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No. 621142
once again, leave all brains and brain accessories at the door please
previous dumbassery:
>>614614 No. 621145
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I just want to learn the dance choreographies to some old Britney Spears songs, but I'm very uncoordinated. Any dance anons who can give me advice or an easy choreography video?
No. 621151
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my bf and i have been binging seasons of Survivor and it's been so much fun but also i think it made me realize i have questionable taste and/ or low standards in like all aspects. i'll be like "remember how weird that guy used to look on day 1, he's lowkey island hot now" or "he only looks good when he doesn't shave" or "she looks super different with makeup on in the reunion, she actually was cuter without it" etc etc and 80% of the time he'll be like EW REALLY??? WHAT? NO and i'm like
No. 621178
I'm just back from sobbing while dancing to Strobe by Deadmaus and I have a theory on why it affects me so much.
The genre is progressive house so it's like a fugue. And so I think that because there's always some new musical element being introduced means the song doesn't get stale, and so my focus stays on it. And there's also that phenomenon where you have a mild euphoric feeling in songs where you can predict what's coming next ( I'm sure I read it in one of the articles of this review but idr the exact one. It's a very interesting read into the theories of getting chills while listening to music). Because it's a fugue you constantly get underlying barely audible rhythms that come to the fore so it's like this wave after wave of euphoria/chills that I'm not distracted from (and I usually can't focus on any one thing for more than 3 minutes straight).
And things are generally not going well in my life but when I'm stressed I just think of actions ot take to fix it to ease that stress.
So because it's like 10 minutes long I think it induces a trance like or meditative state that lets me just feel my deep feelings, and that's when the tears come out.
I just find it interesting because I used to hate like techno stuff when younger and listen to lyric heavy melancholy or downright miserable but poetic music like the smiths, radiohead and portishead (no judge pls) that no doubt did help me too. Yet this no lyric pure rhythm stuff hits me harder than that music ever could on a physiological level. It's such a basic formula compared to lyrically and musically complex stuff I normally enjoy but so so effective.
I'd love to have a conversation about this stuff but not only do I have no real knowledge about it but I wouldn't really know what to say. Just that it's pretty cool.
No. 621299
>>621238Joke's on you nonnies I'm a tomboy dating an effeminate man who puts way more effort into his appearance than I put in mine. We're both bishits so no closet gay whatsoever.
Sage for retarded brag.
No. 621358
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>>621238Make up is gross and i hope it never becomes popular with men, but i wish they would shave their legs, take care of their hair and dress better. If you look at older pictures men looked so hot and stylish, i would die for a bf that dress like pic related.
By the way, i remember when i was i high school i dated a boy that wanted to dress more fashionabke but always complained men clothing was too simple and boring. ALSO PETITION TO BRING BACK SHORT SHORTS FOR MEN PLS.
No. 621363
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I hate being horny so often. If I could get a good dicking regularly my productivity would go up, like 50%.
No. 621417
>>621358Seems like fashion is very important for male teenagers and gen z nowadays.
All the guys I know dress okay (short shorts are so popular here) and they tend to shave their legs because they play sports. But I do agree with haircare, seems like men get haircuts regularly but they don't do any haircare and they end up with dry or greasy hair.
And let me add skincare, I've yet to find a guy with healthy, taken care of, skin. Moisturize and use sunscreen at least, pls. And put some lotion on your body, your hands feel like sandpaper
No. 621431
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I really want this jacket tbh
No. 621434
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I was browsing online and I remember coming across an article called "How to comfort your fat partner". It had basic shit like "tell them their weight doesn't make them a bad person", "tell them you still love them even if their fat", and "try to push them away from dangerous diets", but out of the blue they dropped this random bombshell of
>"Comfort your partner if any chairs collapse under them"
Like bro… I thought they were talking slightly chubby, but they were talking sumo wrestler huge? Sometimes the article pops into my head randomly and I just…
No. 621438
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Thread pic reminds me of the toad purses they sell on Etsy.
No. 621450
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I wanted to look like a guitar hero character since I was a kid but I was convinced it wouldn't work for me because I wasn't pretty enough and I feel like punk and goth fashion is sort of restrictive, but I started trying it out for a bit and I was actually able to look at myself in the selfie camera today without feeling like I want to run away, because it feels like I'm looking at a fun character and not myself. So I've decided, I'm going to 100% try my best at looking like a cool alternative person from now on. It gives me lots of confidence and if I don't try it now when I'm young, when will I? I'm gonna try to find a plaid skirt tomorrow. And I'm gonna put on funky eyeliner and nobody will stop me!!
No. 621458
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Gonna watch promare tonight because I've been seeing lots of fan at of the green haired guy and kamina guy together
No. 621467
>>621221I really understand you, anon. I missed on the opportunity to date a lot of guys that I really liked because I was so insecure and I used to deny any type of physical contact. I'm not depressed because of it, but I don't think it's worth it.
Seems like you really, really like the guy, so I'd encourage to talk your insecurities with him, you don't have to get into details if you don't want to but you could just let him know that's something that happens to you (and not because of him), exactly like you told us here. If he's a good guy, he'll understand you.
You also have the option to yeet yourself out of the relationship, but considering you "love" him, I wouldn't recommend that. I think there are healthier ways to approach this, such as talking to him as I said earlier.
And obviously, you should treat what's making you insecure and anxious, if you're able to.
Good luck anon!
No. 621496
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Been browsing Pinterest and I’m relieving my love for high fashion. I’ve been only wearing sweatpants for the past few years and I wanna switch it up but I don’t really like current styles. I wish I could dress up like pic related on the daily
No. 621532
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I want to chop off my tits so badly, why did i have to be cursed with troon brain?
No. 621544
>>621535full on mastectomy, flat as a board.
my country is a quite strict with trooning out so you can only get surgery after being on hormones for like two years, and i have no social dysphoria (don't mind being called she, wearing feminine clothing), i just hate my body, so its not worth it becoming a 5'1 balding incel with cystic acne.
No. 621561
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>>621527the things that you like are bad and the things that you hate are good
No. 621568
>>621559If you meant to reply to me yeah, it's pretty low and seem permanently set. I can soften it a little if I need to but I like where it's at.
Think I stopped hormones at just the right time though, I've heard other detrans women sound so male that they just come off as MTF.
No. 621582
>>621568op here, yeah i think that would be the case for me if i went on T, my voice is already on the lower end for a ciswoman, like those japanese voice actors that end up voicing male characters most of their career.
being a dysphoric woman is such a weird trip, i wish i knew where it came from and how to fix it, i don't really fit in what most people ascribe to reasons that ftms troon out.
No. 621606
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That kelly and Chompurrs thread is so fucking sick. I don't usually get grossed out by stuff but the images in that thread are repugnant. The girl literally pulled out one of her nerves. How do you do that and not get fucking shock or some shit. I was gonna make a tuna sandwhich but now I can't cause I remembered her thread
No. 621620
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>>621606how the fuck do you pull out one of your nerves? did she drug herself the fuck out?
No. 621631
>>621622My dad was about to disown me when he found out I was transitioning. I had lost my mom to cancer two years earlier and couldn't deal with losing him
I had gone down the right avenues to transition properly. Diagnosed with gender identity disorder by two seperate professionals (my country requires two) I'd had some gender therapy and got the go ahead. But I ended up just getting some hormones off the black market and taking it at my own pace. I looked up how much to inject and how often. My voice totally changed. I avoided any phone calls to my dad but after a few months I met up with him and he pretended not to notice while he side eyed me a little. I just injected til I had enough effects to feel like I can cope. I didn't want to go too far either. I passed as male for all of 5 months maybe and couldn't use dressing rooms or toilets because it was too much. Within a few months off it I stopped being read as male but kept some effects.
The clit side effect has actually been amazing, I had a really hidden clit before and struggled to come. Fixed lol. I just look like a butch lesbian at this point.
Voice and clit are perm, some of my new body hair stayed but some thinned out again. I had no hair loss on my head.
No. 621634
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>>621606Oh my fucking god, of course I had to go and look it up. I usually handle gore pretty well but seeing that made my legs feel weak. I feel like I can't walk normally until I get this mental image out of my mind.
No. 621650
>>621639Doctors will ask for confirmation in that case, getting a mastectomy is really really hard
Im thinking of going to a run off the mill plastic surgeon and asking to go from a C cup to an A, its not flat but close enough i guess, my boobs are too big and saggy for my frame anyway i think a decent plastic surgeon wouldn’t mind it.
No. 621654
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I look probably the worst I ever have in my entire life. My skin is fucked, I wear band tees and jeans constantly, my body hair is out of control, I got too fat for my own liking, and my hair is in that weird in-between state so it looks like shit. I started wearing blue light protection glasses for eye strain so I feel like I look like Christian Bale in American Hustle without the beard. I'm strangely happy though? I'm essentially uninterested in men now and it's liberating to feel sloppy because my appearance was always for other people and not myself. I'm focused on my studies instead of being a pick me who looks like a stacy but on the inside feels like she looks like moo.
Also I love you bitches, thanks for helping me learn to love myself and to stop seeking the approval of scrotes.
No. 621655
>>621650Yeah you need to test positive for the BRCA gene I think to get it. My mother had breast cancer but it wasn't related to having the gene. I thought I had a free ticket to a flat chest til I learned that.
Full mastectomy is a pretty intense surgery in fairness so I can see why they don't hand it out too easily
No. 621660
>>6216545 for you glen coco you go glen coco!
Really good to hear you are happy and focusing on what really matters, all the best to ya!
No. 621661
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>>621654I genuinely love this, queen
No. 621694
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>>621654Yay bitch!!!
Actually, same? My hair is half root color now, and I use a hair-band to keep my pants buttoned. This whole covid thing made me realize how stupid caring about that shit is. I feel really like myself.
No. 621720
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stupid questions thread is full so i'm posting here
should i drink another monster energy even tho i've already had my can of the day
if i drink another one it'll make 1 liter of energy drink in my body
No. 621724
YES OR NO No. 621729
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>>621706DO YOUR WORK ANON!!!!!!!!!!
No. 621805
This is some seriously dumbass shit, but I know a dude who would be the perfect spooky boyfriend for Heather Sparkles. He doesn't have social media, but everything that comes out of his mouth, EVER, is about how much he wants/needs a gf. How women reject him and won't pay attention to him. How much he desires the connection with his soul mate, and he knows she's out there somewhere. How he's "too intense" or "too much" or "too intellectual" for most women, and his special uniqueness and superiority is the reason for his loneliness – definitely not the fact that he is desperate, and comes off as batshit crazy. I was his close friend/confidant for about a year before he finally wore me down with his neverending desperation and negativity. He constantly overshares. He plays guitar in a shitty metal band. I think he might have a touch of the 'tism. He lives in NC, though, which would be far too long a drive for Hagther. ANYWAY, I am aware this is dumb, but he really and completely is the male version of her. Minus the social media screeching.
No. 621807
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anons I am so sleepy…… goodnight
No. 621813
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imagine eating this…
No. 621815
>>621806idk your situation but for me i’m an extreme introvert and when i used to work in customer service i was coming home exhausted after shifts and unable to do anything because social interaction was just so draining for me.
but now that i work at home i have a lot more energy throughout the day to do other things
idk if that applies to you at all but perhaps it could be a sign that your current work environment isn’t totally suited to you?
No. 621869
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>>621847I totally forgot about that. And the biologist Anne Adams who started painting later in life and got obsessed with the song, going so far as to do a painting of every measure. Turns out she had the same disease as Bolero though it was in the early stages and undiagnosed at the time.
I looked up the song on YouTube and everyone in the comments is all “this piece is amazing,” but I can’t help but feel like you’ve gotta have neurodegeneration to enjoy it lol. It’s incredibly repetitive and the tune got on my nerves after just a few minutes.
No. 621897
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I like how it feels when i run my fingers over my scabs from cutting . It’s rough and nice
No. 621937
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I have weirdly muscular legs. I have high testosterone and I do work out regularly, but nothing crazy, just some dancing, long walks and (usually light) elliptical training a few times a week. I have long legs and a short torso and I get a lot of comments on how damn muscular my legs are, especially my calves. I have legs like a fucking football player but I'm kinda fat and the rest of my body is doughy af.
No. 621951
>>621624lol I'm researching the company and it's funny because it's notoriously unethical (all big companies are), but i'm reading their info pamphlet and i'm crying because they've saved so many lives, like millions through these humanitarian projects. I think it's just the stress of prepping but I hope I don't tear up in the interview. An actual fear because I really did almost cry talking about a muscle wasting disease in my last interview because a friend died of it at like 15.
I need to chill tf out, but also I need to prep.
No. 622037
>>622003Same Anon. My favourite holidays and parties are always those with lots of friends lodging together, helping each other out with cooking and cleaning etc. I'd love to have a similar atmosphere every day and for children to bask in the feeling of being loved, supported and treated with respect, while being able to see adults from different backgrounds, different personalities, so they learn that you can be accepted by being yourself.
My boyfriend says it'd be tiring to never be left alone but I disagree, first of all living with a close knit community doesn't need to be every single meal and free time every single day has to be spent together. I think it's so much harder for some men to see the point of raising a kid communally because they wouldn't be the one taking on 90% of child rearing in a nuclear family unit.
I'll probably never have my "chosen family" utopia but I hope I can get close to it by having a big house fit to accommodate any friend who wants to stay with us for a while, with boundaries of course, and hosting really big events for holidays and weekends. I was fucking bored as a kid and my parents never did anything special for holidays, it was basically a chore for them, I hope if I have kids I'll be able to give them magical memories of laughter, wonder and love.
Anyways if I had kids and ended up getting isolated, never going out except for groceries, with no one to help me like a lot of moms do I would go on a fucking killing spree.
No. 622086
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These are the coolest handknit socks I've ever seen, they're simple but it's the brilliance behind them that's leaving me dumbfounded. Not sure if the person who knit them is the same person who designed them but I'm in love
No. 622210
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Blueberries are fancy as fuck, I feel like a fucking Instagram fitness influencer with 300k followers.
No. 622256
>>622237It's alright everything is here
I don't think she was under any influence, some people just constantly need an audience. When I think about it, this happened to me a handful of times and it's always children or old people, which makes me concerned, how do they think telling a stranger all kinds of things is safe and alright.
No. 622265
>>620191>>620192>>620220H20 delirious and Liz Katz/ Risi Simms.
I can't believe i used to watch that cringy youtube shit
No. 622307
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I live in a third world country, a muslim one and I really like kinda out there fashion that's nonsensical and fun but I know I can't wear that shit here, I'll look so stupid and pretentious and stick out like a sore thumb and I just hate that I'll have to wear boring ass clothes that I'm lukewarm about.
No. 622319
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What the fuck happened to Tom Hiddleston?
No. 622329
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Some greenhouses for your viewing pleasure
No. 622332
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I drank roughly drank 1,584 calories of pic rel and I honestly don't regret it
No. 622350
>>622344Normal mental health shit like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and OCD. BPD not as much, but people are starting to pick up on it which is stupid kek.
Physically, lots of food allergies, lactose intolerance, and IBS symptoms. I've seen people say "muh lactose intolerance" and then eat ice cream my shop kek.
And then idk, general "chronic illness" that's not always specified, but usually MS, fibromyalgia, PCOS (god, fatties love PCOS), and if they're really special, POTS.
No. 622352
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>>622319I'm sorry but looking at him just reminded me of this character.
No. 622373
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>>622319Lol I found the original
No. 622424
>>622404if it makes you feel better anon, the stealth mechanics really aren't that difficult to work with, and even if you do get caught, the alarm is honestly more jarring than anything else (this is also me saying you should play the game anyway anon, it's worth it)
>>622344this is gonna sound so fucked up but I'm kinda bored with all the cows using the usual disorders and illnesses for attention, I wanna see someone pop up with some weird shit like Foreign Accent Syndrome or Visual Snow Syndrome.
No. 622457
>>622424Thank u anon <3
>>622439Having to sneak around to avoid getting caught in video games
No. 622482
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Nipple piercings are so cute… but I'm such a coward, I'd die if my nipples get infected or something, I've read some horror stories about it and that throws me back to get them done. Maybe some kind anon has them and is willing to share their experience?
No. 622487
>>622482I got mine pierced when I was 19 and it was the most painful piercing of my entire life. Probably one of the most painful things I’ve experienced in general, and I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Not to scare you, it’s different for everyone and I think it probably has something to do with sensitivity, but yeah. That shit hurted.
Once the needle went through it was fine, though. Normal piercing soreness. If you get them caught on anything while healing, like a bra or towel, it hurts like hell and even when fully healed those things can irritate them, but they really are cute and worth it. Kinda wanna redo mine again now….
No. 622492
>>622482Not me but my friend who has a lot of piercings overall planned to have both nipples pierced and managed to only get through with one, she said it was so painful it was just not worth it to do the other one; so that supports what
>>622487 is saying.
No. 622581
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Farmers, how does this image make you feel?
No. 622588
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This broke me
No. 622608
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Can someone please explain to me what the fuck happened to Phos to go from left to right on pic related? (obvious spoilers btw). I really want to read Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous, but my attention span is almost non existent with anime and manga. I'm so intrigued by that transformation AAAAH. Like, how? why?
Also if you want to tell me about your thoughts on the story and characters, or fangirl, or rant, feel free to do it since I'm very interested in knowing more about this manga. Like, really, please vent all you want to me, I'll gladly read it all.
Btw I did watch the anime when it aired, but I barely remember anything; just Phos breaking all the time, and then fusing? with some other gem or something like that and becoming more boyish looking.
No. 622609
>>622588lmaoo the title is killing me.
>>622528I'm just wondering why she decided to release this a whole year after Magdalene. We shouldve had this masterpiece when it dropped.
No. 622617
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Does anyone else hate that when you lean your calves against something (like the edge of a bed), they squish out like fuckin' sea lions and make you look fat as shit? I cringe every time it happens and try avoid it altogether whenever I'm with my guy.
No. 622624
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>>622619I assume anon is talking about what Sarah Hyland's calves are doing here??
No. 622633
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>>622617lol tbh depending on the severity it's a big clue for me that it's been a few days since I've stretched/worked out! I have big calves but I'm a skinny person overall. Sage for autism but I've always hated this since I was a teenager.
>>622620Urghh, thanks anon, I feel less alone. I sit all uwu bent-leg usually if I'm lying on a bed but in reality I'm avoiding the flat calves look.
>>622624If the widest part of Sarah's calf was fully resting on her other leg, I think it would look more severe. I don't have the effect when I cross my legs myself. I'm trying to google a good image but even when I search "woman sitting down straight legs" it's all women with bent legs bc they know how bad it'll look lol. Just picture pic related if she actually squished her leg against the edge, bringing her fibula closer to the bed.
No. 622639
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>>622635okay anon I literally took a picture. Left is my regular ole normal looking leg, right is when I want to shimmy off my bed and my calf presses on the bed edge. Sends my whole entire being into wanting to ana-chan myself off a cliff sometimes
No. 622654
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This picture of David spade lying naked on the pavement has had me laughing for 20 minutes straight and I want to share it with my fellow farmers. No graphic nudity but spoilered it anyways
No. 622712
>>622617>>622639This is your brain on shitty beauty culture.
Don't be an autist, anon. There's literally nothing wrong with your legs. That's literally what human flesh does when pressed/pushed on.
No. 622731
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>>622581>mfw people talking about this being nostalgic to their childhood when I was in my early 20's during this timeSomeone should make an early 2000's starter pack that ISN'T made by a zoomer who thinks people were playing on an original gameboy in 2003 and listening to Ke$ha in 2004, pic related got pretty close
No. 622768
>>622581Disgust and cringe
>>622731Fondness and nostalgia
No. 622814
>>622813I grew up with my mom always telling me that I was too pale, that I looked 'sickly' and I needed to go sit out in the sun and tan.. almost like she wanted to give me a complex around it.
I've still never tanned or used the fake stuff either.
No. 622816
>>622813i want to go back to good old days where pasty skin was all the rage.
But to answer your question: racism
No. 622821
>>622813 and I'm not white and wasn't trying to say all white people have pasty skin, just that self tanning is usually exclusively associated with them and I don't really get why people find it weird for non white people to do it even though I think it looks good (and more natural) on people who already have darker skin
No. 622826
>>622819There are way too many posts on here lately like 'white people why do you do this thing?' or 'I've heard white people shower differently'
Like stop with all the 'white people' posts already, it's pretty transparent
No. 622874
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I have less then 10 photos on any social media I own. I hate my face and rarely take pictures but here I am drunk, taking pictures of my face, tits and ass. I know if i get cunted enough I will post it on some 4chan general thread I lurk kek.
No. 622908
>>622901LMAO casi todos los chicos que conozco son chetitos, y esos si que usan los pantalones cortitos. Inclusive cuando iba al secundario mis amigas y yo nos peléabamos con los directivos porque mis compañeros hombres llevaban pantalones cortos literalmente y a nosotras no nos dejaban
(Me estoy riendo tanto que las dos somos argentinas)
No. 622917
I ghosted a friend of a friend who wouldn't stop pestering me and asking me to go to his place to "hang out with him" by ignoring his last message he sent me on messenger (not even a "hi" or "hello", just something like "pop") and I'm glad he never tried to contact me again after I ignored him. He could have sent another message to ask me straight up to go to his place to play on his PS4 while he completely ignores me and play LoL at the same time, or he could have even tried to call me or send me a text but he never tried, thank fucking god. And he's becoming more and more of a shut-in so even if he lives not far away from my place I never saw him outside by coincidence. I should have ignored him long before that actually.
>>622581Nostalgic but in a negative way. I don't know how to explain it better.
No. 622960
Good going with them typos there my girl good god.
No. 622961
>>622959Do it gurl, you have nothing to lose.
And please keep us updated if you do.
No. 622984
File: 1599236650983.gif (560.69 KB, 500x288, 13c574c433183d8033b72155955905…)

All I want is to create a cute pixel art otome game with a relatively mature storyline…
No. 623035
>>622961I did it and he responded!! I’m and embarrassement but I legit squealed a little! I told him I had to take a couple drinks to gather up the courage and he said it was nice that I did! Now I’m just desperately scrambling on how to keep the conversation going because I am terrible at talking on the internet. Help a fellow
nonnie! What do I ask him? ?
No. 623037
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I live across from the elementary school I went to as a child and over the years I've watched them slowly take away more recess equipment. There was an entire playground and a grassy field for impromptu sports, and they took it all down for a big ass gym they're not even allowed to go inside. So for their recess they just stand on the blacktop around the building and maybe there are like 2 kids playing basketball at a time.
Like, I thought it was shit when I was a student but wowww it got worse lmfao
No. 623043
>>623027Yikes, I
Hope not? Gonna take that risk and then out him if that happens. But we’re both in our twenties.
No. 623094
>>623035Ask him about his favorite music or anime (you mentioned he's into weeb shit) and why does he like those.
Sprinkle it with info about yourself too, like "oh I absolutely dig that show" when he mentions one you like.
If it goes well and he engages don't be shy and ask him where he hangs around usually, maybe mention you'd like to go there as well.
Best of luck
No. 623101
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Someone gave me a supportive comment on another thread and it was so motivating, like I actually felt happy. Is this what having friends is like?
No. 623151
>>623145Wow same I hate this shit especially when the people that say it are my literal family members who watched me lose like 50 pounds over a span of YEARS
Or when someone who fully knows I keep a strict diet sees me eat my one giant meal of the week and is like "WTF how do you eat so much??? It's a mystery!!!!"
No. 623167
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She posted pic related after saying she had "baby fever" lmao.
But anyways, this post reminded me of a cute memory I had from when I was around 5 or 6. I had phase where I kept a toy baby pram near my bed that I loaded full of my favorite dolls and stuffed animals. In case there was a fire, I'd be able to easily wheel them out to safety. I was terrified of losing them.
No. 623172
>>622908simpre me pierdo de los chetos lindos por vivir en el conurbano. Also, no me sorprende que haya tantas Argentinas aca, somos bien barderas(?).
>>623167I used to sleep next to my dinosaur toys because i though they would defend me from the monsters lmao.
No. 623191
>>623094Hey thank you! I didn’t have a chance to really start asking him any questions, but hopefully later! I’m still not really sure if he’s into me or not and like I get it, he probably gets hundreds of messages a day so I really need to stand out, but I also don’t want to bother him and I am so fucking conflicted. He told me the bar he was going to even though we don’t even live in the same city (he doesn’t know that) aaahh goddamnit. Like was it him inviting me to meet or what! Now I’m just venting really. Strange man, still wanna smash.
He’s probably not feeling the same.
No. 623202
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Been binge reading mondo mango and tried to google CK, my troop senses are now tingling even though it wouldnt bother me as I find these comics adorable.
No. 623227
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What are your favorite horror movies anons?
No. 623282
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Sometimes I want to be in a group chat but that would be a bad idea always . just a waist of time
No. 623354
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I feel really bad because I met a guy on tinder who was cute, sweet, funny, smart, and had the same interests as I do, but I got so anxious and self conscious when he asked if I'd like to meet at the local bar for a wine tasting date that I peaced out without responding. I wish I wasnt shy and awkward, I pretty much ruin all potential relationships because of it but hey at least I'm not dating a guy who unironically wears shirts with this graphic on it
No. 623416
>>623088You're absolutely right that it'd be worth it and extremely satisfying in the long run!
I do 2 to 3 hours of art practice a day so that's what takes up most of my free time, plus all the menial tasks everyone else has to do. Tbh coding scares the shit out of me, I'm aware I'm not even trying because I'm afraid of failing hard.
No. 623427
>>623109>>623101Fuck. I haven't had a friend in 10 years. I hate being an aspie.
At least I have funny cringe stories of how I fucked up social situations really badly
No. 623430
File: 1599294352144.jpg (38.82 KB, 736x736, a7b0265c2f1c35c33353140a75facc…)

I'm gonna buy a gecko when my bday rolls around and I'm so fricking excited. I can' wait to have a bby lizard and have beetles and shit so I can feed them. I decided to either name her Venus, Jupiter, Artemis, or Athena
No. 623439
>>623101Yeah it's pretty sweet, but it's also a weakness. Like yeah supportive comments are nice and make you feel uplifted, but maybe they comment on something good happening in your life that can bring you down just as much. They'll say i'm a sure shot for a job I applied to and I trust their opinion and it motivates me, but then I find a romantic prospect and they tell me he gives off douche vibes, which is now also stuck in my head and kills my attraction, and tbh their opinions have ruined a lot of my initial opinions on things.
Vulnerability is a bitch, but I'm glad I have it because the good outweighs the bad.
That's with GOOD friends though, you've got lots of insidious snakes that act nice then kill you and what you're secure in for fun, it's a gamble.
No. 623468
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>>623460loved the video but then I saw this comment
No. 623474
>>623451That's probably what he's looking for and he's waiting for a girl to say
omg!!! how did u no and hit the jackpot.
No. 623491
>>623191You can still ask him questions and not feel like a pushover, just wait for his answer before asking something else.
Telling you what bar he frequents is a good sign. At the very least he's not scared of you being a creep. Also you could tease him with "wow are you asking me out for a drink? Jk haha". Playing dumb works pretty well when a man doesn't know you and you can drop the act as soon as he shows interest.
Unless he ignores you or straight up tells you he's not interested there's no reason to believe he doesn't want the same. Weebs are just awkward most of the time.
No. 623531
>>623491Ahhhhh fuck, thank you for the advice, kind anon!! I should keep pursuing him! It’s just difficult because I have terrible social anxiety and I keep thinking about how he’s probably sick and tired of thirsty girls sending him DMs day in day out and he’s just too polite to say he’s not interested.
I’m going to the city/neighborhood where he resides next weekend, a friend of mine lives there too and I really wanna see her too anyway, so might just ask him out for a beer? I don’t know, this is hard!
No. 623545
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>>623530pretty sure this is DJ Khaled shaming spelling errors because he misspelled jealousy for ages. finally you have the upper hand, DJ …
No. 623564
>>623542>It's not that hard to write a word correctlyYeah but as an ESL fag that's not the problem is it? Sometimes we just don't know we're spelling a word wrong or we know it's wrong but can't be arsed to look up the correct spelling (it's just the internet after all).
Also English is incredibly annoying because you can't tell how something is written by how it's pronounced and vice versa.
Signed non-native speaker who also definitely can't spell definitely correctly without looking it up.
>>623556Lol how can you be this mad over a spelling mistake, you're someone who had to study second and third languages, can't you sympathize with how easy it is to slip up at all?
No. 623577
>>623531Unless he tells you he's too shy to ask someone out don't, just mention you'll be around and that it would be funny if you ran into each other. If he's interested he'll most surely ask you where you're gonna hang out.
Don't worry about what he thinks and show some confidence. At worst you'll never meet and you're gonna stay the same as now, at best you're gonna date a man you like.
Also if you get to hang out don't show you're a fangirl, he's gonna think he's better than you (protip: he's not, he just got a little famous).
No. 623578
>>623567>arguementNice one
Anyway it's mostly native speakers who do the "could of" bone apple tea mistakes
No. 623579
idg people that sperg over minor spelling errors while ignoring the rest of someone's post unless it's straight up unreadable.
>>623553bigger images look better
No. 623583
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oh my god why can't i be her (appearance wise) it's not fair i'm going to kms
No. 623610
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>>623608I’m sure you’ll look great
nonnie No. 623619
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No. 623641
>>623631No problem here. Your inner mind knows to shield you from Google and other invasive company's manipulative algorithms. Being figured out is a threat.
No, but, like in all seriousness, anon, did your parents (or other people who were around in a particularly formative time of your life) mock your interests a lot? That might be a big reason why.
No. 623645
>>623640Glad I'm not the only one who's broken.
>>623641I honestly never thought about it but yeah, I've always been teased for having weird interests or being attracted to weird people. It never bothered me because it seemed lighthearted, but I guess I internalized it all kek
No. 623675
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contemplating making a tinder again just for the validation
No. 623706
>>623694Are there any celebrities with skin tones similar to yours? You can google "[insert celebrity name] skin undertones" and something might pop up.
Also look at your veins, if you haven't. Blue veins = cool tones, green-ish veins = warm tones.
No. 623719
>>623715>There's dark af people who're cool toned and vice versa. I know anon, hence why I said
>for Olive people USUALLY the darker you areKeyword usually.
No. 623741
>>623734Edward Cullen - Twilight
Whatever book adaptation of sick/dying girl meets boy stories lol
No. 623756
>>623631omg I do this too, I don't know why. Not quite to the same extent as you, but if I want to look up a celebrity I'll look up something they're in and then find them from there. I'll also try scrolling through my YT recs instead of just searching for someone, even though the chances I'll find them are very low.
I guess I don't want our google overloads to know who I'm interested in. It's not like I exclusively search for celebs I have a crush on, it's genuinely just to find other things they've been in. There's nothing to be embarrassed about so it's weird.
No. 623787
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I miss her already
No. 623797
>>623794I think you misread anon's post. She wants manic pixie dream boys, not girls. And you should watch the adaption, it's a good movie.
>>623734The best equivalent I can think of is when interesting, fun men kind of 'rescue' women. Especially lower class men who show rich women a good time away from their stifling rich people lives. Like Jack and Rose in Titanic, or Aladdin and Jasmine.
No. 623820
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>>623808This is what the pendant looked like but with the ➰ symbol instead. In my dream they were alternatingly referring to my necklace as “horned god pendant” and “taurus pendant” so I was very annoyed when I googled upon waking and found it was neither.
No. 623833
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>>623808It looks vaguely like the angelic power rune from The Mortal Instruments. Maybe that’s what gave you the dream?
No. 623855
>>623848I've never been to a sauna either, I want to try it out too. I also really wanted to go to hot springs when I was living in Japan but with the pandemic that became impossible really fast.
I'm familiar with hammam though, everytime I was visiting my family abroad all my female cousins, aunts and sisters would go to one and we'd just scrub each other's backs while gossiping. I miss it.
No. 623861
File: 1599349306425.png (903.32 KB, 640x480, Android_17.png)

When I was about 7 or 8 years old
I always thought Android 17 was a girl and my little girl mind said "ohh evil twin sister androids"
I never heard his voice to find out that he's male because I use to watch those old DBZ amvs back then on YouTube.
I even intentionally dressed as him in the first grade on Halloween by stealing my dad's bandana and wearing one of my brothers shirts.
I even had the short black hair to complete the look
No. 623890
File: 1599351011425.png (612.08 KB, 720x1280, 1599346731358.png)

I'm not the first anon to say it, but it's scary how much Pixielocks and Shayna are starting to look alike. Picrel was just recently taken from the thread.
No. 623916
>>623915I mean, I deserve it so they better!
No. 623929
>>623861I used to think Frieza was a woman due to the US voice sounding like someone's grandmother, I remember thinking it was cool the big bad was a woman who wasn't sexualized and was disappointed when a boy at school corrected me
I also thought Squall from Final Fantasy 8 was a girl since that was the first Japanese media I ever saw, I thought the plot was she was a lesbian with a crush on a more femme girl until someone called him "he" in the dialog (also disappointed) which is funny looking back since Squall is actually pretty masc for most weeb media protagonists
No. 623931
>>623926I know, I have no self worth lol
But also we’re not amerifags, there’s seriously not that many men for me to choose from, I live in a country with less than 6 million people! My taste in men is trash regardless.
No. 623932
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I like her music but she makes me feel like shit because she's much younger than me and so much more successful with her art. I'm starting to feel this jealousy towards other content creators I like too. I just want to make good shit for a big audience.
No. 623944
>>623931Why am I even trying to justify my choices to some anons kek
I like what I like!
No. 623967
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My boyfriend refuses to admit that skincare and makeup are two different things. Why are scrotes so damn dumb i stg
No. 623974
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>>623944>liking tiktok pedoslove yourself for the love of god
No. 623986
>>623980How do I even
I get your point. I do. But I guess all men are potential predators no matter what platform they use so why is tiktok being singled out here?
No. 623993
>>623988I feel like you don’t know what tiktok is like at all. I’m on the adult side of it and see kids extremely rarely. It’s just a social media platform. I’m not gonna fight with you, though. I understand the concern.
I’m just happy he’s a weeb because so am I and no normal man would want to be with me anyway.
No. 624027
>>623932ngl I find her music kind of boring, also if she was ugly she wouldn't be popular.
side note but I have her skin tone and natural hair color and had pumpkin-orange hair until recently and I used color remover because I was so sure it was going to look bad when my roots grew out but she looks fucking awesome arrgghhh I should have kept it!!!!!
t. hair currently stewing in midoriya-green dye
No. 624036
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>>622784This made me curious enough to look and this was one of the results
No. 624041
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I know I shouldn't participate in fast fashion, but I often can't help but buy shit that I don't need and probably end up throwing away/donating. I feel like any piece of clothing that's over £15 is way too much, even though I end up paying more by just buying new stuff every few months, rather than buying a few slightly 'expensive' pieces of clothing that I'll genuinely love wearing a year because idk if I'll actually like it in the long term.. I sometimes get the epiphany to actually wear things to actual wear clothes that look nice on me and read up on 'finding your undertone'/ kibbe stuff but after a while, I regret the clothing I purchased. Why must I be this dumb
No. 624090
>>624005she wanted her cake and to eat it too. get revenge on her parents, stay with her boyfriend, get their money, do whatever she wants with it and somehow walk away free.
it's crazy how they didn't suspect her at all in the beginning.
No. 624113
>>624090She's a woman, asian ("good minority") and semi good at acting.
Too bad she was a C- student and wasn't able to masterplan this better, kek.
No. 624232
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This image makes me chuckle every time I see it
No. 624294
>>623906Yessssss I'm so happy
nonnie, I hope you can have your date soon and keep us updated.
I'm also glad we're around the same age and non-burgers, burgers here don't understand us old dumb bitches kek.
No. 624301
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noot noot
No. 624359
>>624357my cousin's cat sleeps outside (by choice), eats wild animals, and hasn't recieved a bath in over 3 years. He genuinely smells really good. Cats are so fucking cute and pure.
That reminds me, the lengths dog owners will go to defend dogs and shit on cats is wild. My aunt found and stepped in dog shit the other day in her spotless house and got pissed. She cleaned it and let the dog continue to roam. Her daughter's new cat which is nice and stays in the basement accidentally ran up to the first floor and she threatened to return it to the shelter. The cat is sweet , doesn't meow, cleans it's own shit, yet my cousin has to walk on egg shells to make sure the cat doesn't piss her family off.
No. 624363
>>624359Is it dramatic for me to say this is borderline animal abuse? Something about restricting a cat to a basement where he's probably barely being stimulated doesn't sit right with me. Poor baby.
I think cat-hating people don't like cats cause they're independent. Dogs always want attention from their owners, meanwhile cats do their own thing and interact when they feel like it. I guess some people need a living thing to depend on them.
>>624362Since when lmao. Like a month ago 2 men got banned. Y'all are not welcome.
No. 624365
>>624362I can smell you
>>624363My cousin's basement is legitimately the size of a small apartment. It's not a normal basement. She's also allowed in my cousin's room upstairs. But yes, I don't necessarily agree with it either.
No. 624366
>>624355>We literally joined forces and made a girl's only site because we all have made up our minds about the other sex.No we didn't. Lolcow was started by a man and wasn't a 'girls only site'. We 'joined forces' because drama got banned on /cgl/, that's what the whole point of the site is and we only 'banned men' as a response to an r9k raid. Idk why there are so many newfags who think lolcow is some femcel imageboard that was made because of us 'making up our mind about the other sex'.
>>624364I'm nta but I deleted it bc I accidentally tagged the wrong post
No. 624408
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Been constipated for 2 days now. I can’t breathe. I feel so uncomfortable
No. 624414
>>624393>Didn't they only ban porn and erotic gifs and such?No. They implemented a content filter system that wasn't moderated by any actual staff members. When it was first implemented, many completely innocuous and safe-for-work posts (text
and media posts) were "flagged" for allegedly containing not-safe-for-work content… which they didn't. The only way to unflag your post (it was censored to all other users who had their blog set to "safe mode", which it is automatically set to and must be manually disabled otherwise) was to send in a report that forced a staff member to look at the post to see whether or not it was contained any content deserving of being flagged. I'm still not sure if they've fixed or removed this system, actually. The fact that media can even be censored there, on top of the fact that your blog can be turned into a "non-safe-mode" blog by staff members without your consent after which the setting can't be removed, turn me away from the site, especially considering how free and open it used to be for all kinds of content back in 2012-2014.
>The art on there is pretty much the same as always, just less naked bodies.After being bought by Yahoo, what Tumblr changed about their terms of service was that artistic and non-sexual nudity (photographed, recorded, or drawn) were considered "not safe for work", which is ridiculous in of itself and inhibits the abilities and opportunities (on the platform) of artists who create that kind of content and use the platform, perhaps sometimes as a means of income. The cherry on top was that the change in terms of service also included specifically "female nipples", but not male nipples. If you're a woman who has nipples, you're walking pornography, apparently?
No. 624434
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I just went through all my unread emails spanning back YEARS and now my inbox is clean as fuck. What a good time waster.
No. 624488
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>>623428Anon this is a great idea, I would love to incorporate some dumb details about the guys that you can only gather from snooping around their stuff or spying on them.
No. 624494
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>>624408that's dreadful. sending you good recovery vibes
may you have a great healthy poop of relief soon No. 624496
File: 1599462938787.jpg (41.9 KB, 500x310, ulbvtw87.jpg)

I've been keeping a stalemate for a few months now. It's taking a lot out of me and the other side keeps making careless, retarded choices. I really jumped over my own shadow and grew here with my back against the wall. Not even with high expectations. I'm just tired. Most days, I'm happy with my appearance and just grateful to be alive in my little body. I'm less self-obsessed out of insecurity. Hell, I even grew to like my eye-bags and often feel very cute somehow and in touch with myself on good days. But I've been picking my scalp like crazy and my face feels and looks like it's gonna melt off today. I guess I need to work on my stress-resistance. I'm so close to going back to the ward. I think I'd be better this time around and I should be grateful I even have this prospect at all but I don't wanna go down that rabbit-hole yet.
No. 624509
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why are we here anons? just to suffer?
No. 624546
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In 99.99% of cases when I finally figure something out that I was too stupid or incompetent to get right I feel bad about it. I just feel like: did you really take this long to get it right, ya dumb bitch? I really need to learn to be happy about little or big improvements instead of abusing myself for it
No. 624623
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I love senior cats more than younger cats or kittens. Also, orange cats are the best! Second best are brown tabbies.
No. 624662
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What a filthy scrote this mf is
No. 624665
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fall fall fall fall
No. 624715
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>>624665let's get sillay my fall bitches
No. 624747
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>>624665SpOoOoOoKy season
No. 624772
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There's a tweet going around that some guy shot himself via shotgun on tik tok
I really just hate this and social media. rip that guy
No. 624805
>>624786In the comments people said he was trying to contact his gf that recently broke up with him. He eventually gives up then shoots himself.
He'd been having issues before apparently. Several people have already uploaded the video to youtube, fucking animals.
No. 624839
File: 1599514306965.jpg (59.24 KB, 492x212, bleh.jpg)

Am I the only one who hates writing like this? It's just so gratingly pretentious and lacking in subtlety that I feel like I'm getting repeatedly bricked in the face. It's exhausting. I'd almost rather read something that's actually so bad it's entertaining, rather than something that is good, but just takes itself way too fucking seriously and gives you no room to breathe. The fact that this is a passage from a fanfiction somehow makes it so much worse to me.
No. 624859
>>624856I wish I knew the answer to this, anon. It's like they're holding down the buttons for too long and just can't be fucked to edit anything because the very act of crafting the message was so much effort to begin with. Overuse of commas and other punctuation is a big thing for these people too.
like,,,, i always run into,,, writing,,, like, this,, on the internet,,,,, or via,, text ,, you know???
No. 624873
>>624859On that note, what the fuck is up with academia's aversion to the comma? I swear, every research article I'm assigned has a minimum of 2-3 commas per paragraph. It's already not easy to grasp what the fuck you autists are on about, you could at least add some punctuation here and there for readability's sake. I've actually been asked to proofread work by grad students. I always recommend more punctuation, but they refuse. I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills. Like, shouldn't you WANT your work to be more digestible? Are you intentionally trying to confuse readers?
There's something so icky to me about writing in a way that only other academics can understand. It's so fucking elitist. Fuck academia tbh.
No. 624890
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No. 624943
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Bby dragons
No. 624968
>>624963I think black people just kinda wait till their kids are grown to to do all the fun shit. Like "I couldn't do all this shit cause I had to take care of you, so I'm doing it now". Especially cause so many women have their kids young and don't get to have fun as a 20-30 year old.
not racebait btw mods, I'm black so this is just what I notice Maybe white people are just more like "well I'm a mom/grandma so i shouldn't be doing all that"
No. 625022
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i hate when i burn my tongue and i cant taste shit properly like a day. fuck burritos and their lava insides pic is by @plastiboo
No. 625043
File: 1599537053794.png (163.48 KB, 225x446, 48647-13oz-Jalapeno-Ranch.png)

I don't really care for regular ranch but this shit is so good. Currently dipping broccoli and red red pepper in it.
No. 625054
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I wish my sis would watch something with me I waited up for it :C
No. 625140
File: 1599555559497.png (Spoiler Image,679.49 KB, 1388x734, themoreyouknow.png)

>>625125Right now I'm still reading about female anatomy, so it's the basics like the vulva encapsulating the entirety of the exterior. Then it delves into the different sections (e.g. labia majora/minora, clitoral hood, clit, etc.) It talks about an internal structure called the Bartholin's glands that are responsible for secreting the substance for when you get wet. This is also the first time I've learned about the clit in great detail. Obviously it talks about the interior anatomy as well. There's a section on the different types of cancers and fibroids. There's statistics about hysterectomies (fyi, as of 2016, 600,000 are performed in the U.S./year and 1 in 3 women have one by the time they're 60). I think a lot of this is stuff you could learn about if you had access to a gyno.
>>625126I thought it was interesting to find out there's different types of period pain. Most women (especially those who haven't had children) experience primary dysmenorrhea, which is just your run of the mill cramps that can be solved with like heat and anti-inflammatory drugs. Then there's secondary dysmenorrhea, which happens when a woman has an underlying pelvic disorder causing her pain (or maybe due to her birth control/IUD). Pic related also blew my mind. I never hear anyone talk about the female G-spot anymore.
Overall, I'm really excited to learn about this stuff in general. Some of the other chapters cover topics like paraphilias, sex work, and pretty much anything else related to sex.
No. 625149
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>>625145No problem! I don't know if this helps any, but this is the textbook I use. I found a free pdf version online through one of those pdf textbook websites (bc if I'm going to be stuck at home taking all of my classes online anyway, I'm going to pay for the least amount of fucking textbooks as I can). So far it's been a really insightful class. I like that we started with the basics so that everyone's on the same playing field. My professor's also an evolutionary psychologist, so he has some unique insight into the differences between all of the sexes.
No. 625184
File: 1599565244335.gif (2.55 MB, 400x230, tenor.gif)

>>625110Don't feel bad for them lol. I'm sure they're crying about it into their wads of money.
No. 625276
>>624772He actually livestreamed this on Facebook. Allegedly his mother was watching his livestream and blasted himself after the phone call. Some are saying he lost his job during Covid as well as a girlfriend.
After he shoots himself, a small dog is seen exiting his bedroom and coming to investigate what happened. And moments later, police arrive.
The video is just being spammed on tiktok by edgy kids.
Either way, this guy did what he did because he wanted to hurt people in the same way he was hurting. Most suicidal people rarely want to burden others, so you know when one of them makes a spectacle of their (violent) death it's because they wanted others to be scarred for life.
No. 625290
>>624873This might be a push back against the long, convoluted run-on sentences in older texts. If you read some very old articles or books you might sometimes find one sentence will fill half a page and then you forget what it's even about before it finishes. Shorter sentences are meant to be clearer and more concise but if people are fucking that up then I wouldn't trust them with commas either.
Academic types never care about legibility, they can't look past their inflated egos to read what they wrote from a fresh perspective and they assume anyone who can't understand them is an idiot.
No. 625408
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Icelandic State Church posted a picture of trans Jesus and if that isn’t some dumbass shit I don’t know what it
No. 625431
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>>625408So, I guess you could say that
jesus said troony rights But for real, I didn’t expect something like that at all, what?? How?? I’m not exactly a religious nut job, but isn’t that, kind of sorta, sorta kinda, offensive to the whole religious speech and such? Why even do that? Aren’t most troons atheists?
No. 625468
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why do I feel like I'm trapped online and trapping my internet friends online? A part of me feels like we'd be better off without so much internet but at the same time I wanna talk to you all and support you all
No. 625522
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>>625514>That being said, Nordic countries do a lot of things better than the U.SOnly true if you exclude Sweden.
No. 625534
File: 1599594224903.jpeg (248.08 KB, 1860x1600, 6D8E3A7C-A456-4CDF-94BD-D152B8…)

It’s okay to tell someone you love them, even if they’re dead in front of you.
No. 625559
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>>625554Borzois are best bois what is wrong with you
No. 625594
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>>625408Fuck all that anyway
Worship Athena, bitches
No. 625602
>>625575Jesus isn't yours anon he gave himself to everyone duh
>>625431>OffensiveJesus in the scripture is very about forgiving people and not judging them. Using his image to make a statement about inclusivity seems pretty fitting imo
I don't know why anyone here is actually angry, unless the gender critical anons are also coincidentally staunchly religious. it's going to generate some funny discourse and reactions at most
No. 625605
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>>625554Demented? More like majestic.
No. 625606
>>625605>>625605It's like when you'd drag the Windows XP thing all across the screen and stretch it. Cursed.
>>625602No one's angry
No. 625609
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>>625606Accept the Borzoiverlods.
No. 625654
>>625605>>625609seriously tho can you stop, I love this thread and seeing those ugly ass anteater lookin bitches is starting to creep me out
they're sheer uncanny valley
No. 625702
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Recently watched this movie and it scares me that I saw myself reflected in the main character so much. God I need actual friends
No. 625828
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>>625654Nah lolcow isn't made only for you lmao
No. 625837
>>625828>>625828dude seriously fuck off i'm sick of seeing these monsters
the next person to post one dies in 7 days
No. 625842
File: 1599629921749.jpg (49.14 KB, 400x294, Borzoi6.jpg)

>>625837Remember that lolcow isn't made for you
No. 625844
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>>625840every time i see them i think of someone comparing them to these and it makes me wheeze
No. 625849
>>625842>>625840Okay honetly? You're so fucking immature, what is wrong with you people? I don't care about other breeds, even pitbulls with their nasty beedy rat eyes. I'd prefer a million of those other types over fucking borzois
just stick to posting about them in pet threads or w/e that i don't care about but dude just stop here, you're embarrassing yourself
No. 625852
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>>625849>>625850did a borzoi eat your parents
why are you like this
No. 625859
>>625852STOP FUCKING POSTING PICTURES like i'm happy to engage in discussion but why you gotta keep showing their nasty ass faces and bodies?
i've never even met one but i don't need to meet a nazi to know i hate one
No. 625861
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>>625859nta but how the fuck dare you, they look cute and funny
No. 625866
>>625861they are
here are some long bois singing
No. 625882
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>>625868there are borzoi irl and you cannot hide them
No. 625883
>>625870How can you do that when they're fucking inbred dumbass?
>>625872New York doesn't deserve this shit this is so juvenile
>>625880I agree
No. 625885
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>>625868>>625883bow down to our snooty overlords
No. 625890
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On the topic of big puppies, I fuckin love irish wolfhounds so much. They remind me of the dogs you get in Skyrim and I really hope to adopt one some day
No. 625937
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Male Internet Defense Force is fucking me up anons, i laffed
No. 625939
File: 1599644435479.jpg (287.01 KB, 1500x844, GettyImages-a0041-000589-5a127…)

hello scrote invaders, welcome to Lolcow
No. 625944
>>625937I wish I got a screenshot of that post before mods deleted it
>>625942I think i'm 5.5-6. Average, not ugly but not enough to be considered cute. Maybe that's just the insecure talking tho.
No. 625954
>>625942I'm convinced I'm a 6 but a strong 7 ocassionally when my skin looks good and I dress up nicely
This said I agree with
>>625948 No. 625961
>>625942Compared to other women im probably around a 4-5? I look fine I think, my face is nice but I am quite chubby and I don't dress fashionably or wear makeup.
Although, I am comfortable and enjoy how I look so in my head im a 10.
No. 625984
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I can't believe blogpost written by women who dress like pic related used to make me feel bad about wearing graphic Tees.
No. 625987
>>625942It’s kind of difficult to rate myself, I think I have a 5 type of face since I’m fat, I’m probably a 7 with makeup and styling my hair. Body wise, I’m a 4, 5 with shape wear.
When I get to start sliming down, I usually reach a 7 to the point in which I actually attract people if dressed up and with some makeup.
I think having a nice skincare routine that fits your needs, helps a lot with how you see yourself in the mirror.
No. 625993
>>6259921) is it legal to smoke weed there?
2) was the old lady sound of mind
3) trippy
No. 626003
>>625942Ja maybe a 5 or 4 compared to other women. They take an awful lot of care of themselves and they look SO GOOD for it. Through depression and maybe pickmeism I'd not make effort to look or dress well but yeah that didn't make me a "natural beauty" kek.
I do think it's an unhealthy mindset to compare my beauty to other womens. When I see an attractive woman it just makes me happy though. And even if they're not super attractive if they look happy and content I think they're a 10.
Compared to men I'm a 10 though because what a mess. They're ugly, all ugly but have the audacity to think they even measure on a similar scale to women.
No. 626126
I'm so sore from lugging around furniture yesterday, I just want a massage from a cute boy and to be fed strawberries dipped in sugar
>>626086whoah you're right I knew he looked familliar
No. 626153
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I am realizing that the totez mature and special e-relationship I had with a middle aged scrote when I was 16-17 wasn't actually good. The first and last time I ever self harmed was because of him. It was such a wild ride, I told him I liked mesh shirts like pic rel and he started going off on me, calling me a whore and shit. Because of the fucking shirt. And I cried hours on end and apologized to him, it was insane. He told me I had 'slutty tendencies' and other stuff. Used to send me videos of him pissing and being like 'i wish it was ur mouth i was pissing in'. You know what caused me to stop all contact with him? I asked him to send me a picture of himself because I had never seen his face and he sent some after much protest and omfg… he was so fucking ugly, fat balding 35 year old gross man. I was so disgusted and deleted all my accounts. I'm glad I did lmao. Thank you for listening to me complain
No. 626169
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My ex coworker is blasting his baby momma drama on facebook and it's surprisingly entertaining. He's a weekend parent to his 8 year old daughter and just bought her an iPad for her birthday, which the mom said she can't have since they already have a "family" iPad. Of course this spurs a facebook freakout, he calls her abusive, says she's trying to alienate his daughter, then the mom's family starts posting calling out his shit since mom is blocked.
I guess he thought most people would take his side, but it's nice to see at least a few other adults don't think a child should have their own expensive tablet.
No. 626178
>>626164I'm not the brightest bulb in the room evidently. I appreciate you anon. Scrotes will never fail to disappoit and shock.
>>626163I know right? Even if it was more dumbass reasons, i'm happy i pulled the plug sooner than later. I feel less alone knowing many others went through the same as me but it's sad too, so many wi be dealing with the aftermath in an unhealthy way
No. 626190
>>626169I hate that shit. Dated a guy with one son from a previous relationship. Weekend dad too (not even every weekend,every second weekend!) and he'd argue to keep his monthly support payment as low as possible. Whenever the kid needed extra stuff for school or dentist work he'd insist that he won't pay any extra towards it because he already gives his low monthly payment.
Come xmas time he'd buy hundreds of euros worth of fucking legos… just because "mwahaha his mom won't have any use for these" Like dude buying your kid braces cost the mom a fuckton of money.. so well done on letting her stress about money all year long while you swoop in with expensive legos for a 12 year old. Oh and he totally won't outgrow legos by next year.
Made sure I was real good at taking my birth control and I left once he got mean about paying his way with our bills too.
No. 626193
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Gonna start telling this all the guys I sleep with because I hate being on top.
No. 626198
File: 1599673392413.gif (1.61 MB, 368x206, vwyoh42gwxf11.gif)

Why did I install this amazing, addictive game again? I know I'll just have to uninstall it again. I'm gonna do something productive now with some music. I really need to use music more to refocus
No. 626211
File: 1599674401986.jpg (32.38 KB, 680x450, dd0.jpg)

>I know some of you need extra time because you came in late, but due to the school grading policy's I'll have to start putting in lates in as 0's. I know this will decimate your grades, but don't worry! Once you turn in the late assignment I'll grade them like normal
>I know this will decimate your grades
For a comforting email it sure is threatening
No. 626214
>>626202The only way I like riding is if I just sit on it and gyrate in circles. But no, men want you to lift off 7 inches in the air and bounce like how they see it in porn.
>Does riding my cock make u cum babyNo Matthew, my quads are burning and I can no longer feel your pathetic chode.
No. 626215
File: 1599674609246.jpg (48.17 KB, 1080x276, 20200909_130252.jpg)

I…get this out of my fucking inbox
No. 626221
>>626212Who says porn is easy work kek
You're right, though. It drived me nuts when I see women in porn doing that, or worse yet, like…literally sitting upright off a bed or chair to the point of doing squats for extended amounts of time. Girl start a fitness Instagram instead.
No. 626231
>>626202The only good part is the guy gets off faster so it's less time I have to pretend to enjoy sex.
No. 626333
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surrender to the corn
No. 626389
>>626369i feel like i'm missing the point… wearing a blazer, cleaning the floor and cooking? are those considered trad now i feel so out of the loop
anyway there's nothing wrong with doing housewife shit, for yourself or for someone else, if you want to
No. 626391
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Got a date on friday and I just got out of the shower and realized I have pimple on my butt
No. 626437
>>626432>>626418dude no matter how many times you reee about forced memes across multiple threads is gonna change people's mind
imagine being this
triggered by stupid dogs, fucking autist
now i want to keep it going as long as possible to spite you
No. 626440
>>626437I’m not
triggered. I doubt the other anon is either. You’re just being kind of retarded. I don’t give a shit if you post stupid dogs. Have fun stimming I guess.
No. 626454
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Found this ancient fossil, I remember how I used to think this was epic pwn
No. 626513
>>626454He literally started that shit because he simultaneously wanted to fuck her and is jealous of the attention
The duality of males
No. 626538
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>>626537This 500 year old owl drawing
No. 626542
File: 1599693758262.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.62 KB, 1020x447, visit-uss-arizona-memorial-pea…)

Anyone else feel their skin fucking crawl when they see sunken ships looming underwater? I spoilered in case anyone else is a pussy like me kek
No. 626548
File: 1599694121014.jpeg (41.39 KB, 800x600, 29110600-A875-41A6-B570-B2D8D3…)

Pharaoh hounds are the superior breed & it’s the fucking truth
No. 626570
File: 1599695767439.jpeg (734.54 KB, 1744x1218, 4B5CA60D-570B-4915-B46F-FA33C4…)

Started watching Arthdal Chronicles and the men are styled very attractively, do recommend if you’re bored. The costuming is pretty good as a whole.
No. 626574
>>626537can you draw a pikachu named sparky who has undergone a changed, fully delitzed, full permanent bologna bodied, full permanet bologna organs and bologna insides, two permanent bologna and ham ears, two permanent ham lips, a permanent bologna, ham and cheese tongue, two permanent bologna feet, a full permanent bologna head, a mixture of ketchup, tomato, pizza, bbq and taco sauce as his blood type running through permanent bologna veins to all his permanent bologna organs and bologna insides. literally he has been fully delitized the same way as foreverial tiedup Tbone, he has been fattened at the same time that he has been fully delitized, he has been completely wrapped up, tiedup, rope mummified, covered complete in permanent rubbery rope bondage leaving only his head, feet and part of his tail exposed through the bondage, now his name is foreverial tiedup fat sparky
No. 626606
>>626538>>626567Will draw ty anons
>>626574Not gonna read all that bullshit, but ty for suggestion anon ♥
No. 626632
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Never noticed how playing the fluit or whateverthefuck can worsen your nasolabial folds
No. 626647
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>>626632me when all the Stacy's that played the floot in HS are ugly now
No. 626788
>>626574i know this meme
well done anon
No. 626820
>>625984So many "fashion forward" people shit on graphic tees but damn, is it nice to look down at my chest and be reminded of one of my favorite albums or bands. I'm doing it right now! In fact right now I'm gonna put on that album and listen to it front to back because I'm sitting here like "damn this WAS a good album."
Plus, have nice fitting t-shirts ever really been out of style? Maybe not everything has to be "modern" for it to look good & make your body look good, as well as express yourself in such a direct way
No. 626834
>>626202…are you telling me you dumbshits don't know how to cum being on top? Grinding front and back with a dick buried in is my favorite position because the clit gets friction too. If the dick is good I'll treat the guy to some up and down motion but I use this to come as many times as I can.
No wonder you don't like piv.
No. 626854
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i think there's more actual scrotes on crystal cafe than on lolcow, which is why i prefer lolcow
No. 626877
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>>626854>>626861>>626865>>626866It has literally become scrote central
No. 626885
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>>626877While scientifically they do have the advantage of thicker skin, they take such shit-tier care of themselves that it's practically nullified. Personally wouldn't be boasting about that if I was a scrote kek.
No. 626895
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No. 626979
File: 1599748115625.jpg (58.87 KB, 821x789, swvpw7gct8r21.jpg)

uninstalled that super addictive game again. one step closer to not being a total fuck-up
No. 626992
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I just spent 100$ on a handmade Lana Del Rey doll. Life is good
No. 626993
>>626921ur so cute anon
No. 626994
File: 1599748696431.jpg (96.42 KB, 1862x1048, praying201.jpg)

God I ask thee to cure me of my yellow fever, amen
No. 627033
>>627027People who aren’t photogenic exist anon, looking good in photographs is more or less down to luck and lighting.
I look atrocious in pictures but somewhat pretty in motion (videos and irl).
No. 627044
>>627018I'm at work and since I have a date afterwards I'm wearing a cute black turtleneck+black shorts with sandals.
Usually I come here in jeans and t-shirts.
No. 627048
I walked away from my laptop to do something, idk what, and I looked back and the screen is TINY. Like it took up 5% of my field of view. But it's like…other than eating, cleaning, walking and sleeping this little light box is where I spend ALL OF MY TIME. And it feels like I just saw the entirety of my environment and how much I neglect it vs. this tiny laptop.
It's where I get my social needs, my entertainment, it's my vent and dumb thoughts dumping box, if I have any ideas I can use google to expand them. But I'm still sitting here for hours and hours a day, all my needs in one place. God it sounds so pathetic and inactive.
And I looked arond my room and I saw all the tiny things that'd take a minute to do that I just haven't done because it doesn't fall into the category of cleaning up, so it stays that way for months slipping through the cracks of my alloted time, despite being a couple of meters away from me.
I don't know what I'm saying. Maybe I just need to shut the laptop down and go room to room and go through things and experience them again, or for the first time. Like you know when you'd tidy up and you'd find your old school books or photo albums and leaf through them and before you know it you've taken hours. I need to get away from the screen I think. Yeah.
No. 627088
File: 1599755473663.jpeg (126.21 KB, 794x795, 04884F60-491F-4A11-80F0-6736B8…)

>>627018Black bike shorts and this 1D shirt from Etsy oversized
No. 627106
>>627091I feel you
For the first time in a long time I actually had a packed weekend planned… that first morning I was crying, freaking out and trying to cancel all my plans last minute. I'm too old for this shit every month
No. 627207
File: 1599764922488.jpg (54.08 KB, 572x303, 9e2.jpg)

I have green hair and I saw a little girl look at me and say to her mom "look she has blue hair"
No. 627789
File: 1599804818267.jpg (85.57 KB, 600x900, 3aa7aa7d2d96b4b2d2ec0a9187841c…)

Thinking about when I answered "Sea otter…. Because they're cute?" When asked what kind of animal I would want to be during an interview before covid. I was being interviewed by 4 managers and they all automatically lit up and talked about the sea otters they saw on their team bike ride the day before. I felt like I was completely bombing the interview before that lmao. Thank u sea otters!!! I ended up getting hired.
No. 627924
File: 1599826904907.png (675.98 KB, 866x1212, oijs.png)

Why did I have to read all this stupid horseshit?
Like, goo goo gaga shut the fuck up and go shit in a diaper with a pacifier in your mouth, ugly. Stop using fake woke BS to defend your nasty-ass kinks. "Late stage capitalism is kink-shaming me!! Being into dd/lg is totally the same as being a feminist or being homosexual!! I'm littlesexual uwu" type nonsense, lmao. No matter how hard you fucks try, forcing your boner on the whole wide world will never, ever be praxis. Keep that shit to yourself, or die. Actually, just die.
I hate these queer theory tards and kinkfags in general so much, jesus christ.
No. 627934
Which fucking thread are we using
>>627924>Why did I have to read all this stupid horseshit?You..didn't? You didn't have to read any of that at all
No. 627949
>>627942I didn't mean it was bad for op to complain about it lol. I just think it's weird to be like "why did I have to read this!". Because you wanted to. Like complain about it if you want but don't complain that you read it, cause you decided to.
Anyway this is a stupid conversation
No. 628635
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I just discovered this person and jfc anons I have never come so close to throwing my laptop across the room while watching a YouTuber. I don't even vehemently disagree with her content or anything, I just find her whole persona so fucking grating
No. 628707
Vintage cheese but if you guys want a nice rabbit hole of 2000’s internet lolcow…I stumbled on this crazy fundie Emily Pierce who had a blog called “Under $1000 Per Month” and the old ladies who used to follow her. The original blog was scrubbed because people kept calling CPS on her but you can still find pics here and there. Not sure if it was an elaborate troll, she unfortunately seemed legit.
>apparently came from a middle to upper middle class family in the eastern US >presumed to be passive aggressively rebelling against her loving liberal parents>may have been directed primarily at her mom >believed to be quiverfull >lived in a tiny dump with her seriously mentally retarded husband Dan and soon to be retarded kids whom she refused to feed properly>husband was so retarded he misspelled his own name as “Dna”>forced her ever growing family into a cramped ~$600 apartment, made the kids sleep on piss soaked flea trap beds with ratty “blankets” that she washed in a portable crank washer or the tub>cooked everything in a crock pot, literally everything, including “pizza”>made “cheese” with her skirt as a strain, “pasta” with water and flour, and tomato sauce with literal ketchup and water>refused to turn on the heat even when it was 2°F outside>spent as little as possible on food for a family of what started as 4 and grew, would spend less than $5 on groceries and then force her family to eat baby portions of mushy shitpot food>hated beans and other cheap nutritious foods but claimed her cooking was healthy>was sending her husband to a bible school, turned down financial aid because muh morales, muh starving chirruns, her go to excuse for her lifestyle>Dan got hit by either a bus or truck while walking to bible class one evening, wrote a very sad blogpost about it afterward>one of her children went into some kind of coma from neglect>saw the baby sleeping for three fucking days and refused to take him into hospital until he was unresponsive and half dead>never said what was wrong but apparently “Little Dan” had lasting brain damage that she tried to downplay as reversible No. 628950
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No offence to the girl in this picture I have no idea who she is I’m just using it to show the style but I feel like pretty much everyone who styles themselves like this has the exact same personality and it’s not a good one
No. 629097
>>629064>They are different menNot all the time
>>629066This is the first time I've ever posted about the movie…
>>629069It depends on what area you're in, where I'm at flat women are usually the butt of jokes
No. 629109
>>629090I'm not a picky eater but what other people eat has no real affect on me. If I had kids I'd try to vary their diet early on but apart from that?
I remember my ex hated adults who are picky eaters. We'd go out to eat and if he overhead someone asking for no mayo on their burger he'd roll his eyes. But his own 11 year old was really picky and limited in what he'd try. I pointed out the irony of him hating picky eaters but allowing it for his own kid and he was under the impression that the kid would suddenly change before hitting adulthood. I don't think it works that way given just how limited the kid was. The one person where he should actually care about their diet..and he didn't. He didn't try. But then he complained about total strangers for hating lettuce.
No. 629111
>>629109>what other people eat has no real affect on me.It would if you, say, cooked a meal for someone who complained about it and wouldn't eat it.
I don't feel strongly about this argument either way but I can imagine getting really pissed with a picky eater if you were trying to feed them yourself, especially if they were rude about it. I can also imagine picky eaters not affecting you whatsoever if you're just going to out to eat. Probably just depends on the circumstance.
No. 629132
>>629109Holding mayo or onions isn’t too bad. I can’t stand raw onions as I hate waking up to that stench in my pits. People are allowed to have preferences lol, like you said it is so hypocritical of him to pick on adults who know what they like than a kid who might have issues in life from not eating a diverse diet.
I had a picky eater in my family - she only ate like three things and barely extended her diet because of her stupid friends. It was a nightmare because all she wanted were hamburgers and caramel frappuccinos from Starbucks.
No. 629161
>>629090>>629143…just go and eat while they drink a coffee or something.
I'm very far from picky but am cursed with dietary restrictions (cane sugar gives me horrible acne), yet I would happily watch my friend or family member eat anywhere. It literally brings me joy to watch other people eat.
But somehow they all refuse to do that with the excuse that "it's not fair (to me)," which is pressure absolutely NO ONE is putting on them. It actually upsets me that they decide to limit themselves as well for illogical reasons
This turned into a vent post…but maybe your picky friends feel similarly to me? Just ask.
No. 629187
>>629161Jesusss I can't stand when anon's start taking offense to things that didn't even have anything to do with them originally. No one said shit about dietary restrictions. I'm lactose intolerant myself. We're talking about PICKY eaters who will literally say no to going to going anywhere but a place that serves chicken tenders and fries and is too stubborn to try new things. Not people who say no tomato on their burger or people with genuine food allergies.
Picky eating stems from stubbornness that is usually never dealt with by people's parents. They refuse to try new things and will even make a face when they see you eating something they don't like. It's not crazy for people not to like picky eaters, considering it usually goes beyond them just being picky with food.
No. 629198
>>629125I used to work with someone like this and holy shit would he throw a fit if our
free catered food didn't appeal to his delicate tastebuds. Our boss would bring in bagels, he'd complain about the cream cheese. We'd get a free lunch from someone, he'd complain about the lettuce. Someone would eat curry for lunch, "nasty shit." Dude would only eat the most basic ham and American cheese sandwiches with fries. He proudly proclaimed the only vegetable he liked was potatoes.
Yes, it's annoying as hell to have to listen to people like this.
No. 629400
>>629161Theres a big difference here.
Picky eaters will act disgusted at foods other than their list of "acceptable" foods. A lot of the times when they think they're being polite, they're sitting with their arms crossed, looking bored or forced to be there. Or as another anon said, they'll pick at the food to find the small bits they're willing to eat and leave the rest a mangled mess for everyone to look at.
Whether its at a restaurant or a family dinner, unless its food that does your body harm, just eat it? I can't stand sweet potatoes, but if Aunt Gertrude makes her homemade recipe for the first Thanksgiving since Uncle Chuck died, I'm gonna gobble it up because she put effort into it, and I'm with people I care about, and we're all trying to support one another on this occasion.
Like, if someone you care about gave you a giftcard for itunes, but you aren't interested in any music that you can think of off the top of your head, are you just gonna hand it right back to the person and go "Nah you can have it" or are you gonna be like "thank you for the gift!" and make the best that you can with the situation.
If you're deaf then yeah, I think the person would be like "oh shit my bad" but if its just you being picky, you come across like you're
better than that.
Maybe that's the problem here. Its really just an effort of keeping up standards. You wouldn't show up to a wedding in tshirt and pajamas, even if that's what you like wearing 95% of the time. Do that 95% of the time! But when you're with others for a semiunusual gathering, just suck up your slight discomforts for 20 minutes or an hour.
That's why the dietary restrictions comparison doesn't work. If the dress code asks for high heels but Beatrice has a bunion, no one should be mad that she's wearing her comfy shoes. If they are that's kinda fucked up
No. 629804
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want to be a degenerate and start a tiktok for the hell of it, it's such a zoomer thing for a millennial to do