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No. 521746
Lots' of people in the vent thread talking about it, so why not have a general?
Share tips, local updates, vent about people coughing on each other, etc
WHO: twitter account with a lot of Corona related updates: for Survival PDFs in case you want to go full doomer mode: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9889a43717fd93c95993552f817ced652a74e63e&dn=Survival%20Guide%20PDFs%20%5B8.1.2019%20Update%5D
No. 521796
>>521791was has not 100% with number got to do with medical discoveries regarding this virus?
btw, japan and thailand havent been 100% with their numbers either.
No. 521801
>>521796Because they could be misinformed about this too. Same with Japan or Thailand if they found some other discoveries about corona that doesn't match up with other information.
Though to be fair nobody really knows whats going on with the virus to begin with. I don't want to be that asshole who's like "WAIT FOR A PEER REVIEW", it's just better to wait and see what other countries find.
No. 521804
>>521776Hey anon, I'm french living in the uk.
Set some firm boundaries , I told my fellow French coworkers they can shove the kisses up their arses. Even handshakes are off the table. Sorry not sorry.
Yesterday we received an emergency message that one person at our office has tested positive and office is closed. It was someone on our floor and I'm glad I'm not very friendly/hand shaky/ kissy now. Office closed down for "deep cleaning" until wednesday at least.
All events at our company have been cancelled - these are cash cows so it's a massive big deal for our greedy company to cancel it all.
No. 521805
>>521796I think Japan wants to keep their numbers down and not cancel the Olympics. If you look at what's happening there it's pretty bad though. Shortages of masks and other medical equipment, public gatherings cancelled, concerts cancelled, even cancellations of public foreign events where they send people out to cons and games conferences. I'm not sure how they're going to have the Olympics at all with how things are progressing.
Though I think most countries are keeping their numbers lower than confirmed or reported. It's causing a lot of economical damage, and they probably fear people not going to work in mass and damaging national economies more than anything. Videos coming out of china of people randomly dying on factory floors now that they've reopened confirms that there at least.
No. 521813
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>>521806Even if there wasn't a pandemic, it's always good to have an emergency prep
Better go early and get stuff before people start buying hand sanitizer they'll hoard and eventually resell online for $90
Pic related is from one of the pdfs in the OP, I followed it loosely for my own shopping
No. 521815
>>521806US here, our local recorded cases are still in the single digits and yet good luck finding toilet paper and bottled water right now. Hand sanitizer is completely out of the question and antibacterial soaps are close behind.
You might want to grab some essential things before shops go completely barren like
>>521813 suggests.
No. 521825
>>521813That's really good, thanks anon and OP for spoonfeeding me. I'm gonna get on that shopping tomorrow first thing. Can always come in handy.
>>521815You're totally right anon, did not realise how quickly things can get out of control.printed the list above for tomorrow and make sure we're ready if needed. Better safe than sorry.
>>521808Agreed anon, free healthcare is gonna make a massive difference.
No. 521841
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we about to hit 200 deaths here in italy lmao
No. 521842
>>521818Not free but my country is incredibly close to China and we have not had first blood. Our <20 cases all recovered, reportedly. We were really sure that we'd be hit pretty badly because awareness wasn't that high during Chinese New Year, a lot of traveling was happening.
I think it's a combination of having hot tropical climate and experience dealing with bad epidemics in recent history (SARS, bird/swine flu), so people take this shit pretty seriously. Militant quarantine on all travelers, chinese workers and even immigrant towns, they even quarantine you for having come in contact with chinese. Is it racist? Maybe, but being anti-china is SEA standard lmao no ragrets.
No. 521846
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Some info
>facemasksIf you're in the US you need to look for masks with at least an N95 rating. The number is the efficiency of the mask at filtering out particles at 0.3 micrometres and above.
If you're in Europe the ratings work differently. There's FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3. The NHS recommends FFP3 for biological hazards.
NHS leaflet - best place to buy masks is a builder's merchant. Avoid Amazon and eBay as you will get price gouged.
If you can't get a rated mask a surgical mask is better than nothing. One of the main purposes of a mask is to prevent a person from touching their face. Viral infections enter the body through mucus membranes such as the eyes, mouth and nose.
>hand sanitiserLook for hand sanitisers that contain at least 70% alcohol. If you can't get hand sanitiser, 70% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle will also work. If this is unavailable you should be able to buy 99% isopropyl alcohol from computer hardware shops and then mix it with distilled water for the right concentration. Note that isopropyl alcohol has a noxious smell and will dry out skin.
>groceriesWhen buying food don't just get a big bag of rice. If you are in contact with the virus having a healthy immune system will lessen the severity of the illness. Consider the nutritional and calorific value of what you are buying. Tinned meat, fish and vegetables should be considered along side rice and pasta.
Make sure you have enough cleaning fluid, bleach, disinfectant (dettol, zaflora, jeyes fluid and generic brands), handwash, washing up liquid, laundry sanitiser etc. It's also a good idea to have disposable cloths and gloves. Anything made with chemicals that originate in China is going to be in short supply.
>supplementsThere's emerging research that indicates there are supplements that can help prevent infection
Research paper - recommends
Ferulic acid
Lipoic acid
Spirulina powder
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Yeast Beta-Glucan
No. 521848
>>521788Hi fellow Finn. I'm surprised people aren't going christmas-level insane in supermarkets already, since that seems to be our national speciality. All the while sneezing and coughing around like it's nothing.
Personally stocked up on things already a couple weeks ago, and have kept adding up as I use them, to have things for at least a couple of weeks.
Not so worried about the virus itself as the effects on society.
Here's a news site I've been using that has all the stats and updates. No. 521852
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>>521846Thank you for the checklist anon.
200 dead in italy what the bloody hell ??? Wtf is going on in your country that's insane.
Just researched stockpiling in the UK and apparently people are doing it even if it's low key : No. 521882
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>tfw I ate a coronavirus provision and it wasn't even that good but if it turns out I'll actually need that later then I just ate myself out of like 10 life points down the line
I was just curious and hungry. There was a chopped up artery type vein in the potted meat.
No. 521883
I lived through the epidemic here in China and it will be a few weeks for Americans to really start to feel the panic that settles in when cases keep doubling or tripling. Right now is nothing, I remember when it started and there was a lot of "it's just a flu" going around in China, until it was 43,000 after 10 days and the government shut us into cities.
You can assume all numbers are underreported in every country, not because of political reasons, but because there is just no effective way to test it. People test negative multiple times before suddenly testing positive, no one has enough testing kits, and a lot of the time, people don't want to report themselves.
My advice is to not go out unless you absolutely need to, wash your hands, and wear a mask. (The last is now mandatory in China, but I am not sure why everyone outside of China thinks it doesn't work??)
No. 521888
>>521884There have only been a few cases of people leaving the hospital "cured" only to become ill again. I think that also is part of the lack of effective testing.
There has been a lot of community policing (which I think is difficult for people outside of China to understand), so now if you come from the hospital you're tossed in your house and delivered groceries and your temperature is taken every day for 2 weeks regardless of what the police/government thinks. I think this has helped a lot, and now we are looking at a week in my city without new infections.
No. 521896
>>521894It's maddening dragging yourself into a store to watch someone glide out with an entire cart full of the last of what you're there for, knowing it's probably going to be online at 8 times the price in a day or so.
Along with sanitizer, water and toilet paper, fever thermometers are now perpetually out of stock, at least here. I haven't had the heart to check Amazon to see what they're going for.
No. 521903
>>521776Fuck, I'm glad I left France a month ago to go to Japan because if you refuse a handshake or to do the bise no matter the reason you're treated like a retard or a rude bitch. It's like French people would rather you cough and sneeze in their face than not have stupid and unnecessary physical contact with strangers. I think that's even one of the reasons why I had a very hard time making friends until university, I often refused to do it and people were shit talking me because of it.
Well, I say that but Japan is getting kinda scary with how a lot of things are closed, be it touristic places or school. I think Hokkaido is the region with the most cases so far so at least I'm glad I'm not there.
No. 521906
>>521903I don't know if Japan is much better, they are terrible with hand washing. No soap in most public toilets, tf is up with that? It's gross even when there's NOT a serious virus going around.
I went there for a holiday in early Feb, to Hokkaido even. The timing was pretty good actually, fewer tourists but shit hadn't shut down yet.
No. 521908
>>521907Are you immunocompromised?
Just don't let people cough or sneeze on you and you'll probably be fine as a healthy young person.
No. 521911
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>>521901Not unpopular imo, it’s basically treason.
What do farmers think about the story of the South Korea “death cult” Shincheonji, that is accused of refusing quarantine and spreading the virus on purpose? Many believe its members are responsible for the explosion of infections in SK. Fake news, tragic stupidity, or actual anime villainy?
No. 521938
>>521928Almost everytime something terrible happens and people hear it on the news they almost always think "whatever it only happens to others anyway" until it happens to them too.
>>521936I didn't even think about resellers, I thought this type of products was often sold out because people want to stock up these things in case they have to stay at home for weeks.
No. 521976
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> two or so weeks ago, boyfriend traveled with his family to Florida for a wedding
> got paranoid
> was so relived when they came back home that same weekend
> they’re planning on traveling AGAIN to Mexico for another wedding this weekend
> he doesn’t know when they’re coming back
I read online that there are only two cases over there. So I guess it’s more safer there than it is here in Texas. But it irks me because why travel during a time like this?! Stupids!
No. 521978
>>521976Never fucking mind. six? Hours ago I was only aware of two which is why I said two. I decided to randomly check after posting and now I want to take my eyeballs out.
No. 521980
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My city just found out that they accidentally let someone from the Diamond Princess go back to work for a week in the public schools. Didn't even test them. We are fucked. America's healthcare system is truly not prepared for this. Expect to hear more cases from the midwest soon.
No. 521991
>>521946Ita anon here
The most concentrated red areas are lombardia and veneto, where there's most of, if not the only businesses that have active relations with china. A lot of upper class chinese people live in Milan for work, and came back from New Year bringing the desease here.
It was inevitable to be infected because we have a constant flux of tourists, anyway.
Curiously enough, the entire South has only 3-5% of cases, because of a very low number of chinese immigrants, and tourism being mostly empty in the winter.
Also this is a country with a high percentage of old people, mostly on the north, which is why you see a relatively high number of
If any anon has other questions about Italy rn I'm here!
No. 521999
>>521993I was about to comment the same thing. Cruises need to be canceled and shutdown indefinitely starting for at least a year out or more. They've always been cesspits for illnesses, even before corona there's usually a story every other month about such and such cruise ship breaking out with some kind of norovirus. Also a lot of old people tend to be on them and they hop from ship to ship living on them because it beats a nursing home. Sick hicks who board ships because their cruise package is the most expensive and fancy vacation they've ever taken in their life and so they wouldn't miss it even if it's to the detriment of other passengers. Filthy staff who aren't paid to give a fuck.
Soooo many vectors for disease.
No. 522000
>>521991London and Paris arguably see way more tourism yet they don't have a death toll anyway near Italy.
I'm puzzled as to why Italy got such a high number of death ?
No. 522002
>>521978One of the patients who died wasn't even on the state's COVID-19 total. Florida isn't in a great spot with regards to doctors being able to test people who display symptoms before they become life-threatening due to lack of testing kits and legislative red tape right now.
Meanwhile, the cruise ships continue to roll in to port.
No. 522012
>>521999>who board ships because their cruise package is the most expensive and fancy vacation they've ever taken in their life and so they wouldn't miss it even if it's to the detriment of other passengersThis is the problem with travelers right now. You have people with tickets they bought months ago for cruises and flights who refuse to give up their plans in the face of the outbreak.
I feel like the travelers also have more denial about the virus. This is some stuff I heard at work so far.
>”It only affects older people, so I won’t get it”>”This is no different to catching the flu every year”>”The plane will be too high in the atmosphere for anyone to spread the virus” No. 522014
>>521955Really, I hope you're right. But IF shit blows up, I'd rather be comfortably at home with everything I need, not out there fighting over a pack of tp.
And if it turns out to be pointless? Well, it's stuff I'd use anyway.
>>521950Just foods that last longer. Tinned and frozen stuff. Dry foods, some of those lazy ass "just add water" pasta and soup. Basic ingredients like flour, oil, dry yeast, sugar. Veggies that don't go bad quickly, carrots, potatoes.
And detergents, soaps, cleaning products etc. Ja paskapaapperia.
No. 522021
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I already vented about this a few days ago but I work in a business that is the trading point between the pharma industry and the pharmacies and it's been hell since around three weeks now. I work there for years now and I never experienced such a huge amount of request from the pharmacies because the constantly sold out of sanitizer. The hospitals are also low of sanitizer and on the top of that people start to break into rooms and critical care units in order to steal those sanitizer that can be found hanging on the walls. People are loosing their fucking minds. We are also still waiting for face masks because last time they sold out within minutes.
I mean sure, that means we make currently good money but at the same time a co-worker has pointed out that a lot of medicine is being produced in china (and india) and that a lot of factories stopped producing, which makes me also wonder how this entire medical situation will look like in a few months or at the end of the year.
I live in the most affected area in germany, not far away from me there is a small town that has currently around 1000 people in house quarantine, because most of them happen to affect them during the local carneval season because it's obviously a good idea to go on huge events with tons of people when just around the time two people has been discovered to be effected.
And don't get me started on going grocery shopping when the most necessary things are constantly sold out.
No. 522023
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>>522021and I like to add, specially this year I have a lot of concerts lining up and I just so mad about this because I feel shit like pic related ruins the fun for everyone tho. any anons still plan to go to concerts or nah?
No. 522024
>>521946For what I've gathered from other Europeans on Twitter, it seems that there are countries that aren't doing enough testing, so many cases are undetected right now.
I don't know if things changed over the last few days, but back when I checked people talking about it a week or two ago, I've read that in UK and Germany they don't/didn't test unless you've been in direct contact with a confirmed case or if you recently travelled to Wuhan.
Italy is doing a lot of testing, and every case gets reported right away. They're being very efficient - a girl in my sister's dorm was feeling sick after having come back from a travel in the Balkans, she called the hospital and some men in a full hazmat suit came in to test her.
It would've been much better if people from the North fucking stopped travelling and spreading the virus further in all areas of Italy, but now we can only avoid going out unless necessary and wait for the outbreak to reach its peak.
No. 522042
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>no coherent news from official sources
>chinese exchange students
>planes still flying there
>wacky tests
>cases confirmed
>lmao anon ur just paranoid xd chill
No. 522048
>>522042this and
>but there aren't that many reported cases or deaths yet, even in china!!!>believing chinayes because it's not like china forced a gag order and blatantly lied about doing so for months. it's not like they have a terrible record or anything, especially not one
specifically relating to this outbreak.
No. 522080
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No. 522085
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Any of you anons watch Netflix's pandemic? It's a docu series about stopping a pandemic/dealing with last years flu. It started streaming when the wuhan virus started gaining traction, most likely they though they were releasing it during a normal flu season.
No. 522099
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>>521801>>521791You won't have numbers if you don't test.
t. Germany
No. 522127
>>522023it depends. maybe if it is a smaller concert with ok ventilation, but I will definitely avoid the packed sweaty ones where everybody‘s fluids fly everywhere and you can‘t avoid contact.. gotta watch out since I work with an old, feeble person. it would really suck for them If they get a new, not extensively researched virus with stats like that because of me and others don‘t giving a fuck.
The official infected count for my area is still very low(northern germany btw), no panic and everythings pretty calm here. not like berlin supermarkets lol, at least they made public testing stations there now… but it would be cool if it stays that way and the hospitals don‘t get stressed out.
No. 522130
>>522013>>521980I misheard the news, sorry, it was actually the Grand Princess. She returned to work on the 25th and got tested on the 2nd. Chicago, BTW.
>>521982I know right!!! To be fair, under any other president we might be okay. But they're hardly testing anyone. They're lying and telling us that masks don't work, instead of admit they fucked up by relying too heavily on imports. The US's numbers are much higher than reported. Not to sound paranoid, but we really have no way to contain it, and I want to move to Finland now.
No. 522137
File: 1583612653614.png (548.64 KB, 602x690, article.PNG)>" It is not clear what caused the collapse or if anyone has died. Chinese state media says the hotel was being used as a quarantine facility monitoring people who had had close contact with coronavirus patients. The hotel reportedly opened in 2018 and had 80 guest rooms."What the fuck?!
No. 522192
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I hate how much I kek'd about this
No. 522200
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So I went to do my stockpiling duty following anons recommendation on this thread (thank you anons) and this is the state of our local sainsbury's right now. I live in south west London too and it's so very unusual to see empty shelves like this :
Toilet paper, detergent, long life milk etc all but have almost disappeared. No more bacterial gel to be found, or soap - it's all gone.
We went to waitrose, poundland and Tesco and all the same story - people
are definitely stockpiling in London at least.
No. 522209
>>522200My small ass Texas town is pretty wiped of hand sanitizer. Only one store decided to limit it.
It's so ridiculous
No. 522250
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>>522220you think these would work then? I might order some, theyre small but i dont particularly want to make my own hand sanitiser. These would be more discreet for while I'm at uni.
No. 522255
>>522250yes, they work as well. Alcohol can also kill virus from +60%.
>These alcohol-based products can't kill every germ that can make you sick, but health experts say hand sanitizers with at least 60 percent alcohol will help protect against the coronavirus.
>FYI: Purell is 70%, Germ-X is 62%, Bath & Body Works is 68% and Dial is 72% alcohol.a good summery here: No. 522259
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>>522257You do be surprised how many people do not wash their hands with soap and just wipe their hands on their pants when they sneeze. Fucking gross. It's just the panic that makes them do it now.
No. 522260
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>>522192pharmacy employees are one fire with memes
No. 522262
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No. 522302
Dumb question about home quarantine if you do get the virus, will you have to disinfect and clean EVERYTHING once you get better bc that sounds fucking expensive?
>>522295I legit have had swine flu and it was just a really REALLY nasty influenza but I was pretty young and stronger back then. I really only remember us being told to wash our hands constantly at school.
No. 522306
>>522269Pffft, rookie numbers.
t. Italian
No. 522315
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>>522312It mainly seems to be locals in my experience. How much of it ends up online for resale is your guess.
No. 522336
>>522315Definitely just locals where I am (south west london). There are very few asian people here. Also saw the odd person with face mask on which I'm not gonna lie looked so weird..
>>522312Your country is always chill anon. I lived there for a few years kek and my god never met a people who take so many things in stride and never seem to stress.
Imo it's pretty stupid to not cancel big assembly / events. Every other country seem to have followed the same protocol, closing down offices when cases are reported to deep clean (several occurrence reported by the press in london), cancelling big events or unnecessary travels (my company among others).
Re swine flu, I have no recollection of it being like corona. I was in my early 20s or younger and at uni. I remember it being vaguely discussed in the press but certainly no panic, no sense that it would spread out or that you might get it or anything like the coronavirus.
No. 522346
>>522312Initially there was a hoarding on face masks. (Late January, early Feb), but now there is no longer a shortage in the country, so this is no longer true.
t. Chinese Anon
No. 522414
this study from 2007 literally describes how scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology inseted HIV related genes into a horseshoe bat SARS-like corona virus in order to make it able to infect human cells: insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding
they even describe the insertion points they used above that other scientists aroind the world are now discovering which confirms the effectiveness of the 13 year old research.
weighing up all the research and the origin of the current outbreak, its reasonable to assume this thing got out of the Wuhan BSL-4 lab
2020 study that proves the virus was man made No. 522421
The people prepping for MONTHS are literally insane and need to get on meds for their neurosis. You only need to prep for you to last for 2-3 weeks of quarantine if grocery/food deliveries are not available to where you live. Just get a grocery bag full of rice, canned food, bread, meat (if you have a freezer), vitamins etc, not delirious shit like this
>>522315 which only causes strain on the people who might really need something you're hoarding. It's not a goddamn zombie apocalypse or wartime.
No. 522437
>>522312I work at a pharmacy in the US and most of our masks were gone from people buying multiple boxes of them in mid-January. By the time asian customers were asking about them to send to relatives they were sold out.
Since that time we had a single box of masks delivered to our store. We ran out of hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol last week.
No. 522441
>>522435I truly doubt there will be any massive fall down kek. We don't exactly import any food from china.
People are totally paranoid imo. Totally agree with
>>522421 people are OTT. Those hoarding are only making it difficult for those needing actual supply because quarantine.
Likewise, hoarding masks and sanitizer is only hurting medical staff who actually need those supply, the very people who are the line of defense between you and the disease soooo.
Well done on hoarders for buying those masks made in china btw kek.
All british supermarkets report by large they are not out of any stock at all, they keep refilling shelves only for panicked anim…people to grab everything and panic-buy. Hand sanitizer are reported to be rationed by some of them.
People need to calm the fuck down and get a goddamn grip. As anon said, we're not in a zombie movie ffs. In a few months it all will be history and then good luck to those idiots trying to resell hand sanitizer kek.
No. 522504
>>522455I might be naive or not informed enough but for now it seems very very unlikely to happen imo. This scenario where literally no one can produce food all of the sudden or transport it etc. That's seems wildly unlikely to me. Do you have any facts or figure that makes this scenario likely anon ? I'm not being funny, I genuinely want to know what might make it a likely scenario- and I'm not speaking about vague "what ifs" but actual facts suggesting "the bigger picture" might get bleak.
>>522444Thank you anon, exactly.
No. 522507
>>522471Things might change in a month, just keep your ears open.
At the moment, Florida isn't handling any of this well. The state health department, under orders from the state government, has discouraged doctors from testing for the virus outside of life-threatening hospital situations. Better to not make a number go up than treat people and prevent infection.
No. 522525
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That all looks like the "shortage" in supermarkets are created by people stockpiling, nothing else, hence why people need to calm down on the hoarding. Should get solved soon enough.
No. 522537
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>>521841shit is insane at this point
No. 522541
We got another confirmed case so that's 20 confirmed + expected confirmed from the now quarantined people close to them. Some schools had to quarantine about 100 people.
>>522537i'm sorry for the shitty situation anon but what is the general vibe there? are people panicking, are the elderly still very "lol idgaf" about it all. I'm actually curious because italy is such a weird place right now for all this.
No. 522549
>>522414I fucking knew it.
People laughed when I said some spiderman shit went down in that lab. I mean, I'm not laughing now, but it's nice to be vindicated I guess.
No. 522550
>>522549anon, bioRxiv is like a science wikipedia. Anyone can upload some xenophobic bullshit.
And they did, look at the withdrawn stamp across the pdf.
No. 522564
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>>522525I just saw here that a supermarket chain offers special prices for hoarding food. Looks like they know what the current situation is and hopefully it means that I need to worry less to get my shit when I need it.
I'm also the anon from yesterday
>>522021 and today I've read that the government of my federate state (North Rhine-Westphalia) wants to ban events with over 1000+ people so I can kiss all my concerts for this year goodbye lmao
sobs in anger but at the same time I wonder if they want to shut down schools and similar places because it's also a place with tons of people in it? Airports? Malls? Train Stations?? What's the plan?
No. 522565
>>522550aw come on, let me indulge in my 'gubment shuttin down the truth' fantasy
Honestly though, I skimmed through them both and the 2007 piece was far more interesting anyways. You can't tell me it's not at least slightly brow-raising that scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were researching how a coronavirus in bats could become human transmissible back in 07.
>a minimal insert region (amino acids 310 to 518) was found to be sufficient to convert the SL-CoV S from non-ACE2 binding to human ACE2 binding, indicating that the SL-CoV S is largely compatible with SARS-CoV S protein both in structure and in function. No. 522590
>>522547Depends of the business I guess.
Mine has closed down offices in London until further notice after one tested positive
. But we can work from home so it makes little difference to us being at home or in the office.
>>522564That's very smart and also proves no stock is running out anytime soon. Except if you're in a particularly remote area, you do not need to hoard food for 3 month imo. Just get what might be needed in case of quarantine.
My fiance decided to stock up food and supply for a month for two, it's more than reasonable imo.
No. 522591
>>522585I read the north is in lockdown in Italy?
I'm so shocked you guys have 300 casualties. Wtf.
Good luck to you guys in Italy, my heart goes out to you. Shit must be scary when close up like that. Please try to keep safe.
No. 522594
>>522565Theres nothing bizarre about it and those rumours add absolutely nothing to the matter. There are tons of tinfoil hat people out there spreading all the craziest shit, it's not needed right now (or ever). What is the use of spreading those rumours ?
I haven't read those doc yet but as other anons said, I'd take the source with a massive grain of salt (or two). There is nothing surprising in the fact that a virus evolves and becomes transmissible to humans. No need for lab/man made actions for that, seems to happen all the time with various viruses.
Not sure why these tinfoil hat hypothesis appeal to people so much. We're not in a video game kek.
Also, I'm not scientifically inclined much, sadly, would you mind explaining the meaning of the text you quoted in green in layman terms please ?
No. 522596
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Northeastern US anon here and coincidentally there has been a cough (sometimes with a fever) spreading around here which I think is so weird. It has been spreading at my university, and also some of my family members had it when I saw them yesterday.
Also, I just want to complain how nobody fucking knows to NOT cough into their hands when they're sick??? I fucking hate it. All of this information going around about how not to get others sick, plus being in the biology building you would think people are educated enough not to fucking do that?
Pretty sure they just quarantine us like animals just because humans aren't capable of simple things like washing their hands or not coughing all over everything and not being disgusting.
No. 522601
>>522564Lel das sind alles Sachen die noch in den Regalen stehen geblieben sind weil niemand sie will. Fehlt nur noch Kartoffelpürree.
But our government still seems to be in full denial, so I don't think anything will close or be done until it really is way too late. We are about 20 people short of hitting 1000 infections in what, 1 week? And they are trying to claim there are no deaths.
No. 522604
>>522601In English please
>Lel these are all things that are still on the shelves because nobody wants them. All that's missing is mashed potatoes.I love puree btw. Potatoes are one of the best vegetable ever.
No. 522610
>Lel das sind alles Sachen die noch in den Regalen stehen geblieben sind weil niemand sie will. Fehlt nur noch Kartoffelpürree.Also als ich gestern noch im netto für's sonntagessen war, war da nix mehr zu sehen. Selbst kein Kartoffelpüree.
Das Angebot für die Sauerkirschen ist schon ganz nice, mal gucken.
Aldi süd says that it will have disinfectant on offer next week. This will be the first time we will hear about deaths in connection with the corona virus in germany. They will tear each other into pieces to get some of it.
The only places that are in my experience ok to go grocery shopping are edeka and rewe. But rewe only on monday when they got a new delivery.
>our government still seems to be in full denialAbsolutely, Mr. Spahn has no idea what to do with situation and they already made so many mistakes that I don#t want to know what we will do when shit really hits the fan.
No. 522621
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>>522609>>522549>>522414>>522605Ok let's debunk shall we : That doesn't prove anything apart from scientific experiment for SARS
Nothing about it being man made. See below and attached highlighted right hand text too. Retracted by its authors following a backlash from scientific community. Again, a less than reliable source - publication on this website are "pre published" eg not vetted.
Both are thoroughly debunked there : yeah, no need to even read in details the documents anon provided : one has nothing to do with a man made virus (likely someone not understanding experiment protocols giving a very misguided, ignorant interpretation of what it was), the other is not even "published" ie vetted, and removed by its author, both are thoroughly debunked.
In other words, stop distributing tinfoil hats. People here are not necessarily gonna fact check and will take it at face value ("I knew it!"). No. Just no.
No. 522624
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>>522621Just to make this
extra extra clear, the bit that debunks all the above article (link in previous post )
No. 522685
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>>522669Can you at least hesitate on me
No. 522692
>>522669Kek it wont we already have insane amounts of stores cleared out in essentials so the rich and prepared would still live through it.
Also fuck me I just needed a few things not for stockpiling but only the expensive items are left for soap, toilet paper, canned veggies.
No. 522693
Worker for American red Cross in Portland/Seattle here
While Coronavirus has shown a low death rate, there are still strains of it still being studied that are very deadly and most likely the ones spreading, so far the death rate goes up by a few in America every day as well as the cases so obviously if it is growing that fast within days imagine how it will be for months, it is definitely something to be panicking over imo
As for protection outside of handwashing and sanitizer, wearing face masks can help despite people saying otherwise just don't touch it a lot or get a shitty one, change or wash it often, cleaning everything you own with alcohol, and boosting your immune system with vaccines, eating healthy, working out, etc and most importantly don't go anywhere unless you need to
I've been working with a few Coronavirus cases so far it's been elderly and medically sensitive people but no younger people yet outside of the facility member from UW
No. 522807
>>5227031. That's just a theory, I was just saying boomers need to be wiped out not that the strong need to come in
2.unless you live in a third world country there will be no crazy situation where rape is 100% legal, we already see women running for president, and men are more susceptible to Coronavirus anyway
No. 522827
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>>522812I suppose we should be thankful it isn't ebola considering everyone is like "LOL just had a nice Italy trip
cough how's your gran?"
No. 522831
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Meanwhile in germany you could see similar scenarios in front of pretty much every Aldi Süd supermarkets because they had disinfectant on offer. Even when they restricted to only 3 products for each person, it was sold out in less than an hour. It was reported that some fought over a bottle of it.
No. 522893
>>522890As the other anon said, jobs. But some people just cannot fathom that maybe you can't always do what you wanna do and you actually have to just fucking stay in.
>>522889 so sorry anon, have you stocked up on some essentials already?
No. 522897
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No. 522902
>>522591Yes, the North is in lockdown. They should've put them in proper lockdown sooner though, because with all the travelling they did and didn't stop until the very moment they were put in lockdown, they've spread the virus all over Italy while at first it was only in a restricted area in the North.
Yesterday there's been a huge controversy because during last Saturday night, before the new lockdown decree was enforced, there's been a literal exodus of people fleeing from Milan to escape to the South, putting everyone at risk and spreading the virus even further. Apparently authorities moved fast to have them all quarantined for 14 days, but people are rightfully pissed.
I just hope it ends soon. Thanks, anon.
No. 522909
>>522902The fact that they didn't lockdown sooner didn't just spread it all over italy but so many cases where I am came from separate visitors to italy well after the news already broke. Quite sad to see what the numbers are currently in italy.
People were slow to act and it's surprising how many chose to visit italy at such a time too
No. 522918
>>522909>it's surprising how many chose to visit italy at such a time tooTo be honest, not really. A lot of people don't realize the gravity of the situation and life goes on. It's government's job to warn people and limit flights. But hey €€€€€ first, right?
Here in London we demanded our school to make online classes and they REFUSED. Wtf are we supposed to do?
No. 522919
>>522915I know Germany and all, but isn't there some kind of non-suicide crisis hotline you can call when things get bad for you? A few countries set them up or so I've read.
Talking to someone else in the moment might help if possible.
No. 522922
>>522885Have I been on the pinkpill thread too much lately or are alot of these cases of people knowingly walking around and putting others at risk male? Like the guy in Japan who went to two different bars to 'spread it' and then told the staff at one of the bars about his plan much to their shock
Few cases in my country of men coming from high risk areas and going to school and work with symptoms..resulting in a closed school, closed university and a hospital with lots of staff out on quarantine. Only detail given in these local articles is its always a male. Someone here said men are more susceptible to it though?
No. 522928
>>522911Anon calm your crazy, you can't just "hide" deaths here like in some dictatorship. The hospitals, staff and their equipment is simply very good.
Of course your chances are much lower in China or Iran (and seemingly in Italy as well). But other Europeans and Muricans need to stop shitting their pants.
Also: seeing as chinese males are more at risk due to them smoking a lot, one could also conclude that people living on the countryside are safer, since unlike e.g. chinese kids or other people in huge modern cities, they didn't grow up only breathing highly poluted air and thus weakening their body/lungs.
No. 522939
We have the first two confirmed deaths in germany: One in Heinsberg and another one in Esses. The one in Essen was a 89yr old woman.
here in german: No. 522940
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>>522922I think that's just the pink pill jumping out. My cousin is planning to visit Italy in 8 days and she refuses to be bothered by current events.
It's not really funny but this "influencer" is another example from a few days. From the now-deleted tweets, she attended a wedding, numerous restaurants etc.
No. 522946
Only 7 cases in my state (US) as of today, but I'm starting to see some panic. I've heard of office buildings closing due to contact with possible infected people (especially those who have contact to NYC) and I have no idea how worried to be. My bf has a terribly weak immune system and existing respiratory problems, so he'd be done for.
>>521911I used to live in Seoul and I'd believe this. Crazy cults are huge in Korea, and for some reason Korean society seems to be extra susceptible to that kind of blind and fervent following (although normal people are wary and avoid these kinds of people). It's completely possible…interesting…
No. 522995
>>522986Give one argument why they wouldn't and how anything I've said is wrong instead of screaming insults. The government doesn't care about you and your relatives, which means the media doesn't either. They care about the economy and people going to work. And the health ministerium is one step away from straight up telling germans to literally fuck off. I mean, try it yourself. Go to your doctor and tell them you want to get tested on your own expense. When they reject you, tell them to call the Gesundheitsamt to issue one and listen to what reply you get. Or you can just listen to what hundreds of germans with serious symptoms and even some healthcare staff who already went through that spiel encountered themselves after trying to get themselves or others tested. We just had a speaker who refused (and probably hesitated) to give details on simple information of a death case. This whole thing was already set and completely forseeable at the end of January, yet it took germany to cope and straight up lie for longer than a whole month with first saying "don't worry it's just like the flu", then "it might be worse than the flu but only travelers from china should worry", then "only travelers from china and italy should worry, it's just Einzelfälle", then "okay it is worse than the flu and locals got infected but our medical staff is prepared and only old people get it, OUR BORDERS STAY OPEN", then "okay, maybe 70% of the population will get it but we don't know in what timeframe yet, maybe a few weeks months or years lol, you should do some light prepping btw" and now "we might need to close some important events but it's just precautions, it will be fine, just wash your hands and ignore the new 200 cases per day". I don't even know where you still get your blind faith from.
No. 522999
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post memes pls im scarefdd
No. 523000
>>522621>>522624>it's wrong because I say it isThat's literally this argument of the things you posted.
I guess fuck what the other scientists and shit say, nah it's alright because this official article said so! If the CIA put crack in black communities then I will believe they bio engineered airborne HIV.
No. 523002
>>523000by "they" I mean the powers that be
Not that the CIA was apart of this [possibly].
No. 523013
>>523007Except it literally never works. People who love traveling (or who are simply poor and had to save up for a long time) will never be stopped.
Plus if you apply that to the Chinese you will quickly be accused of xenophobia/racism…
No. 523033
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>>523011Can't have an increase in positive cases if you refuse to let state health departments distribute the testing kits.
My next door neighbors returned from a week long cruise yesterday. One half of the couple is coughing so explosively, you can hear it from inside the car with the windows up and the doors closed.
No. 523054
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>>522946>My bf has a terribly weak immune system and existing respiratory problems, so he'd be done for.Shit, anon I'm in the same boat! My bf is in no shape to deal with something like this and it makes me so worried for him. There's been confirmed cases in my state and the next state over.
God forbid my father catches it since he tends to pull shit like not covering his mouth when he coughs and drinks directly from the soda bottles we all share. I once caught bronchitis from him because of it. ugh.
No. 523097
>>523064I'm gonna be honest with you guys I'm on the verge of crying all of the time lol
I've already been home for three weeks because I study in one of the first "red" regions so to say, so the prospect of staying home another month is hard to digest, but it must be done, otherwise we'll never get out of it.
No. 523101
>>522831That‘s not germany
Looks more like turkey
No. 523111
>>523064Burgerland would shit itself if the whole country was mandated to lockdown, yet my people are the ones taking this the least seriously…
Good luck spaghets.
No. 523141
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a different quarantined ship is docking close to me (US). we have a growing amount of cases daily. one was a school teacher which had to have exposed it to so many children. that school and schools around it have been shut down. except mine. lol help. please let my girlfriend's symptoms just be the flu jesus christ
No. 523165
>>521758Irishfag by chance?
That's what happened here anyway, fucking family that came back from Italy
I wasn't really bothered before, but tbh I'm freaked out by it now. I think I read that they predict 40% of the world will have it by late summer? Like, is it just inevitable that I'm gonna get it basically. I wouldn't be anywhere near as panicked if not for the fact I have a small kid I'm worried about. I know it seems to harm children the least so far but not many have it yet
No. 523176
i live in the middle of nowhere and we got more than one case already, yay.
>>523167lol i feel you, i currently have a cold but i haven't been outside for a while so idk how people will react but i'm already expecting lame jokes
No. 523260
>>523238Was watching a vlog yesterday where a (practically housebound) morbidly obese woman was concerned about the virus because 'given what her weight is her immune system is likely weaker' girl you've been morbidly obese for at least a decade now and you don't even go out to work or use public transport. It was hard to sympatise
There's only twenty cases so far in my country but the very first customer I served yesterday apparently went to my manager to tell him about my flushed cheeks… I have rosacea lol
No. 523304
>>523064been self-quarantined for a week now. Honestly, I feel pretty safe. I think our government is being transparent all the way, which is why numbers are so high compared to everyone else, and doing everything it can to heal as fast as it can.
I'm more worried for you foreigners since your governments are too chicken shit to do wide tests and show real numbers. You risk stepping on a mine
No. 523321
>>523304Glad you're doing well!
My state briefly issued and then quickly repealed a virus-related travel advisory yesterday, speaking of foreigners and their governments.
No. 523327
>>523319>3% death rate>not realizing that in Italy nearly 40% of the resolved cases have resulted in death>not realizing that China's fake numbers are bringing down the overall death rate, as well as other countries hiding their numbersPlease stop with this 3% bullshit.
Out of the known cases in italy, 724 have recovered and 463 (nearly 40%) have died. As for the active cases, the death rate is expected to increase as the hospitals become collapsed and so they stop being able to give medical care to everyone.
No. 523341
>>5233193.4% is still a higher death rate than the flu, which is 0.1%. A lot higher actually. And the death rate for coronavirus has actually risen, and could continue to do so.
In other news, Trump was exposed to people who tested positive to coronavirus and refuses to get tested. He’s 73.
No. 523358
>>523352>>523354are you guys dumb? i was trying to point out how pedantic it is to be comparing a plague
in the 14th century to one now. my point is that it's likely corona would have been exactly like the bubonic plague was.
No. 523361
>>523358*to be comparing deaths from a plague
i need to go back to bed.
No. 523364
>>523353Could just be a common viral infection, keep after your eye.
I slept with some retarded dingus back on November who hid that he was sick from me. I wound up sick with a viral cold, and my eye became infected so that it was red and crusted. I had to go get special eye drops for the subsequent bacterial infection.
No. 523373
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>mfw my preparedness is the opposite of panic
>mfw comfy af knowing me and me mum have food, facts, and febreeze
>mfw in x weeks when 0/10 anons are 2l8/10 anons
No. 523392
>>522703I’m very doomer but deep down I don’t want a stupid lethal plague to ‘thin the herd’ either because life is not a fun zombie game. My country (UK) is so strict on self defence weapons that we’re not even allowed true pepper spray and I’m willing to bet, if people resort to looting, the only thing most families have at home to defend themselves will be kitchen knives. I think I’m particularly fucked, I’m in a shitty urban area, small woman with no training with anything, my home is on a ground floor where the door has a retarded single layer glass panel next to it, there’s no way only me and my aging mum could fend off just one crazy man if he really wanted to rob us.
Anyone in here, Bong or not, with a plan in case things escalate to that level of violence?
No. 523406
>>523368Same anon, this dumbo bitch keeps going on and on about "I don't understand why people (esp in service industry) won't self quarantine!" as myself and another young coworker who just left our service industry jobs explain to her for the nth time about how not everyone works a cushy office job that gives them sick leave and health insurance and for a lot of people it's either 1) go into medical debt to get tested or 2) go into debt anyway because they aren't allowed to go to work and make money. In response she's just like "well then I just won't order take out for a while!"
The real cherry on top is how she knows that I don't have health insurance from this position with this company too. The place won't fall apart if I'm not here, but I'm
also in that position of "do I take the two weeks worth of missed pay or do I go into work?" I won't come in but it's a real thing people think about and shouldn't have to be forced to debate on, but miss cushy HR bitch over here just says fuck all the people who can't work a nice and secure of a job as hers. Her and some other co-worker also keep making jokes like "haha don't go to Chinatown or else you'll have to self quarantine for two weeks!" but none of the confirmed cases (of which we have surpassed the 100 mark) have been from Chinatown yet so….. real classy HR, real classy.
No. 523423
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No. 523424
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No. 523427
>>523353Anon, unless you spend a significant amount of time physically close to your delivery guy, you're safe.
People need to calm the fuck down.
There is no "doom", no looting will happen unless people continue behaving like a bunch of animals that just witnessed an eclipse. It's not a zombie apocalypse, healthcare in this century is incredibly good, nothing dramatic will happen.
It's just a flu, and a flu that so far has killed mainly very old people.
You're all safe.
Keep. The. Fuck. Calm.
No. 523443
>>523364>>523427Thanks all anons. I used eyedrops all day, the inside of the outer corner on one eye is red and inflamed still.
Every time I get a package delivered by him it smells of cigarette smoke badly, I should've thrown the exterior bag away and wash my hands but I just brushed it off as nothing to worry about.
Just be careful out there everyone.
No. 523456
>>523453every single boomer must die.
>>523303Crève, charogne.
No. 523463
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it is pretty funny though that so many republican politicians who have been spreading non-stop propaganda that corona is a complete non-issue and that it's totally fine to fire emergency response teams, have an abysmal healthcare for citizens, and have essentially 0 preparation, that it's fine to emergency funding, are now self-quarantining and pissed after coming into contact with a dude with confirmed corona at CPAC, kek
No. 523466
>>523392Screwfix catalogue. I so need this hammer so I can hang cute pictures in my living room.
>>523410As someone who lives in the UK, there is going to be no benefit to having free healthcare in this. Because it's funded by public money the NHS is already operating at it's limit. It needs to spend money efficiently so there is no extra capacity. If COVID-19 infects a highly populated area the local health service will probably collapse under demand. Free testing for everyone might sound good until you realise that the availability of it is dependent on public money which is a limited resource. Think what you want of universal healthcare under normal circumstances just don't expect it to save more people in a pandemic.
No. 523488
>>523466I wouldn’t comment on American healthcare unless you live here struggling to get said healthcare. Basically no one here has any insurance (unless you have or were born in to money which is a very small portion or if you job is in a large company and able to offer it to you), which causes us not to go to the doctor which in turn makes it so people go around spreading the disease without being told to be quarantined or getting any medical intervention at all. People question “why wouldn’t you go to the doctor if your coughing up blood?” There is a complete unavailability for medical care to people in America, literally working people. Young people don’t have health insurance here, I don’t have health insurance, my brother, my mother, etc. Not to mention the huge amount of homeless in America who get this disease, cannot self quarantine, and because they can’t get medical care, cannot quarantine and go on to mass spread disease. People here are scared to go to the doctor, and it’s fucking sick and cruel. It would definitely help.
No. 523508
>>521867religious shrines there are kissed. it's not the only reason but it's one of the reasons.
has everyone checked out dr. john campbell of the UK on youtube? he recommends vitamin D to help boost the immune system. he does an update every day, sometimes twice a day. i can't recommend him enough, he is smart and serious and not full of shit. he's been following this since the end of january, which helped me to get prepared.
today they said on the news that everyone in the US will have someone close to them die from the coronavirus. i feel so hopeless and sad and worried for all my friends and family. i don't want anyone to get sick. i keep crying.
>>521869i know it sounds so stupid but i am praying all the time now for things to get just the tiniest bit more hopeful. the things happening in italy are just horrifying.
No. 523513
>>523488Adding this here: Americans would go to the doctor but even the sliding scale clinics can slap you with a four-figure bill for a lab test you didn't consent to nor was informed about the cost of prior to it happening. The cost of lab tests aren't always transparent unless we know to ask. So it's safe to imagine many Americans would avoid getting a COVID-19 test out of fear of being slapped with an outrageous bill later. It sounds crazy, but it's the very nature of our healthcare system. Lab fees are a huge moneymaker.
I'm not exaggerating, either. Even when I had good insurance, I've gotten ridiculous bills for lab fees that my insurance didn't cover. This was for very basic work, too.
No. 523544
>>523410Living in a country with free health care and our hospitals are a joke, waiting times here already kill people, hospitals have been short of beds for about two decades and the funding is never enough to fix it, every year the regular flu and the winter vomiting bug result in chaos with hospital beds. Old and sick people sleep upright in chairs after being admitted, several days living on a plastic chair waiting on that bed. Got norovirus? Stuck on a chair with no privacy or dignity as you shit yourself. Got terrible back pain? Sit upright for days with no option to lay down.
Systems with covered health care tend to already be under a tremendous workload without outbreaks then adding to it. I think Americans have a very different image of what free health care looks like but that's the reality of a government trying to provide free or subsidized care.
No. 523546
>>523009I kek’d
I’m kind of salty all my friends’ universities are cancelling class but my school still hasn’t said anything, rip.
No. 523591
>>523532Christ, I wish there more context for some of these videos. Surely not all the people lying on the ground is, at least directly, related to coronavirus?
And what the hell is happening at 20:12? I hope that’s just a bloody nose…
Poor people. I feel safe rn where I am for several reasons, but China looks like hell.
No. 523592
>>523437Correct but I'm not talking about the market here. It's an issue on another level altogether.
people behaving like fucking animals is the problem. Spreading rumours to panick people further, inciting them to hoard rather than just stockpile reasonable amounts, is the issue.
Not saying there are no challenges or nothing to worry about, but goddamn, this is not Left 4 Dead-level apocalypse yet, and it's highly unlikely to be.
Feels to me like some doomers/preppers are way too happy to have a topic to feel validated/get excited about, idk.
We'll figure it out like we figured the swine flu, the SARS and anything else.
Hence the "keep the fuck calm" people.
No. 523596
>>523591All of these are in connection to corona, they are quite well known and the dude left out the fake ones people assumed to be corona cases at first.
>>523592>I'm not talking about the issues, i will just continue to downplay them even when faced with numbers and examples that already happenedokay
No. 523597
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Did anyone prep anything? I bought probably a months worth of food for my house(rice, beans, canned veggies, canned meat, pasta, flour, snacks), vitamins/medicine, toiletries and some weed+honey Jack Daniel's. I'm pretty paranoid in general so I did all my shopping like three weeks ago and was luckily able get everything I wanted.
I'm also taking a once-a-day vitamin c tablet(500mg), zinc(10mg) and iron(10mg) in addition to preparing all of my food at home and exercising more. Have you guys started making any changes in your day to day life yet? I work at a restaurant that's like 5 blocks away from the largest convention center in my state and I just know that someone with corona is going to come through the restaraunt if they haven't already.
No. 523600
>>523515This is the issue italy is currently having. Health care workers are getting sick and demoralized. In some cases, they are having to make the decision of which critically sick person to save because their resources are so low.
Corona virus is no joke. Theres a thread up at r/askreddit right now with people in italy sharing their experiences with the virus. Dont underestimate this, especially if you or anyone you're in regular contact with is immune compromised.
No. 523626
i'm in australia, went to my specialist the other day for my chronic illness I have and asked her if I should be worried about coronavirus or take extra precautions due to it. she just told me there's no use in worrying about it because probably we're all going to get it, but only the very old and very sick have any reason to worry about it, and that i shouldn't become a shut in because of it. just to take the already recommended precautions, have good hygiene, take my meds, eat healthy, exercise and use my judgment. i don't really know how to feel about that advice, but i guess she's right in that freaking out about it is useless.
still worried about my family, though, especially my nan. she is quite old and frail and in poor health, and i haven't gotten to see her in a few years because of distance/money, and now it's not even safe to visit her. if something happens because of this shit i'm going to be crushed.
No. 523635
>>523616Not Scandinavia but I feel like the German government is way to chill about it as well.
On the Swedish news rn:
"Regeringen får i dagsläget inte besluta om att stoppa stora evenemang eftersom det är väldigt starkt reglerat i lagen. Det säger socialminister Lena Hallengren i P1-morgon.
– Man kan inte begränsa människor från att mötas eller stora evenemang utan att det finns en indikation och en grund för det, och den kommer från Folkhälsomyndigheten, säger Hallengren."
(It says that the government cannot legally stop big groups of people from gathering at this time.)
No. 523636
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>>523435San Francisco anon here. We have the largest population of homeless in the US. St Anthony's, the leading distributor of meals to the homeless, shut down its cafeteria and is distributing take away meals.
Yesteray the mayor allocated $5M in emergency funding towards preventive hygiene in shelters and supportive housing to which I reply, what happened to the hundreds of millions that went towards the Homelessness & Supportive Housing budget since its expansion over two years ago? I live in supportive housing, and the budget expansion did nothing to improve conditions here. WTF will a measly $5M do?!'m still sick from pic related. We've had three fires in my building since October 29th, the last two weeks ago.
No. 523638
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some updates on the current numbers in italy
No. 523639
>>523515You sound educated re pneumonia, anon. In 2015 I had bacterial lobar pneumonia that caused severe sepsis (the stage before organ failure). How fucked am I and others with a similar history?
And to demonstrate what I said in
>>523637, the hospital kept me for only three nights when the recorded average for my condition was 9 to 11 days according to the CDC. And Medicaid required prior authorisation for my antibiotic script so I couldn't take it for 48 hours. Of course I relapsed and spent another three days inpatient.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, when I began developing chronic respiratory illnesses I had probably the best insurance in the country and hospitals kept me inpatient for a week or longer for simple bronchitis if that.
US health care is a shit show.
No. 523640
Harvard University is moving to virtual classes because of the novel coronavirus outbreak and the university is asking students to move out of their dorms in five days, according to university spokeswoman Rachael Dane.
"Harvard College students have been asked to move out of their Houses and First-Year Dorms by Sunday, March 15, in an effort to de-densify our community," Dane told CNN in an email. No. 523645
WHO's report on the situation from china(as far of what's reported by them):
>Among 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases reported as of 20 February 2020, the median age is 51 years (range 2 days-100 years old; IQR 39-63 years old) with the majority of cases
(77.8%) aged between 30–69 years. Among reported cases, 51.1% are male, 77.0% are from
Hubei and 21.6% are farmers or laborers by occupation.
>As of 20 February 2020 and based on 55924 laboratory confirmed cases, typical signs and symptoms include: fever (87.9%), dry cough (67.7%), fatigue (38.1%), sputum production (33.4%), shortness of breath
(18.6%), sore throat (13.9%), headache (13.6%), myalgia or arthralgia (14.8%), chills (11.4%),
nausea or vomiting (5.0%), nasal congestion (4.8%), diarrhea (3.7%), and hemoptysis (0.9%),
and conjunctival congestion (0.8%).
>Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have mild disease and recover. Approximately 80% of laboratory confirmed patients have had mild to moderate disease, which includes
non-pneumonia and pneumonia cases, 13.8% have severe disease (dyspnea, respiratory
frequency ≥30/minute, blood oxygen saturation ≤93%, PaO2/FiO2 ratio <300, and/or lung
infiltrates >50% of the lung field within 24-48 hours) and 6.1% are critical (respiratory
failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure).
>mild to moderate disease includes pneumonia cases No. 523646
>>523631I was talking more about the videos of people "fainting" and bleeding from their mouth supposedly from the virus. Those seem fake as fuck. You know how many videos you can see on youtube of Chinese doing theatrics for one thing or another, screaming, throwing themselves on the floor, acting like they are fainting/convulsing/death etc?
Theres also one video that looks like the guy is plain out drunk.
Also the videos of people that are supposedly dead in the middle of the street/stairs. How do we know 1) they are actually dead, and 2) it is from the virus? Three years ago I was in a bus in Frankfurt and looked outside the window and saw an old man, dead in the middle of the pedestrian road. Poor dude just had a heart attack or who knows what.
Let's not forget those videos that show people not obeying the law (of getting check ups) and being rude to the police/docs or whoever were those guys in white suits, and threatening them with knives and shit. Come on now. You wont see that shit happening in Italy, Japan or the other countries being affected by it.
No. 523649
>>523646You know what, I'm not going to make the effort to respond to all of that or give known context to some of the videos you're talking about since you are either coping or completely detached from how people in non-super-sophisticated areas act. I have been living in a major german city for all my life and have to travel through the north for 5 years now and never saw anyone suddenly collapse or just lay on the floor that wasn't a drunk homeless person. But yes, you are right. All these wuhan people are just collapsing for fun and laying there motionless for minutes, in such a convenient timing, under a disease that already killed people outside of china suddenly without showing symptoms and causes organ failure exhaustion and fever, emergency is also just arriving for fun, white blankets and bodybags are also just layed over them for fun, the relatives are crying for fun, the nurses are having nervous breakdowns - not because they're completely fucking overworked - but for fun, everyone in the background is also just acting for fun and the ones posting these are avoiding their highly damage-controlling and instant-deleting country's firewall and risk "disappearing" for fun. People being rude in distress, especially at the fear of getting "quarantined" in china also never ever happens. No one would ever DARE to be rude to the police in Europe or America. The dudes sealing off entrances of the infected? Videos of people screaming from their balconies because they are out of food and medical help? Just for fun. Bad things only ever happen in the news, everything else is fake. They can never happen to me.
No. 523655
>>523649>not going to make the effort to respond to all of that> replies with a big ass paragraph>hurr hurr chinese people never lie! never!I shouldnt state the obvious but you seem like the kind of person that needs to be spoonfed. If there's a dead person in the middle of the street when theres a plague going around, you are damn sure the responders will be suited up to go see what happened. But again this doesnt mean the person died from the virus.
Did I say the nurses/doctors were faking it? Did I say the people screaming and threatening the police/men in white that want to do the check ups were faking that? You need to calm the fuck down and reread what I wrote. Or go back to study english because you obviously are not understanding what I am saying.
No. 523659
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My uni refuses to close unless they get a positive amongst the teachers.
I'm so mad. People at my uni are brainless drunk-monkeys, they are going to spend all weekend partying and getting infected ugggh!!! We already have more than 2,000 patients with coronavirus, but hey, let's go out!! Hghgf
Humans should get extinct for real, we are plain stupid.
No. 523661
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>>523638> average age of the deceased in Italy is 81 years old.Call me when it starts killing people not at the death's doorstep.
No. 523668
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>>523661i dislike boomers and they don't really add much to society but i do hope my mom is okay. mom is a good one and can stay.
No. 523680
>>523673>Where do you guys think the virus is coming from?I got this lulzy tinfoil since they outbreak started that it was some goverment scheme to eradicate the old people in China since the one-kid policy would fuck up the economy as there would not be enough young people to sustain the older population and it got out of control.or it just being a bio-weapon that turned on them and then spread worldwide
No. 523681
>>523668 > i dislike boomers and they don't really add much to societyI mean we're on a site where a good portion of the twenty-somethings are neets who contribute nothing and freely share their lack of acheivement and blame it all on vague things like low mood and less than perfect parents (that usually still house and feed them as adults)
Not saying 80 year olds dying is the worst thing but the blanket statements on here saying saying fuck old people (except my lovely mommy!) .. it's getting dumb to have this shit posted multiple times a day. We get it.
No. 523684
>>523682Bitter social misfits posting shit like
> "once me, my mom and my cat are ok, fuck everyone else, they can all die"Yes please wipe us out.
No. 523699
>>523669They don't know exactly why the infection rate of kids is low/ almost non existent.
>Don't children typically suffer more from most viruses? Yes but thats why they build a strong defense. For example, when both my kids started daycare they would get sick all the time. But after a couple of years of that their immune system got strong as hell and now they never get sick. That and also teaching them proper health etiquette helps .
No. 523701
>The average age of deceased patients who tested positive for COVID-2019 is 81 years, they are mostly men and in more than two thirds of cases have three or more pre-existing diseases. This is confirmed by an analysis of the data of 105 Italian patients who died on March 4, conducted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, which shows that there is a 20-year difference between the average age of the deceased and that of the virus positive patients. The report concerns the deceased patients and is based on data obtained through the completion of a questionnaire developed ad hoc for the detection of death cases. The average age of the patients examined is 81 years, about 20 years older than that of the patients who have contracted the infection, and women are 28 (26.7%). The majority of deaths 42.2% occurred in the 80 to 89 age group, while 32.4% were between 70 and 79, 8.4% between 60 and 69, 2.8% between 50 and 59 and 14.1% over 90. Women who died after COVID-2019 infection are older than men (median age women 83.4 - median age men 79.9). The average number of diseases observed in this population is 3.4 (median 3, Standard Deviation 2.1). Overall, 15.5% of the sample had 0 or 1 pathologies, 18.3% had 2 pathologies and 67.2% had 3 or more pathologies. The most represented comorbidity is hypertension (present in 74.6% of the sample), followed by ischemic heart disease (70.4%) and diabetes mellitus (33.8%). The median time from onset of symptoms to hospitalization was 5 days and the median time between hospitalization and death was 4 days. "Although preliminary, these data confirm the observations made so far in the rest of the world on the main characteristics of patients - comments Iss President Silvio Brusaferro -, in particular on the fact that the elderly and people with pre-existing diseases are more at risk. These are very fragile people, who often live in close contact and we must protect them as much as possible". No. 523709
>>523693I was quoting a post from days ago. I know that at least some of it is jokey but it's just getting repetitive
One cruise ship had three separate loads of passangers infected from three journeys. Jut kept carrying on as normal.
No. 523711
>>523705That's my worry. Non symptomatic carriers and we all know kids are a great breeding ground for any illness. We're testing people who've been in contact with the ill but if children tend to silently carry it you can't clearly see how it's spreading.
If schools close I can still imagine people (in my country at least) treating it like an extended summer break and still bringing kids out to keep them entertained.
No. 523712
>>523596Of ffs. You're either dumb or missing the point of my message entirely on purpose. I know doomers and peppers have a hard on for the corona but damn. If that's all you can contribute, don't misquote. Perfect example of how people become a bunch of hoarding panicked animals.
>>523673No, it's not true, it's been largely debunked, read the thread or do your research.
>>523594I'm a doc in the ER, so no. I just know not to panic and keep a cold head. Most of you here are healthy 20 somethings, the least likely to die from it - at most likely to carry the infection, yes. Keep informed on how to care if you have very old relatives you share an accommodation with.
My message is not meant to say there is no reason to be scared, it's meant to say stop all acting like a fucking deer in the headlights and
hoarding food/supply like the world is ending tomorrow. Again, we'll figure this out, there is no reason to blow this out of proportion, it's not wildly different from any other viral outbreak we've seen so far.
No. 523715
>>523710We had the whole retarded debate here yesterday where american anon insisted that free health care makes everything a-okay but this is likely to happen in any country that is overwhelmed with cases. The extra equipment, staff and beds don't exist so you're fucked either way when it reaches the point that Italy is currently at.
>>523712Nobody on this site is a Doc, come on
No. 523719
>>523716No one calls themselves an "ER Doc" for starters, maybe anon is a nurse who thought lying about her title would give her more clout in the discussion but yeah.
You probably shouldn't believe everything on the internet and no less an imageboard.
Most people I know in the medical field are stressed the fuck out right now, not trying to play up the "cool head" shtick to seem more rational than the other "animals."
No. 523730
>>523728True but I'd think they would do it regardless no ? It's not like they exactly care what people think.
But yeah, it's an opportunity to see a few "annoying" people disappear. Wouldn't be surprised this has already happened as we speak.
Now that's fucking scary. Imagine that.
No. 523732
>>523634Hungarian anon checking in, a state of emergency was declared just now, and universities are closing their campuses. A travel ban was issued to Hungary from Italy, China, South Korea and Iran and they're also banning indoor events with more than 100 participants and outdoor events with more than 500 participants.
We have 13 infected and 69 in quarantine. No deaths so far.
No. 523733
>>523731So he's scared. This is how human behavior responds to news about pandemics.
Just wait until there's the added stress of people sick with covid landing at his hospital doors. Then he can pretend to be rational fencesitter then too.
No. 523741
>>523733I doubt Someone with this much experience medically will ever panic like you seem to hope they will.
But I'll leave it there, there's no talking sense into you, anons. Don't know if you're just preppers and doomers with a hard on for anything that looks like a pandemic, just very bored overall and need some excitement, or just plain thick, it's a waste of time.
No. 523742
>>523739Hear hear. I give up. This thread is a mess.
Going back to real life, no point wasting time with this bunch really.
No. 523745
>>523740But is it truly cancelled, shamrockanon? Is there a travel ban?
Tourists will probably still show up. As far as we’re concerned, everyday is St. Patrick’s day in Ireland. God knows it won’t stop us over here.
No. 523746
>>523716Don't want to get too off topic given there's already fighting above me but the majority of posts where I see anons sharing life details they describe living at home with parents, living with a bf and having no job, hating their bf but being unable to break up because they've no income, bitching about their parents being noisy in their own house.. the list goes on.
It's just what you see more often than women with careers or a lease. Neets posting 'should I save up to buy a switch' is my fave trend lately.
No. 523751
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I already see all my concerts being cancelled I'm devastated lmao. Any other concert fags here feeling this?
No. 523752
>>523745Well I meant the main parade but I'm sure the day of drinking will carry on as normal for some. Honestly just surprised the parade isn't happening. It's absolute shite every year but I know a lot of planning goes into it all year round
Smaller parades are still happening in towns, thank god! Cos I wouldn't want to miss the dinky little three tractor parade my town gets spoiled with..
No. 523757
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>>523751Yep. Cities having a Celtic fair I want to visit, but I most likely shouldn't because I'm an at risk corona case
No. 523767 did it everyone. Stupid question but what happens when WHO declares something a pandemic?
>>523766Good, it'll keep those rats inside
No. 523778
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No. 523793
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Well, when it's my turn then?
>“When the virus is out there, the population has no immunity and no therapy exists, then 60 to 70% of the population will be infected,” Merkel told a news conference in Berlin on Wednesday, according to Reuters. The country has over 82 million citizens.
>“The process has to be focused on not overburdening the health system by slowing the virus’s spread. It’s about winning time.” No. 523803
Influenza kills more people than the coronavirus so everyone is overreacting, right? Wrong — and here’s why
“There are four other strains of the coronavirus, but the attack rate of this virus is relatively high as there is no immunity to it.”
The name ‘influenza’ originated in the 15th century in Italy, from an epidemic attributed to the ‘influence of the stars.’”>>523800Do Muslims bend the rules for things like this?
No. 523804
>>523803dude, we got it. in fact someone posted something to try to downplay corona that proves it's more deadly than the flu. people forget that when calculating morbidity we look at deaths vs
recoveries and not just deaths vs total cases.
No. 523818
>>523793This has been known and published by the Robert Koch Institute(germany's main institute for illness prevention) for almost a week now. The whole conference is her saying "we'll do something" over and over again without actually saying what they are planning to do to stop the spread. This is a fucking shitshow, why are they like this.
For german anons or those with google translate:>they want to prevent getting into further debt>aid for companies who are in financial emergencies due to corona>merkel claims to have taken care of the problem since january>Border closures to contain the virus were rejected by Merkel as an "inadequate response to the challenges".>Mr. Spahn and the president of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar H. Wieler, jumped in. “Lockdown is naive. The virus will come anyway, ”said Wieler. "It's about slowing everything down. There will be a vaccine at some point. An immunity of the population will develop. "Spahn said about a spread of the virus:" Cross-border closure does not prevent that. It is in the country. ”Spahn does not want comprehensive school closures either. This leads to new problems if, for example, grandparents, who are at greater risk than older people, have to take care of childcare.>"We always work really well together in the cabinet and now we do it much more intensely," said Merkel, praising her minister: "I think Jens Spahn is doing a great job in a difficult situation. I have total confidence, it's a great exchange. "They will do abso-fucking-lutely nothing so watch us compete with Italy and Iran soon.
No. 523819
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Has The Stand been COVID-memed yet? I'm running low on wit today.
No. 523822
>>523621Assuming you're being serious, just get cat food and litter. You should honestly be buying both in bulk anyway because its so much cheaper.
>>523814May depend on a state by state basis but I've never had an issue getting a non narcotic filled for 3 months. Just tell your doctor you'd like a three month prescription because it's easier to pick up based on your schedule.
No. 523825
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I'm interested in what anons here think of pic related from 4chan. It was posted back in January.
>>523555Yeah I don't trust people to stay good natured during a crisis, I think looters are also smart enough to head for the richer communities first (and praying whatever they find there will keep them satisfied and away from my area). I spoke about this to my mum and all she had to say is 'there'll be law enforcement around'.
No. 523830
>>523824Your doctor can release your prescription ahead of time regardless of if your insurance will cover it or not (they should cover it though). If for whatever reason they dont cover it, you can always try
I cant tell you how often that website saved my broke, insurance-less ass.
No. 523832
>>523818I'm op and for me it's 2015 all over again. Of course it's just about winning time. It's always been and and not doing anything, just waiting and not answering questions. People are mad (again) and nobody wants to give a clear answer to anything. We are so low on nursing stuff and thay they have to care for 70% of germany would mean a total collaps of that already garbage heath care system. It's another problem that is known for YEARS and what did they do? Nothing. Mr. Span Wuhan Son no.1 said in January that everything is under control. Bitch where? Germany is pretty much what the "This is fine" meme is about. They should have stopped all airplanes back in January from china when it was first heard of the virus. Now it's all over the place where I live. Happy Birthday.
No. 523841
>>523803No, you're supposed to fast unless you're too old/young or pregnant, or you're really sick.
I just won't be home so my parents can't nag me to fast and pray.
No. 523844
>>523822I'm on Medicaid. I get my meds from Walgreens which offers 3 month supplies where available through insurance. I can't get my asthma/COPD inhalers more than one month at a time. One costs $536 and the other $417 so no way can I afford to pay out of pocket to stock up.
>>523830Does work with Medicaid?
Of course, this all depends on my incompetent Not A Doctor being competent.
No. 523850
>>523847I meant to quote
>>523832 Either way, please stay safe as far as you can anon.
No. 523852
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Take care of your folks, folks!
No. 523853
>>522899Sorry anon, I'm replying to this 2 days later but
holy fuck, we have currently 246 infected people here in Austria and the council of Vienna said that schools for people older than 14 will get closed on Monday, and for the younger ones it will get closed on Wednesday until Easter Break which starts April 4th so that means
three fucking weeks no school/university/etc. for anyone and me and I am already stressing out so much. So incredibly much. I graduate next year and this year is already so stressful for me, because my grades are absolute fucking shit and now we have
this virus and I feel like having a complete breakdown, because I cannot cope with failing and I want to pass my year so bad. Fuck this virus.
Besides that, all the theaters, museums, etc. are closed too and people are already starting to buy a lot of things in all the supermarkets like a bunch of greedy bitches and sell it on ebay/amazon all expensive.
>>522893Thank you for your concern anon, and yes I have.
My family always has a lot of things stored in the fridge so we don't have to spend unnecessary money and I believe it'll help us for a long time if the entire country is quarantined like Italy.
One thing that's absolutely annoying is that I cannot talk all normally with my family about the virus without getting attacked by my
abusive narc mother (who always finds a way to victimize herself). I was telling her about the 246 infected people like 10 minutes ago and she immediately said that "Anon you want me to get infected I know you want it that's why you're telling me about it you want to get rid of me you hate me", like I've never said such thing but ok.
I apologize for the rant and bad grammar, I'm just a huuuuuuge mess right now and so panicked and tired of everything. 2020 is so exhausting.
I also have a very bad cough so yikes. No. 523856
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Any Nebraskanons? I don't know whether to be concerned or not. For as boring as NE is, it has great medical facilities. Many passengers from the Diamond Princess cruise are continuing to be brought here for treatment. There are 5 separate cases unrelated to the Diamond Princess here, and three of the cases were tied to one woman: the woman herself, her father, and her brother. I know it isn’t as bad as other places, but I’m still worried about how fast the spread is.
No. 523859
>>523854Since we're only at 500, closing all schools is excessive. However, I expect in the coming weeks it will be more likely they'll start closing more schools.
I am an employee of the state and they have begun banning all traveling to conferences and keeping meetings online instead of in person, so that's good.
Many elderly care units have stopped accepting visitors as well.
I wonder what the environmental impact of corona will be?
No. 523867
>>523853Can't you extend your study years by one semester or apply for a "holiday semester"(not sure what it is in english)?
Also, I wish they'd ban or heavily fine the reselling already. There is no reason not to at this point.
No. 523870
>>523855The 2020's have begun with such a drastic start
>The end of the war in afghanistan>the end of the war in Syria >coronavirus causing a global depression on par with the great depressionwe are going to be feeling the effects of this decade for generations
No. 523878
>>523877. If you don't have meds, try to at least get an albuterol sulfate "emergency" inhaler.
No. 523888
Fucking hell you guys, I just want this shit to be over with so that we can have our goddamn lives back.
Everything about this outbreak has just brought out all the worst in humanity and confirms all of my cynical, misanthropic suspicions about our race. Most people seem to recover/have mild symptoms of the virus other than the really fucking old and people with pre-exisiting conditions, and yet if you turn on the news you would think zombies are running around in the street and we are all going to starve to death.
It is just a constant, 24/7 orgy of fear and despair. It's like the media WANTS people to go apeshit, so that they can be on the frontlines taking it all in.
I just want this all to be over so I don't have to be afraid we are going to chimp out on each other and start riots, raping, and pillaging because collectively we are fucking stupid and cannot handle shit beyond where's the nearest toilet and, can I have fries with that???
I am honestly more scared of humans and their response to the future than I am the actual virus. We can never seem to handle things calmly and rationally. It's either apathetic and nonchalant or full on AIDS, burn down houses and start attacking each other like rabid dogs. All the things in the world we can do, and yet the moment we even have to contemplate the fucking reality that we could die, as though it was never an option, suddenly people's primal urges start coming out.
I guess my only hope is that, through all of this darkness, that when things begin to calm down and either there is a vaccine or whatever, we will have a global renaissance and the world will be a better place than the one it is today. Perhaps in some strange way we needed this to wake us all the fuck up and appreciate how good we really do have it.
No. 523889
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Colorado declared a state of emergency this morning, and a few of the colleges here have shut down.
Most of the people who tested positive have been traveling or family of people who traveled. Why the fuck are people still traveling!? How hard is it to stay in one place for a few weeks? Jesus.
No. 523892
>>523888I sympathize but do you ever go outside or are you getting all this online? I have a normal 9-5 job in a big institution and everyone is being chill about it and just washing their hands a lot more. People have bought a reasonable amount of spare food and made sure they have remote working set up just in case and that's it. Definitely no rabid dogs burning down houses.
Like maybe if you're sick of the news media fueling your misanthropy then stop watching the news? If you KNOW they're putting on a circus of despair for the clicks then stop drinking it in like it's a true vision of reality.
No. 523896
>>523892>I have a normal 9-5 job in a big institution and everyone is being chill about itSame here. They gave us all hand sanitizer and HR sends occasional emails about it but it's business as usual and no normal people are going crazy.
We've had issues with panic buying and hoarding tp in my country, and some absolute bogans have fought over it in stores, but that's the worst that has happened.
No. 523898
>>523896Yeah same. There is some panic buying going on but the only real problem I've had is that I need a mild antiseptic for a chronic skin condition and I can't get that for love nor money.
I'm most worried about my commute TBH, I take public transport and people are a little TOO chill about it. They're not even covering their mouths when they cough!
No. 523900
>>523897That's not a family.
Stop talking to those terrible people they're clearly aggressive towards you.
No. 523912
>>523898Which antiseptic? Curious former med/piercer fag.
Maybe we should start a supply chain of our own. I have an extra Ventolin albuterol inhaler available. And all of the corner stores in my hood still have plenty of TP and disinfectants in stock at their original prices!
No. 523923
>>523915Hell, I even have extra masks, both N95 and basic medical ones, left over from the wildfires of 2018. I can't use them due to my asthma/COPD. They create a massive strain on the hearts and lungs of people with chronic respiratory and heart conditions. Of course, no healthcare entity has offered people like me an alternative. Before the start of wildfire season last year I called several health departments and care providers; surely they had come up with something during the previous year, I thought.
"Sorry. We don't have any advice for you at this time."
"I guess we'll just get sick and die!" I replied with a maniacal laugh at their incompetence.
No. 523928
>>523597I live in the rural United States where, if our power goes out, we have no water and we try to stock up as much as we can when grocery shopping. So we always stay a certain level of prepared: bottled water, spare non-potable water for flushing(I know it won't be an issue, but I'm just sharing what I do. What if the well pump goes out and we're on quarantine, for example?), canned goods, paper goods, medicines, stuffed freezers, things to trade and give to friends and relatives. That said, I hadn't considered taking a vitamin and may start doing this; thank you for sharing your experience. I hope that won't be the case for you at your workplace.
My area has cases popping up, including one they still can't seem to trace the origin to, and may declare state of emergency since the state we share a border with has done so.
People here haven't gone into panic mode yet, so that's good. Everything tends to happen in extremes here. It can go from apathy to insanity in a second.
I'm not worried, but I am taking it seriously.
No. 523932
>>523916Spic here, we're still pretty chill about it. In my region (Madrid) they closed all the schools including colleges and people are taking it as the kids are on vacation, seen plenty of children on the streets today.
There's been footage of empty supermarkets with people buying meat and vegetables in bulk, like we're not living in a warm country and there's so much your refrigerator can take. The footage also showed the old ladies waiting in queue with bags over their heads instead of masks kek. I don't know where it was because I went shopping this afternoon and aside from coffee and some canned goods everything was in its place.
I'm not worried since I'm not in a risk group and neither are my roommates or my work colleagues. If I catch it so be it, I'll just try not to spread it further.
I also had a good laugh these days because one VOX (the Spanish far-right party) politician tested positive and they had a meeting last Sunday in a building with 5k+ people. Now all the old fascist farts who attended are scared for their lives.
Media is nuts though and they're trying to spread panic everywhere. Just like they always do. But people here are pretty chill.
No. 523936
>>523892I am the anon you’re responding to. Yes, I do have work and school for the time being. I apologize if I sound stupid, I am just mentally over it. I have relatives attacking each other in the family because someone sneezed, my campus refuses to give us definitives on whether it will be closing for safety, and we have a lot of money stupidly tied up in the stock market, which I have always been wary of.
I came here to vent, that’s all, which is what I thought this thread was for anyway. I have a right to how I feel personally, and you as well. Let’s try and respect one another as this is affecting everyone in many ways. My thoughts are with all of you, and may tomorrow hopefully be better than today.
No. 523977
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No. 523981
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No. 524027
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>>524004honestly people are just making memes about it, its a big fucking joke until its not anymore
No. 524030
>>523933My college is on spring break right now and they extended it another week with online classes for a few weeks after.
I really hope graduation doesn't get canceled. I didn't graduate high school and I was really looking forward to getting to walk for commencement just once in my life.
I'm gonna admit I'm a bit nervous about this because I got swine flu in 2009 and almost legitimately died from pneumonia in 2015. My immune system is shit.
No. 524031
>>523977Damnnnn, RIP US.
Im glad Japan chose to close all the schools so children can stay at home, so early on.
No. 524035
>>524028Wut? The horse is already out of the barn and down the road.
>>523977We're fucked.
>>524027Well, dark humor is a recognized coping mechanism of first responders and medical personnel.
>>524030Another pneumonia '15 survivor here. I live in fear, too, anon.
About to head to Walgreens to pick up a refill for monteleukast. Asthma and allergy and COPD anons, ask your provider about this med if you haven't heard of it. It really helps me.
Hopefully they've restocked the TP…
No. 524041
>>524036>To include trade, and cargoThis is really going to fuck things up even more.
They canceled the Figure Skating Worlds that were going to be in Montreal.
No. 524043
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No. 524048
Southern burger reporting. Not panicked but just concerned, given the address tonight and seeing this
>>523977, I don't feel like I'm prepared enough. I bought some supplies tonight.
Could fellow burgers and italianons weigh in on what they're doing?
No. 524051
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Coronavirus is in my city and I'm so afraid for my dad. He's 63, he smokes, and I think he might have chronic bronchitis. I'm terrified that he wouldn't be able to survive if he caught coronavirus.
No. 524063
>>524035The way he worded it sounded like WHO wanted to "try out" strict lockdown/quarantine measures specifically with Italy, but only
if an outbreak occurred there… which makes me think they weren't convinced yet that Italy would be a hotspot. Italy only had 2 cases on January 31st, there were other European countries with more cases at that time.
I'm guessing they were focused on Italy because of their really old population?
No. 524079
>>523825Well…the virus is already in Brazil with approx 25 reported cases.
Please don’t reach the bats, Corona-chan…
No. 524083
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No. 524086
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This broke my brain
No. 524102
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>>524098It's all so tiresome. I want to take leave from my job as a precaution to my parents I live with (both nearing their 70's) but it'd be a huge financial hit and I think the agency I work for would think I'm being hysterical (they're taking the "just wash your hands guys!!!" approach.) I live about an hour outside of NYC where there's a massive population of commuters who use public transport to go to work. I have a feeling we'll soon be in a situation similar to New Rochelle. I'm doing my best to keep it together but this is getting very real very fast. Anons I hope this doesn't get too much worse.
No. 524105
>>524104Who said anything about hoarding them? See my previous post
>>523923. I'm trying to help fellow anons by offering what I can.
PS Fuck you
No. 524106
>>523888I tried taking the same approach you have because the media is creating hysteria, and as someone with anxiety, I typically feed off of the feelings of others. I tried to ration that we can overcome this, we overcame SARS and Ebola before, but was accused of being unsympathetic. I was so pissed I just deactivated my Facebook because I can't live in fear like this. I already do it, I don't need to be carrying the burden of everyone else's fears too.
Literally we just have to limit our time around others. Well, I'm unemployed so I never leave the house, I already feel like I'm quarantined and am going stir crazy. Now I have someone bitching at me because I want to live my miserable life, meanwhile they're stockpiling their house like a doomsday bunker. What am I supposed to do because I'm clearly not doing it "right"?
No. 524120
>>524111LA's Skid Row and and the homeless pop in San Diego were the centers of a widespread hep A outbreak last year, so they are already on a lot of people's bad side.
My neighborhood in SF is the center of the homeless population here, and I spent a few weeks on the street (camping in one of the parks) here myself a few years ago. And I quickly got sick when fall arrived which led to life threatening pneumonia. The homeless pop here is much larger, much sicker (physically and mentally), and much more heavily into drugs than it was when I arrived. Sometimes when I head out for an errand on a sunshiny day the human suffering I see just outside my building's gate is too much and I return to my room for a bit.
I'm trying not to contemplate what may happen here by the end of the month.
No. 524127
>>523998I already posted about it upthread but again, according to the WHO:
>As of 20 February 2020 and based on 55924 laboratory confirmed cases, typical signs and symptoms include: fever (87.9%), dry cough (67.7%), fatigue (38.1%), sputum production (33.4%), shortness of breath (18.6%), sore throat (13.9%), headache (13.6%), myalgia or arthralgia (14.8%), chills (11.4%), nausea or vomiting (5.0%), nasal congestion (4.8%), diarrhea (3.7%), and hemoptysis (0.9%), and conjunctival congestion (0.8%). No. 524128
>>523936Hey sorry for being overly harsh. I have a lot of friends who are edgy misanthropist shut-ins and I ran out of patience a bit.
I can understand why you're worried and I hope you can get a bit more clarity on your college situation at least, it sucks not knowing what you're supposed to do.
No. 524129
>>523912It doesn't matter exactly which as long as it's mild enough to apply twice a day without damaging my skin or poisoning myself. I normally use cetylpyridinium chloride or chlorhexidine, I've used diluted hydrogen peroxide in a pinch but I wouldn't want to do that every day.
The first aid shelf in every pharmacy here is just EMPTY, I can't get any sort of antiseptic at all. I don't know what people are even expecting to use it for, soap will work better for washing their hands and the virus doesn't cause skin lesions. I think they're just buying any medical stuff that seems vaguely useful.
No. 524162
>>522669Seems like bad karma.
>>522940Planning to visit Italy to do what? See tanks roll through the streets and prison riots? They were told told to shut down all restaurants and shops. No. 524172
>>522940 and that was posted just before Italy flipped the sign to "CLOSED."
My cousin whined about it but she seems to be taking things slightly (very slightly) more seriously now, from what I can tell. Germany's 3 official virus deaths so far have helped things sink in.
No. 524178
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a fucking idiot doctor in my country went to work after a holiday in austria, he is a fucking heart surgeon and operated couple of patients the day he got sick. he got sick at work and still stayed the whole day now there's doctors and nurses in quarantine i can't believe this
No. 524185
>>523667Because some of us aren't sociopaths and don't want people to die from it, regardless of age?
Also, old people aren't the only ones dying, they're just the ones dying the most. Any young person with respiratory problems or immune issues is at a high risk of death too.
No. 524189
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its still business as usual here in my country. 0 reported or confirmed cases. really eerie considering whats going on in the rest of the world. why are we immune so far. went to the grocery store this morning to stock up on some stuff and it was literally empty…shelves still fully loaded.
No. 524223
>>521903Why the hell are the French like that? "Nooo you must touch me and be close to me or else you're weird!"
it's the opposite of American culture
No. 524233
>>523825This is scary as fuck, and I know this is pol and I should be "used" to it but
>dinduI love how they talk about us like we're not gonna be apart of it and are just some automated NPCs. Shit like this makes my heart very darkened, tbh.
No. 524239
>>524145Vodka is only 40% alcohol, hand sanitizer needs to be at the very least 60%.
You can buy 99% rubbing alcohol and mix it with a bit of aloe gel, make sure the mix is over 60% pure alcohol though.
They also sell 70% alcohol that you can put in a spray bottle and use as is.
Are you guys out of rubbing alcohol in your counties or something? I don't understand the fuss about hand sanitizer at all unless you guys are out of alcohol as well.
No. 524256
>>524223In Spain we're like that too, if you're a woman, is disrespectful not to give two kisses when you meet someone.
Btw I'm tired of people not taking seriously the stay at home recommendations, we're going the same path as Italy but worse.
No. 524265
>>523916I'm from Spain and this is a shitshow. Most people are reckless as fuck and keep whining about how upset they are because the government is cancelling big events and they can't party or celebrate. I live in Valencia, Fallas were cancelled and everyone is going to hang out either way. I'm astonished at how little empathy everyone has for others, just like this fucker
>>523932 who doesn't understand that getting sick is something to be concerned about. You still have the virus during those 5-6 days of incubation and you can help spread it further jesus christ.
Spanish people are just reckless as fuck when it comes to partying and being concerned about something. I think they are afraid of being afraid.
No. 524273
>>524239I was experimenting with marinades for meat that use a high amount of alcohol a while back and since then I have an almost full bottle of rubbing alcohol.
I also have a galon or so of isopropanol, which is used to disinfect like concrete and shit. I use it from time to time to disinfect things. You can buy that at the hardware store for cheap. It dries out skin like a motherfucker though. Don't even need to wash it off because it will evaporate. Don't use near open fires (same goes for rubbing alcohol).
No. 524279
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A local county in my area just had an e. coli break out in the water. It shut down the schools, but this'll make it so no one washes their hands and it'll overload the hospitals even more
No. 524288
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>>524273Ntayrt but the only reason why I have a couple bottles of iso right now before everyone panic bought is because I used it to clean my glass pipe and rig
>mfw weed is saving my day again No. 524300
>>524298considering one of them claims she tried to use it with food, take a guess.
>>524273>I was experimenting with marinades for meat that use a high amount of alcohol >rubbing alcoholthis is the most retarded thing i have read all fucking day. not only do marinades not actually work other than to impart flavor, you should never ever be cooking or consuming rubbing alcohol. it has chemicals in it, it's not just water and alcohol.
No. 524303
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I love this song
No. 524310
>>524300> you should never ever be cooking or consuming rubbing alcoholSays on the bottle: contents alcohol, water
Also says: shouldn't be consumed pure, needs to be mixed with water in at least 1:1 ratio
Which implies that it can be consumed. Maybe I misnamed it when I said it was rubbing alcohol. It's food grade 96% ethanol, it's found next to vodkas in the store.
No. 524321
>>524177I mean, we think the virus jumped from bats originally. If the virus jumps from humans who have been infected with the strain from the bats in China to bats in South America, the virus could both mutate and/or begin spreading that way. A mutated strain of the virus could be deadlier, and then we’d be fighting COVID-19 and COVID-19 2.0.
Or something like that, I’m not a scientist and I don’t understand anything. It’s just what this anonymous guy who had “insider info” on the outbreak has suggested and that’s the way I understand it.
No. 524327
>>524265Eres tonta nen?
Not running around with plastic bags over my head or hoarding every roll of toilet paper doesn't mean I have no empathy. I just can't not mock the people who do that or righwing nuts who hide the fact they had the virus and spread it.
I requested to work from home and I'll probably stay the fuck inside for now until this calms down or wipes us all out. I have supplies for at least a month.
No. 524330
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>all countries around us slowly close down, permit travel and close their schools in preperation>but we can't>our main politians, even the educational minister, are against it and subtly implying they wait for it to get even worseFinally we'll do the title "Germs" justice.
>>524323Oh my god, fuck off.
No. 524338
British Chinese who wants to vent here.
I've never been so embarrassed to be Chinese to the point where I'm ashamed of it. World news and the media has made anti China sentiment almost popular. I personally have nothing to do with that country and have very negative opinions about it, but as the coronavirus spreads it's like putting racism towards East Asians on steroids and I'm afraid of eventually being a target when my parents already have to tolerate such things at their jobs. No matter how hard we work, how good our English is, how long we've lived here, racists will assume things about every aspect of our lives and some sick fucks will make a 'joke' just because they can.
There are already a few articles about East Asian people being attacked by complete strangers in the UK, like this ( one where an Indian woman was punched unconscious trying to protect her Chinese friend from verbal abuse. It's not an isolated event.
This shit is just so upsetting that I'm this close to relapsing into NEETdom, like what's the point of going out anyway when I don't want to be infected or racdially abused? And I know I'm shitting up the thread here but I hope to reach out to any other East Asian diaspora here who are 'pretty much white' for support and ideas on how to protect ourselves, fuck anyone who thinks this is racebaiting (this thread is already p much containment for that, isn't it?)
Non-Asian anons, if you think you can persuade them, please repeat to the people around you that violence and insults towards anyone who looks Chinese is not going to stop this virus. Question people as to why it's okay to mock their fellow human beings when
we are just as afraid to fall ill to a frightening pandemic, nevermind how we have to tolerate increasing abuse because of our appearance. If you aren't of Eastern heritage but have friends who are and might be vulnerable, offer to walk with them when they're out in public because this coronavirus really
is bringing out the evil in people. No. 524341
I'm more worried about the economical consequences of this craze than the virus itself. I work in transport business, and in addition to January-March period, when things are always going slowly, coronavirus is going to wreck us even more. My boss is foaming at the mouth already at my coworkers suggesting a home office.
>>524229similar, except no flour and meat. I still gotta buy water, but I don't own a car and carrying all those bottles back home by myself is going to be a pain in the ass.
I got a bit panicked yesterday, cause people keep fucking buying all available toilet paper. I managed to snatch some today.
No. 524349
my workplace has decided they'll pay you for two weeks if you get placed under quarantine or contract covid and has also waived their absenteeism policy and now I'm fucking praying I get sick tbh, I will happily quarantine myself in my room with my unread books and DOOM Eternal.
>>524284because now it's recognizable famous Americans getting the disease and not icky chinese people so now maybe idiots will stop thinking they're untouchable and start taking it seriously. that's me being hopeful though.
No. 524351
>>524338People are panicking because they think they're gonna die yet instead articles/stories about supposed racism pop up left and right. (I'm personally not scared but you can see how others behave here…) Sorry but that's just not the main priority now. Demanding sympathy or even special treatment is only gonna make it worse. Of course chinese individuals are not at fault but people being mad at China is understandable. at this, China even thinks
we need to apologize to them…
No. 524363
>>524362my school has been working this week to allow us to work remotely because we just can't stop working (i'm in game dev)
i feel like my career is kinda fucked tho
No. 524368
>>524351Sure, they’re just attacking random Asian people on the street because they’re mad at China’s government.
That’s not a hate crime at all, it’s a protest.
Gee whiz.
No. 524375
>>524351Honestly, you sound kind of ignorant. Anti-Sinophobia's a major thing in lots of countries and has a long, documented history in the United States. Racists have made it acceptable to harass any Asian-passing person on the street. This isn't a matter of them disliking what the government is doing, because if it were, public micro-interactions like that wouldn't be happening.
>>524338I understand and am sorry you're going through this. I'm fortunate enough to live in a more diverse area but can definitely imagine strangers being more hostile towards my East Asian friends if we weren't.
No. 524383
>>524351"Supposed" racism? This is actually happening to people, some of whom have nothing to do with China as it exists in the modern day. How is that anon or any of the people in those articles 'demanding' sympathy or special treatment by asking not to be hit in the face? One of those articles is about a
victim from Singapore and last month a Thai man in London suffered a broken nose from being attacked over the coronavirus. This is beyond being mad at China, I bet these attackers are more like opportunistic sadists.
>Demanding sympathy or even special treatment is only gonna make it worse.Honestly ask yourself, if this was aimed at black people or Jews, would you have made that same statement?
It's becoming worse anyway. If anything, the only people aggressively wanting special treatment are those lefty smug journalists who profit from these articles and get to feel good about 'doing their part' while the actual
victims are seeking hospitals and are probably worried about whether it's worth taking to the police who don't care. Tbh it seems like the coronavirus is finally getting Asians to speak up about Sinophobic sentiments.
No. 524386
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I think NC has hit it's tipping point. It's declared emergency a few days ago, but the main problem is that it's most populated city, Charlotte, just got hit with Corona. Even worse 1 person tested so far hasn't flied internationally so it's already spread. It's just not tested
No. 524387
>>524256I think you're right, if people don't take it seriously we're going to end up like Italy…But what else can you expect? I already saw 14/15 years old wanting to meet up these days because all this class cancelations…en fin.
>>524327(me has hecho reír con la primera frase)
I think exactly like you tbh. I get it, we have to be careful and try not to spread it but all this I'M GOING TO BUY ALL THE SUPPLIES IN CASE THEY TELL US TO STAY INSIDE NO MATTER WHAT is getting out of hand…they are acting as if tomorrow we would not see the sun light for months and I think that's not going to happen.
No. 524388
>>524327>"si me contagio, pues me contagio">critica a la media por hacer que la población entre en pánico sin razón.Lo siento, tu mensaje daba a entender que eras una de esas personas chill que se la suda todo y piensa que mientras no esté en riesgo su vida no pasa na.
Ten cuidado y perdona si fui agresiva. Buena idea lo del teletrabajo. Buena suerte.
On a side note, my university has finally closed hooray!!
No. 524390
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>>524386Another big brain NC poster. I'm concerned because NC has kind of a weird landscape. Cities are like a 20 minute drive from extremely rural farmer areas.
No. 524395
>>524351>Not wanting to be fucking punched by racists is "Demanding sympathy or even special treatment">>524367>Treating racism like trendsI think the fucking retard virus is active on these two.
>>524363Why do you feel that way? It seems like, for times like this, game dev would be even more important.
>>524370My aunt and I were just discussing how a large majority of men are unhygenic. They're not even considerate enough to do one simple thing.
No. 524396
>>524388Na, lo decía más bien por la gente en general. Hoy la terraza de delante de mi oficina hasta arriba a la hora de comer y así nos va. Luego tenemos a las señoras locas del Mercadona con bolsas de plástico en la cabeza.
El "si me contagio" pues bueno, no haré un drama de ello. Me voy a aislar para no contagiar a los demás pero tampoco me voy a morir.
No. 524402
>>524398My aunty called that corona hotline number and told them that she's had a cough since February and that she works in a school, asking whether she needs to get herself tested and their reaction was "Were you in contact with somebody who's infected?" "No." "Okay, then you're fine." lol. I also know a family there mother, father and grandfather are infected, yet their kids still have to go to school.
In today's news they kept saying how bad the situation in US is and how well it is going here. They don't give a fuck at all, they only care about the economy.
No. 524412
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Oh yeah I forget to mention, but their is this big thing going down at my local school. Basically a school had a 700 dollar field trip, some DC thing I assume. The kids were driving on the buss until the county shut down all field trips. Kids returned and a parent asked for a refund. The schools refusing to refund and have no plans for a new trip. It's a big thing in all the local groups because they just realized they sunk 700 dollars in nothing.
>>524403I'm really worried about SC too because Carowins just said they aren't shutting down and is only "following" the CDC recs. It'll attract a lot of people, but it'll let NC infect SC
No. 524416
>>524412that sucks, but it's better than them going and risking their health, plus the health of so many others. local school here just went on an nyc fieldtrip and i can't help but think what a terrible idea it is. i'd rather be out $700 than risk my kids bringing back a highly infectious disease.
>>524410i'm not french, but i don't mean endearingly or even negatively, i just mean generally. he's french and his name is very close to macaron, so it makes sense. also, i am sorry to disappoint you frogs, but they are disappointing desserts considering how cute they are, so from my perspective, it could very possibly be fitting. people should be honest and admit that macarons are just manipulators. they are liars that deceive with their good looks and let you down terribly, wasting your calories, and your $4.
>>524415pft, try some real desserts, buddy. you'll take that back right quick.
No. 524421
>>524414weird, seeing as aside from palmier they're my favorite sweet but go off with your ignorance sweaty
>>524418agreed, trying to force a nickname on a world leader that even the french don't consider because its childish makes it that much more apparent what they themselves are, which is childish. trying to push the narrative that "hurr I dont like macarons, therefore they're shit".
No. 524423
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BRUH I thought this tweet was ironic. It's not.
No. 524427
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>>524330>>524398>>524402Merkel & Co. is driving me nuts. Just heard that they don't to decide if they shot down school, but make it a decision that every state has to make on it's own.
As a NRW fag I have the virus pretty much around me at this point. My mum works near Heinsberg, where it's really bad. My Aunt is a school teacher, here are several schools that closed because of that. The pupils are being schooled on other schools lmao. My Uncle works with several trainees who all attenend to a school that is also closed because one girl got the virus. In the meantime all of them are at work, without being tested (they are also around me). Next week my mum wants to celebrate her birthday, with her mum, who will turn 70 this summer and belongs clearly to the risk group.
Things are only being shot down when it fits the bill. For example, the work next to my mum has two confirmed cases. Did they close the business? No. What did they do? Cleaned the bathrooms and everybody could continue to come and go as they pleased. Stuff like that is just something I can't understand.
Merkel pointed out that here in germany they managed to witness the virus unfold unlike in any other country … and that's about it. idk I really have no idea lmao
>sorry for my garbage english rn I'm tired and mad at the same time No. 524456
>>524338They hate someone because they think they'll give them a virus… so they go over and physically assault them, maybe even getting their blood and spit on them.
Truly the master race.
No. 524471
>>524411Maybe our immune system is stronger thanks to la bise
Nah lol we're fucked
No. 524472
My family went to buy lots of necessities even though they aren't really concerned by the virus. They're just worried of not being able to buy food because of the hoarders, and I guess they felt like imitating everybody else just in case
>>524470Where did you find this information? Is there a list for the people who have died, with their age and health informations? I just want to reassure myself that I'll be safe lol
No. 524480
>>524477of course they are.
also protip: masks do help! obviously hospital staff need them first, but since it's mostly transmitted via droplets masks help protect against that and prevent you from touching your face! luckily i had some because i use them for crafts.
No. 524485
>>524484I'm like your boyfriend. I think growing up with the threat of nuclear war, IRA terrorists, ISIS terrorists, AIDS, bird flu, mad cow disease and being made to feel constant panic has desensitised me.
I've always believed what happens happens and there's not much you can do. I'm still using public transport, not stocked up on things, being chatty with strangers, being…normal.
I kind of expect it to be another over dramatised scenario. The boyfriend's panicking about his mum who has COPD. Idk, we'll be fine.
No. 524541
>>524537Anon, are you playing me?
Btw, ignore the sperging retard.
No. 524610
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I know this sounds a little crazy but it got me thinking. Do you think the virus was spread by the government to stop the riots that were happing at the end of last year, like that's all you were hearing about coming out of China, and then suddenly the virus "accidentally" got loose, but then it got out of hand and they could no longer "control" it(not like you really can).
No. 524631
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>boyfriend's mom has lupus
>the rest of his family including his siblings and dad have asthma
>my little brother comes home coughing
i do NOT want to send his family to the hospital because my brother has garbage hygiene
No. 524639
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>goverment takes not-perfect-yet-decent safety measures to prevent the virus
>schools,gyms,churches,events etc shut down
>even high traffic roads are relatively empty
>ppl freak out and keep flooding supermarkets
>some dumbasses, instead of limiting their outings, go out at CROWDED places like cafeterias and take their fucking kids outside
>many ppl treat this like a vacation instead of a serious situation
>afraid we will end up like Italy and our already shitty public hospitals won't be able to keep up with the demand
also the past few days I've been having dreams related to the coronavirus despite not going out much and being careful overall
No. 524645
>>524639first of all,I'm not panicking I'm just disappointed my life has been limited that much suddenly.maybe I shouldn't have used such a dramatic reaction image
secondly it's not just "reading shitty news outlets", it's stuff me and the people around me notice.IVE witnessed traffic decreasing from the one day to the next, I've seen idiots going outside as if this is all a chance for a mini-holiday and my bff works at a huge supermarket and the demand has been insane for the past few weeks.
Italians didn't act like the virus was a big deal at first and look how they are now.I see people acting similarly here and it worries me.Our goverment seems to have taken measures sooner even tho Idk how much they could be hiding from us.Italy's health system is at its limits and I don't want the same to happen here.
As for my dreams,I can't help it.It's all over the news and conversations and I don't actively worry as much as some anons here.It's my subconscious acting up I guess
No. 524646
>>524645meant to answer to this
>>524640anon and replied to myself kek
No. 524653
>>524648my current worry is subconscious. I was consciously more worried a few weeks ago when I was still using public means of transportation. And ofc I know I can't change people's mindsets and care about my own well-being, but seeing people being either paranoid or careless is just so annoying.Even if I do my best to be careful, I'm annoyed that inevitably the assholes who are careless will end up being dramatic in ER when their parents/grandparents get sick and blame everyone aside from themselves. And even though I know my family and I are generally careful, you never know how the virus could be transmitted to a vurnerable member of your family.
You are right though, maybe I should avoid the news for a little bit. I just want to be informed about what's up and don't spread misinformation,but even if I do avoid it, people will keep talking about it since it's currently the #1 trending topic worldwide
hopefully when they weather gets warm all this will stop eventually
No. 524670
>>524338ha, now you all know how other minorities feel.
No. 524677
>>524661>tfw you cannot be nice anymore because a racist retard will now suspect you of carrying a virus >>524670is this now the oppression olympics or what? racism towards asians always has been a thing but it's not seen as something as serious as racism towards other POC because you know, "ching chong" jokes and funny haha fried dog haha jokes are always funny and seen as something
harmless. you seriously sound so fucking stupid
No. 524680
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This is depressing.
No. 524688
>>524670>implying racism against Asians wasn't a thing before CoronaPlease fuck off with your ignorant ass oppression Olympics bullshit
>>524685Wow, people on a feminist website are critical of a company that's sole purpose is to profit off of getting men addicted to viewing the sexual exploitation of women? Call the cops right now
No. 524690
>>524680"Company known for exploiting child rape
victims for profit also uses a pandemic as a marketing opportunity."
At least if the world ends Pornhub will end as well.
No. 524709
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>be me
>have fever
No. 524730
>>524708>get warned>call people schizos and paranoid dumbasses>shit hits the fan, just as you were warned>get angry that the people you called schizos actually prepared themselvesDon't blame others for decisions that you made. Instead, use the resources you still have left and try to stay safe while letting this thing run its course.
All these "Haha it's a nothingburger y'all are just hysterical" people seething and panicking have only themselves to blame.
No. 524735
>>524732How am I projecting? I'm certainly not getting mad at people over water because of my own negligence. Do you actually know the definition of the word, or are you just so pissed that you used the first term that came to mind?
No one told you to hoard shit, but would it have killed you to think "Hmm, this virus is getting people antsy. For my own and my mom's wellbeing, maybe I should buy enough necessities to last us at least a week before things go out of stock"? Basic logic.
Stop getting angry at others over your own irresponsibility, the blame game won't fix anything. Like I said before, use what you have. Maybe find another store, and try thinking ahead for once.
No. 524737
>>524735i'm not that anon with the mom lmao you absolute brainlet. i have all necessary resources i could need and i still go out to the grocery store because this isn't a fucking apocalypse and going outside to buy things every day won't kill me if i take the necessary precautions. there's 0 need to hoard shit and there's nothing to fucking prepare for. i'm mad because you hoarders are actually the worst.
>i'm not projecting>assumes we spent the weeks before calling people schizos and paranoidok.jpg
i hope you get corona so that shit you're hamstering doesn't go to waste
>>524736you don't even make any sense and you know it
No. 524741
>>524732>Dying with everyone else is the responsible thing to do.Haha. Good one, sis.
Listen, if governments cared about lives they'd have gone the Russian route of closing their borders way back in January. Instead most of what they care about is obtaining more money and power. They just don't want people to panic because then they might ask questions that endangers their money and power. Seriously, just ignore them. Now IS the time to panic. The more you panic today the better off you'll be tomorrow.
No. 524752
>>524737>didn't specify they weren't that anon with an "NTA", like anyone with an IQ above 15 would>expects people to just know they're some random person butting in angrilyNo wonder you're so mad, you're literally incapable of planning ahead.
Even if you don't believe the virus will ever get that bad, any person with a brain would've seen that other people are buying out the market (and blogging about it, even) and make sure they're not the one lacking. It's what a shitload of people did, but you were clearly too dumb to, and assuming you're not lying about being able to buy shit, you clearly still are.
Keep listening to the government's (bad) advice, wishing coronavirus on strangers and bitching in general all because you have no supplies, or are worried you won't, but are too stubborn to admit it's time to stock up like an adult would. Remember, you put yourself in this situation, and no one is obliged to pity you. Also, Google "projection" anytime. I think you need to.
No. 524757
>>524753The same country that suppressed information on Corona's spread and threw a giant food festival days after they knew about it? The same country that loves to kill off its own citizens and shows no regard for their wellbeing?
Glad you're on their side. Maybe you should move there and live in Wuhan to show your allegiance. That way, people who actually deserve to survive can live in your house and use the meagre supplies you still have.
No. 524762
>>524760What in my post didn't sound like a joke to you? I literally told you to move to China, lmao.
>autism>redditNow this is projection. Anyway, stop screeching. If you're right, you have nothing to bitch at us about.
No. 524770
>>524767You just unwittingly gave another example of actual projection, kek.
You replied to me first to sperg out, but alright. I'm sure you need the last word, so feel free to take it after this.
If this spreads to you, I hope you don't spend your last moments to throw tantrums on Lolcow instead of going to the hospital.
No. 524791
>>524788 Yeah, and all the customers said the same "OMG WALMART/COSTCO/BJS/SAM'S IS SOLD OUT!!!"
It was annoying to hear people say they're totally not hoarding but of course they need to buy four packages while bringing up all the facebook videos they saw of people carting cases of tp.
No. 524797
>>524789Went shopping today and where I live I mostly saw older people bulk buying toilet rolls and tinned/dry food items that will last. Didn't really see young people shopping differently. I was let skip the queue because I only had a basket while everyone else had piled up trolleys. Pensioners were out in force stocking up.
Sounds different in the US but younger people aren't panic buying here.
No. 524810
>>524806There’s been nothing that says hoard all fucking resources. Prepare for if you get the flu, not the apocalypse. Like one box of flu medicine, summer is coming and than is won’t be so contagious. The hoarding makes no sense, you’re all going into meltdown mode like extra toilet paper is going to be your saving grace when your taking from other peoples day to day. I work all week I don’t have a car, I have limited time to go to the store and I have not been told by my government to war prep, it makes no sense to do so. I need toilet paper for now, I’m not dying and neither are you anon. It’s just selfish irrational behavior, if it gets to a point where there’s no food and governments can’t help you are all completely fucked anyways!!!!!! And if you get sick it’ll only last 2 weeks, one pack of 6 rolls last two weeks, no need to hoard. And if governments on lockdown, they have to keep food store open etc. it’s all just so fucking irrational.
No. 524813
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>>524796Do you have stats? Were they healthy but just old? Pic related.
>>524802Good for you that your all-seeing clairvoyant family saw that people would be absolutely retarded about hoarding in a month's time. If you get coronavirus will you manage to go through all of that toilet paper you bought?
>Stop blaming everyone else and suck it up. It's your own fault.The lack of empathy is truly astounding. How are people supposed to hoard when everyone else is hoarding too? That's why there are shortages right now and other people can't buy anything.
No. 524817
>>524810The problem I have for feeling bad about the people who didn't prepare is that for a lot of people, they HAD the time, resources, and money to get extra, but they didn't. I'm sorry but it's your fault. Like I said, this virus has been known since late December/early February. When you prepare early, you can avoid shit like people hoarding toilet paper or water. I have no sympathy especially because I'm poor with no car.
The signs were there and many people didn't listen. Yeah the hoarders are assholes, but your life is your responsibility.
No. 524825
>>524816If you're in the US, good luck and keep trying. And keep calm, due to bureaucracy and stupidity testing kits aren't widely available unless you fit a very narrow criteria.
Hopefully you're reaching out over the phone and not running around.
No. 524832
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The people only NOW hoarding are panicking hysterical retards, wow who woulda thunk.(stop)
No. 524838
>>524813>Good for you that your all-seeing clairvoyant family saw that people would be absolutely retarded about hoarding in a month's time.Not my family, I did. And you don't have to be all-seeing to recognize an upcoming crisis (especially when you literally have an example for how it will evolve)and the consequences will have. Even those "retards" are more clever than you but keep hoping it will magically resolve anytime soon.
>If you get coronavirus will you manage to go through all of that toilet paper you bought?My family will, that's why I bought it. Without having to fight people for it. Meanwhile you're already crying now.
>The lack of empathy is truly astounding. How are people supposed to hoard when everyone else is hoarding too?They were supposed to do it over the span of the last months when anyone who didn't cover their eyes and ears could see it coming. You already could've bought anything you want but you yourself chose not to.
(ban evasion, ignoring farmhand warning) No. 524839
>>524681Italian men are already some of the worst coomers you'll ever meet.
t. Italiananon
No. 524865
>>524857I'm not sure if this is true, anon. I see this being attributed to faulty tests that were manufactured in the early stages of research and also misuse of antivirals. I will do more research for sure, though.
>>524855Fever > 103F (that was the worst part, without fever meds I felt awful and couldn't find the energy to move around or eat and would wake up in the middle of the night sweating with chills), lots of coughing. Coughed so hard I thought I would see blood but never actually did. Recovered in about 5 days with a slight cough that persisted for another week or so roughly.
No. 524873
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Thank you Corona-chan, my company now lets me work remote from home now
No. 524894
>>524881are you a greek anon? regardless, be careful and hopefully you will be fine. and even keep a distance with your parents
we are slowly getting an Italy-style quarantine and I've lowkey started freaking out.I should stop watching the news and reading places like here but on the other hand I wanna be sure that I'm getting my sources correctly and be updated as more and more places shut down.I don't wanna give into the panic but at times I'm getting overwhelmed
No. 524901
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spero che i vostri nonni e parenti etc stiano tutti bene
No. 524940
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work at a grocery store, watched two people get into a fist fight, watched someone throw a 24 ct pack of water bottles at my manager cus there is a two per person limit among a few other items and what ended my shift was someone cracking a bottle of wine over someones head and knocking them out cold and the dude passed out into a case of wine and watched all the wine fall and break all over the place. wtf is wrong with people??
No. 524947
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>>524680I hope they meet the same fate as girls do porn
>>524927Not everyone you see bulk buying is hoarding things for themselves. Where I live younger people with cars have started helping old and disabled people who can't go out and buy supplies.
No. 524958
>>524670>nowWay to miss the point, Chinese diaspora has always suffered racism and you're a prime example of the people who don't consider it as serious as the abuse towards other minorities even though it's the same sneaky, underhanded shit. Are you happy for having
more racism in the world or something?
>>524660Think critically about what you are doing with your fear and where that sentiment comes from. You know what that is? Prejudice. We're not asking you to hug and shake hands with every Asian for being so brave in these trying times, the other anons are right in saying you're just being paranoid and he's probably trying to stock up as much as you.
>some fucking morons who see me shopping at my local supermarket in the city I was born and raised in my entire life probably think this shit in their heads>mfw I'm always assumed to be some mainlander university student until I open my mouth No. 524961
>>524427update to my own post from yesterday:
>School will be shut down from next week until the end of April in germany>Grandma ain't feeling great, said she has fever and "flu like symptoms", contacted her doctor and needs to watch how it evolves the next days>My mum is just hysteric at this point. Said germany is surrounded my soldiers and tanks and that nobody will leave germany and that all shops will be closed and is now panic shopping. let's see how it goes.
No. 524963
>>524940's a vid anon. see if you can spot yourself or something kek.
for real though that's terrifying, stay safe anon.
No. 524964
>>524958Did you mean to respond to
>>524660? They weren't saying anything about Asians, they were talking about overcrowded hospitals. Being concerned about the pandemic at this point is not prejudice.
No. 524970
>>524963I’m out here filling a couple of empty 3 gallon jugs and any plastic milk/juice containers that haven’t been recycled yet from tap, just in case.
It’s not time to fight over bottled water yet, my god.
Unless your tap water is poisoned or shut off, wtf are these people doing.
No. 524971
>>524894yes, i need to gtfo of the island im on before it gets quarantined or worse…
i understand the panic, im even starting to give in after lurking here and on various discussion threads (not to mention the whole deal in evros) but at least they are doing something about it and aren't letting people roam free.. things seem so scary right now but we still are pretty lucky compared to other countries. stay safe (you and your family) fellow greekanon!
No. 524978
officially panic mode as well. i used to not give a fuck, i'm young, my parents are gen xers who don't have history of medical shit going on, just wash your hands and wear gloves and don't touch your face. but i have two cats, and i read they have the same ace2 protein we do and are at risk. i'm genuinely scared to go out now and disinfected every orifice and told my dad to stay the fuck home too or i'm giving him to the quarantine once he just as much as coughs. i just recently lost a cat i can't do this again. idec about people dying and idc if that makes me wrong.
>>524975almost none from what i heard
No. 525017
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>>525012over-reaction or not. pic related is a store in my city.
No. 525028
not to fedpost but does anybody have diy shotgun/weapon pdfs?
>>525026no offence to italians but it's their mentality of "i dont care if i die" which translates into i dont care if i infect others, couple that with a country with a lot of boomers and bad healthcare (at least from what i saw when i broke my hand on a trip once). that's my speculation anyway.
also you must know south korea has about same numbers of infected people and the death rate of 0,6, why? because they tested the whole country and saw who exactly has it, not only based on symptopms, while italians only count those who already show symptoms.
No. 525047
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No. 525050
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No. 525051
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No. 525108
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>>525028>diy shotguns/weaponsUnless you live in a extremely shitty third world country you won't need those.
I live in the city with the highest murder rate in the world and around this time last year we had nationwide blackouts lasting weeks. Of course the phone lines, the internet and even the radio died together with our electricity as there was literally no power in the entire country. And of course no electricity for water pumps means no tap water either. I know it doesn't sound like such a big deal but it was. Imagine all of your food rotting away, the supermarkets' food rotting away, not knowing how your family is doing because no phone signal, not knowing what's happening in the country or why is there even a blackout (before the blackout there were rumors of a coup), all transportation collapsed because no gas and no subway, etc.
There was a lot of looting, and a lot of people selling water for a fortune. A lot of people that needed life support died. A lot of people that just needed a simple dialysis died. Still, no one went out shotting people nor looting homes.
If anything people will loot businesses, but not homes.
In other news, today the government announced the first two cases or coronavirus in the country, and after that there were local blackouts.
There was already a health crisis here because the entire health system is in such terrible shape that people are dying from medieval illnesses.
Coronavirus is going to wipe out this country, but oh well, I guess.
No. 525110
>>525091This is honestly really cool.
I wish I didn't hate my voice so I could tolerate doing this as well.
No. 525115
>>525112Wishing you the best in these trying times, anon. You did the right thing, your child shouldn't worry needlessly if all goes well. Stay safe!
I'm annoyed there are reports in Norway of people travelling to their cabins in other parts of the country. Even if you're not sick yet: travelling to another small town and potentially infecting others could be detrimental to the workload in that small community. Can people have some respect and just not go skiing and stay in their own area? Clearly hard to fathom for some. Some people also seem oblivious to the fact that quarantine means staying at home!! It's not that hard of a concept. You can even go for walks as long as you stay away from other people but some people are legit pissy they can't grab frozen pizza from their local store themselves, I guess.
No. 525120
>>523856Hi fellow Nebraskanon!
I'm a bit concerned, too, but trying to keep calm and level-headed. Currently living with family that have always had excess food/supplies even without a pandemic threat, so if it was announced we all had to be locked in our homes for a month we'd be good, thankfully. I know many people are not that lucky.
Stay safe, if we're gonna get it then we're gonna get it. Doesnt seem like theres much you can do outside of staying away from people as much as possible.
No. 525126
This evening someone rammed the front doors of a walmart with a car in my town. Several people are reported injured along with another fight with injuries at a Costco. Schools only announced closures yesterday nobody is under proper lockdown and still people are being crazy.It's state known for drug use and poverty so I guess it is to be expected but damn.
>>525114They 100% should. My prof asked students in class today who would be traveling out of country for break and a good 20 people were still going to fly, most to mexico.
No. 525128
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>>525050Yeah, ngl I was going through a suicidal patch unrelated to all this and was doomer as hell, but now the news has blown up with all of this and telling people to stay indoors just as my mood improved enough for me to want to return back to work and keep fighting for my future. Dafuq, man.
>>525113So whenever someone brings up infections like these, are they able to walk around and pass off as normal or sick with a regular cold? Then suddenly those healthy adult 20 people go down with the same thing? The thing with posts like these is that they're leaving gaps and I'm knowingly getting scared filling in the details imagining all those people going down with it without a voice of reason
No. 525130
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How the hell I am supposed to take my GED now?I'm in Texas
Taking the GED online seems to be way too tricky
No. 525142
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I work at Starbucks and I'm so anxious about my elderly regulars. I have a lot because of where I live and many are over 60 with some kind of weakened immune system or condition meaning if they contract it they wouldn't survive. I've known them for years now and they prefer me to make their drinks if I'm there. Something that was sweet/flattering now keeps me up at night. I've literally been crying for hours thinking I could have corona and not know and have given it to them. I know about their families or met their families and some have given me presents for my birthday or Christmas so I'm very close to them and I just couldn't live with myself. I've been washing my hands raw and even though I know there's other places they could get it I would still feel responsible. I'm so anxious about it. I wish we'd shut down like disney or walmart is doing now and just get some paid time off so I wouldn't have to worry about money and infecting the people I've come to really care about.
No. 525144
>>525086yup. makes you think.
today I heard an older guy talking about how corona-chan won't kill him because he's gone through much worse. he then proceeded to proudly list off some of his medical history, as if it would be a fly on his shoulder to get the virus. he needs to watch the fuck out though.
we all do, everyone here is all "oh the medias overhyping it!" and rolling their eyes. I wanna head north, get the fuck out of the city while I can. don't have driver's license, car, or a place to stay though… fuck.
No. 525145
>>525141Holy shit, I'm samefaggjng hard but I'm avtually going to die. My heart's beating so fast, I'm fucking freaking out, where the fuck's my doctor I need help I'm going to die . I hear the sirens they're coming for me.
I'm so sorry
No. 525154
im seeing a lot of people right now who are feeling really depressed and hopeless over this because it feels like theres nothing we can do
if you have to work, you're probably going to get the virus
until they shut down all the retail, food service jobs, grocery stores etc, anyone who is employed somewhere where you cant work from home will more than likely get it the longer they keep things open
its so fucked it really does feel like the world is ending or something
No. 525156
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Why are boomers so goddamn reckless?, my grandfather is going to get infected because he refuses to stay inside just because he wants to randomly buy groceries, my grandma will probably get infected too because of him no matter how much we try to protect them both from COVID-19, I can't believe my grandparents are probably going to fucking die because of typical boomer behaviour.
No. 525191
>>525166Same thing at my workplace. Wash your hands frequently, if you can't, use hand sanitizer, don't shake hands with people.
Also, my boss said that working remotely is out of the question, unless 'things get really bad'.
No. 525212
>>525028I agree that South Korea has been very efficient with containing the infection. The drive-through testing was a great idea that I wish could be applied everywhere.
But you're wrong about Italy, they've been doing their best considering how it took them unprepared, and they're being very thorough with testing, more than almost every affected country. Look at the number of swabs done vs the USA number, compare it to Germany too. They don't "only" test people showing symptoms. The total lock down now will work even more in their favor.
More testing leads to discover more cases, and being the most ancient population in Europe leads to more deaths. And don't forget that some countries are applying the China method of only counting deaths of people who tested positive for corona, rather than checking the "pneumonia" deaths as well.
No. 525223
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>>525212I agree with the other anon, I’ve had Italian friends and they told me healthcare and other institutions have been decaying for decades, rampant corruption and extreme nepotism in every facet of life, no failson left behind deeply engrained in society fueling a brain drain of this generations educated and qualified people. It’s not just about elderly
No. 525238
>>525235fucking kek anon, ty for the laugh.
on another note my family doesn’t have much food and all the stores are sold out of a lot. my mom is coughing pretty bad now and my schools been cancelled for another week. i live in a small ass bumpkin town, how the fuck do we have coronavirus cases???
No. 525239
>>525233I think people are really starting to panic because of all the school and work closures, sanitary products selling out and the Wall Street stocks plummeting every other day. The only recent time something like this happened to a nationwide extent were the months after 9/11.
It sounds like working class jobs (like construction and state projects) are being delayed because of the virus. A lot of people aren’t working right now so they’re at home freaking out.
No. 525246
>>525166Med anon in Seattle here. It is a shitshow right now.
A lot of clinics and hospitals are doing this too. We aren't told to wear masks or really do much of anything else other than wash hands and disinfect surfaces frequently.
What's fucked up is, most clinics and hospitals now are completely infected, but because of our fucking president privatizing the tests and the CDC's unrealistic testing condition limitations, no one can get tested easily. One major hospital just started doing tons of tests illegally because they couldn't sit by and just twiddle their thumbs, so they said fuck it and are just breaking the law. But patients with symptoms are still being turned away from hospitals despite having severe symptoms like super high fever and difficulty breathing.
Lots of drs, nurses, and staff are having to go to work even with symptoms now because there are just not enough people otherwise. Two of my depts lead Drs have had fevers since Wednesday and are still seeing patients because they have no other choice. Some providers are even being asked to come out of retirement to help.
And contrary to popular belief, not everyone who works in healthcare has insurance here. While some have PTO which is lucky, once that runs out they will have zero income. Private clinics, which is where the Dept of Health is telling people to go for testing which is generally a lie, are often broke and have no fallback financially if they have to close.
What surprises me the most is how there is not as much info about getting things to boost your immune system vs hoarding groceries. There are some proven things people can take as antiviral or to strengthen their system against similar flu strains but no, better buy up all the TP.
>>52521499% sure I have it too, just got it around Mon or Tues I expect because I started getting a sore throat but was asymptomatic otherwise. I was only able to do the test yesterday and have to wait 2-4 days for the results. So far feels like the regular flu, not too bad, but it still sucks and it seems to have slipped into the lungs more easily than when I had the flu last, but it may just be me.
I basically had to work until I got exposed to it, and due to the reset in Jan I only have 3 sick days accrued so I had to work to pay my bills and student loans. Starting next week, I am fucked if I can't go into work. Or I have to go to work sick and perpetuate the problem.
No. 525257
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>>525250Corona-chan is essentially a comet impact for boomers.
All the boomer memes have brought this about through meme magic and you should all feel bad.
No. 525259
>>525034Hmm I'm in Houston and while there isn't panic, the stores are still packed with people and out of tp and Water in my area, but there was a confirmed case at the University near me.
I'm not worried, but I HATE the lack of social awareness of some of these old fucks who should actually care.
I've gotten a part time at a retailer since schools out my main job has been affected and the first customer I deal with is this nasty old fart open mouth coughing everywhere and licking his fingers to handle his money.
I mean this is just basic manners, what the fuck is wrong with some people
No. 525272
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i really hate the guilt tripping that small businesses are doing on twitter. i get it, we're ALL struggling right now. a lot of us have lost jobs, a lot of us are sick or have family who are sick. the reason we aren't buying your wares isn't because we're afraid of getting sick, it's because we're spending out money on things that we NEED not that we WANT. your haircut? not a priority. a cute little bralette? not a priority. a doodle of your favorite character? DEFINITELY NOT PRIORITY.
No. 525280
>>525172Yep. And the same people gaslighting are now saying "stop hoarding1111!"
We didn't hoard, we bought shit weeks back in reasonable quantities when it was still plentiful/ a little at a time. Now you losers panic buying and crying lost out.
The only people I feel bad for are the poor/homeless/disabled that can't prep. Not for you able bodied retards with money that don't have a brain and refused to see the signs weeks ago, even when masks were disappearing off shelves. Don't you all have social media? I mean, if China ran out of food and supplies, and weeks later Italy ran out of food and supplies while ignoring it till it got too late, you all couldn't correlate that the same would happen here?
Did you all really think you were invincible from a disease that doesn't discriminate? It's a fucking virus, not a genetic disorder.
Go after the price gougers on Amazon/Ebay, not people who had a brain and slowly prepared over time.
No. 525287
>>524887Same anon. They’ve cancelled all schools in general and they’re shutting down one of the largest grocery store chains in the city “until further notice”
I still have to go to work at a restaurant tonight, not sure why we aren’t closing up for a few days at least. They are however sending home anyone who coughs or sneezes for 2 weeks. Hope that means they plan to pay our rents too. Two of my managers were talking in the back about how employees are stealing toilet paper (idk if I believe that it seemed like two privileged assholes shitting on their less fortunate, overworked employees)
I have had plenty of food for a while but I’m scared it’s not enough. Definitely don’t want to go face this crowd though.
Also my son has sniffles and a cough. But I have allergies too. How do I not be completely paranoid??
No. 525288
>>525272Speaking as an artist, if anything right now is a good time for community outreach vs begging. Maybe learn some new techniques for when things finally improve. Put some stuff out that keeps morale up and build your following that way since a lot of people will be online. Nothing wrong w/keeping commissions open right now because you never know, but people can't go beg.
I'm thinking now is the time I work on my black and white ink drawings (which are therapeutic for me to make) so that I can clean them up and make them into coloring pages, which can be therapeutic for people to color, and put them online for free right now. Maybe by the time this is all over, my handling of linework will be improved and more confident.
No. 525289
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Found this chart for anyone who's curious
Think it was translated from Spanish or something
No. 525292
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>>525273It's funny, yet they discriminate against people in their home countries not to eat at their establishments…, they are begging for patrons around the world.
No. 525296
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>>525289Please don't take charts like these as cold hard facts. What makes Corona so dangerous is that symptoms vary from patient to patient
>pic related No. 525300
>>525296if thats the case then literally how is this different from the flu?
it just doesnt make sense to me
theres got to be something more to it and they're just not saying because they dont want people to panic and go crazy, hence why they were literally rounding people up in china and welding them into their apartments
somethings not right
No. 525301
>>525292I don't get the logic of that place. Why go to a country if you're so racist you refuse to accept the locals of that country in restaurants? Why don't they just go back home?
Any sane government would've deported their asses for this kind of discrimination and disrespect.
No. 525305
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>>525300>theres got to be something more to it and they're just not saying because they dont want people to panic and go crazy, hence why they were literally rounding people up in china and welding them into their apartmentsThis is tinfoil-tier, but I've seen pic related going around. Relevant parts:
>Heavily modified "chimera" strain of flu with a bioengineered neurological kick to it; two viruses in one, the flu is just a method of delivery for the real payload>Causes people to develop flu-like symptoms that creep for a while and then suddenly fall over where they stand as the payload creeps through the body and then infects the brain (which then does something to the diaphragm inhibiting breathing) and lung tissue (you produce liquid in your lungs so you drown)>It produces rapid death while hiding behind a usually harmless flu-type infection. This was a weapon that was designed to stealthily infiltrate a population as much as it can before finally unleashing its cargo.>To facilitate further spread, the host's bronchi rupture and the diaphragm stops, making the patient's breaths ragged, harsh and full of blood; meaning that they will spray blood everywhere infecting others if they assist.>Yes the lungs secrete blood when infected fully>What we think are mutations are actually just the BW (bioweapon) coming into itself fully. This is a black swan event. Nothing else like it. Been advised by our supervisors to start prepping barrels and bags.>the TTK is around 10-11 days (week and a half) with some portion of it being a flu component that eventually heals up making the individual believe they are healthy No. 525312
>>525305yep ive read this a few times and thats what i mean
im really starting to think theres something to it and im not even a conspiracy fag
because the response and difference in what went on in china, iran and even italy now, in comparison to other places is just weird
USA is literally just treating it like a cold
No. 525314
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>>525305Samefagging. Just for fun, I'll post the other thread screencaps I have.
Personally, I don't really know what to believe about all this.
No. 525319
>>525312All 3 of those countries have either a high population of elders, have poor air quality, or heavy smoking as a part of their culture. And they all have wildly different governments hence the difference in actions they've taken. It's not weird.
>>525314/pol/ will take any world changing event and use it to write doomer fanfics lol
No. 525320
>>525316This has been posted like 3 times already in this thread.
>>525315Who mentioned China? It's highly infectious and people have the virus right now. You can watch the effects of the virus with your eyes, my dude.
No. 525322
>>525320people arent even getting tested in america like…at all…and almost everyone they let get tested is testing positive
shouldnt that be a concern if its not just a slightly more dangerous flu type illness?
because in america it feels like people are genuinely sicker when they have a flu than this, so why quarantine people yet not shut things down, other than schools if its worse?
it just doesnt make sense to me its like they still literally know nothing and for all we know, people theyre counting as dying from this, could just be dying from the flu
people are taking multiple tests and they're different everytime
idk dude im just confused
No. 525323
>>525322CDC fucked up with the tests giving them out and making them so now the governments scrambling to get it fixed, some states are doing their own testing, plenty of places have been getting shut down
You're confused because you're days behind on this
No. 525327
>>525322The first batch of tests were giving false positives and were 50% likely to be wrong. Hence why people think they can be 'reinfected'. They had to redistribute them.
>>525321>Youtube commentsLmao. But in all honesty I do think a lot of countries are covering numbers just because they don't want people to panic…which they are already doing. A lot of people had/have it and don't even know it like the governor in Ohio estimating around 100,000 untested with coronavirus. Numbers scare people. It's more than a flu but doesn't have as high of a mortality rate as doomers are saying. Viruses that are THAT deadly don't spread quickly because…people are dead.
No. 525337
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>>525332That's all I got. Some seem fake, others seem to have a grain of truth. I just save them as I see them for future reference.
No. 525341
>>524678Late response anon but don't worry too much. It's normal not to be totally lucid when you have a serious fever. Don't be afraid to tell your nurses to keep a closer eye on your fever if you experience excessive brain fog, chills, or tiredness. You can also ask if they've given you anything for the fever recently. Ask for a Tylenol if they haven't.
t. hospitalized with sepsis last year
>>525332I've always heard that Vitamin C being good for preventing the flu was a myth.
No. 525364
>>525266Haha. No.
Stay in a warm bed with Office reruns playing, a hot chocolate, some icecream, and chicken soup beside it. Just remember to stay off work AFTER you're feeling like you're on the mend as well.
No. 525396
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Hey I have mononucleosis I'm in danger anons?
No. 525397
>>525396perfectly healthy people are getting it anon
everyone is in danger, but you could be more likely to experience the more severe symptoms, so protect yourself as much as possible!
No. 525404
>>525397thanks anon but my parents are coming over and they don't give a shit about protecting themselves so is highly probable i will get fucked over by the virus even if I try to stay safe.
>>525401Not to be a fatalist but this makes me think about how all of this COVID situation seriously has "social pandemonium" written all over it.
No. 525408
>>525400my throat has been itching a little since yesterday and i'm kinda scared because I clean airbnbs for living. especially after that news that said the virus survived 30 minutes on air so fuck me
what's bothering me more is the routine change. everything is closing/closed down in my country, and we're advised to stay home as much as we can. i know it's for the best but it's making me so depressed, and i don't even understand why since i spent all my time home anyway lol. but i've been feeling like crying lately
fucking virus
No. 525409
>>525408i had a moment yesterday where my three year old niece was playing with my dad, and she was so happy and full of energy and being loud and it just made me start bawling because she has no idea what goes on in the world you know?
its perfectly understandable to be on edge right now and have moments where you get emotional for what feels like no reason
No. 525411
>>525401I regret not taking a picture because I am not exaggerating.
He had taken EVERY jug of vanilla coffee creamer. I bet he is selling it, they had nothing else in their cart. Just vanilla creamer and cheap water.
I really fucking hate people.
No. 525422
>>525421to add to your post anon, i also recommend going to supply websites that supply to companies, restaurants etc although you more or less will have to buy bulk packages, but its good to have backup because you'll eventually use it anyway
its not the best quality though so maybe buy a lot of trashbags to ensure you can dispose of used tissue rather than flush it
No. 525424
The way Merkel is "managing" this crisis is more than just infuriating, no other country's leader is so inactive. Aren't we supposed to have some kind of emergency plans for cases like this?
I just survived my weekly parttime job day. Bread was sold out by lunch time, my coworkers told me that they made more profit yesterday than on fucking christmas. Other stores have a card only policy now, but that's not possible in our old af store; I had like 130 costumers and 90% of them insisted on handing me the money and also me handing them back the change, meaning I touched dozens of hands… I washed them whenever I could (20-30 times?), hopefully that's enough.
My coworkers are all mad that everything is closing down but nobody is thinking about us. Everybody always only praises medical staff while completely forgetting that we're also putting our health on the line for them (plus everybody always treats retail workers shitty anyway).
All those middle aged women are so annoying, constantly raging about hoarders, but I know exactly that you're hoarding too, so quit shitting on others!
Most are simply too proud to admit that they're scared (myself included).
The only person not worried seems to be my grandpa, he totally doesn't get how serious the situation is. I was always happy that he's so much more fit and active than other, but now I wish he'd be less busy. Normal people buy necessities, he's going to the sauna…
No. 525425
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>>525424We're placing 6th worldwide (thankfully not in deaths) yet other countries who are barely hit reacted much quicker and are doing so much more, why?
No. 525432
>>525424Well, they claimed we have - along other things - but too bad we aren't seeing any of that.
Maybe you could wear gloves while handling the money, you know these Nitril/Vinyl/Einmalhandschuhe for cleaning? Some brands are still in stock online except for black colorways but they might still be available in irl shops. Otherwise, some onlineshops have regular food stock left. If you don't want to pay amazon's already ridiculously inflated prices, idealo and similar websites are a good way to find the most reasonable deals.
No. 525433
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>>525432Dropped my screenshot
No. 525438
>>525426asian super markets aren't getting hurt though.
asians shop there, not racist white people. and white people discriminate against those places enough as it is. they should be going to restaurants. also those big stores are already having shortages.
No. 525539
>>525537Seriously starting to lose patience with the fucking panic buyers.
>>525530Hear hear
No. 525541
>>525530>>525529100 percent agree! How many times in history do we see this?
>Something terrible happens (disease, mass shootings/killings, ect ect).>Word gets around (media, word of mouth, the news, ect)>People panic like hell>Companies and organizations profit from mass hysteria>Time passes>People chill out and go back to day to day lives, forget it even happens>Rinse and repeat every few years. Jesus fucking christ, the virus itself is becoming less of a problem and the retarded Doomers and Co. buying and hoarding hygiene and food supplies are becoming the main issue. The panic is completely unwarranted. Concern is natural I get it and understand… But freaking out over a virus transmitted through "droplets" (the air), and gives you pretty much the common cold and most (OVERWHELMINGLY MOST TOO) people recover from it anyway. Everyone problably has it at this point, but guess what? Like any other virus, your body either has immunity for it, or fights it off (aka a cold/flu), or die (the least and worse case scenario. ) Im not trying to be an asshole. Its just this is just sad and infuriating because big business is profiting off everyone's fear (as always).
No. 525542
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Jim Corr, a former musician in a mildly successful band, is kinda my personal lolcow and has a very active twitter account.
The guy is into everything from ultra nationalism (trump/alex jones/farage/Breitbart supporter), pro lifer because church, to the earth is flat or lizards are among us bullshit.
He's also very fiercely anti vaccine and has been retweeting a ton of things on how corona is not a real threat and other stuff.
If you're bored and need some entertainment, head to his twitter, it's a party No. 525543
>>525541Anon, if I could, I'd buy you a drink. I'd buy you a Corona, or 5. Or toilet paper and hand sanitizer, our new currency.
Seriously, THANK YOU. I tried reasoning with other anons a few days ago about this and it felt like talking to brick walls.
I'm fairly certain these were mostly doomers.
I couldn't put that better so thank you.
No. 525750
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I made this and don’t know anyone who would get it so I’m sharing here.
No. 527572
>>522312> I've been told Chinese inmigrants have been bulk buying masks to send to their country. I don't know if it's true, but it could make sense.It is absolutely true. In Finland, Yle (National Broadcasting Company) showed a clip in their MOT program (investigative journalism) and mentions Coronavirus as the cause. 00:09:52 @ program covers China's recent heavy investment into outreach with the western world through associations and governments to promote communism and greatness of China. The orders come from Beijing, in exchange for favors from the Chinese government.