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No. 481484
Old thread
>>443618A thread to collect topics/things that absolutely or mildly annoy you. Express your anger ladies.
Ex.Extreme nitpicks, anachans vs fattychans going at it, insecure farmers shitting up threads because tiddys were mentioned, you get the gist.
No. 481500
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>>481491You would be bitter too if you ever got brutally mogged like this.
No. 481502
>>481500Lol. The horror of having to stand next to someone. Thinking the nasty shit nasty people say online defines your reality.
I'm not even that anon but who cares?
No. 481508
>>481491I hate that too. You can make someone feel better without shittalking an entire group. Whatever, I'm not going to get upset over that but it is annoying.
I feel like having big tits you're seen more of an object so it makes it easier for others to shittalk you while women that are lacking in that department kind invoke that feeling in others to protect. I'm not going to say childish but they're considered more princessy and ethereal. I'm not sure if that makes sense. That's just my take.
No. 481514
>>481500They're both cute though.
>>481508I think it's either princessy/ethereal
or we're seen as more masculine if we're big on top of it (not fat, but with a large frame and maybe muscle). Which of course also means more personhood to men.
That said, I've never had anyone put down big tits to make me feel better. It's usually "flat is also good." Perhaps that's what I get for being the masculine type flatty lol. Only the petite girls get men roasting busty women.
No. 481535
>>481508Yeah, I mean it's usually some reddit scrote that I see when I encounter this, only thinking about what his dick likes best. Sometimes it's salty flat chested women too.
I think petite flat chested women can look very faerie like, as a teen I used to be really into that look but no way could I pull it off, or anything lolita or cute tbh.
>>481526I remember being 17 with my E cups and being SO worried that in 5 years they'd look like shit and saggy as fuck. But I'm nearing 30 and honestly they still look similar, no visible sagging yet but I still hate them and feel regarded as a sexual woman first, human second.
Well, once I've saved enough I'll be getting a breast reduction and live the best of both worlds.
No. 481551
>>481548>barrelchested, broad, average weighted women with small chestsWe're built to lift and be powerful, anon. No tiddies in the way and our base strength is already decent.
Just obtain a bf/gf who likes being tossed around. Or one who likes dominating beefy women. Whatever you're into.
No. 481553
>>481548Why are you so concerned about how others feel about your - or other's - tits ?
Flat chest means better range of move, more upper body strength, it's easier to handle. Plus you don't need bras even when running. Being broad means more strength, less real and/or perceived fragility. That's very positive to me.
No. 481563
>>481556Depends on where you live.
In North America the average for men is around your height. And men of certain races (Asian (South and South East especially), Latino, some particular Indigenous ethnicities) tend to be on the smaller side. I have a few quite short male friends (from 5'2"-5'4") and they're all desi.
t. manlet chaser No. 481566
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Why do the “women” on here pick on other women’s appearance like incels… It reeks of low self-esteem.
No. 481572
>>481567That's men defined version of elegancy. Big tits don't exist in nature except for cows (not saying big chested women looks like cows, just that big boobs doesn't make the female).
Grow pecs and you won't feel like a child.
Women complaining about their small tits is what's really annoying imo, it's catering to disgusting male standards about us.
No. 481583
>>481574Definitely a clothing quality issue. If you expand a good quality cotton tissue and put a hand behind it you won't see it. That's how I test for tissue quality. Now if you're super dark and test for white tissue, then I don't know.
Almost every company make shit quality products in general nowadays, no matter how expensive…
No. 481599
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>>481501I'm pretty sure incelcore is like it's own type of music genre now. There's tons of them on youtube and soundcloud uploading their own songs they wrote about hating roasties and being lonely and referencing 4chan/r9k memes.
No. 481603
>>481491Small tits are cute af
and yeah I hate how whenever people say “THIS can be sexy too” it requires them to put down the alternative ex: shitty Facebook memes of “Thicc ladies do it better Skinny bitches are gross” why can’t we just accept that literally anyone can be hot?
No. 481633
>>481572It was an anon who brought up the "ethereal and fairylike" aspect of small chests, which is why I was discussing it. And yes, I agree its mostly a men-defined thing, but as a lesbian I dont give a shit what men think of me lol. I'm more insecure of people not taking me seriously or at a glace thinking im like 17 years old. I wear a lot of graphic tees and hoodies, so my wardrobe is definitely a contributing factor lmao. But I like the stuff I wear and hate that I'd have to change that just to appear as more "adultlike" due to the fact I dont have a bust line at all. There was a shirt I was going to buy, I wanted it soo bad, but I realized it would seriously make me look like a child because of the way it would sit on my body compared to the clothing model, even though the model had a relatively small bust size. I really wish there were more clothing options that were my style but made for smaller busted women.
Also please read: "However I also realize and appreciate that men are much less likely to think of me as an object"
"I dont think I would trade them in for bigger"
I am insecure about them at times, sure, but what part of that is "catering to disgusting male standards about us"? I thought I made it pretty clear I'm glad to have small tits for the exact reason men wont pay as much attention to me.
>>481574 The color, never. I typically wear thicker clothing material so its not too bad. Where I live where its cold about 9 months out of the year so I wear a lot of sweaters, hoodies, and things like that. I never worry or even think about it though honestly. I wear whatever I want really, as long as its not fishnets or something realllyy thin. If it is thin, I have thin croptops/cami things I just wear underneath. I've never even been spoken to about it, even in highschool where you might expect to get in trouble/made of of for it so idk. I think its a lot more popular these days and the shock value has gone down or something. That and I dont have a chest that draws male attention in the first place, so its a little easier for me to fly under the radar when it comes to people raising a ruckus about being inappropriate or slutty.
No. 481642
>Cilantro is the Spanish word for coriander, also deriving from coriandrum. It is the common term in North American English for coriander leaves, due to their extensive use in Mexican cuisine.t. wikipedia
it's stupid as fuck though, it'll always be coriander to me. that's even the latin name ffs
No. 481649
>>481642Well.. im entirely irrational then.
Guess I’ll die mad about it. Cilantro sounds dumb.
No. 481883
>>481491I have seen it the other way around before. But that's just what people do with everything.
Like if someone doesn't like being tall they'll say "at least you're not a stubby midget". If someone doesn't like being short they'll say "at least you're not a masculine giantess" etc.
I hate how so many people think that to give a compliment you have to put other people down. I try not to do that.
No. 481884
>>481860the kicker is that men don't even need to have autism to do that. there's always the "boys will be boys" excuse.
autism though is a scapegoat for everything, and autistic people (or autistic men at least) get lots of free passes.
No. 482035
>>481634God I agree with all of these. Especially the drunk/highposting bitches seem like those kids that just hit 18 and think getting hammered is the coolest thing they could do and want everyone else to applaud their cringey maturity rite as well.
>posts with milk or oc overlooked in favor of a dumb post because anons want to reach for low hanging fruitThis too. Momokun threads used to be contaminated with this bullshit just before she grew up and closed the milk tap. People overlooked actual milk people brought in just to sperg about baseless pedo accusations, tax evasion tinfoiling and how fat she is. I remember some anon outright saying that she's only interested in shitty nitpicking because it's "fun" and the actual milk is "boring cosplay milk". Then why the fuck are you following a thread about a cosplayer? Bratty newfags ruin every thread, their cowtipping was the reason her twitter got deleted and the milk went dry.
No. 482092
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>>482089>I've seen so many people just use it to try to insult someone who doesn't agree with thempic related
No. 482098
>>482081Felt. It's been around for a year in the dirtbag left community and was annoying even
before blowing up. I'm glad r/chapotraphouse was quarantined before it spread sooner
No. 482114
>>482081I hate facile shit like this because all it winds up doing is vindicating the people that it's being used against. There are so many good arguments that express generational differences and how people are talking around each other, but no. "Ok boomer" just seals the alienation that the older generation feels and paints anyone younger as unreasonable and insolent in their eyes.
I hated millennial jokes because legitimate concerns from my generation were ignored in favor of painting all of us with a stereotype. It's not better just because younger people are doing the same thing.
We were meant to be better.
No. 482238
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>>482116because a lot of lefty memes are jokes based on strawmen arguments and insults directed at small groups of people. they're too precise and politically charged to truly be considered memes. half of the time they use these memes in a serious manner.
this is why memes like asbestos removal are fucking hilarious.
No. 482312
>>482169>No one says that though? I wouldn't had written it if people weren't actually saying this. People dead on want state controlled markets just so that ~everyone~ gets to stay afloat/pay their employees as much as competitors despite offering inferior products because of muh livelihood.
I should also add that someone being a lazy fuck not wanting to get up and go to work isn't the fault of "reee capitalism", you would be living under a bridge starving to death in any communist society.
>>482271Anon you replied to and joke's on you, I live in a socialist state that would cover around 99% of my cancer treatment. I even said that the Nordic Model is the best option out there you fucking ass for brains idiot. Stop being so
triggered over someone challenging your anarchocommunist worldview.
No. 482324
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What is this obnoxious ass trend where anyone who disagrees with you or is being patronized in a certain scenario is named Karen? It’s annoying
pic related is a tweet I keep seeing in my Facebook newsfeed (among others)
No. 482326
>>482324It's just misogyny. "Karen" is just the woke way of saying "Cunt".
A "Karen" is any adult woman (typically white but not always) who disagrees with the narrator in ANY capacity. It used to describe entitled parents, I think? But it's just devolved into misogyny.
Also if my kid is born with a penis I'm calling him a boy and woke-tards can suck my ass if they have a problem with it.
No. 482467
>>482462Openly talking about stealing is also such a red flag, most people have stolen something at some time but no well adjusted adult thinks it's a cool thing to boast about.
There's an autistic guy in my club who boasts about stealing things from his college, spraypainting private property of 'rich folk' and all the destructive hacking he used to do. When he was away I mentioned that he makes me feel uneasy to the group but everyone acted like I was just hating on him for being autistic so I just shut up. I hope the worst he ever does is steal things because imo someone that cares so little about other people is probably also a creeper.
No. 482472
>>482462Ew, I can't imagine how many other people he's done it to.
Fuck people who steal shit, I'd understand basic food, but anything else deserves being constantly shamed for.
I hate when people excuse these thieves by saying "people deserve to have nice things" because it doesn't entitle you to shit if you can't afford it.
And stealing the shit from friends? You must be absolutely retarded.
Your "friend" is an asshole. I'm glad you called him out on his shit, hopefully he realizes no one will like him if he tries constantly victimising himself.
No. 482541
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Catastrophic fire conditions today where I am, so I have a look at all the active ones close by and let my dad know. Of course the next thing out of his mouth after a brief silence is "I bet the Greenies did it…"
Sure pops. The Greens did it, they lit the fires. That sounds fucking waterproof.
I need to get this Murdoch-related-media IV out of him but the fucking Fox News crew are his only friends (and their relevant counterparts for us, Sky News, are a pretty unbiased bunch too I hear!).
Just why. Why.
No. 482738
>>482734can i ask what song?
and i agree, people cannot fix problems if the problem isn't addressed. enablers are sometimes part of the problem.
No. 482885
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I'm so fucking tired of the "Nobody" meme. It's such a stupid, pointless, effortless, unfunny, lazy meme. It doesn't even make sense. It needs to fucking die already.
No. 482905
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Facebook is honestly full of the worst most conceited bitches ever who post stuff like this.
No. 482967
I can't stand when youtubers who are making critiques or an analysis of something try to inject really lame and stupid jokes. Like, you don't have to be funny you know, just make your video without humour and focus on actually giving me information otherwise you just ruin your video and give me a massive headache. It's embarrassing. No you're not funny, shut up and stop trying
>>482885ugh same, it's the laziest "joke" I've ever heard of, and it was never funny to begin with. Most memes need to die anyway
No. 482981
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this only applier in spaces like radblr and to a certain extent lolcow, where radfems "simplify" complex geopolitical situations for e.g The Syrian civil war into "iTS jUsT sCRTOes KiLing eaCh oThER ovEr dUmb sHit "
No. 482982
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Why do koreaboos have to invade everything? Keep your shitty k-pop out of the impeachment tags, I want to read about the president falling to shit, not your crappy bands.
No. 483000
>>482982I'm absolutely fucking sick of seeing fancams everywhere. I turned my video autoplay off so I don't give them the views they want, but at the same time it doesn't stop them from being annoying as fuck. What do they think they're going to achieve? They always say "STAN ____" but do they not realize they're making everyone around them associate ___ person with annoying fans and therefore are
not going to want to stan that person? And then when someone brings up that point they'll just say "well you're still giving them views" while including the same fancam in every. single. reply. I muted as many kpop relevant words but they still pop up like little cockroaches. I wish I could report them for spam or whatever but alas.
No. 483017
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>>482982I went to look at the replies out of curiosity and surprisingly a lot of them are telling him to cut that shit out and some didn't see that he included the impeachment tag, but then I saw this.
How is calmly telling and explaining to someone that what they're doing is inappropriate "treating people who support MonstaX badly"??? What a fucking idiot.
No. 483085
Video games are and are accepted as art and the main thing holding back gamers from getting recognition is themselves
The best analogy I've heard is that "instead of making deep games they stamp their feet and demand their games be seen as deep". They always try to praise stuff like CoD or Overwatch as deep and any experimental game is written off as 'walking simulator'. Most accepted deep genres try to separate the slock from the gems (twilight vs hamlet, transformers vs. 12 crazy old men, Beiber Vs. Mozart), but gamers always try to frame it as the slock of their genre is deep. No. 483087
jokes aside imo you can't unless you're directly quoting/mocking someone who uses it
No. 483435
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I hate the fact that the only dude I know who bought disney + is the guy I knew was going to buy disney +. Like they're a divorced dude who's still obsessed over ~nostalgia~.
Also who could sit through only watching disney +? Wouldn't the squeaky clean family friendly feeling of disney films get old?
No. 483438
>>483435My bf got the trial he’s a Star Wars geek so he’s happy with it, I for one am not
The MCU is eh
Star Wars is eh
Disney nostalgia was cool for 2 minutes but that’s all there is
Hulu remains the best streaming service and Netflix is second best Disney + doesn’t even have shows or movies that are on Netflix or Hulu or Amazon Prime already so remember that before you give them anything
No. 483442
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Manga translators need to stay in their lane
No. 483455
>>483443Same tbh
I used to have both Netflix and Amazon, but the amount of money you pay for 3-4 diff streaming sites is horseshit. it all adds up very easily
No. 483468
>>483435Everyone will quietly unsub to this service once they've seen everything they've wanted a couple dozen times, or bundle it in with their other streaming services like Hulu and never use it as much after that.
The latter is actually why these streaming services are going to get really fucking annoying. They're gonna take their content off other platforms, and offer 'bundled' packages to people for a slightly discounted price. They'll make bank playing people this way.
No. 483494
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>>482085>>482088lighten up bitch he gets paid for that shit
No. 483531
>>483443There is stuff that doesn't get ripped for torrents or pirate streams.
All my mom watches on Netflix is British home improvement shows, but I doubt you could pirate those.
No. 483884
>>483874Same I hate these critique videos in general because they insert themselves in and try to joke around for like the first 3 minutes of the video, just fucking get to the point
I used to like them because I like seeing people criticize stuff it’s just entertaining but it’s hardly that anymore it’s just people inserting themselves in their awful videos and making awful jokes and detailing the topic
No. 483995
>>483988I hate the fakeness too however even fake shows of kindness are allegedly meant to inspire others to do the same, even if for the same fake reasons, and that's not such a bad thing
I would rather people are doing these pretend random acts of kindness than mean pranks or acting like being rude makes them 'more real', at least some barista somewhere might get a decent tip out of it
No. 484000
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>>481484There is this intensly weeb girl who I see everyday in lectures who has the greasiest hair i've ever seen and that's a lot since i basically grew up surrounded by weebs. she has shoulder length hair the top of her head is so clumpy and oily it looks wet all the time and the rest of her hair is so dry and frizzy like a candy floss and on top of all of that she attempts kawaii animu girl hairstyles with her hair like her favourite where she does a low ponytail but leave all the left side of her hair out like if it was some anime fringe… im disgusted by just looking at her i just cant take my eyes off her, she also has the worst body posture and the worst fitting bra and clothes, i feel for her but i also want to talk with her about it so fucking bad but it is inappropriate, her hair never looked clean for months, I wonder what is it that makes her like this because she finds the time to wear bows and do some weird hairdos but can't wash her fucking hair or use dry shampoo???
No. 484152
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I'm sick of being called weird. Growing up I was never the smart, cool, or funny one, but the weird one. This is so dumb, but I've never been told I'm anything besides weird, odd, quite, unique, or any spinoff off of that. It's not even the cool 'ha ha were a bunch of nerds' unique, but the 'you act retarded, but I can't say that out loud' unique.
I don't hate them, but I am jealous of socially stable people who went down the 'i'm weird' path. I can see how they enjoy it, but knowing they're acting weird as a fun label and can become normal any time, while even my teacher commented on how odd I was, it kind of hurts. Theres probably more nuance to why the act weird so i don't hate them that much
No. 484209
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I hate the “my depression lol” meme it’s so annoying and frankly it’s not even actual depressed people who post these even if it is “awareness” it’s annoying and not funny leave that “I wanna die hehe” shit in 2016 fuck you if you post these flooding my timeline with posts about your self diagnosed crippling anxiety and depression “heheheheh im so pathetic and sad” attention whore stfu
bonus annoying points if it’s some ugly scrote saying”I wana gf but all I get is depression” stfu no one wants you because you act like a self pitying sadsack piece of shit
No. 484210
>>484209It's totally just another meme now. Just the result of years of Tumblr romanticization.
Living in your own filth because your brain is shit and can't gather the energy to do basic self care isn't funny or romantic. Killing yourself because that's preferable over living in said filth and fucking over everyone who gives a shit about you isn't funny either.
idk maybe I hate fun or whatever but man it's gotten old. Yeah yeah I get that it's a cope for some people but laughing at the problem doesn't solve it either. At best it's a weird cry for help.
No. 484211
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>>484209Agree especially with the last part. Also off topic but related to your pic, I don't find this trend of uploading unconventional videos to PornHub to be funny, it's just really lame to me.
No. 484219
>>484211Is this Belle's fault? Or was this happening before she did it?
I assumed they were edited screencaps
No. 484363
>>484355oh and if you ever had BDD, you
know even your perception fluctuates, too
No. 484372
>>484355I really hate it when catty anons try to justify their autistic nitpicking with unflattering candid photos taken mid-speech in a terrible lighting. Criticizing looks you're born with (i.e. not clothing, hairstyle, makeup etc) is low to begin with, but it's beyond spergy to try to claim someone like Dakota is a fatty because she had a double chin in a conveniently timed screenshot.
>yeah, I know where I am but I try not to read that much drama anymore. It isn't really even drama or milk, it's just anons being immature. I have a hard time believing anyone past 15 finds "ew she has somewhat uneven skin in this ridiculously enhanced HDR photo what a cunt" type of discussion engaging.
No. 484374
>>484355Hated people are reviled and nitpicked no matter how beautiful they are.
The moral of the story is don't piss off a large group of people and leave a trail of receipts.
No. 484435
>>484395Bullshit then why are only the female lolcows here being nitpicked on their looks and not the male lolcows?
Its because its ingrained in us from generations of instill brainwashing to still only view women as ''fuckable(pretty)'' unfuckable(ugly)'' or decorations to be seen but not heard.
Thats why some autists here only know to insult their cows based on looks and not based on the shitty things they've done.
No. 484446
>>484435I've definitely insulted male cows, fam.
It actually kind of makes me cringe when I see other farmers try to stan their looks or say some of the male cows are attractive. Usually they're not as a baseline, but their behavior definitely makes them gross and unfuckable to me.
No. 484453
>>484435I think most men are ugly and I'm straight. There's honestly such a low standard for what makes a man attractive. Honestly I think most average women have more women crushes than male because women are just better at presenting themselves. Men are mostly so plain and dull that their looks in general get overlooked and it's easier to just be like this man is an asshole. Whereas women are usually more complex, better at communicating, when being malicious are better at it etc that attacking looks is low hanging fruit.
Narc men get berated for their looks more often ie Onision, because he makes a point to present himself as 'handsome', when he's a middle aged man with botched botox, a short frame and massive face.
No. 484486
>>484466Whenever someone tells me about their partner who's this callous towards other people for flaws, all I can think about is how their partner will turn on them the second they perceive that they are flawed as well.
I wouldn't want a flight risk the second I get a blown out belly and saggy tits from birthing his children.
Nevermind the disgusting thought that he's looking at other women
in those ways to be making comments on their desirability.
I don't know how you can stand to be around him. I'd walk away if he said something that nasty.
No. 484567
>>484516I hate pretty much all slang words for vagina. Cuchi, moose, beaver, box, muffin/muff (okay I guess muffin isnt that bad). I know there are way more but I cant think of them.
The worst one is box though, in my opinion.
No. 484673
>>484516I remember my mom used this word with me as a kid and now people seem to use it for a replacement on “pussy” and it grosses me out but all the words for vagina sound gross
-vagina = too medical and severe sounding
-pussy = vulgar and harsh
-coochie = ghetto and goofy sounding
-beaver = gross and somehow just as vulgar as pussy
-box- kinda belittling idk why
-muffin - muffins are yummy and sweet but ew
-poonani -gross, ghetto and
-furburger - LOL
I usually say “puss” cause it doesn’t sound as bad as “pussy”to me but that probably sounds weird to the rest of y’all
vagina terminology is weird and unfortunate regardless
No. 484703
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These poor girls have ugly neck beards drooling over them for the sole fact that they are Japanese schoolgirls
This shits so disgusting to me, the fact that this pic was taken off guard and they’re actual teenagers not trying to be sexy but being sexualized regardless (it’s not girls in a sexy schoolgirl outfit) they’re regular uniforms
Also a girl shared this idk how to feel about that She’s one of those ~bisexual kinky~ girls who constantly sharing asses shaking gifs to remind you that she is indeed very bisexual (she gives me Miley Cyrus vibes)
No. 484710
>>484647gross, that's actually worse
I just remembered "boner garage"
No. 484779
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>subscribe to minecraft youtuber for his texture packs
>he has around 10k subs
>really cute voice and good gameplay
>packs are really good and improve my minecraft experience
>updated packs every 10k-5k subs or so
>explodes in subs
>he's at 335k subs now
>plays with minecraft bigshots in uhc events
>hasn't posted a pack update for a while now
>starts every video with a quirky intro asking for a sub
>constantly asks for follows on twitter/insta/twitch
I'm 90% sure I'm being petty, but this is what i get for getting attached to a youtuber, damn. His videos are good, I'll still watch them, but damn. These damn youtuber types always forget where they came from.
No. 485035
>>484999I think you should at least reach out to her
with all the women who definitely were assaulted and never got to be heard, it's almost insane that this person is doing this to someone
I'm not saying you have to drop the bombshell, but definitely talk to her (and then come back and tell us because this is so fucking juicy)
No. 485233
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I hate how the ahego face has slipped into somewhat popular consince. I see people with straight up porn icons in casual situations online. I also hate sauce culture. How can someone so unshamibly ask for porn.
No. 485348
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I know I'm going to sound pretentous, but all my local book stores aren't 'smart' enough for me. They're the most bog standard 'geek culture' stuff (Only big 2 comics, funko shelf, harry potter shelf, DnD manual). When it stray away from nerdville it's rarely deep. In order to make money they have to sell only the popular classics, the popular philosophers, the popular history. Its nice they have those shelfs, but its always dominated by Plato, Niztche, or the random self help book. Its even worse when all the intellectual shelfs in bite sized formats (think 'intro into psychology' book with a lot of pictures). I'm ok with beginners having their own books, but they never sell anything deeper than "100 films you must watch before you die". Dont get me started on the random shelfs selling hobby items.
The bookstores near me feel like they aren't made for people who want to learn, but for people who have a 'nerd' persona to keep up. Like the puddle deep books they sell would work for someone trying to look geeky
No. 485364
>>485348>>485348Nah, not pretentious at all anon. I agree with you. I think because of online book shops, people nowadays don't really need to go to ones irl, so now most of them have to sell whats most popular rather than more specific books. Also (at least where I live) local businesses have had to shut down because of less sales, so instead of nicer local businesses we're left with places like Waterstones which just sell popular shit.
Don't get me wrong though, I like having any book available to me over the internet, but it is a little depressing how much irl bookstores suck. Also, Funko pops look so dumb to me. I hate going into any sort of comic book store and seeing shelves of these things. They look so unappealing and boxy.
No. 485420
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>>485364>Also, Funko pops look so dumb to me. I hate going into any sort of comic book store and seeing shelves of these things. They look so unappealing and boxy.Same. Seeing someone with an entire shelf filled with them is kind of jarring. Why would you want a massive collection of undetailed figures all in the same ugly art style? They're mass produced and not worth anything. There are so many nice figures you could buy that actually have aesthetic value.
No. 485574
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Repost but I hate when people demonize girls for being underage online like they don’t owe you their age. Why don’t you just follow girls who are obviously in college or something. Teenagers are bound to use social media if you follow them you’re a creep, idc
Quit blaming them
No. 485579
>>485574Also she wasn’t posting anything nsfw or lewds
She’s just some tik tok girl
Yeah because girls on tik tok are always 18+ never would you encounter someone on that app that’s
underage No. 485583
>>485574Not to be hypocritical, but Jesus Christ, how old are these people? I'm in my late 20s and I was actively using the internet and going on social media since I was like 12. I never felt shamed when I was underage by adults I came across online, these people now have some weird obsession with concern trolling and just being freaked out when young people show up online engaging in social media. They have to be autistic or
something. They basically were them a few years ago except not being told to go away lol.
No. 485639
>>485625>girlShe's an adult woman and while it's easier to blame past trauma for current failings, that's not how anyone actually makes progress to be better. It's a slap in the face because her efame gave her exposure to more opportunities and help than most ordinary people with the same traumas will never have.
Trauma isn't a pass to keep on making irresponsible decisions, but if that's how you feel maybe people wouldn't be able to make such judgements to begin with if Venus wasn't constantly posting her every bad move for attention on the internet.
No. 485640
>>485639NTA but I think her situation is just sad and I find it weird people still want to point and laugh at her despite knowing how badly she was abused for her whole life. She should absolutely be held accountable for her own recovery, but isn't Japan pretty shit in regards to mental health services?
I dunno, I guess I can't help but feel really terrible for her. I hope she gets serious help before she ODs.
No. 485644
>>485640>isn't Japan shit She doesn't
have to live there and without other peoples' naive generosity she couldn't, she doesn't even lift a finger to work.
I've never seen another lolcow on this website have so many excuses made up for them before. Not ever. And I'm pretty sure some cows have gone through worse shit than having a narcissistic weeb pageant mom.
No. 485653
>>485652>when did I say she deserves special treatment? The part where you think it's anything for people to laugh and comment at the bullshit she publishes publicly online because she was abused.
Any other dumb questions and attempts to backpedal?
No. 485654
>>485650I would bet money that you're a pulltard weeb who is still highkey jealous that Venus lives in glorious Nippon. Those are the only people who give 5 fucks about Venus anymore.
On topic, pulltard weebs are annoying. Every fucking time some flake visits Japan they seethe post the entire time how they dont deserve it and didnt even visit xyz temple and only visited ~tourist~ places.
No. 485658
>>485654I never even lurked PULL. Venus is a vetted lolcow and fuckup.
Now hand over your bank, your entire $5 please. Lmao.
>>485657And it's entertainment for me. You done 'NTA-ing' and replying to me?
No. 485661
>>485639I said it's too complex to judge, not that trauma is an excuse for everything.
>>485650nice whataboutism. yeah I think severe trauma explains a lot and makes a person less deserving of trashing. anyone. are you always this upset when someone voices an opinion different from yours? yeah I'm just gonna keep my opinion and you can continue trashing someone who's down in her thread. not judging, just stating my opinion you know. You have yours … I have mine ….
>>485654nice tinfoil haha
No. 485664
>>485662>semi-dead threads Not really dead, but I guess you're voraciously counting activity because the posts makes you seethe about poor weenos that badly.
No. 485669
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Well, that's it for me ladies, have a nice day
No. 485764
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Anons there are condiments that exist besides mayo and ketchup. Find a place that sells chow-chow and you’ll never want anything else.
No. 485782
>>485773obviously not. don't be ridiculous. the 'radfem' mothers of sons think their sons are untouchable angels though, and they're delusional. a lot of those male sons will be predators or at the best, just subconsciously predatory. don't choose to have kids if you're a radfem tbh? adopt sons to try to rehabilitate or justdon't give birth to kids in general because it makes no sense to have children biologically if you're an actual radfem tbh. you're either pointlessly creating another girl who will end up suffering at the hands of patriarchy, or creating a boy who is likely to become a predator, seeing as how patriarchy literally grooms and molds boys into becoming predators (criminally or otherwise). you don't need to give birth to boys for them to be better, and your input will likely have very little actual impact on your male child seeing as how everywhere they look they're told to see women as less than human. the entitlement is literally already noted in male babies. your feminist input will not result in a remarkable male child when that child is fed non-stop propaganda everywhere he looks, and his sexual interests are fused and stregthened with and by that propaganda. there's nothing radical about choosing to birth children out of your own choice. you're making more
victims or more predators. the truly radical and altruistic choice is to try to save girls and boys that are already here.
No. 485792
>>485789are you? even from a classist/Marxist perspective having children benefits no woman ever and is not a feminist choice. the ability to reproduce is the literal basis for women's oppression.
>>485788nothing. you chose to have children and that's fine. it's just not feminist.
No. 485797
Learn to sage people
>>485793Except it doesn’t because they never give a shit about women. You think women haven’t been trying to raise non-shitty men? They turn out slightly less predatory at best. They won’t stop being complete shitstains unless in a feminist utopia if we are lucky.
>>485794Don’t disagree that it
isn't *
My bad
No. 485800
>>485795i believe you can, but not under the framework of a literally lethally male supremacist society. anyways it's obviously insane egomaniac tier shit to think a mother will have more power than literally everything else that male child comes into contact with. there's just no reason to create more children if you believe patriarchy is as dangerous and oppressive as we know it to be. these women are just trying to throw out reasons as to why it should be super 'feminist' for them to give birth to children (this benefits males on like, ten different levels: men want more children born to sustain and grow economies, labor is devalued by more children, and "bloodlines"/male ego). there's literally no reason to give birth. it puts women into poverty, creates more
victims and predators, it takes a literal toll on the woman's body and plenty of changes are painful and irreversible, etc.
>>485796wow, very dumb. men are only out here jerking off to the fantasy of raping women all day long, lmfao. we know that rapes are rarely reported and men are very, very, very rarely convicted, if even charged. most men aren't convicted rapists, sure, but plenty are rapists, and almost all of them get off to rape.
No. 485802
>>485798>i believe you can, but not under the framework of a literally lethally male supremacist society.My dream would be a family that lives out in the woods along like minded feminist ones only. Like the Amish concept of Rumsprina, if they want to be exposed to a broader
toxic society they can leave when they're adults.
>>485800>we know that rapes are rarely reported and men are very, very, very rarely convicted, if even charged. most men aren't convicted rapists, sure, but plenty are rapists, and almost all of them get off to rape.Because those that do are usually serial rapists. A thousand women raped is not a thousand male rapists, it's a single male rapist that rapes a thousand times.
No. 485803
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>an hour ago, light hearted grievances about sandwich condiments
>and now it's rape
No. 485820
>>485805sounds like a very convenient story. love how we just happened to just now have the daughter of a radfem pass by, at this very opportune time, to sing the praises of her very real brother, nigel. if true (doubt) your brother is the exception to the rule, and we have seen it play out time and time again if you're at all familiar with radfem spaces. and just because your brother seems nice (allegedly), doesn't mean he doesn't jerk off to the thought of raping women, doesn't mean he doesn't treat women he interacts with when you aren't around like shit, or only puts on a decent face for fear of social rejection or punishment, etc. a lot of men who women claim are "genuinely wonderful" and "respectful" or "really good guys" are only so until they aren't.
sorry, but boys and men can't be trusted when even i can't get on the fucking internet without having porn (much of which is
abusive or pedophilic) shoved in my face, or when i can't even watch tv, take a college course, read through studies, see a doctor, etc, without being bombarded with the pernicious, or obvious, dehumanization, mistreatment and general objectification of women and girls. a lot of women are married to literal strangers that they've known for 40 years and have no clue how horrible the men in their lives are until the masks slips or they try to murder suicide their family out of absolutely nowhere.
also, if you insist women are so capable of creating sons that are genuine allies, then you're also saying that women are responsible for predatory men. women are not that powerful either way. by your logic, you must believe women are at fault for the failings of men, huh? they just weren't feminist enough, or else their sons wouldn't be horrendous?
No. 485834
>>485820Women in the past gave birth to more aggressive and predatory sons because women in the past were mating with more aggressive and predatory men. Even if they had to choice to choose anyone that was softer, and of course they rarely did, it was rarely the right decision from a biological level, as softer men were shafted by harder ones as well. They still had SOME power, just that power was limited. Societal change has been a gradual one, with the starts of it going back to long before feminism was even put into words. Now for the first time in maybe all of recorded history we've the freedom and opportunity to charge forward in miles instead of in inches. So what do you do with that power? You choose to not use it. To not raise kids at all. The future then goes back to the patriarchs and handmaidens that raise more generations of patriarchs and handmaidens until the end of time.
Meanwhile it took less than five generations for Russian scientists to turn wild wolves into lapdogs.
No. 485848
>>485834you're acting like we don't see that young men today aren't just as horrendous as the last??? or that young men of the last generation aren't just as horrendous. men today are just as shitty as they were 20 or 30 years ago. larger cultural strides (and the social pressure that results) improve things, but generally changing attitudes, which can happen as a result of let's say, war, or impactful events or cases, don't necessarily happen as a result of… less aggressive fathers? it isn't necessary to birth boys to create cultural change, like, at all. if parenting is so important, why not just adopt an already existing child, instead of taking a serious chance on a child that we have no reason to believe will be "so much better"? your boner for giving birth is not feminist. women can put in 30x the effort into activism or specializing in helping children to become better people, to shape the next generation, and create more meaningful output than pouring all of their resources into ONE child they apparently
have to give birth to, for some reason???
also we completely controlled the conditioning and environments of those wolves. we can't do that with kids unless all these radfem mothers of sons are out here raising their sons in the literal wilderness with no access to anything at all, and they aren't.
No. 485862
>>485778>>485778It's actually a lot worse than that.
Radfems. Particularly so called lesbian radfems, are cult like. Notice how they're constantly urging any woman to "cut all men out of her life". Even down to her father and brothers. That's what cults tell people to do. Separate them from their families.
It's also why radical feminism is useless and never gets anywhere. If they were smart they'd at least make an alliance of convenience with religious groups to go after porn, but because it's full of purity spiraling cult members it can't even do that. So the porn industry carries on abusing young girls freely.
No. 485981
>>485862Radical feminism literally cannot go anywhere, it makes that abundantly clear. It's not meant to guide women for decades upon decades, or really, do any guiding beyond allowing you to recognize some truths/patterns in civilization.
If you're unable to pass down genetic information via children and evolution, it's incredibly hard for your ideology to remain in society and time.
No. 486317
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>Art discord server
>'I-i don't have enough time to draw'
>Discord account shows they place LoL 5 hours daily
No. 486326
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Some people really make themselves sound crazy when they talk about how cows/flakes must be referring to them or their posts specifically.
It does happen (I've tinfoiled myself before), but when you try to "prove" it only by using little details like that with lots of unrelated rambling sandwiched between things, it looks off.
No. 486625
>>486593More than just a-log. They blogpost and medfag constantly. What makes that site 10x more unbearable is that they have user accounts. I go to any thread and I wind up seeing the same 30 pathetic people sperging and obsessing over every cow, seemingly everyday, and they actually believe they have a better quality of life than the lolcows they shitpost about.
I'm on the farm here a lot, but I don't regularly check more than 5 cows and I sure as shit am not posting my hot takes every single day. Blogposting is banned too, so I know I'm not comparing myself and thinking anyone cares.
No. 487571
>>486625Every day I thank Lolcow for banning blogposting, from the very pits of my heart and I mean it. It's fucking grating reading forums like PULL and Kiwifarms where people write more about their shitty lives than document the cow in question. The Kenna thread on PULL is already a meme concerning how it's full of seething closeted weebs fanficcing about how they would deserve the aidoru life in Japan instead and how they would be SO much more respectful to the glorious nipponese than she is.
But where PULL is just sad, Kiwifarms is like gazing into the abyss of terminal autism. People keep on going about how women are melodramatic and catty but the fucks over at KF have them beat by a mile. It's like the most dead horse beating thread on /snow/ duplicated by 10. Every now and then there's an insightful post depending on the thread but it's like digging for gold in a pile of horse shit.
No. 487763

I'm so fed up with people who ree about "skinnyshaming", they seem to pop up everywhere lately.
I watched this video about a female lifeguard and she's a bit heftier, but obviously does her job extremely well. People complimented her, saying it's nice to see a lifeguard who isn't a stereotypival Pam Anderson lookalike, saying she looks very strong but of course others immediately took offense to that
>Stop! There's nothing wrong with being skinny, you make it sound as if it's horrible, skinny doesn't equal weak!
Okay? Nobody even said that? They only said something nice to a women who seems to have a super nice personality (and who saved 500 lifes already!).
How much of a victim do they wish to be, that they can't take people other than them getting complimented? When I read those comments it didn't even cross my mind that they insinuate that I'm lesser just because I'm not as curvy and strong as her. Nothing about that was bodyposi/hae stuff.
Skinny people are so used to always having been the sole beauty standard that they can't take people liking somebody who looks different. It's as if they're searching for things to get offended by, of ways to seem oppressed.
Everybody raves about bmi 16 vs models and kpop idols, unless you're a literal skeleton nobody finds you too thin. An office collegue saying "you're so skinny, eat some more lol" is not bullying, you can't compare that at all to what others e.g. overweight children go through.
Everybody always claims that fat women supposedly can't stand seeing slim women getting praised but lately you often see skinny people absolutely sperging out when somebody just dares to voice a preference for average women.
(Same with talking about eating disorders: how can you get offended by people saying anorexic girls looks ill? That makes you insecure, really?)
Plus if they really felt so horrible about their skinnyness, then they wouldn't immediately resort to namecalling and accusing others of being jealous (I would have never insulted my bullies appearance since I believed that they're really that much better than I am). Same with comparing their "struggles" to those of models. They obviously still feel superior.
Thinking you're shamed for being skinny has the same energy (I hate that phrase lol) as 5ft girls whining about being sm0l lolis who literally get mistaken for kindergarten kids.
No. 487765
>>487763I agree, especially as someone who's gone from being a fat kid/teen to being thin. The difference in how people treat you is huge, and the only person "shaming" me is my mom who knows I did it an unhealthy way and wishes I was taller.
Be prepared for fake
victim rage from people who think "skinny-shaming" is real, though. Plenty of people just don't like he status quo being contradicted if it favors them.
No. 487775
>>487763Complaining about being "skinnyshamed" is almost always humblebragging anyway. Some fatass using "skinny bitch" as a cope isn't in any way comparable to someone in the normal weight range having to deal with morbid body image issues due to not having the BMI of 16 or the body of photoshopped magazine models. It's such a stupid hill to die on.
>An office collegue saying "you're so skinny, eat some more lol" is not bullyingThis reminds me of the time someone was, in all seriousness, sperging about coworkers offering them treats "skinny shaming" because it was implying that they're too thin. People need to get treatment for their paranoia and victimization issues.
No. 487776
>>487571AMEN to your first paragraph (idk too much about KF).
I also hate that PULL think they have the moral high ground (~exposing fakes~, ~decrying Asian fetishism~); they don't look less mean and gossipy, but just as much and with an added dose of autism on top. I used to read the Kenna thread for the onsite lolcows contributing but now i don't even want to anymore, its 90% boredom and 10% unpleasant secondhand embarrassment.
we absolutely are a pile of bitter bitches with body dysmorphia, but the outspokenness and slight self-awareness makes me stick around.
No. 487779
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I don't like the how HBO's "native son" adoption looks so far. The kid looks like a mix between deviantart do not steel oc and white kid who shops at thrashers. Why could they it have been historicaly accurate instead?
No. 487978
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The guys who shared this on Facebook were total manwhores
But the kind that emotionally manipulate and cheat on whoever they’re with and make them look bad, the worst kind . never date someone like this, anons. They’re even worse than fuckbois or ghetto manthots
No. 488039
>>487990There was a Reddit thread shared here lately where a woman queefed from sex and so the guy quickly left without saying a word. People told her not to worry about such a natural side effect of sex so of course guys then got annoyed cos "if a guy let out a massive fart during sex he'd be ripped to shreds in the comments"
Ah yes same thing, men have it so hard, kek
No. 488053
>>488007>i've had a few people tell me "not so nice things" over the yearsCongrats anon, that's life.
Nevertheless this still doesn't equal an epidemic of slim people getting mercilessly attacked and made to feel subhuman, like so many love to claim. If there was a list according to the severity of people facing backlash for any aspect of their body, then being thin would be at the very bottom. You're lucky if that's your "problem". Maybe people around you just dislike you in general and therefore try to find things to annoy you with.
>>488045Reach harder, wannabe
victim, nobody ever mentioned anything about that? You being insecure about your tits and ass is not oppression, it's a you-problem.
No. 488066
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I know Hazbinhotel has been talked about quite a lot and I personally did not enjoy it, but the posts talking about how problematic it is make me want to rip my eyes out. There are plenty of good criticisms and reasons to dislike the show but tumblr loves to go after the stupidest shit. I now see why no one takes them seriously.
No. 488091
>>488053Nayrt and I agree that "skinny shaming" in western culture isn't the same as "fatshaming", it can't compare to how girls are constantly called overweight or made to feel overweight or how bigger people are treated from childhood.
However bullying doesn't always follow logic and it feels like you're saying that unless someone is receiving specifically fatphobic remarks then they should never feel hurt. Women get nitpicked for literally everything, even by other women about things that are seen usually seen as attractive traits. They are literally called slutty if they have naturally large lips or breasts, and if they are isolated then those words have more authority. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had been bullied for being too blonde or having too long eyelashes at some point and made to believe it was a bad thing kek
The way people feel entitled to comment on any person's body at all is a problem. I have not experienced a life of fatshaming and can see that it's not the same as strangers joking that I'm a man because I have no curves or the usual "eat a cheeseburger you look like a corpse" stuff but even if it's not comparable, it can still hurt to hear someone say those experiences don't exist. There isn't a systemic "skinny shaming" issue from my opinion, it's not an alternative problem to fatshaming, but negative comments towards skinny people are part of how women's bodies are policed as a whole.
Of course the people that scream about skinny shaming on Facebook posts specifically about fatshaming are just humble bragging or trying to claim oppression points and they need to stop and take it elsewhere. However to say that no woman has ever been shamed for being a bonelord isn't right either so of course it causes friction. They aren't equal issues, but they stem from the same problem.
No. 488117
>>488091I wouldn't comment on a person weight either way but I've known girls who get 'skinny-shamed' and they go on to hit 25/30 and their metabolism slows down, fixed lol
I was skinny from childhood to 25 and all I ever got was older women saying 'I wish I was that size again'
No. 488124
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>People should masturbate to Loli because its better than real kids being exploited
>I don't care about porn actors rights. Why'd you ask?
No. 488142
>>488135Because being thin is the number one beauty standard.
Plus the conversation is not about what you can feel insecure about, it's about skinny women getting offended by somebody complimenting non-skinny people and acting as of the world is out to get them.
And the behavior of these skinny women (calling others immediately fat and jelly) also showcases that they likely aren't as insecure as they claim to be, seeing as they still feel better than others.
"You're skinny" is on the same level as "tall" or "short", it's not neccessarily an insult and by far doesn't hold as much weight as "disgusting pig" or whatever comments fat people have to deal with.
Is it really so bad if somebody says something nice to a chubby woman? Do you really need to project that onto yourself and get
triggered because it possibly could mean that this person thinks that you're not as equally nice or pretty?
In the end it all burns down to people desperately searching for ways to play
victim. Some people are poor, some are gay and some, oh no, are thin! /s
And I'm tired of these "
victims" being so vocal everyhwere lately.
No. 488234
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>>487763I’ve only been “skinny-shamed” by bitter fatties.
People need to get over it, people will shame you for anything, if not your body, then they’ll tease you about your big nose, wide set eyes, weak chin, whatever
Meanies are everywhere.
No. 488247
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I'm absolutely itching to blow my lid off on this funnyman tier tumblr retard I used to be friends with. The worst part about getting shit talked by a two faced snake is not knowing if their apology is real or not. They seem content with their actions until you finally up and leave, and then they come to you with the most convincing sob story. But you just KNOW they weren't going to be apologetic if you hadn't done anything about it
Never befriending e-celeb funnyman types again. Learned my lesson for good. It's not good for me, it's not mature, but monkey brain keeps telling me to yell at this idiot. Insulting someone over the internet isn't worth it at all, but it sure is satisfying…
No. 488272
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>>488234>I’ve only been “skinny-shamed” by bitter fattiesThis is exactly what I was taking about. "Shaming" involves the person who's shamed feeling awful, insecure, worthless. If you can accuse your "shamers" of just being jealous, then they certainly don't made you feel inferior at all. You still think of yourself, of the fact that you're skinny as better than all the "fatties".
You were only lightly insulted by somebody and are very obviously able to defend yourself, that's not bullying, you're not a "
victim" in any way.
I guess the anon in the confessions thread also got
triggered by this conversation and just had to let us know how disgusting fatties are.
>Why do they all have such intense bitch faceOh the irony, there's hardly anything more bitchy your rant lol
No. 488280
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>>488272lol uggo fatty let all the turkey and stuffing go to her head today
No. 488284
>>488280Believe it or not, some people are able to feel sympathy for others, some people don't see somebody whom the're not attracted to as subhuman. Try using your brain for once.
I bet you wouldn't dare to say that irl. I really wish that all those people who act like absolute cunts about "reee muh disgusting fatties" on here would get exposed, the people you interact with in your daily life would deserve to know how you think about them, so that they won't waste their time on you.
No. 488300
i'm annoyed at myself because this guy who i see at work from time to time reminds me of someone but i don't know who. i feel like i've previously seen a person who looks very similar to him, but i don't know when or where.
>>488293nayrt but, anon.. did you forget where you are? lolcow has always had a general dislike for fatties.
No. 488305
>>488293It's not about you being fat it's about you being annoying (or whoever the OP fattychan and/or
>>488284 is, if not you)
No. 488308
>>488300There's still a difference between calling a bad cow fat or ugly, and showcasing that you're just an awful person all around like the confession in
>>488272 or
>>488280In nearly all countries around half of the population is fat (in the us even more), how anybody can just baselessly hate all of them is beyond me. Tho hate isn't even strong enough of a word, anons like that obviously regard them as lower than dirt.
No. 488309
>>488305Yea sorry
nonnie I'm neither fatty-chan nor sperg-chan, just someone who happened to pass by the squabble
No. 488319
>>488309My point still stands, I think.
I read
>>487763 to see what the squabble is all about and that anon really sounds bitter. About skinny girls and short girls. It seems like they pass all those negative judgements and believe the superiority nonsense that they're complaining about in that post and then project it onto the world. It's all in you girl! Sorry that was a fat joke
No. 488333
>>488308>in nearly all countries around half the population is fatYou mean the west? Not my problem you all gorge yourself to death with the privilege you have and create a huge as carbon footprint while pointing your fat fingers to India, Africa and China and say they are polluting when you dump your 100 million pounds of mcdonalds wrappers on our shores. Why the fuck should you be pittied for being fat? kek
Literally your fault. Control your appetite.
No. 488335
>>488307you have the right not to be attracted to fat people and be a decent person to them at the same time.
btw i find it kinda weird that so many anons here shit on fat women but bitch about beauty standards.
No. 488342
>>488272>very obviously able to defend yourselfWhy do you think this? A skinny person can't experience
>feeling awful, insecure, worthless? Therefore they can't be bullied? Of course they can.
Anyone feels that way when people make disparaging comments about their weight.
>You still think of yourself, of the fact that you're skinny as better than all the "fatties".No,
you think they are better than fatties.
>>488308>There's still a difference between calling a bad cow fat or ugly, and showcasing that you're just an awful person all around like the confession in >>488280Ok but
>>488280 was funny and the person they replied to is acting cow-like so what exactly is the difference between the people we gossip about in the threads and the people who post within? We shouldn't talk shit and get kicks from anons and cows alike?
No. 488343
>>488333Is this some assmad third worlder? Who the fuck gets offended on behalf of China, Africa, and India when people point out their excessive and obscene pollution lmao.
Oh and there's McDonalds in those countries, might just be your own trash backwashing onto your beaches, which we know are also polluted. Control your own people.
No. 488349
>>488335the fat thing has always been so weird to me. im not fat but i don't find fat women unattractive. i really don't think men do either. it's not even SO hard to lose weight idk why people act like being fat is like having an artery wrapped and irremovable horn on your forehead. it's pretty easy to see the potential in people. i guess people are always just looking for reasons to dehumanize others for inconsequential bullshit.
i do, however, take joy in women who talk shit about fat women getting fat and i admit i will make fun of them if they're terrible people, solely bc i know theyre insecure about it.
>>488307the 'evil fat girl' trope is so tired. even if they're a little bitchy, tbh i'd get it. i can imagine it feels like shit being treated like youre less than human for just being a few lbs overweight, something that can be super easily corrected in like a few months. "skinny" women who whine about fat women picking on them tend to be the biggest primadonnas ever. you have to realize that almost everyone in society values being thin and that some chunky girl calling you "a stick" isn't oppressive and is nowhere near as hurtful as being called fat in a society that has a particular disdain for fat WOMEN specifically
No. 488353
>>488272Never said I was a
victim of anything. Why are you gatekeeping bullying anyways? ” fat person struggles wahhhh you will never know !!”
Lose some weight if it bothers you that people make fun of you for it
Only people who have one leg or are burn
victims can be “body shamed”and can’t do anything to fix it . I understand childhood bullying affecting you, kids are mean but get over it.
stop with this patronizing ~ONLY FAT WOMEN KNOW THE STRUGGLE~ nonsense.
And I don’t think I’m better than any fatties except for the ones who make fun of me or try to act like “bones r for dogs real men want meat, skinny bitches btfo”
No. 488364
>>488351I'm a completely new anon that hasn't been participating in this conversation at all and only responded because I scrolled past and saw
you derailing with a pollution tirade and thought it was funny.
Keep dancing monkey, you're a riot.
No. 488368
>>488308>In nearly all countries around half of the population is fatWell that’s just not true.
>>488335Once again, didn’t say anyone should treat fat people badly. They already do that to themselves.
Most bopo types are Phoebe Tickner tier. Barely able to conceal their contempt for thinner women, perfectly illustrated by this meme
>>488234>dismisses people’s experience with “skinny shaming”>gets fucking triggered when no one likes fatties with oppression complex>>488357No, means fat people, not chubby. Although chubby means wildly different things comparing Amerilard standard with the rest of the world.
No. 488393
>>488377I'm an anon who doesn't call fat women disgusting subhumans but I will agree with or laugh with an anon who does. Honestly to answer all of those questions: fat people make me feel uncomfortable when I'm around them. I mean
fat people who breathe heavy and don't fit well into spaces and sweat and heave. If they are serving me in some way, I will not be rude to them but I will avoid them in the future if I can. Not because I hate them but because they make me uncomfortable. Yes, I will wonder how well they can do certain jobs and I will wonder if they are dumb and also why they are so fat. Just being honest. I'm sorry it hurts you, really. But it is what it is.
No. 488395
>>488393Are there no fat people in your extended family?
And what about people who are ugly? People who have acne, have a big nose, small eyes or are too tall/short or people who can't style or dress themselves?
No. 488399
>>488377Stop pitying yourself
At least those anons cry over boyfriend problems or family problems and can resolve them, they’re not stuck being a miserable fatty who gets salty that someone found a fat person disgusting online
gaspWhy does it bother you so much?
>>488395Obviously, but that doesn’t mean she should pity them. She has a right to be disgusted with lazy people who overeat, and don’t even bring the whole “what about obese ppl who have medical conditions” nobody gets defensive of anachans and says “they might have that disease Lizzie Velasquez has tho!!” Fat people are stinky, their asses are so big they can’t properly wipe and they sweat so much more excessively than regular sized people, why wouldn’t you wanna avoid them. They breathe heavy and it’s uncomfortable to be around. Stop blaming people who don’t wanna be around them or disliking them for being uncomfortable for good enough reasons. You can’t force people to like you, deal with it.
No. 488401
>>488395No fat people in my family. I do have some overweight friends but not disgustingly so. And yeah about the other stuff but acne and big noses don't gross me out as much I guess.
Edited to add: I do have a hugely fat person in my life that I am disgusted by but still like him and want the best for him.
No. 488436
>>488399Wait a minute…this whole time you have been crying about fatties and how you were bullied by them, only to turn around and bully fatties? Hurr durr it hurt my feefees when fat people bully me and say eat a cheeseburger, but haha fatties are disgusting!They make me so uwu ~uncomfortable~. More like makes you tard rage on the internet, and once it's pointed out that your little vent was stupid and made you kind of ugly on the inside, you buckled down and accused everyone with differing opinions a fatty. Me thinks you were bullied by a fat kid in grade school and now you're projecting.
Shut the fuck up, anachan. Put some meat on you because boys don't like bones, sweaty
No. 488478
>>488436>Boys don’t like bones, sweatyJust cause they use you as a backpedal slampig doesn’t mean they like you
Also I never said fat people bully me,(or that it
hurts me. )
I said they usually insult or make snarky comments towards skinny people because they’re clearly jealous “boys prefer more meat” or “thicc is better” is a good example of that. You can base all your self worth over a few weirdo men with gross fetishes, while putting down random skinny women all you want. But don’t get mad if it annoys a few people or they see through your gross cope
>>488477Well obviously I have problems but so does everyone else. I don’t think fat people are evil and should all collectively drop dead ( how much longer do they got left til then tho amirite kek) I just get uncomfortable around them, why does it bother you so much that not everyone likes fat people?
No. 488485
>for hours: fat people are worthless, fucked up, so disgusting, they stink, their breathing makes me feel uncomfy, they are lazy, don't do their jobs properly, everybody should avoid them, they will die soon lololol
>one person: makes a joke about men not liking skinny girls
>! Let's not step down this low, how nasty and childish! The hypocrisy, how dare you!1!1
No. 488503
>>488485I was one of the anons that called out the "skinny joke" or whatever but I haven't said anything at all about fat people in this thread so ok.
It's just a dumb look to be a hypocrite. Not a tough concept.
No. 488514
>>488503Only one fat farmer said something bad about skinny people - meanwhile prior to that dozens of thin farmers said they despise all fat people and
then got angry at that one person also posting something mean.
If you don't like hypocrisy, then why didn't you say anything to all those people sperging about fatties earlier?
And there's also still a difference between that "men prefer…"-comment and saying you're disgusted just by seeing or worse having to talk to overweight people. They weren't even talking about dating preferences, they just want all of them to stop existing because appearantly solely interacting on a professional level with somebody they don't find visually pleasing is enough to make them feel too grossed out.
No. 489062
The cosplaying community is filled with so many cows. I cannot believe the loudest people and the shit they try to start with other cosplayers.
>>488758Basically the kinds of posts trying to act holier than thou. Offering suggestions, but in actuality just condemning people for not doing something to prove they're not a bad person. I saw a Facebook post that said "Black Friday Shoppers! How about buying one bag of dog/cat food & dropping it off at your nearest shelter…" It just screams to me virtue signalling rather than actually caring about the animals. It's not like people can buy a bag of dog/cat food any day of the year lol.
No. 489338
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I hate woke women who do this(global rule 7)
No. 489375
>>489338Ah. DiAngelo made a book called "white fragility", I swear it's not some SJW stuff it's actually interesting, with an entire chapter dedicated to this type of person
>Whether intended or not, when a white woman cries over some aspect of racism, all the attention immediately goes to her, demanding time, energy, and attention from everyone in the room when they should be focused on ameliorating racism. While she is given attention, the people of color are yet again abandoned and/or blamed>Tears that are driven by white guilt are self-indulgent. When we are mired in guilt, we are narcissistic and ineffective; guilt functions as an excuse for inaction… cross-racial relationships, our tears do not feel like solidarity to people of color we have not previously supported. Instead, our tears function as impotent reflexes that don’t lead to constructive action. Since many of us have not learned how racism works and our role in it, our tears may come from shock and distress about what we didn’t know or recognize. For people of color, our tears demonstrate our racial insulation and privilege.Even thought they clame to be progresive they have hidden biases they havent got over. If you point this out they'll cry or go full "but i don't see color" like the conservatives they claim to hate. Interesting book. Even if you arent into civil rights a lot of it can appply to male fragility.
(global rule 7) No. 489380
>>489376Im talking about them too.
>What is particularly problematic about this contradiction is that white people’s moral objection to racism increases their resistance to acknowledging their complicity with it….We whites who position ourselves as liberal often opt to protect what we perceive as our moral reputations, rather than recognize or change our participation in systems of inequity and domination. In so responding, whites invoke the power to choose when, how, and to what extent racism is addressed or challenged.This applies to woke women who claim to hate white/supprt black people, but always happen to date white people
No. 489386
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>>489380so what about woke WOC who date white guys
(global rule 7) No. 489392
>>489389Ignore any person that racebaits here because they are probably a scrote.
A man here got exposed earlier for race-baiting previously in the feminist threads.
No. 489495
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every time i see people try to cancel this girl who was interviewed it's always something new. now she's transphobic?? i've watched all the interviews and have not heard her say anything transphobic. i need receipts and there are
none. i'm just glad the thread from this tweet is people telling OP how retarded they are for reaching so hard and taking things out of context. i fucking hate social media outrage.
the post: No. 489507
>>489389will probably get banned for this but
dating white guys is a trip. imo the effortless confidence white people have is attractive, as the "people on top". they just do, just are with only the basic human insecurities holding them back. like, they're so game for anything (because they don't have to worry as much), happy to just go and do things, and I suspect sometimes it just feels safer to have a white guy on your "side". I would never date a white guy again (negatives outweigh the positives) though.
most straight women just want a happy, decent, confident guy. you're more likely find that with some clueless, sheltered white man than with a man of color who has faced several bouts of discrimination and oppression. I suspect this is the case bc these women are always with Chadling McSuburban than with "down" white boy with dreads who knows more about reggae than you do.
No. 489537
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>>489521>actually i have depression>but i'm not neurotypical like you soo>i'm not blaming my mental illness but my insecurity and mania seeks out attention and validation>as an introvert i'm suicidal and prone to self harm if I'm too stressed from direct confrontationCan i please add on that this performative wokeness crowd has practically destroyed any reputation that mental illness had? I mean, It's not like it's ever been universally accepted but I feel like now it's hitting full force. It feels like everyone on the internet is more than ever being memed into believing they have some sort of mental illness, and that any attempt at recovery is futile, and anyone that tells you to try harder is
This shit is exactly what hurts mental health in the long run, but you got some likes on twitter. Good for you. Diagnose yourself with terminal autism while you're at it, too.
>pic extremely related No. 489585
>>489521What sucks is that a lot of these terms are important to know (for example, the term "gaslighting" finally put into words the kind of abuse I experienced with my ex) but they get thrown around so much for the most pointless, minor shit that it loses its impact completely to the point where its automatically associated with unstable tumblrtards online. It reminds me of when everyone online discovered logical fallacies were a thing and then tried to pick apart literally every disagreement by screeching "that's a strawman!!! slippery slope!!!" instead of trying to refute the points they disagree with. It just devolved to glorified namecalling. (And now there's a term for that behavior called "the fallacy fallacy" lol.)
>>489537>ackshually I have The Depression and I'm not ~neurotypical~ like you therefore I cannot do anything ever uwu lmao I had a long term friend try to pull this shit on me like they didn't know I struggled with mental illness for 2 decades, was hospitalized twice for a suicide attempt and went inpatient. Just because I managed to scrape myself off rock bottom doesn't mean I'm suddenly a normie, it just means I got sick of feeling like shit all the time and started taking my meds, got serious about behavioral therapy and learned healthy coping mechanisms. It was a long crawl back to the top filled with setbacks and suffering but it's better than wallowing and being a burden to everyone because some dumbfuck online managed to convince you that you're completely helpless.
No. 489623
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Those goddamm ahegao shirts/swearsirts, I remember when I went to my 2nd con with my younger brothers. I saw a couple of teens wearing them with out an ounce of shame in a family friendly event (kids under 12) they were the most obnoxious group there were they literally block an space that led to 4 paths by sitting there and talking even though there was plenty of seating in the con available as this was a book/board game/videp game/comic con where the only anime related thing there was vendor that was selling anime fanart
>>489585Did you drop that bitch
No. 489627
>>489537>>489585>these terms are important to know but they get thrown around so muchExactly. The fallacy example is a perfect comparison and they think using it shuts down the entire conversation.
The person who did not have their shit together
was diagnosed and tried to avoid accountability by speaking the "right" way. And people just enable them. It's shitty they perpetuate the stereotype.
No. 489637
>>489623Oh yeah we don't talk anymore. She did reach out to me past year but it was just an essay about how salty she was that I didn't invite her to my wedding and that she couldn't come anyway because muh depresshun, but not inviting her meant I'm ableist or whatever and dont understand the depth of ~neurodivergent suffering~. I blocked her in response.
>>489627It's worse when they are actually diagnosed and have all the tools available to at least attempt recovery (support system, therapy, meds etc) and still pretend they are utterly helpless and have no options and you're a mean normie for even suggesting they could take a shower more than once a week.
No. 489649
>>489507I also hope don't get banned for this
I used to hang on an IR forum where black men ranted about their preferences for white women yet got rabidly furious if a black woman stated a preference for ‘anything but a black man.’ Plenty of these guys have hurt and even killed black women. so my decision to date white guys was party out of petty vengeance so I may be speaking out of my ass here, but I’ve seen a lot of white men that are pro-black women in a non-fetishist way.
The only few instances that i’ve seen it from black men is when the black female in question is light, has a loose curl pattern, or some other feature not fully associated with the black physical being.
I’m not sure on why there’s been a sudden surge in white boys and other races being more open about their preference for dark women (and of course this attraction is always met with the argument that it’s a fetish. Are we not desirable beyond sex?). My boyfriend himself is white as snow in almost every way except he can dance (it’s a little joke).
No. 489678
>>489637>but not inviting her meant I'm ableist or whatever and dont understand the depth of ~neurodivergent suffering~nta but hahahah holy fucking shit why are these people so fucking retarded. they love to weaponize their illnesses against others. how exhausting it must be.
i had to stop hanging around so many people who just identified as their mental illness, ie. putting it in their social media bios and sharing self-depreciating articles about their illness expecting everyone to read up on how to "properly" interact with them.
these people seriously can't handle someone suggesting a way to not feel like shit, and they'll throw around WATER AND YOGA WON'T CURE ME KAREN as they continue to stay a shut in and e-beg because they're
so mentally ill they absolutely cannot work but can attend anime cons states away from home.
I have a handful of mental illnesses and going to work has fucking helped me so much. Just getting out of the house to run errands and exercise has literally helped me cope with the severely uncomfortable symptoms I experience on a daily basis. I was agoraphobic and shut myself in a room for half a year and I realized I didn't want to be like that forever. I can't believe these people literally pretend to be like this and continue to use their mental illness as a cop out for anything and everything, even when it isn't related to being mentally ill.
No. 489750
>>489649>I’m not sure on why there’s been a sudden surge in white boys and other races being more open about their preference for dark womenI'm a big fan of cheesy teen romance movies, Lifetime movies, etc. and this phenomenon is a huge trend in those right now, so much so that it makes me wonder who is really behind them: white men with a preference
fetish or "minority" women who simply want some rep (I hope)? I can't speak on behalf of either, but it's incredibly noticeable in romance media that white guys are with black/mixed girls in a lot of coming-of-age or romance stuff.
Was that relevant at all, who knows. If it counts as race derailing then where do I go with these questions?
No. 489788
>>489751I think so too. Prime example: the little mermaid. It was clear that the role of the Ariel would go to a black girl right from the start, but all the actors discussed for the prince were white.
The majority of young american viewers are liberal/leftist, so they know that if they don't want backlash, they no longer can get away with a solely white cast. But of course they're also not willing to throw away one of their own, so they will just replace white women by an asian or black lead.
Another example is To all the boys I've loved before, I think the main actress was supposed to be korean? But again, they only paired her up with white dudes.
They satisfy non-white womens demands for getting represented while also not losing their position of power and influence.
No. 489791
>>489750>>489752>>489788i agree with these things to an extent, but tbh considering how oddly fandom seems to respond to WMBW pairings sometimes (weird irrational dislike for the woman, usually, and i want to say that if the white male character is really likable, nonblack audiences might feel like they don't relate/can't self-insert bc they don't resemble the black girl?) a sudden push for it feels like an odd choice. also it seems like this pairing is a lot more common (to me, an american) in like overseas/british media in specific and i was surprised at the amount of attention i got from guys when i actually spent some time in the UK and elsewhere in europe (staying/hanging out with locals), and it feels like it might be a result of some of these things being imports? but i also think that the relative "rarity" of the racial pairing in media means that there may be less controversial stereotyping/"baggage" that immediately comes to mind (ie the "savage" black man stealing/coveting white women). aside from the "hotep" obsession with "bed wenches"
and… sorry for the long blogpost which is why i'm saging, and lol ill prob get banned too but omg ive been thinking about this stuff for so long. the whole "woke woc dating a white guy" thing feels so complicated and i feel like it's kind of difficult because there are
valid critiques of this tendency that can really easily be twisted into/utilized for misogynistic attacks, see the r/justbewhite sub and how aznidentity types talk about WMAF relationships.
i know in my own case the kinds of things mentioned by
>>489649 have definitely been a factor. i'm black/SE asian but look (am generally "socially perceived as") black in terms of skin darkness and hair texture at least so i kind of am missing that "exotic" factor, but i also grew up in a pretty "white" suburb and went to a pretty "white" school. it sounds like a cop-out to say that a lot of the black guys that i grew up around weren't really interested in me even when i was crushing on them, but honestly many were more into white/non-black girls and if they were into black women then it was similarly just lighter-skinned ones. it seemed like being in proximity to white girls was a large key to social success for them, and there has been some research done on black boys doing better than black girls socially in suburban schools bc black girls "“failed to embody characteristics of femininity” that would have valorized them in the school hierarchy" - even if they didn't embody stereotypes (which boys were rewarded for doing), they weren't welcomed and didn't integrate/weren't as desirable because of them. another factor is parents/family often being stricter with them than they are with male children. that being said i didn't date Anyone in high school. but had other black girl friends that did wind up with white guys in specific. and I noticed this basically only boosted their popularity with other black girls, lol, and on top of that, if they were publicly dating white guys then they were deemed kind of "lucky" to have found the genuinely-nice ones who were willing to be openly into them, because there were also a number of guys who were known to only want black girls in secret… and i really don't think these things have changed. it's honestly made me super wary of the recent phenomenon you guys are noticing, of guys (of all races!) suddenly being crazy about black women, unfortunately. but it's largely because i just have to wonder how they felt about black girls before - like were we all ugly and ghetto to them until 2016, lol?
in general considering my suburban background and dating in college i tend to notice that the stereotype of woc (black and nonblack) that usually is characterized as "woke but dates white guys" tends to be similarly "suburban". not always "whitewashed" or fully cast-out from peers in their ethnic group, but i know that i definitely felt like the odds of rejection were higher for me no matter what race because of my general invisibility to…. everyone.
even still i do find that on apps like tinder and in socializing/instances of in-person flirtation there's been more success (or more instances of them pursuing) with white guys. in some cases certain tastes/politics/humor etc may be more likely to overlap but that's mainly bc of like, demographics/social-circle things - i can never let myself think that i'm the only black person into something or that's part of a certain scene, it's just that it might take a while to find the mutual friend that'll bridge us… but since i'm picky and try to mainly/only date people that align very well with me in those specific ways and share my values (so they don't call me a slur out of nowhere like some BM tend to wish on us for "dating out", but also aren't "i worship black women" buzzfeed wokes) i just take what i can get if i'm attracted to them and they fulfill those characteristics
as for the girls who claim to be woke feminists but date fox news correspondents, idk.
No. 489799
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Why does everyone on GG type so fucking spergy? I was trying to find more information on the whole Channon Rose/Amber Walter drama and someone said that there were reciepts on GG and I end up scrolling for hours through this shit trying to find them. The punctuation is always weird, they often type in all caps and use a ton if emojis. I'm starting to understand now why emojis are banned on lolcow.
No. 489865
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There is a certain type of girl that you can encounter in fandom and the online art world who loves femininity but hates women.
They will draw manly characters in a weird superfeminine way and ship them with some other guy while hating on female love interests. They might use feminine terms to describe the guy. They might write m-preg.
An extreme example would be the eunuch-loving /snow/ sisters. They were raised in some misogynist cult, but what is wrong with this type of girl otherwise? Like they want men to be women but they hate actual women.
No. 489875
>>489865Closet bisexuality or ye olde internalized misogyny. Maybe both.
It may be different for some, but I used to do this to a degree and it was mostly cope for being a degenerate bisexual. If the girls are actually boys I'm still str8, right? lmao
No. 489892
>>489858Lmao, my hair is naturally long, and I had to deal with jealous, racist and/or just bitter people of multiple races insisting it's fake until they had the chance to personally dig their hands into my scalp. I didn't care too much back then, but in hindsight, it's dumb and annoying.
I don't "need" them, but I still like wearing wigs because I want to look like an anime character or sometimes want a bob but can't/won't dye or cut my hair, and there's no winning, anyway. Freaks just need to mind their business and stop shitting themselves over strangers' hair.
No. 489942
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I don't want to peg on starting artist, but I hate it when they share stuff like this. Its either a telphone game or blind leading the blind tier advice. Telphone game from them getting the advice from a 300 page book, shrinking it into a youtube video, shrinking it into a tumblr post, shrinking it into a discord reply. Something will be lost. For blind leading the blind it's always a teen giving advice that lets you turd polish your work, so you can get tons of other teen fans, but no industry respect. Its also obvious a lot of people use pictures like this or "random analysis chanel 101: quinttin Tarantino" as a replacement to going to workshops/reading textbooks instead of supliments. I also hate how they make memes like "can't draw hands" like how its naturally supposed to be while avoiding the elphant in the room of "you might be a bad artist?"
No. 491081
>>491073i've honestly tried telling her in a nice way before that "some" (wanted to say everything tbh) things written in the bible are completely fiction and nothing else which resulted in her acting all offended and giving me the silent treatment. one of the things she seriously believes is that this one couple managed to get a child at the age 95 because it's written like that in that damn book. the sad part is that we are both 21, no gullible teenagers anymore but she still believes in shit like that.
if you ignore all the religion stuff she's actually a fun person anyway but her entire obsession with her faith will be the downfall of this friendship lol.
No. 491176
>>491066Goddamn How are you even friends with someone like that?
I remember my mom was friends with some Christian lady and my mom was having marriage problems with her ex husband. My mom would vent to her,
“church lady, I think my husband is cheating on me while he’s on his work trip”
“It’s ok anons mom, just worry about you, I’m sure he wouldn’t anyways. Just pray he doesn’t give in to temptation”
>>ffw to like a week, my moms ex husband actually confessed to church lady that he was cheating a few days before he confessed to my mom and church lady was so brainwashed by the church of Christ denomination that she made it seem like it was my moms fault he cheated because she didn’t pray enough of have faith in their marriage uwu and then she was even accused my mom of not satisfying him sexually or some shit. sorry for blogposting but your friend seems exactly like that if she turns everything about god. Maybe not as brainwashed as my moms old friend about how women should just submit to their wives and it’s their fault if their husbands cheat but you should tell her to leave her controlling scrote and that it has nothing to do with god but for herself.
No. 491450
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This shit
No. 491510
>>491484lmao where do you think you are? Get lost on the way to church sis? You must be that religious weirdo in the PP thread who thinks trannies need jesus.
But regardless, protip:
>as an atheist myself i have absolutely nothing against religious people and won't act like an asshole to them because they have a faith and i don'tDoesn't exactly scream 'fedora atheist edgelord' and anon is, frankly, way too forgiving of her friend's nonsense. Stay mad people don't blindly accept your bullshit.
No. 491519
>>491516but if white is not seen as the default i feel threatened sis /sarcasm
another anon was recommending lipstickalley for black anons, but its pretty normie and i'm not sure you'd be into that
No. 491524
>>491492>pretending like fervent atheists aren't the OG internet spergs you would have fit with the "my mommy dragged me to church" angst crowd 80s babies in the 2000s internet LOL
You do know most people, have some sort of spirituality, whether it be astrology or thinking something is "karma"? You're the abnormality here, kek
Cowards like you are bold with Christians because they won't call for you to be raped and killed like Muslims or Hindus, and you can't attack any other religion or it's "unPc/racist" to their "cultural beliefs"
Ignoring the context and what that anon said about her friend is weak shit cause it doesn't prove me wrong lmao
No. 491527
>>491525Too autistic to read?
>>491526I'm not a Christian though, I just find you atheist white girls annoying fucks. No wonder your people are dying off and that's a good thing!
No. 491531
>>491527>your peoplemy WHAT now? i am the OP from that post and i absolutely have no idea whatever the fuck you are talking about if i'm honest. as soon as you saw the words atheist and religion in the same sentence you went batshit crazy.
i'd somehow understand if you are a christian and offended by what i wrote, but you aren't, so i don't see the point of this retarded speech of yours.
No. 491532
>>491524>bold with Christians because they won't call for you to be raped and killed like Muslims or HindusNtayrt but it's actually fairly common for Christians to say that atheists are going to hell and are immoral people. I guess it's not the same as blasphemy killing, but don't act like Christians never say shit or try to bully. The reasons why the crazier ones aren't out killing and raping is because there's consequences in our first world societies. Although that doesn't stop some Christians from doing shit like bombing reproductive clinics.
Your shit, in fact, does stink.
No. 491537
>>491533>getting triggered about anon venting about annoying friend on an online board made for venting and offtopic rantingAnon, where do you think you are?
Virtue signalling is so annoying.
No. 491540
>>491537because seeing the same shit day in and day out isnt annoying? im sure you have other "
triggers" too anon.
>>491538>genocidewho the fuck said that
yeah you're certainly a white woman with the twisting of words and outright lying though, only your fucked up sociopathic people do that shit seamlessly.
you're not innocent because you're a woman especially when you have the shittiest and sociopathic and narcissist attitude to other non-white women. drop the
victim complex
(autistic racebaiting) No. 491546
>>491543The person did indeed imply christians only lived in 1st world societies
there are egyptian and ethiopian christians and christians in other countries outside of the standard "west" so I didn't understand that part of their statement
No. 491556
>>491537>>491552It's probably literally the original anon's friend, showing her true colors and racebaiting on anon. The anger in
>>491533 and their previous posts, WKing over an annoying stranger, and the weird racial shit is too much for this not to be something at least somewhat personal.
No. 491558
>>491546>the person did indeed imply christians only lived in 1st world societiesNo I didn't, this is why understanding context is important.
You argued that Muslims and Hindus call to rape and kill when criticized. Well, that shit certainly doesn't fly in first world countries and anon likely lives in one, and interacts online with mostly first worlders.
I was talking in context of a first world. That's the conversation.
I also never said shit about fb so I don't know why you went off on a tangent about that either.
No. 491562
>>491516I feel like they wouldn't ban you for that, or at least they shouldn't. I think it's more when people want to have political debates about race.
And tbh I understand. All the race arguments I've seen don't go anywhere and are not constructive. Then people start getting in arguments about what the definition of race is and it just goes on forever. But there should be some exceptions, like venting about racism you've experienced.
No. 491574
>>491552hahaha this, yanks are so fucken hectic about race shit.
"white girl" as an insult is hilarious, can't insult something that isn't a flaw.
you got beef with another race, you're racist. why black americans can't see this blows my fucken mind.
10/10 sperg Black Jesus-chan, please come again.
No. 491578
>>491558>Well, that shit certainly doesn't fly in first world countrieslol
Muslims commit rape and murder in western countries all the time and no one does anything because it wouldn't be politically correct. If anything they face less consequences then they would in their countries of origin.
No. 491598
>>491594Race does not exist, says anon.
There is no visual distinction between people whose ethnic origin is from a certain area of the world.
No. 491615
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>>491594reminds me of this lmao. I'm American and even I find these people annoying.
No. 491621
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>>491516Its a real shame too. All black forums I know are "normie yay trans rights" or full of white ally squaters who refuse to leave. Browsing lolcow has made me realize why intersectinality is a thing.
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>>491967ok long rant bc i am a fan of her music but what annoys me so much about taylor swift is that she has ridden her way to the top while masquerading as "the underdog". it's so fucking insulting, honestly, and insulting to her fans. her obviously disingenuous and pseudo self deprecating "I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about, and she's got everything that I've had to live without". hoe, what have you had to live without? she is objectively the american ideal and 90% of teen girls would've sold their souls to look like her. i mean, obv it's a marketing ploy, but it's one thing to be an ethnic upper middle class girl and claim this, but someone this privileged???? the claim is so hideously egregious. her parents are massively rich, like, big time execs and inheritors of incredible wealth, they bought part of a record label with the express purpose of being able to shove her onto it and market the fuck out of her, moved to nashville just for her, she has always been skinny, tall, blonde and blue eyed, had a brand new lexus at 16, everyone says she was the "rich girl" in school, etc, etc. how can this hoe seriously have been playing the underdog considering this? "she wears short skirts, i wear t shirts, she's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers"??? binch, what?? (pic related, peep the dior glasses) anyone who steals the underdog role from true artists that know hardship and have used their music to escape their suffering, is pretty scummy, imho. she literally has known nothing but privilege in every single avenue of her life. anyways i love a lot of her music, but she's an absolute dogshit person and is a vocal catfish. the girl cannot sing live and stay on tune to save her life.
No. 491997
>>491996Bruh I been saying this for years I'm glad I'm not alone
I see this is common with many popstars like arianna grande and Billie ellish too. But even then they're still vocally better despite of massive diction issues and a lack of songwriting talent
No. 492011
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>>492002she's incredibly hypocritical and it shows in what she "stands up for" and how she bullies or victimizes smaller people in the process. it's always shit that she only cares about once it affects her. and again i just can't stand the "relatable teehee quirky nerdgirl outcast who always gets the short end of the stick", shtick. beautiful, tall, sickeningly rich even before fame, skinny, blonde, how fucking lucky can one person get, then try to capitalize on claiming to be the literal opposite of that? massively ungrateful to do so, and really harmful to teenage girls, imho. i don't know how this woman doesn't suffer from imposter syndrome every day of her life considering. honestly it just bothers me that so many girls listen to taylor swift and must be thinking like, if taylor swift is thinking she's pitiable in terms of looks and circumstance, what am i?? what do people think of me? she's like neck deep in "not like the other girl" ism despite being… exactly like them, just with more opportunity, wealth, and luck, than 99.9% ever had. also, note how in all of her pictures before fame, she dressed and styled like a literal 'mean girl' while everyone else is like, normal? far from t shirts and sneakers, in every single photo, while every other girl around her is dressed like a normal girl in comfy clothes. the role reversal is so bizarre.
anyways she was right on kanye tho. fuck kanye.
No. 492080
I usually hate it when someone complains about something in their life and someone else comes along and says "oh you thing you have it bad? I have it way worse" or "this other person has it way worse/there are starving children in africa". But sometimes I see people complaining about shit that is just so fucking first worldy that I just have no sympathy. I just watched a video of a girl whining and bitching for nearly 20 minutes about people saying she's not pretty and that she's only pretty because of fillers. The reason it bothered her was because people don't say the same thing about other procedures, her example was no one ever says "that person isn't really pretty, they're just pretty because they got microblading done" but the fact that people say it about fillers really bothered her for some reason. She seemed genuinely upset about the whole thing. First of all, this girl is a professional influencer which means she doesn't actually work and makes more money than most people. Second of all, if someone is rich enough to get fillers, they're clearly already very privileged. She also mentioned how people shouldn't be shamed for getting fillers, which is something I've heard a LOT lately, especially from influencers. Even though I agree, I think it's fucking stupid that people have been whining and bitching about this so much like it's the worst thing in the world when there are literally child brides in other parts of the world, and unsafe work conditions where people work hundreds of hours a week, aren't allowed to take bathroom breaks, collapse (and sometimes die) on the job and STILL can't afford to feed their families. But no, we need to have empathy for the rich LA girl who spent hundreds on botox. Maybe it's just my salty bitch tendencies coming out, Idk.
No. 492106
>>4920801) If people can notice that you've had fillers/any other ps done, you've either gone overboard and had too much done or they've seen you before, in which case:
2) either you have shit friends that you need to drop, or you're an influencer. If you are, looking pretty and shilling products is your job, as is any criticism or shit you get for putting your face online.
When I worked at a fast food/falafel chain my job was to put up with cranky customers who called me stupid every day and I got way less than a semi-popular influencer. Grow up.
3) If you're an influencer, it's up to you whether you want to reveal any ps procedures on your own, but if people ask, just answer honestly and own it. If she lives in LA, shouldn't everyone be walking around with at least some botox in their face anyway? Even in my city I see teens walking around with lip fillers (which is creepy on its own but it's a different subject), so clearly it's not as controversial as she claims.
4) I fucking wish people gave me shit for fillers, compared to some of the things I've been told (I'm an Eastern European Jew with you-know-which passport, I catch shit from both the left and the right). It's like hearing a Dutch girl crying about people telling her she wears clogs and smokes weed when you're, idk, a Syrian immigrant or something who gets told to commit suicide or "we don't want you here" every day.
When people say bad things about plastic surgery they almost always imagine the overt Pamela Anderson types. I told a lot of people that I had a nosejob and fillers and when I show them the before they always go "oh, well you look much prettier now so it was worth it, I really couldn't tell".
At the end of the day, people can say what they want, after a certain point it just becomes background noise. It does suck but this is not the case for people who toil in Bangladeshi factories or 10 year olds who get married off to old men for ??? cultural reasons.
No. 492146
>>492142You jealous, anon?
I am too, too poor to travel anywhere and then seeing people go places and then never shut up about it rubs me the wrong way and offends me especially if they act ~cultured~ from having visited such places
No. 492147
>>492120Aw anon, I'm so sorry but this is hilarious. I had to google what exactly yaoi is and …it's all about gay
men. Wtf was s/he thinking? How utterly tactless. At least her, uhhh, heart was in the right place? Hahahahahahahahaha
No. 492149
>>492142>>492146What is it with North American/Mexican girls and acting really cringy and "cultured" just because they've been to a city? I see it all the time with exchange students, you don't see Chinese/Vietnamese/idk, Kyrghyz girls prancing around and non-stop talking about their backpacking trip to
No. 492157
>>492152I totally agree.
>>492146Nah, I can just afford a proper vacation instead of being basic
>>492153Traveling to Europe isn't "exciting." Everyone does it.
No. 492163
>>492159Are you my roommate?
>>492161Sorry, I meant everyone who happens to have the the means does it. It's not really uncommon to people who have mommy and daddy's money. Look at all the girls on instagram who travel abroad.
No. 492168
>>492163>defensive about being called out for sounding like an asshole>apologizes for sounding like an assholeK
I guess even jealous, douchey anons have a right to post about what's annoying them.
No. 492175
>>492171Yeah I got her point but she still sounds like a bitch, e.g.
>No, traveling to Europe on mommy and daddy's dime doesn't make you "cultured" or "interesting". >you go to the most basic place>I really wish I could give a reality check to my rooommate. >She thinks she is hot shit because she can sometimes hook up with ugly guys>doesn't even qualify to be a Becky>it's really sad how at age 25 she can't even do eyeliner properly.>Nah, I can just afford a proper vacation instead of being basic>Traveling to Europe isn't "exciting." Everyone does it.Come on… she sounds jealous as hell and bitter to boot. I'm done picking on her now. No one cares.
No. 492177
>>492142I don't think you realise it but you come across as really jealous. You say people who brag about going abroad are annoying and yet you go on to brag about how your holidays are somehow better? You're doing the exact same thing you're complaining about. How much of mummy and daddy's money do you need to go on your trips?
Also in what universe is Italy "basic"? Especially for someone who lives in the US (which I assume you're from). If you think someone talking about their recent holiday to Italy as a conversation starter is annoying, can you imagine how fucking difficult and annoying you must be to listen to??
Please let us uncultured swine know about what superior holidays you've been on. I'm actually dying to know.
No. 492186
>>492177>>492175Why would I be jealous of having mommy and daddy's money? It's like being jealous of Pixielocks or Graveyardgirl.
>>492183Nah, she goes places all of the time because she's spoiled. It's not even her only overseas relationship this year. Her parents paid for her to go on a Spanish class in Peru. She's just autistic.
>>492177Unlike you, I don't need to go abroad to prove my self worth.
No. 492232
>>492194You sound insecure
>>492189What's wrong with any of those things? Sounds like a stay at home gf of a decent guy
No. 492242
>>492204This, my skin was bad even when I washed 4-6 times a day, slathered on benzoyl peroxide cream, and had two showers. My skin suffered so much because of this myth.
But I'm just a dirty bitch, clearly! Definitely not just acne-prone skin which is fucking genetic.
No. 492245
>>492220I have extremely sensitive skin and no skincare product reduced the amount of acne I had as a teen, just made it worse. I washed my face with just a Dove bar for years because it was the only thing that didn't irritate my skin and I STILL had to deal with the cystic acne throughout my high school years. I still deal with acne as an adult and I still only use a Dove bar, but simply washing your face won't give you clear skin. In fact, washing my face
less has helped my skin from breaking out.
No. 492250
>>492248I was a dumb teen and under the (horrible) impression that you need to "dry up acne" and that dirt and sweat are the only culprits. So if I left the house or started feeling even minimal sweating I'd wash to keep clean and non-greasy. Combined with anxiety about being seen as dirty I went mad with it.
Obviously now I know dry skin causes acne, too, and my moisture barrier is super healthy. But that information was less attainable for young me and we couldn't afford a derm.
No. 492287
>>492273jealous of who again? the Disney neet lolita leech anon or the "I'm richer than my flatmate and my vacays are better, also she has horrible eyeliner!1!" anon? in either case, nah fam, they both sound neurotic and cunty, I'd rather be my own poorfag self kek
the anon with yaoi doujin importing flatmate who doesn't wear make up yet hangs out with guys should join these two to form the holy trifecta of county flatmates kek (or was the Disney neet lolita leech anon this one as well??)
No. 492361
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i'm really tired of seeing this fake woke shit
No. 493008
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>>492361People can criticize a system and still participate in the system without that invalidating their criticism. That's like saying it's "hypocritical" for people to complain about the food industry because they buy and eat food.
No. 493046
>>493028I completely agree there, there's no need for someone to have
specifically an iPhone when there are many cheaper phones available that are of equal quality. I was referring more to the implication that people who live under a capitalist system having material goods somehow invalidates their criticism of capitalism, as those people could recognize the same problems with it that poorer people who lack material goods could.
No. 493211
>>493169Years ago I had IBS so bad that they thought I might have crohn's disease. Damn this post is
triggering memories lol
No. 493228
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Bruh, I'm so tired of the true crime community constantly obsessing over Ted Bundy over all serial killers and somehow the most casual readers/male readers are more obsessed with JUST Ted Bundy than the females/people more actively engaged in the community.
Omg Ted Bundy this.. Ted Bundy that.. fuck who the hell CARES. I swear people only care about him because they project themselves (or their wives, daughters, and love interests) on his conventionally attractive upper-middle class white sorority victims. R.I.P to the victims but can they be even more tasteless about how obvious they are about giving a fuck more about Bundy precisely because you think his victims have more 'worth' than other serial killer's victims?
It doesn't help this idiot reminds me of an borderline incel Reddit-esque terror gone wrong.. if you ever read his interviews or those documentaries and movies released about him simultaneously at the same time :) (the media is determined to never let the 'legend' of Bundy die down for some reason, gotta keep making that money cuz fuck the victims and their family I guess) his pretentiousness and privileged, boasting attitude about literally everything would tip you off. Except the fact his IQ isn't even super high among other serial killers and he didn't even finish Law school because he was too shitty.
No. 493231
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>>493228Also he's UGLY. Stop trying to convince me this monkey is hot! Only Zac Efron looked good!
He looked 40 at age 28 for god's sake. Even one of his potential
victims rejected him for looking like a creep at the end of his killing spree!
No. 493234
>>493228I just hate hearing the stereotype that he was ~attractive~ and ~charismatic~ when imo he looks like an average dude and most footage shows him to be an arrogant jackhole who cannot read a room.
I don't get where those two things came from, I guess at the time people needed reasoning as to how someone like this could have tricked and killed so many attractive people, but man those aren't why.
No. 493236
>>493231People love to overlook how two of his
victims were little 12 year olds, cos y'know.. serial killers are sexy but being a pedo sure fucking isn't lol
No. 493247
>>493228Bundy is one of these people that's famous just for being famous, people hear about him as "the most notorious serial killer, he had so many fangirls!" and assume there must be something special or unique there. But it's just because his trial was so heavily reported on at the time and the media pushed him as some gigachad mastermind (rather than an insecure retard who got caught from using his own vehicle and name while killing women who reminded him of the gf who dumped him years ago he was still butthurt about) to get viewers.
Kind of like how everyone knows about James Holmes as the guy who dressed up as the Joker to shoot-up a batman movie, woah life immiates art deep stuff, when he wasn't dressed up as the Joker at all and that's completely made up by the media, but that's his public image now.
No. 493252
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>>481484I fucking hate how ~quirky~ girls are now saying that they're into things that are considered boyish by society to sound quirky, what makes me even more angry and pissed is when they say that they've been into this 'forever' bitch!!! your photos from just two to five years ago tell a completely different story! you were always the trendy and girly girl by standards and clearly you're just saying this now because it is the new cool thing to do so please shut the fuck up.
it pisses me in general when someone lie saying they're into something just because it is cool at the time whilst you've genuinely interested in it for the longest time and went through shit because of it and didn't just choose to do it when people are praising it.
No. 493336
>>493326Nta but I've seen people argue over Jeffrey Dahmer too. Some think he was terribly handsome and intelligent, that he could've had great potential etc, others see him as ugly and dumb. Seems common with serial killers
Books and documentaries love to play up the idea of serial killers being cunning and intelligent, then you see an interview of them and they might not seem that way. It's hard to judge and we all come away with different opinions
No. 493349
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Fucking moids expect us to feel threatened by their perfect 2D waifus but never even try to emulate low-tier husbando. While women are trying look and act like retarded hentai, moids are content being the worst version of themselves i.e. otaku shits.
No. 493413
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>>493349omg so true. I notice that especially at cons: the girls in great part look at least good in their cosplays, but men are always wearing their usual dumb weeb outfits or very low effort cosplays. It’s almost impossible to see beautiful male cosplayers in the same proportion as girls.
And yet they’ll get angry when pretty ladies don’t give them the attention they want kek
No. 493425
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Why are women such monsters when it comes to shopping? 90% of retail is specifically designed to make women want to buy and shop more, but bitches still find some way to fuck it up tremendously. They'll take the entire store with them to try it on when they damn well know it won't look good on their flabby, middle-age body, then when they get frustrated and their self-esteem destroyed they'll take everything they dragged into the fitting room and throw it into the corner before running out. Even displays aren't immune to their fury as they throw merchandise around making it completely unshoppable for everyone else after them. It doesn't help that this horrible behavior is then taught to their nightmarish children.
Karen, you're the most anal mother fucker when it comes to keeping your house spotless, but yet here you trample into our places of work and trash it like a retarded five year old with a temper-tantrum. You know damn well you'd be shrieking from the fucking rooftops if anyone came into your house and trashed it like how you trash retail stores. What makes it even more ridiculous is that this trashy behavior doesn't make the workers ecstatic to deal with you, it pisses us the fuck off that you are too lazy and dense to have the common sense to figure out how to put clothes on a fucking hanger and bring them out when you are done. Then, when the workers are "cold" to you, you're the first one to start screaming about wanting a manager cause you're being "attacked". News flash bitch, you're shitty lazy personality is why people are short with you, why they blow you off, or simply try to ignore you when you want help. Fix your fucking face and your attitude too.
No. 493441
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>check twitter
>see artist that exclusively draws underage korean catboy yaoi
>close twitter
Why do koreaboo artists draw korean boys with big lips?
No. 493446
>>493428But that shouldn't just completely get rid of basic common courtesy. It's so bad that now 80-year old Margaret is pointing out how filthy these baby boomers are.
It's like time and time again they prove themselves to be the literal worst, most entitled, childish, and downright idiotic generation.
No. 493505
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Jfc an ant got stuck in my laptop and kept moving around on my screen monitor so i squished it and now its there forever. I want to murder everyone and burn everything down to the ground but at least its not in the middle of the screen, if it actually happens thats where i actually loose my marbles.
No. 493575
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Timmy Thick is thicker than me.
No. 493653
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I got myself some tiramisu, left it unattended for literally a minute, and when I came back, my cat was sitting on the counter, lapping it up. He literally looked at me like "What the fuck are you gonna do about it?", too.
The worst part is I really can't do anything. I threw it away before he could finish it, but I hope he doesn't get too sick.
No. 493725
>>493683I'd say she should accept her fate and go after little men, but I personally have had NO luck with short men. And I genuinely love them, they just generally won't date taller.
So she's just bitter since most men want dramatically shorter women. It should make you feel confident, ig.
No. 493726
>>493683It's just frustrating if you're tall and therefore get excluded from the dating pool of majority of men, and then for some reason short girls also want to get with the few guys who would be suitable for you. I don't even know what it feels like to look somebody who's a foot taller than me in the eye (because they don't exist), I don't get why you would want that (I imagine that to be scary?) It's like you said, why would a super skinny person be with a super big person, they just don't fit and very tall men and very short women are just as different from each other, so I also find that just as odd.
Sometimes I see a cute guy who's taller than me and if I then see that he's with a short girl it's just sad, like he's so tall and still prefers shorties, so do I even have a chance with anybody at all?
So yeah, your friend is bitter and jealous (so am I), but it's also not really her fault.
No. 493794
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I kinda have a reverse problem. I'm tall (5'8), but I have a huge fetish for small guys with pretty faces. But the only guys who are actively interested in me are freakishly tall masculine guys with scary faces… not my type at all. I always got the impression that small pretty guys like even smaller, prettier girls. While tall guys like tall girls.
No. 493808
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>>493794I have a similar experience as a manlet chaser myself. Although my taste is more broad (I also appreciate awkward faces and the odd thicc boy), my luck is terrible with them and only taller men seem to like me. One guy I actually hit on before he had a late growth spurt, and afterwards he started liking me. The absolute horrible luck of it all.
But yeah, I've pursued so many petit men that at this point it's sad bordering on pathetic honestly. And I'm just slightly above average, so I can only imagine what it's like to be genuinely tall.
Best of luck on your manlet chasing, anon. And
>>493803 too. I hope we find tiny bfs.
No. 493815
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>>493794Sounds like bad luck? I’m 5’8” and have got hit on by a bunch of guys 5’7” and below, even shorter when I have been wearing big high heels. You might have just met guys who are too self-conscious about the height difference but there seem to be a lot who don’t care or even like it kek. Keep hope anon, you will meet your dream guy someday.
No. 493819
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>>493808I get you! I wouldn't mind dating a short guy who has an awkward/less attractive face, because short dudes are pretty rare in my country to begin with (unfortunately, I live in a country with one of the tallest men in the world). But they are always gay, taken, or seem to be scared by me. It's so disheartening.
I had similar experience to you in high school haha, I ended up befriending a cute short guy, we were flirting, etc., but he suddenly grew 4 inches… Jesus…
>>493815I'm jealous. Honestly, I meet maybe one short guy (in my age range) a week, so I doubt it will happen anytime soon. But thank you, I still hope there will be someone for me.
>>493803>knajjdAnon, love yourself.
No. 493832
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>i don't like x
>it's okay anon i'll show you some really good x you'll enjoy it
>i just said i didn't like it
>you just haven't found the right x yet
>you just have bad memories attached to x, you don't REALLY dislike it
>i'll start you out with some really easy x to get into
>you just avoided series because it's associated with x! you didn't even give it a try
>i'll just try to force it onto you because you're not allowed to dislike things i love
Feel free to apply x to any concept, I've met and continued to meet a lot of the same shitheads. I guess i must have "change my mind" written on my forehead.
No. 493989
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Mecha autists are the most frustrating and annoying type of fans, they wouldn't understand characterization if it bit them in the ass and keep reducing storylines and characters to some dumb macho interpretation.
>tomino based
>women traitorous and dumb
>allies/nazis the best, so deep
>protagonist is a pussy for having feelings, just wreck shit and fuck things
No. 493993
>>493794Im 176 cm (something like 5'9 in freedom units) and I feel like it is either guys shorter than me or much taller who are into me. Same height and slightly taller seem to find it a turn off. Fine to me as a fellow manlet chaser.
And also anyone who feels insecure about their height, try not to. Insecurity makes you seem less attractive to others. Maybe the average male likes short women more but there are still many who are into tall women.
No. 494077
>>494051What compliment was it? But yeah I generally agree.
They get offended over nothing all the fucking time and you can't say shit. I miss those 2000s internet days..
No. 494179
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>>494051That's been my experience on twitter tbh. The entire discourse about these stupid art sets was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen with my eyes. I could not believe just how many crazy ass people jumped in with their opinions and trying to make the OP seem like they murdered an entire village of people. I thought tumblr was pretty bad, but twitter has become super tumblr on steroids.
No. 494184
>>494100I'm curious as to how they reacted negatively to that.
Was it a race thing? Or was it because no skin is better than another? #acnerights or something lmao?
No. 494214
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How do people you've befriended 2 years ago turn into complete retards that play favorites with their friends because of porn tastes? How do these people manage to watch a friend getting harassed and side with the aggressor because they like the same porn and ships as them? I'm never befriending shipfags again lol
No. 494418
>>494404>realisticallyI hate identity politics so much.
>>494411I wasn't a radfem as a 13 y/o, but I guess you're correct, the ideals=/=representative of the shitheads. I guess I'll just stick to proper writeresses instead of reading autistic identity politic shitposts in the pinkpill threads.
No. 494439
>>494379I think we can have a lot of fun here. But I’ll grant that there’s some seriously retarded levels of autism here, like anon who thinks you’re a degenrate unless you don’t wear shoes in the house
and vacuum every day (but is probably one of the tons of anons defending bringing their phone to take a shit with their lives)
No. 494496
>>494479Anon you straight up lying about that.
Vacuuming every day when you don’t even wear shoes is autistic as fuck. And you didn’t deny that you’re cool with taking your phone to shit which is
actually proven to spread disease
No. 494524
>>481491I think it's because people who prefer bigger boobs are often very douchey and harsh about it, as we've seen in the man-hating thread, men breaking up, emotionally and physically abusing their girlfriends while blaming her breast size, cheating and then blaming her tits, claiming women with small breasts aren't even women and aren't allowed to be or feel attractive, laughing at women with small breasts existing in their presence, harassing women with small breasts, or even jacking up the breast standard to the point where women with size C's are considered flat chested to some people
That being said, it's because of how harshly people come off when they "prefer" big boobs, so people, in defense, feel they need to be equally as harsh, because let's face it big and small boobs have their ups and downs. The only boob size I see no issues with are proportional breasts but thanks to porn and fatties, a woman could even have fairly big boobs on a thin body and be considered flat
No. 494536
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>>494531Well there's a difference between just being big and having big boobs for your body type. Marina for example has big boobs for her body type, on a fat girl they wouldn't look big at all. And it also depends on where you live. I mentioned fatties because in America at least, specifically more of the obese parts, you have insecure fat women calling all slim women flat no matter their breast size and fat worshipping men doing the same because men are easily manipulated to like certain body types and fat girls know this.
With the bashing of big boobs, I think it sparks up a small vs big tit debate, rather than a just "big boobs are the way to go and everything else is ugly and not worthy". As fucked up as it sounds it does save a lot of women's self esteem when both sides are debating rather than small titted girls being bashed, large titted girls being praised and small titted girls just getting a pretentious "love urself" speech while they just get nothing but hate. People are just cruel especially when it comes to women's bodies and don't understand you can appreciate all kinds of body types without bashing others
Asses are different though. You rarely see small butts get any sort of praise and big asses get any sort of hate, and same as mentioned earlier, when even Jen selters butt is getting called flat, causes many women to have self esteem issues. But as I said this is just my own experience
No. 494539
>>494536oh boy not another women vs women crap
it's not other chicks that created the artificial hate
No. 494545
>>494539Women didn't create it but insecure women fuel it. /snow/ itself should be more than enough proof that insecure women do infact fuel the whole "big tits vs small tits" or "slim vs fit vs curvy vs fat"
Unfortunately it does work though as many men have caught on or it just convinces other people to choose a side and take nothing but that side. Healthy is what people should strive for but people are bored of the healthy and nature female body
No. 494583
>>494536>fat worshipping men doing the same because men are easily manipulated to like certain body types and fat girls know thisYeah it's not that men will fuck anyone or fetishize anything, it's those pesky fat women manipulating gullible men to be into their body types that you find unattractive and they
know it. Because fat women are behind what men decide to value and devalue.
Do you read this shit out loud when you type it to know how ridiculous it sounds? Try it. Lmao.
No. 494588
>>494584>I think she is just implying that men easily get memed into liking shitIt implies a removal of culpability from men by saying that they're mindless slaves to their penises and maymays. Maybe the reality is men are sexually fickle, and once they've exhausted normal sexual fantasies they increasingly seek out deviancy. It doesn't make them brainwashable little babies.
>Remember when everyone used to hate traps on 4chan a few years ago?Traps have always been on 4chan in a non hateful capacity.
>Remember when anal used to be a porn only thing?Men have always been trying to talk women into anal irl, the only difference is now there's forums for women to vocalize how obnoxious and gross it is, and men can congregate and be vocal about seeking it. Porn just proliferated it further.
No. 494605
>>494588>It implies a removal of culpabilityNot really. What we're implying is that they can choose to not be retarded but they decide to be anyway. They could wake up and think but they choose to be impressionable idiots.
>Traps have always been on 4chan in a non hateful capacity.It was always a niche thing. Now it's becoming WAY more common than it ever should be.
>Men have always been trying to talk women into anal irlLmao, I'm not saying anal is some new thing. I'm saying it's never been at the frequency that is happening now.
No. 494615
Sorry ladies, back home for break and I'll probably be ranting about my mother constantly. It's better than bitching to my friends, which I'd feel guilty for.
So first off, yesterday she was driving slowly in the left lane (compared to other drivers) and a cop needed to pull her over. And this idiot? She pulls over on the shoulder of the left lane.
The cop came over and chastised her for going slowly in the left lane. Once he was gone all she could say was "thank god I didn't get a ticket." I was frustrated so I raised my voice and told her you don't go slowly in the left lane, need to pay attention to how others around you are driving, and should not pull over in the left fucking lane.
Naturally my mom brushes it off and just fucking ignores it.
I swear she will get in an accident some day because she does not think logically when driving, and god bless the other drivers with the misfortune of being on the road with her.
I realize now I could've driven but tbh I myself still haven't practiced a lot, and if I did drive she would be on the phone with her friends the whole time and not tell me where we're going. So, I'm reluctant to drive even though I need the practice.
The next less dramatic thing was she gave away a couple of sleeveless shirts I don't wear often. First, I don't wear them regularly because my parents get touchy about showing skin and I'm too lazy to shave my armpits; but I planned on waxing them now so I was annoyed. And the worst part is if my mom wanted to give away shirts I had other sleeveless ones with larger necklines I would've been fine with, but she gave away the ones I might! This isn't a big deal but it's like damn if you wanted to give my shit away maybe fucking ask me? And like with the driving incident you can't confront her because she just brushes it off and just does not actually fucking care.
Another layer is that whenever I want to give away clothes I don't wear anymore my mom just nags me for being ungrateful, so I don't or only give away things I think she won't give me too much shit for.
No. 494617
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I hate "horny man on Twitter" humor so much. Everytime my friends think a generic scrot on Twitter who just never shuts the fuck up about how lonely and blue balled he is as "peak humor" I get mega fucking annoyed. They're women too, so what the fuck is even the deal? It's so fucking annoying. They're not funny.
No. 494696
>>492159>>492153>>492146>>492153>>492161Basic bitches detected. Backpacking in Italy is not cool at all.
>>492142I agree. Your roommate sounds like a loser. Not sure why everyone here is disagreeing with you. Kek.
No. 494719
>>494696>>492142Nice samefagging, anon. Not very subtle when you can't help but bitch about your roommate here
>>494700 and at the same time you come here to whiteknight yourself on a 7 days old post.
No. 494780
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idk if i'm just getting old but i don't understand this "not like other girls" starterpack. i've never met a girl like this.
No. 494783
>>494780I think this is a little to vague. I don't know anybody who likes both kpop
and the Rolling Stones, and I don't know any goths who like Billie Eilish (I assume that's who the girl with the blue hair is.)
Also wtf is the background.
No. 494851
>>494845I did snap during that and say "Well I want to choke to death on two guys' dicks then." And he said that's completely different.
So fucking annoyed.
No. 494864
>>494862Why are black people the only race of non white people people on the internet think exist? I want this answered
And we also don't know the guys race to begin with..
No. 494947
>>494808You're not overreacting at all, that's extremely disrespectful.
It's not even about the fetish, but openly lusting after other women while in a relationship (unless it's an open relationship or something like that) is asshole behavior.
No. 495564
>>495141It seems like anon is offended by the implication she is not included in the "hot girl" category of people he wants to step on him or crush him. More like she's a fellow dude who should appreciate these comments?
That's the vibe I get from it.
No. 496055
>>495573> Also a lot of people who say shit like that tend to be men and I don’t think they want to admit that getting psychically punished as a child caused them emotional stress because of macho reasons.I live in a country were there's a lot of machismo and (extreme) child abuse is rampant, and yeah, its directly correlated to men being
toxic over their masculinity, they even abuse girls even though they aren't supposed to be treated like that.
>I feel like those people (or at least some of them) are in denial about how much emotional pain it caused and they don’t want to admit that their parents fucked up in that regard. My dad used to abuse me all the time because that's what he was taught to and he always said "i turned out fine!" or "mom knew best for me", then one day he, a grow ass "macho man", literally went on a fucking mental breakdown and regressed over his trauma and how "he didn't want me to fear him like he fear his mom" and that "everyday was pain", people need to realize shit isn't right at all, it destroys lives and families.
No. 496408
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The gal of some online commenters baffle me. Like 'this classic book sucks" types. How can you look at a book critically acclaimed, that's stood up for decades, and has tons of academic theory and think your college freshman ass is smart enough to say 'all those people were wrong. This books sucks". I'm not saying you can't have opinions, but like how can you make post like pic related without ever thinking "maybe I'm not knowledgeable enough about this subject to critique?"
No. 496530
>>496408Damn this guy is really an idiot there are so many holes in his argument i don't even know where to start calling bullshit, i couldn't imagine being this arrogant over something i don't understand at all, it also seems that he doesn't even know the difference between psychology and psychiatry and keeps confusing them.
>yeah, we all want to bang our moms right?Just look at the most searched tags on porn sites lmao
>We'veWhy is he talking like HE did something cool? He's just a loser who posted a (really) bad take on reddit.
Psychology is very much a "hit or miss" sometimes but it's the least we can do for those with mental problems. The brain is one if not the most complex organ and it's difficult to get answers, make progress and "create cures" of something that hasn't yet been fully understood.
No. 496677
>>496668I completely agree with you, I hated those books we had to read in highschool like madame Bovary she's like oh no my life is so bad my husband sucks uuuugh why did I get married, yeah well WHY DID you get married, and the best of all before she dies she finally falls in love with her husband REALLY bitch. And there was one book about a man who literally just wasted away for like 10 years teaching and just let everything happen around him and not take life in his hands, OK I get the message but it makes for such a boring book, why are there so many books about literal losers wasting away and not doing anything? It gets boring after the first time.
The only book I truly liked was Crime and punishment because it's about a snowflake who thinks he is better than everyone else and has more rights and it just comes back to haunt him, not even from outside consequences but from the realization that he has done something wrong and he is not unlike everyone else. Sorry for unrelated book reviews
What annoys me is that I can hear some neighbor cursing all the time, and it's always the same 2-3 cursewords
No. 496679
I've seen people on Twitter and Discord unironically subscribe to the caste system and say "Some people are just born to be beneath others" or "It's the natural order", but they seem lower-caste in mind to me. They read as panicked folks who are essentially imposters in their own skin, and worry that they will end up dragged to the bottom if they can't use their phenotype as a shield.
If they had to actually prove themselves worthy of a high position in society on their own merit, it'd probably be over for them. I think it's also why /pol/-tards are obsessed with piggybacking off of other people's accomplishments, but have almost nothing to say for themselves. It's an ideology based off a halo effect, and if that gets squashed, the mediocre ones who were leeching off the best are in trouble. Actual "high caste" people can't relate to any of that shit, because they're aware of their capabilities, and understand that their positions would remain largely unchanged in a truly fair society. People will naturally look to the best as a leader, regardless of "caste". Removing any pre-birth stipulations just allows for the best of all groups to flourish (and for the worst to never be able to mistakenly gain power), improving the entire society.
I seriously get the impression that nothing keeps the virulent racist/colorist/whatever up at night more than the simple sentence "It could've been you".
No. 497298
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This is so first world, but I hate it when some artist I like becomes mainstream~ish. The fan I usually hate are often genre tourists. They act like they have ~weird~ music tastes when they're either A. listening to the most pop like artist in the genre or B. Only listen to 1 song out of an entire artist discography (which is often the only song with an anamatic). The worst part is if the song is somewhat deep/sad they give their 5 paragraph long basic bitch analysis.
The worst part is they kind of get in the way of me finding new music. If I want to find a song like 'x artist' i go through youtube playlist were 'x artist' appears. The problem I've found though if the playlist was made by a genre tourist it's not new music, but the same few Jack Stauber, "The Less I Know The Better - Tame Impala", "SIAMÉS "The Wolf", 'The Correspondents - Fear & Delight", and the smae 3 fucking electro swing bands
I know I should just let them have fun without being pretentious about it, but it's hard to not hate fans like pic related.
No. 497305
>>494808sis you're not overreacting, I had a bf like this and I didn't realize how much of an
abusive loser cumbrain he was until I left him.
No. 497396
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I pirated this dumb ass african women book because I wanted to see pictures of africa culture not this prestaged softcore porn shit.
No. 497431
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they put faking death threats next to 'don't like. don't buy'
They even missed the point of that 'they're over blocks tweets'.
No. 497474
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How the hell do they plan to make Carrie work if she's trans? Isn't her period an important part of the beginning of the story?
Also the fact they just want minority points and don't care as long as the protagonist isn't played by a white cis woman, why are people so blind to see they don't give a fuck about representation and just want that sweet money from people that enjoy Euphoria and the like
No. 497483
>>497482Yeah, I mean in theory anon is right but I just can't think of anything cats do that's particularly gross. They aren't drooly, they smell good without even needing a bath, they are pretty naturally clean in general.
They do have the absolute worst smelling poo though.
No. 497566
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This shit is so annoying and transparent, and I'm baffled as to how people can't see it for what is is - corporations kissing up to consumers with memes so they'll think they're one of them and buy more of their products. It's manipulative as hell yet I still see people condone it, and if you dare to bring it up they just whine "omg why do you hate fun so much lol". Literally brainwashed
No. 497592
>>497566The most annoying part about this is that they just roast people who didn't even ask for it. it could be
>Ramdom user: Mcdonalds fries weren't that good>Mcdonalds: Well neither was ur mom!The most annoying part is you can't say "don't want a response? don't post" because they always reply to a boomer who's just posting random shit. They didn't know this could happen
No. 497995
>>497959I agree. Those stans get really angry when you point it out, too. Some of them try to go full edgelord and think calling anyone who points out this embarrassing behavior slurs will make them look less pathetic, but inevitably hop on back to Twitter to scold people for microaggressions to their favorite idols.
They basically have huge inferiority complexes and think everyone hates them anyway, so they might as well worship "cute" k-pop boys who hate them, since it's all the same.
It's funny to me when they go full self-righteous SJW. Meanwhile, their oppas are the most racist/sexist humans alive.
No. 498018
>>498003I will never understand it either. Just getting over my period today and even though my cycle is a lot more manageable now that I am an adult, it is still a pain in the ass to deal with.
And no, I get pissed off when I hear activists trying to push that "transgender women have periods too!" It just diminishes (in my opinion) the stress and inconvenience that women have to deal with every month. And it irritates me even more that these are other woman flying a flag for a man with a pretend pad on, while they don't say anything about their fellow sisters.
Like why are men's needs always somehow more important than women's? Why will so many women literally fall on a sword for a man in a skirt but will turn their backs on another woman who shares their experience? I had an experience a few weeks ago with myself calling out some men over sexist behaviors, and all the girls in the same situation started ostracizing me because of me just making a comment that they needed to perhaps tone it down. I don't get the world sometimes.
No. 498050
>>498038You should have asked
him to look it up in that moment. He should feel humiliated for being an ass
No. 498095
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Anyone else on Facebook tired of these ugly ass pages
Smol kinky weeb gf
Tall Dom Goth Bf
Short Thicc Emo gf
Smol Mentally I’ll Thicc Bf
these pages are ran by the ugliest nerds anyways and they’re all shrines of themselves when they do face reveals, the girl pages are annoying because they’re pick mes who post updates like “all I do is watch anime and run my soft Thicc thighs uwu”
And the dudes are like “I want to pin you down and dominate you babydoll” especially offensive af when they look like pic related these shits are so cringe I can’t wait till they’re looked down upon in a few years
No. 498147
>>498095i refuse to believe anyone ACTUALLY looks like this what the fuck he looks like a badly drawn cartoon character
i am ugly but compared to that i am a solid 10/10 LOL
No. 498287
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Diabetic pee would have been funnier than gamer girl pee.
If you're wondering why diabetics have sweet pee it's because their bodies can't break down sugar so they try to dispose of it in other ways
No. 498315
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How the hell is the Dakota thread still alive? She hasn't done anything in years and it's always just skinwalking anons depicting that "her career will totally fail soon kek!!!!!" because she modeled for a brand they don't like (thus consider inferior) and for the past 5 or so years they've been going on and on about her "weight gain" when she's still just as thin as always. It's not like she's constantly posting cringey, controversial shit on her IG or something, it's just anons going full sperg on any little detail they can dig up.
Pic related, it's terminal autism at work. I hope this anon finds peace soon because damn woman, that is a lot of dedication for some gaijin model.
No. 498316
>>497474What the fuck man. Way to make this iconic female revenge story into tranny pandering. I can already see the movie replacing the bullies and the mother with "TERFs" who hate on the poor victimized transwymmyn a la Sense8, maybe they'll replace the male love interest with a woman and make her into this handmaiden prototype "protecting muh girl". As for the period part, the evil terves will probaby abuse Carrie for NOT getting a period because he's a man and terves are ~obsessed with vaginas~.
The only solace I can find is that this will peak trans more people and it will 100% flop to begin with as these woke pieces of shit never do well. I don't understand why ideas like that keep getting greenlighted because even that sense8 bullshit I mentioned was cancelled after two seasons because nobody was watching it.
No. 498359
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I'm so sick of 'goodreads', not sure if thats were a first noticed it or were it started, type reviewers. Instead of actually reviewing the work they make it their person blog on how they reacted to 'the worst piece of media ever'. The most annoying thing about them is that they always slip into spoilers ("At times this leads to hilarious failed attempts at a shocking or dramatic scene. I mentioned the intro scene above. In another episode, the show tried to pull off a SHOCKING CLIFFHANGER where… well, I think it was trying to make us think one or more major characters had suddenly been killed by some Dagger Ex Machina figure in the woods (with absolutely no buildup, I might add) for the sake of a cheap end-of-episode cliffhanger.")
>Episode 4 is the real goldmine; it was the pinnacle of my experience with this show, is one of the greatest “jump the shark” moments in anime, and is so baffling, it’s absolutely amazing! All those insane mysteries, and all the forced exposition, get shoddily smashed together into a splatter of sex cults, faux-history, voodoo magic, physics-busting, deranged psycho-faces and self-contradictions, pulling out exorbitant amounts of information from a zeppelin-sized ass to create a perfect storm of laughter and disbelief! It boisterously puffs out its mystery-writing chest thinking it’s so amazingly clever for bringing all this together in a way its audience never could have seen coming because it’s not a fair-play mystery! It proudly shows off answers more far-fetched than simply throwing one’s hands up and saying, “It was indeed a miracle after all!” I dare not spoil those answers here. They’re worth experiencing firsthand! This episode alone managed to set new standards for what I look for in ironically-enjoyable bad anime! Summed up in two words, one might say the episode was “Holy Crap!”
Also look at this paragraph. How can you claim a shows pretentious when you write like this. Even worse pic related is their review, which I could only copy half of.
No. 498361
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>>498359Samefagging, but whats worse is that if it's a small book a "IT'S SO BAD!!1!!!" could completely obliterate it's score from a 4 to a 2.5.
Any how I have the "Authors vs. Goodreads" salty reviews
>You are the income that keeps the server farm humming but you are entering into an adversarial relationship, not only with the pampered readers but the overworked staff that doesn't even know their own rules when they punish you because there are so damned many rules and the documentation is broken, outdated chaos. No. 498978
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Been talking to two guys that I was interested in, both in IT and stuff, we had fun conversations until it got a bit deeper and the topic of me not being able to find a better job, mental health etc came up. Both of them instantly tried to "fix" my problems like I already haven't tried the most obvious shit. The patronizing tone makes it so much more annoying. I know they were trying to help but fucking hell if a professional can't help then your stupid ass sure also can't.
No. 499032
>>498978Men have a tendency to give unsolicited advice when they hear us talk about problems, particularly the ones who are more socially stunted and can't read a room. In part because they don't want to hear about your problems ever again, and also because they fancy themselves as pragmatic 'fixers' who know better than you.
I always tells them it's more complicated than the advice they've offered, thank them for trying, and then try to move away from myself as the subject.
No. 499608
>>499449Sure, you have friends (fat ones) who have DDD tits. And late at night, they all gather round to make sure you feel flat chested, for no real win or motivation other than to slapfight you over what men like.
>>499604She's a bad liar and should be banned for baiting. It's just someone's fiction writing.
No. 499682
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>>499637holy shit thank you I thought I was crazy for thinking this. They just look like rednecks to me. The only thing that saves it is if the person is muscular, because then they at least look like they got the tan from working in the sun. Otherwise it looks like they just sit around a porch spitting in cans and calling their pigs pet names all day.
No. 499695
>>499637Just say you think tattoos on brown skin look like shit lmao
>>499682He just looks sunburnt here
No. 499826
>>481484Anyone else really fucking annoyed by the amount of edgelord male youtubers that just sit in front of a camera and shit on everything? It's always the same pudgy white guy that thinks he's sooo clever and funny.
It just makes me so mad to know that they are making money of that shit. I read that h3h3 and his wife bought a 9 million house or whatever recently. WTF why? His podcast is pure shit too and I can't wait for him to crash and burn.
I wish Youtube would be more strict somehow on who gets money for their content. Although I'm aware most of the money is from these shit companies asking them to promote their stuff ugh… I'm just so done with the whole site and culture behind it. I probably only follow baking channels now because they actually DO SOMETHING.
No. 499839
>>499833>>thinking triple D is a sizeIn US it is. Cup sizes can be double and triple
>>thinking weight means anything without mentioning height.120 is fairly thin unless you're a literal midget… I'm 5'3 for context
No. 499991
>>499973Hard agree. I don't know why people are so ridiculously obsessed with pedophilia now. I couldn't had predicted that in this year if I hear someone being labeled a pedophile I have to check if it's an actual person molesting children or a 24-year old who replied to a 17-year old's tweet, a 22-year old who ships two 15-year old fictional cartoon characters or a 19-year old who was dating a 14-year when they were 17. Honest to god these kids are calling themselves "
victims of CSA/grooming" when a 20-year old called them cute or interacted with them on social media. I have such a hard time taking anyone putting "CSA survivor" on their Twitter profile seriously, like it was some badge of honor or a cute quirk that allowed them to be heinous bitches to everyone.
The infantilizing of teens is absolutely real though. Teens are immature but they're definitely not children. Someone taking advantage of, like you said, an 8-year old is pedophilia in its truest form because a small child like that can never, ever consent as they most likely don't even know the concept of sex. But when it comes to teens, it's still wrong for adults to take advantage of them and they're always accountable for doing so but even on this site multiple people have confessed to sharing nudes on 4chan when they were 14-16. Teens have sex with each other all the time. Teens get drunk. Teens are politically active. In the US they can drive a goddamn car at 16. They're not precious asexual smol beans sucking on a pacifier, never understanding the consequences of their actions. They can't be treated like adults because they're still developing, but the constant sheltering and forgiving makes them grow into these 25-year old adult babies who still exist in the same mindset they were in at 15. We already have a good share of zoomers who never learned to take responsibility for their own choices because they were never made to do so.
What really rustles my pantaloonies is when these "minors" enter adult spaces out of their free will and then cry mommy when they see something that makes them uncomfortable, despite them never being allowed to experience it to begin with. I sure as hell lied about my age and went to peek at weird porn artwork at 14 and saw stuff that shook me but claiming the artist was a pedophile because of it would've been outrageous. Another story is the people who abuse the term pedophile as a catch-all insult to deplatform anyone they don't like for whatever retarded reason, like Sakimichan for drawing a shirtless picture of a very buff, obviously adult-bodied man just because the original character is "only 17" or drawing hairless twink characters canonically aged 18+ because, to quote that one sperg with a warped view of bodies, "they look like they're 12".
No. 500008
>>499760I was gifted and suffered from burnout after I went to college. I had to take a lot of time off but I went back and found a system that worked for me. It turns out I am still talented after all lol. If you really are gifted then you can make something work for you.
Also has anyone noticed all these former gifted kids are obsessed with communism? They really fit an archetype.
No. 500020
>>500017I'm sorry you will not be able to appreciate HEALTH's music, especially Death Magic… The
Victim and Stonefist combo give me life every time
No. 500221
>>500118are you depressed anon? this can be one of the symptoms.
or a side effect from meds you're on/off maybe? hope you're okay buddy try to stay hydrated at least
sounds gay but cupasoups and toast are a good lazy go-to depression meal/general procrastination meal.
hope you feel better guy
No. 500285
This is a weird kind of post but I have to vent.
I have no idea who is Nicocado Avocado, he is just not my type of lolcow. Only thing I know about him is what is in the OP-post of his thread that I occasionally see in /snow.
Recently I had a bad cold fever, I couldn't think straight, lying in bed and vomiting every 30 mins. But for some fucking reason the only thing my sick brain could remember was "Nicocado Avocado", probably because of how dumb it sounds, and his stupid-ass face that is op-pic of his thread. I swear to god, this was going on for all evening, I kept remembering the gross food on that photo, all the cheese, the fact that he is a mukbanger who must stuffing his face with ungodly amounts of fatty foods regularly, the face that he made on that photo - and inbetween of all that i was puking the fuck out of myself.
Now every time I go to /snow to check on my favorite threads I keep seeing his cursed thread and it makes me gag.
No. 500300
>>500289"communism will just naturally reward their genius with very high status leadership positions without them needing to do anything."
That literally only happens under capitalism, you're an idiot and need to to read theory before commenting on anything.
No. 500313
>>500289This but unironically. These self-proclaimed "gifted" people are often grown to receive appreciation and validation without really doing anything, such as receiving good marks in school simply because they had a more effective short-term memory. When they grow up and can't service the system properly just by doing what they have always done, i.e. not making money, they become bitter and think communism would magically give them back all the privileges they used to have. They're the ones sperging out about meritocracy and how oppressive it is that they don't receive gratification and money simply by being ~smart and gifted~, even if they themselves wouldn't pay a similar person just for existing. Nobody wants to pay for shit they have no need for, that's just how the world works and when you take away the citizen's freedom to decide what you want to give your money and time to, you get corrupt communist shitholes.
And no, I'm not a fear-mongering amerifat, I've had to live all my life next to ex-soviet union countries.
No. 500363
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Why don't the people in the art thread reply to posts? They just leave these blank statements and make us assume the posts.
No. 500374
>>500364In my opinion there were three sorts of "gifted" children. The first group are those who actually were highly intelligent and received good grades because they were quick to learn, had a lot of patience and above all were used to working hard. They ended up with pretty good positions as adults because they knew the worth of hard work. The kids who I knew to be like this became management level leaders, doctors and high-ranking lawyers.
The second group are the kids who got straight As but only because the teachers favored them or because they in were a "big fish in a small pond" sort of situation, like a small rural school without a lot of kids to compare their performance to from a realistic perspective. These are the kids who either have their reality crash down on them when they realize they either need to learn to put some effort later in life, or stop trying altogether and sink into mediocrity. Most kids like this in my class ended up with basic middle class jobs or unemployed with a worthless college degree.
The third group are the egoistical kids who weren't above average, had no exceptional talent, didn't perform well but were groomed into this mentality that they deserve only the best and they're above everyone else in their age group for whatever reason. These people crash and burn hard when they reach adulthood, they were always coddled to think they're brilliant and meant for big things. They're the "gifted" kids who scream for political revolution and want the world to bow down to them. These are the kids who wave the communist flag and hate "the rich ppl!!!" only because they believe they're more deserving of a luxurious life than anyone else is. The kids I knew to be like this ended up being losers screaming on the internet or freelance artists (only because nobody would hire them) at best.
No. 500394
>>500285Topkek anon, I can kinda relate. I've never had him in my mind while I was sick, but I think about that silly name sometimes even though I've never even opened his thread.
Nikocado Avocado.
Nikocado Avocado.
Nikocado Avocado.
No. 500957
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Girls who call themselves “kinky” but really they just have horrible self esteem and accept their boyfriends’ pornsickness
No. 501016
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I wish I had someone to talk about Love Live with. I went on it's /vg/ thread and it's just full of coomers and inside jokes that I don't get.
No. 501113
>>500957"all boys are handsome I don't care what society says"
Shuwu is that you?
No. 501226
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>>501016Same but with im@s, everyone I know is a cumbrain. It sucks. I hope you can find someone soon, anon.
No. 501577
>>501547samefag… my dog peed on her lawn and she was seriously staring out her window watching it
what kind of person is that bored and that creepy to stare out their fucking window at strangers
moreover I'm not gonna be able to control that my dog peed… dog pees not gonna kill someone's lawn
No. 501755
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Winged eyeliner. Jesus fucking christ on a bread stick. It doesn't matter what I try, I still can't get it to look right for my fucking deepset eyes. I tried every fucking trick possible you can find on youtube. I need to practice more but it's like there's no progress at all. I managed to do it ONCE a year ago, even took fucking pictures and never managed to recreate it. Fucking hell.
No. 501765
>>501541Yo I feel you, this happens when you live in a suburban hell hole. I've been yelled at for walking across some middle aged guy's lawn", more like front yard full of dead plants and woodchips.
I also pranked my Karen neighbor when I was drunk like 2 weeks ago. She called the cops on me bc I got caught on her security system. Now I'm being investigated for felony vandalism… Yeah. I hired a criminal lawyer and it'll likely just get dropped or dismissed because I've never been in trouble with the law. But fuck Karens.
No. 501768
>>501541Control your dirty dog
This is why many residencies ban pets, because of retards like you.
>>501765If you hate it so much go live in the city where nobody respects the space and property they have.
No. 501793
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I guess it's good, but what happened to just spamming uh huh, yeah, cool, oof. texting is one of the least intensive venting methods.
No. 501884
>>501784okay so for you non amerifags some suburban neighborhoods, or most middle class suburban neighborhoods have front facing properties with no fencing around them and small front yards. most neighborhoods that don't have parks / public land basically have to serve as "stomping ground" for dog owners because there is often literally no other place for the dog to go that's public domain land, except maybe a sideyard. some neighborhoods provide poo bags where you can pick up the dogs poo if they go on a lawn, or you can buy your own. it's very commonplace not to get yelled at for minor dog pisses in a suburban neighborhood with front facing yards and no park, which is why someone would be kind of surprised that a Karen would yell at them in a situation
I'm not sure if you fags are just dumb, have never lived in a neighborhood with front facing yards, or hate dogs, but u sound like the self entitled screecher herself trying to justify screaming at someone over a little dog piss
and for the record I wouldn't care if someone's dog pissed on my lawn, probably wouldn't even notice it, because it's winter and the grass is fucking fried
No. 501907
>>501884>and for the record I wouldn't care if someone's dog pissed on my lawn, probably wouldn't even notice it, because it's winterAny other season they would notice the yellow patches of dead grass though
When my family had a dog and it got walked we would try to get her to go to the bathroom in wooded areas or an empty lot that was down the street
No. 501910
>>501763That's the easy part, I just can't get the wings right, as in where the hell to connect them and also make it look symmetrical.
I should make it a new year resolution to finally master that crap lmao
No. 501998
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>>501992kek earlier today i almost passed out from nausea from having to interact with new course mates at uni. i profoundly empathise, my best thoughts and hugs go out to you anon and if you find a way past this shit pls let me know. i'm usually ok after i've done the thing like 5 times (like rn i can go order mcdonalds no problem but then like burger king - i'd rather die lol) but boy, getting there is suffering.
No. 502061
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This is me being very shy, but why aren't their any blank cover sketchbooks? All the sketchbooks at my local store have SKETCH, 'this person is an artist', or an annoying lol so random joke. The only blank cover books are those over priced leather ones which give you 50 pages for 40 dollars. Why is is that every sketchbook looks like it's made to broadcast the fact you like art to the world?
No. 502090
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>>502061Do you have any specific preferences for a sketchbook? Like dimensions and paper type?
I just do it the ghetto way and get a hole punch and some computer paper and stick it into a 1 inch binder. Not sure if they have loose sketch paper, I'm too lazy to search lol.
Are you American and have access to Target stores? They have some sketchbooks that have cardboard flaps indicating they're for sketching, but that can be ripped away so you're just left with a blank cover.
No. 502951
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I know words change and all, but it's surreal to see drapetomania, which was originally made by a slaver owner trying to explain why slaves running away was a mental illness, get it's come back as pinterest mood board quote. I know I sound triggered as fuck, but I can't comprehend how we went from slavery to edge teen drabbles
No. 503967
>>503959>bigoted, human rights esp for women are atrocious, corrupt politicians, extreme conservatism Almost 93% of the population is Catholic. I can tell you as an ex Catholic, it's no coincidence and completely explains the societal behavior. My small town was a microcosm of what you described and it was majority Catholic as well. Catholicism promotes:
The subjugation of women and obedience to patriarchy, a hierarchy of superiority over non-believers and other faith practioners (and really anyone who is "other"), an arrogance that anything can be done for "the greater good" and all can be forgiven via confession, and an adherence to impractical interpretations of conservative biblical standards propagated by corrupt church leaders (who enjoy the luxuries of power and money they siphon from parishioners). The priest at my church always advocated for us peasants to give everything we could, even the shirts off our backs. Meanwhile he had a lakeside house with frequent landscaping.
Catholicism breeds narcissism.
No. 503992
>>503959the fall of the iron curtain was a mistake. eastern european countries were unironically better off during the late, more "soft" communist era circa mid 60s-80s than they are today, at least that what my grandparents and other older family members tell me. i think this whole extreme alt right shit going on in the region is partly as a backlash against the old left wing regime, and its also partly being influenced by western countries in a way.
and tbh idk who to be more disgusted by, the extreme conservative parties or the current left wing parties who lick the asses of foreign countries constantly. there is no inbetween.
No. 504039
>>504037related, but I hate how much 'self-help' has become 'hope to cope with you're shitty job and become a better cog'
Any how anon you might like the corporate cringe series. It talkes the issues you've mentioned
No. 504105
>>504098that anon probably would believe in 'Polish concentration camps' since they must have slep during all the history lessons kek
It's fine to not know everything, but when you are asking for a source on a well-known fact like it's some obscure information instead of googling you really come off as a dumbass.
Imagine someone asking about source on slavery in the USA
No. 504171
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>>504076>I don't have to suck my landlords dickNah you'd have to suck your government's dick. Also where do you want to live? We'll give you a cramped 30sq ft for a family of 5 house 500km away. Oh btw you don't choose where you work either.
>food is simple but cheap and abundant>abundantYou had a quota of how much you could buy, and every time the economy took a dip your quota was reduced. Also stores would restock once a month at best resulting in those infamous lines. Of course you could buy stuff on the black market but those cost 100 times more.
Only people who worked for the regime had comfortable lives. I agree with
>>504000 on why people are still nostalgic about it.
No. 504273
>>504271>it's part of their culture to be corruptI guess just like it's part of your culture to be racist and dumb.
Please stop talking about a part of the world you can't even locate on a map and making assumptions despite never having left your hometown in Alabama.
Eastern Europe is not Russia, Russia is not even in Europe. Most of Eastern Europe is part of the EU and well developed at this point, safer and with a standard of living well beyond anything the US, or UK for that matter, has to offer.
Seriously just go back to fucking your cousin or something, you're embarrassing yourself.
No. 504277
>>504113This shit makes me feel ashamed when I claim being Indigenous while being half white (dad was legit fullblood don't @ me). I know I have his ethnic features, have dark hair and eyes, and people
do often ask if I'm Mestizo, half SEA, or Middle Eastern, but I'm still afraid in case the person I'm talking to reads me as a dark white person. Doesn't help that these people exist which makes the doubt understandable.
Essentially I'm just as annoyed. But mostly because they make my BDD-induced identity crisis ten times worse.
No. 504306
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i hate gabbie hanna so much i want to roundhouse kick her clown nose and watch her ragdoll into the atmosphere from the impact
No. 504378
>>504350Acne in general is the most annoying thing since no cure is one size fits all.
Fuck acne.
No. 504473
>>504270You don't get it don't you? It was just the same, working class people getting maybe a bottle of cooking oil a month for the whole family, and the regime asslickers living in luxury.
The only difference was that if you dared to complain you dissappeared.
No. 504800
>>504799Even more annoying is that they see women as fat the moment any excess weight is there but they don't judge men by anywhere near the same standards
I remember years ago while walking with my ex someone in a passing car yelled 'fat fuck' out of the window. He was about two stone overweight and I was thin. He assumed the guy was yelling at me..
No. 504832
>>504799That's why I can never give "husky" guys with "dadbods" a chance. They have literally no excuse to be even slightly overweight.
On that note, I'm tired of seeing the "A woman's total intake should be 2,000 calories a day!" meme. I'm tinfoiling, but it seriously feels like some sort of psyop to keep (sedentary) women fat, or at least never
too thin, on top of ensuring they buy more food than they need. It's like that bullshit food pyramid that told people it's healthy to eat grains with every meal, but it was really just because the US was trying to get rid of its excess grains.
That, and the "starvation mode" lie. Just bad, virtue signal-ish advice all around.
No. 504845
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I fucking hate it after a faulty product gets recalled all the
>natural selection
>Shouldn't have been stupid!
>fucking trash parents
>It's their fault technically
fuckers come out. Ikea made a dresser that literally didn't pass US regulations, but it's the parents fault because they didn't read the little warning telling them to nail it on the wall. Like how could you say this in reaction to a bunch of families who got their children killed over preventable drawer
No. 504865
>>504845i love that business worship, especially in america, is so fucking embedded into actual adult skulls. incredible, to the point where LITERAL CHILDREN are said to be "darwin award winners" or their deaths the product of "natural selection". how sick do you need to be to cape for billion dollar companies over dying kids? mind you, all the boomers will still use "but the chilren! the national debt my kids will have to take on!" as a cudgel against actual policy that helps kids, especially in america.
you'll never get people to care about product liability and proper regulation. any and all "regulation" is such a harrowing boogeyman to them.
No. 504877
>>504865Adults use children as props when it's convenient for their arguments.
That's why there can be a callous doublethink when a boomer says a child earned a Darwin award from a tragic accident, then the next week yank away vapes from adults because we gotta think of the kiddos illegally acquiring them. Massive hypocrites.
>>504872Everyone just wants to believe if their kid makes it to adulthood it's because they were super parents. If someone's kid dies, they're judging the parents as if their direct decisions led to the consequence and they have no regard for the outside factors or even if it was actually their fault.
No. 504912
>>504320She is less
problematic than most YouTubers. No drug problems, no scamming, no abusing fans, no cheating, no stealing, no pedophilia. Most people hate her just because they're YouTube cattle who obsess over whatever youtuber it's fun to hate in the moment. I do admit her humor and singing just isn't for me though but if that's enough to guarantee mass amounts of hate then it says more about the type of person they are
No. 504986
>>504320>>504912When Curtis Lepore raped Jessismiles, (and Gabbie & Jessi were friends at this time) Gabbie still hung out with Curtis's friends and when Jessi confronted her about it Gabbie said "Jessi, Curtis's friends didn't rape you". She also apologized to Curtis about Jessi "spreading lies" about him.
Then when all of this drama blew up Gabbie, instead of reaching out to Jessi like an adult, emailed a 15 year old fan and vented to her. She also talked to that fan about Jessi and honestly the way she talked about Jessi was disgusting, saying Jessi was "off her meds again" or something like that, implying Jessi was crazy. There was also a video where Gabbie wqs talking about Jessi (though didn't name her) and referred to Jessi as a psycho bitch. Oh yeah and Gabbie is always preaching about ~mental health awareness~
That might not be 100% how it went but its pretty close, if you wamma know more you can watch Jessi's video, it was also discussed in the youtube general thread back when it all happened.
No. 505526
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I fucking hate how retro crush names their titles.
No. 505714
>>505706So you have voiced your unimportant opinion about people voicing their unimportant opinions.
And you blame the platform. Lol.
No. 505745
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do k/j-pop spergs really need 4 fucking active threads on the front page of /m/ jesus at least learn to sage
No. 506239
>>506236I would just grey rock him. Teenagers are stubborn as it is, and FORGET teenage boys who already have a
victim mentality as freshman.
Maybe he feels weak or on the low rung in his social circle, he is likely major projecting when he says that men can't say shit because the reality is HE feels he can't say shit. Has he even seen the president of the United States recently? Lmao, men get away with saying all sorts of fucked shit.
Anyway, like I was saying, next time he gets into a rant just grey rock. Throw in a
>what makes you say that? >oh, why's that? Just ask generic questions and let him tire himself out with all the talking in circles lol.
No. 506250
>>506236Tell him to stop being a
triggered little bitch. Men sing about how women are hoes and bitches ain't loyal and hip hop is testament that men shit on other men THE MOST in music.
No. 506298
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fuck that doomer meme and fuck that "yes." meme and fuck any projecting self-important person who thinks its so relatable. why are they everywhere it literally is just a 2010 rage comic.
No. 506340
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I'm trying out linkedin, it's not really used or big in my country but it won't hurt. However… I can't add anyone I actually know because it says I don't have enough connections. I can't male connections because I don't have connections. Great. I hate when sites do that shit.
No. 506477
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I hate /r/ writing prompts. They all have this same melodramatic style. Also when ever there's a comedy prompt you can never expect it to be good. Like pic related. They had an interesting concept, but they couldn't do anything with it beyond 'ha ha vegans annoying amarite?'
No. 506478
>>506476Fat dudes have major
victim mentality so it makes sense that a fat incel would sooner blame women for not finding him attractive than take responsibility for his own attitude and body.
No. 506754
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>>506752where do you see any fat here? your opinion is invalid.
No. 506853
>>506850My thoughts exactly. I'm not involved in sex work so I never even knew or cared about camgirl drama. I didn't even have a clue there were standards for camgirls! Thought it was one of those "anyone can self-publish" type of gigs. Which is why the comments in those threads honestly make me laugh cause those anons act like men don't fap or fuck to anything or anyone. Who gives a shit about Shay's ass zits, or bad makeup, or fried hair when it's demonstrated that scrotes keep paying for it?! Lmao.
Same thing with Luna Tuna over in /pt/. There's someone depraved enough to buy that poor drug addicted brat's per drinking videos.
Like can anons just…stop pretending there's standards in sex work. Cause there ain't, sorry.
No. 506880
>>506850Because the posters are camgirls themselves who got invested in mocking their competition, and they actually think that not being good at camming is a character flaw worth nitpicking. I've seen them shitting on her for not actually orgasming or enjoying it and it's like… no fucking shit, why would she?
And honestly camgirls could have the milkiest content on earth and I would still never sit through one of their videos. I think it takes a special type of person to bother with that… other camgirls and lesbians I guess.
No. 506936
>>506307It reminds me of when people make fun of tumblr for hyping up the same 10 artists but 4chan and other similar places online do the exact same shit just with different artists only they're more cool and "acceptable". They think they're so acknowledgeable for jerking off over indie and experimental rock but really they know fuck all about music and barely step out of their comfort zone.
>>506366those bands are great though
No. 506967
>>506961Desensitization if anything. Plus I'm sure many parents get to know the screaming and crying to mean different things so they just learn what to ignore.
Like tantrum screaming? Discipline and tune out. Shitty diaper crying or boo boo crying? Address the issue and the crying stops.
People like their own kids. They probably still hate hearing other people's kids scream.
No. 507023
>>507006It was more to refer to the fact that people-more or less-tolerate their own kids screaming and causing a ruckus but will side eye other parents whose kids are doing the same.
Trust me, I am aware some people are not fit to be parents at all.
No. 507055
>>507006It creeps me out how many people drop hints about how much they really hate their kids, but then try to make up for it with "I wouldnt change my situation for the world!" in the same breath. It drips with sarcasm and you can really hear how dreadful they feel.
Also explains how defensive they get if you make any kind of remark or question it. Doth protest too much blah blah.
No. 507197
>>507089that has nothing to do with it. anon isn't talking about parents telling their kids they love them, she's talking about how it's something that's pushed on
prospective parents. people constantly act like once you have a kid a switch flips and suddenly you're just able to be a parent without issues. this is mainly done so that people won't be so scared of parenting, not so the kids will be loved or happy or not.
No. 507204
>>507077>I have a sneaking suspicion that a hell lot more of women get postpartum but feel guilty about it and won't admit how much they wish their circumstances were different.I kinda feel like PPD is just the natural, inevitable result of your life turning to shit for at least some time after having a kid. People act like it's just a chemical inbalance and it's unnatural for a new mother to be unhappy but OF COURSE someone is going to be depressed after the physical trauma of giving birth or having a c-section, the lack of sleep/freedom/alone time that comes with a young child, the useless dads out there who don't help, the loss of identity, ongoing health issues, etc. Realistically, PPD should be the default expectation.
The human body really was not well designed for pregnancy or giving birth, animals don't have anywhere near the difficulty humans do either during or after.
No. 507278
>>507228I never got banned but I agree with you. Whoever is doing the banning clearly has no idea what things like "A-logging" or other basic imageboard stuff means, its painful to watch.
But tbh, you all know what type of human internet moderation attracts, so nothing new here.
No. 507334
>>507278Something similar to that happened to me about a month ago. I made a joke about calling CPS for a fetus without realizing that it was something you can actually do. Got banned for cowtipping, but it was only for a day or two so it was okay.
Did you guys know that pregnant women can get CPS called on them even though the kid isn't born yet?
No. 507377
>>507334Lolcow has some of the worst moderation rules tbh
"Cow tipping" for child abuse and neglect or animal abuse shouldn't be banned, who tf even made that a rule?
Or the outrage with blogposting where you can vaguely mention yourself and you'd get banned for blogging
No. 507437
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I'm so sick of 'If they didn't do everything perfect that means they aren't a victim and the system isn't broken!'. This was on a dude dying because they couldn't get their medical go fund me payed. They always expect dirt poor nobodys to know about 'random obscure medical right off', 'how to get the hospital to drop your bill', and the big ol 'get the cheap walmart insulin lol (to put in perspective that shit is Chinese rip off level good and requires an entire life change)'.
Some people were even recommending going to the hospital than filing for bankruptcy.
No. 507671
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'the world is burning and I wanna watch it' fags are the worst. They're always delusional pricks when it comes to how long they would survive in the actual end times or they're first world babies who don't realizes how privileged you have to be to not die in the first year of the apocalypse. I find it annoying because it's always leftist who do this. Instead of committing suicide over the worlds problems maybe you could try to fix them?
No. 507824
>>507781He probably does so be sure to hold him to account.
I had so many issues with scrotes when I was in college. The last scrote roommate I had was so attached to the nipple with his parents that the only time he would buy any meaningful groceries was when his parents would come from out of town to visit and buy them for him. He never cleaned, he did not even know how to operate basic appliances like an electric can opener and couldn't even try despite toting himself as a smarty for being in stem. His mom was drooling when she found out I was his roommate, probably thought we'd hook up and I'd be the live in bangmaid but lol nope! He hoarded dirty dishes in his room full of regurgitated food because he also had a lap band but didn't follow his diet or portion correctly so he'd puke.
Before him I had two scrote roommates who were pals. I cleaned up out of courtesy at the beginning, but towards mid semester I was getting stressed and cleaned up after them less and they actually had the audacity to pretend like I was the messy one because I wouldn't clean their shit anymore! They ganged up on me and tried to bully and gaslight me into doing shit. They actually broke my own dishware to punish me for not having cleaned their dishes, and if I would get mad they'd argue if I had just cleaned their dirty dishes they wouldn't be broken.
No. 508240
>>508238>>508232it’s good to know other people see how ridiculous this is, it makes me feel less crazy, especially when retards like
>>508231 decide to pipe up with their brain dead fucking opinions.
No. 508388
>>508377I'm a white-passing middle easterner so I never had to deal with colorism personally but it is strong there too, especially among men but I can never imagine what black women go through every fucking day, when the general consensus is that they're "undesirable ", and their men avoid them and look for white or light-skin women, yet when the women get a white guy or whatever the men all lose their shit.
You guys are awesome. Men are trash.
No. 508567
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was having a serious conversation w/ someone i am friends w/ that a popular furry company (yesbaddragonthiswasaboutthemingen) used to own a reptile zoophilia website that now redirects to the company's website. only for them to make a joke about it more then once. say "i was meme-ing" when i didnt react to it. due to the fact i kept this was real animals. they were horrible jokes and sexual + tasteless. why would u start joking bout argonians in a serious conversation regarding zoophilia? even more so saying "Glad that I'm into moths (my friends call me moth) and reptiles", why just? why? i hate people and never i have ever felt the aura of this image until now.
No. 509106
>>509095Sounds like someone walks slow.
>gO aRoUnD isn't always an option.
No. 509124
>>509056In my country we just say 'excuse me' if we want to pass someone, can't you do that?
I'm a slow person but I make sure to let people pass when they're looming up behind me. The world is better when we're communicative with each other.
No. 509216
>>509095That post specifically said "unless you're literally exhausted or have a mobility problem" so obviously it wasn't referring to people who aren't able-bodied. The post was referring to able-bodied people who walk slowly either because they're distracted or because they want to, at the expense of other people who may need to get somewhere.
>>509124That's a completely reasonable thing to, but in a lot of areas around where I live you'd probably get cussed out if you even so much as suggested a person in front of you was walking slowly (or you'd get called a "rude ableist selfish piece of shit!!" by people like the anon I replied to above.)
No. 509336
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I hate my brother so much, hes such an ungrateful manchild and dysfunctional human being, always blame my parents for everything even not trying harder for his future yet he is a 30-something man that should be able to at least have a stable career instead hes just a receptionist at a sleazy hotel. His latest shit was to blame my mom for not being home all the time and even failed to bring/introduce him a girl, any kind of girl even girls with disability to be his gf. Ofc i fought back, the audacity of this garbage pos cunt.
No. 509372
>>509336>>509340Kinda glad I made it out as an only child because I would have been infuriated to see the preferential treatment my family would have gave my male sibling over me. My family is very patriarchal and my grandparents, when they were alive, absolutely mollycoddled my good for nothing male cousin because he was the only male grandchild. Seeing how they spoiled him was hurtful enough.
He got them into so much legal trouble from theft to fighting. They forked thousands for attorney fees. He got car after car every time he crashed the previous one, or just decided he wanted newer. Never went to college despite all their hopes for him. Helped buy him a first house he wasnt grateful for that he wound up selling. Got a "sales job" selling timeshares to people which really just means he scams the elderly and naive for a living. Hooked up with some bar floozy who hated him and she popped out his kid. Now he's a shitty "single dad" who's raising a monster brat with major educational delays and is anti-vaccination. My family hands shit over to him still for the sake of the kid mostly, but nonetheless still give him all the freebies he could ever want. Even bought the manchild new furniture because they were sick of seeing pictures of his child in an empty, unfurnished place.
Meanwhile I'm the family pariah because I laid down a boundary and stopped talking to my mom because she had a psychotic meltdown at me, and I was finally done putting up with her emotional incest.
What did being agreeable, quiet, studious, going to college for multiple degrees, not having babies out of wedlock, and otherwise being the "good kid" actually do for me in my family for being female? Nada. Just criticism.
No. 509379
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Anti shippers are the bane of all fandoms. Isn't it funny how bullying people on social media over drawings is now a popular fandom teen pastime? 3 Jojo artists attempted suicide thanks to these roving groups of rabid teenagers, lol.
Someone is gonna die eventually, i know that. It's gonna be fun watching an anti go to court all while screaming "I'M A MINOR!! ADULTS SHOULDN'T DRAW PORN!!" while the posse of antis try to cancel the justice system with some dumb hashtag. Like is this what some people are doing now? Fiction is reality? Seriously? Think of the children who will see your porn! (that they aren't supposed to see anyway)
Also like.. where are the parents? Do parents just not check kid's social media anymore? If my dad found me sending death threats to random people he would have beat my ass.
No. 509386
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>>509379degenerates should be rightfully shamed
No. 509423
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>>509386I absolute regret looking at this garbage. The fact that there are people out there who wake up in the morning and think: "yeah, I should draw something like this" make me mentally hurl fucking Christ. The absolute worst.
No. 509439
>>509437it took me a few seconds to google rule 34 and upload an image on imgur. nice try tho
>>509428why are you so defensive over this, anon?
No. 509649
>>509636No, I just like to point out hypocrites
>>509639Damn right it isn't
No. 509723
>>509653>retard chanMay I remind you of your own post?
>All the overly aggressive anons on here lately are 100% newfagsHoly shit what is going on with ot lately
No. 509725
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apparently crazy Tumblr libfems have deemed cottage core white supremacist sexist and colonial (bc wanting to grow herbs and vegetables means you steal indigenous land - people like me who are outside the commonwealth and native to their country and whose family has owned a farm for generations don't exist apparently).
they want to keep everybody miserable city dwellers with no life or manual skills who barely survive on retail jobs, which seems downright evil to me.
I'm in city hell for college and I wish I could go back to my mountains, and daydreaming of a livable environment and purpose is something everybody is entitled to do, regardless of whether it's realistic or not.
I feel like they are so miserable that they feel threatened by anyone wanting to look up at the sky and aspiring to better their situation and themselves.
No. 509746
>>509741I never bothered with the latest phone releases because who the fuck needs a new phone every season where the only changes are negligible from the last? Unchecked capitalism is the worst drug.
I stick to a few models behind, cheaper and guaranteed audio jack space