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No. 625008
Previous -
Keep in mind site rules as well as recent Farmhand additions;
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat.Enjoy.
No. 625050
>>625047What a lie. I can't even have them in the house or I'll eat the whole thing in a day.
Then again I'm not American and only find them in shops occasionally and in limited flavours so I haven't had the chance to take them for granted.
No. 625060
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>>625057there’s ALREADY an applebee’s gen that’s stolen valor…. I respect OP’s decision
pic related, me and my boys. No. 625068
>>625064At this point a lot of pt seems more worthy of snow, and w feels close to being a desert in terms of milk
I wish we had new cows
No. 625107
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I'm a eurofag and I once ordered some Twinkies because I always thought that they looked kinda good.
I opened the box and tasted them and I was APPALLED. I think that it really was the worst shit I've ever eaten in my entire life. They just taste like baking soda and sugar!!!!!! Literally nothing else, just sweet-ass baking soda!!!
How can you seriously eat this shit?
No. 625116
>>625114You're probably right.
I had always seen them in tv shows and on the internet and I had hyped myself up for this cream-filled sponge cake for years, only to be let down like this. I was willing to give the Americans and their candy a chance and I'm very, very disappointed. I even tried the chocolate version and it really wasn't any better.
No. 625134
>>625107This and little debbies I fuckin' love.
T.Amerifat who loves even the worst of our frosting covered garbage.
No. 625168
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>>625146Agreed, nowadays it's either "thicc goddess" with small waist + big tits and ass or a literal child, petite, no ass, no tits. No more of 90-2000s type of skinny
No. 625194
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>>625168I agree, though K-pop skinny is popular and accepted. It seems like the thing right now is "petite and cute, while still remaining soft and not having much bone outline in the face or body" skinny, as opposed to the "long and lanky heroin chic with prominent bone outlines on the face/body and muscle" skinny from the past.
Either way, it's kind of lame to base the kind of body you like or want for yourself on what's popular, lmao.
No. 625277
>>625194What’s the difference between 2000’s skinny and Kpop skinny? Kpop girls certainly aren’t slim thicc goddesses LOL they’re actual anachan tier without the hip pads and ass shoop.
Skinny girls with small boobs and ass get followers easily as long as they dress up in popular aesthetics. People just don’t say out loud “wow I love how thin she is” but they follow them all the same.
No. 625280
>>625277the difference
is the pads and shoop, anon. they are trying to cultivate a different look.
No. 625288
>>625277 Just from the examples posted,
>>625194 looks pretty different from
>>625168 . Both extremely thin, but kpop girls aren't bony and still have a soft femininity like other anon said. Pretty distinct to me, and it's not just the fashion.
No. 625295
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>>625277That's the point. They're skinny, but they have softness to their bodies. Hip pads and breast pads so their bodies look natural and "healthy" instead of wasted.
90s/2000s thin was about being lean to the bone and muscular. All sharp edges, all bone, no softness or else it's "gross baby fat".
Think of it as feminine vs masculine (or androgynous). Think about why they wear that padding. It's not for nothing, the intended image and effect is completely different.
You kind of have to be aesthetically blind to not see the difference between this and the 5'11 rail-thin models on 90s runways.
Not all skinny is the same. Sorry, anon.
No. 625299
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>>625295Sure ok. Point is skinny > thicc (fat)
No. 625306
>>625299Consider that they wouldn't use that photo to present that idol, and think about why that's the case.
You sound like a raging ana-chan, which means your point of view is undeniably skewed (and you seem to think being able to differentiate different thin body types means someone must be thicc/fat/whatever), so I'll just dip out.
No. 625315
>>625312I'm not a kpopfag, I literally Googled those photos to show examples of the skinny bodies that are "popular" now.
Should I have used Ariana Grande or Tinashe instead? Calm down, lmao. I'm just saying it's not about bones anymore.
No. 625317
>>625292my point is they are cultivating a different look. there's a huge difference between looking ana and
being ana. kpop idols are ana af but they still want to cultivate this sexy image with padding and shoop. no one is saying it's better, but you're an idiot for thinking girl next door kpop and paris hilton are the same just because they are skinny
No. 625321
>>625318Where are either of them being supported, though? Obviously, neither are actually healthy, one just puts out the illusion of being that way using padding for a softer look. That's just what's popular now, there's no moral message to it. It's just how things are these days.
"They're the same"-anon just thinks there's a massive psyop going on to make her eat 2000 calories and stop chasing that thigh gap.
No. 625330
>>625096Why even care about popular? I just want to have muscles that "will never go away" so I can live my personal size/strength difference fantasy with my future partner.
Just get the body that's healthy and that you personally like. No need to prove it's better than everyone else's.
No. 625353
>>625349I see it as people's way of trying to find partners or friends of their sexuality.
I don't do it myself because I don't care, but I think it makes sense.
No. 625361
>>625340God I wish that were me
>>625346Well yeah, that's also stupid. I'm not against you since I want to date petite women lol.
Petite, willowy, and thicc are all attractive in different ways as long as you're healthy and caring for yourself.
No. 625380
>>625377Or you know, ex-fans since the
abusive pedophile thing
No. 625411
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Gender reveal parties are just another excuse for parents to milk people for attention and gifts.
No one cares about the baby's gender except for the shitty sexist inlaws. Please spare us all. No one asked for this shit.
No. 625420
>>625398>>625403>implying you need others' acceptance or approvalLol. With all due respect, you'll be living a much happier life when you drop the cope, admit that you
want acceptance and approval from others despite not needing it, and start trying to live life doing what makes you happy regardless of what others think. It's already understood that society's idea of what people "should" be, particularly women, is largely determined by sexist standards… if you aren't doing it for sexist men, who else are you doing it for?
>>625411Agreed. It's another baseless excuse to separate people according to biological sex.
No. 625426
>>625411I mean they’re annoying, yeah, but do you realize how important it is for new parents to try and receive all the help from family that they can get? Babies aren’t cheap & families are usually excited to celebrate the arrival of new life.
Also oh sound like a Twitter fag, how is it sexist to be curious about the gender of the human developing inside your family members body and want to celebrate? It’s not like the party gets shittier cake depending on what the gender is
No. 625476
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>>625446Never said I will ever go to one, I'm still allowed to think you're a stupid attention whore for throwing one and an even bigger dumbass if you decide to use pyrotechnics that set off a 7000 acre fire.
No. 625630
>>625426>do you realize how important it is for new parents to try and receive all the help from family that they can get?If they have to scrape by like that they shouldn't be having a baby in the first place, ya can't afford it
responsible reproduction 2020
No. 625731
>>625722NTA, but in the western world most pregnancies are planned and avoidable, and a good portion of the western population has access not only to the resources used to prevent conception but also the resources (conditionally, it admittedly isn't an easy process) to get an abortion or to get a surgical procedure which will render one infertile. Anon's sentiment shouldn't apply to the entire world, but those who
do have access to those resources and choose to have a child only to not adequately raise the child or to complete about being a parent are (subjectively, of course) making an unwise and immoral decision that warrants judgement, in that they are bringing another life into the world that they aren't ready to care for or don't want to care for.
No. 625735
Samefag - I guess an unpopular opinion of mine is that communal parenting is the optimal form of parenting, and members of every culture should raise and care for every child around them as if it's their own. This would solve a lot of issues, particularly for families and children who experience a lack of financial stability or economic opportunity, have a parent who becomes incapacitated, or need to be taken care of by others because their parent was impregnated against their will and wanted to get contraceptives and/or an abortion but didn't have access to the necessary resources. I agree with
>>625707, too, and it's part of the reason why I don't plan to have children. I have to take the personal responsibility for the fact that due to my own flaws and inabilities I would not be a good enough parent to any child.
No. 625812
>>625806There are plenty of studies that clearly divide up trannies between delayed onset AGPs and young transitioners/HSTS.
They aren't girls btw, they're just abused kids who should have been allowed to grow up gay like they would have if they didn't transition. It's appalling that anyone under 14 could consent to that.
No. 625823
>>625812Based. Whoever's parenting those kids is negligent at best and
abusive at worst. I find it genuinely abhorrent the treatment for likely fleeting confusion/mental illness is physically damaging and life altering. In what other setting is that the practiced norm?
No. 625891
>>625786I am not saying kids don't deserve help or don't need therapy, and it is hard when 80% of therapists on my insurance prefer to work with kids. The general mental health waiting lobby is all kids and like 2 adults/teens since i started going.
I had already been assaulted at 14 too. It's one of the reasons i was looking for therapy and meds in the first place, but it got disheartening when every service was geared torwards small kids and all the adult ones were booked full.
>>625788I thought it fit, sorry.
No. 626058
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>>626053>it’s leGaL I consulted with my lAwyeR! Check AND mate>>626046Like clockwork
>>626098I really think it
is privilege. Some people have such supportive families that they'd basically have to murder someone to get cut off, but some parents will cut off their kids for any reason.
If you've always lived with a halfway decent family, it's hard to imagine how much it sucks to come from
abusive/deadbeat parents.
No. 626127
>>626114Agreed. If anything, people like Eugenia (as much as I respect people's right to do what they wish with their bodies) would turn people away from idolizing that kind of body, whereas kpop glamorizes it.
>>626119A lot of cultures teach people to see homeless people as less than human, sadly.
No. 626128
People don't understand that it's the subtle skinny that turns girls onto proana shit, not holocaust-tier. A normal impressionable teenage girl would look at Eugenia and think she's fucking disgusting.
No. 626156
>>626098I used to be very judgemental when I was younger, then I started to understand it, was more tolerant, and now I'm judgemental again
because I understand it, I just changed my perspective on the very same things. I feel bad about it but it just makes sense to me (sorry for being vague lol).
No. 626204
>>626151Where I live, there's no such thing as opting out of your legal obligations as a father. Not just monetarily, but the kid has to live with you part time as well unless you're
No. 626301
>>626106>I really think it is privilegeNot always. I had an
abusive childhood and I've never resorted to drugs or other harmful behaviour, I don't even drink alcohol. Sometimes I look at other people who had similar experiences and I can't empathise with them because I don't understand why they would make a bad situation worse.
No. 626524
>>626409wait most anons aren't into that guy? I feel like I've seen more praise his looks than bash him
not my type at all but I guess he has pretty colored eyes. you do you
No. 626666
>>625377There’s literally a video of him kissing a 14 year old
He’s trash
No. 626683
>>626664Why would that be an unpopular opinion anywhere? It's 2020, what
valid reason is there to defend a monarchy, and a functionally useless one at that?
No. 626719
>>626712It honestly depends, if someone is venting about something retarded, they should be treated like the retards they are.
But if they’re venting about something serious, it’s better to at least give them some words to cheer them up.
No. 626723
>>626712I agree tbh. Sometimes arguments can be funny but most of the time they get out of hand + the fact so many anons get
triggered for lack of a better word and snarky over the smallest things. Theres no point in trying to argue with people here, It never changes anyones mind.
I think it's a big reason why so many anons (including me) want to stop using this website.
No. 626725
>>626717I get that. I'm talking about people who are just shitty and not for humor's sake. Like for example someone posted in the vent thread that it makes them sad that their parents never went on a vacation in their life because they had work day and night their whole lives to support their parents and make ends meet for their kids Someone decided to just go "No one told them to have kids and stay at their shitty jobs"
Like, what was the point of that? Or once, someone was venting that their dog went missing and that they were staying up every night literally vomiting worried sick about them , and someone went off on them for allowing it to happen. The anon responded saying it happened when someone was watching her dog for her while she was away, and then the other anon goes "stop adding to the story to justify shit".
This happens all the time and it's the dumbest, most second-hand embarrassing thing in my opinion.
No. 626728
>>626724I agree. Honestly I do judge women who enter and stay in
abusive relationships and think in most cases they are to some extent complicit and that it does reflect some kind of character flaw/personal failing they have.
No. 626729
>>626728this is
victim blaming to a T
No. 626750
>>626729i disagree. any codependent couples will have an
abusive partner dynamic and much of the time it's the man. i recently encountered this and it was terrible. she seemed so broken and refused any advice, turning the blame onto others and praising him. even after he did terrible things to her that caused her to break down in public crying for hours.
No. 626755
>>626729Right, but they're painting these
abusive men to all be 150 IQ machiavellian psychopaths with a doctorate in behavioral psychology. And when I talk to these same men, I just see overcompensating boring people with anger issues.
I just wish these women could admit they're terrible at picking men, it'd help them be more self aware when getting into future relationships and they'd avoid all this stuff they needlessly put themselves through. Instead they get coddled with the narrative "you couldn't have known", they believe it, and refuse to reflect on their own judgement.
No. 626761
>>626755>>626750But do you guys realize they're like that because of the abuse going on during the relationship? Not to mention any possible prior abuse, mental illnesses or even just being insecure. I'm really not trying to pick a fight, but obviously women in
abusive relationships who chose to stay or have a pattern of being with
abusive men are not of mentally ok. The first anon literally said the woman was codependent on her bf. Plus the fact that sometimes the abuser can hold things over the
victims head (money or blackmail for example). I feel like there's to much that goes into these
abusive relationships to just say "well why doesn't she leave or stop dating guys who are
I think it's strange you guys think a woman of sound mind would chose to stay in relationships with
abusive men. They obviously have bad judgement.
No. 626764
>>626761Having bad judgement, being insecure etc would be a ‘character flaw/personal failing’ though. And it’s not that simple that it just magically all starts because of the relationship, like I feel like if you would even allow yourself to be in a position where someone
can hold money over you head to blackmail you that’s extremely stupid on your end. It doesn’t make them any less
victims but there’s definitely things they could have and should have done differently to prevent it. The majority of people in
abusive relationships are not mentally ill to that extent where they’re incapable of being responsible for their actions and decisions.
No. 626767
>>626763Idk which op you're talking about but I don't think my post is what any of those anons were saying. If I'm wrong though, then my bad.
>>626764Again though, this all happens cause these women are not of sound mind. I didn't say that they "magically" gain those issues because of the relationship. Yes, sometimes women have issue BEFORE they enter an
abusive relationship, and that contributes to the fact that they pick horrible men. And after the relationship they usually have more issues than before.
No. 626768
>>626755I think it’s weird that if someone kept entering and staying in friendships where they were being abused everyone would rightfully call them an idiot and question why a grown adult would keep making these decisions but when it’s a woman in an
abusive relationship we’re supposed to just never question it and coddle them about how they ‘never could have known’ and that ‘there’s nothing they could have done’ when there almost always was something that could be done.
No. 626770
>>626767Okay but in most cases of people ‘not being in sound mind’ unless they’re like clinically insane people still consider them responsible for their own actions and decisions. Most women and people in general do, have, or will struggle with mental illness in some capacity and most still don’t enter
abusive relationships. There is obviously some degree of personal responsibility and personal failure in these women’s actions.
No. 626773
>>626764In my experience there's usually some fucked up self-hate thing going on where she can semi-subconsciously tell the guy will be
abusive that's why she chooses to date him because she has low self-esteem. If you try and set her up with a guy who's not an obvious shithead she's not interested since she lowkey thinks she doesn't deserve a non-painful relationship. Same goes for men who can't stop dating women with cluster-b personality disorders over and over again. They p much seek these partners out. Almost like outsourcing self-harm. Sad stuff. When I lose my patience is when kids are involved though.
No. 626786
>>626729Shut the fuck up. Holding women who aren't clinical retards accountable for their own acts of self-harm isn't
victim blaming. No one is saying
victim deserved abuse. I'm tired of the
victims are innocent angels who can do no wrong narrative. I'm fucking tired of women who crawl back to her
abusive scrote for the literal 15th time and we all have to pretend that she isn't complicit in her own suffering. Women who stay in
abusive relationships have high likelihood of imparting generational trauma onto her children. Fuck my mom for thinking a narc's approval was more important than her children's well being.
No. 626792
>>626791Lol your fake caring about muh aboose
victims sure went fast
No. 626804
>>626724So many of the
toxic/shit person red flags are plain as day, especially online. I really do think some folks only put up with
abusive people for as long as they do because they like the attention or are romance sick by shitty media that tells them that they're only doing it because they wub them. People throw away their integrity for the pettiest reasons. I knew a guy that knowingly entered a sexually exploitative relationship with a known abuser simply because they were in the same fandom and shared a fetish.
Some people are so starved for affection and attention that they'll knowingly kowtow to abuse just to pick at the scraps of 'love' they get afterward. It's a win-win for them. On one end, they get to be seen as the blameless
victim and never called out for their lack of self-esteem. On the other, they still get to sop up the few crumbs of validation their
abusive partner throws their way. Even when the relationship ends, they'll either go on to another abuser or sabotage a relationship with a good person because they aren't used to not being treated like shit.
Source: A person who's lost a few friends because they valued the short-term coddling of an abuser over reality.
No. 626806
>>626140Men are opportunistic and will change their 'preferences' based on what fuels their ego. They'll always loudly exclaim how much they wanna fuck conventionally attractive so-and-so or how they'd never fuck ugly so-and-so in public, but come clean in private. Case in point, dusty guys that clown women's selfies in their comments, but then slide into their DMs.
Ment's tastes in sexual partners are largely performative. They just want to show off how sexually valuable they are for the homeboys to cope with the fact that men overall are the real pick mes.
No. 626812
>>626786My stepdad is a literal pedo who watches teen porn and cheated on my mom with a 19 year old fat dorky girl in Nevada, I moved out not that long ago but my younger sister said she kept catching him staring at her. I hate her for being with him, not to mention all my sisters are 12 and older, he wont even let her work, and his bum ass wont work, theyre destitute. why the Fuck is she with this creep it pisses me off, i do not admire meek and homely women who risk the safety of their kids.
>>626791If some lady wants to ruin her own life for an
abusive man, fine. But the moment she lets her kids get dragged into it, she's trash.
No. 626817
>>626795Agree. I have a hard time believing anyone who says they're a child abuse
victim online now because so many fucking twitterfags straight out put that as some kind of an achievement on their bios and keep bringing it up. Also seen people talk about having been in an ~
abusive relationship~ for clout when all of it is falsified and the relationship has been completely normal.
No. 626856
>>626838To be perfectly honest most of the girls into DDLG that I've met I can totally believe that they've been abused or at least groomed but the ones clearly bullshitting it are usually people trying to get out of facing the consequences of their shitty actions or milking for attention.
>N-no anon, I have a perfectly good reason for pocketing charity money and being an absolute fucking sociopath! You see I was actually ABUSED as a child..Or the ones trying to get some sort of a moral upper hand during a debate.
>Why I'm clearly more knowledgeable at this subject and my feelings are way more ~valid~ than anyone else's here and thus might as well speak over their experiences, you see as a survivor of CSA…. No. 626899
>>626301I was like this when my mum was beating me throughout my childhood/teen years. My brother did drugs and was always in trouble so that was my connection with drugs.
It wasn't until I was settle in a job and living on my own and took myself to Amsterdam when I experienced drugs. I suffer bad anxiety and depression because of my adoloscence and someone recommended me weed. So I tried it where it was legal and it was life changing. Now I use at home where its illegal. No one would know I take it unless I tell them. I think it depends on the mindset of why people use drugs. Some want escapism and some people want help. Everyone is an individual.
No. 626912
>>625804I mean, we've got a lot of self admitted autists, bdpfags, anachans, lolitafags, neets, weebs, bipolarfags, depressed femcels, radfems, neets, poorfags, twitterfags, /co/fags, channers in general, instafags, pullfags, discordfags,
youtubers , tradfags, expickmes, sex work anons,
trannies, kiwifags, facebookfags, and a whole slew of other shit I'm probably missing. Like, at this point we should just have our own version of:
>>626856The only ddlg-chans that Ive met were 1 IRL and on Discord
IRL one pretends to be a baby while being 26 and surronds w sanrio aesthetic, including babytalks because she is too desperate for attention and validation from men to a point where her own friends casually call "an incel towards women".
The internet one was a NEET who dropped off mid school and a big nutcase. She stalked her african bf that broke up with her to a point that she keeps trying to make bew accounts on socmedia just to try "seducing" him again or baiting that she's super suicidal and started sleeping around again, while at the same time she keeps lying to people that he was a huge abuser towards her (because he had actual friends to spend time with) and everytime he joins some discord server she makes sure to talk to admins to kick him while not givibg any proofs. She was so obsessed with controlling him to a point where she would threatnen to commit suicide if he talks to me because during that time she cut his friends off him completely.
No. 626938
>>626755Sure, because smart and competent people never abuse.
Those are the most dangerous, ime.
No. 626948
>>626729victim blaming is such an overused term. most times in destructive relationships there isn't simply one
victim and one perpetrator, but rather two equally shitty people making each other worse. however bpdfags can't handle having their self centered world view questioned so they will deny this fact.
>>626795hard agree. i've made posts about this before, i can't believe how much some people fetishize sexual abuse (especially towards minors). they should be called out, that shit is
triggering af.
>>626666demonic quads says its true
No. 626969
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People who still draw MLP in the year of our lord 2020 have something wrong with them and its a huge fucking red flag, the biggest red flag of them all.
Its either a sexual deviant predator or an uber autist.
No. 626991
>>626812Sad thing is that shit is often intergenerational, you will swear now that you'll never put up with abuse yourself but without therapy you are still more vulnerable to fall
victim to it. I don't know what dynamic your mom grew up in but we unconsciously do recreate the same relationship dynamics we witnessed as kids.
No. 627001
>>626969I draw MLP because I've been watching them when I was 9, still finding them adorable even though I stopped watchin after s3 and I am really good at drawing cartoonish animals….i guess i wont post my drawings on foreign social media
I thought that brony fandom or hows it called is dead? Didnt the show end 3 years ago?
No. 627004
>>627001Yeah, and thats more or less the point, the only one lefts are usually the sexual deviants and autists.
I think its different when its women who grew up as horse girls, but i honestly look down on all pony art at this point because of association.
No. 627137
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Men get shit on for having no standards and fucking anything that will give them the time of day. Rightly so. But I've realized just as many women have zero standards.
Every day on any number of boards, social media and all that, I see women saying, "Omg my bf is so perfect and I adore him except for the teeny tiny fact that he beats me/calls me a dumbass/fucked my best friend/steals my money/jerks off to porn all day/is a slob and lets me mommy him. But I love him so much how can we work it out!??!"
Women are legitimately asking these questions as if they deserve a microsecond of consideration. If that's what they want to settle for, they lack self respect as much as men who fuck STD-ridden troglodytes, but at least guys get what they want and move on. The women keep enduring abuse because they're THAT desperate for even the smallest measure of affection. We're on a board fucking dedicated to the worst of womankind, yet so many people here seem to have a mental disconnect and believe women are morally superior somehow.
Nah. The majority of people on this entire planet are desperate and dumb as fuck, regardless of sex. Everyone needs to love themselves more or some shit.
No. 627160
>>627153Women irl do not get shat on for having standards. This literally only happens with incels. I feel like most normie women express very having high/specific standards but the in reality end up accepting a lot less, kind of like with men.
>Meanwhile it is socially acceptable for men to fuck as many women he considers "trash" and then settle down with a virgin stacy.What world do you live in? Obviously I agree the social/physical (pregnancy) repercussions of casual sex are harsher for women but some older man after having a slew of casual relationships expecting a ‘virgin Stacy’ would be a laughing stock to any woman and most men outside of manosphere online spaces. Normal men find virgin women older than 20 pretty weird anyway it’s not particularly a desirable thing and it’s even a dealbreaker for some of them. I feel like so much of what women say about ‘men‘ here is often only applicable to like men on /r9k/ and sound like they’ve never met a man irl in their life.
No. 627162
>>627137 > Omg my bf is so perfect and I adore him except for the teeny tiny fact that he beats me/calls me a dumbassI was in group therapy years back and I learnt that this is what CSA
victims grow up to be. If the abuse is anything lesser than the abuse they grew up with… then he's a catch.
No. 627178
>>627174My phone does that automatically and I'm not going to go back and change it because it
triggers you hun kek
No. 627189
>>627160NTA, but I do find that women tend to "put up" with a lot more in relationships. Infidelity for example, married men are more likely to cheat, but also more likely to say it's a dealbreaker if their wife cheats.
My uncle cheated on my aunt when I was a kid, I remember everyone making excuses for him and thinking she was crazy for "giving up their life because of one mistake."
No. 627198
>>627188Yeah I am too Lazy and why would I care if you can spot my Posting style? What can a You do to me?kek
And you need to work on your self esteem if you can't even handle being disliked on a ANONYMOUS forum.
No. 627202
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>>627187i dont know what youre referring to but i am a big fan of that red sauce that looks like candy which you dip chicken balls into
No. 627206
>>627202I looked up the recipe for this once and that sweet and sour sauce is basically
ketchup and sugar. Go nuts.
No. 627216
>>627211And a bit of vinegar for the tang, but yep, it's mostly a sugar sauce with red dye to make it bright.
Addictive stuff though.
No. 627234
>>627230We are talking about the red sauce. Brown sauce ingredients is this post
No. 627246
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It’s kind of hard to find a good picture for what I’m talking about but I love that thing where people have darkness around the edges of their lips and always wished I had it. I didn’t realise it was considered a flaw.
No. 627268
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Pigeons are cute
No. 627338
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Chick-fil-a is completely overrated.
No. 627587
never usually get into this because it seems genuinely unpopular, but from what i've seen, truly actually genetically blessed + cultured + well groomed, well bathed men (especially in past decades, i feel like younger men today overall look shittier and aren't as "well made" kek) truly do physically look their best in their 30s. i do not like how juvenile men in their 20s, and god forbid literal teenage boys look, plus they are not mentally matured at all typically. a very small amount seem to physically look the best even in their early 40s. but i also think women look the best in their early 30s so it's not that i think uwu old men so hawt women hit the wall XDD i guess i just prefer more chiseled matured faces, more stable people and i'm just not into the overly youthful look on anyone when it comes to being actually sexually attracted to them. i'm also not a teenager so i cannot stomach the thought of finding any 16-19 year olds of any gender "hot" or sexually desirable. and to clarify again, i'm not talking about your typical ugly beerbelly losers, my comments about men strictly apply to above average, aware of their appearance, well educated non hopeless males (which i know are very scarce, but i've seen a few.)
No. 627631
And also, in regards to women. I find women more attractive when pregnant/after childbirth, whether they're in their 20s or in their 30s. I haven't gauged this opinion anywhere, but I'm guessing it's unpopular.
No. 627700
Asking as someone who had a kid early on this year, my hips got wider, and then my ass got flatter. I have huge cowtits now , i feel like I no longer have a waist and my hair is falling out, i lost my baby weight but I till feel like one thing just
wont change. I do like that my limbs aren't all swollen like they were when I was pregnant
No. 627709
>>627587im surprised people know what age groups are most attractive in general like where else do people even discuss this lol for me i will see a boy and think they look good but bc im 20+ i would never look at some young kid like that because that’s just weird
No. 627711
>>627700I can't explain it, I just feel the larger breasts and wider hips tend to make other women more attractive in my eyes. It's probably on the level of a fetish with this preference, I'm not sure, but it's the way I feel.
It's not all women, but most women that become mothers are more attractive in my eyes after becoming mothers.
No. 627775
>>627759If women weren't visual, yaoi wouldn't exist, and Tik Tok e-boys would have no female fans.
It's a cope by/for ugly men and women with low standards babying them.
No. 627787
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Chicken is boring. I don't understand why it's so popular.
No. 627797
>>627787Chicken is the best in noodle or rice dishes, boring on it's own and inferior to other meats in burgers, pizza, etc.
Though I do love roast chicken with bbq sauce on white bread and butter.
No. 627800
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Lobster meat should be served without the shell. It's too much of a hassle to cut/tear open the carcass and dig out the meat.
It's also sad to see its eyes staring up at you from the plate :(.
No. 627834
>>627759When you're lesbian people do expect you be visual though.
Seems to just be a way for men to say "see I don't need to groom myself or diet, she wants me just the way I am and doesn't even care about me looking good for her"
No. 627893
>>627862I remember saying to my family after getting sick way too often two years ago, to the point where it costed me jobs
I even passed out in the middle of a job interview in the phone, then I woke and threw up the entire following week week that it would be nice to wear masks like in Asian countries so I wouldn't have to catch 309787690987 viruses from costumers and people in public transport and they looked at me like I had two heads.
The majority of people are disgusting, and I always hated how it's encouraged to send your kids to school even if they're sick or to force employees to go to work even if they work in restaurants and manipulate food with their disgusting hands all day long.
No. 627958
>>627957But they had their containment threads and never really ventured outside of them so I don't see the issue. Maybe it's just because kpop and anime are in the same category in my head.
Also, the yaoi thread is cringey enough to be on the same level as the kpop threads to me honestly.
No. 627965
>>627893This reminded me of my ex and his weirdly relaxed attitude to spreading vomiting bugs. I woke up one Xmas morning a few years back and said goodbye to him as he was heading to his parents house with his son to celebrate the holidays. I had planned on going to see my own family but within an hour of waking I was hit with the worst stomach bug I've ever had. Spent Xmas day and two more days after that alone and camped out on the bathroom floor unable to even keep water in me. Both ends, glorious. I texted him to let him know and for the first day he somehow read that description and thought I was exaggerating and that I simply had anxiety type nausea??
After a couple days he was due to come home bringing the son too and I told him I was still very symptomatic and afraid I was contagious. I advised he stay with his parents a couple more days and said I'd disinfect everything in our apartment once I was feeling better and before his return…but nope he came home early with the son. The three of us shared one bathroom.. he even took a long shower one day and let me nearly knock the door down in desperation before he came out
His son (12) woke up with pain in his stomach the next morning and rather than heading to the bathroom he came in to wake us up, tell us about it and then he proceeded to projectile vomit all over our bed. The next day he was still having symptoms but felt well enough to go out to a cafe and an arcade with the dad…? The day after that he had symptoms still and the dad dropped him back to his moms house where his other siblings including a 3 year old all caught it and were in bits for a week. I have no idea why it's so hard to just prevent spreading something like a stomach bug in particular. Stay home and let it fucking pass. Who even wants to risk public vomiting or shitting yourself? I was happy to isolate myself for a week and see it through alone
No. 627980
>>627862Anecdotal experience here but before covid (mandatory masks everywhere), I was getting sick at my office job at least once a month. A particularly annoying senior woman in the cubicle next to mine was always sniffling and claiming "allgeries" but I was always getting sick.
Ever since masks, I haven't been sick in several months since. Dare I say,the best streak in my adult life. Miss lady at work mysteriously doesn't seem to be suffering allergies anymore, and she also was moved to a position where she's basically hardly at her cubicle now. Hmm. People are germy and nasty. I dread covid being over and everyone goes back to bad habits.
No. 628116
>>627958Are you the sperg who constantly invades the fujo thread to bitch about how much she hates BL? Sorry your oppa gossip threads got taken away but just accept the L and go.
>>627989This. The autism toned down remarkably since the k-pop threads got removed.
No. 628249
>>628176Yeah the Netflix marketing was awful, but I dislike how it's being extended to the whole movie.
>>628173Your lack of reading comprehension is showing, that or you're horrifyingly naive.
>>628198Not bait, just a French woman who's tired of good old (American ?) puritanism that'd rather sweep these societal subjects under the rug rather than acknowledge them and try to make a difference.
>>628211>>628212Intelligent anons, thank u
>>628211It's pretty good, very "modern French film about the suburbs". Am also French and have NA family, I couldn't really relate to the subject matter because I was raised in completely different circumstances (and with good role models) so spending so much time on the Internet didn't fuck me up too much. But it's crazy to think how slightly different circumstances could have led me on this path. It makes me think of Zahia, I was 11 when her story happened and it really shocked and fascinated me.
Et coucou je suis toujours contente de voir des fermières (mdr) françaises !
No. 628254
>>628249Meant to quote
>>628177 too
No. 628268
>>628249>Your lack of reading comprehension is showing, that or you're horrifyingly naïveI can read just fine, and I meant what I said. I literally do not give a shit what high praises you want to give this movie, pedos die and pedo peddlers die too.
>Who cares if…Fucking disgusting. All of your other points are moot.
No. 628279
>>628249I never grew up in banlieues but my parents were always incredibly strict, if I told them in primary school I was hanging out with male classmates during recess they'd lose their shit and my father would call me and my sisters whores sometimes for no reason. They're not even extreme Muslims, they're just weird about girls just living their lives in a normal way.
I was always aware of how fucked up the internet is because I grew up with teachers warning us about very real issues like how giving too much info about your personal life and real identity can get you in trouble with stalkers, pedophiles, and later on with you bosses at work but I was such a dumb repressed teen I learned English just so I could read super vulgar slash fics and talk to other nerds on livejournal. Now the internet is so normalized that kids and teenagers don't receive that education anymore, I guess it's up to totally clueless parents to teach them online etiquette and how to stay safe.
I don't know if I will 100% relate to the main characters but with how little accurate and respectful representation French girls and women of African origins get in French media I don't care anymore, I want to see more stuff about us.
Putain ça y est, je parle comme une SJW maintenant mdr…
>who's tired of good old (American ?) puritanismI'm sick of Americans complaining that a French-Senegalese woman talks about her religion and past experiences in a movie that was made for a French audience specifically like it should be applied to them.
No. 628288
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>>628284100gecs is fucking terrible even from an annoying synthpop view, that troon can't sing for shit, I think they probably know alot of people in the indie music circle to have gotten this much clout.
I bet 50 dollars the tranny is a rapist.
No. 628294
>>628168Wow anon you are stupid and gross.
Documentaries work great at not continuing the exploitation of the underage subject… Plus there's no need to audition 650 kids for such a role
'surviving R kelly' was not a dramatization because that would be undeniably fucked up and counter productive.
Why isn't this obvious?!
No. 628309
>>628293I haven't watched the movie yet though, I would like to see it to make my own opinion but there's no way I'm going to theaters now when covid cases are even higher than during the lockdown. And I don't use netflix. Usually when French film makers want to raise awareness about some social issue they just put a famous white actor or actress in blackface, film some incredibly unfunny "comedic" scenes and then the protagonist goes like "aw I guess being racist is bad after all!" so I want to see if it's going to be more serious than that sort of shit as well.
>>628294Pretty sure it's not a documentary but just a movie with a fictional story. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
No. 628310
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BDD fags are worse than BPD ones.
They keep fishing for compliments and asking about their appearance but if you say one thing thats not positive they will start bawling about how ugly they are and that they should kill themselves because they are so ugly, and then you need to tell them they are oh so gorgeous for like three hours.
BPD bitches at least are fun at parties.
No. 628320
>>628168I thought this about the trailer but then I watched the movie on netflix and some scenes are a bit questionable- like twerking on a security guard so he'd let them past.
I don't think it was meant to sexualize kids and I don't think their target audience was pedos but in a sad turn of events it's kinda gone that way.
I feel really bad for the girls in it, not only have they been shoved in the centre of an entirely inappropriate debate about sexualization of minors but they've pretty much lost their acting careers now. Poor gals just wanted to be movie stars and now this has happened to them.. I think they're going to be very angry when they're teenagers and realise what's been done to them.
No. 628325
>>628316I agree with the opinion but the example with the narcissistic ex is shit as narcissists can be very charming to many people but shitty to a particular person (especially partners). They need the majority of people to think they’re great so they’re usually not going to abuse everyone. Also they have to be careful in picking their
victims as many people will tell them to fuck off and induce their narc meltdowns
‘Narcissistic’ doesn’t necessarily equate to saying someone has NPD though, it’s not intrinsically linked to the mental illness like saying “they’re so OCD” is
No. 628353
>>628116Replying late but no I'm not and I didn't read the thread thoroughly enough to even know what you're talking about. I also don't use the kpop threads so…I don't know what this whole response is about.
>>628024My point wasn't about who's thread is more active or who's more annoying.
No. 628368
>>628289Are you saying the ends justifies the means in this situation? It's not okay to sexualize and exploit these girls because it's going to make so many more people "woke" to their hypersexualization?
>let's show how bad sexualizing kids is by sexualizing kidsIn movies involving family abuse or murder, the children are acting and not actually getting abused and murdered. These girls are actually being sexualized.
No. 628379
>>628249Why the fuck do Frenchfags keep taking the moral high ground here and pretend its hyper-paranoid Americans being crazy about it like you lot aren't some of the most perverted people in all of Europe? It's honestly ridiculous to see Frenchfags weasel themselves out of this.
Plus Black American and Latin American girls face similar issues to ones North African and West African migrant girls would. Stop.
No. 628444
>>628379kek in general anons who feel fine about this movie like
>>628317 are embarassing
we all understand the issue but this is not the way to do this. the girls are being sexualized after the idea is to not sexualize… and sure its acting, but to think this wont effect them psychologically at least is retarded
No. 628492
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>>628488you think 3/4 of the people who use social media are full blown narcissists?
No. 628504
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>>628463I agree seeing that these acts are in the movie. I'm not sure how anons can defend this. I suppose the director of Cuties wanted to spread a positive message but making borderline child porn is not the way to do that.
No. 628543
>>628488I wouldn't say all of them are, but I've always found the idea of posting countless photos of your face really weird, especially for the people viewing it. Like we already know what you look like, so how are we supposed to be react? I've always found it cringey when they do those videos of them posing in front of the mirror and making faces like they're in a fashion magazine - that's the type of shit you do in private. It's embarrassing to post it online for thousands of strangers to see. Like come on, have some dignity.
On a related note, my dad referred to selfies as "selfish" the other day lmao. He didn't do it on purpose either because his English isn't good
No. 628547
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>>628539This is an anon from the vent thread. Anyone confirm this is the content of the movie? If so I'm embarrassed anons are defending it.
No. 628570
>>628562I mean, considering literally everyone else is talking about it and arguing about their interpretations of it, I don't think it's just me, lmao.
I heard it was at the front page of Netflix or something. That didn't come from nowhere. Like, what is this incessant need to lend free, daily advertising to something disturbing? Can't you just report it and go? If Netflix didn't want to remove it after multiple complaints, people were still given like half a month or something to forget about it, spam it with shitty reviews on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes and let it fade into obscurity and fail (as it should, if it's so disturbing), but they're still going. Spamming everywhere. Why do this? Do you actually support that kind of thing?
No. 628572
>>628564I hope you realize the issue isn't that they're talking about the over-sexualization of girls. Movies and tv shows don't have to show the exact things that are happening, a good movie should know how to use implication. The children in that movie shouldn't have been used like that, imo.
>>628570I just assumed most people got their information about the movie from plot summaries given by other people. I see what you mean about people giving it free publicity, but I think that's just the nature of the internet, if that makes sense. When something controversial happens, a lot of people talk about it. It will go away soon. Also, wasn't the movie released in France first, if so it makes sense Americans would be talking about it now.
No. 628576
>>628573I completely understand your point, and I'm sure the actual movie was shot in a way to convey the message, but I still think it's inappropriate. Like, if you saw vid related, would you think it's in any way ok for girls to be doing this? It's no different when the actresses do it just because the movie is semi-fictional.
>Also the actresses are teens, not pre-teens.That doesn't make it better, it's still gross when teens do it.
No. 628577
>>628575Yes let's hope so too. I've only read about the main actress (Fathia Youssouf) but from her interview she seems very well adjusted and with a supportive family. I also hope the actresses' personal situations was taken into account in the casting.
Also I think people here are greatly exaggerating how explicit the movie. It really is no worse than 99% of Tik Tok.
No. 628587
>>628564>Y'allCalm down SpongeBob text tard, I was asking a question. Anything with 10 year old crotch shots and twerking on fully grown men is nonsensical to defend. You can make a movie bringing these issues to light without exploiting children further.
>>628580I agree to some extent. It doesn't make it right ofc, but it's normalised. I think the issue comes in when it's adults putting children in this position under the guise of awareness. If they're simply inept when it comes to handling the topic delicately, they still have to accept responsibility.
No. 628621
>>628553I'm this anon, just got back from watching it.
The biggest problem with Cuties is that men are able to watch it, IMO. All the issues stem from the fact that pedophiles are getting off to it either way, ignoring the message and intent. I "understood" it, and some parts hit close to home emotionally and culturally, but it's just not something that can be shown to a wide audience.
The story also leaves a lot of loose ends, outside of everything else.
No. 628632
>>628625I tease my bf for liking white girls, it doesn't really bother me
(I am hispanic) but then we didn't really like each other at first and we were pretty good friends before we got together or started liking one another. To each their own. I don't think it's weird to have preferences as long as they re not gross and fetish like if a White girl talked about
bbc in front of her white bf or a guy talking about
yellow fever shit in front of his black gf, those people are weirdoes and shouldnt even be with anyone imo.
No. 628642
>>628634There had to be
at least one such reply, predictable.
Pizzas have more whiteknights than any other food.
No. 628643
>>628379>Plus Black American and Latin American girls face similar issues to ones North African and West African migrant girls would. Stop.I think we all know that, but it's annoying when you can barely see yourself in media and pop culture so the closest thing is watching movies and TV shows about other people in another continent with many small but important differences just because you can draw a parallel. And French people in general has a love-hate relationship with the USA, it's really nothing personal. On twitter the main complaint from French people I've seen in the whole controversy around Cuties is that Americans have mini-miss contests and if anything they should be able to draw parallels between the movie and their own pop culture instead of shitting on the movie like that shit doesn't happen in both countries. Let's be real, both countries have flaws when it comes to how children are treated.
>>628388I heard there's barely any north africans in the USA and they're technically considered white because of some census bullshit so if they face discrimination they can't legally do shit about it. I think there are way more of them in Canada, especially in the French speaking part of the country, but that's just according to a few Canadian friends. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
No. 628680
>>628647Because it's responsible yet cosy. There's a great deal of sunk cost fallacy of when it takes so long to find someone who you feel comfortable living with, who you can be yourself around without being annoyed by them, share all the chores, enjoy hanging out and have the option of sex but when it works it frees you up to focus on other areas of your life like your career and hobbies.
Psychotic eros like
>>628627 sounds really good but I could too easily let everything else slip chasing it
No. 628716
>>628706>>628706Pizza is the Ninth Best Thing in general according to people who voted in this video, and the top Thing among all Food.
The Best Thing is
(It totally is.)
No. 628942
>>628832Okay but why did they have to cast actual 11 year olds? For high school movies that are also 'coming of age' we're used to seeing older actors and actresses who are usually 18+ and no one ever thinks their maturity isn't convincing or detracts from the message of those movies.
>whoever watched it and thought it was erotic/sexy has some sort of problemWelcome to the predatory world of male pedophilia….
No. 629048
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>>628983Tomato is superior in every way
you're just a pussy
No. 629062
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No. 629071
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>>629054silence, tastelet
No. 629105
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Most men if not all men are pedophiles.
No. 629268
>>629192Yeah, I'm tired of him at this point. Same with Joji. I hate that sad boi shit so much, but teens eat it up.
His fanbase is the worst for sure tho. They were terrible when he started out with the edgelord shit but ever since he went hard with the gay pandering they've gotten worse.
No. 629329
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Highkey want to take shots with all the infighting going on
No. 629407
>>629385This is a terrible opinion! How can mac and cheese be dry…too many breadcrumbs? Would also recommend adding mustard and using some mild cheddar for a more complex flavor profile. Absolutely one of my favorite foods.
Although the box stuff where the macaroni is very soft and has this uniform orangey sauce…gross.
No. 629552
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I hate caramelized onions so fucking much. A literal blight on earth, so nasty. I don't like them.
No. 629558
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>>629507Ok this is a staged Instagram post I guess but I think it can look quite nice if only part of the hair is dyed those colors
No. 629561
>>629507>>629517I think it's pretty, especially when it's perfectly-styled wigs or professional dye jobs. Never understood why/how people would think otherwise.
My first exposure to it was through seeing models, dolls and anime characters and stuff, though. Already-attractive people who just happened to have unnaturally colored hair. I guess if you saw dirty/trashy people with it first, the association with unkemptness and grossness makes more sense.
No. 629608
>>629604Is someone saying this is a problem? Kek why would anyone buy clothes they can't wear?
I guess some people buy clothes to resell them, but that's gotta be a small percentage.
No. 629618
>>629604Why do fatties never consider that their size is sold out because
other fat people buy them out? That issue always seemed fake to me as well, because it is. It's them being angry they didn't get their way and projecting their anger onto skinny women.
No. 629631
>>629604I mean, if they’re so mad about normal sized people buying big sizes, why not just make their own clothes? I’m sure there’s a bunch of stores that sells fabric at decent prices, even on the Internet there’s fabric at decent prices, why not learn how to make their own clothes if they noticed the “problem” with the amount of clothes they can buy?
If they’re not even trying to lose the extra layers of fat, maybe they could learn how to cover them.
No. 629635
>>629631There's no reasoning with people who
want to be mad and blame others
No. 629639
>>629601Her face is already kind of gross and unbalanced, and her personality just makes it more absurd. Simps don't care about her face as long as she still has breasts attached to her chest, though, and she knows that very well.
You can't look like the Amerimutt meme
and be a mentally ill, racist pick-me. Pick a struggle. Like,
at least be on the same level as Doja Cat if you're going to be filling the internet with garbage (I know Brittany's not actually biracial, but she was pushing herself that way for a while, lmao).
No. 629697
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>>629601her eyes are too far apart
No. 629769
>>629767Depends, most men I've met who prefer older women usually treat them respectfully, men I've met who date way younger women end up in
toxic relationships
No. 629843
>>629829Why just this film, and not American media like
>Toddlers and Tiaras >Dance Moms >Jake Paul/other famous youtubers. Jake Paul specifically had a porn star on his channel for one video. >normalization of the consumption of pornography>essentially anything that their own kids are doing or seeing on tik tok or anywhere else on the internet. Charli D'Amelio is around these girls' age (14-ish) and she does dances on camera in a bikini. How is that different? I do not recall any of these having such a huge backlash. Those forms of media just allow this sexualization to exist. Charli D'Amelio has been featured on talk shows, and Jake Paul is just dismissed as some idiot youtuber. This film at least makes a point about it - it's a story about social acceptance when coming from a conservative background, and the emotional turmoil that results from that, as well as the fact that this particular group of young girls who are at the cusp of being adolescents are so eager to "adult" themselves that the only way that they can bond is through acting like full-grown women, which they obviously are not.
No. 629847
>>629836So you're saying it's okay to sexualize kids (through a massive media channel no less) because people are going to sexualize them anyway?
Just because people do it doesn't mean it's okay to allow it.
No. 629866
>>629856If this is really the hill you choose to die on, then godspeed, pedobait movie simp-chan.
Also lol at anon thinking Toddlers and Tiaras doesn’t get shat on for exploiting children.
No. 629869
>>629866and JAKE PAUL isn't hated by everyone.
>>629862Tbh a lot of people don't truly care about the childern on both sides. They both want to make this into some deep political debate.
No. 629878
>>629865They just stole it from us, I refuse to let those annoying cunts ruin the word
>>629601She's cute with straight hair
No. 629888
>>629877Just because there wasn't an outrage over things in the past doesn't make them okay in the present. There were a lot of things that nobody gave a shit about that are illegal now…a lot of things.
>>629881Children don't have to actually be sexualized to condemn it. As
>>629873 said, you wouldn't make a movie condemning animal cruelty by actually being cruel to animals. There are other ways of doing it.
No. 629904
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>>629863on one hand I'm happy that y'all is being recognized… on another… twitter
No. 629905
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>>629885QAnon believers may have something to do with it, but the vocal hatred of the film was quite literally spearheaded by the American "Parents Television Council", an organization founded in 1995 by a conservative Christian activist specifically to target "inappropriate" and "not family friendly" material on a mass scale, several times a year.
>The council launches several media campaigns a year against the producers and advertisers of television programs they perceive to be indecent. A typical campaign involves press releases declaring a particular program harmful (often with a list of "unacceptable" character behavior or situations), the organized mass mailing of form letters and emails to advertising sponsors of unapproved programs, organized mass filing of complaints via the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) website complaint form, and direct threats of long, potentially costly FCC license challenges to local network affiliates planning to broadcast what the council considers harmful network programming. No. 629912
>>629853Not backlash to this level. And certainly not to the point where government officials are getting involved:>>629858There's nothing wrong with finding the movie inappropriate; it is. But to take such offence to it and not the countless other ways that children are exploited in America is hypocrisy.
Americans love to virtue signal and they love their righteous anger. I'm not surprised that this happened.
>>629868>>629910Thank you for these comments. Honestly, it wasn't nearly as bad as the stuff you see on tik tok (there was something called the "foreigner challenge" that was very real and much worse than the film) or even some stuff on Dance Moms/Toddlers and Tiaras.
No. 629917
>>629910>the disturbing parts were kinda necessary to make you understand how far it can go.I haven't seen the movie but throughout all this discussion I just keep thinking, isn't the footage that horrifies normal people going to be the exact same imagery that titillates pedos? I feel like there's inherently a catch 22 about the whole thing, it would be difficult to disturb people with reality if you also want to avoid appealing to sickos.
Of course I'm assuming the filmmakers had good intentions and wanted to convey a message, not just get attention with shock value and controversy.
No. 629919
>>629912>the fallacy of relative privationI get what you're saying, I'm sure there's virtue signalling taking place as there's always those kinds of people. But I've watched society degrade over the past decades and am concerned about all of those things. This movie although thinly veiled as an insight into childhood sexualisation literally sexualises the actresses at the behest of profiting adults. Children on tiktok are secondarily groomed into sexualising
themselves by watching older, more popular accounts. Which is obviously sad, and wrong (their parents should be monitoring them more). But Cuties was written by adults, for children to portray content that far surpasses their age group, which they are barred from watching themselves despite having a role in the film.
Just because children aren't necessarily as innocent as they once were doesn't mean we should lay on the adult concepts thick so they can do our activism for us. Exposing children to sexual concepts at a young age is exactly how grooming functions and it is literally in the very definition of CSA. Why is that morally acceptable because the premise of the movie allegedly seeks to condemn the phenomena? The outcome is still the same regardless of what strings you attach. You can't disavow pedophila whilst making fap material for pedophiles, nor can you deny responsibility for compromising children for the sake of a message.
The fact this movie is even available to a large audience is indicative of the times. (And yes, I understand if children weren't growing up so fast the film wouldn't physically exist. I just don't think we should give up on innocence in its entirety, or simply because concepts that should have been handled delicately weren't). The end doesn't justify the means.
No. 629922
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>>629917Meh, romanticizing pedophilia has always been a French thing anon.
No. 629926
>>629916I’ll give your insane fixation on this minor controversy a more thoughtful response when you display some understanding of the fact that just because some conspiracy nuts latched onto this with an ulterior motive, it doesn’t negate legitimate gripes with the content/marketing.
Peace out.
No. 630017
>>630004Why do people think the solution is to ban the film only?
Why aren't there any petitions to keep children off Tik Tok, IG, etc? Or ban child beauty pageants, put a severe clamp on the child modelling industry, end Toddlers and Tiaras and Dance Moms, call for stricter decency laws on music videos,
jail Dan Schneider and all others like him,
put Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and whoever else was on Epstein's island flight logs behind bars, etc.
It's very easy to look at one thing and make it out to be the only problem, but all these people are pretending the actual issue will disappear if they stand against this film.
Funnily enough, I'm sure if the themes were presented as a positive, fun thing the way a show like Dance Moms does things, people would be defending it left and right.
No. 630151
>>630148 I agree and tbh i hate minimalism in general, the push for capsule wardrobes makes me my smaug soul tremble, i own like 200 different pieces of clothing and seasonal stuff aside i wear almost all of them.
Owning shit is fun, collecting is fun, as long as you’re clean, not a hoarder and spend moey healthily i see no problem with having a fuckton of shit.
No. 630155
>>630148 >>630151
ugh, thank you anons. clutter is comfort for me–and i'm not talking HOARDER levels of clutter but just… "i live here, it isn't a hotel or a rental" clutter.
if there aren't little decorations around, it all feels empty. i love my kitschy shit.
No. 630156
>>630151this is exactly how i feel. i have
tons of clothes but i am not a slob and i rotate them out and store them in vacuum bags. if anything having to juggle my many possessions has helped me become better at organizing and storage since i have to find places for it all.
No. 630160
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I don't think this is very unpopular but I wish it was socially accepted to go out with graphic, artistic makeup like this. Imagine walking on the street and everyone has beautiful things drawn on their faces, so pretty
No. 630166
>>630148I think the reason it's become so popular is a normal reaction to consumerism, and the desire for a more ecological lifestyle. I think capitalism and consumerism push down an ungodly amount of stuff on the average person.
The actual Konmari book is terribl for the environment though, she basically "trash literally 99% of you possessions" and she gloats about having clients throwing away (not donating or anything) hundreds of trashbags full of stuff.
No. 630168
>>630148I like minimalism but agree that konmari is dumb. The whole idea of only keeping what sparks joy is stupid as in that case, most people would throw out the majority of their necessities. Her defenders say “well cleaning supplies might not spark joy but what they help you achieve is what’s joyful” um no, I just don’t want to live in a dirty house lol. Also the dedication to her unnecessarily specific way of folding clothes and storing things is cultish
Her Netflix show was disappointing, most of the people on it were hoarders and she just taught them to organise their hoard. I know minimalism wasn’t the goal but a key part of her system is decluttering so yeah, dumb
No. 630200
>>630189I feel for you anon, I'm going through something similar as an only child. My mom had me at 40 and every year I can see how much her health is deteriorating.
>>630188I'm glad you had a good experience with it, but in general most people I've met with older parents had problems, especially if they were only children like me. Lack of energy to spend time with children, health problems, generational differences, etc. I don't think people should have children just out of highschool either
No. 630206
>>630200My mom was sick for ten years before dying and that left me with depression where I've acheived poorly in life, now my dad looks set to have a similarly slow dementia fade and I just want out already. I can't go through this again. I've had no life myself.
I feel your pain, it's too much weight to have on your shoulders this early in life. It doesn't feel natural.
No. 630236
>>630148One thing I wish was brought to American audiences was the concept of respect for items though. It's been a while since I read the book but I THINK I remember a passage about how in Shintoism, inanimate objects still have spirits and Marie's grandmother took great care of each item in the house, cleaning and dusting it. It seems like the only concept that could be digested by American audiences was "If it doesn't make you happy, trash it!" but nothing about showing respect for your items, and by extension, yourself, by cleaning and organizing. The number of things you own really isn't a factor. I definitely get that the spiritual aspect just doesn't apply to everyone, but I'm always so grossed out seeing my friend's anime figures for example covered in a cake of dust. You paid so much for it and love it so much but can't keep it clean? It's disrespectful to the time you spent working to pay for it, and by extension disrespectful to yourself.
So I guess I agree that just trashing stuff has no value, but what does have value is a lot harder to teach.
No. 630257
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>>627495The only difference between /co/fags and the fujos/husbandofags here, is that /co/fags like to larp as men.
/co/ is also just /trash/lite No. 630496
>>630427I can't say I've ever noticed people talking about punching kids and I read /r/childfree all the time. Must be a yt comment thing.
Somewhat related, but I hate people describing someone as having a 'puncheable face'. First of all, what kind of psychos feel the urge to punch people based on their looks? Second of all, there's no specific look or trait that could be described as 'puncheable'. I see it used almost exclusively for women, particularly women who aren't particularly conventionally attractive but aren't ugly enough to warrant a normal insult. It's such a bizarrely aggressive and pointless thing to say.
No. 630576
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I hate oppossums. whenever i see one near my house i want to scream. all my friends think they're paragons with prehensile tales but I cannot abide possums. they are NOT cute, even if their gross little feet look like they're wearing fingerless gloves. ew
No. 630688
>>630364Anon wtf. You don't honestly think the ones starting up southpark or husbando threads are /co/omers, right? Ffs there's been sofia the first threads thirsting over Frederick and even barbie threads with some crossover from /toy/
since it's a dying board. Hell in the rapunzel threads, self-admitted lesbians
assuming they're not just larping scrotes or trannies thirsted over best girl cass.
/g/ anons were probably the ones sperging about their rape fantasies over the eltingville boys No. 630948
>>630837>>630826video games
>>630822I don't think there's anything wrong with being disabled. Trying to fly under the radar is futile since it's pretty obvious that you're not normal, be it the disability or people assuming you're the worst person.
No. 630951
>>630947It probably is. There's a only fan thot local to me that loves to play the biracial card, she needs to fake tan to look ethnic and it shows in her horrible only fan photos she spams now. Maybe she has a big enough following someone will recognise her she's pretty easy to
trigger online. She got popular because she over shared about her dating history (just being a slag no one respected), then she got an Asian boyfriend and has been emasculating him constantly on the time line. She loves ethnic stereotypes so she loves to drop her boyfriends ethnicity a lot because he actually doesn't look white.
No. 630962
>>630948Nta but given they were born with autism and it's a constant in their life.. maybe they just go through life not feeling the need to disclose it very often. It's their norm.
I meet autistic people where I work, it's usually an unpsoken thing where I pick up on it and it might eventually get dropped into conversation. I have a female relative with it and given she lives alone she doesn't like to disclose it often because it can make you a target to people who just assume you're soft or easily preyed on because of it.
No. 630974
>>630957I unironically believe that guys start to calm down more towards their 40s when their biological clocks start ticking, their dicks start to malfunction, and they realize that women their age won't so easily take as much shit as they did when they were younger and more naive.
Source: Literally have been present when older men have discussed what dicks they were in their 20s and early 30s.
No. 631008
>>630995Not everyone appreciates random animal shit in their yard. Cat feces can carry disease like
toxoplasmosis and other parasites like ringworm, it's not fertilizer. Why should anyone have to deal with domesticated animal shit from another person's pet? Expecting other people to just be okay in dealing with it is entitled mentality. If all cats bury their shit, then it shouldn't have been noticeable enough for neighbors to have spotted shit in their yard in the first place. Cats do not always bury their shit, and I say that as someone who's owned a cat.
Btw people shoot raccoons who habitually go into their yards to eat and poop because they can bring rabies with them and damage property for their dennings.
No. 631021
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>>631016Anon I need your address. I feel a giant dump brewing. I mean, no land is actually your land right? Don't be entitled now.
No. 631044
>>630995I agree with you. Americans can be so fucking autistic, it's like they don't live in the real world. I swear their government could start enclosing them under domes in plastic homes with fake, plastic gardens with flowers that spray nerve gas and play AGP sissy hypno recordings on loop every hour, and they'd unironically defend it and say everyone else in the world is dirty, close-minded and disease-ridden for not doing the same.
And then they'd shoot other Americans for trespassing on each other's plastic lawns because "muh land", yelling about "freedom".
No. 631059
>>631049My pets don't leave my property, anon.
You need to understand that when you live anywhere near nature, animals shit. They do it wherever it's convenient. If it's not the neighbor's cat, it's a raccoon or whatever else.
You can't stop it from happening. That's life. Needlessly killing them for not understanding your arbitrary rules is retarded. It's a waste of time and bullets.
If this vexes you, just live in a city and take care of potted plants instead. Try not to cry too much or brandish your gun if you run into bird shit, though.
No. 631063
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This is probably only an unpopular opinion amongst kibbefags but not all gamines are cut-out for having short hair. You have to have some degree of attractiveness and a face that matches the gamine description
No. 631172
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>>631162How many times a month do we have this conversation, just check the last thread for the conclusion of this fight
No. 631196
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Makeup doesn't make most women look that different. I never get why people will show pics of a woman without makeup and say how different/awful she looks, she always looks basically the same to me and still cute
Shit like pic related is an exception
No. 631227
>>630960Normal things include conversation. Normal people don't struggle with communicating to the point where it looks like a personality disorder.
>>630976This is the first time I've brought this up. Maybe you need to stop thinking everyone is the same person.
No. 631244
>>631223The thing is old people have much more available to them
>Chances are they got to buy a house without worrying about their credit score>They were easily able to buy a 3 bedroom house 20 minutes away from where they work for a low price>Jobs were easy to get even with low experience>School was significantly cheaper>Old people now have Medicaid, welfare, and are more likely to get government assistance and on top of that if they didn't buy a house when they were younger they can find extremely cheap living facilities and communities to live inOn top of that most boomers suck at budgeting, and don't even get me started on boomers who work at fast food restaurants just because "they're bored and want something to do"aka taking the job (and tips) away from people that actually need it
No. 631266
Have you never met a boomer before? What "narrative" am I trying push? Statistically very little boomers are legit poor so it makes sense that more people mostly know wealthy or well off boomers despite "the kind of person they are", whatever that means
>Do you realize most of the privileges you mentioned in your post were afforded to mostly white men?Not true, my hometown is a retirement community and had the highest income out of all other counties, boomer women still take up most of these privileges and a lot of blacks and Hispanics. That being said most American boomers are white so I don't understand what you're trying to get at
No. 631271
>>631266> my hometown is a retirement community and had the highest income out of all other countiesthat’s it! that’s why all the “boomers” you know are wealthy! because so are you!
>>631267but misogyny made it more difficult for older women to succeed, even if they are white.
No. 631372
>>631325He rules facebook, nobody I know cares about facebook.
>>631326Yes and no, yes not all boomers, as when people discriminate against any group they don't mean literally all, but there's no denying rich boomers really did a lot of damage to the economy, on top of that overpopulating America
No. 631400
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>>631372The boomer rich just happen to be the current assholes, previously in the 1930s it was their parents. And the cycle will continue with their children, and their children's children. It's called being the ruling class kek. All you need to do to cause mayhem for the system, and us by extension, is have superfluous amounts of wealth and then remove it from circulation (or flood it into circulation).
No. 631470
>>630995I disagree, hbecause in my country they have dog taxes precisely because of people who think like you. Not everyone likes pets and/or is a scat fetishist as much as you and some people work hard in their garden.
Either keep the cat in or don’t make it shit on my shit.
No. 631517
>>631511let me fix that for you
anything else>>>>men
No. 631522
>>631511Hmmmmmm, I agree on the stipulation that you modify it to:
American guys > British guys >>>> the rest of European men
British guys are a step up, that's for sure. European men are just fucking gross.
No. 631526
>>631522Implying theres zero difference between west and east european men even though culture and history is almost completely different. Also what's so good about British guys, except for the idealized image of a british guy from some dramas or whatnot?
This said, women are better everywhere.
No. 631528
>>631511Australian guys>American guys>North/West European guys>East European guys>South European guys
South European men tend to more often than not be manchildren that still live with their parents.
No. 631562
>>631511How many different men from Europe have you met that you can generalize men from 40+ different countries and 40+ different cultures and histories like
>>631526 said
No. 631616
>>631598Aw, where have you come across them? Have they been outdoor bunnies or people that keep them in their cage/don't interact with their bunnies? My bunny free roamed until he picked up this habit of chewing giant holes in my carpet, now he hangs out in his condo until I get home from work when I can watch him.
He's always climbing all over people when they come over and kisses and chews on their clothes, follows and circles my cat, and thumps, grunts, and charges at me whenever I try to get him out of a space he's not supposed to be. Just no fear/fucks. It probably has to do with the environment they're in, because other bunnies and bunny owners I know that interact with their pets say that they're similarly "brave." Apologies for bunny sperg.
he's not all bad. he comes when i call him, knows his name, gives kisses, shares fruit with me, and is so adorable and special… even though he is a Demon. No. 631618
>>631540When women say physical touch is their main love language I take it innocently and at face value, because we all know that a woman's intimacy tends to not be so self-centered.
When a man says it however, I'm wary because it's usually code for "I'm going to paw at you constantly and not do much else because other types of love language take active effort and all I care about is my base pee pee desires."
No. 631627
>>631616Aww now i want to adopt one too
I had similar concerns, that they aways seem so scared in homes and better off in the wild
No. 631638
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>>631627Aw! If you do, they're a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. ♥
>>631629That definitely makes sense, poor lil things. I'll definitely give mine regards from you, anon, and those buns are in my heart.
I'll leave you anons with my bun, we wish you a good day!
No. 631649
>>631641If you haven't heard of the book or the concept, it's not your fault–it's a specific thing. if interested!
No. 631679
>>631673I agree. Not because of "gender roles" or whatever, but I hate seeing men who are like parasites. Obviously some SAHMs can be gold-diggers too, but usually women are SAHMs cause it's traditional. Men stay at home cause they want to be leeches.
obligatory "not all men!!!"If a woman is in a relationship, the dude has to either be making the same amount as her, or more than her. I feel like that's how it should be. Why settle for men who make less?
No. 631680
>>631673The first guy I ever dated came from a family where the dad was a stay at home dad. He did the bare minimum.
That bf turned out to be pretty workshy too. Worked a crappy job when I met him and he tried to use a disibility that I have to argue that he should become my full time carer… I don't need one, I'm not that fucking disabled. He just wanted free government money every week for doing nothing.
No. 631683
>>631673Because men just aren't raised and conditioned to be homemakers or feel pride in it, so it's likely the case they really are just bumming at home. Instead of doing chores, spending quality time with the kids, preparing meals, or really doing any kind of thoughtful domestic management.
I can't think of one instance where an acquaintance had a "SAHH" willingly…it was usually because he got fired from his job or quit suddenly. Tbh whenever I hear a guy is stay at home I assume he's low effort and is putting his woman through hell trying to support him.
Not saying there isn't exceptions. They're just very rare.
No. 631703
>>631699My friend had an unplanned baby where the dad disappeared as soon as he heard she was pregnant. She was determined not to end up on benefits and ended up going back to work when the baby was only 3 months old.
She paid my mom a very modest childsitting fee and they did that til he was in school. Looking back I don't know how she could handle doing that. I still remember how tiny he was when she first dropped him off
No. 631714
>>631711It was already saturated no? Tons of companies were using tech support and code from india and such even with a lot of compsci students and bootcampers available.
The positions that pay well require experience and a lot of knowledge, i think these will still be in demand.
No. 631768
>>631692I'd say if you're gonna have a kid and you don't have the kinda income to get daycare/nanny, then you better have an extended family (i.e. granparents) that are willing to do some of that. Depends on the industry of choice of the parent, but I imagine if you're out of most fields for over 5 years you're never going to be allowed back in so, age 3-5.
>>631743A parent becoming financially dependent on the other and then inevitably being hit with empty nest syndrome when the kids are done and that parent has nothing else to turn to later in life? Yeah.
No. 631855
>>631711>In one or two years the IT market will become completely saturated and it will cause a crash and burn of that sectorThis has been said for at least 10 years by now and it still hasn't happened. A good share of companies quit outsourcing to countries with cheap IT labor (like India) because they realized how costly it is in the long run compared to developing it locally, especially because user interfaces have been improving in leaps and they can't be done for
your native clients by some random engineer in Delhi. Outsourcing can be done for busywork that a bunch of underpaid borderline code slaves can stitch together but it's limited to Big Companies with massive amounts of data. The clientele today is much more varied, everyone from Average Joe's Car Parts Store to the biggest retail chains depends on it. Saying "the IT market will crash and burn" is like saying "the house building market will crash and burn". It's not going to happen, people need IT solutions more than ever because it's now an integral part of our society. It's not like people will just suddenly say "this IT shit is stupid, let's go back to paper and pens".
And just because you can write a simple application doesn't mean you can actually code your way to an actual profession. That's why I wouldn't recommend people to go into it just for the money. Programming is a hard career and it's not for everyone hoping to make a buck, you constantly have to learn new things, crunch modes are more of the norm than an exception, you're required to know multiple technologies
and design just to start your career, you need to be available at all times and be able to function under tremendous amounts of stress at times. Nowadays it also requires good people skills as most projects are done in teams with constant communication. Plenty of people quit because they just can't handle it and developers tend to have a short shelf life due to all these issues. Good money =/= Good job. It took me years to get my foot in the door (admittedly partially due to being woman) and more years to reach a seniority level where I don't feel like dying every time I'm assigned a new task, but it's still worth to me personally and to me there are no signs of the the market collapsing in decades. You just have to keep ahead the trends and develop a good eye for what's the next direction the market is going to go to.
Source: I have a decade's worth of experience in the field and I'm sick of people trying to claim "the IT bubble" is going to burst just simply because they're jelly of the salaries.
No. 631863
>>631849Humans naturally do that because are brains are unable to process every single individual on this planet and its part of an evolutionary process to recognise common distinct differences to better process human relationships and to facilitate communication.
Stereotypes aren't necessarily bad they can be very useful, it's obviously a bad thing to use identifiers such as sex and ethnicity to discriminate, but it's also useful to be able to have common factors to group large demographics for medical reasons etc. Not everything is a conspiracy
No. 631877
>>631847We can abolish gender roles
>>631850You realize it's the genderspecials that are actively stereotyping womanhood right?
What's that? You pretended to be Barbie's mommy as a child? Must be a tranny.
No. 631937
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People who eat boneless chicken wings are stupid children, they’re overpriced chicken nuggets covered in hot wings sauce. Why would you actually pay hot wings money for nuggets?
No. 632039
Accusing anons of being a scrote should not be an issue, it's literally just the board culture and has been for years. It's just the bants, stop taking it so personally
>>632012More like trying to get back at society telling women to settle down and stop enjoying life when they hit 30 because they're officially old.
No. 632107
>>632007Hard disagree, I was an ultimate loser in my early 20s but in my mid 20s I started to work hard to improve myself and now I'm a couple months from turning 30 I finally feel like I'm where I want to be.
Still if you keep beeing an useless bum your life won't turn magically great once you approach your 30s.
No. 632109
>>632096>spent too much time browsing imageboards believing that they will hit the wall in a yearI strongly believe normie women irl who don't browse imageboards perpetuate this idea as well without being malicious. I rarely hear guys talk about incel concepts like the wall irl, but I constantly hear young women whining about how old they feel, like "ommgggg I'm turning 23, I feel so old!!" "I'm 28 and unmarried, my life is over!" etc. It's a vicious cycle because if a young girl hears shit like that from other women, she will internalize it and act the same way when she turns whatever arbitrary age is supposed to be bad.
Anyway shit like that is good reason to be loud and proud when you feel happiness and confidence as you age, to try and break that cycle. It's complete nonsense and most women grow out of it, but it would save girls in their 20s a lot of wasted time worrying about nothing.
No. 632124
>>632109>it would save girls in their 20s a lot of wasted time worrying about nothing.Exactly. So many girls go neurotic over worrying about aging and not "achieving enough". They assume that at 25 you have to have a good degree just so you can get your career started soon enough to securely start pushing out babies at 30, then live out your life for 20 years juggling between work and your family until you can start having hobbies and interests again. Shit like that isn't expected from men at all and it's no wonder so many women in their 20's are panicking over it because it's being enforced everywhere.
30-40 year old women are just sort of forgotten and pushed away, like Nicole Kidman speaking up about how she was prepared for her every role to be her last because nobody wants to hire actresses past 28 and Liv Tyler saying that by your mid 30s the only roles available are just wives or moms, secondary characters with no real purpose. We should aim to collectively break that cycle and assure younger women that no, their life doesn't end at 30, they can wear the shit they want and keep their dumb hobbies if they bring them joy. Even in fandom spaces older men are looked up as wise mature daddies uwu but older women are seen as weirdos who should get a life and I shake my head whenever girls in their early 20s buy into this stupid meme and start forcing it themselves. Honest to god seen
21-year olds lamenting over how "old and spoiled" they are. Like what the fuck?
No. 632173
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>>632170A lot of women have children because they feel that's what they're supposed to do. That's the point. Also even though a career woman for example has kids it shouldn't be the identity and focusing point for them, you can focus on talking about their successes without making it from the "here's how she combined work life and family" standpoint. Like female politicians are always asked about their pregnancies, husbands and kids, not their actual achievements. Like pic related is what you get when you google search Kamala Harris.
No. 632189
>>632178Nobody's saying "all women have kids only because they've been conditioned to do so". You're intentionally misunderstanding the point. The point is that women are consistently
expected to settle down, give up their own life and start living for their families. Some women do it out of their own ambition, but there are plenty of women who have their passions elsewhere but are too afraid to pursue them due to societal pressure.
>Most men want kids too and there’s supposedly not as much pressure for them. For men children are more of a status symbol than something they're expected to cherish and live for anyway. It's a reoccurring and well known problem that many women are stuck in a relationship where the man is dragging his feet when it comes to having kids because "he's not ready yet".
>don’t see why career women talking about their experience balancing a career and family is ‘pressuring’ other women to do the same. Because there are no alternatives. As tumblrish as it sounds, representation matters. When the only stories you see revolve around this settling down idea you start stressing out if you should follow suite like all the idealized people you read about. Even if it's just the people in magazines it still affects the way you view the world around them.
It's also
not only about the pressure of having kids, like I said, it's the pressure of
giving up your ambitions as a person to become "just a wife/mother/girlfriend". How many male magazines talk about improving your marriage/relationship compared to female magazines? It's only one example anyway, bottom line is that women aging past 30 aren't often portrayed as individuals with interesting hobbies, career goals, achievements and so forth.
>>632188Also you're samefagging, at least try to keep it subtle.
No. 632190
>>632145I'm nearly 30 now and the only reason I worry about age is because of fertility. I don't think it's discussed enough or options. And now that woman are generally waiting for financial stability and starting to try for kids later it's hard to find accounts from woman conceiving naturally in their 30s.
We've also got now surrogacy being bastardised and IVF. Older women are shamed for being the reason of birth defects but older men rarely get criticised when it's their spunk that degenerates over time, women just have a finite amount of eggs. Every time sperm is created the DNA inside the cell is copied. As a person ages their DNA gets copied into each new cell that regenerates and it's during this process mutations and error in the DNA code can happen. That's why older people get hit more with disease over natural wear. women's eggs are formed in vitro and get activated over our menstrual cycles. Evolution has accounted for aging in this way. There's actually more evolutionary evidence that women should have more male partners since sperm competition actually exists and it increases likely hood of conception and it's literally the battle of fittest sperm wins.
A bit off topic but yeah, the only concern I have is waiting it out to have a family and my body failing me.
No. 632197
>>632194Magazines exist in an online form you know. That's besides the point. Or would ~online media site~ represent better terminology?
>I feel like there’s sooo much ‘girl boss’esque media that encourages women to pursue their careers and education as oppose to settling down.What the fuck?
No. 632204
>>632007 >Anons saying they didn't start liking life until their 30's I posted this exact thing yesterday so I don't know if my post played a role in this but I definitely wasn't giving out any life advice when I stated that.
I had depression in my teens and my twenties and it just happened to clear around the time that I turned 30.
No. 632344
>>632238>It ties you to a place and limits your career opportunitiesThis has been my cope but the reality is I can't afford to travel with my shit wages and I'm too busy paying my steep rent to put any further energy or time into advancing my career. In order to travel freely without paying additional rent you also need to have either almost no possessions, pay for storage or have family that are privileged enough to have enough space to look after your things.
I would agree with all your points in situations where rent is proportional to what you make, but with the low wage and underemployment that most people our age face it's just not true most of the time. Instead renting is just burning away all of my money so I will never be able to save up enough to buy a home.
No. 632433
>>632394Yeah please! I've started saying woman instead of girl in conversations and it's really ~ empowering ~
And from a EU fag stop calling your vulva a vagina i hate it so much.
No. 632462
>>632460It's just because they hate the cow/s or find them
that annoying. You know when you don't like someone and even the way they breathe sucks? It's that.
No. 632471
>>632465kekked at
>'critiquing' her worki agree. she's one of my cows. it's so hard not to nitpick, but i don't feel the need to do so about her genitals
except for when other anons pointed out that her ass was bleeding that one time coz jesus No. 632473
>>632452Anon, just because you have a kid, doesn’t necessarily means they will feel unconditional love towards you.
Sure, as babies they
will love you unconditionally, but once they grow up, no matter what you do, they might lose that love they felt towards you.
It’s not like all kids do that, but it’s just a lottery, if you feel like betting, adopt a kid so you don’t have to go through the whole pregnancy stuff.
No. 632477
You never know if your kid is just going to be born straight up a psychopath, its such a gamble.
No. 632611
>>632473i meant me having unconditional love for it, not the other way around. i know even some mothers dont feel it or get ppd but im willing to take the bet. i know babies can be born disabled, grow up to be shitty people, etc. but those are risks i'm willing to settle for and i'd abort any baby that had developmental issues. i know i'd love my child as much as possible and i already like children so me having a baby isn't some random goal of mine. as for adopting i'd definitely do it, but personally prefer having my own child if i'm not infertile or something. it's selfish and i admit that but i hope to do it when im financially comfortable.
>>632481bitch if i wanted a pet i would get a pet. can you grow a dog in your womb and watch it grow and become a thinking human being with hopes and dreams?
No. 632625
>>632622even if i had a double digit iq and decent reading comprehension im pretty sure the stance of wanting children is controversial on this board kek. tbh none of us here should be mothers.
"anons, what do you do when you're six year old is developing nasolabial folds? not to sound too ana-chan, but i'm worried it's because she's a fat bitch. should i ban the scrote from giving her bedtime snacks?"
No. 632806
>>632789>>632797The stars on netflix don't represent if a movie is bad or not, just if it's similar to the movies you've rated there. So if you like romances and give them 5 stars, they'll think you will probably give 2 stars to a divorce focused movie
I guess the point still stands tho
No. 632964
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I am so sick of all the "if you dont wear a mask you're literally hitler" memes
Or calling people out when they complain that they can't breathe.
It's funny how the people doing this are usually the most pc people too and conveniently forget people with disabilities excist.
Some people do have breathing problems and even people with anxiety who can't stand the cloth on their face.
Then there's the discussion of the actual effectiveness of the mask since 90% is using it incorrectly wich renders it pretty useless.
Sure I will wear it where I'm obligated to but I do have asthma and I will take it off whenever I have the change and avoid locations where I have to wear it.
No. 632972
>>632964>effectiveness of the mask Whether it's because of the masks, people washing their hands more, the public being more conscientious in general, or everyone going out less, all I know is I haven't gotten sick in several months whereas before covid I was getting sick at least once a month.
I think it's been great.
No. 632975
>>632972I think it's all the other things but not the masks.
The first months of covid there were no masks available in my country outside of the medical sector (even they had to use them sparingly) and we managed to push the wave down anyway by keeping distance and being more hygienic.
Now the country bought a shitton of masks, companies sell them very expensive and suddenly it's obligated everywhere. I'm not usually into conspiracies but yeah….
No. 632986
>>632964Masks don't protect you at all unless you're wearing an N95, even then there's still a chance because you're most likely not wearing full isolation suits. If masks truly protected you health professionals wouldn't be getting COVID all the time, on top of that normal masks have gaps out the side and let unfiltered air in. The most effective COVID prevention is to stay the fuck home and stop ordering take out and Amazon every single day but most people are out partying, crowding up restaurants, traveling and so on
As someone who has COVID patient, I can tell you most of these people got it from traveling or having other people in their house travel and party but people just keep enforcing the mask rule when we really need travel restrictions and for more stores and restaurants to be closed or have maximum customer quantities
No. 632989
>>632976To be fair I have yet to find cheap reusable ones that are comfortable
>>632983Ok I had no idea people did that, I was mostly refering to cops harassing people on bikes or having to wear masks in huge buildings with enough space between people.
While on the other hand they also allow huge private parties of rich people.
I just think as long as I keep my distance or outside, I shouldnt have to wear a mask.
But yeah if people actively do stupid shit like you said, I guess I can understand those stupid memes as a reaction.
No. 633002
>>632838When I visited Des Moines I didn’t have anybody problems finding authentic Mexican food made by immigrants.
I remembered a girl I knew from Colorado who shat on the Mexican food in the city. But she only had went to the most bougie taco places. Really
triggered me.
No. 633016
>>633011Yeah I think what people actually mean to whine about when they say stuff like that is
>I'm not popular enough to have a constant rotation of cheerleader friends checking in on meor
>I have friendly acquaintances who I'm not very close to but I'm not willing to make myself vulnerable and risk rejection to develop the kinds of friendships I actually want with people No. 633018
>>633011It depends, sometimes you consider a person your acquaintance or coworker, you can hangout with them at work/college, and maybe even go to some parties and such with them.
But that doesn’t mean they’re your friends, friends are the people you talk with about personal stuff, not like “yeah, I went to a trip last month” or “I had this for dinner!” But more personal stuff like family members being assholes, what they think about something you want to post or doing stuff like having a lunch or dinner at your home/their home.
No. 633022
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>>632964I'm not aiming these criticisms at you personally anon, because you wear your mask where you are required to, but people who won't wear a mask because they say they literally can't breathe in it are the biggest pissbabies on the planet, right up there with average non-disabled people who use mobility scooters because they hate being out of breath.
When I see news about the anti mask parades I can only imagine people in asia like pic related laughing at it
I do understand that a small number of people people might have genuine reasons for not being able to wear a mask like very specific trauma or extreme respiratory problems, but being anxious because of it being uncomfortable is not one of them and the large amount of people who pretend like it is should be ashamed of themselves for roleplaying as special cases.
No. 633028
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>>632983>people comparing them to “wearing stars in the Holocaust”My faith in humanity grows smaller every day. Pic related also
No. 633135
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>>633103How do you explain evidence (media, photography, literature, etc.) of BDSM and its related fetishes being depicted in a sexual manner pre-modern-pornography? Were they "pornsick" too? (Picrel, a photograph from the late 1800s.)
No. 633150
>>633103there are other subconscious desires which lead to a desire to defile/be defiled. Porn is curated to people's fantasies. Fantasy itself is an amalgamation of our subconscious and conscious desires, as well as imagination.
Is more violent graphic porn being created to make more people want those things, or is more violent graphic porn made because people seek it out specifically? I think there are certainly societal aspects involved as well. BDSM porn may be highly popular in the US right now, but look to other countries and you’ll see that’s not the case.
No. 633161
>>633103I disagree. There's evidence that there's a link between sex and violence in neuroscience. Here's an article on it but I also read about it in a philosophy of neuroscience book wouldn't say it's 100% proof but I wouldn't automatically discount it like most anons. Though I am curious if about sexual behavior in premodern societies. And I would say a lot of people take BDSM too far and having a lifestyle around it is cringey.
No. 633171
>>633154If any sort of natural mammalian sexual behavior was in play in this century then only strong, healthy add suitable mates would reproduce but would only do normal vaginal sex so missionary or doggy but noooo you kinkmeishas keep fucking ugly weak and mentally ill men and those uwu daddies keep fucking ugly obese 17 yr olds who don't know how to put makeup on right or dye their hair a flattering color, vaginal sex to y'all is boring, and healthy looking people are boring (aka you are just below their league)
I'm all for resorting to natural mammal sexual behavior (minus rape) but know that if that's what you want too like 99% of the kink community would be eliminated from society kek
No. 633195
>>633103I used to be in a bdsm scene (ten years ago before anyone lectures me) and where I live the church was given alot of power to run schools and hand out physical punishments which were sometimes extreme. Lashes with sticks, belts. In that scene I talked to enough people who had made the clear link between their childhood punishments and their sexual interests.
I was given overly harsh physical punishments but by my dad. I remember being scared shitless of him. So I think my own phase was me trying to take back some power. The phase has mostly passed but I still like men with passive personalities.
With people not spanking their kids so much anymore it makes me wonder if there will be less of it. Maybe porn will still fuel the interest. I think most kinks are rooted in childhood events but children are finding porn younger and younger so viewing it at that age could be the event that sparks it.
No. 633254
>>633212Depends on where in russia, there are a lot who look like dolls but they look better in central or east russia. I also feel like a lot of people expect all Russians to look like katya or other living dolls
>They look like scrawny men with long hairWhat? Yeah Russian women, like literally anyone from every race aren't going to be that extremely dimorphic but they still look like women
No. 633408
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It’s fun to clean up and keep stuff tidy at home. It’s just really satisfying to see your own house all organized and neat after some hard work.
No. 633423
>>633300I've seen this happen with the ddlg community. I collect some retro toys just for the nostalgia and because I look through toy tags I keep getting recommended these instagram accounts where it'll be an age regressor and the bios are
>real age 15, little age 2 to 4, non sexual age regressorI guarantee it doesn't stay non-sexual for long and that they are likely to attract old men who'll slowly make it a full on power play thing. Again I think there has to be links to parents doing something wrong when the kid was younger (why else would an actual kid feel the need to regress to simpler times before they've ever even hit the stress levels of adulthood?) I feel for those teens whenever insta shows me that shit. They're always depressed too. Very openly depressed and vulnerable.
I don't think people into the more general type of bdsm are exactly trying to recruit young people, but the age regression community is full of actual kids roleplaying even younger kids and that's concerning. They can put 'non-sexual' in all their bios but they're dressing up in kids shit and sharing their mental health struggles for any passing creep to notice
No. 633577
>>633567>>633569NTA but i i've seen a lot of people try to pass off not doing things for their bf/gf or never saying any nice things as just not being their love language. In a more gross way i've seen men say they have a physical love language to make their gfs refusing duty sex seem like abuse and enable them to cheat.
It's a nice concept but people go and make it shitty imo.
No. 633581
>>633573That doesn't mean that the 5 love languages is propaganda, it just means that scrotes are using it to further their own means. People will do that with literally any system where people can self-identify preferences, personality traits, etc. You see this constantly with astrology, the enneagram, MBTI.
Like, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I don't strongly identify with quality time as my love language just because scrotes are gonna scrote.
No. 633592
>>633577Eh, I'd argue sexist people/scrotes have a way of ruining everything by doing shit like that.
When the conversation about love languages was happening yesterday, it seemed like all the anons involved genuinely believed in it, or at the very least believed it had some validity. Hell, I'm actually the OP from that discussion who was talking about how much I hate physical touch and prioritize the other ones. I'll bite the bullet and admit that my bf enjoys it more than me, but he never pressures me to indulge in physical touch since he knows it can make me uncomfortable. I think scrotes in general just have a way of ruining things for women.
No. 633597
>>633592I can see it, personally i don't think it's intentionally propaganda and it's interesting to know which one you and the people around you have.
But i won't lie, i have a bad reaction to any man saying theirs is physical touch because i've seen it used to justify abusing women for sex, it's a bit like the reaction i get whenever someone mentions evolutionary psychology ever since incels learned the term lol
No. 633599
>>633597>it's a bit like the reaction i get whenever someone mentions evolutionary psychology ever since incels learned the term lolOT but yeah. Except it's not only incels, I associate it with the alt right (I know they overlap though).
I'm kind of ashamed about it because there's things like "woman is a terf dogwhistle" and then there's me lol.
No. 633613
>>633598I agree 100%, but imo there are gonna be people into those things who may do it in real life. see the irl bestiality furries for example. Yet as much as its easy to generalize, I think each person has their own reasons and capabilities. Some affected, some not at all. And i know i like some things in fiction and i know myself, i know im not fucked up like that irl. NEVER. Just like if a villain does X I may love that character, if a irl person does X, I fucking hate them no exceptions and feel sick. So I agree it doesn't automatically make them a bad person capable of/interested in that irl, BUT there are still gonna be those who are. Which sucks. I do think it's reasonable to put your guard up, when people have a disturbing kink and it bugs you, but it's not PROOF of anything on its own.
Knowing this, that's why I see it as important to keep a defined line between fiction and reality for everyone. If we all acknowledge that liking it in fiction doesn't mean you do in real life, maybe that could even keep people from dabbling irl. (But that's prolly rare if it happens in extremes. It probably does happen for things like kinks though. liking a kink in fiction doesn't mean you'll enjoy it when its occurring in real life, and people should have fair warning of that)
Anyway (to end my rant) this is exactly why people equating the two entirely are stupid. If we separate them it could prevent confusion in many ways. As a teen i understood if you fuck it has to be safe sex, and when a fic wasn't safe sex I overlooked it since I knew it was just some online rando's horny fantasy lol. Its good to have awareness
No. 633694
>>633687Then suck some dicks, that’s how they can afford it. Less complaining, more dick sucking.
>>633692Right? Damn, acting like those women didnt have to fuck for money before graduating to taking staged insta photos.
No. 633764
>>633687Most of them
are desperately in debt or fucking an old man for the opportunity to take some pictures in his pool. If you're fat and ugly, lose weight and learn makeup, and you too could be a braindead influencer. Also boohoo some people are born into rich families and you're weren't, but that's the case for almost everyone else too. Follow more people you have things in common with if it bothers you.
No. 633800
>>633613Oh definitely. There’s always going to be those few exceptions but I think in those cases, they are were pedos/zoophiles etc. and just want some more things to get off too..which really sucks and makes people who aren’t into that fictional
problematic content irl, look bad.
No. 633886
Sorry anon but I'm from Belgium, tiniest country with the biggest amount of politicians who are all equally incompetent
I've been to Spain through and it's pretty shitty you guys have to wear the masks everywhere outside. And with that warm weather, I feel for you….
I understand why you'd take siestas since it's so warm during noon but it must suck to have your work spread out like that.
I also heard some of you had to go into quarantaine but still had to work while not reveiving a cent, what's up with that.
No. 633916
>>633907Did you miss the whole part of my post where I said
>Obviously pedos/furries who don't act on their attractions aren't the same as ones who do though.Imo, if your into kids, you're a pedo, that doesn't necessarily mean you would fuck kids irl, but you're still a pedo, and I feel like to say otherwise is wrong.
Deleted cause I forgot to add, but in pvp games, you don't really imagine the enemy as a real person. It's usually just like "I'm beating this monster up!" or whatever. When someones jacks off to loli/shotacon they're specifically imagining a child. Idk if I'm articulating this point correctly but I hope you get the gist.
No. 633922
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She was a victim until the day she died.
No. 633929
>>633927kek it would definitely improve the world
>>633928Maybe but it’s the unpopular opinions thread so it doesn’t matter as long as it’s contained here. You should expect to come in here and be mad.
No. 633950
>>633943Nta, but there
is loli/shota stuff made using real kids as a reference, there was even an issue with some guy who traced cp to draw his porn. Just like how there are videogames that are as realistic as possible in which you can kill people, so, both are unnecessary and both will make me question whether someone should be trusted or not.
No. 633951
>>633943who are the
victims of high violence games anon? men. sometimes a women, but 99% of the time the model you're killing is a grown man, who are not a vulnerable group. Children are a vulnerable group. Media sexualising children will always be condemned, and your personal opinion means nothing because this won't change for reasons you are too fucking stupid to understand.
No. 633977
>>633952this happened with mortal kombat. people working on the game had to look at gore to make the in game gore realistic. many of them actually got pstd from it.
all in all i think that people rely far too much on statistics to defend this stuff. who actually cares what these things may or may not cause? there's no reason to defend them.
No. 633980
>>633952I think most people can understand how violence in games and movies and violence in real life are different, but sex and porn are much more taboo and most people don't talk openly about it. We learn from a very young age to not hurt others, we know that pain is not good to feel and we develop empathy and self control when it comes to anger, but sex is different, that's why so many just copy what they see in porn and why you can develop certain fetishes or become attracted to certain things with enough porn use. Sexuality is much more complicated than beating someone up in KOF and can be influenced by media.
Also plenty of people are wary of people who draw extremely detailed guro and other degenerate stuff. It's not like you can play a super detailing disemboweling simulator and everyone will think it's normal and has no effect on you.
No. 634082
>>633980I really think that violence in media technically does have an impact on people, and that those studies are not complete. They never studied the affects of sexual harassment/assault/violence and if you want to claim that it doesn’t influence scrotes to be even more gross then you’re delusional. I think the difference is that you get “murder bad” drilled into you from a tiny age and there’s severe punishment for it, but most people think sexual harassment and assault is funny and not a big deal.
Slightly more ot but I also think that we are going to start seeing more trauma like symptoms in people who play overly violent video games in an age where graphics are as realistic as they are.
No. 634114
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>>634070I like how I didn’t have to click to know what you’re talking about. She may be racist and unhinged but that vid was absolutely based.
No. 634118
>>633977>this happened with mortal kombat. people working on the game had to look at gore to make the in game gore realistic.Doctors see that shit everyday and no one says anything.
Also I genuinely think that "darker" media is harmless as long as you don't sexualize it. That's an entirely different thing.
No. 634247
>>634125>>634181I was considering pursuing a career on mortuary sciences, a really school here offers a combo of necropsy assistant and reconstrutive mortician studies, and they had a class every week just how to deal with the shit you're going to see. Specially the dead kids.
My therapist and family ended up dissuading me from the job (which i kinda regret with the current job market) because im already not very empathetic (developmental issues, im kinda wonky socially) and they were afraid it would mess my social skills to much.
Only two kinds of people take these jobs, EMT, Mortician, etc the ones with below average empathy, or higher than average, different consequences for both but still messes them up.
No. 634253
>>634248I want a thread where I can bitch about the current state of the internet all day long and anons join in with me. I am EXTREMELY disappointed with where the internet has ended up.
Unpopular opinion: The internet is not fun, we just stay here out of habit. Real life will become the new internet soon.
No. 634272
>>634253It’s boring as hell, so commercial and shallow. You don’t get much fun drama because when stuff happens it’s either retarded woke-shit or it gets too real too fast. All the tracking and having to be worried than anything that happens will haunt you for the rest of your life.
No nice little sites with unique topics explored in depth by a bunch of people. No real friends to be made. I just scroll through youtube and sigh because the internet is so boring today.
No. 634277
>>634248Corporations have fucked up the Internet in so many ways. Even some companies wanting access to your sm handles and even some wanting you to promote work events etc. It's such shite.
It's hard to interact and meet new people online cause we're all so connected. I don't have fb anymore but when I did have it is even add online friends I'd made in different communities and my normie workmates or friends would always make snide comments to me in person about them. Or how'd you meet them or you're so odd for talking to people with similar interests.
I miss the old Internet culture. Its hard to meet normal people online in your area now, unless you want to have a fucking hook up. Most of my peers that are still online just post shit about politics or share posts from companies or what products they want to buy. It's so boring online these days.
No. 634360
>>634358NTA, but two people can exhibit
abusive behavior towards one another while failing to take responsibility for their own
abusive tendencies.
No. 634364
>>634358Abusive people can abuse each other. You can also have situations where a person may be the
victim in a relationship, but treats their friends/children/etc like shit. I don't understand what is hard about this to grasp.
No. 634398
>>634355I can see where you're coming from but honestly from reading/watching fan reactions of scenes from The Boys the writers really do need to be heavy handed with the racial themes. Like I watched a video of a guy reacting to S2E03's ending and he didn't get the obvious reveal that
Stormfront is a white supremacist. He missed the uniform race of the civilians murdered and seemed to think this is just a show where it's normal to drop racial slurs in a fight. And this guy was black so who knows how many white viewers missed it. And then you get viewers on twitter who think the show is condoning these actions and words because a superhero does it even though the whole premise is most of them are morally corrupt or outright evil.
You really need to hammer the point home when making mass media since a lot of people don't bother to read between even the most clear lines as it's just casual escapism to most. I appreciate the message since the average American really needs it in their head that not all racists are angry tattooed blatant skinheads but often want to appear as a benevolent leader representing the common citizen.
No. 634422
>>634398>>634394I'm still no fan of the directing style (for personal taste reasons and because I think it's too OTT, regardless) but when you explain it like that it makes sense. Now i'm actually wondering a lot of shows are made like this as opposed in the past because of the average viewer being slower to catch on the subtlety put in between messages of shows. The show looks to have a different tone and interpretation of the source material than the comics (which seemed to be more like the typical satirical parody type of storytelling the 2000s vs the more ironic meta humor of the 2010s-2020) as well.
That actually makes me worry for the future of movies/animation/TV series if this is a common trend.
Still, fuck American Horror Story and Sense8. That was legitimately retarded.
No. 634552
>>633886The warm weather thing is a shit excuse to spread work because only old people or students take siestas actually. People who work don't have time for that. Many people work far from their homes so they end one shift at 2pm, have lunch and then do nothing until 5pm when their second shift starts. It's also used by companies so they don't have to "pay" for worker's lunch time.
A lot of people here have been laid off but the government is paying 70% of their monthly wage because this situation. The issue is the public administration is so shitty there are lots of people who still haven't been paid since March. And now our dear politicians are saying that if your company wants to keep you laid off it should start to use from your unemployment time. My bf is desperate, he is earning less than half his wage now (relied heavily on tips) but his company won't fire him. If he quits to look for something else he will lose unemployment and quite a bit of money. I was on the lucky side being able to work from home during quarantine.
It's a shit show all around. The newest thing is they're quarantining only several parts of the city ghetto style, only the poor neighborhoods. They did massive free tests in those areas and are using it as an excuse like "look there are more infected people there". Bitch if you'd test my middle class neighborhood you'd have the same % but we have to pay 80€ for a test to know.