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No. 721256
Vent your hatred for this godforsaken hell birdapp here.
>>529582 No. 722212
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I will never get over these guilt-tripping e-beggars on twitter. Okay, at least it's not a tranny wanting free money for their unnecessary FFS, and maybe I'm just a misanthrope, but I don't se who would actually give money to these people
No. 722298
File: 1611588639517.png (459.97 KB, 1080x1007, Screenshot_20210125-161302.png)

>>722212>I'm disabled and my sister is the only family I have left but she abandoned me because she didn't want to take care of me anymore :(Why do people still believe painfully fake sob stories like these?? Anyways it's indeed a scam like probably most of these stupid begging threads.
No. 724728
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fucking cringe
No. 724816
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>>724728GME was totally driven by incel types. Proof here.
No. 724850
>>724728Don't these people blame "male sexlessness" for everything? They were also blaming incels for the BLM protests and the Capitol riots and a lot of other events. I think it's a pretty lazy explanation at this point.
>>724742Basically saying the GameStop stock market thing was caused by sexually frustrated men who aren't in relationships to keep them stable.
No. 725282
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just another case of twitter tards having no empathy and hurhurring le lulz xD at horrific tragedies because muh randumness. i’d love to know how any of these mongs would react had their family member been murdered and their death turned into an internet meme. this tweet has over 300k likes.
No. 725286
>>725282they have selective empathy lmao, they would only care if their favorite retarded celeb or a high-ranking politician who have been stinking up the trending tags on social media died
if someone has no significance to their little constructed safe space and has no visible name, they will not care
No. 725288
File: 1611934465593.jpeg (232.38 KB, 828x585, A38AB168-6305-456E-A62D-7F7774…)

>>725282 the tweet in case anyone is curious about how low twitter tards are willing to go. pic related is one shitstain trying to turn her death into a meme. gas the whole site, i’m tired.
No. 725322
>>725282>>725315I’m confused, did the Dr actually do anything? I read a couple news stories and didn’t see anything bad.
Also I’m trying really fucking hard but despite my stupid sense of humor, I just don’t get the joke.
No. 725337
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>>725282There's nothing funny about this, it's not even dark humour. The lengths these social maladjusted go just for a hit tweet are so low
No. 725403
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I hope that they are trolling and i’m falling for it, but coming from twitter? the nonsense there shouldn’t surprise me.
No. 725439
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>>725288That tweet wasn’t even funny? I get dark humor but what was the joke? White people look similar? I hate Twitter
No. 725570
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if you say you’re trans on Twitter you get money for no reason other than being trans
So stupid
No. 726839
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Some 20yo streamer implied she's 39 and people are eating it up in the comments, crazy stuff No. 726873
>>725570I literally saw this retweeted by one of my long time mutuals… I rarely browse Twitter now but people are unhinged.
Does the bottom left actually say they want to be a living breathing monster high doll? KEK
No. 726997
>>721256Well considering how many people believe it and retweet with a sentiment like "look how amazing a woman can look at almost 40!", it's definitely smart, if she just posted these with some basic caption it wouldn't get this much engagement. I think this is what annoys me the most about this whole thing; like
>>726973 said, such weird lie just may put weird expectation on real 39 year olds, because let's be honest, no matter how well (according to society standards) you'll age, you'll never look like 20yo at 40.
No. 733004
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Saw this on my tl, what do you all think abt this?
No. 733027
>>733004Really, this whole flag thing is just too retarded. Let the LGB people have their flags in peace!
Why does everyone need to have some obnoxious mix of colors plastered everywhere? Are we going to a war or some shit so we need flags to identify the bodies of the fallen?
No. 733122
>>733045Nobody needs a flag.
What we need is tolerance and knowing real gay people have normal lives lke anyone else.
Everything else is for snowflakes.
No. 733426
>>733122>nobody needs a flagHard agree. I hate this idea that having X sexuality is somehow an achievement you should be proud of. Like bitch you just want to eat pussy/suck dick, welcome to earth everybody wants to fuck and you're not special.
I hate looking at someone's bio and them immediately telling me which variety of genitals they want to lick.
Also the people most enthusiastic about telling you they're gay/bi are also the least fuckable ones ime.
No. 733447
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>>733004>>733045I always thought the Ally flag was the flag in question in some way? Never understood the point of the argument (in the "straight pride" way)
No. 733495
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i don't care that this is likely someone who did it as """"trolling"""""". twitter faggots are degenerate. no amount of irony can make this okay. it's not funny and i hope your dick gets an infection.
scrote humor is retarded
No. 733499
>>733472The order of things was - noticeable increase of homophobia in public spaces, calm pride events met with brutal violent attacs despite never changing in intensity for years, politicians openly encouraging homophobic behaviors and so on, only then I've started noticing a change in "loudness" of our LGBT community. OFC that enrages well encouraged homophobes, but it's staying quiet that initially made the aggressive homophobic behaviors happen.
>>733474But isn't this what we're talking about? Rainbow flag? It's always been a flag, just a rainbow on the sky is not it lol
No. 733518
>>733503yeah, that's what i meant by saying it was trolling. i get that he's trying to be edgy and shocking. i get it. it does not change the fact the mad man actually did it. like you have to be retarded to do this. even for attention. you absolutely have to be on the autism spectrum.
it reminds me of the girl that went viral cause she licked a toilet seat for attention. it was obvious trolling too, but scrotes obviously did scrote shit and made it about "she's still hot/she's fucking ugly", "yada yada degeneracy" "she's literally everything wrong with the world" etc etc. scrotes who do this things for attention should be dragged to hell too and be called the end of western society regardless of intention. what he did was way worse too.
No. 733877
>>733495Goddamn beastiality AND necrophilia
What the fuck has to be wrong with you to do something like this,In public too…
No. 734491
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Can anyone tell me why the smash community is infested with pedos? Like… serious question. Not even anything to do with pic related's discourse, what the fuck is happening? Is it the effect of going from no-friends turbovirgin to drowning-in-pussy demigod?
No. 734585
>>734491Smash has a lot of factors that make the community a breeding ground for groomers.
Young fans and players, high autism rate, a lot of events you can attend(pre-covid at least) are the main ones.
No. 735004
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This is hardly even the worse tweet of the day probably, but this seems like such a humblebrag
No. 736462
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>>735396>>736424The justification of ruining people's livelihood's is the worst part, if you got death treats, rape threats, general harrasment, lose your Job, well its your fault for being a bigot which is saying something against the neo-liberal mainstream dogma
No. 736470
>>736427. If you feel safe/comfortable talking about it, what happened?
No. 736509
>>735396Tumblr is actually kind of chill now. Yeah, it's not as active as it used to be, but most of the people who stayed on Tumblr are chill people over 20 who just want to reblog memes and aesthetic shit.
>>736424Anon you can't just say something like this without giving context. Please share
No. 736583
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>>736550They cancalled an actress for being "twansphobic", Its not being an edgelord online, people will find some way to either take your comment out of context or dog pile against you for daring to have a non neo-liberal approved Belief
No. 736698
>>736671yes, kek. once again, may i remind middle aged autists on this site that if you don’t want to lose your job by being mass-reported by a bunch of
triggered zoomers with kpop stan accounts, don’t post your edgy braindead takes on your public twitter account using your real name and location. it’s THAT easy, i promise.
No. 736768
>>735396Tumblr was contained in its own teenage to young adult nerdy space, Twitter is
everyone regardless of your ethnicity, region, culture, age, fandom or other category. It was bound to become a fucking catastrophe.
>>736528>>736550>t. twitter zoomers with a guilty conscienceYou can get cancelled for coloring a cartoon character's skin too light these days, not an "edgy take". It can happen literally to anyone over anything because it's ignited by pure malice and hunt for social media clout over reasoning that's as stable as a dice roll result. Never,
ever assume you're safe from it or that someone wouldn't leak or find out your doxx.
No. 736841
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seeing twittertards and tumblrfags sperg out over the ending of promising young woman is so fucking weird. spoiler alert obviously.
the movie is made by a woman and the female protagonist wins in the end by still getting the rapist arrested, but because she dies in the end, it's apparently a movie made for scrotes by scrotes? did I even watch the same movie as these people? I wasn't expecting the ending at all but she made preparations and was smart and resourceful and made sure to send evidence of the scrotes abuses beforehand in case something happened to her? how does that make her weak?are these people just uncomfortable at the idea of a flawed and traumatized female protagonist and not one who's uwu mary sue invincible? No. 737154
>>736816Sounds like a form of
victim blaming to me.
>you deserve it because you were asking for it! Accidentally putting oneself in a vulnerable situation shouldn’t give others a free pass to exploit that vulnerability.
No. 737383
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>>737378Anons…im not too sure about that
No. 737408
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Do american people on twitter seriously fucking think colored people only exist in america? There's a shit ton of people now getting mad over getting called westerner/gringo/bule now. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get suspended if someone reported you for calling them a gringo.
>literally haikyuu drama
No. 737424
>>737408Basically what
>>737420 said, the race guilt tripping power they hold over white guilt tripped Americans can't work on people from places that have their own bullshit to deal with, they still try to anyway
They want to somehow always be the
victims No. 737463
>>737438I'll just add to this the fact that it's extremely easy to comment on something on twitter and see + interact with other people's replies, which generates big arguments contained within these limited 250 characters. On tumblr in it's peak you had to reblog something and it was only seen by your followers so small accounts being idiots were ignored, which is not true for twitter. Even now when there's an option to comment without reblogging, the comment sections is not comfortable to read and not inviting to have a conversation with others because afaik you can't tag them and it will be only visible to these who scroll through post notes.
tl;dr twitter gives voice and spotlight to everyone and it sucks
No. 738663
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Why are wokesters so tryhard yet so bad at making up insults?
No. 738701
>>738689I know right, every time I see a retard using
latinxs makes a part of my soul wither.
No. 738971
>>738689No one in my family says latinx, thank god.
I think it’s mostly used by losers who try to pretend their parent’s struggle as immigrants is their own. Their favorite line: “I’m too American to be Mexican and too Mexican to be American.”
Cry me a damn river. Their parents are usually more successful than them despite coming to the country with nothing and not speaking the language. These people have literally no excuse to be losers. To hide the fact they’re losers, they have to harass people online and come up with bullshit terminology to pretend they’re “making a difference”
I hate when latinx people try to talk to me about their bs and think just because I’m in their age group and speak Spanish I have to have the same mindset as them.
No. 739439
>>739434I'd say linkedin is even worse than twitter. Twitter is just annoying, and if you find it that stressful to the point where it impacts your daily life but you're not using it for your job you're an idiot. Going to linkedin to look for a job and seeing rich kids who were given their jobs on a silver platter and egocentric, sociopathic recruiters/managers bragging about their "hard" work makes me physically sick. I'm seriously considering deleting my account because everytime someone tries to contact me to propose me a job they're completely crazy or they're part of some pyramid scheme and I coincidentally get bombarded with phone calls from telemarketers exactly at the same time even though I never posted my phone number anywhere on linkedin.
>>739436You or another anon said that in the confession thread but it happened twice in less than a week now and it's annoying.
No. 739483
>>739439Had a "manager" (that's being generous) at my previous workplace who unironically posts pictures of screens from town hall meetings where we did achievement recognition. She always posts the pics where she comes up (instead of when her team comes up). To brag. Like, just brag. "I achieve so much this year, look at my beautiful big number, join COMPANYFROMHELL, I'm hiring new vict, err, employees"
Like fucking bloody hell.
I loathe LinkedIn with a passion.
No. 740533
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This truly is the state of Twitter
No. 740563
>>739394>remove it in the settingsThat doesn't actually do anything tbh. They still have it, now. And will compare it to any other account that may use the same phone number.
Do what
>>739575 does, or do what I do and get a burner phone. They're like 20 bucks at Wal-Mart and you can pay-as-you-go so you only pay like .01 cents every time you need to unlock some stupid roadblock twitter puts in your way. It's not like Walmart will give your info to twitter, but every site is starting to slowly block Google voice numbers.
No. 740742
>>736462People who post webcomics as a crutch to what they're saying (case in point, also that retarded strip about peasants and iphones) are a fucking cancer.
Guess what, a hundred years ago you would be socially ostracized and deplatformed if you openly supported LGB people, advocated for racial equality etc., even if your country's laws didn't penalize espousing such views. Just because something is a popular opinion, doesn't make it right, or acceptable to shut up people with opposing views.
No. 741270
>>737408>Oh no, my retarded navel-gazing American racial politics card doesn't work with foreigners because to them I'm still a braindead American, not a pwecious bipoc smol bean who needs to be protected! Make westerner a slur!Something something horseshoe theory, cultural colonialism etc.
>>740533It's funny how you can play anything that causes someone a very mild inconvenience as "ableist". You could
trigger an infinite loop by retorting this with "QRTing causes anxiety so it's actually you who's ableist".
No. 741986
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I can't cope with Americas retarded takes on communism; so many comments under this tweet about "I'm standing in line for bread in capitalism too!" or "I'd happily go in line"
I'm sure it's great to romanticize the idea of "everything for everyone" but can't they read up anything on what they're speaking about? That the communism had you stand in line for one kind of poor-ass bread and oftentimes you'd actually end up with nothing / less what your family needs, no matter what, because state says so? I hate this.
No. 742002
>>741986Why is it so difficult for people with retarded takes to just look up information about communist rotten cesspools, to get that its better if we just take the good parts of communism, and the good parts of capitalism, to make something better for everyone?
It’s always a bunch of lazy bumfucks the people that preach communism as some sort of heavenly state in the middle of hell.
I fucking hate them so much.
No. 742111
>>742002>its better if we just take the good parts of communism, and the good parts of capitalism, to make something better for everyone?It already exists and it's called the Nordic model.
I really don't understand why these twitter commie antifa cunts keep sperging about communism being the answer to all their problems when in reality under pure communism they would probably starve to death or at least have bigger problems to worry about than bourgeoise first world issues like being misgendered. Why do they assume that under communist rule they would be leading a luxurious lifestyle when they would probably be issued a factory job and a very modest ration of necessities each month as a payment?
No. 742149
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some troon faked getting kidnapped to get more gofundme money but that's apparently okay because they totally needed it
No. 742151
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>>742149the scammer in question
No. 742173
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>>742151this made me lewl
No. 742235
>>742149>has struggled endlessly to meet four individual funds.raised a total of $86,387 through
>>742151(probably money raised during the scam, but still) that is an insane amount of money.
No. 742248
>>742121>>742111TBF the United states didn't even give people a choice, you removed Democratically elected governments if they seemed to be too "left" leaning and replaced them with the right wing (usually Military) dictatorships
This what happened to my country, The CIA sponsored a coup against the elected Islamic socialist prime minister of my country Zulfiqar Bhutto and replaced with a right wing Ultra Ultra Islamic dictator Zia ul haq
He brought in such laws as stoning as a method of execution, cutting off hands, public floggings, mandatory Burkhas, I mean culturally the damage he did is still present in Pakistan, before his reign you will find women wearing a local scarf at most but now if you go outside you'll find quarter of the women (young and Old) wearing the black trash Bag
So the issue really isn't about communism being the perfect system rather the American government destabilizing entire regions by removing their elected leaders and officials, most of the times, that weren't even too far left most of the time, the system Bhutto wanted to implement was closer to the Rossavelt's new deal model
(not a politics thread) No. 742328
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Now twitterfags wanna cancel Mattpat for a video he made in 2013 about pyros(from TF2) gender, claiming he's transphobic, homophobic and a non-binary phobe
No. 742334
>>742245kek. put the tinfoil hat down, that ain't me, although this is indeed giving me hope my scam would work
>>742328it's from 2013, he most likely even forgot about it. anyway, tf2 pyro was always intended to be a man and the whole gender debate was meant to be an inside joke based on a misunderstanding
No. 742468
>>742365Yeah it's cope and cucking at the same time.
Worst part is I remember at least one person was like "fuck y'all for being mad at her, are you seriously valuing money over a poor trans black woman's life? money is fake, why do y'all care".
If money is so fake then why do you feel the need to constantly retweet every single black go fund me you lay your eyes on and link your own cashap/kofi at any possible opportunity, huh?
>Is virtue signaling clout that important to you that you'd sacrifice your money and self respect just so some swindler doesn't have to take responsibility?To these people, absolutely.
A lot of them are beyong saving and absolutely stockholm syndromed by wokeness, but if maybe at least 1/4 of the people involved in this actually took the reality check, at least that's minimally good
>>742168Twitter fags are freakin dumbasses when it comes to this. I've seen some girl try to "cancel" an actual pedo. bitch getting blocked by too many people isn't a punishment and the internet isn't 911, call the fucking police. the unfortunate part is I think some of them just have acab way too entrenched on their heads to the point they don't see anything wrong with it.
No. 743580
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No. 743917
>>743737bc usually their goal is only to make the person seem too
problematic to take seriously so you ignore them. sadly it works.
No. 744945
>>744862lol yeah apparently there was also a tag of people posting selfies and some people were like "If you dare to post on that tag you are the scum of the earth!!" because they would be taking visibility from Sai
Sai made a video apologising (has deleted it since) but I haven't watched the video yet (30+ minutes lol) but I'm linking a reupload here
I also found someone summarising it No. 745690
File: 1614000624009.jpg (19.41 KB, 352x289, 20210222_082634.jpg)

What the fuck is this
No. 745757
>>743555What's hilarious about this is that it's never actual gay men that say it it's always FTMs that were huge fujos that say shit like that. I've even seen the argument that "lesbian" porn was made for women so gay porn should be for just men. These people have such severe brain rot that they're making us relive 2012 tumblr in a larger scale.
>>745690I thought this was real for a brief second and I was going to spend time researching what the fuck a child-mulching machine was.
No. 745773
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>>745769In case anons are too lazy to click the link above this was that person's summary.
Typical Twitter Troon "I deserve everything given to me because I'm mentally ill" BS. No one's even going to talk about how this black tranny blamed a Latino male? Why not a white dude or another black dude kek? Twitter loves to jump on the racebaiting discourse but apparently it's totally cool for a black transwoman to blame a Latino man for doing crimes that never happened.
No. 745911
>>745773Supposedly it was based of an actual person, but if you mention saying it was another minority is racebaiting and is kinda throwing shade at another minority some people
will accuse you* of racebaiting and get angry at you for stealing attention away from black people's problems.
(*I specifically am thinking of Melonyn, she literally has an obssesion with non black minorities lmao, the CIA should just hire her to make pro-american-invasion-of-the-midle-east propaganda for black people already kk)
No. 747310
apparently someone (a teenager?) has committed suicide over being sent death threats because they wrote a goddamn…bkdk fic.
this: is their final instagram post. i wish people would stop taking fictional shit so seriously man who CARES if they're underage…they're just cartoons lmfao
No. 747442
>>747310Did they really commit suicide? From what I've seen all there was, was that "a friend" posted on their instagram an information that they've killed themselves and said information was later deleted. It sounds like it was just the original person getting rid of their online identity.
The fanfic in question wasn't just any fanfic and it wasn't about just cartoons AFAIK. It was an extreme gore/rape story about real people creating youtube content. I think with how much discussion there has been about creating any kind of fiction about real people, everyone should know it's not appropriate, especially the "ultimate boundaries pushing shock horror" kind ones. I wouldn't bully that person but by no means I'm surprised that after something like this other people would.
No. 749730
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People who use twitter genuinely seem more dumber then the average population and this thread IMO proves it, like literally how do you miss the point of these books that would have been pointed out multiple times by your teachers No. 751555
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No. 751565
>>751555Think about it, most people who put she/her in their bio are mtf, while the she/they crowd is mostly biological women. h0nkboo is a confirmed
terf icon
No. 751569
>>751555Following woke stuff doesn't benefit women. When they're not doing their woke misogyny like this, they're complaining about how women's dating choices are oppressive like woke incels.
>>751560Only teenagers and unemployed people have time and energy to care about this.
No. 751595
>>751580Geez, I wonder why?
But seriously, it would make the platform more
comfortable uwu for the theylets if Twitter just completely excluded “
cis” women, like, let’s firm some petition so whenever a woman wants to create an account on Twitter, it bans the IP of said woman so the theylets can have an
uwu safe space uwu only for theylets.
No. 751748
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>>751555this whole situation reminds me of another incident on "mcyttwt (minecraft youtuber twitter)" in where a stan tweeted "cis she/hers shut up", got a ton of backlash for being misogynistic, and then went "ACKSHUALLY im not a misogynist, i just said that because one of my mutuals (who's a woman) disliked people who shipped two real content creators together!!"
only this time this person is claiming that they worded it poorly and defended the take because muh ADHD and that anyone calling them out is ableist
No. 752459
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guys be careful the underage kinnie is gonna getcha
No. 752500
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No. 752515
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>>752508>>752509We are anonimoose, we are legione.
No. 753243
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Motherfuckers really trying to cancel Alice Walker of all people
No. 753250
>>753243i mean she
is super antisemitic. she literally endorsed a guy who said that the jews orchestrated the holocaust and believes that they are lizard people.
No. 753252
>>753247Fredrick Douglas was a great man but he cheated on his wife, multiple affairs with white women throughout his life, MLK also cheated on his black wife multiple times, Huey Newton murdered a 17 year old black giri
But Alice Walker having a consensual relationship and marriage with a man who was a civil rights advocate is somehow wrong
>>753250The way her daughter framed it, it seems Alice's anti semitisim came as a result of her daughter wanting to connect more with her White Jewish father rather then her black mother, and also preferring to live with her jewish and jewish step-Mother which Alice saw as a huge betrayal
No. 753253
>>753250twitard logic
>antisemitei sleep
>married white manreal shit
No. 753273
>>753243>facts that kill moidsDomestic abuse/violence is largely intraracial. Most of the villains Alice would've experienced in her life fit a certain category.
Everyone needs to stop letting scrotes use race, religion, etc to deflect from their acts.
No. 753328
>>753273EXACTLY What makes it so much worse is literally no one cared back then.
>>753252 i dont condone her anti semitism at all but that is tragic as fuck. But thats still no excuse to shit on jewish people as a whole.
also that dumb man's take is so dumb he thinks that black women were only abused by white men in the 1900s LMAO and that they should ONLY talk about the abuse white men enacted on them and just ignore the disgusting things men from their own community turned around and did too because "muh solidarity"?. what an idiot.
No. 753351
>>753333THIS there are even accounts of slave women after being raped and abused by the slave owners would then go "home" and have to cook and clean for their husbands because that's "women's work" and then get more beatings from them too! Like gtfo im tired of the revisionist history as if men aren't just naturally
abusive as a whole, whether they were free or not. Like enslaved men literally got to complain to the masters and be afforded to not have to do some work (cooking, cleaning, taking care of children) but the enslaved women literally had NO CHOICES EVER. They had to cook, clean, take care of theirs and others children AND do the"male coded tasks like picking cotton and lifting shit and couldnt complain even if they wanted to. Because no one would listen or care. i want to fight!!!!!
No. 753354
>>753351>>753333>>753328>>753273Its common sense, women will most likely abused by the men of their community, White women by White men, Black women by Black men, Indian women by Indian men e.t.c
But with black women Its more complex, cause black men were historically abused and mistreated there was consciousness in the black community since the 1960s to lift up black men, to make them feel like real men after they had been abused so long by the white man
Its bizzare arrangement that's still going on to this day, its why struggle love gets so promoted
No. 753477
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every day twitter reaches a whole new level of stupidity
No. 753491
>>753477"black people do not oppress native people"
Remember wokies, black men pimping native women isn't a thing so don't snitch to the popo.
No. 753566
>>753243>>753250>>753252>In May 2013, Walker expressed appreciation for the works of the British conspiracy theorist David Icke.[40][41][42] On BBC Radio 4's Desert Island Discs, she said that Icke's book Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More would be her choice if she could have only one book.[41][43] The book promotes the theory that the Earth is ruled by shapeshifting reptilian humanoids and "Rothschild Zionists". Jonathan Kay of the National Post described this book (and Icke's other books) as "hateful, hallucinogenic nonsense." Kay wrote that Walker's public praise for Icke's book was "stunningly offensive" and that by taking it seriously, she was disqualifying herself "from the mainstream marketplace of ideas."[44]>In 2017, Walker published what Tablet magazine described as "an explicitly anti-Semitic poem" on her blog entitled "It Is Our (Frightful) Duty To Study The Talmud", recommending that the reader should start with YouTube to learn about the shocking aspects of the Talmud.[45][46] The poem includes the lines: "Are Goyim (us) meant to be slaves of Jews?" and "Are three year old (and a day) girls eligible for marriage and intercourse? Are young boys fair game for rape?"[47]>In 2018, Walker was asked by an interviewer from The New York Times Book Review "What books are on your nightstand?" She listed Icke's And the Truth Shall Set You Free, a book promoting an antisemitic conspiracy theory which draws on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and queries the Holocaust. Walker said: "In Icke’s books there is the whole of existence, on this planet and several others, to think about. A curious person’s dream come true."[45][48][49] Walker defended her admiration for Icke and his book, saying, "I do not believe he is anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish."[50] No. 753661
>>753493Hell some black nationalists do bring up the Barbary coast, Its sorta the same mentality with the Moors (with trying to prove they were somehow black)
The North African slave traders were overwhelmingly North African Arabs and Bebrbers as well as Slavic Jannasaries, doesn't make its cruelty any worse
According to Thomas Pellow a former Mamluk slave soldier the North African states functioned soley on slavery, slavery against blacks to do the manual labor and serve as servants and slavery against whites to serve in the Harems and as slave soldiers
While close to a million European Christians were sold into slavery the number of Africans sold into slavery would have been almost six times higher
No. 753887
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>>753477How do "non lesbians" and "people who don't id as lesbian" not refer to the same group of people anyway? I genuinely don't even understand the point. Also love how op liked the reply but didn't actually delete the tweet lmao.
No. 754123
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>>753887speaking of this vera person, i saw them in another bout of stupid twitter drama
for context: serena (lgbtDNI) made a bait account with a bunch of people in a groupchat called catboyinnit, then used the account to say offensive stuff (i.e homophobia, incest jokes, making fun of DID) to bait people. they then pretended that the account got hacked and eventually the account got suspended. serena and some others then said it was a bait account and got massive backlash. she then made an apology where she said that the person who was making fun of DID and incest jokes was a system and an incest
victim. now people are mad because they didn't
trigger tag the incest jokes (despite that tagging them would defeat the purpose of it being a bait account).
tldr we should have never given minors access to the internet
No. 754524
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why do people on twitter feel the need to correct/gatekeep/police everything
No. 754545
>>754524i hate this aave discourse
you can't police language, people are like sponges and they'll absorb things they hear around them
I get it can be kind of cringy if someone misuses it but at this point aave is a part of twitter speak and there's nothing they can do about it
No. 754557
>>753887I guess it's because "identifying as" is the ultimate reverse uno card that nullifies any argument. If you say "lesbians only" that means it's what the word actually refers to i.e. women attracted to women, but if you say "people who identify as lesbians only" it can be anyone from the hairiest troon to the straightest bi lesbian nonbinary girl.
>I'm a lesbian, I can follow you!>No you can't, you're dating a man/you're a man yourself!>Nu-uh, see I identify as a lesbian! I don't have to be one to identify as one! >>754524This sounds like a 4chan troll plant tbh.
No. 754644
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>>754524I think this is a problem that's exasperated on the american internet, that of lacking a cultural identity and laching onto anything that can be related to it. Those who have a strong cultural identity are a lot more open to share (as you would if you were born and living in, say, portugual or columbia or ethiopia or india etc.) while those who feel like their culture is reductive or barely existent (as do americans, including its 2nd gen immigrants, because of many reasons, not mocking here) are a lot more greedy with it. You can say 'oh it's because of racial reasons, blacks don't want whites to use their culture' but really they do this against other minorities too.
No. 754659
>>754545Another fact they often forget is that aave is descended form the same dialects which would lead to the typical white southern dialects
I saw some screenshots of woketards calling out random white southerns for appropriating black speech or some other bullshit
No. 754682
>>754668But like black culture isn't close to a monolith either, there's a lot of difference between the Cajun inspired culture of black in Lousiena then say blacks in New York
Hell a lot of positive and negative aspects of African American culture came as a result of contact with the Scottish and English descended white southerns
No. 754719
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>>754713NTA, but k-pop takes a lot from R&B, hip-hop, etc and black hair/fashion/dances. That can't even be denied.
No. 755242
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Men are so pathetic,a cartoon rabbit got a redesign,so what?
Why must they make it about sex and breast size?stupid creeps
No. 755247
>>755242To be completely honest, I agree with that guy, taking the sex appeal of something doesn't automatically make it better
I'm bi and preffer the previous design, although the new one isn't thaaaaat bad either tbh
No. 755292
>>755247i only agree when it comes to adult media, i.e recent video games making all female characters ugly
this is a kid's cartoon, there's no reason for her to be hot.
No. 755427
>>755242Mans is overweight with a balding hairline but wants to talk about sex appeal being erased, lmao. Look at yourself ugly.
Secondly, its a furry fictional cartoon character!! Who ultimately gives a shit? I swear the world is going fucking insane and autistic retards are becoming the norm in this society
No. 755439
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>>755242>>755242I hate it how they always compare it to a sexualised FAN-ART. people are so used to see Lola as a gap material…
No. 755800
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for some reason there's this rising trend on the parts of twitter that talk about mental health where people think that teens should be able to be diagnosed with personality disorders?
context: thread was the OP listing things that they consider to be ableist
No. 755848
>>755800this is a non-issue but it's also a straight up lie, i've known a few people who were professionally diagnosed with bpd at 16/17
>>755825there really should be, there's a lot of cows on both sides
No. 755942
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>>755825>>755863>>755871If I'm gonna be very honest, as artist I'm tired of the art salt thread being always taken over by anti/pro shit every other day. the whole debate is so darning autistic.
Containment thread would be nice, I think (imo)
Either way, may the person that came up with the concepts of fandoms and shipping be smitten
>>755242My suggestion is to make a psyop where we conect the new lola to the tomboy gf meme so weirdos will fall into the meme and stop sperging. If they still cry about the rabbit booba then plan B is to necromance the "flat is justice" meme (would require maneuvering to dissociate from loli shit tho).
No. 756198
>>755242I have that breasts are either sexualized or censored, no in-between.
I benefited from seeing female characters with breasts as a part of the character design when I sprouted C cups as a 12 year old. Winx Club and Totally Spies etc were a bit gross and sexualized but ultimately watchable by a preteen. nowdays the only animation that has big boobs is supergross coomer anime, the stuff for kids is Noelle Stephenson-style no boobs allowed. No wonder little girls are asking for mastectomies left and right.
No. 756260
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>>756198So you're saying you're ok with little girls feeling bad for not having boobs when all of the characters were well boobied in the animations of the past, but you're not ok with little girls feeling bad because not all characters have well visible boobs nowadays? Even Stevenson's She Ra for example has a variety of chest sizes on female characters, which was nonexistent in 90s/early 2000s female character designs, as every woman had to be C+ cup and 90-60-90 body proportions.
No. 756342
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do you think that there's a wheel people spin so they can get mad at things
i understand cottagecore being whitewashed to hell and back but… a colonialist fantasy?
No. 756360
>>756342I never understood that take either. I've seen it thrown around but absolutely no one explains how it supports colonialism and when you aske them to they just don't or they just say "in the past we had to live off the land so doing that again is colonialism" which is the stupidest argument. Soon all these "core" aesthetics are going to be
problematic since people just want shit to complain about.
No. 756388
>>756342imagine being this much of a citybug/suburban leech
God forgive people feel alienated in an ultra-artifical enviroment and want a change of air
No. 756415
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>>756361>>756393tbf this person claims to be living in the middle east
i still think it's a super dumb thing to complain about
No. 756475
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>>756460This is your idea of a healthy teenage girl?
No. 756517
>>756475This is obviously not meant to be a realistic representation of young teenage girls and it never pretended to be so I don't care. I'm not the other anon who mentioned Totally Spies AND Winx, and while I also liked Totally Spies a lot back then I always disliked Winx because it's ugly.
>>756507Yeah and it looks ugly as fuck. I don't look like that, I know dozens of young women and teenage girls who fit that description and they don't look like that.
No. 756825
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I just saw this and I wanted to post it. The whole thread made me sick.
Also, apprently a few of these people have written books, which it kind of destroys my hopes of this being a troll.
No. 756866
>>756851>puberty makes people act in ways they'll most often grow out ofPuberty doesn't cause people to get personality disorders like OCD or BPD, the sooner people get treatment such as cognitive behavioural therapy or medications for these, the better. I myself had OCD since I was 15, and in the 10 years since then it's only gotten worse. If I had dealt with my OCD properly when I was 15, I would suffer a lot less today.
> you can't diagnose someone that young and trust the diagnosisHealth care professionals can diagnose personality disorders with reasonable confidence.
No. 756881
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Shitty attention grabbing tweet for women's day by Burger King. Look at the disparity between likes of the first and next tweets. And comment section is just full of "based and redpilled" kinda shit. Their social media interns are brain dead.
No. 756885
>>756866>Health care professionals can diagnose personality disorders with reasonable confidence.>Puberty doesn't cause people to get personality disorders like OCD or BPDOCD isn't a personality disorder. As other anon said, puberty can make teenagers act out in weird ways. They're motivated by all kinds of things and their brains just aren't developed enough, they're still inexperienced in life and possibly sheltered and have their routine dictated by family. Kids will grow out of behaviors as they mature. Professionals worth a shit recognize these kind of things.
>If I had dealt with my OCD properly when I was 15, I would suffer a lot less today.Everyone else is not you, anon. You're opening the door to slap any label on a kid before they've grown up enough. Vain, self absorbed teenage girl trying to get a boyfriend or seeking social validation? NPD or HPD. Loner teenage boy that just wants to play video games in his room instead of doing sports? SPD or ASPD.
>the sooner people get treatment such as cognitive behavioural therapy or medications for these, the better.Medication shouldn't be the default or even on the table immediately, but CBT can really only be beneficial for everyone irregardless of their mental condition. CBT should probably be taught in school, as it's mindfulness and self awareness.
sage for ot/no milk
No. 756908
>>756866OCD is not a personality disorder (I have it too) so I really don't get the comparison you're making there.
Teens can be helped with things like anxiety, depression, obsessive behaviours already but it is not recommended that a full on PD diagnosis be handed out before they've reached adulthood.
No. 757036
>>756866I see what you mean but like everyone is explaining, OCD is not a personality disorder. Kids get diagnosed with OCD, I’ve heard that some people get diagnosed as young as 10 but otherwise it could take 17 years to get it properly diagnosed. Unless you’re somehow talking about OCPD. One of the big differences is that people with OCD usually understand that their fears are irrational and a problem to some degree, they would prefer not to obsess and have compulsions but they do it to keep themselves and others safe, your danger signals are misfiring constantly. On the other hand people with personality disorders usually don’t see a problem with themselves until other people try and get them to seek help.
Personality disorders are often hard to diagnose in adolescents because teens are fucking dumb. You literally don’t think or process the same way adults do so of course a doctor is going to be careful in the way they try to diagnose a personality disorder.
No. 757458
>>756881bruh I fucking hate BK, but I didn't know that their pr was retarted in other countries too. I remember like 5 years ago their pr team in my country literally posted memes about
cooming in female clients' burgers. sage for sperg
No. 757664
>>756895I don't get how Burger King manages to be a huge brand, it's just worse McDonalds' or KFC. No one I know goes there or would prefer it to other fastfood brands. The food is just more than mediocre. I only bought something with coupons and the portions were also so small for what it cost.
Sage for fastfood sperg
No. 758695
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Because most of them fucking well deserve it. you stupid, brainless scrote.(ban evasion)
No. 758893
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Not a fan of the constant 'please donate to me twitter' posts, but this one really hits the ball park of insanity.
Why would you foster if you cannot afford to keep kids in a safe home?
No. 759517
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seriously what is up with twitter users gatekeeping aave
No. 759536
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>>759517Not to come to her complete defense but it sounds stupid as fuck and put on if you don't actually talk like that.
No. 759704
>>721256Is anyone still following the Burger King drama? The scrotes are about ready to go to fucking war for them. They LOVE Burger King now, because they are sexist and Burger King empowered that in them, on a day that probably pisses them all off (women’s day). Now they INSIST it is nothing short of pure marketing genius to use degrading language as clickbait. They won’t hear any sort of dissenting opinion. They are men and they get to decide how women react to a billionaire company and their mean spirited campaign.I honestly think that a lot of scrotes are going to eat at Burger King for this reason.
Not only that but they didn’t delete it, they left a space open for men to degrade and even threaten women, and left it open for hours.
It feels like corporate terrorism.
No. 760344
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Nitpicky but I think this hashtag is pretty dumb, and this is coming from a womanlet.
I mean, I get the #drawingwhileblack hashtags because racism is unfortunately still a thing but no one really gives a shit if you’re short and you draw. What’s next #redheadartists? #drawingwhilehavinghazeleyes? It’s definitely not the most obnoxious thing posted in this thread but still rather odd.
No. 760380
exactly like #drawingwhileblack, it's a hashtag to fight racism. Against hobbits.
No. 760396
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I fucking hate Americans
No. 760400
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>>759704oh hey, I'm this anon
>>757458 and I'm from Russia
It's not related, but if any of you still eat at bk then look at this shit. The girl whose silhouette they used for this ad/sale is a rape
victim whose rape was mocked and shat on over all of Russian tv and social media, because she was a minor who got drunk at a friend's party
also her rapist was praised as a saint or whatever No. 760416
>>760400Why the fuck was her rapist praised as a "saint"? I dont fucking get these traditional countries have to go so fucking overboard with the woman hating and misogyny. Youd think theyd stick with "real" tradition like shaming rapist savage moids for being sexually immoral and
abusive but its always some joke of some shit, especially in the current century.
No. 760511
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>>760458It's just normal marketing stuff for the most part.
>Woman: Doesn't last long at all/Ending soon>The second Big King is free!>[Only now]She was apparently a meme after being on a talk-show where they asked her how much she drank that day and she held her fingers up to show that "only this much" (only filled to the bottom).
No. 761037
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why does this have so many likes
No. 761130
>>760520Yeah, now that you're pointing it out, probably. Now that I think about it, the "second one is for free" could also be a reference to her saying she was raped by two separate men in the night. Marketing people truly have no soul.
>>761039>>761067Just to be clear, it DID cause an outrage and they had to remove it, but the site administrator kept arguing with people in the comments. The horror of course is that someone thought it was a good idea in the first place.
No. 761333
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i hate moids
No. 761355
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>>761346They change their stance when it suits them. When it involves things like arguments and powerful positions they say women are too emotional. When they're talking about their romantic failures, they say men are the more emotional ones and women have no soul and aren't capable of love because we can move on faster after break ups or something. Pic related is the sort of thing I'm talking about.
No. 762602
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Hahahahahaha holy fuck we live in the upside down
And in case you're wondering: 20k replies
No. 762606
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>>762602TFW you're so woke you become racist again
No. 762728
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in a way good for her but it's still kinda weird she jumps at every opportunity to make a joke out of her affair for twitter clout
No. 764009
>>764006feels like everything is backwards these days, always opposite day. the loudest anti-racist wokies are suburban white teens screeching at
poc, leftists will cheer on big corps if they cater to their mantras, capitalism shutting down free speech… sorry bit ot but there's few places as concentrated as twitter where you can see how upside down it all is.
No. 764223
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ebeggars on twitter are a whole new level of entitlement
No. 765673
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>>765352interracial hypocrisy is a thing in every facet of politics. There's a reason pic related is a common meme; bashing white girls is popular now, but white men are still glorifed by every race. If I had a nickel every time I saw a pretty girl with an ugly, poorly dressed tall white boy.
No. 765703
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>>765673Reminds me of this
No. 765764
>>765754There was a thread r/GC_woc thred that talked about this phemenon, overly woke liberal
WOC who date very bland white men
Now the thing with Asian women is that it almost seems like they seek out the lowest of the white race, like No other group of women attract and actually go for these type of men
With woke black and Indian women its a lot different, they usually seek male Partners who are more found in upper middle class communites which these women often find themselves
No. 766090
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Imagine being called a Nazi for not use "tree" as a pronoun
No. 766105
>>766090>>766091Seriously, how can people like those exist at all? I feel bad for anyone surrounding those neopronouns’ retards, it must be genuinely exhausting to be constantly trying to call a woman a fucking tree or a dog, like, how can you say with a straight face
>puppy would like to open a bank account for puppyself before Tuesday.>tree told me that tree treeself went to the ER after breaking tree leg.>unicorn is ready to testify against the person that broke in unicorn’s house last week.It’s just so fucking insane.
No. 766108
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Saw this exchange in a thread asking if a woman has ever made you uncomfortable
No. 766114
>>766108imagine unironically claiming that you were molested by your imaginary friend and developed trauma because of it
what is wrong with these people
No. 766625
>>766090Rose, what the fuck are doing in a notoriously
terf board?
No. 767109
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The butthurt reactions caused by this PSA to Japanese artists to watch out for worktards, are fucking hilarious. No. 767130
File: 1616422610310.jpeg (83.57 KB, 1079x862, B8C0CBC9-0B48-4BFA-B0E0-33C3D2…)

>>767126Except it doesn’t, alt-right weebs do the exact same thing with different type of art or cosplay. You just can’t see an obvious racebaiting misogynist who spergs about political agenda by spreading his own political agenda, probably because you are a scrote yourself.
No. 767133
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>>767128Read it again, scrote.
No. 767136
>>767130>>767133The author being retarded doesn't invalidate them being correct in the relevant post. If you need to dig through their timeline to find damning shit then you've lost your argument.
You're actually doing things the post describes. No wonder you're offended.
No. 767137
>>767133I'm not a scrote, and I still think his post here
>>767109is still right, because troons and woke retards shouldn't be harassing ANY artist at all. He is cringe and his post is annoying, but the sentiment is right.
No. 767141
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>>767136Have fun competing with sh0e and other bimbos for lowest tier male attention, I guess.
No. 767143
>>767137Why was the post made in English? Shouldn’t it be made only in Japanese to begin with?
Oh wait that’s because this was only made for attention and this wouldn’t get even 1% of that if it was Japanese only, it never meant to reach any Japanese people to begin with. You should by now who these people are.
No. 767147
>>767130judging something that is clearly right (aka, twitter fags shouldn't harass artists, specially not artist that don't even speak english) just because it comes from someone you don't agree with, is a logical fallacy. Yes he's an idiot in his OTHER posts, it does not discredit the fact he was right in this one. And I don't even know this fucking guy and I think he's stupid, it's just common sense, don't lump things with things that have nothing to do with the subject.
>>767141that has nothing to do with anything lmao you're just
triggered>>767146If you can't handle being told off then why are you here? If you can't handle being wrong then why even post? If you can't handle critizism why even use the internet? go back to your twitter clicke.
No. 767150
>>767133>>767130>>767141The way you defend yourself proves how many twitter retards lurk this website. You post something that
triggers you, and start insulting everyone when they don't take the bait and disagree with you. Then you try to discredit everyone digging for receipts or calling them a slur (scrote, transphobe, homophobe, it could be any of your liking). Then when you can't win, you tell them to "have fun with x" to try to stand in the higher moral ground. And then you point fingers and say it's us who can't take the heat? Lame. Go back to calling out people on twitter.
No. 767152
File: 1616423727282.jpeg (268.28 KB, 750x735, FF86DD31-B0F5-463E-8A01-26F645…)

>>767147>watch out for these accounts: feminists>constantly spergs misogynistic bullshtYes it has something to do with, it’s obvious agenda and you are a retard for not realizing it.
Also it’s pathetic to be that protective of something you didn’t even create, but that’s all capable of doing. Like you.
(infighting) No. 767155
>>767152a disproportional number of accounts that proclaim "feminist" in their bio behave the way described in the post being discussed.
instead of deflecting by having a meltdown over the author here, we could instead try to have some self-awareness and figure out a potential solution. for instance educate young feminists on how that behavior isn't helpful and often counterproductive. and A LOT of the artists they harass are women.
right now this is like gay people that shield other gays that do shitty things just because they're a fellow gay.
No. 767403
>>767182They know women will double down and abuse that fact to get their powertrip rush, that's the reason and pretending otherwise is being in denial. A legitimately pedo male openly talking about wanting to fuck little girls while drawing legitimately photobashed lolishit will stay untouched. They're not even rare or hard to come by, literally yesterday ran into a bunch of them while browsing nothing incriminating. At the same time you got a female artist with 50 followers being dogpiled for drawing a ~
problematic~ ship.
No. 767612
File: 1616470573141.jpeg (321.06 KB, 750x762, 57B1618C-D528-4346-8514-95FE51…)

>We’re all incels now
Um.. we? Kek
No. 770258
File: 1616783728939.jpeg (142.61 KB, 750x907, AAC79F32-A5CD-4D31-9AD4-BCEDF2…)

Lol this lady is either a lying attention whore or insane.
>KKK dad killed 30 men with a knife alone
>no record of event
>no one can find any records of father
My money is on her having a screw loose.
No. 770261
File: 1616783848431.jpeg (167.2 KB, 750x1014, 7326F006-1ACC-4BBE-9F10-DA5F3A…)

>>770258Samefag, her replies seem to give more questions than answers.
No. 770502
File: 1616811570049.jpg (74.39 KB, 828x766, ExaNqSTWEAInkEi.jpg)

Lindsay Ellis going "Asain culture= Avatar the last airbender it's the same!!11!!" like some drooling weeb retard
and when people pointed out Asians are real she doubled down and called them "Crazies"
she's since Deactivated her account kek
No. 770670
>>770502It's sad how someone who's actually intelligent and capable of making very good video essays about themes in film making and their history still manages to fall
victim to Twitteritus and make these stupid snarky ass hot take tweets that would make anyone cringe. Lindsay really should stop chasing the cheap clout and focus on doing what she does best because every time she tries to do social commentary like this it just ends up in flames. I hope she doesn't reactivate.
No. 770679
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>>770502Not sure if she meant they're the "same" because they're both "Asian" or because they both have this "four elements and the chosen one" theme but even that wasn't something invented by ATLA so it's still cringe and half-assed take considering her profession.
She's better off making videos though so I guess it's better she deactivated for good.
No. 770683
>>770502watch her do a video essay on this on par of why media is transphobic or something.
Idk used to respect her, now I think she's a complete moron. I read that screenshot without reading the user and I was like "god not another retarded twitter take" and then saw it was Lindsay Ellis and was like "wat". Fuck, twitter brainrot really is something else. Being insideb all the time really is making everyone live on the internet.
No. 770888
File: 1616868474240.jpg (184.86 KB, 1080x660, IMG_20210327_184351.jpg)

The girl who posted this is pumping herself up because she guessed that someone on Twitter has daddy issues, as if you can't pinpoint that same shit to half the people on Twitter and still be right
No. 770910
File: 1616870271787.jpg (110.1 KB, 933x696, ugh.jpg)

>>770888Whew, she really thinks she's smart for guessing most children have experienced traumatic events and that many women in patriarchal societies have controlling fathers.
No. 770914
>>770888Astrology is the biggest bullshit among all ''spiritualism'' practices.
The dumbest bitches practice astrology and astrology in itself invalidates other occult practices that they do.
Im literally the opposite of everything said about my sign, everything.
No. 771130
File: 1616896597949.jpeg (636.55 KB, 750x1276, 1D26306E-FD61-4875-AEB8-B24CC0…)

Kek a lot of Anti-shippers and retarded children are losing their minds over this post made by Bryan Fuller (the creator of Hannibal) for posting a picture of him wearing a pro-ship shirt and drinking from a pro-ship coffee mug,
No. 771159
File: 1616902295697.jpg (672.23 KB, 828x1262, OuoMs96.jpg)

I don't know why but I just wonder how it should feel getting a curse by a Twitter witch over a Minecraft streamer.
No. 771194
>>771130i’m wondering what the 17 year old twitter autists were hoping was going to happen by accusing a 50 year old gay man of being creepy and predatory or whatever else for simply liking art of men having sex. seriously think these people would have had a heart attack when the harry potter fandom was in its prime due to the sheer number of “
problematic” ships and fics being produced
No. 771201
>>771198exactly. and it was mainly teenagers who were attacking bryan fuller for this because to them sex is a big deal but they forget that for a lot of adults it’s not that deep. mads mikkelson and hugh dancy have spoken multiple times about reading smutty fanfiction about their hannibal characters so i seriously doubt they were going to be offended by bryan fuller liking nsfw art of them.
it’s just funny that because they went on this moral purity tirade against fuller he’s now become aware of the pro shipping debate and fully supports them. if they just .. ignored it and didn’t go through his twitter likes fuller would have been none the wiser about any of this.
it kind of reminds me of some tweets i saw by one of these mlm trans bois who got seriously disillusioned with actual gay men when she realised that they didn’t act like they did in her yuri on ice fanfiction or whatever. in short allowing teenagers to have opinions on twitter was a mistake
No. 771278
>>771130There's so many literal children throwing a tantrum in the quote retweets it's glorious. Don't even need to go to a daycare to see tantrums in real time anymore!
>>771198A lot of them consider actively consuming bl and interacting with other "gay men" as being actively in the gay male scene, it's really funny.
No. 771284
>>771130>>771143I'd normally roll my eyes at an adult punching down like this too, but this time it's fucking hilarious because these kids have been directly harassing so many show creators. It's about time someone put them into their places since their parents and handlers sure as hell aren't going to do so.
>>771201I sort of feel sad for the average MLM fakeboi on Twitter because they're obviously emotionally stunted autists allowed to be terminally online. They have the experiences of an average woman being sexualized and their mind literally on a level of a 10-year old, so they can't handle witnessing sex and as a defense mechanism they start screeching about how horrible it is that "gay male culture", which they believe to be a part of because autism is comorbid with transgenderism, is so sexualized and not filled with cute cuddling and hand-holding.
No. 771770
File: 1616983854522.png (89.05 KB, 720x959, Screenshot_20210329-070542.png)

Oh my god, underage woketards are really trying to cancel Lil Nas X for being "Islamaphomic" cause of some tweets he made when he was a gay teenager In the 2010's(you know the era that witnessed a paramount of Islamist terror attacks) No. 771771
File: 1616983926581.png (172.29 KB, 720x425, Screenshot_20210329-071200.png)

>>771770The "Islamaphobic" tweets in question
No. 771792
File: 1616986798288.jpeg (754.99 KB, 1242x1278, 1616886990876.jpeg)

>>771770I don't really care about this but on old accounts he was connected to he made fun of Nicki Minaj's abortions and made comments about Blue Ivy's genitals (when she was 3 years old). I honestly think he had problems with women considering how horribly he insulted female celebrities, but he was 15-16 when he had those accounts and people mature.
No. 771794
File: 1616987045090.jpeg (57.67 KB, 808x618, ExhqIo6XIAA5eGM.jpeg)

>>771792Samefag, another example. Forgot to mention he also made fun of Rihanna's domestic abuse.
No. 771807
File: 1616988710678.png (175.6 KB, 720x1142, Screenshot_20210329-082853.png)

>>771770I swear the left has coddeled Islam so much, non Muslims are treated like literal subhumans in my country, there's an estimated 5000-7000 forced rape conversations of non-Muslim young girls in my country every year
No. 771819
>>771807Fuck islam, IDK why this
toxic crap is being protected
No. 771861
>>771819I wish I could make an anti Islam thread but I don’t think it would go down well. Those fuckers can’t take a joke or any criticism, they are just as bad perhaps worse than white supremacists.
>>771807White peoples don’t need to kill and torture Muslims because they do it to each other
Islam is the worst religion and muslim scrotes should all die
No. 772180
File: 1617048407306.jpeg (542 KB, 1125x1777, 8B7E3EB6-FB84-426E-89D4-64D961…)

Have you guys seen the tone indicator shit? I don’t care if people prefer to use them, but under every viral tweet I see lately there’s someone telling someone who made a joke to use them. People say it’s for neurodivergent people but as someone who is, it feels infantilizing. These people are so fucking entitled to think the world has to cater to every little sensitive thing, and it’s scary because not all of them are children who do this.
No. 772200
>>772180That's such bullshit. To me, a tone indicator is something you choose to use when you want to make sure people interpret your post in a certain way. If you make a sarcastic remark generally some people are going to think it's serious. If you're really bothered by that and want to make sure everyone gets your intent, you use a /s.
Either way, it's up to the poster. I don't get why people feel the need to force others to accomodate them when if they misinterpret a post that's really nobody's problem but their own. Like you said, it's entitled. It's like going to a family dinner and demanding that nobody at the table eat meat because you happen to be a vegetarian.
No. 772220
>>771807Islamists literally killed christians in their countries for CENTURIES. They stole so many formerly Christian lands like Egypt, Syria, Sudan, ect and turned it into Islamic hellholes. They genocided and murdered Christians in Armenia. These affect
POC Christians disporportionately, yet because non Orthodox Catholic and Protestant White Europeans were assholes (the same group of people historically assholes to even each other) it doesnt matter. Fuck these people
No. 772267
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>>772180If you’re this lowfunctioning you should not be allowed on the internet LOL
No. 772272
File: 1617055478619.jpeg (236.58 KB, 1204x2048, 4CB066AC-1C56-4C3C-BC70-B71E6A…)

>>772267Kys /gen /srs /li /m
No. 772379
>>772367>surgeons can at least build you a vagina or penislol nope, a cut on your genitals isn't a new vagina and a tube of meat isn't a penis
>they can sexchange youagain wrong
"magic" isn't real but it is something people believe in, let them be happy like that. You're too nosy in their business.
No. 772400
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>>772331Dis u in front the screen? COPE SEETHE AND DILATE.
Who gives a fuck if astrology isn’t legitimate? There’s plenty of things that are bullshit in this world such as mutilating your balls to become a pretty bratz dollie~
No. 772420
File: 1617067786585.jpeg (66.54 KB, 687x523, 1053563D-3FF1-43A8-A436-3925B4…)

>>772407>nah brojannies are you seeing this lazy bait?
No. 772654
>>771804Reminder: They cancelled Azealia Banks for LESS than some of this shit he's said with his chest.
I don't even like her anymore, but the double standards are ridiculous.
No. 773211
File: 1617162276259.jpeg (793.38 KB, 1125x1520, 944397D6-590F-4EC1-B8C9-5858E6…)

The lack of empathy and try-hard edginess on this app is dystopian & depressing. This wasn’t even clever, the punchline is being a dick.
No. 773221
>>773211I do agree with you that there's a lack of empathy. At the same time, posting every single waking moment of your life on a platform where any anonymous schmuck can comment on your post should also be frowned upon. I could understand if it were Facebook or if the account was on private and this person was sharing the news with private followers but I'm also getting tired of seeing people put all of their entire life out to the world and then whining when there's a "lack of empathy" from people. In the same place where a 45 year old professor with a PhD can comment and express condolences, some retarded 13 year old can say some crafty zoomer or an 18 year old fag can post a wojak meme or whatever.
There really are no rules on the internet, not even social ones, and anyone who chooses to follow social rules online should be understanding of that. Anyone can access the internet nowadays. So act like it.
No. 773354
>>773221I agree with you anon, there's no reason to live tweet your wifes miscarriage holy shit. This shit is personal and should be kept as such, I hate the fact that social media is used as a tool in which you announce your shitting schedule, nobody except your family and friends should have the energy to care.
It's a horrible thing to happen for sure, shouldn't be a taboo to talk about it but tweeting about it as it is happening is so exhibitionistic.
No. 774121
File: 1617270629520.png (172.11 KB, 960x1278, uhhhhhh.png)

I decided to play a fun prank on myself today and decided to look up what people have been triggered by lately and oh my god the americucks REALLY dislike our third worlder word
No. 775236
File: 1617431828969.jpg (108.31 KB, 720x730, 20210403_083313.jpg)

Response to
> I find calm men so attractive. I love the gentle aura. A man who doesn't yell at me when he's upset, who brings me peace & eases my anxiety. I just want to feel calm, satisfy, happy & safe w/ him
No. 776150
File: 1617546054891.jpg (398.98 KB, 1080x1550, IMG_20210404_160542.jpg)

I love how you can tell that he wasn't intelligent enough for high school not only from the resentment he feels towards anyone who isn't a failure like him (while taking it out on some high school girl he doesn't even know), but from the fact that he's too stupid to realize that he should've gone to some echo chamber to say his obviously unpopular take (like users here do when our takes are too edgy for twitter and other normie/mainstream spaces)
No. 776153
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>>776150He even doubles down on it after people start telling how creepy/stupid that is of him
No. 777583
File: 1617752567651.png (275.83 KB, 599x871, lol.png)

Going into Twitter replies is always a bad idea but this turned real funny real fast.
No. 777617
>>721256A guy started shit talking Ireland by saying we willingly participated in England doing the England thing to the rest of the world.
He refused to understand that we were forced into their activities. He just kept saying we were willing imperialists and claimed that we never made attempts to break free from British rule (which is wrong we had many revolutions).
When I asked why he isn't calling out India for also being forced into Englands shit, he dodged. I asked him if it's because Irish people are white and if that's the real stick up his butt.
And he blocked me. Bald head, shit beard, cuck glasses frames. I fucking hate American Twitterfags who think they have the knowledge to teach people their own history
No. 777621
>>777617Samefag, I forgot to mention that he asked me why Ireland and England are cool with eachother these days. I told him that we aren't piss babies and we're capable of healing divides and growing as people, and he called me a racist.
I dont know what that means
No. 777656
>>777617Don't worry Anon, I'm ethnically Mexican and Spanish and some retard called my Spaniard grandma a colonizer, because she moved to Mexico. As if she had anything to do with conquistadors?
Woke Americans are the worst.
No. 777702
File: 1617765212894.png (22.65 KB, 566x226, bipoc.PNG)

I saw this tweet earlier, and I really do hope "bipoc" dies out. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. It's a lot more efficient to say Black or Indigenous, and the way people were using "bipoc" just did not work at all. Also, everytime I see it I just think it means "bi people of color".
No. 777710
>>777702It's stupid as hell, indigenous and black people come from entirely different circumstances so why would they be grouped together?
I don't have much of an explanation to back this up, just a vague impression based on a lot of tense arguments about race I've read online amongst woke types, but I feel like the term started being used so that people could exclude asians from discussion about racism.
No. 777719
>>777717Like I said, I don't really have a good explanation, just a gut feeling. Obviously BIPOC excludes every race except black and indiginous, so there's not much logic in assuming it's about excluding asians specifically. But it just feels like there's a lot of resentment from other
POC towards asians because they're the model minority, relatively privileged, and considered anti black. So when people refer to '
POC' as a whole they don't feel like Asians fit what they're talking about, and BIPOC conveniently takes them out of the equation without being obvious about it.
No. 777862
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It may sound like I'm baiting, but what is their to be proud of being ace/aro? I could get it if it was 200 years ago when forced marriages were a thing, but not in today's America when living alone has never been easier. Also I refuse to believe a porn artist has zero sex drive, it just sounds like autism with low libido to me.
No. 777867
>>777862Asexuality rarely seems to mean actualy lack of sex drive anymore, usually people just use it to mean for not pursuing relationships, which could be anything from low self-confidence to actual disorders. I can see why someone would want to popularize or use the term, I just don't see how it's part of the LGB movement.
The shittiest somewhat established neosexuality is "demisexual", which just means that you don't do one-night stands and want intimate love.
No. 777896
>>777891>orthodox christians are some of the most annoying, hateful pieces of shits there is This is the truth
t. living in an orthodox Christian country
No. 777923
>>777867What even is the point of demisexual is one of the handful that people use to feel special but aren't retarded enough to claim sexualities that require a masters degree to decipher.
Bruh just say you're more interested in pursuing romantic relationships than fucking around. It isn't some kind of oppressed LGBTQ+ minority to want a relationship before sex
No. 778152
>>777702I agree, It's so embarrassing. It's always used by virtue signalers or people who just want to look cool in their bio because you can't guess if they're black, indigenous, general person of color or all at once. It genuinely means nothing. Fucking nothing. Especially when twitterfags have been trying to kick latinos and mixed race people off the label bipoc. Or anyone who's just not american really, because SEA asians (or asians in general) don't seem to count under that label because I see genuine racist hatred towards them day in and day out on that platform.
Every day I plead for the deletion of twitter and/or a voluntary region lock.
No. 778993
File: 1617928695320.jpeg (141.92 KB, 827x1193, EyfcO5lWgAUtr9-.jpeg)

If there is a hell, SW twitter deserves its own circle in hell for coomers
No. 779870
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No. 779949
>>777867I understand and agree with asexuality being a sexuality, but only in the case that they 100% don't feel sexual attraction at all. Do I think they're more opressed than lesbians? No.
I just think all this shit won't matter in 500 years and then I start feeling a bit better. Like, idk, maybe in the future we're all robots and biological matters don't have a place in society anymore and everything is hedonistic and fucked. Or maybe we just become a better society of humans and just look back in history and say "wow this was very fucked up back then wasn't it?" Either way I try not to care anymore and just live my life, I don't want to be a doomer, but as much as I complain about troons and """asexuals""", nothing is gonna change. Big pharma owns us. Nothing is going to change. Better just move on and live my life as optimistic as possible even if these things bother me.
No. 780023
File: 1618046662409.jpg (157.19 KB, 598x897, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-BHXD…)

Your brain on woke twitter discourse, 2 brown people arguing that other is actually more white so that they can appear more woke
No. 780087
>>777867Asexuality is really weird to me because I could swear 90% of the people that I've seen self identify as "asexual" are either literal eleven year olds or girls that completely butcher the clarity of the concept by being like "just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm not asexual because I'm not aromantic, also some asexuals enjoy masturbating, and yeah I have sex with my boyfriend but I'm still asexual and…"
I just can't take it very seriously like that
it's on the same level as afab girls that dress femininely go by female pronouns and don't even have dysphoria but still claim to be non binary for me honestlyDemisexual I actually haven't seen in a long time and tbf I don't think I've seen many of them try so super hard to insert themselves into the "real" lgbt community, contrary to asexuals
No. 780159
>>780136Nta but I'm like that except I started out hyper sexual as a young adult and then through therapy I stopped denying my abuse and by my late twenties I then wanted to stop having sex altogether. Hypersexuality is a common reaction to abuse, so is sex repulsion and they often come and go and swap out depending on where your head is at.
It has to be confusing for teens now who have csa in their past to also have a myriad of labels that can cover up that issue and maybe delay them seeing a professional. Same with poly lifestyles and hypersexuality from abuse. It's so accepted now that you're almost seen as being sex-negative if you see someones worrying hypersexual habits and draw attention to a possible underlying issue.
No. 780477
File: 1618086084514.jpg (661.43 KB, 828x3099, YqAtTGs.jpg)

People in denial over how actual communism works make me so angry.
No. 780478
File: 1618086222728.jpeg (101.06 KB, 936x1080, 9C9B88E5-11A1-4959-A91D-A91D46…)

>>780477It always makes me think of this image
No. 780506
>>780087I know some 'asexuals'.
I have a close friend who claimed to be asexual for like 10 years. I was always low-key thinking she just isn't popular with guys and coping. But then I fully accepted it after years of 'ace aro pride' shit she kept spamming our group chat with, her meeting with other asexuals, making fun of people with romantic partners, talking about how sex, kisses and touching is nasty and so on. And of course, then she got a boyfriend and they have sex and she is a totally normal straight girl. Just really wasn't able to get a boyfriend and wanted to feel special and liked attention.
She shortly tried to claim she's a fucking demisexual because she's ~only attracted to him uwu~ and I guess couldn't bear not being special.
I don't believe in asexuals anymore. Maybe in the kind that have some health issue that results in loss of attraction or libido but honestly the ones I know are all just straight girls.
No. 780521
>>780514Same, I've never understood why people are mad at asexuals. Not everyone is interested in sex, not everyone has to be, and
if they actually have some kind of health issue or trauma, you're not really helping anyone at all by trying to shame/stigmatize them for it, just being a dick. It's not like they're trannies demanding special treatment and pronouns.
No. 780737
>>780521>>780514I mean is it really healthy though ? these people are often suffering from some form of trauma or another and its one thing to accept that trauma and try to work on it or even manage to live with but it seems unhealthy that its a
valid sexuality
No. 780781
>>780521>>780514The concept of a low libido isn't the problem and never has been. Not wanting to have sex might be stigmatized to an extent but most people understand that people have different sex drives and that trauma, medication, etc can affect your libido even to the point that you don't want sex at all.
The problem is asexuals thinking they're an oppressed minority group or that asexuality is a proper sexual orientation. It isn't and it is obnoxious to keep shoehorning it into LGB. I have a normal sex drive but I'm (voluntarily) celibate, haven't had sex in many years and don't necessarily plan on it in the future. There is no functional difference between myself and an asexual, and it is not something I could be discriminated against or even mocked for unless I decided to make a big deal about it and tell everyone about the private, trivial details of my life.
No. 780833
File: 1618125536939.jpg (218.19 KB, 1080x1247, okzjfq.jpg)

i know people ebeg on twitter a lot but jfc
No. 780891
>>780521Idk it isn't fun being made fun of by your asexual friend for having a boyfriend, shamed for wanting to kiss and have sex and being called disgusting 'as a joke'.
Asexuals I know are like loud vegans, they shame you and deserve special attention constantly.
No. 780925
>>780521Because asexual as a label is now taken up by teenagers too young to even have a proper sense of self/late bloomers/straight girls that want to join the oppression olympics instead of people that just have no attraction to people via continued observed internal experience. Asexuality had to be made also highly performative so it can be milked, because in itself "do not want to have sex" is not enough drama. So they must post on how
triggering romantic content in media is, how disgusting seeing people kiss is, how oversexualized everything is (which is true, but they're annoyed even by mild sexual PG content). Not to mention fandoms. Plenty of fictional characters can be "headcanoned" into asexuality, since plenty of authors don't even bother with it, which is fine. But then they'll get angry whenever their self-insert characters get portrayed in any sexual way.
No. 781474
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No. 781483
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>>781474Am I supposed to dislike this?
No. 782820
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It was only a matter of miserable time before corporate brands co-opted ":a thread" culture. I hate this
No. 783291
File: 1618375616852.jpg (90.31 KB, 729x818, 3456789087654.JPG)

Because it's definitely a transphobic moral panic and not, like, unfettered child porn that made Apple give nsfw discord servers the boot.
No. 783356
>>783146Seriously, I have a hard time believing this Twitter irony leads to an increased sale on their disgusting frozen meat. Not every brand needs to be on Twitter.
>>783291sweet, go to Android to share your weird hentai, discord groomers
No. 783500
>>783353They're not even trying to hide it at this point.
Apple made a great decision. My next phone will be an iPhone.
No. 784082
File: 1618502390110.png (406.87 KB, 533x1258, kids.png)

These sound so fake, I can't believe a 4 year old would have the awareness to say "I'm still a little kid and I'm still learning", it's nothing outrageous like we usually see in twitter hate thread but this kind of stories always make me cringe so much
(also idk why the person who originally posted these screens tagged themselves in them, who does that lmao)
No. 784084
>>784082god this is so obnoxious
it's all "wow my kid humbled me" but they're transparently just patting themselves on the back for being so woke and so great at parenting
No. 785132
File: 1618615637395.jpg (76.59 KB, 720x830, male.jpg)

This is a bit old but Turkish men have announced that (12 April) as the international rape and femicide day as a "dark humor joke". Every 4 hours a woman in Turkey experiences rape or male violence. Our lives and our pain is not your joke.
No. 787131
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Twitter finds out that the character desinger of Ace Attorney is a fujo.
Old debate but I think that the reactions are funny.
No. 787151
>>787131>I'm not letting the fujoshi shit slide??? Who are
you? The fucking police?
Why are these Twitterfags so self-important?
No. 787152
>>787131Have had many bad experiences with fujos before but any person this ass blasted over an exemplary character designer needs to git gud lul
>>787143Looks like some 17-year-old she/her lesbian. Might be a troon but if not I wouldn't be surprised if someone clogged her head with garbage.
No. 787157
>>787152she/her lesbians are
always men. at least 99% of the time. lesbians call themselves queer, nb, he/hims
No. 787203
>>787197iirc when she argued with Takumi that the rival character should be as old as the protagonist she said something like
>why would the hero's "eternal rival" be an old man, isn't he gonna retire and die of old age soon? A queen among queens.
No. 787286
>>773900I made a post about potentially making a “nsfw twitter” cow thread yesterday but mentioned that it could probably get super depressing precisely because of this. I just found out it existed because so many people part of it interact with normal sfw tweets and a search for the phrase “new to nsfw twitter”/“new to nsfw twt” yields so many posts by people as young as 14 who seem to legitimately think that putting “18+ do not interact” in their bios in a community that is solely dedicated to sex, porn, and depraved fetishes somehow protects them. what is probably even more disturbing is knowing that they’re almost certainly all making “content” and sharing it with each other, just not publicly. I feel like it’s insane that Twitter can’t/doesn’t crack down on this community on their site that is pretty much groomer central and not even trying to hide it
it seems like there is the potential for milk in the 18+ users however, just the combination of single-digit-subscriber onlyfans sex workers, sad baby girl nymphet wannabes, hentai addicts, fully grown edgy e-girl/e-boy types, fakebois, and antisocial k-pop stans all converging in one place means that there has to be literally endless drama.
No. 787322
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Why is LGBT Twitter so insufferable? It’s annoying how they insist how every fictional character is gay. Especially if said character is a child.
No. 787485
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No. 787497
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All the triggered scrotes in the comments LOL.
"women y u no like us?? we are violent, mean, ugly, and hateful but why do you dislike us i dont get it youre a MEANIE feminazi"
On the side note this just reminds me women need to make seperate fanbase parts for video games outside of living simulation games, tbh. We used to pretty much do that and if we did it again it would save a lot of headache
No. 787549
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>>787497Why don’t they just kill themselves honestly? If all men who thought like this mass suicided the world would be a happier and more cheerful place. Where is Michelle Carter when you need her.
No. 787551
>>787497>Politics sucksBut which politics? Why less sales? If a game like this actually came out, they'll be gushing over ~So cute, waifu harem~
OP doesn't even talk about feminism in this post, it's just a small harmsless joke, chill.
No. 787662
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>>787497Reported this totally sane gentleman to the FBI. Hope he ends up on a watchlist as he should be. Get rekt moid.
No. 787911
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Edgelord lies about being a George Floyd trial juror for attention and tons of idiots believe it.
No. 787939
>>787911I wish people who dressed like this didn't act like huge fucking uwu
triggered babies all the time
No. 788191
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>>787911Apparently, she was talking about a mock trial? She got doxed anyway.
No. 788195
>>788191"Uwu Im only nineteen"
No. 788673
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Why must they use the real harm of Colonialism to justify their dumb actions and behaviors
No. 790119
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why did women let men convince them that being a whore is empowering, i hate it so much
No. 790122
>>790119It was something like about how men apparently hate Ultrafeminine women so they should reclaim the look to empower themselves, also Legally Blonde played part in this about how "femininity" is equal to masculine traits
Its very dumb and only happens when your understanding of Humans comes from libfem logic and shit
No. 790222
>>790217It championed this libfem mentality that being ultra feminine was somehow as "
valid" as dressing well you know like an actual professional related to your profession, and that actually dressing with actual work appropriate attire was conforming to the patriarchy cause you were acting too male by dressing like a bimbo sex doll you were subverting it
No. 790250
>>790222Huh? Is it really only for libfems to think that common conceptions of femininity don't have to be synonymous with incompetence and validity? Especially as femininity is a construct that can be remodelled rather than seeing it as an objective reality that girl like pink skirt.
Legally Blonde seemed very anti-NLOG and therefore not trying to shit on women who do like to wear pant suits, just sticking up for the ones who don't and counteracting negative stereotypes of femininity that are designed to make women feel ashamed of things that are commonly associated, rightly or wrongly, with being a woman. That kind of thinking, the being feminine is unprofessional, is used against women all the time to try to cajole them into letting scrotes be gross unprofessional creeps all the time.
After all, if she's not working in a lab or building site, what about her clothes is stopping her from doing her job well?
No. 790451
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"I wanna know why would a person rape somebody? Is there something we can do to mitigate this situation before it gets too far?"
No. 790459
>>787497>birdo isn't picturedkek
Also they keep making waifu jokes but women can't do it apparently fuck it
No. 790478
>>790464Yeah If a male lawyer wore military camo with no sleeves, I'd be stupid
I'd want him to dress like a real Lawyer
No. 790542
>>787131>A female character designer basically made a hugely successful game franchise about her gay OC OTP, drew tons of subtle official ship art and got away with it because Phoenix&Edgeworth was a relationship so natural people weren't bothered by it - a huge, iconic win for the female demographic that barely gets pandered to>hyperwoke zoomer: EWWW FUCK THIS FUJOSHI BITCH Brainrot like this can't be real. But of course it's an underage autistic "lesbian" who's being troon tier gross about anime girls while crying about fujos.
>>787538What a goddess, imagine being so fucking based you force your entire team to read doujins to be able to carry on your fujo legacy.
No. 791019
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2 + 2 = 5
No. 791022
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>>791019Those pesky rules censoring tits, dicks and asses. If only we could all see such parts on a daily basis, everyone would be so happy.
>consent culture >conventions Pick one.
No. 791191
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God I hate Twitter bimbos, I get that the neet lifestyle can be appealing in the current climate but at this point just stay at your parents' home.
No. 791195
>>791191Jesus Fucking Christ, do these people have any sense ?
It obvious she just wants to have a Job as well as a have responsible male partner who also has a Job, that's literally what most professional women want
its not special
No. 792211
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Posting here so as to not flood the art thread. One second we're all favela apes, and the next we're latam white supremacists? What's happening?
No. 792250
>>792211How is gringo related to the n word at all? gringo is usually a white american lol
My mom told me gringos have always been offended and outraged by the word gringo, it's only now that they have turned it against us as a woke thing, cause they have no other argument at all lol.
Seriously what's their problem? gringos tried to colonize Mexico and people who fought them actually came out witht the word because of their green uniforms. "Green go". Lol. If they have ever celebrated 5 de mayo (la batalla de puebla), then they have no right to get offended at the word gringo, and the last time I checked every american ever has appropiated 5 de mayo as a "latino thing" kek.
No. 792285
>>792211It baffles me how this is even a thing people believe in
>>792250It is a white person from the US, Europe (italians, british, germans mostly) and we even say it for people of our own country that have blue eyes, pale skin and light hair. They're pushing this narrative because idk, they seem bored and these people will fight everything. I've never seen anyone using it for black people, I'm not going to deny it doesn't have a slight negative connotation but what happened with the "you can't opress the opressor" these same people are always chanting?
No. 792291
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>>792211Don't want to try racebait or anything, but why are the loudest minorty with shitty takes are always get the most likes and retweets while the actually smart and intelligence minority are outshafowed by them.
No. 792343
>>792291Because twitter is garbage, naturally. This looks even worse for us because only the most obnoxious bunch of minorities get attention, and what are people going to think if the only minorities they see are angry, crying or both? There are millions of perfectly reasonable people that rarely get attention (or better yet, aren't on the hellhole that is twitter)
tl;dr: twitter sells outrage, you're only going to get the sewer slop of any minority group
No. 792643
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>>792635Gringo has always been used to talk about the basic USA citizen that you see anywhere, regardless of their skin tone. It’s usually just a way to call them because in Spanish some people die of cancer when they say “American” and “estadounidense” is really fucking long.
Like all words it can be either a slur or even something you would call your SO, it depends on the context.
But on Twitter it’s either black or white and those bitches need to log off the internet or take some fucking course about how to talk with people because they obviously never interacted with a human in real life and are clearly uninterested in that.
No. 792697
>>792250>>792635only time I see people treat it as a slur is when woke twitter tries to accuse random people of being racist or anti black and then get called annoying gringos or annoying westerners for it
my personal tinfoil is that this type of shenanigans are actually a CIA op so they get tricked to start to cancel anybody that criticizes the usa so uncle sam can finally take over the world without those pesky anti-americans in the way>>792211I don't even understand what that Castro comment is supposed to mean. Either way, it sure would be funny if that last comment now got him/her banned for saying the n word without even censoring it (would be pretty ironic)
No. 792747
>>792250white american liberals and white american conservatives always use black people as talking points for their chess games to get a gotcha for whatever dumbass statement they wanna make. its
toxic and ill
No. 794118
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Doesn't she know she could do it before the pandemic or…
No. 794582
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Discovered the IRL and unironic version of picrel
>"I just don't understand how, like, people can kink-shame when you have not even tried, like, any of the stuff that you're, like, kink-shaming me for, like what? Yeah, uhm, I like getting punched in the face and it does make me wet as fuck. Like any type of pain, face pain specifically, turns me on. Like, from male or females. And it's like how is that abusive or rape or whatever if I'm, like, asking for it? I'm, like, sitting there asking for it, like, begging for it? Because for me personally, like, it makes me wet as fuck and gets me super turned on. Like, I'm sorry but I'm not. Like I just don't understand, how, why that's not OK. Why is that not OK? Like, I'm having a good ass time over here and I want more laughs" - @SubaruKaitX No. 794591
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>>794582These guys must have been bashing her head way too hard
No. 794598
>>756826holy fucking shit. do libfems REALLY???????
libfems are just pickmes for trannies. i want off this fucking planet right now.
No. 794634
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>>794626bitch, there's nothing empowering about allowing men to beat you up
No. 794655
>>794634>>794582I have actually heard a version of this exact phrase from my dumbass libfem sister, regarding the Niqab and women getting crippling cosmetic surgeries, her rational is that woman should be allowed whatever they want to themselves and that preventing certain things, no matter how fucked up or irrational enforces the patriarchy
all this imo is a result of the me-first western feminism,
feminism in the western world has lot virtue. No one cares about the collective, the greater good, the bigger picture for women everywhere
No. 794659
>>794634i fucking despise this line of thinking. "nothing about me, my interests or my way of communicating something can ever be criticized or labeled as harmful bc i'm a WOMAN and a FEMINIST therefore
EVERYTHING I DO is #GIRLBOSS". in the past i've discussed how i think bimbofication is degrading to women and of course the pickmes had to come out of the woodwork to tell me to "live and let live" and "let them be whatever they want (because that's feminism, right?)". feminism goes way beyond "letting women do as they please", because of course a woman can choose whatever she feels suits her best but she should also be questioning the nature of these choices and whether or not coercion and/or socialization plays a part in them.
i'm not a diehard radfem that thinks that any woman who chooses do something even a little bit rooted in misogyny is doing it bc the patriarchy coerces her to; you can like stuff like ie. make-up, or high heels, or shaving, or hell, even having violent kinks
and acknowledge that these things are often used as
toxic standards to coerce or pressure women into looking/acting a certain way (esp towards men). thinking that just because a woman is free to do as she pleases means it's open season for everything and anything is, imho, just as harmful as thinking women should look, think and act a specific way or else they're worthless.
No. 794666
>>794582I can't count the number of times I've seen men claim that 95 percent of all women have secret rape or degradation fantasies and they just don't know it yet. Could it be that those men just have a twitter feed full of OF girls getting paid to do that shit and act like they just love it so much.
There's a difference between 'I'm really into this sex act' and 'If you pay me enough I could really get behind this sex act' It's always the ones getting paid that scream the loudest about it. What could be their motivation??
No. 794672
>>794666Theres also a difference between something that's within the safe bounds of being non
abusive, and something that it's intentionally
abusive and crosses the line from rough sex into abuse, whether someone declared they "consented" or not.
No. 794679
>>794659I think you're looking for a self of self awareness that many people can't grasp.
I'm not even talking about narcissistic hypocrites either, many well meaning people just struggle with the morally ambiguous concept that some things they do contradict their own ideals, even if they're ruthless about other people being
problematic. I wonder if people struggle with accepting their own contradictions because of how radicalised identity politics has become in this time, where you can be cancelled for any little thing.
No. 795059
>>794643>>794638>>794634I just imagine it's a man pretending to be a woman to propagate these ideas. Even if that's not literally true, you can't tell me her mind hasn't been hijacked by violent men anyway. It's like she has a brain parasite that distorts her thinking.
>>794651You're letting men off easy, anon. I could just as easily say that this attitude encourages men to find flimsy excuses for their behaviour on twitter, but really men decide to do that all on their own and men should be held accountable. Of course out of billions of women out there, they'll always be able to find someone like her who says this shit, but that's only after they've decided to be scum. And if they can't find someone they'll just make her up.
We'd be able to ignore this deranged weirdo if men weren't the problem to begin with.
No. 796076
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#happybirthdaycharlidamelio is trending and everyone is being extra autistic and posting straight up hentai/retarded memes and telling a literal teenager that no one gives a fuck about her
I mean I don't care about her either but she's harmless and they're the reason why the tag is trending anyway
No. 798612
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I don't like paying attention to what generic yaoi ship people are throwing tantrums over this time but what the hell is going on in the genshin fandom?? So many people in it have this deep terminally online brainrot. Also, new rule: If you're autistic you don't get to use a thesaurus.
No. 798626
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>>798612I swear they want to cancel Genshin because of that ship, nobody really gave a fuck about Genshin Impact until Mihoyo retweeted pic related 40keks, now all the autists are going nuts over whatever picture that has Diluc and Kaeya doing whatever, unless it’s Diluc hitting Kaeya, of course.
No. 798660
>>798644Everything is bad nowadays, I’ve been considering unleashing my autism and compiling all of the ships of Genshin and why they’re considered
problematic by the majority of the crowd, there’s always going to be some angry kid getting mad at whatever is getting published.
No. 798683
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>>798639wait they can't even make the difference between adopted brothers (what they think) and
sworn brothers? I don't know the lore of the characters but that make the incest discourse simultaneously worse and funny.
So retarded if their relation is just a Luffy/Ace one.
No. 798783
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The fact this has so many likes is sad.
No. 799134
>>798841Nonnie, not everyone here is a feminist, nor the site isn’t a feminist site like ovarit, and I’m pretty sure that there’s a bunch of scrotes posting in lots of threads.
Just because there’s a vocal part of anons getting into feminism or that there are anons that are actually feminist, doesn’t mean all of the user base is the same.
No. 799614
>>798683it is on that level of retardation, people try to explain the concept again and again and that it's just like shipping mikasa and eren or even bronya and seele but the screeching continues from those 14 year olds.
>>798660is there even a single ship in this game thats not considered
problematic? lol
No. 800026
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So hermione is considered a un-woke character now, and also a dredded "white" feminist
No. 800034
>>800029Most of them do actually sorta think like this, they have incredibly generalized views about race, I mean I get that like that
Like try being a black girl whose into rock music and into alt-fashion, literally everyone loses their minds and calls me a self-hater or something
No. 800036
>>800034yeah some white wokies
i'm white but from a non-white country sound an awful lot like they're overcompensating for their own reflexive prejudices
No. 800041
>>800026Didn't Gita date HHbomber? it's crazy how
POC like her always have so much to say about white women, but date white men (if thats the same girl).
No. 800050
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>>800044As someone whose interacted with these types of people, its really not even close to how /pol/tards racial fixation
These people art stuck in bizzare online liberal bubbles, where the worst thing you can be is sincere
You can't just happen to date a guy who happens to be white, it has to be layered in irony so you can justify it towards other woke folks, as for the exact reason of why overly liberal
woc date white men I don't think its that complicated, these women often participte in fandom spaces or activist spaces and the men they will likely interact with the most in those spaces will be white guys
No. 800091
>>800026The mental gymnastics here… does anybody really think Hermione is annoying or a know-it-all? Does she actually have no female friends or is Gita just imagining things to attempt to make a point?
>>800050I know a handful of people like this, it's almost like they want to be degraded.
Victim mentality. I know plenty of people in interracial relationships that also cringe at these weirdos.
No. 800107
>>800091I'm in interracial relationship as well and I find this shit cringe as well, I don't like him cause he's white I like him cause we have similar music tastes, shows we like and that he's a good person
We don't talk about race unless we have to
No. 800146
>>800026Why is she talking about Hermione like she's a real person with real agency? If she's a know it all without "any female friends or friends at all" it's because she's
written that way. She's also ignoring the fact that Harry and Ron, on top of being equally annoying, are often undeservedly cruel against her and others. I'm not even a HP fan anymore, but this is such a braindead take.
No. 800820
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>>721256Twitter freaks piss me off the most. I recoiled in disgust.
No. 800860
>>800050it's because
woc want to date cute autists and that's obviously white man's disease
No. 800866
>>800026Meanwhile we can TELL bitch was like the poster child of not having any friends and being annoying in middle/high school.
Keep seething wokies, you can't stop talking about HP because you fucking love it.
No. 802845
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>>801362Well I mean does any woman wanna date a annoyingly woketard male, regardless of race
Moderately liberal regular white guy x terminally online woketard woman, was probably the most common paring I saw in collage and in most woke spaces
No. 803520
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What % of the 339k do you think are actually mentally ill?
No. 803688
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>>803520Not that many. The visibility of and information about mental illnesses have increased greatly over the past decade. I think this has caused a lot of (young) people to feel like their emotional or mental problems can't be that bad if there isn't a 'genuine mental illness' label attached. I don't doubt that these people have issues but connecting everything to some (more often than not self-diagnosed) DSM disorder can be a way to dodge personal responsibility and it seems like that's the case for a lot of people.
It also kind of defeats the purpose of having specific defined mental illnesses. Instead of a label being a tool to better help yourself it now seems like it only exacerbates the problems in a lot of cases. People will be like 'wow I totally relate to all these ADHD symptoms, others just need to accommodate my short attention span!' instead of trying to improve. If you blame depression for you not having the energy to clean your room, you're more likely to let it get even worse and thus sink further into self-pity and inaction.
I'm not saying they're all like that, and obviously mental illness is a real thing that should be taken seriously, but how it's being treated right now doesn't sit right with me.
>>803667Yeah, this is why they're often self-diagnosed. When you look at the DSM criteria for depression a lot of it is vague/general enough to easily identify with. Stuff like sadness, lack of energy, sleeping issues (either too much or too little) and indecisiveness is all pretty easy to relate to, especially if it's just an online quiz and not an actual psych evaluation.
No. 803716
>>800860>date cute autists and that's obviously white man's diseaseCould you leave some autists for the rest of us? I really don't like how
woc taking all the white men.
No. 803746
>>803716nta but there's this weird complex among
POC communties in America where its belived that mental health issues are a white people thing so those issues are never addressed in out community, like my brown younger brother is literally autistic and people blame It him not being in touch with his family
That said one the type of white guy I've seen a lot these woke
WOC date/marry has always been the bland boring safe white guy, like its hard to describe but imagine a moderately liberal white guy whose not terminally online all the time and has no idea about culture wars
Basically the guy being parodied in this video
No. 803758
nonny we're building our harems and you can't do shit. there should still be the adhd boys and the schizos.
No. 804243
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Even though I've peaked it's insane how pandering to these men actively harms women. Women being pressured to remove facial hair is not good you dipshits.
No. 804280
>>757599No it works on most countries now with sufficient political culture (enough woke/liberal population)
except muslim countries and African countries
It may not be on this level but its definitely on social level as well as pandering can be seen too
No. 804328
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Cause Its easier to learn languages from the same family. It is not as easy to speak languages from different families
Its easier for me to learn Persian then Arabia cause Persian is more related to the languages I speak and its easier for me learn Russian and even Gaelic then Chinese cause the languages I speak are all In do-European
No. 804353
>>804328Yeah, I can’t wait to start learning Basque so I forget about it after a few months because I don’t fucking use it.
People need to let some languages go, for fuck’s sake, just keep it as an optional course for anyone who actually wants to learn about it, keep it properly archived and it will be nice.
Imagine if everyone got forced to speak Latin or sanscrit, we would have, again, even more illiterate people than there is nowadays, but of course, the retard who just discovered that some languages die over the time just decided that everyone needs to use those dying languages everyday.
No. 804423
>>804286There are a lot of countries where people are getting amercianized even not so liberal states
Only Muslim states are really free from this as they don't get this behavior, most people would avoid outing themselves as weird against islamic culture
No. 804589
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>>804328And this is who they were replying to, like yeah some accents nicer then others and some don't
No. 804593
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Twitter is having a fucking aneurysm over this tweet and misconstruing it to mean that she supports genocide.
No. 804595
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>>804593Has the education system failed them or do they just go through withdrawal if they don't have someone to angrily dogpile every 24 hours?
No. 804608
>>804520It’s okay if you like obscure languages and dialects with no practical use outside of the community that uses the language/dialect,
nonnie, that doesn’t make any less retarded the idea of pushing people into learning a language that will end up as an accessory, and a waste of time, specially if you’re not even interacting with the people of that community, nor using the language even sporadically.
Unless you’re a Basqueboo who wants to only speak Basque, read Basque and listen to Basque outside of Pais Basque, like a tool.
No. 804712
>>804243"Cis" women need to stop coddling insane troons, these people actually envy us to the point of hatred, one minute they are all uwu to garner some sympathy and the next one they call you a cunt for not being a good enough ally.
>>804328Also learning a new alphabet and grammar system is really fucking hard especially when you get older, most grade schools can only afford to teach english+the language of the neighboring countries. I had a teacher in college who could speak something like 30 languages and understand 20 more but he was some kind of turbo autist, not everybody can be gifted like that.
No. 804726
>>804608NAYRT, pushing an obscure language is ok if you're passionate about it and want to share your enthusiasm with other people, ie genuine fondness for learning and benevolence towards other curious people. name-dropping random languages you just googled for the purpose of feeling superior and woke and fulfilling your fantasies of controlling people's lives is stupid.
>>804685i really like latin, but it is mostly dead, doctors and law people just parrot expressions and terminology, they really are not the ones to maintain it on life support (think the Vatican and eccentric spoken latin academics).
No. 804728
>>804328Am I legitimately retarded or is he saying those languages are somehow a privilege to learn and brag about knowing because they're european?
Like in the case of croatian, people probably know the language because their parents are migrants, I don't see many fancy polyglots learning croatian just for the fun of it kek
No. 804742
>>804728he's arguing against a made-up person who would claim to know "languages around the world", while actually only speaking certain major european languages. and then assuming people who learn major languages do it for praise, because no one praises basque/welsh/croatian learners?
it's a retarded critique of "colonizer mentality" in polyglot circles, i think.
the twitter OP and the anons ITT are all making a lot of assumptions on the resources available for these minority languages (spoiler: basque has a much more varied and active cultural production than some other minority languages in europe) and the language learning process.
No. 804744
>>804742I totally misread that post, oops.
I thought he said you
would get praised for learning basque and croatian so it had me thinking for a moment because it would imply croatian fell into that "colonizer mentality" as you said kek
No. 804754
File: 1620818126376.png (238.21 KB, 598x581, 185506130_3743652202412551_547…) thread about how revolutionary new Resident Evil villain is because she's not youthful but still has an overly sexualized design AND also has nasolabial folds?? Just wow
Reminds me of how tryhard with proving deeper meaning people were when Kill la Kill came out
No. 804765
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>>804761yeah it's like dead giveaway of someone spending too much time on the internet
>>804759> That’s like taking the small bare minimum of having female video characters that don’t cater to the nerdy male gaze. Tbh she doesn't even do that, giant dangerous lady with huge tits and ass, everyone is sexualizing her, there's no way she wasn't designed with "step on me mommy" fetish in mind.
What annoys me in this thread is that this guy sounds like he legit never plays games and just says whatever sounds good. Wrinkles are not revolutionary, but if he wanted to maybe sound more genuine about his care of cool older women representation in media he could have choosen a more fitting example than theatrical sexy vampire
No. 804768
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>>804754On the opposite side of dumb takes regarding Lady D we have picrel, lesbian coomers on Twitter are trying way too hard to claim the character for them, she's so obviously designed as a thirst trap for whoever has a giantess milf fetish. I don't mind the character herself but I'm tired of seeing people making her some sort of woke figure when she's basically just the female version of Mr.X.
No. 804775
>>804773Ah yes expanding the definition of fuckability (the only thing women are good for of course) to include ALL women this is what feminism really is.
Twitter is really braindead.
No. 804795
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>>804755yeah she's the one, I followed her on twitter before that vid though where she would tweet interesting stuff regarding Chinese history and culture, but she has some very biased and dumb takes regarding "white people" and Christians
No. 804990
>>804969In anicent China, Greece, The Ottoman Empire(which all shared the similarity of being extremely patriarchal and misogynistic) there was a mentality that women are only for children and thet boys are for pleasure, this still occurs in Afghanistan and in Parts of Pakistan to this day
Women are locked in their homes and their only purpose Is to be baby factories meanwhile the men go out and rape little boys
No. 805062
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>>804754I shouldn't be surprised because it's twitter but people have the dumbest takes
No. 805111
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I can’t do this anymore. I'm tired anons.
No. 805117
>>805111twitter & tumblr made me hate the word
valid. fuck that word.
No. 805121
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>>805062It's funny that when the said gaze is done on men it's perceived negatively and make them feel uneasy.
Honestly not matter the take they have about it the objectification of women in media and general IS a fact, not a recent made up shit to rant at people. If only they could just be honnest about that and just go "I don't mind the sexualization and I don't want to hear about that" instead of dismissing, once again, facts.
No. 805125
>>805111it can't be
valid since you have to be mentally disabled to love men
No. 806020
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I'm all for diversity and inclusiveness but takes like these do more harm then good
This post referencing that one of the lesser known knights of the round table was a "half moor" to woketards this means full African black, but a Moor was just a term used for Spanish and North African Muslims, they weren't black by any means
I mean trying to justify forced neo-liberal diversity in historical shows doesn't do favors for anyone
No. 806118
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>>806020this is what a Moor is supposed to look like, by the way. I hate how US-centric discourse completely erases med people. There's nutsos who insist ancient egyptians were never brown/light-brown.
No. 806132
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>>806020That's not exactly true. The word "moor" predates Islam by 1000 years and was typically used to describe dark-skinned people in general. It's kind of like "American"/"Amerimutt", a multiracial/loaded term.
There were Christian Moors (meaning it's not just a Muslim thing), and depictions like "blackamoors" (pic related) that clearly aren't/weren't just the pale-ish North African people some types insist solely represented Moors. Also, Roman passages like "One of them, with wooly hair, like a Moor, seems to be the son of Santra, the cook. The second, with a flat nose and thick lips, is the image of Pannicus, the wrestler . . . of the two daughters, one is black . . . and belongs to Crotus, the flute player." (Martial, VI, 39.).
I don't really know/care about King Arthur, but the word "moor" gets misrepresented a lot.
No. 806147
>>806132You are mistaken. Moor definitely meant a Muslim. With regards to skin colour the moors were Arabs or southern Europeans, but they were depicted as black because the Christian Europeans of the time saw them as evil because of their adherence to Islam.
Basically, skin colour was even back then used to imply good/evil and the same people would be depicted as white or black depending on which religion they belonged to.
No. 806149
>>806118>>805062Reminder that this person is a hypersexual fetishist tranny so there's your context. It's just a complicated way to say "I want to have my male entitlement over female bodies in peace".
>>806118You have to understand anon, for Americans there are only American people with Anglo-Saxon protestant heritage (white) and American people of African heritage (black). They can't comprehend the spectrum of different ethnicities around the world.
No. 806154
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>>806147And the wooly hair, wide noses, etc? Like, pic related is a 16th century painting of St. Maurice, he was venerated but mostly kept with dark skin and features that weren't Southern European or Arab.
Also, people from the Senegalese/Sanhajalese Empire were also referred to as "Moors".
No. 806168
>>806154That's because there was no scientific precision to the term. You have to interpret it in context.
In general it is as I described. If you read wikipedia or general history of the region (I'm from there too), they agree with me.
That does not exclude that maybe in some occasions they met a black Christian and also called him a moor.
Also notice that in your picture, the African dude is more lifelike and less of a caricature, so the painting is trying to convey something different.
No. 806559
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Liking houseplants is eco-fascism
No. 806581
>>806559Im not black but I come from a Pakistani family, it sucks that you can't call out any of the shitty aspects of your culture without being accused of being a self hater/white worshipper/colonizer
Like I try to point out that most Desi food is not oiled up and not that good for you, I get accused of wanting to be white, Same with wanting to talk about mental health
No. 806586
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I'm starting to get sick of seeing this "do not perceive me uwu" shit, it's the kind of phrase that was funny at first (I guess) but it has lost all of its meaning due to being repeated ad nauseam. Everyone is wearing a mask, they are probably not as unperceivable (and special) as they think they are, and I don't think they'll keep it on when heat waves will hit hard.
No. 806977
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men meet the bare minimum of being critical of porn yet are still retarded. these fucking tards act like women have never analyzed or discussed the popularity of true crime before.
No. 806979
>>8069771) women arent the only ones consuming true crime content
2) true crime can be bad for mental health but it doesn't deplete your brain chemicals and distort your perception of sex the same way porn does
3)there's no predatory "true crime industry" that sucks people into it and exploits people the way porn does
No. 806982
>>806977Watching true crime as a woman only makes you more aware of the dangers of porn, prostitution, trafficking, rape, and all the disgusting and degenerate shit men do.
Literally not the same.
No. 806995
>>806977I mean the only agreement I can make with this is that their should be more effort to stop teenage girls from getting into true crime
I mean I was glorifying the columbine shooters at 13 and my group of esgelord friends were all obsessed with serial killers and murderers
No. 807002
>>806977Sure, let's talk about it after we see the studies on how true crime podcasts destroy your grey matter, exploit women/children by actively perpetuating the sex trafficking industry, and make people less sympathetic to rape
No. 807045
>>807005I knew someone exactly like this
>>807000Having crush on school shooters shoudnt normal for a 13 year old anon
No. 807133
>>806977As if the worst obsessed tinfoiling spergs in the true crime community weren't males who dedicate their entire existence to
victim blaming female murder
victims killed by their husbands and boyfriends. I hate men more each passing day.
>>806982Exactly. I think a big reason why women are into true crime is that they feel sympathy towards the (usually female)
victims and want to hear their stories to be aware of what happened to them. Men call it "murder porn" because they're used to sexualizing every single thing they consume and can't understand the fact that women don't do so.
No. 807155
>>807051you can buy houseplants from a little shop though
and if you can't buy from a little shop then you probably live in an area where big brands like walmart killed little shops, and what fault do you have in your government not having regulation against practices like penetration prices?
No. 807180
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…what does that even mean?
No. 807415
>>807180>>807189I've seen asexuals saying they masturbate / have sex / etc etc but they don't necessarily have "sexual attraction" to the partner, they just biologically enjoy it (???)
Apparently to some of these people sexual attraction is not the same and can even be separated from the act of sexual gratification itself. It's really weird mental gymnastics lmao
No. 808010
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Worst fucking libfem take I've ever seen
No. 808013
>>808010How do these people say
>lgbt+ issues are appropriate for children because they aren’t inherently sexual (generally true)and
>”desexualization” directly affects quer art specifically because querness is inherently sexual and free uwu in the same breath wtf
No. 808024
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>>808010Capitalism is when no nsfw
Funny thing is tumblr isn't as
toxic as it used to be and chances are it's because of the ban
No. 808037
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>>808020…They seem to do (I want to throw up)
No. 808041
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>>808010These people have rocks for brains.
No. 808042
>>808036There has to be a middle ground we should strive for. I think that making sexuality a complete taboo is a bad idea because we are sexual as humans and we need to learn and understand it, not to treat it like some dark secret.
>>808037This approach is deranged though, hard to make pro-sexuality argument when you see shit like that, fuck this person.
No. 808052
>>808010I remember years ago when I was on the edge of entering into tranistioning..I fell down the FTM rabbithole on youtube and many of them were complaining about how they couldn't talk about packers and dildos and keep those vids monetized..they argued that even 12/13 year old gender questioning kids should have access to very realistic fake dicks and of course video reviews of those fake dicks..
I came to my senses and stopped following any of those tubers but recently ended up checking on them and they turned into purely sex toy review channels getting sponsored by that company adam and eve every vid. I like dildos but how do you make them the main topic of discussion for years on end?? Poor queers being oppressed because they can't show hyper realistic dildos to kids and make bank off of that
No. 808093
>>808080it's necessary if you live where sfw gay romance is considered more indecent than straight romance. in my country most people associate lgbt with sex and immorality and straight relationships as somewhat pure and right, so a ban on nsfw content would end up fucking sfw gay content over too.
it doesn't seem to be such an issue in america and europe though. i doubt twitter would just blanket ban all gay content.
No. 810463
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I wonder if a joke about male suicide stats would have gone this well
No. 810956
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> koreaboo that RTs porn of Resident Evils "mommy boss" is talking
The irony
No. 811156
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God I wish we could abort all scrotes
No. 811672
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I hate these people
No. 813259
>>813252tankies take the big brained position that america = bad, thus anyone anti-american = good
even though china is a capitalist economy, more so in some regards than america
No. 813715
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>>813705There's some funny stuff in there at least
No. 813740
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>>813705What a surprise she’s ugly as fuck, and the girl she publicly insulted us far younger than she is.
Nobody hates other women (and sometimes girls) more than onlyfans whores.
No. 813743
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>>813740Most men would rather have sex with a starfishing attractive woman than have a pig like this huffing over teen with her tragic tits and beer gut
No. 813751
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>>813746She’s ugly as fuck. Stop moralfagging I bet you’re just bitter because you fucking look like her. Go work on that beer gut honey.
>>813705Check the rancid filth in the comments
>>813743>>813740Sounds like a scrote, even if they're not then they've internalised too much incel shit. The OF woman is terrible but calling her a fat old whore isn't it
No. 813872
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Literally what the fuck, picrel is the racist anti-black girl from Dr Phil
No. 814021
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Looks like it's a trend among these people to fake being psychotic? Morbid curiousity led me to search after one of these people being quote retweeted made it onto my timeline and there's so many of them specifically in minecraft youtube and genshin impact twitter circles pretending they're psychotic. Did kinning and fake DID systems stop being cool so they started faking this as a way of claiming they literally are the character/youtuber? What are people going to start pretending to have next when this stops being trendy? The vast majority are definitely faking, there's no way there's suddenly an outbreak of psychotic teens into these two things and nothing else. Tumblr all over again, twitter's the new cool place to pretend you have mental illness and convince others that they definitely do too. This is only going to hurt people who are ill and are having their delusions fed into by these idiots.
No. 814155
>>813232>Groyperit's a white /pol/ incel
i hate that i'm terminally online enough to know this
No. 814491
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Lol based kyle
No. 814605
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Ran into some old reddit post through relationships.txt twitter; many comments on how cute this guy is, and "at least he's honest and everything played out", but can't shake off the disgust especially after that tl;dr
No. 814611
>>814605I can't decide whether this guy was trying to humiliate his gf, humiliate himself or whether he thinks he's on to something with this life hack for tists
I do know that guys who go out of their way to describe themselves as level headed..are generally anything but that.
No. 815951
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This whole kink at pride discourse is such cancer. Even an absolute degenerate pervert like vaush is getting called a nazi homophobe for making fun of it. Seriously what the hell is wrong with people that they don't realise why wearing fetish gear in public is wrong? Is it that they're on the internet so much they forgot how real life works? I saw some (cishet male) retard make a "joke" implying child seeing a dildo at pride isn't a big deal. Wtf
No. 815957
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>>815951The joke. Can't believe I'm siding with shoeonhead of all people
No. 815963
>>815957Shoe is right. And saying
>omg lol well 4chan fucked you up XDDDDDproves the point. No child should be near anything adult related.
No. 815995
>>815988This is what fucks me up most.
If your kink is exhibitionism like so many's, literally getting off on unwilling random people seeing you in sexual contexts, why do you want children included? They are undeniably part of getting you off then, and that's pretty fucked
No. 815997
>>815995doubleposting to add that it's already messed up to involve unwilling
adults in their sexual pleasure in the first place
No. 815998
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>>815957>tim suttondamn, marble hornets is ruined for me now
these people are disgusting, i can't believe pedophilia is becoming so normalized
No. 816008
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>>815998>The notion that exposing kids to the concept of adult sexuality is inherently predatory, harmful or toxic is really oddWhat am I reading?
No. 816071
>>815951What is fucking happening today, I'm agreeing with Vaush and even some of his repliers who have fucking anime animal pfps who are talking about consent.
This is why left unity is a fucking dumb idea. Just because you're both relatively left of neoliberals doesn't mean you have anything meaningful in common. Do people think they're going to have a revolution and then not have any problems afterwards with their pedo-leaning comrades?
No. 816275
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Crossposting this from the shoe thread
No. 816934
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>>816887I want to puke, this is the definition of GODLESS
>Not this gay-ass "porn for women" bitch shit>He wants EVEN MORE male-oriented, degrading and disgusting pornI hate men so much, fucking coomer
No. 817189
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Sorry to continue the pride thread but I've encountered this organically on my wall through my friend's likes and I just … IDK anymore. I hate to see my sexuality equated to some extreme fetish play. Every time Pride happens in my poor euro country, homophobes show photos from some american Prides with all of these people in extreme fetishgear to convince rest of the country that this is gonna happen if you ever stop bullying queer people, and we just fucking want people to see we're no different than them. How are kinks and fetish more LGBT than straight anyway?? No. 817390
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Japan meritocracy am I right? The scrote copes under this thread piss me off so fucking much. Scrotes would genuinely make up some Qanon shit instead of accepting the pure fact that they get shit grades because they don’t give a fuck about school. Japan is not an isolated incident, this is literally the case in every country in the world.
No. 817406
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>>817390Come on, are they serious? They will have to lower that minimum score to fucking 1 because scrotoids are just that lazy and entitled, i hope their companies go to shit because of the pandering of the lazy people.
No. 817413
>>817390Reminds me of Philip Zimbardo's recent work andeven watched some activists warning about the modern "lost boys" and how the school systems are pro-female/anti-male because women are so
obedient they do well in school and academics while the
creative and
individualistic boys can't sit through a class. I remember some news about some university posting about their (can't remember what tech) engineering faculty being in a crisis because in the current year female students outnumbered the male ones which they were forced to remove. But they're talking about teaching systems that were originally created by males for males and haven't changed much overtime. Men will literally kill themselves or just sit in their rooms playing games when it turns out women weren't more retarded, just opressed.
No. 817438
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>>817390>Women face constant belittlement, they're kept out of schools for centuries, always been told you'll never be as good as a man>They surpass males with their school performance in only two decades around the world due to their better work ethic and intelligence>Scrotes go into full damage control panic mode>They start giving out handicaps to fellow moids because instead of simply being expected to perform better you have to and blame the school system for favoring girls and not recognizing superior big brain male intelligence just because boys aren't dominating everything by simply existing anymoreReminds me of the based as fuck post from Manifesto Anon.
No. 817475
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>>817390Reminds of when a Japanese university was caught deliberately altering the test scores of female applicants a couple years ago. Men are being outperformed and they're fucking losing it.
No. 817480
>>817475I can understand it can be a nuanced in some field, even if it's obviously bullshit. A lot of retarded fields that require your life's devotion, insane hours, etc. hate women because they strive to have a more normal balance in life and aren't willing to abandon their families and all semblance of private life for that bullshit. Like there's a "pet veterinary medicine emergency" now here, because most people who can climb the insane point and study requirements to become vets are women, but women are more likely to work locally or speciliaze in pets. Which means there's a low supply of vets in rural areas working with big, agricultural animals, because it usually involves a lot of traveling, cruel(er) work conditions. And vets already work insane hours, do a lot of charity labor and are one of the fields with a high suicide rates for these reasons, but now farmers are also crying because they can't get the women to travel 300kms to look up their cow's ass.
No. 817482
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>>816887We truly live in a godless country……
No. 817841
File: 1622174375809.png (2.91 MB, 3080x1644, #yestomisandry.png)

this is probably low hanging fruit but kek this MRA moid/"male sexual abuse specialist" called phil mitchell @philmitchell83 is trying to make #sayNOtomisandry a thing and when confronted with actual facts that 90%+ of rapists/murderers/attackers are male is hurting men's feelings and enabling "misandry". he believes it's more important to emphasize that men can be
victims of other men than it is important to say that overwhelmingly nearly all violent crime is perpetrated by men.
nbd right? well his website as a "male sexual abuse specialist" is full of MRA levels of retardation. interestingly some of his testimonials are from women (i take it that they didn't see his website?). just look at these below and tell me if this nonsense isn't odd for a medical professional to advertise on their clinical site. No. 817846
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>>817841Man whenever I see these MRA retards I think they must be grifting. Imagine exploiting young boys abuse by grown men to own le feminists. I hope he gets raped by BBCs.
No. 818237
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>>818208The MtF thread. It's been a while since she wrote something new, but she's beyond based.
No. 818393
>>817224He was doing a reaction to a discussion where rape
victims were talking about it and he called one of the
victims out because she said it's ridiculous that police didn't do anything about the crime because rapist was a muslim and it's different culture
No. 818401
>>817447Affirmative action not only applies to males specifically but to others such as some minorities, what you are saying (agree btw) is not acceptable anymore
Everyone no matter how retarded gets a legs up but nothing permanent, no real solution
Here in my country affirmative action is seen as an absolute thing that can't be challenged
No. 818436
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>>818393I remember that, he was saying that we should listen to
victims then the second she said her rapist was Muslim he started calling her a liar and a bitch. I distinctly remember someone in chat saying something like "is it wrong that I don't feel bad she got raped now". I'm not usually one to shit on male feminists because I appreciate their allyship despite its flaws
inb4 cringe but he is like an incarnation of picrel
No. 818446
>>818436Male feminists are 99% of the time only going along with feminist shit because it gets them laid sooner.
Can't count the number of guys I've seen on dating apps who have in their bios "If you're not a feminist swipe left" but it's at least a dozen. I'm not on apps anymore but for any women who are, radfem or not, swipe left on them as well. What that statement really means is "Here's where I virtue signal so you're less likely to pick up on my
abusive behavior".
ib4 some moid tries to play devil's advocate and says "BUT IM A [tradthot/pickme/libfem/tranny] WOMAN" because apparently smegmoids have no problem with insisting that they're women when they're caught scroteposting No. 818516
>>817475>>817390Women have proven time and time again to handle their careers and personal life just fine. This is just sexist bullshit to keep women in the 'home' and out of the workplace. They always score better than men, especially in the math field. Men are scared of powerful women in high positions.
>altering women's scoresI hate Japan. And i hate all societies that puts men constantly over women. Japan is infected with incels and neets and now they're sweating. Women can run that country so much better if allowed.
>>817461Based final answer
No. 818894
>>818882KEK no I think it just means generally ~non
problematic~ (whatever the fuck that means in porn)
No. 821487
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People who make these kinds of account should kill themselves lol
No. 821491
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>>821487It’s such a schizo thing, and with the bunch of accounts for specific “your fave is” bullshit that there is, you could fill a whole looney bin, maybe two or three if you count the “I-ironic” ones.
No. 821507
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>>821491(Also, newfag here)
For real though, if you’re spending too much time trying to make yourself look ~vawid uwu~ instead of trying to find a job and touch grass, then good luck to you I guess
No. 821510
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>>821491Speaking of schizos, did you know troons have a new target other than cishet, white, male, non-neopronoun users, non-lesbian, non-black people? And that’s fucking normal people without DID called “singlets”
No. 821520
>>821510The ultimate internet goblin enemy would be:
>A white, straight, able, neurotypical, singlet, extroverted, fit, tall, man or woman who is happy with themselves and believes in a religion but is not a religious nut.Weird that they’re never attacking those people, I wish there was an account with a bio like that just to see how the oppression olympics’ fandom would react.
No. 821547
>>821520So basically what incels think a normie would be like
I guess we can safely assume, that the majority of the deranged twitter worshipping troons are incels.
This is the same present packaged differently.
No. 839942
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Twitter is terrible. My experience with app was abysmal.
Twitter is just for a bunch of diaper shitting furries.
It's my literal nightmare. The only thing people care about on this website is being gay or mentally ill. They have no personality.
Of course you can't have personality when their isn't much personalization now is there? Literally I could infinitely scroll and it would just waste your time and energy.
Don't even bother following anyone random because they might be a coomer addicted to lolicon.
Twitter is just proof in the pudding there is no reason to get famous unless you are a Goody two shoes like Neil Cicerega.
At least if it's so chalk full of faggots that they will see enjoying sports as a sign of toxic Masculinity so I will never hear about sports ever again.
But for now I will never become a true Twitter person. Never ever. It's so toxic and the mods are shit to.
No. 840455
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honestly just kill me. i can’t take the retardation anymore.