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No. 611827
Posted in the old thread, I'll copy over here:
>>611809There is literally no reason to trust anyone for any reason whatsoever. You can never know what's going on inside someone's head, and there is nobody in this world with your best interests at heart (except for yourself). This isn't practical, however, so it makes sense to give people the benefit of the doubt. Once that provisional trust has been broken, there is literally no reason to restore it.
Think about it: every breach of trust has started with trust.
Related to this: my perhaps unpopular opinion is that unconditional love does not and should not exist.
No. 611832
>>611817Having done both, I have to agree. I felt less concerned for my safety in customer service though.
No. 611853
>>611839Same. I find it distracting.
>>611846Lmao are you serious? You're just not used to seeing women without make-up. Make-up free men is the norm you dingus.
No. 611884
the absolute game of russian roulette that is raising a child is absolutely not worth it.
if you adopt a child, they could have some kind of mental retardation the orphanage didn't tell you about that's either the mom's fault or stems from the trauma of being abandoned.
if you have your own kid, they could still be born with a fucked up condition that either makes it hell for you (prader-willi, turbo 'tism etc.) or costs a fuck ton of money (anything requiring multiple doctor visits a month, medication…)
kids are fucking dumb too, saw a documentary about a kid who died just by sneaking into the pool at night and drowning for the 10 seconds his parents weren't closely monitoring the pool.
let's say your kid is completely healthy, they could still end up developing some kind of mental illness that's a bitch to deal with. having a kid with anorexia sounds like hell. they could also go, traumatize themselves and end up with BPD or PTSD.
it will take 20 years for your kid to be someone worth talking to, probably.
if they made it through adolescence somewhat normal, they could still end up knocking on your door at 20, 25, 30, or more, because they have an addiction or somehow lost everything.
and of course, freak accidents, car crashes, the off-chance of raising a murderer…and the fact that kids take all your money even if they're healthy and low maintenance.
anxiety-sperging about everything that can go wrong…a good evening spent on lolcow dot farm.
No. 611892
>>611880>Their makeup is stubble, thicker eyebrows, beards.This isn't makeup, though? It's all natural.
>>611882idk, the dorm I was in was incredibly diverse. I will concede that non-white women tend to have better skin. I also found that makeup makes the most difference for East Asian women (they benefit from it the most).
No. 611906
>>611899What the fuck are you talking about? That
is their "actual features", anon. Makeup is EXTRA stuff that you don't have naturally.
No. 611922
>>611846Literally delusional.
Even the ugliest woman will look better than the ugliest man, because testosterone ages your skin and makes you uglier.
No. 611936
>>611919Not sure how this is misogynistic? I think women tend to have better bodies than men. I think women are overall more kind/cooperative/useful than men are. I'm not a misogynist.
>>611923Facial hair isn't a facial feature?
>literally a common figure of speechNot an argument.
> Literally all I’m saying is that without it, they’d be in the exact same boat as women.Right, but… they do have facial hair? facial hair is part of their face naturally. it is
not makeup. idk how to explain this to you
No. 611943
I don't think most people who claim to be child-free actually hate kids, or truly don't want them. Being anxious about the future you're going to raise your child in, or worrying that you won't be a good parent because your own childhood was so fucked up, aren't really compelling cases to me. It's just a cope because you have so much anxiety about serious life decision that you can't take back. Or, if you had a really bad childhood/bad relationship with your parents, it's anger you're just projecting onto other parents/yourself because you haven't healed yet, and are assuming things are going to be just as bad for those/your kids.
I know there are plenty of people who are just truly indifferent to parenthood and don't want that for themselves, but you don't tend to see these people constantly talking about it, or finding reasons to justify why having kids is a terrible idea, why it's morally wrong, saying that they're just totally disgusted by kids, etc.
No. 611948
>>611943Or some people don't want children? The expense, the mess etc? And because children are such a major part of most people lives, want a space to discuss living that way in?
You sound like a fucking boomer.
No. 611959
>>611955do you know what makeup is? that man has awful bone structure, I agree, but he is
not wearing makeup in either picture.
No. 611972
>>611943Is it really that
problematic for people to not want kids? If it's a sign of some projected anger or dysfunction in your eyes, why not just have more of your own kids in their stead to "make up" for their issues you're so sure of?
No. 611973
>>611959>affectno one said it's the same.
>>611951Why do you hate those people? If that's the life they want, who cares? How does it change anything for you at all? "you can only be childfree if you live X life" isn't any better than "all women must have children"
No. 611976
>>611959The beard hides his bone structure and sculpts his face in a similar way to how contouring with makeup would.
Also, if he had to style his facial hair and have it groomed into a certain shape, it can't really be considered "natural" anymore.
No. 611978
>>611976>>611973Holy shit. read my original post:
>Without makeup the average woman looks much more sickly/tired/haggard than the average man.
>Without makeup>makeupdo you understand now?
No. 611979
>>611951>What I really hate is people who are childfree because they want to buy more Funko Pops or sleep in until noon every day.Why, though? Do you think those people
should have children? People shouldn't be pressured to have kids in general, honestly. I don't get why this is a touchy subject as a whole.
No. 611982
>>611978Do you think he doesn't have to spend money maintaining that facial hair? Also have you considered that you think women look more haggard because you're used to seeing women with makeup and used to seeing men without?
>>611979forced pregnancies for all anons that slept until noon today and own at least three funkos
No. 611983
>>611978I'm not the person you were arguing with, I'm just pointing out the effect of the beard, and explaining why it can't always be considered a "natural feature".
>the average woman looks much more sickly/tired/haggard than the average man.This is just wrong. The average man is naturally more haggard. Look up the effects of testosterone on skin.
No. 611985
>>611959Are you autistic?
>>611976Right? Anons are giving her a pretty foolproof explanation as to why men generally look better and it’s going right over her head because beards are natural and makeup isn’t hurr durr.
No. 612024
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/XX/ anons please come back and harass these scrotes and handmaidens off my fuckin board
No. 612086
>>612077Gay presenting bi’s sure
>>612083Try harder
No. 612177
>>612175there's nothing feminist about it, it's just a song. Everyone on both sides of the agrument are annoying.
"Oh this is so horrible, think of the childern!!"
"Actually this song is empowering to women!!"
Nah, it's a shitty song, probably written by men imo.
No. 612186
>>612175>Even moids don't write pop songs about 'rock hard dick' or whatever, going into graphic detail about their genitalsYes they do. Listen to literally any song by a male rapper.
I dont see why this song has caused so much outrage when female rappers have been talking about this stuff for ages. Or why people are acting like Cardi B and Meg are bad role-models or whatever for making that song considering what rap and hip hop music is like today. In my opinion, the song isn't some feminist anthem, but it's just supposed to be fun.
No. 612187
>>612185yeah they are just raunchy songs, people pretending they have some deep meaning are taking it too far.
It's not a MRA empowerment tune and WAP isn't feminists.
Only tards think that way
No. 612227
>>612206Female rappers do sexualize themselves, forsure. Depending on the type of feminism you subscribe to you either think women ought to self-sexualize or not. That's up to you.
Idk how interested in rap music you are but a lot of the aesthetics come from what black life is like, and what life paths seems accessible to the average low income black person. Rap music does glorify sex work and cartels/gangs but it's also the artist's (and through them the audiences) way of processing the aspirations of success against the grimness of black reality. If you only look at the
problematic parts, you fail to address the catharsis.
When one is not poor or a minority, one is more likely to see themselves in a "better" career path, with a better life ahead of them. For a lower class person, those dreams can be quite different and often times they can't even fathom being someone other than what they've seen around them. If your role models and friends are mostly involved in sex work and crime, where do you see yourself? It's difficult to break free from that sort of influence.
Anwyay, a bit rambly but hope it makes sense.
No. 612243
>>611879i mean, 2pm existed to be that type of mens group lol but wow i am surprised (not in a bad way) that so many anons agree with this! i personally find them attractive mainly because i have always liked pretty boys/boys who arent all that muscular
>>612219disagree because i love uncle bens rice even though i feel like ill get attacked for it
unpopular opinion: funko pops are ugly and i hate seeing shops filled to the brim with them. i think any other figure would be better than those.
No. 612246
>>612219What brand of rice? And how are you cooking it? Also are you white?
>>612243Only unpopular on reddit
No. 612258
>>6122461. Doesn't matter to me
2. Like….rice? Rinse, salt and cook
3. black
No. 612261
>>6122581. It does matter, get thai jasmine rice
2. Invest in a rice cooker
3. Never post this shit about rice again
No. 612263
>>6122611. Thai Jasmine rice is not a brand
2. I have one. Still too hot and wet. It's mandatory it cools down.
3. No. It's not my fault freshly cooked rice is garbage.
No. 612297
>>612290hardly lol
also 99% of moids will not go with a trans woman, even if she passses and looks good
No. 612305
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>>612290LMAO ok tranny, dilate
No. 612352
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>>612290In what land or time ever? Kek
No. 612375
>>612299It's just low tier troon bait. Happens on lipstick alley all the time, gay dudes, troons and TRA's always pull the, "Damn did a tgirl steal your man? You sound Jelly sweetie, people just mad T-girls are the new exotics for straight men!"
To them the only reason women can dislike someone is because "Men" or "Jealously".
No. 612387
>>612375It's funny because those same trannies write huge think pieces seething over men refusing to date them, and sometimes literally blame "cis" women.
Laverne Cox did just that. They're basically incels.
But sure, bio women are totally jealous of all the hot men in dresses stealing their boyfriends, kek.
No. 612430
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This haircut is ugly
No. 612784
>>612772>>612779Speds with no quality of life should be put out of their suffering. And if I knew a child would pop out retarded I would abort it in a second
No. 612814
>>612775lbr it's low self esteem and women consistently being pressured to lower their standards to avoid being shallow/becoming a spinster/hitting the wall etc (ie, to ensure shit tier men have a large dating pool of desperate, insecure women who are much younger and better looking than them).
>I understand liking builtfat men and chubby women, but fat or skinnyfat men just look uglyia with this. Chubby women can get lucky with fat distribution but men can't pull off extra fat without a fair bit of muscle, because it all goes to their stomach. And they really have no excuse for it, considering how crazy high an average man's energy expenditure is. They'd have to eat an insane amount of food.
No. 612878
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This flavor is best
No. 612899
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Ok so I posted a truly unpopular opinion and ppl thought it was bait so I'm explaining myself better. Every time a picture of a trans woman with feminine traits that actually passes gets posted here anons jump at the chance of nitpicking every flaw that makes them manlier, uglier, 'disgusting beings undeserving of any respect'. I'd understand if it was about troons that compete against biological women in competitions which is unfair, or the disgusting people that want you to suck their 'girldicks' but I fail to see how someone like pic related entering a. women's bathroom is problematic. Yet the hate is so strong regardless. It screams jealousy to me, not of their beauty or capacity of attracting males, but deep down you just don't to see a man turning into a gorgeous woman so you try to put them down at every chance you got. Like, 'how dare they try to try be prettier and more feminine than ME, a biological woman. Look at these manly hands and neck and everything, he doesn't pass at all'. Still, it's alright to vent here since I know you don't have the balls to say it openly in rl. That's why I posted an actual unpopular opinion knowing I'd be told to dilate or whatever.
No. 612908
>>612899I have to agree with this honestly. I definitely think the trans-community has issues with extreme misogyny, but not all of them are bad tbh. I think some anons react the way they do because of all the trans people and tras saying stuff like "Trans-women look better than regular women!!!!" and "Neo-vaginas are like real vaginas!!!"
neither of which are true so when they see a passing trans they nitpick the male features (big hands/head/feet, how their arms and legs look, their ps, etc….). It's not really jealousy
or atleast i don't think so but just anti-trans anons hating trans people so much they will find any reason to hate them, even if the person themselves is rather tame.
No. 612915
>>612899Women tend to nitpick other women in general (especially on Lolcow, lmao), so if that applies to MtFs, including the ones who pass, what is the problem? Either say they should be treated the same as women, or that they should be treated like men trying to look like women. You can't have it both ways.
>I fail to see how someone like pic related entering a. women's bathroom is problematic. IMO it's not about beauty or passing, it's the fact that males continue male patterned violence even after transitioning.
Just adding a gender neutral bathroom instead of having people use bathrooms as some sort of weird personal affirmation tool should solve the problem.
No. 612919
>>611828>/snow/ is garbage these days. the majority of the threads are just spergs nit-picking the cow's appearance, which is a reach in itself because most of them are actually attractive. like, you're allowed to dislike someone and their actions while still acknowledging that they're not buttfucking ugly. it's so weird to me that the mentality a lot of times seems to be that if you hate a cow, you also have to convince yourself that they're physically hideous.About 90% of the time when some /snow/anon says a cow looks 10+ years old than the actual age, I'm like what? I don't see it.
Ratio of this happening to me posting about it:
No. 612960
>>612899You are still saying the same thing, "Yall jelly! Why you gotta point out thick necks, big hands!"
You say it's not jealously of their beauty capacity, but your issue is that we pick at their beauty compacity.
>>"How dare they try be more pretty and feminine than ME! A biological woman!" You are upset that we nitpick transwomen you think are passing and "gorgeous" because we feel they are more so then us.
which is something trans women/tra's do ALL the time. As well as posting photoshopped pictures of transwomen going, "See?"
Women on this site get judged HARSHLY for looks more so then trans women. Are people jealous of them as well?
Why boil everything down to looks and "jealously", which as people said last time, it's trans bait talk. They constantly do this.
We are jealous of their looks, we nitpick their male features because we are jealous etc.
No. 612970
>>612966I’m still in awe. Their goal was original 30k but they raised it to 50k claiming surgeon quotes and that gfm takes a portion and people seriously paid it all! This person is also friends with a scammer that makes gfms for fake situations all the time. I guess if people want to pay for that whatever but it’s so morally bankrupt to me.
>>612969Top surgery can be expensive if you go for a decent surgeon, but other than that funds usually go towards their hormones and scar treatments. I see a lot of ftms struggle to get crowdfunded all the time but mtfs appear to get more online attention and support.
No. 612973
>>612961I don't even know why they get it, I've seen transwomen who look like Bill Nye in a wig, get praise from the cattest of women in the world.
If all transwomen are brave and stunning by just being trans, why get bad surgery that almost never translates well into real life? Or ages well?
Jessica Alves (Human Ken Doll) went from a freak everyone gawked at, to someone we have to take seriously as a woman and I've seen people who used to pick at his mental state and looks, now change their whole view on him or are more understanding. It went from, "Man he needs fucking help" to, "I'm happy he can finally be who she wants to be now"
The same people flipping out over Kim k's surgery and photoshops are the same people who'd gush over Nikita's surgery & photoshopped or flat out ignore it.
It's not even deserved praise half the time, it's just people feeling like they have to be nicer.
The double standard my also be why women nitpick transwomen, because we get nitpicked by other women for the same things transwomen get praised for.
People get upset at actual female models for unrealistic beauty standards, but trans women get praised to high heavens for just not looking like a man in a picture.
No. 612981
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>>612979I know it was ultimately his choice but I still feel really sorry for him. I think of him when I read those nightmare bottom surgery updates.
Subjective obviously but I quite like his face.
No. 612996
>>612988Yeah but plenty of men are short and weird looking. And feminine and masculine men can both be deemed as attractive makes but only feminine women are deemed as attractive.
That being said, no matter how badly society tries to fight supposed transphobia, the fact that MTFs get treated as special, have their flaws ignored, and worshipped and FTMs get shit on if they have any level of maintenance at all is proof society doesn't truly see transwomen as women and transmen as men. Once I see trannies start getting shamed for getting unnecessary amounts of surgery, being fake or obsessed with being a bimbo and transmen respected and taken seriously then I will believe society truly believes that transgendered is a thing that needs to be followed and not sought help for
No. 613001
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>>612996I think what I’m trying to say I guess is that amabs can get an insane amount of cartoonish surgery and be deemed sexually attractive by a portion of degenerates. But a lot of afabs simply don’t have the size, gait, etc of classically handsome men that are considered the standard. But you are right.
This thread got me down this rabbit hole regrettably. Before,I was thinking at least mtf can chop their dicks off—ftm can’t ever have anything resembling a penis.
Now that I’ve looked at neovaginas I feel really sick and sorry for these people in general. This stuff shouldn’t be legal.
No. 613004
My unpopular opinion is it was good when you could shut down obvious baits with a simple “hi troon” and “hi scrote”. Succinct and effective. Signals to everyone this is low quality bait and to keep swimming.
No. 613014
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>>612981checked on this dude and he only looks good in this picture because otherwise he ain't that handsome tbh.>>612982varg looks good in more than one picture so kek
>>612986Does this article contain pics of the neo-vagina? I would like to read it but ain't interested to be exposed to the horror.
No. 613018
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>>613001I think this guy actually killed himself recently. He regrets everything and haven't been on Instragram for awhile now. Wish he could have gotten a good therapy with pinch of self-acceptance instead.
No. 613029
>>613014You have really shit taste no offense anon, Varg was literally a pussy soyboy but you have rights to an unpopular opinion as well!
>>613016I was referring to him pre-transition or whatever. He has beautiful bone structure, lips etc. He made a very handsome male.
No. 613047
>>613043>>613044You've never seen trannies insist their lives would've been better if they were allowed hormones
and SRS as kids? Okay.
No. 613057
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>>613001>>613018Shit like this is funny to me. I hope more men continue to sterilize themselves.
No. 613097
>>612938For centuries we did it too though, according to some of my history teachers from way back. Humans would just abandon their several physically or mentally disabled babies to die so they wouldn't waste time and resources raising them. Modern medicine changed everything I guess? Delusional parents would have way more hope to keep their disabled children and people would guilt trip each other way more over abandoning their disabled kids I imagine.
>>612752If that were legal and I wouldn't be able to abort the baby in time I would do it too, but giving up on your parental rights is still possible.
No. 613100
>>613099You shut your dumbass mouth
jk they’re necessary for making breakfast even more delicious than how it is.
No. 613181
>>613168>A lot of MTFs who get bottom surgery later complain if they get an "ugly" vagina and start regretting their surgery even though they totally wanted to kill themselves when they had a penisIt's almost as if they see the collective female sex as a fashionable image, rather than as human beings who look as different from one another (and not just in the genital region) as any two people would.
>>613174It's their way of coping, anon. Let them enjoy the cognitive dissonance. Women's genitalia is "so ugly"… which is why they cry themselves to sleep every night because they want to be a woman so badly, right?
No. 613197
>>613174it's coping and it's lies they tell eachother & get told by chasers. Trust me, there's plenty of men/people into transwomen who try to shit on women and they do so to these transwomen.
Men do this to women, when they are with you, you have the most amazing pussy in the world, you are so much better then other girls, except some trans women take this shit to the heart.
All they want to hear is good things, about themselves and the transgender lifestyle, everything negative gets shut down.Even some women play into the delusion, they'll tell them it's no different from their vagina, or talk about "Girl dicks". Trust me, a lot of people hype these transwomen up to set them up for failure.
Thats why a lot of these trans celebs who are being told they are gorgeous women all day, are always bitching & bitter online.
No. 613254
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I need this eyebrow trend to be over
No. 613298
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I think that girls with ‘ugly features like a tooth gap or whatever are way more attractive than normal conventionally attractive girls. As a small nose girl I’m jealous of roman nose girls tbh.
No. 613324
>>613300Not really. Average men get worshipped whether they have dad bod, average body, slightly fit, etc. Some of the most praised male celebrities are average and obtainable men. The most praised female celebrities are either really thin or filled with plastic surgery note about how most of these men have less than perfect faces, easily obtainable bodies, and not that impressive features of these women are dead, the ones from decades ago have pretty obtainable bodies (not too curvy but still curvy and feminine, not too skinny but not chubby, soft, etc). The fact that they're easily able to name off modern attractive men but can't name off modern attractive women says all. The only way to be attractive in a 2020 is either by being extremely skinny, extremely fit, or extremely thick and curvy. The average woman in 2020 is practically fucked when it comes to finding a partner that is attracted to her
No. 613335
>>613321>>613325This! What
>>613313 said is basically just a meme online but in reality minority women (with i think the exception of east asian women but correct me if im wrong as im not east asian)are shamed to hell and back for even calling a white man cute. Especially in the black community it's a big reason why so many black women are race loyal as fuck because we've been memed into believing that if we date ouside of our race we are destroying the black race and are disgusting bed wenches. Meanwhile black men are allowed to date any race and if we use the same logic on them we are just jealous angry bitter bitches. I hope this isn't race bait please don't ban me lol
No. 613339
>>613328>Average men or men with dad bods aren’t ‘worshipped’ irl by anyone. I've lived in 3-4 different cities all across the US within the past two years and I can tell you that's a lie. I've worked at places were obese men have like 3 girls crushing on him, a friend I had bragged about dumping a buff cop for a fat SoundCloud rapper, average looking 5-6/10 men with average bodies are worshipped by women and have girls crushing on them. In fact most chubby or average/dad bod dudes I worked with have had women working with them crush on them
>Most female actresses just have average bodies and aren’t super skinny or built like an IG modelMost of them are skinny, the only one I can think of who looks healthy curvy is Scarlett Johansen, even then men often look to Kim k and all of her clones, even then we are talking about women men fawn over
>this list is just one random website. I agree standards are higher for women generally but ‘average’ people with ‘average’ features are always going to be viewed as average and people with extreme or rare traits are always going to be viewed as more desirableThat's true but that "rare" trait shouldn't be obesity, plastic surgery, or just unnaturalness in general. Men are barely able to find their own girlfriends attractive nowadays ffs. If this economy didn't ruin any chance for decent generations to come then the fact men are barely able to get hard to healthy women anymore will.
No. 613371
>>613347>skinny, thick, fit, pale, tan, having small boobs or having big boobsyou're right, but what men categorize as attractive is extreme versions of that, extremely thick, extremely curvy, extremely pale, extremely big or small, etc
>average healthy/pretty women are never praised or unable to find people who find them attractive. everyone can find people who find them attractive, but there's no reason why women with pretty faces and soft curvy but healthy bodies are only able to get low effort boyfriends and the extremely chubby, fat, fake curvy, bone-thin girls have guys flock to them.
>You can find someone attractive while simultaneously acknowledging that there are people who are conventionally considered more attractivethat's not the point. it's just unfair that low effort men don't have to do anything besides shower and women will love them but women can't just eat healthy, workout lightly, have good hygiene and throw on light makeup and have a lot of men attracted to her. They have to be super thin, super fit or extremely curvy, they have to have perfect skin and all attractive features, they have to be special. they can't just be like 5'4, 135 lbs and have good propotions and nice facial features anymore
>most men are not considered objectively the most beautiful man ever by their gfs either.maybe, but women don't spend their time comparing their boyfriends to other men, women who have unattractive boyfriends still show affection and actively pursue them, men with not that attractive girlfriends treat them as holes during sex, barely touching their body and cheat on their girlfriend while never endingly talking shit about how ugly their girlfriend is while looking for the next best thing. Most women I know are happy if their boyfriends have decent hygiene and aren't mooches lmao
No. 613374
>>613313Cool story bro
>white guy: I want cute asian gf Man of culture
>asian woman: I want cute white guyGold digger race traitor
>I want short girl with big assEveryone does
>I want tall man with big dickSuperficial whore
>I want kinky gf who likes anal and choking and ageplayReasonable
>I want bf who doesn’t watch pornDo you REALLY expect that of men??? Literally abuse!!!
No. 613381
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Eyebrow anon back to say I need the trend of beachy waves with straight ends to be over too
No. 613390
>>613384> I've met more women who liked anal, choking, or ageplay (or any combination thereof) than men… and yeswhat are women going up to you and telling you their fetishes are something? this seems to be more of a your group type deal
>it's a little bit unreasonable to expect to find a partner (of either sex) who doesn't watch porn, as about 73% of women and 98% percent of men watch pornmore and more people are giving up porn and that statistic is from 2018 and listed watching porn once as watching porn. No woman likes limp dick or men who can't make her feel attractive during sex
No. 613394
>>613384I don't think it's that unreasonable if you yourself don't use porn. I don't and I want my partner to do the same.
Just because coomerism is common doesn't mean I should be fine with it.
No. 613403
>>613395a small group of friends claiming to like anal, choking and ageplay =/= it being super common for women
>The handful of mentally ill (rad)fembots and incels on 4chan buying into no fap pseudoscience isn’t reflective of some growing movement. lol no, most average men are giving up porn because it's literally breaking their dicks, and since men have laughed at all the warnings that porn ruins their sex life it took other men like terry crews to speak up about the effects of porn and a lot of men are quitting because of it.
>Most people who watch porn also aren’t literal incel porn addicts like the only men you talk to are.I didn't say that but even watching a small bit of it still fucks up your sex life
>I wish you people would just go back to where you came from.I'm sorry I enjoy mutually satisfaction sex. Hope you can find some happiness with your limp dick nigel
No. 613407
>>613384Choking is extremely dangerous though, you can literally get brain damage. It shouldn't be encouraged nor normalized for women.
Ageplay is well… covert pedo-ness. Could've used something like blindfolds or shit as examples of common kinky stuff.
No. 613410
>>613313This is interesting but i only partially agree. The amount of shaming really depends on the culture.
Asian women (in the west) are almost always going for white men, and there's tons of evidence for it. Some of them even have "non-asian" dating policies.
I think preferences are fine but when you only date one specific race and reject your own one then to me there's something more to it e.g. fetishisation.
White men having a thing for asians for example is labelled as "yellow fever" but asian women get away with saying shit like "i only date whites", being openly racist to AND mocking their own men without any public outrage.
The only serious backlash i've seen are only online from asian men who, with black women, are considered the least desired so ofc there's bitterness.
Their male equivalent are black men who mostly go after white or latina women and look down on (esp. dark skin) black women and talk shit about them. Black women dating a non-black man often
triggers black men though for some reason and the women usually get shamed for it.
When you only go (for example) for whites, put them on a pedestal and make fun of your own men/women then it's just blatant internalised racism/self-hate to me.
This is just what i've seen, witnessed and observed though.
No. 613413
>>613394>coomerism…Natural human sexuality?
>>613403>uh uhhhh uhh uh BUT YOUR HYPOTHETICAL BOYFRIEND HAS ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION lol!!1!That isn't an argument. Do you have no argument based in reality?
No. 613423
>>613417>>613413You two really think unlimited access to incest porn (most popular category of porn
tw)is normal human sexuality huh
No. 613425
>>613420Most people who consume porn aren’t addicts and an addiction to literally anything would be harmful because an addiction is a mental illness. You’re saying nothing inherently about porn when you talk about porn
addiction (and that is the only context where there is evidence of it being harmful).
No. 613426
>>613416Have you ever considered that women can consume romantic or sexual media, or fictional depictions of sexual acts, because they are functioning beings with sexual organs, hormones, and bodily autonomy? Or do you live in some kind of world where all women are weak infantilized perpetual
victims who aren't intelligent enough to make decisions?
No. 613433
>>613421Saying women can be affected by outside forces which they are literally bombarded with since puberty, even before, is not saying that women are mindless, weak
No. 613437
>>613430>suggests that women are intelligent and have bodily autonomy>"you're a pickme"What part of the idea of women being capable of making their own decisions offends you? Additionally, can you define "male-catering" and explain things that would be considered "male-catering", which aren't just things that you associate with men under the false assumption that no women on the face of the planet likes them?
>>613431How old are you? Do you sincerely think fetishes are some kind of newfangled invention?
No. 613440
>>613426romantic media includes men buying women flowers and men and women going on cute dates and trips, most porn is incest, rape-play, choosing women who specifically look as childlike as possible and so forth. Even erotica is a lot gentler and healthy. If you really think women aren't catering to men by adapting to whatever fetish men find cool at the moment you're delusional, women have literally broke their ribs with corsets to appease men, starved themselves when men that being bone thin was cool and have had themselves cut open and foreign objects stuck inside of them to appease men. Women are conditioned from the time they're 10 that they always need to cater to men, not accepting that reality is your fucking problem.
And no it's not to say women are stupid are always
victims it's that society brainwashes women
No. 613442
>>613436You fail to see there is no evidence that moderate porn consumption
is unhealthy behaviour. There is endless research showing us obesity is unhealthy.
No. 613449
>>613437First off, a fetish is not the same thing as a sexual inclination. If you have multiple female friends who have fetishes, congrats on being a unicorn because fetish are very uncommon for women.
Second, sexual behaviors are always heavily influenced by societal context. For example, in the 18th century (at leats in France late in the century), even prostitutes refused to give head because it was seen as degrading. So no, sexual behavior is not completely free and is dependent on what is normalized in a given society and time period. and those things change quick. Anal, incest fantasies, ageplay are not new, but the've become increasingly common. Why is that ?
No. 613458
>>613450But anon, that doesn't fit their narrative of women being these incapable, unintelligent, constantly brainwashed, infantilized, desexualized, Puritan pearl-clutching
victims. Lmao.
No. 613461
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>mfw farmers can't even have a fight about porn consumption without attempting to drag fat people into the argument
No. 613465
>When men can’t cook, clean or do anything they’re called pathetic man babies and are repulsive to most normal womenI wish. the fact that male prisons are filled with women says otherwise. men can literally hit rock bottom and women will still stay with them
>>613450>it's not bad it's just bad!uhh
>>613458I love how you ignored the fact I pointed out you pathetically tried to claim that refusing to face the issue that too many women cater to men by claiming women are smart and that trying to speak about the issue of men catering to men is anti-feminist. you still have yet to speak about the logic in that
No. 613469
>>613442In my country porn is just starting to be recognized as a public health crisis by professionals. You seem to forget that mass-consumption of porn (especially by minors) is fairly recent, there are billions at stake, and scientific research takes time.
I am twenty and most men my age have grown up on violent porn because I have too (started at 11), it had negative consequences for me and I wasn't addicted at all, so why not on others ? If you think that makes me a prude so be it.
No. 613478
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brb gonna watch some dick flattening videos and ask men if i can flatten theirs. Don't blame me though it's just me natural response to sexual stimuli!
No. 613506
>>613491have you never been inside of a sex shop?
>>613492>me pointing out gang banging that is focused on black men dominating a white girl is saying something wrong with black men and white women having sexyou anons would fight bob ross if he came here i swear to god
No. 613515
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>>613511Seriously. I don't know why so many anons think fetishes started existing 10 years ago, unless they're 14 years old or something. Makes me worried about how many underage posters there are here.
No. 613524
>>613500Fuck, where’s the actual himbo abuse at
The absolute state of femdom porn, the genre about female domination still manages to be entirely about male pleasure
Lol at the coomer failing to say anything but
>w-where’s the PRUufff>unironic choice feminism No. 613529
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>>613168>they spent previous years shitting on flat chested womenSpeaking of which, I didn't want to blogpost but I might as well. I grew up with a rare disorder that made my body not produce enough growth hormone so I had to be injected with growth hormone for years everyday just to try to look like a normal person and not the main characters of that super old Freaks movie but even if I didn't get any medical treatment for that and thus never went through puberty, I'd still be 100000000000000 times more feminine than these gorilla looking bitches just thanks to my female reproductive organs. Just thinking about it makes me laugh.
No. 613539
>>613532>Tbh even if he said it was for sexual pleasure, I still think most men would think it was weird.whatever happened to most men are watching porn and it's evil to ask them not to watch it?
>>>613536>wanting to point out the issue with women being pressured to give into harmful fetishists is saying sex is badoh my
No. 613540
>>613530Agreed. I don't think that all forms of sexual expression are evil, I enjoy fanfic and amateur porn or vanilla stuff mostly, I'll admit, but the things I've seen, even from cows here (like Luna and Shayna) is so fucking disgusting and dehumanizing. Unfortunately, now that it's all been unleashed, I don't think there's any going back, ya know? The boundaries being pushed and pushed like a lot of anti-porn anons are saying is true. Anal, choking, bdsm elements being introduced into "regular" sex is common, and women are shamed so often for being boring and vanilla BY OTHER WOMEN. Where do we think that comes from exactly?
No. 613542
>>613531Back in the day when, like I said, sexuality
especially female sexuality was significantly stigmatized and punished and women were heavily ‘socialised’ to be sexually passive?
No. 613552
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>>613535>much more harmfulIt's true, and you should say it.
No. 613554
>>613547When only men have been allowed to express themselves sexually obviously women beginning to will look like they’re ‘catering to men’. The reality is you can’t prescribe into someone what ‘catering to men’ is or isn’t and ‘porn sickness’ is not a
valid thing in any medical literature. Porn addiction is harmful, as is all addiction, but that says nothing about porn in itself.
No. 613556
>>613554I find it wild that you think that liberated sexuality is about violent domination of women (as as you've pointed out, male sexuality is liberated and front and fucking center, and femdom is nowhere near as widespread or as violent as regular everyday porn).
If you are female, that is truly truly fucking sad.
No. 613563
>>613395>she thinks women hate porn because of nofap hocus pocusJesus fucking christ you really think everything women do revolves around men do you? How about I told you that most of these evil feminist boogeymen want to be
free from men and their demands, not be dependent on them?
No. 613567
>>613542>Back in the day when, like I said, sexuality especially female sexuality was significantly stigmatized and punished and women were heavily ‘socialised’ to be sexually passive?women who wrote smut back then were stigamitized and a lot used fake names, it wasn't until anal, choking and so on was introduced by and for men did women claim to be into it
>>613546>I don't surround myself with porn>me pointing out blacked to be a popular porn and that it is an issue>you call me racist, claim it's not popular then act confused and say "you don't surround yourself with porn"hunny…
>>613548besides the fact that porn stars and ex porn addicts never stop talking about the effects of porn
>>613554>When only men have been allowed to express themselves sexually obviously women beginning to will look like they’re ‘catering to men’.women have constantly catered sex for men, women are literally throwing out thousands on plastic surgery for men, women have styled their pubes differently to mens liking, literally most of what the average woman does sexually is for men. The fact there's 14 yr olds walking around claiming to be into BDSM and wearing collers with "daddy" on it is an issue in this porn sick society. you refuse to even allow anybody to talk about this and claim it to be feminist, why?
No. 613568
>>613384>98% percent of men watch porn. Ok
Then, 98% of men should either drop their fetish for rape on tape, or go pussy-less. The onus isn't on women to lower the bar for them, kek.
No. 613572
>>613554>obviously women beginning to will look like they’re ‘catering to men’No? Why would it look similiar at all?
Also, I agree that not all porn is bad, some dude jacking it to a photographed nude woman for example isn't really harmful imo
No. 613577
>>613570>Why don't you ask the anons who think that women enjoying sexual media, having kinks, or engaging in consensual sex acts with men are "brainwashed" and "controlled" by men?yep because preteens trying to find daddys to choke them is just uwu strong intelligent female sexuality, not an issue with society brainwashing women, how dare i
we can't speak about how media influences society now apparently because you think it's offensive
No. 613581
>>613548What the fuck are some of you on? Have you actually looked up
anything about the effects of just even mild porn consumption? The trafficking? The abuse?
Can't tell if some anons here are just pea-brained libfems or just scrotes.
No. 613590
>>613567Half of what you’re responding to is from someone else but who’s stopping you talking about it, I’m talking with you now? Those women writing that still would have been influenced by the oppressive and theocratic society they lived in? No one is arguing porn
addiction is harmful and no one is arguing that women aren’t oppressed, but that the response to that is not to treat them like second class citizens who are unable to contextualise things or understand their pleasure and go advocate for a oppressive and repressive nanny state.
No. 613599
>>613590But women today aren't affected by porn culture? Damn, women back then were just weak little
victims to religion apparently, thank god 21th century girls are immune to any outside negative influence.
No. 613609
>>613594A man holding a door open for them is degrading and sexist but a man watching violent rape porn and then choking his girlfriend is just so empowering and feminist.
>>613596People need to eat to live. People don't need to masturbate to live.
No. 613611
>>613603The vast majority of women disagree with you. Your side lost and has been a dead meme for years outside of niche online communities. Why not advocate for some realistic solutions to the actual
valid problems with porn production? You people end up doing so much more harm than good.
No. 613613
>>613605NTA, but I find it funny to think of that anon basically equating women to animals to be slaughtered and consumed, while they're trying to defend porn at the same time.
I don't know why these people want us to degrade ourselves so badly.
No. 613617
>>613590>Those women writing that still would have been influenced by the oppressive and theocratic society they lived inyes but smut was all by women for women back then, you really think is women naturally have the desire to have dicks in their ass, being gangbanged, being choked then women would have written it in their sexual escape fantasies?
>but that the response to that is not to treat them like second class citizens who are unable to contextualise things or understand their pleasure and go advocate for a oppressive and repressive nanny're the one losing your shit over us trying to discuss what porn did to our society, you're the one who thinks us discussing that media affects women = us saying women are stupid. You're ridiculous and delusional if you think porn doesn't influence women. Literally every single person except you can accept that.,sexual%20interests%2C%20behaviours%20and%20relationships.&text=And%20for%20women%2C%20male%20partners,of%20impact%20concern%20me%20most.
this is a literal fact porn causes people to shift interests. literal fact. if you think that human psych is saying women are stupid you are beyond delusional and there is no trying with you if you can't accept that without thinking we're calling women stupid
No. 613639
>>613587If there was no demand there would be no production. But i like how you ignored the rest of the points lol.
>>613596Ah yes, anon. Cause porn is just as crucial to life as food! Thank you for enlightening all of us! I'm sure pimps and porn producers will definitely become more ethical once magic laws are implemented, so men can jerk off in peace again and not die!
Why are these arguments always so fucking vague and unsubstantial….
No. 613643
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>>613634Do you mean this post? This wasn't the first post about the topic, and they never said it was offensive.
No. 613651
>>61362625% of young men experience ED now, my male friends literally all think it's normal to regularly not be able to get hard…No problem whatsoever lmfao
Watch porn be banned in 20 years not because of effects on women but because of limp dick
No. 613654
>>613638>how much of a degen you need to be to see some porn related thing "everywhere", dumbfucall I said was that it's popular and all over most porn sites as well as it's tapes being sold at sex shops. Sorry i thought you were smart enough to understand it's everywhere in the world of porn and sex. and there's tons of memes about it too.
>>613492 here you implied I was racist because I pointed out the issue with black. Each of the following posts responded accordingly to each other if you wanna claim "it wasn't you"
No. 613686
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>>613654Oh well if there's memes about it, it must truly be everywhere!! Thank you anon, I have now seen life through a coomer lense.
No. 613689
>>613681Explain why Nepal had a 300% rape rate increase after internet pornography became widespread.
Also, what do you even mean by "degeneracy"? Are you trying to link pornography to actual
valid sexuality that's been stigmatized? Are you pornsexual and just as oppressed as homosexuals, anon?
No. 613693
>>613671Same. My only porn-free bf wasthe only one literally got hard every time he was in the mood, except out of nervousness the first time.
I am not losing any more time with cumbrains, especially since dudes naturally lose their stamina as they age and I probably won't be able to score 20 yo dudes when I am fifty
No. 613703
>>613678Yeah look up what happened with James Deen, the pornstar, not the other one.
Rape, overstepping agreed boundaries on set in front of directors who either wouldn't help or didn't notice. Assault claims, an ex that he raped both on and off screen, a woman who took her life… the man is still working. Women are still taking a pay cheque to fuck him and get punched in the face by him. It's nuts.
No. 613715
>>613710Video games and sexual fetishism don't work the same way. I'd say to go read some actual data on the effects of pornography, but I know you won't because you love your gross-ass addiction.
I just wish you'd shut the fuck up and stop trying to shove it down people's throats. We're not going to drink the kool-aid. Women's wellbeing is more important than your ability to cum.
No. 613729
>>613709>like porn is newInstant easy access to extreme porn is new.
>basic as sexual desireThere is a massive difference between getting off to a woman being choked, beaten and raped on screen and wanting to have sex with a woman because she's attractive
>if you don't give youth accurate and safe sex education, they're going to be educated about sex from inaccurate and unsafe sources.But that is exactly what is happening. People are looking at porn and assuming that it's a representation of a normal sexual relationship.
>>613718>2+2=4 isn't factual unless is peer reviewed No. 613731
>>613718> secondary source opinion piece that isn’t peer reviewed is not a ‘fact’ you complete regard1. if you actually read the article instead of making yourself ignorant it posts literal sources and facts from someone who has studied criminals
2. this is lolcow. go start a debate club if it means that much to you but I'm warning you they don't repeat things over and over
No. 613737
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I bet these porn defenders are also staunch troon lovers and girldick suckers. Oh lord, cleanse my board of these sinners.
No. 613740
>>613724To put it in the simplest terms, the draw of porn relies on needing stronger and more shocking content, consistently.
Video games work because they actually give the mind a challenge/task and reward. The visual stimuli is just a nice bonus to an already engaging task. Porn offers nothing except the shock value followed by arousal.
No. 613745
>>613678Don’t forget the explosive interest in teens, loli and incest.
>but anon, both men AND WOMEN find those things arousing NATURALLY, thanks to porn they can now openly explore their sexuality>>613690Once again, tape on tape isn’t a vehicle for “destigmatization and openness about sex”. Is anyone here arguing against proper sex Ed or discussions about sex? No.
>>613709Lmao sure it’s human nature to seek out sexual stimuli but portrayals of sex are not created equal. You’re gonna say sex scenes in Titanic is the same as Riley Reid gangbang next. Men used to look at a ball of clay for porn, not 4K technicolor simulated child rape. Totally the same thing though! Something about prostitution being oldest profession too?
No. 613754
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I love it so much when a passionate discussion erupts. Bless you all
No. 613774
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I think about this quote, without exaggeration, almost every day now.
No. 613784
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>>613747The problem is, we're not exactly talking about fiction when porn is the topic of discussion.
I could go into the "fictional" scenarios of ageplay and point out the conditioning that would arise from that, but I'm not sure if that's what you're asking.
No. 613793
>>613747Acktuyally research shows that media (including video games) don’t
create murderers but can definitely exacerbate the urge to act in individuals with predisposition for violence. Many killers were verifiably admittedly inspired by real crimes or fictional.
But all moot, like that anon said, the urge to kill and the urge to cum are completely different with wildly different thresholds of logical override requirement. Do I really have to tell you that? So your point is still shit.
No. 613804
>>613786ayrt and I don't think I'm radfem persay either, but seriously. the amount of porn
glorification i see from women is astounding and disgusting, ranging from praising BDSM to, of course, OnlyFans, all and in-between in the name of female sexshual liberaschun!!!
and i remember reading and uncritically believing these things in '13/'14 when i was like 19 and throughout my early 20s, and only now am I starting to see how damaging and stifling it actually is for women. it kinda feels like we can't win, but playing into the male gaze and game of capitalizing on women's sexuality isn't "good for women" so. ugh.
No. 613811
>>613798>implying men won’t rape the teens and Milfs they jerk off to if such act was sanctioned Kek the only thing holding them back is the threat of being assraped in prison themselves lol
Your next line is “women would physically overpower and rape men and kids too if given the chance!”
No. 613817
>>613814Legalization increases trafficking and prostitutes who are against the Nordic model lobby for decriminalization, not legalization.
Don't think I didn't see shift the convo from porn to prostitution, under the guise of "sex work".
No. 613823
>>613814Look at the results of legalized sex work in literally every place it's been enacted.
Spoiler alert: It doesn't fucking work. Mass increases in trafficking, lower quality of life, less opportunities for women to get out of those holes.
No. 613826
>>613820If you typed this with a straight face, you either don't know shit about the porn industry, or don't care, which brings us back to
No. 613833
>>613822Someone was about DIE on the hill named “porn literally has no health affects no consumers”
But hey I like talking about porn production itself too so it’s cool, but don’t get
triggered when people point out the moving goal posts
No. 613850
>If you can't, why are you consuming porn?
because they're living in lala land and don't want the moral consequences of jerking it to children, revenge porn and rape on tape, so they just plug up their ears and act like they didn't know
> DARE, prohibition, banning porn, the war on drugs etc
DARE and the war on drugs did do good anon… besides weed which isn't harmful, cocaine, cigarettes, and so on have been being used less and less, it just makes kids resort to less harmful drugs like weed and the ones who do use meth, heroin, etc know they're burnouts and seek help when they want to change
prohibition is different in the aspects that they didn't even want people to make their own alcohol at home, banning of porn just means you can't go watch a ginger tranny being gang banged by midgets on the internet
No. 613852
>>613832In a complete, total vaccum? I think they're nothing wrong with people fucking and filming it, and I think that people wanting to watch other people fucking is perfectly understandable (we ARE curious animals).
All the issues stem from the reality of the practice: it being monetized, objectification, normalization, male domination over women's sexuality, the impact on women's sexual health, the constant pushing of boundaries for shock value,the rape and exploitation that are tied to porn.
Analogy : technically surrogacy is fine in theory if it's altruistic. The industry is oppressive and exploitative and I will never accept it as anything but commodification of women.
No. 613855
>>613840Nta but the porn industry in the US freaks out over any regulations already, they had a rapist fighting at the front of their campaign against compulsary condom use in porn a few years back. Men don't like to see a fucking condom on the screen… better send out the rapist to talk about his human rights being violated.. How do you regulate idiots like that?
Like another anon said, Deen was huge at the time, they already knew and kept him on. Some still did once all the rape talk died down a little. It's an undustry determined to keep its secrets and 'regulate' itself without any outsiders dictating anything to them.
No. 613856
>>613840You need phones to survive in 2020, and most clothing is not ethically made, but you cannot legally go naked in most places (and many professions have dress codes).
Porn isn't necessary for anything, and if you can't survive without it, you are better off dead.
No. 613858
>>613851I'm sorry anon, had to delete and repost because of typos.
But, porn is not equivalent to sexuality. Women's sexuality is still repressed where I live and men talk about jerking it to porn everyday.
No. 613868
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>opens thread first time today
>porn discourse
>oh no No …braced self for suicide fuel
>but wait ,some based fucking bitches still around
>faith in women restored
>day made
No. 613873
>>613871Go back and read
>The 0.00001% exception means that I can ignore reality!Pathetic and disgusting.
No. 613891
>>613880You're the only one pretending we're incapable. You ignore the reality of how porn works, and the words of actual women in and out of SW to push a bullshit sanitized narrative created by and for delusional scrotes, because you adore abuse and never want it to stop.
You're a coward and a shitstain living for the next coom. Please fuck off back to whatever rape kink subreddit you crawled out of.
No. 613892
>>613875Obviously I agree with you and don’t think porn is the cause of the way Pakistan is
> Sex being discussed openly and without taboo, women's voices being heard, women being considered equal would, sex ed etc.In my opinion porn is a part of that as I think watching porn is a normal desire for both men and women and I do think the extremely repressive culture we have is very harmful and that is what actually causes sexual dysfunction as oppose to porn bc there isn’t evidence to support the idea that porn consumption has negative effects.
Either way hope you have a good week as well ♥
No. 613894
>>613844That place (that man) is so fucked.
I've had a delayed reaction to trauma like that before, like insanely delayed. Hell most adult alcoholics I've met were sexually abused as kids and that's the root of it. They went through their childhood and teens acting normal til they just couldn't anymore. Years of it slowly setting in.
No. 613901
>>613892>There isn’t evidence to support the idea that porn consumption has negative effectsI agree that there is no hard evidence yet, but there's plenty anecdotal evidence (PIED recoverers, the fact that 99% serial killer watches porn, that heavily mysoginistic societies cosume a lot of porn) and it's a billion dollar industry.
Look at cunnilingus. Because of women's liberation it's being talked about more and more, you can actually expect a dude to go down on you now, but you never ever see it in porn.
I really think porn isn't good in anyway for anyone, despite stemming from a natural urge.
No. 613916
>>613892>there isn’t evidence to support the idea that porn consumption has negative effects. I know the porn addict ITT is going to sperg out when s/he reads "pornharms", this is a reminder to click the link to see all the sources. Each point is backed up with established data, no lies or propaganda)
>Adult (>18 years old) exposure to pornographic media is connected with:
>Believing a rape victim enjoyed rape>Believing women suffer less from rape>Believing women in general enjoy rape>Believing a rape victim experienced pleasure and “got what she wanted”>Believing women make false accusations of rape>Believing rapist deserve less jail time>More acceptance of the rape myth>More acceptance of violence against women>More likely to go to a prostitute and to go more frequently>Increasing their estimates of how often people engage in sex with violence>More self-reported likelihood of forcing a women sexually>More self-reported likelihood of rape>Creating more sexually violent fantasies to get aroused>Engaging in more sexual harassment behaviors>More likelihood of forcing a woman sexually>More likelihood of future rape>Using physical coercion to have sex>Using verbal coercion to have sex>Using drugs and alcohol to sexually coerce women>Having engaged in rape>Having engaged in date rape>Having engaged in marital rape>Being an adult sex offender>Being a child molester>Being an incest offender>Engaging in sexual abuse of a battered spouse>More willingness to have sex with 13-14 year olds>More sexual attraction to children>Having sexually abused children>The Association Between Exposure to Violent Pornography and Teen Dating Violence in Grade 10 High School Students>Exposure to pornography in general has been linked with adolescent dating violence and sexual aggression, but less is known about exposure to violent pornography specifically. The current study examined the association of violent pornography exposure with different forms of teen dating violence (TDV) using baseline survey data from a sample of Grade 10 high school students who reported being in a dating relationship in the past year (n = 1694). Gender-stratified logistic regression models generated odds ratios adjusted for demographics, substance use, history of suspension/expulsion, gender equitable attitudes, and tolerance of rape myths to identify significant associations between violent pornography exposure and self-reported physical, sexual, and threatening TDV perpetration and victimization. Violent pornography exposure was associated with all types of TDV, though patterns differed by gender. Boys exposed to violent pornography were 2–3 times more likely to report sexual TDV perpetration and victimization and physical TDV victimization, while girls exposed to violent pornography were over 1.5 times more likely to be perpetrate threatening TDV compared to their non-exposed counterparts. Comprehensive prevention strategies for TDV may consider the potential risks associated with exposure to violent pornography, particularly for boys, and provide an alternative source of education about healthy sexual behavior and relationships.Not even the tip of the iceberg.
No. 613923
>>613917because they have no better argument than "muh normal porn consumption! no evidence!" and "you're treating women like retards!"
>>613919nope, you're the only one who keeps repeating about how being worried about women in porn is anti-feminist
No. 613935
Was itt hours ago when it was really slow and just got back to catch up and there’s a metric fuckton of autism to scroll through… ah, never change lc.
>>613298A front gap is cute in my opinion, too. I think a lot of people who find gap teeth cute are actually better traditional “aesthetes” than those who don’t—we’re drawn to it because it naturally creates a new line of symmetry on the face.
No. 613938
>>613933it's not about other women disagreeing with me, you didn't even read. You respond conversation style and you also have been repeating the same thing, and you're the only person who is anti porn right now. there is literally no other active anti porn posts
but you don't even read, you just repeat, why should I even try?
No. 613945
Let's stop the porn debate, which
>>613916 put a majestic end to. It was at least nice to know that lots of us feel strongly about it, feels lonely having these debates with IRL scrotes and libfem.
My unpopular opinion is that bloody mary is the best cocktail
No. 613948
>>613940there was evidence. from several different anons, but it's obvious that you aren't bothering to read and just repeating like a broken record, so I'll go
>>613942we were having a conversation style post, it wasn't until now that you claimed you were a different person. but again you can't read so come back once you repeat kindergarten
No. 613950
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>>613948My lord… You just mistook not one, but two anons, as me, after claiming that I was the only person in the thread replying to you. The lack of self-awareness could not be more entertaining.
No. 613966
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waiting for the debate's epic conclusion
No. 613980
>>613966Statistics have been posted, and that kind of ends it. Porn addict anon is trying to dismiss them by insisting it's all just propaganda and "misrepresented data", but they won't explain how, because they didn't actually read shit, and know full well they're done.
Also, the person who compiled the so-called "propaganda" is Mary Ann Layden (PhD), a psychotherapist from the University of Pennsylvania who specializes in sexual trauma.
But I guess the opinions of cumbrained males from Twitter hold more weight, because reasons.
I need to chill, but I actually find this shit funny at this point. Never have I seen such brain rot in action.
No. 614003
>>613996Yeah, they’re not Latina, Black, or Asian.
I kid, but typically there’s an ugly blue tinge to it or their roots make it look like they’re balding, even if it’s on top of a dark color. Their ends often look weirdly fried for some reason too even though no bleaching is involved.
No. 614004
>>613980I mean someone could just as easily link a blog with a lists of studies that support the idea normal porn consumption is harmless but that’s not helpful or ethical and no one is going to go through them all for free to win a debate on lolcow. Most of the sources are not accessible for free online and a lot of them aren’t even about porn but ‘r-rated movie scenes’ or ‘filmed sexual violence’ and a lot of them specify being about ‘massive exposure to pornography’ (so not normal use). She also regularly conflates something being a risk indicator (as in, most rapists consume porn) and extrapolates the conclusion that means people who consume porn engage in more harassing behaviours as if correlation = causation and also expects us to accept the premise that engaging in rape
fantasy is inherently harmful (one of the ‘talking points). That’s barely the tip of the iceberg. It’s a fact that using studies in this way is unscientific and misleading.
No. 614016
>>613991Same. Like no shine and straw like is (most) blonde hair I see irl
>>614003It's because they use box dye in the darkest color possible. If you want a nice looking black-ish you should mix it with a brown of the same undertone as your natural hair. And use low volume demi permanent developer. Because permanent black dye… That shit is impossible to remove in any aspect.
No. 614027
>>613835How the fuck are you still going, I'm actually starting to believe that this is some pornsick libtard who's serious and not just baiting
>>613853This. Blaming the absence of porn on how women are treated in muslim countries is the most desperate reach I've ever seen, period
No. 614066
>>614058I remember going to a really expensive restaurant because everyone kept talking about how amazing everything was. Almost everything had bacon. At some point, dead tastebuds me had to say
>wow, the theme seems to be bacon, huh?I think the whole bacon thing is basically dead, I like it, it I don’t want it even in a shrimp chowder.
No. 614119
>>614113Kind of related but I’ve always felt like a lot of the men who have that mindset also somehow literally
look like bacon it’s so off putting.
No. 614133
>>614131This is fair but having poor bone structure but beautiful lips and a cute nose is still going to make a more attractive person than someone with poor bone structure
and a honker. I think women can more easily get away with poor bone structure so long as they have other nice features and
if their bone structure is poor in pretty specific ways. Having a narrow jawline can still look nice even if your teeth are a bit crooked.
It also possible to have good bones and really unfortunate soft tissue. Thin women with genetic double chins for instance. Some people also sag a lot or wrinkle at young ages despite the good bone structure.
No. 614152
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>>613751even as a sugar addicted child hawaiian punch was absolutely appealing to me. its true that this shit can't get cold no matter how long its the fridge and did nothing to quench your thirst
No. 614160
>>614004>Most of the sources are not accessible for free onlineIt's called sci-hub.
> a lot of them aren’t even about porn but ‘r-rated movie scenes’ or ‘filmed sexual violence’ Porn isn't R-rated or filmed sexual violence now?
> ‘massive exposure to pornography’A lot of them are about pornography, period.
>She also regularly conflates something being a risk indicator (as in, most rapists consume porn) and extrapolates the conclusion that means people who consume porn engage in more harassing behaviours as if correlation = causationAll the sources do this. Read them.
>also expects us to accept the premise that engaging in rape fantasy is inherently harmful (one of the ‘talking points)"Creating more sexually violent fantasies to get aroused". Yeah, that's pretty harmful, lmao.
Keep dodging.
No. 614196
>>614097there's serial killers who have ate their
victims legs, you can read about it
No. 614223
>>613936agreed although brussel sprouts give me the farts
>>614204its good but i have only ever tried one flavour from one company and im too scared to try others in fear of wasting money
No. 614228
>>614204It's ok, depends on the flavour but sometimes it tastes too alcohol-y for me. Super low calorie though, and my parents buy it by the case so I drink it anyway.
>>614214I'm actually amazed that men aren't the ones demanding it. They're the ones who are always boohooing about being baby trapped and cucked, guess they would rather cry about it than potentially inconvenienced by having to take responsibility for their own birth control. That said, while I find BC a pain, I'm still a lot more comfortable relying on myself for it and wouldn't stop taking the pill. If men had some sort of 'invisible' bc option I bet they'd lie out the ass about it to avoid condoms, whether they're on bc or not.
No. 614355
>>614285sushi has never been good, sadly…
>>614289and what is a bad belief? this is so vague
No. 614359
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Honestly? Emo hair is just cute. Bring it back.
No. 614385
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The fox eye trend isn't racist.
No. 614434
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>>614391You are a based anon
No. 614479
>>614385I legit don’t understand why people have made this about Asians. And for the most part it’s non-Asians crying about this again. That seductive eye shape/look has been a thing among Middle Eastern women since forever.
I understand that that gesture they make can be uncomfortable for Asians but come on, most Asians don’t even have that elongated upwards-going effect these people are aiming for. It’s just a nice, rare trait that can be found in all races; it’s not exclusive to anyone. Just look at female kpop idols and see if any of them actually have those Bella Hadid kinda eyes…
No. 614487
>>614485>restricting access to birth controlwtf, it's a serious violation of bodily autonomy to prevent women from getting their choice of birth control when they want it. It's a woman's responsibility to discuss any side effects with their doctor and their doctor's job to educate/monitor them, not decide only 'special cases' can get it.
Birth control is not perfect but it's a game changer in terms of reproductive freedom, more money should be invested in developing it but the last thing women need is for it to be taken away in any capacity.
No. 614531
>>614485It helped me when I was a teen (not sexually active) I had constant heavy bleeding and needed it to stop that
But any time I've gone back on it since then I've lost my mind. Do you just use condoms?
No. 614532
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I consider myself extremely left but I fucking hate this horse-faced bitch and her total dedication to her own vanity.
No. 614549
>>614485Congrats on your truly unpopular, stupid, and dangerous opinion.
>>614495>only effective if you take it at the same time every daySo fucking do that? Why do adults act like taking medication is difficult?
No. 614556
>>614495Implying people only use BC for sex.
My Mirena fixed all the issues BC did and then some (basically no more periods) but there’s no way I would have gotten one when I was 14. The pill helped with all my medical issues at the time.
I really wish women’s health was taken more seriously and we had more options available when it comes to hormone and menstruation issues.
No. 614562
>>614485>>614533you sound unhinged. yes it's amazing to have the right to control if you have a baby or not, but don't be naive that hormonal birth control is without its issues. I was on the combination pill from 16-29. Coming off it a few months I can already notice a stark difference in my general mindset and moods. Yes my periods are more irregular and last longer/heavier flow/skin breaks out more, but the natural rhythm of my body has been thrown off probably.
Never once during my consultations with the doctors about birth control did they ever discuss fertility. When I was younger the check ups were quarterly, then when I hit 18 they were just annual checkups to update the prescription. My health was never really discussed or assessed, I've always had to request any what I think should be routine tests. I don't even feel like they do address things in depth when asked. I don't know if it's just my doctors. Birth control has a lot of negative side effects and I wish the onus was not predominately on women to practice protected sex since they'll be the ones "afflicted" if there's a successful fertilisation. Yet there's also a large group of dissenters disgusted that a woman would dare want ownership of her womb. It's all a bunch of shite really.
No. 614567
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Candy corn and black licorice are both good.
No. 614582
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Crocs with socks makes pajamas look less depressing. It’s also okay to wear crocs with socks when walking around places like the gym, yoga/dance studio or hotel room.
If you don’t wear socks you’re probably satan or the reincarnation of hitler or stalin.
No. 614605
>>614567Candy corn, yes, if you eat it on very small increments.
I eat it kinda retarded-like where I take the SMALLEST nibbles off of one candy corn and let the tiny pieces dissolve in my mouth, like how a squirrel eats an acorn or something
No. 614628
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>>614495Not necessarily true that you have to take it at the same time every day
No. 614680
>>614677Agreed! Kek I was talking to my bf and we have casual conversations about the future, for some reason in a broad context and not between us. Probably to not put pressure on each other. Anyways.
I mentioned having to decide if I want kids or not one day because I don't want to take the pill forever. He asked "so you can get your tubes tied?" and I said, "no, so I can ask my partner if he'd be willing to get a vasectomy if I do end up with a man," and he hmmed before saying, "that makes sense."
No. 614711
>>614677Dated a guy who had a vasectomy, I only trusted him because I went to the appointment with him. In general though I would question any man claiming to have had one already, like show me the paperwork? That's how little I trust men with my health.
Opted out of sex a few years ago and I don't feel like I'm missing anything
No. 614732
>>614485Know what fucks up your hormonal cycle? Pregnancy.
Know what causes you to lose clumps of your hair? Pregnancy.
Know what caused debilitating health issues? Pregnancy.
Know what can kill you? Pregnancy.
Know what causes mental fog? Pregnancy.
Know what causes mental health issues? Pregnancy.
Know what can make you permanently infertile after? Pregnancy.
I'll roll the dice with birth control than risk becoming pregnant and end up with 18 years of regret. Not sorry. I'm one of those women who uses bc for sex and idgaf, consequences of pregnancy, childbirth, and rearing a child alone are much more severe than a few negative side effects of a tool that I can quit or switch off of any time.
Jesus you people can't think critically at all.
No. 614736
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imagine wanting to exist in 2020
No. 614740
>>614732>end up with 18 years of regret.It's more than that now, with this shit economy. I agree with you on every point.
>>614736I want to skip the rest of this shit year and move on with my life, fuck 2020.
No. 614778
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>>614549>only effective if you take it at the same time every day>So fucking do that? Why do adults act like taking medication is difficult?Judging by the abortion rates and reasons given I'd say it's somehow difficult for a lot of adults. Not arguing against other people's choices just making the point being responsible isn't an inherent trait in adults.
No. 614792
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No more men
only bees
No. 614807
>>614778Nta but speaking of different statistics around these issues. I've known a few women with 'oopsie' pill babies where tbh they were ready for a baby and just wanted to hopefully trap the man and get their dream of a family fulfilled without waiting.. well the man always leaves anyway but they'd keep up this pretense of the baby being an accident so that their family wouldn't judge them (one even blaming the pill for two seperate pregnancies years apart but being honest with close friends) I've always wondered how much that shit plays into changing statistics or peoples impression of the pill failing more often than it does?
I've personally never felt all that protected by the pill alone, growing up somewhere without access to abortion I was mostly just celebate out of fear. There was nothing to fall back on if condoms/pills failed.
No. 614917
>>613880catering to the top 0.001% wealthy white sex workers and completely forgetting about milions of sex trafficking
victims is such a "feminist" thing to do, right.
No. 615108
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>>615095Same, but tbf y2k stuff is really popular with gen z nowadays. I really miss the tomboy pop punk style a la avril lavigne.
No. 615117
>>615099Most animals will keep coming around if you feed them, that doesn't mean they're affectionate.
Cats and dogs just show their affections differently, they're literally different animals. I've had ultra needy cats who cry when they can't sit in your lap and dogs who are kind of standoffish, but dogs are almost guaranteed to be more affectionate in general.
No. 615178
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>>615150Anon… this was her right before she got veneers. Not everything is what it seems with intense lighting and concealing the truth.
No. 615179
>>615178Holy shit this photo is going to haunt me.
Also it’s sad because she’s obsessed with wearing sunscreen to prevent aging but it’s really the anorexia that ages her
No. 615215
>>614385Kind of related to this but my unpopular opinion is although there are a few examples that are definitely worthy of criticism, most of the people getting criticised for getting a spray tan are not doing anything racist or trying to look like they’re a different ethnicity. They almost always still look completely white. Recently some people are acting like getting a tan at all is
No. 615229
>>615224The implant hurts some people and can lead to severe physical complications.
I have one though and I'll admit, it's better than the pill.
It's really a matter of "to each their own". At least people with the pill don't have to worry about it getting dislodged and needing surgery.
No. 615316
>>615315Well you obviously wouldn't forbid people from having kids if they got arrested once for public urination or something arbitrary that a sheriff can just take you in for if they don't like you. But you can't fake a murder
victim, or DNA in somebody who didn't consent. So they should be free game.
>>615311A person that remains largely non-sentient after birth is kind of like a fetus, just bigger. It's not that different from abortion.
No. 615321
>>615311true but human beings will always have special classifications for killing other human beings. you're gonna get longer jail time for killing a child over killing a dog. and if you apply this logic to the disabled, does that mean a murderer should get less prison time for killing a severely disabled person over a normal child because the murderer killed a "lesser" person? i don't think thats the case. i pity the extremely disabled, but can't know what their desires are. the best we can do is make them comfortable and ease their suffering.
no matter your views, it's important to know that taking care of other humans, even ones who cannot contribute to society, is not some recent phenomenon. paleolithic skeletons show that the disabled were well cared for, fed, and healed. a skeleton with a broken femur, a literal death sentence for a hunter gather, was found with evidence of healing. the fracture wasn't the cause of his death either, the healing took place over decades. the common image of neanderthals, a hunched over and malformed ape, is actually false because the most intact neanderthal skeleton found was of a disabled, severely arthritic man who could barely walk without pain. and yet his kin took care of him and gave him proper care and a funeral. being disabled was not a death sentence for early hominids, and it shouldn't be the case now. again, i do see where you are coming from in the case of catatonic, severely disabled people. but in any case, we are pretty damn close to genetic engineering and dna manipulation, so these severely fucked genetic disorders will probably be a thing of the past in the near future.
No. 615329
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>>615258fuck me you are right, you're absolutely right. I gotta get better. There was this amazing huge thrift store in my city that closed down and it really demotivated me so I went back to buying shitty Target/Shein/H&M shit. No more.
No. 615332
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>>615258Please, everyone, read this!!! She's right and we should be ashamed of ourselves!
No. 615336
>>615257I agree with everything, except the part of "People with less severe mental defects (like Down's), substance abuse issues or a big criminal record shouldn't be able to get married or have kids". At least, they should be able to get married, I'd imagine morale going down and crime rates going way up because of extreme anger and frustration in these groups. I think that should be solved in a different way.
I also don't see any reason to prohibit IVF.
No. 615351
>>615258i woke up thinking about how much of a money drain fast fashion is. i recently had to get rid of tons of clothes and some of them were just ill fitting, cheap fast fashion from H&M that i wore twice. i want to learn how to sew because my "ideal" items, for summer especially, are so simple but i don't find my exact vision online and end up buying garbage because that's all i can afford…knowing it probably costs 2 bucks at most but i paid 40 fucking bucks for it.
this coming semester, if i see a cheap second hand sewing machine i'm buying it. fuck it. why do i need to keep buying flimsy crop tops that are barely more complex than a goddamn handkerchief.
i'd go thrift shopping more often but i am helplessly addicted to ugly, tacky, but funny items from 2002. i need human clothes not clown clothes.
No. 615364
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>>613001Being a passable tranny takes an awful lot of money on surgeries, implants and medication and laser treatments and discipline to develop certain muscle groups in order to make the masculine body frame look more feminine.
The tumblr trannies literally think they are magic pills that turn them into anime girls.
I think basically trannys are mentally ill really, and the guys attracted to them are homophobic gay guys. "But fucking a guy that looks like a girl in the ass is not gay right" yeah it's super gay.
No. 615379
>>615368I agree,
>>615376it’s like mgtow where they’re not actually ‘being free’ even if they claim that’s what they want and literally every other post is some ridiculously deranged post about men from someone who sounds like they haven’t spoke to a normal human in decades. It’s like all the interaction they have with men is the incel spaces they go on for outrage porn and then come here to sperg about it.
No. 615386
>>615376They also posted this
“whats with the massive generalization and then when its about us we've got the radfems, pinkpills the handmaidens and the pickmes etc…
You sound like reverse /r9k/” in /g/.
>>615379What did you expect a women’s board to sound like? You do know this will phase absolutely no one and they’ll continue to vent about men. Men vent about women not fucking them and women vent about men raping, killing, and degrading them. Who cares.
No. 615394
>>615257Honestly I agree with you on severe disabilities. Having to care for a Hartley Hooligan-tier child sounds like an actual nightmare. At that point it's more like a pet than a baby, and it's a big economic burden on a lot of people. I can't imagine how painful it must be to want to have a child with dreams of at least having a kid you can play with, teach, and watch grow up, and getting stuck with something with less intelligence than a dog that you'll have to care for until you die.
I think at the bare minimum abortions should be easy and accessible, so anyone can get rid of an embryo like that.
No. 615408
>>615403You do know there are multiple users on this board? It may be slow but there’s still a lot. I never understand why summerfags come here to virtue signal and act like their morality should be shared across the entire site. Why like you decide what’s
toxic and what isn’t on a board literally dedicated to drama? You’re fine with reading miles of autism, shitposting, and nitpicking but you draw the line at misandry? Please Mary Sue.
No. 615409
>>615403I find it especially weird because it seems like they deliberately seek it out and enjoy it? I feel like it’s
extremely easy to avoid/not see this kind of thing but they like get addicted to this cycle of outrage and spend all their time among incels then coming here to post about it etc etc everyday for years just getting more and more radicalised and disconnected from reality. I even see posts from people pretty regularly who are literally dating (ex) incels or people they met on /r9k/ like???
No. 615418
>>615404I hate that thread too. The worst ones seem to be the ones filled with obviously young anons.
Speaking of, are there any threads you anons think should be locked?
>>615411Aaaay macarena
No. 615429
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Gundham Tanaka >>>>>>>>>> Komaeda
No. 615450
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Umbrella Academy sucks. I couldn't even get through the first few episodes.
No. 615456
>>615444I’m not trans I just don’t want to hear about them constantly in every thread? Idk why you people find that so inconceivable and think everyone
must be trans. The vast majority people don’t share your obsession and just don’t want to constantly hear about trannies.
No. 615457
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>>615456Kek, I agree fuck trannies
No. 615460
I'm not religious at all but I find satanists incredibly cringy, even more so than christians. I'm aware most modern satanists aren't the traditional idea of devil worshipers and instead see Lucifer as a representation of man and free will, but you can stand by the idea of accepting yourself as a flawed human being, so called sins included, without being needlessly contrarian and edgy. Why you would define yourself by something you are against I have no idea. A lot of them reek of "My mom took me to church as a kid and I was very bored, so now I like the BAD guy from the book HAHA! Take THAT, MOM!!"
Yes a lot of them are chill, but just the fact that they chose to be part of some middle school tier edgelordism of a religion makes me roll my eyes no matter how okay they are apart from that. Just be against the church and go, no need to slap a retarded label on yourself for the sake of being special. I will admit however, some good music has come out of satanism, so I'll give them that.
No. 615468
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>>615456But in this instance no one mentioned trannies except you.
No. 615469
>>615460The only satanist I know personally goes out of his way to pick a fight with any christian he comes across to the point it's like some 14-year old edgy teenager except he's like 30+. It's cringy as fuck.
> A lot of them reek of "My mom took me to church as a kid and I was very bored, so now I like the BAD guy from the book HAHA! Take THAT, MOM!!"Yeah this is exactly what it feels like. I'm not interested in religion at all myself but people who act like this are exhausting to be around no matter which church they belong to.
No. 615472
>>615461They can offer some good advice but they just bring up a lot of nobodies. Also the copy cat and meyoco sperging gets annoying.
But what do you expect from a bunch of twitter users and teens.
No. 615473
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Hey is this you that just bumped the femdom thread in g after 8 days to selfpost?
No. 615476
>>615461>>615472That thread has some obviously professional anons who have a good eye for criticism but it also has teenage spergs who constantly post random instagram weeb artists trying to get some milk out of them.
>what do u think about @kawaiikittychan on ig???? idk how she got this many followers with shit like this what a bitch wHY would anyone pay for her art?????????????? kek weebs are pathetic btw i'm not mad or jealous at all!!!!! At least the meyoco sperg calmed down, I can browse the thread without having someone bring her obsessive vendetta up every 20 posts.
No. 615493
>>615479I seriously don't get why there's been more troon/scrote spergouts lately. Why exactly do they feel welcome here?
I wonder how many of them must have applied for farmhand positions already, too. Probably hoping they'll be able to "convert" this site from the inside out.
No. 615499
>>615479>Women are only allowed to talk about our hair, celeb gossip and how much men love our hairless gorilla grip pussy?Basically. The "I just come here for the gossip and cute bois~ uwu" people are obvious fucking larpers because that's genuinely what they think women are into, or at least are allowed to be into. Most female spaces online are heavily monitored and policed, we're only expected to be docile, nice, polite and nurturing and interested in surfaces, no matter if it's a feminist group or a general hobby community. I post here and in another anonymous female-dominated community and it's so cathartic to be able to be a mean, unapologetic foul-mouthed bitch with more than two brain cells and no regard for the male/tranny feelings. If we got to do this everywhere like men do I'm sure we'd have a very different order in our society.
>>615496Exactly. The replies start coming in immediately after each other and read exactly the same.
No. 615505
>>615499Isn't it funny that they take no issue with the cruelty here as long as we're being mean to other women?
They're pretty delighted to see us mocking women for whatever reason, including dumb ones, but the moment we mention being sick of males (including trannies), often for very good reasons, they start losing their shit and demanding bans on discussion.
No. 615524
>>615512idk anon you may be onto something but at the same time
Gay men are kinda notorious for shitting on women. I've met some cool supportive gay guys for sure but I've also met some fucking awful ones that think women are the devil kek
No. 615533
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>>615460Idk anon I think they're pretty kewl
No. 615541
>>615530The only people that bring up trannies anymore are those who want to insist we're all jealous of them, or that the site is "too transphobic and hateful of men". Just look at this thread, and the shitshow of
>>612899. Also, no one who claims we keep sperging out about these topcis can ever post examples. They disappear whenever you ask them to. They're literally just mad that the userbase isn't made up of transgals, tucutes and their supporters.
If you're tired of the topic, maybe stop bringing it up all the time and getting indignant that people disagree with your viewpoint.
If you don't want to read female anons on a female-centred board venting in the literal vent threads about how people in their lives (including men) treat them, hide the threads or find another website. There's tons.
No. 615549
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I don't like chocolate. Shitty candy. Good in drinks though.
No. 615555
>>615551nougat > chocolate
fite me bitch
No. 615562
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>>615549I don't like chocolate that looks deceptively like money. Here I was expecting a nice coin flavour and I ended up with vomit instead. My disappointment is immeasurable.
No. 615564
>>615560hot chocolate and mocha lattes are acceptable
>>615562Those are terrible they melt through the wrapper.
>>615563nougat can be made and sold separately
No. 615565
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spicy mexican candies > chocolate
No. 615566
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>>615563why would you eat nougat with chocolate?
No. 615569
Especially those vero mango pops holy shit
No. 615648
>>615643I used to be pro-trans, in fact just a few years ago even. I never started arguments over it and just hid the troon and transtrender threads. I didn’t see the point in engaging with it at all. But now I’m
sick of it all, did a complete 180, and now I wholeheartedly agree with many of the anti-trans sentiments here. It’s like they literally wear people down and push them away from supporting them.
No. 615651
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If Cuties is a pedo movie then LEON The Professional is too. In fact thats not a debate, it is a pedo movie
No. 615658
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>be discord tranny
>falseflag brigade to ban /2X/
>kicked out le ebil ratfems
>outlawing 'hi scrote' 'hi troon'
>feeling smug
>but wait ..anti-male/troon/pickme sentiments still naturally crop up because it is integral to the female experience
>women still being meanie to me for male-ing and handmaiden-ing on lolcow
>users no longer give a fuck about rules
No. 615663
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>>615658>>C-CAN WE BAN FEeMINSM NOW ? LC ISN'T SUPPOSED TO PANDER TO UR IDEOLOGY REEEEIt's literally in /ot/'s pinned thread.
No. 615677
>>615658>>615591The most annoying part is that there isn't really any feminist discussion in general.
These people start infights bringing up tranny shit and scrotes, then insist it's actually everyone else who does it and we're all femcels for rightly telling them to shut the fuck up and go away.
It's not that they're against political discussion, otherwise they wouldn't be such huge shit-stirrers. They just want the right to beat us over the head with
their ideology, and for us to get banned if we reply negatively.
They won't be satisfied until the average post in a vent thread is "I'm so sad about my breasts not growing from my estrogen, hold me girls. I thought HRT would better ;_;".
No. 615678
>>615669I was pro-trans because my best friend is a trans person, and they’re completely terrified of the current climate. They don’t act like your stereotypical tranny, and they’re terrified of being found out because the absolute danger of being outed when you’re stealth creates a completely violent and uninhabitable environment. They’re still my best friend, and I don’t care that they are transgender—nor do they try to make me feel guilty of my ideologies. There are
real transgender people, and they’re personable and good people, but you are not going to find them today because they don’t want to be found. It’s quite sad actually.
No. 615687
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Piercings on men are hot. I don't know if it's truly unpopular but all women I've known disliked them on men, crazy!
No. 615693
>>615687Nearly dated a guy years ago with nipple piercings..not saying it always looks super femme but on this guy it really did.
I like one or two facial piercings
No. 615698
>>615694Aren’t you doing exactly what they just said not to do?
>>615687When he started breaking the window out of that door I understood why girls thought he was hot
No. 615699
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>>615258I do not disagree with you and I don't really buy fast fashion, but I hope that you realize that even if you avoid fast fashion, your purchases still contribute to someone's misery It's almost impossible to avoid that. So I find
>People who buy fast fashion new should kill themselves.a bit harsh.
No. 615704
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>>615650Nta but I got a score of 52, if you're not in the 26% less fortunate than me I demand you open your wallet because I'm perceivably less fortunate.
Jokes aside this test has got to be a larp. I don't understand how judging someone by the content of their character can coincide with intersectionality being the antithesis of the concept. In all seriousness though, I think anon just hates the tards to hijack the ideology to be perceived as more moral, or less fortunate as the rest of us. Much like the joke I made above. Feel free to disagree or explain your point of view anon, this is only a vague guess at anon here's
>>615641 reasoning.
>>615699This is a very nuanced stance anon, you make a good point. Nothing is entirely ethical in reality.
>>615689Genuine question, are we still okay to use the vent thread like "Ugh, I hate men" and stuff? Sometimes it helps to just say stuff like that after a long day of dealing with someone.
What other comments would get us a ban? I just think there's a difference between being a terf/radfem and having a genuine unpopular opinion about trans people.
Moving forward I'll assume you're only talking about actual flaming and shit flinging but this thread is gonna eventually lock and then a new thread will start, no one will see this comment after a while.
Not trying to dissent I'm just asking for clarification.
No. 615713
anyways, don't know about you guys, but i actually like the color pink
No. 615714
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>>615704Just took that quiz for shits and giggles (it's really oddly laid out, how are you supposed to measure some of these things on a spectrum when you're either one or the other?) and surprisingly got this, lol.
No. 615722
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We’re all doomed
No. 615733
>>615731And what about anti-feminist spergs like the person who posted
>>615719 and
>>615727? They said you didn't even ban them.
No. 615737
>>615733They were banned.
For the future;
We do not redtext all bans.
We do not redtext multiple posts by the same person unless the non redtexted one gets reported too many times.
No. 615742
>>615731Yes the only reason women hate men is because a man called her fat once. What’s wrong with talking about racism?
>If you are here to fight people who disagree with you - BAN.So basically, no disagreement ever? Lmao wtf.
No. 615744
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What if the 5G thing is real tho
No. 615750
No. 615756
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>>615747IMO, it seems like there's a difference between shitting on a man or men for laughs, and explaining in detail why all men are shit (if not in a tongue-in-cheek manner, lots of farmers have boyfriends/husbands obviously) and suggesting that women who don't agree with you are libfems or anti-feminist. I didn't participate in the Man Hate threads much though, I could be wrong.
>>615749>picrel No. 615764
>>615749It’s the principle anon. We shouldn’t be so comfortable with our privacy being violated and our private data being profited from.
We are still surrounded by people using nanny cams, doorbell cams, entire arlo systems, smart TVs, we are being listened to from our phones every single day—it doesn’t matter if you’re ethically sound or not. You are always being watched in some way and you are always churning a profit you will never see.
Not to mention how accessible these portable technologies are—if you’re a good person, are you okay with being spied on in the bathroom? Since you’re a decent person, it doesn’t matter that you’re being recorded taking a shit, right? Not a big deal that your hacked webcam or cellphone camera was streamed onto some website in Latvia either! It will always be the principle or our core rights being taken from us.
No. 615768
>>615742If you believe disagreements and fights are the same thing, I can assure you, yes you will get a ban. It will be a very long ban.
>>615747Lolcow is not your blog. Lolcow is a drama site.
>>615750Your post history is composed of almost nothing else but sperging on this very thread about trannies and evil men for hundreds of posts. If I were you, I would not be surprised when the banhammer hits.
No. 615772
>>615769>"I disagree with you, here's why"vs
>"You're a stupid bitch and here's why you're wrong" >continue screeching for several more postsI'm assuming this is what the Farmhand means? Only, the issue now is when the disagreements vs. fights isn't so black & white.
No. 615775
>>615766use it against us how?
btw, i'm not asking in bad faith or anything. i'm just that dumb.
No. 615778
>>615773Then just nuke non gossip boards. All their problems would be resolved.
>>615772So just be nice and polite on imageboard?
No. 615779
>>615756The way they worded it makes it seem like it will be easy to ban ppl for making fun of men and criticizing them in any extent, really. Idk. It's admin's site, she can do whatever she wants with it.
>>615768Wasn't making fun of men in man hate threads for the drama? I don't get your point.
No. 615783
>>615766What's really weird to me about the "Well, if you've got nothing to hide" argument is that the companies hoarding our data aren't expected to be transparent. Just us.
We don't know shit about the people spying on us, but they know a lot about us, and we had no choice to opt in or out of the surveillance. How does that make sense?
No. 615785
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>>615769>>615778Go read your previous posts, those are trying to fight people. I can start listing them out and posting specific excerpts, if you so desire.
No. 615788
>>615778IDK I'm not the Farmhand, I'm just guessing
I think the point is: just don't stir shit up with the purpose of flinging shit. You can still call someone a retard but continuing the argument for 3 or 4 posts or across threads might get you a ban.
No. 615798
>>615784It is first and foremost a drama site though and the userbase that started coming here to exclusively use ot was/is glaringly obvious.
>>615777>pandering to newfags>newcomersoi vey
>>615778I agree
No. 615800
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>>615785look behind you….
No. 615807
>>615775NTA and this veers into tinfoil territory, but if you're ever targeted as a "person of interest" for whatever reason, or if they want to try some sort of social experiment (and you're unfortunate enough to get picked out of a pile of candidates), they can basically use your information and preferences to manipulate you. They could easily figure out how to play on your anxieties and worries, make you feel like you're going crazy (so you're more likely to buy something they want you to buy, or even create a need for that product), etc.
Worst case scenario, if they're in with the government (and we know Google has dealings with the US government with reCAPTCHA), they could plant things in your browsing history, voice records, purchase history, etc to accuse you of a crime, claim you're a danger to yourself or others, and/or imprison you indefinitely.
Data breaches/leaks are another scary possibility. Those already happen, in fact.
Basically, gang-stalking becomes more and more plausible (and easy) every day.
No. 615817
>>615731wow so nothing is allowed lol
I wish there was a site like 4chan but for women rip
No. 615840
>>615824>>615838I try to post there frequently but it's so slow, it feels like a conversation between myself and maybe 2 others lol
It seems like literally any topic is allowed but sadly that also means very obvious scrote/tranny bait threads…
No. 615846
>>615824Idk anon-chan. I've seen a huge bunch of trannies there or people who were
toxic as hell.
No. 615859
>>615856I personally really like this website but I wish it was more active.
However I do remember that some man coded the website which made everyone go bamboozled that he thankfully gave it away to a woman.
No. 615875
>>615868Well that’s not true. You’ll still get banned even if you don’t quote. Baiters can post under the thinly veiled “””opinion””” clause.
But our female farmhand specifically said that vaguely GC/PP posts are subjected to bans.
(you got warned about continuing the gendersperg derail. ) No. 615883
>>615875>Baiters can post under the thinly veiled “””opinion””” clause.This is what fucking kills me. People can waltz in to these threads just to yell "yikes guys this place is just like the female /r9k/, have sex femcels!!!111" for the 50th time and then start flinging shit at anons debating them on it, it lasts for hours and
only then a farmhand pops in to put the blame on "pp spergs" for not knowing their place. It makes no sense. Why not control the baiting to begin with? Even this time the ire came from an anon implying that women venting about the shitty men in their lives is ~unhealthy incel space stalking uwu~ and that traumatized women are just "female robots", not some gc anon posting "I fucking hate trannies and they should die" or something along those lines.
No. 615943
>>615820NTA, but
>published in 2018Damn, I was browsing /x/ just about a month ago and saw someone getting dogpiled by other posters for saying that Google was doing this exact thing. Thanks for posting.
No. 615957
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>>615549perish for your insolence
No. 615961
>>615722I bought a Samsung washer and dryer set recently and was excited for the features that would allow me to start/stop/monitor laundry from my android. It required me downloading an app.
The app asked for access to literally ALL permissions on my phone. My camera, my mic, my files, everything. Went to the app reviews and other people were saying the same thing. It's fucking Spyware.
No. 615971
/ot/ should be renamed at this point
>>615461>>615472>>615476those threads always make me feel dumb cause I genuinely don't see the issue with some of the art they're sperging over
No. 615972
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>>615549How dare you. Please put yourself in a trash can.
No. 615987
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>>615977for real??? pics or it didnt happen kek thats absolutely disgusting they need to stay where they are
No. 616011
>>615997Or maybe they'd be attracted to taking the chance to shit on a fakeboi they don't like anonymously?
You know how sometimes they get into fights about who is more trans or the most dysphoric or something. I've seen ftms on /lgbt/ link the LC fakeboi thread and tear into them before so it's possible.
No. 616084
genuinely curious
No. 616212
>>616207AYRT, bullying is always retarded and can be easily done regardless of gender. I have made many guys feel shit about it anyways.
>>616202Don’t spout buzzword implications. Would you like it if your son or daughter or tranny kid had sex with more than 40 people?
>>616199Argue why you disagree anon.
No. 616217
>>616216You don’t know what your child does or who they date? Lol, the most secretive people are the ones with the weirdest sex lives.
4 doesn’t make you a slut but if you decide to have sex with 8 different people it does. It’s approximately, not religious.
No. 616227
>>616217I don't think any parent would know if their child is fucking 40 people unless child makes an effort to tell parent about every person they fuck. Or the child is bringing those people to their parents house. Obviously I would care who my kid is dating but dating doesn't equal fucking. They could fuck 40 people are only date like 3. I wouldn't know about the 40, but I would know about the 3 (if the relationship becomes serious).
>4 doesn’t make you a slut but if you decide to have sex with 8 different people it doesWhy are you bringing up all these random and specific numbers?
>It’s approximately, not religiousNo, it's subjective.
No. 616261
>>616225>>616227Are you guys the same type of people who think sending nudes won’t get it leaked? Yasss promote some casual sex queens. Pig guys are pigs and brag, dumb girls are dumb and so rumors spread. It’s just obvious and hard to hide unless you have an EQ of 20.
Slutting is unhealthy, and masturbation is better for good enjoyments. Or just get a loving boyfriend that doesn’t talk shit about you.
Also lastly, death to fetishes.
Proud slutshamer and kinkshamer.
No. 616276
>>616261Um… no, I’ve never sent nudes in my life. But I’m also in my mid 20s and not a retard—expecting grown women to have sex with only four people is just immature. Maybe say something that isn’t ridiculous and the adults will take you seriously.
Do I think young girls should send nudes or hand their pussy out on a platter, no. You black and white thinkers are so exhaustive to the rest of the world.