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No. 77356
(Note: Robots or /pol/ users who found this site through their respective board may be banned if they post outside of this thread, and especially this board, depending on post content and history.)How is everyone holding up?
>>66559Old Thread
No. 77394
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>>77358Don't worry I will soon.
No. 77683
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Don't really understand most robots basing their entire existence on being a virgin/not having a gf
I wish that was my worst feel, I really do
No. 78063
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Don't even care about girls anymore
I just want to fool myself into thinking I'll be a Dad someday
No. 78941
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Wish I wasn't such a fucking sperg
No. 78942
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>>77812That's a positive outlook on things.
I kinda like our Robot brothers here.
No. 78943
>>77788Eh, they aren't really shitting up other threads so what's the harm?
Enjoy the pepes and schadenfreude.
No. 78949
>>78943Because every other thread doesn't have several:
>as a male,In the thread. It's fine here, but they're spreading their cancer into other threads. All it takes is that one lolcow obsessed psycho to ruin it for everyone.
No. 78950
>>78949Eh, it's like all reddit level LE epic trolls.
You ignore the few shitposts and they go away forever.
No. 78953
>>78949Sometimes it's relevant to the discussion
Other times it isn't though
No. 79039
>>77812I actually stopped going to r9k since summer since I found here. Life improved immensely, that place is poison.
>>78973Because being a male virgin is looked down upon by people, they exaggerate it of course but it's still bad.
No. 79043
>>79039Robots are just so overdramatic about being virgins though. Its not like their virgin status is burned onto their foreheads. They act like they are getting stoned in the street for being virgins, when in reality, nobody cares.
Like I won't know you're a virgin unless you tell me. I've said it a million times, but robots fixate on things to explain their loneliness, when their true problem is crippling insecurity and a lot of the time, some kind of untreated mental illness.
I have no issue when I hear robots get all "I'm a virgin and it makes me sad" but when they get all "I'm a beta virgin because girls only go after chad, and their standards are impossible", I just roll my eyes. Feeling insecure is normal, but feeling so insecure that they construct elaborate conspiracies to explain it away is not.
No. 79054
>>79043Well Chad thing is a bit true, some men just have it all and lots of girls compare you to them while you have -0 chance of competing with them. I'm 25 and feel like an immense failure for not having someone in my life and being a virgin. You feel inhumane for not being able to achieve majority of people do naturally. I don't give a shit lately though, kind of gave up on love stuff. I'm too insecure to hold a relationship.
>>79044Normal stuff. Got a job, got pro help and on meds, somehow managing to act normal at work, losing weight.
No. 79057
>>79054>some guys just have it allSome /people/ just have it all. It isn't a "chad" thing, it is a "life" thing.
There's nothing wrong with noticing that some people just have it all. But you don't know what their life is like behind closed doors. Their entire public persona could just be a front.
I think its what goes along with the chad fixation that is especially damaging to robots. The idea that women will cheat on your with chad, given the opportunity. Or that every woman wants chad, so if she is with you by some accident, it is because she is using you for the beta bux. It is the perfect external excuse for not trying anymore: why try to improve yourself and be happy, if you can never match up to the mythical chad? It is safer to just stay inside and stew at this injustice, because even if you find a gf, it will be fake. It is a weird insecurity vortex.
No. 79061
>>79043This. All of fucking this.
>Feeling insecure is normal, but feeling so insecure that they construct elaborate conspiracies to explain it away is not.Specially this one part.
I couldn't give less shits if you are a virgin. However a robot life spins around his virginity and his non-existent sexual life. There is no other facet in their lives other than them being not able to have sex, and they make everything about that fact. They don't produce, they don't create, they don't do anything worth with their lives; they just bitch and moan about how miserable they are because they don't get to put their dick inside any hole. How fucking dull and boring can you be to let something like that to take over your life completely? Sorry but is something I don't get. I just don't fucking understand.
This fucking ridiculous victim complex they got is disgusting and makes me cringe. If someone came at me irl with the bullshit these idiots say on the internet I couldn't keep myself from punching him in the face. Insufferable whiny bitches jesus christ.
No. 79068
>>79061Its a weirdly arrogant insecurity, too. Because robots who believe these things seem to think that they have stumbled upon one of the secrets of the universe. They know the real reason why they are alone, and why the world is against them. When you bring up people you know IRL who are in happy relationships, these robots /know/ that the relationships are actually a sham. Everyone is just too stupid to see it!
But it is also kind of contradictory. They feel invisible to women because they aren't chad, and yet women already know all about them (their virginity, "betaness", whatever), and automatically reject them because of this info. Which leads women to ignore them, so they feel invisible. And on and on it goes!
No. 79081
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>>79078Sometimes it's best to accept things as they are and move on anon.
>>79079They're not insecurities anon, just the truth.
No. 79082
>>79081Okay, so what are you going to do about it? Do you want to improve your situation at all?
If your self esteem is that low, you should really talk to someone.
No. 79103
>>78953Saying its ever relevant to a thread is hardly true in MOST cases, but it's definitely ignorable
If anything, it's on par with fembot attention whores on 4chan. No one here cares if someone is a male. It's unecessary
No. 79120
>>78953It's not about being relevant. It's about the unwanted male presence in threads besides this one.
>ignore itLol fuck you. Because robots don't go full retard when femmebots appear in threads. Why should we put up with attention whores?
No. 79131
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>tfw you wake up again
No. 79132
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I got rekt in a psych experiment yesterday I had to do for class, I showed up and got paired with a qt girl. There was a recording device in there and I thought that was kind of strange. Anyways the experiment isnt important, but basically we would complete tasks on computers across from each other and then there would be 5 minutes of breaks after each one in which we talked. I couldnt believe it but she was actually flirting with me and after talking for a total of probably 15 min she said I was cute and I asked for her number. Experiment ended and apparently she was just a plant and was in on the experiment. I knew it was too good to be true and I wasnt even embarassed. Just thought "oh that's why she was talking to me"
Just got my shit and left after
No. 79164
>>79132I feel this.
This happened to be too, but it was an insult to my intelligence, still, a huge ego buster.
I go to a school that's in the top ten, am constantly reminded by professors how this year was the yr with the most applicants, and I'm like "who made the egregious mistake of letting me in here?"…anyway, I went home and cried because I'm a retard that can't focus.
No. 79165
>as a malelol ikr? They actually think their opinion is valid here.
Nobody here cares about your opinions if you have a dick fucksticks.
No. 79306
>>79164Can't say I'm in top 10, but I feel fucking retarded here both socially an mentally. It was an ego booster at the time then it came crashing down to lower than before
I'd already given up, so this has just furthered my resolve kek
>>79134Ya I know that's what I meant
I'm not remotely upset with her, but I just feel dumb for thinking a girl was actually interested in me for a few min
No. 79316
>>79132brotip for you anon, in the future always turn the tables on girls when they ask for your number. reply with something like: "well, you can give me
your number".
that way you find out instantly whether she's really interested or just playing games at your expense (yes, bitchy girls do this shit outside the context of bogus psych "experiments" too).
You do have every right to be upset with her, btw. Any decent human being capable of empathy would know better than to pull a stunt like that.
No. 79317
>>79316Nah it was part of the experiment
I don't care kek
I've stopped caring for a few years now and I didn't really get my hopes up, so I guess you could say I was just more pleasantly surprised than anything. Not a huge disappointment
No. 79327
>>79324Still don't really understand the purpose of it really.
Basically you sit across from a person, they're on a pc and so are you. Then you are given a scenario onscreen and you have to try to type your raw thoughts as if you were in the scenario. Like trying to keep yourself from being distracted while studying. Raw input so it doesn't make perfect sense on paper
Anyways I'd do one of those for 5 minutes as did she, then there would be a 5 min or so waiting period which we weren't allowed to move on. I would have been fine just sitting there in silence, but she started talking to me and it went from there. Rinse and repeat a few times
No. 79341
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>>79054Congrats on the life change.
No. 79342
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>>79132Bruh that was shitty even if it was an experiment.
No. 79377
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My cat is really sick back at home
Had her since I was like 5. Hope she's okay
Killing me to think about tbh
No. 79411
>>79410>genetic inferiorityWhy do robots assume that women care about fucking genetics like that. Do you really think that women are sizing you up thinking "hmmm…what physical feature might he pass on to our future children?"
Because when I'm talking to a guy, his genetic fitness never enters my mind.
No. 79414
>>79411It's not a concious thought, but yes. What women find attractive are signs of strong genes, no diseases, and all things that would symbolize you would have strong and healthy children
Men do the same with sizing up women based on how well they'd rear children and bring them up
I don't mean to shit on the other guy, but you really are deluding yourself if you don't think that balding puts him at any sort of disadvantage
No. 79418
>>79414I mean, balding might put him at a disadvantage but I think it's overdramatic to say that women won't like him because he is genetically unfit.
I think placing blame on genetics is the typical robot response to blame their problems on something they can't change. You can't change your baldness, height, dick size, whatever. Fixating on it, is just placing blame on something you have no control over instead of the multitude of things you could do to be happy and improve your situation.
No. 79419
>>79414Baldness doesn't necessarily mean he is genetically unfit. We don't use our hair for warmth. There is no evolutionary advantage to having having hair on top of your head, when we live in modern times and can easily just put in a hat. Its not like he is missing his thumbs. And even then, modern conveniences mean that there is usually a way around something like that.
Unless he has cancer, losing his hair isn't an immediate sign of poor health.
No. 79421
>>79414Lol I find guys who wear glasses to be pretty cute. If anything, that is a more accurate sign of genetic inferiority (poor eyesight). But I still love guys in glasses. The guy I've been with for 5 years has glasses, and poor hearing in one ear. And yet…I think he is sexy as hell.
I also don't want kids sooooo
No. 79424
>>79422Did I say that?
Or did I say that I found glasses to be cute?
No. 79425
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>>79411>>79414>>79415>>79416>>79418>>79419>>79421I'm also short and ugly, another case of inferiority. Not even counting my horrible avoidant, bitter, cynical and depressive personality.
No. 79426
>>79425Again, its not that women can sniff out your genes that is holding you back. Its probably that personality that you mentioned.
I'd also be willing to bet money that you're depressed.
You can change your personality, and start focusing on your happiness. Depression can be treated.
No. 79429
>>79427I tried, it didn't worked. I didn't became depressed and butter in a day. I wasn't always like this, you are less than dirt if you're an ugly male.
>>79426I'm on SNRIs, not feeling depressed at all.
No. 79439
>>79432I was fairly normal in the past then got called worthless by a girl in middle school after she learned I liked her, they started messing with me calling me a contagious virus, how I deserve to die alone and no girl will ever approach me with a 20 meter stick, how disgusting I am. Fucked me up pretty bad, tried acting normal in high school again but got rejected all the time, same thing in college then I completely gave up. They were %100 right, I'm going to die alone without knowing love.
>>79431Therapist can't fix my disgusting face.
No. 79447
>>79439But you're an adult now. That was middle school and high school. People get viciously bullied every day. But now you're an adult, so you aren't forced to be around shitty people anymore.
A therapist can help you fix your piss poor attitude, develop self esteem, and get over your baggage from middle school.
If you don't want help, then what's the point of you listing out all your faults to us? I'm not going to enable you. If you want help, then great. I'll encourage you with that. If you're just here to have a pity party, then I don't really care to hear it.
No. 79450
>>79439I find that a lot of robots are either in high school or plagued by bullying during those years. But, they seem stuck there mentally. They seem to see the world in terms of black and white categories (ex: alpha and beta), which always reminds me of teenagers and their obsession with popularity.
That's what most robot conspiracies are about at the end of the day: being resentful at their lack of popularity. Most people move past that strict dichotomy as they grow up. They realize that high school popularity isn't everything, and feel comforted as they gain control of their lives with age. As you grow, you get out of high school, and never have to see your former classmates again. I bet robots replay their high school experiences in their heads over and over. They fixate on the injustice instead of thinking "fuck those bullies. Who cares about them anymore! I never have to see them again!"
And since these experiences isolated them socially, robots have no other frame of reference for how the world works. You can't convince them that the adult world works differently, because their only experience is with black and white social dichotomies: you're either popular or you're not. And if you're not popular then you will be ground into the dirt, physically or mentally. If you're not strong, then you must be weak.
No. 79452
>>79447I'm getting help from a psych, I don't have money for therapist. Like I said I accepted what I am and moved on, I get sad about it once in a while though.
>>79448People still treat me the same, moving on doesn't change anything but I accepted they were right like I said. Denying it was more painful, I feel more at ease accepting that I'm like that.
>>79450Those years are crucially important for self esteem and confidence. Crush them at those years and they most likely never fully recover from it.
No. 79460
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>>79457>>79458>>79459Nothing, I was just venting a bit I guess. Forget what were talking about.
No. 79486
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>>79485The posts about ugliness, god I become a depressive whiney cunt before meds kick in. I hate it, I become a completely different person at noon.
No. 79496
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>>79487>>79487Thank you, I think it was you that made me get help last thread. Thanks for encouraging me even after my parents gave up on me.
>tfw my tree is blooming nicely No. 79500
>>79496Aw. I think that probably was me. I really mean it too. I hope you can be happy and confident with yourself.
PS that tree is beautiful.
No. 79501
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>>79500It was dying and full of pests when we moved in, landlord literally left the whole yard dead. I do all the work in it for fun now, it looks good.
No. 79513
>>79507It is gorgeous. You did a great job.
I live in Canada, and right now all the snow is melting and turning into these gross grey mountains on the sides of the road. All the trees are bare, and it all looks so depressing.
I am jealous of your happy tree.
No. 79516
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>>79513It snowed and rained through all winter in Istanbul, it was depressing as hell but it's been really warm in last two weeks. Even though I kind of hate it in here the weather is absolutely the best in the world. I want to visit Canada and US though, you guys have gorgeous national parks and nature.
No. 79525
>>79452A psychologist or psychiatrist?
Here's the thing, an antidepressant isn't going to fix much, it just maybe keeps you from carrying out a suicide plan. If you have been depressed for a long time, that changes a lot about your personality and the way you think.
I know you can't do therapy right now, but hopefully you can in the future. Because you still have the negative/depressed cognitions that a depressed person has. Slowly, I learned to catch myself when I was having a negative/black & white thought & then think about another way to interpret it.
(Ex. Group project: initial thought—fuck me. Thought about it—need to be less retarded since I'll have these interactions in the working world, took the class, enjoyed it.)
No. 79529
>>79528Canada-chan here again. Don't beat yourself up for having depression. It is a chemical imbalance. You couldn't "fix" it on your own if you tried. It would be like trying to wish away diabetes. It just has to be managed through medication.
That's why I wish you weren't so hard on yourself. Because it isn't your fault.
I know that you have been dealing with rough stuff since you were 12, and it is hard to be positive, but I really wish you could write down one positive thing about yourself a day. Even if its something stupid like "did the laundry!", just write down a good thing that you accomplished. Or a good attribute about yourself.
Let me start you off today: you are clearly an awesome gardener. That tree was dying and now it looks awesome! And that was thanks to you. Not everyone can do that. Some people couldn't keep a house plant alive. And now that tree in your garden is thriving.
No. 79531
>>79529I agree with this. My psychologist always tells me that I'm too hard on myself (of course I am, I feel like I'm a piece of shit). But realizing that my brain is ass backwards and that even retarded children can function better on a daily basis, I will take any small victory.
>>79528Again, you've been depressed for so long that you can't/don't see positive little things.
No. 79533
>>79531Exactly. I actually have generalized anxiety disorder, am medicated, and have had a shrink in the past.
And I'm totally fine with it. If I had high blood pressure or diabetes, I wouldn't beat myself up about it. I couldn't have somehow prevented having a chemical imbalance. My brain just doesn't recycle certain chemicals correctly. That's it.
and that's what's kills me when I read about anons like the one with the awesome tree. He's beating himself up about something that isn't even his fault! I feel so much for people who struggle with things like that.
No. 79555
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>>79540When I said younger I meant girls between 18-28/30. I'm 24.
>>79537>>79533Well if you say so, I'll try
>finally found a decent job>dad is not breathing down my neck anymore>losing weight>don't feel like blowing my brains out and feel constant dread 24/7>can sleep normally latelyThese are the things I can think of now.
>>79529It's just the lack of success with girls is really bringing me down, I can maybe fix other stuff by myself but I can't force girls to like me. I feel inhuman because I'm failing at something %90 of humanity does naturally. Don't know how to explain it.
No. 79559
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>tfw rereading my journal entries from when I was 13
No. 79560
>>79555Stop caring about girls
If it happens it'll happen. Don't chase them
No. 79561
>>79555Also if it makes you feel any better in the past it was far from 90% of men reproducing
It was just artificially kept at roughly 1:1 for a few hundred years through monogamous marriage in the West, but that is coming undone so we're going back to our roots where many men will not reproduce. That's just how it is, nothing we can do, and you should stop caring about such things No. 79563
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>>79560Didn't meta girl I was interested in six years anyways.
>chad got all the girls while others just lived their lives frustratedsigh
No. 79565
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>you were born just in time to die alone in cold, empty house What a wonderful world
No. 79580
>>79563>>79565It's only a problem if you make it one. Just completely forget about women. Protip: They're shit and you're just setting yourself up to be cucked later and lose half your shit
You don't need one to be happy. Focus on doing what you love and forget about them
No. 79589
>>79580Says the robot hiding out on a female-dominated imageboard
>>79501Keep on keeping on beautiful tree-anon. You give me hope.
No. 79595
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>>79589Thanks man. Time to sleep for me now, gotta get up at 6 thanks to shitty traffic to reach work.
No. 79611
>>79589I just think it's comfy here most of the time and it's interesting
Shoot me
No. 79617
>>79501oh damn, we had these trees in the courtyard of the last apt. building I lived in. They're so gorgeous. There's a mirroring apt. building across the street but their trees were ugly while our courtyard was full of pink blossoms.
I'd come out some days and see my car just carpeted with fallen petals. Pollen season was hell, but I loved it, it felt like living in a shoujo manga.
Anon, good job. I'm proud of you.
No. 79618
>>79555That's a good list of stuff to be happy about.
I think you should treat yourself, and buy a nice new journal for you to write these things in daily. You deserve it.
No. 79619
>>79377Oh no, anon! I'm really sorry to hear that. What's happened to her? Have you taken your cat to the vet yet?
Sometimes I think about my cat dying and it would honestly cripple me as a human being. I have maternal feels for that animal, I've literally been with her since she was born.
>>79410Dude, just shave your head and pretend it's an intentional decision to be bald. Worked for my male friends, get a good hat if you're uncomfortable with the shape of your skull. There's nothing sadder than seeing a balding guy try to grow out a ponytail, buy a toupee, or sweep hair over his scalp to cover up the exposed skin. That shit doesn't fool anybody.
No. 79622
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>>79619I'm not home now (uni), but she's been in and out of the Vet's all week. She hasn't eaten since last week either. Really want to see her
I've had her since I was 5 (I'm 20 now). I love her so much and she's been a constant in my life. She doesn't look so good in this pic, but at least she has a qt bandage.
No. 79625
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>>79622Last pic I've taken of her
This was like 2 weeks ago
Pardon my thumb
No. 79631
>>79450A lot of the time it's difficult to recognize the hang-ups that you develop during your formative years, though. I can kind of understand why robots end up like this.
My sister was verbally/physically abusive towards me for years, but I never noticed until I actually left her sphere of influence by moving out of my parent's house. I always accepted her opinion as fact because she was the popular/prettier/skinnier/smarter sibling, but after I got away from that environment, I realized that she was a real fucking cunt, too. But during that time, I admired her so much that I accepted all of her insults as what I deserved. It's probably the same with anons who find themselves bullied by 'popular' kids. You just want to be accepted & acknowledged by the people you look up to, regardless of whether there's good reason to look up to them or not.
I think most robots just become trapped in a cycle of self-derision because they're used to it from others, and they never actually move out of their comfort zone enough to accumulate the positive experiences that would contradict their shitty ones. It's like they think that insults won't hurt as much from other people if they're already telling themselves the same shit.
Anon, no matter what you look like, appearance doesn't define you. I've met a lot of guys who wouldn't rank high on the looks scale, but they end up with qt3.14 girls at their side because they've got that joie de vivre, which is way more attractive than a pretty face or a set of abs. You have assets, talent, experience: you have way more reasons to be proud of yourself than you'll admit to. I think your posts itt and the previous really downplay your potential. Find what's important to you and fight for it.
For what it's worth–from what I've seen–everyone ITT has really liked seeing the pictures you post, too…so it's sort of rotten to hear you describe yourself in such negative terms when everybody seems to be appreciative of your contributions.
>>79478Haha, I know this feel. Opposite ends of the spectrum, but damn.
I had a drunken tomfoolery night when I was really feeling myself and ended up irritating a lot of folks on lolcow by detailing my woe-is-me-
tiniest-violin high school experience and how I coped with it.
Even now, I cringe whenever I think about how arrogantly I came across.
>just call me narc-chanBeing anon is a blessing at times.
No. 79634
>>79622>>79625She's a beaut, wow! Look at those tufts of fluff. Gorgeous coat, too.
I'm really sorry, anon.
I lost my dog to similar circumstances last year (she became really lethargic, stopped eating, wouldn't even play with her favorite toys…it turned out she had some kind of tumor. Keeping her alive would have meant shelling out a few thousand for surgery, and even then the vet said she wouldn't have lasted longer than two months or so. After we got the news, we opted to put her out of her pain. You'd think that having that kind of closure would be an advantage, but… it still makes me choked up to think about it. I hope something can be done for your little lioness.)
What's the bandage for? Is it something related to her condition, or do you know what the problem is, yet?
No. 79660
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>>79634The bandage is just from a catheter
The vet thinks it's something called Triaditis. Sounds horrible and I hope it isn't fatal. She was perfectly fine last I saw her. When I come back from Uni she practically lives on my lap and likes me carrying her around. Every night I fall asleep with her on my back or chest depending which way I'm laying down. Been like this since I first got her. Literally 15+ years of this :/
I've been through a lot with her. She knows when I'm upset too I swear and she'd come cheer me up
>>79632>>79633Thanks guys!
This one shows off her coat more and it shows her in her natural habitat
No. 79663
>>79450 I don't think I'm really a typical robot, but what you're saying is definitely not true for me. Never cared about popularity at any point except a brief stint in 6th grade. I had a group of 3 friends and I was fine with that. Then I started getting picked on by everyone as a skin condition worsened and even friends brought it up, so I just went into a sort of shell and stopped socializing and found 4chan as a sort of refuge. I would try to break out of it every few months and it was met with failure after failure. I've always been a sperg before this, but I was fine with that.
I got sent to the nurses by a substitute teacher in Freshman year of high school because she refused to believe I normally looked like I did. That was pretty embarrassing especially with all the students telling her I was always that gross while she argued that there's no way that was normal. Everyone was just picking apart all my imperfections for a good few minutes until she told everyone to shut up and said for me to go to the nurse. Just walked out of school and got drunk with my Dad's beer tbh. A bunch of incidents similar to this happened where kids would poke fun at me and in one class the teacher wouldn't do anything, but would laugh with them. Or the only time I tried talking to a girl and she just said I was gross. It all culminated in me hating myself physically and thinking I was a genetic mistake and that train of thought is still with me today.Only person I hate is myself for being like this. Obviously that's not all there is wrong with me mentally and emotionally, but a lot of it stems from this. I tried going up to a stranger a week or so ago, and after a while he asked about it. He wasn't rude about it, but it still killed me and we just parted ways about 10 minutes of awkwardness later. I don't even want to be attractive, just maybe a bit below average and normal looking so people wouldn't have this sort of reaction
No. 79701
I'll save it for the derm thread. No real point though, I went to the dermatologist once and she just said I'd have to live with it. I don't want to bog this thread down with this subject. So I'll just leave it at that
>>79692Not posting myself here especially since threads don't get pruned
No. 79761
>>79748Just hold out until vr bud
Then we'll be free of the scourge known as w*men
No. 79766
>>79748Why is your happiness centered around your relationship status?
Let's say you're right, and relationships are all about looks, and no one cares about personality (you're wrong about this BTW), then is that really what you want the root of your happiness to be? Do you really think that you'd be happy in a relationship where the other person doesn't give a shit about your personality, achievements, values, humor, etc, and only cares about your looks?
Other people can't fix you. You can't expect a relationship to bring you happiness. You will be just as miserable in one as you are right now. Work on your insecurities.
No. 79767
>>79748You are worrying too much about the "what ifs"
What if you get a gf, and she ends up being a serial killer, and she leaves you dead in a ditch?
Focus on your reality. Focus on the now. What do you want to work on? How do you want to improve yourself?
No. 79772
>>79771You aren't a man child. You sound depressed, and a little bit paranoid.
I'm not going to enable your misery. But I will give you a reality check:
Those happy couples that your see on the street aren't being happy to spite you. They aren't being happy at you. And the fact that other people's happiness feels like a personal attack to you makes me a little worried for you. I don't want to make you feel more invisible, but strangers don't care about you. They don't know anything about you. Their happiness is unrelated to yours.
You're right, I don't believe that those girls at work were talking shit about you. But if they were, you should go to HR. No one deserves to work in a hostile environment. Shitty people are everywhere. But it doesn't mean that you have to be around them or tolerate it. Talk to your boss. Don't be a martyr, and just sit there thinking "well this is life! I'm here to be shit on!" Use the proper tools that are available to change your situation.
No. 79773
>>79771To add to my last response,
A smile from a girl shouldn't be the source of happiness to that level. Again, not to make you feel smaller, but a smile is the most basic form of politeness. I smile at people all the time. It isn't a symbolic gesture.
Why is your happiness so dependent on other people? It sounds like you use other people as a way to measure your own self worth. Why? Why give other people (especially strangers) that much power? And from the examples you provided, you don't even judge yourself against people you know. Strangers being happy in public can get you worked up. Why? They could be just as miserable as you, but just have a better poker face about it.
No. 79774
>>79772No no, I don't think it's an attack on me. I just feel depressed and lonely when I see them.
>>79773I have no idea how to be happy by myself, how do you do it? I seriously don't want to be like this, I'm sick of every fuckung thing I do
No. 79778
>>79774>how to be happy by yourselfHonestly, I think you need to talk to a professional about this.
You already said that you don't think accomplishments or personality even matter; only looks. So how can I convince you that happiness can come from within, and not purely from external sources? Our compases are set differently.
What are your values? What do you take pride in? What do you enjoy? How do you challenge yourself?
No. 79779
>>79778Maybe it's just comes down to luck, I just met shitty girls and people all mu life and never had chance to met a decent one.
I guess I'm a good person. I help people and animals in need without expecting anything back from them. I'm pretty sure I can survive off the grid, can learn languages pretty fast, good with scientific theories, I feel really calm and cleansed when I'm stargazing and away from city and people, can play drums really good. I'm really weak against pressure and challenge but I like busting my brains over physics.
No. 79780
>>79779>it comes down to luckNo. You know that your perception is screwed. Don't be a martyr.
>maybe in just met shitty peopleYes. I believe that is true. I know a lot of shitty people, too. It sucks.
Look at that paragraph of things you enjoy and value. Do you find happiness in them? I think you should. Focus on those things. Make time for yourself. When you start to have intrusive thoughts about strangers, tell yourself to stop. You know that train of thought is irrational, and you have plenty of things to take pride in and enjoy. Start to train yourself to stop focusing on what you don't have, and nurture what you enjoy.
You have power over your life. Don't give it away to other people. If you don't like how your life is going, then use the power you have to change it.
No. 79781
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>>79780I'll try, thank you so much for dealing with my insane ramblings. I really needed this.
No. 79789
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>>79782Man this training is too fucking boring, at least I'm getting paid to just sit and listen.
No. 79823
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Phew another week ends.
>>79814I will when I get home m8
No. 79849
>>79794The stupid seminars and conferences that I have to attend are always catered by the hotel they're in, and it is always so hit or miss.
My mom was telling me that she was organizing a training seminar and was like "should I order Greek or Indian catering????" And I was so jealous.
If I'm going to be stuck in a room "learning" with people from work, then lunch better be good.
No. 79856
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>>79851Back home and found it
I find this very accurate. I can't even love myself let alone another person
No. 79858
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>>79849I work for a tourism agency so every time they make new arrangements with new hotels we have to know all of them %100. I saw 43 new hotels today, my mind is buzzing.
>>79856kek, I love it when anons impersonate other people
No. 79876
>>79856Jesus Christ this is depressing.
I would suggest that no one take this seriously.
No. 79878
>>79858I'm not impersonating anyone lad
>>79876What's inaccurate about it?
Serious question. A few of those are true to me
No. 79898
>>79879I was the person originally requesting it at the time
I came home and looked through my wojak folder and found it
>>79889You don't
No. 79903
>>79902You might live near one
>>79901Np lad
No. 79904
>>79878>what's inaccurate about itIdk it just seems kind of depressing. It doesn't offer any advice, and it almost seems to be a list of reasons to not want to enter a relationship, because you (the reader, if those attributes apply to you), are just too sad of a person.
I guess I just don't understand how that chart can give you any direction. Unless you were looking for reasons to stop trying.
No. 79907
>>79904>Unless you were looking for reasons to stop trying.Pretty much
The point I glean from it is that you need to improve yourself and solve many of your personal issues before focusing on getting a gf. That's the difference between women and men in this regard tbh. Women can be broken and get in relationships, but men have to be confident, fit, and many other things
No. 79908
>>79889we're farmers. the subjects of the threads are the cows.
i hear there are a couple of the old seagulls who cultivated relationships with our Queen, she's getting kind of qt these days? normally i'd suggest kiki, she seems easy, but she's awol at the moment and also probably would only touch your dick if it could get her a kawaii japanese visa.
No. 79919
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Time to get drunk while on anti-depressants, what could go wrong?
No. 79921
>>79919Omfg lots can go wrong! You will feel like double shit tomorrow, and depending on the antidepressants, you are at higher risk of getting sick from dehydration (sounds lame, but when you have the dehydration-shakes you will think of me).
Not to mention, again, dependening on what you're taking, and how much alcohol you consume you blood pressure can be thrown out of whack, and your blood will get super thin. I hope you don't have any heart or blood pressure problems.
No. 79923
>>79921But naturally, this all depends on your meds, how much alcohol you consume, any previous medical conditions, etc
If you're going to drink until you wake up in your own vomit, of advise against it. But if you're just having drinks with some friends and getting a good buzz you're fine.
No. 79925
>>79922Honestly, your doctor would have warned you about the risks of mixing alcohol with your meds when they were prescribed.
And sometimes they will even put little warning stickers on the pill bottles at the pharmacy saying "do not mix with alcohol".
No. 79928
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>friendskek, it's just my usual pass out plan for Friday night
>>79925Yeah she did, I'm actually having second thoughts but getting drunk on Fridays became a habit for me.
No. 79967
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It's finally Friday
No. 80014
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Anyone have any plans tonight?
No. 80017
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Oh sweet escapism
No. 80039
>>80033If you're going to go based on some stupid trope, what about the "women are natural nurturers. They want to fix you!"
I imagine robots to be an even more unattractive version of the character Tom from 500 Days of Summer.
No. 80046
>>80033Clearly you don't have a lot of relationship experience. I want to be my bf's shoulder to cry on. I want to be able to help him when he's hurting. I want a partner.
>alpha breadwinnerIf you believe in the whole red pill bullshit then you're a lost cause.
And with the breadwinner thing, do you think women are living in poverty, waiting for their paycheck aka bf to show up? I don't need a breadwinner.
No. 80050
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>>80046damn girl you tellem
No. 80052
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>I want to be my bf's shoulder to cry on. I want to be able to help him when he's hurting. I want a partner.Wish there were more girls like you.
No. 80053
>>80052All women say this but it's not something they actually mean
They cease being attracted to you if you let your guard down and open up to them. Similar to how no woman would ever want to be with a guy they saw get beat up
No. 80055
>>80053Why do robots always presume to know what women are "really thinking"?
Where do you even get these batshit ideas?
You have no experience with women. How could you possibly know what I'm truly thinking? You don't. These are the things you tell yourself to make yourself feel better in your loneliness. Why would you even want to be with a woman if they are so heartless and cruel?
No. 80057
>>80052I'm a bull headed asshole and even I feel this way. Fortunately for my boyfriend's mental health, he is well adjusted.
Your partner/friend wants to be there for you and make you feel better. BUT if you continuously feel sorry for yourself and don't allow someone else in, then nobody is going to understand and stick by your side because they feel hella shut out.
No. 80066
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>>80056>>80057I want to have a relationship based on trust too but last time I did that I got cheated on two weeks later by my first and only girlfriend. Since then I only talk to internet strangers about my stuff, never show weakness in real life. I wasn't even this fucked up in the head back then, just depressed and tired as hell from school and working like hell to pay our debts with my father.
No. 80070
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>>80068N'ah she just straight up told me she doesn't want to talk about my depressing shit after I found out and wanted a "real man". Have a real time connecting and trusting people since then, don't know maybe the meds I'm on will fix it soon and my debts will be paid in three months so maybe I could also fix my problems I mentioned in previous posts.
No. 80086
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>>80083Of course not, there are sure great girls out there. I just don't socialize much and don't have opportunity to meet them. I don't hate people for actually preferring attractive, well adjusted men instead of me, even I wouldn't want to date myself. I have too many stuff to take care of before becoming likable.
No. 80095
>>80089My problem is I like a type that's probably not good for LTRs. Somewhat histrionic nerdy types. As a result I end up in relationships where there isn't really the same level of raw desire, for whatever reason, since I actively avoid that sort of girl as I know they're not good for relationships.
On the whole though I think I make the right choice. I used to date a girl a bit like that who cut all the time and blamed me because she said I should have told her parents (despite her expressly telling me I shouldn't when I was about to). And the ones who are into that asian men trend are even more super obnoxious, as /pt/ and /snow/ show.
No. 80105
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Are we posting cats?
No. 80172
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Man this movie is so fucking beautiful.
No. 80250
>>80172Downloading this now
Looks awesome
No. 80291
>>80286Ok just humor me a bit
What would telling her do? She already knows her ex is a dick and her nudes are already out there. I dont see what telling her would do. She's not some super hot girl tbh and I doubt they'll ever be reposted for her to see
I'm still just mulling this over
No. 80293
>>80282>Why do you come to contaminate lolcow?I dunno. Just a fun site and it's interesting
>Why do you come to contaminate lolcow knowing it has a female userbase rather than staying on any other male friendly board?Why go to 4chan? I just find it interesting here
>Why haven't you committed suicide yet?Parents are still around
No. 80320
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Loved this movie. Thanks fam
No. 80326
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May as well shill it a bit more
No. 80327
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No. 80338
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>>80327>>80326>>80320Right? Animation style and colors are so fucking beautiful.
No. 80399
>>80396We don't do any of that anymore, unfortunately. We pretend men and women are exactly the same mentally speaking, in direct contradiction to scientific evidence.
Women are fragile and they do need to be protected. You'll never convince me otherwise. I have sisters.
No. 80400
>>80399I'm not defending either stance (whether they are or are not).
Be protected from what?
No. 80413
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>another explosion in Ankara
No. 80416
>>80381Feels pretty fucking bad tbh
In history very few men reproduced and those that did are the Chads of today. Now that the whole traditional marriage and dating construct is falling apart we are going back to the old days
No. 80420
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>mfw police are on alert and they put out an alert for a possible attack on subways>have to use subway to go to work everydayWill I finally be free of everything soon?
No. 80427
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>>80426Murrikans knew it yet our intelligence agency didn't do anything about it. Also it was posted two days ago, not this morning.
Fuck this country, I can't take it anymore.
No. 80428
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>almost +150 dead
No. 80451
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>tfw small dick
No. 80546
If historically only chads reproduced, then are we all the children of chads?
Wouldn't that mean that we have some chad genes?
No. 80558
>>80548But if chad is so dominant, wouldn't his genes be the dominant ones? Like, that's the whole point, right? That chad shows genetic superiority, and so he is wanted by every woman. Why wouldn't his offspring be more likely to show his dominant genes? Don't robots say that women pick chad because they want his genetically superior babies?
So after a while, wouldn't beta-ness be eliminated after a few generations?
No. 80590
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Last cig ever. Made it down to one every 3 days and now I'm done :D
No. 80591
>>80558Not for the past few centuries or so because we've had marriage as an artificial institution for stability so everyone got one partner even the betas
That's coming undone now and we're back to the natural order
No. 80601
>>80559High testosterone and assertive/borderline asshole behavior would be my guess
>>80595Oh ya forgot about that. Those videos helped me a bit in high school. I also love points systems and stats. hnnng
No. 80603
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Why can't I into school
No. 80627
>>80603at least you can afford school
even with maximum federal loans I can't cover the cheap local state school
and since my parents are poor as fuck there credit rating is too shit to co-sign any non-federal loans.
guess im gonna have to be a drug dealer all my life
No. 80636
>>80635Dude, no he isn't. All women don't want the same thing. Chad is the red pill boogeyman that you can never live up to. Thinking about "him" just reinforces all the shitty robot insecurities: you will never be enough, you can never improve enough, you can never be "normal".
If you're sad that we're past the days when women had to marry for necessity, then you're basically saying "if there is no social pressure for women to marry, I will never be in a relationship. She would never choose me if she didn't have to".
No. 80641
>>80636Kek. I was about to say "Chad" is the robot's boogeyman.
God damn, grow some balls and take responsibility for your shitty personality.
No. 80643
>>80642Is it a meme tho? Chad certainly has a mythology with robots. They fear him. They tell all kinds of stories about him. They talk about their fear of chad all the time.
Chad seems to be hiding around every corner.
No. 80648
>>80647Also, why do they seem to come here and basically use the thread instead of a shrink.
Like step 1 for robots who come here should be to get a therapist. They all seem to have major baggage.
No. 80649
>>80643He is everywhere, that job you're busting your ass to get? He got it without breaking a sweat thanks to his daddies connections. That girl you spend days just to get a date? He gets in to her pants in 5 minutes. Trying to improve your pathetic manlet frame while going to gym 4 days a week while maintaining a perfect diet? He drinks and eats shit while going for a day to do curls yet looks better than you. Socializing? He is the master of it thanks to confidence he got from his childhood with constant positive reinforcement while you struggle to fix your issues. While you're balding in your 20's he will still have a thick head of hair on his head. You can never compete, never be good enough, you will always get compared. Life is a fucking cosmic joke.
>>80645 Not falling for the not all girls are same meme anymore after seeing the sweetest girl I've ever known cheating on her bf without ounce of regret with a turbo Chad. Almost all my friends got cheated on once with a Chad.
>>80647Because no matter how much you polish a turd it's still shit. I do all of that but it doesn't mean shit when you're an ugly balding manlet with a small dick. Going to a therapist won't make you less of a genetic failure.
No. 80651
>>80649Here's the thing though, in life there's always going to be someone better than you at something. You can't be the best at everything. Most people make peace with that, and find happiness in their strengths.
So what are you going to do? Wallow in your own misery? You're clearly depressed and have zero self esteem. A therapist can certainly help with that.
I know cheaters, too. My dad cheated on my mom (who paid her way through university by working hard and saving all her winnings from beauty pageants, so she isn't some ugly moron). But I see that as a fault in my dad, not my mom. She is beautiful, accomplished, a wonderful mother, patient, loving, creative, etc. He's the selfish one who cheated instead of trying to work on his marriage.
Why can't you guys see that the cheaters are defective and cruel, not the ones they cheat on?
No. 80658
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>>80651Doesn't fucking matter. See this thread and how they react to non-chad men.
>>>/g/22648people get cheated on because they are inferior. It's either killing yourself or swallowing your pride and act like a good cuck and settling for Chad's leftovers in a relationship where you partner fucking hates you.
No. 80666
>>80663but… how can you not realize that the most unattractive trait is that exact attitude? you're acting like a spoiled little child. so you're ugly then? is that is? you realize that "beauty" is subjective right? do you have a small penis? learn to finger/eat like a champ, no chick will care if you're head chef so to speak. ok so, you're now the pussy eating-fingering-champion of a place where you fit in with the beauty norms and you're still not getting chicks? >nothing i do will ever matter
it's your personality dude. fucking stop feeling so sorry for yourself. you insist on coming on to a heavily female board to whine and cry. why? just to point out how miserable you are? or do you actually want some hints? if so, the biggest gift you can ever give yourself : stop feeling sorry for yourself, focus on shit you like, remember that no one owes you anything and work on your god damn personality. we are not trophies, we are just people whos genitalia goes inwards. treat women like people and i promise you shit will change. we're not ~queens~, and we are not your cumbucket. humans. people. get the fuck over yourself and the pussy will come to you dude.
No. 80667
how's r9k doing? I gave it up for new years, and with this place I never have a strong desire to go back. I miss the britfeel threads a bit though.
>>79559What was the content? Typical robot bullshit?
>>79377Are you going home to see her then?
No. 80670
>>80665Seriously. These robots have such a black and white worldview that they classify everything into "alpha and beta" no matter what we say.
Like did the robot even read the thread he referenced?
No. 80671
>>80666Seriously. What does this robot even want? An audience to whine to? Because I'm not here for that.
If he wants to be a martyr, he can go back to r9k.
No. 80674
>>80666>>80664Ever seen people looking at you with disgust even though you're clean and dressed nicely or have people move away from you/flinch when you catch them from falling to the floor in the bus even without a single thank you? This shit is my daily life. I could be confident and I would be creepy, I could be a good guy and get branded with "nice guy", I could try working on my body but I would be the "overcompensating manlet". You can't fucking win as an ugly guy.
>>80667It's shit, normies and bait threads everywhere.
>implying you wouldn't do the same in real life >>80672
> No. 80675
>>80674ok jesus christ dude let me put this in terms you'll hopefully be able to comprehend :
you are paranoid
you are not well
seriously, do you realize how deformed and oozing with puss you'd have to be for people to legit "flinch away in dusgust" from you? your eyes probably scream "i'll slit your throat bitch" because of how insecure you are. GET HELP. jfc.
No. 80676
>>80674>ever seen people looking at you in disgustHave you ever heard of paranoia? Or narcissism? Or a therapist?
Here's the thing. In your life, you are the star of the show. Those people are just the extras. They are "walking man 1" and "walking woman 5". They don't even appear on the credits reel in the movie of your life
And you're acting like they're the main characters. You're acting like they know everything about you from one glance, so they obviously looked away in disgust. Its like you've already read and memorized the script where you're playing the role of "disgusting man", and everyone is playing along with it.
But what if I told you that in the grand scheme of things, you didn't matter to them.
No. 80678
>>80636>Dude, no he isn't. All women don't want the same thingThere is some variation, but ya they want a tall lean handsome and confident guy 99% of the time
Not saying it isn't impossible for robots to get to that point
No. 80679
>>80647I don't because I have a pretty bad skin condition so everything else would be kind of pointless if I don't get that sorted out tbh
If I somehow ever get this issue sorted out then I think I'll be fine. Until then I'm kinda stuck
No. 80685
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>>80684Just let us be comfy here
pls no bully
No. 80687
>>80678Jesus Christ those are just generic features.
I want someone who I have good chemistry with. Who I can support in the hard times, and lean on when I need to. I don't really go after a cookie-cutter physical type. For me it all comes down to how we mesh together. Are we attracted to each other? Do we have shared interests? Do we have similar values? Can we talk about anything?
No. 80690
>>80685I think a lot of robots need to hear some harsh truths. They seem to enjoy beating themselves up mentally. They complain endlessly about being worthless.
We aren't your therapists. If you're feeling worthless, what are you gaining by complaining to us about it? Do you want me to hold your hand and say "yes anon, you are absolutely right. You have no value"? Because I'm not going to do that.
Don't come here for a pity party. Stop acting like a martyr.
No. 80692
>>80654Every shitty behavior is programmed into genetics/race/sex/etc and has nothing to do with the individual's education, psychology or environment.
Now, seriously. Dudes, do you truly fucking believe this? Every goddamn robot/lonely male infested shithole holds that kind of mentality as some kind of dogma and is a constant shield of an excuse to explain everything that happens in the world for them.
God robots are sure stupid. How swallow do you have to be to literally believe this?
No. 80693
>>80687That was my point fam. I know a lot of just b urself and act confident posts are a meme but I know it goes a long fucking way in all honesty
I'm just not a confident person sadly. I wouldn't be terrible looking without my skin condition either. Here's hoping it goes away with time :)
>>80691I think you're all just a bit flustered with the guy who was here earlier
I've learned a lot from these threads
No. 80699
>>80693>>80694flustered anon here. I'm glad to hear that this place is helping some of them/you. i try to stay away because i get so frustrated by pathetic whiny ~woe is me~ robots, but this time i couldn't contain my frustration.
I remember hanging around 4chan back in the day and always feeling slightly out of place due to my gender. finding this place was wonderful. I don't want it riddled with misogynistic cryfappers. I do on the other hand like the possibility of doing something to thin out that population by helping.
No. 80701
>>80698there are always options. you have accutane and proaccutane. they can kill you, but they can also save you.
Anyway just a little positive note; my dude is the typical "chad" in terms of looks, he is tall, well built, and handsome. AND he has acne. I don't even see it, because, you know, people usually don't if you dare to look past it yourself. if he'd been whiny and hated himself for it i think people would have noticed it. you are probably a good 6/10, you just have to get over your acne and start fixing your personality/working on your psychological issues.
No. 80705
>>80701It's not acne. I wish it was that straightforward to solve
>>80703I've told her exactly that. She's nice and easy to talk to surprisingly. Didn't think I could open up to someone about that irl before
No. 80707
>>80702Aw anon that makes me so sad.
Maybe that just isn't the right therapist for you. Sometimes you have to shop around until you find one you click with.
No. 80711
>>80701Also to add to this it also has to do with me not really realizing how bad it actually is. Depending on the lighting and time of day it can go from me looking relatively fine to me wanting to never leave my room. The uncertainty about how it actually looks is pretty bothersome
>>80706I have to leave, like right now. Gonna be late. Will you be back later? I'm trying to build a skincare routine, but I literally zero clue what I'm doing tbh. I tried asking on reddit a few days ago but got zero responses.
If someone emails me at my throwaway (see email field) that'd be great and I could send pics of my skin and it'd just be easier. Alternatively just wait around for me to get back
>>80708Would love advice on this!
Thanks for the support so far
No. 80716
>>80711I'll be checking back from time to time. If you tell me your symptoms and budget I bet I could recommend you a good three step skin care routine. Daily care is super important.
Also, have you ever used makeup? If you can't treat your symptoms, surely you can cover them.
No. 80737
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>>79622>>79622>>79625She's feeling better now it seems. She's eating breakfast :D
No. 80738
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>mfw did the anti-depressant/alcohol fueled whineposting fest again
I'm so sorry, I keep doing this
No. 80744
>>80742I've done the same man.
For me basically I'll be in a shit mood and make posts I don't even agree with, but for whatever reason people not agreeing with said view I don't even have pisses me off.
Been a few months since I've done that though
No. 80747
>>80713>>80716Not sure if it's rosacea or kprf as I was diagnosed each by a different dermatologist.
Basically I have irritated or inflamed blood vessels. It fluctuates a lot from being fairly noticeable where I'll just look a bit rosy all the way to holy shit what is wrong with my face! It doesn't look like a natural skin tone at all. There is a very clear line from where my normal skin ends and the blotch of red/pink ugliness begins. If I could keep it just at rosy levels I could manage ok I think.
It also hurts, a lot. Don't really know how to describe it, but I can feel it on my face, sometimes more than others for sure. It'll range from just feeling kind of irritated to my face feeling like it's on fire and my eyes water. I don't know what kind of temperature or setting
triggers this. It's not during extreme cold or extreme warmth. Being hot and sweaty is not what I'm talking about because that feels much different. I had a class in a trailer a few years back and they would blast the heater which made that class so unbearable because it
triggered what I was referring to above literally every day. Hard to concentrate for sure. Obviously the redness levels typically coincide with this which makes me self conscious and in pain
It appearing when I was 14 so part of me hopes it's just a hormonal thing that'll go away as I get older.
I was taking pictures and it made me even more unsure of how it actually looks. In the lighting where I am sitting now I took a pic and you could hardly see any of it. The shot that made it look the worst was when I used my frontview camera and stood by the window. Not sure how accurate that is because I look as pale as a ghost and the marks are a dark pink in contrast. Mirrors are a whole different story. The one I use now has really white and bright lighting and dear god does it look bad in that, but I've looked in others where I look ok
Anyways I've never really gone into skincare all that much and don't know what I'm doing. If you could spoonfeed me products to use along with how often to use them and in what order that'd be fantastic
No. 80748
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No. 80752
>>80748>the men i've dated have been the shy, submissive, betaWhere do I find a m'lady like this?
I want a mommy gf ;_;
No. 80767
>>80747Okay, so we're getting somewhere here.
Your skin sounds like it is sensitive to dry air (like the air in the trailer from the heater). When it gets irritated and stings, does it feel dry?
Do you ever get pimples? Do you ever feel any oil on your face?
No. 80770
>>80768That's a whole different issue, my dude.
How much do you drink per week?
No. 80771
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>>80770Through all weekend and once on week days if I'm turbo stressed/sad.
No. 80799
>>80791I'm on Effexor, too! But I used to drink heavily before I was put on it. I stopped drinking heavily shortly after I started my meds.
I just feel more anxious and depressed the day after I get black out drunk now. I can get tipsy, and drink socially, but I often don't because (and it sounds awful), it just seems pointless. If I'm going to drink, I'd rather be hammered.
But again, I was like that before the Effexor. Luckily, I was kind of growing up when I started using it, and I didn't want to drink that much anymore…not because I don't like drinking, but because I don't want to be a hot drunken mess.
No. 80804
File: 1457995876978.gif (149.92 KB, 500x282, 989.gif)

>tfw you have an internet gf from lolcow
still a kissless handholdless virgin but there is hope
No. 80844
>>80843I actually will spend a nice amount of money on this.
I want to know how does this stuff feel like. I'm tired of being scared of sex and intimacy.
I'm terrified about doing this, but i think i must do it. For my own good.
No. 80856
>>80844Why don't you get a girlfriend or one night stand instead? I'm sure you're not that bad looking, or is this about wanting to fuck a girl that looks like a model (high priced escorts)?
Sex isn't that amazing in itself, but I think it varies across individuals. Sex is like kissing or dancing. It can be passionate, slow, fast, shy, loving, angry or even forced. It's a bodily expression of emotions.
No. 80863
>>80856Because it scares me.
I tried having a relationship last year. Ended badly for me. Still feeling bad. At least i tried.
I want a relationship but it just doesn't happen. I'm way too introverted too. I don't like the ideaof ons nor escorts. But i have no choice.
No. 80867
>>80863Nothing wrong with being introverted. Have you tried online dating? Or perhaps, websites that aren't for dating, but where you might come across some eligible women?
In my experience, women are more receptive to men on websites that aren't specifically tailored to dating. If a guy messages me on okcupid, there's no romance there. If a guy messages me on instagram, twitter or even 8chan it's more intriguing.
It's how I met my soon to be husband actually. We're getting married this year, met him on 4chan of all places. I was one of those attention whore timestamp girls, he started talking to me and we hit it off.
You need to start loving yourself, because even from the limited amount of text I have, I can tell you're well put together. You don't need to be some buff chad or extroverted barthomelew to get the waifu of your dreams. If you DO want to get jacked, more socially apt etc. do it for YOURSELF don't do it to get a girl.
Wounds will heal, nd your past relationship that ended badly will be nothing but a funny anecdote to you. You need to keep fighting for yourself and for your own future. Women will come and go, if getting an escort is what you need at this point in life, I say go ahead. But keep in mind you can easily get a girl without paying. Don't devalue yourself.
sorry for rambling, am sleepy
No. 80868
>>80866>will be less nervous when he eventually has sex with someonethat's a great point. Reminds me of this channel 4 documentary on "older" virgins. Once they had sex with a prostitute they reported feeling much more at ease with women, like a weight had been taken off their shoulders etc.
It's something to be careful about though. Prostitution may be illegal where anon is, it might be dangerous, he might get robbed, beaten or led on. It's not an ideal situation, and I hope anon stays safe.
No. 80883
File: 1458021303236.png (119.62 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-03-15-07-53-45…)

So freaking cold today, weather was really great two days ago too. Spring pla come I can't take this dark weather anymore
No. 80901
>tfw in class>tfw people just won't shut the fuck up>teacher not giving any shit >all these different voices mixing and hurting my headWhat do these people talk about so fucking much? Can't they just wait until the fucking break? Fuck I'm mad.
>>80898Socially retarded men are not capable of pump and dump.
No. 80907
>>80906Lol okay buddy.
If that's how you want to spin your conspiracy theories, then that's nice.
No. 80912
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idk why you girls are persisting in trying to rationalise with these wasters. They're losers precisely because they won't take any body's advice, not on here, not in real life.
You think they're actually interested in what you have to say when you're in here making gentle suggestions of dating sites and book clubs and they're acting mildly receptive?
They don't care, they're just here to vent and use you guys as an emotional sponge, and tomorrow once they wake up they won't sign up to a film debate club or start a diary or go for a long bike ride or try to learn a new skill, they'll sit down at their desk, turn on their PC, click on their lolcow/r9k bookmark and resume shitposting about how shitty their lives are and how unfair it is that nobody ever pays attention to them or tries to help them and why women are all whores for not dropping into their lap en masse.
Don't think you can help a person who isn't even interested in helping themselves. Their lives are "comfortable" the way they are and they've no real interest in changing that because they're afraid of actually living.
No. 80916
File: 1458040278191.png (2.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-02-02-30-11…)

>>80914Go out and actually try living your life fuccboi, then maybe you wouldn't feel so depressed.
No. 80918
>>80917I'm not a robot lol…I'm just telling my opinion. Most women are whores and most men are either abusers or rapists. Statistics back me up.
Also you are implying prostitutes dont nurse men
No. 80921
>>80912I don't know. Since they're away from their echo chamber, it is easier to have a conversation with them.
Radical internet groups are also a weird little interest of mine. I like to lurk batshit places like lookism or the coalpha forums. Honestly, if I was still in school, I'd totally pick one of those communities to do a report on. I find them really fascinating from a psychological and sociological point of view. There are so many contradictions that robots see as facts. And they get so angry at the perceived injustices in their lives. It interests me to hear them explain that shit in their own words.
I would love to be a fly on the wall during a robot's therapy session. I'd love to hear their thoughts as they were walking down the street. How can they be so self centered, but have zero self esteem at the same time?
Even the cap you posted says "chad deserves to bang your crush", and I find that very intriguing. Breaking down that statement, combined with the other content in that comment, the take-home message seems to be "you're a loser. You can improve yourself if you're motivated to, but chad will always be there to play with your toys." Knowing how so many robots feel like they don't want to date a woman who chad has "used up", I feel like the comment has extra stinging power. It is implied that there is a threshold you must reach for your crush to submit to you…but by the time you reach it, she will already be tainted. You're going to lose anyway. You'll never be special.
So even comments trying to set robots straight on r9k play into their delusions. I think robots can benefit by us not participating in that. They want that captive audience. They want that pity party. So even if they don't do a 180 and change their lives after talking to us, challenging them or insisting that they get therapy will hopefully give them a bit of a slap to the face. Maybe during their next drunken rant, they'll look at themselves in the mirror and say "maybe I do need therapy?"
But until then, I'm comfortable with asking them questions and seeing how they justify their bullshit and contradicting ideas.
No. 80923
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>>80922I'd fucking sacrifice my left ball to become an average white robot living in West. I can't use subway and walk for 1 hours after work because I'm afraid someone would blow it up, we don't have food to eat at ends meet sometimes. I take care of my sister and mom while dad is looking for a job but can't find any because he's old. I too have tfw no gf but these guys are pissing me off.
No. 80933
>>80931Don't worry, man. I totally get what you were saying.
Robots act like their life is ful of dramatic suffering, but when you put it in perspective, they don't have it half bad. Especially compared to turkey-kun…who provided us with examples from his life.
No. 80934
>>80931I think robots lack the ability to form this perspective: you are able to recognize that there are other people in the world who are suffering more than yourself.
I find that when you point that out to robots, they just push their delusions at your further. They use histrionics to describe themselves and their pain (they are "subhuman", "worthless", "manlets") instead of direct language (for example "I have really love self esteem. I'm so insecure!").
They have an air of "you have NO IDEA how bad my life is!"
No. 80937
>>80936Are you
>>80912I hope not
No. 80938
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>>80936I am, I want to start therapy like Canada-chan asked me to but I have no money to spare and health care only covers psychiatrists. Man this latest thing really bombed my mood, one moment you are a living breathing human, coming back home from having fun with friend, two hours later you are just a number in a bombing. I can't wrap my head around it.
No. 80941
>>80938You have a doctor who prescribed your meds, right?
Ask them what they would suggest you do. Explain your financial situation, and see if there are any ways the fees can be reduced because of it.
There has to be some programs for therapists for low income people.
My city has a non-emergency mental heath helpline. Does yours have something similar? If they do, call and see what they suggest.
No. 80944
>>80938This is awful. Just awful. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this right now.
I know England has a lot of problems, but at least I cab afford to walk around daily without fear of being ripped to pieces in an explosion. /robots/ have no idea, selfish bastards.
No. 80961
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>>80920I'm a farmer but you remind me of Shiv.
No. 80963
>>80959I'm not race-baiting at all, merely stating the situation here. My uncle in law and cousins are Kurdish, my sister's bf is Kurdish. I have no problem with Kurdish people and only hate the ones hurting other people, be it Turkish or other people. I am not my government nor I am proud of what they done. Seems like you're getting
triggered for wrong reasons.
No. 80973
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>mfw AKP shills at work defending Erdogan near me again
No. 80983
>>80959Kurds are legitimately bad people and most of the massacres you're referring to had kurdish shock troops committing the most egregious abuses.
Kurds image in the West is just pr.
t. Greek.
No. 81005
>>80983Hello komsi
>>80979Whatever you want m8
No. 81012
>>80867Of course it's not "wrong" to be introverted, it's just that it hinders your chance with a sizable number of women. I would even say the majority, but i don't know exactly if by majority i mean a 60,70 or whatever percent, but it surely is above 50 %.
Dating online weirds me out. I have seen way to fucked up shit on the chans to trust people on the Internet.
I don't like myself too much, true. I'm sad most of the time, but i have been like that since forever. I'm buff, if only because exercising became a hobby of mine and one of the few places where one can be on his own and not be shamed for being a loner.
Oh and about the past wounds shit… i don't know how normal people do it. I wish i had a thick skin like most people have. These things devastate me.
Lastly, i just wanted to say that i understand how stupid it looks to be shitposting about male stuff in a female-centric imageboard. It's mostly curiosity, i never thought i would see one, and it's nice to have counter-evidence against one's preconceived ideas. I post here as to not shit up the rest of the board.
>>80866My experience (well, at least my observations on how other people get in sexual relationships) seem to be that you need a bare minimum of self-confidence to get a relationship. It's just that in my case i don't really have a reason to be that much self-confident.
>>80868Wouldn't you be dissapointed that your significant other had to pay for sex?
No. 81017
>>80921That's an amazing post.
>So even comments trying to set robots straight on r9k play into their delusions.I know right? It gave me the same exact feeling when i read the screencap and then I read the post. The screencap is playing their game. It feels like is not the same kind of message
>>80912 is telling that is simply and plainly "fuck off". It's strange, because it (the screencap) its critizicing them but at the same time it feels like it is encouraging them. Is weird to explain.
Robots (and batshit insane internet subhuman beings in general) fascinate me in a similar way too. Not as people, but as guinea pigs to study. (lol, i bet robots in this thread will take this one as a personal attack by another weecked womyn), because I am not enable to see them as people anymore. They reached a level of self-destruction and misery (and then blaming such disgrace on everyone around them but themselves) that it's imposible to me to see them as capable people anymore. It's like some stereotyped character like the one from
>>80916 's pic came outside the page and started shitposting. How does a person become such a lowly being? How can someone reach this level of pathetic? It escapes my understanding how someone can have that little respect to oneself that they let themselves sink this low and do nothing to avoid it.
No. 81026
>>81020That's what I find so interesting about it.
I completely understand wanting a group of people to vent to, without judgment.
It just seems to be a void with r9k. Like it snowballs until the "subhuman" and "worthless" comments aren't being tongue in cheek. Until they truly believe it.
Then the self depricating comments start to be laced with anger. And the encouragement continues. At that point, you're so worked up, that when another robot mentions his batshit pet theory about how women/minorities/society are the cause of all your problems, its like "ya, why not?" Nobody else is questioning the theories or the anger. And suddenly there's a new circle jerk to join.
Rinse and repeat.
I'd love to be there for that tipping point: when a robot goes from joking to being a true believer.
No. 81031
>>81029Honest to god, I'd pick the guy I have the better connection with. If Hottie Nice Hair had the personality of a rock, why would I want to be with him? What would we talk about? What would we do together?
I swear on my cat, if I met a sweet guy who wasn't conventionally attractive, and I learned that he spent the last couple of years turning his life around, THAT would pique my interest. I would find that attractive. That's hard to do. It takes a lot of drive, self discipline, and maturity to pull yourself out of a bad situation, and I have a lot of respect for people who do that. I'd see him as a strong person for doing that.
No. 81036
>>81031Same anon here. I just thought of a little anecdote that goes along with this.
A couple of years ago I started to have a crush on a guy at work. Wanna know what he did? He washed cars. Like, you know when you buy a new car, and its super shiny and perfectly clean? He did that.
He was also a former addict in a methadone program.
He looked like a scarecrow; gaunt and haggard. But we were the same age. I didn't know much about him until one morning I saw him in the break room looking really upset. I asked him what was wrong, and he just spilled his guts to me. He told me that he's in a methadone program, and this is his first job in a while. He spent the last couple of years turning his life around. He has his own place, a car, he's working his program, and his boss was starting to give him a hard time about needing a day off for a checkup with his doctor. Obviously, the checkup was part of his methadone program, and very important. But he didn't want yo have to explain that to his boss. He was scared that his boss would think he was a scumbag.
My heart hurt so much for him. He was trying to hard to get things back on track, but he was so ashamed of his addiction. He was so driven and focused. I have so much respect for him, even today.
Nothing ever came of the crush. I don't like to try things with coworkers, and he was really working hard on his program and shit I didn't want to throw a wrench in it. But I was still attracted to him. He had no "status" as robots would say, but he just had so much passion for life. His drive to improve himself was attractive. His pride in his accomplishments was attractive.
No. 81038
>>81034Same answer. The peenor is not the root of happiness.
You could have a footlong chicken teriyaki sub in there, but that won't mean I'll cum.
No. 81040
>>81039They've never been true in my experience.
You need to let yourself see it.
No. 81042
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>>81040Well not like I ever met a girl I was interested in since high school, I'm starting to think that I lost the ability to like someone tbh.
Also I found that our city hall gives free therapy but looks like it's really shitty from the comments I read. Look like I need to save up and actually go to a good one.
No. 81043
>>81039Well here's another tidbit about my crush on the addict to kill the memes:
He had a kid! And I still had a crush on him! I even gave him a bag of Wii games that I didn't play anymore to give to his kid. He was working so hard to improve his and his son's lives. I really liked it. It said a lot about his character.
So to sum it up:
>Looks: he basically looked like a former addict. He looked kind of sick. He wasn't a beefcake.>Status: he was a car detailer>Money: he was a former addict with a kid, so he wasn't rolling in cash No. 81047
File: 1458069661024.jpg (189.66 KB, 900x998, 1457987842416.jpg)

>>81044Should I really try it? I really don't feel comfortable talking to a government issued shrink specially in this country.
>>81043Reading things like this gives me a sliver of hope to go on. I always just think even though I get my shit together I'll still get passed for people with better features.
No. 81052
>>81047>should I really try it?I think so! Even if the shrinks are government sponsored, they still have to keep your sessions confidential. If you were an immediate danger to yourself or others, they would step in.
Honestly ask yourself: what's the worst that could happen?
No. 81055
File: 1458071092193.jpg (988.82 KB, 1800x1283, 1457917650913.jpg)

>>81052Well guess I'll be okay if I don't mention my anti-government stuff and desire to hang Erdogan from a tree. I have a record for getting arrested at Gezi protests though, do stuff like this become a problem with these kind of programs?
No. 81058
>>81056Lol well, maybe leave that stuff out. But with the amount of political unrest in your country, I'm sure they hear that shit all the time.
Maybe make a list of the things you want to work on, and focus on that?
No. 81059
>>81055Your record won't be a problem. Therapists have seen some shit, and I'm sure your record will be mild in comparison.
At least in my country, a therapist can't have you arrested unless you're a danger to yourself or others. If you're talking about violent thoughts, that's okay. If you're talking about a violent action-plan to fucking murder someone, they'll step in. Like, I once told my shrink that I had a dream that I killed my dad's gf with a hammer. I wasn't arrested. We just talked about what I thought the dream meant, and my unfinished emotional baggage with my dad.
No. 81060
>>81058Well I'm already working on stuff I want to. Losing weight, trying to finish the western canon, start playing drums again and maybe find a new band to play with. I need more self esteem and confidence but I can't seem to get it by myself.
>>81057Well rights doesn't mean much here but I'll look it up just in case.
No. 81061
>>81060>rights don't matter much hereBut at least you'll have an idea of the general "limits" to stay within.
In don't want to sound like I'm belittling your issues, but you are struggling with some very common problems. So many people struggle with depression, and finding happiness in their lives. Do those problems sound radical to you? You just need some guidance.
No. 81063
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>>81062-some bad shit happened in my childhood, not the "meanies bullied me" : ( type
- stress management
- gaining self esteem, not seeing myself as a piece of crap on the sidewalk
- loving myself
I really won't have anything I wouldn't talk about if it was a private one but I have issues adapting to my life in my country and some dangerous opinions about the government so I won't probably talk about them. I feel like an outsider like I'm a foreigner or something. Can't really bond with anyone except some people, have problems dealing with people etc.
No. 81065
>>81039The memes are real, they are just lying to make themselves seem good. Who would be with a "goodhearted" ugly guy when you can sex a brad pitt. I mean who cares if he has an average personality…Goodhearted ugly men dont exist, they are bitter and shitpost on 4chan.
Just like ugly irl goodhearted girls like me
No. 81069
>>81063Honestly that's a great list of things to work on in therapy.
See how you mesh with the therapist before you get too worried. Treat the first couple of sessions like test-runs.
No. 81113
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>>81107Nope, I have no idea what that is. My little sis got this for me but we can't see each other much so can't ask her now.
>>81110Thanks, guess I can do it when I want to.
No. 81115
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I'm in a good mood, mind if I dump some photos?
No. 81118
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>>81115I've been getting in to photography lately but I still have no idea what I'm doing.
No. 81124
File: 1458078390862.jpg (5.87 MB, 4608x3456, 2016-02-01 17.29.05.jpg)

>>81123I think I fucked up the colors in this one.
No. 81134
>>81113Toner is a watery product that you put on a cotton pad, and wipe around your face, after you wash it.
It will clean away any leftover dirt, residue from the product you used to wash your face, and will close your pores.
If this is the anon with rosacea, be careful with toners that have a lot of alcohol in them. It will irritate your skin.
Also, instead of the peel, try exfoliating once a week. Those large pores could be the beginnings of blackheads. If you're worried about finding a good exfoliant, you can always look at the section of the store with the face sponges. There are rough sponges (they'll probably be labelled "exfoliating facial sponge") that you can use to exfoliate, and also this little plastic pad that has little nubs on it. I'll try to find a pic hold on.
No. 81137
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>>81134This is the exfoliation pad thing.
No. 81141
>>81136One more question:
That redness and irritation…does your skin feel dry? Or is it red and irritated from pimples?
No. 81147
>>81143Okay, so if you're looking for a basic product to start out with, Neutrogena is sold basically everywhere, and they have a pore refining toner. Neutogena as a brand is pretty good for skincare basics.
If you're looking for something from the drugstore that's a bit more hardcore try the brand Eucerin. They make a lot of products for sensitive and acne prone skin. Their products also are known to have no perfume, no alcohol (in certain products), and I've found them to basically perform as described on the label.
Eucerin has a toner for general "purifying" as they call it, with no alcohol, and one for acne prone skin with lactic acid. I would try the general purifying toner first. See how it goes, and then decide if you need to try the other one.
No. 81153
>>81152I find that neutogena is a good starting point for skincare. If it works, then great, its cheap and everywhere. If not, then you have to go up a level.
And when trying new products, always give them two weeks to find out how your skin likes them.
No. 81159
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>>81156I see, I'll check out the store tomorrow to see if there is any. I guess the sales girls can help me with it, thanks for the answers I'm gonna sleep now!
No. 81247
>>81214They appear to be "open" if they are clogged with dead skin and dirt.
Toner helps to wipe that away, making the pores appear "closed".
No. 81249
>>81233Honestly, exfoliate once a week, and start using a toner with your daily skincare routine. You probably have some blackheads, or maybe dry skin buildup.
But if you're the anon with the sensitive skin, I would avoid those "pore strips" that you put over the nose, and rip off. They will probably irritate the hell out of your skin. That's why I'd recommend a good exfoliant.
No. 81259
>>81256You know that robots start those threads to be shitstirrers, right?
You're being trolled.
No. 81381 thread
triggered me. I know it's just people being edgy for (You)s but god damn
No. 81388
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Random pic for visibility
>>81239This happens a lot after the robot diaspora trickles out. Their way to stop giving robots an incentive to come here
>>80920Everyone is capable of being equally depressed no matter their situation. I have a friend making $200k a year and he's on so many meds because he's a depressed fuck. Money doesn't mean anything if you dont have friends/family/any support system
>>80767Sorry I'm more than a bit late and hopefully you guys are around. I dont really get much acne. Obviously being a young guy I get some on occassion but it's really not that bad
I dont feel oily at all either. When it's irritated it just feels really hot. Next time it happens I'll pay more attention to it
>>80782Okay I'll look into it on amazon tonight. So bb cream is like make up? I actually got a handheld mirror today and it doesnt look super bad at least. Helped me get through my day
>>80802I actually had 3 treatments of that once. I'm going to call for pics (they took some before each session) and see if there was much improvement. You're always your worst critic and I dont see much change, but the derm says it looks a lot better
I was super busy and had no time to get post here. Doesnt help that this thread is on autosage but i hope some of you guys are here
No. 81400
>>81370I think admin forgot to adjust the bump limit for this thread like the previous ones.
>>81382Is she a known person in lolcow? She seems like lolcow material.
>>81388Not saying they can't be depressed m8, what I'm saying is they have loads of opportunities to fix their life with average effort.
No. 81549
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How goes the gf hunt boys?
No. 81581
>>81388Bb cream is makeup. Think of it as a foundation (skin-coloured, highly pigmented, and thinner than lotion. It is applied to the entire face to create a "foundation" of clear, even skin) + a light moisturizer. The "BB" stands for "beauty balm".
I use a BB cream instead of a foundation. It creates a more natural, moisturized look on my face. I have some acne scars, and dark circles under my eyes, and I find that when I cover those up, and use the BB cream, my face looks more natural. I used a foundation in high school, but I had more active acne breakouts, so I needed stronger coverage.
No. 81582
>>81388Omg I really wish this thread wasn't autosaged because I really want to teach you the ways of makeup and skincare. You have no idea. I woke up early and I'm on my second cup of coffee.
Anyway, if you're looking for a BB cream to try, I would definitely suggest buying one IRL instead of online, so you can test the shades on your hand. When you see one you think would match your skin, take the tester (if they have one), and squirt a tiny blob on the back of your hand. Rub it in, like you would on your face, and see how it matches your skin. Hold it up to your face, and look in a mirror (cosmetics isles are peppered with them). Does it match? Then you're good.
For drugstore brands, avoid Rimmel. The only thing I like from them is their Kate Moss lipsticks. Their skin products will probably irritate your sensitive skin. Also avoid Covergirl. Especially their scented products.
I'd suggest Physician's Formula (I actually use their BB line of cream, pressed powder, and consealer. They sell it in a set with all three). Their products aren't scented, and have been very gentle on my sensitive, acne prone skin.
I also quite like the brand Marcelle. If they have it in your country, I would totally check it out. I love their makeup and skincare. I used to use this "cleaning milk" of theirs, and it was perfect.
L'Oreal and Revlon are also safe bets. But stay away from the L'Oreal "magic" BB cream with the beads of color in it. I found it to be way too thin.
No. 81585
>>81582PS: if you're going to start using any kind of makeup, it is very important to wash it off every night before you go to bed.
Your skin will be worse if you sleep with it on.
No. 81590
>>81431Oh, I thought he adjusted it specially for these threads sorry.
>>81580T-thanks, hopefully I'll go down to 85-90 kg by summer if I go on like this and look normal.
No. 81595
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>feeling good>see this thread>>>/b/81494>not feeling good anymoreI need to get off internet for a long time.
No. 81603
>>81602Well, you also aren't attracted to men.
And, lbr you know you're depressed. So of course you're going to be extra hard on yourself.
Wouldn't it make sense that you might not be able to see what's attractive about yourself right now?
No. 81606
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>>81603Makes sense I guess, thanks for talking to me as always I'm off to cook some lunch.
No. 81617
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>>81606Well these came out okay.
No. 81699
>>81549Taken a backseat for a few years tbh
>>81581Thanks I'll look into it
>>81582No problem. I come here about every day or two usually. Alternatively my trash email is above
Skincare sounds so complicated, wew. I ordered a few products recently. I wrote down a lot from this post and others though. I have lots of time to try different stuff
>>81617Looks good m8
No. 81757
>>81703Update. Still feels dry and hot. Regret applying it, but now I know at least
>>81741It's a moisturizer that I've had laying around for months that I don't use much because I usually get this reaction. Decided to try yet again though. The bottle is kind of a clusterfuck, but the brand is Simple and it says light moisturizer spf15
>>81742Today I took a shower and then put it on about 10-15 minutes afterwards. I don't really wash my face with water much. That really flares it up, and looking up and seeing that isn't a great way to start my morning tbh. It doesn't hurt though, but I just get super flushed. I'll start doing it though. Back at home for a while I'd just fill the sink and dunk my head in. I don't have a sink I can do that with where I am though. I'll just splash around
No. 81795
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I must say fellow /r9k/ chums, this board is starting to feel like home.
What with the rate thread, the numerous racebait threads and the general bitterness/incompetence/ self pitying.What a comfy shithole.
>>81017Robots are fragile beings fully capable of kindness. They just have nothing to believe in and no one to believe in them. Which can do wonders to your self confidence :^)
From there it's a simple case of looking for the root cause until it becomes a cycle, that seems inescapable alone. Which is a problem because robots are alone.
Robots can't be "saved" because people don't judge them as worth "saving", which kinda leads into how shallow normalfags are and reinforces the image that robots are worthless which just sends them deeper into the rabbit hole.
No. 81807
>>81757It sounds like you need a new moisturizer. That one is giving you a bad reaction.
Just a skincare tip: wash your face with water and a cleanser, after you get out of the shower. Just water isn't enough.
No. 81887
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What a comfy day.
No. 81912
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Turkish guy here, something weird happened today. I was out getting lunch today all of a sudden two really tall girls approached me with bags in their hands, they asked me if I know where their hotel is because they were lost and no one knew English around. Their hotel was on my way so I told them to follow me, I dropped them at their hotel and they told me to wait outside a bit. They dropped their baggage and came out saying they wanted to buy me lunch for thanks, I accepted it of course. We had lunch together and talked for an hour, they gave me their number when we parted ways, told me to call them if I wanna hang and have some drinks. I don't understand a bit, Turkish girls don't even look at my face but things like this happened couple of times with foreign girls, I don't understand why they like me or wanna hang with me(these ones were Dutch). A-am I gonna get murdered or something if I go hang with them?
No. 81958
>>81912Aw dude I bet they thought you looked friendly, and you ended up being very helpful to them, and now they are thankful. They might even think you're cute!
I see no harm in having lunch with them. As long as you're in a public place, you should be fine.
I actually think this whole situation is adorable. It made me smile.
No. 81961
>>81871What meds are they?
It completely depends on the type of medication, and the dosage.
I've forgotten to renew my meds before, but I've worked at a pharmacy in the past. So I talked to the pharmacist, and asked if I could have an "emergency prescription". They had my pickup history, and my meds aren't a controlled substance. They were able to prescribe me half of my prescription (which I had to pay for…but still). So i was okay until I could get it renewed.
If you explain the situation to the pharmacist, they might be able to help you. Think about it, what if you were in vacation and forgot your meds? They'd have some way to help you, right? Or what if your wallet got stolen, but you still needed a prescription?
There's no harm in asking. Maybe you can talk to your doctor who prescribed the meds, and see what they would suggest. Sometimes doctors have "testers" of medications with them. Your doctor might be able to give you some of them until you get the money for your full prescription.
No. 81968
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>>81958>>81959Guess I'll take my chances, I looked a bit weird next to them they were like 1.90 or something(I'm 1.79). Seriously I really don't get it, this happened when I was in Japan and US too. I think the reason I'm depressed is because of this country because I had some girls genuinely interested in me in both of those countries but anyways this thing made me feel really good. Never had any girls treating me like this since 5 years ago I think, got a bit of an ego and confidence boost tbh
>Aw dude I bet they thought you looked friendlyheh, probably because I look white as hell(dark blonde, curly hair, really pale)since I'm half croat.
>>81961Efexor XR 75 mg, I actually have the prescription but you sometimes have to pay some extra money because social security won't cover all of it. I thought I had one more film and postponed getting them to pay for the electricity and gas but I was wrong. I try talking to my doctor, my first box was one of those tester ones maybe she'll give me another one. I really don't wanna have those "withdrawal" effects when you stop using anti depressants.
No. 81971
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Wish this thread weren't auto-saging
No. 81984
>>81968I totally feel different if I haven't taken my effexor. But I'm a 120 woman who is five foot five, and taking 300mg.
Again, monitor your side effects. If you're the anon who just started taking the meds recently, your side effects will probably be minimal. They might seem hardcore at first, but you don't have that much in your system, so you should even out quickly.
Honestly, call your doctor and explain the situation. Ask if you can have a tester to use until your next payday.
No. 81990
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> But I'm a 120 woman who is five foot five, and taking 300mgWow, mad respect to you sis. 75mg fucked me up a bit for days and I'm 5'10" 238 lbs.
>If you're the anon who just started taking the meds recentlyYeah, I'm also the drunken rant guy, been feeling great lately and feel no need to do stuff like that anymore. Not feeling negative anymore, can actually see that I'm not ugly just need to lose weight. My balding was actually telogen effluvium and it's recovering slowly I'll hopefully get my curls back until summer, and this thing with Dutch girls happened today. I feel really really great.
>>81985This place actually opened my eyes, I was thinking too narrowly about life. You can't blame a whole bunch of people just because you had couple of shitty experiences, there are shitty people and great people in both genders. Guess I just needed a non hug box environment.
No. 81995
>>81895I'd say most guys in these threads don't go to /r9k/
You're fine
>>81807Alright I will. All these different creams just blur together for me. Still not entirely sure what the difference is between exfoliants, moisturizers, etc are. First bit came in the mail so skin routine soon :D
No. 81999
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Good night everyone, hope it'll be more active tomorrow. I really enjoy talking in here.
No. 82019
>>81990I'm the anon who couldn't stop sleeping when she first started her meds. It was from the beginning doses of effexor. That's how constantly tense and stressed I was.
I think you're starting to see things without the fog of anxiety and depression. I'm so happy that you're feeling more positive. I love reading your updates because there's always a touch more positivity to each one.
No. 82021
>>81995Moisturizers are exactly what they sound like: a cream to add moisture to your skin. Well hydrated skin is very important.
Exfoliant is a light cleanser with a gritty substance in it. You rub it around your face (it doesn't lather), massaging the grits into your skin to use them to rub away dry skin/dirt. If you don't use a cleanser based exfoliant, and you use a sponge, the mechanics are the same. The rough sponge will rub away the dry skin/dirt.
No. 82090
>>81997I asked twice on there and provided pics. Got no response kek. Same woth reddit
>>82021Thanks! I just used a product called prosacea I think (I'm in bed and I'll check the exact name in the morning). Didnt have a negative reaction yet and it feels good to actually put on. We'll see how that goes
>>81999Night bud
No. 82122
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Remember robots, just be urselfs
No. 82123
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>>82102>>82103>>82108>>82111HAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA GET FUCKED ROACH
No. 82129
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All short man needs to be eradicated.
No. 82196
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>tfw thread is dead
>tfw haven't talked to anyone for all day
admin pls fix the thread ;_;
No. 82271
>>82196>>82261Well it's a combination of this thread being on autosage and also it being indefinite hellweek (which is probably why this is on autosage in the first place)
I don't shitpost much on this site, but I was permabanned yesterday. I've been here for about 6 months or so with no issue, so I don't know what it was about. I'm sure mods had their reasons so I'll be off now and maybe come back in a few months and hopefully tell you all that therapy went well and that I can finally look myself in the mirror.
Good luck and thanks to all the anons who helped me out
No. 82324
>>82311Dude, don't beat yourself up about needing meds!
If you had high blood pressure, or a heart condition, would you be feeling down on yourself for needing medication to manage it?
No. 82326
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>>82325I feel sick after I eat, puked my guts out couple of minutes ago.
>>82324I just feel so fucking defective, why couldn't I just be normal? Why couldn't my brain just worked normally? Why do I have to be this miserable sack of shit? What did I ever do to deserve any of this? I feel like this is nature's way of keeping me out of gene pool and make me kill myself to remove me from the nature.
No. 82334
>>82328But you aren't weak. Chemical imbalances aren't anyone's fault.
Would you fault someone for needing glasses or braces? The human body isn't perfect. Sometimes it needs help.
There's nothing you could have done to prevent a chemical imbalance. Just like you can't do anything to prevent having bad eyesight.
What would you say if someone came to you and said they felt like a failure because they have to manage their body with pills, because of a heart condition?
No. 82341
>>82336I try to drink water, makes me feel really sick though.
>>82334>>82335I honestly don't know anymore, everything I conditioned myself in to has been blowing apart lately. Don't know what's right or what's wrong anymore. All my life I believed I was a worthless piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be happy but now that I felt a bit happy lately I don't want to go back anymore, I'm also scared shitless because the bomb yesterday went off 400 meters away from my office, I overslept and missed work yesterday. If I did go to work I was gonna pass by the place it went off, I think I'm probably alive right now by pure chance. Fuck I just don't know anymore
No. 82370
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>tfw forever a 12 cm dicked quarter man
>tfw born to be cucked
>tfw no women will ever respect me
>tfw never gonna have a dick like this
No. 82518
Wow, streets are so empty today. Passed close to the place that got bombed on Saturday. All windows are broken and shops are closed. Lets hope I don't get bombed today.
>>82505Lots of people think we don't deserve any.
>>82508Feeling a bit better thanks to nice weather today, I'm scared of more attacks though. Being really close to previous site also doesn't help.
No. 82595
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>meet girls
>get their numbers, promise to hang out
>bomb goes off next fucking day
>they return to their country out of fear
No. 82858
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fucking finally
No. 82976
I've officially lost interest in everything. I don't feel enjoyment doing anything anymore, not even 4chan. All my old hobbies and ways to waste time have just died off in the past few years, and I can't make myself enjoy any of them as hard as I try. I can't play videogames, read, make origami, watch anime, nor do anything else without just feeling…nothing I guess? It sounds edgy, but that's how I would describe how I feel 100% of the time now. Nothing.
Internet was the last to go. It was something I imagine I held onto for so long because it's the closest thing I have to socialization I get, but I've realized in the past few weeks I glean zero pleasure from it anymore. It went the way of all my other hobbies where I realized it just became routine towards the end with no enjoyment on my part, and I eventually cut it off. I haven't left bed for almost 4 days now and thought maybe I was refreshed and ready to browse 4chan again. Nope. I feel I don't belong on there, especially not fucking /r9k/. I was browsing it all day today and it just infuriated me in all honesty. These people just base their entire lives over how women perceive them, and I just wish that was my only problem. I swear the board is entirely made of high schoolers sometimes. I stopped caring for girls in the romantic sense a long while ago and their collective attitude just baffles and irritates me. I think I've outgrown 4chan and I'm no better without it, sadly. I just don't know where to go now , and what to do. I'm almost 30 now, and I know I've missed the boat, and have nothing but a life of working my same deadend job until I die. I'm really thinking of just clocking out early in the next year. I'm drunk off my ass and I know I'll regret this cringepost in the morning, but I have no one else to talk to
No. 83718
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>tfw rejected again
I thought I got used to this but still felt like I was getting kicked in the balls.
No. 84123
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So, how many of you other robots have been busted back to this containment zone?
I'm not toxic, just sad, I've kept myself civil, but as soon as you de-cloak to lend credence to a topic where it's relevant (Neckbeard hate thread) you get the hammer.
I guess that makes this place Wizardchan for chicks?
No. 84231
Never, but my time amongst the autists, like Dian Fossey with the chimps, has revealed to me their hidden world.
Really people are just big old reaction machines, and when most of their experience is negative, their reactions will be negative too.
You have to observe their behaviour with a scholarly detatchment, and ask yourself why they think and say the things they do.
You can of course simply settle with the idea that they are innately hateful people and deserve their misery.
But that's not going to be of much help dissecting the personal rationale at work, and can just as easily be applied to anybody with an axe to grind.
And of course, there is the problem of always tarring with the same brush, but this is a universality.
No. 84503
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Is there even a point in trying?
No. 85262
>>85106I am so sorry to hear about everything you've been going through. I know those sound like empty words, but I am truly feeling for you right now.
Please don't hurt yourself though. If your meds aren't working, then please talk to your doctor! If you're the anon who recently started effexor, then your body probably is just used to the dose you were on. It sounds like you're ready to be bumped up a dosage (which is completely normal, and totally a part of the process for finding your correct dosage).
Please tell your doctor about how you're feeling.
No. 85333
This place is not yours to screw it, get over it. For fuck's sake, why is it so difficult to understand that robots are not wellcomed in this site? Why is it so diffcult for you guys to take a "no" for an answer? You just don't owe every place you step on to fuck it over.
>I'm not toxic, just sadNo, you ARE toxic. When you are depressed it's almost impossible not to be annoying to a normal person, and this comes from someone who's been depressed for years and then had to stand other sad people outside chans. That you don't realize doesn't mean shit.
Just get over the fact people here don't share your opinions and, in fact, most of us hate the guts of the likes of you. You literally have thousands of places to go to chat with other hopeless men like you. No one forces you to be here.
>inb4 you're replying to a 8 days old post blah blahSorry not sorry. I came to see what's been of this thread since more faggots from r9k are shitting /b/ and /g/ yet again. Then I see you faggots whining about that you have been kicked back here again. We have this thread for you because we don't want you to be around us, as simple it sounds.
No. 88562
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Signed up for fetlife today advertising myself being a 23 y/o virgin
Hoping for a nice mommy gf to show me the ropes ;^)
I don't have high hopes
No. 89576
>>88603Yeah I know. Deleted it after a week after I got no replies to the dozens of messages I sent out
Feels bad