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No. 512957
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread
>>500376 No. 512966
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I tried writing to do lists to be more productive but I discovered that I enjoy writing lists so here I am not working at all
No. 513009
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This is borderline bravery yet dumb as fuck
No. 513019
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I've been getting pretty good feedback on this fanfic I'm working on even though it's the first piece of structured fiction I've ever written. I know AO3 is not the pinnacle of quality writing but it's really nice having people be excited for a thing I've made. It's not a super hyperactive fandom but it's active and I've gotten a good amount of comments on it even though I've only been working on it a month. It's also nice to have a creative outlet that is not connected to what I want to do with my career; it's purely for fun.
No. 513022
>>513009I wish Farmhands would put at least half as much energy into redtexting the obvious larping and concern-trolling scrots who are just
triggered over the existence of radfems (and are samefagging on /meta/ and now trolling in the pp thread) as they put effort into forcing the narrative that all pp and gc anons are mentally unwell radfems who falseflag as trannies for some reason. It's just disappointing and tiring at this point, especially since the screenshots are real I guess. Just what the hell.. (And no, I'm neither white nor well-off either). In the end this is probably a dumb thing to be seriously upset over but oh well.
No. 513024
>>513022Because they're a bunch of femoids only doing this
free service for male attention
No. 513027
>>513022They're so disingenuous, and the worst part is how transparent all this shit is. Like, these are "damage control tactics" a literal 12 year would pull and think they're smart about. It's like they don't think ahead, they just expect us to swallow everything they say without question.
I'm honestly considering attempting a full move to Asherah's Garden (though only with a VPN), at least until Lolcow's administration changes again.
The layout is ugly as fuck, but at least there, no one has to worry about being banned or false-flagged for criticizing any mod/admin, or saying "trannies bad".
No. 513047
>>513046>>513039you've been shitting up /meta/ for months without a ban.
like admin says in big red letters at the top of the page, just hide the thread if you hate it
No. 513052
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>>513046>>513046bullshit. per even the fucking survey results that all of you assumed would soooo go in your favor, you're just a vocal and very pathetic small minority. and you in particular are insane and a shitstarter. all you do is sit in /meta/ with the intention of pissing and moaning about problems that don't exist.
No. 513054
>>513053if you're not a /meta/ shitposter, stop bothering people like one, and just post things you'd rather see instead. that's how it works.
or, keep trying to infight and prove everyone's point more. when an admin completely shits on a relevant chunk of a site's userbase, of course they will talk about it.
No. 513055
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>>513054Lbr, that anon is one of these people, I'm sure.
No. 513059
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I don't keep up with the Yandev shit drama but god he was so fucking cute back then.
No. 513086
>>513055i'm absolutely not. this is why so many farmers are fed up with you guys and it hurts me to see that you don't see this yourself.
>>513054i mean, i understand, but you have been talking about it. a lot. most farmers come here to relax and talk about their life and you're just being stressful not just on meta but now here too. i don't even know why this whole thing started up again and i wish it hadn't. i thought everything was decided? why is there still so much discussion? it's exhausting.
No. 513094
>>513086everyone stopped talking about it in this thread hours ago, but you're coming back to reply, starting it off again. while still complaining it's stressful.
you could find out why people are talking about it now if you read the /meta/ thread, but it still makes no sense to drag up a topic you claimed to not want to see after it's already lulled.
No. 513107
>>513106cherrypicking? that's…literally what happened. look at the last few posts.
anyway, you're not helping make the thread relaxing. you're just being needlessly combative and kind of manipulative yourself. it's clear you've been doing all this in bad faith from the very start, so there's no real point in conversing with you.
No. 513111
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the hypocrisy is real.
anyway, i've been rediscovering all these old series from when i was younger. it feels kind of strange looking back on them now, and wondering why some of them never got as popular as the other media in their genre.
No. 513118
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I just adore this fanart one of you did in the Erin thread. It's so ugly-cute. I'm thrilled it's in her thread pic collage because it makes me smile every time I see it.
No. 513131
>>513130It's meant to be a tiny censor bar from the time she took a photo of her "smol innie vagina"
Cause she likes bragging about having a tiny vagina like a kid cause she's disturbed
I miss her milk
No. 513165
When I was still in driving school I was pretty confident in my abilty, after that my confidence was gone.
Everyone says that the best way to get over it is to gain more experience by driving.
No. 513281
>>513161You need to build your confidence with driving. What part of driving makes you anxious? For me it was parking, so I started by practicing on a large, deserted parkinglot. And when I felt confident I could do it, I went on to a more difficult parking lot. Now I can easily park in any given situation.
If it's just driving in general, I would say, start by driving in a quiet, 1-lane area you're familiar with. No destination, no time pressure. You need to experience that you can drive on your own, that it isn't scary. When you're confident about driving in a quiet, familiar area, go on to a little more busy area or an unfamiliar area and so on.
No. 513334
>>513312To stop people from panicking
>>513301I see your point and I don't think people should be blindly afraid. But from what I've read, the coronavirus can permanently damage the immune system, and supposedly cause sudden death.
No. 513363
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I'd like to thank anons on here for encouraging me to get a cat. She is the sweetest and most precious thing. I had been living alone for 4 years with little socialization and she really just brightens up my mood and makes my house feel like a home. I really do love her so very much and it's only been a week or two. She ended my depression and cured world hunger. Okay maybe not all that bad she's always here for me and loves to cuddle. Cheers to farmers who shill cats.
No. 513560
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This comic is just so frightening to me, I just had my son 2 years ago and the thought of the world reaching a point where he is conscripted into a fighting a horrible war is keeping me up awake at night, this comic was made a full 19 years before the start of WW2 btw
No. 513596
>>513590Other people that had sons will most likely turn their anger and scorn at them because their child got send off to war but not theirs even though the child was originally a male and just got off from being sent to war because they transitioned
Along with after the war people will mostly likely be bitter and angry at them because they needed all the people in the war and that one person got scott free while they lost friends, family and more.
No. 513600
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My college is having a jewelry sale for Valentines day with work made by students in the metals program and I'm so fucking jealous and sad that it's a 2 hour drive over there because I want some cute, original and handmade jewelry. They didn't have this shit when I was a student!! Then again, I was broke as shit back then so it's not like I could've afforded it anyway lol.
No. 513611
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Board drama related but smurfchan in the coomer thread who shooped herself blue reminds me of when I did the same thing in 2007. I used to do all sorts of whack shit to my pictures to try to look artsy and cool. Downloaded paintbrushes and stamps from Deviantart and went to town on all my digital camera pictures before selfies were really a thing lmao. I'd try to follow Photoshop tutorials but looking back it was pretty bad. I changed my iris color, hair color, and even smudge tooled my eyelashes longer lmao. Remember having to blur your own skin? Now there's beauty apps so no one has to know shit in Photoshop anymore.
I wish I could show you all the cringe.
No. 513615
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I went to the Michaels for some cardboard paper and all their paper had the ugliest color. I want bright stuff, future retro??? ever heard of it??? whatever happened to the bright colors of the 50s? I swear nail artists live in heaven they get the best colors but noooo one gives a fuck about the arts and crafts origami people because they're not sexy enough for instagram photos fuck outta here with that shit.
ALSO I had another point I wanted to complain about but I forgot what it was.
No. 513631
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Ah ha ha. Wtf is this shit. My ap gave me a +1 point not this .3 shit
No. 513715
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idk if anyone else can relate but sometimes when life gets a little bleak I honestly feel like i am my OWN personal lolcow, and am one step away from being somebody else's, and the only thing keeping me from having my own thread is like. a lack of followers and the ability to be self-aware about how much I suck and the restraint it takes to not constantly overshare if it isn't necessary/ relatable/ humorous to do so. sometimes I'll catch myself nitpicking my own traits the way some anons would nitpick a snowflake who's a little manic and doesn't have a 23 inch waist and a fairy nose and I honestly think if it weren't for knowledge from years of lurking here and my last few brain cells, I'd be getting dragged too. maybe it's mean to look at these absolute trainwreck cows and come out of it grateful that i'm not AS bad or far gone as they are, but at least it keeps me in check
No. 513746
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YouTube tarot reader said I’m definitely getting a date this Valentine’s
No. 513848
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For these past few weeks i have been binge-eating with the ferocity of a rabid raccoon and I decided to weigh myself this morning to convince myself to stop, expected the worst but haven't even gained half a kg. Guess I'll just keep eating inhuman amounts of spaghetti until I croak.
No. 513908
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>>513906It's an anonymous imageboard, be free. Say what you want to say.
No. 513912
>>513906Same, I felt the same way about the radfem-threads. I agree with a lot of their points, but you can't disagree with any of them without being labled a pick-me/handmaiden. Why can't I hate men but still acknowledge the shitty,
abusive women I've encountered without getting crime stats and a lecture about how they were
victims of the patriarchy or some shit? All humans have the capacity to be cruel and
abusive monsters, no gender or race or whatever is excluded.
No. 513915
I recently realized there is little continuity between my public self and how I behave on line.
Like in “real” life, I am such a confrontational, direct, blunt bitch. I make enemies wherever I go. I am constantly at war with someone, most often an authority figure like a professor or somebody else with perceived power. I have a general low tolerance for cliques and the toxicity of groups, so I am a perpetual loner. I often feel like the world is trying to squeeze me into this tiny box, like there’s way too much pressure and bullshit I just want no part of.
And yet online, I try to be kind to others, helpful, and encouraging. I sometimes snap at people, but it is never quite as bad as I am in the world. I actually fucking apologize to people, or at the most, try to find some common group with others. I cannot seem to do that in the real world.
I don’t really make friends per se (not about that shit), but I realize maybe I am fucked up in some way because of shitty upbringing/feeling like an outsider/like I don’t belong anywhere. Online I am just free to be myself. But I hate dealing with people face to face because then all their bigotry, insecurities, and retardation get in the way of you just communicating as two human beings. I don’t know anymore.
In short, there’s still some kindness deep inside my bitter, cynical, bitchy heart.
No. 513929
>>513912>acknowledge the shitty, abusive women I've encounteredWhat's the point of doing that in the man-hate thread?
>All humans have the capacity to be cruel and abusive monsters, no gender or race or whatever is excluded.This is a dumb copout take. Just because all humans have the potential to be shitty, doesn't mean that all humans will be shitty?? If you truly believe all humans are equally evil across the board then explain the gross differences in statistics.
No. 513930
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Beware the retarded sperging right now, sorry lol.
Attack on Titan related rant, because a lot of anons were talking about it on another thread and it made me remember some nasty things that I absolutely cannot stand.
Why the fuck is Eren x Levi even a thing? And why the fuck do so many people ship it? Ever since I became all invested in AOT back in 2016, I've encountered so many people who are into that or even claim that it's "literally canon" and I cannot wrap my head around it.
It's the least understandable ship ever. Eren and Levi have no romantic interest in each other, hell I cannot even stand the entire Petra x Levi thing but at least that makes more sense than Eren x Levi does. People even shipping Levi with Hange makes more sense than any of this shit. They're not even friends, like yeah they respect each other, but what they have is more like a normal student and mentor thing, that's it. Literally. No friendship, no tacky wacky hehe it me eren uwu levi uwu heichouuu~ uwu shit. And the age gap is so fucking weird too, Eren being 15-16 when he first meets him and Levi being in his mid 30s. Sure, Eren is 19 now but before he was legal it also used to be a huge thing, bigger than it is now. At least it's not that incredibly huge anymore ever since the hype around AOT died and people started bashing on it for different reasons.
I understand that people are free to like whatever the fuck they want and nowadays they ship every single thing together for some "sweet yaoi", but I still dislike it lol.
Also before anyone points out, yes I am the one who spammed Eruri in the Husbandos thread.
>breathes out
No. 513934
>>513929nta but I believe women can be evil in different ways. That said yeah, talking about
abusive women in a man hate thread is out of place, it's like mras coming to feminist discussions to whine about circumcision. I agree it's a problem, it just doesn't belong in that discussion.
On the other hand I do think man-hate (just like woman-hate…) threads like to generalize and blow things out of proportions, make dumb assumptions and all so I mostly stay out of that part of the discussion even though I'm pretty radfem in some other aspects. I'm usually in pinkpill threads when we discuss trans people and I avoid fighting about men because I don't want to seem like a pickmeisha or something. On the other hand, on 4chan I'd be blamed for being a dumb sjw feminist bitch, you can never please people
No. 513936
>>513930It's partially because of this
>what they have is more like a normal student and mentor thingand because they're both decent looking characters. Also there's some weird appeal in a short dom I guess. Student/mentor ships are quite common I feel.
No. 513943
>>513933Women also suffer from raging hormones and bad childhood too fam… We ain't out here raping and murdering, if anything it increases our risk of being
victims to violent crimes.
No. 513952
>>513929I'm not trying to talk about
abusive women in that thread, but theres so much talk about how women are just so insintctively kind and nurturing and what a utopia a female-only society would be. Some of ya'll didnt get physically and mentally abused by your mothers throughout your formative years and it shows.
No. 513960
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>>513930basically its this
No. 513962
>>513943Yah, but different hormones. Many men who go through bad childhoods don't become violent either I'm just saying some do. There are lots of women out there who are violent and verbally
abusive anyway, it just doesn't pop up on societies radar as much.
No. 513971
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>open new tab and immediately go to
No. 513972
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>>513969my sides are in orbit. to be fair I imagine there aren't many male/female wrestler interactions to make het ships with
No. 513976
>>513968It doesn't matter what the radfems have to say about it. Are you ready to raise a child point blank? The gender isn't even the issue.
Bringing a person into this world not everything will be within your control. You can't worry about that stuff. If you feel like you can instill values and give a good enough quality of life to your boy, then go for it. No parent is perfect, but I bet you'll do fine.
No. 513977
>>513957>>513952I've seen dispute over whether or not women have care-taker qualities by default. I think it's mostly socialization, women only seem naturally caring comparative to males. Don't feel bad for not having "strong nurturing instinct", fuck that, it's the same kind of guilt and shame that forces women to keep unwanted pregnancy and stay in bad relationships.
>>513961I relate. Copious experiences with inherited trauma in women in my family. Bullied by girls in school. Dealt with queen bees at work. Had good relationship with father/brothers. Every single woman who fucked me over, has their brain damage traced back to men, every time.
No. 513980
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>>513971yo i do that too lmao
No. 513985
I absolute regret not getting working holliday for the rest of the week as well. I could've got it but for some reason I thought I don't need it but we have some shitty windy weather going on here since days and I'm really not into going out of the house when it rains, snows and hails every five minutes ….
>>513971same here, same here lmao
No. 513991
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>when mutuals ask about the break up you had after a decade.
fuck you faggot im free
No. 513992
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I cry watching nature documentaries sometimes. I feel like I’ve lived a million lives as creatures on earth and have forgotten a million times.
No. 514003
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>>512957>tfw you develop a crush on a dead musician >tfw you develop a crush on a dead comedian >tfw you are now developing a crush on a dead author i guess i like tragic men.
No. 514018
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>>512957I’m scared I’ll lose my new job from being a dumb fucking sieve-for-brains cunt.
No. 514072
>>514062At least it was just Fall Out Boy playing (sorry I had to)
Maybe you could put on some electronic music and get some weird sound effects lol.
No. 514075
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A while ago I found a nice website to watch free movies online on, but today when I went to it it said my account was suspended even though I never made an account…
No. 514270
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I just found out my IUD appointment was rescheduled to this Friday after planning it for late March and I can either "take it or leave it" because the hospital is often closing its doors and reopening them. They'll only be open again around June. This is the only gyno able to install my IUD, she's rough as fuck with my cervix because I haven't had a natural birth or abortion, and she's pretty good. Makes it like a ten minute procedure with absolutely no small talk and I loved and appreciated it. I went to maybe six doctors before her and none felt okay pushing that hard for fear of perforating my uterus. This was gonna go in the vent thread because I thought my boyfriend wouldn't be able to take the day off to be with me for it but he called while I was typing and was sweet about it and has no issue taking it off which is a huge relief! Fuck. Can anyone here describe how bad their pain was with having it removed and replaced at the same time? I know it isn't the place to ask but I'm just babbling and didn't want to clog the dumb question thread with a stupid story as I've done here.
No. 514314
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I wanted to write random shit but couldn't think of what to write so I googled up a random quote generator and found this "inspirobot" website which is just an AI that generates quotes. The first one was fine but boring but the more quote I generated the weirder they fucking got…
No. 514316
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>>514315My favorite because I love cake lol
No. 514569
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This made me laugh
No. 514637
>>514635Ilu anon
Thanks for being wholesome
No. 514749
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I love animals so much and spend most of my time by myself and I really wish I could adopt a furry friend to keep me company but sadly it's just not possible for me right now. I'm moving back in with my parents to save money while I commute to campus and there's no way they would let me get an animal. They already have a cat and he's a gorgeous little tiger but he's very independent and doesn't really enjoy being petted or played with, plus he's only really bonded with my mother and just tolerates everyone else. I still love him and it's better than having no pets around at all but I wish I could have an animal that's truly mine and actually wants to be around me. I just gotta be patient for a couple more years but damn I really can't wait to adopt a small dog or cat or a couple of rats or something.
No. 514841
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I want a cute fujo gf. We could keep a nice clean little house and never deal with any smelly 3DPD boys and I would never judge her on her BL habits or ships. Pipe dream.
No. 514843
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>>514841It's like I ghostwrote this. I'm a fujo who only dates women IRL. No 3DPD boys allowed. Date me, anon. We can be the cringiest couple to ever exist.
No. 514854
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You can display all your figs and posters, even the really embarrassing ones.
No. 514902
>>514900I honestly think you were pretty dumb to think you could get away with this for long, but I actually had a high school teacher tell us a story about how he supposedly pulled the same shit (though he was our English teacher so we never knew if he was truthful or just really full of shit and pushing the 'unreliable narrator' bs on us. He was a damn good storyteller though so lol). He told us that he went to the dean or counselor and got mad at them and accused them of losing his transcript, and they got flustered so in the time it took them to actually contact his hs and find out that he flunked out, he got his GED and did whatever else he need to do to meet the minimum requirements of the college he was at. When they confronted him with the truth he just said 'lol yeah I lied. Here's my GED and other shit to prove I meet the requirements to actually get in/stay.'
I guess you could try the same shit but again, my teacher was probably full of shit. Or just own up to your lies.
No. 514914
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Today I kicked to the curb the crazy bitch that caused me a lot of useless sorrow through manipulation, gaslighting and some plain sadistic behavior that I still don't understand and won't try to.
I sent her a long text telling her everything I think about her, I've been pretty brutal but trust me, she deserved every single word after what I've been through because of her psycho cluster B ass.
I told her off like I've never done before, then I blocked and deleted her from everything, and it feels… so good. I've never done this to anyone who fucked me over before, I had no idea it would be so liberating. I feel like my own self esteem increased after doing this. I don't feel bad knowing that my words have probably hurt her, she needed to be called out. Hopefully she will take my advice to heart and will actually fuck off to therapy, instead of playing with other innocent women.
No. 514917
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>>514877Joseb forever, natch.
No. 515129
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Holy shit I am in love with the textransformer website that was posted in the Luna thread. Sometimes it vomits striking sentences, sometimes just pure WTF. I can stop generating Luna style poems and screencapping the best parts. Would love to make a thread but not sure if other anons share my fascination lmfao
No. 515158
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>>515129Another fave. Human poets are canceled
No. 515199
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I just discovered that there's a brand who produces giant kawaii disease, organ and cell plushies. some of them are even interactive and have sounds and hidden features. Every single description has informational facts about the subject and for some of them they even made videos of the disease plushies talking, I-
No. 515203
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No. 515207
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>>515199I can't get over this. This is one of their product images y'all
>One of the most fascinating lifeforms on Earth is the common tardigrade, or technically speaking, “slow walker.” Typically found most anywhere, waterbears love a nice patch of moss. Indeed, they are also known as “moss piglets”. This smallest bear in the world can hibernate for decades before coming back to life! They can even survive in the vacuum of outer space!God bless every person involved in this
No. 515277
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I really want to sign up to something like Stitchfix and have curated outfits sent to me and shit because I HATE shopping for clothes and I can't dress myself for shit. But there doesn't seem to be a box that ships to my country, they are all US only.
No. 515286
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henry cavill is so ugly to me it actually grosses me out, i feel fucking insane for being this triggered by some face? looks like some white american caricatyre, albeit he looks somehow almost ok with a mustache. what the fuck is this.
No. 515288
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>>515286adding the mustache cavill here, he looks hella gay but somehow less gross
No. 515295
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>>515286>>515288>>515290>>515292you guys, I come bearing answers.
No. 515300
>>515282look at you still trying to make yourself the
victim, grow up holy hell
No. 515306
>>515295ew that's it
there it is
No. 515372
>>515319uh anon. the OP was the one who brushed her bf off when
his dog died, not the other way around. anon is clearly just lying about he pet being sick too for sympathy.
No. 515379
>>515368Wholesome and cute
I love salmon so much too, I wish I could eat it more. Enjoy your meals!
No. 515382
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im literally hornypilled
fuck you wellbutrin even though you’ve been working wonders for me so far
No. 515410
>>515382so wellbutrin does make you horny? I've started taking it two weeks ago because I have no libido due to meds and/or trauma I have no idea about.
Can you tell me about your experience with wellbutrin from start to finish?
No. 515468
>>515438It's okay when I was 11 I wanted my boobs to grow so some asshole on Yahoo answers said to mix this weird shake of bread, parsley, milk, butter, rice, and a few other weird things and I did it and puked
I'm a G now but my body didn't form until I was 16 so I'm not mad I'm 21 now
No. 515479
I recommended this job to my male friend, and he took it to his dad, but then came back and went on about how his dad advised against it because it's too much work. I don't want to go into detail, but it's actually a pretty basic job that also offers training. He'd only need to go in twice a week, if that.
To be brutally honest
-his dad is a complete loser. alcoholic, had a string of shitty jobs, never put effort into anything, constantly leeching off his wife's family.
-he's also an abusive dickhead, but that's a different story.
I told my friend, "Yeah, but do you want to be like your dad?" in a really soft voice. He said "Well, no", and I said "Exactly", then told him to stop taking his input on life and get a better male role model. I added that even another friend's dad is better. I think I also said "Even a fucking McDonald's manager is better", which may have been going a bit too far.
His sister overheard from another room, called me a bitch and told me to stay away from their family if I'm going to talk shit on their parents. He told her it's none of her business and that I'm not wrong, to which she angrily walked out.
I later mentioned saying those things to my other, female friends, and they're mostly shocked and disgusted. They said I was being way too harsh.
I guess what I said wasn't the sweetest, but he's not even mad. I'm annoyed now.
No. 515481
>>515410sorry for late response anon but
when i was first diagnosed i was put on zoloft and it didn’t help at all personally, i experienced mild side effects but didn’t see any improvements even a couple of months in. they started me on wellbutrin, which worked really well and started to up my dose (i’m up to 200 mg now, not taking zoloft anymore) but i see a huge increase in my libido compared to when i was taking zoloft. working really well for me and i rarely see side effects, but the libido gets distracting lol there’s been a couple of studies in it which have comforted me since it’s not just me being gross or a weird menstrual cycle. hope everything goes well for you anon, everyone has their own experiences with antidepressants.
No. 515510
>>515479>They're mostly shocked and disgusted.>Being more disgusted at someone callig out an abusive, useless asshole than someone being an abusive, useless assholeImagine being SHOCKED by someone just saying facts on
abusive people, the horror.
>>515487Nah fuck this and everyone who believes it, you can have a compelled knowledge of your parents and still objectively criticize them on their bullshit and abuse to you and others, doing otherwise is dangerous and borderline delusional.
No. 515564
>>515512Do it, it will show them how feeble and pathetic they really are.
I miss doing this since copping a lifetime ban from twitter kek.
No. 515589
>>515522You don't really have a close group with friends who want a traditional wedding. You have to have a 'yes man' personality to boot. If you're standoffish, they won't want you in the party unless they've got no one else. Or if they're willing to overlook the fact that you won't perform on their terms because they care about your close friendship. Brides want people in their party who will tolerate ridiculous demands to make 'their day' (which is a climax of several other 'their days' including things like bachelorette parties and bridal showers you will be expected to help plan and attend), work.
Are you nice? Reliable? Connected? Trustworthy? Fun? A workhorse? Servile? Doormat? All very desirable bridesmaid traits. If not, well…
No. 515591
Still mad about a personal shopper job I had for an Amazon store owner where my parents literally had to end up paying to work there.
She paid 10/hr which would be nice if I got the full 40 hours and I would barely get 30 hours a week, on top of that she refused to reimburst me for gas I used for her, 5 dollar tolls, lunches because I was in situations where packed lunch wouldn't be allowed, required uniform I had to buy myself, and so on, gas was 20 a day and 25 if she wanted me to use toll, another 5 dollars for lunch, if I was lucky I'd get paid 60 that day and I have to save 25 anyway that day for car insurance, leaving no money for me to get clothes she required, ended up with me wearing my boyfriends loose and stained clothes because I was at the bottom of the barrel at this point where it was literally depriving me and my family of money for her… claimed I was taking advantage of her because I offered to give up my lunch break to help pay because I took the long route (which is only 10 minutes more) because I couldn't pay the toll because hey I'm broke because of her then suddenly installed a rule that you can't take breaks unless you work 8 or more hours, which of course was impossible because hours were shit, didn't offer health insurance or any sort of benefits which would be fine if she didn't mention in the interview how she tries to make up for it but refuses to do that despite me working there for months. It's also a 1099 and with tax season coming up I'll probably have to pay more out of pocket since this piece of shit job literally put my family in debt. I'm working at a fast food place now which I unfortunately make much more and can actually save and it's a lot less stressful
She wasn't even an mlm or anything, just a shitty employer
No. 515601
I'm scared to ever have kids because even if you let them live you when they're adults, you can't guarantee that they won't be assholes.
I randomly came across a thread on a LoL forum about how some guy is made because his mom dumped her boyfriend, he's extra mad because he will have to pretend to support her decision because he "leeches" off of her and then in a deleted comment seems to say something about she should be killed because she's a whore. I'm sure the mother isn't great either but I can't imagine being this awful to the person that homes you. No. 515604
>>515601>I hope you realize he isn't a "Chill and cool" dude if he dumped her on the side of a street. He is garbage, you most likely don't see everything that goes on between them.Of course this comment got a -1 hah. He doesn't sound like a prize. Certainly not decent. The mom was probably so bossy and naggy towards him because he was being a do-nothing like her son.
But I agree with some of those posters that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The reason why this kid is an entitled prick is because mommy coddles him that way. Grown ass son unemployed and playing LoL all day with time to spare to play Dr. Phil over his mother's relationship issues. The son calls her "bossy" and projects that issue onto her relationships because the truth is he resents her for the occasional times she asks him to step up to live with her. Like clean or cook or pay some rent. "Ugh," he thinks, "She is so demanding and bossy and the guy is just so chill!" Like
him. His resentment turns to hate. The hate brings in violent intrusive thoughts. So that when this lad throws a temper tantrum, in the heat of the rage, says to an audience on a game forum that he wants to kill his mom.
No. 515610
>>515601I dated a guy with a thirteen year old son and while I wouldn't usually date anyone with kids I thought this was different as he was only a few years away from being grown… The son wanted his dads full attention on weekends and ended up resorting to dirty protests when we moved in together.
At 13 he suddenly forgot how to flush a toilet and every shit that he took for months was just left in the toilet for me or his dad to find. He'd often time it for when we'd be preparing dinner and stink out the apartment. It was obvious what he was doing but over and over again his dad bought the story of him just being forgetful. This problem didn't happen before we moved in together, weirdly enough. It also never happened at his mom's house. Boys/men are psycho when they feel possessive over a parent. Would never do it again.
No. 515616
>>515604Ayrt and imo you're exactly right. But it still worries me that people are so mollycoddled in general these days that even if you raise kids "right" they might still turn into an entitled shit like this
>>515610That's utterly psychotic
unless there was a hugely concerning age gap between you and the guy in which case the kid is an unsung hero No. 515621
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Dear farmers,
Even though we fight, even though we disagree on things, even though some of you are cows, I still love u. When I go into other spaces on the internet, it makes me appreciate u. Have a good week anons.
No. 515622
>>515610>>515619Older kids from a previous partner are always a touchy subject. They're at the age where they are aware of what's going on but too immature to articulate and express their feelings about it.
It was really wrong of the kid to cause scenes that purposefully sabotaged your time.
I went through a similar thing as a preteen, but it's because my dad genuinely didn't care about me and was sadistic about withdrawing attention. He only got custody of me every other weekend by the time I was a preteen. He never spent any of that time doing something with me or bonding with me, and the times I dragged him to take me to a movie were far and few because that cost him precious time and money. I hated visiting him because I would be guaranteed to be hauled over to his girlfriend's house, shoved in a corner with my CD player or gameboy or tasked with babysitting children, and forgotten about until I asked for food or time to take me to mom's. He'd become
abusive or mean if I got in the way of his weekend schedule.
Think of my visitation as trying to make up the previous 12 days my dad had been absent from my life, this was before texting caught on and he never called. He chose to spend the 2 days of our makeup time with his girlfriend, and doing whatever they wanted. It really damages your heart and worldview as a kid when a parent puts a new partner first so obviously. I had my tantrums, and no doubt I said some mean stuff to the girlfriend when she would try to interfere. I'm sure she thought I was a brat, because I'm sure my dad painted a very flattering picture of himself to her. But understand it was my dad's crazymaking.
Not to discredit what you're saying about teenage boys being impulsive and more violent, it's true. Just that his dad might have been more responsible for his outbursts than meets the eye.
No. 515630
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Are camwhores as salty about Projekt Melody as males say they are?
No. 515633
>>515622I fully get that his dad was adding to the issue by choosing to play dumb over his dirty protests. I tried to get him to dedicate more time to just the two of them and I tried to get more of my own space on weekends to relieve some of the tension. His dad didn't acknowledge the tension at all.
His reaction to the gf that came after me was explosive and I still never got the ex to say "oh yeah I guess he does have an issue with me dating and you didn't just imagine all that anon". I don't know if they have a relationship at this point cos once the son went into a full on rage (rather than the usual passive aggressive) the dad got aggressive too. Sad situation for everyone involved. Sorry to hear what you went through with your dad. Maddening when fathers have two modes like that, indifference or anger.
No. 515785
>>515784tbh it was never very well written, just a fun ride and the pleasure of staring at Dean's face
I do miss it being scary though, first season freaked teenage me out
No. 515801

This is so random, but I've noticed that I've never had strange youtube videos pop up for whatever reason. For example, Mozilla wrote an article about how people were exposed to shocking or extremist content through youtube: example, it's people being exposed to videos of extreme injury and pro-ana videos. I've also heard of people getting into extremist content through youtube as well.
On the other hand, I feel like my youtube suggestions are totally fine. There's even a lot of really positive youtubers I've found through the algorithm. For example, I'm watching this video on the merits of contemporary Christian worship music where a guy tries to be impartial and charitable towards a much-loathed genre.
I think it's because most of my youtube browing revolves around video games (but not let's plays), cooking, and music. I don't see a need to watch much political things on youtube even though I feel like I do stay aware of political news through other means.
What are you guys' youtube suggestions like?
No. 515885
>>515850kpop is an intensely competitive and involved fandom, they get wrapped up in hating celebrities just because they are selling better than their favs or have annoying fans or w/e.
I don't see any of that in the celebricow thread, it's just random gossip and nobody seems very invested? It's very harmless and obviously suitable for an off topic board.
No. 516007
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Can I have five more of these little coral bitches?- seriously, nintendo better give a date for when they’re releasing this in the uk. I used to think I’d like to purchase the regular switch but honestly I don’t have anyone to play multiplayer shit with anyway, and the switch lite seems cute and versatile. I wish they were bringing it out at the same time as acnh though..
No. 516054
>>515809I can't take any birth control because it greatly affects my moods and has full on sent me into crisis a couple of times.
What I really don't understand is when women claim that they've been a raging bitch for three years on the pill and they gained 100 pounds and lost all interest in sex anyway…like stop taking it once you see the damage starting?? I've exhausted all forms of hormonal bc and tbh I'm happy being single right now cos I'm not going to take a pill every day only to then complain about it. No sex, no problem lol
No. 516063
>>516060Yeah every time that I've tried out new birth control I've looked up other womens stories and read about how women ignored 5 stone of weight gain, losing half of their hair, being angry and depressed all day every day and their relationship falling to shit because of the pill moods.. they only complain after all that, Switch your birth control sooner girl!
I have a couple friends where no birth control suits them at all but they endure it for the sake of their partner. Like I'm not doubling my body weight or crying every day just so a guy gets to raw it. Dick ain't that great
No. 516066
>>516064I was treated like I was being petulant when I complained about side effects (constant spotting, mood swings, one of my tits grew larger than the other and has never recovered) on the mini pill by a female doctor. She said "well, you have to give it at least 6 months for the side effects to even out, maybe even longer". That's a really, really long time for her to just expect me to be miserable. Doctors seem to handwave side effects away to me pretty often, now that I think about it. I wonder if it has to do with being female.
For example, I didn't want to go on antidepressants because I only have mild anxiety and don't want to risk my mood getting flipflopped, dealing with coming off them, or sexual dysfunction. A different doctor acted like I was, again, being petulant and strongly encouraged me to consider them like the side effects aren't real.
I'm starting to think that people are too comfortable feeling unwell if they think it is going to "fix" them and I'm not "sick" enough to be ok with that sort of treatment. I spent years of my life feeling shitty due to birth control and now that I'm finally feeling stable why would I fuck it up because of a little interview anxiety?
No. 516069
>>516066Psych meds and the pill are weirdly similar when it comes to docs just telling us to put up with worrying side effects.
"give it six months and see" ..but doc I'm suicidal and on top of that I'm bleeding through my pads and clothes every fucking day
No. 516088
>>516063Sometimes people are really defensive about it, they don't want to feel like a
victim or something. I was put on it from 15 and remember my boyfriend at 19 trying to get me to come off of it because he thought it was affecting my mental health. He was completely right but I got angry and argued against it, I reacted as if he'd told me I was crazy. The truth was that it made me depressed and killed my libido. I currently just use condoms with my partner and my sex drive has never been better.
I met that ex recently and he said I seem much happier now I'm not on the pill but I still got mad at him for playing armchair psychologist even if he's right lol
I still think bc is a fantastic option for women to have but it's not for everyone. The site effects should be known.
No. 516098
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I tell myself that I don't want another dog after my current dog passes. I just don't think I'll be able to do right by that future dog. I just don't think I'll be able to give them the all the time and love that I think they deserve, and after I move out, it'll be a pain to find pet friendly apartments and feed them fresh/raw food like I would like to. At the same time, I've had my dog since I was 8. I only have a handful of memories of life without her. Life without a dog, or really any pet, seems awfully lonely. Maybe I'll foster in the future, but I already know I'll probably end up a foster fail.
I couldn't help but think about this shit again after my dog came to see me off for work before heading back to bed herself lol.
No. 516224
lmao instagram banned all my ways to weasel my way around the restricted viewing of an account. After the new and annoying update where you can only scroll two and a half times through a profile until you get a message to sign up, I figured out that you could just click through the posts and still see all photos but I just realized that this isn't an option either anymore lol
sniff I loved to check some pages here and there and other social media pages do not interest me anymore. I wish tumblr never killed itself …
>>516222gastric flu?
No. 516228
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I already have at least 4 long pleated skirts, 3 of which are from Uniqlo, but I want MORE!!! I love long pleated skirts, they make me feel like an elegant lady. They usually release this style every year with maybe an new color or two, but last FW they released a slightly different styled long pleated skirt with slightly wider pleats and I bought that shit so fast but the pleats all came out after washing… the pleats on all of my other skirts from them have never washed out. I was so sad…
No. 516236
>>516232>same face syndrome in it aka they have the same type of ragged hair, same type of eyes You mean 90% of anime?
Anyway, getting into something at the heights of its popularity is disappointment every time. If I didn’t watch a show when its popularity was still rising, then I’d let it sit for at least a few seasons until one day I thought of it and felt genuinely curious enough to watch it without expecting anything. Tried to watch Attack on Titan in 2014 and couldn’t get through it. My psyche was probably put off by how ever-present its fandom was. Tried again in 2018 in solitude and it was a pretty great experience.
No. 516241
>>516232Weebs become anticipated for any generic overly-cliched anime out there especially if there is a another same faced bug eyed girl to claim as their new wAiFu11!!!
I just don't get it either.
No. 516253
>>516232Tbh I liked demon slayer and some scenes were great but it wasn't ground breaking, game changing stuff at all. It's well animated but it follows all the shounen tropes. I'm really confused at the popularity of it too because it really feels like it's the most amazing anime of these last years.
Tokyo ghoul was also a mystery to me because the anime was just so technically bad.
For kny, the first episodes are "the worst", not bad but the most boring i think you should watch like.. 10 episodes ? Since it's a long running manga, it takes some time to meet/know the main characters and overall story.
I think it will really get interesting in future seasons because of this, the side characters introduced so far are a lot more intriguing imo
No. 516352
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This picture made me recoil into a black hole.
No. 516379
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At age 28 I have finally found a doctor willing to give me a tubal ligation. I can't wait to never worry about birth control or pregnancy again. I was also going to donate my eggs but I failed the medical history check due to 2 gene mutations, which was a bit disappointing, but reaffirms that I'm making the right choice in not passing my shitty health issues on.
No. 516440
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3 of my edits have been used for Cow Thread pics and one edit as a banner.
I think I spend too much time on Lolcow
No. 516645
This post is going to sound so melodramatic and stupid but I just feel like I needed to post it somewhere lol.
I feel like since my break up at the end of 2018, I lost my sense of self and I still have yet to recover from it. We only dated for a month, btw, so I already know I’m being stupid and ridiculous about it. 2019 felt like a blur, like I was just going through the motions of existing. My job was terrible too, so that didn’t help. It’s 2020 now, and I thought things were finally working out… I mean, I’m definitely not as depressed as I was last year, I’ve picked up new hobbies, my friends are still awesome and great, and I’m working a easy, less stressful job atm. Things should be okay, right? I guess they are, but it feels like I’m just waking up. Not just from the break up, but from my college years before it. My highschool years before it. Everything. My whole identity, my entire concept of self from my whole life, it doesn’t feel like it’s mine. They’re my memories that I can play back, and my emotions that I can recall, but I still feel so detached from it.
I no longer feel like I’m on autopilot, like I’m existing in a body that doesn’t belong to me, but this body doesn’t feel like home. It’s mine, but at the same time, it isn’t. It probably doesn’t make any sense but that’s just how it feels. Not in a troon way either. Just in a sort of existential dread-esque way, I guess.
I’m also trying to figure out where to go from here, job wise. Find hobbies to make life worthwhile, and hopefully a job that’s a little worth my while too, right? But after all this, I don’t know if what I want for myself is even what I actually want for myself. I don’t know what I want, I don’t even feel like a real person to some extent. It’s weird. I wish I had some drive and some purpose but I feel like eventually, everything that I try to do to bring purpose and warmth into my life will just go right through me, as if I’m a sieve and everything meaningful is water that just pours straight through.
Sorry for the weird rambling.
No. 516721
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Is this how the 2010's will be remembered
No. 516812
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I bought a bunch of midi dresses and skirt and it was the best decision ever. I'd be okay with never wearing pants again tbh.
No. 516846
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Happened to watch the new pewdiepie video and i think he got some botox
No. 516879
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>>516865Uh it doesn't really translate as it really showed more when you notice his forehead rly not moving, here's the thumbnail though
No. 516886
>>516883Nah, it really does sound awful based on your post alone anon. Also fuck that interview guy lol.
I went to an interview that I ultimately declined the job offer for (despite being super desperate to leave my shit retail job at the time) because the entire thing made me feel so off. It was in a super industrial area and I powerwalked for like 10 minutes straight but the entire time it was eerily quiet and empty with lots of cars/trucks/things for shady people to hide behind (did not want to think about what it would be like in the winter time when it gets dark fast). The interviewers definitely did not take the time to look at my resume beforehand because there was a lot of awkward silences as he stared at it before finding something to ask about (usually not a bad thing since ppl can be super inundated with applications and resumes, but the job posting had been up for a while and I was immediately offered the job like a day or two later so I got the feeling they didn't have that many applicants in the first place). The office was drab and I just had a weird feeling as I sat on a stool in a tiny nook in the wall right by the entrance.
No. 516889
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men age like wine, pass it on.
No. 516906
>>516889he always looked inbred tbf
he looks a bit better on right because of the foundation coverage
No. 516921
>>516917Maybe your levels are just out of wack. I hope it’s an easy fix for u anon.
No. 516928
>>516832Are you ordering fulfilled by Amazon or just from secondary sellers in the marketplace?
Just buy your dildo from a proper online sex shop it's just as discreet shipping and billing wise.
No. 516930
>>516925I love Judah so much
I'm so happy Princess Carolyn got a happy ending with a man that treats her right and he's an an incredible business partner
Goals tbh
No. 516932
>>516925Anon wtf use a spoiler tag
I didn't even open the video but now that plot development is ruined for me
No. 516958
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Is there a name for the phobia of whatever this is?
No. 516981
>>516957Maybe cause rich people don't need to save money by buying cheap chinese items. They can go to the nearest mall and buy designer clothes, sponges and god knows what else.
Fuck off with that judgmental crap, you don't know the whole story and it's none of your business anyway.
No. 517023
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I really want to go outside but it's so windy I can barely even walk.
No. 517026
>>517023Same, had back to back storms where I live lately.
And I know it's retarded but I'm pissed at missing out on the last couple of pokemongo community days because of it lol
No. 517038
>>517035you don't know what they are buying… unless you are snooping through their packages?
Stay pressed about other people's issues lol.
No. 517050
Saw this vine after a long time again in a vine complication and I can't stop thinking and laughing about this one lmao
>>517023It's windy and stormy where I live for two weeks now and it's so tiring because I live on the 5th floor and the wind it so freaking loud, especially during the night when it rains on the top of that.
No. 517065
>>517063nta but seriously why are you so bothered about other people’s problems? if you’re the same anon who posted
>>517035 , you are seriously brainwashed by capitalism. people aren’t poor because they “buy too much aliexpress shit every week” you idiot. read a book. the vast majority of people who are poor are hard done due to socioeconomic factors
INCLUDING NOT HAVING GOOD ACCESS TO EDUCATION WRT BUDGETING, SAVING, TAXES ETC. these things are not taught by default in north america. this is shit you learn from parents or other adults who were lucky enough to be given that knowledge to pass to you. get out of your fucking isolated bubble and open your eyes, blaming poor people for buying shit makes you look like a dumb cunt who operates only on opinions instead of facts.
No. 517066
>>517063Are you a shopping police or what? I didn't know those people were some official representatives of Poor People responsible for your respect for them. Maybe they buy stupid crap, maybe they don't. Maybe some of those people suffer from shopping addiction. You sound
triggered as fuck. Are you mad that you have to do your job and haul their shit? Stop being assblasted about strangers' business and focus on something else, like doing your job properly. Or actually raising awareness on how to spend mindfully if you care about poor people perpetrating circle of poverty that much.
Also what
>>517065 said in regards to the shopping as source of poverty myth.
No. 517069
>>517067Work on your reading comprehension.
Also giving unwanted advice to strangers is rude AF and usually done in order to virtue signal while slapping others with your imagined moral superiority.
No. 517087
>>517081Nobody is "shitting on poor people", poor people are just getting shit on if they don't use their money wisely. I would explain in further detail but in typical lolcow manner you're too defensive and offended I had a slightly controversial opinion for me to explain further, I would waste my time trying to discuss this with you.
Anyhow, anyone who works for food or retail knows a lot of poor people waste their money on nonsense every single day, it doesn't mean poor people can literally never buy anything but there's no reason at all to spend hundreds a week on online shopping and fast food
No. 517096
>>516957Yeah this opinion is trash and who ever you are is, trash. You obviously aren’t any wealthier than these people with your mail job so why judge. A vast majority of the population on this planet don’t even have access or money to buy things online and live in 2nd / 3rd world countries so these arguments are infuriating seeing as they only take to sides of the western worlds versions of poverty and wealth. Ah yes the homeless man on the sidewalk is homeless because he bought lots of shit on Amazon /s. To lift people from poverty they not only need to learn to save money as well as doing taxes, getting credit etc. (which needs to be taught ), they need to be able to gain better educations, so they can in turn get better jobs to be able to save enough money to live in better places and not be considered low income. Oh but guess what?! No everyone can afford college or even community colleges, and not everyone can get a scholarship or loan because of family histories, so in turn a high school diploma starts to seem worthless and hopeless to these low income people. So no education, hard to get a job that pays more than $10 an hour, can’t find anywhere to live less than $1,000 dollars a month etc. having to do the hardest low paying jobs causes people to be hopeless and stuck, body pain low energy. Not only that but the shit jobs they have to work take up all their time because they need all the hours they can get to pay rent; that they have no time to spare to actually try and get a better education. So no, not buying something online is going to automatically lift someone from low income or will suddenly let them be free from poverty. Trash spoiled white American opinions of poverty is all I see, we are so fucking lucky to get the chances at educations and sit in our parents homes safe, not having to leave school to work or because were fucking homeless. Ew anon way to be gross about fucking poor people. So none of you grew up in poverty I guess
No. 517101
>>517090Yet Everytime you go to lower class towns everyone is decked out in fake off brands, fresh acrylics, new purses and so on. People who work for food delivery services knows poor people order way more than they should, even my experience which I got bashed for which was delivering tons of online shopping to clearly poor people. Keep denying all you'd like but most poor people can easily help their living situation by not spending it on junk
>>517096>Muh you're poor tooI am but I'm also able to live in a fairly nice place and save money for education because I choose to not blow it on junk like others
>Then going on to ignore my experience yet again and ramble about irrelevant thingsWe aren't talking about 3rd world folks, we're talking about poor Americans who spend tons of money online shopping, that's it
>You're gross for telling poor people not to waste their moneyYou sure it's me who's gross when you continue to defend poor people stuck in the cycle of poverty?
No. 517102
>>517089>$20 on WigsNot only is this incredibly cheap for a wig, but many black women have to wear wigs at work due to biases against natural black hair in the workforce.
>$40 on makeupAgain, this is really cheap for makeup, but also unless you naturally have flawless skin, women who wear makeup have an advantage in job interviews. Many women have to wear makeup, because society rewards women for complying to standards of femininity
No. 517105
>>517102>They have to!!No they don't. Foundation costs 10 dollars from Ulta, mascara, blush and others cost 5 dollars and below too from elf, spending tons on makeup and trying to excuse it as society forcing you is your own fault you're trying to justify with
The wig thing would be understanding if they brought actual professional wigs but most people who buy wigs buy crazy colors and weird hairstyles, not to mention black hair is becoming more acceptable in today's world and there's many cheap and easy black protective hair styles to do
No. 517109
>>517106Yes I have. You're conflating poor people with tacky middle class people who get all their fashion advice from barbies. Even in cities you have those people walking around like it's snowing.
I've been to all the top 10 cities in the USA by pop. that didn't include Texas.
No. 517111
>>517105Most wigs aren’t in crazy colors unless you’re buying shit cosplay wigs from amazon, and even then, they’re going to cost more than $20. Have you ever actually been into a hair shop before?
And yeah, $40 on makeup would be someone buying the cheap shit from ulta. Even when adding the absolute cheapest stuff to my cart, foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, a palette and lipstick costs $24. And this is garbage stuff with terrible quality.
No. 517116
>>517109>Goes to big famous cities in the US to get your opinion of poor people instead of actual run down ghetto townsOkay
>>517113Stop sperging and actually read
I don't hate poor people, you are the one who said I hate poor people because saying they need to spend money wisely is too much for you. You're clearly personally offended by my words most likely because you relate to the people I am criticizing. I'm not talking about every single poor person just poor people who blow all their money on dumb shit. You are the one who is talking about irrelevant things and blowing this way out of proportion, save your time and stop getting so offended by every single thing you slightly disagree with but don't cry or expect money from others if you find yourself in the cycle of poverty when you can't understand why you can't save
No. 517119
>>517116I've also been around the ghetto areas and the same thing applies. Poor people legitimately do not wear makeup or do that entire getup you're describing. In fact, from what I've noticed, poor women don't do any of that because it makes them stand out and susceptible to sexual assault and theft.
Also it seems like you think only women are poor because people are poor because they buy makeup and wigs and completely forgetting that men can be poor, unless you think men are poor because they're all drag queens or some bullshit.
No. 517124
>>517123Both of you are trying to pass off your words as fact
One end and Anon I claiming all women need to wear makeup
The other end one is claiming no poor woman ever wears makeup
Factually anyone who has experience with homeless or just Poor's in general knows poor women wear makeup, if they didn't there wouldn't be markets for cheap makeup or no stereotypes about poor girls wearing shitty makeup
No. 517127
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I fucking hate phishing sites. Just give me a virus already, fuck off with this "srry we don't have a keylogger. you have to give us your info first" shit and then they dont even deliver
No. 517133
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>>517101>You sure it's me who's gross when you continue to defend poor people stuck in the cycle of poverty?Yes, bitching on an imageboard about how you are so much better about poor people buying online will. surely help them!!! How about donating a good book on personal finances to those people if you care so much? I bet you also love to shit on fatties while claiming that you are only trying to help lmfao
Also you are not taking into account how poverty changes mind. Rich or well-off people can plan, because they know they have a future. Poor people are gonna buy the lipstick or good meal, because they are poor anyway and who the fuck knows if any future is coming?
Read the link and educate yourself, cunt. No. 517165
>>517149>Providing actual facts on why poor people spend recklessly>spergingYeah right lmfao. Nobody's calling you Hitler, just an ignorant, self-righteous pos which you are.
Love how you can't argue my points so you just attack me and pull shit out of your ass.
No. 517168
>>517150Farmers are complete fencesitters tbh
>>517165>Proven factsOf what? That poor people are irresponsible with money and use shitty logic to justify their lack of self control?
No. 517171
>>517169this. what the fuck is
>>517168 problem? what a freak.
No. 517185
>>517174This, plus why punish the consumer for simply being ignorant/uneducated? I'm so sick of corporations trying to divert responsibility to the consumer, especially for shit like this. Big companies know damn well that it won't make a difference.
It reminds me of an ad I saw for a cruise that was advertising them getting rid of plastic to be "environmentally responsible" you're a fucking
cruise company cruise ships in and of themselves are environmentally irresponsible.
No. 517189
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Looking up stuff on depop and some of these pictures are so funny. Looking up prom dresses out of curiosity and found this gem.
No. 517197
>>517174Literally just go to thrift shops, not only is it cheaper half the time but you can find better things than paper thin clothing and plastic houseware
>>517190No you exposed yourself, you assumed black women when I mentioned things I've seen poor women spend lots if money on. You see this and assume its black women. This makes you the racist. Poor people of all races do this
>>517179My point = poor people spend money because they're stupid with poor logic
Your research not only confirmed my claim but also supported my opinion, what exactly are you trying to say? You literally posted a fucking article that said poor people blow money because their logic is as poor as they are, are you trying to defend this behavior? Again wtf are you trying to say without saying muh research repeatedly?
No. 517198
>>517179Sage for samefag but this also debunks anons who earlier tried to claim poors don't blow their money
Poor people who blow money without even attempting to save for education and whatnot are retarded. You posted an article that said Poor's blow their money because they believe they'll never stop being poor, which unarguably is extremely poor logic. It literally proves people who disagreed with me wrong you fucking imbecile. Keep screeching about muh proven psychology
No. 517204
>>517198They spend money they had SAVED UP, it doesn't affect their bills and doesn't harm anyone.
>they believe they'll never stop being poorThis is true more often than not.
No. 517206
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pls stop fighting let's talk about stupid stuff like how i don't remember if i left my vibe on my bed or in my closet and I'm at work and my brother just texted me he's in town and using my computer in my room.
No. 517208
>>517199Most thrift stores I know of you can build an outfit for less than 20, try doing that on AliExpress or wish you'll get overloaded with shipping fees not to mention the poor quality and shipping wait
>>517204You've never met a poor person
No. 517209
>>517198Anon is actually kinda right about the consumerist tendencies of poorfags. Poorfags gravitate for brand names like iphone or kylie because it gives them a sense of belonging with richfags if they were able to shill out 1k for a iPhone. There are studies or something on this but I'm too lazy to crack open my sociology textbook.
I will also say that there is a difference between richfags and richfags born into being a richfag. You will notice that self made richfags are very strict with their shekels.
No. 517214
>>517197>>517198>Sage for samefag but this also debunks anons who earlier tried to claim poors don't blow their moneyYou realize that poor people are not a hivdmind, right? Are you that retarded? Some don't spend frivolously, some do. And even those that do are not 'stupid' as much as fucked by their shit circumstances. Poverty literally warps your mind. It is incredibly difficult to break the chain. If you understood this, maybe you would not be a condescending asshole. But all matters to you is that you are a superior poorfag.
>>517208I always have free shipping with Ali, the fuck you are talking about.
No. 517224
>>517214Never said they were, I just said I judge poor people who blow all their money, it was again anons claiming all poor people are x
>>517219I mean you can't just make one liners with no context and expect people to understand exactly what you meant. You made yourself sound anti semantic
No. 517227
>>517224>no uAt least you tried, now go back to shitting on poor people.
>>517225Either you're backtracking or you're too much of a retard to understand that your post can be seen as anti-Semitic.
No. 517241
>>517237Only if you meant the others, I stuck with "poor people shouldnt waste their money" the whole time, arguers were claiming they did, then they didn't, then made several contractadictions, posted something that proved my point and so on
>>517235Sum it up for me then
>>517235 No. 517249
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>>517206oh god anon…is it at least small???
No. 517263
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why does this happen when i click meta
No. 517297
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Someone I know posted this on facebook, and I just want to show it to everyone because I'm dying of laughter
She has 3 sons and named the youngest Dadi Yankee. After that puerto rican rapper Daddy Yankee. The first two are twins and I always thought their names were bad enough. I can still barely process that she really did this, the kid's name is Daddy mispelled.
No. 517332
>>517297that's hilarious. they'll either end up selling crack or hating their white trash mom.
No. 517354
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I am so horny for him
No. 517381
Sometimes I snuggle with my pillow and give it a kiss kinda pretending it's a person before I sleep. Is this weird/pathetic or normal? Like is this something other people do? I honestly don't know
>>517354lmao anon literally why
No. 517483
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So, I randomly decided to check on my former class teacher, which I personally really liked as a person and teacher. It's been eleven years since I saw her for the last time. So, I'm sitting here with my good night tea and randomly her name popped up in my mind and thought to check on her. I googled her birth name and scrolled through google images since she has a pretty generic name you have to look really deep into to find something on her. I expected some news articles about her and my former school but instead I found this pic of a woman to looked VERY similar to her but with a kind of pop-art photo filter on it as a twitter profile pic. I clicked on it because it made me curious, but the name didn't matched with the one I googled. On the twitter page I scrooled a bit around and saw this pic of this elder woman in some sexy clothes and erotic poses and I thought "that's NOT her" but deep down inside me I already knew that it was her. The thing is that she obviously didn't used her real name for that twitter account because it was one to post sexy pics and writing erotic books. She also linked her facebook account with her artist name and I went there and I found videos of her, which def proved to her since it was 1000% her voice, and diaries entries of her being on some sex tourism trips in egypt and how she fucked an young guy there that how much he loved her titties lmao. I also found her real facebook account on her said twitter accound bc she linked it there also and yes it's her and she works now as a freelancer writer and I'm still here ?????????????????? like what the fuck did I just read. Like ??????? reading this kind of stuff from your former teacher is kind, not what desired to see ??? hello??
Anybody had a similar experience with a former teacher or idk I have damn moment right now and I don't dare to share my discovery with my mum, who also met her back in the day and sometimes went over the past years that I should check on said teacher.
No. 517510
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This is so retarded and I know people are allowed to have their own opinions and aren't obliged to like what I like, but I wish I could stop getting so overly defensive and instantly annoyed whenever I see people bash my interests. When I like something, I like it with my entire being and invest so much time and energy in it that it means the absolute world to me and whenever I just see someone slightly talking bad about it, I get so angry and feel like cussing them out but I don't do anything, because I respect their opinion (even if I want them to die for thinking bad about my interests) and it would just cause unnecessary Kindergarten drama. I'm aware that this is some teenager shit, but I really can't help it, because I've always been this way. I'm not even autistic or anything, I just get really angry when people badmouth the shit I like or are critical over it.
I also really love using a lot of commas. Makes me feel posh. Makes me feel elegant. Today? I am using a lot of commas.
Tomorrow? I will use commas again.
No. 517530
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I don't know if this should be on /g/ but it's all so stupid I should post it on here. Today I learned about this fashion system that has at least 13 body types + the clothes each of these body types should wear if they don't want to look like shit and judging by my personal results 99.9% of my wardrove is literally the opposite of what I should be wearing, but I'm okay, I don't really want to stop dressing however I want, the recommended clothes for me are clownish, juvenile and literally no one would wear that shit in daily basis no matter how much they try push it as this ~oh so quirky androgyne~ style, I might like jfashion but that doesn't mean I should look like a Confetti Club/Trendercore reject 24/7.
No. 517557
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>>517524Me too and I don’t know why either
No. 517568
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>>517530Something similar. I'm a huge fan of the midwestern depression-era fashion but the fashion that's most popular for the stick-thin bodytype that's so prevalent with that sort of depression fashion is just kfashion shit and no shade to that style but it's not my thing. The closest genre to it internationally is mori fashion but I'm not really into the frilly Japanese style either. Just normal simple clothes where are they wtffff
No. 517585
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>>517583me listening to Nine Inch Nails on repeat while three houses over someone's playing mariachi music at max volume while some white chicks are noisily singing in the distance in the other direction in the middle of the fucking night
No. 517588
>>517586I was listening to Metal but my favorite is Modwheelmod's The Great Destroyer remix or Zero-Sum.
No clue what the girls are singing (I think they're practicing for their school singing class or whatever).
No. 517595
I'm on a website about "What your girlfriend wants (gifts)" and the shit is so fucking… it's a bad idea. Like, a 50 dollar box to print a note for your girlfriend? FIFTY DOLLARS FOR SOMETHING TO WRITE A LOVE LETTER??? HUH.
A pillow? You know, that's a good one. I like pillows. Airpods is kinda stretching it, at least for me because I prefer headphones but alright… A hometown date… Right, that wouldn't work on me since my hometown is literally thousands of miles away but okay. And then random shit like Kylie Lip gloss (I don't wear any makeup so this would be a no go but maybe some chicks would dig it), roses that last 365 days (I don't like roses though and I prefer baby's breath PRECISELY because they look the same alive and dead, just more brittle), chocolate (I don't like chocolate and I tend to give chocolates I'm gifted to whatever trucker I find and they all really appreciate the notion. I'm very thankful for truckers and I acknowledge it's a very important job that's very strenuous physically and emotionally which is why a little bit of sugar is probably a good thing for them to prevent them falling asleep mid-drive and besides they don't get enough thanks as-is. Go truckers!!!)
And then the list goes on about buying your girlfriend a briefcase which, alright. I've never heard of this as a gift before but you know what? I could get behind it. An essential oil kit? I don't have a diffuser but if it came with a diffuser, maybe. Starbucks giftcard? I don't drink coffee but.
And then it goes on to say stuff that's actually kinda cute like a box full of memories of the first date which is really cute, matching birthstone promise rings, a kitchen aid mixer (i mean I have the handheld thing but maybe?), and probably my favorite thing on the list is a polaroid camera because mine is broken. And then it gets a little weird with matching onesies (it's too hot for that in my region but idk, maybe Northerners wear those?), a speaker???, and then a fucking dog like h,,, what?? That's one way to get a girl's attention, I guess.
Maybe me being overcritical about everything is the reason I don't have a boyfriend haha except that is hahaha.
No. 517596
>>517595you are going on a 4 paragraph sperg about a list that's just a covert advertisement ? while responding to it with your own personal preferences in great detail, and concluding with the absence of any boyfriend to even gift you any of those.
I didn't even know it was possible to blogpost a random list on a website, at least you posted only in the right thread, but it might've been shorter to say that you were lonely this valentine's on the vent thread.
No. 517620
>>517616I do too, most of the time they are not ugly nor weird but just have a mouth area that I dislike (lower lip that's bigger than the top one, slight overbite…).
idk where this comes from.
No. 517678
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Often when I put sunscreen on my face I think some of gets in my eyes, since they start to water and/or burn a little bit
I might go blind but at least my skin will look nice
No. 517704
>>517181Please tell me what channel this is!! I'm so intrigued.
When I studied abroad in Japan I became addicted to ufo catcher lol. Not to the extent the wife is like, but I blew quite a bit of money on them and hoarded up quite a bit of junk just because I knew I could win the prizes easily even if I didn't necessarily want them. Fun story, once I needed to buy a spoon but stopped into an arcarde after class for funsies and there were these character spoons of Rascal the Raccoon and I won it in two tries lol. Probably my best and most useful win.
No. 517712
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I personally really love broccoli and a broccoli samosa sounds damn good to me, but fuck this tweet really made me chuckle.
No. 517719
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It feels weird seeing the method I used to slide by in math test I didn't know how to solve be endorsed on the ACT
No. 517727
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>>517718pic related as an example, I hate this and her whole mouth, the big front teeth and how her mouth slit is so big and shut at the sides but open in the middle. idk what kind of personality she has but I want to make a dent in her face.
I prefer when the lower and upper lips are equal in size.
No. 517774
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>>517616Yeah, I relate. Some people kind of give off bad vibes
No. 517780
>>517768I get what you're trying to say, but if you shove the floss too deep down into your gumline to cause pain/self harm, it
will create problems in the long term.
No. 517799
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>>517673anon holy fuck i know I already said same but SAME. I can't stop laughing because it's literally the first time in a long time I've read anything like that (truly since high school) and I'm so embarrassed that I'm like this over this character of all fucking characters. I'm glad I can share that with you
No. 517816
>>517769I can't floss because it
triggers my desire to hurt my gums all over. Bad advice imho
No. 517839
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I find this so funny for some reason
No. 518113
>>518083i had a roommate my first year in the dorms who stank of phlegm. she smelled like a cold, which sounds bizarre but it's the only way to describe it. she would talk and the room would fill up with this diseased smell and then she'd bitch when you opened a window. she was difficult to be around in general.
she ended up being sent home after she destroyed her arm with a carpet knife while high on shrooms, and tbh i do feel kind of bad for her because she ended up in care. but she was too out of control to be living on campus and her family were irresponsible in sending her off when she was so out of touch with reality. last i heard she was in a group home and not well.
No. 518188
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>>518083reminds me of this image
No. 518202
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>>518199Same. Thong sandals with socks actually does look gross but something like pic related looks cool and feels comfy. I have a pair of nike slides that I wear with black socks and people have yet to complain about it.
No. 518215
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eating snacks rn and crying tears for no actual reason, i'm not even sad
keep forgetting to take my olanzapine medication
No. 518294
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I like making up gods/goddesses (what they look like, why they came to be, what foods and incense they like, prayers, etc.). I also worship them in private.
>tfw you run out of rosehip oil for your shrine to Ymera and have to use tea tree oil instead
I hope he doesn't ravage my crops for this…
No. 518313
>>518248aha ! on the same page I hate it when anons confuse those two :
NTAYRT = not the anon you replied to
NTA = not to argue
No. 518317
>>518294Super cute anon! I do this too.
I imagine the lead God as Rhea from Fire Emblem dont judge me ok
No. 518492
>>518462i hate that people always have to try to put people down for preferring non-fiction. i am the same way as anon and it has nothing to do with imagination. you can have an active imagination but enjoy non-fiction more.
>>518461i am the same way. i just don't find it to be as interesting when i learn it's not true. i like learning about peculiar or out of this world stuff, that is actually real. it's more freaky and surprising like that. like, yeah, anyone can imagine something, but it's cool to learn about things that actually happen or things that are actually around, that are insane and overlooked precisely because they're real. non-fiction just draws me in more and ends up surprising me more. idk there's a lot of weird shit that goes on irl. there's no real need to read fiction. high fantasy just doesn't draw me in like it because even though i can imagine it and become pretty immersed, i still can't shake that subconsciously i know it's not real. it just doesn't allow for the same level of immersion for me because i do know it isn't real. like, it just depresses me/annoys me, almost?
No. 518499
>>518479Autistic people have trouble empathizing and understanding people's motivations and emotions, which makes appreciating fiction more difficult. This especially goes for novels or long running series where a relatively complex model of characters' minds is necessary in order to understand their emotional states and how they fit into a web of relationships with other characters.
The exception is usually with stuff like cartoonish children's media where characters are (typically) simplistically written and easy to understand, or heavily reliant on basic tropes. Also some sci-fi and fantasy where the emphasis is often more on the lore and setting rather than the characters. That said, you don't have to be autistic to prefer non-fiction and documentaries.
No. 518584
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I've got too much love rn and I dont know what to do with it so I'm going to aggressively send it to all the anons reading this. I dont know who you are but you're fucking beautiful, and you better have a good day or I'll be really upset idk I just want you to be happy
No. 518642
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I just went out to buy a pair of sneakers (pic related), I got these because I thought they were comfy when I tried them on and I kind of like chunky, retro looking shoes. I googled them when I got home and apparently they're a meme??? Do I live under a rock or something? Never in a million years would I imagine a basic white tennis shoe as being a "thot shoe." Maybe I'm just out of touch. For what it's worth I still like them.
No. 518763
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This girl i know got heavily into OW last year and since then has turned into a goddamn wnb e-thot, she keeps tweeting about her pantsu (yes, pantsu), skinwalking some ow character and now she has began the "hee hee i can moan on voice chat, i am irl hentai". What the fuck, anons. Descostang.
No. 518768
>>518745Nta but that's easier said than done. Even if you stay away from the obvious porn addicts how many men out there aren't secretly watching too much porn?
The ones that insist they don't watch it are liars. My fave posters on here are the women who brag that nigel doesn't watch porn..then they end up in the relationship advice thread having a meltdown after discovering that mr 'I think porn is disgusting' nigel actually watches all the porn
No. 518780
I might have memed myself into asexuality. I don't know how.
I feel nothing when I see or read sexual content, and I've gone the past 4 months without masturbating.
When I see an attractive person, I just admire them like I'm listening to a good song.
When I try to think of situations that might be hot, my brain responds with excitement for half a second, but then it fizzles out. It's all so boring.
I'm scared my partner will dump me over this. I used to just force myself into things and pretend to like them, but when I told her the truth, she told me she wants me to stop. The issue is, she has a sex drive, and I just don't seem to anymore. It's kind of shitty when she asks if she can eat me out or have me finger her, and I say sure, but then she asks "Do you really want to?" and I hesitate.
I don't know what to do.
No. 518784
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I've been going on dates with this girl pretty consistently for two months now. Sometimes we go out and get dressed up, sometimes she comes to my house and we just chill out. The other day she brought me food after work and joked about how my cat was trying to steal her girlfriend away. It just occurred to me that she called me her girlfriend. I guess she is my girlfriend? Wow. I don't have to post >tfw no gf in this thread every two weeks or so anymore.
No. 518785
>>518763Feel you anon. I'm ashamed to admit I know plenty of tards like this.
Ethots are the newest plague upon society. It's like every half-decent looking girl nowadays thinks it's their divine calling to embarrass themselves on the internet for a chance at ~the easy life~. Smh, half of them aren't even entertaning, they're just pathetic, unoriginal and cringe. Where did all the classy women go? If they're still in existence, they're being overshadowed by the aids epidemic we're currently living in. Sage for no1curr/autistic rant lol.
No. 518839
>>518835I've posted about dating a guy with unusual sexual tastes before and how he was just pervy and awful..and got the same snide response of 'well then don't date perverts'
Ah yes cos men that are perverts, porn addicts or just plain
abusive all tell us that shit on the first date don't they
No. 518841
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I found this in a pinterest board dedicate dot lineman, the people who fix electric poles during black outs,and I can't stop laughing. Who on earth thought this was a good idea
No. 518842
File: 1582823955241.png (2.13 MB, 1495x845, 45777.PNG)

>>518841I think that stupid image ruined my recs algorithm
No. 518872
File: 1582831345683.jpg (174.75 KB, 1440x1440, ERlHhOsVUAEDmST.jpg)

Alright girls, what are you?
>tfw i'm a low level pile of rocks, i just want to nap
No. 518879
>>518872The Invincible Princess from Another World!
That made me so happy, I was expecting something silly but I got something really cool! Thanks for making my day better
No. 518888
>>518882I would soo watch this!!!
(unless it would involve said pomeranian constantly sniffing heroine's panties and falling into their boobs… I have low faith in Japan not ruining this lovely concept)I lowkey wanna write my own take on the concept (with a different breed of a dog) but I am already stalling with my main project lmfao
No. 518893
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>>518872The invincible Pomeranian protector of the land.
No. 518903
File: 1582841511503.jpg (104.77 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_pfnlfu2zBm1vtts30o1_128…)

the pope is sick a day after interacting with people who have covid-19 aka coronavirus. obviously that's not how illness works but it's amusing to think he might have the plague
No. 518913
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>>518872Transformed into a dragon but I'm doing my best!
Damn that reminded me of tohru/kobayashi it was so wholesome
No. 519018
>>518969They were about as shitty as any other metal band in the genre, their music has been analyzed by people in the music industry, the vocals, guitar, bass and drum are all fine. Literally no reason to shit on it at all other than metal just not being for you
>>519014It's just as any other movie marketed towards teens, it's definitely not the worse
No. 519042
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>>519018We get it, you lusted after Andy Biersack (which is the only reason anyone stanned those clowns). No reason to call people pickmes for calling the band shit, which almost most of metalcore is. Especially generic, soulless crap like bvb (which you pretty much admitted to - same as other bands, no better or worse)
No. 519082
>>519061It's probably just bad cope.
>>519074No one cares about your stuffies. Just don't give off retard vibes.
No. 519143
File: 1582903490795.png (Spoiler Image,1019.77 KB, 1318x725, thanks i hate it.PNG)

I always forget the name of loppy bunny so I'm always googling it, but today this popped up and I'm so fucking disgusted.
No. 519262
File: 1582922754451.jpg (27.83 KB, 450x577, unnamed.jpg)

I bought this dress at the end of last summer because it finally went on clearance (it's cute but not $60 cute, I got it for just under $20 woo) and I can't fucking wait for the weather to warm up so I can finally wear it! I'm sad I didn't manage to get it in white, but I really love this colorway too.
No. 519658
File: 1583016515569.jpg (93.41 KB, 950x841, 9f9263d8f5bf85cbd40e28a11e3a51…)

Don't shlick to me or my son ever again
No. 519660
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Winona is my husbando
No. 519661
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Brad is my waifu
No. 519662
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Who is this nerd?
No. 519665
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I really wanted to lose my virginity before I turned thirty and it's now only a couple of months away. I keep telling myself I can still talk to my crush and if he's interested, I can have sex with him within the next few months but I'm such an chicken I can never find the balls to speak to him. it's not like we know each other, so it would really be the cold calling of admitting you like someone, when you're strangers to one another. but if I did find the confidence and he wanted to date I would hope to have sex pretty soon after. the clock is ticking and I'm aware of the days closer I am to my thirties.
I'm old enough to know how pathetic this sounds but fuck, I just want to be able to know I lost my virginity in my twenties. I don't want to be a 30 something virgin.
No. 519679
>>519665Anon, just go clubbing with some friends and get a one night stand.
Be careful, let the person know it's your first time and get down to business.
Or find a bf/gf, even if they're not "the one", and same thing, get the experience.
It's truly not that hard. Good luck!
No. 519718
>>519665Don’t feel ashamed of that anon, I have lots of friends in their 30’s who are virgins/have little sexual history. They’re not even weird or anything. Different times, people are busier. You shouldn’t feel like you have to rush anything because of your age. I’m almost 30 too, and lost it when I was 27. I honestly am grateful I missed out on all of the confusion having sex too young (for me) would have caused. I wasn’t ready until I met the right person. That’s not the case for everyone, but people are all different.
If it is truly bothering you deeply, you need to be brave and try. Cast your line girl. Sign up for a dating/meetup app and just try to go with your gut. You’ll know when it’s right. It feels really scary when it’s new, but the moment it happens, you’ll be like “wow, that’s it?” Good luck anon! Let us know when you get the nasty.
No. 519728
File: 1583033458137.png (6.02 KB, 209x240, images.png)

>>519679This is awful advice tf
This literally how you get an STD or held down raped by a drunk. Worse if anon became a dissapeared woman from being murdered at his place. In general it's going to be a bad idea because drunk and the pain/possible bleed of first time.
No. 519729
File: 1583034407598.gif (984.78 KB, 500x281, source.gif)

>>519665I'm 28, and I'll be 29 this year. I am a virgin too; please don't feel like you're alone! It may seem hopeless, but some things happen later in your life, and it's nothing to be ashamed of! It won't happen if you don't put yourself out there, but at the same time, don't feel compelled to share an experience with someone you don't feel right or comfortable with!
No. 519735
>>519728Oh wtf calm down. ONS happens all the time you prude and the actual probability of being raped etc is slim so calm down. Not all men are out to rape or kill us, wtf. If you're not too stupid and cautious enough you'll have fun, jeez.
Interesting how you assume anon is necessarily a woman and not a man too.
No. 519753
>>519735>Interesting how you assume anon is necessarily a woman and not a man too.lmao
go back to whatever male pandering libfem hell you came from, newfag.
No. 519878
>>519679I could never lose it to a one night stand. even if I wasn't a virgin I wouldn't want a one night stand, it's not for me. I want to at least kind of know the person and for them to care about me beyond simply thinking I'd be good for one fuck. I don't mind about someone being 'the one' anymore or anything tbh, I don't think it's realistic, just don't want it to be total random
>>519718I do feel comforted to know I'm not the only one but 30, for me, just feels like a big milestone I'm freaking out about in general. I'm like you in how I'm glad I didn't have lots of bad uncomfortable sex when I was young and that's what I've been telling myself through my 20s but I feel like I'm pushing it now at almost 30.
I really want to try and talk to him. I'm just quite an anxious and awkward person, I'm self conscious and very unsure of myself. the idea of going over to him to talk scares the shit out of me. I've tried dating apps before but no one on there has really 'caught my eye', I also hate the way it feels like I'm trying to sell a product. I feel talking to my crush is my only option, I just wish I had the guts but it's hard that whenever I see him my heart races, lmao I feel like a teenager.
>>519729thanks anon, I know I'm not alone and that does make me feel a little better! I know I have to actually put myself out there in order to get these opportunities I just wish this fear of taking these chances wasn't so completely immobilising!
ty for everyone's replies, you're a good bunch
No. 519893
File: 1583082789402.gif (1.71 MB, 480x360, think.gif)

Torn between deciding if I want to make the sweet potato chili for dinner, or if I just want to go to a Chinese buffet later today to binge. Today would be dim sum day..
No. 519895
>>517674i'm only seeing this 6 days later but yes i am
>>519870turkish eren is more superior than anime eren
also sorry if this is retarded but i hate how the english speaking people always pronounce his name all weirdly all thanks to their burger accent, at least the japanese people pronounce is somewhat correctly No. 519925
>>519878Honestly I'd recommend against contacting your friend if you're not very close, you might just come off as very creepy.
One night stand can happen among a group of colleagues or friends too, up to you to decide if that's not your route. In which case go dating app and throw yourself out there, but dont have high expectations, first times are generally not really great kek. Mine was with a guy I've been dating for 6 months, I took my time with him, he was super patient although he obviously couldn't wait to do the devil's tango. He had way more experience than me, I told him honestly I was a virgin and needed him to "guide" me a little and he did. He was super sweet but the first time was meh kek. The following were better and better.
Good luck anon ! Dont freak out too much, you'll find someone to do that with.
No. 520021
>>520001>>520003>>520008>>520012You guys got it all wrong
I'm not infected with Coronavirus but arriving to Texas I MIGHT get the virus,is it safe to travel or not,I'm virus free but is it safe in Texas where I might not get it?
No. 520025
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The dress up game thread is the best thread on this entire site.
No. 520056
File: 1583110769008.jpeg (52.75 KB, 604x604, 1483910427619.jpeg)

So I finally get a second chance to travel to Japan late in the year (first time fell through because of finances) and now that this virus popped up, my travel buddy is getting cold feet about it. They are waiting and watching to see what it goes through before making a final decision in late-summer.
This sucks because I was finally lucky enough to able to get 2 weeks off of work. I'm super worried because it'll be a long time before I can aim for that time frame again from work. It's really "use it or lose it".
If the virus has turned low-key over the next few months, but my buddy is still reluctant, I may have to look into doing it solo…which is honestly, a bit scary.
So because of this dumb anxiety and how the news likes to spout sensationalist bullshit, I'm just not looking at any Corona or general travel news for a few weeks.
No. 520057
>>520056samefag, but I'm obviously not going if the virus gets bad enough that the US has a quarantine for those coming to/from Japan that extends all the way into 2021.
I will just use my travel time for some other place within the US if so be it.
No. 520068
I was looking at some dumb celebrity hair slideshow and it said that a number of actresses are ACKCHYUALLY naturally blonde, like Sofia Vergara, Kristen Stewart, Zooey Deschanel, Leighton Meester, etc., next to some old photos of them with piss yellow hair and dark roots. Who's even gullible enough to believe this? Why make it up? So many questions.
>>520025I agree. Those games are fun as hell.
No. 520124
>>520023>>520028My apologies I forget to mention my arrival there in the airport or city that's why everyone thought I had the virus
But fuck,it's Houston where I'm heading to.I know how extremely crowded the airports can be there,and filthy.
No. 520138
>>519987Yeah it's endearing at times but it also just doesn't feel like me. In his mind if we got married one day he'd probably be weirded out hearing my real name which is.. odd to think about.
>>520009He isn't that foreign to be honest. We both speak english and our "native" language. He's just not that comfortable using it so we speak in english which I love to be honest. He could use my name if he wants but it'd probably be weird after all these years.
No. 520144
>>520139Take it in until they get home, then give it back. It was likely an accident to leave the door open—and anyone would be crushed to have a pet hurt or lost.
Bonus: making friends with your neighbor
No. 520253
>>520251No, that wasn't my point.. and I know men are far more shameless in their hybristophilia since they have no emotional attraction or sensitivity at all they just wanna fuck and coom because all women are sex objects to them and they're basically signaling they don't give a fuck who a woman is along as she's judged as attractive to them, which was the point I was trying to make
.the women who constantly tweet about Ted Bundy being so omg hot or even the other serial killer groupies have a different vibe to them than other types of women, so men using this to generalize all women is annoying. It's like idk, how we can tell a woman has this personality type or character but the only thing a scrote can input is how hawt she is because they see nothing but women as pieces of meat and replicas of each other, while we can see some character and body language of a man pretty well idk. I mean I think straight women are aware that there are "types" of men more than straight men are about women, besides ugly , hot , crazy. , and something else.
No. 520390
>>520384It's more of the fact they unmatched me as soon as they saw I sent it that's funny to me–it's like a joke to me because it's funny to see people pretend to be mad whenever I post it in chat for like a video game or something
I sent it because I just wanted to see how they would react, maybe even get them to respond a bit sooner
I find that most of the time people just forget that I exist, so instead of waiting a week and unmatching them due to a lack of responses, I tried to be bold and fun and send something stupid
I get that people can't always respond as soon as I like, but I hate having to wait to find out that it's not that they were busy but just that they didn't feel I was worth responding to
If it looks embarrassing, oh well, that person obviously doesn't like the same stuff I do so we've moved to a point where I can feel better and move on
I'd rather be embarrassed due to an action than inaction
No. 520395
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Fuuuck. I thought this was some photoshop meme, but some dude actually published their furry nazi porno on amazon
No. 520431
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Animals that make little noises when they sleep is the cutest thing in the world. Puppies softly boofing, kitties doing that little purr-ow thing, birds chirping quietly with their eyes closed…animals are the best man, life would not be as fulfilling without pets
No. 520449
>>520390anon i literally actively try to be annoying for fun and get a super kick out of it, never change
if you get real bored start dming youtubers and see what they say back. got a super stoic one to reply and fuck it's fun bothering him. the confusion it the best part
all in good fun, you gotta make yourself laugh
No. 520535
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Why are people pretending they got traumatised by Resetti as childs to justify why he definitely had to go? If you don't like the motherfucker cause you want to be able to reset your game and do whatever the hell you want, just be honest about it. It's just a game ffs, nobody got traumatized cause they had to type "I am dirt" in a video game…
No. 520542
File: 1583235733439.jpeg (36.35 KB, 576x575, whatthefuck.jpeg)

I had a dream that Admin doxxed me and made a thread on me based on all the stupid shit I've done on imageboards in my life. I became a cow and everyone mocked me but I quickly became irrelevant because I went into hiding. Pls no dox me Admin
No. 520585
>>520564Thanks for the advice, anon. It would definitely make me so happy. Growing up, both me and my bf grew were strictly not allowed to have dogs so we just kinda accepted it as a reality of life and never did any real research on hypoallergenic breeds but we should definitely look into it!
For now, we’ve decided to visit again this weekend and bring a bag of a nice food for the dog.
No. 520727
>>520660You be careful too anon! I've been constantly yelling at my parents to wash their hands since the outbreak started lol.
If we're in the same state, I think there's something about free testing that will start? I just heard about it from a coworker over lunch and have yet to look into it myself but I sure hope they'll offer something like this… putting a monetary barrier on testing and treatment is only going to make things so much worse in the long run.
No. 520735
>>520727"free testing"…any chance you might also get some proper affordable healthcare ? It's really worrying to imagine a 450 million big country where people might chose to die at home because the virus would cost too much to treat, or people might chose to come to work even when sick because no sick days offered, and would infect dozens more.
I predict countries with better healthcare and work protection will fare far better in this pandemy.
Keep washing your hands and keep safe, people.
No. 520783
>>520738Sorry to read that anon, that's awful. I'm french and living in the UK, both country have great healthcare system in place, both public and private, I can't imagine living in the USA tbh. Its appalling that one of the biggest most advanced country on this earth still has such a backward healthcare system in place. It's dumbfounding because it actually costs
more to your country in the long run, not less. Who can still defend such a system I wonder. It's truly sad. A country that can't take care of its citizen is a country that does not deserve its name imo.
Keep safe anon, it's easier said than done but hopefully I'm wrong and you won't have such a crisis on your hand. It's scary.
No. 520829
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No. 520837
>>520625It fucking sucks that there's a giant pandemic and you have to pay to protect other people
sure it's the right thing to do, but doesn't it make more sense for the government to pay for testing?
since this isn't the vent thread, I'll say this
I'm super curious as to what all the anti-vaxxers are saying about the virus considering it's spreading so fast and there's no vaccine
No. 520942
>>520882Did you talk to her or just stare at her?
Writing this on the bus too, that's a massive boxer dog behind me wrestling with its owner and it feels like it might jump into my seat any second
No. 520968
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I love sleeping on the floor so much. I have a proper bed and all but sometimes I'll take a pillow and blanket off my bed and just have a nap on the floor. It's comfy.
I also just saw pic related on twitter and considered getting it for my floor sleeping, but apparently on the website it says it's unwashable????
No. 520979
File: 1583341077396.png (373.34 KB, 1494x1328, pick me up.png)

Job hunting sucks but whenever I feel down, I reread emails that my favorite professor/adviser sends me. They're full of cheesy lines like "enjoy the journey and not just the destination" and other words of encouragement, but he was a major figure in my academic career and hearing that sort of stuff from him really hits different.
pic not entirely unrelated lol
No. 521007
>>520968>but apparently on the website it says it's unwashable????Put a blanket on it
I kinda love how Japanese people are always chilling on the floor, I'd like to do it but it feels akward surrounded by all my tall furniture. If everything was lower to the ground it seems like it'd be comfy.
No. 521010
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First world problem, but I find shopping for clothes so fucking annoying. I wish there was a way to just look at outfits you like over the internet and buy the whole outfit in one click.
But no, I have to look around for the pants, then the shirt, then the shoes, and that'd just be ONE outfit.
I'm trying to renew my whole closet, that's why. I'm so jealous of celebs that get their own stylist that arranges that shit for them. I just want to point at cute outfits on the internet and get them.
No. 521011
File: 1583352368292.jpg (42.29 KB, 658x681, Three-roomy-patch-pockets-ESD-…)

>>521010fuck it, jumpsuits for all people as uniforms.
No. 521026
>>521019LeVar Burton = Kunta Kinte
Fucking legend. Love that movie.
No. 521042
File: 1583360397071.png (2.91 MB, 2804x1432, futon.png)

>>520968>>521007i bought a japanese futon bed for pretty cheap on gumtree, if you guys are in the US you can probs get the accessories/washable covers for them shipped easier and cheaper. there's even really nice bases you can buy, saving for one as we speak.
fell in love with floor sleeping when our air bnb in japan only had futons, makes your back feel so good once you get used to it.
No. 521054
File: 1583362658787.png (24 KB, 1193x125, 453.PNG)

Stage 1 denial
No. 521299
>>521163Whenever I hear the word "simp" I just have to imagine a cat taking a little sip from a wine glass with glasses on in front of a table and after a long sip, he just puts the wine glass on the table and goes "Mrrwwww.. simp".
I don't even know why.
No. 521307
File: 1583439692991.jpg (54.98 KB, 554x744, Hx3kgUWL6fyffXfGmN6lK7hNQcTj2v…)

>>521299…I love you, anon.
This is the only meaning the word will have in my mind from now on.
No. 521319
My friends from highschool are such wonderful people. We barely keep in contact because we're busy with our lives and other friends, but we always pick up like we've spent no time apart from each other. I actually have probably zero common interests with them, so we became friends out of 'survival' in a way (plus my highschool was TINY), but damn. I love these people with all my heart, and they're probably the first group of friends I've had where I never questioned my place in their lives. Whenever we see each other now, we run into each others arms and greet each other with such love.
One of them is engaged now, and I found out through another friend and sent her a message on instagram congratulating her. She said she cried and was so sweet in her reply to me that it almost made me cry too. I feel so lucky to have such extraordinary people in my life. I know high school isn't the best time for a lot of people, and I feel fortunate that it was for me. It's funny that when I went off to college, I met a lot of friends who actually shared my interests, but most of them were secretly catty and fake, always hiding behind that fake positivity bullshit and acting as if giving a genuine compliment for someone else's success would kill them.
No. 521332
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>>521299anon that's so CUTE
>mfw i'm havin a simp No. 521336
File: 1583443757974.jpg (42.85 KB, 564x752, h6FF3C447.jpg)

>>521332>>521307>>521299Henlo remmeber to /simp/ some water today fwend
No. 521560
>>521550rest in power sounds like some shit incels would come up with to mock chads
or some mortal kombat move
"finish him… fatality..
rest in power"
No. 521607
File: 1583506906682.jpg (901.97 KB, 5000x5000, XGp1uG5.jpg)

Looking through the kiwi farm art threads and good god. I never thought you could dig deeper than the re draw thread, /IC/, or an art discord full of 16 year olds, but here we are. I stare at all their drawings looking for a logical reason someone could draw this bad besides severe mental retardation. It can't be because they're a child because Kiwifarms isn't made for children. Can't be a teen because I've seen discords full of teen artist and they never fuck up this hard. It can't be an autist because kiwi farms is above all this dumb stuff right?
No. 521608
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>>521607Their re draws are so bad they make me appreciate the crappy artist more. RCDart has solid colors and very dynamic art. Her style is shit, but she could at least make a solid piece if she tried. Tearzeah too. Her inking and color choice are good compared to that
No. 521617
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Love when people use their bios to list health conditions. This one's new though.. Diabetic and proud! Proud of what exactly?
No. 521664
>>521646I used to be the same, in high school up until college education, I was so keen on not wanting a child or taking care of one. I got a job working with children when I dropped out of college and they all loved me, maybe because I was younger, but i had the strive to teach them life lessons and how to be a good person.
>Just leave them alone, they're just tiny little people trying to do their best.i get furious seeing people try to destroy children's lives on social media, like adults do this shit so often when a child does something extremely rude or considered morally wrong. first, these people have no idea what these children are going through, but they dont' care and would rather dox them or make fun of their appearance.
No. 521699
No. 522194
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Marnie the dog passed away and I’m so upset even though she isn’t my dog and I’ve never met her. Fuck.
No. 522316
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I was browsing some image board and some anon recommended a sad anon read Jordan Peterson. Another anon comes in and says don't read Peterson, along with giving book recs, and the Peterson anon replied with, word by word, 'A person is depressed and the first you thing you think is shilling your ideology for low IQ whites'. Isn't that what Peterson is tho?
Also the Peterson anon called the Peterson hating anon an 'sjw' when the Peterson hating anon's lit were all 'intro into fascism' type shit. The anti peterson dude posted a book by a self proclaimed 'hitlers #1 fan' and yet he was still called an SJW
No. 522583
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He looks like a proto soyboy
No. 522901
Polish 'LGBTI-free zones' not ok, says EU commission does even the most homophobic person on earth not see that being intersex isn't some 'gay ideology' and it's just a physical reality
No. 523519
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My grammar teacher just said only animal rights activists use his/her possessive pronouns, instead of it, for dogs. It makes a bit of sense, but only animal rights activists is a bit of an exaggeration
No. 524773
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Whenever I change the theme to girltalk and the screen turns pink I immediately smell strawberry milk.
No. 524882
>>524863Oh I love that feeling too but yesterday I pulled some junk out of my nose and it started bleeding a lot…
Also it feels so good when my nose finally stops bleeding and I blow out the blood clot. It feels like I pulled out a little bit of my brain lol
No. 525037
>Gets told that every single Pisces is over sensitive>Disagrees>"Then why are you being sensitive right now? Checkmate!"John Wayne Gacy was a Pisces.
No. 525042
>>525035A part of me believes them, the other part doesn't tbh. I know for a fact that entire "Aquarius is such a nerdy intelligent zodiac uwu anyone who's an aqua is known for being a bookworm uwu" thing is just straight up garbage because it's just nothing but a dumb stereotype along other zodiac stuff BUT they also say for an example that cancers are known for being really fucking sensitive and literally every cancer I've met in my life was nothing but so incredibly sensitive and would get easily offended.
I really don't know what side to take on this.
No. 525053
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Unexpected chuckle from the PJ/Holly thread. Could make a funny banner for the site.
>>524773I could smell it from this picture… now I want some strawberry milk though, and I have none.
No. 525083
>>525078>>525079one kek for you, one kek for you
a kek for everyone
No. 525117
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right side of my neck and shoulder blade and right arm are sore af I need to do some stretches in the morning
>>525078never liked eating these for some reason tbh, always felt too dry
No. 525291
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I'd pay to see this on Jerry springer
No. 525317
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I recently just reconnected with some of my old online friends and pp that i might have misunderstood and probably annoy them. I was so relieved because most of them told me it wasnt a very big deal and were glad that i would reach out and talk to them again after a while, so i felt like a weight had lifted off my shoulders and all this time i thought i did something wrong but it was just all in my head. Phewww…
No. 525336
>>512957My friend's birthday has recently passed and I took him to a metaphysical shop & told him to get anything he wanted as a bday present. He picked out a Demon tarot & Angel tarot set. We both love tarot so a couple of days ago I asked to borrow them just to look through them, he was in the middle of using the Angel set so he gave me the demon set to look over. I ended up taking it to my house and reading through a lot of it, but put them up on my bookshelf. That night after I had fallen asleep, I don't remember all of my dream but I do remember at the very end I saw a crouched/hunched figure in an alleyway. When I woke up it kinda spooked me but I just chalked it up to nerves and psyching myself out.
Except after that, the next night right before I fell asleep I heard something in my house come crashing down. Went to go look and it was this metal framed cross that is in the hall by the kitchen. I have no idea how it fell but again was like "meh maybe the A/C knocked it down" and put the demon tarot in my dresser because I thought I was spooking myself. Well, I stay about 3 nights a week at my grandparents because they can't be alone & hiring someone to stay overnight is way too expensive for us to afford. I go to stay 2 nights in a row and when I come back both my Mom and sister were asking if my bluetooth LED strip lights in my room were able to be controlled even when I'm as far as my grandparents. I told them no and asked why they were wondering. They go on to tell me that my strip lights would randomly come on and switch off through-out the night. I said 'no, I left them on and they overheat and turn off blah blah" but I honestly have no idea why they were doing that. At that point I decided I was going to take the tarot back to my friend because it was just too many coincidences for me. I had to keep them an extra day because he was outta town so I put them outside in the shed. That night I heard knocking on my walls in my room and tapping at my window (which faces the backyard). It freaked me the hell out & I took the demon tarot out of the shed and put it in my car.
Since I've given the cards back to my friend I haven't had any issues. No knocking/tapping, no falling crosses, no lights coming on/off on their own. It's so freaky, I really never expected anything sus to happen just having those cards, a friend of mine also into tarot told me I pissed off my tarot cards by bringing in the demon tarot or that their energies didn't mesh well but idk it was pretty weird.
No. 525391
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I just realized my pyjamas are Giorno Giovanna. They have a dream and a stendo
>>525380anon you legend
No. 525911
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Everyday I learn something new
No. 526012
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I love playing as samus in smash bros, she's so cool.
No. 526172
>>512957 who worked in a care home for disabled people went on a rampage killing 19 disabled people and injuring 26 (using only knives) to 'free the world of the pain disabled people cause'…. He's now sentenced to death which ironically fits in with his views of what should happen to mentally ill people.
To quote him
"disabled people only create unhappiness"
I feel bad for laughing but.. the absolute irony there
No. 526197
>>526178>>526182I met my last ex at such a vulnerable time that in hindsight he treated me like absolute shit and I couldn't even see it. I missed him terribly after the break up.. well not him but the version of him that I had fooled myself into seeing
Hard realising I grieved for a person that was never really there
No. 526282
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I think it should be scrot instead of scrote kind of like thot but insulting gross men. I made a shitty edit to demonstrate my point!
No. 526300
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Would this be a fair deal to both partners?
No. 526302
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This is my fav artbook
No. 526335
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My dog didn't wake up at her usual time barking, so I got up to wake her up for her morning walk and breakfast. She's usually a very light sleeper, but as she's gotten older she sometimes won't wake up very easily. I went to get her and lightly patted her, no response. Lightly shook her, no response. Tapped her face/tongue (she HATES her face being touched so this will usually jolt her awake if nothing else), nothing. I'm starting to freak out. Laid my hand over her diaphragm, and it took a few seconds before I felt her breathe in and out. Took a little longer for her to finally wake up but I almost fucking lost my mind this morning thinking the light of my life was suddenly gone.
It also got me thinking, I wonder who will greet her in doggy heaven when she wakes up? When she's jolted awake she's obviously a little scared and disoriented, but after a few seconds and realizing it's me that there, she goes back to sleep or will come up and snuggle because she knows she's safe. I hope in the future she'll find similar safety in whoever the caretakers are up in doggy heaven.
No. 526361
>>526335I feel for you anon. I lost my beloved cat in a gruesome accident, cried for days.
Your doggy is so beautiful, and so blessed to have you. Make the most of any time you have with her.
No. 526364
>>526361Anon I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope kitty heaven is treating your cat well.
I don't normally believe in the afterlife, but I desperately want it to exist for pets (or just animals in general). They are so wonderful and bring to much joy to our lives for the short time that they're here. Believing that there's a place out there for them after they've passed is the only thing that brings me peace when I think of when I'll have to say goodbye to my pup. No more aching joints, only belly rubs, play time, and all of their favorite foods!
No. 526369
File: 1584377969116.png (496.86 KB, 1366x735, 586584468.png)

>>526327nta but you can use instagram (as if you're on mobile) on your pc by just downloading the web browser called vivaldi and opening a mobile tab there (you just need to click on the little
+ sign which is left and insert the link). then you log into your insta and it might ask you for a confirmation code or something because it'll show you that someone from a "Samsung SM-G965F" logged in but it's just the mobile tab's application
No. 526391
>>526364Thank you anon that's very kind.
You know what, I definitely want to believe in animal heaven ! I'm sure there's tons of crockets, food, toys, plenty of napping time and cosy couches to claim as their own !
No. 526516
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I still can't believe they dedicated 2 episodes of the Dilbert show to Dilbert turning into a women because he got pregnant with an alien-cow-hillbilly-robot and him having to fight for custody of his kid against a wrestling lawyer
No. 526517
>>526514I can read really spicy fanfics without blinking an eye and in a heartbeat, but when it comes to fluff I constantly have to stop lol.
Enjoy whatever you're reading anon! I recently read an original work (that I sought out for my sick kink but turned out to not be as spicy as I originally hoped) and liked it so much it makes me want to take up writing lol. I want to make anons clutch their chest and turn away from the screen because they can't handle what's going on hahah!
No. 526520
>>526517I am envious! I can't relate to those memes about reading erotic stuff in a public bus or something with a straight face, I'm just too obvious haha
Thanks, btw! I'm actually reading some graphic doujinshi and I think this author is me from another dimension or something, she hits most of my preferences, so I have to stop at every other page lol
I hope you can become a fairly successful ero writer someday and I stumble upon your work!
No. 526570
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No. 526727
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The movie seems nice, but I don't want to sit through his bean head for an hour and a half. I'm also sure once it comes out a bunch of insta artist will copy the great beforss filter
No. 526827
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The longer I stare at this pin, the more I think that there's something so endearingly cute about it that makes me want to buy it… it's only $5 too
No. 526889
>>526727honestly Disney movies have been nothing but shit lately. Soul is just gonna be regurgitated Inside Out and will probably be boring as fuck with their predictable attempts at comedy.
Soul would be so much better if they just cut out the Inside Out rip off sections entirely and just made it a feel good movie about an artist's journey. But of course that won't get them any money if they don't have bright colors and characters they can make toys out of.
No. 526897
>>526889They made another black guy into this non human thing again lol
I miss old Pixar and old Disney
No. 526927
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>>526890Just trying to be extra careful with my finances in the midst of everything happening right now!
>>526898> if it makes you smile you're exactly who should have it. You’re absolutely right anon! As soon as I can, I will! They also have a Tangy one and I want to get him too…
I originally came to post these and shit on them because they are, well… not exactly good. But there’s really that sort of unpolished charm, like baby’s first craft, and they also sort of remind me of those purposely poorly drawn memes. Or maybe I’m just talking out of my ass and have terrible taste lol.
No. 526939
>>526727I was so into the concept of that movie until the moment with that tiny ghost thing. It’s like trying to shoehorn some inside out shit.
I saw Onward and found it enjoyable, though. Maybe not super amazing, but it was really fun IMO
No. 526941
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Bitches on douyin be like
No. 526951
>>526942Apparently. It's interesting how on a typical dating app women are the rare ones who can be picky, yet on these kinds of apps, it's the men who pick and choose. I can't compete with these girls who actually are willing to meet in person.
>>526944I thought there'd be some desperate ones out there looking to pay for female friendship. I am mistaken.
No. 527013
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>>525053here's my contribution to unexpected chuckle anons. sometimes this place cracks me up
No. 527037
File: 1584506472104.gif (4.48 MB, 320x320, giphy (2).gif)

I can't stop watching these videos of Azealia Banks cleaning her couch while blasting Scheisse and Ninja Bang Bang and dancing like an idiot. She's so cute, no homo
No. 527256
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so, question: do they mean 30 birthdays from when he asks her, or is the older, wrinkled woman turning 30? i love how he's absent of wrinkles either way, like they won't age.
No. 527291
File: 1584532923128.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2534x2534, 7755A3E6-5850-4788-87D6-E0B6AE…)

>>527013>>527043>>527198I woke up to read this and had my heart tickled pink! He never stopped shitting himself at the tamahospital but was a well-respected member of staff regardless. This is his seventh generation!
I have dozens of screenshots of posts on here that have made me laugh too, I'll put them together similarly.
No. 527298
>>527256They mean turning 30. I worked in an alcohol section before and had guys constantly mistake me for being under 18 when I was 31.
People vary in how well they age. Guys just assume they can accurately guess your age from a mile away
No. 527311
>>527298that is the most gratuitous, wanton, out of nowhere humblebrag I've ever read on lolcow.
the thread you're looking for is >>/g/69322 if you feel like blogposting.
No. 527347
>>527341This. Any time I talk about how shit it is to be 30 and treated like a teen girl by men I'm met by similarly bitter women to that anon "ooh stop bragging" I'm fucking not. I want to be treated my age and not talked down to.
That's the point we're all making here.
No. 527365
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Getting called cute pet names, even in a platonic way, makes me so happy lol. One of my best friends works for the city's transportation system so he's got no choice but to work through the current mess so I texted him to be safe and said that I loved him and he said "love you too baby cakes, stay safe at home with your new game" and I just want to cry, he's like an older brother to me.
No. 527366
>>527338They absolutely did. Met a man last weekend, looks mid 30s, I'm a few months off 30. He was sweet talking me all night and then was like 'feels weird asking a 22 year old for their number" "haha 22, you think so? I'm nearly 30 lol.." Conversation immediately turns to how 7 people just today mistook this man for a teenager and he gets told he looks young all the time, guess my age, guess it!!! "uh 36?".. "28!"
Bitch was younger than me. Men barely wash their faces, why the fuck do they think they look so good?
No. 527404
>>527377 > They fetishize the idea of ageYeah looking 16 for over ten years really opens your eyes to this sad reality. It attracts the worst kind of male attention! and any woman on here thinking that's a humblebrag needs to examine why they'd even jump to that conclusion
Short women get similarly creepy admirers too or the constant comments pointing out their disadvantage in a fight etc..
No. 527432
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No. 527927
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The answer to all of these is 'yes you psychopath'. Jesus the people on this article have problems.
No. 527934
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>>527927Like Jesus Christ. What the literal fuck happened to these people. The only normal one is the middle and I'm scared they're going to recommend murder to solve the problem
No. 528019
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I keep thinking of a stupid mistake I made at work and feel bad. Can any anons share times they’ve screwed up at work? I need to feel less ALONE
No. 528164
>>528159>InuyashaFUUUCKKK anon this was the anime that made me a huge weeb lol. I want to rewatch it so bad but my ex gf is a huge fan of it and at the time I was so happy to have found someone else who likes it (all my friends make fun of me for liking it lol) but now it just reminds me of her and I can't bring myself to watch it…
Anyway, hell yeah!! Do what makes you happy! As long as you aren't hurting others, who cares! Indulge yourself!
No. 528167
>>528019came late to a meeting and my boss was already inside with 50+ other coworkers, talking about the topic
he made me wait outside the door until he was finished and it was very humiliating and embarrassing
No. 528236
File: 1584631891851.jpg (47.82 KB, 960x540, 960x0.jpg)

This is such a dumb first world problem but I was really hoping to go into the store to buy my copy of the new Animal Crossing game. Ideally, from the Nintendo store since I work a few blocks from it. I just like the experience of going out and shopping, especially for things I consider special like this game. The Nintendo store is closed now, even if it wasn't, I would've been too hesitant to risk being in a large crowd to get the game. I prefer getting a physical copy as opposed to buying it off the eshop/waiting for it to ship to my house, so I can always go to my local Target, but again, very worried about being around large groups of people. I used to walk around my local Target as soon as it opened (since I wake up early and like taking morning walks) and it's pretty empty in the mornings, but with everyone panic buying, I'm worried it'll be more crowded than usual with other people hoping to beat the rush.
Guess I'll just wait until things calm down lol. Thankfully I'm not too pressed about playing immediately and I usually get my games months/years after all of my friends have anyway, so this is nothing new. I've been waiting for this game for so long now, waiting a bit longer doesn't really bother me.
No. 528394
>>528378go dilate
>>528249you are my idol now
No. 528501
File: 1584663904628.jpg (86.05 KB, 1000x1000, external-content.duckduckgo-9.…)

>>528019one time I worked at a convenience store and knocked over multiple crates (pic related, not cartons) of eggs. It must have been like 40ish cartons worth. The mess was EVERYWHERE. I was able to clean up most of it by myself and my manager was actually really kind about it and knew it was an accident but man…..that happened at my first job when I was fairly young and I hope never to top that level of embarrassment professionally.
No. 528516
>>528019my fave is the time I smashed an entire pallet of sardines in oil all over the shop floor.
don't beat yourself up anon, we all fuck up.
No. 528654
>>528635Exactly. If you try asking a tranny what the word “woman” means, or what it means to “feel like a woman,” they will always give a sexist answer.
>>528378 you’re so embarrassing lol
No. 528737
>>528656If you ate a lot of them it's probably the fiber. One time I ate too much celery and it felt like shards of glass throughout my system.
I prefer dried dates myself.
No. 528775
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I started using a nail hardener and I swear by it, and I just got it at the dollar store for $1.25 a few weeks ago and I'm so pleasantly surprised! My New Years goal was to stop biting my nails and so far, so good. I started biting them just after I was adopted and got to that autistic point of having recurrent infections. For twenty years, I chewed my nails so badly it looked like pic related without exaggerating. Looking for a photo like this now made me wince but sometimes I'd even go at them with miniature scissors or file the skin off. Horrific. Now my nails are thick and strong enough to do finger picking on a guitar!
No. 528854
>>528809pls no bully for being cheesy but love feels like a metaphorical security blanket to me. It's heavy, but it's warm, and you feel safe.
Also I love cuddling, even if it can get unbearably hot sometimes lol. Cuddling just feels like the longest hug ever. It's really nice to feel the weight of that other person's arm over you, or to gently intertwine your fingers together while you fall asleep. I love cuddling with girls, because if I turn over, I can have soft boobs in my face and it's great. Also great to feel someone gently stroke my hair and then feel them slow down and stop, knowing they just fell asleep on you.
No. 528867
>>528854I love my boyfriend but the picture you just painted here definitely makes me wish I could go find a girl cuddly soft girl to date, thanks for ruining my relationship kek
My boyfriend tries to stay awake after sex but his body just automatically shuts down afterwards, his eyes can roll backwards when he's mid sentence and he will start snoring halfway through a word
No. 529588
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Hey ashera garden was put on a 'random imageboard you can visit' list
>>529201How so?
No. 529683
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Who cares about glasses enough to make this?
No. 529723
File: 1584827845292.jpg (71.22 KB, 650x650, b5eA75gpPl.jpg)

>>514314I fucking love you for introducing me to this site
No. 529726
File: 1584828410594.jpg (150.81 KB, 650x650, xyJnvOMzJn.jpg)

>>529723>>514314I love that site, haven't been on it in a long time.
This one's pretty relatable for anyone with an ED.
No. 529737
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>>514314Thank you, anon. I really needed this. Sage for wisdom.
No. 530082
File: 1584879676663.png (326.03 KB, 680x263, c0e.png)

gregs been through so many sagas but im totally looking forward to this 3d porn phase. hes such a tool
No. 530106
>>529689Hard cope.
Nobody is shitting pants besides you. Imagine hating on a group of women because they enjoy a thing you don't.
Stay salty that AC is making people happy ATM
No. 530679
File: 1584949649461.jpg (45.51 KB, 600x600, 040030409789-1p.jpg)

I wish I could read (and buy) all of konpane/omomukihighjump and ondo/nurunuru doujinshis. They are my favorite and I wish I could support them, but the job application that I was gonna do will likely be posted poned or sacked because of the covid19.
Pick related, it's konpane's. I love her art and her comics are usually pretty funny. Also Jotaro is hot af and best husbando
No. 530686
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Have any anons had dreams about the cows on here? I had a dream where I went to pnp’s house. She had this little machine where she illegally scanned+copied dollar bills. I barely remember anything else except that it didn’t make any sense lol.
No. 530791
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I can't stop laughing at this stupid fucking image
No. 531123
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anachans be like
No. 531888
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2012 was the last decent year. The world really did end in 2012.
No. 531927
>>531888I had a husband and two living parents in 2012, lost them all within a couple years of that and have since dated a guy who beat me and left me hating men and unable to trust anyone
I didn't know how good I had it
No. 531951
>>531945Same. I wanted to befriend fellow farmers in that /g/ thread but I feel like I'm too boring, maybe it's time to develop a hobby.
I wish you luck, anon.
No. 532071
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>>531995meh, its oldfags who know when to post, twitterfags who want to ree slurs and shitposters who havent even been funny to make it worth it.
id prefer it slow over complete trash
No. 532204
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Can't believe ctrl alt delete is still going
No. 532280
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I finally got the guts to text my ex best friend and tell her how she made me feel, I even apologized. She didn’t apologize nor aknowledged how she behaved but I don’t really care. I just feel so much better, now.
Pic not related, I just think it’s extremely cute
No. 532760
File: 1585318358387.jpeg (55.65 KB, 750x501, A174A188-044E-4DC3-A6D3-73C593…)

Just ate a whole bag of chips and didn’t notice a hole on the bottom that I think a mouse made.I’m ready to die.
No. 532945
File: 1585347938537.jpg (Spoiler Image,859.2 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20200327-212547.jpg)

This tickled me
No. 532947
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Medieval fanny badge
No. 533049
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vorts are so adorable, thank you valve
No. 533130
File: 1585375126971.jpeg (69.25 KB, 720x960, preview_0cc86544.jpeg)

My right arm fucking hurts from drawing so much on this shitty phone of mine with my damn bone thin finger.
Drawing helps me cope with this whole virus disaster