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No. 627219
it’s your stage, let that dumbass shit dribble out
Previous dumbass shit
>>>/ot/621142 No. 627224
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Maybe I'm just picky but I feel like megan really settled with her hubby. She used to only go for kpop type korean guys so I know this had to be her just taking any korean guy she can get before 30. I used to be really jelly of her too.
No. 627241
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this post kinda fucked me up
No. 627251
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I can’t believe there are actual food accounts that seriously photograph their meals using flash in the style of n2f. Like doesn’t it cross their mind that this kind of photography makes all food look disgusting?
No. 627256
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And they don't stop coming x20
No. 627276
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I have never seen a good post that had picrel attached, on any imageboard. Picrel is almost an instant signifier that the post following it will be bad.
No. 627324
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I’m on keto and I successfully lost 5 lbs but FUCK I COULDNT TAKE IT ANYMORE I got some ice cream and now I’m eating the whole tub. My stomach feels gassy
No. 627343
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>>627286Pic related is the only one I've laughed at in recent memory
No. 627345
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It’s 23:21, I’m smoking a blunt on the balcony before going to sleep
No. 627364
I can't stop listening to DDR music, it fills me with joy and energy. I feel like i could punch a crowd of people to the rythmn of End Of the Century.
>>627241You can't belive that when pokimane and other ethots are famous because they are girls that like videogames.
No. 627377
>>627365>>627373YES finally other people who agree with me. Almond milk is fucking gross and I have no idea why people pee their pants over it, a n.v d coconut milk (The drinking kind, not the canned kind) is a scam because people say it's creamy and delicious in coffee when it's not.
Also I've never heard of oatmilk yogurt, but I also think that dairy free alternatives of popular foods like ice cream, yogurt, cheese, etc. are gross to begin with, no matter what "milk" is used.
No. 627378
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Anybody else here not understand why Worthikids is such a popular animator? Nothing he makes is funny, and his style is ugly as hell, everybody has the same face and stupid little chibi hands. Where are the jokes. I feel like I'm retarded when I watch his vids because I can't tell why they're supposed to be funny.
No. 627379
>>627241I feel like there’s more to it than that. A lot of those male dominated spaces like gaming are obviously misogynistic but they’re also extremely homophobic and racist. I feel like they’re just as
abusive to other men if they’re gay or non white. Imo you’re more likely to be praised as a white/attractive female gamer than a gay man. I also feel like the men who get praised in ‘female’ hobbies are pretty few and far between and exclusively white men. I don’t think it’s just a male/female thing.
No. 627397
>>627379Male-dominated hobbies with socially autistic white men with daddy/mommy issues are misogynistic but ALSO homophobic and racist? Surely you jest!
Anyway take this dumb whataboutism out of here. Women receive the overwhelming majority of harassment in male circles and there's really no point in denying that with the "b-but what about gay men and PoC people" gotcha. Even the worst /v/irgins with the longest neckbeards have more solidarity with black guys and gay men than they would ever share with a woman. Fuck they just put every degenerate thing any other oppressed group ever commits on the blue haired feminist boogeyman illuminati being behind them all just so they get to hate on women some more.
No. 627411
>>627405seems like the /ot/ and /snow/ crowds are wholly separate nowadays.
>>627406>Objectively it’s much more likely to be successful as a woman in these spaces.That's not objective at all
No. 627412
>>627406Anon did it ever occur to you that maybe gay men and POC men also join in on the women jokes or have made some for their own communities? C’mon.
No. 627419
>>627364Because pokimane doesn’t get in equal amount male hate, which is the scariest shit on earth /s
Twitch thots, like them or not, actively face physical danger
No. 627421
>>627405Snow has been a real shitshow lately imo
The milk is drying up
No. 627424
>>627422Nta but
That actually would explain a lot wow
No. 627469
>>627451>also you can't shitpost or derail on /snow/ without catching a ban because the moderation is way more strict. Barely, even then, people get unbanned, it's not like people get banned from lolcow and never come back or go to ot
>It pretty much caters to an entirely different demographic because conversation is discouragedIt's all under lolcow. Isn't it funny how literally any other imageboard ever we can understand completely how multiple people go to various boards but magically on lolcow you think that ot anons and snow anons are completely separate despite the boards colliding all the time?
>so it's not too crazy to suggest that most /ot/ anons just lurk /snow/ to check up on the cows. I know I do.And with that you have to admit the fact that most people who post on snow, aka nitpickers are also posting on ot, you admit yourself you browsed both boards but only post in one so what's so ~crazy~ about coming to the conclusion that most nitpickers from snow are in ot?
No. 627475
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I was looking into applying to unis in the US and so many of them literally request trauma porn essays about discrimination/marginalisation you’ve gone through? That’s so weird to me.
No. 627479
>>627471That wasn't the point, you keep trying to claim that nitpickers of snow wouldn't post here and only lurkers of snow post in ot. I'm seriously trying to understand your logic so help me out here
This was your post
>People can lurk and not post retard. /snow/ has been boring as fuck, only the bitches with vendetta still constantly post their nitpicks. Thinking lolcow is a monolith is the delusion. Get the fuck off this website.My original point was that snow contains a hell of a lot of scrot posts but people seem to be shocked by scrotey posts in ot. No I'm not saying scrot posters in snow are the same man haters here.
No. 627484
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I'm so cringe. Luckily, I'm just a meaningless speck of dust floating in space
No. 627486
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>>627481At this point I'm convinced you're just baiting and we all took it, so I'll take the L I guess
No. 627487
>>627483Because no one mentioned anything about Anisa nor did they mention anything that happened recently, so the anon practically admitted to posting in the Anisa thread, as well as bitching about me bitching about nitpicking
Also it makes no sense either, considering the fact I pointed out myself that no one says anything about scrotey and nitpicky posts in OT but are quick to call people scrots in ot so, I honestly don't know where the fuck did "you're obsessed with people who called you a scrote in the anisa thread and think people are obsessed with her OF" came from. The two statements are a literal contradiction
No. 627488
>>627484That’s the spirit!
I’m being serious too. We’re on a rock sailing through a void, nothing matters & it’s awesome
No. 627491
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>>627486>Pointing out lolcow contradictions is baitDamn y'all really can't even explain your own logic
No. 627501
>>627493Again with not being able to use logic
How the fuck does me not liking the fact that scrote posts in snow are ignored and buried half the time and in ot anons get called scrots for simply saying harmless opinions = must mean I was called a scrote in a snow thread??? Did you smoke crack and come to lolcow?
No. 627503
>>627500Ok, for your next post try to use something I actually said.
I pointed out they admitted they lurked snow and posted in ot, and that most other ot posters also lurk snow, and that saying snow posters are also a lot of ot posters would be a logical conclusion. Please explain to me the flaw in that
No. 627520
>>627501>scrote posts in snow are ignored/ot/ scrote-spotting anons don’t care enough to post in cow threads, there’s so much nitoicking it’s fucking pointless
Also, it is illegal, you’ll catch a ban for “”””derailing”””
>in ot anons get called scrots for simply saying harmless opinionsSay dumb shit, get called dumb, surprisedpikachuface.png
Hi scroting is bannable, just report them if you’re so bothered at being called scrote, it is the lOGiCaL thing to do
>I was called a scrote in a snow threadI didn’t say in snow specifically, you clearly can’t read lol
>Again with not being able to use logicPeak irony, funniest shit I’ve ever seen, get owned by facts stupid bitch
No. 627527
>>627475Guilt trip them into giving you free education for being a poor minority. But seriously, why are americans such attention whores? I swear they all want to be seen as poor, brave
victims of the oppresive society !!1!!11. Reading their crap as a third worlder with actual problems is infuriating, i wish my only problem in life was to be misgendered by the Walmart cashier.
No. 627532
>>627520>/ot/ scrote-spotting anons don’t care enough to post in cow threadsSure, whatever. But if they can understand the fact that anons here can be scrotty as fuck then why do anons here think everyone they disagree with is a scrot?
>Say dumb shit, get called dumbSome of the things I've seen anons get called scrot over are
>Being insecure/too confident about their bodies>Buying breast enhancement pills>Saying drugstore makeup is just as good as luxury makeup>Having short hair>Being aggressive>Admitting to being jealous of smaller womenEtc
You know damn well anons are calling anons in ot scrots over literally nothing, it's not just "stupid shit"
>This, this and this is bannedMods suck at getting to it half the time. Most of the so-called banned posts are ignored by mods are banned weeks after
>I didn’t say in snow specifically, you clearly can’t read lolAh yes, saying I was called a scrot by people you claim I hypothetically imagine are obsessing over Anisa isn't saying "I was called a scrot in snow" specifically, my bad
>Peak irony, funniest shit I’ve ever seen, get owned by facts stupid Not once have you explained to me your logic at all, you just insult and further contradict yourself. Please seek a therapist
No. 627548
>>627532>Being insecure/too confident about their bodies>Buying breast enhancement pills>Saying drugstore makeup is just as good as luxury makeup>Having short hair>Being aggressive>Admitting to being jealous of smaller womenMUST BE MALE. Yeah right.
At best SOME of these thing get called pickme. Even then you’re misrepresenting the context in which they were called such. Anons would have be ardently defending their pickme delusions to earn the troon larp accusation. Btw don’t think I didn’t notice you changed the subject of our squabble.
No. 627554
>>627548>At best SOME of these thing get called pickmeAh yes I'm just a big bad delusional Shayna/13 yr old/Anisa obsesser what would I know? You're right anon all other anons here are all perfect and never cry scrot over nothing
>Even then you’re misrepresenting the context in which they were called such.Women aren't perfect, if you can't handle the fact that women aren't a hivemind what are you doing here.
>Anons would have be ardently defending their pickme delusions to earn the troon larp accusation. Btw don’t think I didn’t notice you changed the subject of our squabble.I've only ever responded accordingly to people who responded to me, if the subject changed it was the effort of both people involved in the argument, but if you're suggesting to turn the argument back to my original point which was anons are quick to call scrot in ot but are okay with scrot posts in snow that would be great, but now anons don't even unjustly call other anons scrots apparently
No. 627557
>>627551>I cntrl+F'd and found nothingWhat did you search exactly? If you opened up every single thread for the past few months you'd find something but you didn't and now are playing dumb (or are actually dumb)
Also good luck convincing anons there was literally no "breast enhancement" or "short hair" statement ever said in all of lolcow
No. 627567
I found it
>>>/ot/538242an anon was venting about her shitty bf and miscarriages, instead of ignoring, reporting or comforting the anon other anons quickly jumped and called the anon a scrot
oh and the best part is why they claimed it was a scrot
?Could be males doing it too, as they tend to have the poorest understanding of female anatomy which would explain bizarro gonzo details like multiple miscarriages and fetal tissue in the underwear.
explain this if all anons are perfect angels who never cry scrot
No. 627574
>>627571If you don't believe it just ignore it, but whether or not it's believable crying "scrot" to an anon who's did nothing but vent about her shitty boyfriend (whether or not it's true) IS the proof you asked for. It IS anons calling scrot wrongfully. Kinda related but I believe the story but the anon just seemed to word it poorly, so what does it say about anons, when an anon comes here and vents about an
abusive boyfriend, family, and miscarriages, that she gets called a scrot?
No. 627579
>>627574What are you bitching about? Did you not say earlier women aren't a hivemind? So why are you so assblasted about a handful of anons that called out some weirdo larp of a 19 year old that frequently miscarries with her boyfriend, who then said they're 20 and 21 and that she had a precious
abusive relationship and she had fetal tissue on her clothes??? If she miscarried early and bled it would be hidden in the normal passing of the uterus lining which is a period. What the fuck
No. 627590
>>627579The only weird part was claiming fetal tissue was in her underwear, and she never specified how early or late the miscarriages are, other than that it just seems she has a shitty life, which I mean how the hell does someone having a shitty life make them a larper?
>>627580They said could be males and then later listed reasons as to why it must be a male, which later evolved to anons claiming bait,scrot, and newfagging. Assuming it was a false story the best thing to do was to just ignore it, now in the scenario that it is a true story how fucked up do you have to be to obnoxiously sperg and insult someone who did nothing but vent about shitty life events? It's not like she went on Facebook or youtube and wrote all of this out for attention or to falsely accuse people
>>627583It started out as a suggestion then became an assertion, either way it is an anon falsely trying to claim scrot
No. 627596
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This truly is the dumbass shit thread. Everyone else who is not fighting over snow is laughing at you two morons.
>inb4 th-there’s not just two of us you know!
No. 627597
>>627574>Kinda related but I believe the storyThen let me explain to you why anon is either trolling, a scrote, or a schizophrenic because you evidently are also a fucking idiot who has no idea how miscarriage works:
You don't just have "fetal tissue miscarriages" and not go to a fucking hospital. When you miscarry in your second trimester (presuming–cause first trimester miscarriages just look like globs of blood with no "fetal tissue" visible), you NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Why is this? Because your body might not expel everything and you need to take medication to be sure it does, and be monitored for infection. You think a chick with endo just miscarries and goes about her regular cycle? You twit. Women who miscarry like that often have to have D&E procedures (the same procedure for abortions) to make sure everything is expelled from their bodies–this is women without endo.
So no, the story doesn't make medical sense. Most people with endo regulate themselves with birth control anyway, it could only be anon's willful negligence to keep getting pregnant over and over. It's not like reproductive doctors aren't trained for
abusive situations and can offer patients discreet birth control if people like anon want to continue to be punching bags for their abusers. So, therefore, it's almost like the person who wrote it doesn't understand female anatomy and the fate that would befall a woman who miscarries. OR, perhaps anon is just plain psycho and thought her extremely late and heavy periods (caused by endo) were "miscarriages" when it was really just her not knowing her own messed up body.
And even if you want to overlook alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll that bullshit, what does anon gain coming here and telling us not to say to dump her worthless shitbag boyfriend for PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL abuse? Wake the fuck up, it was bait at best. Stop defending shitposts.
No. 627598
>>627590The entire story was weird. She had a strict family with values but she was constantly getting knocked up as a teenager and miscarrying, yet her parents would disown her if she specifically left that boyfriend but they recognised the last one was
abusive? When did the post make sense exactly?
No. 627601
>>627597>you NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Why is this? Because your body might not expel everything and you need to take medication to be sure it does, and be monitored for infection. You think a chick with endo just miscarries and goes about her regular cycle? You twit. Women who miscarry like that often have to have D&E procedures (the same procedure for abortions) to make sure everything is expelled from their bodies–this is women without endo.A d&e procedure is done after a miscarriage. Miscarriaged tissue being in underwear just means the miscarriage happened and it ended up in her underwear. She never said if she went to the hospital or not, she never said if she got a d&c not, you're literally just adding made up details to the story and then have the nerve to claim it's me who's schizophrenic
>Most people do thisAnon clearly doesn't take care of herself, doesn't respect herself enough to not fuck a loser or leave her shit family, you really think she would take care of herself? And on top of that you still insist it's fake and bait. Either way this is not how you react to a situation like that, especially when your conclusion as to why they're lying is because you assume they care for themselves when they clearly don't. I think they need help, saying it's bait or that they're lying without even getting full details is heartless. Please stay away from the medical field
No. 627604
>>627601The ambiguity makes it more unbelievable, not more believable.
>either way this is not how you react to a situation like thatThis is exactly how I will react to bullshit like that and fuck you.
No. 627612
>>627598>She had a strict family with values but she was constantly getting knocked up as a teenager and miscarryingAh yes because people from strict families never have teen pregnancies
>yet her parents would disown her if she specifically left that boyfriend but they recognised the last one was abusive? Again, not the full details therefore not enough to call it a lie or claim it's true, we don't know the details of the relationships and her parents
>When did the post make sense exactly?It doesn't, but what doesn't make sense either is being quick to insult someone who is venting about their shitty life. And I really doubt someone who is going through trauma is going to be thinking straight
>>627607>Anon get a life. If she was having frequent miscarriages and hospital visits her family would know.Yes because people never hide things from
abusive families apparently, she must be lying
> Her entire story was sensationalist bullshit. That post isn't even what you were pissed about hours ago, what causes you're mental sperging? Are you some faggot that got called out for a shit larp or what? Genuinely confused by your intentions???
No. 627622
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No. 627630
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>>627622remember this classic?
No. 627637
>>627635>It was months ago anon get the fuck over it. I only brought it up because other anons tried to claim no one ever falsely scrot flags, also it's other anons who just kept trying to debate as to why everyone who vents about their shitty stories to lolcow is lying or bait
>Falsely age flaggingWhere?
No. 627653
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I’ve been so horny ladies I don’t know how much longer I can adhere to this corona shit
No. 627678
>>627671Anon I said a
sexy shut in
No. 627680
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what is happening in this thread
No. 627687
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>>627683Okay anon, be my completely irresistible hermit Mary Sue waifu that has to stay inside because she’s so desirable that no matter where she does a harem of men court her. I will keep your favorite mountain dew spin-off in endless supply and my wifi connection is reasonably good.
No. 627691
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No. 627694
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>>627680All our periods synced up
No. 627720
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LC doesn't feel right without an active Luna thread.
No. 627725
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>>627703If its any consolation, your post made me feel better about my own impulse purchases
Just opened a package I got today that's like $120 worth of band merch from a band that's not even active anymore, and about 5 minutes ago I put in an order for two books that'll only take me maybe 3 days to read
No. 627726
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I understand the ethical arguments and I think they are correct, but I don't wanna be a vegan anymore! I miss greek yogurt so much, I think about it every day. I love yogurt, perhaps more than I love following my conscience. But I cannot ever have yogurt again, because I don't want to disappoint my gf.
No. 627729
>>627377I like soymilk and oatmilk, but I HATE almond and drinking type coconut milk.
>>627383Fatty coconut yogurt can be pretty delicious, I think it is the second best after true yogurt.
No. 627731
>>627728I have! I am not the biggest fan truth be told, as far as vegan yogurts go I think coconut is the tastiest! Soy is alright too. It's a bit of a shame they're lacking in the protein department though!
>>627729Coincidentally this post is also mine.
No. 627788
>>627415What's annoying is when some anons think it's a "gotcha" to call other anons American randomly, or if a topic comes up that they're personally not informed on. In the latter case, they assume everything they're unaware of must be an American problem, which, funnily enough, is the exact same "America is the center of the universe" mindset they're trying to rail against.
Or, when anons think not being American will lend credibility to lame opinions (eg people who say shit like ">inb4 you call me (x)-ist, i'm not some dumb american, i'm from [insert region of the world that is pretty much infamous for being (x)-ist. i'm hoping everyone here but me is a dumb american and won't realize that or call me out on it]").
Like, you're not special. Lots of us here aren't burgers, and it's actually more fun to hit someone with the "I'm not even American" if they assume, lmao.
No. 627837
>>627477True. The "a-a-actually how dare you call someone a tranny/scrote when you probably
just finished shit talking belle delphine's vagina over at /w/!!! women suck!!" cope is a meme at this point, just like the "30 active posters" one. Personally I feel nitpicking a cow's appearance should be way more banworthy than it is now because it shits up the thread in seconds and besides maleposters it attracts psychotic anons with body dysmorphia to project their own insane standards to others.
>>627567That story and the replies this anon made sound fake as fuck and nobody's even calling it a scrote but instead just general trolling, anon. You picked a pretty bad example there.
No. 627840
>>627811Why do you want followers, anon?
I've long given up on having an open Instagram profile or other non-private social media accounts. Who wants to constantly be harrassed by disgusting men, get hate comments for no reason and get stalked by weird bitches? I only have 130 followers at this point and I don't accept anyone I don't know personally.
No. 627850
>>627840I don't, I only follow people I know personally/some bands I like but I'm amazed how people think 10k is a "small following". Back in the day having over 1k followers on twitter made you semifamous and instagram wasn't even a thing.
I'm too old for social media and as you say, I'd rather not be harassed. I have nothing to sell so idc.
No. 627855
>>627852Worn down toilet maybe? This happens to me very rarely when I've pooped a shitton.
Anyways I went to the toilet after her and the poop was still there, floating casually, so she just went in to wash her hands. I don't wanna kms anymore
No. 627861
>>627851>>627855This was one of the most thrilling sagas on LC no joke
it's one of my personal horrors tbh because my apartment's plumbing is quite literally shit and sometimes it all doesn't get flushed down. I'm neurotic about checking the toilet condition when I have people coming over.
No. 627883
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Life keeps mirroring to me that I'm the cause for a lot of my problems at this point. That's just a fact I have to embrace. But there is still some resistance to the fact. No, life, I want to be somebody now, I want to be able to be proud of myself now, I want this all to be easier and more comfortable, I don't wanna be a ghost anymore now, I want people to understand me now, I want to look good and be fit now, I want to be sexy and desirable and loveable and find love now. So keep your lessons to yourself and don't make me change, life … sigh
No. 627888
File: 1599820906919.jpg (61.98 KB, 640x480, f59f3ce4-09b5-4ce9-8ce4-4a973e…)

It's almost 1pm.My shift starts at 2pm, I have no idea where I'm supposed to work today and my boss isn't picking up her phone. Fucking lovely.
No. 627894
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I have a crush on all of you
No. 627898
>>627882Was just thinking that.
Or some anons have the ability to apply all sorts of hidden meaning to innocent enough posts, then they end up arguing against a point that nobody made in the first place. Those are my two lil peeves. The latter is at least interesting to watch.
No. 627906
File: 1599823297349.jpg (245.2 KB, 1080x1095, Screenshot_20200911-211238__01…)

I just read through this entire post on r/hobbydrama because the Danny Choo link in thread requests was juicy… I can safely say that's life force I'll never get back, and I might possibly be even dumber now having read it. Never trust Reddit's rating system. These 1.7k likes are in no way indicative of how interesting the milk is, but more representative of the userbase in general. Why did I ignore my better judgement?
No. 627913
File: 1599824340320.png (1.11 MB, 1280x760, tumblr_p4bnxbwht41x22l95o1_128…)

I'm sad.
No. 627925
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Thinking about mothman rn
the only man I trust
No. 628015
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It was also weird for me to hear it being said in casual settings, or used around and said to young teens (13-14) just as another synonym of "good-looking" or "hot".
No. 628027
>>627683>>627687Come on, anon, don’t be mean to her.
She has 4k Facebook friends who actually enjoy having her on their feed. She's like a real life Bratz doll and is GORGEOUS.
No. 628034
people that call food "sexy" give me an aneurysm
>>628030speak for yourself
No. 628047
File: 1599842090194.png (124 KB, 297x385, C6757C63-5F67-4688-8CF1-8F02B4…)

I was replaying Mad Father recently and found my heart fluttering for this character. Then it dawns on me that as I grow older, approaching mid 20’s, I’m seeing the appeal of shota type characters more and more. What does this mean??? My usual tastes in 2D men hasn’t changed. But why Killua and CCS Syaoran be hitting different now after all these years, they’re so fucking cute. Help me.
No. 628069
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>>628047I liked that character a lot too, anon! Good taste.
I've liked blonde anime boys with burn scars since Mello from Death Note, though.
No. 628070
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>>628034Ok calling food sexy is weird but sometimes when I’m looking at expensive boots I can’t find any word to describe them except sexy
No. 628100
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>>628076nta but yeah, they do
No. 628157
>>628003Me too. I think there's a small portion of the population that can almost pull off saying it (keyword almost) but for the rest it sounds awkward and ugly.
That said, since I love pissing myself off, I've found myself using it constantly to describe mundane things.
>Roommate threw away the expired sour cream>"That's so sexy of you thank you">Washed my cup out right after using it instead of putting in the sink>God, that's sexy of meIts still awful but I can tell I'm getting desensitized now
No. 628163
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I don't care about mbti types but I took the test and I got intj and all the best memes are about intj, I love them please send more if you have any
No. 628235
File: 1599856328399.png (309.51 KB, 400x485, 306C3AB5-C1E9-4CDB-9608-156184…)

Wtf does this even mean
No. 628236
>>628034if you hate that, I'm sure you love "#foodporn"
>>627913Is that John Mulaney? hope you feel better or that it was good sadness
No. 628244
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>>628235god i am also getting this weird shit
No. 628252
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how do I stop feeling bad for things I shouldn't feel bad for?
I started at my new job a couple of months ago. I really like it, it's the best job I've ever had. but I ended up working on both of my days off last week. and yesterday was another day off that I ended up getting called in on. I couldn't stay as late as my boss wanted me too because one of my headlights is broken and it was getting dark (I'm a delivery driver). I even apologized for not being able to stay later… I feel bad because I was a neet for a really long time and I feel like I shouldn't complain because I should just be thankful to have a job. but I cherish my time off, especially because I'm in two online classes this semester and I usually do my school work on my days off since the library closes early this semester (thanks corona).
No. 628256
>>628235just for fun, I’m gonna guess the brunette with the yellow swimsuit - she’s in the shade with her bump covered.
The blonde haired woman has a tan so she seems to be in the sun a lot, aka not good for a vampire baby, and the red haired woman has her bump uncovered and isn’t under the shade (I think) so again, too much sun for a vampire baby. But lmao, idk.
No. 628260
>>628086On /ot/ the rules are a little more lax. Did you get a ban notice?
I test the rules sometimes because I like to live on the edge. Posted RIP with a candle emoji and noone bat an eye. I think I caught someone else's ban from /w/ though. That was weird.
No. 628272
>>628245looks like
>>628256 and
>>628266 have solved the case
No. 628382
File: 1599871968331.jpg (1.02 MB, 1073x1500, Screenshot_20200911-205203_Ins…)

Now there's Hello Kitty face shields…
No. 628468
>>628038how do u crush on random writing posts on the internet
>>628231omg ya that was a long time ago! then eventually she was in some band with her boyfriend or something? after that i think she disappeared, but i wonder how she is nowadays
No. 628514
>>628343Someone on 4chan said that he said
fucking animals is ok, and if you eat meat you can't say otherwise>>628361Same, i don't watch his videos as much now but when I do I can't stop thinking about what he's really like
No. 628604
>>628598Oh no I didn't mean like one anon pretending they made someone else's posts but for example, when two anons are arguing and one person contradicts themselves and gets called out for it, I wonder if they pretend that they did not make their earlier posts and that they are a different person.
Like this
>Anon 1 - I think fries suck>Anon 2 - I disagree, they are fried and delicious.>Anon 1 - No, fries and too salty and greasy.>Anon 2 - I agree, fries are too salty and greasy>Anon 1 - But you said fries are delicious>Anon 2 - No I did not, you have me mistaken for someone elseGod I feel like I'm not making any sense at all but, it's late at night, so I hope you see what I mean lol
No. 628606
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The artist salt thread gave me a wave of nostalgia, so I checked out that one long ass fanfic I read years a decade ago because it was what my edgy teenager self from back then loved the most.
It’s not complete yet! Whyyyyy i loved it so much, it was cool, now it’s cringy to me, but I loved that shit, I read it all, and the last chapter is never coming out because they last updated it in 2011, now I’m clinging in an eternal cliffhanger because it even feels rude to write a mock last chapter when it has been so long since that horse died.
No. 628615
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feeling like shit. just want her back.
No. 628616
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Based Vancouver
No. 628623
File: 1599907281295.jpeg (75.45 KB, 600x516, 451FC6DE-8856-4E1A-B8B7-B8138C…)

Thinking about the things I did when I was horny, I feel ill
No. 628700
File: 1599919870058.png (427.84 KB, 360x450, Heimskr.png)

I downloaded an app to learn icelandic and guess what the word for stupid is? It's heimskur.
No. 628766
>>628717>A lot of my more insane-er vents are ignoredI feel like it's the opposite, my vents have always rather similar, usually just something "mild" but lately I keep getting ignored because problems in university or with your parents/friends/bf obviously pale in comparison to the anons who say they will kill themselves or who want to perform abortion on themselves.
>>628702Maybe the solution would be having 2 threads, one for huge problems and one for lighter rants.
No. 628779
File: 1599927995483.png (10.29 KB, 320x320, tumblr_inline_mg8ddtFXHt1rx2fz…)

Anyone also felt lowkey sad when a tumblr that you really liked because they used to post about something that you were also passionate about, changed its main subject to their new obsession that did not interests you at all and you end up unfollowing them?
It always felt like a break-up in a way lol
No. 628798
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I have small tits and a tendency for fat to collect in my stomach so I have a recurring fear that my torso looks like Putin’s
No. 628802
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It’s pretty wild how fast my body recovers. I cut a gash a quarter way into my flesh, and it went back to normal within 3 days.
No. 628817
File: 1599932261808.jpeg (55.02 KB, 640x480, E014428B-6CAE-41A1-A342-5FE7E1…)

I guess they’re coming out with a Mario 64 port for the switch but personally I was never able to finish this game out of fear of this guy
No. 628820
>>628817No way I'm so excited. When is this happening?
And I don't blame you that piece of shit would pop up out of nowhere.
No. 628842
>>628823Yes join us on AshGardens we need more people.
(however I think someone clicked this link and started spamming the N-word over there)
besides that it's a good place.
No. 628846
>>628841Lipstick alley is very unhinged but It's cool. I love the woman/feminism forum, but when it comes to their fav celeb? You can't say shit about them without being attacked.
I also hate how to them every single man in Hollywood is gay. I cannot think of one dude they don't think is gay.
I think it has a lot of gay men/straight men there as well. The straight men just defend male slander all day and the gay men think everyone is gay and are catty towards the women.
No. 628941
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>>628820Looks like it’s Mario 64, sunshine, and galaxy all together
No. 628949
File: 1599944383521.png (263.69 KB, 437x549, EhUkPwZWsAMVZ8n.png)

I'm sad and want a bf
No. 629182
>>628845>>628766>>628717Imo it's wrong to expect attention and responses in the vent thread, this isn't Facebook, nobody owes you anything we're just all collectively screaming into the void together.
That's what makes it more real when someone cares or even takes the time to tell you that it's not that bad
No. 629194
>>629188An advice thread already exists. The vent thread is and should not be for advice. It's about getting people who relate to respond to you and share their own personal experiences and MAYBE give you advice based on their own lives. Nothing's worse than venting in the vent thread and someone judging you or giving you advice that you then have to give more context to the vent in order for them to understand why their advice or judgement isn't
valid. And then it turns into infighting. Sometimes when friends vent to you, they just want someone to listen.
No. 629212
>>629207My main point was that lolcow is the worst place to vent because everyone either gets ignored or anons try to start fights over nothing, and here you are, trying to start a fight over nothing
No one's "offended" by people's responses getting ignored, I'm just saying that lolcow is a shitty place to vent, which it is, oh and don't even get my started on the fact everyone has to walk on eggshells to prevent infighting and even if they do people still get strawmanned. No I'm not saying I want to hold anons at gun point and make them respond to vent posts, I'm saying lolcow is a shit place to vent and if you truly want to do something about your issues then go to other boards to help, that's it, that's literally it but you farmers manage to infight over every little thing said so this isn't a shocker to me.
No. 629217
>>629216forgot to add that I am told I can't dress in tight clothes because I have curves and that it makes everything I wear look sexual and innapropriate.
So really, I'm tired of being this weird punching bag for my family.
No. 629226
>>629210Where I live if someone says y'all you say it back at them, sometimes in an exaggated accent. I've seen it online too. I do it with friends over text. Grew up always doing it and surrounded by it
Did it earlier today on here and I think it got taken badly. Didn't actually know there was a tension around it or that anons link it back to twitter or whatever
No. 629227
>>629223Humblebragging is making up or exaggerating problems to brag about something, I was just stating my own experience, even the curviest women I knew barely got comments on what they wore
"My family totally always says something about my super hot body anytime I wear something" =/= "I have x body type"
No. 629231
>>629225So what? We can claim every other anons story is a lie except this one which is an obvious lie?
>>629224I'm literally from one of the most conservative places in the US and I have yet to meet a single person who's family talks about how hot their body is while having an issue with everything they wear, that literally sounds like something I would hear in middle school come from the girl who needed attention
No. 629232
>>629227Well then good for you and all the curvy people you knew
No. 629234
>>629227anon just say your insecure and go, you literally said the same thing. You didn't say you had a pear body type, hourglass, etc. You said you were curvy just like
>>629216 did. Apparently when another women says her experience, it's wrong if it contradicts your totally "
valid" experience. Just say you're a hypocrite and leave.
No. 629239
>>629234No claiming that "ugh my family always makes comments about my hot body" is pathetic, I think that's the part you're missing
>>629237So what's so different about conservatives? What conservative do you know makes constant comments about their family members body being hot?
>YoU'rE pRoBaLy FaTI have abs and teach yoga so no
No. 629240
i like that all of you anons just proved this anons point
>>629212 only a couple posts later
No. 629246
>>629231Not sure why I am responding to your aggressive posts, but I come from an asian family that thinks my job is to find a husband and look nice while also making sure I don't look like a whore. My AUNTS will comment on my weight whether I weigh more or less, look good or bad, and will tell me not to wear oversize clothing (which I'm into) because it looks shitty, but will also say I dress inappropriate even when I'm covered head to toe.
Was that enough information for you to believe that maybe just maybe other people deal with shitty and overbearing family members? Or am I still strangely competition to you even though I will admit I don't have a "VERY CURVY" body like you? Corn ball.
No. 629256
>>629252You're right, in her first post
>>629216She did not imply that her family always tells her that she has a great body and needs to show it off then says "we get it you have a nice body" when she dresses up, silly me
No. 629257
>>629251>>629251>Anon just doesn't understand everyone has different experiences and didn't have the exact same life as her.But you guys have no problem calling most stories fake or even making that weird "how women describe themselves on the internet" picture
> She also doesn't know what a humblebrag is. There's no point in arguing with dummies.Okay please explain to me how someone trying to claim their family makes constant comments on how good their body is no matter what they wear and how it's so hard, isn't humblebragging
No. 629260
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>>629258Oh it's you again
No. 629264
>>629257Honestly, I rarely see anons call posts fake. It has to be super obvious or written by a man for people to say it's fake. The post was not about how good her body is. In-fact she didn't say that she herself thinks her body is good. You have to be insecure to hyperfocus on the one part lol.
Anyway, I think you should watch this anon. Maybe it'll make you less mad at anonymous posts on the internet?
No. 629266
>>629264Who comes to lolcow and talks about how their family never shuts up about how great their body is? Literally who? And you really think no one ever on the face of the planet would exaggerate how uwu so hard it is to have a nice body? Lmao
Also the whole "lol you mad" defense is outdated and useless
No. 629274
>>629272Except for the fact anons have said similar stories in the past and got called out on it for being humblebraggers but you have to keep the infight fire going somehow right?
Seriously wondering how you think "my family always says my body is great and it's so hard" was just going to fly fine on lolcow knowing we have an issue with humblebraggers making up stories like so all the time
No. 629279
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No. 629281
>>629276That wasn't the point, anons have always came in and tried to make stories (a lot pertaining to clothes and what other people comment) to talk about how hard it is being hot, they've always got called out it except for now
>>629277>Lol you lostAre you 12?
No. 629290
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good after work entertainment
No. 629295
>>629293Then why don't you answer my question?
>>629294You're literally reacting the same way I am, all I said was that it's humblebragging and despite knowing many people from all walks of life I've never met anyone who had this happen to them. If it was that crazy or whatever you could have just ignored my post instead of getting defensive like your life depended on it, It takes two to tango, if you infight I infight back, don't like it? Move on.
No. 629296
File: 1599968866060.jpg (76.97 KB, 735x565, a530be2f682118e53ff77e88ca0ef3…)

shits in this thread and runs off
No. 629304
File: 1599969166703.png (Spoiler Image,46.11 KB, 207x205, chodes arent hot.PNG)

>>629300you ask and you shall receive
No. 629308
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No. 629313
File: 1599969345200.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.58 KB, 567x1011, EhIUFvFUYAAwXWh.jpg)

>>629306Dont open if you dont wanna see a prolapsed asshole
No. 629317
>>629304Wtf is this? The shadow of a dick? The pixelated essence of a dick? Dick pic a la Film Noir?
If it ain't long, girthy, and HD then it doesn't go in my big meaty cocks folder.
No. 629321
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>>629313>>629313Why he like this
No. 629345
File: 1599972785006.jpg (24.31 KB, 800x600, f4de9d9b46b1c99d2af1365fae30bd…)

I just ate some of my moms peach rings while she was asleep. hehehehhe
No. 629398
File: 1599986908130.jpeg (67.79 KB, 937x525, F022FB9E-C4DF-425D-A789-D8FCB6…)

Im beginning to question my bisexuality, more or less if I’m actually just secretly morphing into a full blown lesbian. I’ve loved dick and getting fucked by dudes for so long, and now that I’m single again I’m absolutely repulsed by the idea of getting fucked by one again and desperately wanting a girlfriend instead. Is this just a moment of putting women on a pedestal because I haven’t actually managed to have sex with one yet so it’s a fantasy projection, or am I really just significantly attracted to females now? Guess there’s only one way to find out, but I run into the trap of I respect women too much to use them as my sexuality guinea pigs but then desperately wanting intimacy with them. All I know is if I get hit on by another man this year I’m going to scream.
No. 629401
>>629399kek, I had split hair from 2012-2017 and looking back I fucken CRINGE. was my real hair too, someone cyberbully me pls
same thing with pastel pink hair ngl, or purple. I do miss gurokawaii/pastel goth tumblr days tho
speaking of which is there a nostalgic fashion thread or? can we do this?
No. 629403
>>629382i thought you were referring to
>>629313was worried for you
No. 629439
>>629313this is the whip nay nay dude yes?
thank you stöp
No. 629466
i think there's a trans guy in my program…
i feel kinda bad for them, spending all this money, time and energy into transitioning but they just end up like 13 year old-looking manlets when they were 5'4 tiny women.
well i guess he got what he wanted, he looks like a man to the untrained eye.
>inb4 "don't you mean she!!!?!?!?!?!??!">>629464what'd particle image velocimetry do to you anon??? (for real though, what does piv mean and why do you hate it?)
No. 629475
>>629473While the post
>>629469 linked is borderline psycho spergy, it still has a point. Plenty of women don't orgasm from PiV and it's a huge risk to even take due to STDs, cervical cancer and accidental pregnancy. A lot of men don't want to wear condoms either causing women to go on BC which often fucks up their natural hormonal system with severe side effects. Men rarely settle with other types of sex that would probably be more pleasurable to women. It's just some food for thought regarding the power structures embedded in heterosexual sexual intercourse.
No. 629479
>>629469>because we all know that pregnancy can kill you, or make you very ill, even if you have an early abortion. right?Sounds like fear mongering to me.
In order for the human race to continue, woman have to bear children. Life is unfair. How is she suggesting the human race continue in an ethical manner?
>Women should be artificially inseminated rather than engage in an act of intimacy with their partner No. 629481
>>629475But women still have a sex drive and can enjoy the intimacy of piv even when they don't orgasm. Sure some of those points are
valid but they can be (and have been) addressed without being extreme as anti piv.
No. 629488
>>629479women's decisions > human race
There will still be women who want to have children, anyway.
No. 629505
>>629497Why should your mom even touch your legs to begin with? There's no sort of appropriate touch I can imagine, can someone please enlighten me on the type of situation in which their mom would be touching their legs long enough for hairiness to be a problem?
I swear some people have the weirdest relationships with their parents.
No. 629522
>>629511Okay! This makes sense, thank you for giving an actual answer to my dumb ass
I imagined her chilling on the couch with her mom just rubbing her legs like,
shudder No. 629523
File: 1600007160297.jpeg (27.38 KB, 225x225, 29E71361-1C6F-449C-9A85-32E981…)

>>629304It’s kind of short, isn’t it? Look at the finger holding it, it isn’t as impressive as the Chinese fan comics and fanfics made me think it was.
I’m disappointed.
No. 629694
>>629674I get that, I've had some desperate guys reach out again after ignoring me for a while, but it's just bizarre to get these messages so consistently and for so long.
I can't imagine texting someone every month for
years after they haven't replied to you. How would you not feel embarrassed after a while?
No. 629699
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No. 629701
>>629675I don't understand how people can watch her. Even outside of the severe anorexia, her constant, labored smiling and wide eyes make me think of an anxious, but hyper animal about to run off and/or bite off its own leg to escape a situation.
It's pitiable and saddening, but also bothersome. If she's that uncomfortable, she really shouldn't be doing vlogs or streams. It's almost like she's being held hostage in her own home and body or something. The name "Cooney" fits, because she has that exact kind of "raccoon" energy. A small, feral animal trapped in a cage, and it doesn't know what to do but walk in circles and bare its teeth. You can't help or do anything much, but there are millions of people just watching and saying inane shit like "I love you", as if this is a normal situation.
Everything is heavy, almost aggressive suppression of what are probably trauma/fear responses with her. The shaky high-pitched voice and everything. She just gives me a mix of bad vibes, I always get a light headache and this weird reactive stress whenever I see a clip of her talking.
No. 629703
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>>629699kek let me join you
No. 629711
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oh fuck
No. 629723
File: 1600035296187.jpg (16.24 KB, 360x360, IMG_20200914_001404.jpg)

> periods are going to come a day after my birthday
> hormones already decided to throw me a big bunch of small super pink acne even on my clean cheek
I guess I'll spend my birthday in apartament with s/o, instead of together with his family because I'd be busy screaming while applying makeup… Goddamn. I'm so tired.
No. 629728
File: 1600036581706.jpg (40.68 KB, 433x448, 6663eb4b-17c5-48fa-a465-8dbbbf…)

mfw I have a dumb crush on a hockey player that's too handsome/normal to be posted on the unconventional men you want to fuck thread but too average to post him on the attractive men thread.
No. 629739
File: 1600037815442.jpeg (14.68 KB, 206x245, 9207B117-AED8-446F-BCA1-E8CCCD…)

>>629728post your hockey husbando anon!!!
No. 629745
>>629728post him in the unconventional thread if you have a doubt, the attractive thread is a shitfest anyway
it helps that I like conventionally attractive men who happen to often be shitheads, to my chagrin (older Hollywood men are often shitheads) so I can have an excuse to post them there anyway due to age / reputation. means less shaming by the timothee chowder fans
No. 629762
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Got called a pickme bc I said that if I had a bf I’d have sex with him everyday… BITCH I’M JUST HORNY
No. 629773
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>>629739Travis Konecny kek I find him cute. I feel like if I went to the US I would probably find 10 guys who look exactly like him in some small town petrol station, all wearing camo and driving beaten up pick up trucks.
>>629745Eh, he's a bit of a hick and a (funny imo) dickhead, but other than that he's awfully average. But I do agree that the attractive men thread is an absolute shitshow.
No. 629779
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This tweet makes me think of some future dystopia were any one deemed ugly is 'deleted', killed, from society.
No. 629828
>>629808Specials was the third one. I also have that in my room lmao.
Hell I may read it again now.
No. 629901
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I've been getting better at painting portraits recently and I'm so proud of myself. Going out of your comfort zone is really amazing.
pic is by @svvshi
No. 629940
File: 1600058238391.jpeg (73.45 KB, 535x800, 08D183B8-E11B-4073-BA3B-BFB23A…)

I’d say basset hounds are even more deformed than borzois
No. 629950
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No. 629979
>>629973I always wondered what would've happened if Tumblr got a hold of those lyrics.
I really truly love that song and would always sing it angrily about my exes.
"you're so sad, maybe you should buy a happy meal
You're so skinny you should really super size the deal
Secretly you're so amused that nobody understands you."
No. 629989
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i've eaten the pic related curry almost 2 weeks ago and my tongue is still stained.i was told it's not normal and that it should be gone by now.and the thing is that my tongue is not stained equally through the's ok in the morning and i get a yellow stain as the day goes by
>inb4 wash your tongue
i do it daily but the stain keeps appearing idk wtf is going on
No. 630009
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i feel guilty for liking quarantine
No. 630022
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Sometimes when people make fun of Kiwi Sunset and her body, hands and titties it hurts my feelings because we have almost the exact same body type and I feel like "hey wtf that's so rude her titties are normal not national geographic"
No. 630100
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I can't wait for Little Nightmares II to be released. This bitch is gonna be so fun to fight.
No. 630117
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>>630100Looks like non redhead carrot top
No. 630121
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I want to lose weight quicker but I just can't quit noodles cold turkey, that's the only carb I can't get enough of.
At least replacing all sugary drinks with flavored seltzer and ice water is a start.
No. 630150
Not to do the whole "I hate entitled white women" spiel, but something recently happened and GOD DAMN did I want to kill this bitch.
I got to work and suddenly really felt the need to shit. I shit at home and hate shitting at work but when nature calls, nature calls. I went into one of the individual bathrooms in our building and did my business. I genuinely felt sick so I was in there for a while. Keep in mind we have HELLA bathrooms in our building. At least 4 individual and 1 big bathroom with stalls , on every single floor (we have 3 floors). All of a sudden I hear knocking. I didn't respond, not sure why but I just didn't feel like shouting "i'm in here" to a stranger, especially when a locked door is enough of a hint. A few minutes later I hear the same knock. I've come to the conclusion that this person's office is right next to the bathroom and they are too lazy to walk over to the other side of the floor to go to another one. That and they refuse to use the stalls. NEXT thing I know , I hear her call over security and go "both of these bathrooms are locked and no one is responding. I've been here forever and this is ridiculous. Can you GO LOOK ON THE CAMERAS AND SEE WHO IS IN THERE" THE GUY ACTUALLY GOES TO HIS OFFICE TO CHECK, AND I HEAR HIM COME BACK AND SAY "YEAH, ITS A YOUNG WOMAN IN ONE AND A YOUNG MAN IN THE OTHER" At that point I realized I should have just been like I'm in here to avoid this mess, but too late. I hear her complain to everyone passing by for a few minutes before I finally finish, make sure the bathroom is decent because I'm a decent person, but realize the stench is going to kill her on her way in. Oh well, that's what she fucking gets. I get out and avoid eye contact with her not because I'm embarrassed but because I don't even want to give her the time of day at that point. I had just finished having a horrible morning and she had to make it worse for literally no reason. I can't even shit in piece before the work day begins.
No. 630172
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No. 630181
>>630150My brother works in security and every now and then he'll get called to check on a locked (usually diasbled) bathroom because nobody is responding. The concern is fainting or whatever medical emergency could be happening inside and it's amazing how often people will stay in there silent while security ask over and over if they need help.
Why not just shout back that you're fine?
No. 630198
>>630192I don't think security went and knocked, I think he just checked the cameras–the lady was the one knocking and asking.
No. 630273
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>wearing makeup in 2020
>wearing makeup
No. 630281
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I need to renew my ID card but I do not want to go to the photographer because no matter how I style myself, I always look like a mugshot from the fbi most wanted list lmao
No. 630316
>>630313I don't like him for that personality. I hate his fan base and the persona he puts on for his music. I just mean he's a pretty creative guy in general and I like how he is in natural interviews/podcasts and with his friends back in the day.
But yes, I can also acknowledge he's kind of an asshole, but I guess I find that toxicly attractive too.
No. 630353
>>630347The youtuber Psych Irl made a vid about him lately and I wish she had explored what makes him so weirdly fanciable. Have seen so many anons on here describe being into him. And it usually goes along the lines of 'I don't even know why but god I'd jump his bones'
I'm one of them lol. I don't think he's insanely attractive..but I'm insanely attracted to him anyway. Simlarly I don't have any real idea who he is in terms of personality. And I rarely crush on men so? it's a mystery to me.
No. 630363
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>>630358Dead. I guess watching someone eating ravioli out of a pen pocket had to have been someone’s thing out there
But I agree with other anons. He’s cute but definitely makes himself ugly when he grows his out among other things. He’s also not very tall. I like him in attached pic. Also to be fair he has said multiple times he finds himself to be ugly so at least he’s not full of himself.
No. 630387
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>>630375Have wholesome dreams, anon, sleep well.
No. 630449
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Maybe he’s skinwalking you, now he’s the cow.
No. 630452
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hahahah amazing
No. 630520
funny posts thread is giving me an existential crisis over my husbandos
>>630452oh my god
No. 630534
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I hate that this is me.
No. 630585
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I'm having a major blast to the past, I just found some Laruku and Malice Mizer shit on youtube and I feel like crying out of nostalgia, I can't believe I completely forgot about them. I believe I was around 15 when I got really into the whole jrock/visual kei thing, the FMA movie had just come out and I was having the time of my life being an annoying little weeb. Am I becoming one of those "things were better back in my days" boomers or is the geeky/weeby scene less fun nowadays? idk, maybe it's just that back then everything was so novel and hard to come by, like I remember it took me forever to find a MM concert in video but when I finally did it was so exciting, even though it was in extremely low resolution lol that said I just googled Hyde out of curiosity and I'm scarred for life, he used to be so cute what happened
No. 630692
>>630689I find it very interesting how different are the numbers in different countries. I live in Poland, we got strict measures implemented for about 2 months and returned to relatively normal life after that, numbers stayed pretty much the same and even at the height of the pandemic things were easily manageable in the hospitals (my mom is a nurse and worked with covid patients). Then you have countries like Italy, where it really was bad and hospitals were overflowing with patients. I think it's not unreasonable to be careful - especially since we don't know if there are any long lasting effects of being infected with that virus and it's pointless to risk things, but it is true that media made the panic reach heights so crazy, people going full tinfoil were an inevitable outcome.
Having said that I really hope people will stop going feral with the anti-masks protesting, because for majority they're not hard to wear and having everyone wear them will really help.
No. 630708
>>630692I live in Spain and trust me, the numbers are way overblown and I think Italy has the same issue. For an instance hospitals were strictly forbidden from performing autopsies on people who were suspicious of having the virus and died even if they had dunno, cancer before then counted them as deaths from 'rona. I say suspicious because back in March and April we didn't even have enough tests. Now media is spreading panic again with headlines like "12k new infected people yesterday, the highest number since March, we're all gonna die" not accounting now we actually have tests and testing everyone and his dog.
It's also easy to say masks are not hard to wear when you don't live with 40º everyday and your government didn't enforce them even if there is no one around (but they sell them with the luxury tax ofc).
No. 630743
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I do this thing where I see how long I can resist before scratching an itch and I think I've done it so much I've accidentally developed an itch kink
No. 630805
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I honestly had no idea that "retard/retarded" was considered a slur in english. I see it used so often that I thought it was super common, until yesterday I heard that someone almost got ~cancelled~ for saying """"the r word slur"""". I had to google what they meant because it was the first time I saw that word referred to as that. In my language, moron and retard mean literally the same. So for me it's super weird how one is acceptable and the other isn't
No. 630811
>>630341Therapy. You're doing your part in supporting him but there is a
lot of homework that needs to be done internally, by him.
No. 630818
>>630805Moron, retard, imbecile — I know there’s more. They do all mean the same thing. But like 10 or so years ago everyone suddenly hopped on the “retard is bad” bandwagon, even non-SJWs. But if you point out the other words, then you’re just being annoying and extreme, to everyone except the most ‘progressive’ tumblrites.
I’m curious if anyone knows what started the railing against retard? My best guess is that it started because of autism awareness, and autistic kids were becoming the public’s darling. It took me forever to get on board with it, and when I finally did I still didn’t think saying retard was that big of a deal. But people take it more seriously than “nigger” or “bitch”
No. 630828
>>630818I remember being in middle school in like 2006 and some spergy girl in my class saying that "retard" was a mean word uwu. She wanted to be a SPED teacher. I ignored it, but that was the first time I heard it, then it snowballed to being truly
problematic, though I can't put my finger on when it caught on overall.
>people take it more seriously than the n wordIdt that's true at all still, but otherwise ya agree with you. People sharing leftist infographics on IG saying moron and insane are ableist terms that we shouldn't use anymore get a hearty kek from me.
No. 630832
>>630828Every person I knew who said nigger or thinks that saying nigga is any better is against saying retard. I first heard “the r-word is MEAN and disrespectful” was from the guys in my junior high who were the same ones saying “hah— GHEEEEY! Nigga fagot!”
Suddenly they would interrupt everyone and wag their fingers at them. Like ok. kek
No. 630896
>>630868You can, but the point was that I'm certainly not anorexic by any means
>>630874Because it's lolcow and everyone goes out of their way to take anything they possibly can out of context
No. 630898
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how the fuck do i make her face not look so doughy PS anons pls save me
No. 630904
>>630805The context in english makes it even more retarded though(ba dum tss) when I was a kid in the mid 00's literally nobody used "retarded" to refer to mentally disabled people, you'd say "special needs" or something like that. Retarded is only used for people that act like an idiot or do something stupid.
Then again people on tumblr tried to ban words like crazy, stupid, idiot etc too
No. 631146
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>>631113just use a reaction image like everyone else
No. 631264
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>>631257You see this? Stop this
No. 631281
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>>631264lmao anon did you make that bingo?
No. 631285
>>631280Who said they were part of the argument. Do you not realize how many people were reading/laughing at that.
And by the way, not to add to your bingo chart. But the anon also called us unstable for just defending that anon and cracking a few jokes along the way. Now you're calling us unstable. I had no idea this was boarding school. Let people fucking laugh.
No. 631286
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If you are gonna simp over men, at least do it over 2d ones.
No. 631328
>>631324bc you like to be hydrated.
Your skin thanks you!
No. 631386
>>630901Wonder if it was a poor attempt at negging kek
Last guess I have is if your muscles are pretty defined, having "sharpness" in your look could be misread by manbrain to mean low weight? Assuming it was a man who said this.
>>631324I do this. Nature's alarm clock
No. 631496
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Wasn't sure if this should go in dumbass shit or redditor thread
No. 631509
>>631501> Stress induced orgasms are a thing but a.) it's usually women who have themThis is really interesting. Is there a reason behind it?
I used to get them when I'd be terribly late for something like even the bus for work or uni project. It's so efficient that when I want to get off myself I just imagine I'm late for somewhere.
No. 631538
>>631509Seconding to anons answer, stress can also
trigger persistent genital arousal disorder although imo OP sounds like he got too worked up and his brain mixed up the signals
No. 631666
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I wish I had a friend I could live out this movie with
No. 631684
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this may be extremely personal or some dumb Mandela effect shit but does anyone else remember the name 'chad' meaning someone geeky/nerdy? growing up in school we would call nerdy people a "chad" and always named hypothetical, glasses wearing, mouth breathing characters chad. this was 90s-2000s. nowadays a chad is a buff alpha male but i distinctly remember the name being associated with geeky males as a kid.
No. 631752
>>627219Got downvoted on leddit for saying asian girls tend to be more rectangle shaped than curvy, on a post about an asian twitch streamer who shoops her body to have Kim K esque proportions.
I just, what?
Is it because the scrotes can’t accept asian girls aren’t they ultimate sexy anime waifus with F size tits and a 19 inch waist?
I was tempted to pull out a “Uhh AKTHUALLY Im an Asian Woman!!” (Im not, im native american) just to shut them up.
No. 631755
>>631753I get tearful two days before, feel some fatigue that gets extreme by the first day of bleeding. I turn white as a ghost for the few days. Bleeding itself is on the lighter side, lasts for four days. Some stomach upset but less pain than I used to get.
I'm early 30s, the fatigue and paleness is only since hitting 30. They are lighter then ever but I look like death on them.
No. 631762
>>631753I get cramps and migraines and often am bed-bound.. I keep finding out this is way more common than I ever knew. Also, the day or so before I usually feel sad for no reason, but its not like the "crazy woman PMS!!!1!" trope. PMS is real but more bearable than the pain.
I wish the shitty period education millisecond they gave us in school wouldve warned about the other symptoms more. I know its just my body but I always think "I didnt sign up for this" lmao I never expected headaches
Anyway I just take whatever medicine helps and is prescribed to me. I recently found that walking/exercising and drinking water reduce my symptoms even to nearly none. My doctor said this but its hard to buy until you try.
No. 631811
>>631752lol reddit dudes love to think that any "flaw" a woman can have (not that being a rectangle is a flaw, but you get what I mean) is her own fault somehow. They look at shooped hourglass Asians and think that every Asian woman can look like that if they just eat right and exercise. One time I saw a thread where someone posted a blogpost screencap of a woman talking about how much she hated being apple-shaped and all the comments from men were like "hur dur just stop shoving food in your mouth and you won't be an apple anymore"!!! I got downvoted for pointing out that being apple-shaped is down to bone structure. I even posted pics of fit, apple-shaped celebrities and they kept making excuses.
Men also have a madonna/whore-like complex with plastic surgery. They desire perfect women but only if they were born that way, so they refuse to believe a picture of a perfect woman is retouched. Like when Mckayla Maroney started posting a ton of post-surgery bikini pics and a ton of dudes were convinced her ass grew like ten inches because of muh puberty and squats lmfaooo.
No. 631909
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>>631895I was looking at a few different toys from the same brand. For some reason I skipped past the toys that would've been a better fit for me and ordered a bigger one just cos I'm stupid like that. Guess I have to make it work. Weird impulse purchase
No. 631919
>>631915Um duh? What I find weird is how
triggered some “women” are at being accused once. Like you feel invalidated or sum?
No. 631923
>>631910I'm dildo anon, when I was going to post about it earlier it occured to me that my post was basically "just ordered myself a big dildo, sure hopes it fits in my lil vag"
I was concerned that sounds scrotish, it really does if you don't word it right. I made a weird impulse purchase and I just hope I find a way to actually enjoy it
No. 631924
>>631919tits anon here, rather than being
triggered I just thought it was funny someone’s immediate thought about me posting “I wish I had a girlfriend to touch my tits” was “this must be a scrote” rather than “oh a lesbian”
I’m awful at telling when its a scrote larping/posting so I’m always a little curious as to what specifically about a post makes some anons jump to that conclusion
No. 631930
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What is this nigga up to these days?
Just remembered him and how he used to fraud with lighting and angles and still looked 3/10 at absolute best lmao. Making fun of people
while not even looking slightly human. Avearge man mogs him to grave, even retards he made fun of mog him.Betabuxxing some 6/10
whore is his only hope, no way could a woman be attracted to this recessed hapa fuck. Legit most hideous man i ever saw. He used to claim
he was mostly swedish while extremly obviously being (half) asian too. His shitty sense of humor is one of his (many) copes. Chads
laugh at the videos of kittens, i know this for a fact. All males who have this le offensive humor are boneless subhumans, i know this
for a fact too.
No. 631943
>>631919Why'd you put "women" in quotation marks?
>>631923>>631924That's basically my point, though. Should all women have to speak in a specific manner about topics as mundane as their vagina, their sex toys, or their attraction to other women just to avoid being accused of being male by totally-feminist women? Even in exclusively-female spaces? Does the whole idea of "sounding scrotish" not originate from the specific speech style, words used, and/or topics mentioned that these women accuse other women of being men for doing?
>I’m awful at telling when its a scrote larping/postingEveryone here is, anon. The farmers who think they're "so good" at spotting male posters aren't good at anything but accusing women of being men over something like, I don't know, arbitrarily using certain imageboard terms. I've seen farmers get accused of being male for the weirdest things, like discussing vulva hygiene in a thread about vulva hygiene, talking about a lesbian wet dream in a thread about dreams, or asking farmers what the best way to put on a bra is.
>>631925It's the paranoid schizophrenia.
No. 631961
>>631958>it's weird that you think of it as some heinous injustice rather than typical dumb imageboard shitI don't. It is dumb imageboard shit (it's certainly not anything smart) and I only pointed out the hypocrisy of that kind of accusation in its specificity to female-only online spaces, hence why I posted
No. 631964
>>631955don’t we all anon?
Anyway, I feel like I have the opposite problem lol. I’m a size queen but I always order a little smaller to be on the safe side, but then I’m easily bored. I have one dildo that is my largest and I base all future dildo purchases around how similar in measurements they are to it. I order it on bad dragon’s black friday sale a few years back and also bought another one in the same order but sadly that one is TOO large. I’m always torn between continuing to play it safe or push it a little bit. Hope you have fun with your new dildo anon!!!
No. 631971
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I like a dick that is big and strong.. Onyielding if u will
No. 631985
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Someone make this into a banner, i found it on the comments of a Facebook post praising nurses during COVID.
No. 631987
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Accidentally posted this in the old thread but I think ball jointed dolls are so beautiful. I'm a NEET but I want one so much im thinking about getting a job just to buy one for myself. I want one with long pretty hair.
No. 632001
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>>631992That sounds really fun anon! Do you remember what kind of doll you got as your first one? I like the Fairyland and Volks dolls a lot, it'd be so hard to make a decision on what doll to buy when the time comes though.
No. 632013
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Good evening I hate men
No. 632014
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>>631987Dolls are HIGH tier artform. There's so many types to admire
No. 632017
>>632013I remember when someone on tumblr said this was terf rhetoric because the void referred to a “pussily cavity” and it’s
problematic to associate vaginas with women.
No. 632065
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My boyfriend deserves this japanese scholarship so badly. He's working so hard on it, on top of having a 9/5 job and freelancing. I am applying too, but I hope he gets it.
I believe in you bb
No. 632084
>>632065Just a heads up, there's is currently a foreign travel ban in effect. Assuming you are a foreigner to Japan or outside of Japan.
People are losing their jobs and housing because of this
No. 632113
>>632110I thought this would end badly, I'm glad it didn't.
It's definitely easier said than done (it would've been a different story if your group was filled with like, crazy diehard libfems), but I think the more women speak out, the better.
No. 632121
>>631753Day before: horrible pain, awful mood
1st day: horrible pain, a few drops of blood
2nd day: more bearable pain, flooding to the point I have to change my pad every hour
3rd day: a little pain, still a lot of blood
Days 4&5: barely any pain, barely any blood
No. 632131
You know, I've been thinking about that "cuties" film, and I haven't seen it but it does seem very french in that it tries to have us empathise with an annoying/narcissistic character whose sexuality is explored. Like I'll list the synopses of some french movies this year, when I was exploring my local film festival listings;
>teenager finds an old male artist and goes on journey to try make him do art again>16 year old idolises her older female cousin who fucks older men to go on boats and shit>17 year old girl idolises some old man theater actor because her classmates suuuck>cheating wife is loving life with her side man, then…something happens to ruin it allIf it's french, the synopsis more often than not includes the word "sensual" and I've learned by now to give it a miss. Obviously I'm sure some of these movies have some life lessons, like maybe the young girl will stop idolising her prostitute cousin, but I'm not watching to find out.
All that said, when trying to view things from a french cinema lens, I can totally see how a french director having an annoying brat discover her sexuality could see it as something progressive and feminist.
>>632122My take is that they'd do what they love to do, but it won't affect you and you'll be chill about it because it's heaven and the small things that annoyed you on earth won't once you're dead.
Personally I'd think a heaven with NO animals or insects and only humans would be awful. Imagine never seeing rabbits, deer or hearing birds again. Just human voices, gross.
No. 632132
>>632122oh wow, I love your mind anon. According to the Christian dogma, animals don't go to heaven. I may be wrong and I hope that I am though.
I think heaven was made with people in mind so definitely no blood-sucking mosquitoes even if they somehow go to heaven kek
No. 632140
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Is it just me or does her skin actually look worse in the after photo? (Chemical peeling and deep pore cleanse)
No. 632141
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>>632140samefag. Seems like a good way to fuck up your skin but I don’t really know much about this stuff.
No. 632142
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Tfw flunked my first two exams this semester for the first time ever in my college career. Online learning sucks man.
No. 632149
>>632141It looks kinda plastic-y, but that might just be because it's right after the procedure. Afaik, chemical peels never look good right after their done, and won't look good until like 5 days when the skin is finished coming off. Her skin does look a little clearer though.
>Seems like a good way to fuck up your skinchemical peels are pretty good if done correctly. It can be used for stuff like hyper-pigmentation, textured skin, acne, uneven skintone etc… that can take months or even years to "fix". They pretty much take off the first layer of your dead skin, like exfoliating but a lot faster and the skin comes off in bigger pieces.
No. 632153
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Young Claire Danes and Gwyneth Paltrow. It always takes me a few seconds to see who's who.
No. 632159
>>632156Gwyneth *
Of course I misspelled that, it sounds like a character name from Lord of the Rings
No. 632172
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This is my favorite quote ever.
No. 632212
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I love making fun of trannies with my sister, it brings us closer together
No. 632240
>>632227Man if contra didnt make the g c vid i never would have found the reddit and went down a rabbit hole of reading articles, i think that was a dumb move for contra to publicize the opposing parties term
>>632233Where do people even go for this anymore? ff seems like it died a long time ago
No. 632249
>>632240I use ao3 and sometimes tumblr. Fanfiction is definitely still a thing and probably will be until tv shows and anime stop being made
>>632243I guess it's just cause working in a creative field is harder. Not all authors can be succesful.
No. 632258
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No. 632262
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I forgot my headphones and have to go through my workday without them. Why live?
No. 632314
>>632230Where I live people pronounce "loud" as "lewd" and it always creeps me out and confuses me.
>at that party the music was way too lewdWas the volume of the music too loud or were the lyrics obscene?
No. 632347
>>632092>>632084Super late (went to sleep) but yeah, it's slowly lifting for non tourists.
However, if he does get it, the trip will only happen at the end of 2021, hopefully by the the ban will be completely over (I am even thinking they could anticipate it in case the ban lifts earlier than that, but that's just my wishful thinking)
No. 632385
>>632383It is. It's not my favorite body type
my #1 is pear cause that's my shape but's definitely the runner up. Inverted triangle shape is just so model-like and elegant to me. Plus, I don't think there are any clothes that don't suit that shape.
No. 632478
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>>632381ty I was feelin shitty about my shoulders today
No. 632531
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>>632525samefag, but I have just realised I also stepped on dog poop because people here are fucking pigs.
Definitely not my day.
No. 632540
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>>632529Men like that usually have cuck fetishes and get off on the idea of other men fucking their wife but of course women get hated on for participating in those fetishes that put the idea that men are below women but also to MGTOWs and MRAs misogyny fetish is okay and no one should say otherwise, but somehow kinks totally aren't a reflection of who someone is unless it hurts men
No. 632543
>>632538>A base of clearly mentally ill people aren't going to be completely honest about who they are in real lifeWho would have thought
Looking at you 500k/year, homeowning, 10/10 anons
No. 632562
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Honestly I wish it was more acceptable to wear this kind of stuff to work out
No. 632571
>>632556 , nobody over 23 here posts in that thread. It's for zoomers to beg for attention.
No. 632595
>>63258830 year old here and yes! When I was 13/14 I was painfully aware that a big ass was the worst thing you could have. A big ass meant you were just fat, full stop. The only acceptable fat was on your boobs. That's how much it has changed. There was no big hip/thick thighs celebration either.
Ten years from now we'll probably swing back around to that skinny part of the cycle, and repeat
No. 632599
>>632593Ew no, never wanna sex them, just want them as my dads. My dad basically knocked my mom up and left.
>>632597Yessss exactly, I love that dynamic so much. Where the older man really cares for the kid and teaches them lessons. Rip to your dad anon and i'm glad you can find a good time in those media
No. 632608
>>6317532 days before my period i am incredibly hungry, the night before my period starts i am sleepless & for no apparent reason suicidal/depressive. During the extent of my entire period, I have zero appetite or hunger. I know starving is bad, but I can't keep anything in without feeling nauseous. Once my period starts the first day is light, hardly any pain & i am happy as fuck again, however the second day is fucking hell to the point i feel like i'm going to have a heart attack. I sometimes faint on the second or third day. After the third day, i hardly bleed, my period is light again. It then lasts for 7 days in total, after the third or fourth though, it's just dark old blood & remains of my uterus lining. After my period ends, I become hungry again. I find that tampons are such a hassle to use & unreliable in my experience, pads all the way. This is my experience at least.
No. 632765
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I just found out that the main character of Kung Fu Hustle looks like this now. Jeeesuss Christ
No. 632844
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This is all I eat now
No. 632859
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I don't know if I have keto diarrhea, anxiety diarrhea or just regular sickness diarrhea
Either way it fucking sucks
No. 632871
>>632859Holy shit (no pun intended), I am this anon and I didn't even notice there was another diarrhea anon
Sorry for shitting up the thread (pun intended)
No. 632925
>>632908Who's the coolest failure in the world? You are! ♥
Go beat their asses in the game
No. 633037
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Help me anons, which color kit should I get?
No. 633047
>>633043>>633042Blue it is! Ty anons
And no these are actually from amazon. I don't buy from ali cause I refuse to wait like 2 months for 1 package lmao.
No. 633113
>>633099a truly inspired upgrade, thank you
No. 633203
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Watching Love on the Spectrum.
>What's it like, being a girl on the spectrum?
"Extremely dificult, considering that there's no girl criteria. It's only boy. So you get- you get assessed on how male you are."
I need a moment to compose myself.
No. 633256
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Why doesn't the top of this part ever get fucking clean
No. 633290
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>>632882Im a badass bitch
No. 633306
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>>633268Yes I wash my clothes lol. The inside of my washer looks like picrelated, just like every washer I've ever seen. I've never seen a washer with that stick poking out, I didn't recognize it as a washer.
No. 633390
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I laffed at this
No. 633418
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I saw this on the webring while I was looking for interboard drama.
No. 633434
>>633367I just finished cleaning (just swept the floor, threw the trash out and put the clothes to the washing machine) and hopefully tomorrow I'll push myself to do a more in depth cleaning. It's also rainy tonight so I thought I'd make the room feel a bit more cozy.
I actually like tidying up and cleaning, don't understand why I keep putting it off for so long.