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No. 614614
Look if you had one shot or one opportunity to post dumb shit on the internet in one moment would you capture it or just let it slip?
missed opportunities
>>>/ot/607601 No. 614646
>>614625You got your own office? We really have grown women on lolcow.
Anyways, a trick I learned in college when I was too lazy to go buy deodorant… if you have hand sanitizer, put it on a tissue and rub it under your armpits. Temporarily neutralizes the funk for a good few hours or so, which gives you just enough time.
No. 614648
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>>614618me too anon. me too
No. 614649
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In trying to recreate my favorite childhood treat, the Burger King Cheesy Shake em Up Fries, I discovered the recipe to Taco Bell’s nacho fries seasoning
Air fry some beer batter fries and throw them in a paper lunch bag with nacho cheese popcorn seasoning and cayenne pepper. There u go that’s my secret recipe
No. 614655
>>614649>nacho cheese popcorn seasoning Godamn you Americans with your delicious junk food things that I'll never find in Europe
I want easily available cookie dough and birthday cake flavored things too
No. 614660
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Why is weight loss so confusing?? I finally managed to lose 5 pounds, but the weight stalled when I was only eating salads and no carbs. Yesterday, I Ate more carbs than usual so I braced myself for some weight gain today, but the scale showed up as a loss?? Wtf? My body really just does what It wants
No. 614687
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Hypothetically, if you could hit the reset button on civilisation and reconstruct it to be whatever you want (within reality), what would it look like? Economics, ethics, socially, aesthetically?
No. 614706
>>614687Men would be put in their place as objects for breeding and hard labor. Only women would be allowed to study.
It would be expected for men to stay at home and be pure, but also sexy, but not too sexy because they would be deemed as manwhores and thus, they would be shamed for being so.
No. 614708
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I hate that as a 30 year old black woman my type is fragile, pretty boys and it almost feels like we wouldnt even make sense as a couple if I ever lucked out and got one.
No. 614729
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>>614708I’m an arab girl and into the same type. We’ll get our pretty boys queen
No. 614747
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I just got new glasses (pic related) and idk if they are cute or not, whatchu think anons
No. 614754
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>>614708shut up anon!!!!! thats so not true. pretty boys are for women of all ages and races i am sure youll find one soon! lots of love 4 u
No. 614777
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>>614708Pretty pale guys are cute af, let’s get them, anon!
No. 614821
>>614819Shove it slut
>>614816Hey uwu
No. 614824
Spend the last three hours of so cleaning out my entire closet and fucking christ I have three big bags of clothes and another two and and a half bags of literal garbage. I'm really shocked with myself because this is hoarder-tier behavior. Now I like to look into my closet again because I know what I have and what kind of clothes I love to wear.
>>6148121,68 m, which means 5'6 I guess?
No. 614943
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>>614926Pls don’t die, anon.
No. 614962
i wear all black and doc martens to look taller
No. 614966
>>614951And that was just in a 3 hour block
I’ve been very curious about the traffic /ot/ and /g/ get
No. 614981
>>614951Make it 19 I just didn’t wanna answer lol
>>614980True and I’m okay with that. I like that we have an identity outside of gossip
No. 614988
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Seeing the amount of problems with relationships and the amount of effort and dedication it takes to maintain an ok relationship with a man really just makes me fink that we should not bother trying to get with scrotes or interact with them at all
No. 615001
>>614954I believe in a lot of the major beats, but it is fanfiction written by the victor and mixed with smear campaigns against their past rivals. I really enjoy when historians and archaeologists argue with each other. Real or not, isn't it fun? Reading books about Caligula is ye olde /snow/
No. 615023
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>>614982I feel your pain anon
No. 615030
>>6148125'6" which ya know, sucks to be so average and I wish I was 6' or so, all the cowardly scrotes would leave me alone. I've heard males say a woman is scary because she's so tall. Ex bfs have said they wouldn't want to date anyone taller because it's emasculating (kek) and god I WISH THAT WERE MEEEE. But im not keyed into tall girl problems because I only hear shortasses humblebragging about how they can't reach shelves uwu.
At least I tower over my Polish relatives.
No. 615031
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I keep accidentally reporting my own posts when I go to delete them to edit them because of my fingers, or reporting other anons posts by mistake
I do actually file reports often too, the mods must hate me
No. 615034
>>614988It's a tough one but as an older woman I'd say it's not worth it unless a fully mentally healthy and kind man jumps in your lap and is so much more in love with you than you are with him.
However, that's super unlikely so it's better to just keep short relationships and once they stress you out ditch them. You defo shouldn't spend more effort and dedication than him.
No. 615062
>>615061Anon you're an adult if they ask you what you're doing you can just tell them you want to feel the rain, or that you accidentally dropped something out of your window trying to photograph it against the rain lol
I hope you get to do it soon even if it's not today though
No. 615072
>>615010Thanks anon, a good sane response, rarely see that on lolcow kek. Before lolcow and getting into radfem/pinkpill stuff in general I already had a lot of bad relationships with men- grew up muslim,
abusive dad, teenage boys leaked my nudes ect. Really I have never had a good relationship with men. I’m aware in the back of my head that this is kind of drastic and incel like but I ignored it. I still agree with a lot of radfem points but tbh I’m starting to relax on the man hate. Men do suck a lot sometimes, more than women but I do think that some of them are worth it and good tbh. Sure some things in society need to change but men are gonna be half the population whether we like it or not.
Sorry for the dumb blogpost but this is the dumbass shit thread tbf
No. 615079
>>615072Same anon, and I agree with pretty much everything you wrote here. I think a lot of posters here are going through a period where they're just so angry with men that they aren't really willing to listen or believe anything other than the all-men-are-trash-and-will-never change narrative. People like this usually still have some sort of ongoing trauma with a man/men in their lives, so it is understandable and most eventually heal and develop a more balanced perspective on the whole issue.
I have textbook "daddy issues" and went through two horrifically
abusive relationships that put me in a similar state for a few years. I'm in a happy relationship now with someone I genuinely trust. It just takes time, but for most women, I think it does get easier to trust men.
No. 615089
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I tried this monster and I love it. It’s probably the closest I’ll get to last year’s Red Bull Summer edition. I can’t wait to get jacked on caffeine again now that I have my fix
No. 615192
>>615163It makes me cringe so hard, I remember a girl, the kind of girl who is a butch lesbian and doesn’t hide it, as in, she wore a bunch of men’s jewelry and would constantly hangout with the guys instead of the girls.
She used to sneeze “achee!” And our friends tended to melt at first, I honestly don’t know if she forced herself to do so, so much, that she did it automatically over the time, or if she genuinely sneezed like that.
It was just cringy, it would have made more sense if she was the kind of girly girl who likes to get the attention of guys, but I guess the whole “gap moe” just weirded me out a lot.
No. 615244
>>615163I have a cute sneeze and it's not on purpose, it depends on the velocity of the sneeze.
It either comes out cute or sounds like a 40 year old overweight dad, not everyone can control these things.
No. 615251
>>615163Heh, I used to have this manliest sneeze then I got self-conscious about it and started to fake this high-pitched one, and now that high-pitched sound just stuck around even when I try not to do it.
Social conditioning is weird.
No. 615326
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Are y'all gay?
No. 615328
>>615317God, same. I was just thinking that. Esp Abby, because she's not a bad person and it's not fun to laugh at her poor choices.
Something about permanent damage/changes to the human body really freaks me out to my core. It's the same with most tattoos tbh and plastic surgery, I just feel ill thinking of Himeka's tits or Charms' everything for example. Massive weight gain too, like the deathfats, or post pregnancy bodies like gimpgirl. Not necessarily stuff that people are at fault for, but scares the shit out of me all the same.
No. 615338
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I want a pet snail
No. 615357
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someone kill me
No. 615371
>>615338Get one! I took two in from outside and it was everything I dreamed of! I just put them in an old plastic plant nursery. They encouraged me to eat healthier because I had to feed them veggies so they got the scraps. Just be sure to give them calcium, they absolutely need it for their shells. I blended eggshells for them.
As I watched them fucking (oh, get 2 snails of similar size because a big one might eat a tiny one), I thought snails are the perfect pet that's the lowest maintenance for the highest entertainment/payoff.
Do it TODAY.
No. 615377
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>>615371Top review on
No. 615392
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I'm starting to understand how dads feel about their jokes.
Guess I'm just doomed to be a dad
No. 615510
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Don't eat more than 2 prunes and drink coffee at the same time anons
No. 615520
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I can't forget that shitposting was just called nightblogging in 2010 and had a time window and tbh never should you
No. 615529
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>>615527this one in particular is sus af
No. 615577
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>>615570Just scroll up a bit in the unpopular opinions thread. Here’s the little bitch in question. He started out comparing us to r9k even though he’s clearly from r9k himself. Around the same time, several deadish threads in g and ot were revived with really inane comments that a farmer typically wouldn’t bump a thread to make. If it looks like a dog and barks like a dog!
No. 615585
>>6155821. It’s the
unpopular opinion thread
2. I just find it sad to see how badly the site and user base has declined over the years and feel that things were neglected for too long to the point that doing something drastic at least for a period of time would be the only chance of salvaging it
No. 615600
>>615589Banned for what lmao disagreeing with you isn’t a bannable offence
>>615590I agree and ideally I don’t want it to be banned, I hoped the most spergy/derailing anons would just move to asherahsgarden or whatever it’s called and it would improve but I don’t feel any of the rules have made a difference or that the site is really salvageable. There’s clearly like 30 active users and pretty much none of the original board culture was preserved. Also I didn’t ask for a ban in /meta/ or anything this was just something said of hand in response to someone else in the unpopular opinions thread.
No. 615602
>>615585Hi. Remember when I said in the unpopular opinions thread to post some actual, recent examples of the GC/PP sperging you keep claiming have caused the site/user base to "decline"?
Just like I said, you vanished when asked for proof. Except instead of actually vanishing, you've now taken your BS to another thread.
Thank you for proving my point yet again.
No. 615607
>>615574>the board should be less politicisedHow come this complaint only ever without fail comes up when the talk is about feminism or really just discussing any female-only issues(because lets face it that's what is really meant here)?
Why do none of you people ever complain about all the blm posts, election post, discussion about democracy/socialism/communism/any other form of government, venting about policies, threads about political situations in other countries, talks about political conflicts in countries, all the political talk leaking from the tinfoil threads etc.
Stop using this complaint as an excuse for your real issue.
No. 615617
Cows just aren’t what they used to be. With the blooming obsession with purity politics, cancellation, and political correctness over the last several years, it’s harder than ever for cows to thrive the way they used to. Before, it was a relief to a lot of people to stumble across a board confirming the sneaking suspicions you had about a popular e-entity, because at the time ‘calling them out’ wasn’t yet a sought after endorphin rush the way it apparently is now. Gen z doesn’t want to reflect on genderspecials because they
are genderspecials, and when we get new recruits it’s like they think they’ll singlehandedly change all of our lives by telling us to like, stop being lame meanie terfs that don’t like their super based twitter memes. You can’t overhaul an entire board by repressing it’s longtime userbase. It’s just a sign of the times.
No. 615620
>>615618Right when you completely dilute the main purpose of a board because you have to suddenly be more
inclusive to people who have already overran every other space on the internet what’s even the point
No. 615623
>>615619"30 active users" is a meme on par with 32-inch waist-chan at this point
>>615617Agree, most of the callouts and drama are stale as shit at the moment. Pixyteri would be stopped on her tracks today for appropriating holy nipponese culture and racefaking and it's exhausting to go over this nitpicky politically correct shit time and time again. Everyone who was a big lolcow in 2012 trooned out and suddenly you can't make fun of them anymore because they're hurting with their crippling d-dysphoria and you need to respect xir pronouns. The cows who would be interesting to follow remain under the radar because everyone's sights are on this artist who didn't retweet enough BLM petitions.
No. 615638
>>615574i will honestly never believe people who post things like this are not trannies/scrotes.
>>615607 is right. maybe if the people who hate seeing discussions about topics surrounding womens issues you should go back to 8chan or whatever. i feel like all of these complaints are coming from people who don't even contribute to the board, they just want to start drama in /ot/.
No. 615665
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Have any of you actually had a good friendship with a gay man… Because personally I've seen only toxic ones that had raging competition boner against me for some odd reason, they'd always try shittalking about women whenever I am around and kicking off their circles and whatnot even though I never done anything wrong, chatted and treated everyone w respect…
Which makes me surprised that one of my family members has a gay friend but he acts super obnoxious (and ofcourse is actor major), acts as if he is a 5 years old in a body of 20. Is also super into talking about gossips aswell…
So far in my life I have met only one somewhat-stable-acting gay guy. But it was literally a british man who got traumatized over his LDR gf teaching on him that he never threw off her cosplay clothing and wears them himself instead, convinced himself that he's gay based off it and then a year later came out as a raging trannie on twitter.
No. 615679
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>>615653Me too
It was a strange time but a good time. Was weird seeing tumblr go from a silly normie website to what it is now
No. 615686
>>615665I've only known the kind of gay men that do shit like bash on butch gay women for being manly (says the uber femme guy?).. and that talk shit about women like how any badly dressed woman must have a pussy that smells of fish… dude you have no idea what a pussy smells like! Stop spouting the same sexist shit you hear straight men saying. That and they are obsessed with fucking straight guys as if that validates their hotness and makes their life complete.
So yeah I've met some terrible examples of gay men
No. 615748
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>>615700nta but I still like to check some blogs but even when they seem super chill at times, there are moments when they go full sjw and treat people with violence when they don't agree with them and I'm just thinking "well, um where did this come from?"
As an oldfag tumbler user I doubt that this site will fully recover. Peak tumblr was 2010-2012, after that everything went to shit and it got even worse when yahoo got its hands on this site.
No. 615751
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>>615748also, look at this chicken
No. 615759
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>>615751>>615748look at THIS chicken anons
No. 615767
>>614614Dunno where else to talk about this shit but I just met a legit powerful person and man are they different beings.
My office is the main branch and this morning we got a mass notification to be on our best behaviours cause a major stakeholder/past owner is coming and get that indirect nudge to scour off from general vicinity.
So me and my mates were at one of the breakrooms that nobody goes to and then this one elderly man pops up out of nowhere making small talks.
BRUH, his appearance is that of a typical elderly but his sheer fucking aura made us shit our pants. Maybe because we knew that this guy is the one we were told before, but I've never felt a pure distilled fear from a stranger from my life.
Like they're not human? Like they are actively scanning your behaviour behind the facade of a non threatening smiley pensioner.
Our CEO is fucking whipped. We regularly see him at his natural habitat. Imposing, but human. This random guy instilled fucking fear to everyone.
Afterwards, we found out that we do just met the MAN and he was apparently featured at forbes top 100 back then but let his son do his business now.
No. 615794
>>615790Same, they freak me out. Not even post Hitchcock’s The Birds, they always have, and my dislike has only gotten stronger. Small ones are cute from a distance, but if they fly towards me, I freak.
Tarantulas, snakes, bats? Love them. Birds? REEEEEEEEEEE
No. 615809
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>>615790but anon look at these pretty birds.
No. 615810
but yeah seems like 2013 was when things started getting real bad.
I still think about the homestuck fandom back in those days. It started off alright then took the biggest fucking nose dive.
No. 615812
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>>615790even this one anon?
No. 615827
>>615812This makes me feel claustrophobic for some reason.
Can it even see? This looks horrible anon, someone please give it a haircut
No. 615830
>>615816No, it's a budgie with "feather duster syndrome". It's mom disowned it and refused to take care of it so it was hand raised, I remember reading about it as a child and this brought it all flooding back.
Always wanted a feather duster bird..
No. 615836
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>>615830they have nipple-eyes
No. 615841
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I wanted to waste less time online. Instead of quitting lolcow, I started browsing 4chan, too. But I think I'm already over it
No. 615853
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>>615844i wish dead bird hats were still fashionable
No. 615881
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>>615767this guy spooks me just from your report. he even makes me frogpost and clutch my pearls
sry No. 615886
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>>615767answer me this: how much did he look like this guy?
No. 615906
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Sometimes I daydream of being a kawaii moderu tarento chan like Kotex was, but I am legit PT tier, probably worse
Womp womp
No. 615929
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She's a farmer you can't change my mind
No. 616023
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I’m starting to develop a near autistic obsession with Edith Piaf. I only listen to her music and read and watch anything I can find about her. Depression stopped me from caring about anything or having any passions so I’m kind of glad this is happening even though it’s obsessive as fuck.
No. 616029
>>616024Average girls editing themselves to be teeny tiny anachans with flat stomachs lol, its like 2011 all over again.
>>616028I mean Tiktok literally does the same shit that facebook and instagram do, they are just chinese, I don't see what the fuss is about.
Actually facebook is worse.
No. 616030
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>>615371>>615982I competely overread the fucking part. damn
No. 616036
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>>615902i lifted the sink drain cover and a million goddamn fruit flies came out. i poured some hot water and vinegar into it and cleaned all the food out. they're fucking everywhere. wish me luck
No. 616087
>>616072Me too about the body proportions, I measured under my bust the other day and it was just 2-3 cm more than my waist… tragic
WHen my mom hears about palm oil she goes ooooh like it's some fancy thing because she's never heard of it, I keep telling her it's junk quality but she forgets
>>616075Just put on the wackiest, least cohesive outfit on him and people will think he's a model
Also this reminds me how much I hate that modern fashionistas think they're such hot shit for making outfits where nothing matches, like ugly sneakers and a bodycon dress and a fanny pack and a jacket but you don't wear it right but drape it off your shoulders for some reason. And a granny bandanna on your head for good measure. It doesn't look cool, it doesn't look good, I don't care how much you spent on each piece
No. 616093
>>616070Anon are u me? I felt my muscles contracting yesterday out of nowhere, i was literally just looking at the picture of my crush but i wasn't even turned on.
I assumed it happened because i havent masturbated in like 4-5 days.
No. 616130
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Eheh I have the humour of a 10 year old
No. 616196
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having a moment with myself gently crying to music
No. 616266
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Attempting to make some eggless milkless cupcakes. I'm shit at baking so pray for me y'all
No. 616273
>>616270 one is super easy but also tasty! it's important to infuse the garlic into your olive oil and use it as a liquid base, it's how you get it to come out tender and flavourful instead of bland. you can add fresh herbs, cherry tomatoes, onions, olives, cheese or anything you want on top. we grow cherry tomatoes and have an herb garden so i like to use them, you can make really pretty designs with them, too. if you're using ingredients like cherry tomatoes or olives, i like to press them into the dough so that they don't roll off when i cut it. it's just as good plain, though! the rosemary and garlic infused oil is plenty flavourful, i like to add some himalayan salt on top and dip in olive oil with a nice balsamic. sorry for sperging lol, i hope your dad really loves it!
No. 616277
>>616270>450g flour>7g yeast>350g warm water>9g salt>9g olive oilMix all in one bowl. Cover and let sit in fridge for 12 hours (I usually do this cause I'm lazy af) OR do three sets of stretch+kneads in the bowl, letting it rise covered for 30mins each time.
Glug some olive oil on a baking sheet, put dough on top, cover and let rise for another hour. Dimple with wet fingers and put herbs/toppings/salt on. Bake at 450F for 20-25mins.
No. 616284
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I love wigs like this.
No. 616287
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>>616284Samefag but I also, shamefully, really love this wig Jeffree wore. Tbh wish I could pull these off.
No. 616307
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lost my only plug and ended up meeting a dude off a shady site, he was big and scary but it went totally ok
im just glad im not in a ditch or something tbh
No. 616313
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No. 616315
>>616307i love this pic
i love patchy
No. 616323
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In this moba I play, I ranked up to elite and my performance suffers as a result. The map got so FUCKING huge. I’m too lazy to move my avatar across this big ass map. It takes so long just to get from top to bot, and now my KDA keeps dropping. RIP I’m probably just not gonna play until next season
No. 616355
>>615665I know two gay guys who are good people. And one awful turbo dramaqueen
there is a gay friend who I admire a lot. we haven't been in touch for a while but he is a very inspiring person actually.
let me fawn over him shamelessly:
>studies medicine and got part of his degree in his pocket, works super hard, 1 free day in the month>decently attractive and appears confident>didn't go to the best type of school and didn't get the best diploma from it, still extremely smart while down-to-earth>studied IT stuff as a teenager, trolled the school funnily, one teacher overreacted and assigned him a "criminal talent" dramatically>studies tons of languages in his free-time, last was Romanian>studies psychology in his free-time for fun, has a huge pile of psychology books>has impostor syndrome about being a great doc some day: "anon, I asked myself how many ribs are in the human body today and I knew there are twelve but I didn't trust myself and had to look it up to be certain. that's alarming. what if I'm a doctor some day and need to look up how many ribs there are? that makes me anxious">once forever ago grew psychedelic mushrooms in his kitchen for fun and as a challenge to himself>loves riding his bike>drinks green tea everyday>good listener>worked as a psychiatric nurse for a long time during college>cared about patients deeply, wanted to make them feel at ease>sometimes refused to wear his work coat properly, told me happily he left it undone and that patients could see his shirt that had a pineapple pattern on it>loveable goof-ball>has childhood trauma, almost got beaten to death by a parent once, mind-blowingly well-adjusted considering>only slightly negative considerable traits are that he can get very pessimistic and gloomy sometimes and his relationship is a bit dramatic and rather alternative as of late due to relationship struggles. but he never gets overbearing about it>never made me feel bad for being way less accomplished and disciplined than him, always made me feel at ease and was easy to talk to and valued my opinion on things No. 616366
File: 1598493977553.png (532.55 KB, 600x730, b26a520c87fa8cc6938034ac986f30…)

My queen
No. 616382
>>616376I already used them all up during normie trivia night sorry anon
>>616377Honestly I don't even know what I would do in this situation KEK my roommate will hesitantly refer to "my side of the internet" but I think she would burst into tears if she truly understood imageboards. If she ever found out I would also probably play mute too
No. 616403
File: 1598499242931.jpg (102.61 KB, 660x660, a877f92793a7581b96114f99227f78…)

My little hopeful daydream for the day
>me and my fiancee get our master's project approved
>go to Japan
>live in a city like Hachioji or something that's near enough Tokyo's wards but not in it
>Rent a small 20m² apartment with a balcony,more than enough for both of us since we don't spend much time at home anyway
>Friday night,come back from uni
>Bought snacks and drinks at the nearest konbini
>Picking a movie while the bathtub fills
>After bath, lay down on our small futon and turn on the cheap projector
>Eat snacks and cuddle
One can dream
No. 616419
File: 1598501460707.jpeg (37.24 KB, 400x300, 1556488082633.jpeg)

I just took a really nice butt pic and I'm honestly impressed with myself
No. 616424
File: 1598502415337.jpeg (310.86 KB, 888x613, 5A251D94-15BC-4346-B58A-604794…)

dolans really be out here without noses making chicks wet af
No. 616507
I found my old littlest pet shop toys and I just washed them all, they're so nice and clean now and you wouldn't believe how disgusting the water was after I rinsed them. They all had a fine layer of grey over them from dust and now they're all back to being vibrant and colorful. Does anyone else find incredible satisfaction in cleaning very dirty things/fixing broken things? I'm always like that, even when I play the sims I make the ugliest, fattest, poorest sim and try to make them beautiful and happy.
>>616355>sometimes refused to wear his work coat properly, told me happily he left it undone and that patients could see his shirt that had a pineapple pattern on itwhat the hell, that's so precious
No. 616622
>>616613Me too, that's why I don't like them. I just think like, if a baby saw someone bleeding out, dying, being mutilated whatever, they wouldn't even understand what's going on. And it's scary how many mundane things can harm them and how much their later life can be affected by experiences from early childhood. Even eyesight, check this out (don't if you are squeamish about experiments on animals) wonder if they think at all. And their bodies are so fleshy and disgusting ugh I just wish as a woman I wasn't expected to gush uncontrollably over babies
No. 616659
File: 1598533349673.jpg (34.21 KB, 580x548, ee1.jpg)

remember when ray william johnson wrote and sang "so let me take you to wendy's you deserve it, yeah i'm a zombie baby ain't nobody perfect"
why did he do that? and why did i bop to it? why is it still in my head?
No. 616668
Lol does anyone actually believe this story? would a woman willingly not have her cell phone on her, and wander into the back of the SUV that can't be opened from inside? Then not even show signs of a struggle to get out?
Methinks the pig drugged his wife so she was incapacitated, and then chucked her in there to let the heat do the rest. This is bullshit.
No. 616677
File: 1598535222996.jpeg (179.14 KB, 2000x1000, 1_egrJI9hG_8qzFeZz3yT9Cw.jpeg)

>>616674Mine like garlic!
No. 616704
>>616698I was thinking over why a recent interview didn't go well despite the high potential, and remembered at some point I was so excited that I hugged my knee when answering a question (video meeting) because I was so hyped at the prospect of working there, it was subconscious. IDK it probably looked unprofessional, and I imagine it would've gone better if I was more reserved and stone faced, and realised if I did that they'd come out of the meeting thinking that I was a reserved and generally stony person. Then the thought went on from there, I guess.
>>616695I've seen it in 1 friend, but he's an extreme people pleaser which I think is rare. But then what do I know? I mean I only see the face that people I meet are willing to show me, who knows who's lying??
No. 616729
>>616716Kek, male characters of the last two books (written by men) I've read were complaining about this (the main theme was different). "Pan" by Knut Hamsun that I read earlier is basically an autist's whining about culture and societal norms. Hamsun was a nazi sympathizer that believed in traditional roles and despised femininity, which, in his mind, manifests itself in cultural norms, manners etc. All this "fake" evil stuff. And true masculine men are all about nature and everything natural and true, and Hamsun's chad from "Pan" is a
victim of yucky feminine culture. I actually recommend it because it's quite a ridiculous read, the main character is simply retarded.
I think it's just a lack of self-awareness. Many men like to claim that they don't ever lie, that they're 100% open about everything etc. while being shady and manipulative as fuck. And some don't even realize that. Also they get pissed thinking that something might be expected of them, like putting some effort into being nice or whatever.
No. 616779
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Math professor is a ESL from Vietnam and he writes like how he speaks. He probably speaks more languages than I do and is way better than I could ever hope to be at math but holy shit what are you saying my dude
No. 616781
File: 1598547891351.png (2.54 KB, 353x181, uhm hewwo.PNG)

Did PB change url over the course of seconds?? I was literally just using it then got a 522 error. I reloaded and now I get pic related???
No. 616805
File: 1598549537754.jpg (59.05 KB, 583x593, vkhgghgj.JPG)

I fucking miss going to concerts. Listening to live albums of your fave ain't helping because it makes me want to go to live shows even more because I'm a hoe for the energy during shows and hanging out with people at the concert venue and shit like this …
No. 616807
File: 1598549562281.gif (1.18 MB, 320x180, 9e059a80-b71d-0133-828e-06e18a…)

>>616799Well, I work from home so I doubt that. Apparently it's a thing that just happens, don't care enough to find the reason. There are plenty of mirrors though.
Now I can play Sims 4 and be comfy
No. 616822
File: 1598550367174.jpg (728.06 KB, 1680x1120, produktbild_schmidt_milchhoern…)

>>616818idk how you call this in english but pic related with a bit of butter and nutella on the top of that.
No. 616824
>>616818Last night I made spaghetti squash with a beef bolognese sauce. it was fucking delicious.
I'm about to cook some paleo bang bang shrimp with some french fries
No. 616836
>>616355he sounds like such an amazing person
the selfish yearning though. i wish i was like this, and also wish i was known like this
No. 616843
>>616818Half a brownie and kale + quinoa salad
Balance is important !
No. 616948
File: 1598556625710.jpg (59.9 KB, 594x548, abrPq38_700b.jpg)

I wish people made statues of biblical angels during the Renaissance era. I mean the romanticized versions of angels are nice but imagine a 17 ft tall statue of these motherfuckers. Actually now that I think about it, I feel like if these were more well known, hardcore Christians would call these version of angels demonic or something.
No. 616957
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noni juice is nonnies
No. 616968
File: 1598557701507.jpg (57.27 KB, 488x500,…)

>>616948could be that they'd get demonised. then again, think gargoyles: demonic creatures meant to ward off evil and protect
also extremely dope No. 616970
File: 1598557898763.jpg (78.49 KB, 400x211, ezekiel-wheel.jpg)

>>616948we stan oraphim angels
No. 617091
File: 1598567738390.jpeg (245.8 KB, 782x1200, F8C19FFC-7B09-4EFA-BAB0-D4DD61…)

Pic related is all the farmhands just add hrt for the full effect(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO GULAG)
No. 617119
File: 1598570468435.jpg (60.2 KB, 1080x684, Screenshot_20200827-181934.jpg)

The Pillsbury dough boy looks so cute and squishy. I wanna put him in my pussy and clamp down as he tries to fight his way out.
No. 617125
File: 1598571087880.jpg (101.12 KB, 625x798, 3335dffabdb694a8fbea715507f16b…)

>>617091Let's all take a moment to thank the mods and offer a sign of fealty. Please don't ban me sir I-I mean ma'am
No. 617137
File: 1598571808365.jpeg (93.88 KB, 764x600, E3A2FE63-E76C-4906-B133-B085F5…)

>>617133I martyred myself to create a revolution. Good farmers of lolcow, rise up!
No. 617139
>>617091>(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO GULAG)Mods mad.
>>617119This is the worst post I've had the displeasure of reading.
No. 617212
File: 1598580497925.jpeg (786.02 KB, 2838x2838, 3A9A66A4-7F0E-43BF-91CC-E1B260…)

Is anyone actually okay with this dude being president?
Yeah yeah, orange man bad but is Joe Biden any better?
No. 617238
File: 1598583448801.png (1.17 MB, 818x922, hi.png)

hi im cute
No. 617247
File: 1598583887133.jpg (161.62 KB, 1080x1080, https___i.pinimg.com_originals…)

I just rehydrated my gouache paint and FUCK they're so creamy. I'm so happy I can just pick up the paint again instead of rubbing into it with water for like 50016265 minutes just to get watery paint.
Pic is by Audra Auclair btw>>617238luv u ♥
No. 617252
>>617247I always find gouache artwork so stunning (when it's done well of course!). If I ever get back into making art I'm definitely going to buy a set to try it out.
I love the colors in the image you posted!
No. 617334
File: 1598592636467.jpeg (37.82 KB, 512x512, BF7E9830-1A1B-40E6-8298-CE94CD…)

✰⋆ ✰ I’m so horny ✰ ✰⋆
No. 617344
>>617336I know, man. I was just so desperate to not be a virgin anymore that I didn't say anything aaaaaa
>>617342Anon I'm cryingg
No. 617346
>>617344The beanie stays
on during sex
No. 617358
Ok I am in dire need of assistance in locating a low quality image of a woman running, taken through a window of a house. I remember seeing it used on tumblr mid-2010s all the time. The only other details I can remember are that she's wearing jeans and sunglasses, and I think theres a tree on the left-hand side.
I hope someone knows what the fuck I'm talking about because I love and miss it and google is not helping
>>617351100% agree. I get irrationally angry when my nipples are even rubbed as an attempt to turn me on. It feels pretty awful.
No. 617362
File: 1598599037700.jpg (328.94 KB, 1280x960, vkqhbno2_1280.jpg)

i don't wanna wait
No. 617364
File: 1598599064382.jpg (282.14 KB, 1280x960, kqhbno1_1280.jpg)

No. 617369
File: 1598600143982.jpg (93.55 KB, 850x683, IMG_20200828_093535_538.JPG)

>wake up
>see this
Life has been good to me
No. 617371
File: 1598600265297.jpeg (19.33 KB, 300x277, 8A51A7EE-CF88-40BC-909C-FE0D62…)

>>617238Lets be cute together
No. 617384
>>617380I quit Effexor about two years ago. I had orgasms but ended up wanting to kill myself not long after. My anxiety was unmanageable too.
Best of luck to you.
No. 617385
File: 1598602266804.jpg (35.47 KB, 500x493, 295.jpg)

i feel so bad for my cat when i'm drunk and feel like givin her a big ol hug. nothing she can do to stop it. i'm like CO ME HERE LIL BEEEEEP. also i call her beep. nothing close to the name i gave her but when i'm drunk she's beep! BEEP BEEP.
No. 617387
>>617383>>617384Thanks, anons!
I was on Citalopram for three years, it wasn't my first go at trying to quit. I got suicidal ideation during some periods even when I used them, felt like shit, I don't think they did anything for me at all tbh. (I was on a low dosage, 20mg)
My therapist also thought it'd be a good idea to quit. It wasn't easy to, I tapered for a short time and then I just kept on forgetting them so I kinda quit cold turkey. But now the withdrawal symptoms (yes I'll call it that) are gone and I feel more like myself again. Other times will come, I know, but I think I'll manage it somehow.
Now that we're at this topic anyway, have any anons here quit their antidepressants and how'd it go?
No. 617444
File: 1598612563818.png (96.52 KB, 224x278, blush.PNG)

Every time it happens a gynecologist would say i have a beautiful vagina after examination I feel so good about myself… like, I know all they mean is that it's healthy, but my brain gets a dopamine shot like I've just been called the hottest person ever.
No. 617452
File: 1598613478845.jpg (25.08 KB, 275x206, 1533105959439.jpg)

>>617448Interesting. I'm in Central Europe too, which language? I'm only familiar with phrases like "looks good" or so but "beautiful vagina" would leave me pretty confused.
No. 617478
>>617456Nta but no cold turkey, for venlafaxine you can taper off even from the lowest dosage if you have the capsule form. Open the capsule, get some of the tiny balls inside off, close the capsule and take that.
Do it slowly, until no balls are left and yeah ! You're off venlafaxine.
No. 617492
File: 1598616836571.jpeg (938.26 KB, 1638x2048, 2A2AB7A6-B384-424C-A75B-4F8BF0…)

I cleaned my room can I have headpats now
No. 617508
File: 1598618442229.jpg (28.66 KB, 400x264, patting-dog.jpg)

I got that get stick bugged lol song stuck in my head. It's so catchy. And I kind of stopped being scared of the bug.
>>617492very good keep it up
No. 617537
File: 1598621563066.gif (194.63 KB, 498x498, 1017571qq91tmgfyh.gif)

One of the perks of being a 2001 baby and having embarrassing teenage parents is that I have nostalgic memories from 2006-2008 of my mom spending most of her time on Myspace. She lied about her age there (she was 23-24 but she'd say she was 19-20) and when she took me with her to go on dates she'd remind me beforehand to remember her fake age, lmao. Feel like my mom could've been a lolcow.
No. 617559
File: 1598624265634.jpeg (58.58 KB, 275x275, C56551EA-855D-44BC-9637-3A5044…)

>>617415Lame, you have to take it like a woman. But seriously, it’s not that bad, I’ve gone out with rompers during winter and it takes just a few seconds to take off and put on the thing back again.
No. 617574
File: 1598626010300.jpg (183.37 KB, 1920x1080, wp4779242.jpg)

Has anyone seen Gakuen Babysitters? Did you like it? These weeb babies are somehow doing it to me
No. 617575
File: 1598626041192.png (101.06 KB, 600x600, 990d2dff57d883f1d8c438fc69e926…)

Had a dream today where I legit met some farmers in a cottage in the country, gossiped about some cows, and almost ate out one of the girls there. I was super disappointed I didn't do it - still am. Am I still straight, and do I spend too much time on this site?
No. 617660
File: 1598631338314.jpg (312.76 KB, 2000x1466, 9a2eb40942fb40273251ea43788c13…)

I think I'm dyslexic or have ADHD or am retarded somehow. definitely some kind of brainrot. maybe from not using it enough. sigh
No. 617677
File: 1598632303447.png (261.95 KB, 640x360, proxy-image-1.png)

>>617645>>617664this dumb faggot btw
No. 617705
>>617664>>617677>>617679The author has explained he is not 'horny' over the babies, it's explained in one chapter how alone he was on his birthday, a classmate brought him over to his house and introduced him to his siblings. Nosebleed guy found the twin babies cute and they made him smile. The Author is using the nosebleed gimmick in extremely poor taste. At no point does he do anything 'creepy' to the kids.
"dur anon, you fag, you defending this?" not trying. The author for sure could have just made him gush over the babies like a teenage girl would over some kittens or something. The manga can be pretty funny but when she tries to have a running gag it never is funny.
No. 617714
File: 1598633909402.jpg (77.44 KB, 1024x1015, 1598587931889.jpg)

>>617705wow wild. I don't know what to believe. I'll just watch
No. 617756
File: 1598635627612.jpg (41.62 KB, 553x579, 1596843527195.jpg)

The farmhands said:
No. 617896
File: 1598640532338.jpg (23.69 KB, 366x328, unnamed.jpg)

I can't find any Mexican breakfast cereal in any Mexican supermarket!for fuck sakes I live in Texas!
It just tastes better
No. 617901
>>617851I knew this guy who was exactly the opposite, his arms were long as fuck compared to his body and that’s saying something cuz he was like 6’5”
What’s worse, being a t-rex or a knuckle dragger?
No. 617912
File: 1598641092314.png (23.73 KB, 340x206, 1564754649170.png)

I wish more anons made custom thread pics, like the toy thread pic. It's kinda cute tbh
No. 617925
File: 1598641681272.jpg (5.57 KB, 225x225, imagesNYUCJRNW.jpg)

I knew I was going to get my period today and still didn't pack any period products or put my cup in. Now there's going to be that terrible work TP stuck to my vagina.
No. 617952
File: 1598643053499.gif (23.28 KB, 220x220, tenor (3).gif)

my sister who I live with had a fever for two days and now she has a cough
No. 617962
>>617849i never understood the Aiko hate tbh.
i named my cat after her, love that bitchhh#
No. 618003
File: 1598645038133.jpeg (15.2 KB, 236x236, EDD6B005-1997-400A-A4F0-A48CDD…)

There were some security guards patrolling my workplace area and they were so hot. I’m so happy I got to see some eye candy today. They made my day 100% better and I no longer feel like offing myself.
No. 618063
>>618003can i just ask is this like a normal thing? do you all like looking at attractive people? can you daydream about having sex with them without feeling awful?
if i see someone who is aesthetically pleasing it puts me in a vile jealous mood, i can't even fantasise about them in my own head because i know i'm too hideous to even think about them. i also automatically assume they'll bully me.
No. 618073
>>618064>>618035Ughh fuck this reminds me of one of my binge meals from back in the day.
1 can of Hormel spicy chili no beans
1 packet of Philly Cream Cheese
A bag of Frito scoops
Mix the chili and cream cheese in a bowl and microwave for 5 min or bake in the oven til it bubbles and then mix it up. My God that is the food of desperation.
No. 618125
File: 1598654866446.jpg (93.47 KB, 800x1253, f639a9867343b255215d49a418fda7…)

I'm really thirsty and this board isn't helping
No. 618136
File: 1598655768370.jpeg (91.51 KB, 638x900, A7BF5CE2-D286-4DD7-92D4-6E4B3A…)

Salutations farmers, was a long term social experiment conducted by MTF University. We appreciate your contributions to our scientific research, and do sincerely apologise for any inconveniences. Your input and experiences has bettered our systems and gave us much to research and put towards more efficient studies. The psyop to eradicate all biological women is almost complete! Congratulate yourself for all of your efforts and enjoy the fruit of your labors, ladies.
No. 618154
File: 1598657201835.jpg (70.95 KB, 700x501, tumblr_64b6b51e5ddede92d7d29e6…)

No. 618156
>>618021holy shit this
No. 618164
File: 1598657689569.gif (1.96 MB, 384x390, brows.gif)

>>618145>>618157me three por favor
No. 618255
File: 1598664705391.jpg (511.01 KB, 900x450, 900x450_ChiliCheeseDip.jpg)

>>618078It's actually the official recipe I found somewhere on the internet. The cream cheese makes it thick but it actually blends and tastes great.
No. 618276
File: 1598666280278.jpg (Spoiler Image,226.14 KB, 1194x1616, 1598662673329.jpg)

Actually the worst photos I've ever scene
No. 618334
>>618306I would try to make my own business
not an mlm scam, of course so I can always make sure I have extra money.
No. 618348
File: 1598670637637.png (3.12 KB, 466x41, lul.png)

i always find it funny when anons cite 4chan as some bastion of free speech as opposed to here when pic related is in their global rules
No. 618362
File: 1598671311149.jpg (351.11 KB, 1213x1213, isabel-lopez-quesada-greece-02…)

We should have a thread of nice houses and apartments we find. I love house shopping.
>>618353Same reason anyone else would want to move to a different country lol. America sucks, and I think Korea, Spain and France are all cool countries, and I would like to visit there. Why do you ask?
No. 618408
>>618402there was, but the jannies locked it
No. 618431
File: 1598675714475.jpg (1.22 MB, 1800x2400, BTisthedevil.jpg)

I can't be the only one who's enjoying watching the hordes of twitterfags sperg about BT doing "sexwork". They really think they're a marginalised group who's changing lives with their super difficult, benevolent work. That, or it's just a hollow excuse to dunk on someone who's going to be making infinitely more money than them, with even less effort kek.
No. 618451
File: 1598677796186.gif (4.61 MB, 586x640, angy.gif)

I'm about to be on my period and I love how plump my tits get but I also hate how bloated everything else feels!!!
No. 618482
File: 1598681191822.gif (1.74 MB, 226x274, 1598635083771.gif)

Listening to Reyko, playing sims and making pasta and I feel goodt
No. 618652
>>618413Long pasta
Short pasta
And that's only scraping the surface
No. 618685
File: 1598711481793.jpeg (42.31 KB, 360x490, stella.jpeg)

I was interested in Spiritfarer but this is what the main character looks like. Pass
No. 618717
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>>618685I think it's kind of cute. I normally don't like clashing colors like that, though. A darker outfit/hair color would've suit the skintone better.
No. 618908
File: 1598735359275.png (24.24 KB, 569x181, hehhhh.PNG)

I thought "you're eating pure sugar" was just a saying
No. 618925
>>618899Are we the same person? kek
I'm also scared of living on the ground floor. I once had to stay on my grandparents house for a month and I was TERRIFIED of looking out of the window at night because I always felt like there was someone standing outside looking at me. It's also easier to have break ins and stuff, I'd much rather live in an apparment even if it means having to put up with neighbours.
I'm probably moving out next year and tbh the only thing that scares me is spiders, since I'll be moving to a place where there's tons of them, big ones. It'll be fun as an arachnophobic.
No. 618976
>>618685He's cute tbh, I love his hat. The only issue is he skin is too green. I get if they tried to make it cohesive with the green of his outfit, but some artists just don't understand how to draw brown skin. Brown people don't have green/olive skin like that.
>>618971Never had a fruit gusher but they sound gross. Whenever I feel something gush in my mouth it feels like I'm eating a bug. I couldn't eat wontons for a while cause of it lol.
No. 618982
File: 1598741994258.png (27.5 KB, 270x179, klepto.PNG)

klepto (the condor from the desert level in super mario 64) is honestly hot for a bird
No. 618984
>>618363Can you clarify why?
There are lots of things that seem great about it and lots of things that seem awful about it so I'm curious to hear what you have to say.
No. 618988
File: 1598743110882.jpeg (85.47 KB, 956x1200, 09EF3823-C5E4-4417-A00F-E8FBF0…)

I saw the cutest ginger today AND HE HAD A BIG NOSE why didn’t he propose anons???? I’m litttterally shakkking and cryying.
No. 618992
File: 1598743434293.png (235.57 KB, 428x480, 14_large.png)

I had a weird dream about being coerced into sexual shit with a cow/snowflake who kept pushing alcohol on me, and I blame the "Fuck, Marry, Kill" thread for this.
I hate you bitches sometimes. Can't even have a clean subconscious.
No. 619100
>>619072Be honest though anon:
why do you want to live in SK? If the answer is because you are influenced by kpop and kdrama, you really need to cut off that fantasizing and move on with your life. If your answer for wanting to move to SK is anything besides “I have a skill that will help me succeed here,” then I don’t understand what your reasoning could be besides secretly being a k-boo. If you aren’t tall and thin with a conventionally attractive face you will not be a model. It isn’t like Japan where you have a foreigners mystique, they have no issue pointing out your flaws and won’t entertain the average, ie Dakota Rose.
If you want to teach English, again why SK except for being a k-boo? If you can’t come up with a substantive answer that doesn’t sound like making excuses for yourself, then you’re wasting time. If you think you are willing to deal with the fact that you’re likely going to be lonely and your life will be mediocre, what about when the novelty wears off? If you spend so much time and resources on moving to a country so that you can hear kpop while you’re shopping, you’re in for a rude awakening. Unless you fit the narrow standard of beauty people are not going to find you attractive, and oftentimes people who gush about their experiences in SK fail to mention that although people aren’t going to approach you they
will often make fun of you within earshot if you’re average or pedestrian. In many ways you will be a social pariah.
So if you’re very thin, have long legs, a small face, beautiful skin, and a nonoffensive face maybe you’ll have a
chance at having a charmed life but otherwise you’re not going to experience anything more magical about SK than you do in your own country. Anons are free to argue with me but it’s just the reality that isn’t shared on youtube. Other than the medicine costs compared to America, there’s not many benefits that you’re going to have. Inb4 you’re just salty because you’ve had a bad experience: I was in SK for my job and my gf was with me as well, I had an okay time and wasn’t searching for romance. That said, if I were alone it would’ve sucked because it’s not special unless you’re under the same spell k-boos are.
If you have a truly good answer as to why you want to move there then whatever, but most people don’t. I get asked by a lot of kboos what life in SK was like and there’s always a follow up about how they want to move there. You aren’t going to be accepted into a homogenous society, rent isn’t going to be any better, domestic violence and misogyny are genuinely so
disgusting there, and being an English teacher in a foreign country just so you can feel adjacent to it is kind of sad. If you want to study abroad for awhile maybe that would help break you out of whatever illusions you’re under the impression of. I just dread mentioning these things because kboos
always want to argue and it’s exhaustive.
No. 619107
>>619100haha you tell 'em. I think unless you're living the exchange student life, it's really the same as living in any English-speaking or modernized country. Also I hope these people know the main language of wherever they go…because living overseas means setting up a bank account/handling utilities/etc. on your own for the most part. And unless you want to be hand-held by a coworker and always relying on friends, it can be a real pain in the ass with language barrier. Also it's essential if you want to form some lasting friendships / find where the locals love to hang out.
(Heaven forbid if you're not white and decent-looking!)
In this case I hope SK-chan just goes there on vacation, not to live. You'll have a lot better time that way in funland, rather than "oh shit rent is due and I gotta file my annual taxes wait are those residential or national" land
Most of those youtube vloggers look like absolute tools outside of the screen anyway. (walking past a pair of tourists giggling how OSHARE their 200 yen ice cream was made the surrounding people shoot them a side-eye)
No. 619111
>>619100I mean anon, not everyone who like Korea is a koreaboo. You're forgetting that I also want to move to France and Spain. You're also forgetting I said what I said in response to the question "If I had all the money to live comfortably, would I work?". So being an english teacher or whatever doesn't have anything to do with my answer. Realistically, I probably will never live in any of the countries I want to.
To answer your question: Like I said, I think SK seems cool and also I started learning ASL and Korean maybe 3-4 years ago. I liked the language and learned more about the country from there. Not trying to be defensive btw, just my explanation.
Anyway, I hear people talk about cut-throat beauty standards and the brutal honesty in Korea, but they never really get super deep into it I guess. I appreciate your insight anon.
No. 619117
>>619107I feel like they’re often under the illusion that it will be similar to japan in the sense that they will be accommodating and find them exotic, when that is far from the truth. If you don’t speak fluently you’ll be in bliss as a koreaboo, but if you do and have even a fifth of a braincell you are going to notice that you’re being dissected for your appearance on a bus, at a restaurant, in passing etc. everywhere. If you’re white and average weight you’ll be a target for sure. I can’t remember their names but there was a youtube couple that sat in at a bbq place we were at and they were being flamed within an inch of their lives for being fat and ugly. They aren’t going to spare you a quarter unless you’re cute, old, or don’t stand out in any way to them. A handsome Korean man isn’t going to want to marry you, and the ones who do have sex with you are absolutely going to call you a horse or something worse behind your back. Hidden cameras are everywhere. On top of that, men beat women aggressively and nobody gives a shit. It is no a PC paradise.
>>619111Ah if you aren’t a koreaboo then I don’t see the issue with saying it’s on your bucket list, but you have to be really dedicated if you want to live there long term. Also I didn’t read your post anon sorry, the only post of mine was where I said I have a laundry list of reasons why not to live there lol. I don’t think you’re being defensive at all, but I would consider any other country you’re interested in better to settle down in.
*Sorry for deleting to edit, I’m on mobile and it had a very nonsensical error.
No. 619120
>>619107>>619100I love these kinds of posts
Does anyone have one for Japan?
No. 619125
>>619122>relatively old, 26fuck anon don’t
trigger the rest of us like that
No. 619158
>>619100I’m this anon
>>618984 and everything you said is stuff I’ve heard before. I was really hoping I’d hear something new.
> It isn’t like Japan where you have a foreigners mystique, they have no issue pointing out your flaws and won’t entertain the average, ie Dakota Rose. Lol I actually like this about them.
No. 619160
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what is something you girls like about your appearance? for me it's my soft/straight virgin hair or very short height.
No. 619178
>>619158What more is there to hear? They’re more lenient if you know how to speak English (“class”) but they look down on everyone. They think Japanese women are prostitutes and they (along with basically any other non-Korean Asian people) are treated incredibly lowly and often struggle to find dignified work.
Domestic violence is so normalized that you could see a man deck a woman in the stomach and you’re expected not to react or that the woman did something to warrant it. You’re likely being recorded in many of the hotels you stay in. Women are expected to attach a photo to their resumes and you absolutely can be denied even menial work because you’re not considered attractive. I don’t understand why people act like that isn’t heinous shit, because it is lol.
No. 619259
>>619117I have a hard time believing that korean men can really hit women openly on the street? I only ever read about this on lolcow, never anywhere else, do you know more about this, anon?
>>619123>you will rarely, if ever, encounter a Japanese person’s ‘true face.’ And imo that's worse than people openly being rude to you. My friend moved back after living there for 10 years because of exactly that reason. She said while she met many nice people, she was also never really able to form a deeper friendship. And it didn't appear that the reason for this was her being a foreigner, many of them simply are so insanely closed of with everyone. No wonder so many kill themselves or decide they're just gonna be neets, trying to escape reality with otaku shit etc. Even Koreans (who also have high suicide rates) say that Japan is just insanely depressing. Koreans have a shit school system, but japanese people basically suffer through their entire working life (just look up those office morning cheer videos). I find asianboss quite interesting (and I don't think they're biased), and Japan seems to be the by far most backwards. You have women saying that they forgive their partner for cheating and said partner saying cheating is normal for men but women aren't allowed to, the number of young girls aspiring to be housewives is insanely high for a first world country, and so on. The most depressing video I saw was about an old couple who hadn't talked with each other in decades because he was sulking. The wife just silently endured everything, still always cooking for him, insane…Seeing this makes it kind of difficult to claim that the "japanese women are submissive and demure"-thing is just a stereotype.
Inbefore ccp-shill, but China is actually quite fun. It's a lot more laidback, fashion and youth culture wise they copy a lot from Korea but they aren't as extreme and critical as them. Chinese women also take a lot less shit, so the men don't act as cocky and they don't have those weird hypocritical fake-nice "manners" of never touching women. You always hear about that wedding cake thing, but that's simply not the case in reality, families might pressure them but that doesn't mean they actually marry, especially not seeing as many young women in big cities are doing extremely well career wise. If you're only a tourist, many people in China also speak english, while in Japan it's close to nobody (and in Korea it's some of the younger ones?)
No. 619279
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>>619259>they aren't as extreme and critical as themalso sometimes they won't watch a movie if the main characters aren't attractive enough
No. 619287
>>619120Personally drinking culture in Japan can be really jarring at first. It’s normal to see people smashed, can’t-even-walk drunk if you go to the really metropolitan areas. In group settings it can be really sad because the “newer” kids or businessmen are expected to drink to please their superiors.
Relationships can be a mixed bag. Some couples are really sweet and attentive. But it’s a well known fact that a lot of married men might have a side honey or be going to the cabaret clubs to chat with his favorite girl. Which is why buying your wife that Prada or Michael Kors bag as an apology gift is such a thing. The wives just turn a blind eye to it.
Going to a sex parlour after work is a perfectly acceptable activity for men. Women don’t like it, but they don’t say anything about it.
As for friendships, I didn’t have a hard time because I sought out Japanese people who don’t really “fit in” in Japan to begin with. But I guess the thing no one tells you about is how often friends leave. If you’re only befriending other foreigners, a lot of them might only stick around 1-2 years and dip. Some JP people might want to be your friend for “coolness” factor but you can usually sniff them out, unless you like being the Token Foreign Friend.
Dating wasn’t a problem either, but I looked for guys who had overseas experience. I do believe that Japanese men do eventually express a desire to have sex with Japanese women, so pick a partner carefully if you’re looking for marriage.
If you’re an teacher, one of the saddest things you’ll see is how hard the kids are pushed academically. Getting into a good school through the exams is big, and requires going to multiple tutoring classes after a normal school day, so some of them just look absolutely drained in class. One of my students (4th grade) started looking really exhausted and losing weight because she was so tired from all of her homework. Another girl burst into tears at home and her mom pulled her out of all her extra schools because she was so stressed. It’s really disturbing when you see a kid who gives you that “burnt out wageslave” look.
No. 619311
>>619279One could argue that at least this woman is genuinely obese and not just what other Asians call "fat" (50+kg). And actresses getting called ugly is a thing in every country.
It was simply my impression that people there dress up less and wear less makeup than Koreans, who seemingly don't even get the mail without having styled their hair.
Sadly they didn't do this in China but here's a comparison of how people view sexual harrassment in Japan and in Korea. Japan is just straight up 100%
victim blaming, apparently even hair styles can be too erotic, making innocent males lose control, no idea how anybody can see this as better than other countries. Men everyhwere are shit, but if you know that not even other women would support you in case something happened to you…
Korean version (not perfect, but miles more modern/woke than Japan) No. 619360
>>619259>>619287>>619311Ugh just reading this is making me feel depressed, I can’t even imagine having to live there.
Idk how anyone could say living there is better than living in korea or china.
No. 619373
>>619287Japanese men treat any hint of feminist ideology as a direct threat to them personally. The shit they comment online about japanese women advocating for any
victims of male violence or harassment is disgusting. There was even a Twitter thread in Japanese about women who did amazingly in their studies but were subjected to derision by male superiors when interviewing for jobs, etc.
No. 619374
>>619160I like my features, especially my eyes and nose, my only problem are my cheeks. I think I have an okay bone structure under the fat.
I also like my waist and hips, my body is nice, I just need to lose weight fml
No. 619380
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>>619160I like my face and body in general, I love my beauty marks and my pretty legs in particular.
No. 619391
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We literally dont need men to have babies. And if women are impregnated this way the baby is always female.
No. 619404
>>619397I saw a Hallmark/lifetime movie where the leading lady actually had an affair while on a business trip. I was like "wow something dramatic and the main character isn't a cookie cutter suburban mom" but then it devolved to a lukewarm stalker thriller where the other man half assedly tries to kidnap her, and her husband also admits he had an affair but they never talk about it again.
So many times they almost make an emotional impact or poignant lesson but they completely miss the mark
No. 619410
>>619391This is honestly the best news, probably super expensive tho.
If I'm reading it correctly at the end it's saying you could impregnate yourself, I wonder if the child would like just like you, or come out super deformed like when cousins have kids because the dna is so similar.
No. 619455
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>>619373How truly sad that a first world country lives in such a pathetic state
No. 619456
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>>619448You're ok anon, just remember it's in your head.
No. 619472
>>619448is it weird that i feel like that all the time since i was a kid?
at this point i don't even care anymore
No. 619484
>>619476Fuck my brain, she will get a lobotomy if she doesn't get her act straight.
>>619472I feel like that too anon, like I'm always distracted by doing something or thinking something but when I'm just… existing, i don't feel alone. There's always a feeling of being watched. This has been the normal for me since I was a kid too. Bathrooms are especially suspect so I like to always go with a phone so I'm distracted. But it was too overwhelming out of nowhere this time.
No. 619505
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Literally just saw an ad for this on the NYC subway that was like “come join me to talk about anime!” and thought “ugh maybe they called it ecchiart to be edgy or they’re just stupid” but NOPE its exactly like it sounds like. I’m disgusted.
No. 619529
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Sleep paralysis is crazy. Two nights ago will I was falling asleep, I felt like my body was rocking forward, like I was on a ship that was tipping over or something. It scared the shit out of me and im still thinking about it
No. 619604
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just ate a whole bag of kettle corn popcorners… feel kinda bad because i rarely eat a full bag of anything in a night but they were good
No. 619639
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I like to play 80s/90s/00s commercials in the background when I work or play games because they remind me of when I was younger, stupider, more ignorant and responsibility-free
No. 619652
>>619639what is your favorite old ad anon?
In california we have a home remodeling chain called closet world. They ran an ad maybe 10 years ago with a cgi mascot dancing to the jingle. loved that shit.
No. 619683
>>619652TAYRT and I don't really have a favorite that fits this description but: I always loved like those cheesy, quiet and calm commercials with jazz or something.
I wish commercials nowadays weren't so loud and blaring.
I do love the Free Credit dudes No. 619817
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I dreamt that I haf a boyfriend and now I feel sad and lonely.
No. 619822
This stupid video makes me laugh every time
>>619639ME TOO I loved those fucking betty crocker bake n' fill commercials when I was a kid
No. 619833
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>>619817I know that feel, I had a dream about my high school crush, we were young again and he was actually into me, it was cute.
No. 619872
I have one of those timewasting apps where you just level up by pressing a button, but at some stage progress slowed down (as it does to force purchases I guess) so I downloaded an apk for free shopping and after an hour of rebuilding from scratch I'm wondering what's the point kek
>>619646Hairy face? Not moist enough? Foundation cakes up for me if it's too thick, so mix moisturiser in. TBH though it's often not worth it. I look bad with foundation and balancing moisture/coverage often leads to the coverage not being worth it, So I just focus on more natural looking undereye concealer and TO skintone evening serums etc.
No. 619875
>>619861Jannies are slowpokes. Now wonder admin has the farmhand applications open.
Too bad she never seems to actually pick applications.
No. 619896
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I'm so mad I wasnt born a dark skin person with light eyes. Her eyes are naturally blue.
No. 619928
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>>619921Do it anon
It's great
No. 619963
>>619949 >Unconventional sexual tastes are a lot more common than people believeYeah we know, there's several threads based on exactly that on here, for weird fetishes and weird crushes of both sexes
I meant something else but if I say it then I'm taking the bait lol
No. 619966
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>>619948which ones did you order?
No. 619967
>>619963I'm the original poster and it was really meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I have no idea what I'm baiting or what you're eluding to though, neither of us would actually have sex from the organizer from Hoarders kek
She's just cute and has a really adorable voice. You can tell me what you think I was baiting you on and I promise I won't act like "I gotcha" or something. I'm just confused
No. 619972
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I'm gonna go jog tomorrow. Wish me luck. More importantly, punch me in the literal face if I don't, please
No. 620007
>>619921HELL YEAH ANON!!! Read the manga too if you have the time since it's finished now!!
I ordered the official big black Karasuno banner and it should be arriving this week. Gonna cry into it when I get it.
No. 620088
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The guys in the naked brothers band grew up to be so fucking ugly
No. 620103
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Im hype as fuck for this subway I'm about to get
Also, RVS are super cool. I hope one day I can own one and do road trips across the country in it.
No. 620175
>>620167Tape them shut
Or maybe it feels weird cause it's dark? If you don't have this problem any other time you close your eyes maybe you should cut out electronic devices before bed. That way your eyes can adjust.
No. 620179
>>620175It is not only when it's dark, when I try to take a nap in broad daylight, my eyelids still won't fucking cooperate. Fucking bitches. >Tape them shut
I like to put a heavy pillow over them and forcibly close them, works sometimes.
>>620177I feel a kinship to you anon, glad to know i'm not alone. Wish i can get used to it too
No. 620191
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Just found out this gaming youtuber i use to watch is having a baby with a pornstar
No. 620229
>>619896shes also deaf in one ear due to the condition that causes it.
jesus with you people.
No. 620232
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This made me lose it
No. 620262
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Why do I find this dumb ass meme so funny
No. 620355
>>620315It's TMI. I do not, under any circumstances, want to know whether you and your partner are rawdogging it to conceive. Just announce that shit once the woman is pregnant??? Why do I need advance notice.
Tbh I don't even wanna know once someone is pregnant. Why the fuck would I care? Do we also talk about your taxes? No.I'm a negative bitch today but I'm tired of seeing like 15 image spam threads on /m/ when similar threads are already available on /g/. How many fucking Fashion Vibes threads do we need on this here website on this day? We have enough!
No. 620371
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I can’t fucking fall asleep and I need to be at work in 6 hours. I’ve literally been sitting up in bed in the dark playing with my hair and trying to get in to stand up in this style.
No. 620377
>>620376You remove yourself from the group chat.
You block unwanted numbers texts.
You are not obligated to respond off of your dime:
No. 620384
>>620364This shit is the worst, I feel you anon. A guy at my last job was constantly hitting on me, but he obviously didn’t want a relationship. I told him I wasn’t interested in anything casual and he became so immediately butthurt, like I was the one in the wrong for not wanting a shitty fwb situation with a manchild.
It eventually made my job harder (we worked in the same team) because he wouldn’t communicate or collaborate properly on projects. He even launched a complaint about me being “inappropriate” because he was so pissed off. I wound up quitting later, but it was a nightmare to deal with.
Advice: go to HR or your manager right away, don’t let it escalate. He will blame you for shit or make things look like your fault.
No. 620400
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Jesus how the fuck are you guys getting so lucky with this amount of communication between yourselves and guys you work with?? I have a coworker whose been flirting with me for monthssss that I have a crush on now, and I’m lucky if we even have a moment to speak alone during our shift - assuming we even work the same shift. I’d remove one of my ribs if it meant I could have him begging me to text him back… To be fair though I have no social media for him to find me on or group chats going at work, but still…
No. 620414
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I'm at the office, it's September 1st, time to listen to September by Earth, Wind & Fire on repeat for the next 9 hours!
No. 620442
>>620430>there are hundreds of accounts giving exact instructions on how to stream their ugly ass song.kek I hate this so much but at the same time I'm laughing my ass off because they're just voluntarily music industry slaves at that point and I think that's funny af.
I don't doubt sooner or later there's going to be a countermovement that values "real" music/artistry and authenticity.
No. 620445
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Everytime someone starts off a sentence with
"not to sounds like a scrote…"
I think to myself
"That's something a scrote would say"
No. 620479
>>620474Can you specify what was the exact issue? I'm just curious.
Also when it comes to relationship advices, regadless of the problem there always would be people advising breakup right off the bat.
No. 620485
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>>620409What’s wrong with old guys?
>>620416Girl, if you saw him though…. you would understand… I’d fucking risk it all.
No. 620527
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Crazy to me that people go online and be mean to others. It's just so thoughtless.
Like unnecessarily mean replies to innocuous posts. Does that make the meanie feel better? I'll bet it doesn't, not really. Know what does? Being kind to others.
Not to say people shouldn't ever be mean (nice but impossible). I can be mean IRL if someone offends me, but if someone does it online just don't engage, it's not hard. Then go and spread positivity and you'll feel better instead of impotently raging.
If anyone's on ACNH I found a guide on how to make "the path", spent a whole day doing it myself so I can customise the colours through the seasons :)
No. 620554
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>>620531>>620543How did that post manage to bother you?
No. 620568
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Anyone have this picture of Brendan Fraser with the caption by a mom who showed the picture to her kid, who gave him a boogeyman name akin to "Slim Jim" or whatever and was afraid he'd come out of the closet or under the bed at night? I've been looking and looking to no avail, I'm desperate.
No. 620587
>>620479It was that he watched hentai. People said break up asap but i decided to tell him that porn of any sort makes me uncomfortable. He said he doesnt like watching a lot of porn because there are lots of stuff thats just degrading/disturbing, but that he liked hentai. He said he'd stop if it's a dealbreaker for me though. He just said that he watched it because i told him we wont be having sex in the first 6 months, so he thought i would be ok with the porn until we do have sex.
I mean he's actually really sweet and sends me paragraphs long romantic texts multiple times a day. I dont know if its puppy love because we've been dating for only 2 weeks - but this is the happiest i've been. Glad i didnt break up with him. He told me he stopped watching videos but reads some +18 mangas now which im not uncomfortable with since i read erotica too
No. 620606
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>>620603Betting all my neetbux on ldr that is about to be normal relationship asap
No. 620611
>>620593Bit of a generalisation given I've seen anons go out of their way to give thoughtful advice on there. Have you seen the massive paragraphs of advice some will type out while never making it a gender issue? They very much exist.
And of course anons are free to ignore advice if it doesn't sit right with them. Same as any other advice board, the replies vary but it's free advice lol
No. 620615
>>620606I think I remember the post. He would tell her after he'd been watching some hot hentai and fapping, anons said it's pretty fuckin odd that he announces that to her.
I didn't say to break up, I said to tell him he doesn't need to apdate you on every fap session. Some things are better left unshared, kek
No. 620619
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>>620554goody two shoes and hippies need to fuck off
No. 620632
>>620593>Regardless of the issue, you'll be told to break up with any male partner you haveTbf too often an anon asks for advice here it follows the pattern of: guy treats her like shit in a way that's not defendable but the girl goes: but he's soooo sweet and perfect otherwise, am I in the wrong after all???!!!?
Some of you are in some serious garbage relationships and don't want to face that fact.
No. 620639
>>620632Every single time, never an otherwise healthy relationship facing a normal issue which doesn’t involve the guy being a massive cunt
My sympathies to those anons because many of us have been there but also wake the fuck up
No. 620878
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>>620776I ALSO LIKE IT. I don't know why. I have a legitimate phobia of veins (including my own) which makes it even weirder. But getting blood taken feels…good?
No. 620881
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>>620873greetings peasant. I command you to henceforth double your prices and value yourself as an artist as well as an individual. chop chop
No. 620884
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lately i've been talking to a coworker about sex a lot and i know i should stop because he's a stupid coomer but my god i want to be destroyed by his huge dick. im cursed to like dick. i bet he's jerking off right now.
No. 620887
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>>620881Thanks for believing in me frog master. But I can't do that to my people. Maybe one day when some like really rich person wants to buy something.
But I got a well off lady ordering paintings from me a lot (she already asked me to paint 5 paintings for her and I just met her this year) I think my low prices are encouraging her to buy more, so I have a reliable buyer which I think is more important than selling 1 painting a year for a lotta money. Also she asked me to paint a 3 meter long painting my gals I can't wait!!
No. 620901
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>>620893yeah from what he's described and comparing it to previous experiences. he's got a tsuchinoko for sure. im not normally a size queen but man i just want this thing to break me apart
No. 620903
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>>620884big dick is over rated fam. i had been looking forward to getting split in half but instead just got stabbed in the cervix repeatedly. wide dick is best dick imo
No. 620906
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>>620903yeah its wide. like. thick. thats why im comparing it to a tsuchinoko yeah? ive had one before. its awesome.
No. 620912
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I don’t know how anachans do it, I had to fast for bloodwork and I’m now nearing the end of my life I’m so god damn hungry. I’m going to binge on carbs after this bullshit and be a fat fuck again.
No. 620923
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I tried to watch some anime today but I was so fucking bored I couldn’t get through 5 mins. I tried to play some games but I couldn’t even get through my match because I was so bored. Someone pls end my suffering I’m so fucking bored I just want some sparkles and rainbows in my life
No. 620924
>>620912It's not just anachans, there's been a massive surge in the popularity of fasting for health/weight loss and people are always shilling it as suuuper good and natural for the body.
I honestly just think anyone who would willingly suffer through a lengthy fast is an absolute psycho. There's something wrong with them even if it's good for us. Maybe they are actually all secret ana chans.
No. 620939
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>>620926From what I've seen it's very reminiscent of eating disordered behavior for the many people who aren't sick or concerned about inflammation. I'm not talking about intermittent fasting btw, I'm talking about days long fasts. Shit like pic related ain't right.
No. 620948
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>>620939this, it's a running joke in the eating disorder subreddits that most of the time posts from diet subs, especially r/fasting and r/1200isplenty, are indistinguishable from the ones in ED subs
No. 620958
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These are the bitches we’re arguing with in one thread and encouraging in another
No. 620969
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The thought of this being someone I’ve said “have a good day anon <3 it’ll get better” to is haunting me
No. 620972
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No. 620977
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anyone remember the toddlercon anon?
No. 620986
>>620866Update: I pooped and showered.
It was kinda annoying stomping it down the drain tho.
No. 620987
>>620986did you wash your feet though
No. 621014
>>620991imo instagram is one of the most
toxic apps ever. why not try deleting it and see how you feel for a while?
>>620930kek i was that way as a teen. i think once she grows up more and realizes shes allowed to have her own opinion on things she may change, but for now i think you'll just have to ignore it or tolerate it
>>620998>>621009go for it! i havent bought much recently but i love trying to wear almost everything i own that isnt indoor clothes when i go outdoors to run errands lol feeling good and looking good is a win-win!
No. 621094
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>>621085Anywhere that's not America
Jk but the dream would be to live in a european cottage. Southern France is really pretty. The only issue is idk If I would want to do all that farm-work shit. The chicken-keeping and bread making stuff sounds nice, but cleaning up after cows and horses and shit for hours would be distressing, to say the least.
BUT at the same time, living in a luxury condo with a huge closet filled with expensive shit I don't need also sounds pretty damn nice.
No. 621135
>>621094America to me only comes before 3rd world countries and China in terms of living. Terrible politics, the people who least deserve it are given a platform.
>>621085I'd kind of like to live in the countryside in Japan. I think the ecosystem is super interesting and would revel in spring and autumn but then there's the xenophobia, beaurocracy and I don't think I'd like expats who'd move there. I'd also probably end up with an asian dude with a white fetish or a white dude with an asian fetish, equally terrible.
For me I think living in Norway or Sweden is the way to go. I love my own house in a mid sized town where I know everyone on my street and have friends to go to restaurants/on hikes/the opera with and we'd have dinner at each others place and generally have a good time. It feels like a distant dream It sounds like a distant dream from someone living in a scheme in the UK kek
No. 621146
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new new thread n'y'all