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No. 649527
previous thread:
>>529582feel free to air your grievances about twitter (twat + shitter)
No. 649530
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>>649527lowkey twitter is good for exposing celebrities who probably have women locked in their basement and 10TB of cp on their computer. one look at andy richter's twitter or patton oswalt's twitter and you can tell they're hiding something
No. 649534
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>>649532Nvm found it, why is it so funny
No. 649760
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what makes kpoppies like this
No. 649782
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>>649760Why so many hybrid Jimin fanfiction? Why Jimin? Why hybrids?
No. 649787
>>649775I can't imagine how surreal it must be to see these things written about yourself
But this made me wonder, are korean kpop fans like this too? like do they write porn about them? do they know about the existence of abo and catboys?
No. 649821
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>>649810Imagine unironically believing in magic AND being a K-pop stan. Like, pick a struggle
No. 649826
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No. 649840
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>>649826sooo pronouns don’t matter in terms of gendering or classifying someone as one thing or another. if only the trannies could come out and say their she/her pronouns are there to denote that they simply draw inspiration from women
No. 649847
>>649840I just noticed the k-pop pfp, i'm dying
why does it always come back to k-pop
No. 650104
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>>649826in other words this bitch was born in america
No. 650158
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>nya / nyas
I hope this isn't an adult…
No. 650173

>>650163nvm that's definitely like an 11 year old
are kids this young even allowed on twitter
No. 650224
>>650158Probably born in 2009
>>650173No, the minimum age is 13. But I know that didn't stop me from signing up to 13/16/18+ websites when I was 10 so it's definitely not going to stop kids now.
>>649840>>650219Trannies are woman-inspired, that's perfect, gonna use that from now on
No. 650254
>>650103this is the worst image i've ever seen, thank you. suicide material
>>650173someone please get this fucking kid off twitter they look like they're 10, i can't even tell what gender they are because this kid hasn't even started developing a smidge of secondary sex characteristics. what the hell?
No. 650285
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>>650158>catgenderMany such cases….
No. 650287
>>649840This reminds me of witch twitter having a shitfit over "omg these edgy nu witches cursed the moon! And Apollo is mad you hurt his sister!"
It's always Hellenis. Always
No. 650291
>>649534Holy shit I snorted at this hard
>>649810Each day I'm happier that admin decided to nuke the k-pop threads here
No. 650313
>>650288It's the narcissism.
In all seriousness, how do these people think neopronouns would work in non-english languages? The most retarded take I've seen so far from someone on tumblr with cat neopronouns is that people in China should "draw" a cat when referring to her. Again, it's the narcissism. No concern for anyone else but themselves.
No. 650362
>>650313Neopronouns are utterly retarded, you just made me wonder how it would be like in a language like Spanish or French
>Miau me dijo que miau mamá miau pega>Miau y Fae se van a casar la semana que viene>Miaou était très contemiaou>Quand miaou est ennuyemiaou miaou est tristmiaouThey would probably die mad dealing with actually gendered languages.
No. 650364
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gen z is so based ! yaaas kween !!!!!111
No. 650402
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>>650364>synonym for bimbo>obsessed with shipping zim characters>16>D0UBL3Z DNI in bio>pic relatedTwitter actually causes brainrot
No. 650416
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>>650409twitter is great because its a cesspool of the internet so other social media can finally start to mellow out. eventually tiktok will be fully migrated there, i'm sure jack had this in mind.
also i love the
trigger warnings kpop fans use. idk why they said
tw rape…
No. 650465
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Every tweet in this thread except the op one got progressively more awful
No. 650489
>>650485Yeah, it will be a form of self harm derived from trauma?
Having sex when you don’t want to for validation or addiction is self harm.
No. 650496
>>650492Yeah that was the whole point of the screenshot being posted?
I didn’t disagree with that, just that the other anon said that an asexual person can’t be hypersexual, since hypersexuality is a health issue not a sexuality.
No. 650513
>>650496First anon here.
Thank you for explaining this, I was sceptical about this because I often see people that go insane after being asked like
>>650485 did, it feels dishonest to me when people go full defensive after one question and I never got an answer, so thank you for answering!
No. 650521
>>650513No problem! I feel like people get very defensive because its hard to admit that hypersexuality is damaging as it really is, specially if someone could be considered asexual, it ironically seems to be a taboo subject in sex posi spaces lol
Its very saddening to see self harm like that being normalized behind a yass queen werk!! façade, hypersexuality is very emotionally damaging, ruins relationships and messes up your relationship with your body, it should be treated not praised.
No. 651804
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No. 651811
>>651809oh that's fucked up, nvm
haha, flyovers for once
No. 651866
>>651804(Rant because this shit is annoying to me)
That buzzword tho. Gentrifying by buying clothes (practically infinite inventory that is given to the store for free) at the set price and blaming the people who need that little extra income instead of shops who jack up prices on the trendy brands because they want more money. Do people not understand that most clothes donated are sent to landfills and clothes aren’t unattainable? I don’t see an issue with more people cycling through the used clothing that’s already produced instead of buying new shit.
Sourcing decent clothing and listing it for sale is also a huge time sink and every place I’ve gone to it’s practically impossible to find anything worth the time to examine and research. It’s not like actual wealthy people or people with full time jobs are camping out at the bins and thrift shops to dig through stained torn up fast fashion to snatch up all the fancier shit and leave rags for the rest of us. It’s so easy to get good deals on those reselling platforms also because people are desperate to declutter so again there’s no shortage of ways to get clothing. I don’t see a problem that someone might happen to sell something to a willing buyer for a mutual benefit.
No. 651940
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Troons: "did you just assume my gender?" jokes are not funny and literally no trans person actually acts like that!!
Also troons:
No. 652062
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>>651804I don't find stuff like this that bad, because of what
>>651809 said, but I find the whole "don't buy oversized clothes while thrifting cause you are stealing from fatties!!" thing that always comes up in twitter thrifting discourse insufferable. I wish I could find this chick's tweet where she said she wanted to walk up to a thin girl at her thrift store and smack and oversized sweater out of her hand, but this is another example.
No. 652072
>>650104this reply made me kek, truly the longest way to say "I'm an American".
>>651809This has been the case where I live as well. Most of the time it's much cheaper or equally priced to get fast fashion crap than to thrift. Like buying a worn out, second-hand non-brand blouse might go for 10 euros while you could get a new one from H&M for the same price. Thrifting used to be an efficient way to save money back when clothes weren't polyester crap produced with slave labor in Bangladesh. Sometimes you might find nice shoes for cheap but never in your own size.
No. 652077
>>652069How so? Lack of sexual attraction does not have negative impacts in someone’s mental and physical health, and sexuality is basically defined by WHO you want to fuck, someone wants no fuck no one therfore asexual.
Im going to strawman myself here but Im not depressed, don’t have any traumas and im fairly healthy, not a virgin or a teenager either, I still have no interest in sex and don’t enjoy it or masturbation at all, I can’t call myself straight or lesbian or bisexual because im not interested in men or women sexually at all, im not interested in anyone.
No. 652113
>>652077Nayrt but as an asexual do you actually care about asexuality being included in the pride flag and lgbt+ ?
For what it's worth I agree with you about asexuality being
valid as there have always been people who are genuinely happy living asexually, however there will also be many people who are actually just suffering low libido for whatever medical or psychological who may latch onto the label because it feels better than trying to find out how they are "broken". And then you get the demisexual aromantics.
Imo I don't have a problem with asexuality, but I can see why others argue over it.
No. 652156
>>652151But I kinda don’t? I don’t care for the sex of the person I have relationship with because im not interested in having sex at all, ive had female partners as well.
>>652113Those are all very
valid points, I also see alot of autistic people identifying as asexual when they probably just have sensory issues due to their autism.
Its a hard subject because people get veeery defensive when it comes to stuff like trauma or being told they have a health issue, and also because other asexuals don’t want to be the asshole gatekeeper lol, I completely understand how it can come off as a fake sexuality.
As for the LGBT flag and pride in general, look no one is getting kicked out of their family home for not wanting sex, or beat up on the street, sexual assault does happen rarely when you say “I don’t like sex EVER” but its more of an issue of being around people who don’t respect you in general, it feels nice to go to pride and shit and asexuality should be talked about for clarity and awareness sake but it doesn’t have to be as important as other LGBT topics.
>>652133Cue in my gynecologist saying I should at least do pelvic floor excercises and use those balls because muscle atrophy is a real fucking thing and very dangerous.
No. 652164
>>652077Because it's quite literally the opposite of hypersexuality, which you explained is not a sexuality. I'm not saying you're mentally ill, I'm saying from my perspective you conform to gender preferences (traditional sexuality) without the libido. How is it a sexuality in itself and not just a descriptor?
>>652113I'm definitely not trying to argue of invalidate anyone. I just think you don't need to identify with perceivably trivial labels to be a complete and worthy human being. I'm cool with asexuals but I agree with your point some are probably struggling. What I meant predominantly by that post was I disagree with missguided assumption it's a unique sexuality or a necessary label.
>>652133That's definitely a concern, one that goes both ways. There's a middle ground which I think most people need to feel balanced mentally. Seen plenty of coomer anons here who care way too much about other people devoting their existence to things other than cooming too.
Repost because it's 5am and I didn't read shit properly soz
No. 652167
>>652156Soz for samfag but I'm not claiming being straight is the only traditional sexuality. The first 3 letters of LGBTQ-whatever the fuck it is now have been applied since time immemorial.
If it makes you happy calling yourself that, I unironically hope it brings you joy. I just have a different opinion on the legitimacy of it being a sexuality.
No. 652211
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No. 652308
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Ah yes, the real priority America should have in 2020
No. 652543
>>652471THIS. Communism is shit, and everyone who supports it has clearly never worked a shit job for meager pay and been told to be grateful for it while your efforts and profits go to someone else. That's literally communism, your work makes money for everyone else, who is just as bad off as you.
No system exists in this world where the working class have as much as the ruling class, and that's by design. The closest you coild ever hope to get to functioning communism/socialism is if taxes were used for their intended purpose.
No. 652764
>>652308>sex work will work under communism and absolutely will not be exploited trust me guys>bluh bluh bluh i don't have any arguments sub to my onlyfans xoxoso what? is the state going to have to pay for trannies to show off their cone tits and atrophied penises? kek
>>652448>m-muh CIA sabotage of course it didn't work!! the USA sabotaged everything!! it's just propaganda!!As a third worlder I just don't listen to any first worlders talking about communism. This apparently
triggers any commie I talk to because they immediately start talking about how Brazil and South America were sabotaged by the USA, and I'm just like, sorry your mommy and daddy didn't renew your discord nitro subscription. What the hell?
No. 653006
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She literally just posted a photo of herself and this 2/10 scrote just rates her. Also, there're a bunch of pickmes and scrotes in the comments talking about how he's entitled to have his opinion
No. 653039
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>>653006And there we have it.
No. 653041
>>653039Ah yes, let me insult you but then i will tell you that you’re totally pretty because of how insecure I am, I won’t say I’m sorry though.
It’s basically the “I’m sorry I offended you” type of tactic.
No. 653069
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>>653006These comments are legit so enraging, holy shit. This girl's selfie is so "revealing" (it's a photo of her
face) so she's clearly begging for slimy men to objectify her? Nani the fuck.
It's absolutely depressing how many people actually think like this. This pickme has a photo of herself up too, does that mean I'm welcome to objectify her as well? What an abhorrent fucking attitude.
No. 653151
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No. 653194
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>>653009when incels try and get "intellectual", and some just post shitty scrote memes
No. 653281
>>653006I hate the pickmes for defending a scrote that’s unnecessary in the genetic pool, he’s an absolute nobody and those retards will defend him for what? A crumb of phimotic dick? Asspats from other pickmes and scrotes?
Those fucking idiots need to know that neither Ryan, Brad, Phil nor Arthur or whoever’s dick they want to ride, will never pay attention to them just because they defended a fucking nobody asshat on Twitter.
No. 653295
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Kill twitter. Kill twitter forever. Anyone else notice how the op image looks like Sanic. Yes very fitting of the pure autism twitter has inflicted upon greater society. If I had a time machine I would go back in a time and brutally murder tumblr before the cancer that is twitter could emerge from its cloaca.
No. 656314
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This whole Seraphine thing really is kinda weird. I don't mind social media managers joking between each other using brand accounts because having worked in marketing enviromnent I know it's usually real, genuine fun for everyone involved but things like this or for example, SunnyD's tweet "I can't do that anymore" from the past are kinda crossing the line of what - at least as for now - should be considered normal.
No. 656315
>>656314samefag, forgot to explain the context:
Seraphine is a new character from League of Legends game and this account is an official account used to roleplay as she's a real person to promote the game/character
No. 656320
>>656314I find it unsettling and a bit immoral tbh, how they are trying to get players attached to her by getting her to act like a real influencer who might speak to them or retweet their art, just to sell some skins.
I get that it's just marketing but it's kind of evil to take advantage of lonely people who take crumbs of "human" interaction through twitter, twitch or whatever.
No. 657233
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I'm surprised this has not been posted yet, but minor tinfoil. twitter has such a massive pedo problem because they enable it which is why they tweet shit like this. No. 657261
>>657233ugh, atleast other websites have the decency PRETEND they care about the CP on their platform. when megalinks was at it's peak i went through the tag and mass reported everything i found (crying as i did so), got twitter replying about 48 hours later saying "thank you for reporting, we found this account did violate our community guidelines. thank you for keeping twitter safe!" but when i checked again the posts and accounts were still up so…. what did they do about it? nothing. just sent some stupid automated message to sedate me. yet when i report bots for nudity and spam they get taken down in hours.
absolutely disgusting.
No. 657288
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>>657255OP won't deliver but I will, obviously it was completely innocent
No. 657302
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Twitter discovers dark ambient music
No. 657328
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>>657325I couldn't find the comment so I thought it's trolling, but i've finally found it was posted by a twitter user @TessasTeaTime who seems to have deleted their account, but if you search for that name you'll see responses of people who interacted with that tweet and were VERY serious about it…. unless people are just larping, i dont know anything anymore
No. 657330
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not to be mean to some twitter rando but IMAGINE going to your parents and saying "Mom… dad… i'm PLURAL"
No. 657333
it's private
No. 658584
>>652448>>652455>>652764sage for super off topic but I live in a Islamic republic where the words of a 8th century Arab fantasy book is above everything else, I would much rather live in a communist shit hole then a Islamic shithole
I would rather the Entire Muslim world have embraced state communism or socialism but yanks had to ruin it by funding Islamists,
I mean fuck you supported a coup against our democratically elected socialist president and placed a Islamist dictator who brought such things as stonings and public whippings to Pakistan and my country stiff suffers from the after effects of a decade Islamists policy that were never changed
No. 658689
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>>658659He tried to make it happen with the Non-Aligned Movement and then his whole country got ransacked after he died.
>tfw we should've listened No. 658741
>>657233Related but
>tweets and accounts making fun of troons gets deleted immediately >pedo shit gets to stay upI’ll never forget running into an account that sold child sex dolls. I hate it here
No. 658752
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my retarded ass posted this in the old thread yesterday, anyway it's amazing how much woke culture benefits men, how dare women date who they want.
Tweets about what women are or are not doing with their bodies always get a lot of attention on twitter. Funny how when it's the opposite (telling men they are weird for not wanting transwomen or even telling men they "fatphobic" for no wanting fat girls) the comments are ALWAYS full of men telling the OP to fuck off.
These comments however are a circle jerk of rainbow flags, troons and even the odd straight men/lesbian, ALL complaining that women aren't dating/fucking how they want them too.
Crazy how men don't want to be dick watched by women, transwomen and trans men, but sure LOVE to clit watch, even the ones who don't even like women come in trying to talk shit.
No. 658766
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This person is obnoxious as fuck but wasn’t the cannibal artist kidding?
>>658752Is she not aware that a lot of bi men are either nutjobs, degenerates or both? Gay men don’t even like them KEK but anything to seem woke I guess
No. 658815
>>658766Good point, but gay men are MEN they are allowed to have preferences. Rather it's wanting magical straight men who fuck men, not wanting bisexual men or not wanting troons. I've seen men understand why gay men wouldn't want trans men more than they did Lesbians not wanting transwomen.
Not to mention troons get out of fucking eachother by saying,"It
triggers my BD", yet fucking a woman with a vagina doesn't.
Everyone male is able to have a preference and it not seen as
No. 658817
>>658752Twitter / woke culture in general hates women if they’re not doing something to benefit or appeal to men
Want to get your tiddies out online? Sure go ahead!
Want a discussion about how sanitary products should be provided free to the poorest in society, just like condoms? Go fuck yourself you terf, condoms are only free because millions of gay men died during the AIDS crisis, it’s incomparable!!!1!
No. 660116
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No. 660120
>>660116What the fuck is a xenogender?
Anyway, cute moomin.
No. 660166
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How does lolcow feel about americucks just finding out about the word gringo (lit. american/foreigner. can also mean white foreigner) because of Hetalia, and then immediately rushing to call it a slur, trampling and imposing their meaning of a word into another culture? Also I don't care about that faggot anime but I do have to mention this hashtag did spawn from Hetalia being revived.
No. 660172
>>660167>>660166I was just waiting for /ot/ to get unlocked so I could post about this!
Anyways, I am actually quite glad that other countries are standing up for this sort of thing, not just for Hetalia, but for pretty much everything that the western wokefags choose to call ~Pwowematic~
It's seriously tirying when I can't enjoy something because some random person on the Internet comes to me and goes "Oh you little brainwashed poc wahman~ you seriously don't seem to understand how offensive this is for you, but don't fear! I will educate you on how do you have to behave and blah blah blah…"
Just shut up and let me enjoy my cute anime boys in peace!
No. 660190
>>660166>>660167I love how they play the
victim " ir a WHITE latino You can't call me a gringo"
We are white for them when we call then out, but when they have to use us for woke points then we are poc
No. 660207
>>660166>white latinesWhat did they mean by this?
>>660187Honestly this, loving how the same people screech and yell about wypipo appropriating sugar skulls or something but then this comes up and suddenly latinos are white.
No. 660218
>>660166I come from probably the most racist country in Latin America but no one here calls afroamericans "gringos". No one. Here it isn't a slur either, it's just used to refer to white people, mostly from Europe. It can be used as an insult, but it'll be towards non-latin white people, almost exclusively
This also reminds me of white people "educating" latinos for using "negro" to refer to black people. Negro it's just the spanish translation fot "Black", it isn't a slur per se, like the n-word. There were people "cancelling" J Balvin for having a song called "Negro" and he was just referring to the color. They're just so dumb, being an ignorant sjw like them might be exhausting
No. 660225
>>660166I mean it sometimes
is used as a racial slur. I guess the counterargument is that it can also be used in a friendly tone, though you could have said the same thing about the N word a couple hundred years ago.
No. 660244
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I'll just leave this here…
No. 660246
>>660190>We are white for them when we call then out, but when they have to use us for woke points then we are pocIt's exactly like this, it's impressive. One moment I'm a poor brown person living in the middle of the jungle with macaws, but the other moment I'm a white latino crushing black americans under my heel? What the hell? I knew twitter sjws did not give a single fuck for any person living in a third world country, but this is something else. Now all the gringos are crying about muh first world issues
>>660218The "negro" discourse is truly the funniest shit to me. That rainbow six siege game had a huge confusion start because Spanish and Portuguese speaking players were getting banned for saying an item's name, "Espelho Negro" lit. "Black Mirror". We cannot even have our own language without asspained individuals trying to infiltrate it and tell us what our words mean.
No. 660247
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No. 660265
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>>660263It definitely is, but they’re RTing from real accounts with unironic retardo takes like this.
No. 661440
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Makes me kek. Wasnt she everyones lord and saviour before?
No. 661449
File: 1603882098912.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.76 KB, 680x1430, quitbeingafagDD.jpg)

>>661442It's a stupid allegation, but it's from this drawing. I'm pretty sure it's been stated she was a minor when she made this too.
and it is indeed funny as fuck No. 661665
File: 1603905022764.jpeg (179.87 KB, 750x712, 40733677-9FF1-4AAD-ABDC-AF1755…)

apparently this cunt is 19 and uses neopronouns which would explain her thin skin
No. 661683
>>661667I do hate when people say shit like
"omg you are actually, literally being psychotic right now!"
Based on someone raising their voice or some shit. Not because it's ableist but because it's something dramatic retards say
No. 662570
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the consequences of publicly engaging in…what, steven universe? she-ra? these people need to go outside
No. 662587
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Show me your best surprise face, anons.
No. 662791
>>662622… did they HAVE to use Steven Universe for this? Like, regarless of my own opinions, no one at CN thought it was a bad idea, like make a short about 2 boys getting all lovey dovey, when people have Sugar under the radar for her Ed Edd and Eddy drawings.
Also, the ~Use your privilege to help~ message in the tweet, totally a good thing to send to the kids!1!!!!1
NO No. 662836
File: 1604013701224.jpeg (130.61 KB, 720x1440, Eldhs-0VMAAl2bL.jpeg)

This actually makes my blood boil. These men are so fucking transparent
No. 662904
>>660166Am I bugging? I know late response but I'm pretty sure gringo is what Hispanics sometimes call white people. Its not the nicest word i think but not like calling a black person the n-word. This coming from a white Hispanic who was called that growing up surrounded by Dominicans and Puerto Ricans that was tanner with curlier hair or black Hispanic.
These Twitter people really look dumb and don't know shit.
No. 663788
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Black male culture is garbage to begin with but when they are weebs too it becomes insufferable.
No. 663812
>>663808that's a flex? embarrassing
>>663810the irony is that girl weebs and fujos have always existed. Did these guys not notice or did they think they deserved to be bullied instead?
No. 663853
>>663808the blatant misogyny is obviously stupid, but also unsurprising. speaking as a young millennial, it is a bit jarring how much the cultural tide shifted in favor of nerdom, especially in the last decade. being really into anime, japanese shit, vidya, and the internet all used to be viewed in an extremely unbecoming and unusual light. even by the time i was in college, anime was still viewed by most as those weird chinese cartoons, and the vast majority of vocal enthusiasts were still just stereotypical gross weeaboos and disgruntled neckbeards, very much making it a boys' club. the older you got, the more hard pressed you were to find women who wanted to associate with this weird, unwelcoming crowd, even if they were interested in the same things. nerd shit has always been extremely misogynistic and hostile towards women, so the hot take in the picture is an attitude that's been carried over. it's not as woke to hate women in your hobby anymore, but the attitude never went away despite nerd shit becoming a mainstream interest.
i do think there are more clout seeking thots than ever reaching for popularity and attention amongst desperate men– and now, given nerdom's mainstream success, fame, as well– who have latched onto this formerly niche hobby/subculture, but women with genuine interest have always outnumbered them, even if silently, and will continue to do so.
No. 663922
>>663808I don't get this sentiment. There are entire genres of anime and manga targeted to young girls and women. Many famous anime and manga series were written by women. It was always common to see girls discussing anime online on forums, creating fansites, making fanart, making AMVs, etc. I genuinely don't see how somebody can think that girls never watched anime until now unless they're completely ignorant.
Gamers, weebs, and geeks with persecution complexes are so annoying.
No. 663985
>>663922They don't actually care about manga and anime as a whole despite describing themselves as anime and manga fans, usually they only care about anime adaptations of manga from the Shonen Jump magazine, and if you're really lucky enough, that includes things older than BNHA that aren't One Piece, Naruto and DBZ (never Dragon Ball though, for some reason). Whenever I see these people online trying to question me I ask them questions about classic insanely popular shojo manga and they don't even know them. You could talk about Ai Yazawa and they'd be absolutely clueless.
Men who actually know about different genre and authors usually don't give a shit or are happy to share their hobbies with other regardless of gender ime, I talked to many guys who genuinely recommended me series and I'd do the same in return, those were fun conversations, usually in anime cons. The only time I've seen this shit in a con was when a bunch of talented girls were selling prints of Fire Emblem characters and some guy wouldn't stop asking if they were real fans and were asking stupid obscure questions on the series and the girls couldn't convince him to fuck off. This is despite the fact that these games were so popular with girls from the very beginning that there are many Ogma/Navarre doujinshi out here that are way older than the vast majority of fans. I've aso met too many men who think they're hardcore games for playon CoD and FIFA and who had NO clue about insanely famous series like Street Fight, Resident Evil, Pokemon or Final Fantasy or whatever the fuck.
No. 663999
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>>663808This guys really just hates black women
No. 664012
>>663854>What they fail to realize is, in actuality, they got bullied because they were fucking weird outside of their interest in anime. Girls and women have always been fans of anime, but they don't make it their personality like these musty ass dudes.This lol. Incels get so
triggered seeing girls enjoy the same nerdy interests while also being attractive and actually having a life unlike them. Men are so one-track minded I swear.
No. 664029
>>664000Didn't Megan Thee Stallion talk about liking Inuyasha since she was a kid?
I really think it's more that this entire generation kind of grew up with anime in their lives, so of course newer, younger artists will openly embrace it more.
The only ones who come off as fake to me are those who've been in the industry since forever and are only just now jumping on the bandwagon.
These scrotes are just mad because some women have the nerve to be attractive, not in a relationship with them
and not be broke and while enjoying anime.
>>663985>Whenever I see these people online trying to question me I ask them questions about classic insanely popular shojo manga and they don't even know them. You could talk about Ai Yazawa and they'd be absolutely clueless. Basically this. I've seen some men try to weasel out of this situation by saying "N-No, I only watch good anime, heh". Nice try, fake fan.
No. 664392
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>>663788I got bullied from both boys and girls for even mentioning I liked anime or geeky stuff, I don't get this garbage incel argument. Literally the same dudes that picked on girls for liking nerdy stuff turning around and calling us fakes, lol. I think the other anons are right too, girls just kind of have to keep up appearances if they like geeky shit or the bullying gets ten times worse.
I mean there's bitches like momokun that will marathon an anime or a game and immediately go out and buy a sexy cosplay to cash on it, but again it's these same coomers giving them easy money so what gives? blame coomers for the fakes
No. 665276
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No. 668221
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The people asking for money are annoying like we are in a pandemic I get it its hard but shit everyone's fucked. Try and look for another job or buy less things, move back home or with friend. Fuckin adjust.
Shit im fucking gay and lost my job cause of covid. Can I get money too????
No. 669342
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This take is retarded, so of course it got reposted on Instagram and Tumblr where a more retards agreed with it.
No. 669395
>>669342haha my god it's this discourse again from the woke (most likely) self dxers that wear mental health conditions like badges on their chest, while for the rest of us it's an active liability.
also obligatory reminder that mental conditions are not some funny little club with a bouncer at the door, you can't gatekeep something like that. there is no gatekeeping because there is no gate, you're either in or you're out
No. 669400
>>669342These people keep hammering in the message about how autistic people are just regular normal people with super special savant features but still demand you to excuse any socially destructive thing they do because of muh illness. Now they're started pushing the narrative that those dirty low-functioning autists aren't ~TRUE~ autists, their severe behavior is just caused by comorbid intellectual disabilities that are totes not autism because autism is supposed to be cool quirky detective characters. Bitch low-functioning autism is the diagnosis given to a brain abnormality, that's literally
the intellectual disability they have.
No. 669495
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Can someone give their two cents on this? Currently my brain cells can’t process what this is about.
No. 669519
>>669382This is what I hate, because those people you mentioned aren't likely even
able to speak for themselves in the movement. It's as if they don't exist within their own community. Yet apparently we have to "listen to autistic people!! apply the same view to every one of us! low-functioning is a construct!!!" I hate these woke high-functioning (or fake) autistic twitter users so much, they say "don't speak over autistic people" when that's exactly what they are doing.
No. 669570
>>669519The people saying "don't speak over autistic people" are always the same ones claiming self diagnosis is
valid… the irony of basically saying everyone is free to call themselves autistic while also saying not to speak over autistic people is just… how do they not see it?
No. 669585
>>669555You can't advocate for trans rights on here if you know a majority of people will disagree with you.
Guess what that's called?
No. 669611
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fuck trannies and fuck zoophiles
No. 669965
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Sage for slight sperg/long explanation
I’m not saying he’s perfect or anything but Tom (head writer of Apex Legends, a battle Royale game with a diverse cast of characters-including three well rounded LGBT members) gets so much shit it’s ridiculous. The amount of entitled ass, whiny adults I see in his replies all the time.
For context, Caustic (only cis White male in the game) has beef with Crypto (Korean male) character repeatedly due to an event that occurred in last seasons story. He calls everyone some form of rat (because he’s a scientist and they’re all lab rats) and apparently when he called the Korean a gutter rat that was ‘anti Asian’ and they actually removed the line last season.
This time the SJWs have their panties in a twist because Crypto mutters something in Korean at Caustic, obviously angry at him. Caustic replies ‘don’t hide behind your language’ (aka, don’t be a pussy and just say it to me up front). Any logical fucking person, including the Korean VA, could see that it’s not racist and just him bickering.
But nope, apparently it’s racist and that the writers are all ‘anti poc’ and ‘never respect their fans’ (despite changing that voice line last season to accomodate their whiny asses). Never mind the fact that he wasn’t insulting his race, just the fact that he’s deliberately omitting what he wants to say using Korean. Twitter and tumblr idiots forget that not every white person speaks English, and that the exact same thing could’ve happened to the Icelandic or French character had he been pissed at them. I’m white as snow but naturally, if I started busting out japanese or Norwegian at someone I was mad at, they’d assume I’m being bitchy. No critical thinking skills
No. 670789
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oh my god
No. 670802
>>670793I do something similar when I start dating a guy. I act like I'm the most open minded person sexually and guys end up telling me about how they've fucked trannys in the past and whatever other weird shit they are into thinking I'm so cool with it.. and I dump.
I had a housemate years ago who was a crossdresser and fucking men behind his gfs back while telling me how boring and close minded she is. I think that's where I got the idea to do it.
No. 670813
>>670789This one made me laugh out loud
>>670793>>670802Genius idea, weed out the degenerates
No. 672397
>>671529Was it Jared Fogle?
Hats off to the lady who took him down though, she not only had to sit through a lot of disgusting phone calls but she had to pretend to be into it just to get the FBI their evidence. Even though it was for a good cause, that would have fucked me up.
No. 672921
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Some random egirl wants to sue Riot Games because she's delusional kek. She claims that a champion named Seraphine is based on her because she dated a Riot employee for three months. No. 672942
>>672921NTA with the egirl but reading the article, it goes a lot more in depth. The dude took her over to Riot HQ, framed an essay the chick gave him as a gift (she was apparently a fan of the game itself) and shared it around with his co-workers, asked her to voice a “super secret project” and got the artists to draw her as a character in the game, all of which is attached in there.
Dudes can do some really desperate shit to get attention and the dates line up for development time. He and the chick met on Twitter and only dated for three months and he did all that shit during that brief time. Am I a retard for thinking some Silicon Valley cuck working for a company with a rep with women as Riot Games does would do something like this for a random pretty face?
tried to sage for all the sperging cause newfag. Hope it worked
No. 672956
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>>672942The dates don't actually line up at all, furthermore here's input from a woman who actually worked at Riot on skins/KDA related shit. In short, just your average utterly delusional egirl. Virtually impossible for everyone who gets involved in several different departments of a triple A studio to just come together and rip off some random twitter thot because she dated someone who wasn't, by her own words, responsible for anything design wise in any way.
No. 672958
>>672956Samefag from before, thanks for the new info anon.
For the record Stellari also said Riot is probably mad at potential leaks. So like yeah, the e-thot is wrong but she was probably being lied to by whoever “John” is.
Wonder if they’re gonna spot the dude and kick him out, since thot here actually has art made under the Riot brand, so it did involve guy being a creepy egotist to woo egirl to some degree
No. 673815
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This new "What Is Something That Isn't Racist But Still Feels Racist To You?" Trend is a fascinating glimpse into the mind of the average Twitter user. I can't imagine going through life and having "feelings" that random things are racist.
No. 673887
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Wtf is up with the claiming slurs trend on twitter, do ppl do this because theyve actually been called these things or as an excuse for being assholes?
No. 676055
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I hate these “clapback” quote tweets. Just enjoy the video, it’s not that deep.
The replies are all saying that anyone who likes historical clothing is definitely racist, as if fashion history isn’t a subject that people of all races study.
No. 676127
>>676055Is she not aware that Black women would wear fashion like that as well?
I swear people say the edgiest shit just for clout.
No. 676131
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>>676127I hate that ignorance so much. There are many pictures even on pinterest of black women in their times' styles. But I guess she wanted quick clout for a low hanging fruit.
The replies sound idiotic. I know racism is sensitive being recent, but come on. no one says we shouldn't have interest in Greek mythology for example— despite slavery, misogyny, and pedophilia in that society then rape and incest directly in the myths. Also, sexism has been around forever and remains relevant too, why is that treated like something to "get over" in comparison?
No. 676172
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>>676055I like historical fashion, and I just thought the post was funny.
I don't think she's reducing the work of dressing that way or sexism as a whole, she's just commenting on the wider context of this particular time period. What should she have said? "Wow, mad respect to massa's wife"? It's not that bad, kek.
Also, I liked this response. No. 676372
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Do men have any hobbies that aren't centered around trying to get their dick wet
No. 676392
>>676372At least he admits it was embarrassing in retrospect. Some men never do, unfortunately.
Although the description of the women he would try to hit on is cringe. It reads like a post from a PUA forum, rather than the former president of the U.S.
No. 676572
>>676407And why is he still on your mind, anon? To the point where it's every day?!
I voted for him and supported him during his presidency and I don't even think about him anymore. Seek help if you are thinking about him so much.
No. 676593
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Honestly I agree that the tweets w a shit ton of emojis are annoying but why is this getting attention only now…I thought stan twitter was notorious for these kind of tweets.
No. 677123
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Strong claims for someone who wrote MLP rape fanfintion.
No. 677376
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Of course men immediately gave her creepy comments about her boobs for this but that's probably what she was going for
No. 677470
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>>677376Twitter is freaking out and coddling men today I guess, but still gotta blame women.
No. 677501
>>677470To me this comes off more racist to me, "Woc never think like that, they must not mean it if I see it, those white karens really mean it"
Meanwhile, myself and other WOC regularly talk shit about Men's day.
It's just like with trans shit, for some reason they think only "White cis men/women" are agaisnt it and everyone else is 100% on board.
No. 677503
>>677470>white womenThis white dude needs to check himself lmao
Also, he's really crying about how people are being mean about international men's day? That shit is fucking NOTHING compared to the disgusting shit men pulls on international women's day and everyday in general kek.
No. 677543
>>677534 > tweeze out their Lady™ chin hairsDiff anon. I mean some real women pluck our chins too but without all the oversharing afterwards lol.
Still considered shameful for us but a hot topic of conversation for them! Let me tell you all about my hair removal routine again… because everyone needs to hear about it any time they put an ounce of effort into that shit. They need pats.
No. 677547
>>677480Because it's a very successful way to shut down discussions about sexism and drive an even bigger wedge between groups of women. Obviously black women have very
valid complaints about white women, but dudes (all of them, black men are no exception) don't give a single shit about black women's struggles. By associating feminist arguments or any discussion of sexism whatsoever with uppity old white Karens, they've planted the implication in a lot of stupid people's minds that misogyny isn't actually real and is just made up by racist old white ladies so they can pretend to be oppressed. Not saying racism or sexism is "worse" than the other because that kind of thing is hard to quantify. But it is definitely worse (socially, economically, and politically) to be seen as racist than it is to be seen as sexist. Just look at the reaction on twitter to a white woman wearing cornrows or something vs a black man calling women sexist slurs. Most people don't even bother to call the latter example sexist anymore because it'll get you ridiculed for being a Karen. I knew men never took misogyny seriously, but I have noticed a really worrying trend that a lot of people now seem to think it just straight up doesn't exist.
No. 677571
>>677547>I have noticed a really worrying trend that a lot of people now seem to think it just straight up doesn't exist.Agree, I've noticed this too. Every time I try to speak up about issues that women face even the wokest motherfuckers stand up to do the dance you just described - everyone complaining about misogyny and sexism is just a crusty old white bitch wanting to talk to the manager of the patriarchy, making up shit because middle aged women are literally the devil incarnate. Trying to bring up issues regarding porn? Shut up
Karen, nobody likes your slut shaming. Talking about women being belittled in the work place? Ugh,
I have never seen that happen, you're just making shit up and being overdramatic
Karen. Rape and sexual harassment? Well men get raped too so shut your hole,
It's enraging. They found a loop hole they can exploit under everyone's eyes and nobody can do shit. You can literally call a woman a dumb roastie as long as you make sure you're talking about
white women, when everyone knows it's just your general hate of women of all races.
No. 677586
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>>677571Agree re: loopholing and men, but a lot of women (especially black) fucking hate white women. And no it isn't uNdERsTaNdAblE. Clearly most white women are NOT Karens, as they seem to be pretty timid when it comes to this topic… not a lot of honesty, even on lolcow.
BW don't really believe they're victimised en masse by ww (stats would debunk this anyhow), they have serious hang-ups regarding black men and their sex appeal and want WW bullied. 9/10 twitter bw sjws confirm this as does Lipstick Alley/Black ladies reddit/ YT comments…
In the comment section BW were agreeing Mrs Duncan must be a white-passing black woman, because there's no way she could be nice and caucasian… I mean they're not exactly subtle kek.
No. 677587
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#MinisterForMen is trending in the U.K. after an MP suggested there should be one in the government, much like there is a Minister for Women.
The poor voiceless men, only having 430 MPs, 66% of the House of Commons. That’s really not fair on them, is it? /s
Sorry for Britpol fagging but I can see this actually happening with the current government.
No. 677592
>>677586You sound kind of schizo, this post doesn't make much sense.
>In the comment section BW were agreeing Mrs Duncan must be a white-passing black woman, because there's no way she could be nice and caucasian…This is called a joke, anon, lmao.
No. 677597
>>677587And what percentage of murderers and rapists are men again? or Pedos? They love to then claim that statistics don't matter or 'aren't accurate' when you mention those stats lol
Men commiting violence doesn't count as statistically worrying… but men receiving it does! When the person hurting them is also male we just ignore that part.
No. 677605
>>677600And what about Becky? Look have you ever been in a WW space where discussion turns to how much you'd desire to see BW wiped off the planet? or ww thrilled to learn a raped girl was black, literally phrased as "good! don't care, not my people". the callousness on LSA is pretty shocking.
They use white as a slur, they discuss endlessly how hideous ww are. You have clearly been in different threads than I have, bcos i am far from a sensitive and exaggerating this.
all i'm saying is the becky/karen tropes DO have a racial element, and some (not all) of it has sexual competition at its root.
like i said, a lot of ww are reeeally fucking naive about this.
No. 677607
>>677597100%. It’s funny (not really) because most men who think like this are also gammon types that will say the higher crime rates against black men for example is okay because it’s often black on black crime. “Just let them get on with it”
But they don’t want to admit that they are also perpetrators when they are trying to play
I’ve changed my mind - let them have a Minister for Men. I fully support it. Let them develop a wealth of research that proves men are responsible for the majority of their sexes problems lol.
No. 677612
>>677609Yeah, you can find all types. I am asking you have you ever been in a white female space where something like that was discussed even once?
I'm going to drop it now, all I wanted to make clear is that, in my experience, white American women are pretty naive politically, you let everyone shove you around. It really pains me.
No. 677613
>>677605>Look have you ever been in a WW space where discussion turns to how much you'd desire to see BW wiped off the planet?That was literally this site, Lolcow, before we got a Latina admin who makes sure excessive /pol/ shit gets banned, lmao. There is/was still racism on /cgl/, too. The mod team got diversified and it's banned sometimes, but let's not act innocent.
>or ww thrilled to learn a raped girl was black, literally phrased as "good! don't care, not my people". the callousness on LSA is pretty shocking.I've never seen anyone say "Good" to any girl getting raped on LSA, anon. More like a "Not my business" in a sea of sympathy posts. Also, how many "WW spaces" have you seen where they're all rallying to support a black girl who gets raped? There's indifference on both sides, and it's sad, but also a discussion for another day, not a "gotcha, they hate us" thing.
>all i'm saying is the becky/karen tropes DO have a racial element, and some (not all) of it has sexual competition at its root. LSA almost universally hates black men because they're known abusers, very misogynistic, etc. It's weird to bring up "sexual competition", it's not like anyone actually wants black men.
No. 677623
>>677619Either you're very new, or the anon who said you're a LARPing scrote was right. This is just dishonest.
There were entire threads on /ot/ made solely to shit on black women, calling them apes, subhumans, "things", etc that would take days to be deleted. There are maybe 1-2 old bait threads still floating in the catalog.
Even posting black snowflakes/cow threads attracted that crowd a bit, we'd have racebaiters in Micky threads. It was pretty bad up until the site changed hands.
No. 677629
>>677625>proof of this shitOf old, deleted racebait? I'd have to actually be a mod or admin to be able to do that.
If you're actually curious, try scrolling down in the /ot/ catalog. In fact, one example was posted in the last /meta/ complaints thread.
No. 677631
>>677629NTA but I know exactly what you're talking about.
Don't spoonfeed this newfag.
No. 677737
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It’s amazing how these men go up in arms about men’s mental health but lazily relate women’s suicidal behavior to being for attention, and therefore somehow not real suicide in their minds? It’s amazing how they scream that men don’t get hwlp fwom societyyy but trash all over women’s issues
No. 677894
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>>677742Men are insane. Literally trying to act like words don’t mean their dictionary definitions if women are concerned.
No. 677899
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every day this website gets worse and worse. this person is probably really young too
No. 677928
>>677737I don't even take this shit seriously anymore. If a man says this around me, I just want to reply with "Yeah, if I were a man, I'd kill myself, too. As painfully as possible".
I'm convinced women's suicide methods are cleaner (and thus less definite/more likely to fail) because they're not interested in leaving a mess or traumatizing people for no reason. They try to find tidy ways to do it.
Men are selfish, so they don't care and will blow their heads off, jump in front of trains and inconvenience people, etc. Someone has to deal with it, but it's all about themselves, so it doesn't matter. Some of them even kill their own families, including their children, out of selfishness.
No. 677929
>>677899>they can't stopah yes, the two conflicting dichotomies of misogyny
>Men are the sex of rational thinking, logic and order, while women are irrational and hormonal and can't control their emotions like men dobut also
>Men literally can't control their hormonal and emotional instincts, it's up to women to be constantly defending themselves from men because they are just fundamentally unable to not think with their dicks No. 678090
File: 1605891862051.png (837.52 KB, 1242x2208, 66451C50-AD91-4E5D-80D0-2574DC…)

Yes, because BLM and other activists really give a shit if a white person uses black hairstyles in Animal Crossing instead of worrying about other pressing issues.
No. 678135
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>>678090You already know that poster just doesn't like some girl and needed a #woke way to subtweet her, lmao.
No. 678243
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>>67789995/100 chance she's an insecure, possibly unattractive girl mad that more conventionally attractive girls get engagement for dressing cute.
This is the shit NLOGs post when they feel in their bones that nobody wants to see them dressed like that, lmao.
Pretending they're more proper while publicly posting/RTing sexual content about 2D husbandos.
No. 678551
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I can't stand how smug these people are, you know they are the same ones at the beginning of the crisis who went "it's just the flu calm down". I'm all for social distancing and wearing masks because I'm as sick of the situation as everybody else, but to me this is just a condescending lack of empathy, especially towards people who lost everything because the economy is in shambles. We've been inundated by corona news 24/7 for close to a year now, just let people daydream a bit.
No. 678559
>>678551I actually agree with the sentiment lol but also agree it’s so nitpicky, it’s like if someone describes their morning routine as “the first thing I do after waking up is make coffee”. You wouldn’t correct them with “no, you actually open your eyes, get out of bed, move to the kitchen, blah blah”. Of course everyone is supposed to follow the guidelines and most people are fantasising about AFTER that.
The stupid shit that people put out for twitter likes, it’s so fucking formulaic.
No. 678564
>>678243good god why did i unspoiler this
why is it always fujos with the retard-tier misogynistic takes
>>678551i don't even get the point of these tweets? there's already enough animosity around the vaccine, no need to create more and risk people not getting it.
No. 679147
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I thought it was impossible to be this retarded but clearly I was wrong
No. 679153
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on the topic of sia's autism sperging while I do think what she did was retarded, these people are even more embarrassing than sia herself. they're sperging about how they think vaccines are eugenics and calling themselves disabled when they're asswipe aspies at worst, mentalfags on twitter are so embarrassing
please fucking nuke all autists please just do it
No. 679155
>>679147This is probably derailing, but I do think the nuclear family is kind of bad. It's probably the reason why the US has 50% divorce rates compared to other Western nations, because a family is more than just the parents and children.
This is probably a dumb opinion, I know. I really shouldn't make a post I know will solicit a lot of unrelated discussion, but I can't help myself. I need the serotonin from voicing my opinion to random strangers who won't benefit, because I'm addicted to getting off on it. Oh, wait, isn't that what Twitter is, essentially?
No. 679199
>>679153I had to look up what this was even about. Why would anyone call in a nonverbal autist to play a role? At the end of the day, the actor needs to communicate with the staff and can't be going around throwing tantrums. Also I assume Maddie was casted for her dancing ability and longstanding relationship with Sia, how could you pretend any random autist will work just as well with the director?
That said, I'm not interested in watching it, so whatever.
No. 679254
>>679239the point isn't that it's bad for kids to have 2 parents or that it's bad to have families.
the point is that the nuclear family model often separates people from others, kids having only two adults they can depend on makes abuse easier, 2 parents get tired when they have no one else to help them, elderly get put alone into nursing homes because family is just the parents and the kids. nuclear family is bad because family can be bigger than that, western humans are alienating themselves from relatives and other people.
No. 679280
>>679254Elderly get put into nursing homes because they live too fucking long now, and pretty much only at the mercy of prescriptions.
If our elderly all died at 70, and that was that it would be different.
No. 679299
>>679293D for reading comprehension, but I'll bite because I'm stupid and bored.
>What's not bait in saying that old people should hurry up and die earlier?They don't have to die earlier. However, I refuse to feel obligated to care for the elderly in my home when they're living as long as they are and in absolutely awful condition. If you want to ruin your marriage and be miserable cleaning up your incontinent father-in-law's shit, and micromanaging your elders like extremely dangerous oversized toddlers, enjoy.
No. 679437
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Yeah, fuck anyone who wants the person they married to be happy or treats them like a human being capable of making decisions, am I right?
No. 679484
>>679299> However, I refuse to feel obligated to care for the elderly in my home when they're living as long as they are and in absolutely awful condition. I agree and I have a hard time seeing why someone would think it's okay to be obligated to do this. I never asked to be born and considering how most parents aren't really great, it would be a lot to ask from their progeniture to make such sacrifices.
But at the cost of being called a femcel, I hate that such duties and tasks are often delegated without question to the women in the family.
And personally, I'd rather be given euthanasia if I had to rely on someone else to do the basic things like defecating and walking and whatnot. Why would anyone want to live such life anyway?
No. 679495
>>679442can't even go on twitter for one second without seeing some pickme begging for attention from some group. it's either
>ohhh god king please let me in your harem i'm not like these other girlsor
>please please colored person please tell me i'm a good allybonus if she has pronouns in her bio
No. 679581
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I used to think people making a big deal about men making shit up to infiltrate women's spaces was fake, but holy shit now 6'6" neck beards are identifying as "non-binary" for the ability to whine and police how other people refer to them. This site is a fucking nuclear waste dump at this point.
No. 679593
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No. 679638
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All this over a video game
No. 679640
File: 1606092749328.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.56 KB, 836x1023, EmTjBkGXcAEQDpu.jpg)

>>679595it's most likely bait, my friend sent it to me- I just wanted to post it on this thread. But here's one that's most likely not bait.
No. 679652
>>679638lesson: no matter what you do to be inclusive, woke crowd will shit all over you.
Mass Effect Andromeda devs had to apologize and rewrite their transgender character (extra forgettable NPC) because woke crowd didnt think the dialogue carried a "good enough, realistic portrayal"
or recent gender neutral addition to COD is super
problematic because having the gender "classified" and your character go with they/them somehow implies that there's "something wrong" with being not CIS
give me a break
No. 679656
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>>679640tbh cottagecore does have a bit of an issue with tradwife neonazis getting into it, amassing a ton of followers, and only then disclosing their beliefs, happens almost every week on tumblr.
>Picrel Fairmaidnelly with her horrendous shoops and uber christian fundie spergs is one of the milkiest ones. No. 679662
>>679656That's a shit ton of cleavage for someone to be so spergy about Christianity.
I would really like to see those people exposed for what they are, because there's no way that you're being respected by the men in those communities, or shit-even other women within your shitty church when you're dressing like that.
>when cottagecore goes hardcoreWhen are we going to end up coming across a webm with her fucking a tin of off-brand canned biscuits?
No. 679765
>>679716I think the issue is that they seemed to want to have a non verbal austic person in the role. However, if the autism is so severe that they're non verbal, they probably aren't going to be able to follow directions as needed.
I do think that high functioning autistic people can probably act just fine, but then they would probably be high functioning enough that people would still get pissed about it.
I'll probably piss people off, but I think that Aspergers and Autism need to be separated. While they're similar, there is a huge difference in how much a person can function and I think a lot of people with Aspergers now think that their experience applies to all autistic people.
Source: I have Aspergers, and I've also worked extensively with autistic children. There is very much a difference.
No. 679769
>>679765the problem is that nowadays people are saying it's "ableist" to separate severe autism from high functioning autism. the thing is there's a clear difference between the two. someone who's a slightly different brained aspie isn't going to be on the same level of mental retardation, nowhere near, as a severely disabled autist with the mental capacity of a four year old. and now it's not even considered to call aspies aspies, and then people are saying it's ableist to use "high functioning" or "low functioning" as labels. also fucking sick of seeing clearly high functioning asswipes calling themselves "disabled" mentally when their mental handicaps are nowhere near befitting actual "disability". you certainly don't see the same spergery that surrounds the current autism discourse amongst bpdfags since bpdfagging isn't hip anymore. I wish these idiots would realize it isn't hip or cool or empowering to call oneself "disabled", but whatever, I'm probably too old to understand modern spergery, to me this is like the autism version of the shit I saw on tumblr as a young bpdfag. the fact that mental illness is trendy and that they're saying it's ableist to use medical terminology to describe it or ever distinguish the types or do anything but collectivize the disorder as one thing only is gross. for autism and various other disorders it's a spectrum, and for some it's a sliding scale of functionality, there's nothing wrong with using the terms "low" or "high" functioning, it's way less offensive than "special needs", "disabled", or "handicapped"
No. 679792
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Astounded that these people even know how to read
No. 679846
>>679656Wow, this is a type of cow I didn't even know I needed
>>679662>fucking a tin of off-brand canned biscuitsAnon please spare me, I am slain
No. 679858
>>679638don't care didn't ask still buying the game because i've been waiting for it for 7(looking like 8 by the rate it's going) years now
also troon opinions are irrelevant
>>679792you could sneeze at these people and they'd fall apart. how do they even live?
No. 679879
>>679812Sounds plausible. I myself just keep thinking about that rat society behavioral sink experiment.
However I feel like these people don't
actually get panic attacks or anxiety over book endings or shit, they're just looking for any crumbs of attention by being overdramatic to seem like poor widdle babies.
No. 679921
>>679892> I bet they only read YA books.Probably. The only genre that’ll pander to this shit aside from children’s fiction.
>>679792> “Life has enough gritty realism on its own”By this logic, life also has enough happy sappy shit so fuck writing books altogether.
Surely half the point of tragedy in books is to reflect life? Unless you lock yourself in a room and never interact with anyone ever, negative things will happen. People you love will die. You’ll go through break ups. Friends will hurt you. You or someone close will likely become seriously ill. And even if you experience all that, that’s an average life, not a trauma narrative. How sensitive do you have to be to shield yourself from fictional depictions of average, expected life events?
I don’t read misery lit as a rule but this utopian shit sounds boring and unrelatable as fuck. There’s fiction, then there’s utter delusion.
No. 680905
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>Twitter is currently "exploring" adding a dislike button or some kind of downvoting system, presumably à la Reddit, announced the company's product lead on Tuesday. The potential change, confirmed Twitter, is part of a larger effort to make Twitter a place amenable to more nuanced conversations.
>Unfortunately, we weren't able pin Twitter down on when you might actually get a dislike button (or even if you will definitely get one). But it's noteworthy that Twitter is exploring such a button at all.
No. 681012
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The replies to this are abysmal
No. 681135
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The reaply in this tweet make me lost hope of hummanity and I realize learning another culture and value is important
No. 681249
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>>681135Holy shit this is so funny. Good thing most people are sane and on her side kek
No. 681449
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>>681372There has always been crazies but they mostly kept it to themselves by writing in their diaries or some shit. The internet has given a way for all people to transmit and amplify their thoughts so they feel they are allowed to say whatever they want.
No. 681453
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>>681249woke twitterfags are genuinely psychotic
No. 681458
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>>6814535 trillion hours in ms paint but i just want to give you guys an idea of who's getting mad about space buns
it's people who refer to their age as "levels"
No. 681462
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>>681458yep, that's a fakeboi
No. 681477
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>>681379Or the idiots who write into newspapers
No. 683438
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I never thought I'd run across retards who think the tag making fun of Trump was ableist but I guess everything is ableist now
No. 683441
>>683438boohoo they shit their pants, trump shits his pants too. Looks like Trump is more relatable to them then they initially thought.
Twitter is so
toxic I couldn't even have it for less than a year. I was so annoyed, these retarded ass tweets is the main example why I had to leave.
No. 683930
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Please someone delete twitter. I don’t wanna have to see another hot takeTM ever again in my life.
No. 684828
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I love when they fight each other
No. 684843
>>684829Don't know, but if we're too busy shitting on each other for lived differences then we're fucking doomed. Everyone wants to be heard, everyone wants to feel
valid. I don't want to get too into it, but I can see where she's coming from. I can even relate, but more in the sense that working class women in general are kind of ignored outside of SW. Slightly OT, but I wonder if SW are only praised so much to make excuses for the people doing OnlyFans, because actual sex workers are still living in squalor with a boatload of problems and a shit support system.
No. 684851
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>>684828Men of all colors use the opportunity to spew their misogyny once “white” or “cis” is in front of it. We women must come together. Men will not support us.
No. 684885
>>684828How's one supposed to interpret this tweet? Will you just genocide white women or what?
> y'all gotta gogo where?
No. 684900
>>684880I wasn't saying that accusatorily against women of color, for the record. It's more of an observation about how the woke crowd, including other women, have been memed into hating white women as much as, if not more than white and all other men. I don't think it's helpful. However,
>Visit any radfem community and see how judgemental white women are of everyone who's not does this even mean? This is peak retardation kek, radfems recognize that dividing the struggles of women by race weakens shit and leaves men laughing at us all and is what allows the wokey men to throw white ~Karen~ women under the bus.
No. 684909
>>684898Sorry for deleting the post but, idk, whatever op wants them to stop doing. It depends on the context. Based off of op's tweet, she just means she wants white women (and white people in general) to stop trying to speak for poc with racism.
For example, that animal crossing afro puff thing. I'm not offended by it, and I've yet to see any other black people say they think it's racist. Literally most of us think it's just a game Or for white feminists who only focus on the issues that white women go through.
Tbh that original tweet was not as offensive as anons are making it out to be. If you get it, you get it. I think you guys just saw that it said "white women!" and got mad.
No. 684919
>>684909>If you get it you get itExactly. I'm not sure why anons freak out so much when they see "white women" or think it's a huge meme, there's validity to those criticism. However, there's also the point to be made about dividing women's struggles by race, experience, etc. Like, seriously, we've been fighting about the original tweet and that woman's reply when
>>684851Was also posted which is just disgusting and misogynistic to the core.
No. 685022
>>684973it's true anon, many black women turn to radical feminism due to black men being absolute trash partners
and white radfems, especially ones from europe, tend to come from less privileged countries. Just look at what's happening in poland and tell me white women there have easy no struggle lives and should "go" as that tweet says.
No. 685240
>>685205Kek thank you for these
If everyone arguing in the thread would instead just look at these messages instead, we could have peace on earth
No. 685685
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Not the dumbest thing I read on this stupid app but still pretty stupid. And lol that they disabled replies.
No. 685737
>>685685They don’t bat an eyelid whenever a cis person is cast to play a trans person because it’s a rarity and most people just don’t give a shit. A man in a dress is a man in a dress regardless of what he identifies as, that’s the way the majority of people think so why would they care who’s cast?
Anyway are they defending cis people playing trans characters on purpose? Because that’s what it reads like but I’m going to assume they are too stupid to realise this.
No. 685961
>>685939I know what you mean, my sister has become obsessed with twitter recently and she uses the same lingo and cringey words they use all the time, like "
problematic" even if she always used to make fun of it before. The worst thing is she is honestly way too old to be doing shit like this and she still acts like one of those stan accounts for Hollywood actors and talking about the latest "discourse" and how much she loves bootlicking trannies. It's just sad and embarrassing.
No. 688149
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TRAs on twitter are insufferable, this is a response on Tom Feltons (Draco Actor) recent tweet that had nothing to do with anything trans related. He didn't say anythingtransphobic, he didn't say anything, they're just dragging him into a situation that doesn't involve him at all.
Apparently not saying anything transphobic isn't enough, you have to constantly parrot twrw/tmrm are you'll got canceled.
No. 689068
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being somewhat interested in Cyberpunk I keep seeing this dispute brought up over and over; trans community of twitter is just unhinged
in-game ad shows a feminine character with a visible dick advertising a drink with a slogan "mix it up"; city is filled with ads objectifying men and women alike because it's a commentary on corporate greed and treating people like products; somehow it's fine to do to men and women but doing it to transgender is, quote, "significant harm" and clear evidence of a "transphobia"
No. 689070
>>689068I honestly wish I could buy the uncensored version of whatever mess they will release to pander the trannies.
>you owe a tranny 70$They always try to find a way to get money from others, kek.
No. 689077
>>689068Everything about twitter in general has become way more
toxic from this last year alone. I blame everyone being stuck inside and more assholes than ever getting twitter/facebook accounts.
There's a twitter thread up right now for the Game Awards that's filled with people doxxing one another because they didn't vote the same way for a video game award. same poll is held every year, and it's never been this way before.
No. 689123
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I'm surprised no one has brought up maps(minor attracted people) and how there is a big community of literal pedos that are for some reason allowed on twitter. Also not surprisingly like half time they are troons. Also why are they allowed to be a community and allowed on twitter?
No. 689223
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I don't know why, but suddendly I had gotten many of this complains this past week, the same goes with "Transgender", "Heterosexual" and "Bisexual". I don't get why but I'd like to hear your opinions.
No. 689229
>>689223Isn't mlm a thing in fanfic to show what the pairing is?
Mlm sounds stupid irl, it won't even work if you're lesbian and you could get it confused with mlm schemes. Just say gay, or y'know homosexual.
No. 689241
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>>689229Kek saw this under the original tweet
No. 689417
>>689068The funny thing is, it's not said anywhere that ad was supposed to depict a tranny. In the cyberpunk world, you can go get your body modded for the most ridiculous things. It might be just a real woman who decided to get a dick for a while for fun. Or a glow in the dark strap-on, who knows.
But even if that were a tranny… What else did they want? A more realistic representation showing a fugly balding he ma'am? But then they would've complained that muh trannerinos are depicted as unattractive goblins. You can't win with these people.
Feels good to have preordered the game. No. 689759
>>689123I will never forgive tumblr for giving birth to this community and spreading this shit on to twitter once the mass exodus happened. I also hate those stupid pedo hunter accounts who keep fucking interacting with them and boosting them in the algorithm.
I'm torn because I do think there should be some kind of help and support group for people struggling with these urges, as a society we do very little to help them (and by helping them we are protecting our most vulnerable members of society by proxy) - but I cannot stand this MAP shit. The acronym is so purposefully trying to mask what they are - pedophiles, and it's enraging and so deceitful it makes me sick. The fact they keep trying to be prideful about it is the worst and they are trying to integrate into the gay community so they can claim their sexuality is
The way it has formed really reminds me of how incel culture became a thing, it started on /r9k/ which became the containment board for incel talk but the issue is that this allowed a community to grow, which eventually spread the ideology and now we have people committing mass shootings because they've been taught they aren't the problem, it's society who's wrong.
The MAP community preys on these people like the incel community does for lonely depressed young men by giving them some validation and luring them in to the false sense of community. Now these people think their sexuality is
valid and won't think they need help. Yeah sure, I don't think they should hate themselves for an urge they genuinely don't want provided they never act on it or do anything, but this is just so dangerous to promote to people like this. It's just tragic.
It really scares me how the internet allows all of these fringe groups to gain validity like this, it's not even just these people but the incels, the flat earthers etc. I'm scared to see the impact on society in 15 years time.
No. 689777
>>689774Nta, but true. No matter how much of an open secret pedophilia is, nobody influential will ever support it under any name. The LGB community tells them to fuck off at every opportunity, they're the only ones who support themselves joining kek.
>>689759> as a society we do very little to help them (and by helping them we are protecting our most vulnerable members of society by proxy)This is the only reason I could get behind pedophiles receiving help, but I still think all they deserve is the rope or castration if they must live, tbh.
No. 689789
>>689774I understand where you're coming from, it's just I disagree simply because I've watched many of these groups gain power over the years. Incels being the prime candidates, I know pedos are the biggest social pariahs but if incels can grow as they did I don't put the possibility past any fringe group. It feels like the internet allows radicalization to happen so easily.
>>689777Idk, not to blog but it's just I have thought about this issue a lot as a survivor of CSA and I just don't think the attitude of "lets just kill them" is constructive. Not trying to be shitty to you or anything anon and I understand the gut reaction because it's a horrible crime, but imo all it does is enable society to sweep the issue under the rug and not tackle the core/root of the problem. That and a lot of people struggling with those urges do so as part of sexual trauma they endured also, I am blessed not to be in that position but it feels a bit fucked up to me to discard those people when they're still suffering due to the abuse that happened to them and they should never have endured in the first place, you know what I mean? Again though, I'm strictly talking about people who don't act on those urges and don't want to be that way, I'm scared of sounding like some kind of apologist so I hope that's very clear.
No. 689807
>>689789nta but pedos are not that stupid. They can lie and they will lie in order to gain sympathy which they have done many times in the past.
And honestly, I think your approach is dangerous and naive. While trying to be virtous you're heading towards this slippery slope where you're already making exceptions which can then easily lead to some sort of "have pity and try to understand them" path that can be exploited with a smart rhetoric. I'm not saying you're being an apologist but the moment you start making arbitrary decisions like that, you can never go back, only forward. Do you really want to risk the safety of children just so we could as a whole society feel good?
No. 689818
>>689797Oh definitely anon, I think we’re on the same page here lel. It’s such a complex topic with complex feelings but yeah, I can’t say I have much sympathy for offenders in any way except that it’s sad that as a society we failed to prevent it if that makes sense.
>>689807I understand your point anon, I do, but there is a different between validation in that way and simply offering realistic treatment and therapy to people like this. There have been quite a few who have been so conflicted with their mental illness they’ve opted for chemical castration and gone through with it just so they could live a normal life.
Here is the thing, what we are doing right now? It just doesn’t work. I know so many people who have been
victims too, it’s common, people just don’t talk about it. We ignore the issue so it feels like it doesn’t exist and it puts children at harm and the abuse cycle continues. I just feel like we need to stop being so unwilling to discuss it and actually try to reach out to people who do want to get better.
If you don’t, all you have left for these people are the MAP community which itself validates these people’s mental illness. I made a comparison to incels because incels were in a similar dynamic of being validated and now it’s snowballed in to multiple mass shootings and violence. I’m not saying I have all the answers of course but ignoring it isn’t working, especially in the Internet age where these people can so easily be radicalised instead if we provide no support net for them to potentially help them on the road to a better way to manage it, you know what I mean?
No. 690213
>>689818>There have been quite a few who have been so conflicted with their mental illness they’ve opted for chemical castration and gone through with it just so they could live a normal life.This is a good thing. There is no cure for pedophilia. Talk therapy will not remove it.
It's better for everyone if they just cancel their sexual capacity altogether.
No. 690234
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>>649527Need some opinions. Found this alleged troon on Twitter but look at this pictures, I just don't fucking see it and am baffled.
The original tweet was like "get owned by a girl with a pp" but I genuinely think she is a female.
More pics incoming
No. 690235
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>>690234A prom pic from 2019
No. 690241
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>>690237Apparently her before and after transition:
No. 690248
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>>690241Made picrel tweet a few weeks before the whole "get ratio'd" thing.
So what the fuck.
And no this isn't a vendetta. It was an insanely popular tweet that showed up on my TL. No. 690265
>>690258In the first pic of that collection, yes. But when he's wearing the blue shirt, I've seen a lot of girls that look like that in middle school/high school so I guess I wanted to be sure before I went ahead and debunked it in the replies.
>>690259This is true and a part of me was like "Hmmmm…. there just so much facetuning going on right now" but I know I myself don't even look completely "feminine" without makeup, so I would not have been shocked to find out it was a girl. But there are so little pics of him and he just reuses the same pics from twitter on instagram, I was suspicious.
No. 690284
File: 1607462079925.jpg (82.77 KB, 411x600, Sofia Richie Kim Petras Kate S…)

>>690267ntayrt, but these pics? He has a huge head. It's a stretch tho, Kim is the rare troon who passes. With that said, the women he's standing next to are very masculine in the face too, he blends in. He might look weird next to the average feminine woman, I don't know.
No. 690285
File: 1607462163624.jpg (220.78 KB, 1200x1800, kim-petras-at-hits-97.3-drive-…)

>>690267same anon. I only see a male if i look closely, I think kim passes well.
No. 690312
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>>690237his boyfriend posted a candid, he looks a lot more manly without lighting and filters
No. 690315
>>690285he passes but he hs that weird ass troon head they all get, like their heads all seem so huge and he's not really attractive to me, unless he's perfectly posed. Something about him always seems so plastic and stiff.
His pictures are always so bright.
No. 690319
>>690317I treat pictures of them like I treat pictures of the Karjenners or Blaire white, they are always shopped, filtered and posed.
Blaire even lights his videos a certain way.
No. 691430
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I feel like an alien after reading this
No. 691456
>>691430I play Genshin Impact yet I still have no fucking idea what this tweet is trying to say. I'm trying to decrypt it the best I can:
>Please unfriend "genshin ooc" (I'm guessing that's a twitter account?) because he's bootlicking Mihoyo (the game's developer), retweets hypersexualized art of the female characters in the game, retweets weird ships, called people biphobic for headcanoning Ningguang (a character in the game) as a lesbian and Zhongli (another character) as gay and said that Chongyun and Xingqiu (a popular male x male ship in the fandom) shouldn't be called gay because they're minorsIt took me like 30 re-reads before I started comprehending what the fuck was being said here, like trying to decipher an ancient language. Am I just getting too old for zoomer speak?
No. 691830
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we're reaching levels of pickme that shouldn't even be possible
No. 692713
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No. 692715
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>>692713Like, I don’t get why they should’ve been “at least NB”
No. 693223
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>>692713I realize this is twitter hate thread but when will God grant me a lesbian pirate gf
No. 693461
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On a post about a girl who wants to fuck her brother and marry her.
No. 693517
>>692713alright super off topic here but the original title is inaccurate, Anne Bonny and Mary Read's story has been known for 250 years now, Literally every historical book/Documentary on the Golden Age of Piracy will mention them, the only details that changed is how new historians contextualize the events, it's still iffy if they had a sexual/romantic relationship, seeing as both were found to be between pregnancy before their capture, and didn't make any big qualms about loving each other as they were locked up, hell it's even possible the details/rumors of a relationship between the two were added rather then suppressed, basically as a way to further demonize them
so accepting them as totes canon lesbian lovers whose story was suppressed by the meany old historians is an Insult to both these omen and the subject of history, cause they were real people and not some fictional ship but placing our current views on Gender and sexuality on actual historical people just cause we want it to is stupid
No. 693520
File: 1607853852183.jpg (53.99 KB, 640x618, Reflective squeamish locust_e8…)

Does anyone else get so drained when these people complain and try to cancel people over the most minimal and useless stuff ever? like that one time people were trying to cancel a girl for using a black hairstyle on her white character and calling it space buns? in a fun and relaxing game? yeah that happened, or when jacksepticeye made a harmless joke about the ps5 or used a font? yeah that too.
Isn't really surprising to me since most of these people complaining about it are brainlets with the intelligence of a larva. I wish they could focus on real problems that need to be dealt with, theres literally predators on that platform but oh no how dare you call afro puffs space buns and use it in a game!! what a fucking joke.
Since when did Twitter become such a degenerate cesspool?
No. 694729
File: 1608068308573.jpg (297.35 KB, 597x499, IYc9NpH.jpg)

I'm not sure what is happening in Cartoon Network, but this thing is not funny anymore.
No. 694731
>>693718why did they move to twitter in the first place when most of them don't even post porn? can't they just keep their drama on a dying platform
>>694729steven universe was a mistake
No. 694734
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No. 694741
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>>694740I don't think so, I haven't seen a single kid enjoying Steven Universe ever since a long time ago, but CN have been pushing this sort of stuff for a while now.
No. 694754
>>694741All of them look horribly drawn.
>>694740The last time I saw SU mentions was when people called Rebecca Sugar a pedophile under CN tweet n they had to mute it.
No. 694807
>>694753Me too, for example that time when that cartoon, Craig of the creek, introduced that character named Angel, a they/them kid who asked for pronouns, and CN posted that clip with a "Respect They/them pronouns" message; it feels… wrong, like Angel doesn't sound like a kid at all and I don't like how they presented that character as "Very good with children".
At this point, I am starting to loose my trust for anyone who works with animation.
No. 694978
File: 1608090914957.jpg (145.1 KB, 1000x1000, Angel_Lorenzana_2020_Pride_Art…)

>>694807>>694815jesus christ i just looked this up. i'm all for showing more lgbt characters in kids' media but this is… fucking weird. they're dressing in the way ADULTS do at pride fests which aren't always g-rated. honestly more creepy than nice. you can show this stupid and just make it like, normal, without making it rainbow flags and flamboyant outfits and pride uniform.
No. 694983
>>694729Thank goodness I didn't grow up with today's cartoon network,how deplorable.children don't care about stupid gender bs let them live their childhoods in peace
How low can Twitter get at this point?
No. 694988
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>>694729>>694734>>694735>>694736>>694741>>694978am I even alive anymore?
why is this even a thing? why can't we just be women (or men) who have a personality and interests? what's wrong with being just gay or bi?
are people today really this damaged? there's nothing to justify the existence all of this stupid language and identity shit.
when will this nightmare end?
No. 695019
>>694729Cartoon Network's twitter account has been a huge trainwreck for a while now. It feels unreal browsing it, like some 4chan parody op to make fun of them.
>>694744>>694753If it's offering any comfort, I doubt any kid is going to see this. CN seems to be making this content solely for autistic adults and late teens and basically preaching to the choir. Kids these days watch youtube and Disney movies, not Cartoon Network shows.
No. 695030
>>695019I'm just waiting to Cartoon Network to joins DC and Marvel's train, loosing a huge amount of money for pandering to people who
DON'T buy their woke garbage.
No. 695117
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>>694729what the fuck am i reading. why do kids like this shit
No. 695407
>>695389Keep telling yourself that.
There are histrionic self obsessed bitches of every persuasion, there are so many awful straight people who are just as annoying and imo that's the main reason why those types of straight people are so jealous about Pride. The sooner lgbt becomes an old boring concept the better, that way diva-types can't use their sexuality as a personality type or an excuse for being the worst person in the room
T. A boring bi person
No. 695757
File: 1608165337535.png (381.15 KB, 1286x952, kingself.png)

for the love of god kick all these kids off the internet
No. 695773
>>695388i'm a lesbian and i agree 100%
>>695757tbh i can't feel sorry for the "community" now. they created this shitshow when they allowed the T, "allies", furries, and all sorts of nutjobs to call themselves "queer" and thus validated their insane delusions.
>>695767>i'm predicting otherkin will be a big thingthey're already considered "trans", so…
No. 695793
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>>695757Maybe a less popular opinion here, but I genuinely can't feel outraged over galaxy-brain troonery like this because I know for the vast majority of these retards this is a stupid LARP that only exists online. You just know that the people who do galaxy troon BS on twitter or tumblr almost completely overlap with the "too nervous to ask for extra ketchup at McDonalds" crowd. The furthest they will go in real life is using they/them pronouns since that is the only new pronoun development that actually gained "major acceptance". This twitter galaxy troon BS is only a power trip among their circle of similarly maladjusted people. Normie people of all stripes, even the Normie wokes would laugh and/or scoff at this shit and most of these retards know it.
No. 695912
File: 1608187421529.jpg (17.17 KB, 592x107, XzBmf00.jpg)

I hated so much when that comic panel with the Joker hating nazis became so popular, now there are a lot of these kids going around saying "Well, he killed millions of innocent people, BUT he hates nazis, so he is one of us gaiz!!1!!1"
No. 696186
>>696093Nta and tbh
why should we give a fuck anyway? a bunch of people gets murdered daily, should we constantly cry over their deaths? Can we make schedules to read their obituaries and cry the same quantity of tears for everyone?
I hate their use of people’s lives as a shield so much.
No. 697306
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I can't tell if this person is joking or not, but the picrew avatar with the pannie flag is giving me the feeling that no, they are not joking.
No. 697330
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14 year olds when you have as a husbando/waifu one of their 30+ kinnie or comfort characters.
No. 697335
>>697306He's not
technically wrong, but the fact that he even cares probably means he's a pornsick scrote.
No. 697693
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I can't deal with these sheltered kids.
No. 697698
>>697306eugenics is good if people actually used them correctly instead of using eugenics as an excuse to be an ass or blab on about things they're uneducated about (claiming dark skinned women with deep voices shouldn't reproduce, claiming any sort of mental illness like minor depression or social anxiety means you shouldn't reproduce, etc)
the point of eugenics is to reduce the likelihood that an innocent baby doesn't get birth defects, which is a good thing, but the conservative trump cult followers seem to whine all day about how people need to bred with exclusively big titty white waifus no matter how fat, mentally ill, or physically defective they are but turn around and whine about how being against pedophilia and incest is eugenics. Because it is only ok when they get to choose it is I guess
No. 697705
>>697693I know words don’t have meanings anymore but I’d put this under “completely fucking retarded” rather than “sheltered”
Idk the context but if there’s actually an issue with this situation, there are words for that. There are vulnerable adults, and someone can be raped or abused at any age. People are going to automatically write off what they’re saying if they insist on using inaccurate language.
No. 697709
>>697693>20+ years old minorHow sheltered does one have to be in order to achieve this degree of delusion?
I just have so many questions about this sort of logic, being the most worrisome
>does that make it acceptable for them to interact with kids?Because that sounds like a groomer ideal world.
No. 697832
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It's not good enough to show ~twans wepwesentasion~? What a weird gatekeeping when they are constantly begging for representation.
No. 698106
>>697841Not american, but I think the idea of raising the legal age for drinking to 25 would be nice, there would be less issues with alcohol
theoretically than there are nowadays.
No. 698483
>>697693Wot? Paedophilia is attraction to 10 and unders, Hebephilia is attraction to 11-14 year olds and ephebophilia is attraction to 15-19 year olds. All mentally ill and need to be vaporised.
>>698403 Yeah it would make them ableist and autismphobic since it's towards autistic people.
No. 699508
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Coomers going crazy trying to convince themselves that they are not groomers.
No. 699511
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No. 700207
>>699511Jesus Christ. Didn't twitter boot the pedos?
>>699622There's a reason for this; for many years, predators defended their attractions to young people by insisting that they're ephebebeobebephiles/hebephiles (usually paired with bullshit evo biology folk theories/general misogyny) in order to evade criticism; because the distinction has been exclusively made by predators for virtually the entire history of the internet, the internet is weary to it. The stupidity surrounding the 'antis' of whatever they're called is a totally separate issue.
No. 700454
>>699515I wouldn't mess with anyone that's 18 or 19 tbh. I wasn't obsessing about the semantics or whatever either, I was just trying to make a point about how even if 18 or 19 is an "adult", it's still fucked up.
>>699622Totally agree with you as I'm the anon they replied to earlier. Because just because one is 17 and almost fully developed doesn't mean it's not creepy as you said earlier.
No. 700462
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Now they are trying to cancel the tradwife wojack and the nordic guy.
No. 700463
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>>700462What does "/g" means btw?
No. 700609
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I get some pickme vibe coming from this, but I want to know your opinions.
No. 700613
>>700609People are surely willing to say anything for clout. Just accept them! There’s no need to make a huge statement about it or anything
>I hereby declare all nipples of all shades as beautiful as any other budding roses in the garden of life.Why don’t we all just make a huge ass signed paper about how every single body part of every single human is beautiful and amazing and
No. 700621
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oppressed over having brown nipples but damn, i don't see why twitterfags couldn't let the top girl have her post without derailing it. it seems like people can't praise unconventionally attractive traits without everyone else coming out of the woodwork and acting like picrel
No. 700639
>>700609If they said big nipples I would get this cause people do make fun of women for having big nips, but as a
poc woman I've never really seen people idolize pink nipples.
But the girl on the bottom is right, if top girl wanted to praise brown nipples, then she should be able to do so without people butting in to say "Well ALL nipples are good", she's not talking about all nipples, she's talking about brown ones.
Also, genuine question: What would even be pickme about those tweets? I feel like some anons here really like to throw that word around.
No. 700663
>>700639To me, is how the bottom tweet seems to be more over what random guys say rather than how it's okay to have different shades.
I don't have that much of a big problem with the top one, but the second one seems more like an unnecessary thing to add.
No. 700679
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No. 700729
>>700720Well, no shit everyone has the right not to interact? Just don't reply. You can't create a public Twitter profile and then expect everyone you don't like to just refrain from interacting with you, it's up to you to create your own online experience. Make a private account or block people. I'm not going to put personal identifying information on my Twitter bio to please a few crybabies who might get
triggered if I retweet something from them.
No. 700966
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Terfs are secret troons, didn't u know?
No. 701712
>>700966>>700967They keep almost getting it and then just failing to bring the thought home when their mental gymnastics get in the way.
>Oh these terfs who sympathize with gender dysphoria because they know they would've been suckered in earlier but learned to accept themselves as they are and instead recognized the deeprooted misogyny in our society so they can fight it? they're just mad they didn't have the guts to transition!!!!!Ultimate cope.
No. 702494
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>>700966>bad writingKek, says the twittertard mad that JKR is still one of the top writers of this century. Seethe, cope and dilate.
No. 702969
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This is so fucking stupid, while it's true that customers tend to be annoying and in the wrong, there's also salespeople who are not very friendly either. I'm not asking that they'd be all rainbows and sunshine and I'm not going to write a letter if they are not the nicest (not going to blame people for having a bad day), but I'm pretty sure everybody had at least once an interaction with a cashier that was needlessly rude.
No. 703012
>>702969I really only see rude behavior on the regular from postal workers, it seems to attract people who want to make other people's lives harder. Had this old hag try and tax every overseas package I had come in, and it was only her that did it, even if the international shipping fee was already paid. Her problem was entirely that "I ordered too many non-local things and needed to be taught a lesson"
>>702985Honestly I'm surprised Zara still operates, aren't most people aware of the working conditions inside the store and of the people making the clothes being sold there? Every Zara store I've looked in not only manages to look like a damn sweatshop, it also manages to always have clothing strewn around the floor. I'm not talking a shirt or two, multiple articles of clothing across multiple aisles, often enough to cover the floor.
No. 703071
>>702984>>703000>>703012ot but all of you anons that dislike zara shops/workers, where are you from?
Inditex stores are actually one of the better clothes retail stores in my country (eastern euro) and they're always nice and tidy, their staff is okay and their hr is petty decent here. Speaking as someone that shops there often and people I know work there.
I'm curious because it seems it isn't like that anywhere else, maybe because my country is so lame we see those stores as more high quality even though they're just fast fashion stores.
I do agree zara workers are pretty cold and bitchy though, girls in bershka/pull and bear are nicer, but that's also because employers actively look for conventionally pretty/kind of bitch faced girls in zara while other inditex stores don't have that requirement here. For example you don't need to wear makeup in bershka, but you must in zara.
No. 703120
>>703016…did you not expect to work on one of the biggest shopping days of the year? If your store is open, don't get angry at the customers for taking advantage of what is available to them. Get angry at the store for being open. Or angry at yourself you agreed to work a job that has a high likelihood of working on a federal holiday.
Plus not everyone celebrates Christmas and wants to sit inside their house all day doing nothing because most other things are closed.
>>702985Seriously. Customers are usually the assholes. Workers aren't the ones throwing clothes on the floor and putting things where they don't belong, it's the customers. It makes me so angry when I see people drop something in the store and leave in on the floor. So rude.
No. 704019
File: 1609157279163.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.58 KB, 960x653, please rope.jpg)

why is it always the furries getting caught being pedos/zoophiles/zoosadists
(no gore or blood but spoilered because not all people might like to see some autist put a knife to a dog's neck)
No. 704021
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>>704019reposted because i accidentally spoilered it. also for context the kid is allegedly 17 and is dating a 10 year old
No. 704694
File: 1609238557887.png (91.82 KB, 658x878, lol.png)

>groomed online
>coomer tranny
>passing off sexting with adult men as a minor as safe
No. 704700
>>704019Actually almost made me throw up. Furries in general should be gassed but zoosadists deserve something way worse.
>>704166Wouldn't be surprised if this was the case (which it probably is). From what I've observed furries have an actual big, scene-wide problem with grooming young teenagers into their fetish lifestyles and drug usage by acting like they're the "wholesome big siblings with the fun colourful animal avatars". The amount of 14-year old ABDL furries I've seen is staggering and those kids absolutely did not come up with that fetish on their own. They always try to hide their tracks by being "concerned" about menial things like
>>704041 mentioned while offering hard drugs and dick pics to minors waiting for them to turn 18 so they can join their bdsm furry polycule.
>>704694What the fuck is this freak's problem?
>idk what's all this talk about rape and sexual assault I've enjoyed all the times I've experienced it!!!Literal coomer troon brain at work.
No. 705656
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I love when Twitter users overthink even the most mundane thing. This doesn't compare to the "As aN ItaLiAn AmEriCan, AmOnG uS Is a MaFiA MoCKerY" But it get pretty close.
No. 705955
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>>705656Those tweets are literal schizo tier, holy shit
No. 705974
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SJW twitter really writes long ass threads about the most irrelevant shit No. 706064
>>705974Jesus christ, being a polyglot is
problematic nowadays as long as you're white. It just amazes me that these people truly find the negatives to anything. People interested in languages are always encouraged by their peers to research on the history and culture of the country, it's basically the norm
No. 706271
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SJWs nitpicking Wonder Woman 1984 for not “accurately representing” every fucking ethnic group on the planet.
Oh and some BS about Gal Gadot being an evil Israeli military shill sprinkled in for good measure… No. 706460
>>706193It's usually either 2nd gen SEA immigrants who are insecure about not being one of the "cool Asians" or Chinese kids who got ostracized by the mainland branch at family gatherings for not being fluent in Chinese. The latter ones know they're the "American cousin" for the rest of the family so they spend their time making angry Youtube videos about "white ppl" liking Mulan to cope with it. And once in a while you come across a well-off Taiwanese who just drank the college SJW discourse kool aid.
>>706278Yeah exactly this. Asian parents can get so bitter about their kids speaking English better than their own language and create this huge issue with insecurity.
No. 706983
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I know that the Smash community has its problems, but it looks like if this person is just bringing up "Pedophilia" to cope for being bad at the game.
No. 706990
File: 1609571943722.jpg (279.53 KB, 841x630, for_you.jpg)

>>706983this is insane, like every college has a smash club. so many normies play that game. as usual, this person needs to log off. definitely a cope.
reposting to add, what even is the correlation between "pedophile" and the rest of the tweet? This person is deranged. it's like they're using it as a generic insult a la "retard." Guess that is what happens in a community of gen Zs flinging pedo accusations all day, I wonder if it will become like "retard" on twitter
No. 707616
File: 1609690293180.jpg (Spoiler Image,809.58 KB, 598x3448, broitsbeans.jpg)

I'm putting it as a spoiler image cause the image is long. This thread is blowing up this morning. Some fucking weirdo would not help his daughter with opening a can of beans, wax poetics and tires to make it into a story of self reliance and people are annoyed with him.
No. 707706
>>707664What an insufferable snotbag. Imagine knowing that your child is hungry and letting her wait six hours for baked beans. He could have just explained the parts to her, showed her how to use it and thrown in a few "there are no superfluous parts" if he need to satiate his need to flex on a child.
She didn't have a "lack of perseverance" - the kid tried for hours! She had a lack of education, which he could have given her at any time. She would still have developed the understanding and the skill, but in roughly 5 and a half less hours.
No. 707725
File: 1609700694973.png (34.94 KB, 582x291, apocalypse.PNG)

>>707616He's trying so hard to excuse his behavior. It wasn't like his daughter had ate before trying to open the baked beans, she was already hungry when she started trying to open the can so clearly the time between meals was already up. He could've easily just made her something else to eat while she tried to open the can instead depriving her of food for 6 hours and using her hunger as "motivation". What a shitty father.
No. 708132
>>707616>>707725>In 2021, Roderick attracted controversy after posting a Twitter thread that went viral about preventing his 9-year-old daughter from eating until she learned to use a can opener.[18][19] The incident caused controversial past tweets to resurface in which Roderick used antisemitic language, the n-word, rape jokes, and pejoratives.[20] Some, such as Ken Jennings and Michael Ian Black, defended Roderick, the latter writing that "old tweets are obviously jokes, not proof of any abhorrent beliefs".[20][21] As his tweets continued to go viral, many users on Twitter began to refer to Roderick by the nickname "Bean Dad".[22] By January 3, 2021, his Twitter account had been deleted.[23][24] Following the controversy the podcast My Brother, My Brother and Me announced it would no longer be using Roderick's music on the show.[24] lel
No. 709281
File: 1609943516607.jpeg (87.54 KB, 828x314, B79D2E3D-2A05-4340-BAC8-6DC5F9…)

the comments under this tweet are a dumpster fire. so much narcissism, entitlement and self-pitying over nothing. No. 709310
File: 1609947006259.jpeg (172.53 KB, 518x913, EDC354C2-F023-40E8-A881-06C318…)

>>709281The comments… I don’t understand. Didn’t the whole “gay smol nb bean uwu” baby talk start with people writing that shit in their bios? People trying to parrot it back to them and they get attacked kek.
> I WILL FUCK YOUR DADThese people are seriously unhinged.
No. 709395
>>709310How the turns have tabled, now they’re mad because they’re buried in the hole they made for themselves, didn’t enbies and the other gender special wanted to be the
smol baby uwu owo beanie bean beens they kept pushing down people’s throats?
I wonder what was the thing that actually
triggered them enough to complain about the baby talk.
No. 709654
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I always cringe when I see this type of post on twitter "something bad is happening in america rn so white people should give us free money"
No. 709658
>>709654I kinda understand at least where they're coming from when its BLM related but like literally why do woke twitter
poc think every negative political event only affects them.
No. 709768
File: 1610029092485.jpeg (216.29 KB, 828x731, 0335717D-995B-4560-9101-04B9F9…)

>the likes and retweets
these people lack empathy to the point where they’d rather enclose themselves in an echo chamber and demonize anyone with conflicting views than have their black-and-white worldview challenged, because it’s easier to view everyone else as ebul villains than acknowledge the fact that the world isn’t divided into perfect morally upright heroes and cackling mustache-twirling bigots.
they’re like elementary-schoolers.
No. 709896
>>709885Sometimes people with certain political views tend to be racist/homophobic. Also whoever they support could spew racist/homophobic shit.
Imo, it's pretty clear that tweet and tweets like that aren't talking about minor differences in opinions, like some anons here are acting like it does, but shit like a
poc being friends with Trump supporters. Idk about you guys, but I would never want to be friends with people who support stuff that's against people like me. Anyway, no one is obligated to be friends with people they don't want to be friends with anyway. We all have ways of deciding who we want to associate with.
No. 709899
>>709896I know that, but that still doesn't necessarily boil down to political beliefs themselves. There are apolitical people who are racists/homophobes, it's not just about political differences, and I don't know why these people don't highlight THAT.
>Imo, it's pretty clear that tweet and tweets like that aren't talking about minor differences in opinions, like some anons here are acting like it does, but shit like a poc being friends with Trump supporters.I actually interpreted it the other way which is why I gave the input I did. I completely agree with you about Trump supporters and radical right extremists, and also agree that you don't have to be friends with anyone you don't want to.
No. 709909
>>709768It must suck being so unable to form meaningful relationships with others over political views.
But if the icon had a MAGA cap, everyone would flip their shit.
Good news! You can make friends even if they have different political views as long as they’re not assholes, it’s possible because most humans have personalities other than whatever they think about politics
No. 709982
>>709803>what does this even mean anon?People who are in a position where they can not be bothered by anyone's political views because they don't affect them (negatively). The rest of us are wary because you can't have certain political views without hating certain demographics. So it's easy to say "nazis are people too and they're nice" like no shit, they are nice
to you.
No. 710080
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Do you get thrown out of commie twitter if you're not a tranny or something?
No. 710142
>>710081Kek, apparently they are trying to erase that.
There's this one time, an it/its person on Tumblr made a post complaining, ending with a "-A lesbian". A girl commented to OP on a sort of mocking manner, staring the post with "Girl" as a way to call OP. And OP got into a breakdown saying "Girl is a binary term, lesbian isn't, read about it"
No. 710236
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Some kid tried to slander a genshin impact voice actor because he happened to like "incest" ship art of two male characters. A bunch of shit got thrown at him and he got harassed and called a pedophile and now people are trying to backpedal hard. Seriously, why is this shit allowed. Not only is the kid supremely retarded but also could have gotten sued over it.
No. 710318
>>709994get off your
victim complex, good Christ.
No. 710327
>>710318nta but easy to say its a
victim complex when youre the main person the internet constantly caters and makes their narrative around to
No. 710567
>>710399I'm not sure why you or other anons are so offended that some people want to create boundaries based off of legitimate concerns. I don't know why the other anon feels the way they do about moderates and I'm not going to assume where they are from or anything about them, but plenty of (especially self-proclaimed) moderates in burgerland (where I assume the original tweet is from) can hold racist/sexist/blah blah beliefs as well. Politics is not just opinions over if taxes should be allocated improving the roads.
Hell, if soome internet-addicted shut-in with some fringe leftist ideology wants to avoid people for not subscribing to the exact strain of retardation they do then who gives a shit? That is their problem. Shutting people out is at least not a boundary violation of others.
No. 711321
>>710243they sometimes say it's being a not-man who likes women (or other not-men?).
the absolute asspull that is this definition lmao. "not a man" you know there is already a single category for that…
No. 711379
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these idiots need to get some fresh air.
No. 712555
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No. 712561
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>>711869I always wonder how many of the twitter e-beggers are just lying. Retards will believe anything as long as you attach some tranny label to yourself and try to tick as many oppression box points as possible.
No. 712562
>>712555I will never stop saying how much I hate these people and how much we need a retard tax for retarded tweets.
Come on, Twitter! make people link their bank accounts to your platform and get a bunch of money out of their retarded takes.
No. 712832
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(ban evasion)
No. 712839
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>>712832oh YOOOHOO, Ladies!! m-my fellow preddy womens. Do I have a bit of camel toe? hmMMmmmnnnNNnn??
No. 713114
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Twitter kids.
No. 713137
>>713120I think that a NSFW artist draw some porn and someone replied by making fun of their mom.
Like you said, both sides are wrong, but I find funny how those kids would be having a breakdown if the same things were say to them.
No. 713148
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>>713137It wasn’t even porn, it was a dumbass comment.
No. 713161
>>713148Trying to understand this as someone not into anime:
> artist draws underage character and jokes about “lewds” (even though they’re not)> anime avatar minors with lack of critical thinking skills attack the artist despite the obvious joke and clearly marked 18+ account> unnecessary dead mom jokes > to be fair to the artist, they stayed relatively calm Is that it? These kids are insufferable.
No. 713226
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>>713216>i was one when that anime first came outwhy
No. 713250
>>713226we all make mistakes in life anon… for example I used to unironically like the monogatari series with no acknowledgement as to how much it pandered to coomers
unfortunately I still really like the story and some of the adult characters, wish you could remove the coomershit
No. 713980
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I like the idea of these kids thinking that they are intimidating but in real life they are too scared to talk to strangers.
No. 714004
>>713980how can they expect to intimidate anyone when they open like that.
>uhm…. yikes….uh oh you did a heckin wrongo!! all tumblr/twitter kids have the same energy it's unmistakable.
>>714003they get a thrill from the control it gives them. being awkward teens in real life, this is where they can exercise power as bullies instead of the bullied.
you mean giomis right the domino effect leading me to this thread began with
being on jojo twitter and leaving the whole site as it picked up
No. 714102
>>713916I've seen twitter kids claim they're Japanese gay men and try to lecture fujos on their evil fetishization of homosexuals. Of course no proof has to be provided, no selfies to verify their ethnicity, no proof of Japanese skills or anything sans really obvious google translated tweets. You're just supposed to entertain their lies or you're cancelled as a racist homotransphobe.
>>714025>>714080I've managed to get people like this temporarily banned for targeted harassment and violent threats and when they regain the control of their account they start sperging out about Twitter being whateverphobic for banning them. I'm sorry Aiden but telling someone to die and harassing their whole friend group over a fictional character isn't civilized behavior.
No. 714461
>>714164I do this as well and it's mildly frustrating how often I'll search a name after twitter updates me that they were breaking the rules to try and figure out who the fuck they were, and it'll come up with a new account where they're trying to get their followers back and don't seem to understand why their last account got nuked.
>"I've been messaging support but they won't respond and tell me why!"You had a long history of sending death threats to people over fictional characters and publically tweeting violent fantasies about hurting those people, figure it out yourself dumbshit.
Funny as fuck when they had a following over over a thousand and have managed to only gain 80 people back though. Makes me wonder how many people were afraid of unfollowing because it could make them a target and were relieved to see their twitter gone.
No. 714615
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>>714600>arguing with a one month old post>implying that anons anonymously venting in the vent thread is in any way comparable to cancelling someone IRLIs this satire?
No. 714625
>>714164Also make sure you search “bitch” “cunt” and “
No. 715053
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Looks like Shitter is down, kek
No. 715116
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>i see your parents have money, so i'll guilt you relentlessly for it since i'm unable to cope with my pathological narcissism
only on twitter stg
No. 715293
>>715289cannibalism is normal bro
fuck twitter
No. 716213
>>715259If it doesn't mention having already had a consultation, it's
not necessarily a scam but it is kinda sketch. Close your DMs to people who don't follow you if you haven't already.
No. 716524
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Ehh… I know that the Cartoon Network's Gender special comic was posted not so long ago and we had a similar discussion there, but what's going on with these TV networks (For children) pushing politics on their Twitter accounts?
This is from Nickelodeon's Official Twitter. Is an add about Trump and other political terms (Even ending with a little black girl saying "Actions have consequences"), and I wonder, do they really think kids are going to care about these political stuff?
No. 717637
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He's a porn account with +75k followers but it's like the 3rd time a gay dude I follow retweets him and i remember his existence. He also has a fetish for military men, am i crazy for thinking this is disgusting?
No. 717758
>>717637This is making me pink_panther_hates_gays.jpg
Gay men are largely disgusting and this is really the only place I can say it without being labeled a homophobe. The gay male community has a huge fetish for "straight" dudes and being better than their women uwu it's misogynistic and gross. That being said tho I think this is a larp, most of them have this fantasy but it's hard to believe a singular twink pulled like 6 straight men. Then again, lots of retarded dl dudes on grindr. Men ain't shit no matter their sexuality
No. 717915
>>717758 >Then again, lots of retarded dl dudes on grindrI had a roommate years ago who would show me grindr, so many married men or men with gfs openly saying they just want someone to meet up with to give them a quickie on their way to or from work. No need to even make excuses on where they went, they just fit it into their normal schedule like that and the gf will never know.
There was something like equal parts 'attached straights' vs gays on the app in my city at that time
No. 718556
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I hate LGBT Twitter and I hate Corpsehusband stans. Two insufferable groups for the price of one.
No. 718569
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Whenever I see this trend my eyes roll into the back of my skull.
No. 718633
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>>718603anons using the iOS applet by the looks of it but the safari version of Twitter also has a trending tab, although not every hashtag has an explanation under it
No. 718754
>>718746Errrrrrrrrr what’s with the interrogation?
No ones outraged a terrorist ass organisation is linking its way with the government?
Then again this IS lolcow
No. 720129
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I hate this so much
No. 721109
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Can Twitter just ban all this degen shit? I’m tired of trying to see wholesome tweets and being sucked into the rabbit hole of fucked up hardcore porn and OF pickme whores who think this is empowering . I hate how desensitized I am to fucked up pornography due to being exposed at this shit since I was 14. Mini rant sorry but god I wish Twitter just banned this already.