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No. 791206
reveal it all
previous thread
>>>/ot/773785 No. 791209>>791229
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damn op beat me to creating a new thread
No. 791220>>791221>>791222>>791228>>792597
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My bf found the eye candy pics I have on my camera roll such as picrel. I don’t know why my autistic ass even told him I had those pics saved to post in a lolcow “attractive men you wanna fuck thread”
do you guys think he’s jealous or..?
No. 791238>>791244>>792102
>>791222He doesn’t have any of them saved but I’m pretty sure he ogles girls on social media.
And I know this is lolcow but
he watches porn. I do too, we both acknowledge how fucked up the industry is for like capitalizing off of horrible seedy shit and literally warping users brains but .. I honestly think we’ve been needing to talk about this. Like I will never stop wanna ogling hot ass dudes who honestly (I find hot cause they remind me of him) but maybe quitting social media or something? Taking a break? It would break my heart if he had a hot ass woman saved on his phone.
>>791221>>791229The actor who plays Liu Kang in the new MK movie
>>791228He seemed like he understood like “been there done that” tbh
No. 791297>>791302
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I want them to in fight so bad I'm thinking on making a troll tranny account
No. 791356>>791378
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>>791215You can't lucid dream in one night. Whoever told you that is a hack.
You have to build it up for months
I am sorry about the sleep paralysis demon, though lol
No. 791378>>791431
>>791356I did do it for months. I had a few books on it.
I tried for months and lost interest, then weeks after stopping I had the demon experience and that shit felt insanely realistic. I saw it and heard a voice. I was young and in a vulnerable mental state so I honestly thought that was a real demon for a long time. I feel bad for anyone who regularly gets sleep paralysis.
No. 791431
>>791378Sorry about it, anon!
I assumed you didn't because I saw a post going around a few years ago that all you had to do was lay down, concentrate on not moving (basically meditating) and let your "body sleep while your mind was awake". And i guess that could work for more experienced people, but a lot of people trying it for the first time just said they had sleep paralysis experiences.
Sorry for assuming, though.
No. 791618
>>791469Lol my roommate did the same. I didn’t really care. It’s natural
Just cover yourself with a blanket and tell people you have breathing problems or something
No. 791664
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>>791469>tfw you have family members that do this around others except they're wide awakeblankets don't do shit btw
No. 791670>>791686
>>791656Do you mind sharing what the dance is
nonny? I enjoy both dancing and learning about other cultures.
No. 791686>>791690>>791854
>>791670>>791673Of course! If it's not against the rules.
I'm an Arab from jordan. We dance dabkeh and dihyieh there. But I also know how to belly dance since it's part of my bigger culture. I wore our traditional costume and danced for literally 5 hours with my brother. Then my whole family was dancing. I know as an Arab we have a bad reputation for god knows what but guess what girls IDGAF.
No. 791748
>>791690knees like
megan a lebanese dancer
No. 791863
>>791854Omg a Yemeni queeeeeeeeen!!!!
Hope one day we can dance dabkeh together.
No. 791914>>791927
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I've been checking in on this one character for a while now. Just weeks ago I would've posted this in the personal lolcows thread but it's gotten to a point where I find her behavior pretty concerning.
I first found her on twitter; she's a German physicist who somehow got it into her head that Benedict Cumberbatch (yes) was emailing her back in like 2014, until he got "bored" and stopped (most likely a troll who noticed she was a fan and catfished her). She's convinced that now his marriage and children are fake (a hired escort and "rented" kids), and that every single one of his movies is a secret coded message that's either mocking her or trying to apologize to her, I guess depending on her mood that day. When she clashed with Cumberbatch stans on twitter, she claimed they were all paid interns who were hired specifically to discredit her. For a while I was just amused, because her tl was retweets of normal interests and hobbies, your usual social justice, interspersed with her crazy Cumberbatch tweets, so it was just a funny reminder that otherwise normal-seeming people could have absolutely insane beliefs.
And then several things seemed to happen at once: it looks like her ex took her child away from her (due to her mental illness), she claims to have lost all her friends, and her Twitter got suspended, I'm not sure if there's a specific reason why. I was able to find her again on tumblr, where she now just posts pure concentrated batshittery. Obviously there's not much I can do as a bystander in another country, so now I just keep tabs to see what wild interpretation of a new project she comes up with next. (Last I checked she was losing it over his Simpsons cameo?) I'm morbidly fascinated by how erotomania manifests pretty much exactly the same in every case I know of, like KT Price, with the belief in coded messages, that they're actively being suppressed, etc.
No. 791927
>>791914I often stumble upon Twitter accounts of people that exhibit classical paranoia. They post a stream of tweets about the government/cia/the royal family/Hollywood/some famous person supposedly stalking and persecuting them. They will have weird calculations and association that "prove" some batshit idea. They never have likes or any engagement on those posts, and yet they post hundreds of tweets every day.
There are
so many of them on there, idk if they congregate on Twitter or is the world just that full of crazies.
No. 791938>>791945>>791946>>791955
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Okay anons, I need your advice.
I have a friend, who is a trans guy, he never told me but I found out while browsing through his accounts; I have talked about him a few times here, and how much he means to me, I legit think on him as one of the very few people I have trusted and thought as a real friend.
But I found something interesting, he began to put "Girl" and "Lesbian" on his/her accounts and Discord status. She is starting to de-transition.
We are young, so for her it won't be a hard thing to get back to, but I feel so weird; like, I know most farmers would find it as a good thing, but I feel so strange after many years of seen her as a male. Actually, I also find weird how she didn't tell me anything about that despite being public, and again, I only knew she was a trans male through digging on his Tumblr notes. I don't know, I think she just wants me to guess or something.
I'm not a lesbian or bisexual, but I have never felt this close to someone before. Still, I'm happy that she is getting more comfortable with her own gender and such. She always posted about female-positivity, so I guess it makes sense. But still, I have no idea what to tell her now, both of us have been busy with work, so we haven't talked in a while, and I don't know what to say once we get a time together again.
No. 792257>>792267>>792271>>792272>>792273
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I would eat the SHIT out of stuff like this. I loved the diner scene in Emperor's New Groove. I loved the Lion King gummy bug popsicles. I just wanna eat BUGS
No. 792267
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>>792257I guess it's kinda BUGGING you?
No. 792272
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>>792257I love eating these mexican grasshoppers, so crunchy and savory
No. 792273>>792276>>792279
>>792257The segments make it resemble langostino
>>792271I dislike that you can't clean their innards and have to eat bug shit together with bug meat
No. 792284
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I started as a shy, friendless, sick kid in school.
Then, I became super depressed and frowny.
Now, I'm unapologetically insane and smile even if shit's hard.
I've decided to kin Homura Akemi. Kek
No. 792545>>792551>>792553>>792557>>792564>>795928
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I loved 2020. I loved quarantine since I had an excuse for a full year to not see anyone. I didn't miss any one in my life for a second. I didn't miss socially connecting, talking in person, going to stores, nothing. I had the most productive year of my life and came to so many realizations about myself, made a consistent schedule for myself and made leaps and bounds in my skills and passions. It was finally the boost to get myself into better shape, eat out less, and just spend my time studying and bettering myself. 2020 was the best year of my life thus far and I can literally never say this to anyone since it was everyone elses worst. I don't wish for another pandemic ofc but it would be nice if we could just shut everything down every few years or make it socially acceptable to never see anyone again. I dread things going back to normal now.
No. 792553>>792564>>795928
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>>792545Fucking amen anon. Everyone's always complaining that 2020 was a hellscape and how they're dying to return to the world and get more social interaction, meanwhile I'm picrel. Finally I've been able to be my hermit self guilt-free and enjoy working from my cozy home, not having to spend hours commuting in traffic for a job I can do anywhere. I still get my work done but it's easier to take breaks and truly relax, prep meals and tidy my place, do more stuff that's meaningful to me. I'm sorry for those who have lost people but I don't miss how the world used to function at all and it's gonna be a bummer for me when it fully reverts back.
No. 792564>>792572>>792580
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>>792545>>792551>>792553You sound like a stay-at-home-wife, but to each their own I guess?
No. 792591>>792595
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i'm not still in love with my ex but when we were together, it was the first and only time i was: truly happy, content, really in love, and self-confident.
i used to get pure butterflies in my stomach and i cared so much about the stupid fuck. he just had to go and get addicted to drugs again. he was horrible for me but i worry everyday i will never be as happy as i was back then.
what if i never get to fall in love the same way again. is it even worth trying
No. 792597
>>791220He would be a real soy bitch to get jealous lmao
>>791222I’d dump him. Don’t compare moids mindset to women’s.
No. 792660
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There's a woman I'm casual friends with that I thought I was over, but god, I'm still so attracted to her. I don't know what it is, we're not even all that compatible and she's practically asexual. But all I can think about lately is passionately making out with and having sex with her. I feel so creepy, but I'm pretty sure she has no idea
No. 792674>>792713>>792803
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Any time I see 'don't report just block' in someone's bio, I report them. I don't even care about the content they're posting, don't tell me what to do!!!
No. 792711>>792821
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None of my current friends know my dad was middle eastern, I look very much fully white and it somehow amuses me. Sometimes I feel like I'm lying but I don't like talking about him in general so power level hidden forever I guess
No. 792803>>792807
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>>792674I saw a tumblr post (ironically enough) that perfectly encompasses all that is retarded about "do not interact" criteria
No. 792860>>792865
>>792844I was afraid of this kek
>>792846His mother was a sweetheart honestly, she treated me like her daughter however his "dad" always gave me a strange feeling. I don't think it was his actual dad either, his siblings and him had different parents I believe. I think his mother might've babied him a lot but then took orders from the step dad. The father seemed to be very distant and mean. Later I found out he got
abusive as he got older.
He told me he was kicked out of his house for being gay at 16 or 17 and did some things on grindr while underage for alcohol and cheeseburgers. I did try to sympathize with him during this time. He loved makeup and feminine things and a therapist told him he was trans.
Not gonna lie, apart of me feels bad for him. I don't feel like he has had the support he has needed. Maybe he isn't even a troon. He just went with what a therapist told him he was.
No. 792878
>>792861I agree, thinking about more deeply now it makes more sense.
>>792865I actually did bring it up to him and said "Wouldn't you know yourself if you were trans? It doesn't seem right to me that they are telling you who you are." he genuinely seemed confused.
Despite the weird things he did as a child I try not to let it bother me because of what he may have went through.
>>792875I am convinced that it may have been his other family on the dad's side.
No. 793134
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>>793113Damn imagine having self-esteem THIS low. Thank god I know how to validate myself.
No. 793215>>793224
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To all the nonnies and undercover scrotes and trannies.
No. 793259>>793274>>793313>>793337
>>793239i've been in therapy since i was a kid and i'm still relatively the same; apathetic towards life, anxious/afraid, and frequently suicidal. i've had so many therapists that have made my mental state worse, and like two that were acceptable. it's really tiresome having to retell my trauma to these people only for it to go nowhere and having to restart somewhere else. many times i find myself wondering why these people would go into this profession when so many of them seem so cold and uncaring, it's often like talking to a brick wall. only thing i can think of is that they are after the money.
everyone in therapy says that this is a normal experience. you try therapists until you find the right one. but it's been around 10 years for me, when do i find the right one?
tl;dr it just doesn't work and therapists are largely assholes
No. 793291>>793307
>>793264ptsd and mdd w/ psychotic features
>>793274unfortunately kek
No. 793381>>793509
>>793290>>793346You're not a fucking troon because you got off to submissive porn jfc get a grip zoomer.
Like plenty women get off to gay porn, regardless of whom they self insert, they're not trannies. This is the logic enabling scrotes to think they're a lesbian for cooming to yuri hentai.
No. 793388>>793390
>>793113I used to think the same thing, when I was like 11. Don’t really know why. It turns out I may/may not have been molested when I was too young to fully remember shit, which sparked off a lot of problems in my life later on. Doesn’t make you feel prettier, more just annoyed and disgusted, and you have to carry the weight of knowing that any scrote you trust with your life story will most likely jerk off to it.
Do you imagine it’s an attractive guy doing the assaulting? Because I think that’s actually less abnormal than it seems. IMHO, every woman who’s attracted to men wants to be desired madly (by men she also desires).
Of course that’d make you feel pretty. I don’t even think that should be called rape, it’s just an exaggeration of our existing structure.
Actual rape, like being raped by some hideous freak who smells like eggs and hates women (for ex) isn’t the same thing, and wouldn’t have that effect. It’d just make you feel like you don’t even deserve to be with someone decent.
No. 793419>>793437>>793478
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Why do I get strangely turned on whenever I see my bf cry?
No. 793491
>>793313>I just want to vent to someone that's the issue, it's hard finding one that will actually listen and respond insightfully
gl though
>>793307yeah, i think that's just americans in general tbh
No. 793495>>793565
>>793492This is honestly why I think of adopting if I ever decide I want to have children
I feel like it's impossible or at least near impossible to raise a boy to be a decent human being
Shout out to the women out there who did it, I don't know them because I never met their sons apparently but shout out to them. I could never nor do I have the patience
No. 793509
>>793358>>793381You’re right, anons. I needed to hear this kek.
Plus, most porn is made from a male perspective, and talks all about how good women make men feel. It makes perfect sense to imagine being in that position at least once.
No. 793511>>793514>>793516>>793520>>793522
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I dream with this…thing fucking me senselessly since aot aired back in 2013, i don't even watch Aot but "it/he"? turns me on for some reason I can't explain. It's been almost a decade already i can't believe I'm still this horny wtf
No. 793545>>793610
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>>793531Sameeee, my bf buys my gacha coins too, life's good. I want some extra cash to invest on my own.
No. 793552
>>793522>>793520>>793516I'm op and the fact that there are replies at all is…interesting
>>793514For real lmao
No. 793565
>>793495>>793496Thank God other people feel the same way, so many of my friends think I'm being unreasonable. Shit like this is how so many men grow up to be little Bateman-like bastards who treat women like shit and think they own the world. Side note: men act like it's so hard living with
toxic masculinity which they just HAVE to impose on their own sex and then coddle male young? Make it make fucking sense
No. 793706
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ive been using this site for a long time. like 3 years ago i had a terrible breakup with my gf of many years. i sperged the fuck out in /ot/ or /g/ i dont remember. it was a long and autistic post basically acting like she was the devil. it was so autistic, so shitty, and so mean spirited that i was accused of being a robot and was banned entirely forever for being a scrote. i had lots of replies and everyone must have reported me. when i saw i had been banned for being a man i freaked the fuck out. i loved the site, and i panicked, so i did a huge appeal on my ban, mentioning things that were in my post history that the mods could see. i had been a farmer for years and talked all the time about being lesbian, hating scrotes, and in general things in /ot/ and /g/ for many years that made it obvious i was a woman. the mods read my appeal and checked my history and unbanned me.
but i remember that so vividly now. i had become what i hated the most. a scrote who was creepy as fuck and acted like a woman ruined my life. reading the replies and reading my own post i reflected on how stupid and scrote like i sounded and understood why everyone got so mad. she was a terrible person, i dont hate her anymore and i shouldnt have said the shit i said.
i learned my lesson, not only on this website but in general, to be careful with how i talk about women. being a lesbian doesnt give me the right to say scrote like shit about women. anyways, the thought of being called a scrote for so many people brings me shame
No. 793707>>793709>>794663>>795185
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I buy comic book sets in foreign languages because it’s cheaper and then put the translations in my language on sticky notes or small cuts of paper and cut them to fit the speech bubbles. This isn’t illegal because I’m not distributing them, but it’s definitely defacing the books in the process. But I don’t mind, sometimes when typing or writing I give characters unique typographies. It makes the books feel more unique. I’ll even color in them if the pages are in greyscale.
No. 793737
>>793728the length people will go to for attention, special treatment and likes baffles me.
social media is cancer
No. 793783
>>793779Actually, deleting my account was not enough. In fact, they claimed that I was skirting away from responsibilities.
When the call out first happened, I evaluated myself and realized I was not that great of a friend. In addition, a lot of the stuff mentioned in the call out was related to mental issues I had. So, I left social media and got therapy to improve.
I think my ex friends were upset because I didnt stick around and pay reparations to them.They still talk to my current friends for information, but they refuse to disclose what Ive been doing.
No. 793825>>793827>>793831>>793832>>793837>>793860
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I am pretty sure I confessed about this some time before but I have an update. I have been slowly but surely introducing gc and radfem stuff to my married straight yet mostly asexual friend, she is very smart and feminist but now she has started reading some of the literature too. Her husband is kinda harmless but hates feminists and my endgame is to get rid of him, and my friend is so close to understanding he is dead weight, she just told me that she knows women are better than men, it's just how it is and even a year ago, she would have tried to woke sjw that sentiment right out of the window. I am excited for her.
No. 793907>>793919
>>793842 >especially in an environment like strip clubsAs a non-stripper the bit about body hair hit home with me and my dating experience. The guys that are offended by hair or even 2 say stubble were always bad lovers and not fantastic catches in general. Some of the better lovers I've had didn't give a fuck about hair anywhere.
I look back at my younger self..often last minute shaving for guys who didn't even get me off, who barely interacted with it before wanting to skip forward to piv. Like thanks for reminding me to shave for this?
No. 793919>>793927>>793940
>>793871>>793907I feel like men like that aren't even really into sex. They just have a fetish for porn, so to get off, they need you to resemble it. And just like in porn, it's not about the woman's pleasure, just how well you can act and how soon he can cum.
They have sex just to say they had sex, but their true interest is porn. No interest in vaginas.
No. 793951>>793953>>793955
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It's really embarrassing, but I started writing & posting self-insert fanfiction. I'd just die if anyone who knows me found out about it. But what I've posted has gotten positive responses and it makes me happy to make other people happy with my writing. Plus It's genuinely fun for me to write up these fluff pieces.
No. 794016
>>794008I am actually closer to my 30s lol
I guess I just think it's a bit childish, especially when some anon posted some innocuous opinion
aaaww and ooowww are completely fine though No. 794044>>794086>>794092>>794104
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last time he came over he played with my boobs for like 10 minutes straight and i was in so much bliss because his lips were so soft every time i closed my eyes i literally saw flowers bloom. I was so ashamed of myself that i told him to stop for a while. I dont know if it was because i was high but that moment hit me that i was falling in love with him. i honestly cant believe i'm falling in love with my fwb. this is so ugly. i want off this ride. Its even worse because i confessed my feelings to him after he kissed me so passionately i came (which embarrassed and disgusted me lmao) and he basically thanked me LMAO. I didnt even do it for us to be together i did it for me to get rejected so i could move on. But here i am back in this hell cycle because he literally is so convenient and so good at fucking me and getting the fuck out when i tell him to. I wish I could be one of those cool girls that can just cut a guy off but im not, instead im weak minded and stupid and the type of girl girls on this site make fun of. Call me dumb but i really think we are meant to be together. I cant explain it. We always find ourselves coming back to each other. Maybe because its comfortable who knows. (definitely that) But out of all the guys ive been with whether casually or seriously he is by far the sweetest and most attractive dude i've ever met. I literally never felt this way about anyone before and i feel like we will literally always be in each other's life and i think he knows that too and it scares him more than it scares me. I really was hoping and praying he'd reject me but instead he fucking did what all men do and left the door open. im so ugly for falling for it. i blame my period LMAO
No. 794086
>>794044its gonna be okay
nonny. men love the chase, let him chase u first
No. 794121>>794126>>794184>>794191
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I have watched over 1000+ Documentaries on Youtube during Quarantine(AL-Jazzera, Journeyman Pictures, DW Documentary, RT-Documentaries, Press-TV, Tracks, Thames TV, Vice, Channel 4 Documentaries)
I have learned about other cultures, current political situations, past political events, civil wars and none of this information will ever be useful for me in day to life
From Acehnese separatism, Baloch separatism, Italian Gigolos, Arameans speaking Christians, Ukrainian Jewish Nazis, life in Francoist Spain and a hundred other things
No. 794135
>>794126They surprisingly are, I didn't have any intention to watch this many
I would be watching one Documentary and there would be some interesting Documentaries in the Recommendations page, so I'd put them in the Watch Later section and the process would repeat endlessly
No. 794358
>>794191I've bought close to 30 books this year, have not read fully a single one of them, I buy expensive books, I read the summary, certain chapters and reviews and I pretend to have read them
my greatest secret
No. 794502
No. 794671>>794705
>>794564My last bf had a whole new handy walk in relationship ready before he finished with me. I'm honestly waiting for the day it comes full circle and he cheats on her to be with the next woman.
I'm not angry with her (I don't know how much info she knew or if he made up lies about me) but I'm aware she's likely to go through the same thing eventually and I feel for her in a weird way.
No. 794705
>>794671So did mine. A few years later he messaged me telling me I'm the only person he has ever loved, all while still dating her
Kek I love karma
No. 794870
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I friggin love picrel. Nothing better than grabbing a cold one out of the fridge
No. 794967>>794977
>>794916>figured out both on my own on the first try. well I didn't. and not on the hundreds of other tries either
>>794946how can that happen without being turned on idgi
No. 794992>>794995>>795002>>795006>>795102
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I am personally quite fond of collars as worn in picrel and used to wear them, but now refrain from doing so for obvious reasons. However, I just think they're so cute, so I want to try to incorporate a thin one with a bell that doesn't make (much) sound into my outfits slowly. The main issue will be to avoid giving the impression I am a fetishist. but I think I would like to try..! it's just so cute, wow… @meeze_cos on instagram in the picture
No. 795000>>795030>>795267
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The very first time I felt arousal was at 5 years old when I saw the music video for lady marmalade (2001 version). At that same age I also purposely stayed up late at night to watch girls gone wild commercials. so basically I was kind of a pervert? Never seen porn as a kid and wasn't molested so idk what was wrong with me.
No. 795131>>795142
File (hide): 1619755404575.jpeg (65.12 KB, 828x815, 99EB4C0C-4FB1-42AE-9615-52CFFE…)

I’m still so incredibly pissed that my retail thread got rejected bc working retail is literal hell and wallowing in misery with other people makes it 10x better. i don’t think anyone but other retail people truly understand. i know people who have literally had to get therapy because of working in retail but ig you could always escape to the vent thread buuuttt then again you always run the risk of looking like a whiny asshole kek rip
No. 795138>>795141>>795152>>795156>>795164>>795173>>795238>>795255>>795273>>795296>>795327>>795336>>795353
File (hide): 1619756582915.jpeg (196.63 KB, 1280x692, 78DE4F91-48F3-44C0-9223-044EBC…)

I go on scrote discords and 4chan to give men the worst advice at personal grooming, fashion, sex and relationships. Sometimes I’m femanon here~ sometimes I’m gigachad. I samefag bad colognes or skin products to waste their money. Encourage them to play stupid mind games with women, to say and do creepy shit, how to “convince” women into anal, feed them PUA memes. Suggest manipulation tactics that would piss any sane woman off. Make up shit about the vagina, exactly how to spot a fake orgasm, fuel their small dick paranoia. Peddling fake, harmful broscience. Incels will believe anything another man says KEK Then I gaslight them when things don’t go well.
I do the same to trannies. I want every single one of them to fail miserably and peak all the women they come in contact with.
No. 795155>>795157>>795262
File (hide): 1619759821228.jpg (39.14 KB, 720x477, FB_IMG_1619759602416.jpg)

I am part of cute capybara groups on facebook because I love them and there are always a lot of cute pics that I save and use randomly here, but I fear sometimes that it may come as avatarfagging when all I want really is to share cute capy pics now and then lol
No. 795159
>>795157Oh yes, I know! (I go there too hehe)
It's just that sometimes I want a filler pic and there's this cute capybara one
and I get giddy when I see others using them shortly after I did, so I just pick it.
Maybe I should use the animal thread to unload my capy pics more often
No. 795255>>795273>>795316
>>795138I obvs don't feel bad for the scrotes involved but this reminds me of mgtow men and how they dedicate so much time to talking shit about women online rather than enjoying literally anything else on earth that might cheer them up. Dedicating a bunch of time to bitching about a sex or thinking you're trolling them will always just amount to trolling yourself and wasting your own time and energy on losers, sometimes making you an equal loser. No offence meant. I just think of all the time wasted on stuff like that.
I used to read r/smalldickproblems and I'd watch people either drop by to try and build them up and reassure them or drop by to troll them and rub their face in it. In reaction to both they'd only sound one step closer to murdering the next woman they're left alone with. There's no prize for fucking with already insecure scrotes.
No. 795262
File (hide): 1619777639977.jpeg (348.22 KB, 1433x1391, E025F8FA-449B-4097-A2AB-14EE44…)

>>795155Let’s all post capybara pics
No. 795273>>795316
>>795255>There's no prize for fucking with already insecure scrotes.This
>>795138You think you're doing something but incels already give each other terrible advice so you're just another drop in the bucket, strengthening their conviction when they think they're in the right for whatever they do to women.
Go learn a language instead
No. 795327
File (hide): 1619786717795.jpg (43.48 KB, 570x855, 1603327333525.jpg)

>>795138Fuck it this is based. It's unethical but at this point, all the BPD-chan and Captain Save-a-scrote have to learn the hard way to not engage with muh lonely misunderstood men. As evident here on this board, most women will be smart enough to get out before the murdering happens. They may incur a lot of emotional damage yes, but that's literally a coin flip for every woman anyway. It's good to make moids show their color faster.
No. 795328>>795334>>795336
>>795316>Women are so deep in denial it’s gonna cost to wake them up.Anon women fucking know, what the fuck? It's already so scary to be in situations where you're at higher risk because men believe they can get away with anything if it's just your word against theirs, but we need to be able to separate that fear and cope with living our lives by believing we're okay when we're in public in daylight with our coworkers and male friends.
You sound as unhinged as pol users who think they're big brained for trying to incite class and race wars, you aren't doing anything to help anyone you're just creating danger for women
No. 795362>>795368>>795378
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I used to think I'd be ok sticking with my friends as a closeted terf but lately I imagine my future as if at some point I get outed and they (most likely) leave me. I've gotten tired of putting up a front in our group chat. Whenever anyone says some troon rights bullshit I stop replying and only join back in when the topic changes. I don't know if they've noticed but I hope they do. If I ever get confronted I'll tell them I still love them but that I won't pretend I believe in that shit anymore, and they can take it or leave it.
No. 795381
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>>795359unironic sonic fans rise up
No. 795383
>>795368Boy is it ever.
>>795378One is recently an enby who won't shut up about it, the others are, yeah, just performative af. One live-chatted to us that she was crying while watching Disclosure (that troon documentary on Netflix) even when none of us asked for a play-by-play. That sort of thing. I hate how weird they get when it comes to this one issue; outside of it they're smart, sweet people I've spent most of my adult life with and have shared many meaningful moments with. I honestly care loads about them but I wonder every day if one difference in opinion is enough for them to slowly extract themselves from me tbh.
No. 795567
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I want to spam my college facebook page with botched transition pics and I have to contain myself to hide my TERF powerlevel in RL.
Fucking hate TRA SJW bourgeois, specially in a country with child marriage and where women are still used as breeding sows. It also leaves me livid that autistic, homo and GNC teens are going under the knife and taking unnecessary hormones.
It's cruel, but I really want the TRA to gain strenght and popularity in my country (and everywhere tbqh) just so people see how messed up it is. Let T into sports and vulnerable women's spaces, let growing teens mutilate themselves to be their true self. Let this fucking clown world burn.
No. 795579>>797297>>797302
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I genuinely like MHA, Naruto, Nagatoro-san, Tokyo mew mew, and a bunch of other silly anime/manga but these are the most controversial on lc so that's why I'm mentioning them. Despite my shit taste I never liked AoT.
Second confession, sometimes I hide the "characters you hate" thread because I'm extremely insecure about my taste. I'm very paranoid that my husbando will be posted there one day and if that happens I will have an unironic meltdown, start harming myself and finally leave this site for good.
No. 795615
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>>795608>all those uncensored anime tits still up for years on end but anime chinchins (drawn by actual women) get deleted in minuteshm
No. 795928
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>>792545>>792553>>792551I feel this so much, and I do feel guilty about 'enjoying' the pandemic time.
I've gotten so much stuff done, I'm not nearly as burnt out as usual, and I don't have to go through the absolute performance that is turning up at the uni. My physique is better, my food is better, my home is better, fucking everything is better.
My faculty is full of sociopathic gay men and troons who hate me. I just want to study in peace, multi-task while online lectures go on, then go into mandatory meetings if I need to show up with stuff I got done. gg ez
So in conjunction, I guess I confess that I enjoyed the living hell out of pandemic? I feel selfish thinking this, but oh well. Lmao I hope they keep online lectures and independent studying as an option after all this
No. 796044
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I'm gay, kind of wanting to return to and explore Christianity (its usual followers suck, duh, but I genuinely feel a connection with God). I looked up a church in my city known for being LGBT friendly; they have a youtube video interviewing various members of their church. Lots of pleasant, typical-seeming gay men, lesbians, gay and female priests, then bam, an acquaintance of mine from college. Back then I'd known her as the most obnoxious girl I'd ever met. Talked like a YA fantasy novel ("Greetings, weary traveler!") and shouted fandom references in class as if everyone would understand it. Now, in the video, she's going by a male version of her name and calls herself "genderqueer and nonbinary." Stood out like a sore thumb from everyone else in the video who simply described themselves as "gay" or "lesbian," no discoursey terms attached. Ngl I immediately felt on edge seeing her just because I found her so annoying back then kek. I looked her up on facebook afterwards and saw she was still with her very clearly male boyfriend from college.
I'm not gonna let her stop me from joining a church ofc. I just found it funny.
No. 796143>>796149>>796156
File (hide): 1619889085846.png (325.56 KB, 750x219, sakimi.png)

OK listen:
I'm not about to defend sakimichan's art as a whole because it's an entire coom stock, but I'm still lowkey envious of how well she works with colour, textures and lighting. Everything aside from the anatomy/postures is very nice to look at.
I suck at digital art. I feel like a gotdamn retard for not learning it better. I do great in traditional mediums but I'm so disconnected from digital art. I struggle with developing a 'touch' into it.
My unpopular opinion is that despite everything else I think of her art, sakimichan does have talent. And I admit that my opinion on the matter is biased, because she draws some of the characters I like better than I do (or probably ever will).
My confession is that I look up to sakimichan's art. I look at it and go 'I wish I could'. It's stupid.
No. 796149>>796151>>796153
>>796143Only jealous crabs deny Sakimichan has skills. People who do wildly commercial popular things always get talked down about just because they aren't doing anything edgy or surprising, like Bob Ross or idk early Kesha
I also buy into the theory that the only reason why her recent work has more mistakes is that she outsources or half asses it but that's a talk for the art thread
No. 796153>>796161
>>796149Bro did you just compare generic video game waifu epic art to Bob Ross?
Chan has more in common with that Russian scrote who paints sameface waifus than Bob Ross lol
No. 796161
>>796151I listed him as someone who wasn't edgy or surprising, maybe it was unclear
>>796153Add kronprinze or whatever to the list too sure, I'm not comparing their work directly I'm saying that people who just do a commercially successful thing and stick to it are often disrespected for it. Despite his commercial success Bob Ross was a joke in the art community until recently when it recently became cool to like him. I really don't think my post was this unclear but I guess not
No. 796165>>796173
>>796163Not to discourage you from your routine but yeah it does sound like you have a predisposition for cavities. I only brush about once a day, twice if I have some nasty food during the day, and yet I have never had cavities. Some days I skip cause I'm a lazy bitch. Dentists think my teeth are great.
Genetics are just fucking unfair like that. I have great teeth and nails with minimal effort, but my hair and skin are a nightmare without major maintainence and special treatments. Meanwhile I know adults with gorgeous hair who use cheap shampoo on it and are rough. I need a hormone pill and topicals in order for my skin to not break out and yet there are people who never wash their face and chug bacon grease who have skin like a baby's ass.
No. 796186>>796189
File (hide): 1619892815707.png (53.35 KB, 396x311, Screenshot 2021-05-01 141040.p…)

I want to draw the types as water based diseases as cute boys. I wont because then I'll be known as the person who drew water based diseases as cute boys.
Can't you see it? Water-born likes animals and water-based is a surfer. I know it's insensitive in fujoshi, but I see it
No. 796189
nonny, it'll never be as bad as waifufags who draw hitler, stalin, and co. as cute girls
No. 796247>>796260
File (hide): 1619897237800.jpeg (51.52 KB, 800x420, loved.jpeg)

I've only made one /snow/ thread up until now and I sometimes like to go to that thread and check the praise anons gave me for the good op
No. 796296>>796298>>796347>>796748
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I feel retarded because I was always terrible at math, I still have problems with solving even the simplest equations in my mind, my iq is slightly above average so technically I'm not retarded but it always looked like I am. I still have nightmares about failing math classes and people staring at me like I'm a special needs kid
No. 796298
>>796296It’s okay,
nonnie, calculators exist so we don’t have to worry about such trivial things.
No. 796441
>>796408child sexual assault
victims are actually more likely to become obese/addicted to food, idk if it was a movement but it's a known phenomenon.
No. 796742>>796744>>797221
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I wish friend finder didn't get shitted up to the point where it got locked. Im so bored and lonely these days and I know theres a few anons here that live in the same city as me. Id drop my discord or throwaway email but I don't wanna get banned or be accused of being a scrote.
No. 796752>>796757
>>796744… And touch grass, right?
Fuck I can't wait for that meme to die. Most useless response ever.
No. 796757>>796766
>>796746this isn't the place to make friends
the losers on here are fucking unhinged, evidenced by the very fact that the thread had to be shut down
>>796752>>796755how is telling her to make friends irl a meme and/or twitter? retards
No. 797175>>797217
File (hide): 1619990799930.gif (2.1 MB, 402x484, 1615347947512.gif)

YOOOOOOO! I saw my ex's photo by chance and nothing happened in my heart lmaaoooooooo I'm soooo happy fuckkkkkk finallllllyyyyyyy I'm freeee of that asshole yaaay
No. 797213>>797267
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I am starting to become paranoid that my sister uses lolcow
I have no reason to be this paranoid because she's a turbo normie and I feel like she would be really intimidated by an imageboard format, but some posts the last week or so could be so applicable to her that it started to make me question shit
It wouldn't even matter that much in the big scheme of things, it's just that I hate her so I really wouldn't like her to use this site with me, cause I feel like this is my stupid little niche secret club since like 2015
No. 797290
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>>797286>I'm too old for it Not a thing.
And if people asspat that oldass Andrea freak for wearing it, there's no fucking way a real woman couldn't wear it.
No. 797767>>797802
>>797506>>797455No worries anons, I actually take antibiotics now lmao. Phenazopyrid is godsent.
>>797694I hope someone else stopped to help her
No. 797802
>>797767>>797738It really felt like I was going crazy, I was like "You guys don't hear her?" I don't remember if anyone else in the car rrsponded. Driver didn't even hesitate to keep it moving, but traffic was kind of slow so I guess I could've gotten out… It was a weird situation.
Like I said, I hope she's okay. Yeah, just don't hesitate to help another woman if you're ever in that situation.
I remember one time my mom went into a gas station and saw a woman being threatened and swatted at by her husband, my mom was able to help de-escalate the situation and ask the woman privately if she was alright.
I hope I get the opportunity again to help someone like that.
No. 798121>>798128
File (hide): 1620083367971.jpeg (105.75 KB, 1332x1331, alrightdawg.jpeg)

>>798117Oh no, anon. Please spare all of us. We don't stand a chance against you and your mind.
No. 798129
>>798117So you don't have the inherent desire to avoid violence and conflict like most women. Good. Go kill some
abusive scrotes for the rest of us.
No. 798274>>798385>>798388>>798393>>798401
File (hide): 1620098652998.png (352.12 KB, 500x487, 8449806D-A5D9-49F8-88B5-2A53D8…)

i’ve been flirting with a married man for months now. nothing physical has happened yet but he wants to be fwb. i said no sex but we can fool around. i’m a virgin and i don’t want to be deflowered by this asshole, but he’s super hot so i’m down for anything else. he’s also rich and i kinda hope he’ll try to bribe me lol. it won’t work, but he doesn’t have to know that.
i feel bad about the fact that i don’t feel bad at all re: his wife. i always thought i had a pretty stable moral compass but i guess not. whatever.
No. 798278>>798317
>>798157Wait sorry if I'm retarded but the original boyfriend and you are still together now right?
So you lust after boys that look like he did a decade ago?
Why? If your bf is older now which you seemingly enjoy then what's the appeal of the middle school boys anymore?
No. 798317
>>798278we're still together
high school boys, yes, not middle school
I'm not sure, as best as I can figure it's because I liked him then too and maybe I miss how he looked when I first met him, or maybe that seeing what looks sort of like him at the time brings the original memories back
it is truly a foul and unacceptable thing to say, but, it seems like when black boys hit puberty they just tend to have this lanky but muscular look to them, it's distinct, and he looked like that for years, and I miss it
it's a distinctly youthful and full of life look, though I suppose saying that, if he were white, I would probably feel the same about however it is white teenage boys look when they hit puberty
not like right when they hit puberty, a couple years in after their voice has dropped but still cracks
I know it's extremely bad and possibly racist, I really don't think I'm an ephebophile
I think when I'm 50, I'll be staring at 30 year old men who resemble him then
No. 798328
>>798323Me too anon. She has this air of superiority around her and always speaks like she's obviously right and everyone else is dumb. Sometimes she tries to go on some virtue signalling rant about art theft and whatnot and it sounds disingenuous every time.
I think she's just the type of person who obviously makes her videos to get clout. She never comes across as a pleasant, nice person even once, and the fact that she tries to portray herself as such makes her all the more phoney looking.
This has nothing to do with her as a person but her art is fucking garbage and I can't stand to look at it No. 798337>>798342
>>798157I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Those feelings are from the love you have for your boyfriend, it’s not like you’re seeking out 15 year olds or something. You just miss that time in your life, and the memories you shared with him.
Low-key, I also doubt teenage boys who probably have porn addictions and think/write fucked up shit about their female classmates would give a shit about some random woman’s thoughts (especially when it’s not really even about them, but her boyfriend). You’re not some kind of creep, you’re fine.
No. 798393
>>798274how old are you?
also guaranteed that you'll fall in love and he will convince you that you're his only "true" love, and then dumb you too
No. 798399>>798403
>>798397Check out some martial arts/self defense places. Not everyone will be hot obviously but there also tend to be some ripped dudes that are unselfconscious about it in a way the gymbros never are. And you even have an excuse to get in their personal space and wrestle with them. (Yes I’m aware I sound like a scrote saying go to a martial arts place to feel up dudes but she asked and as seriously as I take my training I’d be lying if I said I
never thought about the hot beefy Asian trainer I’ve gotten to sweat it out with in non-platonic ways.)
No. 798449
File (hide): 1620120703910.png (2.03 MB, 1512x1282, 1620113319588 (1).png)

>>798434stuff like this but mainly on cow boards. (reposted to fix pic)
No. 798517>>798520>>798558
>>798385anon i’d rather be murdered like
>>798388 suggested than get picked over his wife in any meaningful way.
>>798401all scrotes will disappoint and disrespect you eventually, might as well get your rent paid or some nice jewelry out if it. they’re not good for much else.
No. 798657
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I keep having sex dreams about my bfs friend, doesn't make much sense because I dont find them attractive or are interested in them romantically. Leaves me feeling weird and gross when I wake up kek
No. 798794>>798803
File (hide): 1620151599673.jpg (103.42 KB, 960x960, 50469288_2321220531222900_5102…)

When I was a kid I was obsessed with dogs and wolves, I don't really know why. I remember larping as a wolf with my friend during recess and sometimes we'd go to her house and run around the woods in her backyard with her dog and pretend we were wolves. We also played virtual pet games all the time and I remember being really transfixed with the art. I would even write stories of me and my friend about our life as wolves and she would draw the pictures and looking back on it that shit was basically straight up sparkledog art. Sometimes I would go to bed and pray (I wasn't even religious kek) that in my next life I would be reincarnated as a wolf. I grew out of my wolf phase sometime during middle school, but even now sometimes when I stumble across furry art it makes me feel really nostalgic deep inside. I know that furries are degenerate and basically the punching bag of the internet but I can't help looking at them with some sort of fondness because it reminds me of the most fun times of my childhood lol. Thank god I didn't actually become one though.
No. 798804>>798847>>798858>>798968>>799649
File (hide): 1620152504903.jpg (93.31 KB, 867x1300, 97175081-used-sony-ericsson-k7…)

It is the year 2021, I'm 28yr old and I've never owned a smartphone. I plan to live smartphone free as long as possible. I still use my mobile phone I got when I was a teen.
No. 798942>>798959
File (hide): 1620159845924.jpg (220.06 KB, 1200x1097, Untitled.jpg)

I used to think Grigori Rasputin's first name was Ra Ra because of the Boney M song. I didn't discover the truth until my late teens.
No. 798959
>>798942This made me laugh, thanks
nonny. Ra Ra would be a cute name
No. 798968
File (hide): 1620161102286.jpg (40.65 KB, 385x879, 61uJzsRIKCL._AC_SY879_.jpg)

>>798804I'm 30 and I only had a smartphone for about 6 months and I hated it. That feeling of being constantly online gave me anxiety. The only good part was that I downloaded some Pokemon roms to play lmao. I have this Nokia dumbphone now and I love it.
No. 798989>>798992>>798994>>798999>>799052
File (hide): 1620162402204.png (75.18 KB, 752x594, 1616398411161.png)

I think one of my friends is very immature because at age 26 she's still posting way too much personal shit online about family drama or her health issues on instagram with her real and rare first name and her real face. She also won't stop posting her frankly bad cosplay attempts, and cringey photoshoots with even worse cosplayers. She also won't stop posting her terrible fanarts of her favorite pairings. I think she does the same thing on twitter. She never improved since I know her and it's just embarrassing to look at her complaining about her shitty life while creating her own problems, posting angsty 30 pages long essays on her instagram stories and then showing her horrible shonen manga fanarts. I wish she'd grow up instead of trying to look like a genki kawaii uwu weaboo at her age.
I have another friend who's becoming a full-blown hikikomori. She had so many opportunities in life that barely anyone has and she never took them or took advantages of them when she could, so now she's jobless, depressed and obese and avoids socializing with literally anyone including her very worried closed friends just because she's obsessed with mmorpgs instead of studying and accepting an amazing and easy as fuck job opportunity she didn't even deserve. Since then a lot happened to her but 99% of her problems are self-inflicted so I feel bad for saying it but I have no pity whatsoever for her and won't be surprised if she became suicidal at some point. She's basically pic related now.
No. 799012>>799016
>>798992I could seriously see my friend still being like this at age 30.
>>798999Which one, the first one or the second one? As long as you're have a little bit of self-awareness, you don't link your bullshit family drama and weaboo tendencies to your rl identity and you don't straight up reject job opportunities because you'd rather play FF14 with people you actively hate you can't be worse than them tbh.
No. 799016>>799020
>>799012First one.
She is my sister, but she is 100% as you described her, which is kinda scary.
No. 799052>>799074
>>798989>Since then a lot happened to her but 99% of her problems are self-inflicted so I feel bad for saying it but I have no pity whatsoever for her and won't be surprised if she became suicidal at some point.It can be frustrating watching a friend fail, but how can you say she's depressed and in the same breath say you wouldn't feel a twinge of pity if she had those kinds of thoughts? That isn't very kind.
Don't take this as trying to infight, I just feel a little bad for your second friend's situation.
No. 799074>>799077
>>799052We met in university and I related to her a lot because she was shy and anxious, but she was nice and we had a lot of hobbies in common. The thing is, while I was working on improving myself and trying really hard to help her in many ways, she always half-assed everything, never put any efforts into anything and she still managed to get better opportunities than my other friends and I ever had. She didn't take them, wouldn't stop blaming everyone around her for her own problems, and always got horribly surprised when things didn't get her way. When we had our bachelors and started studying for our masters degree she gave up and because a total slob. I don't know where to start with specific examples right now so the rest of my post won't be very coherent:
>skipped a shit to of classes, was shocked that this affected her grades>most assignments were group assignments so her bullshit often also affected our grades>never looked up the conditions to get a proper working visa after graduation in my country, never gave a fuck when we all warned her and was shocked that one of the conditions was a high salary, begged my other friends and I to give her advice and job opportunities/networking when, unlike her, we were struggling to get a job despite having better work ethics, more experience, etc. Meanwhile she rejected a job offered to her by her internship manager offered to her despite her fucking up all the time during her internship>suddenly, anxious and depressed because she realizes she fucked up for the 92804035092th time>was salty as fuck when, a year later, her former manager may consider me for a similar position in another team, which I was qualified for, despite her never looking for a job since then>keep in mind she got hired for her internship just because of linkedin's algorithm, she had no experience and goals whatsoever>was shocked when our other friend who couldn't find an internship on time refused to help her and ask questions for her to other students on fb and teachers when she didn't know what our assignments for our thesis even were because she just skipped classes and begged us to send her our notes AND explain everything again>plays MMOs for role-playing purposes, hates the people she plays with, cried for an hour once because some girl she roleplays with used an aesthetic for a powerpoint showing her OC that kinda vaguely looked like my friend's powerpoint for her own OC, which ruined everyone's afternoon>refuse all invitations to hang out with friend group but is surprised that she's missing some discussions we have when she was absent by her own choice, just so she could play more MMOs with people she hates, including the girl mentioned above No. 799075>>799088
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I deactivated my main twitter, main instagram and my facebook account around 3 weeks ago and honestly, I don't miss it at all.
I kept opening the apps without thinking about it during the first few days and it surprised me how much of it is just a matter of habit rather than actual interest in whatever content I see there. (Even though to be fair I'd still love to see what some artists post on there)
I only kept my secret twitter (on which I'm alone in private to vent, because I didn't want to have a physical thing irl in case my mom found it) and my spam account on instagram (only 3 of my closest friends follow me on there and I just post whatever)
I realized that I completely lost interest in what other people post. If I really want to post a pic of my cat I can just post it on the spam and go, without having to see anything else and be sucked into scrolling, since I don't follow anyone on there. I had deleted nearly 80 people from my followers on instagram to only keep people I like a few weeks before that, and blocked a bunch of my acquaintances and family on twitter too. It's weird how 2 years ago, the idea of losing my main account would have thrown me in a panic, and now I just don't give a fuck and I prefer people not perceiving me on the internet.
It's really nice to just be able to have a small corner to post bullshit on without people seeing you or seeing other people' stuff. I'm thinking of deleting the main accounts for good, but I'm inclined to just keep them deactivated for a while (on twitter the limit is 30 days before complete deletion so I'll just reactivate to deactivate it immediately after)
I did all of this on a whim one night and I don't regret it one bit. Not that I was active at all on these before but idk, it just feels nice to "disappear". This probably just feeds into my obsession with people who disappear off the face of the earth to start anew elsewhere tho idk lmao
No. 799085>>799087
>>799077I'm not angry at her, I said I don't feel pity anymore. I basically stopped caring.
>It sounds like she didn't adapt to moving countries.It's not that. If it is it's just one very small factor. She turned this way a few years after moving here, and between moving here and becoming a lazy shut-in she was doing great. Nothing in particular happened, she just got lazy as fuck, which backfired because she was procrastinating, which made her anxious with deadlines and any really small, easy as fuck tasks, which made her depressed. When I was depressed because of hormonal imbalance and a fucked up family situation I was making way more effort than her to be in a better situation and when I realized that I felt I couldn't relate to her anymore. And since she's avoiding our friend group as a whole I feel like we're just slowly, naturally drifting apart.
>You're mad that she got offered opportunities you didn'tI was a bit jealous for a hot second and was shocked and worried about her that she refused to be properly hired by her very supportive team. I stopped caring when I saw she stopped caring as well and could be financially supported by her rich family, since that meant she could probably find other opportunities elsewhere. What I disliked the most was that she complained about having to take xanax because answering phone calls all day long was stressful and she was given days off to get some rest easily while my own team in the same company was insane and at some points treated me like shit for no reason in ways that could have ended in lawsuits if I could have gathered evidence and she didn't really care.
No. 799088
>>799075its sad that this is more of a confession when it should be whats normal. good for you. i hope more people do this.
also elizabeth moss is so goddamn ugly it
triggers me to see one second of her face. like the same people have trypophobia, her face makes me want to fight or flight
No. 799091>>799093
>>799087Anon maybe you went to an american university, if so I'm sorry you got scammed, but what I'm talking about is her pretending to be too busy to do research and participate into the creation of 30 page long essays and analysis AND not even bothering reading her parts of oral presentations that we had to complete so she won't just stand there doing nothing and saying one sentence only, saying the exact opposite of what she was supposed to explain and lowering the entire group's grade that way on a very regular basis.
And she didnt pay shit because tuition is very cheap over here. Her rich family payed for everything for her. University here is more of a time investment because of this and I didn't like it when she wasted mine when I was looking for a part time job because I was poor, all while having old physical health issues come back very suddenly at some point.
No. 799093>>799492
>>799091I went to a UK uni. International students in the UK pay like 3x what UK citizens pay. I had shite groups too, but if you didn't want to carry you, don't work with her or you could have told a professor. I got let down by a guy once he was suppose to complete his section me and the rest of the group waited in the library for him and 20 mins before the presentation he told us he wasn't coming. We had to hastily out something together and were lucky enough to get by, so I get when people don't pull their weight. We never worked with that guy again and he didn't need to ask why it was pretty obvious he let us all down.
Like I would miss lectures too and I get that professors will say shit that doesn't appear on the slides so you basically get a bonus or an advantage from going to class but anyone would be able to pass a uni class based on the slides and material listed in the prospectus for the course. That's why there's distinctions in the qualifications to show who puts forth that extra effort.
No. 799213>>799214
>>799143I agree with
>>799150. You only went too far insofar as now she has something to cry
victim about.
This is just conjecture, but I'm sure she's going to ham up this incident so no one can say anything too critical about her actions towards your friend without looking like jerks who didn't "consider what she's going through too!" Now she's also a
That's a really unfortunate outcome.
No. 799214>>799217
>>799213People get tired of people constantly playing the
victim though. If she's as nasty to orchestrate a hate campaign when she should be grieving I'm sure other people will wake up to her bullshit soon enough.
No. 799217>>799225
>>799214I've known too many bullies, trust me it's just a numbers game. If they get enough people to echo chamber that they're the
victim, then they don't care if as many other people think they're a piece of shit. Hell this one bitch in my community is a notorious psycho and narcissist, and yet she's still in popular circuits solely for the fact that no one wants to stand up to her and face her wrath.
No. 799385>>799391>>799403>>799409>>799434>>799449>>800114>>801519>>803328>>803970
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I'm completely and totally obsessed with my boyfriend. All I can think about is him, always. In fact I've not been able to sleep well anymore because my mind races with thoughts of him every single night. I love him so much that I can't put it into words. If he stabbed and killed me, I would be fine with it. I think about abducting him and keeping him with me forever. He probably wouldn't be opposed but that's still fucked up I guess. Every other guy is hideous to me, including fictional guys like anime boys. Maybe I'm going insane, because I never felt this away about any other man before him.. I just love him.
No. 799492>>799516
>>799093Reread my previous posts for context, my other friends and I felt bad for her until a certan poutn when it was obvious we cared about her way more than she cared about herself and she was making no effort whatsoever. She got depressed AFTER and because spending too much time on vidya backfired. And the way you describe it make it seems like uni in the UK is way easier than the one I went to. Going to a professor to tell them someone didn't work on their part of the assignment will get you nothing but scorn because you'll be seen as a snitch, best case scenario they won't care and tell you that it's exactly like this a work too so that's a good way to prepare ourselves for our job after graduation, which isn't even correct but that's another issues completely.
>>799143What did they say to your friend to begin with?
No. 799516>>799517>>799522>>799526
>>799492Anon, honestly. You're projecting a lot on this girl. She only got depression after, how would you know you're literally not in her head. Fuck sake you could even be going to Scottish uni which have no fees for UK citizens.
Going to professor to say someone I your group isn't working isn't being a snitch what the absolute fuck. Group projects are about working together and time management. That's why you're suppose to take minutes at your group meetings and assign roles to each other so if someone fucks up you can explain it. The guy that dit he'd my group obviously never showed up so we didn't need to explain to our professor he let us down because his absence was obvious, but you would never get penalised for someone else. Uni isnt competitive like that and there's no sliding scales and only certain percentage of people can get top marks.
No. 799526>>799528
>>799516I'm thinking you're the one projecting and relating to her despite not knowing her irl at all. I'm ok with giving more context but you won't convince me that I should start babying her and pity her because she's officially a shut-in and you're not teaching me shit about depression that I didn't already know or experience myself. She reaped what she sow.
>Going to professor to say someone I your group isn't working isn't being a snitch what the absolute fuck.That's french culture for you. If you do anything that could be described as "délation" even if you're in the right you'll get in more trouble than the person doing bad things unless that person is committing a crime. I've seen professors being disgusted by students complaining to them about their lazy classmates with my own eyes. One even told us to not do this because she won't give anyone pity points.
No. 799528>>799544
>>799526I don't think you should pity her and baby her, I think if she annoys you this much you could just cut the contact since you guys are distanced anyway.
Sorry you've got a shit professor.
No. 799621
>>799611Yeah fuck them. Thank god there's an elevator in my apartment building
>>799613Wtf that's so cute anon ily
No. 799674>>799684>>799693>>799710>>799711>>805939
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I am a high value woman from now on. No more pigsy becky. No more self loathing. I am a fucking QUEEN, and as the queen I am, I do not listen to low value women's music anymore. No more pickmeisha Mitski, she always begs and begs for men to stay. No more betting on losing dogs. Me? I listen to Ariana Grande bitch. YOU GOTTA GOTTA GOTTA LOVE ME HARDERRRR
Anyways if you have more good high level music I'd like to listen to it. But no doormat songs allowed alright.
No. 799925>>799928>>799941>>799952>>800113>>800158
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Forgive me, cisters, for I have sinned.
I write f/f stories as a way to practice my english as an esl, obviously is rough and full of mistakes as I'm not a professional, only a filthy casual. sometimes I use original characters, sometimes anime and even kpop pairings (kek don't kill me) I don't post them anywhere tho because why would I? I care about your time and eyes. The process of writing in itself makes me happy enough.
I am sorry for all my sins.
No. 799928
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>>799925Your sins are forgiven.
No. 799986>>799988
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>>799946But do you post it online?
No. 800022>>800048>>800053
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I’ve started playing that retarded bimboland game because i love games in which I can costumize my character as much as possible, and whenever someone sends me a message I get extremely wet. What the fuck is wrong with me.
No. 800053>>800061
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>>800022>>800048nvm I looked it up. you know those are probably creepy scrotes right…
No. 800074>>800081>>800088>>800096>>800098
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i unironically think lillee jean’s body type is really cute. Passing by the thread I saw anons dumping on her body in this pic but my first thought was thatskindahot.png
No. 800081
>>800078aw that's pretty common sadly. sorry to drag the info out of you
nonny. you should focus on being happy and enjoy your game, maybe the guilt can be worked on if you ever wished. anyway I hope you keep having fun customizing your character, I always liked those games too
>>800074I find it cute also
No. 800096
>>800074She's not spectacular or anything, but she's cute in a girl-next-door sort of way. Her crazy eyes and behavior are honestly what makes her ugly imo. Also, 90% of the lip colors she wears are really unflattering. LJ is basically a reverse Luna; where Luna has a really cute face and a tragic body, LJ has a normal body but an awkward face.
TBH I'm a butterface, too. Which would you rather have, anons? A nice body with an ugly face, or an ugly body with a nice face? I'd honestly choose the latter, because at least for that you can work out.
No. 800114
>>799385Hey I feel the same way about mine at the tender age of
30 lmao so don't be ashamed
nonnie. We've also been dating for more than a year so either this is a long ass honeymoon or I found my man.
No. 800496
>>800487This post reminded me that a good 30yo lesbian friend of mine got affected by her (ex)wife cheating on her so bad, that she is still going through a deep depression throughout this day, and 6 months ago she announced that she will turn into FtM by the time COVID is over. I feel so horrible for her and I wish there was a chance for me to talk her out of this, but she is too deep in her mental illness to even listen to anyone, disconnecting herself from people.
She always was the 'butch' type living a cool life, being in military and not caring about gender roles, adoring characters like Revy, etc. I think one of the big reasons why she wants to FtM is because she found comfort in a Twitch artist, is a mod and close friend of her for a long time now but said artist is a straight woman. It was oftenly obvious when you'd think that she has a crush on this artist. It's very depressing.
No. 800498>>800509>>800511>>800520
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i'm ashamed of being so superficial and wanting breast implants. i'm mostly ok with my body otherwise but i just hate having no tits. even more shameful since i don't even like men that much and i would never date or fuck one and any attention from them makes me uncomfortable and women don't even care that much about boob size. also i'm sure my fake tits would look like bolt-ons but i still want them to balance my figure.
No. 800524
>>800487there are a few older detrans women on twitter like @sourpatches2077 (butch lesbian), @careycallsbs, and @flohrfritz (straight autistic woman, also detransitioned a decade ago, has posted some youtube videos) if you want to see more mature women discuss it.
and about your post yea after detransitioning seems like people are in rocky places and should not be in the public eye for a while as they find themselves again.
>I watched one a few months back and she went from 'being male' to being the most dolled up woman overnight.Other detrans women have mentioned doing this, then turning it down as well as they realized they don't need to do that to be comfortable with themselves. But if this woman is now on onlyfans she's probably going to have an even more messed up relationship to her body/gender and might further dissociate.
>Today I got recommended another vid by someone announcing their switch back…she found god.Also very sad to see people jump from cult to cult but not surprising. I've heard this also happens (apparently you can find some on tiktok) and saw a detrans lesbian convert to a explicitly homophobic type of christianity. People seeing the stupidity of gender identity shit but then falling for religious shit is disappointing.
No. 800586
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I was watching a comedy show and minding my own business when all of a sudden I got turned on by my own body and ended up with a mess. And now I'm laying in bed thinking wtf did just happen…
No. 800643>>800664>>800671
>>800637Yeah I also went to third base with most of my exes
including one who was rapey and gross and tried to force me into it and I keep wondering why I never actually fucked and am still a virgin too.
Part of me thinks I'm just cowardly and scared about it. Pre covid I almost lost my virginity when decently inebriated after a party but the people whose apartment I was crashing at didn't want me and the guy fucking there, and I wasn't about to do it in my car
So many chances and sometimes I swear I should've just given it up, because it's been a year plus now since covid started and nothing has come, I'm stuck living with my parent, and I'm having to use unattainable fantasies to curb my lechery
No. 800688>>800693
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The other night I was overcome by some unknown force and I searched through multiple celebricows threads to find Chris Evans grainy dick pic. Not even to masturbate to, I just had to see it again.
No. 800903
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my ex who is a very sweet autistic man looks like this with his new haircut (and he doesn't like it when his hair is too long which is a shame because it's curly) and i still find him hot. i don't feel ashamed for finding him attractive still but seeing men in this lineup he looks similar too is embarrassing.
No. 800926>>800933
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Sometimes I agree with what cows say, but it’s not worth mentioning or defending their points so I don’t say anything. And when farmers are mad or reactive with what those cows said [that I agree with] part of me finds it funny because I know the anons are the minority opinion, even if on lolcow they’re the majority.
No. 801114
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The only time I remember my sister hugging me was for valentines day when I was maybe 10 and she was 16 and even then she pushed hard away in the middle of it because I "stepped on her toe". I didn't step on her toe and even if it's been over ten years, I don't really like my sister and don't even have her number saved, remembering this kinda hurts. Right as it happened I felt dumb as fuck, like why the fuck did I think she actually wanted to hug me just because.
No. 801221>>803355
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i hate anyone who posts Zero Two shit. Its a gross scrote anime and only pickmes like it idgaf.
i know lori skinwalks it but at whats worse, i know more people that skinwalk it. a friend from back when i was in high school started talking to me again last year. we are 22 and she's a "professional cosplayer" who is a neet living off her mom. she loves dressing as Zero Two and skinwalks it. Doubt she knows who Lori is but she does the exact same and she's slowly becoming "sexier" in her cosplays i wont be surprised for an onlyfans era. its her life she can ruin it, i stopped talking to her again she's strange and lies a lot.
anyways, so sexual and lame and only girls who love scrote attention love cosplaying it. if you done cosplay zero two i wont judge you, nonnita. but if you dress up as zero two every other day for attention like lori or that friend please go to therapy
No. 801267>>801273>>801311
25/26, autistic, low functioning, no higher education, no job, no friends, no family, kissless virgin, never even held hands with someone, going outside only when I have to do groceries and only when it gets dark, living off insurance money I got after my parents died. No health insurance though because I don't work. My day is just switching between anxiety attacks, because I'm sure something bad is going to happen and I'm going to die, and maladaptive daydraming/consooming media, books, comics, vidya etc.
I doubt there's anyone worse than me here. If only i had the courage to off myself
No. 801273>>801280
>>801267I will never stop saying that
nobody gives a fuck about whether you’ve had sex before a certain age or not nobody, absolutely nobody gives a single fuck, so what if you never had a special one or something like that? Sometimes love isn’t for everyone and by not dating anyone that comes to your way, you’re avoiding getting yourself in a shitty
toxic relationship with a shit person that will treat you horribly.
It’s okay to wait for someone who you actually feel comfortable with, don’t let not having a partner or not fucking make you feel like shit, because sex and dating are not the pillars of happiness, they’re not necessary.
Maybe try focusing more on other things that are actually worrisome and important like your depression.
No. 801306
>>801290Nayrt, but I agree with her. He's most likely gay.
>I got the impression he liked blonde Stacy girlsThat was just the same impression he was trying to give everyone to cover up that he's gay because that's what's expected of stereotypically macho men. I've seen my gay friend do it when he was closeted. And he also had a gf. In reality, he liked neither the gf nor the blonde bombshells.
No. 801312>>801316>>801440>>801846>>802003
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I've been a vegetarian for 6-7 years, but last night I ate two moonpies and I feel incredibly guilty
No. 801442>>801463
>>801290ayrt. The only men who wont have sex with their girlfriend for years are:
- asexuals, I've only heard of them in media i've never heard of any IRL, they are so exceedingly rare
- some weird religious type of man
- closeted gays
The first two are usually quite obvious and truthful about what they are, they sure don't try to pretend they are some kind of Chad. Only the third option (closeted gay) tries to sell some fake image of themselves.
Also the first option is super rare and the second is quite obvious to everyone why they are not fucking.
No. 801447
>>801438Well done on reaching this level of self awareness
If you make some kind of social media post, even on a small private account, admitting you were awful to other kids and are now reflecting your actions then you automatically raise the bar for humanity. I'm so tired of all of these ex-bullies who live love laugh all over the internet without at least admitting that it hasn't always been the case, it would give any of them so much more authenticity even if they just gloated that they've grown as people or something
No. 801453
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>>801438>I think we're both paying the price now since we in our early 20s, unemployed and still living at home.Good, hopefully this will happen to even more bullies.
No. 801488>>801517
>>801438Tbh I think it was just pack mentality and bouncing off your brother's bully energy lmao. Sometimes children being shitty isn't a deep issue, some just lack empathy until experience and growth render them wisdom. Are you two close at least? You should ask your bro if he ever had a reason for it.
Unless you did something truly unforgivable, I wouldn't worry about it. I've moved on from my worst bully and I'm sure plenty of adjusted people have.
No. 801517
>>801488We never physically harmed anyone, it was more of a mental bullying game with us. Like, I remember when we were 8/9ish, we were playing hide and seek with one of our younger cousins in a hotel, and we just decided to leave the building bc we thought it would be funny to leave her alone. She was like 5 at the time.
I also remember another time we were at my cousin's quinceanera and we tricked some kid into drinking the baptismal water because we told him that every one had to drink it when they entered the church. Again because we thought it'd be funny.
And then, in middle school, we both cyberbullied a friend to cut them off. In my case it was because she became so clingy and I had no idea how to verbally tell her I didn't want to be her friend anymore. It was likely the same reason for my brother and his friend.
There's more instances of this behavior I keep thinking back on and wondering why the fuck I acted like that, but you're right it usually happened when I was either with my brother, or a few other friends.
>>801476>repressingHonestly I don't think so, the only negative influence I can think of is my dad making jokes about weirdos on the street/public transport, which he frequently did with us otw to school/home.
Oh, but I dunno, does getting spanked with a belt have some kind of influence on that? Because my mom would discipline us like that, until we were like 12. I just figured that was commonplace.
No. 801519
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>>79938527 here, relationship of 5 years and we’re like that, too. Life is beautiful
No. 801610
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God please forgive me, I'm being a two timer now
No. 801631>>801695
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There's this cute guy who I sometimes see when he walks his dog. I really looked forward to seeing him in the mornings.
Today I found out he's probably underage. I would've sworn he was at least 25, but alas. I'm so sorry.
Picrel, his dog is a shiba.
No. 801665
>>801661hate when I'm depressive. I'm sensitive to what feels like every solitary thing that bothers me, so this exacerbated it
trying not to dwell on the fact that I should've left that place a long time ago, but I kept giving them faith that things would change. they didn't
No. 801699
>>801692I think any reason is
valid, especially since there seems to be a genetic component in autism, and I think everyone should have a "worst case scenario" script if they're planning kids.
I don't really want them because I have chronically low energy levels and anxiety issues, and I'm doing my best to keep up a "normie" facade in public. I won't ever tell it to non-family because I don't want to pretend like I'm some spoonie when I don't have actual debilitating health issues. Spending a day with my young cousins and watching how they treat their mother is like a nightmare. If some dude I loved actually wanted to become a STAHF for years, then maybe I'd consider giving birth. I don't need that "birth me a legacy and then raise it too while I'm cool dad with gifts and funtime" shit either.
No. 801711
>>801692Same, and I lowkey think I inherited mine from my father.
Luckily I'm a girl so high functioning enough for it to be less noticeable, but it can't keep going on like this and my father was a horrible parent. I loved him very much when I was younger because he could get down on my level but now when I'm older I realise just how much parenting my mother had to do for the both of us, he was basically just an overgrown baby for her to take care of. I was already more mature than him when I was a teen.
No. 801721>>801761
>>801692I have autism that went under the radar until I was nearly 30 and pushed for the assessment myself, I managed to pass as just having an anxiety disorder all that time. I'd hate to have a more autistic kid than myself. I've seen what happens when the diagnosis comes early and they're coddled all their life..then there's those online communities that'll coddle them even if parents don't. Male autists have their issues around sex and boundaries. I'm just not taking that risk.
I know a woman with 2 autist sons and yeah they're cute right now and actually not the worst workload..waiting to see what puberty looks like for them though. She's always on facebook posting about how you should essentially approach every stranger you meet as if they have autism.. she's one of those. My kid has tism so everyone has to walk around always thinking about tism just in case they meet one?
No. 801809
>>801692I want to have kids but the idea of them being bpdfags and bipolarfags horrifies me. I'm afraid I'll turn out like my own
abusive mother if I end up with a difficult child. My mothers untreated and rampant mood and personalityfagging ruined her childrens psyche. even if I'm self aware and lack her narcissism, I don't know if I'd be a good mom
The sad part is that the last few years I decided I want kids and I think I want a daughter, but I dread the prospect that I will repeat history. I don't like boring men, I don't tend to attract stable men, so there's more fear for the hypothetical child's mental health that the father won't be stable
It would feel selfish to pass on my fucked up tendencies to a baby. I know bpd at least is driven by genetics and exacerbated and
triggered by environment, and I don't want my child to suffer. I feel selfish for wanting one. Guess I'll see how mature I am in a few years…
No. 802009
>>801927Almost all of us do.
I still don't get why they decided to go again the boards' wishes and ban it.
No. 802067
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please make this the next thread pic
No. 802256
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Wtf?!?! You mean like a fetish thingy?
No. 802372
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Not my confession but - I was facetiming with my brother today, chatting about our old schoolmates, and he told me two girls from his year recently admitted to him that they had had crushes on him back in high school.
I remembered those two girls - they befriended me, a girl a year below them, out of the blue. I was totally psyched because I thought it proved that I was cool, mature for my age, etc. We'd chat online, get Starbucks together, hang at each other's houses and play vidya, etc. It actually felt pretty natural and easy, they were genuinely nice girls.
With my brother's revelation, the timing of their crushes compared to their friendships with me makes total sense. I'm not /deeply/ hurt (they weren't my closest friends), plus it happened way too long ago to matter now, but now I have to accept the fact that I wasn't nearly as much of a k00l sophomore as I thought I was
No. 802545
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>>802537It's such a freaky feeling, and I always feel so embarrassed on top of it too. Topless is fine but the moment they take off their pants I have to look away
No. 802594
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is it possible to be such a massive anxietyfag that it cripples you in your daily life? sometimes i feel myself getting stupider by the minute, the more i try to do better the more i seem to fuck things up and misread situations, i'm so sick of it i want to kill myself
No. 802605>>802606>>802614
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i feel like posting something mentally ill today but its 100% true and i’m on painkillers.
i only use imageboards so irl i have a mental “cow” thread of myself and shit on myself mentally all day. somedays it is funny but other days it makes me cry, right? i mentally have pictures posted of myself to the thread and i don’t even take pictures irl because when i see pics of myself it solidifies it and makes it worse, i feel like anons are watching and commenting on everything i do 24/7. i imagine what outfits get made fun of the most, my extensions would be made fun of for sure. i have imaginary social media posts in my head that get ragged on here. it is amusing but kind of tortures me and directs my behavior and how i style myself too. i think my makeup would be the most acceptable. my bf and i would get made fun of for never going outside and i think of all the tinfoils people would make and it makes me worried people irl tinfoil too. im glad i dont have SM. i just got cosmetic surgery and cant really walk and my legs look thinner. im imagining in my head that you guys are all talking about it and infighting. i have a parasocial relationship with farmers and i have been using the site more but ever since i started in 2018 it has helped with self improvement and how to not be so embarrassing so thank u for that.
what mental illness is this? dont take the post so seriously im just having fun. but what is wrong with me haha?
No. 802757>>802786>>802826>>802883
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>>802624My votes
considering OP is not just larping would go to either Corpse Husband or Azealia Banks
>AZ:>Actually famous>I don't think she'd care being sexualized though>And then her new meds kick in
>CH:>Calling him famous is a massive stretch>But maybe he has this much of an ego>Sexualized here a bit more than AZ due to minorposting>Would like the sexualization if he didn't think lc was a femcel space only>Little does he knows we're all staciesCould be one of the left thirties too, but I don't follow then.
No. 802813
>>802799>>802786I said that because in one of the old celebricow threads there were some Azealia stans and a few anons tinfoiled that it's her praising herself. She loves to talk shit and nitpick people's bodies so to me it doesn't seem too far fetched that she would frequent a site like this.
>>802809Right now I'm keking at the thought of Driver exposing himself and then getting banned for being a scrote. Driverfags BTFO.
No. 802822>>802827
>>802624I mean, this person uses ellipsis, capitalizes random words and mix the regular and lower cases "I/i".
Does Azealia or Corpse write like that on social media?
No. 802883
>>802757What if that’s just another random cow like Lilee Jean
whatever you type that or the queen herself?
No. 802905>>802932>>802983>>803033
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I'm a millenial who never got the appeal of Harry Potter, tried reading the books as a child and they just never resonated with me. But all the seething online & even in my friend group over Rowling being an evil terf has made me want to give the series another chance.
No. 802983
>>802905It's too childish for an adult to enjoy.
I never got into it a a child either so I tried it as an adult and it's just boring.
No. 803033
>>802905Same here. I wasn't interested in her other fiction besides Harry Potter before but now I'm gonna read it too.
>>802931Based blackpilled feminist.
No. 803037>>803307
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gonna sound like a huge bitch but seeing nonnies in /g/ fret over scrotes approval, "the wall" meme, how their life is over if they don't look a certain way and other stuff like that plus the relationship thread makes me feel smug, almost even proud, for being exclusively into fictional characters since childhood lol. literally never found a 3D male attractive and by the looks of things, it seems like a hassle.
No. 803057>>803100
>>802931I decided to give it a chance and read.
>However, in a patriarchal context, the male-pleasing is even more clear and even more problematic, especially where and if mothers think that they are better than non-mothers, and that they hold a position of legitimate power and authority over anyone and Holy Shit, mothers do think that, don’t they? Mothers think they have a legitimate claim of authority over everyone, including their own children, other people’s children, and importantly over child-free women, who mothers regard as overgrown babies no matter how old or experienced we are. But this claim of authority is not based in anything legitimate, and maternal authority is therefore not a legitimate authority at all.All I'm getting here is that the author has mommy issues. Deep ones.
No. 803060>>803067>>803076>>803089>>803102
>>803044I checked out the post because of you, and it's just as you said.
I guess my confession is that I'm really growing tired of radical feminism. I agree with many of its points re: men, women's oppression, pornography, prostitution, etc, but when I read blog posts like that and see how some "blackpilled" radfems act (especially toward women they don't perceive as blackpilled/radfem enough), it just seems like a whiny, bitter cult. An excuse to never try to see the upside of things or be happy, and to complain all the time. So many radfems love to marinate in anger and trauma.
I feel like anyone who supports that post is cheering on someone's depression. It just feels wrong on all levels.
No. 803076
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>>803060big agree and I'm comfortable not considering myself a radfem while still being grateful they at least care about certain issues. I just see too many unhinged bitter ones to associate myself.
No. 803089
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>>803060Agreed. Sometimes I wonder how they expect to liberate women as a class when they purposefully alienate a large portion of women for perpetuating behaviors they don't agree with. I feel like they would chill tf out and realize that feeding into your own oppression is not exclusive to women if they read more radical theory that is not necessarily related to feminism.
>Picrel from the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire No. 803191>>803218
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Im a lesbian with a gf but sometimes i have dreams about my male coworker and it makes me feel like shit
No. 803291
>>803288>don't like the texturebuy a blender and blend it smooth, it makes a world of difference
>the overcooked mushy vegetablesyou don't have to overcook them
No. 803293>>803340
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>>803288Slightly related but I don't like any food where you can't tell what exactly the mouthfeel belongs to either.
I've been wondering if I'm legit on the spectrum mostly because I'm that finicky with food texture. The most glaring example is eggs. I fucking love eggs but I am repulsed by uncooked egg whites to the point where I'll manually scrape it off if there's still a tiny bit around the yolk. I also can't handle the little white stringy bit so I'll always crack my eggs into a separate bowl first to remove any stringy or red gunk. If I don't do that I can't relax while eating my egg because I'll contantly anticipate biting into a gross textured bit.
For this reason I hesitate to eat eggs made by anyone other than me.
No. 803314
>>802931Lmao the amount of seethe this post caused. That's why women will never be free. The same women who bitch about posts like these are then bitching about their shitty scrotes. Also, according to them women are
never guilty of anything, especially mothers. If you criticize the institution of motherhood, you have mommy issues. This argument is just as "
valid" as throwing "daddy issues" at women who criticize men. So a reddit scrote tier argument. I'm not even calling myself a radfem, but it is
becase radfems are usually straight women who think they can reform men, not because radfems are too radical or something, and I don't want to be associated with bluepilled spineless reformists who think twitter activism is real and that you can change society without making any significant changes in your own life. As a class, women who choose to live with men will always be privileged over those who don't, and they will never give up that privilege. The majority of radfems are not separatist or essentialist, so the only mistake committed by the author of that blog is still calling herself a "radfem". She is not.
This post is better though. It's amazing how males forced motherhood even upon goddesses who were originally not associated with fertility or motherhood at all. And how feminists are memeing themselves into thinking that women had any choice in "matriarchal" societies, despite being groomed into mitherhood from childhood and little girls being told they will be impregnated by their grandpa's spirit. Yuck No. 803323
>>802087When I was in middle school I downloaded this app that played high frequency noises that people over 30 couldn’t hear. Every kid was freaking out and being yelled at by the teacher
No. 804081
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despite being in my late 20's and being an awkward fuck that never had a bf, my bio urges get the better of me and I.JUST.WANNA.FUCK. like seriously i wish it was that easy and non-threatening to fuck and dumb without having to worry about a bunch of things like some scrote getting attached to me and stalking me.or being a creep from the get go.
like i have this image of not really thinking this stuff to the point im asked "when am i going to get a bf" but seriously it's terrifying to think what the average man is capable of especially in a country like mine where a woman has to be assaulted/killed for something to happen and even then we get blamed.(not that this doesnt happen almost everywhere but compared to other countries,we are pretty backwards)
why cant i live in some woke country where it's ok to have casual sex with men and also have to confidence to pull it off.
i think a bunch of people i know would be shocked that i think like this but a relationship seems more like a chore that i dont care about for now and want the physical aspect for the sake of it.being horny is more of an annoyance most of the time and sex is a weird concept for me overall but i cant get it off of my brain sometimes.
No. 804162>>804186>>804417
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I have a hemorrhoid on my asshole and its giant and ugly. I haven't had sex since I got it (not entirely due to that, but it's certainly a factor). Everyone in the MTF thread is roasting some troon who has a similar situation and I feel like a nasty freak.
No. 804417
>>804186 100% correct anon don’t worry
No. 804481>>804668
>>804372It's so obnoxious because while most straight men at least pretend to be ashamed if you call them out, gays fall back on "omg sis it was just a joke, you know I don't mean it like that" acting like it's impossible they have internalized misogyny (shit countless women still have internalized misogyny even after actively working to overcome it) and pretending we're on the same "side." Bruh, notice how I
haven't tried to shame you in the same ways you have towards me during this conversation?
No. 804657>>804671>>804686
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Wish i was a teenager in the 80s
No. 804686
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>>804657The 80's really were peak society
No. 804812
>>804770I agree but I find it weird there's no results at all, like I checked other people who didn't have social medias (or maybe they were using pseudonyms) but they still appeared in university pages or freelance offers. Maybe she's changed her name, there's no point in thinking about people I haven't talked to in 15+ years.
>>804799There's a cow I sometimes check out but I can't follow her because of how retarded she is, I feel like I'm losing brain cells everytime I scroll her twitter and see one of her dumb takes (and she spends her days there).
No. 805417>>806063
>>805393Nonny same, just one difference, no
mayo just the
doritos No. 805735
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I'd never date a fat scrote but I like seeing men with big appetites (be they skinny, buff or average built)
I swear this isn't a fetish but I just find men eating a lot of food like its a casual thing to be captivating, I had a friend whose boyfriend was a skinny tall dude and he would just eat and eat and eat and never seem to stop, always hungry and always eating and I would be awe of it, in just how much he could eat
I also started watching competitive eaters like matt stonie and furious pete and I found those guys attractive
No. 805756
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>>805753Anon this is so cute and dumb ily
No. 806060>>806130
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can't get over the fact I will never have my rock/punk band, travel across the country in a van with friends, play crazy gigs…
No. 806112>>806119>>806152
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I usually don't care for luxury brand anything, but I really really like Louboutin shoes. It started before I even knew it was a luxury item, I think I saw it as a kid in a music video and have loved it ever since.
I guess if I ever have a very rich friend that feel like spoiling me on my birthday or whatnot, that's the thing I'd ask for.
No. 806119>>806127>>806133
>>806112They are really nice.
Are heels protected by some sort of copyright?
Seems like in terms of material and labour you could reproduce them for much less than retail price.
Like if you only care about the look and not the brand…
No. 806133>>806135
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>>806119They do, actually! I remember they suing a brazilian brand (can't remember its name) for having colorful soles even though they didn't have the red sole. I also can't remember if they lost or settled it lol it was many years a go.
There are bootlegs, of course. I actually been looking for some well made bootlegs that won't fall apart for a while now. But it would be nice to have the real thing, if I am ever able to afford it (or if someone else can afford it for me lol)
No. 806137
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>>806135Never thought about this option. This actually may be the best route for me because it's actually a pain finding shoes that fit me properly.
nonnie! (Last Louboutin pic, i promise)
No. 806152>>806180
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>>806112I don't think this is bad! The Louboutin shoes are cute, and luxury brands can have nice pieces even if they are sometimes overpriced and/or tacky. I like when the brands make cool bags.
No. 806202
The house next door is a large, old 3-story farm house that has about 5 apartments in it, as well as a couple of Airbnb rooms. It's owned by the shittiest person I've ever met.
She is a horrible neighbor. She's almost 70 but dresses and behaves like a terrifying 30 yo bpd chan. She is so hard to live next door to. She's dramatic, nosy, controlling, and histrionic about the smallest things (i.e. she called the police because she saw a neighbor's cat kill a mouse … she wanted the cat "contained" because she was afraid for her life) …
Anyway, her so-called "Lodge" has a page online and the people who come through there leave terrible reviews all the time. I just don't think there are enough terrible reviews, so I write "anonymous" ones, pretending to be a previous tenant or Airbnb guest, detailing all the ways that she is horrible. I write in different voices and space them out every few months. To be fair, there are ONLY terrible, one star reviews from tenants – all of them focused on her cowish behavior. I'm simply adding to what's already there.
It's therapeutic and I'll take whatever I can get, having to live next to this absolute psycho nightmare person.
No. 806261>>806304>>806358
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>>805770I’m pretty sure I didn’t get anything close to it, since my mom was there. Shitty pic related is the hair I wanted
No. 806424>>806426
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This is going to sound autistic but I hate the word "content" (the noun) now. As in "I love your content" as opposed to "I love your work." It's not necessarily because it's a reminder that people's creativity is being commodified for corporate income (that's been true since before the internet); it's also because literally fucking anything qualifies as content now. Like someone's tweets or instastories or selfies get lumped in with well-written articles, fully produced videos or music, etc. It's become a nothing-word. The vagueness of it gives me a weird dystopian vibe.
No. 806442>>806444>>806447>>806507>>806553
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I hate these comics. They're not funny.
No. 806444
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>>806442Agreed. The guy who draws them is a twat too.
No. 806629
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>>806626Solidarity sis. 4’11”, flat-chested, baby-faced, and with a squeaky voice to top it off. A guy friend once admitted to liking me but didn’t pursue me because his friends told him I look too much like a kid. I didn’t like him back or anything but the damage to my ego was real
No. 806706
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>>806619You got a random man to give you AirPods?
No. 806753>>806756>>806762>>806763>>806772>>806774>>806777>>806795>>807382
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I want an american husband who works for the military but isn't a sociopath or a moron. Yes you can judge me. Now tell me if that's possible and how do I make it happen as a yuropoor
No. 806772>>806773
Girl, what government secrets have you been employed to uncover?
No. 806799
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I think that Ant00ns is kind of funny. He can be an edgelord, and the drama he got with that girl could have been easily avoided if he wasn't so autistic, but some of his comics and the whole April fools prank actually made me laugh a little.
No. 806809>>806812>>806818>>807971>>808025
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I think about picrel a lot sometimes. Not in a sexual way, more like "why did that happen"
No. 806978
>>806947I'm watching Thor Ragnorak right now for probably the 20th time and laughing in all the same places.
They're just fun movies, anon. If they're not your cup of tea, that's fine too. Too many people on both sides take them way too seriously.
Especially considering that Batman is clearly the superior comic book hero.
No. 807095
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I've been visiting this site for 2 years now and have never read the rules or guide.
No. 807256
>>807243I have an 'innie' and for a while I just didn't know that our genitals varied all that much. I thought we all had the same copy and paste vag lol.
By 19 I had slept with 2 other women and they looked the same as me. Then I eventually came across porn where I saw a very different type.. I hated it for about 2 mins just out of pure shock (probably the same as how penises can just look gross the first time you see them) but then I quickly was like…actually that's pretty and I was intrigued. I felt bad for my initial reaction and I'm glad I didn't see it for the first time in person and act shocked. I could've ended up giving someone a whole complex if it had played out like that. I just didn't know.
No. 807428
>>807392This is actually quite possible, do you have PCOS? The symptoms for hemorrhagic ovarian cysts (sorry if this is not the correct nomenclature in English) are:
>Pain in one side of the body, where the ovary with the cyst is>Headaches>Nausea>Pelvic and sometimes back pain>Blood sugar drop>BleedingProbably some other stuff that i am forgetting, too
No. 807442>>807709
>>807435Why would you want a stay at home dad?
They you never have any me-time.
No. 807495
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>>807435Is he cute? I'm imagining a sexy nerd
No. 807524>>808095
>>807499This reminds me of how I used to pretend to believe catfish and befriend them. The whole concept is fascinating to me so I’d stay close and observe their behaviour, though I rarely found out much about who they actually were. The wildest case was someone who pretended to be Miley Cyrus and other Disney Channel celebrities, as well as random emos and a bunch of side characters. They seemed to have tens of accounts judging by the fact these people supposedly hung out together and weirdly had the same typing styles. Whoever was behind it must have lived online. The funniest character was a fictional young pop star who claimed to sound just like Adam Lambert and was always posting about being in the recording studio or filming music videos… none of which were ever posted lmao.
Admittedly, part of it was probably trying to make myself feel better that I wasn’t quite that sad and lonely, though in hindsight I clearly was.
No. 807957>>807959
>>807812This but also just lgbt and neurodivergent stuff in general feels so immature and annoying these days that I actually feel alienated from these communities. I don't even have any major thoughtcrimes to be worried about, I just feel like the only adult in a daycare in either place. Funny how they're both about being proud but even being considered in either group now makes me feel embarrassed.
>>807951Don't put yourself down anon, the batshit people usually keep their partners using
abusive and manipulative tactics. Just glance at any cow with a partner obvious mental health issues on here: it's always either they're
abusive, their partner is or both are mutually shitty to each other. It's more likely that neither you or your exes are bad people. Focus on trying to handle your issues first.
No. 807959
>>807957Thanks anon. True, Deep down I know that alot of those relationships are
toxic as hell and nothing to be jealous of. It's not the most rational way of thinking but I have my moments where I get lost in it.
No. 808028
>>807370you probably
fart in your sleep and don't realize it but everyone else knows
No. 808095
>>807524I used to pretend to be an emotionally distant emo boy on Neopets complete with fake photos I pulled from randos on MySpace, just because I thought it was easier to make friends for me to talk to.
It made me feel really good for some reason. It could have been the attention, but I'd always get a thrill if I felt one of them really liked me.
It was such a ridiculous waste of time in hindsight.
No. 808117>>808122>>808154>>808292
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I hate all my dad’s worst personality traits yet I’ve inherited them all
No. 808508>>808511
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earlier I cried at the karate kid and I also realised I'm very attracted to young ralph macchio
No. 809445>>809450
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every time I fought or sperged out with anons it was always during my period. no exceptions. maybe this is a sign
weird thing is, I never intended to start shit in any of these scenarios, usually I'm just venting about a thing I dislike (in threads literally made for that exact purpose) and anons who like the thing get assblasted then a whole fight ensues. I usually let it go after 2 or 3 posts but everyone else keeps going or keeps responding to my OP even after I stopped giving a shit. one time I just asked a question in the questions thread and an anon got into an argument with the anon who answered, i wasn't really involved in this one tbh beyond asking the question. none of these were controversial/baity topics at all and I even admit if the thing i'm talking about isn't a big deal but other nonnies turn it into a big deal even hours later. honestly wish I could've deleted those posts, I hate it when anons get angry at me. but it tends to be past the 30 minute limit by the time things get out of hand.
No. 809571>>809625
>>809556>I'm curious to know if this could have an effect on why I have never been in a relationship. Do other men just know you're not normal?People can't just sniff out that you've been abused in the past, but it's possible from the outside looking in that you may appear very reserved or emotionally fragile since you said you have anxiety issues. Men are retarded and conflate a woman's friendliness and confidence with her being attracted to him. If you aren't particularly outgoing, then most men will assume you aren't interested in them. (The opposite is also true: if you're friendly and confident then most men will assume you're attracted to them, even if you tell them otherwise.) If you really want a relationship with a man but you have anxiety you may just have to bite the bullet and ask him out. I'm sorry that happened to you nona and hope you can get some help navigating your feelings since it sounds like you are hurting.
>>809567>I look like a chicken wing or something fucked up. I should look like a spider or a cat.Chicken wings are great but I get it. I look like a sexy lizard but I'd rather be a tree or some kind of chunky boot.
No. 809630>>809632>>809678>>809699
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Despite having a husbando, I hate the majority of anime, manga, and japanese media in general. Even the series my husbando is from is average at best.
I also hate other husbandofags (and waifufags too for that matter). I hate most my husbando's fans too because they tend to be twitter/tumblr kids and kinnies, I rarely encounter someone like-minded. The most interaction I tolerate is stories/imagines/art about him, but even then I'm extremely picky and there's a ton of gross trash to dig through, otherwise I try to avoid everyone.
No. 809716
>>809620>>809567Me too, I'm 5ft9 with broad shoulders, a muscular build and a strong hourglass figure, I'd honestly look powerful, but I'm so awkward and shy.
Yesterday I didn't get the job after a try out day. When debriefing the manager imitated my shitty stressed posture and it was just the posture of someone trying to disappear, but I'm too big to disappear and I just look sad and ridiculous
No. 809718
>>809664I get that you want to die but you don't want to die like
this. I mean, maybe dying of breast cancer directly isn't as bad, I don't know, but my mom had breast cancer, then she had remission for 5 years, and then it turned out she had metastasis in her bones and internal organs. She couldn't eat because her intestines weren't able to process food, so she had to receive parenteral nutrition, but after a month her veins started to break so feeding her wasn't possible. She constantly had diarrhea. Everything inside of her was rotting. Her kidneys stopped working. She had fluid in her lungs. She had dialisys and it made her breathing easier, but I guess doctors didn't want to waste money on her since they knew she was going to die anyway, so dialysis stopped after like 3 days. She died drowning in her own fluids after 2 months of constant torture. Not to mention she was in pain for a year before that, and doctors didn't care enough to schedule her a CT scan. I get that someone wants to die bbut there are better ways to do it, it's never the illness, only a few people are lucky enough to die in their sleep, quickly etc. You never know how your cancer is going to develop, and you never know if you will be lucky enough to meet doctors who give a fuck about your comfort.
No. 809745>>809782
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I don't like Vtuber shit but I look at Masaru Suzuki. He's just so cute…
No. 809782>>809920
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>>809745That's lewd anon-chan
No. 809803>>809804
>>809794If you're making this up, it's comedy gold, and thanks for the laugh, I needed it.
I am tempted to spend my day off hanging out next to the Chick Fil A. I actually sincerely hope this is real.
No. 809979
>>809794if you go during the dead times of day it's not busy though, that's the grand secret
or some days the ones in my town are just dead for some reason
still this gave me a hearty laugh
No. 809994>>810019>>810046>>810047
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the more I learn about menstrual cups the more terrified i become, like in "literally shaking" territory. every new info is worse than the last. that shit's supposed to pop open inside you? i used to have nightmares about tampons doing this when i was 11
which reminds me, i barely paid attention in health class during most of my school years because any time genital talk came up i got severely nauseous to the point of leaving a few times. i was the biggest sperg in school.
No. 810038>>810100>>810200
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I use a lot of the people posted on here as workout inspo. It's a shitty thing to do but look at these obese bastards and tell me they don't make you want to go run a few miles
No. 810052
>>810046Same experience here
Having to push your finger between your, eh, walls and the walls of the cup until air gets inside it and it makes a gross shk sound. It sucks. And still having to worry about the blood pooling and potentially leaking instead of just being absorbed.
No. 810200
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I wish I had a smoking buddy. The stoney thread moves like molasses and
420chan is too scrotey.
>>810038I do this too with the fatties at the other farms and hamplanet centered shows. It's sort of a mix of don't-get-fat-inspo and morbid curiosity. I just amazes me how people let themselves get so deathly huge or are capable of gorging so. much. food. It disgusts me yet I can't stop watching.
No. 810241>>810250
>>810211Warning? That's just one of the bonuses
nonnie! Got to live a little
No. 810284>>810288>>810289>>810297
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This was a month ago. It ate me up for weeks and I had an argument with him, begging him to confess anything he'd done, to just come clean and that if I caught him with other girls' sexual material, it would be over. I kept agonizing over whether or not I should sacrifice the privacy for a retarded hunch I had…
I finally checked it just now….
It was just our nudes! I'm so relieved.
No. 810296
>>810289>>810292File size did not change at all, I checked it often, but never had the nerve to just go in and check however, I will say that I didn't explicitly say anything about hidden folders, I was extremely extremely vague about it, and more centered the conversation around the fact that if I found out he was going to gonewild or indulging in e-thottery, it would be over because I can't accept that.
If he deleted, then lucky him…
No. 810324
>>810321Just download a pirated APK.
But you don't need to pay, just create a free account
No. 811320>>811337>>811348>>811353
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I cried over a man I only knew for two days because I thought he was a genuine niceboy and he acted like a cute puppy.. How do I stop caring about men in general? I love women, and would want to date them, yet none of them talks to me. Yet, men talk to me the most, and this one particular boy acted so cute.. so, how do I not care for them even when they are kind?
No. 811833>>811842>>812027
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>>811348because he did flirt with me, and would say things like how he wanted to be my puppy but then he told me he didnt want to be with me anymore because he was scared that id extort him or that i could change my mind and he said i “pressured him” (i asked him how because I genuinely dont know how, i was constantly telliing him that i believe in him and that its okay for him be emotional to me bc i thought he was strong for it.) i talked about extorting men (who were mostly pedos but he didnt know that until later, and the men i extorted were in 4chan groups and were genuine dickheads. ) im a very stoic and callous person however with him i was genuinely trying to be kind and affectionate. i even told him to take things slow and that i wanted what was best for him, and that he can tell me if i ever made him uncomfortable because i just.. wanted to protect him so much he was such a sweet kind boy. he then told me later on that it was because “we’re at different stages”, he just turned 16 and i just turned 18. this was online but i think he just misunderstood my actions and i felt horrible because im not sure how to be affectionate except by pampering to people and i know i can seem stoic at first but i think now he misunderstood stuff i said and i think he was just “nice” because i was “pretty”. i have such a soft spot for gentle/shy boys, and he was the one that hit me up first and i allowed myself to trust him easily. i cried because i dont know how i fucked it up. he was online. i also cried because i dont know how to stop trusting into “nice guys” so easily. i have such a soft spot for gentle/shy boys, even though im pretty sure he was just horny/etc. (i didnt do anything with him however i flirted)
No. 811842>>811850
>>811833>he just turned 16 and i just turned 18Whoooa there. Look I know consent and relationships can get blurry when both individuals are teens but this is still weird. Plus it sounds like this kid is on his way toward trooning out considering he's into puppy play or what the fuck ever weird kink. You're way too young to be focused on relationships in general. Date people or whatever you want but don't invest too much energy and emotion into people that are equally a mix of confusion, hormones and underdeveloped rationality.
>how do I not care for them even when they are kind?Realize that kindness is a generic trait that doesn't immediately correlate to maturity, loyalty and romantic interest? You sound starved for affection and to come undone over a kid you knew for two days not only speaks to your age but a lack of other interesting things happening in your life. Focus on friendships, education, a career, hobbies. Once you've got all that sorted it will be easier to decide where and if romantic interests may fit into your life.
No. 811850>>811856>>812028
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>>811842Yeah, thank you. Im focused on coding and luckily we’re still friends and I stopped crying over him after 15 minutes, lol. I think I cried because of a buildup, not specifically him. My mom’s baby duck died that day as well and i didnt feel anything until that happened. I dont think I cried over just him now tbh, i think it was the straw that broke the camels back though LOL, but ye ty for responding anon.
No. 811852>>811862>>811863
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>>811758how do you feel when you see stuff like this then,
No. 811856
>>811850I'm sorry to hear about your mom's duck
nonny, that's sad to hear and understandable you might've had a delayed reaction. Good to know you're focused on coding and not prioritizing this guy too much. Best of luck to you!
No. 811868>>811872>>811879
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When I was in elementary school,I would wake up way too early to lint roll all my clothes because we had cats, that's not so weird but I did that for at least 20 minutes. I also had to dry my deodorant with a little paper fan, brush my hair for a certain time and do it up in a very particular way into two pigtails, I would be so stressed out if they weren't even. Now I literally do not give a fuck, I still use a lint roller but man, was I fucking autistic?
No. 811870>>811927
>>811867If you feel like it, care to elaborate? For my part it gets hard to reconcile the fact that I find them attractive
(tbh I blame the media I grew up with) knowing how racist they are towards women like me.
No. 811888
>>811872I have thought about that everytime a psych asks about possible ocd symptoms, if I ever had any and so on. My childhood was pretty stressful and dark, so that actually does make sense, trying have even a little bit of control in what I could.
>>811879The fucking hair, anon. It was the worst, at some point I started picking my scalp so I had to start wearing shit on my head so people wouldn't see it and it was a whole thing
No. 811927
>>811870>care to elaborate?I don't find non-whites specially ugly, at least I'm my country there's a lot of good looking men, it's their
actitudes that makes them repulsive: they're too often violent, unstable, deeply broken and on top of that racist. I just can't take that risk anymore, if I could find a caring, mentally stable nonwhite man i would date him but they kinda don't exist where I live.
>It gets hard to reconcile the fact that I find them attractive (tbh I blame the media I grew up with) knowing how racist they are towards women like meI mean a lot of nonwhites are hella racist too so the situation doesn't really change
No. 812233>>812264>>812276>>812289>>812365
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When I was a teen, I wanted to dress up like the Shake it up characters, I would try to do so with the shitty clothes I could buy in my 3rd world country, resulting in me looking like absolute shit.
When I went to the USA for the first time at 18 years old, I thought I would see a bunch of people dressed up with cool clothes, or at least the whole
>hurr durrr they wear the same stuff as if it was an uniform
But there was nothing remarkable and I mostly felt a tiny bit disillusioned.
No. 812711>>812718>>812722>>813145
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I find something addictive in being the emotionally strong/confrontational one. Literally being the picrel of any social situation. Inside I can deadass feel it damaging me psychologically though, not to mention physically (I usually feel ill afterwards). But I'm addicted to the aftermath where my friends praise me for being so strong and articulate and say they look up to me for being able to handle arguments. I'd like to think I'm building a tolerance but I might also be beelining towards a breakdown at some point. Literally just wrote that "block of text outlining why you suck" to someone at work who was being uncooperative and cruel to our coworkers and now I'm legit shaking and feeling too weak to walk.
>>812489I'm in the same boat mostly because I find the Church's flaws too big to ignore, and a huge portion of Christians irredeemably awful, and yet I find myself finding comfort in many stories in the Bible, the words of certain saints and Christian philosophers, etc. I feel like a stereotypical "buffet Christian".
No. 812728>>813152>>813157>>813158
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I am the queen of never saying hi to someone until they say hi first. I’d rather I come across as cold than risk the embarrassment of having my greeting rejected or ignored. I will greet people I have a really good rapport with tho. But everyone else, no.
No. 812765
>>812718The way everyone else comes out of the woodwork to back you up is satisfying as hell.
>>812722Kek I'm glad it amused you anon. Big hugs back
No. 813152
>>812728I agree with you, anon.
I even never text anyone first unless they are my close, old friends.
No. 813224
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>>813215no edge u are witnessing mento illness. LET A BPD HAVE A MOMENT
No. 813582>>813592>>813611
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>>813574Kek same, I’m scared of fire which makes it worse. I use one of those long safety lighters like picrel for candles, luckily I never got into smoking because I’d look like a retard whipping this out in public.
No. 813590
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>>813580There are regular click lighters to be bought everywhere, why bother with doing that. Then again where I live they don't put the child-safe strip on lighters at all, maybe there's no click lighters to buy where you live (weird).