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No. 572503
>>572464Eh, if they want to waste their vacations on that, it's their choice.
I am, however, super judgmental of annual passholders who think the world revolves around them. They're currently freaking out about not being able to go to Disneyland whenever they want because they're requiring reservations to keep capacity low.
They keep whining about how they "paid for access" when most of them are on monthly payments, and there's still a month until it opens so Disney could announce a deferral of the pass or something.
But god forbid they can't go and get their aesthetic instagram pics holding themed food! It's not like there's a pandemic or anything!
No. 572637
>>572464agreed and i can't believe this has to be an unpopular opinion.
liking cartoons, dolls, vidya etc is fine even as an adult, but spending thousands on theme parks and merch for yourself is beyond embarrassing. that also goes for harry potter, though these are even more cringe because they are pretentious on top of all of that.
No. 572663
>>572661I went to disneyland for the first time recently after being slowly tortured my whole life seeing all my classmates go and rave about it - I thought I was dead inside for feeling nothing. It was really cute, the boat rides and all, but like.. why would you ever go more than once. Also, universal studios? TRASH. Only good thing was the hollywood tour.
Are Orlando studios and Disney world any better?
No. 572672
>>572464I've been to Disneyworld twice in my life and I remember the second time I got bored real quick because nothing changed from the last time lol. Even the first time we went, we went through all the rides we wanted to go on at least once or twice. I went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride like 6 times in a row. That's how empty it is lol. I remember the more exciting part was the food.
would like to visit Disneyland at some point, but I'm prepared knowing it'll be small and not much to do.
Overall, amusement parks are boring. My dad is a rollercoaster freak and would take us to Six Flags almost every other week in my teens. We even visited some out of state Six Flags and even then, they had a ton of similarities between each other. A lot of coasters were the same, just colored different and given a different name. I wish I had memories of going to national parks as a child.
No. 572767
>>572663>>572672If you're a Disney fan it's fun, and the theming is really well done.
It's also a lot different if you go with a kid. After taking my godson, I don't think it will ever be the same. Seeing the wonder they have and believing everything is actually real and they're meeting the actual characters from the movies is pretty magical.
No. 572788
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>>572464I'd rather have an almost guaranteed to be fun and enjoyable vacation experience, in a completely engineered and artificial environment like Disney than see the overrated cultural sites across the fucked up actual world.
No. 572814
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>>572464Same here, but I'm self-aware enough to acknowledge that it's party cause I'm super jelly. People who bring their stroller babies can go fuck off though
No. 572859
>>572855i thankfully don't know any idiots like this but this bitch i was friends with at some point tends to post her bumble finds and "crushes" (only if they're not white though, cuz she has to announce her wokeness) and i feel like the day she finds a boyfriend she will screenshot their convos and post crying selfies in her closed friends story lmao.
why does /everything/ have to be a spectacle with people like that?
No. 572872
>>572587I'm not against sex scenes in video games (the one in GTA V when Trevor is introduced is funny because it really hammers home on how trashy Trevor is) but what was the point of that specifically? Did it contributed to the plot in anyway? Maybe I should hold my judgement because I have yet to play the game but it seems like they just did to stir up controversy. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Also they make out for like 15 seconds and he then penetrates her. That seems really unrealistic and unappealing in general.
No. 572898
>>572880>logical leapso you agree with anon kek
How are you going to make jokes about word of the day calendars and culture when your ass is literally riding a corporate amusement park's dick like your life depends on it and trying to pass it off as smart investing? Just say you're a bigot and have no taste.
No. 572911
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>>572903>>572906So true, these quarantine bitches are so salty
No. 572919
>>572900Sorry anon I don't really understand, do you mean it makes them vulnerable to more dysfunctional relationships, because
abusive men see that they will put up with it, or do you mean like they're getting targeted by stuff like loan sharks and pyramid scams?
No. 572928
>>572918Haha you have no idea how things work. Bio bachelor degrees are really not that marketable. You can be a lab tech for near minimum wage without more education and that's about it. And good luck going to grad school if you're not passionate about biology and you didn't get good grades because you don't have an aptitude for the subject.
You can succeed with any major. Networking and spending time applying to shit outside of classes is way more important.
No. 572933
>>572929Exactly, people who know people are pushovers often take advantage of them. That's why women like shoe0nhead get targeted for manipulation from all types of manipulation. It's not just her boyfriend but a lot of people around her manipulate her because skeptic displayed to everyone how much of an easy target she is for manipulation
It's a man's job to protect the woman he is in a relationship with, if he can't even do something as simple as basic relationship respect in order to protect her he isn't a worthy partner
No. 573039
>>572937 they mean that manipulators/abusers/whathaveyou can detect weak minded women, especially if they’re being disrespected in front of other people.
if a woman sees her husband flirt with a woman and says nothing, a man with bad intentions
will notice it and use it to his advantage.
No. 573045
My unpopular opinion is that being a weaboo/koreaboo/any equivalent isn't necessarily a good or a bad thing. If I meet someone who's a huge nerd for Japanese pop culture and they're not being retarded when they're adults or disrespectful then they're ok. I don't get when Americans of all people shit on weebs when the entire planet is expected to be a population of americaboos.
>>572464I don't know about Disneyworld or any of the parks except Disneyland Paris, and I agree with you, you don't really need to go there on a regular basis unless you live close enough to a park to get an annual pass and use it enough for it to pay off.
>while I wouldn't mind going again, especially if I had kids>especially if I had kidsDepends on how old the kids are going to be if you ever plan to bring your future kids there. I went there as a small kid, then as a teenager with my family and then way later as a young adult with friends and I found it so much better to go with friends it's just not even comparable. I feel like kids can only really appreciate it once they're like more or less 10 years old. I don't get anyone who brings their babies and toddlers to this kind of places.
No. 573057
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>>573028Just hold out and keep ignoring them/shitting on their taste, hopefully the lack of validation + hell week will be enough to purge them
It IS really annoying though… They're shitting up my favorite threads nonstop…
No. 573060
>>573045> I don't get when Americans of all people shit on weebs when the entire planet is expected to be a population of americaboos.Burger here who likes to make fun of cringy weebs. I do think it’s stupid that America has dominated the rest of the world regarding pop culture and I wish it wasn’t like that. I do generally agree with what you’re saying though. I just think people who romanticize a culture to a ridiculous extent (like weebs and Kpop tards) deserve to be mocked regardless of where the come from.
Speaking of which, do you guys remember those Britboos (idk if that’s the right word) on Tumblr in 2012 when BBC Sherlock was airing? I got so much second hand embarrassment from them.
No. 573085
Water is gross when you drink it with a full meal. It's fine with small snacks but for stuff like lunch or dinner it tastes so off putting and I need something else to go with my food
>>573060 Lol I remember, that was when everyone was obsessed with One Direction, Doctor Who, British dramas and actors like Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston etc and always went on about how cool British accents are and how they'd love to live in London and ride double decker buses and drink tea all day. It lasted until like 2015. Funny how it seems completely forgotten about nowadays
No. 573109
>>573100Wtf? Juice is sugary and acidic, ruins meals.
>>573091>>573087The right answer is soup, drink a light soup with your meals.
No. 573150
>>573141Fellow non-drinker here, I hate the flak we get for not drinking wine, esp. at weddings or the like. My mother in law made the biggest fuss out of me not drinking the wine at my brother in laws wedding. She made me drink sparkling water that was wine coloured.
I wish there wasn't such a ~~culture~~ around drinking.
No. 573152
>>573085I love water so much, to me it's unironically the most delicious thing on earth, I drink on average 5 litres per day (if not more), before meals, during meals, after meals, it doesn't matter, even while I eat ice cream or soup, I always need it.
Any drink with flavor is disgusting and also unneccessary, you need water to survive, if you want taste, that's what food is for.
This is such a modern/first world problem, I know so many adults who are borderline throwing tantrums because "I just don't like water, it tastes sooo baaad!" and insist on either having something else, or on adding something to water, or they somehow convince themselves that they can only drink a couple sips per day ("I get sick otherwise!")…? Most children are more reasonable than that.
If it tastes bad when you have either a foul mouth which infuences the water's flavor or there's something wrong with your water pipes/tap. I don't understand how so many people can be so opposed to something so simple and essential.
No. 573156
>>573152>there's something wrong with your water pipes/tapYou underestimate how common this actually is though and it's completely
valid. When I lived in my hometown we had water taken from a major body of water and so the reservoir water tasted crisp and clean. But when I'd visit my father in the country, where he had well water and it smelled like rotten eggs, was super hard, and had an off color. So unappetizing. I moved to a city and the water here is frequently overchlorinated and doesn't taste clean, and we basically know it's not that squeaky clean either so it's pretty weird to want tap water to drink. Lots of people buy bottled or buy filters or add in flavorings.
No. 573177
>>573172Admin basically said she isn't gonna really enforce banning them anymore unless they're outright posting in cow threads going something like "MALE HERE OMG SNOWFLAKE'S TITS SO HOT POST OF, GIVE ME FREE PORN!"
And you can't accuse scroteposters anymore w/o being banned for "hi scrote."
So yeah, we're fucked.
No. 573185
>>573158Lol I definitely do, anon. Just because you only drink 1.5 doesn't mean that I can't drink more. I have a one litre bottle which I refill at least 5 times every day.
You probably heard horror stories of people dropping dead after drinking a lot but that can only happen if you'd attempt to down like 10 litres in one sitting (e.g. during stupid competitions). Spread out through the day, as an adult, 5 litres or more is no problem at all.
No. 573215
>>573182Knew this was gonna happen
I want based PP admin back
No. 573216
Didn't she post her arm or something?
No. 573233
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>>573226Don’t lie they love this shit
No. 573253
>>573247not anymore tbh with the surge of pick-mes and 'hi scrote'
trigger happy bans(while doing shit all about the rest of the site), in 6 months we'll be telling them how brave and stunning they all are
>>573252c.c is unironically more based now, femcels there are still allowed to tell scrotes and trannies to neck themselves
No. 573266
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>>573262i am the monky man!
are you the monky man?
i am!
No. 573272
>>573267it's true, i also notice anons 'hi scrote'ing anyway in cavalier fashion
so i bet they just ban evade later, hard to care about rules when they feel rules no longer protect the userbase
No. 573276
>>573045I don't think there's anything wrong with being a koreaboo besides the fact that it's cringy.
Weebs however deserve to be purged.
No. 573285
>>573045>>573276I find the term "boo" pretty useless as well. Nobody calls me an baguette for reasing Franco Belgian BDs but god forbid you tell people about manga.
>>573273>>573267It's more varied than that I think. I honestly don't care about replies on 4chan, reddit or facebook anymore. I have to change the platform all the time since the attention I get don't give the zap you know. I bait people because it's an addiction and I feed it by changing sites and finding different people.
I mean posters and etiquette is pretty different on 4chan, reddit and lolcow even if they're both imageboards.
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>>573303same anon, I'd probably lose some of my gross skinnyfat flab if I didn't like carbs so much but I wouldn't want to give them up for the world
No. 573305
>>573285>the attention I get This is why I can't relate to baitposters and attention seekers. I just don't see how text on a screen is true "attention." It doesn't feel that way, it doesn't even feel particular towards me because I'm anonymous and no one knows who the fuck anyone else is.
Sometimes I don't even respond to my replies if I don't want to because I tend to get very little out of the interaction.
No. 573307
>>573306>Bilogical depressionBut that's what depression is. Your brain chemicals are out of whack.
>>573305I think the difference between addicts like me and you are that I get a dopamine high kick of it. It doesn't last and I'v gradually build up tolerance but it's there. I don't really care about the nuances either, I just get a zap in my brains and a tingly feeling that feels good
No. 573308
>>573306But that would be bad for capitalism anon. What would our lords do if the exploited work force started offing themselves and they had to spend le millions to get replacements?
Think about the economy anon.
No. 573315
>>573312But we can fix it with drugs much as we can fix cancer. I think euthanasia should be an option for both but not a first, second or third line treatment
>>573308You wish people with depression were productive.
No. 573323
>>573316I don't want to sound smug but I personally responded to the first one though it still is a struggle. It's just that modern medicine in general doesn't work for everyone.
>>573318Current meds alone can't but many help even if they don't work for everyone.
No. 573324
>>573317Put some (culinary) sage along the butter. It will take it to another level.
>>573319Why don't you take a seat, it's almost done.
No. 573379
>>573177I never once said that.
>>573182Still pressed over your "hi scrote" ban?
No. 573425
>>573418There's incel imageboards out there?
I think I'm about to throw up.
No. 573434
>>573418>unless they're pedos, perverts or misogynisticas if that isn't every man
>most of the problems involve men in some way or another so it should be nice if they had a take on thati don't want to read male takes, i can read male takes literally anywhere else on the internet
also women venting about shitty men isn't an invitation for men to give their useless takes
>Do you wanna see porn and naked women? Cuz that's all there is in male oriented websites.yeah so let's just invite that content/mentality here? makes sense
No. 573453
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I think crocodiles are really cute. They're just huge lizards lying there flat on their big bellies in the sun all day, with this funny sly smile on their face and these funny beady eyes. They're weirdly adorable
No. 573457
>>573453I think they're horrifying, they look like what I imagine dinosaurs were like. They're huge and fast and dangerous af.
I did kiss a baby croc at a zoo when I was young though, they're cute when they're small.
No. 573597
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Considering it seems like he actually makes his music on his own for the most part and not with an entire team, I think the little shit in pic related is actually talented. His music is nothing revolutionary but I feel like people hate on him because his fan base consists of a bunch of horny teenagers and girls with yellow fever and not really because of his music. I'm not talking about his voice being talented but more so his song writing and production.
No. 573609
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I hate summer, I miss winter. Winter clothes are so much more comfy and look better on everyone.
No. 573722
>>573710I don't think that's ever going to happen. I keep seeing a surge in posts that totally stink of scrote posting. Some are obvious and some are less so. Like that thread in /g/ with anon and her bf's boss. I seriously can't believe that anons are actually falling for it.
There was a case in my country I just wished to discuss regarding a rape but putting it in any of the existing threads doesn't seem right. Oh, well. It was nice while it lasted.
No. 573762
>>573756Stop lying. All they talked about were their
abusive fathers, brothers, exes and posting crime stats. You make it sound like they were nitpicking poor mens heights and pectorals. There weren’t infighting unless someone pick-me drops in just to say exactly what you’re saying now.
No. 573824
>>573762>>573797You can't deny the 'all men are shit and we must hate them' mentality the thread promoted, like some kind of reverse MGTOW. IMO it was pretty damaging too see some of the shit that was posted there, such as rapists and murderers being put on the same boat as your dad, your brothers or male friends. It was extreme and not just some anons venting, you know that. If you don't, go check the last few threads before they were banned.
>>573799Thank you anon, that's what exactly what I meant. Didn't expect anyone to understand.
No. 573843
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>>573824Holding men accountable for their actions =/= why can't I beat women??? Their poo poo stink :(
No. 573887
>>5738791. It was funny
2. Most of pinkpill is just holding men accountable for their actions. Men get away with a lot for too long. The fact that a mild thread gets so much controversy because it doesn't pat men on their head and baby them says a lot especially since so much misogynistic shit goes around Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc unnoticed.
No. 574040
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>>573898Ironic because I feel like hating men made me love myself way more than I initially did.
No. 574045
>>574040I love you anon for posting this pic.
Anyway, I find myself hating on men an awful lot. It's not because men have done me wrong in the past. The way I see it is, there's only a few good men per thousand, so it's just too easy to hate on scrotes. I've always felt highly uncomfortable and agitated around them. I find them so revolting I actually hold my breath and distance myself in disgust as I pass by the uggos to save myself from breathing in their putrid air.
>>573898Also, bitch I fucking love myself. And I can't stop hating on scrotes. It brings me too much enjoyment.
No. 574053
>>574040>>574045Same. It took a lot of resistance to make me face the cold hard truth that a lot of my preoccupations were an attempt curate a specific image of myself in their eyes no matter how much I tried to deny it (beauty, interests, tastes, sexuality, etc). My pickmeism was a defense mechanism to avoid making men angry ie they won’t hurt me if I’m perfectly likable and agreeable and
cool. Tfw I achieved Stacydom and still filled with dread.
Pinkpilling allowed me to be my most authentic self. Esteem +100
>>573918I can’t believe we had gotten to the point of this being controversial. Pointing out harmful, often self-harm, behavior is met with “don’t slut shame reeee”
No. 574061
>>573182What separates us from 4chan then if male posters come back? This is bullshit.
>>573233This is why we shouldnt respond. Just report them and move on. Ignoring male posters pisses them off more.
>>573253>not anymore tbh with the surge of pick-mes and 'hi scrote' trigger happy bans(while doing shit all about the rest of the site), in 6 months we'll be telling them how brave and stunning they all areI'm worried lolcow as our last majority women safe haven is gonna get taken over by men.
No. 574077
>>574062Yeah, it sucks since cosplay is such a a fun hobby but sometimes it’s hard not to feel on edge with all the sexual shit and drama that gets attached to it. Tik tok certainly does not help.
>>574071Good ol Nigri. She basically opened the door to costhots. Her and Yaya. Speaking of which are they still cosplaying? I kinda forgot about both of them in the last couple of years.
No. 574083
>>574063>this has been the case for a long timelol no it hasn't. though the percentage is up since a bunch of women left, which explains the nose dive in post quality
>gay males so essentially womenonly a scrote says this
>even 4chan is accepting of trannies these daysNo it isn't, even if it was, nigga sooo? is 4chan a marker for politically correct behavior?
No. 574279
>>574269Tried that, but thanks.
I have an office job, I stay late or work through lunch whenever I'm late.
No. 574294
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>>574269There truly are two types of people in this world: those who care an abnormally large amount about being on time, and those who aren't obsessive compulsive psychopaths.
Like holy shit, I'd understand being irritated if a person is consistently like, 30 minutes to an hour late, but 5 minutes? Calm the fuck down.
No. 574326
>>574323Organisational and timekeeping issues.
It's one thing to say "I need to leave the house at 2" but the reality is that something distracted you so you forgot to put the oven off but now you have to find your keys and actually it takes longer to get there than you expected even though you swore you would be on time for once. Maybe you also don't have a great grasp of time itself, or have something specific that frequently delays you like a psychical impairment, children or OCD
Some people are actually just self-centred and lazy of course
No. 574337
>>574329>have organisational and timekeeping issues>anon told me to just figure my shit outthanks anon I'm cured I'll never be late again!
You asked and you don't get it and these kinds of people will never get you but that's fine, just don't be friends with people with these issues and it will be a blessing to both them and you.
No. 574343
>>574337Imagine being late all the time and also playing
victim about it. I used to be late everywhere I went, and then I slowly but surely "figured my shit out" as I should as a functioning adult.
No. 574353
>>574341I never said to not expect people to try, sorry to blog but I actually do all of these things and I have definitely improved over the years but I'm still usually 5-10 mins late to everything, or as many as 30 minutes or even an hour in the most extreme cases. I always update my friends about how late I'm running, I apologize sincerely because I understand how annoying it is and I hate myself for it but it is what it is. You can force yourself through hundreds of self-help books and timekeeping apps but if you still suck then at some point you have to stop lying to yourself and everyone else that tomorrow you will magically be on time, instead be honest and upfront about it and just hope that you can find friends that can accept it and find a way to fit your lifestyle to accommodate it. There is no universal cure for being a chronically late bitch
>>574343I'm not playing a
victim but congratulations on figuring your shit out anon hopefully it'll be my time soon
No. 574600
>>574560i'm sure plenty of people have cheated on their cheating partner for revenge, so no.
> it just happensnonnie, your clothes don't just fly off. hiding texts from your partner doesn't materialize out of thin air.
No. 574629
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>>574560>it just happensbruh that cope tho. Who hurt you?
No. 574845
>>574261No anon, you misunderstand me. Idgaf what Warren Ellis did. I just want him to keep writing for the show. I can separate the art from the artist but it seems like nowadays nobody can.
Cancel culture is going too far. At this rate, we'll soon have no entertainment left. Everyone has done shitty things ffs. Like, Doja Cat got canceled for… what? Going on 4chan? And now all these male celebs are being accused of rape. People give social media too much power.
No. 574849
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>>574560Anon you bring this up like twice a thread. Just accept you have a fetish and shut the fuck up.
No. 574858
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These images piss me off so much. I find them the most offensive due to turning her death into a punchline.
No. 574859
>>574858It's like the "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself" memes. Funny how the intent was to keep that in public memory, but now, nobody seems to care about that and no one's questioning the authorities anymore.
Anyway, if someone made memes like that about George Floyd's death, they'd probably get reamed for it. I have to wonder why.
No. 574869
CDs > Vinyls. With CDs you can play them in multiple places, like in the car, and you can carry a CD player around anywhere, they're much less expensive, easier to handle and put together, they're a nice size, and they're fun to collect. The only upside to vinyl is having the album cover be bigger, but that's not even important. People way over exaggerate the "sound quality" and how it somehow makes you sit down and really listen to the album, like uhhh you can do the same with a CD, cassette, even streaming, so it's nothing special at all.
No. 575023
>>575018I agree tbh. This just reminded me of a 16 year old I saw on Snapchat again today who was selling her nudes and kept telling people to message her because her "services" are on sale like lol where the fuck are your parents
I also saw her house from her random videos before and she's indeed very rich and her parents spoil her a lot so I have no fucking idea why anyone would even do that, especially when you're as young as 16
No. 575050
Penguinz0/Cr1TiKaL was better as a disembodied voice. I'm not sure if it's female thirst going to his head, or a then newfound will to maintain the YT status quo, but personally I think his content has suffered for it.
I'm prepared for the "small king" anons from the conventionally attractive males thread to come and take me to jail now.
>>575018>>575023Agree. SWs should perform their somewhat valuable services to society in the dark, without nearly being exalted for them, at the cost of their own lives and not other young/idealistic women's. Almost like we had it worked out before. Side note but China and Japan openly bully their small population of fat people, which potentially keeps the rest of the population in line… kek, maybe you're onto something anons?
No. 575068
Selling nudes and/or being a camgirl isn't cool or empowering, and a lot of women need to stop lying to themselves about it.
You already know you're fucked if one of your "fans" decides he wants to feel big and important, doxes you and makes sure your whole family, your school, your potential employer(s), any social circle you might enter, etc knows about your past. No amount of likes on Twitter, or pastel drawings of unicorns or anime characters holding placards reading "respect sex workers" will save you.
You also already know you're not going to be making millions off of it and living like a queen for the rest of your life. It's a fucking lie. Your funds will inevitably dry up, and you're going to have to settle for an ordinary wageslave job, except then you'll also have to worry about the aforementioned situation. That just leaves actual prostitution and becoming a porn star, which is on a whole other level of dangerous and seedy.
All of it is such a shitty deal, and it fucks with me how the internet wants to brainwash us into thinking it's progressive.
No. 575070
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>>575018Please have some sympathy. This teen self-producing child pornography has been led to believe catering to pedophilic men is acceptable. Pic related is tumblr post about onlyfans (hopefully it's readable).
No. 575079
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>>575066>>575050He has such girly eyes. No comment on him or his content, but I just noticed that.
No. 575092
>>575068YESSSS fuck I've never agreed more. I hate seeing people on Twitter of all places say that sex work is empowering.
Yes Linda, bending to the will of horny coomer men really IS empowering, like whaT??
No. 575097
>>573233I'm a woman but after the bait remark that male poster speaks the truth. That thread is riddled with attention starved anons using satire to seem mildly approachable/less demented. Imo that and our meet the famers thread is our slightly less embarrassing equivalent of the boast thread on PULL.
>>575070I doubt anyone disagrees or lacks sympathy. My take is it's more anons fantasising about a society that has negative repercussions for this behaviour thus preventing the normalisation and grooming that affects young girls such as this.
No. 575121
>>575070after reading this i still have zero empathy for people who pull this kind of shit because i don't give a single fuck about the feelings of some privileged little e-thot doing this for shits and giggles in her own comfy corner while there are actual trafficking
victims and women who are
forced to sell themselves to make a living
No. 575135
>>575132kek this post was circulating around
ratfem tumblr
No. 575158
>>575141Omg anon I was thinking the same!
Kpop fags are really something
No. 575314
>>575254jenna has been putting in zero effort in youtube for about 2 years and i think she's been looking for an excuse to stop having to pump a video out every wednesday for a while tbh
this way she gets glory for quitting
No. 575325
>>575324Waiting for anons in
abusive relationships to tell you about muh traumatic past
No. 575326
>>575311The generations of the last 30 years have become more and more afraid of maturing and obsessed with childish things.
Zoomer humor is extremely infantile.
It’s also uBeR rAnDom and non-sensicle because they’re afraid of offending anyone with real jokes that might turn out to be too non-pc or turn out to be someone’s random ass “
No. 575342
>>575324Women ignore the red flags in relationships usually due to a super combo of loneliness and low self esteem. Not because they WANT to be in an
abusive relationship and for thrillz~.
I do kinda agree with the second part tho, Only because it goes along with the whole “pretty people get away with everything” thing. Goes for both men and women.
No. 575351
>>575336agreed, I also think it's interesting how the peoples opinion on ''cancelling'' creators seems to have greatly shifted with this. Now it's all about "but she has grown and learned", I just see that as "but I actually like this creator so it doesn't count!".
A lot of them didn't care about growth/learning before this and ''cancelled'' people for one bad tweet and other minor things. I feel like this is a pivotal cancellation and might change how people view and do 'cancelling' in the future.
No. 575369
>>575018I agree. I honestly think that people are increasingly lacking in morals. Within just a couple years the public sentiment somehow turned from "Having to sell your body is the most horrible fate, these poor women need rescuing." to "Sex work is a totally a-okay job for young middle-class girls, let women do what they want with their own bodies!".
Seeing the latest milk about Shoe0nhead also made me even less sympathetic about the involved girls, being young and stupid can't be an excuse for everything. How many more times do you need to tell them that there are other ways to make money, that they're worth more than that and most importantly that this is dangerous before they finally listen? They know exactly what they're doing, they have no problem with catering to lowkey pedos/fetishists for easy money and they'd have no problem throwing their own mom under the bus as long as it gives them male attention.
Trafficked women already have to deal with people having no sympathy or accusing them of being at fault for their situation enough, without thots loudly claiming how awesome selling your body is. Older women in about every single country on earth become invisible and then you have somebody like them playing up the uwu I'm so widdle and sm0l and so much prettier and more fun than all these hags, oh and did I mention that old men are hot daddies! teehee…
I hope this changes soon again, I remember around a decade ago there were some scandals about celebrities nudes being leaking and most people still said that sending nudes is stupid, meanwhile now you have supposedly completely normal girls posting their nudes on the internet for everyone to see and their families/bfs are okay with it. You don't need to be conservative or religious to be appalled by how degenerate society has become.
No. 575389
>>575380Aren't SJWs pro sex work?
No. 575403
>>575311agreed also tiktoks are not funny when i see anyone older than 18 using that app i think theyre babyish
vine started everything and anything similar that came afterwards is a flop
No. 575443
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>>575324I think it’s true for the sector of women who have been around
abusive relationships at a young age. Not so much seeking out men who’d beat them ~for thrills~ but at some point they wrongly learnt that relationships need to feel INTENSE, that love hurts and it’s not love if it doesn’t hurt. They were scammed into believing that tolerating “the worsts” of people is a measure of loyalty. That’s why I fucking hate the “if you can’t handle me at my worst” mentality that’s so thoroughly memed in media. I have no loyalty to scrubs. It’s a vibe these women subconsciously send out that is like blood in the water. Those who aren’t self-aware will forever feel dumbfounded and victimized of their continuous run-ins with abuse. Unfortunately pointing out that it’s their way of interacting with the world that is attracting abusers is often misconstrued as
No. 575488
>>575311>>575315>>575326i'd hate to use the typical y'all sound great at parties line but local anons hate fun, more at 11 works too.
i can't wait for the day folks stop making widesweeping generational statements, it's such useless and whiny discourse regardless of if it's a millennial bitching about boomers or a boomer bitching about milennials or a millennial bitching about zoomers.
whatever "childish" shit you're shitting on the younger generation for doing is likely a word by word quote of the same shit said about you 5-10 years ago, or now by a boomer. everyone's scared of growing up to turn out like their parents until they log on the internet and get a chance to whine about what dumb teens enjoy doing online, even if it's as tone deaf and out of touch as a boomer making "tide pod eating" comments in 2020 towards someone who's 26.
another unpopular opinion: tiktok is nowhere near as reprehensible as folks over the age of 22 act like it is. it's obvious when someone has never used or even seen a video from the app, because they talk like a boomer about it and make whiny comments about how infantile it is for being videos of white girls dancing or shit memes. it's just like any other social media site, and honestly tiktok's algorithm for feed curation is more accurate than any other site I've used. whatever appears on your feed is influenced by what you've shown them you wanna watch, so if you see dumb or babyish zoomer videos, it's probably because you've indicated to tiktok that's the content you enjoy, orhaven't provided them with enough information to give you content you'd like. i see genuine opportunity and plenty of folks building careers out of nothing just from knowing how to work tiktok, so shitting on it for being the next vine or being associated with a younger demographic seems super out of touch (especially so for advertisers and online personalities).
No. 575489
>>575488Nayrt and ignoring this whole debate but
>tiktok's algorithm for feed curation is more accurate than any other site I've usedIs the real truth. It's scary, I can't tell if it's spying on me through my Webcam or if I'm genuinely an NPC because it figured me out so well. Haven't seen a dumb tiktok dance or screaming teenager on there in weeks.
No. 575500
>>575489same here. i made an account and just after an hour or so of scrolling through the for you feed and showing them what i like/don't like, my feed was already hyper-specifically curated. like even showing up with videos where a certain kink is mentioned but the only thought I've had about that kink was reading an lolcow post about it earlier in the day. tiktok is scary af and the zip file it has in the app along with the other things it's able to access on the devices you download it to is definitely dangerous if in the wrong hands.
i was reading a thread about it the other day and someone mentioned sure, it doesn't matter if they build a huge data profile on you using their algorithm if you're just a "dumb teen". but what about when you start becoming an important figure? or get involved with politics? and suddenly not only do they have an in depth data profile on you and your device, contacts, messages, etc. but also on any of your friends who may also have tiktok. Scary as fuck.
No. 575502
>>575489>>575488thank you, tiktok is shady as fuck. I don't care about the content, the company behind it is so creepy and collecting a fuck ton of your data.
I don't bother telling friends not to use it because it's now viewed as vine 2.0.
No. 575602
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All this fucking hype about the Cryaotic drama and it fucking sucks, bargain bin Projared. Zero saucy Sailor Moon cosplays or sexy chat logs with children but 100x the newfaggotry. I’m actually pissed that I made myself wade through three threads of unsaged autism and boohooing about pronouns… .
No. 575649
>>575648Another anon in another thread was saying how this much passion should have happened over the Me Too movement too, but blm affects men and that’s the difference. The issues you’ve brought up (abortion ban) are women issues. When you see which
victims of police violence are brought up for blm, it’s almost exclusively men.
No. 575665
>>575661I agree with you that they shouldn't be realistic to the point of looking exactly like real kids because it could lead to too much confusion for law enforcement. They'd have to comb through all the content to make sure it was indeed fake and not trafficking
victims somehwere.
>That will just fuel their desires and eventually they'll move on to real kids. I don't think this is a
valid argument, it's too similar tp "we should ban violent video games and horror movies because they can fuel the homicidal desires of mass shooters and serial killers".
>it'll also be very easy for someone young to stumble across and boom, now their sexual development is fucked upPersonally, I think kids should be banned from using the internet unsupervised at all for a thesis worth of reasons. Just look at how destroyed the sexual development of an entire generations worth of men is due to growing up woth unlimited porn access.
No. 575667
>>575648Abortion has had much more widespread support for a much longer period of time than BLM, which was viewed extremely negatively until very recently.
>>575649There was a huge amount of passion over the Me Too movement, there are also a lot of differences between the issues of police brutality and the Me Too movement outside of just gender
>>575662People don't care about the murder of BLACK women, BLACK women are second class citizens. Don't act like if a white woman was murdered in that way by the police and recorded with a cop kneeling on her neck for eight minutes it wouldn't get a immeasurable amount more attention and condemnation than George Floyd's death. Stop trying to lump yourselves in on a struggle you do not relate to. I wish the PP spergs would actually just leave like they've been asked to so many times. This website is so frustrating if you're not a white feminist.
No. 575669
>>575667>Stop trying to lump yourselves in on a struggle you do not relate to. People don't care about the murder of BLACK women, BLACK women are second class citizens. Don't act like if a white woman was murdered in that way by the police and recorded with a cop kneeling on her neck for eight minutes it wouldn't get a immeasurable amount more attention and condemnation than George Floyd's death. Holy fucking projection. First of all, I'm half black. Second, learn to fucking read-
>Black women murdered by cops don't get anywhere near the same amount of coverage as men, even in cases involving children. >Black women murdered by cops>Black womenWhere the hell is this hidden message complaining about white women being killed by cops you magically got out of my post?
No. 575672
>>575643>Just make fake cp broBrainlet take you fucking pedophile
>>575665Are you fucking retarded? Video games don’t CAUSE normal people to become violent criminals but there have been cases upon cases of serial killers and psychopaths getting spurred on by media. All CGI loli faggots first started masturbating to 2D loli, they always escalate, don’t be this naive Jesus fucking Christ.
>>575656Go on Pixiv and type in 3DCG loli and tell me how this shit is fucking acceptable. What the fuck is wrong with you.
No. 575677
>>575671This honestly just feels like gaslighting and I'm not going to go back and forth on it. The demographics of the vast majority of radical feminists aren't a secret, neither is the demographics of this website. Sure in theory it's possible that the tiny number of non white people on this website just so happen to be the ones making all these posts parroting these racially tone deaf, nonsensical takes that I have heard countless times by white feminists and absolutely never by any non white women (let alone feminists, which a lot of these posters identify as) but realistically they aren't. Even if they aren't white (they are), it's still White Feminism so I don't care. It's still racebait and they've been told countless times to stop and to use their containment
No. 575686
>>575680Yup, seems like I was right.
And yes it absolutely is, judging by what was actually posted. Sorry if discussing shit experiences with men bothers you that much but pretending it's all white girls saying the things you don't like and only white girls can disagree with you (for example I fully agree that women don't light a candle to the amount of cruelty men can come up with) won't make it better. Just go cry on /meta/ again to discuss the same shit for the billionth time if feminists won't leave your head.
No. 575698
>>575676>What are you fuckers even doing on lolcow?Stop acting like the site is a hivemind, especially in the Unpopular Opinion thread of all places.
I am not male nor do I like loli. It sure would be nice if people could express opinions different from the norm of the board without being accused of being male, especially in the thread literally devoted to it.
This might shock you, but you can be morally opposed to something, but still not want it to be illegal.
>There's an idea behind it and it's disgusting.I don't disagree that the motivation behind it is appaulling, but so is policing art work and people's thoughts.
No. 575715
>>575643>We subject countless of kids to rape by having ban on child pornography when we could solve the problem with Hollywood CGI, instead we encourage sex tourism into Asia. Yeah, just like sex trafficking has been stopped by (adult) pornography and prostitution being legal.
Never post stupid shit like this again, anon. Holy fuck.
>instead we encourage sex tourism into Asia. We practically made South Asia into rapists paradise and yet we ferry people there.The solution to this is keeping tourists to poorer areas of the world under close supervision to ensure they're not exploiting locals, and also banning single men (or groups of men) from entering said countries if it's not an essential business trip and they don't have family there, but that conversation is too controversial and inflammatory for "some" people, lmao.
No. 575723
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>>575311>>575488Ayrt, and I think you are getting way to defensive over this. I'm technically part of
Late Gen Z and I find the kind of surreal memes or pictures that just say 'stonks' really unfunny. The humor associated with Gen Z just seem like it's trying really hard to seem wacky and quirky. You do realize that people are allowed to have different senses of humor, right?
No. 575742
>>575739>I'm notYes you are.
>but keep getting angry instead of forming an actual argument.Right because dismissing someone as a groomer for not thinking banning all men from travelling is an appropriate solutiln to sex tourism is such a great argument.
>I'm sure you'll convince everybody one day.LMFAO literally who do I need to convince? You're talking as though whether or not men should be allowed to travel is a controversial issue when no one has this insane take besides you and maybe like 4 other people on Earth.
No. 575744
>>575742>Yes you are*solution
Anyway, I'm sorry to have
triggered you by mentioning the group that's the main risk to children and how to deal with them, I hope you can recover soon. Also, I hope your reading comprehension improves, because if you read my post and interpreted it as a simple "ban all men from travelling", you must be drinking dumb bitch juice.
>LMFAO literally who do I need to convince?I don't know, I guess I assumed you weren't posting out of some impotent "how dare you not be kind to the menerinos!!!" rage and actually had a point to make. My mistake. I recommend browsing some men's rights communities on Reddit so you don't have to read things that make you so upset, it's not healthy.
No. 575753
>>575752No, just the idiots. Imagine banning travel from US to Thailand. First you hurt the poor by killing tourism and the criminals/pedophiles/whatever who still want to travel there just skip the border to Canada and buy a ticket there. What do you think people in Thailand will subside on after all legitimate tourism is dead?
I mean weren't you taught about the iron curtain? Travel bans never work.
No. 575755
>>575753>killing tourismRight, because only single 40 year old men ever travel, and the US is the only country with an overrepresented count of pedophiles entering poorer countries to exploit children.
You don't sound dumb at all. The Iron Curtain is completely interchangeable with this, and the purposes are the same.
Thailand in particular is a very stupid example to use, because tourism far from its only income, and it actually has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world.
>Travel bans never work.Look at your own country's policies on foreigners entering, you may be surprised.
No. 575757
>>575755>Right, because only single 40 year old men ever travel, and the US is the only country with an overrepresented count of pedophiles entering poorer countries to exploit children.Oh, you want to restrict travel based on gender AND age? Hell would freeze first, it would never ever pass without being full blown ban.
Also it was just an example, I know the ban would have to be widespread
>You don't sound dumb at all. The Iron Curtain is completely interchangeable with this, and the purposes are the same. Except they're not, you must be American if you don't realize how it worked. The curtain leaked like a sieve until men with rifles stepped in and even then it worked because every country was enforcing it. Iron curtain fell the day after Hungary said it would stop enforcing it, allowing millions to travel to rest of the Europe.
Don't you realize that travel ban works only if you restrict travel to the US or EU? That means no travel to China, Japan or any other place without the ban. It's lunacy.
>Thailand in particular is a very stupid example to use, because tourism far from its only income, and it actually has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. Yeah, but you do get the idea.
No. 575759
>>575757>Oh, you want to restrict travel based on gender AND age? Hell would freeze first, it would never ever pass without being full blown ban.Thank you for clarifying that you did not fully read my post. The point is that visitors being monitored, and a certain, specific demographic known for illegal action being blocked from the countries they commit them in unless they have a good reason to be there (eg to visit family members or for business reasons) is a completely reasonable action to take.
>Except they're not, you must be American if you don't realize how it workedDo you know what sarcasm is? And you're calling
me American? Holy shit, kek. You've literally highlighted the very reasons they're not the same, but you're still applying a false equivalence somehow.
No. 575760
>>575759>Thank you for clarifying that you did not fully read my post. The point is that visitors being monitoredBy who, the oh ever so corrupt police in some military junta?
>and a certain, specific demographic known for illegal action being blocked from the countries they commit them in unless they have a good reason to be there (eg to visit family members or for business reasons) is a completely reasonable action to take. I'm sorry, I thought we were discussing solutions that would apply in the real world and not in your imaginary republic of Lolcowia. You have better chance to pass Jim Crow than ban white men from international travel because that's what it is. It's the rich country enforcing a ban on it's own citizen instead of solving the problem, just like we are doing with drugs. And don't even for a moment think the poor countries would advocate for it.
>Do you know what sarcasm is? And you're calling me American? Holy shit, kek. You've literally highlighted the very reasons they're not the same, but you're still applying a false equivalence somehow.Bruh at least I'm not the one posting inane shit on cow
No. 575764
>>575762Whatever you say, queen of bad takes.
>I already said society isn't ready for that conversation from the very startAnd until you dismantle the current system and become our glorious leader it will never be
>Dumbshit but society isn't ready but I'm sure it will be! Just ignore the issue until then!Ok shitlord in chief
No. 575772
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>>575744Nta but this kind of hard-line stance of punishing the majority for the actions of a minority has big Trunchbull energy
No. 575776
>>575772Not gonna lie, I genuinely feel like children's safety (especially in countries that don't have the proper resources in place to punish child rapists, talk less of rapists that carry status as foreigners from much richer countries) is much more important than men's fun.
I get that for some anons, this issue is happening so far away that it barely crosses their minds and seems extremely rare, but I see this shit happen far too often to feel the same way.
No. 575828
>>575815>If I stretch something reasonable to unreasonable proportions, that means it's unreasonableThat's not how anything works, but nice try.
Also, the reason women are more likely to commit infanticide is because they spend more time with infants than men. If you look at how violent males already are (especially to their wives/girlfriends), it's sensible to assume that the amount of infanticide cases would soar if men were primarily put in charge of child-raising. Single parenthood isn't a good thing, but until the adoption/foster care system turns out better results for children, it must be dealt with. That, or men should stop walking out and leaving broken homes.
You really, really want to defend those poor men who just have to be alone in SEA, Africa, etc to "discover themselves", lmao. Gross.
Thinking about it, it's actually even nastier of you to compare them to parents, as if it's somehow necessary, in your mind, for them to be around children.
No. 575867
>>575834>>575850Not only that but these guys are so beta they don't even feel like men anymore.
>>575858Who said anything about trad men? But at least they're not a pretentious and weak excuse of a male.
No. 575868
>>575863'Feminist' men always turn out to be extremely creepy and
abusive but so do trad men. But then what the fuck kind of man should I look for? Someone who just doesn't give a fuck about these type of issues or something?
No. 575871
>>575868IME men who have strong respectful relationships with his mother and sister(not mamaboys of course)
For some reasons, purely based on anecdotes, men whose main father figure is his grandfather are better than having dad/step-dad. My theory is a grandfather is less likely to treat his mother like shit in front of him.
No. 575922
>>575850I had a friend who was a “male feminist” and attended women’s rallies and shit. Posted tons of fb statuses about walking drunk women home and overall “protect females” bullshit. We were friends for five years and would drink all the time, first time I drank too much and he coerced next into “cuddling” with him because he was arguing that I was deprived of physical safe touch because I was consciously abstaining from sex at the time. Moment we got in bed he tried to start feeling me up, I said no and he stopped, but then choked me over and over again.
Stay far the fuck away from men that claim shit like that. They’re not safe.
No. 575925
>>575907Are you a giraffe or koala? Those things eat dry leaves.
Cows (ha) eat dry grass. Are you one of those?
No. 575935
>>575933There's a difference between dressing and salad soup.
Do you eat dry pasta? Plain white bread?
I'd say raw meat but you're clearly an herbivore.
No. 575936
>>575834This. Also those bisexual men who come across all effeminate like 'you're safe with me, I'm practically one of the girls'
I befriended one shortly after a bad breakup, he appeared to empathise with my situation of being stuck living with my ex for a couple more months before I could move out. There had been abuse in that relationship and I was struggling while waiting to move.
This guy had an active sex life with men (off of gay apps) so in my mind I almost viewed him as totally gay so I relaxed around him. After weeks of meeting in cafes and bars I finally had him over to my apartment and while sitting on the sofa he wiggles his eyebrows at me and then gestures to his erect penis… thank god I was moving out of that place literally then next week. He knew that I had just spent years being coerced into sex I didn't want.. Never spoke to him again.
No. 575938
>>575935Bread can be lightly toasted or used for a sandwich, and meat needs to be cooked for safety reasons. Neither turn soft or get slathered in the shit. Pasta is already soft, so sauces just compliment it. Vegetables are a different story, sorry bud.
Are you that one woman who obsessively puts ranch dressing on everything? Are you eating a ranch-soaked, soggy piece of bread right now, anon? You can tell us.
No. 575952
>>575849Climate change isn't going to kill humanity. The earth's climate constantly changes. Humans will do what they did before and invent new technologies to survive. Also climate change "science" has so far been wrong. In the 70s climate scientists claimed there was going to be another ice age by now, then in the late 90s they were saying the polar ice caps would melt and all coastal regions would be underwater and the current hot climate scientist opinion is that there's going to be a solar minimum.
>>575858With trad men you know up front that he's going to be a misogynistic asshole.
No. 575955
>>575946I see a lot of posts trying to figure out how you raise a man to not be a rapist, having a father present, not having one, having a strong female role, having lots of sisters… none of it seems to matter. Sexual predators come from broken homes, good homes, trash areas, rich families.
My molester is a family member with an intellectual disability, he'll forever be babied and seen as totally harmless.
No. 576171
>>576167In a way I agree, it has been treated like a replacement for makeup. Skincare content with so many products. it shouldn't be that deep (though I get the struggle for people with acne).
But also we should all wear sunscreen and not get skin cancer, kek.
No. 576182
>>576167I have genetic adult acne so I literally can't look nice without a routine. And dehydrated facial skin is uncomfortable and bad to look at.
It's a waste of time and money for people with naturally gorgeous skin for sure, but some people stand to benefit supremely from it.
No. 576244
>>576182I agree with you anon, easy to say skincare is a waste when you already look good / have issues only dermatologist can solve but you refuse to go. I have
problematic skin and it still is not perfect but it was much worse before i had an adjusted morning and evening routine.
No. 576397
>>576167>>576179I don't think it's an unpopular opinion. Skincare products are shilled so heavily so it's seen as a solution that people will spend money for when it's not.
The best thing I ever did for my skin was stop obsessively washing it and realize my "blackheads" were sebaceous filaments.
No. 576418
>>576413Did I write this and forgot about it?? This is literally me. When I did keto, not only did I lose weight and bloatedness, but I was surprised with the turn my skin took. It enhanced my skincare products x100. Again, not
good, but I finally felt like my skin was normal. Too bad it's almost impossible to keep it at home, maybe if I live alone someday or if I work in a very well paying job.
I miss keto.
Do you have pcos as well?
No. 576420
>>576418I might have, I'm not sure. I used to get monstrous periods in my teens, not so much now.
I'm kind of afraid to go to the doctor to see if I have it or not, the last time I went the gino prescribed me super strong birth-control meds, for my skin, that gave me awful migraines but apparently my hormonal levels were normal so I don't really know what's up.
No. 576437
>>576167hard disagree. i'm cringing imagining how much oil must be lodged in the pores of someone who doesn't wash their face at least once a day. by no means do i advocate overuse of skincare products since that can be as equally damaging as ignoring your skin (and yeah a lot of skincare can be replaced with a good diet, exercise, hydration) as someone living with a licensed esthetician there's definitely genetic skincare issues and everyday skincare problems that would need products/treatment to treat best (blackheads, cystic acne, etc.)
everytime i get a deep facial i cringe thinking about people who just walk around with all that oil and dirt and dead skin just sitting in their faces, ok with it, either because they don't notice or they're not breaking out yet
No. 576469
>>576413>>576418Why is keto unsustainable? I've been eating low carb for over five years.
>>576437Most people shower daily.
No. 576470
>>576448Ultimately you're entitled to have any dating preferences you want, but as another bi woman I implore you to think about the biphobia that's kind of inherent in that preference. How is that different than a man telling you that he wouldn't date you because too many bi women are faking it for attention/sluts/cheaters/will leave for a woman etc etc? Like, biphobia hurts you too girl.
I agree that men going from identifying as bi to gay is a real phenomenon, but how many female-leaning bi men will stay in the closet forever because they don't want to be seen as less desirable or secretly gay because of bullshit assumptions like yours? I know this is the unpopular opinion thread but we have to stop feeding into these problems. I really hate sounding like such an sjw but I don't mean it in that way, this is just really dumb. You don't need to date anyone you don't want to but you really should think about that preference and if you must keep it, it's honestly not something to share or be proud of.
No. 576544
>>576541Same especially the Sanrio ones
They were funny at first but now they’re just kinda annoying
No. 576553
>>576541They’re extra cringy and tacky
>>576529IA but I think this is a pretty common opinion outside of Twitter. At least I hope it is.
No. 576589
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i don't find her attractive at all.
No. 576602
I'm glad that Jenna Marbles is leaving social media. I've liked her recent low energy content (earlier shit with her yelling at the screen made me uncomfortable though) and probably placed some unwarranted emotions on her since my dog died, but I think she's too sensitive of hurting peoples'feelings to have such a large platform. Maybe she felt at risk of the small complaints on her videos boiling over and wrecking her reputation with all the recent callouts, but idk, someone who does a 2hr apology video on her improper goldfish care seems too sympathetic to be so tactical. I do think that she doesn't want to hurt anyone, and with such a massive audience, someone's going to be offended by any 1 thing. It was just a matter of time and I'm glad she saw herself out before it was involuntary. Sucks that she fostered such an open and caring environment in her audience and it feels like because of that, she was held to a stricter standard than most to be unproblematic, I think.
I mean, you see absolute shits getting away with things because they just don't give a fuck, so they thrive. I hate it.
ALSO, fuck the fact that women in general seem to be cancelled way more because they're likely to repent and all that if they're attacked. That doja cat stuff was straight up bullshit.
>>575311Most, as someone on tiktok though I think some of it can be very funny. I also like that scrote behaviour and mannerisms is joked about way more often than millenials ever did, I'm proud of it.
>>576585Same, especially if you can see veins. It looks like they're about to burst.
No. 576609
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>>576589I kinda agree but at the same time she looks really stunning on the runway with her facial structure, massive kudos to her surgeon for creaing a perfect high fashion model.
No. 576946
>>576508No? Sometime people can grow up fine and still develop mental illness
>>576633Then why does schizophrenia have a huge genetic compnent?
No. 576957
>>576892I think that medication can still be helpful to people even while acknowledging the role that trauma plays in the development of mental illness. What really does bother me is mental health professionals who don't acknowledge this and just make you feel like there's something inherently "wrong" with your brain.
I think that as a whole, the mental health industry is getting better about this. Or, at the very least, there are a lot more therapists that take a trauma-approach to mental health. I didn't have these things available to me when I really needed them as a teen and early 20-something struggling with severe anxiety and depression due to a family crisis that left me so traumatized I could barely function. My trauma just got worse due to poor treatment by counselors and psychiatrists who just kept slapping unhelpful labels on me and weren't interested in actually learning anything about my history.
>>576946You realize that trauma can happen to a person at any stage of life? Also, of course mental disorders still have a genetic component. People are all very different, and certain inherent characteristics are more likely to lend themselves to specific mental illnesses. Almost all people with a Bipolar diagnosis are very creative/artistic, for example. I just don't think it helps to focus on mental illness from a genetic perspective because then the person doesn't have the opportunity to recognize how much their environment has played a role in their issues, thereby making healing much more difficult, if not impossible.
No. 576968
>>576892Nta but I remember learning about different attachment styles lately, they're pretty much determined by parenting in the first four years of your life. Learning about the long term effects of insecure attachment.. it sounds exactly like bpd, almost made me wonder why the term bpd needed to exist. If bpd is already heavily linked to childhood trauma and it's marked by consistent relationship difficulties that's just insecure attachment under a different name?
There were studies done on a style of parenting that was popular years ago where you'd just let your baby cry and always ignore it in an attempt to toughen it up and make them's linked to emotional outbursts and weirdly enough violence later in life. I think alot of people are walking around carrying the effects of those first four years of their life. You can't remember what happened but a type of trauma is present from either a lack of bond or from the 'just let them cry it out' method.
I do think schitzophrenia and bipolar have their own genetic/chemical causes and genes contribute to depression. It's P.Ds that seem (to me) to just be new labels on oldschool trauma.
No. 576985
>>576957I had a very similar experience and I'm only recently realizing that and trying to figure out how to heal. And I think many, many people do too and never realize how deeply their humanity is neglected and denied by the system. Consider how much is said about how difficult mental illness is to fully treat or cure, and how long people spend struggling even with treatment. Perhaps it's not that we're not inferior brains but that the treatment itself is rooted in false assumptions?
>>576968You are right on. The more I've learned about trauma and human development the more obvious it becomes that so much of mental "illness" comes from that (and also a whole host of societal factors). And early childhood trauma is the most insidious of all because people literally can't remember it and aren't likely to get accurate recollections from their parents.
People don't seem to understand that for human beings, social belonging and attachment is a biological survival need on the level of food and physical safety. We are an intensely social species and we have developed extremely complex social behavior which is what has lead us to become the dominant species on the planet. Having one's access to social belonging fucked up is inherently traumatic. When it happens to you as an infant, the trauma becomes deeply ingrained in your worldview in ways that I think we're only scratching the surface of understanding.
My dream is to educate myself much more on these topics so I can properly articulate all the problems with psychiatry and the mental health industry and start writing about it, even if it's into the void. It always means so much to see others who are willing to question all this.
No. 577010
>>577000Diff anon, similarly I had (thankfully only one) man come up and pester me and completely change my comfort levels being able to walk through my (usually quiet) town.
Dude commented that I tend to wear one color of clothing fairly often and it must be my fave color…I had no idea who he was and he'd been watching me for a while. There was a massive age difference between us, it was already absurd that he'd be approaching me and asking lots of questions including where I work? He asked for my number and when I said no he repeated 'Why not though' over and over like a mad man as he followed me. One shitty run-in with a man affects you for a long ass time. Looking back I wish I had screamed and made a show of him.
No. 577099
>>5770104th anon chiming in to say this shit happened to me too.
I was walking to the train station after university and a guy came up to me and would not stop pestering me and asking for my number. I told him I have a boyfriend, he says "whoa, I just wanna be friends!". I told him I don't need more friends, he says "but do you have any guy friends?". I told him I have guy friends, he tells me "c'mon, you just gotta get to know me". He even asks me where I'm going and at which station I'm getting off and I lie and say I'm heading to my parents at X station. Eventually I get in the train, he follows me but I get in a different train compartment than him. He keeps staring at me during the train ride through the window and then after I get off at a different station he RUSHES OUT and asks me why I got off at this station and not the one I told him I'm getting off at. I got out at a different station because I actually ended up deciding to really go to my parents in case this nutjob follows me home so my dad could've beaten him up or something lol.
I ended up taking a different route home just so I wouldn't meet him again for the remainder of my time at that school.
Epilogue to this story is my insane ex bf accusing me of cheating on him with that guy after I told him about this shit. Men are fucking scary
No. 577175
>>577125>>577100>>577099>>577000>>577010One of these days, if we're lucky, I'm really gonna lose my marbles and go on a man hunt for these pieces of shit. I'm fed up with having to be on edge every time I have to walk home from work or go for what is SUPPOSED to be a relaxing stroll. I hate it. It's not fair. And I want them to pay for the mental toll they take on us.
If there are any scrotes reading this, just know the next time you decide to do this shit to a woman, she could be me, and you might get a bullet in your head before you have time to react. Fuckers.
No. 577181
People who are child-free are irritating as fuck.
It's fine to not want children, (infact, it's amazing since there are so many people who have children that shouldn't, and i'm glad there are more people that realize having kids shouldn't always be the ultimate goal in life) but no one cares about how much you hate kids and how you will never have them.
and the same goes for parents whose only personality trait is the fact that they are a parentAlso, I don't even have kids, but people who call children things like 'crotch goblin' bothers me so much. It's usually said with so much spite. Kids can be absolutely horrible, but imo there is no reason to despise them that much.
>>577172Strong agree. She only gets backlash because the world is going through a phase where licking transgender people's boots is a trend. And because anyone who speaks about women's rights, and how it's not offensive to say the word "women", is evil.
No. 577201
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>>577189kek are you retarded???? a woman got fired for saying that you can't change your biological sex, she's not the only one, women are regularly doxxed on twitter because they're critical of trannies. if you post that you agree with jk rowling/gc on a public twitter account with your name on it you're a few steps away from them emailing your boss and having your entire professional career ruined. if a tranny asked me if I agreed with jk rowling I would absolutely pretend I didn't because I wouldn't want to get murdered by a unbalanced psychotic ma'am.
lolcow has become overrun with trannies, christ
No. 577204
>>577201This one famous example is not indicative of some overwhelming amount of normie women being fired for 'agreeing with JK Rowling' lmao? Plus this is so disingenuous and you know it. I'm not going to go back and forth and derail the thread but there was a lot more to this specific case than just her saying that which lead to them not
renewing her contract, not firing her.
No. 577209
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>>577204Go help your boyfriend dilate
No. 577216
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>>577204I can't exactly give you every single example considering the main subreddit that housed them was fucking banned kek. if you really think you can express disagreement with transgenderism with no backlash, the hormones have gone to your brain.
No. 577218
>>577209why are so fucking many of them furries
and pedophiles?
i just wanna know
No. 577230
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>>577218Coom and autism
I hate the way they sexualize every single fucking thing. The amount of reddit posts dedicated to tr00ns having “transphobia” kink…
No. 577375
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I think gals who condemn us meeting/marrying older men for money are just jealous. Most of the couples I know and see are normal people, not pedophiles or abusers farm makes them out to be
No. 577379
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>>577375yeah anon! it's exactly like a lana del rey song! do it! i believe in you! if he starts hitting you just right, make sure to come to the vent thread about it!
>Most of the couples I know and seeyou still have no idea what happens behind closed doors
No. 577382
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>>577375For me - and I'm sure I'm not alone in this - it's more of a veeeeeery general issue with the way society perceives men and women and how that impacts people's behavior. Old women, that would be simiar age of these men are always called out for every wrinkle and always deemed undesireable, making only the very young ones perceived attractive; while old men can be as old as they want and they'll still be praised everywhere for how good they look and age. Two consenting adults being together is not an issue, especially if they treat each other with respect. It often feels though that rich, older men want to have a young partner that will be perceived as beautiful and desireable by others a bit like a status symbol; and it became so normalized that when a known person dates someone that is close to their own age it's suddently so weird it makes headlines everywhere, see Keanu Reeves for example.
No. 577392
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>>577375Right, because the couple from your pic is the norm…
Most people wouldn't see it as that big of a problem if he was really rich, taking care of himself extremely well, treated her very well and if the girl was well above 20 if not 30 and somewhat normal/classy, but that's simply not the case on average.
No. 577395
>>577375I mostly just judge because it's ugly and desperate.
There's nothing aesthetically pleasing or charming about a wrinkly, hideous man with a beautiful young woman, and I'm tired of women with parental issues and creepy men trying to convince the whole world there is. Do you think the story of the princess and the frog would've been better if the frog never turned into a prince, too? Just an even uglier, fatter toad covered with warts? Because that's what all this shit is telling me.
I also just cannot for the life of me imagine being so broke and eager that I'd sleep with some ugly old fuck and donate my youth to him for a bit of cash. It's too disgusting.
Don't bother trying the "They may not be the most attractive, but they're so mature and they have such good personalities tho!!!", either, lmao. They're just as bad as the scrotes of our generation. They fucking raised them.
No. 577396
>>577375Are you a man because most women that go for an older man like in that photo are clearly gold diggers? Normal people actually care about things like love and attraction, I'm sure if anyone seems envious it's most likely about the fact that a young woman has married for money and to be kept.
Then there's the obvious gross relationships or the ones in which the much older man acted like a father figure and now they're fucking. Totes jealous.
No. 577410
>>577375You're debasing yourself by wasting your prime years with an ugly old fart who's using you for his mid life crisis status symbol. You admit you wouldn't even be with men like that if they were broke.
By the time you're through, either because the man dumped you for fresh meat or all the money in the world wouldn't compensate for tolerating his bullshit, you're a husk of your former self then everyone knows you as the woman who sold out and got what she deserved.
Please stop feeding the entitlement of older men accessing younger women's bodies. There's no dollar that will get your dignity back.
No. 577452
>>577181>but no one cares about how much you hate kids and how you will never have them.I agree with this 100%. I wouldn't mind as much if they didn't act like they were some sort of genius who's beyond other people just because they don't want kids, the worst ones are the ones who obsess over their dogs instead and go 'uwu better than a real baby'.
In general I think our culture places too much hate onto kids, especially young ones. I get that they can be gross and bratty but they're still kids at the end of the day.
No. 577459
>>577448I don't understand golddiggers who go for men with kids? Kids cost money (even adult kids if you're that kind of parent) and then there's the massive isssue of what he puts in his will.. surely kids get a massive chunk of that, they at least should.
I've dated a guy with one teenage son and it's a lot to deal with, I feel like you have to truly love the person or else the whole family dynamic turns
toxic and every one of you ends up miserable.
No. 577475
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>>577172I don't even think this is an unpopular opinion, it just seems unpopular because the minority are very, very loud and annoying. Like
>>577186 said many women not only fear losing their jobs but even friends and family members for speaking out. Trans people show up to protests with baseball bats and cardboard guillotines shouting about injuring anyone they consider a "terf", the fear of violence for speaking out is very, very real. So you're not alone, the majority of us still love Rowling.
Pic very much related, male violence against women.
No. 577481
>>577475This image is bringing back memories of when the Phoebe Tickner thread was active.
>Punch terfs in the face >Tories can all eat shit And all her other phrases that she proudly put on badges in her fucking etsy store. There was one literally demanding that some UK politician be killed?? These bats scream etsy to me, look like they'd be sold next to butt plugs in the trans pride colors, hell some of those baseball bats are probably being used as butt plugs by these lovely folk lol
No. 577492
>>577181God, this. I have a lot of childfree friends who keep calling children edgy insults "crotchspawn" and "sex waste" etc. like it was the freshest thing ever. It's so fucking cringy and I have a hard time believing anyone over 17 would say this shit. I get that they don't like being told that "you'll change your mind"
(which they often do, let's be honest) but them going off the racket bitching about children is exhausting and makes them seem like spoiled brats themselves. Kids can be annoying as hell but they didn't choose to be born into this world and they're not responsible for their upbringing, don't take your anger out on them for crying out loud.
>>577477 I've noticed that a lot of them either had a shitty childhood and are projecting or were the golden child who was taught that all other children but them were worthless. They never really learned to relate to their age group as a child or didn't have the chance to be treated with care so they regress into these annoying adult children whenever they're expected to take kids into consideration.
No. 577517
>>577172Honestly before transgate I thought she was pretty pandering and a sellout, but I've changed my mind now that she stuck up for her view which wasn't popular and didn't back down because there were consequences. I respect her now.
>>577181Crotch goblin is a hilarious term to describe unruly brats and should absolutely be used when appropriate, but not every child deserves to be blanketed and peppered with that phrase, no.
No. 577527
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The consistency of thick soups is disgusting. You can't just "drink" it like broth, but you can't really chew it either. I really can't eat it in large spoonfuls like some people do because it'll just trigger my gag reflex.
It has nothing to do with the taste though, in fact I just had some tomato soup that tasted great. I just couldn't eat it by itself, I had to have some bread to dip in it.
No. 577572
>>577527I don't believe in soup… drinking calories seem so stupid compared to actually eating something. I hate the sloshy feeling in my belly.
Thicker soups are much better cause it feels like actual sustenance or a meal.
No. 577616
>>577613BIG MOOD. It’s the shitty
toxic drama I’ve been craving after the world has been nothing but constant depression and what the fuck. Between this and shoe’s birthday breakup this site is getting back to its fun that I’ve been missing!!
No. 577640
>>577613Came here to talk about this too. It is disgusting how these people act and their dumb followers egg it on.
Like, why is James their scapegoat? When will Jeffree aka Lucifer finally go crawl back into Hell? When will Tati realize you that Steven Spielberg is not going to knock on her door anytime soon? Why does Shane Dawson even have a platform. Legit these people need to go to church or something, get some morals.
No. 577641
>>577616What the hell, shoe broke up with greg? Took her long enough, jesus christ. I haven't kept up with the thread in almost two years but I need to go read about this right away. Thanks for the drama tip, this is going to be amazing
>Preg loses some weight and gains more ego, thinks about starting an OnlyFansHoly shit I'm going to love this, god I wish Metokur would stop sucking his cock and actually make fun of this dumb simpy fuck already
No. 577644
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Chicken is disgusting. The smell and texture of it makes me gag. The idea of eating avian meat nauseates me…eating anything with a beak and greasy little feathers is weird. this pic makes me want to dry heave
No. 577736
>>577727Isn't that what being bi-curious means? Curious to explore relations (sex) but not wanting to pursue it further romantically with another woman?
Not making fun, I'm actually curious of this
No. 577798
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I don't think he's ugly by any means (cute face but too fucking scrawny) but I don't understand how viewers tend to swoon over matt and not ryan. Ryan gets all the jokes about being too chubby and being a hot mess, but he isn't even big? If he toned up and stopped smoking I feel like he would be considered a lower tiered chad. Maybe I need to be diagnosed but I think he's hot, meanwhile Matt is concerningly and off-puttingly skinny.
No. 577868
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I understand the basic sentiment, but I kinda don’t agree.
The only people I ever see quoting this are people that don’t want real jobs.
Too many people think they deserve things handed to them by virtue of their existence without realizing that productivity is needed to keep the world up and running. They like to say a perfect world would have people getting paid to be who they are and do things they like without realizing just because you enjoy doing something, doesn’t mean anyone else enjoys it, much less wants to pay you for it.
Wannabe youtubers, artists, musicians etc don’t understand why a hobby is a hobby. If everyone did what they wanted, important things would never get done.
No. 577875
>>576611Hard agree. I hate how unpopular this opinion has become in the recent years when people go on a wild goose chase to grow their hobby in size in order to not feel left out. Not to go all gamers rise up on here but as a video game enthusiast I fucking hate how games are pressured to be ~inclusive~ now so that making hard games is ~oppressive~ to people with "learning disabilities" i.e. having a fair and balanced challenge which requires you to learn how the game works. So now developers are occupied with making games that are basically Press X to finish type interactive movies instead of games. I get that video games becoming mainstream has caused people to feel like they're missing out and normies can't deal with that as they have never had to in their lives, but demanding a "movie mode" where you can skip boss battles and just run through everything is a fucking insult to the people working hard to design the mechanics. Before you start reeing about my autistic gaymer ass it's not even just video games, a lot of hobbies requiring some amount of dedication have been ruined by the abolition of gatekeeping. The same happened to cosplay, the state of the hobby is in the depths because every narcissistic cunt was allowed to thrive and now nobody cares about it past social media recognition and money. You don't even have to be talented, you just have to be loud and rude. I've heard of other not-that-nerdy hobbies experiencing this as well.
Imagine baking a cake and someone just eats the frosting on top of it, refusing to touch the rest of it even though you worked so hard to make it perfect. Sure there are people who appreciate your effort but it still makes you feel like you could've just offered a bowl of frosting instead and get off easy. To make it worse that person says they don't even like cake but came to the bakeoff just because it was trendy and they wanted to gawk at it so they can write a shitty think piece on it, then they start insulting and attacking everyone who asks them why they didn't even have a taste. Before you know it this person has driven you out because they found an offensive tweet you made 10 years ago, all artisan cakes have been replaced with store-bought pound cake with tons of frosting because that's easier and more palatable to the bigger audience, the guy who poopoo'd on you first is now recognized as a cake guru and it isn't really even a bakeoff anymore, you can just bring your sex toys to the table and show them off. All of this could've been prevented if you just told that piece of shit to leave in the first place.
No. 577895
>>577868These types of sentiments are generally intended for overachievers and people who've burnt out, but get co-opted by people who just want an excuse to be lazy. I know people who genuinely feel like they're worthless trash if they don't spend every waking moment doing
something productive and they sometimes need to be reminded that it's okay to relax and do nothing once in a while. Most of the people reposting these images aren't like that though and so they get associated with the types of people you describe. It's the same with "you deserve to treat yourself" and people with borderline shopping addictions.
>>577875I’ve been feeling this with sewing and other crafts. Of course amateur crafts aren’t a contest and people can feel proud of the work they’ve put in even if the end result isn’t flawless, but the communities I’m in are at a point where any type of constructive criticism, advice or even self-reflection is considered “negativity”. I’ve gotten yelled at for briefly mentioning at the end of my posts what aspects of my project I wasn’t satisfied with and how I am planning to improve on them in the future because it made other people self-conscious. Wanting to improve is now elitist gatekeeping.
No. 577950
>>577895>any type of constructive criticism, advice or even self-reflection is considered “negativity”. The worst trend hands down. When I want to vent out my frustration at something I made not meeting my expectations I get berated for ~breeding toxicity~. I'm supposed to love everything that I do and think anything goes as the bar doesn't exist anymore, we can't push ourselves to improve and learn new skills just because some insecure buttholes want to stay in baby mode for all eternity.
>>577934>hypocritical nerds who state that complaining about expensive video games' quality makes you an embarrassing nerd.I seriously don't know which one I hate more, these types or the casuals whining about how gaym b too hard boo!!! If I pay 70 dollars for an AAA title I also buy the goddamn right to complain about it being shit and analyze it in depth. I fucking can't stand how genuine interest is now dismissed as being "lol 2 nerdy liek why do u care u womanchild lmao", whether it be criticizing something or applauding it. Everything has to be an ironic interest or just "idk man i just like the pretty pictures" tier surface level attraction because everything past that is too weird to normies and their bootlicking sycophants are obsessed with wanting to look "not like those other gross geeks" in their eyes.
No. 577988
>>577981>No, we should, because humans need to be taught acceptable social behavior.But not the bullies? Maybe when kids are treated like circus animals their brains throwback to primitive behavior when attemmpts to verbalize their fear and pain are routinely ignored. When words fail, people often lash out from pain and there's a whole philosophical study about that which you should read.
The truth is you were traumatized by what people did to you and acted out accordingly. When you went to your family and friends for comfort, you were treated like the problem and they blamed you for your own victimization. Now you're trying to cope by saying that you weren't "coddled" when in reality you were humiliated and received a second wound from your loved ones who should have supported you. Which is why years later you remember this and feel bitter towards any kid who receives the support that you didn't despite not reacting with how you were taught was the "right" way to react.
If you think taking the moral high ground, ignoring, or trying to reason with bullies is the proper way to handle it then I've got bad news for you, because the real world (at least for kids) doesn't operate like that either. I tried that with my high school bullies but I realize as an adult what they lacked was a severe ass beating and setting a concrete example that what they did to me wouldn't have passed. How's that for "not coddling"? Bullies shouldn't be talked with as if they're misunderstood, they know exactly what they're doing and deserve a fat knuckle sandwich! Hiyaaa!
No. 578003
>>577808Literally same. She's basically a clone of my old roommate– slow as fuck, constant need to emphasize how crazy something was, try-hard toughness.
Her Hot Ones video… People in the comments were like, "wow she's so deep," what are the fuck are they talking about? Did we watch the same interview? She sounded like she had a massive headache throughout the whole thing but surprise it's just her personality.
No. 578037
>>577988>Which is why years later you remember this and feel bitter towards any kid who receives the support that you didn't despite not reacting with how you were taught was the "right" way to react.Hits deep man. I still have this mindset and it's hard to get over it. I used "I deserved it" as a cope for years because I was an autistic retard in my pre-teen years but honestly no kid deserves to be left alone when they're being bullied. And the bullies shouldn't be coddled either. It's not at all humane to settle your differences by abusing someone and they shouldn't get away with that. By not addressing both sides accordingly the bullies grow up to be narcissistic adults who will end up pissing off the wrong person and the bullied grow up to be broken, dysfunctional adults with a life-lasting trauma. My dad was bullied in middle school, he's in his 60s and still not quite over his social anxiety. In your early teens you're
especially receptive to outsider influences as your identity is starting to form, and those scars will be much more likely to follow you to the grave than the shit you experience in your adult years.
No. 578038
>>578027This could've been written by me before I peak transed after experiencing first hand how misogynist the whole movement funded by big pharma millionaires is and how it's dominated by white,
abusive, heterosexual men.
No. 578041
>>578038Do you have a source for this? Also, if true, how is it the fault of actual trans people? I feel like that's the same as insinuating that mentally ill people are all
abusive and horrible just because they take psychiatric medication pushed by big pharma.
No. 578042
>>578027Well, it's annoying as fuck if you're a woman in a public bathroom or gym changing room and you see a tranny coming in and acting like this is meant to be his place to begin with. I've experienced it twice in my entire life and it left me with a massive hatred for them. Truly a horrifying and uncomfortable experience.
You do you though, I don't want to force my beliefs upon you.
No. 578044
>>578042That does sound uncomfortable and horrible, but I'd still argue that it's more symptomatic of a
toxic and narcissistic individual, rather than whatever gender they're claiming to identify as.
No. 578047
>>577810I could eat tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches every day and not be sick of it.
>>578027You should give a fuck. All this trans bullshit impedes heavily as women's rights. Saying shit like femme hygeine products and vaginas and pregnancy are harmful and anti-trans. fuck off. Women are always treated like shit and trans propaganda doesnt help. Also, transmen make me really sad because they're always self hating women or lesbians.
No. 578051
>>578046Yes, they did. But the trans movement was nowhere near as big and influential before as it was then, and most of the individuals identified as crossdressers and transvestites, not trying to deny biology. Big Pharma came into the picture when hormones prescribed to menopausal women were being studied and the results found out that they were a massive health risk to the people using them (such as breast cancer and strokes), so they needed to rebrand it and sell them as something else: for hormone replacement therapy. Coincidentally this happened
just before the trans movement suddenly started gaining traction and the amount of patients experiencing gender dysphoria skyrocketed. In around 2009 pharmaceutical company Pfizer purchased Wyeth, the company producing the drug, and essentially whitewashed their products and lobbied them to be prescribed more often. The trans movement started growing exponentially in the early to mid 2010s. This is not a coincidence.
Seriously, read this article.
>>578045 It doesn't matter if you believe or don't believe in ladybrain bullshit or any of that because it's a fucking fact that medical companies are selling products and procedures detrimental to health and lying about it. It's a rabbit hole that goes very deep and opened my eyes to a lot of open questions I had about the trans movement. They sell Lupron to children and advertise its effects to be "totally reversible" when all studies suggest this is not at all the case, quite the contrary as it causes severe health effects such as sterility, insufficient bone density and even messes with the child's brain development.
No. 578071
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This is what I get for casually sexing bi girls but damn they’re terrible lays. If only you’re half as eager to please as with penis.
No. 578076
>>578071if she's new to same-sex relationships, she's probably used to being pursued and taking the backseat role
communicate what you want/need and maybe you'll both have more successful encounters in the future
No. 578107
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i don't know anything about her music, politics or opinions. i know she is dating and has a cyborg baby with an actual weasel.
despite all of this i find her hot. everytime i see an advertisment with her in it i can't help but focus on it. she's objectively awful. even so, i love looking at her. what is wrong with me?
No. 578114
>>578085>>578088Joji's humor as FF was clearly exaggerated and actually making fun of incels and people deep in imageboard culture, though. Do you think he's actually racist?
Like, I agree that he's probably not the wokest of the woke, but we're living in a timeline that if you don't show support to these movements as a celebrity, you're socially castarated and in danger of losing your fanbase. It's simply not a good PR move to stay silent if you're as popular and well-known as he is.
No. 578145
>>578114I just remembered he had that song about small dicks where he was like 'black lives matter too..their dicks are way bigger!' lol
I do think he was already pretty left leaning, he had anti trump songs talking about white men getting away with rape because they come from rich families. He voiced opinions on issues like that all the time but then some of his autistic viewers couldn't interpret what the real joke was
No. 578153
>>578069pink guy was fire. i just wish he did more stuff like that without being too ironic. i hate all his sadboy shit.
>>578114>>578145do people forget that satire is a thing?
No. 578162
>>578107I'm on the same boat as you, anon. I think it has to do with how much confidence she has which shines through in how she styles herself. Especially when she has her hair in dark colors, they suit her so well whereas pale colors make her look washed out.
She just really stands out a lot despite not being conventionally attractive by celebrities's standards( or maybe that's exactly the reason she stands out, so many celebs get the same surgeries that they are starting to blend in)
No. 578176
>>578156>ot, g, and m are the best boards.Absolutely.
I think one half of the userbase frequents those three boards, and sometimes the cow-based ones. The other half that's here for the milk visits the more on-topic boards more often, and it seems to me they can be quite funny, but somewhat
toxic as well. I feel there's a slight dissonance of these two types, since the messages of both board groups conflict so often. Sure the board's not a monolith, duh, but it's weird that both board types are on the same type, to me.
/pt/ is dry as fuck, too, even though that's already been said.
I discovered this board after
4chan and realised my pickme ways were absolutely pathetic, so there's that to thank, if anything.
No. 578187
>>578183I have sympathy up until the point they start doing ridiculous things, like surrogacy or spending tens of thousands on IVF. Children are not a human right.
That said, adoption is not the easy solution some people like to think it is. I'd have the most respect for someone who chose to foster kids, but that takes a special type of selfless person who's genuinely in it for the kid's sake and not their own.
No. 578259
They may have said it in a “
triggering” way but plenty of people have selfish reasons to have kids.
“I want to see how much they will look like me”
“I want someone to take care of me in my old age”
“Im unhappy with my partner but I don’t want to be alone. A baby will help”
Usually the reason starts with
INot that there’s anything wrong with being selfish at times.
But why do you think so many terrible people reside on earth ? Not many make children with the greater good of society in mind. They make children with their own wants and needs in mind.
I love my sister but she was told by doctors that our genetics basically suck. She still went and had a third kid for the sake of trying for a “normal” one.
All 3 of her kids are severely autistic.
I also have muh shitty genetics and am supposedly sterile due to abnormally large fibroids.
I would be greedy to try to have kids knowing it would likely be a miscarriage, ectopic, or severely autistic
Also I know I will have to help care for my niece and nephews so I wouldn’t afford to have my own anyway.
Having children can most definitely be a greedy act.
It’s not exactly selfless to dedicate your life to raising and caring for someone you llove and who is a physical extension of you. It’s basically nature, just ensuring the future survival of one’s dna
No. 578274
>>578262>>578272NTA but why are you so
triggered kek
No. 578278
>>578274Probably a typical terrible mother angry at being judged for her selfish and irresponsible choices and fucking too many of the wrong men.
Not a very intelligent person, judging from their last insult.
No. 578280
>>578259Reminds me of this dumb bitch I went to high school with who hated pro-choice and purposefully had a baby a couple years ago that was tested positive in utero for a fatal renal disease or some such. Well the baby died after like a day or so in the NICU, as predicted, and all this bitch has been doing for the past few years on the anniversary is rubbing in everyone's face about how it was HER CHOICE so we best fucking clap! Yeah, it was her choice to be a selfish twat because she had a point to prove about how she was above abortion and wanted to gamble with someone's life so she could be a special exception. In addition to how self-centered and annoying she is about it on facebook, she does those god damn balloon releases every year that hurt the environment, just to rub salt in the wound. She pisses me off.
Not to mention she has one child already, is on welfare, and hasn't had a stable relationship with anyone for more than five years so far. She does not need to have any more children she can't provide a nice life for.
>>578272You're hard evidence it isn't difficult for women to get fucked by some dirty scrub. Having sex isn't an accomplishment.
No. 578329
>>578322Okay, if you want examples from recent decades here you go:
>Women couldn't open their bank accounts until 1975>Rape in a marriage was largely considered not rape until maybe the 80's-90's>Hate crime laws didn't exist until the mid to late 80's>PMS wasn't considered a real thing until the 00's and women suffering of it were told they're being histrionic>Being gay was considered a mental illness until the 80's-90's, gay people couldn't marry until 2010s and in some parts of the western world still can't>Companies were allowed to pollute all they wanted before, the western countries (i.e. not China) have steadily been cutting their CO2 emissions down since the 2000s, renewable energy sources are becoming cheaper as the technology is advancing>In 2019 the Ozone hole of the atmosphere had shrunk down to the smallest it has been in its observation history, most likely thanks to human actions>Extreme poverty has been cut down significantly, From 75% (1950) to less than 10% (2017)>Global child mortality has gone down to only a few percent compared to around 20% in 1950, likewise life expectancy has been rising significantly thanks to better living conditions and advanced health care>More and more countries have a democratic regime instead of dictatorship, amount has almost tripled from 1950 and global GDPs are growing>The amount of people getting an education has doubled from the 70's>Conflicts and wars are almost nonexistent compared to the 20's-80's>World hunger has decreased significantly between 2000 and 2017>Using child labor has fallen from 16% (2000) to 9.6% (2016)>Diseases are being treated, Ebola finally got a working vaccine that's around 90+% effective and the Guinea worm is steadily disappearing>Homicides are on a steep decrease in the US and most OECD countriesBut yeah keep on being a retarded ungrateful doomer if that's your thing. Not judging here because according to the statistics in 2020 global political freedom has improved to the point that you're allowed to wallow in your nihilistic diapers all you want.
No. 578333
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>>578329Based anon coming with facts. We have long ways to go but people who glorify the past are unbelievably naive. If things seem worse now, it's because we have 24/7 instant global access to a massive amount of information, both news and anecdotal. Obviously we are going to be acutely aware of all the bad things going on, but that doesn't mean it isn't generally better than before.
>Rape in a marriage was largely considered not rape until maybe the 80's-90's1996 specifically it became illegal, I happened to read that today
No. 578357
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Chris Redfield looks like a chav.
No. 578368
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>>578027>Those people will never be able to behave professionally or achieve true success because they're mentally unstable and oddYeah, it's not like the person who dismantled the rule that decrees women must be represented in a democratic political space is a "woman" who literally had "her" boner peeking out of "her" dress the whole time "she" was announcing "her" victory.
Oh, wait.
No. 578399
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>>578357He looks disgusting and i wish they would stop revamping him to look worse each game. RE5 was the last game he looked good in.
No. 578430
>>578384Nah, this has to be bait. What's next? You
think large companies as a whole never lie, or do anything bad/wrong, and that's just your opinion?
No. 578432
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>>578334>statistic loving assKEK
>>578399This. They can never get his face/body right lmao.
At least Leon's are more consistent.
No. 578436
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>>578027They very easily can. Just grow up as a male, enjoy all the privileges, knock up a woman, get yourself elected and then at age 40+ reveal your "true" self…
No. 578438
>>578436>She had known her true gender identity for over a decadeGod. In some other article he said he "discovered he was a woman" when he "put on a dress" ten years ago. You just know this is some Wachowski type degenerate who contacted someone who got him into sissyfication and he wanted to start living the transvestite lifestyle fulltime after frying his middle age crisis brain with kinkster shit.
As a woman who works in a male-dominated industry and has had to fight tooth and nail to be accepted as a professional these "late bloomers" piss me off the most. They get to enjoy decades of male privilege, gotten into positions of power by networking and being taken seriously due to having a dick and then when they're nearing 50 and have accomplished all they wanted put on a wig and start redefining womanhood. Absolutely despicable.
No. 578443
>>578438>>578027>Either way, who gives a fuck?I do, because the vast, vast, vast majority of them are trenders. People with actual problems that need transitioning to fix are so tiny as to be almost invisible, and the internet isn't the doctor to treat them with these problems.
The vast majority of them that you see on the internet are
>>578436 are people who do it purely for political reasons. They don't care about justice, equal rights, etc. They want to have a voice that's louder and stronger than a feminist voice in this era where being a cis white woman makes you a TERF.
>>578438Don't forget that they want to be able to tell you that they're the "oppressed" ones despite all of society, all at once, lining up to shine their shoes after they 'transition' (read: put on a wig and make no real changes)
No. 578450
>>578368The funniest thing is that this lovely young lady was fucking 20 at the time those pictures were taken! kek
Imagine being a hag before you're even legally allowed to drink, of course he's jealous of women.
On another note, how often do we read about college aged girls reaching such high positions
and immediatley managing to change rules? Literally never. But if you're a bloke with your cock out like dear Emilia here or of course also Lily Madigan it's an easy feat.
>>578431Look at the way the older dude is hugging him. Do professionals in politics hug people of the other gender? Usually no. And if he had to he'd only place his hand on her back or waist, and not throw his arm around her shoulders like good old bros. They all see him as a man, they simply prefer a degenerate fetishist over actual women.
No. 578482
>>578027agreed. the constant sperging and purposeful missing of the point/misinterpretation of things when people are transposting as well is annoying to see as well.
i've sympathized with actual trans people more than ever upon actually meeting and interacting with them, as opposed to sitting on the internet playing a role of a spectator based solely on anti-sjw tumblr era strawmen.
the excessive need to shit on trans people for even the slightest shit, not even cow behavior, is kind of offputting. they're super aggressive about being anti-trans and conforming to that narrative otherwise you must be a scrote or a fakeboi or a they/them.
yes, there are plenty of trenders, mtf misogynists, abusers who try to use the title of trans as a pass, and plenty of other
toxic bullshit in the trans community, literally just like any other community of varying different people from all across the world. they aren't a hivemind and treating their identities/beliefs as such based on such obvious strawmen arguments and preconceived notions based on internet lolcows and trenders is bullshit.
>>578042lmao what does "acting like the bathroom is his place to begin with" even mean? can you be less vague and describe the behavior rather than a perception that sounds like it was already coming from a place of bias? i've never interacted with someone in a bathroom to the extent of being made uncomfortable, i typically just take a shit and go.
>>578052this. and even then, a lot of the time i find that the ones bitching about using gender neutral language for womens products and stuff aren't even trans themselves, but are they/thems or cis liberals doing it to virtue signal.
>>578055so are you going to point to the individual you're referring to or do you continue to think every person who self identifies or you assume is trans is a part of some global conspiracy hivemind to take down women? is it funded by soros too?
>>578443i feel lke if the main source of someone's viewing trans people or seeing how they live their lives is the internet, it's already going to be biased as fuck towards you seeing a vast majority of trenders anyways. it's the internet. everyone is a million times more radical, extremist, and a piece of shit, especially if they're putting themselves enough in the public eye to where you would take notice. Interacting with trans people IRL, especially ones that don't radiate red flags, is a completely normal experience at least in what I've seen since I stopped being as radically anti-trans and GC as I used to be.
What do you mean by doing it purely for political reasons? And how does that relate to not caring about justice or equal rights? Wouldn't a trans person involved in politics be more likely to be the one advocating for justice or equal rights? You at least have to be minimally palatible to have any sense of a career in being a politician. Does this include activists as well?
No. 578547
>>578482>lmao what does "acting like the bathroom is his place to begin with" even mean? I don't know if you're dense or pretending to be dense.
Nevermind, you're just braindead.
No. 578605
>>578482Your whole post is full of strawmanning, but you accuse others of doing just that, and you've been bitching about "muh anti-sjw strawman" since at least a week or two ago, like some kind of brainwashed cult member who was given a list of things to say.
>Wouldn't a trans person involved in politics be more likely to be the one advocating for justice or equal rights? You typed all that shit, and jumped right over the post that basically destroyed this particular argument (>>578368) because you know you're being disingenuous.
Nope, they're not for equal rights and justice. They are just mentally ill people, especially the biological males, who are documented as having high rates of comorbidity with narcissistic personality disorder. you give people like this positions of power, at
best, they will be incredibly selfish. At worst, they will exploit and abuse.
Wake the fuck up, the girldick's staring you right in the face. Go suck it if you're into that, but don't try and force everyone else to do the same.
No. 578716
>>578713ah a fellow woman of culture
definitely agree anon, pity she doesn't get the same attention bey does
No. 578737
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The general public's response to this letter is frightening. Instead of disputing any of the main talking points people are shouting "dog whistle" or "you don't need to address something so absurd". If that's really case shouldn't a deconstruction of the claims be as simple as a few sentences? Kek at how it's under review, it only serves to bolster the statements made within the letter. No. 578751
>>578697She seriously lacks hits for someone so famous and popular, she goes years between anything people actually like but it never affects her reputation.
Anyway Destiny's Child was way better.
No. 578774
>>578737Very interesting read, anon.
I’m always wary of any group or movement that insists on bullying people into silence.
“The first amendment is only acceptable for views I myself agree with. Everyone who DARES challenge my views of the world should remember the THREAT that you have freedom of speech but not freedom of consequences.” is basically what it sounds like to me.
Even if they disagree with this person’s perspectives, nothing they said was hateful or intended to incite violence.
Being unable to look at an extremely complex issue from more than just one angle, closing off the ability to have a discussion will keep people from being able to find common ground.
Threats can force someone to bend the knee, but they won’t change what’s inside someone’s mind.
No. 578853
>>577375I honestly have no problem with it as long both parties understand theu're using each other. My husband ended up inheriting hundreds of thousands of dollars from his grandparents and it has made my life unspeakably better. I don't have to work while I'm in college or worry about paying for school. He treats me to things like expensive gaming equipment, top of the line electronics, luxury skincare and makeup, clothing hauls, and we get to start building a decent house soon and will still have plenty in the bank. I married my husband strictly for love and would stay with him if he lost everything tomorrow, but after experiencing this lifestyle, I think it's absolutely
valid to marry for money as long as your intentions are upfront.
No. 578856
>>578842I miss the 90s and early millennium when it was still taboo to openly comment and ask others about their means. I don't think their should be an out of reach financial threshold everyone should aim for before they have kids. Inequality obviously is a massive issue tho so the sentiment towards those that seem comfortable during periods of austerity isn't shocking. It is pointless directing anger at like your neighbours etc. Governments intentionally make finances and economics complex for laypersons and implement arduous processes that wouldn't favour the financial backers of whoever the fuck got elected.
Wouldn't everyone use the channels available to them to advance themselves? Governments get let off the hook so much and people lament the companies owned by private individuals, as if they were the ones that stood with manifestos promising this and that. People are completely blinded by envy. I don't get the socialists and communists either that recognise the corrupt financing of government but believe in handing more powers to those governments. Do you trust them or not?
No. 578857
>>578850I am by no means saying it's easy, my opinion comes from having to accept the ways in which being raised by a mom who got pregnant as a teenager fucked me over (although for me it was less about finances because my grandparents helped her a lot, and more about being raised by an immature womanchild). Trust me, I know it's hard to accept, but misdirecting that frustration at others is not the solution and needlessly
No. 578859
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>>578853>I married my husband strictly for love and would stay with him if he lost everything tomorrowThen why not have gotten with a penniless old man still mooching off his parents as long as he was nice to you and treated you lovingly? You know exactly why.
No. 578864
>>578842You both acknowledge that wealth disparity is a problem and yet you don't think it's actively happening for people to be angry about it?
Pick one sis. None of it is misdirection, wealth disparity and societal issues are bigger than "hurr underage McDonald's worker parents decided to smash and have kids they couldn't afford." Yeah it doesn't help, but in other progressive countries at least the peasantry can afford to get an education, seek healthcare, and live a decent life. The wealthy take advantage of our system on the backs of people who work harder than them and it's outrageous.
Maybe the middle class who broke out of being working class (like you and me) aren't the perpetrators who keep the poor under our thumbs, but this meritocracy attitude about how they or the sins of their fathers did something for them to remain perpetually poorer is a load of shit. People are gaming the system and profiting while the poor who play by the rules get screwed. The billionaires have trained you well.
No. 578865
>>578863People with strong opinions gossip too.
Who spit in your bean curd?
No. 578866
>>578842growing up poor can really easily make you a bitter person. personally i never act that way towards someone who was more privileged than me growing up unless they're being a knobhead about it/extremely out of touch.
like I'm not gonna shit on you for having parents that pay for your college and take care of you but if you live in the white suburbs and i was raised in the ghetto and you proceed to ask me some out of touch shit like "when your grandparents gave you Christmas money did they give it to you in cash or on a check?" I'm going to roll my eyes because I live in a pretty wealth divided area where income inequality isn't a surprise and it's considered a privilege to even get Christmas money, let alone have your grandparents give you a big check for it. it just depends on the way the person with more wealth acts towards others who aren't as privileged
No. 578878
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>>578875Thanks! Now here's yours.
No. 578879
>>578875>>578878You two are married now, just fyi
God bless this awful website
No. 578884
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>>578861>p-projection>anti-trans spergsMaybe because MtFs and their supporters won't shut the fuck up about trying to make everyone do so, both as a cry that people are "bigoted" for refusing to touch them, and as a very masculine insult.
Check your own before crying "projection", kek. Don't get mad when your shit is thrown right back in your face.
>also i don't think this anon was talking exclusively about mtfsAnd?
No. 578936
>>578051Ok so I read the article.
So there's a powerful trans lobby. I don't doubt that. How do you think gays got accepted? Powerful gay lobby. What did change in my life since the gay lobby got what they wanted? Only positive things.
Look, I'm old by lolcow standards. I've personally witnessed changes brought on by the dreaded "gay lobby". Civilization didn't collapse, nothing bad happened, my life and lives of those
I love got better.
What else can I say? Live, love and see for yourselves.
No. 578972
>>578936Do you not see how lesbians are being treated by transwomen? Do you think it makes sense to encourage children to go on hormones/blockers (a disproportionate amount of them being autistic, but having said autism be conflated with gender dysphoria)?
I'm kind of tired of people comparing gay people and trans people. They aren't the same.
No. 578990
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I don't buy makeup, I don't even know how to do eyeshadow, and I'm definitely not a JStar fan, but I thought the Cremated palette was cool as shit and genuinely something that stood out to me in the incredibly oversaturated makeup market. I've seen what feels like hundreds of trendy palettes come and go, and people really knocked this one for having "all the same colors"? If you makeup fans know so much about beauty and artistry or whatever the fuck how do you not see the value in having subtle different undertones and shades?
The phenomenon of people acting like something is shitty just because it's associated with someone they don't like is so dumb, you can just ignore it and still shit on the actual problems with that person instead of making yourself look stupid and petty.
No. 578995
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>>578990Not when this palette exists. That palette has little versatility and is in need of serious condensing. But you're entitled to you opinion.
No. 579007
>>579003Typical Zoomer, thinking "likes" motivate me.
Naw, I'm to old for that to tickle my serotonin receptors.
I speak from experience. You'll see.
No. 579083
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Anisa's personality is disgusting, but she herself is hot.
No. 579095
>>579092Yeah I don't think it's uncommon for people to like his old stuff. His new stuff is nowhere near as good, but it's still decent enough for me to justify continuing to watch it. He can still get a chuckle out of me.
I also give the guy props for managing to keep producing content despite how much shit he gets these days.
No. 579122
>>578436Funny thing is that this isn't the only one. Last year my city was plastered with an about 50 yo fat man with long unkept hair, claiming to be the first transgender candidate of my city.
I ignored them but germany really had quite the rise of men claiming to be trans within the last year or two. I actually started seeing trans women daily when I had a busy schedule. Most did the absolute bare minimum to pass too and just looked like caricatures.
No. 579155
>>579147you joke but having pepperspray made me feel 10x better in general. this dumb scrote tried to threaten me when i was walking my dog, pulled out the spray when he began to walk towards me and damn did he turn heel quick. feels nice to level the playing field a bit.
all women should carry something to defend themselves with. I think there should be laws that allow women to carry weapons in public but not men due to how often men commit violent crimes and that they are mostly aimed at women.
No. 579192
>>579079His old videos (pre-2013) are comfy as hell and they
still make me laugh out loud. I'm sort of embarrassed by this because everyone thinks he's a dweeb (as do I to a certain degree) but honestly he's a pretty good comedic performer. Even now whenever he drops a video that's just him performing without his stupid side actors and skits it's still enjoyable. His Demo Reel project was fucking awful though and I'm glad he quit it.
A related opinion: The "Change the channel" drama was cringeworthy and mostly untalented, petty people being jealous of not being as popular as Doug. That one HR chick was abused to hell and back by the company CEO but most of the remaining complaints were along the lines of "wahhh doug got more attention than I did".
No. 579230
>>579229Commentary channels like Cody Ko, Kurtis, Danny, etc you mean? I agree with you, I don't find them entertaining, they basically pick low hanging fruit and get views off of othet people's works/content.
I kinda like Jarvis only because I think he's really cute lol
No. 579312
>>579310Here's a fucking documentary on him you can watch for free. Marsha was a Drag Queen character Malcolm Michaels Jr. was playing.
And here's a summary of it in case you're lazy and don't feel like watching it:
>Johnson was interviewed once again, on June 26th, 1992, nine days before her death. Johnson refers to herself throughout as a ‘drag queen’, ‘a boy’ ‘a gay’, ‘a homosexual’, and a transvestite. The word transgender is not mentioned by Marsha, who also discusses other queens, but not herself, taking hormones in the 60s. The interview is featured in the 2012 documentary Pay It No Mind: Marsha P. Johnson.And another account from "Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked The Gay Revolution":
>But Robert Heide recalls another side to the childlike Marsha, who could be both helpless and charming. He sometimes saw a demon emerge, especially when Marsha was in his male persona as Malcolm. “I think we all have that to some degree, but apparently in Malcolm/Marsha’s case there was this real duality and it would take hold. There was a schizophrenic personality at work, for Malcolm Michaels could be a very nasty, vicious man, looking for fights. You could say hello to him and if he was Malcolm that day, he might not recognize you or you might be in trouble or a fight might even ensue.I'm surprised they never decided to trans Storme DeLarverie despite her being a gay PoC but because she's a gender-noncomforming lesbian woman I guess she needs to be erased instead.
No. 579317
>>579312Oh look, here's more food:
>Marsha: The way I winded up being at Stonewall that night, I was having a party uptown. And we were all out there and Miss Sylvia Rivera and them were over in the park having a cocktail.
>I was uptown and I didn’t get downtown until about two o’clock, because when I got downtown the place was already on fire. And it was a raid already. The riots had already started. And they said the police went in there and set the place on fire. They said the police set it on fire because they originally wanted the Stonewall to close, so they had several raids. And there was this, uh, Tiffany and, oh, this other drag queen that used to work there in the coat check room and then they had all these bartenders. And the night before the Stonewall riots started, before they closed the bar, we were all there and we all had to line up against the wall and they was all searching us.As for Sylvia Rivera, here's an essay she/he wrote:
> I thought about having a sex change, but I decided not to. I feel comfortable being who I am. That final journey many of the trans women and trans men make is a big journey. It’s a big step and I applaud them, but I don’t think I could ever make that journey.
>People now want to call me a lesbian because I’m with Julia, and I say, “No. I’m just me. I’m not a lesbian.” I’m tired of being labeled. I don’t even like the label transgender. I’m tired of living with labels. I just want to be who I am.All in all: Marsha Johnson OR Sylvia Rivera weren't trans women, they both said they were drag queens and/or transvestites. And they didn't start the riots, they came there when they were already ongoing. Oops. I wonder what other lies the trans activists are telling?
No. 579442
>>579303when did anon say gnc people were trans? they might not be trans under your definition but depending on the definition used they can definitely fall under the trans umbrella. i also disagree that marsha and sylvia were transwomen, they're widely known as drag queens. but tbf the confusion makes sense considering the language of "transgender" didn't exist and "transsexual" was a more widely used term socially and medically.
it is bullshit that people always harp over them starting the riots, when that's been disproved time and time again. it doesn't matter WHO specifically threw the first brick, the work they did after that matters more
also I'm not too deep into the politics around stonewall but everytime i see marsha brought up in activist spaces i also hear storm delarverie being brought up as well for being a gender nonconforming lesbian? so i don't know what communities you're a part of that actively erase her. she's definitely not as widely spread as marsha or sylvia, but she's still widely known and credited for the work she's done afaict.
No. 579621
>>579607i think hourglass shapes are the most attractive, if you have a big ass then you need a small waist and big bust to balance it out
of course those dramatized kim k asses just look ridiculous
No. 579647
>>579607imo asses (and humans) just look dumb most of the time. I don‘t get the obsession over specific bodyparts/attributes in general. I mean we all are retarded less hairy apes after all.
these super short hot pants where half your asscheeks hang out for example. even if the person has a ´nice assˋ it just looks awkward and somehow pathetic, walking around with half your ass hanging out. Everytime I see something like this I can‘t help but imagine silly trumpet sounds playing in the background
No. 579813
>>579647>Everytime I see something like this I can‘t help but imagine silly trumpet sounds playing in the backgroundGood god I busted my sides cracking up at this for like five minutes
Anyway I agree, I never really find asses that interesting. They always look either comedic or just bland.
No. 579883
I don’t mind male doctors in general but I would never go to a male gyno
>>579607I blame the Kardashians for popularizing this. Fake asses are disgusting
No. 579886
>>579622aww anon thanks this makes me feel better
also what's great about having face freckles is that they look indistinguishable from small acne half the time
No. 579893
>>579240you and me both sister
Speaking of, now I realize that all of my long term doctors have been women, that explains why I've never hand any miscommunciation problems in the first place. Thank god.
No. 580028
>>580020Agreed, I hate how people are making it seem glamorous. I feel like for 95% of sex workers have a bad time and the 5% who are the most popular have a good time and post about it. I think sex obsession is just bad in any context, especially if it's your entire career.
I also think it is going to push women into doing extreme stuff because of market pressure and fan culture. I have already seen girls turn from 17 to 18 then start an OnlyFans immediately, it's so disgusting.
No. 580040
>>579607Honestly, I've always found the "door" body type to be super attractive and I wish I had it myself but the "thicc" trend sort of made me appreciate my own body type more because the "skinny" ideal of the previous decade is not very achievable for me. So I guess I feel lucky that it's trendy now and I know it's partly to do with coom-brained men but even seeing attractive women with similar features as myself online has definitely helped me feel less insecure.
>>580037I'm a >25 anon and I disagree. I don't see how posting on imageboards has any correlation with age. Plus, I like getting the perspective from people of different generations with more life experience.
No. 580043
>>580037Have fun stopping yourself from doing all the things you enjoy when you turn some arbitrary age, don't forget to start dressing like your mother and pop out a kid before you hit the wall
I'll be skateboarding joyfully into the sunset with my embarrassing merch, outdated memes and accounts on apps that I don't quite understand but still enjoy, smell ya later!
No. 580048
>>580037lol, you're in for a nasty shock when you hit some arbitrary 'old' age and realise you haven't suddenly become super mature with better things to do than whatever you enjoyed when you were younger.
If anything, the older I get the more I use sites like these. I was busy with friends and parties and boys when I was young, now I just want to kill time online while working and prefer relaxing at home on the internet to being busy.
No. 580056
>>580043while I agree with the sentiment, the cringe vibe from this post is just too much
>smell ya later!ffs
No. 580129
>>580120But how many of them wanted it, and didn't just have to do it for lack of better options for reasons that were beyond their control?
It just seems counterproductive to literally railroad yourself, and have the permanent threat looming over your head that someone spiteful and bitter enough might stalk you and send your nudes to your family, any friends you might have, your children (if you have any), your partner, etc.
No. 580175
>>580158Agreed. Most of the retards fucked off to Twitter, too, so it's a less cancerous experience overall.
Honestly, anyone sperging about Tumblr banning porn is whiny and dumb.
You can go to so many other sites on the internet to share and view that sort of content, and one (1) platform disallowing it is the end of the world for you? That's addiction luv
No. 580246
>>580112I'm just annoyed by farmers pulling the "how will [cow] ever work??" thing in every e-thot's thread. You guys really never discovered Greg in accounting's underwear modelling pictures or your personal trainer's onlyfans? It's so naive.
>>580141I didn't say it was funny or progressive. If it snowballs to harassment you can go to HR though. I'm just saying that it's dumb for anons to act like nudes are going to ruin someone's life or impact your career options unless you're trying to find success in specific fields.
No. 580290
>>580276Idk how common this actually is but to a certain extent, yeah. You would be shocked at how many seemingly everyday hot people have started OnlyFans. Being a personal trainer usually means you're self employed too so there would be no need to worry about getting fired for having an OF side hustle and you'd have more incentive to build another stream of income.
I actually heard about OnlyFans a while ago before it got super big because my bi male friend follows tons of hot gay dude IG thots, many of whom are personal trainers or similar, and a lot of them started making OnlyFans and he told me about it. Always have been jealous at how much of a genius fucking business idea it is.
I think that standards are going to have to change for how people treat those who have nudes on the internet/have done some form of sex work just because it's becoming SO much more common, but who knows how that will go. I still wouldn't bank on not having a SW past come back to haunt me at this point in the game. I agree with
>>580246 to an extent but to be fair I feel like every cow on here has other reasons to worry about their online past affecting their future than just regular SW kek.
No. 580433
>>580427Same, I don’t care but no-one should be obligated to treat you as what you “identify” as.
>>580341You don’t have try to devalue what other women do.
No. 580435
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I participate in gentle femdom but the idea of pegging makes me ick. If you want to femininize a boy or use a strap-on that badly might as well go full lesbian at that point.
No. 580466
>>580430I'm still against surgery. I think hormones could be ok.
>>580442>it's the fact that people are trying to deny basic facts, demonize all criticism, and turn it into some sort of inalienable innate identity group instead of a complex psychosocial phenomenonI mean, some trans people who aren't like that exist. I was skeptical but it's true.
No. 580477
>>580473Neovaginas are more of a concern to me than mastectomies, but even so… treating dysphoria with surgery is like treating anorexia with weight loss.
A bunch of young, troubled people who think transitioning will solve their deeply rooted issues through permanent surgeries after being fed a constant stream of encouragement by an extremely suspicious lobby with an agenda is a recipe for disaster and malpractice lawsuits.
No. 580479
>>580473What makes you “chest dysphoric”? I don’t like my boobs and consider getting rid of them but I think the current top surgery look is so fucking ugly and botched. My problem isn’t some gender special thing, more dysmorphic, they
feel big and lewd and I hate that, I wear a binder despite looking really femme otherwise.
No. 580482
>>580477I think the better solution would be for a higher age restriction, if weirdos like me want to get extreme body mods (which tbh most "gender affirming" surgeries are) after 25 or something just leave them to their own devices.
>>580479I just never got used to my post-puberty body I suppose, Im in my mid twenties now and still feel that weird primal disgust when i shower its very uncomfortable, I don't want the body of a kid either, much less a man, just no secundary sex characteristics and no uterus, the whole genderless ordeal.
Inb4 I never got diddled as a kid.
No. 580487
>>580451Yeah, I didn't want to make my post too wordy with tons of qualifications but I agree that "transitioning" can mean a lot of things and a lot of them are not good. Very broadly speaking what I mean when I say that is adults, who have gone through sufficient therapy and healing enough to know that living as the opposite gender is what's best for them,
meaningfully (no fakeboi or totally untransitioned male "lesbian" shit) presenting and living as the opposite gender.
I'm not sure what's best in terms of specifics beyond that. The biggest issue with all of this imo is just that there needs to be
so much more honest and unbiased research and dialogue to develop a real understanding of "transness" (which is likely multiple totally different things all forced into the same label) and how best to deal with it. But TRAs have made that all but impossible.
>>580466I definitely didn't mean to imply that all trans people are like that, I totally agree that there are reasonable grounded trans people out there and I suspect there's more of them than it seems. When I say people are doing that shit I mean all people, trans or not, who participate in the many forms of harmful trans activism.
>>580473I can't say that I'm fully against surgery for every single person ever, but I'm highly critical/skeptical of it. Like
>>580477 said, there are many mental conditions where it might appear, or the sufferer might insist, that the answer is changing the body: eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, even cases of depression or anxiety that someone thinks will go away if they had xyz surgery and looked better. But being transgender is the only one where surgery is actually medically recommended. Is it possible that having surgery, even the most controversial neovagina creation, is genuinely the best option for certain people? I don't think
anyone knows enough to say that that couldn't possibly be the case. But should we be extremely critical of the use of permanent body modification to treat mental distress? Absolutely yes. (not even going to get into the MYRIAD lies and misconceptions that are spread about how these surgeries work and what the actual results are, that's just one of the issues preventing truthful discussion)
I will say that surgery should be used as a last resort if at all. Self acceptance is incredibly important and that includes accepting your body. It's incredibly hard to do, but surgery is permanent! And the data about happiness and improvement post-surgery is mixed at best, and likely suffers from a lack of honest research into the issue. With regards to mastectomy specifically, the removal of a healthy bodily organ is ALWAYS a big deal. Why are so many women being told that the solution to discomfort with having breasts is just to chop them off? Perhaps it is the best option for some people but such a permanent decision needs to be questioned within an inch of its life.
No. 580525
>>580523NTA but I'd rather have frequent small meals/snacks than skip a meal, I eat 5-6 times a day. Being hungry is far worse for me than missing out on a super satisfying meal once or twice a day. Everyone's different, doesn't matter as long as you're counting calories.
That said, a 6 pack of McDonalds nuggets is 260 calories and fries are 200. Either of our strategies could work for anon's meal with some adjustments to the portions.
No. 580546
>>580527How can he look better if he doesn’t pass? Now he just looks like an ugly man in a dress. Sounded like a hair graft and plastic surgery was all he needed to feel better. Also he’s on a cocktail of drugs that alter moods. He found something to cling to, like how destitute people would find religion and thought God made them happy. We’ll see if he stays happy and confident lol
If transitioning is such a miracle cure for being a depressed incel, how come half of them commit sudoku.
No. 580555
>>580546Do you think I'm lying? Why don't you just call me lying or delusional instead of acting so concern trolling? I never said my friend looked like a woman. They look like a more attractive guy who wears male clothing.
I never said it worked for everyone. And plenty of people find happiness in religion or other communities. Not really sure what makes you so high and mighty.
>>580549Why is plastic surgery such a great solution? Isn't it expensive and have a lot of side effects?
No. 580575
>>580555>started transitioning with hormones>looks like a man dresses like a manSo is he trans or not homie? Cause yeah I know he doesn’t look like a woman, he never will. My point still stands that all he needed was feeling better about his appearance. Evidently the estrogen must have made him grow hair and have better skin kek (or are you implying that it rearranged the bones in face?)
So in actuality you’re providing argument against “transitioning”, attempting to change one’s sex, by pointing out that dysphoria is just severe self image issues caused by emotional/social trauma. In this case, trauma from being an ugly social failure.
>plenty of people find happiness in religion or other communitiesYeah including cults. A cope is a cope is a cope. Placebo works too, doesn’t make it a legit option.
No. 580633
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>>580621The problem is, they expect sex and/or emotional labor in return if they buy you things or give you money.
That in itself wouldn't be so bad if rich men were usually attractive, but instead, they're typically ugly old men, or bearded, weird-looking fucks with either overcompensating muscles or nasty dadbods.
If they looked like this, it might be okay. Instead, the reality is always
No. 580636
>>580633You dont even need to meet or have sex with men to get cash from them.
1. Make a tinder account and post your beat photos
2. Post your snap in your bio
3. Get 100s of snap followers.
4. Post stories asking for donations of like 10 or 5 dollars
5. Post a sexy picture that is censored and say anyone who send you 5 dollars can see it uncensored
You wont get millions but you'll get enough for clothes, food and you dont need to get nude or ever met these guys. Make them think you'll meet tho.
No. 580641
30 is not middle-aged and one day you will turn 25 and realize how young you still are.
>>580549I honestly think a lot of "dysphoria" troons feel is actually just plain old "being ugly and sad about it"
No. 580646
>>580642Lol then if they do that just block them?
Who cares what a pay pig thinks.
Men dont care when they pump and dump women and the woman gets emotional and goes off about him using her. They block her, laugh and move on. It's the same thing.
No. 580648
>>580636This is some incel tier “easy mode” delusion. If every bitch who posted thirst trap could pull hundreds of willing paypigs and not salt daddy time wasters, we’d all be set. And like are you suggesting actually delivering the nudes or just scamming? Because both options are risky and unsustainable.
Just get a rich boyfriends like a normal person if you’re such a simp magnet.
No. 580653
>>580648You can only be successful at this if you arent scared of someone saying no or insulting you.
You care what these men think and have "morals" against it. It has nothing to do with your looks.
No. 580661
>>580653No. The risk of having my name and face being associated with soliciting premium snapchat, scam or not, isn’t worth petty coins
> you'll get enough for clothes, foodLike bitch wtf are you destitute? I afford those things just fine. If I’m gonna get involved with a man transactionally At All it better be for multiple vacations pay my college debt type money. Learn a foreign language, there’s always a rich third-worlder seeking a green card marriage. That’s the kind of risk and reward ratio worth considering, not being a $5 snapchat queen. Has nothing to do with male opinion or morals sis.
No. 580675
>>580668Damn you really thought you were saying something with the “just (pretend to) sell nudes bro” huh
Guess I’m just
triggered by low iq strats
No. 580676
>>580675When did I say you had to pretend to sell nudes? And even if a girl does sell nudes, she doesn't need to be hot to do it.
If you get 20 guys to give you 5 dollars that's 100$ bucks a day. Some ppl dont give a shit about having nudes out there, they just dont do it becuz they think they're not hot enough.
No. 580735
>>580625No offense anon but if you want to make a sizable amount you definitely do.
Scamming men out of a couple hundred isn't using them for money imo.
No. 580763
>>580653What? Do you think men throw barrels of money at anyone willing to fuck them? There are loads of beautiful women degrading themselves endlessly for a simp coin, never getting more than maybe a hundred bucks tops on their patreon/onlyfans. Like
>>580648 said this incel parroting "easy mode" bullshit is ridiculous. If you want to catch a millionaire sugar daddy you have to be drop dead gorgeous, less than 25 years of age and willing to leave your life at some moid's hands. You can't pay for your retirement fund with sponsored chanel bags either, when you hit 30 your "career" is over and you got 50 more years to survive.
I know for a broke college student getting $500 just for wining and dining some lonely geezer or selling lewds on Snapchat is big money but it only gets you so far. No self-respecting woman equipped with elementary financial acumen uses men as a source of living. Seriously this "men are only good for their money, right sisters???" speak reeks of
a scrote larp.
No. 580771
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>>580744Hard agree. I remember almost no one bringing up Breonna or a buncha other women who were killed. it's always black men and their death that provoke a reaction. Dont get me started on the black women who were killed by black men.. hmmm
No. 580784
>>580776same anon but just like Atatiana Jefferson who was killed during a wellness check no
One marched for her but the second a black man dies with video evidence or not people are marching. Black womens deaths are always an after thought
No. 580790
>>580767I love Paris Milan. But honestly, caping for black men so hard has done nothing good for black women and lives have been destroyed (and taken) constantly trying to defend their shit behaviour. I especially don't feel bad for black men who end up being racially abused by the by their white wives/girlfriends, especially since almost always, they are only dating for fetishistic/gold digging reasons. Like bitch, that's what you get when you hook up for someone who sees you as nothing but a huge dick and a mean to fulfil their fetishistic desires of having mixed race children. Boo hoo. I wish dusty black men weren't allowed positions of power to spread their
toxic propaganda.
>>580773It took far too long. The worst part is that an argument can be made for the black men who are
victims of racist cops having criminal records that don't help others sympathise with them, almost all the women involved were completely vulnerable and gunned down with no warning what so ever.
No. 580795
>>580786This, they'd rather focus on an even smaller subgroup of black men (black transwomen) before they focus on us.
We're never asked to join, we just are expected to be there.
No. 580821
People who can't eat their peach with the fuzz on it are pussy.
No. 580825
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>>580798In the USA, the life of a 46 year old man who once held a pregnant woman at gunpoint is worth more outcry than the life of a 7 year old girl who was sleeping on her grandmother's couch.
Funny how that works.
I also read about the case of Sherrice Iverson from the 90s, how the guy who literally watched this little girl get killed and raped by his best friend walked free, and how there was pretty much no racial outcry about it.
Today, we know about the case of Chrystul Kizer (a girl who killed the CP-collecting pedophile who trafficked and raped her, and is being threatened with jailtime for it), and 99% of the attention and support for her is coming from women, not men.
Malcolm X was right about who the most unprotected, neglected, disrespected group in America is, that's all I can really say.
No. 580836
>>580825>Chrystul Kizer I been following her story. It's heartbreaking.
>>580806Did I say that?? No.
No. 580858
>>580744yes, the movement as is uplifts the lives of black men, but that is a symptom of the society the movement is in (the US) and not a symptom of the movement itself.
there are plenty plenty plenty of protests taking place centering specifically black women. there are plenty of people shouting "remember her name" and "breonna taylor" and "don't forget our girls" on the streets. instead of allowing the media and the public opinion to center the voices and stories of black men (as media always centers men regardless), we should be aware that a lot of the actual people on the streets leading are black women and not disregard their work in the movement just because it's being overshadowed by shitlords.
>>580740this argument unironically word for word can be found in most discussions on transsexuality and homosexuality dating as far back as the 1960s. next you're gonna bring up the slippery slope huh
No. 580901
>>580887Lmao anon
>>580885Nothing wrong with using men for money like what else are they good for. But downplaying what it costs a woman to make money off simps is retarded incel logic.
>Begging for $5 on Snapchat>being a kept womanSo which is it? You were harping on about sending sexy pics to randos for $5 but then backpedaled saying “no you don’t have to send pic” and now you’re talking about scoring a husband? Lmaooo move the goalpost some more.
Really thinking you can get 20 scrotes giving you $5 a day consistently without exchange of nudes or emotional labor is some serious tranny delusion, whether you’re a 5 or a 9. Meanwhile, waiting a $$$ restaurant made me $200/night.
No. 580930
>>580901>downplaying what it costs a woman to make money off simps is retarded incel logicthis is so true.Besides the non-monetary costs of your time, emotional labor, and dignity, the makeup and clothes and shit it takes to appeal to men online are pricy. I bet most camgirls/Splenda babies barely break even.
>>580852Yes! BM treat black women like shit with all of their colorism and chasing other races, but STILL expect black women to cape for them. I'm not denying that there are terrible, racist white women, but white women aren't raping or killing black women en masse. Plus, white women are way more likely to be guilted into acting against there own class interests since they have empathy and morals whereas black men will always side with men first and foremost.
No. 580938
>>580930>Plus, white women are way more likely to be guilted into acting against there own class interests since they have empathy and morals whereas black men will always side with men first and foremost.Yeah, I think women are just more likely to examine and work on their racism than men are their misogyny. Women are almost always more liberal, more SJW-ish, and even if guilt is part of it I think a lot of women do want to be better about racial issues. Maybe it's not quite to the point that black women are keen to side with white women but I think eventually it will improve noticeably, I'm nowhere near as optimistic about men.
tbh I think misogyny stands apart from other social justice issues because it's just SO personal and close to home. A homophobe can avoid gay people, a racist can avoid other races, but a misogynist still wants to fuck, marry and raise children with women. Maintaining the status quo is even more important when it affects your own family planning.
No. 580940
>>580930>>580882I notice a lot of black women online hold these views (LSA anyone?) but in the mainstream you have more libfem pickme types who side with black men. That being said, I don't blame them whatsoever because I can understand why black women would hide their pink pill views. But it would be absolutely based if a black female activist like Kimberle Crenshaw or Tarana Burke started another social media movement that honed in on how black racial activism does jack shit for black women. You're totally right when you say that black men just want to replace white men. Men are absolutely entitled no matter their race, nationality, background, etc. it seems.
>>580938> tbh I think misogyny stands apart from other social justice issues because it's just SO personal and close to home. A homophobe can avoid gay people, a racist can avoid other races, but a misogynist still wants to fuck, marry and raise children with women.You absolutely nailed it. Write this as a post on pinkpillfeminism and take your upvotes.
No. 580966
>>580901I'm not that anon and no, being a pennybegging ethot is not being kept. Just because ethots are selling themselves short to an ungrateful audience of middle class coomers, however, doesn't mean that you have to be a literal ubermensch to get a rich dude. Like I said, if you look at most normie irl kept women you'll see that they're nothing special.
That being said, betting everything on men is stupid, but you absolutely should use them given the opportunity. Having something of your own to fall back on only increases your bargaining power, in fact.
No. 581023
>>581011I was exaggerating yeah but I've seen some libfems get super defensive over makeup when people bring up the harms of it and genuinely ridicule others for being proud of/promoting wearing no makeup. It really doesn't make sense but I'm telling you it's a thing. I also think a lot of libfems are just not honest with themselves and/or the world about the non-empowering reasons that are part of why they wear makeup, only saying "I do it for myself and no one else!" Why do we need to pretend that shit we do for our appearance is "just for myself"?
>anyone who tries to claim they wear makeup for anything but male approval is torn to shreds.This is nowhere near the case among many communities now. Beauty as a hobby is incredibly normalized. Like I said if anything I see more women my age going too far in the other direction of ignoring the sociocultural cultural issues of makeup altogether. I suppose I don't need to worry about that as much on lolcow but I do feel that way about expressing my experience elsewhere without a ton of qualifications elsewhere. This is just what I've personally seen.
No. 581061
>>581025I’ve seen that too. Lots of defensive teenagers who still do full faces making fun of girls who don’t wear makeup. Definitely seems like a cope of some sorts, especially since I think the next few years are gonna go hardcore in the their direction and little o no makeup is going to be in style. Skincare and very minimal makeup is already super popular on Instagram and because they’re all clout chasers they won’t just do the makeup they want kek.
As someone who worn makeup almost everyday up until recently, as much as I’d like to say it’s for myself I can’t divorce the looks that I choose from conventional beauty standards. Of course I don’t give a shit if some crusty old man likes my eyeliner or not, but I definitely feel more confident talking to a cute boy with mascara on. It’s very hard to remove oneself from societal influences that were constantly pushed onto us growing up, no matter how much we pretend it didn’t have an effect.
No. 581127
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Men should be harshly pressured to be physically attractive to women.
Aside from beauty standards negatively affecting women, the romanticization of ugly, dysgenic males is like insult to injury. This is not acceptable.
Honestly, even an ugly woman looks better than an average man. Women's features are just naturally nicer. Men don't just have to work harder to be attractive, they should.
No. 581132
>>580852This leads me to my unpopular opinion I honestly feel like because a LOT of feminist circles/groups ban the discussions of race, I think that alienates black women from wanting to join in because although we all deal with similar issues regardless of race. Black women and other minorities deal with things unique to them. Same for white women. I feel like not talking about race takes away actual unique experiences and even privileges certain groups of women face. There are some things that mainly affect white women that a Latina or Asian girl has never experienced and vice versa. I think if each race of women are allowed to talk about their unique experiences it’ll help us see the signs and show more empathy and have more respect for one another. Ignoring race and only focusing on women’s issues I think is a huge disservice for all of us in the long run. I think getting to better understand each other and our unique experiences can help bring about actual and effective change! I hope that makes
Sense and isn’t race baity. I just want us all to get along and beat these shit men up!
No. 581137
>>581133But anon men will never relinquish beauty as a tool of oppression, it's too effective. The least we can do is make them taste their own medicine.
>>581132Agree. Ime when someone jumps to say "dats raycist" when WOC discuss how shit men of their ethnicity are, it's 90% chance a pickme or a "POC can't do no wrong" virtue-signaler. I hate how women are so pressured to have blind loyalty to our men. Everyone is so fucking quick to call you race traitors if you dare say that men of your group are objectively worse. Bitch I have to live with this shit.
No. 581141
>>581133Nope. I and everyone else with functioning vision is sick and tired of having to look at ugly men, and I will never accept them.
The same doesn't apply the other way around because women already naturally look better. Them dragging us through insane hoops to be even more attractive while they stay their hideous selves is just an extra level of nasty.
No. 581143
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>>581023>>581011>>581025>>581061>>581067The only issue with the argument that women wear makeup "just to please men" (as if full-grown autonomous adults can't choose to wear something simply because they like the way it looks, or that all women are attracted to or even care about men) is that it's based on a quite narrow contemporary definition of "makeup", alongside (equally harmful) contemporary ideas of gender and "femininity", and fails to acknowledge the history of cosmetic beauty and the different cultural and religious purposes it served prior to becoming a modern product.
No. 581149
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>>581127This reminds me of that image of Khalid and Victoria Monet. Like he didn’t even try to match the concept. Dude just looks like he rolled out of bed meanwhile she is all dolled up and beautiful. Men need to get on our level I’m all for shaming these bums lol
No. 581150
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>>581143Anon, we're speaking purely of the contemporary. Most women who wear makeup IRL in this day and age aren't wearing the fun/artsy/self-expressive kind, neither are they doing it for religious purposes.
It's kind of a reach to try and downplay this simple knowledge by diving through history, gender and sexuality.
Makeup in the current era, in most cultures (western and non-western) isn't progressive or culturally useful except to signal wealth and sexual appeal, and women are just going to have to accept it, kek.
No. 581151
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>>581127Welp, beautiful women wont stop dating ugly men. We are apart of the problem.
Of course men arent going to give a shit about their looks if they look at the media and see ugly trolls with gorgeous models.
No. 581158
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>>581149>>581151Honestly, I'm convinced all these celebrities are mostly in relationships of convenience, both for money and to further satisfy a larger, male-run society's desires. It's pandering to regular ugly men who want to believe they can get goddesses, and those particular men the celebrity women are dating also have connections that benefit them.
It makes far more sense for these career-minded women keep their attractive partners on the side than for them to have somehow broken their brains enough to find these sorts of men handsome.
As for regular, everyday women who are attractive and date ugly men, they literally just hate themselves. That's all there is to it.
No. 581160
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>>581158Samefagging because here's another example. No one will convince me this wasn't for drugs and/or opportunities. No one.
No. 581163
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>>581127Reminded me of this post
No. 581165
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>>581154The sad truth is nothing will change unless women stop fucking ugly men.
Take 50 cent for example, he has no issue making fun of women who look better than him because we live in a society where men can be ugly. We arent "visual" as they would say.
No. 581166
>>581155But the standards for women these days go far beyond "nice skin, shiney hair and cool clothes"
>it is natural for humans to like attractive peopleIs it? People fell in love and reproduced just fine before the definition for "attractive" include cartoon bodies, face fillers and innie bleached pussy.
>>581162How come men don't wear it then. Or do women hate beautiful men.
No. 581167
>>581162>one's own idea of beautyThat's not a thing
>cater to someone else's idea of beautySo literally what everyone is doing
No. 581172
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>>581168So, what do men do to cater to women's idea of beauty?
Don't start posting shit like this, by the way. We all know men created this aesthetic, and are the ones who worship it.
No. 581178
>>581168Boys are taught that by men. It's men who established that makeup is a girls' thing because being "beautiful" is a girls' thing. Men meme women into thinking she
innately wants to be ~*beautiful*~ (by his arbitrary standards of course). Men set up debutante balls and beauty contests and then men sell women makeup so she too can be prettiest girl there.
>Yes honey, your desire to look like anime/forest elf/jessica rabbit/lolita is totalllly your own individually formed innate image of beauty, passed down by the universe, not influenced by your environment whatsoever. Nonono you're not appealing to standards set by me, a man, at all. Now buy more makeup and plastic surgery.Meanwhile, telling boys that women don't want beautiful flowery men, women want high test unkempt hairy brutes who smell of musk and virile cum. Keep thinking about it, you'll get there.
No. 581217
>>581177You sound like a man hating femcel tbh
You could twist around your points to say that men are forced to spend longer hours at work for little pay
Both sacrificing their happiness and time they spend with their family
You mention 95% of violence who stops the men doing that, other men I imagine, is there any sympathy for who are the most
victims of violence, homelessness, suicide ?
Its not pathetic to show both sides have pros and cons its reality, id argue society force men to earn status for someone and force women to be beautiful for someone
Each can be good but at their extremes are equally destructive
Look at the first description most people give for a guy its usually tall, strong, handsome for women its usually hot, caring, small
Society each forces a image onto the sexes and you cant pretend one side is to blame for it all.
Beauty is subjective for every twink elf boy theres other girls wanting some tall zyzz walking meme
No. 581237
>>581217>man hating femcelI have a boyfriend, try again.
>B-But the men who are victims!Yeah,
victims of other men. What should women do about that, exactly? We can't save men from themselves when they're literally a threat to us. The rest of your post isn't even worth responding to. Women have not invented and enforced any standards on men, ever, your "Both sides" cope is ridiculous.
You're going to learn one day that this kind of embarrassing pandering makes men (and all women with brains) literally respect you less, not more, kek. If upvotes on Reddit and Twitter neckbeards calling you "One of the good holes" are your thing, though, keep on.
No. 581254
>>581235>>581237>>581240Ok I'm sorry then I was wrong, I just don't like the idea of blaming a group like its some big blob causing the issue.
I just find it difficult to understand what we define as beautiful then if it makes it seems like I've grown up in a bubble and had every choice already decided for me.
how is a beautiful man described then, how is a beautiful woman described ?
I just feel that when we point at all the bad men do we ignore the good or the ones trying to help as well, we usually try and not forget when bad things happen but why are they such a lasting impression than something good.
No. 581259
>>581230Agreed. There's way too much evidence. I think deniers get too obsessed with the pizza restaurant when this actually all ties into Hollywood (Dan Schnieder, Jimmy Saville, and more), international politics (Dutroux, among others), documented cults (the Finder's cult, for one), etc. It's much bigger and more complicated than a single establishment or party.
For just one example, those who researched Pizzagate literally knew about Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island long before mainstream media picked it up, but that's always conveniently forgotten.
What I don't like is when people think republicans are innocent, ramble about Trump "draining the swamp" as if he's not in full support of these disgusting practices (and friends with Epstein), and involve convoluted Q-anon bullshit.
No. 581260
>>581257I'm not that well edcuated but I'd say no one is truly selfless , everyone tends to have motivations beside that of helping someone.
You can say Men helped Women when they marched for gay marriage, does it make it less if gay men marched alongside lesbian women ?
I don't want to be a downer but I think the world is filled with more people that take than give.
No. 581268
>>581267I think I get that but I see it more as there are men that do good and men that do bad.
I don't care about the men that do bad, I've encountered a lot of shitty people and I don't think its unique to men.
I don't see what you could honestly do if you become president of the world, how would you fix it, it just seems like some people are assholes and will always be that way.
No. 581283
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Dresscodes are retarded and people should be able to look and dress however they fucking want, its literally no one's business.
Unless you are wearing something obviously offensive, NSFW, or genuinely bothersome it makes no fucking sense to have to wear a certain attire, its all a bullshit cultural standard.
No. 581301
>>581283I looked this up and its a dresscode for a golf course its nothing else
they have the same one for guys No. 581302
>>581300I understand the point you are trying to make and I'm not trying to dismiss anyones shitty experiences.
I just feel that it can be worded better as its confusing, if I switched men for black or even black men it would cause alarm bells.
I think its more class based with a mixture of what you are saying.
can you understand my confusion when you say all men or men cause all issues and it makes me think all men ?
No. 581312
>>572462>>580740Saying is a mental illness is "
triggering" because a lot of people instead of dealing with the truth, prefer to force others so cater to their mental problems and normalize them
I find it funny how the same people who are so "tolerant and open minded" look at the concept of having a mental illness as something insulting or bad, since they so don't want to be labeled as mentally ill, does that mean that they think having a mental illness makes you less of a person? something to be ashamed of?
And also, unpopular opinion: The BLM movement is inherently racist (covering it with the white supremacy crap, making people apologize just for being born white even if they have done nothing wrong) and has killed more black people than white cops, and only cares about deaths that they can use for the media (like Floyd) since they don't even care about the black kids that have died in riots.
I've been told to fuck off and that I'm racist (by feminists btw) but I rather be mistreated than to support political movements who use human lives as sacrifices and ignores deaths that aren't "useful"
No. 581322
>>581302>if I switched men for black or even black men it would cause alarm bells.Black men are not even slightly exempt from the criticism launched at all men.
The only reason it would ever be wrong to switch these things with "black" is because you'd be wrongfully including black women in that mess.
No. 581353
>>581143>>581155>>581162Bruh this kind of shows what I was originally saying, why can't we say that makeup fucking sucks to deal with as a woman and bitch about it without needing to hear these arguments, we fucking know, this has never been what we're saying. Keep thinking that your actions exist in a vacuum and you're not subject to outside pressure or influence at all… like it's okay to acknowledge that, we literally all are. Makeup doesn't need to be defended in every single fucking conversation about it.
>>581283You're right as fuck anon
No. 581390
>>581217This is a great opportunity for another "unpopular" opinion that everyone knows to be true.
A woman's reproductive success isn't defined by access to sex because sex is something even 300 lb quadruple amputees can have in abundance within 15 minutes of posting a Craigslist ad. It's defined by having access to everything pickmes like you aren't given by men, which makes pickmes the closest thing to an actual femcel. Btw, don't forget to cashapp your roomie boyfriend for eating his leftovers.
No. 581500
>>581312100% agreed.
Unpopular opinion of my own: Seeing this Amy Cooper/birdwatcher thing continue to play out is bizarre. The man himself doesn't care to press charges against her, yet the Twitter mobs are out for blood. Nothing is ever enough for Twitter.
No. 581514
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No. 581523
>>581507He went trolling for a reaction and got it. He wanted to get her riled up, and made a threat that he “softened the blow with” later by saying “lollol its a dog treat!!!”. He knows he’s fucking baited it which is why now that she lost her fucking job and is facing charges he’s trying to take off pressure.
Sorry if some guy threatening me causes me to panic. Its like he had a joke and purposefully waited to throw the punch line. Almost like…he was doing it to get a reaction. Fuck men.
No. 581524
>>581523Bruh. I see where you're coming from and I agree the incident has been incredibly overblown and overplayed, but watch the fucking video. What she did was objectively fucked up.
In the video she freaks out and says she's being threatened literally at the exact same time that the guy is telling her to get away from him because she was the one actually moving towards him. The worst thing about it in my opinion is that she says "I'm going to call 911 and tell them there's an african american man threatening me"
before she's on the phone with anyone. Why would you point out someone's race like that when you're literally speaking to only them? The
only purpose of that was to intimidate him.
I can't watch the video without part of me feeling bad for her because panic causes people to do crazy things and I fully understand panicking over something you shouldn't have. But that doesn't mean her actions aren't appalling.
No. 581596
>>581578There's also the fact that it also makes it easier for fucking creeps in dresses to take advantage of women in supposedly male free spaces. Sure, evil people gonna evil but this just makes it A LOT MORE FUCKING EASIER. The safety of 50% of the population do not outweigh the fetish of a fucking few because honestly, that's mainly what I see and the ones that genuinely transition and live their lives as a woman and you can't even clock them. Honestly, I don't have an issue with but when I see a man with a party city wig, a few weeks of hormones standing at 6'4 tall with linebacker shoulders or ill fitting "sexy clothes" and horrible fucking makeup that..honestly if youre going to transition at least take the time to learn how to do the fucking basics of makeup and how to look well. They take no care into actually putting the effort and expects us to not notice the difference. I'm sorry but when I see them wearing the equivalent hooker heels clomping down the street or in a bathroom you bet my 5'1 ass isn't exactly hyped about my safety.
I have to be careful leaving my house, I cannot go running at 9 pm because of the increased risk of being targeted due to rape and or sexual trafficking, I have to be careful of someone putting shit in my drinks. I have to constantly be hyper vigilant of my surroundings if I'm out somewhere, I can't go to certain countries if I don't have a male companion and even then it's not enough. I have to constantly make sure I have pepper spray or some other object to defend myself.
And now I have to worry about the fucking bathroom too???? Like sure I understand that if someone is gonna do some horrid shit, theyre gonna do it regardless but now there are even less fucking barriers for creeps and perverts to get through.
No. 581634
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Stained/crooked teeth can be really cute and charming when the person has good hygiene
No. 581676
>>581670No one's said anything to me to my face, but at least where I live people will 100% call people ugly for having yellow teeth.
>>581578Some of that's just inherent to the two party system though. It's really easy to appeal to brainlets by focusing on social issues without making actual economic changes, so both parties race to come up with the worst takes they can on race and gender. There are a lot of other things that lefties fixate on that are really dumb imo (like completely free college, open , the BITWOC fetish)
No. 581776
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>>581696Dumbest shit I've read all day, congrats. Commit not alive.
No. 581847
>>581840I have an ex where everything he bought me in our 4 years together had to go as soon as I moved out. He was the kind of guy to surprise you with a gift but then bring it up in arguments like you owe him.
He came into the relationship with this preconceived idea that women are out to use men for stuff. He has no idea that I donated all those gifts right after I moved out, I'm sure that would surprise him because 'women just want stuff' but the feelings attached to gifts mean more to me. I don't want bad memories all over my new home.
No. 581925
>>581565agreed and agreed… to the first, i have always been into pretty boys so the look isnt so bad but some guys really dont suit it at all
second, agreed in fact for some ppl it makes them look worse kek my friends sister put a cow tat right in the middle of her stomach above her belly button and its just horrendous
No. 581944
>>581565I have an even more unpopular opinion. I feel the same way about makeup that you do about tattoos. The never improve anyone's appearance. It's clownish and substracts from someone's looks.
And yes, even "natural" makeup.
No. 581952
>>581924That's not even what anon's post was suggesting you're so dense.Never in my 2 decades of living have I seen someone picked on for being fat expect for literally middle school. It doesn't happen in adult circles. Yet, Fat adults will literally drag you for everything , but it's literally unheard of to call out their chub as a comeback because the rest of us don't have unresolved self-esteem issues from being bullied that make us want to bring bullying and
victim-playing into adult circles like some fat people love to do.
No. 581968
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>>581896>>581952>the rest of us don't have unresolved self-esteem issues from being bullied…I don't know, anon. You just said "Never in my 2 decades of living have I seen someone picked on for being fat expect for literally middle school" after saying "it's literally unheard of to call out their chub as a comeback" in response to a post that said "no one will say shit about the rolls spilling out their sides". It seems like the existence of fat people gets under your skin on a personal level. I've never been overweight in my life and I can't understand why people, particularly other women, care about strangers' weights so much. Not all of the rest of us are fat, and not all of the rest of us have an eating disorder or an extremely insecure perception of ourselves, either.
No. 581973
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>>581968You realize the original post is about how if someone can insult you for your appearance or personality, you should be able to insult them for being fat, right? That's all this was about. You're obviously fat and playing
victim but it's ok anon.
No. 581980
>>581974>it seemed like there was a pre-existing dislike for fat people or their bodies NTA, but yes, of course there is. Being fat isn't a positive trait. It's typically an ED in itself, and it often causes inconvenience even to strangers.
As long as someone's not putting a person being fat before their humanity, why would having a "pre-existing" dislike for fatness be a bad thing?
No. 581989
>>581980>As long as someone's not putting a person being fat before their humanity, why would having a "pre-existing" dislike for fatness be a bad thing?I agree with this. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy and therefore having a dislike for fatness, but there is something wrong with disliking others as people
because they are fat (which is what my post intended to refer to - disliking rude fat people because they're fat, rather than because they're rude.) It is an ED, though more often than not these types of comments about fat people come from women with EDs whose effects are the opposite, usually sprouting from insecurity and negative self-image instead of a desire to be healthy and fit. Needless to say, neither should be glorified as an ideal physical appearance nor should someone's humanity be put aside over their physical appearance.
I also thought this sentiment was obvious when I made my post, but fat people who poke fun at others' bodies (skinny or fat) are guilty of doing exactly this and their behavior should be reprimanded, not because they're fat, but because they're acting like shitty people. It's interesting how if you point out to anons like the ones above that they're more upset over the person's body than their behavior, they accuse you of secretly being fat (on an anonymous imageboard, of all places), kind of proving that exact point. Glad I can be skinny without feeling like I need to do that.
No. 581997
>>581952>my 2 decades of living have I seen someone picked on for being fatYou're a sheltered dumbfuck so stop speaking like you have objective perspective on the issue.
>>581971>it's about how a lot of us have encountered fat adults who have nasty attitudes that make you want to call them out on their weight knowing it would shut them up, but we don't because it's considered rudeFor one, this happens regardless if you personally choose not to do it, you're a coward afraid of what a fat person will clap back with to you.
Secondly, the post I responded to made it about "fat women not being called out on their rolls" when fat women get shit on at every opportunity. Nice fat women get picked on, how dense are you to think the nasty ones don't get flack when they practically give people the justification to comment. Lmao. You're living in la la land.
No. 582002
>>581997why are you so upset….
la la land is my favorite demi lovato song btw <3 <3
No. 582014
>>582009Nta although I think you're right in terms of morality, people aren't perfect. She's a piece of shit, and fatties aren't off limits as some kind of
victims class. Anyone with a physical attribute that's considered undesirable is fair game in the real world, and I'm speaking from experience. Not that it's appropriate in a work setting or really in general, I expect that's why anon hasn't commented on it.
No. 582152
>>581896I know there are people who are legitinately bullied for being fat, but I will say this…
When I was thin, I was brutally bodyshamed on literally a daily basis. Now that I'm fat, there's only been one person who has ever been a dick about it. I'd still way rather be thin, but I absolutely believe thin girls get bodyshamed more.