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No. 577270
Feel like shit? So does everyone in this thread. Vent to your heart’s content.
Last thread:
>>>/ot/571636 No. 577281
>>577274I feel the same, i'm stuck in an
abusive household and can barely do anything despite being well into adulthood.
I am looking to get a job asap save my money and run away when i'm self sufficient enough.
No. 577290
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My boyfriend always has dirty nails and i really don't know how to tell him i find it fucking disgusting. He's sent me mirror pics holding his phone where his dirty nails are visible and i make passing remarks like "clean those nails asap" and he says he will but when i visit him his nails are never groomed and have a line of black dirt.
It seems like such a silly nitpick but it really puts me off him and we've only been dating 6 months.
No. 577292
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>>577290Don't let this be you.
Get that mf to go get a manicure with you, or if you're from Covid timeline, doing each other's nails is fun too
No. 577293
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Had a zoom meetup with some friends yesterday, it went well and we talked about meeting up for a picnic this week.
>Took initiative to set it up this morning
>Six people in chat
>Only one girl has replied so far
>Not even a "can't make it" from others
I stg this is why they complain to me about never hanging out
No. 577296
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>>577290I fear for your vagina. Please don't let his disgusting paws on you unless you want a serious UTI or Yeast Infection.
No. 577305
>>577303Dump him
Your interest doesn’t have a community you can interact with?
No. 577330
Due to the GC subreddit being banned I had a look at all the women hate subreddits still up and I'm disgusted and upset. I mean I've always been upset about mistreatment of women, but this list of like…porn of women who are clearly hating it, rape, womens images being involuntarily put online for other scrotes to wank off to…including family! I understand being pornsick but it feels like a whole other level of lack of empathy. I saw a family pic of a mom and daughter in bikini pics at what looked like a pool party, posted with the request of wanking to them or something. If you were that mother, that sister unaware of your image being posted for sexual purposes…fuuuck.
And like, I hate that women are looked down on? For being more empathetic, symathetic, emotional…like that's the NORM, it's males that are emotionless psychos, and they're…what, proud of this because it's "badass"? How fucking stupid, and I'm even more stupid for having bought into that when I was younger. I hate that they control the narrative of what's desirable.
Anyway back to the reddit thing. Those subreddits are populated with damaged individuals who could actually see me outside, and look at me, and look at me through their messed up lens of just being a sex toy, and it makes me nauseous.
I'd hate all men but I vented about this to my male BFFs and they were very upset on my behalf and have always been kind empathetic people. If it weren't for them I'm sure I'd be KAM 2020.
No. 577332
>>577330AND ANOTHER THING totally unrelated, fuuuuuck the treatment of native americans. That should be some illegal bullshit man. And idk what that phenomenon is, but like whenever I mention it or hear about it people are like "apparently you can't use the phrase spirit animal because it's offensive" and it's like sure that's somewhat
valid, but what about the systematic oppression of native americans? What about the fact that the native american women are disappearing in disproportionately huge numbers? You're just going to ignore that to bring up such a stupid point? Like why are you focusing on something so trivial? Fuck you.
No. 577340
>>577330It's so depressing. You literally have no place online where you could anonymously talk about gendercritical things, not only issues concerning trannies but also sex work, porn and general female problems. Companies and websites are dragging their feet deleting child porn, rape, abuse and anti-woman content but criticizing men deeper than the "kill all men lmao!!!" clapbacks, i.e. thoughts that could
actually point out the unbalanced power structure, is strictly forbidden.
I seriously don't remember women being hated
this much in the 00's, yeah there were degrading jokes and shit but the actual vitriol a lot of people feel towards them is medieval. I feel like the gap between genders has been widened a lot during the last few years and women are relentlessly being pushed into a smaller corner against the wall, some crack and start sucking tranny cock or join them out of social pressure. Almost all of my previously lesbian friends are now men or nonbinaries. It's so depressing that sometimes I just want to give up and isolate myself but I keep believing that it'll get better someday. More and more people wake up each time they cross another line.
No. 577347
>>577330You know what's frustrating? The fact that a lot of misogynistic men seem to have blinds on, and genuinely think that women are the worst. Why do they think there are so many pickmes/notlikeothergirls who will bend over backwards for men's approval? They see and read all this hate and they want to be different, they don't want to be hated and try to be everything men want. You don't see men do that. And they still don't see that, they genuinely think women are this evil superficial beings just because they wouldn't fuck the first guy that asks them, because promiscuity in women is still seen as bad while for men it's not, verginity as a man is shameful while for a woman is pure and preferred.
Also i agree, if it wasn't for my brothers i would hate men too.
No. 577351
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>>577347It's crazy to me that men think feminism is this oppressive majority ruining their lives and controlling everything. First of all, the vast majority of men disagree with feminism or don't care at all. Maybe 99% of men will side with men. Then you have the massive number of pickmes and handmaids who are desperate for male approval, or simply cannot cope with the negativity when they have husbands and sons they want to believe in. Even aside from them, women are socialized to be agreeable and empathetic and put men first, so even many feminists will try to sugarcoat and soften it to protect male feelings. Feminists are a tiny minority and have had to fight for every right we've gotten, with men kicking and screaming the whole time. Misandrists are an even smaller group. No matter how you look at it, men always have the dominant majority of support.
But, who's surprised? See pic related, men always think our voices are much louder than they are because they want us to shut the fuck up.
No. 577357
>>577351Back when I was a huge pickme in my teens it was because I thought men were my sole protectors and I wanted to keep them happy so they would keep validating me as a Good Girl. By agreeing with
any male-critical views I would be clumped in with the "crazy feminazis calling for the death of all men" and they'd abandon me on the spot for not being cool anymore. A mindset many women still sadly have. It's their coping mechanism to survive in a world that's made for men. It wasn't out of hatred of pride, even though it probably felt that way, it was simply out of fear. I'm sure a lot of the today's handmaidens are like this too, which is why I can't do nothing but feel sorry for them.
A lot of these same men who were edgy chauvinists back then are now woke male feminists. But all it takes is a few beers and their pig behavior comes out. They just got better at hiding it.
Thanks for sharing the image though, it's shocking how much women are still suppressed in academic settings even today. And pretty much everywhere, just like the deleting of the GC subs proved.
No. 577360
I was upset about being laid off from my job, but then I realized it's okay, I was working there for a little under 2 years, and my friends were right- you don't want to stay in a company for too long because the best way to get a raise is to move positions. I'm still job searching but it's good knowing that I'm basically guaranteed a raise in my next role.
What's really pissing me off is remembering that my entire department (minus one person who probably is the biggest loser in this situation) got laid off, too. I was the newest hire. Some of those people worked their entire careers at this company and they just laid them off with not just zero warning but with getting our hopes up about things looking up for the company. I get mad thinking about how shitty my coworkers were treated. I know it sounds stupid but our department really was like a family. It's just so unfair that I essentially won here (nice severance package, got to leave after 2 years without awkwardly having to beat around the bush about wanting a higher paying job, government sponsored PTO) and other people are left with a severance package that definitely isn't enough for the work they've put in, being treated like they're disposable by a company they've given their entire careers to, and let's be real, most jobs are going to find a reason to not hire someone in that awkward 55-65 age range.
Ok, I feel much better now. I've been holding that in for about a week.
No. 577364
>>577349(You’re not asking for advice but I felt complied to reply with my unsolicited advice.)
It sounds like when you’re finally ready for sex it won’t be scary or awful with your boyfriend, because he is considerate and sweet. Every girl bleeds different when their hymen breaks (I didn’t even bleed at all that I could tell). If you take penetrative sex/play nice and easy it will only hurt for less than 5 minutes.
If you need to, get used to fingering longer before having actual sex.
Remember our bodies sexual functions were evolved to feel good, no need to be afraid of what is natural.
No. 577371
>>577364Thank you so much, it's always nice to hear experience from other girls.
The 5 mins thing is also nice, and luckily my bf is also a virgin - and he kinda hinted that he thinks he might last around a minute when we first do it lol.
Again thanks anon, it means a lot.
No. 577391
I still feel fairly traumatized about a breakup recently, I keep going back to the emails which are now buried in my spam folder. I'm trying to remind myself that cutting contact was ultimately the right move but all it does is make me upset at myself. It shows my replies when I never should have taken him off block. I never should have given in to society's narrative that women overreact to bad behavior from men, and given this irredeemable liar a chance to redeem himself. Because did he do so? No, he used the opportunity to jackhammer my self-esteem, harass me across multiple platforms, and gaslight me about what he did and said I was wrong in how I interpreted what he said. Then he attempted to paint a picture that he was the true victim from me having deleted him from my platforms, and I was the one with the issues since I said I wasn't going to give him another minute of my time until he proved himself by doing what he said he would do first. He never did, so the last few emails he spammed I left on read.
I hate his tone in these.
I hate how he didn't apologize and actually demanded that I was the one who needed to say sorry. The only thing he apologized for was "Sorry I didn't tell you I was uncomfortable by what you said," which is nothing but a backhanded way to blame me for what he did. The reason why I made him "uncomfortable" was because he pulled shit my exes did and I called him out for it. He had the audacity to play it off like he was joking, and that I should have known over text by the way he talks that he wouldn't have actually said that (of course he didn't say this at the time, just to gaslight me about it over email). Bullshit! Why do all abusive men demand women apologize to them? Are they such immature babies that they can't stand how their feefees hurt when there are consequences to the terrible things they do and say?
I can't stand that somewhere in the world sits this smug adult bastard living in his parent's house thinking women are the psychos and he's some kind of misunderstood king. I doubt many women stick around to fall for his bullshit–I only lasted a couple of months and it sounds like his exes think he's a dredge too. But still.
No. 577405
>>577330Reddit just banned r/banfemalehatesubs. A sub that advocated for the removal of actual fucking rape content and subs that were nothing but hatred and violence against women, like r/strugglefucking and so on. It's unbelievable. And yes, all the RedPill, MGTOW and violently misogynistic subs are still up. I could have
kind of understood the excuses for the removal of GC but there is NO reason to ban this sub. Literally none. It was not even a month old and broke no rules.
Reddit isn't even trying to hide their blatant anti-woman agenda anymore.
No. 577411
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I've been doing therapy for years to fix the negative impact my chaotic, abusive family has had on me for so long but progress is slow. I work hard on myself. I did stationary DBT for a few weeks recently and applying it is hard right now and adjusting to the outside world without a safe haven. I hope it will get easier with time. I see my therapist and therapy group again and it fills me with shame what seemingly little progress I have to show for (as I am in a minor rut). I struggle with extreme feelings of shame and guilt and low self-esteem.
Really, I need to find ways to stop the negative spirals in my mind and look at the positives. I mean, it's good that there is a therapist and a group that looks out for me without coddling me, right? Either way, I need to apply DBT to this somehow, maybe fact-checking and check if I'm reliving old feelings or wrap my head around it somehow and find a way to build myself up instead of obsessing and putting myself down. I just want things to get better, more structured and to "suffer" less when it's not necessary
No. 577413
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>>577405>men get so triggered by women having an opinion that they have to ban communities with just a few 1000 members>women complain>omg, why are you so bothered by this?! Why can't you just let others live their lifes?! You sensitive bitches live in an echo chamber, my right to fap to teen corpses getting analy raped is real life! It's funny and sad at the same time, what he said, "leave us alone" is all most feminists ever asked for. Please don't hurt us, don't harrass us, don't annoy us, don't meddle with our lifes and let us have our own spaces in peace. We're not asking them to do anything, just stop doing unneccessary shit that makes our lifes more difficult. But they don't understand this, because despite hating us so much they also feel entitled to us.
No. 577420
>>577412My guess would be either HPV or herpes, and yeah the men who tell you they were 'tested' to begin with are bullshitting about that as well. They don't test men for herpes or HPV unless it's specifically requested, men are just ignorant and think they've been panel tested for everything when they finally go in.
What likely happened is that they had a breakout ie. herpes on the lips, lumps on the dicks, and made a decision to go to a reproductive clinic to be tested for those specific symptoms. Oop-they find out they're positive for those stds, undergo a treatment, but then spread disinformation that they are 'cured' of it because they show no symptoms anymore. Their cope is that they're not contagious if they're not actively broken out, which is a falsehood and they know it. They know women have a tremendous and justified fear of HPV because of what it can do to us, and these days everyone knows that herpes is a lifelong, opportunistic virus that no one actually wants. HPV is also opportunistic and lifelong, even if not the cancerous strains.
Men have a vested interest in not disclosing their stds because if they were honest less women would make the decision to casually fuck them.
No. 577424
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I'm mourning my short relationship with this guy. Trying to reconcile the fact that we were fire and gasoline on most days but that we could also be really sweet and supportive together. He was a good kisser and lover and I'd like to think I am, too. He could be really cute. Some of the things that were hard to take were that he was extremely pushy and obtrusive and also heavily sexualised and rude and debasing often (which all has traumatic reasons for him but was hard to take). He also has ADHD and we just fought so much. And there was like no normalcy or stability at all. But I really just miss the good times. They really were good. He was there for me during a hard time and I appreciate that. It was worth it while it lasted
No. 577426
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My new sleeping meds fucked me up for last night and today. I get a stuffy nose (from most sleeping meds), can't breathe and can't sleep while being heavily tranquilized. Even now, half a day later, I'm still heavily tranquilized and trying to form thoughts and do urgent chores. Shit's fucking useless.
No. 577430
>>577424I’m proud of you for exiting before it got
abusive, anon!
No. 577433
>>577424I feel like the longer you are away from him the more you'll see it for what it was. I know I romanticized my
abusive relationship for a while after it ended but as time has gone on my eyes have really been opened. Here's to learning from our experiences I guess.
No. 577460
>>577458nah I should have said actually he is washed out and banned on pretty much every platform at this point, he carries a
toxic community with him everywhere he goes but is still semi-popular I suppose. He threatens me daily and I might have to get the police involved, again. for the 4th time lol.
No. 577484
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I wanted to sign up for a coding program to hopefully expand my current career and land a job that could bear to pay me over $20/hr after my bachelor's and master's degrees didn't help me much.
The cost for these programs is so oppressive and I can tell these people are predatory in the way they want to fast link my bank account and pull me into a two year commitment within 24 hours of sending their application invite. They're asking an amount per month that's basically a brand new car payment and while I could technically pay I could never suffer any emergencies. I couldn't call out sick from my job. I couldn't become unemployed, which is sketch as it is as I'm always a contract hire. I'd be so beholden to living from paycheck to paycheck at least during the program's duration and possibly long after if it fails to get me any better paid prospects. I wouldn't be able to ever spend on anything personal because I'd only have an extra $150 a month to spend on myself including food and personal hygiene products. That's not to mention the stress of working full time and then whatever demands this program would expect from me since they already encourage an extra 20 hours per week outside their virtual class times.
This advisor who's been trying to get me in this program talks about the financial risks so non-chalantly, "have you thought of a student loan through sallie mae?" Yeah uh gee, just what I need another fucking loan when I'm almost $50k in the hole from my old one. Literally can't afford any opportunities because of money.
I feel like an indentured servant. I have no support. I can't get help. Anytime anyone or anything promises to "help" me there's usually more of a benefit in it for them than what I stand to profit if I can at all.
I won't be able to save to afford a down payment on a house any time soon, so I'm stuck paying high rent on a shit property I don't own with the rate increasing every year. No man will ever help or support me because I'm not pretty and can't afford plastic surgery to make my body prettier, and the men I do get are all cheap bastards in the same financial crisis expecting me to help them pay for shit 50/50 with the added bonus of me having to perform unpaid domestic duties without their commitment like cleaning their spaces, cooking their meals, and putting up with their unhinged emotional bullshit because they can't be the men they wanted to be.
My parents are useless and immature themselves so I can't ask them for support. They have never gotten as far in life as I have especially at my age, and are swimming in their own debt problems despite making thrice what I do and got a pension. I can't even talk to my mom cause she's a psycho from her own trauma and acts fucked towards me to the point where trying to have a relationship with her is toxic.
Can't say I'll suicide cause I'm a coward and know I won't, but let's just say I wouldn't fucking care if I died tomorrow. I have little hope and my future is very bleak on it's current trajectory.
Maybe I should pop out some kids, become a drug addict, or do something criminal to land in jail cause it seems like help is really only extended towards people at rock bottom. Not people like me who are only at that pesky 'middling' bottom where we're told to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and to shut up and get back to our places. I'm so fucking sick of it.
No. 577491
I can't stand people who try to force their significant other into all their friendships. I'm now put in this shitty AF situation where I have to distance myself from one of my favorite people in the world because he insists on being a package deal with his girlfriend to an unhealthy extreme. To the point of literally trying to force all his female friends to be best friends with her.
Which I was totally open to, but it turns out she's actually pretty unpleasant to be friends with. She's sweet, but she is also incapable of rationalizing her emotions, taking adequate responsibility for anything she does wrong, has an intense victim complex, and oversteps boundaries to an extreme I've never dealt with in an adult friendship. She has made it adamantly clear that she feels personally victimized that myself and another girl in the group, who I have been best friends with for half my fucking life, aren't a best friend trio with her. She even went so far as to say she didn't want us to hang out without her and doesn't want us to have things we only tell each other and not her. This bitch is almost 30 and literally demanding to be included on equal footing in a 13 year long sister level friendship. Like WTF am I supposed to do with that?
And there's so many stories of conflict that arises from this shit. Anytime we need to fix shit with her, she's always 100% the victim and won't acknowledge any wrong doing. Her feelings are the end all be all. Doesn't matter if objectively you did nothing wrong, you still made her feel bad so you were wrong and should apologize profusely and bend over backwards to cater to her.
After 3 years of trying to work with this shit, I'm fucking done. It just sucks I have to step away from one of my best friends because he won't stop pushing his crazy girlfriend on me. I don't ubderstand it. I don't force people to be friends with my husband at all, let alone best friends, nor do I expect to be friends with his friends. As long as they respect hin and aren't jerks, I'm fine with them not being friends.
No. 577548
>>577497>>577484To add onto what the other anon said, check out Udemy. They have a lot of courses on sale (usually on sale from 13 - 20 cad) and have a lot of niche courses you can take. If one of the courses aren't to your liking, you can get a refund as long as you ask for it within 30 days.
Good luck anon!! You got this.
No. 577561
Damn, my big sister always accused me of humblebragging everytime I said that clothes my size barely exist, and kept telling me that we're the same size over and over again. And that I have no fashion sense whatsoever for wearing literally the only things I can find that are kinda ok on me. Then when I'm finally in a country where women are more or less my size she asks me to get her a shirt, to try it on so I'm sure it's the right size for her, and she tells me she'll pay for it.
Fast forward to today, I'm back in my country way earlier than planned, I give her the shirt, tells her she can pay me back anytime because she quit her job, and not only did she lose her shit because the shirt was too small for her, she was pissed that I didn't give it to her for free. What a fucking retard. She then claimed that I was lying and a greedy bitch for wanting my 30 euros back even though I don't have a job anymore thanks to corona-chan.
My other family members are sperging really hard over other small things that don't concern them too, I forgot how mentally ill everyone was but now I'm stuck with them until I get a new job. Thanks corona-chan for completely ruining my plans for the year and possibly my entire career plans and life!
No. 577568
>>577484You're very correct, they are predatory. you do not need to learn all of these things to become a programmer, but their resources for learning programming are great. don't give up. it is a skill like any other, very frustrating to learn at first but achievable. I really recommend you pick an area and specialize in it. Webdev is oversaturated, but mobile development is hot and so is cybersecurity. good luck anon!!
No. 577575
>>577568>>577445>>577543Thank you, anons.
I wish I could have done that. She obviously lied about how the cat gotten injuries, she even tried to twist it to other diseases etc but from what I've seen it was really obvious she got beaten up. That considering he also would always threaten to throw the cat out of the window etc.
I wish I could have beaten him up back, but it's not worth it at all. The important part is while I was around, the cat felt very nice and was treated properly. Mother said that cat even kept sleeping in my bed after I moved out. But I know my move out was and is worth it, because my mental health is good now, along with appearance and life quality. Living with them was hell on earth, because instead of a cat, I was the one who would get beaten up.
No. 577599
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Guys, what should I do? I really want to go to another dentist since I feel like my current one just isn't it doing it and I feel like he has caused more damage than good in the most recent past but I just didn't realize it up until recent. So I'm looking fore new doctors and I'm just ugh so overwhelmed. The thing that kind of hesitates me to make an appointment at the dentist that I would like to go is the fact that my teeth are currently super tea stained and unpleasant to look at imo. So I'm debating if I should get a cleansing before going to the new one? I also fear what kind of damage I have because of my current doctor because I kind of feel like there has been serious issues that has been not taken serious and it f r e a k s the shit out of me. Maybe one of the reasons why I have the absolute worst health anxiety again. On the top of that I got a stiff jaw because of the emotional distress that causes bad teeth grinding and there so many more issues that I'm just feel like I'm once there I will get a breakdown on how bad things really are. What do I do????
No. 577607
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Last weekend I have spent 12 hours in scorching weather working during election. We were cramped in small room and there was no ac, it was a fucking nightmare especially since we had to wear masks and it was hard to breathe. I proposed to change shifts because it's not fucking fair that my group will have to work again in hot weather without breaks while the other one gets comfy morning hours and a long ass break before they have to come back for counting votes. Nope, fucking Karens didn't agree. And of course the spineless group leader didn't say shit. I hope that after finall voting I will never see those fuckwads again.
No. 577614
>>577596Other anon is right, keep yourself to cash only as much as possible is a great way to limit your spending. I have stupid monkey brain and I really have to do a bunch of things to try and make it more difficult for myself to spend money/trick myself into thinking I have less money than I actually do so I won't spend as much.
Does your bank have an autosave option? I have a % of my paycheck automatically taken out and moved into my savings whenever it's deposited so that money is as good as nonexistent to me. I also give myself a weekly cash allowance. The rules are that I can buy whatever the fuck I want with that money, but I'm only allowed to use the cash and can't take out anymore cash until the next week. No one is stopping me from going into my savings or digging a little into next week's allowance, but that's just where you have to build up discipline. Keeping myself to a set cash allowance that I can spend on anything helped me to stop splurging on cute clothes or other non-necessities because I need that money to buy groceries lol (also I definitely bargain with myself a lot).
I'm also very much a visual person, so being able to see how much money I had left in my wallet helps me keep track of my spending habits as opposed to swiping my card everywhere and then being nervous as fuck when I open my bank app, not knowing how much money I've randomly spent over the course of a week or so. This also means online shopping is pretty much forbidden for me. I'm not perfect and I do buy some things I don't need on occasion and break my weekly allowance rule every once in a while, but I'm a lot better at handling my money than I was before. Watching the amount of money in my savings account grow and seeing my loan payments get closer to zero is a different kind of high that I chased throughout this, and is a very fulfilling one. At least you recognize that you have a problem with spending money, which is better than a lot of other people. Baby steps anon, you can be debt free and financially responsible with money in the bank one day!
No. 577627
>>577599put yourself into the shoes of the dentist or a doctor. do patients need to hide symptoms to look better in front of their doctor?
it's normal to feel sensitive or even shame about teeth in front of the dentist but really, they don't care with countless patients and dentists go to the dentist, too, and have issues, too. everythingg you wrote sounds plausible. you can voice concerns about your previous dentist to them and say you wanted a second opinion. chances are a good dentist will be mad at a colleague that mistreated their patients if that was the case
No. 577680
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>>577270mom died today. dont think its really settled in yet i just feel kinda numb. either way feels pretty shit.
No. 577743
Found out today, I'll most likely be forced to move in a year or so. The guy who owns the land my place is on has always been pretty decent to us, honestly, but he says lately, he's hitting hard times financially, and crops aren't producing like they should. He says he doesn't want to sell, but he feels he will probably have to. At least he had the courtesy to tell us that he'll help us look for a lot to put our trailer on. Still, I'm fucking upset.
Worse though, is the fact that my asshole drunkard stepdad has been living with me, unfortunately, for years. And while talking about all this stuff today, he made it sound like he was going to move with us (us being me and my mom). That pissed me off and upset me more than the moving, I think. I've been dreaming of being free from this asshole for so long, and then we get told we'll probably have to leave, and he wants to come along with us. So I told him that he's gonna have to look for his own fucking place, he's not coming with us. Which led to a big argument where he pulled the same old "Why do you hate me?" shit (to which I always respond, "Because you drink"). It then further led to him listing all of my faults, as if somehow I don't know. Unlike him, I'm well aware of my fuckups, I've made bad choices, and I feel like I'm stuck in life as a result. Meanwhile, he's so far in denial and is such a fucking narc that when we have arguments about his drinking, almost daily, mind you, he still yammers about how he "doesn't understand".
Fuck me, I wish I could go back in time and reset my shit life.
No. 577793
>>577790This sounds like hell, good thing you dodged this one anon.
I remember one time, an interview I got invited to was entirely about a thing that happened with the employee I'd be replacing and it was clearly a leadership issue. The people interviewing me agreed that it was, and that it couldn't be solved bc apparently a guy from higher up had a dumb idea that he forced the team to add to the product last minute. I kept being asked what I'd do in that situation and I kept reiterating "in the end it's a leadership issue and as a junior employee I'd just have to do my best to deliver what is asked but the timeline is nonsensical as you guys admitted so obv leadership needs to be the ones to address this, it's not on the junior when you spring something unrealistic on them that you admit is unrealistic". I did not get the job and I'm glad. Idk what answer they wanted to hear but they sounded insane.
No. 577820
>>577793my family kept nagging me to apply and "get your foot in the door" so my parents seem disappointed i didnt get it but hah no stress for me.
who knows maybe they wanted to hear "speak up blabla something something" but i would have had a similar answered to yours.
oh yeah also the guy that complained about hating his temps were leaving also asked how long i could work for. i said as long as im needed but he wanted a specifics so i said a few years and then he went on about "you dont have any other plans on what you want to do?" like what the fuck, didnt like employees leaving but also a few years is apparently too long. i suppose i cant stay a few years for a temp position but i didnt know what the fuck he wanted. he was complaining about employees leaving so i gave an answer that would make it seem like i dont plan on leaving soon but whatever.
No. 577831
>>577811i definitely am, it's just slow going so far and i'm having a particularly bad week
>>577815thank you anon seriously. im trying to remind myself that and change my inner narrative. and yeah he's super level headed so i've talked to him about it openly and he's been incredibly understanding. i can just tell that its starting to bring out insecurities in him. he believes what i'm saying but he also is starting to wonder if i find him attractive and i'm just being nice etc if that makes sense. and i feel super shitty that my dumpster fire of a mental state is affecting his self esteem too.
No. 577922
>>577917me too anon.
>tfw no peter steele vampire prince bfwhy live.
No. 577987
>>577983Yeah, definitely take this advice so his family starts calling you manipulative and he feels like he has to choose between you, an lolcow, and the people that raised and nurtured him for his entire life up until meeting you. That'll go well.
Strong woman, strong lines, boundaries, etc. Definitely do this.
>maybe ask yourself why he feels the need to go home and see his family so bad>maybe consider people have better relationships with their families than you do>maybe consider he loves his family and you making him choose between them or you is abusive lol No. 577989
>>577987This is my train of thought too. Anon stands to look like a lunatic trying to isolate him from seeing his family, especially if there aren't active cases in the area.
He could still go to visit, he would just have to quarantine himself in a particular part of their home for the two weeks he comes back per the guidelines. I appreciate how anons here are careful but I do believe that some of the worry is a little much sometimes.
No. 578029
>>577391oh anon, I went through something so similar recently and it does occasionally burn me up inside when I think about what a disgusting freak he was and how he definitely walked away being like "WOMEN, amiright boys?" nasty ass attitude.
I only went on two dates with him so my impact isn't as intense but even THEN. I can only imagine how you're feeling. Good news is, he's going to be a gross loser forever and all the smugness in the world doesn't really hold a candle to you learning and growing from such a miserable experience.
Also, as much as it hurts to see yourself fall into unhealthy patterns, you did ultimately tell him to fuck off and closed that door. As hard as it is, I strongly suggest you stop reading those emails or delete them entirely. The guy I dated pulled that some gaslighting "You took it the wrong way shit" and I did the same thing, re-reading the texts and it just kept me in a shitty headspace.
Do what's right for you, anon. Just know that these dudes are super fucking common and so not worth getting riled up over (coming from someone that also struggles not getting riled up over shit men).
No. 578084
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>Start a new job at a dental office in June
>Two weeks ago they furlough me and blame it on the practice losing money during the quarantine
>Doesn't make any sense that they'd hire someone after the quarantine knowing that they lost money but fine
>Manager is a haggard old bitch who never smiles
>My coworker mentioned her making comments about me but wouldn't say what they were
>They were supposed to call me and give me an estimated time frame how long I'll be gone but I haven't heard anything since
>Anytime I try to call to ask I get told "oh Manager is busy rn, she'll call you right back" and she never does
Like I already know that they don't want me back because they don't like me, but honestly the least you can fucking do is tell me that. Anyway, I think I'm going to keep harassing them with phone calls, emails, and messages. Like multiple times a day. They fucked me out of a job for seemingly no reason (no one has ever once told me if I've done anything wrong so I have no idea why the fuck they don't like me but whatever) and now I'm unemployed and have all this free time, I may as well try to make their lives a bit more difficult instead of quietly disappearing like they want me to do
No. 578096
>>577318I'm poor af, I don't think I'll be able to find boxing places in my budget. I just want anybody to take me seriously tbh. But I doubt raging online about it on an anonymous imageboard really helps with that lol.
I was honestly surprised at how poorly doctors approached my self harm issues. They never really did and that's the saddest part.
No. 578113
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what the FUCK men are so stupid
some random slid into my dms complimenting my fucking feet. i jokingly was like i'm not gonna listen to your weird shit unless you pay me–in 10 minutes he bought me like 3 pairs of expensive ass jimmy choos and ferragamos, probably over 4k dropped. i didn't have to do shit and i'm still confused. but hey, nice shoes!
No. 578117
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>>578113this did not happen
No. 578125
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>>578117i would post proofs if i could but amazon doesn't show that the wishlist items were bought or tracking info. footfags are wild yo
>>578121i don't have an OF and i don't do sex work, i have a wholesome IG but that's it. he just told me to make the wishlist, and when i refreshed all of the items were gone (meaning someone ordered them)
No. 578132
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I can't cope with the fact that life will always be painful and horrible. There's happy moments, like petting your purring cat or having a nice date with your SO but that cat will die one day and you and your SO will have fights and most likely break up one day. And you're getting older and older and one day you'll die as well. Do those few nice moments really make up for the excrutiating pain of losing someone close to you? Of feeling like a failure?
No. 578137
>>578129One of my former co-workers posts anywhere between 10-15 screenshots of wOkE twitter/IG posts about BLM and COVID, to his IG story, every day. Every single fucking day. He doesn't post anything else other than the occasional cooking video.
I don't even disagree with most of the posts, but I truly don't understand the mindset of someone that vocalizes their support of these movements to the point that it becomes the basis for their entire social media identity.
Like, I'm supposed to believe that you care this much about blacks and people who are at high risk for dying of the rona, yet you can't even be bothered to come up with your own unique spin on these talking points, and just keep re-posting the same shit over and over again?
No. 578144
>>578132Find shit that will be the least painful and horrible because we are all in this shithole ride of life unless you wanna jump of and end it early. What's worse, losing a pet after years of loving companionship? Or never having that companionship in the first place, so you never have to deal with saying goodbye one day? The same applies to partners too. Find the least shittiest/most tolerable things you want to deal with, because those happy moments
are far and few between, and you can't control them. But you know what you can (mostly) control? The amount and type of shit you have to put up with, like your job, the people you surround yourself with, etc.
I don't mean to come off as aggressive or trying to fight you or force some positivity down your throat lol. Some days I really do want to end it and it doesn't seem worth it, but we're all dragging our feet through the mud to our graves together, so fuck it.
No. 578151
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Dealing with emotionally abusive siblings is pure hell, especially when you're forced to live together(thanks corona).
While this can happen for no reason, it's usually a problem when my older sister knows that I need her help. She turns nasty for no reason, and if I react accordingly my family acts as if I'm the crazy one. E.g. She offered to help me make something so that I could sell it on etsy, as my workplace shut down due to corona. While both of us were in a good mood and just joking around, I asked her a simple question about what stitch I should use on the project, as she's more experienced that me in crafts. She suddenly does a 180 and starts calling me a retard and goes to my mother to badmouth me.
Of course I was hurt, so I decided to stay quiet and leave to chill out in my room. Somehow that was a problem to my family, even though I cleaned up after myself and didn't do anything else. They decided that they should come into my room and berate me for "getting angry at them for no reason" by flinging personal insults at me.
So overall she instigates me by constantly berating me or straight up calling me names out of nowhere, but as soon as I snap back(not anything physical, just ask her to leave and tell her that she's being emotionally abusive), she threatens to call the police so that they'll take me away to be locked up in a mental hospital. She also knows that my dream job requires a thorough background check, meaning that mental hospital stays could possibly negatively impact my record. I used to cut when I was a teen, and she's still holding it over me by saying that "everyone is tired of you manipulating them, because we can't say a thing to you without worrying if you're going to cut or not", even though I haven't done it it years and I've never talked about it, as I'm ashamed of what I did to my body.
TLDR: I've pretty much had to block out my personal feelings and shut down, just so that I don't get put in the mental hospital. And if I do decide to say something back to her, my mother just tells me to ignore her, meanwhile she herself does nothing while I'm being verbally abused.
No. 578175
>>578108>>578109Thanks anons, at this point there's a good chance I'll just be honest. It's the right thing to do!
>why does she want a dog anyway?She really loves dogs and her family dog just passed away a few months ago, plus she'll be living on her own for the first time and doesn't want to be lonely. I don't think she's really considered how difficult having a pet is when you don't have parents/family helping raise it, and she's convinced herself she can handle the responsibility. Kek it's funny you mention other pets/plants, the reason I'm nervous about her getting a dog is because when we lived together I witnessed her struggle to take care of a fish and some house plants. Both died fairly quickly…maybe she'll be different with a dog but that's a big maybe.
No. 578181
>>578172NTA but it sounds like you've never been on the opposite end of shitty bosses who won't take responsibility.
They should have been professional and informed her that they don't want her, instead of getting her hopes up. The manager is an adult, therefore she's expected to act like one. Anon is teaching her a lesson on how to be a successful grown up, as she's unable to fulfill her role as a manager. She's literally being paid to deal with situations like these.
No. 578190
>>578144Thank you for your reply, anon. I try to think like that too, some days it's harder than others.
>>578157Thanks for sharing. I'm really sorry about your mom, anon.
No. 578220
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I fucking hate it here.
I remember reading the news story about Alec Smith and it made me sick to my stomach. Then it also made me unimaginably sad to think, what if my mom had to ration her insulin one day? What about the rest of them who probably already are? I fucking hate this shit. I really wish we could bring back the guillotine and publicly behead these people.
No. 578299
>>577807So what you're saying is that you're objectively good looking, you have someone (who's not a creep and
abusive) who likes you a lot and genuinely wants to make you feel good, but things aren't going well because you can't get your head out of your ass? And for some made-up reason you think you're ugly?
No. 578302
>>578287You're just asexual, anon. The sex-repulsed kind.
More common than you think, you are not broken.
No. 578318
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>>578151my sister sucks too. in a different way but I feel you.
No. 578335
>>578316No, but it's annoying and immature.
Let me tell you why I used to do it. I had things that bothered me here and there about my SO and his behaviour, nothing serious. However, it was my first serious relationship, and I never brought those things up first, because I was avoiding "conflict" (ie. talking it out) for the simple reason that it is uncomfortable. I was new to this serious relationship thing and didn't want to accept the tough parts, just the nice parts. So I bottled it all up, and naturally it all came bursting out every time my partner tried to talk about his concerns (like a normal person).
I learned since that a dose of disomfort is necessary to keep a relationship healthy and that talking about things should never be avoided. I hope your partner will too.
No. 578347
>>578345Samefag but it really upsets me to see so-called professionals be borderline incompetent at their job. I've been struggling to find work for over a year now because everyone wants >5 years of experience regardless of the kind of position, and here's a guy who is no doubt making bank yet can't even be bothered to have the correct file in front of him
ever. Can't he hire me to be his secretary? At least then I'd be getting paid to correct his mistakes.
No. 578352
>>578316Yes, your relationship won't prosper if he thinks that's OK behavior and it's on him.
Had an ex like this, led to him being resentful due to buildup of his issues and me not expressing myself, which I used to do, because he'd absolutely blow up and I'd find myself adressing his problems and mine go ignored anyway.
Does he also act "off" if he has a problem with you he won't express? I fell for doing all the emotional labor and would try list off all the reasons why he might be mad in the hopes he'd nod at one. I'd ask if he was mad and he said he was only because I was asking if he was mad (to reveal a month down the line I HAD done something before that to annoy him). It was exhausting and futile. My verdict is dump, only because I'm bitter about wasted time and effort.
No. 578365
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I'm mid 20s and thinking about applying to a job for the first time in my life. I've had jobs, but I've gotten them through connections and never actually had to do a job interview.
The one I want to apply to is a part-time sales job in a very small shop. Thing is, I'm really socially anxious and awkward and visibly tattooed. But if I had a job like this, it would be a good way for me to get some social skills. But I might be too much of a pussy to apply.
No. 578394
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>>578367It's funny because she's actually had a nose job, brow lift, and lip filler along with the usual botox. All completey unnecessary imo
No. 578415
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A customer at my job accused me of throwing a straw at her at the drive thru window a few days ago and now i'm paranoid they're gonna fire me even though i didnt do it and never had any incidents happen like this. It was such a crazy thing. and now i'm working at the same job but a different store and i'm worried they'll transfer me there even though it's further from my house. i dunno guys.. i'm freaked out. This is my primary job too.
No. 578480
>>578084Update I keep trying to call them to tell them off for being so rude and unprofessional but they keep putting me on hold lmao
Should I just drive my ass down there and bitch them out in person? I really don't want them to think they can just do shit like this
>>578172>>578189>>578325fuck you
No. 578483
>>578480Don't give them the ammunition for them to believe they made the right call in treating you like shit. Don't give them the opportunity to fancy themselves as the real
victims of a disgruntled person. I think you should type up a professional letter of resignation and turn it in yourself in person. Don't thank them, tell them how disappointed you are that they chose to treat you very dismissively during a national crisis and that you don't appreciate having been treated like you didn't matter when your livelihood is just as important as theirs. Don't listen to their excuses and don't argue, exit after that with the quickness because these people don't give a fuck about you and it sounds like it would be a hellhole to work in anyway.
There will be other jobs, even if right now it seems bleak. What would be bleaker is working for people who would throw you under the bus during a pandemic.
No. 578487
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I agreed to let my roommate's SO move in a while back because it would help w/ bills and rent and it's maybe the stupidest decision i've ever made. they sit around all day making messes that they don't clean up and just sperging up the whole place to the point where it's impossible to try and hold a convo with them that doesn't devolve into their preferred media, memes and inside jokes. And they're ALWAYS together, jesus christ. not being able to escape because of covid is making it even more unbearable.
learn from my mistake, ladies.
No. 578513
>>578084This whole saga is so fucking funny to me idk why
Anon-chan plz keep us updated
No. 578516
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It's one of those nights again, ladies. The shit that is getting me down is completely disproportional to how I feel about it.
I now get slightly pathetically sad and jealous of teen laughter when I hear teenage laughter outside my window. I see my only friends about every 6 months and I absolutely relish the time I spend with them, and these people get to experience that sort of feeling on a regular basis, if not daily.
Local pool's still closed, so I don't have the fucks to give to go to the gym and lose the quarantine pounds.
I fell hard for a friend who doesn't give two fucks about me, and I'm afraid from now on the zest of life is sucked dry - at least with how I am now.
I'm going to get off this hellsite to go camping for a week tomorrow, hoping to reset this cycle of NEET soon.
No. 578520
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im so fucking ugly.
No. 578523
>>578283Does his name begin with a W and is he bipolar?
Either way sis it sounds like he ain't that invested in you. Duuuuump.
No. 578527
>>578522Jesus fucking christ, I hope things improve for you. Where are you roughly? Be careful, you're at a high risk of being raped. Try use all the available systems for homeless women to get off the streets, before your situation deteriorates more.
Really hoping your situation improves drastically.
No. 578539
i'm 90% sure i was drugged and assaulted in college.
I can't remember anything from the night, even before taking the shots that put me into oblivion. It's literally a blank slate. I did not drink more than a few shots apparently, but did not pour them myself and drank something from a cup (according to others that saw me at the party). I've never blacked out from anything before or since this night.
As for the potential assault, I had pictures on my phone of a bathroom floor (the bathroom of the house the party was at). There was like 20 pictures of random angles of the floor. I leave the party at some point. I somehow make it home, a person found me bloody on the street and brought me home. A few people that lived with me took care of my injuries and listened what I had to say. I don't remember this. Apparently I was sobbing and said something about "no longer being a virgin" and saying things about being assaulted and touched. Talking about penises in vaginas. I didn't make sense to anyone, but they tried their best to calm me down. Those girls were my saviors that night, I will always owe them for patching me up and calming me down. I was incoherent and absolutely devastated.
I wake up the next morning with a swollen and bloody hand. I had a boxer's fracture, with broken knuckles. I go to the hospital and get casted, just lying when they asked how I got it. Told them I tripped. I don't remember feeling an vaginal pain in the days after, as the pain in my hand was immense. I did have bad leg pains though. I ask my friends at the party what happened, they say I just ghosted (I tended to do this sort of stuff when I drank, I am now completely sober because this experience has fucked up my trust in alcohol or being around it). My friends also denied that the guys hosting the party would ever drug me, as they were "good guys". I don't know these guys, before or after the incident. Can't speak for them. But I do know that night was a nightmare for me and I ended up hurt because of it. Perhaps by my own choices, but I just can't keep coping with the details when things don't add up.
All I know is I attend a frat party. Take about few shots with my friends and drink vodka fruit punch after. Disappear. End up in a bathroom and take dozens of weird pictures accidentally or intentionally. End up on the street, bloody and broken. I have no memory of the party or even getting there. I was mentally and physically fucked up for weeks. Still haven't had sex or want to. I have small sort of fear of it now and just don't engage in relationships. I don't know if I was assaulted or not. How would you anons cope with the situation? This is the first time I'm typing it out and still don't know how to deal with it in any meaningful way.
No. 578545
>>578539Associating with frat boys never goes well, I'm sorry for your experience anon. You're definitely not alone.
I remember feeling flattered because a ~vice-president~ of one targeted me in the graduate library, but my dumbass didn't realize what his intentions were. I entertained his carrot dick for way too long only to realize I wasn't "allowed" to ever post on social media about us hanging out, for example. He only ever invited me to one disgusting, dingy house party where a bunch of thots gave me death glares. I realized he considered me so beneath him that he was only using me for sexual kicks and who knows who else he might have been messing with simultaneously. He removed himself after I got into a serious relationship, but yeah. They're very opportunistic scumbags.
No. 578576
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valerie solanas was right
No. 578587
>>578585relax dude, everyone on lolcow hates trannies
you can post what you want
No. 578589
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>try to order customized art
>message seller
>we agree, ask her if there's a reserved listing I should purchase on her website
>no just pay for one of the customized listing
>was on mobile so I wasn't keeping track of which one I orig messaged her about
>bunch of em say customize this, MTO that, etc.
>pick one that says customized
>get message that it was the wrong wrong, I had picked the cheaper one
>now she's being slow to refund so I can repurchase and seems annoyed
I mean sorry lady but your website and wording is confusing I wasn't trying to scam you out of $10 honest this is why I asked which listing I should've bought specifically.
No. 578591
>>578587I know this site is filled to the brim with radfems.
Reading back the post, I guess seem kind of emotional
and maybe a little unhinged. But I felt comfortable posting that cause I know a lot of anons here have similar opinions.
No. 578599
>>578583It's petty and very first-world but I just want to play my competitive video games with the convenience of voice comms without incels spouting their manifestos about how I'm inferior and deserve to die by virtue of being a woman, or being sexually harassed by scrotes
both of which have happened today, I capped the second one: He was like this for the entire match, just a million miles a minute with this disgusting bullshit, with "I'm just joking! Don't get tilted!" sprinkled in intermittently for merely opening my mouth. I've never been flamed for poor gameplay, it's always just been pointless misogynistic bullshit.
That tranny deer on twitch is totally unhinged, but he's still kind of got a point.
Men ruin fucking everything. And they all stick up for each other too; four other people in a lobby and no one says a fucking word. Cowards.
No. 578602
>>578588I made that post recently about not understanding why y'all are so upset about the transgender movement in the unpopular opinions thread. Someone linked me an article that was really enlightening and opened my eyes to some serious issues with it, so I understand more now and am a bit more critical of it.
Regardless, I still don't hate trans people, nor am I against the movement as a whole. I think many are confused and being taken advantage of by doctors and activist who proclaim to want to help them. Others are just using it as an excuse to get attention because being trans is trendy right, now and typically gets you a lot of sympathy and victimhood points without having to actually do anything (these ones genuinely do suck, admittedly).
I think it's kind of ridiculous to go as far as to claim that the condition doesn't exist at all, and that it's just being used as an excuse to silence and attack women. I do, however, believe that the condition is nowhere near as common as we're being lead to believe, and that there should be more strictly defined guidelines as to what counts as transgender vs. "non-binary."
No. 578608
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>>578603>your opinion doesn't exactly match the hivemind reeeeee go away!!!11Gee, I can't possibly imagine why nobody outside of extremely niche, online communities that keep getting deleted due to scrote-tier levels of immaturity and butthurt takes any of you seriously.
No. 578610
>>578570LOL no I was talking about this bitch who owes me $250
Dental office lady has some demons tho
I got the money for what it's worth
No. 578617
>>578603>>578615Sorry sissy are we
triggering you?
No. 578704
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Asking for advice because I feel like I'm about to tread on some very thin ice.
>tl;dr closeted ex who I dated almost a decade ago keeps messaging me sexually while he's in a supposed relationship that he also bitches to me about, I want to tell the woman about what he's doing
My ex is likely more gay than bisexual as he claims. When we were together we never fucked once, he barely touched my pussy, and always demanded bjs. He admits that he carries on the same habits with his current. I believe he gets with women because modern women are more willing to provide (to prove how ~cool~ and ~progressive~ they are) than gay men, and the older woman he's been dating now for the past few years has been the perfect beard. She's the breadwinner in addition to possessing the only vehicle while being the only one capable to drive it, so he's co-dependent as fuck and I think he's too much of a dodgy chickenshit to attempt to live on his own. Since that would mean he'd have to tackle full responsibilities like full-time employment and couldn't manipulate someone else into paying his way. He has diagnosed mental issues (which in fairness are quite tragic) so maybe he feels he can't make it on his own but that's a mere footnote in the grand scheme of his antics. Bottom line is that he's being selfish and dishonest and I resent that.
He's a fucking leech in this relationship of his, and is at least using me to emotionally cheat on his long term girlfriend which social media says he is engaged to. They have each other as a couple in their profile pictures. He's fine to talk to normally but that's the thing, he hasn't been able to hold a normal conversation without it devolving into how fucking unhappy he is in that relationship, being suggestive towards me out of the blue (pic related), or flat out asking me for sexual attention like I'm a free camgirl the past three times. Holy shit we were just reminiscing about food tonight and all the sudden he drops how he wants to runaway and do kinks with me wtf. It started today because it was his birthday so he messaged me to tell me how his woman just made it so terrible for him and it was a shit birthday. I pull away and withdraw from him when he gets like this. However awhile back I made the mistake of believing him when he initially said his relationship was on the rocks. He sent me nudes so I sent him a nude back (foolishly believing he was ending things and me wanting the attention from an ex), then he ghosted me for a few days which is how I realized he played me and just wanted to see if I was still an option. This came a week before he announced a trip to his hometown with her in September. It doesn't sit well with me to have enabled a dude who wanted his cake and to eat it too. He's a sneaky fuck.
He claims they're both unhappy, but you know what? I don't really buy it. Whenever he brings their relationship up I encourage him to either talk it out or break up, but he's always got an excuse. Obviously his reason for staying is what she offers, and I struggle to believe that he tells her he cheats online or that he's so unhappy cause then why would she stick around for, unless she's a cuckquean? So I intend to let her know about this. I was gonna shoot her a message saying something along the lines of
>"Hi ____. We don't know each other but I'm a friend of _____. I wanted to let you know that the messages _____ has sent me recently have been sexually inappropriate. While your relationship is none of my business, I wanted to let you know because ____ claims he is very unhappy being with you. No matter how many times I encourage him to confront his relationship issues he seems to ignore my advice, as it seems a week or so later he's back in my inbox to complain about your relationship or act suggestive towards me. I do not morally agree with this behavior and I would consider it a form of cheating. While I told him to stop and withdraw when he does that behavior, it doesn't seem to be getting better, and I have no knowledge if he attempts to do this to other women on his social media. It is important that you should know in case you were not aware. You seem like a very happy couple otherwise, which is why it shocks me that he is behaving in this way behind closed doors, and behind your back if that's the case. If you are aware of this behavior and it's not a problem in your relationship, then disregard this message."
What do you think? Do you think I'll have to block them both?
No. 578722
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Anyone else get suicidal thoughts right after waking up? I get them every time.
No. 578723
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I've been getting back into social media and honestly I'm so disgusted with myself. I should know better, that internet clout and friends are meaningless but I'm just so lonely and bored. I'm just waiting to see how long it can last before I get depressed and suicide my accounts because I'm not getting enough attention.
No. 578727
>>578722Welcome to my world. I wish I could wake up and my mind just be blank. I specifically get thoughts about ex friends and crush and I can't get rid of them, which makes me legit feel homicidal over how much I hate those wastes of human beings. What these sociopaths did to me after many years of friendship was really fucked.
Any tips on keeping your mind blank or entertained during the morning as you wake up especially when you've got holidays?
No. 578730
>>578647What this anon says
>>578655 plus tell those little bitches who don't even care about you in your life off. If they really don't even care about you you won't notice much difference without them and to make a partner or a close friend feel like this and not give a fuck is shitty, despite you always being your first choice in the end. That you are feeling like this in the first place is a sign you have been emotionally neglected, talking from experience.
No. 578745
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My period flow atm is a lot heavier and the blood is thicker for some reason and it’s making me feel incredibly gross and icky. I mean my period always makes me feel gross even if I don’t really get cramps or feel queasy but all of a sudden it’s a lot heavier and it literally never is and I’m incredibly pissed off
No. 578778
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My hands are gnarled little fists, making it painful to do ordinary tasks. I can crochet and knit like a beast but holding my phone in ANY WAY causes excruciating pain. The surgery isn't viable because I don't heal well and scar terribly, which might make the surgery detrimental.
I swear to god though, if a surgeon could cleanly remove my pinkies including the metacarpal bones, I could be freed from a lot of pain. But who knows? Maybe in ten years my pinkies will be the one-eyed leader of the blind and I'll have regretted ridding myself of them. My hands already look like a fucking crime so aesthetically I can't give a shit. I just wish phones had handles like a teapot. Also yes, I've bitched about this here already and I will again one day.
No. 578784
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Thinking about one teacher who was racist to me in middle school. Her husband was a porn-addicted coomer who cheated on her later on, and I found this out because her son was autistic enough to tell people.
No. 578803
>>578778>I just wish phones had handles like a teapotThis should be doable with just a little trial and error, even if it's just getting someone in your family or from Etsy to epoxy resin some handles to a phone case, although it might make it heavier to hold
Do you know anyone crafty? I Wonder if there are any makers that specialise in these things but it might not hurt to reach out to diy subreddits. People love to solve engineering problems and to be publicly seen as charitable.
No. 578805
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>my grown ass manbaby ex boasting about buying his first new car after years of myself and my parents giving him multiple opportunities to do it
Whatever dude, it took a pandemic and the government handing your unemployed ass a $600 check a week to have got it done or you still would have never saved up and done it yourself. Your gf must be thrilled she doesn't have to cart your ass anymore.
No. 578807
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>>578778would something like this help you, anon? they come in all shapes and colors.
just google phone holder hand and you'll find a lot of options
No. 578816
>>578808You're not alone. I've read multiple accounts online of women with children who are pissed off at how little their baby daddy does, and yet ironically the same men are praised for every stupid little thing they choose to do.
It's what makes me the most nervous about parenthood, mothers can never catch a break. The men can decide when they wanna check in & check out of their parental responsibilities. But women? We're always expected to default be there for our kids or else we're considered bad parents. I'm not saying it's right for parents to check out, but the idea is that a couple who has a kid together is supposed to be a team and tag out when shit gets rough. Men are unreliable and don't consider child rearing as their default duty like women are socialized to do. It's a huge problem.
No. 578823
>>578816one of the main reasons I still dont have children. If I was a man, the choice would be so much easier.
the men just get to be carefree about the baby (and still live their life) while its expected of us to be obsessed by it and give up our entire life.
My husband is a good man and would be great with children but not like a woman would….
No. 578824
>>578816>>578823I lurk r/breakingmom whenever I get angsty about dying alone or something… Seriously, these women are miserable. It helped me see how fucked up my own family is/was in regards to childcare.
I have so many plans, I wanna learn more languages, want to pursue my creative hobbies etc etc… Throw a baby into the mix and there goes that.
I would also hit my kid, no lie. Fuck my moid-tier rage issues.
No. 578830
>>578824>I have so many plans, I wanna learn more languages, want to pursue my creative hobbies etc etc… Throw a baby into the mix and there goes that.this so much…. and also the fear of dying alone or regretting it when I'm too old to have kids…
I always grew up slower than my age so I'm scared this is like that too and I wont want kids until I'm 40/45 or something…
No. 578831
>>578830I remember going to the art museum last summer … there were so many paintings of the artists' wives and children. It chilled me in a way, all that lost potential. Read the diaries of Sofja Andrejewna Tolstaja, Tolstoi's wife, and your uterus will shrivel up and die on the spot. That poor woman wanted to write so badly, instead she was pregnant 16 times.
I think about her a lot.
No. 578836
>>578786Yes, and I had a second opinion too unfortunately.
>>578803I've looked online and am rather crafty myself but I'm also prone to dropping my phone, so the two times I managed to rig something up it only lasts a few days until snapping. I'll check etsy though, thank you for the suggestion!
>>578807I had one for a while that had a ring so it could hold onto my finger, but it still requires a form of hand dexterity that I lack. It has to be held by my index and middle finger, which kinda sucks because I use my index fingers to type on my phone. I must look so retarded in public. Thank you for the suggestion though, maybe I can find another shape or size that might fit better!
No. 578871
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PMS hit me like a train and I did nothing more at work than stare at the computer screen all day long and cry in the bathroom. Brainfog was also insane and it took me ages to put a short sentence together. Sometimes I really fucking hate being a woman
No. 578883
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I'm glad the military is getting scrutiny again because I hate them so much
No. 578893
I feel like shit because today my friend casually mentioned that she's pregnant, already in her 6th month.
I'm not jealous or anything, I don't want children myself, but this just once again shows how old I already am and how much I'm lacking compared to my peers. I'm a virgin who lives at her parents, has barely any friends and still hasn't finished university, while my friend is a working, married, soon-to-be mom who already built a house with her husband. I also feel bad because my mother's biggest wish are grandchildren and I don't think I can gift her that.
My life is just littered with mistakes and regrets. My few friends from high school all moved on, it's only me who still keeps messaging them. After school I enrolled in some kind of mixed study/work program, which would pay me right from the start and only lasts 3 years - there I met pregnant friend and a few others. But during that one year I did that, stupid me cried all the time and begged my parents to allow me to quit because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in an office job. But the degree I chose afterwards is also not what I wanted at all, I have social anxiety and my future job involves talking all the time, why did I thing this was a good idea?? It also doesn't pay well at all. Back then as a teen I thought I don't care about money but now I do… In the end, if I would've stuck with that first school I would've have been working for nearly 3 years already, would've gotten the same pay, would've spent time with friends and maybe met a guy. Now I have nothing, university is so shit, I haven't found any new friends, I started binging to deal with the stress and I don't know if I will make it. Recently I felt a bit better because hopefully this will be my last semester, but now this reminded me again about just how much has failed or how much I failed in my life.
No. 578895
>>578893Life isn't a race anon, and tbh (and no offense) but I get real sick of women worrying about pregnancy as if we all should be rushing towards it. Rather if anything, it's a decision we should undertake only under the best circumstances when we are emotionally, mentally, and financially fit for it. And also when we've thoroughly vetted for a reliable and supportive man who's not going to get cold feet or abandon us at the first sign of hardship.
Getting knocked up is the easy part, literally teenagers do it. So don't feel like you're getting left behind cause that isn't the case and don't jump on the first dick who offers it to you. Be selective and choosy lest you face a lifetime of regret.
No. 578899
>>578893You presented here your Judgemental Bitch persona flagellating your Meek Loser persona.
Which one will win? Which one will we like more? Which one will become your main mask?
Neither. Neither are you.
Fuck off. You're a circus.
Hey anons, this is what you get when you start working on your image before you start working on your self-awareness.
No. 578913
>>578893Seconding that life isn't a race but also, and I mean this with kindness, you just haven't matured yet. It usually takes people a couple of years of working to 'find their feet' but you haven't even finished education yet so of course you still feel young, you're still living a young life. It's understandable to feel left behind and sad about things that didn't work out but really it's a gift that you are in a position where you get to keep trying find what does work. Often people find themselves out on their own with a baby at 18, and they don't get the opportunity to think about what they want to do with their lives, they just have to get the first job they can find and they have to stick with that path until their kids move out. You haven't ruined your life, you've barely begun it.
Also it's good to have friends with stable lives but if your messages aren't being answered, perhaps direct that energy elsewhere.
No. 578932
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>>578930This is the only bitch who's never forgotten my birthday
No. 578943
>>578895>>578913Thanks for the nice words, anons. I know that you shouldn't compare yourself with others, but it's hard not to. I also think that maybe I wouldn't have that big of a problem with how my life currently is, if it wasn't for others constantly reminding me that I'm a loser, e.g. my mother telling me that much younger girl A has a bf now or that girl B is moving in/buying a house with her bf or that C got engaged…It's not that she outright accuses or pressures me, but I know that she's disappointed. For some reason I also only have friends who want to be a housewive and mother. Just last autumn pregnant friend, another girl and I went on a vacation and her being a mother soon means that this likely will no longer be possible and the older I get, the more lonely will I be, because eventually all girls around me will prioritize their bf/husband or children over friends. I think I would choose friends over a partner, is this childish? Maybe I should try and find people who think similarly (if they exist).
If I had at least choosen a more prestigious career, people might leave me alone or I could use being career-driven as an excuse for not having other achievements, but my degree and future job are super basic and usually choosing by girls who want families, so that won't work either.
No. 578956
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I'm mad (at myself) for being into a coworker who's a stupid motherfucker. On the other hand he is legitimately an idiot but he's tall and white so being a self hating POC ofc I want his Caucasian dick lmao…i hate myself. Im better than this dude that's only into blond white ladies (when obviously he should be worshiping me).
No. 578973
>>578954and what about it?
>>578958asexuality for me is that i do not feel arousal, and if i do feel something similar (like, once every 4 months maybe?), the feeling disappears within a couple of minutes. but i'm thinking it may be a symptom of my anxiety…? maybe i'm never truly relaxed or something.
>>578961i'm not uncomfortable with sex. i just cannot feel horny or aroused, whether alone or with a partner. chasing the feeling results in boredom. i don't have trauma either (not even a pushy ex or weird first time as a teen, nothing).
>>578967unironically i'd like to see a sex therapist about it, just in case this can somehow be treated. i don't identify as asexual because i believe it's more of a weird defect than a sexuality i'm proud of. i'm bi but no matter what i do there's no "sexual" component to it. it fucking sucks but here i am.
No. 578979
>>578974Agreed. I will never understand the rage asexuality causes in some people. It's like they think some people not feeling sexual arousal is oppressive to them on some spiritual level.
The "You are broken, see a doctor/therapist" thing reminds me of how people used to think of homosexuals, not gonna lie.
No. 578981
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>>578962>>578970Thanks anonX2… Somehow referring to myself as AZN feel even worse? Like, it's either being fetishized by dudes that just want to fuck an oriental chick, or nerds putting u on a pedestal. So whenever someone actually treats me like a fellow human being I tend to fall for them way too easily :( oh yeah and then I'm reminded of shit like
>>578914 (I'm of viet descent) and it's like… Wait all man are terrible
No exceptions and I need to stop wanting white dong cuz they will always see me as sub human :(((
No. 578992
>>578956Hard relate to this. I'm not self-hating, but I love non-black men, even if they're dumb. Something about them is just attractive.
>>578930Happy birthday! Do you have any plans?
No. 579001
>>578979Pretty sure it
triggers people so severely because sexuality causes so many people so many problems they're subconsciously jealous of people who lack it.
No. 579010
>>578979It's one thing not to experience sexual attraction to anyone and not care about it. It's another when the person is sperging about how much they hate this about themselves and wish they were normal. It is actually very common to experience a low sex drive as a result of trauma, low self-esteem, and difficulties with intimacy in general, and I absolutely believe that they are likely the cause of a low libido if a person has a longstanding history of these things.
Idk, I guess I just wish people were a little more curious about these things develop rather than just slapping a label on it and declaring it some intrinsic piece of their identity.
No. 579013
>>579011I think most people go through this tbh. It's just hard to find a job, especially right now with everyone losing their jobs and needing to pick something else up as quickly as possible. You just have to keep trying, honestly.
But ffs do I feel you on this frustration right now. I just applied to some shitty, backroom sorting position at a fucking Goodwill of all places. $12 hourly. It had 82 other applicants. EIGHTY FUCKING TWO.
No. 579018
>>578979I know it
triggers men because they hate the thought of a pussy going unused… But you'd think women would be more understanding. I have a healthy libido but I could definitely go the rest of my life with just masturbation and I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Sex isn't all that, even to some high libido women.
Best to stick to partners who are on the same page as you though.
No. 579056
>>579047Yeah, I’m not in the art community but being in online spaces as a queer woman, I see so many of these. They aren’t trans… they’re just girls who hate themselves and demand to be called all these dumb pronouns online.
Generally these people are insufferable when you get to know them so you wouldn’t want to befriend them anyway. But I agree it feels isolating and lonesome. A discord server I really like got recently taken over by these Twitterites and it’s made it an obnoxious place.
No. 579058
>>579047Thank god I'm hitting 30 and don't have to hang out with 20something fakebois as my only option. One of the quirks of aging, people start becoming more sensible and they get tired of larping as whatever they want to self-id as.
However it's still extremely disheartening to come across a girl who seems cool and then when you check out her profile she has he/him or they/them pronouns and a feed full of tranny caping. Lesbians and female-oriented bi girls are a dying breed these days, they're all agenderfluidnonbinary panacesexualblobs now.
No. 579074
>>579071Try changing your diet. I know a number of people with IBS who have been tremendously helped by Keto/Paleo. Learning better ways to cope with stress/decreasing stress in your life helps a lot, too. IIRC, there's a huge correlation with IBS and anxiety disorders.
That being said, you should still see a doctor for this if you haven't yet, just to be safe and rule out anything else that could be going on.
No. 579075
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>>578914>>578911>>578883>Mfw Viet>Mfw bitches in my country jump to suck white cocks because they want "pretty mixed babies">Early 20's women with old middle age fuckers or dumb shit college dropout failed soundcloud rappers/ hippies ugly ass white boys >Increasingly popular pedo sex tourist destination like Thailand or Philippines>At least we can get abortions and women aren't buying the "split the bill feminism" yet, for nowOh my god how I can not be self-hating
No. 579077
>>579071I feel you. I had diarrhea IBS for ten years and I used to think constipation must be nice, then an antidepressant made me constipated for a while and I realised both are hellish in their own way.
Stress management is pretty important with IBS but you've probably heard that already. My ten year hell ended after a break up and a move to a quieter area.
No. 579078
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>>578704Follow-up. Yep, he's a monster.
Of course this woman had no idea there was even a problem in the relationship. After I showed her the caps she thanked me but didn't respond after that.
Hours later the scumbag messaged me that he's decided to "work on the relationship by removing all temptation by not being friends anymore." I told him goodbye and blocked him. I should've said "You never acted like a friend," or some such, but hindsight is 20/20. The desperate woman must have took him back for him to have been able to say that, I thought she might have dumped him when I saw she changed her profile pic from a shot of them to herself, but nah.
Her poor simp ass is gonna sugar this leech and be more secretive and manipulative on the next woman he decides to cheat on her with. I done all I could do, but it's disappointing.
No. 579082
>>579077>My ten year hell ended after a break up and a move to a quieter area.Not surprising. Diet is helpful in managing disorders like these, particularly when you have no other choice, but stress management is typically key in actually achieving any sort of remission.
I don't have IBS, but I have a couple of similar disorders that doctors haven't been able to help me with because they refuse to acknowledge the stress connection. It's really frustrating. Stress reduction was the only way I was able to see any significant pain reduction.
At the risk of sounding a little woo-woo, I think that most mental and chronic pain disorders are not issues in themselves, but symptomatic of chronic stress, and that you need to make some serious changes to your lifestyle if you want to get better. Sure, there's anatomical and bodily mechanisms at play that can contribute to developing specific disorder, but focusing on those things isn't useful to actually solving the problem. There's a reason why most invasive medical procedures and surgeries to manage chronic pain don't tend to have a high success rate.
No. 579094
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im incredibly depressed and i know its my own fault but my fear wont allow me to change it so i just do nothing and remain complacent. I keep wanting to kill myself because i dont want to continue going through the motions but I know i will never because A. i dont want to put my family through anymore unneccessary trauma and heartache. and B. I know the reason for my sadness is 100% my fault. I know what i want to do in my life, in fact ive known for years but I am just so scared to start I am so scared to fail that I dont even try. Last year i took steps towards going after my career but of course COVID happened and that has made me sad in ways I didnt know I was. Im just so mad at myself that i had all that time before COVID to go after my dreams but i kept holding it off, making excuses, and being lazy. Now look at me. I always wait until the last possible second to do anything. Like I know i couldnt have predicted COVID but it sorta feels like everytime i actually attempt to better my life, some catastrophic event happens that severely halts or deters my plan. HOestly though after typing that I just realized im shifting the blame on COVID and not myself. All I do is make excuses for my complacency and im sick of it!! I just want to be confident in my skills and abilities because I know that I have some talent I just gotta hone in and perfect but im so scared. Of what?? Failure?? it not being all its cracked up to be??? both!? IDK ive been grappling with this since i was a teen. I honestly just miss when I was a middle schooler and didnt care about frivolous things and was my true authentic self.I wish i could go back in time and ask 12 year old me how she did it? How was she able to be so confident despite knowing her flaws and when was the shift.This sounds so dramatic and probably makes 0 sense lmao but I needed to get this off my chest.
No. 579096
>>579085>top tier fuckboyFuck yeah he is, he thinks he's slick and a wordsmith. I even told her I can't guarantee that I'm the only other woman he tries to solicit. He "joked" about how I should make an OnlyFans account, meaning he likely goes there himself already. Also there's been a few times during his hot and cold treatment of me that when I tried to return his little off-hour calls, he was mysteriously tied up with someone else.
I hate to say it, but that woman is incredibly naive. She's set herself up for more heartache down the line and it's a BAD sign when a man can't be friends with women cause it's "temptation." Like sis, it means he can't control himself and given the opportunity he'll do it again!
So I dunno, she's in her mid 30s (and probably terrified to be single again) and he's desperate to be with someone who will take care of him. They're both co-dependent.
>>579084I started to sweat this morning when I sent her the caps because at the same time he started to message me "apologies" after he blamed his actions on "drinking"–spoiler alert–he's never intoxicated when we talked. I thought he might have access to her account and could see what I was trying to send her so I got nervous. She probably started to be visibly upset or chewed him out which is why he sent me the 'apologies' out of suspect that I told.
Welp, she told him that I was the one who sent the caps to her so he knew it was me anyway. I blocked them both, they both seem pretty messy and I never got anything positive out of being his "friend" all these years so it's no loss to me. He's
toxic as fuck and all his relationships have ended in flames.
No. 579115
>>579113I used to have a friend like this. I eventually cut her off because I was so tired of hearing her bitch about her anxiety while doing nothing to combat it. Definitely didn't help that she was constantly canceling plans, or needing me to drive her everywhere because her anxiety was too bad.
I've got pretty severe anxiety myself, but I've always pushed myself to do things even when I was at my lowest point. I always knew on some intuitive level that doing nothing was going to be worse than doing something, even if I had no real direction or long term goal with it.
Having anxiety isn't an excuse to drop out of life, or to avoid change of any kind. This actually just makes the anxiety worse in the long term. Your boyfriend needs to suck it up before he loses his entire life to this.
No. 579116
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My 27th birthday is fast approaching and I'm looking back at the almost 10 years since I graduated HS and lamenting how I did almost nothing in that time. Part of it can be blamed on struggling with my mental health severely. But even then, a lot of people who've struggled mentally were still able to go to school, be in relationships, learn new skills, etc. I just feel like my youth is fading away and that there are so many things I've still yet to do and experience, that might be seen as strange to engage in at my age/when I'm older. I've also already been feeling 'too old' for a lot of my hobbies that I've been into since I was a kid.
I'm working on getting my life together now, bit by bit, but I still can't help but feel regretful and sad. I look at young people and just wish I could redo my life.
No. 579197
>>579185shes a dumb teen copying jokes and the cancel culture she sees online. i once tore 3 (three) pages of a bible out at that age, and reference dumb anime and memes irl.
you can have a non-judgemental talk with her if you wish (like telling her that cancelling someone doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what’s already been bought) but keep in mind 13 is the worst possible age to exist.
No. 579201
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If you're doing this retarded pandering too then where the fuck is #BlackGayLivesMatter??? This is the wost fucking Pride month ever, nobody's even trying to pretend to like gay people anymore.
No. 579203
>>579197Eh, it is just probably her being a dumb teen and I think OP is being harsh bc 13 is a horrible fucking age to exist at, but destroying a pricey gift in a way that the person who gave it to you found out about it? She needs to learn that that's not okay. She doesn't need to be made to feel like a bad person but that's literally a critical age to be learning how to think a little more deeply about how your actions affect others.
As for the rest of it, calm down OP, it kinda sounds like she's going through something more than anything. She'll grow out of the "gay as a personality" thing and not to be super tumblrcore about it but it's a lot better than her feeling the need to stay closeted and experiencing how painful that is.
No. 579214
>>579201Clearly the gays already have gotten all of their rights everywhere all over the world and we need to coddle uwu twans
OT but I still live somewhere where being gay is illegal, being trans isn't, so this kinda makes me feel irritated
No. 579220
>>579214I honest to god saw someone claim that "gay people already got what they wanted, now is their time to help trans people out" because
some western countries allowed gay marriage. Like what the fuck? Even in Europe, the continent most recognized for its progressive gay rights, half of the countries don't allow gay people to marry and much less adopt. Young gay people still get ostracized and disowned for being gay, young lesbians are still at the biggest risk of self harm and suicide. In a lot of the countries of the world homosexuality is still illegal and in worst cases rules you a death sentence. Homophobia is far from over and in some countries it has been worsening, for example the "gay propaganda" laws in Russia instated in 2013.
I've been pissed about this all June, I literally haven't seen a peep about gay rights because it's been all about trans people. Fucking Toho released a Godzilla-themed LGBT stop motion animation which, you guessed it, has Godzilla's son coming out as a trans woman. While watching Sailor Moon transformations no less. I don't remember gay people being EVER caped for this aggressively.
God I just needed to get this out. I've been screaming internally for weeks.
No. 579235
>>579221she definitely needs to learn to take care of her things because being 13 doesn't mean you're naturally messy/prone to breaking things but sadly even getting lectured can't help some people. she might have to break more shitty samsungs before she actually understands why taking care of things is important.
but the instagram videos…i hope they're stories and not permanent posts. that's nourishtoflourish behavior.
No. 579253
>>579239nta but I think it might be Lebanon.
I truly feel sorry for the people there and it could happen to any country.
No. 579264
>>578345He still hasn’t replied to me and I’m starting to suspect he didn’t try to call me at all. He sent me that message about me not picking up only 5 minutes after the agreed time of our call even though he’s normally late by
at least 20 minutes, usually more. So the one time he’s actually on time is also the one time he mysteriously can’t reach me? I don’t know if I buy that.
It’s either that or he left a voicemail about my medication on some random stranger’s phone, which is even worse. I don’t think you can leave voicemails for unused numbers.
No. 579278
>>579265Unless something horrible has befallen him (doubt.jpeg), it sounds like he had a mental episode and got pissed off at you when you didn't come sprinting home at his beck and call. He left to make you worried and to teach you a lesson. Sounds like a shit test to me.
But I'm biased. I dated an abuser who pulled shit like this on me. We lived an hour apart and his car was broken down at the time. One night he called me screeching at 10pm because he walked from work to home but halfway there determined he had left his keys at work or lost them along the way. He demanded I go to him to drive him back to his job and if not there to help him find them in the dark. It was a non-issue anyway because he could climb his patio and get into his room that way like he sometimes did. When I tried to reason with him and reassure that he probably just left the keys on his bed, bc it was worth it to check his room first before I drove all the way out there, he got stark raving angry at me and accused me of not caring among other such nonsense. Welp, drove all the way out there and played his games only to find his keys laying on his pathetic bed. But this little stunt got me out there and made me perform emotional labor for him, which is what he was really after.
No. 579348
>>579342my baby cousins are about as sweet as kids can be but because there's two of them they hype each other up and will just start screaming and running from the other room, when i thought they had calmed down. also they're already obsessed with the internet… i wish they could entertain themselves without it but they insist on going on youtube despite not knowing how to write or read yet. (it's not in my control 99% of the time since i visit rarely).
i love them and all but i would never want to have TWO entire kids. that's hell on earth
No. 579407
>>579404No offense, but you should probably drop your expectation that others are going to be able to tell you how to live your life any better than you can. You're going to end up very disappointed in people otherwise.
Is it specific advice you're looking for, or just general?
No. 579459
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I know lolcow is pretty anti-trans, and even more speshul snowflake gender bullshit but honestly im just really struggling with body dysphoria, have been struggling with it since puberty tbh.
But I don't want to have the body of a man either, the whole genderless no secundary sex characteristics nonbinary alien shit tumblr loves is basically my dream body, I genuinely hate having breasts and wide hips and even worse an uterus and ability to get pregnant.
I don't plan on trooning out because im fine with socially being a woman or whatever that is, misogyny sucks obviously but I have no problem with being called she/her, female or whatever and I like wearing feminine clothes its just the body part that fucks me up.
I have been pondering at least getting an drastic breast reduction when I get out of college and have money for it, my country hasn't drunk the troon kool aid yet and doesn't consider the enbies a thing so I can't get one for free.
No. 579473
>>579459sorry anon. have you done any therapy?
being active helped me with some of my dysmorphia. more than that, skills i learned from cognitive therapy (for depression) helped me deal with issues with my body. it was a long road, but learning to be grateful for my able and relatively healthy body was huge in reducing self-hatred.
it's kind of fucked up honestly but i saw and empathized with people who had terrible diseases and disabilites, uch as ALS or spinal injuries, and saw how lucky i was to be able to move and care for myself in a way that they may never get to. when you go running or hiking or use your body for daily life in meaningful ways, you can begin to attribute more positive thinking towards it, if that makes sense. i may not look perfect and have back problems but i can do so much with my body that others unfortunately can't. it's easy to get dysphoric in today's climate but if you strip away media and culture, you are lucky to have a (hopefully) healthy and working body that others don't. you are built to survive, you're big hips and chest are just features that would prolong your life if you found yourself in a situation with no food. at least that's how i frame it for myself, lol.
No. 579475
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I wish I was still suicidally depressed so I had an excuse for my life being the way it is. I'm good at what I do. I'm well read and have allegedly cool interests, I'm in shape and working on my abs, I'm mid-pretty. People think I'm smart, funny and interesting after years of working on my autism to make myself able to masquerade as an edgy normie to the extent where I'll regularly be cornered by the randos I meet bitching about how 'oooh so many people are booriiing and have 0 personalityy or social skilll thank God WE'RE better than them'. (They usually kind of aren't, obviously.) Have like 5 orbitors. I'm stable-ish, despite it all. I go around and am nice to people on /ot/ using my long history of working through trauma to offer them advice and stuff, so it's not even like this site is my secret dark vent zone. I should be doing great.
But for some reason I'm just stuck. Stuck at home by obligation to protect my little sister's dumb little ass, always scared that I'm going to abuse her like my older sister abused me. Stuck in my shitty relationship with my simultaneously clingy and neglectful deteriorating older fiance who's sexually assaulted me within the first like day of meeting me irl, like physically forcefully, and then since I've been too autistic to do much other than freeze up I've been coerced into really unwanted painful sex on a few occasions since and he still barely responds to no these days…i can't even orgasm on my own without a 50/50 chance of random pain anymore because i think my vaginismus got worse after… and kept me stuck with him with his extreme instability and turning my pain on me by freaking out whenever i try explaining that some things upset me (even the nonconsensual stuff??!??). Ok that's a long story, the enmeshment is real bad there. But I'm also stuck scared to make other friends because I know I'm a weird person, even if they like me… I feel trapped like I don't ever want to attach myself to another person other than the ones I have. After going through the worst periods of my life, my continued survival and lack of notable mental health decline has left me feeling like I have no real reason to up and drop anything I've invested so much time and heart into. But on some level I just want to pack everything up and go away. I desperately think I need to live a different life from this horrible burdensome bullshit that I know is wasting my potential, actively harming me, keeping me from living the good life I potentially could have! I mean, I'm rational, I know this isn't good for me. It's enabling all my worst traits.
But at the same time I have so many plans for what I've settled into. Hopes to go to a totally different place away from my not-so-great family, start a different family there, take care of my weakening husband as his illness progresses, grow a big garden, raise goats and chickens, hang out with my friends and loved ones and provide them with wonderful things in a place far from where my pain started. And I know I'm fully capable of doing it because I'm a far badder bitch than I used to be, I'm competent and capable of basically whatever I set my mind to! It's not even an insane pipe dream. But I think about the suffering I'm subjecting myself to in this stupid ass pursuit of always taking care of others and it makes my more rational parts scream. I just don't know what I'd do without the grounding forces of pain and sacrifice driving me. If I was just actually dead inside depressed and not capable of feeling content and happy about loving and caring for people with next to no reciprocation. I'd be so much more free to do some bullshit dropping everything and becoming a peaceful hobosexual febfem in like fucking Long Beach drawing comic zines or a bald buff weed nun or join a hippy dippy commune in Oregon with my tech + farming knowledge or some shit. God why am I like this.
sorry that got long. I'm 20 so the angsty youngn factor is still in full play.
No. 579479
>>579475Anon, your fiancé sounds like a fucking prick gtfo, choose a safe place and ditch him. You’re 20, you have a lot ahead of you it’s never too late to just fuck everything and start anew. I understand that your sister may be holding you back from doing that, but you gotta do what makes you happy. Go out and find it whatever it is.
I’m in a similar situation atm so I’m giving you advice I’m trying to live by myself.
I’m sorry to hear about your predicament, I hope you’re safe.
No. 579515
>>578784she got what she deserved anon, don't worry about that stupid hag.
>>578816this is is why I'm either never going to get married or marry a wealthy husband and hire male au pairs/ butlers do to the cooking and cleaning. I don't care.
No. 579525
>>579520The gag is; I’ve always been a huge advocate for communal living as I’ve been a part of a few intentional communities and meal sharing is big in that field of interest.
I’ve always encouraged them to help themselves to things I bring home or make, and they typically return the offer.
It’s just since the pandemic, they’ve stopped getting much of their own groceries and the sharing is pretty single sided these past couple months
So no, I haven’t brought up that it irritates me, but that’s out of my frustration with my own hypocrisy
No. 579528
>>510654What's this image even supposed to imply?
As an autist I get that lots of you despise me just because I exist, and will associate me with everything you despise, but damn, can you at the very least stop reminding me constantly?
No. 579529
>>579456>>579528I guess that this is what I deserve for trying to be reasonable with you people.
Not only you don't have enough decency to stop openly treating us like shit, but you feel morally entitled to do so and expect us to be thankful for not doing it even more.
Go unironically kill yourself.
No. 579530
>>579519same shit happened with me too. i don't mind other people eating stuff i buy but when they eat everything before i even get to it or when they eat a weeks worth of grocery i just bought in less than a day, that shit pisses me the fuck off.
you could buy those fridge storage lockers and lock your food. they might call you selfish because of it but who cares, they can start buying their own food.
No. 579537
>>579525I actually had the exact same problem when I lived with my old roommates. We would always share stuff and it wasn’t a big deal, sometimes I’d drink someone’s milk and buy more, no biggie. Then one girl lost her job and completely stopped contributing. She quit buying food and toiletries, and that money racks up fast. I bought some $20 face wash that shit was gone in a WEEK.
Lay it out for them, you’re making less money and they’re home more often so they’re likely eating more. You like sharing, but your wallet is hurting and you need them to pitch in. The situation changed and they shouldn’t take advantage of you. It’s not fair if you can’t even cook your own dinner.
No. 579591
I missed out on most of my life to mental illness and being poor. Never went to college, never had a group of friends, never got my license, never kissed, never had sex. All I knew was work, play video games, and numb myself with music blasting in my ears 24/7. But all this unemployment Im getting makes me hopeful, like I can finally start doing things Ive always wanted to do. But I feel like I just look like an idiot. Who the hell gets their license, has sex for the first time, gets into fashion, and goes to college in their mid 20s? I just feel like its too late for me. I really want to be that person who made it later in life but it still feels so pathetic.
No. 579600
>>579540this is the vent thread monger
>muh sperg outUnironically kill yourself
No. 579609
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>>579597would be good if you gave an example
>>577270My sister has an online community where she posts her drawings, and the style of her communication perplexes me immensely. She's overly friendly, sugary, and cheerful, and she's not like that AT ALL irl. It all comes off pretty fake. I'm not saying to her anything because she gets defensive and resentful any time someone points out her mistakes or things of this kind. But it's just… stupid and annoying.
No. 579643
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God I wish I had a gyaru friend to have fun with in the city and go shopping, or a punk friend to make diy clothes with but also I don't actually want friends because then I would have to put effort into our friendship.
It would be so cool to have a group of diverse friends though; a gyaru, a punk girl, a ~pagan witch~ type, a baker, a hiking enthusiast, a musician, and a really rich girl so we can hang out at her mansion kek. We could all learn from each other's hobbies and experience things we normally wouldn't do. I know the reason such groups don't exist is because they wouldn't have anything in common probably and wouldn't get along but it's fun to think about; I think I'm gonna go imagine a group of friends to fantasize about…
No. 579646
I wish I'd stop getting headaches near daily. It sucks the fun out of life. I need to curb productive and active things because I know that if the slightest thing goes off balance my head starts to thump and I end up dragging myself home halfway through. Like if I become A LITTLE dehydrated or a bit too hot, or I run up stairs too fast or bend over too quickly. I can't even try go to social events (not that I want to, but the self improvement would be nice) because I know I'll get a migraine, especially if I dare to drink.
I feel like such a sensitive pussy when I get too warm waiting in queues or on the bus and a loud group chats beside me and I need to put in thsoe orange foam earplugs so I don't get overstimulated because I CAN'T not listen, so I'm keeping track of like 2-3 conversations at once, I take it all in and it's too damn much. I also know that I grind my teeth in my sleep, which causes a stiff jaw and likely headaches. I had a mouth guard made when I was more well off but now I wake up with gritty pieces of silicon down my throat if I use it, if I didn't spit it out halfway through the night. I used to also wear too tight bras and have a habit of raising my shoulders. I think I need a good massage but obv can't afford it. When I was in high stress times (always noisy, had to communicate a lot, stressful situation academically) it developed into chronic migraines. Like STOP IT. STOP. I want to live a normal life, man.
>>579609Maybe that's her positivity outlet. I'm generally on the more negative side but when playing new horizons it's sucha positive place it can't help but bring the positivity and kindness out in me.
No. 579653
I have this friend who I talk to daily and she tells me that I'm important to her and all that shit, but can never hang out with me despite not living too far away. I've seen her in person only twice in maybe 3 years? She says she is busy, but she keeps talking about how bored she is, she says that I'm too far away from her and the ride is not worth it, but then talks to me how she's at her other's friend house that is just as far away as I am (if not more) and posts stories on instagram where she goes here and there at any time of day. She also likes to bitch about this other friend to me, but then keeps hanging out with her.
I'm not demanding that she looks at me only, just… maybe seeing each other a little more that once a year would be nice.
I just assume I'm not as interesting and fun as her other friends, since my family is very strict and I can't really do much. I also think she got close to me only because at the time all her friends left the school we were both at, so she had no one to talk to. Plus she didn't really like to study, I had higher grades and I could help her pass the exams. I feel bad thinking like this, but all she does is throw pretty words and compliments at me and then go on talking about her problems. She buys me small things even if I tell her that just meeting her would be fine, and I can't even give her back anything because she just says she has no interests (which I don't believe, she just doesn't want to talk about things she likes to me).
No. 579661
>>579649Same thing goes for you NPC.
You've no idea how mind-boggling you sound when you think that you're so edgy, controversial and cool while your stupidity literally has the support of the 90% of the filth known as humankin.
>>579646Are you me? I have been suffering from chronic headaches for a year and am starting to feel like one of those chronic illness people on tumblr.
I have to be extra careful about everything or else it sets one off, and I can’t take anything but Tylenol. Too hot? Headache. Too tired? Headache.
I am so tired of it.
No. 579685
I never really post on socia media but the other day I finally got sick of all these posts saying things along the lines of ‘we see your silence about blm and we’re judging,” ‘I’m deleting people who haven’t talked about this on social media,” and I finally posted a story saying these kinds of sentiments are fucked up and people shouldn’t be judged by their lack of a social media presence. My coworker then went the fuck OFF on me in my dms about how I need to act, how I live in a ‘comfy white bubble’ and need to be a better ally.
Am I wrong for being really taken aback and messed up by this? I do care, I read my history and the news and talk about social issues with people I trust quite a lot, I just don’t think sharing tweets on facebook is all that important. Things are fucked up and need to change, but I just…don’t think attacking people for not posting about the social issue du jour is right. There are a million other ills in the world, so why don’t they get the same treatment?
I’ve worked full-time through the entire pandemic, am trying to apply to grad school, and I’m basically suicidal and feeling like I’m constantly being watched for wrongthink is just making me feel even more alienated from the world. I’m sorry I can’t protest, I can barely wake up and go to work. I try to talk to my best friend about just, life but he just keeps changing the subject back to the police. I just want to get my mental health in order and work on building my life back up, and every time I go online I’m made to feel guilty and ashamed for that. I’m really sorry. I’m having a hard time trusting people irl because of this. Am I a bad person for feeling this way?
No. 579688
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>>579674>>579683>>579685Choo choo virtual hugs are being delivered
>>579685And no, anon, you aren't a bad person at all. Everyone has different issues in their lives and people who are spamming social media with petitions aren't really accomplishing shit anyway, other than maybe stirring the pot even more. The only people who can really do anything about this race war are people in actual power, which I doubt you are. Not talking about BLM on social media =/= not caring about what's going on. Simply treating everyone with kindness in your day to day life does way more good than donating a dollar to a corrupt organization or changing your Twitter name to ACAB BLM for a few weeks.
If your best friend reacts like that and knows how shitty you feel right now then he's a cunt and not worth talking to about sensitive things.
This whole outrage will calm down soon, people are already starting to get bored of it. Just hang on bb
No. 579690
>>579662I'm conflicted because she still talks to me a lot, tells me to tell her if I'm troubled, gives me gifts and she tells me I'm important to her and that "she'd rather hang out with me"… but all she does is the opposite.
Everything tells me that she just wants to use me to feel better about herself (and it's a thing that has happened to me a lot with past "friends"), but I try not to notice things and be paranoiac…
An odd thing that I've noticed is that she sometimes sees and keeps in contact with some of our old classmates, and while I expressed the wish to see them as well she tells me that I shouldn't meet them because they're just people who badmouth me a lot.
No. 579695
>>579691You're probably right, anon. Thank you.
I'm sad but you actually made me laugh with your comment.
No. 579722
>>579116I've struggled with this too anon. looking back and feeling I've wasted my youth, wishing I could be 20 again, wishing for a 'do over'. I'm not sure exactly how your mental health effected you but I missed out on a lot of opportunities/experiences thanks to extreme anxiety and basically retreated into a ball inactivity.
I just turned 30 and decided to think of it as the 'new 20' though. I'm still young and you definitely are at 27! I'm trying to live less lamenting the loss of my 20s and instead looking to the future. you CAN still do all those things you feel you should've done at a younger age and still enjoy your hobbies too (Idk what your hobbies are but fuck feeling like you ever outgrow something that makes you happy).
I know how it feels to feel so behind in life, I'm still living at home, haven't learned to drive, still a virgin etc but hell, I'm just gonna go for them now instead of beating myself up about not doing those things when they were age appropriate.
this is your life anon, yes you may be behind when it comes to what is 'usual' but that's okay, just think of yourself as a late bloomer, you can still do all the things you want to! good luck
No. 579724
>>579702I've never developped any affinity for analysis and it slows me down so much. I'm good at algebra so it was fine at first, but now in the major I'm in it's nothing but Fourier analysis and transforms.
I feel like the biggest issue is that I gave up and I always procrastinate on shit because I'm like "I should review the basics before" and I never do because I feel like I'm bad at it so I do my assignments last minute, barely understanding the fuck I am doing.
No. 579752
>>579749It's a good idea, it'll certainly make me accountable to have to pay someone out of my own pocket. (When I accepted help from my friends I always chickened out because I ddin't want them to see that I'm an "impostor".)
I'll try one last time this summer break. I've been doing a lot of introspection over the past few years, and I'm tired of always being in the same cycles. I just have to wing it for my exams tomorrow I guess…
No. 579779
>>579771Your post from yesterday screamed of him having unhinged controlling behaviour but still, damn. Been there too and I'm really sorry anon.
I know sharing an apt/lease complicates things but don't go near the apartment again without at least your dad present.
No. 579816
>>579815the sushi box thing is so cute. i hope you cherish every bite of it.
but i get you. i read that story about the lesbian couple in london that got assaulted and i worry for my lesbian best friend. i read about random, senseless acts of cruelty in my hometown and worry that my mom will be a
victim one day. i think we all worry about this kinda stuff. that's why girls tell each other to send texts when they get home, and why people advise family members to carry something to defend themselves.
No. 579832
>>579819Who even says that? You're around a lot of cringy people I guess?
I'm more bothered by couples doing the baby talk it makes me wanna kill myself
No. 579844
>>579819Maybe it’s cuz I’m ESL but uhhh I swear “panty”, “knickers”, “tummy” or “boobs” or “tush” aren’t used in some weird child sex rp way around here. Women use these words with each other, even in family… The frequent colloquial use is probably from habitual use since childhood. At work my colleagues would say “vagina” or “down there”. “Sexytime” is silly to me more than childish, the more conservative mommy blogger type women would use it…older women say “intimate time”, people my age just say “sex”.
> my kitty hurts during sexytimeThat’s totally different, who the fuck says this outside of ddlg shits??
No. 579851
>>579819I feel like none of these are even childish except for sexytime and tummy. Panties is literally just the name for women's underwear. Saying the word "panties" is childish is like saying the word "bra" is childish tbh. Knickers is just the european/british term for panties I believe. And perky is just a word to describe breasts/someone's butt.
>"my kitty hurts during sexytime"Where did you hear that? Wtf.
No. 579895
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i'm poor, i'm ugly, i'm unemployed, i have no friends nor have i ever had any friends, i dropped out of college due to low gpa, all i ever wanna do is drink but i'm scared of developing an addiction, i have no talents, i have no hobbies or passions or anything that brings me joy, i hate my life, i want to die, give me $200
No. 579905
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This and everything remotely like this
I fucking hate this culture
No. 579918
>>579905I guarantee the disability is just them feeling "sad" sometimes lmao I mean trans in a mental illness, we aren't designed to feel we are the opposite sex we are born as. But I wouldn't classify it as a disability. What could honestly make this person disabled? why do they need to move out? Mom (let's be real they probably don't have a father) yells are them to clean their room still? Mom doesn't agree with their new identity of being 'trans'?
That's also just one ugly ass person. Mullet with a 7 year olds band-aid and glasses my uncle wore in the 80s. Okay obviously they are scamming but I agree with you anon, I hate it all too.
>>579911This could go two ways. Either you are easy to hate and you can take steps to change OR your coworker just doesn't like you. I mean I'm sure others do. You know how you just don't get along with someone, no matter how hard you try or they try it just doesn't work out? it's probably that. The only time I have encountered (on the internet though) someone being so hated was Andrew dobson. I doubt you are a dobson, anon. So we'll go with the second option, just you and him don't get along. Saying that to another co-worker though is some petty ass high schooler shit.
>>579895Let's hope you can make it out the other side anon. Life is full of ups and downs and right now, this could be your actual low. I'm sure you have hobbies, you just don't feel like you are good at them, so it makes you worthless "why aren't I as good as that person, they are younger than me and better at it!" don't sweat it. Competition can be healthy but at times you really need to focus on your own efforts.
No. 579922
>>579911This is fucked up. Are you self-aware enough to figure out why they would say this? Are you aggressive, cold, weird, etc? None of these things would justify her saying that and talking shit about you, however if it's for reasons like you being quiet, then at least you can feel confident knowing you're not a piece of shit like her.
My coworker who I work under referenced a mistake I made by saying "I remember when you did that, I thought, gee, anon isn't STUPID, why would she do this?" and "You've been working here for a month, I'd think you'd be further ahead by now"
Some people are assholes.
No. 579925
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i deserve to be so sad. im really really evil and horrible. i know i'll die alone, i can already see how badly my life is gonna go, i hate waking up every day. i wish i could sleep forever, even my face is distorted and horrible, nobody gives a fuck i know. i really am so sad every fucking day
No. 579936
>>579918>>579922I honestly have no idea what I did, but I am really quiet so I guess I come off as snobbish. Also I wasn't very good at my job when I first started but that was at the beginning of the year so idk man
But anyway I'm too old to get involved in workplace drama so I'll just have to get over it
Thank you for the kind words <3
No. 579937
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i wish all men within a 50 mile radius of me would die
No. 579972
went on the first date in 5 years with a guy who i thought i would find really attractive (i'd seen him irl from a distance at work and then have been texting him for weeks) and oh my god, i guess i really am just…. not into 99.999999% of men. prior i had all this big performative talk to my friends about how i was entertaining the idea of just finally having sex because my brain and body get really horny sure and i thought this guy would be perfect but wow i can't even think about actually touching him (or any other guy besides literally one very niche musician i've adored for years and years, since age 12 lol) i just genuinely don't understand how women can fuck guys on the first date (or… at all… i'm half joking here but anyway) and it's not that he did anything, like he looked perfectly acceptable, he drives really nice cars/a truck, makes good money for a really young guy, he's really nice (not exciting, but nice) and the only thing he did "wrong" was actively turning to look at a group of girls walking on the side of the street lmao. basically, i'm kind of disappointed with myself and for hyping this up so much. i'm definitely very starved for attention and human interaction so i thought this would all be much much sweeter. now i borderline don't know if i want to ever marry anyone ever. i'm just surprised at myself, i thought i was finally being more "normal" because my few friends ask me like hey anon, do you have a guy in your life yet?? and after finally actually seeing a man in the flesh, i'm… in love with being alone forever. not in a dramatic way, i just don't know if i want literally any guy, besides the rarest rare man i may meet one day, to have anything to do with me. just so stupid, yesterday i was thirsting so hard wanting to presumably fuck this guy and one look at him up close and i'm long gone. i don't mind him as a person though, he wasn't even remotely pushy and it was kind of boring for sure but way better than some horny ugly retard immediately getting touchy with me. anyway.
No. 579973
>>579972lmao same… I'm horny until I have to actually interact with men, then I'm just like fuck this.
Realistically the guy probably just wasn't very attractive or charming, it's not like you're gonna spontaneously want his dick just because he wasn't awful. He has to do some of the work to make himself sexually attractive and turn you on.
No. 579975
>>579973i feel really guilty saying it because it's rude but he looked better in his photos and from a distance kek. he's definitely not ugly but idk. and his photos/videos are all candid recent unedited ones too so not like it was catfishing either. i'm just confused and disappointed in my high expectations.
>>579958this unironically. my posts have mysteriously began getting 50% less likes in the last month and yet it's the exact same shit i always used to post and i do everything else correctly.
No. 579977
>>579972Omg this is painfully relatable
I’ve had these gross hyper-energetic crushes on men I talked to on dating apps, then when I meet them irl I feel so disappointed and put off. I have a problem with over-hyping potential dates in my head. Makes me feel like an idiot when it happens
No. 580050
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Can the world please end already and stop teasing us? I want to have nothing to worry about.
No. 580053
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i am just filled with anxiety and anger
No. 580073
>>580004Me too. I hate that I can’t make honest comments on my friend shit taste in men without someone saying “you’re just jealous that you don’t have a man” when referring to their slack jaw autistic walking dildos.
I don’t need to be a chef to know when there is shit on the plate.
No. 580109
>>579609Ok, so most recent example: I ask how I should open a letter. He tells me “with their name”. I say ‘oh, do you know their names or know who has that info?’ He sperges out as if I’m being a sarcastic bitch because he doesn’t know their names. I try to clarify that I genuinely don’t know and need to know how to open the letter to finish my task. He gets more aggressive and starts acting like he didn’t just tell me to write their names.
Important note, he doesn’t just become an asshole when he doesn’t know things, because most of the time he knows the answer and I’m asking a question because I need clarification and he will sarcastically yell incorrect info at me or if I ask if it’s possible to do something another way he acts like I’m trying to correct him and is like “then ok
do it try I’m waiting” even when he knows it won’t work and exactly why
No. 580144
>>580139I don't think there are 'body positive' anons, just people who don't give a shit and don't want to derail discussions.
Same goes for trannies tbh.
No. 580146
>>580134>>580116Why are you saying this? The original post said “are you fat or anorexic?” It’s not about body weight, just a stupid insult implying anon is insecure for using tinder.
>>579986Definitely not:
>I’m sorry daddy leftAnon should’ve posted his face so we could laugh at him tbh.
No. 580156
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>originally hired contract term of 6 months
>promised I'd be trained for things to become direct hire
>it never happens, my job gets delegated to 'casual' work
>get reprimanded when I try to do things that I've been half-trained on even though they're correct due to policy
>everyone is touch and go and there's no one around to explain anything or who I can ask questions
>rarely trained for anything and I got tired of constantly asking and pestering
>so I keep on with my slack job and the mediocre pay cause it's not stressful and I can fuck around
>they keep renewing my contract for 2 month stints every time the previous contract expires
>I care but I also don't care
>doesn't incentivize me to try harder and clearly these "casual" duties are tasks no one else wants to do or else they would've let me go by now
I feel like my coworkers are passive aggressive that they see me at my desk not doing much but like? What am I supposed to do? They all get paid more than me with benefits. I don't get shit and no one trains me, of course I'm not gonna overperform for these bastards. Am I wrong here? Should I be licking their buttholes after they shit or something?
No. 580174
>>580162Seriously. Not fully related, but I also hate when I get involved in what's meant to be a female-centric group, and I see them unironically express hateful thoughts about other women as collective groups.
I just don't hate straight women, white women, rich women or married women, and I don't think I ever will. Do I think they can say dumb shit, and even harm other women? Of course, but they're not the real problem, men are. Get with the fucking program. Some women will be bitchy to you at work or school, but men in your life will literally sexually harass, rape and/or murder you. Why is your energy reserved for the women?
At the end of the day, we're all "menstruators", "whores", "cunts" and "bitches" to a male-run society, just ones of varying quality as objects. Why the fuck should we join in and help them destroy us further? Because you got bullied that one time by some "Stacy"? Give me a fucking break.
Hating pick-mes is
valid, but some people just take it too far.
No. 580268
>>580174>Do I think they can say dumb shit, and even harm other women? Of course, but they're not the real problem, men are.Ah, the “women are free from criticism because men are worse” feminist. Anon fucking please, those traitorous bitches are actively perpetuating and participating in oppression, they don’t give a fuck about you if it means they get their head patted by big scrote man. They let themselves be used as ammunition against feminist causes. You clearly haven’t seen how internalized misogyny imbedded itself in professional adult world, queen bee syndrome is a real thing that is keeping women from reaching more influential positions in society. It’s not just “lol Stacy bully” in school.
Fuck these cunts, I’ll welcome them into the women’s shelter when their man inevitably abuse them but other than that I will never stop scorning. Pic stolen from sh0e thread lol
No. 580287
>>580281This is probably super unwanted advice but I just posted about this in the stoner thread a few days ago
>>>/ot/578070 and I gotta say - if you're open to it, smoking weed helped me with my appearance issues a tonnnn without changing a single thing about how I look. It took a bit of time, and staring at yourself in the mirror while super high is not for newbies, but it has been hugely helpful in terms of being able to see myself removed from my intensely negative self image built up over years. It didn't make me think I'm like model pretty but it allowed me to see myself as just another girl, like the girls you mention seeing online, no better, no worse. I know no one wants my dumb stoner opinion but I seriously have been amazed and very happy at how much I've improved the way I see myself (physically at least) because I never thought it would be possible. You can say whatever you want about whether appearance matters or not in life but everyone has a right to be at peace with themselves and I hope you find that peace someday anon.
Also I have a similar hair texture and I feel you on that, shit sucks. Plus it comes from my dad, my mom and her whole family have stick-straight hair so no one ever taught me how to look after it properly.
No. 580307
>>580303My dad didn't play the typical role of 'protector' like a lot of dads do but he did teach me to be a lil paranoid about people and their agendas which in a way helps me protect myself. But then like you said he'll sometimes strangely stick up for people when I descibe them treating me badly. I don't know if that's him assuming daughters are over-emotional or that as a woman I can't guage situations?
It sucks. You want to feel like your dad is fighting your corner.
No. 580309
>>580268>>580208>>580238I'm not saying women are free from criticism, especially trainwrecks like Shayna. Individual pick-mes like her, Shuwu or tradthots are different from entire groups, what I'm against is generalization of any group of women. All it does is isolate women from each other if we can't tuck away the "REEE stupid privileged other women" thing.
>>580176This, I think, is the case, and it makes me sad how many women fall into this.
>>580262I don't co-sign the bullshit that comes from them, either. I just don't see the point in basking in the vitriol, the only ones who win from that are men.
No. 580321
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>>580221I really hate 'muh pure muslin girl' stuff too. I particularly hate how some women buy in to sexist ideas and feel smug/ superior just because they abide by men's rules regarding modesty (despite the fact that they'll get sexualised anyway) pic related
No. 580346
>>580336If she's talking about the same thing in my family it's still there without an overbite and is more of an issue of fat storage? I think there's a particular type of mini lipo for it though
>>580281Ten years ago a male friend exclaimed about how weird it was that I had a double chin despite being thin… I was laying down at the time which probably made it more obvious but my god that comment destroyed my confidence for a long time. I don't think people stare at necks and chins all that much but I can empathize with the complex it gives you. I stopped caring at some point.
No. 580371
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No. 580378
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>>580371If it makes you feel better anon, the bubonic plague never really went away to being with. CDC has more info. It can be deadly if not caught quick enough, but rarely is in today's time because we have the antibiotics to treat it.
No. 580429
>>580419I feel you anon. I had been procrastinating finding a new therapist forever before any of this shit happened because I've had so many terrible experiences. And now it's like… is fighting my apathy and apprehension even worth it if it's just going to be fucking video chat? I hate the fact that some fucking bars and restaurants are open in my city but I can't sit alone in a room >6ft away from someone in a mask and talk for an hour, even tho obviously I get why therapists are still doing everything online.
I also have trouble hearing over the phone and trouble speaking clearly/slowly so telemedicine appointments give me even more anxiety than being in person. There is no perfect substitute to face-to-face contact.
No. 580460
>>580336>Do you have an overbite?I do and I actually have appointments planned to start fixing it so it's funny you mention that! Pandemic has put a hold on such plans as of right now, though.
Either way it's like
>>580346 says - it'll still be there even when I get my dental health sorted. My Mum has gotten rid of her overbite and is quite thin, yet she still has a highly noticeable double chin. It really is straight up genetic unfortunately, so it sometimes gets to me that it's just how I'm built and I can't do much to change it. Maybe I'll figure out how to stop defining myself by my looks eventually… I really hope I can cause it eats at me all too often. If not, maybe that chin lipo is in my future lol.
No. 580486
>>580389yes what he did was
abusive and wrong, considering you were 14. it's grooming. i feel you anon, i don't know how to deal with this sort of stuff either. i had a similar inappropriate relationship with a grown man on tumblr when i was 14 too. im sooooo happy it stayed online but i always wonder if i hadn't deleted my tumblr if i would've been abused irl. just know yer not alone :/
No. 580492
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I'm so fucking pissed. Long rant incoming…
So, one of the neighbors in my apartment has a roach + trash problem to the point it's presumably infecting the whole building.
A lady moved in downstairs and proceeded to complain to our landlord that we were "stomping on the floor" (aka walking to the bathroom) at night. Before she moved in, bugs were very rare.
We had a heatwave and some roaches appeared. We figured it was just due to the weather. They didn't really have anywhere to fester in our apartment and after the 4th sighting, they vanished for a while. The landlord put up a notice in the lobby that there were multiple roach sightings, and they were willing to provide a free extermination service to anyone who requested it.
Evidently the person who's causing this didn't take up the offer. Roaches are STILL appearing in our apartment. Not only that… but there's an awful smell in the hallway.
I thought it was my roommate being a slob as he had a past history of it. We're civil but not at all friendly, so I don't go into his room. The other roommate is on a friendly level and says his room is surprisingly clean. Checking the area the stench is coming from.. there's nothing. It's the hallway of our apartment, which has no trash, food, or anything laying around - really it's quite bare. (We have wood floors also, so it's not like a stench stuck to the carpet). The bathroom connected to the hallway doesn't smell at all. My next guess was the kitchen… but it's not the kitchen either. Since the kitchen and hallway are connected with no door, some of the smell seems to have drifted in, but the smell is the strongest in the hall by far. And still… finding a roach a day in the apartment. They even get into my entirely insulated room which makes me think they're coming in from a crevice or crack in the wall. Luckily, no food is left out, so they're not able to survive long.
It feels like my landlord doesn't give a single fuck about this and if I report it, I feel like it'll be pinned on us despite the fact we're good tenants.
I have a huge fear of the little fuckers. There was even a god damn baby spider in here. How does that even happen? No mom spider, egg, or other babies were found. I screamed my lungs out and cried the first night I saw a roach… crawling on top of me. Now I'm paranoid and constantly feel itchy like they're on me.
The bugs were one thing but that horrible smell is another, it makes me not even want to leave my room anymore.
In all the years my roommates lived here, and the time I've spent here, there were no bug sightings. And now they're popping up. Fuck my life. Fuck having a severe bug phobia too. I can't even sleep comfortably anymore because I'm scared the little fucks will lay eggs in my ears or something.
No. 580495
>>580492I had a roach problem my freshman year of college (5+ sightings a day for grown roaches, dozens for nymphs) and it was really hell on earth, so I feel you. The management sent pest control guys with fancy equipment and pesticides regularly, but it never even made a dent. On my own dime, I tried every spray I could find, and they barely even died when directly squirted. Tinfoil but I legit think a lot of roaches, especially in cities or places with many apartments/dorms, are becoming immune to our current day pesticides.
I'm pretty sure the only thing that has a chance at working is baits. But it has to be organized building-wide, otherwise you'll just be inviting roaches into your room and your room only. If it's caught early enough, which it sounds like it has been in your case, I really think baiting could work. I would seriously talk to your apartment management about setting up baits all over the building, or at least in all the hallways.
The reason baiting works when pesticides do not, is that it is essentially impossible for you to manually find all the places where they are living. You'll miss some of the places they set up camp, even when you're thorough, they're sneaky. But with baits, the roaches do the work for you, by taking the poison food directly back to their nests or whatever. They eat it, all the nymphs eat it, and they die. But in order for it to work you have to have enough baits to feed them all, and have them spread out enough to cover all the places they come out to forage in.
Be the squeaky wheel on this and raise hell with management. They're gonna lose their whole building unless they act now. Good luck anon.
No. 580505
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>>580492Anon I swear by pic related.
I moved into a brand new apartment whose previous tenant must have been filthy because there were roaches, nymphets, and eggs everywhere. My complex management tried to play it off like I and my roommate were just filthy enough to have caused a roach problem within a week or so of moving in. They were slow in getting an exterminator and told me I had to wait a month while these fuckers quadrupled in numbers in my kitchen. I wasn't gonna wait! I bought this powder which is very inexpensive. I sprinkled it all along the sides of my walls and under appliances where the roaches traveled. If I saw a roach I peppered it with the powder and allowed it to travel back to the colony, where the roach would die and other roaches would cannibalize it and ingest the acid. I finally found what seemed to be a source best between the dishwasher and wall and powdered in the cracks there too.
They all died within a week. I told the complex exterminator to piss off cause I fixed the problem myself. It's been over a year and I haven't seem em since. The powder remains there too in case new bugs attempt an invasion.
You should still complain to your landlord about the stench however.
No. 580511
>>580495>>580505>>580506Welp anons, found another roach. Managed to kill it, but not before breaking my nail causing it to bleed like mad. Wonderful.
I'll have to try boric acid first and see if it works. I don't know if it'll work forever because if they're coming from a neighbor, they're going to come back.
I'm determined to bitch to the landlord at this point but ultimately, the landlord won't fix it. The only way to fix it is to exterminate the whole building, and there's no way that's going to happen, my landlord is shit and a cheapass
I'm not sleeping tonight, I guess…
No. 580521
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Um, how do I tell my entitled friend to go kick rocks?
She wants us to spend close to $400 to travel to the coast for the weekend for her birthday.
I've never had a friend with so much audacity before. I know she doesn't care or think about money because her husband provides everything for her, but she really should be more considerate considering that some of us aren't married and don't have men to fall back on to provide us with shit. We also don't get paid time off work and if I had $400 to spend I'd take myself someplace I'd actually want to go and relax.
I'm honestly really fucking mad that she's so tone deaf. I feel like telling her off in chat.
No. 580547
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I was thinking about some stuff from my childhood today and so eventually I started thinking about the time I used to get molested by a religious teacher for some years and I wasn't feeling too terrible til I realized a detail I never thought about before, that whenever he use to touch me with his hands or whatever, one of his hands would always be under the desk and I always wondered what it was doing, moving so weird and all, just realized he was jerking off with that hand and I just want to kill myself now. Wish I didn't realize that, I feel pretty terrible
No. 580558
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My only close friend is being an emotionally abusive asshole towards me, raging out at me from the smallest reasons and then implying I’m the one that made her angry and basically thanking me for being her punching bag, probably just to make me feel like an asshole if I told her to stop treating me like crap.
She just loves to misunderstand a lot of the things I say and twist them to fit her arguments, does anything to make herself seem intellectually/morally superior and just loves painting herself like she’s the best person and everyone around her is stupid.
A couple of years ago when I told her about lolcow she cut contact with me because “I’m actually a good person m’kay” but then she started openly shitting on people. I just hate her hyocrisy and when I point it out to her she’s like “Well I’m not perfect”.
Can’t cut contact with her because she’s basically my only friend and the only person that I like talking to on a daily basis. Believe me, I tried making other friends but I never managed to get the kind of emotional intimacy that I get with her. I guess I’m gonna remain a punching bag for now
No. 580590
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No. 580591
>>580511Not those anons but boric acid works wonders! I live in NYC and roaches are an unfortunate way of life here, but boric acid has helped to lessen their numbers in my apartment. It works well because it poisons them from the inside as they clean themselves after stepping in it. If they step in it and bring it back to their nest and die there, as other roaches
eat them, they’ll become poisoned too (or something like that- I know its poison to them but someone else told me the eating line lol). Diatomaceous earth/ASG powder is meh against roaches since it needs each of them to come out and walk over the powder so it can work and dry them to their deaths, boric acid can be taken back to the nest and really nip the problem in the bud. Might not hurt to use both though since ASG powder (brands like Cimexa) can be used against other pests as well and don’t need to be reapplied for up to 10 years as long as the area doesn’t wet.
Good luck anon! I fucking hate roaches.
No. 580616
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I want to look more mature and put together but it clashes with my mental something something. I'm 25 but feel uncomfortable as fuck in dresses or anything super feminine and I hate it because I love the styles and how delicate it all looks but I'm just… not that. I'm also not full on masculine dressing so I feel like my whole style is all over the place and it looks unprofessional af. I'm too old for this shit.
No. 580631
>>580609Get that brush grip thing, look up spider catcher/gripper on google. I feel bad if I end up killing a spider, so it was perfect for me. Just wish it had a longer handle, but way quicker than the glass and paper method. IMO the sprays are so slow, you pray it and it's ran behind something before it can get a lethal dose.
Side vent, this is why I hate staying at my parents house, they hoard shit and allow spiders to grow HUGE. They don't take my phobia seriously and yell at me if I scream (I was once showering and a spider THE SIZE OF MY PALM was on my fucking ARM) and will often refuse to help me with it unless I bug them to shit. I called my mom upstairs once and asked her to watch the spider while I got a glass, came back and it was GONE, she shrugged when I asked where it was and I couldn't sleep that night or the next.
Now I live in a 3rd floor apartment next to the forest, and make sure everything is clean and uncluttered and there are nets on the windows. My parents said loads of spiders were inevitable. I've had two spiders in the last 18 months vs. one massive one a week and at least one every other day at my parents'. One because I had to bring all my balcony plants in, and one I saw walking in through the doorway.
No. 580652
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my skin picking problem is getting worse again… i made some progress in the past few months but i ruined my skin again and it’s making me feel ugly and frustrated which makes me want to pick on my skin even more… it’s a vicious circle, ugh
No. 580666
>>580662Two things.
1. Understand that depression makes people act in irrational ways and say irrational things.
2. With that being said, don't let people who are struggling with their own mental health drag you into a dark place along with them.
I would text him saying that you don't appreciate him saying that you're clingy when all you were trying to do is help. He can't drop all of his heavy shit and get mad when you try to be there for him. Also let him know that he can't let his depression go untreated. It's not fair to him or to you. You aren't obligated to stay with someone or be empathetic to someone who is making no effort to get better.
No. 580749
>>580631The spiders we get where I currently live are those thin ones and daddy long legs, nothing like recluses thankfully. Would the catcher still work with those?
Either way, next year I'll be moving to a more rural zone with forests nearby and actually big spiders, so I'll most likely end up getting one. I also don't like killing them unless I get no other choice (by the time my brother came home it was already gone).
I feel you about people not taking you seriously. Every time I get a panic attack because I found a spider my mother starts yelling at me because I'm overreacting, as if I didn't know that already lol
No. 580750
>>580726I wish.
>>580732It would be for an investment! A worthy amount
No. 580754
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This is a really dumb, minor vent but I really wish I had some close friends who I can geek out with over our favorite series and husbandos and stuff. I miss being involved with online fandoms but I stopped engaging around 2016 because I was so sick of the tumblr/twitter moralfags shitting everything up and sucking the fun out of everything. Now I just enjoy everything on my own, save for the occasional lurk on reddit, but I kinda hate their sense of humor. I do miss seeing fun memes, fanart, and theories from other fans, but then when I try to go looking in the communities I see all the bad shit that ruined fandom for me in the first place and it's just not worth it. A few bad apples really do spoil the whole bunch for me, and I wish I could get over it and ignore the bad people but they're like goddamn roaches you can't escape, and even people who seem chill at first end up being batshit insane too.
I think the real moral of the story is simply that I'm a lonely weeb with no friends. I hope one day I can muster up the courage to use the friend finder thread here since I feel like this place is my best bet to find like-minded women but I need to get over myself first because I'm too damn shy.
No. 580768
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I’m 28, with severe social anxiety (might even be Avoidant Personality Disorder) and I feel like I wasted my fucking life. My dating life has been nonexistent for several years and I barely have any friends. I know it’s not too late to change my life around, but I’m still pissed that I wasted my teens and most of my 20s
No. 580800
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Idk where to post this… I've been kind of going out with a guy (we've been on a couple of dates, we held hands, cuddled, he introduced me to his family, etc.). He is a wonderful guy but he washes his hair once a week and it's greasy af. Just… he has good hair genetics, his hair looks perfect even tho he uses some cheap shampoo and no conditioner, but it's greasy
ans gross 80% of the time because he refuses to wash it every other day. I think it's too soon for me to bring it up, so I'm left with a greasy guy. Ugh.
No. 580814
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>recently predators outed in the local jfashion comms
>multiple women step forward with instances of abuse and corroboration of stories
>predators banned, but not apologetic
>never own up to what they did and offer non-apologies at best cause they clearly don't want to admit wrongdoing
>post articles about how cancel culture is wrong and try to drum up fake positivity around the situation
>predators receive a ton of support
>women who stepped forward called crazy witch hunters bc some predators named would never hurt a fly
I don't know what I expected. I actually don't want to delete the predators off my social media but at the same time I don't want to look unsupportive. It's about keeping enemies close and keep tabs on the shit they say and do.
No. 580828
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I recently broke up with the bpd ex bf.
He has childhood trauma which is almost redeeming but he has little self-awareness and little desire to improve. He also has a narcissistic facade which makes it hard to deal with him. He's good in the sack though and could be sweet and gentle and I had feelings for him.
He has good and self-aware days where he is willing to change and he behaved well towards me during and after the break-up (except that I learnt now he desperately hit on at least one friend/aquaintance because of his sex addiction tendency).
So distance made my heart go wander and I was hopeful and naive enough to give it a chance again. Also, there were some emotional loose ends for me in the first break-up somehow that made it hard for me to move on. I didn't have the clarity to move on. So we got back together which was a mistake (or maybe not as things are much clearer for me now).
He is in a therapy institution atm and drinks and smokes weed on the weekends. He is in his last two weeks and got ordered to do a drug test. I brought him pee in a coffee cup (disgraceful) to cheat said test. He put it in a glove in the bathroom and tricked the test.
He still managed to make rude and inappropriate remarks about my finances (which aren't great but alright) on that same day. Which I called out. It's none of his concern especially when I disgrace myself by bringing him pee for a drug test like a dumbass without self-respect.
Anyway, we had a huge fight during which he switched between apologies and debasing remarks (which nullifies the apologies, doesn't it?). I then as a response wanted my stuff back and offered to give him his. He called it black-mailing with a break-up, proceeded to blackmail me by saying he will hold onto my sweater until he had his 15 bucks back which I owe him. After I called it out, we met and exchanged stuff. We fought more, he expected me to break up, provoked me until I broke up, we fought more, I threw some insults at him and then blocked him everywhere.
During the early stages of our fight he invalidated me a lot. At first, I offered him to talk it out irl in the evening as fights via messages are useless and I wanted to go about our evening plans as usual and cook together. When we fought more and I cancelled the plans, he called me needing time for myself weird and abnormal and insane. Later, he also invalidated that I wasn't feeling well because of the fight and called it my fault and abnormal and insane.
He messaged me from some account today and played the victim because I insulted him. He thinks he has the moral high-ground and that I overreacted and that I'm a total psycho. Apparently he showed our entire conversation to "4 people who reaffirmed it"
During this week, I will take the money I owe him from my strict budget plan plus one cent tip for his attempted blackmail and give it up at the hospital reception where he's staying and then that's that on that.
Idk, now I'm trying to wrap up this text. I'm still processing. I guess the upside is that there are no loose ends anymore. And I need to turn into a responsible, self-respecting adult.
I'm a bit scared that he knows my address and I have this diffuse fear of vengeful behaviour on his side. Right now I'm sitting in a pile of shards of regrettable choices that I made for myself.
I hope I can look back on this some day as just a regrettable experience with a really sick guy. I worked hard on myself and wanna make it count.
No. 580833
>>580828People bitch about women with bpd but oh my god stay the fuck away from men with it, they're so much worse.
Leave him for good, he'll be in and out of the looney bin for years to come or he'll beat his next gf and go to prison. No loss.
No. 580867
>make retard mistake of sending a snap of me smiling with the freckle face filter on my newer better phone to a few pals and this one really openly jealous miserable asshole i'm friends with just saying "wow my phone quality finally doesn't suck!" nothing about appearance
>she immediately snaps me back saying "you look ugly"
>i snap her back saying "no i look fine lol"
like seriously, usually you'd think "oh she's just kidding anon chill out" but the key background here is that she's a very poor by choice, bottom of the barrel pick me and every time i come over her non-boyfriend who she lies to everyone about being her real boyfriend talks about how i'm way more attractive than her, behind my back and to my face sometimes and then this bitch (after she's had a couple drinks) will scream, wail and flip out in front of me and even in front of my normal friend i introduced her to once about how she hates how the verbally abusive, incel tier jobless broke video game addicted leech guy she's letting live with her while she uses her humble paycheck to pay for everything for him AND lets him fuck her anytime he wants, all while he puts her down, calls her a slut, talks big about how he finds me and countless other women more attractive etc etc and as i said, will NOT date her but she lies on social media about dating him kek. and of course they both caught a noticeable attitude with me when i was over for drinks this week because i was talking about how i had a guy with a really cool car wanting to pick me up to go on a first date (both of these people share a tiny tiny apartment that reeks of cat shit bc they let their poor bored cats just shit in the literbox and they never ever clean it, they let cat puke sit in a bucket right in the tiny living room whilst i'm over, and the guy has a sore spot about being fucking 26 and having no license, no car, he never leaves this shitty apartment so he definitely was visibly triggered at the mere mention of a guy being able to pick me up), i'm sick of the clear jealousy and now straight up cunty remarks when i'm never mean or rude about their revoltingly messy, garbage filled bottom of the barrel hygiene and life antics. yet she'll also beg me to come over almost every weekend. grimy bullshit. i need to branch out and make real friends.
No. 580869
>>580721My friend is 24 and a full career as a nurse and her mom does the same shit. It's so
toxic to see women treat their daughters like this.
No. 580903
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i drank 2 margaritas by myself to celebrate an unremarkable tuesday night and i’m thinking about the trajectory of my online behavior! was gonna post in the drunk thread but it's too bleak
thinking back, i can't believe tumblr circa 2010-2012 was allowed to exist the way it did for so long. it was so fucked up with the nymphet trend… 10 years later, i can still think of like 5 blogs off the top of my head whose DDLG relationships i remember admiring as a 13 year old. like, girls my age/barely older talking about their 20-something daddies, greasy fucks they probably met on that very same platform. ugh.
but even before tumblr, i remember going on 4chan and lurking as men gushed over girls my age, lamenting how it was their peak—and i remember believing it to my very core, because i had no idea what was expected from a girl/woman or what was attractive. i wonder if i’ve internalized it more than i've ever let on. i was so young and impressionable and the message i got from the internet, anime, etc., was that the best woman was actually a child. i remember turning 15 and feeling like i was already washed up since i was no longer, like. "loli age."
what kind of tumblr circles was everyone part of back in the day?
No. 580914
>>580905This. Ok, she called anon ugly and that's rude af, but anon is perfectly aware it's jealousy and isn't remotely insecure. Kinda just sounds like she's basking in the ego boost from knowing her friend is jelly and her bf wants to fuck her. Everyone in this story is childish af.
Honestly I really cannot understand all the posts we get on here about friendship drama. I haven't had a disagreement or gotten mad at a friend since I was like 16.
No. 580918
>>580905probably. i'll call a pathetic sad pick me exactly how it is lol. i won't lie and say it isn't at times entertaining.
>>580915not sure how i'm a pick me because i have no interest in any guy and i only see this one fucking sad neet when i visit the chicks apartment but okay retard. your logic is lacking. if i was actively texting or talking to the guy it'd be a different story but i never ever speak to him, i know the female "friend" from high school lol.
No. 580925
>>580923Nta you're so cringe please stop. Just embrace the truth that you're only in contact with the jelly bitch to feel superior, that's fine, pretty girls are retarded on the inside too. The fact that you tried to mislead anons into thinking you were the
victim of scorn for no reason is cow-tier.
No. 580928
>>580925>you tried to mislead anons into thinking you were the victim of scorn for no reasonNot OP but hello? She IS the
victim of scorn for no actual fucking reason other than she's pretty and her shitty friend chooses to lower her own self-esteem by sticking with some desperate dude who is only with her out of his convenience. Anon's inner thoughts that she's venting here are her own and she's got every right to throw her beauty in the face of some sour bitch who'd rather tear down another woman's looks than ditch the dude that's responsible for making her feel like shit about hers.
Sorry Stacey bullied you and made you feel like competition, but maybe examine your relationship with men and how they drive you mental.
No. 580936
>>580928Lol anon is actively letting herself be involved in the drama and admits she likes it. She's not a
victim. If wanna pull the muh misogyny card, anon is also guilty for condemning the jealous girl and not her incel boyfriend who made her insecure and
toxic with his abuse. But no, she'd rather feel validated by some moid she doesn't like thinking she's hot lmao men jerk of to a ceiling fan ffs, but project as much as you like about how we're all so threatened by stacies.
No. 580941
>>580931There wouldn't BE drama if that sullen little
girl would ditch her scrub and stop being mean towards women she's jealous of.
>>580936How did she not condemn the incel? She literally described what a user and mooch he is but yeah stupid women are accountable for the stupid shit they do to other women. Sorry not sorry, reevaluate your feelings. You wouldn't be so easily jealous of other women for shallow and dumb reasons if you had a spine of your own.
No. 581019
>>581013God I'm so sorry you're dealing with that. I cannot imagine that level of social incompetence and audacity.
>>581015by TRA standards wouldn't that mean they should be kicking him out of the guys' chat kek
No. 581031
I made the mistake of introducing my irl close friend to a couple discord servers that I partake in. She was having boy problems in real life and I offered it as a solution to help get her mind off of the situation, but I didn’t think it would really take off because she has never been interested in online culture or social media.
Fast forward like a year, she’s a mod in all the servers (mostly because she’s one of few females), has become a total pickme, & is online 24/7. She’s met people from the server irl and has been played by multiple users because because she can’t seem to learn her lesson about scrotes online. Not to mention, she was a total LGBTQDELUXE libtard before all of this, but now the lesbian mtf trannies she’s befriended have made her intolerable.
She’s created an online persona for herself thats try’s so hard to be innocent uwu ‘smol’ and even lies about being soooo short (she’s like half a foot taller than me so probably 5’4”) and she tries to use our friendship like some kinds of weird kinky but innocent trope of sorts for attention from the scrotes.
Initially I was honestly jealous of the attention she got and how quickly she climbed the hierarchy, but it’s exactly the opposite in real life so I can’t complain. She never really gets compliments about her looks irl and has admitted always being envious of me when we go out, being that I have conventionally good looks and am smaller.
I’ve stopped using discord for multiple reasons, but one of them is definitely her online presence. Im sick of it and miss the anonymity, I can’t really express my thoughts when I’m worried about how a real life friend will take it.
No. 581034
>>580662we talked on the phone and half the time he was saying I was being manipulative because I honestly thought we were doing better and didn't know he felt this way about me/the relationship (and how in the past few weeks I had been so happy but now all I can think is how he was slowly getting sick of me. I admit it might have been unconsciously manipulative but I really didn't mean it like that, this whole situation really is so sudden and I'm so confused about what to feel) and the other half involved me trying to explain my side of things and how i felt like my emotions were always second fiddle to his. Like he mentioned he was in a bad place rn and didn't want to have this convo and I was like you think I do?? I'm essentially dealing with two griefs rn. I didn't want to call you after I'd just had a really fun, happy convo w my mom about Korean dramas. But I did because we need to step up and have these convos.
He says this isn't the end of the relationship but I honestly don't know how it isn't when I feel more alone than ever. I gave him examples of stuff we could do to improve the relationship like maybe just set boundaries and certain stuff we only talk about with certain people, tell the other when they say something that upsets them immediately when it happens, I even looked up and took a quiz about my love language so we could work through that and maybe work through that miscommunication. He just didn't seem enthusiastic about anything and I feel so shitty bc I am trying to keep this intact so bad and I literally was just met with silence or frustration. I am sorry if this makes no sense I can't stop crying.
No. 581037
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Why are cyclists so retarted? Do they really think they don’t have to follow the rules of the road? I had some fuckhead yell at me and try to knock off my side mirror even though he was going the wrong way down a one way street. You think because you’re on a bike you don’t have to go with the flow of traffic? He deliberately got closer to me too even though there was enough room for him. I see cyclists blowing through four way stops and red lights here all the time, and I’ve had three men almost hit me while riding in a sidewalk with a bike lane RIGHT next to us.
No. 581049
>>581031This honestly sounds like a jealous tirade. You sound pressed that you're not the one getting attention for once. Btw 5'4" is still "smol" as you put it. It sounds like a child's tantrum
>why is she getting all the attention when I'm the prettier one! UwUMaybe you're not as pretty as you think, maybe men have a different taste
No. 581051
>>581034>he was saying I was being manipulative>it might have been unconsciously manipulativeNah, fuck off
>I gave him examples of stuff we could do to improve>He just didn't seem enthusiastic about anything> I am trying to keep this intact so bad and I literally was just met with silence or frustrationI strongly suggest leaving. Depression or not it looks like a classic avoidant-anxious attachment coupling. These couplings are always doomed, and affect the anxious type (you) more.
Your gran just died, give yourself peace of mind where you can and break up with him.
No. 581066
>>581053I'd honestly hate being her friend.
It seems like she invited the poor girl to the Discord because she thought the girl was so below her in looks that she wouldn't be threatening, and that she wasn't as cute because she was on the shorter side of average instead of a tiny bean uwu like OP. Then the scrotes took to her and she started seething because she had designated her as the ugly friend she uses to feel better about herself.
No. 581122
>>581121And I'd like to add when I was young(aroung21). I dated a guy who used to pinch me whenever I made a grammar error when I speak. To this day I'm still not 100% clear if that was
No. 581125
>>581123In this post I'm not only talking about men I've dated. I've only met one man in my life who wasnt fucked up in some way, and it's my gay little brother. My own dad dropped me on my face as a child and now I have to wear dentures for the rest of my lol
I have very few examples of decent males.
No. 581129
>>581126True, which is why I no longer date. Even if decent men do exist I've been so turned off by the experiences I've had with male family members, random men on the street and men I'm dating I've become completely asexual. I couldnt even date if I wanted to.
The idea of it is repulsive.
No. 581134
>>581121Not sure why other anons are acting like there's something wrong with you and the majority of men aren't literal shit??? LOL.
But seriously, how soon do you agree to relationships with them? Do you find that things go rather quickly and the guys impose themselves pretty fast? Are you anxious about not being perceived as nice and what the backlash is if you were to be a bitch?
They're doing this on purpose and taking advantage of your sensitivities. Guys who are garbage know they are garbage, so they hide themselves, lie, and try to get with you as quickly as possible to manipulate your feelings so you'll be less likely to jump to dumping them or refusing sex. They don't want to give you time to properly vet them or ask questions. They don't want you to actually know them until it's too late and it's harder to reject them or leave.
It's quite common for women to turn down and reject multiple men before we find one decent good one. We are the choosers and don't let men forget that. Think of dating as to a job interview. If the guy lacks a resume, doesn't seem prepared, doesn't want to impress you, has no friends or family for references, well then guess what? He's likely a shitbag.
Also try not be vulnerable around men a la being drunk, it is really dangerous unless you know them well and trust them and there's other people around.
No. 581142
>>581134Guys have shown me they're shit pretty much on the first date. Of course, I didnt go on a second date. But it just makes me wonder, why are they like this? They cant possible think telling a woman they just met that they think shes sexy is appropriate.
And when I was younger I didn't feel threatened being around men drunk because I felt "ok im not hot no one will bother me" i had to learn the hard way.
No. 581146
>>581142>They cant possible think telling a woman they just met that they think shes sexy is appropriate. They're projecting. Because they view us as objects whose only value is our looks and sex, they think that we'll be flattered to receive comments about how fuckable we are cause they think that's what we value for them.
Sorry about your experience anon. I learned the hard way too.
No. 581164
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>>581121>every guy I've been with has done something sexually questionable(like take nude pictures of their little sister)>met an 18 year old who sexually assaulted at 6 year old, I called him out on it and he accused me of being "old and stuck up"What the fuck? Is this actually normal?
No. 581171
>>581164I'm the op and yeah my ex(who was 26 at the time) told me about how he used to spy on his sister in the bathroom and take pictures of her naked while she was passed out. He only recently had stopped doing it.
I noticed when men tell you they have done something fucked up like that they always turn it around and play
victim for you judging them them because "I told you my darkest secret".
No. 581186
>>581183I'm not surprised though. I'm more shocked if a meet a man who doesnt eventually reveal to me hes porn sick in some way. I expect them to be degenerates.
The only time I've met men who arent porn sick are like over the age if 50.
No. 581201
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Im once again watching cute dad compilations on yt and crying because mine never cared
No. 581206
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My insurance is requiring me to get a referral to see an OBGYN. What the actual fuck. Referrals are unbelievably stupid anyways but holy shit I need a PAP smear and to check on my IUD, why the hell does that need a referral? American healthcare is so fucking dumb.
No. 581246
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Accidentally deleted some art I spent hours on,trying to find a way to retrieve them but rn I feel like pulling my teeth
No. 581275
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Ayaan Hirsi Ali herself, one of the objectively bravest female activists of our time, supported J.K. Rowling and a bunch of tranny ma'ams are trying to cancel her. Imagine the scenario - a woman who grew up in Somalia of all places, has been persecuted for her birth gender all her life, went through genital mutilation, has done a lifetime of work advocating for womens' rights and lives in constant fear of being assassinated because of it, getting openly hated by a bunch of men in dresses for saying that womens' rights should not be abandoned. Fucking nightmare vision but it's real. No girl gets her genitals mutilated because she "identifies" as a woman and she knows the effects of sex-based oppression better than any "female-identified" man ever would. I'm seething over this so hard I just want to scream and shout until my throat aches.
No. 581285
>>577270>>581275Thank God there are still people who actually think
I don0t even like JK Rowling but she just stated her opinion (which I agree with) and she's not transphobic
Nowadays every different opinion gets "cancelled" is racist, something-phobic, nazi, fascist, etc
So now actually thinking and using your brain for more than reading modified news headlines is a reason to be insulted and cancelled, I hate this world
No. 581296
>>581275I'm so glad she's speaking up.
Watching privileged white men with AGP kinks and literal alt-right/neo-Nazi origin stories try to get at her is ridiculous, too.
No. 581316
>>581304I know this degenerate feel.
It's nice having a boyfriend who is attracted to real 3D grown women and see's me as a person but it's hard to shake the self-objectification that growing up around NEET loli neckbeards gives you.
No. 581326
>>581307What can I say, he was my first love… And I went out with my second ex only to forget about him, which ended up working.
I'm just glad I lost my virginity with my second ex and not the first one.
No. 581328
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>>577270I look busted, my hair looks like it was electrocuted, my skin is greasy and dry at the same time, I have acne and pimples, my under eyes are worse than every, I gained 3lbs, and my roots are growing and I'm unable to afford hairdye or anything atm, I feel like shit, I look like shit.
No. 581509
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My vacation was cancelled because someone my bf works with tested positive for coronavirus. We are probably going to get it now too because they are office mates and were together for the entire day before he tested positive. Mfw he told me he was going to propose to me on vacation. Oh well we gonna die anyway
No. 581527
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>>581521yeah I feel you anon, I miss them too. onehallyu and twitter are way too annoyingly spergy for my taste, the threads here were entrancingly spergy + anonymous. sucks that there's no place to talk milk like the aoa mina & jimin incident here anymore without being called a kboo faggot
No. 581534
>>581531I only saw a little but I saw her name and then "Rape" and I feel fucking sick. Like seriously. I've seen scat posting here but I've been very lucky never to get a glimpse of gore.
No. 581549
>>581537>>581537What's your insta about?
Also, if you really hate them, just start a new account about something else? If you know how to market yourself you can make the same amount of followers.
No. 581588
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big mad my brand new 400 dollar bose headphones decided to brick after a month of use. apparently there's a shitty software glitch that kills them with little to no forewarning. my old quietcomfort ones were the best pair I ever had and I used them for years but they started getting grubby even after replacing the cups (letting ex boyfriends use them was a mistake) so I wanted to treat myself to some new ones. I have to wait until the morning to contact customer support and get a new pair. they'll apparently send for free but why the fuck do they have to send me new ones when these are suppose to be some of the best premium non luxury headphones on the market, they should just work when I've done nothing but baby them.
No. 581601
I’m so fucking sad rn, my best friend died a month ago. I moved across the country but we still talked like every day and hung out every time I would go back to visit my parents. We’ve known each other for almost 10 years and i just wish i knew how to articulate how much this hurts!!! Nothing feels real and I haven’t felt genuinely happy since I found out. I feel hollowed out and I’m angry. I don’t know how she died, I didn’t want to reach out to her family to ask bc they’re suffering right now. I think it was an overdose, she didn’t tell me she was using again but she told a mutual friend of ours. I was kind of hurt that she didn’t say anything to me about it but idk addiction is weird. She also told someone that she didn’t want to be here anymore so I’m wondering if it was on purpose idk it fucking aches.
I wish I could’ve helped her. I wish I could hug her again, and laugh with her again, and go on random adventures late at night. She was like, my soulmate.
I went back home to try and idk find some closure, go through my grief surrounded by ppl i love, I had planned to have a memorial with aforementioned mutual friend but she’s become super right leaning, which i wouldn’t really care that much about, but we didn’t even have the memorial and she spent the whole time we hung out being really fucking weird, like wouldn’t shut the fuck up about the “evil left” and a bunch of conspiracy theory shit and I hated it. I just wanted to spend an afternoon getting drunk and feeling close to someone. This just sucks and i don’t have anyone to talk to about it and my heart is broken. I don’t think I will feel okay for a long time.
No. 581611
>>581601And I feel selfish as hell. Like a life was lost, she was SO young, her family is devastated and here I am feeling sorry for myself idk it’s fucking lame. I don’t know how to feel or what to do.
I also don’t want to be upset with my other friend, I do care about her a lot, we’ve been super close since the beginning of high school and have seen each other through many different phases, I think i may just be misplacing my anger or something idk.
No. 581624
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My ex liked one of my insta posts from like 3 months ago and it just reminded me of how terrible he was lol i really put up with a man who jacked off to porn multiple times a day, paid for a trannies private snapchat, and fed into my eating disorder. For literally no reason, I just didn’t want to be alone.
No. 581651
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So, my ex apparently went through my stuff while I left him alone. He also lied about it to my face because I specifically asked him if he'd do that as he could be controlling. It was either when I left him for 15 minutes because he was high and didn't wanna join me in going to the shop (in retrospect this sounds like an excuse) or when I was in the bathroom. Because I blocked him everywhere he made a new acc somewhere to message me "about the money" which we talked about and I said I'd give it to him asap. He picked another message fight with me during which he seriously accused me of writing creepy shit about my ex in my diary years ago. The audacity of this bitch. I gave him the money as talked about yesterday.
I have high anxiety due to childhood abuse and I'm legit scared he's gonna pull some shit. I need to focus on myself and practice self-care and need to let all these feelings go. I need to grow a backbone in relationships and avoid that type of man that reminds me of my childhood. It's literally the trauma that draws me to these types because I want to be repeat it.
No. 581659
>>581623Which is your preferred option? C and D really don't sound good; maybe C as a total last resort if you're like really fucked and they're open to it.
You sound really strong anon honestly, I'm sure that even though it sounds like hard work you are capable of whichever option speaks to you the most
>>581624Nice, you're away from him and he's hung up on you. You have the higher ground sis, sprawl on it and don't let him occupy your mind
>>581611I'm really sorry. That's a lot. Can you have a little memorial yourself? I might sound weird but taking an evening to completely tune out, go through old photos, think about them and maybe write a long ass letter and burn it, that's a way of grieving that has been helpful for me. I'm sorry you're going through this
>>581651Damn anon do you get the huge wave of thinking they're gonna do something twisted to you and it's all you can think about? I do that too, like a horrible and really personal and intrusive shitty paranoia (probably from childhood shit). I find it's helpful to know that other people get it too and it's not just a you-phenomena. You can remind yourself of that while waiting for the fear to pass, and take whatever logical steps you can to protect yourself. Stonewall block him on every platform you can think of, any way he finds to reach out just flat out entirely ignore him. I swear to you even if you feel like you need to respond, defend yourself verbally, correct something, do not engage with anything to do with it. Don't fall for that. Otherwise, do you have some friends or people in your close circle you can let them know you're keeping distance from him, etc? Good on you for recognising his awful behaviour and encouraging yourself to find better people in the future
Drink some water today bitches I care about all you sluts
No. 581660
>>581651I'm sorry that happened Anon.
I remember one time my ex got so drunk he was sick at a party at my house, hung out naked in the bathtub, when I got him in a robe and tried to make him sleep in my brother's room her went in mine instead, and in 15 minutes he went through all my stuff until he found something my new bf gave me and tore it to pieces. We had been broken up for months but he felt so fucking entitled to my stuff. I'm so glad I'm NC with him now and whenever he sends le yet another plead for us to talk again I just think about that shit.
Stay strong Anon.
No. 581663
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My crush and I are starting to talk. I met him at my best friend's party a couple of years ago and were casually added on social medias since. Recently there were a lot of guys sexually harassing me that I posted about and he showed genuine concern. I PMed him and thanked him for being nice to me and we really hit it off. He has a decent job and I think he looks cute.
The biggest kicker is that he helped one of his close friends move apartments recently, and he took this cute video of himself babbling with their daughter in the carseat while they were moving and…oh my god why is he so cute and good with children?
No. 581666
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>>581659>>581660Thank you. I love yous
Yeah, I definitely need to heed the warnings. An acquaintance of mine saw some of our relationship happening and reached out and warned me in a very respectful manner. The guy is very hypnotic and has his own sad story and pushed all my buttons and I allowed it as I'm still not over my own story. Even though that girl and I didn't chat much, she def looked out for me like you guys now. She also firmly advised me to go NC. I really needed to hear that from her as I could see myself going soft on him otherwise and it helped me toughen up and guard myself. She had a similar experience. Her short warning also helped me finalise the break-up and not leave emotional loose ends. I need to thank her when dust has settled.
NC it is!!
No. 581669
>>581663Sorry about the harassment. That's awful. Hope you can manage
Your crush sounds like a keeper. Being good and effortless and cute with kids is a v good sign.
That penguin is also smooth as hell
No. 581688
>>581658I really hope the dog doesn't get euthanized if he bites her after she pulls one too many retarded stunts.
Even other breeds of dog don't like being frightened or irritated. I can't stand when people are irresponsible pet owners.
No. 581736
>>581727Ditto bitch
>>581732The up side is that you'll get a wave of motivation and good feelings again some time soon. It will come back.
No. 581743
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I posted a question in the stupid questions thread about this but I can't remember the pin to my Huwawei phone and my stuff isn't backed up. I'm so fucking upset and stressed right now because I could lose so many pictures of my sisters and my cat's kitten pictures. Idk what to do, I've been trying out different possible combinations but the fear of never being able to open my phone again is eating me up.
No. 581772
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This is dumb but i need to post it somewhere
i've been crying this 5 past days because i cant forget the ugly times my ex put me through. He cheated on me with a girl he was thirsting for 6 years supposedly she was a lesbian so i didnt have to worry about it,and then that happen.He told me every detail on how he did it,laughing.He is 10 years older than me so he knows better.
He was a porn addict too,other stuff was comparing me to random ethots or how much he like "x" girl but he didnt want to leave me. That's it have a good day anons
No. 581784
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im a gross inverted triangle anon, pls help me im in a relationship that i deeply care about but they love phat ass. i have phat shoulder. ngl i hate that thicc has become not just a meme but the standard. im nowhere thick. but its always thicc or petite in media representation and im so insecure enough that it bothers me this bad. they keep trying to reassure me its not a thing they focus on but the internet has taught me otherwise. people ive dated will always find some broad with their chosen fixation.
fuck i hate myself so bad
No. 581805
>>581784Work out your legs and butt- congrats ur thicc
If ur tall, bonus points. Get it u future Amazon
No. 581811
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>>581784Unless you plan on getting plastic surgery or working out super hard for that booty muscle, I say just work with what you got.
Inverted triangle bodies only look bad if you're short and/or chubby. There are plenty of women with that shape who look AMAZING. Pic related, Naomi Campbell is one of the most famous models, and she has an inverted triangle body. Find a celebrity who has the same body as you, figure out what looks good on their shape, copy their looks and be confident.
No. 581867
>>581784I'm also an inverted triangle, but I still managed to model despite having no ass.
We carry weight poorly, so the best advice I have for you is to stay as thin as healthily possible and style yourself well. I understand your feelings because I also hate my body type; but as an anon above said, there are plenty of beautiful celebs with that shape.
No. 581873
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My nailpolish right now is so pretty, it's so beautiful shimmery pink and matches my skin so perfectly like a wonderful pink pearl but I made it by mixing gold and pink nailpolish and I've run out of the gold nailpolish and I can't find any like it and every time I look at my nails I know this beauty is just for a moment and will soon disappear and I feel so sad. And I've already ruined one nail by putting glitter over it so I have to wipe at least that one off and I'm sure I'm gonna ruin the rest too waaaaaah
No. 581899
>>581772God, men can be so goddamn awful… that's disgusting. On the bright side, he's old- he won't prosper with that little love in his heart. And you're young, you have an actual soul as evidenced by your pain… you paid a high price to see the kind of person he is, but you're free now and mercifully not bound to this fucking mouthbreather anymore. He'll miss having somebody worth anything left in his life in the future, and you… you'll have a far brighter future than anything he can conceive. If you have any friends, you should go spend some time with them! You're valuable to people who matter.
and if you don't have any friends you have us and me, friend finder's always good, helped me a lot after my own fucked up breakup!I wish you the best… hang in there darling…
No. 581934
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god i fucking wish i could go a SINGLE day without going from optimistic and motivated to gut-wrenching hopeless depression. sometimes I think I'm bipolar (the second, milder type with hypomania, my manic tendencies are obnoxious but never life-ruining) but maybe it's just my antidepressants overstimulating my like, anxiety and giving me these weird bursts of overly happy energy. plus i don't think mania is supposed to be so short-lived and frequent. would be soooo sick if i could go a week without experiencing the entire range of human emotion for literally no reason.
and the frustrating part is i have so much potential, my inner voice is just too loud and mean and tries to punish me by making me ruminate and obsess over my past and all the things I procrastinated on or avoided or did wrong. but I do good things too. I'm not ugly, maybe even pretty when I put in effort. I have creative talent. I learn new things really fast if I apply myself, i'm even doing that now with 2 new skills. i was able to have enough self-restraint to recover from a severe eating disorder for almost a whole year now without any intervention or therapy, and my relationship is healthy and happy and almost a decade long, and i'm empathetic and see the good in everyone i know. so I know it's strong, and I know it's in there SOMEWHERE….. but it never lasts and I can never relax. wtf is wrong with me, brain worms????
there's so much I want to accomplish and every time I start making good things happen, I get in my own way. ur 20's are supposed to be the prime of ur life and i've already wasted half of it. I wanna catch up but I keep myself in the past and convince myself I'm old, washed up, too behind, doomed. I wish covid would fuck off already so I could give my mom and friends a hug
No. 581936
>>581935Also I wish this pig looking fuck would stop referring to girls who hook up as 'whores'. It's so disrespectful.
AND also claims women should have kids before thirty. She's desperate for a Japanese half black kid. God, I've been watching her for a bit and she's becoming milky.
Acts high and mighty. Girl ain't that cute. She isn't and her attitude stinks.
Don't meet guys on apps and then complain.
No. 581938
>>581935>>581936Redditspacing chan, take your sperging to /w/
Getting tired of your shit
No. 581942
>>581934>ur 20's are supposed to be the prime of ur life and i've already wasted half of it.Okay when I was in high school people told me that my teenage years were the prime of my life. Then when I went to college people told me it would be the best time of my life. Now in my mid 20's people are saying that's the prime time of my life. My 30+ friends are saying that their 30's are the happiest and most in control of their lives that they've ever been. The plain and simple truth is that there is no prime time in your life.
Being young can be fun because you're making mistakes and stumbling around awkwardly trying to figure out who you are. But it's inevitable that you'll grow and learn from your mistakes. This is exactly what you're doing now, even if you don't realize it. This hyper stressed out self critical thought process is how you're facing all of these bumps and the fact that you're so in tune with your feelings is way more healthy than if you were trying to stifle them.
Don't give yourself such a hard time, no one is self-actualized, no one knows what they're doing, life is scary as fuck but it's like that for everyone else, too
No. 581957
>>581942this is really well-said, thank you for understanding. I know in actuality I'm not that bad and that actively putting forth an effort to be healthier and kinder to myself is going to make my future a little better, and it's very very easy to like. forget that everyone else is a human too and rarely do all our dreams come true exactly how and when we want them too.
I'm in a lucky position in life in a lot of ways that I don't give myself credit for when I start the cycle of self hate. I'm considering trying out one of those cognitive behavioral workbooks (on self worth, not bpd) since I recognize my inner voice can be super
No. 582150
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>>582139Some parts of Burgerland basically are a third world country. One of my friends is from Sierra Leone (which is actually considered a 4th world country, not even 3rd) and she said that there are parts of the US she's been, like Skid Row in LA, that are worse than anywhere she's ever seen in her home country.
No. 582226
>>582176NTA but I'm betting her sister walked out because everyone
else was being an oversensitive dumbass, judging by the fact that she went to an art school.
Agree with
>>582171 , everyone is genuinely hateful and malicious now. Back in the day even cow sites were just about laughing at dumb people, now it's about politicizing everything they do and raking through everything to see something you could interpret as "
problematic" and cancel-worthy. After everyone killed cringe culture you couldn't talk shit about a person without branding them as morally questionable which somehow gives you the magical pass to be a bully. Like fuck man sometimes a cringey cow can just be a cringey cow, not some exceptional
abusive pedophile rapist.
No. 582253
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>>582250Also this bullshit.
No. 582260
>>582250This, unironically. I mostly just feel bad for detransitioners. Trannies, on the other hand, are delusional narcissists, and it's especially palpable when they're in safe spaces like subreddits and /lgbt/.
>>582252You don't have to be a detrans woman to find trannies an embarrassment, kek.
No. 582268
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>Just finished sweeping and mopping every inch of my floor
>Sit down to take a break and eat lunch
>Spill soda everywhere
Dear god, why am I such a stupid bitch?
No. 582283
>>577270>>582245thank you…
funny you say that about puppy heaven, because my boyfriend said the same thing, and that she's probably playing with my friend's late dog. made me bawl my eyes out even more.
in her 14 years on this planet, she only bit a living being twice…my mom, because she stepped on her paw. immediately after the fact she licked the superficial wound, as if apologizing. she was the sweetest dog ever.
No. 582288
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>>582252>>582260Yeah, finding detransition funnier is on some cope shit. The actual trans subreddits are like click-on-them-for-instant-lunacy tier bile fascination whereas detrans looks more like depressionposting and boring selfies. I guess I can understand having a preference if you personally identify with skirt goes spinny programming socks culture, however.
No. 582291
>>582288You're making quite a few assumptions there, but it's fine since i did the same.
>random FTM posts with 0 comments and 0 upvotesThis just seemed weird
No. 582295
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Even though I currently don't want kids, it kinda sucks that ,if I did want kids, it would probably be a bad idea since I'm a high functioning autistic (though I'm fairly sociable). I'm scared that if I ever got a kid, they'll end up low functioning autistic and I don't think I could handle that
No. 582303
>>582288who said anything about detrans being funnier? There both funny because they're all mentally ill autists who love attention, but detrannies don't enough attention for being milky. But sure, i guess i just love programmer socks
or are you salty you chopped off your tits for no reason
No. 582320
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>>582317Samefagging, I searched "lolcow" on that same archive site out of curiosity, and the same tranny who was going on the most about "detrannies" also admits to coming here.
Kind of interesting.
>>582317You don't treat mental illness by taking horse piss pills and cutting off your dick, kek.
No. 582348
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>>582339The next time I see some weird angry shit on /ot/ about femcels or TERFs or whatever, I'm just going to think of this picture and endless "I wish I was cute", "I wish I was pretty", "I wish I was a cis girl" posts.
He even posted about wanting to date FtMs. This person's brand of misogyny seems to be mixture of typical incel "I can't date them, so I hate them" logic and pure jealousy.
No. 582462
>>582458Either they recognize that you just don't click and that's good because they aren't wasting their time, or they were just hoping from an easy lay out of you and didn't (or did) get that out of you, which is also good because then you aren't wasting your time with fuckboys
Be aware that the ones that want to move straight in and get married after one date are the true horrors
No. 582473
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I'm really happy that my friend-endorsed crush and I are finally talking and getting along but I'm nervous to see him in September now. The last time I saw him was at a party in 2018 when said friend was in town. While he has access to my facebook, and we also video, I feel like he may not like me because of my weight irl. I think pictures and video camera flatter me, like a catfish whenever I meet someone irl cause I'm a whale in a human suit. It's really embarrassing but it's another instance where a guy weighs less than me. Can't even do much of shit about it by September besides…idk, eat better and exercise so I can at least feel like I did my best?
Feels bad for even thinking this way about him cause he hasn't struck me as a shallow asshole at all, he's been everything sweet and considerate to me, even asking me what I wanted for my birthday. He might not even be like that. It's not like I was skinny in 2018 either, still. He's not out of my league, but he's fit and every night he runs and he literally just made a status about almost being at his goal and just…I don't want to disappoint him or have things not work out.
I hate that I love food.
No. 582474
>>582462Yeah true. This guy honestly didn't seem like he was trying to get in my pants but as soon as he dropped me off, he instantly texts me "I had an awesome time" only days later, text me "I didn't feel a connection"
Idk I know I'm coming off super autistic and making a big deal out of something so not worth it but it's so frustrating to me. I'll shut up now.
No. 582545
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>>582310I thought the specificity of that comment was suspect. The failed attempt to deflect lmfao… The programmer socks aura is eternal and inescapable
No. 582547
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>>582468samesies. I hate it here
No. 582596
>>582572>what's stopping you from exercising The fact that I hate it and there isn't an exercise in the world that I will stick to consistently enough that will be intense enough to burn off the calories I intake.
>inb4 A few years ago when I was full of self hate I did go orthorexic for two years and lost over 80 pounds. Was super fit but it was easy for me to fall off the wagon cause to lose weight I couldn't eat over 1100 calories a day, I took college fitness classes to keep me accountable, and I had to exercise or I'd plateau even with that. It sucks cause I know exactly what it takes yet I just don't have it in me anymore.
I'd rather be fat than pretending I like doing that shit. I just don't, I'll never forget bumping up to eating 1400 calories a day and seeing the scale go up so I just said "fuck it." I'll continue my walks and try to keep my portions elf size, but it sucks.
I wish I were tall or a man so I'd have had an easier hand to work with.
No. 582598
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Does anyone else have a schizophrenic parent? My mum has had it through most of my life and it usually fine, and I never even knew about it until I was 13 and she had a mental breakdown and my grandparents almost threatened to call the police if she didn't go to the hospital. It was a huge shock but the more I started thinking about it a lot of things were explained, like how weirdly paranoid she could get, like we'd be in the car and she would start freaking out because she thought someone was following us, and the way she talked to herself and other weird behaviour. And I guess nobody really sat down and explained it all to me? Idk I just dealt with it on my own, I barely even acknowledged it cause it just made me real uncomfortable. A few years ago she had another breakdown and now she's barely the same person, all she does is sleep all day, getting up occasionally to eat, rarely showers, barely talks to me, and it's been like this for a long time now. I accepted the fact she's not gonna get better and in a way I've kinda given up, like thinking our relationship is gonna go back to normal. She always refuses help and idk what to do. I guess this is why I'm so independent and on my own now and why i've grown up to get uncomfortable at someone helping me or talking about mental issues. I had my own issues as a teenager and I cringe every time i think back on it and how I let people analysis me and get me to expose my feelings that way because I don't wanna end up like my mum and i guess i don't wanna be reminded of her or what has happened to her. I think i've lost her and i feel so fucking upset over it I want to ignore it completely and act like it doesn't hurt like i've taught myself to do. This is one huge rambling mess I'm sorry.
No. 582624
>>582618Thats the thing, there were kinds of jokes about "male lesbians" and all that, but now it's fucking something people are seriously asking and discussing.
Thankfully it's purely a internet thing (at least where i'm from).
But man is it fucking weird reading these discussions and seeing all the blatant homophobia.
Seems like everyone wants to be gay but gay people. It's like a glass closet.
No. 582639
>>582607I don't know if I'm going to sound like a bigoted boomer but I don't like how everyone and their mom wants to be LGBTQ+ now. (I'm straight and cisgender btw)
Like I can totally understand and support gay, bi, trans, people because it's pretty straightforward. But being "aromantic" or "asexual" is now an oppressed minority, because people will bully and lynch you because you don't want to date? Or I can understand going by "they" pronouns but I just learned that "zi/zer/zirself" is a thing and tbh, I feel like I'm just going to be confused and thrown off if someone goes by those pronouns?
Sorry if I'm being totally bigoted and I'm sure I have a lot to learn but sometimes it feels like people are just making crap up.
No. 582640
>>582637I'm not sure what you're referring to but OP is NLOG not because they are masculine, but because they've made this big deal of "Other girls suck! Being girly sucks! I'm the only real one!"
There's nothing wrong with a woman being masculine but there's nothing wrong with a woman being feminine either. We should be calling out society, not turning on each other.
No. 582643
>>582639everything after the B in LGB is bullshit if you ask me. Trans isn't sexuality, pansexuality is bisexuality just with or without boobs.
Anything after the B and sometimes the T is nonsense.
No. 582650
>>582596Ntayrt, but I'm similar. I'm obsessed with food, used to go to the gym for two hours everyday when I was in college, and I'm a short person.
These days I hardly do cardio at all. Have you tried lifting? Keeping a few resistance bands and a weight bar would be enough, I go through my whole body around two or three times a week while I'm watching YouTube and it keeps me relatively fit and able to eat a bunch of good food.
No. 582677
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I'm processing shit and keep oversharing online.
Where is the line between vulnerability/processing and making an exhibitionist fool of yourself that's gonna retreat in shame/oversharing? (rethorical question)
I go to therapy but I still feel the need to vent and get shit out of my system. I guess a little embarrassment is not that bad but I still should find balance and tone it down.
Also, I'm vulnerable and lonely and pathetically desperate and crushing on my neighbor of all people (who has been kinda nice and polishing up his act but has been a dick in the past, too).
I feel like that edgy emo quote on: better to live as an open wound than to rot
Either way, some people I know are going to hell for all the bullshit they put me through lmao god bless
No. 582687
I hate having large breasts. They are heavy, painful and make it hard to move around. I know they're to feed children, but since I have none, they're useless. They gather sweat underneath unless I wear an uncomfortable bra. Every cute top I want to wear immediately becomes thot attire when it's on my body, so I only feel comfortable in baggy clothes. I can't count the amount of times I've tried something on, thinking it'll look cute and graceful, only to look and feel like a fucking clown.
I've felt uncomfortable and been sexually harassed over them since puberty, and I used to fantasize about just cutting them off. I've tried up til now to feel "good" and even "sexy" about them, but it's all a cope. If I'm being honest, I despise them.
They don't even look nice outside a bra. They're saggy and ugly because my parents raised me fat. Weight loss didn't help, they stayed the same after I got down to 109lbs. I kind of wonder if they'll go away if I get into the double digits, but I don't really want to go full ana-chan.
I live in a shithole country, so surgery is too risky, and since the borders here are closed, traveling abroad for a reduction and lift is out of the question. I ordered a binder once, but it was too small. I'd like to order a bigger one, but thanks to the aforementioned reasons, I can't order anything from the internet right now, and no stores here sell them. I honestly seethe a little bit whenever I see flat-chested anons accuse large-breasted anons of humble-bragging whenever they talk about their breastss negatively. I don't give a flying fuck about "looking womanly", I'm already a woman. I'd be extremely happy to have a flat chest.
No. 582748
>>582745I will kill them with you anon
One of them has ruined my life so i have absolutely zero sympathy
No. 582755
>>582748It's so disgusting how I'm no longer surprised to see so many women on here post about being affected by pedophiles.
I went through something with a pedo and I feel like I've internalized it so much that I forget it even happened most of the time.
No. 582760
>>582755It's really so disheartening, you see it eveywhere. In fucking minecraft letsplayers too, imagine that. And it was the same for me anon, actually I literally forgot about it for years. It went on for a few years till i was 11 and i completely forgot about it till I was like 15 and i suddenly started remembering it after a
triggering episode, i was like 'wait, i got molested for years by the only man i was close to'. It was a weird time
I wish you all the best anon, ily
No. 582811
>>582687Same. SAME. Will rant about this too. I bit the bullet and went suit shopping a few days ago, and I cried in that H&M changing booth for a good 10 minutes. Either I get the blazer in my size and the breasts are the focal point of my whole outfit, or I size up and they're still super promient with the added benefit of me looking like a penguin butler. I hated my body in that moment, truly. It feels like only flat chested women can wear suits. Like when I looked at suits for bigger women, I'd see flowery and loose blouses, nothing appropriate for a formal interview.
When I was still a growing teen I'd cry hard at least once a week out of frustration of having big tits. I'd wear a stretchy B cup bra when I was at least an E cup because it compressed them. It didn't even cover the entirety and I'd have compressed tit sticking out at the bottom but since I wore baggy clothing nobody could see. It was uncomfortable as hell and almost certainly gave me the big indentations I have in my shoulder now. I also used to have massive back pain.
I also resent the unwanted attention I get. And I'm supposed to be happy I get attention from males? That I'm leered at and seen as an object first, human second? Yes, feels great.
And trying to find a bra for them is impossible when I'm not well off. No 50 euro bra for me, so I wear an old bit too tight bra along with an elasticated bralette to keep them up. In summer I can't wear anything cute, unless I want to show my industrial bra, in which case I certainly won't feel cute.
I once had a video of me jumping and dancing around and I covered my tits with my finger and…I looked so much less dumpy, so much more graceful and energetic like…someone flat chested. I guess what I'm saying is that I think flat chested women can have so much range. They can have a punk, cute, elegant, mysterious, whatever aesthetic. But put a big tit girl in any of those aesthetics and first thing you'll notice is the big, dumpy tits.
That's all, I'll definitely get surgery when I can.
No. 582817
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>>582811I have small titties so excuse me for my ignorance, but would a binder be useful for girls with big breasts? Like as a temporary fix.
No. 582821
>>582402Yeah I'm going to go, I can't handle my shit anymore lol. My boyfriend offered to order me some takeout before we head over. It was such a random thing for him to blurt out when I told him but here I am eating a huge slice of strawberry matcha cake feeling very thankful for this small comfort.
>>582410Thanks anon
No. 582834
>>582615at least you have taste tho
>>582673wow it literally sounds like i wrote this myself. i've been putting off asking my property owners about fixing our drains for almost half a year now, among other simple tasks. i always end up running late or being last minute to everything i've ever done regardless of how much i prepare or how much time i had. i wish i could be more carefree but also wish that i could respond to things in an actual timely manner
No. 582841
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I've never been on a date with a guy with who was taller than me, how tragic
and I'm only 5'6"/166 cm which is super average for women where I'm from kms
No. 582925
>>582912Anon that game is literally filled to the brim with
toxic people. I doubt you're gonna be such a force that you ruin peoples day and cause them to uninstall.
Also, you're just chat-banned. Some people literally don't even type in chat at all by choice, you'll be ok. If it really bothers you that much though, try posting on the forums and see if someone working for Riot notices it and helps you.
No. 582928
>>582925oh yeah, i know it is, that's why this bothers me. people are super
toxic constantly but i who said literally nothing bannable (or support would have had something more to say than 'there were 4 reports for that 1 game'). it's entirely because we lost the game and the 4-queue was salty at me as the rando. so if that's grounds for being chat banned, why not go be an absolute piece of shit for free?
as far as ruining people's days, after i posted that, i q'd jungle and just walked back and forth so i don't get leaver busted. took mid laner exactly 2 enemy jung ganks + deaths because of it to start losing their mind. i didn't type so there's no text to report, but spamming laughing emojis works just as well! i think i found a new hobby heheh
No. 582949
>>582940Hold up, why did anon's post
trigger you so much into immediately blaming them. They didn't explain the whole situation but people can 100% have damaging, lifelong-scarring relationships with parents who buy them clothes or provide them a house. We don't know if anon's parents are emotionally
abusive, manipulative, narcissistic, even sexually
abusive etc.
No. 582953
>>582949I think the op woulda said something about that if there was more to it. The person u responded to was just trying to give perspective. Everyone’s parents fuck up somehow. This coming from someone who had an
abusive dad and a bpd mom who kept popping out kids I had to take care of. Idk what a Burlington is but it sounds fucking nice
No. 582955
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>>582953Just a retail store in the US, a bit more upscale than Walmart, Target, etc. Used to sell coats and winter clothes but for a while now they've sold all kinds of clothing.
No. 582958
>>582953Sounds to me like OP did not have a loving or kind relationship with their parents, yet their parents expected them to be happy because they had clothing (Burlington is a cheap coat store) and food, but nothing more. Not trynna derail or speak for OP but
abusive parents can definitely screw up your life and give you mental disorders while saying, "I pushed you out of my vagina, I changed your diapers, you should love me even though I scream at you and call you a disappointment every day. There's starving kids in AfricaTM"
Keep in mind, OP might be a young person who isn't able to articulate what kind of
toxic relationship they experienced yet, or may have had a heated fight with parents and just wanted to slam on the keyboard then log off with no thought.
I had a narcissistic mom who's given me life-long problems, that's why I don't appreciate
>>582940 who seems like they were essentially telling OP to "stop crying." Emotional abuse screws kids up. Come on dudes, this is the vent thread.
No. 582959
>>582953>>582949have yall seriously not read any of the accounts of truly
abusive and horrible parenting in these vent threads? a whiny post about clothes from burlington coat factory (which isnt the cheapest option) ITT is like someone coming into a soup kitchen to complain that they didn't like what their family made for dinner. the fact that that's all she's got to complain about says everything to me. if anon's parents were truly
abusive, that post wouldnt be about clothes and dinners.
>>582944you get it. was i supposed to sugarcoat saying 'you don't have it as bad as you think you do and should count your blessings'? fuck off this is lolcow, we don't do gentle asspats here, fuck off to reddit for pity points.
No. 582968
>>582959OP wasn't complaining about Burlington coat factory, OP was complaining that a coat alone is not enough to have a loving and happy relationship with parents.
Child abuse comes in all kinds of forms. Maybe OP has a $20 winter coat, but their parents are drunk starting from 3 PM, yell at them the moment they walk in the door, made them start paying rent at age 15, make them sleep outside as punishment. Your idea that "Mommy and daddy knows best, child is always brat, emotional abuse isn't real" is super
No. 582973
>>582970Sympathetic Strawmen for Everyone: Anons Desperate to White Knight in the Vent Thread edition
(next thread title?)
No. 582974
>>582967>i do expect that if anon's parents cared about her at all, they would sure help when being told that anon is suffering"My parents were good to me and cared about me, thus, all parents are good and care about their children"
Nice fanfiction yourself!
No. 582975
>>582960I’m the anon that posted the vent . I didn’t know I had to go into detail about why I have issues with my parents but since this is causing such an uproar
> my sibling died in a horrific way and we never even talked about it and pretended like it didn’t happen. That’s the type of emotional stunting that went on in my house.> we had no money (I literally just mentioned BCF as a random store to show that although we weren’t dirt poor , we weren’t shopping like the people around us do and that it’s not something I can complain about but it’ was used as ammo When I eventually said I was depressed )> I wasn’t allowed to go friends houses or literally go anywhere without my parent with me. I was extremely sheltered.> I told my mom I was depressed and I was called a liarI am swimming believe it or not. I’m on my way to getting paid 6 figures and have a university degree. You can be outwardly successful and still struggle mentally.
No. 582976
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>>582974lmao i was gonna stop but i cant believe you were so butthurt that you went back through my posts to find something resembling a guess holy shit
No. 582977
>>582967I don't know why the one anon is being an asshole to you. Congrats on finding good success in your life after a hard upbringing, at least as far as education and a good career. The six figure job makes me think you have decent social skills, despite anon whining "You just had poor communication!1! Your parents would help you if they UNDERSTOOD!"
I hope you can find some therapy, good friendships, new family, whatever will help you develop in the way you need after being emotionally stunted.
>>582976I had already read your posts because I've been here for 5 minutes and anon just posted clarification. Quit clowning yourself. We get it, you had a happy picturesque childhood. Not everyone's so lucky.
No. 582980
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>>582975Damn anon, can't believe you felt the need to post this. I wouldn't have bothered when they're this
triggered. Good luck with the job market and pursuing therapy or what you need to find peace.