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No. 654049
Since that bitch didn't like the other thread…
Please dump your dumb shit here
previous thread:
>>>/ot/647556 No. 654061
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>>654056Might fuck around and turn Ditto into one of these.
No. 654075
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>>654072It was very quick but I made a new thread with picrel and she said she felt like it was scrote bait so I deleted it and made this one instead.
No. 654083
>>654079Well when we were in high school, I obviously wanted him to be "the one" (marriage and kids) so I would make sure he would apply himself more to schoolwork. I put together PDFs of his potential colleges/their requirements and made sure he stayed on top of things including his senior project (I was a mere sophomore). When he graduated and started gaining weight, I let him know he should start working out more to lose weight.
I truly wanted him to succeed because he's a dumbass who deserves goodness in his life.
No. 654094
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I don't even find Pattinson attractive but this cope is the funniest
No. 654111
>>654094the amount of jawless freaks that accuse people of surgery is unsettling. maybe
they need surgery.
No. 654269
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What is this retarded shit? Who needs context when you can just demonise certain words? Do they mean phrases because one of them is definitely a combination of three…? also
Kek wtf
No. 654278
>>654269I mean all of these things, except scalp thats weird scalp is a body part lol, are genuinely
White Karens have have the terrible habit of calling their group of white mom friends a "tribe" its so icky.
No. 654306
>>654278but how is that
problematic? Maybe I don't get it bc I'm not American but words can have different meanings? Like just because Native Americans or whatever group the post is about have tribes doesn't mean they own that word
No. 654313
>>654306Yeah its
problematic because native people were demonized for these things for centuries but its suddenly trendy and boho when white people call themselves a tribe, a powwow is a very traditional native american celebration/meeting etc.
Honestly its more an issue of native people still being treated like utter garbage today but white americans still wanting to use native words and concepts because they think it looks cool, but no clean water for reservations tho!
No. 654317
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>>654313Yeah, that's my issue with all forms of cultural appropriation.
It'd be cool if liking the aesthetic came with having respect for the people, but that pretty much never happens.
The only exception is when it's Japan, for some reason (see pic related). But even then, they tend to fuck that up when they heavily fetishize/infantilize Japanese people.
No. 654353
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What places would you like to visit? And where would you like to live?
I'd like to live in New Zealand, Australia or Switzerland. I'd like to visit so many countries but I'm really interested in Thailand, Portugal and Kenya.
No. 654357
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>>654353I want to visit Australia some day and see a koala (I'm sorry for being touristy but they're so cute). I also would love to go to Iceland, New Zealand, Canada and Italy.
No. 654374
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>>654353I would love to visit Germany (Southern Germany!), New Zealand, and Ireland. I'd definitely live in any of these countries but if I had to pick a place in the US to live, I'd pick Utah or Idaho. Moab seems like it's an awesome place. Or maybe I'd just go back home to Colorado. I really hate living on the East coast and I like big orange rocks kek
No. 654390
>>654348Yeah did you completely miss the part where I said natives are still treated like garbage and reservations don’t have clean water? Its completely reasonable to have beef with white americans and not want them to use native concepts and words.
Inb4. I said the scalp thing was stupid but the others were reasonable.
No. 654404
>>654390Crying about ebil whitey using words isn't gonna help people on reservations lmao. Do you also bitch when black people use the word tribe? Doubt it. Have fun being
triggered about people using words tho
No. 654419
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>>654404You realize black people also came from tribal societies right?
Anyway this is probably bait.
No. 654435
>>654348How do you read
>these people have their culture used for the cool factor by those from the dominant group, but that same dominant group won't even let them have clean water and have your mind generate
>Ummm sweaty you just hate white people in response? Are you trying to say being hypocritical is integral to being white or something? Because that sounds like you're the one who has beef with them, not the anon you're replying to.
No. 654436
>>654431Why the fuck would you want to go to Sao Paulo?
Gay Pride is the only thing worth seeing in this damn Brutalist nightmare of a city, its unbelievably dirty, there are crackheads everywhere and people are rude and conceited.
No. 654441
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I miss borzoi bully anon
No. 654454
>>654353Denmark, Switzerland and Austria. I'd also like to see more of Eastern Europe but I don't have specific places since I don't actually know that much of that region.
As far as living goes, I have no desire to leave my country but if I had to move I'd choose Denmark because it's a good country to live in, as an EU citizen I can freely go to live and work there so that makes moving easy and from what I heard it's fairly close in terms of culture to my country so that's nice.
No. 654476
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>>654463So white people should stop using certain words because some faggots get
triggered. Sounds like some tumblr bullshit
No. 654525
>>654363I go back and forth between 1st world and 3rd world. My hole feels
really chill compared to America lately to be frank. I know it's probs mostly because I get to live somewhat privileged in 3rd world though.
No. 654543
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what's even the point of arguing about words when everyone says them behind closed doors anyway
>>654353first place I want to go to post-quarantine is probably either back to Singapore or Canada. Honestly once everything opens up I want to just country hop for a few months. I'm so fucking tired of being in America lol.
>>654533I'm adding your country to the list, anon. Might as well spill the beans on where it is
No. 654546
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>>654538>>654539We objectively have the best chocolate and candies
>>654542winters are humid but during summer it's a pleasant 60-70%, the mean annual temperature is 5.5 degree celsius but depending on the area it can get +30c in july and -25 in january
No. 654556
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I just found out that french braids that are braided in reverse is cultural appropriation, I literally can't braid the other way so I guess I'll be culturally appropriating some bitches for a few days.
No. 654560
>>654540People of certain levels of privilege simply need to feel enraged about
something. So they can feel like they care about some “meaningful” and not just living a
valid existence. SJW slactivism is the lowest effort way to achieve that sweet feel good. Sure as hell a lot easier than addressing the corporatist state, which just imbues one with scary and hopeless feelings instead of elating self-righteousness.
No. 654607
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>I ate/ drank like 620.5 calories of hot chocolate and cookies today and I don't regret it
No. 654621
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>>654607Anachan can’t handle the idea of treating yourself once in a while
Btw I’m a severe womanlet to this weight isn’t that bad and I’m not underweight, though I’m trying to gain a little bit of weight
No. 654628
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Whoever this lady is, she looks exactly like David Bowie, with a little bit of Rick Astley
No. 654634
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>>654628Uncultured straightie
No. 654656
>>654449>>654445Late, but Rio is 10x worse than Sao Paulo, especially if anon likes big cities. Yeah it has beaches, but it also has slums every corner, random shoot outs, mass robberies at the beaches. Also people try to take advantage of tourists
a lot, even brazilian ones. It's a scam of a city.
São Paulo has a lot of cultural stuff to do for an okay price of you like that, especially asian stuff (mostly japanese but you will find everything). There's also more libraries, more museums, more galleries, more diversify, more bars, if you're into that. Yeah it can get pretty dirty and violent, but hey, that's Brazil for you.
I can't say much for Curitiba because I've never been there, but it looks pretty by the pictures. Rio only looks pretty
in pictures.
Maybe you should just scrap Brazil all together kek
No. 654734
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I want a bagel. I hope the store has bagels this week.
No. 654754
>>654704Ugh hard relate. I have to use a GPS to get everywhere (and I hate contributing to the "women have no directional sense" stereotype). Beyond that I really love reading but when I wanna share with friends it just deteriorates into, "So in this one year, uh… maybe in the 1800s, I think? There was this rich guy, and he talked to a girl with a G name, and their business ran into issues because of blackmail from this other guy. And then the first guy got upset and I think they dueled? Or maybe that was later, but it happened at some point." Gawd my ability to recount stories is nonexistent and I hate it.
I have found that pretending I need to teach the information I'm learning to others as I read helps me remember better later on as opposed to just flying through it and immediately forgetting all the specifics. Makes the thoughts more "active" as you describe.
No. 654761
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>went on one date with a male coworker
>make out in the break room a few times
>he sends me nudes
>literally nothing else happens
>asks me to meet in a random park one night
>I say no, he seems upset about it
>stops showing up to work
>I find out later that he's a sex offender and he assaulted one of my other coworkers
No. 654823
>>654813Some people are just freaky, anon. Let em live.
Anon should be careful though. She doesn't know the exact reason he's a sex offender. Could literally be anything, not just fucking in a park.
>>654819….that's not what anon said at all lmao. She's just judging people who have public sex.
No. 654853
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Real talk, wtf is wrong with you? This isn't 4chan, I do not wanna fuck in a park, I don't wanna see people fucking in a park and somehow I am the villain.
No. 654915
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Moids are subhuman, CMV
No. 655086
>>655084Same, I'm kinda sad that all the dancers I used to watch have graduated now. It always annoyed me when the girls I liked the most were put in the back, but that's just how it is.
Also I remember this girl called Lada Sartakova who was doing variations on pointe at the age of 5-6? She's in Vaganova now but seems like she isn't one of the top students.
No. 655091
>>655083Oh yeah but as a shitty dancer it makes me super jealous. They're so skinny, so flexible, so graceful and aesthetic even compared to other ballet dancers…
Russian sport docs are interesting to watch in general because they're so tough and the results are so impressive, I like the rhythmic gymnastics ones too.
No. 655117
>>654110Wtf is this
Where is this from. Im fascinated someone can dance this badly.
No. 655140
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ads on news websites are unhinged for no reason
No. 655152
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My cat has decided that sitting on my lap when I’m trying to use the restroom is appropriate after 7 years of never doing this.
No. 655307
>>655195Company kek
I live alone and don't always close the door all the way, and he usually just sits off to the side.. until recently.
No. 655349
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Whenever one of you comes to my defense when another anon is being retarded it makes me want to kiss you
No. 655353
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What the hell is this
No. 655357
>>655352I hope you find and kill it.
I had to roll the windows down in my car the other day and a jumping spider came in. I stopped the car at the sign and tried to smoosh him, but he escaped. Now he's somewhere in my car and I'm extremely paranoid every time I get in it.
No. 655399
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No. 655413
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How come people say that buying clothes from yahoo!auctions is cheap? I remember buying something from yahoo!auctions via zenmarket and the item was worth 1,000 yen, but I had to pay an extra 3,010 yen for the shipping, packaging and fees so, in total, I had to pay 4,010 for the item
No. 655416
>>655413Zenmarket fees are crazy, there's cheaper shopping services.
Also, what kind of clothes are you buying? If its niche Jfashion, that tends to be pricey. If it's cute normie clothing (example brand: earth music & ecology, GU, snidel), I've found things on there or Mercari for as little as 2£. Even Liz Lisa is dirt cheap nowadays.
No. 655462
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Suddenly nostalgic for this style
No. 655479
>>655217anon that's cringy as hell but also funny that you're aware of it
I used to have english as my major in uni and there were a few girls that faked british accents so hard and I couldn't stand hearing them speak english, it was so damn annoying
No. 655499
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Made amerifats on reddit triggered by saying billie eilish is almost overweight in those new pictures, some dumbass pick me even had the gall to say she looked the same and was just b-big boned and its all muh genetiks.
No. 655500
>>654269Scalp is such a fun word though
These people need to get off Twitter for a sec lmao
No. 655509
>>655504Like, people who store fat in their upper bodies exist?
Billie is obviously an inverted
triangle and gets fat on the arms and boobs first.
>>655507She just turned 18, hopefully later in life she can pull an Adele.
No. 655520
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I saw this on twitter and thought it was a photoshopped joke but no it’s real. Who the fuck gave this the greenlight lol
No. 655530
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I thought anon meant the dude is dressed like a posh 90s lady
No. 655544
>>655499She's not almost overweight, she clearly is. That picture almost reminds me of those Chloe Moretz edits, and the Lana Del Rey candids.
It's unfortunate. I have a feeling this is normal or even considered skinny for a large amount of Americans, so they probably don't see much of a problem, though.
No. 655549
>>655532The blackface was one thing, and then I felt like it really blew up because one of their chefs, Sohla, came out to say that she wasn’t being paid for her video appearances while her white coworkers were. It was unfair treatment since she obviously knew what she was doing in the kitchen and came to help out a lot (one big thing I remember is helping temper chocolate which Claire
always had trouble with for some reason). I think she ultimately left because they couldn’t work out pay to keep her.
If these chefs can cook, that’s great, but I don’t doubt they’re being paid the same lesser wage because they aren’t white. Or maybe they’re the only ones being paid the same as their white counterparts while the other POC who continue to work there aren’t lol. This is just a bandaid over the whole situation, saying “Instead of paying POC chefs of equal talent and experience the same wage, let’s just hire new ones!” It’s so hilariously and ridiculously tone deaf. They learned nothing and this is the saddest attempt as virtue signaling that I’ve ever seen.
No. 655551
>>655544The girl on reddit said she was SKINNY, I must look like goddamn Eugenia Cooney if Billie is skinny.
All aboard the spoop train I guess?
No. 655554
>>655550She wears what she does because her brother said so lol, it has been proven that the whole uwu hiding my body schlick was just a sham because she was underage and they couldn’t market her big bazoongas without get flack for it, now they can, now she’s wearing tank tops.
Plus we are just saying facts, she’s fat, that’s a fact, she probably weight 165 lbs.
No. 655555
>>655541Retard cunt is bodyshaming women and accuses me of being a scrote. Lol.
>>655550Indeed. Besides i think she was always a fatty chan but hid it in wide clothes. I like her body either way.
No. 655565
>>655559Nothing really, its just weird that people say she’s not fat, or even skinny, when she’s clearly bordering or already overweight.
Overall she’s average for an american girl but the denial is fucking delusional.
No. 655571
>>655550I constantly wore baggy clothes when I was a fat kid, too. If I had walked out dressed in form-fitting clothing while still fat, I knew exactly what I was getting into with the stares and reactions.
It's not really that deep. She knew exactly how people would react, and most likely doesn't care anymore. If she did care, she wouldn't go out like that, and/or she'd be in the process of losing weight.
No. 655582
>>655572Remember when she was showing her thong and shit at a concert while her brother was playing in the background, and she made eye contact with him for a little bit?
Also, that one music video where she sings "Something that probably shouldn't be said out loud" with her tits shaking for a second. All of this shit was planned, in a very transparent way.
No. 655585
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>>655564picrel, do you think they were judging me? the other side is fucked up too
No. 655586
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>>655582Don’t forget his girlfriend looks exactly like a normie billie.
No. 655600
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>>655573So are you gonna give us the story behind this or what? Was it an obsessive outburst over an ex? A way to relieve tension caused by gossiping coworkers? A general bout of madness? I'm intrigued.
No. 655606
>>655596But why?
You could’ve just donated it to some poor crackhead or whatever.
No. 655613
>>655600just anger/frustrations at life, nothing major i just got kind of worked up kek, i promise im not insane or anything, the rest of my apt. is nice
>>655605thank you, i'm getting an ikea one and it looks comfy
No. 655619
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>>655585still less crazy than the anon who puts blood in her cookies and serves them to her family, or the anon that's bffs with convicted pedos
No. 655636
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>>655627this anon gets it.
im throwing it away right now actually
>>655631my carpet is actually fine? i vacuum weekly. and those pillows and blankets are used by my cat, she sleeps on the couch.
No. 655642
>>655619Whenever shit like this happens, I can't help but remember when some salty "anti radfem sperg" anons tried to push for a thread dedicated to AG where'd they screencap anything cringy/mentally ill to mock here.
At the rate /ot/ has come (and still is at), Lolcow would have lost that war so many times. It actually makes me cringe a bit to think about. There's all kinds of people here.
No. 655648
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FUCK piper chapman. the writers have absolutely no fucking clue how to write her character or map out her personality half of the time. she is genuinely so fucking boring she feels like a family guy character. she is like those fucking family guy episodes where they try to make a serious episode and the next episode the character has just completely reverted. piper chapman belongs in fucking family guy. she cheats on her HOT 70s show actor girlfriend who was in a drug cartel. With a butch who looks like a 5 year old boy. then doesnt give a fuck. ive never wanted to punch a tv character from the screen so mucj. fuck you piper chapman. shes manipulative and not in that cool i do what i want bitch way she is manipulative in the way that she strings people along then two fucking seconds later she screws up again because she is fucking stupid.she drives herself in these retarded circles constantly. the prisoners and her own gf tell her OVER AND OVER hey bitch this isnt a movie ur self absorbed!!! chick NEVER listens. because piper cant help being a gemini guys!!! i get it that you have to adapt to prison but you dont have to adapt to your fucking husband and your ex girlfriend. at all. shes like straight girls on Her that are bored in their het relationship and want to get womanhandled. no one, no body forced her to take a briefcase. no one forced her to be with alex. yet she acts like she was uwu victimized by a crazy seductress lesbian!11!! as if she wasnt in on the WHOLE DAMN THING. as if she wasnt up going to vacations in the tropics. and she CANNOT act like the victim when she left alex unattended right when her fucking mother died. like, right when she got the phone call. that shit is EVIL. period. piper disrespecting alex's valid paranoia and cheating on her because she's not doing well mentally literally made me so angry. not only that, alex had the full right to fucking snitch on her. i wouldve too tf???girlfriend or not why the fuck would you do that to anyone you consider close? then ofc piper gets lonely and makes her jewboy slave call alex's probation officer because alex is getting threats from cartel members and has to sleep with a gun. like? the fuck? bitch i would too!!! she had random arab dudes stalking her at her apartment complex? then someone was taking fucking notes on her and tried to stab her in prison. pipers life is so fucking melodramatic and often times just fucking boring. i haven't a clue why she's the main character. she has no substance. shes smart. and so are many of the other characters. and a lot of the characters can be smart without being fucking exploitative of their friends. FUCK piper chapman. Fuck this stupid bitch. we dont see as many flashbacks to pipers life because its been so fucking boring. she was rich and her parents marriage failed boo fucking hoo!! then a lesbian MANIPULATIVE PSYCHOPATH SUCCUBUS oooOOoOO DESTROYED HER LIFE! lying ass bitch ass "boohoo woe is me" she has so many good plans she fucks up by not giving a shit about anyone other than herself. Fuck piper
No. 655722
File: 1602707327953.jpg (118.7 KB, 640x427, OH NO NO NO NO.jpg)

What went wrong?
No. 655740
>>655728She literally gets paid millions to look good. She least she could do is not turn into a living garbage disposal the second she turns 18. Imagine ruining your million dollar career as a poser-emo pop star icon because you couldn't stop stuffing your mouth
>>655738Do me a favor babe and make me a dragon drink
No. 655744
>>655738I'm sorry what "where everyone except retards start off at 6 figures"
I'm not on their side but you're dead wrong at this. If you're a recent graduate, your chances are making 40k are way higher than making 80k, which is a good salary. You don't "start off" with six figures in software. It's such a swamped field, no doubt they are bringing salaries down to compensate for needing to hire more people.
No. 655750
File: 1602708834641.webm (786.06 KB, 640x360, ohohoho.webm)

>>655744>she makes 40k a year in SDEbros…
No. 655763
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>>655751I'm not the scrote or couch slicer you're referring to, I'm a completely different person telling you that you're wrong
You realize that salary is not just dependent on the work done, but location as well, right? If you live in a HCOL area, you're going to make more. It also depends on experience. A new grad isn't going to make 100k unless they have the qualifications to cover that, including an MBA which jobs will pay more for. You're the retard here.
>>655750I don't work in SDE, I'm a fun. analyst and I make 80k.
No. 655779
>>655763if you're not in swe, then why are you sperging about it, as if you're actually in the field? you said it's not possible to start off with six figures, I'm telling you you're wrong because my friends and I have received actual offer letters
what you posted is irrelevant, and includes retards and code monkeys. look at this and see how many companies pay 100k+ not even including signing bonuses,26.htm No. 655832
File: 1602714461802.jpeg (44.2 KB, 685x533, 7A03EAEA-66F4-4014-BF2F-A90C03…)

>>655828Sending out my prayers to u anon
No. 655843
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>>655832Thank u anon. Maybe god will hear our prayers and grant me another bag soon
No. 655894
File: 1602720218486.jpeg (72.77 KB, 666x1000, C3CE9148-2112-4ECA-99BD-4A7E92…)

I remember begging my grandma to let me buy one of these when I was 7 because I saw the ads in magazines but she refused so I told her we should buy my mom one and it worked so I got to look at it in the shower. I liked how glittery it was and the design in general.
No. 655916
File: 1602721497237.png (Spoiler Image,9.2 KB, 585x658, nip.png)

my nipples have weird bumps. my little meat barbells. pic related, i tried to draw them
No. 655932
>>655888From friends who know me and what I like: journaling things (fountain pens, pen inks, washi tapes, blank journal books), and cute socks.
From people who don’t know me and what I like: sweet treats, tea, blankets and/or scarves (thick chunky knit things are the best), and small pouches or bags (like travel make up bag size). Candles are also good but I freak out about house fire potential, though I always buy one for my best friend lol.
No. 656007
>>655888Friends: clothes (T-shirt’s, hoodies, etc.), earrings, records, candles
Family: shoes, workout clothes, practical things like socks, giftcards to Starbucks and dunkin
No. 656045
File: 1602729781057.jpg (95.37 KB, 840x560, af84714a-8e62-43d8-9bb9-70fcfd…)

idk who these two kotherfuckers are but they look like they both have too much of what the other doesn't have enough of
No. 656050
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Hail the based queen
No. 656060
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who an old burger fag in this piece
No. 656095
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And does anyone remember snubbies?
No. 656118
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I took .25mg of xanax earlier and totally went off the rails posting random shit on here but also accidentally prank texting a 71 year old lady because I mistyped a phone number. I apologized and then looked up the phone number online and now I’m sitting here like picrel like wtf am I really so repressed that I’m this uninhibited after such a minuscule amount?
No. 656154
>>655821Buyee has similar fees to Zenmarket (also 300JPY per item) and they're notoriously pricey.
>>655421Jpn-Depot, I used to use Tenso and it was good too but I don't know how they are now.
>>655413That's why you don't order when you only want to buy one item. Of course it's not gonna be worth it, the shipping and fees have a baseline and then go up incrementally by weight. When you buy several things it ends up being only a few more dollars per item once you take everything into account.
No. 656198
>>656186>naked pictures he sentI bet they're of a flabby pasty body the World really didn't want to see.
Has any man ever been caught sending actually sexy pics?
My suspicion is that at least half of the negative public reaction to such leaks is because the pics are horrifically unsexy. Too bad it seems we'll never get to see how the public reacts to sexy male nudes being leaked because men seem incapable of taking them.
No. 656217
>>654499kek I got cancelled for saying Idisagree with hunting if it's not necessary, even if it's "tradition". I'm literally Mexican. But since I'm "white passing" I was told my opinion doesn't matter as much as darker skinned people.
That's whatever, but people turned it into this narrative about how I said Natives rape animals and that I'm a drug addict. Like, wut??
No. 656261
>>656227Same. 19 is when I started having lots of experiences (extracurricular, work, going out more) and between 19 and 23 I really found out who I was. But if I hadn't met the person who led me to join a uni club then none of that would have happened.
In the end it's not about age but it's about doing a lot of different things.
>>656221Don't worry about years or time. Maybe in 6 months you'll be someone completely different because you took the time to meet new people, learn new skills, read about a new interest, work or volunteer etc. Maybe that'll take more time, maybe less, everyone is different.
No. 656290
>>656255Eh, I like the memes and the harmless fun but once you cross the line of "I can't be friends with this person because she's a
insert sign here" I'm gonna mock you.
But I enjoy the memes about my and my bff's signs because they always portray us as evil overlords when together and we're mean bitches.
No. 656328
>>656326This is the easiest way to make a fuckboy obsessed with you and get revenge.
1. Don't fuck him
No. 656373
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Is the troll that has been posting in the June and tradthot threads just Venti?
No. 656383
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No. 656387
>>655217I’m from a non-English speaking European country too and teachers in my high school English classes made us choose between British English and American English, then lowkey bullied the kids who chose American English. Most kids were stuck with a native ESL accent regardless of what they chose, though, and got lower grades because of it. I was one of the only ones who could manage a semi-convincing neutral British English accent and outside of class people would pick on me for “pretending to be British”. I’m still not sure wtf I was supposed to do then, especially because my native language’s ESL accent is horrible and nobody finds it charming.
>>656378I get this too! It’s led to a lot of weird misunderstandings but it can also be convenient to get out of conversations with weirdos on the bus. What? What? Me no speaka your language.
No. 656395
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I wouldn't say I'm in the clone high fandom but I like to look at fanart of things I watch, and this particular ship keeps popping up on my feed. It's nothing to be mad over because it really doesn't hurt anyone but it's such an obvious self insert deal and it's almost always aidens who ship it lmao (peep the nonbinary flag)
I find it funny how they despise yaoi but will literally ship something incredibly nonsensical because of ~the gay~
It even has the typical seme uke tropes (height difference, big secretly gay chad, feminine shy uke), and the character is perfect for these themlets to project onto because he's a depressed scrawny shut in who likes to draw. It's one of the most blatant examples of these kind of shipping habits I've ever seen kek, which other than being incredibly cringy would be fine I guess if these same people didn't sperg teh about filthy fujos xD
No. 656402
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>>656378Yeah, people mostly guess I'm eastern European. My great grandmother very likely cheated at one point during/after WWII so I guess the reason for it is related to that. (gif unrelated)
No. 656506
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>see a cute cookie/cake in mug video
>hey, that looks nice, maybe I should do that one day
>google the calories
>1,000 calories
that's like 2/3 of my daily calories just for a small cake tf
No. 656526
>>656487Am I the only one that hates when adults over analyze a children’s cartoon in this way? An acquaintance of mine shared a 40 minute “analysis” about why Coco is
It feels like they think they’re uber intellectual because they can see things in these cartoons that regular adults just like don’t GET man.
No. 656542
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So I wanted to do something nice for myself, cook chorizo&lentil stew. It's finished and I have a taste and realize I forgot to remove the outer layer from the chorizo sausage. I wanna smack myself.
No. 656549
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The most mundane but surreal thing is happening to me atm. I was reading about an MFA program i’m interested in and came across the instagram of a girl currently in it. She had great art, and sort of the same themes as me. She was even working the part time campus job I fantasized for myself if I ever went to that program. So I followed her. I went on with my day by checking the sewing instagrams I follow.
Anons, I saw the aforementioned girl listed as following every. Single. One. That I was following. Wtf, I thought, I guess she also likes sewing like me. I might even admire her a little more now.
A couple days passed and I forgot about it. I ran out of my favorite lotion and lip balm so I went to the insta account of the skincare brand they were from to order more. It’s a small, non-trendy brand.
SHE’S FOLLOWING IT TOO. I am genuinely perplexed and may now also have a little bit of a friendcrush.
No. 656551
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i know this is lc but i wuv uwu my bf so much and just want to gush about him but don't want to be the friend who can't shut up about her partner so i confine myself to just quietly fangirling him in private when he's not looking but i feel like my heart is about to combust any moment nowhngH
No. 656552
>>656537I have no problem with adults enjoying kids shows and I do like when cartoons have substance.
There’s just a lot of terrible “what ruined ____” “what the _____ scene REALLY means” videos.
Usually the people i know that are super into insisting cartoons are really deep and meaningful are…well….
Maybe i just know too many wannabe voice actors perpetually stuck in middle/high school.
No. 656554
>>656551Don't worry anon, I feel the same way about my bf too. But my best friend literally never shuts up about her
dumb bf so it reminds me how annoying that is kek.
No. 656588
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>>656565>I love someone with autismThis adequately describes some of my feelings toward farmers and cows
No. 656597
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No. 656623
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I can't believe that I'm depressed and almost crying over a made up situation in my head with made up characters I've never met that will most likely never happen. Why am I like this? At least I have an excuse to binge on some dark chocolate.
No. 656633
File: 1602788289013.jpg (961.99 KB, 853x1280, Digestive-Biscuits-copy-1.jpg)

most days I eat nothing but junk. I wake up in the moring and eat either crisps, chocolate, biscuits, toast, or a sugary cereal. I don't really 'do' meals, I just eat the things listed above whenever I feel hungry. usually for the meal that would be dinner I'll have a veggie burger mainly because my family has the oven on around that time. I'm vegan (purely for ethical and environmental reasons, clearly not for health) and live in a small town with no vegan options so never have takeaways or go to restaurants. I honestly eat this same shit, day in day out. from time to time I'll have fruit here and there, avocado on toast, make myself a green smoothie but I sometimes go days and days only eating junk. I feel completely dreadful of course, I look like shit too. I have no energy, I'm fucking miserable and have IBS. it's normal for me to have a stomach ache every single day cause my body is constantly stressed out from what I feed it. I don't remember what it feels like to even be remotely healthy. feeling this way has become so normal since I've eaten this way for the best part of 10 years. fucking yikes, I know.
I eat this way for the pleasure it gives me in the moment, to fill the void of meaninglessness in my life since I have no boyfriend, no friends, hate my job, have no money and live with my parents. eating junk food gives me the quickest and best dopamine hit I can get. I have a problem with emotional eating too and turn to the junk each time I feel sad, angry or overwhelmed. I hate being this way though, I hate that I let myself get so bad, I do want to eat like a normal human being, but I've lived this way for so long. each time I've tried to kick eating this way I go straight back to it once I start to feel some kind of negative emotion, the cravings are fucking killer. I also don't know the first thing about cooking and get discouraged everytime I try and it turns out mediocre. the amount of times I've tried a recipe, it's turned out shit so I've thrown it out and binged on biscuits is unreal. lmao this sounds pathetic, I know that. I am pathetic, I hate myself most of the time because I just watch myself day after day sabotaging my health and happiness, and even after countless times of I've vowing I'll never make myself feel so unwell again, to get my life in order, I just keep doing it, every single day of my life.
No. 656637
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>>656633I wish I knew what advice to give you, but considering you've been like this for a decade and have tried cooking and etc, I dunno. Maybe going for super easy stuff like pasta and jarred sauce or frozen vegan meals instead of the chips and cookies? Or just go for the vegan take out and have leftovers for a meal since most restaurants offer huge servings (in America and Britain, if that's where you are). Either way, good luck and feel better.
No. 656642
>>656633I was in your position once. I mean, my life still sucks but I've developed hobbies that not only took my focus off of food and other negative things but it also made me feel slightly better about myself. The eating is clearly a psycological issue which you no doubt already knew so the first thing I would advise you to do is to start doing little things that will make you feel proud about yourself that is not necessarily related to dieting because once you start doing things that genuinely interest you and that you become good at, you will stop searching for a quick "fix" to reward yourself.
And if it makes you feel better, a lot of young adults are stuck with parents or even moving back because of the covid related layoffs. Times are tough so don't be harsh on yourself. It's easier said than done but hang in there.
No. 656663
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>>656660So sorry to hear you've been feeling like this for so long, anon. Regardless of everything else, I think it's commendable that you're vegan for those reasons. I honestly admire that!
About 5 years ago, I had to move back in with my parents for mental health reasons. Cooking for them and myself helped me feel of a little bit more useful and was healing for me in the long term. I hope you can get try it, even if it's just simple things at first.
No. 656688
>>656682Agreed. And besides, it's only guaranteed to make sure you're "obsessed" over by psychos anyway. Average dudes who get their lay outta women don't want anything more to do with them after that, if she ghosts they're just like "lol k" and move on to shoot their shot elsewhere.
I don't care if women wanna fuck men who they know will treat them like shit, it's just pathetic to act like like a 5D chess mastermind about it.
No. 656702
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While you were all busy trying to ""improve"" raichugirl was perfecting her craft
No. 656832
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I love bdsm
beautiful dogs surrounding me, doy!
No. 656939
No. 657003
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The girl on the right is a massive cringebank. Swedish, speaks with an American blaccent, vocal fry, 2edge3me, poses herself every few second like she’s trying so hard to emulate the cool girl trope. She deleted her insta right when I was going to put her stuff in the personal cows thread. girl on the left is nice though, the video is from her channel. There isn’t enough content I can share about Caroline anymore since she deleted ig but this video alone is more than enough kek.
No. 657053
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>>657043It's gross. Too many vowels
No. 657065
>>657057I will never understand those posts like "just letting you guys know I'm about to kill myself and you cant change my mind"
Cool bye, I've attempted suicude myself and you don't announce it first. The last thing on my mind at those times was…telling complete fucking strangers about my plan.
No. 657106
I deleted the "Is there such a thing as a good man?" thread that I made because people didn't understand that it was an ambiguous thread for sharing our bad (or good?) experiences with men. I'm sorry for disturbing.
This was the description
>I know we all complain about men (myself included) be it our boyfreinds, exes, friends, acquaintances, classmates, co-workers, fathers, and other family members, and for me it seems all men, even if they have some good qualities, every one of them has a bad side, a setback, or they do the same shit over and over. But I wonder, is there truly a good man out there?
Have you had any encounter or experience with a guy who was alright, a good person, or a decent human being? Did you befriend him? Do you think he'll turn like the others sooner or later? Can you truly go past his flaws or do you hold him accountable?
I'm also interested to see if any of you have a good relationship with their dads. How's that like?
I was legit interested in this, I wanted to hear good and bad opinions.
No. 657119
>>657106>Have you had any encounter or experience with a guy who was alright, a good person, or a decent human being? Did you befriend him? My dad is an alright man as far as fatherhood goes, but he was godawful to my mom and is still bitter about their divorce (he cheated so my mom left) 20 years later, it's actually quite impressive how long that man can hold a grudge. He can't cook or clean for himself and thinks women should be mothers and housewives first but somehow that doesn't apply to me or his sisters and their kids. In that sense he's an absolute dick so I don't talk to him too much.
My uncle is a kind man and I like him a lot, two of my exes were nice people and my boyfriend is genuinely lovely. Some of my friends have nice bfs and dads.
I don't hate men by any means but despite all these positive experiences I'd still say the overwhelming majority is neutral to shitty. Why? Because they're usually incapable of thinking of anyone other than themselves and are egocentric and selfish, they're raised to think that because everyone tells them that. Men's egos are the most fragile little things in the world and everything they do is to protect them.
Some of them think they're so much above others that they murder and molest.
No. 657142
>>657119 >My dad is an alright man as far as fatherhood goes, but he was godawful to my momI often see people credit men for being good dads while they also treating women poorly and I just…don't think both can be true.
My last ex was
abusive, he had a son and I tried not to make the son aware of what was happening, still I don't think kids are that stupid or unaware. The guy cheated on me and one week after dumping me he empties out the sons bedroom and moves all his stuff into the misresses house… the son freaked the fuck out. I feel bad for him but then I also worry that he'll follow in his dads footsteps given the example he has been given…he worshipped the dad.
No. 657154
>>657142>I just…don't think both can be trueI did say I don't consider him a great father since I don't really speak to him much, and I've told him on several occasions that he was going over the line and causing me many insecurities thanks to the way he talked about her in front of me (and often
to me). He stopped after I told him not to, but the damage was already done.
But as far as his fatherly duties are concerned, he did a lot for me when I stayed with him as a kid, especially things related to school and extracurriculars. He also listened to my input a lot even as a child on certain adult matters (like purchasing a house), and when I told him I was uncomfortable with his new girlfriend (nothing wrong with her, I just didn't like her because she wasn't my mom) he stopped seeing her in front of me and then they broke up.
For this reason I can't really say he was terrible even now as an adult when I see things for how they really were.
No. 657156
>>657111>>657119>>657142>>657154Hey maybe I should remake the thread? maybe reword the description a little
No. 657164
>>657157Op of that thread there, and
it was ambiguous on purpose so it wouldn't delete. Not everything has to blalantly outright say "I HATE MEN" to be able to share bad opinions about them, or else we wouldn't have 57 vent threads
hence why
>I know we all complain about men (myself included)>and for me it seems all men, even if they have some good qualities, every one of them has a bad side, a setback, or they do the same shit over and over.>Have you had any encounter or experience with a guy who was alright, a good person, or a decent human being? (I was implying no one can be actually the best, do good nice male in every regard, just decent)>Do you think he'll turn like the others sooner or later? Can you truly go past his flaws or do you hold him accountable?not to be an asshole since I'm on your side but learn2read sis (sorry please forgive me for this rudeness)
it was indeed a camouflaged ""manhate"" thread but I guess we lost our opportunity nowI just wanna hear people's opinion to see if they've had bad or good experiences etc.
No. 657171
>>657106>Have you had any encounter or experience with a guy who was alright, a good person, or a decent human being?I had a few:
- my dad - we're very good friends, he wasn't as invested as my mom in raising me because he works on cargo ships, so when I was a baby he would be gone for the majority of the year, but he always tried to make up for the lost time when he came back home. My favorite thing though is that he and my mom are still so in love, ever since I remember they've been very caring and romantic with each other, honestly relationship goals.
- friend I've made at my first job - we got along immediately, he always made sure I was feeling comfortable (I was the only woman in the company), never hit on me, introduced me to his longtime girlfriend who is a great person too, I could always rely on him, wish all the guys were just like him
- my current boyfriend, hopefully? - I mean, you never know but we've been together for almost 3 years now, he is loving, honest and incredibly patient with all of my insecurities and issues developed due to bad past relationship experiences, I feel good so far.
No. 657178
>>657166>>657170>>657173Maybe the real is there a decent man out there thread were the friends we made along the way
No but seriously, sometimes I'm amazed on how little subtext interpretation and reading comprehension there is sometimes, maybe we're all truly autistic
No. 657181
>>657172Anon so far no one has fighted in the replies so why should everyone go fight there too?
this one is cute
>>657171 No. 657198
>>657173I wish. I've learnt to never share positive experiences of men here. What seems like the majority of the userbase just don't want to hear it. It's similar to trying to share a positive perspective of women on 4chan. It's nearly impossible to not be registered as bait. I'm all for being brutally honest when negative experiences are concerned, but like you I'd prefer to be able to listen to all perspectives whether we all agree with each other or not.
>>657178>Maybe the real is there a decent man out there thread were the friends we made along the wayBig kek anon
No. 657208
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>>657198yep people thought it was bait
FML I just wanted a comfy thread of people talking about having good caring dads, since mine died 4 years ago and I miss him so fucking much.
He wasn't a great man, but he was a nice dad, fuck I want to cry just by typing this. I'm so sorry.
No. 657214
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I just read this, and I thought to myself: How come there's no equivalent to this, but with the genders switched?
We never hear about husbands whose wives have fetishes for pretending to be manly men, watch masculization porn, listen to masculization tapes, and post things like "I'll never be happy again unless I'm with another woman" online. Why is that?
No. 657219
>>657208Anon you can talk about your dad in the vent or confessions or even this thread, really. Or you could have posted it in the
stupid questions thread!
Most anons will be pretty sympathetic if you just say what you want/need. I'm sorry you're feeling sad and missing your father right now. I'd love to hear about him and tell you about mine if you want to hear it, he's a very good man.
No. 657236
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Is anyone interested in a 4chan screencap thread?
No. 657458
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The guru gossip best dressed discord is so mf weird. best dressed is probably the most dry cow in there yet it’s filled with ppl dog piling her and/or derailing discussion. she’s so fucking boring i rlly dont understand these ppls obsession???
No. 657461
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I want a Boston marriage so badly
Doesn’t even have to be sexual. I just want a nerdy, financially stable gf to split bills and go on fun trips with.
No. 657480
>>657458Guru gossip is the worst gossip site on the internet. Even worse than daily mail comments section.
You can see the dryest cow on earth who hardly posts on insta get a 10+ year thread and the same hoes are still in there, same profile pics since 2011 posting nitpicks followed by dumbass animated signatures.
No. 657508
>>657106I won't say my dad is objectively great, he's the type to think women already have equal rights so what are feminists complaining about?? He has some sexist tendencies but as a father he is impeccable, the sexism has never been directed at my sister or I.
>has never sexualized women in front of his family, ever. No flirting with women, no talking about their bodies in a sexual way, not even dirty jokes, nothing that could remotely be interpreted as interest >has never commented negatively on my appearance/weight or made me feel like my looks are important, tells me I look nice when I'm dressed up or got a haircut or w/e but has never overemphasized the value of my appearance>I would bet money he doesn't watch porn. He's technologically inept and can't get the internet working on his phone, his door is open 24/7, he gives the family full access to his pc and phone, it's pretty unthinkable>always encouraged his daughters to get educations, get careers, save our own money, etc but has NEVER encouraged us to get married or have children or made us think it's important. I've been single for a decade and he's never once questioned it. >not that good with cleaning but often cooks and has massively pulled his weight as a parent in recent years. Mum is free to live her best life doing what she wants while he's the one who deals with his daughters 'adult problems' (helping us move, car stuff, money stuff, etc). >even when he's sexist he's a hypocrite about it in favour of his daughters - eg he complains about quotas for hiring women at his work but constantly tells us to apply because we'd get good benefits>super, super calm and reasonable even when his kids/wife are being pains in the ass. Never yells, never insults us, would NEVER get physical with us. Maybe the bar is low but the more I hear about other women's fathers, the more relieved and grateful I am that he avoided the majority of behaviours that particularly harm young women. I have the opposite of daddy issues as a result, very high self esteem and standards for how men should act.
No. 657528
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Let that sink in
No. 657548
I miss being able to gather a few friends, go to the mall in a honda accord, get some drinks, food, have our nails done, and spend less than 50 dollars and be able to buy ourselves, shoes, outfits, makeup, bras, panties, and bath products. Now people put very little effort towards friendships, everything at malls are extremely overpriced or of poor quality/tacky, hair and nail prices are way too much, getting a single coffee from some place that isn't mcdonalds costs as much as it would be to buy an entire outfit at a thrift store, bras go for way too much especially for something that is required of most places, and worst of all everyone is so focused on hype that driving a non-bougie car seems like a fail for a lot of people
No. 657555
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>>657549Show him loli hentai and if the boner rises then the meat tenderizes
No. 657560
>>657543I know you don't, handmaiden
>>657547Not having a scrote is the safest way.
No. 657582
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>>657555>she fell for the reddit memeOH NO NO NO NO
No. 657588
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>>657003I don’t really know who this girl is anon but I think I was able to find her ig for you. But I watched the video she linked in her bio and I agree she’s trying to speak with an “urban” American accent (and her overfilled lips make her sound funny too)
No. 657603
>>657601I think it depends on the boards they visit and how easily they get influenced by stuff they read.
Most 4channers are coomers, so expect weird fetish/kinks conversations and/or underwhelming sex.
No. 657628
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How is my acne significantly worse now that I’m an adult vs when I was a teenager. Is this some kind of sick joke meant to attack my self esteem?
No. 657638
>>657635Cunnyposters are pedophiles and there's only a few hundred of them on a website that gets millions of visitors a month.
Democrats are pedophiles.
No. 657640
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>>657638ah it's just some "not all men" shit, nevermind
No. 657658
File: 1602907102376.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.54 KB, 1300x890, The remains of astronaut Vladi…)

I'm drunk and reading stories of astronauts dying during re-entry and its actually making me cry. They put you in a faulty spaceship and call you a hero when you die, even if they knew it was faulty from the start.
No. 657663
>>657658*cosmonaut in that pics case.
astronauts are americans, cosmonauts are russians. taikonauts are chinese, spationauts are french.
No. 657689
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>>657601I'm dating one currently. But we're both /oldfag/ and haven't even posted in ages, so he's not a jerk at all. If you ever want to talk to anyone who's worthwhile from an imageboard, don't ever try 4chan.
2016 was a mistake.
No. 657730
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No. 657769
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>>657730Sometimes I think about this, the kero saga or daisies destruction and I get so upset I just wish all of humanity would disappear. Or at least the scrotes. FUCK.
No. 657785
>>657769>the kero sagaI'm afraid to know but.. what is that? I agree with men dying though, subhuman trash. All of them. Even the 'good' ones, they may be good themselves but you know they won't say shit when their collegues shit on women, spread their nudes, brag about beating their wives. I've seen it happen, no redemption for these creatures. A man I knew worked with child rape cases, serving justice to the
victims and all, while on the side, he was having degrading sex with an underaged girl himself. Makes me believe there might be like 5 good men at one time on earth.
No. 657799
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>>657785>kero saga>>>/snow/696779 One night I started reading the thread thinking it was just gonna be about cringe furries but it's so, so much worse than that. Wish I could go back to more innocent times when i didnt know about zoosadism or hurtcore or whatever depraved shit all these sick assholes think off.
At least im reminded to be extra nice to my own cat.
No. 657854
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why do coomers even bother putting those extensive measurements in their games?
No. 657860
>>657854Because coomers think women are uwu shy about their measurements, so they love the idea of having her feeling awkward and going “y-yamero b-b-Baka! Don’t ask a maiden about her sizes!!!”
murders him but murmurs that she secretly loves him What amazes me is the fact that they have no idea of how the human body works.
No. 657861
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I wish I could tell my friends about the things I do and the things i buy, but they feel uncomfortable and then think I’m some rich bitch.
>tfw I had bagels for breakfast after lots of years hoping to buy some.
No. 657866
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>>657854that's enough for me today
No. 657904
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Early 1900s anti-suffragette poster
No. 657919
>>657908That's only for a short duration and coming off of a shitty chips and fried garbage diet. Being vegan is a fast at best and an endless cycle of overloading on carbs and sugar while still feeling cold and hungry at worst
Paleo is the best "fad" diet, just find a locally sourced healthy supermarket and pay extra for the better care they take
No. 657926
>>657908>You’ll probably be healthier as vegan anywayI'm pretty sure that's not true
>>657923Then they're healthier because of watching their macros and eating healthy foods, not as a direct result of not eating animal products.
No. 657964
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Anon that eats your skin wherever you are… I thought of you
No. 657965
>>657924The dairy industry is evil. We're not supposed to eat a cow's milk ffs, it's for her own breed.
I'm conflicted with fish, they have a less developed nervous system but they still feel pain and the industry it's just really fucked up. Sometimes I'm tempted to consume fish because they are so healthy, especially for the brain, but I'm always taken back. I do agree with eggs tho
No. 657982
>>657978Literally no one says eggs are evil because there are baby chicks inside wtf. It's more about baby male chickens being ground alive in the process since they're useless and hens being exploited wool industry:>but most animals used in farming nowadays have been bred to be like this and not taking care of them actively hurts them.Maybe we should stop breeding them then.
No. 657990
>>657982>Maybe we should stop breeding them then.Right, what do you suggest we do about the millions of animals that are alive and well already then? Murder them all so we don't consume any of their byproduct? Let them decay and be in pain because wool bad?
>hens being exploitedLike I just said, those hens lay all those eggs on their own, that's what most breeds are like nowadays. You pick up the excess eggs that hens are not going to hatch, and leave the ones they will hatch when they are broody. This is not exploitation. If you stopped interfering, you'd have an oversupply of rotting eggs everywhere.
I also strongly suggest you read a book or two on ethical farming practices, volunteer at a nearby homestead to see firsthand what is done, and stop watching videos made by delusional hippies on the internet. Lots of free content out there, I recommend starting with the Soil Association's farming resources. Cheers.
No. 657997
>>657965We've been eating it for a long time for a reason, it has tons of nutrients, and can be made into cheese to be kept. Might as well say humans should have never have selectively bred veggies and fruits to become more nutritious and tasty, because we were never meant to consume them. Things change and that's ok.
There's lots of ethical and still financially viable ways to keep cows and goats, I feel like most vegans just have a problem with factory farming. Unless vegans have found some new foodstuff that's just as delicious and nutritious as animal products, then idk how they can change people's minds.
No. 657998
>>657990>Right, what do you suggest we do about the millions of animals that are alive and well already then? Murder them all so we don't consume any of their byproduct?>MurderBut you're ok with killing them for meat anyway. Dairy cows are killed for meat too. If not all animals could go to sanctuaries just kill the remaining ones for meat and never breed them again. It's better than constantly creating and killing new generations of animals. I don't understand this silly circular logic: "We have to create them so we can kill them. No, we can't stop creating them because they would die!" Lmao
I bet you didn't watch the videos. She uses actual sources, not made up bullshit or industrial propaganda. "Ethical" farming wouldn't satisfy current demand for meat and dairy on a global scale, it consumes too much time and produces less. Enjoy your deforestation because you need beef I guess.
No. 658013
>>657990Also don't tell me to go work on a farm. I've studied veterinary (for a short time and then dropped it) and one of our teachers told us about practices in the dairy industry and also what's happening in slaugheterhouses, where workers beat cows in the heads if they're scared and don't want to move and how abuse is normal there and if you're a student and you have practical in a slaughterhouse and you see something like this, you can't intervene because they will kick you out from the class. So as a student you're learning to shut the fuck up and not to react to abuse from the start.
Also slaughter house workers have one of the highest domestic abuse rates and also suffer from PTSD because the job fucks with their heads No. 658043
>>658035>>658018NTA, but it looks like you lost this one. Why not do this?
>If not all animals could go to sanctuaries just kill the remaining ones for meat and never breed them again. It's better than constantly creating and killing new generations of animals.Also, what do you suggest re: baby male chicks? How should farm animals be treated? Is the abuse good?
I'm not even a vegan or vegetarian, but it's good to think about these things and try to come up with better ways. Meat-eaters are annoying as fuck about this subject because they lack logic, and the "I grew up on a farm so I know everything about everything!" ones are some of the smuggest and worst.
No. 658047
>>657904WOW that is fucking cute
I’m sold.
No. 658049
>>658013> what's happening in slaugheterhouses, where workers beat cows in the heads if they're scared and don't want to move and how abuse is normal thereHaha what the fuck, anon. Nta, but my family has a slaughterhouse and no one beats up the cows? Are you retarded? Or did you go to some low end type of slaughterhouse?
The animals need to be treated nicely so the meat is nice, when you beat up an animal that will be used for meat consumption, a real veterinarian will say “yo what the fuck are you doing” and the people that beat up said will get sent the fuck out.
No. 658053
>>658035No pal, thinking that your food is just your food and it doesn't affect anything (like most people do) is naive.
>beef production is the top driver of deforestation in the world's tropical forests. The forest conversion it generates more than doubles that generated by the production of soy, palm oil, and wood products (the second, third, and fourth biggest drivers) combined>In the Amazon alone, 80% of current destruction is driven by the cattle sector>Converting forest to pasture for beef cattle, largely in Latin America, is responsible for destroying 2.71 million hectares of tropical forest each year—an area about the size of the state of Massachusetts—in just four countries. This is more than half of tropical deforestation in South America, and more than five times as much as any other commodity in the regionAlso the the soy is primarily used to feed pork, poultry, and dairy cows, not people.
No. 658064
>>658016Well, why not? Our survival has relied on good, or at least harmonious, relations with animals for a very long time. They feel pain, fear and a desire to survive like we do. They help us, can provide protection, sometimes save our lives, act as companions, etc.
All (or most) serial killers started off abusing animals, and hatred of animals is often associated with generally antisocial, destructive traits. In people, love for animals is commonly seen with positive traits, such as generosity, kindness, etc. Some measure of selfishness is healthy, but overdoing it is obviously bad (especially in the cases where people start to get satisfaction from others' pain and/or lacking, this is true for both humans and animals).
It's not a "first world middle class" thing, either. Poor people certainly don't hate dogs, cats, etc. Everyone is capable of empathy. You can also care about relations with other humans and animals. Only a moron wouldn't be capable of considering two things at once.
No. 658068
>>658057Unironically, that's how many people think. For one example, in China's Dog Meat Festival, and in some similar practices in Korea, it's believed that the more the animal suffers, the better the meat tastes.
Also, in the case of China's festivals, they often steal people's dogs. Don't really know how people justify that (besides the retarded "that's their culture" argument), but it makes me sad. Humans are fucked.
No. 658074
>>658065>>658066That's true though. If women all over the world had 100% autonomy over their bodies and reproductive systems and access to free birth control, there would NEVER be 7.8 billion people on Earth today. That amount of people is stricly connected to the position of women in society.
So we have a huge amount of people who consume more meat than in the past and more than they need (well, the wast majority of them don't need it all to be healthy but you catch my drift). Supplying all those people in "ethical" way is not possible. Nor is living in "harmony" with nature. Producing only plants would consume a lot of resources with that amount of mouths to feed, BUT it would've been far less destructive than producing animal products AND plants.
No. 658078
>>658043>>658028Why should I bother responding when I literally said in my original post that I didn't agree with the treatment of animals in the meat industry, and brought up issues of wool, eggs and honey
specifically as nonsensical things people have hangups about? You're not telling me anything I don't already know, you're just looking to argue. Whose mind are you looking to change here?
You also admitted you're unwilling to look up anything about farming ethics and practices like I suggested, and instead of researching the issues you claim to care so much about you parrot your only source, your teacher, long after you dropped out of university and link random YouTube videos as if it's relevant to what I posted.
I care plenty about animals but I've little time for petulant children who refuse to have civilised discourse or read more about issues they claim to care about and their only goal is to win an internet argument on an anonymous imageboard.
No. 658085
>>658078For someone who sees others as children, you're acting very immature. You defended eggs, anon brought up the real issue with chickens, and you glossed over it to make the "We need to keep up these
abusive practices forever, too late now" argument. Anon provided an interesting suggestion and explained her own experience in this topic, which you glossed over to be weirdly arrogant about her education.
You're not going to convince anyone of anything if all you can do is be condescending and not actually back up your claims. At least she linked to YT videos that had sources for what they say.
You even seem to think we're all the same person. Nope.
No. 658090
>>658081Anon don’t worry,
>>658078 is a special breed of retarded.
No. 658141
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Had one the best birthdays of my life. My boyfriend of three years got me these beautiful earrings and a handmade wooden jewellery box with cute little deers painted on them and bought me so much food. He cuddled me and had such great sex with me and he looks gorgeous lately. My sister also returned today and bought me a ring, matching earrings and I got flowers and a bottle of Chanel Noir from my parents. I feel absolutely blessed to have such lovely people who genuinely care about me in my life. I’ve finally gotten a job that comfortably covers my rent and bills. Life is so good right now.
No. 658159
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>>658141I’m glad, anon! That’s truly wholesome, I hope you get to get even more nice stuff in your life!
No. 658176
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>>656633Anon,I'm a junk food vegan too. I'll eat nothing but crisps for the whole day. Or literally just drink beer. I agree with
>>656637 , try simple pasta sauce. Try including cutting up banana in your cereal or drink orange juice for potassium. And the then take a multi-vitamin like picrel. Vegan specific vitamins have the correct amount of B-12, that's the only reason I recommend them over a regular multi.
Oh, and stir-frys are really quick and easy to make. And you can make a bunch at once so you'll have meals for later on that week.
No. 658195
I'm a radical vegan and I'm trying so hard to not sperg at the retarded arguments meat-chan is making.
>>658141Happy birthday, anon! I'm glad you're feeling good about life right now.
>>658187You just have to know the right people. Like,I'm friends with a lot of people in the local electronic music scene and the drag scene. It helps that I sell psychedelics and DJ a bit too.
No. 658212
>>658210Where has anyone claimed
all vegans are healthy?
No. 658214
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I wish I knew how to photoshop so I could do stuff like these, it’s really cool.
No. 658215
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I called this girl out on reddit a year ago saying her photos were photoshopped (She claims this is her naturally body after weight loss and working out) and I got CREMATED by people telling me it was completely realistic. She came across my feed again today and it seems like people are starting to finally realize it's not possible.
Even better? She's not black. She was just put on blast for actually being a white girl from Poland. I love being right.
No. 658224
The whole vegan/vegetarian argument about killing animals being unethical is fucking retarded. Humans are not herbivores. We do not have the same digestive tracts necessary to get nutrion from plants as cows do. We have eyes at the front of heads because we evolved to hunt and eat other animals.
"Where do you think animals get their protein from hurrdurr" does not apply to us at all because plant protein is not as bioavailable to us as protein from animals. Animal products contain so many more micronutrients and healthy fats than plants (and don't give me crap about saturated fats being the literal worst because heart disease has become more widespread with the phasing out of lard and butter and their replacement with things like vegetable oil, margerine, etc). The fact that vegans have to rely on so many supplements shows how nutritionally lacking their diet is.
The idea that we somehow exist outside of nature and that the difference between us and other animals that eat other animals is that "we can choose and they can't uwu" is fucking bullshit.
I hate factory farming and of course think that we should raise and slaughter animals in the most humane way we can but the killing of other animals for food shouldn't be the huge moral debate that it is today, it hasn't been in most cultures for thousands of years, and the whole "cruelty free" thing is preformative by almost everyone that preaches it. Don't support the killing of animals, don't support the cruelty of the dairy industry, eat plants instead and problem solved! Ignoring the impoverished and exploited farm workers growing their food. And the carbon footprint that comes with the tropical fruit they need for their retarded fucking smoothies, not even bothering to check whether or not it was grown with near slave labour.
And to the anon going on about how it's not a class thing, poor people can be empathetic too!!!, yes it is. People with very little money to buy food with aren't able to afford the organic sustainable cruelty free certified woke shit, they're going to have to go with the cheaper options. And if your options are from a mistreated animal and a mistreated child in a developing country, I'd go with the animal. Fuck vegans.
No. 658226
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>>658223Anyone who is tanning to this extent and doing this hairstyle is claiming to be black/mixed. Period.
No. 658236
>>658213That still doesn't explain why so many of them are hamplanets.
>>658216I'm not trying to stop anyone, I genuinely don't get how someone can be healthy and fat or ana-tier at the same time.
No. 658262
>>658257Not that anon, either, but even that anon didn't give sources. That's a long post consisting of their own opinions.
You can literally post one sentence stating your thoughts, and then a link to what lead you to that thought. It's not difficult.
No. 658299
>>658291Pretendians are so embarrassing.
Do what
>>658291 said lmao, doubly so if you're Indigenous yourself.
No. 658313
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>try to do a pretty nice drawing
>look for references and everything
>imitates reference at home so it makes sense
>makes drawing
But then
>do quick sketch during class
>kind of pretty nice
This is exactly why i never even dream of doing art seriously, I admire the people that got the time and conviction to do their art stuff.
No. 658341
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If women consider short men to be unattractive, then why do so many women want to fuck James Howlett? Checkmate, incels.
No. 658342
>>658297>>658299I changed usernames since, but I'll do it lol.
I'm not indigenous but I am a brown poc. She once told me I didn't count, because I'm "just tan," so I really feel like getting her on this not gonna lie.
No. 658345
>>658342It would be nice if I could go into /ot/ and
not see race sperging for a change.
No. 658361
>>658350God, I forgot Joji is shorter than me and now I just want to put him inside my mouth and chew him this is just so cute
I'm tired of having romantic dreams about him
No. 658364
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>>658346>If he has some other redeeming quality then I can overlook him being an inch or two shorterLike being Wolverine
No. 658396
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No. 658430
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>>658425but look at this musical talent anon
No. 658435
>>658425I think so too. Sometimes feels like I’m amongst literal 16 years olds who pathetically crush on any man with an anime avatar and ~~hot voice (not)~~
At least the moist critikal simps know that their taste is specifically repulsive manlets who compensate with comical low voice.
No. 658440
>>658435I’m not an expert since I just started hate-researching him, but from what I see he’s only shown his face to Mykie and half his face to Anthony. God I wish I could ask her to blink twice if he looks like Quasimodo.
No. 658442
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unnnf corpse husband daddy
No. 658445
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People like this need to be locked up before they hurt somebody. Stay safe out there!
No. 658452
>>658445Courtney Stodden made out with this dude on his reality show.
All I really wanted to know was who he was and why he's verified.
No. 658454
I studied in Japan for a year but was super fucking depressed (50% non study abroad reasons relating to stupid fuck boy, 50% being alone in a new country with little support system). I did make friends but I look back on it and wish I was my current self back then. All my Japanese friends were so welcoming and tried their best to get me out of my room and doing stuff. I shut a lot of them out. One girl in particular always hung out with me one on one. Her english wasn’t the best, and my Japanese wasn’t the best, but we made it work and hung out a lot. She even saw me off at the airport when I left to go home and gave me a letter that I still have where she wrote how much she treasured our time together and how she was glad she met me and couldn’t wait to see me again. Towards the end of my time there, I opened up and hung out with more of my friends, but it always feels too little too late.
It been like 4 or 5 years now, but I lost touch with a lot of them. The people I was closest to (that one girl, as well as this boy who studied in Cali and knew my situation with muh cripplin depression lol) have tried to reach out to me again, but up until recently, I was still struggling really bad. They invited me for dinner because they were in my city a while back, but I ignored the invite and haven’t spoken to them since. I’m too embarrassed at what a fucking rude dipshit I’ve been for so long. It feels like I’m just making up excuses for so long for why I’ve been such an awful friend. I want to reach out but I feel like I can’t either. I stopped studying Japanese too. I just feel like ass about the whole thing.
Anyway I went on the girl’s instagram and she still has photos up of when we hung out together, with cute captions like “the memories of summer~“ or “anon’s first time in asakusa! her japanese has gotten good ♥” and it just made me miss her so fucking much.
No. 658458
>>658449instagram is trash. at this point idk why anyone would go there. (actually I do sadly, because everyone irl asks if you have it, its pretty popular for normies… but hope youre right)
twitter is trash too, knowing what I do now I would never make an account there, nothing of value. social media is exactly as you said. like a kitchen drain getting clogged with soggy garbage. I hope it drives people off insta but right now i'm not sure because normies use it to connect, the fools
No. 658485
>>658435Corpse feels like cryaotic all over again
The mask, readings, always speaking low etc, tons of fangirls
No. 658497
>>658449I wish there was a new app to come up that’s not
toxic but my hopes are not high
No. 658501
>>658497it would become
toxic if it got popular. full misanthropy people are cancer in large doses
No. 658513
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God I fucking hate his face so much
>Um actually, the wage gap doesn't exist and also one of the main problem with in our society are how badly single deadbeat fathers are treated
No. 658519
>>658454I'm guessing from the 50% fuckboi thing being that you either dated a gaijin chaser looking for a personal English tutor/foreign sex dispenser or a fellow transfer student and for all anons planning to study abroad in Japan I give you advice: don't fucking do it. It ends up in heartbreak every single time.
Anyway anon I suggest you keep in touch with the girl. She sounds legitimately sweet and happy that she got to meet you.
No. 658547
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I love the word "coochie" its funny
No. 658548
>>658519Surprisingly, the fuckboy wasn't a gaijin chaser or fellow transfer student lol. It was someone I met back at home and was friends/fwb for a few years before going to Japan to study.
I still have her on line so maybe I'll send a message one of these days apologizing for dropping off the face of the earth lol. I'd really love to see her and all my other friends again if I can ever get back to Japan post corona. Thanks anon.
No. 658571
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>>658564My coochie smells weird (yeast infection, my first and quite mild. Waiting to see the doc) so I keep thinking about him. Coochie… I love him so much. It will sound strange but I understand why at least 2 other characters fixate on him. I would be his tall gf in the vento aureo time period or later. He is such a respectable guy. Too bad that araki draws him smaller and smaller until he is the size of a small cube. I mean, it's pretty funny so it's part of the appeal. He would have to be normal manlet size for me to be with him. Can't have him any smaller, it'd be weird
No. 658693
File: 1603039785091.png (517.5 KB, 600x331, 7yearsforthisshit.png)

I've been using Evernote for almost a decade, and even though it's not perfect I liked it enough to keep all my shit organized in it. Yesterday they finally made a big update (with night mode! only years after every other company!) and it lost my favourite feature: justified text. Only a neat freak would understand the importance of having all my texts and notes tidy, and I thought that the people behind a fucking filling system would think like that. But no.
I'm not mad, I'm just sad that one of my favourite programs (where I have ALL MY FUCKING SHIT ORGANIZED) suffered from the same fate every bit of technology is suffering. Every product becomes the same, like the people behind it have not a bit of imagination, or the drive to do something good or unique instead of something average. Everything is watered down and copied ad nauseum.
Evernote is not Evernote anymore, is just a shittier version of Notion.
No. 658734
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>>658724Real corpse-husband face reveal (not clickbate)
No. 658746
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>>658738Choke me like you hate me but you love me lowkey
No. 658791
>>658755>>658750It doesn't look healthy at all to me anon, it just looks ridiculous and like an extreme caricature instead of a healthy woman
>But I'm anachan with big perfect tits it this makes me sadYou and the rest of lolcow anon
No. 658875
>>658860Only women have ovaries, calling women "ovary-havers" is dehumanizing as fuck. It's literally reducing us to a body part.
Men still get to be men but women are "bleeders", "ovary havers", and "pregnant people".
No. 658882
>>658869I have never irl come across anyone deep into that trans friendly language so maybe that's why the fertility article just doesn't
trigger me. To me that's all twitter talk and I haven't seen it take any affect on the real world where I live.
No. 658925
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I find Joey King to be pretty but her face fucking gets on my nerves, I can't even explain it.
She seems like a really nice girl.
No. 658938
>>658934not to be a pedant but
>you're grammar suckskek
No. 658958
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>>658836now that's a big mood anon
No. 658978
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>>658963>>658964water has a pressure, not vaginas
No. 658989
>>658982My vagina is afraid of water. Even just in the shower no matter how long I spend it
wont come out but the second I step out to towel off…. release the river!!
No. 659007
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>>658753Last I remember she toned down the shoop? Or maybe just ditched the kawaii uguu look. Its been a while..
No. 659020
>>658791Anon.. what?
I didn't post anything about being anachan or how healthy she looks. I appreciate the shape of her boobs and am sad for her back.
No. 659044
>>659041I mean, most will probably.
Who hurt you anon?
No. 659045
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>>658352I wonder wtf this was even about.
No. 659055
>>659051love that lol
i remember back when i still went outside whenever guys would ask me for my name i would just say i didn't have one and offer no further explanation, fucking with people can be fun
No. 659056
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>>659052This is just the Opera browser you can install online. It has a vpn feature in settings and absolutely every single IP has been banned on LC for funny ass reasons.
No. 659083
>>659060Former friend made an hour long video which is basically all lies. It's like this
>shows text>reads out part of it>paraphrases/invents a completely different meaning>gets angry about the meaning she made upMy favourite "you're paranoid, girl" part was towards the end when she reads out a text by Peter, claims it was "really" from Mykie (Peter confirmed on Twitch it was indeed him) and after reading out a line where he says
he feels like he's insane to suggest x, then rants for several minutes about how he called
her insane when he literally called himself insane. She later refers to this text as being from Mykie when it was from Peter.
Every single "issue" is presented the same way. Just someone salty because Mykie dropped her weird stalker ass.
No. 659102
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Drank vanilla extract and I'm drunk right now noooo.
No. 659142
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How do people like this even live
No. 659154
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I know I'm down bad when I come crawling back here.
No. 659168
Need a girl to suck my titties, I NEED VOLUNTEERS
>>659154Damn, sorry anon, hope you can feel better soon. I've been having some pretty low days myself and been posting often, so I feel you.
No. 659170
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>>659168>hope you can feel better soon.Thank you. I hope you do too. Please don't forget to take care of yourself.
As for your problem, May I offer you a leech?
No. 659198
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We don't have an Instagram hate thread but this broke my brain so I had to share it somewhere.
This Indian man is angry that another Indian man committed suicide because two women stole his money and allegedly falsely accused him of rape. This account owner has decided this means India is "gynocentric" and suppressing anything except feminist news stories. How is this man trying to avenge the suicide? By running an anti simp account.
No. 659205
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Whenever I try to give crystalcafe a chance…
No. 659206
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>>659195If you're the one spamming tumblr tier 3DPD looking catboys please get some taste.
No. 659210
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>twf mom started calling me he
>tfw mom is starting to accept me as her son
>tfw mom is also getting chubbier
I want to be inside her so bad…(scrote)
No. 659212
>>659205KEK based data anon
>>659206Cat boys are cute especially in that image but memers and “femboys” kinda ruined them.
No. 659221
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>>659207i wish it wasnt a dumb femboy porn trope, catboys or boys with animal traits in general are so cute
No. 659226
>>659206>>659212People like this are usually the ones to be nostalgic about the trends they used to ridicule, I think femboy catboys are cute as hell and I agree with
>>659221 that them being a porn trope ruined them but TBH IDC because there is porn of everything.
>>659216I think I've experinced the same thing when my mom had an infection in her breasts and it was both gross and crushing.
No. 659263
>>659195Seethe more
>>659205Thanks anon, you got me my CC fill for the rest of the year and saved me the visit to check if it's still as godawful as it was the last time.
No. 659282
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I know tiktok is junkfood social media, but apparently there are people who are harassing Tim burton because of what he said ages ago LOL
No. 659419
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I've just seen the new Resident Evil casting. Please say sike.
No. 659430
>>659416Nta but Instagram is kind of more like an online catalogue, it’s an app people use to promote the stuff they sell.
Ticktok was supposed to be an app to show off your sick dance moves and how cool you are at lip syncing while eye fucking yourself. But kids took over the app and it’s just overall gross to look at children pretending to be Cardi B in their living rooms with their homework in the background.
If anyone over 20 can handle that shit, they’re a bit weird.
No. 659445
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Umberto Eco and his wife were so hot wtf
No. 659453
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Been listening to Taco Bell by That Kid on repeat for hours. Am I in hell?
No. 659489
>>659419They did Leon and Birkin so dirty holy shit
How fucking hard is it to find a handsome twunk to play Leon
No. 659490
>>659404It gets posted on 4chan constantly.
>femoid imageboard bans men on sight, PLS RAIDAt this point I just think “pls don’t bring up lolcow” whenever I see it, it’s them or us… Fucking sucks, cc has really cute aesthetic. But I guess that’s part of why it attracts the worst of men.
No. 659514
Alright I’ll do it, we can do the skeld stage since it’s easy and small with 10 players. Do anons want 1 or 2 imposters?
>>659497Depends if a lot of anons wanna continue to play together. It’d be a good way to contain it
No. 659516
>>659497Yolo anon, if it dies it dies. I want to play Phasmophobia with farmers too but being anon and all makes link up hard. Maybe a general thread for posting game lobbies?
Id make a thread in /ot/ for exposure and let farmhand move it later teehee
No. 659527
>>659480Americans have a weird emphasis of going to the gyno for everything, I'd say it's almost perverted if that wouldn't start infights
Imo they should be focused more on their brain because more Americans seem to deal with mental issues rather go to the gyno every time
No. 659541
>>659528In that scenario yes, but the anons are bringing attention to the fact that most Americans have a weird fixation on the gyno
In fact, most families I know start bringing their daughter to the gyno yearly the second she turns 16, even if she's not sexually active and doesn't have any sort of underlying gyno issues. Why? If they care so much for health they would go get the other systems checked out too, dermatology, stomach issues, heart health, and so on, but most Americans are retarded to shovel out money for a gyno that isn't needed half the time instead of something useful
No. 659543
>>659541Oh, if that's the case then yeah, that's fair for sure. I hadn't seen any of that previously, just this situation where it directly deals with anon's vaginal health.
My sister and I didn't have that experience at all growing up. I didn't have my first OB/GYN appt until I was like 19 or 20, and it was to get on birth control…is that why parents take their daughters there? Are they the only ones that can prescribe it? Surely not… Sorry, even as (or perhaps because) an American, I'm retarded apparently kek.
No. 659598
>>659564Why so defensive? What's wrong with me staying my own personal experience?
When I was in high school a good bit of girls I knew went to the gyno regularly by the time they were 16, most girls I knew were on birth control as well not that there's anything wrong with that, but the thing about these families were that when it came to their vaginal health they easily got a gyno but acne? Just wash your face, stomach problems? Just don't eat that, frequent headaches? Oh just take painkillers but seeing a gyno was practically second nature and no one cared question it. I'm not saying literally every single family is like this or everyone experiences this, it was just extremely creepy and dismissive of other problems of well as on the edge of perversion of how fixated these families were on their daughters vaginal health but excused so many other bodily issues
No. 659606
>>659601A mix of white, black, and some middle eastern. My boyfriend is from a Catholic family and has a little sister that's 16 and their family absolutely refuses to do anything vaginal health related unless it coordinates to an actual disorder or disease, his grandma even refuses to take anything for her menopause so is just a cunt to everyone because hormones are against god.
I honestly wouldn't care but the issue is the fact that they
only care about vaginal issues and then dismiss other problems which end up fucking these girls over but hey at least she's on birth control
No. 659607
>>659541They seem to be overly concerned with pap smears compared to other countries, too. My doctor didn't even think to bring up getting one until I was like 28, and even then it was just an offhand remark he didn't put any particular emphasis into.
I doubt it's any sort of conspiracy or vagina obsession though, naturally different countries will develop their own specific concerns just from whatever studies are widely taught and publicized there.
No. 659700
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No. 659704
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My rabbit chewed another small hole in my carpet back to gay baby jail with you
No. 659709
>>659705What isn't normie nowadays?
It feels like the term really only means "socially adept" now since everyone is online all the time.
No. 659717
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Someone please call me retarded because I actually laughed out loud when I saw this…
No. 659730
>>659727Oh my god, that’s insane. I didn’t know that was a thing bunnies did. Jesus. I’m sorry that happened to your sisters bunny and you had to see that.
No. 659731
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If Farmhands don't wanna moderate male hate threads (the softest """hate""" threads on the internet btw scrotes) then recruit some of the neet bitches in the neet thread. You're already on here 20 hours a day. Get to work hoes. Save a life be a janny
No. 659761
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maybe these guys had a point
No. 659783
>>659778Fresh out of a medieval manuscript
>>659781what do it be saying?
No. 659784
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what is going on
No. 659790
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What is this stock photo? Why is he inspecting the dick?
No. 659791
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>>659786I don't know, I just don't understand admins decisions at all.
Am I meant to believe this is a genuine woman? The fact they leave this shit up too just encourages infighting.
No. 659797
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one of the problems with this place is the actual users aren't in /meta/ and don't check it often. The only people that run to /meta/ are people that are mad, and there's no one this site makes madder than men, trannies and pick mes.
But then admin makes her decision for the site based on what these outrage minorities want, which creats this huge divide between the actual base and the staff.
it's really fucking dumb.
No. 659806
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>>659798anything like this as well
No. 659828
>>659760>>659700>>659695>>659682>>659679>Ultimate pickmeishasIt's tranners anon. They aren't complaining about blogposting, they are specifically
triggered over anons talking about pregnancies and having children. One of them literally called it "your female experiences" with female experiences in sarcastic quotes. It's always the same wording and sentences in the complaints and then in the always following defense "arguments" too, to the point I'm pretty sure most of it is just one or two mad trannies endlessly samefagging for months.
No. 659835
>>659828Because the methodology there is seek and destroy.
It sorta makes me wish that mumsnet would descend upon us and bless
spam it with detailed birth stories.
No. 659843
>>659828>>659837You can see this in quite a few /ot/ threads. Every once in a while, you'll run into the odd "anon" who'll be aggressive to anyone who talks about her body (and general physical experiences only females can have).
Go to the gyno? Get told to kill yourself. Talk about pregnancy or vaginas in a non-porny context? "Someone" may get pissed off. I don't know why they keep coming here.
No. 659850
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>tfw when you sneeze and it makes your neck crack
No. 659858
>>659784Jesus Christ. No way this is just /r9k/. It actually sounds like an FtM pick-me from /lgbt/ who wants to get banned for the validation of being called a scrote. The testosterone supposedly makes their sex drives go insane.
Either that, or just an MtF genderbending his gross fetish posts (Seriously, go on /lgbt/ literally any day of the week, any time and you will see at least one tranny coomer greentexting about wanting to fuck his dad).
No. 659867
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I’m so mind numbingly goddamn fucking bored
No. 659884
File: 1603154895503.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.87 KB, 513x403, berserkerrr.JPG)

>ywn get sandwiched between them in a forest
why even live
No. 659887
>>659828The problem js the trannies are winning because they're bombarding the farmhands with constant complaining about this shit. Someone was in meta yesterday blowing up because people were tinfoiling the new snow cow Tessa was a tranny.
If you wanna see how bad it is go to the complaints thread and count how many genuine "women" are referring to posters here as female rather than woman or anons or anything else