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No. 771648
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Should have used Hesat the cow goddess of milk lol
No. 771659
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Please grant me a sexy 6’5 sweet considerate possessive loyal himbo husband and all the riches in the world
No. 771660
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>>771658Samefagging for the Christian banners. Idk guys, I think these deserved to be added in the update.
No. 771664
Please stay on topic and direct any random quips and rambling to the Dumbass Shit Thread. I am Christian so my prayers will be Christian, however this thread does not pander do a specific ideology, in compliance with Lolcow’s Rules.
>>771646God, this Anon comes to you today in need of a financial miracle. Lord, your word says you will provide. Please provide enough for this Anon so that she can live comfortably and help others in Your name.
>>771641Lord, please put peace in this Anon’s heart. Calm her anxieties while she takes refuge in You, Lord. Please transform anyone struggling with their gender identity, and remind them that they are made in in the image of God. Touch their hearts and give them the desire to follow and obey Christ.
>>771661>>771659Lord, I ask your to let love into these Anon’s lives. Please bring them the perfect partner. Send someone to make these Anons the best version of themselves, who loves, cherishes, and honors them fully.
No. 771669
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Dear Jesus-kun and Buddha-san
Let lovely farmer-chans be healthy this year (except for bitches who infight me).
No. 771670
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Our farmer, who art in heaven
Adam (diver) be thy name
Your autism will come
Your ban will be done
In /snow as it is in /ot
Give us this day our daily milk
And forgive us our nitpicks and tinfoils
For we forgive those who tinfoil against us
And lead us not into temptation to swallow scrote bait
But deliver us from spergery
for thine is the kingdom,
The power and the borzois
Forever and ever, amen.
No. 771671
>>771664Kek I was just shitposting about meeting lc meme actor but this is actually kinda cute. I already have a long term bf btw
But this is interesting to me, lolcow is usually not very christian friendly
No. 771672
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Please jesus and mary grant me the financial security I need to buy anime figures and gamecube games
No. 771675
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>>771670>Adam (diver) be thy nameNonny get your shit together, he goes
broom broom, not
glub glub No. 771689
>>771650>Idk I think we have one to discuss manifesting not to do it per se but I would like one too lolTbh I'd like one too, but aren't you supposed to not tell others what you are manifesting before it happens?
I just write mine for dumbass unimportant shit in the shitposting thread sometimes kek
No. 771695
>>771674I would pray for them privately.
>>771667Lord, You are our strength, and I pray for you to give this Anon a strong body and quick digestion. Please heal any physical discomforts she may be experiencing right now.
>>771689 >>771691>>771692God, you hear these Anon’s desires. If it is Your desire, please give them the persistence to fulfill their wishes. Let them lean on You in their desire, Lord, and guide them towards the right path. I trust in You to realize their wishes in the best way possible.
No. 771704
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OP, found this picture of you and I'm doxxing your bum (no cursing in church)
No. 771705
>>771664Thank you
nonny you’re so sweet
No. 771714
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I just want to be happy
No. 771726
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Praying for OPs salvation
No. 771811
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>>771753Love that song and Maria is a queen
No. 771846
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papa susej pls give job
No. 772443
>>772369I’m quite religious! I will pray for you, anon! But in Spanish because I don’t know how to pray in English.
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad así en la tierra como en el cielo, danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día y perdona nuestras ofensas como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden, no nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos del mal, amén.padre, ayuda a Anonita a conseguir la fuerza que necesita para superar los obstáculos que la retienen, permite que Anonita llegue a sus metas y que encuentre la felicidad plena. En el nombre del padre, del hijo y del espíritu santo, AménDios te salve María, llena eres de gracia, el señor es contigo, bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito sea el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros los pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte, AménI hope you can find the strength you need,
No. 785549
>>771659I want what this anon is getting thank you pls amen
>>785548I’ll give her a shout out when I’m panic praying later today about school courses
No. 785550
>>785549Thank you,
nonnie! I hope you get your loyal himbo husband and good grades!
No. 785604
>>771664May God continue to bless you for your daily endeavors, anon.
Father, I ask that you please heal those that are suffering from covid and from the side effects of the covid vaccinations. Please give us a sign that this is not the aforementioned “mark of the beast” as I and many fear and please bless the chemicals that are supposed to help us get better so we are not in harm’s way.
And thank you lord for giving us another day to live, no matter how mundane or exciting it may be. Thank you for give us our daily bread, wealth, work and a roof over our heads, amen.
No. 785668
>>785608Father, please help this anon with her relationship. Please give her significant other the wisdom and show him that this anon is pious and faithful to him like you did with Joseph understanding that Mary’s pregnancy came from you so no doubts may cross him again. Please fulfill their relationship with your love and wisdom, Lord.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I’m not very good with prayers but I still have hope that he heard me. Anyway, here’s a prayer I picked up from the web that may help the both of you in your time of need. God bless.
>Lord, let love suffuse our relationship. Let it fill every corner of our lives, healing the rift between us. Help my partner and I to love one another as Christ loves the Church, as you love your human children: unconditionally and respectfully.
>In Christs’ Name, amen. No. 785911
>>785575>>785556I don't see why a practicing person can't be in this site?
I'm a Muslim and I literally use this site to either vent, ask, or to post sth on the positivity thread. I don't use it to gossip or whatever.
However, anons pray for me to achieve my goal soon please.
No. 785914
>>785911How do Muslim people pray/how can I say a prayer for you
No. 785915
>>785914Awee anon thanks for the prayer in advance.
Just like you pray in Christianity, you ask what you want from god and praise him.
No. 785916
>>785915Praise God for being sweet, caring and understanding, and for letting this anon get to her goal. In the name of God, Amen. I hope this helps
No. 786330
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>>786311>said anon before something bad happened Every atheist says that there’s no god, but when the plane starts shaking, everyone starts praying.
No. 786348
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>>786341huh? plane fucker? and which bible verse can I find that in please
No. 786362
>>786348Here it is.
>>>/ot/718055 I think another plane-fucker (or the same anon) also showed up in a different thread, but I can't remember what it was
No. 789698
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.”
-Proverbs 3:5-6
“Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him, and he will act.”
-Psalm 37:4-5
“Our soul waits for the LORD;
he is our help and our shield.
For our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.”
-Psalm 33:20-22
“You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.”
-Isaiah 26:3-4
“Behold, God is my salvation;
I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.”
-Isaiah 12:2
“And those who know your name put
their trust in you,
for you, O LORD, have not forsaken
those who seek you.”
-Psalm 9:10
“When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
What can flesh do to me?”
-Psalm 56:3-4
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose trust is the LORD.
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
-Jeremiah 17:7-8
“The fear of man lays a snare,
but whoever trusts in the LORD is safe.”
-Proverbs 29:25
“The LORD is my strength and my shield;
in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exults,
and with my song I give thanks to him.”
-Psalm 28:7
No. 790949
>>789720There's no such thing as a lost cause. Jesus made a point of it in the parable of the prodigal son. It might be cliche but you should read it again. The prodigal son is a mega dick and he definitely only comes home to save his own arse when everything else turns to shit, but coming home is the only thing that matters to his dad, so he throws his douchebag son a welcome home party. All his fuck ups are forgiven if he'll just come home, which says a lot about his dad too.
The whole point of the thing is saving your skin. If you stop holding back and just come as you are, selfishness and all, you can stop being afraid and you'll gradually feel other things instead.
No. 795762
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God is a Woman and I am her Bravest Soldier!!!!!! say amen if you agree!
No. 797481
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Feel like pure shit just want a regular 9 to 5 job back
Please someone pray or manifest it for me, I am tired
No. 802655
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Please pray that I pass this CPSC course, friends. My other grades are shaping up to be "A's" but this one is teetering on the line between "C" and "D".
No. 802661
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>>802650One could only hope.
No. 822578
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Just came here to say thanks to God-chan. Thank you for sending this cute well adjusted nerd with an 8 inch schlong my way. Thank you for all the retards who hurt me, to help develop mental strength and self growth and prepare me for this moment.
And thank you for sending me this rash so I can't jump in to bed with him immediately.
No. 822584
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>>822578Fellow lucky anon, I love my dorky, skinny big dicked bf as well
No. 822589
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praying that i get this job that i really need. it's interesting, good experience and leaves me with time to do other things while still making money that i need to cover school expenses and buy cute shit kek. please god if youre out there make it happen
No. 822726
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praying for my grandma's and gf's mom's recovery from breast cancer. shit is scary. they're literally the best people
No. 824698
>>822589GUESS WHO JUST GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not only that but an another good thing happened as well. i feel blessed and im praying for everyone itt too
>>822706i love you anon, god bless. your prayer helped mine come true
No. 824799
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I pray that wednesday will be a wonderful experience for the both of us. amen
No. 831806
>>831799I will pray for you,
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino y hágase tu voluntad así en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día y perdona nuestras ofensas como también perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.
No nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos del mal, Amén.Dios te salve María llena eres de gracia, el señor es contigo, bendita tu eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito sea el fruto de tu vientre Jesús.
Santa María, madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros los pecadores y líbranos del mal, amén.Padre, por favor ayuda a que anonita deje de sentir esa presión y tristeza profunda, que le hace mal, ayuda a anonita a que consiga la luz en ti y a que pueda encontrar la fuerza que necesita para continuar con una vida llena de paz y saludÁngel de la guarda, dulce compañía, no dejes sola a anonita ni de noche ni de día, no la dejes sola que sin ti se perdería.
En el nombre del padre, del hijo y del Espíritu Santo, aménI hope it works,
No. 837342
>>827019 and I think it actually worked (I haven't got my results back yet) so I'll pray the same for you
No. 888777
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>>888771Praying for you sister. Everything will be alright.
No. 888816
>>888771Let me pray for you,
nonnie, i hope you get better soon.
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día y perdona nuestras ofensas como también perdonamos a los que nos ofenden, no nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos del mal, amén.Dios te salve María, llena eres de gracia, el señor es contigo, bendita tu eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito sea el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros los pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte, aménPadre, ayuda a anonita a recuperar su salud, permite que vuelva a ser feliz y a que no necesite más nunca de los medicamentos que la agobian, ayuda a anonita con sus males y haz que su salud sea siempre estable en un panorama positivo, en el nombre del padre, del hijo y del Espíritu Santo, amén. No. 888835
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I pray that I achieve my dream job and have a stable and happy life in the near future.
No. 905798
>>>/ot/905791We are gathered here today to pay respects to a beautiful machine that lent it's whole existence to enriching the life of one of our own.
May the Lord be with her vibrator.
No. 910313
>>910309i'll pray for you and your mum,
nonnie, i hope everything will be fine
No. 1011655
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Anons and nonnies, please pray for your fellow sister. I need to move out this year, get a job, make a trustworthy friend, or even court a potential boyfriend. Please pray for the health of my family and my security. I love you, and will do a small general prayer for you all tonight.
No. 1030238
>>1030193I can pray for you but in Spanish,
nonnie, I’m kind of going through something similar.
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad así en la tierra como en el cielo, danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día y perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden, no nos dejes caer en la tentación, y líbranos del mal, aménPadre, te hablo para que por favor ayudes a la tía de anonita a superar su enfermedad, remueve ese cancer que la daña como curaste a los enfermos cuando tú hijo andaba entre nosotros, ayuda a mi abuelo también, haz que se mejore y que los tratamientos que le den sean tan eficaces como los que le den a la tía de anonitaDios te salve María, llena eres de gracia, el señor es contigo, bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito sea el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús, Santa María, madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros los pecadores, ahora y en la hora de la muerte, aménMadre, te pido que por favor intercedas por anonita para que el señor pueda curar a su tía, dale paz a anonita, deja que pueda descansar y llevar una vida tranquila, dale la seguridad de que su tía va a tener buena saludDios te salve María, llena eres de gracia, el señor es contigo, bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito sea el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús, Santa María, madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros los pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte, aménAngel de la guarda, dulce compañía, no nos dejes solas ni de noche ni de día, no nos dejes solas que sin ti nos perderíamos, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte, aménI hope it somehow helps,
No. 1099511
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Hey nonnies please pray for me. My stomach has been in terrible pain for months now with no solution in sight. I am afraid it might be a serious illness. Please pray that it is not and that I'll get better soon enough. I just want to not vomit up every meal anymore. I love you all and will hope the best for all of you too.
No. 1099748
>>1047687I'm sorry for being insensitive but I read it as "melanona" and I thought it was a cute derivation of nona/
nonny. Good luck on your check up! praying 4 u!
No. 1336806
Requesting your help, nonas. Suddenly have the same exact thing this
>>1099511 nonnie is/was going thru and I can't imagine living like this for months.
No. 1337728
>>1337583Me too
nonnie!! Me too!!! Let's pray together to get our job requests as soon as possible!!
No. 1443035
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Gonna necro this to ask for some prayers for my downstairs, I am pretty sure the cancer is back and I am terrified and in a lot of pain, won't be getting any answers for many weeks but thought this might calm it down. Thank you nonas!
No. 1456742
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Please someone pray for my mom. I'm not a Christian like she is, so it would I think not be appropriate. She's had a variety of not terribly serious problems lately, but they've been adding up and her age is starting to catch up to her. She's got a dentist appointment on Tuesday and an eye doctor appointment sometime vaguely in the future.
Thank you.
No. 1685153
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I know this is an old thread but stumbling across this oddly cheered me up while I was in a rut. Especially the genuine response in
>>771664Praying for all of you! I'm not exactly Christian but I've been finding comfort in praying this year. Also I guess I've been hearing some new takes on it that are pretty cool? Like I've heard people talk about how God's most perfect creation was a woman, and someone was saying that anything men create will crumble eventually but women's creations (souls) last forever.
No. 1802407
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>>1801024Thank you anon, I’ll be praying for your safety as well, and that you will soon feel protected and secure.
I like seeing this thread bumped. Praying for you other anons too.
No. 1807727
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I pray that we have a long and happy relationship. I pray that you reach out to me more after finals have ended. I pray that your family is safe and so are you.
No. 1828779
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this isn’t a request but tonight on this Christmas I’m praying for all of your safety, privacy, and wellbeing. I hope you’re all given the gift of a calm, comfortable 2024 where you’re able to grow at your own pace, relax, and remain safe from negative, prying eyes.
No. 1828798
I pray for all the lonely, isolated, and misunderstood. May they find compassion and genuine connection.
I pray for all those who are struggling in strained relationships with those dear to them. May they resolve their grievances and enjoy mutually fulfilling bonds with loving communication.
I pray for all women and girls, especially those who have been harmed on the basis of being female. May their inherent, immense value and dignity be respected by all.
I pray for all those who have been harmed in the name of any religion or faith. May they find peace and healing, and may those who harmed them recognize their error and reconsider the importance of kindness and charity.
I pray for all the poor and the destitute people of the world. May their needs be met so that they may be safe from danger, hunger, and worry.
I pray for all who are stuck in despair or grim circumstances. May they find hope and grow to cherish their lives, even if it happens slowly or non-linearly, just as I have.
I pray that my sisters on this site can have happy lives full of love and goodness, because they are special to me.
No. 1834887
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I pray for the opportunity to help me out of NEETdom. I pray to get over my fear of my mom and her expectations. I pray for the opportunity to grow up. I pray for the confidence I wish I had.
No. 1836417
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Lord please grant me the restraint to not alog at men who prioritize the feelings of their tard cock over the well-being of women
Moids in my life are mad that porn is being blocked in North Carolina, I argued with them for a while until they just started brushing me off when they ran out of rebuttals
No. 1852989
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I pray everyone in this thread mets their soulmate and lives a happy life with them
No. 1853063
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>>1852989You are so sweet, the same to you if you haven't met them
>>1852723Thank you nona. Inshallah
♥︎ No. 1853106
>>1852766I'm sorry for your loss nona, I will pray for her.
If you would like to understand why many Christians pray for the dead:
Many people believe in purgatory, which is where you go temporarily if you cooperated with goodness overall but have some flaws to work out before you can enter. They pray for the deceased in case they ended up there, to encourage them and help them leave to go to heaven faster. Many people also pray to dead people not as a way of worshipping but as like, you ring up your friend who is already in heaven and talk to them, maybe ask them to talk to God to help you or someone else who's still in the world. Some people would say it's still ok to pray for a cause that's already passed because God is outside of time so a future prayer could help someone in the past. No. 1856077
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I pray that I pass this psych midterm the FIRST time and get to smoke the rest of my shake in celebration. A - FUCKING - WOMEN!
No. 1856639
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>>1856544Hoping everything works out for you and everyone in this thread. Whatever u guys are going through
No. 1858541
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>>1856077Update: I passed! Not only that, but literally got the highest grade! I had one (1) day to prepare and got SUPER lucky.
I actually prayed before the exam and I really do think something answered me. Now all that's left is wait for friday to usher in an entire week off.
Anyways, any nonnies thinking of doing something as cheesy as writing in this thread - do it! It might just make a difference, or at least make you feel at ease. Who knows?
>>1858134Anon, I hope you get to live life as vibrantly and as freely as you may have once lived, and that you get to decorate your new apartment exactly the way you want to. Even though things are looking up, I'll keep you in my prayers.
No. 1865361
I pray that I get this job or that I at least get invited for an interview and they like me enough to get back to me in the future amen.
>>1858541Well done anon! I hope you enjoyed your week off.
No. 1865434
I pray that my life changes for the better soon I cant cry anymore
>>1865399You can do this I'm praying for you, you have the strength and made it this far already!
No. 1865972
>>1858131It's kinda crazy how I immediately made some new friends and met a guy I really like within 24 hours of making this lame serious post, and I am
not someone who makes friends easily. This has basically never really happened in my life
I am going to see them again today, so I'm praying that I don't act awkward and can keep hitting it off with them! Praying for all of you as well, I had a very unexpectedly nice week and I still do genuinely hope that you can all thrive too
No. 1866645
>>1866003Your eyes see what is right. Please vindicate any anon in this thread who is dealing with any sort of unjustness. No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper…
>>1866213I ask of guidance for this anon, please help her cultivate healthy relationships and resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings peacefully and constructively. May she be guided towards the most fulfilling path in life.
>> 1866294Please supply this anon with the means to fund her education. Please also help her find it rewarding, and be filled with inspiration with curiosity and enthusiasm for her coursework.
I hope all anons ITT notice your presence and grace in their life. Amen.
No. 1868180
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My mom is in surgery right now after suffering her second stroke last night. Please pray with me that it goes well and she recovers with minimal disability. She’s a wonderful woman and I love her so very dearly.
No. 1881231
>>1880346Praying for you
nonnie, you got this
No. 1912526
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Please let me get one of the jobs I'm endlessly applying for. I can't take another single day in the hospitality industry. I feel like I'm going to kill myself if I get another unhinged customer shouting at me for no reason.
No. 1943249
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I have a really great job opportunity that I'm not sure I'm going to get again. I won't have a lot of time to prepare as it will have to be tight (due to another offer's deadline) but I want it so bad. Any good thoughts or prayers are deeply welcomed.
No. 1994661
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>>1981192I got a new job that pays better and has better hours then the one i got fired from, dropped out of organic chemistry, but it doesn't affect my graduation date and got good grades in the remainder of my classes. thank you god for looking out for me!
No. 1995035
Please please I need to get a job offer. I have the 4.0, I have the degree, I have the extracurriculars, I have a bit of experience just not 3 years of it, I added everybody I know on linkedin, my resume looks good, I got 3 certs, I've read 2 whole books on how to do interviews. I have done all I possibly can and still every job I applied for has ghosted me. Please I need a job offer. I'll take anything, even something paying below my market value, I just need a real job. I need to make real money. Please please mother goddess, grease the wheel, blaze the trail, guide my path.
No. 1997039
>>1995139Instead of praying for it, I just speak as if it already happened
He committed suicideHe was arrested and imprisonedHe was murdered by a pack of other menRepeating it more than once often results in it occuring
No. 2146415
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Praying for anons. Praying to restore my body.
No. 2147899
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Need a prayer that things will go my way at work. Praying that I’ll remain strong if everything goes wrong. Praying for all you nonnas going through it; may the exit or new door present itself soon.
No. 2185529
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Scrolled past that threadpic dozens of times and only just realized there was a cow in the pic. Sometimes I wonder if OP still comes here… I always thought her genuine responses were sweet. Well anyway I pray for peace and love to every woman, I hope we all stay safe in this crazy world. And I pray that I can stop doomscrolling and do something more constructive.
No. 2198219
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>>2198202here. i have this in a candle holder with protective herbs and rose quartz around it on one of my dinner plates but i don’t want to post a picture of my plates or anything in my apartment on here. focus on this image and imagine her in your head surrounded by protective golden light. imagine her coming home and how you will weep with joy and try to feel that feeling. look for her when you can. don’t leave out anything that can attract other animals, leave out her bed or some of your clothes. i am trying to visualize the animals nearby being full and going home themselves. please update us.
No. 2198723
>>2198202praying for Luna the cat
I'm requesting a prayer for safety for my parents
No. 2202054
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I just want everybody to know that I see and pray for your requests and genuinely hope that every woman on this site flourishes. Idk what kind of beliefs everyone has or what praying means for you but no matter what I wish you lots of love.
If you are willing to pray for me, I am going to my first meeting with a therapist tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous
No. 2203856
>>2202071>>2200120Said a prayer for you.
If any anyone could please pray for me and getting out of my relationship, or at least have the breakup be as easy as possible for me and my partner I would appreciate it.
No. 2210238
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I have recently been praying for my financial situation to become more stable and comfortable. Not even rich, but just comfortable. Able to wake up and know that I am covered money-wise. Please pray for me nonnies.
>>2203856Keeping you in my prayers nonna. I know what it's like to feel stuck and wanting to get out of a relationship. I hope God (whichever one you worship) will answer you and grant you a way out.
No. 2210619
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Would appreciate any prayers for my mom. She’s fine physically but has been through a lot of stress this past year and a half after my dad died. I try to help but there’s only so much I can do
No. 2211097
>>2210238Im praying for you too, i hope your situation gets better
I hate that i still love him in a way and if i could save the relationship i could but ive done everything i can.
he hid that he has a TBI for months and has completely changed into a different person and he does not feel anything anymore No. 2231270
>>2210619Prayers for your mom and you to heal and find mental peace
>>2210631prayers that you receive justice, whether it's in the courts or otherwise
>>2211097prayers that you can come to terms with how your partner lied to you, and prayers you can make the best decision for your well-being
>>2226008adding onto your prayers that your mortgage goes through, seamlessly and without issue
>>2226092prayers that the sickness leaves you, or you receive helpful information that points you towards a successful recovery ASAP
Please pray for me anons. I'm the pathetic anon in the Sonic thread hoping my landlord doesn't evict me for owing past due rent. I scheduled a phone call with her tonight where I'm going to ask her for a deadline and just explain the financial issues we have and apologize profusely for the bounced checks and never write a check again. I've never had this level of housing insecurity where my finances have fallen through the way they have. If I'm meant to suffer through this, please let it be swift, but if there is hope that I can dodge an eviction and hustle for that money, please guide me in the right direction so I can stop this never-ending cycle of overdrawn account madness.
No. 2235267
please, can someone pray for me & my mom? not to turn it into a vent, but we’re suffering abuse from her brother, he won’t leave us alone, unless we give him a large amount of money. we have to sell our house, that’s the only way for us to get those funds, and then we’ll try to buy something good for the money we’re left with. please, i just want a peaceful life for both of us and a normal apartment. thank you.
>>2231270i pray for you, nonna, my heart goes out to you. i hope your financial situation improves and you will not experience any trouble with housing in the future. i wish i could give you a supportive hug
No. 2236197
>>2235594Sending you a lot of prayers,
nonny. Hope whatever you're going through gets better.
No. 2236559
>>2235267I pray that you and your mom are safe and away from the financial clutches of that loser ASAP.
>>2235594praying for you anon
No. 2237221
>>2235384unfortunately, he can. he has a 1/4 share in this house, and he’s also powerful with connections to lawyers. so i think only luck, persistence and patience will help us to get out of this stupid mess of a situation.
>>2235594sending you lots of prayers! i am hopeful you can find some peace and happiness soon.
No. 2327614
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Nonnas, please pray for my friend. She's sick. I came to stay with her and she looks so thin and sick. She needs to do an operation. I'm really scared for her, but I'm trying not to show it, she's anxious and constantly scared, so I'm trying to keep it lighthearted for her. I can't stop crying when I'm alone though, please pray for her.
No. 2444659
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>>2444615Praying for you nona, I hope your health improves and you get that second chance you deserve.
No. 2453568
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to the good people of this world, may your efforts be met with fulfillment, your love be returned, and your path be lit even in the darkest moments. at minimum, i pray that everyone gets what they need, whether it be a lucky break, clarity, redemption, destruction, et cetera. specifically i'd like to address that people in physical pain find relief and get taken seriously.
also, i pray that i do well on all of my exams despite my shitty life that has made it difficult to focus on school. amen.
No. 2455994
Have to go to a family outing, and share a ride with an elderly woman relative. She is a pick me, otherwise she is usually okay to hang out with.
Out of the blue, a creepy moid relative asked my elderly relative if he could drive us, she said yes. Im dreading going so bad now. He thinks he is cool when he speeds. It only takes a tiny microaggression for him to start driving angrily.
I asked him to slow down around corners due to it hurting me, as I have a medical issue. His response was to ask out loud a question in a way that doubts what I said, as if Im lying or faking it for attention. I hate being trapped somewhere with him. All of this is fine with my elderly female relative.
The entire time, he will whine about slow drivers, or theyll probably both come out with some misogynistic crap. Or theyll enjoy playing loud angry moid music about hurting women. They both listen to red pill podcasters.
Dont know if I should drive, if theyll let me, as I dont even want to sit next to that controlling weirdo or have him behind me. Wouldnt put it past him to deliberately distract me, to mess up my driving, then he can go, "See? I, the rational male, should have drove us!"
Cant refuse to go, as I want to see another loved one at this event.
Pray for me, nonnas.