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No. 443622
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I hate it when people see a meme, 2me4meirl, or watch a piece of media, bojack horseman/rick and morty, that calls them out for having bad habits or being a shitty person and all they do I say 'ha ha that's literally me' without any effort to improve.
The worst people at this are those dumb 'relatable artist' ones. Instead of liking 50 'I cant draw hands memes' have you tried practicing hands?
No. 444127
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I just wanna buy cute platform shoes off of my cheap and shitty asian sites but they never go over size 8. And then companies like Dollskill come by and take those same shoes, make the sizes bigger, then mark the price up at least 3x. I curse the day I said I wanted big feet as a kid because I thought it meant I was 'more grown' than my cousins.
No. 444141
>>444116What do you mean anon? You sound insecure
The term innie and outtie vaginas aren't in itself sexist terms, and women with innie vaginas have labia minoras too, it's just not sterotypically attractive, which is fine because human genitals generally aren't attractive, just like some dick shapes look weird and gross and other dick shapes look more attractive
There are however, definitely men who are complete assholes about it and tinfoil about how she must have been hoeing all her life and how women with outties aren't worthy of sex, love or relationships, which is disgusting of course
No. 444276
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Every time a cop drives behind me, they always fucking tailgate me! What am I supposed to do? Go above the speed limit so they can trap me and give me a ticket? I know I'm probably being paranoid, but I fucking hate cops, and always feel uncomfortable around them.
No. 444339
>>444280well it's a 4 person living arrangement and our previous 4th roommate moved out recently
she was only here for one semester and not involved at all
right now if there's any descisions to make the couple will decide together and if i'm unhappy i'm "outvoted", this already happened when it came to managing some finance stuff and when choosing our new roommate (the only reason the person i didn't like didn't move in was because he found a different place in the meantime. they seriously wanted to have some 30+ year old indian dude move into our student flat because he promised to cook for them. the one roommate is vegan and complains about the slightest hint of spice, she wouldn't be able to eat shit of what he'd cook anyway)
so I hope the new guy will even it out a bit.
No. 444966
>>444963Yeah, agreed. The kinds of people that wanna post in those subs are all crazy and hateful themselves.
A platform like Reddit could be doing so many good things for the issues they like to discuss but they all turn into shitposting and circlejerking. Is it the teenagers that keep fucking up discussion or are grown adults also retarded?
No. 444988
>>444367What are you talking about? Who said anything about big boobs?
Also I'll disagree with you on the whole "men don't care" thing, just a simple look through relationship forms or Google searches you'll see men dumping their girlfriends over their boob size or labia, if they aren't dumping them they just go to the internet and bitch, compare them to men, brag about emotionally abusing them, it gets sick the lengths men are willing to go to just because their girlfriend doesn't have a feature they like
No. 445294
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This is REALLY dumb but I'm so tired of my boyfriend wearing Spencer's Gifts or video game graphic t-shirts all the time, especially when we have lunch or dinner dates planned. He knows I like to wear skirts/dresses/even just cute blouses and curl my hair for our outings but he'll literally show up in pic related, and has done so multiple times. Writing it out feels so petty but I feel embarrassed about how we look together. I dont want to hold hands with a guy who got his wardrobe from a high schoolers' reject bin. and he actually expects me to feel turned on at the end of the day
I'm starting to understand why women wear the bare minimum of topknots and hoodies/leggings. Men will not put in any effort so why should we. He also knows how much I appreciate good clothes but wont pick out any of his nice ones just for one damn date. reeee
No. 445301
>>445294I have a variant of that shirt lmao.
Have you talked to him about how it turns you off and makes you want to not spend time with him? Could be a wake up call for him. I do find it petty that you can't get over how he looks, but it's your relationship and looks like you really need him to either try to look better or leave? Idk, a guy that doesn't find self-grooming relevant is probably not going to start doing it bc they start to conflate grooming with "vanity" which is really dumb but they do that. Men draw the strangest lines and build their masculinity over it.
You should try dating and asian or black man, those two groups have more individuals that care about things, they'll wear nice shoes and groom their hair usually. Not sure where it comes from, but white dudes are the sloppiest dudes on average for some reason.
No. 445305
>>445301He knows how I feel about what he wears and how I feel about those shirts specifically (he owns several), and after I told him I think theyre tacky and immature, he wore them again and again for dates and it felt like he was just trying to be an ass at that point. He actually has worn nice things in the past (we've been together 5 years) and has asked me if I'd like him to dress up for our dates the day of. But now he's just completely given up I guess. I have graphic tshirts too but I'm not wearing them to a $50+ dinner date.
He takes a lot of care in his hair though and has pride in being good looking. So I guess the vanity line for him is a zigzag instead.
I'm not really attracted to Asian or black guys but I do see how they attempt to dress clean and with some finesse. It made me laugh that you knew he was white though, lmao.
No. 445379
>>445294My bf literally only used to wear anime, MLP, gaming shirts (don't tell me to love myself I do, he is really sweet and treats me well and is attractive besides this)
I just sat him aside and told him I would prefer if he dressed nicer, especially when we go out on dates. He apologized because he didn't have that many nice clothes and the next time we went out he asked if we could stop somewhere and he bought nice button downs. He also started styling his hair nicely and shaving more closely.
>>445301How is it petty? A guy should take care of himself and look presentable if he's going out on a date with you. That shirt's pretty funny though.
No. 445424
>>445379It's petty that she feels she should be able to patronize her partner about his appearance. Idk, maybe she would do whatever he wants as well in which case it's not petty as much as it is mutually controlling.
Just date someone who values similar things, instead of trying to change them imo.
No. 445435
>>445424Majority of men are unaware of how slovenly they look and must be told.
Do you think the boyfriend would rather work out his wardrobe or be dumped?
No. 445480
>>445294My boyfriend was the same so I told him I would like him to wear nicer things and he moaned,
but then I offered to buy him a nice shirt and he wears it a lot now and expresses that he wants more.
I'm a bit of a sugar mama so I don't mind.
No. 445485
>>445435I'm saying it's shitty to date someone who hates the way you look. I do think it's good to dress for the occasion personally but pressuring someone to conform to my desires in this way would feel quite wrong to me.
If a man were to tell me what to wear for a date I would probably leave him.
No. 445689
>>445639The thread got too many responses from
triggered people who didn't read the original post.
No. 446183
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>>444370The bnha fujos in particular are fucking vile
No. 446234
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>>446183Please make it stop.
Can't enjoy anything these days without people trying to shove horny content in everyone's faces
No. 446328
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>>446183anon i literally quacked irl wtf, these fujos are mental and they're fucking everywhere
No. 446341
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>>444365anon sorry for being late but this happened to me and i want to tell you this shit is not your fault and most of these people are so cranky because they're fucking losers and wont accomplish anything on life so they need to drag everyone else on their misery (boo fucking hoo), you deserve to feel good about yourself and your accomplishments, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
No. 446417
>>446183i like it tbh, maybe coz im a bnha fujoshi myself but i think its a nice change of pace from mens shitty ahegao shirts everywhere
idk where one would wear that besides an anime con though, i saw a guy told he cant be let in unless he changes or covers his shirt so not even all cons let you wear em
i love proud fujoshi (girls who label themselves as such), id take that over uwu ftm mlm softbois yelling at fujoshi for fetishizing gay men as if theyre any different because they wear a he/him badge and call themselves oliver
No. 446421
>>446417I hate fujoshits
and the male equivalent
and posters who somehow think fujos are better.
No. 446640
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>>446417It's literally the same shit, fujos will throw a fit when male nerds sexualize teenage girl characters yet they're doing the same with underage male characters
Fujos are as gross as neckbeards yet think they have the moral high ground, it's kind of hilarious
No. 446686
>>446422I don't drink stuff with artificial sweeteners either, they all have this terrible aftertaste that I can't stand.
Really pissed me off when the cheap Shasta pop started adding it to their non diet drinks just to make the label numbers look better.
No. 446691
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>>446640>Cake with ahegao on itKEK
No. 446731
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why the fuck shit art like this get so many notes, some of those characters look like racial caricatures
No. 446734
>>446421well you live your life i suppose anon
>>446640hate to bring the same argument but theyre just drawings imo cant really have an age, most of the time their appearance looks more mature than they are. that image with the mother is quite cringe i agree, but for the cake in the context of eating it at home i dont see the problem honestly. i just visited her page and that sort of social unawareness in life is kinda nice as cringe as it is. i wish her the best. the comments are pretty sad, its a shame the bar for being a pedo is set so low, if it was loli or shota id get it, but 'teenagers'? very muscular ones too, i dont get this witch hunting culture.
i guess my contribution to the annoying thread is i hate newcomers to fandom who have grown up with the sjw crowd and leave shitty comments on things they dont like instead of just blocking and ignoring like it was done in the good ole days, witch hunting is so tiresome imo how do these kids have this much time to be leaving anon hate for shipping something they dont like, dont they have homework or something?
No. 446767
>>446734> i just visited her page and that sort of social unawareness in life is kinda nice as cringe as it is.Yeah this, I really can't bring myself to be angry over people who are obviously socially impaired but not malicious. They're harmless and mostly minding their own business despite being cringy and autistic.
The pedophile meme is set by people who hate fujos in general and are looking for any petty reason to bring them down, or people who want to cancel others for liking a ship they don't like, like what happened with the Voltron fandom. It's despicable because actual pedos are let go and the term has lost all its meaning in the midst of this. Now you actually have to to digging to find out if the cancelled pedo of the week is actually fucking kids or some MHA fangirl who stanned Bakugo.
No. 446794
>>446745It’s because it’s main stream. That’s how it goes, so hopefully something new will come along soon and drag all the undesirables with it.
With that said “Fandoms” are so unnecessary and do nothing except cause problems. If you want to enjoy something, do it with friends and/or keep to yourselves. The fact that you can’t control all the ridiculous headcannon/ship/fanart/drama nonsense that comes out of it makes me bitter tbh.
No. 446824
>>446640And of course it's a they/them bondage cosplay enthusiast.
Fascinating to watch them grow…in age only.
No. 446969
>>446957"Just wash your face and drink water!"
Wow thanks, never tried that one before. All this time I'd been washing my face with cooking oil and downing nothing but 5 bottles of coke per day!
Fucking morons. Of course I wash my face and drink water, did you really think someone who's been working with her doctor for four years to try and fix her acne hadn't tried that?
No. 447044
>>446957Solidarity, fellow bad skin anons. Nothing makes me angrier than when people think acne is a person's own fault. People with perfect skin just
love to blame people for acne and try to give advice when they don't know dick about skin and don't even follow their own shitty advice.
I know a guy who has a residency at Johns Hopkins, and he says they still haven't fully figured out acne's causes yet. Basically, everybody's skin has some amount of the c. acnes bacteria on it. People with acne rashes have more of that microbe in their pores. C. acnes rearranges lipids, so when there's too much of c. acnes, the sebum's chemical properties change, which invites more dangerous bacteria into the pore and breaks down follicle walls, creating a larger resevior for dead skin, sebum, and bacteria. No one knows what causes c. acnes to overpopulate in some people but remain normal in others. What they do know is that hormones and genetics play significant roles.
I'm 20 and I have moderate acne. The only thing that's worked for me is a perscription anti-biotic cream (tretinoin). My friend uses birth control for acne, but that doesn't work for everybody, and for some women it makes the problem worse. Vitamin D supplements also seem to help some people.
No. 447048
>>446640There's a big difference between a woman sexualizing a 16 yo character and a man sexualizing 10 year old lolis.
Both are gross, but it's obvious which one is worse. The vast majority of child rapists irl are men, and the vast majority of
victims are women.
No. 447053
>>446969Yeah, okay, but hear me out.
Have you tried, like… washing your pillows?
:^) No. 448217
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as a greekfag,i truly fucking hate when foreigners,and especially americans(i notice it with them the most)do shit like pic related.why the fuck do you use fucking Σ as E and randomly place letter like Ψ,Δ,Θ etc in whatever to make it look aesthetic or whatever?it looks dumb.this shit probably started from the american colleges/unis with the random names like ΨΔΑ and it spread to whatever has to do with greece or sorority/frat shit in makes the people who use these seem dumb and disrespectful. if it was another language i would see shit calling this cultural appropriation everywhere.i dont even really believe in cultural appropriation but this somewhat is
needless to add it's annoying as shit in other languages too esp if you know how to write things or read the language
No. 448256
>>448217i remember one burguer sperging about how burguers are the true heirs of roman culture and shit and posting Julius Caesar pictures, like bitch , what is this anglo from the new world talking about, they simply pick any culture and place in history and self insert their shitty fan fiction narrative in there like it all exists at their convenience.
My entire family is Italian and i know how italians use to be treated in the United States, they would not even consider them white because they were inmigrants, screw them.
No. 448261
>>448217>thomscthmingReminds me of that one Soviet-themed 4chan banner that read "chsadi" in Cyrillic and people kept defending it with "It's just AESTHETICS!"
Also will someone explain sororities and houses and all that shit to me, because I don't get it. We have student apartments and parties in my country but it's not really the same, and they were built back in times of Yugoslavia so they're kinda shit now.
No. 448267
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>>448258i know some cyrillic too and i remember seeing Д used as an A and some other stuff and lost my shit
like fuck if you wanna use another alphabet do it least it's gonna look considerate of the language
>>448261>"It's just AESTHETICS!"no it's just them being brainless idiots.they look like the people who wear random shirts with shit written on them
>Also will someone explain sororities and houses and all that shit to meyea same
No. 448273
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>>448217greekfag again.wanted to add this pic i saw where someone spelled Mykonos like MPSKOPOS (with fucking omegas)bc it didnt look GRΣΣΚ enough
No. 448420
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Getting into frugal/saving culture is pretty cool, but frugal culture has this annoying 'I'm going to become rich one day!' sub-culture. You know the type of person why post stuff like pic related and falls for ever 'get rich quick' scam? They see frugal culture as a way to become rich and it's just cringy.
No. 448433
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>>448217Be my girlfriend, greekfag
No. 448493
>>448470I feel that to annon. Its kind of hard to tell People this because they'll just accuse you of being a 'have you tried being happy' or 'deppresion isn't real' type of person. They also might pull out the depresion is chemicals in the brain stuff too. Deppresion memes are the worst for this. Whenever somebody suggest surrounding yourself with depresion memes and self depreciating jokes 24/7 probally isn't the best idea and you'll get a hoard of 'well it helps me cope' replies in your inbox.
For all the shit reddit gives on how 'tumblr teens make up mental ilneses for internet points' reddit has the biggest place for teens to make up mental illness for internet point's, 2me4meirl.
No. 448521
>>448470I agree. I dont think anyone likes those types of people except for themselves. In my experience, the people like that also have
victim complex towards hardworking secretly depressed people too.
No. 448532
>>448433idk how my frustration towards a shitty trend makes me gf worthy,but this was pretty cute thank u anon
>>448423>>448435my post wasn't on beyonce but the trend overall,it's just the latest example i saw of something/someone popular using it so i used it as an example.beyonce has done other annoying shit like filming a rap video with her husband in the louvre which could be considered "cultural appropriation" too.but no,since it's her and jay-z,it's "art".just imagine a white person doing it in some museum in an african country.shit would happen(random rant i just remembered that kek)
No. 448539
>>448521>>448493I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling like this. Truth is I've been depressed for 12 years now and tried to commit twice so I can confirm the
victim complex is something real.
Having depression gives you an excuse to feel always worse than others and superior to their sadness and pain. I used to think I was better than other people because they couldn’t understand what it feels wanting to end it all but NOBODY cares at the end and nobody will care even if I harmed myself or kept posting about how lonely I was.
Other thing that I did was to think everyone owed me something because poor me couldn’t handle life and I thought I deserved to be treated with more respect because I was sad all the time. Now that I’m writing it I feel embarrassed.
It pisses me off to watch people degrade themselves and dragging people with them in their misery because it’s not fair, it’s manipulative, people loving me doesn’t give the me right to stand by me, even if I said I wanted to die.
I’m surrounded by people who drown in their depression because they want to. The hardest part is not searching for help, the hardest part is knowing that when they’ll get better, they won’t have any excuse to justify that they don’t want to study/get a job/take some responsibilities.
No. 448591
>>448420It's all just survivorship bias anyway.
There are tons of shit ass rich people who just inherited wealth or came upon it by chance, who have the mentality of the people on the left.
Meanwhile there are poor people who've done everything within their power to try to advance in life and still fail, even though they have the attitude of what's on the right.
Either way people only ever hear about the extreme examples from either side and don't consider the billions of people in the middle of the spectrum whose attitudes didn't really make or break them either way. It's absolute bullshit.
No. 449098
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>>448471agree. i hate the rampant sexism on certain boards that i consider somewhat gender neutral. i was browsing /ic/ a few months ago, and some dumb anon went on about how he can "draw the beauty of females without having the deal with their bitching and moaning". and of course their art, if the art they posted was theirs, was just a boring pretty girl. and a quite a few anons were cheering them on. just pathetic honestly.
unrelated, but most anime/manga plots are boring and any male targeted genres like shounen, seinen, ecchi have such awful female representative. women always fall into the "manic pixie dream girl" trope, and they are always sexualized to some extent. maybe i dont watch enough anime to make an opinion on this, but this is what ive seen from what ive read and watched.
No. 449258
>>449256It's an apology, anon. Other people are just trying to be polite.
Sage for obvious.
No. 449259
>>449256If I remember it correctly once a long time ago you had to announce the reason for your sage on early 4chan.
So that plus the anons here being over-apologetic and ready to accommodate others because of female socialization.
No. 449263
>>449259why apologize for making a comment just like everyone else? that's what lolcow is for
>>449258oh i didn't know that. although a lot of anons who do it don't even sage their actual post
No. 449267
>>449263That's an interesting tidbit from
>>449259 in terms of internet culture history, but I'm still going to sage until you remember something else about imageboards.
No. 449270
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>>449263shit i mixed the replies but it's too late to delete
i also kinda agree with the old admin about this
No. 449304
>>449285The same thing seems to be happening to CC, and that's why I've started avoiding it. It's worse because CC is a smaller site, but the mods (or admin) are either absent or don't really care anymore.
After the trannies and 4channer males LARPing as women comes their fucked up ideology, I guess.
No. 449527
>>449098imagine going to 4chan for art critiques. Everyone there is a noob clown that can't draw, whenever they do post art is terrible, just scrubs that regurgitate memes from popular artists but never get better and is blatantly obvious no one there knows what they are talking about and the anonymity makes it easy for jealous people to voice retarded biased opinions against much more talented artists and instructors.
I only browsed a couple times and understood it was an awful place to be. Sad thing is that currently there is nowhere better, since stooped being relevant there's nothing, its either pro showcasing like in artstation or retarded brainlet circlejerks and memes like in fb groups and ic/, no in between. And thats saying a lot because was already a somewhat
toxic bro club.
No. 449913
they are also typically blind to nuances, idiosyncrasies and other variables.
No. 451015
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This sounds like some stupid made up disease, but I'm pretty sure I have a visual static problem. Usually it's so small I don't notice it, but when I look at big swatches of one color it gets really bad.
No. 451028
>>451015I have that, too. When I was a child, I thought I was staring at neurons for some reason.
>>451020>The dots are white blood cells moving in the capillaries in front of the retina of the eye.Neat.
Also>The shapes are shadows projected onto the retina by tiny structures of protein or other cell debris discarded over the years and trapped in the vitreous humour. No. 451259
File: 1566370726876.jpg (523.5 KB, 930x1467, bigsigh.jpg)

I can't decide which thread has the most insufferable userbase at the moment, the Venus Angelic or Momokun one. The Venus thread is full of skinwalkers having a mental breakdown over her doing pretty much anything. Honestly, I read a few of the most recent thread to see what qualifies as "milk" and it's 100% anons just speculating, then starting to believe their own fanfiction and applying it as facts. Momokun thread does the same shit but with more obviously bitter fellow costhots and people who for some reason are hellbent on trying to "prove" that Momokun is a pedo. Because she said that edgy Kanna thing once and pretends to have a mommy fetish for her incel fans. Gonna love how in 5 years after all this pedo sperging people aren't going to take actual pedo accusations seriously because people like this have muddied the term to nothing.
No. 451267
>>451259I don't get why the Venus Angelic thread even exists. She's clearly suffering from a lifetime of abuse and I only feel incredibly sad for her whenever I watch her videos. But crazy weebs still hate her because she got to go to Japan lmao.
As for Momo, she seriously peaked with the sexual harassment fiasco and hasn't had any milk since.
No. 451318
>>451290I agree with the Venus thing. I only consider Margo a cow, I mean she abused her daughter since she was born, she used her for money, she didn't have a job, she did all sort of weird fucked up shit and is obviously a very big narcissist. I can only see Venus as a
No. 451440
Fuck pinterest
I was enjoying it tremendously back when I downloaded it a few years ago, but mental disability from the creator's end likely manifested in the most retarded updates for 2 weeks time. The creatures took away the ability to swipe left to view the subsequent pin (what the actual fuck?), removed the like button, added the ability to pin through screenshots then removed that, fucked it up so it became prone to collapsing the minute I enter the main page after performing a search, replaced thumbnails with weird boxes and made it impossible to click anything to view it. I deleted the app with it's updates and downloaded the older version to retain tranquility without a disabled snotter updating that shit and ruining it, and things were going pretty smoothly until another boost of autism manifested in a banner that pretty much said, "Your app will be out of date by August 15th, please update it." I was done, but the nail on the coffin was actually opening it today, seeing it had updated to an unusable form, and deleting it for good, because it's unusability makes it a waste of space at this point. Pity, because Google images has become unusable too. Sincerely hoping that they fuck the app so badly it gets mass deleted and forgotten, just like they did with Tumblr.
No. 453188
>>451137I've had visual snow pretty much all my life
It does appear as a symptom from doing too many drugs, stress, or like you said migraines
But sometimes you get lucky and get to have all of it for free!
The eye floaters just weird clumps of eye fluid, you can typically get rid of them by rinsing out your eye or crying
No. 453443
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Full offense but what's with all these people pretending like they are professionals on south america? You discovered it literally 20 minutes ago when Bolsonaro hit the media, and just now that the amazon is burning. Nobody was talking when Brazil had its biggest economic recession in 50 years with inflation going through the roof, or when we impeached one of our presidents. Nobody was checking for Brazil when we had problems, now we're all the talk! People think they're hot shit just because they watched one breadtube video on Bolsonaro. If you're going to pretend to know about our issues, can you at least know some major events from the last 5 years? Nobody's asking you to be a historian, just be a little bit more informed for the next time you open your mouth to say dumb shit about a country you don't live in.
>>446183Late as fuck, but i had to comment on this since fujos more and more are starting to shill places that they're about a woman-positive porn community. It always makes me laugh, I've both witnessed it and experienced it. Fujoshits harassing other women in fandoms because they either didn't like yaoi, or didn't want to draw it. Fujoshis that try to convince other girls that yaoi is girlier, better, purer, etc. I prefer yuri and hetshit honestly, every interaction I've had with a fujoshi has been absolutely ass, counting fakebois too. They're the same shit, only disguised as a protected class.
You know, every time i post a het ship and i get the odd fujo in my inbox REEEEing that I'm not drawing the most popular gay ship, I'll have a giggle. I can't outdraw or outwrite fujos, but i can sure piss them off by just… being a woman that's not interested in gay erotica, it's interesting.
No. 453449
>>453444to think that its only recently that people can collectively think that a generation could think differently from another is really short sighted. you can look in any generation and say that a portion were meme'd into a belief.
also, anons in the onision threads encouraging sara to not report their pedo shit while for the last few years have sperged about them getting shut down by the feds for all of that deserve to get sent out back like old yeller.
No. 453451
>>453443How do you know that people talking about Bolsonaro are not Brazilian?
I'm from there and don't find it reasonable to start every post about the subject with "Brazilian here". Or are you just upset that people on the internet are not anti PT like your fam?
No. 453461
>>453145>>453183>>453176Their were/are so many girls like this on Tumblr and r/Trollx
women who make Ironic misandry Jokes,who make jokes about straight white men,who say say they hate men but If you go to their Instagram or faebook accounts you'll learn 9/10 times they're dating a conviviality attractive white dude who they will most likely marry and have kids with
No. 453888
>>453444>>453449for anyone wondering "Meme" was first originally used in 1976 in the book ''The Selfish Gene'' by Richard Dawkins as a method of explaining how cultural traits are passed on and popularized and then slowly become the norm,to be specific, a meme is the cultural equivalent of a gene - its self-propagates through conferring certain advantages on the host population, or through stimulating the host to spread it further.
memes function on a similar level to genes, in that they propogate (usually horizontally rather than vertically) through cultures (or genes in the case of genetics) to their own ends.
No. 454044
>>453990I personally disagree, but that's because I've been watching him for years and he's a decent guy. I agree about the dress. The wedding venue was also beautiful.
>>453444Memes losing their academic meaning is a meme in its own right lol
No. 454055
>>454035hunting was the only way my family could really survive, we were super fucking poor had ate venison and home grown vegetables because its was the cheapest
but if youre more in it because you want to be uwu sweet to the animals, youre going to have to toughen up fast. skinning, cleaning and butchering the kill is hard if you still want to memorialize the animal after the kill. i have too many childhood memories of slicing apart a deer while also wishing i didnt have to because animals didnt deserve to be needlessly killed.
No. 454094
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>>454055Yeah I completely understand the necessity of hunting, and like I said, I think it's way better ethically and environmentally than mass produced meat. I'm not opposed to responsible hunting or fishing at all. I was complaining about people like in this pic (even though it's a bit of an extreme example). You don't have mourn every animal you kill, you don't even necessarily have to feel particularly bad, just don't go out of your way to be a disrespectful asshole.
No. 454635
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>>454521I can relate. In my experience those are the same people getting dramatic over simple innocuous bants. I rely a lot on humor to connect with people, and I hate having them around, not only because they're fake as fuck, but also because I always fear a playful jab will be perceived as plain shit flinging because miss or sir laugh-a-lot can't shut up about it being a "roast" and such. You can't joke around such people, they have to fuck up the group dynamic and make it into a loud awkward show
No. 454639
>>454521Had an ex-friend who would laugh forcibly and sarcastically to mock people, but she would do it for several moments and get louder and louder until someone else would laugh at how hilarious she is.
ugh that makes me think of an annoying thing, people who try to force jokes or youtube-tier commentary into every conversation or during movies or tv. I've trained myself to stop laughing out of politeness because they're always dudes who never deserve a reaction, its never anything witty or clever. Double points for repeating a joke or a funny thing as if saying it twice makes them feel funny too.
No. 454823
>>454094Lmao, you know that little girl would have never fathomed the thought nor had the inclination to eat a warm heart out of a deer unless her attention-starved dad gave it to her, told her what to do, and posed this shit for his camera to put on social media.
These parents need to stop projecting onto their kids.
No. 454908
>>454887this extends to shit like people finding going to the cinema alone weird.the times ive been to the cinema alone have been my favourite ones because i can actually enjoy the movie.usually the other person im with is going to comment on the movie and distract me which is annoying
like do whatever the fuck you want with your life no one cares if you do things alone.if being alone prevents you from having a good time,guess who has the fucking problem
No. 454915
>>454903as a child that was actually molested that, i guess, 'molested' other children in repeating that behavior, i really find this "lena dunham molested her sister!!" lie disturbing. what she did was childhood curiosity. the kisses were not molestation, and the pebbles were not sexually motivated. her sister shoved pebbles up her own vagina and lena looked at her vagina and saw it. how is that molestation? the other accusation is that she really wanted her sister's attention and trust, and to be close to her sister, so she'd bribe her for 3 second lip pecks with candy when they were both children. it's not okay, but it's not molestation. it was not sexually motivated. they were children incapable of understanding the sexual motivations behind kisses, anyways, as they were little children. it's always people who hate her for being fat and 'too feminist' (when she's hardly a feminist at all, she's just a little annoying and people hate that she sexualizes herself while being fat) who complain about her 'molesting' her sister. i find it really disturbing the way people are so quick to demonize a child when it obviously was not sexual.
No. 454922
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>>454916she's just a shameless tard. she has no understanding of what's appropriate, but it's not like she actually molested her sister. she's close with her sister and i assume she got her permission. lena dunham's mother is an artsy fartsy photographer and her father is an artsy fartsy painter that exclusively paints sexual garbo. kids being kids is whatever. it was really stupid to put that in the book, but she's in a liberal bubble where anecdotes like that are seen as quirky and educational and somehow liberating. pic related is her dad's art. this is ALL he paints. she had no chance of being normal.
No. 454952
>>454915>>454922I agree with you guys that it's not child molestation in the edgy shock-outrage way conservatives mean it when they bring it up (in general I think child-on-child stuff needs to be strongly differentiated from child sexual assault…)
Especially the masturbating while sharing a bed thing is just Lena having been a horny teenager who can't go one night without masturbating. If Grace was aware of it, or Lena tried to make her aware of it or was using her presence as masturbation fodder, then that would be different, but it was just something gross and inappropriate she did without anyone knowing until she blabbed grossly and inappropriately about it.
But IDK, it still is damaging and
abusive in another way, even if they normalised it to themselves. Especially the pebbles thing is a really strange thing for such a young girl to do to herself. I think it is extremely unsurprising that Grace Dunham had a trauma-typical reaction of dissociating from her body and ultimately trooning out and getting a double masectomy.
No. 454960
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Lindsey Stirling is so cringey. I have to walk by a giant poster of her uwu anime self and I die on the inside everytime. She reminds me of Kevin and Lori. You are 32 years old, you will never be a teenage animu girl, stop embarassing yourself
No. 455036
>>454960She's a fucking piece of shit.
One of those self righteous
>OMG I WORKED LIEK SO HARD TO GET WHERE I AM AND IF ONLY YOU ALL WORKED HARD YOU'D GET TO WHERE I AM TOO As if this girl can't recognize her fucking privilege and luck. She says a lot of stupid shit too.
No. 455108
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>>455036The more I find out about her, the more annoying she gets.
I always knew her as the Obnoxious Nerd Girl With A Violin, but apparently she's also a Jesus freak with a sob story. Nothing against religious people but holy shit, just read her instagram posts.
No. 455132
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>>455113He looks like a director who date-rapes actresses. You can practically see the pretentiousness wafting off of him. This is a guy who likes the smell of his own farts.
People like him are why normies think artists are obnoxious snobs. Why is it that when a man paints a hairy vagina, he's lavished with praise, but when a woman does it she's a tasteless feminazi? It's lazy, shock-value trash regardless imo.
No. 455265
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>>455253You are extremely right, even though you haven't seen shit yet.
No. 455320
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>>455132I agree don't get me wrong. I dislike him too, I think there are much better artists of his generation and surroundings, even of his style and I was never impressed by his stuff. I'm just saying he has painted other things, that werent as bad as those porno paintings.
No. 455369
>>455320>>455324I personally prefer "fuckface".
Also if your dick looks like that, you should see a doctor.
No. 455405
>>455324The composition is better, the texture is better, it has an interesting approach to the body, the color palette is nice imo. I'm not saying it's good, like I said, I don't like him as a painter or artist but… if the only art you like is illustrative art or realist shit and spend your time in the art fag thread here, then I don't know how to convince you it's decent.
>>455369I mean, again, if you're only into realism… I don't see how you can successfully critique typical postmodernist paintings.
No. 455413
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>>455405was literally just asking how a dick nose isn't porny.
anyway, I like looking at art, don't know much about it though. and don't hang in artfag threads. pic related is a Carroll Dunham (I think? that's what Google said) that I kinda like, despite the vulva and penis imagery. is this compositionally decent?
No. 456959
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>>456901The unpopular opinion thread actually features controversial opinions, who would've thunk.
No. 457315
>>457234Quit acting oppressed when big titty anime waifus and pretty boy twinks are literally mainstream animu art.
Fat midgets and skin diseases should threaten you the least.
No. 457439
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Is there even any real point to having light mode as the default on sites anymore? It should be seen as a relic from the early, more naive web.
All websites should just be in dark mode by default. It just looks so much cleaner, and is easier on the eyes.
No. 457681
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I hate those stupid
>Me: Can I draw something cool
>Hands: No
Art memes. Your brain is amazing at filling in the blanks. It can see a human face from 3 lines, it can read text with missing or flipped letters without noticing, and it sees something from abstract impresonisism. The idea in your brain is also 'filled in the blanks' as in its not a good idea, but a loose blurry image your brain fills in to look good. Its not that your hands are shit it's the fact your idea is also somewhat shit. Its not your hands stopping you from drawing that giant explosion its the fact you don't know how to draw an explosion outside of the abstract idea in your head. Those brain:hands fuckers are the new 'sketch looks better than lineart'
No. 457738
>>457681Yeah, i always think the person is simply stating they can't draw but in a low key way. Do thumbnails, do silhouettes, use reference, do study sketches , look how other artists solved it and do master studies, anything.
No one comes up with stuff that effortlessly anyways unless they have already studied it in depth and drawn it a low and you don't need a super clear idea at the start of a piece to take it to completion, just take the steps and figure it out.
The only
valid art meme should be "stop looking at art memes and go actually draw". Its a pain in the ass when people shore more of those memes than their actual art.
No. 457783
>>457745again, it has nothing to do with skill or not. it has more to do with your imagination's role in the creative process. the thing about the brain filling in the gaps has nothing to do with translating your imagination into a creative work.
> article explains it pretty well
No. 457805
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I'm so tired of Disney shit. I still like some movies sure, but all these man and woman children give me a headache.
No. 457827
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Redditors have hilariously bad taste
No. 457865
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>>457827Hate to admit it but the soyjack , soyboy memes are kind of on the money with redditors. Its annoying spam that is ruining all IBs but still, its accurate.
No. 459552
>>459507But wasn't alot of the criticism of Twilight that the male character in it was shitty and their power dynamic was unhealthy and a bad example for girls
It's similar to how fifty shades goes beyond sexy/kinky and is just an unhealthy dynamic. People don't want naive girls thinking that shit's normal or ideal
No. 459576
>>459552the criticism wasn't just that, but also that the books (twilight) were aimed at very young impressionable girls. at least with 50 shades of gray it is
supposed to be for adult women who should know it's just fantasy, but they were afraid that twilight would give girls unhealthy ideas of relationships and stay with
abusive men because they believe it's true love.
No. 459620
>>459551Maybe it's an unpopular opinion here because middle-aged women were always the fucking worst to me in retail so I completely understand where the Karen memes come from.
Those women were always so fucking nasty to me but peachy sweet to any male associates even though I was friendly and generally gave better customer service.
The only thing I can say in their defense is perhaps the reason why I didn't get as many male assholes is because men are less likely to shop at the stores that I've worked at and women are more likely to shop in general, especially during daytime hours if they're sahms.
No. 459822
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>>457805I hate basic white girls who think that being obsessed with Disney and Christmas makes them special. Oh wow, you're so quirky for liking the two most basic things an American can like. Here's your fucking medal.
I usually get annoyed when people throw "NPC" around, but those people are total NPCs. They just exist to consume the capitalist garbage Disney and Christmas shit out.
No. 459832
>>459822A bit juvenile but aside from some really outdated tropes about women-that Disney seems to be getting a bit better about these days-and some questionable consumerism, there's nothing morally abhorrent about a Disneyfag.
Compare that to
toxic cultures like gamers, animefags, etc. who breed ignorance towards women and violence from within their ranks.
The worst crime of a Disneyfag is being annoying. I'd rather see a white girl be that than be a game with internalized misogyny, trying to skinwalk an uwu waifu, or trying to be a tradthot by pandering to dangerous men.
No. 459849
I hate the fact that most studies are paywalled as a general rule, but I have a specific case of that today, and it's pissed me off like nothing else.
I found this glowing, supportive article on some study that supports claims that I personally disagree with. Since I don't want to carry psuedo-science in my mind, and news articles almost never go into the actual nitty-gritty of things (layman readers don't care about the method as much as the results), I thought "Hmm, let me see for myself".
Unsurprisingly, the whole thing was blocked off except for the abstract. Nothing about the way they did it, or how subjects were screened was publicly available unless I paid some bullshit fee. I Googled to see if other places had cited it, in hopes that they talked about the process. Nothing except two piddly articles essentially saying "wow gr8 study ppl who disagree with us BTFO".
So, I disagreed with the ideas expressed, but I couldn't personally look into how the study was conducted myself to confirm its accuracy, everywhere else was praising it without going into specifics, and I was basically stuck.
But then, I was lucky enough to do some digging and find someone who does have access to the full study rip it to shreds, confirm literally all my initial, uninformed suspicions, and essentially say "Basically, you've been lied to".
I'm annoyed that the only way around these things is to either buy the content yourself, or find someone who has to dissect it. If I hadn't found this counter to the study, this shit would've bugged me for days, and I might actually have been converted to the viewpoint of whoever pushed it out, since literally everything else was happily presenting it as reputable. Alternatively, if I had paid for it, I would've wasted my money on shitty propaganda. Either way, whoever conducted the study, and the shills who sang its praises, win.
Like, it strikes me as so fucking dishonest for a news publication to source a "study" that's completely flawed, deliberately not talk about the intricacies of that study, and proceed to champion it as a valid "takedown" of whatever viewpoint they're trying to discredit. It's insidious, manipulative, and I hate it.
Not to go full commie or whatever, but knowledge should most definitely be free to the public. How the fuck are the "common" people supposed to avoid being brainwashed, otherwise? This is supposed to be the age of information.
No. 459856
>>459831There’s no point for them to get to, since only retards believe in ghosts. How else do you make a video about something that’s entirely fake without talking about nothing and saying ooooh spooky?
They won’t ever have an interesting ghost story, since being fake makes those stories boring fanfiction.
No. 459876
>>459849Just fyi if you go to the site scihub and put in the DOI (a number attached to every paper) you can get it for free. It‘s almost always on the page showing the abstract.
Not sure if you do STEM and this is patronising since every student knows it, but maybe it‘s news to you, personally it changed my life when it comes to doing papers.
No. 459925
>>459822Disneyfags are annoying… but harmless. I think the part that most annoys me is the fact that they buy everything Disney shits out. Disney is very lucky to have a collective of customers at their beck and call for every release.
>>459899Somewhat related but i notice a lot of men on 4chan wanting "cute neet gamer girl gfs" and that they can't find them because all women are whores or fakes, or something. Thing is there are a lot of neet gamer girls who are "not normie", but for 99% of the population it's often not a desirable trait in a woman. Most women in this situation would prefer to hide being heavily interested in a stereotypically male hobby, because it's looked down upon.
But to be fair, the dumbass handmaidens pushing this e-girl shit aren't helping women in this community either. Looking at you, bathwater girl. But what's with 4channers wanting "dysfunctional" or outcast women anyway? Is it a desire to fix them?
No. 460000
>>459507Well, there's truth to it though, it's not just ~*woke virtual signaling*~, it's about the double standards applied between genders. Teenage boys get to like all sorts of sick things and people just roll their eyes, but teenage girls liking anything even slightly dubious causes a landslide of criticism. Twilight is garbage for sure, but people acting like it's actually harmful and ~glorifying abuse~ are taking it way too far. Media directed towards teenage boys always has hot chicks forcefully jumping on a self insert's dick and it's just taken for what it is - a horny teenage fantasy, but for some reason when it's a hot dreamy dude forcing himself on a self insert girl character people freak the fuck out and scream degeneracy. I was already an adult when Twilight was a thing and I just shook my head at both the teenagers liking it and the hysteric people who thought it would ruin their chaste daughters forever. All the while having teenage boys watch all sorts of brain rotting crap and nobody ever paying any mind to it.
The best example is actually The Beatles, back when they were huge in the 60's everyone thought they were a group of untalented kids only staying afloat because of dumb teenage girls liking them for their looks, but after men started enjoying them they were considered the foundation of modern pop music.
No. 460005
>>459822So you base your identity in not being "basic" and ~not like the other girls uwu~ who like X popular thing.
How very exceptional of you anon. You must be an incredibly interesting and deep free thinker , intellectual philosopher and art connoisseur.
No. 460016
>>459925>But what's with 4channers wanting "dysfunctional" or outcast women anyway? Is it a desire to fix them?>implying any of these knuckledragging, porn-addicted, soon-to-be sexual offenders have even a soupçon of empathy or interest in caring for anyone but themselvesnah, it's literally just that they'd feel too outmatched by a woman that has her life together and can't manipulate her as easily. they're all entitled males that want to use some girl's mental illness, disabilities, inabilities, etc, against her to keep her and further break her spirit by emotionally abusing her for as long as possible AND because few women will want to play with their limp fettucine and tolerate some hairy-backed manchild begging them to roleplay in crotchless panties as that dinosaur from Undertale, but hopeless neet girls with no ability to support or care for themselves sometimes might
>>460010nta but she's right, disney, for all it's garbo consumerist crap and basic bitch shit is still like, aesthetically comfy or whatever. buzzfeed quizzes are fun, too. sometimes i do like finding out how my preference in macaroni & cheese makes me more like tiana than snow white.
No. 460017
>>460000Sometimes guys are just jealous that teens/young women are lusting after someone.. and it's not them
My (much younger) cousin has been crushing on Tom Holland the last couple of years and whenever she mentions it around any guy they point out that he's "so short and scrawny pfft!" like let teens have their little crushes without feeling intimidated guys
No. 460023
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>>460017Will this image ever stop being relevant?
(From Photoplay January 1925)
No. 460527
>>460019They aren't gender critical. They hate troons but I guarantee most of them support/believe in gender roles. Anyway, back in the day when I would look at /pol/ out of curiosity so many of them would say that the only thing Islam gets right is their mistreatment of women. I mean my point is that radfems are critical of those things for completely different reasons than the 2edgy4u conservitards on 4chan.
They're fucking delulu if they think they have anything in common with women who can see right through their male bullshit.
>Some of them though definitely seem to have conflated radfem with femdom though.That's reasonable considering that many anons on lolcow have conflated them also. It isn't even compatible with being kink critical, which many radfems are.
No. 460531
>>460005There are plenty of "basic" things that are cool to like. I was just specifically talking aboit rabid Disney/Christmas girls. Calm down and go watch Frozen for the 1000th time, Becky.
Also, I'm gay. Is it even possible to be a gay "pickme?"
>>460010>>460012I never said ANYTHING about horse girls. Horse girls are fine. Horses aren't literal explemplars of capitalism, they're just animals.
No. 460554
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I was on a thread on a website and came across a post about a guy bragging about fucking a woman 5'2 and 133 pounds since the thread was about the average American woman being 170 pounds
5'2 and 133 pounds is no where near unachieveable but first of all, this woman has obvious implants, which is funny because how tf are your breast genes so shitty that you need B cup implants at 133 POUNDS. After seeing this pic for a third time im starting to suspect she may had other surgeries done on her body too. Why are scrotes so fucking stupid?
No. 460563
>>460554Huh? Who cares about any of this shit? What do implants have to do with breast genetics when half the time the sole purpose is to make them bigger, not necessarily gigantic?
You seem to be taking this woman's body and the fact that some guy likes it bizarrely personal.
No. 460573
>>460570I think it's because she is assumingly an average woman, the more average women with fake bodies the more men will expect women to look like that, especially in the pink pill thread where men will literally violate and shit on their average looking girlfriend because their ex had a porn star body or whatever
Nothing wrong with implants but men are fucking degenerates when it comes to women's bodies and the more "perfect" bodies they experience the higher they hold their standards to, and if women don't meet them they say and do absolutely disgusting things to them, it's sad and infuriating how men are when it comes to women's bodies
No. 460576
>>460570>>460570How is it barely noticeable when her body fat is clearly low and women by that point tend to have small breasts?
>>460573exactly, the point about breast genes being shitty was too harsh but im tired of people acting like its normal to have full perky breast on a low bf frame and act like small breasted or non perky big breasted women are deformed
No. 460662
>>459507>sasunaruthat's sasuke/naruto, right? there's some truth to the idea that so-called "fujos" are reviled by male nerds and often attacked by women who feel an inner hatred for their own desires, claiming that to like yaoi is homophobic because it sexualizes gay men.
women often flock to m/m because they're either 1. straight and want to see two dudes going at it, which is perfectly fine?? men do the same thing with fetishizing lesbianism and no one cares, 2. they are queer and don't see female characters in series they enjoy being personality types that they feel represent them or they're attracted to. male characters get to do all the fun, actiony, heroic shit and they get to argue and have more intense chemistry with each other than female characters tend to.
i'm aware that there are exceptions but like, in the case of naruto? basically all the female characters are written like absolute shit. if someone likes naruto then they're undoubtedly going to be more drawn to the male characters than the females and this is why a lot of lesbians still like m/m stuff; male characters get to express themselves more rawly than females, on the regular.
sorry for the huge tangent but i have always noticed this
No. 460672
>>460662inb4 fujos are all femcel pedos
Yeah let’s not anon lmao
No. 460679
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>>460650>Not all of us want to look at pictures I agree. They should mix it up a bit and use gifs as well.
No. 460680
>>460671where are all the people calling men misogynistic, homophobic,
problematic etc for drawing the girls fucking each other entirely for male gaze though?
this has always been a fandom double standard. women aren’t allowed to think it’s hot when two men are together but men are expected to find two women together sexy, it’s normal and fine
No. 460782
>>460679Oh, i get it now. I was confused, but now I've reached nirvana.
>>460662It's okay anon, to be honest i was more talking about with people thinking sasunaru/twilight was an universal female experience. What would bother me the most is if someone assumed i used to be a hardcore fujo from the get go, or that i was supposed to be.
That's just one of the things that annoys me. "Every teen was reading 1D fanfiction back in the day!" ummm, no? Don't group me into this, it's not much to ask to not be grouped in with roided fangirls
>>460671It's always been a strange space for women who don't really care about BL. I'm biased as fuck considering I've seen some harassment by fujos against women that don't like BL. I really wish fujos would clean up their act before shilling that it's a perfect porn community by and for women, considering how they act when they notice a woman that is not interested in gay erotica at all lol
>>460760It's an eternal debate, anon. Get some popcorn and get comfy.
No. 460916
>>460554I get being annoyed at bragging scrots, but I fail to see why this girl getting implants is a problem. They don't look super natural, but they don't look bad, either. Judging by the picture, a lot of her weight might be muscle, and she might carry most of her fat in her legs, which is why she might have had small breasts.
>>460579Mine are B and the size looks pretty similar to me. Granted, I haven't been measured in a few years so I might be a C now.
No. 462118
>>462091>>462093What's wrong with it? I got the impression it was an anti not-like-the-other girls song, which is refreshing.
That said I cannot remember what it sounds like for the life of me.
No. 462168
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>>462160what does this have to do with getting out more? this is becoming popular, anon. it is annoying to see that there's essentially a depressed """alt""" girl to egirl to sex work pipeline going on now that young 'alt' girls are seeing they can garner major followings by being both attainable and sexualizing themselves from the jump without being on straight camsites, by focusing being the 'smol titty goth gf'. they're focusing on boys and men so the ante is upped continually both in terms of edgy, gross shit, shit influenced by really awful hentai, and sexual shit that's affecting what boys and men think women and girls are okay with or should be okay with, too and they're building entire micro communities of creepy/desperate dudes around them, instead of girls just trying to get attention and recognition from primarily other girls. it's a lot easier and immediately gratifying for them to gain a following when they focus almost entirely on a male audience and sexualizing themselves, so there's no encouragement to try to just develop an enviable style or take aesthetic photos or whatever as they used to do. they used to at least want to be 'real models' with a specific style and concepts for photos or whatever, now vulnerable girls are emulating other vulnerable girls and are objectifying themselves to perverse audiences of men and boys and becoming very accessible to them at the same time.
now there's much more of a very sexual element that leads straight into sex work or sex work lite, with entire communities of just men orbiting them and further encouraging it, and a large part of it is them being attainable/reachable to these really gross men and boys by creating intimate communities where men become more obsessed and creepy? that's really not good and has a domino effect. at least before it was more about being artsy and interesting to other girls. it was almost all about appealing to other girls and influencing other girls. now it's really normalizing this fusion of sexual stuff and gory, bloody, dangerous stuff too. when bruises were romanticized on tumblr in the past, it was mostly just to other girls because it was uwu, not necessarily sexualized. now all of this shit is also being exposed to boys and men
No. 462175
>>462168>instead of girls just trying to get attention and recognition from primarily other girls. it's a lot easier and immediately gratifying for them to gain a following when they focus almost entirely on a male audience and sexualizing themselvesI completely agree with this. Imo MySpace queens used their sex appeal quite a bit but the tumblr girls and early Instagrammers aimed themselves more at being quirky, relatable or otherworldly types. Tumblr girls with sexual blogs definitely existed but it wasn't the only path to success, most girls just had an army of girls. Molly soda, Nicole D or even luna slater pushed their aesthetic life to other girls or lovers of the aesthetic instead of creating mostly sexual content for guys, with the occasional lewd.
I don't know how the change happened. Maybe it's all connected to the pornification of cosplay?
No. 462390
>>460782>I'm biased as fuck considering I've seen some harassment by fujos against women that don't like BL.I've BEEN harassed by fujos for not being into BL. I even have a few m/m ships I do like, but if you don't ship every single m/m ship fujos love they get btfo and call you a homophobe. And they love to call m/f or f/f ships "
abusive" and "
toxic" for having any disagreement or fighting whatsoever while shipping men who routinely try to murder each other together.
No. 462502
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Is this the new crytyping? I fucking hate it, that's for sure.
>Guys. I don't. know how, to tell you… this. But. I really. love attention. A lot.
>Your brain. subconsciously. reads this in a. bad. William Shatner impression.
Barely just a step above
>om,g,,,, I cah,nt,,, ecen,,, rgiht noe,,,,,, :C im,,, havging a pnikk,, attack rgih nowe,,, hewp,,,,,,
No. 462513
>>462502>>om,g,,,, I cah,nt,,, ecen,,, rgiht noe,,,,,, :C im,,, havging a pnikk,, attack rgih nowe,,, hewp,,,,,,where did this come from and when did this get popular? i remember when i was younger, like, back in 2007 or whatever we all were like "ASDFKLJWHATF" but never whatever this is with the commas. i only recently learned of whatever the fuck that was. where did that gain popularity and when was it popular? do boys and men type like that too?
No. 462516
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>>451440Same hat, I know exactly what you mean. I have changed search engines entirely, now I use Yandex as my search browser. Sometimes you have to fill out a captcha to search but the image results are just as good, if not even better, than Google's and you can save the images.
I only recommend it for images though, if you try to use it for regular sitesearching it'll always give you Russian sites and sites that would normally be in English are automatically translated to Russian. Google still gives the best website options imo, but it's nice to have options. Bing and DDG are kinda shit.
No. 462517
>>462513I started seeing it on Tumblr back around, I want to say 2013-2014 or so. Certain types of people would start crytyping like that whenever they were in trouble or being criticized for doing stupid shit.
I think Homestuck really popularized it because there was a character named Tavros that has a typing quirk that uses inverted capitals and commas for periods (jUST LIKE THIS,,,) and he's known for being meek. Maybe non-Homestucks picked up on it and decided to add it into part of crytyping? Who knows.
No. 462536
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People who message you and ask you basic shit like age/country/name while the crap is literally in your blog/profile description, that you HAVE to pass/see in order to message someone.
At this point I just don't bother to reply anymore. It's also usually men who do this.
No. 462597
>>462594Same thing for RPG and other video games taking place in a medieval Europe-like setting.
>Fire Emblem Three Houses is released>has a lot of plot points taken from the previous games of the franchises but sometimes with a twist>is about dragons, royal families and war like the other games in the series since 1990>"is this game of thrones xD!!1! I've watched game of thrones and nothing else so I'm suuuch a nerd!!"This also applies to anyone comparing stories with supernatural elements or straight up witchcraft taking place in schools to Harry Potter.
No. 462799
>>462794>Oblivion was the superior ES gamenot Morrowind
Now that has a unique fantasy setting.
No. 462807
>>462594Its even worse with videogames and Dark souls.
Any videogame that is hard is "The dark souls of *insert genre". Apparently Dark Souls was the first and only hard game ever made. I've seen a ton of comparisons with the aesthetic and themes too, but dark fantasy have been a thing since forever, is way older than videogames and dark souls itselfs rips off so much from Berserk is crazy. Its just a bad habit from pop culture, the way people describe stuff is always "is just like X but with Y" so everything becomes a reference to another thing thats popular and there is no escaping it, even when its not intended people will process it like that.
No. 462854
>>462799Morrowind is best TES followed by Daggerfall. Skyrim is pure retardation and I unironically look down on people who enjoy it.
>>462597People saying that Septimus Heap is a Harry Potter rip off. Like they barely even have the existence of magic in common; the magic system is totally different. Not to mention that it’s an entirely different setting and characters
No. 463612
>>463571>>463564those shows are definitely bs but fun to watch. semi related but my dad used to be a broker and there are some real crazies searching for houses. they want a 3000 sq ft 3/3 by the beach for $120,000. they don't want to put down $120,000 and finance, no, they want an expensive property
for $120,000 and think all sellers will forgo like, $200,000 just because they "have cash" and can avoid the approvals and waiting financing. and they're always like "BUT I HAVE CASH", yeah, dude, so many people here are actually rich and have cash. no one is going to just give you a $700,000 property just because you have $120,000 in cash. then they complain about the person helping them find a home
theyll see houses that are well under market value and that assess so much higher, that are nice, and if they can't get "their deal", that is, if they can't get the seller (the bank, in this case) to give it to them for much, much less than that, even, they get indignant and shitty to my parent and the banks, etc. like they can pull rank on multinational banks. they'll try to tell banks "no one will ever buy this property" (meanwhile, they get offers like crazy and they'll find another buyer immediately that'll take on liens, will waive inspections, etc).
No. 463891
>>462181i agree.same with movie posters too
your post reminded me of video related
No. 464006
>>462235Same. Even with tv shows finding one that I actually think is consistently funny is very rare. There's a couple of older sketch shows that I really like but most comedy series these days focus way too much on "funny" relationship drama and not enough on the actual jokes being good.
Books and text get this across way better and manage to be funny in a more implicit way, often because of things like writing style.
There's some youtube channels that put out pretty hilarious videos but ones that don't feel forced are hard to find as well. I'm sick of the whole "a fast breath out the nose every ten minutes is enough for me to keep watching" mentality that's apparently common now.
No. 464120
>>464044he kept saying stuff about my appearance and that he had been watching me for a while. if he had been like "you seem nice, would you like to go out with me?" it wouldn't have bothered me.
whenever a guy shows interest in me, based on nothing but my appearance, it puts me in a really bad mood. i feel so objectified and don't want to appeal to the male gaze ree.
No. 464227
>>463876me too. in my old retail job i had plenty weird guys and older men flirt and ask me out. one guy outright told me to add him on facebook. i told him i never go on it but he was persistent for 3-4 months until he got the memo. the creepy thing about that is my facebook was VERY private, and i didn't even use my real name. i have no idea how he found me.
i've also had best friends who tell me they're in love with me, and in turn our friendship crumbles because i don't feel the same, and i never will.
there's nothing nice about someone befriending you expecting poon. i feel used and i cant even vent about it to people because they see me as humble bragging. like 'why are you complaining that people fall in love with you?' umm because i don't feel the same? because i've lost plenty of amazing people from my life?
i hate befriending guys.
No. 464237
>>464227Do you wish these guys never were friends with you?
Sorry that you are so attractive anon. But I could never relate with having tons of guys falling in love with me because I'm not attractive. It sucks to come on this board with so many attractive woman. Meanwhile if I ever complain about being unattractive I get told I should be grateful. It works both ways anon.
No. 464261
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This stupid game is to dark. I've edited every setting, but its still to dark to play
No. 464262
>>464237NTA but
>Sorry that you are so attractive anonWhat a nasty and weird thing to say to a woman who was speaking about being harassed by an old man. Sounds like the real reason guys don’t like you is because you are completely oblivious to social cues.
No. 464264
>>464237>>464237You sound like an insufferable cunt. Women dont like getting stalked at their jobs or have their friendships fall apart because guys are unable to be platonic. It sucks because a lot of women dont get into friendships with guys thinking or hoping they'll fall in love with them. some people are married or together because of a friendship but that is usually a rare case. It sounds like you're
victim blaming anon for just being a woman and not wanting these advances.
No. 464275
>>464237nayrt, but i dont think you should "feel grateful" for being unattractive. i wish men would stop using attractiveness as a basis when it comes to interacting with women.
i want men to like me because of my actual personality, not my appearance. it's shallow and annoying.
>>464265because women congratulate me. they tell me to take it as a compliment. even though i say that kind of male attention makes me feel uncomfortable, they don't see it the same way. not every woman thinks this way ofc, but most people in my life seem to have this mindset.
like, i frequented an art museum this summer and one of the security guards hit on me by telling me he recognised me. this made me feel kinda creeped out and not want to return to the museum in case i ran into him again. when i told my friend this, she asked if he was handsome, said i should feel flattered and didn't understand why i was making it a big deal.
No. 464279
>>464275>because women congratulate me. they tell me to take it as a complimentIt's internalized misogyny. See it for what it actually is. We're told as women that any kind of male attention is what we should want.
Some women just aren't there yet to see how it actually isn't flattery.
No. 464332
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god i hate depop and some sellers on eBay.
>Could do with a good iron
yeah no shit? iron it yourself and take a flattering photo if you want to sell it, holy shit.
it looks awful and makes me think some girls don't bother to wash their clothes before selling. eugh.
No. 464358
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>>464334holyshit, you aint wrong
No. 464562
>>464446some people don't know how to respond to people venting to them so they instead try to console us by talking about their own experiences so we don't feel 'alone' in our woes.
but usually they come across as making it a competition or not caring.
No. 464571
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>>464493Oh no, never being cat called? How awful to not have strange men scream about your tits in the streets.
No. 464592
>>464583As a non american i also ask myself that, people either love him to death or hate him and think he is literally Hitler, no middle ground and no matter which one americans can't seem to be able to shut up about him.
I listen to a lot of podcasts and youtube channels unrelated to politics and no matter the topic always theres going to be a non sequitur comment about Trump. Like someone would mention something and another goes "like certain president you know who, amirite??" or they are talking about another country, another time, like Teotihuacan in 1000 b.c and they'll go "which reminds me of the difficult troubling times we now live in with Trump being president and all…"
Dear americans, sorry, it makes you look like airheads somewhat.
No. 464597
cat calling is never a compliment
No. 464626
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>>464606If we are talking about a political podcast or current event discussion then yeah, go ahead and sperg about drumpt if we are talking about unrelated topics that have nothing to do with it and get ruined with cringy derailing, then no, stop self inserting and wallowing in self pity because you don't like a president. Is trite , annoying and intellectually lazy to just scream "Trump baaaad" every two seconds. Specially for us not in the US who just want to eye roll at you.
>but muh safe space, muh oppressionPlease burguers, get real
>>464602>Americans are mad because he didn't even win the popular vote and proved that voter fraud is real.And still that has shit to do with the content i follow and the huge amount of situations where Americans insert Trump talk into. Imagine every single anime you watch having stupid jokes about Shinzo Abe or some shit. Even people living in third world shit regimes don't bring it up in everything they do online as much hyper sensitive spoiled americans and their
triggered comedians and public personalities.
No. 464629
>>464626I'm an American who no longer lives in the US, and while I definitely sympathize with the ongoing struggles with healthcare, ICE, etc.,the people who just bring up Trump endlessly and never stop stressing about him need to give it a rest. We get it, he sucks. I was reading this guy's blog post the other day where he was talking about how stressful it's been with his elderly father being sick lately and how frustrated the doctors make him feel. and then, out of nowhere, he says:
>I used to go entire years without getting angry. I was a peaceful person. It’s Trump’s fault. His lawlessness without consequence undoes my zenIf Trump's existence is having that much of an impact on your daily life and mental health, you're in WAY too fucking deep. It's not healthy and it's not worth it.
No. 464633
>>464629 find it kind of funny that this man's healthcare was frustrating him, and then brings up Trump. It's under Obama my family lost our health insurance because the price nearly doubled and our quality of care went down. I'm no longer on anti-depressants because my family can't afford them; mental health was part of the coverage that was lost. My grandmother was at stage 3 cancer because she refused to see her doctor due to the costs. It wasn't until her symptoms neared death we finally convinced her to go. "But you get to keep your old doctor!" I genuinely fucking hate democraps.
I'm not here to shill Trump; I'm not a fan either, but these assholes who hate him could stand to look in a mirror.
No. 464634
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When people who go on lolcow post on LSA.
No. 464661
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I have a couple on my social media who always acts like they're so grown up and more mature than literally anyone else who ever does a thing ever, yet currently they are online begging randoms to go pick them up tissues and cough drops from the store in the late am when everyone's sleeping because they claim too sick and cannot move to go to the store themselves. They live 5 minutes from a store. The woman can't drive so it makes sense, but the guy certainly can.
If they're that desperately ill they need a fucking ambulance ride to a hospital.
They have a roommate but must have burned their bridge so as to not be able to ask him or for him to automatically say no.
They are some of the worst grifters I know. It won't be just tissues and cough drops, they'll tack on a few bunch of other 'little things' to their order when the person responds, and expect the person to pick up the tab if they're a good, non money hungry friend–which whoever already is for going to the store for a couple of adult babies at 2am.
And if that same person asks them for a favor later? They always got an excuse as to why they aren't available to do anything, like they're such busyyyyy adults they just don't have the time but woulddddd if they couldddddd. This is why they tend to befriend people with low self-esteem (me) but they especially target the "yes men" who can be used as repeat suckers who think they have to go above and beyond to prove they're a good friend to have.
At least I don't fall for that shit.
The biggest cherry is that not too long ago they were lambasting their roommate on social media for calling out sick from work and acting like one's gotta pull themselves up by their bootstraps and just go. Which is esp funny coming from the woman because this is her first time working in two years and only got the job because of her bf pulling strings at his job to get her it. Yet here they are, both taking a day off from work at the same time from what sounds like a common cold that everyone gets during seasonal change.
They got mad because their supervisors didn't give a shit about their wellbeing because they told them they needed them back for work tomorrow. Lmao, welcome to the workforce motherfuckers.
No. 464766
>>464703I agree as well. I'd personally never get married or have children because of that reason also, I prefer to have one or two friends i can sperge about random shit with once in a blue moon.
I also hate how when I was in school the teachers made me feel bad for being by myself. I also hate people who tell me i need to come out of my shell, like sorry, this is who i am.
No. 464919
>>464818this is slightly off topic but I honestly hate buzzwords like
problematic and the like because they're so easy to overuse and misuse and most of the time i'm just gonna get the impression that the speaker is lazy and just spouting off shit they read from other people. This goes for a lot of words, idk it just annoys me. I might sound like a snob lol but I just wish people would talk better and get their thoughts across clearer and not have to resort to easy catch-all words, like it's not hard.
Leading into that - it irritates me when you can tell someone is parroting something they heard another person say or stuff they read off the internet. Because it not only controls your wording but your opinions and thought process too. My sister does this all the time and it drives me nuts, it's like she automatically has to get approval from others on topics and never speaks/thinks for herself.
No. 465018
>>464592>>464600>>464602>>464603>>464606>>464626>>464629Did you guys even read my original post? I wasn't only talking about people who complain about trump but trump supporters too.
>>464583 And except for one anon none of you answered my question. Why is it still such a hot topic just like the first day, after years? Don't you ever get tired of talking about it? I want to know if it's something cultural I'm missing.
No. 465376
>>465349Soul literally just comes from black slang bastardized,as usual
my parents used to always say this person ain't got no SOUL when they sing (when really it meant they didnt have a powerhouse voice and melisma-esque vocals)
No. 465430
>>464493>Not every woman gets hit on or cat called. Some women make it through their entire life without male attentioni dunno what universe you're living in, but i want in. In my most hobo off days, i still get cat called by greasy men. men are disgusting and will hit on anything they think might be a woman or will give them attention.
>>464571Haha, pretty much
No. 465562
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Redditors with vendettas from childhood need to grow up
>muh english tescher ruined reading
>Homework bad
>school should start latter
>like high school is to hard bro
I dont hate these ideas, but I hate the fact they all combine to make this "I didnt fail school because I was bad, but because the system is bad"
No. 465586
>>465562I’m someone who failed literally because of homework lol. All my in class work was perfect, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t do homework for the life of me. I think there’s some merit in less homework but probably not in the way OP is wanting?
But unlike other kids who failed for similar reasons, I actually do really well at work.. because I do what I need to do while I’m there and don’t bring shit home. Plus money is a great incentive lmao
No. 465616
>>465614NTa but also failed because of homework.
I had zero work ethic and some minor add that I didn’t learn to manage until way too late. Procrastination and poor discipline are a shit combo.
School wasn’t
abusive for giving me the tools to develop a work ethic outside of class tho.
No. 465634
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i deleted my social media to take a break and focus on more important things but now instead of hopping between apps i've been spending all my time here and switching between boards.
fuck the internet. i think i just need to destroy my phone entirely if i'm going to be productive at all. it's not as easy as i thought… my attention has just shifted.
wahhh i just wanna do stuff but i can't break the habit of opening and closing the same page over and over!!!
No. 465643
>>465634Try weaning yourself offline.
Set a timer for twenty minutes or an hour or whatever and do what you need to do and then after that time is up, you can browse for half the time you worked for.
No. 465733
>>465562from my experience the only people who complain about the school system are the ones too lazy to do shit and then fail (im not american tho)
homework shouldnt be stopped just because youre too lazy to do it and don't want to get yelled at
No. 465786
>>465562I went to an "alternative" school (quaker school) k-8 before I went to a normal, private prep school for high school. at quaker school we didn't have typical homework, grades, etc. (these people on reddit's dream) and as a result I struggled a lot my freshman and even sophomore years of high school to keep up with average homework tasks, I did better in subjects like writing, social studies etc. but struggled really hard with math and science. I think with math and science especially practicing through homework is a necessity. my quaker school had a lot of the ideas thrown around for normal schools - unique/non classroom activities (shit like camping, hiking, etc. which I hated), lenient with missing school (ended up with me missing at least one day a week to avoid said unique activities, parents would take me on vacation for weeks at a time), non-traditional hours (started at 9, let out at 2:45 so basically no time at school), no grades or homework (never tried at all except in writing and social studies which were the only subjects I liked), forced to communicate our feelings (I now hate talking about myself), very small class size (no privacy whatsoever). as a contrast my high school was probably more difficult than most and I thrived after my freshman year, college is a breeze bc I was very well prepared.
I think some people do better with more structure and some with less structure. but it's hard to know what would work for a kid and nearly impossible to implement multiple different learning styles that work for students at a larger scale (public schools). Honestly sometimes I think we should have more programs for high schoolers who don't give a shit to just get a certification to be a dental hygienist or mechanic or something. some people will just never care about school.
No. 465888
>>465786The public highschool in the town I live in tried to do that with a CNA program, but they couldn’t go through with it because the grades in the science department were too low.
I went to a public highschool and my older sibling went to a government tech school. She got completely shit on by my parents for going there, yet she and her husband are doing great at their careers whereas I and my public highschool graduated cousins are struggling to make anything of ourselves.
No. 465947
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I know I shouldn't let this bother me as much, but literature devil fills me with rage. He first wouldn't stop coming into my recs with his dumb "why are SJW characters mary sues" video and now this? He's also doing comic gate videos.
It's his smug persona that borders on satire that pisses me off.
No. 465960
>>465947Y'all, I wanna know what that comic is of the muscle woman covering lovestruck boy's face is. That's hot.
I already have a feeling the video is going to pander to the 4chan weebtrash crowd and praise Eastern work, but give it a tap on the wrist as a "critique" to seem fair for criticizing western work pretty hard. The Eastern shit he portrays in this screenshot, one is of a adult breasted 14 year old girl in a bikini… pedophilia. I'd rather have a butch hair Captain Marvel.
His examples are prurely sexual from this still alone. "West bad because a small few pieces portray pandering leftism/women I don't wanna fuck. East good because scantily clad nude ladies who throw their tits in dudes faces at random times is funny and cre8tiv!" Eastern storytelling is really fucking poor from a mainstream standpoint. It's all "Power of nakama!" Fireblast looking powers activated by shouting random words, and women with 0 substance outside of looking pretty and occasionally looking badass in a fight, despite having traumatized past (no real storyline in between new power and past event). Men are truely the NPCs of gender.
No. 465981
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can't stand woke White girl who say demeaning things about white people in front of ethnics to get brownie points but still largely date only white men(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 466037
>>465985I find it funnier when it's woc who shit on white men via Twitter, but their avi is with their white boyfriend… or when /pol/acks complain about white women being unfaithful to their race, and then try to get with woc, more often asian.
>mfw>>466036That's pretty reasonable. I don't use them in texts or causal convos.
No. 466104
>>466067>>466065>Imagine being triggered by correct grammar. "Muh casual conversation" you guys are the ones that keep posting angrily about it, like people aren't allowed to dislike it bc you use them. grammar and language naturally evolves. people who are married to "proper grammar" and "technically correct" words like "whilst" or "thrice" are strange and come off as onision-tier pests that look for any opportunity, including convos about paper towels, to try to assert authority or knowledgeability. there's a reason why no one understands middle english even though it's also perfectly correct. grammatical rules are completely arbitrary anyways, so it's really weird that people are so married to "correct grammar" like there's a forever unchanging basis behind it, like all languages share the same grammatical rules or like it doesn't also change over time. it wasn't something that was discovered. the fact is that things fall out of use and it becomes clunky and uncommon to use them casually as a result.
people who insist on more formal phrasing or structure in casual convo or anyone who wants to cling desperately to the corpses of rarely used grammatical tools or outdated words bc it's "proper" is immediately telling the word they're a horsegirl
No. 466114
>>466106it's obviously meant to be "world", anon. are you so autistic you can't take context clues? or do you think imageboards are not casual and that no one makes typos on imageboards? the overly offended way semicolon fans act over a punctuation mark really shows, imo, why you guys turn out to be pretty intolerable people irl and you prove exactly why i hold these opinions
>>466103sure, grammar is important, but not universal and unchanging, but that's how people act. there's a big difference. people who make mention of "proper grammar" (like the anons above) are usually ones complaining about it in a forum that is inappropriate for the complaint, like youtube comments or texts. semicolons are not a necessity. they are literally falling out of use, which makes using them casually very odd, and people who talk about grammar like it's a natural science are nitpicky for the sake of feeling superior
No. 466172

This video triggered a weeb rage in me I didn't think was possible. It's like an incel haunted my body temporarily just to seethe about this. I'm just going to sperg out here so I won't bitch too much about it later to people in my personal life. Hope no one minds too much.
The British interviewer is being such a condescending asshole from the jump. Don't like maid cafes? Fair enough, but the rudeness in this video just makes my blood boil. When she's offered a meal, she snarkily goes "No, I've lost my appetite" and then says she wants tea. When she gets the tea, she bitches that it's cold. The rest of the video is just her making faces and saying shitty comments about everything and everyone. She admits that the waitress who served her is around 20, but proceeds to call her a "30 year old baby" in the voiceover, anyway, just to add some spice. The waitress's awful faux pas to bring this insult on herself? Repeating the stock phrases given to her by management, serving food/drinks and just doing her work. What a crime.
>"uhh they all sound like chipmunks on helium haha infantile japanese women amiritte"
>"uhhh they're all dressed like 12 year olds" (Just what kind of pizzagate-tier gatherings have you been frequenting to see maid costumes and immediately think of 12 year olds, Sue? For fuck's sake)
>"omg guys i've never been so uncomfortable in my life" (Who asked you to go? You knew exactly what you were getting into, and there's a shitload of other things you can report on in Japan, but you chose this?)
And like, her obvious irritation at everything hyper-feminine and girly is so grating. Not to sound like a tradthot, but she's definitely framing this as if she's just some enlightened, liberated western feminist with no tolerance for gender roles, and I'm just not buying it. You can tell a large chunk of it is personal bitterness, and maybe a tinge of internalized misogyny. She absolutely reeks of that whole bullshit idea that doing everything you can to resemble and behave like a man is true freedom.
She was probably that girl in school who made a huge fucking show of hating the color pink and was constantly shitting on other girls who wore skirts, enjoyed pop music and actually liked pink because it totally made them vapid and unintelligent or something. Sorry, it is not every liberated woman's dream to cosplay as a 48 year old frumpy closeted gay man from Illinois 24/7. That is not peak performance for all women.
At the very end, she cobbles together the typical "Japanese men are scared of real relationships and are also misogynistic so they go to these places instead of actually dating" to pass for critical thinking. I mean, that's obviously true, but holy shit, who doesn't know that already?
Somewhere in the middle, she does the typical "OMG they're serving and entertaining the men, it's just like the geisha from history!!". This is not intelligent or decent analysis. You literally just plagiarized every other western news think piece on maid cafes. You jumped on the "Maid cafes are so odd and alien to us westerners!!" bandwagon 5 years later than everyone else, and you think being a rude piece of shit will cover up the fact that you have absolutely nothing substantial to say, and probably haven't for a while now.
Like, all the hand-wringing and bitchiness, and you couldn't even come up with any original thoughts? No truly eye-opening criticism about the culture? No food for thought at all? I can't believe this lazy, dishwater take is what passes for news these days. You literally just went there to talk shit. Fuck off back to eating greasy fry-ups at your local fish and chip shop owned by some oily football fanatic with a wife he neglects and a son who may or may not have fetal alcohol syndrome. That's obviously where you feel most at home, and no one begged you to travel. If you're out of ideas, stay home and think of something. Don't deliver this bullshit and call it a day. It's a waste of footage, waste of bandwidth and a waste of time.
No. 466190
>>466172i knew what this was before clicking the thumbnail. thank you for posting this. i've gone off sue these past few years and this programme absolutely hit the nail in the coffin. she was just so pretentious the whole time.
i hate bbc and c4 documentaries the most, especially the ones that try to be so 'woke'. stop sending annoying celebs to countries they don't give a shit about. why do these people get to travel to all of these amazing places in order to shit on it? i hate it.
i'd rather just watch a japanese documentary with a nice voice over actually speaking interesting facts about the places and the people than have some annoying white woman prance around making a fool of herself.
right now they have contests for this morning and loose women and there's some annoying older woman in japan running around and being a tit to promo the prize and it really makes me cringe.
No. 466199
>>466182NTA but I don't understand why you're so intellectually threatened by a semicolon to think that the people who use it in writing are always being pretentious or trying to write pretentiously.
Then again, we live during a timeline where most people cannot differentiate between you're and your, or their, they're. and there.
Maybe you're right anon, maybe it's time we put a cap on a lot of grammatical conventions because it's insulting to people who either can't or won't understand them.
I'm sure the emdash, colon, and parentheses are the next fossils on the chopping block until we're all talking in emojis and using them pronouns to address each other.
No. 466341
>>466172Good lord I'm fully with you on the
triggered weeb rage here. I fucking hate it when foreigners (usually brits and americans) go to Japan to just gawk at the ~perverted~ stuff there, of course heading straight to Akihabara and make it seem like some sort of cradle of debauchery.
>a "30 year old baby">"No, I've lost my appetite"It's fucking bullshit, plenty of girls go to maid cafes too because it's so fun and makes you forget about the everyday world for a minute. Jesus christ what a superficial bitch. I'm surprised she didn't bring up the used panties vending machine meme too. As someone who frequents Tokyo a lot it's fucking painful to deal with people asking me if "I went to those crazy sex cafes lmaooo!!!" because they see dumb fetishizing videos like this done by actual news outlets. FUCK.
No. 466466
>>466172I hate how condescending she is too. The waitress was very sweet to her, so I don't know why she had to talk shit about her the entire time? Like somehow her being girly and sweet is a bad thing?
I mean, I totally get hating the clientele but the waitresses aren't doing anything wrong. Rather I think the clientele are disgusting bc you know they're getting off on this in some weird way. I would be less creeped out if there were maid cafes that just served girls since it would be a cute and fun thing. But like the reporter said you know these men go to these cafes bc they're using it as a substitute for having a girlfriend. The girls can't stop engaging with them or reject them.
No. 466467
>>466459nta, i've found that claim is kind of overblown actually. CP stuff isn't even found in most seedy stores.
a real issue is incest, which is 100% not illegal and rampant in tons of media (sexual or otherwise) and still practiced by rich families.
No. 466482
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>>466190>stop sending annoying celebs to countries they don't give a shit about. why do these people get to travel to all of these amazing places in order to shit on it? i hate it.I discovered this C4 show called Travel Man where Richard Ayode (guy from IT Crowd) and a guest celebrity spend 48 hours in a major city. I thought it was really funny at first but as the episodes went on it basically turned into what you said. Why do they let this go on the air, who wants to watch these grumpy people who seem like they don't want to be there and are rude to the locals? I might just cut out all travel shows with presenters and go for something like Planet Earth or Something Street from NHK, or even just a travel book or memoir.
No. 466550
>>466172I normally like Sue Perkins but that was sad. It's fine for her to hate the cafe but it's just bad showmanship to present it in such a one-sided way.
I know it's the weeb in me but I'm so tired of 'wacky japan' television, especially from the BBC, so much for this climate of political correctness that we're supposedly living in.
No. 466565
>>466172Wow, this is really poorly done. I get that Sue Perkins is a lesbian and a feminist, and she rightly looks down on how women are infantilized and sexualized by men, but she's more rude about the waitresses than the men. Those young girls are just doing their jobs and she's being so rude to them. Meanwhile, she has no problem interviewing the men and treating them with at least neutral politeness. Why couldn't she have reached out to Japanese feminists and had them speak on the topic of maid cafes for some insight on someone brought up in the culture, rather than some rude british asshole making assumptions.
This is like going to Disneyland and being mad at the women playing Cinderella or Snow White for being damsels in distress. They're acting! They're doing their job!
Does anyone else find it suspicious that every customer in the background is an otaku dude? I know men do go to maid cafes but from what I've heard, they've turned into tourist traps for foreigners.
No. 466662
>>466565I'm a lesbian and a feminist too and that's exactly why I don't understand why she would be such a bitch to the girls working there. As someone who supposedly has respect for women, she's being ultra condescending and unnecessarily mean to the girls who are just doing their waitressing job.
I had a friend who worked in one of Tokyo's otaku districts (not maid cafe but performing), she was interviewed for a western news outlet and the journalist basically described her as a mindless sex
victim who's only meant to sell sex to middle-aged men gawking at young girls. You could imagine how hurt she was because she really enjoyed what she did and it wasn't even sexual in any way. The way I see it is that people have this retarded mix of a savior complex and the feeling of superiority when it comes to women in Japan, especially when they're treating a grown ass woman working as a dress-up waitress like she was a starving 12-year old hooker in the Philippines. Especially Americans seem to have a knack for treating anything "strange" as inherently sexual and decipher it as some fucked up fetish.
No. 466673
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As someone who was molested, I really hate how loosely the internet uses the word "pedophile" these days. I think it's ridiculous that drawing shipping of fictional teenagers from anime makes you a pedophile.
A pedophile is a person who creeps on and molests real kids. Calling random fujoshis on the internet pedophiles for drawing Naruto or whatever without a shirt seems like a great way to rob the label of its seriousness. Sexualizing teenage anime characters is certainly weird and gross, but it does not deserve to share a label with the rape and sexual abuse of children.
People need to get a fucking grip and understand the difference between real life and goddamn Japanese cartoons.
No. 466693
>>466673But ANON!!! there are totes studies showing how c
ild prn makes every 20something meek nerdy woman an IRL p
dphile because they like shipping 16 year old vaguely aged cartoon characters and drew them shirtless or aged up having sex!!! FICTION AFFECTS REAL LIFE YOU FUCKING P
Anyway it's a groomer's paradise out there, when kids are being taught that you can spot a pedo just by looking at their interests they learn to ignore other red flags a seemingly normal person would exhibit. No predator ever walked up to a minor and said "look, I love kiddie porn and I want to rape and abuse you". They're people who gain your trust by manipulative methods and make it hard for you to refuse. Calling someone a pedo because they shipped underage shounen characters in a setting where age really doesn't matter because everyone is under 18 and not really exhibiting childlike appearance or behavior is ludicrous and straight out insulting to the
victims of actual child sex abuse.
It's a song that's been played over and over but really, a lot of people use fiction to handle a trauma to cope with it in an environment they can control, and nobody really owes an explanation to some stranger on the internet about their personal history. I've been in
abusive relationships which is why I find them fascinating in fiction, to be able to observe something I went through from a 3rd person's perspective. It helps me reflect on what happened and cope with my experiences. But of course due to the current extra woke discourse this can only mean that I have a fetish for abuse and should be banished for predatory behavior.
No. 466706
>>466699By that logic, "pedophile" doesn't apply because the characters are neither pre-pubescent nor people. They're drawings of teenagers.
>>466701This, too. Is someone a pedophile for still liking a teenage character they liked when
they were a teenager? People grow up, characters don't.
I should also note that I see a lot of "pedo11!1!" screeching directed at women who draw shipping of teenage shounen protagonists. Come the fuck on. How is that in any way comparable to neckbeards who draw POV porn of prepubescent lolis? I think art can definitely be a gateway drug to actual pedophilia, but that's only when the characters are clearly portrayed as prepubescent children, and when the person consuming it is pornsick to the point of allowing porn to distort their sexuality.
It really makes me mad that we're blaming art for what is ultimately the fucked up decision of the individual. A man doesn't rape a child because he looked at anime porn, he rapes a child because he made a conscious decision to, and he probably would have done it regardless of what porn he looked at. I'm sick of men blaming their horrid behaviors on everything but themselves. It's a lot like the "violence in video games causes shootings" myth. Shootings are caused by guns and extremism. Child rape is caused by evil people who want to hurt and control people weaker than them. That's all there is to it.
No. 466712
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>>466706> I'm sick of men blaming their horrid behaviors on everything but themselves. It's a lot like the "violence in video games causes shootings" myth. Shootings are caused by guns and extremism. Child rape is caused by evil people who want to hurt and control people weaker than them. That's all there is to it.Preach. I thought we grew out of this "____ causes violence/rape" stuff in the 90's but now it's made a comeback full force due to the current purity culture. All child rapists aren't even pedophiles per se, they get a kick out of abusing people weaker than themselves be it a woman, man or a child. I read a story written by a mother who had a son who was taken in by the extremist alt-right people and it was due to him having bitterness and resentment towards authority figures caused by bad experiences and having his feelings neglected, not because he played video games. Fucking Catcher in the Rye, a book super tame by today's standards, was credited to inspire murders decades ago. People are always looking at fiction to blame because it's an easy answer to a complex societal issue they necessarily don't have a lot of control over.
No. 466781
>>466774Oh right I forgot this site is filled with 20-year olds who think that once you turn 28 you magically stop enjoying anything from your youth and only watch adult romcoms of 35-year olds having a midlife crisis. You'll be in for a shocker once you're nearing 30.
It's like age isn't a thing you consciously think about when you're more focused on a fictional character's development, personality, choices, looks and thoughts. Good lord the people who CREATE them are adults themselves.
No. 466784
>>466701I'm 27 and am not sexually attracted to 16 year old characters anymore since I'm not a demented weeb, your only saving grace is that's technically ephebophile since they're post-pubescent but then we're in libertarian meme territory. The idea of thinking of a 16 year old sexually makes my skin crawl.
>>466706>i-i-its just a drawing! its not real!Literally what pedophiles say when grooming kids online with lolicon and what guys on their way to trooning out say when jerking off to traps. Anime is so pathetic.
No. 466855
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possibly late, but the whole "anti" thing online today seriously irritates and confuses me. i mean, back in the early 00s, people had "bad & unhealthy" pairings across the board & i assure you nobody gave a shit because we all knew they were just cartoons, we weren't to do these things irl, etc.
like. speaking as someone that grew up shipping things with large age-gaps (sebaciel, naruto x kakashi, roxas x axel) and other so-called "problematic" subjects (i had a LOT of brother x sister & other incest ships back then), i'm doing pretty fucking well? it hasn't had, and it didn't have any effect on what i enjoyed irl, and it never will. it's just not real, i don't get why people aren't understanding.
hell if anything i'd say seeing those minor x adult pairings actually helped me avoid a real nasty thing with a super senior my freshman year of uni (but that's a whole 'nother story)
i dunno. i'm hoping it ends within the next few years. & that people realize there's so much more to be angry at than a mid-late twenties lady wanting to see the boku no hero characters kiss.
and this may sound semi-unrelated but i'm 20, and seeing people my age (or even like, a year or two above) refer to women that're like 26 at most as "hags" is so jarring. conversely seeing people that're 19 calling themselves "baby". why do they have such a weird grasp on age
No. 466872
>>466855I feel you. Technically sonic is 16 but he clearly does not act like a normal 16 year old. No parents, no school and a shit ton of responsibility. He is not coded as a child. I use him as an example because I was a huge sonicfag as a kid and shipped them all the time.
This subject is tricky. Back then the internet was only really used by nerds and older tech people. Now you can't avoid it so any one can gain access. The grooming techniques from pedos has gotten really sophisticated due to them being able to connect better. Some pedos actually use ship art to convince kids that this kind of relationship is ok and normal. Shota and Lolicon manga is often used.
Still. People really need to learn the difference between an actual pedophile and a fan who wants to look at porn of their husbondo. Context is very important with this kind of shit.
No. 466889
>>466881They are a generation that takes for granted being over exposed to information and trends starting and ending very shortly, everything moves too fast with them and one year seems more eventful that it really is, like going from 19 to 20 is like a whole decade passing.
Also, with the job market and global economy they are getting into life might as well end at 20 lmfao.
No. 466895
>>466871>Sakura Kinomotoi'd be pretty disturbed if someone admitted to jerking off to this character since she's very obviously a child ngl
less so characters like illya from fate prisma or whatever though…
No. 466897
>>466881I'm in my late 20s and there were people back when I was 18/19 calling women about to hit their 30s "old hags" too. I think it's an arrogance thing, not necessarily a sudden generational thing.
People like that don't cope well. They turn into Lori from /w/ and move goalposts when aging happens to them. It's not that
they will look old at 30, clearly they're as youthful as they remember themselves 10 years ago and they spend an awful lot of time trying to convince people that's the case and claim jealous haters if someone dares to tell them they look like their age group.
No. 466906
>>466855It's fucking baffling how people are comparing women shipping 16-year old cartoon characters to porn-addicted predatory men jacking it to toddlers and grooming irl underage girls. What do you even say to that? It's clinically insane to even think you can put them in the same category. It literally makes me speechless to see people go above and beyond with their hysteric rage against someone drawing a 17-year old, very adult looking male video game character shirtless. Like do these people actually believe this borderline psychotic stuff they're saying or are they just doing it for melodrama? Like do they ever just stop for a moment and listen to themselves spewing this absolutely bonkers stuff about the human rights of a Naruto character? Ma'am if you're in all seriousness concerned about the safety of Sasuke when some 22 year old likes to see him kiss his boyfriend then I think you're the one who needs to see a doctor here. Like all normal people I'm horrified by IRL children experiencing abuse which is all the more reason why I'm so dumbfounded by people unironically diluting the term like this.
>>466901You'd be surprised. Our society really forces the idea of a woman hitting the wall when she turns 25 so hard down our throats that a lot of young girls believe it. Even this hellsite has a ton of 19-22yos being horrified of aging because they believe the wall meme.
No. 466908
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I fail to see how shipping characters means you want to fuck them, unless you're drawing/looking at the characters having sex.
That said, some ships are pretty gross. I always thought Hiei and Mukuro seemed pedophilic, because Hiei is 100 and that's equivalent to like 13 in demon years, and Mukuro is clearly an adult woman who is at least 500.
But if the ship consists of two teenagers the same age and the art isn't literal porn, I think it's fine. Especially if the ship is canon. Yusuke and Keiko are 14, and the dude who wrote/created them was in his late thirties at the time. Is he a pedophile, too? Are adults not allowed to write stories about teenagers being in relationships with each other, despite that being a real thing that happens normally in real life?
Kids often fall in love in Ghibli films. Is Miyazaki a pedophile, then?
I'm telling you guys: throwing "pedophile" around this loosely really lessens the impact of the label and therefore the crime.
No. 466910
>>466906I despise pedos with a passion but all it takes is a moment of rational thought to be like 'yeah, shipping Haikyuu characters is probably not an indication that someone is attracted to or preying on either teenagers or children irl'.
Anime characters who are neither actual children nor middle age pretty much all look the same, they have no real, physical markers of age in their depiction. By nature most anime series focus on high school and it's pretty inevitable most popular characters will be that age, but if they were older they would look and act exactly the same.
No. 466921
>>466910A lot of anime and video game characters straight up look like and act like 18-25 year olds
Which begs the question why bother making them 13-15 if they're just gonna design them with the appearance and personality of young adults (until very recently where they just look like aliens with baby heads and adult bodies)
Like what is the point
No. 466924
>>466921Japan is obsessed with youth (iirc it's a Shinto thing) and I'm pretty sure it's meant to make the reader feel younger because they're projecting into the 13-15 year old characters. You're not supposed to really read them as actual 12-year olds, you're supposed to see yourself familiarizing with these young people. I remember when I was like 12-13 myself and reading some manga I was baffled at how adult all the "13-year olds" looked but like I said it's related to some cultural difference I'm not knowledgeable enough to explain in a thorough sense.
>>466919Honestly this, people can take teenagers being beaten up by adults just fine in media but anything even remotely sexual is just degenerate and disgusting, as if nobody under 18 ever kissed or had sex.
No. 466928
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>>466712I find that more often than not these people hop on the MAP train but say that anime = pedo shit. It's really spergy and delusional to think that Japan is pedophilia central because of drawings; and not caring that the UN's troops has been caught multiple times running child prostitution rings. It's some really delusional zoomer/delusional boomer shit to think that drawings makes people act out. If you think drawings would make you act out in such a way, maybe you should be fucking locked up then.
>>466906I agree with you anon. But some people are delusional too, remember that shit-brained fujo who got mad at the Boku no Hero mangaka for drawing his female characters in bikinis? Guess what was in her profile, oh wait. If you're going to act high and mighty about drawings, better make sure your high horse isn't made of fucking glass.
>>466919Kek but literally this. I never see the same argument used for people who draw gorey images, or enjoy true crime or things like that. Drawing someone getting killed won't make you a murderer, but drawing a young looking character makes you a pedo, lmfao. Literally braindead. Do videogames make people violent too? I should be a serial killer by now.
No. 466929
>>466916They are neotenous, but they still don't look like actual children. They don't look like any real people, their faces are usually androgynous, ageless, and raceless. The art is so simplified and lacking in detail that their audience has to project their own idea of what a human looks like on them. I don't think it's safe to assume that projection will be a child.
Anyway I don't really think it needs deep analysis in the end, we all know who the pedos and scumbags of the world are, and who actually ends up molesting children or committing statutory rape. It's men, almost always, not nerdy girls with anime husbandos and ships.
No. 466945
>>466932Yes and no
If that was the case pedophile lolicons wouldn't draw things that are obviously children and claim they're 100 yr old demons. The main part of pedophilia is liking prepubescentness
No. 466947
>>466932>I thought pedophilia was about the age of the individual, not their fucking appearance.wat
look, i know you guys feel victimized by people saying women are pedos for having an emotional connection to anime boys, and you're right to feel victimized bc people come down 100x as hard on women for shit men do way worse, but it's very different when it comes to women and men, generally. you don't have to wholesale disregard the fact that the art style is pedophilic just bc you guys are into it. defend fujos or whatever, idc, but let's not pretend hyperneotenous art styles aren't indicative of male creepiness. female weebs with emotional connections to teenage characters they were into as teens is nothing like how men see anime girls and anime women. and yes, the men into this shit absofuckinglutely have pedophilic tendencies. they're the same ones rationalizing the idea of sleeping with 14 yos bc its peak fertility. let us not conflate the issues. female sexuality is typically way less fucked, but the hyperneotenous art style in anime is for sure
problematic and is at the least, mildly pedophilic. you guys are obviously into this shit so you're going out on a limb to excuse this, but it's not necessary because it's nowhere near the same.
the men into anime girls have pedophilic tendencies like 90% of the time. that's not a fluke. i can't imagine being attracted, personally, to a teenage character because it just isn't something i can relate to, but i think this attraction that females have to them is mostly benign, and the women that like these characters don't typically end up actually displaying pedophilic tendencies. the same can't be said for men. there's a reason why we see that men can't separate porn from reality, and the same rule applies for anime. it has an effect on them for sure, and female anime characters, facially, look the same age all across the board: like children.
No. 466974
>>466932With the exception of serious disorders, there is no 20-25 year old woman in the world that looks like a 10 year old.
I don't think even Asians, who racist people attempt to project their ideas about prepubescence on and relatively compare their race to their features, look like children at adult ages.
No. 466983
>>466712The inconvenient truth is that many men do end up becoming pedophiles by breaking their sexuality with too much porn, discovering lolicon or IRL "teen porn", and then progressing to sexualizing actual children when that gets boring. No amount of platitudes about it being just drawings or whatever can change that. If an important aspect of your fantasies is your partner being significantly younger than yourself, then there's a problem, sorry. I'm gonna go ahead and (re)post the research I've found on this specific topic.
From Pornland by Gail Dines:
>“Some of the worst stories I hear are from men who have become so desensitized that they have started using harder porn and end up masturbating to images that had previously disgusted them. Many of these men are deeply ashamed and frightened as they don’t know where all this will end. Phil told me, “Sometimes I can’t believe the porn I like. I feel like a freak,” and Anthony sees it as a “slippery slope I never thought I would slide down. I never thought of myself as a guy who would like the really hard-core porn, but that’s what’s happened to me.” Some speak of moving toward more violent images while others have become increasingly interested in bondage and even child porn. Because accessing child porn is illegal, many of the students said that they had not actively gone searching for it but had accidentally come across it while surfing porn sites. This had piqued their interest, although most of the men I spoke to are very disturbed by their sexual interest in these pictures.”
>“Students are not the only group becoming bored by and desensitized to porn images of adult women. In interviews I did with seven incarcerated sex offenders, aged from their late thirties to early sixties, all said that the quality and quantity of their porn use changed drastically after the introduction of the Internet. Prior to the Internet, they would regularly use pornography (of adult women) but after the introduction of the Internet, they began to use it compulsively, some of them even losing their jobs because of it. For this group of men, the regular gonzo pornography became boring, and they moved into more violent, fetishistic pornography, often that which looked like overt torture. When this also started to become boring, most of the men moved into child pornography. Some accidentally came across child porn while surfing porn sites, and others sought it out to masturbate to something other than the usual porn. The average length of time between downloading the first child porn and sexually assaulting a child was one year. Most men told me that before becoming addicted to Internet porn, they had not been sexually interested in children."Additionally,
>Clarence A. Johnson once enjoyed the adult pornography sites he viewed on the Web.
>But after a while, the thrill was gone.
>So Johnson started clicking on some of the advertisements that popped up on his computer screen above the naked men and women he was staring at.
>He was seeing something new — young teenagers, and even young children, posing in the nude, having sex with each other or being molested by adults. At first, the 49-year-old Batavia man was appalled. But once the shock wore off, Johnson couldn’t get enough. Like thousands of other men throughout the United States, he was hooked.
>“It was a drive, something like a fix,” he said. “I needed more, and if I didn’t get it, I felt empty.”
>“I’ve seen men from many different walks of life,” said David G. Heffler, a Lockport psychotherapist who is appointed by the courts to counsel child pornography offenders.
>The men, Heffler said, usually fall into two categories. One group is the hard-core pedophiles and molesters, who use child pornography to indulge their fantasies.
>A U.S. Postal Service study in the mid-1990s found 35 percent of men who view child pornography also molested children. A more recent study by the federal Bureau of Prisons found 80 percent acknowledged molesting children, even if never charged with the crime.
>The second group Heffler identified are men — such as Johnson — who start looking at adult pornography but then “slide down a slippery slope” toward child pornography.
>“Many men told me they started out looking at adult porn and never intended to look at children,” Heffler said. “But after looking at adult porn for a long time, they get bored. They want to try something different. They start looking at children. Then, they can’t get enough of it.”Source:
>Since I was 17 I’m attracted to boys between 7 and 12, and I’m addicted to porn videos, photos and drawings you can see on ill reputed sites online.
>I really know that what I do is very bad, that it’s horrible to all those innocent children but I can’t stay away from those images and videos, or I fantasize about them while I’m near a school or in the street.
>[…] I often want to say “stop”, I erase everything I have on my computer, I go to dating sites, I try to be normal but it never lasts I crack again I re download and spend sometimes the whole night looking at this porn files on my pc, my tablet or even the smartphone.
>I feel terrible everytime I go on those sites, and when I download despite all my anonimity programs I’m never safe. If my family found out it would be horrible! Then my nephew who is 2, what 5 years from now? Will I be able to not do anything to him? that I don't personally lump in women shipping characters in anime or video games with the above category, as I haven't seen or read any cases of this phenomenon happening with female shippers.
I could post some studies conducted by researchers about the effects of violent pornography on how men view women, too.
No. 467027
>>467015From what I've seen, some branch off into things like bestiality, scat, vomit, insects, animal torture/crushing, physical deformity, etc. You also get crossovers and mixes, like men with a thing for animal feces specifically, men who like to watch underage girls vomit or eat insects, etc. There's almost infinite ways to be a disgusting freak.
The take-away is that pornography (and pornography addiction) is about thrill, primarily, not just sex. Men who get fixated on the "high" of that thrill have their interests get progressively more niche and fucked up over time as their usual go-to content quits giving them the buzz they're after. Pedophilia is definitely not some line they won't cross. Point blank, there are no lines or real limits for them.
No. 467034
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>>466922>>467033Excuse my autism, but he's Yukina's twin. Ice Maidens give birth asexually when they come of age at 100 years old. Combine this with Yukina's appearance and it's obvious she's prepubescent. Since Hiei is literally the exact same age as her, that would also make him prepubescent. Therefor, whatever "relationship" he would have with Mukuro would clearly be statutory rape.
The anime tried to obfuscate this by drawing him muscular and giving him an adult voice actor, but the text still indicates that he's a kid. The manga (pic related) drew him much more appropriately for his age.
Mukuro "acting" like a teenager doesn't mean dick. She's at least five times his age.
I'm not like other autists online, though– I'm not going to call you a pedophile for shipping it. It's fiction, and fiction that distorts physical traits and age at that. But it's certainly gross and weird, and if YYH aired today, people would definitely be upset by all the ship-teasing with a literal child and an adult woman.
>>466983By this logic, all porn is a "gateway drug" to pedophilia. It literally says in your citation that these people started with vanilla porn. This is more an issue of pornsickness/overexposure than of anime fanart.
Like I said before, these people are destined to rape kids regardless of what porn they look at. By your own admission, it doesn't matter what they started with, they all raped children in the end. We should not be restricting law abiding citizens' free speech because of a handful of pornsick criminals.
>>466945>the men into anime girls have pedophilic tendencies like 90% of the time[citation needed]
No. 467035
>>467034>Therefor, whatever "relationship" he would have with Mukuro would clearly be statutory rape.Assuming demons have a concept for statutory rape, and again, this is stupid and you’re being pedantic over a fictional race from a fictional anime. And Ice Maidens reproduce every 100 years but they can also reproduce sexually with a male assumingly at any time, which is how Hiei and Yukina were born in the first place. Considering ice maidens are only female and somehow Hiei was born with fire powers and as a male, it can be assumed his father was a different species.
If that’s the case would Kuwabara be a pedo for liking Yukina?
It’s ok to just not like a ship you don’t need to invent reasons why it’s
No. 467037
>>467035>If that’s the case would Kuwabara be a pedo for liking Yukina? He's 14, dumbass. He's a kid, too. The biological age difference there is negligible.
I specifically said people who ship it aren't pedophiles, but go off I guess. I didn't "invent" reasons for it being fucked up. It
is fucked up. You can obviously still ship it, but it doesn't hurt to be aware of the problems.
Imagine if the genders were reversed. What if it was Yukina who was dating an adult demon five times her age? You'd look like a fucking asshole for defending it. Double standards like this are why female child rapists get lighter sentences.
Obviously male rapists and female targets are way more common and the more pressing issue. But it doesn't mean we should reinforce the cultural idea that male children who get raped by adult women weren't victimized.
Art isn't pedophilia. People can draw whatever they want. But art, especially popular art, can reinforce and be indicative of cultural attitudes. This is why it's important to view things with a critical lens, especially if you are a content creator yourself. It helps prevent those sort of mistakes from persisting. YYH is a good anime, and Mukuro and Hiei are good characters. Questioning these things doesn't mean I hold the show or the manga in lower esteem.
No. 467039
>>467037>Imagine if the genders were reversed. What if it was Yukina who was dating an adult demon five times her age? You'd look like a fucking asshole for defending it. Double standards like this are why female child rapists get lighter sentences.…….i wouldn’t care because they’re demons and not human and also not real. also, is anyone calling kagome and inuyasha pedophillia? they’re still an incredibly popular and well loved ship. twilight was deemed
problematic but no one cared that Edward was nearly 100 years old and Bella was a teenager. like oh my god you say it’s fine to ship whatever and then you go on and say attitudes like mine towards FICTIONAL NON HUMAN CHATACTERS are why rapists don’t get convicted?
>He's 14, dumbass. He's a kid, too. The biological age difference there is negligible.But Yukina could be several decades old. And again, Hiei isn’t an ice maiden so why would ice maiden rules of age and puberty apply to him?
No. 467046
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>>467039Jesus, I get it, you flick your bean to the idea of Hiei and Mukuro fucking. Sorry I encouraged you to think critically lol
There's a middle-ground between "pedophilia" and "100% okay". It's not rocket science. He's a prepubescent boy. She's an adult woman. It's weird regardless of the numbers they stick on the characters.
No. 467049
>>466930What? If you're fucked up enough you absolutely get a kick out of seeing people get hurt or murdered and project yourself into the role of the killer or the
victim. It's not at all unheard of and I've met people like that personally, this is the dumbest take I've seen. Like every serial killer ever gets sexual pleasure out of what they do, that's why so many of them use choking as their preferred method. Hell if you're Dan Schneider you get a kick out of looking at kids' feet but nobody is asking people to hide the toes of cartoon teenagers.
>>466947>the men into anime girls have pedophilic tendencies like 90% of the time. that's not a fluke.Men have ultra-young dating preferences in general, it's not just evil anime hypnotizing people into pedophilia. Studies show this is not only because of the teenage girls' bodies, but also because they're insecure and easy to control. The greasiest nerds slobbering over their 9000 year old loli dragon body pillow are attracted to her because being the absolute omega tier of men they need a literal child to feel superior over.
>>467046NTAYRT but just stop it already, the anime and the manga showed both Yukina and Hiei being actual children in flashbacks so they're obviously not supposed to be "prepubescent" anymore. When you actually have to dig up lore behind 20 wiki links to make something "pedophilic" I think it's a good indicator that there's nothing to it. You can say what you want about their relationship otherwise but pedophilic? That's a big old reach. I've read both the manga and seen the anime and never even thought that they would be different ages because they both behave on the same level of maturity, don't have canonical ages and physically could just as well be 17 or 25, I'd buy both.
No. 467050
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>>467046>>467039>>467037>>467035>>467034mrw i'm reading all this autism after lighting up
what chinese cartoon is this even
No. 467054
>>467049>They were children in flashbacksWow, you fucking annihilated my case anon! I didn't realize that being a toddler at some unknown point in the past makes them 100% adult now. Flawless logic.
Shipping it doesn't make you a pedophile, but it's still creepy. I judge people for shipping it, and you're not going to change my mind. Someone thinks you have shit taste on the internet. Go cry into a pillow about it.
No. 467062
>>467045Did you even read the post, or are you just retarded?
>Note that I don't personally lump in women shipping characters in anime or video games with the above category, as I haven't seen or read any cases of this phenomenon happening with female shippers.Even the anon I was replying to and the anon before that were speaking in a general sense, not just about your fujoshi fanfics. Seriously.
No. 467065
>>467034>By this logic, all porn is a "gateway drug" to pedophilia. Pornography in general is pretty fucking bad, yes. This isn't really news or a wild idea to anyone who's not a cumbrain, anon.
Writing is more subjective since it doesn't typically rely on the pattern of thrills, but the content itself, and that's probably why we don't hear similar stories about shippers.
>Like I said before, these people are destined to rape kids regardless of what porn they look at. This goes directly against what professionals have observed, did you actually read the text? They weren't born that way.
>By your own admission, it doesn't matter what they started with, they all raped children in the end. We should not be restricting law abiding citizens' free speech because of a handful of pornsick criminals.A lot of them don't even end up raping children, but having those fantasies as a result of their pornsickness. That in itself is an issue.
No. 467073
>>467065What solution do you propose, then? Ban all porn? Yeah, Japan did that, and it didn't accomplish shit.
Maybe restricting bandwidth on porn sites would help. Overexposure would be hard if you had to wait an hour for one video to load kek
No. 467075
>>467073When did Japan ban all porn? About the only thing they banned was showing genitalia and pubic hair uncensored, so producers just slapped a blur on those parts and did as they pleased.
Even child pornography wasn't banned until relatively recently (2014).
No. 467091
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Japan Airlines is rolling out a seat map that will display seats next to parents with babies that have been booked with a baby icon. It's for people who don't want to select seats near them.
This has angered mombies. I saw one comment on social media about how this is discrimination. Other bitter moms cursed that they hope people get placed next to their screeching kids anyway.
Then we have this CNN opinion piece
> are parents so hurt that other people don't like their children as much as they do?
The seat icons aren't discriminatory because it's not herding all the parents with babies onto a certain section of the plane. It's just giving people the power to not sit next to parents with babies if they don't want to. OR, maybe people who like babies or fellow parents with babies want to know where other parents with babies are on the plane.
So what if no one wants to sit next to their baby? Heaven forbid if these parents with babies have an ~empty seat~ next to them on an international flight, as if that's such a terrible thing when there's people in the world that pay an extra seat ticket in order to have exactly that extra space.
And what's extra funny about some of these arguments, is that some of them are using the slippery slope argument like
>"What's next? Showing icons for people who drink too much, clip their toenails, and snore?!"And I just find it funny because their unconscious implication is that they know their baby's screams are just as gross and obnoxious as annoying drunkards and snorers. Lmao. It's like, why yes, I'm sure people would love icons for that too but the reality is people would probably opt for icons to get empty seats next to them lmao.
How does this work against the favor of anyone? It's such a non-issue!
I personally hope airlines adopt this, and also roll out icons for "emotional support animals" too.
No. 467095
>>467093Yeah they pretty much only care about their own feelings and interests.
They don't like people not sitting next to them on planes with their kids because it makes
them feel bad.
They throw cheese on their kids not because they care how their kid will respond, but because it's funny to
Me, me, me, me. Yet they call other people selfish.
No. 467103
>>467093>>467095I didn't even know about this cheese thing until just now. What the fuck?
Man, the kind of crap hicks will do to get attention on the internet. First it was the Halloween candy thing, now this. Obviously the cheese doesn't hurt the kids, but it erodes their respect for you as their protector and authority figure. Any person who "pranks" young children is a dipshit who doesn't care about their kids' trust. How obsessed with likes on social media does someone have to be to do this kind of thing?
No. 467116
>>467103I think posting shit like that on social media is the biggest thing that separates the issue: A harmless prank that a kid might laugh at, versus the parent wanting to show the public how they degrade and humiliate their kid hoping others will find the spectacle funny for internet points.
It's like knowing that an embarrassing childhood photo of myself exists somewhere in a family album on a dusty shelf, versus my parents trying to socially capitalize on my embarrassment by publishing that photo on the internet for all to see.
That's why if I have children I'm going to be very careful about posting photos of them on the internet. It's not fair to have their life plastered all over the place before they can even consent.
No. 467141
>>466908>I fail to see how shipping characters means you want to fuck them, unless you're drawing/looking at the characters having sex.Ignoring most of the pedo talk sperging that followed and just replying to you, I can say that I like to write/read ships because for whatever reason, writing and reading stories about people in love makes me happy. Ones that are sad and difficult are still enjoyable to read because they make me think. Not quite the same since it's not drawing, but whatever. I might think the characters are cute or good-looking, but I'm at best living vicariously through their happiness or remembering my own happy feelings in relationships/hoping for the future. I kind of feel the same way about seeing my friends getting into relationships irl. I just love seeing people in love. There isn't really a sexual component other than that if it involves adults, the story will probably have sex. I don't get off while reading/looking at any of this. At "worst" I've read something where a character resembles my partner and/or I ended up projecting us/imagining ourselves and getting horny about that. It's the "wish I had that" thing people get. People, not all of them, but many, project onto one or both characters and wish they could have what the couple has, whether it's good looks, money, power, hot sex, emotional stability, whatever. A lot like porn, the problem is when you're really into stuff that's fucked up or stuck on it, conditioning yourself to it, and let it ruin your irl expectations or relationships. And there are definitely fandom weirdos who have gotten obsessed with ships and ship porn who send death threats. Look at Tumblr or LJ.
>But if the ship consists of two teenagers the same age and the art isn't literal porn, I think it's fine. Especially if the ship is canon. Yusuke and Keiko are 14, and the dude who wrote/created them was in his late thirties at the time. Is he a pedophile, too? Are adults not allowed to write stories about teenagers being in relationships with each other, despite that being a real thing that happens normally in real life?With kid/teenager ships it seems like some people are wistful for first loves or childhood crushes, but it definitely gets into creep territory with some people. The problem with writing about teenagers is that teenagers have sex, and doing that without acting or looking like a creep to some people is really hard, unless you are also a teenager. And that there are people who write that because they're pedo-lite rather than because they're trying to tell a story. The love stories you mention in Miyazaki films are really sweet and well-done imho, although he's also spoken about trying to write relationships between boy and girl that aren't quite romance but mutual needing, idk what the quote was exactly. Those are some of the most wholesome and unobjectionable romances involving kids you could possibly think of. It's all about tastefulness.
I think people get really pressed about fiction when they shouldn't and go after the wrong people, but also think that sometimes what you ship might reflect something about yourself, and not always good things. Like personal problems, your taste in partners, etc. If you're drooling at the thought of your ship having sex, I think yeah, that's definitely sexual, but I don't think everyone does it for that reason. Fujos seem to do that a ton because they're into gay sex and it fits neatly with the romantic aspect.
I know shipping/romance fiction and art is pretty cringe but it's an interesting topic. Just usually devolves into shit-flinging, much like "muh ship is better" retardation.
>tfw you sperg out and fucking blogpost too No. 467145
>>467073>>467075Japan just censored some of their stuff but haven't challenged the misogyny that pervades porn. Afaik yes, CP was technically legal until recently, and some laws about video porn were probably passed in the 80s by the Diet partially because of all of the pornographic computer games. Misogyny in Japan is cultural and it's not going to change in porn unless the culture changes, period. Look at how the sex industry there focuses on objectification of young women and schoolgirls, including paying schoolgirls to go on dates or soap men up. It hasn't even changed in countries with less obvious misogyny, it's just notably worse in Japan.
I think the only solution that works without potentially trying to ban freedom of sexual expression is changing the culture, and that's fucking hard and takes time. And giving people actual sex ed and imagery of human sexuality that's more neutral so that they aren't learning from porn first, as well as educating people on how you can form sexual habits/compulsions that are unhealthy and that porn usage can/will feed that if left unchecked.
I personally dislike porn most of the time, but I don't like taking the draconian route of banning it and think it means people will just go underground.
No. 467184
>>467145I think the big problem is that there's too much free porn. It was much harder for people to get addicted to porn before the internet, back when accessing it required some sort of payment. You had to pay for the channels, or buy the magazines, or rent the videos on VHS.
Now that it's free, self-control is the only means of moderating intake, and we all know how shit men are at self-control. I feel like if porn required payment again, the problem would ease. But I have no idea how something like that could be implemented.
No. 467253
Vent incoming…
Mods banned me for this
>>466037, lmao. That's something that annoys me: I wish there was a women's board to discuss this and heavy political topics. Even crystal, "no race posting." Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, any woman's space in general. The few that allow it, only allow typical hollywood liberal tier views. My views are about (((this))), but I'm still a feminist. Please tell me a conservative womens board exists that isn't filled with pick-mes and tradthots. I swear to god, I feel like the only one of me in the world. If my kind does exist, we're just kicked off of everything. It honestly makes me feel in the right and that others are trying to hide something. Debate me if I'm wrong, don't silence me.
"b-b-b-but scrotes"
You're silencing more women than just kicking male posters off.
It's like witnessing the rad fem, pink pill, gender crit get merged together, and many people got the kick for being "too spergy" about men because of the horrible RAPEY MURDEROUS shit they do. I've been meaning to bail. I miss the fun little "Look inside of lolcow's purse" type threads. I post dumb stuff just to bump threads so I can read other people's responses because everything actually feels slower.
Kinda hoping I get a permaban tbh. No. 467311
>>467307Personally all fat people whom I met and were my friends were the worst kind of people to be around when it came to talk about weight. They nitpicked about everything I ate, how much exercise I did or didn’t do, my choices about my diet…and of course I couldn’t say anything because they were fat and that would be fat shaming and I’d be the shitty one there.
Don’t get me wrong, of course I understand where you’re coming from and why you’re saying what you’re saying but having people who weight 15 pounds more than me telling me how flat my ass is or how unhealthy my diet was, while they couldn’t walk for more than half and hour without losing breath and having to rest for two hours is pretty…Ironic.
If someone is obese it’s fine, I can’t care less about that tbh but it pisses me off because the people who commented the most about my body were in fact people who were way overweight.
No. 467329
>>467311I'm that anon and I agree with you, fat people are often the worst when it comes to being judgmental about other's appearances, even towards other fat people. The other day in the break room at work, a female coworker who is morbidly obese was complaining about fat women wearing bikinis. Also my grandma (who has been overweight her entire life) is EXTREMELY nitpicky about people's appearances, but especially weight and will call people fat who are less fat than she is.
But like I said I'm not saying people should never criticize fat people or make fun of them on the internet, I'm just saying they shouldn't use the "I'm doing it because I care" excuse because that's bullshit. Like if you're gonna fat shame just own it.
There used to be this youtube channel that is now deleted, but it was this guy who made nothing but "fat people cringe compilations" but then would make posts about how he cared about people's health and was making those videos to encourage people to be healthier. Like yeah, sure you were dude.
sure you were.
No. 467391
>>467316Same. I don't say shit about them, but I've gotten things like
>You weight 20 kg with wet clothes xddddjust out of nowhere. They really think it's acceptable, tf
>>467332I'm sorry, anon. I'm short but I always praise tall women and I find them really attractive.
No. 467406
>>467391>how do they think that's acceptableBecause they've let their view of skinny being the ultimate desirability cloud their etiquette about how it's not okay to make those kinds of comments about someone else's body.
We know it's wrong to say things about fatties because it's like kicking a dog.
People forget to empathize with the average or skinny person because they assume they've got no problems.
No. 467473
>>467385I’ve never, ever had a skinny friend of mine comment how shitty my diet was, even when one of them is a nutritionist. They give me advice instead, a respectable one.
I had fat people look at me with disgust when I said I didn’t like salads, laugh at me claiming I should eat it someday because if not I’d be unhealthy all my life and then proceed to tell everyone in the same class I was the girl “who didn’t like salads” as if it was something bad.
One of my friends went on a diet and on the second afternoon of her keto diet, she was already telling me how I should take breakfast because “it’s not that you’re not skinny, anon, but you still have fat around your thighs, see? No muscle, just fat”.
This happened recently to me from friends who are losing weight and are in a poor mood because of it. The same old pattern. One friend can’t eat this or that and they’ll blame me if I eat it, if I don't eat it, whatever.
No. 467544
>>467541>"woc" also includes white Latinas No.
By that logic an european could say white american women are also "woc". That is really insulting to white latinas.
No. 467580
>>467546no? people use it for all non-white women all the time. Asian women and Latinas (regardless of whitepassing) absolutely call themselves woc. I see it all the time where I live and elsewhere. white Latinas where I live are very adamant about using it to show distance from anglo whites.
it's just weird to me that people will say woc when they really mean just black women. not black and brown, not non-white, etc.
No. 467584
>>467580>absolutely call themselves wocyour lying though, only white american girls are this self hating.
If a white latina ever says something like that and that nonsense about showing distance to anglos you can be 100% certain that they were born and raise in the US and are only aping white american girls because they are literally, white american girls themselves.
Not even indian girls or arabs like to be grouped with black people and saying something like that to an asian where i live would start some shit. Never in a million years.
>>467184>I feel like if porn required payment again, the problem would ease. But I have no idea how something like that could be implemented.I mean, there's a movement with porn stars and camgirls telling people to buy their stuff or pay for porn, a lot of stuff is copyrighted and reposted posted violating copyright infringement. I'm not sure if they challenge things under copyright guidelines, but a lot of tube sites are chock full of rampant violation of copyrighted material that was supposed to be paid for, besides the obvious leaking material of girls/couples without consent. Some sites do work on a "pay to watch" basis. The problem is the same with everything else copyrighted: some of this stuff has so many mirrors or seeds that scrubbing it and stopping it spreading is very difficult. There are several metric fucktons of porn online, and I'm not sure how far people would go to find it if you tried to push the "free" stuff underground and make everything else paid, on a similar model to streaming and digital content for non-porn content.
Personally I think we need to make men get more self-control, but that's a tall order for a lot of them…they have to want to change or realize they're fucking themselves up by not browsing media responsibly.
No. 467686
>>467307I think anons replying to you and going on their "Well the fatties I've met are the most judgemental cunts ever!!!" tirades are completely misunderstanding your point. People definitely use the "I'm only worried!" excuse to be as vitriolic as possible because they find fat people disgusting. It's especially apparent when they make fun of fat people at the gym, like what the hell do you think they're doing there? Maybe trying to work out and lose the weight? How are you taking photos and giggling at the huffing fatass attempting at becoming healthier and still claiming you're doing it because "you're worried"? You're just a bully, admit it. I don't think fat positivity should be a thing either and definitely believe obesity is a problem but there are constructive ways to express it.
As for the "fat people are judgemental and made me fun of being a twig" yeah that happens too, I'm not even rail thin but just average weight and I've been told by my fat friends that I'm scrawny. But I really don't see the "you need to get some meat on your bones lmao!" remarks as hurtful and stigmatic as someone being ostracized for being overweight, because you really don't even need to be obese to be considered a fatty. I've met multiple people who developed eating disorders from the latter but never one who became a meat planet for being called too thin.
No. 467698
>>467694NTA but fat people often have medical and psychological issues that make it hard for them to be healthy (I am not talking about genetics, though it happens in some cases as well). Instead of shaming, they need help in finding doctors that will allow them to tackle the undermining issue so that they can be healthy. It's a lot like with other forms of selfharm.
Shaming does fuck all and fat people deserve to be treated with respect, even if they might seem disgusting to someone.
No. 467699
>>467686>But I really don't see the "you need to get some meat on your bones lmao!" remarks as hurtful and stigmatic as someone being ostracized for being overweightAgreed. People will jump up and down about how unfair it is that fat people can insult thin people by calling them twigs or sticks or whatever, whereas insulting fatties is taboo. And like yeah, technically it's not 'fair' in the sense that it's not 100% equal but come the fuck on. We all know perfectly well being thin is better than being fat and that one insult is far more hurtful than the other, because being fat is just worse for the vast majority of people. If a fat person tells me I'm too thin I take it as a compliment and honestly feel kinda smug, no matter how they intended it. A fat person could go on an absolute tirade about all my flaws and I'd still remain unaffected because being thinner than them trumps almost anything else.
I feel like the crybaby skinny people who bring it up are just humblebragging tbh. They like being thin and they like a chance to mention it, pretending they're offended is a great way to do that without seeming like they're showing off unnecessarily.
No. 467711
>>467694They never talked about lying to obese people and calling them beautiful and healthy. They talked about actively bullying them and pretending it's because they care about their health. It's not like there are only two extremes as options how to behave. Basically what
>>467698 said.
Personally I think bald spots are disgusting, but you don't see me yelling at bald people how I can see my reflection on their scalps and throwing toupees at them.
No. 467719
>>467699Boo hoo lose weight then fat fuck. Being fat is 100% avoidable, just try put down your fork once in a while.
I have no sympathy for fatties whining about being called fat, lose weight if you don't want to be called fat.
No. 467723
>>467720Alright, not eating is doing less work than eating. If life is boo hoo soo hard, its even easier to not waste time showelling unnecessary food down your throat.
"Health issues" do not make you fat, eating more than you burn does. If you have "health issues", like all fatties apparently do, eat less then.
No. 467725
>>467719You're such a sperg that you missed the part of the discussion where even average women get called fat.
People need to work on themselves and be healthier.
You're still an edgelord for wanting to be a bully past the age of 18, and it's cringe. Get some accomplishments so you'll have more to brag about than being thin, which people don't care about when women age anyway.
No. 467729
>>467719Calm tf down sperg, do you have any reading comprehension? Literally cannot fathom how you thought my post came from a fat person. Not once did I call myself fat, I even put myself in the position of the one being called thin by a fat person.
You don't have to be fat to acknowledge being fat sucks more than being thin and therefore getting called fat will hurt more, and that bawwing about getting called thin is humble bragging.
No. 467730
>>467726Men. You mean aggressive fat men tell you that you're not a woman for your lack of breasts.
s2g you people make this shit up to vindicate your hate on other women and it's sad, because even if other women said this they're clearly pickmes mimicking and echoing what men spew all the time.
No. 467732
>>467723Health issues might make you binge eat or eat more than necessary due to constant hunger pangs and fucked up body chemistry. If someone binges due to their life falling apart or/and lack of healthy coping skills, they still need help with dealin with the bigger issues before they focus on weight. But people like you only care about bullying them cause their look offends you, not about improving lives.
You are retarded and as blind in your hate for fatties as you assume they are in their love of food.
No. 467734
>>467731Your anecdotes against mine, dear anon.
I've known sweet fat women who'd never say that sort of shit. Meanwhile I've known anachan tier bullies like yourself who think two wrongs make a right.
No. 467738
>>467734Of course there’s heaps of perfectly nice and normal fat women?
I can still dislike the fat people that are rude and demand special treatment whilst gatekeeping womanhood.
Must be great to be able to read minds over the internet. Is it hard determining who’s a psychological wreck and who isn’t with a few sentences and some guessing?
No. 467740
>>467738>n-no I only meant fat women who were mean to me!That's not what you said here
If you don't want your posts taken at face value then learn to explain yourself better.
>gatekeeping womanhoodFriendly reminder: Being thin with big tits and big ass is still the mainstream "gatekeep" of ultimate femininity in mainstream society. There is no guild of fat women making up new societal standards because fat Felicia called you titless once in middle school.
No. 467774
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this stuff is maximum cringe
No. 467787
>>467773All true but funny how you have to go for the smaller things and avoid how CHILD PORNOGRAPHY WAS LEGAL UNTIL 2014
No. 467793
>>467787And the UK has a massive grooming ring for young, underage girls and the Police refused to act on it. JK cafes have been banned in Tokyo and as far as I know, it's illegal by to have underage girls working in those. That Stacey Dooley documentary the article is referencing has been criticized multiple times for being scandal-seeking and twisting truths to make it more sensational. IIRC she didn't even check if the girls actually were underage and called a girl handing out maid cafe flyers a "child prostitute". And as for the child porn being banned, it is banned isn't it? 5 years ago or 50 years ago, it still is.
And I have never, ever seen loli porn in "normal book stores" in Japan.
No. 467822
>>467817Oh, I remember him.
>MCMICHAEL claimed this was a joke.Lmao
No. 467882
>>467868Yea, but to blame it on those outside forces means you are not taking any responsibility or accountability. Like you can start using drugs to cope with trauma…but the shitty choices you make doesn't make it the drugs fault. Before people into drugs, the vast majority of times the person knows what that will do to you and what kind of person you can become.
It's also like…if someone who is abused goes on to start abusing others, and they blame it on the fact they too were treated that way when younger…bla bla bla "i can't help the way i am due to this".
I'm sorry, but if you start doing shitty things you really have to look deep inside yourself and find the root cause, then work to change it. It's a cop out to continue to shift the blame any and everywhere else.
Like i get from a young age if you get shaped into being that way it is almost unavoidable and you can't really grasp the magnitude of your actions and also don't know better, but once you've reached a certain age and you KNOW what is right and what is wrong, it's time to stop the blame-game and get to doing some introspection.
(Also i am only talking about choosing to do shitty things. Not personality traits or other things changed by the things i mentioned)
No. 468063
>>467686Thank you, this is basically all I was trying to say. I was by no means trying to say that fat people are all angels who should be above criticism, just that 1) shaming/bullying is not productive or helpful, and 2) I hate it when people just want to be an asshole but hide behind the "I'm doing it because I care!!!" excuse. And actually it doesn't even have to be about fat, it could be about anything really, like bullying the weird kid so they become "normal". It's just that I see way more of it about fat shaming.
I also agree that the body positivity movement is bad, like telling people that they can be healthy at any size. I wish the body positivity movement was more centered around things that are impossibe/difficult to change about your body, like stretch marks, scars, cellulite, acne, thinning hair, height etc etc.
No. 468071
>>468063>I wish the body positivity movement was more centered around things that are impossibe/difficult to change about your body, like stretch marks, scars, cellulite, acne, thinning hair, height etc etc.Why lie to unattractive people?, if your face is full of acne and you are loosing hair you can't pretend that's a positive. Body positivity is inherently condescending and disconnected from reality, maybe if they'd call it body acceptance r body resignation it make more sense. "sure , i have these unatractive traits so maybe i'll focus on something else" is very different from "yas kween, i am a bootilicious overweight momma and i am smoking" . I can't imagine someone with body positive attitude as anything other than a self deluded cow, body positive communities are setting people up for disappointment.
No. 468080
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>>468073>stop demonising completely normal human traits so that the majority of the population doesn’t hate some part of their reflection.Exactly, you just resign to the reality you are not among the minority of atractive people who lack unactractive traits. Being ok with being a normie seems like resignation and acceptance to me
>Yas queen, look how normal i look, i be slaying dat lowest common denominator bracket No. 468095
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Beauty standards are classist and are impossible to reach all of without expensive augmentation. The only people who benefit from the idea of innate traits being "ugly" are corporations and the dumbasses who give them money.
If you are a human being, you naturally have at least ONE of the following: cellulite, stretch marks, acne, a big nose, a fivehead, small tits, saggy tits, small ass, nasolabial folds, crooked teeth, thin hair, rosacea, dark circles, big labia minora, wide shoulders, dark arm hair, thin lips, an overbite, an underbite, a widow's peak, psoriasis, chicken skin, eczema, scars, or eyebags.
If someone doesn't even possess ONE of these things, it's because they've poured a great deal of money and/or time into changing/hiding them.
No. 468137
>>468080Since when do attractive people lack so called "unattractive" traits? There's a lot of beautiful women far more beautiful than you'd ever look like with celluite or stretch marks or otherwise "imperfect" traits
Honestly this "looking completely perfectly in every way" is a recent invention and had to come in the 21st century with the exposure of porn and photoshopped actresses/singers. People always wanted to look perfect but the poreless, hairless, so called "flawless", ect doll trend is taking it too far and not even sexy to me and a lot of people. I also don't understand why this keeps being shilled as something innately sexy either.
No. 468138
>>468071Yes because people can either be attractive like a photoshopped doll or have hair loss and extreme cellulite lol
Your only exposure to hot people is from the internet isn't it
No. 468173
>>468144This is astonishingly true and I didn't expect it. I reached a healthy weight recently and though my skin has become horrible with acne I've actually had a guy make a move and others eying me. As well as have an old friend become suspiciously friendlier.
I think many men aren't memeing when they say "just don't be fat."
>>468164In fairness psoriasis is a genuine health issue. It's itchy and I'm pretty sure painful for some.
No. 468179
>>468173I've never even seen/heard a man say that. But I'm obese and I still get hit on. Although both of my ex bfs would watch porn and one would say it was because he needed variety basically and that one woman could never fulfill all his fantasies. I told him it discouraged me from wanting to lose weight bc I felt like I could never be good enough and be basically said I was stupid for feeling like that.
Most women misunderstand men when they think men want one type of body or face or what have you, when really what they value most is novelty. They just want to plant their flag where it hasn't been planted before.
Bill Maher said it best- "it isn't about big or small or skinny or fat, it's about old and new"
No. 468189
Just the fact that its underground informs us of how it viewed. There are very rich men that sometimes get away by being rich, and others that get away with it because British police are useless, and everybody else that's utterly appalled by it. Meanwhile in Japan it's rare to find an anime without any loli shit in it. Having an attraction to very young girls is just thought of as a fetish, as innocent as any other.
No. 468238
>>468230exactly but it's a
problem because it's not accepted just prominent. the average person in japan thinks lolicon is gross or doesn't even know what it is and many people speak against it and pedophilia because they don't want it to exist there.
No. 468266
>>468164How do you not know what psoriasis is? Also, there aren't any cows that have it afaik. Psoriasis is something people get bullied for in real life on an individual basis. It's when there are patches of elevated, scaly pink skin, usually on the neck or scalp.
Chicken skin is when your arms are covered in tiny, firm red bumps. It looks sort of like rosacea until you get close. It's also called keratosis.
Both conditions are really common. You've probably seen them without knowing what they were called.
No. 468290
>>468266I've also never read the word rosacea before the OP post or keratosis before your post.
Don't think I've ever noticed keratosis or psoriasis before but I think I've seen people with rosacea on their face and I assumed it was burst blood vessels under the skin or something from unhealthy lifestyle since it seems to be a middle aged fat smoker and drinker thing, but maybe that is just bad skin I'm noticing.
Also didn't notice or know the term nasolabial folds before coming on here.
No. 468305
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I hate how much the anti-"digital art isn't real art/is an easier form of art" cross over with the pro-"modern art isn't real art/is easier form of art". You can hate modern art all you want, but it's annoying that most modern art haters just repeat 'white canvas sold for 1.3 billion' and if you ask them what type of art is good art they'll reply with the most famous renaissance artist or something like pic related. It's very rare you find a good thought out critique of modern art that doesn't devolve into "my son could do that"
No. 468328
>>467774Maybe if 4channers themselves didn't insist on flooding every other online space to "troll the normies" the media would have never given them attention and normies would not have flooded them in return.
Stop hitting yourself 4chan
No. 468329
>>468095Yes anon, we should worship mediocrity and squash any outliers who do have any kind of ideal traits.
Give it to the communist to always find the stupidest take on everything.
No. 468331
>>468329Yeah sure, saying beauty standards is classist doesn't mean = worship mediocrity
I appreciate beauty a lot and look up to beauty icons but I know a lot of aspects of 2010s beauty culture is corporate driven bullshit
There's also a sweet irony that you, an imageboard user, talking about "worshiping mediocrity" when you lot will gas up any basic cunt that fits the right imageboard e-nerd or weeb aesthetic despite her body shape and bone structure being absolutely average and nothing captivating in anyway except to autists who don't get out
big lol
No. 468343
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>>468305Modern art is pretentious, I rest my case.
I would personally argue that digital is a very difficult medium, because anyone can make mediocre digital art, but making excellent digital art necessitates an understanding of traditional media as a prerequisite.
>>468329Hey anon, you might want to get your autism checked out. The "classism" and Marx thing was just an exaggeration for the sake of a joke. My base point still stands, though.
By no means should be worship mediocrity. There's a middle ground between worshiping mediocrity and worshiping the unrealistic.
No. 468390
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>>468387The modern period of art lasts from the mid 1800s to the 1970s. The "stereotypical" modern art is Dadaism and Abstract Expressionism, both of which fit comfortably into that time period. Also, at no point did
>>468305 imply that modern art is contemporary.
No. 468420
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>>468416Someone's cranky she didn't finish her BFA.
A blank canvas is ready-made-art. The most famous "blank canvas" is "White on White" by Kazimir Malevich, which was painted in 1918. Sorry Becky, that's in the Modern era.
No. 468464
>>468305Man, I like manga-style art, but if someone wanted to go on a "Modern art is TRASH" kick and they posted that pic (or one of those "anime realism" Sakimichan tit monsters) as examples of "good art", I don't think I'd be able to stop laughing. It's too fedora-tier.
Anyway, it's no surprise that many people who bitch about modern art are just virtue signalling about being born in the wrong generation. They don't really know anything about it, or have any real interest in it.
It's an extension of those people who are like "Remember REAL music? All this new shit sounds the same!" even though all they listen to is dadrock that also all sounds the same and was backed by the same big record companies that back the current generic pop musicians. They don't know much about music from this era or those before, they just want to feel special and maybe a little politically provocative. Same shit, different medium.
No. 468536
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There's plenty plus size only stores why can't there be one or two petite only stores?? the hypocrisy is real.
Im starting to have issues finding clothes that fit me, specially in proper woman stores, i had to have a few new shirts tailored because a size 2 wasn't even a real size 2 anymore And im not even anachan or underweight.
Im buying only from teen-aimed stores now because tailoring everything i got was getting waaay more expensive than it should.
No. 468550
>>468540Yeah, I had a panic attack in Kohl’s trying to find work-appropriate slacks in the women’s section.. Nothing below a size 2, which is really more like a 4 due to “vanity sizing”.
So fucking annoying.
No. 468551
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The state of /w/
No. 468559
>>468551>eewewwww stretch marks and a hip fold!Can anons just…stop acting like there's a physical standard to be a camwhore?
Men will pay for anything catered to them if someone puts it online to sell. We've seen fat girls, ugly girls, druggie girls, STD girls, bad hygiene girls, meatflap girls.
All the shit that anons thought were unattractive features evidently don't matter. Nothing has stopped all men so far.
No. 468560
>>468551Lolcow is running out of insults or these bitches are completely blind. Claiming wrinkleless women are aging like milk, claiming underweight women are pudgy, claiming clearly perky tits are saggy, diagnosing 3 STDs because of mild razor burn on the thighs, claiming women who look like they just got out the shower look dirty, and of course all bodies that don't look like hentai characters are boxy.
I always knew lolcow was nitpicking but it's gotten to a point where these bitches are just straight blind now
No. 468567
>>468564The point was
1) Labia have been nitpicked on this website before.
2) It's a characteristic that men online have made fun of for way longer than what you're claiming. Despite them paying many camwhores possessing it.
Sorry I hurt your feelings.
No. 468570
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>>468559"One persons trash is another persons treasure" applies to taste in all things. Any average, or extreme look, you can think of can have an army of men drooling over them if they're willing to cater to them. Its a worthless metric to measure by.
No. 468571
also no there's a bunch of
ancient books on the phenomenon.
No. 468614
>>468478>was to criticise the industry itself the art industry itself is doing it to this day, is a money laundering scheme and the joke wasn't even funny in 1917.
But fuck actual artists, here's a urinal for the nth time, tips fedora* epic trolled, figuratives owned
No. 468642
>>468625>80s or 90sgod please stop parroting this ridiculous drivel.
>>468637it's not, anon is retarded and spreading incel lies you don't suddenly get long labia as an adult, that's why some people don't have them.
No. 468645
>>468643i wish insecure anons didn't compare the shit they're insecure about to children all the time.
>children's chest>children's vag>children's height>pedo magneti know the entire site isn't full of giant, hairy amazonian tier cave women.
No. 468646
>>468637I have no inner labia visible. One man made a comment likening it to a child (I won't be explicit). I actually don't have children or have an occasion to see one unclothed so I have no clue nor remember what a child looks like.
My mother's nether regions look just like mine. (I had to see her like that when she was very ill for very long and needed bathroom assistance). So I assume it's genetic and not due to puberty which was quite normal for me. I have had a lot of piv sex so all that BS men spew is such.
I hate my labia because of the comments I have heard through the years, IRL and online in general, and have often wished for some sort of freak acid spill. I know it's unhealthy and I probably need therapy but I absolutely hate the appearance so much. It also makes me not trust any male partners I've had; more so if they have made any sort of explicit comments. fuck I need a bit of therapy.
No. 468657
>>467764Sure, tell yourself that every night before you sleep, you frothing autist. You conveniently ignore that Japan has one of the lowest crime rates, and also ignore that the west also has a huge pedophilia problem. The name of the game right now is young girls looking like they're 21. There are a bunch of girls getting pimped out by instagram while retards like you sit here and go "m-muh drawings tho"
>>468230>Japanese culture and they idealize little girls to be the ideal woman.Do you actually know anything about Japan or are you talking out of your ass? Do you speak Japanese? Are you in Japan and know what kind of demographic people are attracted to there? You sound like a retarded burger.
>pedo handmaidensThinking western countries running child porn rings shouldn't be given a pass because someone's Japanese vendetta makes me a handmaiden, sure. Let's go with that.
No. 468669
>>468657Amazing how
triggered weebs gets, like you honestly feel like it's your homeland. An actual Japanese person would not get this defensive.
The low crime rate is from their corrupt legal system where they have a 99% conviction rate since it's basically legal to force confessions there. Don't care about defending Western degenerates so whataboutism doesn't work.
Have fun with your community packed to the brim with pedos, trannies and actual ASD sufferers though and don't worry being aroused by drawings of children definately does not mean you are aroused by children or anything which would just be crazy to say.
No. 468679
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>Have fun with your community packed to the brim with pedos, trannies and actual ASD sufferers>>468669
But the troon issue and the sudden spike in agps transitioning is very much an anglo thing though? trans keep crying about Desuland being mean to them
No. 468681
>>468679So basically they're on the level of 70s American society? Pushing gay/homo/pedo shit but there's still a conservative and repulsed reaction to it when it comes to serious shit? Ebin.
East Asian and Anglo cultures are trash and cancer, just admit it
No. 468691
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>>468681>Pushing gay/homo/pedo shit That something exists in a country doesn't mean the country itself is pushing it.
>East Asian and Anglo cultures are trash and cancer, just admit itThey are just the two major producers of media internationally so they are constantly on the public scrutiny. I don't see the same people going around country by country complaining about
problematic depictions, watch some mexican tv or nollyoowd or bollywood, i am sure you'll find plenty to be upset about.
No. 468704
>>468669Kek, I don't know about
triggered, but if it makes you feel good so you can pretend it's whataboutism, so be it. You're going to die mad when you compare the crime statistics, so keep crying about "muh forced convictions"
No. 468739
>>468657Yeah this. It's absolutely astonishing how people are willing to ignore the exploitation of actual kids in the west just to bitch about muh drawings and how they totally read online that you can buy used toddler panties and child sex slaves from local grocery stores. Japan has an extremely low amount of crime compared to countries like the UK or US and you really can't explain it all away with the "people don't report it" meme.
But of course if you're not throwing your common sense away because weebs made you cringe in high school and that's why you're on a life long vendetta against them, you're a pedo supporter and probably a pedo yourself. Remember how fast people forgot about Jeffrey Epstein just to bitch about stupid shit like Sakimichan drawing lewd pictures of an aged up character, if they ever addressed him at all?
>>468669>The low crime rate is from their corrupt legal system where they have a 99% conviction rate since it's basically legal to force confessions there.lmfao, This is what burgers actually believe. keep coping
No. 468842
>>468739I don't know anybody in life ever who complained about that Sakamachan person because only weebs would do that shit
I know you're that braindead retarded as fuck Latina, so not only you're a racebaiting bitch you're also a dumbass weeb as well. I sincerely hope something extremely bad happens to you.
No. 468849
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>>468842Anon let her go to glorious Nippon and see how they treat her ass. Women in different countries making strides, but women’s equality in Japan has decreased and China is now considered better for women than Japan. Hate Tariq’s hotep ass, but let them hold their own nuts/ovaries.
No. 468871
>>468704>>468739I don't care at all about saying Japan is better or worse than any other country. I just don't blindy defend a country on the other side of the planet because I don't get my perosnal identity from an online community filled full of pedos that most actual Japanese people think are pathetic.
Click to get
triggered over the very real problem of forced confessions tho. No. 469005
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No. 469015
I got called for a phone interview while I was at work, and one of the male coworkers-who doesn't have a very high opinion of me-made fun of my voice after I was done with the call. It's my "customer service" voice which tends to be very tonal and high energy. Because I worked at a call center for three years and was in retail for another four years before that.
I thought he was being so fucking annoying.
I explained to him that's an autopilot survival trait for anyone who's ever worked customer service long term. Especially in a call center. And especially for women.
Because customers are so fucking irate that they can only be placated by singsong charm. Many customers tend to get combative and perceive women employees as having "attitude" if we're not bubbly and perky. Calls, and even my face to face interactions, with customers 9 times outta 10 always ended better if I talked like that. It usually took a massive prick to treat me otherwise. Speaking like that was how I mentally protected myself from becoming a verbal punching bag, and even sometimes it still happened no matter how nice I was.
That damn call center pounded into my head to "smile with my voice," while my retail jobs reprimanded women employees on their performance reviews if they weren't friendly==unless they had kids or knew the manager, then they got away with murder.
This coworker doesn't fucking understand because he's such a god damn know it all. He's a military boy who went into the paramedic field after he got out. While he knows how to take an order, he's never been ripped apart for something out of his control. His job is one where he doesn't have to necessarily have bedside manner-which he doesn't. I see him raise his voice and act passive aggressive all the time over slights, and gets shaky and miffed when he encounters any client who's remotely belligerent towards him. Can you imagine this fucker surviving without authority? Fuck no. If he talked to customers like how he talked to me, he'd be fired in no time.
He's probably half-pissed that I don't talk to him in that sweetly, subordinate tone. But too bad. He's not someone I report to in our office, he's a coworker with a different function and it really agitates him that I don't answer to him sometimes.
He went on further to divulge his criticisms about me by also adding how I have an excuse for everything and can't handle criticism.
It's like, bitch, I've worked in customer service for several years and you think I've never had to swallow criticism before? You think I've never been held to account?
Again, just because I don't answer to HIM because he's not my SUPERVISOR and when he talks to me he's a DICK, he thinks I'm the one with poor work attitude.
And guess who had to swallow his criticisms to keep the peace? Yeah, I can't handle anything…
No. 469021
>>469015I've had to deal with this problem at every job I've ever had as well. If you aren't fake bubbly, it's the equivalent of being a belligerent cunt somehow. I put on the show for customers but I don't for management because it's just not who I am and I can't. Once they see I do pretty for customers they chill. I'm never anyone's favorite person though.
I'm moving into a different career soon and thinking about trying to show up with a peppier, more optimistic and friendly personality so people will like me better. Do you think it's worth it to keep up an act like that? My well of positivity doesn't run deep but I won't have to use as much of it on customers as I do in my current job so there would be more left over for coworkers.
No. 469036
>>469021That's gonna take up a lot of your energy, anon.
There's nothing wrong with being friendly to your coworkers that you click with, just don't go out of your way to be unnaturally peppy. Sometimes shit like that backfires because they accuse you of being 'fake' the second you slip up or have a bad day. The only person you need to make sure likes you are your supervisors and upper management so you'll have a bridge to a career promotion down the way.
Bottom line: People who've been in customer-facing industries for years will know the score. The smart ones all got a customer 'mask.'
No. 469040
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>was actually really looking forward to promare
>it's now the flavor of the month for fujos and BLfags
>you can't escape it in any social media
god damn it
No. 469120
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>>469040>>469088>mfw was looking forward to seeing Promare as a fujoshi and as someone who liked Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann>Japanese fujoshi spoil everything>finally it's screening in my city>movie is fun and great, despite spoilers ruining some scenes a little>suddenly, unavoidable discourse about everything ever online, can't avoid it anymore unless I mute everyone who posts about PromareWe just can't win. By the way I think the BD will be released in February in Japan iirc, if you want to watch it later if someone posts it.
No. 469133
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>tfw trigger will never make something as beautifully animated as Kare Kano, Eva or FLCL because they're being dragged down by that perv Sushio who has no imagination
No. 469141
>>469134we have one in /m/ already
>>469135it got moved, it didn't reach post limit.
No. 469529
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REEEEE babies won't stop stealing my glasses
No. 470636
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the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of this 'meme' has me heated
No. 470719
>>470636Honestly I wish more men would freely waive their red flags around for all to see and judge.
I would love to know if the man I'd have children with would be a controlling bastard with an obsession about my daughter's purity and an incest-y fixation about her sexual activity.
I hope they all reveal themselves so no woman will suffer the mistake of having procreated with them.
No. 471099
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Fuck, I really hate that everybody and their mom is asking for ko-fi donations nowadays. I was on a fanfic binge and every single author had their ko-fi linked. I kind of get why they do it, but I mean this is fandom and all… You're doing this shit as a hobby, in your free time, I already comment and like and do whatever to engage with the writers etc, why do they need money? Just do commissions, ffs. Like, I write and draw as well and I would never ask for this shit. I just want people to interact with my content. I like bonding over fandom, I'd never be comfortable with asking for donations.
No. 471116
>>471099That shit weirds me out too. I have a cosplay instagram account and friends of me that I follow all start to have a ko-fi.
It just seems so beggar-like. I would not feel good about friends or strangers funding my voluntary hobby.
No. 471164
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i'm fucking sick of pixar sameface and i'm especially not looking forward to the jack frost/onceler level of tumblr peak horny over the most blandest character designs ever, again. have people started to draw porn of these two blue guys yet? because i wouldn't be surprised. plus they're voiced by chris pratt and tom holland so, yikes.
No. 471257
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>>471193Its only going to get worse, a lot of those shitty movies that bombed in the US and were badly reviewed by the critic rake billions in China and India. Theres no incentive to change and Disney owns everything.
I personally think is really pathetic they give the same animation Oscar to Disney Pixar every fucking year, is the lamest, just the promotion budget for a Disney film is the entire budget for even the most expensive foreign animation film several times over. Fucking monopolies man.
No. 471306
>>471265At lest that was anime was, they were throwing good budgets to really wild stuff and had a real incentive to try everything. Anime now is a moe hellscape and piracy really rekd them pretty badly, the incentive now is mercandising but i still like that they keep 2d alive and some really cool things do pop out every so often.
Fun fact, the emoji movie cost 5 times more than Akira, and 3 times what Spirited Away cost. The most expensive japanese animation ever has been Steamboy at 20 million usd, meanwhile, Cars 3 cost 175 millon. Cars.fucking.3
No. 471356
>>471354Name n shame!
There's a company who pulls similar fuckery and it's obviously because they put in orders to an overseas factory because they can't be assed to keep a domestic warehouse with stock. It really pisses me off and I don't order from them for this reason.
No. 471624
>>471620… What?
How sheltered are some of ye that you literally dislike the taste of something that by definition should not have a taste and you need it to survive.
No. 471637
>>471621You don't see people walking around with bottles of water or keeping one at their desk in the UK unless they're exercising or it's an extremely hot mid-summer day, but that's what most days are like in some places in America it seems.
>>471624I don't actively dislike it but
>by definition should not have a tasteis why it's dull to consume.
>>471633>>471636I am pretty sure it's a hot country thing since you're literally sweating all day long and would feel faint if you didn't. I don't drink much of anything outside of meals since you just don't get dehydrated here unless you're exercising or sick or something.
No. 471639
>>471638>do you not stop to drink water at your work? or at home?If I drink outside a meal it's with a snack and then I choose a drink that tastes nice.
>or when you go to a restaurant, do you not order a jug of water for the table?I order what I want to drink with my meal which is not plain tasteless water I could get out a tap at home.
Do people really just drink water constantly throughout the day even when it's not hot? What le fug.
No. 471653
>>471641It's usually only slightly yellow.
>>471645I just never noticed it before outside of American culture. I used to think only fat people drank constantly but I guess that's normal and it's just they're drinking cokes instead of water.
No. 471746
>>471306>Cars 3 cost 175 millon.Is that including or excluding the advertising budget? I guess they're dropping millions just to hire celebrities as character voices, whereas anime movies use actual voice actors. Anyway it's fucking unreal, didn't Disney shut down 2D animation due to it being too expensive compared to 3D animation? Princess and the Frog, the last 2D animation film they mad and it cost only 105 million. What the hell happened? Maybe Owen Wilson is billing them $70mil a movie, I don't know.
However I don't agree about the sentiment of anime movies being just "moe hellscape", Just from the recent years films like Your Name, Mirai and The Boy and the Beast are all family-friendly movies with great animation, story and characters and no moeshit. You just need to look past the shitty niche otaku stuff to what Japanese normies are into.
No. 471922
>>471697I grew up in a house where there was a pot of tea made at every meal and I never saw anyone in the family drink water except when swallowing pills. I'm old enough to remember a time when 500ml bottles of water were a pretty rare thing to see in shops here and it was rarer again to see anyone actually carrying one around. Then over a period of about five years I noticed a huge increase in water drinkers carrying their bottles around work or school, and shops started stocking a decent range of water brands that we didn't have before.
I feel stupid comparing water to a trend but in the same way that we had very few coffee chains or coffee drinkers here twenty years ago.. coffee and water have replaced constant tea drinking. Some older people here still drink nothing but tea
No. 472150
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Out of all mental illness maladaptive daydreaming has gotten the worst 'mental disorders are my personality' crowd. I guess it sounds cool to be diagnosed with 'day dreaming to much' so the special snowflakes were all over it.
No. 472151
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>>472150When in reality MDD is really depressing and having MDD makes it hard to be creative because they day dream to much.
No. 472152
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>>472151Things also turn ugly when the two sides collide.
No. 472153
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I'm so frustrated that Studio Killers shifted their artistic direction into lifeless, thin-lined tumblr-tier scribbles vs. pic related. It does their style no favors. And after hearing they're also trying to turn this strange universe into an animated series, I have officially given up on them. Why are you not focusing on your music? Put your artistic efforts towards music videos if you want to animate so much!
No. 472157
>>471746Disney shutting down 2d and making live action adaptations of the 2d classics was the final nail in the coffin, so deppressing. 2d as an artform will never die i guess, all 3d movies start as 2d but it is sad still that is abandoned as final output when both 3d and 2d can coexist in the market.
People like Hosoda and Shinkai are great and all, but lets not pretend that most anime is just merch advertising. I still think is great for the few productions and what little sakuga that we do get but it really is moe apocalipse. Anime shows are like ads for the manga and the merch, otherwise the animation is not as profitable, most viewership internationally is watching that stuff pirated and budgets are dropping and outsourcing to other asian countries is increasing.
No. 472172
>>471164oh boy another ugly goofy looking guys animation
when will the neckbeard sjws die
No. 472237
>>472176This but soda has none of the health benefits of drinking tea or water.
>>472196I read that it isn't dehydrating because it only expels excess fluids, but I don't know for sure which is true.
No. 472254
>>472176Except tea has health benefits and and sugary syrupy soda doesn't but ok.
>>472196The diuretic effect of coffee doesn't offset how much it hyrdrates you. You're good.
No. 472418
>>472196Coffee dehydrating you is a myth that has been debunked. It hydrates you just like water does, only it's a diuretic.
>“When you drink a cup of coffee or you drink a glass of iced tea, you are necessarily taking in a volume of fluid along with that dose of [caffeine],” Vigil says. Even though caffeine is a mild diuretic, Vigil says, you won’t lose more fluid through urine than you take in by drinking a caffeinated beverage. Your body is able to absorb as much fluid as it needs and expel the rest, he says.
>For that reason, your morning pick-me-up actually helps hydrate you, not the opposite. Vigil says that coffee and tea “can and should” count toward your daily eight-or-so cups of water per day.I used to be worried about this too because I drink an immense amount of coffee instead of water. But apparently it's just as good as drinking water, after all it's just water with bean juice squeezed in. It doesn't have sugars unless you add it in yourself. If you're worried still, switch to decaf or a darker roast to lower the amount of caffeine in it.
No. 472551
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>Compannys should be held legally responsible for adding addictive loot boxes and adding gambling mechanics in games!
>Video game addiction isn't real reeeeeee
No. 472630
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ironically /r/4chan and /r/greentext are the places that reek reddit the most.
No. 472738
>>472551Real talk though loot boxes are fucking retarded and I hope whichever game developer dreamed them up catches crabs.
Especially loot boxes in games aimed at young children, like the cookies in Animal Crossing.
No. 472768
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>>472762I guess it could be depending on what definition you're going by, but by Google's definition it wouldn't be
No. 472770
>>472768A portmanteau is costume and play doesn’t cover dressing in historical costumes for role play and/or performance art?
Aight you keep that gate if you need dressing up in pantaloons to seem better than cat ears.
No. 472791
>>472770I know cosplay just means "costume play" but that would mean any time anyone wears a costume it would be cosplay, and dressing up for halloween would be called cosplay but no one ever calls it that.
and yes, historical costumes are better than crusty garish weeb wigs.
>>472781oh no,
triggered weeb incoming.
yeah because all historical costumes are the ones at ren faires. it's not like there are historical costumes from other geographical areas and other time periods or anything like that.
I don't even hate cosplay really, I think some of it can be pretty impressive, I just don't like the word cosplay being used for historical costumes because the word has different associations.
No. 472801
>>472791Enjoy cosplaying Jane Austen or an Andalusian peasant farmer circa 1763.
Not liking the word because you think cosplay is beneath petticoats and chamber pots is pretentious af but it’s not like your snob will hurt anyone.
No. 472804
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>>472791nta but If you're looking for Ideas about historical costumes from different cultures check out the Traditional Dresses/clothes thread
>>>/m/26971>>>/m/26971>>>/m/26971 No. 472806
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>>472804pic related are Georgian chokha
No. 472815
>>472801well I kind of doubt people who follow 'cosplay' tags on instagram give 1/100th of a shit about anne boleyn reenactments, but call it cosplay if it's that important to you.
and yeah, my opinions about word usage probably won't hurt anyone, except for you apparently.
>>472804>>472806oh yeah, I'm not super active on /m/ but I have seen that thread, lots of interesting and beautiful costumes there.
No. 472821
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>>472815So just to be totally clear, you’re mad enough about people calling your hobby cosplay to post about it…
but it’s everyone else who’s mad because they’ve pointed out that period cosplay is still cosplay?
They’re the ones who are bothered and not you, who’s whinging about crusty wigs not being as special as your princess dresses?
No. 472870
>>472825There is but tbh but on a semi unrelated note: if you do historical costumes you should probably still tag cosplay on insta etc. because the community actually does overlap quite a bit and there is a lot of skill sharing between them at the higher levels of craftsmanship. (especially cosplayers looking for references for historical based cosplays this is actually really helpful!)
I tag regular random costumes as cosplay and stuff for engagement ect. even though I know the difference. lol. The only people who get mad are people I feel confident taking in a fight.
No. 473456
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Why is it now that literally everyone wants to profit off their hobby? Every amateur "content creator" (including youtubers, artists, cosplayers, musicians etc.) have a Patreon account or constantly milk for donations or put their content behind paywalls. Why doesn't anyone create stuff just for the sake of community anymore? The way people create stuff seems so disingenuous and calculated too, like everyone is so busy trying to chase the golden goose with SEO formulas and shit (you know, the 2-minute "HIT THAT BELL AND SUBSCRIEEBBBB" speech in the beginning of every video etc), in all sincerity believing they could become PewdiePie tier millionaires.
I get the "pay the artist for their effort" thing but I just feel like the pressure everyone has to become a paid professional ruins the sincerity, especially when they usually aren't worth it and can't shut up about how they're not making the money they think they deserve and/or that the money is going to the wrong people. I also feel like to a lot of people it's somewhat embarrassing to have a day job and do something as a hobby, if you know what I mean? Like you're less talented than more successful people who get to do it as a day job? When in reality they probably quit their job and are now broke, living off measly internet bucks in borderline poverty and only receiving sponsorship goodies to shill in their internet videos.
No. 473487
I can't stand the sound of cutlery banging against plates when people are eating. Something about hearing that noise makes me so angry.
>>472630I agree, it's embarrassing
No. 473499
I miss malls, cafes, salons/spas, movie theaters, amusement parks, fairs, library's, restaurants, public transportation being easily accessible, cheap, and busy. Everyone is so much more anti social and it makes me depressed fun things to go out and do are practically none existent and not used
No. 473538
>>473520> not recognizing that most of those making huge $ online actually have put in thousands of hours of work to improve their skills and make quality contenMost of the content creators who profit the most from patreon and things like that are pretty mediocre. Theres very few ocassions when i see someone who is actually absurdly skilled and experienced become a part of those brackets and take advantage of social media, because the rest are just constant in their mediocrity or were lucky enough to be memed but otherwise would have a very hard time finding employment in their trade, like all the fan artists and furry oc people who earn more than industry veterans but are putting out artwork that is amateurish.
Theres artists working for peanuts who are better than other more popular artists doing the same thing on the same social media, but the factor here is luck, no one has a perfect formular to get popular online, random chance plays a major role, can't blame people for trying when in a lot of ocassions just trying for enough time is all it takes. The most famous youtuber of my country is just some dude who translates creepypastas verbatum on top of a shitty video , he has not improved a bit in 10 years, the videos are just the same with the same weak editing and that guy has millions of subscribers.
No. 473865
>>473857There's a difference between being actively involved in drama in your personal life and slurping that shit up with your morning coffee when it happens to other people, especially those you have little to zero connection to.
ie. My life is boring so I like to read up on cows.
No. 473873
>>473857I've never had a clue what drama my friends were talking about when they'd post statuses like that, especially back in school. It seems to always be centered around them because I never experienced all this drama they'd complain about. Now I keep getting twitter recs of randos sperging about drama like…lmao where. Its just you.
As for reading e-drama, that's just for my cheap laughs
No. 474006
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fuck the new youtube update Why is everything so bigggg.
No. 474214
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>>443618Got my hair done at the salon like pic related, looks cool as hell but I'm already bothered by the possibility of people jumping on me for ~cultural appropriation~.
No. 474232
>>474214imo as a whitey this is just a bad look, not only cause our hair is nowhere near natural african hair and we are pasty white = your scalp glowing/looking balding between the braids.
you do you but if you want an honest opinion: tacky on white people, and yeah if you're american you'll probably offend someone. I understand being 11 coming back from Bali on a family holiday with beaded corn rows but otherwise maybe dont. unless you have a music career or are an "artist" then go at it because they can get away with aesthetic murder.
sage because bait potential
No. 474244
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>>473456God, you said everything I've been thinking for the past few years. I'll start following someone small, and the moment they get any modicum of a community they'll start bringing out the patreon, the ko-fi, etc. It's so annoying, and i say this as a drawfag.
Related also to the youtube situation. Why can't the retards complaining 24/7 about youtube demonetization just get a job? Like a job that doesn't involve the heavily luck based realm of social media? It feels like every content creator on there is looking to be the next James Charles or Pewdiepie. I understand if they're doing something important (educational videos for example) but if they're just doing commentary or gameplay, why does it matter? Why do you have to bitch as if youtube is entitled to give you a living wage? You wanted to take a shortcut, now deal with the consequences. Either git gud or get a day job like the rest of us.
No. 474488
>>474364It doesn't say on the bottle. It just says not to take more than the recommended dosage but doesn't say how long to wait or what will happen if you take too much.
>>474218I hope that's true. I'm a hypochondriac though and afraid of dying from stupid things.
No. 474490
>>474214idk man people usually get braids like that on holiday trips or whatever, at least where i'm from
as long as i looks good on you it's literally just braids
are you from the US though?
No. 474531
>>471164sorry but I don't get how pixar sameface is bad but all anime characters pretty much have the same face and y'all seem to love anime
(not defending pixar by the way, they suck)
No. 474570
>>474515I've always liked reading about relationships where the male aggressively chases after the female character and makes her feel desired, or even bullies her. It can be interpreted as "
abusive" by excessive moralfags, but often when that trope is written well their relationship is still developed and explored, the man's behavior isn't supposed to be seen as desirable and he only becomes attractive to the girl when he grows as a character and learns to become a better human being by himself. But holy shit the examples in this video. Actually awful sort of garbage with serial killer level male love interests. I didn't even know this was a thing in YA novels. I don't think it's straight out damaging because these are meant for young ADULTS, not children, and adults should be able to consume whatever fiction they want but it's still baffling to see what sort of sick stuff people get published. Like the video said these would be interesting as crime drama villains but they're supposed to be genuine love interests and that's what's fucked.
No. 474602
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>>474564I know how they are like when they get power, i lived it, they just steal everything, sorry, i meant "expropiate" , print money like lunatics, run every state owned company to the ground, ruin the lives of everyone who is productive while funneling resources on leeches and inept but radical partisans, accumulate massive debt and when they ran out of money and the countries reserves are close to zero from all the plundering, is capitalism and imperialism fault, somehow.
No. 474660
>>474570Anon I think you missed the entire point, the type of romance you described is not at all the type of YA "romances" I was talking about. In a lot of YA novels the male love interest is mentally (sometimes physically and sexually)
abusive, as well as manipulative (((twilight))) and they end up falling in love anyway, and the man never becomes a better person, or he just magically becomes better at the end of the book overnight with no character development. He never learns that his way of pursuing the female was wrong. And maybe the YA romances are supposed to be more like what you were describing, but they're written so poorly that they don't come across that way.
And if you actually think that Edward from Twilight is like what you described, sorry but you're just delusional. Twilight isn't the only example though.
>I don't think it's straight out damaging because these are meant for young ADULTS, not childrenTrue but a lot of very young people read these books, like 12 year olds. I think "young adult" is purposefully a broad term so that a wider range of ages will buy these books.
>>474564Lmfao you just described my ex perfectly. He was a NEET who thought he was a genius. He thought he was going to start some kind of communist revolution but in reality all he did was wake up at noon and play Silent Hill most of the day, thinking himself superior to "wage slaves". Oh and he had a son. He lived in the US though.
No. 474675
>>474665Please don’t interpret this as support for Nazis or the ilk, but when it comes to violence, the most brutal guys win. Why a bunch of nerdy brooklynites think they’d physically overpower a troop of good old southern boys or Military guys who’ve spent their formative years beating the shit out of each other is beyond me.
Violence is wrong unless absolutely a last resort, but what those guys so playfully plug as anti-fascist resistance is exactly the sort of thing that will get women, old people and elderly folks killed—never mind themselves—when some ex-Infantry soldier and or a dumb Redneck with a history of violence that began in 1st grade, starts swinging a Louisville slugger around in a crowd. And trust me, that guy doesn’t give a fuck if he goes to jail (he’s already been) or if people know who he is (cause his home town will give him a parade).
No. 474749
>>474745I can't blame people who are willing to spend on good tech if they use it all the time, but I just cannot see the point with phones unless your current one is broken/old af. Most smartphones share the same capabilities, with only minor differences in quality. My previous $1000 Samsung was no different to my current $300 Motorola. I'm never going to overspend on a phone again.
That said I actually don't know many people who always have new Android phones, it's usually Apple stans who get suckered into it thanks to planned obsolescence and the inherent trendiness of iphones.
No. 475438
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apple music changed the album art for this album from the left to the right. same with another album. idk why i'm lowkey mad about it.
No. 476130
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I hate it when people do weird shit like this to dead animals. I know they're dead but I can't help feeling like it's so disrespectful. About a year ago there was a guy in my city who kept leaving dead crabs from the store on the seats of the subway to be funny and that pissed me off too.
No. 476473
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'Its not a mental illness you're just diffrent' fags are annoying. Mental illness culture online really sucks too. You can't really do much research without running into those 'dealing with your narc boss' shit. Any mental illnes forum is also full of people who relate to the most pleb tier memes and think their ~one of them~. The worst part is these people do have problems, but they're in the wrong forum. You also gets fags who want to self diagnose them self with ever illnes instead of talking to a therapist.
No. 477441
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Can this unfunny, over beaten meme die already?
No. 477449
>>477402fuck anon i am
>newfags who clearly only post images because they think you need to No. 477456
>>476490I had some close friends insist that not letting people self-dx was gatekeeping, classism and ableism. You know, i can understand if somebody can't afford treatment, but what we're not going to do is let people identify themselves as mentally ill. One of them was a fakeboi, and immediately wanted to self-dx herself as autistic.
It's not fucking gatekeeping. Mental illness isn't a funny little club with bodyguards. These retards read a couple of tumblr posts and think they're qualified professionals.
No. 477505
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I was excited for the Reddit hate thread since that hellsite is a depressing lepers' colony for stupid, smug, psychotically unfunny scrotes and was looking forward to it being shat upon.
>check in to discover 95% of it is nitpicking a female Redditor's body
What's the matter LC, were the hundred other threads devoted to obsessively nitpicking the appearances of mentally ill, self-hating women not enough for you?
No. 477521
>>477505I can see why it annoyed you but the arrogant asshole hates other women and girls and deserves that
toxic energy thrown back at her.
No. 477590
>>477505I'm just pissed because I consider this site as a way to escape from reddit as much as possible, and yet there's a reddit hate thread for me to see all the shit I am purposely not browsing reddit in order to avoid, the crazy chick has her own thread on /snow/, that chick who kidnapped her neighbor's cat made an 'Am I The Asshole' thread…I just want to avoid reddit and yet so many anons are hell bent on bringing it here
Even seeing reddit screencaps
triggers me at this point tbh
No. 477722
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I hate how shaggys parents look. They feel less like his parents and more like what someone thibks his parents would look like.
No. 477723
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>>477722I also hate the comic version of shaggy
No. 477747
>>444283>>444276if you are in the usa its against the law for le to randomly scan licenses plates. its entrapment. they have to suspect something in order to do that. but most people dont know or just want the cops to leave.
>>476130only people who have nothing going for themselfs do this. they arent interesting so they use people or animals. like reaction channels. no one would pay them any attention if there werent someone else involved.
>>476473its a combination. you get a lot of people that dx themselves with the least offensive thing inorder to not come to terms with being something worse. you also get a lot of jerks who dont want to change so they dx themselves.
>>477375come on other races have only been in australia for maybe 60 years. we know who threw a fit. the same people who said they could take aboriginal land because they didnt have land deeds.
>>477456one moment but sometimes you have to self dx. drs arent masters of everything. so many people are talking the wrong meds or taking too high a dose. thats why drs say what do you think is wrong. they need something to go off of. ive been over rx and i slept for 3 days.
>>477722>>477723the drawings have no soul because no one knows how to freehand anymore. they are just using old drawings of shaggy and morphing/tracing them.
No. 477751
>>477722I get it, because in the 60s a lot of hippies came from middle to upper class homes and wanted to rebel for a bit but then there were plenty that weren't. Many punks also legit came from bad households.
Still kind of boring though, oh lol the lazy stoner-ish character has rich parents?? I would have made the parents look a little run down and dusty themselves, alas, media doesn't like showing that side of people for some reason
No. 477784
>>474290late but isn't patreon etc money actually more honest income
the people pay because they actually want to instead of being forced to, like the bosses who employ you. your money you get from work is money that comes from strangers too.
i make art and have about zero following so i'm not gonna earn anything from that but i don't understand how people are so bitter about those who earn money through their creations lmao
No. 477913
>>474290A lot of creators agree with you, I've been on YT for years and have made a career out of it. I totally sympathize with the creators out there that went that route and lost almost all monetization with their channels after adpocalypse but goddamn it really has shown me the greediness of other creators. I think most of the time it's that they got used to stupid easy money via YT and never learned to live within their means or be smart about their money so it dried up quick. I really cannot stand creators constantly shilling for Patreon, especially when it's like H3H3 or Phillip DeFranco. Those big name YTers have made so much money, and they have the nerve to ask for donations from fans because the wells gone a bit dry?
>>477784I get Patreon for small channels and such, idk about anon but my annoyance goes to the bigger named creators out there that don't need a patreon because they've made good money off YT they're just spoiled. For instance Shane Dawson, that dude has made so much money on YT off of lame skits & food videos yet he still complains about being screwed out of $ or that he's poor. Most creators can get sponsorships if they'd put in the effort so they don't need a patreon to ask fans for direct donations.
I can't stand crybaby creators on the platform, they make other creators look bad by always asking for handouts or complaining they don't get enough money anymore. They're probably my biggest pet peeve of YT all together lol
No. 478018
>>478014people have a superiority complex about being up to date with memes nowadays
i used to do that too until realizing that it kind of kills the convo, now i just act like i haven't seen it when someone sends me a stale meme because it's the thought that counts i guess
also it's just the issue that memes get boring really quickly
No. 478027
>>478015this is my good friend who constantly sends me ig memes. i'm sure that she would have told me to stop i were annoying her. it's not as if send her this kind of stuff frequently, it's once in a while. and i don't expect her to respond, really, i just want her to have the ability to see it (i hope this makes sense lol). ironically she is one of those people who are like "i see you are active on twitter, why are you ignoring my messages" if you don't immediately respond.
>>478018i guess it's a superiority complex thing. i think this is just how personality is? she has the same attitude when it comes to media. i mention a song im listening to and she says something like "that song came out such a long time ago" …. yea…? and? it's just a song, it's not that deep! but thank you for asserting your dominance by pointing out that you have heard it before kek.
No. 478045
>>478014it seems like you feel good about yourself for doing your friend the 'favor' of sending her ~wholesome~ content but not everyone actually cares
>>478015>I do not like feeling obligated to watch and/or comment on it when my friend decides it's time for me to do so. this is how I feel about people sending me memes most of the time
No. 478273
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>>478254Not as cathartic, but when I was trying to talk more in highschool only 2 kids mocked me for being socially awkward. Both of them were the "i have self diagnosed ~social anxiety~. I'm a stupid socially awkward bean #relatable" type. They complained daily about being super lonely while both of them were the top 10 most popular girls, had boyfriends who bought them gifts weekly, and always tried to comfort the anxious kid who expressed their problems the 'right' way. If I sound bitter I know I am.
I'm still pissed off at that time I walked into class said hi and one of them just said how annoying I was. I know I was an awkward teen, but I wasn't that bad.
No. 478338
>>478336I liked it as a concept, and I'm glad it introduced us to complete cows like gimpgirl555 and BlackPillTruthBomb. Reddit is full of questionable communities and people, and I thought it was nice having a place we could discuss that.
I hope Admin allows a new thread. The racebait and dog hate weren't even on-topic. The people who kept bringing up that shit should've been hit with a ban for derailing so the discussion could go on. Locking it was kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
No. 478388
>>478374Sociopath-tier? What about people like you who don't understand our pain, the normal humans who don't need to have a furry beast to feel comfy and contained? Sure we understand a furry critter is cool to have but we don't want everyone to have them and certainly not brainlets, poorfags and upper-poorfags, who makeup the majority of the pet problem. There's taxes on dogs imposed here, but no poorfag actually pays it. People hate how dog feces and cat feces are everywhere. People hate getting randomly bitten or licked by an ugly piece of shit. People hate it when they hear loud barking by huge dogs everywhere they walk. It hurts the ears, and normal people can't handle the sound, let alone people who have fucked up ears (hyperacusis for example?). I am not gonna say nuke the trash lower class, that would be sociopathic, but they most definitely do deserve to have their dumb critters forcedly taken away from them. It would force them to work on their actual problems instead of pretending their ugly mutt dog is sentient, anyways. The only type of pet owner I find cute are those meek grandmas but they don't hurt other people. And even pet owners who are invested and learn to not let their pet bother others. But if they manage to do the three points mentioned, no barking, no touching other people, no feces, nobody's gonna care anymore. But nobody's gonna do it. So that's why we want you to die lol. Nothing sociopathic about it.

No. 478403
>>4783941 hottdog pls
>>478393So you are just as dark and psycho as pet haters except I was just joking meanwhile you probably are actually
No. 478425
>>478418There was no "good argument" in that post, just pure, copypasta-worthy autism.
The fact that you assume everyone who notices you're mental must be a dog-owner or a meat eater or a dog on a computer is just bolstering the point.
People who bitch about dogs (or any animals) have serious issues.
No. 478580
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I hate every incarnation of modern incarnation of 'geeky nostalgia culture'. I think people who play video games and watch children cartoons, both new and for nostalgia, are people who literally can't grow up. I hate most comic books and find the MCU boring, but I still sometimes fantasize about a cute geeky boyfriend.
No. 478581
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>>478580shit. wrong image
No. 478594
>>478591*especially as it's mainstream now
*far more interesting culture
No. 478684
>>478682This post itself reeks of years of fermented butthurt and jealousy towards some egirl that most normal people haven't even heard of, as do your previous posts in the thread, and no amount of calling other girls pickmes is going to conceal that. Re-evaluate your life priorities.
Nobody is saying you can't find other women unattractive. What you're doing though is criticising the looks of a normal girl (who by the way walked away from the Internet because of cringy weebs stalking her, so it's not even her fault) and nitpicking innocuous bullshit like the fact that she placed her hands on her face for a photo. It just makes you sound crazy.
Calm down and then try explaining why you feel so personally attacked by female weeaboos.
No. 478690
>>478684the anon was from the unpopular opinion thread who was writing practical novels about how pale girls with dark hair are out to get her, steal her man, and are all massive attention seekers, when anons called out her obvious bitterness and jealousy towards these women she cried about how everyone who thinks she's being bitter and jealous are pickmes
and someone posted katya lischina putting her hands on her face and she accused her of catering to neckbeards, when someone called the anon jealous she said, and I quote "you need a bullet to your dumbass head"
the anon in question is clearly very mentally ill and has a weird complex towards pale brunettes, just take what she says with a grain of salt
No. 478691
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>>478690HOLY SHIT RETARDS, not EVERY ANON IS THE SAME ANON! I didn't say that shit about dark haired pale skin girls being attention seekers and I only said the part about pedophile bait and sexist weeb men!
Fuck, why does every time I give my opinion on something on this website people think I'm the same fucking anons like people can't have different opinions on this site? Literally every time I've been attacked on lolcow is because fucking mongs who think I'm samefagging or saying shit I didn't say.
No. 478692
>>478691Same typing style, same insults, same attitude
Anyway the entire discussion revolved around pale girls with dark hair so save it
No. 478695
>>478692We don't have the same typing styles, dumbass. I don't even understand how farmers have mistaken me for at least 20 unique typing styles since I've been here since its inception.
No, the discussion started because an anon said she didn't understand why Carly Rae Jespen was popular with neckbeards
No. 478697
>>478695You literally do. You even use the same wording
>Admitting you lurk and start shit here long enough for farmers to call you outKek
And you're right about CRJ but then an Anon aka you started tinfoiling about how all pale brunettes are special snowflakes who cater to weebs, even tinfoiled about how a simple pose Katya lischina did somehow meant she was trying to cater to neckbeards, when you were called jealous you started stomping on your feet like a 12 yr old, even said the anon who called out your clear jealousy and bitterness needed "a bullet to their dumbass head" and then you came here not long after swearing up and down "IM NOT THE ANON CURSING EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME OUT YOU FUCKING DUMBASS RETARD!!!" and to complain about how anons not taking your bitter and mentally ill sperges are somehow pickmes who want you to support all women's appearances no exceptions
No. 478702
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>>478697Whatever helps you sleep at night, anon. I'm not going to fight with you as to why I'm not a pale brunette or why I don't hate other women. You cunts are so addicted to drama you even seek it in the most mundane avenues. Shit's embarrassing at this point.
No. 478704
>>478702That's great. I hope you get permabanned because not only did you admit to starting shit on lolcow frequently but you're clearly mentally ill, possibly cluster b tear since you made tons of contradictions and are bitter, jealous and get
triggered by confrontation
No. 478706
>>478704Also, I didn't say SHIT about starting shit you absolutely unhinged retard.
I said ANONS LIKE YOU have been convinced I am samefagging with every other anon out there because I have had similar opinions to others in discussions over the years.
If you're so convinced i'm a samefag, then report my post for the admin to see if the IP is the same.
I have seen even you retards do this to other anons. But fuck words because you fucking mentally ill autists are convinced everyone is in some grand conspiracy to samefag and shitfling because of your
toxic and cancerous board culture that is literally centered around picking at people online.
I was going to ignore you but your madness and projection is too insane to ignore at this point. The absolute irony of you calling me borderline when your sperging and freaking out and being convinced in your wrong ass world view is exactly what a bpdfag would do.
No. 478708
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>Farmer has no retortI'm shocked
No. 478709
>>478704>I hope you get permabanned because not only did you admit to starting shit on lolcow frequently I read through the posts of you two and this never happened…?
I'm the OP in the other thread and I already said that I'm a pale brunette too, it's not about the features it's about the attitude and behavior, so quit acting as if I'm out to get you personally.
The thing that I find annoying is that you can't post one thing without farmers accusing you of being jealous. I was trying to describe types of weebish fake cute girls who are cold towards other women while trying to attract male attention. That's not nice or desireable, that's sad.
No. 478722
>>478714I hate having to define myself politically because my views are so all over the place. I feel like the whole left/right spectrum is mostly bullshit. I think there should be more diversity of opinion and that sometimes people hold back about their actual opinions/beliefs in order to be accepted as right/left/what ever. It's all very clique-ish and tribalistic…
Tinfoil but may be the right/left spectrum was actually created so that people don't actually have to think in order to form their political opinions or to divide people.
No. 478835
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>Forgot my lunch today, you have anything I could eat?
>I have some honey nuts
>I don't like those.
No. 478841
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>my friends and I: talking about pretty anything ever
>this one fake nerd friend who read about super heroes on tvtropes once: actually this reminds me of a meme by [insert the exact same video game youtuber every single time] that I'm gonna explain in great details and that only makes sense in a specific context in his videos :)
>my friends and I: talking about weird but funny or cute BL, shojo manga, romcom movie or series, cute male character, etc.
>still the same friend who's trying too hard to be not like the other girls: eww that's gross because it's too girly. anyway my favorite guy is Vegeta because he's strong!!1!
Literally no fun allowed incarnate, holy shit.
No. 479486
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Sup radical rockers you ready for an adult free cool-topia adventure
No. 479494
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>>479486samefagging, but it feels like a downgrade from the comic
No. 479500
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>>479486lmfao why did I think that was eddie from that's so raven at first glance
No. 479712
>>479663It's not that there's too many people it's that it's becoming population dense and nobody knows how to handle it
Like reducing traffic by only using cars if they absolutely have too, building more housing and apartments, landlords and real estate agents being blood suckers and not caring that a 1 bedroom 500 square foot house for $990,000 is on the market for 6 yrs straight, everyone up charging anything possible for no apparent reason, if the population halfed in LA on the bay area or whatever populated place people complain about being populated the same shit would still happen
Like new York when population started booming they simply just build more apartments, nowadays instead of fixing problems people would just rather blame others
No. 479761
>>479733in a way yes and no
I agree there's tons of dumbass young people who think they're too good for anything that's not a big famous city but nobody wants to fix anything, just bitch
oh and stop drilling into peoples minds that they HAVE to have kids, start urbanizing more rural areas and provide more opportunities in those areas
I'm not denying overpopulation is a thing, I'm saying people just don't know how to handle it
No. 479886
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theirs this one emo/goth girl in my english class who says she only hates men and yet refers to all the other female classmates as brain dead bimbos's even when they are all dressed pretty modestly and she herself has a boyfriend
I really don't wanna deal with her and her BS
No. 480052
>>479886>theirs>bimbos'sMaybe you should pay more attention in that English class. This honestly just sounds like some middle/high school girl shit, you have to be 18+ to post here.
(No one you interact with in high school matters, everyone's going through their own fucked up puberty mentally and physically and they're all self-obsessed. Most of them will grow out of it, just stop giving her your energy and get out of your hometown when you can)
No. 480053
>>480001A sun-lamp/winter depression lamp is a good idea. Also consider taking vitamin D supplements if you spend less time in the sun in this country.
In addition try wearing wool underclothes (tights and long sleeved shirt combo) and see if preserving more body warmth helps.
No. 480359
>>480248>I'm in uni right now and I haven't had a real career, so it makes me worried that I'm going to balloon up tooSo what if it did? Life happens.
That's why it's a bit silly to say things about your friends like "ruined their bodies." Unless they're 600 pound planets, they can recover or just make better choices to be the best they can be for that moment.
No. 480362
>>480356I don't think that's true. I think people's habits change when they leave the house. People might eat healthier and play sports in high school when they live with their parents. Then they stop playing sports, start having unlimited access to junk food, and also start drinking more.
None of the people I have in mind are 300 lb deathfats. They might have gained 30 or 40 lbs since high school and it makes them look way worse.
>>480359This is the annoying thread, not the immoral or unhealthy thread. I just think it is annoying. I do hope these people lose weight because they would look better.
>>480361Like I said, I just think it looks unfortunate. I'm not worried about their health.
No. 480363
>>480361>and yet this is incredibly bitchyWelp, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Anon said something bitchy because anon is bitchy.
No. 480369
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We're on a gossip site. Why would people be surprised that someone might be bitchy here?
Here is a random example of someone I'm friends with on fb. Never was very close with him irl. On the left is him eight years ago and on the right is today. Obviously the ages are different, but I think he looks less attractive than if he had just remained at a healthy weight.
Is the end of the world? No. But I don't understand why weight gain HAS to happen. I enjoy eating, drink beer, and don't exercise, yet I haven't gained much weight since then. I have just managed to achieve moderation and for some reason these people haven't, which is unfortunate.
No. 480370
>>480369He doesn't look that much bigger though
Also genetics maybe?
No. 480398
>>480369>I don't understand why weight gain HAS to happen. I enjoy eating, drink beer, and don't exercise, yet I haven't gained much weight since then.Newsflash anon, but not everyone is you. There are multiple factors that contribute to weight gain like muscle type, hormones, the way your brain reacts to sugar/food/alcohol (that can make it more addictive to certain people) and most of all gut bacteria. Something important to remember is that if you have a bad diet/lifestyle it can alter your gut bacteria and hormones so that even when you change to a better diet/lifestyle it doesn't automatically fix your bad gut bacteria and hormones and you stay overweight. Also some people have Prader-Wilis syndrome or similar conditions, some people have leptin deficiencies etc. It doesn't necessarily mean they haven't learned moderation.
And let's not forget that junk food is a multi-billion dollar industry and if you live in America there's added sugar and shit tons of sodium in pretty much everything, even in foods that are marketed as "healthy" and there's also aggressive marketing to get people to buy fast food/processed food everywhere you go. The public school system doesn't teach people good nutrition either or healthy habits, they just use the food pyramid which is bullshit.
Not that you care about any of that though, I know you just came here to humble brag.
No. 480432
>>480415the guy you posted doesn't even look that heavy though, just a bit chubby. but some people are more disposed to weight retention than others and even if they have a beer once in a while it can really show and you don't have to have full blown PWS for that. your hormones and whatnot just slow down as you get older, and with some people they slow down earlier. also like I said there's also issues with a bad diet altering your gut bacteria and hormones and even if you go back to a good diet and have things in moderation you don't always lose all the weight because your hormones and gut bacteria stop that from happening.
of course in his case it could just be lack of moderation but it isn't always that.
No. 480755
>>480369I think people just need to find out what works for them, I'm thin despite if I eat a lot of shit but lots of sodium makes me bloat and sugar makes me break out so I just avoid that and I'm fine, for others they may gain fat easily so they find ways to avoid that, people just need to figure out how their body works and work with it
Imo, especially for Americans food is way too advised off as something comforting, ways to bond, coping mechanisms, etc
The fact there's even a section of food called "comfort foods" which is unhealthy shit, the fact in every American show or movie there's the girl who downs ice cream and brownies after a break up, how teens hanging out must mean pizza and junk food, how all college kids need to go get drunk and go to waffle house and shit. American cafeteria food is unhealthy and bland, forcing kids to either starve or go to whatever fast food place is near their school and binging once they get home, they don't listen to precautions when they say stuff like "sugar substitutes actually causes you to gain weight" as if adding diet cokes to their vending machine will help, fruits and veggies are over processed and "healthy, local" food is overpriced
The government does not give a single fuck about average Americans and it fucking sucks
No. 481317
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I hate how you can make a starter pack that literally appeals to 50% of the population and redditors will cream their pants over how relatable it is. Like how is this unique?
No. 481319
>>481317People who like this type of content are so eager to make themselves out to be some kind of tragic
victims or quirky and different for their so-called issues while living a completely normal life and having standard mental health in response to their standard boring lifestyle. Even mild non-debilitating shyness gets called "social anxiety" by so many people online now because they read some text posts made to make them feel special for getting a little nervous ordering food or calling the doctor.
No. 481321
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>>481317Samefagging, but This one was kind of good.
No. 481348
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>I was a talented smart kid
>I never learned to study
>I flunked High school/college
You can see the jerk on reddit all the 'smart people are likely to be depressed', 'don't call your kid smart. Praise there hard work', and 'i burnt out in highschool'. It's an actual argument, but you see redditors who got put in fast track in pre-k still cling onto that excuse in Uni. I have college class mates still bitter over how there parents called them smart.
No. 481399
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>ok boomer
I'm already tired of this Dimb meme. I have a feeling we are going to have to endure it for a while. Ugh. D:
No. 481401
you disagreed with me about something so I will now refer to you with the name of a generation born in the years following WW2 haha checkmate someone who's probably the same age as me!
No. 481472
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>>443618I hate how shorter men tend to have squared chubby bodies and rounder face, they feel like a stretched image, it is funny. besides, the shorter the man is the more bossy he is.
Taller men are better looking and much more chill.
No. 481474
>>481472I don't have a strong preference for height, I just like a guy to be my height or a bit taller, I would even date a guy who is a bit shorter than me if he had some redeeming quality. I also disagree tall men are more chill, and some tall men are total assholes because they know women love their height and it gets to their head.
But it does irk the fuck out of me how men care so much about women's age (among other things) when it comes to dating but then get up in arms about the poor little rejected manlets. As if men don't have preferences themselves.
No. 481476
>>481474OP here, I'm pretty short myself so even many manlets are taller than I am, my
abusive father was a manlet himself which possibly is making me biast.. it is true that some are full of themselves because they got lucky and won the genetic lottery by being tall but they are far chiller than their shorter opponents who have more
abusive tendencies -and they're more pissy in general due to their napoleon complex.