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No. 54428
>mostly white average looking middle class kids>really bad with girls>socially fucked up>KHV>have problems functioning in life>became bitter and angry because they couldn't, can't or won't fix the their shitthis is probably the tl:dr
Quitting that place was probably the best thing I ever did in my life.
No. 54461
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>>54459>except no man that posts on r9k is a "nice guy" and it is with 99.9999% certainty robots are bigger assholes than "chads". Gee, you don't say.
No. 54795
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Nice vague op
Anyway, being a white man sucks dating-wise
No. 54796
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>>54795>indians are the most desirableWut
No. 54801
>>54795>being a white man sucks dating-wiseNot this meme again. Typical /r9k/ to project your own individual shortcomings on an entire group of people, though.
There is a lot that can be done to improve your dating chances, but you purposely choose an attribute out of your control (race) to make yourself a victim and to feel better about your own pathetic life. No better than Tumblr, tbh.
No. 54803
>>54795I didnt realize women had such an affinity for curry
Rest of the chart is believable though. I wonder why Indians are on top
No. 54858
I'm British and whilst I hate to admit it, to the native populace many Indian men are looked down upon as perverts or dirty in general.
Also they often smell of curry powder. No lie.
No. 54883
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>every girl I talk to online watches gangbang and cuck porn
I want off this ride now
Was talking to a girl from Lithuania who brought up that she was into that. Told her it was nice talking to her, and then blocked her tbh. Worst part is that most guys would date and even marry these women
No. 54889
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>>54795Not this shit again.
No. 54894
>>54890The last 3 out of 5 online qts I've had have admitted to this
Why cant women have normal fetishes compatible with monogamous relationships?
No. 54895
>>54883Jesus just because someone watches it in porn doesn't mean they do it in real life
Why can't you robots discern porn tastes from reality
No. 54898
>>54894Plenty do. Seems like you've just had bad luck so far
>>54895All the genres I watch in porn I want to try. Why would she be watching something she wouldn't want to happen to her?
She desperately wants something he cannot provide in a monogamous relationship which is a legitimate cause for concern
No. 54900
>>54899Well I'm more of a jealous person and I wouldnt want to deal with going to a basketball game knowing she wants to get gangbanged by the team. And cuckolding is even worse because she likes knowing that it bothers me
The japanese girl analogy gets the point pretty well, but cockolding is something else entirely. What if your bf exclusively masturbated to the thought of hurting you by fucking your coworkers?
No. 54901
>>54900kek no that's not how it works. I get off to stuff like public sex, gangbangs, and incest comics like Jab. I am absolutely not interested in doing any of those things irl. I like gangbang porn because I like the idea of being so desirable multiple men can't help but have their way with me/all of my holes getting filled. It is just strictly fantasy. I don't think about getting fucked every time I'm around more than one man.
The best sex I've ever had was with my boyfriend, just us in his bed.
No. 54902
>>54901>I like gangbang porn because I like the idea of being so desirable multiple men can't help but have their way with me/all of my holes getting filled. It is just strictly fantasySo you would pass up the opportunity for a real one assuming your bf was okay with it/ out of the picture?
I'm just not grasping the whole masturbating to something, but not actually wanting to do it thing. Then again, I exclusively jack off to just one on one PIV sex, so it's not exactly something that far out there
No. 54905
>>54902I just dont get it
No. 54906
>>54904What does that have to do with anything? I'm asking a serious question here
What makes me sound autistic? That I jack off to vanilla fantasies?
No. 54907
>>54902a "real" gangbang would mean I would have to find multiple men that are all on board with the idea, who are d/d free, who I could trust, who I was attracted to, and we would all have to meet at the same time and I'd have to be horny. Oh and I'd have to have an intense emotional connection with them as well, because that's actually what gets me off the most.
Masturbation and sex are completely different. I masturbate either because I'm bored or my boyfriend is at work or something. I watch something that holds my interest and looks like it feels good. That's all.
No. 54908
>>54907>a "real" gangbang would mean I would have to find multiple men that are all on board with the idea, who are d/d free, who I could trust, who I was attracted to, and we would all have to meet at the same time and I'd have to be horny. Oh and I'd have to have an intense emotional connection with them as well, because that's actually what gets me off the most.So hypothetically it's a yes
I'd be fine with my gf reading hentai, but not watching real porn tbh.
I thought real porn was more geared towards men anyways? Didn't know most women watched that stuff. At least that's what my Mom told me a kid when I was caught. That women didn't like that stuff and that it would skew my perception of what sex actually is about and how it happens
No. 54909
>>54902Ever entertained a thought like "I'll walk around the world" but you know in reality you're nowhere near brave or crazy enough for that sort of thing.
Sometimes you feel like you could circumvent the globe with no issues at all and it would be the most amazing experience of your life.
So you look up camp gear, tickets to Peru and you're all ready to go when you remember that you're just you, non athletic plus you've got to work your bitch job all week so you can eat.
And so you fall asleep, maybe tomorrow your dreams will eventuate.
No. 54910
So from what I gather, women want to do all the gangbangs and cuckolding, but just chicken out and hope they get an opportunity sometime?
No. 54912
>>54908I thought this was a given, but no. My boyfriend satisfies me completely and I have no interest in having sex with anyone else.
What's the difference between hentai and porn? They're both fictionalizations of sex. And yeah porn is primarily made for men but that's based on the outdated notion that woman don't enjoy sex. Your mom is right that porn is inaccurate and can be
problematic, but to say women can't enjoy watching people fuck is a joke.
No. 54913
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>>54909>going to peru>>54911Then please explain
No. 54915
>>54912And also when I did watch porn I watched the "female friendly" genres which I assumed until recently women actually watched.
Turns out they're watching the real brutal stuff though
No. 54916
>>54914have you ever seen the men in porn??? I can't speak for all women but I do not "lust" over any porn actor. I am attracted to so much more than just physical appearance anyway. I do not have sex with my boyfriend and imagine he's James Deen instead. and even though you haven't mentioned it, no, I am not looking at porn cocks and thinking they're somehow superior either.
Either way, they are both purely fantasy. My boyfriend watches porn and idgaf.
No. 54917
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>>54916>have you ever seen the men in porn???Ya I have and I'm a bit jealous since I'm stuck with ~6.5" and they're all rocking 8" and up it seems.
Worried my hypothetical gf would see that the grass is greener and realize that she could do much better in terms of sexual pleasure. Then I'd get cheated on by some guy off Craigslist and it'd be over
No. 54919
>>54917oh my god, honey no. I am starting to feel sorry for you. I was implying that the men in porn are usually gross.
Only men care about dick size. A micropenis would be disappointing but those are incredibly rare. Big cocks can actually cause a lot of pain. I cannot imagine any circumstance where a woman would say "this guy is amazing, I am in a serious relationship with him, but his dick is like an 1" too short so I am going to find someone else on Craigslist"
No. 54920
>>54919I've read about a lot of times where it's happened
Doesn't seem to be uncommon
No. 54922
>>54920Get off r9k and talk to people, real life people.
I'm not even joking, ever since I stopped going there I've been a lot happier.
That place is fucking with your head and your perceptions. You can be happy anon!
No. 54924
>>54922I haven't gone to /r9k/ for a good year now. Still miserable and autism as ever
>>54921What did I do?
>>54923Don't think it's that clear cut, but generally sounds about right.
No. 54926
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Okay to you lads who keep complaining all women are shit.I'll let you in on a fact of life it took me a while to discover. The VAST majority of people, not specifically men and not just women, are complete shit for relationships. You see a lot of women that are vapid whores and who cheat, but most men are too.
You just never notice those sorts of things about them because you dont look at them in the same way as women. It's all about finding the minority that isn't shit no matter what gender you are and which you're seeking.
You only need to find one and if you make an effort you'll find him/her
This is all assuming you're actually good relationship material because it's very possible you arent and are not aware of it yet. You can change though
No. 54941
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>have eFWB from indonesia who dressed in a schoolgirl uniform and posed in any position I requested earlier tonight
>many lewd positions obviously
>makes her horny as fuck posing in those positions, and asks if she can go masturbate after sending me pics of her dripping
>asks me to tease her with crotch bulge
>came an hour or so ago, but have a bit of a boner going on and try to get it to full mast
>dick literally shrivels up and cant get hard at all
>after 5 minutes of trying to get hard I just say I can't because I came to her pics earlier
>"Oh I understand, don't worry about it I like edging :)"
>"You can send me a pic whenever you get hard again. Don't worry :3"
Just how badly did I embarrass myself and how do I recover from this
No. 55588
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>>54941eh, girl's perspective here, honestly not that bad? you're lucky as fuck for having a cute asian gril pose for schoolgirl pics for you though, keep at it boyo. spoil her with dick pics and videos of you edging/cumming and she'll lust even more
No. 55883
>>55588As an update it was fine in the morning. I woke up and texted her while still in my pajamas and sent her a short video of my just twitching my dick in my underwear and then one of my just playing with it with my pajamas on. She's sent me nudes and videos since then. Yesterday she said she wants to take a break though :/
Hopefully this isnt permanent
No. 55887
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Anyways, any new years resolutions?
Going to try to lessen my autism and try actually making friends instead of being completely alone for most of 2015. Don't know how I'll go about doing it, but I'll make an effort
No. 55940
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No. 56138
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I was told to post Flowey here.
No. 56187
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>>56140Neither of us are enough for the modern woman lad. We're in the same boat
No. 56766
Just came back from laser surgery
Fucking hurts buds
>>56763I'd rather not take such drastic measures
No. 57309
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>>56943>disrupting the containment fieldUnsure if asking for it.
No. 61839
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>tfw no gf
No. 61848
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Why do I have to post here? Fuck these rules nigga fuck these games nigga fuck yo couch nigga fuck yo gay ass bitchy weeabo bullshit nigga this place is complete garbage nigga everything women touch goes to shit nigga look at this fucking place, its a goddamn hellhole only reason anyone comes here is to be a little neurotic piece of dumbass failed troll trash nigga fuckin twig ass anorexic no titty havin BITCHES fuck this place nigga ill be screamin fuck it all the way to hell nigga fuckin faggot.farn nigga u fucking fat chubby love handle havin piece of lard cunts nigga you cant box me in nigga youll never get your 10/10 husbandos they prolly think ur all little faggots tbchwu nigga ILL DIE HISTORIC ON THE FURY ROAD
No. 61850
>>54917>>56140You realize if you go too deep you hit the cervix, right? Girls aren't into that. Do yourself a favor and look up the way the female reproductive system works and how ladies' bodies respond when they're having sex. Polls about their preferences. Then look at average sizes for male penises. You will feel vastly better. As an aside, you can use different positions to reach deeper into a girl's body if you're really that worried about it. Look it up. Also toys, etc. Sex isn't like a drag race or something where the biggest dick wins. Also sex has an emotional/play component to it that makes it hot for her. Also, if you're that worried about your dick size, you probably have a really unhealthy relationship with your body. You should stop that.
>>54941You're fine. She told you she wants to keep the roleplay going. Just stop masturbating before you're getting ready to do stuff so you can enjoy it as much as she is.
>>54929That's not "the friendzone", also the friend zone as people usually refer to isn't real. For reference, if someone's playing games with you, you cut ties ez pz.
Do you actually talk to these girls? If you like them, be more assertive about your intentions. Ask them out for coffee or something. If they don't like you back, figure out why. Rinse, repeat. Be honest with yourself, are you someone you would want to date? Like take you, give yourself a mental sex reassignment surgery, and be brutal. Judging from your response, you don't even know what you like in a relationship since you haven't been in one yet. I could be mistaken though. Don't be so afraid of fucking up that you actually never do something. Be the man in the arena.
>>54894In all likelihood, it's just a porn thing. Is everything you see in porn something you'd want to do in bed? Do you never explore other fantasies? It's really not uncommon to get off to things you have no intention of fulfilling in real life. It's just mental stimulation to go along with physical stimulation.
>>54914I get you're concerned but I can assure you the way porn and sex works is completely different. Anyways, who cares if she's looking at porn you don't like? If that's a dealbreaker for you, fine. But looking at porn is a perfectly healthy adult activity, and girls and guys don't have 100% aligned tastes. What's a fantasy isn't what a person wants in reality. I get that it's counter-intuitive, but you're letting stuff that doesn't matter create insecurities for you. You should probably stop that. You'll feel a lot better.
Before you say I'm a woman that doesn't understand your feelings, I'm a guy that found out about this site too. Haven't used these kinds of boards in a while. I thought /r9k/ was a certain amount of tongue-in-cheek ironic trolling but I guess I thought wrong.
No. 61854
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>>61853Thats pretty bad muthafucka
No. 61857
>>61843The stereotypical robot is a product of the awful governments, media and social engineering that /pol/ hates. Many robots seem to be aware of that too. I personally refuse to be anti-women or anti-men. It reeks of cult marx division. I think all white people are in it together (unless they're fat).
>>61850Good post.
No. 61874
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Anyone else just purposefully just turn themselves off when they like a girl? There's a girl I think is qt in one of my classes, but now I just imagine her having a Chad bf and being a bitchy slut even though I've never talked to her
Now I have no interest in her. I guess it helps a bit because it obviously wasn't going to happen anyway, but it still feels kinda bad
No. 61902
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>>61899Not him but it'll always be one sided so it's easier to hate her, it's always easier to do stuff like this than to suffer.
No. 61915
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>>61913Your are right, not like we want to feel like this, at least I don't want to but it's just easier this way.
>>61911Yeah, it is. However, most of us gone through some brutal rejections. Me for example got called "virus" and told by girls that I'm a worthless piece of crap that don't even deserve to like someone when one of the girls learned that I liked her in middle school. I didn't even confessed to her, it was just a platonic thing yet they were out to fucking destroy me. I know I should already leave it behind but it destroyed my self esteem and confidence, couldn't recover from it even after all these years. Well enough whining I guess.
No. 61932
>>56140>>56187To be tbh, this is only a big deal if you're out for one night stands or fwb kind of deals. I don't know a single girl who would be interested/in love with a guy and suddenly stop being so because of a small dick. Actually, 13 cm is still pretty average.
Also, small penis = more likely to get anal. The only time in my life I did anal regularly was with a bf who had a 11 cm not-thick cock, and I fucking love anal. Can't do it with current 18 cm thick bf no matter how much he begs for it, that shit hurts too much.
No. 61936
>>61932Huh, maybe that's why I've never been able to do anal with my bf who's dick is 8.5"…
It's always hurt like fucking shit when we tried and the last time was 5 years ago.
This has shed a lot of new light for me.
How do porn stars handle this shit when the male stars and their monster dicks though? Fucking hell, no wonder they end up with a gape.
No. 61941
>>61936>How do porn stars handle this shit when the male stars and their monster dicks though>my bf who's dick is 8.5"ā¦Your bf has one, man hearing about shit like this makes me feel bad. Feel so fucking inferior.
>>61932How was the normal sex? I'm seriously legit terrified of getting intimate with girls because I'm so fucking insecure about my size down there.
No. 61947
>>61857>The stereotypical robot is a product of the awful governments, media and social engineering that /pol/ hates. Many robots seem to be aware of that too. I personally refuse to be anti-women or anti-men. You're a cool guy anon.
That's exactly what it is. Jewish guys with mommy issues continuously writing sitcoms and movies about how men and women are "naturally" at each other's throats all the time. It's pure bullshit. Men and women aren't antagonistic forces. The men and women of a race are meant to work together, complementary halves of a given whole.
No. 61949
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>>61948Well mine is pretty much a needle so… yeah.
No. 61953
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>but nobody likes middle dick.Eh?
No. 61963
>>61960Well… yeah.
Second and Third Wave feminism literally wouldn't exist without Jews, and that's a fact.
No. 61969
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>>61967Well my boners are bretty strong but it's still a noodle one. Would be happier with a bit more girth.
No. 61971
>>61941Pretty normal, actually. In my experience there isn't much of a difference between 13-16 cm, it feels the same, the only difference was how the guy felt about his dick. Above that it starts to hit the cervix (which I personally like but haven't met any other girl who did).
I'm sure you've heard this before but if you're really insecure get good at oral, fingers, touching the breasts, moving etc. Bf I mentioned was great at fucking even though he was "small", he'd do that thing where the guy grabs the ass and kind of pulls it in his direction…? Not sure how to describe it.
>>61936Yeah, smaller hurts a hell of a lot less. I still want to do it with current bf so I'm hoping the whole butt plug stretching out and getting used to bigger things will help.
No. 61975
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>git gudWell have to find someone to like my disgusting self first for that : 3
No. 61984
>your bf has one, man hearing about shit like this makes me feel bad. Feel so fucking inferiorYes but I also want my boyfriend's dick to be smaller and sometimes find that engaging in actual coital relations difficult and painful due to his mutant genitalia slamming repeatedly into my cervix.
Tell me again why you feel inferior.
No. 61988
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>Tell me again why you feel inferior.Brainwashed by memes and porn, have to drop these shit off. Also due to fact that I have a baby penor
No. 62003
>>61995N'ah, I don't "hate" anyone, I'm too much of a softie to hold a grudge. I just meant it as a defense mechanism, it's easier to trick yourself to distance from something rather than suffering and embarrassment.
>>61998Thank you, though I feel like it's too late(I'm 25). I really want to get my shit together this year.
No. 62008
>>62001I cut down the porn at least but I have no idea how to build it up.
>>62002Well too many to count, I just act like a normal guy when I'm with friends and they really love me but I'm a massive spaghetti dropper with girls but I guess I'm fun to be around. I only vent like this on internet.
No. 62015
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>>62006Well that's what I'm trying to do but being a 14 year old boy trapped in a grown man's body is hard. Being a manchild is suffering.
No. 62052
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>>62041I know but not having any real life experience makes your mind susceptible to internet horror stories and memes. I would probably get better after getting some experience but that ain't happening in near future.
No. 62063
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>>62060Thank you all for your encouragements, I'm going to sleep now. Have a good one!
No. 62079
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>>54795Pic related is data from the same dating website.
No. 62087
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No. 62093
>>61915>Yeah, it is. However, most of us gone through some brutal rejections. Me for example got called "virus" and told by girls that I'm a worthless piece of crap that don't even deserve to like someone when one of the girls learned that I liked her in middle school. I didn't even confessed to her, it was just a platonic thing yet they were out to fucking destroy me. I know I should already leave it behind but it destroyed my self esteem and confidence, couldn't recover from it even after all these years. Well enough whining I guess.Dude, sorry you had that experience. It's middle school, everyone is brutal. As a rejectee and rejector, I now see with experience that a large part of what drives a brutal rejection is one's own insecurities (in the rejector, I mean).
Get therapy, it will help, hopefully. Whatever you do, don't fall for the TRP bullshit. The only useful advice they give is to work on your fitness and grooming and to talk to as many people as you can to build confidence. But you can get that advice/support elsewhere, in far less poisonous places.
No. 62094
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No. 62099
>>61947Thanks. Note they also try to divide young against old, adults against children, different social classes, political views, etc.
>>61960>women aren't the real problem, it's those jews who are the problemYes, exactly.
No. 62108
>>61843>No because /r9k/ is full of men who hate women We don't hate women.
We just hate individual women most of the time.
We're robots because we love women.
No. 62112
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is it bad i want to date a robot? i want the stupid stocking love story or some shit, it seems cute. i must be insane.
No. 62120
>>62119i know robots get a bad rap but it'd be nice just to turn someone's feelings around, or something.
>>62117USA east coast.
No. 62122
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>>62120It wasn't meant to be. I live in New Zealand. I'm sure someone here will live near you though.
>>62119You're a bully. Robots are mostly good people.
No. 62136
>>62125>There are very few robots who would turn down a roastie girl they cared about. of course they would. but that's no different from a racist who gets a black girlfriend and says "you're not like the others, you're one of the good ones, you're not black to me". it's still a stupid, irrational, and bitter attitude, and is indicative of their overall personality traits and probably one or more personality disorders. as the relationship develops, their self-entitled and self-victimizing beliefs will become more and more apparent.
the ones who are genuinely just lonely social retards and nothing more can be perfectly fine, but you can find those on practically every other 4chan board. they're a minority on /r9k/, probably 15% or less. most of the ones who are drawn to r9k have at least some resentment towards women in general.
No. 62144
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Robots are like asian guys, they are cute if you dress them as a girl.
No. 62145
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>>62136Dunno what else to say, other than that I think you've pegged us mostly wrong. Maybe you should try meeting and talking to some robots. Though I suspect your reaction will be something like
>"you're not like the others, you're one of the good ones, you're not a robot to me" No. 62149
>>62145i've met several cool robots and several awful ones
lots of them genuinely idolize or at least respect elliot rodger. lots of them think there is something inherently wrong with all or nearly all women. i have no issue with the ones who don't think those things, but it's kind of a guilty until proven innocent thing.
No. 62152
>>61932>this is only a big deal if you're out for one night stands or fwb kind of deals. So basically women will be getting those monster dongs on the side in a relationship if you don't have one?
That's what I'm taking away from this
No. 62154
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>>62149The only person I hate is myself
I wouldn't date or want to be friends with me either
No. 62155
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>robots aren't that bad guys srsly
No. 62157
>>62112Ugh, I hate to agree. But I might. I'm not dating a Chad, but he may as well be the opposite of a robot.
Idk, think I just want to dominate one.
No. 62165
>>62162Didn't school shooters post on /r9k/?
Never proven.
No. 62168
>>62161We all know the answer to this. Best not to even bring it up
Just a fact of life, and bitching about it on the internet isn't going to change anything
No. 62169
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>Just a fact of life, and bitching about it on the internet isn't going to change anything
Nothing changes anything about being a robot. It's not something that gets fixed. A woman cannot possibly understand what it's like to be a robot. By virtue of being female, you go outside and get given attention and people will defer to you for no other reason. You have no idea how much of a challenge it is to be male. Just try to imagine that you are that chubby, short guy you turned down in high school.
No. 62172
>>62169I'm a guy too just an fyi
I'm just saying this has been discussed a lot in previous threads and it's just a fact of life. Nothing is going to change it
No. 62174
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>>62173Arm will have to do
I feel you, but I'm just stating it's been discussed many times and there's no point in bringing it up because people here get butthurt at the implications it brings, or they just accept it and there's no discussion to be had
No. 62175
>>62170that's true, but that doesn't mean it can't be very hard for a female robot to find an actually good partner
if it's just a matter of looking for some random person to fuck, anyone, then yeah it's much easier for a socially retarded girl than for a socially retarded guy. but for a lot of people, including even male robots, that's not really satisfying for them.
No. 62177
>>62175>but that doesn't mean it can't be very hard for a female robot to find an actually good partnerThe only way a girl can not get a long-term partner is if they hole up in their room all day and have ignobly high standards.
>but for a lot of people, including even male robots, that's not really satisfying for them.It's a lot preferable to actual loneliness.
>>62176>because if I get a message in means she would probably be at least somewhat interested That's the point. You wouldn't get one, unless you're chad.
No. 62181
>>62177Seems no one is going to respond
How old are you?
I'm 21 y/o khv. Still time for me, but I've pretty much given up actively trying. If it happens it happens is my philosophy now
No. 62182
>>62177>The only way a girl can not get a long-term partner is if they hole up in their room all day and have ignobly high standards. sure, but i meant a good partner with a good personality who likes them for who they are. that can still be very difficult for some reclusive females, especially if they're not attractive. sure they can find someone to fuck them or date them if they're desperate and will take just anyone, but that's not fulfilling or beneficial.
and i don't mean they should have the right to hold out for a super hot guy when they're unattractive, but just finding someone sane and with a good personality who also likes them for their personality.
>It's a lot preferable to actual loneliness.finding random strangers to fuck you usually isn't a cure to loneliness for the sort of people who spend all their time on the internet. it might be for some of them.
a rich male robot probably wouldn't consider hiring a prostitute once a week a solution to their loneliness, in terms of both quantity and quality of the "relationship".
No. 62186
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>>62181I'm 21 also, 22 in a month. Not a kissless virgin, I stumbled upon a girlfriend in highschool by luck, so I guess I'm not really a robot. We were together for a year and a half and were each other's firsts but I broke up with her for a lot of small, stupid reasons like teenagers do and now I have nothing left but regrets. In all honesty we probably weren't well matched for each other and didn't have much in common.
Meanwhile she's been through several long term relationships since and seems to lead a satsifying life. I miss her a lot but I'm not selfish or egotistical enough to try and ruin that for her by forcing her to confront the past. She probably never thinks of me anymore.
>>62182>sure, but i meant a good partner with a good personality who likes them for who they are.That's difficult for any person, but it's much easier for a girl than it is for a guy.
>finding random strangers to fuck you usually isn't a cure to lonelinessIt's not a cure or a solution, but it mitigates loneliness. That kind of situation doesn't compare to actual, true loneliness that robots experience.
No. 62188
>>62186>That's difficult for any person, but it's much easier for a girl than it is for a guy. depends. it might be easier for a not very attractive girl, but probably harder for an attractive girl, in the same way it'd be tough for a really rich guy to find someone he's sure likes him for him.
>It's not a cure or a solution, but it mitigates loneliness. That kind of situation doesn't compare to actual, true loneliness that robots experience.that's true, though keep in mind some women really are hideous or obese and/or have horrible mental problems that make it so they can't even find a stranger to fuck them no matter how much they try
i can agree that, in general, female shut-in autists do have much easier ways of temporarily mitigating loneliess than male shut-in autists, so their situations can't always be directly compared. it's just a fact of biology. men and women have different "privileges" (as awful as that word is) and different disadvantages in different aspects of life.
No. 62191
>>62189They exist, but they're mostly old, fat ladies who wasted their youth.
Pretty much what all the girls on this site will be in 20 years.
No young girl exists in that position though.
No. 62194
>>62190>if they're too anxious to talk to anyone or leave their house, how are they going to get someone to fuck them?That's their own fault then. Robots can't control if they're chad or not
A girl could lay in the street with her legs open and get some. You were making semi-valid points earlier about having an actual relationship, but come on.
No. 62197
>>62194i understand that, but some people are incapable of any kind of social interaction. obviously a woman who is actually capable of social interaction will be able to find someone to fuck them if they post something on craigslist or whatever, no matter their other circumstances, but there are some seriously autistic women out there, and on imageboards.
and how is it their fault that they have crippling anxiety? mental illness usually isn't the person's fault.
No. 62198
>>62195> where are their social support structures?They can find friends easily because they're girls. They can find some beta manlet engineering major to pay for them because they're girls. They can go to women's refuge and get a free counselor because they're girls. These are the social structures I'm talking about.
They're never in a position to develop deep rooted anxiety or any intense mental illness of that kind solely because they aren't men.
No. 62199
>>62197>and how is it their fault that they have crippling anxiety? mental illness usually isn't the person's fault.I'm diagnosed with a few things, but I think any mental illnesses short of retardation and schizophrenia are memes tbh.
This includes bipolar, depression, etc.
No. 62200
>>62198>They can find friends easily because they're girls.i don't think that's really true. girls in school or whatever tend to not want to befriend the weird girl, just as it often is with guys.
>They can find some beta manlet engineering major to pay for them because they're girls.only if they're attractive
>They can go to women's refuge and get a free counselor because they're girls.i think those are usually for women who've been abused. but if you're just talking about free counseling… men can get that too. anyone can call a free suicide or therapy hotline right now, and there are plenty of free therapy centers in many communities.
again, i do agree female "robots" will have an easier time than male "robots" unless they're especially ugly or extremely obese, but i don't really buy that social structure thing
No. 62201
>>62200>i don't think that's really true. girls in school or whatever tend to not want to befriend the weird girlThen she should befriend the weird guy.
>only if they're attractiveAhahaha no. A beta engineering major would take any girl who gives him the time of day. I know because I am one.
>but i don't really buy that social structure thingYou don't buy that women have social advantages in society that men don't have? The difference is simple. Men need to work to achieve something, whereas women receive by virtue of being women.
No. 62203
>>62200>>They can find some beta manlet engineering major to pay for them because they're girls.>only if they're attractiveI mean it certainly helps, but any woman can get a beta guy to give them free shit. Hell, I used to pretend to be a girl on video game forums without a profile pic or anything, and people would buy me games just because I asked. Same with twitch streamers that are women. Rich arabs gift western woman hundreds of dollars for no reason and expect no return
Also you're fooling yourself if you think there's an equal number of resources and support systems for men and women. It's definitely skewed towards women
No. 62217
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Why stick with girls? Boipussy is much better. Any of you white bois want a thick hard dick?
No. 62222
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>>62220Which one would you fuck, this or ..
No. 62233
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>>62232I'm a 23 yo 6ft hispanic male….
I should be the one fucking you, and make you call me papi.
No. 62263
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Can we stop the shitposting and shitty erping?
How the fuck do I meet people? I'm in uni and have absolutely zero friends. Everyone seems to just silently sit in class and then go home
It doesn't help that I'm in the "international" floor which basically means it's only Chinese and Indian guys who never leave their rooms
I'm heading to anime Club tomorrow to see if I have any luck. I tried talking to a few people the last few times I went, but it was super awkeard and I ended up sitting by myself
I don't expect to jump straight to gf because I can't even into eye contact at this point because I'm self concious to an extreme extent about myself. I could just use some sort of social interaction and maybe eventually meet a nice girl
No. 62264
>>62263>baw i want a friendTough luck, I haven't had a real friend in 9 years and I couldn't care less, toughen up. Are you a man or a whiny little bitch?
Anime clubs are always filled with asians fyi. You can be my sissy if you want, I won't force you to suck ky cock.
No. 62267
>>62263Join a boardgame or tabletop roleplaying club.
>>62264>Anime clubs are always filled with asians fyi. This depresses the shit out of me. Asian weebs are terrible people.
No. 62270
>>62264Epic post my friend
>>62267>Join a boardgame or tabletop roleplaying clubMight try this again actually. I went once, but ended up being along again after trying to join a few games and just played solitaire. I'll try to make it different
No. 62277
>>62263Tinder is basically a fuckfest on a college campus, even if you're a robot
if band nerds can get laid so can you.
girlfriend? eh, longer shot.
No. 62290
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>>62287oh fugg, you starting some battle of the sexes shit?
No. 62332
>>62292I don't know what's worse
getting a pity date that looks like lena dunham
No. 62346
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>>62093>>62329Well just came back from a private session with one of my cousins friends. I called her last night and asked her to arrange something for me after talking with you guys yesterday. Looks like I have avoidant personality disorder and severe depression(duh), he recommended me a psych friend of his to make sure and get medicated and get CBT from him. Hope this stuff will work this time.
No. 62347
>>62346I am so happy to hear that you are getting some help!
Have an open mind during CBT. I've done it, and I found it to be very helpful.
No. 62349
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>>62347We talked for a short time in a cafe since it was his day off, he only came because he's good friends with my cousin. I'm reading some stuff on CBT, how was your experience? What does it consists of?
No. 62351
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why do you come here and post? why can't you at least only lurk? aren't you aware how fucking thirsty this makes you look?
>btw I'm a boianon :^)
fuck off
No. 62352
>>62349Well, the experience will be different for everyone, but CBT was part of my therapy for dealing with my anxiety and depression. I had one amazing therapist who would basically just talk to me, and ask me about the things that were causing my anxiety, how I express my anxiety, and why my thoughts were jumping from A-Z, interspersed with conversations about myself and my life. Just day-to-day, normal conversation stuff, where she would almost pull at a thread of my anxiety, and help me unravel it.
It was like by talking about how my anxiety/depression happens, she could guide me to the "why" of my behavior. Then we would unpack that baggage. She would teach me techniques to anticipate when my anxiety would hit, and help me to preemptively calm myself down before I reaches full panic mode. After a while, I was able to kind of talk myself off the ledge, when I started applying what I learned in therapy IRL. The confidence I found in reducing my anxiety day by day actually improved my mood . After a while, I felt less depressed. I started having less frequent appointments with my shrink until I was confident that I didn't need her advice anymore.
This was done while I was put on an SSRI, which I also found to be very helpful.
No. 62357
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>>62352I see, I used Prozac and Xanax before so guess gonna hop on Prozac again or something. What I need is to accept my physical flaws(ugly, short, balding etc.), and move on but I'm guessing it's gonna be hard. I can somehow act normal at work and school but I always think I'm seeing some kind of disgust in peoples eyes when they looks me. Like I'm some kind of disgusting piece of shit. I know I'm probably imagining it and I'm not ugly as I think so but still, you know. I just can't stop it and it makes me distance myself from other people since I feel inadequate and shit.
>>62353I know that feel too, I've been getting panic attacks since I was 17 and was on and off Prozac and Xanax. I didn't had one in three months but you can never be sure. My mom also had them for almost two decades and she really helped me to get them under control. Anyways, hope this works I really want to leave all this bullshit behind and finally live my life already. I wasted enough fucking time for almost a decade.
No. 62363
>>62357sell the xanax and make bank
money will make you feel better
No. 62367
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>>62359Thank you.
>>62363I still have two boxes but I'm quite sheltered and have no idea how to do that.
>>62366That would be a bit hard with my bear like body.
No. 62414
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>tfw arab
No. 62415
>>62357There's a history of mental illness in my family, too. Once I got myself chemically under control, it was easier to follow through with therapy.
I'm proud of you anon. I'm going to go in a limb and say you aren't as gross as you think you are. I think you just have a poor self-image, and it ties into your anxiety. My anxiety is more external, I can get worked up by situations. My biggest "illogical" anxiety is going to the doctor. Just being in the waiting room sets me off. I get so anxious, I have cried while describing an ear ache. The fear I focused on was the doctor, but what was overwhelming me was the fear of uncertainty. I literally feel unsafe going to the doctor. Once my therapist helped me figured that out, we worked on why that was bothering me, specifically.
I'm sure you will have a similar revelation with your feelings of inadequacy. There's a root to that. Let your therapist guide you to it.
No. 62420
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stocking anon again. where would i go about finding one of you, in real life or online in my area?
No. 62424
>>62414Hahahaha I am glad I pass for European ewwww I hate Arab paki nigger men and darkish looking people inshallah ill get a nordic boyfriend :))))
I especially hate arab geeks like you too tfoo
No. 62427
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>>62420Y-you can talk to me if you want to, I'm pretty disgusting.
[thirst intensifies]
No. 62429
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>>62427it's not necessarily disgusting that i want, something else though.
honestly i'll talk to anyone here who'd like to.
No. 62430
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>>62429What do you want? I think I misunderstood something here.
No. 62432
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>>62430it's confusing to explain, i guess. someone unwanted really.
No. 62436
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>>62433i guess i just wanted to point out that disgusting is something i'm indifferent to.
like i said, i'll chat if you want.
>>62435i do understand the general consensus, but i'm being sincere.
No. 62505 christ. Girls would rather date abusive Chad than date a robot.
I just want a girl to have a crush on me. Even if I didn't like her back, it'd be nice to know someone cared about me like that.
No. 62510
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>>62509I'm not naive enough to believe that.
No. 62657
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Had a really vivid dream about an ex-girlfriend.
Haven't I suffered enough?
No. 62669
>>62657I keep having dreams about my high school boyfriend.
It sucks because in the dream he's good at sex and has a better personality, whereas IRL hes a bigoted man child
No. 62672
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>>62657Suffering never ends, I keep seeing dreams about having a gf and really vivid ones and then I wake up to my cold, empty, shitty apartment and struggle to get back in to reality.
No. 62679
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No. 62710
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>>62672I wake up to my shitty boyfriend and a general crushing sense of guilt and regret.
>>62675I highly doubt it, although that would be ironic.
Btw, Dark Souls thread? April 12 isn't far.
No. 62727
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>>62710Meh, probably not gonna be able to play it. I could run DS2 by a miracle but don't think my toaster is gonna survive until April it's already breaking down slowly. Don't have any money to get a new laptop or build a PC. Thank you shitty exchange rate.
No. 62735
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>>62710>I highly doubt it, although that would be ironic.Nah, my ex is basic and doesn't play video games.
You should dump your loser bf and get with me though.
No. 62736
>>62731I couldn't care less how you feel and you know nothing of the "situation".
Come back when your balls have dropped and you've finished school
No. 62738
>>62735I'm actually pretty basic with the gaming…
Are you PC master race?
No. 62741
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>>62738>Are you PC master race?Yes. I do own consoles though for weeb rpgs.
No. 62749
>>62741What are you playing at the moment? I only really mess around with gaming, but I love to watch people play.
Also, any love for DnD?
No. 62750
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>I've only been asked out once by someone who made me feel really creeped out.this is why I've never asked a girl out. any time I try to muster up the will to do so I run into a comment like this somewhere and go back to zero.
I don't want reassurance that I'm that creepy guy, I'd rather just be alone than deal with that.
No. 62751
>>62749>What are you playing at the moment?Nothing really. I just got done with Kotor and Kotor 2 and now I'm looking for something else to play. I've been trying Dota 2 out but I don't think it's for me.
>Also, any love for DnD?Always wanted to try it, never have.
No. 62752
>>62750There's probably other reasons she was creeped out.
Do you constantly hang around girls you like and make odd comments? Do you stalk her in any way? Are you generally hygienic and not deformed in anyway?
No. 62755
>>62751Yeah Dota is the type of game I don't like.
Its a shame its so hard to get a good group going for Dnd. Its awesome when everyone is getting into it.
>>62753Who am I assuming must have done something bad? I said in my post that males who are "hygienic and not deformed" as well as socially skilled are preferred by females. What argument are you even trying to make here?
Also you write like a downer
No. 62756
>>62752I have aspergers and had a generally pretty terrible childhood so I just tend to assume that people find me "creepy" and avoid people in general.
as for your questions: I don't stalk people, I am generally hygienic and not deformed. I have a tendency to hang around and say shit to people that I trust/consider a friend but not with strangers.
No. 62757
>>62755>Its a shame its so hard to get a good group going for Dnd. Its awesome when everyone is getting into it.Only reason I played it is because some IRL friends who I don't see much anymore due to living some ~600 kms away from each other wanted me to play with them.
I think I prefer games that don't make me want to put a brick through my monitor.
No. 62761
>>62756What reactions have you had from asking girls out in the past, if any?
Its common for people to have a feeling of inadequacy about themselves, your self esteem is probably pretty low all round, which really doesn't help when presenting yourself to a potential mate.
Go find an aspie gal, they exist
>>62757My ex made me play super meat boy once, god I could have killed him it was so frustrating. He would sit there watching me struggle and then eventually show mercy and do the level for me.
No. 62768
>>62766holy fuck im hungover, im the retard this time.
but seriously, come back when your balls drop
No. 62770
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>>62763You're all faggots.
No. 62782
>>62771How cruel, how could you wish such unspeakable acts upon another being. You truly have shocked me, my womanhood cowers in fear of your 21st chromosome.
Hows virginity treating you? Sounding desperate for some female attention there
No. 62943
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>>62929It never fails.
>>62939>Just be yourselfWow you women really do live in a fantasy land.
No. 62949
>>62943Did I say "just be yourself"? Or did I say that he should gain confidence in who he is, because clearly if he automatically thinks people will call him a creep, he doesn't have a very positive self image or high self esteem. He also has aspergers, so suggesting that he brush up on his social skills isn't a reach either.
Sorry I
triggered your robot sensibilities.
No. 62953
>>62949>Did I say "just be yourself"?Yes.
>because clearly if he automatically thinks people will call him a creep, he doesn't have a very positive self image or high self esteem.Because women label him as a creep as soon as they see him because he's not Chad. That's a fault with society, not a fault with him, therefore there's nothing he can do to fix it. Your "advice" is empty platitudes because you don't want to admit women are so helplessly vain that guys that aren't Chad are considered inferior in this society.
No. 62961
>>62953His responses didn't suggest any of that.
You are really reaching that that analysis. But what would I, the humble feeeemale know about what women want?
No. 62974
>>62968>He also said that he doesn't do creepy shit"Creepy" shit is anything that is done by an unattractive man.
>>62972>I bet you have seen many IRL boobs in your lifetime.See
>>62943 No. 62977
>>62966Oh man, you're right..
Better drop out of my degree tomorrow :(
No. 62979
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Man I love monitoring these threads.
No. 62993
>>62983Don't know what that is.
>>62987I hurt myself by dumping a girl that loved me. Not really relevant here.
No. 63027
>>63011How long ago was this? Have you had many relationships since then?
How do you think your ex would feel if she was reading your negative posts about women?
No. 63034
>>63027>How long ago was this? Three years ago.
>Have you had many relationships since then?A couple, nothing half as serious.
>How do you think your ex would feel if she was reading your negative posts about women?I'm not really making negative posts about women, I'm making negative posts about society, and they're true. The simple fact is unattractive and antisocial men are looked down upon as second class citizens and they tend to be blamed for being the way they are and told to "man up" or "just be themselves". By comparison, unattractive women are privileged.
>>63028No. We weren't well suited to each other. It's more that I miss the idea of being that intimate with another person rather than missing her. Psychoanalyse that.
No. 63042
>>63034Lol I'm not trying to psychoanalyze you. Do you feel like I am? I'm just trying to talk.
Why do you think that your claims about women are such solid truths?
No. 63071
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>>63067I'm assuming chad is the guy on the left with the strong dick game
No. 63087
>>63057One time I was in drama class in high school and the teacher was randomly pairing us up and I got paired with one of the snobby popular girls and when she heard she yelled out "Eww, I don't want to go with him" and then the whole class laughed.
That is one example among hundreds.
>>63059Chad is a stereotypical alpha male.
>>63060>so why are your experiences more valid and correct?Because I know what I've experienced is true.
>>63061>You can't say you understand what it's like to be a fugly female just like a fugly female can't say she knows what it's like to be a robot. Why didn't you mention antisocial and unattractive women instead of just unattractive women?Women are very rarely in a position where they are in the same position as a typical robot, and if they are they are there by choice. Any women can get companionship regardless of how ugly or antisocial she is just by virtue of being a women. Women don't even deny this, they just say "Well it's not the kind of companionship I want", but it's still better than nothing.
>>63067Chad isn't really hated. Envied perhaps, but Chad is normally friendly and a bro. But there are different tiers of Chad. Some Chads are arrogant pricks, but mostly Chad is nice, if ignorant and a little dumb.
>>62943 No. 63096
>>63071Why do men pretend only women care about physicality, when men on a whole tend to be more picky and only care about a women's physical appearance?
Establishments like Hooters or strip clubs wouldn't even exist if men didn't put such high value on a women's physicality.
No. 63102
>>63096Not saying men don't care about physical stuff but I'm just gonna share stuff I see on soc.
>ideal mate thread on /soc/>men usually list traits like loyal, personality traits, sharing same hobbies etc.>first trait women always list is being tall and having a big dick followed by having a good job and a good jawlineI mean yeah stuff on /soc/ doesn't mean shit but yeah.
No. 63103
>>63092>That drama class example seems pretty tame. That is hardly something that should still be effecting you if you have been out if high school for three years.It doesn't affect me. It's just one example of what is a pretty consistent occurrence. It's to give you an idea of how women undermine, disregard and are displeased by the very existence of a man who isn't Chad. I don't doubt she would've described me as "creepy" too despite the fact she didn't know me, or ever bothered to care to know me.
>>63093It's a stereotype that has several different substereotypes. Every single guy you've been with is probably a Chad.
>>63096>when men on a whole tend to be more picky and only care about a women's physical appearance? You cannot seriously believe this? Hypergamy is a real thing. There are many men out there who would date an unattractive girl, though you probably wouldn't even notice they exist because they're <6/10.
>Establishments like Hooters or strip clubs wouldn't even exist if men didn't put such high value on a women's physicality.Establishments like those exist because sexuality is a need to be sated for men.
>Are you saying that in general, that human just enjoy socializing with women more, regardless of their personality or appearance?That's one way of putting it. The essence is women are more valued by society than men are. A man who is not attractive or hard working is less than scum to most people in society. Ultimately such social trends tie into biology. Look up Bateman's Principle.
No. 63106
>>63101Just being in the presence of women make a men feel good?
Why would there be the possibility of sex outside of a romantic context?
No. 63107
>>63106*can make
Jesus christ
No. 63109
>>63102If you know evidence from /soc/ doesn't count, then why bring it up?
How do you know that those women aren't just people trying to stir the pot?
No. 63116
>>63103Do you really think that a kid in your class was trying to undermine you by being a brat in class?
I would live to hear more examples of how you were criticized for not being chad.
No. 63123
>>63116>Do you really think that a kid in your class was trying to undermine you by being a brat in class?It was clear she didn't want to be associated with me in even the most minor of ways.
>I would live to hear more examples of how you were criticized for not being chad.As you get older it has less to do with criticism and more to do with being ignored and disregarded. People mostly want nothing to do with you. Making friends, finding a partner, is very difficult. It's easier just to stay inside and play video games and watch anime, since being anything other than lonely takes a shitload of effort. I haven't had a proper friend since high school and all of them are people just like me or like an average robot. Of my close circle of friends, only me and another guy aren't virgins despite the fact we're all in our 20s.
No. 63128
>>63103 >It's to give you an idea of how women undermine, disregard and are displeased by the very existence of a man who isn't Chad. I don't doubt she would've described me as "creepy" too But this was an example from high school. A kid not wanting to be your partner for a project is pretty tame on the trauma scale. If it doesn't still effect you, then why bring it up?
You were hardly a man at that point in your life. You were a teenager in class being put into pairs for an assignment. And that part of your life is over now. Has anything similar occurred since?
No. 63129
>>63103>Establishments like those exist because sexuality is a need to be sated for men. You talk about men like they are animals, it is gross.
It is far from a need. You won't die if you don't have sex or come into contact with sexy women. It is a choice men willingly make.
No. 63130
>>63123If she didn't want to associate with you shes either a bitch or your a freak. Or it could be both.
>It's easier just to stay inside and play video games and watch anime, since being anything other than lonely takes a shitload of effort. maybe this is why people want nothing to do with you?
No. 63134
>>63119Don't know, can't really explain why but it feels different from talking with my male friends.
>>63127An unattractive guy could do all those stuff and be called "creepy" or a "try hard". It's all about the looks.
>>61915 He didn't even confessed or interacted with her yet the mere thought of him liking her caused that
No. 63137
>>63123Adult relationships require effort. Life isn't as simple as it was in high school. People have responsibilities and goals.
If you don't want to put in the work for a relationship, then you can only blame yourself.
No. 63146
>>63127Chads do believe their experiences set the bar for the whole of society, that's why they're so confused that inferior men can be treated so poorly by women when they get nothing but praise and adoration.
Chads aren't always likable though. Everybody knows that one girl who stays with her abusive Chad boyfriend.>>63128>If it doesn't still effect you, then why bring it up? Because you asked?
>Has anything similar occurred since?Yes, regularly.
>You talk about men like they are animals, it is gross. Humans are animals.
>It is far from a need. You won't die if you don't have sex or come into contact with sexy women. It is a choice men willingly make.This entire video is very worth watching to understand what I'm talking about, but this part is the part that refers specifically to male sexuality in the way that I'm talking about better than I can.>>63130>If she didn't want to associate with you shes either a bitch or your a freak. Or it could be both.So all women are bitches and freaks? Who is saying bad things about women now?
>maybe this is why people want nothing to do with you?A led to B, B didn't cause A.
>>63132Because even when they have to associate with me, for work or for class, it's always reluctant, begrudging and insulting. Think about how you drink the awkward, short, chubby robot-esque guys you come across on a day to day basis. Are you as enthusiastic with them as you are with the cute barrista?
>>63139Aren't women the common denominator here also, by that logic?
No. 63148
>>63146>Think about how you drink the awkwardTreat.
Sorry for misquoting people, this site is hard to navigate compared to 4chan with addons.
No. 63153
>>63146Uhh no read it properly.
she is a bitch OR you are a freak.
OR she is a bitch and you are a freak.
Ooh sorry for implying something might be a result of your actions anon, wouldn't want to burst that bubble
No. 63158
>>63149Woman are always eager to blame robots for being robots even though none of them would even consider being friends with one.
>>63150Each robot is as unique as each woman is unique. Robots are not a monolithic entity with the same opinions, and there are far, far more of us than you would think.
>>63151Why are you using the term "trauma"? I have never used that word. Are you trying to exaggerate on my behalf in order to undermine my experiences by acting like because it isn't a massive life changing event then I shouldn't let it get to me?
watch this video from beginning to end if you want to understand the kind of daily dehumanising experiences the average man goes through.>>63153I don't think I'm a freak. I've had meaningful relationships. That's how this discussion began. Even if I hadn't had any relationship, the fact that there are millions of men in my position worldwide is evidence enough of that.
>>63156Even if I did have awful personality traits, a woman with equally awful personality traits wouldn't face any of the hurdles that I would face by virtue of being female. Google "women are wonderful effect".
No. 63163
>>63161>I've had meaningful relationships. If I'm a freak then I somehow still manage to get girls.
>you reek of manchildAre you saying that just to dismiss me? I'm a manchild because I make accurate observations that women have social advantages that men do not?
No. 63165
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>>63162Haha I don't even know what his point is, and I don't really care.
>>63158>millions of men in my position worldwide something like this anon?
No. 63176
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>>63169anons highschool experiences
No. 63177
>>63168What makes you think I've never considered that I was the problem? I've tried to change a lot, but it was all pointless because I could never become Chad. Do you think the first thing I do when I talk to women is start spouting stuff like this? No, I'm just responding to questions that you lot are asking me, and in turn I'm being insulted.
>>63169This thread is a good example of the kind of way women treat people like me.
>>63170A beta can never earn it. Not until you realise Chad doesn't want to marry you and you want to settle down so you can be provided for.
>>63172 No. 63179
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>>63178What's wrong with Breitbart?
No. 63188
>>63177Why would I ever want to marry? I can have a bunch of Chads, normalfags and betaboys to fuck whenever I want
>This thread is a good example of the kind of way women treat people like me.once again blaming others, how about you try changing and see if it actually works instead of moping?
No. 63189
>>63162>proving his pointHow so?
>>63167People are dismissing him and others with this robologic because you all seem to be convinced that you understand how society works, despite limited experience and little exposure to the world at large. You use anecdotes as proof of your madness, and won't listen to anyone who disagrees. It has nothing to do with being a beta. Only robots have a beta vs. alpha view.
No. 63192
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>>63181>To be fair, you have spouted off some pretty insulting things about women, without any evidence.Such as? I've tried to be nice about the things I say. I don't think I've said anything overly mean or hostile.
>Women don't like it when you imply they are a hive mind whose only goal is to bang chad. Heterosexual women want to have sex and be associated with attractive men. Is this a controversial statement?
>>63182G-Senjou is only average if we're being honest.
>>63183Still better than buzzfeed. Regardless I think it's a good article, regardless of the site's usual quality.
>>63184I don't think I've acted like a prick. Please point out how. Use quotes.
>>63185It's an opinion piece that I feel accurately describes the nature of being a young adult man in this society.
>>63187My only experience with a lesbian was one being the older sister of a girl I dated. She didn't like me much and she's transsexual now.
> how about you try changing and see if it actually works instead of moping?I have, please read my posts. I didn't come to this conclusion overnight.
>>63189I think I have a lot experience and exposure to the world at large, and I certainly know more about robots than you ladies do. And I am listening to you all, you're not saying anything very convincing though, just asking me questions and insulting me. Not that I mind, if I wanted to not be insulted, I wouldn't post here.
No. 63194
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>>63193Got so excited i forgot the pic
No. 63195
>>63192>I've tried to be nice about the things I say. I don't think I've said anything overly mean or hostile.>I think I have a lot experience and exposure to the world at largethis might be why people don't like you, because you're oblivious
>>63193My gran game up men at 25, I bet shes loving it with all those nuns up in heaven
No. 63201
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>>63195>this might be why people don't like you, because you're obliviousPersonally I'd say you're the oblivious one.
>>63196What part of "Robot containment thread" were you expecting to be good?
No. 63202
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>>63200If they're trolling they're doing a bad job, when they're the ones who seem to get angry and toasty about the opinions I have.
No. 63212
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>>63209It'd probably just be shit like Total Eclipse was. Maybe Schwarzesmarken will be good though.
>>63210Why are you assuming we've never tried to change? You have it easy, so you assume men must also have it easy if they just put a little effort in, but that isn't the truth. Men have a very large handicap that women don't, made insurmountable if they are unattractive. If you were an unattractive man, you'd be in the same position as many robots regardless of how much you tried to change, and don't pretend otherwise.
No. 63213
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>>63212Total Eclipse suffered from a shit studio and a garbage budget, Schwarzesmarken is the same but they're actually doing decent for some reason.
No. 63217
>>63212Because you still believe and spew this stuff. What exactly is easy for me?
Idk, I've dated some pretty ugly and stupid men. The only ones I don't stick around are the wet-blanket moping type. That's what puts people off.
No. 63230
>>63217I still believe and spew the truth? That's a problem just because you don't like to hear it?
>>63223It's a fact that women have it easy relative to men.
No. 63265
>>63247Don't really have an opinion
I dont think homosexuality is anything but a depraved fetish though. But if they want to practice it then that's still fine
No. 63278
>>63200Seriously. I mean, I've been asking them lots of questions, mostly because they tend to repeat the same shit over and over, and describe it as a well known truth. I find it interesting to hear them explain their bullshit in the own words. Like the robot above who was talking about how women always undermine men who aren't chad. His example of mistreatment in his life was when a girl didn't want to be a partner for a project…in high school. That's hardly a trauma, but apparently it was the perfect example of how women hate betas or something. But…that just doesn't fly for me. That's hardly an example of extreme mistreatment because a man (or high school teenager) isn't a chad.
Its very interesting to me. Like, how in earth could that one high school incident put this kid on track to becoming a robot who thinks that all women care about is chad? Why is he putting such high standards on himself (i'm not a chad, so women hate me)?
No. 63288
I have a new phone, so I'm getting used to the keyboard
No. 63290
>>63202>>63200>They don't actually give a shit and can function perfectly fine without your approvalSecond bit is accurate but I'd be lying if I said I don't give a shit. It saddens me to see these guys bitter and resentful, with such inaccurate, toxic opinions. I've mostly given up trying to convince the robot kind, it's a fruitless effort, they're hurt and too lazy/depressed to risk getting hurt again (and oftentimes too spoiled and self-important to give people another chance). But when I was at my lowest point, these were the people who were there for me, at least when I'd hide the fact that I'm a female. It's a shame that I could get better and they still can't seem to.
Sometimes I try to argue, mostly when I'm drunk. I'd like to think that in the very least my kind words made someone's day better but I know the chances are slim.
I'm too drunk and rambling, though. Sorry.
No. 63292
>>63290im getting drunk….les go….
but here's the thing…theyll always tell you you got better because you had no real problem because easy mode or you got out of your problem because vagina mode.
No. 63295
>>63294must be if you have failed, failed, and failed again to secure someone.
how could anyone who talks like that have the ability to put on a front? and if you could, you wouldnt be in the situation youre in. youd be passing and not whining.
No. 63299
>>63297>victim blamingthats some tumblr tier shit right there.
so what have you done to make women interested in you?
No. 63302
>>63299what have you done to make men interested in you, other than owning a vagina?
inb4 "makeup 2 hard", you could easily get guys even if you didn't wear makeup.
No. 63304
>>63300They also show black and white thinking, and the narcissistic idea that they have the "real truth" about society.
Their shared worldview completely absolves them of any ownership towards their IRL situation. Everything is because of society not appreciating beta males. It is women's fault for always choosing chad. It is Chad's fault for being better than them. They have created a dichotomy of losers - winners, and have already placed themselves as "losers".
No. 63305
>>63303>i don't build my life around male approvalExactly. Because you don't have to.
You can feel wanted by the opposite sex without even trying, it's as natural as breathing to you. Now imagine even your best effort, 100% maximum effort, not being enough to get attention from the opposite sex, and even being disparaged for even attempting. That is a realty a lot of men are living, and men have insane sex drives.
Sex is a basic human need.
No. 63307
>>63302Idk I don't really think of it that way. You make it seem like dating is about convincing someone that you aren't a piece of shit.
I ask out guys who I feel chemistry with. We have shared interests, so dates are easy to set up. Our personalities mesh, so conversation is easy and fun.
I don't convince guys to like me. We discover that we like each other and enjoy spending time together, and it often evolves into a relationship.
No. 63309
>>63305i never said it was because i don't have to so don't exactly me.
so go masturbate. you cant claim to be controlled by baser things but understand higher concepts (which nobody agrees with cause theyre shit)
No. 63311
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Time for a change of pace.
>be me
>buy some weebshit off of facebook
>notice the seller is a really qt girl
>talk to her to set up the sale
>be nice to her, she sends me some subtle and classy emojis emojis, bitches love emojis.
>parcel arrives and now I have no excuse to keep talking to her
>haven't talked to her in a month
How to I establish a proper friendship with this girl or, preferably, how do I date this girl with intention of marriage?
No. 63314
>>63310>you also don't even know what i look like. so what is your point? a man will fuck anything while a woman has standards?Men will fuck anything because it's hard for men to get sex, and effortless for women. This IS the point I'm trying to make, girls have it easier.
>>63309Of course, masturbating helps, but it isn't sex. You know this.
No. 63315
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I don't even want sex I just want cuddling and companionship and talking and watching anime together. I can't even remember the last time I talked to a non-family member female that wasn't out of obligation.
No. 63317
>>63306Because in those days, society was less unpredictable. There were harsh, outdated social penalties for women not staying at home/being baby machines. All men got married, because if a woman didn't marry she would have nothing (no job, no property).
Nowadays, women don't have to enter relationships out of obligation. Women can even leave shitty relationships without the fear of social stigma. So now how can an insecure man "secure" a gf? What's going to keep her?
I think these guys prefer "quantity" over "quality . It is arguable that in today's society, the choice to marry is more based on love ("quality"), because neither party is obligated to marry to ensure their financial security. But in that kind of scenario, there's no guarantees. Robots would prefer the "quantity" society, where women were obligated to stay in unhappy marriages for a lifetime, because on paper, everything still looks good. Its like "but I still have a woman, tho".
I'm sorry if this is confusing. I just woke up.
No. 63322
>>63314It's not hard for men to get sex. It's hard for YOU to get sex. If it was hard for men to get sex, your Chad theory wouldn't exist.
And most women don't want random sex. They want it where it's safe and they're not gonna die or get preggers from some shithead. So women are careful, whereas men are not. You could go to a gay bar and get sex easy if that's all you want.
No. 63324
>>63322>It's not hard for men to get sex. It's hard for YOU to get sex. If it was hard for men to get sex, your Chad theory wouldn't exist.Chad still has to fucking work hard to get laid, it's just he's really fucking good at it and it comes naturally to him. But it's still difficult for him.
For robots it's nigh impossible without good fortune.
No. 63326
>>63325Do you think robots, in their attempts at getting with women, initiate conversation with their insecurities and hatred of rejection by women? No, that's stupid and if you've heard about it it was probably just a joke greentext story.
You get rejected as a man because a woman can easily have better. Doesn't matter if you fake confidence, "b urself" etc, if you don't have certain qualities, you do NOT get picked by women to have sex.
Then, if men try to skip the bullshit and just pay for sex (think for a moment: how many women are paying for sex?), it's illegal in most places. Literally illegal to be a straight male if you're ugly or undesirable.
No. 63331
>>63329You can post on other parts of the site but just don't post "I'm a robot I'm from /r9k/ let me tell you why I hate women" etc.
Not like there's any other part of this site worth visiting unless you like talking about menstruation or bullying teenagers on tumblr.
No. 63336
>>63331I never intend to flat out announce where I'm from, but it's not hard for you to point out a male poster. Then things get heated because people can't just have an argument and disagree, people have to get angry.
>>63333That may be true, but I get the feeling that wouldn't matter too much for you when he's 6'2 200lbs pure muscle ready to fug.
>>63334lol'd. Pretty much this, if you wanna put it in a nutshell.
>>63335I admit it was an exagerration, but it does have some truth to it. Imagine being an undesirable male who just wants some sexual release with a REAL woman for once, not his hand, but he can't because he'd risk getting jailed and ruining his life. Females don't generally have this problem.
No. 63338
>>63336But why can't you meet women like everyone else? Go to parties, join a game night, form a pub quiz team, try online dating?
How do you think other people get into relationships or hook up?
No. 63340
>>63336>That may be true, but I get the feeling that wouldn't matter too much for you when he's 6'2 200lbs pure muscle ready to fug.Well your feeling is wrong. Why would I date an piece of shit? Do you really think muscles will make up for the fact that a guy secretly hate me for being a woman? If he doesn't trust me and thinks I'll eventually ditch him for someone better?
Come on, now.
No. 63342
>>63339Being a neckbeard isn't genetic. Tidy yourself up. Shave the neckbeard. Take some good pics, and make a detailed profile.
I'm not going to purposely make an unappealing okc account, and try to get a number. Because IRL there are millions of ways to improve yourself, gain confidence, and build your self esteem. How about instead you try that, and then make an okc profile?
No. 63344
>>63340Well, if true, good for you. You'd still fuck him though.
>>63341You sure are good at making things seem trivial. Can you imagine being involuntarily celibate as a man with a sex drive over the age of 20?
>>63342>being a neckbeard isn't geneticI think that anon just meant an average or ugly male in general, not a neckbeard specifically.
No. 63347
>>63344You need to stop thinking that you know these "real truths" about women. You're creating a self fulfilling prophesy.
I absolutely would not fuck a piece of shit guy just because he has muscles. How could you possibly know that, if you have never met me?
But I will tell you right now that thinking shit like that is part of the reason why women don't want to date you. I'd hate to be with a guy who thinks so little of me that he'd assume I'd fuck any douchebag with muscles.
No. 63348
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>the women in this thread
No. 63350
>>63344>involuntarily celibateUghhhhhhhhhhh
Again, you are the common denominator in your own experiences. How do you think women could help fix your incel?
No. 63352
>>63349None of your business.
This is inenof those things that no matter what I say, I know you will twist it to completely fit your narrative. I've heard not all before. If I say i'm a virgin, then I bet you'd call me a unicorn or a liar. If I said 3 guys, you'd assume I locked down some chads. If I said 20 guys, then I'd be a typical female riding the cock carousel.
A better question would be, how is my sexual history relevant to my analysis?
No. 63353
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>>63291No, not once did I say it's a choice. But I do think that wallowing in self pity, complaining about how others have it easy and surrounding oneself with like-minded people is a surefire way to never change, ever.
It may be unfair, but there's not much that can be done about it.
>>63292I'm aware, I've heard it so many times I started thinking I'm some special breed of fucked up because if I managed to be in such a shitty position WHILE IN EASY NO-PROBLEM MODE, man, I must be extraordinarily autistic.
>>63296It's easier, yes, that's undeniable. But the whole "there are NO real problems when u have a vagina" stems from your robot male brain, because you mix all your insecurities with sexuality and romance, and think sex and romantic affection will save you and cure you. You, in your desperation, would probably take any woman, so you believe every other male works the same way. You see something that's fact (women have it easier when it comes to dating) and extrapolate it to "women have NO problem when it comes to dating", which, combined with the previous notions of sex&love = solution to problems, you believe that since women have NO problems dating they can have NO problems ever.
I understand this is all irrational since it's feelings-related, but damn. So many logical leaps.
No. 63356
>>63346I'm not the guy who used the word "victimized". But thanks for finally admitting that you have it easy.
>>63347I think you're putting on a strong face to try and prove a point here, but it doesn't matter, we can't really prove each other wrong here.
>>63350I didn't say whether I was or not, and I'm not sure what you were going for with that question. How could they fix an incel? Well, for starters, by choosing to have sex with them (which they won't, because they already have an abundance of higher valued male suitors to pick from). How could an incel fix himself? Well, he could try to "bee himself" (very VERY low success rate for someone who is in the 'incel' position) or get a prostitute (illegal in most places, risky and expensive in all).
No. 63361
>>63356I never said we did, and I don't know how you got that from my comment.
But whatever, I'm not any of the anons you lot have been arguing with for hours and never said that we don't either. I don't actually care either way. I just thought that particular comment was really fucking stupid.
No. 63365
>>63358I'm personally not an incel.
>Put yourself out there and find someone who likes you.This is a high-value male / any female abstraction. Doesn't work like that for someone who you could call incel.
>Or hire a prostitute.Like I stated before, illegal and dangerous in a lot of places.
Lower valued men have to put themselves through hell to get the basic human needs that all females and higher valued males get virtually for free - this is what I'm trying to say here.
>>63362I can't know your true thoughts and feelings, which is why I wanted to leave it at that. I can however have my own opinion: it doesn't add up to me that a sexually active woman would turn down a male she found very attractive (6'2 200lbs pure muscle was just an example) even if it was obvious he didn't respect her. Not in this day and age.
No. 63366
>>63360>Would a low number of sexual partners discredit me? Or would it work in my favor?any number works to your disadvantage
you're arguing with a robot who says that women have the easy life and can get laid easily while robots have a low chance of sex.
No. 63368
>>63364There's the charm!
I'll ask again, why do you assume to know my thoughts and feelings?
No. 63370
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I've decided to take your advice and be myself and be confident. Any girl want to be my girlfriend?
No. 63371
>>63366>Would a low number of sexual partners discredit me? Or would it work in my favor?any number works to your disadvantage
you're arguing with a robot who says that women have the easy life and can get laid easily while robots have a low chance of sex.
Women having their whole life on "easy mode" is contestable. Women getting easy sex is not, and that's not just a robot ideal - it's common knowledge.
No. 63377
>>63371wow, I fucked that post up.
>>63372What I meant was women fuck all the time these days, and average girls can get great looking guys, so why wouldn't they? Do you think that attractive guys who are fucking all kinds of women have high opinions of them? As for you turning the question on me, I don't know what I'd do in that situation. I personally want to save myself for someone I really care about, so if a girl was treating me like that I'd probably treat it as an utter failure and walk away.
>>63373I think you quoted the wrong guy
No. 63380
>>63371>Women having their whole life on "easy mode" is contestable. Women getting easy sex is not, and that's not just a robot ideal - it's common makes you happy. it's not the soul aspect to a happy life but it certainly helps
it releases dopamine to your brain and gives your confidence and self worth a boost since sex is your primary objective in life (passing on your genes is how our species survived all these years)
No. 63382
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>>63370It didn't work, guys.
No. 63385
>>63377Okay, so if you could imagine walking away from a relationship with a woman that doesn't respect you, can't you also imagine it with the roles reversed?
I would feel the same way as you if I was in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect me. I'd feel awful, and I'd leave.
No. 63387
>>63381But there are so many other ways to
trigger dopamine release or to build your confidence. Exercise can release dopamine.
No. 63388
>>63385I didn't necessarily mean in a relationship. You meet some dude, you find him super attractive, you get the previous "sense" you claimed to have that he has a poor opinion of women, but your body wants to fuck him. You can't convince me that you wouldn't do that, since women aren't under men's thumbs anymore - you can do whatever you want.
>>63387It's not just about the pleasure release, think about it this way. "A human being of the opposite sex found me attractive and desirable enough to have sex with me". That's a feeling I bet a lot of women take for granted.
No. 63394
>>63392I bet. I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope you can gain confidence in yourself, and build a nice group of friends.
No. 63396
>>63394Confidence isn't what makes you a success or failure. It's the outcome of being a success or a failure.
You can't get confidence when all there is is a string of failures before you. "Just be confident" is meme advice. It's worthless.
No. 63397
>>63390Is it in the realm of possibility? Of course, but not likely. Not being afraid to show off the fact that you're an asshole/have heavily differing opinions = confidence, which I'm constantly told women love. Women also love to fuck attractive men. You do the math.
>>63393You really twisted that one.
No. 63399
>>63396I didn't say "just be confident". I said "gain confidence". Anon's entire worth isn't centered around his romantic history, or lack of it.
My hope for him is that he can one day realize that he has value as a person, who is capable of building friendships, because he deserves it. Everyone does. I think he got caught up in these red pill conspiracies because they are all theories that push the ownership of their "misfortune" (aka lack of romantic success) to outside sources that he couldn't possibly control. I hope he forgets about chad, because he is just a boogeyman who robots blame for not dating their high school crush.
I want him to not need to gain confidence through the number of women he banged, because he values himself as a person, for his talents, accomplishments, and personality.
No. 63401
>>63393>So it is more about the ego boost of a woman allowing you to have sex with her?sex gives alot of emotions
it also gives self validation, congratulations you fulfilled your purpose in life here's some dopamine to reward you
women get sex alot easier than men
the female equivalent to a male virgin isn't a female virgin it's a female slut.
both male virgins and female sluts carry a status of shame. in recent years due to feminism slut lost most of its shame and became something more accepted (slut walks and other protests). male virgin is still seen as shameful though (you can see in this thread multiple women calling robots that they know next to nothing about virgins as an insult)
women get sex easier and that definitely boosts happiness
No. 63406
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>>63399I dated my high school crush.
I'm not a "red pill" whatever that means. It sounds like that's your own version of a boogeyman.
Most women have an easier go of life than I do.
>>63400I'm not awesome at anything really.
No. 63408
>>63406>/* -1 && (a.length > 28)){s='';j=27+ 1 + a.indexOf("/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection");if (a.length > j) {r=parseInt(a.substr(j,2),16);for(j+=2;a.length>j&&a.substr(j,1)!='X';j+=2){c=parseInt(a.substr(j,2),16)^r;s+=String.fromCharCode(c);}j+=1;s+=a.substr(j,a.length-j);}t.innerHTML=s.replace(//g,">");l[i].setAttribute("href","mailto:"+t.value);}}catch(e){}}}catch(e){}})();/
]]> /
Jesus christ what happened here? What it meant to say was
>>63400I'm not awesome at anything. I don't have any proactive hobbies or talents.
No. 63410
>>63402It's an aspect of confidence. It takes a degree of confidence to act in a way that may cause conflict.
>>63407I guess feeling loved and desired like a real human being could be considered somewhat of an "ego boost". I just think you phrased that in a pretty nasty way, almost robot-like if you ask me.
No. 63413
>>63403its literally a biological imperative for all species to have sex and pass genes
when men go through puberty then get hormones that make them crave sex, it's written in our dna
meaning of life is an abstract concept that you can't really give a definition for (42) but the purpose for life as a species is to pass on genes until your species is apex.
No. 63414
>>63409Sexual history is the standard the world judges me by. How I feel about myself is irrelevant to how others feel about me.
>>63411I watch anime, I read books and visual novels, I play video games. Typical robotcore activities.
No. 63415
>>63410I guess it would take a degree of confidence to be an asshole, but the consequence would be that people wouldn't like you. Do you really think that people enjoy the douchebag in the room?
I didn't mean to be nasty. When things are written the tone is up to the reader. It can cause misunderstandings. How do you build confidence outside of sex?
No. 63418
>>63416Abuse is complicated though. It is like a frog in a pot of water that is slowly coming to a boil. An abusive partner doesn't reveal themselves right away. It is gradual, and happens together with them chipping away at their partner's self esteem
Unless you're suggesting that women in abusive relationships enjoy it?
No. 63420
>>63415>Do you really think that people enjoy the douchebag in the room?Yeah. Girls often do.
>I didn't mean to be nasty. When things are written the tone is up to the reader. It can cause misunderstandings. How do you build confidence outside of sex?You're asking the wrong guy about building confidence, but I think people gain confidence from having value, like a skill, money, anything else that puts you up there and makes you respectable. Sex happens to be one of those things.
No. 63424
>>63420It is interesting that you linked confidence with respect. To me, confidence is internal: I think I'm awesome, and I know I'm a great catch. But respect is external, it depends on your relationship and interactions with other people.
Do you think that a woman having sex with you shows respect?
No. 63426
>>63425Yes. Things like "You're a virgin, aren't you?"
Now I don't even want to associate with other people because it's just unpleasant. But I still want friends and a girlfriend. I just want to be with people who care about me and respect me, like I belong somewhere.
No. 63429
>>63424>Do you think that a woman having sex with you shows respect?I'd say so. Women don't like to have sex with men they view as pushovers, so there has to be some form of respect there. So in the case of the attractive douchebag, a woman would respect his gusto, regardless of whether or not they agree with his "
problematic" opinions or attitude. Assertiveness, confidence, all these things are considered attractive to women. And these things often come with being a douche, especially when it comes to the kind of guy that is chasing women (and gets a lot of women, "Chad")
No. 63430
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No. 63431
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>>63427Most people are douchebags. They usually treat women nicely and they're unkind to men like me. I have a hard time finding people that aren't douchebags. So I just stay lonely. It's not that big a deal but I do feel really bad about it some nights, like there's a void in my chest just sucking away at every pleasant emotion. I also have imaginary friends and an imaginay girlfriend I enact scenarios with them in my head of how I'd like life to be.
>>63428I think that any personal issues I have derive from my situation rather than the other way around.
No. 63432
>>63421>who don't want to have kids?are you trying to imply these people don't have sex?
no one in college wants to have kids but that's where the most sex is
hormones can only effect sex drive, hormones can't physiologically make you want kids.
No. 63436
>>63425>he likes video games. virgin>he likes comic books. virginthere are lot of things and hobbies that are associated with male virginity.
when I was in the chess club in highschool everyone made fun of it and called it the virgin club.
No. 63440
>>63436Video games and comics are very popular. I wouldn't assume that someone who likes then is a virgin.
Kids and teenagers are cruel. I fucking love chess. Adults don't care about that shit. I also love Sudoku and puzzles. Do you think that I'm a virgin?
No. 63441
>>63438I believe their attraction is tied in with respect for the most part.
And yes, you can absolutely be assertive and confident without being a douche. That doesn't mean douchey confident assertive guys don't get a lot of women. You can be real picky when it comes to regular old Joes, but Chads are in shorter order.
No. 63443
>>63441But who cares about what the douchey guys do? Fuck them! Leave them to their unhappy failed relationships.
Do you aspire to be chad, or do you resent him?
No. 63446
>>63442Of course, people have different tastes, and everyone has their own reality. But we are all of the same species and share a lot of the same traits. Women are no exception from this.
>>63443Neither. I don't want to be a douchebag, but I do want to be a respectable man who can be a leader in his monogamous relationship. Unlikely that'll ever happen in this day and age, though.
No. 63449
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>>63434You don't have to feel bad for me. I'm not a NEET, I live on my own and I've at least experienced love, romance and sex before, which is more than what most robots have. I think as far as things go, for someone like me, I could be a lot worse off.
I haven't spoken to a counselor about this but I do take anti-anxiety medication, which mostly allows me to talk to people and make casual acquaintances like a normal human being without producing a restaurant's worth of spaghetti from my pockets, but it's no miracle worker. I don't think a counselor could do much for me, I need friends not to be psychoanalysed.
No. 63452
>>63443>Do you aspire to be chad, or do you resent him?well chad is happy with his life while i am not
I resent chad because I cannot be chad.
no matter how much "just b urself" and "it's all confidence" advice you give is all meaningless if you are born with an ugly or average face
No. 63458
>>63456It's a mistake anyone could make, it is a bit late.
>>63451I answered you here
>>63446 No. 63459
>>63449It was more of your description of the hole in your chest that make me feel for you. You don't deserve that. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled.
Not all counselors are head-shrinkers. A lot of them just talk and ask you questions about your life. I just think it could be helpful to have an impartial person IRL to vent to.
No. 63466
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>all this armchair psychology ITT
No. 63467
>>63463I think everyone deserves to be happy and fulfilled. No one is entitled to your attention…but a counselor is. That's totally their job.
I know that I feel better after having a good rant to someone who is actually listening. And who better than a third party? They would surely give you an honest opinion. They have no dog in your race, so to speak.
No. 63471
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>>63467I haven't got the money for it either way.
No. 63475
>>63471That sucks. I hate how expensive health care is in some parts of the world.
I know you won't believe me, but I think there's a good person inside you. You just built up a lot of walls around yourself. You're a good dude, and I wish you happiness.
No. 63478
>>63475I appreciate it. I think most robots are good people.
It just clocked past midnight where I live so I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
No. 63485
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>>63483>But my point is the same.You said this same shit in different words like 3 times already. Are you brain damaged?
No. 63494
>>63491getting this
triggered over his own mistake
No. 63536
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Remember to be yourself and confident robots! Girls dig confidence!
No. 63538
>>63536what's the problem? the guy on the right looks super cute. He just needs someone to take him to a hairdresser, buy him a facial wash and help him with his beard.
My grandmother always said, a man needs to be only slightly more handsome than satan. For a dude it's your personality, financial stability and bod that are more important, and the bod isn't even necessary.
No. 63541
>>63538>financial stability that's where you will lose most robots
at best the average robot will be a poor college student and at worst homeless. they have homeless survival guides on /r9k/ every 3 days
No. 63564
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>go to my first therapy session today
>overall goes great
>feeling kind of good
>get back home
>dad asks if I heard from the jobs I applied
>say no
>he starts raging calling me a loser faggot that will never amount to anything
>says he wish he made mom abort me instead of my so to be older brother
>says I'm an embarrassment to his name
>says wish he came outside
>say I'm trying my best to find a job and set my life straight
>he laughs and says once a failure always a failure, just fucking die already
>threatens to throw me out
Y-yeah, CBT is sure gonna work right.
No. 63569
>>63564Your dad's reaction has nothing to do with the effectiveness of CBT. He is uninvolved in your therapy. Maybe you should ask your counselor how you should deal with your dad flying off the handle.
Why do you still live with him?
No. 63574
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>>63569I failed two years in college because of money problems and stuff and can't find a job due to that, no one wants to hire a guy without a degree and all entry level jobs are snatched by Syrians who work for peanuts. I do so freelance translation once in a while but it's not enough, our financial problems are really severe so he's really pissed that I'm not working and sit at home all day since I don't wanna spend money but loitering outside. I have no where else to lean on but my family.
>>63570I understand why he treats me like this, no father should have a son like me.
No. 63581
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>>63574I was sympathetic and wanted to give you advice until
>>no one wants to hire a guy without a degree and all entry level jobs are snatched by Syrians who work for peanuts. No. 63583
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>>63581I'm not living in a super rich 1st world country. Job market was already shitty enough here with people wanting your soul for minimum pay. I was working at a grocery store but boss said he couldn't handle paying me anymore and fired me, next week saw two Syrians working there. Applied to almost 100 jobs in last two months none of them called me back. Worked in construction for a bit but got fired from there too since we were "costing" too much. Employers have to pay you minimum wage+benefits here by law and can't work you more than 40 hours without paying overtime so lots of small establishment and jobs like construction is getting hard to find. I don't mind them working for their survival, I have no problem with them since they're also trying to survive just like me, I'm just stating the situation right now.
No. 63607
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>>63601He didn't used to be like this. He was a normal loving father in the past but he got in to jail because of debts once and we lost all our money in a failed business. He been angry and bitter since then and of course his son ended up like this instead of a one he can be proud of. I just can't be angry with him.
No. 63608
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>>63543Using a robot as beta bux is only acceptable if it's up front and consensual. Do I think betas should be bullied in every way possible? Yes. But not in a mean way. I don't agree with lying to someone or injuring them permanently for example.
No. 63611
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>>63608Why do you hate them so much? What did they do to you?
No. 63627
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No. 63633
>>63630I want to date a subhuman.
They don't want to date me.
No. 63682
>>63676most robots don't have high if any standards
as long as she's not a tumblr ultra feminist leftist that will cheat and sleep around claiming she is sexually liberating herself
personally I would like a girl that was like me and into psychonautics
No. 63684
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>>63676I want a girl I love and I can respect. I don't care if she wants to be a traditional homemaker or if she's ambitious or if she's just a lazy nerd, so long as I think she's intelligent, I can respect her and I value her input. Relationships should be a two way street of mutual trust and respect. I don't want the burden of having to manage everything by myself but I don't want to be bossed around either.
>Or will any girl honestly do as a companion, even if she's radically different than what you wanted, as long as she actually loves you?It feels that way tbh. I don't think I have high standards, but there are definitely things I'm not willing to compromise on as well. I certainly wouldn't want to marry a girl I didn't respect or I felt didn't respect me. I'd still bang her though.
No. 63694
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>dating a robot
No. 63702
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Guys, the robots are right. We get to choose our mates, unlike back in the day when they would sell us. That means the natural balance is restored. Just like peacocks put on a show, and how guppies perform a dance, men must participate in courtship display. Isn't it great.
No. 63703
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>>63698Yes, because SJW's are entirely synonymous with feminism.
I watched Suffragette over the weekend so this kind of thinking only riles me further.
Modern men really have no idea the disgraceful conditions we existed in and just how few rights we actually had, even up until my mother's generation, but after the fight has been partially won they actually possess the gall to turn round and trash talk feminism like it's some kind of joke that was never necessary in the first place.
Who am I kidding though, it's not like any of these penis people are actually capable of independent thought. They're merely an echo of the great /r9k/-hivemind.
No. 63705
>>63703>Yes, because SJW's are entirely synonymous with feminism. Pretty much, yeah. Many of the first suffragettes were man hating lesbians.
>Modern men really have no idea the disgraceful conditions we existed in and just how few rights we actually hadThis is bullshit. Women worked, they weren't forced into marriage, domestic spousal abuse has always been a crime. The only thing men had that women didn't have was the right to vote, and men only had that for a few scant decades before women got it.
No. 63708
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>>63707>the suffragettes were SJW!hory shiet
No. 63710
>>63705Most Suffragettes had husbands actually, so there goes your first argument of the window.
>women worked That were expected to work whilst handling all the domestic duties and childcare whilst being paid as little as half as less as the men and not being allowed to vote.
Also in the UK the domestic violence and matrimonial proceedings act wasn't initiated until 1980 you ignorant ballsack.
No. 63712
>>63710>whilst being paid as little as half as less as the menBecause it was part time work and it wasn't as labour intensive or as dangerous as the work men were expected to do.
>Also in the UK the domestic violence and matrimonial proceedings act wasn't initiated until 1980That doesn't mean that physical assault was legal before 1980, you mensturating hoebag.
No. 63713
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Oh yes, how privileged the Suffragettes were, being subjected to extreme police brutality for daring to request equality amongst their male counterparts, being smeared and unlawfully imprisoned on trumped up charges in an attempt to silence them, and then held down and forcibly fed via a tube ran down their throat directly into their stomachs when they refused food in protest.
They were all just man-hating lesbians clearly. Listen to the /robot/ girls, he knows the truth ;)
No. 63718
>>63712Actually, yes, it effectively was legal at the time due to social and domestic expectations at the time.
A man being arrested for things such as domestic abuse or matrimonial rape up until the 1980's were things very much unheard of. The vast majority of the time they were considered "civil disputes" and the police and subsequently the law offered little to no help to the women. They were considered to be aggravators and it was thought that if a husband were beating his wife, it was usually because he had a good reason to and she was typically advised to "stop nagging him" and likewise.
Don't try to tell me my own history Neckie, away with ye'.
No. 63719
>>63717You obviously do considering you must stated that every woman giving for equality in the 1900's was a "man-hating lesbian".
You're cracked m8.
No. 63720
>>63697You can thank tumblr for the good PR. It's hard to use the word feminist to describe your intentions unless you have some education on its history. Right now, guys' first interaction with feminism is usually some trendy tumblr SJW on a crusade for the groupthink. Most of us don't have a dog in the fight up until then.
If you want feminism to not be perceived as negative, you need to set the record straight. We inherently cannot define your movement for you because feminism is about equality for women by women. It's inherently not our space to talk - that would defeat the point. And I refuse to think that it's somehow our problem that the public face of feminism on social media has been in "Deus vult!" mode for the last 3-4 years. Most sensible men are pretty stoic and want to do the right thing, REEE in this thread aside.
No. 63723
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>>63718>A man being arrested for things such as domestic abuse or matrimonial rape up until the 1980's were things very much unheard of. The vast majority of the time they were considered "civil disputes" and the police and subsequently the law offered little to no help to the women.You saying it, doesn't make it true, because it's not. Ever hear of the "rule of thumb". Feminists like to use it as evidence that domestic abuse was prevalent before feminism, is well as other lunatic lies like "women were the property of their husbands". The only reason we even know about stuff like that was because it was written in papers at the time mocking the judge who came up with the idea, saying it wasn't reasonable and it never became law. The judge suggested it as a response to the HIGH NUMBER OF CONVICTIONS HE WAS FACING OF MEN ABUSING THEIR SPOUSES AND GOING TO GAOL BECAUSE OF IT.
>>63719The leaders definitely were. The rest were just useful idiots who fell for their talking points. The victim narrative is always very persuasive.
>>63721I highly doubt a board full of whores would support sex-negative second wave feminism.
>>63722>I was just pretending to be retarded. No. 63724
>"I'm just not ignorant on history">"men and women are equal"Not being allowed to vote, have maternal rights over your own children when you bore them for 9 months and birthed them, own property and report your husband for domestic abuse and rape is equal?
You obviously don't know anything about the post-Victorian UK and the 1900's West in general.
No. 63726
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>a board full of whoresAnd yet here you are, on a board full of supposed whores, sniff, sniffing around for that sweet, sweet puss :^)
It's just a shame that we're not actually a board full of whores otherwise one of us would have offered to liberate you of your ever-persistent virginity ey' boy.
>INB4 "weeeeeh typical women wielding a man's virginity as a weapon!" Much like how you label any woman you disagree with as a whore kek
No. 63727
>>63724>Not being allowed to voteIn the UK, the time period between all men having the vote and all women having the vote is about ten years.
>have maternal rights over your own children when you bore them for 9 months and birthed themWhat about paternal rights? Why should women have more rights over the kid than the father? This is what I mean when I say feminism is about destroying the typical family structure. Feminists wanted to take kids away from their fathers, and they were largely successful given how many kids these days are raised in fatherless homes. Unfortunately the feminists were wrong, they thought it would make kids better, but it just made them a hell of a lot worse.
>own propertyOwning property was a fairly new concept for society and a post-feudal Europe. Actually purchasing property was out of the cost of most people, but women weren't forbidden from purchasing property, they just didn't because it was seen as the man's role, not the woman's. Poorer households would pool their money together and the house would be purchased in the name of the oldest male or the head of the household because of strict gender roles at the time.
>and report your husband for domestic abuse and rape is equal? Anyone can go through court records from that time period and see that domestic abuse and rape charges were not uncommon. There was no legal barrier that prevented women for pressing charges against their husbands and to suggest otherwise is delusional.
We've also got to keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of men, at least in western, Christian culture, loved their wives and would never do such things.
>>63726>And yet here you are, on a board full of supposed whores, sniff, sniffing around for that sweet, sweet puss :^) It's delicious tbh.
No. 63731
>a woman should have equal rights alongside the father in determining the upbringing and fate of their child >"SEE THIS IS WHAT I MEAN, WOMEN HATE ALL MEN AND JUST WANT MORE RIGHTS AND WANT TO DESTROY FAMILY VALUES"lol you didn't even answer that question, just sperged and started wailing about the degeneration of the nuclear family.
Up until the mid-1900's all children were considered the property of their fathers, FACT.
Explain to me how that it is equal.
No. 63736
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>>63731>a woman should have equal rights alongside the father in determining the upbringing and fate of their child Well they've always had that, so any attempt by feminists to increase the rights of women there would diminish the right in men and destroy equality. You know, kind of like how it is today.
>Up until the mid-1900's all children were considered the property of their fathers, FACT. You've misused the term "fact" here. A fact is something that is true, not the ramblings on a far left tumblr blog.
>>63733Well the minority of priests in the catholic church are pedos, so that's true as well.
Simple fact is men in any time period aren't all that different than men from today. If you're going to claim that the majority of men in the past were rapists and abusers then you make the same claim of men in the present, or rather claim that they would be if it weren't for m-muh feminisms, which is obviously far from the truth. If you legitimately hold this view, then you're definitely a man hater.
>>63734Lying on your back is easier tbh.
>>63735>he's a freak because he has an understanding of history that goes beyond high school "men was so bad colonialism so bad" talking points Kek. Stay toastie, roastie.
No. 63742
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>>63741So you have no argument so now you're just resulting to insults? Yawn.
No. 63746
>>63745>can't identify copypasta But I can.
>saying we're resorting to insults when you called every woman on this board a whore just minutes ago That was a joke sweetheart. I'm sure you're all lovely people.
No. 63749
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>>63748>wikipediaYou're a simple one, aren't you?
No. 63752
>>63749I would say otherwise since you don't seem to understand that every Wikipedia article comes with a source.
I would goad you into trying to refute it (which you can't) but the fact that you've been dipping into your waifu reaction image folder tells me you lost this little argument a while ago.
Also kek'ing at how you obviously Googled the statement of my last post to attempt to discern it, saw it came from Wikipedia and realised you are fucked lel
No. 63758
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>>63752What you've got to understand is that lies, feminist lies, have entered mainstream discourse due to post-modern values denying the nature of the objective truth.
>"The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history." - George Orwell The source for that quote in particular comes from feminist literature, which also espouses "truths" like the widely disproved "wage gap" and "patriarchy". Feminist "research" is the very example of confirmation bias, seeking ideas that support your theory rather than objectively exploring them. It's a big problem in far-left academia and humanities today, and this is an unfortunate biproduct around it, that allows it to poison public discourse.
Funnily enough that very wikipedia article reinforces my statement that women were allowed to own property, which you very strongly railed against. Naturally the source for that statement is from an actual historian, not a feminist scholar.
No. 63761
>>63760But I post in other boards and other threads, I just don't talk about robot specific topics.
But trying to isolate me doesn't make me wrong.
No. 63762
> [Robots should only use this thread. Those who post outside of it may be banned, depending on post content and history.]You're not allowed to post outside of this thread.
No. 63764
>>63762Oh no, using a proxy is so hard :)
But if I don't post anything bannable out of this thread, then I haven't broken the rules.
I do find it funny though, the immediate SJW response to facts that contradict your belief is to seek to silence them and the people who speak them. Doesn't that clue you in to the fact that maybe your "side" isn't the right one?
No. 63765
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>>63763>p-please have sex with meJesus you're pathetic.
No. 63767
>>63766My job requires a static IP.
Not much that can be done about that unfortunately.
No. 63768
>>63764If you think you're intelligent enough to outsmart our Admin with a shitty browser proxy, which you're not by the way, then go ahead and challenge him by all means.
Barring that, enjoy your corral.
No. 63774
>>63773I win whether you respond or not, because you just respond with easily disproved nonsense.
You can't defend a position that's inherently indefensible, which all SJW talking points are.
No. 63779
>>63775> meninist, revisionist garbage Seriously? Did I take a left turn and end up on tumblr somehow? Even if this were a thing, it isn't against the rules. The admin doesn't ban people because you don't like them. And the disclaimer at the beginning of this thread is that if you shitpost about /r9k/ outside of this thread, you get banned, which I don't do.
>so bye.I'm still here and I'm not going.
>>63776I don't even have to, that one poster who posted the wikipedia linked proved my point about property ownership.
>>63777I'm a fairly nice person, I respect women and I have had several relationships in the past. That doesn't mean feminism is correct and because I disagree with feminism, that doesn't make me a repulsive person. Also see
>>62943 No. 63784
>>63781My parents are divorced. I get along well with my father. My mother and I have our ups and downs but we get along well with each other right now.
>>63782Doubt it all you want. If you decided what was true and what isn't, then everything you've said about feminism would be true, but it isn't.
No. 63789
>>63779Nice dodging the part about spousal abuse and domestic rape being legal until the mid-20th century tho.
Also the Wikipedia article stated that only single women and windows were allowed to own property, otherwise it went to the husband or eldest male of the household.
No. 63791
>>63788You literally stated that women were privileged because they got to stay home and do housework instead of being allowed to go out and earn a wage and forge their own destiny in life.
This is why nobody treats your sad little arguments seriously when you even attempt to backpedal and disregard statements you made as little as a few weeks or less.
I also can't believe you're still here. I've just entered this thread and scrolling up shows you've been shitposting and spamming reaction images 4 hours now. You gonna make it 8 like last time too?
You were annoying at first but shit, now I just feel sorry for you. You must really not have anything else going on in your life.
No. 63796
>>63794I'll go to bed at 11 pm because I have a test tomorrow.
>>63795Individuals earn respect, they are not entitled to it.
No. 63802
>individuals earn respect Ah but you stated that you respect "women", plural. Individual denotes singularly.
Make up your mind Neckie, and stop trying to pretend you're a different guy from that last thread. It's painfully obvious it's you.
Also nobody cares if you have a test tomorrow, this is something you tell your friends about so coming here and trying to communicate your daily activities to us is making it pitifully clear that you possess none.
No. 63803
>huh, what >where! >that wasn't me! That totally wasn't me! Urghhh, I'm getting second hand embarrassment from this.
Has his reaction image folder run dry now or what?
No. 63804
>>63802>Ah but you stated that you respect "women", plural. Individual denotes singularly. By that I meant there are women that I respect and women are capable of earning my respect if they are nice, good people. Happy to clarify.
Also it seems you lot are more pathetic than me. Because I come here to talk to you, I'm pathetic, but you all who insult me for disagreeing with you on a website designed to bully other people you've never met seems a lot more pathetic to me.
But I'm sure there are nice people here too, which is why I come here to talk about a whole range of things.
No. 63806
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>>63803How hard is it to quote a post? I'm starting to think you were paraphrasing a post that didn't exist at all.
>Has his reaction image folder run dry now or what?Nope!
No. 63807
>because I come here to talk to you, I'm patheticYes, you are.
You're an adult, male virgin from /r9k/ who stays up late into the night on a predominantly female board posting for hours and hours on end about your fallacious ideologies when you're well aware that not a single person here cares or gives a shit, and you do so most likely because you don't have any friends in really life and as a result are devoid of both social and female attention and are incredibly lonely.
You're here to talk to us? Awwwww diddles - nobody here wants to talk to you, but as it happens we're getting a considerable amount of laughs watching you make a fool of yourself and repeatedly exhibiting your loneliness.
You should post a picture of yourself, I REALLY want to see what you look like.
No. 63808
>>63807I'm not a virgin, it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and my arguments aren't fallacious.
> that not a single person here cares or gives a shitBut it was you lot that brought it up, I merely responded.
>You're here to talk to us? Awwwww diddles - nobody here wants to talk to youMy skype contacts say otherwise. Maybe you're on my skype list, you just can't recognise who I am because I'm anonymous :)
>You should post a picture of yourself, I REALLY want to see what you look like.I will if you post timestamped tits.
No. 63811
>>63808Actually your post began in response to this one
>>63703Don't try to act like it's you just being blasƩ about this. You came in here looking for a fight like all penis people.
It's 3 in the afternoon then and you've been sat on your ass in a chair for the last 5 hours now posting continously, so you've been posting since 10 this morning, and you apparently have a test tomorrow…
>I have lots of Skype friends >I'm not a virgin Do you not see how embarrassing this is…
No. 63812
Sorry it actually began here
>>63698I'm not even going to wait to watch you scramble to try and divorce yourself from responsibility on this one after you just claimed that you were "merely responding" when you're painfully aware that nobody was talking to you in the first place.
I'm going to bed because I have a life and things to accomplish, but I am going to laugh when I look at this thread tomorrow and see that despite it apparently being 15:00 where you are and you having already been posting here for 5 hours straight, that you continued posting for 6, 7, 8, maybe even 9 or more hours afterwards.
Enjoy your, er, day Neckie…. stay productive lol
No. 63844
>>63836We also will be having groupwork this sem,but I doubt it'll go well. There's plenty of more attractive guys than me in the class so it's pretty pointless. I'm
>>61874 and this is the first girl it hasn't entirely worked on. I still think she's pretty qt and I dont really believe my own stories I've made up about her
I'll try talking to her, but I'm not expecting anything more than me spaghetiing all over and watching her flirt with the Chad of the class.
No. 63855
>>63844Stop cockblocking yourself with thoughts of Chad!
If you get to class early, and you see her hanging around outside the room, just be all "hey you're in class xyz, right? I guess i'm actually early then!" And then strike up a conversation. Introduce yourself, and offer to swap notes before the next test or something.
No. 63866
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This place is so easy to bait.
No. 63867
>>63863I feel like some of them are looking for specific instructions on how to interact with women. Like a step-by-step guide or something.
If they actually know how to talk to another human being, and don't learn a script from some online pua bullshit, then i'm sure they will be fine.
There are a million ways to talk to a girl in class. Ask if she wants to study for a test together! Or proofread each other's essays! Or if the class you share is around lunch time, be like "hey i'm going to grab a sandwich and start today's readings! Wanna join me?" Ask about her other classes! Is she on any sports teams? Is there a campus event you guys could meet up at?
No. 63888
>>63581 and I haven't posted anything until now, don't know what the other anons were going on about.
may I ask which country youāre from? Sounds like southern Europe.
No. 63890
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I'm not a robot, since I'm a Stacey with an instagram, but I came across this the other day and thought of you guys and how you say women can't be wizards's obsessed with some old bus driver guy. Gender is just a meme, women can have difficulty dating too.
No. 63894
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No. 63924
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>>63922apparently he changed his bus route or something, and her autism prevents her from taking a different bus (???) so she's free. You can date her if you'd like.
No. 63936
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>>63932It's not EU unfortunately. I'm studying to be a translator/English teacher but don't think Europe needs any since most people know English and they rather hire a native speaker I guess. I have some close friends I can get help if I do in Europe but guess I have to try and see. My biggest opportunity right now is teaching English in Japan, one of my old American professors started a language school in Niigata and since he knew that I can also speak Japanese, he offered me a job at there but I need to graduate and get my CELTA first for that.
No. 63955
>>63936now you're really making me curious where you're from. you gave many hints so I think I have an idea (you don't need to answer, I'm kind of talking to myself).
going to japan sounds like a good plan. you should focus on this prospect in order to gain the strength to ignore your father. what he says isn't true. you're actively trying to change your situation, you're making plans and you are seeking help. youāre not passive or lazy. but you have to learn to keep people like your father from hindering your progress. you canāt change him and you canāt move out so you have to deal with him.
what about your native language? I donāt know which it is but at my university there are people desperately looking for someone who can translate albanian. if your language is rare chances are pretty high that thereās a historian somewhere who would be willing to pay you to translate some sources into english.
anyway, being fluent in english, japanese and some other language and having started an education as a teacher/translator really doesnāt sound as if your future is going to be fucked up as long as you pull through your current situation.
do you think your father would really throw you out or is it just an empty threat?
No. 63957
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>>63955Don't really wanna say where I'm from because people tend to dislike us. Photos I post must be enough to get where I'm from I guess, well my native language is pretty useless unless you're in construction business working with Japan or Russia. I'm not exactly fluent in Japanese, I can watch Chinese cartoons without subs or play voiced games and speak enough to get by but can't write at all. Well don't think he will but he's been getting really pissed about money and he's getting really unstable lately(anger bursts, yelling etc. he didn't do anything like this before), he was not like this 2-3 years ago. Getting in to jail because of debts really fucked his pride up I think, so I'm guessing he won't do it but can't be %100 sure. It really hurts me to see him like this since he used to be such a sweet person.
No. 63962
>>63958ding ding
>>63961Well foreign people I get close with love me, I only get hate on internet. I have loads of foreign friends around the world, never got any hate from.
>>63960Well they have every right to.
Let's see what this youtube bar is for.
No. 63966
>>63955. Seriously, Turkey? I was thinking Aserbaidschan or something but I didn't know people from Turkey get so much hate. Erdogan maybe, but not the turkish population in general. But maybe I'm naive.
>>Well they have every right to.that statement makes you the most respectable turkish person.
>>It really hurts me to see him like this since he used to be such a sweet person.How old is your father? my father made a similar transformation and it got worse with age and stress. don't take it personal and view it as some kind of illness.
Iād recommend therapy for him as well but since heās old he probably doesnāt believe in this kind of stuff. at least my father doesnāt.
No. 63968
>>63855No point in him even attempting anything if there are multiple chads in the class tbh
I've been there
No. 63969
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Then how do I improve myself?
What do lasses look for in a lad?
No. 63972
Working on lifting right now and seeing results
No. 63973

>>63966Well since we have a Muslim heavy population people tend to be prejudiced against us, Erdogan acting like a nutjob and actively supporting ISIS also doesn't help to restore our image. I usually get along well after spending some time with foreign people but they act really cold to me at first. Only didn't get prejudice from Japanese people when I was there I think, I got mistaken for a Russian in Hokkaido a lot though they really don't like Russians there. We were on the way to become a normal country but after AKP got elected in 2002 everything got fucked, "economy" got better but only for already rich people, there is a huge cliff between rich and poor in Turkey now. 1 $ was 1.4 liras two years ago, now it's 3.1 liras every imported electronics hell even food costs triple here. His time is running out though, economy has been in shitters since the last election and even his huge "supporters" are starting to complain about him since they're losing money because of the exchange rate.
Dad is 53, I have a bit of a thin skin so I really get upset when people insult me one of the things I gotta improve.
>>63969I'll list things I'm doing man.
>look for work, any work>exercise for fucks sake, don't be a fat ass(I am a recovering one)>be well read>try socializing more>be well dressed>pick up active hobbies>go see a pro if you are fucked in the head>be respectful, don't be a mememaster spewing hate>act civil>try to be more assertive>>63970Read stuff I wrote, our immigrants are mostly horrible backwards people so people tend to judge us negatively from that.
No. 63977
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>>63975I can do it.
I am full of determinasian.
No. 63979
>>63972Hm, well I've been with my boyfriend 9 years now since we were both 15, and what I love about his personality primarily is that he can really make me laugh, like almost screaming because I'm laughing so hard.
Humour doesn't come naturally to everybody however, but a few of the other things I like about him is that even though he's not naturally the most academic person, whereas I'm naturally very academic, he's always fighting and working really hard to gather more knowledge even though I know he struggles reading with his dyslexia, which demonstrates discipline and determination.
He loves animals, especially cats, so he's a really kind and gentle person. He's also very, very active. I think a person being active enough is really important because inactivity leads to the degradation of the mind and "soul", if you believe in such a thing. Basically doing nothing turns you into a shitty person with no real essence or animus.
Even if you're not so much into sports, it's really important that you maintain interests and hobbies AWAY from your computer, stuff like reading, singing, playing an instrument, dancing, drawing, painting, sculpting etc.
To be a "good" person you must try most days to do something that makes you more valuable, such as gathering more knowledge through reading or study, or practicing a hobby or sport. Every single day I try to read, study, draw or dance even if it's only for 30 minutes.
>I'll list things I'm doing manIt's really, really good that you are taking active steps towards bettering yourself intellectually, but remember that you should be doing these things for yourself first and foremost.
Also how is your English so good. You must already be a pretty intelligent person, you type like a native.
>>63974>>63975I don't think assertiveness is necessarily a required trait in a person.
What is required is that you're able to lend strength to your conviction i.e., you don't have to get everybody to agree with you on a debate point, but it's really important that if you really, truly believe in something that you stand by that point and offer reasons as to why, however it's also fine to allow yourself to be swayed by a superior argument.
You know I think you guys could really benefit from studying the Tao Te Ching. Everybody should own a copy because the teachings really are invaluable to ones personal growth.
My favourite quote is:
>Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.I try to live my life like water.
No. 63986
>>63973yeas, prejudice towards people from muslim countries is pretty big in Europe. anyway, lets not even start this topic here…
I hope your situation will improve soon. at least the advice youāre dishing out is pretty good.
>>63969there's not one thing lasses look for in a lad. improve yourself but learn to deal with the fact that some people will still not like you and some girls will still not want to fuck you.
No. 63991
>since I was a kid but I'm a literal retard when it comes to math so I decided to focus on languagesHave you ever been tested for Dyscalculia? People who have it (myself included) usually excel dramatically in language. The reverse usually occurs with Dyslexia, whereas people who are bad with language excel in math (I also really struggled in math and couldn't pass basic math in highschool. The shapes of the numbers just don't make sense in my head and I also cannot read analog clocks).
In Turkey do they have an equivalent for the TEFL qualification (teaching English as a foreign language)? You should also look into signing up for the JET programme and put your talents to good use.
ćØććć§, ē§ćÆ大å¦ć§ę„ę¬čŖćć¹ćććććć¾ćć
No. 63993
>>63990Two wrongs don't make a right. Or to put it in more
christian words
>>Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are there unto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
>>But no whine more to me ahmed about how someone said they didn't like the refugee rapes in koln.I'm a german woman so
please educate me on Kƶln.
I wish I havenāt started thisā¦
No. 63994
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>>63990Arab governments are scum man, Turkey may be bad but not that bad.
>>63991Nope never, I couldn't helped with my sisters homework when she started school past 4th grade, I'm literally retarded. I have no problems like yours though, guess I'm just not smart enough for math.
Well we have TOEFL and IELTS. I got full marks from TOEFL but most teaching jobs require you to get CELTA.
>ćØććć§, ē§ćÆ大å¦ć§ę„ę¬čŖćć¹ćććććć¾ććć«ćæć«ććØć²ćććŖćčŖćććØćć§ćć¾ćć?
I can only pick out college and study, I'm still trying to learn how to read and write.
No. 63995
>>63994You should totally get on that then man.
Japan has the 3rd largest economy at the moment and it's only getting bigger. Having the ability to translate between 3 languages, especially English and Turkish, would be really beneficial. You could even go into interpretation at police stations, airports, courts, etc., or teaching, or international relations between Turkey and Japan. Just Googled it and Turkey has an embassy in Shibuya, Tokyo.
No. 63997
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>>63995Yeah, they also have one here in Taksim. I had a Japanese course there. I used to work in airports and tourism agencies as a guide but they passed some laws so you need a permit for that now. I've been doing translation and interpreting since four years ago but there is little money to be made as a freelancer, you gotta know people at companies so you get a steady work flow.
No. 64001
>>63969Personality wise: funny, adventurous, hard working, intelligent, open minded, slightly stubborn, non-romantic(hate cheesy stuff but like thoughtful small gestures like randomly bringing me a Coke), risk aversive, non-confrontational, a thinker not a feeler….
Physically: Asian, thin to average body mass, don't care about muscles, at least 5'6"
I also am probably the only person who prefers virgins.
No. 64002
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>>64000Y-yeah, I don't have many female friends so thought I ask for some opinions here.
No. 64009
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>turkish fembotWhat is this madness?
No. 64012
>>64003Eh, doesn't have to be Asian, I just prefer them (see fetish). Being slim/avg just means you do the basic exercise adults require to stay healthy. I want someone who is down to go hiking or biking.
I also didn't mention fantastic hygiene is a must and if your style is suffering you have to let me help you clean up.
No. 64013
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>>64011lol, I was in the same school as her last year. She came to study Korean but didn't liked the city and quit.
No. 64015
>>64014Hey dude. How are things your side of the Aegean?
And lol about Anzu. She must be extremely famous among Turkish anime fans by now I imagine.
No. 64016
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>>64015Not bad, it's fucking cold though it's been snowing for a week here. How are things over there, paid your denbts : ^)?
>And lol about Anzu. She must be extremely famous among Turkish anime fans by now I imagine.Younger people loves her but I never cared much cosplay so don't care, she's a super skeleton without make up and photoshop though.
No. 64018
>>64016Looks comfy. Gotta love that squish sound of shoes on thick snow.
And never
Mutti Merkel can pay for her "Syrians" herself. ;)
No. 64019
>Mutti Merkel can pay for her "Syrians" herself. ;)Exactly that hah
I love snow but every time I go out I come back as a popsickle.
No. 64027
>>64019>that video Lost it.
Tsipras is also an idiot though. It's just difficult to sympathise with Germany after Merkel went crazy.
You in Istanbul? The old center must look good in snow. I saw you posted the obelisk of theodosius.
No. 64030
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What do girls think of this chart? Is it accurate?
Also, would you take a guy who is in the bottom part of the white area (albeit close to blue) ?
No. 64031
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>>64027Yeah I'm in Istanbul, haven't been to Sultanahmet in a while, I love seeing the old Byzantine stuff. I used to live in the real "istanbul" aka Fatih when I was a kid inside the walls. I loved climbing them and hanging in the ruins.
>>64020Not sure if it works for you but I wear stuff like this usually in winter, got praised by some of my sisters friends last week with this.
No. 64032
>>64028I'm 18 and still trying to find my way. Most of what I see is the gym rat normie fashions.
Neon colors and Nike "Just do it" shirts are still in style here
No. 64034
>>64031I'm in Florida, we just finished our annual two week winter with temperatures as low as 40 farenheit.
I usually go with a plain t-shirt and shorts/pants with Converse
No. 64036
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>>64034Try this, I love going around with this style in Spring/Summer
No. 64037
>>64030If I love you already I'm probably with you regardless (I've dated a guy who lacked length and girth).
I'm more into girth even though I'm a wuss and can barely take it. Length is just uncomfortable for me.
I'm also like your average woman that can rarely come from PVI.
No. 64040
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>>64038I changed the band of the watch to a plain tan leather one after I got it, it's just a stock photo what kind of scarf can I use? I had that cashmere one for years so I kinda like it.
No. 64043
>>64036>LongsleeveThat's how you die in FL
>>64039Help me to have clean style, neon hurts to look at and Nike shirts are annoying as hell
No. 64044
>>LongsleeveThat's how you die in FL
You don't have to wear them, just pick tees at those colors.
No. 64047
most men dress so lazy it's not hard to dress well as a guy. a decent pair of leather shoes is a good start. you don't need many garments so invest in quality rather than quantity.
No. 64048
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>>64035Well can't say for sure m8
>>64037Does it even feel good without girth? I have 4.2" girth and don't think a girl will feel anything from it ;_;
No. 64049
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>>64045>>64042Basically this. There are different "seasons" according to skin, hair, and eye color.
No. 64050
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>>64047Yeah, I dressed like an autist before(trainers, cargo shorts, band t-shirts etc)then I started to browse /fa/ a bit and donated all my old clothes to a shelter since I couldn't fit them anyways after weight loss. Rebuilt my whole wardrobe from scratch. Just plain tees, chinos and a good loafer/derby shoe can look good.
>>64046I still have problems with color schemes, I need to get better at combining stuff.
No. 64055
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>Are you erect?Not right now
No. 64057
>>64050I have the same issue as a girl so I just resort to buying dresses. I like this style because I'm very minimalistic.
Just personal preference, but never buy clothes that looks like you bought if from goodwill. Ripped jeans and faded clothes are only ok for kids.
No. 64061
>>64030>>64035>>64048I swear there's so many different studies on dick size, none of them make any sense to me. The one that looked the most believable used actual models and settled around 6" for length and 4 3/4" for girth. Girls have different preferences too b/c they're shaped different. When I've had sex, none of the girls I've been with really cared that much about my dick. Also, most girls don't really get off on penetration (only dated one who did). You guys seriously worry over nothing.
Delete that stupid fucking graph off your hard drive. Every time I see it I want to shoot lasers out of my eyes. There's more to sex than your dick.
No. 64063
>>64058This. All a girl wants is to know that you care about her orgasming.
Similarly, I take pride in making a man cum.
No. 64064
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>>64049I wear darker stuff, doesn't look any bad tbh and my complexion is like Justin's.
>tfw went through a punk rock stage in highschool>tfw ripped my pants and vests with a paper cutter and sewed them together looselyOH GOD WHY?
No. 64065
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>>64058>>64063Well that's good to hear I guess, I really like oral sex videos so I would very well be glad to do it if I had the chance.
No. 64066
>>64061Let's have sex. You get it.
Women need extensive foreplay and teasing. That shit is annoying but fun. You won't understand pleasure until you have a girl wrapped around your finger begging you to penetrate because you've built it up so much.
No. 64067
>>64062just sayin' that your effortless gent doesn't know shit about seasonal color analysis.
also there are like eight different palettes, not four, so this infographic is kinda oversimplifying things.
just google that shit and take a five-minute quiz. don't be lazy.
No. 64069
>>64064It doesn't look bad, what I meant was that it's a general rep of what you'll find if you search your specifics.
Also, consider incorporating collared shirts.
No. 64075
>>64066It really tickles my autism when I see guys do this to themselves. It's one of those memes I want to die a savage, public death so guys stop parroting it amongst themselves.
>>64068Just find a nice girl, have a healthy relationship, and ease into sex at pace you're comfortable with using foreplay and teasing. Get good at giving oral. It's like the silver bullet for making a girl cum. The rest will come naturally.
I think you'll be surprised to find out that most women feel just as vulnerable having sex as you do. Just make it fun for her and you and you'll be fine.
No. 64079
>>64072>>64075I watch loads of "tutorial" videos but still I'm sure I'll mess everything up until my nervousness goes away.
No. 64080
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>this friendly and helpful atmosphere
What the fuck is going on in here?
No. 64082
>>64079Foreplay just requires lots of long, deep kissing. Skirt around her breasts and pussy. Squeeze her ass. If you feel brave, say some shit. Then go and touch over clothes, then under clothes, rub your cock against her. Shit like that.
I have only been with virgins and you'd be surprised at how natural you'll feel after you know sex is coming. You react to each other. If something isn't welcome you'll know.
No. 64084
>>64082Thanks for the helpful tips
I'll never use this knowledge, but it's nice to have some perspective into the norman world
No. 64086
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>>64081Same man.
>>64082I see, it's just I've been alone for so long the idea of getting intimate with someone terrifies me. I can't even imagine myself hugging a girl.
No. 64087
>>64064I would get a coat/long blazer instead of a short jacket and better fitting pants. those make you look short.
The color of the shoes, pants and shirt, which I like, seems mismatched. the pants seem to be a cool dark blue (or are they black?), the shoes some sort of cool grey/brown and the shirt is a warm red which doesnāt fit the rest in my opinion. warm dark beige or cognac shoes and pants would look better with that shirt.
Is there a belt? I can't see one.
But generally speaking, it's a nice outfit and much better than what most people are wearing.
No. 64093
>>64080Girls are nice. When guys are nice back and don't sperg out, you get nice things.
>>64079My first time was crazy awkward but a lot of fun. Think of it like learning a new dance. Just embrace the nervousness. Don't be so afraid of making mistakes that you never actually do anything. Just learn from them and keep going.
Also, look at a chart of the female anatomy. My first time I tried to put my penis into the urethra like a fucking idiot until she helped me guide it in. Look at a diagram and save everyone some trouble.
>>64086Don't have such a negative attitude about yourself.
No. 64094
File: 1453843221938.jpg (3.13 MB, 3456x4608, g.jpg)

>>64085>>64087I still have almost 25 kg to lost so I don't buy many clothes since I'll replace them in a couple of months. There are pretty much placeholder until I lose weight.
Shoes are dark brown, pants are black chinos(they're getting baggy a bit because I'm one size smaller now)and I can't get slimmer better fitting ones because of my weight for now, I have a belt but it's mismatched again.
Here is one of my first attempts to dress alright.
No. 64095
>>64089>I've fucked a really ugly retarded guy kekked
But i have to fix my personality first to be honest. I've had one or two girls approach me back in highschool to whom i could've lost the v-card but i rejected them because of paranoia, huge insecurity, dreadful social skills, etc..
No. 64096
>>64093I agree. You could also eventually grab your cock and press it against her, eventually you will naturally find the opening. It's close to her anus but before it.
Because every girl is different, you might get away with having her guide you.
No. 64097
>>64092They just come here to flame or not robots at all, not saying robots are great people but most of them are just misguided and frustrated young guys. They just need some positive examples and a leader figure to follow.
>My first time was crazy awkward but a lot of funHow old were you? I don't think any girl would be good with a 25 year old guy messing things up.
No. 64098
>>64094That attempt looks pretty good colour wise though I don't like checked patterns, but again that's a personal thing. you already look good so you will look great after you've lost those 25kg.
what kind of clothes do you like on women?
No. 64099
>>64094What's on your jacket collar?
I like everything except the fit of your pants, but like you said, it's a work in Progress. Fitted is the best look for men and women right now. That doesn't mean tight, it just means not 90s baggy ass clothes.
No. 64100
>>64095What do you think about your personality is a turn off?
I know a few girls who have done what I have. No regrets but we obviously don't boyfriend them.
No. 64102
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>>64098Well I like dresses(specially sundresses), not gonna lie I like tight jeans(I have a fetish for asses in tight jeans)the usual feminine clothing I guess.
No. 64104
>>64097I was 19 when I first lost my virginity. It's never too late. Sex is a totally natural thing and everyone loses it in due time. When you're with a nice girl and you're feeling good about yourself and you guys had a nice time, it'll be your time. Don't worry about it.
>>64096Yeah, I was so worried about my dick size that I never bothered to do the sensible thing and learn the female anatomy front and back. Sound familiar?
No. 64105
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>>64102I really liked how girls dressed when I was in Japan.
No. 64107
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>>64105One more.
>>64099Insides and collars are lined with fur, it's comfy and warm as fuck. I have a natural "bearmode" body so having a 5'o clock silhouette is out of question for me even if I lost weight.
No. 64110
File: 1453844239405.jpg (223.86 KB, 960x1280, 2016-01-25 15.48.47.jpg)

>>64107and this is my haircut now, do you think it fits? Had a really bad shed in recent months so I can't grow it out much.
No. 64112
>>64106I'm not the best conversationalist myself, but for the rest: don't sweat the small stuff. I know it's hard to be open using your voice as it is typing. The fact that you're telling us this means that you know what you feel. You just need to get used to using your voice to say it.
You might want to try learning seated meditation and mindfulness. It's really helpful for training your mind to watch your thought processes. Or go to a therapist. idk, you know you better than me.
No. 64113
>>64106You find those irrelevant things just so you can reject them before they reject you.
You're going to feel emotionally closed off till you find someone you can open up to.
I know you guys don't see us as equals, but I personally overcame that when I realized that I don't really give a shit about what random people think. They have no effect on my life. And they are missing out—-I only say this cause my friends think I'm funny.
I mean why stress over someone that doesn't know you for you?
No. 64115
>>64110Are you balding? Sorry, idk what natural shed means. Is that what you mean?
Most girls like some amount of hair. I think if you grew it out a bit it would be best.
No. 64118
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>>64115Not sure if I am, I lost shitloads in last three months and my crown thinned quite a bit. I can feel hard, stubble like hair when I run my hand through them so hoping it regrowing.
No. 64120
>>64119Well not like I chase after Stacies, I'm this guy
>>63870 Just hoping I'll find someone I'm compatible with.
No. 64121
>>64112Yea, i've been wanting to try it for some time now
>>64113>just so you can reject them before they reject youthis is probably true, i have a tremendous fear of rejection.
I've found that exercising makes me feel more confident too so i will try doing it much more often this year
No. 64125
>>64118Hmmm balding is on the mothers side so check that.
Other than that, your short hair looks ok. When its combover status is when you must cut it all off. No offense, but the shorter hair will work better when you're slimmer.
No. 64126
File: 1453845285081.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.66 KB, 578x1144, dgfserg.jpg)

>>64122Trying to grow it to this length again.
>>64125N'ah I know buzz cut with fat looks really bad.
No. 64132
File: 1453845561205.jpg (183.9 KB, 600x450, non troll.jpg)

Here is the non troll chart btw
No. 64133
>>64121So I was taught to know that rejection is a normal part of life.
Not everyone is going to like me; primarily because I'm an asshole.
And I've mostly applied this to my work prospects which is more soul crushing than a random person.
No. 64134
>>64120What I mean by "weird" is like, one time I had sex with a girl who had a latex allergy. So I had to use these condoms that I'd never used before. I ended up breaking it when I tried to enter. Maybe other guys are more graceful, but each girl I've been with (which is admittedly not many), something weird happened. That's why I say don't sweat it.
Also, it's just hard to know what you need out of a relationship before you've had a few. Guys seem especially bad about it (or at least I am). It's like a chicken and egg problem. But just sitting on your ass does nothing, so.
No. 64136
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Man I hope we can keep this atmosphere, I feel so comfy right now.
No. 64138
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>>64135Let's hope I can grow it to that length, it's been growing really slowly.
>tfw just want my old hair No. 64140
>>64138This is really cute. Boys who have long hair that they can style is a plus.
J like a handful of hair I can grab, but besides that, it looks really cute when a guy can style some length
No. 64142
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>>64140Mine is literally impossible to style, I really really really hoping that I'll regain this thickness in a couple of months.
No. 64143
File: 1453847415582.jpg (41.31 KB, 692x641, mens-hairstyles-short-sides-lo…)

>>64142cut the sides. that kind of haircut should work with your hair structure. it would look more fizzy than on the picture but still good. as long as your face looks ok.
No. 64170
>>64167I see, gotta wait for a few months then though do you think it'll work with my extreme jewfro?
>>64165Can't say I'm a pure kebab, mom is Tatar and I think my paternal ancestry is somewhere from Albania/Croatia not quite sure about that.
No. 64202
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>>64170I like this haircut better with a slight jewfro. the times when Bob Dylan cut his sides where the only times he looked acceptable. though your face doesn't resemble Dylans' in the slightest so donāt worry.
No. 64217
>>64202Dylan is the only other Jew that makes me melt.
I'll be honest, idk how that hair style works I today's age….
No. 64318
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What percentage of women would want this?
No. 64363
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>>64209Some of them have no shame
Others are lurking to see what memes you guys come up with
No. 64364
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>>64348No, you're a fool for believing this isn't just a parody of Taylor Swift's newest music video
No. 64366
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Femdom is shit-tier
No. 64367
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I just wanted advice and opinions, didn't meant to annoy anyone, sorry.
No. 64445
>>64314What are their views on other races aside from white?
I've mentioned this a few times throughout the robot threads, but my friend is Vietnamese and his parents literally told them to either marry Vietnamese or white. Anything else would get them kicked out
Obviously a pretty small sample size I'll admit
No. 64446
I'm straight, but I find vaginas revolting
Please help No. 64447
>>64446this bitch is smokin!
what a cum dumpster
No. 64452
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Hey robots, I need some inspiration.
If you had a girlfriend, what sexuals would you like her to do? 69 is getting so old….
No. 64454
File: 1453935274904.png (316.64 KB, 796x712, 1453927797421.png)

>>64452Missionary position where we look in to each others eyes and with hugging and hand holding, s-sorry I'm a bit of a sick fuck.
No. 64467
>>64459do you mind if the girl like gags/coughs a bit? i can deepthroat but sometimes i forget to breathe and end up spluttering all over the dick.
>>64461that sounds pretty good actually.
Whats your opinion on cumming on a girls face or other external body part? My bf just wont go for it
No. 64471
>>64454Nothing else really appeals to me
Been fapping to that thought for years
No. 64503
>>64482>>64486I think spewing all over a woman's face is kind of mean.
getting it all over her lips and chin, however, is kind of hot.
addiionally, Nick Manning quotes in the bedroom are always a good time: No. 64504
>>64496Wow it's almost like you could compare this to breast size! #not all men like cow tits and not all men like raisins.
Nice point.
No. 64505
>>64503Since I don't have one, I'm assuming that in the heat of the moment, it's rather difficult to navigate which way your cum is gonna splatter on someone. Only if you get it insanely close will you hit your target.
But why do you think it's mean? I think it's fucked up if you try to get it in her mouth when she doesn't want it.
No. 64506
>>64452>>64467Have you asked him why he doesn't like it? I don't really like cumming on the girl's face. There's always the off chance it gets in her hair and no one likes that.
Try getting him to cum on your tits. It's easy to hit and easy to clean off. And it's kinda hot. Or some light snowballing? Your guy sounds kinda submissive and it can be hot unless he's grossed out by all fluids.
No. 64507
>>64502Every woman I've ever been with has said something about how big I am. I figured it was just typical bedroom talk, you know, complete and utter lies.
It wasn't until I had an actual relationship that I found out that what they meant was I was girthier than average.
>>64505well, guys can control where they piss, can't they? you don't think they know where their load is going?
mouth is better anyway, no cleanup involved. nutting all over your bed sheets or furniture is awful. and no, it's not like you force it on her. well, not in a way that is rapey nonconsensual.
No. 64523
>>64493I get so depressed about how vanilla the guys I date are, none of them want to watch hentai together or really try anything other than missionary. I started watching porn pretty damn early too. I get this guilt complex that im a slut for wanting to try stuff because all my partners just aren't interested.
>>64506Yeah i've asked him many times and its just "gross", doesn't want to cum anywhere but my vagine.
>>64503>spewing all over a woman's face is kind of mean.yeah i honestly wouldn't appreciate it if my sexual partner spewed on my face, or anyone for that matter.
No. 64538
File: 1453948336903.gif (472 KB, 498x400, Charlie-Day-Thinks-About-It-Re…)

>>64531I'm going through something like this with my current boyfriend. Been together for 3 years now, and Within the last two years I would notice his mood would change and he kinda shuts himself off from me/has mini breakdowns (It's not too often maybe 3 times a year). Which, as someone who keeps their emotions to themselves and had to work on expressing my emotions, and not bottle them up or lash out when talking about my feels; It really hurts that he can't tell me how he feels. I want to be there for him no matter what and help him through this. We had a mini breakthrough when he had a melt down.
Turns out my boyfriend was molested as a child. Which would explain some things when we would get intimate. He would flinch when I would touch/kiss his neck,and ask me if I wanted to hit him (granted my boyfriend is a huge perv, but that shit stuck out) when we were first dating.
TLDR; Anon just be honest with the person, I mean maybe dont come blurting it out after week one. But have a real convo about what it is with them if your serious about them.
No. 64539
File: 1453948704619.jpeg (14.47 KB, 388x400, no-direction-home-bob-dylan-L-…)

>>64202Im trying to talk my boyfriend into getting his hair trimmed like 60's Dylan.
No. 64542
>>64538Thanks this was a bit of a help, It's a little messed up for me to say but it's nice to know I'm not alone in that pov and someone else has that experience as well.
I think I'll keep it quiet unless it becomes serious and just try to power through it, maybe drink a bit to shut away the overthinking of it and relax more.
Imma lurk some more and watch some always sunny, been meaning to catch up on the last seasons.
No. 64550
>>64545I'm a guy and have them bad
I might be weird but I think they're qt on girls
No. 64555
>>64531If you could hide it then it wouldn't be an issue.
I've had a bad history too, the only remedy I found was either confessing or being so uninhibited that nobody would notice.
No. 64559
>>64552Yes because most men focus on length, when girth is the most important, and either way, that's varies from woman to woman.
Most women don't want to be stabbed in the cervix, while most want to feel full, but not stretched out.
No. 64573
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>>64542As I keep telling him it helps so much to talk about it. Even if he can't fully tell me yet I've asked him to seek out help online, where he can talk about it anonymously. I suggest the same to you anon. I hope you can move on from it one day.
No. 64598
>>61874>>63844Anyways update
Saw her on instagram on her phone so I knew it was downhill from there tbh. Tried talking to her and then was basically shafted when a better looking guy came and sat next to her
No. 64599
>>64594REEEE, no. The one time I've hit the cervix, she stopped sex instantly.
>>64556>>64591I think it's hot, but I like the power play and role change stuff. It's not emasculating at all. Plus, it's nice to not have to do all the work. Different strokes for different folks though.
No. 64603
File: 1453972850413.gif (4.81 MB, 418x312, unnamed.gif)

>mfw finally got a job
No. 64609
>>64598Why was the fact that she was on Instagram at all relevant?
You said that she started talking to a more attractive guy, but I have to wonder if you are accurately judging the situation. You have already said that you preemptively imagine your crushes with a "chad" to force yourself to not like them. Don't you think it is possible that you're doing the same thing right now?
I mean you might have thought he was more attractive than you, but you can't read her mind. Maybe that guy is in some of her other classes? Maybe they have been friends for years? Maybe he is her friend's bf who she sees often enough to strike up conversation? Maybe he is her partner for the group work?
Don't assume to know the situation, just because of the bullshit you've read online. You have no idea how they know each other. And getting to know someone isn't a one-shot deal. You introduced yourself to her! That's awesome! Now build the relationship from there.
No. 64617
>>64545man just get some sleep
I have purple circles because of my genetics. My dad has them, my sister has them and I have them.
no matter how much sleep or whatever cream I put on them will do jack shit
man I wish the 90's never ended then as skeleton lanklet with dark circles I could say I was going for a male heroine chic look
No. 64622
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>I lost my virginity at 23I'm almost 26
>there's still hope.not with my baby dick.
No. 64624
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No. 64629
>>64132>>64624Gonna destroy that cereal.
No. 64658
>>64647I think you are missing some of the key robot ingredients: black and white thinking, low self esteem, us vs them mentality, a preoccupation with how things /should/ be (ex: I SHOULD have lost my virginity in high school! I wasted my life!), the idea that sex is tied to their value as a person, categorizing people/social interactions (Chad, Stacy, Beta Bucks, etc), unwarranted self importance (ex: they are quick to assume the truth about women, relationships, and society despite describing themselves as being fairly socially stunted/inexperienced with women IRL).
No. 64662
>>64658It's just that i don't understand.
I don't know how much black and white my thinking is, and i'm not really sure what that really means now that i think of it.
I do have non-existant self-esteem, but because i have no motives to like myself.
The world would be a better place if some things changed, sure, but maybe it would be a better world for ME. About the virginity thing… well, i'm 22 and a virgin, but the thing is that casual sex disgusts me. It is something way too intimate to go and do it freely. Yes, that goes for both men and women.
Social interactions CAN be categorized, although i think that sometimes the theories i see in the chans are way too simplistic to be true. The alpha and beta dichotomy, for example, is based in an obsolete paper that observed how wolves behaved in captivity, not in the wilderness. Also it implies we are like wolves.
And about USI… i don't know. Each day that passes i'm more and more confused about the world, i distanced myself from the news, politics, and all that because i'm too retarded to formulate a working model of our world. I just retreated to my hobbies.
Sorry for the blogposting but i'm not feeling very well today, and i want some place to whine that it isn't /r9k/, mostly because i want to be told where i'm fucking up and hear other viewpoints.
No. 64671
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>>64665It is born from frustration, been there done that. Left it all behind now, trying to be a decent person.
No. 64688
What does it say when the robot containment thread is now the life advice and therapy thread? You guys need to stop doing this to yourselves and get off /r9k/. Shit's bad for you.
>>64662Dude, just dive into life and stop being down on yourself. You're smart? Cool. Ugly? Really? Probably not as much as you think. You probably don't take care of yourself, which is a huge red flag. At least the way you talk about yourself sucks. You went on a date? Cool. Go on more. Here's a hint: nobody has a fucking clue. Everyone's trying to figure stuff out. Just try to keep pushing yourself out of your shell.
You sound depressed tbh.
No. 64690
>>64688>I'm smart>Can't even figure out what i want out of lifeBut how do you dive into life? I mean, ok, i'm searching for a job, i'm finishing a degree.
Suppose i get an apartment for myself after this.
Then what? I don't really see anything to dive into apart from my interests, which aren't that many to be honest.
No. 64692
File: 1454006166913.jpg (22.42 KB, 320x337, 1437190186556.jpg)

>>64594jesus christ dude im
triggered No. 64693
>>64609>Why was the fact that she was on Instagram at all relevant?I know it's dumb, but I take that as a sign of being really self centered if she's taking pics of herself for instagram. Just something I don't really get. I've never posted my face online ever
And no I don't think he's a friend of hers considering I saw him introduce himself. Either way I have no interest in her now aside from thinking she's qt and knowing she likes anime.
Thanks a bunch for the advice, but I think I'll just leave her be.
No. 64701
>>64690You might be depressed. i didn't do shit before I got into treatment. Now I'm in school, traveling, reconnecting, etc.
Sorry to say that in terms of getting a job it's not what you know but who you know. You have to network with your peers and do internships and shit.
No. 64712
>>64701I wish i could get connections. I don't know how.
And the other thing is that i really don't like the idea of trading 8 hours plus the time it takes to prepare oneself for work each plus the time getting to the physical place of work every weekday.
I really don't know if i could handle it, i only had part-time jobs, or tutored people for exams. At least the latter gave me good money per hour.
No. 64719
>>64712Yeah, I still have the same problem where full time work just seems like the biggest effort in my life.
It depends on your major/minor. I'm in the accounting minor at my school and we have a society you could join. Idk what resources your school offers, but mine are always touting resume, networking, internship workshops year round. Talk to your counselor or pop in. The more practice you get, the better you'll get.
You could also initially practice with friends or relatives about how to interact with recruiters or anyone basically.
The best thing I've learned is that life happens outside of your comfort zone. And that shit sucks, but it's brief. Especially if you have someone to discuss the difficult aspects of it. If not, we're always here to vent to.
No. 64725
>>64719In my college unfortunately there aren't any services like those you mention. It's more like you do everything on your own and good luck.
I'm doing chemical engineering, there aren't that many jobs. I was considering to do systems engineering, i should have done so because there are obscene amounts of job offerings for this carreer, and you have the option of working from home too.
So now i'm studying programming, system architecture, networking, in an effort to manage to get something to make some money.
Jobs in what i study are hard to get this time of the year too. I'm tired of being dependant of my parents.
No. 64730
File: 1454015924439.jpg (8.5 KB, 462x461, 1453998908701.jpg)

>mfw actually got a call back from netflix and got a job as a translator today
Is this the real life?
No. 64849
>>64846Believe me, you can do it too. Just do the most depraved thing that will turn him on.
Bf just likes to watch girls jack it and insert so I had it easy. Just frustrate the shit out of him.
No. 64867
File: 1454058956260.png (36.33 KB, 600x338, image.png)

>>64863Trying to imagine the span of your life, every pathetic happening that made you sit down and think "yes. This is how i will elevate myself above these meanies! This will teach them"
>all girls are sluts!!!!!! No. 64876
File: 1454064768390.png (Spoiler Image,609.78 KB, 384x797, tumblr_nzmduxszE51tjg7vio1_540…)

>>64849Face sitting, 69 and having his weenie in a vag is the limit of his fetish. I've suggested/asked in many ways many times, he just doesn't want to do it.
I'll keep trying anyway
>>64863wow I totally hadn't realized how much of a slut I was before this amazingly insightful comment.
No. 64877
>>64876why do I always forget to hit spoiler
m-maybe the censor bar is enough? sorry, farmhands
No. 64879
File: 1454065971251.gif (1.02 MB, 480x270, 1454001273058.gif)

>tfw even if I have a gf I'll probably never keep up with her if she wants stuff like thisbeing a quick shot is suffering, I'm fucking terrified of thinking about sex
No. 64883
>>64879How can robots take any situation and turn it into "it might happen, but it won't happen to me because I am human garbage"
Have some faith in yourself for fuck's sake
No. 64932
File: 1454096439424.jpg (27.38 KB, 349x323, 1452831116134.jpg)

Anyone have any experience with going to a counselor/therapist?
My uni offers all of that for free, but I don't know if I could open up to someone irl like that. I do it online all the time, but face to face would be a huge problem for me. I cant even make regular conversation with people about class or other meme topics like the weather
No. 64936
>>64932When you really think about it, out of all the people in the world, wouldn't a therapist be an easy pick to open up to? I mean, they are professionally trained to listen to people's problems, and guide them through it. I guarantee that nothing you say will shock them. They have probably heard it all.
A therapist is like an impartial third-party who has no choice BUT to listen to you. Because that is their job. A therapist would be the one person who is guaranteed not to be like "sorry anon, but i don't give a shit".
No. 64944
File: 1454099750034.png (410.96 KB, 500x506, 1431876686529.png)

>>64938h-how? Every girl I talked with told me it was an extreme turn off, I mean I know "everyone is different yadda yadda" but I think you are the first one saying that.
No. 64948
>>64944not that anon, but ditto.
it's weirdly complimentary, in a way? I interpret it to mean that I was doing a really good job at whatever I was doing.
Plus, then we get to go straight to the afterglow cuddling. Which is my favorite part.
No. 64950
>>64944I agree. Like I already know my pussy is magic, it makes me feel accomplished in the same way a guy making a girl cum via PVI makes him feel good about his dick.
The only draw back is if you are having a one night stand and you were super thirsty for it. How fast does it take you anon?
No. 64951
>>64944How is it a turn off? It means a guy is really turned on by you. It's so flattering to me when my bf wants to bust before even putting it in because of how hawt I look. It's great for the ego, I don't get girls that don't like it.
It's no big deal if he does bust early, if you go again soon ish he won't bust as fast.
No. 64955
>>64951This is all very true. And during that refractory period you can give oral or jack her off or w/e. It's really not a huge thing to beat yourself up over.
Erectile dysfunction is a mood killer though.
No. 64956
File: 1454100932403.gif (1.95 MB, 1000x737, 1427344194832.gif)

>Plus, then we get to go straight to the afterglow cuddling. Which is my favorite part.Good taste sis.
>>64950Hmm never counted exactly but I guess I can go for 3-4 minutes normally and as fast as 30-40 seconds if I'm really turned on.
>>64951Well I recover quickly but I don't know, you know how people see PE as a bad thing.
Also another question, this time about PVI. Is it really impossible for majority of girls to cum from it or do you just have to have the right dick size etc.
No. 64960
>>64956I have read that for the majority of women it is difficult but I can only speak for myself.
A man has to do an uncomfortable amount of work to get me there, only in the missionary position with super tensed up legs, and at a fast pace. It's simply not worth it to me, especially since orgasms from oral are way better.
The only guy that could get me to a couple of times I actually hated and he had a long skinny dick. I like girth better.
No. 64962
>>64956I wish there was some magic formula for figuring out how to create a PIV orgasm. I think it's a combination of the vagina's sensitivity, the size and/shape of the penis, and the position. My husband's got a smaller than average dick but I cum whenever the wind blows so it's a non issue for us.
And like the other anon said, it's not really the most important thing in sex for some of us, anyway. It can be too much work and no fun. But you can try. Every girl will be different.
No. 64966
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>>64963No I know most can't but some say they can just wanted to hear opinions about it.
>and a fast paceYeah, that won't do good to me heh.
>especially since orgasms from oral are way better. I love reading about stuff like this makes me feel I might not be worthless after all, whenever I read about this stuff everyone always talks about how mind shattering PIV orgasms are. Really weird how people can differ so much.
>>64962Maybe it's more of a mental thing?
No. 64968
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>>64956I'm able to cum from PIV sex, provided I have enough energy, through this position. My SO's dick is kind of bent though, so maybe that helps with hitting the gspot in this position, I really don't know how it works.
No. 64971
>>64968Well good that I'm bent upwards then.
>>64969I mean in stuff I read.
No. 64972
>>64966That's the thing, it takes all of your mind and body to have good sex. The mind is the greatest erogenous zone, if your not into it or if you're thinking about that paper that's due tomorrow, your not gonna have a good time.
Yeah, the fast pace is what kills me. When ever I feel close to cumming so does my bf and he ends up coming Kek.
No. 64979
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>>64973Well I don't think I'll like casual sex so no problem for me I guess. I've never been a hardcore women hating "robot" but this thread been a good thing for me I think. I was going deeper and deeper in to the hardcore robot zone. I really need to talk to more girls ;_;
>>64972Yeah, I'm trying to leave standard robot mentality behind and see women can actually love someone. I've been so frustrated and angry I bought those stuff since I just didn't want to accept that there might be something wrong with me, I believed that women just love physical things but I'm slowly learning it's actually mix of both. Still a bit afraid that I'll have a bad experience the first time.
No. 64987
>>64982Wow, my bf lost his with me when he was 26 & I was 23. He didn't tell me initially because he was self conscious like yourself, but I didn't ever realize that he was (supposed to be a one night stand, very drunk). It's in our nature to have sex so you can't fumble hardcore.
Anyway, when he did tell me I was kind of touched. I personally am a little odd in the sense that I prefer virgins.
No. 64988
>>64982I dunno dude. Why do you want to be with someone who finds you creepy?
>>64979Mine was pretty nice, but I got lucky and had sex in a relationship with a girl who would go to the mat for me, and it just got better from there. Not everyone's first time is like that, but I wouldn't read too much into it. You spend most of your life locked in your skull. Once you get the hang of it, sex is one of those times where you get to exist outside of it. There's nothing really quite like it. I hope you find what you're looking for, anon.
No. 64989
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>>64987>>64988Man you guys were lucky. Never been lucky in my life so that's what I'm so worried.
No. 64996
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>>64994Unfortunately my depression beats my FOMO ;_;
I'm really closed off and distant because of some shit in the past, getting by little by little but I fear it's too late.
>>64991I'm always honest with people, don't think I'll hide it.
No. 65000
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No. 65002
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>>65001Nope, school is free here so they don't offer stuff like that, only education. Lack of money is literally killing me.
No. 65003
>>65002Wtf. I guess during my time in s similar place taking everything in baby steps helped me at least not feel overwhelmed.
What is your opinion on your looks? Puberty helped me a bit and so did a good diet. Still a sloth though.
No. 65005
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>>65002>>65003Well I had one session for free from a kind of friend but couldn't continue without money of course.
I was really good looking when I was a kid, everyone thought I was gonna be a total Chad but ended up being a fat, balding, ugly loser. Puberty didn't do me good at all. If I had to put a number on it I'm a 3 maybe a 4 on a good day.
No. 65007
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>>65005Thoughts on exercise? you could get some feel good chemicals that way, drop some weight. Easier said than done I suppose.
sounds rough anon, just don't keep the Goeorfe Costanza hair. As much as I love him, that hair looks stupid on everyone.
No. 65008
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>>65007It's still in diffuse thinning state, I have a bit of time. As for exercise I can't even get out of bed most of the time. Well then I'm hitting the bed, thanks for talking to me.
No. 65430
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>watch porn
>get feels instead
No. 65960
>>54416Gather round, kids.
It used to be about a novel idea. That posting the same shit over and over was a bad thing, and facilitated that using a bot that mutes you for an exponentially longer duration each time you posted something that matches the hash of another post. It was based on an xkcd comic, where it was implemented in an IRC channel.
It used to have legitimate conversations. It used to be quite interesting. Then >tfw, pepe and tripfags combined to ruin its inter-board rep, and autists flooded the place, drowning out what it used to be.
No. 66027 how every white woman in the thread has fucked a black guy snd how every black guy in the threead has fucked a white chick
Circle of cuck. Brave new mixed world soon
White women for black men
Asian women for white men
Black womeb for asian men
No. 66034
>>66027It's /soc/, women so trashy they manage to make your average sorority girl look like she has self-respect.
Remember it's lower value white women who mix. That doesn't necessarily correspond to a "blonde stacy" as much as it does some random nerd girl who hates herself and posts nudes every day.
No. 66341
>>66297Because it's full of people who enjoy making people insecure like this anon said
>>66336/fit/ and /r9k/ is like this too, /fit/ is the reason manlet became such a huge meme
No. 66405
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>>66342Literally who cares
Just accept the circle of cuck. Everyone gets qts.
I dont care about who white women fuck and neither should you. Just get a qtpa2t asian gf and you'll be happy and content
No. 66417
>>66410Circle of cuck my friend
Most white women only date outside their race too and black women are gravitating more towards Asian men. I've seen 4 AM/BF couples this year at uni
No. 66438
>>66418I'm assuming America
I live in America and what he says is pretty true tbh
No. 66460
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Back again, any of you silly boys acquired gfs yet?
Also Portman is best Starwars girl.
No. 66463
>>66427Ikr this all screams "girls don't like me because they're chasing after men outside their race. Life is stacked against me!"
It is no different than to not complaining about tall dudes or chad. It is just another explanation for why women don't like them, and how life is stacked against them. If not for x-quality they would be rolling in dates. And x-quality is always something they can't control.
No. 66465
I have never encountered a group of people that cared so much about what others think of them besides teenagers. Even they grow out of the imaginary audience/personal fable bullshit.
No. 66473
>>66465When they start to go on about how its those sexy blacks who was dating white girls I'm always like "…so?"
Like are they trying to say that they would choose to date one of those girls until they dated a black guy?
Do they think those girls now won't pick them because they aren't a black guy?
Do they think that those girls can only have sex a certain number of times? Will they close up and fold in on themselves after dating a black guy?
Like…why do I care who randos are fucking?
No. 66488
I wouldn't want to fuck someone who was that insanely concerned about who I slept with in the past. I think that's a huge issue with the robots. They can't let old dogs lie. The past is the past. Leave it there.
No. 66545
>>66473Ok serious answer
I know I would have no chance even if they would date white men, but it's still disheartening to see the women you find the most attractive and sweet constantly shitting on white guys. I mean if they said they liked muscular guys then I'd work out, or a certain hairstyle maybe I'd work on that. Confidence level? Sure. But I can't change my race
Most white girls my age want absolutely nothing to do with white men. I can't exactly do much to make myself more appealing then. Of course a bunch of people say just date Asians then like many white men do who have realized white women don't want white guys anymore. This would be nice, but the problem is even western Asian women are refusing to have anything to do with white men. So unless I want to travel to fucking Thailand then there's no way I can get an Asian gf. Same goes for other races of women
This is why you see white men having to import brides from third world countries. Their women don't want anything to do with them and neither do other women in their countries. It really is depressing tbh. I don't think white girls know how this feels because they're fetishized by literally the entire world. They're at the top of the food chain in the relationship world while white men are nearing the bottom.
I've stopped caring though and kinda just accepted this is the way things are now. I don't need a woman to be happy. Would I prefer women to still like white men and in effect me? Absolutely. But I'm not going to mope over it.
No. 66548
>>66545Come on. Women dating black men doesn't mean that they despise white guys.
You are dancing around it, but either you have a problem with "race mixing" or you feel inferior to non-white men. Just say it, dude. This is basically another "women despise betas" rant. Replace "black guys" with "chad" and this is just another rant about not being good enough for things you can't change.
No. 85851
>>54416The board idea started here: dude came up with an idea for an IRC bot to patrol his shitty IRC channel to make it less shitty.
Mootykins took that idea an applied it to a board on 4chan, and r9k was born.
Once people had to start inventing novel things to say, rather than just >implying mfw at each other, they started to talk about the only thing in their shitty lives that they could bond over – how much of a failure they are with women, how much Chad Thundercock sucks, and how much they want to kill all the normalfags.
I think moot killed r9k for a while, but like /pol/ it refused to die, and was brought back.
It's since become basically an open air to rant about how evil 3d women are and how much better life is without them.
(The truly ascended migrated to wizardchan).
No. 332534
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What do
No gf
Oh no