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No. 782145
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. - Elbert Hubbard
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/776032 No. 782189
File: 1618259984531.jpg (110.96 KB, 736x1226, f5c62a16e2f3c48aa68f5a8fc426e3…)

I wanted to keep talking about the shifting thing that was posted on the last thread
Isn't it just hallucinations + maladaptive daydreaming, basically?
I think lucid dreaming is way safer because you don't delude yourself into thinking you're doing anymore than just dreaming. You don't blur the lines. Also, you build up it slowly, but I guess these kids' attention spam is too short for it.
BTW any tips on lucid dreaming would be appreciated. I am trying to train myself but that shit is indeed hard especially considering that I have insomnia lmao
No. 782196
>>782194I mean, I guess, but I also saw the twin towers attacks live on TV, do that's nothing new.
I guess the pandemic has a bigger scale, but history is basically always happening anyway
No. 782224
>>782194I was thinking about how to describe that feeling I have about the pandemic recently
aside from the fact that I thought I'd die from it last year because I was sick for several months because while it's going to be a historical event it seems so normal now that we're used to it. I'd say it gives me the same impression as "holy shit mom I'm on tv" cliche because you were visible on the news for 5 seconds while shopping for food because the journalists were interviewing some guy where you were.
No. 782241
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>>782236TIL. They have a wiki article just for their fatness.
No. 782244
File: 1618263375466.jpeg (94.31 KB, 750x741, 4EA8E1E3-631C-4459-8D73-DC06DA…)

me knowing that if I never get a job I can always find the courage to kill myself kek
No. 782248
>>782244kek at that pic anon, thanks for that.
you will get a job! I believe in you, don't be too hard on yourself and the right one will come along eventually
No. 782249
File: 1618263746789.jpg (352.69 KB, 2048x1447, xOasShD.jpg)

I seen NEETpepe for the first time in a while and I started wondering how many dumbass impressionable teenagers ruined their life by taking the meme at face value.
Considering /r9k/ is filled with impressionable teens, there's probably a lot.
No. 782251
File: 1618263822004.png (609.52 KB, 662x885, nauru.PNG)

>>782241>>782236You've made me curious why would things be like that for Nauru and of course, poverty. such sad story overall. Kinda crazy to thing that ages ago being fat meant being rich and now it's the opposite.
No. 782290
File: 1618267303480.jpeg (34.15 KB, 250x250, 5BCAFD9A-9A42-4AEE-8DFB-F98113…)

Pinterest I'm not saving that many Keanu pics stop recommending me so many Keanu pics theyre cute but stop
No. 782294
File: 1618267926249.jpg (69.92 KB, 680x686, 1t698b4grie41.jpg)

>>782249I feel a good chunk of heavy users have fucked up their lives like that, 30% maybe? Anyone who browses a lot already ready to go neet mode, but heavy chan use pushes them down the road.
No. 782320
File: 1618269871221.jpg (11.57 KB, 466x279, FB_IMG_1586933980274.jpg)

I can't believe mods shut down the infighting thread, it was amazing
Yet the mundane shit thread is still up when it's basically this thread but with an annoying woman as the thread pic
but o i am laffin that they added 2 meme man banners to the rotation
No. 782324
>>782321Why though?
Not even a Keanufag, but he seems chill to me. Like a lowkey stoner friend.
No. 782336
>>782320keeekkk anon you're so right
also which banners??
No. 782342
>>782321my friend who doesn't know much about him said she really hates the way he looks and that he looks like "he'd be the guy to gaslight you for looking at another man if you were dating him", and I quote.
I think he's pretty attractive personally. that has to be the first time I'd seen someone say something that specifically demeaning about keanu, it was so specific too
No. 782344
>>782336The Borzoi /ot/ one (which is a bit outdated since now his reign is over /m/) and the SamPrater one saying she doesn't know him.
Wish they added the borzoi hacking one, but maybe it was just too insane looking
No. 782381
File: 1618274463727.jpg (59.3 KB, 717x657, 20210411_125126.jpg)

what would be the first rule in your female separatist society? (except for no scrotes and trannys of course)
No. 782384
>>782379I've also been in that situation, but not with a guy who looks like Keanu. It was really strange of her to say, but she's had a bad ex or few. Maybe he resembles one of them and that
triggered her?
No. 782405
File: 1618276602755.jpg (63.31 KB, 768x432, 20151014_lopehunt_0014-768x432…)

>>782324There is a tard roaming these pastures.
Shoot on sight.
No. 782486
>>782481Who's your ideal man?
Guess you can trust AI dungeon then
No. 782516
>>782489Carrey chan?
>>782502Kindaaaa true but I have fun nonetheless.
No. 782554
File: 1618288542322.jpg (42.57 KB, 279x500, epicprank.jpg)

>>782551Sorry, anon. I did what I had to do.
No. 782583
File: 1618295422090.jpg (52.57 KB, 640x640, Acrylic Paint by Schinako Mori…)

I feel heartbroken and depressed. But pictures of bunny drawings always make me feel better. Could you please spam me with drawings of bunnies? It doesn't matter the style.
No. 782584
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>>782583its not art but pls take it
No. 782594
File: 1618296565845.jpg (128.7 KB, 1000x1000, beatrix-potter-1.jpg)

>>782583Go watch some Beatrix Potter sis, The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends is the absolute comfiest most wholesome show with many rabbits
No. 782621
File: 1618298525704.png (1.73 MB, 898x1280, original (1).png)

>>782583I wish there wasn't a 30 sec cooldown on posting pics
No. 782697
File: 1618308932002.jpg (128.08 KB, 1199x773, DnuFpYRUUAEkvhN.jpg)

>>782693It does feel like it's way overblown. If you remove it from the context of trying to piss off some old religious grandpas and grandmas, it has nothing left, and they have been acceptable targets of ridicule for a long time now and it lost every novelty. I guess I just looped around to the age where I'm witnessing "baby's first middle finger to old conservative religion" which they find brave and new because of lack of perspective. I'm just an out of touch granny now.
No. 782770
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>>782724i thought raw fish was fine to eat
No. 782813
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Ugh I dreamt about my ex girlfriend from high school all night and she was dismissive of me even in my own goddamn dream.
No. 782874
File: 1618333866757.gif (1.42 MB, 500x480, 1615867497551.gif)

feel like one of the very few posters that doesn't care about the infighting thread being gone. idg why nonitas keep sperging in multiple threads about it
No. 782908
>>782830I've been saying this for years (I don't care for Cera though)
I bet there's an alternative universe where Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays Scott Pilgrim and Michael Cera plays Kickass, and that universe is corona-free.
No. 782917
File: 1618340124990.png (212.88 KB, 266x386, dula.png)

I wouldn't be surprised if dua lipa had a micropenis
No. 782920
>>782918What happened
nonny? I get you, I have those kinds of moods all the time.
No. 782958
File: 1618342450859.jpeg (57.79 KB, 1080x675, 0769AA36-3FD6-414F-A842-7E1BDE…)

If anyone is bored and wants some cows to read the milk in the vivadrag thread in /snow/ is really kicking off today. The previous thread was kind of boring imo but a “major event” happened today so things are different. There’s even retarded attention seeking anons doxing themselves (fellow wannabe e-girls who used to idolize/are jealous of the cows?) while cowtipping, but so much unsaged bullshit.
I wonder what the anon who said she’s collecting every instance of when nonittas post our profile pictures is doing.
No. 782967
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>>782958Lol I keep thinking about that anon too, seems like whenever I check /snow/ there are newfags bumping threads to the top of the catalogue with pfp exposed in their screenshots
No. 783044
>>783039They are harmless though
nonnyThey eat paper
No. 783049
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Once I saw in passing some nona say something like "this site is used mostly by zoomers" when talking about lc
This can't be right, I'd say it's probably 60% millennials, 40% zoomers
It used to be less, but since the PULL shutdown and twitter raids the zoomer population obviously grew and brought fucking minors with it, fuck, still wouldn't say it's the main userbase though
No. 783050
>>783047feminist theory lol, today we were talking about judith butler and I brought up paglia to spice things up. Its so hard being a women's studies major right now, I really try to stand my ground against people who say women's sports should be abolished or that bio sex isn't real without leaning into any obvious
terf dogwhistles but hearing women bend over backwards to invalidate/call for the abolition of things that have benefitted them greatly to defend troons is so so so tiresome.
No. 783054
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>>783044I know but I'm still scared for some reason. And I don't want them to eat my paper
No. 783132
>>783117Why not go to the drunk thread
No. 783192
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>>783191his brother posted about it
No. 783194
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>>783192here was the photo attached
No. 783197
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No, no it does not
No. 783200
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>>783197It’s as if someone grabbed a piece of carpet and stuffed it in there, ew.
No. 783220
File: 1618366260558.png (2.76 MB, 828x1792, 3035A9BC-09C2-4EAF-AE00-9DC618…)

Got this ad on instagram. WTF is this do people really get lashes like this????
No. 783233
File: 1618366996574.png (5.62 KB, 259x224, 5181203.png;compress=true.png)

how do you bitches deal with anxiety? i just kind of want to sleep it off but i don't know if i am capable…tried texting a crisis hotline and i'm trying to find distractions online but i just can't fight off the feeling!!
No. 783241
File: 1618367688834.jpeg (44.79 KB, 460x459, 1 8zcVL9-y2rQc5Yx7M0379g.jpeg)

It makes far more sense, economically, socially and culturally for older women(30+) to have relationships younger men(early to mid 20's)
>younger men have higher sex drives and older women will have more experience and teach them how to pleasure a woman
>older women aren't bitter from cranky like older men
>even if relationship doesn't go well both parties will have had a generally good experience
and this is anecdotal but in certain ancient Celtic societies it was the jobs of the Druids(who were a priestly class not allowed to marry) to nurture young boys and teach them how to have sex with, while also being impregnated by said young boys so that the next generation of Druids could be born
No. 783295
>>783288This video got posted in the Things you hate thread and has appeared in my recomendations for a while now.
I don't trust that guy.
No. 783316
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Idk if I should get this transparent wallet or not
No. 783332
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This has been getting posted a lot on here and every time it pops up I just think about how attractive eyes #3 and #4 are
No. 783336
File: 1618384537108.jpg (96.02 KB, 600x848, BLINK, November 2013, #29.jpg)

I feel like I'm never gonna get a boyfriend because my type is so hyper specific that it's probably that no man like that actually exists, and I dread that if I wanna get into a relationship I'll have to get with someone who isn't actually the guy I've built up in my head. It's not even like my ideal boyfriend is a flawless perfet adonis of a man, he has more flaws than good qualities but I still don't think a man like that even exists so I'll have to settle for a normie, boring man if I ever seek out intimacy. I sound like such an autist but I've been thinking about this for a while. I can only hope my type changes to something more normal and attainable in the future.
No. 783352
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No. 783423
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>>783288Made me grimace, for some reason
No. 783430
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I want to hug my bff, I want to kiss her neck like I used to while we waited for our clases at uni to begin. I miss kissing her cheeks and cuddling with her, I also miss how she used to bite my fingers from time to time and that she would let me play with her hair when she sat on my lap.
Is this how true touch starvation feels like?
No. 783504
File: 1618413800240.png (472.77 KB, 600x546, gay.PNG)

Dude from "The Bachelor" who people said stalked and abused her girlfriend comes out as gay. So you don't even like women but still took the time out to harass and stalk one. Scrotes.
No. 783582
Fuck those icelanders and their amazing black metal, how is it all so good? not fair
>>783575Good for you both
No. 783585
File: 1618424150579.png (73.73 KB, 228x217, kTEdthR.png)

>tfw you figure out how to pirate obscure, paywalled erotic audio on your own
Another lovely day of getting off without financially supporting a scrote.
No. 783604
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>>783585Are you talking about BLCDs and otome cds? Because if you are scalpers post rips on soundcloud and youtube too (which is bad practice but it’s distributed nonetheless)
No. 783614
>>783607lmao I know
I was talking about the love/hate for her
No. 783662
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I wonder if newfags know that we truly had a lolcow AI bot and that it isn't just an injoke that came from nowhere
No. 783712
File: 1618438879142.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1182, 1557843136599.jpeg)

who told moids they were funny
No. 783731
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>>783712Other moids. Moids only exist to please other moids and themselves. Moids are gay and love killing and fisting eachother.
Do not trust them under any circumstance.
No. 783734
File: 1618441201910.png (118.45 KB, 717x282, cool.png)

cool, so now what i'm going to do is download your entire website, edit the js/files and make some brown skins i guess.
Now watch this nigger make some original black candybar doll images and upload the entire thing to my own website.
No. 783744
File: 1618442293842.jpg (52.55 KB, 500x545, really.jpg)

>look up nsfw audio of my husbando on soundcloud
>about 90% of results end in "x Male Listener"
of course
No. 783754
>>783748not gay. guess he would attract
some fakebois cause of how the cancerous the fanbase is in general, but he doesn't seem to be super popular with them and i can easily find "female reader" if i look for written smut with him. upon closer examination it looks like most of the "male listener" audios are done by one autist rather than a dozen aidens but still. a lot more than i expected compared to the other ones.
No. 783790
File: 1618449406883.jpg (101.05 KB, 736x932, 191c2fb26107fa09718b384bc50975…)

I swear regulars of the celebricow threads are the laziest anons kek
Myself included
No. 783791
>>783774I pulled the
trigger and bought them. They should be here next week, so I will definitely be back on here to bitch about it if they don't work kek.
>>783778I've never seen liquid melatonin in the store before, but I'll look for it if these don't work. Thank you! I heard diffusing it is supposed to work faster too, even though you aren't supposed to inhale it into your lungs. I'm just sick of only being able to full asleep if I take benadryl or stay browsing on LC until the wee hours of the morning.
No. 783800
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Sometimes I want to post my mini adventures and journeys because I think some other anons would enjoy a fun little internet investigation & story. But it’s so easy to find out what I’m doing that I worry there will be an anon who wants to ruin it for me on purpose. She’s somewhere waiting for an opportunity to fuck things up (for anyone) for shits and giggles and will intercept my goals, ending the fun prematurely.
No. 783893
File: 1618471493056.png (408.21 KB, 375x578, tiktok.png)

i stumbled upon this girl with a butt stomach ? what
No. 783901
>>783891Psychotherapists and psychologists are not med students,
No. 783939
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Why are men this insecure
No. 784004
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Lately I’ve been seeing some anons using naruto reactions and that fills me with determination, dattebayo
No. 784006
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No. 784041
File: 1618495090682.png (100.54 KB, 486x580, 1611951386124.png)

>>783054This was 2 days ago but; you can try pouring boiling hot water down the sink/drain to try to kill them.
I hate those fuckers too.
No. 784056
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I was drinking this I love the texture of the soft bit it has in it so chewy
No. 784104
>>784100I’m glad everything turned out well after all,
No. 784155
File: 1618510109172.jpg (167.03 KB, 1500x989, The-Descent-1.jpg)

After a week of insomnia, suicidal thoughts and general misery my period has finally come!!!! I'm so fucking relieved, I can finally return to my normal way of existing
No. 784172
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Saw this in meta, got me good, ty anon
No. 784305
File: 1618522628228.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1242x1870, 6B2EEB0F-765A-4E02-8B32-285CD6…)

This is what I get for following gay men on tumblr I guess but jesus scrotes truly cannot function without thinking about their little wieners. I had some tinder guy ask me if I got horny “from endorphins” while working out when I told him I was at the gym once, and I had never heard such a thing before. I hate men they are the weaker sex.
No. 784349
File: 1618528967718.jpg (267.25 KB, 540x462, HvjiZ4K.jpg)

This girl's videos have appeared in my recomendations for a while now, but she gives me supperiority complex vibes that makes me dislike her from the start.
I don't know, do any anons watch her videos or something? Are her videos good enough for Youtube to keep pushing them?
No. 784370
File: 1618531330445.jpg (30.85 KB, 400x299, 1566676836405.jpg)

If I stick like 8 of these sticker thing that can carry 2kg on this floating shelf, i wonder what will happen
No. 784389
File: 1618533384474.jpg (173.13 KB, 666x1288, 1419346517194.jpg)

This year I've been using the pro-ana scumbag thread as inspiration to drop the weight I've been struggling to get rid of for a few years and booked my first botox appointment. I'm pretty sure too much lolcow + pushing 30 + superficial mother are to blame because I don't participate at all in appearance culture beyond what filters in through my fixation on internet drama. Thanks for keeping me from aging gracefully, bonelords and teens of lolcow, and mom.
No. 784407
File: 1618535791825.jpeg (1.44 MB, 4032x3024, 6ac36afead4bb33aa974bedc52a1fa…)

I got a freeform monitor stand and holy shit, browsing the internet on portrait mode is so neat. I feel like a fucking hacker
No. 784414
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>>784406agreed so annoying like bitch stfu, I don’t like fujoshi media but this is probably just an attack on something niche that women happen to like. going to go full retard but reminds me of the 2010s twilight/justin beiber sperging. also picrel but the comments are absolutely rich
No. 784417
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>>784414How much you wanna bet the "men" bitching about this are Aidens.
No. 784419
File: 1618536923973.jpg (11.08 KB, 155x202, 1403661578952.jpg)

>>784414>like gay men all you want, just don't turn ME into an object of your attractiontables: turned
moids: angery
No. 784420
>>784414This is the proof you need to know some retards never had more than 3 weeb girl friends while growing up.
Scrotes are always sexualizing women, but when it’s their turn to get the shit side of the stick, they hate it.
No. 784432
File: 1618539767460.jpg (36.78 KB, 500x667, d3BiDYX.jpg)

Part of the reason I’m still a virgin at 22 is that I’m incredibly horny, but only for certain kinds of men, and I live in a place where they flat-out don’t exist. All I can do is sext with them, and that gets really boring quick.
I want to fuck a sweet blonde metalhead himbo so bad. It’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair !!!!
No. 784438
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>>783862I still haven't lucid dreamt on my own volition, but there are some steps that you have to take. Picrel are some examples
No. 784443
>>784420>>784414>>784403Honestly I think the issue is complex, there does need to be certain changes with in the culture in fujoshi spaces, that I think would make it better for everyone
most importantly we have to repeatedly remind people the "males" in BL stories are not even close to real men, especially real gay men and I know most rational people could already conclude that, but there's a lot autistic and or just plain dumb young girls in the community who end up with very wrong ideas about IRL gay male dynamics
I think if we did this there would be fag-hag fujos and Aydens fujos
No. 784449
>>784443That issue happens all of the time, tbh, newtards, that are probably too young to be on the internet, will think gay men are all rainbows, unicorns and self lubricating assholes, but then they lurk more and stop being retarded.
Then again, I think I’m either too old or I swear kids nowadays are unable to retain any sort of information nor are capable of using their reading comprehension skills to differentiate reality from fiction.
No. 784462
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>>784436Hey anon, I am manifesting for you a good week! You have a nice week with some nice stuff in it! Something unexpected, you deserve it!
No. 784464
File: 1618546539877.png (17.7 KB, 584x163, vbfg.png)

someone unironically posted this
guess it's a very abusive home she's from, please help guys
No. 784473
>>784462Thank you lovely anon! I wish you well too
I feel a little better after gorging myself on expensive takeout I treated myself to
No. 784491
File: 1618550089801.jpeg (53.32 KB, 750x220, 36316065-0354-4EEC-9107-53C261…)

Every single goddamn frenemies videos these fuckers are at or near the top of the comment section and it frustrates me
No. 784548
File: 1618556274698.jpg (17.33 KB, 464x599, e1f1bf2944c1cb17f1e3093ed45043…)

Is coral considered a shade of pink?
If so, it's definitely my favorite
No. 784606
>>784515I've watched a few vids lately covering the topic of zoophiles and zoosadists and the shit that goes down with them partly being supported or protected by furries. Every vid I've watched is fairly balanced though in doing the whole furry equivalent to notallmen. Not all furries! bla bla.
The comment sections are still full of furries whinging about how hard it is to be them or worrying about their own image. Ahem we're watching a vid about puppies being raped to literal death or animal carcasses being fucked. Dogs being rescued only to be passed around a bunch of men like a sex toy til their internal organs give up. Like can you stop feeling sorry for yourself for just a moment guys.
No. 784632
>>784522Back when I was younger I always found myself making friends with autists who were into all this weird shit. I had this naively accepting attitude at the time and it took me a few bad experiences before I realized the harder they claim to not be perverts or to barely even be sexual beings…. the more they are fucked in the head and fapping 10 times a day to god knows what.
They never stick to one category of weirdness either, they like fur, babyfur, abdl, shitting themselves, large anal insertions that don't come out clean. They're the types to steal undewear from yor house and try to take snaps of random attractive women in the street. It always starts with one weird thing and then the whole extended range of tist kinks quickly follows. Do male autists need to start receiving a level of sexual education that addresses their tendency to cross the wires between 'cute infant like things' and fap material?? It's like they need some sort of intervention as soon as puberty hits.
No. 784637
I got curious because of an anon in one of the fujo thread and read the manga about the guy who turns into a gyaru and I cannot believe this shit is getting an animated adaptation. The censorship will be hilarious.
>>784515I hate them too, they're degenerates and they deserve to be decapitated for posting their nasty shit online for all to see.
No. 784643
>>784632>Back when I was younger I always found myself making friends with autists who were into all this weird shit.> I had this naively accepting attitude at the time and it took me a few bad experiences before I realizedGoddd same. I had this "not judging" naive approach to friendship because I never had friends, and I always encountered so many fucking crazies that I regret befriending.
Example… a russiaboo who attempted to bully me kek (very pathetic, she's into hetalia and she's a they/them now LMAO), a histrionic bpdfag girl who was balls deep into cosplay drama, a girl who stole my things and eventually watched CP (that broke our friendship of course), and now I'm friends with a narcissist tiddie streamer who has been posted in lolita drama facebook groups kek. I don't like her but oh well.
Either way, be judgamental and you'll always have good friends.
No. 784655
>>784651It's okay if you judge me to be honest, but seriously all I can say is I hate her and I hate the fact she did that. I don't know how to turn back time and do things right, but seriously, she was disgusting for doing that.
Also, she was the quiet girl in my secondary school. I thought she was normal and fine, it wasn't years later into our frienship that she told me this. If I had known she would do that I would had never befriended her. Idk, I feel gross now.
No. 784657
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>>784655I’m not going to judge you. It sounds like you where pretty much a child yourself. Plus idk what it’s like to live with that kind of threat.
No. 784693
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>>784691No you fucking schizo lmao
No. 784762
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Hate this fuckers face. He looks like the cursed combination of a 2000's hipster and an oil baron
No. 784777
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"Citation sites are the future"
No. 784861
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>>784784lmao this was riveting anon
No. 784873
>>784862You don’t really need to have tits to be considered a hourglass, you also don’t need to have ass for that to be your body type.
It’s all about hips and shoulders.
No. 784882
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>>784879well, conceptually
No. 784886
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comments on anime episodes are always so autistic
No. 784893
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>>784886I sometimes check them because I want to see how people reacted to the episode or if they say anything funny, but it's always this inane banter.
No. 784898
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Why yes I do support WAP
No. 784906
File: 1618594951582.png (30.67 KB, 850x2760, d2gh9ev-c2dff632-092a-4c2b-a72…)

Anyone remember the progress chart going around back when deviantart was relevant? I looked back at mine from 2011 and it looks like garbage compared to what I put out now.
I'm filling it in at the moment and consolidating years, and I'm so excited to see it all laid out. I feel like I'm in college again lol
No. 784912
File: 1618595425741.png (183.25 KB, 300x300, 444.png)

Didn't realize my friend probably couldn't find me on the server she asked me to join unless I was set to actually appear online. Posting here on the offchance she reads this post.
miss u bby pls add me on ur new account. srry for being cringe and posting on lolcow
No. 784918
File: 1618596223981.png (568.02 KB, 1024x517, draw.png)

>>784906>Anyone remember the progress chart going around back when deviantart was relevant?Ooh I didn't see that exact one, but I saw the "redraw this" template. It was always my favorite to look at when I was younger because it was funny looking at how hard someone could stagnate, I was a bitter asshole. Wonder what it looks like now because most redraw this posts were limited by DA's age. Since, most started art when they joined DA so the oldest post they can redrew is max five years. If the trend picks up again I'd be seeing 20 years worth of stagnation. I grew out of the trend once I realized 80% of the posts I was judging were by children who didn't give a shit about improving and just drew for fun. I do still enjoy the random delusional adult redraw though
I think I prefer your version because you can watch someone slowly improve instead of the humble brag "If you compare this 5 year old doodle to my 15 year old one I improved a lot (Never mind i stagnated the last few years)"
No. 784921
File: 1618596409835.jpg (24.57 KB, 480x312, cowries.jpg)

we should bring back using cowries as money
1. bad-ass, kinda look like they have teeth inside. kinda look like teeth in general
2. can be used as dice in games
2. you can put them in your hair, wear them as jewelry, use them as decorations
3. smooth, natural and pretty, nicer in texture/aesthetic than coins and hard-ass paper with mostly scrote faces on it
4. good for rituals
5. return to tradition
6. seashells, from the sea
7. kind of look like vaginas, sorta feminist
8. cool. cooler to collect than coins lol
9. every cowrie is unique ♥
cryptofags dni thanks
No. 784926
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>>784918Samefag, but some of these scare me straight as an artists. Nothing will convince you to get off your ass and do anatomy studies then imagining this will be your 7 years year improvement
No. 784933
File: 1618597396199.jpeg (74.44 KB, 408x459, 86346A5C-8BBC-4563-9AE3-5B7F95…)

the jannies decided to make an new complaints thread kek. secret hellweek is back, now time to enjoy the unnecessary bans and prejudice of fun
No. 784938
File: 1618597876846.jpg (490.23 KB, 1540x2048, Ew2wHbDVEAENP-A.jpg)

what do u think the penis size of a man who wears 48(eu)/15(us) shoes is? he's approximately 190cm/ 6'2, i met this guy today, came back home just now and immediately started masturbating i'm hoping he has a massive cock
No. 784939
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Some of the nice papers and tapes I bought for my journal arrived and they are so cute!
I already tipped my toes in decorating it a bit more fancily, and although I feel it's not super amazing or anything, the aesthetic is looking nicer. Makes my heart content.
No. 784953
>>784949I'm glad I live where "western" trends come by 5-10 years after they appear, I hope this gender nonsense passes by before it comes to me because I would just argue with them all
>>784952But there is no correlation you cannot make a conversion table
No. 784984
File: 1618603541318.jpg (86.03 KB, 563x751, sleepy.jpg)

I love southern women so much. I want an older southern lady to call me baby, hug me, and cook me grits and sweet potato pie
No. 784993
>>784432hes cute
nonny, hope you find a guy like that irl soon who isn't boring
No. 784995
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Wish I knew how to read tarot cards so I could do it for myself and see if my shit endeavors are going somewhere, because I am mostly lost.
Also the cards are super pretty most of the time, I love looking at beautiful sets.
No. 785005
>>784918>>784926jesus christ, these are bleak. I also liked laughing at the ones that didn't improve very much, but I mostly looked at really nice ones that had massive improvement. Was very inspiring for young me.
I'm 3/4s of the way through the long one an I realized that I drew absolutely nothing from 2014-15. That's pretty depressing
No. 785008
File: 1618606606704.jpg (312.28 KB, 1500x1245, 87470.jpg)

I just want to wear a pretty dress and go on a date to the zoo with a smart and nice guy who likes the same music I do and talks about books or whatever as long as it's not some tryhard shit. and to look at that cool snake hanging off of a branch at the zoo
No. 785012
File: 1618606807673.png (346.86 KB, 540x365, Moi7.png)

>>784762>>784765fuck you both, he is great and he genuinely knows how to communicates with cats, he is also very wholesome. fuck you, I'm so angry right know, we need more people like him and you are judging him on his beauty?! fuck that and fuck you
No. 785021
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>>784948godspeed anon, this was a really cool discovery
>>785013I have one more if you want
nonny ( there is also a communist soldier one somewhere )
No. 785030

Yesterday I've been in a mood to revisit a few songs by Orgy, a band with a sound that I really enjoyed despite disgusting lyrics (disclaimer: when I got into them, I was a highschooler and not yet pinkpilled. Even then I was mostly ignoring lyrics, except for like two songs. Thank God the band has long been broken up by then, so I didn't give them any money). I suddenly became curious if any allegations againt Jay Gordon, the singer/lyricist came up. Found nothing, but as he's an epitome of a rapey coomer, I honestly believe that it's only a matter of time before some women shines a light on his disgusting behavior. The only thing protecting him is the fact that he's completely irrelevant. Anyway while googling around, I came upon his recent-ish (2016 or so) masterpiece:
>I'm fucked up, it's a quarter 'til three
>Looking at you as you're looking at me
>Pretty baby, I want you to be mine
>Of all the suicide girls I picked you
>Because you got a little waist and a cute tattoo
>I want you more tonight
>You dirty little whore
>Don't fight it, let me in
>I don't need another friend
>We can fuck the night away
>Don't fight it, let me in
>I don't need another friend
>Yeah, we can fuck the night away!
>I don't want to love you, I don't want to love you
>'Cause baby, you're mistaken that I'm here for you
>I don't want to love you, sex and lies is what I do
>Baby, you're mistaken that I'm here for you
>So suck it
Pretty disgusting, as well as downright shitty, right? Well I have found out that he wrote and sang this misogynist trash while he already had a teenage (13 years or so son). I immediately thought how cringy and gross it must be to have your 50 years old father create that kind of trash. I mean, kids don't want to know that their parents are still sexual beings… and again, this is a rapey coomer anthem. It's not the only song of his like this! Pretty much all of the new ones are about degrading sex, and Orgy was hardly better in that regard. It gets worse, though. I have found out that he has a daughter as well (she's around seven years old). I cannot imagine having a father and finding out that this is what he thinks about women. So I thought "Well, I really hope that she never checks out her father's music because years of psychotherapy may not be able to undo the damage"… and then I read this:
>His (Jay Gordon's) family recently suffered a terrible tragedy, when London lost her mother to a drug overdose. Naturally, that's had a huge impact on father and daughter.
Jesus fucking Christ, the poor girl doesn't stand a chance between a braindead scrote of a father with an abuse fetish and a dead mother. Really feel sorry for her. I feel like she's a tragedy waiting to happen.
No. 785040
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I love how scrotes always claim that people against pedophilia are just ugly feminists but most of the time when they date children they'll date obese hideous ones. On top of that most europeans shun relationships like so
No. 785051
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eating my delicious chinese american food so good love crab ragoon
No. 785052
File: 1618610043470.png (60.21 KB, 1607x527, wiki.png)

>>785044It seems that it is possible to date 14 year olds, as long they don't find you "abusing the younger one's inexperience" (or you're not a guardian or teacher) which is really vague like this, and I don't how the actual law sounds surrounding it. Nevermind that morally I don't know how you can "not abuse the inexperience" of a 14 year old girl as a 30 year old.
No. 785056
>>785052What an extremely vague term.
> I don't know how you can "not abuse the inexperience" of a 14 year old girl as a 30 year old.Exactly, I suppose in that case it would always be considered as abuse, but maybe in case of 16you dating a 20yo it could be considered fine, idk.
No. 785060
>>785048>'wholesome' e-celebs are so annoyingthen what do you want bitch, some shitty scrote who act like a brainless idiots in front of a camera ?
this is not an act, he helps a shit ton of shelters on his free time and has a whole career dedicated to helping cats. you would know that if you followed his youtube channel but no, you had to open your big mouth. you know nothing.
No. 785074
File: 1618611239570.jpg (351.22 KB, 1242x1513, 159969996842.jpg)

>>785060>then what do you want bitch, some shitty scrote who act like a brainless idiots in front of a camera ? neither tbh
>following a ytbergross
No. 785079
File: 1618611624555.jpg (41.96 KB, 640x480, 1533050717226.jpg)

>>785074>following a ytber>grossthen what do you do all day to fill the void of your existence anon ?
(kek I can't be totally mad at a fellow borzoifag)
No. 785083
>>785076We can hope that they at least feel
something when their own daughters etc. are on the receiving end and they can't actually stop the pedos from dating her in front of him. But of course even in cases like this, it's usually the girl who suffers, both from being manipulated and by their parents punishing her in various ways to stop her from dating, because they can't do anything against another adult. And obviously, most of the men that date teens will be considered losers and weirdos by the majority, even if it's "legal".
No. 785095
File: 1618613099951.gif (1.51 MB, 584x489, 1591411233702.gif)

I find the dude who wont stop posting big chungus memes on my college subreddit hilarious in an ironic way. Every time he posts he outdoes the retardation of the last meme and every fucking time the comments are full of the most triggered redditors
No. 785098
>>785095that's fucking amazing. i love watching people take the bait.
>>785092seriously, i was surprised i knew more of his songs than i thought. i miss lil kim too!
No. 785102
File: 1618613466222.jpg (720.87 KB, 3024x4032, 1615513102343.jpg)

I am so sure the terf warrior cat author posts here and if she does: ily queen, never read your shit cat books but ily
No. 785105
File: 1618613890902.gif (762.27 KB, 400x306, lil kim.gif)

>>785098Lil Kim was the shit, she was so pretty in the Crush on you video. I sometimes watch the video just to see her.
I knew DMX had a song with Aaliyah but I never knew it was a song i heard countless times and I loved.
No. 785110
>>785102One of the Erins is a
TERF? I hope it's Kate. I can't stand the trans wc discourse
No. 785128
File: 1618615370324.jpg (73.32 KB, 586x960, 1616001957328.jpg)

>>785112Maybe I don't browse the right places, but the warrior cat fandom has to be one of the biggest fandoms no one knows about. The fandom is as active/spergy as any other fandom except it never leaks out of the fandom. I have never seen these characters mentioned outside of the fandom as memes, references, or even reposted fanart the OP doesn't know the source of. Never seen these books mentioned in a "mention nostalgic books" thread, might be the fandom is to young to be nostalgic though. They aren't small because it's still going, their animations often hit 3M+ plus views , and they have a few channels dedicated to warrior cats.
No. 785164
File: 1618618695284.jpg (66.33 KB, 720x291, IMG_20210416_211643.jpg)

New banner sighting report
No. 785169
>>785128Well, the fandom isn't tHat young I'd say - MAPs for it, forums, rp wikis, etc. have been around for it since the the early 2000s at least. I have noticed that one people leave they never check back in, or they stay around forever. I imagine a lot of people hide their power level on that shit because it is pretty cringe acknowledging you still love a series about cats.
>>785139This, too. Nearly all its fans are female. However, in terms of actual readership, I'd say it's not as skewed; it's more that women comprise the vast majority of its fandom (source: I work at a library; kids of both sexes borrow it equally I'd say).
No. 785185
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>>785175Maybe you should go back
No. 785188
samefag from
>>783744 you know what i give up, even in the regular audios most of these bitches sound like shitty batman parodies, breathing all heavy and flat out growling every 2 seconds i can't take it anymore and i'm tired of jumping around their hour long feature length film bullshit just to hear one (1) moan/grunt. back to my imagination.
No. 785198
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i hate steve harvey's face
No. 785208
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I heard a sneeze THEN saw my cat poke his head through the cat door. Very polite of him to announce his entrance.
No. 785210
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anyone else’s legs vibrate when they’re lying down
No. 785257
File: 1618635340187.gif (563 KB, 512x291, FBF6420B-F5DF-43D9-A900-4C73F4…)

tfw you see an ex's twitter and become angry that you ever dated someone like that and now you're in their memory but i'm stupid for looking
No. 785286
>>785282I know right, her videos used to be relatively funny, but the whole
>OMG I’M SCREAMING BECAUSE THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS Act gets old way too quickly unless your audience is 12 or men, so I guess she decided to spice things up with coomer pandering.
No. 785312
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I swear this isn't meant to be racebait and I have no problem with Inter-racial relationships, Hell I'm in one but I distrust white men who date/dated East Asian Women, the men in those relationships always tend to be fugly weirdos of fetishists and the women aren't any better
No. 785330
>>785325Its overwhelmingly with East Asian Women,
I mean the most amount of WMBF relationships I have seen were with overly Liberal Black Women and Overly Liberal White men, While The White guys who go after Asians tend to conservatives
No. 785332
File: 1618648647110.png (152.26 KB, 297x285, 8456465.png)

I dreamed about the troon in female sports debate even my dreams hate me
No. 785339
>>784784throwing food during ramadan?
>>785336she's probably ex muslim in closet (like me), that's why she said she would've eat the food anon.
No. 785343
>>785338Alright, I hope you can become financially independent so that you don't have to pretend to be a muslim.
>>785339You're right, I should have picked up on that
No. 785349
>>785166Because our aocs are mostly low due to gypsies or so I've heard. They marry at 16.
Usually per high school you won't see many teen girls dating 20+ guys and when they do they'll be judged/mocked for it. For example I only remember one girl in my year that did that. It definitely happens in less educated parts of the country like rural areas but not that often.
No. 785398
>>785344Why don't you study after iftar?
I study after!
No. 785423
File: 1618663539900.png (171.55 KB, 484x266, Sin título.png)

I found him
No. 785424
>>785411Well I found the site but not many pretty photos. uuuggghhh
>>785423Wow an uncanny likeness
No. 785461
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>>785444This is an amazing find! I was rewatching some the other day, I believe it was S03E06 “Forward To The Past” where for a good 3-4 frames, Sam’s mouth from the initial frame didn’t move kek or it was an earlier episode from the season. I hope they post more! This used to be a favorite of mine, I thought it was so much better than other cartoons at the time in both story and design and wanted to work on it when I grew up KEK
No. 785492
File: 1618672415613.png (Spoiler Image,1.98 MB, 2078x844, the hair isnt the only thing t…)

>>785487I think it's funny Michaela Laws depicts herself as a skinny big titted anime character when the whole rest of her body is big too
No. 785533
>>785505This is terrible, specially compared to the old one that anon posted
>>785531Like, it’s all closeups and flashing lights.
No. 785535
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Jesus christ are for profit schools depressing. They're like normal uber expensive art schools, but with none of the benefits of connections. You don't even get good art friends because they accept anyone without even looking at your portfolio. You can have 5th grade level doodles and still apply. Pic related was by someone halfway through their 40k a year, meaning they'll be in 6 figure debt, art degree.
In a weird way I sometimes laugh at these people because a big chunk of the people who fall for full sail are kind of stupid or overly brash. Them getting roped in a shitty 40k degree is just karma. It sucks, but I get a sick satisfaction.
No. 785539
File: 1618677740651.jpg (41 KB, 275x269, 1616662291789.jpg)

>>785488Also asian, this 100%. Luckily they're easy to filter out, just ask what races their past girlfriends were or if they like anime. Usually they out themselves by saying shit like, "I've never been with an Asian girl before"
>lololol kys No. 785541
>>785535I had a high school friend who drew really well, like professional art level. She was so excited to get into the Art Institute here (which has a terrible for-profit babby-tier curriculum/reputation) and none of us in her social circle knew it was bad so we were so happy for her.
I don't remember her name but I hope she's doing well
No. 785542
File: 1618678176890.jpg (206.9 KB, 1000x1500, the shaggy tim allen.jpg)

I wish there was a movie like The Shaggy dog, but in reverse, a dog changes into a human man, so like he doesn't talk, he's digging through the trash and chewing with his mouth open, he kicks the bathroom door open to make eye contact with you for two seconds and then just walks away, he occasionally jumps up yelling since he can't bark, no words, just "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
AND the boss is coming over for dinner!
No. 785545
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>>785488Kek like this fucking ugly ghoul and his moronic semi-english speaking wife who can’t see his disturbing fetish in pure daylight. They always make anti-China videos because they’re angry that they get jobs where the employees make fun of them as white monkeys lmao
No. 785615
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Was researching plastic surgery techniques and I found Adam's Apple Reduction and ofc 70% of the people who do it are trans.
The weird part is adams apple has to be the one of the more gender neutral "male only" traits. If a woman was feminine enough they could have a big adams apple and look fine. For a lot of the 'before and after feminzation' pics the adams apple doesn't really give away their gender, but is more of the icing on the cake
No. 785646
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>>784222I really enjoyed it at one point. I was glad when Ru said no to troons being on the show. But now with Gottmik, it feels so pader-y. I don't know why she trooned out just to keep being a drag queen (she's also annoying af). Like, there's bioqueens who don't troon out. Creme Fatale is a fantastic makeup artist. Picrel
Also that poor kid who was like 10 and hanging out with convicted murderer, Michael Alig. He needs to be taken away from his mom.
No. 785670
File: 1618689746619.png (40.44 KB, 158x152, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL…)

I kept the sort of music I like a secret from my family for a long time for some reason, until in high school I bought Gojira's album on a school trip, and everyone was shocked that I actually listen to music of my own volition. Then soon after there was a tv report about the band HIM and my mom said "look anon this is just like the music you listen to!!" I felt so offended, like, is this what you think of me mom?? No offence to HIM fans tho.
No. 785703
>>785656Reddit has those communities of people diagnosing their own mothers with NPD too or diagnosing their ex from 10 years ago with BPD.
I feel like half of it is just depressed and bitter people nitpicking every less than perfect thing their mom/ex ever did rather than adressing their own issues as an adult. At what point should an adult stfu about their mom being annoying. Or stfu about an ex from years ago. Who is more fucked up really
No. 785718
File: 1618693518142.webm (1.96 MB, 750x406, terf cat.webm)

terf cat
No. 785776
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pic related's popularity boggles my fucking mind. I thought it would be a neat cooking trick or something but it's literally just cooking? and everyone on the internet is acting like it's a revelation
No. 785815
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love pizzabacon’s art but she went full retard making xiao a femboy lmao
No. 785818
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>>785815samefag but noooo, what the fuck did you do these characters
No. 785828
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>>785818This is disgusting. What did she do to my husband Kaeya? And Fischl?? Why???
No. 785842
File: 1618704137092.png (1.29 MB, 854x1187, yeetoldy.PNG)

>>785818Some of these outfits do fit the characters, I like Fischl and Xiao here but why do you like her art in the first place kek. It looks messy in a bad way, her anatomy is terrible and these colors are disgusting
A little unrelated but does anyone else find it weird how artists always keep Venti's canon hairstyle in modern AUs? It's cute in the game but I don't think it fits with modern clothes
No. 785921
File: 1618711984161.gif (752.55 KB, 1000x500, 1601713475380.gif)

Just saw Lindsey Ellis video and I just had my first extreme "literally who cares" moment. I can see how this matters to her because it's her career, but to the average by-stander what do they gain from watching an hour and a half video about some e-celeb fighting random people on twitter. The answers teens with to much free time or people playing it in the background most likely. I know this is ironic for a drama board, but I really can't understand the type of person getting invested in this.
The more surreal moments to me have to be Lindsey fighting one off morons with 5 long tweet threads
No. 786012
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How have farmers/imageboards in general impacted or influenced you in real life recently?
because of lolcow I bought:
salad dressing (panera apple)
comics (mostly doujins)
hard coffee
a starbucks drink (the purple one)
uggs (the pink 2021 ones)
old fashion magazines
And I started to say “retard” in real life for the first time in around 10-15 years. It sort of slipped out but I found out many of those around me don’t actually have a problem with the word like I’d initially thought. But that’s another story. I’ve never said “kek” thank god but I do unfortunately think it a lot.
>>785567Plagiarize his shit and make it better, it’d automatically be an improvement because you’re not a tranny anyways. ezpz.
No. 786042
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Sunscreens always break me out I only managed to find one that never gave me any "skin pimple" and it's korean skincare but also discontinued. The one in picrel worked for me tho, but I'd like to find other references to I can have more choice (in case of reformulation or if it gets discontinued)
No. 786054
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yumejoshi rise up
No. 786057
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Why'd you all go and make a new artist salt thread so fucking early, it's such a mess
>>786012Ask for brush pen advice on here, bought exactly what people told me to. Also watched "This Must Be The Place" because someone in /m/ recommended it. Thanks farmers~
No. 786060
>>786054thank you so much for posting this webm again the wait was worth it
t. fellow yumejoshi
No. 786064
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I've given up on 3D men and I want to dedicate my life and body to husbandos. I want to draw them and write for them. I wish I had a deep voice so that I could speak for them. I'd be happy if I could live with a permanently man sounding voice if it meant turning my body into a better husbando making machine, even if people will think I'm a troon. I want my body to be used solely so that I may bring joy to all the other, lonely, horny women who've also been jaded by 3D men
No. 786065
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>>786058NTA but I'll accept any opportunity to show off my darling. The wedding is in June.
No. 786109
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i’m so tired and full of fatigue that the new banner of adam driver is making me find him an ion more attractive(driversperging)
No. 786114
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My antidepressants (effexor), ssri (abilify) and benzo (Valium and effexor) keep making me hungry and I'm in literal pain when I don't eat and get hungry. I can't even move if it's not to reach out for food. Getting occupied doesn't help me either and I gained over 20 kilos in the past few months. I look at myself in horror and I can't manage to imagine myself get better. I see my psychiatrist tomorrow hopefully but she's not useful only telling me that it's normal yada yada and as of my therapist i plan on seeing a new one since the one I used to have ghosted me.
No. 786116
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>>786112It's really retarded because it's not even only towards performance or skill-based hobbies like workout/lifting or drawing/writing. It's even in fucking mobile gacha games. I used to play one mobile game and be pretty decent at it, but became slowly too "casual" for my guild there because I didn't want to download third-party softwares, spend a dedicated time of my week changing my equipment for every character and lead excel sheets to calculate damage multipliers for gacha monster I had that they didn't. They also hated me after a while if I pulled any high meta characters, because I "didn't deserve it". Holy shit, just let me be a casual gamer.
No. 786120
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I want to make a bento
No. 786211
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Going through redditors post history is pretty depressing/surreal. The latter is just learning someone I agreed upon or thought had a funny post has some insane views, the amount of leftists I found out were trans is to high, or you can slowly watch someones life fall apart. Looking through someones post history I saw a women who broke off her relationship with her parents, spammed woman subreddits with plastic surgery related questions and them moved to japan to be an JET teacher, a low paying and looked down upon job. As of late they posted on the dating over 30 sub if men love ugly woman.
One of the big things that helped me quit that god forsaken site was the idea every good comment was made by someone insane
No. 786243
>>786237congrats on the cute butt!
>>786241same. I barely post things publicly because I don't want weird shit following me around, but I'll go nuts on lc
No. 786323
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what the fuck is this
No. 786363
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>>786357Just wear what you like,
nonnie, heels are pretty and if you’re strong enough, you can do anything while wearing them.
No. 786375
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>>786357nah, plus if you wear block heels or wedges it's not even a handicap, I wear shit like this and I can still run at a dead sprint when I have to
No. 786408
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oh my god I found jeffree star’s car crash video anons
No. 786410
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I've had shaved head of varying lengths for over a year now yet I still struggle to figure out when it's long enough to bleach and dye so it actually looks like anything. It's happening again, 1.5cm strong
No. 786414
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Look at her anons
No. 786415
>>786356it's gross and cringey in anime too tbh
>>786375I can't even wear stuff like this without toppling over, am i retarded
No. 786419
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I'm the bitch ya'll love to hate
I'm the chick that's raised the stake
No. 786443
>>786439, aioli isn't made with eggs like mayo is
No. 786460
File: 1618779993669.jpg (233.44 KB, 1680x1340, Screenshot 2021-04-18 at 22.05…)

what the fuck? why has the site filled? help me
No. 786465
>>786434>Makes fun of foodstuffs being made "more palatable to huwhite people" >Eats "spicy mayo" with sushi herselfthe lack of self awareness with racebaiters
>>786460You got banned and redirected to the mirrored site.
No. 786471
>>786465Ever heard of kewpie Mayo, anon. Y’all are so mad over mayo I’m literally so sorry for
triggering everyone lol
File: 1618782237638.png (65.67 KB, 522x546, christiansVSlgbt.PNG)

ran into this, what do you think? it's true there was no real discussions over good omens, but wasn't it because Lil Nas X made is "blasphemous" on purpose and wanted this kind of discussions, and Good Omens didnt?
Is there maybe another example of a piece of media made by a creator "of color" that would heavily reference christian mythology so we could compare the way it was received?
No. 786516
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I love garbage cute anime boy fujo/yumejo bait series and I'm no longer going to be ashamed about it
No. 786547
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thanks I absolutely fucking hate it
No. 786549
>>786516Me too
nonny, just wish I had friends to sperg about husbandos with
No. 786704
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It's been talked about before in the prayer thread, so…
Any nonnies here interested in a manifestation scripting thread?
Used for us writing innocuous manifestation shit and collective manifestation and shitpost manifestation of course
No. 786731
>>786730Lies! I have a group of normie friends that watched danganronpan or however you write that and they’re normies.
However, if you ever know anything about some anime girl named Tomoko, you can be 100% sure you’re not going back into normiehood.
No. 786772
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I love Chao for they are cute
No. 786782
>>786781Are you in stage age 10-24 and havent realized most scrotes are
No. 786788
>>786777nah, my
abusive father blackpilled me before i hit 10
No. 786805
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>>786516same somehow the baiting has its charm and I'd rather have this than "uwu true gai rep"
No. 786929
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Sometimes when I throw up it’s so easy to recover from and other times I’m flailing around afterwards desperately trying to breathe out of my tiny puke-coated windpipe and it sucks so much ass.
No. 786978
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I look really good right now wtf
No. 786988
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The other day my bf came home from work while I was occupied with something, and I shriveled up and screamed because I thought it was an intruder.
Tfw I always thought I’d wail on burglars with random items Jackie Chan-style but I just ended up screaming like a wuss
No. 787015
>>786990it's just misogyny that is getting normalized
Sadism, anal & choking = hurting & degrading women, pregnancy fetish, feeding/obesity = being able to destroy a womans appearance
No. 787052
>>787047Are there any tech youtubers or instagrammers someone could recommend?
A lot of the women programmers I follow are kind of… eh. They post more about their life and ads than programming etc.
No. 787111
>>787105Urge I have to put her videos on 1.5x speed, sometimes even 2x because she hems and haws so much. I think I talked about this before on here
God she’s so sweet but painfully milking that video run time
No. 787128
>>787123Some kids aren't taught that I guess. My mom told me she used to
twist baby chickens' necks because they wouldn't sit still so she could play with them and she is the nicest lady ever
No. 787148
>>787128Nta but my mom also told me that as a kid
she used to grab butterflies and rip their wings off because she wanted to know why they were so colorful.
Kids are weird, I would definitely make sure my hypothetical kids are far away from direct contact with animals until they’re old enough to understand how to be careful and such.
No. 787153
>>786971guess most of my posts are bad then
>>786984same except
26 No. 787167
>>787148This is a confession thread now
I did that to a moth once when I was a kid, its wings were already fucked so I just impulsively tore it apart to kill it… I also deliberately scared some baby birds in a nest once. I felt really awful afterwards and I'd think back and cringe for years
No. 787201
File: 1618869041476.gif (3.19 MB, 268x300, Tumblr_l_19476754887299.gif)

Mando was hot but then I looked up his actor and now I don't care about him anymore
No. 787207
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I get jealous when males have a natural rosy tint in their mouths, cause my own mouth has this neutral deadish color to it.
But I also think it's cute
No. 787225
>>787201Nonnie I made almost the exact same post a few days ago in the last thread
I feel you
>>784526Super fucking late but yeah, really
I think it was an April's Fool joke, it was a thread that whatever you wrote in it the lolcow bot would make your post into a random AI generated word salad based on the usual posts
No. 787227
>>787225yeah i saw it before i made mine but didnt wanna reply when there was a new thread
what a waste of a sexy armor huh
No. 787245
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>>783774>>783778Ok. I got them in the mail today. This is the brand I bought them from. Honestly, it doesn't make me feel tired, but more so just relaxed. That being said, it would probably get me closer to falling asleep than a gummy would. Also, they smell really good. Heavy grape vibes.
No. 787249
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i wanted to contribute to the genderbent thread but I couldn't find anything good except for this
No. 787308
>>787303Instead of using canned beans, which can taste "beany" and have more sodium, you should try dried beans.
Pros: 1. Absolutely delicious. 2. Super easy to cook Bring to a boil, cover and let simmer for 90 minutes+ until tender. 3. Have a meatier taste and way better texture than canned beans. 4. You can cook them to your liking in terms of texture and add spices and aromatics in to add to the flavor. 5. No sodium. 6. Cheaper than canned beans 7. Take up less room in the pantry and/or look cooler than a can. 8. Can be frozen (never tried so can't recommend). 9. Fun to sift your fingers through kek.
Cons: 1. Takes a very long time to prepare. You should soak beans overnight before cooking, and then cook them for 2 hours.
>You can try batch cooking and freezing if time is an issue for you.2. You have to sift through them to look for debris and small rocks. You may never find one, but just in case. I didn't check once and saw a rock floating in my chili. Thank god I saw it. But from here on out I am a strong advocate of checking your beans before cooking. Please do it. It is really satisfying running your fingers through them so doing the check isn't even bad. 3. Can be a bit harder to master the portion sizes at first. They grow a lot while soaking. About 1/2 cups dried is equivalent to a 15 oz can.
Look in the Mexican aisle of your supermarket if you're a burgerfag. They're so good and so healthy.
No. 787310
>>787289I can't justify the energy cost of cooking them on the stove for like hours. Maybe I'll try it in the slow cooker? Any tips for that, anons?
Funny story, I tried stove cooking for like 30mins-1hr the one time I got dried beans (I forget how long exactly), and even though I have an iron stomach, I had the worst case of cramps/shitting/gas ever.
No. 787341
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I really want to buy more books. Full collections of book series I’ve already read, excuse my retardation. I think I have a problem.
No. 787360
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Since I started using all the anon variations like nonnie, nonner, nonita, nonette… Plain ol' anon just sounds so masculine. It doesn't help that there are always these stupid gf memes that use anon and it's always some gross scrote fantasy.
I still use it, though, but way less now
No. 787390
>>787384/w/ should be nuked, nothing good happens there
anytime some spam shit happens it's apparently tied to that board and that's the only time i remember it even exists
No. 787459
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Seriously, why exactly is Stephen King hailed a great writer?
No. 787482
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I love it when anons come into the trans threads saying "I don't usually post here but.." "this isn't my usual tread.." "i don't agree with most people itt but.." muahaha yes, join the dark side
No. 787505
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I had an exam today but it was written from home and I took photos of my solutions and sent them to the professor but I'm so scared that the message didn't send or something because I have to use this email issued to me by my school and they switched servers so our email adresses changed too and I haven't tried this adress except for sending a test message to my friend which worked but WHAT IF it didn't work this time or what if the files didn't send, this email is really unreliable I'm scared but there's nothing I can do about it but I'm still scared, I think I did pretty well it would be a shame if it didn't send and a waste of 4 hours
No. 787539
>>787482Me, but with
that other thread
No. 787577
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my life is just one parasocial relationship after another. i happily live an independent life with minimal moid interaction and it is very simple and stress-free but why do i always attach so hard to stupid men i don't even know? everytime i have a depressive spiral i always end up forming a new parasocial attachment to some random male figure and it stupidly helps me feel better and gets me out of my depressive rut. it's actually pretty funny now that i think about it. why am i so pathetic
No. 787612
>>787610Take a long bath with nicely scented products, wear your favorite clothes (either for going out or for existing at home), underwear included, maybe listen to some music that makes you happy.
Working out makes me feel amazing, you could try doing that as well.
No. 787613
>>787610Sorry you're feeling that way, anon. Here're some things I do to up mine: Take a shower, tweeze/groom your hair/skin/nails, blow dry your hair and style it, do your makeup. Work out, stretch, dance to girl-singer music (k-pop, lol), put on nice clothes, watch movies like Legally Blonde, clean/rearrange my bedroom
No. 787628
File: 1618937199162.gif (1.38 MB, 407x275, 4k85q0lihqfy.gif)

discovered last night I like being choked and I'm ashamed of myself. static vision make pussy tingle.
No. 787631
Seeing people call 3d piggo males 'husbandos' makes me homicidal
>>787618sounds like something for a dog tbh
No. 787653
>>787641same, keekweek is my favorite but it hurts my eyes after a while
>>787643aw that's really sweet,
nonny No. 787661
>>787611>>787612>>787613thank you anons! i just talked to a friend who was going through the same issues and i feel better. i'll try out some things you have recommended soon.
i feel pathetic when i'm in the mindset of "boo hoo i suck" and i don't like burdening people with it. i should find healthy ways to build my confidence. i am not conventionally pretty or ugly, i find my body and my face to be just average. but it's in my hands to step it up with styling, working out and stuff. i've been too anti-social growing up, i used to feel like it's too late for me to figure out how to beautify myself and present myself in a charismatic manner but it isn't
No. 787666
>>787579my sister. i was inspired to write that post because i just got out of a shitty two weeks by doing it again lmao. i guess it's a
valid way of coping but i don't know why i do it either! wish you and your parasocial bf the best though.
>>787589anon that's cute. you should buy it!
>>787601thanks. you're right that it's pretty harmless. sometimes i feel embarrassed and immature compared to my irl friends who are romantically interested in people they actually know/can talk to, but i guess i shouldn't compare myself to others?
No. 787684
>>787640I'm sorry, fuck thieves
>>787639I use windows high contrast mode so lolcow styles don't work, every site on the internet is in my custom colors
No. 787742
>>787720I am not a doc
nonnie but the advice my doc gave me is that going braless is usually better to prevent sagging as long as it doesn't cause you physical discomfort, you don't want to be giving them unnecessary support because then they will fail to support themselves without a bra. But all breasts sag eventually, if not due to breastfeeding or weight fluctuations or heaviness of the breast then due to aging which is unavoidable! You can wear soft bralettes to help prevent jiggle without unnecessarily restricting or supporting them if they don't need support for you to be physically comfortable. But
nonnie there is nothing shameful about your breasts sagging or aging in general! Droopy breasts are beautiful and deserve to be free too!!
No. 787768
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I overspend and I don't have enough money for Rune Factory 5 when it will come out
No. 787816
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>>787771That’s honestly kind of smart, as a kid I used to avoid crying so much in public by saying I was sick and then going to the nurse’s office to cry in silence until I either got picked up by my parents or until I felt better and could go back to class.
I also used to think of my early husbandos hugging me and telling me that everything was okay or
angels because I was a religious freak but then again, it’s what kept me alive hell, I still do something like that.
It’s nice to come up with coping mechanisms like those.
No. 787967
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I just want to go back to a simpler time at my current age and enjoy it. Not only for covid reasons. To escape the social media culture and the sociopolitical bullshit we've encountered in recent years that plagues us. It wouldn't hurt to be transported back to the 90s-00s. I'd take it despite the setbacks.
No. 787993
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Reminder that lesbians literally had to fight and campaign to keep pedophiles out of the Gay Liberation movement, like if all planning was up for gay men then Gay rights would not even have seen the light of day No. 788009
File: 1618980660131.jpg (127.75 KB, 1080x1440, Tumblr_l_546849470005338.jpg)

I just want a nice rounded butt, however my body stores fat in my upper thighs/lower glute part which makes them look uneven and a bit saggy. Just have to keep going I guess. sigh wish I could gain muscle faster but it is what it is at my current budget.
No. 788011
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every time I realise my autism is not my personality
No. 788018
>>788015yeah it's suffering aaaaa
it wouldn't even be a big deal if it wasn't both freezing cold and the dead of night, i could at least go outside or even force myself to sleep if it wasn't so cold but NOOOOO
truly a miserable existence kek
No. 788019
File: 1618983606073.png (1.06 MB, 720x890, egg.png)

gimme that 8 minute egg
No. 788055
>>788019All of them are
valid and loved.
No. 788105
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Sometimes I watch of these succesful calarts candidates sketchbooks, it's insane one has to be this good to get accepted and still has to pay insane tuition fee on top of that
t. eurofag
No. 788149
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Enamel paint… now that is some nasty stuff, avoid it if you can, I am going to go die in peace now from inhaling fumes. See ya
No. 788205
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>>788201Wtf, parrots are cute little flying monkeys that can imitate sounds, how is that scary?
No. 788209
>>788205i think they are cute, I just dont like they can talk, but im a weirdo, I only find very tiny dogs cute and only the fluffy ones, other then that I dislike dogs.
They are also scary to me, it's a childhood thing. I'm obessed with cats though
No. 788240
>>788235YES it's my favorite, I keep coming back to it ever since they've shown it for the first time. I hope it will be in top 5 at least.
Other song I really like is Lithuanian entry, overall I'm very excited for this year.
No. 788251
File: 1619016543976.png (346.71 KB, 750x800, Sassy-Chen-Cat-Pic-640x607.png)

In what can only be described as an "epic fail" of American intelligence, WikiLeaks' Vault 7 contains proof that at least one or more members of the CIA's Intelligence Operations Center was quite active in the Touhou roleplaying community on 4chan.
An image titled Sassy-Chen-Cat-Pic-640x607.png was added sometime in April or May 2019 to the repository of User #714 found in Vault 7. At around the same time, in April 2019, an image with an identical hash code was first posted to the visible Internet in the Touhou roleplaying board at, colloquially known as the "Otaku Culture" board.
The image wouldn't be posted again to the Internet until January 2020. Once again, to yet another thread on the Touhou roleplaying forum. The image wouldn't be seen again until the release of Vault 7 by WikiLeaks.
No. 788265
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I wish it was possible to marry brynjolf in Skyrim without mods…
No. 788272
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>>788252yes it fucking do. You some kind of ciafarmer?
This is probably a very grown man with a government job and he spends his free time going on 4chan. Not only that, he goes there to rp as a teenage anime girl with cat ears. Calls her “sassy” and draws her holding a gun. At least he’s not trying to be sexy, but he sounds like a degenerate. If he wants fun he should play project diva for fun like a normal person.
Deja vu I swear this has happened before 3 times, with me posting this exact image. >>788251 is a copypasta right? Please say yes. No. 788275
File: 1619019563982.jpg (5.34 MB, 6454x3872, pixlr_20210421020238488.jpg)

>Made the right one like a week ago or so on the picrew thread
>Saw left while randomly browsing pinterest
I know they are not 1:1 the same, but it's similar enough to make me jump when I saw her
No. 788281
File: 1619020186555.gif (2.19 MB, 300x345, Ghostworldpopcorn.gif)

Me waiting for a twitter meltdown from an Artcow
No. 788313
>>788251>>788252These are scrotes.
>funny and cuteYou ain't slick.
No. 788346
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I won't (in)fight anymore
No. 788375
>>788265Ikr why did they make the character with the sexiest voice unmarriable?? That has always bothered me
Also kinda wish you could marry Nelacar
No. 788394
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Story of Seasons trying to be gender inclusive, letting you customize your character with access to masculine and feminine voices & haircut without asking to choose your gender only to get you at picrel after creating your character kek
They tried to pander an audience but it only felt weird because of the naming clearly gendered (female voice being named "cute" and masculine pose called "powerful" etc.)
idk if I should post on the game thread for silly sperg
No. 788400
>>788387>>788368Germaine Greer wrote about this, that the right of women to appreciate male beauty has been appropriated and stolen by gay men, who are predatory towards the beautiful male and misogynistic towards his female admirers, this is very much a feminist issue
If disgusting gay men want to fuck each other that's fine by me, the the good looking straight young men are ours alone and we should fight to keep them
No. 788430
>>788425Well obviously its disgusting for an old woman to get with underage boy, but younger men(16-19) learning how to make proper love to women by older women is beifical to society as a whole
So many adult men sexualize girls and boys in their teens even though that experince would just traumatize them
No. 788433
>>788431It is, older woman in Celtic and Namman culrues trained young boys in how to make love to their future female partners
Those societies were based, romams and Chinese were pedos where older men raped young boys and girls
No. 788436
>>788430nta but this is mega retarded
>teenage boys as young as 16 (i.e. children) should learn how to have sex from older women because boys and girls are already sexualized by men in society and it’s traumatizingShouldn’t the solution be more like ban porn, eliminate sexualization of young people, and increase punishment for sex offenders who target children? And or permenantly “get rid” of the men who traumatize them? Sorry if I misinterpreted you, and I really hope I did. Because I don’t see how male kids getting preyed on by women is supposed to somehow ~balance out~ abuse done by adult scrotes.
No. 788444
>>788430You have to look at the context within which these rituals and morals are applied. We do not live in a communal society, where even sexual relations have de-facto public oversight. Our society is very private. While relationship as you describe does not have to be inherently
abusive, within our societal context in creates possibility for abuse.
No. 788452
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I just think that Ireland's president looks pretty neat
No. 788476
>>788459I think the over population thing is referring to eco fascism. Over population has been disproved and has roots in racism and classism.
The rest of that is absolutely fucking retarded. I hate that I'm an anarchist, because I get lumped in with retards and degenerate troons.
No. 788503
>>788476I always thought overpopulation was an issue not because there's "not enough room", but because we can't cut burn or chop down any more forests into fields to grow vegetables on because of the atmosphere. There's some talk about using the oceans for food but half of the plastic garbage in it is already fishing nets, and that garbage clump in the Pacific is almost the size of Europe.
If there's some book that disproves it, and offers a solution that won't make the average person's life horrible, it'd be a huge relief to read.
No. 788542
>>788503Ntayrt but there are more efficient ways and technologies to support a larger population than now without clearing more land. There's a lot of waste in our current land use practices and economies. There isn't infinitely growing population either, as birth rates are universally slowing and will reach an equilibrium at some point.
I don't know where to direct you outside academic papers. When academics thought population was a problem, books like the Population Bomb made it big in the mainstream, but I don't know of any equivalent in the decades after that where it was debunked, after the UN report showing how many people we could actually support sustainably or anything else. Probably because believing there are too many humans makes us blame ourselves for not living like monks rather than looking at the rich and powerful blocking change.
With sperm counts dropping, we're more likely to end up with a Children of Men scenario than a Soylent Green one.
No. 788549
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i feel p bad listening to backstreet boys and nsync and stuff considering how exploited they all were. also admitting to listening to the shit i listened to in middle school is embarrassing.
also im convinced no one sane is a fangirl/boy of animal crossing. youre all nuts.
No. 788552
>>788544I dream about finding a friend who would do all this stuff for me
I'm not even that cringe I'm just anxious
No. 788575
>>788549TBH the worse parts of these boy bands was the touring and publicity part of them, not sure how badly they were treated during music video shoots, but I remember hearing about some BSB members being high during a few music vids. Overall, they were treated pretty decently, at least compared to other acts like Britney Spears, they were fed well and were able to have some fun. The worst they mainly got was the fact their pay was fucking shit due to Lou Pearlman's corrupt ass.
The studio/recording shit is barely exploitive, because most of the production was done in Sweden/Germany.
I still listen to stuff I heard in elementary school, I actually was just listening to NSYNC earlier this morning lol.
No. 788597
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>>788368>as a straight gnc woman Confused ovaritfag
No. 788602
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I love our fortune telling anons at the tarot thread, they are super sweet and attentive to our queries
But I need to learn how to read it myself so I can answer the truly embarrassing questions I have like "will I meet my celeb crush" lmao
No. 788624
>>788605Rich people say money can't buy happiness, but I would be happy as hell with the money they got. Work is lame, universal basic income when?
>>788622Kronk is the ultimate himbo men should aspire to be like.
No. 788627
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I need to stop reading YT comments.
>listen to a song with very dark lyrics (tl;dl: the narrator was date-raped, runs into the rapist a year later and sees how his life has improved over time. he's seemingly completely unaffected by what happened, while she suffered, and she thinks how different he looks compared to before, then tries to disregard everything)
>someone from 6 years ago comments that they didn't realize what the song was about until now
>some moronic fucking scrote 1 year ago chimes in to comment that the protag of the song just had sex she regrets and is mad at the guy for being successful
The lyrics literally include the lines "Five glasses changed my mind"/"Now in smaller spaces, careless lust intoxicated. Away from prying eyes and rabid smiles and everything's shattering"/"My invitation was involuntary dilation"/This reckless violation, tarnishing my reputation has left me nothing kind to say"
I wish there was a way to ban men from listening to music. Just fucking cut off their ears. They don't listen anyway. I didn't even realize a single comment on YT could get me so irate in 2021. I hope this guy's dick falls off, I really do.
No. 788651
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>>787967Kek, same. I daydream about getting to have a normal adult life in the 90's and early 2000's, even if it turned out to be boring as shit. I just want to feel my brain forget everything I've ever seen on the internet. I want it so bad. But I guess we'd still end up here eventually.
No. 788657
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>>788652that synopsis alone is enough for me to know to never watch his channel kek thanks
No. 788733
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I feel bad for the kids named after fictional characters
like I had a friend who named her kid ZuKo after the character from ATLA
No. 788748
>>788733I actually briefly knew a guy named Cloud(after Cloud Strife) in the Karate Center, his parents were both kinda dorks but seemed like good people, people didn't give him too much of a hardtime on the name though
>>788741Its a woman anon, I think there called pegasisters or something
No. 788920
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I just placed my skincare order. I'm so happy
No. 788922
>>788911Yeah if it was just cutesy Fujo animatics I would get it but to actually make these 2deep4u edgy animatics of south Park characters is just unreal for me
like these are characters who were never meant to be deep, half the show is fart and shit jokes and the rest is contrarian political commentary
No. 788936
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>>788575lou perlman was a sexual predator and shit it was awful. swindled has a great podcast on lou i highly recommend it.
>I actually was just listening to NSYNC earlier this morning lol.shit i hope you see this but damn youre cool anon. i just wanna chill with someone cool and listen to silly boys sing about their undying love.
No. 788977
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Long shot, but does anyone have that picture of Princess Nokia cosplaying as Mathilda from Leon The Professional?
I've seen it before (and I know she's seen the movie because there's an excerpt from it in the song "Biohazard Butterfly"), but I can't find it now for some reason.
She's done a few cosplays (pic related is Ramona Flowers).
No. 789046
>>789042NTA but there's decades of things you can find to do for fun and for free or cheaper than a monthly Netflix subscription. I'm still getting to play games I didn't have the "time" to play from back in the 90s and 00s. Also, there are many free streaming websites that have Netflix series uploaded. That's how I was able to catch the Selena series. No subscribing, waiting, and hoping to find a show to watch that makes the $$$ for the month worth it.
Are you the kind of person who would buy leaf tickets in animal crossing pocket camp using real $?
No. 789127
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>>787459Anyone read pet semetary?
the main protag is a dr at a university and one of the students gets ran over by a car, or jumps off a building I don’t remember, he dies and it’s really traumatic etc, and when he gets home his wife greets him at the door in a see through thong and then runs him a bath, wanks him off in the bath with a flannel mit and he cums “until he feels his eyes popping out” or something. It was just so fucking weird and unnecessary. No. 789145
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>>789144as a spurs fan seeing this mans face on lolcow is so
triggering (still not over the ucl finale fuck u)
No. 789152
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>>789148anon your taste in pl managers is so sad. i'm an atheist but i will be prayin for u babe!
No. 789160
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I have to stop lurking through instagram pictures from 2016-17 from people I'm no longer in contact with, but I do not want to… I just want to go back to better days
No. 789161
>>789160me too
nonny lets live in the past and cry like idiots
No. 789178
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>>789160god I hate sayaka
No. 789209
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>>789177I fuckin respect you anon
No. 789247
>>789177Me too,
nonnie, It’s weird, like bitches don’t know what they’re losing, we’re absolutely beautiful.
No. 789257
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>>789177im sure your insta is filled with th basic obvious poses and thirst posts. id respect your type more if youd be honest and say you want people to call you cute. internet interactions are so shallow and fleeting that it wont matter to others a week later but you will live off it for a year
No. 789269
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>>789268you saucy wench!! thats awesome
No. 789278
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Doctor my dreams have become boring is my soul going to die
No. 789297
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Would I be able to bump the friend finder thread in /g, or would I be banned for necroing?
No. 789304
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>>789300Yeah, I remember it all unraveling very quickly. The motto "this is why we can't have nice things" continues to ring true, ig.
No. 789308
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>>789306The timeline is still kinda confusing to me, but from what I remember, there might have been a GC Discord group that formed from the friend finder thread after /ot/ was shut down. Allegedly they were the ones spamming Pitbull back then as well (see:
>>>/meta/17302 ). I also remember the infighting that was sparked from this post
>>703244 which I think was the nail in the coffin for the friend finder thread; as evidenced by farmhand's note in pic rel. Basically people were promoting their discord groups to cause havoc here (which they deny to this day) and failing to remain anonymous. It's also technically against the rules to conjecture which anons are who bc of this debacle.
No. 789315
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>>789308oh shit i remember this lmao
No. 789323
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I love this shit. Probably only because I love peaches but still
No. 789331
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this is good basis for relationship dynamic. though obviously the art is a bit too scrote-y, the woman should have the gun and man the mic, clearly men shouldn't have weapons and should be serenading their lovers instead.
No. 789339
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Is my bf seriously getting jealous over my Stardew Valley husband please say sike
No. 789352
>>789349It’s quite the experience tbh, at my first school, in latam, nobody really talked about gender stuff and being gay was something that would get people bullied, specially boys because nobody really wanted to hangout with flamboyant guys.
But on my second school, which was relatively close by to my first school, there were a bunch of openly gay people, still, it was around 2010’s so gender wasn’t really questioned in my country
thank god I didn’t grow up with pre-trooners so it was gay and lesbian students just hanging out with their different groups of friends, they were just people.
which was something impressive to me back then as a regular straight girl coming from a school with students that basically hated the gays even though the school staff and such just ignored the idea of gay people existing No. 789392
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>that moment when you remember kryay pamyu pamyu is a pedophile
No. 789401
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I just want some standing stretches and workouts to do at work, why must youtube mess with me like that.
I clicked on one of the creepy as fuck thumbnails, it "is" yoga but it's more of coomer pandering shit than anything. Put that crap on pornhub or somewhere.
No. 789407
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>>789392PONPONPON brought me so much joy when i was younger,this the first time im hearing about this.Im so unbelievably upset.this has ruined my night.
No. 789436
>>789415The majority of the posters bring in good drama but the thread has its frequenting spergs who start attacking others randomly like the suspected troon.
>>789422Most zoomers abandoned swapped alcohol for drugs. They're easier to get than liquor.
>>789433I'm not, but I'm one of the people who reported your weird infighting vendetta tantrum in the thread like anyone sane would.
No. 789448
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Is it just me or have we gotten a massive influx of newfags lately? Shit formatting, linking instead of screenshotting, requests to be spoonfed, et cetera (more often than usual, at least)
No. 789471
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Tfw you have a long af torso and find a dress that actually has it's waist where yours is
Most dresses has it's waist where my ribs are so I usually end up looking super wide and shapeless when I actually have a fairly small waist so I'm super excited
No. 789485
>>789458>>789441As a Finnish person I'm shocked and surprised tbh. Are there even real cows in this village
>>789473Yep, most of current translation software still sucks at finnish. Even formal finnish, not just casual. Apparently it's a hard language to code to begin with, so kudos to anyone who even bothers with it.
No. 789491
>>789488oh shit you're right
this hell village is fucking wild
No. 789846
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Who did this to Zac Efron?
No. 789870
>>789846This guy
triggers my fight or flight response.
No. 789885
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>>789846I can't believe it!
No. 789900
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>>789883this is such a selfish and stupid way to get attention.
and i did the same lol. i attempted suicide years ago because i legitimately could not stand being alive a single second. my family and gf treated me like a special baby for months. when my gf became distant and weird i attempted suicide again just to get her attention tbh. then i discovered she was cheating and thats why she wasnt the same. so was in the hospital over nothing. absolutely learnt my lesson and stopped with the psychotic narc attention seeking behavior
No. 789924
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I hate loving sweets but they’re so delicious. It has been so long since I had a cake with a coffee topping, I’m in heaven.
No. 789938
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Any tips for getting in a meditative state?
I try to count my breathing not to get to distracted, but I always think end up being too fidgety.
I want to learn it so I can sleep easier and also daydream more vividly (if that makes sense)
No. 789955
>>789938There's this method of slowly "scanning" your entire body, from feet to head. Just deeply focusing on one body part at the time. I started meditating with the free practices from Headspace, I recommend it a lot (and also their netflix series). Another one is just counting
>>789949Oof this seems soo relaxing
No. 790005
>>789949Thank you,
nonnie! NTA, but thinking about it made me feel great!
No. 790044
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The western animation industry thread kinda fucked me up. The self insert PPG thing will always be fucking weird
No. 790089
>>790084Reading this made me have to adjust my underwear
Fuck you
No. 790148
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I hate how Foodie Beauty only does hours-long livestreams now instead of normal videos. She's a hilarious cow but I can't sit through all those videos.
No. 790183
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For the first time I see some ohmaposting on lolcow in the ex muslim thread and of course it had to be done by a piece of shit scrote.
No. 790229
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>>790183Googled it. He's kinda hot ngl
No. 790238
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I wanna get a duck's egg, hatch it and be the first thing it sees when it comes out of it's egg so it'll stay my baby for life.
No. 790281
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I think my emails are not sending which is bad because I sent my homework and my online exam through email, I sent a mail to my friend and she got it but my professor is not replying to my mail and my exam results are not posted as if I had not taken it. At least I have proof that I sent the emails at the right time but I'm scared they won't believe me or think I faked it somehow idk what I should do I should probably show them in person the emails but I sent a cat photo as my test email to my friend so I'm a bit ashamed hehe
No. 790292
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>>790286There is a lot of propaganda about organ donation because they don't want people to think about it. "Brain death" itself is murky territory, they keep you alive while harvesting to keep the organs fresh but the "brain" is dead. But people have come back. Pic related, they were prepping her for organ donation. A couple months ago an anon on here spoke about the professionals that determine brain death she worked with, and that she had "never seen someone so gleeful to see a young patient braindead (to get the organs)" and that it disgusted her. Disgusts me, too. I took myself off the organ donor list.
No. 790293
>>790286Same anon. I actually had a conversation about it the other day and found out that if you’re an organ donor, they can only harvest your organs while you’re still alive! There’s no waiting till you’re actually dead cause then your organs are no good.
Honestly this pamphlet came through in the post asking to consider organ donation, and it casually mentioned that if you’re being harvested, you ‘probably’ will not feel pain, because you would have to be brain dead for them to take your organs. They won’t give you anything to put you under/make you not feel pain while they cut you open while they believe you’re brain dead, because then that would be admitting that you are still technically alive and were aware of not wanting to have your organs harvested! It actually make my stomach churn to think about.
No. 790299
>>790298Carlson Tucker.
Go to the ugly moids thread at /g/ and you'll see the tuckerfagging spreading like the 'rona
No. 790302
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>>790293Why are you lying anon? I know it's some imageboard and this will be seen by just a few people but you may still scare away someone that could save someones life. What for? No. 790305
>>790302NTA(s), but thank you for clearing stuff up,
No. 790307
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>>790302>>790292samefag, but to also debunk this "news", brain death testing is not a murky territory and Abigail Kopf was NOT brain dead, her heart just stopped which is not the end. No. 790318
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>>790307>brain death testing is not murky territoryYour opinion.
No. 790322
>>790318Even your sources cite 99 out of 100 not feeling pain and anesthesiologist being present in case of that 1 maybe reacting. MAYBE. It's not that murky territory because
ultimately, you're dead anyway. There's stil no way back from brain death even if there would be pain which is impossible to confirm; whether you donate organs or not. So you can as well donate and help someone. No one will harvest you if there's still a chance of you to recover.
No. 1930522
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>>790266Anyone old enough to remember the photoshop of Tucker and a bunch of the unconventional male attractions men going to dennys