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No. 66560
>>66548>Come on. Women dating black men doesn't mean that they despise white guys. Once you go black, etc.
Most don't have an active disdain, but want nothing to do with them afterwards because white men are boring and beta in comparison. Not to mention much worse in bed according to many women I've seen post on this site and others. So yes, I do feel inferior to nonwhites because it's been hammered into me by women I've interacted with online and irl
I didn't think my post earlier was a rant either. I'm not hysterically venting. I'm fine with this; I've stopped caring
Just explaining the truth to this.
No. 66561
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>tfw no gf
No. 66566
>>66560This sounds like a "you" problem and not a "them" problem. I don't believe that every white woman you know refuses to date white men. You're the one who believes in a cliche (once you go black you never go back).
They aren't dating black men at you. Has anyone ever looked you in the eye and actually said "I hate dating white men. They are inferior."? Because this sounds like you're projecting a narrative that's in your own head.
Like I said in the previous robot thread, you can replace "black men" with "chad" in your post, and it is indistinguishable from the routine "its society's problem! Life is stacked against me" trp speech that they use to explain every negative event in their life.
No. 66574
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For fucks sake enough with the cuck shit already.
No. 66575
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Someone want to take a crack at explaining the Robot Obsession Cycle ?
No. 66623
>>66621This is in America btw
In case you're basing your own beliefs off Europe. Although I've actually heard it's worse in Europe in this regard, but there are just less of them so they have to settle for white men until more immigrants come
No. 66624
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Gonna go to taco bell to get lunch
Hopefully the cashier I think is qt is there
No. 66631
>>66623>nonwhite>have seen no evidence of this in the USI'm pretty sure girls just don't like you and troll you to get you out of their face.
They'll always jump on Chad, white or not
No. 66637
>>66621I'm brown but I come from a suburban town where 90% of the people are white. So naturally all of my girlfriends are white and I have never, ever, seen this before. Most of my girlfriends prefer to date white guys and don't post online about black cock and mixed babies. The ones who do post that shit are probably thots.
Idk what planet you're from but women always talk about men we don't like being ugly, short, having a micropenis, etc. From my experience, the majority of tiny penis jokes are usually aimed at asians.
It really just sounds like the girls you're approaching don't like you. Speaking from personal experience, a lot of us will say we're into girls or non-whites to stop a guy from creeping on us…
No. 66668
>>66621Lol I just don't believe this.
I mean unless they knew you were kind of racist so they said it to make sure you would fuck off forever.
No. 66670
>>66621are you delusional?
if this is real i agree with
>>66668, and people probably because you were racist
No. 66672
>>66621>high school>asked out three girlsThree whole girls, eh? And some Facebook posts from high school?
Well that's enough evidence to convince me. Brb dedicating my life to sex tourism.
No. 66674
>>66670He also mentioned high school.
A lot of robots complaints (especially about women) center around high school. They're either super young or they haven't matured since then.
No. 66680
>>66677Okay so you really don't have much evidence that the women in your city don't date white men, do you?
You haven't tried since high school, and you only asked out 4 girls in total.
It sounds like those 4 girls just didn't want to date you, and you're projecting a narrative that its obvs because you're a pasty whitey, and not because of some personal, yet fixable flaw.
No. 66710
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>she gives chad head
>you piss in her bed
No. 66711
>>66681Just how badly did you misinterpret my posts? I dont care at all. I'm just stating the fact that they generally only date people who arent white
I'm not complaining and I dont see a problem with it. It just sucks for me
No. 66712
>>66680They literally said they dont date white guys
I'd say me being white is a large factor in this. Then a bunch of girls I didnt ask out say the same thing irl and all over their social media. It's a common occurrence
No. 66713
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If I convert to Islam will that make me "exotic" enough so girls will date me even though I'm white?
No. 66722
>>66713Should work tbh
I'm real Muslim and have slept with a lot of girls at my university who are curious
No. 66743
>>66712So the women in your city just walk around chanting "no white guys! No white guys!"? Like, how does this even come up IRL? You say you didn't ask them out…so how did the topic of dating criteria even come up?
I mean you just said you asked out 4 women in total, in your entire life. How could you possibly know the dating standards of the women around you?
No. 66745
>>66711So you're just whining about it?
Why do you think we even care? Why even bring it up?
No. 66748
>>66738>Nobody wants oppressive tiny dick.Oppressive big dick is what women lust after the most though right?
>>66745Nah I'm just kinda pissed you guys are dismissing my posts
This is a robot thread and I was blogposting
My bad
>>66743>So the women in your city just walk around chanting "no white guys! No white guys!"?Not chanting obviously, but they do base a lot of their personality around it in my experiences. It's cool and trendy I among young women I guess you could say. They want to be cool and white men aren't cool and are seen as sticks in the mud, so then you get this.
>How could you possibly know the dating standards of the women around you?They talk about it a lot. Also, you can just look at who is dating who and make a good judgement for yourself. I blame social media for the boycott of white men we're seeing tbh.
No. 66751
>>66748So you're basically just seeing strangers holding hands and projecting a narrative about their dating preferences.
Do you think a white woman dating a black man means she hates white men?
I think you are projecting your own insecurities on people. You said you stopped trying with women after rejections in high school, so you can't be the expert in women's preferences that you think you are.
No. 66752
File: 1454821882199.jpg (34.24 KB, 413x594, photo_2015-06-17_23-39-33.jpg)

/comfy/ tonight buds
Hot coco and video games
>>66751>So you're basically just seeing strangers holding hands and projecting a narrative about their dating preferences.Yes? That's pretty indicative of who they like to date. Also them posting on social media about how shit white guys are and how much better Arab/Latino/Black dick is. I feel like you're trying to make me seem butthurt when I'm not in the slightest tbh
>Do you think a white woman dating a black man means she hates white men? I mean, it does mean they don't want to date white men. The thing I've noticed is that white women can't just date men from another race, but they have to mention that they're in an interracial relationship all the time and put down white guys in the process. Not all though, but a pretty huge chunk
>You said you stopped trying with women after rejections in high school, so you can't be the expert in women's preferences that you think you are.I know enough to know I'm not the preference. The darker the skin tone the more masculine and desirable you are to women. I'm white, enough said.
I tried one other time after high school which I've mentioned before and she just ignored me. I don't beat myself up any of these rejections either because it woke me up.
No. 66753
>>66748>kind of pissed you guys are dismissing my postsOkay, so what do you want us to do with the information you've provided? What do you want us to do about your inferiority complex about being white?
>cool and trendy with young womenAnd young women in this thread are saying they don't believe you. You admitted you don't have much experience with women, so how could you know so much about their dating preferences?
No. 66756
>>66753>And young women in this thread are saying they don't believe youI haven't seen any posts in this thread arguing against this happening. More like people just saying I'm "dumb" for not bothering trying to compete with nonwhites. I'm just sitting on the sidelines and I'm fine with that
>You admitted you don't have much experience with women, so how could you know so much about their dating preferences?…
I feel like we're just talking in a big circle here. Sure I haven't dated a woman, but that's largely because I'm white. I have a pretty good handle on their dating preferences from interaction with women over the years
>>66754White men are seen as ugly and effeminate by women
I am White
Enough said
No. 66757
>>66752Again, this is a "you" problem. You're the one who thinks if a woman is dating a black guy that she hates white guys. Like wat?
If I eat an apple, do I hate oranges?
No. 66758
A video for your viewing pleasure
No video similar to this exists for white men and there's a reason for that.
>>66755I don't have any anxieties though and I'm not "inventing" stories. Women SAY they won't date white guys. There's not much to invent here
>>66757>You're the one who thinks if a woman is dating a black guy that she hates white guysDo any of you have any semblance of reading comprehension? This is ridiculous
I answered this several times. That is not the case
No. 66759
>>66756Naw man. No one believes you here.
Again, this is the classic robot set of excuses: "feeeemales only like [chad, tall men, black men, etc] and that is something I can never be. Life is so unfair!"
I think you find comfort in this train of thought, because not only does it explain your bad luck with women, but it also absolves you of any responsibility. I mean, its not like you can change your race, just like you can't will yourself to be taller, or morph into Chad. You feel like we're going in circles, because your complaints with women are circular: women don't like me - because their preferences are too rigid and impossible to meet - so they can't like me - but I can't improve - because their preferences are too rigid and impossible to meet - so they don't like me - and I don't try anymore - because their preferences are too rigid and impossible to meet- etc etc etc
No. 66760
>>66758Wait but we were talking about the women in your city, who you have experience with, hating white guys.
Do you know these women? Is this your community?
No. 66762
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Done with my Coco
Shower time
I'll be back in like 10 min I think
>>66759I am going in circles because you all keep asking the same questions and making the same "points" one after the other. This is a very real thing and there's not much I can do about it. I'm not complaining though. I just jack off and do my own thing. Would I like a gf? Sure. But not if it means I'll get cucked after a month which I would
>>66760>Wait but we were talking about the women in your cityI've lived in several places in my life and found this to be true in all of them.
These women are just examples showing that you're all full of shit tbh
>>66761Think of it as a complementary video to my life experiences. I never said my knowledge was based off of this. It's not even a prank video though lol. Prank has lost all meaning as of late tbh
Kinda funny
No. 66764
>>66762It is a prank video! The guy says "prank" like 45 times in the intro!
Are you the autistic guy from the last thread who posted a 4chan link as proof of women hating white dudes? Because I'm starting to notice a trend.
No. 66765
>>66762>Would I like a gf? Sure. But not if it means I'll get cucked after a month which I wouldSo its like
>>66759 said: it is the perfect excuse for your lack of success with women, and takes away any responsibility for you to work on yourself (I'd like a gf but I'd just get cucked by the sexy blacks, so I actually don't want one). It is a self-sustaining inferiority complex.
No. 66767
>>66766It isn't significant if he's going to claim that all the women he knows hate white men.
Three high school girls isn't representative of the population. Sorry.
No. 66770
>>66769Its actually really sad. I couldn't imagine being so insecure that I could say all the men in my city won't date me because I'm white.
Like, clearly this robot is perfect dating material, in a universal way…if only he wasn't a whitey white white! Then he'd have five whole girlfriends or something. His ONLY flaw and undatable quality is his whiteness. He saw it in a YouTube video.
No. 66772
>>66764The /soc/ one?
Yes that was me
>>66763Can you please explain to me how I'm wrong?
>>66765What else can I do? I fell for working out and getting fit meme.
>but I'd just get cucked by the sexy blacksSo you admit you prefer blacks? At least we're getting somewhere
Also to clarify, I'm not just talking about white women overwhelmingly preferring blacks. This goes for Arabs and Latinos too. You're all just making assumptions
>>66767>Three high school girls isn't representative of the population. Sorry.…
I've mentioned quite a lot I've seen this with hundreds of women
I'm just saying I'd have a better shot. I'm well aware I'm not a perfect man.
No. 66773
>>66772Okay so you're autistic, so maybe you aren't the most reliable source about the nuances of social interaction.
I knew it was you, because you also seemed to take that /soc/ link at face value. I was being sarcastic when I said "sexy, sexy blacks". I was mocking you. Maybe that's also evidence that you can't pick up on some of the nuances of social interaction.
If you're already at a disadvantage with social situations, then how can you possibly trust your judgments on the relationships of strangers that you see on the street? You admitted that you think if a woman dates a black man that it means she wouldn't date a white man. How could you possibly know that without talking to her? How could you, an autistic person who puts weight on YouTube prank videos, possibly guess about her personal preferences with any accuracy? You can't even tell when I'm mocking you!
I think you display linear thinking, and you arrogantly and ironically assume things about women, based on dubious sources like fucking 4chan posts.
No. 66774
>>66772>seen with hundreds of womenYou mean you've seen strangers holding hands with black men, and assumed they wouldn't date a white man in the future?
Or do you mean from 4chan posts?
No. 66775
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Man this election season just cracks me up. It keeps me occupied at least. Fucking hell
It's really memetastic, but I don't actually like any of the candidates' policies of either party. They're just funny. I'll go for the meme vote with Trump I think. Fug every laugh though
>>66773I'm not autistic first off
No need to throw out insults. I've been civil
>You admitted that you think if a woman dates a black man that it means she wouldn't date a white man. How could you possibly know that without talking to her?Because I've asked and seen them make posts stating that exact thing? I've been over this a lot. They say nonwhites only openly. Also the whole once you go black saying which is pretty true.
Anyways if my only chance with a white woman is after she wants to settle down after being on a dick carousel from 16-29 I'll pass. My plan is to just go to SEA once I hurt 30 to at least get sex and stuff out of the way to satisfy my curiosity.
>>66774I don't take 4chan posts too seriously. I'm talking about personal experiences here.
No. 66776
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>A 23-year-old University of Washington student is facing felony harassment and cyberstalking charges after police say he threatened to kill women at the school and "execute the same thing" as Elliot Rodger
>Police were tipped off to Keshav Bhide's YouTube videos and Google+ postings, in which Bhide praised Rodger and talked about his own plans, and arrested him in Seattle Saturday with the help of the FBI, KIRO-TV reports. "I am the next Elliot Rodger and guess what I’ll do the right thing this time," Bhide allegedly wrote, according to the Raw Story.
>Like Rodger, Bhide ranted against women in his online messages, but he allegedly said that unlike Rodger, he would "make sure I kill only women." No. 66780
>>66776Hahaha oh jesus
>>66777Yes but I fail to see a thread of women talking about their preferences is autistic
I don't care about virginity at all
I'd only have an issue if she had some ridiculous amount of past lovers (20+)
What gives you that idea? Why the fuck would I go to SEA in search of a virgin lol
No. 66782
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>>66776And here are some of his posts. Wtf is wrong with short men?
No. 66783
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No. 66784
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No. 66785
>>66780It is relevant because autistic people don't understand social interactions very well. They can misunderstand things like sarcasm and facial expressions.
This put you at a disadvantage towards actually understanding other people. If you biologically have difficulty with social interaction, how could you possibly be such an ~expert in women and their dating criteria?
No. 66787
Anyways recommend music please
>>66782>>66783I'll never understand people who think they can get away with posting this on social media kek
>>66781Fucked this correction up too
Jeez I'm fucked up rn
>>66785Because I'm not autistic? That's like me assuming everyone here is a landwhale sjw because it's comprised of women
Don't make assumptions
No. 66792
>>66790Oh I skimmed over the autistic part
I linked the thread though that is true
But I don't see how linking a thread of women talking about their preferences in dating and fucking is autistic in any way
No. 66793
>>66792You know that a lot of those posts are made by trolls who are looking to upset people like you, right?
Like its a fucking anonymous message board. It is made for shitposting. Do you honestly think it is representative of the population? You really take it at face value?
No. 66794
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serious, robots should just fuck off to china
>I'm a chink and I really prefer you taking all our women than shitting up this board with your whining
No. 66795
>>66793I'd think so if it was on another board I'd be a bit skeptical
/soc/ is full of women so idk why they'd lie
Even if that thread was all fabrications my life experiences would still trump it
>>66794Asian women are loyal to asian men though with the exception of prostitutes in SEA
You don't see Asian women in videos like
>>66758 talking about how shit Asian men are. I'm a bit jealous tbh
No. 66796
>>66794They're just so…sad
Like throw my laptop into the sea if I ever start referencing YouTube prank videos as evidence of the conspiracy about my dating failures.
Could you evvenn imagine:
>I'm scared of white guys>I saw a YouTube video of one of them jumping into someone's car "pretending" to be a confused uber customer>this is proof that white guys get easily confused and disoriented. They are completely unpredictable. It is a FACT.>this is why I don't date them. They are too confused to know if they want me anyway No. 66799
>>66796What are you even talking about? You're discrediting the video because it has "prank" in the title? It's just a survey of random white women and literally every single one in the video thinks white guys are shit
You guys are really going through mental gymnastics to argue against this
>>66798>How do you know /soc/ is full of women?Because they camwhore all the time? That's the point of the board.
>aybe they'd lie because they think its fun to make people like you more insecureI'm not insecure though. Why do you keep insulting and making assumptions about me?
No. 66802
>>66799>its a surveyOne of those prank surveys? On the beach?
Everyone in it could have been actresses! Is the youtuber a scientist or something?
Do you always use YouTube videos to explain society?
No. 66805
Have you read any of my posts
I have hundreds of irl experiences for this.
No. 66807
>>66799Well I saw it in a prank video. And it clearly demonstrated that white guys get easily confused.
And you already said you are white, so I bet this whole conversation has been very confusing for you.
No. 66808
>>66804I'm so sorry. You're right that has never happened with a YouTube prank video before
They are basically scientific studies on YouTube.
No. 66809
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>>66795>Asian women are loyal to asian men though with the exception of prostitutes in SEAIf you go to China, you better know how to swim because you'll drown in asian pussy
No. 66813
>>66804You're the one who literally thinks that if a woman dates a black man that she wouldn't date a white man…
You're the delusional one.
No. 66814
>>66808Most women I know I have seen saying those things irl without a camera
>>66807I really am not following what you're trying to say
>>66809I really fucking doubt that
When I was in university the fob asian women would not so much as look at any non-asian man
You're falling for memes bud. That's not the reality. Asian women are pretty conservative and want people of their own race. I'm happy for you and all the other asian guys for this, but it does kinda suck for me. I'd be perfectly okay with this if the circle of cuck meme were reality. The ideal would be all the white women go for black men, asian women for white men, and black women for asian men
But in reality it's white women going for black men, asian women going for asian mean, and black women going for black men
Notice how we're kind of left out of this
>>66810Well, the 3 girls I asked out ALL said they don't date white guys. These girls I didn't perceive as slutty or anything either. I just thought they were qt and had classes with them.
Then girls I just had in classes would talk about it with their friends and it's hard not to overhead.
>>66811Most are fake tbh
This one is really believable and they have no reason to pay the women. This just shows how out of touch you all are really. You can't see women saying those things on camera? I've heard women say this irl without a camera pointed at their face
>>66812Overhearing classmates, looking at coworkers/classmates social media, etc
>>66813Just saying from my experiences that doesn't happen
Once you go black, etc
No. 66815
File: 1454827791101.jpg (6.82 KB, 257x159, harold-shipman.jpg)

>lolcow comes into surgery
>wants robots gone
>give it a lethal dose of morphine instead
No. 66817
>>66816shipman is a legend
any robot would admire his work so he is now a meme
No. 66820
File: 1454828182755.jpg (316.24 KB, 1280x544, [Coalgirls]_Evangelion_3.33.0_…)

Comfy night
No. 66821
>>66814"I'd be perfectly okay with this if the circle of cuck meme were reality. The ideal would be all the white women go for black men, asian women for white men, and black women for asian men
But in reality it's white women going for black men, asian women going for asian mean, and black women going for black men"
>the cirlcle of cuck >weird idea of pairing society based on raceWhat does this all mean???? Why is your weird.combo the ideal? Why wouldn't the ideal just be people getting together with others who make them happy?
No. 66823
>>66821>Why wouldn't the ideal just be people getting together with others who make them happy?I never said the circle of cuck was the end all ideal, but it was a hope I had for a while
And your ideal is simply impossible and ignores a lot of factors
No. 66829
Everyone settles when it comes to marriages
The typical western marriage now is a women sleeps around all through her teen years to late 20s then marries the nerd she wouldn't look at because he has money
>>66826>>66825Basically most white women prefer black men now so the hope among many people is that there would be a sort of circle that would result in everyone getting a qt. Black women would feel left out because of black men all hitching up with white women so they'd go to Asian men and in effect the asian women would go en masse to white men. Obviously not the case now and white men are just left out
>>66827I'm saying your color blind love dream utopia is impossible. Women pay attention to race, a lot.
No. 66835
>>66833>conspiracyI feel like I'm talking to a collective wall here
Why the fuck can't you all just admit to this? I know you see it
No. 66839
>>66830What is wrong with a therapist?
You would probably benefit a lot from seeing one. You have a very skewed view of people.
No. 66841
>>66839Are you the same person calling me autistic?
>>66840I came up with the circle of cuck theory/ideal myself tbh
And will you stop with the "youre basing this entirely off of youtube" meme?
I have a lot of irl experience with this
>>66838Open your eyes and go outside
I don't know of any other advice I can give
No. 66846
>>66841Anyways I'd wager figures of about 80% for each group
I'd say that's accurate for white women now, but all that needs the circle to get going is for Asian men to start going for black women and it'll all work out
>>66843>destructive thoughtsNo they're not. You guys are kind of riling me up a bit because you're all playing dumb here and it's getting on my nerves tbh. But I'll reiterate, I don't care about any of this. It's just the way things are and I can't do anything about it. I've resigned myself to just do my own thing
>>66845Hardly odd. I have actual odd theories and thoughts but those arent relevant to the discussion right now
No. 66848
>>66846Nobody is playing dumb. You seriously have a messed up view of the world.
>I don't care about any of thisYet the shitposting about black men will continue.
No. 66850
>>66848You guys were the ones who brought it around to black men. I'm talking about nonwhites in general, but you keep bringing it back to blacks which shows your obvious preference.
I know a lot of white girls who only date Indians as an example
No. 66851
>>66846I think these thoughts are destructive. You are obviously extremely insecure so fixating on balancing society through arbitrary pairing based on ethnicity is only going to feed your insecurities.
You're creating a self fulling prophecy to explain why you'll never get a gf. You won't try because you're white, so you're never going to succeed anyway. You say you don't care, then why are you trying so hard to convince us? What do you want us to do with this information? Pat you on the head and tell you that you cracked the secrets of the universe?
No. 66856
>>66852I mean by this that I don't care about race when it comes to dating. But it does matter to them all because white men are seen as subhuman by not just white women, but every woman
No. 66859
>>66856Okay I'll just elaborate on this
For nonwhite women they come in a few different groups when it comes to dating preferences
1. Butthurt and hate white men because colonialism and such. Obviously not going to date whites
2. Wants to piss off parents and be rebellious. Obviously not going to date white guys here
3. Values own heritage and culture and only dates people of the same background. No whitey there either
No. 66861
>>66858I mean it's possible
I doubt it now though
No. 66862
>>66860I actually don't know what lookism is
Is it a pua site? I don't go to those
No. 66867
>>66856ye this sissy whyte boi noes how it is
he is subhuman compared to all mighty bbc
thinkin im shitpostin when im spreading the good news
No. 66869
>>66864Okay I doubt it's real after thinking about it
But it's not out of the question that black people post here you know?
No. 66871
Why do you guys always minimize my sample size? I'm basing this off of every woman I've interacted with which is far more than the 4 I've asked out. Hearing from other people, observing people in class/work.
Quit dismissing all my claims so you don't have to admit the truth here
No. 66873
>>66869Fuck man. The fact that you can't tell if your being trolled tells me that you don't have a good handle on social interactions.
See a shrink.
No. 66876
>>66873I'm just tired
I thought about it more and ya it's a shitpost
No. 66877
>>66869oh it's real nigga it's real
don't b doubtin we here cuz we takin yo women everywhere
No. 66879
Go to black twitter lol
Do you really think many don't talk like that?
No. 66881
>>66878How though? What's your issue with it?
All I've gotten here instead of arguments and debates is just people calling me autistic
I haven't heard anything that would negate my theories/experiences
No. 66884
>>66883Insults again
and I'm anything but naive. I know how things work. Not just in regards to this
No. 66885
>>66871Dude, even if you have interacted with more than 4 women, that is still a pretty small sample size to judge the whole female population.
It isn't "white men" that these women don't want to date.
>>66873The guy uses Youtube and /soc/ as proof of his circle cuck theories. Of course he will taking trolling at face value.
No. 66886
>>66881Its because I'm not a mental health professional, and if you're at a point in your life where you're creating terms for your own theories ("circle of cuck"), then there is nothing I can say to make you stop.
People are trying to point out you lack the experience and sample size to have created an elaborate theory like this, and have it be credible in any way.
No. 66888
>>66856not gonna lie "all women see white men as subhuman" is pretty delusional.
i mean, have you considered this is like, a self-fulfilling prophecy?
like maybe your weird beliefs about other people and your assumption that they hate you based on your identity might make it harder to have successful relationships?
I mean, how is anyone even supposed to argue with you here? Have you noticed that the vast majority of white women are dating white men? Cause that's kind of a thing. I'm not sure how white men are getting cucked here when they seem to have pretty much the best dating prospects of any race statistically speaking.
and frankly white dudes seem to fantasize about black cocks more than white women.
No. 66891
>>66886>>66885>People are trying to point out you lack the experience and sample size-__________________-
How many times do I have to say this
I'm not solely basing this off of the 4 girls I've asked out. Faaaaar from that
Are you all secretly walls?
No. 66892
>>66891You also saw it in social media posts and in a YouTube video. We know.
What do you want us to do with that information?
No. 66895
>>66888>Have you noticed that the vast majority of white women are dating white men?Not
This is a minority from what I've seen
>I'm not sure how white men are getting cucked here when they seem to have pretty much the best dating prospects of any race Oh yes, okcupid meme charts. Post away
Do you also believe /pol/ mspaint infographs?
>and frankly white dudes seem to fantasize about black cocks more than white women.Again
You're bringing it around to black guys even though I'm talking about nonwhites in general
White women are fucking obsessed and surely have a monopoly on those fantasies lol
>>66892Just admin I'm on to something here instead of playing dumb would be nice
>>66893>So you base your views on shit you see on the Internet?WALL
I went through 12 years of public school and 2 years of uni. I have interacted with a lot of women irl and I also see what they post on social media
No. 66898
>>66896Do you read my posts? Just quit playing dumb and ignorant would be a start
No. 66901
>>66898Are you suuuuuuure it is a shitpost?
I mean are you really sureeeeeee?
No. 66903
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>>66899>delusions>therapy>autisticYou're killing me here
Stop insulting me too please
No. 66904
>>66902>You really have a messed up view of women and relationshipsI know it's not politically correct or whatever
An uncomfortable truth I guess you could say
But I have a lot of evidence backing up the truth for this
Pretty sure
No. 66905
>>66903Those aren't insults. You have shown difficulty identifying when you're being trolled, you have your own terms for your own theories, and you started dropping them without any explanation! Like you just started posting about the "circle of cuck" as if we knew what the fuck you were talking about! That tells me that you probably think that everyone thinks like you.
And they don't.
No. 66907
>>66903You need to accept that not everyone is going to believe you.
We certainly don't. Make peace with that and move on.
No. 66908
>>66905>That tells me that you probably think that everyone thinks like you.Not at all. Most people are ignorant to the reality of many aspects of life and the universes
I'm not saying I'm some super genius, but I'm more aware than most I think.
With the circle of cuck I thought it was pretty self explanatory
Also all great philosophers coin their own theories/schools of thought. Are they delusional/autistic too?
>>66906Hundreds of girls
In multiple places
Not to mention all the evidence online
Nothing will convince you. You have your head in the sand
>>66907Ok. What do you want to talk about now? I'm beginning to see there's no getting through to you all. Heads in the sand
No. 66909
>>66908Do you see yourself as having a secret truth about the world?
Do you see yourself as a great philosopher?
No. 66911
>>66908>philosophersSo are your theories what you truly think or are they simply your philosophy?
If you're trying to argue that your theories are sociological truths then you're shit out of luck.
If this is a personal theory, then whatever dude. Just don't shoot up a school or anything.
No. 66915
>>66908>Most people are ignorant to the reality of many aspects of life and the universesAnd somehow you are the great enlightened one in the masses of brainless sheeple?
This is literally euphoric fedora-tier speech, holy shit.
No. 66916
>>66909Do you guys mind if I switch topics? You already all think I'm weird so I kind of want to talk about things I only have tried talking about on chans, but people never take it seriously because I can't explain it well. Start over?
Like, actual stuff that has made me want to find someone and talk it over with them because I know it's different
This whole relationship talk is going nowhere
>>66913How can they believe it if they've never been confronted about it?
No. 66918
>>66895>Just admin I'm on to something here instead of playing dumb would be nicedude pls
people are taking issue with your posts because your beliefs are really out there.
like not at all in line with anyone else's personal experiences.
yes, you've interacted with women and seen them exist on social media. so has everyone.
anyways check this:
i'm sure you'll attack the source but srsly. no gender disparity in interracial marriage for white people and only 7% total.
93% is a big number so the odds are pretty good for you. but it will get a lot smaller if you hold delusional beliefs about women in general.
No. 66919
>>66917Speaking of /pol/ graphs
There's nothing wrong with white women dating them
It just kinda sucks to be white when this is the case
No. 66921
>>66918>marriageI've been over this
White women DO settle for white men once they hit their late 20s because they're nerds and have money
Before that though is when they wont give them the time of day
No. 66922
>>66920I'm trying to change topics
Please stop
No. 66923
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>>66919you basically asked for it, homie
No. 66928
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>>66927cuckoldry or something
No. 66930
>>66928A family…who adopted black children???
NoOOOoOoooOOOooooOOoo the horrorrrrrrr
No. 66931
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>>66929what part of /b/ - random don't you understand?
No. 66932
As of the past few years I've been grappling with two very different world views. When I walk through a busy street I just feel all over my body that it just isn't fucking real. Everything is just off…
Like a hyper realistic dream. I see drunks and people partying and laughing and I just wonder to myself if they're even real. I feel like in this worldview I was put on this Earth because I was different and have a purpose
My other theory I alternate to is that we're all on set paths and that free will is hardly real. I'll use an example from last night. I take midnight strolls a lot because I like the fresh air. I was thinking of all the things I THOUGHT I could do, but I knew I would just keep walking and do nothing of note. I wondered if I was even able to deviate from the path I was on. I wondered if I was actually allowed to deviate in this life. Like if I was to hit a man who I walked by with a brick would the reality shatter or pause or what?
Anyways I'm no philosopher and I don't know what to make of all this. But my general feeling is that a. my body is just a vessel so to speak b. I just feel in my gut nothing is real
I suck at explaining but I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at. Does anyone else feel this way?
>>66927It's just self righteous liberal white woman shit
No. 66935
>>66933The guy dumping pics isn't the guy who has been in this thread all night (me) My post is this
>>66932I'm done talking about it
No. 66937
>>66936It's just annoying to me
Not really enraged. I'm apathetic about most things in general though
I feel like a modern day hermit tbh
No. 66940
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>>66936who will pay for her children?
No. 66941
>>66921some men have money. your average man, however, is not that rich, white or otherwise.
beyond that, interest in money would suggest that women would marry asians, who have higher median incomes. and are also definitely nerdier.
most people marry fairly early. they tend to also marry people they date, frequently in college.
somewhere around a quarter of women who are married have only slept with their husband(s).
srsly though I'm trying to help you here. your beliefs are unreasonable and will make it increasingly difficult for you to have any successful relationship with any woman. they won't start wanting to date you when you get older, you're actually going to need to figure out your damn personal issues if you want to not fucking die alone.
No. 66943
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>white boys can't compete with this
No. 66944
>>66940Herself and the father(s).
If she is unfit, then the state.
No. 66947
>>66939I didn't post it
I have a serious issue with mirrors that a lot of people find funny and weird
I haven't seen my own reflection since October last year if you can believe it
No. 66950
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No. 66952
>>66920This is why nobody likes robots.
You look at a picture of fucking chocolate covered bananas and immediately start fantasizing about black dicks
Like for fucks sake there is something seriously wrong with you if that actually bothers you
No. 66961
>>66955Did looking in the mirror make you feel scared?
Did you hallucinate in your reflection?
Did it make you feel anxious to see yourself?
No. 66962
>>66959Because I'm pretty ugly
There's more to it I'm sure. It's not normal behavior and I'm well aware of that. Can't help it though. I just wanted to die for the weeks afterwards
Then I guess I kind of forget what I look like and it bothers me less until I get curious again.
No. 66963
>>66961>Did looking in the mirror make you feel scared?A bit
>Did you hallucinate in your reflection?After looking for a bit, but that is pretty normal I think
>Did it make you feel anxious to see yourself?Very
No. 66964
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No. 66966
>>66963It is absolutely not normal to hallucinate while looking in the mirror.
Dude if your anxieties are making it so you can't even look at yourself then you should totally get help.
No. 66969
>>66965>There is something you can do about it!There actually isn't is the problem
I don't think I'm mentally ill either
See now I'm in the sad drunk phase kek. I was getting pissed earlier now I'm just opening up to stragners online
>>66966>It is absolutely not normal to hallucinate while looking in the mirror.I know I've read a few places that it is. It's where the bloody mary type things come from. It would be split second things that I'd see flash. Other faces and shit
No. 66971
>>66968Other faces and stuff
I know this sounds dumb…
But I get scared of myself too if I look long enough. It's weird but I stop recognizing myself I think. I'll be looking then my stomach will drop and I'll start sweating and feel like running away
No. 66972
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No. 66973
>>66969I'm telling you, it isn't normal.
You really don't think you're mentally ill? You are so insecure that you go weeks being too scared to look at yourself in the mirror, you isolate yourself in your apartment, you experience hallucinations, you believe you cracked a secret about the world (white women hate white men), you believe in your conspiracy theories so much that you have created your own terms for them…do I need to continue?
No. 66982
>>66974How? It's just a worldview
I'm also hugely against medication that fucks with your brain chemistry. I just don't trust it nor do I like the idea in general
>>66977Scared but also disgusted with myself I guess
No. 66983
>>66976You didn't say you get so scared of bloody Mary that you can't look in the mirror. You said you get upset by your appearance and get frightened enough by your hallucinations that you choose not to look in the mirror.
You know that ghosts aren't real, so why take such measures to avoid the possibility of seeing one in the mirror?
No. 66987
>>66983>You know that ghosts aren't realI believe in them
I've fucking seen them too
All of human history has talked and written about them. We've made a lot of strides in science but we're shutting out the supernatural aspect entirely. I don't think we're any wiser than our ancestors when it comes to this.
No. 66991
>>66988I'd rather not get into that
I've gone to doctors for it and there's nothing that can be done so just trust me that I can't improve my appearance
>>66990In the mirror I see faces
But there have been a few times from when I was a kid to about a year ago where I've seen them. I can sense them pretty well though. I'm getting fucking nervous and shaking just talking about this. I think there's one in my apartment tbh. I'm going to hop in bed soon I think. I feel just unsafe I guess you could say. I'm shaking
I know it techinically isnt better in bed but I feel better
No. 67001
>>66994I'm not getting into it
I've seen 4 in my life. Most recently being two years ago
Just know it's at least partially where the whole mirror thing stems from. I'd rather not get into it. Whole thing is dumb I know but I cant help it
I'd appreciate it if we moved past this what's actually wrong with my looks. It doesn't matter in this discussion
No. 67009
>>66983holy fucking shit fam
just got the biggest deja vu
seems like i've seen this post before and the others
No. 67011
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Wish drawn animation was more popular in the west still
Bed for real now that it's done
No. 67013
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In bed
I want to talk to calm me down until i sleep
Who up? Real nigga hours,etc
No. 67015
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Best and only friend crawled into bed with me. She knows when I'm upset I think. Always makes me feel better tbh
No. 67054
>>66621The whole discussion resulting from this comment makes me sad. No one can be this delusional.
But this is the robot thread. I don't know what I'm expecting.
No. 67056
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Man same fucking topic for three fucking threads, is it the same guy? I really wish this one would be like the last.
No. 67057
>>67015>>67013Dear Mirror anon,
I hope things improve for you. I strongly suggest you read into philosophy if you can, I experience real bad dissociation too and reading has made it a lot better. Everything still feels fake and unreal (and in a sense, it really is), but I learned to accept that this is the only world I have access to, and I must live in it. It might make it worse before it makes it better, but it's still worth it. Hope you have a good night.
No. 67078
>>67054I'm not delusional. Just leave it
Done with that convo
>>67055My cat is one of the reasons I think I have one in my apartment tbh
>>67057Thanks and the same to you anon
What would you recommend?
No. 67079
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>tfw closest friend lives across the country
We've been talking regularly for 3 years and she's a great friend to me. I'm glad in a way that she lives so far away. I dont want her seeing me. We've never sent any pics of ourselves to eachother. Well we have but never faces. It's a rule i requested and it works well
If I was better looking I'd meet her and a lot of other efriends
Tangent I know but I'm bored and just got off the phone with her so it was in my mind
No. 67082
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I seriously consider my small dick to be the only one obstacle
I don't have any desire in women and dating because I'm scared to let any women know I have a small dick
I don't date to flirt or casual talk because when they find I have small dick, they'd laugh hard to me even trying, not to mention I'm also balding. Why are insecurities are so fucking hard to beat? Why did I had born with so many inferior qualities?
No. 67091
>>67088he could get a dick extension
liek those dick sleeves kek
No. 67095
>>67091Rude as fuck
>>67082How small are you talking? If you're a bit chubby then take care of that first. It'll add quite a bit to length
No. 67109
>>67103Ya I'm guessing you'd be pretty average if you lost weight man.
Use that as a motivating factor to get healthy
No. 67122
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Random pic
I love the sky tbh
No. 67131
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>>67122Yeah man, I really enjoy taking sky photos when I'm out.
No. 67134
>>67131Where's this at? Looks beautiful
I'm on the road so I don't have my semi-decent pics
I really am thinking of investing in a decent camera sometime instead of using my phone. I think I'd enjoy photography tbh
No. 67140
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I'm also using my phone, it has a great camera though. It's an S4 Zoom.
No. 67149
>>67140Looks good man
I job shadowed a photographer once. Was pretty interesting and seemed comfy
No. 67161
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>>67149I have no idea about photography. I just take some when I find something cool.
No. 67177
Robots want Gf's badly.
Ages ago back when r9k was first made it wasn't for robots just a board that had unique posts, You would get silenced for a bit if what you typed wasn't unique.
Overtime like a lot of 4chan it became a haven for anons, robots.
But this was a good few years back when robots was about being too weird for the normies and being too normal for the weirdos.
Keep in mind back then normies was used as a jokeing term.
overtime that rule was lifted and like a lot of sites people pretending to react retarded attracted people that were actually retarded and that became the norm how to act rather than a joke to vent and let off steam, the board became more feelsy and this affected other boards like v before that split into two other boards.
Now years on from that the board r9k has embraced the whole shitposting and jokes or chads and stacys and pepes and all that nonesense rather than it being about helping other robots and being cyborgs its now just putting others down and thinkin thats how you should act.
They brought back the unique rule again just recently and a lot of the board called it sjw shit and assumed it was a brand new rule.
tldr: r9k and robots have changed from becoming cyborgs to embracing the pepe beta loser mindset.
shit sucks fam, war has changed No. 67178
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No farmers!!!!!! It's that one whiny robot again. Do not engage!!!!
No. 67182
>>67172Not sure because I've luckily been fit my whole life
I do think so though. I'm not an expert but the fat could be padding the bone maybe? I just know many people say you'd be amazed at how much length is hidden if you have extra weight
>>67178I'm guessing youre referring to me?
No. 67189
>>67187A ton of them do not beleive that its just if youve been there for a while and thats how you see then thats how you tend to act.
If a girl showed them attention that frame of mind would fuck off as soon as they got their dick sucked, just edgy teen angst shit
No. 67190
First off let's just get the obvious put of the way. All things considered I am perfectly a-okay with my dick. It's on the slightly larger end of the spectrum (6.5x5.4), but it doesnt matter particularly much because I dont use it. I like to think most women aren't size queens. A girl I'm friends with online said if it's between 5.5" and 7" then it's fine, which is encompasses like 95% of guys. I think that's a common belief no? I think women are fine with those sizes but would probably prefer on the higher end (7-8") but they're content with the range I described earlier
Women still use it as a way of emasculating men by saying they have a small dick, so do men obviously. Our whole society does it. Even in this thread there's a good example of this
>>66738 No. 67193
I'm not the only guy who posts about that. Painfully obvious to those with eyes. I see you mention it happened in previous threads. I posted the soc link but thats it
No. 67195
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Time for a walk soon I think
No. 67196
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>>67195Just came back from one, gonna watch Schwarzesmarken now.
No. 67215
>>67197>ape shitI wouldn't say that fam
But ya at least you get what I mean. It's not just a passive thing whrre they date other men, but they do everything they can to put white men down
Bit annoying
No. 67219
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>>67196Oh man this was great.
No. 67220
>>67211Online or in videos. Hell you even get it here with the whole Asian male glorification thing.
>>67215Right. They really seem to hate us. Even though historically no group gave it's women the privileges we did. Show me where a Chinese woman could ever file for divorce on the basis of domestic abuse. Roman women had that in 200BC.
No. 67223
>>67220I don't think white women necessarily belong to white men or anything like that
I dont particularly care who they date, but white women make a big deal out of it and view it as a way of "getting back at whitey" for perceived injustices I think. Hence why they show off everywhere and rub it in people's faces
In all my years online I have not seen one site or group of women that like white men. None
It's always asians and blacks (this site for example) or Latinos and Arabs
I dont think white women know what it's like to be unwanted by literally everyone because every one finds them attractive
No. 67232
>>67223Omg enough. You told us this already.
What do you want us to do with that information?
No. 67239
>>67234You know nothing about me.
Why do robots have this weird arrogance where they think they know soooooo much about women even though their community defines itself in part by the fact that they are all lonley TFW no gf type of guys?
PS: I was mocking the idea that you seem to think that these women have some kind of unspoken tie to you, that they are apparently betraying by dating outside their race. Are you really that self centered? Why do the relationships of strangers effect you in any way?
No. 67243
>>67238Ya but that doesn't mean I have any allegiance to random white guys, just because I'm white. I might mark "white" down on a form but I have no ties to random people just because they're white.
It is so arrogant for that robot to say "our women" that I actually lold. Like, do I fucking know him? Then why does he feel betrayed if I say someone who isn't white?
No. 67249
>>67239Yeah why would me and my descendants becoming a hated minority be of any relevance? Everyone knows everything happens in a vacuum.
Fuck off back to your "oppas", child.
And I'm not a robot.
Finally. You may think race is irrelevant. But I'd advise you to ask the gooks you sleep with whether they'd be fine with Koreans or Japanese becoming minorities in their own homelands.
You have no idea how much you associate as the default tendency of humans in general is in reality white.
No. 67259
>>67257Who says these things? Where are you guys getting all of this?
Or this this delusion-kun from before?
No. 67260
>>67255Yeah not like the concepts of intersectionality and post colonialism make white men out to be the source of literally every I'll. Not like groups such as Arabs and maghrebis have their own long conditioned hatreds against us.
Must be nice to live in a world that's essentially a pink and blue padded nursery.
No. 67266
>>67263And the end result of the theory is a victim hierarchy. One where white men are at the bottom. One so absurd you actually have Arabs unironically whining about westerners "invading other countries and destroying the local culture".
Our entire history has been blackened into a false narrative by these so called scholars.
No. 67274
>>67271Please tell us the true agenda of sociology.
Let me guess…something something whites are bad
No. 67277
>>67275So the agenda is to…create unhappy marriages?
Where are you getting this shit anyway?
No. 67283
>>67274>whites are badCan you name a single sociology paper that has ever highlighted as a point of general principle something positive about European history or European culture relative to other groups?
I'll be waiting. Thx.
No. 67285
>>67281No? How could you possibly assume anything about me based on this conversation.
I think this is the same anon as before with the race delusions, and I don't want to encourage you, on honestly just confused and I have no idea where you are getting this information.
No. 67288
>>67285>I think this is the same anon as before with the race delusionsNo, I'm not him. I just joined this thread.
>>67287>When Siu and Shek (2005) studied empathy in a Chinese sample ranging from 18 to 29 years of age, they found that the participants made little distinction between cognitive empathy and affective (emotional) empathy. These two components seemed to be weakly differentiated from each other. The authors attributed this finding to “cultural differences” “Chinese people might not perceive the items from the two dimensions as too different in nature.” The authors went on to note that “there are still debates concerning the boundaries of emotional and cognitive processes underlying empathy” and that “the causal relationships between cognitive and emotional processing underlying empathy are not simple or unidirectional.”'s the matter, did you think all races were the same?
No. 67289
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This is why I don't go to pol or r9k anymore. This kind of autistic shit 24/7.
No. 67291
>>67283I'm not going to do that. You are so obviously convinced that nothing I say could ever change your mind.
You haven't even proved that sociology is just a smoke screen to snuff out white men or whatever the fuck you were getting at.
No. 67293
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>>67290I'm a man baby, I liked pol before they gone full stormtard and r9k when it was only cyborgs. Now it's full of whining fucks.
No. 67297
>>67291>You haven't even proved that sociology is just a smoke screen to snuff out white men or whatever the fuck you were getting at.There are surveys in which it has been proven that for every 1 Republican voter in a Sociology department, there are 100 Dems.
Now taken with the fact the Repubs aren't really right wing in any meaningful sense (just pro big-business and low-tax), it becomes even more insane.
>>67293Funny that, since both /n/ and /new/ were markedly more uniform in their right-wing beliefs than contemporary /pol/ is. Remember the spammer who collated all of the black crime stories?
No. 67298
>>67288Do you even read, bro?
That says that the people in the study had no distinction between two types of empathy. They felt empathy, they just didn't "categorize" it based on emotions.
They also say that empathy is difficult to define and study so…
No. 67302
>>67298That's the point my little weeb friend. Learn to understand the distinction.
1) Cognitive empathy–capacity to see things from another person’s perspective and to understand how he or she feels.
2) Affective or emotional empathy–capacity not only to understand how another person feels but also to experience those feelings involuntarily and to respond appropriately. Failure to help a person in distress can
trigger a self-destructive sequence: anguish, depression, suicidal ideation.
>>67300>a stated part of their platform to make whites a minority in the United States through mass immigration>not anti-whitePick one.
No. 67309
>>67287>Actually doubting Asian people lack empathylol. Do you recall the story of the British couple who were murdered in Thailand recently? When their parents came over, some local Thai woman said to them "I don't know why you're moaning, just go home and make another one."
That's East Asia in a nutshell. Thousands of years of Malthusian hell has numbed any fellow feeling for others.
No. 67310
>>67273Nah my phone died about an hour ago
Back now
I see were back on the topic of last night
No. 67314
>>67311White leftists do not see race as a real thing. They believe all non-whites will, at some indeterminate point in the future, stop organizing and identifying around the principle of shared kinship groups and just become "human" instead.
They're not actively malicious, at least not most of them, just delusional.
No. 67325
>>67323They're two distinct things, in order to feel them both you'd have to distinguish. That's the point.
Do you really doubt the idea Chinese people lack empathy? I'd advise you to live there. Hell, even in a first world Chinese society like Singapore and Hong Kong you can see it.
No. 67328
On that note.
Did you know that low self-esteem is linked with a lack of a sense of belonging to a wider group?
No. 67329
You see it now and we're the majority in America still.
>>67260Honestly gonna agree with this guy. I took one sociology class in university and it was White Men are Evil: The Class
>>67300That actually is a weakness of the current state of the party. White working class voters feel alienated in that party because of the SJW/Anti-white rhetoric. Similar to how the religious right alienates people in the repub party
No. 67332
>>67325Yo. The authors knew about the theory of the two kinds of empathy, and wanted to see if it was present in a population that was sociologically different than Americans. The scientists observed that the Chinese participants didn't differentiate. It is reported that they felt both, but they didn't consciously differentiate between the different categories that the scientists were testing.
There were resting a theory about empathy, not the existence of empathy.
No. 67336
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Looks like we won't have a comfy thread this night too.
No. 67337
>>67334>Aryan NationWhy do you mock the idea of something as basic as "I want to remain the majority in the lands where my ancestors lived"?
Do you think the Asian men you lust after would be ok with mass immigration on the scale Europe is presenting seeing?
No. 67338
I wish both parties would just cut the diseased limbs out of both their parties
The Evangelical voting bloc is a cancer just as college tunblrtards are
No. 67341
I said:
1) White leftists generally don't see race as a real thing.
2) You asked why.
3) I replied by saying I used to a leftist, and referenced two of the most famous leftist scholars.
>>67338>"Why don't you vote for us, you fucking bigoted redneck white trash gun-loving scum?" No. 67343
>>67340>there's only one personI was the guy last night
The other guy here isn't me obviously. I was gone for a good few hours
No. 67346
>>67342Why do you mock the idea of me wanting to live a comfy life among my own kind?
Do you think this is an unusual desire in this world? Do you think most people would be ok with their neighborhoods, towns and cities being changed beyond all recognition demographically over the course of a few decades?
No. 67354
>>67345I'm not listing after anyone tbh
How angry would you get if I told you I might have Indian food for dinner? Would it upset you to know I enjoy naan?
No. 67355
>>67352For what reason do you say that?
Do you realize the idea of wanting to remain a majority in your own lands is the default for most non-white people?
There's a reason Japan only accepted 27 refugees out of 7000.
No. 67359
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Ok we get it you want a full ubermench nation to lvie in but why are you whining about it on a chinese masquerading gossip board instead of doing something about it in real life? What difference whining in here gonna make?
No. 67365
>>67359>hate orientalsI swear you guys have zero fucking reading comprehension lol
He's using them as examples of how we should act minus the empathy study
No. 67366
>>67359>in real lifeEuropean societies are not free societies. You can go to jail here for saying off color things about certain races on twitter.
>>67361>old farmerAssuming you mean this literally, what's wrong with farming?
Moreover, what's wrong with not wanting to be a minority in one's own country? Do you really see this as an "extreme" position to take?
>>67364>YaYour cancer is so obvious and has been for months.
No. 67373
>>67369Did you support the recent influx of refugees into Europe, by any chance?
Because they've hurt a LOT of people so far.
No. 67378
>>67375European women are tbe driving force behind bringing in those poor and oppressed "refugees"
Reap what you sow
No. 67382
>>67376>I have two friends having trials and almost got jailed for attending anti-government protests. Probably because you committed an actual crime, like, you know, aggravated criminal damage or simple criminal damage.
Not because of a thought crime.
>>67379>Trudeau>"Look at me, I care about the common people! 420 blaze it!">signs massive free trade deal with China that will gut Canadian jobs a few weeks after electionFucking pathetic.
>>67377I'd definitely like the state to execute every single one convicted of an aggravated offense or worse.
Beyond that, I just want them out.
No. 67385
>>67381White women overwhelmingly support permissive immigration and naturalization laws.
Do you realize how many people have been raped and killed thanks to your mindless "humanitarianism"?
No. 67388
>>67386You didn't vote for him?
>>67387Look at the parties unmarried, 20-something white women support. All leftist. All pro-immigration.
No. 67391
>>67388Nope. And even if I did, I can't control the PM.
And what political parties are you talking about? In which countries?
No. 67397
>>67390I cant handle all these assumptions kek
I'm not him but I'm very supportive of the Arab world. I actually think Islam might reverse the course we're on
No. 67399
>>67390>And yet you are probably the type of idiot who supported military intervention in places like Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Libya that has created this exodus. Are you fucking kidding me?
1) I have never supported any western military interventions, including the ones that were popular with leftards back in the 1990s, like Kosovo. In fact Nationalists have been the people most consistently opposed to liberal internationalism.
2) Only 25% of the people who entered Europe last year are nominally from Syria, the real number is probably something like 10-15% because of the fake passport trade in Turkey.
3) The responsibility for the instability in Northern Iraq lies primarily with the US and the Gulf States, the responsibility for the instability in Syria lies OVERWHELMINGLY with Turkey and the Gulf States.
>Does not treating another human as an equal make you feel good about yourself or something?He's nothing to me, we have nothing in common, we're not family or kin, our values are in all likelihood radically different and including him and millions of his kin in my nation benefits me in no way.
No. 67402
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>all dem assumptionsNope, all we did was to attend an anti-government protests and write anti-government pieces. You think Europe is oppressive? Try being in ME. You are just a spineless fuck who rather whine on internet instead of taking action about your future.
No. 67406
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>can hear my sister raping my dad in the other room again
No. 67409
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>>67406I hate that feel lad
No. 67410
>>67406Wish I had a sister ;_;
Most sisters are ok with giving their brothers a handjob at least right?
No. 67417
>>67410I'd like a sister just so I was more used to women I guess
I've never had a female friend or really interacted with any of them outside of group work in school. Mystery to md tbh
No. 67419
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>>67249This one fucking autistic robot. I'm loving it.
No. 67421
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>>67416fuck you sis
dad rapes me because of what you do
No. 67431
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Would you convert to Islam for loyal and feminine qts fellow robots?
I'm unironically considering converting
Not just for potential qt material, but from what I've seen it seems to line up with a lot of my views
No. 67432
>>67431Nah, Islam is culture-destroyer.
Everywhere it goes it replaces the national dress with fucking hijab and niqab, replaces everyone's language with Arabic or variants of Arabic etc.
No. 67433
>>67432Seems preferable to the way the west is heading
Western culture died long ago tbh
No. 67436
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>"Anon, I've been meaning to ask you something…"
>"I really like you and would love to be a caring wife and mother, but my friend told me she heard rumors you dont believe there is no god but Allah and Mohammed as his prophet. This isn't true right?"
No. 67438
>>67434What do you mean?
>>67435I look the strictness of Islam. Christianity would be alright but no one follows it anymore or takes it seriously
Not following for Oriental "religions" either
No. 67446
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Islam seems very promising for the white man, buds
No. 67452
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Lads I'm one step closer to making it as of today. I finally have found a trap who I can fap to from most angles
I'll be free from the cancer known as w*men soon. Trying to become full on homo so I dont have to deal with the vaginal jew are some pics (usually with forearms) that I cant fap to as of now because it looks man-ish.
But there are quite a few pics I can fap to. I'm gonna make it bros. Just give me time
No. 67463
>>67452That one still has a dick
This one has a mangled dick, I mean fake pussy No. 67464
>>67463I cant fap in the pics where her dick is showing yet
Work in progress. My goal by the end of the year is to be attracted to twinks
Fake vaginas are gross
No. 67466
>>67463Fug she's qt
Shame she ruined her genitals
No. 67474
>>67472you're fantasizing about rubbing cocks together
just about as gay as it gets
No. 67482
>>67474I like girls though
And if it matters I'd like to rub with one of those cute small ones. More feminine I guess. Basically an enlarged clit
No. 67491
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This is sort of what I'm talking about
I want to pull out while cumming and hose down her cock with my cum. Fuck I'm on the bus and am getting myself all riled up
Anyways, I dont see any appeal in gay shit like cuddling or anything. I just want to cum in a trap's ass.
No. 67526
I was being very polite in all my posts
>>67510You should try reading/watching hentai tbh
No. 67537
>>67519What do you define as slutty stuff?
>>67526Idk, how weird does it get? I don't want to read tentacle porn or yaoi. I'm also highly stimulated by visual stuff, don't know if reading/looking at drawings would suffice.
No. 67551
>>675Mental illness + being generally unlikable .
I mean jesus, not even 4channers like them, and most 4channers are insufferable.
No. 67553
>>67552What exactly are you concerned about?
(Pls don't take her on a coffee date)
No. 67569
>>67542Why does it seem like all women are into gang bangs kek
I thought that was a male porn genre but just about every woman I've asked is into it
No. 67576
>>67573100% this
I get a lot more out of reading than watching
No. 67589
>>67586Every girl has a gay friend
Come on
I also know women find gay men more attractive usually. I think its because they cant have them
No. 67606
>>67604Straight guys care more about their appearance though
If you're gay you dont need to look good to fuck other guys
No. 67608
I thought most girls thought dicks were actually gross looking
No. 67631
>>67627I wear sweatpants and a hoodie during winter
How bad is it?
No. 67638
>>67636I wear them while male
I'm not gay and I like qt girls
No. 67641
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I see lots of white men putting women from other races at the top of the list. So, are white women just something that they end up settling with because they can't have one of those ethnic cuties? Are we really have such horrible personalities that white men go out of their way to find women who aren't "infected" by western culture? And I'm not supposed to be hurt by this? I like white western culture because it respects women, but that seems to be the aspect that white men hate the most.
No. 67642
>>67641>i like white western culture because it respects women, but that seems to be the aspect that white men hate the mostLol I thought white western culture is the most oppressive society towards women and everyone else in history. Dont we have a serious rape culture problem according to women?
Not even gonna bother responding to that last comment as I'm pretty sure it's bait
No. 67643
>>67641I'll address your comment about the "ethnic qts"
Most people still hold white women in pretty high regard, but there's a few who see things as I do and realize they're a lost cause. They do think white women are the most attractive, but they're tired of them making an enemy out of those damned white cis-het males. It gets to the point where you're just like "why bother" When it comes to them.
No. 67650
>>67648Every white guy I've been friend with has had these feeling deep down. Every male in my family and my extended family.
>>67649I am a gurl
No. 67651
>>67649>Notice how all MRA's, PUA's, sexpats, ect are always white men"No"
I'd say it's relatively proportionate to the population. I don't know many mras irl, but out of the ones I do know are 3 white guys 2 blacks and 3 latinos
Hell just go on r9k if you dont believe me. R9k is easily one of the most nonwhite boards being completely honest
No. 67654
>>67652Are you being ironic to show some of the robots here how dumb they are? If so, then bravo
If not then you need help
No. 67656
>>67648 is where white men get their information on white woman from. This is their idea of love and sex(or lack of). They hate us for being "western whores" yet they don't abide to following any of the standards they use to judge others. They want a society where they can do whatever they want without women holding them back, yet, at the same time, they want to hate women for doing just that.
So, they hate women for not letting them do whatever they want, yet they hate women who DO let them do whatever they want and call them "plates" deserving of horrible abuse.
No. 67659
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>2 days later
>still arguing about the same topic
This is a special kind of autism.
No. 67675
>>67641>I like white western culture because it respects womenIt used to have the perfect balance of liberality along with paternal care and respect, these days we've reached a point where doing hardcore porn is considered a woman being independent and modern.
>So, are white women just something that they end up settling with because they can't have one of those ethnic cuties?Nah, other way around.
>Are we really have such horrible personalities that white men go out of their way to find women who aren't "infected" by western culture?Your personalities are usually fine. Wanting to be respected is understandable. The only thing that ticks me off is the white women who put down white men specifically, while playing up the supposed virtues of non-white men (Asian, Black etc). That, for obvious reasons, really gets to me.
>>67649He's some faggot from /r/asianmasculinity. They're a professional shitposting outfit.
No. 67720
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This is what happens when you feel no sense of belonging to any group. No suppoet systems, no nothing
>>67656Just lol
You really are delusional
No. 67744
>>67720How can you make that conclusion based off of this chart?
Were the men who committed suicide report feeling alienated because of their race? Was there any precipitating event around their suicide, related to race that would have brought you to that conclusion?
Because this just looks like a demographic breakdown of suicide stats. It doesn't say anything about the population's feelings about race.
No. 67747
My uni has a wall of great Black leaders and Shaun King is right next to MLK on it kek
>>67735Just how? Oh it must be so hard to be found attractive by every person and to have many resources aimed at helping women like me
No. 67756
>>67754I remember hearing about the black women fuss a while ago.
You hit the nailon the head with this post
No. 67759
See: above report is literally an outright lie. Can't have a narrative that's not white oppressor and black victim so they outright lie.
No. 67771
>>67766Maybe they were mentally I'll? Struggling with addiction? Went through a series of traumatizing events?
Why do you assume that they lacked a support system, based of a chart of suicide rates?
No. 67772
>>67771>addictionAddiction in white communities is also a problem that receives very little attention unfortunately, it's relative lack of attention is at least in part due to our inability to organize and work together as a race.
>>67769There are various options, you could beatbox to it, or develop some sort of twerking routine. Both fine African traditions.
No. 67773
>>67771>Why do you assume that they lacked a support system, based of a chart of suicide rates?I've already explained that it's well known in psychological research that suicide is caused in no small part by 1) low self-esteem 2) a lack of a support network.
I'd be interested to see if the suicide rate were higher for whites in diverse areas, as racial diversity decreases trust and cohesion.
No. 67777
>>67774YES! MORE!
How do you feel about chad?
No. 67778
>>67775>no concrete set of reasonsThere are various factors in one's psychological economy that make it more likely. This isn't a particularly abstract concept I'm trying to explain here. It's not like I'm trying to illustrate multivariate calculus.
>>67777The "Chad" caricature as imagined by most robots is actually just an alpha male. Robots don't understand that alpha males and looked up to for their leadership qualities precisely because they're respected and LIKED by other men. Every guy at my school and then college who was super popular with girls was also a genuine and decent person to male friends and acquaintances, the idea he's some sort of bully is just Hollywood bullshit made by nerds.
There's also a huge amount of non-white male butthurt towards any white male who exemplifies typically western masculine, dominant traits: Well humored, irreverent, capable with banter, athletic etc. I've noticed irreverence particularly
triggers Asians for some reason, and makes them think the person is out to get them (hyper-sensitivity).
No. 67779
See this: when white death rates skyrocket, they still find a way to resort back to white oppressor / black victim narratives:
>According to the newspaper's report, drug addiction in black communities ultimately resulted in mass incarceration, while heroin and prescription drug abuse has been met with calls for a more sympathetic approach, possibly because its victims are largely white. No. 67788
>>67786I didn't say they "feared banter". I stated:
>I've noticed irreverence particularly triggers Asians for some reason, and makes them think the person is out to get them (hyper-sensitivity).Go use a dictionary.
No. 67790
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>tfw can make friends with people instantly including girls
>pretty good social skills
>a bit fat but not that good looking
>absolutely get terrified and froze up when a girl approaches me romantically
>can't talk with her
>start acting like a ultra autist
>start feeling anxious about how she's judging me
What the fuck is wrong with me? And for fucks sake enough with the race shit already and fuck off to /pol/ or something, you've been parroting the same shit for almost three days already. We get it you are so oppressed and unliked.
No. 67791
>>67790*not that bad looking
fuck I need sleep
No. 67796
>>67790Does that happen more often with girls you think are extra cute?
Like if this happens a lot when you're around your crush then I think thats pretty normal. Sometimes I'll psych myself out before I even talk to my crush. Like I'll think about all the things I want to say, and how I hope I don't look stupid and sudden i'm in front of him and I'm like "uhhhhhhhh"
No. 67799
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>>67790ahh somebody told me this in regards to shyness and it's harsh but here it is - don't be so self absorbed! everyone everywhere is afraid and concerned of people judging them. but when it's all you can focus on, that anxiety is much like a form of vanity. just be chill, dont worry so much. you sound cool. it's gonna be ok. i like that picture.
No. 67802
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>>67796I don't know, I usually don't like people before I get to know them closely. Last time I kind of liked someone was 8 years ago, I think I lost to ability. Example, some girl from work started hitting on me last week. Every time I hear my phone vibrate I get mini heart attacks, really feel uncomfortable for some reason. Don't know how to explain in more detail.
>>67799T-thanks, don't know if it's being self absorbed but idea of being close to someone romantically terrifies me for some reason. See above.
No. 67808
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>>67802sometimes around a crush i would get shakey so i understand what you are saying. i have been with somebody for seven years and i still get shakey when we meet up after being physically distant, i'm afraid he's gonna suddenly realize i'm ugly and lazy and flawed. honestly the only remedy that helps me is pushing myself in fitness and art, like as a daily regimen, i don't know what you are good at or enjoy but the physical exertion helped calm the shakey nausea and kinda bring me some confidence - and the art gave me something to talk about before the panic set in haha. but seriously i don't say self absorbed like its bad, it's just that maybe you gotta love yourself and appreciate yourself and it might help alleviate that anxiety of someone seeing the real you and maybe you are still a mystery to yourself and that's why it's scary when people get close to you
i might be talking out of my ass but i hope it improves for you, i really do
No. 67810
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>>67808It's not that cutesy kind of anxiety. I legit feel terrified, cold sweats, extreme heartbeat, feel numb all over my body. Am I just fucked up in the head or something?
No. 67816
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Roommate is finally gone
Time for a wank
No. 67839
>>67820Not him but I have the same reaction. I had to sit in the front of a lecture hall and even that was too much for me. I was sweating a lot and felt like puking. Kept fidgeting and I also have an eye twitch that comes in when I'm nervous
What could a doctor possibly do?
No. 67840
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>tfw zero fashion sense
I just bum it with sweats/jeans and a blank t shirt most days
No. 67845
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>>67840Start from basics. Get some chelsea boots and a decent derbies, plain color sweaters, slim fit chinos, wool trousers and jeans, a good coat and nice fitting oxford and flannel shirts. This is for fall/winter though. Seriously, it's not that hard to dress alright. I too have no idea how to combine stuff but I just go with my gut feeling and browse some inspo threads on /fa/ and it sometimes came out okay. Just don't fall the meme trends.
No. 67849
>>67839A doctor could refer you to someone like a psychologist for a diagnosis. Maybe you have social anxiety. If it is chemically based, they might treat it with medication. If it isn't, then they'll try to guide you through it, and offer ways to help you overcome your fears.
I mean if your anxiety is stopping you from living the life you want, then what's the harm in talking to a doctor? What's the worst case scenario?
No. 67852
>>67839What's the harm in going to the doctor? My little brother passed out at a track meet once. His heart was racing, he was sweating all over, he felt like puking, and he just passed out. He was always a shy and anxious kid, but it turned out that he has a heart condition that is
triggered by adrenaline.
Its not necessarily psychological. But who better to tell you than a doctor?
No. 67952
>>67755Women who feel oppressed turn to the left, men who feel oppressed turn to the right. That's why nationalist women are so cool while nationalist men just want to bitch.
>Equal rights for whites! >Whaa divorce favors women! >Male equality! >We need to reclaim our masculinity! Become a PUA! Ect. White men and only white men fall into this shit. Any sane women would get turned off by this victim mentality.
There are more traditionalist women then men, it's just that nationalist men are only into traditional roles because they want to be on top of everyone else. Being a white women and being a nationalist means that you're sacrificing your status and rights, being a none-white woman and a nationalist means that your empowering yourself. Also, another thing I don't understand about nationalism. They make no effort to recruit females, they say they're trying to attract "white men" and direct all their propaganda towards them, and yet, they whine when women don't join their movement? Why? Don't they all agree that women are a useless asset? For example, the whole sandnigger rape thing would have been a perfect time to recruit female members, but they ruined it by making the incident all about themselves and how it made them feel. Instead of spinning it as "look at these attacks on white women, oh no" they all went "yes! More enemies of the white man (aka white women) are getting what they deserve! Well, that's what they get for refusing to support our noble cause!
No. 67959
White men defending a rapist. sick can white men get? Are they born cucks?
No. 67969
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>>67963Yes, notice how they're always attractive?
No. 68026
>>67952There are a lot of women that got interested in nationalism as a result of cologne you dolt.
Anyway. You're not white and you're not female. So back to reddit with you.
No. 68064
All the women I know have mentioned it's probably exaggerated by the media to turn people against refugees and Muslims
No. 68081
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Seriously when the fuck will bidets become mainstream in america?
I'm tired of having to step into the shower to powerwash my asshole
No. 68084
>>68082I'm living in a dorm currently and they have fucking 1 ply and that's it
I just try my best and then step into one of the showers and put the showerhead by my ass
I used to use a garden hose for this back at home
I really should buy my own toilet paper here tbh. Fuck 1 ply
No. 68134
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>>68081I might move to US for a job next year or so and that shit is making me think. I don't think I can shit in peace without one.
No. 68161
>>68081I never got the point of European style bidets. They seem more suitable for washing feet before Muslim prayer
>Europe is so considerate for their future population>>68134You could get a Bidet Seat. They simply convert a plain toilet into a Japanese style bidet toilet No. 68172
I think my exam went pretty well :3
Not that I really care because I think I'm dropping out after this semester, but it feels good to do well regardless
>>68147>>68161Thank you anons
I wrote out a longer reply but then lol.cow crashed wgen I tried uploading a pic along with it
tl;dr I'll look into both
No. 68383
>>68369Baby wipes are also good during your period, lol.
I would be careful when flushing wipes that are not explicitly flushable. Once in a while is fine, but you can't always be sure about the integrity of your plumbing. This is why people in some countries don't flush toilet paper - our plumbing is good enough for toilet paper, theirs isn't.
No. 68393
>>68383Baby wipes and tampons flushed down the toilet will fuck up the plumbing.
>>68369 Please don't flush anymore. It will be very costly to unclog your pipes, especially if they have to rip up a good portion of a patio/yard to get to the mess.
No. 68397
>>68389US, I have been flushing toilet paper for my whole life.
My fob mother throws TP in the trash bin, which infuriates me every time I'm home.
No. 68398
>>68393I dont get that. Do baby wipes really create that much of a problem? I've had some pretty huge turds and I've never had an issue. Baby wipes seem like child's play
I'm no plumber though
No. 68407
>>68398Jfc, your poo will dissolve in water and piss going through the pipes.
A baby wipe will not dissolve. Ever.
They accumulate and you have fucked your plumbing.
What is up with adults not knowing basic fucking things like 'do I flush it'?
Did your parents neglect to teach you common knowledge and sense or are you only 14?
No. 68416
>>68407Goddamn, anon, take a deep breath. It's okay. We're going to get through this.
>>68398Pretty much what angry anon said.
No. 68421
>>68412>>68416Why does everyone outside Australia think that using the word 'fucking' means you're raging?
Its not aggressive, its a genuine question.
What does anon think baby wipes do in water? Do they think the pipes churn stuff up into a fine slurry?
This is honestly the kinda shit any reasonably minded person would know or work out in 30 seconds or less. Unless baby wipe anon is still a little tacker or wasn't taught basic things by weird neglectful parents there's no excuse I can come up with, so I'm asking.
Do we really say 'fuck' that much more than Americans and whoever else?
No. 68428
>>68421It's hard to read tone sometimes. Upon reading your comment again, I can see how it could not be angry.
I can't speak for all segments of the US, but in the lower middle class Southeastern culture I was raised in your cursing would be taboo in mixed company. As a woman I would be considered white trash if I talked like that. Maybe it's different among men.
No. 68432
>>68428That whole post was written with incredulity, not anger I swear.
I wish I could type inflections, it would save a lot of arguing on the Internet.
No. 68450
>>68421>Do we really say 'fuck' that much more than Americans and whoever else?Yes, ya' cunt.
See what I did there…
No. 68630
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Autism'd today lads
I was in a cafeteria at my uni eating by myself at Uni and a qt girl came and sat across from me and asked if she could ask me a few questions about the presidential race for her class. I autism'd hard and said no thanks. She said "o-oh. Okay" and then left
Kill me fams. That was literally the most I've talked to a girl in months too
No. 68634
>>68630In high school, I was once approached by a student council guy to sign his petition (he had to get a certain number of signatures to be officially considered a presidential candidate). I'd had several classes with him and this was literally the only time he ever bothered speaking to me.
I told him no, because we've never even talked, I have no idea what his platform might be like, and it's pretty uncool to ignore a person until you need their vote.
Nah that didn't happen, I just went blank and sperged out and signed the thing and let him go on his merry way.
I think you did the right thing.
No. 68639
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>>68634Well I mean I dont think she was shilling for a side. Either way it was literally the only girl I've talked to this year so I think it would have been nice. I go most days without ever speaking at all. I'm not exaggerating that
I think I fucked up
No. 68688
>>68421>Why does everyone outside Australia think that using the word 'fucking' means you're raging?oh god welcome to my fucking life anon, any time i drop an fbomb here to accentuate a point its all "ooooh
someones on their period"
fuck off cunts seriously
No. 68700
Here I am, having a perfectly nice fuckin conversation, no fuckin aggression whatsoever, just wondering why this anon doesn't know what the fuck goes in the toilet and suddenly I'm the crazy angry toilet anon.
Fucks sake we don't swear that much.
No. 68732
>>68673It actually was tbh
I cant emphasize my lack of any sort of interaction with women in my whole life. I cant even get friendzoned, beta orbit, or have a crush on a girl because I've never known any kek
No. 68759
>>68756Hello be my gf pls
I think we're great friends but would be even better lovers :3
pls respond
No. 68775
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>>68770Oh, o-okay
I'm glad we can still be friends
I care a lot about you and whatever makes you happy I will support you 100%
If that doesn't include me as your boyfriend I respect and support your decision
No. 68783
>>68776I'd love that
I'm so glad we're back to wherewe started and I didn't ruin our friendship that I value so much. I like to think I'm a valuable friend because as a guy I can give great advice on boyfriend issues haha
No. 68784
>>68782I'm just too shy and that doesn't make me gay okay.
some girls might like a shy guy r-right ?!
No. 68787
Come on lads, I can friendzone two at once no problem.
>>68783It's like you know how guys think. You're advice is always welcome. And you're so funny too! I LOVE that about you.
>>68784You know how much I've experimented with my girlfriends thanks to Chad so you know I would never hold it against you if you were gay!
No. 68791
>>68787Haha I love your advice too. You're so smart, kind, funny, and not to mention beautiful haha. I just want you to know I'll always be here for you no matter what happens. I really care about you
(I cant believe I'm even getting cucked out of being fucking friendzoned)
No. 68793
>>68787>I would never hold it against you if you were gay!That's a good pov to have but I'm really not gay I like girls, okay maybe I like butch girls but that doesn't make me gay.
This is some different tier of friendzoning I'm not even interested in you I see you like a annoying sister or cousin you know.
No. 68796
>>68791I know honey. I love how you always compliment me. Chad just jumps me the moment he gets through the door. You know how he is, not one to talk! Here, take my phone. We need to get shots of all the new clothes and shoes I bought for my IG and some special ones for Chad of course.
>>68793I knew it. You guys are gay as fuck, every time.
No. 68799
>>68788Lol what?
I swear a bit, I don't shit in the paddock and sleep on hay.
No. 68801
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>>68793I hope the word you're looking for is tomboy. Butch is just…..
No. 68806
>>68796Lol that's so like him
I would love to shop with you tomorrow :D
goes home, cries in the shower, and then faps to all your pictures on facebook(Thank you for helping me experience this <3 )
No. 68809
>>68749>>68760I got on the bus to go there, but as soon as iT started moving I realized I was in plaid pajama pants and a grey hoodie
I saw other people on the bus presumably heading there and they had jeans and a nice shirt at the minimum
Not to mention my pajama panta dont even fit and end halfway up my shins. I got off at the first stop and just walked home
Oh well
No. 68810
>>68801Nope I like the look of both butch girls and tomboy girls.
I'm also into the alt looking punk girls or even some with muscles as well.
but I am a pale skinny neet so eh
No. 68814
>>68811The neet part is more self disparaging, it's more introvert loner quiet guy.
>you sound like the type of guy they'd want to datehaha also shy so I doubt this so much
No. 68819
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>>68814>also shyI think they like that shit anon
No. 68822
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Who /escapism/ here?
My current backlog
No. 68844
>>68819please don't fill me with hope anon/cow
that's very very unlikely, even if true the problem being shy means I won't encounter this.
>>68832shoo shoo succubus
No. 68864
>>68863Stop posting
This is supposed to be a friendly and non-hostile thread
No. 68868
>>68867>he has a female friend who holds his hand and he's weirded out he gets a bonerFuck off please
That's hardly a tiny thing that sets you off.
No. 68871
>>68870How old are you?
You have a friend
Who is also a girl
Fuck off normie
No. 68875
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No. 68886
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Lads I've stuck my dick in crazy and haven't even gotten my dick wet
I've been sexting this 29 y/o women whose biological clock is ticking like crazy and she's talking about how she wants me to impregnate her and talking about how good of a Dad I'd be, what our kids would look like, etc.
I confronted her about it once saying I wasn't okay with it a while ago and she said it's just a kink and that she's not necessarily serious. But now she's talking about meeting over the summer
We live on other sides of the country btw. She's a nice girl and all and if I was older and we met up and things were good maybe it would be different. Fact is I'm 19 and don't want to be a father for a long fucking time. I also feel bad for her because she's getting up there and hasn't had a BF since she was 24 and constantly laments about how she's never going to have kids. She's nice but we have completely different expectations for this I think…
Only girl I've been lewd with ever if this counts as lewd. She sends me videos and pics of her all the time
No. 68909
>>68886are you retarded? just stop talking to her. you aren't even talking to her irl so it's easier.
you acknowledge that she's older/wants these things but you are leading her to think you're a viable option (as lame as that is).
No. 68910
>>68909I care about her as a friend…
I hope she finds a guy her age who is nice and wants kids. She's saying I'm her fucking 10/10 though. That's one of the worst things about it. She's unintentionally guilting me into thinking she'd be disappointed in anyone else
I know it's stupid, but it's nice to hear nice things about me. She's done a bit for my confidence tbh. I'll mention again I don't want any damn kids next time I talk to her. Sometimes she'll be fapping and I'll just go along with fucking her until shes pregnant, etc. She also has started calling me daddy
Whole thing is just a bit much for me tbh. We started talking as friends first for several months and it's been a good year or so, but then a few months ago it got all weird. Wish I could undo that, but I'm a horny teen so I jumped at her advances like an idiot
No. 68933
>>68931Well then you're in the extreme minority
>>68932I feel like I need to draw a distinction with her (again) between roleplay and real life. She's super fucking clingy too. Which I didn't think I'd ever mind…
Probably would be different irl. Having to answer my phone every hour all the time because she says she's thinking about me gets a bit old
No. 68986
>>68958I dont really now that I've had time to think about it
One time I didnt talk to her for a day and she thought it was because I lost interest. I called her later and she was crying her eyes out
I'm stuck :l
How do you think I should proceed?
No. 68992
>>68986Honestly, if you're not into her then no one's going to judge you for breaking up with her. You guys just want different things.
Try not to be hurtful. Just tell her that you're sorry, but you're going to have to stop having sexual chats with her. Tell her that you're just not the kind of person who is tied to your phone, and that its clear that you have different communication styles. It kind of puts pressure on you to always be in contact with her, when you're really not that kind of person. It made you realize that you need to figure out yourself and what you want from women, and that you hope there are no hard feelings.
But honestly if this is all online you can basically say whatever you want. Its not like she is someone you are going to bump into everyday, so hopefully that can take some of the pressure off you.
How would you want someone to break up with you in this situation?
No. 69001
>>68999Hey fuck off slut you arent better looking than me otherwise you wouldnt be gossiping here / raiding this on this stupid girl version of 4chin.You probably do have more social skills though as I never had a friend. I'm going to invest in a dog though.
Btw are you a guy or girl? Slut
No. 69004
>>69003And if it bothers them so much that they're virgins, they can always just not tell anybody.
Like, just don't say anything about it. No one in the real world gives a shit anyway.
No. 69027
>>68956I looked into it and asked about it on my Uni's subreddit anonymously. They said the counselors here just throw prozac at you, and that it didn't sound like I had a legitimate mental illness/reason to go there in the first place
So I guess that is out
No. 69028
>>68992I'm not "into" her, but I do like her as a friend. I enjoyed talking to her before everything got weird. At this point I really fucking doubt we can go back to that point and it'd probably be best to just cut it off. That's a lot easier said than done though…
If I was in a similar situation I'd definitely want the girl to be open with me if she felt like I do. I'll try to work up the courage next time she brings up something that's over the line for me. I dont want to hurt her at all, but I dont really see a way to do that in this situation. I let it go on way too long and get out of hand because I'm a dumb and horny teenager who jumped at the first girl who ever showed me any attention
Thanks for taking the time to respond btw. Helped me put things in perspective and I know I have to do it. Gonna be hard though
No. 69081
>>69011Honestly, the only way I would give a shit if a guy was a virgin is if he believes it is because of some chad conspiracy or that our relationship will "fix" him.
Once you're out of high school, no one cares. Like, they really, really don't care.
No. 69084
>>69027>it didn't sound like I had a legitimate mental illnessWhy don't you let a doctor decide that?
And if you go to your uni's mental health services, you can see if they can refer you to someone off campus, or make an appointment with a psychologist (who doesn't prescribe meds).
Stop finding excuses to not get help.
No. 69086
>>69028It'll be hard, but I think you have a good perspective.
I'm rooting for you, anon!
No. 69107
>>66925Nah, go look up the statistics.
Not the anon that posted it btw.
No. 69117
>>69084Because no matter how I look at it I don't really think I have a mental illness
It's just a quirk like how seeing jewelry makes me physically ill. It's weird, but it's me I guess
No. 69120
>>69117Idk man, if you're okay with not leaving your apartment for weeks at a time, and hallucinating in mirrors, then you do you.
Just don't bitch about it to us.
No. 69127
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>tfw failing a class because I don't participate in discussion at all
Who actually grades based off this shit
No. 69128
>>69120Sorry I didn't mean to bother you guys about it
I was just being a depressed shit and felt like telling my sob story to a bunch of strangers
No. 69130
>>69128I just think it's something I need to solve on my own somehow
And I don't think throwing pills at me is the solution
No. 69135
>>69130But you're an adult. A doctor can't force you to take medication. You can just ask for a referral to a psychologist or ask for a therapist to talk to.
You basically have two options: seek professional help or don't. If you don't want to, then don't.
No. 69143
>>69127you should pull some special snowflake shit and say it's unfair for this to be part of grading because you have a phobia or anxiety disorder or something and talking in class
triggers it.
No. 69145
>>69143Well we had to give our preferred pronouns at the beginning of the year so that might work
The teacher is a flaming homosexual who goes on rants about the "white patriarchy" unironically. If I wasn't white then I'm sure I could work something like that out
No. 69147
>>69136>>69135Just stopped thinking about it and called a few min ago. Next Monday
Hopefully goes well
No. 69149
>>69147I'm happy to hear that, anon.
And don't forget, the doctor works for you! If they suggest a treatment you absolutely don't want to do, then you can say no.
No. 69153
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>>69149The phone call itself wasn't so bad. Partially automated too. I don't know if I fucked myself over with this, but I requested to see one of the female counselors just because I can't imagine talking about emotions and stuff like that with another guy
But she's also a girl so that adds another level of anxiety there. Out of the two I think I made a good choice there hopefully.
Also thanks for the support
No. 69175
>>69153wait, you're a guy yourself? Seems weird to me, because I kind of hated female therapists and acted disrespectful, whereas I don't have this problem with my current one, who is male.
Again, I'm also male
No. 69191
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Starting to make video diaries. Should be interesting to look back on one day I hope. I already have a diary going back to when I was 15. This should compliment it well.
Anyone else keep a journal of sorts?
No. 69197
>>69193Nah I'm a lad
I'm having a real shit time and I just keep a journal detailing it. I know it's dumb, but if I ever reproduce I'd like to give every cringeworthy page to muh keeds when they're 16 or so.
No. 69286
Women, like men, enjoy friendship. Not every interaction is romantic.
You guys act like women are fucking aliens.
>a local female enjoys being in my general proximity>communication is often engaged>what does this mean?Jesus Christ get yourselves socialized.
No. 69298
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Never thought wageslaving would be the solution to my depression, guess I had too much time on my hand.
No. 69367
>>69287Accept what you did, move on, and never talk to that person again? I dont know if you really did it or not, but if they didn't go to the police or anything, they have nothing to gain from accusing you. Despite what robots think, it's all loss and no gain–who in society will listen to a woman, especially if they're known for being mentally unstable? Abuse victims in general tend to doubt their experiences and not tell anyone.
Maybe you don't think what you did was abuse, robot, but some girl who was dumb enough to be nice enough to you probably got more fucked in the head after you came into her life.
Just accept what it is. If there are no charges, just never contact her again and move on.
No. 69403
>>69357Ikr. Then they wonder why they're so depressed when all of their jargon makes adult life seem like the apocalypse:
>wageslavery>cuckholding>Normies>general interactions with feeeeeeemalesLike get a fucking grip. If this is how they see the world then no wonder they're such messes.
No. 69434
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>>69357You seem too
triggered over a simple word. I didn't say I'm not enjoying it, I thought it would be hell but it's actually quite fun and my co workers are good people. It's a bit tiring but better than sitting alone at home shitposting.
>>69403Wagies and cucks are just memes, some of us takes it seriously for some reason.
No. 69445
>>69431I doubt anyone has to put up with it. Do you really think they DARE to talk about it in real life? Also the fact that they'll drop the edgelord act as soon as someone will be interested in them, I doubt someone would ever find out about their delusions in real life.
Nobody needs to teach them how to love, they should just drop the whole 'woe is me' act and then someone might finally become interested in them. Suicidal tendencies are not sexy.
No. 69449
>>69445I agree.
Its the ones who really believe all the robot conspiracies that kind of worry me.
No. 69460
>>69365t. Robot false flag
Or you'll cuck him later on
No. 69465
>>69445You'd never unserstand
You have hundreds of men who want to date you. Practically on a platter for you to choose
No. 69478
>>69467Nah that's kinda creepy
>>69468I hope I could spin it in a way that she thinks it in a way to benefit both of us. Like, "haha I've seen you pooping. We might as well start dating and have lots of sex haha."
Obviously not right out of the gate, but after I take her out to dinner to make up for it.
No. 69479
>>69478Wow fucked up the first part
I mean spin it in a way that makes it cool to both of us
No. 69480
>>69478Please, oh sweet Jesus, don't try to use the fact that you saw her shitting as the start of your imaginary love story.
Don't act on it either. You don't even know her! Did you even get a good look at her in the 3.8 seconds it took you to open the door and slam it shut?????
Don't stalk this girl. Don't feel compelled to apologize. She is probably hoping that she will never see you again because she is so embarrassed. She probably feels like a moron for not locking the door. The last thing she's thinking about is jumping your dick.
Fuck do robots live on earth? Is ever interaction with a woman a romcom plot?
No. 69482
>>69478So you want to find a random girl at your university for a love connection when the only thing you know about her is that she shit in a specific toilet one time?
And you think this won't be creepy? You think she will appreciate this, yes?
No. 69486
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>>69480>She is probably hoping that she will never see you again because she is so embarrassedPls no ;-;
No. 69487
Please do not talk to her ever again.
No. 69490
>>69486If you ever see her again don't bring it up. Don't even talk to her
Would you like it if some rando came up to you and brought up a horrifyingly embarrassing moment of your life?
No. 69491
>>69482I mean she's probably embarassed currently, but I want her to become comfortable with me having seen her poop
I feel bad
It's probably even worse for her because she comes from a more conservative society where they pretend girls dont poop (Chinese international student if I had to guess)
No. 69493
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How else am I supposed to befriend a qt?
No. 69495
>>69478Usually I hate this thread to death because of the attention whores here but lemme attention whore here myself: girl here and tbh if you arent too ugly I'd be so into you lel. Although I wouldnt know if that is possible as i dont poop in public. But if i was that girl i would feel that we are so intimate. But you said sex, turns me off a bit because every relationship is about sex, quite disgusting. Just tell me you want to date me because of that poop incident and that you feel so close now.
>tfw a guy who isnt my bf knows what my poop smells like Ily hunny : 3
No. 69496
>>69491Jesus Christ on a bike
If you're not trolling then you need to get over this and stop taking every time a girl looks at you as the beginning of a romance novel.
No. 69505
>>69495Well I was memeing about outright asking for sex
I'm a regular casanova and I know better than that
No. 69508
>>69500How do I do that?
>>69496>If you're not trolling then you need to get over this and stop taking every time a girl looks at you as the beginning of a romance novelAny girl could have potential to be the love of my life though. I have a good feeling about pooping qt
It's how I'd start a cutesy love story if I was to write one. It would be a great story to tell the kids eventually
No. 69509
>>69507She didn't lock the door and it said "Unoccupied"
Excuse me for opening that. Not my fault
No. 69511
>>69465Hundreds of men who want to date me? That's quite an over-exaggeration, but thank you anon, I feel flattered that you think I'm such a goddess. /Obivous sarcasm for the spergelords who didn't mention the sarcasm.
(This is the exact thing I was talking about btw, self pitying, it's a turn off.)
No. 69515
>>69508Then by all means, stalk this girl who you saw for 2 seconds and bring up the fact that you saw her on the toilet.
Because you will be the creepiest guy ever if you do that.
No. 69516
>>69508But anon, sadly fiction is not real life. Most of girls would feel really ashamed if a guy finds them pooping. Maybe she didn't care that much, but that's unlikely. I would be really ashamed.
>>69465>You have hundreds of men who want to date youJesus fucking christ, just drop that mindset already. Just stop, holy shit.
No. 69521
>>69516I would be so super creeped out if a random guy found me at university (basically a needle in a haystack situation since he doesn't know anything about her), apologized for seeing me take a shit, and then somehow managed to ask me out.
I would be so creeped out that he found me first of all. Then I'd be embarrassed by the topic. Then I'd be sleezed out by the fact that he tried to score a date out of it.
No. 69524
>>69514No I'm actually an extremely quiet sperg who never interacts with everyone. Walking in on a girl pooping is the most human interaction I've had this week
It'd be cute
>>69516That's why I want to fix this
No. 69525
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>>69521If a girl was to come up to me after seeing me poop I'd totally be interested in her
Anyways she lives in my dorm building so i doubt she'd be that hard
No. 69526
>>69524This is the last time I'll feed the troll. Seriously, accept it's not gonna happen. Period. Do we have to spell it out for you?
There is
you can do that will make this girl like you after that experience, and especially with your personality/mindset.
No. 69527
>>69526What's wrong with my personality/mindset? I want to do the right thing
Also are you saying if I changed I would have a chance?
No. 69532
>>69527You will never have a chance with this girl.
You mentioned she lived in your dorms. Do not go to her door. Do not leave her a note. I'm telling you right now if you did that to me, and found my room, I'd call security on your ass so fast.
No. 69537
>>69534>or someone who lived in a cave on a steady diet of romance anime. You seem like you have absolutely no life experience.Fair enough. I have life experience, but just not with the fairer sex
I was thinking if I bump into her sometime…
I wouldnt go seek her out..I'd just let it happen
No. 69544
Speaking of romance anime,
Does anyone have any recommendations for good shows/manga similar to Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou? I really like slice of life stuff
I've seen a lot, but I'm interested in your recommendations
>>69540Ya ok. I'll forget about her, again
No. 69546
Meh if the ai girl can be semi- convincing then I think that'll be enough for me to love her
No. 69573
>>69540And how does one bump into a stranger "naturally"?
Would he wait outside the dorm entrance until he sees her?
Would he learn her schedule so he could accidently-on-purpose walk into her?
Would he camp out in the cafeteria?
No. 69592
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who /hopesallrobotsdie/ here
No. 69618
>>69546AI isn't at all convincing, though.
a 'perfect' girl that just tells you what you want to hear isn't all that interesting to be around, either. Forming relationships with real people can be so much more rewarding than what you're willing to settle for, especially because you know that it's not an event that was 'programmed' to happen…that's what makes it special.
don't give up on us 3dpd whores yet, anon.
No. 69619
>>69592Most robots were raised in single mother houses, /r9k/ is full of abusive single mother stories. Just saying.
>>69618For us even programmed is enough at this point.
No. 69634
>>69620Tbh this.
I understand upbringing influences your character but in the end is up to you to be a living waste or not as long as you are not fucking disabled (and by that I mean literally autistic. Hell, even some autistic people try harder than most of these fags. Very few of them have actual excuses).
No. 69654
>>69571It's my best form of escapism and allows me forget about my shitty life for a short period of time
I'll pass
>>69618When did I say I'd prefer an AI to a real person? Of course I'd prefer a real person, but that's not going to happen. AI is several steps down, but it's still better than nothing at all
No. 69709
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VR experiment didn't involve virtual sex like I'd hoped. I just stood and was surrounded by TVs that recording of a pov car ride
The waifu age seems so far away…
No. 69712
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>>69687I'm glad you find it adorable
No. 69729
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Who /zero goals and no will to live/ here?
No. 69731
>>69712: 3 may I be able to meet you in real life
gasp one day my friend
No. 69756
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>>69731Extremely low odds but I don't see why not. I would very much like social interaction with real people
No. 69818
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I hate that my face hurts most of the time
Hard to concentrate on anything
No. 70003
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Does it make me gay if I enjoy pooping?
So relaxing
No. 70020
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>>69818what a shit fucking suicide attempt
reminder to never ever an hero angling the gun like that unless you want to be fed through a tube for the rest of your life.
No. 70047
>>70020It's a reaction gif
Calm down
No. 70048
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>started to get my shit together lately and making alright money
>our retarded president is literally starting a war soon
Am I just fucking unlucky?
No. 70050
>>70014It's not in a sexual way geez
I just enjoy dropping what I'm working on and taking a poo break
I'm not a weird scat fetishist or anything
>>70048RIP Atatürk
No. 70055
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>>70053Land of kebab.
>>70054Yeah, I would stay and fight if it was a foreign invasion or something but I'm not gonna die in his stupid war for power grab. Guy is literally clinically insane at this point.
No. 70060
>>70058Not a Turk, or the guy you're replying to but I think it's a demographic thing. The secular western coast Turks can simply be outvoted by the more religious Anatolian Turks now because the latter have more children.
I know a Turkish girl who was telling me AKP will tell old women that Allah wants them to vote AKP.
This pattern of de facto one party states seems to be getting more common all over the world (Russia and Turkey are more recent examples, but Japan and Singapore have been de facto one party states for a long time).
No. 70063
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>>70058He undid the years of social progression in 10 years, we are secular only in name now. Some people love him because he gets them contracts and money, majority of people love him because of religion and our rednecks worship power, people with western values fucking despise him including me. He keeps an illusion of growing economy but he successfully destroyed our agriculture which was one of the greatest in Europe in the past, all economy is dependent on construction bubble and foreign investment now. All construction companies drooling at the thought of getting contracts to rebuild Syria now, hell this is probably one of the reasons why he's so hellbent on interfering with Syria after the Qatar-Saudi/Europe pipeline.
tldr; he's a fucking piece of shit
inb4 they're watching for my gezi protest trial
No. 70069
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>>70065It's alright in liberal parts like you said, İzmir and in some parts of Istanbul like Taksim etc. you might live normally but in any other part you'll get harassed like no tomorrow and probably get killed, raped etc. He's bullshitting hard and probably never got in contact with an average Turkish person, hell an average Turkish person won't even know how to speak English.
I suggest you wait for a few years for things to calm down, this place is really not for visiting right now.
No. 70075
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>>70073Yeah, not from the top though. I lost my old photos in a hard disk crash.
No. 70076
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>>70075Might as well post some more photos.
No. 70082
>>70078Very nice.
Can you actually get decent fish from the Bosphorus?
No. 70083
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Found this place in the backstreets of Karakoy, pretty cool.
>>70082Yeah, used to fish all the time in the past but don't know how it is now.
No. 70084
>>70069Alright thanks lad
I have a few friends (a grill one even) who said if I visit I can stay with and hang out with them :D
No. 70087
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>>70084Well most of us are pretty warm people, just avoid Kurds and shady places in Istanbul and you'll be okay.
No. 70088
>>70083>Yeah, used to fish all the time in the past What can you catch there? Sea bass? Any red snapper?
Ever been to Tekfur Sarayi, I think it is called in Turkish?
No. 70089
>>70087>just avoid KurdsLOL. Goes for whole of Europe dude.
Whole of the world even.
No. 70099
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I lost my puritu yesterday, senpais.
After some kik friends were acting like chad's on Tinder, i decided to install it again (i had it for one week with 0 matches in the past) just for the lulz.
Turns out that within 12 hours i had gotten 2 matches, one 200 pound chick and another one who wasn't that fat but was kinda uggo.
The first one didn't respond to me, but the second one did, and because i literally only had installed it to kill some time, i jokingly asked her if she wanted to hook up right at that time. Surprisingly she said yes and told me to meet up with her in some public place. Because of how fast this had happened i wasn't even nervous or excited or anything, just apathetic.
We went ot her house, she bj'd my barely full erection, came in her mouth (all within like 3 mins) and tried to have sex with her afterwards. Sadly, however i couldn't get it past half mast, and with a condom on, things were even worse. I apologized and left.
That blowjob felt pretty damn underwhelming, my faps are usually better than that. Guess having no frenulum really fucked my sensation up.
Now i'm sad both because i've wasted my first sexual experience and i've realized it isn't really all that interesting
No. 70100
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>>70088Usually caught bluefish and seabream, caught some bass too.
>Ever been to Tekfur SarayiYeah man, I used to live inside the walls when I was a kid. Used to climb the walls and walk around them and found it by accident, didn't knew what it was then though.
>>70089They can be good people(my uncle in law and sisters bf are Kurdish) but they cause so much unrest and crime I just can't bring myself to like them.
>>70092Well that's just how media are, there are lots of confessions about how PKK/YPG uses female fighters as sex slaves and rape them if they don't comply. They execute unarmed police officers/soldiers on their off day in front of their kids eyes and attacked civilians a lot in the past. One I can remember is that they molotoved a mall, burning 20 people alive in there.
>>70097They're our dindus.
No. 70101
>>70099It's a common problem if you're a virg or even if you've not had sex for a while and have been compulsively fapping before.
It's why noporn/nofap is a thing. Need to get your libido back.
No. 70105
>>70100>caught bluefish and seabream, caught some bass too. Seabream is always good. Haven't had much bluefish.
>I used to live inside the walls when I was a kid. Used to climb the walls and walk around them and found it by accident, didn't knew what it was then though. It's interesting to me because it's one of the few remaining examples of secular Byzantine architecture in Istanbul. That and the cisterns below the city, and obviously the huge walls.
No. 70109
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>>70105So fucking sad that they were using the place as a parking lot until couple of years ago, I think they renovated the place now though. Walls were always interesting to me, I liked climbing the tower and watching the neighborhood.
>>70108WE WUZ
No. 70110
>>70099Best to do it with a female friend tbh
No pressure
I could probably lose mine on Tinder, but I feel like I would have a similar experience as you
No. 70123
>>70110>female friendI used to be a degenerate and the most I've ever managed, as far as
casual sex goes was hooking up with girls online who I'd hook again with maybe a month or two later.
I feel like you have to be lucky or extremely good looking to have that whole "female friend who is cool/good fun and also ok with sleeping together" dynamic. Not many women are ok with that (there are more who are ok with straight casual sex/hookups than that imo).
No. 70133
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>>70125It varies, they show special attention to some places but absolutely fuck up some. They did alright with walls. Here is Gate of Charisius, the gate where Mehmed 2 entered the city.
No. 70142
>>70140I guess it happens everywhere. Although the degree to which it happens does vary greatly, I'm sure Istanbul is no Rio, for example.
Do you remember Ferdowsi's famous lines about Istanbul/Constantinople?
>The spider weaves the curtains in the palace of the Caesars;>the owl calls the watches in the towers of Afrasiab.Two of my favorite lines of poetry. Even in translation they conjure up the imagery perfectly.
No. 70144
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>>70142Just walk around with a Turkish friend and you'll be okay, hell drop your mail and I'll be happy to help you.
Persian literature is great, I have a Persian professor that recommends me stuff sometimes.
No. 70148
>>70144Thanks dude. I already have a couple of Turkish friends but drop me yours and I'll be in touch at some point.
I'm a dude btw.
No. 70181
>>70177I don't know why you guys put pussy on a pedestal so much
Why are you letting lust for women ruin your life? Just socialize, make friends, and it'll happen
I wish my biggest problem was tfw no gf
No. 70186
>>70181>I choose to be like thisI do have a job, money, and even some (few) friends, but damn, i fucking hate falling in love.
Going out, socializing and all that is boring.
No. 70192
>>70177You can be promiscuous and still fall madly in love with someone who doesn't care about you.
Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.
No. 70196
>>70192You are right.
I guess i wanted to say that i wish i could just go out and have le fun xD and fuck random people instead of obsessing over a single one. But i just don't feel any attraction to anyone if it isn't a crush.
No. 70223
Welp I havent made any progress at all it seems
I had to look in the mirror and shave since it's been over a month or so. I can look at myself fine in the mirror with shaving cream on, but once it comes off just no. Since I cant lounge around in my room with the lights off I've been in the bathroom for 3 hours. There's an outlet and Ive just been reading manga and browsing imageboards. I just want to be alone forever
>>70186Eh I just cant see the point in obsessing over a girl; especially if she doesn't like you (not saying that's the case with you)
No. 70258
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Public Service Announcement for February 14, 2016
No. 70273
>>70258I wouldn't date me either
I have no disdain for women
No. 70275
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I hope you all have a happy Valentines Day
No. 70276
>>70275>I hope you all have a happy Valentines DayStop
triggering me
Today is Global Single's Day
No. 70319
>>70223There is no point in obssesing over anybody.
But i can't help it.
No. 70330
>>70277No I agree with you, but not for the all the reasons you've listed
I said I wouldn't date me
No. 70405
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No. 70434
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>tfw logging into old forums I used to use and seeing all these dead people I knew
End it fams
I wasn't ready for this. I just wanted to see my old cringy posts
No. 70685
>>70684I refuse to believe that you are stupid enough to take any of the r9k shitposting about height seriously.
Are you telling me that you honestly, in your heart-of-hearts believe that you are so short that no woman will love you? Because if that is true than you need to see a therapist.
No. 70691
>>70689I've already been going to therapists for 5 years at least, and yes I'm still going
I don't even deserve any of this attention, I'm a worthless, cancerous asshole, faggot, prick. I'm sorry I bothered you. I'll just go now
No. 70712
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>>70684Get a nice mommy gf
>>70694>Not even him, but come on now
No. 70715
>>70712No I'm being completely serious. Explain it to me, in your own words.
Unless you're dumb enough to think all women hate men who don't reach a certain height threshold…
No. 70724
>>70715Most women want a guy between 5'10-6'3
All women want a guy taller than them. Being 5'4 fucking sucks if you're a man. I'm not talking about /fit/ memes either, but at least being taller than them is pretty much a requirement for women
No. 70738
>>70734>>70735Okay what percentage would you put it at? This isn't manlet rage since my height is one of the few aspects of myself I'm okay with (5'11).
I've ended up as the sort of gay friend for a few women online and offline and I've had a few tell me they like a short guy, but that they're embarassed to be seen in public with him. Just go into the ideal partner thread here and "tall" is a requirement for just about every post in that thread.
No. 70746
>>70724Lol why do robots think all stereotypes are facts?
Get ready for the shock of your life: height doesn't matter to me. At all. The guy I've been on and off with for five years used to be the manager of a video game store, has salt and pepper hair at 28, and is my height and I think he's the most amazing guy. I really and truly care about him.
No. 70752
>>70746>>70749>>70748I never said it would be impossible for him to get a gf
I'm just saying he's at a pretty big disadvantage
Are you seriously arguing that women generally dont want a guy bigger than them?
No. 70753
>>70752Yeah. I'm not any of the quoted anons and I too can say I don't give a shit about a guy's height. I'm 1,70 m and my current bf is 1,65 m. I've had four boyfriends before him, and only one of them was taller than me. Most non-midget girls I know have dated men the same height as them or shorter.
If you were arguing being tall gives you an extra edge then you'd be less wrong. Treating it as a requirement is absurd.
No. 70760
>>70758Not for me. I'm just ugly lol
I don't bitch and moan about it though. I've stopped falling for the gf meme
Who cares
No. 70766
Source: am woman
No. 70769
>>70758And it is ALWAYS something they can't change!
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with their personality or lack of life experience or untreated mental illness. Its those dastardly females and their rigid standards!
No. 70770
>>70768No? Because height isn't a requirement for me. I wouldn't completely overlook a man JUST because of his height.
Source: am woman
No. 70774
>>70771Kinda just happened
Can't complain though. She really hated Islam though
No. 70870
No. 70889
>>70688well, look on the bright side. you're a smaller waste of resources than someone of normal height
No. 70891
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>>70724>Most women want a guy between 5'10-6'3>5'10-6'3>6'3t-there's an upper bound?
No. 70899
>>70842>>70897Oh shit I've made tonnes of peppeps.
It was nice knowing you lads but I'm afraid it's over for me.
No. 71025
>>71023Fucking hell lol
All these shitty niche communities of insecure people
No. 71026
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Finally found the chart I was looking for
No. 71035
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>>70410I can't say much since I only browse this board casually, but it certainly looks like it is. I opened up both board's frontpages, and they were basically the same with some gender differences.
No. 71055
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Jeb Bush is 6'3"
His wife is 5'0"
see what happens when you introduce manlet genes into your lineage?
No. 71060
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>>71057>6ftay bby, u wan sum fuk?
No. 71120
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Welp went to the therapist yesterday. She said there's nothing she can do and that I don't have a mental illness. Just problems I need to sort out on my own. I've decided I'm dropping out after this semester. I do fine in classes and I don't even show up because I don't want to be seen by anyone. Same for getting food from the cafeteria. I've just been having hotpockets every night for the past week straight. Can't take much more of this
I can't go to school like this
No. 71186
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>the women taking the pic obviously laughing at him
No. 71238
>>71224To shit post. Doesn't matter and if you've spent any amount of time on cuckchans /pol/ you'd realize most of the threads are made by literal bots (not /r9k/) ran by Applied Memetics, Robotic Technologies or some other organization looking to further their memetech (im serious). The point of being anonymous is that your gender doesn't matter, and I'm pretty sure I havent discussed my personal life here.
Don't go to /r9k/ the same reason I dont go in to cuckolding threads on /pol/, there is enough here to say in part this place is a /fr9k/ - do you want me to link posts, and I stay out of the makeup and husbando threads.
Why are you so butthurt there are boys in your clubhouse? Can't handle a contrary opinion? If you want a circle jerk gb2reddit.
No. 71247
>>71238>can't handle a contrary opinion?well when the opinion is using us as pseudo-therapists or complaining about how all women are so shallow they consider men under a certain height to be subhuman, then it gets a little stale.
for me, i find some robots interesting. i like the ones who spill their insecurities sometimes. i think a lot of them have untreated mental illness and crippling insecurities, so i enjoy encouraging them to seek help.
No. 71257
>>71252I hate how you guys create conspiracy theories to explain your loneliness.
And I hate that you guys seem to believe your own trolling about women, yet are so desperate for their attention that we have to have a containment thread to keep you guys from bursting into every conversation and projecting your mental pain onto everyone.
I hate that you guys are indistinguishable from /pol/
But if anyone starts describing to me their crippling self esteem, or how they experience frequent hallucinations, I'm going to suggest they get help. And I'm going to feel happy when they post an update.
That doesn't mean i like you. It means that if you are truly suffering, that I'll suggest you get help.
No. 71298
>>71239>>71126I kind of fucked it up myself by downplaying everything when she asked into stuff like the hallucinations. I mentioned how a few months ago I was out late at night and for no reason I got completely terrified of the light posts lining the street and run all the way home and when she asked me to go more in detail I said nevermind and that I made it sound worse than it actually was. Rinse and repeat for pretty much everything. I hate any and all attention irl.
If I could be invisible that'd be great. I hate having people being concerned over me and even noticing me. Reason why I make up a bunch of stories to text to my mom about how much fun I'm having in classes and activities I do with madeup friends. I even have a whole storyline I've made up about a girl on my floor that I like and she gives me advice and I have to make up a bunch of interactions. She knew I was miserable and thought I was borderline suicidal in high school (we only have one family computer and I forgot to clear history once while watching videos and guides for suicide one night. More of a curiosity I guess, I wasnt planning on doing anything in the immediate future). But needless to say she flipped shit. I wish I wasn't such a bother for her. In middle school I was just an edgelord who stole her beer and got in trouble at school a lot. Not like disobedience type stuff, but worrying things like drawing my teachers getting killed which the principal called her about. Same when I punched a fish to death on a school field-trip along with beating a kid with a wooden bat in PE in 6th grade. That was a shitfest. I consider myself a pacifist now and I still feel guilty about all those incidents. I don't even kill bugs nowadays. I don't consider myself angry at all. Just depressed and apathetic towards jut about everything. My brother is pretty normal at least, so she has him. I don't have any delusions that she doesn't care about me though or wishes I wasn't around. I almost wish she didn't care so I could just off myself already.
Obviously I have no issue wasting people's time online though kek. It's not face to face interaction which is the same reason why cart pushing at Walmart was such a great job in the winter. I had a balaclava on provided by the store and I'd talk to random customers and actually enjoyed myself. Anyways I add this in here because I know it's possible for me to "be a normie" I guess you could say
Skipped my classes today and made another video diary entry recently, so all this is still fresh on my mind, hence the lengthy post. Also thanks to the few people who actually are giving advice to me in this thread and even reading my whining posts. Really means a lot to me tbh. Anyways a lot of what I added here isn't really relevant to the discussion we were having, but I just felt like bitching.
Gonna go read for a bit or listen to music I think
No. 71309
>>71298I knew you must have downplayed your problems. No shrink in her right mind would hear your true issues and say "there's nothing I can do".
Don't sabotage yourself. If you want help, then you'll have to put in the work and cooperate with your therapist.
No. 71318
>>71298Anon my heart just breaks for you.
Why did you downplay everything?
No. 71346
>>71298I'm really sorry it went down that way. I know it's scary to admit your issues to someone, but that's the only way you can get help.
Did she make you uncomfortable somehow? Or have you never been open with anyone irl about your issues?
anyway, wish you luck.
No. 71455
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>>71442this is beauty anon. your subrace theory is beginner shit.
No. 71463
>>71442>>71455Notice how the requirement is 'beautiful aryan girl with pretty face pleasant to look at while talking'.
Duh: beautiful>ugly
But how many people are beautiful, how many white girls are? You are using a very limited amount of people to label an entire race beautiful, ugly, or 'subhuman'.
A beautiful brown girl, would be more beautiful than an ugly 'aryan' girl. Anyone would take the girl in
>>71455 pic, over an obese, ugly 'aryan' girl.
This is coming from a very average looking girl with 'aryan' features, so I'm not salty or 'jealous' of 'aryan' people.
No. 71504
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>>71502With obesity rates increasing, da white women are just as bridge trolly as any black ones.
No. 71519
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>>71502>>71504Fucking rekt, it never will be not hilarious enough how pol thinks their white garbage is automatically superior. Kek.
No. 71599
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>explosion in Ankara again
>10 deaths so far
No. 71638
>>71442>brown women compete>white women are more beautiful then them>pure Aryan/Nord>I cant tell you how many guy i know>brown sluts>taking us backwards>beautiful aryan girl with a pretty face pleasent to look at while talkingsomeone has a huge complex…some caramel girl steal your man at some point?
and why put this in the robot thread anyway?
No. 71665
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>>71503cherrypicked as fuck.
No. 71997
>>71304>>71441School fieldtrip in 8th grade. I don't look back on this fondly mind you, but basically I was just pissed off about a bunch of stuff (home,school, other kids, etc). We went to a park with a lake and this kid next to me was picking on me off and on while I was fishing, like tossing dirt at me and stuff. Anyways I caught the fish and just punched the fuck out of it on the shore and pretty much obliterated it while the one kid was watching. Other people saw and told the teacher and then a park supervisor came and chewed me out for a bit. Got taken back early, got suspended, and my school was banned from the park. Also had to see a counsellor every week until the end of the year. Not a good memory
>>71308>>71318I went in not wanting to, but it just happened. I don't know. I don't do well under scrutiny/pressure I guess. Fuck it. I don't think I'm going to come back next year. Haven't been to classes all week.
>>71346No it was nothing to do with her. I just hated the attention I was getting (as dumb as it sounds) and before I knew it I was downplaying everything and saying that I didn't actually have any problems and was just anxious about midterms. I can't explain why I did it. In these situations when I'm nervous there's zero filter and I can't think straight. So I just mumble out whatever pops in my head
No. 72037
>>71997Oh anon, I just want you to get the help you need.
Don't sabotage yourself! Call the shrink to make an appointment again, and the first thing you should tell her is that you downplay your issues when the spotlight is focused on them. Tell her that you want help, but you self-sabotage.
You need a shrink who will push you past your denials. Who won't let you downplay your experiences.
Your therapist wants to help you. Let her.
No. 72054
>>72000I more than deserved that tbh
>>72036Probably more of a novelty/forbidden fruit thing. I don't think it's that common to see middle eastern women on dating sites, so if one messages you then you'll probably respond at the very least. People just want to take advantage of an assumed moderate/non-muslim girl Middle Eastern woman. Arab/Persian girls can be pretty cute, but no one usually wants to get near them because Islam, crazy family, etc.
>>72037I definitely want to go back. I was so excited for Uni because I thought it'd be different, and I tried for the first few months (and failed tbh), but now I'm just in a depressive slump. I'm always at my worst during Winter I've noticed. Anyways I'm tired of not wanting to even go to the cafeteria because I'll be seen by people there even if I'm starving up in my room. I will be making another appointment, but I have more midterms coming up, and I'm also taking a much needed break back at home. Anyways, went to class today for the first time this week and had a grill say I had pretty/sad eyes. Idk what to make of that one. Either way I'm not a huge fan of hers. Autism tangent. Anyways thanks for the words of encouragement
No. 72055
>>72053What country?
It could also be that America generally gets the wealthier more Westernized Muslims and not the poor underclass like Europe seems to get
No. 72081
>>71997>Not a good memoryI'm laughing, seriously. Not trying to be mean, just picturing some agnsty kid punching the shit out of a fish.
>park supervisor came and chewed me out for a bit. Got taken back early, got suspended, and my school was banned from the park.Was it supposed to be some catch and release type shit? Has that park supervisor ever gone fishing? It isnt uncommon to do stuff like this. Well technically if you are, people use a club, but its the same thing. Sarah Palin even caught a bunch of shit over doing it from the muh-whales people>>72049Its a common way of killing a fish. And its more human than just letting them sit in a bucket till they suffocate to death. And if you're going to get pissy about it, and assuming this was a catch and release type thing, rather than teach them how to fish and dress/cook the fish, then bitch at the park and school. Because forcibly making the fish eat hooks over and over again for the kids amusement is even worse.
No. 72089
>>72081>just picturing some agnsty kid punching the shit out of a fish. Well that's pretty much it lol
Yes it was also catch and release.
No. 72163
>>72054>pretty/sad eyesI think she was saying she liked you eyes, but could tell that you were sad inside. I don't think she said that to be mean.
I really hope you make another appointment with that shrink. Let yourself get help.
No. 72164
>>72081Whenever I've been fishing, no matter the season, we would always keep the fish alive for as long as possible (especially if we went through the deep bush to find the fishing spot, or if we were ice fishing - you never know what might happen out there).
We'd put the fish in a live-catch container in the boat (like a small compartment on the boat that fills up with water so you can keep your fishies in) or a big bucket of water.
We'd wack them on the head with the butt of the knife before we cleaned them.
No. 72207
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>tfw your entire sense of humor is centered around autistic chan culture and you have no material for talking to normies
I tried bringing up how odd the "for you" line was in TDKR in between giggles and everyone just thought I was werid
No. 72211
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>tfw balding with a baby face
No. 72233
>>72201Please report back and tell us what you feel about the threat of chad after you've had sex.
If only chads have sex, does losing your virginity make you a chad? Will you still fear chad?
No. 72246
>>72210I was thinking along these lines. I know it sounds beta, but I would rather have her guide me through it then trying to recreate shit I've seen in porn. I dont know how she'd feel about taking a guy's virginity. I know lots of guys are into it, but is it the same for girls generally? Is it "sweet"?
>>72233I dont think having sex will make me a Chad. I'm well aware not much will change and I'll still be an awkward sperg. I'm comfortable with her and hopefully this happens/works out
No. 72332
>>72253I have no idea how to kiss let alone fuck
I doubt it's that simple if guys can be better than others at sex. Obviously some skill is involved
No. 72375
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>coming back home from work
>some short girl is trying hard not to fall on the bus
>drivers brakes suddenly
>she loses her balance
>catch her before she falls and hurts herself
>she looks up to say thanks but stops halfway and gets away from me
I could see the huge disappointment in her eyes when she realized it was me that caught her.
No. 72561
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Today wasn't a good day
No. 72621
>>72619I think she probably feels the same. I get a vibe that she's reluctant about about giving up her virginity and just wants oral atm. I just don't know anymore. I was super set on actually going through with this a few hours ago, but I also hadn't fapped in 3 days so my mind was kinda clouded. Got that taken care of a few hours ago and now I'm leaning more towards calling it off. Like 60/40
Cold feet is definitely a factor, but so is the reason I mentioned earlier.
No. 72635
>>72332Stick your dick in slowly, ask if she's okay once.
shove yourself all the way in and pull out slowly. increase speed as needed
No. 72644
>>72633>what's the least irritatingA guy who doesn't obsess over his height, call himself a man let, and strives to change his body type to whatever the fuck we say is attractive.
Here's the thing, if your only selling point is that you're going to work out/diet/whatever until your body catches a chick's eye, then you don't have much to offer. Like you can be as conventionally attractive as you want, but if you're a shitty person then it will hold you back.
No. 72646
>>72633>looking to adopt an attitude/personality typeJesus Christ this isn't an RPG. It sound like you're trying to choose a class: fighter or magic? Tank or sniper?
There is no magic formula to get a gf. Maybe work on the fact that you're self esteem is so low, you're just going to try to change yourself and adopt a fake personality so you can maybe fuck a girl. Do you think you have any good qualities?
No. 72679
>>66560hey man I'm not white but I'm just as "beta" as most white dudes, compared to black dudes
I don't wanna get cucked either man we all in this rat race
No. 72690
>>72684>work on your inferiority complex and lack of self esteemso you don't get
>cucked not just cucked by a woman, but cucked by the world
No. 72860
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>>72561It never is fam, it never is.
No. 72882
>>72841Getting cucked
I know a lot of guys who have been cucked and it's kinda discouraging to even bother with a gf if she just wants to sleep around
No. 72897
>>72882I think the word you're looking for is "cheated"…they were cheated on by their gfs…not cucked.
Cheating isn't solely done by women. And yet men still get dates. If you want to stay single because you're afraid of being cheated on, that's fine. But don't act like only women cheat.
No. 72902
>>72901Well then why be scared of getting cucked? Just end the relationship if you don't want to stay with a cheater.
If you think you can move past cheating and be happy, then who cares? Just be happy.
No. 72994
>>72993Jesus Christ.
Read your post outloud and really hear how fucked up and sad it sounds.
No. 73251
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>>73246This one always gets me.
No. 73275 least this brightened my day
I was trying to fap to it for meme cred, but I just can't though
Any other robots here find themselves completely unable to fap to any type of porn? I have a high sex drive and usually fap about 2 times a day, but porn does nothing for me.
I just either use my imagination or look at pics of cute girls
No. 73382
>>73373Your boss just sounds like a dick, something similar happened to my sister.
>sister works at hair salon>friend is planning on opening one near where she lives>tells her boss that she's planning on quitting and working there when it's opened>one night we're inside the UNOPENED salon while her friend shows us all the work they've been doing inside to fix the place up >her salon boss sees us inside as she's walking to the building next door, the next day at work she tells my sister she has two days to get all her shit out and leave It sucks but there are a lot of terribly incompetent people who own or run businesses and let their own feelings get ahead of their management duties. If it weren't for already being fired I would've suggested trying to contact the district manager if you had one.
No. 73383
>>73380N'ah, it was a job where I got paid daily and we didn't had a contract or something. Just got in to store and asked for a job. I could have just stopped coming and cut all contact but decided to be a decent human being and told him to find someone else. Look where it got me, seriously I'm not gonna do shit like this anymore and be selfish as possible.
>>73382Seriously, I hate it when your boss thinks we owe them something. I rent my hours to you and you give me money, just a basic transaction. Seriously don't get what else they are thinking.
No. 73387
>>73381You don't have to go to the gym necessarily to get fit.
Start with an activity that you actually enjoy. Start biking to work or join a local basketball team. I saw a poster the other day in my city for an ultimate Frisbee league. You never know what kinds of teams are in your city.
Does your neighborhood have any parks? There are some near my place that have tennis courts and shit. Learn a new sport!
No. 73466
>>73381>>73389go to /fit/ do SS for 1-3 months, if you don't want a gym membership then you need to do a big variety of explosive bodyweight exercises(clapping pushups, pistol squats, handstand pushups, pullups/chinups, etc.) and if you have room learn floor routuines and flips and shit, but don't be a retard and break you neck. If your skeletor eat more food especially protein, you want to eat your bodyweight in kg in grams of protein i.e. 100kg=100 grams of protein. Best foods for this are boiled chicken and plain yogurt and eggs. Also if you do get a gym membership compound lifts are best, isolations are a meme for most beginners, exceptions would be for people with fucked up ligaments and tendons or people unable to lift the bar or their bodyweight. When lifting you also want to complete your lifts with a cadence or try to keep a steady pace with your lifts i.e. 1 second down 1 second up, this isn't a set in stone thing but will help you get the most out of your lifts.
No. 73806
>>73798Dude, she told you that she likes it. She is enjoying her time with you, and you guy are comfortable enough with each other to experiment in the bedroom.
Don't shoot yourself in the foot with this robot nonsense. You know you are having irrational thoughts about your relationship with this girl. So don't give those thought any weight. The whole robot philosophy about women comes from insecurity, and they talk about it so much to reassure themselves that they're okay.
You know she respects you. You know she is having fun with you, because she told you that she is. Do you think she is a liar? Why? What's the point?
Don't let robot-paranoia ruin your time with this girl. Listen to her.
No. 73807
>>73798You've seeing a chick that you're sexually compatible with! Yay! But you're having intrusive thoughts of robot paranoia.
You have to remember that robots have this weird thing where they think they know everything about relationships, despite the fact that they are known for their loneliness. Why would you take anything they say seriously? Just look at this thread! Do they even seem happy to you? If they know all these secrets about women and society, why aren't they on top of the totem pole?
Stop thinking like a robot and presuming to know what this chick ~really wants. You've been seeing her for a few weeks, and she's happy! You guys are experimenting sexually! You're very compatible. But your robot thoughts are telling you that this is all a trick. But you actually KNOW this girl. Is she really that evil? Do you have any trust or respect for her? If you do, then you'll listen to her when she tells you that she is happy and having fun.
Plus, have you ever noticed that whenever you bring up an example of a happy couple to a robot that they'll immediately dismiss it? I've seen so many threads where someone was like "but my uncle/best friend/neighbor/whatever is married and his wife is awesome! They have been married for years!" And robots say shit like "ya but she's probably cucking him/going to divorce him/she only married him for the money". There's always SOME reason why happy couple aren't ACTUALLY happy, and it is usually because the woman is PROBABLY going to do something evil. That's completely irrational, especially since robots don't even know the people in the examples! They don't know anything about relationships, period! And you're doing this to yourself. You guys are happy. Don't sabotage yourself.
No. 74543
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>panic attack out of fucking nowhere after not having them for six months
Just end me already
No. 74821
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How's everyone holding up?
No. 74833
>>74816It's okay now, took some sedatives and slept.
No. 74838
>>74833Care to go into detail?
Are you a regular to these threads or new?
>>74836Good lad
No. 74845
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>>74838Regular I guess, I'm the kebab guy. Just my usual panic attack episodes, I thought I was past them but guess it still isn't cured. Visited a psych to get on meds again and told her about my suicidal tendencies and how I'm disgusted of myself. She gave me something called Venegis XR 37.5mg, let's see if it'll do good.
No. 74855
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>>74849I don't want to die, I want to become a normal person already, I don't want to live like this anymore. I had enough, I can't take it anymore, I wanna live a normal, fulfilling life like everyone else instead of rotting in my room.
No. 74860
>>74845Oh so we've talked tons on here then
I may be seeing a doctor soon. Going to make one final effort at sorting things out my own way.
>>74855This hit really close to home
I hope we make it
No. 74977
>>74891If you can afford it then go for it, especially if you live in warm climate (I'm Australian, it's been hell for me until I got this done). I can choose outfits based on looks rather than choosing a dark shirt to hide pit stains, I don't have to bring spare clothes with me, I don't have to awkwardly cross my arms when I feel sweat dripping down the side of my torso, I don't have to worry about smelling like shit, I'm not forced to stay inside on days where temperature hits mid 30's (a quarter of the fucking year). I really can't emphasize enough how good it is. Nurse said it should take a week for effects and 3 weeks for full effects, I got it done 4 days ago and I'm already feeling great.
Sorry for gushing, I'm just excited and can't talk to people irl about this.
No. 75474
>>75418Dude your body is adjusting to the changes to your brain chemistry, brought on by the meds. This is your first day. When I started antianxieties I felt like I was exhausted. My body was finally able to feel relaxed, and I just wanted to sleep all the time. I actually had to get an exam deferred because I could not stay awake when I first started my meds.
But after a few weeks those symptoms stopped, and the constant feeling of anxiety and dread that I used to feel daily was gone. Talk to your doctor about the side effects, and monitor them as time goes on. Your doctor will adjust your dose accordingly.
No. 75505
>>75484I'm really happy to hear that, anon!
I'm glad it went well. I also think that seeing her regularly is a good idea. Keep an open mind. I'm rooting for you!!!
No. 75509
>>75475Give the meds a chance, then! Don't get discouraged after one day.
You have to remember that any medication that effects your neurotransmitters is going to throw your body off at first. Your body can't get neurotransmitters from food, and can't produce them like hormones. Your brain basically recycles them, and your brain can't keep up with the recycling. So suddenly your brain is like "oooh baby! So this is what its like to properly recycle! Time to work efficiently!" But your body isn't used to the changes yet. It has never worked with a well-oiled machine before. Other parts of your brain might not jive with the chemical changes either.
There are a lot of factors at play with antianxieties. You have to give them time. Your doctor will monitor your dosage, and adjust it as time goes on.
No. 75513
>>75475I won't lie, I still get anxious from time to time. But I don't have that constant feeling of dread hanging over me. Like, I'd just feel scared, all the time. Not even about anything specific. Just scared and unsafe.
I swear to god, once I started antianxieties, and I stopped feeling that dread, I was kind of like "well no fucking wonder I can't stop sleeping. I've probably never felt truly relaxed in my entire life!"
No. 75958
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>tfw fucked up a day of perfect calorie management with a sandwich in the middle of the night
No. 76120
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>>76097Hopefully won't fuck it up today.
No. 76203
>>75418It's going to take two weeks to be in your system properly, that's two weeks of chemical adjustment.
And even then, Doctors normally change your dose once or twice after that until you find something that works for you.
No. 76273
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Am I turning into a furry?
I really want to have sex with this fox
I'm just so confused about my sexuality now
No. 76318
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>>76274She's so sexy and cute and I hate myself
No. 77029
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>>74821Probably about to turn gay from the crippling social isolation
Right now my whole life is WAKE ME UP INSIDE
No. 77033
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>>77026I don't, I just saw it while browsing. I was content with mine lately but it all gone down the drain now.
No. 77124
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>tfw no megumin
No. 77130
>>77033i don't like the word cause of the sjw connotation but it's the best way to explain: everyone has some "
triggers" that will cause them to get sad or angry, you need to discipline yourself to avoid looking at that kind of thing. if you have a small dick, don't browse sex stuff related to penis size. just don't. just NOPE out of there. shit adds nothing to your life. sure, that sadness,anger,desperation etc. is an intoxicating feeling but essentially useless, will only leave you worse with nothing to show for it. avoid it like the plague
No. 77131
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>>77130Well not like I'm gonna use it anyways, but still if by some miracle I get to use it it's just going to be disappointing as heck for the other party. It fucks up my confidence like hell.
No. 77152
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>>77144C'mon m8, no need to fool ourselves here. A thin 13 cm donger is disappointing as hell.
No. 77155
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Thinking about chucking the rest of my cig pack away
I decided to try cigarettes so I bought two packs a few days ago. Finished one and just got through 4 cigs just now and I can feel myself craving them already
I told myself those would be the only ones I smoke ever and just wanted to try it, but I'm already rationalizing buying more
No. 77171
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>(Note: Robots or /pol/ users who found this site through their respective board may be banned if they post outside of this thread, and especially this board, depending on post content and history.)
Don't the regulars here also post on /r9k/?
How the hell would you have found this place otherwise?
Clearly not from facebook.
No. 77182
>>77175>>77177accurate. There has probably been some mild crossover, but it gets posted on r9k pretty often. Check desustorage if you want to see the dozens of posts about it.
>>77180she might be able to appreciate it/that you told her, but not reciprocate– and that's her right. some people would be outright disgusted.
I'd probably be mildly amused, and maybe even try something to do with it once but if it was too weird i wouldn't really wanna do it again.
No. 77276
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>tfw zero friends at all
Don't even want a gf right now
Just friends
No. 77281
>>77171I found this place from /r9k/ a few months ago. Spend more time here than there now tbh
You're fine posting outside of this thread if you're not shitposting too badly and trying to derail threads
No. 77345
File: 1457158964096.jpg (182.21 KB, 1280x1276, Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 12.1…)

>>77281>You're fine posting outside of this thread if you're not shitposting too badly and trying to derail threadslol no, the mods here are 100% butthurt SJWs, pic related from
>>75196. For some reason they think i'll run out of IPs before their ban table becomes so large that the posting script will timeout. Their only outlet for their cat lady induced rage is banning people, and apparently my constant ban evasion
triggers them .