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No. 510176
Previous thread:
>>481484A thread to let out your annoyance about topics/things that completely or mildly bother you. Express your anger ladies!
No. 510238
>>510197Sorry if this isn't the thread, but what's specifically bad about "MOGAI"
Don't tell me they consider pedophiles "marginalized"
No. 510266
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I hate self-deprecating memes.
Ones like pic related clearly aren't intended to be aimed at 30 year old dad bod men who harp on women about the wall to poke fun at their hypocrisy for looking like shit.
It's so some woman in her 30s equates her overall appearance to that of some ruddy dude (when she doesn't even look that bad prolly), and then make her feel ashamed that she doesn't look as good as a celebrity who's had access to top chefs, trainers, plastic surgeons, assistants, and nannies which is about what it takes to look like that in your 50s and 60s.
It's so fucking delulu and can harm impressionable people. Really no different than young girls who don't realize IG famous people they follow shoop themselves thinner and curvier.
No. 510291
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I wish autists would stop doing this shit.
Also how did a cookie game for toddlers even develop a fandom?
No. 510294
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>>510291She really thought that was an improvement huh
No. 510515
>>510291It's one thing to do this for images you want to use as icons, or even post it separately for aesthetic reasons, but to say it's "fixed" and literally @ the artist about it is so fucking rude.
Plus, they made the skintone way too orange. Only the chef looks normal in their edit.
No. 511765
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This is some coomer shit, but I don't understand how people can jerk off to something so bad. My mood is ruined when I see a spelling mistake yet people can shovel this crap down? This is weird too, but you can't find a good female cheating story without some cuck shit shoved in it. You can also barely find anything with 'it was technically rape, but I enjoyed it' monologues. You also have to love their 'HOT 16 YEAR OLD GETS DOMMED all characters are 18 and above' things too.
No. 511842
>>511765My favorite thing about amateur fanfic is when the writing gets progressively worse and more typo-ridden the deeper into the "smutty" scenes you go.
Sometimes I will literally just read fanfic to laugh at how bad it is but a lot of it is better than the stuff that's actually sold at bookstores so I feel sad about that.
No. 511968
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Introversion is really just polite speak for 'too lazy to put in social and emotional labor into relationships.'
No. 512029
>>512016exactly this.
>>511972they expend because they get something out of socializing, (like another anon says, they appear to be energized by it). most extroverted people don't have all too meaningful interactions with people, and have kind of shitty friendships because they are so indiscriminate with their interactions and generally seem to apologize for or tolerate questionable or shitty behavior. they seem to be glad to talk to or be around anyone so long as they're similarly extroverted or bubbly. they rarely develop close relationships and the "close relationships" they claim to have hardly are ever that close. they're just indiscriminate socializers and they obviously get something out of needlessly socializing. it's not draining for them. a lot of these people have a hard time being alone or don't enjoy it.
No. 512045
>>511970It can definitely cost energy, it just gives more than it takes depending on how extroverted you are.
>>512029I'm sorry but this is just a wild take. I lean more to the extrovert side and we can definitely have many meaningful interactions with people. It's also common to have close friendships, extroverts just tend to have more casual friendships on top of that compared to introverts.
I get that it can be tiring to be around extroverts but we're not these shallow vapid beings either. Some on the internet even seem to think being an introvert makes you special or deep and it just.. doesn't. It's just a social trait.
No. 512073
>>512060because they enjoy the interaction and their presence, they often look past questionable behaviors, especially if they're the type that just wants company around. i know a lot of people like this. idk that introverts are "taking a stand" by not engaging with people, i guess they could? idk. i'm just saying, extroverts generally are willing to forgive or dismiss questionable behavior a lot more often, because they have fun with them, or because they're "exciting" to them, regardless. i'm not necessarily talking about these people committing offenses against the extrovert, rather them just being morally questionable or pretty obviously shitty in other respects, though i do kind of frequently see them forgive people for things very easily because they miss their company.
people who get an emotional or energy, or whatever, boost from other people's company tend to tolerate more shit because it benefits them in certain ways to do so. people who don't really benefit emotionally/mentally from interaction would find it easier to walk away. there's like, no loss for someone who is introverted because they already claim to be more "drained" by interaction, though there can be a loss for the extrovert, who is said to be energized by interaction. obviously i'm not saying they put up with being abused, that's not stimulating for like, anyone.
No. 512227
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I think we know which introverts are good friends and which introverts got a nerve struck based on the replies itt.
No. 512236
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I'm thankful for pinterest as reference material, but I think it's biggest weakness is all the images on there conform to an aesthetic. You can't find normal hair styles on pinterest you can only find instagram hair styles that were made for you to like not were daily. The same goes for foreign country images. You never see 'japan', but you do see a heavily photoshoped japan that makes you feel jealous of #travellife posters. You can never find something ugly, if you do it's some 'finding the beauty in ugliness' aesthetic, or raw on the site you just see ideal instagramable versions of an object there. The most extreme example is what happens when you look up 'cubicle'. I can't draw anything depressing without looking at another site because pinterest has put everything through the cute filter that somehow made cubicles cute.
No. 512360
>>512220Just because theyll talk to you without passing out doesn't mean they are extroverts, anon. Introversion at least the kind before everybody online who tend to use it to mean social anxiety and misanthropy always existed and is common in many cultures.
I would say American culture appears superficially extrovert but is actually introvert internally for example
No. 512748
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You don't know the pain of coming home from a hard day of work and wanting to de stress, buy making some doodles on your wacom tablet only for it to be so fucking ice cold your hand literally cramps from sliding across it because it feels like a fucking ice ring.
Also this.
No. 513220
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>out with certain group of friends
>talking about their happenings, stories, and problems
>actively listen, ask questions, make eye contact, show interest bc they're my friends, set my phone facedown so I'm not tempted to look on it
>I try to talk about something
>put their heads into their phones, talk over me, switch subject, barely make eye contact, obv they're not even listening at times
They might as well have said "We're not interested and we don't give a fuck about you, let's get back to talking about us."
And I don't invite myself to these things btw, they're the ones who ask me to go out with them. I was so tempted to walk out, but then I'd probably get a bitch or sensitive label. Chances are if they're inconsiderate enough to do shit like that in the first place, they also lack the self-awareness to even know that they're doing it. How can people be so comfortable with being so rude?
No. 513294
>>513220Take control of the social situation and call them out.
People that are so socially inept like that need stronger figures to guide them to socially aware behaviors.
No. 513459
>>513220What do you talk about? Not to be rude but we had a friend in our group who was constantly talking about the same topics over and over again and it got pretty tiring because even when he noticed he was doing it, he wouldn’t stop…
We didn’t know how to tell him he was boring because we didn’t want him to feel bad…but we were all very bored around him…
I know it’s easier for you to think we were terrible friends but tbh sometimes the people @ you are not the only problem…
No. 513498
>>513459No it has nothing to do with talking about the same thing over and over again.
And btw when that happens you should say something, you can't expect people to change if they don't even understand the issue. But either way, if you invited him you kinda deserved it.
No. 513555
>>513498>And btw when that happens you should say something, you can't expect people to change if they don't even understand the issue.But we did, so many times actually…that’s why I was telling you he noticed, he even admitted it himself and apologised but nothing ever changed…
We weren’t acting cold towards him but after you tell someone how you think his problem is ______ and a possible solution is ________ but nothing changes, I refuse to believe it’s not something he does on purpose…
Also we invited him because he doesn’t have any friends (just us) and as he always reminds us… he’s very lonely and sad and depressed so we try to make himself feel good for once…never works though….
No. 514010
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I like communities that tell you have to save money and stuff, but a bunch of them are kind of dicks. The most annoying commenters is someone who refuses to walk in another shoes. I've seen people blame someone getting into dept over a wedding, pay day loans, and even losing their house after the 2008 crash as completly their fault. All these involved a few missteps of the victim, but if you put yourself in their shoes all those situations involve extreme pressure that clouds the ability to think clearly and company's that most likely lied to them. They also refuse to entertain the thought that these people aren't bad with money because they're bad people, but because they come from uneducated backgrounds. They like to cherry pick 'rich person miss spends so they're poor' to the point they believe all poor people are poor not because of some systemic issue, but because they're bad with money.
No. 514017
>>514010Why does America hate poor people so much? YouTuber commenters are all middle and high schoolers who don't know how anything works most of the time. Actual muh hardworking Americans don't have time to sit around watching YouTube videos about people who went in debt.
The issue lies within the job market - American employers, especially in South or rural areas, like to play games. Average rent in a suburban area is 1000, these places don't adjust the wages to the price of living, which is why everyone is struggling. Getting a job that provided decent hours, decent pay, decent benefits and wiggle room is literally impossible and the only thing a lot of young Americans can only dream of. MLMs, scam independent contractors who want you to spend more money than you actually make, overpriced skill classes, hell even dishwashers are requiring certificates nowadays. "You're hired" and "you're fired" have left most employers dictionary, if you don't have connections you're fucked, hypercriticalness of employers is through the roof, you could pronounce a word wrong or be slightly awkward and you'll never find a job, wanting a million and one survey questions for a minimum wage cashier job
Colleges have been upcharged insanely for no reason, any decent job requires college, "but muh start a business" YouTube commenters, "but muh I totally have all this money saved up! Go to trade and be a plumber" YouTube commenters, "go to a different city and move to look for jobs!" YouTube commenters. They always claim extreme things too. I've seen a guy claim that clothes and food in America costs 50 cents and you should run around town doing random things for people and expect pay in order to get it to a caregiver who was struggling for work. Military commenters, "don't buy anything except gas" commenters, etc etc
No. 514027
>>514017>Why does America hate poor people so much?1. They are weak
2. It is immoral, and also a result of immorality
No. 514112
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>parents have friends, Rich and Ava
>Rick is alright, 7/10 guitar player, quiet , repairs old cars
>Ava, his wife is the epitome of boomer
>"Rap music is all sex and violence"
>"Metal music is all Satanic"
>"Young people have no respect!"
>genuinely believes football guy should have been jailed for kneeling during the anthem
>genuinely believes criticism of the government should be illegal because people died for those rights
>thinks anyone disagreeing with her is disrespectful
>can barely walk a mile
>has a TGI's friday card
>She wants to fight me because I've started saying "Ok Boomer" instead of pointing out the flaws in her reasoning.
I think I'll end up putting her in the hospital.
No. 514325
>>514237I don't understand what their problem is with people wanting to be prepared? There's nothing wrong about wanting to have a few backup supplies, and staying informed with current affairs.
What's even the agenda? If we're wrong, we just get to laugh about it later and keep the supplies for a different rainy day. If they're wrong, we could get sick or die.
No. 514382
>>514237I kind of prefer people being blasé and calm than sperging, acting like the world is ending, trying to run over little kids and shit like it is the Apocalypse and Jesus is coming back.
There are still idiots out there attacking people because they’re Asian or work for the gov, like the retards that attacked the air force agents at the quarantine bases for whatever reason.
The world is shitty enough as it is, and there are a lot of people walking around whose latent primitive urges need one catastrophe to be set off, and that scares me just as much as whatever is going on.
No. 514468
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>tfw birthday today
>mother asks me twice when my birthday is despite giving birth to me
>no one seems to care
>no friends irl
>never celebrated a single birthday of mine because family is heavily religious and sees it as some sort of sin (despite celebrating the ones of my siblings like their lives depend on it)
>never gotten a gift
>goes out and buys myself a cupcake as a little treat
>mother sees it and gets angry at me for "putting everyone and my health to risk" which makes no fucking sense
>later she threatens to bust my head open with a weight scale because she got angry over something so tiny and stupid
>even raises that scale above her head and stands in front of me like a psychopath like that
>"i am not scared to slam this on your head, make you bleed and then go to jail over this"
>tells her to do it idc anymore at this point
>proceeds to call me every insult out there because nothing really happened, she just did some overthinking again and made herself mad for no reason and me, being her personal punching bag, has to endure it all
>starts listing every bad thing about me
>"useless, disappointment, sits in front of her laptop all day and doesn't do anything,.." etc etc
>which is bullshit because i am the one who cleans and cooks in this household while she sits in front of her phone and plays fucking candy crush or chats with my relatives on facebook
>tries not to care
>wants to be alone
>wants to go to room but i share it with my big sister and she's there and will most likely bother me
>ends up locking myself in the bathroom
>that also doesn't work because as soon as i do that she starts banging on the door for me to open
>fails and starts hysterically crying in front of her
>she still doesn't care and says those are just crocodile tears
I swear to god once I have enough money I'll move the fuck away from this family and change my real name so that they never end up finding me ever fucking again. If I even have to move to another country to escape them, then so be it. I seriously cannot take it anymore, I am at my limit. I've been dealing with this for so many years now, ever since I was a little kid. I thought she could've been a little nicer today, because it is my birthday but of course not, because she's a narcissistic mentally ill fuck who is always "right" and "flawless". And when it was my brother's birthday she was so nice and sweet to him, buying him cake and all that shit, but I only get verbal and physical abuse. Wow. I'm so used to this at this point and I don't really let it faze me anymore, but seeing her still act like that despite today being a special day to me just made me go back to being a huge crybaby again.
No. 514478
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>>514468Hey anon, we share birthdays!
I am sorry yours is so sucky. I hope you feel better soon.
Happy birthday to us!
No. 514482
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>>514468>>514478Happy birthday anon! And happy birthday to you anon! I'm sorry to hear about your situation first anon, try to treat yourself in any way you can today without your mum noticing.
No. 514486
>>514482>>514479>>514478Thank you guys so incredibly much, I'm feeling so much better now and cannot help grinning from ear to ear all thanks to you.
And happy birthday to you too, birthday twin anon! I hope you have an absolutely lovely one, you deserve it.
No. 514693
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This isn't a stepping stone either flexitarians ask for the same praise vegans get and are shocked when vegans make fun of them. I'm ok with it because it's better than nothing, but the movement is msotly people patting themselves on the back fro doing nothing
No. 514778
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I cannot stand it when people say they love butch women and want a butch girlfriend but it turns out they're talking about normal looking, feminine women with just a pixie cut (pic related) and that's it.
No. 514855
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Wild that people in the comments are using this to call Mariah a dinosaur and say she looks old. Meanwhile, she's pushing 50 and has barely even aged aside from gaining weight. Is this really how high the standards are for women? Jesus Christ.
If I had no idea who Mariah was and saw recent photos of her I would assume this woman is in her late 20s or something.
No. 514955
>>514855women aren't allowed to exist over the age of 40, don't you know?
Ia, mariah looks great, always has.
No. 515249
>>515061Even anti Os with the most cope will you that this is totally for normies not farmers.
>spread awareness uwuMost of them pretend that Sarah is doing something ~behind~ the scenes, or they don't care because they think the milk was worth it.
100% Ayalla, Billie and her friends were behind this shitshow. They tried planning it a year ago kek
No. 515429
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When people gotta make sure their boobs are the center of EVERYTHING. I think Moo's Pink costume is pretty except for the fact that it plunges down her chest because she can't ever fucking help herself. Does she think it's attractive? I know it's for pander purposes, but shit Moo it's not like nobody would forget you've got big fat boobs underneath a beautiful costume that actually covers you! What a wasted potential.
No. 515436
>>515429Related to Momokun but I'm still salty over how people are trying to "cancel" her because of the "sexual assault" charges which was basically her autistic ass being inappropriate (groping someone at a room party as a "joke") and not really trying to purposefully use sexual violence. She's done a heap of awful things over the years such as stalking people, stealing designs, pocketing charity money, bullying someone out of the community forever, scamming her patrons, not crediting commissioned costumes, lying about her schoolwork and pretty much everything in her life etc. But never got shit for it, it was that retarded sexual assault claim that did her over and the whole scandal was conducted by envious fellow costhots who wanted to get her off the playing field. I don't know, I'm just having an autistic fit over this because I hate how she got to damage so many people and nobody really cared.
While we're on this topic I hate how male costhots (like Leon Chiro, the guy Moo latched on just now at Katsucon) can be the biggest assholes and sluts imaginable but never have to deal with backlash.
No. 515456
>>515436I agree that it got blown out of proportion but what she also did was yank up a girl's shirt in a crowded public area. It sounds like the groping and such was her acting like a highschool mean girl to try and intimidate her fake friends.
IDK she's a cunt but men don't care. It's not like they're jerking off to her personality.
No. 515457
>>515449They're probably jealous women can go around (or girls idk) not caked in makeup and so insecure about their bodies that they don't dress like a hooker. Especially rich women who don't use their money to attract guys? (And this isn't even hate towards the hooker-core fashionistas because they probably don't care.)
I'm technically not a VSCO because I don't use photo apps but I've always dressed in that fashion every summer.
No. 515890
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When I see a humblebrag complaining thread about shit like pic related. Very common with the topics of being pale and just looking sooo young people ask me what grade I'm in a lot I really hate it guys any tips on drawing fake crows feet so I get taken more seriously at work??
No. 515925
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>>515890You just need loooooooong legs
No. 516152
>>511968Yeah, this post is a good example of annoying.
Introverts are more easily stimulated and lose energy quicker. There's a difference between being anti-social and introverted. Some intoverts put in the effort but need time to pull away and recharge. It's not the same as avoiding people altogether.
Excellent bait anon.
No. 516252
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I just found this video on Twitter about a man angrily ranting about this one artist who paid a prostitute to give his son oral sex for his 13th birthday because the son is apparently gay and the replies are so incredibly annoying. This one woman in the replies was trying to excuse the fathers actions with god and saying shit like "God makes no mistakes and the father was trying to save his child from becoming gay by doing that." Like bruh so by paying your child to get sexually assaulted and traumatized forever = saving him from something he has no control over? And then there were also people comparing homophobia to race killings for no fucking reason? Trying to act like they have every right to be a bunch of homophobic fucks because "we are the ones who get killed over our skin color they just push labels and made up sexualities on everyone". How do these people even exist? I usually don't care at all over anyone because the internet is filled with all kinds of stupid people but I'm actually so shocked that people still think like this and have no problem with it. Trying to excuse a child getting molested all thanks to his bigoted father is just so so incredibly upsetting.
>tfw twitter is just the worst social media platform ever
No. 516409
>>516407that hasn't happened to me but you're out of touch if you think almost all men aren't easily memed. men don't have the mental fortitude to withstand the cumbrained antics of the people that surround them, nor do they have any shame, so
>>516408she doesn't even remotely type like this.
No. 517314
>>517311>Being short sucks because you’re fat, being tall sucks because you’re masculine. Or, if you're not crazy and insecure, both are perfectly fine, conventionally attractive and will barely impact your love life.
ffs height is the ONE aspect of our appearance that men are judged far more harshly for. Enjoy it, worrying about height is a waste of time for women.
No. 517431
>>517309Uh, I didn’t say any of that you fucking idiot. All I said is that I’m short.
And geez, my post got a lot of tall anons sperging. Nothing is wrong with being tall, guys. Chill.
No. 517450
>>517447Yo shut the fuck up. You know, there's a saying around here? It's be like: "If you can't change it, don't stress about it."
Like, my height? I can't change it. I can wear heels to be 6' but that's not going to make me a basketball player. There's really nothing to "care" about with this non-issue.
Also, the whole ""5'7"" isn't average, try being 5'1"!!!" like okay, cool, ignore the average statistic of US female height because average is obviously a subjective thing and not something that can be measured/s Go back to middleschool and learn math and statistics 101 please.
No. 517679
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>>517442Don't listen to the other anon, be
my gf instead.
No. 517726
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I slowly getting the hang of it, but I fucking hate drawing mecha. You have t just add these random mechanical details of the creature comes out blocky Half the time the details have no reason it's just there to make it look 'mecha'
No. 518126
>>518071I feel you because I got into JJBA in the mid 2000s. Dorohedoro peaked around 2013 and it’s already been seven years…
Another weird thing with Jojo is that people kept making videos for part 5 with ko-ok-ya’s soundtrack for Ristorante Paradiso, so now all the vids for their music and that series are spammed with dumb meme jokes.
No. 518135
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monster energy drinks are really expensive here and i enjoy them as much as the next caffeine addicted person so i scratched all my money together and bought one that i've never tried before out of pure curiosity aka the one in the pic and holy fuck it's the worst thing i've ever tasted in my entire life. it's so bad and i hate absolutely everything about the taste, and this is coming from someone who drinks the other flavors as if they were nothing but water. had to wash it down the drain while angry in a retarded way because i really wasted a good amount of money on that fuck.
>The take a good long pull of Monster Ultra Violet. Crisp and refreshing, with a sweet and tart pixie dust flavor powered with our Monster Energy Blend.
>Elderberry and Black Carrot Juice Concentrates
fucking NASTY
No. 518178
>>518153I think it's because of the way employers operate now and companies using social media in general. When I first started on the internet it was early 2000s and the internet still felt really separate from IRL. There was a boom of lots of different types of social media back then too that catered to specific niches. Now that social media has been monopolized everything feels too connected imo, especially with all the linking up of accounts across platforms. It's so companies can analyse our habits easier but it's off putting. Threes a really good book kind of about this called Feed.
I was even thinking today about how indie bands use to really use can clubs and music forums to promote grassroots style. Now record companies just sink money into online promotion and bots and streaming parties to do what successful independent artists did. Everything's getting streamlined and it's dull af. Not to mention people can now lose their jobs over Stuff Online
No. 518191
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I love the Fire Emblem games and I don't care if you hate them despite never playing them or getting a very bad impression because of the amount of "anime swordsmen" in Smash or the dumpster fire trash-heap that was Fates. Just let me enjoy my good characters, good music, and decent map design without some self-righteous manchild going on about how I shouldn't enjoy it because Byleth got in Smash instead of their precious Dante or whatever. Just let us enjoy our silly technicolored-hair-swordsmen anime chess games in peace. It's just dumb seeing manchildren waste their energy on a game series they've just found out about now.
No. 518335
>>518126>so now all the vids for their music and that series are spammed with dumb meme jokeslmfao so typical
I have this friend on facebook, he's like 25 and has been going to my uni for like… 7 years now and he's a super popular commie neckbeard, everyone knows him. He just recently discovered jojo and is now spamming lame outdated memes and god it's so cringy.
No. 518391
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>friend complains every day about her job
>she got it because she wanted to
>she used to say this was the job of her life
>has another job opportunities, no one obliges her to stay with that job
>complains and complains about every little thing
>can’t see the positive side (good conditions, a lot of money, stability in general, she’s living alone now and can afford it all without help)
>offer her other options too, offer my help to search another job
>of course not
>keeps complaining but doesn’t do anything to change
No. 518491
>>518460Lmao. Not me! I take sick days to the extent that I get away with it and I feel zero remorse. However I've never worked for a brick and mortar type business before, I've always worked for giant profitable corporations so I've never felt guilt because I figure I'm just a number anyway. Life is too short to act like an underpaid servant.
In smaller companies it's probably more dangerous for the fact that people get resentful if they feel you're taking it too easy. Retaliatory firing isn't unheard of, employers cook up any old excuses. Not to mention workaholic, "pull up by your bootstraps" attitude that effectively guilts and shames people for not wanting to live for their employer's money.
No. 518812
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These people make fun of other people for being movie normies or pretentious retards yet their top films of all time is more basic than a default skin
No. 518833
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>>518822Of course /tv/ would choose Leon the ped0 as their top foreign film, fucking idiots.
No. 519887
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saga for anime anutims
I HATE Grell and i hate that the fandom overlooks the fact that he KILL WOMEN (prostitutes) because he was so "jelly uwu" they could get pregnat and he didn't because he is a fuckin insain men, also you now have to call him a "she" becase he is a tranny of course i don't even remeber if is canon or not that he is trans/feel like a women
No. 519909
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The fuck do modern memes have this thing were it has a funny image, but they hamfist some dumb reaction meme to it? Some dude mentioned this and I can't fucking unsee it
No. 519911
Was hanging on the mystery thread in OT yesterday (cue sleepless night going down the rabbit hole) and came across the story of the infamous mysterious farming game those unfamiliar, it is a game that people first mentioned circa 2006 on reddit looking for it. The game is supposedly a harvest moon type game with a dark twist, about a farmer killing his wife then using crops to decompose her body while trying to avoid the police who can come checking fields at any time. The game is won when the body has been totally decomposed.
Reddit has a whole fucking stupid subreddit dedicated to hunting and recovering the mystery game. That's bad enough to get on my nerves as it truly sounds like the stupidest game in the world, but there is also now a
team of idiots who wants to
actually develop itPeople somewhere somehow in 2020 thinks creating a game where the goal is to kill your wife then dispose of her body in the most disrespectful way, desacrating it to "win", and evading justice, is a fucking great idea for a game.
And a lot of morons are delighted about it.
Fucking. Giant. Facepalm.
Likewise I also discovered the so called "most mysterious song of internet" an obscure, awful sounding indie electro pop rock song from the 80s, and there are people absolutely obsessed with discovering who authored this sorry piece of shitty music. Those redditers have gone as far as harassing various music industry professionals to try and shed light on a completely insignificant piece of garbage music, and some are so obsessed with it they would spend dozens of hours a day hunting for clues.
I dont know why these two things got on my nerve, but fucking hell do people truly have nothing better to do with their life.
No. 520502
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I’ve been happily enjoying Doja Cat’s recent album until I learned just today that Dr. Luke wrote/produced the songs on there and he’s using two different names.
No. 520578
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This stupid online grading system drives me up a wall.
No. 522412
>>512035There’s nothing wrong with saying you’re an introvert. It’s just a term to describe how you experience social interaction. I can’t imagine what kind of experience you must have had to think that saying you’re an introvert is cringey and the same as “empath” which is an actually retarded term. Maybe someone people who say they’re introverted are annoying but the term isn’t inherently bad.
Also, another reason I think people go out of their way to say their introverted (as opposed to extroverts- who i almost never see mentioning they’re extroverted) is because their behaviour is considered weird so they feel a need to defend themselves or explain their behaviour. Anyway, I think you’re being way too extreme.
No. 522427
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>a man rants how having high iq sucks
>the very next post he says that "having mental disorders like schizophrenia, depression, autism etc. stil makes you fully responsible for your actions", like psychotic episode is not a thing
>puts autism next to schizophrenia and depression
It started from me posting a screen from a comment section on fb, where they found a human fetus behind the bus stop. A woman probably miscarried during the night and people are calling her a monster, because "other people are trying to have babies while THIS THING (because you cannot call it a woman) is doing that". People don't know shit about what happened while already calling woman a bitch.
No. 522737
>>522734I feel YouTube's given up on trying to figure out users with an array of interests so it puts people in loops of the same songs or video types ie 'cooking tips'
Might also be from them trying to censor channels out you're even subbed to. I have a few I have to search their channel name just to see videos. It gets damn boring. Some people I know have all the same type of videos I have no idea how they arent bored.
No. 522958
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Why are tumblrtards so fucking annoying, you just know pic related is a genderspecial fakeboi because they are the most loud en fucking obnoxious about OmG gAySss like nothing in this post is even remotely related to being gay, you're not special. Sorry for sperging but I'm just so fucking done with the internet sometimes
No. 522990
>>522958I hate those types, they entirely drove me away from cottagecore pictures etc just because of the captions and autistic text posts you have to see when following those blogs.
literally everybody loves cats and nature. those people are the most basic bitches you can think of with a hollow personality of being gay and aesthetic, yet they phrase their mediocre regurgitated babbling in the most annoying attention seeking way as if it were interesting or unique.
and then they speak of learning and growing and self care but are so sheltered that they never develop any character beyond the veneer of liking deer or something.
No. 523618
>>523615Everyday when the flood of dogmatic political and race obsessed retards (of both sides of the spectrum) I can't help but to think the 70s-90s was more tolerant in some ways the 10s/20s doesn't know
They can't stop using black people as their political chess so they keep mentioning them and it's so fucking cringe. I just wanna talk about my hobbies without your sickness.
No. 523662
>>523615Same. There was a podcast a few years ago about one of my favorite tv shows and one of the hosts was a major SJW. A few of the shows characters are Korean and the SJW host claimed the show was mega racist because one of the Korean characters had an accent and the actress must have been forced to do that accent! They get that actress to be a guest on the podcast and ask her if she was forced to do that horrible racist accent and she goes “…I wasn’t doing an accent…”
Just annoying and cringy.
No. 524114
>>523609Discord itself is full of fucked up coomers and freaks, I tried it out once for a couple games I like and jesus christ…
If you are looking for true crime discussion I actually really like the unresolvedmysteries subreddit. People are mostly pretty SJW-ish on there but they also just don't talk politics period, most of the time. Its comprised of true crime normies, which is usually 90% women.
No. 524238
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I know this is immature as fuck, but none of my professors explain why their other professors quit. I know it's for legal reasons most likely and I shouldn't snope, but wanna know what happened to
>The online biology teacher who died
>The physics class that fired two professors in semester
>The 3 different teachers who quit/fired who didn't tell anyone and just stopped showing up.
>The college president who's students figured out were retiring before the teacher
>The fedora wearing math teacher who was writing a woke picture book who was fired/quit in the middle of the semester after only being hired for 6 months
I can't anything by googling their names either so it'll be a mystery. The only story I have a conclusion to is the fact our Dean left mid semester to become a real estate agent
No. 524751
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>>524238What you have here is a serial killer, anon. Investigate.
No. 524957
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Who the fuck is sending their North Dakota chorus class shirts to my Kansas goodwill.
No. 525326
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In the middle of typing a long ass post then accidentally refreshing the page
No. 525645
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Reddit has a subreddit called blackfellas/blackladies for black people to just talk and hang out, think of how lolcow is for women, but blackfellas/blackladies is for black people. What I'm annoyed by is a bunch of Chapocels are invading the subreddit. The sub is just chill 'how'd your day go?' and a bunch of joke post, but all of a sudden people with no history in the sub come up and post
>Biden drools Bernie rules
>Bernie lost because black people didn't vote
>I'm a white liberal. Give me my cookie point
>Racism only exists to divide class. Shut up about racism so I can have my gommunist utopia which will be ~racism free~
The last one is the worst to me because, while I do know class and race intersect, the confidence an upper class white dude can have on a black subreddit with the claim 'racism isn't important' is outstanding.
No. 525904
>>525645In a nutshell, you perfectly summed up why reddit is retarded for the most part.
Why is it that when I mention in passing I work in a hospital, people automatically assume I'm a nurse "at best". Kek. Boomer mentality….
No. 530601
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I love the animecore/webcore aesthetic, but the fandom seems to be full of
>pedos in denial
>Cows who post edgy aesthetic shit to hide their emotional instability
>Shitty artist who join and crapily use the aesthetic to turd polish
No. 530607
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>>530601An example of the shitty artist thing. I'm amazed a genre known for it's crappy art and bad taste can have people fucking it up so badly. Then again the best works of the genre are people who have fundamentals, but choose to draw oddly (Tsukumizu) or random psychos who have strokes of luck and make something beautiful.
No. 531536
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This sounds really conservative mom-ish, but sometimes I wonder why some musicals curse. I'm not saying they can't, but I listen to musicals that act like literal Disney OST's that are 90% clean until but a character says 'fuck' once unprovoked and tries to go back to the disney vibe like nothing happened. It doesn't irritate me as much as it confuses me. All the musicals that do this sound to childish for preeteens, teens, and adults and come off as to mature for children. I can only imagine a weird tumblr niche liking this not some giant musical audience. They can do what they want, but if you unironically name your villain Dr. Mustache and your hero Hot chocolate it's kind of fucking weird to make your main plotline the fact she's mad about being someones fuck buddy.
No. 532266
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I hate when other artist are complaining about my art. I didn't ask for your opinion, I know it looked bad-ish before you wrote essay about character's size. I never said it was prettiest thing I done. And come on, it's even worse because their art is so much uglier than mine. Fuck off.
I'm salty and I'm sorry it just so annoying
No. 532270
>>531536This is how I feel about the Heather's musical. It's trying way too hard to be edgy when the original movie wasn't trying to be edgy, it was just a campy dark comedy.
Actually in that same vein, fuck musical adaptations of popular non-musical movies. Every one of those I've seen has sucked, and frankly I'm a little offended they did it to Beetlejuice, since that's one of my favorite movies.
No. 532273
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>>532266Stop posting art you know is bad, or take stock of the things people complain about and try to improve. Why should you deserve compliments when you're complacent and arrogant?
You honestly sound like Racist Uncle lmao
No. 532876
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This verse is so trash
No. 533662
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Jfc, the group where im their group leader fucking sucks, i kept updating them with work to do because i care about them and want them to ACTUALLY get good grades even though we are currently in quarantine but they in rare/deadline/urgent situations will reply, leave my messages on read or they pretend not to see it. I stg if this happens again ill have to contact the professor about their behavior but idk if the professor actually cares or tell me to deal with it myself…Your connection is bad? Well tough luck but a lot of us do, stfu and do the work if you want to get through this semester retards, if you dont do your assignments there will be actual no stuff to grade and dont whine when our gr get bad grades and blame it all on me.
No. 533888
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its annoying how anons want cows to improve. i love watching them fuck up
No. 534593
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4chan shitposting disgusts me on another level
>cuckshit this, cuckshit that
>scatological copypastas with infantile onomatopeia
>wojakposting, brainlet memes
>tons of lolicon images, even saw pregnant loli drawings
It's the equivalent of bathing in shit
No. 534630
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>>534476same but with his face too. mostly his face. nothing annoys me more than bad surgery tbh.
No. 534658
>>534630I guess surgery can’t fix that clockable midface
>>534655Is this sarcastic?
No. 534811
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I fucking hate it when I go to the comments on a post and all of them are 'x looks like a penis'. Half the time it doesn't even look like a penis, it's just a cylinder. They could at least save the 'he he penis' for stuff outrageously phallic images, pic related.
No. 534906
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April's Fool is gonna be a buncha faggots screaming they have corona isn't it
No. 535130
the cgl/cglre/agere shit was so retarded. at this point i almost cringe harder at the "non-sexual, involuntary age regressor! DO NOT INTERACT if ddlg, terf, blah blah blah" types than i do at the degens who wear diapers and piss their pants for their daddies.
they get so uppity if you think their ~age regression~ is weird fetish shit. they break out the "i'm a smoll twaumatized lil baby, don't be mean to me…" and act like they're somehow above the otherwise normie girls that call their man "daddy" when it's a particularly good lay. when looking into them a bit deeper, these types ALWAYS like/follow explicitly sexual ddlg shit. like, dude, the internet is full of degenerates. if getting called a kawaii lil princess gets your rocks off, no one is going to care that much. and if your precious age regression really is a NOTSEXUAL coping mechanism for severe trauma/depression, then whyyyyy would you broadcast it over the internet, where real nasty fucks can interact with you?
honestly, even if acting like a toddler while alone brought you the greatest euphoria you could ever imagine, i doubt you'd be eager to tell your friends or coworkers that nothing provides you more comfort and bliss than crawling on the floor eating crayons and dinosaur nuggets.
No. 535342
>>535337I think this is media destrotion, most people see like 99% of humans in their life in media than actually face to face and women in media are selected for attractiveness more than men and have professional make-up and hair people dressing them up, if you walk down the street most people in general are not very attractive at all compared to what you're used to in media. And also this
>>535340 most men wash their hair when they shower and that's literally it for any sort of appearance maintenance.
No. 535381
>>535337Subpar grooming and hygiene habits. When I look at historical photos from early to mid 20th century I see much more men I find attractive and that's because in general they gave more of a shit about fashion and appearance. Somehow in recent times it became gay for men to wipe their asses and society came up with some bullshit term called "metrosexual" for men who aren't complete slobs.
Also women just have softer features that are easier on the eyes because estrogen.
No. 535412
I'm super tired of escorts and camgirls from positions of privilege, ignorant sycophants from Tumblr/Twitter and cumbrained/abusive johns trying to derail discussions of how fucked up prostitution is.
No one cares if you're making six figures and having a great time. 90% of those who are involved with this aren't, and they are the main priority, not you. If you would actually follow your own mantra and "listen to sex workers!!", you'd learn that your idea of stigma versus theirs is different. Your "stigma" is being associated with those "raggedy, broke" women and not being able to proudly call yourself a hooker in polite company because of "muh whorephobia". You're aiming to decrease their visibility for your reputation. You say you care about sex trafficking and recognize it's bad, but when's the last time you spoke about it? When did you last even lift a finger to support these women from where you stand? Why are all your posts romanticized bullshit about how ~*empowering*~ it is to let men stretch your orifices? Stop pretending you're woke or progressive. Just admit you think other women don't matter, and shut the fuck up.
Meanwhile, their stigma is the abuse, the drugs, the gaslighting and the punitive measures placed on them by authorities instead of the johns and pimps exploiting them. They want out of that fucked up industry, and to be given all the life opportunities that your privileged ass turns your nose up at.
If it's so great, why not collect your money and shut the fuck up? Why do you think the world revolves around you?
People want to talk about how to help women, but you have to jump in with your ridiculous rants about how everyone's a "sex-negative prude" for not erasing the non-airbrushed, non-aesthetic realities of the sex industry. This entitlement is almost uniquely western, and it makes my blood boil.
No. 535554
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The back lash against Lilly Singh corona video is fucking insane. It was a semi comedic video obviously aimed at young children and normies, but all the dude bro's are invading the comments reeeing about how much it sucks. the most ironic part is if pewdiepie did something like this they'd all be sucking his cock. I don't even like her, but the level of tinfoil
No. 535562
>>535412I love this post so much, just wanted to let you know anon
>You're aiming to decrease their visibility for your reputation. You say you care about sex trafficking and recognize it's bad, but when's the last time you spoke about it? This is what fucking kills me about the whole issue. They know that if they start speaking up against human trafficking their "woke" johns would drop them right there and then because their precious camgirl is being a bigoted SWERF. These privileged women know that speaking about it puts them into that same broken woman category other prostitutes go into, ruining their hard work gluing glitter and sparkles all over their "profession".
No. 535598
>>535402Open your dad's or mom's scrapbook, it's not a "meme" and im getting kinda tired of people being defensive about it like it isn't the truth. Men in the 70s-80s-90s were particularly better dressed than they are today. The late 60s-mid 90s period was when it was fashionable for men to show off skin and act in overtly sexy ways. The current trend is more "natural" and laidback, way less into sensuality in a man despite over excessive sensuality being demanded of a woman.
No. 535608
>>535584100% THIS. They are also douchebags.
Men with dark blonde hair also tend to have a couple of screws loose
No. 535718
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>>535716Pardon my stupidity
No. 537392
i'm an ex ana-chan and the dumbass MPA/pancake/EDC sites make my blood boil. maybe i would have developed anorexia anyways, without those sites, but the chance would have been much lower. i think pancake pisses me off the most because they claim to not be pro-ana, but pro-harm reduction, which to me is… absolutely retarded. it's stated in the rules that you aren't allowed to be confrontational or rude in any way, this includes questioning the legitimacy of someones ed, and criticizing how someone "copes" with their ed. how in the hell is that harm reduction, if you will actually be banned for telling some 14y/o that she's killing herself. the rules also claim that pancake is a safe space, and the intention is to provide a place for ana-chans to safely talk about being ana-chans, they seem to think this camaraderie is a positive, necessary thing. no, it isn't. you shouldn't suffer alone with a mental illness, sure. you shouldn't have to feel isolated, sure. but i believe those with eds should NOT associate with each other, as recovery is near impossible otherwise. it becomes a competition, and you become even more deadset in your disordered ways, because it's all you read and talk about all day. it's a site for SJWs that want to catch the ana, not for anyone that is actually serious about recovery. it's just all so retarded, anons. sorry to blogpost but this shit makes me ree
No. 537425
>>537392i feel you. idk how that anamanaguchi chick can tell herself that she's doing some good in the world by running that site. it's a miserable enabling pit and it would be obvious to everyone if it was about some other life threatening form of self harm, but for some reason anas enabling each other is ~community~
>>537410where did she mention even once that the site should be banned or censored?
No. 537584
>>537410 i don't think they should be censored. they've pretty much censored themselves anyways, with the strict privacy settings and all.
>>537425 yeah, that's the part that bothers me. i have more respect for the ~community~ i joined years ago on the original My PRO Ana. it was very apparent that we were all trying to develop anorexia. there wasn't any sanctimonious bullshit, it was cringey posts telling you to pray to Ana-sama to bless you with a skinny body. at least they were honest about it. the other ED sites are becoming more "uwu everyone is
valid" as well, but pancake is the worst when you factor in the admin. i want to think she's not being malicious, just stupid, though that doesn't actually make it much better.
>>537433oh, no, the admin of that site goes by the username anamanaguchi. she wanted a name that had "ana" in it, lol
No. 537689
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I'm starting to sympathies with those /ic/ bitches who get mad when they learn they have to learn fundies in order to draw animu girls
No. 537694
>>537433yeah it's just her username dw. the band does not secretly run a proana board lol. i should've been less sloppy with my words.
>>537584that reminds me, i was thinking about early 2000s internet culture earlier and the weird attitude about mental health that everyone had. it was like self hatred and various self destructive behaviors were a source of pride, and it wasn't even a secret. now its socially unacceptable to "romanticize" it like that but people still seem to find ways to glorify it, just in a different way.
>>537584 No. 537699
She's opposing the censorship that's forced by the site, not being allowed to give any criticism. If anything the site is against free speech by doing that, not the anon.
No. 537755
>>537392Same. I was just 12/13 so in the beginning I only tried to eat as little as possible but I didn't really know how to starve myself. Sites like that taught me everything about calories and all those crazy "diets", through them I found thinspo that inspired me to seek even more extreme goals and reading the diaries of other girls going through this made me feel like I'm not alone in my thinking, that we're all kind of similar personalitywise ("good" girls who want absolute perfection in every aspect of their lifes). Even tho this is already over a decade ago I can still remember all the details and "meal" plans, that I pretty much tried all. I'm mostly healthy now, but thinking about it still fills me with some sort of nostalgia. At that time my english was pretty much non-existent so I only followed local blogs of other underage girls, I only discovered MPA later on. Those diet plans posted to blogs were only translated from english, meaning these young girls who posted them didn't come up with them themselves, they found them somewhere, somebody must have spread them. To think that there's adult women exposing little girls to this bullshit and maybe even egging them on… Girls in thinspo pictures were also likely adult women and it's also likely that they were shooped, but as a young teen you're too dumb to notice that. Nowadays having those little personal blogs is no longer really a thing and sites like tumblr also disabled ana hashtags (although you can cheat your way around that), but I really wish that big popular sites would at least be deleted. Maybe that would save a few from years of misery.
Muh censorship is such a retarded argument when it comes to the heath of kids. Also claiming it's your own fault if this
triggered your ed, that you must have been ill already before that and therefore they're a-okay/harmless, like come on…
>>537584>it was very apparent that we were all trying to develop anorexia. there wasn't any sanctimonious bullshit, it was cringey posts telling you to pray to Ana-sama to bless you with a skinny body. Usually girls who posted stuff like that were more or less only wishing that they were anorexic - but that of course is also a mental illness. Kind of similar to teens who egged each other on to cut themselves not because they actually felt like it, but because that's what all trendy emos do.
Speaking of that (since we're all similar in age) was it the same in your schools, that around a decade ago a huge number of kids cut themselves? At least 3 in my class did and they were more or less open about it. I talked about this with my 15-year-old sister and she doesn't know a single person in her entire school who does that nowadays. What a weird and shitty trend, they'll forever have to live with scarred wrists/arms.
No. 537780
>>537760The only time I ever moved back in with my parents as an adult was after a long term relationship ended or I had no one to ask to be a roommate. So yeah, most people don't want to actually live with their parents as adults. It's usually a choice out of necessity, most likely due to cost of living, and so there is usually a good reason for it. Not everyone is a NEET who's never tried to live alone.
Either way, you're oversimplifying the matter because those anons living with their parents now have the added bonus of being around them all the time due to quarantine and lockdown. If domestic violence is on the rise, then it stands to reason that so is other types of quarreling. Tensions are naturally going to be high when you lock adults into confined spaces together and can never take a break from each other. Although I don't know why you're specifically calling out the vent anon in your second greentext example because her dad was being a passive aggressive little bitch. If my parents were short with me and I tried to guilt trip them by saying "OH SO NOT EVEN A CONVERSATION? NOTHING. UGH." my ass would get chewed out and perhaps rightfully so. How can you not see that someone pitching a tantrum because you didn't respond in a way that they wanted you to is a sign that they're a bloody control freak? Her dad wasn't acting like an adult in that moment at all.
No. 537800
>>537796I'm talking about a post from a week ago. Woman off work cos of quarantine, bored from that, her dad is still working and comes home, pops his head in her door and asks how her day went. She was annoyed.
Found the post from today and it doesn't say anything about him returning home from work, it's not about todays post.
No. 537803
>>537780 and
>>537796 wasn't me. But since you asked, I'm fine.
No. 537813
>>537809Ok, I was mistaken about the work part, but other than that…
>My dad comes home, asks how i'am, I reply "fine." Then he quietly says. "NO CONVERSATION. NOTHING." sighs deeply and goes to his room. What? Now I feel guilty for what? I'm so sick of it.vs.
>Every day there's at least a couple of posts on here where grown women are complaining about stuff their parents do around the house […] "my dad comes home from work and asks me how my day has been"That's pretty much the same.
No. 537827
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>>537816No, he doesn't. He chews just as loudly and grossly and he also eats humongous amounts of fast food, cheese and grease just like others, he only has so many fans because nowadays somewhat okay looking asian men get a pass for everything.
He's a mid 30s former "model" who lucked out. He forced his ex (who's also kind of a cow) to get an abortion. The much younger girl he's dating now is one of the "kboos pretending to be asian"-crowd. I'm waiting for the day all his little fangirls find out about this and cancel him.
No. 537854
>>537850Samefag but found the quote
>To confirm, no, I was never pregnant (I'm just horribly unhealthy and stressed, yay). Thank my lucky stars, because I wouldn't want to be carrying around Satan spawn, and that someone with a heart as ugly as his, should never be allowed to have children in the first placekek
No. 538118
>>537755>Usually girls who posted stuff like that were more or less only wishing that they were anorexic - but that of course is also a mental illness. Kind of similar to teens who egged each other on to cut themselves not because they actually felt like it, but because that's what all trendy emos do.unfortunately i was one of the girls that wanted anorexia, and i really did end up developing it. i was most likely already susceptible to it, though looking up tips and finding a community of adult women encouraging me certainly didn't help
>Speaking of that (since we're all similar in age) was it the same in your schools, that around a decade ago a huge number of kids cut themselves? At least 3 in my class did and they were more or less open about it. I talked about this with my 15-year-old sister and she doesn't know a single person in her entire school who does that nowadays. What a weird and shitty trend, they'll forever have to live with scarred wrists/arms.i don't know about a huge number of my classmates cutting themselves. in middle school a guy introduced me to the topic (he just mentioned that he cut himself) i tried it out for my own reasons and that unfortunately started my habit (i have since kicked it) though i think the guy was looking for my attention specifically, rather than the attention of others, as he wasn't open about it to anyone else. i know in high school i couldn't have been the only one, but i kept it hidden so it's not like anyone ever came up to me going "omg same." so no, i fortunately missed the cutting-yourself-is-trendy thing when i was in school. i'm 22 if that helps at all lol
No. 538165
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>>538133well, you don't. you've yet to offer an alternative as to what to do with injured, and/or captive rescue wild animals. you've just called her a narcissist and a hypocrite for not letting captive born and raised animals be free, and you claim "the animals are still suffering" because they're not free, despite them having as close to that as possible, with 2.5 acre enclosures.
you insist she's a narcissist for "privately owning" the cats when she doesn't, and you then insisted she should "donate them to a sanctuary" despite BCR being a sanctuary that is consistently rated highly by watchdogs and has a great reputation within the community. you can believe she's a "narcissist" for rescuing injured and neglected animals and not whoring them out like zoos do, but BCR is held in very high esteem. doesn't appear as if you know what a narcissist or a sanctuary is. you buy vendetta easily, period, and you want to believe she's a narcissist for literally no reason.
No. 538321
>>538313That's only
valid if the inside joke makes someone feel left out. If OP is messing around with their cousin, it's obvious that there is a history and dynamic there.
Anyway, I agree. One time me and my friend were very clearly cracking jokes at each other and someone very seriously said that we had to start being nicer to each other. Like fuck off.
No. 538327
>>538265If somebody insulted someone else in front of me, I'd also try and step in. Many people who get mocked just laugh because they don't know how else to react to that situation, that doesn't mean anything. She wasn't being rude, she only tried to be a decent person.
>I wasn't even talking about weightLiterally how could anybody know that if you say "fatty"? Especially since your cousin is slim, it makes you seem like a queen bee bully who nitpicks her own family's most minor flaws. And appearantly your cousin didn't say anything back, so that girl refused to be a bystander in what looked to her like somebody bullying someone who isn't able to defend themself. Instead of coming here to screech about that, you should have talked it out with her.
No. 538331
>>538327So now you're trying to tell me about my own relationship with my cousin, who was making jokes about my nose, to which I laughed and responded "shut up fatty"….which my cousin understood as a joke because she calls me it too and because of the fucking viral fake tweets at the time of demi lovato calling one of her fans a fatty….
You must be fun … that or a self-proclaimed empath
No. 538343
>>538339>Never said thatnever said what? you sound insane. i'm not that anon, all i said was that she's right. a lot of people would figure that, and it's not unreasonable to figure that. if you don't want to look like an asshole, it's much easier to just not make inside jokes that
seem hurtful when people who don't know the nature of your jokes and the nature of your relationship are around?
>You clearly don't have close friends,siblings, or cousins to know that a lot of people show affection by being an asshole and most of the time it's reciprocated in the relationship.stupid and untrue assumption. if you and anon aren't self aware enough to realize how your words might come across to people who don't know wtf is going on, that's some potent autism. keep getting weirdly defensive over it and doubling down on behavior that pointlessly will get you into hot water, though. i'm sure it'll do you a lot of good. people can't read your minds, retards.
No. 538354
>>538349>Not everyone is as sensitive as you, just like not everyone has a dry humor, which is why you don't make insulting jokes to those people and you respect those people, which I think this person did by not insulting the bystander the way she/he did with the cousin, no?not once have i said i don't make those jokes. the difference is that i have the presence of mind to know not to make a joke that could be read as offensive or hurtful, around others. i'd rather people be caring and there be a few misunderstandings, than people just generally not give a shit about someone being (what they perceive to be) mocked and hurt. i realize that people can't read my mind or know my intentions. anon is ridiculous for even getting angry that someone should misunderstand the situation. it's not a big enough deal for anon to even post about it itt. if she can't logically think "this person doesn't have any context, i can understand why she'd figure that" and brush it off, she's retarded.
either anon needs to become the type of person that doesn't get so annoyed by people understandably not knowing her intentions, or she needs to be more selective about when to make these jokes. again, it's not even a real issue. she's allowing herself to get annoyed by something that she should be able to brush off, tbh.
No. 538360
>>538355okay, that's great, but we have no idea what the bystander heard. anon hadn't even mentioned the nose joke until she got upset that someone should disagree with her, and we have no idea of the bystander even heard that part of the conversation. when there's room for possible and understandable confusion, it doesn't make sense to get annoyed.
>Besides, It's lolcow, since when do things have to be level 5 serious in order to post about it. it's not that they have to be serious, it's that anon isn't just casually saying "this is annoying". look at her posts. she's getting disproportionately upset by responses. anon wants to talk shit about people being "too sensitive" while getting really weirdly upset and overly sensitive over normal responses, and a normal misunderstanding. like, pick a side.
No. 538362
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>>538355I never thought this fake demi lovato snap would get me into such anonymous hot water. From both me and my big nose, thank you.
No. 538363
>>538331Now you're backpedalling and making excuses, even trying to make yourself out to be the actual
victim? Maybe you should have told us right from the beginning that your cousin also insulted you? Because your original post just sounded like you being mad that other people don't find you calling your cousin fat is as funny as you think it is.
My brother insults me on the daily which hurts me a lot and I'm always happy when one of his friends tells him that he's an ass and needs to shut up. Whenever I try to defend myself I'm a sensitive pussy. Similar to what you and the anons on your side are saying: if you don't like being insulted or others getting insulted when it's a you-problem, just suck it up. You can never know whether the person who you insult is really so ok with it as you think, because it's always easier to pretend to not be hurt and laugh along with others as it is to stand up for yourself. Especially if it's something that keeps happening constantly. And if that's not the case, you could easily just say "Hey, all is good, that's just how the two of us always joke with each other", instead of chimping out about a girl trying to be nice. Like I said, your first couple posts only told us that your cousin laughs and that you think it's therefore a-okay (we didn't know that she did the same thing to you too), so there would have been the possibility that it's the same for her as it is for me.
Actually you getting so defense and aggressive over this might indicate that you banter is not as light hearted or that you actually do feel guilty.
No. 538367
>>538363Sorry you're going through that, genuinely, but some people choose to cope with the pain inflicted on them by others through humor, and sometimes that's through dark humor. I don't think they're playing
victim at all, I think they were trying to give some context because they had no idea that people were going to dissect the example she gave. How could she be playing
victim when the whole purpose of her post was that she was both insulting and getting insulted by her friend because that's the dynamic between them. Please just drop this.
No. 538368
>>538364It's been mere minutes since your last post and you literally responded to me within a couple seconds lol
But yeah, you and your giant schnoz did a great job at sounding totally unbothered… Again, maybe next time talk it out with that person instead of coming here and then getting angry that others respond to you.
No. 538636
>>538629Prior to corona I would see people who think staying indoors for
one day or
one weekend is a sign of their anxiety.
No. 539098
>>539095jesus christ bro why would there ever be a fight about that. most people like blue eyes, stop trying to be a
victim lmao
No. 539292
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>>539271I would genuinely buy her this pos print if it would get her to stfu
No. 539334
>>539271original anon who brought up eye color here; that isn't me because I haven't been using this site for 2 years.
I have literally known obese girls who have no other attractive physical qualities but like to bring up that they have blue eyes on a regular basis. I had a teacher too who was obsessed with correcting people that her eyes were green if people said they were blue (though they were blue). it just gets grating after a while.
No. 539348
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anyone who says "be gay do crimes" or shit like that deserves to get lynched
you are not cool for stealing some shabby clothes or whatever, you're not contributing anything to the "woke" culture except for "woke points" you get from your other woke peers, you are just being a massive selfish cunt to the people who work there and get in trouble because they didn't take care of the clothes YOU STOLE hard enough
it's nothing but fucking selfish behavior and nothing about it is "inspiring" or "woke" like ?? what the fuck is "be gay do crimes" supposed to mean? it just does nothing but add more to the stereotype that gay people are bad people and will steal shit/molest kids/etc
No. 539404
>>539341>why does her being obese matterBecause obesity is generally not considered attractive?
It's fine to have a feature you like about yourself, it's just annoying to not shut up about it. Imagine if a skinny girl wouldn't shut up about being skinny. Wouldn't that get annoying? Also I think it's funny you guys like to rail on about how insecure brown eyed people allegedly are but y'all are the ones who get overly defensive as soon as eye color gets brought up lmao.
No. 539571
>>539555It's all automated anonon. There is a huge public database about anime tits so certain images with certain hashes get automatically flagged. The anime tits that aren't known get reviewed against other anime tits and flagged fast as well.
I read about this shit a lot and it's useless to fight against it. There are no measures against cp except manual flagging which will take forever. They might not even be notified since there aren't enough reports to trip the alarm.
Try email or calling the site when you see that shit. You can never be sure that a person does the review when you report something.
No. 539711
>>539280Anon, I feel like I wrote this. My mom and her new husband wake up around 4:30-5:30am every day. It's absolutely frustrating since I'm a light sleeper. Not to mention that I'm a college student (which sucks with this whole pandemic going on) and I'm having to stay up writing papers and studying if I want to stay on top with my class.
What helped me was investing in some cheap "sleep" earbuds from amazon. I think I only paid $11? They've been surprisingly helpful but I do really hate sleeping with wired headphones.. but these are probably the best ones that I own for blocking out noise.
No. 539717
>>539555Whats the name of the account? Like
>>539571 said, there may not be enough reports, so maybe some anons here could report it.
No. 539770
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>>539717i'm late but it's called @/rsexsexr
No. 539861
>>539797This anon
>>539856 is right though. Men are definitely behind the majority of slutshaming as women being afraid to be sexual with men only serves to benefit insecure men who want to be the only woman's sexual experience so he won't have to feel inadequate or sized down, and he can attempt to groom her however to his desires.
Yeah some women slutshame, but I often find that they don't care beyond superficial reasons. For men it's much more personal.
No. 539939
>>539861>women being afraid to be sexual with men only serves to benefit insecure menNope. Women refraining from being sexual restricts men's access to sex, which means women (in general) can demand more in exchange for it. A bit of a crass way to put it, but sluts drive the value of sex down, which is counter to most women's interests - if your competitors are selling for cheaper, you have to lower your prices as well.
But yes, also because men are insecure.
No. 539952
>>539939But why do you have to lower your "prices"
Better to be like a value item at an auction, only going to the highest bidder. (maybe not the best example but you get the gist)
No. 539979
>>539861men: it's women who slut shame, not men
also men:
beheads anne boleyn and catherine howard for "infidelity" No. 540072
>>539939what sort of high IQ rick and morty incel ledditor reasoning is this, what the fuck.
>women keep the price of sex high because they can demand more in exchange for it and this is why they shame sluts for inflating the market!!!Stop treating sex as some sort of a currency, that's sick. This isn't a fucking game of monopoly. Most women "slut shame" because they want other women to stop dragging them down with them and learn to respect themselves enough to learn other valuable skills of trade than just sex appeal. Every Cool Girl saying "I'm a woman and I don't mind being objectified, those other women are just defective prudes!!!" causes 50 men to go out and harass women because one gave them the permission.
The definition of slut shaming needs to be laid out on the table too because the goal posts keep being moved depending on who's holding the talking stick. Originally slut shaming was that a woman gets degraded because she wore a tank top or had casual sex with multiple consenting partners, but people redefined it as "saying sex work is dangerous, exploitative and harmful to all women" to hijack the discourse.
No. 540232
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>>539770Isn't this just lovely? /s
I also saw the thread of that anon telling us to report that rape video too and cannot wait for Instagram to tell me the same again.
No. 542038
>>542032I used to think that was only a thing desperate twitch thots did online but once I was riding on the subway and a girl was speaking to her boyfriend in that horrible baby voice and I was appalled.
What makes me more annoyed is the guys who enable that shit. The girls doing the voice are obnoxious, but they wouldn't be speaking like Rugrats characters if there weren't gross ass dudes eating it up with a fork and knife. Truly disgusting.
No. 542386
>>542057>fake her sneezes so they would sound very kawaii uguuI did that in high school (yes… in high school…)
Fucking kill me.
No. 542484
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i still love picrew and waste a lot of time on it but this shit is mildly irritating
No. 542583
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My roommate has no idea how to cook and it's starting to annoy me. I do like to cook and used to do it professionally, so I don't mind cooking for us, but she has no idea how difficult certain things are to make. She asked if I could make a cheesecake when we don't even have an electric mixer or a springform pan. When I try to explain it, she thinks I'm "exaggerating" the intricacies and that a whisk is the same as an electric mixer.
No. 542760
You’re in the right tho anon. I hate those ugly tumblr piccrews. Can’t imagine what Japanese people on the site are thinking when they see them kek
No. 545293
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I hate it when a brief moment of happiness after a wholesome interaction is interrupted by an asshole.
No. 547878
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I seriously cannot stand people who will literally lap Japan and Japanese people's asses so fucking much to the point where they would literally give their own life for them but then bash on other countries like China, Korea, etc. for the tiniest fucking problem. I've even seen some even label the Philippines/Malaysia/etc. as "not proper Asian countries" like wow we're so sorry that we didn't create your so beloved anime and Pokémon along lolicon and tentacle hentai, you freak.
I know this is A+ weeb behavior but it's seriously so tiring and annoying.
No. 548288
>>547945I don't have any videos I could link you to, but I'll give you some advice!
- Dont go straight to the leash. Buy a comfy harness that doesn't pull on the neck and let them wear it for small increments, building as time goes on, every day.
- Once they get used to the harness (this can take a long time lol) attach the leash indoors and let them lead you around, if they're into it.
It helps if you can introduce them to a room they can't normally go into every time you attach the leash. They will associate the leash with an exciting adventure!
- Let them play with/bite the leash because they will be annoyed with it at first. Don't play back but don't get mad either. Just let them run out of steam lol. Also, never tug or try to drag/pull them. Let them lead.
- When they are ready for the outside just set them by the front door and open it just a bit and let them sniff/see out. After 5 mins I usually open if fully and coax them onto the step.
- When they get outside, what I do is crouch with them just outside the open door so they can hide under me and not feel exposed, and bolt to safety if they need to. Pet them and purr at them. Keep em comfy. Some cats, like mine, would bolt inside when something as simple as kids riding their bikes down the street so be prepared for that.
- Eventually they love it and you can take them around! Just remember not to let them interact with any other cats, or drink any water that's outside.
The biggest things are patience & letting them get used to the harness, letting them lead, and making them feel safe and not vulnerable.
No. 550660
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This whole channel annoys me so much, and somehow, as if god hates me, whenever I watch a new anime her videos make it into my recommended. A grown ass woman shouldn't be acting like this.
No. 551329
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Why are people who think their taste in anime make them superior than other people so incredibly annoying? I know this one person and she constantly bashes on people for liking "normie" anime such as JJBA, BNHA or whatever that's currently trending and prides herself over liking "real" anime/manga such as classic old shōjo and other vintage stuff. I've tried to talk to her about my favorite show and she completely disregarded whatever I was saying with a "cheap CGI" comment like OK, we both are into this weeb shit, you're not better than me, we're literally in the same boat.
>are you underage
No. 551359
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>>551329This is me and I know I'm annoying.
I don't bash on other people so much as silently judge though.
No. 551409
>>547893I reckon it depends on your cat tbh.
I have one who will sit out front in a plant pot and do nothing and go nowhere so I let him out as much as I want. He never roams and always comes in at night.
My other one kills birds and roams the neighborhood and gets into fights, so he is now an indoor only cat.
My friends cats sit outside with her for an hour every night before they all go to bed and go inside no fuss. So yeah, I believe it depends on your cat's personality.
No. 551410
>>543481Agreed. Not vegan either but I enjoy a lot of vegan and vegetarian cuisine.
Something that annoys me too is the whole rave about bacon.
Yeah it's okay but those people who say 'omg bacon is life' need to be shot.
No. 551648
>>551409>I have one who will sit out front in a plant potkek I have a cat who does that too. The combo of high up + cozy round spot must appeal to them, he fucking loves that pot plant.
Don't bother arguing in favour of outdoor cats though even in specific circumstances like ours, there are a number of spergs who think that means you're literally hitler actively murdering your cats no matter what if they leave the house.
No. 551797
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So People are going crazy over the New Hunger Games Prequel, cause its going to be told from President Snow POV and how he became took power and now twitter sjws are connecting this to Trump and whatever and making this weirdly about race, like how do these morons function in normal society No. 551804
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>>551801They are really accusing of her being a white supremacist fascist cause its about Snow but they're also the exact same kind of people who were desperately hoping for a book about privileged white boy Finnick lmao(which I get btw and would understand if they were honest about it)
No. 551847
>>551797>>551801Funny how the fandom police always goes after female authors but let male authors go with whatever shit they want. A man writing multiple rape scenes? Well that's just essential to the story! A woman writing about some fictional politician rising to power? Oh so you're a white supremacist?? Fuck you!!
Like I don't even care if men write shitty fiction with debauchery, I just want women to be free to write whatever the hell they want but it seems like people are always ready to go over whatever the authors do with a fucking magnifying glass of hate. Remember how people acted like 50 shades of gray was written by Satan himself? It was just a dumb housewife fantasy and not even close to the garbage most teenage boys consume yet it got all the pearl clutching available in the world.
No. 552101
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>>551648aww mine did it too
No. 552300
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people telling me theyre okay with me being anti social but when it comes to me not texting and shit for a day or two they get pissy and rag on me for it. nig i told you before i dont talk a lot. gonna call me less of a friend even tho i warned you beforehand that i ignore discord and texts and shit a lot. sucks for you
No. 552361
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I hate fats
No. 552405
>>552300You set your boundaries straight, I think that's fair of you. But also, no one likes getting ignored.
I have a friend who can't understand I don't like calls and won't talk on the phone or skype with her. She takes it as personal insult because I can talk with my bf on Discord, or uni friends on Teams. I'm socially retarded and have to build up comfort with people to talk on the phone etc, and I just don't have that comfort with her. Even though I understand she can find it hurtful, her fits about it are annoying because she doesn't even try to understand
No. 552657
>>552641I've seen people mostly use femcel negatively as a moniker for nerdy prudish NEET women who are "not like other girls" embodiment.
They could have sex, but they don't want to because its not their precious uwu asian anime husbando.
No. 552669
>>552664None of that fucking matters dude calm tf down.
Dumb internet lingo for horny men, who gives a shit.
No. 552960
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Fuuuuck bretman rock. Every video I’ve seen of him is him insulting everyone he’s in a video with including his sister, he’s so unpleasant. I fr can’t stand most beauty people including the gay niggas James Charles and Nikkietutorials are the only benign / slightly annoying ones. The rest of them ugh, fuck em. I can’t stand people who put this persona up
No. 552991
>>510176what's up with these egirls picking up metal as a personality trait to be edgier and appeal to more orbiters.
can they leave something for losers like me and not make it quirky?
No. 553010
>>547878I'm with you on that. Weebs are the fucking worst. Japan has done a great job of whitewashing its historical atrocities and focusing on the promotion of its cultural exports for so many years. People are much more likely to forgive and fetishize anything Japanese as a result.
>>552960Can't stand these gay male beauty "gurus" either. They get so much credit taking over a space meant for women and get to be catty, medicore, and perverted in a way that women aren't allowed to. And these young girls and fans are just allowing them to take over.
No. 553021
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>>553000this is so shoehorned I can't help but feel pity for you. Try again.
No. 553024
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>>552991>why can't all of these people who i don't like and don't remotely respect understand that not catering exclusively to my needs makes me feel really bad?!go outside lmao.
No. 553052
>>553000You're the one who took it there, relax.
>>552991It's not hard to believe that a lot them probably genuinely like metal. Edge lords flock to metal like flies. I'm saying this as someone who likes metal, a lot of them seem pretty genuine. I'm sure there's a couple of fakers in the mix, but the e-girl style isn't really connected to any music genre imo.
>>552960It upsets me how much young girls idolise the catty gay archetype. So
No. 553125
>>547878A country without a
problematic history doesn't exist. I know extra-woke anti-weebs keep going on about muh nanjing massacre to refute someone's genuine interest in Japan but comparing today's status I really doubt people bash countries like China for "tiniest fucking problems". At least Japan doesn't have a nationwide lying propaganda machine censoring all information and edging on a dystopian sci-fi society where people are being monitored and brought in front of the execution squad or re-evaluating torture camps for speaking against the government.
>inb4 shut up weeb don't believe everything you read online!!!!Oh yeah I guess UNHRC, the Human Rights Watch, Amnesty et cetera have issued multiple complaints about the constant breaking of human rights in China for nothing and the protesters in Hong Kong are just making a mountain out of a mole hill, China is totally a fine first world country with nothing but fair treatment of its citizens. As for Philippines, how's that child prostitution and sex tourism market coming along? Sharia courts and LGBT rights in Malaysia? Still getting jailed and caned for sodomy?
Japan isn't perfect either especially seeing how consistently bad it ranks in gender equality barometers but all this "how dare you weebs only be interested Japan instead of MY country!!!!" reeks of SEA insecurity. The country with the most flourishing entertainment industry is bound to attract the biggest crowd because pop culture crosses cultural borders.
No. 553204
>>553125That point of that post was to say how people love to downplay Japan's problems and the shit they did/still do because they're too blinded for their love with Anime, their yellow fever, and idolization of Japanese people especially, lmfao. When you go online, all you see are people bashing China for the virus, Korea for K-pop and its shitty industry, etc. but Japan? Oh, my sweet precious Nihingo country uwu Japan is actually so nice and they are a very polite country uwu (proceeds to ignore all the war crimes and other grotesque stuff they've committed).
For an example: Turkey. I've seen people bring out the Armenian Genocide at every Turkey related talk online and hold it against the own turkish people and harass them over it because some of them (and their country) denies it, but what about the Nanjing Massacre denial from Japan? They're also denying something atrocious as that but no one is pointing fingers at them and calling them out on it.
Also, who even said a non
problematic country exists? No one did. Literally calm yourself.
> "how dare you weebs only be interested Japan instead of MY country!!!!"I am not saying that people shouldn't like them, what I am saying is that it's
annoying how every second faggot online and IRL has this huge love boner for them. Have you ever seen how people literally worship the ground Japanese people walk on? I'm not even surprised that it's the same here. I'm not even salty that my own country isn't recognized as much as theirs. What bothers me the most is that people bash on other countries all they want and even call them stuff like shit-holes and bring up crimes they've committed from the past to point fingers at it and say they're bad/horrible, but when it's that one country that produces their beloved Anime and feeds into their yellow fever, then they're suddenly quiet and embarrassingly patriotic and "ohhh they did bad in the past but it's ok!1!!!!1!!!1!! Japanese are so nice so polite and friendly uwu!1!!!!2!"
>>553136Go back to /m/.
No. 553327
>>553321I'm sure a good reason why they get so heated and involved with cows in the first place is because they identify with them.
Kind of why cosplayer cows are mostly propagated by cosplayers, anachans with anachans, etc.
No. 553434
>>553321yeah, this is why I don't actually frequent the main boards all that much anymore. all the projection is really embarrassing.
i think like maybe 2% of cows on this actually deserve threads at this point.
No. 553834
>>553827I wouldn't be too paranoid, unless you run in cow circles or have friends that are farmers.
I'd just be careful interacting with cows and the calves/orbiters, I got posted here by a farmer who ran across me. I think it's someone I know personally but i'll never know. I'm a nobody too, it was an errant couple of comments. just don't be a cunt like I was and it wont happen. this "
problematic" cancel culture shit surely has an expiry date.
to be fair for every handful of critics you'll have a handful of wks, dw. go greyface and post all the art you want dude. that or be brave and post as yourself, take the constructive criticism and ignore the fuckheads. just be careful with personal info you'll be sweet.
No. 553888
>>553885Same. I hate people who have to declare how the song someone at a social gathering put on sucks or that someone doesn't suit their new glasses, shit like that. I mean.. you contributed nothing but absolute unneccessary shit wow congrats. The rest of us keep these thoughts inside.
I even have friends and close ones whom I love very much with this personality trait and it's just something you have to deal with at times.
No. 553891
They mistake honesty for just blunt rudeness.
No. 553893
>>553079SAME. Using 'he' is annoying as fuck and I think almost everyone is on board with not calling her that apart from the odd snowflake, but I cringe physically when anyone refers to her as 'Kai'
It's such a fakeboi name and I won't entertain this bitch's attention seeking fake identities.
No. 554566
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Reading how anons in the confession thread are wholeheartedly saying that the corona isn't real and nurses are actors, etc. just pisses me off so fucking much like.. are you faggots forreal? So many relatives of mine literally died all thanks to this virus and there are thousands of people who lost loved ones too. Go back to your tinfoil thread with your shitty nonsense. It's genuinely so disrespectful to read all of this when you've had people dear to you die from it. Must be really boring to sit all day, all bundled up and cozy in your own little corner and think whatever these infected people are going through is just fake and nonsense and wah wah I don't believe it because I watched a YouTube video and spent 2 hours on this conspiracy theory board wahh wahh!1!.
No. 554572
>>554567I saw that and honestly I'm sorry for that and hope he'll feel better soon.
I am seriously holding myself back from going there and telling them all to fuck off but I don't want to get banned for unnecessary commentary. It's just so incredibly infuriating.
It's like a bunch of people from Facebook who're already in those conspiracy theory groups are invading that thread. They probably believe vaccines are fake and you need oils to cure yourself and your children too.
No. 554910
>>554566'rona has turned me into a total edgelord; I hope that ever red and purple state opens completely and that every single person who believes it's a hoax or over-exaggerated gets to watch their loved ones slowly drown in their own fluids (i.e. die of COVID-19). It's clear at this point that American values have turned many of us into selfish children who can't understand anything that doesn't have a direct, concrete affect on us (unless it's politically convenient to understand of course), so seeing their friends and family die in an outbreak is the only thing that will convince them to take it seriously.
>>554567I hope your uncle is feeling better, anon.
No. 555509
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Why is Cosmopolitan posting about this tik tok kid? Aren’t they a sex magazine. Gross.
No. 556022
I’m a somewhat new-agefag & I hang out/work with a cluster of patchouli scented woke folk who for the most part I adore, but at times I find extremely annoying, especially in regards to how they feel about COVID19. They act with the same intensity and disregard toward the virus as the tards on the far right, but with a different narrative. “It’s the clintons blah blah it’s a social experiment blah blah propaganda blaaah” like I get it. there’s totally a social experiment going on and the situation is being exhausted by propagandists to capitalize on fear, that’s obvious, but it is retarded to assume that this entire pandemic is a worldwide hoax.
They talk down to people who fear the virus, refuse to wear masks or gloves, and continue to gather. I have had to return to work with some of these people, and I witnessed my friend taking drinks out of of my of matcha or my water bottle and in general being super dismissive of the distancing.
The only family I have remaining are my mother and grandparents, all older and riddled with illness, so I take precaution to not contract the virus so when I visit my family through their garden window, there’s no chance of me infecting anything.
No. 556549
>>556495OP here, I don't anon is blaming my bf for men being shit, but he'll survive kek
Like they said, we deal with not being super models every day so men should be able to deal with the harsh reality of not being porn stars
No. 556590
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I don't get people that feel the need to be cunty by starting reddit debates in a livestream IRC, especially if the rules say something like "be nice to each other"/"don't be a dick". Livestream IRCs were not made for whiny paragraph dumps. Nobody cares that you "won" your imaginary "argument" with a stranger when they chose not to engage in blatant circus buffoonery. The streamer doesn't want to see that shit and neither do other viewers. Just stfu and watch the stream or leave.
No. 559186
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There has been this Lunafag for a while now who's been creating threads with pictures from her blog, posting videos from her YouTube in music threads, posting pixels from her blog in the pixel art thread named stuff like "Pictures That Remind Me Of Luna (482).jpg", wking her at any chance they get and all that stuff. I think it was also them who said they wish they had a friend like her. What's even the fucking appeal of doing all of this? Don't even know if it's a troll or a genuine obsessed psycho, either way it's retarded and annoying.
Anyway, if the psycho is reading this right now then I sincerely hope you get a fucking hobby instead of glamorizing a junkie.
No. 559479
>>559466you are being obnoxious though, nobody is buying that you are enjoying Luna's 'music'. You are just looking for any excuse to post her.
If you want her poems and attention, just give her money or a Switch with AC lmfao
No. 559484
>>559466>anons hate it when you express attraction to a cowYeah because it's weird even if people weren't on a website about talking shit. Sorry but only in your discord of coomers is it acceptable to talk about which dysfunctional and vulnerable women you'd like to fuck.
Take the ribbing like a champ or stop posting about it, we don't care.
No. 559528
>>559489You are acting like a coomer. No one fucking cares that you are mentally ill and gay, why don't you go start a Luna obsession diary instead of being a creep over a junkie who would never give a shit about you on every single thread
If you want her attention so badly go donate lol
No. 559550
>>559535I don't see how cutting you off completely is supposed to be helping you? Sex is a healthy part of a relationship, you shouldn't be punished just because you have csa trauma.
Obviously you should stop threatening to fuck other people and get therapy, but I think what he did to begin with was an overreach and not exactly healthy either. Like if you're supposed to be gaining an independent, healthy sense of your sexual needs then someone else deciding when you can and cannot fuck seems counter intuitive.
Doesn't sound like a great relationship imo.
No. 559555
>>559544I have just started looking for good therapists, I know someone who is very knowledge-able about the scene here so hopefully I'll be going to a trauma specialist, I just don't want my fam to worry about me, so I'm kinda waiting to move out and then get some good ol' professional help. Alllll this trouble because my father left me and I used to suck old man dick when I was like 9, what a pain in the ass.
>>559550I know right? Like, sometimes I do want to get a little frisky. Out of my own accord, but he is like, 'i cant know when ur genuinely feeling like that and when ur just doing it because thats the only thing u know to do' and yeah ok, I understand. But when I do tell you, I am feeling really good, you gotta believe.
I think it's because once we were being pretty sexual and the next day I told him I threw up and had a few panic attacks and facetimed him being a general mess so he is very scared to make me feel like that again.
Maybe he'll get around to it.
No. 559557
>>559550Nta but there's an emotional aftermath that you have to deal with when you're in a sexual relationship with a csa
victim, that's why sex is often avoided by partners. It's not usually a punishment. CSA
victims often either have BPD or display similar behaviours.
No. 559563
>>559557Yet in that case I'm sure he'd say "Anon the reason why we can't fuck is because I'm uncomfortable handling your emotions in the aftermath," instead it sounds like he just didn't really want to work through it and told her no until her problems are resolved magically in some fashion.
Stuff like this
>'i cant know when ur genuinely feeling like that and when ur just doing it because thats the only thing u know to do'Just sounds oddly possessive and a twee bit jealous if you ask me.
No. 559565
victim blaming here is palpable. Are you the one spamming the mental illness thread with csa survivor hate?
No. 559570
>>559558Aw, it's okay, I'm doing fine, ily.
>>559557I really don't have bpd. At least, I hope not.
>>559563Yea, whenever I try to discuss some things with him, of what I used to do etc, he would just completely shut off or start talking about something else.
One time I was telling him about how I used to drink my piss when I was like 14 for a dude online, and like how I feel about those times and he got really uncomfortable and didn't let me talk about it/vent about it.
He's just like 'get a therapist fast' and then is like 'i rlly want to make u happy anon'. I don't know his deal. I do love him. He is the first guy I have been with that is my age, and he is very sweet. I know he probably finds me really annoying, even though he tells me he doesn't. But I'm really trying to be better.
No. 559575
>>559570It sounds like while he may want to help you, he's also not comfortable with some of your past behaviors and doesn't know how to talk about them in a way that is both helpful to you, yet not overwhelming for him.
Not to tinfoil too much, but people with childhood trauma often end up together, and each person's particular traumas can inadvertently
trigger the other. It's possible that he's avoiding talking about your trauma because it reminds him of his own issues that he's perhaps unaware of, or not ready to address.
You guys might want to consider couple's counseling in addition to your own individual counseling. It might help you to communicate better.
No. 559584
>>559565No? I'm a CSA
victim too and there's no hate or blame in my post. Just trying to shine a light on why a partner often avoids intimacy in this situation, the emotional fallout can be too much for everyone involved and the behaviors after sex can mimic bpd, panic attacks, clinging, crying, attachment issues and not being able to soothe the unsettling feelings that it brings up.
I'm two years into therapy and I now see the knock-on effect my trauma had on partners, I was overwhelmed at the time and didn't see it.
No. 559588
>>559575I think you might be onto something here, anon.
Before we were dating, just in the talking phase, he was telling me that he used to get up to a lot of 'bad things' online, and I asked him about it and he refused to tell me because he didn't want me to judge him. I wouldn't ever. Anyways, I don't bring it up because I don't want him to get uncomfortable.
>>559584 Ah jeez, that hits pretty close to home. I'm exactly like that after anything sexual, even with someone I love. It has driven me to do some very attention seeking behaviour and bad behaviour, like self harming just to make him feel bad about it. I feel terrible just typing that out. But yeah.
Also, I wish you lots of luck on your journey. I hope you can get better and better, anon.
No. 559614
>>559588Imo I wouldn't assume too much about his past, he might have just meant that he used to look a lot of porn that he's now ashamed of.
It's really good that you're looking for a therapist, because at the end of the day that's what you need. It can be frustrating that your partner can't be everything for you, I have a very supportive boyfriend and even he will sometimes say when things are crossing into therapist territory and he doesn't know what to say or how to help. But also it's good that he knows his limitations, because he doesn't have a psychology degree and it's unhealthy for your partner to become your parent.
But also for this to work you both have to treat each other like fully grown adults. You need to not try to use threats of self harm or promiscuity to manipulate him or use sex with him as a form of self harm, and he needs to make it clear how much he is open to talking to you about this and needs to respect your autonomy when you tell him that you're fine you know you want.
This stuff is really hard, but it gets better with time.
No. 560134
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>>560110You can try Mangadex if you haven't already. No ads, and comments are in a tab out of view.
Also can someone tell Brittney Venti's fat cow ass to stop lurking threads here and then making videos about them. She's so annoying with her 'not like the other girls' act with "i dont have nudes, porn is bad!" like she wasn't titty streaming five years ago and catering to 4chan coomers.
No. 560151
>>560133It's really up to the poster at the end of the day. Sometimes I think anons who either push to save the relationship in any way possible, or to kneejerk to dumping, can't possibly have all the insight required to make an accurate judgment. When I used to talk about my ex, I would get irritated when anons would assume there had to be nothing redeemable about him just because I was talking about a particular problem and obviously wasn't going to be listing all his positive qualities to offset the negative I was discussing.
But I will say that people in general are unlikely to change, men especially so. So it is kinda frustrating to see anons returning here monthly to complain about the same issues when it's clear their men aren't going to change for them. Sometimes I go with it because it's nice to just vent about relationship issues, but sometimes I think the problems in the relationship are so egregious and unlikely to change that I feel 'dump him' is merited. Couldn't it also be a possibility that anons who are in nice or average relationships simply don't feel compelled to post because there aren't any issues to report? I do see anons talking about the nice things in their relationships sometimes but let's face it, they're probably nervous it would come off as a boast.
No. 561438
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The romance novel I'm reading keeps bringing up the fact that the love interest is wearing cowboy boots and I fucking hate it. There is nothing sexy about cowboy boots. I don't deserve this.
No. 561505
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>>561438Kirby says take it back.
No. 561914
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This kind of stuff or people implying that you are an enemy if you don't tweet about it. I personally only liked few of the tweets about the concerns and donation links because my mental health can't take these news much.
No. 568835
>>568772It's the worst when your throat or the roof of your mouth starts getting itchy.
Ugghhhh i'm getting irritated just thinking about it.
No. 570538
>>570533Couldn't say it better. I hate these attention seekers who start whining over how 'ronery' they are while having shitton of close friends who always run to them as soon as they start feeling bad, along with having shittons of side friends too. I moved to a new place, so I don't have friends IRL and I got rid off my
toxic friend circle and even though I feel horrible for being lonely, I don't whine about it in public and is doing my best to get my shit together.
No. 570993
>>570533This exact vent was already posted a couple of days ago, with the same phrasing.
Did you just miss all the replies last time?
No. 571058
>>571043This is pretty much what I think, too. In my experience they've either done it themselves or are woketards. Just call it camming or escorting if you're so terrified of the word "whore."
>>571049Lolcow isn't a hivemind.
No. 571085
>>571040Yes. It makes it sound like being an escort or a prostitute is more normal then it actually is. I don't agree with that shit but personally I just feel like the term is just to get more people into it so that they can feel better about themselves.
>>571084Relax man.
>>571049There's a split opinion on it, however the people who are pro sex worker get exceptionally
triggered when you disagree with them, despite nobody being able to jump through the computer screen and forcing them to stop being a whore. You would think they would have thicker skin by now.
No. 573344
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>>571213Super late, but in my hobby, videos constantly get privated or deleted without notice so I have a solution for this. Take the number/letter string from the end of the video URL, put it in quotes, and search google. Unless it was a super unknown (<1k views) video, you'll usually get a clue as to what it was either in text or image results on google.
Pic related is me using the technique just now to find a song on my music playlist that got deleted
No. 573368
Trump is one of the worst people in the world. He makes my skin crawl. But maaaannn I really do think the pandemic is being used to fuck with us.
What else am I supposed to think when I have to go to work every day and ring up hundreds of customers, none of them wearing a mask, touching everything … literally sneezing in my face, and that's OK and something I have to do? And all my friends work in the service industry too so we're all exposed to it by hundreds of people a day … but we can't play a show at our house without getting shamed on the internet? So, spreading the disease at a huge Barnes & Noble with a Starbucks is totally cool, but spreading the disease to enjoy art and music at home is evil and shameful? Really?
Also, we're allowed to protest as much as we want in the street (yuuup, I did that). But if you have a cookout in your backyard you're a danger to society because you might spread the virus. Bitch I locked hands with like a hundred people and made a human sheild-line, and everybody was like woww so brave, but somebody took my picture and put it on the internet in a "mask slacker shaming group" because I was sitting in a park with my friend.
Someone called me a racist. For not wearing a mask. OUTSIDE. OUT. SIDE.
How are those two things related. HOW.
I hate being in a position where everyone assumes I'm a Trump lover (uuuughghhghghg) because I see the hypocrisy of how everyone is behaving right now. It's hypocrisy, plan and simple.
No. 574799
The OP pic for the unpopular opinion thread annoys me
>>572462How does that have anything to do with unpopular opinions, unless you say it's an unpopular opinion that spaghetti goes in a ziploc? It's stupid, I can't wait for it to time out
No. 575963
>>575953Not really; in my case, while I try to use the prefered pronouns of some people, they/them is harder to use correctly, especially since english is not my first language, at least it isn't impossible to read like some other mogai pronouns (Like, how is /s meant to be read!?)
So yeah, is nice that you are trying to understand your friend, you are not an asshole, but I think that they should also understand your position too, sometimes non-binary pronouns can be annoying.
(emojis) No. 575979
The amount of stuff I have gives me so much irrational anxiety, even though I have less than most due to my fear of becoming my hoarder mother. I have a large pile of various shit in my room that I need to go through and organize that's been sitting for months. I'm annoyed at myself that I KNOW I really don't need probably at least 75% of this shit, I clearly haven't needed it for however the fuck long it's been sitting on my floor cluttering my space and stressing me out, but I'm not going to be able to get rid of most of it because I might need it later, it was a gift, I don't want to risk having to rebuy, maybe I'll stop being depressed and read a book or use some of the hobby or tech related stuff, etc etc. I've been putting off going through it because I know I'm immediately going to be overwhelmed by having to make decisions about each item, toss or keep, where to put it, how to store everything. Ugh.
No. 575996
>>575979I'm sorry to hear about your mother's hoarding, that must have made growing up very hard. But you said it yourself, you don't have that much and it's just this pile to go through!
Unsure of how big it is, but maybe decide to go through 5 items or maybe 15 minutes a day and decide what to do, be harsh and then you can stop afterwards or stop when you feel overwhelmed. Play some good music or youtube playlist while working.
> it was a giftWhoever gave it to you doesn't want you stressing out if you can't use it, so donate or trash.
No. 576019
>>575979>because I might need it laterAnon, don't fall for this trap please.
Every hoarder has the same train of thought you expressed. Please stop it. Stuff is just stuff, you'll always be able to get what you really need. If someone was stuck inside the room with no use for more than 1month you most likely won't use it anymore.
From child of a hoarder to another child of a hoarder, please go to therapy, in doubt throw stuff away and please never never put anything inside card-boxes or inside places you can't see or enter everyday, no pilling stuff on the ground either.
I really hope you can do this, please don't fall for the hoarding mind trap. I believe in you, seek help, avoiding the problem only increases it.
No. 576299
>>576269My native language is ridiculously gendered and actually doesn't really have gender neutral pronouns so it just feels clumsy anytime I use "they" for anything but a group of people.
>>576250I always use they when talking about them but it just feels weird and every single time I can't help but think "this sounds strange and it'd make more sense to use he or she" which ruins my flow of speech. Doesn't help that my accent is trash and I have a hard time pronouncing "th"
No. 576356
>>576321My job is professional communication, I’ll tell you right now that you sound fucking stupid using they with singular conjugation or plural they for one subject. Sure, use they for vague posting on the internet but imagine legal papers using mismatched pronouns, disgusting.
>>576352Vocabulary and grammar aren’t the same thing idiot.
God, go back to Twitter the lot of you.
No. 576441
>>576271disagree. treating someone with the basic respect of calling them the name they go by or something as simple as a pronoun is the bare minimum of human decency and respect towards anyone, let alone friends. viewing what you call someone as "enabling mental illness" is a huge fucking leap. it's really not that deep or that difficult to address someone as what they go by.
>>576273you have feet. does that mean you consent to participating in a foot fetishists fetish when you take your shoes off inside of someone's house to avoid dirtying it up? no. it's a basic act of respect. calling someone the pronoun they go by or the name they want to be called is nowhere near as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. and if it is really that big of a deal to you, don't be friends with people who ask you to treat them with basic respect. good luck w/ that.
No. 576775
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>>576652half of what you said is incoherent and the other half just looks like you spent way too much time typing up a false equivalency to over-explain why you give so much of a shit about not treating people with basic respect
it's really not that hard to call someone the nickname or pronoun they go by, regardless of your personal views on gender bullshit.
whining about calling someone a name or pronoun because it "denies reality" is a piss-poor defense for going out of your way to disrespect someone over something so trivial.
lots of things we do in our everyday lives "deny reality". the existence of the internet one could argue denies reality. do you need to physically inspect someone's genitals and biological makeup before calling them the nickname they ask you to? it sounds like you just give way too much of a shit about the politics behind what someone just wants to be called in a casual setting and it's really not that deep (and radiates your own self hatred).
No. 577049
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pls stop fighting
No. 577051
>>577049wtf is wrong with the cat in that pic
also its imageboard anon, it's in our blood.
No. 578253
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I can't deal with the ungratefulness of the LGBT people anymore, I swear everytime I enjoy a characters there's some group that won't shup up about how that character is a ~LGBTBBQ icon~ because they show some basic affection towards another character of the same gender or because the character looks somewhat androgynous. Why I can't just enjoy a character without some random person telling me to use a specific set of pronouns? Is just to hard to have a female character accepting her own body and personality without million of posts about how either the fans are transphobic for calling her a waifu or how the authors are the transphobic ones because "They didn't make him a twans man because they awe cowawds and should listen to actual twans voices UwU"
BUT when the character is actually LGBT is not enough, they keep complaining about how it isn't accurate, or how the character is an evil mean spirited representation because X thing happened so the author should probably think that the LGBT comunity just does X. No joking, I once found a comic about how having gay characters die in a story means that the author is sending the message that gay people die and that's killing real life gays.
Why they never care about actual LGBT stories and characters but they always leech on the ones that don't and try to force their bitterness on it, because is not even positive stuff to actually help LGBT people and instead is just a "Spread to make this hate group angry UwU".
Is almost like if they don't care about helping and more about annoying random people on the Internet. Like me kek
I had in mind writting my own LGBT characters, because I have (very few tbh) LGBT friends, but everytime an anime trap gets popular among non-coomers and begins to become a trans icon I loose motivation to do it.
No. 578276
>>578265You are right actually. I guess I could phrase my post better since I was pretty salty when I wrote it.
It was the later who my post was about but the other one is okay with me, I just dislike when people start fights over fictional identities.
No. 579313
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I wish people would stop thinking they're entitled to see every part of celebs/influencers/cows lives.
I don't know if it's a delusion of personally knowing someone people get when they watch too many videos or read too many posts made by these celebs/influencers/cows, or if it's just plain entitlement.
I've seen way too many idiots on every single social media platform saying fans "deserve answers" or getting mad when the object of their thirst won't talk about some issue.
News flash; you are not entitled to anything. You don't know these people. You are not their friend. And they don't have to talk about every single shit they take in the toilet every day just to satiate your lonely, obsessive delusions.
This also concerns people who defend these "stars" because "I don't think they would do that uwu".
No. 579396
>>579331I live in burgerland but everyone I know who grew up in Ireland (or Australia to a lesser extent) and moved to the US either already had an American accent or developed one immediately upon arriving. Even ecelebs like rubberninja and oney seem
victim to this.
No. 579432
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There is this legit autistic woman in my friend group and she always cry-types, even when she's not upset. She's in her thirties and types like t-his, a-nons.
And I really don't know if it's to express her emotions or because it makes her feel kawiwi or something. But I can't take it anymore.
No. 579439
>>579433I honestly don't know. I haven't been a part of the group for that long, but it seems like it. I'll probably drop out pretty soon, corona and uni are good excuses to cut them off.
>>579437It feels like I'm talking to a mongoloid, I can't believe she has a job and everything. Sometimes I just want to shake her.
No. 580299
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I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.
She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.
I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.
That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.
Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?
How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?
No. 580318
>>580299No offense anon but you're being a bit of a robot. I totally feel you on wanting to be left alone but lots of people would appreciate employees being friendly and it's not uncommon for people to become acquaintances or even friends with people who work at places they go to often. It's fine to not want this but I don't think the worker did anything wrong in trying to talk to you. There are many people who would appreciate it. If she brings it up again you can just say "I appreciate the offer but I prefer eating in my car where it's quiet" or just straight up no thanks. And maybe if it would make you feel more comfortable you can stop in a different parking lot to eat your food?
I don't have a car but I usually bring food home to eat if I'm not with people. Nothing wrong with preferring to eat in the car, I get stressed out in restaurants especially fast food ones which can be chaotic.
No. 581857
triggers me with every youtuber. They tout about spending so much time prepping, filming, editing, scripting, etc. but can't just look up and practice pronunciation of names or things for literally less than a minute? It isn't hard. I wonder if they don't care or if a lot of people are just genuinely stupid. google literally says it for you and you just have to mimic it. Ready To Glare wastes so much time with this too, like, just learn to say the name/word instead of wasting my patience with "I know I'm not saying that right" like….just fucking learn? it's not cute.
No. 582199
>>581901Well yeah , anon. shes a minor
What the fuck are you on about?
No. 582236
>>581901>A 23 year old man knowingly chose to message a 17 year old sexually>It's so unfair people didn't take his side what a crying victim slut omgAnon what the hell is wrong with you?
If it feels like you're seeing people be accused of grooming everywhere right now then yes you're right society is finally listening to a serious problem. Instead of literal
victim blaming you should be mad at legal adults who think it's ok to get involved with minors, maybe you need to take a long hard look at why you feel this way and the things you have accepted as normal in your own life.
No. 582714
>>581901A 23 year old forming a relationship with a 17 year old and having sex IS grooming. Doesn't matter if the child thinks they want it at the time.
Don't wanna blogpost but when I was like 13 I was in an "e-relationship" with an adult man I met in a video game (never met up physically but I showed him my body over skype for years.) At the time I thought, "I may be 13 but I'm so mature, he just truly loves me, I'm consensually showing my body over skype, 13 year olds like me can be sexy too," etc.
Spoiler alert: it was grooming. Children may have sex and fall in love, but that doesn't mean it's okay for adults to take advantage of that. If you're under 18, please be aware you're not as much of an adult as you think. If you are above 18, please re-think how you approach these things.
No. 583174
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People who can't accept that they're wrong and then either double down on it or play it off as a joke before saying you're being patronizing to them are the most irritating people on the planet.
No. 583279
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Every time I try to join a group on discord with a cute theme that’s supposedly for people over 18 years old, there’s at least three fucking stupid kids hanging around and it’s annoying. They always bring drama to pretty decent groups in which everyone was kind of getting along, they get in Some relationship or guilt trip the owner of the group and then they shit the whole place with edgy bullcrap like:
>muh depression
>muh abuse
And whenever someone wants to help:
>muh Y o u DON’T u n d e r s t a n d
Fuck off, I had to stop using discord altogether because I’m not autistic enough to be able to talk about some specific hobby/fandom/whatever for years, nor I’m patient enough to be dealing with some stupid high school drama.
If I didn’t get so bored of being an admin, which obviously brings unnecessary drama and shit, I would create some discord group for people over 21 years old who are into cute shit, but I hate having to deal with people, I just want to talk with them about cute stuff, send cute memes and such.
No. 583453
>>583374You’re not being obtuse anon. Your boyfriend is probably stressed but shouldn’t be taking that out on you; have you had any success with the unemployment system? I know it varies by state, but I didn’t have much faith until I saw that not only when you get approved do you get 12 weeks of supplemental + regular unemployment, but that theres a pandemic relief system for when your initial 12 weeks are exhausted… if his hours got cut to less than 20 hours a week he may be eligible for partial benefits as well. I hope the tension settles soon, don’t be so hard on yourself and remember your worth! You’re capable, smart, not only that but formally educated to prove it and you have a career and a field of work you’ve established yourself in, even if theres been a wrench thrown in it along with, like you said, 4 million other workers. If your man can’t see your worth you need to remind him to clear any bias from his view that he may hold from not being laid off and having to continue to work, I know my room mates have been a bit bitter that I lucked out in the system and that they were deemed essential, and it’s a tricky thing to feel sour about so he may not feel like he can be the one to bring up how he feels about it. I hope a job opportunity comes up soon for you, or that at least financially you come up on good fortune soon.
No. 583565
>>583284You're not alone anon. I once posted something similar and I got told I wasn't dressing right and something like this
>>583294 which is bad reasoning in this case cause I get the childish treatment from women as well. Many times people have thought I'm just a little sister who tagged along, and men and women alike tend to ignore me and talk to my friend who looks her age instead.
Guys my age usually don't bother with me either. This scould be due to a lot of other unrelated reasons ofc but the fact that I get attention from younger guys tells me it has a lot to do with my appearance.
I'm in my mid-20s soon and I still get mistaken for 15-16 and its embarrassing and a pain I'm the ass so there's sadly absolutely nothing to humble-brag about.
No. 584255
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>Toilet tank is cracked
>I turn off the water and then flush it to drain
>Put the tank in the garage and about to buy new tank soon
>Told my mom to not use the toilet solely because it has no water in it and it can't flush and that she should use the other toilet in the house until I replace the tank
>look at it this morning and its full of yellow piss
No. 585708
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Trying to get the LEDs to work but, for some reason they're not working and I've been trying to get them to work for a while now and it's a bit frustrating (btw I know that A2,A3 and A4 wire are meant to be twisted together, it just unraveled when I took the pic)
No. 585925
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Some radfems are rather weird. I get periods are natural and not that gross but like I do not wanna see this
No. 587549
>>587542This is why I don't send nudes, but during lock down I've been a little left out and jealous of girls that send them. I've got a good body and I know I can take decent photos but I've never had any of that simp validation
I still won't do it because my self validation is enough but it's a shame to let this piece of art stay private kek
No. 587611
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My transboi friend got 8000 dollars via gofundme for a mastectomy and he's such a mommy's boi that he wasn't smart enough to open a new bank account, she saw the money and he told her he'd use that money to help pay for student loans.
I'm not sure if his mom ever took the money but if she did I'm kinda done with him.
We donated 300 dollars of our own money to his gofundme to get his breasts removed.
I swear to god I'll scream
No. 587622
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>>587617I honestly didn't know he'd resort so desperately to ebegging which started a year after we started being good friends so yeah…
No. 587628
>>587625I found a guy who is really into film and photography in college, i was so smitten, he’s a lovely and caring person to boot and has been a great friend.
The catch? he’s into men.
Life sux anon
No. 587861
>>587649Well, your solace is that you're not alone. Most normal people agree with "TERF" viewpoints when they're introduced to them, the majority who "support" trans issues think it's just about poor nice people wanting to live in the right body and being humane about it. They don't know about the erasure of female rights and coercion of lesbians and the medicalization of children and all that stuff because it's being played under the wraps.
However to address your question about how to find likeminded people - like
>>587666 said it just comes up naturally in the conversation. When you're talking in private with someone you know they're much less likely to flip the table and yell for people to cancel you than they would with a stranger on social media, they might berate you for being a "transphobe" but they're willing to give you the benefit of doubt. I've found my GC-minded friends via just vaguely addressing the subject and seeing how they react. I usually start with talking about something not that offensive such as talking about the most deranged cases (like the ones who are being openly and unquestionably homophobic, racist or pedophilic like Jonathan Yaniv) and see how they feel about it. If they agree, it's probably safe to push it further and if they start rambling about how trans people have the special pass to be bigoted because their lives are so awful then it's better to drop the subject. A lot of my friends who used to be supportive of the trans movement have peaked recently so it's been a lot easier to find people who agree compared to a few years ago when I had my peak trans moment.
No. 587896
>>587889This. Normal people don't spend 10 years reading up on liberal intersectional feminist theory to decipher a twitter thread filled with buzzword salads, they see a crazy person who mutilates themselves because they're crazy and either feel sorry for them or think they're a freak. If you ever read up about these issues on normie message boards they're shocked when they hear about "trans kids" and think it's utter quackery, and they most definitely didn't approve of all that "menstruators, not women" crap.
Fucking swear though these retards are so isolated in their woke bubble they stubbornly think that it's only radfems who can see that the emperor has no clothes and keep ranting about muh terves, like
>>587893 said radfems are the most merciful of the bunch because at least they understand the nuances of how complex your personal gender identity can feel like to a person and what forces are driving it.
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I want to point out what a humongous asshole karl smallwood is to his fans on the youtuber thread in snow but I can’t be bothered to go to his social media to grab screenshots and post them. whatever, ill just spend another year forgetting he even existed.
No. 587926
>>587896I'm legitimately concerned for the mental stability of any person who asserts that someone who doesn't outright support quarantining all trannies on some island and bombing them is "isolated in a woke bubble." Like, maybe the issue is actually somewhat complex, involves multiple factors, and actually merits a serious, objective discussion?
I swear, all transgender discussion on the internet is just a bunch of BPD fags screaming into the void.
No. 587931
>>587926>someone who doesn't outright support quarantining all trannies on some island and bombing them is "isolated in a woke bubble.Yeah, because that isn't an absurd straw man or anything lmao. The bullshit you TRAs have to resort to inventing in order to fault evil terves is really something else.
The issue is indeed complex, meaning it should be solved by therapy rather than hormones, surgery, and completely rearranging the human language to suit their egos and silence actual women. The only ones refusing 'serious, objective discussion' is TRAs, because they know it will expose logical flaws and ethical issues in their movement. The moment you question the trans narrative publicly, TRAs lose their shit and you'll get cancelled and deplatformed.
>>587872I can't stand people who use the term "normie" except in a way to make fun of the term. Same goes for doomer, boomer, coomer, etc.
>>587931>Yeah, because that isn't an absurd straw man or anything lmao. The bullshit you TRAs have to resort to inventing in order to fault evil terves is really something else.Not that anon, but I frequent many radfem & gender critical online spaces (some of which I like and some which I don't) and have seen that exact thing said - "all trannies should die", "we need a tranny holocaust", various a-logging and sperging about how all trans people should kill themselves, both jokingly and seriously - and seen the same said towards all men, that all people with XY chromosomes should be killed because they're the inherently inferior, incapable sex, how anons want to be mothers but are afraid of having a male baby, and so on. I wish I could say that's a strawman argument, but for some radfems it's not.
>>587930Exactly. I think plenty of people agree that being transgender is weird, but that's about where it ends for most.
>>587931>The bullshit you TRAs have to resort to inventing in order to fault evil terves is really something elseSee, you're still doing that thing again where you belligerently presume that anyone who isn't sperging about trannies ruining society and trampling all over women's rights is some kind of activist, or is trans themselves. This is why normal people don't take you seriously, and why you just end up attracting people on the opposite end of the spectrum who want to argue a separate viewpoint, but in a way that's such as unproductive, childish and immature.
>it should be solved by therapy rather than hormones, surgeryI agree that surgery and hormones are controversial and should not be given lightly, but when has therapy ever worked to convince a trans person that they aren't trans? Most evidence that we have seems to indicate that doing so almost exclusively has detrimental affects on the well-being of that person. Are you advocating for a different sort of therapy targeting trans issues, or are you saying that we should just keep doing that which we already know doesn't work?
>completely rearranging the human language to suit their egos and silence actual womenI also agree that this is a problem, but again, accusing the entire transgender movement of doing this exclusively to silence "actual women" and make them feel unsafe is pretty paranoid and ridiculous. To proclaim that there isn't a single transwoman on earth that just wants to take hormones and live as a woman without bothering anyone else is utterly insane.
I've noticed a pattern in that trans people often times do seem to be pretty fucked up and don't relate to others in healthy ways, but do we know for certain that this is because of a separate mental health issue that has nothing to do with being trans (as in, transgenderism is an extension of it), or if the mental health issues aren't just a byproduct of being transgender?
>>587861 Thanks for the advise, that is a good way to bring it up and just see how they react.
I guess I just spend to much time online and that's why it feels like it's the popular opinion that we should accept all this shit.
No. 588106
>>588085I keep seeing women like that lately. I feel like it's even worse when it's a young person. Spent some time on this minecraft server of IRL and their only active girl is only turning 21 yet she always does sexual jokes and calls herself a slut, hell, even gave herself a title 'the slut' in their RP area.
And now there's this artist who made a 2nd ''''nsfw'''' account in which she keeps bragging about how 'lewd', she is, even for example saying 'teehee i hope my irls are okay with me liking anime tiddies on this acct!' while she herself doesn't even draw any actual lewds (still calls them lewds…). The things she draws r aheagao faces or women standing / sitting in bikini.
They really don't seem to understand how embarrasing that is. I feel bad for them, hoping they will realize at one point.
No. 588414
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This is kind of a vent but that thread just always seems too serious for this type of bullshit kek. I've had this online friend for like a year now, we were never really that close and to be honest the more I get to know him the less I like him. I talk to him because he's funny but I recently found his twitter and he's a retarded tranny lover that constantly screeches about terfs, and recently retweeted that shitty validate game. Half of his twitter is just shitting on white people and the rest is annoying leftie arguing. I should've known when he described something as "breadtube level essay worthy" that he was a fucking moron. I'd get rid of him but he's the one that messages me first every time.
At this point I just want a normal art friend whose not gonna ree at me for not being a complete lgbtq+ uwu tumblr lover. I swear on the internet it's either alt right edgelords or twitter activists no in between. Maybe I'll finally give the lc friend finder a chance. Any other anons had disappointing online friend revelations like this?
No. 588420
>>588414I've been trying to find a chill art friend for years. From my experience they are super rare and not influenced by the people around them. Follow the beat of their own drums so to say.
I notice other artists are either "so random", politically far up their own butts, or have petty jealousy/insecurity issues with other artists that gets in the way of friendship.
I only have 1 other artist friend who is completely chill and I met them by accident. I wish you good luck on finding your unicorn anon
No. 588422
>>588414I feel this, a good friend I recently met seemed normal and even disliked 'sjw type' people, but she turned out to be a fakeboi who's totally fine with wearing makeup with wigs yet wants to turn into a dude along with male pronouns. Once in a blue moon we end up in awkward conversations about her ftm stuff.
I recently found a chill server that doesn't talk political or heavy lgbtq stuff, its been refreshing. Met two european users who dont talk politics or lgbtqalphabet at all and like the other anon said they're kind of unicorns. Was starting to get curious if all european users are this chilled out since they seem semi-rare. Had this not been lc I'd totally give you a way to dm me though.
No. 588615
>>588598I hope you took a cap of that message.
The ball is in your court anon, you don't have to try to cancel him because that shit is exhausting but you could gather everything you can and just hide it away on a hard drive somewhere out of sight until you make up your mind about how you feel
No. 588621
>>588598ruin that motherfucker's career before he gains stans. You'll be doing everyone a favor.
If he did it to you, he will do it to many more when he attains fame and it will be difficult to believe the
Creepy incels don't get a free pass. Him asking you to remain silent after the shit he did is so disgusting.
No. 588669
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one of my friends recently got into cottagecore and sends me aesthetic pics unprompted all the time. it was fine early on when they were nice, pinterest tier photos of flowers and pies and shit but now she takes every chance she can get to send me blurry phone pics she's taken of some fucking field on the side of the highway and sperging about how badly she wants to run away to the woods and become a spriggan or something. like i know what grass looks like bitch shut the hell up already lmaooo
>>588598 like others said get a cap of that as soon as you can & gather evidence of his past behavior, show it to your friends, even if you ultimately do nothing with it he doesn't deserve to have his platform if he expects you to just forget about what he's done
No. 588671
>>588556I draw almost every day but don't post anywhere, so I only really get art interaction through friends, which is honestly good enough for me. I have plenty of ocs and like talking about my own and other people's characters. It's not the only thing I talk about by far but it's fun to have something like that in common with someone.
It's great to see there's so many chill people here on lc, gives me hope
No. 588730
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Not a huge issue but I'm getting sick of people saying yeet. Just say throw, hurl, launch, toss. Fucking anything but yeet. It's not funny and it sometimes feels like it just comes across as forced at times
No. 588749
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I swear i have this weird mind control thing where whenever I think about going to the bathroom because I feel the need to go, someone immediately goes to the bathroom instead. This happens so often I feel like I'm going crazy lol. Just the mere thought suddenly makes everyone get up one by one use the bathroom. Then I gotta wait at least 15 minutes because going right after someone else is gross, but usually then someone else takes another's place. Absolute madness
No. 588824
>>588806sucker will always remain her best album. i don't know why people are heralding her new music as if it's better when sucker is right there.
also if they want autotune pop that's actually good maybe they should go listen to liz's y2k inspired shit, charli's stuff sucks ass now
No. 589331
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I'm pissed because discord blocked ALL the temp mails by now. Thanks for cucking me into creating yet another e-mail
No. 589587
>>589585I know anon, I guess they think it'll 'corrupt' women sticking cotton in our vaginas. I live in a shithole.
>>589582There is one online shop that sells tampons but they are marked up so high, they're very expensive. I've thought of buying a menstrual cup for a good while now. My mom thinks it's 'haraam' though kek. She also told me to repent to god when I told her I knew what a vagina was when I was 15.
No. 589592
>>589587Do you mind saying where you live? That's fucking insane and really momentarily pulled me out of my first-world safety bubble.
I'm sorry anon. I'd send you tampons every month if I could.
No. 589595
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>>589563I'm so sorry for you anon, I would send you all the menstrual shit you'd ever need if I could wtf
No. 589597
>>589592I live in Pakistan anon, a very shit city in Pakistan. You can get pads in stores (that you have to wrap in brown paper lest people know you get periods!) but no tampons.
You're so nice anon, i love you
>>589595Anon ur a cutie, i lub u, save me from this anti-tampon place
No. 589810
>>588414no.. because I don‘t trust anyone on the internet. Although it would be really nice to have some chill conversations with other art friends.
> I swear on the internet it's either alt right edgelords or twitter activists no in betweenreally annoying that everything has become so polarized now and you’re expected to have radical opinions on everything. If you don‘t agree with whatever, you get called either a sjw or a nazi by these assholes and they dominate most debates because they seem to have nothing else to do than sperging online about their agendas 24/7. I‘m a passionate artist and tbh this shit keeps me a bit from publicizing my stuff online, I don‘t want to have to answer political questions or be under any social pressure just because I have an online presence. ofc I need to start or my work will never be seen by anyone other than a few people, but when you get popular enough they will come for you and expect you to cater to their beliefs. Do any of you have a tactic to deal with this? I want to be as prepared as possible.
No. 589952
>>589587my god I was
>>589585 and I'm sorry for my insensitive reply. I hope you'll be able to get a menstrual cup (it'll be so worth not having to deal with gross pads anymore).
Sometimes I forget that it's not just Westeners on here. This is a good reminder we shouldn't take it for granted to live in a country with decent woman's rights and where we don't have to hide our normal and healthy bodily functions from men. Shit, I hope you'll be able to get decent women's right over there one day.
No. 590540
>>590527From one pop-loving bitch to another, I think it comes down to the fact that gay men lack sexual attraction to women but retain the entitlement that men are socialised to have. It's exhausting.
I know this is a reach, but it's like how bronies colonised a space meant for little girls and forced everything to bend to their whims. It's a pattern with men, gay or straight, that they take what they want and don't care about the women they trample along the way. But gay guys were on the verge of suicide when straight women started liking Drag Race lmfao
Anyway stream Future Nostalgia
No. 591128
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Posts like this ("not all women have periods!") annoy the hell out of me because no, they're not talking about actual women who have menopause/other conditions that interfere with their menstrual cycle, but men with dicks. And the comments are all like "lol get mad terfs." It's just so dumb to me imagining a man being sad that he can't experience menstruating to feel like a "real" woman. It's nothing but fetishism and delusion to me.
No. 591175
>>591121They have some seriously retarded takes on the topics they cover. I get that their audience is young and I'm an oldfag saying this but.. early twenties males have shitty opinions. They're hardly the ideal group to immortalise their opinions every week in vid form.
Imallexx had a vid giving out about Perez Hilton. Perez is old, gay and has 3 kids that he had through surrogotes, two being daughters. Perez was obnoxiously giving out about Charlie D'amelio dancing in a bikini to a song about fucking or blow jobs "she's 15, where are her parents" He was definitely being too much but throughout the long drawn out vid Imallexx makes out that GAY Perez Hilton is a pervert and must be the one drooling over 15 year old girls.. what?
No. 591226
>>591175i cant stand that imalexx guy at first i thot he was sorta okay but overtime just seeing his face pissed me off lol. I also really dont like iNabber or that Markie guy anymore either jbecause they annoy me too/try too hard. Honestly, I feel like the most annoying commentary channels in general are the ones where those “soft boy” types like kurtis conner try so hard to be funny when everything about them is so bland and their commentary adds nothing to what they’re watching.
No. 591352
>>591346Lmao anon! I'm pretty stupid today and forgot the `basket` part of the statement.
>>591344I don't think so, unfortunately. Either way, there's some pressure to date someone so that they see me coupled up with someone, but I'm sick of dating random guys. Such a waste of time.
No. 591656
>>591376>>591393A good portion of FTMs don't want to be adult men and they associate the soft youthful names with this sort of androgynous not-woman they're going for. They're not comfortable being men and they don't want to go the full route to be a regular undercover guy with a name like John or James from their age group, it's always from the list of the most popular baby names of 2019 like Elijah, (K/J/H)Ayden and Luke/Lucas/Luca.
As for MTFs they seem to steal names from their sisters/best female friends they want to skinwalk or strippers. Wouldn't be the first time someone posted screencaps of a reddit thread where a woman is saying how creeped out she feels after a male friend trooned out and took her second name as his own.
No. 592473
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I just got annoyed on my own by remembering some dumbass moments of my life.
>be teen
>make friend
>friend is toxic gaslighting type of friend
>only fall for that shit once
>she stole my death note manga
>something that was really hard to get in Latin America
It was fucking annoying and I’m salty about it, when I confronted her, she awkwardly laughed and changed the theme, I honestly let her keep them because I pitied her.
>be pretty good at speaking and understanding English
>pretty close to being bilingual with retarded moments
>she wants to learn how to English
>I tell her I learnt out of boredom and loneliness
>Teech meeee eynon!1!!!!
>tell her that I will only speak in English with her
>she gives up after a few corrections
>she gets salty because I told her she wrote in Spanish with English words
>that she writes as if she was using google translate
>that she speaks like a latino stereotype
After a few years, probably around 8 years of ignoring her and living my best life
>she awkwardly texts me
>she awkwardly texts me in English
>google translate English
>I don’t even bother to tell her she still has a shit syntax
I don’t get why anyone thinks they can get free classes just because someone speaks a different language, this kind of thing happened again with another person I had the displeasure to talk with. I have no patience when it comes to teaching anyone about anything, why do I have to? I learnt most of the things I know on my own, I never really got spoonfed, yet I have to do it? For free? Fuck off.
No. 592481
>>592473anon i hate when people do the "teach me how to speaaak :c >-<" thing because it usually goes like
> tell them how i learnt it> tell them how it technically took me 6 years or so to get to C1 level because it wasn't my only goal to learn english> recommend them easy-vocab shows that are fun to watch, music etc.> them thinking i'm just putting them off because they expect me to prepare them a "1000 essential words" list or smt> them not doing anything to learn english because they wanted to learn a whole ass language in 6 months despite showing no effort> ":< why do i suck i memorize english words all the time"cant fucking deal with people who refuse to follow anyone's advice then wonder why they cant develop a skill
No. 592482
>>592473fuck. so many people "learning" foreign languages do this. they always say "can you teach me?" but never open a book themselves.
i can be your practice partner and correct you but i'm not going to give you entire lessons on basic grammar. i can't just inject vocabulary and conjugation into your brain. fuck.
No. 592649
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I'd like a friend to talk to occasionally about weeb and vidya shit but I'm just not a very committed person. Like I'm fine if I don't talk or see someone for months. Every online relationship I've had ended really bad because I don't respond as much as they'd like and they think I'm being a bitch
No. 592669
>>592649Same! It always stresses me out if I talk to someone, at some point they answer after 30 minutes and then are like "oh my god I'm sorry I didn't answer for so long I was doing this and that"; it puts so much pressure to keep conversation going and always have an excuse to not respond immediately, like come on, we're adults, we have life, if you answer me in a week from now it should be completely normal.
tl;dr normalize long response times
No. 593217
>>592649I'm also like this, but I've also been fading out of my fondness for weebshit since I'm starting to not really relate to the characters anymore. I can tell watching it worsens my mental health problems.
I've also had very negative experiences with other weebs so even if/when I get back into weebshit again I kind of want to be away from other fans since they tend to ruin my experiences rather than improve them. Some weebs make me realize that my life is not nearly as bad as it could be, and that scares me.
Also, since this is the annoyance thread, FUCK people who project western bullshit onto Japanese media. I want to keel over when I read shit like people complaining that there's not enough "representation" in Japanese media. Ughh.
No. 593383
>>593373I mentioned wanting to talk about hobby shit in my op.
Even so, I think it's just a matter of priorities. I love my bestie, sure, but I don't need to know what she's doing everyday or every week. I adore her, I'll reply to her question if she has one, but I'm not going to go out of my way to start a conversation with her unless needed. I think some people like yourself are friend-centric, which is great, nothing wrong with that. I just don't see why I should be faulted if I'm not.
No. 594374
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These hoes are so annoying, like I get that it’s his fault as well. But do you not feel guilt for taking part in someone’s marital infidelity ?
No. 595873
>>595867People are literal animals anon, of course they want kids. It's bad but you can't convince people to not have kids.
Even worse are people who can't get pregnant going through expensive and dehumanizing IVF treatments instead of adopting, playing god because "I want my baby to look like meeee".
The best way to discourage this is to educate and empower young girls and women. People who have many kids often do so because they are forced by society and their family, are told it's the only way to reach fulfilment, or they would even prefer not having any and not getting married but can't afford not to/would be cast out of their family and abandoned by everyone they've ever loved. It's hard to escape that kind of pressure and women who are self-sufficient and accomplished have fewer kids on average, women are also less opposed to adoption (men dislike it because they want to "spread their genes").
No. 595899
>>595888I look weirdly young for my age so I attract weirdos that seem to assume I'm 19/20. A huge part of why old men love women that age is because they view you as naive and easy to manipulate.
I might pass for about 20 but when I tell these men I'm 32 I tend to see them stop smirking as it sets in that I'm not the foolish young girl they wanted. They want to prey on stupidity and inexperience. You're right, there's nothing flattering about it.
No. 595918
>>595901Hopefully there's adoption agencies in your own country, retard. And you don't have to adopt a "fas baby".
>>595896Those same people don't want to spend money on adoption because they view those children as "used goods", they will complain that adoption is hard and expensive but have no qualms dropping millions on IVF and paying some unfortunate woman in Ukraine or Thailand to carry that baby to term through a shady company of dubious legality, all to have a mini-me who's more likely to be born with autism or some other disability due to a geriatric pregnancy and doctors playing God.
I'd have a very hard time looking my parents in the eye if they told me that's how they had me.
The only people who should have any business having children are people who can afford it, want a child, have no major health issues and are able to conceive naturally at a normal childbearing age. Everyone else should consider adoption or fostering.
No. 595936
>>595918 > The only people who should have any business having children are people who can afford it, want a child, have no major health issuesI know so many women with children who were already on a long term disability payment for things like anxiety and fibromyalgia… then they purposely started their lil single parent families knowing every penny of cost from that kids upbringing is coming from tax money. They're too ill to work but not too ill to plan out multiple kids and raise them?
It's a joke where I am. We're pretty generous with single parents support payments and the free housing they get. When it comes to the elderly or homeless people the funds run short.. Selfish fucks are that short sighted though. The same people whinge about our homelessness problem asking where the funds are.. your 3 planned children are where the funds went! Your free large house which is home to your free kids is where all the housing went.
No. 597758
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People being mean to random ass children on the internet is so tucked up. Especially since these are self righteous zoomers who will “cancel” people over saying the n word. I also don’t like the comments about muh “pro choice” I am pro choice too that means supporting women’s choice to either keep a pregnancy or terminate it, not just pro-abortion for every pregnancy. It especially bothers me when people say mean shit to children with special needs or deformities.
No. 600835
File: 1597029372801.png (220.88 KB, 492x524, nonbinarydressups.png)

thought i would play a dress up game and the first thing i saw when i went on doll divine was this monstrosity… who asked for this crap
No. 601188
>>600843>>600951exactly lol its so dumb
No. 601845
File: 1597123906705.jpg (55.22 KB, 483x429, f3aOZfz.jpg)

I hate it when I find a nice account in any social media and they have a "Don´t interact list"
It usually goes like this:
1)Find a post and give it a simple like, I move on and never talk to that person again but OP gets salty that I didn´t read the bible-long Carrd with the list of people they hate when I casually liked their random post.
2)OP turns out to be unbelieveable annoying all the time and can´t shut up about how people who like certian cartoon are the devil or something.
OP, I don´t care about your political views, I just want to save a funny meme, seriously I´ve seen people doing a whole cry show because someone who liked their ugly sanrio meme has one "All lifes matter" post.
No. 601997
File: 1597146356794.jpeg (47.15 KB, 249x287, F7B3D75A-E698-4ACF-BADF-E1B1C1…)

I fucking hate it when my allergies suddenly flare up, my whole body is itchy, I can’t stop sneezing and my eyes are two clumps of blood, I hate taking pills because then I spend the rest of day sleeping and feeling extra-retarded, but if I take them at night, I fall asleep, great, and wake up extremely late because I end up in such a deep sleep that I can’t listen to my morning alarm.
Fuck allergies.
No. 602081
>>601677Shit take. Sounds like internalized misogyny.
The reason women aren't taken seriously in technology is because men and other women like you don't take us seriously in technology and feel like one thing, such as bikini pics, denigrates our technical capabilities because "they're sloots, there's no way they can be a sloot AND be good at technology"
No. 602089
>>602086Women in all sorts of fields take bikini pics, but for some reason women in STEM really
triggers folks because if you're in STEM you must be
>ugly>self conscious>low self esteemso if you take confident pics or otherwise dress raunchy, you're faking your profession, right guise??
Not to mention the shit take of basically "If you wear it, you asked for it" LOL i'm screaming. is
>>601677 okay?
No. 602097
>>602086>>602089Because STEM got put on a pedestal for women in it being NLOG uber smarties. And everyone knows that smart women can't really be hot. So if you're taking bikini pics you must not really be in the NLOG smarty club because you want attention for your body like those other dumb sluts so you must have sucked cock to get where you are. Doesn't help that techies tend to have this misogynistic logic moreso than those in dentistry just through internet and media exposure alone.
Don't shoot the messenger.
No. 602403
File: 1597182622405.png (327.35 KB, 888x578, Screenshot (2).png)

It's sad that this girl is so insecure and it's obviously not ok for her to verbally attack a random ethot because of her relationship problems, but why is nobody seeing that his behavior isn't acceptable either? They're acting as if not being ok with your man liking nearly naked girls is abuse.
>It's not the dude's problem, it's the girl's problem for being so toxic that she can't let her man like a pic that he will forget in the next 30 seconds lmao
>hope he dumped her and is thriving
>hope he dumped her and is still liking and retweeting her photos
>Why do girls do this? My man and I follow a lot of the same SWers and adult content creators lmaooo “You saw this? I’ll send it to you” like if that’s not your style then dump him and date someone else?
(All of these comments have several 1000 likes)
No. 602408
>>602403This is the sign of a girl dating either a porn addict or a cheater. Poor girl should dump him for her goddamn sanity.
It’s not abuse to not be okay with it and tbh unless the girl is also looking at porn/hot men online I truthfully believe women do this to cope. I think it’s fucking lame and a sign of a retardism personally if you got a girl and you’re liking girls pics online kek
No. 602412
>>602403I wanted to call the women cuckqueans, but that'd imply they derive any sort of enjoyment from their boyfriends looking at other women. They're just so pathetic that they deal with it. Meanwhile, those same boyfriends and all the men who are supporting this shit would go insane if their girlfriends started thirsting over male models, lmao.
Anyway, the original girl should've just told her boyfriend to block/unfollow the OF girl. She didn't, because she too accepts this behavior.
>hope he dumped her and is thriving"Thriving" on his porn addiction, lmao.
No. 613070
>>613065Uhm, of course it's not her
fault, but being a huge bitch about it is. She could've just blocked him or ignored the messages but no, she chose to post her message to Twitter and made her simps and pickmes attack this girl. She's obviously enjoying the sense of power this gives her. What a disgusting narcissist.
No. 613081
>>602403Late but what did she fucking expect? If prostitutes all decided to block every client with a girlfriend or wife then they'd lose their clientele by over half.
Women need to stop rewarding porn addicts with companionship instead of expecting random sluts on the internet to research and give a fuck about their unfaithful man problems. The girlfriend looks absolutely pathetic.
No. 613130
>>613086>the girlfriend is the least pathetic Um no, she's asking unrelated women to regulate her man's porn consumption instead of gaining some self-respect and dumping him.
This is retardation.
No. 613147
File: 1598275999337.jpg (49.02 KB, 500x534, boy-london4_grande.jpg)

Those fucking morons thinking that Boy London is in anyway associated with nazism make me want to hit my head in a wall, just one quick google search to read about how they ended up with the eagle as their logo.
No. 613157
File: 1598276428621.png (184.29 KB, 1302x348, Capture.PNG)

>>613147>it's not in any way associated with nazism, ugh, those morons>literally calls it "the nazi eagle"Kek. I assume you came here to post this immediately after posting this in that /snow/ thread?
No. 613195
File: 1598278960725.jpg (29.83 KB, 590x427, Boy-London-Clothing-Logo-Compa…)

>>613147Yes, this must be completely accidental. It's not like they're nazi themselves but they DEFINITELY used this exact imagery for controversy. Don't be stupid.
As for the "quick google search to read about it"
>He explained that the logo 'was inspired by the eagle of the Roman Empire as a sign of decadence and strength. Its aim is to empower people rather than oppress'.this is exactly the same origin story as nazi eagle
No. 613198
>>613195OT, but
>be a white supremacist>copy something created by a mediterranean culturekek
No. 614904
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Somewhat related, but during one of my introductory zoom lectures yesterday, one of my classmates introduced herself and followed up with "my pronouns are she/them." Like what even the fuck is the point of having they/them pronouns if you still identify with your actual gender
No. 614937
>>614927Yikes, all the comments saying that SHE should apologise to him for 'telling his secret (her sexual assault) after already agreeing to move on' and people also concerned that all her fans need to apologise to him for talking bad about him.. basically everyone apologise to the sexual assaulter and lets shame the
victim. Oh and the same old 'shouldn't even let a man in your house if you don't want to be assaulted' Bs
It really has it all. If she drinks she's responsible for whatever happens to her, if he drinks he's not responsible for his actions… Ain't that cute.
No. 614955
>>614927Disgusting, but not surprising. In my country, a while ago a woman was kidnapped, and it broke our country's social media, and you know what the neanderthals were saying? That since the woman has uploaded pictures of herself online and had bfs, she deserved it, it was her fault. And when she was safely brought back, people were saying 'whats the use? her seal is broken now' as in, she was raped probably. Fucking gutted me seeing people agree with that faggot. I hate this gay world. Fuck scrotes, fuck pickmes, fuck humans.
No. 614965
>>614927>>614937>Korean and Muslim Irredeemable. He clearly only says something because of getting outed. Hope he kills himself.
>>614955I hate men so fucking much jesus fuck
No. 615043
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Following fashion is just not worth it anymore when the concept of wearing flattering clothes is no longer considered stylish. If rich trendy people are dressing this badly then what does this mean for the rest of us who are trying to keep up?
No. 615075
>>614965But according to the comments he has prayed and been forgiven by God… that clears all that up! No need to worry about the
victim or any long term trauma she faces. God forgives quickly. Might as well just get rid of the whole justice system.
No. 615087
>>615084Kek no just an exmuslim who’s
triggered at muslims being able to get away with everything because retarded cultural relativism. Literally can’t even criticise their incel religion because it’s raycist!!!!
No. 615111
>>615084Ntayrt, but why defend someone who decides they want to be retardedly religious? Specially if they use it to shield themselves from any form of criticism or accusations?
Once you’re 18, there’s no excuse for a person living in a first or second world country to stay radical about their religion and turn it into their only personality trait. Hell, I’ve lived in Africa, in a country in which people are supposed to be overly religious and I still found people saying that they don’t give a fuck about it.
Radicalfags should be bullied off the Internet.
No. 615584
>>615567>>615572You anons are probably right, it is a weird cope. Even a
victim complex-y thing, I believed that if I stopped talking about anything other than them they would notice and coo me and ask but obviously they wouldn't. I don't really mind the friend, but mom… I should maybe talk to her about it, have tried, but it didn't get through. What do you think I should do? Should I just force conversations or something? My mom has never commented on my lack of speaking, so I don't think it bothers her much but it would be bad in future social situations with other people. I don't want to come across as an inept weirdo.
No. 615597
>>615584If you've dealt with it since childhood then that's why you're so quick to jump to that maladaptive shit. Just try to recognise it and not turn into a weirdo over it. The urge to play games might be there but just being upfront will work out better. If someone gets upset by being told they're too self-interested when talking to you..well so be it. Still better than acting autistic.
Chances are your mom won't change at this stage in her life but as an adult you can limit your time spent dealing with it.
No. 615628
>>615622tbf that kind of thing is sometimes hard to grasp through text
I do like to say stupid stuff for fun though so
No. 616521
>>616503I'm so used to it now that I barely notice it, but whenever I actually pay attention because I'm in public I'm like wtf? Who chose this? It is, in itself, a NSFW image that should be spoilered. It's not graphic, but if anyone looks over your shoulder it's pretty clear what it is - a girl in a fucking school skirt bending over.
Some of the banners are NSFW as well. That one which says daddy's little porkchop or w/e is the worst, imagine if someone caught you looking at that. And it's so easy to forget it's on the screen because you see it all the time.