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No. 635956
Confess, my daughters.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/615945 No. 635958
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When I was a lonely 12-year-old, I catfished an older teen girl in a German online community pretending to be some random emo boy (maybe it was Alex Evans but I don't remember) for a few months. She was so in love with him, she was waiting to talk to him every day, tried to console him, wanted to meet up, up until the point where I felt sad for her and pretended like my emo boy catfish killed himself. I felt even worse about that so I came back on ICQ after like a week and confessed to her. She was pretty mad.
No. 636049
>>636005Did you post about this on lc a few years or so ago? Sounds familiar.
>>635965Still refreshing desperately until this anon replies. Hoping it’s just a coincidence but I’m pretty sure about the name now.
No. 636178
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>>636164are the quiet kids who don't bother anyone acting wrong?
No. 636195
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>>636186You’re so cool anon
No. 636216
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>>636164Posturing in the celebrity cows thread wasn't enough for you was it kek?
No. 636317
It's a chore. I never cum. After about 15 min it starts to hurt, probably cause I'm not aroused. Ugh. I can make myself cum so easily and quickly, I really don't need sex.. cuddling and light foreplay would honestly be enough, but then again idek about the foreplay part…
No. 636324
I had a 4 year relationship once where I was able to be that honest and we never once had sex. We did some oral and he was sub so I indulged that a bit. No full on sex.. what a find. We split up over something else and god I wish we could've worked out
No. 636334
>>636307>>636324>>636317Are you guys 100% sure you aren't lesbians?
That seems to be a very common statement of women that find out they aren't straight later in life, that they never enjoyed sex with men and would have prefered just foreplay with companionship.
No. 636341
>>636324 and yeah it has occured to me before. I'm in my 30s so I feel a little ridiculous for still questioning at this stage.
I don't want penetrative sex with men, I know that much. I never want to put myself through it again. I like dildos though so it's not the sensation that bothers me..
No. 636346
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>>636343Maybe this belongs more in the stupid questions thread but can someone be asexual if they fap to male bodies / sexual content and have a tangible sex drive but never feel interest / desire toward anyone irl?
Not trying to invalidate or any thing. I just wonder how people know if they’re asexual.
No. 636348
>>636330Phew, it got spooky there for a while, the name I used most likely was another name starting with C (I’m not sure though, but I have a name in mind) and I made the profile on Schueler.CC or SchülerVZ (that I’m sure about) so that probably (hopefully) wasn’t me, kek. But yeah, it made me pretty damn sad when it happened to me (before I made my own catfish profile;
victims become perpetrators, I guess) because I was a lonely kid and emotionally invested but it only made me more careful in the long run.
No. 636349
>>636343lmao yeah, there's more than one of them though. Unless they were samefagging in their rage. I'll never understand why it
triggers people so much tbh, it's literally the most inoffensive thing.
No. 636355
>>636334>>636335I really don't think I'm a lesbian (I don't want sex with women either kek) or that all the guys I've had were total trash, I simply don't like it.
Even if I'm super aroused, sex does nothing for me. It doesn't get me off, but I can get myself off with a vibrator in like 1 minute. Then for the reasons I mentioned
>>636323 it's absolutely more trouble than it's worth. Dealing with UTIs and pregnancy scares and shitty BC side effects for sex that, again,
does not get me off is just annoying. There is nothing to gain. No orgasm, plus you get to worry about a condom breaking or your birth control failing?
I see absolutely no upside to having sex as a woman.
No. 636359
>>636356Some people seem to think asexuality doesn't exist and simply reject the label. They think so-called "asexuals" just have a low sex drive and there's no need to make having a low sex drive into a sexuality.
I don't feel one way or the other about it, but if you have pretty much no sexual interest in anyone, I think it's perfectly fine to say you're asexual. It's another label, sure, but who cares really.
No. 636361
>>636356I think the issue people take is when really young people who haven't developed yet claim they're asexual or demisexual or grey-ace (no idk what those mean) when they don't need to be thinking about sex. Plus the SAM came from asexuality, if I remember correctly.
Asexuality is fine, some asexuals are just annoying, much like any other group.
No. 636379
>>636361Honestly, my main issue with asexuality is when asexuals look down at other people, like saying they always have it worse or making fun of people with relationships, but like you said, annoying people exist in every group.
The asexual anons seem nice, so you all have my support!
No. 636580
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>>636572love you anon you can howl in my house if u want
No. 636594
>>636587She was very
abusive throughout my whole childhood and then she got cancer and I had to take care of her in my late teens, I was really tired. After her death it felt amazing to just walk around the house without fear someone will lash out at me for no reason
>>636589Yeah it's great
No. 636625
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>>636572>>636589Weirdos. I respect it.
No. 636688
>>636666i do enjoy dogs, so if i end up finding one instead of my friend, that's honestly a better result
>>636678im comforted to know im not the only weirdo doing animal noises lmaoo
No. 636783
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Are we confessing weird cringey shit we did during our teenage years? Cause I have a few.
I was a weeb during my teen years and have a group of six weeb friends from different classes that I sometimes hang out with. The most cringest shit we did was to wear our Naruto headbands during the school Sports Day and some students and parents started to ask us questions as to why we were wearing them and are we part of a gang or something. While some asked us where can they get a headband for themselves. The teachers were pretty cool though and didn't even bother asking why a group of students are wearing weird headbands.
I also tried to persuade one of my fav teacher to call me "Sasuke" in class(Sasuke is a cool character ok! He's the epitome of cool hawt emo boi in my teenage weeb eyes) but of course my teacher won't play along with my weird request (thanks teach for not entertaining my weird cringe request! I owe you my life)
Oh! We also practice our ninja "skillz" and hand signs during recess and after school. And the Naruto run… oh god… the Naruto run…
I was also into lolita and jfashion but I was super bad at it because I don't have the money to buy any branded jfashion. I just bought super cheap clothings that may or may not look approximately like a lolita style. Thank god smartphones and social media was still new back then and not everyone has em', if not, I'm 110% sure my picture will end up in the ita thread on CGL.
The maximum cringe feeling when I think about my teen weeb days! But tbh I had so much fun goofing around and being a super weeb with my other weeb friends. It's quite a liberating feeling being an unapologetic, devil may care weeb weirdo.
Now I'm just a normal normie who does normal normie things and have become a super reserved and cold person. I'm still a weeb at heart though kek
No. 636789
>>636783I guess my confession is that I get really sad when I hear something like this. I wholeheartedly disagree with the whole concept of "growing up" and moving past weebshit. Like sure, maybe you're old enough to know better than to act obnoxious in public but what's wrong with liking weeby stuff as an adult if it brings you joy?
I became a much happier person once I stopped caring about how other perceive me and my weeby hobbies.
Don't be ashamed to enjoy anime and lolita clothing, anon. Live your best life.
No. 636805
>>636789NTA but who said that it's wrong?
I just grew past weeb shit though, it genuinely doesn't interest me anymore.
No. 636884
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>>636783Anon oh my god this was so funny. Thank you for sharing. We were all weird as fuck as kids, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. The most embarrassing thing I remember doing related to weeb shit is make a shitty homemade Sasuke cosplay with an old t-shirt and felt and then make a lip synch video to Fabulous from High School Musical 2. As Sasuke. I have no idea what happened to that video and don’t think it was ever uploaded anywhere, but I know it happened, and that’s cringe enough for me.
No. 636909
>>636789 Original ex-teen weeb anon here, yes, I totally understand your feeling of sadness regarding how society tend to look down on older people who enjoy "childish" pursuits like anime, jfashion or other nerdy hobbies. For me, I was somewhat forced to become a normie and confirm to social norm due to living in a conservative culture and environment. Plus, I'm working in a super serious and uptight field, so I can't be seen doing weird weeby shit because I need to uphold a certain image. I used to hold a strong feeling of resentment and anger towards society in general because I was forced to let go of my weird interest and be normal. But over the years I slowly began to learn that you can actually balance your weird interest and how society wants you to act. I still love weeb stuff but I do it in private and only talk about it with friends (irl and online) who have the same interest. I also attend a few animecons once a year and go over the top crazy with the jfashion or cosplay. All I'm saying is, sometimes in life you need to learn to accept that some things like weeby and childish hobbies will never be fully accepted or understood by the general public but you can learn to balance your weird interest and still project and maintain a normie image to the public.
However, I do have mad respect for people who don't give two shits about what society thinks of their interest and just live their weeby non-conforming lives freely. Maybe one day I'll have the courage to do that as well.
>>636884OMG anon! You were a Sasuke fan too? We could've been BFFs! Good thing you didn't post that vid online. I actually feel sorry for today's generation of weebs. All the tiktok, ig and youtube vids they've posted online in their shoddy baby's first cosplays and jfashions! I'm pretty sure most of them will end up hiring a lawyer or something in the future to scrub all the evidence of their weeb days off the internet.
No. 636913
>>636820>as if you're just supposed to stop having any hobbies/interests once you become a certain age.Those are always from judgmental girls who aren't even 20 themselves (usually not even 18) and think that they'll never grow old, kiwi sunset types. Either that or bitter older people who resent having to abandon
their hobbies, but those tend not to browse imageboards kek. Nobody should listen to advice from obviously miserable people.
No. 636917
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>>636164Oh yeah? I would've Naruto run into you and beat you with my yaoi paddle so hard you couldn't look anyone in the eye again, kid. You think people who aren't ashamed of their love of anime are beneath you? Think again. I've been to Japan six - count them - six times. I lost weight. I became a Japanese idol. I love my life. What have you done?
If I ever see you in real life I'm going to make you regret all those times you bullied those innocent kids. It's what all my heroes would have done… It's what Naruto would've done. I'm not afraid of you anymore, bucko. I know I'm on the right side of history.
No. 637071
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>>636917Anon, please marry me, I love you.
No. 637104
>>637093This time I am the anon you're replying to, and still not OP, and you're still sperging, sperg.
>>637089Agreed. I don't know if I would have trooned out, but I definitely would have felt lost and curious. It's really sad.
No. 637231
>>637219>my self esteem never recoveredAnon, your self-esteem would never recover and be worse if anything if you did receive that kind of attention. And it sounds like you did when you were 14, even if you don't realize it.
It seems like everyone has sexual trauma, was groomed, etc nowadays, especially growing up on the internet, and the unfortunate fact is that we probably were. But missing out on that, for lack of a better way to put it, is a blessing. You don't want that. The trauma I went through with men and boys, both on the internet and irl, haunts me every day and fucks with my self-esteem even now. You don't need the approval of people who want to hurt and take advantage of you to have value now, and you didn't then.
It's normal to have weird, shitty, shameful feelings like these. We all do whether we admit it in a confession thread or not, but never forget the reality or lose perspective.
No. 637232
>>637224I am in therapy. Now that I think about it this might be related to the thing I'm actually getting therapy for. I was extremely violent as a child and have a lot of memories of feeling so guilty & like a monster but still not being able to control my temper and I still have this ingrained shame & feeling that I'm evil / an abuser even though I was a child when I acted that way. So maybe it's the idea of escaping that role by being the
victim instead.
No. 637235
>>637219As someone else who also didn't get male attention until I was almost 18, I don't understand your line of thinking at ALL. Isn't it better to have a substantial amount of agency in your sexual choices? Thinking about the dumb shit I did at 17, it would've been so much worse if I was 14 or 15 receiving the same attention. You say you're already in a relationship, so I don't know what you want from receiving creeps attention. I really hope you're in therapy cause this sounds BPD as fuck, who wants to be a
victim?? Your relationship with sexuality sounds so fucking unhealthy if you can only view things as being a
victim or a slut, why is everything about this about external validation? Seek help or grow the fuck up, this is weird thinking.
No. 637243
>>637231Thank u for your kind reply anon :)
I know it would have fucked me up worse in the long run if I had got that kind of attention.
Its a weird one, like girls I followed on insta would have a story hilight called 'creepy DMs' & I felt like there must be something wrong with me that no one was creepy towards me.
I've been groped in clubs before and it actually made me so happy because it was proof someone found me attractive.
I think I stopped the omegle thing after someone asked if I was a man because I didn't have tiddies yet so it just reinforced my inceldom haha.
Imagine being this much of a pick-me ass bitch, oh dear
No. 637254
victim / slut thing is just how people in general would see those 2 scenarios is all I meant
No. 637337
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>>637327You could epilate instead for a scar free alt. Also may be off but I cover myself with fake blood to fake the result of cutting when I get cravings.
No. 637340
>>637329Not sure honestly, New Zealand has always been a very attractive country to me or the UK.
I could always move to Mexico where my parents are from but that just doesn’t seem viable either. All in all, I need to do a shit ton of research.
No. 637346
>>637327Similar to what
>>637337 said:
I once had a teacher recommend the coping strategy drawing lines across your wrist/thigh with a red pen to sort of emulate what it's like to cut without actually hurting yourself. Though you should probably wash the pen off before you go out or you'll get some odd looks! I'm sorry you're struggling though, anon. I hope things look up for you soon.
No. 637474
>>637409Been playing Pokemon go since it's release but God I kinda hate half of the weird looking shits in my pokedex. The newer generations just..
There's money to be made, they'll keep on milking it
No. 637579
>>637358>the US is the most solid country everNta but whenever I read about countries such as Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland they sound far more solid than everything I've read about the US (fyi I'm from none of the countries mentioned here). I've read nothing but good things about their education systems, job markets, economies, social security, safety etc. I've largely read the oposite about the US. If you google lists of countries with highest living standards, the US usually doesn't even make the top 10. I don't know why people go for the US instead, maybe it's because it's such a gigantic country it's easier to get into, or because they speak English there or because foreigners just know more about the US than random small countries in Europe, or the imigration policies of the mentioned countries, I don't know, I'd be interested to know. I'm from a good, prosperous country myself and have lowkey thought about moving to Denmark lol.
No. 637585
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>>636783I did a similar shit except with Yugioh cards My friends and i would go to the library during break when no one was there and play YGO in the back of the room and after a while, teachers thought we were doing gang activies. Naruto head bands were also banned for the same reason. it was the weird 2000s version of adults being super out of touch. it was cringe, but fun and i loved my school mates back then.
No. 637598
>>637579Things are a LOT better here than in the US, but does hearing "nothing but good things" about anything in life… not sound a bit suspicious to you?
I'm from a Scandinavian country and while life is good, there's a lot of problems that go unsaid in the foreign press.
A huge part of our image is due to our tourism board and our news outlets sniffing their own farts and bragging about how much better than everyone else we are and how we have to "teach" the world how to be more like us and save them from themselves. Then those same people will turn around and say how "we don't like to brag, it's not in our culture, we are just too humble uwu". Bitch where?
This is a massive issue in our mentality and our political left is the most guilty of this. We're addicted to pretending we're fine and better than you, while ignoring all the problems that exist in the shadows and out of public view like racism, xenophobia (people from the Middle East, Africa and former Yugoslavia are often seen as lower class here), tax fraud, healthcare (my grandmother had to wait 3 MONTHS for a cancer diagnosis in a public hospital because she was honest and said she wasn't experiencing any pain, and they put her on low priority for being "too old").
Even our corona policy has made us a laughing stock in Europe because it's based on exactly this kind of behaviour. The clown in charge of the whole thing is telling us we're doing much better than everyone else and making fun of other EU countries for having stricter measures despite evidence of the exact opposite.
Anyway, sorry for OT, I just hate this sentiment that Scandinavia is this perfect woke white people wonderland, especially because we're the ones who keep selling this image to foreigners for tourist and foreign student bux.
>>637582Weird, lots of people from here move to Canada because the taxes are much lower, quality of life is similar and they can buy bigger houses for less.
No. 637701
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I do not anons. I feel like an absolute retard for it too kek. I created a set of characters for myself (most likely to cope with trauama) when I was around 12 and now instead of getting out of it the escapist fantasy just keeps evolving into something new, and once I get tired of certain ocs, instead of maybe starting to behave like a normal person, I just create new ones. I basically run on autopilot while scenarios of them play out like a tv show in my head and I only think when I really must, but at least it's done wonders for my art. Is this what the kids these days like to call maladaptive daydreaming, or am I an actual retard?
No. 637710
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>>637598Not scandinavian, but my impression is that people always vastly overestimate northern european countries, especially muricans are acting as if it's literal paradise, when in fact the differences between all first world countries are pretty small.
Of course your life can be shit, but on average living anywhere in europe (minus russia) or us/canada is pretty okay.
No. 637861
>>637834Based. If this dog is so untrained and wild that it wouldn't voluntarily stay within the home that is supposed to provide it discipline, food and structure, it should be either euthanized or in the forest.
A dog that does nothing but bark and is sectioned to a small backyard shouldn't even be alive, nor is it a pet.
No. 637883
>>637880dog-chan here,
to elaborate on this, i don’t understand the point of getting pets, when they die it breaks your heart. when it needs a £2000 operation and dies anyway, you’re broke and heartbroken.
my cat died when i was young even though we paid £2k to try and save her. it’s just pointless heartbreak. literally no point in pets. also the cost of food, injections, vet fees, bedding, toys etc it’s just financially irresponsible.
No. 637898
>>637891NTA but
>cats are low maintenance Lmao nah fam.
No. 637908
>>637891I don’t know, Anon, I think the lowest maintenance pet is something like a snail.
Most pets are basically a luxury, sometimes I wonder just how there’s so many people with pets.
No. 637935
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>>637898Yeah they need to be brushed often and even then they let go a lot of hair. They also scratch up the furniture. Cats also have the ability to reach shit like food on the table or fuck up wall and shelf decorations.I love them to death but they can be a real nuisance sometimes.
No. 637997
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>>637935My therapist made me swear i wouldnt fuck more strangers. Im having issues with being a failure and having a huge inferiority complex. Im not looking for validation , im looking to affirm that all these fuckers wouldnt wanna come anywhere near me if they knew what a huge loser i was. I send identitifiable nudes, ask men to choke me in hopes of choking for real, i want this stupid dom fuckboy to humiliate me more. I have no future prospects to look forward to and I just fucking wanna get destroyed already
No. 638035

>>637888I've been following this lady, love her work
Speaking of animal related videos, today I cried because of this older lady bathing her old cat. I know the cat is not dying (yet) but the fact he's so trusting and fragile gets me, and it makes me think of my cat. I miss him so fucking much, I wish he could've died from old age. He died from jaw cancer at 13. We tried surgery but it didn't help. It's so fucked up to see the animal you grown up with suffering and getting weaker every day, and then to have to put them down. Some cats seek solitude when they feel the end is near, but my cat still wanted to be with me and during his last night he came to my bed and slept on my chest (because of the pain, he had huge problems with sleeping and usually got only around 2 hours of sleep, but that time he slept the entire night like a baby). I still blame myself, maybe the surgery would have helped if I had noticed some symptoms ealier. It's been two years and I still don't want another cat
No. 638099
>>638035Oh god shes so careful with him, what an incredible person. If i ever have a comfortable life situation one of my dreams is to care for older cats and give them a nice home in their last years.
Im sorry for you kitty anon. It sounds like he was relaxed and trusted you more than anything in thise last moments, please dont blame yourself because cats can hide pain well and it is usually too late when we notice something and its comoletely human to not jump to disease as reason right away, it wasnt your fault. You did your best and im sure he loved you just as much.
No. 638111
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>>638098If you don't leave now he's going to beat you, and it's legit going to be your fault for sticking around.
No. 638119
>>638110Just say the cameras are for home security and his wife beating just happened to be caught on it.
t. my mom went through incredibly messy divorce from
abusive man
No. 638134
Anon I'm so sorry. Anyone who truly loved you would never lay a hand on you. I hope you find the strength to leave and move on. You deserve better.
No. 638268
>>637891Late to the conversation but cats are not low maintenance, most people just have no idea how to properly take care of cats and neglect them. Sure, they're lower maintenance than dogs and some are more chill than others but they do require more care than most people give them. Then they end up scratching furniture or pissing everywhere because they're bored and frustrated. Not saying that you specifically are a bad cat owner, though!
My two cats are 9 and 13 years old but they act like I'm their mom, they follow me everywhere and demand my constant attention. The moment I sit down they both jump on my lap and then get annoyed because only one of them fits at a time. I love them dearly but I sometimes get annoyed because I can't do anything without them following me. One of them even showers with me lmao. Definitely not low maintenance.
No. 638270
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I think I’m actually starting to miss the military now that I’ve been out a few years. Everything was super stupid, but to be honest it was simple. I thought it was going to be my forever job, but other people ruined it for me. I just need to talk to my friends who are still in to be reminded of the bullshit and stop only focusing on the good times.
No. 638273
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>>638268Exactly, thank you! I hate it when people claim that cats are low maintenance and then I turn around and see so many pet owners who just keep their cat inside an apartment of 30 square meters, don't play with them for at least 30 minutes a day and don't even have their blinds up so the cat can look out the windows. It makes me really sad to know how many cats out there are being neglected and are stuck inside an apartment bored to death because their owner thinks cats are just "low maintenance".
No. 638312
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>>638027>>638041Thank you. Its not the first time I’ve had to crawl out of a hole, ill get up again sooner or later.
>>638068Animator Kuno Yoko. They did an amazing video to Cuushe’s Airy Me and a beatiful handdrawn section in Beastars. Her work is beautiful and a little sad too…
No. 638315
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>>638280Oof yeah i get really pissed off when people insist my cat is too skinny. No, all ur damn cats are just hambeasts. Ppl think its weird I weigh my cat’s daily portion and give it throughout the day instead of just free feeding. Am i the weird one…???
No. 638333
>>638263This is not really too uncommon. One thing to be careful about though is making a direct correlation between hard work and good life. There are an absurd amount of weathly people who were simply born into it or got lucky. Some never having worked a day in their life. Similarly there are many hard working people who, for various circumstances beyond their control, have difficult lives. Healthcare costs/debts for instance can often completely disrupt lives.
I realize some of these stories you're reading probably do paint a more direct correlation, and that's fine, but I would worry that in future real life interactions with people who are struggling (or conversely living the good life) you might be tempted assume it is totally of their own doing without even knowing their story. I think people often do it subconsciously to resolve the cognitive dissonance involved with "why do bad things happen to good people?"
Aaaanyways I read this stuff too, after all I'm here on lolcow. Idk I just wouldn't get too carried away with it because while these stories scratch our very human itch for karmic justice.. sadly real life is just not that fair.
No. 638362
>>637755You're right and that's what I was talking about, iirc Italy has the best healthcare in Europe despite its ageing population but people here (I'm the Scandianon) treat it as some unholy wilderness full of yucky brown poors and mafiosi.
I've also noticed that people from other parts of Europe seem better educated, in that they have a wider range of general knowledge and learn stuff like Latin which is only taught here in some places as an elective course, while we dedicate more time to a more narrow pool of study like maths and English (and get better scores as a result).
You'd be surprised how little awareness young people here have of other countries compared to their peers from other parts of Europe, and it makes me feel ashamed because this is all a result from years of everyone drilling "we're the best, we're the best" into our heads.
I told this to my younger brother recently and he just replied with "well ACKSHUALLY, statistically we have better PISA scores than most of Europe and our education is the best in the world", which is exactly what every news outlet will tell you as well, but in reality most of my relatives will go to Croatia on vacation and then not be able to find it on a map when they get home. My younger brother thought South Korea was Vietnam (our mother is Vietnamese) and I had no clue until a few months ago.
It's really sad and makes us seem as big-headed as Americans, I'm really ashamed because some of my friends/my friends' parents are from Eastern Europe and Middle East and the shit people say to them our of sheer ignorance just makes me cringe.
No. 638372
>>638315Holy shit don’t get me started on fat cats… I used to have a friend whose cat was so fat his stomach made its own track in the snow.
It’s name was, ironically enough, Stick and my friend would lose his shit when I called it Log. I always felt so sorry for the poor cat whenever I came over…
No. 638375
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>>638273OP of low maintenance kitties opinion, this is also super true. I guess I don’t think of these things as difficult or high maintenance because I enjoy doing them. My apartment is covered in pet toys, tunnels, cardboard boxes, paper bags, a cat tree in the living room and my room, and I love to play with him as much as he wants even though he’s getting lazy at 7 kek. And again, just compared to my bunny who is a ton of work, he’s like. Nothing.
>>638315No!! My mom always criticizes me for portioning my cats food twice a day with a few treats here and there. She thinks I starve him, especially since he
wants to be fat so bad. Ya know, because he’s a cat/animal who’s incredibly food driven. I think fat cats are cute aesthetically, but it’s so sad to see them try to do anything. All of my friend who hav cats have super obese cats, and they’re all lazy and miserable. One of them loves to play but can barely run. It’s like…how can you see this and think it’s okay? And the amount of obese pets I see at the vet, lord. How do dogs get obese??
Sorry for pet sperg, I just woke up.
No. 638376
>>638372> LogKek
My friend’s sister has a cat named Obi-Wan and we call it Obese One. He’s legitimately heavier than their 5 year old son.
No. 638491
I love you cat anons, you're all great cat moms. I'm so used to shitty cat owners I was actually surprised to hear so many of you share my thoughts on the subject.
>>638376>obese oneKek but also sad as fuck.
No. 638520
>>638388>>638389I mean, at the end of the day the dog doesn't overeat because the daily dose of food is always the same, it's just that I leave it in her bowl so she can eat whenever she wants rather than having a specific time frame when she can eat.
My vet's reasoning seems to be that since the dog knows it Will always have food then it won't be aggressive (since for him a dog gets aggressive because it's hungry therefore frustrated and anxious). It seems like a bit of a shit argument for me, it's a method that works for now but if I'll ever get another pet I'll definitely switch to the usual method.
No. 638629
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i love mlp. i think the show is so cute, i enjoy drawing them and the colors, designs, etc., are all so refreshing to me. i also have good childhood memories associated with it. i thought for a while liking it was ruined by pornsick pedophilic manchildren because of how they completely reclaim the show
No. 638640
>>638629Same. I feel bad about how horrible the fandom really is. I am really glad that during the time I watched MLP i never participated in fandom itself, just watching it with my friends and making OCs. Really, the only bad thing I had to stumble upon when I was a kid was cupcakes fanfiction.
After years of never showing my MLP art out of fear, I decided to show my best animation piece related to MLP just to get called out by normie friends of circle. They would turn my artwork into nothing but a discussion about "how bad people who like MLP are", when in my case I was literally 10 when the show came out.
I still draw MLP through this day, but just for myself and because I am really good at it and I am a huge fan of Lauren Faust.
Btw, Fluttershy is the best girl and I love Fluttercord dynamic!
No. 638674
>>638640i'm so sorry this is so fucking rude, this is exactly why i never really mentioned it to anyone outside of my immediate close friend circle, because they're in the same boat as me. i think it's so fucking annoying how one of the only good parts of my childhood has just boiled down to content for disgusting men who sexualize shows for children.
i am not crazy about it ofc anymore as i was when i was like, i don't know, a literal child, but it genuinely brings me joy seeing art of it and talking about it once in a while if it comes up in conversation. Good for you regarding the art of it! I absolutely love some of the designs in the show, they always stuck with me since I was a kid. There was a lot of love put into it, and I appreciate that, especially in earlier seasons.
i'm kind of relieved i had the same opinion of somebody, it's kind of embarrassing still for me. i also feel a bit bad for faust because the direction of the show wasn't being fit to her standards.. pinkie is my favorite
No. 638682
>>638629>>638640Yes, me too! I got into it at the start of this year and it's so damn cute and wholesome. A really nice show for young girls too. My bf is constantly making fun of me for it, but it's simply too cute to stay away from.
My only fault is that I kinda hate Twilight Sparkle kek
No. 638695
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>>638433>>638684not the original anon but what are the signs? is talking a lot considered romantic now?
No. 638719
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I was skeptical about this game at first, but after playing it I've been having a blast lmao
No. 638957
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I'm currently having a personal crisis about my recent over the top emotional feelings towards Sam Rockwell. A week ago I decided to watch Charlies Angels again for the nostalgia kick and realized how fucking hot he was but was reminded that no wait I've always been uncomfortably attracted to him and his crazy characters in that repressed religious household kind of way since I was a tween. I binged a few of his movies and now I've been having dreams about him and I'm legitimately sad right now that I cannot and never will be with him. The worst part is how much I fucking hate hollywood age gaps but I'd marry him in a second so he could have horny unhinged narc actor sex with me. I've legitimately woken up with tears in my eyes because he was in my dream but not next to me in my bed.
No. 638966
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>>636164Kinda same. Except my friends at the time did it for me. Whenever a cringy ass guy tried to get close to me the harassed the living crap out of them until they stopped. But somehow after everything they were still on my tail
No. 638977
>>638968It's like $5 on pc
>>638973Is it cross platform? Like can mobile play with PC?
No. 638981
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Its stupid but I want to become a holistic herbal healer. Especially after watching that stuff work for friends and family, and reading about all the ways current practices are damaging.
It still feels shameful though. I'm not a stupid essential oil lady I swear :/
No. 638983
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I don't think I'd feel bad if my boyfriend's friend commits seppeku.
Here's the situation: they were best friends since high school, gaming every weekend and such. I came along and of course my boyfriend doesn't want to spend every waking moment with his jerk off friend.
His friend spergs on me immediately as soon as I met him and ends up saying "Just don't hurt him okay?" and I'm like "Okay". Friend gets autistically angry every time they don't hang out together and even gets so angry that he would unfriend me on steam, kick me from discord servers, etc. After that he usually apologizes. He's also super sexual and perverted towards us. "Oh you guys were having sex, is that why you didn't want to play with us?" and other variations of that.
Well the retard has invited us to another city to hang out with some friends from online. Yeah, during a fucking pandemic and while people have to work. Of course we said no.
Now he's deleted his whole discord server, his Facebook is gone, we haven't heard from him.
I personally wouldn't feel too awful. Someone like him will just keep dragging people down if he doesn't get his way. He has no local friends, doesn't make the effort to and he's been living in his new city for almost 2 years. He heard his boss talking shit about him and he's obnoxiously perverted. I want the best for him but he explodes and causes everyone to have anxiety. For a while my boyfriend would make me be quiet around him while he was talking to the friend because friend would get super pissed or something if I was around. Obviously I corrected that behavior and called it unfair. Other times, the friend would buy me games so I could play with them and game with them.
But the point stands. He needs serious help but is never gonna get it. He just gets blackout drunk every weekend.
No. 638987
>>638983I had a similar thing happen when I was dating a top WoW player. I had people pissed that I wanted to go on a date with my man on a Friday night. I worked around it as best as I could but my mere existence in voice chat would
trigger someone.
I'm done with gamers now for multiple reasons.
No. 639015
i’m infatuated to the point of clinical obsession with a girl (im a girl also, no homo tho) who shoops herself to the extreme, but the shoops are so well done and so fucking beautiful that I .. well obsess over everything. It’s like she beautifies everything around her. I have purchased several things that I just spotted lying around in her room, things that I normally would not be remotely interested in, like a fucking $90 figurine even though I never in my life have been interested collecting figurines. I bought the camera she uses, the make up, and even more embarrassing things lol…I mean ok, she took a selfie in her bathroom once and I hunted down which toothbrush I saw and bought it off eBay because it was an old photo so they weren’t sold in stores anymore. By “hunted down” I mean I spent days looking for what brand it was because it was just the toothbrush, I didn’t get any clues as to how to google for it other than describing what it looked like. I used to want to skinwalk her but I realized I’m a totally different phenotype so there’s no use trying. But fyi I used to be way crazier with wanting to be just like her and it has simmered down a lot with some reality checks. …I also have a history of this since I was pre-teen. Getting heavily obsessed with random girls, it happened twice before this one. I don’t want to say the name of the one I’m talking about, but the one before her was Zoe Kimball. An old myspace celebrity. I used to be the most convincing catfish of hers on myspace. She has an ED page and MOST of the shit written on it is actually talking about me and everything I did or said as her fake lol. Even her other catfish would copy MY shit because they thought I was the real one. Nobody ever found out my page was fake, myspace died before it was ever exposed.
It’s ok tho, I know this all sounds like I’m insane, but I’m mentally mature now and practicing the whole self-love thing and see if I can turn that obsession and infatuation towards my own identity, I’m already half way there.
No. 639022
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>>639007It's not even closeted homo, when he's drunk (which is always) he openly talks about sucking cocks and how he's given random guys in locker rooms head and stuff. He's recently confided in my bf about coming out as bi. I 100% think he's in love with him and that's why I'm worried that if he's gone dark, he could also be on his way here as well.
Who knows what's up with him but like, I wish he would chill the fuck out. I literally will not hesitate to put him down if he tries to come here and start anything. Trying to get a gun ASAP to protect my home.
No. 639025
>>639015I mean, this is all a bit much, but you're not catfishing this latest girl at least, so it sounds like you're somewhat improving?
How old are you? I don't think this kind of shit is terribly uncommon in you're in your late teens early 20's, but anything older than that is pretty weird.
Honestly, skinwalking seems like one of those things people do when they haven't had healthy role models growing up. They have no idea how to act, how to dress, what to like, etc, so they look to other people they admire and just copy them. It's probably comes off as creepy to the person who is the target of the obsession, but I can't see this type of behavior as being dangerous unless you're actively seeking that person out and trying to be their friend, or literally trying to like, replace them somehow.
No. 639030
>>638263Lol is it r/breakingmom?
I don't mind reading that sub, it's one of the most honest places on the internet because moms are some of the most disingenuous people.
They'll go to everyone and their social media while lying about how great their husbands are and how they're so thankful for kids. Yet that sub exposes the truth about how they actually think their husbands are lazy or
abusive POS, their kids are horrible brats who they barely love, and motherhood has basically left them feeling robbed of their individual identities. I'm so sick of people painting rosy pictures about relationships and kids when if you peel back the layer of the majority of relationships and children, it's fucking hell. Although you'd never guess by talking to most moms candidly, they're so dishonest with others and themselves about parenting that it almost strikes me as crabs in a bucket mentality. Like they're secretly hoping other people will choose their route and be as secretly miserable as they are. I cannot believe some of the shit I read on there but I know it's the truth.
No. 639031
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I'm fat. i lost weight before but regained most of it after dealing with a stressful job. now that I'm out of that toxic place, I just feel so goddamn tired. 90% of my clothes don't fit me anymore and my knees are starting to hurt from carrying the weight. I can't even stick to my diet. My gym is closed because of stupid corona. All I want to do is watch netflix. I'm so damn weak
No. 639036
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one of my fondest memories is going to karaoke with my friends + my ex after he'd broken up with me.
My friends decided to sing mamma mia hbecause it's just a classic karaoke song. I hadn't heard the song in ages and never really payed attention to the lyrics until this night, the lyrics are basically "I miss you, I wish we didn't break up". I picked up on this and looked at him and he was crying. sobbing. felt really good at the time because I missed him, and it showed me that he actually had something in his heart, but it's funny now since he actually treated me pretty bad.
No. 639053
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This will sound shallow as fuck but if there really is a next life I hope I can be born fucking beautiful. Doesn't matter if I'm talentless, as long as I have average intelligence and am attractive enough to turn heads that would be fine.
For some context, I'm friends with this extremely attractive girl and it never ceases to amuse me how easy life is for her, not in a deep level I obviously don't know every single struggle she has overcome, but I mean on an outward perspective. People will go out of their way to help her, everyone is kind and accepting, she makes a mistake and no one loses their shit, she can have strange hobbies and instead of being labeled as "that weird girl" she's just quirky and fun to be around whereas us peasants have to kill every shed of individuality if we want to not be destroyed by society. I've heard that when you're pretty you struggle in the workplace but we were coworkers for long time and opportunities opened to her left and right; mind you she wasn't cut out for many of them and obviously declined, but it surprised me that they were offered to begin with. Hell, I will never forget about this one time she stood up to one of our bosses (fucking asshole who completely deserved it) and people (who she didn't even talk to) were quick to agree with and defend her, they basically joined a campaign to help her. Then I had the same issue a year later and I was completely ignored, she basically had to ask for signatures in my stead because no one wanted to "get in trouble". She's never had to settle, weather it's dating or fucking someone. Her friend group it's HUGE,people naturally flock to her and since she is a good person and doesn't surround herself with frenemies it's actually a very supporting group who really values her. You would think this is not important but as an adult you will need connections, and oh boy does she have them. She's the fucking main character if you will.
I'm not saying this out of jealously, I really like her and I would be lying if I said I've never been charmed by her before, I'm just kind of mad at life because it's so fucking unfair and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it lol Just look at Micarah Tewers, I love her but if she was a normal looking girl most people would find her disgusting. Can't wait for a future when we have eugenics or some shit and everyone is born beautiful and with the same opportunities. Can you imagine? some people would actually have to work on their personalities.
No. 639054
>>639053tbh it just sounds to me like she's charming and outgoing. her looks definitely draw people in, but her personality makes them stay. if she was a huge bitch people would constantly nitpick her and talk shit about her behind her back.
that said, it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. people who are or used to be ugly/fat expect to be bullied and treated like shit so they develop a defense mechanism against it by acting cold and aloof or having a resting bitch face, so people assume they're mean/arrogant and are repelled by their behavior.
i know a girl who is nowhere near attractive but she creates opportunities for herself by being outgoing and supportive, she's really popular and people love her despite her looking like ben shapiro.
No. 639061
>>639054>>her looks definitely draw people in, but her personality makes them stayThis 100% true, the fact that she's actually a good person is what makes us stay, no denying in that. I'm not ranting about her being popular but at how different life is for pretty vs average people. It's like another world, kinda hard to explain unless you're friends with someone like that. Another one of our mutual friends is an incredibly sweet human being and amazing person overall, but normal in the looks department. We always joke that those two could rule the world if they wanted to, but it's pretty noticeable how different things work for her. Where friend A can get away with bare minimum, friend B has to put thrice the effort.
>>that said, it's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. people who are or used to be ugly/fat expect to be bullied and treated like shit so they develop a defense mechanism against it by acting cold and aloof or having a resting bitch face, so people assume they're mean/arrogant and are repelled by their behavior.That's precisely the issue. Fat people can do something about it, but those that are born ugly are pretty much fucked.
No. 639088
>>639054Nta but it really depends though. Yeah you can be popular and loved even when you are ugly, but the effort you have to put in is so much more than the effort put in by someone who is attractive and draws in people just by existing. An ugly person also has less chances to fuck up or act irrational or angry, as people tend to be more patient with people who look cute and beautiful. It's just a natural thing, even fucking babies prefer beautiful people.
I'm ugly and apparently I have a face that makes people want to punch me. I had friends who were very pretty and I was always treated differently, by both men and women. I just have to constantly lick ass and act all happy and positive for people to tolerate me, and even then some people will mock me or look at me as if I'm a freak (I have crooked teeth and I can't laugh without someone staring at me and joke about them. Yeah, that'll make me stay positive…). And then there are good-looking people who can act like bitches, be mean and offensive as a joke or act like a baby and still have someone flocking around them. If I did something like that I would be told to fuck off among other various insults.
Saying that ugly people are just not charming enough and have the same chances as attractive people is naive. Also, if you're ugly and being treated like shit for it, then maybe you'll develop some defense mechanism to cope. A lot of aspects of your life are more difficult and even impossible to reach (just think about dating, job opportunities and all that).
No. 639094
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I was a total germophobe. Was. Until covid-19 hit.
Now I'm labeled as normal, completely functional, precautory and pandemic rule following person.
I suffer from asthma but it's not as bad as it used to be. I was hospitalized or taken to the emergency room many times in highschool over me not being able to breathe. I always got sick many times a year, and even one simple cold would spiral into very debilitating asthma attacks.
So I always have to be careful with my health.
I learnt to hate people. I hate how old men don't wash their fucking hands, take space, cough and sneeze everywhere. I hate how they gargle and then spit their fucking disgusting flem on the floor, in the middle of the street. They enjoy being gross. I hate it.
I hate mothers that don't watch their kids being fucking nasty microbe farms. They pick their runny nose and cough everywhere and you're supposed to go "aww how cute". They're the main way to get the fucking plague, because kids do not have inhibitions and are too dumb to know better. But a busy karen mom could have their kid with a big ass fever and still take it outside and infect everyone.
I hate touching door handles. I hate dirty shoes. I hate people who touch something dirty and then carry on with their lives without washing. I hate people touching me. I hate sick people. I hate sick people. I hate sick people.
For the longest time wondered why nobody else had the same precautions that I had. Why westerners are not supposed to wear facemasks. Why can't we be like asians and their facemasks. When will facemaks be a thing in the west? when will it be normal to wear one? Please, I just want people to fuck off and stop spreading their diseases.
Then, covid-19 happened. A miracle.
Everyone washes their hands.
Everyone carries alcohol gel.
Everyone sanitizes everything.
Everyone keeps distance.
Everyone shuns off disgusting people.
Everyone wears masks.
I am actually very pleased by this result. Nice timeline. I would call this "The Health Revolution".
Little Jimmy can't spread his disease anymore. Suck it, little Jimmy.
No. 639097
>>639094I know that feeling about Westerners thinking they're too special for face masks despite the yearly epidemics every winter. The number of times I got sick because of people sneezing or coughing in my face because they're impolite bitches is too high. I even threw up and passed out in th middle of a phone interview for the opportunity of a lifetime because some retard at my job was sick and still thought it'd be a good idea to clock in.
I obviously didn't get the job because this left a bad impression on the recruiter. Even my family thought I was crazy because I think 6 people drinking in the same bottle is disgusting. Their argument was "we're family so I can't make you sick." Anyway, your descriptions
triggered me, they so accurate.
No. 639101
>>639094They finally made face masks mandatory in stores here, except kids under 12 don't need to wear them…so they're mostly not wearing them. I keep seeing parents shopping where you have one mother wearing a mask and 3 or 4 kids running around alongside her maskless…and it just seems so odd.
I was reading an article lately about how kids are much better carriers and spreaders of it. They secrete it at higher amounts than an adult but also are less likely to display symptoms. I had to stop reading. It was freaking me out.
No. 639102
>>639094Adding to this post: I would go my way to avoid sick people or people that cough. Entering a room with anyone sick would make me anxious. I would get very far away from anyone who presented cold symptoms.
I am so happy that this is considered normal now. Now nobody can make fun of it. Now I'm right, they're wrong. Now they know how disgusting they all were all these years.
No. 639124
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>>639053That just makes me wonder if I'm some unfortunate uggo that has managed to delude herself into thinking she's not. I used to be butt ugly in my teens but have manage to come out the other end looking pretty cute thanks to surgery + learning how to put on makeup and do my hair.
For some reason though, a lot of men seem super awkward when they talk to me now, and a lot of women (especially in customer service) can be super cold and blunt. Even when I went by myself to meet the dog I was gonna adopt, the shelter worker seemed kinda bitchy, she just said they gave away the dog I was interested in and walked off.
I'm friendly to everyone unless they're mean to me first, so I don't get why this is happening. The only other reason is that they know I'm foreign from the adoption form and don't like where I come from (it's happened before), but everyone says that can't be true.
No. 639153
>>639054>>639061This, I know a girl who was sort of an outsider because she spoke her mind, is built like a fridge, has a big hooked nose and didn't have the money to buy popularity but somehow she became very confident after graduation once she started working. She dresses with confidence, has an infectious laugh and leaves when she's not having fun. I haven't seen her since she got some amazing job and moved to the US
She didn't waste time starving herself or shaving down her face because she knew she was the real main character all along. She really inspired me and challenged my idea of success, thanks for reminding me of her
No. 639326
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>>639110no bitch continue to bully the fuck out of these men, they love it and will come back for more. thus the cycle continues and you can fulfill your needs of openly shitting on men because they deserve it while they grovel for your attention.
No. 639457
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I think this is kind of sick and want one. Is it cultural appropriation of siamese twins?
No. 639540
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>>637053>>637087>>637093>detranniesYou again? Pathetic, "Ashley".
No. 639543
>>639470I feel you, remember someone saying that they don't wear sundresses anymore because men assumed she would have a sundress personality, carefree and happy aways and it made a lot of sense. People really treat you as a different person over clothes and hair.
But do you like those things though? Long hair and makeup?
No. 639582
>>639555Aliexpress lmao available in black, I might just cop!>>639581Kek
No. 639599
>>639592I think most of the anons into the tesah thread are hoping for a redemption arc and for her to be a better person.
I mean, I really doubt anyone would probably want a cow, even if they’re shit, to suffer and see them get worse and worse, unless it’s like, the shittiest cows that are fucking disgusting and pathetic like “aggy” and such.
No. 639647
>>639592>at the end of the day, the women calling you frankentits and psycho on an anonymous board will look out for you more than the men you date.amen
post this on the lolcow caps thread pls
No. 639651
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My 78 year old grandma can drive and yet I can't,pathetic
No. 639787
>>639651i don’t drive either. i love in the city centre, have an excellent bike and also we have very good trains here and i normally fare evade anyway so i end up paying nothing
drivers are such cucks lol imagine paying £1000 for insurance £5000 for petrol £2500 for he car and £1000 every time it needs repairing lol. tfw 2 intelligent to drive.
No. 639792
>>639689I refuse to wear high heels. I'm not going to walk in extremely uncomfortable shoes that will leave me with painful feet at the end of the evening just to be "beautiful" or "chic". I feel so sorry for women in jobs where they're required to wear make-up and high heels while men don't have to wear make-up or wear painful shoes, it's not fair.
>>639663>Not everyone on the planet needs to be driving.Honestly I've had my driver's license for 5 years already but I rarely drive. When I drive it's just to maintain my drivingskills. Sometimes I wonder if it was worth getting it at all. I don't have a car and I don't miss having one nor do I see myself actively needing one in the near future. I can get almost everywhere on my bike and using public transport. It's far more enviromental-friendly too (which is important to me) and more affordable. Granted I live in a bike-friendly country with a good public transport system.
No. 639927
I hate reading vents about relationships. If you’re writing a fucking essay and asking “is this normal” then you subconsciously KNOW it isn’t okay. I say this as someone who also wrote a dozen of vents about my ex. Just fucking break up instead of wasting your time with trash ass men like
Here’s my solution to all of the anons with relationship issues. Rephrase your exact situation with your friend or your sister (these can be hypothetical if you don’t have one) in your place. Your answer is what you would say if they came to you with the same problem.
No. 640114
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I secretly dream about a cute stay-at-home husband and dad, but I probably will never earn enough money to be the sole breadwinner. There's also a very small number of men who would accept that lifestyle and be good at their tasks. Studies show that even men who stay at home like bumming around sigh
No. 640372
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this used to be my go-to chatroom throughout high school and college. it went down 2 years ago and i really miss it
No. 640399
No. 640434
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After 15 years of sporadically thinking about it, mostly any time I saw someone playing an acoustic guitar or a bass, I finally understood what some kid in my school said to me when we were looking at my high school crush playing his guitar. She said:
>gee, I wish he touched me like he touches his guitar
And I couldn’t help but think
>who the fuck wants to get their bellybutton tickled like that? Gross
Now that I’m 25 years old I get it, this is what happens when you’re a virgin for so long I guess.
This thought actually woke me up and i just had to type this somewhere.
No. 640502
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>>640484Love yourself, anon.
No. 640811
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>looks at /g/ thread and everyone's saying men age like milk and how decrepit older men are
>still likes older men
>tries not to feel like a pickme for not liking men my own age esp actors my own age
I am such a retard
No. 640817
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>>640811The fact that you‘re into rotten fruit doesn‘t make it objectively tasty.
No. 640894
>>640868I don’t know, anon, the gap is not just about age, but also about interests and the stage in life you are.
I particularly wouldn’t date a 20 years old, we just don’t have the same views on life. Most 20 years old are busy just starting or in the middle of studying/working/developing something, while someone my age, 25 years old, is already either finishing/complimenting their studies and such.
And someone older than me, say, 30 years old, is mostly thinking about settling down, finding a stable job or something like that.
I think the best is just to hang around people your age and hope to click with someone, if not, it’s not a big deal, dildos are a thing and it’s not like being celibate will kill you.
No. 640960
>>640951Grinding non-stop on the off chance it will make ya a millionaire is killing so many people.
Eat the good food, you don’t need that extra $20 for a maybe-future, you do need the veg and decent meat to not wreck your body.
No. 641218
>>641211I was 25 when I started dating a 31 year old. It's not even that big of a gap, but he absolutely acted like my dad and bossed me around a lot. Now at 27 I'm dating a 25 year old (I dumped the older guy last year) and it's night and day, he simps for me so hard and we get along super well.
Older men who are single, are single for a reason. Later I found out from my ex's ex that she was so sick of him after 3 years she started dating women.
No. 641239
>>641218The younger guy sounds cute.
I've talked with guys 40+ and guys barely in their 20s. They all just wanted the same thing. But at least the young ones won't have saggy balls
No. 641280
>>641278Pls chill the fuck out. I had that too and it lead to a psychosis.
Best tip I have is to take at least one walk a day.
No. 641284
>>641281That's exactly how I feel! It's a bit reassuring to hear it from someone else. I've been feeling like I have trouble breathing and with the whole corona thing it's even worse. They gave me anxiety drops, but I don't think they have much effect since I already take them daily.
>>641280I'll try to do that, thank you!
No. 641290
>>641284You might need a dosage change then, it happens, but don't worry about getting dependant, you can aways stop later when you are not having such strong symptoms.
I'm glad you feel reassured, it really sucks and the fear that it could be something worse still creeps up sometimes, but this will pass eventually. Right now your body is just going haywire with anxiety responses, if you can read up on what anxiety and fear do to your body, like what is released in your brain and what changes physically when you feel these, it helped me a bit to understand that my body does X when in fight or flight mode and it wasn't me being crazy or paranoid, just a biological response to too much stress.
No. 641312
>>641290That may be it, though I was hoping to get off of them… I guess that can wait.
I know it's just all the resposes the body has, but the symptoms overlap with so many other things (some more dangerous and scary) and I can't help being paranoid, especially if I'm already stressed from something else. I'll do everything I can to calm down and relax a little. Thank you so much anon!
No. 641422
>>641367I'm sorry anon. It sounds like you're really strong and i hope all this work will pay off for you soon so you can get some time to rest, but i know how it feels hopeless.
Also fuck your dad, it's psychopatic to see your child struggling and not help, he just sounds selfish with money.
Mine didn't give me this talk but the sentiment of "you have to work no matter what" is there because they don't make much. Since ~14 i have a job + school, even through depression and a suicide attempt but i can't stop because they will need more and more help as they age, so fuck my spoons and that i feel like a walking corpse everyday, gotta grind…
No. 641638
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I play that game of cookies because I found out about it while looking for anime comics’ porn.
I was looking for characters with dark skin because I just can’t self-insert if the girl getting fucked is white not racebaiting, I’m just autistic
The designs for the porn version of the cookies weirded me out, but the game is cute and it keeps me busy when I have nothing to do, I also think the fanart is way too cute for a random mobile game.
No. 641646
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I’m 23 but Vessel by twenty one pilots and Danger Days MCR are still my suicide reduction albums lol
No. 641652
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>>641646broke taste, three cheers for sweet revenge is where it’s at babyyy
No. 641664
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I used to have "goth" style (I didn't even know what that word meant back then) now I'm starting to want to go back to that. As in dye my hair blood red, get piercings, wear tons of black eyeshadow, wear all black and get piercings etc. Help
No. 641670
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>>641550Lol I posted it in the sonic thread. I have like 50 of his faces edited in faceapp.
No. 641689
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>>641683Hell yeah, office goth. Adhering to social guidelines and having your personal style don't have to be mutually exclusive
Pic related I like the outfit
No. 642091
>>642038Nta but I agree with
>>642032. It's risky, even if he's better at controlling his temper. You're still with someone who inherently lets his anger take over. There's no guarantee he'll never slip up and who knows what'll happen then. And the fact that you had to take revenge to make him understand is in itself a red flag anyway.
No. 642186
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I get so annoyed when someone doesn't take seriously a video game I like and makes fun of it, I was called autistic for this but I can't help it. Or when someone calls a game stupid yet they constantly ask for tips because they don't know what to do next. OH I THOUGHT THE GAME WAS STUPID NOT YOU
No. 642297
>>642268Eh I live in a country where most essential medicine (insulin, chemo etc) is free or really cheap, I doubt there’s much profit involved.
Congruently enough people almost never get prescribed shit like benzos, heck i had surgery and had to rely on ibuprofen after because they don’t give out opiods unless you’re genuinely in the most unbearable pain possible.
>>642282True about the side effects tho, sometimes the cons do outweigh the benefits, after that surgery i stopped the antibiotics earlier than i should because any food i ate would just pass straight through, not fun at all.
No. 642303
>>642282The issue with a lot of medicine is how it's taken. Like people not taking full courses of antibiotics, it allows for the bug your fighting against to build up its own immunity and then you get evolved disease like covid-19 that can't be eliminated with our usual drugs. We don't know how to target it since it seems to have the defences to bypass most things.
Obviously there are a lot of medicines like anti depressants that are pushed before patients are actually made to take real effective steps to mitigate depression like eating healthier and exercising.
I never take painkillers except in very extreme cases. I always try to battle through colds without taking pills or syrups, rather focusing on regulating my body temperature and getting vitamins and minerals and trying to relax.
I'm britfag and when I was visiting USA I was disgusted by all the fatties and the excess food everywhere. I couldn't understand how anyone could starve in the US when you're affronted with food near enough at every corner. The size and quantity too. You can understand how people would be against universal health care when there's such an obvious lack of regard for one's own personal health. People genuinely think pills can magically fix them of a lot of self inflicted illnesses. Off topic but the amount of fat political fuck boys that are on their twitters giving off about masks and boomers but have been in the pub any chance they can get can all get fucked.
No. 642310
>>642297>I live in a country where most essential medicine (insulin, chemo etc) is free or really cheap, I doubt there’s much profit involvedIt's not
actually free though, anon; you're just not the one who's paying for it directly.
No. 642311
>>642292Lol because pre-dentistry people had exquisite teeth?
Some of you are fucking baffons.
No. 642320
>>642297There is absolutely a lot of profit involved lmao do you think the pharma companies are just giving meds to the government for free or that no politician would be corrupt enough to make a contract that pays more than it should for X company? that these companies that provide meds, equipment, first aid supplies and even cleaning products are never cutting corners to make more cash?
Also understand that even in an universal healthcare system they will 9 times out of 10 choose the cheapest option for your treatment, just like private insurance. No healthcare system is going to spend hours of a doctors time to find you a safe, working natural alternative for pain when ibuprofen is right there. I take pills whenever i need but she has a point that it is all for profit or in our case cutting costs to the system.
No. 642344
>>642317>>642332What do you believe was the average life expectancy of a human more than 10,000 years ago? People only began to live past the age of
thirty up until 30,000 years ago.
Plaque and tartar buildup causing gum disease and tooth loss without the introduction of refined sugar into the diet was still a thing even if you want to overlook the fact that the majority of people died young back then. The majority just didn't live long enough to experience a malady of tooth issues and those that did often died from them. A tooth abscess would have been a death sentence. Though to be clear, sugar is very destructive. It's just weird how you choose to blame dentistry which is an industry that treats an issue, rather than the issue of sugar which seems to be causing the issue by your argument's logic.
No. 642356
>>642344Infant mortality made the average life expectancy seem short.
Grass fed organic meats/animal products, fresh caught fish, properly preparing grains and vegetables so the antinutrients are reduced, wheat germ in bread, farming organic non gmo veg and making sure to replenish the trace elements in ground, etc… Read weston price, if you can read. Cavities/decay/plaque are unnatural and a response to inadequate nutrition.
I blame dentistry because they're with holding/censoring stuff like metal fillings poison you, cavities can be healed by remineralizing and light therapy, they can grow teeth in the lab to replace pulled teeth and it would be cheaper and safer in the long run than caps, etc. Sure they may fix an immediate issue/pain, but their treatments usually just cause more problems down the line. Patient for life.
No. 642366
>>642356>Infant mortality made the average life expectancy seem short.Still proves the point that the reality is most prehistoric people didn't make it past infancy and let alone childhood to really experience any kind of dental problems. Again, hunters and gatherers did not live much past the age of 30 and this is a fact.
>Grass fed organic meats/animal products, fresh caught fish, properly preparing grains and vegetables so the antinutrients are reduced, wheat germ in bread, farming organic non gmo veg and making sure to replenish the trace elements in ground, etc. Okay so now you're talking about farming civilizations, but studies that you've referred to that make the argument that
prehistoric people had better teeth, they explicitly state that dental downtrends started when farming civilizations started to produce grains, raise livestock, and process food:
>The researchers found that as prehistoric humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming, certain types of disease-causing bacteria that were particularly efficient at using carbohydrates started to win out over other types of “friendly” bacteria in human mouths. The addition of processed flour and sugar during the Industrial Revolution only made matters worse.>
>I blame dentistry because they're with holding/censoring stuff like metal fillings poison youDefine poison. Are all fillings poison? Is gold poison? What should you do when you're about to loose teeth to disease? Are implants poison? Dentures?
>cavities can be healed by remineralizing and light therapyI'm not sure if this is true, but if it is, seems like a practice found in dentistry. I'm sure if this is true it's something someone who studies teeth discovered.
>they can grow teeth in the lab to replace pulled teeth Okay and who's gonna implant that into your jaw if not someone who studied dentistry?
Sounds like you have a problem with capitalistic vampirism that can happen in ANY industry (including holistics fyi) and used that to make a sweeping generalization about dentistry.
No. 642378
>>642371Your dentist has never lectured you about diet? You might have a shit dentist.
One year my back molars appeared eroded and my dentist was quizzing me if I had a type of acid reflux, soda issue, or eating disorder. What it turned out to be was infusing citrus like lime and lemon to my water every day when I drank it, and over time the citric acid acted on my teeth as badly as acids from a soda. When I was a kid, my dentist used to lecture me about sugar.
So I don't think your claim that no dentist advises or cares about diet is true.
But either way, last anon claimed that natural tooth reminerlization can "heal cavities" and based on my google-fu, that is false.
> No. 642382
>>642344this is unironically what makes prehistoric teeth so good. ancient humans eating extremely tough and hard materials gave them flat, uncrowded sets of teeth with hardy and wide jaws. many ancient skeletons that i've seen have amazing sets of teeth, even some Neolithic skeletons. with homo sapien ancestors, the teeth are noticeably flat and uncrowded. even with basic flint tools to carve marrow and flesh off of animals, humans would still have to knaw and chew on their food, especially if uncooked. this practice continued into neolithic era when grain and other vegetation was primitive and hardy, unlike todays soft vegetables. many farmers did not cook their food either, they ate the vegetables raw. the hardy primitive teeth of hunter gathers slowly fizzled out once farmers started prepping and softening food. with that their skull and over skeleton size decreased (also from a lack of nutrition cause farming sucked). having a small jaw and set of teeth did cause teeth to evolve and compensate slightly. Our teeth our more angled and less flat, but the crowding is still evident. Things like overbites began to evolve.
modern humans teeth decay is mostly a case of excess sugar and other nutrition, but the human jaw and therefore teeth set is now longer what it used to be only making the situation worse. most humans have leafyishere chins compared to our ancient ancestors, so now our teeth have to crowd and compensate for lack of space. and because we no longer eat literal sand and rocks with our mammoth bone, our jaws and teeth have no reason to flatten or form hardily in our youth. hence wisdom teeth infections and many humans having fucked up sets of teeth from an early age. unironically the way to fix a kids teeth if you see it being fucked up is to introduce hard/crunchy food into their diet, but if they have a small jaw they still are gonna reap the disadvantages of that in some form.
No. 642406
>>642398>They do not present remineralizing as an option at all when discussing the fact that one of your teeth has decay. Likely because they realize the remineralization to counteract the rate of tooth decay would not be enough, and considering how difficult it would be to make patients compliant to such a demand (how realistic is it that people would eliminate most sugar and carb when they can't even floss) reminerilization without some kind of aid like fluoride (again, a tool of dentistry) would be unrealistic and impossible.
I'm not obtuse, you make crackhead arguments.
At least when I'm not sure about something 1. I fucking research it and 2. I factcheck your ass because you proceed to take it and make FALSE claims like "reminerilzation heals cavities." Gtfo.
No. 642416
>>642406I didn’t make that claim dipshit, I said that teeth can remineralize before the erosion reaches the pulp, which is a fact. That it isn’t presented is disturbing, most people will still get a filling but being informed about medical procedures is
typically considered a good thing, and waiting a bit for a check up isn’t going to cause any problems, but it can keep you from going through an expensive procedure that has potential complications.
No. 642434
>>642416>I didn’t make that claimYou're awful defensive on behalf of someone who fucking did and started this very argument hmmm.
>that it isn’t presented is disturbingAgain. Why would they do that when "natural" remineralization is UNREALISTIC and a bottle of fluoride rinse costs like $2?
Lmao. You're awful condescending for being so fucking stupid.
No. 642458
>>642434I just told you what remineralization was and you started sperging like it’s a retarded idea, then accused me of being the other anon and saying stuff I didn’t
> a bottle of fluoride rinse costs like $2So why don’t they give you that and suggest diet changes and a checkup instead of immediately drilling your teeth without informed consent??
No. 642471
>>642466Anon strawmans because it's the only way her argument could work.
Clearly I'm throwing myself in a chair to be drilled before employing common sense preventative measures, like fluoride and floss. Like the stuff blatantly advertised by dentists and most media.
These apparently are secret instruments kek.
I'm getting Gimpgirl vibes from this unhinged anon.
No. 642478
>>642458I'm literally offered a fluoride rinse whenever I go to the dentist and they even send me on my way with a bag of toothpaste, toothbrush, and floss.
Are you sure your dentist isn't actually a monkey?
No. 642483
>>642366>Okay so now you're talking about farming civilizations, but studies that you've referred to that make the argument that prehistoric people had better teeth, they explicitly state that dental downtrends started when farming civilizations started to produce grains, raise livestock, and process foodPeople like the mayans had excellent teeth and yet they mostly ate grains. Farming isn't the cause, correlation isn't causation. It's improper farming practices and not preparing food properly. The dutch for example used to eat a lot of bread, but they didn't suffer decay because they fermented the grains and their fields had naturally occurring high levels minerals and trace elements.
Civilizations that lived around volcanoes had great teeth because of the natural high content of minerals in the earth.
>>Define poison. Are all fillings poison? Is gold poison? What should you do when you're about to loose teeth to disease? Are implants poison? Dentures? Silver amalgam, the cheapest option, leeches heavy metals into your body.
>cavities can be healed by remineralizing and light therapy>I'm not sure if this is true, but if it is, seems like a practice found in dentistry. I'm sure if this is true it's something someone who studies teeth discovered. Taking supplement of cod liver oil/butter oil from grassfed cow, and a trace mineral rinse gives your body the stuff needed to harden teeth. After that any remaining decay can be scraped off, then red light therapy can be used to promote dentin growth so the hole is filled back in.
>>642371Even if it reaches the pulp, the pulp is nerves and blood vessels, it can get rid of infection with treatment, but they just scoop it out instead.
No. 642502
>>642483> Silver amalgam, the cheapest option, leeches heavy metals into your body. Silver amalgam fillings aren’t really used routinely in dentistry anymore. They have been replaced with resin composite fillings.
> Even if it reaches the pulp, the pulp is nerves and blood vessels, it can get rid of infection with treatment, but they just scoop it out instead.This is not true. By the time the decay has reached the pulp it is too late. The bacteria can enter the bloodstream and reach other areas of the body. Not treating this can kill you. Also in root canals the pulp is dead, which can lead to an infection.
No. 642530
>>642483>cod liver oil/butter from grassfed cows Why, oh why, dear anons, do you keep insisting on these eccentric methods that would cost way more than a bottle of fluoride?
If a dentist told me to take cod liver oil for a chance that my teeth could remineralize if I cut out all sugar and carb while eating mostly organic veg and grassfed meat, I would laugh.
It's okay to partake in modern conveniences you know.
>>642502Someone with sense!
>>642518It's usually complimentary even with uninsured visits. I mean are we really gonna split hairs over what amounts to no greater than a $3 wholesale value when a new visit with x-rays and a cleaning costs $200+ without insurance? I wouldn't sweat that.
No. 642862
>>642816A rando with a real small following on Twitter and under 200 friends on FB.
>>642824Maybe true on lolcow, but I feel guilty abt it for reasons I don't want to post here.
No. 642885
>>642862I don’t think there’s a problem if you’re just looking at public information, most of which has probably been put out there by her. Obviously doing weird shit like catfishing is totally different
I think the term e-stalking is kinda misused. Is it really stalking if you’re just reading what someone has shared publicly on Facebook or whatever?
No. 642904
>>642899Because the only reason people don't follow is because that person is their personal cow and they're checking for milk.
Maybe if you just don't have an account that's fine but it's an exception.
No. 642972
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My ex sent me an email saying my mail-in ballot went to his place. I politely asked him to send it my way, but I ended up a bit baffled at the exchange. I felt absolutely nothing. We were engaged when we broke up 5 months ago, and were together a total of 3 years. But just like that, the convo was over. I had sent a semi professional email to someone I could emotionally regard to as an acquaintance. I haven’t had a single other romantic partner in my life since and have had no desire to so far. Losing him at first killed me, and I thought it would continue for a long time because we’ve been through so much together, but yesterday was as easy as replying to someone on here. Everyone in my personal life makes out the situation to be a super serious thing and speak in almost hushed tones about it when I don’t really care anymore. Is this what growth and moving forward feels like?
No. 643127
>>643117I scrolled past Blaire thread yesterday and thought exactly the same. Honestly, about a year ago only thing i knew about Blaire was that she's a youtuber, and I'd only see some of her video thumbnails every now and then; it never even crossed my mind she may not be a biological woman, people insisting she doesn't look feminine are just doing it out of spite.
unpopular opinion
also, refusing to call someone by their preferred pronouns is petty AF even if one thinks said pronoun is stupid. it won't make them any less milky. No. 643131
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>>643127If I was shown a pic of tana mongeau with no prior knowledge to who she is, I’d assume she’s a woman obviously. But if you told me she’s a man who transitioned I’d also believe it because of all the surgery. That’s how I feel about these dumb posts about Blair White. Yes she looks dumb and like a fetishized version of what a man thinks a woman looks like. But there’s no point in correcting others for assuming she IS a woman just from looks. Because there’s plenty of real women who do it too.
And I get that it’s funny to these posters but it’s hardly milky, not when she has so much real drama kek.
No. 643137
>>643117>And the pronoun policing is boring. Even Ben Shapiro was forced to admit Blaire looks like a woman yet farmers sperge out whenever an anon messes up and says “she”.I think they do it because they know that as soon as calling Blaire "she" is made normal, all the Twitter tards who aren't doing it out of habit but for political reasons will make themselves at home and start sperging out at anyone who wants to call Blaire "he".
Also, I don't care if it's petty because Blaire himself is a petty piece of shit who told a woman she "needs dick" after her cousin was murdered, lmao. No one owes him respect of any sort, I don't care if he gets all the surgery in the world to look like a blow-up doll.
No. 643161
>>643117Blaire has calmed down a lot in the past years and gained more identity than "the ally troon who wants to
trigger the libz" but to me Contrapoints is a constant source of milk, but then again I hate all breadtubers. But honestly I don't understand how Contrapoints doesn't look like a man to you because it's so obvious, even with all the surgeries he still looks and sounds like a man in a wig. At least Blaire's HSTS valley girl larp is somewhat more tolerable than the cringy ~goffik gf intellectual uwu~ Contrapoints is doing.
No. 643179
>>643171I know it sucks but I beg you, please talk to your SO. It is tiresome and draining to keep a LTR going. one of you will eventually meet someone new and either resent the other person, cheat or ghost (or all three).
Start the conversation. My suggestion is to get them without any distractions and ask a simple question: "Has anything been on your mind lately, about our relationship?" Keep silent after that. Let your SO talk even if it's painfully awkward for a while. See what they say.
Good luck
No. 643342
>>643335I don't havet it, sorry! it was a few years ago and i deleted everything soon after.
>>643337Oh no people on the main sub were okay and praising the character, but i think it was the circle broke one where i got cross posted and what i guess were very woke people started to tear me apart lol
No. 643375
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I love the feeling of romantic obsession. It hurts and it sucks and you cry but it’s also extremely addicting to pine after someone. Daydreaming about an extremely idealized fantasy of a person. Ah, it fills you with determination.
No. 643476
>>643465I do this too. I guess even though it’s very unlikely people you know use this site, if they happened to then they would be likely to recognise your post. You never know with some people - I doubt anyone suspects I use this shit as I don’t like gossip irl
There’s a user on another website I think may be someone I know irl, judging from her username, small area she is from, her opinions, etcetera. People aren’t careful enough with their “anonymous” accounts
No. 643532
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The only thing stopping me from cheating on my bf is covid
No. 643543
>>643532Go to horny jail
also break up with him
No. 643853
>>643709>>643735I started bingeing over the summer because of how severe my depression got. luckily it was a short period so I didn't gain too much weight, but I hope you girls don't blame yourselves too much for it. at the time, that was just the best way we knew how to cope and worse things could've happened if we didn't. perhaps you could see the stretch marks not as mistakes of the past but as a reminder you overcame a hard time in your life? also getting some stretch marks are inevitable as we age, especially if we decide to have kids, so that's something to keep in mind - that they're not necessarily an indicator of anything bad
hope I'm not overstepping
No. 644754
>>644745I feel the same way. I was raised in an unpredictable,
abusive environment and became hyper-focused on people and their behavior in order to predict their next move and keep myself safe. I think that's why I'm so good at it as an adult. I don't use it for bad reasons unless someone is really pissing me off. Even then I usually end up apologizing lmao.
No. 644762
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>>644677I'm your friend anon!
No. 644785
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>>644762OH thanks my friend!!
No. 644905
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I grew up in a community where I was a different race than everyone and for the most part I hated the extra attention it brought me but I do miss being doted on by the older girls in my school who were obsessed with my hair kek. It was always very relaxing to have them brush and play with it. I'm the oldest kid in my family so feeling like I had older sisters was really nice too. I saw an old pic of me with a hairstyle similar to this and all these memories came flooding back.
No. 645035
>>645031alright so here's a tutorial (also I didn't know what gleeking was, googled it, and I am now traumatized)
>sip water into mouth>put water into cheeks>keep lips stuck to teeth to create air bubble>let it rip through your teeth y closing cheeks/airbubbleFurthest shot is maybe 6-8 feet?? Maybe I'm pushing it, so probably 5 feet.
No. 645275
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more on the pure side, but i love watching my little pony. its so cute and nostalgic, but men rlly ruined it for me. idk how they could look at a cartoon horse… n do that. but the girl fans r usually very talented fanartists. its kinda embarrassing to admit to, but ig it isnt that bad.
any other confession of mine would be terrifying
No. 645285
>>645276kek, im glad someone can relate. adhd makes me draw attention to weird shit
>>645278this was my issue too. they stopped treating it like a happy-go-lucky kids show, it made for some good episodes but i dont think a 7 year old wants to watch some extreme lore story about demon ponies kek
No. 645291
>>645275Me too anon, I repressed my affection for it HARD because of the associated autism.
>>645278I will never stop resenting men for dirtying magical girls and fetishizing pure female friendships. This is why we need the fujoshis to make all of their male power fantasies into gay sex fodder.
No. 645294
>>645275This show went on for too long imo. I lost track of the show after season 4, and by that time it was super pander-y to the fanbase to an annoying degree. But I did have my favorites.
Also didn't really like matters when they turned them into
anthro girls.
No. 645295
>>645291Ntayrt, but exactly!
It’s really, really difficult to find a cute story in manga about magical girls or just regular women being friendly without the unnecessary skin ship they put everywhere.
Men are retarded, I wish there’s more yaoi in the future so they can stay mad.
No. 645304
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Two nights ago I had a romantic + erotic dream about my best friend from elementary (we were both adults in it) and I chalked it up to simply missing her and my brain exaggerating our relationship but for the past two nights after that I've masturbated to the thought of her
No. 645615
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I think I’ve never gone full hamplanet because my stim is doing stretching exercises. If a hidden camera was constantly recording me, you would be able to see me cooking and either dancing or doing random yoga poses out of boredom.
No. 645803
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this might sound creepy
I miss the way my ex smells lol. I want to just cuddle up and inhale it. it was such a cute smell I'm bad at describing, really comforting too.
that said I don't want to be with him again or anything. I don't feel sexually attracted to him and some other things are deal breakers. I still want to smell him though and hold him. he is cute in a friend way. I feel affection for him the same way i do for a few other people in my life. it's not romantic to me for any of them but it sounds like it. but thats even how i view my pets
I must be a weirdo. it's rare but when I care for certain people I want to hold and poke them and use nicknames. stuff that's way too overaffectionate, but I am generally a distant person otherwise. physical contact for me has been uncomfortable unless it's acting like a grandma pinching cheeks I guess lmao
No. 645835
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I can’t help but find this hilarious and adorable because he reminds me of my dad
No. 645849
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Don't know if this a fetish or aesthetic preference but I really find the Indo-European Barbarian aesthetic hot, not even the idealized harlequin romance book cover but more the realistic somewhat dirty naturalistic take
No. 645868
>>645849The men on both sides are hot.
The Romans, with their bare muscular legs and armor, and the Goths/Barbarians with their rippling chests and hair.
No. 646013
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>>640868Same, people trying to police the age of the mates we choose are fucking retards, let alone the deluded "objectively attractive" that have no idea what objective means. People that tell you what you should like and call you a pick me if you like something else are insecure with themselves, which is why they try to put you down.
No. 646014
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I think my cousin might have written My Immortal, or have something to do with it.
>be me
>see her this weekend because mum wanted to go see her brother
>they havent seen since february
>cousin happens to be visiting too
>ends up with me chilling alone with cousin
>dunno what to talk to this bish about, havent talked to her past plesantries since 2013
>proceed to exchange pleasantries
>realise I still have many hours until we are leaving
>remember her harry potter obsession
>mention the new harry potter game to her
>she hadnt heard about it
>mentions she hasnt kept up with harry potter in a bit
>ask her is it because of jk rowling
>she has no idea what im talking about, asks me to clarify
>tell her tldr; harry potter obsessed sperglords realised their hero disagrees with them
>mentions by a bit she means almost a decade
>she chuckles and says these people need better hobbies
>jokingly mention that this is the same fanbase that produced my immortal, so its not like the crowd was ever known as being bright
>she gets visibly uncomfortable
>almost sweating bullets
>starts mumbling around autistically trying to change the topic to anything except my immortal
>has an autistic meltdown
Now why I have a suspicion this isnt just a cringe author remembering their own sperg in association.
>her parents divorced in 2006 and she became an edgy teen
>gets diagnosed with mild autism
>goes to special ed
>used to be obsessed with teen Titans and Harry Potter
>had a friend from special ed who with she larped as Terra and Raven from Teen Titans
>was a mall goff emo
>had a huge my chemical romance obsession
>her dad got primary custody in 2010 and she was forced to get therapy around then
>pretty much a normie now, married with kids
>hates social media
I remember her sperge era so well because our parents tried to get my older sister and her to "bond" so my cousin could learn how to be normal. Then my sister would have loud fights with my mum on why she was made to hang out with her weirdo cousin.
No. 646031
>>646024It's like people can just let women be. It's the same with small and big boobs. Where people are like
>'I love small boobs more, they need love, and they're so nice and perky and not floppy, droopy, laden with stretchmarks!'>'I love me some large tiddies, I'm not into little girls lolol'It's just a way to put women down one way or another. I have a big boobs plus 'roast beef' vulva combo and got told I looked like a coked out old, ran through whore by a dude when I was 16 lel. They just don't want us satisfied with our bodies. Your biscuit is fab anon
No. 646052
>>646017>>646014It was absolutely a self aware troll, they came back years later and admitted it.
>>646024>I know it’s not a real problem whatsoeverWell, yeah, so why complain? You know perfectly well that is a hardcore cope from women who are hurt and insecure about features they get insulted for, and men who say whatever they think women want to hear. Stop pretending to be upset about a feature that is glorified 99.9% of the time.
No. 646060
>>646024ot personal question but how do you know whether you have an "innie" vag or "big pussy" whatever without having to view porn
Sorry if am just dumb but idk what any of it means ??
No. 646069
>>646060How old are you anon? It's like a navel, innies keep all your stuff inside, outies don't, they have big labia lips that go out.
>>646065There is easy and relatively cheap surgery that can fix that, a friend of mine did go through it and is pretty happy about it.
No. 646071
>>646060>how do you know whether you have an "innie" vag or "big pussy" whatever without having to view pornYou don't. All this shit was made up by coomers. Pussy is pussy.
Anyone was actually, truly fucks isn't going to be an autist about vaginal lips.
No. 646076
>>646069>>646067>>646066ty anons. I'm 21 lol but somehow never deduced what it means
>>646071yeah I kinda do get that vibe. I was just curious but it sounds fucking stupid to hear males talk about lol
anyway back to your confessions…….
No. 646110
>>646101Doesn't make it any less of a genius trollfic, no wonder everyone claims to have written it.
I remember the trend of people writing My Immortal-esque troll fics for every other fandom, and people dumb enough to fall for them every time, but none of those lived up to the original. They were just too try-hard and lacked the charm and meme potential.
No. 646282
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I am completely in love with this guy who has a girlfriend, so much that keep worming in my brain ways to make them break up, to be a more important part of his life, to just cause mayhem and chaos in their relationship.
Its stupid, and selfish, and manipulative and i've never done anything like this in my life but he's so perfect its like i made him in a computer, it surreal and it feels like im in a prank show pulled by the universe, I feel sorry for the girl, that's even more unfair to her, even tho she doesn't really seem like a good person (I knew her from reputation before I even met the guy).
The worst part is that im 100% sure I would be sucessful in doing it, she's just your post-slut phase pick me egirl mimicking his personality to make the relationsip work, and humblebragging to boot my weird narc rant is that im pretty sure im way more attractive than she is.
I don't like having these thoughts, I don't like that with a bit of a push I can be a shitty homewrecker.
He has a halloween party coming soon, im not even sure about going but i've got nothing better to do on halloween.
No. 646292
>>646287Im that friend everyone goes to for advice and moral support, me being on par with a friend's relationship and giving my opinion on things is nothing out of the ordinary, honestly i highly doubt she's even aware I have feelings for him, a while ago I made a pretty big deal of avoiding having romantic/sexual relationships for while because im going through some personal family issues that basically made me emotionally check out of this realm, the dude is literally the only exception to that because he's way too specifcally perfect for me to ignore.
Also shes's uh, not that smart (oh god i feel so bad for insulting her that much)
No. 646316
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>>646304To be fair he's very socially awkward, I guess its a "take what you can get" situation, and I liked him before the family issues happened.
>>646307Yeah im aware of that, cheaters are a straight up no go, its more like being a dark looming shadow until they break up and oh no i guess im avaliable how convenient huh?
>>646311Eh I would say this mess is my worst flaw as a person, nobody is perfect and as far as shitty things go im pretty sure this isn't the worst personal flaw I could have.
No. 646341
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I don't wanna live to be old.
Not just for aesthetic/wrinkle reasons that people chalk it up to, but all the old people I know talk about how shitty it is and how everything is harder. Also the idea that I may have health issues down the road and will have to shit in a diaper or rely on someone to take care of me seems awful too. Just shitty all around.
No. 646519
I was raped as a teenager by my boyfriend. I never had interest in sexual acts or in men in general, but he manipulated and coerced me into dating him, constantly invalidating my identity and feelings to make me like him more.
He never went full penetration, but I still gave him ample blowjobs and handjobs because I felt like I was supposed to, because if I didn't, he would threaten me with physical violence or drug me or emotionally manipulate me.
For years I thought nothing of it, I just thought that's how women are, submissive and obedient and after all his tricks I always said "yes" to him even if I hated every second of it. But I hated myself more, I felt so worthless, like I deserved such treatment, I wouldn't even admit it was rape. Now I am finally able to say it out loud and not be afraid of all the loopholes he carefully created.
I was groomed into bdsm since 14 and raped at 16. That is the full truth of it and I can't undo the damage of it 10 years after.
It terrifies me, how my brain is wired now to see violent acts as sexual, how my intrusive thoughts supply me with an endless loop of everything terrible and disgusting that I did.
Maybe this go around I'll finally be able to admit this to my therapist. Because I am tired of feeling like just a piece of meat who got what was coming to her, I can't forever be stuck in this rut of nonexistent self-worth.
No. 646555
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>>646546I get what you mean. Still, I've noticed recently though that lots of users are either young or have gone off the deep end. I don't know what anyone is talking about anymore.
A lot of them are ditching their blogs and moving to twitter too. At this point I'm thinking remaking a tumblr was a mistake.
I do love all the old kawaii and jfash pics that are preserved on there though.
No. 646561
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>>646372Hope it works out for you anon.
I hope I'm gone before 50.
No. 646579
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>>646555Ignore the young users and find the based ones that post shit like this then say “blow me bitch” to the idiots in the replies kek
No. 646679
>>646411NO lmao I was deeply insecure and ignored several red flags bc I was afraid of being alone. Less than a month into dating he tried to strangle ("choke") me during sex after I had told him repeatedly in convos how I would never want to be choked and how the strangulation kink disgusted me. I dated him up until just short of 2.5 years together. Ugh.
>>646506Thanks anon, me too.
No. 646914
>>646909Because they have retarded globalist politicians? Sweden managed to flatten its curve without any lockdowns. Also, masks don't work.
>>646910I hope you're ok.
No. 646924
>>646914What's Sweden's education rights like? Maybe the citizens in general have better sense and took precautions, where places like UK and US the citizens in general are entitled individualistic cunts. Honestly I wish I had no immunocomprimised family members, must be nice to not worry they could die.
Like the facts are this is a new virus we don't have a vaccine for. It has a long incubation period before symptoms even show up. I've known student nurses that have tested positive for the virus and just flouted all the restrictions and went out. Passed their kid around for childcare who's obviously going to be a carrier due to how much contact they're going to have. A big issue to covid is people's attitudes. If everyone thinks they're going to be the exception shit is never going to get back to normal.
No. 646939
>>646924>new virusYou know that flu virus constantly mutates right, SARS-CoV-2 alone has over 20 mutations per year. Nothing new happens, numbers are fake, I spent enough time researching this to know this is another psyop.
>>646925Hoes mad. Now excuse me I'm going to continue to not behave like a mask-wearing sociopath.
(wrong thread) No. 646942
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>>646914>Sweden managed to flatten its curve without any lockdownsThey are literally barred from entering neighbouring countries because of how much of a trainwreck they are lmaoooo
No. 646943
>>646940My thoughts exactly, the intent really fucking matters here too. You'd think there would be a tone of compassion underlying the whole "virus is a psyop" conspiracy considering how greatly people are being affected by this thing, how the average person doesn't have a fucking say against the police state, and implying governments have voluntarily killed citizens.
The condescension wouldn't be necessary if this weren't about anon's need to feel smarter than other people. Not to mention if it turns out if anon is wrong, the consequences of denying the severity of viruses are deadly.
No. 646960
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If I found an ancient tomb I would never tell anyone about it. I would take things little by little and spend most of my time in there just hanging out, protecting my hoard
No. 646963
>>646943I mean, I was a depressed neet for a few years so it's funny to see how normies go literally crazy because they can't drink at a bar for one year or something. But I do feel sorry for the people who lost their jobs, this shit hit the essential workers the most. When I said "mask wearing sociopaths" I had liberal talking heads from twitter in mind, or people who just guiltrip others into wearing masks, or literal sociopaths, like this one dude who started screaming and breaking glass at a shop because someone in front of him didn't wear a mask
No. 647249
I met my bf while I was on a huge dose of zoloft, I came off the zoloft cold turkey like a month ago, maybe two, time is not moving the same anymore, and now I realize that he is very sweet and kind, but possibly literally retarded
All of my friends have dumped me this year
Books, games, tv, nothing can distract me anymore
I can't even smoke weed anymore, it gives me a panic attack immediately
I'm having to come to terms with the fact that I was basically gypsy rose'd the first 24 years of my life while still living at home because unfortunately, I actually am sick, to the point I need assistance at home
Also my mom is going through menopause
I can't go to anyone
I am so alone
I wish there was any source of comfort in myself, I can't sleep, I sleep so poorly, and when I can, it's only during day light hours for some reason
I don't know what to do, I wish I'd been aborted honestly
No. 647262
>>647261>type [X] diabeteswhoa, sucks
sorry to be weird, but you never encounter one of those rare, exotic diabeteses
No. 647355
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uhhh ladies I really biffed it this time. Met a married yt funnyman at a con back when I was 19 after talking briefly online. Hooked up with him and literally never told a fucking soul and never will. Literally just told my mom who took me to said con that I got lost for the like 2 hrs we were fucking. Have been filled with regret and shame ever since and never watched his content again
little sister comes up to me this morning and is like “wow people on Twitter are saying that __ got exposed for being a creep. Weird huh?”
No. 647422
>>647261wait anon…can you go pee every 10 min or less? I could go pee 6+ times an hour if I actually drank as much as I want to. it fucking sucks im sick of going piss or not allowing myself to drink pretty much anything. my obgyn couldn't help me and my gen.dr said i didnt have real diabetes.
i confess i wish i had a friend who was as enthusiastic to see me as i am when i see my friends
No. 647438
>>647422I can literally sit all day on the toilet and have a stream trickle non-stop. It's worst when I have my period, since being bloated adds pressure on my bladder. Of course that would be impractical, so I pee every half an hour or so. I also eat a lot of salt to manage it. It's incredibly annoying and tiring feeling such a need to pee all day every day.
Maybe get a second opinion, but it's unlikely you have diabetes insipidus if you don't have abnormal thirst. I could never go without having a glass/bottle of water with me at all times, ever since I was a child. If you do however, then it's really really dangerous to hold back on drinking water!
No. 647525
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>>647520it was one of these, the piece was pretty big and i only used the center where the strip is.
yeah, it irked me a little bit, maybe he would have gotten in trouble with someone else, but i just wanted his hands to draw me while looking at my photo for reference and that's what he did so i was happy despite that
No. 647539
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>>647509I'm astonished by some of you…
No. 647563
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>>647509>blonde hair >obsesses over an unrequited love >collects inconspicuous things of his hoping a bit of his saliva or hair remains Hello,
Helga Pataki. You always seemed like the type to post on lolcow.
No. 647642
>>647557As time passes I'm starting to understand people who just say fuck it and have kids regardless if their circumstances aren't the best.
Honestly I've worked pretty hard for years, and for a variety of reasons, I'm not that much better off than I was pre-degrees and with a decade of work experience. I want kids, but it's becoming blatantly obvious that life isn't going to go as I envisioned. I can either wait another ten years and hope I shimmy up the ladder a wee more with increased risks of complications and fertility issues in my late thirties/early forties with no guarantee my life situation will actually be any better, or roll the dice sooner rather than later with more years ahead of me to recoup if I need it.
I'm no DQ worker, but I understand that if everyone waited until only the right time to have children then basically no one would have them. That's not to say I think people should have children willy nilly, but not every poor person is an incompetent and inadequate parent. In fact, working in an office has made me realize that those people evidently just didn't apply to the right places and kiss the right asses to be paid $40/hr to do fuck all every day.
No. 647649
>>647642I totally understand where you're coming from, and that's why I feel so guilty about it, I think. Like, I work in an office and can afford my own nice, safe apartment, my pets, and other nice things. I'm not rich, nor do my parents pay for anything that I don't pay them back for, but I'm genuinely comfortable. Am I anywhere near financially or emotionally ready for a child? Hell no. I genuinely don't get how women who have the same job that I do have one, much less multiple kids with either no partner or a partner with an equally passable job, OR people with lesser-paying jobs. It's nuts. How do they do it?? It's amazing, don't get me wrong, but I just can't comprehend it. I think that lack of comprehension = thinking it's impossible, but that's my own personal biases that aren't universal. Especially since I know people who have plenty of money and either are or have shit parents.
I'm sure you're going to make a wonderful mother someday, hopefully sooner than later since that's what you want, anon.
No. 647700
>>647678This is true! I do hear a lot about dropping the kids off at grandma's or their aunts' houses. That's another thing–I don't live near my family, but a looot of my peers with kids either have SAHM friends or drop their kids with their grandparents. It's definitely one of those "make it work," things, I suppose. For all the crappy parents out there, there are so many doing their best which is pretty great. Thanks for the positive reminder/perspective, anons.
>>647656You as well ♥
No. 647754
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I kept the shirt and basketball shorts this 10/10 guy I slept with gave me to wear bc my clothes were wet (would have returned them but this was on vacation and he ledt that morning), and didn’t wash them for like a year bc they smelled so good.
No. 647860
I spend probably way too much of my time thinking about balding men.
I think men with bad hairlines can be really cute and sexy.
No I'm not talking Donald Trump or that guy from Seinfeld. Tbh I am at least partially one of those personality fags. Like awww he might be a plumber but he's so sweet and cuddly and I think it is really adorable how much he likes talking about and using tools. Idk I like um had a dad or something so I don't instinctively hate all men nor worship them either. Plus it's really nice and refreshing to come across a man who isn't some fagggg who lives his entire life through vidyah and animoo. There's nothing wrong with playing video games and stuff for fun but people who are straight up addicted to them in an autistic, serious way have something wrong with them, sorry.
Anyway people always talk about how men who are balding should shave their head because that's a way of admitting they're bald but I think that's not always the answer. I think sometimes those men are also pussies who cannot face reality, just like those guys who comb all 3 of their hairs over. Like Joe Rogan apparently gets really fucking mad if you point out he doesn't have hair anymore, and he shaved it all off. JS. That's a form of denial in and of itself, trying to make it look like you're bald on purpose.
Ok and I think those dudes who have that weird horse shoe Dr. Phil cul de sac thing going on, I think they do that on purpose. Like I think they sit there and shave out the middle because they think it makes them look more "intellectual" or something. I think Stephen Molyneux does it and if that's true then that's really stupid and faggy, just like his political views. That's my theory.
I'm sorry I think about men's hair and how they go bald I cannot really help it, I am sorry the Edward Cullen programming did not work on me and I am sorry bald men have daddy-impregnate-me-and-help-raise-my-children vibes, I'm sorry. Confession complete.
I mean I pretend I'm normal IRL I don't talk about this stuff to fleshly humans, I keep it to myself for the most part.
No. 647885
>>647881i objectify him hard but i want that so bad. i do love him.
>>647882ah youre good sorry lol
No. 647896
>>647884Not that I know of! To be fair, my mom was absolutely stunning and looked young when they got married (25D and 33M) and my dad started balding pretty quickly after that kek. When I tell people my mom is older by 8 years now, they think it’s odd but cool, but they’re in their 50s/60s not so it doesn’t matter as much as it would have when they were dating or younger.
>>647888>>647891They don’t actually think that it’s wrong or cradle snatching, they’re just being annoying bc women can’t date younger men.
>>647885I completely understand, and I hope you get it, anon. You guys sound cute, I’d use a gay heart emoji here if no ban.
No. 647903
>>647888Happened to me too. When I was 27 I dated a 26 year old and, not that he wasn't an
abusive bastard for other reasons, he made me feel like an old lady lmao. He didn't need my help to emphasize how immature he was, however.
Society is just like that.
No. 647915
>>647888Lmao I'm so glad someone mentioned this. When I was in my early-mid 20s and dated anyone a year or two younger than me, people always made some cougar/cradle robbing joke. My ex's aunt got visibly disturbed when I mentioned I was actually (barely) a year older than him, like I was some kind of pedo. Nobody ever did this shit when I dated older men. I dated a guy who was 30 when I was 21 and not a single person mentioned it being weird.
One guy even told me his parents wouldn't approve of us because of our "age gap." I was 24 and he was 22, like what the fuck lol.
No. 647923
>>647915that stupid and not normal and complete b8
>>647918dont do it out of spite anon, usually theyre way more vigorous in bed, and way more willing to find out what you want sexually. good luck with your bitterness
No. 647938
>>647916I'm in my late 20s now so this was less than 7 years ago.
>>647923I don't know if it's normal, but I'm not lying or baiting. Every younger guy I've dated has brought it up in some way, other acquaintances/friends always make comments about it as well. One guy told me how he likes "older women" when we were both in our early 20s.
It's definitely a thing that women get a ton more shit for being even slightly older.
No. 648110
>>648093She's pretty and has a nice body, same for her mini me. I truly believe anons in that thread are just coping by constantly insulting their clearly conventionally attractive looks.
That's said, being attractive is utterly worthless if you waste it on ugly old men. I sure af wouldn't bother with a dude who look like Preg, so I don't feel any jealousy. Same applies to Taylor R - I think she's gorgeous but again, her husband is ugly and old so I can't be jealous. The thought of being that pretty and still having to suffer through sex with those things gives me shudders. No money is worth it.
No. 648126
>>648117I agree. And anons excuses are always 'but they're bad people, so we are more harsh on them than if they were normal people' but like - they're just reinforcing that being unattractive is the worst possible thing to be, which is why they think bad people MSUT be ugly and fat. Sometimes shitty people look good and they can't tolerate it. But we seem like bitter nitpicky bitches if we blatantly disregard reality and pretend good looking people are uggos, and therefore all our other legit criticism won't be taken seriously.
>>648118I can admit with Preg it's less his features and more his expressions, hairstyle/facial hair and my visceral disgust at childbearing hips on men. There's no excuse for Vaush though, he's so nasty… her self esteem must be rock bottom if she wants a dude like him.
No. 648343
>>648209Lmao okay this is great.
>>648231Calm the fuck down sperg. Look at the pic again.
No. 648498
>>648489I think plenty of anons are also
abusive to their partners. They're just in denial about it, or justify it because their partner's abuse is "worse."
No. 648501
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I met this guy, we have been talking for a long time by now, and I have come to realize that he is extremely innocent, like insanely innocent.
He avoids any sex-related conversation, doesn´t have many social media accounts and the few ones he has are just to find comfy pictures, and he barely talks about politics and such.
I thought that maybe he was just faking it, to get my trust and then ask for nude pictures after, but no, that´s legit how he is all the time, even when I am not around.
It was too rare for me to find someone like this, but I was comfortable and it made me happy to know that there´s still people like this, but that was the problem.
I don´t think I have reached a doomer level yet, but I got quite cynical over the years because the world is fuck up, I am tired and scared all the time, so many world problems and bad people around me had left me apathetic of everything to some degree.
I had develop strong feelings for him, so I pretty much gave myself the need to protect him, because I don´t want to have someone ruinning him. Sometimes I would like to make the whole world dissapear so I could keep him safe from everything. But later on I feel messed up for thinking this.
Everytime I feel bad and have the chance to speak to him about it, I unconscious say stuff like "You give me happines" and "I need you to be happy", and later on feel like if that was too creepy, he said I´m not, but I don´t believe it.
I feel like an edgy -I´m such a yandere UwU- kid, or something among those lines, but I really feel sick about the world around me, I feel like if he is something I need to take care off even when we have the same age.
Hell, I was even scared of posting this because I felt like if it could be seen as bait, or someone just being edgy, but I guess I need someone listening to me.
I don´t want to loose him.
No. 648535
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>>648528Surprisingly no, but if I were a furry, I would probably let the hedgehogs smash. They're cute.
No. 648544
>>648501anon, this is a perfectly
valid concern and you definitely dont sound crazy. but you may be too mothering towards him, which won't be healthy for yourself in the end. you have to let him be exposed to shit sometimes, everyone sees it eventually. also this doesnt sound like bait at all good luck anon
youre saying shit a mother would usually say, and you might be spiraling yourself in anxiety. Pls calm down and find someone to talk to about this
No. 648569
>>648498They're called
toxic relationships for a reason.
No. 648643
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>>648639I laffed but love yourself
No. 648679
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i was manifesting bad luck on someone i know, and something bad just happened to them. should i be horrified or happy?
No. 648769
>>648725Please don't feel you have to partner up with stupid teachers who fucked their students just to commiserate about online spaces creating an unfair narrative that follows
victims around.
A teacher who fucked a student is neither a
victim or underaged like you were, right?
No. 648971
>>648725>I didn’t even do anything, I just was close with someone involvedYou’re a larper attention whore. You’re literally those people that go crying on tv when a house 3 blocks away caught on fire.
Nothing is gonna follow you for the rest of your life, no one is gonna remember you, a bitch in the peripheral. Or even the main characters of this supposed grisly story for that matter, which just sounds like lame ass e-celeb teen fucking scandal at most. People’s attention span is non-existant.
No. 648973
>>648856>>648970No wait, my older cousin showed me porn when the internet first became a thing I was like 10 and not fully aware what was happening. She showed me a golden shower video, my brother was there though and I think he was a shocked my cousin was doing that.
I can also remember like cultural almost videos like 2 girls 1 cup and some of my guy friends put that pain Olympics video on the computer and it was horrible.
But it's never been like normal and I've never known a context serenity was like normal for women to watch porn together and socialise the way guys do, but then maybe I just haven't met any like that
No. 649055
>>648914>Where are you fromThis is the key part, what's normal for where you are and the socioeconomic bubble you live in isn't normal for everyone else in the world.
Porn is funny to kids, watching it in a group is an adventure into the forbidden unknown
No. 649132
>>648899I used to watch porn with my friends as a teenager sometimes. It was fun. It was mostly late night HBO stuff at sleepovers or when we were drunk someone would put tranny porn on. We were that "edgy" bunch who liked talking about sex. Also, it helped that we had a mix of straight girls, gay guys, and a lesbian so we were pretty sexually diverse.
It was more for laughs and being obnoxious. We would never put it on with the intention of getting turned on, and we never got turned on.
No. 649183
>>648856my friends and i used to watch censored porn for laughs, like gachigasm / catalina collection shit.
i pretty much stopped after i tried doing that with my ex and realized he was casually jerking off while i showed him a compilation of horrendous Dan Green dubbing in a hentai, and it was edited so you wouldn't see the sex parts too.
No. 649475
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I was a lunch lady before corona, pre-k-to-2nd-grade and middle school
There is no hope for the future, I am going to kill myself
These kids are fucked.
Literally you are contractually obligated to lure the children into eating as much junk food and spending as much money as possible
I was stopped from reporting actual in front of my eyes child abuse to CPS, I was threatened with being fired for giving leftovers to children who literally did not have any food on them for breakfast or lunch, and I was instructed to "try hard" to up-sell all of them extra pizza, french fries, fruit roll ups, cookies.
None of it makes any actual sense, literally everything the school does is to earn money
The Board does not care about the children, the people who work at the school are instructed to allow harm to befall the children.
Also, they spray agent orange all over the play grounds and parking lots even in states where it's finally illegal
No. 649481
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I'm not sure what I did wrong, but it was enough for her to completely shut me out of her life. Even after giving her so much for nothing in return but her admiration. And now she thinks I'm just like the piece of shit that tried to ruin her life. So much for the years of friendship we had even before we decided to be bf/gf(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 649482
I'm thinking about getting a pair of those men's shoes that have insoles that make you taller just so I can be 6ft and make all the men around me feel inadequate.
I just want to live my Amazonian woman dreams.
>>649475I feel for you anon, America is fucked up with it's education practices where they favor private and charter schools so they do the bare minimum for public schools so it makes a vicious cycle of treating the kids like cash cows rather than students.
No. 649585
>>649583It’s not a salad and it is dessert. What happened to Americans in the south and their relationship to normal foods?
Why pretend to be vegetarian tho? It’s not like it’s impressive, it’s just sort of annoying. What do you gain from this deception?
No. 649598
>>649583Why do you need to call yourself anything?
I don't eat pork because it tastes like shit, you won't catch me calling myself halal.
No. 650643
>>649586>Why even claim to be one?NTA but it's probably just the easiest way to communicate your food preferences to other people, so they don't cook you a steak or buy you a burger or question why you won't eat something. Even if it's not totally correct it still conveys the right info about your diet most of the time.
My mother is vegetarian, but like 99% vegan with some minor exceptions sometimes. I still think of her as vegan just to be safe and I don't buy or offer her things that aren't vegan.
No. 650715
>>650685I just tried to go there but I’m confused, is every /topic just one thread? Why is it so fugly and hard to navigate?
Also high key hating it already after seeing
> genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally>dur hurr she sounds like a TRAwhat about culturally do you not understand dumbass
No. 650747
>>650715It's kinda more similar to 4chan than lolcow itself, GUI wise. It has its downsides (not being able to expand such small threads) and upsides (more than one pic per post, reply box follows you so you don't have to scroll all the way up). I don't like that it has more dark than light themes, though.
The boards are themed, and they have threads within that one theme - kinda dumb for some boards imo, it can get repetitive. But I guess since they are super small, it still works.
As for what you said… There are dumb bitches everywhere kek but usually the discussion ir fairly good
No. 650782
>>650765not judging, just stop looking at hentai for awhile
switch to normie vanilla porn with real humans for like a month
it is truly disgusting to see two real ass slabs of beef flapping against each other, but your brain is already coom-logged, so you'll get used to it fast
do that for like a month, then try …"normal" doujins, you'll be surprised how well this works
you'll gradually get desensitized again, combination of so much hentai being loli or loli adjacent, and your coombrain just being on its shit again
rinse, repeat, put off the inevitable
No. 650785
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Secretly deep down inside, I wish I was a primadonna like Anna Netrebko or Svetlana Zakharova, so that I could wear pretty jewels and be a literal queen, travel the world, and make people cry at my funeral.
No. 650851
>>650765>>650767> but for reference I’m a girlSUSSSS but I’ll bite
Imagine resigning to degeneracy instead of overcoming it, dopamine nibbas are pathetic. At least be candid and admit that you don’t actually feel bad about it. Most ex-coomers on this board actually try. I spit on you.
No. 650917
>>650911> girl must have boobs and look at least 5 feet tall or else I won’t click.I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks about it.
It’s kind of shitty that I also have to apply that type of rules for manga that is supposed to be just cute and sweet, there’s way too much “regular” manga with anime little girls showing t&a for no reason.
Also, the whole “she’s a legal loli!” Or “she has ginormous tits but she’s only 10 years old!” Bullshit is annoying as hell.
No. 651174
>>650911>>650782OP here. i barely look at porn anymore (doujin or otherwise) because i'm morally opposed to it. but like maybe a couple times a year i'll look at loli shit. i know i just shouldn't do it, period, it only happens when i'm in a really depressed mindset. anyway it's not so much a current problem i have but more like i feel guilty for past addiction lol.
nowadays when i look at stuff to get off it's amateur porn with real people. it feels okay to watch because i know that it's made by two consenting adults who choose to exhibit themselves online. still, i hate that i was exposed to porn so young and developed a dependence on it for some time.
No. 651402
>>651398The only porn you can trust is animated and
maybe some drawn porn and it’s just coomer bullshit.
No. 651585
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>>639053I would like to ridiculously attractive but that kind of special treatment will bother me. So I hope this is true
>>639054 No. 651676
>>651568It's real, it was so fucking gross. He said he did it when he was younger and I just got angry at him for not cleaning it and living in filth lol
This was a few years ago so I wonder if the snot remains
No. 651880
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I want to have telescope eyes so fucking bad. Come to think of it I would like to be a full on snail and just fuck around with my eyes and eat salad
No. 652443
>>652427Oh Jesus yes.
Honestly being an octopus but amphibian would also be pretty much ideal. Octotoad just slapping tentacles at your apartment window as it climbs a fuckin skyscraper to catch bugs with a frog tongue. What a life.
No. 652579
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>>652551But….why? Everything here is terrible except for the syrupwafels.
No. 652728
>>652709Hey, it's great to know that the girl you like likes you back though right? She might have been drunk but you know what they say about drunken honesty.
It might feel awkward but I'd definitely bring it up, even if it's just to say you also like her a lot and want to give it a shot but not right now because of the distance. Could it be that she's just saying she doesn't remember because she feels embarrassed or thinks you don't reciprocate her feelings? I don't know how it really went but it kind of sounds like you didn't tell her you also have a crush on her. If you bring it up at least she'll know you like her back and there won't be any misunderstandings.
No. 652735
>>652728Funny you should say that, she's actually very aware. I told her about a month ago and before she could get a word in I stupidly told her that I "didn't want to date her or anything" because I felt so awkward confessing to her. She's told me it's mutual, but she hardly ever
seems interested so up until she got drunk I assumed she just wanted to let me down easy.
Just a lot of romantic tension. But you're right, I think I should bring it up. I try to be honest with her so I can't let this of all things be the exception.
No. 652750
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For some reason I only ever want to enter a relationship if I'm the one taking initiative in approaching the other person. I've gone on dates before with people who approached me/asked me out first, but it never works out. It's like I'm unable to develop feelings for someone unless I'm sure it's 100% me developing a crush on my own without knowing what the other person thinks of me.
Maybe it's a doubt thing, because I feel the same way about marriage proposals. I've always imagined that I'd be the one to propose and I think I'd have a hard time not second-guessing my decision if it were the other way around.
I talked about this to a friend recently and she was weirded out because the man doing the approaching and proposing was so fundamental to her. She couldn't imagine doing it any other way. Is this common?
No. 653028
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I want to have one of those stereotypical kawaii bedrooms but I worry that it'll make me more childish by being surrounded by childish things, I already have issues with responsibility and being independent.
I feel like it would turn into a 'safe space' in the toxic way.
No. 653178
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I grew up in a very chaotic school system, and with staff incapable of their jobs we got away with so much shit that half of our students moved by our graduation year (of MIDDLE SCHOOL.)
in 6th grade, we went on a trip to the beach and they showed us pictures of turtles eating plastic and dying. the yearbook people walked up to my friend group at the time and asked to take a picture.
in short, theres a picture of me sticking my tongue out with my hands in a peace sign. you know the one. its in the yearbook. its fucking immortalized.
No. 653261
>>653074I'm the same way. I'm not even much of a materialist but being a poorfag just the idea of never having to worry about money again and just doing what I like is a great fantasy. You know, even small stuff like getting the fancy drink at a bar once in a while instead of the cheapest available beer. Now that I think of it a lot of it is about food.
Similarly, I like fantasizing about how I would design my perfect home if there were no limits. Ridiculous stuff like little towers slapped onto it. Maybe this is why I made all my Sims rich as a kid.
No. 653266
>>653178omg i used to do that when i was a kid and didn't know what it meant
i mean i grew up to a rug muncher so you know i guess it was one of the signs
No. 653268
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I did something impulsive and took down political signs today because I’m so exhausted from this election and got filmed by a bunch of right wingers and yelled at a bunch. Don’t really care what they think of me, just don’t wanna go viral or something.
I posted this in the vent thread already sorry
No. 653273
I discovered my type of lesbian preference in wonmen after years of not being able to label it properly.
Honestly, mix Janis from Mean Girls with the lead singer of 4 Non-Blondes are you got her. No. 653294
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I'm part Filipino but I dodge the question when people ask me about my ethnicity. I just don't want to be associated with the place and can't find anything about it to be proud of. Also being raised part Filipino a lot of full-blooded relatives would tell me that I'm pretty and I'm lucky BECAUSE I'm part white. So what does that make the rest of me? ugly? wtf
Pls no ban for racebait, just thinking about this is giving me a headache
No. 653342
>>653303I mean, I get where you're coming from, but you clearly haven't actually healed from your trauma if this is the mindset you're in. People who "don't give a fuck" are usually that way only because they're too wrapped up in their own shit, and those aren't the right kind of people to go to for support in the first place. Ime, it's not actually possible to fully move on from trauma if you're just shoving things down and not addressing them because you don't have anyone you trust to go to for support.
Not getting proper support from your friends and family shouldn't be a means to detach and decide you don't give a fuck about your trauma or anyone else's. It's a sign that you need a better support system. Probably what you need is a therapist who specializes in domestic abuse, since that's more readily available to most people.
No. 653492
>>653454I know something like "nice voice" is subjective but I get
triggered every time that people talk about Corpse Husband because I feel like I'm living in an alternative reality. I don't get it at all, it isn't even a sexy husky alcoholic smoker voice he sounds like a toad that has dried out in the desert.
No. 653510
>>653509Gosh anon I love you
I think the
>no daddy issues then I won't even botherAnd
>she say I kill her cat like I'm Luka Magnotta Lines are the worse. Hilarious, but terrible.
I think most of his fans are young teen girls who'll probably grow out of it.
No. 653555
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>>653516I think he said he's 23. I seriously doubt he's ever seen the actual video. Probably just watched a documentary and wanted to be edgy.
This dude bugs me so much though. He gives me such predator vibes like in a few years we're going to hear that he raped a fan or something.
No. 653656
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I got looped into a menage a trois when I moved to a new town by a guy and his girlfriend. It was the girlfriends idea because she wanted to experiment with a girl and tbh so did I because I have been bisexual my entire life but harbored a deep fear of women due to my
abusive mother. Their relationship was falling apart and I warned them multiple times that they should stop this if they feel uncomfortable but they insisted to keep it going. I realized the girl was super annoying so I ghosted her after telling her how shitty and annoying she was being a failed anachan and constantly talking about how she wishes she were skinng and i've been dating the guy for a year now.
Pic unrel
>>653498I agree
No. 653690
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I used to frequently crush on fictional characters from every sort of media all through my teens.
Definitely thought I had grown out of it now that I'm in my mid-20s, but I guess not, as I recently started watching a TV show from 10-15 years ago and developed a crush on one of the characters.
Why am I like this. It's simultaneously so cringe and also kind of cute because I know it will fade and not really have any impact on my life.
No. 653728
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I had only a few interactions with 6'2+ men with beautiful, angular faces and fit bodies and I literally felt like they were a different species of males. It's not just because they were nicer than average or ugly men, it's their physicality and energy they were radiating. I feel intimidated by them and inferior. I can't have normal conversations with them. I can't imagine being with a really pretty boy. I would never be presentable and attractive enough to be with a beautiful boy. I can only adore such boys from the distance. I know everyone lusts after beautiful people but I'm so fixated on genetics I feel like I don't even have the right to fantasize about a beautiful person because I'm average, and average people should only mate with other average people, we are simply inferior
No. 653782
>>653764>I wonder if we are playing with fireYes you are…. be careful anon. It's you who's gonna have to deal with the consequences if (or when) you get unwanted pregnant..
I'm curious though, why are you knowingly taking the unnessecary risk?
No. 653802
>>653780You've met shitty cat owners. Cats are easy as hell to take care of and keep clean. If a house has cat stink it's because the owner is incredibly lazy. It takes seconds to clean a litter box and should be done once or twice a day depending on use. Cats are frequent groomers and don't usually require bathing.
Dog owners who are equally lazy are less noticable because the dog shits outside so they leave it in their back yard or all over the neighborhood, lazy cat owners make their cats suffer with an overflowing litter box which is more obvious to visitors.
No. 653808
>>653802Cat dander and hair is a very real thing. I doubt you vacuum your furniture, bed, floors, and whatever other caries your cat finds to brush against every day. No matter how well you brush the cat, the fur is fucking everywhere. It's on your clothes, it's in your car, and it literally floats in the household air.
There's nothing you can do to escape this reality, if you own a cat you pretty much accept that your shit is covered in cat hair and you have a permanently vaguely stuffy nose.
Not to mention the fact that no matter how well your cat licks itself, it can't lick away fecal bacteria stuck on the bottoms of its paws and near its butt hair, which it pads around your entire house with.
Don't worry, I absolutely believe dogs are as messy if not worse.
No. 653812
>>653808I mean, I understand where you're coming from, but you have the same issue with humans. Hair, sweat, oils, saliva, dead skin flakes, etc are all over your house and even if you clean the surface they can get stuck inside your couch, chairs, bed, etc. There will always be trace amounts of fecal matter all over your bathroom. It's not really a big deal unless you have a cat allergy. You can use a lint roller on surfaces you can't vacuum.