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No. 616263
Hand over your spiciest takes
Last thread
>>>/ot/611795 FARMHAND EDIT Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/ gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.
>If you are here to sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.
>If you are here to explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN
>If you are here to fight people who disagree with you - BAN.
>If your post history is vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.
>If you are here to reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.
>If you are here to discuss your views on racism - BAN.
>If you are here to have gender crit discussions - BAN
>If you are here to try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN
>If you are here to complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.
>If you are here to talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat.
No. 616448
>>616444I know right?
On another topic, I can't stand to hear this shit for the opposite reason.
It hurts my stomach and soul to hear of piece of shit assholes like that Kyle dude. I literally can't stand it.
I was right in the middle of a school shooting just last year and people died.
I hate this, it feels the same all over again. I just wish we could fucking reform or do something. People should be allowed to protest without worrying about cop interference. That's the point of a protest. But of course even people that protest civilly deal with police fuckery.
>>616413maybe follow the rules of the board? No race-baiting. No one cares if you're north African. That doesn't make you black and saying you don't care that black people are treated unfairly is… kinda racist?
No. 616457
>>616453I'm also from a non-Western country dealing with extremists and constant violence, especially against women, and that feeling isn't really new. I just switch off international news to focus on local news when I need to. You kind of grow up knowing that America will never shut the fuck up about itself, and move on.
I did stop supporting BLM or paying attention to them after I noticed the patterns of who they support vs who they ignore/silence, but that doesn't mean I think the plight of people (especially women and children) facing violence is irrelevant.
No. 616466
>>616413I’m not going to say a single thing about race because I really don’t want to even do that here in the first place, but there’s undeniably a huge problem with police brutality here. On top of that police are un/underqualified, barely trained, etc.
Several months ago I was visiting my gfs parents in their city and we saw a cop hit a pregnant woman at night with his car. Everyone around could hear her screaming, I’ve never heard anything like it in my life and I will never forget the way it sounded. She and her unborn child died in the ambulance. This man was a veteran officer and we were never given a clear reason why it happened, and even if you want to ignore the racial aspect, at least acknowledge the negligence and how it’s hurting so many of us. That man still has his job, and so do many irresponsible, negligent, and violent individuals that get off on harming people and being in control. This should not be happening in a supposedly “sophisticated” country and could be completely avoided.
No. 616499
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>>616492I have waited for you a thousand years
No. 616527
>>616413I dislike it too. I'm not claiming that I have it harder but the notion that nobody is allowed to complain because b-but black folks in the US!…
My country is also pathetic enough to copy everything the US does. Black people in America complain about lack of representation, so my country does that too now (funnily enough until not that long ago I thought America is 50% white - 50% black, turns out it's only slightly above 10%, so is the representation really so bad and unrealistic…?). Whenever they show a white family in a commercial, they have to show a black one too. When is this gonna stop, when every single black person living here was on tv once? lol
People also always argue that this is caring about the feelings of racists, but I do think that being this demanding can or will lead to more tensions. People over 40 barely understand that saying the n word is bad, but then they now immediately ask for so many other things too, like renaming things, stopping every tiny bit of cultural appropriation, people will feel angry that such a minor minority get's to have a say over everybody else.
I just wish we could stop caring so much about America. But that's been a thing for decades already and will likely only get worse as time goes by.
No. 616538
It’s kind of tiresome, tbh, mostly because i think it’s just a stunt and that the USA will never do anything about it.
I mean, how can you even boycott a whole organization that has been there forever, that everyone knows are enabled by the government and that basically has way too much power?
I’ve seen this, it will never workout, they will only get killed by the police until they’re tired of it, and it’s frustrating, because instead of showing the actual innocent people that have been killed as their “bro, this is fucked up” message, they mess up by showing people with criminal charges like fucking rape, and yeah, everyone will always do a double take, unless they’re a huge ass kind of sheep.
Because the police has always been seen as an authority that you can trust, and it will take lots and lots of years and actual deception to make you think “maybe these are false accusations” or “this could be an exaggeration” and even then, you will think “but that guy is kind of fucked up”.
I’m also salty about this whole BLM movement, I’ve never seen people supporting artists or businesses from my country, we’re also surrounded by drug lords and violence, there’s a bunch of people constantly getting killed by the police and their thug army, it’s also not a Supr Sekrit thing, we talk about it when we’re asked about our country and this has happened for at least the whole 24 years of my life. But do I see a “Latin lives matter” movement anywhere? Or a “mid eastern lives matter” movement? “Asian lives matter” movement?
And the whole “you can’t say all lives matter until black lives matter! Black lives matter more now!!!” It’s so utterly annoying, it only makes me think even more that this is just a stunt, just admit racism of anyone and everyone is happening, don’t be such a cyclops thinking you can only look at one matter at once, specially since you have shown you can solve it on your own.
It’s like basically saying “RIGHT NOW we’re only gonna save fire victims, if you’re drowning, you’re kind of an asshole for expecting our help or even some of our sympathy, how dare you not care about the people burning in fires?! Fuck you!”
I wonder if there’s going to happen anything at all.
No. 616651
>>616643I think she has a lot of good cover songs personally. When she picks songs her voice can work with it sounds really nice, she also tends to have a consistently good ear for melodies because she rarely sings off tune. I agree that she can't make all songs work in her favor though, her voice isn't strong/stylistic enough for all of them and her vocal range isn't very impressive. It's that generic sort of American pop singer style and whenever she tries to do the more huskier style it just sounds like she's out of breath.
However that intro is grating I'll give you that
No. 616688
>>616651Yeah like, she's fine technically and can hit notes, but it's just…boring to listen to? I can enjoy some covers, but I never add them to any playlists that I have.
While on topic, not sure if I like Rainych either. I don't deny that she can sing, but her voice sounds so processed that I can't enjoy it.
No. 616977
>>616938If they're married they're chill, otherwise they're the absolute worst. Widows who spend 20 minutes talking to you unprovoked about their grandchildren are the only exception to this, I love them.
>>616967Old men make the absolute worst customers, idk why middle-aged women get shit instead of them. So many are bitter about how miserable their lives turned out and take it out on everyone around them
No. 616993
>>616990yeah, say anything controversial? lol BANNED
This isn't twitter.
(>>>/meta/) No. 617001
>>616938Yeah I like them tbh
Most I’ve run into tend to be really nice and often try and talk to me for some reason. Dunno why since I thought I had a resting bitch face. Maybe they’re drawn to that kek
No. 617098
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Unfrosted pop-tarts are good.
No. 617403
>>617313this but also anime. Twenty, okay, but like over 23 and still into anime? Like not the mature movies anime, but the regular weeb seasonal animu? Your opinion is automatically invalid and your internet integration privileges revoked.
It's funny to me that weebs are laughing at kboos when at least those band members are actual living humans they obsess about
No. 617514
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she should’ve listened to the ‘haters’ (who were most probably her doctors and loved ones)
it’s very unfortunate that she has the disorder but fuck her for inflicting that on someone else just so she can feel better about it. fucked up.
No. 617563
>>617556Popular opinion here, unpopular everywhere else but I agree with you.
To add on, I have no respect for any "sex worker" who's pumping out a GoFundMe. isn't that the reason why you're showing your butthole online? For money? If you need more just do better.
No. 617599
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>>617596>>617597You're completely right, but I'm just going to let you know that people are about to strongly disagree with you.
No. 617604
>>617596People say this, but honestly, the average girl on OF doesn't own a Lambo and will never earn that much, kek. In fact, it's kind of a net loss, because by having public nudes of yourself out there with your face exposed, you've basically locked yourself out of anything but those same shitty retail jobs, and sometimes even they won't hire you - you can't do OF for life, sorry. This isn't even talking about the mental/emotional damage it can cause if any psycho male "fans" decide they want to fuck up your life by exposing you to your friends and family even after you move on.
Also, no one ever suggests broke males should sell nudes online to gay men or dance at gay strip clubs. I kind of wonder why.
No. 617606
>>617604What if we’re heading towards a future that’s more open about sexuality & nudity? Like what if future employers dgaf if you posed nude because, well, we all are naked under our clothes and we all have sex. Maybe in this timeline people will be held more accountable for the things they’ve said and done that are really damaging, rather than how they made money using their own bodies.
Fuck porn and all, but it’s clearly not going to go away & I’m in favor of this future because it seems less misogynistic.
No. 617609
>>617604>People say this, but honestly, the average girl on OF doesn't own a Lambo and will never earn that much, kek.This is true, but it's true for nearly any career, whether you're formally educated or not. Many people every day start a career in music, but they'll never be Beyonce. Many people create art for years or even decades, but they'll never be Andy Warhol. Even people who don't lean towards any specific mode of artistic expression, who get diplomas and degrees, are more likely to become the next grocery store cashier than the next big corporation CEO.
>because by having public nudes of yourself out there with your face exposed, you've basically locked yourself out of anything but those same shitty retail jobs, and sometimes even they won't hire youIt is risky for people who want to have their face exposed, but you can do sex work or make sexual media of yourself to put on the internet without exposing your face. In my eyes, if you're not at all bothered by people seeing your face and knowing what you do, who am I to tell you that you should be ashamed? Your body, your prerogative.
>you can't do OF for life, sorryMany jobs that require physical skill but don't require specialized skill or formal education are jobs that can't support you for your entire life, like construction work or janitorial work.
>This isn't even talking about the mental/emotional damage it can cause if any psycho male "fans" decide they want to fuck up your life by exposing you to your friends and family even after you move onThe fault here lies with… the men who make the decision to do that, no? How does the fault lie with the woman? Did she ask for someone to do that to her?
(Just to be clear, I'm not trying to infight, I'm genuinely curious and I'd like to see what other anons think.)
No. 617615
>>617606Thats probably not going to happen tho, alot of countries are shifting towards more extreme right wing and conservative views (Italy, Greece etc) seems like society has a very pendulum like stance on things.
Its like we take three steps foward and two behind when it comes to progressiveness.
I assume in the next 5 years or so women who did OF and stuff like that are going to have a really rough time.
No. 617619
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>>617556man just checked on twitter and the salt is real kek
No. 617620
>>617615The future that
>>617606 described is an ideal one, but I agree with you that with the current state of things, it's unlikely we'll head in that direction (for a while.)
>Its like we take three steps forward and two behind when it comes to progressiveness.We're entering a second societal-level moral panic era towards our own biology, sexuality, and bodily autonomy, in the same vein as the one we experienced during the 80s after second-wave feminism and the sexual revolution of the late 60s and 70s. And with people making comments about women like
>>617614, can we really be shocked?
No. 617622
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>>617596>>617597>not making coomer artwork to sell to autists who pay out the wazoo for commissions and shit>You don't even have to show your face/body or worry about getting oldKEK fucking plebs
No. 617624
>>617609>This is true, but it's true for nearly any career, whether you're formally educated or not. Many people every day start a career in music, but they'll never be Beyonce. Many people create art for years or even decades, but they'll never be Andy Warhol. Even people who don't lean towards any specific mode of artistic expression, who get diplomas and degrees, are more likely to become the next grocery store cashier than the next big corporation CEO.You can take your skills learned from music or art elsewhere, or even become a teacher. The same isn't true for sex work, unless someone's going to start a sex work university where former sex workers can teach people. Also, I don't think as many employers decide it'd be bad for business to hire you because you used to be a singer or painter vs a sex worker. When you enter SW, you're basically cutting yourself off by entering a line of work that closes other doors.
>It is risky for people who want to have their face exposed, but you can do sex work or make sexual media of yourself to put on the internet without exposing your face.Women who make sexual media without showing their face tend to make far less money than those who do. Quite a few who wear masks are insulted and harassed for not showing their faces, too. Plus, your face isn't the only way people can dox you.
>In my eyes, if you're not at all bothered by people seeing your face and knowing what you do, who am I to tell you that you should be ashamed? Your body, your prerogative.I don't believe in shaming them (I think it's fine if a woman wants to show her body personally), I'm purely referring to how society as a whole, and those in power, view it. Ultimately, it'd be for the best if everyone had this same mindset, but I just don't see it working out for women if we basically sacrifice ourselves in hopes that they'll budge. They already don't like hiring us (citing the "What if you get pregnant?" and other issues lmao). At least get in actual power first. Become the employer, then change the policy. Fucking yourself over and then demanding a spot when they can (and will) give it to anyone else, especially a male with what they consider a "clean" record, just puts you at their mercy.
>Many jobs that require physical skill but don't require specialized skill or formal education are jobs that can't support you for your entire life, like construction work or janitorial work.Sex work in general is more dangerous (on top of the issues of it closing other doors for careers that construction/janitorial work wouldn't), and OF alone carries more risk socially than those examples. Like I said, it's weird that no one tells men to do these things. It's always just us. If it's all the same, why?
>The fault here lies with… the men who make the decision to do that, no? How does the fault lie with the woman? Did she ask for someone to do that to her?It's obviously not her fault, but why should we be encouraged to put ourselves in risky situations? What is the point for money that can't and won't sustain us for life? There are tons of other, safer options.
No. 617639
>>617622On top of that, you'll get better at art in general, and will have something of a marketable skill while making easy money from degenerate coomers. Weirdos with hyper-specific kinks will pay
big to have their fantasies drawn, even if you're still a developing artist.
The only problem is that it definitely kills your soul to draw furry scat foot inflation vore reverse pregnancy hentai for the 103899839539th time just for some cash. Definitely better than whoring out your face/body for what may be those exact same neckbeards in the long run, though.
Honestly, you can even write literary erotica if drawing isn't your thing. I've seen at least one person make a shitton of money from that on Patreon.
There are many ways to make money online by exploiting coomer's sexual responses, all with little to no risk to yourself. It's pretty suspicious that we're constantly only hearing that we should just use our own bodies and sign up on OF or become escorts, lmao.
No. 617651
>>617596unless you're on delphine's level onlyfans isn't much better than any other crummy customer service job. the customers are probably even worse. like most gig economy jobs most workers earn close to minimum wage.
>>617604most people on onlyfans don't use their real name. with all of the porn uploaded to the internet everyday it's unlikely that an employer will track that down.
No. 617661
>>617597I'm feeling so dense that i didn't get this post was ironical
my unpopular opinion on the matter:
sexwork is still not real work but the same thing can be said about twitch streamers, youtubers (the ones who just do dumb shit on camera), "political commentators" who just keep repeating the same panderer shit everyone else in their side says, modeling of pretty much any sort, and countless others that vastly depend on people finding you attractive or funny enough to give you their money. People are only attacking OF because they are at least fully honest about what they are doing and straight up get their boobs out, but the problem goes back to when youtubers became a thing. OF it’s just the culmination of the internet degenerating since then.
Oh by the way, getting married/knocked up so you don't have to work either because you are too lazy or too stupid to learn some job goes in there too. Everytime I see a tradthot or a mombie attacking whores I roll my eyes and laugh my ass off at their nerve and hypocrisy. All of them different branches of the same cancer who shouldn't have any sort of influence in young girls and shouldn't be able to speak for women as a whole at all.
No. 617689
>>617680Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but people
should be rewarded proportionally to how hard they work and what they contribute to society… The problem is that in a capitalist society, where those earning the most are only earning the most because they have hundreds or thousands of employees working under them who do all of the actual work, those earning the least are doing the menial physical labor necessary to keep a society functioning, and the economy needs infinite growth to sustain itself so the only acts considered "contributions" are ones motivated by financial reasons, it's kind of a moot point.
>>617687Finally, a
valid reason to be upset with her.
No. 617697
>>617673NTA, but shouldn't the goal be to push for better, more beneficial opportunities for women born at economic disadvantages instead of encouraging their exploitation as "progressive"?
I feel like a lot of the time, the privileged women who have options, but just think it's fun/easy/cool to do sexual things speak over those who don't have a choice. If those women would just get their bag and be quiet, I wouldn't even be bothered. Instead, they cape for pimps, try to downplay the issues in the industry and even do creepy recruitment shit on naive girls/women. If you read actual statistics on women involved in sex work globally, their main priority is getting out of sex work and getting better jobs, not destigmatizating things.
I know the loudest first world feminists on Twitter feed us a totally different narrative, but sex work and sex trafficking are interlinked. The "happy hookers" and OF chicks enjoying easy lives are a minority of a minority.
No. 617708
>>617697>I feel like a lot of the time, the privileged women who have options, but just think it's fun/easy/cool to do sexual things speak over those who don't have a choice.Agreed, and sex work being "easy" is something only a person who'd never have to rely on it for money would believe. People who don't have any other option (whether they enjoy what they do or don't and are trying to leave it) should speak over those who do, but at the same time I don't feel that someone should be shamed for choosing to take the option if other options are presented, so long as they acknowledge their choice and acknowledged that the situations are different. Maybe I'm wrong, though, just my two cents.
>Instead, they cape for pimps, try to downplay the issues in the industry and even do creepy recruitment shit on naive girls/womenI agree that all of these things are wrong, not because of the sex acts, but because the women involved are being manipulated - there isn't actually a choice being made. Some people believe there isn't
any choice in sex work (not conflating pimping and sexual assault with sex work) but I'm of the group that believes it's possible to want to do it, and to find it a gratifying career if it's right for you. I think the men (and women caping for these men) endangering the women who make this choice should be absolutely held responsible for their actions, and women who do sex work shouldn't be told that they deserve the treatment or should've expected it.
No. 617712
>>617701Publicity it already had because of OF supporters flooding Twitter, and Beyonce and Cardi B giving it shout-outs?
This was going to happen anyway. At least Bella Thorne's actions are actively destructive to the platform.
At this point, any woman who joins OF should scam as many creeps as possible. They deserve it, and these disgusting male CEOs should have their livelihoods destroyed by it.
No. 617717
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Onlyfans > Mindgeek
The “Illusion of Choice” Coomer’s Edition
No. 617726
>>617709Yeah you're basically giving men some control over you. You HAVE to appeal to them if you want to make money. You rely on THEM to make money. They also can easily steal your content and share it with other men for free. Also moids have no problem ditching you when some new girl comes along, especially when there's more demand now for very young girls.
It just seems risky all around.
No. 617727
>>617716i’m aware of that but ppl ARE unironically praising bella thorne for making things more difficult for sex workers so idc that it’s a joke
>>617712yes but once more making onlyfans unusable won’t impede the pornographification of mainstream culture, it won’t necessarily discourage young women from becoming sex workers and it will in all likelihood divert more women into mainstream porn and full service sex work where they’re even more exploited for less return.
No. 617746
>>617742If it's all the same thing, why are you angry? Do you get this upset when people shit on McDonald's too, or are you a porn-exclusive bootlicker?
By the way, SW is literally being the meat, not just serving it.
No. 617752
>at least in sex work, you can choose what you want to produce, decline what you don't feel like doing, and choose what you want to be paid… you can't even do that at a majority of fast food or restaurant jobs.Why is one form of exploitation more stigmatized to be associated with than the other?
No. 617779
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Lolcow was never fun back then either. There was constant infighting, race baiting, and anachan spergs shitting up threads all the time. The only reason anons miss that time was because it was when all the milk was still fresh for the most interesting cows. Most of them are gone or boring and now we have other boards to talk about female related things. The non cow boards are fun imo even if they can be a little degenerate.
No. 617801
>>617774Tell me more anon
>>617775No straight woman would want me no.
No. 617805
>>617802Serious question but do you have the rape statistics of the caveman era
I think it would increase quite a bit or even stay the same but not up to a 99%, because society would enforce gender separation, which we should do now
No. 617815
>>617795No. Anons posting about the "good ol days" has been a thing across the boards for a while now.
I've also been looking at old threads and wow are they a fucking mess. I do miss the snaggle-tooth kaka saga tho kek
I wonder what he's doing these days?
>>617803Exactly. Plus those sperg anons are the reason the rules were implemented in the first place.
No. 617819
>>617812If such a barbaric law would even exist I’d say fucking before marriage would be haram wouldn’t it be
nonnie (I am gonna use it for once before the term gets banned)
No. 617827
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>>617779The pining anons always remind me of this
No. 617830
>>617827Kek. Nostalgia is a thing though. And it kinda factually was better before since
>The only reason anons miss that time was because it was when all the milk was still fresh for the most interesting cows. Which is why that board even exist in the first place.
No. 617832
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>>617818KEK s'alright anon
Lot of bait going on rn so I just wanted to be firm.
No. 617837
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>>617832The black one is so cute I wanna give him smooches
No. 617847
>>617556This was my post that started the war, that was not my intention.
I didnt post that to gendersperg. I just think its hilarious that people think selling poonaani is a legitimate career that can be sustained. It's extra hilarious that they are mad that their income went away just as easily as everyone has been warning them for the past year.
Being a streamer, youtuber or an influencer is not a real job either.
No. 617861
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Autumn is the best season ever and despite the high ratio of baits on here it’s very comfy even with the baiters to be here
Luv u gurls
No. 617869
>>617855I don't mean to say that people who experience a lack of sexual attraction to others don't exist. I'm saying that a lack of sexual attraction is not a
valid sexual identity. Sounds like we agree in that respect.
>>617860>that's not low libidoThat's exactly what it is though. That's all it is.
No. 617875
>>617869>That's exactly what it is though. That's all it is.Try saying this to asexuals or even lurk in their shitty communities.
>ohhh yes I can have sex forever and still be asexual>ohhh yes I can masturbate and still be asexual my biological urges can’t help itThey’ll tell you not having butterflies in your stomach for anyone is an asexual.
Ban that word and just call it low libido
No. 617918
>>617906Agreed. Not to blog, but I've known I was bi since I was 10, and that had nothing to do with whether or not I wanted to have sex? I was 10. I simply was aware that I liked girls in the same way I liked boys, neither attraction was sexual.
>theres a lot of covert homophobia in some asexual groups online who make jokes about winning the aids crisis or whateverA group that defines their entire existence on not wanting to have sex are Puritans about sex. Who would've thought?
No. 617920
>>617885So a person who has a low sex drive and isn't weirdly defensive about that as something integral to their identity. Got it
>>617886Enlighten us, by all means.
No. 617926
>>617922>If asexuality means no sexual attraction to anyone, why do "asexuals" still date?Two people can have a mutually fulfilling relationship that doesn't involve sexual acts, anon. If you're thinking of people who feel no attraction whatsoever, those are aromantics.
>And what kind of person is ok with dating someone who's not attracted to them?What do you mean?
No. 617931
>>617922Because they're literally just people who have a low sex drive. Like I get thinking you're asexual if you're young and have basically never been sexually stimulated by anyone, but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen for you some day. Asexuals who do date and have sex still claiming to be asexual is so fucking funny to me though.
>>617926>If you're thinking of people who feel no attraction whatsoever, those are aromanticsOh my fucking god enough with these stupid labels. None of this shit means anything.
No. 617939
>>617935Fair enough. I sperged out a bit there sorry. What bothers me specifically is that so many people get weirdly attached to some behavior abnormality rather than seek help for it and try to understand how it developed in the first place. What's even worse that actual professionals often encourage this, rather than helping the person understand WHY they have a low libido.
Having a low libido is very common in anxiety disorders, for example. If you were raised in a traumatic environment and are in a chronically anxious state as a result, not experiencing sexual attraction or even much of a libido at all, is pretty normal. Your brain and nervous system are wired to focused on survival, not sex and dating.
No. 618025
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>>618016I take it back.
I thought he had a chance at being up there with Trudeau and young Joe Biden, but nevermind. His chin is too recessed which means his jaw is probably weak too. anyway sorry for ot
No. 618036
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>>618016Reminds me of the time someone actually photoshopped him to make him skinny and it made it to the top reddit post of that day bc everyone was just loving that hot villain look
No. 618054
>>618045"Asexuality" = extremely low libido and it is literally cause for concern and a side-effect of a lot of shit. However I could understand that some people just have zero interest in sex and relationships, and that it doesn't cause them any kind of issues. Not the case of most asexuals as they clearly can't shut the fuck up about it.
Can we STOP turning legit mental issues into totally legit identities uwu because psychologists completely fucked up with homosexuality?
No. 618107
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Mandolins are the best string instruments, I don't get the hype for guitars
No. 618142
>>618141again, being insistent of wanting to end their life is a symptom of their illness. depressed person cannot give informed consent for euthanasia because the nature of their illness means that they have impaired ability to view recovery as an option.
i have been severely depressed and thought that i could never recover. i used to think like you. now i feel better and i wouldn't be here if some idiot had given me access to assisted suicide.
No. 618155
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>>618036>>618043I both hate and love you anons
He looks kinda like G-Dragon in the edit. No. 618160
>>618149I can understand being obsessed is not good for any hobby, but i think it's fun to listen to the music and keep up with the bands. I guess i'm a casual person but i've been listening to kpop since 2004, so it's been a while and a very light hobby for me. I dont like the hivemind mentality at all and the fact that some people are
toxic af and cant critique the bands they like. that's the real issue i have with it. If you spend all your savings on any hobby (esp kpop, you are definitely dumb.)
No. 618168
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>>618165Thanks for being so kind, anon. I used to lurk heavily on both the kpop crit and kpop general threads and definitely miss them. Hopefully we can have a casual kpg thread in the future, but for now, i'll keep waiting. lol I hope you have an amazing weekend and stay safe!
No. 618246
>>618149>>618195exactly. people who hardcore follow singers or bands when youre grown up is pretty strange imo my ex-best friend is obsessed with taylor swift and spends her money travelling to her concerts in diff countries and buying her cds and trying to get her attention on tumblr… things like this make sense in high school or younger but otherwise its kinda odd idealizing one person/band that much
>>618239kek twitter kpop stans are notorious for that. i used to be on kpop twitter and people there constantly one-upped eachother in terms of looks and merch and trying to be the funniest or biggest fan etc. if youre still doing that as an adult that is just odd
No. 618456
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>>618425Some stupid scrot meme of a supposedly more attractive woman standing next to an average looking woman or a woman with large boobs standing next to other girls with average boobs
The worst ones are obese women who are styled to show off their cleavage standing next to healthy and modest women
No. 618495
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samefag cuz i sperged out and forgot to sage and add me meme, so here's another unpopular opinion: apples fucking suck
No. 618509
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French women have basic bitch style. It isn’t even classic, it’s just plain boring.
No. 618532
>>618509Yup, all the way. We love wearing plain tee shirts with jeans and some ballet flats/sneakers.
Everyone thinks we love fashion but I truly think we are actually very practical people who enjoy being in (usually dark colored) confortable clothes.
France représente avec my own collections of clothes : only black jeans and darks tee shirts with some cleavage, kek.
No. 618552
>>618509Thanks for that opinion anon, I agree so much. When I was a kid I was somewhat of a frenchaboo and now I can only say what the hell was I thinking…? They simply dress like your average middle aged white woman anywhere. It's ridiculous how many of them are making bank on youtube or instagram by "teaching" the world how to emulate their basicness.
Paris might of been the fashion capital in the 18/19th and early 20th century but those days are long gone and never applied to the general population anyway.
>>618511>most of them are skinny bitches Statistics beg to differ kek
No. 618586
>>618552Justine should learn to match her foundation yeesh
I do like the style of French starlets in the 60s and 70s but most actual French women my age that I have met are really nerdy/geeky types that noone would consider fashionable (still cute tho)
No. 618605
>>618586It's funny too because foundation isn't a Parisian fashion thing at all. The classic stereotypical parisian would have natural skin, some mascara and red lipstick, eventually blush.
Justine is seriously ugly tho and her style is not even 'boring but timeless classic' it's downright frumpy.
No. 618609
>>618552I was in Paris recently and gotta say while there's nothing special about young women fashion, like
>>618532 said, just basic combinations mostly, nothing memorable, I've seen a lot of middle aged / old black women looking amazing, with colorful clothes and beautifully fitted jewelry. It's not what people immediately think of when the phrase "french fashion" is brough up, but it's what immediately stands out nowadays when you visit Paris.
No. 618669
>>618651kek never really thought about it but I agree, definitely a male late gen Xer emoticon.
Speaking of which, gen X is the worst current generation
No. 618673
>>618651 >infuriating emoticonIt really is, My ex used it constantly and I couldn't tell at first if he just thought that was a normal smiley face..he turned out to be a smug asshole.
I don't have a FB but towards the end of the relationship I remember him showing me a heated debate that he was having with someone on there. I realised that all those evenings where he'd have his head stuck into his laptop barely grunting replies at me..he wasn't reading really interesting articles, he wasn't having a fun conversation about an interest he enjoyed.. he was acting smug with strangers on FB and debating people for hours at a time.
Noticed it on YT too, men love using it in reply to any woman with an attractive profile pic, those comments where a girl says 'loved the vid' and somehow that attracts random insults. I can't help but see it as the emoticon of bitter men now
No. 618674
>>618651Yes, I fucking hate it so much. Specially when it’s a guy asking for nudes
>it’s just for me bby ;;;;;;;;;;;;))))))))))))))They should get those symbols removed from their keyboards.
No. 618753
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Being homosexual is not a personality trait. I am so tired of twitter gay speech and everyone being "lgbtqpi+" spilling into real life. Most of them are actually homophobic but are doing this for clout because being gay is cool right now. If I have to hear "just gay things" by an "bi asexual non-cis woman of color" one more time, I'm getting entirely new friends. These people used to be cool, now all they can do is go on measurement competitions of who is the most woke gay.
I've ate more pussy than all of these bitches combined in my friend group and you don't hear me going on about how fucking gay I am. If you would actually be gay, you would know its not a fucking personality trait nor does it make you cool. My "bi" male friend would not actually have the balls to ever suck a dick. The "biasexual non-cis woman of color" is just a fucking sperg who is too autistic to have sex and would never get down to eat pussy, because she's not fucking gay. She appreciates women as attractive at best, but she would never ever munch that carpet or actually date a woman. Obviously I can't tell them this because that would be "homophobic" of me… I repeat, being gay is not cool nor is it a personality trait. I fucking hate twitterfags who think its woke and cool.
Hooking up is hell in the year 2020 because you have to filter through is this bitch a twitterfag or actually about it. Yes, I want to gatekeep this community. Unless you have ate pussy actively you don't get to claim to be into women. You are a plain hetero. You are not whatever your invented "lgbtqpi+" monicker is.
You are a H E T E R O and it's okay. Don't worry, you would be the same loser you are now even if you happened to be actually your invented "lgbtqpi+" identity.
No. 618762
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>>618753I love you lesbo-chan
No. 618771
>>618753GOOD POST
>I've ate more pussy than all of these bitches combined in my friend groupI wish that were me
No. 618782
>>618779ok retard
looks like you need a lesson on sexual attraction but I don't teach NEETs things so you'll need to use google for that
No. 618805
>>618792Not what I was saying anon. I don't care if you have dated men or have had long term male partners. I'm saying that I am tired of woketards pretending to be bi for clout points, yet the'yve never ate pussy nor would they ever actually eat pussy. That's why they compensate it by doing a caricature "super gaay" act. Being gay does not affect my personality. It's insulting and homophobic of them.
If you are not willing to have sex with a woman nor have ever dated one, you can not claim to be into women. In the year 2020 straight millenials have invaded gay spaces to pretend to be gay because they think its a costume and makes them cool.
>>618790Onlyfans is in court for evading taxes, they set the limits up because theyre strapped for cash and need to pay huge lawyer fees. People blaming bella thorne are morons. Theyre using this as an excuse to bring in much needed cash flow and using her as an out card.
>>618801But you would be willing to have sexual relations with a woman and would date a woman, am I correct? In that case, you can have the into women card and I'm sad to hear about your situation. Hopefully youll be able to move out and live freely soon.
If you would never actually have sex or date a woman, you are not into women. You are a hetero.
No. 618809
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>>618753I’m just tired of memes like this
No. 618821
Dance TikToks aren’t cringe. Though it’s sus when 15 year olds do it in crop tops and booty shorts.
>>618809What does this even mean??? It’s just comfy, self soothing behavior to pull your legs closer to your body.
No. 618822
>>618802>If you would never actually have sex or date a woman, you are not into women. You are a hetero.Then why did
>>618758 just say: having a one off encounter with the same sex doesn't make you bisexual?
If you are attracted to women and have had even ONE hookup, you're bisexual. Period.
>>618819They're absolutely retarded.
No. 618825
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Political nihilism and all "I think nothing will ever change so why should I take personal responsibility for anything I do or say" branches of thought are just glorified laziness, nothing more. It's pretending that if you don't care about something, it'll stop effecting you, or that your consciously-chosen apathy means no one can still be effected by what you do - immature adults abdicating responsibility under the guise of pseudo-intellectual cynicism.
No. 618829
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>>618796agree with almost everything here. im so tired of it lol if you arent focusing on “minorities” in anything at all (especially shit that is just for everyone and is random) people get upset and start flaming people who arent focusing on that. example attached is what i saw while casually scrolling depop as if theres any proof for this bs on an app which everyone can use and those who really have the upper-hand are typically rich already but regardless we have to feel bad for specific groups of people for some reason
No. 618835
>>618822I once upon a time thought I liked men and even had sex with one, before I realised I was a lesbo. It was a very brief period, but during it I did have sex with a man multiple times.
Men can be handsome to me, but I would not have sex with them nor date one ever again. It doesn't make me bi because I once upon time had sex with a man multiple times. I am gay, not faceblind, I can recognise a person being aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes those can be confused and I believe some of this wokedom fake gays are thinking that finding same sex aesthetic makes them gay. It does not, being gay does not make you faceblind.
Most homosexuals have had sexual encounters with the other sex. It does not make any of us bi. The same way once hooking up with same sex does not make you bi.
No. 618839
>>618834I spent 4 years with one guy and never once had sex, spent 3 years with the next guy and avoided sex as much as possible, I feel unable to come out because from the outside my dad thinks I've been fucking guys for the last ten years no problem.
Is my situation compulsory heterosexuality? I only heard the term lately
No. 618883
>>618833Fuck this reminds me
Last year I went to a pride parade for the first time in over 8 years. There were people waving a giant polyamory flag, a 40 year old man with bald spot on his head wearing 4 sizes too small hello kitty t-shirt and a miniskirt, 13 year olds waving trans flags everywhere, what I assume were straight people in fetish gear…
I remember when I first went to a pride parade and people were actually yelling about equal rights and being against homophobia since same-sex marriage wasn't legal back then. No weirdos.
What the fuck happened over the years??
No. 618918
>>618864SAME. It was actually my top played song on Spotify of 2019.
I would drive home from college and play it on repeat maybe 10 times every time. I'm a sperg but fuck I love the song as the meme it is.
No. 618985
>>618651this is my new favorite post on lolcow
>>618669i really like a lot of gen x musicians/actors kek so in a way i love them but everyday gen xers would be a different story.. i hate older millenials the most though.
No. 619127
>>618694I love seeing people text fight, not really here, but everywhere else
Fuck people who want to look like heroes or be proper by stopping them
No. 619241
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>>619018The vagina in question
No. 619265
>>619246Exactly! Nobody is entitled to your time if you don't want to give it to them. Same if you get ghosted, it sucks but you're not entitled to their time or attention, just move on. Why would you want to waste time making some interact with you if they don't care too?
I actually hate it when people drag shit out because they're too scared of ghosting or being honest about how their feelings. At least with ghosting I'm not having my time wasted
No. 619475
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>>619462People like that remind me of a line from Duckman.
>Bunch of dead-skin no-humor pansies! You tell 'em an icebreaker or two about women's libbers, gays, environmentalists, several minorities, the homeless, couple of religions, anorexics, obese people, the handicapped, old farts, baldness, and people who walk real goofy 'cause they just had a vasectomy, and suddenly they get all sensitive, like I offended one of them or something! No. 619573
As a bisexual myself, manhating radfems are my favorite kind of women, and they're not actually lesbians most of the time because their manhating stems from hands on experience
No. 619693
>>619572can't remember what thread it was but a few weeks ago all these girls were saying how they were attracted to women but only wanted to be with and have sex with men. I'm not a lesbian but you can kind of see why some of them don't trust self proclaimed bisexuals.
>Like I feel often they’re politically gay but not truly attracted to womenin my opinion then they're not really lesbian in that case. I was just watching a video of a radfem saying that she disliked political lesbians because they don't believe people are born with their sexualities.
No. 619704
>>619693I kind of see both sides. I agree bisexuals in straight relationships don't face oppression on that axis and while being gay is still stigmatized using that term to describe yourself when you don't feel like you would ever enter a same sex relationship can be
problematic. At the same time, I feel like there are a lot of societal reasons that may influence why they're currently feeling that way and it's a phase a lot of people who do end up pursuing women have also gone through. I think that it's healthy for women experiencing attraction to women of any kind to explore it, even if they never end up pursuing it. I mean if they're not looking for relationships with and don't want to have sex with women like they say they don't, I don't care about that and it doesn't affect me or any lesbians because they aren't pursuing them. I definitely don't see any benefit in generalizing it to all bisexuals.
No. 619724
>>619564it's funny because it's true
>>619573I like the manhating radfems because their man hate (or more accurately, hate of the male class domination) is often comprehensible, based on wide societal observations and actually threatening to men. Quite surprisingly the "ugh men should be just KILLED i hate my bf!!!!!" type of "manhate" is the most socially accepted form because it's only damaging to the person uttering it by making them look like a retard with no nuance, but the educated takes striking right to the core of the patriarchy are the ones that are actively silenced because they are, like the term implies, radical and thus threats to the status quo.
No. 619736
>>618883This was my experience with the Pride parade in my city last year.
>2012: Mostly gay people>2019: 50% trans flags, a ton of obviously straight "allies" just coming there to party and "be on the good side of history", so many fucking kids in the middle of the fetish wear kinksters, 13-year olds with trans pins and face paint, a huge turnout of asexuals because apparently they're an oppressed sexual minority now, so much commercialism, gay men segregated themselves to their own block because they don't want to deal with any of this bullshit and left lesbians and bisexuals to fend on their own. Thank god the pandemic canceled the parade this year but definitely not going next year. It was hell to witness.
No. 619903
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Stories with Mary Sues are great, give them all to me, give me all of those beautiful and frail self insert oc’s donut steel that falls in love with the cool ass motherfucker who is actually a sensitive soft boy or the uwu soft boy who is actually a kind of cool ass motherfucker.
Also, self-insert fanfics are neat, it’s better than the overused tropes for whichever pairing you like from any fandom.
No. 619926
>>619890Agree. Her OF content is gross but it isn't really that milky.
Isn't her thread filled with other cosplayers anyway? Pretty sure some of the cosplayers that trash her on main also got caught posting in her thread. Nicoletters being one of them
No. 619950
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I HATE this new hair dye trend, it looks so stupid and every girl I've met with this hair style has always been an asshole.
No. 619951
>>619903I wouldn't mind them as much if they appealed to my taste.
which is why I just make my own The frail ~pure maiden~ types and blank state self inserts just aren't fun to imagine myself as. And the shy,innocent reader inserts aren't relatable. I want more sassy/assertive self-inserts but most of them are male.
No. 619953
>>619903The only time i hate Mary Sues is when its made to pander towards lonely scrotes or men who can't stand seeing women characters outside of the action girl or sex object trope
Other than that, I don't care! I don't like how women are harassed for their likes but men are allowed to lust over their coombait waifus as much as they want.
No. 619974
>>619951I love them as well, but I find it really hard to get the right amount of badassery in the
transformers self-insert fanfics I’ve read so far, sometimes they’re trying waaay too hard to be cool and not like other girls, I honestly
write my own fanfics that I never publish prefer when there’s some balance between being badass but also kind of feminine? and not a character you can change their pronouns to he/him without any repercussions to the story.
No. 620013
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looking at all of them together like this, you can really tell Venus was probably the ugliest of them all
No. 620015
>>620004yep agree with literally everything you said here… also the vid of her talking about global warming + the one of her talking about trump are so dumb
>>620013kek whatever happened to the bottom two?? i forgot they existed
No. 620026
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>>620021Someone who speaks Russian should make a thread on her. She was certainly an interesting personality.
Anyone remember Angelika? Idk what happened to her, but I think she looked the “best” out of all the “dolls” lol.
No. 620050
Brassy bleached hair can actually look really good sometimes. And no, my hair isn't dyed or brassy lmao, i just think the warm undertones can look nice on some people.
>>620047yea, why do so many of them have ugly hairy beer guts and nasty floppy asses?
but then again women look much better than men in general anyway.
No. 620078
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>>618016>>618036He would be cuter as a woman.
No. 620104
>>620087Yeah there's those vids too where 'particularly' fat ugly guys are fucking attractive young women and while it looks like a freakshow to me.. the thumbs up ratio on them is always pretty positive. It's like 'oh thank you for allowing me to delude myself for just a few mins'
I need to stop watching porn myself, too much of it looks like freakshow shit to me and it's probably killing my desire more than satiating it
No. 620106
>>620101are you a retard?
my (clearly) unpopular opinion is this thread shouldn't include posting incorrect facts.
No. 620108
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I don't get the hype around the strawberry dress, and I think it's ugly
No. 620113
>>620106Uhhh… wrong reply?
>>620101I agree. They probably eat a lot but don't eat as often, hence why they're skinny.
I ate the same dinners as my boyfriend, but he always ate a lot more than me during dinner. I gained 50 lbs, he gained 10. The difference? I snacked more throughout the day (during work just eating a bunch of chips and candy) AND lunch and still ate dinner and dessert. He only had like, a sandwich and an apple for lunch and then ate a lot during dinner, but never snacked.
I am currently losing weight though. But the skinny people that eat a lot don't eat frequently, just large amounts and then exercise or work it off.
No. 620133
>>620123maintenance I guess, because he didn't go up in calories, just changed what he was eating to foods that had higher sugar content (mostly foods that are marketed as "healthy") but since he's eating the same amount of calories as before, if calories are all that matter he shouldn't have gained weight.
>>620130what's your evidence then?
No. 620140
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>>620133Probably the body of scientific evidence that shows a relationship between calorie intake and weight.
to be be fair there are reasons to believe that there are other factors affecting people’s weight (pic related) still you shouldn’t try to pass an anecdotal documentary off as evidence
No. 620146
>>620081Asking for advice here of all places is an awful idea. I'm concerned for the mental health of farmers who do, or say stuff like "lolcow is like a family to me!"… what kind of families do you guys have? Lol.
>>620101Surely the skinny people would be telling the truth, though? Since if they were incorrect, they would actually be gaining weight if they ate more, but they're not gaining weight.
No. 620163
>>620144NTA, but the article is about a study published in a science journal. The sources are listed in the study.
I think a lot of it is HFCS, there are numerous studies saying it's worse than sugar. Coca-Cola stopped using sugar in favor of HFCS in the mid 80s after the New Coke fiasco. The New Coke conspiracy theory always seemed way too realistic to me.
No. 620244
>>620121Anon, unironically try it yourself. Actually count calories, stay at 1200 or under, make it all junk food.
See if you "gain a bunch of weight". I'm serious.
No. 620247
>>620200It's a pretty basic idea though. The data they used is from the start of the NHANES, a CDC survey done to make statistics on health. This particular study found that BMI increased even in people who did the same amount of exercise and had similar calorie intake.
You don't have to blindly trust every study, but the good thing is you can read their sources and see if it's bullshit or not.
No. 620260
Castration should be more popular as a therapy/treatment method. A lot of people with penises have certain mental health problems that they could be relieved of, ranging from sexual illnesses, like pedophilia, to hysterical, often narcissistic rage. If they had their more "base" instincts neutralized, it would help a lot more than just talking about their problems and/or taking pills, IMO.
Castration should be less reviled and taboo in general, especially for those 40 or above. Surprisingly, it helps a lot of individuals achieve mental clarity. Humans shouldn't be breeding for the full extent of their lives, anyway, the likelihood of autistic or deformed children jumps very high after a certain point. We're also in an era where there's more recreation available in life than just sex. It's genuinely not that bad, especially for those who have already had children (as well as "incels", who are sure to never spread their seed in the first place, on top of having extreme mental issues they shouldn't be passing down anyway).
No. 620280
>>620269I said that because that's literally what I did, and I lost a shitton of weight. I still do that often, and I'm the same weight as I was. I don't have any liver disease, either. Calories are calories. The quality differs, but your body won't just create excess fat from nothing.
He's either lying about how much food he ate when he had the healthy diet (it had to have been fewer calories than he claims), or after he switched diets (probably snacking on the side and excusing himself for it). I don't know how to convince someone of this other than letting them find out for themselves, lmao. There's so many contradictory articles and documentaries going around about how this works, and it's always either to sell something, or to give people excuses to never change their habits. It's an endless argument if you're not using actual, real life experience.
No. 620298
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>>620159He’s hyper masculine to the point of becoming ugly
No. 620343
>>620338That's true, and I really noticed it after I started looking up random actresses birth dates. They're often much older than I'd expect based on their roles and how youthful they look.
They seem a harsher on famous lead actresses though, irrelevant TV actresses get away with being older but in movies they're always pairing women up with old men once they hit their 30s or making them play moms in their 40s. It's dumb bc tonnes of them age well, I'm watching a Charlize Theron movie from 2019 rn and fuck me she is sooo stunning in her 40s.
No. 620460
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>>620458kek true, I never understood why a girl who looks like this chose to become a Dakota-wannabe.
No. 620466
>>620438Idk who that is, not my cow.
>>620458I’ve never truly considered her a cow. Nor have I ever seen people calling her fat or ugly, minus Kiki of course.
I hate when people try to preach purity politics on lolcow as if they aren’t here for the same thing.
No. 620510
>>620494Not unpopular at all. She just stated the basic definition of cultural appropriation, it's OK for people to use others cultures, but not in an exploitative way. Most normal people agree with this. The people yelling are a loud majority.
>>620496American Descendants of Slavery? Your opinion sometimes appears in African American forums. Think pink pill, but men replaced with white people and sexism with racism. I think you can also read about it in black nihilist/existentialism or afro pessimism texts, forgot which exactly.
No. 620514
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>>620343It gives people an unrealistic expectation for high school girls when ya have 28 year olds playing teens lol
Rose was 28 in jaw breaker
No. 620522
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We need to bring back bullying
No. 620523
>>620288>Sex trafficking wont stop porn, the exploitation of women wont stop it, men objectifying women wont stop it.
>The only way it's going to stop is when young men who grew up on it start experiencing erectile dysfunction and losing money from it within the next 20 years.we'd have to evolve into a completely different society for porn to be stopped completely.
>America will end up like japan and younger people will stop having sex, getting married and dating.Agreed for English world in general. Is it a bad thing though?
No. 620576
>>620534I don’t know, anon, it’s pretty easy to spot an underage retard even if they have a fake ID that says they’re 18+.
They should get penalized though, apps and such shouldn’t let people change the year of their date of birth, so when you have an 11 years old saying they’re totally 18 years old, they will either have to own it as they grow up or delete their account and start over.
This makes me get, to some extent, why are ID’s needed to use Facebook nowadays, and I honestly wouldn’t mind if other sites used this method to keep retarded kids away from the internet, since we all know there’s always an idiotic parent behind an unhinged kid.
No. 620581
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Kinder eggs being illegal in America isn't a really a "Ha ha Americans are to dumb to not choke" and more of an accidental ban.
America had a general law saying any non-food item cannot be in a food item, even if stated on the box. This law passed over 70 years ago and had legit reasons for existing, people would die if manufactures could put random shit in their food with no warnings, but it over stayed its welcome and accidentally banned kinder eggs. No one wanted to over turn the law or put the effort into a "*Objects except kinder eggs" clause so it stayed.
Besides the kinder egg ban is very minimal and you can buy kinder egg knockoffs at almost any store
No. 620588
>>620585I honestly feel like being thin never has and never will
really be ‘out’
No. 620605
>>620585>>620588On various imageboards (mostly women's imageboards) I've been seeing threads like "this 'thick' trend will be over soon, right girls?? i mean, men don't actually find overweight women attractive right??? please tell me men find skinny women attractive still" for years now, and while I have no doubt that 2000s fashion will experience a natural resurgence, you can browse these threads and tell that it's almost entirely seething anachans. Lol.
That discussion aside, the truth is that people who aren't "skinny" (average weight and above) will probably wear those types of clothing anyway, and may even be the group wearing those types of clothing the most. Clothing companies already operate cheaply and they rarely ever spend the extra 5 cents it'd take produce clothing in sizes that aren't the most common sizes, because if the consumer market for those sizes is small, they fear it won't sell or won't be worth producing. The railthin body that celebrity women of the 2000s had (as good as they looked) would've been a more common body type then, but women with that kind of body that are becoming a minority, and clothing companies likely can't be motivated to produce clothing for a smaller consumer market (even though it takes less resources to make an XS product than an XL product - but they don't care about that, they only care about making things that are guaranteed to sell.)
No. 620622
>>620618It is lying to omit the fact that you have children from your profile. I do not date single fathers and the ones who have allowed me to develop feelings before dropping a HUGE bomb that they have children already get automatically canned.
Single parents are gonna have to buck up and deal with the fact that either A) They shouldn't seek online dating if they feel mentioning their kids attracts predators, or B) That mentioning that they have kids will limit their dating pool and they won't have as many options.
No one likes fucking with single parents for a good reason. Sorry not sorry.
No. 620625
>>620618Piggybacking from this, I honestly think single parents with toddlers or teens shouldn’t be dating at all, yeah, it sucks that they got a shitty divorce or whatever, but they have kids, their priority is keeping them safe and teaching them how to be decent humans.
Also, trying to get in a relationship just because they think that will make things better at home isn’t a good excuse as to why they should bring random people they met on the internet to their home.
If they’re so desperate for companionship, maybe they should try making friends with the parents of their kids’ friends or put the kid in an orphanage since they don’t care that much about them in the first place.
No. 620671
>>620640>>620585I'm not sure about that, we're already seeing "thicker" women like Normani Kordei in "Motivation" and Princess Nokia in vid related wearing early 2000s fashion while retaining their body types.
It may look weird to you, but the media can meme anything into being acceptable (remember 80s hair/fashion?).
Being thin was never exactly out of fashion, anyway, it's just not exalted over everything else in this era. IG is full of skinny girls, and model-thin bodies are still praised (otherwise K-pop would've been a complete and total failure in the west).
No. 620695
>>620671Women like her them would be considered curvy in the early 2000s now they're considered on the thin/average side.
Jlo was considered thic with a big ass back in the day, now look at how small she is compared to what is considered thic now.
No. 620707
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>>620695>they're considered on the thin/average sideNo they aren't? Idk about Nokia, but people compliment Normani her for having curves all the time, plus she's a dancer so that extra muscle is adding to that. Women with her and Jlo's body are considered thick. Where have you seen anyone with her body be called "thin"?
deleted cause i forgot to spoiler No. 620726
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Jimin is overrated.
No. 620784
>>620627Ntayrt and unpopular opinion: But a lot of people should because it's obvious they prioritize their romantic and sexual interests before their own children who they chose to bring into this world.
The self-aware ones just abort and avoid the entire song and dance of convincing themselves and others that they actually wanted to be parents.
No. 620921
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>>620869I’m tired of the “Keanu Reeves aged well” meme when he obviously didn’t
No. 621034
>>621020Laugh tracks are really the worst. At first I thought I hated them in principle, like they had to tell people when to laugh. But I've realized laugh tracks in themselves make a series less funny, because it forces over reliance on punchlines instead of subtle jokes and prevents the right comedic timing for fast dialogue exchanges. It also fucks with the tone and forces every joke to seem lighthearted when it doesn't have to be.
Thank god it's basically obsolete.
No. 621225
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>>617622This. If you spend a year or so learning basic programming you can make even more money by developing a Visual novel or dating sim, the guy making monster island makes 30k monthly.
No. 621333
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Paralives is going to be yansim 2.0, its literally impossible to crowdfund a game as big as that and not have it crash and bur, also everyone in the team has cowish behavior.
No. 621334
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>>621320Just like every part of a female body, thin lis go in and out of fashion. Of course thin lips can look good.
No. 621353
>>621333AGREED tbh I'm not sure I even like the style that much, it looks too cartoonish
the drama with the developer that got fired and called the creator out was funny as fuck but also interesting since according to her they aren't that far into development as they claim while als promising a fuckton of things at launch
No. 621360
>>621317Depends on the case for me but I rarely have any sympathy unless it was over really stupid shit
Hate the defense of “I was young, everyone does stupid shit” because no, very few people are dumb to the extent of blacking up on camera and wilfully uploading the video for the world to see
No. 621371
Anyway unrelated opinion: Love live is a garbage anime. Every character is annoying, unlikeable, and the art style is hideous even by moe standards. Can't believe some farmers actually like this shit.
No. 621405
>>621401sorry but blaming pick mes for your bfs simp shit isn't a
valid excuse to ignore him being low value.
No. 621415
>>621357I'm over 30 and I already gave up on sex a few years ago lol, I honestly get more joy from a solo session.
Enjoy your virgins though, I've had some in the past and the power dynamic was sweet imo, not in a real domineering way but it felt like a nice balance. They're grateful
No. 621448
>>621401There's nothing wrong with having standards. Most anons' boyfriends sound pathetic even if they're not
No. 621459
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No. 621478
>>621459T H I S
Not only do they look ugly af because the cut but are also uncomfortable to wear. Fuck this shit. Men's tees only.
No. 621541
>>621534Not sure about this. Why would you lie? Sure, you might be ashamed but sex is really intimate and I know I'd feel horrible if I found out partner had lied about how much they'd had in the past- this isn't because I care about body count I'd just feel shitty that they'd decided to lie.
Also I hate to pull this card but I feel like if a guy lied to his girlfriend about how many people he'd slept with then people would look at that a lot differently.
No. 621625
>>621617Diff anon. I've posted about my cervical cancer scare here before. I tested positive for one of the cancer causing strains of HPV, I had cervical cell changes. A layer of cells was on the verge of being cancer. Two years of being terrified and getting examined, zapped, retested, re-examined. I was waiting to see if my body would eliminate the HPV by itself (seeing as no treatment exists for it)
Well my partner at the time was having an affair I didn't know about. I've never found out the true timeline of it. I don't know if he gave me the HPV or if he caught it from me… and probably gave it to her. She's a heavy smoker and older than me so those two factors play a bad role in her ability to clear the infection if he gave it to her. She has four young kids.
HPV is one to be careful of. Where I live there is no HPV testing for men, only women. Seems retarded to me but then again they're not the ones getting cancer in their genitals.
No. 621686
>>621627Every winter I prefer summer and every summer I prefer winter. But tbh even when I'm overheated and worrying about sun exposure, the warmth, light and longer days noticeably improve my mood. It's almost instantaneous once winter ends.
The best season is objectively spring though. It just hit in my country and it's been 25-30 degrees the last few days, just the right temperature, and smells amazing. We have jasmine in our yard and it never fails to make me happy.
No. 621711
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>>621700If by rappers you mean strippers
No. 621739
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High heels are ugly af. That gazelle look is not cute. They make the veins on your feet pop out, and make feet look ugly. Feet are beautiful in their natural state. Also, platform heels are probably the most hideous shoes out there.
No. 621746
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>>621739what about platform boots anon
No. 621752
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Small dogs are better than big dogs. They’re cuter, less smelly, have softer fur, have more breeds that aren’t hyperactive and need tons of space, and live longer. They may have higher barks but big dogs can be just as yappy and are sometimes worse because of how loud they are. Cat size dogs > horse dogs
No. 621781
>>621752I specifically got a dog that has a deeper bark but is otherwise a adorable puppy appearance (miniature/toy poodle) for the best of both worlds. Scares people away
and looks adorable.
No. 621839
I really, STRONGLY, feel like people use black people as a tool to make themselves feel morally sound and accomplished. I care a lot about the BLM movement, but the shit I've been hearing lately is just insane. It's like people forgot that there are other issues in the world, and make everything a race issue and everything about black people being victims. The other day, after my black friend and her little sister stopped by, I told my cousin that her little sister was so cute and that I had no idea she was only 8, and that she was very well behaved and looked a little older. She proceeded to go "you can't say that, black girls have been sexualized and matured way beyond their years and they get preyed on or dismissed emotionally because of it" I literally not only already knew this, but it had nothing to fucking do with what I said. I would say the same about any kid who acted and looked older. I didn't say it to the girl's face either. Why is everything a "but they're BLACK, you can't say x, do x" Did they say these things for themselves? Why are white people suddenly the spokespeople for black people?
No. 621846
>>621839wtf you just gave a compliment that people often give for people of any race and i feel like most of the time it has nothing to do with what she is saying although that is an issue. i feel like only people who are still on twitter/heavily use social media are constantly thinking like this and are always looking for ways to be offended. any sane person who lives in the real world wouldnt answer like that.
idk if ill get in trouble for this but i think theres gonna be a peak-blm movement soon just like gender critical. i feel like any well adjusted normal person agrees black lives matter; however, the movement itself or just how its playing out is actually counterproductive.
No. 621853
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Michael Scott would have been an ideal partner if he just hadn't been rude
Embarrassing shameless romantics are sincere, and in this miserable world, that counts for pretty much everything
He literally shouts to the world when he's in love with someone; how could you even get embarrassed when you know how restricted most men are with love?
Also, he didn't lose his v-card until he was 26, which I believe is the correct age for men
No. 621871
>>621859I was excited, but honestly? Both the devs and the community around the game, i'm cool.
Sims 3 is fun, and I actually really enjoy Sims 4.
I seriously doubt the game will be as deep or fun as the Sims and for maybe a month or two after it launches everyone will act like it's the best thing in the world before realizing it's not.
Then maybe a year or so the game will have a overhaul and it'd be the same cycle.
Sims 3/4 have given me years of joys despite the bullshit that EA pulls, I'm not the type that's playing sims 4 for 3 years and then whines about how the game is boring and I wasted my money.
I enjoy the game, I want an game like the sims, but I just serously doubt we'd get anything thats close to the Sims games.
No. 621885
>>621871Life sim games seem extremely hard to make well, so I doubt a few randos are gonna be able to do it better than a huge team of professionals from a company with all that experience. I didn’t even know there was drama, but that just really seals it.
I saw people worshipping it for having pizza in a box be an actual model or some shit and not just a flat texture and it’s like… does anyone actually care about that though? I would like my game to run smoothly instead
Has there even been videos about the gameplay? It’s odd because plumbella just made a video about People of Newberry saying it looked sus, and sure I guess paralives has a bit more, but a lot of that same criticism can be applied to paralives. Character creation is one tiny part of a sim
No. 621899
>>621889A strong case for socialism if ever there is one
Countries with solid, publicly owned public transport don't know what they have. It goes all the way to the top, the conservative politicians in my country slowly sold the public transport to private countries and now everything is shit and expensive
No. 622091
>>621885there are no actual gameplay videos, only small snippets that show some tiny functionality like putting titles on tombstones lol. the character creation also was only shown recently. the game is not even in the alpha stage.
the People of Newberry stuff makes me think that the russian dude who is the alleged "developer" just saw the hype around paralives and decided to scam bunch of casuals
No. 622139
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Gate keeping is necessary
No. 622154
>>622151>act like they're saints for parenting their own kidsGod I fucking hate this. I hated when the moms of disabled kids at school would give presentations about how "rewarding" it is and what special little angels they and their child are. Imagine if the child was conscious enough to understand that their mom was seeking asspats for not dumping them in a river as a baby
I don't want to kill all disabled people but I do wish genetic testing and abortion weren't taboo so people like this would stop existing.
No. 622165
>>622146I've been saying this for years but it's hard to say anything against the internet's most precious gamer faggot.
I'm half convinced that people are in denial about it because then they'd have to admit they turned a blind eye and liked someone shitty just because he appealed to their interests. People hate being wrong.
No. 622169
>>622146Yeah that's definitely unpopular, most people think he's not doing it on purpose, that he's just "real", and even sometimes that's he's actually very woke and people twist his words.
It's not even what he says but his whole demeanor and attitude makes it obvious he has sexist and racist beliefs.
No. 622171
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>>621752Big dogs are funnier and more entertaining, and they tend to be much more playful and active. Small dogs are like plushies that bark, very boring if you ask me
No. 622186
>>622146Well, he’s definitely classiest as fuck. I couldn’t take him seriously after I saw a video of him whining about how poor people feel “entitled to his money”.
Also, he has talked about bullying poor kids during his school years, like it wasn’t a big deal. Fuck that shit. He needs his own thread lol
No. 622203
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>>622184What about humans who lick the butts of other humans?
No. 622233
>>622203NTA but my ex was ass obsessed. I can't help but see rimming as a generally submissive or degrading thing to do. When we were talking about it one day I mentioned that and he got so fucking offended because he generally isn't the submissive type (he was a control freak in most areas of his life) It hit such a weird nerve. The guy went nuts.
I honestly respect guys a little less when I hear they're really into rimming
No. 622251
>>622218Is your dog old? Mine is very old and used to eat her shit and act as she was mentally stuned. For a long we thought she was just weird, turns out she has a syndrome (I don't remember the name, sorry) that affects her brain and she's basically extremely hungry all the time.
We can't afford the medicine and it isn't very effective anyways, but we take much better care of her now and make sure she isn't eating weird things
No. 622305
>>622282Spent a few years in a scene full of subs into that shit so it has a strong association with that in my mind.
I'm ESL so tbh I don't know what 'categorizing' means in this case. When I say I make an association I mean doing those things with a partner puts me into a certain headspace. He was the one guy out of a lot of guys where he popped up wanting that kind of play, we started dating and the dynamic was different.
>>622287I have small hands, and wasn't his first rodeo lol
No. 622370
>>622356I don't know any personally but my mother was in hospital alot. I know everyone has bad days in work, it can be a stressful job etc… but there were some absolute bitches.
The nicest nurses I ever came across were in the couple days before she died. Maybe they keep all the ones with a good bedside manner in wards where death is expected soon? Thank god anyway. It was nice for a change, even given the shitty circumstances I appreciated them.
No. 622390
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Wearing a bikini (the bottom half) like this just looks dumb as fuck
No. 622393
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>>622385>i respect cats but don’t find them cutekek
No. 622401
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>>622390I like it, it makes the legs look longer. Though I prefer one piece swimsuit/bodysuit with high cuts on the legs for the same effect.
No. 622414
>>622401Looks way better on this body type!
I like to keep my pubes trimmed but still in a nutural shape, coudn't be arsed reshaping for any suit or bikini. I buy mine wanting coverage of pubes lol
No. 622459
>>622436I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Catcalling is just something that gets talked about more because it happens more often and it's only meant to humiliate you, whereas cold approaching is humongously scary and disturbing. I grey rock everyone who tries it and don't even answer to their first line but sometimes they've gotten violent like trying to grab my arm when I ignore them. I'm super average and boring looking too and I wear headphones everywhere I go, a clear sign I'm not fucking interested. Last time it happened was last week, I was waiting for a friend and some douchebag saw it as his opportunity to come talk to me unsolicited despite me avoiding eye contact and not answering him. Scrotes don't deserve to breathe.
>>622454based anon, I'm going to steal this bit for the next time it happens. I'm usually just rude as fuck to them when they don't leave me alone despite me ignoring them trying to ask for my name but this sounds much more fun.
No. 622470
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Bella is a beautiful girl but her nose looks bad, I never understood all those people who were joking about wanting her surgeon's number or saying that he had magic hands
No. 622471
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>>622454I usually put on an accent and ask them if they wanna get married because I need a green card. I make sure to look as crazy as humanly possible too. Works every time.
No. 622494
>>622481It's always ok to ghost someone you barely know (ie talked to on tinder for a while). Even after a date if it was bad, though I tend to fade rather than fully ghost if I've actually met someone irl.
It's beyond me how people can expect you to do so much emotional labour for someone you're not interested in. Why do you need to start an awkward, uncomfortable dialogue about your lack of interest when ghosting gets the message across perfectly? It's not your fault if they're so immature they can't take a blatant hint. It won't necessarily make them less offended and hurt if you tell them you aren't interested rather than ghost them, but it sure af does give entitled assholes an opening to guilt you, go off at you, or try to persuade you to give them a chance.
No. 622497
doesn't get a message across though, and it's not a hint. just say you don't want to talk/see them anymore and block them. i feel like most people deserve some kind of acknowledgement unless they are being shit.
No. 622510
>>622500I agree but when you say it this way you sound fucking nuts.
Tarot doesn't "tell" people anything. Tarot should be applied to people's lives as as a guidance and almost like summary of someone's current situation.
If someone gets a 3 of swords you shouldn't tell them "Hey you're gonna experience heartbreak" you should be asking if there's any turbulence in their relationships or friendships and using cards around that card to try and come up with a solution.
If you are telling people things that would cause the to act adversely from tarot readings, then you're a shit reader.
No. 622541
It’s definitely the type of thing to learn about in very small doses. Used to love it as a teen but in recent years it just depresses me.
No. 622556
>>622551You know a very large amount of homeless people ARE mentally ill, right?From
>About a quarter to a third of the homeless have a serious mental illness — usually schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or severe depression — and the proportion is growing. Having a roof over your head when you are mentally ill is no more of a privilege than having a roof over your head when you have cancer. No one deserves to be homeless just because they are dysfuntional.
No. 622565
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>>622559Sanic totem more powerful than tarot confirmed
No. 622622
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>>622607i agree, especially with the hair part. but i do miss the 90s and 2000s when unambigious dark skin girls were stars of their own shows. maybe im just being nostalgic though. netflix just loves to cast biracials in any non-white role and be done with it. the media has always had a lightskin bias but it feels especially present to this day :/
(:/) No. 622643
>>622638 'break your own nose' doesn't actually mean breaking your nose. It's just another way of saying nose reconstruction.
And also, yes, this is caused by generational media influence and even trauma, but at the end of the day it's no one's fault but the people who continue to hold girls in their community to westernized standards, going as far as saying they need to avoid the sun. Why not teach your daughter to love what literally makes her her ethnicity? For example, I'm arab as fuck. I look arab as fuck. My cousin looks like a white girl and I look ugly next to her by default, especially in the eyes of my family. I'm not even ugly, I'm just ARAB like everyone else in my family. I see it happening to my little cousins, and I'll be damned if I blame the pain I see it causing to them on the WHI PEPOW
No. 622656
>>622643I get what you mean. I guess I just kinda blamed the root of the issue, but the
victims (for lack of a better word) are keeping the issue alive. Also, I think white girls are kinda adopting ethnic features now so I don't think the "white beauty is the standard" thing is really being upheld by them anymore.
No. 622661
>>622607anon did you grow up in a place with little black people? Because while I agree as a black person I didn't see much, I grew up around my mom, and other black women, so for me i didn't really need the media, I had black women around me to help with my hair/style or for examples.
Even today I know all the trends and tricks for my hair type because the black women around me before I look to the media.
Then again, I live in a very black city and i went to public schools that were probably 70% african american.
No. 622684
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This opinion is probably unpopular everywhere else but just because you have tits and an ass doesnt mean you will become an onlyfans star. I know as a women I shouldn't tear down other women but goddamn. Bitc take pics like the one attached and think people will be calling over themselves to kiss their ass.
ya only the ugly or deranged ones.
Just keep your clothes on and get a decent job.
No. 622686
this is not a vendetta post btw, I don't know this person, but it was retweeted and I was exposed to it. The face gets me the most.
No. 622720
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>>622698American Kinder Eggs are different than the original
No. 622758
>>622720Is Kinder Joy American? They’ve been available in Europe for years, alongside the original eggs. I prefer them
Also unpopular opinion: Nutella tasted like cheap shit even before the recipe change
No. 622817
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>>622815>Straight women with short pixie haircuts are usually douchey/annoying Oh my god, yes. Short bob haircuts as well.
No. 622836
>>622824not gonna disagree with your opinion even if i love rap in its
problematic glory, but isn't megan thee stallion doing that? yeah she looks like a stripper but most (if not all) of her lyrics are about men being useless unless they're good at sex, eat her out and spend money on her. does that count in your books or is the male gaze too strong? just curious.
No. 622837
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The media glamorization of coffee and cigarettes as "aesthetic" is a deliberate action to keep people unhealthy. People don't mention this shit being bad as much as fast food's popularization, since it's not as in your face, but I feel like that makes it a bit more insidious.
All shit that worsens your anxiety, dehydrates you, and ages you prematurely. This is only slightly related, but notice that calorie counting is never popularized on a large scale except in the fringes of "pro-ana" communities, which also largely support the "coffee and cigarettes" meme.
No. 622847
>>622837IKR! It’s so weird, specially since everyone knows smoking is terrible for the health, but yet you get to see people that has amazing diets but will smoke a pack of cigarettes or cigars a day, preaching about being healthy.
It’s so ingrained in ours heads that a smoke and some coffee are “cool” “classy” and “not that bad” that we all try to understand it and accept it when it’s so bad for the overall health.
No. 622856
Posts where people complain about rap here are honestly so fucking cringe.
They're literally just akin to some old person saying "rap sucks these days". You're literally only focusing on what main media puts out today and not the many talented rappers that aren't played on the radio or streamed a lot because guess what: sex and drugs sell. You really think they're gonna let some feminist rapper on the track?
You are not saying anything "new" or amazing here and definitely aren't informed enough to make observations like this.
>>622837The only reason my grandma ever started smoking and drinking coffee was because there was a song back when she was younger called "Coffee and Cigarettes" which glorified both.
I also think it's hilarious when people who haven't "had their coffee for the day" can't have their coffee and they suffer from caffeine withdrawal.
No. 622859
>>622837I don't smoke but yea there's nothing glamorous about feeling dependant on coffee to function. You see places selling clothes and decor with cutesy slogans about needing coffee and it's being turned into a personality trait similar to those wine drinking moms on fb
Hehe look at my bad habits that I use to get me through each miserable day
I drink it all day til bedtime. It's not cute. Like I'm actually retarded for getting to this point.
No. 622876
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I actually like the e-girl look. I think it IS cute but the personality is was sucks.
No. 622913
>>622898Why don’t you take the same approach? I mean maybe don’t go full psycho but in situations that call for it. Being nice and ‘feminine’ doesn’t actually get you anywhere. If it did then men wouldn’t still be on top
Manifest that shit
No. 622920
>>622918This. It's weird that no one seems to take issue when rock (and metal) music does it. Music made by penis people in general is misogynistic, because they are.
Anyway, more women need to start taking over genres of music without having to pander to males.
No. 622923
>>622898I agree with this anon
>>622913 but I also think the world's a better place for having people like you. I suppose you just have to find the right balance, I hope I do too.
Also, some anon posted about how men used to sing songs about pleasing women rather than objectifying them, but now their post is gone… REGARDLESS this song is my wholesome contribution. This, "everything I own" by B.R.E.A.D, or "love is all around" by the Troggs are my wholesome jams no one asked for.
No. 622926
>>622919Thank you. That dumbass didn't even read my post probably. The point of me bringing up old people saying rap sucks is that is the most over beaten dead horse in the history of time.
They think they're being edgy or contrarian when they just sound like retards repeating the same thing that isn't even an unpopular opinion on sites like this.
Then they cite only current, mainstream rappers and act like their "based" blanket opinions have a leg to stand on kek
It's not criticism if you don't even criticize it properly double kek
No. 622950
>>622933Yeah, literally all the people who ever told me that hard work is more than enough to succeed in life were people who had a good childhood, supportive, nice, educated families that aren't poor, family and friends who gave them jobs despite having no qualifications or experience for them, no major health issues that could get in the way of their general well-being, education, job, reputation if that a visible health issues, or even self-esteem, etc. At worst, they've been through minor shit like having the flu once during finals and they'll endlessly complain about it. They think life is the same for everyone regardless of circumstances, it's insane. I know lucky people who acknowledge how lucky they are but absolutely not irl.
These are the same people who would be salty as fuck when they'd learn I was eligible for a (very small compared to some countries I think?) scholarship because I came from a poor family with several siblings and one of my parents is too disabled to work. It wasn't even enough to leave my parents' place and study where I wanted while they were living by themselves thanks to their parents' money only.
No. 623023
>>622971When I first meet a guy I usually act like I'm the most open minded person sexually.. get them comfortable enough to tell me about their kinks and porn tastes.
I absolutely judge them, lose respect for them. And dodge some bullets.
No. 623082
>>622933Thank you, yes. I dated someone for years who was one of those bootstraps types despite having never worked a "wage-slave" gig in his life. He literally got his first job, which propelled him to a six figure salary within a few years, through nepotism. His immediate and extended family are all rich and successful. By contrast, I was raised in a super rural town and my family is riddled with alcoholism and mental illness. My mom abused me every day of my life and my dad acted like I didn't exist. Nobody taught me how to do anything and I've had anxiety/depression since I was 8. I had a lot of help from my ex's family and I appreciated that, but they always just seemed baffled by how much I struggled with everything. It's taken me years to finish college because my anxiety is so severe. It's so humiliating to struggle this much and be constantly surrounded by people who refuse to understand where you're coming from and believe you just aren't trying hard enough.
Oh and bootstrap ex just dated me because he "likes girls with daddy issues" so that's fun too. I guess he didn't realize that you have to actually relate to someone somewhat to make a relationship work, aside from just having some fucked up fetish for their trauma.
No. 623089
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>>622858>>622912>>623080>every genre of music includes songs which are sexist and songs which aren't>pretend this is something exclusive to genres pioneered predominately by black musiciansGee. One can only wonder what the motivation behind this deliberately obtuse "claim" is.
No. 623090
>>623082I fucking hate upper middle class and rich kids so god damn much. They are
always smug and lack awareness of themselves or the world. Fucking this one dude, sitting in his rich parents house, working a job he had
at his parents company that he has been “working” in since he was a child had the fucking audacity to say to me — barely able to pay rent at the time — “So…? I’m poor too”
No. 623093
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No. 623116
>>623113Nta but in fairness
> you most likely wont even cum.I gave up casual sex years ago for this exact reason so I keked on reading it
Sex toys all the way
No. 623117
>>623113Huh because scrotes will likely get to cum and be treated nicely.
Women having casual sex will most likely get two hard pumps and the guy wont even try to get them off.
You gonna risk covid for someone when theres like a 2% chance it will be a enjoyable experince?
At least for scrotes casual hook ups arent 100% pointless.
No. 623161
>>623142I remember looking up the study that stat's from and it's for literally penetrative intercourse
alone without any foreplay, clit or boob touching or even kissing, not just from any straight sex overall. Not that casual sex isn't retarded and most men aren't shit in bed retards who try to copy porn, but I can't stand meme pop-science especially about women's sexuality.
No. 623166
>>623142When I was young I went through a retarded phase of fucking older men (in their 30s and 40s) and it's weird to look back on it. I had several just assume that I had orgasmed in the middle of sex and when discussing it afterwards I was too polite to say…
eh what do you mean? I definitely didn't orgasm there
How do they make it to that age and still think any amount of moaning is a full on orgasm? I wasn't faking them, they just read into any reaction as climax. I'm now in my thirties myself and I still can't get over it. Grown fucking men with no clue
No. 623226
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I don't like the fact that, more often than not, the phrase 'people (girls) who turn 18 don't magically immediately grow tits and become emotionally mature enough to have sex' is used to justify men wanting to fuck 15 year olds, rather than the idea that sometimes it's not alright to fuck 16-18 year olds and that they may not be emotionally mature enough to have sex
No. 623260
>>623254No disrespect anon, and I've heard people recommend this before, but for me it just feels incredibly awkward to be fondling myself during sex.
The vibrator thing I've never brought up since most men have been
offended that I even have one. They seem to think it's competition kek.
No. 623309
>>623303sonic fandom walked so the coomer fandoms could run.
It was not a norm for fandoms to be so spergy and degenerate back then.
No. 623329
>>623310I just can’t believe how there’s so many supposedly grown ass adults acting like teenage characters from a shitty high school drama.
Now I’m mad because I keep remembering the shit my best friend has to go through at her workplace, not everyone should be fucking allowed to work, people should be getting fired left and right for being so retarded.
No. 623379
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>>623374People who dedicate themselves to any corporation like that are kind of pathetic. Imagine your happiness revolving around one piece of the oligarchy.
No. 623399
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>>623379I'll be completely honest I also feel the same way about people who's lives revolve around the Marvel movies, I get liking a series but holy shit they can be just as bad as the Twilight saga fans were in 2013, but they think they're better because it's not a "girl" movie. I found this meme a while ago and couldn't agree more with it
No. 623408
>>623131Wow I can see this is a touchy subject kek. Nothing you said was relative to the one post I made.
>I don't think she's defending random men kek, she's just flexing her orgasm capabilities.
>Yeah we all need to stop talking about our own sexual dissapointments now because that one anon can climax so that somehow fixes the orgasm inequality that a lot of us have experienced. Cool.No one said you have to stop talking about the fact you struggle to coom
>One anonNow that's just disingenuous kek.
No. 623465
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I think airpods looks incredibly stupid on anybody and I still haven't gotten used to seeing people use them. I think they're fucking goofy, ugly, and useless. I almost get irrationally angry seeing them in people's ears sometimes. Real headphones/earpods>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
No. 623469
>>623465I don't care about how they look but the last fucking thing I need is yet another piece of tech that needs charging. I prefer using my old ipod classic to my phone anyway, wireless connection is not happening.
I'm not happy about the state normal earphones either though, I'm PISSED they've all but completely phased out the flat earbuds for the uncomfortable, gross af inner ear buds. I hate sticking things in my ears. But at least they're relatively cheap, easily replaceable, and hard to lose because they're physically connected to your device.
No. 623471
>>623466 In what sense do they not work?
I love my bluetooth earphones (not airpods), I'm never going back to earphones with a jack.
No. 623486
>>623465Ok boomer
But really I was skeptical until I got a pair of not airpods for dancing in my room at 3 AM, life been great since
No. 623488
>>623485I have ADHD, and always end up getting my wire caught on multitudes of things and trying to leave desk with them on like in those comical white people ads but literally. The market for earpods is booming, their capabilities have surpassed airpods awhile ago. If the sound quality is important to you, clearly you're willing to research and invest in a pair that accommodates your needs. The battery life on these things are excellent, mine has 12 hrs of continuous use, which I almost never use up. I'd leave them lying around on without their case for a whole day and still have juice. Also, 10 minute charge = 2 hr of play, hello???
Keep your wires, nobody cares. Going on about wireless in 2020 years after they've been a thing has the same energy as vinyl autists.
No. 623539
>>623469I fucking HATE inner ear buds. They get gross so quickly. Bring back the regular flat ones 2020.
>>623529Well It’s definitely unpopular in the circles I run in. Lots of man/women children that like to be vocal about their hatred for anyone younger than them kek
No. 623616
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>>623465I wish everyone would just start wearing big, chunky headphones again, they're so cool and I feel you can coordinate them with your outfits. I got the cutest pair recently, pic related (except I take off the cat ears because I'm not a social embarrassment), but I feel like I get stares when I wear them walking around the city when I go because everyone else has tiny white beans shoved into their ear holes.
No. 623659
>>623616What’s the point if you took of the cat ears you fucking pussy.
I’m paranoid to where big headphones in public because it looks like I’m not paying attention to my surroundings, Iook more vulnerable. With hidden earbuds I get the bonus of looking like I’m ignoring the men who try to talk to me brazenly on purpose.
No. 623667
>>623544At least she can admit it
Still, people like that are obnoxious
No. 623717
>>623696He's ok looking imo He's just insane.
>>623699tbh I think women don't really need a lot of effort to look nice anyway. Men on the other hand…
No. 623725
>>623718Samefag men have categories for women they're willing to fuck and date. The super pretty girls are for dating and the average girls are for sex.
If you can get aroused by a woman who is average or kinda fat why couldn't you take the time to get to know her and date her forreal? I wish I could have such low sexual standards as men I would have a bf like today.
No. 623729
>>623470I'd rather have learned that at school than be forced to practice shitty sports or learn how to play on a recorder back then. At the very least kids or teenagers should be taught their own basic rights and things related to the law that's directly useful for the majority of the population. Some kids didn't and still don't have a reliable access to the internet or are raised by parents who specifically don't want to teach them any of that stuff for some reason.
>>623700>most students would still not pay attention in those classes and would forget the material after the course is over.Then that's on them then, if these things would be explained to high schoolers I'm sure most of them would pay way more attention to this than to the more common subjects because it would seem more directly useful to them.
No. 623809
I hate that the internet ruined social interaction and all things I loved doing and quarantine made me hate people even more. I missed going to the mall, zoo, concerts, park, as much as the next guy but I missed it before COVID-19 started, now those things are packed but they're filled with assholes who don't care about getting COVID-19 the fuck over with so everything can go back to normal, not to mention in my area boomers keep driving around just because? Like they bitch about people not going to work on time then they all want to leave their house and drive 15 under the speed limit just because they need to get out.
Malls, grocery stores, parks and everything in-between is absolutely crowded. I get it people want to get out but there's absolutely no reason to go to the damn grocery store every single day, on top of that fast food, retail and other workers arent getting paid more any time soon so what the fuck. You want things to go back to normal? Act like things are fucking normal again, shit like this is what is going to keep America trapped in COVID longer than what should be
No. 623859
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Beauty standards haven't actually changed as much as people make it seem like. Almond/slanted eyes, a small nose, plump lips and a slim, defined face have been considered attractive for a very long time now. Beauty icons like Megan Fox, Naomi Campbell, Audrey Hepburn show that. I think the only difference is that now everyone has access to photoshop and facetune, so now people overdo it. The bratz doll, fox eye beauty trends are not new.
No. 624042
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>>624031dishonor on your cow
nonnie No. 624140
>>624131this is actually comforting ily
Feels like we all get pressured
No. 624215
>>624211I feel like I can’t wear anything and look cute because I have big boobs. I mean I like my boobs but sometimes I want to look cute and not either “sexy nympho” or “literal box”.
I want to wear over size stuff sometimes and I want to wear pastels but I feel like I look frumpy and embarrassing in pastels like a chubby Lolita weeb even though I’m skinny just bc of my boobs
No. 624218
>>624216I don’t understand Korean food. Every place I tried (run by Koreans) is like ramen but with sriracha and stuff like that. All covered in sriracha wtf.
Japanese food is not great either imo. Now Vietnamese food, that’s the shit!! And Pho >>>>>> ramen
No. 624222
>>624125I agree, certain languages are always useful, some more than others regarding your interests/field. For example, french is often required if you do diplomacy or work at an NGO. And nowadays people say chinese and arabic are the actual business languages. In a globalized world, you can't afford to not be bilingual, at least.
And non-english speakers must have some knowledge in english because it continues being the unofficial "global" language (sadly, because romance languages are the most beautiful)
To me, if you only speak your mother language and it isn't english, you're burning your opportunities, and if english is your only language and refuse to learn a second language, you're an ignorant.
No. 624253
>>624218>>624223I'm this anon
>>624216 and I agree. Southeast Asian food is seriously underrated and absolutely delicious.
No. 624270
>>624133NTA but they said
>never even tried to learn a second language Anyway I agree with
>>624125 , I’m terrible at foreign languages but I don’t want to be the stereotypical native Anglophone so I learned to speak two at conversational level. It’s embarrassing to see people travel to the same countries every year and never pick it up beyond literally a couple of words
No. 624276
>>624241That's what I said. People with english as their mother language can afford to not know any other languages, but it's also lazy and it won't be like that in the next decades because other countries are rising, such as China and their languages will become more and more mainstream.
And non-english speakers must learn english, because it's still the most used language in the professional, artistic and entertainment fields.
Knowing more than one language gives you a ton of opportunities, in any field. It is what it is
No. 624314
>>624218I went on a work trip to East Asia last year. One of my colleagues had one spice that she learned she couldn’t stand, and refused to eat a food if she tasted “the spice” in it. None of the rest of us could isolate The Spice or figure out what it was. Then months after we got home we were cooking as a group and she realized that The Spice was anise.
I don’t really mind it, usually for me it just blends in with the other flavors and doesn’t really stick out as it’s own taste. I definitely can’t taste it in pho, though. Life without pho is not a life at all.
No. 624317
Oops, I meant
>>624304, responded to the wrong one.
No. 624336
>>624218I love japanese food (sans sushi), am about 70/30 on korean food, and 50/50 on chinese food. my main problem with some vietnamese is that it's too citrusy for my taste and i'm not fond of that flavor under certain circumstances. although i really like vietnamese spring rolls!!
chinese for me is the worst type of asian food only because a lot of the restaurants around here use shit quality meat compared to the korean or japanese places
No. 624714
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>>624704I love you, anon.
No. 624718
>>624705There's a difference between a man who forgets his anniversary and picks up a generic stuffed animal last minute and a man who special orders a plushie from your favorite show. You don't have to spend a fortune to show effort.
Granted I mostly lurk fds for the memes and haven't really read the handbook, but I don't get what's so
triggering about encouraging women to have higher standards.
No. 624721
>>624705Anon you’ve missed the entire point of FDS. There are some constants like “he should propose to you with a ring” but other than that, FDS is bases value upon mens’ effort, not mens’ wealth or gifts. Sure there are some cow-tier posters on there who are materialistic but I recall FDS agreeing that the term HVM can also be applied to college aged males (aka broke dudes) who were readily available for their partners and gifted them something with thought and preparation. It’s the thought and the action that counts.
Now OT but if you’re asking your man for a stuffed animal and a copy of Animal Crossing, don’t talk down on women who are smart and want gifts that can be resold if things go sour. Nothing wrong with a little return on investment.
No. 624722
>>624718Women need higher standards but FDS takes it to a bigger level and is overly critical of normal communications with men (being
triggered over wanting to grab coffee, some of them are genuinely offended men didn't spend tons of money on them, being overly analytical of messages, etc)
I hate men but these women should just say they hate men and not actively try to have relationships with them
No. 624726
>>624722Fds is kind of right though. Most men do think a like and if hes taking you out on a walk or a coffee date hes doing it to be cheap.
Back when I was on tinder I had a guy tell me he wants to go on a coffee date to make sure hes not wasting money.
When guys suggest coffee dates they are doing it on purpose and they are doing it to be cheap.
No. 624734
>>624705>>624641I'm staunchly FDS and besides my pricey engagement ring–which my bf has thanked me for being so specific about–the biggest things I look for in a man is his availability and effort. Materialism be damned.
I think you're reading FDS wrong and focused too hard on some of the materialistic posters there because deep down you really don't want those things said about men to be true. But sis, a lot of what is said there is absolutely true.
No. 624744
No. 624788
>>624767Really? all the talk about being submissive and taking care to handle mens feelings with baby gloves so they don't feel emasculated made me want to throw up. They talk like men are overgrown tweens.
Also i saw a lot of denial over what redpill men think, mainly about divorce and rape making a woman lose her worth/virginity. These women just straight up deny it and claim it does not follow their ideology.
FDS women i found whiny and spoiled but at least they encourage each other to do better, and men too ig.
No. 624804
>>624641I am not materialistic at all. I don't enjoy ~expensive~ things, I don't wear jewelry or luxury brands, I like eating in cheap places, I'm just more comfortable with that. But if I'm going to wear a ring FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, a ring that is meant to symbolize a man's love and commitment, it better be a fucking good one. It's the one gift that absolutely does need to be good quality simply for the fact you are always going to be wearing it, and actively cheaping out on one is insulting af.
Anyway agreed with
>>624721. They will not think badly of a guy who doesn't have much money but puts a lot of thought and effort into planning dates with you. If a guy can make the bare minimum effort for a chance at sex, he will. Of course, to us a coffee date seems fine because it's easy and we like coffee. But the rationale behind his choice is that he doesn't want to waste more than $5 on you because you're not that hot, or might not put out, or he is dating a too many girls to spend a lot, or something cruel like that. Effort is the best way to determine if a man actually likes you.
No. 624806
>>624788What I saw was them saying that red pill men suck and they look out of signs of abuse and respect and “equal partnership” and say you should only be submissive to a man you can trust to lead your family the right way. Obviously I think the submissive thing is dumb but that’s their thing and I was surprised how woman-positive they are.
One example: they say that men don’t need to know hour exact sexual history but lying to them about it is bad an makes an unhealthy relationship for both of you as it should be built on respect. Meanwhile FDS preaches to lie to him and pretend to be something else
No. 624848
>>624806I didn't really see much woman-positive content. More like traditional family and wife positive. They encourage all traits that make you a "good" mother and submissive wife but bash "feminist" traits and personality types as unfeminine, like women should aways be nurturing angels.
I actually think it's pretty dangerous how they encourage each other to put their lives on their husbands hands when with these trad men things go south reallyyy quickly, things never go well for women when we let a husband assume a role of being dominant and a leader like they want to, and they seem actively deny some behaviours that are really common in men like cheating and only being attracted to 20 yo women because they believe trad prince charmings are out there and if they work hard enough to be submissive their man will aways reciprocate.
Also i don't know for how long you lurked there but i've seen some
abusive behaviour get excused quite often and outright dangerous stuff like one user advising OP to ask her church service for help instead of police in the case of an
abusive husband.
"According to Fascinating Womanhood, yes, you shouldn't be too strong-headed or work so hard in your career that your relationship falls apart. HOWEVER, she says the two things you should always expect from your man is FINANCIAL SUPPORT and FIDELITY."
This one comment drew my attention because it's almost exactly what some women on FDS say lmao. I really think both subs want to help, they just go about it the wrong way and while FDSs can make you a piece of shit RPWs can make you end up being abused.
No. 624922
>>624864Yeah, i think this part and how they encourage each other to not settle for
abusive guys or ones who don't put in effort back in the relationship is what many women need.
But they do preach some retarded things, like the lvm and hvm thing and insist that all women are queens when we all know some women are shit too. They can be extremely pick in wanting only a rich, handsome, perfect educated prince who will spend a lot on them.
They do have a point that you should not be a doormat or perform too much emotional labor when you get nothing back but following all their advice will result in an emotionally unavailable person who is aways seeing the relationship as a transaction and who has unreasonable standards.
No. 625003
>>624987Don't apologize, you're completely correct.
>Chronic, severe mental illness is a symptom of a traumatic and unchanging environment. It's not an inherent biological problem.The environment in reference is set up in a way where civilians' mental and emotional health struggles can be profited off of which, in a economy that can only be sustained with infinite growth, exacerbates the exact issue at the root. It's a sign that the system is run by people who prioritize profit and maximizing the amount of commercial interactions over human life… But it's just a coincidence that everyone who displays even the most minor contempt for being exploited for labor is advised to pump themselves full of pharmaceutical drugs that they can only pay for with the wage they get from being exploited, right?
No. 625004
>>624998Yeah that's a sign of a bad doctor right there. A friend of mine went through the same issue with her GP and eventually just started tapering off of her SSRIs herself.
I'm guessing you're American, but this is a big issue in our medical industry in general because it's almost entirely profit-driven. Your doctor can't make money off of you if you're not taking your meds, so they're not particularly incentivized to listen to patients who want to discuss the possibility of coming off of them.
No. 625005
>>624987Yeah they are really handed out without much thought. I was taking effexor for six years before being informed I’d require IP to change to new meds or come off them. Local GPS have given a few people I know mild serotonin syndrome by giving contraindicated combos, and therapy is like an afterthought. Six sessions if you really push for it but otherwise it’s just ~take some antidepressants and seroquel, come back in six weeks for more~
Half the town is on SSNRIs and nobody knows how they work. That’s a fifties sci-fi horror plot.
No. 628037
>>624886Every single person in these subs have probably grown up in
abusive childhoods and do not have a clear idea of what a healthy relationship looks like.