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No. 582656
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The story of Mary Vincent a lady who ran away and hitchhiked when she was 15. Got picked up by a guy who raped her and then proceeded to hack her arms off.
She managed to climb up a hill and get help, and help advocate for longer prison sentences. As the man who did this horrible thing to her did not get a long enough sentence and went out and killed someone else. Also had an extreme hate for women and did not need to leave jail.
Sadly if you google her name her assaulter was there.
I feel like this belongs more here than true crime.
It just upsets me to know evil can get out of prison for doing “enough time”.
No. 582662
>>582656stories like this make it obvious that society will always need a place to lock up psychopaths. they cannot and will not change and should never ever interact with society ever again.
another story like this took place in a european french speaking country. a kid (at the time of the crime he was 11) went from foster home to foster home because of "troubled behavior". he ended up in a foster home of people who were grandparents, however they didn't know exactly why he was transferred so many times. soon enough, he was violent, and sexually disordered. he was addicted to porn and would stand in the house naked, fully erect. he once locked himself in the bathroom with a baby, and the baby's diaper was found put on backwards (no signs of abuse though).
they notified the foster system so many times, but they couldn't kick him out, otherwise they'd lose all rights to foster ever again. the system did nothing.
one day, their daughter was over with her own kids and they couldn't find one of the little kids (a girl). they all looked for her until the foster kid said to another boy "imagine if she's drowned in the river. what would you do?"…he ran there and, unsurprisingly enough, she was laying face down in the river, half naked.
he had raped and killed the little girl at just age 11.
it made me feel like you can't trust anyone, not even a kid you want to help out. you foster one kid and then your grand daughter is dead.
this kind of individual needs to be locked up or executed. there's no hope. he will not ever be normal. if someone who did something like that could feel guilt, they'd inevitably kill themself.
No. 582665
>>582656Oh my god I watched the "I survived" episode on this case where Mary told her story in her own words and shit haunted me for the longest time. I have a relatively high tolerance for true crime but this was actually the case that I first thought of when I saw this thread scrolling down.
The man (Lawrence Singleton) who kidnapped her raped her all night. Then he took a hatchet and hacked her first arm off, then the second, and she was clutching his arm so hard while he was hacking away that the detached limb stayed clinging to the guy even after being severed off. He didn't stop there, he threw her off a 30-foot cliff naked and dying of blood loss. Miraculously she survived the fall, had to stuff her stumps full of dirt to stop the bleeding and muscle from falling out and then crawl up trying to stop a car while looking like an absolute monster and more or less scaring everyone off. This monster continued to send her threatening letters from prison and harass her, then got released on good behavior after only 8 years and killed another woman. An absolute fucking psycho who should've been put to death after the first offense.
To add insult to injury Mary's life just went downhill and she could barely afford the maintenance or replacement of her prosthetic arms. It's so fucking sad all around.
No. 582666
>>582662That's horrible, unbelievable. Do you know what happened to the boy?
I just can't understand those tumblr types who want to abolish prisons
This is a local story I heard so I don't have much details but I was sick the whole day after hearing this. There was a man out on a field baling hay with his kids riding by on the baling machine. He noticed the machine was working oddly so he stopped it and went to check, and he saw that his children had been baled with the hay. The machine is very loud so he didn't notice earlier. He went home and told his wife and shot himself, and she drank poison. I'm sorry, I'm not good at telling a story and I really don't know much more, but I'm sick again, this is my worst ngithmare
No. 582667
>>582666i went to check the story again and he was 14 when that happened, not 11. regardless, the fucked up behavior started years prior to the murder.
he was sentenced to 8 years because he was a minor and some other legal stuff. he'll be out of prison at age 22. it's crazy because he will only get worse with age until he gets arrested so many times he gets sentenced to life.
fuck, that's a chilling story though. that's the kind of guilt i was talking about… those poor parents would've never taken anyone's life on purpose and yet it happened, and they couldn't bear it…
No. 582669
>>582656what the fuck. i dread imagine how horror of what happened to her, but at the same time i think her strength and determination to survive are really amazing. shit like this legitimately keeps me up at night. it's very disturbing that the first results when you google her name is about her rapist, when the lives and stories of the
victims should take priority.
people like her attacker are why i believe in the death penalty. first of all the number of people falsely sentenced to death is much much lower than the murders that can be prevented by implementing the death penalty. My country had the death penalty into the 90s, and the abolishment of the death penalty caused the murder rates to more than double.
No. 582676
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The one that gets to me most is Cherish Perrywinkle. Pic related is her absolute failure of a mother.
>mom begs outside Dollar General with 8yo Cherish and her 2 little sisters
>old guy comes offering to take them to Wal Mart and buy girls clothes
>guy asks to go in dressing room to help her change, mom allows it
>offers to take Cherish to McDonalds at front of store for burgers, mom allows it
>guy just takes her out of store, rapes and kills her
It's just so horrifying. How could a mother allow her child to be out of her sight with a man who she just met that day? Especially after he requested to help her change???
No. 582682
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>Maryland mother, Romechia Simms, 24 was found pushing her 3 year old child in a swing in the middle of the night
>Police are called by a neighbour who had seen her the night before
>Try to give the boy first aid but "it was instantaneously clear the child was dead"
>Turns out the child had been pushed in the swing for two days straight
>Romechia is in a psychotic break
>Autopsy finds the child died of hypothermia and dehydration
>Romechia had been known to have bipolar and psychotic breaks before
>America being America rules it a homicide
So fucked. When the story broke, it wasn't big but I kept up with it because it reminded me of something Dean Koontz would write. Fucking spooky imagery.
No. 582695
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>>582676Oh god, I remember that story. This guy was a sick fuck holy shit
>Donald James Smith, 56, faces kidnapping and murder charges. He was listed as being held without bond Saturday night.Smith is a registered sex offender who was released from custody on May 31, according to Michael Williams, director of the sheriff's investigations department. Authorities from the sheriff's office had just made contact with him to verify his address on Friday morning, Williams said. Later that same day, a woman called police to report that her daughter was missing from the Walmart.
>According to records from the Duval County Clerk of Courts, Smith's most recent convictions occurred last year on charges from 2009 for unlawful impersonation of a public employee and aggravated child abuse by willful torture, for which he was sentenced to a year in county jail.This people belong jailed forever. Like no more human interaction until they die.
No. 582709
>>582700holy shit anon i'm so sorry. my own best friend had to deal with a rapist of a step father for years. insane bastard, i'm surprised he hasn't killed anyone. but i think he killed her pet hamster…
i wish she'd press charges but she's finally cut all contact with him and is doing amazing things, and i don't even know how to bring it up anymore. sorry for /blog.
No. 582712
>>582662That some children can not be rehabilitated is not a fact people like to accept.
>>582669I don't disagree with your reasoning, but part of me feels like they get off too easily if they're dead (plus the expense.) I always think of Donald Smith, who raped and killed a child called Cherish Perriwinkle. He begged for death because he was terrified of being in the prison system. It's absolute hell. That bastard stood there and cried about how he was scared of being raped in prison after he brutalized that little girl.
>>582676I wrote this before I saw this. This case is so disturbing though and I'm glad she lost custody of her other children.
No. 582713
>>582699Charles Bronson (prisoner) is a mad cunt, though. He's like a more mental Chopper Read.
Jimmy Savile epitomizes your point best of all. There's a reason Ghislaine is wearing paper uniform and sleeping in paper bedsheets. It won't help: the fucking Queen will materialize out of her mist form and bingo another suicide.
No. 582716
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I was overwhelmingly upset when I learned about the horrific torture and murder of Junko Furuta. I was haunted for years by her case, and to this day, I become ill when reading about it.
Four teenage boys (Hiroshi Miyano, Jo Ogura, Shinji Minato and Yasushi Watanabe) abducted Junko Furuta, a high school girl cycling home after she finished her part-time job, in 1988. They raped and assaulted her for 40 days. This culminated in her murder, and they then encased her body in concrete.
The level of shockingly brutal torture she endured is absolutely gut-churning. Read at your own discretion:
Furuta was held captive in the Minato residence for forty days, during which time she was abused, raped and tortured. The group responsible also invited and encouraged their other yakuza friends to torment Furuta. It was later said that over 100 men had participated in the rape and torture. According to their trial statements, the four of them raped her over 400 times, beat her, starved her, hung her from the ceiling and used her as a "punching bag", dropped barbells onto her stomach, forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine, forced her to masturbate in front of them, and forced her to dance and sing to songs while being beaten. They inserted foreign objects into her vagina and anus, including a lit light bulb and fireworks. They burned her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters, and her eyelids with hot wax. They poured lighter fluid onto her thighs, arms, face, and stomach and set her on fire. They also tore off her left nipple with pliers and pierced her breasts with sewing needles. Furuta was said to slip into unconsciousness because of the repeated assaults, leading them to dunk her head into a bucket of water each time to continue the torture. When her body was found, Oronamin C bottles were stuck up her anus and her face was unrecognizable. She was also found to be pregnant, despite the severe damage to her uterus.More than 100 people knew about Furuta's captivity, but either neglected to report it or themselves participated in the torture and murder. In fact, Minato's parents and brother were aware of the situation, but did nothing to prevent it.
Despite the horror these vile men forced Junko to endure, the longest sentence received by one of the perpetrators was 20 years. The shortest was 3-4. One of the perpetrators' mother allegedly vandalized Furuta's grave, stating, disgustingly, that the
victim had ruined her son's life. All of the perps have been released and have gone on to commit more violent crimes and express no remorse. in peace, Junko. ご冥福をお祈りします。
No. 582721
>>582718Why are people so horrible.
Reading all these stories makes me so sad and angry, because of this i really hope hell exist or maybe some other kind of justice that will make sure that these people who are doing this kind of thing will be tortured just as bad as what they did do the
Prison doesn't do shit obviously, so all i can do is hope.
No. 582723
If anyone is interested in cults, read up on Shoko Asahara and Aum Shinrikyo. It's horrifying and fascinating.
This happened in the 80's or 90's in Japan iirc. Asahara, the leader, started out as a yoga guru, but he started telling yoga followers he could teach them to levitate and stuff like that. Followers were soon asked to do things like stand in boiling water to join the group. The group kept spiraling out of control, and lives were eventually lost, so now the group had the issue of disposing of evidence.
The group became a nationwide thing, recruiting young intelligent Japanese people, like scientists and lawyers, who felt excluded from harsh Japanese society. Ultimately, they turned into a doomsday cult, creating compounds to try and manufacture biological warfare in the form of disease breeding, as well as chemical warfare.
One of the most horrible things they did was create sarin, a deadly nerve gas, and release it on the Tokyo subways. Many people were injured or killed. But the group got away with a lot by being exempt as a "religious group" (and murdering those who were against them.)
I'm sure I didn't do this story justice at all but absolutely read up on it if you want to kill a few hours and struggle to sleep tonight.
No. 582726
I don’t think any news story will make me as mad as Junko Furuta. Just hearing about it makes my blood boil.
There’s another similar case that happened in the U.K. Kelly Anne Bates I think? It was a middle aged guy who tortured his teenage girlfriend for weeks including GOUGING HER EYES OUT OF HER SOCKETS until he ended up killing. At least he’s in jail where he belongs.
No. 582730
>>582716Hearing about this poor girl broke my heart. Even in your worst nightmares you don't imagine having to endure something like this. I feel sick. It's depressing knowing that she couldn't even be unconscious, they just HAD to have her feel all the pain.
I don't understand how nobody stepped in? Even if you were scared of them, why not just go to the police and let them handle it? Or let her free while they were out and claim she escaped or something? I don't know…literally anything is better than doing nothing.
And then to vandalise her grave? You can't let her rest even now?
I hope they all rot for what they've done to her.
>>582656What an incredibly resilient woman. To not only manage to survive so terrible but then to face your trauma day after day as an advocate…she's so inspiring.
No. 582737
I remember seeing this video on youtube, where family members, friends, and students watching the launch of the 1983 Challenger rocket. They were all sitting in a bleacher like they were at a sporting event.
Obviously the Challenger disaster was terrible on its own, but it was heartbreaking to see the astronauts' loved ones experiencing everything.
Smiles and excitement from seeing their loved ones heading to space, then confusion when seeing something doesn't look right, disbelief and shock, then sobbing or staring blankly as you watched your son/sister/teacher/whoever plummet to the earth in smoke.
I just remember people slowly filtering out of the bleachers as others broke down crying. Like it felt wrong seeing people get up and walk away, but what else can you do?
(Here's the video, I'm not going to rewatch it now, but watch at your own risk)
No. 582738 this dude. I hope he’s rotting in hell for what he did to that poor girl and her corpse. The footage where you see her being taken is fucking creepy too.
>>582656I read an article about her that was an update on her life of some sort. I don’t think she fully ever got over what happened to her. It’s really sad. She’s still a fucking badass though.
No. 582739
victim blaming. And I guess with that mentality that explains why her son turned out to be a rapist, torturer and murderer, she and the father must have raised him in a way that made him think that shit was fine as long as he didn't get caught.
No. 582741
>>582724Samefag but the killer's mother vandalizing Furuta's grave reminded me of Luka Magnotta's mother defending her son and claiming he was a
>>582739 They jump through hoops to avoid confronting the reality that their kid is a psychopath
No. 582746
>>582741So it was more like extreme denial that turned into extreme
victim blaming? I can imagine that, any kinda normal parent who would learn about their kid doing all that horrible shit for over a month would either be in denial, question themselves until they die of old age or completely deny they have any connection with their kid anymore.
No. 582747
>>582741I'm not a mother so I guess I don't really understand but I think, even if I genuinely believed my son was innocent, I'd advocate for him rather than attack the
victim. If I knew deep down he wasn't innocent but my maternal instincts wouldn't let me let go, I'd just quietly visit him in prison and stay out of the press. It seems weird to jump straight to attacking the memory of a murder
victim, it's not like they purposely get murdered just to spite people.
No. 582751
>>582741Sage for samefag
>>582746 but I just looked up Luka Magnotta's name online and I remember actually watching something about him on TV, I just didn't remember his name at all. An American true crime show but translated in my first language, some of the people who worked on the case and talked about it in the show wouldn't stop saying how it was their worse, most traumatizing case in their whole career, that shit was so messed up.
No. 582756
>>582751The case is absolutely horrible, making it even more mind numbing that his mother was attacking the internet group that was trying to identify him before he murdered a human. I get
>>582747, I imagine if my kid was facing heinous accusations and I believed he was innocent I would support him in my own way without attacking others, but that would go out the window if it was revealed that he filmed himself doing these horrible things on numerous occasions.
No. 582769
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This one boils my blood.
Amina and Sarah Said were killed by their "father". I'm writing this from memory so some details may be skewed or left out.
> 15 year old Western girl, Patricia, marries 29 year old Muslim Yasir Said with her parents' permission
> Yasir hates the western way of living and constantly berates it. Ends up abusing the mother and cheating on her
> The mother goes on to have children with him, 2 of which are Amina and Sarah. He eventually ends up abusing and assaulting them as well (abuse in all forms)
> He begins surveilling the girls, even recording one of them at their job, critiquing all her interactions such as smiling at a customer
> Eventually Amina and Sarah get the chance to report their abuse, but suddenly recant their statements (most possibly due to fear)
> Amina begins to secretly date a boy against her father's approval and plans of arranged marriage. He finds out and quickly relocates everyone after abusing Amina. He finds out Sarah also has a secret boyfriend and pulls a gun on them
> Eventually Amina and Sarah run away with their mother. Sadly, Yasir convinces the mother to come back with the girls. She agrees against everyone's better judgement. Sarah goes back reluctantly but Amina is a lot more hesitant, eventually agreeing to visit him.
> Yasir asks to take the girls out to eat, only to turn around and shoot them to death in his taxi and leave
> Sarah manages to make a 911 call pleading "Help me! I'm dying!" She takes her last breaths on the call
> Both girls tragically pass away from the gunshots, Yasir is nowhere to be found and still has not been caught.
It infuriates me that the mother went back to him after seeing everything he's capable of. It goes without saying Yasir is scum of the earth but the mother in this case also makes me angry. What piece of shit mother would put her children in danger like that? It wasn't even hindsight, she knew of his behavior. She was in a position to give them a chance in life and she failed them greatly. And they lost their lives because of it. My heart breaks for these girls who just wanted to live a happy life in America.
No. 582794 remember reading about her years after she was discovered. Her story fucks with me to this day because I feel this could easily happen to me, as i'm pretty solitary and my parents rarely initiate contact and my friends would think i just ghosted them
>Joyce Vincent lived alone and cut off contact with her family and friends>resigned from job in 2001>died in her home, alone in 2003, due to asthma attack or complications from peptic ulcer>no one knew she was dead for years>half of her bills were paid automatically>unpaid bills went unnoticed for a long time due to debt forgiveness>neighbors thought her home was unoccupied, despite odors from her dead body>discovered in 2006 due to reposession>her tv and heater were still on, for almost 3 years after her death No. 582810
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>>582794Kinda related, but your post reminded me of the sculptures done by Miyu Kojima where she recreates the rooms of people who also died "lonely deaths".
I always think about stuff like that though. Probably one of the reasons that keeps me from wanting to live alone. I'd hate the idea of something happening to me and no one knows until I start to decompose and stink up the place.
No. 582877
I remember when danganronpa V3 came out that it was banned in South Korea because of an ongoing case.
Two teenage girls planned the murder of an 8 year old girl by luring her with a phone to call her mom. One then strangled and dismembered the girl and rode the bus with her body parts at one point. They texted each other through the whole ordeal.
Then one starts faking mental illnesses after her parents give her books on aspergers to try to get less jail time.
It's sorta hard to find out what happened completely because no names were used through the whole ordeal. No. 582905
>>582877Jesus. That reminds me of the Slenderman case in the U.S except there the
victim thankfully survived and one of the girls there actually had schizophrenia but her parents ignored it because there were scared of dealing it.
No. 582917
>>582913This case drives me so insane I bring it up often irl. Rulings like this are why recalling judges should be allowed.
Also the OPs case where the judge said there was no reason for a protective order then 7 days later he shot her dead. The judge literally went "I'm not omnipresent" like what the fuck you old piece of shit she handed you 70 pages of proof and he followed her across 3 jobs and 2 houses.
No. 582922
>>582913What the actual fuck.
I hate men.
No. 583111
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Haven't seen this story much, but it stuck with me. The full story is incredibly sad.
>wealthy, connected man rapes drunk college honors student>she reports it immediately>not considered rape because Alabama law says she didn't fight back enough (he literally had a gun)>police start charging her with crimes instead because she took the rapist's gun and 3 dollars for a cab to get away>she can't file a suit against the rapist because she'll get charged with theft>she can't get counseling from school because the counselor is friends with rapist>withdraws from college and commits suicide>zero consequences for the rapist, zero changes to laws that ruined the victim's life No. 583114
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The disappearance of Johnny Gosch has always left a pit in my stomach, even now when I'm reminded of it. Particularly the photo of him with his hands tied behind his back. The implication of the photo really gets to me. and the murder of Catherine Cesnik, that nun who was allegedly murdered for trying to expose a child abuse ring that spanned across the schooling system, churches and police force all the way to public officials of Baltimore. The fact that there were so many complicit according to
victims, and that they went unpunished unfortunately doesn't surprise, but still disturbs me when I think about it. No. 583122
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In 2017, Swedish journalist Kim Wall boarded a the Danish “engineer” Peter Madsen (he isn’t really an engineer, he is an insane autist and narcissist who is obsessed with building makeshift rockets and submarines) Peter Madsen’s submarine. Stuck inside the submarine, he raped and dismembered her and then sank the submarine to cover his tracks. He made up a bunch of insane lies, but her torso, head and legs were discovered and it was determined that he most likely bound her, raped her, stabbed her genitals, strangled her and cut her throat and then dismembered her and got rid of the body.
There’s a lot of crazy information to be found about this guy. He was obsessed with redheads, due to his mother, iirc. Once he invited a red headed prostitute into another submarine or something similar that he built, had sex with her and then worshipped the spot where the prostitute had touched the submarine. Apparently, both his mother and his wife were redheads.
This really shocked me when it happened. It makes me so angry and sad to think about how Kim Wall must have felt when she realised what is going on, trapped inside that submarine.
No. 583124
>>583114The Keepers documentary on Netflix is a really harrowing account of Cathy's murder and the Catholic church/police attempt at cover up. It's a hard watch. The rape
victims never really got justice and were treated like suspects every step of the way. Cathy's murder will likely never be solved either, but to see how they moved that priest to another parish after they knew he was a rapist/murder suspect is so gut-wrenching.
No. 583137
>>582860iirc he also asked for a board game in the hopes that one of the guards might want to play it with him through the glass walls. He was initially allowed visits and penpals in his previous prisons but I'm not sure if that's the case anymore after the killings of fellow prisoners.
I know that what he did was beyond what a normal, sane human being could do since he did torture a couple of his
victims, but it seems like he is incredibly and violently
triggered by rapists after being molested and raped himself. I don't think he needs to be out and about in the world but I hope he at least has access to some kind of mental health worker.
I can't believe I'm almost defending a serial killer but after reading this thread and seeing the monsters that are killing for fun and kicks, I'm just wondering how this is the man that seems to have been hit by the full weight of the law. I know they're different countries but how did he get a worse sentence than the man that hacked off a woman's arms and then got released or the gang of boys that tortured a girl for 40 days? I'm sure there are plenty of worse UK criminals who won't spend their lives locked up.
No. 583141
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>>583134Oh my god, I just googled it and you're right. She (Jenny Curpen) both looks and is batshit insane, she saw his picture in the news when the murder had happened and "instantly knew she had to get to know him", that there's something important there for her that will change everything. Disgusting.
Apparently, if you're sentenced to life in prison in Denmark, it's a minimum of 12 in prison until you have a chance of parole.
No. 583143
>>583134Women that marry men like this should have to undergo a psych check There's genuinely something deeply wrong with people that marry men they know to be murderers and rapists.
>>583111She "didn't fight back enough" but they were gonna charge her with a crime for taking his gun? If she "fought back enough" and injured or killed him, they'd probably just charge her for that.
>>583078>he wrote about why he loved his mom on mothers dayThat BROKE me in the documentary. He really thought he was getting beaten because he wasn't being good enough for his mom and he loved her so much that he kept trying, thinking that one day he'd be good enough to get treated properly. Heartbreaking.
>>583002Rapes perpetrated by groups is especially terrifying because we like to think that a rapist wouldn't be emboldened enough to even suggest out loud that he wanted to rape someone, let alone that he could get others involved. We want to believe that witnesses or nearby people would benefit the
victim in this situation, not that they'd help the rapist. Same thing with sex rings - it makes your stomach drop to realise that the people around these monsters could actually just be more monsters and that all it takes is one of them to make a suggestion. Some groups are a powder keg waiting for a spark and that's horrifying.
No. 583153
>>583137I am at work and I wanna cry so bad about the board game request. I could not deny the man.
I think he is not allowed any visits or psychological help at all. From what he said, he's just left in the glass prison to rot. All he gets is food. That's so inhumane and miserable.
I think he should be kept in a mental hospital and offered help, not locked up like an animal. Especially since worse murderers got lighter sentences. And really, if you are gonna torture a man like this, why not send him to an electric chair or provide a suicide method and turn a blind eye for a moment? I cannot imagine being a guard and ignoring this man's suffering.
No. 583167
>>583114Jesus fucking Christ
I had heard about Johnny’s case but I had never seen the photos. This shit is so disturbing. Even worse that there are other children in the pics with him. Can’t fucking imagine what went through the parents’ head when they were presented with those. Just awful. I hope they find the pieces of shit who did it.
No. 583188

she’s the first one in this video, audrey mestre.
it’s not gory but if you’re freaked out by underwater stuff maybe skip this one. anyway, her case always freaked me out because it was such a preventable death. freediving is an inherently dangerous sport, but in this case, if she just had a few extra support divers, a properly filled air valve and a doctor on the dock, she would’ve been fine.
instead, she’s stuck under the water for 8 minutes. the support divers can’t give her any air, because they’re breathing gas, and don’t have enough to supply them both in order to make the slow ascent (several hours.) freediving works because the diver fills their lungs on the surface at a pressure of 1 atmosphere. but because she’s 500+ feet below the surface, any air or gas she inhaled at that point would rapidly decompress as she resurfaced and instantly kill her.
so it was a lose lose. the second she reached for the valve and it didn’t spring off she knew she was fucked. she relaxes herself in vain to preserve her breath and her support diver attempts to inflate her lift balloon but fails.
her husband attempts to revive her while she’s still in the water on the surface, which wasted precious minutes. she was rushed to a hospital 10 minutes away where she was pronounced dead.
RIP audrey mestre.
No. 583192
>>582716I remember learning about her story when I was in my vkei phase. The Gazette did a song that related to her (though apparently now people are saying it was just about another crime the band read about?) but I still think the live version has a lot of emotion in it.
/saged for weebery
No. 583219
>>582769I'll never forget this case. Their father was an ultra creep.. he would film and make sexual "mmm nice" comments about his own fucking daughters. He is on the FBI most wanted fugitive list now.
The mother was also a
victim at first but he turned her into a monster. Also their brother is a piece of shit.
And fuck, those girls were beautiful.. the older one especially was growing into a stunning young woman. Too bad their misogynist insecure predator father just couldn't fucking handle that.
No. 583462
My mom told me about this case a few years ago (I wasn't born yet when it happened) but it haunts me to this day.
This piece of shit raped and then murdered that poor little girl and while he did get sentenced to life in prison his lawyer is trying to seek parole for him. What upsets me the most is that this guy's friend actually kept watch but was not charged with any crime. People like that deserve to die as well. No. 583490
I don't know why I do this to myself. I've heard of most of the stories in this thread before, but it still hits me in the gut the same as I first read it. I'm too sensitive for this shit, but its partially the interest in true crime/human behavior, but also not allowing crimes and mistreatment of women/children's lives, since more often or not they're the victims, to go forgotten. No wonder I have premature wrinkles.
I just can't get in the mindset of some of these people. The only people I'd even consider killing in a hypothetical situation, would be THESE MONSTERS. All the lives cut short, the pain families will feel until the day they die. But even then, you have families who are the perpetrators of these heinous crimes. How?
It makes me feel so helpless to know the suffering that is still going on in the world. Women and children trafficked, emotional and sexual abuse, torture. Why does this happen? What goes wrong in humans, both men and woman, to either commit the crime or standby and allow it to happen? Are we doomed for this to continue on in the human species?
And the sad thing is, these stories are what is reported and documented. Crazy enough to make it on the news. Sad thing, with the fucked up shit people indulge in now, who knows what else is going to happen. Not gonna lie, kinda hope sex dolls will catch on.
Also my heart goes out to Robert Maudsley. It seems so unfair that someone who feels so strongly about the mistreatment of children gets treated so coldly. Just wants something to live for, a hobby, a pet. He also has beautiful handwriting. I wish he could've gotten help.
No. 583566
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Hearing about Zymere Perkins death really got to me, I had nightmares about what that little boy had to endure for days. No. 583606
>>583490I think it is a natural consequence of being born in a species with billions of members. Most of these people have a scientifically measurable problem in their brain.. psychopathy. A rare condition but when you are talking about a population of billions, that's still a ton of psychopaths out there. That in combination with a bad childhood will inevitably lead to problems with society and those around them.
Obviously it isn't an excuse, I'm just trying to respond to your question of "how?"
I get your outlook but keep in mind that even though these stories seem to be happening everywhere and constantly, they are still very rare occurrences when put against the whole of society's experience. We just tend to fixate on them and retell their stories because of how horrifying they are.
No. 583640
Sometimes one of these crimes will resurface in my memory and it's unbearable. I read a lot of true crime when I was really young but now I wish I had never learned about things like The Toybox Killer or the Hello Kitty murder, and there's no way to unlearn. Seeing stories of women surviving like
>>582656 helps keep me sane.
I often think about the story of Teka Adams, she was a young pregnant woman trying to get her life on a better track in time for her baby by giving up drugs and moving into a maternity home and her new husband was completing behavioral therapy so he could be better too. Teka was contacted by a woman who was a part of a scheme to give supplies to young mothers, and even though Teka's husband begged her not to go alone she went to meet the woman and eventually ended up in her home where the she was ambushed and knocked out and stabbed. The woman who had lied about everything and over the next few days she slept in the same room next to her and alternated between being gentle to her and attacking her again. Finally, the woman's grown son arrived and Teka thought she was going to be raped, but instead he helped his mother subdue Teka. The woman then brutally cut into Teka to steal her baby from her body without any training or proper tools or pain relief, with a Michael Jackson film playing on loop the whole time. Somehow Teka managed to escape whilst literally holding her insides in her arms to try and save the life of her unborn child. She banged on a neighbors door but the woman nearly managed to explain everything away whilst dragging Teka back until Teka lifted her shirt and showed the neighbour her insides and the person called the cops and ambulance. Amazingly, Teka survived and so did her baby, named Miracle, and she was able to give testimony in court.
People are fragile, they die so easily and sometimes for no reason but this heavily pregnant woman was able to escape down a flight of stairs clutching her shredded organs and still survive. It's something.
No. 583669
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Genie Wiley is one that fucks with me the most.
>Neglected child who was locked up in a room by her abusive father who forbade any contact with her, never properly developed language as a result>Was regularly tied down to a chair and harnessed for 13 hours a day, stunting her growth.
>Whenever she made any sort of vocalization, her dad beat her for it
>Eventually, law enforcement and child welfare authorities found out after her mother brought Genie into a general social services office on accident, a social worker and her supervisor was baffled to find out her real age, which was 13 at the time, and contacted the police.>Genie's father kills himself the day before he has to attend court.
>Did not acquire language as a result of her neglect, was extremely pale and nourished at the time of her rescue, extremely weak gross motor skills, and her mental age was extremely difficult to determine.
>Eventually studied intensively and housed by foster families on the development of language, but the funding of the study eventually ran out and her mother forbid any testing or observations of Genie in 1978 and her whereabouts and circumstances have been unknown since.It horrifies me to know that the neighbors were completely oblivious to the severe neglect and abuse happening within the Wiley household, but I'm also curious as to if Genie could've actually grasped language if she continued to learn under scientist observation.
No. 583670
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Oluwatoyin Salau was a victim her whole life to various black males in her life, who were here own family members who sexually abused her. She had to live in a church for refuge from the disgusting conditions that she lived in. Despite how she was treated by black men her whole life, she still dedicated her short life to protecting black men. She was kidnapped by some disgusting man who was apparently offering her a ride back to the church, who ended up murdering her.
The reason why her death hits me is because it represents a major problems that many black women face at the hands of males. Black women experience the worst domestic rates in the US and nearly 60% of black women experience sexual assault at one point in their life. Black girls are viewed by men as sexual beings before even hitting puberty. Any black woman who dares to speak out gets slapped with the bitter black woman label and tossed aside. There's nobody to hold black men accountable or to force them to face their wrongs other than the police. Most black women have no choice but to trust the police for their protection, even if they suck sometimes and end up doing more harm then good, which is why I don't personally support blm or the defunding the of police.
No. 583751
>>583490I agree, the worst part about some of these stories is
EVERYONE involved failing them. Everyday people that knew, law enforcement, judges, the barely long enough sentencing, it goes on and on.
>>583566Like this, I don't understand how people go out of their way to get a job in some kind of child protection program and then just let this shit happen??
There's something wrong with the justice system that obviously spans the entire world. There are some psychos that will
never change and deserve to die. There are some things people do that they would
never be able to come back from, so why let them live at all and take up space and food in jail? I believe some people can be rehabilitated, or just locked away with mental help, but the monsters in this thread are a waste of space that didn't deserve to continue breathing, yet lawyers and judges and police want to play around with ~oh what should their sentence be~ fuck that. There needs to be a point where it's at least an automatic life sentence with no chance of getting out. Or there needs to be a larger audience to determine what these people get, or SOMEthing. Something needs to change. Obviously if you can kill another human like it's no big deal, there's something wrong. But in the case of self defense or trauma, it's obvious that they need mental help. The ones with no motives to kill or rape or harm people at all are the fucked up ones. This is obvious to everyone, and it doesn't make sense to give them an equal trial.
No. 583991
I live a few blocks away where that child, AJ went "missing" and for days the whole town was searching for him. Ofcourse they find the body and link it back to his parents. On-and-off again drug addicts, beat and tortures him to death. CPS made visits but they always had an excuse for his bruises. Normally this shit upsets me for a few hours and I get over it, but I guess because its literally so close to home it gives me anxiety every time I fucking think about it. Like I walk my doh past his house, every day, for years while this poor child was a few feet away probably crying for help. I hope those to fucking rot and get what they deserve. The trials are still pending.
They ripped the house down a few months agi,so it feels a little better. But prior to that it was boarded up and neglected. I wont even drive down that street any more because of the void you feel when you're near. No. 586006

I stumbled upon this story about Alissa Turney posted by her sister, Sarah, on TikTok. A bunch of clues hint that Alissa's stepfather had sexually abused and murdered her, he tried covering it up by saying "the union" kidnapped her. Stepfather is also an ex-cop so he knows his way around the justice system. He
was put into prison for 10 years, but only for having a large amount of explosive devices, which he claims were to be used on "the union".
Sarah recently confronted her father about the murder and he told her "I'll confess on my deathbed." She had a microphone attached to her when he admitted this, but the local police department said it's not good enough evidence because he needs to confess
to them. Police department told Sarah to get social media attention so they can reopen the case.
Video from stepfather's camera, stalking Alissa at work: warning her sister Sarah about their dad being a pervert: few days before, telling her stepfather to stop recording her swimming in the pool: No. 586051
>>586006I've followed this case for a bit and it's incredibly depressing. The stepdad was basically stalking her, showing up to her job, recording her, recording the house. Never turned over the recordings from the day she disappeared.
It's obvious what happened and the police completely failed her. How are you not required to hand over evidence relating to a missing person? Gross incompetence that he hasn't faced justice for her murder.
No. 586196
San Fernando massacre
>The 2011 San Fernando massacre, also known as the second massacre of San Fernando was the mass murder of 193 people by Los Zetas drug cartel >Reports mentioned that female kidnapping victims were raped and able-bodied male kidnapping victims were forced to fight to the death with other hostages, where they were given knives, hammers, machetes and clubs to find recruits who were willing to kill for their lives. In the blood sport, the survivor was recruited as a hitman for Los Zetas; those who did not survive were buried in a clandestine gravesite.I remember reading about it when I was 12 and fascinated with mass casualties.
No. 586344
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Man I shouldn’t read threads like this they make me so fucking angry. Junko’s story in particular will always stick with me.
One semi-local story that really messed me up was this one about a group of men working in Gympie with a wood chipper. Bruce Saunders (dude in the pic) died after what was first pinned as a wood chipper ‘accident’. First responders to the scene had to undergo therapy after seeing what remained. Anyway, investigations soon uncovered more and more suspicious aspects of the situation and soon found out that the two other men had actually pushed him in. It was all over a woman apparently (she alongside the two men were charged with murder). I’m glad they’re serving time, but imagining what it’d be like being shoved into one of those things makes me sick. I just hope they at least knocked him out first. No idea if it was quick or not. Humans are awful sometimes.
No. 586375
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Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a bathtub. She had postpartum psychosis and a history of depression, self harm, and suicidal ideation. She and her husband were extremely religious and literally wanted to have as many kids as possible, which lead to her psychosis going untreated.
Her husband would discourage her from following her psychiatrist's advice, and even after she told him she didn't want to have sex with him because she was afraid she might end up hurting her children he still persuaded her to get pregnant again. She was actually supposed to be under 24-hour supervision at the time of the murders, but her husband would leave her alone with the kids for 1 hour a day so she could "become more independent".
During the trial her husband claimed he had no knowledge of any psychosis or homicidal tendencies, despite several incidents of Andrea attempting suicide or hurting herself.
This case is so frustrating because it was all preventable, and the husband should have been held partially responsible for the murders. He ignored all the warning signs in his clearly mentally ill wife in favor of practicing their extremist religious views. No. 586392
>>586375’t forget about Michael Woroniecki, a “preacher” who latched onto Andrea and her husband for some reason, filling their heads with his ridiculous fundie beliefs, like for example all women being born wicked and bad mothers. He also enabled their harmful decisions by encouraging them to choose a “simple lifestyle”, which, among other things, meant buying a fucking bus from him to live in with their numerous children. Even Andrea’s reason for killing the kids - to save them from becoming evil as a result of her bad mothering - screams of Woronecki’s direct influence. He later washed his hands of the entire mess of course.
I think that Rusty Yates is a gullible idiot whose intentions weren’t necessarily bad (at least he didn’t immediately turn his back on Andrea after the murders, and acknowledged that she wasnt being herself while committing them, as far as I remember). He still deserves to be held responsible for what happened to his family of course, but imo the biggest catalyst behind Andrea’s descent into madness was Woronecki and it’s a tragedy that he was never prosecuted. He seems downright evil.
No. 587020
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Christy Sheats shot and killed her 2 daughters to allegedly to spite her husband, Jason Sheats.
> She and her husband were headed for divorce so they were on rocky terms
> Christy held a family meeting with the father assuming she was going to tell the kids about their divorce
> Instead, she pulls a gun on 22 year old Taylor Sheats and 17 year old Madison Sheats
> Both girls make terrifying calls to 911. They are desperately begging her not to shoot them. (If you could stomach it, the call is available on YT. It shatters my heart to hear the fear and desperation in their voices)
> The pleading falls on deaf ears. She shoots each of her daughters as everyone runs out of the house, with Madison and Taylor collapsing shortly after exiting. Jason runs to the end of the cul de sac and makes it out physically unharmed
> Christy goes to shoot more bullets into her daughters who are already struggling for life on the ground. Realizing her gun is empty, she goes inside to reload then proceeds to shoot Taylor once more
> Christy was later shot by police after refusing to put the gun down and even advancing towards officers with the weapon
> Madison passed away at the scene while Taylor passes away at the hospital
Some background:
> Christy had a history of mental health problems and was hospitalized 3 times for attempts on her life. She was on medication to treat her depression and seeking therapy
> Christy and Taylor got into an argument shortly before the shootings. Taylor was about to get married just a few days after her passing.
> Christy was an avid 2nd amendment "but muh gun rights!!!!" zombie
This case has stuck with me for so long. The 911 call is terrifying. All the pleading and tears done in vain. Christy sounded like the monster she is- almost nonhuman to me with a complete lack of compassion. I wish she could have offed herself instead of taking the lives of these 2 girls who haven't even gotten the chance to live yet.
No. 587024
>>586693>>586437>>586375i watched a documentary on her (albeit a youtube docu) but after her arrest and once she was properly medicated, she apparently showed a lot of remorse. she still writes the kids birthday cards, she still celebrates their lives. her reasoning behind it was "so she wouldn't ruin them in life". it's heartbreaking and imo, the husband should have 100% been charged for gross negligence.
>>587020what is even worse is that she got what she wanted. her husband now has to live with the fact that his ex-wife murdered his two daughters. i can't imagine how many times he thinks "why couldn't she have killed me instead".
the difference between christy sheats and andrea yates is that christy did this for REVENGE. she didn't see her children as her daughters, she saw them as props to be used against her husband.
meanwhile, andrea felt that nothing she did in life could help her kids, she felt like she was saving them from a miserable life by killing them. while it isn't an excuse, i can find a lot more sympathy for andrea.
No. 587050
>>586375This is one of the ones that disturbs me most too. The details make it even worse.
>husband is told by professionals that Andrea shouldn't have anymore children after kid 3>has a fourth and Andrea has far more severe mental break than before>husband is told to absolutely not have anymore kids and that he shouldn't allow her alone with the children they already have>he TAKES HER OFF HER ANTIPSYCHOTIC MEDS TO GET HER PREGNANT AGAIN>Andrea starts getting more and more crazy, starts doing shit like TRYING TO FEED HER NEWBORN ROCKS>Rusty insists on leaving her alone with the children for at least an hour every day, despite doctors telling him not to>she kills all the children in that hourHonestly, I see Andrea as just as much a
victim as those poor children. Her husband wasn't just a husband, but essentially her caretaker and he failed that duty to such a horrific extent because he was so dead set on her being his broodmare. He ignored all the obvious red flags and risk to both her and the children's safety to keep her popping out babies. He should have been held criminally accountable.
>>587024Also, Andrea was schizophrenic on top of several other severe mental illnesses and literally thought drowning her children was the only way to save them from eternal hellfire. Very different from this sick bitch killing her kids in revenge against her husband.
No. 587093
>>583952Fuck me, I remember that video. They actually
skinned the guy, but gave him some drugs so he wouldn't die immediately and as he was crawling around in his own pool of blood he was trying to scream but his throat had been cut, so he could only make this horrifying screeching sound. I used to be addicted to watching gore videos but this one put an end to it
No. 587154
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>>582716Junko's story always sticks with me too. I'll forget about it for a few years, then I'll come across it again and it will haunt my thoughts for several days.
For me, it always goes hand in hand with the similar torture & death of Fan Man-yee.
AKA the hello kitty murder.
Called such because she was
dismembered and her severed head was stuffed into a hello kitty mermaid doll. No. 587282
>>587169It's kind of funny because there are a good number of cartel members that were trained by the USA in the 90s. The US needs to sort out their drug epidemic before they go intervening in Mexico, making the cartel problems worse and causing even more civilian deaths.
Mexico is a sinking ship but at least let the Mexican people have their rise up on their own.
No. 587391
The death of Victoria Martens will always fuck me up.
>Mother used her to get off as she would watch her daughter get raped buy men she meets online >Autopsies showed that Victoria's mother would drug her in order to sedate her so she wouldn't struggle during her rape>Was strangled and stabbed to death>when police arrived to the scene she was dismembered and wrapped in a blanket that they set on fire inside an apartment unit>Victoria wasn't an only child and her sibling also was raped for their mother's sick fantasy>one of the men involved was released from prison only after 4 years of being involved because he had an alibi and the semen found on her that day was of a different unknown man>It was her 10th birthdayReading more in to it beyond the wiki page is really fucked up because the case seemed botched in so many angles, as if the city was trying to cover it up since cases like these make national news half the time. No. 587774
All rape and child abuse cases make me feel super sick and make my heart race like crazy, especially Junko's, but one of the worst I ever saw was an interview with a child bride. She was only 8 years old and she described how they dressed her up, brought her to the wedding hall and then despite obviously having no idea what awaits her, she already felt weird and wanted to leave. The worst part is, when she was raped that night, her husband's mother was holding her down while she was screaming for them to stop. That interview was maybe 1-2 years later and that girl was still so small, to think that an adult man could ever do something like that to a tiny innocent child… I also always thought that women in these countries live in constant fear and are simply not able to protect their daughters from child marriage but it seems that they're actually so deeply brainwashed that they enable and assist something as gruesome as this.
I also saw a video about an old "tradition" of dressing up as girls in Afghanistan and when asked why they don't just have sex with their wives, those men said something along the lines of them being ugly/gross, only for children, while young boys are beautiful. Their wives don't like them having those boys, but women don't have a say. The way they simply admitted that to the camera openly and the way they grinned when they talked about gangraping a boy on the backseat of a car, saying he squealed like a pig…the boys also were interviewed, lying that they're alright.
No. 587898
>>587212It can be a learning experience, like the death museum in LA. Gore is to an extent "natural" since such gnarly stuff happens in nature, and accidents happen. But don't let yourself get desensitized to it. I believe gore gives an extreme reaction because gore = danger, death, like vomit = sickness. It's not natural to be desensitized to it, and it's especially worrying when men are. I don't feel as weird if I hear women looking at it for the reason this anon posted or curiosity.
With that said, children who murder shake me up. I probably saw this one mentioned on lolcow somewhere and I will always remember it: looks like a straight up evil child to begin with to me.
It makes me think there is something not quite discovered yet wrong with someone's brain/mentally that makes them do things like this. I know sometimes schizophrenia, or something like prior abuse, could do it, but not every schizo and abuse
victim murders or tortures people. It's like Ted Bundy, no reasons whatsoever. Just some kind of weird emptiness, lack of some vital thing that prevents people from ever doing such horrible, evil things.
Also I know everyone else mentioning Junko, I will remember her for the rest of my life.
No. 587947
>>587020Had to google this one; why and how in the fuck did the father escape unharmed? He didn't protect his daughters, he ran into the cul de sac uninjured
So he fucking just ran off and left his children, she murdered the children, they both go straight to hell
No. 587969
>>587898Omg samefag as
>>587945 they apparently had PTSD after the attack. How the fuck does this happen? It’s so weird seeing the two little boys and thinking they’d be capable of that. The poor little 2 year old, may he Rest In Peace, I feel so much remorse for that baby.
No. 588475
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rewriting this because i originally kept it vague since looking up anything about this case is extremely
triggering to me, but fuck it i want to repost with his name and handle and info because i hope this shit follows him for life. disgusting inhuman fuck.
anyway mine is when twitch streamer joe ortega aka joedaddy505 accidentally left his stream audio on when he thought he ended the live and proceeded to verbally abuse, beat, and brutally rape his girlfriend without knowing people could hear it all. i listened to the audio at the time the story blew up and it legitimately traumatized me. i 100% do not recommend listening to the audio even though its out there. here's a link to a transcript if you want an idea of what happened but fair warning bc even that is hard to read through because its fucking disgusting and sad:'ve never been raped or sexually assaulted outside of groping and harassment and i wasn't naive to how horrific that kind of abuse is, but hearing it so viscerally really set in the unimaginable brutality of it. i can still hear her screams and cries when i think about it and it makes me sick imagining how helpless and terrified she must have felt. it was a huge reason i became more radicalized in my feminism and started genuinely hating men. every time i hear a story about a woman being raped, beaten, and/or murdered now i just think of that audio and it breaks me.
after it all went down (before he just yeeted off the internet altogether) there was apparently some milky shit where he tried to deny it and i think even posted a pic of his wrists slit? but i don't give a shit what his pathetic ass had to say so i didn't really keep up with any of the aftermath. of course the woman got no justice and the cops did fuck all. i really think men like this dude should be castrated if not completely killed off. fuck em.
No. 588979
>>588475I remember this.
And a lot of people will and had listened to the audio, and still will find a way to say it was her fault she got raped and abused.
>she should have left him!>she should have fought back!>she must have wanted it if she let it happen! I wouldn't let my man do that to me! No. 589986
>>589949I think conflicting info is normal because people's perceptions and memories are often in disagreement. It's very easy to get lost even if you're experienced which these two don't seem to be.
What I take away from it is that normal phones aren't worth shit and investing in a satellite phone might be a good idea.
No. 590035
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The case of Elisa Lam fucked with my head big time. I was obsessed with her and solving the case and I read all of her blogs. She wrote about a lot of things that I felt like I could relate to, things like feeling lost in life, wanting someone else to make decisions for me, feeling disconnected from people in general and trying to avoid social interaction and responsibilities by spending a lot of time on the internet instead. I could also relate to her love for The Great Gatsby, preppy fashion, French language and poetry.
"I’m looking in the wrong place for answers. Why would someone else my age know anymore than I do? We’re all clueless.
I need to make a plan. I need a place to go and find my motivation to want to live.
It’s nothing to do with happiness. I just want to be at peace"
No. 590095
>>587947I've always wondered this and my guess is he went through the door first. Instead of you know, using his male strength to attempt to disable her and save his daughters. But no one ever criticizes this because he's male. Imagine laying dying watching your Father run away from you like a coward. Yes the Mother is absolue trash that belongs in hell, but the Father literally bailed on his girls too so I doubt the story he was a loving Father etc. She went back into the house to reload meaning there was a solid couple minutes she was unarmed and he could have beat the fuck out of her. But he was standing at the fucking end of the cul de sac.
>>587093There's a few ads that use Funkytown. That song is ruined for me because of that video.
>>590035It's so sad she was mentally ill yet everyone (especially reddit) want to make it a ~spooky ghost story~.
No. 590376
>>590035LordanArts did a very extensive investigation on this.
The family wasn't able to get any compensation for the negligence of the hotel
Something that's currently fucking with me is what's been going on in Fort Hood. Just right under our noses
No. 590439 one always gets to me. I think it's because the fact that he was so incredibly tortured by his kidnapper, and felt almost helpless when given the opportunity to escape, but would both sabotage his own kidnapper's attempts at kidnapping other boys. Along with this, the fact that he was motivated to escape because his kidnapper kidnapped another boy, and succeeded in saving both he and the boy - it's such a heroic, moral story. I can't wrap my head around it, honestly.
The smaller details make me feel awful. The fact that the kidnapper got off scot-free for all of the rape and molestation charges and was let out of prison on parole after 5 years. They did all that because they didn't want to charge his kidnapper for rape charges because it would "soil" Steven's name - but he was bullied for being molested anyway. The fact that Steven never felt at home with his own parents and almost regretted coming back because he felt rejected by them. Steven's brother was arrested for the murder of four women and the suggestion that a park was to be named in Steven's honour was rejected. The worst part is that once Steven had his life on track - he was killed in a motorcycle accident 9 years after escaping his kidnapper. His kidnapper lived longer than he did.
It's such a bittersweet story, and kind of haunts me to this day. This is one of those times that really make me believe that a person can be traumatized so deeply, yet still remain morale and kind-hearted.
No. 590530
>>587212That's how I feel about car accident gore. It reminds me to always be safe.
Porsche girl was the worst for me. I feel bad for her family too. People sent the pictures to her family.
No. 591077
>>590532>>590401Extensive prostitution, sexual assault cover-ups
And yeah, the murders
The military is doing an ass job at handling the whole thing
No. 591105
>>590439This case is so especially strange because of how his brother, who also claimed to be neglected and abused as a child, went on to murder several women. It makes me think a lot about how we can't just blame a combination of nature and nature for people's actions, Steven endured so much and rescued that little boy but this brother instead became a monster.
It's also just horrific to read cases like these where child abusers are everywhere.
No. 591589
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The story of Delia Day aka Susan Anton is pretty interesting to me. She ran a hardcore BDSM lifestyle blog back in 2003 along with her husband. The thing is though, she didn't consent to most of their activities. Her husband was writing some of blog entries for her, as people figured out later by their typing styles. She took the abuse from him, got a tattoo of a collar necklace, even had kids with him. She ended up killing him with one of the guns he taught her how to shoot. It was ruled as self defense, I'm pretty sure. I know she went on to continue blogging about what happened, her struggle with abuse and sharing her story to help other women, and is now pretty religious. You can look her up and still read her blog.
No. 591595
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>>591589At least this story has a happy ending.
No. 591614
>>591589>I know she went on to continue blogging about what happened, her struggle with abuse and sharing her story to help other women, and is now pretty religious. You can look her up and still read her blog.Anon, do you have a link? I've been trying to find out more about her and this case, but all I ever found was that she had a blog in 2013 that she deleted, and a deviantart that's also gone. She stated that none of the blog posts were by her, she never did an interview as "Delia Day", that she can't read the posts written by her ex-husband without feeling a lot of pain, and that their kids weren't kept away from their BDSM relationship. Also, the husband was bipolar and refused to take his meds, kept an insane amount of guns and told her she would have to either kill or die.
>>591608It's insane to me that people can be so evil. For the sake of their fetish? It's disgusting. I think the Reddit doxing wasn't with bad intentions, at least.
No. 591676
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I think this story hasn't been mentioned in this thread yet but it's been haunting me ever since I first read it. Man went spelunking and got stuck upside down in a very narrow passage of a cave. Rescue efforts took almost 30h, initially every attempt of getting him out was more successful than the last and there was hope but after 20h something broke and he just slid all the way back in and everyone knew there's nothing that can be done anymore. They didn't even manage to get out his body, so eventually the cave was sealed with his body forever trapped in there. Horrifying way to die.
No. 591686
>>591676I haven't been able to get this out of my mind since it was last posted here, except I didn't realise that's how it ended. Now I'm going to be stuck with that visual in my head forever.
There is another cave story that I can never forget, about a man in an underground tunnel or catacomb who died metres from the exit after his torch ran out of power, but I can't find anything about it online now so perhaps it was never real in the first place.
No. 592043
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Some 15 year old boys gang-raped a kitten for weeks, it is all over my country's social media today. Completely fucking horrific. A girl took notice of the kitten and rescued it. I just feel so broken over that poor animal. Why do I have to share a planet with these fucking monsters?
No. 592049
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>>592043>gang raped a kittenhow…how does that even work…
I'm glad the poor thing even survived such an ordeal. That's just mind-blowing levels of psychopath.
No. 592052
>>592043This reminds me of that psycho who’d film himself hurting/raping dogs and puppies. Worst one I heard tho was the gang rape of a baby. A fucking baby, dude. Who does that shit.
Put men in cages 2k20
No. 592057
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>>592049It died :( My heart fucking broke, how can people be this terrible. Like, okay, the female gorilla being pimped to scrotes was bad enough already, but a kitten? Up to the point of internal organ damage? I just can’t.
No. 592101
>>592043This makes me sick to my fucking stomach.
That poor kitten, at least it won't suffer anymore. I hope the rapist pieces of shit rot in hell. Why can't they be put to death?
No. 592110
>>592057I found this IG page supposedly naming one of the rapists. posts naming him seem to be videos, but I'm too sad and disgusted to see what they are. Not sure what to do with this information or who to report it to, so I'll just leave it here in case some anon knows what to do.
No. 592183
On the topic of shitty 15 year olds
A teen in my country was in the news again lately. At 15 he lied about his age and met a woman off an app. He posed for a happy pic with her and then proceeded to choke her to near death seconds later. 3 fucking years later his dad is apologizing on his behalf in court. Sounded like a man saying sorry that his kid broke a window.. This woman pours out her emotions describing the trauma she lives with and she gets an apology from dad? The criminals identity is protected, her photograph and name are public. She gets photographed at every court appearance.
Older article but it summarizes the case best, violent porn viewer, used tor browsers to access unspecified illegal porn, calls murdering someone revenge for some vague rejection that he feels No. 592260
>>592183>lie about their ageI think it should be a thing where stupid kids and teens are severely punished when they lie about being older than 18 btw. In all contexts.
Idc what you fuckers think about kids, that toddler killer Mary Bell didn’t deserve to get released and neither did her friend.
No. 592281

>Security camera footage has emerged of a mother saving her young son's life seconds before losing her own on an escalator in China.
>Chinese state media on Monday named the woman as 31-year-old Xiang Liujuan.
>Struggling with only her upper body above the metal structure, Xiang is seen pushing her son forward. The boy is quickly pulled to safety by a mall employee standing near the top of the escalator.
>Two other mall employees try to drag Xiang out, but within a few seconds, she disappears through the hole into the escalator shaft.
>Despite a four-hour rescue operation at the upscale AZG Mall in central China, firefighters declared Xiang dead when they finally cut the escalator open and found her body Sunday afternoon, state media reported.
>The 30-second video begins innocently enough: As the escalator in a shopping mall almost reaches the top, a woman in a white shirt and black skirt lifts up her young son to get ready to step off.
>But as she does, a metal panel collapses under her feet. She falls into the gap.
>Officials in Jingzhou, a city of more than 5 million residents in Hubei province, blamed human error for the tragedy at a news conference Monday night.
>Mall employees found the collapsed panel to be loose and protruding five minutes before the incident but failed to stop the escalator for inspection and repair, said Chen Guanxin, the local official in charge of work safety.
>Frustrated with the mall's handling of the situation, Xiang's family members have gone online to call for a thorough and transparent investigation.
>"An ordinary Sunday shopping trip ended up in such a sudden tragedy, almost ruining an entire family," said user @kkcake, who identified herself as Xiang's sister-in-law and posted some of the earliest pictures from the scene on the popular microblogging site Weibo.
>"The shopping mall is still open and the killer escalators are still running," she added. "Shoppers have no idea about the tragedy upstairs and no one knows if such disasters will strike again."
I almost vomited when I overheard coworkers talking about this in detail. I was horrified of elevators for like a month and did everything to avoid them. I still don't trust those fuckers. I think about this family from time to time and I am so sad for them, especially the kid. How the fuck are you supposed to grow up normal after something like that
No. 592313
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Speaking of China, I don't think I'll ever forget this case:
On 19 January, 1996, a street cleaner found a bag containing over 500 pieces of what appeared to be cooked meat. She proceeded to wash the meat and noticed three human fingers among the pieces. After reporting this to the police, the body was identified as 19 year old Diao Aiqing's, a Nanjing University freshman who went missing after leaving her dorm on January 10.
There are pictures online that I'm not posting for obvious reasons. They are truly horrifying
No. 592348
>>592313Holy shit, I just googled the
victims name (I know…) and that picture where they have tried to collect her bodyparts on the autopsy table like a puzzle…. How does that even end up on the internet?
No. 592353
>>592110Anyone going to click this link, I scrolled a bit and saw the damage to the kittens orifice. Disgusting, wouldn't recommend and ruined my morning if not my day.
What is it with males? Particularly ones in very patriarchal societites? I wish death on all these boys. I would do it myself if I had the means. Their lack of empathy is literally not human.
No. 592357
>>592353I also saw that picture, it made me physically sick. Tragically I don't think their actions are going to have repercussions because they are underage, but if it was up to me, I would also have them executed.
>What is it with males? Particularly ones in very patriarchal societites?I think with extremely cruel cases like this it's always due to the lack of education and non-existant emotional intelligence. Add the raging testosterone levels of a teenage male and you got yourself a ticking bomb
No. 592713
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Just heard about the Loren Schauers story today and it has absolutely mortified me. The fact that the human body is even capable of surviving like this is beyond me. Him and his girlfriend went viral on TikTok and they have a Youtube page where they explain the full story in depth but I can try my best to offer a condensed version here
>18 year old boy, Loren Schauers, tasked with operating a forklift on a street without any previous training or certification
>car runs a red light and collides with the forklift
>forklift rolls off the road and down a gravel hill with Loren still inside
>Loren attempts to escape of the forklift as the forklift tips over unaware that that is the most dangerous thing you could do in this situation
>forklift falls on top of him
>manages to just survive because his legs were so severely crushed that he couldn't bleed out of the damaged tissue
>was asked personally by doctors if he wanted to undergo the hemicorporectomy operation to save life because his family refused
>loses right arm and body from the navel down
This happened in late 2019 and he's still active and documenting his life on social media. It's kind of a bittersweet story, I guess, with the way he was so willing to fight for his life when I know that most of couldn't find the will to live if it were us in that same situation.
No. 593203
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I know this is mainly murder focused but just recently a 15 year old black girl was jailed for failing to do her online schoolwork. She is currently still in juvie like!? Imagine thinking it’s okay to jail a kid for not doing homework DURING A PANDEMIC. and then when both her and her mother begged for her to be released the judge said that it would be better for her to remain in juvie then be with her mother like what!? Reading her letter to her mom broke my heart. I hate this country. I hope I linked it right No. 593263
Vera Jo Reigle stuck out to me. It's really complex and the people who killed her weren't even her main abusers.
I'll start from the beginning. There's a woman named Cheri Brooks aka Sugar Babe whippits a notorious criminal and leader of a legally inbred family of criminals. When Cheri was growing up, she was repeatedly raped by her father until she was taken away as a teenager. After getting out of the foster system, she returned to her father's where they continued to have sex. She got knocked up by her cousin and had her first son. She then got married to someone and had 2 more sons by him, all three while her dad is there cucking the husband. She eventually has a baby girl who she locked herself in her room with four 6 months and didn't let anyone see her. At the time, she lived in a duplex and her neighbor had called CPS on her multiple times for abuse.
Cheri would often show up unannounced to babysit her neighbors 2 girls after the CPS calls, letting herself in without warning. It wasn't until three final CPS calls when she heard the baby girl screaming that anything was done. There was evidence of sexual trauma, and all of her kids got taken away. She got pregnant again with another girl, but the baby was taken away at the hospital.
Fast forward a couple years, she's moved into a house, has a new husband and has 4 more boys who don't get taken away, but are sexually abused. The father is basically a piece of furniture and the house is a party house dealing cocaine. She continues to sexually heroin her children. However, she sil wants a baby girl but at this point she's too old and obese, so she tries to get her teenage sons to knock up girls but nothing happens. They're also white hicks who think they're bloods, Juno people, rob houses etc.
Eventually she encourages her 13 year old son to pursue a mentally slow girl in the neighborhood and move her in. This girl, Vera, is 19 at the time. She is also one of three girls of the neighbor who called CPS on her and got her first brood taken away. Cheri treats Vera kindly for a while. Vera gets pregnant and it's a baby girl.
Once Vera gives birth, Greek breaks loose. Cheri once again keeps the baby to herself and abuses her. Meanwhile Vera becomes the house punching bag, abuse escalating similar to Junko levels. The cops ignore the abuse, so does her actual family.
Eventually Cheri makes a plot to get Vera killed so she can get custody of the baby. She pays a couple that are loosely related to her a bunch of cocaine to murder her. The successfully do so and pt her body on the train tracks to claim suicide. However thre body is found unscathed and thre couple get arrested after bragging about it at parties.
The baby got taken away, but Cheri received next to no charges. She's free today and her brood continues to terrorize the neighborhood. I also believe that 2 of the 5 children taken away came back into the fold.
No. 593292
>>593203What the fuck? That’s disgusting.
I remember a long time ago (like in 2012), another girl was sent to jail because she missed so much school. The reason she missed school? Was because she was working multiple jobs to support her family. This was in Texas btw.
No. 593367
>>593203I would've never guessed that some countries jail the actual kid for missed school but when I was a teen my parents were threatened with it. I was agoraphobic so from 12 to 19 I just never stepped outside the front door. There was no home schooling or alternative here. My dad beat the shit out of me one day when he was so stressed out from the threat of it hanging over his head. I never told anyone about the beating but soon after that I overdosed thinking that would fix the problem. I woke up days later in hospital, a social worker got involved and had to fight to have the threat of jail for my parents lifted.
Article says that girl has a mood disorder, adhd and that she can't focus. I mean is that a crime?
No. 593379
>>593203>teen boys rape their female peers boys will be boys! don't ruin their lives!
>teen girl is moody, doesn't do homeworkto the clinker, bitch!
No. 593428
>>593422SA- yeah this is the case. Even if Grace had a lot of issues, I don't think Juvie is a place for her.
The link also said she was detained because she was a threat to her mom, not for homework. Either way it's an overblown reponse especially during Corvid.
No. 593431
>>592479Same anon. I still feel sick thinking about it. I knew people that were very close to her too. What sickens me the most is how people still find ways to laugh about it and blame a teenage girl for getting killed. I know some people in this thread might disagree with me, but I don't think anyone deserves to die at 17, not even killers, and she was far from being a killer.
I'm thankful the killer couldn't post the video of her. I feel nauseous thinking about losers sending it to her relatives or friends.
No. 593433
>>593431wait people here would disagree that a 17 year old does not deserve to be murdered by an fucking incel retard?
did people blame her here?
No. 593477
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Reading and watching things about the Hillsborough Disaster always freaked me out - the idea that the police just kept funnelling people into these pens until there were so many the ones at the front were crushed to death.
Also this thread is just proof to me that men are violent degenerates.
No. 593517
>>593490She sent gore and cp to random kids on tumblr. She also taunted her orbiters And posted her kinks on 4chan. one of her last posts on the site is all of her kinks and how she’s a bratty princess dom. She sold her nudes for heroin, it really just makes me curious her family seems like straight and suburban. How did she come out from that? It’s really hard for me to muster up any sympathy for her but the guy who killed her was too much of a pussy to kill him self and I especially despise him. But I feel remorse for her family and I think retarded incels who say she deserve it deserve to face a life and death situation themselves
Once again not saying she deserved it, but its really hard for me to muster up sympathy for someone like that
No. 593519
>>593497Proof? Because I'm kind of sick of the incorrect information out there about Biance Devin's case, especially in the light of Brandon Clark trying to switch his plea to not guilty.
Devins was underage when she first joined these /soc/ discord servers. She met one of the older guys irl, they had sex, he recorded them, and he posted it to discord. That got him a kiddy porn rap.
All those 'I don't care about you' discord messages people even here were pointing to as proof she was a total mean bitch? Sent when she was 15 to men in their 20s and 30s that were grooming her.
Anyway her parents removed her from the internet for a while, she came back. Ciara and that pedo she hangs with were all over her tellonym taunting her and it's still up now. They were pissed she pulled back from them and were attacking her over it a few months before her death.
She spoke often about wanting to move forward from that phase of her life, and instead she met Clark on instagram. And no she wasn't dating him. Even Clark told the cops she made it clear they were just friends. He waited until she was fucking asleep in the back of the car to attack her. There was no giant blow up argument. Then he fucked around with her body listening to joji.
And now you have absolute losers like noose.maniac on instagram sending the pic of her dead body to her 12 year old sister.
Then you have people with these fucking dumb inputs
>>593497 that treat this case like a fun internet mystery instead of the senseless death of a teenage girl.
>>593517Half of the shit you posted is untrue (heroin? fucking what?) and the other half is normal dumb teen stuff. What is it about this girl that sends some of you into tard spins? You don't feel sorry that she got her throat slit in the back of a car while she was asleep because she led a troubled life? Grow the fuck up.
No. 593522
>>593517>sent shock images online as a teen to other teens>taunted loser 4chan idiots>posted kinks on dumb website>Said dumb shit about being a brat>sold nudes for a drugyou realize theres no such thing as the perfect
victim, right? nothing you're saying she did is especially crazy apart from the drugs thing. she was 17 when she died and you dont feel bad for her because she did shit probably 90% of the userbase here have done?
when i was 16 i was sending goatse/lemon party about to other kids my age and pretending to like bdsm online. i said all kinds of dumb shit. guess i should have been killed too
No. 593645
>>593519Kek someone is upset
I don't give a shit about how old Bianca or girls like her are. They frequently exploited other younger girls for financial gain. You don't even know what discord server Bianca was in, it was sheep village and I was in it. Stop defending things you know nothing about. You can easily read up on the threads here.
No. 593657
>>593645Bianca was still a minor when she died, how did she exploit any other other girls while being a minor herself? Get your egirl lore straight you fucking newfag lmao. Just because you're an underage sheep villager doesn't mean you're an expert, the fact that you openly admit belonging to that literal pedo server means you're probably selling your cp or exploiting innocent 30 year old pedos with your manipulative whorish ways just like everyone claims she was. Sheep wasnt even the only server she was in so stop pretending you're an expert on the subject.
Literally grow the fuck up and if you have any self respect leave sheep village before you end up meeting up with pedo groomers online for meth or heroin like the girls you're so jealous of. If you had any brains you would realise being a girl being in that server will only mess you up more than you already are, but you're probably getting groomed too.
No. 593768
>>593657>I was in it>I'm in it as of todayReading comprehension helps, idiot. I've tried to help girls like her and they don't want to be saved.
>>593666>>593667>>593682It's just funny that you all deflect and accuse me of being a pedo or e thot while implying I crave male attention when I'm not the pickme who literally had her life revolve around pandering to incels and selling nudes of other minors until her neck got slit. It doesn't matter if she was a minor, goes to show you playing dumb games will get you killed and that's a fact.
>>593768kek someone is upset
You're not "saving girls". Do you know how many pedos use that excuse when they're caught lmao. "I was just trying to find out who the girls were and save them, officer!" You're obviously older than Bianca which means you are an adult hanging around with other pedos and underage girls on a server made purely for grooming.
I get you like dunking on a 17-year-old murder
victim because it makes your fat, lonely ass feel better about being ignored by scrotes, but no one here cares.
No. 594009
>>593768noone has deflected it has been explained to you that you cant judge a groomed 17-year-olds actions the same as you can an adults. for example, i can judge you for sperging out over a teenager and bragging about being involved with paedophiles because you're old and bitter. i will say it was really funny how you came in here thinking telling us you were part of sheep village would give you cred lol
also the ultimate pickme is surely the girl who involved herself with pedos and shits on their
victims just for attention? youre the pick-me, girl, not bianca.
No. 594013
File: 1596219299553.jpeg (819.02 KB, 828x1668, 3C6B2D20-49F3-4C51-93E0-E00B94…) have always been rumors of skinheads/nazis/gangs in the LAPD but it was usually dismissed as propaganda or paranoia. Now it is coming out those rumors are true, amongst other things.
No. 594016
>>593768Being a minor DOES matter because it implicitly states she didn't have enough life experience to make sound judgments and calls about her moid. Us older women are wiser because the scrotes who wronged us happened to not kill us. Not everyone grows up with woke women, anon. A lot of us are raised by patriarchal families dripping with misogyny, raised by the biggest pickme mothers-who'd sooner dismiss male behaviors as intrinsic than stand up for their own daughters, kinda like what you're doing-leaving young women at the mercy of whatever influences they pick up from male-pandering media they are exposed to. Her media was 4chan. Even if you wanna argue she sold cp it's because some drooling moid convinced her the money was worth it so he could benefit from her naiveté.
The system is not designed to raise informed girls, it's meant to keep us servile, useful, and ignorant.
No. 594019
>>594016>Us older women are wiser because the scrotes who wronged us happened to not kill us.This is so true and scary. How many women here have told a moid they're not interested but thought you were still friends? That's all Bianca did. She went to sleep in the back of his car as they drove home from the concert. She trusted him. It could so easily have been any of us, and maybe that's what makes people so mad about this case?
It's not uncommon at all for a pedo to get one of their
victims involved in distributing/producing after they've aged out as well. It's common enough that the courts recognize it and will cut deals based on it.
Bianca's case fucks with me a lot. People literally celebrating her death just because she's a young girl. It could have been any of us and the reaction would have been the same.
No. 594022
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>>594012They were hanged in March of this year for the murder.
The fifth rapist was a minor so his sentencing was different, and the sixth killed himself (supposedly). I wonder how a Western country like the US would handle something like this. Would people here still try to find a way to say that prosecuting the men would “ruin” their lives?
No. 594084
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>>594022Anon are you me? I was reading about this case just a few hours ago. I was particularly outraged by one of the defence laywer's remarks
I'm so sad for the young girl and her family
No. 594100
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I could have sworn there was an English word for this? What do you call those people again? Drawing a blank here.
No. 594191
>>594002>You're obviously older than Bianca which means you are an adult hanging around with other pedos and underage girls on a server made purely for grooming.More assumptions, I was a friend of a friend asked to help with the Michael Sosa situation.
>fat>lonely More projecting.
>i will say it was really funny how you came in here thinking telling us you were part of sheep village would give you cred lolAre you underaged? I said it to establish that I knew girls like Bianca and her friends. Don't be mad you didn't get the information you wanted or expected. Bianca was a pickme till the day she died, get over it. Ciara isn't dead either.
>>594016These are middle-class white girls seeking out attention. I reserve my sympathy for those who aren't willingly self destructive.
>Even if you wanna argue she sold cp it's because some drooling moid convinced her the money was worth it so he could benefit from her naiveté.A moid? You sure it wasn't another pickme? You really don't know what you're talking about, you are so afraid of holding women accountable for their own actions.
>>594191>Ciara isn't dead either. Quit larping on an anonymous imageboard, its so obvious that you get all your info from r9k threads made by schizos.
>you are so afraid of holding women accountable for their own actions.She was 17 you brainless mongoloid, why don't you have this same energy when talking about Sosa or the other pedos in those circles? Why don't you insult Clark for being a balding loser in his 20s that pretended to be a satanist for edge points? I'm convinced you're a moid at this point.
No. 594247
>>594235>Quit larping on an anonymous imageboard, its so obvious that you get all your info from r9k threads made by schizos.Thank you for showcasing how you know nothing. This isn't larp, it's a frequently reported sentiment among those who actually read up on the sosa thread. There's no proof she's dead other than rumors, most likely to keep placating her pedo boyfriend and to continue scamming.
>why don't you have this same energy when talking about Sosa or the other pedos in those circles? Nobody would ever defend these men but I see alot of anons in here defending 17/18 year old fembots who sell nudes of younger 14 year olds. Some of them are also utter edgelords like Bianca that own up to being up borderline sociopaths. You are literally defending pickmes who never got to graduate, because guess what, playing games can get you killed.
No. 594326
omg at that pedo still being in this thread justifying her gross actions.
>>594247Reading the Michael Sosa thread isn't a fucking achievement you retard. The fact you read that shit and obviously actively sought him and his discord server down is psychotic. You seem to genuinely think these people are cool.
We get it, Bianca was pretty and skinny and you hate her for it. We get you get no attention so had to simp for a server of pedos. No one here is impressed, pedo-chan.
No. 594328
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>>594191>>594247worth remember sosa posts on lolcow so this sperg out could very well could be him or ciara
even if it's not this is obviously one of their low-tier followers they use to do their bidding. Usually the girls too ugly to attempt to fuck.
No. 594330
>>594247Again you keep proving you know nothing. You're either Sosa or a complete retard because you're getting all your info wrong.
>>594328It might be him, some of the wording sounds similar to the posts he made on different places.
No. 594338
>>594326>You seem to genuinely think these people are cool.Jesus christ can you curb your chimp out? Nobody is defending these r9k creeps.
No. 594341
>>594191>These are middle-class white girls seeking out attention.Money has shit-all to do with grooming and abuse.
>those who aren't willingly self destructiveSelf-destructive habits are a byproduct of trauma and abuse.
>A moid? You sure it wasn't another pickme?If it was another pickme, again, it goes back to my point of women being groomed by men to serves their interests. You seem perpetually bothered by this factoid. The majority of pedophiles are men, sorry.
>You really don't know what you're talking about"I disagree with you, I'm right, you're wrong, so there."
>you are so afraid of holding women accountable for their own actionsShe's dead, anon.
She didn't deserve to die, and yet you're trying to hold a dead person's actions on a higher platform than the male entitlement and toxicity that slit her throat and put her in the ground. Speaks volumes about you.
No. 594372
>>592524do you really think he will suffer even half as much as his
victim? brutal killers get to live in peace in prisons and the system morality teaches us revenge is meaningless.
No. 594465
>>594367>>594354What's it like to live such boring lives you turn to backseat modding on a fucking image board? Hide the thread or report if you're upset. No one cares about your derailing.
>>594384She didn't dump him. She never dated him and he admited that.
(derailing) No. 594784
>>594016Not to derail in anyway but wtf is up with mom's favoring sons over daughters? personal shit, single mom favored older brother, I mean would bend over backwards for him to get him anything he wanted despite being poor fucks also would go into debt for him. She treated him like shit too, constant screaming, if he got bullied it was his fault but compared to how she treated me, he was the golden child.I could go more into it but then I sound more whiny than I already do haha. But seriously why do mom's favor their sons so much more and are willing to shame their daughters immensely?
These stories are crazy scary. Tell your daughters they have every right to tell a guy 'NO' and to not feel bad for it. Tell your daughters they matter and they are loved so they don't latch onto any fucking loser who even looks at them.
No. 596048
File: 1596492047491.png (403.9 KB, 958x929, uighur.png) a doubt one of the most enragin news stories I've read recently. The fact that this genocide is happening as we speak and is largely swept under the rug.
>Sauytbay describes being forced to witness a gang rape while at the camp. A young woman, she says, was forced to disrobe after being forced to "confess" her sins in front of around 200 prisoners. The young woman was then raped by several police officers, Sauytbay said.
>"While they were raping her they checked to see how we were reacting. People who turned their head or closed their eyes, and those who looked angry or shocked, were taken away and we never saw them again." No. 596348
>>596048This is from another article:
>Some survivors recalled being suddenly “force-fed birth control pills” and “injected with fluids.” One had to recite her crimes (“I gave birth to too many children”) whenever officials came near her cell. Another remembered that a pregnant woman in her camp’s “class” had suddenly disappeared.
>Tursunay Ziyawudun said she was injected until she stopped having her period, and kicked repeatedly in the lower stomach during interrogations. She now can’t have children and often doubles over in pain, bleeding from her womb.
>Gulbahar Jelilova confirmed that detainees in her camp were forced to abort their children. She also saw a new mother, still leaking breast milk, who did not know what had happened to her infant. And she met doctors and medical students who were detained for helping Uighurs dodge the system and give birth at home.
>Gulzia Mogdia was also forced to have an abortion when she became pregnant with her third child. “Medics inserted an electric vacuum into her womb and sucked her fetus out of her body,” after which she was “taken home and told to rest, as [officials] planned to take her to a camp.Sickening.
No. 599208
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>>599071You could try writing to congress if you are in the US or a similar body in your respective country, or pray that some international human rights organizations aren’t drinking the kool aid and try to see if they could advocate. But realistically, there’s nothing anyone can do politically; China is hellbent on eliminating these people. It has been going on for a while, too. Some articles from 2008-09… No. 599632
>>599630Whoa whoa they let that fucker go?
What a joke.
No. 599649
>>599221Unfortunately some of these international organizations themselves are corrupt and they either don’t care because they get money under the table to not care, or are too jaded by people’s cruelty to give a shit. And honestly no one wants to start another (potential) world war, especially not one with China, or get murdered for trying to help like routinely happens in Africa with insurgents.
>>599405Yes. Papers unfortunately don’t save lives, which is why I didn’t really mention any one group in particular because none of them really do anything, legally or otherwise.
No. 599706
>>599630>He did not have a history of mental illness before Not true. He had schizophrenia and he believed that the
victim was an alien. Also he had no history of violence prior the attack
No. 599803
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The murder of Rebecca Schaeffer really bothers me.
>Rebecca was a young star just about to go audition for a role in The Godfather 3
>She had earlier answered the door to a man who found the address to her apartment through the DMV and he talked to her for a while but she had to tell him he had to go because she was waiting for her script to be delivered. She told him to take care.
>That man is Robert John Bardo, a man completely obsessed with Rebecca because she sent a response to his fan letter.
>Enraged by the fact that she pushed him away, he waited a while at a diner and came back to her house. Under the guise of delivering a post card, he knocked on door. While she opened the door and picked up the postcard, he shot her point blank in the chest. Her last words were her screaming "Why?!" She died at the hospital later.
>Her case set new stalking laws which made it impossible to get a star's address and such at the DMV. Sadly, people can get addresses online now, which means more cases like this are to appear.
>It was found later that in a creepy letter to his sister, Robert John Bardo said that he needed to eliminate the unattainable.
I think the worst part of all of this is that his brother wasn't charged because he helped Bardo get a gun. Bardo was deemed too insane to buy one.
No. 600214
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>>600178This case? I had not heard of it before but holy fuck some people are lower than dirt
No. 600451
>>582621robbie mclennan: a 2002 murder in canada where a 20 year old and two teenagers raped, tortured, and murdered their friend over hours. the actual article is gone cause it's from so long ago but here's a repost on a forum: girl involved in the murder killed herself years later and i have to say i don't care
No. 600728
>>600451goddamn that is so depressing
fuck her and I hope her bf gets the rape back in prison.
poor robbie…
No. 600736
File: 1597019809232.jpeg (21.68 KB, 150x212, D2D0E84E-DD24-4F83-A191-63F19C…) have a book on this one. Two promising, hardworking immigrant Harvard students on scholarships rooming together. One of the girls, Sinedu Tadesse was very lonely and her roommate, Trang Phuong Ho expressed desire to change her housing situation and move out of her housing with Sinedu. Sinedu stabbed Trang and then killed herself. The death of Trang is so sad to me, she seemed like such a smart hardworking girl. And Sinedu obviously needed some kind of help and it’s sad she had no resources. Part of the book I have on this case talks about the lack of mental health support at Harvard.
No. 600758
>>599803>>600736Stalking/person being obsessed with the
victim stories like these really fuck me up. I know it's not the same as these poor
victims' situations, but I'm in several communities which expose you to a lot of people who've never had friends/relationships before and literally have no concept of boundaries, so I'm fearful of getting killed for saying no.
The worst part is that one of my close friends is dating one of these types of dudes because she thinks she can fix him and can improve his life or some shit like that.
No. 601878
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Images of the Beirut explosion happened really fuck me up, especially the part where the warehouse is just being ocean water now. That video that someone took of the bodies of the people who were close to the epicenter will haunt me forever.
No. 601969

Not as gruesome as others posted here. But for some reason I was so upset with this case.
>Stephanie Lazarus, cop who was friends with benefits with John Ruetten
>John meets nurse Sherri Rasmussen, they become engaged
>Stephanie flips out, begs John to call off the engagement because she loves him etc, he says no but the absolute cockhead agrees to have sex with her for some reason.
>Stephanie marches over to sherri’s work and brags about the sex, “if I can’t have John no one can” type of thing, starts to stalk and threaten sherri.
>one day Sherri stays home from work, Stephanie picks the locks and attacks Sherri, shooting her in the chest and face.
>autopsy reveals Stephanie beat the shit out of sherris face and body AFTER she had died, also bit her in the arm
>gets away with it for 2 decades, probably for being a cop. John Ruetten contacts her during this time to fuck her again what the hell
>because of new dna forensics she gets busted. Hilarious interrogation ensues where Stephanie looks like Jim Carrey stroking out.
No. 602017
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The Abu Ghraib prison torture never fails to shake me to my core. I can't look at the pictures of it and it has been said they never released a lot of the pictures, one can't even imagine what those pictures consist of when the ones released are so fucking horrible. It's fucking terrifying to think about what evil humans are capable of. Even seemingly normal people.
No. 602091
>>602070As if. Any international crime committed by America is talked about briefly and then pretty much forgotten about, even horrifying things like this. America is too rich and powerful to actually criticise since they’ve essentially been taking over the world, and trying to make themselves seem like the kind and benevolent hero of the world for over 70 years. Most Americans will never talk about things like this regularly either, because the vast, vast majority of them benefit from, even if indirectly, the crimes their government and military commit abroad and American imperialism.
Think about what happened to the citizens of Vietnam, civilians where killed, massacred, and raped by the US military, had Agent Orange dropped on them, etc, and yet most of what you hear about the war is about “muh poor drafted American soldiers with PTSD!!!”
But yea, fuck Americans, it’s infuriating, all the horrible shit they do that they get away with.
No. 602094
>>602070Sweet anon, even when you bombard people with information it doesn't mean people will really demand justice. There are so many injustices that the world knows about right now, but nothing gets done, people just share a couple of awareness posts and move on because it's too depressing to deal with or because something else is already happening.
I'm not American but I remember imagery from the torture was everywhere at the time, that Serj Tankian "Empty Walls" music video was played almost every morning before school on the music channel I watched and my teachers talked to us about what the news stories were about. I hadn't thought about it for years until now because we have moved on to the next atrocity. There's no time for justice in the 24 hour news cycle.
No. 602098
>>602017There is also the whole “rectal rehydration” stuff on prisoners who went on hunger strikes
No. 602100
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Corpse warning.. the Abu Ghraib pictures of with the guards like this are so fucking disturbing
No. 602102
>>583141I have a theory on this. She is deeply disturbed. Probably wants to kill AGAIN. Then she can pin it on him or help him hide it.
Think… Dexter.
No. 602111
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>>602070Things like that has always been my number one mystery, I suppose it's dumb to think that operation condor is a subject brought into school but do they talk about it? Like is it something know in the counterculture or critical side of the nation or is just something know outside of the country only?
No. 602117
>>602111Brazilian here, my history teachers did mention US intervention during out Military Dictatorship, and that basically it happened because they meddled with our politics, country had too many commies and they didn’t want us to become Better Cuba.
Also that the torture methods utilized by the secret police were basically borrowed from American officials.
Not like we can do anything about it, our country didn’t even punish our military for these crimes, imagine the US.
No. 602230
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Not a news story, but learning about Unit 731 gave me nightmares (tbh, anything war-related does):
>Prisoners were injected with diseases, disguised as vaccinations, to study their effects. To study the effects of untreated venereal diseases, male and female prisoners were deliberately infected with syphilis and gonorrhoea, then studied
>Men, women, children and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often without anesthesia and usually ending with the death of the victim
>Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss. Those limbs that were removed were sometimes re-attached to the opposite sides of the body. Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and the esophagus reattached to the intestines. Parts of organs, such as the brain, lungs, and liver, were removed from some prisoners
>In other tests, subjects were deprived of food and water to determine the length of time until death; placed into high-pressure chambers until their eyes popped from the sockets; experimented upon to determine the relationship between temperature, burns, and human survival; electrocuted; placed into centrifuges and spun until death; injected with animal blood; exposed to lethal doses of x-rays; subjected to various chemical weapons inside gas chambers; injected with sea water; and burned or buried alive
>Unit members orchestrated forced sex acts between infected and non-infected prisoners to transmit the disease
>Female prisoners were forced to become pregnant for use in experiments
No. 602246
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Gabriel Kuhn’s case has scarred me pretty badly both because of the horrific cruelty and brutality towards an innocent little boy over something idiotic and trivial, and because I’ve had the displeasure of seeing the crime scene photos of Gabriel’s body.
Gabriel was a 12-year boy who was friends with Daniel Petry, his 16-year old neighbor. One day when Daniel thought Gabriel had cheated in an online game he went over to Gabriel’s house where the younger was alone. As soon as he got in, he knocked Gabriel down and started beating him. Daniel dragged him to a bedroom where he raped him on the bed while all Gabriel could do was scream and cry. The bedsheets were stained with blood.
When Gabriel threatened to report him, Daniel panicked and decided to kill him. He took a wire and wrapped it around Gabriel’s neck, squeezing until the boy fainted. Then the sick fucker decided to go into the garage to get a hacksaw, after which he began cutting Gabriel. Gabriel regained consciousness and began to scream from the pain but Daniel didn’t care, continuing until he’d cut off Gabriel’s left leg. Gabriel eventually stopped screaming, falling into shock from the pain. Daniel continued with the hacksaw and viciously cut off his right leg. The necropsy showed that Gabriel was alive when both his legs were cut off; he died shortly after from the pain and blood loss.
Daniel supposedly only got 3 years in juvenile hall. He allegedly stated, when in prison, that he’d “see Gabriel in Hell and get revenge again”.
People like Daniel Petry deserve to be castrated, brutally killed and left to rot in a ditch, I don’t care of that makes me edgy. This case makes me so disgusted and angry. Writing this up made me feel physically ill.
No. 602254
>>602246anon i'm brazilian and i remember this
i totally agree with you, it's crazy that this sick fuck is walking around free and that he had a name change and moved
he could literally be anywhere and ppl around him would never knew what he did, i hate this shit country
No. 602288
>>602246Poor, poor kid.
Was about to question why Daniel thought he'd get in less trouble for murder than for rape (especially since the crime scene looks like he didn't even attempt to hide the body), but if he only got 3 years in juvie… Fucked up justice system.
RIP Gabriel
No. 602559
>>599630I know about this, it's such a horrific case. I remember reading that he was showing off the body parts he was eating to the passengers outside, like waving them through the window. Can you imagine casually getting on a bus on a random day and some psycho starts killing and eating someone right in front of you? I'd be traumatised for life. This is what really scares me, the idea of normally going about your day and something terrible and life changing happens, like I know that sounds vague but just the spontaneity, the randomness of horror is so unsettling to me. This poor
victim did nothing to anybody and he had to suffer because he happened to sit next to a psycho. So depressing and frustrating. I hate hearing about good people getting their lives stolen away from them early in such horrific ways they don't deserve, like they deserve a respectful and dignified death and shit like this makes me so angry
No. 602760
>>602745except the hiroshima/nagasaki bombings happened to ordinary civilians who hadn’t done anything.
meanwhile, the people behind and working at unit 731 never got any punishment or karma whatsoever and went about their lives like normal people afterwards. many of the worst monsters got wealthy as fuck.
No. 602775
>>602760but they were all complicit with their army butchering chinese and koreans and this weird experiments. Germans also cry a lot about their 'lost' cities (especially dresden), yet they had it coming as well.
But you right, to many got away with their shit, I also hate that the japanese goverment does hardly anything to make up for the shit they've done in WWII.
No. 602803
The rape of Nanjing.
I’m sorry, but I could never quite feel sad over what happened in Hiroshima after reading all of that.
No. 602827
>>602814Yeah you can.
And yeah they did.
No. 602893
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>>602838NTA but
>Men Dress As Japanese Imperial Soldiers At Rape Of Nanking MemorialI had never seen the Japanese equivalent of edgy neonazi fags before.
No. 602932
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This evil cunt, Daniela Poggiali.
She was a hospital nurse known for being sadistic and vengeful, bragging about giving sedatives to patients she found “annoying” and giving laxatives to them just before she quit her shift so the next nurse would have a tougher time. She’s shown in a picture with a very obviously dead patient with a shit-eating grin on her face as if she couldn’t possibly be happier.
She was charged with the murder of an elderly woman and sentenced to life in prison, but was acquitted on appeal in 2017 after serving 3 years because of “insufficient evidence”. She’s been accused of murdering 38 of her patients. She got a lot of love letters and proposals when in prison, I hope all of those people meet the same fate her victims did.
As someone with an elderly mother and whose father died in hospital, this story terrifies me and makes me extremely paranoid. This is the kind of evil that warrants a truly brutal, painful death, and I sincerely hope someone tracks her down and gets those victims some semblance of justice. The same goes for her retarded fans.
No. 602933
>>602100anon this is truly fucking me up, like my brain can't handle that 1. this is real and 2. that someone is posing and smiling next to a corpse. What the fuck this is messing with me so bad
Like I always knew the world was ugly, but I realize I never saw most of it head on :/
No. 602959
>>602940At least we have those pictures. Nobody can't deny it happened. It's the only 'good' thing from all of this.
and to know they all got such light sentences.
who the hell know is happening ib those black site now?
No. 603023
I mean it's not a news story, it is something I read on Reddit years ago but I still think about it regularly. It's both sad and disturbing. Took me a while to find it:
>My girlfriend's grandfather used to be a detective, and he tells a pretty terrifying story. When he was still pretty young he got a call to an apartment building because a "monster" was trying to get into someone's apartment. The caller said that they had heard a gunshot, and then a while later something was pounding on their door. When they opened it a monster was standing there and tried to get into their apartment. They kicked it out, and slammed the door. The caller also said that they had heard more screams from down the hall, so the monster may have been trying to get to other people. When my girlfriend's grandfather got to the building he found a man shambling around inside covered in blood. He got the guy turned around and realized that he had found his "monster." The guy had attempted to commit suicide by putting a gun under his chin and firing upwards. However, he had screwed the angle up and blown off his jaw and part of his nose, but he was still alive and in extreme shock. He had been walking around the building knocking on doors, trying to get someone to help him, but his grisly visage had terrified everyone, so they kept slamming the door in his face.
No. 603242
>>602932Not even safe in a goddamn hospital
Reminds me of that news story of a woman who was in a coma and someone managed to get pregnant. Ugh
No. 603616
>>603556he was probably going into shock/realized he didn’t really want to die and the first shot became his wake up call
such a horrible story
No. 605326
>>603023My best friend's brother did the same thing when we were in high school. She had never told me that he had been molesting her for years; she did tell her mom, but as per fucking usual in true crime, mom swept it under the rug and sided with her brother.
Well eventually her brother either felt bad about raping a child or felt bad cuz of what he saw in Afghanistan, either way, he stole a gun from security where he worked, led the cops on a very brief chase
And then he blew his fucking eyeballs out and face off and now he lives in a hospital pissing into random receptacles when no one watches him close enough, because that's the last thing he can still do that his withered brain still registers as fun.
Frankly, a fitting fucking punishment, I think about that shit a lot still, her parents are fucking garbage and even after one kid got raped and one comitted existential suicide, and one of the older ones ran away from home at 16 and has not been heard from in well over a decade now, and the last one is only 16, so I guess we'll find out how bad you ruined that one soon, but they seriously honestly believe they were good parents
It makes me fucking sick because I know that must mean none of those kinds of parents do. They can watch the most heinous shit in the world happen to their kids under their watch, and feel nothing but pride
No. 605551
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> He told police he was attracted to his co-worker and did this to get her to notice him.DESGOSTAN
No. 605570
>>605549Ok, this is a lot more common than I thought jfc
Reminds me of that story where there was a /k/(?) meetup and some dude took pics of himself cumming in some cookie dough and then passed out the cookies at the meetup.
No. 605703
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Junko Furuta. It’s caused me to loose sleep
No. 605704
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>>605570holy shit anon do you have screenshots of this
No. 605740
>>605703Jesus Christ I always remembered this poor woman but seeing her mentioned again caused me to reread her story
> Two police officers were dispatched to the Minato house; however, they were informed that there was no girl inside.[7] The police officers declined an invitation to look around the house, believing the invitation alone was sufficient proof that there was nothing untoward to be found.[7] Both officers faced considerable backlash from the community. Had they indeed searched the house and located Furuta, her ordeal would have only lasted sixteen days and she may well have recovered from her injuries. The two officers were fired for failing to follow procedure.That is so heartbreaking. All of her murderers are alive and well too, absolutely sickening
No. 605760
>>605703Can't find right words to describe how I feel about this shit. It's hard to believe that 'people' like this exist in this world, and that there's some chance that anyone including you might become their
victim. Just like that, you live your life, and then it's just pure torture and total helplessness until you fucking die. Only because someone had this sick idea of 'fun'
No. 605764
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>>605704Ntayrt but think this might be it
No. 611005
>>610502Minato Nobuhara he now goes as Shinji Minato stabbed a man in the back of the neck in Japan
Yasushi Watanabe, who was originally sentenced to three-to-four years in prison, received an upgraded sentence of five-to-seven years. He was 17 at the time of the murder. After his release, he married a Romanian woman.
No. 613326
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Kim Jong Nam's assassination fucked me up, especially the fact that they managed to convince two gullible women to kill him and they did it, believing it was just a prank for a sake of a TV show. Also this sounds like a horrible way to die:
>By preventing AChE from metabolising acetylcholine, the nerve agent causes the synapse to become flooded with the neurotransmitter. This saturation leads to the nerve being constantly switched “on”. In the case of nerves that control muscles, this means that the muscle is constantly receiving a signal to contract.
>Constant muscle contraction becomes a problem when the muscles in question are the ones that control the expansion of the rib cage, to fill the lungs with air. If these muscles are continuously trying to contract, the body is constantly trying to fill the lungs with air, and thus not allowing the body to expel air from the lungs.
>The victim of such a nerve agent usually dies from asphyxiation due to not being able to breathe out.
No. 614386
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>>614367Samefag. I checked out the guy's channel and one of the thumbnails was this. The fucker is mocking the viewers
No. 614394
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I was re-visiting Jessica Ridgeways story the other day. The brutality fucks with me, especially since the murderer was only 17. This is brutal so big warning for people who this shit sticks with.
>Jessica is 10, calls friend in the morning to check they are still walking to school together that morning. Friends Dad says yes
>Jessica leave house, never makes it to friends house. Dad of friend just shrugs and takes his own kid to school
>School calls Mom at 10:30am to tell her Jessica isn't at school
>Mom works late shift so doesn't get message until 4:30pm. Calls cops.
>Cops can't find shit
>Find her backpack, get dna from it.
>Child's headless, limbless torso turns up in field. Has tiny wooden cross placed in vagina. Confirmed to be Jessica. Get dna from it.
>They do mass dna swabbing as they now have 2 pieces of dna + another matching piece from an assault on a jogger a month earlier
>Person calls cops, tells them Austin Sigg had a cross like that, is super fucking weird, obsessed with death.
>DNA test Austin Sigg
>No match. Austin Sigg not considered a suspect.
>Still looking. Can't find rest of body
>Mindy Sigg, Austin Sigg's Mom calls cops
>"please come here my son killed Jessica her body is in my house"
>they go to house, Austin admits he did it.
>Takes them to crawl space, find head and limbs.
>Tells them he waited in the back of his jeep, grabbed her when she walked passed.
>took her home, obviously a pedo and raped her but they can't prove it. His Mom tells cops he has been watching child porn since FUCKING 12.
>Strangles her with zip ties but it hurts his hands so he stops
>strangles her with hands.
>lays body face down in bath and fills with water to make sure she's dead. Removes hands with electric saw. Cuts into pieces and flushes down the toilet.
>cutes limbs and head off, hides all parts in the pool house.
>week later gets the body, removes organs, flushes them. Washes torso, dumps in field.
>Can't part with the other pieces.
Like what in the actual fuck. I never saw them address why the dna didn't match, either. Even in the arrest report it just says it didn't match. He was so close to getting away with it. It also bothers me so much that her friends Dad didn't even call Jessica's mom to let her know she hadn't arrived at his house.
No. 614396
>>614013I don't want to click, just that idea makes me want to vomit. I feel so sad.
I already don't like those "animal rescue videos", they depress me like nothing else. To think some people literally just abuse animals and then repackage it as "rescue" is disgusting.
No. 614413
>>614396Samefagging to share this. It's a whole culture of fake animal rescue videos on YouTube.
I always got bad vibes from those thumbnails of "rescued" dogs and cats with injuries, and in pain. Now I know why. Half of them were abused by the ones behind the camera, not coincidentally found and rescued.
I'm glad awareness is being raised around this, but it makes me feel so sick. I don't know what to do to help besides post these "expose" videos.
No. 614419
>>614412>He fell out of favor with Kim Jong Un when he tried to visit Tokyo Disneyland with a fake passportHoly fucking shit. This has to be the most kekworthy thing I've read all day.
>>614394Wow, this case is so fucked up. I can't imagine how the murderer's mom felt after discovering the body and realized that her son murdered this innocent girl.
Poor Jessica. She deserves more justice than for her murderer to be locked up but still alive.
No. 614438
>>614394this one always fucks me up I feel so bad for thr girl, she looks so cute on her photos what happened is fucking awful. the moms phone call is fucked up too
>>614413>>614013makes me want to cry WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE WTF
No. 614489
>>614394Feel a bit weird because this girl looks like me when I was 10. I guess it just makes it easy to imagine myself in her place.
And it's so fucked up that his mom knew about child porn and didn't do anything about it(?). But thank god she at least called the police.
No. 616282
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>>582769Good news!!
He’s been caught.
No. 616347
>>616282fucking finally
that story fucked me up ever since i first read it years ago, his poor daughters
No. 619760
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A new wounded horse has been found yesterday.
A few days ago, a man saw two guys mutilating 3 horses from his shelter with a billhook. They couldn't catch them but made a robot portrait of one of them. That's everything we have for the moment, police think the case might be related to a sect or to witchcraft.
No. 619783
>>619772Kek It made me laugh too
But also fuck that guy and his friends. The Horses don’t deserve this shit.
No. 620444
>>620423Oh my god, anon, yes. This story still fucks with me. Fuck that psychopath boyfriend and I hope he gets brutalized in jail after what he put his gf through.
She seems like such a sweet girl. When I heard her speak and relive all the trauma he put her through, I was shaking in anger. He basically beat her near to death, cut her with knives and raped her within the beatings. She thankfully ended up escaping and crawling half-naked and covered in blood to a neighbors help. It was awful and incredibly sad to listen to. I am relieved she survived but now she has to deal with the mental and physical damage from him. This particular documentary got me to take a break from watching these.
This dude's anger was actually one of the weirdest parts to witness. I've never seen anyone seethe and physically swell from anger and want to kill a cashier over a 7-11 drink.
No. 620471
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>>620461In summary, Christy owned her own home in Vegas where she lived with her pets. Her relationship with Jon had long since fizzled, Jon was constantly having sex with other women and was violent and irrational. They broke up in April 2014, but she wasn’t able to shake him off until May of that year. She had started having a friend, Corey, stay with her so she wasn’t alone in the house. They were having sex but that’s honestly beside the point, she wasn’t in a relationship.
August 2014, she sent him a topless picture. Then at 2am he went to her house, kicked the friend out, and sawed her hair off with a knife. He beat her repeatedly and made her take off her clothes and shower in front of him so he could rape her. He raped her in between beating her. It’s still unclear to me how she managed to escape him, maybe it explains in the docu? But she ran through the golf course next to her house completely naked and knocking on neighbors doors until someone finally answered and she was hospitalized. A look at the photos says it all. Jon was in hiding for a week, his friends helped him of course. When the trial was happening he laughed while she described being assaulted and at one point blew the prosecutor a kiss during a hearing for his sexual assault charges. It isn’t worth knowing what men, and women even, were saying at the time.
No. 620751
>>620550It says "I do alpha male shit"
Jim Can't Swim did a good video about that situation if you can bear it.
No. 621096
victim blaming but this guy is pure red flags all over. 99% of guys with tattoos are.
No. 621127
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>>621096true, when I saw pic related years ago I thought "this dude'll 100% murder someone eventually"
No. 621131

Huechan here, time for a history from my dear home: the shithole of south america, specifically Brazil.
Recently there was this case of this girl aged 10 who had been raped from the ages of 6 to 10 by her 33-year-old uncle (and possibly other family members, according to recent clues) and at age 10 she was determined to be 6(?) months pregnant. According to several news outlets, every time she was questioned about her pregnancy she broke into tears and became hysterical, she clearly did not want the fucking baby. So what do the subhuman bible thumpers do? I'll tell you. Some lowlife called Sara Winter leaked this girl's name, the doctor's name and the hospital she was going to have the abortion performed after the first hospital she went to denied her an abortion. She had to go out of her home state to even get a legal abortion. It doesn't matter overall, but it is worth nothing that this uncle constantly made death threats to the girl.
So, a bunch of limpdick bible thumpers showed up to the hospital and as you can see in the video, protest outside the hospital and even try to break in at some point. Forming prayer circles and claiming they were there to "save 2 lives" (kiss my ass) and all that. But things go well, the TEN-YEAR-OLD girl has her abortion. But it's not over, because you have the retards with one hand on their bible and the other on their dick on twitter and facebook claiming the girl wanted it or even liked the rape. Such was the case for a PRIEST who said on facebook that because the girl didn't tell anyone for 4 years, she must have liked it. Another female teacher from São Paulo alluded the case to little girls being "bitches in heat" and that she, not fucking kidding I swear to god word for word, probably was well paid for it. Not to mention other retards who openly claimed that the girl getting raped was "god's plan", and that her rape baby was a "gift from god", and also many compared the little girl to various animals.
A week or so after a bill project was proposed by one Kleber Rodrigues, would see that victims of rape would be OBLIGATED to watch footage of an abortion before being allowed to abort. Thankfully this bill was put off by women's rights groups. Today the fight goes on, recently I heard that victims of rape who want to seek an abortion need to contact the police first. Another wants to make it so that women look at an ultrasound of their baby to guilt trip them out of an abortion. I weep most for this girl, she'll never know peace again. She barely lived and had her life stolen from her by people who were supposed to protect her.
Even as I type this it's hard not to a-log or generalize. I try so fucking hard not to generalize but it's so hard. I've never seen such a disgusting display of faith before. I never want to see a fucking bible in my life again. I don't want to hear about churches, prayer, religion or priests ever again. I'm so heart broken over this girl. I hate this god damn country and I excitedly look forward to the day I can leave and never look back.
No. 621768
>>621131Shit like this makes me sick. Although I think abortion should be legal in any case, I can kind of understanding on being against it - but trying to force a fucking 10 year old girl to have a rape baby? These sick fucks should all die together with the rapist.
Here in Sao Paulo some years ago some crazy religious group was camping in front of the few hospitals that have legal abortions and attacking the poor women who most likely were rape
victims going there for help AND the doctors working there.
Kinda funny when people from other countries think Brazil is so free and fun, this place is conservative and religious to a retarded degree.
No. 623682
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>>582718>And men routinely make hentai and shit over her deathdamn, I didn't expect this to be real.
Good novel on this topic is Jack Ketchum's Girl Next Door, it's loosely based on the Sylvia Likens' case.
No. 623755
>>582718I hope Japan dies out as a country because of low birth rates. the men in that country are so beyond disgusting. Junko's death is so haunting and to even think it's okay to be aroused by it shows how vile men think. Women need to take over the world already
>>621768>Kinda funny when people from other countries think Brazil is so free and fun, this place is conservative and religious to a retarded degree.I have never met a single person who thought Brazil was a good place.
No. 623773
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Natalia Nemets. She worked in a candy factory- specifically with caramel. on the day of her death she climbed up to the vat that stirred the caramel , fainted due to the heat and fell into the molten candy. She was boiled alive and what makes it worse was that the vat contained giant blades to stir up the contents. So boiled and chopped up both at once. (Although some of her co-workers testified that she was stood inside of the vat to clean it and it suddenly started filling her up; drowning her. I don't know which is more horrifying.)
Her co workers noticed she was missing and found her with her legs sticking out of the boiling caramel and there was nothing they could do to save her.
Third death in that candy factory that year. Russia, man.
No. 623814
>>623786They do, there were even blades to stir the caramel inside the vat she fell into so yes they definitely stir themselves. There's some debate over how she got into the caramel because the cleaning theory is suspicious (why would she clean it whilst it was on? If it started filling up and drowned her why was she found with her legs sticking out?) But then if she truly fell in why had she gone up in the first place? More suspicious so was that they tried to cover up the story by telling the workers if they commented to the press they would be fired. It is still open even though more workers have died there. Still, this attitude to death in the workplace isn't uncommon in russia, I think it wasn't a murder just a tragic death and a company who didn't want bad publicity.
She left behind a 10 year old son. Sad. I'm sure Halloween is less than fun in his household now.
No. 624190
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When I heard about the Delphi murders I couldn't stop thinking about it. Poor girls were so young
>On Feb. 13, 2017, Abby, 13, and Libby, 14, were enjoying a day off from school and went to walk along a local hiking trail. But they never came home. The girls' bodies were found the next day near the trail, several hundred yards from the Monon High Bridge, where they had posted a Snapchat photo.
No. 630663
File: 1600156321802.jpg (69.81 KB, 660x960, 131013josh-marks1.jpg) just started watching Masterchef and I was so upset to learn about what happened to season 3 finalist Josh Marks, an absolute fan favourite who unfortunately came runner-up to one of the most beloved winners. He had no signs of underlying mental health problems before or during the show, but when attending viewing parties towards the finale he started having panic attacks. His family said from there he would have bouts of psychosis and manic episodes in the following months. They said he would rant incoherently about new dishes and restaurant and business ideas.
At one point he ran from his home during a psychotic episode and attacked police officers his mother had called. Apparently he was saying Gordon Ramsey had possessed him and he had become god, paranoid delusions that were obviously stemming from his time on Masterchef. When he was hospitalised he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. Only a year after his Masterchef season aired he killed himself with a gunshot wound to the head, his mother found him in their neighbourhood.
The awful thing is how preventable this was. The family dont fault Masterchef but agree it was a stressor. His mother had been trying endlessly to get him treatment and a diagnosis but they weren't eligible for insurance and no hospital would treat them. Add that to the court battle they faced when trying to prove his attack on police officers was influenced by his illness, the odds were stacked against them. I googled his name hoping he'd gone on to bigger and better things, hell Gordon Ramsey had offered him opportunity to train in his kitchens, I wonder what he could have done had he gotten the help.
No. 630675
>>630663This is so surreal that it sounds like a deep tumblr shitpost, how horrifying. The description of his last video diary is haunting and so is the grief of the mother that did so much but still couldn't pull him back.
Television shows always make schizophrenic breaks into grand stories about angels or aliens but the reality that it often just centres on banal things like their job or anything from a cereal mascot to a weatherman feels so much darker. At least in this case Masterchef was actually a real part of his life but's horrible that out of nowhere your mind can become stripped away and instead of holding your personality or memories of loved ones, you're only left with fragments of an obsession about things that don't even matter.
I hope PT is okay No. 630738
>>630675I know what you mean, I thought that article I linked was total fanfiction the way its written until I realised it was based on an interview with his mother, then seeing videos he'd recorded of himself.
I totally agree with you on the reality tv aspect, with Masterchef and these competition shows especially they really dramatise and personalise everything, they make the show FEEL like life or death and you can see that anxiety in the contestants. They must feel the highest highs and the lowest lows when competing for something they think is their only chance to make it in the industry of their dreams. It must be especially surreal seeing it all edited down into an actual storyline with sound effects and all, I can totally see how your touch with reality can become skewed just seeing something like that. It's really surprising more incidents like this haven't emerged.
No. 631396
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so heres something that really upsets me and still does.
Ronnie McNutt. Guy lost his job and girlfriend broke up with him, which led him to make a facebook live where he commits suicide. I wouldn't recommend watching the video or searching for it, because it is pretty gruesome.
Even myself, who watched a lot of gore videos and got kinda numb to it, this particular video really fucking hit me in the feels, but also in the gut. If you have a weak stomach don't watch, guy blows his brains out with a shot gun, it is also sad to look at it because he has a dog, and you can see his dog in the background all scared, which makes this even more tragic.
Again, watch the video on your own risk.
Im not sure if it counts as "new" but i've seen this video going around a couple of weeks on a website. still, its disturbing, and sad.
No. 631424
>>631402same. Forcing others to watch adds a new fucked up dimension to it that obliterated the sympathy i'd have otherwise
Just because its suicide doesnt mean we have to always sing their praises, imo, if they were shitty or something. I kind of wonder if that sanctifying of suicide contributes to the numbers
not to be too heartless, though. I really do feel for most of these people and have been there myself. Just this instance really rubs the wrong way
No. 631630
>>631396he was also talking to his mother at the very beginning and i think she saw it happen, half the calls you hear are from her, is my understanding. this guy was a complete asshole and for me it wasn’t scary at all because he was just bitching about his best buy job and pissed off and then pop, that’s it. i felt bad for his dog and the cops who had to look at him but not him.
the only scary suicide to me is budd dwyer’s. he looks super sweaty and like bad scared right before he kills himself, and the people in the room are all scared too. it has a really bad fucking vibe to it. plus the life goes out of his eyes in a real visible way. that’s disturbing. this guy is just a jerk sticking it to people begging him to stop.
No. 631632
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Rose Kalemba. She was trafficked and almost stabbed to death as a child by men who used her to make CP, which later got uploaded to pornhub. She had to fight to have it taken down by impersonating a lawyer while she was still in school. To this day she is harassed by porn addicts, and this sex worker named Maya Morena who has a weird subreddit dedicated to claiming human trafficking itself is some kind of conspiracy. People who doxxed Rose even killed her cat and threatened her family, all because she spoke out about a grimy tube site. It really sticks with me how fucked up the whole thing is, and that her life is still being made hell a decade after her kidnapping just because of some vindictive coomers.
No. 631643
>>631632A lot of
victims thank her for speaking out and share similar stories under her tweets. But rhe slander against this woman is insane… there is even a ph spokesperson on reddit who tries to smear her and encourages other
victims to not contact the police, only ph.
No. 631667
>>631632>Maya Morena who has a weird subreddit dedicated to claiming human trafficking itself is some kind of conspiracy.Can you tell us more about this? From a quick glimpse at her twitter it seems like she encourages women to speak out about sexual abuse.
Anyway, all stuff Rose has been through is insane. It's so crazy to think people will kill her cat,
and possibly even try to kill her all because she spoke against their precious porn website. I can't imagine porn controlling my life so much.
No. 631687
>>631667I don't have screenshots atm but lurk a bit more and you will see she retweeted stuff that calls traficking a "specter" and is aways saying things about how the ones hurting traficking
victims are SWERFS and how it's all some conspiracy and no traficking orgs helping women are true. She constantly spergs out against every single effort to help traficking and pedophilia
victims and defended pornhub.
She is only defending her way of making money and will say anything that makes it seem like a noble fight, like pretending that she cares about abuse
victims while calling the ones who don't support porn and sex work awful things and discrediting them.
Also she atacked rose some time ago over this shit, i remember another sex worker coming to defend rose and calling her out, but she deleted it.
No. 631709
>>631667 but heres her reddit user and her saying that rose is lying and running avri sapirs account too. She never once worries about sex traficking, child porn or revenge porn
victims, but she sure as hell cares about money and job opportunities she would lose.
No. 631918
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>>631667Hey, I'm the anon you replied to and here is the sub that Maya moderates about sex trafficking and human trafficking being overstated and prevention efforts against them being white supremacy and carceral. If you view her profile you can see she's the mod. No. 632488
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This has been making me suicidal since the day it came out. A 5 year old little kid raped and burnt, what the absolute fuck? What the fuck? I hate this world so much, I hate men so much. I don't even care if that sounds too extreme. There are men on the news saying that the murderers and rapists shouldn't get harsh sentences because they have their lives ahead of them. Didn't the kid have a life ahead of her too? The kid they burnt after brutal rape? It's insane. I hate it all so much. I cry everytime I hear of this on the news, I can barely contain the tears right now. I hate this country and I hate men.
No. 632510
>>632492The prime suspect of the rape and murder is a man from the girl's neighbourhood, he is not a young man, I mean, he has two sons. A piece of cloth I think was found on the site that they connected to him. Also when the police visited him they noticed that he had cleaned and washed all of his curtains and shit. There is another rape case during the same time as this where a woman was gangraped in front of her children on a motorway. People have been protesting for the public execution of the rapists. And I hope it does happen but fuck, it cannot undo the hell this little girl had gone through. It's fucking killing me. I know in my heart that there are people near me, hell, in my family who will blame me for csa I went through as a kid for years by a teacher. It just pains me so much to know that the men literally don't care. They don't care because they don't think of women as human, it's really that simple. They think of it as their god given right to disturb the lives of women, who live in fear. I hate it. I really want to stop existing, sharing the same streets and paths with rapists and those who support them.
>>632498I wish. I'm happy I don't live with men. I don't converse nor interact with any if I don't have to. You can never know with them. I've gotten taken advantage of too much to tolerate it. I just want every girl to be safe. I just spilled some tears on my dumbass phone typing this out. Take care of yourself anon.
No. 632558
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The Ken and Barbie killers fuck me up pretty badly. And the bitch Karla got off way too easily considering she helped get her sister drugged and raped by her husband and leaving her to die and had the audacity to write him about how if she lived all the ways her sister would have loved to be a sex slave for Paul. Sick mother fuckers that should have gotten the death penalty for what they did to all those girls.I hope I hear a news story one day about Karla getting beat to death in the streets and Paul shoved in a fucking prison oven.
No. 632587
>>631882He should have caught charges for not reporting a crime in progress. Fucking coward. He could have called the cops from the end of the street.
>>632558Karla got incredibly lucky. They cut her a deal literally days before they found proof she helped him in his crimes and took an active part in them. This is in no way an excuse for her, but he beat and abused her badly. They had pictures of her beat face so believed her lies about being forced to take part. If they had held out a couple of days she would still be in prison.
I hope someone does beat her ass. How could you live with yourself? That was her little sister.
No. 632600
>>632587 >This is in no way an excuse for her, but he beat and abused her badly. They had pictures of her beat faceI remember reading up about them years ago and she was turning up to work both battered (made excuses about constant bruising) and often showed up exhausted. Her coworkers were pretty worried about what must've been happening at home but she wouldn't speak. It was that typcial thing of having a black eye and insisting you walked into a door.
It's so conflicting reading that but also hearing about her active participation in others abuse. Her sis in particular.
But I feel like I've read very similar accounts in most 'couples cases' though. People always argue about whether or not the beaten woman is still a monster and it's just… alot to process. How you can be a
victim and perpetrator all at once. The man is nearly always maintaining some hierarchy over you though
I think rose west was the only real exception to that? I could be wrong
No. 632602
>>632600Yes it's hard to draw the line. I think with Karla the fact she never apologized to the
victim's families shows me that she wasn't abused into the crimes. When she got from under his control she had time to process the crimes and take responsibility, but she never did.
Rose West though, boy. Fred West was a disgusting little man but I am blown away he managed to find a woman just as sadistic as him but smarter. I really think she is a rare exception. I know she tried to say he abused her at one point but she gave the act up so fast.
No. 632730
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>>632492Always the fucking “their lives will be lost” excuse.
>>632488It makes me suicidal, too. I fell down this rabbit hole of fucked up “christians” who gleefully abuse their kids and seem to wank themselves to shit like “obedience” and un ironically believe in a patriarchy because of god.
Some fucking demons adopted a young girl from Ethiopia, and then tortured her and her little brother for god knows what reason. They were inspired by this manuel from hell written by Michael Pearl, who admits that kicks cats because they are “stupider than dogs” (translation: cats are more spirited and he hates anything that doesn’t lick his ass) and beats his kids with water pipes for saying no. They even had their braindead bio kids beat up Hana. this shit keeps me up at night. I hate having to discover this because it is
triggering for personal reasons, but also because I don’t understand why so many christians love abusing their kids? I saw it in my own church, and it bothers me because it feels like any attempt at kindness is like a teardrop in the ocean, it just doesn’t even matter. No. 633048
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>>632730That poor girl, I will never understand how people can even beat their children let alone this.
I'm glad the other child is safe now, but I worry that the other biological children of that couple could have become be irreparably brainwashed.
I knew the US foster system was a mess but I didn't realize just how unmonitored the situation can be. Your article linked to this investigative series into the underground "rehoming" of unwanted adopted children, where parents advertise these children online before dropping them off with complete strangers. Children are abandoned like animals by the people who promised to give them a forever home and literally delivered to paedophiles. Why are the Wayfair and Pizzagate conspiracies so popular when things like this are forgotten? No. 633060
>>633048>Why are the Wayfair and Pizzagate conspiracies so popular when things like this are forgotten?bc freaks online would rather hem and haw all day about grand conspiratorial delusions than confront actual evils in this world that harm real people
it’s easier to focus on what could possibly be than to look at what is really happening that is much much worse than any “theory”
people are so goddamn selfish that they’ll talk all day about how the people they don’t like have a massive child sex trafficking ring and that’s bad but will ignore actual pedophiles within their own communities who are actively abusing children bc it’d “hurt the cause”
No. 634976
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The Travis (the chimp) / Charla Nash incident is something that has haunted me for my whole life. As a kid I watched a bunch of Animal Planet (also Discovery channel) and there was some show about when animals attack. One of the episodes featured this case and even played bits of the 911 recording.
Charla was attacked by Travis a 200 something lb chimpanzee who was the pet of her friend. Travis had lived his entire life in captivity and I believe was used in local car commercials but had had incidents of aggression before he attacked Charla. There was an incident where he got loose and held up a busy road after he let himself out of his owners car to chase a pedestrian who has thrown something at him. When the police came they lured Travis into their car but Travis just simply let himself out of the cars other door (kek what the fuck) and then proceeded to chase the cops around the car.
The day Travis attacked Charla he had let himself out of his owners house and Charla came to help get him back inside. Travis mauled her and the elderly owner tried hitting him with a shovel and STABBED him with a butcher knife but this did nothing but make him angrier. The owner ended up calling the police and tried explaining the situation but the operator thought it was a joke at first all the while Charla is screaming in the background and the owner is saying “He’s eating her!”. When the police came Travis rushed toward them and tried opening the police car door and smashed the cars side mirror. The police shot him several times to which Travis ran off back to the house and died next to his cage.
Charla somehow survived but her injuries were severe. She lost her hands, lips, eyes, nose and had multiple skull fractures and brain trauma. I think after years she actually ended up having a FACE transplant which is insane to me that that exists. She also had a failed hand transplant due to the transplanted hands being rejected and providing poor circulation.
I know a lot of people theorize that the attack happened because the owners had Travis on Xanax which can cause aggression, rage and mania but the owners tried to play it up to Travis being caught off guard by Charlas new haircut? It’s seriously a crazy case.
No. 635024
>>634976Oh my lord I remember this story, it was fucking horrifying. Yes you shouldn't have wild animals as pets but it wasn't hers and there's no way in justifying what happened to her as being deserved. I can't imagine living a life where you get your fucking face ripped off and stay alive. The owners had had their son killed in a traffic accident and apparently treated the chimp as some sort of a surrogate kid which is sick on its own but losing your child can mess you up bad.
I had to check up on it and apparently the conclusion is that the chimp attacked Charla because she was holding up his favourite toy to make him come back inside and because she had a new haircut she seemed like a stranger to him. Either way I think about this case every time someone gloats their exotic pet and I can't understand how it's still legal in some states to own them.
No. 635075
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I can’t stop thinking about the Hart family crash. Jen Hart committed murder-suicide by driving herself, her wife Sarah, and their six adopted children off a cliff. One of the six kids, Devonte, has never been found although it was ruled he died alongside the others. Apparently he was Jen’s ‘favourite’ so I don’t know whether he was spared, managed to run away, or if the official findings are correct.
Online and to friends the family seemed perfect, but after the crash it came to light that the kids were being abused. Jen and Sarah removed them from school after teachers started becoming suspicious. One of the daughters tried to escape by jumping from a second story window of their house and running to a neighbour but she was forced to go back. The neighbours called police but they said there was nothing they could do to help these poor kids. If you look at pictures the kids all appear so small, despite the oldest being 19 years old at the time of his death. They were being starved, people witnessed them going through the garbage and they often asked neighbours for food.
I can’t stop thinking about this case because everyone failed these kids. It really seems like nobody wanted to see past the facade Jen had cultivated of “the perfect life”. Jen and Sarah were allowed to adopt six children without background checks taking place. They abandoned a previous foster daughter because she was "too difficult" to handle (just acting like a traumatised and abused child would), which should have immediately raised concerns with the adoption agency.
Another weird thing is that Jen and Sarah would go out of their way to bring attention to the family but only on their terms. The whole family can be seen in pictures behind Bernie Sanders during a rally of his in 2016, and the famous photo of a young black kid hugging a police officer was one of their kids.
There’s a podcast called “Broken Harts” that covers the case in depth and contains interviews with people that knew them if you want to learn more.
No. 635144
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>>635075This picture still gets spread around like its supposed to be a message of 'unity' for cops and black people too. Its crazy how many people think this is a touching image (I guess it still is just not they way they think) without knowing the story.
No. 635183
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A news story that was really fucked up and didn’t happen too far from where I am from.
This guy killed his wife and daughters because he thought his wife was cheating on him. He slit three of the daughter’s throats and left them in a dumpster. It breaks my heart and makes me sick. One of his daughters survived though and wrote a book. No. 635224
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>>635002I mean Joshua Boyle was let off the hook, too, and that's arguably just as fucked up.
>Boyle and Coleman met online as teenagers as mutual fans of the Star Wars franchise and were married in 2011. In July 2012, the two began traveling through Russia and Central Asia. For unknown reasons, the couple crossed into Afghanistan in October
>On October 8, 2012, Boyle sent an email to his parents saying that he and Coleman were in an "unsafe" part of Afghanistan. Soon after, the pair were captured by members of the Haqqani network. Coleman was pregnant at the time of their capture.
>In January 2018, Boyle was charged with numerous crimes including assault, sexual assault, assault causing bodily harm, and unlawful confinement, relating to incidents that allegedly occurred after the family was freed from captivity by Pakistani security forces and returned to CanadaThe abuse he put her through as told by her is chilling
No. 635241
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The Asunta Basterra case. She was a chinese girl adopted by a Spanish couple (Rosario Porto and Alfonso Basterra) . When she was 12, she was found dead by the side of a country road. Apparently the parents had been drugging her for a while and her dad had a computer full of asian porn and inappropriate images of the girl.
At some point, when they were both in jail, Rosario told Alfonso: "Your horny imagination is going to cause us a lot of problems." They were both given 18 years in prision. Today would have been her 20th birthday.
No. 635288
>>635075On episode seven right now. Hadn't heard of this story before so thanks for sharing.
The part about Jen being addicted to one of those online 'clan' games was an unexpected one. In my last relationship (physically
abusive/controlling) the guy was addicted to one. Shared all the same behaviours of being the 'leader of his clan' he would boss people around on it from morning til night. Constantly lose his cool over the game. He'd let it ruin his days, take it out on me and ruin mine too. He'd try to recruit everyone he knows into it and then freak out when they don't perform the daily tasks quick enough. He prioritised it over time with his son (his son only had short visits with him already) The escapism and ability to boss people seemed to be a huge part of the appeal. That and the dopamine rush when he was actually winning. I'd never seen a game have such a hold over a person. Was weird listening to that part of the story. The amount of similarities.
I don't know what else to say, familicide is always tragic but adding in details like the fact they were adopted, the total facade the women kept up and how rare it is for women to commit familicide.. there are no words.
No. 635354
>>635241I wonder if her race was the reason they adopted her or if the dad got his Asian fetish later. It's fucking horrifying to think someone would adopt a child to appease their fucking fetish.
Someone posted her last photo on reddit and it's highly disturbing (not gonna upload even with spoiler). I was wondering what "inappropriate images of the girl" meant and I wish I hadn't looked, the dad is absolutely disgusting. No. 636663
>>635591Wikipedia says it's called "Lo que la verdad esconde: Caso Asunta" This was the Netflix page for it ( but it's 404'd now. Also here's the Wayback Machine link, just for proof: (
No. 639798
you didn't even have to write a caption. i recognize these fuckers. this made me sick, i could barely finish it.
people are sick.
No. 640512
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I recently learned about the Méchinaud case, a family who disappeared during the night of Christmas 1972, and no clue was ever found, no bodies, no accidented car, no letter, nothing. The only vague lead is the wife was cheating on the husband and they were planning to divorce, so it's probably a murder suicide from the husband, but the fact that nothing was ever found is really chilling. The authorities were alerted three weeks after the disappearance, and they found the gifts still under the tree and expired Christmas food in the fridge, which may indicate that the disappearance was not premeditated.
My country has its fair share of fucked up family disappearances (like the Godard, the Dupont de Ligonnès or the Troadec cases), but this one is really unique as nobody has any clue about what happened.
No. 640545
>>640512I never heard about any of those, I really need to watch more local true crime.
I wonder how you "luck out" so hard you manage to kill three people and then yourself and no one finds out…
No. 642329
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No. 642388
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surprised this hasn't been brought up already, i had to study this for my criminology degree so i may write a lot.
WARNING: EXTREMELY DISTURBING. John Venables and Robert Thompson, the youngest people convicted of murder in Uk history and definitely among the most hated people in Britain.
When they were 12 years old they abducted 2 year old James Bulger from a shopping centre when his mum looked away- they lead him to an abandoned stretch of rail tracks and proceeded to brutally torture him. Here's a list of injuries (KEEP IN MIND THEY NEVER RELEASED THEM ALL. Some of the injuries were so disturbing they were kept quiet)
>threw paint in his eyes
>kicked, trampled on, punched him
>inserted batteries into his mouth and anus
>threw stones and bricks at him until he fell over
>found a 22lb iron bar and dropped it on his head
>hit him with a broken railway fishplate
>removed his socks, pants and underwear and pulled his foreskin back
>weighed his head down with rubble and left him on the tracks in the hopes a train would hit him and make it look like an accident.
a train did come along and it sliced james' body in half although he had died before this happened. They were both arrested for only 10 years as they were tried as children and only spent time in kid facilities, they've now been granted anonymity and if you get caught sharing their new identity you WILL get arrested. Now, 27 years later: robert thompson lives a normal life with his husband and that is all we're allowed to know about him, apparently he hasn't offended since. John has been arrested again on child porn charges and has had his identity changed again, people are fighting for his anonymity to be lifted which has been a really big deal in the uk atm. he was denied parol yesterday but the uk justice system kisses his ass so we'll see where it goes.
a really sad, horrible case. look into it if you'd like, it's very interesting especially if you listen to the confession tapes- there's nothing more chilling than hearing a 12 year old explaining how he "killed the baby".
No. 642389
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>>642388samefag, this is the picture of them leading james to his death. so fucking haunting.
No. 643202
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Stories of parental neglect always fuck with me, but allowing your child to have a lice infestation so bad she dies from it is a whole new level. Maybe it’s because I have a phobia of parasites of all kinds but I feel weak from even thinking about how this poor little girl must have felt with a swarm of blood sucking bugs crawling in her hair, slowly killing her. No. 643229
>>642388But nooo, anon. They were just kids. It doesn't matter that they're horrible psychopaths that killed a 2 year old boy like an adult serial killer. Why does the law protect criminals more than innocent people? muh mob mentality? muh vigilante justice? Like people who can spare no sympathy deserve sympathy.
They probably had surgery on taxpayer dollars too, anything to protect dangerous criminals I suppose.
No. 643259
>>643258Samefag but reading it over again it appears the two sons were removed, then baby number 3 came along (Kaitlyn) and there was talk of adoption but they decided to keep her and that was allowed to happen. Which doesn't sound much better.
I've seen it though. In my country addicts in particular have a habit of simply having more babies whenever the previous ones are removed from their care.
No. 643272
>>643263I've been on a true crime kick since quarantine started and I keep coming across eerily similar cases based in the US where people have 'as many kids as god blesses them with' only to then homeschool them all and starve/abuse them, cutting them off from the rest of the world and teaching them not to trust outsiders.
Usually the homes are filthy and the kids grow to be half the size that they should be. Even as adults the children are still held hostage with no plans of an independant life in sight?? I keep seeing those same themes over and over. It's scary how invisible kids become once they are taken out of that system.
No. 643292
>>643272>where people have 'as many kids as god blesses them with' only to then homeschool them all and starve/abuse themIt's the people that are weirdly obsessed with the notion that children's lives are a "gift from god", and feel entitled to their bodies, or straight up abuse them. Because you already gave them the ultimate gift of life, they should be thankful they're even alive, even if you treat them like shit, right? Life is a gift from god, so child rape
victims should be blocked from safe abortions, etc. These people seriously should be put in watchlists, they're bound to harm a child one day. We see this shit time and time again from the same type of people.
No. 643414
>>643302 >If he was so unhappy in his marriage, why not just leave?Money. He wanted to start over with the new gf without having to send a monthly cheque to Shannan. Pure greed. Sickest part was how he had told the gf he wanted to have a son with her someday??
I remember at the time I was in a long term relationship and at the same time that different details about the Watts affair were coming out (trashy stuff like the texts between Watts and the gf talking about having anal sex ,ffs) that my own partner became suddenly distant and snappy without explaining why.. well you can guess. The temper this guy got with me overnight was unreal. I wasn't the one doing anything wrong but I didn't dare confront him based on his sudden aggressiveness. I had moments where I witnessed his blind rage and thanked god we didn't have any kids or debt together. A lease was bad enough. Terrifying how a guy can turn on you when he has found 'better' and you are just a hurdle getting in the way of a shiny new gf. I have so many uncomfortable memories associated with that time, in a weird way it made all the shitty little details of the Watts affair get burnt into my mind.
And I hated how people nitpicked Shannans personality in her FB vids. I found whole youtube channels dedicated to reuploading her old FB lives and talking about how annoying she was.. some people commenting were just MGTOW men but plenty of women were pretty into it too. Then I found a community on reddit doing the same? I mean he had the affair, he was dishonest, he got her pregnant only months earlier and then changed his mind and wanted to run away and take out the whole family to allow himself to simply walk away with less financial ties… her personality was allowed to be a lil 'annoying'. What is that compared to what he did? It was bizarre how some fixated on her small 'faults' and made out like he was driven to despair. He was just a selfish man having an affair, he lost all sense of loyalty and responsibility to his kids over a new gf, a brand new gf where lets be real .. they didn't even know each other long and that spark could've dulled eventually too. It was all for nothing.
No. 643457
>>643414> What is that compared to what he did? It was bizarre how some fixated on her small 'faults' and made out like he was driven to despair. He was just a selfish man having an affair, he lost all sense of loyalty and responsibility to his kids over a new gf, a brand new gf where lets be real .. they didn't even know each other long and that spark could've dulled eventually too. It was all for nothing.I used to wonder why people would do this to
victims as well. I’ve eventually come to the personal conclusion that whenever you see this, they probably empathize with Chris and want to do the same to their family/spouse. People out here having really dark thoughts,
No. 643479
>>643302>>643414>>643457chris was obviously some kind of sociopath incel. like he met shannan on facebook and he was way fatter and i guess "unfuckable" in his weirdo incel mind so he "settled" for an obnoxious neurotic mess like shannan but then his dumbass realized he could lift and lose weight but he was already 2 kids in with a third one on the way so he was like i guess i have to kill my wife and kids.
like the fact his mind went straight to that is clearly sociopath tier. it wasnt just greed or anything like that he has a retard brain that assumes murder is the logical step to deal with his current issues.
im sorry but shannan was an annoying cunt. she didnt deserve to get murdered but she worked for a pyramid scheme and exploited her children and family for indoctrinating countless helpless women into an mlm scam.
i hate this mentality that people have with murder
victims especially if theyre white women that completely absolves them of anything bad they did just cause they were murdered. people hold them up like pinnacles of purity even though they were just humans who happened to meet an untimely demise.
both of them were horrible and the only blameless
victims in this were the children. obviously chris was the worst but i completely disagree with anybody that insists shannan was a good person when clearly she wasnt.
No. 643545
>>643485shannan was one of the top members of her mlm group. that means she scammed hundreds of women out of their livelihoods with false hopes for financial freedom. you have to be pretty heartless to exploit tons of helpless housewives for shitty mlm. in order to be successful in an mlm is to be ruthless because it's so competitive and reliant on roping in people with manipulation tactics, and staging an artificial idyllic life to make people wanna join.
are you familiar with how ghoulish mlm-ers are with their bottom line?
I know chris was a freak. I never said he was good or even rational. he's a stupid sociopath. he was evil but shannan was not innocent.
No. 643550
>>643545get a grip anon you're clearly delusional and need help if you think shannan was a good person.
you shouldnt be trusted to have children if you think she was a good mother.
god i hope you dont have kids, because they'd be fucked if they end up with a parent like you who blindly defends a crazy bitch like shannan.
No. 643611
>>643550Still doesn't excuse cold-blooded murder.
I agree she was an annoying ass Karen who probably threatened that Chris would never see the kids again if he left but it seems like that was what he wanted anyways.
Divorce is always an option and you can sign over your parental rights if you just want to start over with your new, young wife.
Hell, he could have just dropped the kids off with his parents after murdering Shannan. But he didn't because he's a total sociopath. So let's not try to justify his actions.
No. 643668
>>643302Another thing about the Watts documentary, I was shocked they included all those texts Shannan was sending to friends/family about Chris not wanting to fuck her. Like other anons are saying, she didn't deserve to die (the two daughters and unborn son are the biggest
victims in all of this) and Chris is a dumbass cheating scumbag murder etc ect buuuut, I can't deny how unlikeable she comes across in those texts and it surprise me they'd include something that personal about the
victim but, it definitely showed how one dimensional their relationship was.
>>643611This, also I 100% believe he had this planned at least a few days prior and didn't just "snap" like he claims.
No. 644249
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This is from 2012 but I only recently learned about it. Girl suffers from a genetic condition that keeps her from ever developing mentally beyond a 3-month-old, though her body would continue to grow as normal. To protect her from having to suffer through menstrual cramps, the "discomfort of fully grown breasts", and other effects of puberty, the parents decided to overdose her with estrogen to stop her body from ever growing beyond child size, give her a hysterectomy, and surgically removed her breast buds.
They say it's to let her basically forever stay a happy baby, a "pillow angel" in their words, rather than have to endure pain she doesn't comprehend. I feel shaken reading about it. I don't know. Maybe if I were a parent I would understand their decision better but right now it's as if I just read the plot of a horror movie. No. 644280
>>643457>they probably empathize with Chris and want to do the same to their family/spouseLate to the game but it's definitely this. People projecting empathy for the aggressor because they themselves have had thoughts of doing similar crimes in situations where they've felt emotionally justified. They're trying to alleviate their shame.
What freaks me out is seeing other men commenting on those videos because you know they're sociopaths in the making just like Chris. I'm more inclined to believe other women would nitpick Shanann due to pickmeism–which is really just a self-defense mechanism if you think about it. They think if they act differently than Shanann it won't be their asses buried in an oil field. What they don't realize is that scrotes will find any fucking slight to demonize women when they're done with us anyway. A woman could have been the nicest girlfriend or wife and sacrificed so much, but a man who is done with her will find a single straw to hold up as the justification to ditch her. And the kids too, maybe for less because kids are seen as money sinking burdens as it stands.
>>643479>like he met shannan on facebook and he was way fatter and i guess "unfuckable" in his weirdo incel mind so he "settled" for an obnoxious neurotic mess like shannan but then his dumbass realized he could lift and lose weight but he was already 2 kids in with a third one on the way so he was like i guess i have to kill my wife and kidsDumb fanfiction only a scrote could have cooked up. Chris wasn't above Shanann's league at all, and his mistress wasn't much more attractive, she just didn't have kids and would let Chris do gay butt stuff to her.
This isn't about murdering and disposing of an annoying MLM momma because he no longer found her attractive, it was an act motivated by money because he killed the kids too.
No. 644322
>>644249It's common to stunt the growth of severely mentally disabled (but bodily functional) children as a measure of protection and to make them easier to handle in older age. It's also a good idea to sterilize potatoes because the risk of them going around and sexing without understanding what they're doing won't result in a pregnancy that they won't understand.
> disabled 29 year old woman had been repeatedly raped and impregnated by a male nurse. She gave birth to his baby while the facility played dumb to cover their asses. She would have been better off on hormonal birth control so at least her innocent mind and fragile body wouldn't have had to been desecrated.
No. 644665
Most heartbreaking shit I've read all day. Pretty sure there's a picture in the article, so please be careful.
>Boxes stuffed with 5,000 dead dogs, cats, rabbits and other pets bought online found at courier depot in China wish people who abuse animals or exploit/neglect them for money would just fucking die. They don't deserve to be on this earth. I wish I could place a fucking curse on them or something, there is no excuse.
The people who thought it made sense to order living beings online to be shipped in containers are at fault, too. Pets are not toys, for fuck's sake. Those poor babies.
No. 644691
>>644266he suffocated each of his daughters individually with a blanket. the documentary does mention this, with chris's own confession.
no one here is defending chris though?
postulating his motives how ever dumb they were isn't supporting or justifying his actions.
criticizing shannan isnt absolving chris's crime. pointing out how manipulative and sketchy she was for exploiting her children and illness to manipulate thousands of stay at home mom's out of their money for a shitty mlm doesnt change that chris was an evil heartless sociopath.
just because i'm not blindly defending shannan and thinking she was saint doesnt mean i sympathize with chris at all.
chris is a reprehensible human being that did something beyond forgiveness but shannan was a shitty person.
it's refreshing that the documentary didnt try to scrub away shannan's image and portray her as a flawless super mom.
No. 644763
>>644679It's probably just because they're the easiest animals for abusers to get access to. The ones in the article were bought online, so it's definitely just about having easy access and opportunities.
>>644668I hate channels like Dodo too. They always twist the story and make it seem like it's so easy to care for wild animals and the comments are filled with people saying "omg I wish I had one as a pet!"
What people don't realize is that these videos are filmed in wildlife care centers where they have the proper equipment to care for these animals and staff who are specifically trained to be able to provide care.
No. 645234
>>644691>but shannan was a shitty personand if she wasnt a
victim in this case MAYBE that would be relevant, unfortunately its not so you look disturbed trying to shift any focus or blame from her POS husband onto her
your 'this could never happen to me b/c im a
good woman is showing'
No. 645289
>>645258I'm so grateful for this bodycam footage. Seeing how this fucker plays pretend knowing damn well his wife is rotting in the field and his children's bodies are in the oil tanks is truly something to behold. His body language gave him away. He did not expect that neighbor to have a camera.
I really like that the neighbors gave a shit about Shanann. Without them, it might've taken longer for Chris to have been caught. But her lady friend knew almost immediately that something was up because she knew Shanann well. It's nice to have neighbors like that.
No. 645432
>>644691Girl, come on, doesnt matter how annoying you find someone, they dont deserve to die. Conversely, a person doesnt have to be perfect for people to feel bad about their dying.
I think you are trying to say how stupid idealization of the murder
victims usually is, this is understandable, but noone is saying that Shannon was a saint. What type of person she was is not the topic of the conversation. She was murdered by her braindead psycho husband for no reason. Life is not a zero sum game, her selling mlm and making facebook videos does not erase the fact that she was murdered, jesus, get of that edge.
No. 646189
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Kim Wall’s death still gets to me sometimes. It was weird because, I remember when she first got on that submarine, and how excited people were at the paper she was going to release about its construction. And then how freaked out everyone was when she didn’t show up, the days passing by with no sign of her and this sadistic pervert pulling stories out his ass about where she was. No. 646228
>>646218Sorry, the boy was two years old. Doesn't make it better
>>646223Didn't see it mentioned. But yeah pretty disturbing case
No. 646263
the one that always sticks with me is Kanika Powell.
she was so young - only 28 - but she was an engineer who’d already worked her way into a top-secret clearance job of some kind with DHS and the dept of national security. no one has spoken publicly as to how relevant this is, if at all, to her murder.
a few days before she was killed, on 8/23, she sent this email to family & friends, which will haunt me forever:
>I just wanted to share with you the scariest thing that happened to me this weekend. Saturday evening around 7pm a man was knocking at my door (as all of you may know I live alone). I asked who it was and he didn’t answer, so once I got close to the door and looked out of the peephole I saw a male figure that was not familiar to me at all. I asked who he was and all he stated was that he was from the FBI and that he was looking for Kanika Powell. It freaked me out completely because this man knew my name. He held a shield up but no picture ID and he never gave his name. He told me he was looking for me in regards to an investigation. I told him that I had no idea as to what he was talking about and that he would need to show me documentation as well as a warrant of some sort. So he left and I looked out my bedroom window and saw him walking. I also heard a voice tell him to walk in the opposite direction. The whole situation was scary and seemed so false. So because of this incident not only did I get NO sleep for the rest of the weekend but I am now trying to get an alarm system installed in my apartment. I had one in my old apartment, but I just hadn’t had it transferred over to my new one. As far as everything that happened with the guy. I did call the FBI and they told me that it was more than likely bogus because they never come to your door by themselves and they always leave a card of some sort so that you can contact them. I called the local police as well to give them a description just in case someone is out there trying to rape or harm single women.
>pass this on ladies.. This is not a fake Forward this happened to ME Kanika…Who knows who these guys are and what they are doing and in what areas other than mine.
she called 911 immediately, but the cops who arrived couldn’t find any trace of the man or his accomplice. she also reached out to the FBI, who had no record of any agents looking into her.
on 8/27, four days after the initial incident, another man arrived at her door claiming he had a package for her and using her full name. when she did not accept the package, he also disappeared.
on 8/28, at 7:30 in the morning, a man arrived at Kanika’s door again. he knocked and said her full name. she called her mother and the police (again) out of fear.
she decided to keep living her life. she had a trip out of the country coming up for work. she left to do some errands after all.
she was gunned down in the hallway of her apartment just before noon on 8/28 as she returned home.
no one has ever reached a satisfactory conclusion as to why kanika powell died.
No. 646274
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>>634976An orangutan would never do that. There is a reason why we have the phrase "chimp out" but not orangutan out.
No. 646300
>>646274get out of here, orangutan
orangutan detected
No. 646354
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>>646274>chimp hateSuspiciously close to macaque hate. Seek help.
No. 646467
>>646263Wow, that
is creepy.
No. 646498
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>>646201Oh man, I remember this debacle. Brazil is a horrible place for women, but I just had to be born here. Femicide cases have almost tripled from 2018 to 2019. The men here are absolute fucking cavemen, of that I am sure.
Here's another one: A 55 year old woman named Elaine Perez Caparroz met a 27 year old man, named Vinícius Batista Serra in Rio through social media. She's beautiful, all plastic surgeried out and stuff. She looks extremely great for 55. Why am I saying this? This will become relevant later. They meet up to have dinner at her home. She ends up falling asleep on him because she's feeling comfortable, then she wakes up and is being viciously beaten by him. The attack lasted for 4 fucking hours, and the guy even tried to flee the scene when the police arrived. The apartment looked like a horror scene, I do NOT recommend seeing the photos. Now? She'll need extensive surgery and has trouble swallowing. It's truly haunting because she was so well off in life, and it took this one guy who was completely unhinged to ruin it. Literally one fucking person. He's claimed after he's released he'll leave the country, and "It'll all be alright."
No. 646554
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Story from my country - remember seeing photoshoped (picrel) image of this boy's face on news for a long time, when I was 13yo and it was haunting me ever since.
"There were a few beats - strong inflicted with fury. One blow hit the one and a half year old Szymon's lip, cutting it open. The boy's small intestine ruptured from another blow. The other ones were also severe, as evidenced by numerous bruises on the child's body. 41-year-old Jarosław R. tortured his son, because not only did the little one not obey his orders, but he also cried. It happened on February 24, 2010. From the moment he was beaten up, Szymon's condition was not good - he had fever, vomited, had diarrhea, and refused to eat. His health was getting worse hour by hour. He required immediate medical attention. He did not get it and died after three days of terrible torments, on February 27 at around 11.00. His parents tried to resuscitate him, but it was all for nothing. The boy was dead."
"Prosecutor Borkowska emphasized that the parents did not call an ambulance. They realized that the injuries to Szymon's body were so severe, that if the doctors were to start asking questions, it would came out that the boy had been tortured and parents would be held responsible. Boy's parents decided to hide the fact that the child was dead."
"When someone asked Szymek's parents where the boy was, they replied that he had been visiting aunties/uncles - family members that did not know each other and did not maintain contacts - added prosecutor Borkowska.
Nobody recognized the image of the child published in the media, as it was significantly changed compared to what the boy looked like in life - the body was lying down for nearly three weeks.
When calls for vaccination started coming up from the health center, his parents transferred his documentation to another clinic, and then Beata Ch. "borrowed" her grandson to go with him instead. To make sure everything was "correct", from March 2010 to June 2012 the boy's parents also reported to social services, that their family had five people. In this way, they extorted housing and family allowances, almost 4 thousand. PLN."
"The investigation was discontinued due to the failure to identify the perpetrators, but in June 2012 a person came to the social services in Będzin, claiming that they haven't seen the neighbors' child for a very long time. Beata Ch. and Jarosław R. were arrested. They did not admit killing Szymon, only making false statements and extorting money. They face a life sentence."
No. 646568
>>646498God damn, i'll trust you on that because i am not searching for pics. It's awful here, remember the bruno and eliza samudio case? that one still fucks me up too., a woman had a child with a famous goalkeeper who did not want to pay child support. He killed her and fed her body to his dogs. And HE IS ALREADY FREE! He is playing, earning money and living his best life as we speak! And she is dead with her son and family forever traumatized because he didn't want to pay child support.
Things just keep getting worse for women here, white, black, poor or rich, it seems like our only option is to get out.
No. 646577
>>646498Sage for ot but here you can see a woman who sent news about this case to her 12 tinder matches: crack jokes, try to ask what the
victim did to
trigger him, say it could happen to them too… only one or two had some empathy. In the tweet replies you can see people saying it's not misogyny but psychopaty also.
No. 646740
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Every time I am reminded about Madeleine McCann I get a creepy vibe. Something's off about her parents. They know more about the kidnapping than they are letting on for sure, things aren't adding up.
No. 646769
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>>646740>>646757>>646767Can we be done with the McCann conspiracies? the case is pratically already solved, its pretty obvious the sex offender, violent child murderer who lived like 20 minutes from the hotel did it.
Her parents are super fucking weird tho.
No. 646786
>>646740Parents are negligent richies who accidentally their daughter snatched by a pedo.
The only reason why it made news is because the parents are prominent and white and escaped charges for the fact.
No. 647052
>>647013That's awful, as a man in the 90s or earlier you would absolutely have to become a dissociated alcoholic to cope because there was no way a trucker was given therapy
I do often think about how thousands of train drivers must have been in the driving seat of trains involved in suicides and accidents, but anyone who drives can be pulled into something like this.
Runway prams are almost a cliché joke in films but in real life, so many babies must have died this way.
No. 647118
>>647013I believe my grandpa brother killed a kid kind of like this back in the days (so not sure how street signs were really enforced as it probably happened in the 50s and in a very rural area). He was driving and a kid was biking or skating and basically threw himself right in front of the car. He refused to drive for a very long time after that but even police officers convinced him he wasn’t at fault, and his wife and kids didn’t know how to drive so he didn’t have much choice.
Don’t know much more than that because it’s a very old and traumatising accident but I’m sure it happens a lot, especially when i see videos of kids skating on ramps and almost getting run over by passing cars.
No. 647159
>>647013Very sad. It wasnt the drivers fault, but that guilt will last with him. He's gonna need therapy.
>>647134My wife does a lot of the driving since i'm new to driving, but her reaction is so good and i freak out and miss a lot of the things she doesnt. like she almost hit a squirrel that jumped into the road but avoided it and it was fine, but that shit scares me. That's why distracted driving is so dangerous. I feel for the people who accidently hit deer or whatever. probably super traumatizing
No. 647185
>>647013My friend's dad is a truck driver who own many trucks and we happen to live in an area with lots of truck traffic. That naturally means a few times a year someone, usually a man, manages to swerve their car with their kids or whole family in front of the truck, getting killed. Many others just try to suicide by doing that but no one ever talks about the drivers who not only get horribly traumatized, but they fall behind on their gigs, merchandise gets ruined, expensive trucks get ruined because it would come off as insensitive. "Why wouldn't they just brake" driving a truck is fucking hard, the things weight so much and if you drive into a one, you won't miss. These fucking miserable men have the nerve to take their own kids, drive into the wrong lane, killing themselves and the kid, traumatizing so many people usually over a domestic dispute with the wife. Makes me wanna just sleep for 3 weeks and die.
No. 647284
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I often think about Natalie Woods' death because there's no way it was an accident - she was terrified of water but supposedly took a dinghy out in the middle of the night, drowned and the two people she was with that night, Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken heard and saw nothing?? - and I wish the truth came out.
>On November 29, 1981, the body of actress Natalie Wood, star of such acclaimed films as Miracle on 34th Street, Rebel Without a Cause and West Side Story, was found floating in the Pacific Ocean off California's Catalina Island, in a flannel nightgown, a down jacket and wool socks.
>It soon emerged that Wood had spent Thanksgiving weekend aboard her yacht, Splendour, with her husband, actor Robert Wagner, her Brainstorm co-star, Christopher Walken, and the ship's young captain, Dennis Davern, before an accident of some sort left her lifeless in the water.
No. 648813
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>>647185Ironic because, some scrote just killed two of his daughters (sounds like they were twins) and then offed himself in a home around where my college is. Someone found him laying in the street late last night/early morning. It doesn’t even sound like he lived there???
No. 648964'm sure anyone who's been online knows who the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs are. I think I was probably around eleven or twelve when I found out about this story on the internet. I can't really explain how, but I think something about that case and finding out about it at a young age really changed me. I would never admit this to anyone irl, but if I had to make a list of formative moments in my life that significantly impacted me I think the day I found out about 3 guys 1 hammer would definitely be one of them. It was like a fucked up coming of age experience.
A more recent story that disturbed me was the whole uncovering of that Nth room case in Korea. My trust issues with men have really just gotten worse and worse. The fact that at least 10,000 men had access to that chatroom and were sharing videos with each other astounds me. You can't even argue anymore that it's just a couple of bad apples when over 10,000 people are willing to watch videos of women being brutally raped and tortured. Men are truly terrifying.
No. 649371
>>648964>It was like a fucked up coming of age experience.I feel you anon. I distinctly remember the day my edgy 14 year old ass decided to watch 3 guys 1 hammer. I was totally unprepared for this and ended up spending the rest of the day on the verge of a panic attack. I also remember this awful sinking feeling of realization that I just burdened myself with something that I could never share with anyone and that was going to leave a mark on me forever. Which it did. I’m in my late 20s now and still, every once in a while, I have episodes of self-harming by seeking out gore pictures and videos on the internet and experiencing that hopeless feeling all over again.
I’m sorry for anyone growing up with an unlimited access to the internet. That shit can mess you up.
No. 649872
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>A woman from eastern China has died after having four abortions in a year because her husband wanted her baby to be a boy, according to a newspaper report.
A woman from eastern China has died after having four abortions in a year because her husband wanted her baby to be a boy, according to a newspaper report.
The husband divorced the woman after she fell ill through terminating her pregnancies, the Jianghuai Morning News reported.
The woman gave birth to a girl four years ago, but her husband insisted their second child be a boy.
Repeated abortions destroyed the health of the woman, according to the article, without giving details of her illnesses.
The toll of the abortions caused her to become bedridden, but her husband asked for a divorce instead of taking care of her.
She reportedly had no choice but to accept the divorce and used the 170,000 yuan (£19,208) from the settlement to seek treatment at a hospital in Shanghai.
Her former husband did not visit her in hospital and is now planning to marry another woman, according to the report.
This one is so tragic. Even when they could have had more than one kid, the scrote just had to have a son no matter what. The brainwashing and abuse that poor woman had to go through. She became bed ridden and died because of a fucking monster husband.
No. 650855
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>>650823In 2009, 17 year old Brittanee Drexel went missing during spring break. It was later discovered she was abducted, gang raped, and then fed to alligators after they shot her. I will always have a deep anger in my body in mourning for those who suffer like this.
No. 655138
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>18 yo girl goes to get boob job in Colorado last August
>mom in waiting room
>five hours pass, surgeon finally comes out and tells her that her daughter isn’t waking up “probably because she’s younger”
>turns out she went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing on the table before they even began to operate
>left her unobserved for 15 minuyltes
>nurse came in and she was fucking blue
>remains unconscious after cpr
>left on operating table for 5.5 hours
>don't call 911 for 5.5 hours
>tell mother she can’t go see her daughter and claim she is doing good despite being comatose
>anesthesiologist finally calls 911
>anesthesiologist is Rex Meeker
>Meeker was sued in 2009 by a man after his wife died from brain damage she suffered during a breast augmentstion I that Meeker was the anesthetist for
>The girl is a human vegetable and is comatose in a hospital
>Expected to be comatose for the rest of her life, fed through a tube in her neck
>Meeker still has his license
>Girl passed away October 4th of this year
>Finally Doctor Kim’s license is temporarily suspended but can be given back
>Meeker ‘agreed’ temporarily to stop being an anesthetist yet there still hasn’t been a ruling on taking his license away
>everyone involved denies wrongdoing despite leaving a comatose teen on their table for nearly 6 hours without calling 911
No. 655141
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>>655138Mom said right before she died due to complications a couple weeks ago she had her first and only response to any stimuli, she would smile upon hearing her family’s voices.
No. 655142
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>>655141Last pic just to illustrate the full gravity of this. Poor little girl did not deserve this kind of ending over a pair of breast implants as a high school graduation present. I can’t imagine what her family endured the past 14 months.
No. 655194
>>655138This is such a tragic story.
But if they weren't in the hospital, where were they operating? Is that normal in the USA? Where I live, surgeries are only performed in a hospital.
No. 655199
>>655197lol my mom wanted to give me a boobjob+breast lift as a gift, exactly at 18 too, I said I was happy with my small pancake tits.
All my girl friends said they were soooper jealous and wish their moms would do the same, I assume its not that farfetched.
No. 656041
>>655194>>655263It depends on the surgery, but in the US many are performed in doctors' offices if they are set up for it. Partly because it is much more expensive if done in the hospital.
I had some reconstructive surgeries done as a kid and I remember my parents talking about how ridiculous the hospital bill was (this didn't include the actual surgeon). The later surgeries were done in the office instead. However, this was a legitimate craneofacial surgeon so I'm sure they were more on top of things than a place that only does plastic surgeries. There are many plastic surgeons who are legitimate and would never let this happen, but I'm sure there are just as many who are more interested in money than anything.
No. 659256
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>>642388Jon Venables now: fat pedo deserves to have his face known. These pics are definitely him because they're always hit by takedown requests by the brits when posted.
>>650855Some guy saw her being gang-raped and just got his drugs and left. I hope they all fucking die.
No. 659689
>>659386>>659649Damn anons, I'm a burger anon, and actually I think the first anon to post about him itt and I didn't know this. It's fucking weird that they go through that much to keep his privacy.
It says in the link he has a cell phone and doesn't even try to keep his identity a secret (I'm assuming because people who share his identity get prosecuted)
It blows my mind that he's out there having a seemingly normal life, the photos are in social situations.
The website owner said they have gotten threatened but just end up changing the URL and to spread the photos.
Plus how it costs tax money to keep him protected? Fuck that. Jesus. How must the people in charge of this feel to protect this guy?
No. 659735
>>659726I don't know. It's just British law, and I don't know if it applies to Commonwealth realms like Australia. He's not even that anonymous and has gotten back in jail for possession of child porn, and has even revealed what he did to other people and is completely unrepentant.
Here's a list of instances when British people got arrested for sharing that image. No. 659739
>>659386I posted this and I am british. I'm more than willing to go to prison because I posted a pedo. I understand not everyone feels/can feel the same, but looking at it because it was posted here isn't going to get you in trouble. Just look and remember for your own safety and children you know.
He's blown his own cover so many times as well, give him what he wants.
>>659726Venables has a privacy thing because he commited the crime as a child. He gets a new identity and there's a publication ban on him. It's harder to enforce that outside of britian, though.
The thing is he's offended against childern SEVEERAL TIMES since. The fact he still has the ban is ridiculous.
No. 659779
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Sigh.. this absolute motherfucker.
>Grant Amato fell in love and became obsessed with an online cam girl from Bulgaria. He sent her over $200,000 that he had stolen from his family. They demanded he go to rehab for sex addiction late last year. He left the program early. When he returned home, his parents allowed him to live there under rules they laid out for him such as no talking to the internet cam girl. When they found out he was still talking to her a fight erupted and they kicked him out of their house. The next morning his father, mother and younger brother were found shot in the head, execution style. Cody, his brother, didn't report to work that morning and his coworkers called the police for a wellness check. The police found the gruesome scene when they arrived at the house. Amato denies being in the house. He says when his father kicked him out he spent the night in a motel. Amato got sentenced life in prison.
If you want more details Bailey Sarian has a pretty good video on it. I have no words for this coward.
No. 659803
>>659256he even looked evil as a child
disgusting assholes, they need to die slowly and painfully
No. 659814
>>659256Why are they protecting him more than epstein
Oh wait Brit authorities are the ones that were complicit in the rotherham child sex slavery
No. 659830
>>659779>>659817A lot of the articles about this case really rubbed me the wrong way. A few snippets:
>Jurors in the Grant Amato case got their first glimpse Monday of Silvie, the mysterious webcam model at the center of the prosecution’s case>Assistant State Attorney Domenick Leo then presented 647 pictures of Silvie in various stages of undress and pictures of a Christmas card she sent him last year.>convicted of murdering his family over his relationship with a web cam girl>prosecutors have described [her] as a catalyst for issues in the family that eventually led to the killings of his parentsThe wording on most of the articles makes it seem like he was just a uwu totally normal guy who became obsessed with a camgirl and killed his parents over money, but he was also previously fired (and arrested) from his job for stealing prescription medication before he even met her. Why does it seem like this random camgirl is being blamed for "making him snap"? She probably didn't even know him and her pictures are plastered on the articles like she put on a hit on his parents.
No. 659900
>>659814Anons already said it was because he committed that murder as a 10yo so the crime is meant to be 'sealed'
Epstein was an adult billionaire with a sex island, of course the two have been treated differently
And no, the British people do not agree with him personally having that freedom now but most would agree that young children should at least be given that opportunity to reform instead of in countries where they give adult life sentences to little children. He is possibly one of the most infamous criminals in this country, don't think for a second that he is truly left without surveillance
No. 659904
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>>659811>>659813>>659814I'm not british or american but it's weird to me how amrica thinks it's better than uk when it comes to this stuff.
what about this case where the Missouri brothers rapes their 12 year older sister and gets her pregnant and gets only probation? is america pedo central, too? or is it pedos are a worldwide problem in every country and men protect their own? No. 659908
>>659907sorry meant to quote
>>659906 kek
No. 659916
>>659904this case is so sad. they served 0 time and went straight back to the house their sister lived in. She has been raped by all 4 of her brothers, 2 of which were minors. She had her baby at 13.
I wish there was more on the parents. They not only enabled this, but they didn't raise the alarm when she was pregnant and just hid it. Why do they still have custody of this girl and the minor brothers? Are CPS even looking into this? I feel like there's a chance the children are being molested by the parents.
Can someone explain to me why the courts are on tip toes around these people? Is it because they're amish? Is it a god thing?
No. 659976
>>659916Just a personal experience, I used to live in an Amish area and it’s definitely an open secret that the women and girls get abused. Everyone knows. I’ve heard so many similar stories to that one that it doesn’t even surprise me anymore. Police are reluctant to get involved because of religious freedom, and the Amish have their own “punishments” for their members. The women obviously don’t report it either since it would mean being excommunicated and losing their families.
There was actually a Supreme Court case in the 70s that decided that Amish don’t have to educate their children past a certain age, and it was all on the basis of religious freedom (I’m on mobile but it’s worth a google). There are some other special laws for them as well iirc, like not paying social security. It’s hard to police them because they claim religious freedom whenever their dirty laundry does finally come to light.
tl;dr yes, god thing.
No. 660298
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The STEM school shooting from last year is so weird to me.
> One of the perps being a tranny (Alec McKinny pictured) and the other one being a anorexic manlet(Devon Erickson).
> There was a section of the schools Wikipedia that said “Anti suicide programs are implemented at the school to help lower the chance of suicide and school shootings” and a year before the shooting someone edited it saying “Do they work. We shall see.”
> Devon would make jokes about school shootings and even went as far as to tell his classmates not to come to school. Although Alec has spent weeks planning the shooting, Devon claims he didn’t know about the shooting until the night before. He also claims that Alec threatened him and that he only followed Alec out of fear for his own life.
> Devon pulled out a gun during class but was pretty instantaneously subdued by multiple students. Sadly, one of the students who attempted to apprehend him was fatally shot in the chest.
> Alec opened fire on the middle school section of the school and shot 8 students. A school security guard tackled Alec and and was able to subdue them.
> “Fuck Society” and “666” with a pentagram were spray painted on a car from Devons home. Police also found “The voices win” painted in nail polish on his dresser.
> Both perps used cocaine before the shooting.
> Alec claims to have been homicidal and suicidal since the age of 12 and also heard voices but refused medication so she wouldn’t feel alone.
No. 660385
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Bianca Devins' case makes me so sad. She was just 17, she had just graduated and wanted to study psychology. She had shared in social media how exciting it was to go to New York City for a concert. An entire life ahead of her until a fucking sick fuck took her away.
The fact that so many people shared the images or her body and that scrotes joked about it in 4chan breaks me. I wish there was more education and awareness about the dangers of exposing yourself online from such a young age, there's so much that could be done
No. 660394
>>660386Had no idea about her selling CP of her friends, source?
Agree with you, but she was really young. I'm scared for the next generations that are always surrounded by degeneracy, even as kids.
No. 660401
>>660385>>660386>>660394Her case is super sad, but she played with fire and got burnt. She was known as oxychan on 4chan, she was known to have many male orbiters that she played with and do drugs. Look it up
I think she needed better parenting and therapy, at least, because she was really attention whoring herlsef out there, with the wrong people. This is why I feel uncomfortable at girls who idolize twitter thots, want to have onlyfans, and get naked on command for attention. I feel like people who idolize or want to be this weird edgy alternative instathot girl (like belle delphine) are dumb af and really don't know what they are getting into. Society failed zoomer girls so hard.
No. 660574
>>660385Bianca's case saddened when I first heard about it. I really desperately wanted to be efamous with lots of orbiters back when I was a young and stupid teen.
Tbh I don't feel as bad for her now that some time has passed. She was playing with fire like the other anon said. The scrote that killed her is a disgusting piece of shit for posting her body online, but Bianca really opened herself up to the kind of person who would do this disturbing shit in the first place. Everyone sucks here.
No. 660788
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>>660648Literally nobody is saying she deserves to be murdered, but she was a collossal bitch and a drug addict who sent people nudes when she was underaged only to extort them for drugs and money. Not a big loss to society if you ask me
No. 661271
>>661253Another teenage girl got murdered by incel. That's a tragedy no matter who she was and how fucked up she could be. I don't get how someone can say
>The scrote that killed her is a disgusting piece of shit for posting her body online, but Bianca really opened herself up to the kind of person who would do this disturbing shit in the first place. Everyone sucks if all that bullshit was equal to a murder of person who did nothing wrong to you. Not to mention it sounds like the worst thing was posting her dead body online and not the fucking murder. Okay, Bianca was not a perfect person before she became a
victim, but it doesn't mean that both sides are just as bad.
No. 661281
>>661253>woman who was annoying onlinevs
>literal incel murdererYeah, it’s real fucking difficult to choose who was the worst. Jesus Christ.
No. 661297
>>661245>>660788Wasn't all this years in her past? I'm not clear on whether the guy who murdered her knew her back then or was a new 'friend' (for lack of a better word).
Saying Bianca deserved it for stuff she did in the past seems… idk. I'd wager that a large % of people here had obnoxious edgelord phases, and none of you deserve to have your throat slit and be post-mortem publicly humiliated for it. She was a teenage girl on 4chan, the chances that she had been groomed and was lashing out by taking money from actual pedophiles is pretty high. Idk how people can feel more sorry for the pedos she scammed than the DEAD GIRL THEY MURDERED.
No. 661304
>>661300>>660386Do you have actual proof of that? I've seen this claim repeated, but no actual testimonies, screenshots of conversations, etc.
Are you mistaking her for Ciara or something? She actually did that, and laughed about doing it.
No. 661311
>>660788Damn anon, this is just shitty teenage stuff with zero context. Trying to make her out to be some kind of evil child trafficking mastermind when she was a 17 year old kid is just weird.
Even if half of these rumors about her are true, this guy killed her because he was obsessed with her and pissed off that she wasn’t giving him what he wanted. This can happen to even the nicest pickme. Her being a “bitch” doesn’t matter in the slightest.
No. 661325

The killing of Tim McLean or the Greyhound Bus Beheading in Canada in 2008.
Normal bus ride Tim was working as a carnival baker in Alberta and going home to Manitoba. It was almost night and a Canadian Chineese man named Vince Weiguang Li moved seats. ORiginally sat near the front of the bus, but moved to sit next to McLean following a scheduled rest stop.
Tim was listening to music on his headphones and felled asleep head leaning on the window. Tim barley acknowledged him. Vince then wiped out a knife and started staring him neck nd chest. Everyone framed out and ran out the bus? Two men tried to save Tim but Vince would try to slash them so couldn't. While waiting for police the bus driver did lock the bus doors but people can see what was happening threw the windows.
Vince decapitated his head and started showing it off to the people outside and started to eat some of his flesh from his body. He put some of his flesh in his pocket too they found too.
Cops came around 9pm and there was a stand off but eventually got him.
In 2017 Vince was discharged out of the mental health facility. He can live independently entirely for now on.
Horror Stories mad a short but detailed video about it: No. 661341
>>661332This is wildly inappropriate and not directly relative to this case in particular, but I always wonder if every now and again some seemingly random
victims are actually like, secretly terrible people who did something wrong. Not that it’s karmic, but what if a man who was randomly murdered by schizophrenic just so happened to have molested his little sister or was a rapist or something. Just seems statistically possible at times.
No. 661431
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>>661325I fucking hate the insanity plea. I think really unhinged people like that should be euthanized. Reminds of this girl who murdered her family with her gross groomer bf. She's going to a university now No. 661451
>>661325yeah this one's fucked up. basically all the cases where someone just loses it out of nowhere and very violently kills or maims a total stranger.
there was a similar one in Helsinki subway almost 20 years ago now and sometimes it still pops into my head when using the subway.
"According to the police the 36-year-old perpetrator from Helsinki did not know his 23-year-old
victim, also a Helsinki resident.
The attack happened at 10.20 in the third carriage of a metro train. Just before the Kulosaari station the assailant walked behind the
victim who was sitting alone at the rear end of the carriage and reading a newspaper. The assailant revealed a long-handled axe under his grey leather coat and hit the
victim unexpectedly three times in the back of the head.
The assailant never threatened other passengers who were sitting at the front of the carriage, and he did not resist the police who arrested him at the Kulosaari station. According to eyewitnesses he seemed to understand what he had done."
No. 662115
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The Stewart Weldon case has been fucking with me lately
Weldon gets pulled over for a broken tail light and tries to flee from the cops. In the process he crashes into a cop car. He has a woman in his passengers seat that he had kidnapped, repeatedly raped and beaten with a hammer. She tells the cops she was kept captive for a month at his home. Weldon is arrested.
They finally decide to search his house three fucking days later after his mom calls 911 to report that it smells like a dead body.
The bodies of three women were recovered from the property; Ernestine Ryans, America Lyden and Kayla Escalante. They also found a lot of evidence that would indicate the victims were tortured. To make matters worse, there was a child at the home when the police came to search it. I don't know anything about the kid other than CPS showed up immediately to come get them.
The women that this fucker targeted lived in some of the rougher neighborhoods in that part of Massachusetts. The state agrees to provide his defense with $15,000 for an independent psychiatrist and medical examiner. His attorneys are also requesting the surviving victim's mental health treatment records un attempt to discredit her.
Weldon's DNA comes up as a match for multiple rape kits in unrelated cases.
I hate that pieces of shit like this guy are entitled to this grand defense team in the name of a "fair trial" when his victims will never truly have justice.
No. 662446
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not really news per say but shit like this makes me want to go into some public paranoid schizo malehate sperg out No. 663621
>>661325Alberta is so fucked up with convictions. So many criminals get let out waay too early and the government doesn't give a shit. A few months ago a little kid got raped by some rando and he was out within 2 months.
I used to be friends with this chump. The signs were always there but I never knew he'd actually come through and it shook me to my core.
also shout-out to those that might know me just by posting this lmao. No. 667371
Anyone remember the McDonald's strip search scam? A man would call restaurants and grocery stores pretending to be a cop and get the employees/managers to strip search a female employee because he claimed she had stolen something. The most prominent case happened at a McDonald's, where the employee was assaulted by the person doing the "investigation" with the caller giving him instructions. There was a movie on it too.
This case really freaked me out. The
victim was only 18 and obviously a typical meek southern girl who wouldn't question authority. The perpetrator likely did it dozens of other times and didn't face any charges, even though they pretty much proved his identity. No. 667438
>>667390The man who sexually assaulted her was definitely fucked up for going along with everything, I'm glad he actually got prison time.
The poor
victim has fucking PTSD and got her whole life ruined. The video of her assault is online forever. I wish she had gotten more money from the lawsuit.
No. 674409
>>671267The validity of that experiment has been called into question. Apparently a lot of people in the experiment knew it was faked, and of the people who thought they were really causing pain to people, a lot of them refused to comply, but the guy running the experiment reported erroneous results.
I don't know who to believe on it but I do wonder what effect it has on people if they believe that the majority of the population are inhuman monsters.
No. 682614
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Not a news story but I just came back to my apartment complex and saw this shit in the lobby. I hate people so much.
People like this shouldn’t have a dog to begin with. I hope this guy gets what’s coming to him. I hope this is a joke
No. 682615
>>682614This is disgusting, but watch some of the psychos lurking /ot/ to come in with "Haha good dog deserved it" and start posting novels about the smell of dog's asses.
Hopefully, it really is a joke.
No. 682636
>>682620The person wouldn't have dog food if it wasn't their dog they claim to have killed. I mean, if a dog actually bit my baby in the face, I'd probably do whatever it takes to get the dog off the baby, but that doesn't include killing it. Dogs are only as good as their training. I'd probably move it to a different room while the baby is being looked after and bring it to a shelter later tbh.
Making fun of the situation ("thank you for reading my ted talk") is not what I'd do at all, so I hope this is a sick joke.
No. 682637
>>682623I'm pretty sure it's the dead dog's leftover food, not the corpse of the dog.
Anyway to me it reads like a joke, but there's some crazy people out there so who knows.
No. 682766
>>682623Thank god it was just dog food but I agree I think he really made it a joke. Why traumatize other random people living in the building with you with some dumb ass Ted talk joke. Idk who this guy is but I hope I never meet him.
Sorry for the confusion.
>>682620Idk I just feel like the person who wrote this and put it out there is a psycho. I get what your saying but I would hope killing a dog is a last resort thing.
No. 682770
>>682636I would do the same but in all likelihood the dog would end up killed anyway. Some shelters refuse to accept aggressive dogs as they have enough trouble rehoming well-behaved animals. They also destroy animals that are aggressive while in their care. Likewise, no one else would want it except to be used in dogfighting, and I would rather the dog be killed then subjected to that.
It’s really shit but unless you’re lucky enough to find someone who is willing to possibly rehabilitate it, the kindest option is to euthanize.
No. 682775
>>682766Where I live if a dog bites a child it gets put down, that's written into law.
I noticed on intagram lately there's alot of vids being recommended to me of big dog breeds meeting baby for the first time or 'look at our gigantic dog guarding the baby' and it rubs me up the wrong way to be boasting about the giant dog and the tiny baby. Like cool if you train your dog well but stop making a song and dance about the size difference and the vulnerability of laying the newborn baby next to the dog.
No. 682790
>>682614>People like this shouldn’t have a dog to begin Or a baby.
News stories about kids being bitten by their parents dogs upset me so much. Babies (and tiny kids in general) just shouldn't be around dogs period. I say this as a dogfag.
No. 684167
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"Twisted Love follows the case of a love triangle in Connecticut that led a jealous woman in July 1998 to attack two young children with a box cutter. Chastity West was jealous of 7-year-old Jarrell Cuyler and his little sister, 2-year-old Lindsey, because of the sick notion that they were preventing their father, Arnold Cuyler, from marrying her.
Arnold had had the children with his wife Tammi but had begun an affair with Chastity, a 23-year-old licensed practical nurse, shortly after Lindsey was born. Chastity was a cousin of Tammy’s and knew the children well; the affair had started when she used to babysit the children.
Tammy and Arnold were divorced in 1996, and the affair with Chastity continued. However, Chastity was enraged that Arnold refused to leave the state with her and insisted on spending time with his children. He allegedly refused to marry her because he didn’t want to cause more tension within the family.
When Tammy accused Arnold of adultery during their marriage, a furious Chastity recruited a cousin’s boyfriend, Alexis Grajales, under the pretext of going to Tammy’s home to intimidate her and vandalize her home.
On breaking into Tammy’s home Grajales pinned the mother of two to the floor while Chastity hunted for the children. When Chastity discovered their whereabouts, she hacked at them with a box cutter. Jarrell’s head was almost decapitated, and he died immediately. Lindsey was injured but survived the attack.
When Grajales realized Chastity was harming the children, he fled the scene leaving Tammy to make the grisly discovery of what had happened to her children."
I watched this yesterday on Hulu, it's a show called "twisted love" and I was so fucking disgusted all this over a man, I don't know how she or the dad sleeps at night.
No. 684178
>>684167This makes me so angry. What was the point in attacking/killing the children? Murdering his beloved kids wasn’t going to help their relationship progress. He sounds like he cared about them, but even if he didn’t and wanted them gone, why would you want to be with such a heartless man?
The cousin’s boyfriend sounds retarded, what did he think the plan was?
There’s a special place in hell for people who hurt kids. They must have been terrified.
No. 684188
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The whole Tiger King saga, especially given how Carole Baskin is treated compared to absolute scum like Joe Exotic, Jeff Lowe, and Doc Antle.
>uses hard drugs to lure men 30 years younger than him into relationships
>specifically targets vulnerable destitute people to work at his zoo so that he can pay them nothing and makes them eat expired meat off a Wal Mart truck
>killed tigers for no legitimate reason
>tried to kill a woman because she won a lawsuit against him that he totally was at fault in
And don't even get me started on the other two.
No. 684190
>>684185Tiger King went out of their way to avoid saying how Don made his money, which is something that should have been a major red flag to viewers over the legitimacy of their narrative.
Also, what's this about Don being a pedo? I didn't know that, not that I'm surprised.
No. 684196
>>684194Carole says she was 19, though?
… Not that that's much better given Don was 22 years older than her.
No. 686189
Came across a conversation about the situation in Congo on reddit yesterday and can't erase it from my brain now; it's cliche AF and I don't intend to diminish some individual struggles of first-world country people but fuck, it's pure luck to be born in one of these and we should really appreciate it more sometimes. I can't even imagine being a woman in Congo, no one deserves this.
TW for rape if anyone wants to know what's going on there No. 686206
>>686189Reinforcing the
TW. I read this and now I want to puke.
No. 686215
>>686189This is fucking crazy.
>The fistula wards at HEAL Hospital are overflowing, with two women to a bed and patients tucked into every possible corner in the 150-bed center. Doctors there say two-thirds of their hospital's fistula cases are the result of sexual violence. Since 2003, when the hospital had to be completely rebuilt after a volcanic eruption buried the town in lava, HEAL's doctors have seen 4,800 rape victims requiring medical treatmenttheir town got fucking melted by a volcano and there's barely enough resources or room for everyone but they still keep going. Props to everyone at that hospital.
No. 686348
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Adrian Jones. For most of his 7 years of life, he was brutally tortured by his father and stepmother.
>While there, police discovered that Adrian had been missing for several months. They noticed that surveillance cameras were set up all throughout the house. There was a total of 30 or so cameras, overlooking all angles of the home. It was soon uncovered that these cameras had captured the unimaginable abuse endured by Adrian and ultimately, his death.
>When Adrian wasn’t being beaten with fists or objects such as broomsticks, he was locked behind a plywood door in a shower. Some days he would be forced to stand for hours in stagnant water in a swimming pool up to his neck. He was constantly shackled, handcuffed and bound and was systematically starved. He was frequently strapped to an inversion table and forced to stand outside in the freezing cold, where he would sometimes even be forced to sleep. Some days Adrian would be stunned with a stun gun for up to 20 seconds.
>In some photographs found on the couple’s laptop, Adrian had cutting boards strapped to his front and back, forcing him to stand straight. One photograph showed a close-up of his shredded and bloody lips, caused by him attempting to chew out of his plywood prison. In another photograph, Adrian was handcuffed with his hands above his head. Other photographs showed Adrian standing naked in the shower stall on what would have been one of the last days of his life; his teeth were rotten due to malnourishment and his eyes were sunken into his face.
Police suspect the couple were making torture child pornography due to all the cameras and selling it online. The worst part is that Adrian himself begged for help from authorities, but they did nothing because no evidence was found at the time to support the child's claims of abuse. Pleas from the biological grandmother and sister did nothing either.
After Adrian starved to death from malnourishment, his body was fed to pigs. The couple specifically purchased them just to eat Adrian's remains.
I really have no words for this, but it's one of those things I think about when people say shit like "everything happens for a reason" and claim there's a benevolent God who cares for humanity. Neither of those things are true.
No. 686378
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>>686360>>686362What's insane to me is that the stepmother posted about this shit on Facebook. Talked about abusing him, shared photos, insisted he was a "psychopath". People were liking and praising her for all of it. Somehow, nothing happened until months after this little boy was killed. calls, records of drug abuse and domestic violence, filthy home littered with trash, syringes, and dead rats but "no evidence", and CPS "fumbling" something this fucking clear-cut. It makes no sense. One of the most fucked up parts is this woman crying on camera, talking about how her husband abused her when she "tried to stop him from hurting Adrian", like she wasn't bragging about the child abuse online and being an active participant. I hate humanity sometimes. I fucking despise it.
No. 686387
>>686378I just don't understand. So many people turned a purposeful blind eye to this child. Why him?
But then, it's pointless to ask why as we all know the reason. Life is meaningless and there's a lot of suffering and not much justice for it.
No. 686414

Versailles wedding hall disaster
>The Versailles wedding hall (Hebrew: אסון אולמי ורסאי), located in Talpiot, Jerusalem, Israel, was the site of the most lethal civil disaster in Israel's history. At 22:43 on May 24, 2001, during the wedding of Keren and Asaf Dror, a large portion of the third floor of the three-story building collapsed. As a result, 23 people fell to their deaths through two stories, including the groom's 80-year-old grandfather and his three-year-old second cousin, the youngest victim.
>Another 380 were injured, including the bride who suffered serious pelvic injuries that required surgery.
>A few weeks before the collapse, the wedding hall owners decided to remove the partitions. With the load path eliminated, the floor above began to sag several centimetres. The owners viewed the sagging floor primarily as a cosmetic problem, and attempted to level it with additional grout and fill. However, their approach not only failed to provide additional structural capacity, it also inadvertently introduced a new and significant dead load at the weakened area. saw about this in a video complication about real life disasters on yt . At first I only saw the censored version of it but my morbid curiosity searched for the original video. It is absolute surreal to see those people being swallowed by the floor in no time. Everybody is having a blast and only a second later they fall down a huge hole. The cameraman is only one step away from falling in it as well.
Said part starts around 0:50, it contains a lot of hysteria and obviously people dying.
In case link does not work: No. 686419
>>686387The main detective for his case was killed.>On the last day of Detective Brad Lancaster’s life, he was still following leads in a 2015 homicide case in which a father is accused of feeding his son’s body to pigs.
>A detective for three years with the Kansas City, Kan., Police Department, Lancaster, 39, worked relentlessly on the case, putting in his own time and following every tip that came in. He had thrown himself into the investigation from the time the 7-year-old’s remains were found in November.
>“Brad was going to give everything he could to this Adrian Jones case,” said Scott Kirkpatrick, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 4. “He didn’t want anything more than to bring justice to that child.”
>On Monday, while on duty, Lancaster heard a radio call for help just after 12:15 p.m. Someone from the Hollywood Casino had called about a suspicious person. When officers arrived, the man had run off.
>In Lancaster’s last call for service, he responded to help with the pursuit. The man reportedly ran down a hill and fired several shots at Lancaster, who died later at a hospital.Also, according to some comments, Adrian was actually sexually abused by one of his biological mother's boyfriends. She was considered unfit, which is why he was even sent to live with his father (despite him turning out to literally be worse).
So, I'm guessing the father and stepmother took it upon themselves to "discipline" an already-traumatized child with starvation and abuse, and made it their hobby. Probably did sell the videos and photos. One nanny said she witnessed some of the abuse, but did nothing.
There's one clip on YT where even the sisters are taunting him. It seems like they completely normalized abuse/scapegoating in that family. I'm not going to link it here because it shows a clip of his abuse. The DM article was bad enough.
The father also called Adrian a "pedophile with sexual predator tendencies". A 6 year old.>In 2014, Conway got another call out of the blue from Michael Jones. He told her they were going to have to put Adrian in a psychiatric hospital.
>“I said, ‘Please, tell me what’s going on,’ ” Conway recalled.
>“He’s just got problems,” Jones told her.
>When she pressed for more information, Conway said, Jones told her that Adrian had “turned into a pedophile and has sexual predator tendencies.” Her grandson would have been just 6 or 7 at the time.I need to stop reading about this shit, it's making me want to die. That poor child. Jail isn't enough, and more than just two adults need punishment here. There's no word to even describe this.
No. 686440
>>686378So I don't understand how these people could have possibly gotten into the position of living at a $500k property with a nanny when it looks like they had a litter of kids, negative basic domestic hygiene, and no hint of holding professional jobs.
Drug addicts utilizing the welfare state on account of all the kids? What idiots at CPS greenlit these people as fit parents after all the hallmarks of being neglectful and
abusive people?
The system failed that boy as much as the parents did.
No. 686494
>>686491Adrian already suffered sexual abuse. It's obvious where it came from.
Child psychopaths, "born evil", are overwhelmingly rare.
No. 686920
>>686378wtf. this gave me nightmares last night. I should have not looked at those photos. poor little boy.
do you think they were live streaming on the dark web or something? I just don't understand why they had such an elaborate camera set up
No. 686966
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InstagramStas Reeflay
AYouTuber has been arrested after a live broadcast showed him abusing his pregnant girlfriend until she died. Russian YouTuber Stas Reeflay, whose real name is Stanislav Reshetnikov, was accused of forcing Valentina Grigoryeva, his pregnant girlfriend, onto his balcony in only her underwear in freezing temperatures, according to the Sun’s report.
The 28-year-old woman then died of suspected hypothermia at his home in the village of Ivanovka near Moscow, all while Reeflay continued to broadcast. During the live stream, Reeflay, 30, could be seen dragging his girlfriend back indoors and putting her on the sofa while trying to revive her. The broadcast continued for over two hours even as he called an ambulance and paramedics arrived and pronounced the young woman dead.
An investigation into the broadcast and Reeflay’s role in his girlfriend’s death is underway. The Sun reported the Russian Investigative Committee as saying, “Information will also be checked about possible unlawful actions against the deceased by the young man in whose house the body was found.” If Grigoryeva is determined to have died of hypothermia, Reeflay could face up to two years in prison.
Reeflay Continued to Broadcast Even After He Realized His Girlfriend Was Unresponsive
Local media outlets vary in their reporting on Reeflay’s motive for putting his girlfriend on the balcony, with some reporting that he was paid $1,000 by fans to abuse her on his live stream, according to the Sun, whereas others said he kicked her out to the balcony after they had a fight.
After Reeflay carried his girlfriend back inside to his couch in the disturbing live stream, he could be heard saying, “Valya, are you alive? My bunny, what’s up with you?” according to the Sun’s translation. “Valya, Valya, damn, you look like you are dead. Bunny, come on… tell me something. I’m worrying. Damn… I’m not feeling her heartbeat.”
Reeflay also returned to his viewers and sat in front of his camera, saying, “Guys… No pulse… She’s pale. She is not breathing,” while continuing to record with his girlfriend’s body in the background. He also said, “Wake up, Valya, I love you, wake up.”
Reeflay’s channel has now been removed from the platform.
Many Are Criticizing ‘Reality Violence’ & Calling for a Change in Laws Around What Can Be Broadcasted
Local media reported that Reeflay was known to abuse his girlfriend on videos and had previously streamed himself pepper-spraying her in the face or hitting her or verbally abusing her. One of Grigoryeva’s friends said that his streams were often “full of cruelty” toward his pregnant girlfriend, the Sun wrote. The outlet reported that Reeflay made his money by online donations from his fans to continue producing that content.
Grigoryeva’s death has angered many who say “reality violence” must be banned online as videos such as these are incredibly easy to find. Activist Liza Lazerson slammed YouTube for banning videos showing women’s breasts but allowing videos such as Reeflay’s showing violence against women “without problems,” the Sun reported.
Lazerson said, “The woman dies on air – and the audience sends donations to the killer. This must stop. Such videos are calmly broadcast to the whole world, meaning something is broken. Until this is fixed, censorship is necessary.”
No. 686985
>>686967I’m curious as to what exactly he is being charged with, as “up to two years” implies something like involuntary manslaughter, which doesn’t match up with his actions. Also surprised if Russia doesn’t have laws against harming a fetus as some other countries do.
Completely insane anyway. Here people get mad (justifiably) when a murderer is only given 10+ years as a ‘life sentence’, because that is not life. Two years is an insult to that poor woman and her baby.
No. 687003
>>686378Oh god, the pictures of his mouth.
It reminds me of how Victoria Climbie's case, and how her carer also thought she was evil & tortured her for it. (Warning, some of the first google image results for her are of her with really awful burns, please be careful if you look into this and you're sensitive.)
No. 687024
>>686985Russia in general hates women. In those kinds of cases, whenever a man kills a woman or rapes her, there are always whiteknights IRL and on internet. However when it's a woman who is a criminal, everyone are throwing torches and screaming how she deserves all the worst.
As for update, it turned out the woman whom he killed wasn't his girlfriend but a prostitute. Doesn't change anything, but still.
No. 687103
>>686364There are small towns involved in child sex trafficking where the entire justice system is corrupt. I’m not saying it’s common, but there are allegations. It has come out from actual child sex trafficking
victims that cps workers basically trafficked them to
abusive situations or were protecting abusers, same as the cops. You can look into Michael Whalen’s testimony, that of course, YouTube censored. It’s the perfect coverup for sickos to gain access to vulnerable children/ be involved with other sickos…
No. 687141
alison botha, she was gangraped, stabbed 35 times and had her throat slit. she literally had to hold her own organs inside of her and hold her own head up on her neck because it was nearly severed. AT YOUR OWN RISK
No. 687219
Has anyone talked about the Khachaturyan sisters from Moscow?
These three sisters suffered extensive violence and sexual assault from their father. He held them hostage in their apartment and at one point forbade them from even going to school. Their parental grandmother, aunt and cousin shared the same apartment and have argued both that the girls deserved to suffer beatings and that their accusations are false. People in the community knew that there was violence in the home and nobody intervened. In 2018 the girls killed their father after he assaulted their youngest sister. They've been separated while awaiting trial for premeditated murder, they're not allowed to communicate with each other or talk to the media. The two older sisters could face up to 20 years in prison. No. 687405
>>687219This case is so sad. The dad got away with abusing his family for years, his
victims finally had enough and now
they're in jail.
Cases like this where the
victim finally retaliates after years of torture and then gets punished make me so upset. This guy would have never seen prison for abusing his wife and raping his daughters, but suddenly people care when he gets killed because ~uwu murder is wrong~
No. 696873
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>>696850The article says that people do offer him help but he seems happier with minimal intervention. Sounds like he was considered an urban myth at first so by the time he was detected he was used to that lifestyle.
No. 704838
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>>696834>I live in Greenock and I can vouch the Catman exists. He has several spots he stays in, behind the shops at the bus station or around the abandoned warehouses. the local takeaways leave stuff out for him and every now and again you will find new blankets by one of his areas that someone has left for him. He was institutionalized once but Couldnt handle it. He doesn’t like people but the people here make sure he’s taken care of as much as he chooses to be. Cups of tea or soup will be left in certain spots, food. I know one woman who drops him off a meal every Saturday evening on her way to bingo and she makes sure he has a hat when it gets cold. I suppose its the true definition of care in the Community.Based.
No. 711349
>>710416This shit fucks with me so hard because the world wants to take it so easy on junior scrotes that commit acts of violence like this. "oh they are just children. Let's not ruin their whole lives." Commit an adult crime, face an adult consequence. Tbh probably not the first time they've done something like that either.
Not that it's the same, but where I live kids in the same age group are carjacking people at gun point. A few months back teenagers flipped the stolen car they were driving during a high speed chase with the cops and died. People were reeeing about how they were "just babies". The car they were driving was owned by an elderly woman that they had beat to the point of needing medical attention before stealing it along with her purse. Why does society care more about the criminals than the
No. 711355
>>711349Because usually, the
victim is a woman and the cirminal is a man. Bonus immunity if it's a white man, of any age. Not punishing
abusive men destroys women's freedom, even if they're independent and live alone, because they still have to go out in public. Society will never truly punish rapists because they help enfore the idea that police are necessary and need funding and tax breaks to arrest truant kids from poor neighborhoods while they protect and defend rapists. There are mountains of evidence of serial rapes that simply get shelved in a warehouse forever because if they never look at it, they never have to find and then catch the rapist. The threat of rape has always been used to police women, and the actual police enable this in modern society by quietly pretending "it doesn't happen as much as people claim it does", and "if it does, they were probably lying or deserved it", or "he was probably misunderstood and abused as a kid".
I saw a pin map on Pinterest once of the largest cave systems in North America, overlayed with pins of towns where the highest concentration of missing people were from and they lined up perfectly. I'm not trying to say there's some huge pedophile trafficking conspiracy here, but I will say it would be the least surprising thing ever, considering how obvious most of the crime in this country is to anyone who bothers to look.
No. 711357
>>711355>>711349Also, "Society" ususlly benefits from the criminals, not the
victims. They usually work, pay taxes and often have lots of money and connections, but bringing attention to a
victim (unless it's to shame them for reporting) really doesn't do much unless the
victim has money and connections too.
No. 711582
>>711349I just want to know what happens to them, I want them to go be locked up for a long time
I know the youngest is out on police bail, the other 3 charged, they appear in court 20 jan I want to know what happens to youngest because he apparently raped her, I’m terrrified they’ll sentence him to 2 years of boarding school with basketball court and PS4 btw they where south East Asian and eastern European immigrants, not white. Who knows what gen of immigrants. I really, really want them to be punished. What they did is absolutely dreadful but it’s so much worse in the deadly pandemic. I hope they take that into account as disregard for human life, or fine then for COVID breach or something.
I know there’s objectively worse things happening, like nobody died. This particular story is disturbing me so much.
It makes me feel disgusted that a person my age can be raped by people that the tabloids will call children. They aren’t fucking children and they don’t deserve any mercy No. 714001
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Lately this case keeps coming back to me because we live in a society
>Woman is sexually abused from birth throughout her whole adult life by father
>Depressed with no real life, ends up caring for her old father even as he continues to abuse her
>At 63 she finds a box of child abuse photos of her and her sister as babies hidden in his home
>Snaps, kills him and keeps it a secret for as long as she can
>Gets 9 years for not showing enough remorse for killing a paedophile abusive piece of shit
9 years is bullshit. I understand the court has a need to give her some kind of formal slap on the wrist for not immediately confessing and hiding the body for 12 years but to say she should be remorseful and give her so much time when she has no other violent history is outrageous.
Of course the true crime community didn't even care about this case because she's an older woman who survived and not some little pretty girl. If you look at comments on this case most women are in support of her but men instead say she should have gone to to police about the abuse as she hadn't already spent her entire life let down by the justice system, it's infuriating.
No. 714008
>>714001Free her
Barbara did nothing wrong
No. 714069
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>>714001This reminds me of the news coverage of the Sally Challen retrial from a couple years ago
> in 2010 killed husband who abused her for decades, since she was 16> legal team downplayed the evidence of the abuse, she was convicted for his murder> after 9 years served, her sentence was quashed and changed to manslaughter after an appeal. Her new sentence had already been served so she was freedCue conversations about coercive control and how similar cases should be handled. Yet this case overlaps with her retrial and nothing has changed. What the fuck.
I feel for Barbara. Finally she escaped the abuse just to be locked up. Also pic rel… she was supposed to show remorse? Set Barbara free, the QC is the insane one.
No. 714077
>>714001More women should follow her example, kill the
abusive disgusting bastards since the government won't fucking do it.
So many women kill because they are abused and have no choice because no one will help and people would even downplay their abuse. And men love to act all smug and call them little whores for giving themselves justice. Things like these should count as self defense. Barbara's right in showing no remorse, the bitch father had it coming.
No. 714108
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>>696834>>696873Saw this comment on his Facebook fan page
No. 714133
>>714077Women usually only kill when they are backed up against a wall with no other choice. It's sad.. but how many stalking cases dont get taken seriously until the
victim is dead? i'm so sick of men terrorizing women and we're supposed to be submissive. I feel awful for women forced to kill to live and this justice system never seems to help them.
No. 714299
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>>714161What the fuck is up with today’s scrotelings ay? They’re raping and killing from the age of 9 and it doesn’t even shock me anymore.
To be fair, girls have their own share of young psychopaths. One thing that has always fucked with me is the murder of 12 year old Shanda Sharer, tortured and burned alive because she befriended one of the girls’ girlfriends. No. 714311
>>714299The butch one looks so evil
They’re fucking weird anyway butches
No. 714312
>>714160Oh women do rape yes.
But in the U.K. I’ve noticed a lot of these Arab men are sex trafficking kids and raping them. Weird that?
And if you say anything -
No. 714325
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>>714312Lol they do that all over the place in uk and our brown ball licking government does nothing about it. Let it go on for decades. I hate it when people try to say that “most rapes/pediphiles are white men” bollocks. They’re all as bad as each other. If white men go to other countries to rape children then so do brown men. No. 714327
>>714315They’re all sick cunts
Why was this girl murdered by them?
Fuck all these bitches
No. 714334
I am also a woman of colour too anon. But this sickens me to the core about this country.
We’ve got George soros some white old billionaire who not only funds Antifa but funds mass immigrants of these cunts. Not women or kids. Mostly foreign men and they come here, work cleaning jobs and deal on the side as well as rape.
I’ve had so many sexual assaults from african men in the last six years. They think because you’ve got a brown face and a woman you’re theirs for the taking.
It isn’t the British born black or Asian men it’s the ones right off the boat. They don’t have the same mind set and think it’s normal. They marry kids in their cultures and beat women. They’re dangerous.
Yet white men get the blame - yes white men aren’t saints. But the most I see in the U.K. off them is robbery, the occasional stabbing of a gang member or drugs.
There’s more Asian men in jail here because they’re sick peadophile cunts.
Yet people make excuses for them and #notallmuslims
(>>/ot/636795) No. 714342
>>714334Some cultures just don’t mesh very well. I’m convinced that these commie fucks love the thought of political Islam and are just as dirty and misogynist as the rapefugees they love so much. They want to overthrow people evul capitalism by any means necessary, just because they’re too ducking retarded to hold down a job at nandos without having an autistic shit fit.
I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. That’s exactly what they’re like. Polish men are just as bad. I work with some polish girls who are both very pretty and twice we have dealt with polish men harassing and stalking them. One fat, old, hideous toad looking balding polish scrote came in once and asked me at the till if they where here,when they where working next. I told him that I don’t give out information, he says “it’s ok, they are from my country! I just want to know how they’re doing!” Fucking enraged me. They should deport them the second they commit an offence and never let them back in again. (Or, even better, don’t let them come over in the first place if they’re clearly fucked in the head or have criminal records)
No. 714344
>>714001Based #justiceforbarb
>>714325I FUCKING haaaate men racebaiting and everyone falling for it when it can’t be any clearer that it’s a sex problem. You are all exactly as deranged as each other.
No. 714347
>>714001People on Twitter would rather lobby for literal murderers to be taken off death row than for the freedom of a woman who did a service to herself, her sister and the world.
If prison abolitionists were smart, and not a bunch of pick-mes coupled with would-be rapists and murderers self-advocating, they'd be fighting for people like her.
No. 714348
>>582621>>714344That’s all they ever do
Black men: it’s the whites!
White men: it’s the blacks!
Asians, Latinos etc : it’s the whites AND the blacks!!!
Get on /pol and have lengthy discussions about what colour scrote is fucking up the world. As if there’s a difference between white, black or brown rats lmao they all carry the fucking plague
No. 714360
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The discussions reminded me of what has changed me as a person forever, because after the mass assault in Cologne five years ago, I've never felt safe on germans street ever again. It was extra painful because as someone who lives nearby to cologne and visited this town many, many times before, I really lost trust in this place and overall safety here in this country. On the top of that it was as a woman forbidden to talk about such experiences around that time because you were called straight up a nazi in the haze of the so called "welcoming culture". And from those 1200 criminals, only two were charged with sexual assault. No. 714363
File: 1610656505346.jpg (94.32 KB, 900x590, Eb1SMSzWkAETQwy.jpg)>man makes multichambered underground bunker area where he ends up kidnapping, raping, and impregnating his daughter for 24 years>she has 7 kids total>only 3 get taken to their upstairs house and the others have no idea what the sky or grass is even like>forced underground kids and daughter to dig their own new rooms with their hands>would refuse food and necessities for days as punishment>would also force daughter to reenact porn in front of the kids as humiliation>finally escaped when one of the underground kids kidney started to failI hate this case so fucking much. I can't even image going through this hell for 24 years.
No. 714564
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>>714325Here's a survivor's post from social media. She was targeted because she was in care and has learning difficulties.
Spoilered because it's extremely unpleasant reading.
No. 720139
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I know mass shooting are a dime and dozen in Burgerland so most of them don't really stand out but reading about this case really angered me. The shooter was named Charles Whitman and it was one of the first mass shooting cases in the U.S (happened in 1966). He apparently wrote a letter beforehand and it really showcases what a narcissistic prick he really was. He bitches about his dad and how he treated his mother and says he wants not to be like him yet he admits to smacking his wife around. Also before the shooting he killed his wife and mother because he couldn't imagine them "living with the shame" he would bring to them. He actually thought he was doing the best thing for his mother by ending her life. What made things worse is that I found a Reddit thread where people were talking about him and a lot of the comments were feeling bad for him because he had a tumor and relieving him of any responsibility. Fuck that. If there's a hell, I hope Whitman is burning there for eternity.
No. 730862
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This is so fucking bleak: my heart goes out to the bereaved mother, that’s something you can never get over.
No. 730906
>>730862Some teen boy in my country did this a few months back and killed a college girl. Fucking scrotes love to wave around their higher (completed) suicide statistics like they’re the bigger
victims, but they frequently go out in ways that horrifically harm other people.
No. 730950
>>730906>>730878>>730884Jumping and throwing yourself under the train are one of the most accessible and failsafe suicide methods.
Legalize suicide clinics offering the n pill to get rid of (or at least minimalize) the problem. Or IDK, give people access to exit bags or something.
Not everyone is choosing those methods out of spite or disregard for others.
No. 730976
>>730950 >Legalize suicide clinics offering the n pill to get rid of (or at least minimalize) the problem Or IDK, give people access to exit bags or somethingThe reason why most people survive suicide attempts is because overdosing is a popular method but a hard one to succeed at given depressed people aren't given easy access to pills that'll take them out.. That's kind of what you need to do when people are depressed. Protect them from themselves. Not hand them a successful suicide method.
I know enough people who are alive today and grateful that their 20 SSRI pills didn't do shit to them. Making suicide easy would only cost more lives and in turn traumatize more loved ones.
No. 732704
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>Australian businessman Peter Scully, 51, was arrested in the Philippines in February on charges of sexually abusing 11 children, the youngest of whom was only 18 months old, and killing another young girl
>Scully has been accused of sexually abusing two girls, aged 10, and 11, and forcing them to dig their own graves while they were held captive in his house
>Videos seized in the Philippines last week allegedly show one of Scully's victims, a 13-year-old girl, being forced to perform lewd acts with a baby aged one and girl toddler aged five
>Police alleged Scully would undertake acts in response to requests from his clients from across the globe, who paid to live-stream videos of children being tortured and sexually abused.
>He was arrested on February 20 after the body of a teenage girl was found buried under a house he rented in Malaybalay, Bukidnon
No. 732712
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>>732704For anyone unfamiliar: he's the guy behind the infamous dark web CP/snuff film "Daisy's Destruction".
Pic related: remains of a 10 year old girl found at one of his properties.
No. 732714
>>732704This guy seems so threatening and scary but really he's just some fucking racist idiot who realized he could make a lot of money from off-ing children that nobody cared about because they were street kids. When he talks he's no Hannibal Lecter, he's a vapid idiot. Who else would name this shit "Daisys Destruction" like its some kind of fucking monster truck jam.
Also when the fuck is he going to write that memoir that lazy piece of shit
No. 732769
>>714325My blood boils every time I read about this shit.
Worst part is that most of the idiots in my friends circle at the time were like "Yeah but arresting them would be islamophobic!" like who gives a fuck they're raping fucking children. I tuned out caring about it after the journalist guy who was covering tehewhole thing was arrested but they walk free to this day.
No. 732784
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The Mahmudiyah Killings
>In 2007 US soldiers gang-raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and murdered her and her family
>Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi lived near a checkpoint manned by US troops, with her sister Hadeel, 6, and her parents Qassim, 45, and Fakhriyah, 34.
>She was known to her killers as they sexually harassed her for months prior and searched her home frequently
>Five soldiers were charged; Private Steven Dale Green, considered to be the main instigator, would later kill himself in jail in 2014
>Two members of the al-Janabi family survived, brothers Ahmed, 9, and Mohammed, 11, only because they were at school that day The worst part is that this only came out because of a whistleblower - who's to say stuff like this doesn't happen all the time?
No. 732795
>>732788That's odd I listened to a podcast about it just yesterday and thought of this thread
There is no justice but I'm glad that murderous piece of shit brother who was so proud of himself ended up in jail for it. By inspiring a change in the law she has done more for her country than any man who spoke out against her ever will
No. 732819
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>>732784This is the scorch mark where they burnt her body. Shit like this reminds me that people like Bush and Blair really have no conscience. Fucking evil.
No. 732841
>>7328344chan in the early 'aughts was a wild and lawless place,
No. 732957
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No. 733033
>>732769>>732770The police don't give a fuck about looking racist. It's a cop out excuse. In other individual cases you can tell they just can't be fucked investigating but in something so big and widespread, it's because many involved were well-connected and they're probably the ones who never got nicked. They're still out there on who knows what new grift. The police are part of their network.
Idiots saying it'd be islamaphobic to arrest sex offenders are just giving them all a cover story.
No. 733986
>>732957Wait… France has no age of consent?
Somehow I find myself not that surprised.
No. 735811
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The Pennsylvania Jeffrey Spaide shooting last week. Take guns away from moids!!!
>petty dispute with neighbors>guns them down>goes in the house, gets a riffle, shoots them some more>kills selfSeeing it happens kinda fucked me up. The woman got half a dozen bullets in the face point blank. Men just be talking shit to each other one minute then descend into murder the next. video is disturbing so caution No. 735837
>>735811He didn't even have the gun on him, two seperate trips into his house…slowly walking on the ice each time and he doesn't stop and catch himself over-reacting? ffs
Watched the full clip and those neighbours could've either saved her life or lost their own if they had just stayed there with her. Hard to know what would've gone down if it played out like that.
No. 735896
>>735811Someone posted this on r/publicfreakout a couple of days ago only describing it as a "shooting" which I naively assumed meant the video wouldn't show death. I thought those kids would be able to get help in time, not for the motherfucker to come back.
I've seen cartel dismemberment, industrial accidents, traumatic gore, etc, but this is different and it's hard for me to explain why. Maybe because this looks like something that could happen in my neighborhood? The idea of losing your life over something so ridiculously petty? Realizing that you can hear their agony as their bodies struggle to breathe? I never need to see this again.
No. 735992
>>735811I should not have watched that with the sounds on.
>>735896Same. When I see gore of grotesque proportion it feels very removed from reality. But gun violence is a daily occurrence and most happens just like this, getting into petty fights with an unhinged man.
No. 735994
>>735811The hus-moid leaves her for dead too while he retreats after getting his. It's a shame because I doubt the wife instigated as hard as either of them yet she's dead all the same. Feel bad for their kids.
But tbh this is why you don't engage with crazies who threaten that they've got guns.
No. 736008
>>735811The amount of men acting cavalier about it is disgusting
>Lul deserved! >I'd shoot people for fucking with my property too!>That's why you don't mess with a guy with a gun, like me.Like yeah that guy was a full retard too prideful to walk away but that justifies murder over nothing? Speaks volume about how the male psyche is hardwired. The only thing they truly respect is violence.
No. 736022
>>736008I've seen alot of people blaming the woman in particular for her own death, she wasn't the one screaming pussy at him, she certainly wasn't the most vocal one of the couple but because she said "go ahead" after he already had a gun out… All this is her own fault? Yikes
Even people claiming they both deserved it for calling him names…yeah that doesn't justify double murder and leaving a kid without parents. It wouldn't even justify a punch. They weren't acting like saints but losing your life for shouting names at someone isn't the justice alot of male commenters are declaring it. Fucked scrote egos. Which sex is meant to be irrational and emotional again?
No. 736268
>>735811Her husband just fucking left her to die in the fucking snow
And the piece of shit who did it, he was so fucking pleased with himself
He thought he was cool for just fucking murdering unarmed people who didn't even come up to him or anything
They went from shouting to being fucking murdered
I hope the murderer's parents and children disown him, I hope the absolute worst that can happen to him does, what an absolute waste of a human existence
This piece of shit went to school for 12 years, met people, checked the mail, all to end up slaughtering people in the fucking snow because they shouted at him
Jesus Christ in heaven
I don't want to be alive, this world is so fucking evil
No. 736602
>>736268There were some moments were gender fit into this in weird ways, the husband attacks the other guys 'manliness' by calling him pussy on repeat but then the shooter had a worse hatred for the less vocal of the two ..the woman. He got that last dig in telling her she "should've kept her mouth shut"? Why her more so than the pussy screaming hubby? Made no sense.
Then watching people react to the incident men have shown this distain for her on both sides. Seriously how? She was the one doing the least name calling and also the one we got to watch die in the most brutal way but gets no respect. At least a few years ago you'd expect a husband to shield you from an aggressive man with a gun. Not now. You get a shot in the face for what was him taunting the guy calling him a pussy and a queer. The irony. A dick swinging match that takes out a wife.
No. 736761
>>736602This is why if a moid I’m with gets in a street fight, I’m out of there. In the wise words of Saweety
I’m a rider, but I ain’t a dier
I wouldn’t take a bullet for a nigga
That’s a lie
No. 736817
>>736457>the husband was shot tooAnd he fucking abandoned his wife
He didn't try to shield her
He didn't try to drag her with him
He literally just ran the fuck away
Fuck men and fuck you
No. 736892
>>736871If your panicked chimp brain, upon being attacked, didn't immediately jump to defending your loved one, I would suspect you of being The Thing.
No. 737057
>>736022Classic scrote logic "you say bad word, me no like, me kill".
2 million years ago, about half the population pressed pause on evolution.
No. 737328
>>732704>>732767>>732846>>732872I was actually scared of seeing this one posted here. I think it was one of the earliest "true crime" stories I heard about the dark web and it freaked me out, but I could rest easy knowing Scully was in jail. The only thing proving it's existence at the time was the blurred intro in a 60 Minutes documentary.
The video was found in 2017 and I remember being so upset about it but not being able to tell anyone why. The YouTube vid is Scare Theater and he just goes in detail about how someone on 4chan accidentally found it, nothing more. I wouldn't suggest reading the posts he shows though. [spoiler]The worst thing about it was that it was easily found on fucking YouTube, and that's just like.. surface level web?
No. 737535
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(Originally posted this in the wrong thread, oops)
I know stories about men killing their families are a dime a dozen, but there is a fucked up irony to this one because it happened in Celebration, FL. For any non-Florida or non-Disney people, Celebration is the town Disney comissioned for the specific purpose of upper class families having easy access to Disney World. It's supposed to be this amazing idylic embodiment of the "American Dream" and suburban perfection. Families who move there are typically motivated by the desire for their children to have as "magical" of a childhood as possible, with Disney World being central to their lifestyle.
No. 737619
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>>737535>company owned townswhat the fuck this is also news (to me) that fuck me up
No. 737644
Anon, that’s as old as time, in latam you have towns made by oil companies for their employees so they live closer to their facilities, they got all the basic needs as well, like schools or hospitals.
Governments also build properties for their people, near military bases/facilities so they have meat shields in case something bad happens and so on.
No. 741898
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Anyone else heard about the murder of Victoria Rose Smith? She was a 3 year girl murdered by her adopted family less than a year into being placed with them. Her birth family and previous foster parents attended her funeral lately. I only heard about this lastnight and couldn't sleep afterwards. It's believed the adopted mother Ariel killed her as she was found with signs of blunt force trauma. The call to 911 was bizarre as they claimed she was choking on water? Pics show that the girl had lost weight in their care and had been shown to have healing bruises in pics in the lead up to this happening.
As far as I can see many news outlets in the US stayed away from covering the story and I've had to be careful when picking what link to share because I'm not in the US but I think most sites actually covering it are politically extreme ones that want to twist it into something. I just hate to see any child put into what's thought to be a better home only to lose their life like this. They had also adopted her two brothers.
Youtube comment sections have been full of people speculating their eldest bio son did it and they're 'taking the fall for him' but apparently the husband has his own lawyer so it's believed Ariel did it and he's ready to testify against her. I watched clips of the family interacting and it does seem the mom liked to be the centre of attention. She appeared on television shows and was trying to become a comedy personality while talking about the kids in her stand up routines…including some unfortunate jokes about beating the kids. No. 742446
>>742409I've seen cases like this before and when people adopt 3 kids at once (wanting to keep siblings together) that seems to be when the risk of this spikes. It's a pattern I've noticed. Taking on alot at once and then keeping up a false appearance that you're managing just fine. Online they flaunt the kids a little too much and then behind the scenes it's an
abusive shitshow.
No. 742448
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>>742446Samefag but similar vibes to the Hart family
No. 742455
>>742448This photo of theirs in particular
triggers me. The children already looked very gaunt at this point, and their expressions are so hollow. Poor children.
No. 742548
>>742448>>742455Uggh. How miserable and powerless they must've felt for the longest time. They all probably were trying to cope best they could while imagining a better future for themselves free from the adoptive home. Like all children and teens want desperately to be on their own etc, but it's just so tragic that that never happened for them…
I wonder if the one adoptive mother was thinking that the kids might shed light on the abuse as time went on and felt pressured to do something drastically.
No. 742695
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A few years ago I read a news story about a little girl (I think she was about 2 or 3 years old) that snuck out of her house in the middle of the night during a snow storm, couldn't get back inside, and ended up freezing to death on her front porch. The neighbors said they heard crying in the middle of the night but didn't investigate. I think of this story every time it snows.
No. 742705
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>>742695damn that’s really sad. if only the neighbors had checked in.
No. 742816
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This is nowhere near as significant as the other posts here, but this happened in my city a couple of days ago and I can't stop thinking about it. Uncle Bill's is a chain renowned throughout the state for utilizing puppy mills and this specific store was exceptionally filthy/negligent. I'm talking visibly sick hamsters in overcrowded cages, aggressive parakeets with no escape from being prodded by children all day, yorkipoos and other "designer breeds" being sold for $2k+ they wallow in their own piss in tiny cages, you get the idea. I grew up in that neighborhood and saw this firsthand. I had a friend who actually worked at this store in high school, and I remember her telling me about how the back room was full of more sick animals, particularly puppies.
There's another post from this Twitter acct of the inside of the store after the fire was extinguished and I wish I hadn't watched it. The footage is too dark to see corpses thank god, but I could tell what the enclosures were. Those animals experienced nothing but suffering and agony in their short lives. I hope the store never recovers from this and doesn't reopen.
No. 742858
>>742816Jesus Christ this is so dark. Fires with mass casualties are disturbing enough already, but when all the
victims are captives with no chance to escape, that is just horrific. It's already messed up that all those animals had to spend every night in a dark, empty store in the first place. Fuck the people who run these places.
No. 742964
>>733986I still can't get over the fact that Frances's current president is married to his teacher whom he met when he was 15 years old and it's no big deal.
No. 743442
>>742827because some people dont care. they want cute puppies and dont want to adopt, so they buy certain breeds. this is a horrible story and breaks my heart. we need to end pet stores (selling live animals) and puppy mills. i'm so heart broken over those poor animals.
>>742858There better be consequences for this.
No. 743550
>>743442AYRT. I live with a purebred dog that I bought from a reputable breeder. I considered adopting but NGOs that deal with that are as strict as orphanages when it comes to letting people adopt their dogs (that's good I guess since it protects the animals from retards that just want a cUtE pUrEbReD dOgGo FoR fReE!!!!1) and those dogs usually already have lifelong conditions and I was not ready for that. In my europoor country it is impossible to buy a dog or a cat from a pet store, who the fuck thought it's a good idea in USA??? WTF.
And don't get me wrong, I am aware that pet stores that only sell small animals also can have problems and that adopting is a more ethical choice than buying from any breeder etc. It's not ideal, we have problems with puppy mills selling 'purebred' puppies on a local craigslist type website… but at least dogs and cats are not waiting in cages at stores for someone to finally buy them.
I'm disgusted and puzzled tbh.
No. 743556
>>642388About John Venables:
Defenitelly not triying to justify anything, just sharing some info I found, but I remember reading a an article that mentioned that while he was still a minor (teen) on some sort of youth center, the woman that was supposed to be his caretaker (or something of the sort) got into a sexual relationship with him, and and the article theorises that possibly that relationship created a really weird dynamic (the person that takes care of you is not supposed to be so intimate with you) and that may have changed the way he grew up mentally. The article theorises that if it weren't for that
maybe he wouldn't had gotten into cp.
I can't remember if the article had a very sympathetic tone or not, but I think it was more to be just an analysis of him. I do vaguely remember it mentioning John had nightmares with James he killed and I think he felt remourse.
I think the article also said making their names public was bad because it forced them to completely changed identity, wich is not healthy for such young kids.
No. 743568
>>742964About the president, it is a deal in France rn. Things are moving and I think us millenials think of it at uncomfortable at best. I personnaly feel icky about it and the same thing going on today with a teen and a teacher would raise way more noise than back then.
Also France do have an age of consent. It's 15.
BUT having sex with someone underage doesn't mean you raped them. Because of the legal definition that states that for it to be a rape there needs to be either : violence, constraint, threat or surprise.
So if a 14 yo gets raped and just freeze (so none of the four requisites are there), there's no proof it is a rape and that the child didn't actually consent in some way (it's bs I know and I can't wait for it to change).
It then gets reaqualified into an "atteinte sexuelle", where the only requisite is for a major to have sex with a minor but carries a lesser prison term+fine.
It's more complicated than "no age of consent lol".
No. 743584
>>743550Another EU anon here and similarly I was surprised when I first heard about some countries having dogs in pet stores.
I used to keep guinea pigs and a couple of my guinea pigs came home with me purely because I was buying pet supplies and when I spotted them I fell for them and got them on impulse. I have a weakness for that. I managed to care for them just fine but I can imagine people also impulse buy puppies if they're displayed like that.
No. 743638
>>733986>>742964>>743568France when it comes to pedophilia is a very icky country too me. There also was that case of the writer that wrote and publicly published texts of how he went to the Philipines and payed for sex with multiple 8 to 14-year-old boys, and he was a laureated writer, so not even a case of "too underground to be noticed", and it took literally 30-40 years for people to actually remember to care about that (only because a woman, Vanessa Springora, wrote a book to come out to accuse him of having sex with her when she was 14 and I'm not sure if there's still court stuff going on. is gross.
No hatred to any froganons, but thinking how certain things just fly so easily on French society makes the whole country gross to me. The dude I mentioned even had the gut to defend himself by saying the things he did were "normal back then".
Freaking Sartre was involved in this. How do such mainstream people get away with this? Absolutely awful.
No. 743670
>>743657Tbh I can "sorta" (but barely) understand cuties cuz at least it was actually made by a woman that related herself with the girls of the movie, and at "least" "supposedly" it's a "critique" of the sexualisation of minors (I haven't actually watched it tho).
Freaking retarded as shit they didn't make it a cartoon? Yes
Would I want more movies like this to be made? Absolutely capital NO
But at the very least you can say it's not just "oh la la, ah le sexualite, les children are sexy and awake beutiful poetic feelings of passion inside moi with their youth"
It would be a billion times worse if it had been written by a moid
I honestly just don't trust artists or intelectuals from france, so I just know it could be worse
No. 743674
>>743638Yeah, you could also look up
Daniel Cohn-Bendit if you want to know more about this fuck-up period of time. The 70's/early 80's were a pedophile dream. Some of our intellectual were holding these thoughts (it was somewhat trendy at the time I guess).
Nobody in 2021 with a degree still think of this as true and normal (pedos non-withstanding), tho. Anyone spouting that kind of non sense would be cancelled pretty fast.
We've had a pretty big uproar about a
victims coming forward about incest that sparked a national outcry these last fex seeks.
Call me an optimist, but I'm hopeful about things changing for the better. The only hold backs really are the religious nuts.
No. 743697
>>743674Religious nuts? I don't know much about france, but the way how I read about the matzneff case I tought the writers/intellectuals were doing it out "sexual emancipation" (? I'm ESL so I'm not sure this is the best word, basically glamorising the heck out of sexuality), so I would had expected the "religious nuts" to be the ones most against it, out of "prudeness" (I'm not sure if you're talking specifically/mostly about catholics or not)
Not doubting you btw, just legitimately curious
If you're optimist about it that actually also makes me feel a bit more rested about it. Hopefully you're right
No. 744164
>>743568Good to hear that younger generations find it weird.
Macron's Wikipedia entry mentions that he met her when he was 15, but that they only became a couple when he was 18 and I'm just like… sure, jan, how very convenient.
It also casually mentions that his parents sent him to Paris to get him away from her.. I mean, wtf. One of her sons is one year older than Macron!
No. 744217
>>744164shit is creepy af but i find it difficult to care when girls get constantly groomed by scrotes.
Wonder if Macron will have his own #metoo moment though
No. 744238
>>744217I don't think so. But then again, I was rooting for Dominic Strauss-Kahn way back then as next president before the scandal.
I guess you never know what happens behind close doors.
No. 744277
>>714363I just wanted to share what I read about the aftermath, it is a tiny speck of justice even though nothing can erase the horrors that they endured. It angers me so much that this went on for so long and even happened in the first place. I went to read the wikipedia because I wondered how the
victim and her kids are doing now. I'm leaving out the obvious parts about how traumatized they are and how much therapy they have needed to not quote the whole article, but there are some interesting and hopeful developments for them in recovery. It's only a speck against what happened but I wanted to share because anything good is what they deserve:
>In May 2008, a handmade poster created by Elisabeth, her children and her mother at the therapy facility was displayed in the Amstetten town centre. The message thanked local people for their support. "We, the whole family, would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for sympathy at our fate", they wrote in their message. "Your compassion is helping us greatly to overcome these difficult times, and it shows us there also are good and honest people here who really care for us. We hope that soon there will be a time where we can find our way back into a normal life.">Lawyer Christoph Herbst, who represents Elisabeth and her family, said, "Fortunately, everything is going very well"; they spend their time answering hundreds of letters from all over the world. Felix, Kerstin, and Stefan, brought up underground with their mother, have learned to swim. All of Elisabeth's children attended a four-day summer camp organised by firefighters, with 4,000 other young campers, in August 2008. The children, along with their mother, also have made day trips, including swimming outings, on which care was taken to keep them out of reach of the paparazzi and to protect their privacy.>An article in March 2010 in The Independent stated that Elisabeth and her children recovered remarkably well, given the difficult lives they endured for so long. According to Josef's sister-in-law, Christine, Elisabeth enjoys spending her time shopping, taking frequent showers, and driving. She has passed her driving test without difficulty. Her relationship with Thomas, one of her bodyguards (who is 23 years younger than her), was reported to be ongoing, with him becoming a big-brother figure to her children. All of Elisabeth's children have developed normal sibling relationships with each other, and after having trouble dealing with the traumatic events, the three "upstairs" children slowly began recognising Elisabeth as their mother. The children enjoy being outdoors, playing video games, and spending time with their mother and grandmother. Despite their strained relationship, Elisabeth and her mother Rosemarie started visiting each other more, and Elisabeth has reportedly forgiven her mother for believing her father's story.They're living in an unidentified village where they're closely protected and all the residents are supportive of them. I really just want the rest of their lives to be as good as they could be and it seems most everyone else wants it for them too.
And now for the karma against literal evil incarnate, even though he deserves worse:
>In May 2017, Josef Fritzl changed his name to Josef Mayrhoff, probably due to getting into a prison fight that resulted in several of his teeth getting knocked out after other inmates set up a fake dating profile with his name and picture. Mark Perry, a British journalist who interviewed Fritzl in his cell, says he has shown no remorse for his crimes. He recalls he kept saying "just look into the cellars of other people, you might find other families and girls down there".that quote, fucking scumbag. Must be in denial somehow but even the other prisoners hate him.
>In April 2019, it was reported that Josef's health was declining and that he did not want to live anymore. No. 744427
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Not horror or gore like the rest of this thread but this story where the landlord repossessed a lady’s late husband’s preserved skin with the intent to sell the pieces is fucked up. Idc what other possessions he takes to sell since she owes him backrent but these are LITERALLY HER HUSBAND’S REMAINS. No. 748591
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The Lugones' family history.
Leopoldo Lugones (pictured) was a prominent writer from Argentina during the late 19th century. The Day of the Writer here is set on his birthday, that's how important he was at some point. He went from a socialist to a fascist, supported military coups, had an affair with a woman half his age and killed himself because of it, at 64, by drinking cyanide.
His only son, "Polo" Lugones, was a sadistic policeman who worked at a reformatory. He raped the minors there, and was absolved of his crimes after his father's begs.
He later worked in interrogations and torture rooms and is known for supposedly introducing various torture devices to the world, such as the electric pod.
As a teenager, he raped and slaughtered chickens so they would convulsionate at the same time he came.
He had two daughters and killed himself.
One of his daughters, "Pirí", was regularly raped by her mother's romantic partner. This started when she was 12 and only stopped when she got married. This man was a neurologist, and also had a previous relationship with the mother's mother. So, aside from being a perverted pedophile and rapist, he was involved with three generations of women of the same family.
Pirí was a subversive and when she was in her fifties, was kidnapped by the tasks groups of the argentine dictatorship of the 70s. She was tortured with the electric pod, created/popularized by her father, who she hated, and was killed.
She had two daughters and one son, the middle child, who was born without an arm because Pirí had rubella when she was pregnant, but didn't know it. He had addiction problems in Perú, but was living in the countryside in Argentina where he took care of little chicks and wrote in a journal that he was going to kill himself. He did it, just a few years before his mother's death.
Her oldest sister separated from the family when she was 15 and currently lives between Spain and France with her own children, she has written a lot about these stories. She hadn't seen her mother in over nine years by the time she was assassinated.
The first time I learnt about it I had no words, everything is so dark. I feel very sorry for the remaining family members for having such monsters and tragedy on their lives.
No. 748649
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>>748609The comments under her tiktoks… this is seriously a Black Mirror episode. I have a feeling we're going to see more things like this, hopefully I'm wrong. There are just no boundaries on that mf app. She's just 14 yo and so exposed to violence in media (apparently she was a fan of "killings" in anime and talked about it on tiktok) and that has to have affected her to do such a thing. Everything is very disturbing
No. 748657
>>748609I think we can still link to stories even if they are minors's honestly very sad tbh. She told the police officers she did it as soon as they showed up, so I don't think she has any remorse at all. I wonder why she did it?
No. 748689
>>748657Why does her admitting to it make you believe she didn't feel remorseful? To me, immediately calling 911 and being 'hysterical' sounds like she did it, and then immediately regretted it. Ditto with placing the pillow over the dead sister's face to hide the knife - she didn't want to face what she'd done (I assume it would have mentioned it if this was a suffocation attempt, I don't think it was.)
Was there favoritism in the family? A lot of siblings of disabled children can feel neglected, maybe that's a motive. Horrible, regardless of the motive.
No. 748695
>>748657The fact that she told ASAP sounds like remorse to me. She wasn't trying to hide it and was in hysterics over the phone according to the article.
Coupled with the fact that she took the time to put a pillow on her dead sister, I think she cared. You don't cover cadaver with sheets/pillows when you're a sociopath (or maybe she tried to smother her before, who knows)
It's a weird case.
No. 749208
>>748649Honestly one of the things that fucks with me most in any news story is the reaction of people like this. It's easy to read a news story and write the person off as a lunatic, but then you see little scabs like this feeding into it and you start thinking maybe everybody around you is a fucking lunatic.
There was once a viral video going around of a man raping a chicken and it kept getting posted into popular tags on instagram. It was vile, but there were always hundreds of comments that found it funny or were tagging people or were asking for more videos.
For every one person that does something sick, there are a hundred people that support them. That's what fucks with me.
No. 749221
>>748657I'm gonna go with either mercy killing, or perhaps resentment-fueled impulse kill because the disabled sibling took up more resources and attention than the parents were willing or able to give her.
I think she cared in a twisted sense, but her want to get rid of the sister was greater.
No. 749626
>>749224Yes it does, I can already understand why she did it anyways. I don’t know why everyone is waiting for this grand reveal of her motives, it’s quite obvious that living with disabled people is awful for the whole family. Killing them? Not legally wise especially for a young girl at 14. Probably lots of hidden or suppressed anger towards her sister definitely, probably could have been avoided if she received actual psychological attention. She’s allowed to hate her disabled sister but
not kill her.
No. 749672
>>748671>His parents sent him away to Paris to finish high school in an attempt to break up his relationship with his French teacher.>>749618He wasn't the president of France when he met her. She was his teacher + 24 years his senior. Of course older men preying on young girls is a much bigger problem.
>>749603>And they only started dating when he was 18 years old.Like I said, very convenient that they only started dating the moment he turned 18. The timeline doesn't add up considering his parents were already freaked out by the relationship one year
prior to him finishing the lycée.
To be clear, I don't give a fuck about present-day Macron. He's a pompous douche. It's just weird af that that's the story behind a world leader's marriage.
No. 751318
Sorry if this doesn't count as a news story, also sorry for not having a related picture since I am avoiding searching for one due to the nature of the content. This is also very speculative in nature, but I really feel the need to share.
A few days back I was brainlessly viewing videos on youtube's automated feed. A video about a suspicious Tiktok by Drama Kween (the video seems to be unlisted now) started playing.
The actual juice of the video shook me to my core, and I am honestly scared to look up more information on it.
The tiktok is of a young girl getting a tattoo. The tattooer is a male, visibly older than her. She is putting up a fight, and screaming "I don't want it!" repeatedly. The screaming is clearly panicked and desperate, but the tattoo artist keeps on tattooing while she struggles. Meanwhile another grown man is holding her down by her shoulder. The screaming in itself was enough to get to me, but the actual tattoo was a red decorative love heart… on the girl's inner thigh.
The youtube video offered little information, but the original Tiktok was posted on an american tattoo studios Tiktok account. After receiving backlash the studio responded by reposting the same Tiktok with voiceover by a woman, who is clearly not the same person as the girl the video, saying "You dumb motherfuckers, she's grown, she was just acting up".
There was a lot of speculation on the girl's age, and yes, some adult women can look and sound very young, but the girl was also dressed very tweeny. The backfighting, the oppressive male presence, the refusal to stop the tattooing, and the implications of the tattoo itself absolutely reek of sex trafficking.
I got a gut-wrenching feeling still. Not even 2006 bestgore has prepared me for moments like these, where you feel like you've witnessed something really cruel.
No. 751328
>>751318That’s insane! I don’t believe a decent tattoo studio would hold anyone down like that while tattooing a regular customer, regardless of how desperately they would want a tattoo or a body mod.
That must be human trafficking! What the fuck!
No. 751357
>>751318I watched the same vid you're talking about, and I honestly have no idea what to think of it. It was honestly very strange. You did misremember a couple parts of the video though, I won't link it here cause the girl is clearly a minor, but the video is still up, just search "drama kween tattoo" on youtube. What actually is happening is the girl is sitting down and shaking her leg saying "I don't want it" but the tattoo artist keeps going while two women behind the camera say "Let her finish". No one is holding her down, but at one point one of the women does reach her hand out. The tattoo is on top of her thigh. It's some kind of black outline and the tattoo artist is drawing something red inside of it. I honestly can't tell what it is. It might be the outline of a sacred heart? Anyway, at the end of the video the artist finally pulls away and the girl pulls her leg up to her chest. She also has no shoes on for whatever reason?
Idk if it's trafficking. It could very well be a teenage girl who was allowed to get a tattoo by some adults in her family (I believe you can get a tattoo under the age of 18 with parental consent) and a shitty, shady tattoo artist who doesn't listen to his clients and tattoos minors. She's clearly not an adult though, and that studio was lying. It's honestly very weird the shop thought that was a good video to post
No. 751360
>>751355>>751357Video starts at 0:47
Regardless of her age, a tattoo artist should stop when someone is saying "Stop, I don't want it." It's not like she can just wrench her own leg away while they're tattooing because doing that might not stop the tattoo, just make it uglier.
A BUSINESS posting that shit is stupid af
No. 751471
>>751458she's screaming she doesn't want a brand tattooed on her inner thigh
if she was able to get up, she would have
unless her mom is the one pimping her, I doubt it
No. 751480
>>751471Nta but in this vid
>>751371 she is calm, and we have no idea if that's a brand. Also, that second vid where she's calm seems like it was made after the one where she is screaming, look at how much red he has tattooed on her leg in the second vid versus the first. As
>>75136 noted, she can't just pull her leg away until the artist stopped. Also, tattoos cost money and the artist already completed a lot of it, if she's a teenager I'm sure whichever family members brought her there would have pressured her to stay. Idk if I buy that she's being trafficked
>>751476I was thinking maybe they didn't post it to avoid more backlash, but they didn't even delete those videos of her so idk.
No. 751661
File: 1614568063195.jpeg (612.05 KB, 1125x969, E822A29A-0FDC-4084-B6F0-E90050…) bless Texas
>inbe4 it’s just snow lol u guiz suckYeah well it’s not our fault our faggot state government and private electric companies decided to cut our power off, they now have blood on their hands.
No. 751683
to my understanding, mostly the power went out due to not being prepared, which they should have been, that's what they're paid for
but also, the state did decide to cut its residents off from power supplies from the rest of the country
No. 751697
>>751695And there's very few exceptions to power shutoffs. The only people who can't have their power cut are those who are on life support or respirators, and to my understanding, people in emergency services. So people who lived near hospitals, retirement homes, fire stations, would be less likely to have their power cut off if they're on the same grid as one of the aforementioned.
A lot of the state also experienced intermittent blackouts where power would purposely be cut off for seven to twelve hours at a time in cycles and come back on for one or two hours. That was 100% intentional. There were thousands who were left without power entirely or whose water was fucked up, caused pipe bursts, and ruined their houses.
No. 751855
>>751697Correct on people near hospitals not have their power cut due to being on the same grid–my friends who lived within a couple blocks of one never lost power.
>intermittent blackoutsWe were told there would be rolling blackouts lasting 15 minutes to an hour at most—NOT the ones that, for some people, lasted upwards of 40 hours. I was fortunate and only lost power for 10 hours and always had water.
I will say, I got a little jealous of people with gas stoves though
No. 752466
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These stories originating from the internet really hit me hard for some reason. Why are male gamers so fucked up?
No. 752476
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>>752472looked up tweets about it, people calling her a noob and questioning her COD skills under a news about her murder, holy fucking shit. I hate gamers.
No. 753804
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A story that haunts me is the Samuel Little murders. He confessed to 93 murders and evidence has linked him to at least 60 of the victims. The worst part about this case is that because so many of the women were vulnerable and in desperate situations, they are largely unidentified victims.
Before Little died, he started drawing pictures of his victims and the FBI had no choice but to release these images in the hope that their families may recognise them
My heart breaks for these poor women and it haunts me to think that their last moments will have been filled with such suffering at the hands of this psychopath.
No. 754569
>>754554Female chimps are less aggressive than their male counterparts, but they're still chimps. If a female chimp is pissed off enough or on medication that can cause aggression then yes, it would attack a human brutally too.
>>753804This case is so fucked up. He was the mostly prolific serial killer in US and he probably would've never been caught if it wasn't for that one narcotics crime.
No one gave a shit about his
victims and that breaks my heart.
And the police did a shit job and completely fucked up the profile.
No. 754571
>>754554>>754569Humans are to chimps what dogs are to wolves. We're their far less agressive neotenic variant.
I feel sorry for that woman, but it's not at all unexpected to be attacked by a wild animal.
No. 756007
>>737328Late to the party, but this brings back a ton of memories for me as I remember how this was
the internet urban myth during the early 2010's. It was actually kind of shocking to see that the title screencap was the real thing when Scully was arrested and everything came to light. That really was a different time back then. The idea that there were dark web pedo rings would get you laughed at, since Tor was just becoming a thing. I vividly remember reading discussions about the video on message boards and looking back, those people who got laughed and trolled for "faking" it and trying to make creeypastas, probably were actual pedophiles who had the video and knew what was going on, or some poor fools who accidentally downloaded clips of the film without knowing until they opened it up and watched.
No. 757463
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Sarah Everard, a 33 year old woman from London, vanished while walking home alone to Brixton after visiting a friend in Clapham on March 3rd, and no trace of her has been found since. This is the last sighting of her, taken at 9:30 from a doorbell camera. Her last phone call was to her boyfriend, 15 mins long. Her phone is not switched on, receiving messages or picking up signal. Family say it’s extremely unlike her, she is sensible and streetwise and keeps in regular touch with friends and family.
I’m so anxious to know what’s happened to her. Of course a lot of retards online are being smug bastards about it, “oh if she followed LOCKDOWN she wouldn’t be missing right now”. She wasn’t breaking any rules, was probably in a support bubble with her friend, it was a well lit and busy area she walked in. No. 757474
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>>757472So many people go missing, so many women have been killed recently, I guess it’s difficult to keep track of them all. 2021 has been awful for women in uk so far.
Another 25 year old Phillipino woman living in Bristol, named Bennylynn Burke, went missing just a few days before Sarah, with her two daughters aged 7 and 2, so everyone was also very concerned about that. Benny and her yougest daughter Jellica have been found dead, her older daughter has been found alive (thank god) and a 50 year old man is in court for their murders. That’s all we know so far. No idea what connection he has to Benny and her daughters, or if he’s related to them. No. 757475
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>>757474Another phillipino born Uk woman was murdered recently too. Christina Rowe, 28. She was a mother of a young daughter. The killer also attempted to kill an 8 year old girl, they have not said who to protect her identity but I suspect it was Christina’s young daughter. Thank god she survived. Why do men think they have the right to keep taking the lives of these beautiful women and girls, who are so valuable and so fiercely loved.
No. 757510
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>>582621>>757490Some more things that have happened to women in the uk very recently:
A man in Bournemouth attacked a 40 year old woman with a knife and raped her teenage daughter, after this he travelled 3 miles to stab another 37 year old woman to death who is now in critical condition. Luckily they all survived, he’s being charged with attempted murder. Don’t know who he was to the
victims or much about this at all, and probably never will due to needing to protect the surviving
victims identity. The perpetrators name is Mark Williams man named Steven Robertson killed his 39 year old ex and her 24 year old daughter outside their places of work, and then drove at a high speed into a wall and killed himself shortly after related is an inane, narcissistic and borderline illiterate rambling Facebook post that he wrote before the murders
This doesn’t even scratch the surface. There has been many rapes throughout all lockdowns, many on teenage girls. There are stories about women being killed almost every month.
No. 757541
>>757512Sage for ot but it's because you copied Google amp links not the pure URLs
It's easier to respond about this pointless shit than acknowledge the actual content of your post. There's an idea this stuff only happens in big cities but those are small places
No. 757545
>>757510It's heartbreaking. May these women and girls rest in peace and hopefully get justice.
In Argentina we've had 47 women killed in two months, the majority of the killers were police officers and their ex-partners. It's insane how the people who should protect us, are the ones killing us and covering up each other.
No. 757709
File: 1615314404462.jpg (166.4 KB, 928x830, Screenshot_102.jpg) a pastor making really weird remarks about women under the guise of Christianity. I hate stories like these because for every man dumb enough to let the mask fall off and say it, there are 50 more who think the same thing. there's a photo in the link, he's not even good looking
No. 758253
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>>757463It’s looking like a police officer killed her. Absolutely awful, RIP.
No. 758261
>>758253This is seriously fucked up. I’m going to be refreshing this all day hoping for an explanation. Poor Sarah, her life was just beginning, she’d gotten an amazing job, had a loving boyfriend, was about to make a successful life for herself and it all got ripped away by someone who claimed they would protect the public! has made me and a lot of other women terrified to go out alone.
I will be refreshing these live updates on an hourly basis because I’m desperate to know what happened. have not confirmed her death or her being found. Who knows if she’s alive or not. She most likely isn’t but I always have hope.
No. 758272
>>758261It’s so fucking sad. I recommend not looking at Twitter because all the boomers and men are justifying her (assumed) death because she was breaking lockdown laws.
Anyone think they’re withholding information because it’s a police officer? Normal investigations information gets released but it seems very hush.
No. 758290
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>>758272This Mr Clean looking motherfucker is who’s being held apparently. 48 year old armed Met Police Officer Wayne Couzens.
No. 758358
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>>758272Wayne Couzins suspected of murder now. Still in custody. Sarah not been found.
No. 758372
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>>758364Samefag, but just to remind everyone this officer comes from the same police force that were joking around and taking selfies next to the bodies of two murdered women only last year.
No. 758373
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>>758364He was off duty at the time of her disappearance, but he could of used the whole “I’m an off duty PO and there’s a dangerous man” or his wife who’s being held with aiding an offender being there might have encouraged her to trust him. The guy has some fucked up interest in kidnap and murder and his 30 year old blonde wife doesn’t want to die so she snares another woman into the trap. No. 801859 hate this article. an autistic teenager refused to shit for 2 months and died.
what an idiot. what the fuck did she think would happen?
No. 803234
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No. 804570
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I know it's my fault for going on /r9k/, but I just went on /r9k/, saw this, and now I'm going to blow my fucking brains out
No. 804790
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No. 804792
>>804790not them taking a picture of it and not helping. and then posting it on the front page of a newspaper for the
victims families to see plastered everywhere. NY was a mistake lol
No. 804801
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>>804790Tinfoil: I feel like this behavior is on the rise and goresites are likely a contributing factor
No. 804811
>>804790Oh my god I already forgot about this. Why did you have to make me see this again? It hurts so much
>>804801I fucking hate goresites. Any time one is removed from the internet, I rejoice. The tears of gorefags are my lube. Cry some more, you whiny little bitch. And maybe use all that free time to regrow your empathy - that is if you ever had any.
No. 804831
>>804801can we please talk about how normalized goresites are for men??? I can remember as early as being like 7 my brothers and my uncle would visit this site called rotten or some shit and it was literally just gore photo after gore photo. And they would look at it for hours. I unfortunately seen some because i thought it was fake.
Fast forward to now I work with mainly men and they literally show each other gore images of crime scenes. One of them has a friend that is a cop and his demonic cop friend shows classified crime scene photos in my coworkers group chat. Men are sick in the head. all of them.
No. 804856
>The suspect, Naeem Davis, was being questioned today in Manhattan, in connection to the grisly death of Ki Suk Han, 58, yesterday afternoon. The man was picked up on 50th Street near Seventh Avenue by a transit police captain, who was on a coffee break at 1:30 p.m. and ran over to grab him.
>Davis confessed to shoving Han into tracks, though he’s not been formally charged yet, law enforcement sources said.
>Han, of Elmherst, Queens, desperately tried to scramble back to the platform as onlookers screamed, shouted and frantically waved their hands and bags in a bid to get the downtown Q train to stop at around 12:30 p.m.
>Kaplan said she had been sitting on a bench waiting for the train and heard people arguing but did not see Han thrown onto the tracks.
>“I looked up and briefly saw the man standing up vertical along the tracks, and that’s when the train hit him,” she said.
>“He flipped, vertically, a number of times. People were shouting and yelling when it happened, but then people ran the other way,” she said.
>The horrific drama unfolded after Han approached a crazed Davis — who police sources described as a panhandler and witnesses said had been harassing and cursing at straphangers — on the southbound platform and tried to calm him down.
Photos happened of this because the person tried to warn the train that there is somebody on the tracks. No. 804863
>>804850I can’t be the only one who forced myself to become desensitized to gore because it made me feel “safer”, gave a sense of control both on the internet and irl. 14 years old me felt I needed to be “strong” like men, which means exposure to gross violence apparently.
Never actively engaged the community though, that’s pick me shit for sure.
No. 804866
>>804863>gave a sense of control both on the internet and irlI can relate to that, I guess we also go through an edgy phase as teens where we've been protected by our parents from violent imagery as kids so now for the sake of rebelling we want to expose ourselves to it; so in that sense I can excuse having some interest when the person is young. Having adult people deriving joy from exposing themselves to irl gore though is terrifying.
>>804856jfc i think it
triggered a memory, if this is a video I"m thinking of it's one of the most awful things i've stumbled upon. Knowing he was pushed there makes it so much worse.
No. 804870
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>>804790Btw, why is pushing a thing?? I searched 'pushed onto tracks' and several stories came up. Why are people doing this?
No. 805027
File: 1620844026496.png (868.75 KB, 1026x723, carlabellucci.png)'t it be technically the involvement of a child in a sexual act? Giving birth in itself is obviously not sexual, but she makes money off of it on onlyfans. There are also hundreds of full-detail real footage birth giving videos that can even stay up on youtube under the "education" protection, but I guess those are not "pretty" enough. I just hate to live in a time, where we must put it into law to not stream your kid's birth as fap material to protect that poor child's dignity.
No. 805066
>>805027I don't really care what she does but I do feel sorry for the kid, who will one day be cognizant enough to realize what a shameless husk of a person their mom is.
Also it's pretty sick that she's selling breastmilk because you know that it will go to moids with a fetish. Whereas she could still sell breastmilk via sources like milk banks or online markets where at least it goes to babies and women in need for the profit.
No. 805110
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>>805027they are fucking turning every single aspect if a woman's existence into porn for male consumption
I just hate scrotes so much
No. 805142
>>805027I know i should blame men for their gross consumption of this shit. But at what point do women take a step back and think is money worth the life of turmoil and shame my kid will experience because my mother is a fucking cunt who used my birth as a means to make money off of dirty men.
WOmen like this should be jailed stupid bitch. I dont even like being mean to women but she is scum.
No. 805840
>>804863>>804866>curse my edgy 14 yr old self.I had the same reasoning, but then I finally scared myself by realizing that those types of images
can show up in my dreams involuntarily, and fuck me up mentally.
No. 806146
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Sorry if this isn't the right thread for this, but here's a strange case I've been thinking about a lot lately that's a little less grisly than what's been posted so far.
In the 1950's and 60's, the town of Vernon, Florida, gained the nickname of "Nub City". The town had a population of 500, but in the span of three years up to 50 residents had lost limbs.
(Note- there's conflicting sources on the number of voluntary amputees in this time period. A NYT article from an insurance investigator says a dozen, while a book written by the same man gives an estimate of 50.)
Supposedly by accident but widely known to be for the insurance payouts, residents would sometimes buy insurance plans days or hours before the loss of a limb. Usually it was done by gunshot ("hunting mishaps") or by machinery "accidents." Since the factory that was the main employer in Vernon had closed down and the town was in an economic downturn, cutting off a limb for the insurance money became an attractive option.
A filmmaker was planning to make a documentary about the town's Nub City reputation, but after getting beaten up, sent death threats and an attempt to run over his cameraman with a car, the film was changed to be about the town's other eccentricities instead. Still a pretty interesting watch, though.
Here's an old article with some more information, about Nub City and Vernon's strangeness as a whole. No. 806230
>>806221How did this happen? Why did they base the doll on an actual child? How did the mother find the doll?
Also based Tennessee and Kentucky for once
No. 806254
>>806221How the fuck does Amazon just lets anyone sell anything? After reading this article, anyone could just create a fucking account selling cocaine and organs and it would be a-ok.
I get that other sites are shit and that pedos will find a way to pedo even if they have to write messages on a rock to communicate with each other, but Amazon is supposed to be a somewhat legal site, isn’t it? I hope they make some sort of verification process for sellers that are not affiliated to a big, renowned company, or that they at least sent the data of the bastards’ account to the police or some shit.
No. 808151
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I've seen and read a lot of vile shit. I rarely cry but I broke down after I read about Emani Moss. To sum up, Eman (Emani's dad) remarried an evil cunt named Tiffany. Tiffany began physically and emotionally abusing Emani to the point where the poor girl attempted to run away from home on a couple of occasions. Despite this, Emani was never taken away from the couple. At some point, Tiffany began to regularly starve her, and eventually, refused to give her any food at all. Emani died slowly and painfully from starvation. What pisses me off is the fact that Eman did nothing to protect his daughter and even helped Tiffany discard Emani.
>>602246Argh, god. I remember reading about this on bestgore when it was still up. It made me tear up. The things I would do to Daniel
No. 808157
>>602246god I saw it
poor little boy
I hope there is hell
No. 808238
I hate the rhetoric that we have to cater to pedos to prevent real children being harmed. If you can't stop yourself from being a sick freak without a creepy sex doll or CGI cp, then you shouldn't be around people.
We don't let murderers go around stabbing pets to see if we can quell the murderous urges
>>806254>even if they have to write messages on a rock to communicate with each otherIt should be as hard as possible for them, I don't understand why big corporations just let it slide. Amazon workers get in trouble for needing to pee but Amazon sellers can do whatever they want, it seems.
No. 808253
>>808151Poor, poor girl. Why do people do such horrific things? Even if you're a vile and selfish cunt, you can always be a slightly less vile and selfish cunt. If she hated her so much and was willing to kill her, handing her over to social services would have been a mercy.
>>808157Reading things like this, I hope heaven and hell are waiting. Even if I ended up in limbo for eternity, I'd get through knowing sick people like Daniel and Tiffany were punished and children like Emani and Gabriel were safe.
No. 808906
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susan cox (powell) is a nightmare
her husband josh powell was basically a married incel, constantly emotionally abused her and withheld sex from her while his dad (her father in law) creeped on her. confessed his love for her, stole her used clothes and tampons and stashed them away, all while making journal entries that he thought josh might kill her
and josh did eventually kill her. then he killed her two kids. and then himself. an entitled, whiny, lazy, piece of shit deadbeat loser who would harp on and insult his wife for every possible thing she did while allowing his own father to hit on her and then accuse HER of leading him on and be fine with it, decides to destroy her and innocent parties and then fucking kill himself to avoid getting justice
it's a story that will make you want to avoid men for the rest of your life
No. 809109
>>80897Nona, let's be honest here. Travis Alexander not "might have been" an
abusive piece of shit. He straight up was, but kept the guise of A Religious Good Boi. Plus, he was a scrote in the pre-#Metoo, pre-mainstream feminism era, so of course everyone turned a blind eye to his faults. Even though nowadays many people would probably explain his degeneracy under kinks, I feel like less people (and media) would ignore his bullshit like it happened in the past.
No. 811377
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Recently heard of the disappearance of Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers. So tragic. I wonder what happened to them
No. 811482
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>>811377Ugh I have so many questions about this case….what was the purpose of those images taken at night?? Were they trying to light up a path? Were they trying to signal to someone with the flashes? Or were they taken accidently? When I first heard about the case, I was immediately like, if it's Panama, then there must be some gang-related violence or organ harvesting or drugs involved. Or maybe their tour guide did something to them? But then why didn't they show up in the images? Surely the girls would have taken pictures of them…
No. 811497
>>808973He absolutely deserved it. I was watching the entire video thinking this woman is incredibly based for getting back at this asshole. He claims they were broken up but he clearly strung her along and kept having sex with her, I mean he claimed t be in a new relationship and I think his new gf even went to the trial even tho he and Jodi had documented sex right before the murder, meaning he was also a cheater.
I will never be sad about a cheating sack of shit dying.
No. 811604
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this little boy, cash gernon, was stolen from his bed in the middle of the night by an 18 year old. he was then stabbed to death and left on the street, where a passerby found him.
the surveillance footage of him being taken, and of the killer coming back for his twin brother are so scary. why would anyone do something like this?
No. 811691
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>>811615I spent some time reading about the case and I came to the same conclusion. If they had been kidnapped or harmed by a third party, they would have tried to document it in some way. But all that can be seen in the pictures is nature. I noticed that in the last few pictures that they took it seems like they were lying on a rock and they put candy wrappers, pieces of white paper and a small mirror on it, no doubt to increase the light created by the flash of the camera for signalling. I feel like they were hopeful and believed that they were going to be found and rescued, that's why they didn't record any goodbye videos or anything like that. Sad
No. 811723
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>>811691I'm sorry I'm gonna sperg some more, I looked at the nighttime photos they took and I finally feel like they make sense to me. So first of all, the camera's time settings were incorrect, according to this website ( the photos were taken between 1.30 AM and 4.10 AM. At this point the girls must have been exhausted from wandering around and probably starving and/or one of them might have been injured too. So they find this rock and decide to rest there. They put down the flag that they created from grocery bags, intending to signal to potential rescuers (either that, or it's a fishing contraption, Idk)
No. 811731
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>>811723The next 10-20 photos are like this, they just show the trees and water drops/air particles in the air. Whichever girl was holding the camera was lying down when she took the pictures, hence the angle. She was just mindlessly taking pictures, hoping someone will notice the flashing and help them
No. 811734
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>>811731They were lying next to each other, the other girl might have already passed out at this point
No. 811741
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>>811731And this was the last picture taken, at 4.10 AM. Either the camera's batteries died or she couldn't lift her arms up anymore. I assume that the shiny orbs are water particles, meaning they were near a river. In the time period between their death and their bodies being found, there might have been rain, and the river might have carried away their bodies. That's my theory
No. 811764
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>>811604>5:00 AM
>According to the arrest warrant affidavit, Gernon was abducted from a home on Florina Parkway where he and a sibling had been living with an acquaintance of his father. The father, according to police, vanished in late March. The boys’ biological mother reportedly had been searching for them.
>According to the arrest warrant, a man was seen on home surveillance video at about that time removing the child from his crib.
>6:40 AM
>At approximately 6:40 a.m., a neighbor out for a morning walk sees the child’s body lying in the street on Saddleridge Drive — approximately eight blocks away.
>“The closer I get to it, I can tell it’s a human because I see hands… and I see legs,” said Antwainese Square, who later called 911. “To see a child covered in blood in the middle of the street? It’s truly traumatizing.”
>Within minutes, a swarm of officers descended on the neighborhood of neat homes and well-tended lawns in the Mountain Creek area of Dallas.
>7:00 AM: Dallas police begin knocking on doors
>“This started about 7 in the morning,” says Joe Bubel, sharing that police knocked on his door.
>“They said to me ‘do you have any children in your home? small children? I said ‘no, I don’t…I said are you looking?’ And they said ‘well, we have a young boy’…”
>10:48 AM: Woman calls 911
>According to court documents, the father’s acquaintance who had been caring for the four-year-old and his sibling “At about 10:48 am, Witness… called 911 to report that a 4-year-old white male could not be located.”
>Neighbors at the time questioned why it took so long for someone to notice that he was missing.
>“Nobody came looking for this child!” questioned Toronda Alford, “This child was four! Who didn’t know their child was missing during this period of time?”
>FBI agents could be seen carrying bags of evidence from the woman’s home on Saturday. According to court documents, she later identified 18-year-old Darriynn Brown as the man seen on home surveillance video taking the child from his crib.
>Saturday 10:00 PM Dallas police announce arrest of suspect
>Brown was arrested and booked into the Dallas County jail on Saturday night — charged with burglary and kidnapping. He is being held on a $750,000 bond.
>Brown’s mother defended him on Monday, insisting that he had been “set up” and that he was incapable of hurting a child, adding that there was “more to the story.”
>Meanwhile, strangers mourn the child’s loss, acknowledging that nothing will change the tragic ending.
>“No matter what happens, it’s not going to bring that little boy back,” said Bubel.This is so scary.
No. 823362
>>592479not to blogpost but when i was a teenager i was in the same online circle as bianca and was targeted and stalked by a guy who also stalked her (not the guy who ended up murdering her). that story scares the shit out of me knowing that it could have been me if i didn't get out of that
toxic environment that was literally bred to groom young girls.
No. 856507
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of course the person who mowed down a 10 year old little girl in a PARK was a 50 year old moid. how the fuck can you run over a child?!!!
this was no accident. this guy obviously tried to scare the little girl and felt entitled to the space, at a park, a space FOR children
i fucking hate irresponsible drivers, there are so many of them in my country
No. 962413

Kai the Hatchet Weilding Hitchhiker (legal name Caleb Lawrence McGillvary), who went viral after using an axe to stop a crazed man in 2012 then was arrested for murder only months later after being raped by a powerful New Jersey judge (Joseph Galfy, 74), is apparently going to be the subject of a Netflix movie.
He posted a few videos to his facebook 2 weeks ago of a video interview he recently did. In several text posts, he also covered the loss of his appeal and the physical abuse he's been taking from guards, who are apparently trying to beat him to death using "resisting arrest", the same way they killed another prisoner at that same prison a while ago named Pariseau. Kai details the man's death as a witness, as well as describing his own abuse from guards, in a FB post in his group run by admins: The videos on his YT/FB from October detail the many very illegal ways the New Jersey police and courts are trying to slander and bury Kai, which are far too many to list. Each video is only a few minutes long and easy to understand despite prison quality video and audio. Kai beleives the movie will be used in the hopes of hoping to swaying public opinion against him so that he can't get sympathy or help with a transfer, appeal, or going to the supreme court.
It's disgustingly apparent that Kai is innocent, was acting in self defense, everyone who has met him or spoken to him says great things about him, and he isn't stupid either. His hair is cut short again, but he looks good and sounds very sensible, and in his FB group he says he spends his time reading, working out and training his mind against prison while working on his defense replies to letters and emails. There are info links in the group for anyone wishing to send him commissary funds or mail.
No. 962762
>>962413His name according to Kai was actually William Parisieau, Kai claims there were local news stories about his death but I couldn't find anything on Google.
From facebook:
>UPDATE From Kai 10/6/21>William Parisieau had basically no self control. He lipped off anyone, and broke into tears in the middle of the unit if his mom wasn't nice to him on the phone. I watched William Parisieau get beat to death by the Union County Jail Guards in 2014. You might have heard about it, it was in the news because his mother was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the UCDOC to shut up about it. He was a piece of shit, don't get me wrong: he beat his girlfriend to death with a dumbbell. But her family didn't get any compensation, because he never made it to trial.
>Instead, a dozen guards took turns over a couple hours emptying can after can of pepper spray into his face while he was facedown in his cell. they kept cycling groups of four into the room, and yelling at him to stop resisting. the first twenty minutes, he was obviously resisting because he was screaming, but then he was whimpering, and every time he did, they told him to stop resisting. near the end of his life (over an hour later) he occasionally begged for them to stop. They told him to stop resisting, and started kneeing him again.
>When they finally dragged his corpse out of the cell, he was bleeding from every orifice in his head, and he looked like he had shat himself. I was across the hall in cell 302, and I could hardly breathe from all the mace. He was literally drenched in it from forehead to ribcage.
>This was before they put the cameras in. They put video cameras in UC Jail because of that incident. I never liked Parisieau, I don't feel bad for him, but the Union County guards let the inmates know that they would kill anyone who lipped them off. Especially those who filed lawsuits against the County.
>(STAY TUNED FOR PART II) #justiceforkai #kaithehitchhiker #freekai