a standard v-neck with having a smaller dating pool or having a knob or two question my femininity.
I remember in my teens I had one (male) friend ask me if I can't make my boobs look smaller or something while looking kind of unconfortable when I took my jumper off, and another (female) friend ask me why I've got to be so sexual all the time. Just from my natural body, tits in a sports bra already 2 cups too small and damaging the muscle development in my shoulders.
I guess everyone has their problems and the grass is probably greener, but I really wish I had small or no tits.
No. 793945
>>792577A few years ago I got tested for a breast cancer gene. I had lost my mom to breast cancer. If I had the gene I would be getting a double mastectomy and you have the option of getting fake ones put in in their place but I wasn't planning on that part. I was excited at the thought of just having them gone.
I tested negative for the gene and lost my chance to join the no titty, no bra gang. In the same way some naturally flat chested women want them bigger..some women want them gone.
No. 793946
>>793882could it be the bondage gear or the short clothes and also the fact the male counterparts dont dress this way? lol
I mean I do like alt fashion ngl but we are not gonna pretend alt fashion got more coomy as time went on
No. 793997
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>>793946>I mean I do like alt fashion ngl but we are not gonna pretend alt fashion got more coomy as time went onalt fashion was very revealing for decades. Latex, leather, bondage gear, fishnets, mini skirts corsets, deep cleveages… given that e girl is taking some inspiration from street/techwear you can easily style it to be very covered and multilayered. If you think alt fashion got more coomy then you don't really know alt fashion.
There's a general trend of sexualizing yourself for more clout, definitely more than idk, when emo culture was popular in 2000s so you may associate some behavior with the style, but it doesn't change the fact the style itself is not really overly coomy as compared to older alternative fashion.
>the fact the male counterparts dont dress this way?give me one example of a style where male counterpart shows more skin than female. it's the general society issue, not something specific to egirls and eboys.
No. 794022
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>>793997Is that picture from the late nineties? If so, I had pre nineties decades in mind. Punk and goth fashion of the 70s/80s had both genders dressing similarly with women showing their legs more, but deep cleavage cuts weren't fashionable back then.
For your second question.. disco fashion was known for this (or having the same amount of skin showing for both sexes)
No. 794097
>>788790on similar conditions of upbringing, wealth and education level, women and black people still underperform and choose cheating or the easy way out too many times.
Sorry, i guess this is fact not an opinion
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>>794097on similar conditions of upbringing, wealth and education level, scrotes are still worthless, pathetic faggots who can't stay on their own shit websites and
globally perform 82% of violent crime despite being 50% of the population.
Sorry, i guess this is fact not an opinion
No. 794145
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>>794097Oh nyooo women under perform in crimes (aka cheating) and suicides. Men should keep on being great at one of those things. You too can take the easy way out!
No. 794149
>>794131Men are always being class clowns no matter you go no matter their ethnicity because they get coddled/rewarded for being retards while women tend to be the ones quiet and listening to the lessons
So many men waste their lives all day doing nothing and being satisifed with nothing because porn and video games have conditioned them to accept instant gratification since males are a naturally lazy and autistic sex
No. 794173
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>>794149Scrotes will latch on to the 0.00001% 180IQ savants and tell themselves that men are all smart bois on average because they watched some youtube videos on babby’s quantum mechanics. “Why doesn’t school teach this!!!”, they write, under a kurzgesagt video.
Meanwhile faggots can barely make it through compulsory school, drop out of college like flies. At best they graduate C- after 7 years and go on to live sub-mediocre life suicideposting on r/antiwork, cooming, crying.
For the “rational” sex men are terrible at confronting facts and statistics.
No. 794291
>>794173I just need to point out that the person with the highest IQ ever recorded was a woman- Marilyn vos Savant. So, I never understood underachieving scrotes obsession with using IQ as a way to establish themselves as smarter than women. Like yeah, most people with 180+ IQs are men, but the highest ever is still a female and most of the lowest level IQs are also scrotes, so IQ is not the pwn they think it is…
Also, having a high IQ means literally nothing when you're 30+ living in your mom's basement cooming to anime girls and your only interaction with real women is Tweeting at them about how superior you are for being XY.
No. 794299
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Im so fucking tired of the big ass trend. How is this supposed to be attractive
No. 794337
>>794333It's funny, because the male suicide rate will always be the highest (as it should be).
Once again, I hope these pieces of shit infesting this place because they need female attention go on to follow their mommy suicide fetish pictures.
No. 794384
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>>794291>>794173>>794239God I love being a woman, despite it all, knowing based women exist lifepills me every day.
No. 794428
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I think after the third kid, moms should decide whether or not they want another. Was reading about Sean Duffy. The man has -9- kids. His wife must be dead, or an ubermensch.
No. 794439
>>794239I work in tech and weak scrotes complain about muh diversity quotas all the fucking time. The ones complaining about them the most are, unsurprisingly, the most subpar skill level and the people nobody wants to work with. It's so obvious they're scared of not having their career served on a silver platter and being replaced with an actually competent female employee. They really try to force this meme that diversity quotas mean that you'll hire any dumb amateur based on their background and the field will go to shit with blundering employees all over the place, in reality it would probably change things for the better since techbros would actually be forced to be decent human beings at the work place instead of relying on everyone just tolerating their bullshit.
All the female employees I've met have been hard-working, motivated and smart with good people skills. You rarely even need diversity quotas because they outperform male applicants all the time.
No. 794879
>>794842I even tend to like the boring ones because I take it as one of the multiple parts of living a mundane life, and each one just has its own niche that makes it unique, including its range of characters.
>>794862My Little Monster will always take my top spot, I think. But, I've also enjoyed Blend S, Saiki K, and The Devil is a Part-Timer. Recently, I started Dagashi Kashi too, and it seems promising so far. And after that, I plan to start Orange. I heard it's really sad, but that's exactly the type of anime I like lmao. It's my favorite form of catharsis.
No. 794896
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I'm pretty sure if I was ever to date a man again I'd want him to be an outspoken supporter of women. By that I don't necessarily mean someone who talks about feminism all the time, but a guy who actually opens his mouth to disagree when other men diss women or talk about how great porn is. It seems like there's a lot of hate for "feminist" men or self-identified "allies" and I get that it can be performative/just a cover so they gain trust from women while they're actually as bad as the rest. But I've gotten so tired of the sort of banal sexism that comes from men just silently accepting the sexism of their peers rather than sticking up for women. It's so fucking lazy and classless. Honestly I'd rather gamble and give a "feminist" man a shot over yet another mute retard who has shit to say when womankind is being badmouthed right in front of him. Even if they don't necessarily contribute to the conversation themselves, it shows they have absolutely no drive, concern or affection for women in general so they have no right attempting to be a true partner to one.
No. 794988
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Heterosexual sex is time-wasting. Humans need to stop wasting their reward/attachment system on meaningless sex
No. 795146
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>>795112ily anon and I agree regarding all the shows you mentioned, but I think
>>795082 has a point. Yeah scrotes will get off to anything, but Azumanga does have a good chunk of scrote fodder in it. It’s a product of it’s time and the product of a loser scrote. But we shouldn’t let lesser beings (scrotes) ruin shit for us, even if they made it. If you like it then you like it. I haven’t seen this or yotsuba in years but I refuse to let them make me look back on my good experiences enjoying these series negatively.
No. 795177
>>795146You right, I feel so understood
nonnie ♥
No. 795391
>>795229They’ll probably agree, because it’s true. But just because media is not meant for us, that doesn’t stop us from seeing it [whether by choice or chance] and enjoying it. We can’t help that.
For what it’s worth I laughed back then, but I know it was because I was young and stupid and didn’t understand how awful it was. Azumanga was one of the more popular anime uploaded in the early days of youtube and I think was among many’s first exposures to slice of life anime too. Coupled with ‘Cool Japan’ marketing boom I think it became a hit with both young and older audiences.
The genre is also dominated by male writers, and that shit was considered top tier comedy. Now instead the teacher would be a fellow student, like mineta from bnha. Scrotes tend to think anime girl with boobs being sexually harassed with bonus male gaze panty shots = funnykek so unfortunately I don’t know if we’ll ever enter an era where that’s not one of the top 10 gags in anime.
Well, maybe we could if we stopped consuming any content created by scrotes until media made by women was so prevalent that you’d find something similar that’s for us, by us way easier than dedicating a search for it. That’d also mean it’d be easier for women in manga to get their stories out than it is right now. My actual unpopular opinion is that we should do what’s in spoiler. An actual dedicated effort to only legally consume media piloted by women. And we must let it be known what we are doing and why, otherwise there will never be [a bigger] change.
No. 795444
>>795440so youre against all ships and think its the same as being a coomer?
you remind me of that idiotic moid who told me masturbating to fictional cartoons is more normal than shipping because at least it acts on a biological urge
No. 795450
>>795448There should be a taboo, you shouldn't be allowed to ship sibling's(pinecest) grown ass men with children(peter x Miles) abusers with their
victims(joker x Harley)
There are limes that should be drawn
No. 795452
>>795416nta but this is a reach, what about scrote coomers who consume fictional abuse porn? Not all of it is with real people. So does that mean those scrotes are totally well-adjusted, normal, fine examples of young men now? I agree with
>>795410>>795447She’s clearly talking about specific types of content, anons itt are being overly defensive and applying what she said to all variations of shipping for the sake of arguing.
No. 795459
>>795453ATA. Are we supposed to view them differently in this scenario? It’s fanfiction written by usually anonymous people on the internet, whether it’s a man or a woman it doesn’t really make a difference. You can’t control who reads/consumes the content, and you can’t control who writes it.
>>795396 Was right that it deserves to be publicly shamed. The way anon worded it she’s probably not talking about trauma coping fiction either, which is the really only “plausible” excuse I’m willing to buy regarding this weirdo shit.
No. 795471
>>795462Kek it’s the unpopular opinion thread. Why would anyone care enough to subject themselves to scrote boards over this.
>>795457 Why is this about shaming women when men on the same platforms should also get the same pushback? And if that’s not happening, who are we seeing uplift or support those men? Is it the same people who shame women for writing explicitly what OP mentioned, or is it other men and hypocrites?
Either way if freaks want to write or read dubious at best fanfiction then I can’t stop them. They can accept the fact that they’re abnormal, or not, it’s really not my problem. I just agree with the unpopular opinion that it’s okay for them to be publicly scrutinized.
No. 795481
>>795471Yeah, and my opinion is that sperging out because 17 year old Becky Martin wrote a fanfic about 16 year old Faggot Minamoto and 18 year old Okama Masashima having sex is a waste of time in the face of the putrid shit written/drawn/consumed probably by your "cool" male friend(s), your brother, maybe even your boyfriend, and it indicates that you don't really care about the "morality" of any of this shit. You just want a quick fix of self-righteousness.
>who are we seeing uplift or support those men?The scrotes you're too afraid to rightfully shame.
>Is it the same people who shame women for writing explicitly what OP mentioned, or is it other men and hypocrites?So, what are you doing about those men? Nothing? Still pontificating to women? Okay
No. 795505
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Cosmetic rhinoplasties are a travesty. The majority of plastic surgeons are bad people who should be shunned from society - the way we would with anyone else who exploits and encourages people's insecurities for financial gain. Working to remove the variety of human facial features is a crime against the inherent beauty in variety.
No. 795527
>>795456>>795453Why do you think I don't call out men on their disgusting fetishes, I do and I'm more disgusted by them but I encounter more women specifically in fandom spaces
Its not right to wanna draw porn or erotica of child characters and I don't care what anyone says
No. 795528
>>795505>The majority of plastic surgeons are bad people who should be shunned from society - the way we would with anyone else who exploits and encourages people's insecurities for financial gain. Most plastic surgeons screen for BDD at this point (, Scummy one's exist, but thats an exception or if you go to a rare sketchy place. If an entire medical field should be shunned because of a few bad actors wouldn't it also be sane to remove let's say cancer treatment medication (
>Working to remove the variety of human facial features is a crime against the inherent beauty in variety.Also you underestimate the complexity of plastic surgery. Most surgeries are minor "get rid of eye bags" or "get rid of un-even nose" not "make me look like a generic ideal". It's an over exaggeration to hate all plastic surgery.
To be pedantic why is it a crime?
No. 795539
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>>795530It's not comparing treatment, but instead "if bad actors exist in a field the field should not exist". The irrationality comes from taking their logic to the final level
>>795530>if most surgeries are minor then that just means their skills could be better put to use elsewhere and vice versa for the money of eye bag victimsWhat defines minor then? Is slight pain minor? Is a big feature that makes someone feel bad minor?
Most people say plastic surgery significantly made their life better ( is it minor?
No. 795558
>>795541Nta but I know someone who tested positive for the cancer gene mutation bcra? and she had a breast removal and implants put in their place as she was in her twenties. My mom had breast cancer in her 50s and spent her last decade of life with one titty. I weirdly have so much respect for my mom for skipping the reconstruction job.
I remember my mom being offered charity sponsered make up classes on how to paint in her brows during chemo and just.. when cancers involved I hate to see how much emphasis is still put on women needing to look good. My mom was offered more free make up and wig advice than emotional help. Cancer charities, cancer priorities? I saw that messed up side of things and I hate it still a decade later.
No. 795587
>>795539minor as in inconsequential. like if you just feel bad about your mom or dad giving you a huge ostrich beak of a schnozz then getting that fixed is minor, however if that same nose is giving you trouble breathing it's not inconsequential any more
>Most people say plastic surgery significantly made their life betterhaving skimmed through the study you linked and I found a few things that irked me
>91% female>72% under age of 45>more than 50% of surgeries were breast related with most being reductions of the breast>the first procedure for over 70% of patients>Cole et al. underlined this fact in 1994. Their results showed an improvement in quality of life for 73% of patients. But the largest positive changes were found in the breast reduction group.kinda feels like you're just a plastic surgeon here to peddle your bullshit, how absolutely groundbreaking that a breast reduction could improve quality of life
No. 795618
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>>795613 This is just an example I took from the first page of deviantart. I tend to be hesitant to complain about these kinds of artstyles because whenever I see when someone talks about disliking this type of style for looking generic someone always have to counter that "at least it looks pretty" and seemingly get offended on the artists' behalf. I dislike this kind of art because while it has beautiful colors it doesnt look like the character its based off of but mostly because it looks so generic and empty. More style than substance, imo. I dont think it has to be a grand master piece but at the same time its not difficult to be beautiful AND interesting/creative? This artstyle also got more common when digital artists started to prioritize doing art for commissions rather than a hobby so I have no doubts its more of a commercial style than anything else. I dont blame them but im kinda tired of the internet acting like this is the holy grail of digital art styles or something.
No. 795654
>>792577I totally agree. How do girls with big chests say it ruins their outfits? Almost all clothes are made for girls who at least have C cups. It's so easy to get male attention if you can show cleavage.
The back complaining is always funny to me because I have borderline severe scoliosis so mine's probably worse anyways.
I dunno, I have somewhat of a complex about that because I let the booba meme ruin my self esteem as a 32B. Regained some of it after frequenting /tv/ more often.
No. 795659
>>795654Not everyone wants male attention, lmao.
IMO, small breasts or flat chests just hold most clothes more gracefully. I don't care about dressing like a bombshell, being sexualized from a disgustingly young age because of my body was a mental headfuck, and having big breasts isn't a privilege.
>Regained some of it after frequenting /tv/ more often.The pedo board? Uh…
No. 795666
>>795654>It's so easy to get male attention if you can show cleavage. as if having disgusting males stare at your tits is such a privilege
>Regained some of it after frequenting /tv/ more often.oh i see, your self-esteem is built around male opinions, sad
No. 795678
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I like American choco, I like Hershey's, maybe I don't want to eat some super sweet euro chocolate that tastes like powdered sugar and milk. don't reply to me with that "it tastes like vomit shit" I will ignore you because I'm American
No. 795779
>>795773Same. I decided awhile back to only do one or the other from now on.
My somewhat unpopular opinion: reading is better than watching for pretty much everything. Sometimes I don't know why I even bother with movies or tv shows.
No. 796002
>>795396>you shouldn't be allowed to ship children, to ship canonically straight characters in gay, to include kinks and fetishes in your ships, to include rape your ship, to ship characters with a significant age gap Why not?
>moral degenerates deserved to be shamed publiclyHow is that moral degeneracy?
No. 796242
>>795396Stay seething while I enjoy my degenerate fetishes shipping fictional anime boys. Unfortunate for your moralfagging I won't take them into real life because I'm not a scrote sex offender in the making though.
>to ship canonically straight characters in gaykek I think I swallowed a bait right here
No. 796321
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>>796272>Sonic and Shadow become allies at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 despite being rivals with the exact same powers before, use their special form to become OP, beat some giant monster in space, Shadow "dies" for the greater cause while falling to earth and everyone gets sad over it except he's actually alive in the sequel>Bayonetta and Jeanne become allies at the end of Bayonetta 1 despite being rivals with the exact same powers before, use their special powers to become OP, beat some giant monster in space, Bayonetta "dies" for the greater cause while falling to earth and everyone gets sad over it except she's actually alive in the next scene>Ryuko and Satsuki become allies at the end of Kill la Kill despite being rivals with the exact same powers before, use their special form to become OP, beat some giant monster in space, the weird living uniform "dies" for the greater cause while falling to earth and everyone gets sad over it except he stays deadDon't get me started on all the SEGA references in Bayonetta and how she collects rings/halos as currency.
No. 797182
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This was one of the dumbest things I've read in my entire life
No. 797643
>>797630I'm not against people having kids I'm against people having kids just because they're "bored" or want to project their mental illness onto their kids. Can I please get a
valid argument against that instead of insulting one liners?
No. 797685
>>797636Nta but I'd prefer having a daughter too, it sucks because I'd want it to be a biological child but then I can never be sure it'll be a girl. I don't really like the idea of adopting because I think the first few months starting from birth are really important for a child's development, along with how well the mother took care of herself during pregnancy. I couldn't handle adopting and having no idea about what the child went through before I got it.
Maybe I'm also slightly biased against adopting because I used to babysit a lot and the adopted kids were always the worst by far, with a ton of behavioral issues and cognitive delays.
No. 797695
>>797691Not really worth to have potentially 4-5 abortions just to have a girl, not to mention something could go wrong, it's not only edgy.
I'm NTA but if I'd get pregnant and decide to keep it once in my life, I'd be destroyed if it was a boy. Having a boy who's just raised to disrespect his mother by greater society while having all the encouragement in the fields and interests I was discouraged from would probably kill my soul. While mothers are supposed to unconditionally supportive, I'm not sure I could be that towards a son, even though it wouldn't be his fault. I guess I truly am a man-hater after all.
No. 797696
>>797673Yeah but anons consider any sort of limiting the procreation of humans to be anti natalism which creates a blurry line to some people who don't read into everything correctly
>>797691That's a waste of time and money and many abortions can cause damages to the uterus. Why not just adopt or even foster? You can pick what kids you want and it gives them a chance to have a good life. You sound like a breeder fetishist
No. 797758
>>797748Me wanting my own kids isn't sexual by any means. The reason I'd prefer having my own is because I'd want to be the one responsible for taking care of my kid from the very start. Admittedly another reason is that I might be better at relating to my kid and making decisions that are right for them if they have my genes and some similar traits. I wouldn't mind it if they turned out completely different from me, it's just that if they do have issues that are similar to mine when I was a kid I'll be better equipped to deal with them.
It's also because I feel like I "know" my genes. I know a big part of personality is nurture and not nature but I'd still want to know what kind of person either parent of a child I'm going to raise really is.
(I'm not that anon by the way, nor do I want a designer baby or anything)
No. 797773
>>797765>hope you aren't preaching "adopt, not buy" when it comes to petsWait why not? I think for pets adopting is much better than buying but that's because raising a pet is much less significant than raising a child and because pets in shelters/without owners get treated really badly.
Are you one of those people who think pets are the same as kids or something?
No. 797776
>>797748>People who are fixated on having "their own" kids always come off as breeding or pregnancy fetish people to me,you come off as a fixated kinkster to the rest of us, it's literally you who puts that in there, not the people you're trying to mock
Bonding to non-biological offspring as a parent is not something to take for granted, it's a difficult process that's not available for everyone. It can fail miserably and not everyone is ready for the adoption process.
Mothers bond to their children mainly via pregnancy and giving birth, because of hormonal surges. It literally affects even their ability to breastfeed. Post-partum depression is what happens, when that fails. Imagine then being an adoptive parent who's constantly shamed for not being perfectly bonded to the kid they adopted.
Stop acting like this shit is easy. "Breeder" is such a scrote-speak term. No, I'm not saying you're a scrote, I'm saying you have a bad take. Mothers are women and women are people. Excuse me for my infightey tone.
My unpopular opinion is that people need to stop being so specifically misogynistic towards mothers.
No. 797795
>>797776>My unpopular opinion is that people need to stop being so specifically misogynistic towards mothers.I wonder if people that think like this do so because they have bad experiences with their own mother, or dislike her for any reason really.
I guess my unpopular opinion is that for 50% of the people on here who claim to have a narcissistic mother it's bullshit and they either victimize themselves too much or demonize their mom for not being flawless. I'm not denying that narcissistic mothers exist and act a certain way, just that the term is used too easily. NPD just isn't common enough to warrant all of these people claiming their mom has it, it's like everyone calling their ex crazy.
No. 797803
nonnie, you
do know that hugging/holding hands/not beating the shit out of your partner is also a fetish for some people
and besides, what you may think is average sexual intercourse is in reality just 'vanilla sex', which also is a kink,
No. 797804
>>797790>getting your own kid instead of adopting is even worse, since human beings are more valuable/preciousFirst of all orphaned kids don't get chucked into shelters with poor conditions and systematically killed when they've been there for a while (in most of the world). Secondly humans don't depend on their caretakers for happiness and survival beyond childhood, unlike pets. Thirdly, a pet with behavioral issues can be a pain in the ass, but it won't ruin your entire life.
Basically to me personally the good you're doing by rescuing instead of buying a pet far outweighs the potential negative influence on your life. Adopting a kid is definitely morally admirable, but you're also accepting the risk of lifelong regret and resentfulness. Of course that risk is also there when you have natural children, but it's lower at least. I'll admit that I'm selfish for weighing off the risks like that, but I don't think it's that evil to have limits to your altruism.
I don't want to moralfag about it either since everyone has different reasons for their decisions.
No. 797808
>>797795Idk if I’d call bullshit on half of anons who claim to have crazy moms. A good portion of anons have visible issues ranging from having low self esteem to being completely batshit and it’s likely those things are rooted in how they were raised.
I think mothers come under fire more as they are the main caregivers, or in some cases the only one. If both parents are equally bad, it’s likely the mother will still be perceived as worse as she’s doing the bulk of the childrearing. It’s also much easier to be a good parent if your duties are smaller, hence the whole ‘weekend dad’ idolization.
No. 797816
>>797804I respect your POV even if I don't completely agree. Luckily enough, I live in a country that doesn't have kill shelters (though living in them is miserable enough and no animal deserves it). Growing up as an unwanted kid, often being subjected to (sexual abuse) absolutely is life-ruining, so I think more people should consider adoption or at least not moralfag (since everyone makes decisions that benefit them the most or at least with consequences of which they are capable living with).
>Basically to me personally the good you're doing by rescuing instead of buying a pet far outweighs the potential negative influence on your lifeYeah, people absolutely should adopt if they are in the position that you described. But some people have specific needs and buying is much better for them. I don't think it's fair to shame them, if they carefully considered both options.
>I don't think it's that evil to have limits to your altruismI think the principle applies the same to getting pets as to adopting children. Still, more people should at least seriously consider adopting kids instead of making new ones.
No. 797817
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>>797182I checked what it's about and the premise seems really fricking interesting at first glance
which is why I'd be grateful to hear your opinion on why it's garbo, it'd be great to know if it's shit or not before wasting any time on it
tldr go off and don't be easy, your opinion counts
No. 797818
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>>797748I'm not even sure if I want kids, but this is the most creepy, unnatural mindset. It's such a woefully sterile, yet cumbrained take. It's the kind of opinion you form when you consume nothing but melted plastic/metal and energy drinks for 5 years or something. Does all or most of your exposure to pregnancy and human (especially female) bodies come from pornography/kink? When's the last time you hugged someone, anon? Please…
No. 797819
>>797803I know this is bait but do you even know what a fetish is?
There's only a few basic instinctive sexual and reproductive needs. Namely what you'd call 'vanilla sex'; most simply described as PiV sex with the purpose of orgasm with a partner you're attracted to.
That's basically the only sexual urge that's (for most people) hardwired into your brain, because that's the basics of how you make a baby and how you make a baby is how the species survives. 'Vanilla sex' if anything is the only sexual urge where NOT wanting and enjoying it at all could be called a kink. It's like saying that enjoying the feeling of your brain releasing serotonin is simply a personal preference.
No. 797821
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It was a sarcastic joke, not a bait. I put the cursive in it and the 'beat the shit out of your partner' to indicate that but I guess online still doesn't convey it very well.
I fucking despise bdsm/kink personally and I thought I rolled it out well but apparently it got lost somewhere midway through
No. 797825
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>>797823H-how about taking this to the the shitposting thread??
No. 797834
>>797816Yeah, I respect your point as well. Everyones situation is different and I definitely don't look down on everyone who buys a pet.
Unwanted children are a huge problem and every person who fosters or adopts them is going to make a huge difference. I don't think we'll ever get to the point where enough people adopt for unwanted kids to no longer be an issue though. It feels like maybe we should prioritize putting more money and effort into creating spaces and group homes where parentless children can grow up as comfortably and with as many opportunities as possible. Obviously getting adopted into a loving family makes a huge difference for every kid, but it doesn't change the bigger problem, you know?
I guess the same goes for building more humane and comfy animal shelters, but for obvious reasons the amount of unwanted animals that are born is more difficult to control than with humans so it's pretty much a given that there'll always be a huge amount of abandoned pets around. I guess that's why it seems bad to me to purposefully add to that number by actively breeding them, but again that's really subjective and I totally get where you're coming from.
No. 797836
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>>797821Oh shit I guess I'm retarded then, I'm pretty sleep deprived, sorry for the sperg lol
No. 797906
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>>797780Some posters must be bots or aliens collecting data on human behaviors online. They've been directed to ask questions and identify "contradictions" no actual human being would entertain.
This is how you end up with posts like "The urge to reproduce? Procreate? Hmm…is this not just a fetish? The two desires seem to be linked."
Next, someone will post "Why is cannibalism wrong? You say you care about humans, but hunger is completely separate from love. Some people love cows and dogs, but still eat beef and dog meat, right? Besides, people are put in jail and/or executed all the time. It could help solve world hunger, make space in jail and save taxpayer dollars if humans only ate criminals".
No. 798036
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>>797906>Some posters must be bots or aliens collecting data on human behaviors onlinethis is the most entertaining unpop opinion of this thread so far
10/10 would tinfoil this post-ironically
No. 798518
>>797795From the subs I frequent I see quite a lot of complaining about Narcissistic/ selfish dads and their enabling wives and vice versa. It takes two to tango and a lot of people may cut slack towards the enabler in the relationship especially if they really weren't outwardly
abusive/ actually showed genuine care unlike the emotionally immature
abusive parent
No. 798527
>>798522more like
>if their taste in media wasn't absolute shit from consooming pandery shitAlternatively, they are too lazy to research, but not sure if I buy that.
There are so many books, how the fuck you don't enjoy anything but 1000k smut angst fanfiction about your husbandos? The problem is you, not the state of literature.
No. 798567
>>798533it's funny because yes, 99% of what's on the shelf at barnes & noble is shit, but it's just supposed to take work to find a book that's interesting to you. I feel like people just expect cool deep cut books to be served to them like spotify recommendations. It's supposed to take hours of browsing at a library/bookstore to find like two books you think have a chance of being good. I mean, the browsing itself is interesting too, so it's not work if you enjoy it. And what you end up finding and liking is going to be specific to you. But you have to be confident in your own choices and not self-conscious - people are worried about not picking the "right" books if they're by themselves, so they go online and try too hard to learn what books are cool, then they go get those books and don't like them, and they're like "literature is shit." No…online "literature" people are shit and your attitude is shit. Go to a library and actually look at the books until you find one you like, WITHOUT looking up shit online first. I know it's scary but have some guts.
last 3 things I read that were good:
Alice Munro - lives of girls & women
Jean genet - miracle of the rose
John McPhee- encounters with the archdruid (nonfiction not fantasy lol)
No. 798656
>>798614>>798590"Books people recommend online" is a very narrow subset of all books, determined by what's new and whats considered "cool old books" at the moment. It's just samey and self-referential vs organically finding books that you actually want to read. And I mean "want to read" not "want to have read" or "want to get through". Don't fill up your queue or feel like you have to read what you have in it before you read other things. Any book that strikes you in the moment is what you should be reading at that moment.
Furthermore reading reviews/discussion online before reading a book predisposes you to the reviewer's ideas, instead of having your earnest naive experience first and then comparing it to others' which is what one should do. The thing is people dont trust their own naive experience and are scared of being "wrong" vs the online opinion of a book. The question is basically, do you want an authentic experience, or do you just want to fit in with lit twitter?
No. 798776
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i like the western animation thread. i think theres solid cow material there. hopefully it will keep going strong. but…
anons asking why are cartoons now politically correct are fucking retarded. have you met an artist lately? theyre all sjw they/them idiots. its always been that way as far as politics, they lean left in the dumbest way. art attracts "wooo im so open minded, dude" people and always has. yeah, fucking edge lords like shmorky and shadbase exist. but for every one of those edge fags theres like 1,000 sjw as fuck artists. seeing nonitas ask multiple times why everyone is trying to be woke on cartoons is fucking retarded. have you met an artist? theyre pretentious as fuck and always have been. it just is. they attract that crowd and even if youre an edgelord you will probably meet enough sjws in art school that you will be pretty open to a lot of dumb shit. lots of people just go with the flow and the flow in those circles have always been that way. i dont know. i feel like i lose brain cells when anons ask for a hundred time why so many popular artists are sjws now. i promise, if youre ever near most art schools, you will understand. some of you are so fucking retarded sometimes.
No. 798780
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Mushrooms are disgusting. They're really cool looking, and they taste fine, but the texture is so awful.
No. 799002
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LV bags fucking ugly, overpriced, and go with almost no outfit. They are the worst shade of dookie brown. Plastic covered canvas ass.
No. 799417
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I don’t get it
No. 799422
>>799417i browsed /mu/ for years, more than i would like to admit. i participated in those type of shit threads for fun.
i dont get it either.
i have no idea what its about or care. the instrumental was pretty special so i vibed with it. have no real attachment to the record other than mangum shitposting and im sure a lot of other anons do too
No. 799701
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>>799002I hate monogram print so much and the brown shade is awful, you're right. I think some of their more subtle bags like the Capucines are nice though
No. 799900
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>>792240homegrown British men are just built different anon
No. 799935
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>>799900daddy lewis pls creampie me
No. 800274
>>800006Not the original anon but I find tiktok useful for things like tutorials, useful apps to download, photography tips, and things like that.
Since that's the only content I consume I never see cringy comedy videos or dance shit on my feed.
No. 800344
>>800285lol, cats are nowhere near as gross as dogs.
My mom has a dog and I have a cat and let me tell you, dogs are disgustingly dirty. Cats spend a huge time grooming themselves and they bury their shit. The only time that happens is in old age due to a disease.
Also, I go jogging almost every day and see tons of irresponsible dog owners just having them poop in the middle of the pedestrian area so I have to be extra careful to not step into dog shit when there are signs to pick up after your nasty dog. God I hate them so much. There's this shithead too with pitbulls that walks them unleashed near a children's playground. That's just begging for an accident to happen. I could go on, but dogs are fucking terrible and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
No. 800488
>>800354My cousin is terrified of cats because she was jumped by a cat as a toddler.
Although it did not leave any noticeable scars.
I guess if it was a dog she'd be dead, though.
No. 800588
>>800541>>800541okay im op
>>800506 and ngl
i dragged it by saying abuse sorry that was too strong of a word. Maybe not
abusive but neglectful. it just makes me sad that younger generations don't get to experience their culture as authentically as their parents and their parents' parents did.
>>800550As for jobs I guess my high school meme'd me into thinking that you get higher paying jobs if you spoke 2 languages. But i think they meant spanish lol. I apologize you guys.
No. 800589
>>800506My father never taught me Portuguese because his father was an
abusive asshole and he didn't want us to be able to understand him constantly berating our grandma in his native tongue.
No. 800599
>>800569NTA but that's a whole country's job market opening up for you thanks to knowing a language, even if it's as small country as Estonia. Still worth it.
Not to mention being able to talk with your family from that country and all that.
No. 800606
>>800588>younger generations don't get to experience their culture as authentically as their parents and their parents' parents did. it's not their culture anymore. i know americans and strayans are going to get super upset by this but if you were born and raised in another country with little to no exposure to your parents' country of origin, you are not from there and that is not your culture.
learning german and eating german food from a young age isn't the same as growing up in germany, in german society, where most other people are also german-speakers and share their culture with you. i've been speaking english with my parents since i was 4 and eating english food, it didn't make me any more english because i've never been to the uk.
No. 800621
>>800608Nayrt but knowing Estonian would give you 100% more opportunities in Estonia compared to not speaking a word. It’s far from the most useful language in the world and not worth the effort as an adult (unless you really want to live there/love the language), but I wouldn’t say that it’s completely pointless to teach your kid while their brain is soaking up everything like a sponge.
There are academics who are paid to study dying languages. I wouldn’t say any language is not worth teaching to children.
No. 800651
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>>800583lmao are you my long lost sister? Is your grandmother's first language the berber language? In my case my mother's mother was the only one whose first language was darija, everyone else's first language was whatever it's called the original/local language. My father is Algerian but his first and only language is French, to make things worse.
No. 800653
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I don't really like donut holes (timbits), something about them just doesn't feel right. I'd rather eat an entire donut.
No. 800680
>>800651Yes it's berber! My mom's Morroccan and dad French. How is your dad Algerian but he doesn't speak anything else, that's next level lmao
Can't believe there are multiple people not teaching their kids how to communicate with the rest of their families smh and the worse is that now my mom is watching a ton of Morroccan Youtube and she laughs and says that's it's a shame I can't understand. F U MOM
No. 800687
>>800680He was born and raised in France when Algeria was still a French colony, and he only gained the French citizenship once he was an adult, just like my Algerian uncles and aunts, it's complicated. I'm sure he doesn't speak anything but French for the same reason why my mother never bothered teaching me darija. I never went to Alegria myself but to be fair French seems way more used there than in Morocco, not just in official documents and on TV but in random, normal conversations.
>now my mom is watching a ton of Morroccan Youtube and she laughs and says that's it's a shame I can't understand.Mine does the exact same shit with videos that teach recipes.
No. 800726
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I’ve never met a white woman that I’ve liked. They are all ugly and annoying IMO.(global rule #7)
No. 800736
>>800506I feel like non-Americans are missing your point. Many of us only speak one language because there isn't much emphasis to learn another in our education system until high school(and most kids only care about a passing grade rather actual language proficiency at that point). Being bilingual when you're young makes it easier to learn other languages. As someone who's learning a new language rn, yes I'm jealous of non-americans who learned their native language and english when they were young.
>tl;dr I'm a bitter monolingual>>800726weak bait
No. 800787
>>800736Don't Americans have to learn a second and third language as kids?
In Ireland we learn English and Irish/Gaeilge when we start school, and then by the time we hit about 11 or 12 we start learning a third language (mostly French or Spanish).
Don't you guys learn Spanish? I remember always seeing it on American high school TV shows, so I assumed you all learn Spanish unless you're from Louisiana and learn Creole or French
No. 800980
>>800977I've never heard anyone say "celebrities got skinnier". I mean celebs today are fucking nothing compared to early '00s skinny trend, now they're selected for curviness.
But I do agree that people treat working out/moving enough optional, even though our bodies blueprints are still made for long hours of walking. I just visited my uncle's family and his wife picked up the kids from school by car even though they live on the same street as the school like 2 kms away. The whole family is overweight, including the kids.
No. 800992
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just discovered eric clapton, he is so hot
british, can play the guitar awesomely, tall, ugh daddy as f
No. 801297
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Virgin Suicides is a shit movie. i guess you can get nice screengrabs of it and reading the plot on wikipedia sounds interesting. but the actual movie is boring fake deep and just not interesting.
clueless is shit too, but i think people who praise it arent pretentious about it. virgin suicide fucking sucks. i saw it many years ago thinking it was such an interesting idea and was highly disappointed. people who praise it are delusional.
No. 801398
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>>801297>>801322When I was a suicidal, unnoticed teen, it
triggered me that the movie kind of romanticized the Lisbon sisters because they were beautiful and tragically dead while supposedly criticizing this issue. My sane friend was in love with the aesthetics and couldn't understand why all of this made me mad. It hurt to experience the story while being aware that nobody would even notice if I offed myself, because I wasn't a waify beauty.
No. 801410
>>801154Hard agree. Pastel goth and other variants were a mistake.
Unrelated opinion: male ahegaos>literal aids and cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anime girl ahegaos. kind of makes you think how some jannies are against one but not the other
No. 801942
>>801926>I hated this weird conception that there's no reason the Lisbon girls could have offed themselves when their mom was a loon.I hated this weird conception that there's no reason the Lisbon girls could have offed themselves when their mom was a loon.
Was it really a point? I feel like it was implied that the oppression in their house was part of the reason. It's just that the plot highlights how the scrotes treat them as some depressive pixie dream girls and that's why they fail to understand them.
No. 801949
>>801892>>801894>>801898What's with farmers today trying to make bad behaviors the OP's problem?
Not sure what shitholes you hail from but even if you want to excuse the rude customer service at the food places, no one would EVER make a client clean their fucking toilets! Frankly shame on her bf for entertaining such bullshit.
No. 802010
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Cartoons, capeshit in any form, and perhaps even video games, should be for us, autistic people. I despise neurotypical adults who consoom such media past the age of 21. Ok, you may enjoy it from time to time, but not obsess over it, spend money on it, have "serious discussions" about it, consider capeshit actual cinema and video games actual art form. Capeshit as a genre was completely finished with Watchmen in 1986 and there's nothing else that can be said and anyone who takes it seriously, while being neurotypical, is fucking retarded. We autists have the right to enjoy children's shit, but adult normie people obsessing over it and supporting an entire industry with their money? Fucking degenerate, disgusting. Capeshit and gaming has been infantilizing the population for years. I don't want to see this. Normies have NO logical reason to comfort themselves with childish things. I hate them. That also includes people who, despite not literally jerking off to capeshit, still waste their time reviewing it and analyzing it. I've been a Red Letter Media fan since 2015. And then I realized I'm watching a bunch of grown ass men in their 40s analyzing a fucking kids movie. For 60 minutes. While being shamelessly obese, drunk or bald. I don't give a FUCK behind how many veils of irony they hide their criticisms. It's still a group of adults wasting their time on capeshit. They know a video about the new capeshit flavour of the month will have way more views than a review of some arthouse european kino, and they are opportunistic. I stopped finding their jokes funny. I'm not going to enable Mike Stoklasa's alcoholism for the sake of cheap laugh. It's hard to believe, but the autist outgrew the normie. I don't find my favourite streamers funny anymore either. You're a balding 30 year old. You're a normie. You probably bullied my kind at school. How fucking dare you. I don't want to see thumbnails with adult women and men reacting to capeshit and Star Wars with fixed soyjak expression and their funko pop collection in the background. If they enjoyed that shit in PRIVATE instead of posting it everywhere, I wouldn't have been that angry. But they have no shame. Cartoons, video games, capeshit, my little pony, toys, big robots, anime etc. It's ours, not yours. Fuck off. So what if the autistic population isn't big enough to financially support huge capeshit and geek industries?! That's a good thing! The market is oversaturated anyway. Back then the media was of better quality because they didn't have to pander to the lowest common denominator. Quality over quantity. The more normie plebs enjoy something, the more dumbed down it becomes. Look how they ruined Star Trek, for example. Only a dumb person can unironically enjoy something like Star Trek Discovery. Not to say that Star Trek was a "niche" tv show before, but it didn't try to pander to the capeshit fans who like big explosions and big battles and retarded drama. Everything changed after that faggot J.J. Abrams rebooted ST with his retarded movies and retarded out-of-character writing. But nothing, nothing is worse than MCU. That's the biggest cancer of all. What an disingenuous piece of shit. For movies made for normies, they're surprisingly afraid of showing genuine emotions, and even an autist like me can see it. We're having a serious scene? QUICK, have some character make a joke or a sarcastic remark! Make a joke every 5 fucking minutes! At first only Iron Man was the ironic one, now every character has to have funny ironic one-liners! WE'RE LIVING IN A POST IRONIC ERA GUYS, don't forget that! Serious moments and character building is for boomers like Martin Scorsese! And the story? Wow guys, let's get the shiny thing. It's always about getting the magic shiny cube/stone and some generic alien looking villain trying to take the shiny cube/stone or use black goo to take over Natalie Portman's body. Spider Man is not even his own character anymore. He's just a little Tony Stark bitch ass fanboy. The CGI is so terrible it looks old after 2 years. And there are people who watch this shit and cry and piss and shit blood. OOOOH HE SAID THE THING! OOOOH THE CHARACTER HAD A COOL ENTRY, SO COOL! clap clap clap The funniest part is, no one even remembers the jokes and the memes after a year, or until another capeshit comes out. But "pizza time" from Sam Raimi's Spider Man? Everyone remembers that! Not only because it was effortlessly funny, but because it stood out, because it wasn't squeezed in between le ironic one liners in every scene. And btw Tobey Maguire is still the best Peter Parker and Spider Man, perfectly nailing the nerdy friendly boy-next door type. Andy Garfield didn't look the part and they had to make him a cool skateboard kid. Tom Holland, although not handsome - he looks like a rat - still doesn't give the proper Peter Parker vibes. You see, now he's not an underdog, he's being funded by a fucking millionaire Tony Stark and can't stop sucking his dick because he's a pathetic fangirl, he has a cool suit with AI waifu that talks to him some retarded shit and he didn't build it himself, his friends are basically Miles Morales friends because they wanted to make it more pc I guess - but still couldn't make a movie about actual Miles Morales huh - and he lives in a cool liberal hipster pc neighborhood with his aunt May who's hot and bangable now because you have to pander to coomers jerking off to MILF porn so hard they get ED at 25. Ooogaa boogaa but Spier Man is rich and has some cool high tech gadgets in comic books from 2015 so it's legit! No it's not, 2015 was a shitty year for Spider Man comics, and guess what, maybe it's because people don't have any new ideas anymore because the GENRE IS FUCKING FINISHED AND DONE AND THE ONLY THING THEY CAN DO NOW IS MUH SUBVERTING YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND CHARACTERS GOING AGAINST THEIR ORIGINAL PRINCIPLES BECAUSE IT'S SO FUCKING SUBVERSIVE. START SHITTING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH FOR THE SAKE OF SUBVERSION YOU SPINELESS PIECE OF SHIT
No. 802080
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>>802010>don't touch my capeshit and vidya!Kek, no problems from me, dear anon.
No. 802151
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>>802132Because you went full retard over capeshit and vidya that normie Reddit scrotes ~appropriate~ anon. That’s a self-report.
No. 802158
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I find bikini bottoms worn like this look absolutely horrendous… who had the bright idea of pulling their bikini sides up to their armpits, thought that it looked good, and why did everyone think so too? It makes me want to vomit
No. 802163
>>802158I too think it’s ugly.
Some people wear them like that because it makes their legs seem longer, others do so because they think that makes them seem like they got hips, and the other part does that because they think it makes them seem like they have butt cheeks.
No. 802164
>>802010>>802152>I'm-I'm not even that into capeshitSure jan. Being this territorial about CONSOOMING other people's content is a mark of a creatively bankrupt and superficial person
nonnie. Sure, pop media is made to be palatable to wide audience but insisting that nerd media of "back then", majority of which are effectively moid self-insert masturbatory pseudointellectual isekai shits, were somehow actually d33p and
ART and non-pandering, and thus should be reserved for the select sweaty fews is massively laughable. EVEN FUNNIER that you actually believe whatever niche thing you were into before it was cool didn't willingly gape its asshole wide open for the capitalist cock at every opportunity. The fact that all these creators sell out to the mainstream is proof that autists own the right to nothing kek
I hope the normalfags continue to shit all over everything you love.
No. 802167
>>802164You completely missed the point, where did I claim that capeshit was
ever an art form or not for kids? I'm saying that *because" it's for kids, it's embarrassing that normie adults are now pretending this is serious cinema and lose their shit when Scorsese says marvel movies are not cinema lol
When it comes to certain s-f franchises like Star Trek, it's a fucking fact that it became dumbed down when you compare it to older series. Even Star Wars became dumbed down when it comes to internal logic and writing and everything. That doesn't mean that the previous entries were
serious art, that just means it got fucking dumber. Cinema in general is getting dumber, the wast majority of movies are made for 16 year olds
I'm blaming both the creators and the consoomers. But if the consoomers weren't willing to consoom in the first place, there would be no one to sell this shit to.
Ohhhhh it's not my fault I'm consooming kids media while being a nneurotypical 30 year old, it's the evil corporations that force me to do it! They also force me to eat 5 kg of sugar a day! I literally can't control how I spend my money and what I watch on my pc! No. 802187
>>802167First, how do you know that any of the consoomers that you hate so much are neurotypical? Second,
>But if the consoomers weren't willing to consoom in the first place, there would be no one to sell this shit tothis applies to you too. God, I wish all of you would stop so capeshit can die. Anyway nothing more embarrassing than a self-admitted snivelling autist gatekeeping and criticizing others or having pretty much the same shit taste.
No. 802199
>>802187>how do you know that any of the consoomers that you hate so much are neurotypicalWell what percentage of population are autistic? And out of that autistic population only like 44% have average (or above average) intelligence. Yeah, I totally believe that the remaining 44% that aren't retarded make for the majority of MCU audience. Suuure.
Also I didn't buy merch and I torrented movies instead of paying for cinema tickets because I'm not a retarded consoomer. Oh please tell me how I'm a consoomer when I don't pay for any media, I don't watch tv etc.
No. 802208
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burrito bowls are fucking retarded and anyon who eats them is lame. "oh it's less carbs" you're eating a big bowl of rice, dumbshit. "i can eat half and have the rest later" buy a smaller burrito you fat idiot. "it's less messy" try buying tex-mex food from actual mexicans, bitch
No. 802262
>>802225You sound like an actual boomer,
No. 802275
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I guess I'm scum, but I can't take female-on-male sexual assault seriously in case if both parties are of age. I've seen one very clearly staged viral video going around of a hot woman grabbing men and them doing nothing, and the comments are all like "disgusting! not any worse than if the genders were reversed" or men commenting "a year ago a lady grabbed me on the belt, and I felt so unsafe" and people tagging it with "OMG sorry, that must have been so traumatic". A grown woman touching a grown, sober man in that way in daylight just doesn't hold any actual threats of physical violence to me, even if it's inappropriate, and I'm not saying that they must be secretly enjoying it or anything.
No. 802410
>>802275Those girls going "disgusting!!" are so pickmeish, men will never defend us or care for us that way but then these girls get mad at not only clearly staged videos but also an obviously unbalanced situation, they know damn well the average man could just knock out any female that is upsetting him but they still want to believe we could actually harass them with no repercussions. Most women are virtually inoffensive to men, this is literally a non-issue and i bet men get harassed mostly by
gasp other men.
No. 802430
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Humans have outlived the necessity for a 40-hour job and career. Most jobs are completely unnecessary and if most people had the chance to not work, they definitely will.
No. 802468
>>802452Ugh no we’re aware it’s bullshit we just can’t do anything about it otherwise no health benefits reeee (burgerfag obviously)
No. 802526
>>802199Neurodivergent doesn't only mean "autistic" anymore, people with various mental health issues are considered neurodivergent. That manchild you are criticizing may have ADHD and therefore have as much right to have "special interest uwu" in retarded movies for children and retards.
>no, i'm not a consoomer!!!yet you have unhealthy emotional investment in capeshit. You are not better just cause you don't put your money where your mouth is. Besides, highly doubt you never consoomed anything in the past.
No. 802580
>>802575Calling someone a scrote is the ultimate win. It doesn't even matter what you reply to me because I won!
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>>802010New copypasta.
>REEEEEE children's media is for autistsNo I'm pretty sure children's media is for actual children.
No. 802715
>>802629you can use mental illness to create something beautiful as a cope, that doesn't mean the disorder itself is beautiful
do i want to live with this shitty brain? no. do i sometimes churn out things from this shitty brain that aren't half bad or maybe even creative? yes, doesn't make my shitty brain beautiful
No. 802721
>>802568Sorry your special uwu neurodivergent brain isn't so special anymore.
>stop making redditors into an oppressed class you contrarianMajority of redditors are male, most autists are male as well. Again proving you have more in common with those supposedly normie consoomers than you know. You just want to gloat about being the only sperg allowed to be obsessed about children's media
>>802577ANON, I'm legit dead
No. 802788
>>802758It depends on whether they have some other conditions, like being a tranny. Those autists on tumblr are often dysphoric or agp and that makes them much worse. As for me I have way more interests than just popculture, as I said before, I'm talking about it because it's the big thing and normies are ruining it for me. Normies didn't ruin teratology for me because they don't care. Normies made Yakuza fanbase cringe. It was comfy back then… now it's just hehe BAKAMITAI IMMA RIGHT GUYS XD I SAW THIS MEME ON YOUTUBE XD
>>802768The mere fact that you can't cope with me being female and saying what I say means that you're a normie
No. 802789
>>802010Your post is a word salad ramble that reeks of copypasta but you're sstill right about a lot of this, including this:
>And btw Tobey Maguire is still the best Peter Parker and Spider Man, perfectly nailing the nerdy friendly boy-next door type.this is correct and you should say it. Marvel has been shit past the 90's though and now it's just pandering to SJWs who will never spend a dime on their comics and will only consoom the current normie level MCU movies.
>It's hard to believe, but the autist outgrew the normie. Also this I agree on. What do you know, this post was actually a gem. The normie people who would've laughed at autistic nerds in 2005 are now way, way more cringier than they ever were.
No. 802794
>>802788Idk anon, I more hate the twitterfag part that claims that Goro is a gay trannie and draws shitty sissy porn with him.
What you expected from westerners anyway? The only thing that matters is that franchise is still much more popular among women in Japan than around men
No. 802836
>>802819But the things you listed in your OP (I know you have other interests) are all extremely boring, popular things that “everyone was talking about” even in the very very early days of them? I feel like if you were a true autist you would just be able to enjoy your interests independently but the mlp, anime, gaming, capeshit types (the worst kind) of autists can never do that. If you don’t want to be in the “presence” of normies then it’s pretty simple, just don’t have such boring interests in things made to exclusively appeal to the widest amount of normies possible, like I said it’s if anything worse for autists to be into them. You said yourself your other less mainstream interests haven’t been ruined by normies. Also in your OP you seemed to have a problem with the idea of people talking about these movies but if that’s something you want then why can’t you just stick to talking about it with people who are similar to you.
>That means they can't think for themselves.Yeah exactly, that’s what I’m saying. That’s how I view the types of “autists” who’s “interests” are all just mlp/gaming/comic book/4chan/tumblr. Like may as well just be a normie at that point.
No. 802876
>>802819The lack of gatekeeping is one of the most well-known geek social fallacies. Since most nerds were bullied and ostracized in their adolescence they are obsessed with keeping their community "open" and "tolerant", which naturally allows people with ill intentions to exploit them. Look at lolitas having to deal with sissyfication fetishists for example, the most woke figures in the community let them stay because duuhh gatekeeping bad and then they have to deal with 40something creepy trannies posting fetish photos on their community pages. Hyperbolic example, I know, but another generic one would be normies just shooting all discussion and in-depth analysis down because they're not invested enough to be able to partake in the discussion and normies aren't used to the fact that they could be shut out from a social circle.
>>802836NTA but don't know why you're all so hung up with the "but all the franchises you mentioned are popular!!!" when she already said they were merely examples and not all of her interests. I don't give a shit about Marvel myself but I definitely feel for the people who were into the comics pre-Avengers MCU and how their once semi-obscure community got absolutely annihilated by normies.
No. 802997
Lesbians on Lolcow specifically can be really weird, and they play the victim a lot. It confuses me because actual lesbians I've known IRL and in other online spaces are nothing like that. They're easily the most chill in the whole LGBT, but on here, they're neurotic and just weird.
I've seen lesbian anons design scenarios in their heads of people saying insane things to them, and then they go into a frenzy acting as if it really happened. I remember it happening once in an /ot/ thread, one or two lesbian anons who were supposedly GNC claimed that other anons had called butch and GNC women "predatory rapists" when no one did. Not a single post said that, but somehow it appeared in their mind and someone had to take responsibility.
I've also seen tons of passive-aggressive, pissy posts from them sperging about straight women this, bi women that. They really do sound like incels at times, and I almost feel like it's some elaborate LARP how they trigger themselves and are so easily trolled. Maybe it's because Lolcow itself often attracts women with mental and emotional issues, but it's such a stark contrast to every other experience I've had and it sticks in my mind.
No. 803005
>>803002. It's not hard to have surmised that from my post, lmao.
No. 803011
>>803008>honestly to me it seems like a lot of the anons on lc are political “lesbians” (which I think they would deny, even to themselves, but whatever)This is exactly what I think too. Some of them just don’t seem secure in the “lesbian” identity at all. It’s more like something they assumed, and are constantly trying to get into fights over or blame their personal meltdowns on. They seem to think one’s sexuality needs to be a constant struggle to be legit. It’s not just an orientation for them, they’ve fashioned it into something else entirely. I’ve never seen something so proudly negative, and something tells me half of them won’t even stick with it long term.
It’s almost like a more “edgy” version of those girls on Twitter who call themselves “wlw” “sapphic” just for the clout and trend appeal. I guess there’s multiple versions of that.
No. 803020
>>803011>Some of them just don’t seem secure in the “lesbian” identity at all.Yes I agree, it’s funny because they seem to be the ones who sperg the most about “fake” bisexuals/lesbians constantly (which, I just think the amount of discourse online about fake gay people invading the community is so hugely disproportionate to how much this person exists in real life or poses any kind of real threat). It’s so obviously projection.
>They seem to think one’s sexuality needs to be a constant struggle to be legit. I’ve never seen something so proudly negative, and something tells me half of them won’t even stick with it long term.There are clear political motives for them to portray it like that, and I also think part of the reason it’s all so negative is bc it clearly centres around hating men opposed to loving women. I think most of them will probably just end up being celibate.
>It’s almost like a more “edgy” version of those girls on Twitter who call themselves “wlw” “sapphic” just for the cloutYeah exactly, except tbh personally I’m way more likely to believe the clout chasing twitter girl at least actually likes women over them.
No. 803242
>>803231I honestly think genuine lesbians don't really hate men for the most part, they are more or less just indifferent towards them. it's the "political lesbians" like julie bindle and her followers who are like that. they were more than likely straight at one point and that's why they hate men, because of negative experiences with them. I hate men in general for that reason, and sometimes I honestly kind of wish I was lesbian but I know better than to lie to myself.
and if anything those women harm lesbians because they perpetuate negative stereotypes, like that women can choose their sexuality. I never chose to be straight, I don't like vagina. I can't help it.
No. 803270
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People who resolve their whole life around partner are pathetic.
I used to feel bad for them, because they got no personality outside clinging onto their partner but now I think of them negatively.
The kinds who wouldn't do anything without their partner and are overly clingy, their whole social media is nothing but their partner too. They don't do anything without their partner, which makes them an easy target for abuse.
And then they break up and the person cries about nothing but how much they need to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend, doing the same shit over and over again instead of trying to discover themselves and realise that there's nothing wrong with being single at least once in awhile. And of course they always end up being the ones with unresolved mental issues. It's the same shit as "if I don't do X before hitting 30 then I failed at life!".
No. 803318
>>802997this is the case with all lesbian communities online imo, it’s not even just a lolcow thing. the ones on twitter are the exact same - they always have to be the biggest
victims and make everything about themselves or about how straight/bi women evil and bad and oppressive to the point where they genuinely sound like insane conspiracy theorists. lesbians irl or generally ones that aren’t terminally online are fine tho
No. 803331
>>802997>Lesbians on Lolcow specifically can be really weird, and they play the victim a lot. Stop oppressing them, you dirty lesbophobe!
In all honesty, you are 100% right. It's mostly
terf lesbians. They love playing oppression Olympics while dunking on every other type of women and crying lesbophobia whenever someone criticizes them in any way (even completely unrelated to their sexual orientation).
No. 803334
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>gay men tell I'm a lesbian in denial
>women on lolcow tell me I'm a bisexual in denial
People can't decide can they
No. 803360
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I love plant owners and pet owners, but I cannot fucking stand anyone who calls themself a "plant parent" or "fur parent" or whatever parenting larp people come up with these days for their non-human possessions. Minus even more points if they're the type to say things like "adulting". I'm not even some kind of tradfem who reveres motherhood or whatever, I just think it's embarrassing. Just say you have a hobby or love your dog.
No. 803367
>>803270As a former pickme, I understand where you're coming from. However I genuinely had no positive relationship role models or anyone to tell me what was healthy in a relationship. I tried to research on my own and seek advice, but I either got people making excuses and saying things "weren't that bad" on behalf of my
abusive exes, or else telling me I was an idiot and that I deserved what I got. It was one extreme or the other, which just left me more confused than ever. So if you encounter any other people like that, I hope you understand they're likely struggling a lot. I did eventually break my self destructive patterns after tons of self reflection and reading (Why Does He Do That, Codependent No More, Loving to Survive, CBT therapy) but it was a long and tough process to undo decades of conditioning.
No. 803415
>>803360God same. I'd die of internal bleeding caused by severe cringe if I called my cat my "furbaby".
People are also making being a functional adult out to be something unreachable and boring, and act like you can't have fun hobbies and are only allowed to wear beige and talk about the stock market or else you you're not "adulting" properly. It's such a sad, myopic and immature view of adulthood. Literally grow up past the age of 12, I promise you adulthood can be fun too.
No. 803421
>>802997>None of the lesbians I know IRL are like these people in an outlet where they can let their unfiltered thought regarding the life of being a lesbian!!!! cant they just CHILL !!!Yeah, IRL nobody could guess I'm a manhating bihetphobic
terf either lmao. Sorry to burst your bubble, anon, lesbians aren't wholesome little beans, women are just conditioned to never let their real thoughts surface in case it could hurt any feelings.
No. 803451
>>803367Well, I am sure you understand that in most cases, If you'd TL this type of a person that their partner is a raging red flag, a person would either
- claim you are just jealous of their relationship and keep living in their delusional land
- will run to their partner, telling everything just to listen to him telling that a women are jealous of eachother and other shit
No. 803454
>>803448She's right and you know it
>>803450Not everyone that isn't obssesed and acts overly psycothic about the things you preach is a "handmaiden".
No. 803497
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Raccoon moids are not desirable, in fact you should avoid them at all cost.
No. 803498
>>803485Nah you mentally ill
>>803494Yeah, i hate men too but bringing it in every thread at every opportunity while criticizing straight/bi women is starting to get
very annoying
No. 803519
>>803517Ah, you're a scrote as well. Fuck off please. I will not stop until I have a perfect utopia for women on this website.
Once it is only women nobody will disagree with each other anymore. Clearly you, as a man, do not want this. Please just leave us be.
(cock-n-balls-obsessed tourettes anon, ignore ) No. 803541
>>803519Nta but are you for real? I want to believe you're a woman but you sound like a troll
>Once it is only women nobody will disagree with each other anymore>perfect utopiawtf is this
>>803510Y'all were literally shaming anons for liking some actors and shit, nobody was mentioning lesbians or patriarchy but of course yall had to make it about yourselves again
No. 803563
LDR (same as edating) is not worth it in 99% cases. I think it's fine to have a LDR with someone from a different city, or let's say, a neighbour country, but if you would lust after a guy from Saudi when you are some random girl from Slovenia, then you are an idiot.
All these people really don't know that people are different from IRL and internet, especially if you start living together. Sure, it may go well during the first year because they have to adjust to everything and keep playing the perfect role, but only later you will see your partner's true colours if not immediately. There are millions of proofs of people catfishing eachother, from their appearances down to their personality and income.
Also there will always be the cultural issue no matter what, from religion to the way people behave and difference in morals, etc. It's that easy, anons. I don't know why I am even bothering explaining everything.
No. 803571
>>803563Agreed, my friend is in a LDR of 3 years with a woman from a different country that he's never been to or even has the ability to go to (no job, no money).
Theres probably so much they don't know about each other and would only learn if they were in person. I just think they're both desperate.
I think LDR works if you were together first then one had to move away for work or something but the plan should always be to be together soon as possible, not comfortable with being LDR.
No. 803603
>>803563Definitely. I'm in an LDR with someone from a neighbouring country and we see eachother every weekend and knew eachother irl beforehand, so it's very different from the typical 'we met on discord and have never seen eachother in person but it's true love guys' e-relationship. A one way trip takes 3-4 hours and public transport is cheap so while we can't just hop by on a whim I don't imagine it's that dissimilar to a more short distance relationship.
Even then, the cultural differences have been far bigger than I ever expected. On the surface our countries are extremely similar and even have the same language, but there's still a noticeable distinction between the two when it comes to sociocultural norms. I can't imagine how much worse these issues must be when it's a country on the other side of the world, especially a very religious or traditional one. Of course not everyone embodies their countries stereotypes or cares about traditions that much, but your culture does shape you in subtle ways that you don't always notice in yourself.
No. 803752
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two boyfriends is better than one husband
and I wouldn't care if I'm one of two girlfriends for both of them
might actually even be better, if they date women like me, maybe we could be friends
everyone should have their own apartment/house though
and use protection obviously
No. 803795
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I'm late to the capeshit discourse but the only capeshit worth caping for is Kirby's original run of the Fourth World series. Big Barda and the Female Furies were so unbelievably based.
No. 803857
>>803846Not either of those anons but I think collective child rearing only really works if you live in a much more communal way than most westernized countries do now. Like a small group of people living close together and sharing a community center or something where they spend a lot of time, so that everyone sees the kids a lot and can decide on the spot who does what.
I'm not really a fan but have a friend who lived in one of these communities. Wasn't a cult and wasn't explicitly collective child rearing, but it was a bunch of hippy adjacent types who built a sort of mini village with shared gardens and a shared building in the middle for whoever wanted to eat or just lounge together. I've been there a couple times and it definitely seemed like a very good place for something like collective child rearing.
No. 803858
>>803846Cant be sure if this is what anons meant but an example of a communal child-rearing could be for exampe a big extended family living close by: children of course live with their parents, but they spend time with their cousins, can always count on aunts / uncles / grandparents providing for them anything they need and similarly their parents would always be there for cousins. Older kids also would help taking care of younger kids too.
Personally I disagree with the take that having children with romantic partners is a bad idea, children develop better seeing love between their parents.
No. 803885
>>803878Kind of, but instead of that just being a place where you pawn your children for few hours, that would basically be their home.
>>803877>>803881What I mean is these institutions to be run by people in the community collectively, like the parents themselves, the elderly, or whoever else who wishes to contribute. As for abuse, there is no private here, everything is under the gaze of society as the whole. Much less possibility for such things happening.
No. 803911
>>803885>society >not being flawedThat would never work out for more than a couple of years, people suck and there’s always going to be someone who either can’t take care of children or shouldn’t take care of children.
Hell, have you seen how much abuse there is at schools? Or even at extra-curricular courses like dancing or even swimming classes? there’s always some sick fuck that knows how to avoid getting caught.
It’s always better to keep the kids with their families and maybe,
maybe a few close friends, but they will never be completely safe if anyone trusts others too much.
No. 804246
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>>803877If that's the case, then sending your kids off to school to be surpervised and educated by complete strangers for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week is "horribly dystopian."
No. 804300
>>804292not everyone is like you
like it's totally
valid to want nothign to do with kids at all, but why be a cunt because someone else has it in them to care for kids? cunt
No. 804303
>>804292Yeah, I have no idea what that anon is about. I don't like kids and I certainly don't want to spend my time or money on someone else's.
>>804300Triggered a nerve huh? You're obviously a lowlife the way you express yourself. Very typical and entitled of genetic trash.
No. 804305
>>804303How does taking care of some dirtbag's kids make
you trash? You are acting like a cunt.
No. 804308
>>804306Oh jesus christ, I do not mean that your only purpose in life is to take care of other peoples kids
I think that from an evolutionary stand point it makes sense that some of us don't want kids because back in the cave days, it would have worked out better that there were more people to help raise a smaller amount of children
Sorry I
triggered you, shit
No. 804314
>>804308And excuse me, I also gave a personal anecdote explaining how even now that phenomenon still works out on occasion.
Please believe that I do not think any women exist just to raise children, that is insane and not what I said, meant, or believe.
No. 804384
>>804345no, you're right, there's totally some parts of the inner child that are worth retaining into adulthood. like the thrill of curiosity is a beautiful thing to me. learning a foreign language or trying to identify a mushroom from the park. and physical activity like playing soccer. just as enjoyable now as when i was a kid, to move my body in a weird arbitrary way and try and get better at same. the media consumption seems to target some of the same impulses but provides no reward. like there's time for a movie on weeknights but don't let it take over your whole life outside of work.
i don't think i have a perfect theory of it though. i appreciate your contribution to it.
No. 804399
>>804378more like 9
puberty saps their humanity
No. 804480
>>804463as a fellow cluster A and a child of yet another cluster A, gonna have to disagree on some of that
we can be as different from each other as normies can; my mom fucking loves attention and cannot differentiate between positive and negative
No. 804542
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>>804498hooking up is ghetto
No. 804583
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I don't understand why some women get upset when they see other beautiful women. When I see qt-very gorgeous girls, especially when their face has the specific look I like, My eyes feel satisfied and it makes me happy or inspired. Admiring their face is somewhat relaxing, and I'm saying this as a straight girl. I feel like those who feel bitter after seeing pretty girls are kind of just self hating because why can't you just admire another woman's beauty without making it related to or all about you?
No. 804627
>>804625I know it's getting off topic but I'm wondering how you trained yourself out of it? insecure (but really not hateful) anon here with this problem… I want to think only good thoughts, appreciate beauty and not judge them (tbf I get some judgmental thoughts towards attractive scrotes too they just tend to be assholes)
>>804583this is based and I want to be like you all the time instead of only sometimes
No. 804632
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I think people claiming their negative traits are things they're "socialized" into is a pathetic cope and characteristic of people offloading personal responsibility.
I see it all the time on lolcow and just roll my eyes.
No. 804639
>>804635I don't hear of North Korean refugees saying shit like "haha woops, I was socialized into being jealous at other people being prettier than me :>", so no, I don't blame them for anything. We don't even live in North Korea, what's your point?
It's always around men and insecurities as well. They just need to admit they have shit taste and behavior and stop trying to offload responsibility onto someone else. You're not going to get sympathy for it by saying some invisible force "socialized" you into being this way. The same way the furry farting fetishist making an ass of himself in public doesn't get to blame the Sonic cartoons he watched growing up.
No. 804642

>>804627>I'm wondering how you trained yourself out of itIt was a circuitous course. Went through two
abusive relationships that lasted years (I recommend skipping that part) so was harshly shown how little men's "love" meant regardless of how pretty I was. Then I read a good amount of feminist books to further understand how social structure, behavior and priorities have been warped by male desire. If there's one book I really recommend above others, it's Loving to Survive by Dee Graham. It sounds complex but I found it very accessible and interesting. It starts off centering around
abusive relationships and Stockholm Syndrome, but by the 3rd/4th chapters she gets into overall gender socialization and how cultures push an agenda of submission, shallowness and internal competition on women. It's incredibly eye opening and I think being aware of those constructs really helped me realize how damaging and pointless they were. I fully engaged with hobbies I enjoyed outside of maintaining my appearance and focused on cultivating female relationships in my life. I'm pretty much only friends with women now, the spaces I engage in are women-only or primarily women, and I try to focus on women-made media. I still speak with men of course, as it's pretty much impossible to totally cut them out and I don't think everything they make is garbage, but just actively working to tip the scales toward women made me realize how much more enjoyable they are in the first place. There's also more casual media like this video you can check out to start breaking down those hurtful beliefs.
No. 804646
>>804629>>804642Thank you anons! While I agree with
>>804632that it's not all socialization, as I've been a jealous person which is a vice I'm responsible for breaking, your advice is still very helpful. Anyway I'll stop clogging the thread but I think it will be helpful to teach myself to value men's opinions less, and to appreciate other women more it's good advice no matter the cause of the feelings. I do think socialization gets blamed too much though but it probably contributes.
No. 804652
>>804649I know of too many other women who I know have had good lives, had decent fathers, haven't had anything seriously bad happen to them, and they still fall into the "socialization" excuse for why they date
abusive men. It's no personal failing if your proclivity is due to an inherent vice, just like gamblers aren't at fault for having that predisposition. But admit it and work on it.
I'm not against rhetoric about socialization on the sociological or philosophical level. Anyone can admit that the person growing up in rural Appalachia who was obese at the age of 8 is socialized into bad habits. Publicly I just only see it used as a convenient excuse, and it becomes a crutch for people to not change their behavior because they can avoid responsibility. Every second hybristrophile claims they were socialized into liking serial killers, even though outside of the true crime community everybody has a dismissive opinion of those psychos.
As for women historically. Another unpopular opinion, we allowed it to happen, part of the fault lies on us for not developing a spine. Other radfems are too myopic to see that the "uWu women are helpless" indirectly feeds into the misogynistic narratives that women are a dependent and easily indoctrinated gender.
No. 804654
>>804652I really do recommend that Loving to Survive book, as it explains how not only women but people, male and female alike, can fall
victim to abuse and learned helplessness. If you stand up for yourself and act out and are repeatedly beaten, raped, shunned and otherwise alienated for it, of course it's easy to just fall in line. Women in third world countries where the repurcussions are more severe like this seem to have more reason for it, but it's obviousness also makes it a clearer target. The type of libfem nonsense being promoted in the U.S. and other rich countries is just as damaging but far more devious. Even if a girl has grown up being told by her parents that she has worth and can do whatever she wants, she's still going to be influenced when her peers spurn her for not thinking porn is a-okay or saying she's being too picky when her boyfriend is an unemployed deadbeat yet he occassionally cooks dinner. It's insidious, and because of that you have the type of women you're referring to saying they have no need to engage with feminism and they couldn't possibly have internalized misogyny when that's exactly their problem. The amount of older girls dying by suicide in the U.S. is up 70% and 151% in pre-teen girls. This is absolutely horrifying and unprecedented, and we all know it's primarily due to the unrelenting standards pushed through social media, which stem from the things men want of us.
I can understand where you're coming from to an extent - past a certain point, women have to take responsibility for themselves and make the conscious choice to divorce themselves from these damaging beliefs. Like I did. I just think it can take far more time and effort even in developed nations than most people give credit for. We are fighting literal millennia of male-dictated government and the effects of that are still very much present in all societies.
No. 804662
>>804652>I know of too many other women who I know have had good lives, had decent fathers, haven't had anything seriously bad happen to them, and they still fall into the "socialization" excuseThe term socialization is not referring to quality of life, it refers to the different messages that society sends men and women on how to behave. Women are far more often socialized to always be agreeable, self-sacrificing, submissive etc. Internalizing that type of conditioning is just going to make it far more easier for a manipulative and domineering person to take advantage of you.
Plus, it's not like anyone actually sits you down and teaches you the signs of
abusive relationships. Most people had to learn that lesson the hard way. Even a confident and self-assured person can fall
victim to an abuser if they don't know the signs.
No. 804664
>>804654Excuse my angry replies earlier. I just feel passionate about this because my own mother was one of those women at women refugee just deflecting her own responsibility with dating
abusive men. And they all sat around in a circle, every one of them having brought kids into the world with
abusive men, telling each other it "wasn't their fault". Half of them of course went back to the same men🙄
I guess my radfem focuses more on women's complicity for this reason.
No. 804674
>>804662>Plus, it's not like anyone actually sits you down and teaches you the signs of abusive relationships.Exactly, and how I wish this was explained to girls at a young age. I had always seen abuse as something physical and that was it. Well, my exes never hit me, but they did gaslight, triangulate, subtly undermine, love bomb, swear at, stonewall, intimidate, blackmail and coerce me. It started so small that it didn't even register until I was in deep. I didn't know 80% of that shit even existed until I went through it personally and well-meaning strangers pointed out it wasn't normal. Literally had no clue, and often the other women in my life had been through and put up with the exact same things and thought it was normal themselves.
>>804664It's okay, I got heated initially as well and I'm sorry for that. Thank you for actually listening and sharing your perspective. I do sympathize with your pain and I'm sorry you had to deal with other women and your own mother using socialization as a crutch. I agree that's absolutely unacceptable. Accepting harm and maltreatment towards myself was one thing, but if my ex had ever disrespected my female relatives or friends I would've left in an instant. And in fact, when I learned about certain things he had done to women before me, that played a massive role in giving me the initial strength to leave. As much as I try to engage with women in bad places, sometimes they're too far gone and you have to focus on protecting yourself and those more willing to listen.
No. 804696
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>>804292Fucking thank you. I don't want kids either and I don't understand why I should raise another person's kid. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike children, and I can help a friend with a child or something if she really needs me to and of I have the time and energy to do so, but for me to be EXPECTED to help with that it's a big no no.
No. 804804
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>>804583Based I get so happy looking at beautiful and cute women, it’s a treat
No. 804822
>>804802anon here! if anything PT and Snow kinda helped me realize this even more especially considering all the heavy nitpicking that goes on on those boards. I be like…okay she is not the prettiest person and her personality is ugly but to call her a hambeast ugly monster because she has some stomach pudge is ridiculous af and always makes me sorta
empathize with the cow and kinda hate the posters for being so cruel. don't get me wrong there are some that deserve it but most of them don't and a lot of the nitpicking stems from jealousy because idc who i hate i am not about to go and post every selfie they take to an imageboard and hyper focus on their flaws. That sounds like mental illness, internalized misogyny and fan behavior. Especially since these same women nitpicking them are probably adam driver stans which GIRL.
>>804817YOU GET IT ANON.But of course someone is going to name a bunch of cows they don't like i'll probably look them up and be like yeah they are ugly people in terms of personality but I never find them to be as repulsive physically as most of these weird anons do. Its also fucked that there are tons of threads dedicated to no name sex workers but we only see like a handful of threads dedicated to actual lolcow men who are both ugly inside and out and absolute degenerate pedos. but whatever. It's why i stay on OT LOL.
No. 804830
>>804822I agreed with you (lolcow made me realize that beauty is truly subjective when farmers hated on cows that looked pretty to me) until
>Especially since these same women nitpicking them are probably adam driver stans which GIRL.Can you guys stop with your obsessive tinfoils about driverfags? Also repeat after me… beauty is in the eye of beholder. If to you cows aren't as ugly as farmers say, the same rule applies to The One Who Drives.
AD also has many conventionally attractive traits like being tall, having nicely built body, fashion sense and well-cut hair, so it's unfair to compare him to some overweight cow in too small Shein crap just because you don't like his face(driversperging) No. 804837
>>804822It's really off putting to scroll through post after post commenting on another girls body to the extent they sound like incels. There's being a loud dumbass on the internet and then just straight up projecting your own insecurities onto others. The Adam driver fans are the same ones constantly nitpicking Belle Delphine bitch who cares let the bitch scam scrotes.
>>804830>AD also has many conventionally attractive traits like being tall, having nicely built body, fashion sense and well-cut hair, so it's unfair to compare him to some overweight cow in too small Shein crap just because you don't like his faceFunny how a driverfag showed up immediately after you posted that smh lol
(driversperging) No. 804849
>>804837I was here the whole time, anon replied to my post. Funny how that works, huh?
>The Adam driver fans are the same ones constantly nitpicking Belle Delphine bitch who cares let the bitch scam scrotes.Source on that?
>LOL so no adam driver still is crusty just like any other ugly dude you guys be posting on here.How is he 'crusty' when he is well taken care of
(driversperging ) No. 804859
>>804849MAAM HE IS NOT GOING TO FUCK YOU im so sorry and i hope you can come to that realization yourself one day.
Anyway unpopular opinion but anyone who got to work from home for a whole year is privileged and i will never feel bad for their hot takes about how uwu being in my cute apartment all day was hell. i maybe kinda feel sorry for parents but even then i dont lol. There is just something about a person working at a nice company with no reduced pay and are able to work full time from home but still finds time to write long diatribes about my uwu mental health is suffering. or "we need to talk about how the quarantine affected ALL of our mental health. LIke no samantha and bob you still got to be safe at home. Meanwhile people that work in "essential jobs" mental health, and physical well being were constantly being tested. So no i dont feel bad for you bitches that got to work from home and are now panicking because oh no i have to go back into work muh anxiety WAAAH. fuck you!!
No. 804993
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>>804955They only go good with hot chocolate.