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No. 545522
Previous threads
>>521746 >>525445 >>527839 >>531212 >>535839Share updates, personal experiences, vent, etc
WHO: twitter account with a lot of Corona related updates: for Survival PDFs in case you want to go full doomer mode: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9889a43717fd93c95993552f817ced652a74e63e&dn=Survival%20Guide%20PDFs%20%5B8.1.2019%20Update%5D
No. 545527
File: 1587751811356.jpeg (371.18 KB, 1242x2087, E7D2AB19-F84C-4458-96E9-8FA323…)’m extremely worried about this, how long do you think it will be until the NHS can resume normal activity?
No. 545533
>>545526I couldn't believe it when I saw that in the news, at least one person is going to drink bleach and die after hearing that. Surely that's grounds to remove him from office? I'm sure you've had a lot of presidents who weren't really fit for office but this is just insane, he's a complete lunatic.
>>545527It says in the article you linked that we're looking at 6-12 months from the end of lockdown for cancer treatments, so I'd assume something like 12-24 months from the end of lockdown for all NHS procedures.
No. 545543
>>545526We already having governors telling us that killing ourselves is Ok during the pandemic so all around I think we're in pretty good political hands
None of this would have happened if we lived in a caveman society, take us back holy shit
No. 545546
>>545537When I said 'all NHS procedures' I was thinking of non-urgent ones too, but you're right that there will be a point at which it's arguably better to allow mostly older people to die from covid than to allow younger otherwise healthy people to die from diseases we can actually treat. Sorry, I wish I could tell you something more reassuring, but any healthcare system has a limit to its capacity and at some point the best you can do is make a decision on where to direct your resources and hope you made the right choice.
>>545544That's 6-12 months for normal cancer treatment service to resume. Cancer treatment is still happening now, just at reduced capacity. But yes, it's scary.
No. 545554
>>545545Calm down, there have been heaps of reports of those extra hospitals barely having any patients and there have been so many interviews with nurses saying theyre all waiting around for the pandemic to start.
The media will ALWAYS push fear and the worst case scenario because it makes people obedient and spend more money to cheer themselves up.
The NHS is still functioning it's the same as it ever was. Don't believe the hype. Obviously don't start running around outside and breathing closely next to strangers and licking your hands, but. It's ok.
No. 545556
>>545545>this kind of thing is scaring me beyond what I can handle maybe I should just stop reading the news or going online.That might be a good idea anon. You're not morally obliged to keep up with the news if all it's doing is ruining your own mental state. If you don't need the information for some practical purpose then you should feel free to ignore it.
>They're saying we're saving the NHS but this isn't a functioning NHS at all, the reality they refuse to admit is we are all currently living without healthcare and I guess will be for a long timeThis is among the many reasons I hate the 'protect the NHS' messaging; we do still have healthcare.
>>545554 is right, doctors in A&E are even saying they're concerned by how quiet it is - they think people aren't coming in because of this mistaken belief that it's covid-only now. If you're ill or hurt you should still try to get help in the normal way.
No. 545568
>>545559It's somewhere in the middle I think, and it depends where in the country you are too. We've definitely got reduced capacity, but they haven't completely halted normal procedures either.
I guess the best I can tell you is that the NHS trusts are also considering the trade-offs, nobody has forgotten about everything they've put on hold. The entire job of a public health expert is to try and ensure a balance is struck in situations like this.
And seriously, don't feel obliged to keep up with the news just for the sake of 'staying informed'. It's okay to just check for the info you actually need and otherwise put it out of your mind. Having read everything I can about the pandemic for the last month I can promise you that there's only a USEFUL update about once a week right now, you won't miss anything.
No. 545572
>>545559We are currently peaking in the UK (I assume that's where you're from bc you mentioned the NHS) however we are talking about lifting lockdown next month.
They wouldn't be talking about that if it wasn't safe to do so. The lockdown only came about in the first place because that health minister incorrectly predicted 500,000 deaths lol. It's ok I promise <3 stop reading the mainstream media built to scare you and make you panic buy.
A perfect example of how evil the media is, is that photo in the US someone saw being put together. It was an aisle in an American supermarket and all the shelves had been cleared to the side of where the photo was being taken, and the news outlet did a story about how the "shelves were empty".
Supermarkets everywhere making a fortune right now because they scared everyone into stockpiling.
Please don't worry.
No. 545603
>>545586Yes I hope this will result in better funding for the NHS and hopefully we will stop operating at capacity and instead will have spare resources for unprecedented events like this.
I also hope it will spur on better infection control within the NHS.
I hope it will spur on a lot of innovation and adoption of new technologies, like video appointments when you can't physically go in to see your GP for certain things.
I hope it will result in better staffing and resources management like, this is literally going to be the biggest problem the NHS has dealt with in it's 70 years of life, it's crazy.
No. 545616
>>545603I very much hope you're right about all of those things. If nothing else, it's got to highlight how foolish it is to always be operating at 100% capacity in the name of 'efficiency savings'.
Personally I also hope it will result in better integration between the NHS and the social care system, because it's so clear in this situation how interdependent everything really is, but I don't know if that's likely.
No. 545643
>>545625Honestly Cuomo's entire press conference yesterday was a shit show, made it seem he was more personally concerned with getting sick if NY opened up than thinking about the rest of the state.
And then he just goes on about how economic failures don't lead to death like “It doesn’t equal death. Economic hardship, yes, very bad, [but it’s] not death. Emotional stress from being locked in a house, very bad. Not death. Domestic violence on the increase, very bad. Not death. And not death of someone else.”
which are all situations that lead to dying if left uncheck with the current climate like suicide, starvation, and murder. Damned if you do damned if you don't.
I feel like I'm just going to cause another shitshow like yesterday in the opinions thread but fuck it that shit got me annoyed.
I'm not one for "guys open up i need my starbucks fuck the boomers" especially for NYC, there's just a lot of shit happening in NY that I can't really put in one message on a cow farming forum.
No. 545656
>>545498Because Georgia has a death wish.
I don't know who will actually follow through with it. Quite a few shops are choosing to keep closed.
No. 545783
>>545643staying indoors all this time has led me to down rabbit holes on youtube to figure out the impact of everything shutting down
I found this channel and this video strikes a little too close to home. I know Austrian School has been denigrated for decades as fear-mongering idiots who don't know what the heck they heck they are talking about.
However am I supposed to continue to believe the printing money furiously to bail out big banks and mega-corporations is the correct thing to do? Especially when they lavish all their attention on Wall Street while treating Main Street as a unwanted redheaded stepchild?
No. 545837
>>545572Nobody has said at the daily corona broadcast that we are peaking, we don't have enough data to know that yet.
If anything it looks like we are plateauing a bit which is why they keep saying we have flattened the curve, but we don't know yet by how much.
No. 545849
>>545843I'm not surprised, people are bored with nothing better to do and it's easier to get welfare money now. I also think most people never consider those sorts of factors anyway - people have babies in wartime, under totalitarian regimes, people had babies during the Black Death and this pandemic isn't anywhere near THAT bad. For every woke hipster agonising about whether to bring a child into a climate change crisis there's 100 people who just have them anyway and see how it turns out. If we'd evolved to wait for a 'safe' time to reproduce none of us would be here, if anything we're primed to ignore any factors other than an obvious total lack of food.
Similarly, if you already live in poverty there isn't ever a GOOD time to have a baby. If you want a baby and don't expect your situation to ever improve, I can see why you might just shrug and think 'no time like the present'.
No. 545882
>>545849A good time and life-situation to have a baby is when people least have them. The only thing that seems to cause huge birthrates is either a war where a lot of people die, or living in a country where you are constantly at threat of violence or starving.
I guess it's an instinct that only kicks in when you're afraid to die and rich people who feel secure don't get it.
No. 545883
>>545860>>545864I know they won't all be testing for planned or wanted pregnancies but I guess I didn't detail the areas reputation. It's an area full of apartment blocks specifically built to house single mothers.
They're raising kids alone, claiming benefits that only apply to single mothers and (having grown up there and seen it myself) the norm there is to have one night stands here and there whenever you want a sibling for your kids, which also means a you get a bigger free apartment and more money every week. There are no partners in the area because their benefits would be cut off and their free housing would be taken away. That's the area with the big sales spike. It has a major reputation for people planning their lives like that and being supported.
No. 545891
>>545572People like you do much more damage than good.
>They wouldn't be talking about that if it wasn't safe to do so. If this was another website, I'd call you a shill.
No. 545976
>>545974I was literally about to post just that, lmao. He said what he said, and it's not good.
It's clear he doesn't know a whole lot about this virus or treating it, and it'd be better for everyone's morale if he just appointed professionals to speak (or at least had them heavily brief him and answer all his questions
before he does any conferences).
No. 545989
>>545974It's badly worded, but it's obvious what he's trying to say. I don't like Trump but I don't think most presidents would be doing great in this situation. As seen by outbreaks around the world.
Personally I hate that people are still trying to make everything political. You would think that people could put aside partison differences to come together to try to work on figuring out a treatment for this instead of constantly bitching about what the other side is doing. But no, the right has to constantly bitch about someone having a freezer full of ice cream and the left has to rip apart everything Trump says.
No. 546001
>>545989Is it? I thought it was obvious that he was genuinely asking if surface disinfectants can be used internally, what did you think he was obviously trying to say?
>I don't like Trump but I don't think most presidents would be doing great in this situation. As seen by outbreaks around the world.I'm in the UK and our PM is certainly not handling the outbreak well (he managed to get himself infected for a start…), but there's a difference between thinking your leader is mercenary and irresponsible, and thinking your leader is not mentally competent. Do people in the US genuinely think he's okay to run the country? Over here we mostly think he's clearly either senile or insane, because it's the only thing that would explain his behaviour.
No. 546033
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to any florida anons the florida covid-19 task force is accepting submissions regarding the re-opening of the state. they're claiming it will have an impact on policy decisions but either way it takes 5 minutes. naturally its being overloaded and state govt cant make a website that can handle large volumes but its there if you are interested
No. 546047
>>545974Where’s the first half of that quote.
The headline for this video is misleading but that’s all people see and then regurgitate it to each other.
Im not embarrassed by our president. Maybe I don’t agree to speculate a first time thought in front of the nation but I’d rather hear there are new possibilities to beat this virus instead of the news telling us what
We already know: that it’s killing some people and there’s no way to guess for sure who. Why scare the public more? Give new facts that are useful . Or report recoveries instead of individual deaths. I love my country and want it to heal and do better and have learned new lessons to better prepare us for next time . To better prepare individuals so they know when they should and should not be worried. Not just scare us senselessly.
No. 546126
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>>546098I know "what a time to be alive" is a meme but jesus christ…GENUINELY, what a time to fucking be alive.
No. 546195
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>>546126Yes I hear reddit is already making "smug imouto dictator" memes
Between the virus and rapidly dying main street (the fed didn't hesitate to save wall street), I think everybody already has their own plate full of things to worry about
No. 546213
>>545965better to rally behind biden the maybe rapist rather than trump the actual rapist? lol
not to mention trump also has the title of trump the international joke and embarrassment, trump the nepotist, trump the dude who wants to fuck his daughter, trump the guy who can't make deals, trump the guy with ghost writers because he can't write, trump the guy who wants everyone to drink bleach and so on…
Biden's no saint but anyone is a better candidate than trump.
Go back to the conspiracy board.
No. 546233
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>>545960Because people are stupid and believe everything they hear on TheView/DrPhil/DrCooper. It's ridiculous the amount of persuasion used in media today, almost everyone on Cable is shilling for something or someone else. That poor woman drank aquarium pills because of a statement that was misreported of the president's. Then it was blamed on him, and it also seems like most of the media is interested in pusing agendas, and too many people believe tweets at first seeing them, I love when these media hosts make fun of fox news, however the irony may be lost on them all.
No. 546275
>>545965>braindead liberals are so obsessed with trump that they're rallying behind joe biden the rapist. Trump literally has over 20 rape allegations against him, has been recorded bragging about sexually assaulted women, and was friends with Epstein.
Also, fuck off with that ~braindead liberals~ bullshit, when your side is literally injecting themselves with bleach because your orange overlord told them to.
No. 546306
>>546047> I love my country and want it to heal and do better and have learned new lessons to better prepare us for next timeand yet
> Im not embarrassed by our president. Americans like you are why we're hitting the high score right now in this fucked-up game.
>>546210Not soon enough.
No. 546714
>>546705I really hope they do start verifying, but I also get the feeling that they won’t because my neighborhood is comprised mainly of low income immigrant families.
>>546708Both my parents have a number of underlying health conditions and I get so overwhelmed with anxiety and panic whenever I have to go out for groceries alone because I can’t stop thinking “what if I bring it home? what if I get my parents sick?” meanwhile my mom goes out to do stupid shit like this. I love my mom dearly, but I wish she would just stay the fuck home!!! Just watch dramas and play candy crush!!! I think she might also want to accompany her friend who lives alone, while my mom has me, my dad, and my cousin, but I don’t give a flying fuck about how lonely her friend is right now!! I actually don’t give a fuck about her friend at all!! I want my parents to come out of this pandemic alive, she can get sick and fuck off to her lonely apartment by herself!
No. 546789
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I'm so sick of old men. German Mr. Burns here (who's 77 and in a wheelchair because he got shot) said today that not everything is less important than protecting lifes, we all have to die one day. Bitch, don't you get that you'd be first? But of course a bunch of other old rich male politicians (and my dad…) agreed because muh economy. But of course they don't say that, instead they claim it's because people get depression because of the lockdown and "why doesn't anybody think of the poor children!". If you cared about children, then you wouldn't play with their lifes (plus you should've taken measures against child poverty beforehand already). Students aren't lazy and spoiled for not wanting to go to school now, they're rightfully scared. One high school had to close down again after only 2 days of lessons, is that really worth it? Kids and young adults are making huge sacrifices for you, mostly without complaining, so quit thinking about your money for a second.
No. 546841
>>546839Pentagon releases declassified UFO videos:'t put link in YT field because there's 3 of them)
No. 547008
Jumping in here to say that I'm the anon from
>>>/ot/544780 and this morning the hospital informed us that my grandmother lost her fight with the virus and died. I'm very sad and heartbroken right now but I will be ok. I'm glad that at least she's no longer hurting anymore.
No. 547102
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>>547008I'm so sorry, I hope you can have a chance to grieve at this time.
No. 547346
>>547341I don't think it's bait, because I think the lockdown will kill at least as many people eventually and make living completely shit anyway.
Last year a poll showed 56% of Americans thought nuking Japan in 1945 was justified but they're going to eat shit for the rest of their lives so grandma can fester in a care home a few more years.
No. 547360
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>>547352You can get a haircut later.
No. 547367
>>547335I don't know why any of you fancy yourselves as virology experts when even the experts still don't know a lot about the long term ramifications of this virus on account of it being so new. I just saw articles published that this virus could be affecting people's cardiovascular and neurological systems long term. It's kind of laughable that you're so certain that this is an a-ok thing to experience just like the flu–granted perfectly healthy young people succumb to the flu yearly but whatever to that I guess.
I mean if you're sure it's overhype and only granny is at risk, then go out and lick all the buggy handles and snog strangers to your heart's content until you get it. Then report back to us on how wonderful and consequence-free this thing really is since you're convinced this is a "Sanderoid" conspiracy to ruin the economy. By the way, there's no evidence that you will develop immunity to the virus. We don't even really know if this virus won't just stay dormant in peoples' systems and opportunistically attack similar to HIV/AIDs.
But hey, no biggie. Just hippie and commie bedlam.
No. 547398
>>547360jokes on you, i don’t like how unhygienic hairdressers are.
>>547390Except it’s been this way since lockdown’s going milder..
>>547367Mentall illness: this post.
> then go out and lick all the buggy handles and snog strangers to your heart's content until you get it. Like wtf, did I say that corona’s not real?
No. 547402
>>547398Lack of reading comprehension: the post.
The point was that you underestimate the severity of it if you think it's no bigger deal than the flu, where did anyone say you think it's imaginary?
No. 547415
>>547409NTA but what do you think about the economic and human cost if we get a 2nd peak as a result of lifting lockdown too quickly and without an at least halfway decent test, track and trace system in place ?
I'm a healthcare worker, so I really disagree with your opinion but I would be interested to understand your reasoning.
No. 547423
>>547352overall it feels like these threads are populated by select anons who either have legit anxiety disorders or just enjoy tormenting themselves with impotent panicking.
>>547367did you know that flu can also have overarching long term affects on diff systems? wow truly fascinating shit
No. 547424
>>547409>defies my pointWhat exactly are you referring to? Sounds to me you're backpedaling by tacking on extras after you've been called out for this happy ass post, to quote you yet again >>547335:
>"With corona death rates drastically going down by each day, I’ve been convinced since more than ever that corona’s just an overhyped flue. I really think everyone who is still bamboozled by it that they should just go outside for fresh air, wash their hands, and shower twice a day for the no-poo stinking hippie freaks out here. I really think at this point that the economy is a bigger issue, you Bernie Sanderoids should understand that rose tinted glasses and saving the old isn’t gonna do much. Old people will die anyways, and it’s sad, but you’re just feeding an overhyped flu."NO WHERE did you say you think social distance and hygiene is a good thing (and you didn't say that up until this post). If you think you conveyed a tone that overall safety measures are a good thing then you're the one with the mental illness because your post DOES NOT send that message. Your post conveys that you think most of this shit is hyped up conspiracy and that people don't understand how to economy.
You must be underage, I hate it when posters like you don't take responsibility for what you type and don't type and then blame other anons for """misunderstanding""" your points because you fucking suck and can't articulate them. Just go away. Seriously, this is so obnoxious to see in this thread. You actually think you're smarter lmao.
No. 547425
>>547415You tell me how the deaths of seniors will cause an economy outbreak? I want a pseudo lockdown, the end of hyping and spread of misinformation and a moving on solution, like many others.
And I work in a medical lab but that doesn’t mean I will agree with a lockdown, anon.
No. 547427
>>547426Ah, right. You're just the whiteknight defending OP's honor for no reason, and once again I was expected to read your mind and magically know you weren't the same poster even though you quoted me after I responded to OP.
No. 547441
It only kills old people and an extreme lockdown and media hype is not necessary and is in fact harmful*.
I don’t see how it’s bait.
No. 547468
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UK now publishing data on all deaths including care homes but even the government spokespeople are admitting that none of us are going to know the true excess deaths until the pandemic is over.
Hopefully there's not much more excess mortality than what this data is showing now but who knows.
I'm a NHS worker and the first member of staff with covid has died in the hospital I work in. Grim.
No. 547868
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No. 547974
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I honestly thought about a month ago that everything would be back to normal on May 1st and that everyone predicting 3+ months of shut down was overreacting. I’ll accept my clown card.
>>547840I’m so not looking forward to an online fall semester but I’m thinking it’s headed in that direction.
No. 547993
>>547974I heard some places are opening? There are meetups in my area planned to meet in person within the next couple of days. Idk how that can be, we just closed down not long ago and it feels like it’s maybe just now starting to peak
I still can’t feel like it’s going to be as huge of a deal beyond that, somehow. It fucking sucks that people are dying, though, obviously it’s a big deal to those who lost someone.
No. 549822
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Italy, May 4th: end of Phase One, beginning of Phase Two.
People are now allowed to take walks while being alone.
The total number of infected people in a day has gone down a little, from a peak of 108k in mid-April down to 100k as of now. More people are recovering.
The infection curve is now expected to rise again as people increase their mobility, more slowly than before hopefully.
No. 549833
>>549643Obesity has proven to be the #1 risk (among people with no pre-existing health issues) factor for severe COVID-19 but it isn't being talked about enough. Being obese means the excess fat you carry weighs down on your lungs and compromises your oxygen intake making your already poor heart have difficulties keeping the circulation up for the challenge.
So people, use your lockdown time to slim down if you got a BMI of 30 or over.
>>549648Yeah, let's just ignore stats and science of how all over the globe 96-97% of all diagnosed cases are classified as mild and how 30-50% of all cases are even completely symptomless.
No. 549871
>>549833NTA but that's not true about asymptomatic transmission.
The best data we have on how many people are asymptomatic is from the covid cruise ship where everyone was tested and asked about their symptoms, think it came out only about 20% of them truly had no symptoms at all once they interviewed people and tested them repeatedly.
Now to be fair the population on the cruise ship was probably older than the average for the population but still.
Here's an informative podcast about this specifically No. 549928
>>549657For me, there's two things about covid that I feel are true at the same time:
1. It was/is really serious and the lockdown has good reasons.
2. There's been a global event of mass hysteria based on covid being a kind of subconscious proxy war between people and the concept that we're all going to die. "Nobody must die from covid!" Nevermind that until covid most people were told to go fuck themselves if they needed expensive/any cancer treatment or were made homeless. Tough shit! Life is unfair, we all die! But covid FUCKING 19?! Destroy the entire global economy for decades to save the golden special ones who could die of the coof.
Think you have a cancerous lump? Fucking whiner, that's not covid! Literally starving to death? It's not covid though, is it?
No. 550188
>>550135People in my area think that just because the 8 pm curfew is gone that they can do whatever. Block parties, cook outs and meetings in wherever. They even jumped the fence in tennis courts and breaking locks in schools to have group cross fit sessions. I saw the ambulance take three people away in the past 7 or so days and a few neighbors are bitching that someone close or one of their family members have it, yet they are still chatting it up in gatherings. At this point all sympathy is lost and I'm tired of people around here whining how their loved ones have it while having a BBQ with all the neighbors.
I'm just ready for this to be all over since lock downs aren't enforced. In fact the lock downs seem just as harmful as the actual virus itself at this point.
No. 550401
>>550398Certainly after the crisis is over. People with smart-to-average intelligence are going to wait to breed. Or at least vet current romantic interests so they can have relationships with children when this is over.
All the dumb ones are getting knocked up right now with uncertain futures. Usually the dumb and poor with nothing else better to do rationalize unprotected sex by thinking a baby will give them purpose, and they are so terribly idiotic for this.
No. 550447
>>550398Yep, corona baby boom incoming.
People locked in with their boyfriends/ husbands are alreay getting pregnant in droves.
No. 550850
>>550558The government gets its money from its people, not a magical treasure chest. If people are laid off or are otherwise unable to go to work and generate more tax money, the government can't keep its functions up. That means public health care, social security and other services can't be funded anymore. Lockdown is tremendously expensive to keep up and it's not sustainable at all to continue it for an extended amount of time.
>inb4 i-is money more important than human lives?!?!?!?No, but you need funds to save human lives. Money doesn't drop from the sky and you can't command people to work for free.
No. 550880
>>550867No, there wouldn't. People spew this shit about "b-but you can just cut from military funding and governmental paychecks and we'd get money!!!!" without realizing how much the lockdown actually costs. It's not only for the months that everything is shut down, each month extends the financial situation longer and longer into the future. In the case of the US, we're talking about
trillions of dollars, not
billions. Military budget is roughly 600 billions a year. Even if every cent was taken from it and transferred to some coronavirus covering fund it still wouldn't cover the costs, not even near. Forcibly shutting down entire industries and having people laid off is insanely expensive for the nation in the long term and far more damaging than the actual virus.
No. 550886
>>545522I keep going from being fairly ok about things to feeling like I’m going to cry. I’m usually quite a positive person but about a week ago I just felt hopeless.
One of my grandparents is very ill and the NHS have delayed her treatment by 2 weeks, I’m very scared for her. My father works in the prison service and the nurses there aren’t taking it seriously, prisoners are still allowed to meet and go out an exercise. The only protective equipment they have is gloves and they’re not allowed to bring their own face masks to work. My father has high blood pressure and I’m scared for his safety too.
I hope everyone is doing ok and your family is keeping well.
No. 550953
File: 1588780792665.jpeg (934.06 KB, 1242x1719, BF2B34C7-ECA9-4C2B-BA6D-F9318D…) you think there will be a huge mental illness epidemic following this (more than we already had before)? People already seemed to already be increasingly lonely, distant from each other and unsocialised before the virus, I could see both reasons for it becoming significantly more so or less so the case after social distancing. I wonder if the lockdown will change how we interact with each other in the long run for better or worse
No. 550987
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Correct estimates for those who saw my deleted post: 200,000 CASES per day, 3,000 deaths a day by June 1st. Predictions say it will begin on May 14th
No. 550992
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My work is so fucking stupid, they’ve been cleared to open again because we’re “essential” but in reality we’re just a retail store that happens to sell food products. Our main products are overpriced dessert teas and spice blends, we are 100% non-essential. We’re a small business but our online store is doing overtime so it’s not like all profit has come to a halt. Reduced number of guests, everyone has to wear face masks, temperature checks, can’t give out samples or brewed tea, have to have people swipe their own cards and we can’t directly hand them a receipt. There’s really no reason to actually open back up as we’ve already been doing curbside only pickup so it’s not like we haven’t been selling at the store either. I was perfectly fine with this as I could prep an order over the phone as well as take payment, and my interactions with people were limited to like 10 seconds. Now I’m going to have to deal with browsing idiots again who won’t wear face masks. Also I have to reopen the store by myself because my manager is going camping this weekend, and it all got sprung on me 3 days before.
Very tempted to quit but my parents are brain dead libertarians who would be mad if I chose my health over work.
No. 551060
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>>550880>"Military budget is roughly 600 billions a year. ">Worried about the gov is losing trillions of dollars off the backs of Americans>Forgot that dead and sick people can't actually work>Not even realizing where a massive chunk of the trillions is going>Doesn't know or is deliberately ignoring the fact that most of the military budget goes to private contract companies that keep dragging out concept projectsHate to tell you but cutting some of the funding for bullshit projects like the F-35 could go a long way
The lockdowns could have been short if done immediately. But America is past the point of that thanks to people like you who value money over lives, despite your insistence (just own it). Lockdowns in places that haven't enforced them might be futile.
But hey, you go on and go ahead and eat your steaks cut by sick plant workers.
No. 551074
>>550953Mental illness from lockdowns? Yeah, it depends, especially on the home environment.
I'm mostly mental illness from being a frontline workers.
Speaking for my own country, it'll be PTSD for most anyone else for reasons >>550962 >>550987 cited.
3k/day is still harrowing, especially considering we've been at, if not a little over, 2k/day now.
>>550975I live in the South, too, and it feels like that part in the movie before a huge disaster hits. People in my town are mostly wearing masks, but you still have people who are going without as a political statement. Interestingly enough, all of them have the body type and likely the diet that would send them straight to the hospital when their symptoms flare up. Most of them choose sugary sodas over the water, and viruses in general thrive on high blood sugar; COVID19 especially.
I hope these idiots die/get too sick to wander around before they have a chance to make you sick.
What amuses me the most is that these are the same people who are often talking about how our military puts their lives on the line and make a sacrifice for the country. But they can't sacrifice a little time to put on a mask. Typical, though.
No. 551075
>>545522A non essential 'we sell a bit of everything' store in my town reopened. Signs all over the new entranceway insist that you wear the gloves provided at the cleaning station. You can't miss the signs or the cleaning area. I swear there was a clear divide in store, women wearing gloves and men just cruising on by without bothering. Why are some so weirdly resistant to it?? I've seen the same in my workplace when it comes to using hand sanitizer but what's worse about this shop is it's somewhere people really browse just for the hell of it, y'know pick up ten different items to look closer at them and maybe buy one.
I appreciate that the shops are making an effort but if you can't get customers to cooperate what's the point.
No. 551124
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Boomer dad spergs out because target employee told his 22 year old disabled special needs daughter (autism/cerebral palsy) she couldn’t be in the store without her mask on. She is exactly the person SHOULD have a mask. How do people this stupid exist? The same thing goes for her, none of her disabilities imply retardation level IQ so she must understand the fairly simple concept of me + not so good health + China virus = BAD trumps her personal preference not to wear a mask.
No. 551195
>>551183mte. That's not a 'moron with low morals', that's a literal criminal who needs to be reported to the police for rape, and to HR for sexual harassment (talking about it at work).
The way anons talk about their workplaces on here freaks me out, do americans not have HR staff or something?
No. 551205
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So many people are worshipping a politician like a celebrity just for doing an OK(but not great) job is annoying the hell out of me.
No. 551228
>>550964Yep. I practically have a panic attack any time I leave the house (only to get groceries for myself and family) because idiots can't handle wearing a mask and not shopping. The effects of the virus scare the shit out of me and even if stuff is open I'm still going to stay home.
I wish they'd just round up the people who don't follow the rules and quarantine them away from everyone else, but I guess that's a little extreme. I just don't want to get a virus and die because people can't handle not going to the beach.
No. 551282
>>551184It's to reduce the amount of fomites you can potentially create.
In the hospital we put our phones in sandwich bags, so I've just started doing that if I have to leave my house at all with my phone.
No. 551371
>>551305My father works with wood and his hands are constantly dirty but it's not that he doesn't wash his hands, it's just his hands are stained from tannin,
I just want to say maybe their hands are dirty, or maybe their hands are stained and they can't do anything about it. I hope for you that their hands are just stained
No. 551401
>>551315This. People think practicing health safety during a pandemic is a gateway to totalitarianism. If that's the case, there have been plenty of gateways to that. Funny how these same people never cry about things like the Homeland Security Act here in the USA.
>>551371Not to mention that tannin has antimicrobial properties of its own. People who generally work those kinds of jobs wash their hands like crazy, but you always have exceptions.
No. 551435
>>551401So health safety includes using cellphones to track people's, rolling out surveilance systems in colleges, informing on neighbors, completely changing our voting system, censoring online speech?
Anon things like the homeland security act is EXACTLY why this freaks me out, because once you establish these things as normal, they never go away.
No. 551467
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>>545522wasn't OP's pic revealed to be staged?'m sick of sensationalism in mass media. No one cares about flashy pretty dramatic shit caught on camera- all we fucking want is
valid and transparent messages/information shared so everyone can be content and do what they can now.
>b-but if they stage this part just a bit then the public will definitely take it more seriously!no fuck off, that's GAS LIGHTING and it MAKES SHIT WORSE. For the love of fuck just be 100% honest for once during this pandemic, and if you make a mistake, just come up and admit to it (not by some shit twitter post btw, put it on the same platform or TV station that you originally told the news of) and move on.
And put the political shit flinging aside for another day- well its probably a bit too late for mass media because they've been conditioned to be autistic over it. But just so you know those boomers know that if every single comment on the internet was personal- then we would already have had more than 1 Charlottesville, and probably been in a civil war by now. Get a grip on reality jesus christ.
/corona vent
No. 551489
>>551435>>551443By "censoring online free speech," do you mean shutting up people who are spreading misinformation and hustling quack therapies? Or do you mean places like China bullshitting their numbers and banning their netziens from playing online games w/people from overseas so they can maintain their illusion? Don't hit me with that "they're the same" bullshit.
>>551467I think people like you are in denial and WANT to believe this is fake to the point of gobbling down whatever some irrelevant fat dude on the internet says. You clearly know nothing about the level of absurdity that Americans are capable of and the type of machinations that tend to rile up our boomers (money, guns, and the illusion of freedom, mostly).
No. 551499
>>551443 and didn’t mean mention free speech but my main concerns are
- being worried about getting to the point where the lack of functioning NHS, inability to access dental care and mental health problems exacerbated by the lockdown lead to a loss of years of life that exceed that if we weren’t in a lockdown, being able to understand that there isn’t a scenario where no one dies or gets sick and that we need to pick the solution that minimises it the most, that non essential healthcare will become essential if left long enough etc
- the introduction of heavy surveillance that won’t be criticised or questioned as it is presented under the guise of ‘saving lives’ (9/11) and the only route back to ‘normalcy’ meaning some people will be willing to accept things that infringe on human rights to privacy and freedom of movement
- creating a sense of distrust among each other where people are eagerly looking for scapegoats and over zealous in reporting people to the state instead of directing their blame and anger at the leaders who have lead to us being
this unprepared for a pandemic 2020
- people being unable to accept the fact that the ‘facts’ have been constantly changing throughout this entire thing and while I agree lockdown may be the safest option currently, we know very little about second waves or immunity and that people should remain vigilant and ensure research into things like numbers of infected and production of antibody tests, increased testing etc are happening and being reported on, and being able to accept that in the future the best way forward may be different.
I feel like I can’t talk about any of these things without being dismissed as some Alex Jones type weirdo who just wants to be able to go to the mall again and wants all boomers to die but I don’t think any of those things are genuinely that conspiratorial or irrational
(political sperg) No. 551567
>>547477Critical Role as a livestream is probably dead, they’re the only large TTRPG podcast not continuing from home (Educated guess: they’re trying to finish their animation project before they lose too much ad revenue from Twitch)
Weekly Shonen Jump is now Bi-weekly Shonen Jump, but so far this has been providing better art quality
Influencers as a career track are done. No one wants to hear rich people complain with a 20+% unemployment rate and the smart ones are avoiding social media.
No. 551574
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>>551489Rude. No where in my post did I say it was fake or not, all I talked about was mass media and its lack of sincerity in their approaches.
Also you seem to misunderstand China vs trolls making shit up on the web. China will fucking kill you (and conveniently cover up your death and use you as a "warning" to scare other citizens) in a drop of a hat. Freeze peaches land will at least rely on you to have common sense and a grasp of reality. Just because you have free speech doesn't mean you have an anarchist society, we have laws in place to cover the hindsight like libel, faking serious terrorist threats, and other basic shit.
Also China literally resembles the shit the Nazis did in WWII of rounding up "unwanted" groups and killing them off. And they too were fond of censorship.
>>551499>I feel like I can’t talk about any of these things without being dismissed as some Alex Jones type weirdo who just wants to be able to go to the mall again and wants all boomers to die but I don’t think any of those things are genuinely that conspiratorial or irrationalI feel this so much. Thankfully its just the internet and I'm around reasonable people who won't immediately jump on me as an extremist on either side for saying one opinion or thought, that shit is mostly stuck on internet bantering.
(political sperg) No. 551585
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>>551467dudes cosplaying as nurses but the trump supporters, idk
No. 551750
>>551747You shouldn’t at all in any case, so back off from countries that aren’t the West and enjoy the corona, America.
Yes I just referred to a single poster as the country the USA.
No. 552560
>>552434It's definitely going to put a dent into the HAES thing since higher BMI means having a harder time with this virus, no joke.
It's already speculated that corona might do some long term damage even on the healthy people it affects (which any more severe virus can do from small things to extremes), so, even if the deathfats survive, they may be in a worse situation or get their own wake-up call to improve their lives. The wake-up call is what I hope for.
All that said, I'm also expecting a rise in orthorexia from all of this.
No. 552599
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Saw this on social media. It happened in Huntington Beach. That’s a depiction of Gavin Newsome, California’s governor. I’m tired of these crybabies.
No. 552847
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>>552833I wasn't going for the literal Hitler bullshit, but you do you. Protesting wanting to go back to work is a no-brainer understandable; but most of these protestors have no regard for anyone around them and keep comparing the safety measures to slavery (and Hitler, apparently). But I'm even more sick of the government not getting their shit together with a consistent solution.
I do find it funny these protesters tend to be the ones who shriek "survival of the fittest" while trying to peg people trying to enforce social distancing and masks as Hitler. I'm not sure if that's how that works.
No. 552919
I need some advice, fellow burger anons.
I got a job at Amazon during this mess (Got temporarily laid off from my other job). Also was getting unemployment. A few weeks ago, I decided to abandon that job because finals were coming up and I want to study instead of working 10 hour shifts in a row, three days a week, which left me fucking exhausted to do anything, let alone school work. I tell my mom this and she's like "Okay well, you're not gonna get unemployment if you quit…." Also she was the one constantly nagging me to work in the first place (I swear, she would be more happy with me working shitty dead end jobs for the rest of my life than actually getting my degree and doing something meaningful with my life).
While she's very knowledge in this subject (she's been working in HR for over 30 years), I often get the sense she has no idea what the fuck she's talking about at times, especially since Covid-19 has changed a lot of the regular rules. I got $2,000 from Unemployment last week and she kept saying it wasn't right and it must've been a mistake until I showed her the passage that explained it on their website. But I feel like working at Amazon and quitting is going to fuck everything up and I won't get anything anymore. I been told just to not do anything till I get fired but I hate the idea of getting fired (Personal issues that doesn't have to do with anything but still)
Did I fuck up anons?
No. 552924
>>552919She's right. You fucked up. You get unemployment for being fired or losing your job due to covid-19. You had a job at amazon and didn't need unemployment. You quit the job and are not applicable. Unemployment is currently paying out base pay + $600 a week due to the CARES act.
Why the actual fuck wouldn't you google this before doing it? I'm kinda getting why your Mom gets frustrated at you because this is incredibly irresponsible and 10 seconds of googling/asking your Mom would have cleared this up for you.
Also, if you were claiming and receiving unemployment WHILE working at amazon (check payment dates for period they cover) you just committed fraud so good luck buddy
No. 552927
>>552924For the record, I still haven't technically quit Amazon. Their reasoning is that if I get fired, I could get unemployment. I'm aware that qutting a job means losing your unemployment benefits and I've been aware for quite awhile. Also I made the decision when I didn't know that I would be in quarantine for this long.
I did wish I would've thought about more before making such a rash decision. I was under the impression that I wasn't going to get much in unemployment and that I would make more at Amazon. I was egged on my family to find a job right away (and I would be branded as lazy if I didn't and focused on my studies instead) and I feel completely stupid for listening to them (not trying to put the blame solely onto them. I get some of it is my stupidity as well).
No. 552944
>>552927> A few weeks ago, I decided to abandon that job because finals were coming up and I want to studyDid you quit or not? Are you just not showing up? Because x amount of no shows = you quit and Amazon will point this out on any unemployment claim you make. Its probably in your employment contract.
Also, it sounds like you were claiming unemployment while working. They're going to be coming hardcore for people pulling this shit when things go back to normal
No. 552959
>>552949But I was working. I got another job while I temporarily unemployed from my permanent job. I stopped attending my temp job because it was getting in the way of school. It definitely wasn't an easy decision to make but considering in the past I put work over school and it ended up biting me in the ass in the long run.
>>552944Fair enough. I didn't quit. But I've been showing up to shifts on and off. I claimed unemployment before working. I expected it to stop getting it once I reported my earnings at Amazon. I certainly didn't expect to get $2,000 AFTER I started working at Amazon from Unemployment. And then working was getting in the way of completing my assignments and readings for school.
>>552928My permanent job didn't pay me shit. My boss told me to sign up for Unemployment.
Timeline as follows
>Get temporarily laid off from my job>Sign up for unemployment >Few weeks later, get at job (Still get some money, but not a lot for to make for the few weeks I wasn't working)>Get continuous paychecks, expect to get nothing from EDD>But EDD gives me $2,000 (Califag, if anyone is wondering)>Meanwhile, Amazon is getting in the way of completing schoolwork >Realize I'm up shit's creak without a paddle and wonder how it's gonna affect me for the rest of the year No. 552996
>>552959University isn't doing you much good if you can't research for yourself how fucked you would be if you quit or slacked off so much anywhere would fire you. They're not going to just say 'oh Amazon are assholes they fire everyone' they will say you deserved it.
You'd better chase up whether you weren't supposed to get that $2k because if you weren't and try to hide it they will fuck you so hard. You can just play dumb and use the fog of all this pandemic shit for whatever confusion caused it.
No. 553001
>>552959OP idk what to tell you other than working 3 days a week, 10 hours a day is less than a lot of us work + study fulltime.
You have to sign up for unemployment weekly. Either you signed up for unemployment on the weeks you still worked at amazon, committing fraud, or you didn't and you're fine.
No. 553019
>>553013I did. And I was told I wasn’t allowed to change my schedule until after 90d days.
Also these shifts were 10 hour long each over night which made me rather exhausted to do anything afterward. Don’t act condescending and tell me to grow up when you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.
No. 553120
My country actuall decided to open up schools for the last 2 weeks because wh the fuck not. Dumbasses.
>>553119Sorry but this is better suited in the vent thread, cmon now.
No. 553254
>>553205I got yelled at the other day for being outside without a mask. I do have one, but I left it at home that day and I was only going on a quick walk. It's not like I was up close with people and breathing down their necks. I always make sure that there are 6ft between me and another person. Was pretty rude and unnecessary.
I actually live somewhere where people are overly cautious about the virus to the point of straight up fear-mongering. Lots of rich neoliberal boomers and people who spend too much time on the coronavirus subreddit and now think the virus is going to mutate to the point of wiping out all of humanity. Like, basically anyone who goes outside at all is given dirty looks, and you can't post anything on social media about being outside without making it extremely clear you weren't hanging out with other people. Your reputation is basically ruined if there is any evidence whatsoever that you went to the beach (some are still open w/social distancing rules in place), or if you found a trail that isn't closed yet. People are 100% still going out and finding stuff to do, but you have to keep it hush-hush.
The death glares my bf and I have gotten for taking walks in neighborhoods we don't live in (literally we just need a change of scenery from time to time because we're losing our minds) is hilarious. The irony is that we are ALWAYS wearing masks when we do this, and the people who live in those neighborhoods that we pass by are often not wearing masks.
Don't get me wrong, my state is one of the least-hard hit ones because our governor is actually taking this thing seriously, but I really wish that everyone would calm down a little. Ffs, I STILL don't know anybody who has actually gotten the virus out here. I don't even think I know anybody who knows somebody who has gotten the virus out here. Our hospitals have been virtually empty since this whole thing started.
No. 553280
>>553205My boyfriend has been teased at work by grown ass men in their 40's+ for wearing a mask and gloves at work. He works in IT and is touching all of their computers that they never clean, so of course he's going to take precautions. He doesn't really have a strong opinion on whether other people choose to protect themselves or not.
I think seeing other people taking different precautions makes some people question their own stance and they can't deal with the cognitive dissonance so they lash out. This situation has everyone scared about something, whether they admit it or not. I think the fact that we never actually shut down where I'm at has people especially on edge. Everyone's been arguing on Facebook for months over what they think is the right thing to do, so when they're faced with it in person they're already in that mindset to just start arguing whether anyone was being confrontational or not.
No. 553318
>>553157I went to CBT for anxiety management and part of what was taught was to identify things you can't change and to minimise worrying about them. I think this is the sort of mindset lots of these types of people are displaying; thinking all day about how dangerous it is outside won't change anything, so there's little to do but get on with life. We're realising we were living in a period of safety that has now passed, and are psychologically adjusting to this new situation of risk. People understandably don't want to live in a bubble, we're a social species.
Sorry about your boyfriend anon, I hope they develop a vaccine soon.
No. 553332
>>553326Yea, it's fucking ridiculous. Most of politicians are keeping their kids home and i read somewhere that parents aren't allowed to do that. Tf they gon do tho? You can just call in sick or just make shit up for at least 3 days, fake a fkn diarrhea if you must. I do feel extremely fucking awful for kids in
abusive homes, school may be the only henkireikä they have but this ain't it sis. The kid killing and general degen at home brutality has already began, especially at vantaa so i am fucking worried. The junkies and alkies are losing it.
No. 553442
>>553326>>553332Another Finn here and you guys are overdoing it. Hospitals are practically empty at this point, authorities are worried that because we've been keeping the infection rates so low that the peak is going to be massive and only pushed into the future when other diseases (the seasonal influenza among others) are going to be circulating at the same time, causing an even bigger surge of patients in the hospital. The chance is now or never to open up gradually because a vaccine doesn't exist and Finland will be the very last on the list to receive it whenever it comes out. It's realistically not possible to wait for 1-2 years in a lockdown because afterwards it'd take us over 10 years to dig ourselves out of the horrible economical slump and we'd be screwed for a very long time. We were already in a bad situation financially before covid-19 and entire industries losing 99% of their business for an extended time is going to be very bad news as we need the tax money to run the hospitals. Even if we decided to tighten the lockdown rules until the infection rate is 0 (which could again take months) it'd just start all over again at some point, someone will carry the virus back into circulation. We're not an isolated island located in the middle of nowhere and the scarce population makes it hard to track all infection chains. Especially because the virus is so rampant within immigrant groups who don't speak the language or contact authorities.
Additionally if you're the budheads over in the Finland thread asking for tips on how to get drugs then I'd advice you to drop that shit immediately to keep yourself healthy ffs
No. 553462
>>553318I guess you’re right anon. I hope they make a vaccine soon too. I mentioned the vaccine during that same meeting at work and one of the owners of the place started talking about how vaccines are “
toxic” and how I need to learn more about “functional medicine” (I work as a receptionist at a chiropractic place). The whole meeting just made me feel bad. I was also the only person there wearing a mask.
No. 553513
>>553442I agree with you. Looks like the measures already taken were basically a waste and it's a shame. I just don't think reopening schools for a couple of weeks is reasonable or necessary. There's got to be better means of gradually opening up than putting children potentially at risk.
(And no, haven't even been reading the finn thread.)
No. 553698
The corona virus has all the Karens of the wild completely tapping into their violent tendencies. I've seen many videos of people physically assaulting store employees, people protesting about not getting a hair cut, not being able to use the gym (while demonstrating that they don't need it) and a security guard was shot and killed for telling people they need masks. I honestly wish these people could just be shot on sight or hurry up and catch covid and die. I hate these people so much.
>>553539It's a party set up by a bunch of retards in secret. I have a feeling my dipshit sister is going to them because my parents caught her leaving the house with a full face of makeup and fancy clothes. She also works as a trainee midwife. I hate it here.
No. 553801
>>553790>At what point do we accept that people are going die and there’s not much we can do about it?What do you mean by this? People been dying. Do you mean we should stop the efforts to look for a cure or alleviation?
Also, headlines are designed to instill fear or rage for the clicks. Probably the worst part of an article to read.
No. 553839
My ear hurts SO FUCKING MUCH…
I've had some fucking intense pain before and this has to be one of the worst in terms of how sharp and unignorable it is
At first it just felt blocked so I put some hydrogen peroxide in it and gently used a qtip. Then a few hours later it started to ache a little, I figure I'd irritated it
By the end of the night I was gritting my teeth, all I could think of was that it hurt
Day 2 i filled a syringe with a bit more hydrogen peroxide and put that in my ear. It tickled and felt weird and I was concerned it might've made things worse, but I woke up on day 3 with 0 pain and only blocked feeling/muffled hearing from that ear
I bought a little applicator with olive oil and a little cleaning tool and used both alongside hydrogen peroxide again, hoping that since the pain left it was just blockage
Another night is fine. Day 4 I wake up with a small bit of dried blood. It was a very insignificant amount so I thought maybe I scraped my ear with the little tool and the olive oil leaked this out. No pain so not very concerned, but I can't hear out of the ear at all; have to turn my head to hear if someone is trying to talk to me on that side
End of the night the pain begins sharpening again. I figure I'll do another rinse of hydrogen peroxide olive oil and the cleaning tool. It provides no relief this time. The pain has been intensifying for hours. there's a pulsing inside my ear, white noise sound, and no matter what I do or how I lay or sit no relief is offered. The pain became so bad maybe 20 minutes ago I was yelling swears without meaning to in reaction to the stabbing sensation. I've tried every home "remedy" google has to offer, and I fear making it worse to do anything more. Both pressure and removing pressure hurt it. I've taken a bunch of Tylenol cold & sinus sleep pills in hopes it relieves the pain enough I can fall asleep, as it's 4 in the morning and I have to work tomorrow.
I've already been causing issues for my work all week trying to get tests done because my auto immune thyroid illness is acting up again. My boss said to my supervisor if I wasn't capable of working he'd find someone who could, implying I'd be fired and replaced. I absolutely need my job and depend on my insurance it provides for my medications. and I'm being treated like a leaper by blood clinics and a burden by nurses even though my thyroid issues have nothing to do with covid and I've had no symptoms of covid (up til now if this lone earache counts). I didn't even want to do all these tests but my doctor refuses to increase my medication until my blood levels become ridiculously bad each time this happens, even though I'm experiencing symptoms like severe water retention, kidney issues, constantly out of breath despite being physically fit/active, rapid weight gain, stopping breathing in my sleep and narcolepsy.
Where I live has the lowest amount of cases in my country, I think it's even bringing down the bar for my entire continent. We've literally only had 5 confirmed since this entire thing started… And still, I can't get my fucking EAR treated easily or my thyroid properly because we're all in complete shambles over the pandemic
Fuck you covid. I know I still have things infinitely better off than most right now but fuck. This. Shit.
No. 553850
>>553790Not to be all "told ya so" with people but a lot of people including me, kind of figured this would be the case a month and a half or so ago. Coincidentally I was also one of the anons who tinfoiled if this virus would resemble HIV, and while the WHO never said the virus is like HIV, I find their comparison to it to demonstrate covid's endemic stretch…a little curious to say the least. Although maybe the reason they compared covid to HIV (and not measles for instance) is because people are more likely to take a HIV comparison more seriously. Something like a flu or measles comparison would probably cause more social resistance from anti vax kooks. I mean look at for how long people ran with "IT'S JUST A FLU!!!" just because that was the comparison media first went with. I still think there's much we won't know about the effects of this virus until years down the line. Children are now reported to be having nasty reactions from the infection.
> quote not taken out of context:
>"It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away," Dr Ryan told the virtual press conference from Geneva. "HIV has not gone away - but we have come to terms with the virus." Dr Ryan then said he doesn't believe "anyone can predict when this disease will disappear".We're basically going to have to deal with this. It really fucking sucks. Not enough people are taking it seriously where I predict we'll have low enough infection rates to enjoy life as carefree as before, at least not for the remaining year.
No. 553869
>>553864NTA but we never got a vaccine for HIV or dengue for example so there is no guarantee we will be able to develop an effective one for covid. I have begun mentally preparing myself for no vaccine to come.
I think it's more likely we will develop therapeutics to treat people who have been infected. But I'm a disillusioned hospitalfag.
No. 553875
>>553869Also dengue fever doesn't have any specific effective treatments, you just have to lay in bed, keep the fever down and hydrated, most people don't get the really bad hemorragic version (wow just like COVID!) but the ones that do, welp
you just have to rely on luck to get out of it alive.
No. 553903
>>553875A lot of people have gotten COVID19. I'm guessing you mean most people won't get the fatal version of it, not get the coronavirus
at all.
t. recently recovered
No. 553928
>>553909Calm down, dumbfuck. I was asking for clarification since it reads as if they said not many people will get the hemorrhagic version of dengue, just like most people won't get COVID.
You must be an American.
No. 553938
>>553935In the UK our NHS hasn't been overloaded (yet) but there's still a lot of people dying but hopefully we will get better at treating people with covid so that less people who are admitted to hospital end up dying.
So new medicines/treatment protocols/techniques could help people with covid survive but tbh I don't know how much of a difference it will make since the vast majority of people who are dying are elderly and have comorbid conditions.
No. 553947
>>553935A lot of people are being pessimistic about the future, but I don't think you should be.
Doctors are testing and trying out new prophylactics and antivirals, and have a better grasp of the disease than 5 months ago (i.e. not using respirators as indiscriminately as they used to). Unfortunately, they still do not have a drug that would reduce mortality, but I have hope that something will turn up soon.
A vaccine being developed by Oxford has now gone into phase 1/2 of their human clinical trial and is projected to be used in emergency cases as early as September of this year. This is quite miraculous, as they were initially developing the vaccine for MERS and SARS, but both of these diseases were put under control and so the development of a vaccine was no longer needed.
Not to mention, there are a number of other vaccines being developed alongside this one, so we have a safeguard in case this one goes to shit.
No. 554460
>>553923Man, I feel retarded as fuck if I made my ear a thousand times worse than it would've been by trying those things. I didn't dilute the hydrogen peroxide at all, I'd read multiple sites on Google saying dilution wasn't required… of course, in my haste to "fix" the pain I went full retard and didn't fact check that. There were a lot of mixed answers on using it if it already hurts, too, so that part I did read a bit about but took the risk. Good luck with your ear too, anon, it's not the kind of pain I wish upon anyone
>>554136Yeah, thank you for your advice. I woke up today in extreme pain and the right side of my face was swollen from my cheekbone/jaw to my ear to a significant/disfiguring amount, and google was giving me the "Go to the ER, IMMEDIATELY" answer, so I QQ'd hard and my doctor ended up doing an emergency phone-diagnosis and loading me up with steroid antibiotic drops and orals.
NGL though, it's jarring when even your doctor's tone sounds worried lol.
Non-reply blogging:
Pharmacist said it's fine for me to take some sudafed and the pain is now entirely manageable by the end of the day. hoping it stays that way and the swelling in my face goes away sooner than later… It looks so uncanny, like one side is totally deformed. I feel ugly as sin but for once vanity is the least of my current worries.
I think I angered my boss more by having to come in late (again) today because of this, but like, I didn't really have an option lmao. I also stayed four hours unpaid OT to get through a bunch of work, so I'm hoping that all being completed will appease him. Thank fucking God for the weekend rest, I'm sure I'm gonna need it.
Far as doctor could diagnose over the phone, we're assuming my outer ear canal had become infected and began to swell, and that's why it felt very "full" initially. I'm sure my fucking around trying to clean it didn't help, but I get the impression this would have needed treatment regardless. Dr said outer ear canal infections can spread to the skin nearby, so that's likely why my face is… fucked.
I'm kind of concerned if the steroids/antibiotics won't wreak havoc on my immune system and
trigger my thyroid problems further, but honestly it doesn't seem like there's any other option at this stage. And my thyroid feels like a cakewalk compared to this nightmare.
>>554336Holy shit, I know, anon. Like, I understand the concept of not creating a shortage when they're needed by medical staff, but it's hate just for the sake of hating something. I think everyone needs quarantine therapy lessons to control their projected anger over stresses caused by the pandemic.
Even my roommate, as I was getting a ride to work today, was literally screaming and swearing about how stupid it is for people to be wearing a mask while driving. I was like what the fuck dude, why does it matter? maybe they are sick and don't want to spread it; maybe they don't want to risk the mask not being properly secured if they take it on/off etc… and he just flipped out saying the entire internet agrees that "wearing masks in the car are a pussy beta cuck thing to do"
I think my mind momentarily evacuated my body in an inability to appropriately react to how cringe/retarded that was. This entire thing seems to be bringing out the edgelord in a lot of people
No. 554559
>>553276That's because they're brainwashed af anon.
Sure people will die over this but the whole world won't be wiped out ifs
No. 554642
How on Earth can people think this is a hoax? I personally know someone who fucking died from covid complications. It costs zero dollars to just wear a mask to slow the spread until we learn more about treatment.
>>553276Cases are going down because people are being safe you retard. Also just because your local flyover state hospital isn't being overwhelmed doesn't it's not happening in other cities.
No. 554685
>>554460Tip for the future. Mix a tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda into a mug or glass of water and then drip the mixture into your ear. It works by dissolving the ear wax and it's also a mild disinfectant. It's best to do it before you have a shower so you can rinse it out afterwards.
>>554627I do this. It's confusing because there's so much contradicting information. Some say it's a mild infection, others say it leaves people with permanently damaged lungs. I just don't know what to think.
No. 554872
There will STILL be the corona virus AFTER the lockdowns. There is no fucking point living in fear. And I'll bet you or a family member of yours is ordering piles shit online and then has the audacity to sit there acting like you're this sofa hero cheering for all the nurses and doctors.
Eventually we will have to go back to work and life. That's a fact. Whether you like it or not.
No. 554898
>>552434Morbidly overweight people aren't going to take their mobility scooters through all the hassle of going outside and waiting in 2m distance queues right now, they will just sit safely at home and order their fast food to be delivered. Everyone is sitting at home on their asses and getting fat, everyone.
We could go further and even hypothesize that healthy exercise addicts are at a higher risk because they will still go outside to run
No. 555007
>>553539where retards willingly go to die
>>553698Karens are going AWOL right now, they keep calling to cutomer service screaming about stupid shit
ALSO, has anyone been having sharp "ice-pick" like headaches recently? I haven't left the house but it's been killing me for the past few weeks.
>>554871>Listening to retarded nurse practioners LMAONo fucking wonder there has been stupid people in this thread
No. 555609
The reproductive clinic I volunteer at wants to reopen patient chaperone services. We're there to shield them from the protests. The abortion protestors never fucking left during covid despite there being an order to not hold gatherings of people. The police here are probably religious themselves, since they never enforced the order nor penalized these protestors despite numerous calls to the property. Don't get me wrong, I realize that the need for abortion doesn't stop just because there's a pandemic, but I really don't want to be around religious kooks spreading plague. They're more likely to have it too, as congregations are reopening and these places were among the first to experience cluster outbreaks because of their close proximity and disbelief of facts It's not that I don't care, I just think it should be someone's job at the clinic during these times to call patients in advance and let them know what's going on. It shouldn't fall on us volunteers to take risks like that.
>>554994Yeah the government can't hold people at gunpoint to starve them thin. But gee, don't you think the government could enact programs and revise policies so people could have access to preventable healthcare (including mental health) so they'd be less likely to get fat in the first place? Ever notice the countries with the lowest obesity rates tend to have the most progressive policies granted they're not shitholes?
I'm sure we're not the only country where we can get sweets for cheap. However, we are one of the only first world countries who refuse to provide citizens with reasonable access to affordable healthcare, overworking them because we refuse to pay out livable wages, and all the while we pretend it's solely an individualistic moral failing when the system is rigged to make lower class citizens into fast food-addicted wageslaves. Somehow it seems more complicated than a $1 platter of cookies.
No. 555634
>>555613I think the increase Ontario sees from being so stupid won't be a large enough jump to cause them to realize how dumb they're acting, sadly. I'm waiting for malls to open up so I can laugh, it's absurd. There is no need for Aritzia to be selling $200 tshirts, there is no demand for Reitman's pajama sale. It's all so bizarre to watch. My entire extended family is adding on two months to whatever date is declared "safe" just to actually be safe.
That being said, I live very near to a very disgusting and drug-addled city so I've been driving around in it for two months gawking at the people who remained in huge crowded parks for the duration of quarantine. Homeless people don't suddenly stop being homeless to be courteous to others, lmfao. They will absolutely tap you on the shoulder or knock on a car window during a stoplight, no hesitation. It's like nothing in that city changed. You could sit inside any shawarma hut and talk to 20 people in good company, no masks. I can't believe we aren't worse-off for it.
No. 555678
>>555659Nah, Ontario.
>>555634The homeless mostly come out at night or during really nice days so they can ask for change.
While I do realize that most of the cases and deaths are within nursing homes, I want to smack all the idiots who picnic at parks in such close quarters. However, I know that I'm kind of a hypocrite, taking walks with friends… I dunno. I definitely hate the trend of seeing young people living carelessly YOLO but I also don't blame them… not that it excuses bad public health behaviour.
Really curious to see how the next weeks for Ontario will be. Inb4 big ass spike in mid June.
No. 555682
>>555681I've been out of school for a bit but I have no hopes of schools opening, honestly…
I've seen this article floating around the web but who knows what will happen. I hope everything gets better too and I hope you can see your relatives soon. Being stuck at home alone for almost 24/7 sucks smegma dick.
No. 555813
Finding this out was the nail in the coffin of my trust in the government, "scientists", and ugh what a rabbithole of betrayal.
Computer Model That Locked Down The World Turns Out To Be Sh*tcode
It was an Imperial College computer model that forecasted 500K deaths in the UK (and 2.5 million in the US) should policymakers pursue a “herd immunity” approach (a la Sweden), that influenced them to reverse course and go full lockdown instead. The model was produced by a team headed by Neil Ferguson, (who recently resigned his post advising the UK government when it surfaced that he was himself violating lockdown directives by breaking self-isolation for dalliances with a married woman).
The source code behind the model was to be made available to the public, and after numerous delays and excuses in doing so, has finally been posted to GitHub
A code review has been undertaken by an anonymous ex-Google software engineer here, who tells us the GitHub repository code has been heavily massaged by Microsoft engineers, and others, in an effort to whip the code into shape to safely expose it to the pubic. Alas, they seem to have failed and numerous flaws and bugs from the original software persist in the released version. Requests for the unedited version of the original code behind the model have gone unanswered. programming anons want to weigh in? No. 556321
>>556317Statistically, people in poverty are more likely to be obese due to the lack of access to resources and healthcare. off people becoming obese is more likely explained by socioeconomic factors but that really wasn't the main point. Either way it's always recommended that the government do more to provide resources for its people across many studies of the phenomenon.
No. 556411
>>556332You didn't ask me, but I guess 'acceptable' would be whatever amount is low enough to not overload the hospitals.
How many Iraqi deaths did the UK feel were acceptable for 'regime change'? The people in charge don't have any qualms about sending people to their deaths (see: herd immunity plan at start of crisis) so don't kid yourself.
No. 556466
>>556411NTA but should we just continue to be shit humans because other humans have been shit in the past and never try to improve? I'm a medfag and I don't want to fucking treat human life like it's worthless.
Also, we are still hoping for herd immunity because an effective vaccine/medication is extremely unlikely to happen on a large scale anytime soon (like years away) that has been the fucking plan all along in the UK and in most western countries.
No. 556523
>>556466I'm not a medfag but isn't one of the vaccines coming through (assuming the government waves it through as long as it seems safe to deploy, not so much that it's sure to work) more likely to happen sooner than herd immunity?
They just came out with an estimate of 17% of london had covid and 5% rest of England. If the R number is now less than 1 how does that ever turn into herd immunity?
No. 556858
>>556523We don't know if the vaccine will even work effectively yet.
Additionally, if we get lucky and the UK manages to develop it's own vaccine it will take us months and months to make enough dosages for even a fraction of the population.
It is very unlikely that we get lucky and it turns out our first vaccine is successful, it usually takes many, many years to develop a vaccine.
It is more likely that another country will develop a vaccine before us, and then we will need to wait till we are able to purchase it from the supplier in addition to having to make enough dosages for everyone.
Vaccine is a pipe dream imo (I'm the bitter medfag)
No. 558541
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>>555682Just got an email that due to covid my program for 2020 got cancelled :( It was a year long specialty program so that's probably why. My friend says they are looking for alternatives for her program as it's her final year. I don't think they can cancel everything though, or everybody would riot.
Thank you for your kind words, I still have hope <3
No. 558562
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No. 558868
>>558802Seems like you're the only one it occured to.
An actual side effect problem of covid is that people wearing masks makes it harder for people with hearing problems/deafness. It just is what it is and if you're in one of the places where they wear masks you're SOL. But at least you're not old and in a nursing home (or if you are it's the least of your problems).
No. 560027
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im a stupid idiot. i went out today to do grocery shopping for the first time in months and i forgot to properly disinfect my phone when i got home. how likely is it that i got the rona?
No. 560097
>>560027Who even knows now. I think I got it from something about as unlikely just before lockdown but that was in the cold weather.
If it's that easy to catch then it just depends if there was anyone infected around touching shit. Depends where you are/dumb luck.
No. 560375
>>560284> improved relationship quality within familyDomestic violence calls have skyrocketed in my region. Do you really think people stuck in
abusive and life-threatening situations are sitting around taking surveys?
No. 560379
>>560375exactly. my heart hurts for all the kids and youth stuck at home with
abusive and neglectful parents or nothing to eat. i wish there was a one size fits all solution for this but there isn't
No. 560463
>>560240Can't you defer and take the semester off? My little sister is in uni and i think that's a good idea if people aren't going to meet in person.
Also look at Sweden, their economy crashed pretty hard still.
I agree with
>>560407. A lot of profs are vulnerable to the virus. And no uni wants to be known as the place where a ton of students caught the virus or where a student died.
No. 560480
>>560463I'm almost certain that my faculty is only granting deferrals to people under extraordinary circumstances. If they allowed everyone to defer simply for the reason that they would prefer to take classes in person, then most students would probably defer, and the school would take a huge hit financially.
The weird thing is that the faculty decided to take a mandatory pass/fail approach for grades this past term on the basis that some students are more affected by the virus than others, and would have more difficulty studying and taking exams from home. But now they're like "nah online learning is fine and we're going to grade you all in the fall so you'd better just deal with it." And it really sucks for my class because the recruit for my profession takes place in second year, so the only grades we're going to have on our transcript at that point will be from this upcoming fall term. Our future careers are essentially going to be determined by how much we can learn from zoom lectures while living in isolation and it's kinda ridiculous.
No. 560555
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Watching news clips of all the death where I am in the US is so depressing and overwhelming… I wish I could move my whole family to Canada or somewhere nicer. I just want to see my brothers already, but I work long hours with the public. My heart is aching for all of the people who are suffering right now. I wish people here in the US cared more about each other.
>sage because I’m just being a big baby and need to vent a bit
No. 560794
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I hate having a high body temperature because people think I have the corona virus
No I don't have a fever,yes I'm stressed out,no I'm not coughing,yes I'm overthinking a lot
No. 561875
>>561131It's going to be extremely fucked. The folks staying home to avoid covid despite lockdowns ending are all out now.
I'm in favor of protesting in normal conditions (and yes ACAB)but the pandemic is not the time to do it. Americans stay stupid as shit.
No. 562030
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So since my mum got bored she invited my grandma over. My Grandma is 70 years old and my mum is in the risk group. Both of them got annoyed that I don't want to hang out with them or didn't want to greet my grandma with a hug. My mum said that "at least the youth respects the rules to keep the distance hahaha". So they both were sitting in the living room when it suddenly ringed on the door and my aunt just dropped by after she traveled to another country to the funeral of her mum and now they sit all together because it's def the best thing you can do after a journey to another country /s. On the top of that my brother started to date a girl and he is switching place back and forth to sleep so I have another person that literally fucks around instead of staying at home.
I swear these are the kind of moments where I hate the town I live in because I want to move out for so long but it's so hard (even harder now) and being constantly surrounded by idiots like these makes me angry because I work in a pharmacy job and I'm not interested to lose it because of them. I already had the situation that my brother had contact with infected people because he continued to have an internship in a grocery shop that wasn't necessary for him FUCK
No. 562153
>>562147The thing is is that there will never be a good time to protest. Of course this is super risky, I won't deny that, but waiting for COVID to blow over will mean that more brutality will just be lost to other news.
Having a 'holier-than-thou' attitude because people aren't being nice and waiting to show their outrage over an unjust death is so fucking stupid. A quarter of Americans have lost their jobs, have been given scraps by the US Gov while major companies are given millions of dollars, and vulnerable communities have been disproportionately affected by this virus in both infection rates and death while majority whines about not getting a haircut. People are already at their limit seeing just how much our government has failed us when the entire WORLD is vulnerable and this just pushed everyone over that edge.
I'm terrified of how this is going to impact cases, I really am, but if people don't stand up for themselves when they're at their limit then who will?
No. 562231
>>562153If people are mad about how the government is handling coronavirus, then people should be protesting that. This is an issue that has nothing to do with the coronavirus. Protesting now vs a year into the future isn't going to help more lives from being saved.
Police killed about 1000 people in 2018 and about half of them were white. Coronavirus has killed way more black people in comparison.'s just a ton of people who want to randomly burn up shit and destroy random property including libraries. How the fuck does that help things?
No. 562266
>>562153>>562229Fair points. I didn't consider that there never is a "better" time to protest when fucked up shit is constantly happening and exists.
I'm just hoping that the protesting wasn't in vain and real change happens in America and beyond. Otherwise, covid just might push more cases and deaths… godspeed.
No. 562304
>>562231I can't believe they protest against police brutality when black on black crime is way higher, or deaths from disease caused by diet.'m just waiting for the news that Russia was behind all the blm protests like back in 2016. No. 562318
>>562304do you know white on white crime is high too?
Hmm, it looks like most murder occurs because people KNOW each other.
Fucking retard
No. 562591
>>562582You weren't here before they deleted their posts so kindly shut the fuck up and
mind your own business.
No. 567694
>>567659It's really bleak and I wonder if we're not stuck in the same pit.
The largest local hospital here has filled right back up over the last four days as the CEO slash state Governor's golf buddy keeps sending "ACT NATURAL AND DON'T TALK TO THE MEDIA" memos to the numb staff.
No. 567830
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>>567659You sound like you're visiting from 2 months ago.
You're thinking you're in an incident pit where a lot of old people with limited time left are going to die earlier from covid.
Most people are realising we're in an incident pit with 'utterly fucked economy for years' is the bottom.
No. 567906
>>567902Play her interviews, make her listen to stories of real people in their own voices
Something like a visual interview with a nurse working in a hospital would be best but another thing that comes to my mind is one of the recent episodes of the This American Life podcast "The test", the prologue has a short interview with an EMS worker talking about the spike in deaths, the risks that they're taking every day, and how they can't even put an arm around the recently bereaved to comfort them.
No. 567907
>>567902I'm always weirded out that people can raise kids all the way to adulthood and still live in a bubble like that. You'd expect a loner who never married, never had kids or did anything with their life to maybe, maaybe say that after many years of isolation.
But moms with grown kids out in the world usually watch the news and warn YOU about risks, there's a role reversal between you and your mom.
No. 568132
>>568131Kek, my countries death of the day is going up.
Can't wait to see the numbers in two weeks are.
We had black people prostesting and not distancing (for basically nothing since this is a west europe country)
No. 568188
>>568132Depends how easy covid is transmitted through fellatio.
The reported death numbers always go up in the middle every week you need to see the average.
No. 568742
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I'm scared, anons. My job told me our state is now in phase 2 and customers dont have to wear face masks. Like they can come in, order their over priced coffee and we have to serve them. We have plexiglass guards at the counter, but why would the state allow them NOT to wear masks? it's recommended, but not required now. I'm freaking out guys. I work in a small starbucks cafe and now all i can think of is getting infected by some idiotic customer. i'm really not happy. And i love how they tell us this after we had the option to take phase 2 leave, so i dunno if i can anymore
No. 568983
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sage for bot but I’m laughing at this stupid logic but also gagging at how, if this is a real man, he probably never washes his hands, even after taking a dump lol
No. 576679
>>545522My Grandpa is in his second week with Covid & this morning had to go to the hospital. He'd been doing so well at first that the Dr's didn't even think it was Covid until the test came back positive. He spiked a 104 fever and had become really weak (like couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom). My Mama was taking care of him because she's the only other person in our family that tested positive. She's going into her second week too, hasn't had a fever & her O2 stats have been good. I'm so fucking scared its gonna hit her like it did my grandpa but he is 87 so idk. Fuck I hate this.
And I'm so pissed off at all my friends because I've had to quarantine 2wks because I took care of Grandpa while he was sick (I've tested negative twice so far but I've got another week of quarantine) and its like they keep 'forgetting' or they just don't fucking care. Like I know its inconvenient for y'all but I really cant risk it rn even if they think it's "worth it". Selfish bitches, like my Bestfriend her disabled Mom she lives w/ has COPD and she keeps asking if she can come swim in our pool and she'll bring tequila so we can take shots & its like no dude why do I have to keep telling you this? Can you really only think about yourself during all this??
No. 576704
>>576679Yeah, I feel you on the friend thing.
Everyone around me seems to not take the social distancing seriously at all and it's so irresponsible, on top of making it harder for me to not give in to their invitations.
At this point they're even acting all cold to me because I don't want to see them. They don't seem to get that I would love to see them and have drinks together but it's just not smart.
No. 576721
>>576679>>576704Maybe you both should adopt a balanced and rational approach in considering seeing your friends instead of coming across as neurotic henny-pennies. You're more likely to get covid from the grocery store or at your jobs than seeing friends who haven't been exposed to covid in the past two weeks, sorry. Most areas even say it's okay to see a friend as long as it doesn't turn into a group. Unless you live in an area with high incidences of course.
No wonder you guys are depressed and angry, you're over-isolating for no reason.
No. 576728
>>576721I get where you're coming from, but I work at home and am also very careful when grocery shopping (as well as wearing a mask).
When I know for a fact that my friend hangs out with multiple other groups of people almost every day, the risk doesn't seem as small.
No. 576739
>>576721You're way more likely to get coronavirus while drinking at the bar than at the grocery store't go out to the bar folks. It's been one of the biggest causes superspreader events.
I think drinking with one friend in an outdoor area can be ok.
No. 577022
>>576679 , I live in 1 of the hotspot cities for Covid in the US (thanks Abbott), I have to isolate because I was in direct contact with a Covid case, not the other way around. I was taking Care of my grandpa (and staying in his house overnight) while he was sick & had fever with Covid and was in close contact with my Mama too. In the case of my Bestfriend I don't want her coming around because she's not going to social distance or wear a mask & her Mom is high risk with COPD. I don't want that on me if I turn positive in the next week. I had chills last night with no fever but that was how it presented with my Mama before she lost her sense of smell/taste. My Bestfriend even sent me something today about how wearing masks "decrease o2 intake & increase co2 intake therefore weakening the immune system and masks harbor Bacteria" and told me that is why she doesn't wear masks unless made to. I'm mad they don't take their own health seriously or consider their families when they say "we wouldn't be mad at you if you gave us Covid" That's dumb. Our hospitals are filling fast & people are still getting sick. Why roll the dice for one night of fun in a pool & tequila? Its not worth it if you/someone in their family gets really sick & that's what makes me mad I wish they'd try to see the bigger picture.
No. 578005
>>577610Another Amerifag and I agree. These people refusing to wear masks have the political ideology of an indignant five year old crossing their arms and shouting, "NO!! I DON'T WANNA!"
This country is so fucking doomed. Imagine politicizing such a menial task like wearing a mask.
No. 578163
>>578149Don't, it's a lot easier than you think. I have been planning on moving for a long time and my family has become a lot more supportive over the years after being understandably concerned for a while.
Once things have started calming down and we've figured out how to travel abroad again, that's the first thing I am doing: figuring out how to get some kind of visa or whatever to live abroad. I speak more than one language, and we travel a lot anyway so I have no fear of leaving behind the US.
There are so many days recently where I've woken up and I don't even recognize my own country anymore. I thought Americans were a lot more resilient…I was wrong. If I had known that a bunch of people would go mental here over wearing masks and having to stand six feet apart in the grocery store, I would extended my trip in Europe last year and gotten a work-study visa.
No. 578170
>>578149do it. the only reason i came back to america was cause my country of work got covid really bad so it was between me being quarantined alone in an apartment or going home to my family in the us (where covid was not at the time). i was on vacation at the time so it wasn't like i was fleeing out of a contagious area or anything.
coming back to america was a fucking mistake and once i get my shit together im leaving again. i was a fucking idiot for thinking americans could handle the outbreak better than korea, japan or even china. i thought that america had plenty of time to develop a response, that the country was spread out enough that outbreaks would travel slower unlike the densely packed cities of east asia. i wrote emails to my state reps about the situation in my country of residence and outlined a plan of action (similar to SK's) to take BEFORE the outbreak reached america and i had booked plane tickets home to the usa.
once i returned people fucking stared at me and bitched about the "china virus" being a hoax when i was shopping in a mask in early February. i bought some hand sanitizers and masks before the store raids and suddenly friends and family were texting me to spare a few even though i reached out the them and warned them weeks before. the state reps never responded to my email or calls, btw.
fuck this individualistic country, it's so rotten and self-centered. i've lived in europe and asia. people may not be as welcoming to you depending on a multitude of factors like race or sex. but when you go and live in a foreign country and realize what it means to be welcomed, supported or even discriminated by different governments and cultures, you begin to understand what's important to you as a person. does that make sense? i missed america many times while i was away, mostly food and family. but now that im permanently back, i'd take missing wendys over having to watch people get sick and die and having to pay 100 dollars for essential medications and inhalers. i bought my asthma meds in literal convienience stores when i was abroad. my CT scan was 15 dollars out of pocket.
sorry i'm venting at this point dude. im just so disappointed by this whole thing, we had literal months in advance to mitigate this and now hundreds of thousands are dead.
No. 578174
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>>578170> fuck this individualistic country, it's so rotten and self-centered. i've lived in europe and asia. people may not be as welcoming to you depending on a multitude of factors like race or sex. but when you go and live in a foreign country and realize what it means to be welcomed, supported or even discriminated by different governments and cultures, you begin to understand what's important to you as a person. does that make sense? i missed america many times while i was away, mostly food and family. but now that im permanently back, i'd take missing wendys over having to watch people get sick and die and having to pay 100 dollars for essential medications and inhalers. i bought my asthma meds in literal convienience stores when i was abroad. my CT scan was 15 dollars out of pocket. Preach, it’s the truth.
I cry a lot because I miss London and Paris. I hadn’t been since I was a little girl and it was nice to have a “break” from America. It made me see why my grandma wanted to have a home there, just in case.
I also thought the spread of the states would mitigate transmission, but I never thought people would be state hopping for the hell of it. I never thought I would see people going mad in the store because they don’t want to wear a mask like a child. Or hearing about restaurants closing because some entitled cunts want instant service right now.
It’s really depressing. I am the same about missing some things from the States like Mexican food and fried chicken, but I would rather give that up to have a happier life. It just isn’t worth it anymore. I am tired of these people, our stupid, selfish culture, and yo yo politics. No. 578929
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logged into facebook for the first time in a few weeks, and this is the first thing i see. i guess it's my fault for logging into facebook in the first place.
luckily this retarded cunt lives several states away from me.
"love and peace" lmao fuck you.
No. 579246
>>578929This idiot should take a look at stats in countries with compulsory masks. How the fuck is wearing a mask to protect you from an airborne virus
more dangerous than not wearing one and sucking down the virus?
These same people tend to be deluded enough to think all the cases, stories, stats, hospital footage are fake just because they're lucky enough not to have deaths among their family and friends.
No. 579444
>>579425Why do the trumpets just eat everything he says up without even a question? They completely ignore when he's wrong. It's so confusing.
I don't mean the coward politicians, who have to frequently step back.
I mean the poor redneck nuts who outright deny reality.
No. 579471
>>579444It's something about charismatic and strong individuals. You see the same shit with religious prophets and celebrities. It's something in them, not necessarily Trump or anyone else they gush over.
>>578621We will anon. It just isn't going to happen overnight. A lot of states like where I am in CA never had a peak, so I anticipated that we would see a surge because the virus was still circulating. Remember NY has around 450k, if not a little more. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the populous states have around the same numbers - 200 - 300k cases. There seems to be a pattern with a huge surge, it hits a peak, and then starts leveling off after a month.
No. 579694
>>579642Oh what the actual fuck I can't believe what I'm reading. It's as if it's permanently Opposite Day in the USA.
It's the 21st century and people are against disease prevention, I can't wrap my head around it.
People are allying with a virus, a natural enemy of our species, against what? What? What is there to gain from refusing masks other than death?
Aasassjgf my brain hurts
No. 580083
>>579720Ayrt and I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was going to wear a mask to the party, even though nobody else was and I didn’t mind as long as nobody tried to hug me. They uninvited me for wanting to wear a mask myself. Our state never fully shut down and was one of the first to fully reopen. Cases have been steadily rising recently to the point where local hospitals are now at risk of overload, so I definitely think they’re necessary but wasn’t trying to enforce it on anyone and just take care of myself. I also have an autoimmune disorder. I think they are overreacting by uninviting me because I wanted to wear a mask when I never even asked or implied they should do the same.
>>579694Yeah, I don’t understand it either. My family has been bitching about not seeing me in months and I thought this was a good enough compromise, but I guess not. It’s probably for the best anyways though because I’ve come down with something since then and qualify for Covid testing with my symptoms.
No. 580168
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Is there something I'm not getting with how people NEED tot be going out right now?
Before the coronavirus hit I was in uni, being very busy every day, and keeping my calendar full with various appointments and coffee dates. After it hit, I was really depressed from having to move back in with my family and losing touch with my friends. Now I'm ok, and I've been skyping some people and doing one-on-one visits with others. I'm lucky that I get to see my parents and sister.
But I don't get why people need to be partying like crazy and vacationing right now. I miss going to the bar but I can't imagine being in one when it's probably the number one place to get coronavirus (indoors + cramped + drunk people + no masks). I get that some people live alone and are probably super lonely but I think there's other ways of connecting.
My city is a pretty big tourist city and the bars were packed for weeks. And we also have the stupid pedal tavern things going around. Why?
I love partying/travel but I don't get why people act like it's the end of the world if they don't get to do those things for one year.
No. 580170
>>580083Your family knows you are at risk and won't let you wear a mask? Fuck them. Your family should be bending over backwards to keep you safe.
I usually hate people who say this but I'm so embarrassed to be an American right now. Why the fuck won't people wear masks?
No. 580185
>>580168Consumer culture. People are so hopelessly addicted to spending money and using small commodities as distractions from their shitty everyday lives that Americans have conflated their shopping addictions with being a part of their rights. Same reason why there’s so many Instagram accounts dedicated solely to showing off random crap Target is selling despite these people not working for Target at all. They do it for “fun” but really it’s because they have literally nothing else. It sounds bitter on paper but that’s why there’s so much weird diehard brand loyalty for fucking department stores.
It’s not like I don’t enjoy going to restaurants or shopping occasionally either, but it’s not a part of my core identity anymore. I miss going to my favorite coffee shop and sketching for a few hours but goddamn it’s not important right now. People need to learn to entertain themselves with things that are not Netflix.
No. 580204
>>580185This is definitely a huge part of it. More towards the beginning of quarantine (or at least, when we're
supposed to be quarantining) I saw lots of memes and viral tweets along the lines of "Who knew my only hobby was going out to eat and buy overpriced drinks lul".
One of the biggest demographics that's guilty of this behavior imo are yuppies who chose to focus their lives around stressful but high paying jobs. The benefit of that is that you get a lot of disposable income to travel and go to trendy bars or whatever but I can't imagine it feels good when you can't go out and spend money anymore, work slows down and you've uprooted yourself for work/you've made other personal sacrifices to maximize income. The "experience" economy is as hollow as any other form of consumerism in a lot of ways.
No. 581048
>>580185 read this last week, it touched upon some of the things you were saying and I found it accurate. 'middle class' identity in the US involves a certain level of consumerism
>>580997>a scam from the unions trying to get more money.I know they aren't the same thing but two of my friends were doing substitute teaching as part of their work to become full time teachers and they haven't had any income from that since March. some scam, eh
No. 581062
>>581048I have a bunch of friends who are teachers and they aren't happy about distance learning, but they want things to be safe. People seem to think they were just sitting around doing nothing because of distance learning, but most have said it's more work with all the questions they have to answer and reviews if students can't be on the computer at the same time. Teachers are already woefully underpaid, so it really made me angry that they were acting like teachers wanting a safe work environment was a scam to get money. Show me a teacher who doesn't spend their own money on their classroom.
Sorry, I'm just so tired of everyone making everything a partisan issue when the virus doesn't care what side you're on. But instead of working together to try to get through this, they fight.
I have never seriously considered leaving the US before but I want out.
No. 581373
>>580444You're not being selfish, a lot of people feel the same way you do. Don't feel bad. And yes, we will go back to a normal life. It just feels scary because we are still in the midst of a big storm and haven't really had to deal with something of this magnitude in a while. You are a lot stronger than you realize, you will make it.
>>580997I am not even sure why Fox News is even on air anymore. Or any of the primetime news channel that be on all the time. They all say the most retarded shit imaginable, it drives me nuts. My grandfather watches that shit like a goddamn lab rat and then goes off on rants about how it is china's fault the virus is out of control, uguwuwu, they're all nazis and shit, ugubooboboo, they're trying to get Doo Doo out of office, blah blah blah.
>>581062>Sorry, I'm just so tired of everyone making everything a partisan issue when the virus doesn't care what side you're on. But instead of working together to try to get through this, they fight.Don't be sorry. I feel the same way. I don't know what the hell is going on here anymore. I see Americans on social media going off on conspiracies and shit, ranting about what to call the virus and obsessing over the fucking lab in Wuhan, pulling up medical research papers they can't even fucking understand and basing their opinions off of abstracts like this is somehow the smoking gun that's going to tear the world apart.
I did read up on a lot of interesting and weird coincidences that happened before the pandemic but what is that going to do? It's not like any of us can fly to Wuhan and storm the laboratory. None of us have the power to hold any government accountable for their ineptitude. Bullying doctors on twitter and instagram isn't going to change anything. And a lot of our problems people in the States don't realize we bring on ourselves. But no one will ever admit that maybe we should fix what is obviously failing under the pandemic.
No. 581797
>>581062>I have never seriously considered leaving the US before but I want out.Same, anon. I joked about it before with everyone else once Trump got elected but never would have followed through. But this virus has shown me we're absolutely hopeless. Even if I can't move, I at least need a long break living somewhere else temporarily.
>>581373And about the conspiracies, same. I love conspiracies, and I read about the Wuhan stuff too. But it's not just a fun hobby to read about stuff like that anymore for people, it's to a point where people are only using it to suit their narrative to not wear a mask or whatever they think.
This virus has made it clear to me it's not only the government that's the problem with the US, it's the people that live here who are also a problem. Guidelines or no guidelines, it all comes down to what WE do, and I bet the government will start to blame us too. It's clear what other countries have done to stop the spread, and people here
can choose to follow the same "rules" technically, so there isn't any excuse for stupidity anymore. Obviously when it comes to things like them forcing kids to go back to school it's different. But a hard pill to swallow is that a lot of it is our own fault.
But.. for everyone doing the right things, that's all we can do. And we can try to educate others as much as we can. And then we have to admit that's all we can possibly do. When people refuse to listen and learn, there's nothing else to be done. We're fucked.
No. 582096
>>582075I thought the antibody test wasn't fully developed yet, thanks for the info.
>>582084I already assume I can get sick anytime, especially now that people in my country as using masks less and less often and are going back to hugging and kissing like we usually do to greet each other. And for all I know I could have been sick because of something else entirely, though I would be really surprised if it were the typical cold or influenza because it felt way worse than that. Tests might be free/reimbursed where I am but I'm not 100% sure, I'll check again and see where I can get one without waiting too long.
No. 582144
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>>582071It's too late for you, but for anyone else, it can take the virus a month or more to shed so you can test positive well after you get better. My bf tested positive till ~1.5 months after he first showed symptoms that lasted about 10 days. Some people may shed it faster. Not sure.
No. 582146
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I dread going to work everyday because i'm terrified of the virus and feel like no one in America is taking it seriously. Like, i'm really scared this isnt going to go away. i just bought a face shield. i just want to be safe. I cant afford to not work.
No. 582377
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I have the rona because my live in bf was forced to go into his office because he works for the state GOP legislature and they have politicized this whole thing. I also work in public admin but I’m on the agency side so we’ve been working remotely for the last few months. 4 confirmed cases on his floor. I have breathing problems to begin with and now I’m laying here coofing my brains out under 6 blankets because some fat alcoholic boomer republican thinks the “Wuhan Virus” is a hoax
No. 582432
>>582156That’s how my state is too but we’ve been growing rapidly compared to how well we were doing in the beginning. I fucking hate
Texans for being selfish as fuck and for being so obsessed with their state they’re either wearing it or just HAVE to tell me where they’re from.
No. 582565
>>582495Got this exact procedure done cuz I needed a endoscopy done at a hospital
It's highly uncomfortable, but it wasn't pain? Either the nurse jammed it in at the wrong angle maybe but >582419 you might wanna get your nose checked for polyps or irritation if it hurt tbh
No. 586758
>>583841I get what you mean. People around here are turning it into a matter of opinion, like a red vs blue issue instead of looking at it for what it actually is. And the Fauci thing is irritating because of COURSE medical professionals are going to change their minds as new data comes in. Thats how science works. Or else we’d still be treating kids with a little cold with fucking mercury or something.
Im in Texas and now that trump has banned hospitals from reporting to the CDC, which already sounds nightmarish and evil, I’m pretty sure our state wont be reporting accurate data in regards to the pandemic anymore
Im a delivery person and people straight up stopped wearing masks when they meet me. Ive gotten used to leaving stuff at the door and tap the bell/knock, but now theyre actively waiting for me outside of their homes on deliveries that are supposed to be no contact and its frustrating because my mask wont do anything if these plague rats keep coming up to my face.
No. 587510
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I was reading an article about how social distancing and quarantines have an impact in the amount of overdoses and how more people with addictions are dying because of that and I find it so jarring and sad how little the comments seem to care.
People were making it political, saying how trumptards use heavy drugs and liberals only weed so it's ok? Or how those people dying are just weak, that they should just not do hard drugs, as if they chose to have an addiction.
I don't understand how you can use masks and social distance, which are things you do for others because you care about them not getting sick, and have 0 empathy for people with other sickness and weakness other than covid19.
How can you really give no shits that people are killing themselves because they lost their support system, went bankrupt, have too much anxiety because of all the media bombing, are stuck in abusive households.
I'm just so sad, I wish people wouldn't act like this whole pandemic is a 'us against them' situation and actually care about the ones having their lives destroyed by some of the measures taken.
No. 587533
>>587510Here, read this article, it explains everything:
>Hominidae>Not to be confused with Hominoidea.>"Great apes" and "Hominid" redirect here. For other uses, see Great apes (disambiguation) and Hominid (disambiguation).>The Hominidae, whose members are known as great apes or hominids, are a taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species in four genera: Pongo, the Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutan; Gorilla, the eastern and western gorilla; Pan, the common chimpanzee and the bonobo; and Homo, of which only modern humans remain. No. 588000
>>587968Yes and no?
The difference is that I don't think we've ever had a time in history where we had a situation where
>The ENTIRE world is pouring money into a single vaccine>Society is on edge and pressuring anyone in power to do what they can to expedite the progress>Everyone is personally invested because it literally affects every single person on a societal levelSo yea, they take a while to come out but this isn't just a regular vaccine development. The first group to create the vaccine will literally go down in history books and there's so much money to be made, it's THE once in a lifetime chance for any industry with connections to vaccine development. Under normal circumstances I'd be skeptical of anything coming out soon, but we're far divorced from normal.
No. 588421
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Rand Paul out here criticizing Cuomo for his decision to have a lockdown because to him, it didn't do shit, so the economy got fucked for no reason. I want to know what he would have done. If he thinks the lockdown didn't help, does he think NOT having a lockdown would have helped? I'm truly baffled.
Ok, I'll give him the nursing home thing, but everything else? Nah dude.
No. 589769
>>589617I live in a tiny country with one of the lowest infection rates and even here there's so many dumb idiots it's insane. My bf's sister went to a nightclub the other day and he failed to tell me until today, despite me having asthma.
They hung out together but he can't keep his hands off me and wants to kiss me all the time because "it's ok…. I'm not showing any symptoms, I'm fine see?"
I also see rich people from a neighboring country (with crazy high infection rates due to their government thinking they're just naturally better than everyone else and don't need to take precautions) going on vacation all the time and infecting everyone else. A lot of locals in Greece are getting infected by Scandinavian tourists because they're so spoiled they just
have to go on vacation or they'll die.
No. 590249
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Is there any hope for the American education system? Legit how do we teach Americans to actually rely on research they do themselves than what they see on Facebook or twitter?
No. 590263
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>>590249I don't really believe those stats. According to them more black/hispanic people and also more women believe in these conspiracies - but we've all seen that the majority of anti mask protesters everywhere are always middle aged white dudes. They are the ones who die the most because they think their bodies are invincible and if leading a country they are also the ones who fuck up the most.
No. 590277
>>590263I can tell you're not around black people much. They buy into conspiracy theories more than any other demographic by a wide margin, especially boomer black men. They're cynical about all politics and just think everything is decided by the Illuminati or whatever.
I think the difference is that the middle aged white dudes are loud with their bullshit and go out to protest. Boomer blacks don't really bother.
No. 590283
>>590263Speaking from experience with my Mexican family, yeah they believe pretty heavily in conspiracy theories.
I have 5 different family members who got corona from each other and an aunt who almost died but they still think the coronavirus is overblown. It doesn't help the Mexican news networks fearmonger to hell and back about literally everything.
Not meant to be racebait at all, but it's definitely not surprising to see those stats. Especially since black and Latino people die at a higher rate due to other factors, I wouldn't be surprised about the misinformation that gets spread around considering what the US had done to the communities historically.
No. 590285
To clarify I'm not saying that misinformation is the fault of the US government, in this case lmao. Just that distrust of it has been building up for the past couple centuries making people more susceptible to some of the more outlandish conspiracies.
No. 591605
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>>591591That's alright.
I'm more fed up with the fact that while the government acknowledges that in this time of crisis, those who are unemployed need unemployment pay + net $600 extra per week in order to survive minimum, and yet the people out there in "essential" work are told to fucking deal with less than that pay. Why do we need to work more and need less money to survive than people who are safe at home? I'd be okay with this shit if they gave $600 a week for EVERYONE making below a certain income, but no, they're never going to do this.
Btw, if their net is $600 + $200-400 from unemployment per week, at highest that's making $25/hr to sit safe at home. I don't really care that they'll only be making $15/hr now to sit at home now that the $600 is being reduced.
My """progressive""" friends are pulling the biggest "I've got mine so fuck you" spin I think I've ever fucking seen whenever someone points out how this is unfair to people who are working. "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULDA THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE YOU SIGNED ON FOR AN EMPLOYER WHO UNDERPAYS YOU!!!!"
>pic relatedAs if employers were willing to even pay most people over $20/hr before this shit went down, liars.
You're supposed to be stanning for us you fucking pseudo-Marxist jerks, not telling us to shut up while you reap profit.
I hope you don't get tax returns next year when you file.
No. 591615
>>591605I'm so fucking mad at this. The people staying at home calling us essential workers "heroes" while they are so happily getting their unemployment PLUS $600 a week and most of us will never see that amount unless we're working $19 an hour. And they're saying "Don't be mad at us, be mad at the government!" Bitch, I can multitask and be mad at
you too for basically trying to spit in our faces while we're busy doing labor and all you're doing is sitting at home sharing posts on social media about staying the fuck home.
No. 591619
>>591616My stepfather tried to claim me as a dependent to get enough tax money for a new house but I ended up getting the $1,200 check anyway. This only happened because the tax lady told him not to file that part due to legal reasons.
He was pissed that I got the money kek
I hope you get your money as well, anon. If you don’t, do not file as a dependent and I normally wouldn’t say this but fuck your mother.
No. 591731
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>>590263>women more likely to believe in conspiracies A small UK study is showibg that women are more likely to listen to comply with corona virus rules than men. Infer from these two conflicting ideas what you will. No. 592125
>>591605>>591615so glad I'm not the only one who's feeling this right now. essential workers were written off by literally everyone on every point of the political spectrum as a necessary casualty to this pandemic. no one gives a fuck about us, while internet warriors are screaming "please don't let them take pandemic unemployment from us!!" they're silent as fuck about the rights of essential workers. no one said shit when our "hazard pay" was taken months ago. sorry, don't give a fuck that you're losing unemployment, and I don't have time to scream on Twitter because I still work full time.
surely there are ways we could have handled it that didn't put us at risk. I'm no genius but why not let everyone isolate and have FEMA and Natl Guard distribute food and resources? because they actually signed up to take that risk, we didn't, and we barely got hazard pay or anything for the shit we've been put thru. barring that, we could have at least been fairly compensated for our unwilling sacrifice, like receiving an extra $600 weekly too? that's more than I make working full time at $15/hr by almost twice as much. I felt sick to my stomach and broke down when I found out how much people got on pandemic unemployment. the mental and emotional toll this pandemic takes on grocery store workers is enormous. people have to go to work feeling like their life is endangered and customers are even worse than ever. and at the end of the day, other than flashing their stupid lights off their balconies, no one has given a single fuck. anytime I try to talk about this I get shut down with shit like "well don't blame ME why don't you go ask Jeff Bezos to pay you more??"
the same people who expect everyone to fight for every cause they feel is important are not willing to advocate for essential workers even with all the time and resources that have been handed to them. my heart is broken and I feel betrayed.
No. 592230
As a 3rd world anon I get so mad reading all those posts complaining about stimulus check, bitch at least you get something, our government just said "stop being poor, you should have saved money before this" 58% of people work in the streets selling food and miscellaneous stuff, government's employees keep stealing money that was suppose to be invested on healthcare and food, the criminality has gotten EVEN WORSE, mostly robbery. The amount of homeless people that you see on the streets living from recycling and mendicity has increased tremendously.
And the cherry on top: the real statistics of deaths and infections are unknown because they get lost, don't work, the names written get erased… everything it's so fucked up, I have lost all faith on my future, there is nothing, we are all gonna die either from corona or hunger.
No. 592241
>>591605Ugh thank you for saying it.
I've been working the whole time and while I'm glad to have a job, it makes me a bit salty that people are making more than me while doing nothing… so they get a paid vacation basically. Why do only people on unemployment need that extra money? If they can't pay their bills without the extra, how were they paying their bills before?
Ya, it's partially on employers for not paying enough but I feel like I'm missing something when people are getting paid $600 extra to do nothing.
No. 592293
>>592249>Is everyone in this thread collectively being purposely obtuseNo, but you are apparently.
>The $600 a week acts as an emergency injection for the economy to stay afloatThis magic injection only works for the unemployed, but not the low paid employed. Interesting theory. Bullocks.
>not the evil poorsNo one said shit about demonic poors, just smug leftists silencing anyone struggling to make ends meet while being deemed 'essential' enough to be disposable for covid.
>I'm sorry you guys are having to do your jobsCondescending bitch.
>they can not afford to give you all $600LMAO, BUT THEY CAN! Stupid bitch, you just made a take on wallstreet and stocks, but don't know a majority of emergency money is going to bloated corporations? You're a fucking retard!
>Suck it up.Suck a fuck.
>we will be dealing with the economic repercussions for yearsRecession already happened, we're fucked for years regardless if government gives you welfare.
>How many of you want to buy a house or car?What does this have to do with buying a house or car? Anyone could literally go outside and get either right now. What are you even on about.
>Do you know how many millions would be entitled?Those millions ought to be exactly entitled and not a penny less.
>Also where is the anger at Musk getting $5 billion, Kanye getting millions?Nice strawman, as if we're not fucking angry about that. You're the one ignoring this until it's convenient for your argument. How could government not redistribute the money for grocery store clerks again? Dumb bitch, go drink your dumb bitch juice.
No. 592301
>>591605They like saying "Blame the government, not the people"
Oh, so we shouldn't blame the people that are reaping the benefits and profiting from a broken system? I love eating one meal a day and living in my parent's house after graduation because I can't afford rent while seeing people cheer about how they bought stupid shit with their inflated reward for not having a job.
I don't get why they increased unemployment so much anyway, didn't they know most people would be paid WAY more than their actual jobs?? Fuck the spoiled shits bragging about it and fuck the government for being incompetent like always and fucking over people who actually work hard and get ignored time and time again. I also see that barely anyone is fighting for us and their focus is on their own money decreased when it was more than they needed in the first place.
No. 592322
>>592301What exactly do you want people to do? "Fight for us"…what are you on about? Do you want the people getting benefits to send a portion of it to you? Should we be picketing in the streets for your rights as an essential worker like we've been doing for BLM?
You have a right to be upset and I don't blame you, but what can anyone realistically do for you other than not cough in your face while you're at work?
No. 592451
>>592249no anger at Musk etc? where have you been?
working at a grocery store during a pandemic is a hazard and should be compensated as such, retard. why does everyone feel the need to "thank" essential workers? because we're putting our life at risk for you to have some semblance of normalcy right now.
No. 592453
>>592249I have doubts you're actually working and if you are, you come home with more than $600 a week.
I have an issue with the fact the government believes $600 a week is a good amount to come home with, which it is, HOWEVER, minimum wage is barely $8 in some places. Why are we working so hard and coming home with less? I make $17 an hour and when taxes are taken out my direct deposit gives me $500 every week. It's frustrating to have a glimpse at what your friends and aquaintances on unemployment are doing during their free time and wondering how they're still getting by and then knowing their numbers months later. It makes me and tons of others feel unmotivated if we're getting fucked over in the end. The government needs to raise minimum wage and both them and employers are aware how it's not going to hurt them if their main concern and the base for the $600 is fucking stocks.
No. 592662
>>592451Working at a grocery store is hardly a hazard with the enforced rules in place. Shoppers are required to wear masks, you have barriers between you and the customer, are 6 feet apart at all times, etc. Sure, there's a slightly elevated risk of getting the virus, but you act like essential workers are being forced into a situation where there are no standards whatsoever enforced to protect them against COVID, and that simply isn't true. If it were true, we'd see WAY more cases of COVID popping up at places like grocery stores, fast food joints, etc.
Just admit that you're mad that you're not getting free money. It's not a crime.
No. 592680
>>592662>enforced rulesThe issue is that it's difficult to enforce. I don't work at a grocery store, I work at an indoor restaurant doing take-out only where people are supposed to be wearing masks, however I would say only about half of the people actually wear their masks correctly. Even if you correct them most of the time they've already started speaking to you so there's already some risk of transmission.
Yes there is less risk with the measures in place but people aren't 6 feet apart at all times, the barriers don't surround the workers completely, and people don't wear their masks properly. I wouldn't be so dramatic to call working a "hazard" but the risk is definitely more than "slightly elevated".
No. 592689
>>592675I agree that "clapping" for essential workers is pretty stupid and useless. I guess if the mistreatment of essential workers were enough of a concern to warrant a protest, it might be feasible, but I don't see anyone speaking up about it to the extent that you and other anons are in this thread, which begs the question as to whether it's truly an issue of anyone's rights being infringed upon as opposed to a shitty situation where, despite doing all that we can, some people are just a little less well off than others. Meanwhile, it's still a developing situation and we don't know how much longer essential workers are going to be subjected to these conditions, so it's hard to say what is going to be best for them going forward.
>Instead, they get defensive over essential workers judging them for being paid more lolYeah it really doesn't sound like anyone in this situation is actually engaging in constructive discussion. This just sounds like a bunch of people with fragile egos and conflicting opinions yelling at each other.
No. 592736
>>592699I hate working in these times. Classic cases I find are:
>couple comes to order, girl has her mask on and her bf doesn't>customer has their mask on normally but takes it off as they order >mask sliding off as they order>wearing mask only over mouth>comes in without a mask and then gets mad when we don't have extra masks lying around to give them or tries to start debating me about the science of masksIt's so tiring having to confront every other person who orders. I'm always on edge because you never know how they'll react.
No. 594567
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i tested negative!! really thought i was on my way to coronatown. praying that i can ride this out till a vaccine comes, i have chronic pneumonia with lung scarring.
No. 594824
>>594729I didn't get it but my bf who had it said he would breath normal but it was like the breath didn't have enough oxygen in it.
Get well soon anon.
No. 594942
>>594552At least you are sticking to the pandemic plan.
I know a girl who basically quit her job because they started going back to work and she said didn't want to put her family at risk. She was sharing/making a fuck ton of "Stay at home" types of posts online. Then like 3 days later she's having a breakdown on social media over not being at a music festival and then the next day she's posting photos of herself hanging out with her friend from out of town. Even worse, a day later she announces she's having a friend from out of state to visit her. Like, I guess her family wasn't really at risk, she's just a brat.
No. 596016
>>595725Purposefully coughing on people can get you arrested in the US now iirc. Maybe in your country too.
>>595769You sound so typical.
No. 597418
This is all a joke, sorry I just can't believe the world turned to shit because of this. And everyone is being manic around me as if bodies are dropping dead on the street. No one values their freedom anymore and seems fine with these dehumanising measure for years to come.
>woooeee cases are risingYeah from like 10 to 15, and all because we're testing more
>My poor children shouldn't have to go back to school! It's dangerous!!111!!42 kids under 14 have died during this whole thing. Just. 42.
>B-but my grandma is in danger :(So let grandma quarantine. Sorry that old and sick people are dying, but if this kills them they were gonna die from something else soon enough. People these days think that we can all live to 110 and have disconnected from the reality. Death exists.
>a mask takes no effort!!it's ugly, annoying, and I want to see people's face like a human being rather than walking around like a muzzled dog. No. 597437
>>597418>[cases are rising] from like 10 to 15, and all because we're testing moreYou realize it will still spread and people will still die regardless of whether or not we actually test for it right?
>42 kids under 14 have died during this whole thing. Just. 42. So what's your plan for when the kids infect the teachers? Good portion of them are over 55. Or when the kids catch it, go home and spread it to grandma? Additionally, COVID has more than two outcomes- it's not just you die or you survive a-ok, you can still develop lifelong complications.
No. 597811
>>597785>>597776Vast majority of people who have COVID got it from large social gatherings, not from eating at diners at 2 am, not from going for jogs, not from going shopping, not from going out past 9 pm, not from ordering certain things off of menu's
That being said I feel like Americans have done a god awful job at preventing COVID-19, everyone on my Snapchat and their moms suddenly want to go on crazy road trips, go to malls which for some reason are crowded, get fast food and spend 15 dollars on gas just from waiting in the fast food drive thru line alone because for some reason everyone wants fast food too?? Grocery stores are crowded and so on. I went to LA (inb4 evil coronavirus spreading hypocrite, it was for work) and despite LA being one of the most populated cities in the US the stores, the beach, traffic, fast food and so on wasn't nearly as bad as my small suburban town of less than 8k people????
No. 597820
>>597776Coming from a Mexican American I totally get why you would be upset. I have plenty of family that are in denial of COVID, they have parties constantly and my mom constantly has to tell them that they are stupid. I have had family members almost die. Just a week ago literally thousands of Mexicans had a party in a nearby county and it was met with a lot of anger from the community because it was a shit ton of young adults. They just don't take it seriously and I really wish that it wasn't the case because it's shameful and reflects horribly on us.
That's one thing to criticize, it's not racist but the other shit you mentioned is pretty laughable.
I can tell you my anecdotal experience actually growing up in those low income communities, going to my friend's low income mobile homes and never ever did I think they were dirty? The neighborhoods weren't trashed, the insides of their homes weren't trashed, they definitely don't order food every other day. The kids are kind of feral but again go to any low income neighborhood and kids roam around regardless of race. I live in the suburbs and even now people still talk in the middle of the road to their friends?
Unless you seriously work in the far below poverty level neighborhoods, you sound like you're over exaggerating.
No. 597828
>>597820to be fair, i live in a town of around 30k that is 97% white. People won't stop gathering here, either. Our neighbor had 30 people over on 4th July. It's really dependant on where you live and although culture can defintely play a part on gatherings etc, it's no better in white towns. My neighbor screamed at me and my roommate when we were on our porches that we were pussies for wearing masks and not going out much. People around here have been downright aggressive.
Plus none of the stores are enforcing the masks. I went grocery shopping the other day for the first time in a couple of weeks and there were entire families of 7 out shopping, maskless. Who needs 3 adults and 4 kids at the grocery store together in normal times, let alone a fucking pandemic. There's no reason for that many people to be together. There was some woman coughing directly on her baby?? I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Some disgusting fat bitch had her tiny 7lb dog under her arm letting it sniff the baked goods. I pointed it out to management and they told me service animals are allowed in the store???? It was eating a bagel??? He just shrugged at me.
No one is taking it seriously here at all and it's spreading now. We didn't get our first case until mid-July so people here just don't believe it's real or a big deal.
No. 597831
>>597820Nope this is what I've experienced in my area, could be different in other areas. Most people, especially children, have visibly dirty clothes, they have extremely dirty dogs, trash everywhere around their trailers, and one of my jobs is food delivery and they're always ordering at least 100$ worth of food weekly but magically can't find the money to get their clothes washed or for cleaning supplies?
Being poor isn't dirty or lazy but lots of poor people don't know how to maintain their homes or life
No. 597871
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>>597831That's what I was getting at, it's all anecdotal. We aren't exactly reliable narrators because obviously we're both biased.
It's silly to generalize all of us. I've been hit with a lot of stereotypes but being dirty is one that I've never understood because cleaning was so memed about online and with friends. Honestly, it's besides the point.
I already said that the unnecessary interactions happen and it's incredibly infuriating. However that's not nearly the only reason why Latinos are so highly represented in COVID-19 cases.
Latinos are overrepresented in essential jobs within agriculture, food service, construction, etc. Many of them can not afford to work from home as a result. Yes, many work more than two jobs just like you anon. Cases will spike even if social distancing measures and mask mandates are in place because that's always a risk when you have to work with so many people throughout the day.
I'm not trying to coddle Hispanics. Attitude is a big part of it, it doesn't help that Facebook and Latino news channels pedal wild conspiracy theories. It doesn't help that our communities struggle with obesity & diabetes which significantly puts you at a higher risk of death.
There's a lot of shit to criticize about our communities. I'm the first one to call it out but you assumed a lot of shit about Hispanics when universally poor people regardless of ethnicity have pretty much the same living conditions.
Sorry for the sperg, but it's like are we dirty/lazy, or are we stealing your jobs and scrubbing your toilets?
No. 598015
>>597871You went from saying people think hispanics are being injected with COVID when no one is being in jected with COVID and we know these minority groups live in lower income housing, usually don't believe in it, and are crowded due to rent and everyone has to stay at the same house while still working, usually, public jobs.
There isn't much else to it.
No. 598700
>>598661I'm seeing retards on reddit telling people to quit their job to avoid going out, calling them murderers if they don't.
This whole thing is virtue signalling. No one actually cares about SaVIng LiVeS
No. 598727
>>598705Is there some kind of statistic that shows that more young people die in america than in the rest of the world? Most euro countries might not be murican deathfat but not exactly slim either…
I just looked it up for my country and the average age of the people who died here is 82 and less than 100 people under 50 died (out of 200k infected).
No. 598763
>>598705 and I genuinely asked because I see so many people claiming perfectly healthy young men and women died from covid in the US it made me think it mutated somehow. Where I live we have decent healthcare yet a lot of people died because no one gave a fuck about the elders but young people were mostly unaffected. Our obesity rate is 14% though and that seems pretty high to me.
No. 598777
>>598741the most ridiculous thing i’ve seen is all the posters in front of businesses telling people to “call your health care provider if you're experiencing symptoms”. just the audacity of a country with zero care for it’s people’s health boldly assuming that not only does everyone have access to a GP, but that everyone can even afford to see a doctor in the first place.
also assuming that people will be honest if they’re sick. i have little faith in the people reporting a cough or a sniffle when they have bills they desperately need to pay or they just straight up don’t care because fuck everyone.
No. 598822
>>598811>it hurts feelings Or maybe because it's a non-argument because you're acting like something could or can be immediately done about it? What would you have them do? Last I recall, crash diets lower immunity–which is why bariatric patients tend to be rather sick fyi–and even if someone started to lose weight healthily back in March they're likely still fat now in August. No one can get proper healthcare to see a doctor for antidepressants or stims to help them lose weight. Everyone is stressed and are probably stress eating with gym closures and lack of social interaction compounding the problem.
You're just an asshole looking to stir the pot with zero solutions, and then you're the first to screech about ~underlying condishunz~ when an average weight or athletic person who wasn't a geezer kicks the bucket from this shit. It CAN happen to you and you're not as safe as you think.
No. 599244
>>599227But nobody questions the flu vaccine lottery where “well gosh I
hope this is the strain we are gonna have” like I bet the vaccine won’t even protect it or it’ll mutate kek
No. 599271
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>>598922>>599028God if fatties brought up their fatness as much as you bring up your rants about them, oh boy.
Pic related, another old obese fatass who got what was coming to him today.
No. 599413
>>598774>>598720for anyone claiming that "healthy young people are fine"… a 7 year old in Georgia with no underlying conditions had a seizure caused by the virus and died this week. a 6 year old girl from Tennessee and a 6 year old boy from Nebraska also died from the virus this week.
the belief in a just world is the cognitive bias that a person's actions are inherently inclined to bring morally fair and fitting consequences to that person. we don't want to accept that sometimes people are not responsible for their own deaths, because it suggests that we could suffer the same fate, despite our best efforts, and that we ultimately have very little control over what happens to us.
this virus obviously isn't "like any other virus" because no other virus in recent decades has affected the entire world to the extent that this one has. the long-term effects of covid on the body alone are terrifying. even those who survive are suffering from permanent lung scarring, blood clots, etc.
shit is serious, and anyone claiming otherwise is either deluding themselves or simply unaware of the facts.
No. 599852
>>599413That's awful that young kids are now getting very ill from it. At first it seemed like they were almost all fine even if they got it.
My mom was telling me today that it's not healthy to stay home and I should go out to eat with friends or something. When I told her I don't feel safe eating in a restaurant, even outside, she blew me off and told me to stop being paranoid. Sorry, no. This virus is like the most awful crapshoot as far as what happens to your body. I'm not going to risk that just to go out to eat. I miss my friends but I also don't want to get sick. The completely stupid actions of people in this country who think it's fine to go hang out with friends in groups is why we can't get over this thing.
No. 600032
>>598741>Americans being forced to work, especially if they start exhibiting COVID symptoms, all because Americans define others worth by their employment status and the fact that the only thing Americans did to help the COVID thing was somewhat hold evictions, meaning everyone will just be homeless after this shit is over, instead of being smart and lifting fees which would help Americans stay indoors>Lack of health insurance, most Americans have so many bills they can't even get extra guac on their chipotle, hospital and medical care is seen as a luxury>Obesity, lack of healthy food available, Americans constantly being encouraged to eat like shit (comfort food, McDonald's nostalgia, "real women are thicc! Like Lizzo"), or in other areas the ideal woman is a skeleton>Lack of American hygiene, despite having access to water and soap practically everywhere a lot of Americans don't wash their hands No. 600329
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feel like killing myself and i need to vent.. my sister has a fever out of the blue and i'm so paranoid it's the virus even though we barely have any (reported) cases in my town
my parents are both smokers with diabetes and around 60 years old and both seem to be chill about it trying to calm her down and she acts as if i am making a big deal about it. if she actually has it i'm so worried i may have transmitted it to my friend and her parents who are at higher risk than my own.. am i a retard for overreacting like that? i almost got into a fight with my mom over it but on the other hand she is at much higher risk than me so i should be a bit more collected in front of her
anyway fuck this shit
No. 600378
>>600329calm down. there are many more viruses going around than covid, many which could wipe out your parents or other people. were you worried about them before covid? the world is just hyper focused on this one making you feel like it's the big bad killer.
pretty much everyone's gonna get exposed to it eventually.
No. 601184
>>600665Wagey wagey get in cagey
All day long you sweat and plaguey
No. 614847
>>614797She's usually so much better about this kind of thing, is vigilant about wearing her own mask and rolls her eyes at those who don't wear them/wear them properly, but she constantly wants to like. Travel to the big cities which are 2hrs out from where we live to do some shopping which is stupid and annoying imo. And I either have to go with her or let her use my car because hers is old and won't make it/fit large furniture if she finds any. I went once and hated it, then just let her use my car.
She must have like concern fatigue or whatever they call it because as we were talking about it, her attitude was horrendously callous and she joked about how we're part of the problem even though I've
been telling her how uncomfortable I am with any sort of going out, her travelling, etc. She hasn't and doesn't want to tell her managers that she's possibly exposed..
All I do is work, sometimes grocery shop, and see the same people who also quarantine. Just ugh. Now I feel like it's ruined. I feel so stupid.
No. 621934
>>621923dude i watched a woman in walmart pull down her mask and cough on her baby lmao
There's no way there's not going to be a giant spike again labor day weekend like there was with 4th July
No. 621948
>>621934Don't forget Halloween now that schools and haunted houses are open, and the Americans who are already dying from the effects of the economy (shitty expensive healthcare, limited health care and long waiting lists, no one being able to stay at home, evictions leaving Americans sick and in the cold or heat, etc)
I honestly don't know what Americans even expect anymore, even joining the military isn't even guarantee not being homeless anymore, I know hospital workers who are homeless. Why is America like this?
No. 621971
>>621934I believe it, anon…At Walmart I had someone pull down their mask to tell me to "move" I was like um…
What I find fucking ridiculous is that when it started getting really bad, I worked in a restaurant on THE LAS VEGAS STRIP and we requested to please have throw away menus and maybe possibly wears gloves (I was a hostess I don't have a job now lmao) we were told it would "scare the customers" and now look….and now no one even cares after the scare and I am out of a job
>>621948Yeah, I was super bummed Halloween Horror Nights had been canceled here but it was inevitable and I wouldn't have gone this year anyway!! I guess holding onto the last hope of something lol
I was lucky the union I work for extended our health insurance until March and I have two year recall rights but even then I may not get called back to work…almost every casino has opened but I am taking this time to do online school and do something different!
No. 628220
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Jeffree is a fucking parasite.
> company only has 21 employees and yet he still received an emergency corona loan between $350k-$1million.
No. 630459
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Somebody I live with possibly has COVID and I find this out right after I sat in a classroom full of people all day and took public transport.
No. 631510
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I know this sounds incredibly selfish but christ it sucks to be in a long distance relationship with someone who lives in another country right now. My country's doing somewhat good with less than 10 active cases per 100 000 people but my partner's country's one of the worst in all of Europe so there's no travelling either way for the foreseeable future.
No. 636812
>>636634The government is ordering very similar regulations to this where I live. It's fucking stupid.
On top of that the premier here has also blamed the surge of cases on groups of young people partying, and while this has definitely contributed to community transmission, so does the fact that young people were ordered to return to their shit jobs in retail and food service where they're coming into contact with hundreds of people.
All the scientific evidence has pointed toward the emergence of a second wave of infections in the fall, it's so frustrating that the government hasn't detailed any plans about how they will handle the outbreak or what our lives could be like.
The summer went by and bars and restaurants and salons reopened and the public stopped caring about physical distancing too.
I hate that so many small businesses are going to have to close their doors while corporations continue laughing their way to the bank.
It's a fucking shit show.
No. 636891
>>636812It’s fucking ridiculous, if we go back into full lockdown again I’m going to fucking riot. I love that the government are blaming young people when it’s always adults I see not wearing masks properly or just not at all.
What an absolute shambles this has been.
No. 646832
>>646739Two people have corona. Both are having difficulty breathing–one is able to get top quality care quickly with respirators, the other is not.
Yeah, having better medical care DOES make a massive difference, anon.
No. 649693
>And it's nearly ALWAYS with fucking old people. Most of the people here over 60 weren't wearing them until they were mandatedFucking THIS.
From my personal experience, old people are the ones who do not give a shit at all when it comes to wear a mask the right way, keep distance from you etc. I can say how often I saw them wearing a mask, taking it off sneeze into the wild and then put it back on. Or cleaning their noses in a bus and then touch the pole right after it.
Shit like this is the reason why I only go with shopping cards into the grocery store because it gives me the chance to push them away from me when I walk around or stand in the waiting line because otherwise they stand right behind me.
And don't even start with my own grandma that had to celebrate her 70th birthday with other old people because she knows nobody that died yet of covid …
No. 649698
>>649673>Masks don't do shit. We have mandatory masks in open air since July and yet we're the worst Euro country in number.This is the reason why I've always thought the mask sperging is retarded as fuck. It's a placebo and gives people a false sense of security and control over the situation. You don't get the infection from walking past someone not wearing a mask, in most cases you get it from a family member, a friend, a colleague or someone you have spent a long time with in close contact. Masks may help a bit but physical distancing and good hygiene practices are much more effective ways to not catch the virus. Like fuck wear a mask if you want to but I'm so sick of seeing virtue signaling "went outside today and I can't BELIEVE someone wasn't wearing a mask!!!! ppl r DYING" okay stay the fuck home if you're that neurotic over it.
>Everything so your 93 years old granny Maria doesn't die. Well, if she's still alive in 2-3 years when the vast majority of people will be unemployed your granny Maria will be cut half her pension and she'll probably die of starvation.Fucking This. Besides some
rare corner cases every time I see a patient described as "young and healthy" catching the severe form of covid it's always a fat tub of lard already having breathing problems under all that flubber. All of the actually healthy young people in their 20s-30s I know who have had covid couldn't tell it apart from a normal flu.
No. 649703
>>649693Wouldn't a lot more of them be dead if they're doing all of that and being completely careless, decrepit immune systems and all?
>>649698Cloth masks are going to be the harbingers of even worse things and we're already seeing that with dermatitis. Once everyone is locked indoors with the warmth inside again, wearing those microbe infested sheets over their faces full time, we're going to start seeing even more sickness.
No. 649709
>>649673>Masks don't do shit. Masks when used correctly prevent people from touching their faces. There are reports coming out that active coronavirus can live on surface layers and skin for up to 9 hours, compared to flu which can only last a bit over an hour. So wearing a mask combined with frequent handwashing is sound logic to prevent the touch spread of the virus.
Coronavirus is also confirmed airborne. Meaning any facilities with enclosed space, poor ventilation, and tons of people (offices, churches, clubs, funeral homes, schools, etc) are way for likely to spread particulate without masking.
Sorry about your government but masks definitely have use.
No. 649724
>>649673Are people legit wearing masts in public spaces then? Always? How is the nightlife? Are schools and universities working?
You're completely unhinged all because you refuse to put a mask on your face for a few hours. Risk group starts at 50 years old, not at 90, but even if it did then what, you want someones grandma to suffocate and die alone in a hospital because you're so fucking retarded you refuse to participate in some communal effort?
I wanted to write more but I'm so pissed at this post I'm gonna leave it as it is. Congrats on being so woke anon, hope you stay in your basement forever though.
No. 649736
>>649724Fuck didn't copy it right but yeah, people do. If the police catches you not wearing the mask on the fucking fields you will get a fine and depending on the mood of the policeman, a beating and an arrest.
Nightlife has been suspended since March. Schools are working but kids older than 6 can't attend without a mask (but they can be crowded in classrooms) and if they don't attend our dear politicians already threatened parents with social services.
My mom is almost 60, got the COVID and she was down with fever for a couple days. The virus doesn't do shit if you're not sick as fuck already.
I'm all for masks in closed/crowded places and grandma shouldn't leave home.
No. 649745
>>649736Just because your mom was fine (and I'm very glad she was, because I'm worried for my own mom so I can imagine the stress it was) doesn't mean everyone will be. My mom's hospital had a ~80 years old man in a bad state actually manage to beat the virus and go home just fine while somewhere else in the country a 46 years old with no other illnesses died. It can happen, and we really really should do everything in our power to prevent that.
>>649737 is very right though, masks are one thing but another is respecting everything else also, people constantly breach the "safe space" in the stores and all, like, go TF away, there's enough space for both of us, you don't have to bump into me.
I gotta say I have no experience with police being overzealous since it didn't happen in my country yet (police enforcing the rules forcibly I mean) but I can totally understand getting pissed at them crossing the boundaries depending of whether they feel like or not. It's messed up.
>>649740Where is 40 degrees now?
No. 649755
>>649749Haha don't drag fatties into this, they're the ones being the most paranoid cause they know the stakes for themselves.
We've got perfectly average people acting like they can't breath in a mask in the southern US just because it's hot outside and they don't want to wear one like everyone else.
>>649750Your error is assuming that masking isn't working in other places just because people are messing around in your area. And that still doesn't prove the masks are ineffective because some people paw at theirs.
No. 649758
>>649755Cloth masks are harbingers of germs unless people follow the correct steps and keep their hands away from their faces, adjust only from the sides if needed, and wear them properly.
I am not saying that masks are ineffective. I'm saying that people are too fucking stupid to follow simple rules and will end up getting themselves and everyone else around them sicker by half assing it.
No. 649774
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>>649769>You're the one going absolutely hysterical you shitcunt.Nta but
No. 649780
>>649766Incredible. Common sense. I love you anon.
I don't get what's so hard about pulling them off from the ear straps or adjusting it on the very edge of the nose piece if it's slipping (that's the only place I may fuck up regarding mask wearing/touching). Also, all the people wearing them under their nose…I did it in my car once after leaving a place full of people who didn't know how to wear them properly, and it's LESS COMFORTABLE. I will never understand.
No. 649781
>Masks don't do shit. With correct use they do.
>But some people don't do it correctly. That's not a good enough reason to make blanket statements that they don't do shit when it's actually some people just not following rules.
Is everyone clear now? You need to wear a mask and wear it correctly. Unless you have a study that states their ineffectiveness, the burden of proof has already been provided in numerous studies for wearing the mask that they do indeed prevent contagion with proper use.
Quit using weasel words and arguments because you don't want to wear the damn things.
>>649777We all know exactly which posts you made cause you don't use sage for any of your infighting. Lmao.
No. 649785
>>649777What's your point? The OP that was responded to stated masks don't do shit. When anons responded to that you jumped in on behalf of that OP who's allegedly not you to try to gotcha people with arguing that some people don't wear it correctly and lower effectiveness.
Whoop de damn do. What's your point? All you're doing is arguing and playing a clown, we been knew that some people don't wear masks correctly. You're literally fighting for supposedly no reason.
No. 652175
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>>652172can't wait to have a scientific awakening thanks to a channel like this
No. 652207
>>652177I'm bored so I'm gonna entertain this conversation, let's talk like an NPC with NPC.
You say that I can find Rancourt's papers on my own. Interestingly enough, even though he has a lot of papers published on researchgate, which is linked in the comments to the video you've posted, the one that is actually quoted in the video is not there at all. Interesting, isn't it? I wonder why, maybe because it was manipulating the quoted research to fit the thesis that guy is pushing, so it was taken down the website for being manipulative and wrong? Who knows.
If you're so into reading scientific papers, please go ahead and follow the papertrail as suggested in this short commentary to his "scientific papers" everyone is wrong and he was not manipulating the findings from quoted materials you're free to come back and prove it to us all here. Go ahead.
No. 652230
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>>652207Samefagging and I've read his different paper, a lot of thesis with zero proof, and entire paragraph on flexing that he's a professor of science and an expert on geology, soil science and magnetism (among other things). Nothing about medical experience, nothing about any in depth knowledge of virusology or even human body. I'm sure he knows a lot of thigs and is convinced of his intelectual prowess, but I'd say, choose your experts more carefully. We're not planning to put a mask on a rock here.
In said paper he repeats there were no studies done on cloth masks. I did my research, interestingly enough there are studies, one performed in 2015, which, even though it points much lower protection rate among these using cloth masks as opposed to surgical ones, in the 2020 COVID update still strongly recommends using a cloth one over not using any at all. I'm sure that was omitted because it didn't fit his theories. point is, I'm just some bored anon on the internet and I've just read what you suggested with an ounce of critical thinking, and it was enough to find holes in that "strong scientific paper" that was supposed to awaken the masses. I'm sure a lot of people are not this bored and just going to take it like you did, OH he is a PROFESSOR OF SCIENCE and he says MASKS BAD, it must be true! What's the point of having an access to the internet if you're not even gonna use it?
No. 652343
>>652338Fill us in anon, what country are you in?
I don't know any countries where you can walk around with your titties our without getting some sort of ticket. That's not "fascism", that's just a normal society.
No. 652345
>>652324I have similar feelings about contact tracing. In the U.K. we have to provide contact details or scan an app when visiting a restaurant, shop, public building such as a library, basically everywhere indoors. People think it’s the government watching them as if they are not already traced by card transactions and CCTV. It’s stupid
I don’t trust the government here but they are hilariously incompetent so it doesn’t bother me. The old lady next door is more knowledgeable about my movements
No. 652385
>>652338There's no way there's any country in which you can just go with your tits out with no repercussions. There are laws but you're just not aware.
Also, this perfectly works as an analogy for the masks still! You have every right to walk barefoot everywhere, but if everyone will start doing so just because they can, please dont complain when you keep getting toe fungus over and over from others who didn't care about their hygiene and choose to be barefoot just like you instead putting on shoes.
No. 665103
Idk if I can handle this anymore. I’m really starting to lose it. I live in the US and it feels hopeless.
Worst of all, bc of the insane amount of info, disinfo, biased news ,and poor quality info (ex: anecdotal evidence stated as fact), I genuinely have no idea what to believe. How much of this is accurate, and how much is fear-mongering or double speak? It’s easy to write people off as “panicked sheep” or “insane anti masker”, but the reality is, it feels like there’s no source that can truly be trusted.
I stay indoors, get everything delivered, and work from home. I get paid a ton and the Internet is never-ending. I’m so lucky, but I feel like I’m really starting to crack. Everyone feels hateful, selfish, and seems to have a total lack of empathy for others. I can’t handle the uncertainty of it all.
No. 670160
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>The first effective coronavirus vaccine can prevent more than 90% of people from getting Covid-19, a preliminary analysis shows.The developers - Pfizer and BioNTech - described it as a "great day for science and humanity".
>Their vaccine has been tested on 43,500 people in six countries and no safety concerns have been raised.The companies plan to apply for emergency approval to use the vaccine by the end of the month.
>No vaccine has gone from the drawing board to being proven highly effective in such a short period of time. There are still huge challenges ahead, but the announcement has been warmly welcomed with scientists describing themselves smiling "ear to ear" and some suggesting life could be back to normal by spring.
>When will the vaccine be available?A limited number of people may get the vaccine this year.
Pfizer and BioNTech say they will have enough safety data by the third week of November to take their vaccine to regulators.
Until it has been approved it will not be possible for countries to begin their vaccination campaigns.
The two companies say they will be able to supply 50 million doses by the end of this year and around 1.3 billion by the end of 2021. Each person needs two doses.
>Who would get it?Not everyone will get the vaccine straight away and countries are each deciding who should be prioritised.
Hospital staff and care home workers will be near the top of every list because of the vulnerable people they work with, as will the elderly who are most at risk of severe disease.
>Are there any potential problems?There are still many unanswered questions as this is only interim data.
We do not know if the vaccine stops you spreading the virus or just from developing symptoms. Or if it works equally well in high-risk elderly people.
The biggest question - how long does immunity last - will take months or potentially years to answer.
There are also massive manufacturing and logistical challenges in immunising huge numbers of people, as the vaccine has to be kept in ultra-cold storage at below minus 80C.
The vaccine appears safe from the large trials so far but nothing, including paracetamol, is 100% safe.
No. 672330
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>>670160>The developers - Pfizer and BioNTechWait Pfizer's involved? Count me in!
I'm sure BioNTech is also pure as the driven snow No. 672333
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>>671331>literally destroys cells and replaces them with DNA>It's a technology never before used on humans, only animals>Some side effects of normal vaccines (e.g. previous flu vax) include permanent or semi-permanent paralysis, among other things.Nah it's fine.
(yes I know the guy allegedly took a placebo but if it was just placebo why mention it at all?)
No. 672341
>>672333KYS ignorant retard lmao, the guy died of covid, he was a dr, he received a placebo. The vaccine ain’t destroying any cell and replacing with dna are u retarded ???
It’s just a protein from the virus that cannot make you sick but enough to stimulate the immune system to create antibodies and recognize the actual virus and attack it in the case you’re exposed to it.
No. 672368
>>672364Same. I'm just skeptical about it being released so early and so many "placebo" deaths or damages.
If it's proven to be safe after a few years maybe I'll get it. If they give it to me for free, ain't paying shit.
No. 674521
>>673766I'm sorry your coworkers are such morons, anon. Hope that your boss takes your suggestion seriously and makes people wear masks properly.
I'm really annoyed at the huge debate going on about vaccines in my country at the moment. The government has mentioned that maybe, until the situation improves, people who choose not to take the vaccine will not be allowed to travel or go to events with larger crowds. People are enraged at the government taking away "muh freedom". We're a tiny, scandinavian country. Not saying the goverment aren't idiots, but do you really think they're a corrupt bunch of masterminds planning to put tracking chips in your body, really?
I find it funny how people who either smoke, drink or consume fast food on the daily without worrying about the long-term effects are suddenly experts at teaching everyone about the dangers of putting "unknown substances" in your body.
My coworkers were talking about the vaccine the other day, everyone laughing and "thanking me for my sacrifice" when I said I had no problem with accepting the vaccine if it's offered to me.
No one should be forced to take it, of course, but some people are being huge babies about this.
No. 677252
>>677137I'm sorry for both you and that poor patient anon, I hope everything goes well. I can't imagine the stress doctors and nurses are going through right now.
In my country there's this thing going around that young people don't catch covid or they catch it lightly and everyone believes that because no one does their research. My brother believes this as well and he's not careful enough, he goes places and removes his mask when he works, and I wouldn't care much about it if it wasn't for the fact that currently we live in the same house and I'm slightly underweight and a very stressed and anxious person in general. My immune system is shit and I know that if I catch it it's going to be hell and I might even die. It hurts watching all these immunodepressed people permanently in lockdown out of (justified) fear and some asshole who doesn't care about others and can't see the real danger of this whole situation goes places without mask and risks catching and spreading the virus even more. All because the mask is a little uncomfortable for them, as if it wasn't for literally everyone else. I'm so fed up with these no-mask bastards that have the balls to say covid doesn't exist when it's killing so many people and crippling many more.
The state doesn't do shit and the people are idiots. If anyone here's from Italy, I pray that we'll never have to see military vans parked outside of hospitals ready to carry away the corpses of covid patients again.
No. 677386
>>677143Of course they'll write that, the dogs won't bark against the hand that feeds them. By not tracking cases who use public transportation of course all the contagion is going to be in small gathering settings. Fuck's sake, where are you more likely to get it? In a full train where everyone is glued to one another or in a coffee shop sitting 4 ft from the person in front of you? The govt and their dogs will tell you it's more likely to get it in the coffee shop because they don't want to pay for a better public transportation. Stop being paranoid, walk or drive if you have to go somewhere and stay away from small poorly ventilated places, that's all.
I also hope all you virtue signaling fucks cried about aaaaall those poor dead people before this happened. My country had an average of 400 deaths "with covid or suspected of covid" every day for October. October 2019 stats show more than 1k people died every day. You only freak out about them because they're in the news.
No. 677434
I'm so sick of the political leaders in my country taking this moralistic stance and pleading with people to stay home, stop gathering with people or risk killing their grandmother, while most non-essential businesses remain open to the public. it reads as if they're trying to appease business owners by allowing them to operate while at the same time absolving themselves of responsibility over bad policies that have given rise to largely untraceable community transmission rates. they had all summer to prepare a plan on how to handle the second wave, how to bolster testing and tracing to effectively limit the possibility of another lockdown, and instead they've just been fucking winging it. they don't want to provide small businesses with subsidies so they're allowing them to run at limited capacities that aren't even feasible for supporting their operational costs. a lot of them have had to shutter their doors permanently. people are getting sick at work, in schools, and on public transport, but the premiers only want to credit "social gatherings of young people" as the source of increased transmission. of course this is a contributing factor and it's irresponsible, but it's only one aspect of a greater problem. the other day, a premier that's resisting lockdown measures went on record to tell the public "don't wait for the government to tell you what to do, do what you know is right". dude, what the fuck? you are literally the fucking government you malicious little retard. i fucking hate it here. i just wish there was more support for local business, essential workers and people that have lost their jobs.
No. 678950
>>677570It's illegal not to wear a mask when others are around you, esp in an office setting. Can you snap a photo and email it to higher ups?
Also, people who choose to smoke cigarette during this pandemic piss me off.
No. 679871
>>679862Nayrt and I know China isn’t as strictly communist as in the past, but might that be having an effect too? The government where I am (UK) and I’m sure most western governments have the issue of trying to balance dealing with the virus with saving the economy. This has led to minimal closure of non-essential businesses, and even with social distancing/PPE it still means the virus is much more likely to spread than if we all stayed at home.
Obviously people shop for leisure in China but I’d be interested to know if it’s less culturally ingrained and/or the government is less bothered about crippling that aspect of the economy. I presume factories stayed open though but maybe measures to contain those people were put in place.
No. 680310
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Honestly, I don't even know what to do anymore, no one actually gives a fuck about staying home and social distancing anymore, even if we declare lockdown again I will just survive to live on one of the worst economic crisis since the 1930s oh joy!
No. 683426
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Fuck masks and fuck vaccines. Stop being scared over nothing. Love your family, friends and fellow countrymen. And leave the hand disinfectant at home for fucks sake, dry hands aren't cute.
No. 683576
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>>683426Sage your shit sperging
No. 685098
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No. 687461
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>>679857>china is doing well I agree, the citizens and Chinese migrants are becoming more open and vocal about their discontent with China as time goes on. There is a massive food shortage from the flood because of Mao's piss-poor commie dam, and dumb fuckers thought it was a good idea to damage the rural lands (aka agriculture) first.
>>683912I'm also sick of the pro-lockdown boomers who are trying to trifle our lives because of some gas-lighting coof. I'm still more 'neutral' in terms of this (fatties, immuno-compromised, and old folks stay home, the young and healthy can go outside as usual while taking precautionary measures like the masks and hand-sanitizing).
Also keep in mind that the Spanish flu ended in a year. The world needs to keep spinning and humans lived in far worse situations than this. Just keep up with being organically healthy, shit happens and we move on.
No. 687462
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>>687453Anon you are doing god's work. As someone who is also working in a medical related job, I keep thinking how the everybody is doing this insane job at the hospitals and doctor office's right now. it also angers me when I come across so many dumb ass people who don't take this shit serious and go and fuck around with having parties, meetings and all that stuff during times like this. I also see so much idiotic behavior whenever I go to the grocery store, work or within my own family because until now we had no case of it so they don't feel like caring that much. It really sucks and I send you all the energy because people like you are the reason why most of us will make it through this bullshit.
No. 687467
>>687461>young and healthy can go outside as usual while taking precautionary measures like the masks and hand-sanitizingSome of my young and healthy friends who got covid still had a horrible fucking time with it and I'm sure they would have preferred to have never gotten it in the first place. As opposed to now having to worry about the ramifications their infections will have on their health down the line.
The virus is new but information for example about it damaging organs even for individuals who didn't require hospitalization is coming to light.
What if you are young and healthy, but you've permanently lost your sense of smell because of the virus? Haven't you seen videos of young people doing stunts like eating entire raw onions and chugging vinegar because they can no longer smell or taste and have no idea when or IF they will get those senses back?
I agree that masks and hand sanitizer are adequate precautions for the healthy but it's still so ridiculous to be flippant about it as if it isn't a big deal if you catch it as a healthy person. Bad shit can still happen to you, no one is trying to gaslight you about the consequences cause they are real.
No. 687613
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>>687503>>687467I'm not denying that the virus is real or its 'fake and gay'. I'm just saying people have the right to live their lives without being so vilified by it. Coming from personal Jewish experience, the pro-masks people are acting very similar to the facists by dehumanizing people who make a certain choice in life. And don't get me started on people who are using human empathy to justify dehumanizing others, that's the same shit Hitler did with his grandiose speeches that relied on pathos than logos.
No. 687624
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>>687613also some stats>>687617eh karens are 50/50 on this issue. Schizo Q-boomers and Sociopathic snitches, both bringing humorous public meltdowns.
but regardless I think everyone can agree corona-chan was handled piss-poorly in the western sphere. The politicization and hypocrisy from the governors (who preach about masks but don't wear one themselves during parties) can go fuck themselves.
I'm just pissed off at the double-standards that aren't squashed quickly because of the long-term distrust it creates in everything around us.
No. 687646
>>687453Aaand my stupid fucking friend might have exposed me worse than she led me to believe. She warned me that her boyfriend's father tested positive, but said they were all outside and wearing masks, so it was a low transmission probability. So until she tested/got results, she's quarantining, and I'm going on with my life as carefully as possible. Only for her to text me 10 minutes ago and tell me that someone she was car shopping with, spending extended amounts of time with, tested positive and is symptomatic. Which she did not mention to me in the slightest. Superb. Fabulous. If I'm positive, I could have passed it on to coworkers, patients, and my boyfriend who is a fucking teacher. Why can't people disclose properly?? I hate this gay earth, I'm livid.
No. 687657
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>>687627>>687631I'm just letting you all know that this is where these sorts of things begin. What I wanted to get out to everyone is: don't let this virus politicize you, left or right. Just use some common sense, vitamin D and not being a fatty, and wearing a mask has proven to work or alleviate covid symptoms by numerous doctors.
No. 687725
>>687613Don't think it really matters if it's as bad as they say at this point. The last plague's gov measures just ended up in more ppl dead/sick than if they just didn't do anything. The poverty from lockdowns and restrictions kills more people than the actual coof.
Anyway I know it's not as bad bc the details don't add up. No koch's postulate, encouraging just self isolating and not how to prevent getting it in the first place, fear mongering, censoring of lots of potential easy cures and hardcore pushing of vaccines, etc. If anything it's already over the hump and they still want to make a big buck with vaccines, and big corps killing small businesses.
No. 687898
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>>687842Get a face shield. They're an accepted alternative to cloth masks everywhere I've been.
No. 688038
>>687613>>687657Fuck off with your anime reaction images. You really want to act like a
victim of "muh dictatorship!! This is like HITLER!!" don't you? People refusing to wear a mask deserve to be dehumanized because they put others in danger. Anti-maskers are the ones who lack empathy, it's all about how THEY feel dehumanized and oppressed, how THEY can't breathe, they always care about themselves. Their "choice in life" could cost people lives, because if they refuse to use a mask and they're infected, they'll spread the virus even to people who make the effort to keep a mask on. Anti-maskers are fucking stupid, acting like it's the end of the world to wear a piece of plastic over your mouth and nose so others don't have to breathe what you spit.
>>687842Well aren't you special.
No. 688042
>>688040It's not a risk, otherwise we would be seeing clusters of new cases related to eating at a certain restaurant and that does not happen anywhere in the world.
This is because covid is a respiratory disease. You get sick by inhaling the virus, not by swallowing it.
No. 688044
>>687842Anon, please year your mask correctly people think you're retarded and by doing that completely defeats the purpose of wearing one. Be aware of your breathing and try to remember to breathe from your nose and not your mouth. Coming from a reatilfag do you want to chance your exposure with people coming from fuck knows?
>>688035Same the cold dry air coming in isn't helping me where I live. Drinking plenty of water and throat lozenges helped!
No. 688083
>>688079AHAHAHAHA and where are you going to go? To the international space station? Ask Musk to send you to Mars?
We're all in as much deep shit as you.
No. 688107
>>688095Same here anon, he's absolutely fucking loathsome. I'm kind of shocked and disappointed that his approval rating has remained pretty high because he's failed small business owners in every way possible. Even after the auditor general reported on how ontario has mismanaged the pandemic there's been very little criticism directed at his decisions. I'm fearful that he's gonna win a second term.
>>688096PEI? I hope you all in the Atlantic can get handle on transmission quickly. Has there been a lot skepticism about the virus out there or are people just idiotically lacking spatial awareness?
No. 688114
>>688107Nah, Vancouver Island. It's actually surprising it took this long to see any significant case load here, considering our proximity to the lower mainland. People's attitudes were generally quite relaxed through the summer, and that behavior was only reinforced by the fact that we only had a handful of cases pop up.
It's also interesting that to the extent you see political/ideological opposition to masks and vaccines, a lot of it is coming from the "left". Specifically our population of hippies, people opposed to any conventional western medicine, "the man", technology etc.
No. 688139
>>688100I wonder, the one experiencing side effects months later, did they take some sort of medication at one point or another? Could the virus's reaction to certain medicines be the cause of these long lasting effects? Maybe an OTC med like Vicks or Tylenol?
I do question because my bf's brother caught it and he is pretty much free of any after effects.
No. 688224
Anons I'm getting sick of this shit. I have to go out twice a week for medical care at a facility in town. My treatment is 1 1/2 to 2 hours each time. None of the people who work at the facility wear masks including the head doctor and every single assistant, nurse, and personnel. This encourages the other people in the bigger gym area to not wear masks. There's lots of old people there getting treatment and lots of high school and college athletes. I'd say less than 50% wear a mask and the ones that do have been taking them down below their chin when they need to talk. Meanwhile I'm shelling out and reusing the same four n95 masks that cost a fucking fortune and they are getting too worn out to be effective. Because of the nature of my injury, I am in very close contact with the staff, as in less than a foot away from each other and on top of that there's no open windows or fresh air circulating inside. I'm so scared I'm going to get sick. I Facebook stalked several of the employees to see if they behaved on Thanksgiving and I found tons of memes about masks being against the constitution and their rights being violated. I'm sick of being worried constantly that some dumb hillbilly fuck at the office is sick and asymptomatic. A lot of the people who work there are around 25 years old and wouldn't be at risk but so many of the patients are old as shit and lots of fat people are there, too. I myself am fattish and generally get hit harder with illnesses than most people I know.
I don't know, I just needed to rant about it. There's no way to report them, my state doesn't enforce the mask order plus if I did report them, my name would be on the report. I need to go and it's the only place in the area. Positivity rates in my area are 48% now. It sucks having to choose constant pain from not receiving treatment or risk getting sick. I've taken so much care of myself these last months and barely go out, I haven't done anything fun the entire time including visiting people or anything other than treatment and work. Fuck this place I hate it so much. My stress levels are through the roof each time I go. It's so weird to me that some areas are just like raised to be terrible, selfish people. It's so different from what I'm used to. I feel so hopeless.
No. 690643
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working retail in this stupid pandemic has completely drained my will to live. i'm honestly at the point where i'd rather eat a fucking bullet than spend another day at the goddamn mall (which is still open despite my shithole province's uncontrolled COVID growth rates because apparently all of us retail workers can go fuck ourselves!!!!)
the worst part is having to deal with people who tell me I should be "grateful" to have a job right now, as if it's such a fucking treat to deal with boomers arguing over wearing masks, dipshits who come into our store just to "kill time" and people who don't seem to think there's anything wrong with coughing into their hand before reaching into their wallet for cash to pay. this job doesn't even pay me enough fucking money to cover my bills at ALL, but if I quit then I lose eligibility for the government program that's currently keeping me afloat. I'm being held financially hostage by this stupid job that I only took to avoid total NEETdom.
I'm so deeply in debt and disillusioned about the future of the world (especially wrt climate change) that I really don't see the point in keeping on. what's the point? thirty more years of exhausting myself so I can barely make ends meet while some asshole CEO buys his mistress another yacht? i think the fuck not.
I almost wish I would catch COVID at this point just as a "see? fuck you" to all of the people who've been acting like it's ~~~~no big deal~~~~ while they've been "working from home" and getting day drunk for the past 8 months.
No. 695028
>>694985Recent stats from a UK hospital was 38% of covid patients caught covid
while in hospital (as in they went in for something else), so a two week quarantine sounds like an extremely good idea. You're not being irrational, and 60+ are more vulnerable. It's selfish to insist they immediately meet the baby, baby isn't going anywhere.
No. 696533
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>>695035kek. itayrt and i love how by just saying I'm in a shithole COVID-infested province I've immediately identified myself as an AB-anon. great work from our man Bobandy up in the legislature, huh. albertan excellence as per usual.
i'm glad you were able to get out of the city before things got out of control. not really as much of an option on my end (not to self doxx but leaving the city would involve going back to my shitty rural hometown which is somehow even more of a despair-inducing option) and leaving my job rn would disqualify me from any of the benefits i'm receiving atm. at this point i'm just white-knuckling it and hoping for a post-christmas "come to our senses" shutdown, although at this point whatever hope I have for the public's "senses" is pretty dim.
keep on keepin' on fellow AB anon – we'll get outta here someday.
No. 697692
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>The new strain of coronavirus identified in England is up to 70 per cent more transmissible, prime minister Boris Johnson has said, as the government announced further restrictions to curb the rapid spread of the mutated virus.
>Scientists have confirmed that the variant is passed more easily between people than the previously dominant strain, raising concerns that NHS services could be overwhelmed over the Christmas period if the spread of the virus is not slowed.
>According to government analysis, more than 60 per cent of new cases in London are currently linked to the new strain. It accounts for 59 per cent of cases in the east and 48 per cent in the southeast.
>Sir Patrick Vallance, the government's chief scientific adviser, said: “It’s taken off, it’s moving fast and it’s leading inevitably to a sharp increase in hospitalisations."
>Daniel Altmann, a professor of Immunology at Imperial College London, has meanwhile said that the immune response induced by the Covid-19 jabs “would be unchanged by the mutations – so the vaccines will still work.” No. 697719
>>697702> Covid is a corona virus that mutates over time, like the common cold, so wouldn't a vaccine be useless in the long term?The seasonal flu mutates every year too, which is why the annual vaccine also changes. It’s effort to keep up with but doesn’t make it useless.
> Why does a virus with above 95% survival rates need a vaccine in the first place? Flu has an even higher survival rate (over 99%) yet there are annual vaccines. Those few percentage points are massive in this context. There’s also the issue of long-COVID and the impact it can have on otherwise healthy people (which can rarely happen with flu too, but this virus is unexplored territory). Also see
>>697692 for another related concern.
> If vaccination is so important why was there never a vaccine developed during the swine flu pandemic?A vaccine was developed and used.
My country is completely fucked by coronavirus, and if it is some conspiracy shit going on then they have been doing a fantastic double-bluff by their shit handling of the situation.
No. 697726
>>697702The thing is that there are multiple different influenza virus strains making waves around the world and the efficiency of the flu shot is only guessing which strains will be in effect this season. With the novel coronavirus they know what virus is causing this and it's been much slower to mutate than the influenza viruses. And even when the flu shots aren't 100% effective (they're around 50-70%) they still help lessen the symptoms significantly so you might get infected but your flu will be much milder.
>If vaccination is so important why was there never a vaccine developed during the swine flu pandemic?What? There were multiple vaccines developed during that pandemic and they worked. A lot of countries were saved from a more severe pandemic wave because of the vaccine.
No. 698516
>>698376$600 is nothing anyway. What an absolute joke this country this.
>>698140Tear gas , mustard gas or nothin'
No. 698634
>>545522There are a couple articles getting shared around lately … about how lots of vaccines, including the COVID one, prevent the vaccinated individual from getting sick or experiencing symptoms. HOWEVER, vaccinated people can probably still
spread the virus to the unvaccinated, even if they're not experiencing symptoms.
One doctor uses the metaphor of dirty gloves. Like, your hands are protected when you're wearing them, but dirt on the outside of the gloves can get on everything around you.
Anyway, if this is true, then when the vaccine becomes available, I'll still be spreading COVID around as a vaccinated person, but I won't get sick even if exposed to an infected person. If I hang out in a group of friends where some are vaccinated and some not … I'm totally safe … and so are the other vaccinated ones …
Seems to me like really soon, we're about to be living in a world where if you don't wanna die, get the vaccine.
If you
don't choose to get the vaccine, you're making a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to risk death, basically agreeing to walk through the world totally unprotected. You can get sick from a vaccinated
or another unvaccinated person!
The virus will be spreading around as it was before, but there will be vaccinated people who are safe, and dumbasses who are not.
Anyway, I'm definitely pro-vaccination and I'm definitely getting it (when I can) … can I ask why people are obsessed with making it mandatory for everyone, when all it does is prevent symptoms, and NOT spread?
Like – can we just accept that there's a large group of people who is OK with fucking dying, and stop trying to save them for fuck's sake?
No. 700114
>>699718>non-profitThe governments are paying for it with your taxes
nonnie. Just because you don't pay on sight doesn't mean it's free. Poor countries are having issues for getting it. You wouldn't think pharma are NGOs, right?
No. 701200
>>690643> the worst part is having to deal with people who tell me I should be "grateful" to have a job right nowAnon you work in retail at a mall. I say the same statement but I don't mean people like you, rather the people who are working office jobs remotely from home now. If anyone wants a job, every retail place has signs for hiring atm.
>>697992>>698000This is a based take that I had no idea about. OT but do you have any suggestions for news sources?
No. 702326
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>>701069I'm getting the moderna vaccine on Saturday due to working with a high-risk population. Will also update with my experience, very excited to be among those that get it this early, equally excited for this shit to be over.
No. 703445
>>703432yep. my coworkers have been going barhopping and just seriously being shitheads. i have to work with them and can't get around it! if i work somewhere else im sure others would also act like idiots.
i don't even know how to go about meeting new people. "heyyy how'd you handle the 2020 pandemic?" so stupid
No. 704195
>>701349Hope you're feeling better! My arm was just sore as a mf the next day and a half, everything else has been fine.
>>701367Just work related. I work in healthcare, and although I'm not a clinician, I work with/share an office with clinicians who see COVID patients regularly.
>>702237Hi sweetie ily ♥
No. 704652
>>704177This is quite interesting but if it's true the governments and media should face charges for depriving people of vitamins and weakening their immunity with stress and fearmongering.
No one is gonna live forever mate.
No. 705445
>>704177What the fuck man. Medicine seems so singularly focused on having "one cause", that I can't help but think this person is seriously on to something.
We're composed of minerals and molecules, our nerves run on electrical impulses, so why wouldn't huge shifts in electromagnetic radiation affect all of these systems?
If you look into agriculture yields during past solar minimums, you can see dramatically varying outputs, mainly caused by extreme and unpredictable weather. When in comparison to a solar maximum years, ag yields were bountiful, reliable and weather was predictable.
Obviously we're not plants, but we do eat them, we are comprised of the same minerals and molecules, and we sometimes have electromagnetic systems more complex than they do.
This could be the start of a very long rabbit hole.
No. 705448
>>705434Apparently it can be up to 90% effective when given as a half-dose followed by a full-dose, but there’s not enough data to confirm that yet. The idea is to increase the amount of vaccines given quickly as the Pfizer vaccine has difficulties (needs to be kept at -70°C whereas Oxford can be kept at fridge temperature, Pfizer is imported from Belgium which will cause more issues due to Brexit). I get the idea, but the government here has been such a shitshow over the whole pandemic. I’m just waiting for another fuck up.
>>705439Yeah that’s a good way of looking at it. I know little about vaccines, just seems like a situation where we shouldn’t be accepting this when better is available. But I understand the issues of using the Pfizer vaccine here and any is better than nothing.
No. 705452
>>703342i'm straight up ditching a
toxic friend due to terrible pandemic behaviour.. not necessarily lockdown related though, although that too to a degree. i think it's fine to cut them off or take time until they realize it was shitty
No. 711912
Does it sound like I had covid back in march? I had only gone to the doctors office via cab, and had 3 people come over in over a year, never really left the house, especially the cold months. Started having awful fatigue on top of my chronic fatigue, couldn't even lift my phone to charge it without being out of breathe and ran a very mild fever if you could even call it that. My resting pulse is usually around 60 to 70 and now it was 120 to 140, had my heart film done and heart was okay, just fast. This was back when tests weren't all that available unless you had traveled and my doctor didn't think I could have it even though I could barely breathe whenever I walked or sat up, he only said that "well, you seem to be breathing okay sitting down so you are just out of shape". No one with working lungs could be that out of shape, my chest felt very stiff and bruised yet I had no cough, just a light head ache. It lasted a little less than a month and I still feel so weird about it all, but why didn't my mom get sick? I wish I could've had the antibody test after I felt better, damn it.
No. 712992
>>712985Anon you replied to
We should use this time to get fit and smarts
See this pandemic as a cocoon. We’ll flutter!
t. Just took a shower to wash my greasy hair and pizza face
No. 714501
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>hospitals lacking in oxygen to keep patients alive>people literally dying of asphyxiationI don't know much about these news sources but it's the only english sources I could find for the situation. The national SAT with about 6 million people registered to take it is coming this sunday, how many of those people are going to survive? Sorry for being kind of a doomer here, but I don't want to be sentenced to death like this. No. 714508
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>>714501Hi brazilfag. If you live in Amazonas I'm so sorry. I've been avoiding hearing any news because shit only gets worse every passing minute. I would kill to live literally anywhere else.
pic related
>only plane that could transport oxygen cylinders is broken>please save us united stateskek No. 714929
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i want to see my friends
No. 717786
I just got over covid, never experienced any loss of smell. But now I can’t smell that well. Like I can’t smell strong car fresheners or candles. Has anyone else experienced this?
>>711912I’ve known so many people who had a “cold” then.
No. 717882
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The death toll here (UK) is fucking me up. It feels surreal.
No. 717973
>>717968Samefag, to be very specific it's 4,266,577 vaccinated in the UK so far, and, using Norway's after-vaccine death rate (1 in 1,454) as a base, that makes a possible 2,934 deaths from the vaccine so far.
In the last 7 days there have been 8,267 covid deaths in the UK and 200,000-324,000 people given their first dose every day this week, and a few thousand (2-5k) given the second dose every day.
No. 718727
>>716751Hahaha anon same. I'm applying to grad school so I'll be in a masters program from fall 2021 to spring 2023. Right now I'm at home and I just play games all day. I tried applying for internships so I have something until I start school but I can't get hired because I have my bachelor's.
>>717882How come there's so many countries that are worse than the US? I thought America was the worst?
No. 718922
>>718033Replying to the red text, thanks mod for making me google this vid related
>>718137The measurements are deadlier than the disease itself…I have had corona but I will likely die more from suicide than corona.
No. 721759
I'm in the UK and the situation here is so severe that I'm seriously considering applying for political asylum in the USA. Things are really, really bad here. We are basically hostages.
There are no jobs, all education which we're paying thousands for, is online. No one is allowed to visit their families, friends, take trips abroad, and peaceful protesters are being arrested.
Despite the country fluctuating between a total standstill and severe restriction, the already EXORBITANTLY expensive housing sector, which is largely the preserve of the middle class, is still shooting up. So essentially, they want us to pay a massively marked up price for a house in a country that isn't even functional.
The fascism which has always haunted Westminster has finally surfaced, entrapped it's residents, and the government have arrogantly failed to fall on that sword.
The government is insisting that it's OWN residents provide negative tests before returning home, and complications with this are stranding it's own people.
This government is no longer interested in it's own people anymore. I'm just done with this country. What's more is that the PM plans to imprison us indefinitely even following the vaccine.
Not only are the lockdowns totally ineffective and infection rates mirror those of countries without lockdowns, the government is too proud to back down.
I have heard excuse after excuse as to why the entire country should be unfairly detained and punished over a virus which is harmless to 99.99% of people.
No. 721785
>>7217594000+ people are dying per day in the US, and covid is significatly more deadly than 0.01%, closer to 1% and that is a lot of people when you look at in on a population scale.
In the UK we were struggling to manage the NHS in winter even before covid, that's basically why we are in lockdown because it would be fucked up if we run out of medical resources and needlessly people die, even from none covid causes.
I listened to a podcast the other day that had audio taken from in a LA hospital and it was maybe half an hour long and on one ward they had multiple code blues (people needing resucitated basically).
I'm in the medical field in UK and I can't imagine things getting that out of hand here, it's harrowing to see so many extra deaths than normal.
It's just a shite situation any way you slice it but I really don't want the NHS to collapse.
No. 721809
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>>705423UK vaccine fuckery update: the government has increased the interval between the vaccines in order to focus on giving more people the first dose. There is limited evidence to suggest this is a good course of action with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, and Pfizer have outright said don’t do it. Note the statement about how the Pfizer vaccine doses should both be given within 42 days… the government is increasing that gap to 84 days. Sure it’s only a pandemic, why not experiment? Of course experts are calling for a robust monitoring programme, because apparently they haven’t been made aware that this is even being studied.
The government are like kids playing science experiments. They really don’t give a shit if the vaccines work well, they just want to get them finished, however sloppily. Like a child ‘cleaning’ their room by shoving everything under the bed.
No. 721856
>>721842I will give you that–I do appreciate that I can still go to the grocery.
>>721846Man, it really spooks me to think of what the country's gonna be like for the next ten years. It feels like if you weren't already financially secure before the pandemic, your future is fucked. The reality is really getting to me–I've been stressing over aging out of my parent's insurance plan and that's not for another few years.
No. 722480
>>722465>he got it done in private and did this for the "show"weirdly contrived
>We know that people are getting the vaccinesyeah, placebo vaccines
No. 722516
>>721846Yeah, there is so much to hate about the way my state handled COVID. Kicking kids out of school and then being like,
"Now you have to watch your kid 24/7 and force them to ~virtual learn~.
You're no longer just their parent, you're their ~Cearning Coach~.
Oh, you have to quit your job to do that?
Maybe try not being poor, you fuckin' pleb."
It's really cruel and inhuman and shows how out-of-touch our "leaders" are. Like, I get maybe they were … trying to help? But, they are asking things of people that are literally impossible. Like, fuck everything about that.
No. 722564
>>722516That’s just it, they don’t get it. It’s very obvious to see that they think most people struggling are just not willing to dip into their savings account or forego avocado toast or whatever they think plebs are wasting money on this time. They just straight up don’t understand and don’t care when people try to tell them. They’ve stumbled into the maliciously stupid category of did you mean it or are you just dumb?
I can’t believe this argument about helping people out with that check is still happening either. They expected everyone to just be able to stop working on a dime and then when we couldn’t they were like “guess you’ll just die” and sent everyone back to work while simultaneously forgetting that poor households that require members to work couldn’t actually stay at home to watch their kids who couldn’t go to school any more.
It’s all just lip service anyway, they don’t care about actually helping people unless it gives them more money or power and that’s why I don’t think the vaccine is fake (>>722455). They stand to profit and gain power/positive points by actually vaccinating people. Which is why they kicked the can that is helping people down the street and took so long, they literally just wanted to use it for political posturing.
No. 723246
>>722852 >this timeHow many times have you been tested?
Good luck though anon, hopefully it's just some regular seasonal shite
No. 724249
>>723959Did you not read? She already had coronavirus, she's talking about the long lasting effects
Anyways, I hope you feel better OP. Covid is no joke
No. 724543
>>724249>implying people who already had it can't be fearmongered into getting it again or interpreting any symptom of anything as covid long lasting effectsMy mom had it and a few months after she was memed into "long covid" because she felt tired all the time. Despite people telling her otherwise she went to the doctor and boom, hyperthyroidism.
Don't listen to dumbfucks who urge you to skip the doctors so you won't "saturate the hospital". All the other illnesses still exist.
No. 729381
I caught the 'rona while I was already in hospital and was confined to a room for fourteen days (which covered Christmas and New Year's Eve). I had no symptoms, just got a positive from a routine swab. Obviously it was very lonely, as hospitals aren't allowing visitors at the moment. I wasn't allowed to shower the entire time and I didn't have room to walk around. It was without a doubt the shittiest Christmas ever.
I didn't know that you continue to test positive for COVID for a while after your fourteen-day isolation period. I think you test positive until your body develops antibodies?
Anyway, I've had what I thought was unrelated neuralgia from an injury but I got some noticeable symptomatic relief happening around the same time I started testing negative for COVID - seven weeks after I first tested positive. My physio has said that my muscle strength and endurance suggest that I'm experiencing long-term fatigue and I get exhausted and dizzy just climbing the stairs in my house.
It's scary that even though I was symptomless and didn't have a cough/headache/changes in smell or taste, I've been instead experiencing neurological issues and fatigue which aren't very well documented in any current research. I've heard lots of anecdotal stories like this - a few nurses were saying they still had brain fog several months on from first catching it, some had strange tingling and numbness, others are finding their sense of taste and smell has returned but is mixed up - e.g. sweet things taste burnt.
I get so aggravated at everyone's indifference now. I see groups of middle class teenagers swanning about. On the news I heard that a party of over two hundred people had been broken up in Kensington. I was invited to a fucking baby shower over WhatsApp where everyone was saying "I don't mind if you don't".
It's… It's the law? We're in a national lockdown, the virus is evolving in ways we don't understand, and over 100,000 people are dead. A few people have asked if I'll get the vaccine when it's offered, and it absolutely boggles my mind that they think it's optional. I probably won't be offered it by the time they work their way through the list of the most vulnerable, but there's no "if" about it. I consider it our civic duty to protect others in our communities. When did everybody get so insular and selfish?
No. 730586
>>729381I wish it was the law here. Everyone here in burgerland seems to think they're immune.
I keep seeing stories about influencers having parties/going on vacations etc. I wish they would either get arrested or their sponsors/platforms would drop them. But they're not going to because they can make money off of them, and young kids today are so stupid and stuck on tik tok that they'll go out without precautions because tik tok stars did.
I swear if I saw any of these idiots in person I would punch them in the fucking face, but I don't go out because I follow the rules.
No. 730606
>>729381Wow, glad your condition is improving. I'm terrified of coming down with long haul covid, I've read that it can develop in young and otherwise healthy people. There doesn't seem to be a lot of awareness among the general population about these sorts of complications either.
Early evidence suggests that the Astra Zeneca vaccine actually inhibits transmission between people. Could there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Don't wanna get my hopes up but it's depressing to think that the rest of our lives could be lived under intermittent lockdown and physical distancing measures.
No. 731250
>>730586NTA you were responding to but I absolutely agree. Los Angeles had a huge spike in Covid cases and deaths because of these influencer parties. Apparently a number of the influencers actually got Covid but are too embarrassed to admit it to anyone after being shamed on the internet. If influencers are withholding that information just for their own image then it's likely that someone that they infected has Covid unknowingly and has already spread it to other people–some of whom are probably already dead. DeAngelo Wallace's video about it is long but it's really good.
If this happened in LA I can only imagine what will happen since Sunday is the Superbowl and we all know that more than a couple of idiots across the country are going to host parties.
No. 732064
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I was supposed to get the vaccine today but last night I woke up in a cold sweat thinking about it so I bailed. God I feel so stupid about being hesitant to receive the vaccine. I'm supposed to be a fucking healthcare professional and trust medicine and I'll probably have to get it eventually if I want to finish my rotations and get a degree and shit but something about it throws me off and I don't know why. Can someone smarter than me please convince me that there's nothing to worry about?
No. 732077
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This is probably extremely retarded but I thought I’d feel better if I wasn’t the only one who felt this way
Does anyone feel “guilty” about following lockdown protocol? I am of course because it’s the right thing to do, but I’m in Orange County so everyone’s totally ignoring it. When I moved out here it was like a month before the pandemic really hit (ie Disneyland closed) and I had told myself I was going to make friends and find a bf and I’m as alone as ever, locked down with no friends and depressed as fuck.
So now I feel like I’m wasting the last of my youth and I have this stupid voice in my head saying maybe I should be going out anyway since everyone else is, you’re just blaming the pandemic for your own lack of desire to connect with new people, everyone else is managing to (fuck my roommate dates two guys now and drives me nuts with that shit, constantly going out)
Again obviously I’m not a fucking idiot so I try to ignore it and Ive been consistently following procedures but I still feel “guilty” for wasting my life, if that makes sense.
No. 732088
>>732077I'm not sure what the consequences would be for making
new friends with people you don't already know, but it seems like if you have pre-existing connections it's fine to hang out every now and then within reasonable precautions? There's nothing wrong with visiting a restaurant once or twice a month as long as you're following masking and social distancing guidelines. Maybe there's a middle ground to reach with that voice inside your head that's telling you that you aren't utilizing your time to the fullest.
I hang out with my friends a couple times a month because I know they're not going unmasked anyplace and making stupid decisions like attending a fucking church. Oh, and speaking of church, my cousin's family who used covid as a convenient excuse to distance themselves from me (because I told them I hung out with my friends once) recently contracted covid because they thought magical Jebus powers would protect them from their congregation's germs when they willingly showed up to service while being symptomatic. My friends would never do that to me, but apparently I'm the idiot pariah for seeing them once or twice a month while people still toodle around religious masses, grocery stores, and reopened schools because apparently covid selects where it wants to infect except when it doesn't. Sorry for the rant but you don't have to feel this way and it's bullshit for anyone to lay blame on you for wanting to socialize.
No. 732090
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>>732077>fuck my roommate dates two guys now, constantly going outThe virgin Frodo vs the chad roommate lmfao
Look, anon, nothing in policy is really stopping you from making friends or dating. Got a job? A hobby? Doesn't matter if you don't, find one-get into knitting or tea-tasting or scrapbooking, something comfy, and make sure you stay in contact with people. I know it's difficult, you get into a rut and want to shut yourself away-but making sustained connection will make it more difficult to isolate yourself.
Don't worry about your age, friendships don't go away when you get older, they become more profound. If you want to get married or have kids, have that in mind when you're dating-do it purposefully.
No. 732093
>>732077oh wow not to doxx myself but we probably live around the same area (fun fact i literally lost my job because of disney's incompetent bullshit last year). i would gladly befriend you from a safe distance if it wasn't sketchy and if i wasn't in the middle of self-quarantining waiting for covid results (99% sure it's neg because i'm safe as fuck but i need to be sure before i endanger my friends lol)
anyway don't feel guilty about any of this! the OC is full of absolute dumbasses and los angeles is literally so bad that they have a new unique strain of covid floating around right now in spite of newsom deciding to stupidly open everything back up. if you feel truly stranded/ antisocial this is probably the worst time in history to make friends but if you're new to town that's totally normal, idk if you moved here for school/ work/ etc but bonding with classmates that have the same interests as you/ are majoring in the same thing helped me make a few more friends when i moved out to dorm here years ago. albeit i literally just moved from one edge of the oc to the other so i still have my old friends and fam, but i felt very stranded when they all went off to different colleges and i couldn't drive, i can't imagine how weird that feels in a covid age. i feel bad now i wish i had better advice to get you some friends, i'm sorry
No. 732198
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>>732090> The virgin Frodo vs the chad roommateI busted out laughing and it cheered me up a bit so, thanks for that. She’s a great roommate but I don’t really how how much I like a rotation of tinder dates and hookups constantly coming in during a pandemic.
>>732088I don’t think there’s consequences exactly, it’s just been incredibly hard to do because we’re not supposed to be having social gatherings. I don’t actually have anyone to go meet with even briefly, I guess I’m just frustrated because before the virus hit everything was still fully remote for me (even my job) and I really wanted to make local ones and build a life here. Thinking about trying bumble bff or something
>>732093Damn I’m so sorry to hear about your job, that really sucks. I’m sure Disney didn’t expect to stay closed this long and I’m not surprised between the loss of park revenue and theaters they’re probably not holding a lot of liquid right now and you guys got totally screwed. Probably rekt Anaheim’s economy too, I hope you can find something soon if you haven’t already!
Yeah this place is notorious isn’t it? Like of course I want to go socialize but it wouldn’t be right when I know that massive crowd at the spectrum center is what’s going to keep us in fucking Covid limbo for another year or worse.
Ahhhhh I just needed to vent, thanks for listening nonnies
No. 736281
>>733803Take off your mask maybe then you’ll finally see it
>>733769Nah screw you. Tired of that bullcrap and foggy glasses.