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No. 647556
Abandon brain all ye who enter here.
previous thread:
>>640559 No. 647614
>>647590Easiest way is just to make them think its beneficial for them(which it also is) instead of doing it for women. Take porn, if you say they shouldn't watch it because it exploits women, they'll just say "lmao roasties". But if its on /pol/, you can say its the jewish brainwash agenda that ruins their women and normal family roles. Or on /fit/ you can say its a gains goblin that lowers test. Just reframing it into an issue that personally affects THEM as well as women, so instead of women against men, its us againt the common enemy.
Or I humanise women for them by pretending my experiences is that of a girlfriend/female friend/hookup etc.
No. 647658
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I stayed too much in troon spaces I subconsciously link the most innocent shit to them now
No. 647721
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Sometimes I think about these people who complain about weaboos being obsessed with Japan because of pop culture and otaku shit, and then remember that Shokotan, the biggest otku on earth, was chosen to carry the torch for the 2020 Olympics and thus directly represent Japan as a whole to the world. The very same woman who told Araki that shit wanted Jotaro to spit on her and bit the fuck out of her. The woman who shitposts about her husbandos so much that her blog is or at least was the biggest one of all the internet at some point. It's so funny to me, idk.
No. 647755
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>>647721Lmao this gets me too. Let otakus live their best lives, no one can argue that she's thriving, I think the haters are genuinely just jealous that she's happy with her weird ass existence yet they're still miserable with their stable job, 2.5 kids and fancy car.
No. 647927
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Anons, should I make these slutty brownies? Kind of scared to as an old ex anachan (recovered but still have some anxiety about “bad food”); they look so good and I want to spice it up a little. I rarely make really rich desserts but I am bored of my usual plain dark chocolate brownies.
No. 647958
>>647932This sounds like a lovely tuesday anon! With some emotional turmoil and friendship as well, I did have a comfortable day too thanks! Making an ugly fabric mask right now, listening to true crime stuff.
>>647940I just read about mellification the other day wtf anon, it's gross yet so interesting! Hope your anxiety lessens and you pass all your classes
No. 648037
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I have an internet ex I used to creep out of selfish curiousity to see if he was still talking about me, and then less frequently later to see if he was still alive. he moved blogs after we broke up for unrelated reasons. recently I was bored and period crampy and decided to try find the new URL primarily to see if I could. he was always the strategic clever one in our relationship and I guess I felt if I could "outsmart" him and find it I would "win." well, I found it, read through a bunch of posts, didn't take any precautions to obscure my identity because why would I? I'm not even on tumblr anymore. I deleted my account. we haven't had direct contact in years.
turns out he keeps track of his traffic and based on what I can only guess to be geographic evidence he made a post to call out who he (correctly) assumed to be me after the fact, which I only saw because I foolishly went back to lurk more. so now he'll see that traffic and definitely know it's me. a pyrrhic victory.
if he does call me out again though I won't know because I learned my lesson and I won't go back. it was so unnecessary in the first place because my life literally only got better after we broke up and I was just there to feed my ego. I guess I'm mostly just ashamed I got caught because lord knows this aligns perfectly with his perception of me as someone self-centred and non-cognizant of boundaries who cannot be trusted. (and believe it or nah but I'm not usually, there's just something about this person and the dynamic we had that drives me to do things that play directly into those beliefs so I can't blame him for seeing me that way.) truly dumb ass shit.
No. 648044
File: 1602024546283.png (84.56 KB, 285x235, roma.png)

What's this, withholding anal sex unless your man performs tricks for your amusement? Even filming him as he desperately tries to jump through all these ridiculous hoops, just so he can be rewarded with something that you could just easily give to him for free, but instead you're being a selfish, manipulative bitch and making his life even harder than it already is! Tsk tsk, what a dumb little egirl, this is how you DON'T keep a man!
No. 648088
>>648040I might if there was anything worth reading lol, but the call out post summed me up as "exacerbating previous trauma but otherwise forgettable." so in that sense I got exactly what I wanted, knowing what he thinks of me. the rest of his life seems to be very similar to when we were dating and I don't need to watch him keep walking those same circles.
deep down half of me does actually want to apologize for hurting him, but that would be disingenuous given my behaviour. either way it's irrelevant because I promised at the end of things he would never hear from me again and that's the one boundary I'm not crossing, lmao. (not that he's likely to absolve me anyway)
No. 648130
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>>647721God why can't I be a nipponese otaku
No. 648158
>>648143You're either very shallow and he deserves better, OR his other qualities are shittier than you'll admit and his appearance is just the thing you use to be angry at.
Either way it's over.
No. 648181
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Just saw a guy shaped like those generated pear shaped Sims dudes IRL. Pic related, except he was actually more dramatically pear shaped
No. 648267
>>648260The point of wearing liners is you can change them every time you pee, so it’s good if you’re especially sweaty and have a lot of discharge.
It will definitely help if you have an odor problem, but like the other anon said, if it’s that bad, just go to a doctor already. Definitely not a long term solution.
No. 648277
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All guys these days wanna do is fuck. I would be cool with that if they just gave me 100$, hit it and leave. I'm perfectly ok with hook ups if I'm being paid for it. I just all these guys begging for sex on tinder….just pay me.
No. 648281
>>648211kinda overkill I think. I shower like every 3-4 days though. I mean, I
get in the shower every day but just to clean my pussy and ass, I don't do a "full" shower every day, seems excessive.
No. 648289
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>>648286sorry anon I'm feeling on edge bc I'm sad
No. 648304
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>>648263Being a kawaii (or not so kawaii) tarento or magazine moderu a la Dakota Rose, but actually being grateful for it.
I daydream of being scouted while going to uni in Japan, because I am tall and ~exotic hafu look~ with tattoos.
But honestly
>Tattoos>Ugly>Overweight (although that I am changing again)Maybe if I try hard enough I can get street snapped one day kek
No. 648332
>>648319I'm also into fringe internet groups but I can't name any off the top of my head. but recently I did go on a trip down memory lane by venturing into a BJD rabbit hole
anyway seconded, I would enjoy a thread like that
No. 648333
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No. 648397
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Not a burgerfag but I read that some shitty tweets that Trump had recently made caused stocks to take a major dip, decided to check the Wall Street Journal market page to see if that was true, before realizing I don't know shit about the stock market and had no idea what I was even looking at
No. 648453
>>648211Admittedly when I was younger I used to do the third one, but that's because I had a lot of discharge when I was going through puberty. I don't do it anymore, though. Everything else is overkill, especially the four different soaps. Obviously it's necessary to wash your genitals/anus but you have to be careful about the type of soap you use in those places (nothing scented.) Literally
scrubbing your asshole is a great way to cause tearing, yikes.
No. 648461
>>648458Bitchy "stan" gay men being unfunny, misogynist and often racist, just another day that ends in Y.
I'm so grateful for my gay male friends (both IRL and online) who are nothing like that, but they seem to get rarer and rarer
No. 648484
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No. 648505
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I'm the anon who made this confession, parents finally found out I'm not enrolled in university. They were obviously disappointed and upset, but definitely not furious as I thought they would be.
Why do I have to be such a retard and lie to everyone about anything because I can't help but irrationally feel everyone would hate me if they knew my truth?
No. 648614
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No. 648630
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>>648614>t.Just girly thingsThere’s no such a thing as wholesome internet friends, specially if they’re men, it sucks so much.
No. 648650
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>>648608>are you shilling this incel on lolcow??Yes.
No. 648666
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I just saw a tik tok about wild pigs in the Bahamas that this girl made and I scrolled down to see that EVERYONE was commenting on her body. Scrotes in the comments were drooling and so confused over the concept of her getting plastic surgery and saying that people just naturally look like this from doing squats. Why are men like this? Men with wives and kids will comment on random womens' bodies like its a product to rate and truly believe that this ridiculous look is natural and achievable through exercise. What even
No. 648672
>>648654>make fresh account with every "new" persona just to cover your bases and also so moids cant ever stalk your socials>pfp is some generic anime girl or steal a random pic from any lesser known cow's snapchat depending on the image you're going for. name is smth basic like "amanda" with a heart >join any dating server, watch the DMs flood inmy favorite is to pretend to be absolutely retarded and make them mansplain all their dumb jokes because they're eager to impress but once in a while you can also get them to buy you some steam games before you ditch them
also it's a fun experiment to pretend to be underage and watch how many of them dont care that you're a 13 year old. report them all and watch their accounts become ((Deleted User)) in a few days time
No. 648683
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I know IPs can be recycled and we’ll get ban messages for posts we didn’t making but I’m laughing that I got this just now. This fucking autist’s thread is so painfully cringey but also funny.
pls do not ban me farmhands, I swear I’m not this autist, just unfortunately live in the same city lmao
No. 648697
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>>648686Some bitch could’ve but he chose to save humanity instead
No. 648699
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>>648687if it helps you sleep at night men on discord dating servers dont deserve rights. be the catfish of ur dreams luv.
No. 648713
>>648699one day i'm gonna scam a switch game out of some discord mod neckbeard ass bitch and i'll think of you as i play it
>>648706that's kinda what i'm wondering but maybe i'll just use a VPN on top of making a brand new discord (and paypal i guess?). i don't think it's technically illegal though, and even if it was, if you do it well enough it won't matter kek
No. 648723
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I've been consistent with my hyperpigmentation/darkspot treatment and see they've only sort of faded. The dots are so small, but there are so many of them in one area, it's hard to target the dots specifically, if that makes sense. Like, the cream lightens the whole area instead of just the dots. All the darkspots are legit low on the hollow of my cheeks, so it looks like I countour, but I don't.
I think maybe I'm going to purposely give myself dark spots on the apple of my cheeks to fill in the area and even it out so it looks like I have freckles
No. 648729
>>648706if you're just doing it for steam games, its almost impossible to catch. you just get them to buy you a steam giftcard or a game that's redeemable with a key from some 3rd party website. if you play it right they won't even know your steam account, all they'll have is a burner discord that you can also delete
guys will always offer to play games with you, they'll especially budge if you ask them to 'teach' you because you're just "teehee so bad at video games". say you don't own the game and can't afford it. get them to buy it for you and get out.
No. 648745
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>tfw no mad bad and dangerous to know bf
No. 648751
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genuinely thinking of scamming some moids on discord for some switch games now. should i do it girls?
No. 648753
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Idk why anons think /pol/ is some sort of scary boogeymans lair. It's just a bunch of spergs
No. 648760
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I posted about genshin impact on instagram and I noticed one of my mutuals saw it and immediately afterward started posting about what a shitty game it is kek oh well I'm still having fun
No. 648771
>>648749agreed. she definitely had some issues before the CSA (wack parents) but it certaintly didn't help. i lost sympathy however when she publically started saying her leaked nudes were from when she was 14, threatening legal action on people and everything.
no bitch, i knew you at 14, those images were from you cam whoring at 18-19, not from tinychat pedos
No. 648805
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>>648794don't apologize anon, you're good
No. 648817
>>648808I mean,
is it a description of your sexuality if the entire of your active sex life is opposite sex?
It's different for young people who are inactive sexually or have never been in a long term relationship, but if you've been fucking an opposite sex partner for ten years you
are functionally straight.
>>648812Just posting as a vent/dumbass shit, don't worry I am not the type to publicly jump to the defense of groups I am not in.
No. 648826
>>648808And usually I see it when people are shoehorning themselves into social issues that only apply to functionally queer people, or using it to claim oppression.
It's different if you're having a conversation about past relationships or future ones, or talking about sexual preferences, but I 100% see it online in the context of just claiming to be a thing they functionally aren't, while enjoying the social benefits of being in a cis opposite sex relationship.
No. 648839
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It's my day off and I'm day-drinkinggg.
My favorite mixed drink is a sex on the beach and I really hate that it's called that. Anons, what are your favorite drinks?
No. 648847
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>>648834I think he must have a strong team of witchdoctors warding away bad vibes, you were not the only one.
No. 648851
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>>648834Somewhere someone is lighting incense and chanting for his good health and re-election.
No. 648855
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>>648851Hehehe. It's me bitch.
No. 648867
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i recently got into tulpas and now i want to get one, but reading about people's experiences with them also gives me some tumblr-otherkin bullshit vibes, especially with the mlp tulpas and weird roleplaying kek. anyways i'll go find out if they're actually a thing or not wish me luck
No. 648875
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>see some cute mugs on Pinterest
>the source link is a link to an etsy store
>'hmmm…Maybe I could get one'
>It's out of stock
No. 648983
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Tiny living is so cool. RVs are fricken awesome. I would live in one if I didn't want a bunch of pets.
No. 648984
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>>648867even if you do get a tulpa it might not be one that you want
No. 649000
>>648992What if you have a hobby? There’s nowhere to put
anything. I imagine these tiny living people are the kind who think that going online to brag about their tiny house and thus superiority is a whole personality.
No. 649002
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>>648985Idk, I grew up in a small house without my own room for most of my life, so it probably wouldn't bother me too much. Also less space to clean.
>>648989I think railings can be installed.
>>648992RV and tiny house people usually have their own bathroom in their home. Van people have to shower at gyms, or use those portable shower things. Pic related is an example but they look different depending on the place.
No. 649147
>>649124…maybe be wary of the rona.
>>649138Sorry for making you mad anon. This is the dumbass shit thread, afterall.
No. 649182
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When your anxiety gives you a break and you have a moment of clarity and rational thinking
No. 649295
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>>648867I don't know why but when you tulpa I thought you were referring to toyol which are these little goblin spirit children creatures and I was like… why the fuck would you try to conjure that?
>>648984KEK this is hilarious, but it would make a good horror story. Man tries to create the ultimate image of his dream waifu and she comes out horribly deformed and keeps following and haunting him the rest of his life
No. 649308
>>649294Click "show sage posts for this thread", just below the reply boxes when that happens. It will unhide them.
It happens to me all the time too. I don't know if it's some glitch and the option to hide sage posts sometimes gets activated by itself, or I accidentally click it while scrolling (it's too close to the scroll arrow, bad design).
No. 649315
>>649308*saged posts
sry, autocorrect
No. 649319
>>648867tulpas are imaginary friend bullshit
why can't you people just dissociate and depersonalize instead
No. 649341
>>648984I remember this shit. Tulpas used to be so huge on 4chan.
I think 95% of them were just LARPing and writing greentext stories, though. Tulpa formation is supposed to require a lot of meditation/strong will, and I refuse to believe men who jerk off to cartoon horses and probably have non-existent attention spans due to internet/porn addiction have enough mental stamina to essentially give themselves schizophrenia by following watered-down versions of monk's instructions.
The Bambi sissy hypnosis thing is the most I can buy being true, and even that seems exaggerated.
No. 649358
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My doctor walked into the exam room, took one look at my fat shiba inu head, looked down at the rest of me, said, "Yeah you've got like a thyroid condition or something, it's like someone took a fat woman's head and just plopped it on your neck," and walked back out
I wonder what kind of thyroid condition
No. 649384
>>649358Fuck that guy, sounds very unprofessional. Hope you got your antibiotics though.
>>649362I’m eating curry now! Sharing with you in spirit.
No. 649404
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>>649394>>649389>>649385>>649384Well, I told the woman at the front desk, you know the person who sets up your next appointment/writes out the prescriptions,
"Dr. [name] said I have a fat head and a thyroid problem; what do I need to do about that, and can I please have something for the uti I came in for? He wasn't interested."
She didn't say anything, but she wrote me a prescription for the uti, and gave me a different doctor to call for the thyroid
I didn't report him, I've had way worse care there and other places, and tbh I basically blanked on everything when he said "thyroid," I just wasn't expecting that shit
No. 649420
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for the first time in my entire life i have a close woman friend and honestly, this is so nice! were complete opposites, but we never judge each other and i get so much good advice from her. its not even the girly shit thats the best part, its just having someone who understands me and not from a scrote point of view.
i used to be one of those 'i dont have female friends i hate the drama' typa annoying bitches but tbh i just never had the chance to have one. i love it. girls are great.
No. 649440
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Where can I find empty hair balls like this to put stuff in and make hair accessories for arts and crafts? Idk what they're called.
No. 649441
>>649433ah ha, a question I can finally answer as a total loser
TB is by and far the cleanest fast food joint
I've worked at all of them
No. 649444
File: 1602128659771.jpg (61.47 KB, 498x616, IMG_20201008_004553.jpg)

There's a saying in my country that goes: "Do not count the eggs before the hen lays them"
And I am definitely counting those fucking eggs
And I know I will be disappointed because things won't go as I want
And now because I know all of this, I am making myself anxious
No. 649463
>>649444I’m counting my eggs too anon
>>649446Hair bobbles! I haven’t head that term for so many years…
No. 649468
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if this post ends in an odd number, xanax
if it ends in an even number, benadryl
if it ends in dubs, I finally end the nightmare all together
No. 649486
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They mentioned this cover of Playgirl on Modern Family and wtf this is big baby diaper pose?????
No. 649544
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didn't know where else to post this but I had a weird experience this morning while walking to work at 6 am. I saw one of those smallish trucks used for transporting sheep (at least here in the uk, not the larger lorries for pigs and so on. pic attached is similar except it was basic and dark coloured, not fancy) but instead of sheep inside there were dogs. I could only see 3 of them because they were half hanging out and making these whines of distress as they drove by me. I was kind of taken aback, there was no one else around and I stopped in my tracks with this feeling in my stomach that something wasn't right. fuck, I wish I'd got the registration number. my mind immediately went to puppy mills (all were the same kind of dog, like a golden colour. maybe golden labs) or that they'd been stolen (we've had dogs being stolen around where I live)
I didn't know if I was being dumb but I called the number for reporting and incident or unusual behaviour for my area. the lady was actually really sweet and took the call seriously which made me feel a bit better.
idk maybe it was nothing but it just did not feel right in my gut, all I know is someone else must've seen it along the way cause they were making a lot of noise
No. 649554
>>649466It's all the time for me. I didn't intially notice it as much cause I'm a pretty passive person who lets other people talk a lot, and I mostly hung out with men, but the more time I spent talking to women the more I noticed it. I've had guys explain fucking periods and menopause to me, and white guys explain racism to me even though I'm non-white.
Interruptions don't happen as much for me, but it's usually guys who will agressively speak over me when it does happen.
No. 649594
>>649554Mansplaining doesn't happen to me much because most men I choose to talk to own their stupidity pretty well, I mostly just get empty blank stares.
All of them have a tendency to interrupt and talk over me however. For the dumbest shit too.
No. 649596
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two guys came to our house and asked for some girl (they said she got scammed over 100$ for a phone or some shit.. and that they either saw her come here (we live at a dead end next to a parking lot where druggies hang out) or she gave them this address) ..
then they left and came back after like 5 minutes and smashed two of our windows. idiots.
No. 649607
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I had a dream that I got into some infight, then a farmhand claimed I was a "notorious shitposter" and that my post history was full of arguing about brain size, BPD, being fat and radfems. Then they posted a huge list of random posts that were supposed to be mine. I tried to deny it, but no one believed me. It was more hurtful than it should've been. It turned out that the other person I was in the first infight with was that farmhand on anon, but again, no one believed me and the other farmhands covered for them.
No. 649647
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I saw the nudes leaked by Adam and Ryan and it kind of baffles me that anons are calling those micropenises. They look average to me, like isn't five inches the statistical average for penis size? Idk makes me wonder if anons watch too much porn or something. Don't get me wrong, Adam and Ryan are dumpy, but their dick size is irrelevant next to the fact that they're gross predators. I was also confused when people said Chris Evans' dick was small. What? It has an unappealing shape, but once again it's not small.
No. 649714
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This is what I like to see
No. 649855
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Sometimes I wonder why anons sage in the off-topic boards when its not against the rules. Its not even that fast of an imageboard.
No. 649881
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>>648723>The dots are so small, but there are so many of them in one area, it's hard to target the dots specificallyFuck, this is me to a T. I've been consistent with a skincare routine ever since quarantine started. Haven't missed a single day, apply good quality sunscreen every day, still have tons of hyperpigmentation. My face as a whole has gotten lighter, but I still have a bunch of unsightly acne scars and red dots all over my face. Fuck 2x
Acne is gone though, so that's a plus? Thank god I have to wear masks because my cheeks look like shit. It's not even pits, just marks.
No. 649889
>>649855Because it was originally intended to be used to not bump a thread if you had nothing on topic to that thread to contribute. Yes, the board is "off topic" from cow threads, but individual threads here still have topics.
It's a politeness for anons who would assume the thread is getting bumped for content, not because you're having a meltdown and wanna shitpost and infight.
Hope this clears it up for the unintegrated. Welcome to lolcow!
>>649887You're so mad. Quit infighting and people will stop calling you out.
No. 649908
>>649889I mean its used for cow threads if you don't have milk nothing to do with off-topic. I assume only anons used it because they were newfags who were banned or saw it because they didn't sage on those boards.
Like what
>>649898 said it does make it harder to browse for off-topic threads is all.
No. 649935
File: 1602174015302.jpg (169.53 KB, 1024x683, john-towner-130164-unsplash-10…)

I want to live in Paris for at least a while during my life so bad, i know it isnt that ultimate romantic paradise media makes it out to be but it sounds like such a culturally beautiful place to be, sure it has ghettos but my home town is basically 50% a ghetto with harpzardly built houses and zero planning, i've been robbed at gun point in my life more times than the average peson will in their whole lives.
Idk I just come from a country that seems to not appreaciate beauty, calmness and art at all and france seems like the complete fucking opposite of where I come from, I would love to live there.
No. 649952
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>>649935If you're interested in the beauty and calmness and art and French vibe you should totally skip Paris and explore more of Bretagne or Normandy region, they're far more idyllic and safe and sooo beautiful.
Although from what you've saying how your neighbourhood is like, I'm sure you'd be totally fine in Paris, as in - it would not be a painful expectations vs reality clash. Still, my point is, if you already want to live in France, you can do MUCH better, no point to waste time on the capital.
No. 649963
>>649925This would make an amazing thread tbh, i’m with
>>649930. If you don’t make it I will
No. 649985
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>>649934which ones?
I only know a ton of philosophers were depressed and crazy bc >tfw to intelligent
also that sounds good, anything cheapo with cheese is how to treat yourself when poorfag
No. 650001
File: 1602175899047.gif (854.79 KB, 260x198, OrneryInfamousCopepod-max-1mb.…)

I feel so good right now. I'm finally getting my work done
No. 650032
>>649985It’s been years since I read about any of their personal lives but I think I remember Nietzsche specifically having a lot of bowel issues concurrent with drug use lol I like his work but no doubt he was a whiny bitch.
As far as my cheese roll goes, I used some local cheddar and a little cotija. It was a little pocket of cheapass goodness…… glad you can appreciate it, anon
No. 650039
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>>650023It’s not that bad, anon. As long as he doesn’t have his style of moustache.
No. 650051
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They look like himbos, I want 8 of these anime guys.
No. 650060
>>650055Yep, it’s the same thing on every platform. I’m getting tired of it. Why not even allow a containment thread? That way, everyone will be satisfied - unless, of course, some scrote mods can’t deal with getting
triggered on the daily.
No. 650106
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>>650102If it makes you feel better he looks like shit now
No. 650117
>>650055Because handmaidens and men get
triggered. Criticizing men is wrong think, fall in line fellow bangmaid broodmare.
>>650064Oh they censor you hard.
A containment thread would make everyone happy, this place is cucked just like every place online.
No. 650142
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I'm trying to make a moodboard for clothing that I like but I'm struggling to make the images fir together where I can see them all without one covering up the rest. darn
No. 650149
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i think board-tan would be cute as a vtuber model
No. 650166
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>>650059>>650038I wish my female relatives were remotely like that sigh, my grandma absolutely despises me because she's a stupid alcoholic, she used to make my mom PAY for her to watch me when she had to go to the doctor or something like that, I haven't been invited to a christmas party for three years now lol, my other grandma died when my mom was very young so she herself is not very mom-y.
I miss having female family connections (or family connections at all), my upbringing makes me believe motherly instintc definetely does not exist and some women should never have kids.
No. 650170
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>>650139this kinda stuff lol, im kind of wary or anything hormonal honestly
>>650145im not het and i dont like condoms. and he will if i ask him, we're literally married lol
No. 650179
>>650155At least when people type long shit out to cows they're rightfully mocked kek
>>650150Kiwifags aren't going to read this and take it to heart. The irony.
No. 650186
>i-it'll attract men here!!! not like they're constantly raiding this fucking place pinkpill thread or not>"not my nigel" anons can't hide the thread and instead choose to bitch about it endlessly because my beloved daddy is so nice thus all your manhate venting is baseless!!! >all the pinkpill anons are just reddit normie cunts who don't even integrate reee who cares if most of them are lolcow oldfags and the various cow threads draw in obsessively nitpicking PULLfags and moids asking for nudes, lest we forget the k-pop twitterfags>muh site survey>all those ppchans are just white racist well-off karens demanding free labor from admin-sama, they must GO >lmao asherah's garden !My theory is that it all boils down to some anons hurting the feelings of some farmhands&admin while they were partaking in the thread anonymously.
No. 650197
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God I wish I was a lesbian sometimes, man are so difficult most of the times
I hate male socialization
No. 650204
>>650150>>650187Agree. Kiwifarms threads are literally unreadable due to the excessive blogposting and tinfoiling even more out of hand than in the most cancerous threads of lolcow. They introduced the Highlight feature so you can skip to an important storypoint instead of reading All That Shit about NullsBallLicker89's family situation but even most of those posts are just shitty jokes anons make. I swear like 90% of the whole userbase is low functioning autistic, especially apparent when they try to lowkey whiteknight the cow because they started projecting.
>>650192I was just about to write this when I saw your reply. Makes me cringe till my body aches. Also the countless "I'm trans…… but not like THAT fake troon!!!" despite being a carbon copy of whatever cow's in question.
No. 650249
>>650234I know right, ntayrt, but remote classes are the best thing that ever happened to me. Sure, you can’t make friends because I’m my case there’s no interaction with other students.
But i 100% prefer not going through the whole bullshit that is it like to going to the campus on metro, the paranoia of whether or not you will get shanked and/or shoot on the face for not giving up your phone or for not having enough money in your pockets, the whole shit moments when the cabin has not air conditioning and everyone smells like BO and finding out that the teacher couldn’t get there on time so there’s no class and you have to go back home.
No. 650278
>>650264I honestly prefer investigating on my own instead of having someone regurgitating everything for an hour or two.
Actually, at first I despised what I’m studying because my career is paid with pennies, but since I need the title in order to get any job, I had to do my assignments and such.
After studying on my own, gathering information and actually taking my time to understand how and why it works, I got to accept my career path and such, I understood that there are other ways to go about this career.
No. 650286
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i think i’m one of gods personal lolcows, i tried to develop a ~trendy~ ed when i was younger and developed binge eating disorder and now i’m fat and not like cassie kek. i deserve it.
No. 650330
>>650150What gets me is that they’ll dogpile new posters who post retarded blog posts/no-milk posts and then sperg about it and how
they didn’t do that when they were a newfag and how much better they are and start asspatting each other for literally 3 pages before derailing with their own blogposts
No. 650350
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Look like there are siblings or something
Keanu is the oldest, Adam the middle and Charlie the youngest
No. 650447
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Anons! I was scrolling past some stuff and this appeared on my dashboard.
And no, it´s not ironic this is a real, and the people on the replies were serious about their results, so pick up yours ladies!
Mine is secret… secret-gender.
No. 650454
>>650447…Unicorns-gender? I guess from now on you will have to use my pronouns
>unicorns>unicornss >unicornsself Have a magical day and don’t kill secretself!
No. 650466
File: 1602195244532.jpg (91.86 KB, 625x572, 0p2XxzO.jpg)

>>650448Oh god! This reminds me to one time someone as a joke changed the pronouns on their bio to cop/copself, and everyone was too scared of misgender that person that even is it was a clear troll they had to use said pronouns.
>>650454That´s so nice of you unicornsself-anon, have an awesome day too!
No. 650481
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>>650462Sorry anon, only some ladies have the privilege of having walnut areolas.
No. 650599
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Why does my brain do this?
When I receive a compliment, especially by people more skilled than me, my brain always reads it as a backhanded compliment and just feels like giving up completely. I guess I just need to entirely isolate myself to have an ounce of productivity until I am actually confident enough or else I'll just give up everything.
I just wanna know if there's any psychological explanation behind this, cause I just hate it. It's so exhausting
No. 650634
>>650633How I interact
* ugh
No. 650657
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>>650626I don't get it, where am I?
No. 650659
>>650655Sometimes I feel gross on behalf of famous people that are unaware of those things.
But at the same time, I wish they knew about these fanfics just to see their reactions because that would be a new kind of cringe to witness.
No. 650697
>>650690Why would it lead to a break up though? It's not his fault?
I believe that if I was in his position I would find half of the things really amusing and funny and half really terrifying and disgraceful
Kinda like browsing deviantart
No. 650704
>>650697She's already insecure in the relationship because he doesn't make it public, mostly for his own privacy and also because he has alot of rabid teen girl fans that would probably send the poor woman death threats, that happened to a fellow youtuber friend of his so he's wary of the situation.
He finds Him x Other Youtube pretty boy fanfics the most amusing and less creepy, he and the guy being shipped did a reading of one for a subscriber milestone.
He and my friend aren't too close but all the interactions I had with him were very fun, it changed my perspective on youtube-famous people, also ruined his videos forever, i can't watch them without cringing into oblivion because its someone I KNOW in person.
No. 650710
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>tfw I have a sore throat in the midst of a pandemic
I hope it's just cause I was crying because…..
No. 650732
File: 1602218391984.jpg (214.14 KB, 1080x1362, 20201008_234036.jpg)

I was just trying to google "massage therapists near me" and this is what I see. I hate men
No. 650735
>>650730It's getting excessive. Every guy we both know that we speak to more than once, even just in a college class, ends up "asking her out". The hottest girls I know don't end up having TA's, coworkers, and classmates asking to grab drinks as much as she claims. I just feel offended that she is in my opinion straight up lying or exaggerating. I
've even told her I don't believe her and she just laughs it off.
No. 650779
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I just bought one of those super bright light-up trifold desktop mirrors for makeup and I really, really shouldn't have.
>I can see every hair and pore at multiple angles and magnifications
>I just started taking an aha/bha and my skin is flaky/purging
>mfw i must. not. touch
No. 650806
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I have been complaining about getting a gf for forever, a girl invited me over to stay the night Friday after we see a movie because she was going to have it all to herself “you have to drive so far to hang out with me! you can crash here and leave tomorrow!” My dumbass said no through an over explanation of me having plans the next day in the afternoon. I like her, she qt, why am I like this.
No. 650810
>>650806Dude you might as well text her and be like nvm im an idiot does the offer still stand?
What do you have to lose
No. 650849
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I love being called a terf, because I am a terf. People can die mad about it.
No. 650852
>>650840>>650849Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart
Let fate decide
To guide these transphobic lives we see
No. 650919
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>>650901I would be a skinny legend, maybe it should be like that.
No. 650953
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Looks like an alien is at my window.
No. 650991
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>>650988Beyblade tournaments for presidency!!
No. 651004
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>>650997That’s an amazing idea, anon, I love you.
No. 651175
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I think it's so funny when people say stuff like "if a man does x he's gay". I remember seeing someone say if a man asks for dessert he's gay lol.
pls don't yell at me for twitter post
No. 651185
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I usually am very confident about being alt and not conventionally attractive and feminine but today this woman in her mid twenties, completely decked out in couture wear (I could see her belt was Dolce & Gabanna) and stiletto heels, looking straight out of the devil’s wear prada while i looked like a knock off female brian molko made me feel so inadequate and childish, standing next to her in front of a business building felt so goddamn shameful.
No. 651195
File: 1602264879779.png (Spoiler Image,74.18 KB, 359x357, 310m5r.png)

the tiny pimples are always the worst
No. 651212
>>651187How is anything in this thread important? Maybe something hit a nerve with this observation? Are you okay? Perhaps, don't say you're a…
No. 651237
File: 1602267368040.jpg (369.69 KB, 1080x1202, 20201009_141643.jpg)

i keep seeing stuff like this on tumblr and its making me lol. i WISH kiwifarms was full of terfs
No. 651247
>>651214o shit thats my post lol
I mean, I dont have a problem with reading things written by him now, since he's dead. That being said, my school curriculum never said anything about how shitty he was, and once i found out i got pissed no one told me he was a terrible person, because he used to be my favorite writer when i was an edgy teen - he was so good at placing himself into a persons head and describing their exact thoughts and feelings. If you're a loser like me, you'll find a lot of his stuff shamefully relatable, so i'd say - give it a try. Start out with "Notes from Underground", "White Nights" or "The Beggar Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree".
No. 651262
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>>651171>anon vents about workplace misogyny >gets nitpickedI'm so sorry anon. Have a cat pic.
No. 651283
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I always wanted to celebrate Christmas. I know it’s consumerist retardation but damn if it doesn’t hurt watching everything get all pretty and everyone get all excited whilst I do jack shit alone.
No. 651289
>>651265I read back on my reply and realized I kinda sperged out about his work there, lol. Totally understand if you dont wanna read him. Most literary classics are historically approved by men who dont give a shit about authors views on women, so you're not the weird one here.
Who's the celebrated guy you're talking about?
No. 651290
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yesterday I had a sex dream of that wimpy asian dude from Buzzfeed Unsolved rawdogging me and it gave me an orgasm and now I can't watch their videos anymore.
No. 651301
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Is it just me or do all porn stars have ‘porn star face’. I’m not talking about their makeup or anything, their faces are inherently pornographic or something idk.
No. 651309
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>>651262I wish I could pet that cat.
No. 651327
>>651241oh my god why he killed hiw wife and 2 small children
what goes on in these womens minds??
No. 651341
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>>651328Some of them look adorable without makeup.
No. 651510
Even as a young kid I figured out about the existence of gay people, even though I much later found out about the word gay itself or about homophobia. There was this gay boy in elementary school who had a precocious crush on my dad. I figured out he likes boys and men the same way other boys like girls and women, but didn't give it further thought. I did ask him if he "like-liked" my dad, then I made fun of him simply because my dad is fat and bald and wears glasses so that obviously means he's ugly and my classmate lacks taste. I grew up in eastern europoor and there obviously was (and still is) homophobia, and gay people were hardly ever mentioned in the media in my childhood, either in a positive or negative way.
I guess my undiagnosed turbo autism made me almost immune to picking up all the heteronormativity, I used to ship Tom and Jerry without caring that they're both boys, I made my dolls scissor, I really thought t.A.T.u were a cute couple, and I still turned out straight.
Anyway, several years later, this dude from elementary moved to the US, and is now married to a fat black man (my father is black for the record). He says GTA San Andreas, which was THE cool game in my elementary school years and everyone played it, also played a role in his attractions and that he really liked making CJ fat.
No. 651522
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>>651500Pls don't crush my dreams anon. After recently getting out of a traumatic relationship where my ex hid his (very high) body count from me I now dream of finding someone who is not a manwhore and is a virgin maybe just because he's very moral and innocent or smth? Not because he's psychotic. That way I could teach him all my likes and not have to undo years of shitty casual encounters and porn.
No. 651566
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me when i find a pronounless or even just a she/her account
No. 651575
>>651517>>651518explain yourselves you vague ass anons
>>651565ntayrt but I see where shes coming from. it's truly not the case that virgin = innocent because we all know of incels and it goes on. but she clearly wants to avoid guys like her ex so I can see how she has this preference now.
No. 651641
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>>651625shit guess I'll be photosynthesizing tonight girls
No. 651646
>>651522I understand your reasoning, but on the flip side, I think sex turns some men into psychos. Think back to the very first time you dated someone, broke up, and got really hurt. Now imagine someone who has never dealt with some of that stuff, and will experience it freshly with you. Sex is like a tether for men and it will make them legitimately obsessed with you. When men, as children, get crushes and get rejected or broken up with, they get extremely upset and fixated and go play Halo or something. A grown man is more dangerous and erratic and combined with their inexperience, that obsession can be legitimately scary. I simply will never do it again unless I’m committed for LIFE because I fucked my last bf and the next day he was picking out our children’s names. Immediate regret. I also think he might one day kill me. Choose carefully! And seriously, like the other anon said, don’t associate virginity with kindness or innocence. Also virgins watch more porn than any human
No. 651690
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I am such a fucking weeb I want to live in Japan so bad. Ive been to all of the major US cities, beautiful scandanavian towns, china, mexico, germany, france, everything. But nothing is like japan. I feel like if I could I would give up my really good life (perfect boyfriend, nice apartment, dream job, etc) just to have been born into a mediocre Japanese life. Even if it meant being a ugly loner who works at Lawson or Family Mart in the middle of no where I understand I am romanticizing a country but its just so viseral. Seeing photos of anywhere in Japan makes me feel a deep tangible pain in my chest. Not just pictures of beautiful temples or city life, I mean even ugly ass western looking office parks, it just has to be Japan. When I visited Japan a couple years ago, every single moment felt like euphoria, like I was literally the happiest I had even been. Its not the touristy areas or the pretty places or people, its the shitty ugly concrete looking office buildings and bland apartments. Even when i hear the language I get those heart pang things where it feels like Ive been hit in the face. I have to block japanese content sometimes because being reminded im not from there/living there will actually literally fuck up my day. Like seeing a fucking hirigana character will make me feel sick i got mental illness luv
No. 651709
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>>651701embrace it, anon
it hurts less if you let it like, just literally kill you
No. 651712
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>>651690ahhh hai hai, u shekusi garu, kamu ova nexutiem u bisit nippon. cam oba mai prasu, wi purae nintendo wii and wachu meni animeshun tugesa
File: 1602302918968.jpeg (164.03 KB, 750x750, 1602204884979.jpeg)

>>651690you had me right up til you were having to block content
I'm whitetrash though, so I cope like this, so tbh don't feel too bad probably
No. 651762
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>>651690I feel the same way about Japan. I do understand it's imperfect like anywhere else, but I don't know. Its imperfections are less nasty to me compared to other places, I guess. I like that the people are generally polite and nice, that you don't have to worry about getting stabbed walking around alone at night, that there's a respect for nature, everywhere (even the huge cities, amazingly) is clean, there's lots of creative and interesting media, friendships can be harder to make but generally longer lasting. Heck even the daytime TV I find silly yet charming. I've just sort of moped about it for years. Learned a decent amount of Japanese in school but didn't want to have to go the TEFL route to get over there.
Now? Fuck it. I'll spend a few years getting certified then teaching some kiddos English if it means I'll get to go back and have the opportunity to find a local job just, like… at a rural grocery store or some shit. At least I'll be living in the one place that ever felt like home.
No. 651763
>>651690I relate, I kind of don't see much harm in it as long as you remain vigilant not to be naive. Like you clearly know you are over-romanticizing it. But, there is a charm in aesthetics and to me there's something I find magical in most any other culture, I'm a really easily wowed person. I don't think it's bad per se because the joy you experience probably wouldn't go away. I believe people who go there (without crazy expectations, just charmed by the differences) can maintain that. To me it's like, some appeal of another place/culture/immersion will always be different from where you grew up, so there will always be something novel about it
I definitely sound autistic but I just find it easy to appreciate other places and even time periods in some sense. Every place has its faults and some way more than others obviously. But the differences will never not be fascinating to me. For you it may come from weebness but if you have genuine appreciation I don't think it's so bad man just my 2 cents
No. 651783
>>651771This, also the police has tendency of completely shrugging off women.
>>651772 the way the Osaka Police got CAUGHT but its a well known open secret almost every police force in big cities in japan does that.
Generally Japan would be on the same safety level as somewhere like the UK, France, maybe South Korea, sure its safer than Mexico or Brazil but its not a free for all walk alone at night, specially if you are a woman.
No. 651784
>>651772I think
>>651771 is right and its mainly sexual crimes. I have read some about how csa is very … neglected in terms of punishment. Only recently did they firm up laws against cp and it's not much still. Afaik they still have the panty dispensing machines and school girls can get into a lot. Maybe not a stabbing (?) but as a woman especially, this is all something to be aware of. Harassment seems pretty common and like in the west, girls are told not to wear such short skirts. Except that there is a big reason being creepshots which do take place in the west but everyone knows about the trains there. We have these problems worldwide and in Japan it doesn't go away
No. 651806
>>651771Anecdotal so take with a grain of salt but I've spent a few months in Japan as a woman (not employed so cant speak on that) walking in the streets at and literally was never even spoken to by a man once. In New York & LA on an average tuesday evening I'm talked to 15+ times on an average length walk. Not to mention in Osaka I saw a drunk man literally assault a police and not get arrested, they were just trying to calm him down the whole time despite him repeatedly punching at them. I don't know, the culture is that you can generally pass out drunk on the sidewalk overnight in the most shady part of Tokyo and not even get your wallet flipped through
Japan has its crime but compared to where I live in on of the richest city in America it's the safest place I've ever felt, aside from maybe literal utopia sweden? But even in sweden I got catcalled once, lol. It's all relative I suppose.
>>651784Nitpick but the used kiddie panty machines are kind of a myth. There maybe once was a few in the 90s or something but if so, it's not a thing anymore.
No. 651816
File: 1602309031055.jpeg (62.63 KB, 1152x864, DA5BD0D0-8BAF-411D-99CB-D71B6C…)

when farmers make errors or delete their post or have typos. I find that cute wtf I get a crush on U
No. 651862
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>>651561that’s so cute anon…
No. 651863
>>651783This is kinda what I mean though, it says
>The vast majority of covered-up crimes were for theft - including tens of thousands of stolen vehicle and bicycle casesIt does mention some more serious crimes were omitted but that’s still impressive for a city of that scale. Being a burger and comparing our big cities like LA and New York to Tokyo and Osaka, it’s seriously no comparison. There are regular murders, rapes, drug use, assaults, shootings, etc that are absolutely happening more frequently here than they do in Japan. And as
>>651806 experienced, I never once even got cat called in Japan whereas I breathe in a man’s direction even in a smaller town here and get harassed. Maybe it’s because of gaijin smash and Japanese dudes were just too weirded out seeing a blonde chick, but frankly I’m cool with that. I’ll take even a stupid reason not to get targeted by men as much. As I said I don’t think it’s a utopia, but it still feels 100x safer than here.
No. 651879
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>>650166My mom's side grandma abused her husband and kids, and died shortly after I was born, and my dad's side grandma lived far and died when I was 8. I'm not well connected to most of my relatives just cause they live so far away and I didn't grow up with them.
I wish I had one of those deep bonds people talk about having with their grandparents, and getting spoiled, and getting advice and learning from them. Feels like I missed out on something in life
No. 651912
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>>651891I was going to ask this in the stupid questions thread, but since there is already a discussion about Japan here, I'm going to ask here: what do you guys think Japan could do about its failing birth rates?
No. 651913
>>651897broke: she/her
woke: f
No. 651956
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How some really old people even get into tiktok? I'm barely 30 and I understand how it can be fun for youngsters but can't see any appeal in it for anyone around my age, so how some seniors do? Is it because they don't have to work anymore and are bored or something?
No. 651973
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I was messing around with a lesbian in a LDR for a few years. Her girlfriend was greasy and honestly retarded so i took great pleasure in learning that she caused a lice infestation when she last visited my “ex”. Ever since, the girl has had clean hair. Imagine having to teach your 20 year old girlfriend how to wash her hair after having to pick the fucking lice off her head because she “isn’t very detail oriented.”
No. 651974
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i just saw this girl on a video about lip tattoos. she's got a nice upper face, but at some point she says that even though they're pale she's lucky to have such nice lips already. and i raised an eyebrow because to me she has this unfortunate enormous caveman jowl with a huge layer of gum on top flared teeth framed by two big shapeless stretches of knacki wursts, and i'm puzzled by the fact she wants any attention on her mouth at all.
am i an insecure bitter bitch ? (yeah, probably) is she really, really confident ? are beauty standards so grotesque nowadays that having any kind of wide round feature is considered attractive regardless of bone structure etc, and bc she's a makeup artist she overdosed on social media ?
No. 651979
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>>651974>enormous caveman jowl with a huge layer of gum on top flared teeth framed by two big shapeless stretches of knacki wurstsWho hurt you anon? Her lips are very nice.
No. 651991
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Someone I grew up with just got engaged at 26. It's so weird seeing people my age taking the leap just because I don't feel mentally or emotionally ready to do that myself. I feel like I earn an ok amount but definitely not enough to support another person or manage a household on my own. Added to the fact that I know this girl has never worked a day in her life. But her family's rich so I'm sure she'll be just fine. Generational wealth is wild.
No. 652010
File: 1602338722750.png (789.25 KB, 1440x833, womanwriting.png)

This might be very dumb but lately I can't write at all. Pic related, when the middle and ring finger rub together during writing, it irritates me so much I can't write due to the feeling. Is there any way I can stop this irrational irritation? I tried using a glove but it didn't help. This happened me to before too years ago and went away on it's own, but i don't have time to waste rn
No. 652021
>>652010Have you injured your hand recently?
The way that pen is being held in that picture is the easiest way to hold a pen and lots of people revert to it when they're having mobility or pain issues. It might be that you wrote in a different way and then switched to this way for some reason, making you more aware of the fingers rubbing together. It's the most popular grip because you're using all your fingers and it's easy to stabilise your lines and, generally, it's less likely to make your hand ache.
If it is irritating your hands, you can change it by aligning your fingers differently or only using your index and middle finger to hold the pen and tucking your ring and little finger towards your palm.
No. 652078
File: 1602345723559.jpg (2.6 MB, 4032x3024, 20201010_190318.jpg)

Rate her
No. 652087
>>651912It's the same problem as literally every other first world country.
>Young people are made to get degrees that take years to complete, pushing them from entering the work force further and further into the future. >You can barely get any jobs without some sort of training so degrees are required for almost everything these days. >When you graduate at 25-30, you have to take in exploitative junior and temporary positions. Your financial situation is unstable for years. >Both parents have to work to make ends meet and getting your kid to a daycare is expensive. >Getting an apartment big enough to host kids is too expensive to afford.>Women are realizing that they have more to their lives than being a wife and a mother, thus not wanting to sacrifice their careers for kids.>Young people don't meet each other as much as they used to and prefer a life of solitude due to fear of failure in relationships.Millenials were fucked from the beginning, they were met with inhumane demands no generation before them had to fulfill and now boomers all over the wealthy countries are panicking over who's going to change their diapers and pay the debt they left the younger generations to deal with.
No. 652097
>>652078Looks as if it was stitched together with a black thread.
8/10, very symmetrical and regular shape for a mutant.
No. 652124
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The scene queens thread made me want to have this haircut.
Im 21 and I have a job but im so goddamn fucking tempted.
No. 652127
>>652110I don't live in Japan but even my country has this problem. It's also a common occurrence for a mother to lose her job while on a maternity leave even though there are laws against it, but naturally employers know how to use loopholes to make it happen. Usually it's that her position will be terminated and an identical new one is created with a different title. Employers are also hesistent to hire young women in their late 20's-early 30's out of fear of them having kids and becoming a burden. They're forbidden by law to ask about their family situation (if they're married, have kids etc.) but they try to disguise it as friendly small talk during hiring to dig up compromising information.
Another thing is that men still share the same mindset of "men does the work, women takes care of the house" their parents had in a world where it's just not possible. A family can't live on one person's income anymore and women don't want to be reduced into housework/babysitting appliances but men can't accept that. For many it's a huge blow to their masculinity that a woman would be more successful than they are which is why they're trying to prey on low income women to birth them children but since more and more women are getting an education they end up with nothing.
No. 652135
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>>652128The hair itself isn’t a problem, my hair grows faster than average so if i regret being a scene queen after a month its back to normal.
It just feels a little silly lol, but maybe scene does come back and im a cool avant garde fashion queen.
No. 652136
>>652124If you genuinely don't care about waiting for your hair to grow out all the layers, do it. Scene is being revived by the zoomers anyways.
t. old scenefag
No. 652174
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>have crush on coworker for over a year
>become friends, he's kinda flirtatious with me sometimes but not overtly, can't actually tell how he feels
>suspect he has yellow fever because he's a white weeb
>he's tall and conventionally attractive despite this so I simp anyway
>yesterday I run into him outside of work
>he's with a girl who we just met like two weeks ago when she got hired at our job
>plain overweight korean girl
>mfw can't even be mad at her bagging a twink out of her league
No. 652186
>>652183And the DIDfags mapping the emoji on their names to
whichever OC they're currently roleplaying as… I mean which alter is fronting
No. 652235
File: 1602357242900.jpg (42.27 KB, 400x600, jamie-beck-for-luxe-provence-s…)

I can't stop thinking about making this shirt. It can't be that hard to make right? The only thing I'm having trouble figuring out is where the body piece and arm split from each other (it looks like it sits low, but in other photos, the models wear overalls over the shirt and the sleeves don't bunch weird so I guess it's up higher). It's just rectangles and squares. I'd just buy it but it's $195, not including tax and shipping. I found similar silk and cotton voila fabric for $18 online lmao. Please convince me or tell me I'm stupid anons. I don't need another summer-y shirt with it getting cold out, or to waste money on nice fabric that might potentially go to waste anyway, but it just! looks so easy! I can make myself the equivalent of a $195 shirt! The temptation is too real.
No. 652263
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>>652259do it anon, it's fantastic!
No. 652265
>>652235Wait that's a photo? I swear it looks like a painting to me.
Idk how much experience you have with sewing but I personally find gathering quite difficult to get evenly distributed and looking good. My sewing skills and knowledge are very basic though.
>>652179Wait ecosia's a browser too ? I thought it was just a search enginge. I used the ecosia search engine for a while but I found the search results to be terrible.. especially when I was doing research for assignments, I always ended up going back to google and google scholar. I use the duck duck go browser on my phone, which is all right. The problem with switching browsers on desktop would be that I'd lose all my extensions.
No. 652278
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I want to run over everyone who ever wronged me with this car
No. 652350
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>>652342crossing my fingers for you, anon!!
No. 652410
>>652404It’s not
that bad unless you literally still has Cheetos fingers, then you might get a UTI
No. 652445
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>>652152god i relate to this. not to blogpost but i recently got into jojo and i draw fanart in general so i thought remaking a tumblr and interacting with other ppl would be fun hobby (havent used the site since 2017)
holy shit that place is awful, or maybe it's just the people into jojo. even at my age (21) people have these overly done carrds listening all 200 of their mental illnesses and opinions/specific
triggers/blocklists and expect you to remember them
i get being a fujoshi is annoying but it's literally tumblr, how is being one offensive? also what's wrong with genderbending?
i already started posting art and got into mutuals with people like this and i'm starting to regret it, even though the other side of the site that doesn't engage in this performative stuff is equally as degenerate. i'm worried about deleting/remaking, ignoring all of that and posting whatever but then getting sent death threats/people starting unnecessary problems with me, which is a reach because i'm a nobody but still. i'm overthinking all of this, i'm just nostalgic for when i used to enjoy tumblr
No. 652654
>>652620Some people I know became pretty normal but they were never deep into the /b/tard shit to begin with, just casual browsing and posting. A lot of them did become extra woke (or into altright shit) in their mid 20's and are now desperately trying to atone for it, like you said. Thank god none of the people I know trooned out but the ~communist male feminist~/edgy altright faggot angle is just as insufferable.
But to answer your question I feel like the ones who made a total horseshoe to the other extreme were fucked from the beginning. They were the ones who smashed F5 to get a bit of human interaction in their threads, joined all "operations" just so they would be a part of something, overall became way too invested in this vague internet community based on anonymity and "mystery" while probably unironically owning a Guy Fawkes mask they wore to multiple protests. Their whole existence became intertwined into the /b/tard community, and once the split between radicalized leftist and rightwinger anons happened they had to pick a side. Interestingly enough though trannies exist on both sides, for example the brainwashing forced feminization discord was run by people who were really into nazi shit.
No. 652667
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No. 652834
Too dumb to put in the vent thread so I'll just put it here: god what the FUCK is up with weirdos calling my job today? For context, I work at a medical training facility.
First lady of the day calls to vent to me that her job won't accept the provider card we gave her because according to her HR lady, we aren't accredited by a certain organization. One, we are, the logo of the organization is literally on the provider cards, did this dumb HR bitch think we forged the card? and two, lady, why the fuck are you even telling me this? I don't have control over what your HR lady thinks or tells you, I gave you your provider card, and if there's no issues with it, then don't fucking call me! I was like "do you want me to call your job or give you a letter stating we are accredited by XYZ org?" and shes like "no, no, I'm gonna call the org and let them know this lady is lying" like wtf.
Second lady came in for a training class and just strikes me as weird/rude. She came in wearing a weebish hat so that didn't really help first impressions lol. Then threw her bag on the front desk knocking over a sign, then proceeded to try and walk behind the desk to where I am after I took her temperature. Bitch what the fuck? Social distance! Why are you even trying to walk back here?! I went into the classroom to drop off stuff for the instructor and she must have snaked in through another room to walk into a different classroom to make a phone call. Why are you walking into random rooms at an office that isn't yours? Do you not have the decency to ask "hey, is there any private space I can make a phone call?" so I can lead her to our break room meant for students (where there isn't any expensive equipment for her to snipe)? Or just step out into the hallway!
Third lady calls and is asking about a certificate she got and I can't find her in our system by name or phone number. I ask her if she did this course through our company "no, but someone came to our job and gave me this thing" Ok why are you calling our company? We're not a helpline and I definitely cannot help you if you didn't do it through us, I don't have access to view any shit you did. We aren't even the overarching organization responsible for what you need, why don't you speak with your hospital or the actual org who is going to give you your provider card? Why even call us!!!
They're just small things that irk me and waste my time but ugh. At least the doorman downstairs gave me some munchkins when I came in. It's gonna be a slow and chill day so I'm just gonna watch some anime after these people leave the office lmao.
No. 652841
>>652648I know a good amount of women from 4chan who are pretty normal and have strong female circles. They tend to be the ones who used 4chan to discuss hobbies without turning being 4chan users into their whole personality.
Tbh I know a lot of men who use 4chan and are well adusted as well, and same goes for them. People who use 4chan just to post art/writing and talk about media without shitposting 24/7 or engaging with /pol/shit are pretty normal.
I think people just get turned really bad by 4chan if they already lack a strong social circle and feel pressured to "conform" by other posters
No. 652856
>>652793Fuck, this makes me so embarrassed as a native english speaker. I probably would have told the man to shut up and apologized to those women on his behalf.
Was this in America by chance?
No. 652868
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>>652863>>652853I decided to go and screenshot that shot of her chest and jesus christ you can see two rows of chestbones, she can’t be healthy at all.
No. 652909
>>652862I understand critiquing people with EDs who are bullshitting recovery and trying to sell it to their followers. The truth is that you need tough love to recover, not asspats like you might think that I’m suggesting. But making digs at anachans for being fat and villainizing deeply mentally ill people is sick. If you haven’t had an ED then maybe you don’t understand how deeply it consumes your life. My ED was very serious, I nearly lost my life to mine and if someone is potentially faking it I still wouldn’t call them out because there was also a time where I was a “wannarexic” as a kid. Not everyone with an ED will have a 14 BMI or behave in a way that appeases you.
>>652870Being overjoyed at any cow getting fat is pretty despicable. Am I the only one who gets really uncomfortable and depressed watching someone’s life obviously spiraling downward?
No. 652920
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>>652887HELL YEA sister hope everything goes well and stress-free!
No. 653002
A lady just asked me on the subway platform if I had candy or something, and I said no. My first reaction when strangers ask me for thing is always no, because I’m always afraid in the middle of opening my bag or wallet, that they’ll just snatch it and run. As she walked away I remembered that I actually did happen to have candy in my bag, and wondered if I should go up to her and tell her I did have candy, because I started wondering if she was feeling nauseous (I get hunger nausea at times too) or if she was diabetic and just needed a piece of candy or something. The train came and I got on, but now I just feel fucking bad. I know I don’t owe strangers anything, but if I was feeling sick and needed a little piece of food or candy or something and ended up having to ask strangers, I’d be so grateful if they gave me some. I just wanna put some good energy out there but instead I’m just an overly cautious bitch lol.
And on the note of people asking for things, there’s a homeless man that sits down the block from where I work, right on the path to the train. My coworker will always give him a dollar or something whenever she passes him, but on days when I’m working alone and have to pass by him, I feel bad not giving him anything lol.
No. 653108
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My mom insists all men will cheat if the woman they want to cheat with lets them. I always sperg out and say no and just act like a total child because I don't wanna believe her and she keeps asking me why I think my boyfriend is any different. When I tell her fine then I should break up with him? never have a boyfriend? she's just like oh no I'm just letting you know so you don't set yourself up for heartbreak and so it doesn't take you by surprise. WTF anons, why is she so mean, why does she like tormenting by telling me that??? No, she has not been cheated on (as far as I'm aware). Actually, her first husband cheated on his wife with my mom, claiming they were in the process of divorcing, that they lived together but were separated. She says men can't control it because they're like animals. I tell her she's generalizing and about how men say all women are whores and a bunch of other things and obviously she knows better than them that that isn't true, and that she shouldn't group all men together just because the majority may be whores, but she just says this generalization is the exception.
No. 653116
>>653108she seems kind of based tbh
>>653114lmao an ugly bf is more likely to be an asshole
No. 653119
>>653114When women are insecure they're just being women. When men are ugly and insecure they're 9/10 times emotionally
abusive. Just stay with the damn man anon unless he's doing some wack shit
No. 653121
>>653114Ugly guys are probably even more likely to cheat. They take whoever they can get, experience an ego boost because a woman is willing to date them, then develop an inflated sense of self worth and think they are entitled to even better women.
At least if an attractive guy dates you, it's not due a lack of options and they just wanna be with you. There are obvious exceptions like blatant fuckboys and really high status dudes (celebs, rich men etc) but decent looking normies are the best choice.
No. 653123
>>653108I think you just need to talk with your boyfriend about your insecurities, you don’t even need to mention the possibility of him cheating on you.
You could also just tell your mom that your Nigel hasn’t cheated on you yet and that you’re willing to stay with him for as long as possible.
No. 653138
>>653116>>653119>>653121>>653122>>653123My mom just admitted that she became interested in her first husband as soon as he was newly-wed. I, don't know what to think. Says he probably cheated on her too but she didn't care as long as she didn't find out.
She's not based for fucking acknowledging that there are slutty men, and I'm not sure what she's going for by getting me to somehow be okay with that?
No. 653158
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No. 653168
>>653144>Apes are not monogamous.Humans are
arguably tbh the most intelligent species on the planet. Stop comparing us to animals that are driven by instinct. Animals have sex with multiple partners to establish dominance, ease tension in a group, avoid incest etc… Basically all reasons we don't need to have more than 1 sexual partner. If you want to have more than one partner, then get into a poly or open relationship. Don't cheat for gods sake and stop trying to justify it.
No. 653172
>>653150>>653168>immediately assuming I'm a cheater and into poly/open shitSomeone got
triggered. I'm not interested in dating men and I'm a virgin, but I've seen and read enough to know how people function. Even in more traditional society it was an "unspoken truth" that wives are for raising kids and taking care of the house and mistresses are for sex, everyone knew about that. If women weren't as shamed for having sex as they were, they would fuck around just as much as males. Female bonobos fuck everyone and no one cares whose the children are because they're raised communally anyway lmao.
No. 653186
>>653172Nobody is "
triggered". It's just pathetic how your trying to act like cheating is natural and the way it should be.
No. 653187
>>653184Maybe she met him somewhere else, a place in which she didn’t act like a hot mess.
Sometimes I also feel a bit bitter about stuff like those but being in a relationship isn’t that amazing.
No. 653190
>>653172I don't get it. If cheating is natural, why does it piss everyone off and fill them with feelings of betrayal? No one would care if it was actually meant to be.
I'm not denying there's a natural element to it, but I feel like the discomfort people feel is natural, too.
No. 653277
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I’m stuck in this annoying cycle for months, even before the pandemic, in which I will feel great, I will be able to eat anything and then my stomach will say “fuck you and your appetite, your head hurts now” so then my head will feel like it’s splitting in half even if I don’t eat anything for the day. But! After that, I will have this constant diarrhea that makes me feel like my guts will come out and that makes me stop doing important stuff.
I don’t know what to eat nor what to drink, neither which pills I could take; I don’t know anymore, this is so stupid, i hope I can go to a hospital or something.
No. 653313
>>653138imo your mom is projecting.
I get how you feel anon, because the prospect is upsetting. We can hypothesize about why people cheat, if it's natural, as much as we want. but think of it this way, your bf probably won't cheat. At least that's a reasonable expectation in a healthy relationship. men who don't cheat do exist, regardless of everything. So, your mom's theories are irrelevant unless something happened. Seems like she's projecting her own fetish for cheating men
No. 653338
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>>653314>>653325>>653330>>653334I love you nitpicking bitches this is really the dumbass shit thread innit
No. 653350
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how I feel when a trans person says DNF if you're transphobic but I follow them anyway
No. 653359
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>>653352TERFs don't interact!
TERFs don't interact!
TERFS don't interact!
Oh man!
No. 653370
>>653365Yeah I used to say the same as you until i went through major trauma and had 0 safety net or support. Surrounded by people doing it anyway and I learned getting high = escape from the trauma. And anything was better than feeling that shit. I'm clean now and I think hard drugs are crazy fucking stupid, but no one wakes up one day with a craving for crack. No one decides to just throw it all away from some heroin.
I know several people with hardcore opiate addictions and they work fulltime hard labor jobs. Prescribed it by the Doctors for back pain and years later they're still filling the script because they're now dependant on it and being off it makes the pain unbearable.
No. 653373
>>653371half his songs are "don't be with me i'm a complete shit and refuse to change poor me i'm a martyr for love baby".
It always stuck with me Bianca Devins killer listen to test drive by joji after the murder. I feel like every fuckboy listens to joji.
No. 653378
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>>653355"ne" like "desu ne" iterally means innit I'm giggling
No. 653388
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Anons bitching about Uzaki Chan made me look it up and watch it and I actually really enjoyed it, I smiled a lot. Sakurai is now my first 2D crush in adulthood.
No. 653419
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I'm sorry but….what? And you think you're so noble for it too Jesus
No. 653441
>>653438Twitter leftists are so performative in their bullshit when they're contradicted with actual facts and research they resort to name calling.
Currently they're all decrying how awful the government is for considering a lockdown. The same people that were virtue signalling about all the precautions taken in March but were also first out into the streets when the government eased restrictions even tho all the science they were trotting out about transmission hasn't changed and with no vaccine we should all really still be distancing until the curve is flattened.
One hand there all for shielding the disabled and vulnerable people and on the other they're dying from lack of attention at the pubs and feel like personal responsibility doesn't matter they do whatever the government tells them even if they objectively know its wrong. Then bitch about it later
No. 653550
>>653504I should clarify
*Your bitchy friend who can't keep a secret to save her life, and who goes behind your back leaking your private information to strangers because she's really just pretending to like you
No. 653554
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This is kinda tinfoil-ish, but I suddenly remembered how a while back I vented about Gumi's voice and some anon appeared immediately out of nowhere to defend her. Also that anon apparently wasn't even a regular viewer of her content, so it was a little weird how they were so convinced that her voice was 100% real.
Judging by the times I looked at Gumi's streams, she averages only like 250 watchers, which lead me to think that maybe, MAYBE there is a tiny possibility that that one anon was actually Gumi defending herself on here.
Tbh imagining her as a based radfem and/or terf who lurks Lolcow made me actually like her a lot more lmao. Pls don't ruin my fantasy anons, I want to believe.
No. 653611
>>653597Ayrt, and me too! I used to have a really big crush on him.
I'm glad he and CowChop got out before this recent RT drama shit hit the fan (well, minus Alec for obvious reasons and Lindsey since she's still a part of FunHaus, I suppose). Seeing some of the crew (i.e. James and Aleks) continue to thrive by streaming warms my heart though.
No. 653662
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I get so much second-hand embarrassment at the amount of anons who reply to obvious scrote bait.
No. 653683
File: 1602527066633.png (Spoiler Image,457.94 KB, 1841x919, mental illness.PNG)

idk why i went on some scrote board but i did and im astonished….i think we should just kill people like this. Why do you need to make a fake monster girl vag, just go buy one if you want one so badly
No. 653686
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>>653683samefag but they believe the "runes" will allow their pathetic sperm to cross dimensions and impregnate a cartoon….
No. 653688
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>>653683>succuvirus You can’t just write something like that with a straight face.
No. 653723
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I keep having dreams about growing some kind of baby homunculus? in water. Wtf does it mean? That it's time for me to propagate more plants?
Making a homemade sex toy is not as good as just buying a silicone one lmao. Doesn't even have to be super expensive. Throwback to pic related.
No. 653831
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the waifu labs thread is a goldmine. I've been dying laughing at it on and off all day
No. 653842
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this mentally ill bitch made my day
No. 653853
File: 1602543790403.jpg (416.16 KB, 1110x1756, 20201012_190333.jpg)

>>653825here's a pic of her (ignore my friend's dirty house)
No. 653903
>>651974Wait, are you asking if this woman is in any way ugly, or has your brain melted from looking at filtered anime dolls online, because the answer is the latter.
Just looks like a more candid photo of a beautiful woman smiling. Nothing ugly about it at all.
No. 653947
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>>653906But it's an ugly boy. Even if it was a completely different character, even if it was male that hairstyle is fucking hideous and flesh fangs are the worst trend of modern anime. And that mouth is too big even by generic moe standards.
No. 653960
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>>653951Good luck, anon! I hope you do well. You've worked hard to get here.
No. 653962
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>>653951best of luck I bet you'll do great!!
No. 653966
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>>653951You got this anon!! I believe in you! You will pass with flying colors!
No. 653970
>>653964hells yeah
I secretly wish we had a thread about people who peaked, you know the positive side of this. Well it wouldn't be milk I guess. It might help us bitch less about trannies since that bothers some people though kek
No. 653973
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>>653964>>653970Leftoids don’t want to admit it but normal, left-leaning people are getting peaked regularly.
No. 653990
>>653973>Calling Azealia normal kek.I think you guys need to understand that aside from JK Rowling, no cherished and good reputation-wise celebrity is TERF leaning, heck even JK was already the internet's punching bag already.
Its always the crazy, manic and already fringe ones that tout shit against trannies, thats genuinely not a good look and doesn't help the ideology to spread more.
No. 653994
File: 1602553125409.png (Spoiler Image,1.7 MB, 1272x940, oh.png)

>>653990Remember when Azealia posted a video of her cleaning out her closet after sacrificing chickens in it for three years? Not to shit on brujería but jesus.
No. 654001
>>653990true but (aside from covid and trump) the points she brings up are
valid, JK's too. Even if lots of people hate them I hope this still makes them think. a lot of tras havent heard "terf" arguments or thought about downsides (speaking from experience). also, many people still like these celebrities despite their flaws or illness. only the uber woke hate rowling, and a number of people have sympathy for azealia
I agree its overall not a good look but fucking whatever. Its based that she makes some points at least, she's unwell but I think people genuinely havent heard some of it yet, I know I hadn't before I peaked
No. 654013
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>>653976>>653953This is such obvious bait but with the state of nu-Lolcow and Twitter migrants everywhere I almost went for it.
No. 654023
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No. 654026
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No. 654030
>>654024if you can't post it to steam, you may still be able to make it an indie-darling
could you upload it to one of those freeware game sites with all those rpgmaker games?
No. 654033
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i remember seeing a two panel image where in the first panel an excited looking woman is looking at a cat and in the second one the cat attacks her or smt but she is still happy i cant find it anywhere IM SO SAD
No. 654042
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>>653842I fucking love her. I don't give a fuck.
No. 654059
File: 1602556962209.jpg (87.17 KB, 982x726, stefonknee-wolschtt-transgende…)

>>653990Go outside. You push this shit on the internet and places where liberal white people can get away with reposting internet shit IRL, but I promise you no one you pass by on the street in a normal place anywhere in the world unironically thinks this is a stunning, brave woman.
If they're in the US or certain parts of Europe, they might say they do so they don't get death/rape/cancellation threats from the internet mob, but even those people are getting tired of it.
No. 654067
>>654059Nta but I see what you're saying… It's just twitterfags and zoomers
are people you pass on the street irl. But I assume the majority who thinks this shit is retarded just prefers to keep quiet because of the media push/inclusion training at their workplaces.