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No. 50118
>>50114 they don't all want dick, they want dick that's attached to someone who has their shit together.
you being a pussy ass little bitch loosing to the smallest fucking dicks on the planet that smell like ass with their street shitting game shows that you are the most pathetic excuse for a human being.
You're not even male, you've got no libido to the point you decided that you are going to do nothing with your life but bitch like some type of entitled little cockwad.
Work on your shit and you'll get what you want. Be a little bitch and you'll get scraps.
No. 50127
>>50124>meme infographsCome on now
>>50121>How can you guys hate women for "not being loyal", for cheating, ect when you yourselves often advocate polygamy and feel it's acceptable in men? Literally what the fuck are you talking about? No man aside from Muslims wants polygamy and I sure as fuck don't. It's women pushing this sort of shit and your ignorance of this
triggers the fuck out of me. I can't even begin to count the number of ""polyamorous"" women I've ran into over the years. The biggest pushers for that garbage are women
>>50122I just want women to tell the truth for once
>>50118>you being a pussy ass little bitch loosing to the smallest fucking dicks on the planet that smell like ass with their street shitting game shows that you are the most pathetic excuse for a human being. Are we talking about Indians now? Either way I'm glad you also admit cock size is hugely important to women
>>50119Don't women like being dominated and treated like shit though? I'm not sure of this myself but it certainly seems to be a pattern I've noticed
No. 50129
>>50127>Don't women like being dominated and treated like shit though? I'm not sure of this myself but it certainly seems to be a pattern I've noticedHave you left the house lately or is this from watching teen dramas?
Why don't you try dominating a woman and see if you can keep her then? You seem to have it figured out.
No. 50131
>>50129Because women have the complete advantage and I could go to prison if she changed her mind years later and says all sex we had was rape
I'm not trying to be provocative with this, but all the most popular porn videos watched by women are almost all gangbangs and rape porn.
>>50128Bit rude
No. 50133
>im such a nice guy but girls only go for the asswipes
>I'm glad you admit penis size matters.It doesn't matter as much as you think it does. If you're getting to the point of sex, penis size isn't going to be the deal breaker. Girls can't guess penis size the first time they meet you
>i just want women to tell the truth for onceHave you considered that what one woman holds true for her own life doesn't apply to the next woman? Or are all females just one entity to you?
No. 50136
>>50132Uh, what's so hard to believe about this?
>>50131The hell did you get the statistics that women are most interested in rape porn?
No. 50137
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>>50117Oh shut the fuck up with your goddamn victim complex and stop watching so much cuckold porn. Women don't date you because you're a piece of shit, not because you're white.
No. 50139
>>50133Women as a whole find skin more attractive the darker it is. That's been proven and pretty simple biology. Same with height and penis size which aren't huge issues for me (6.7" and 6'1 tall). I just wish women wouldn't lie about this. Only thing keeping me back is being white in 21st century America
>>50136Go to any porn site and look under Female watchers. I won't go because I cut myself off from porn about 2 years ago when I made my last attempt before I gave up. I have no desire to get back into it. It's poison for the mind, not exaggerating on this. If you guys watch it I suggest you stop
Also it's hard to believe because all the Hispanics I know hate white people
>>50137I said no meme graphs earlier in the thread. These are largely women who rode the cock carousel and are looking to settle down with the beta who studies in school and brings in money
No. 50142
>>50137my nigga
>>50131>>50127>I'm such a nice guyThere's a difference between being a nice guy and being a cockwad pussy ass little cunt.
stand up for yourself, get your shit together, go outside, go travel, go see the fucking world.
Stop living in a little box and watching mandingo porn and getting off to it thinking that's the world.
women don't really watch porn, they read those touchy feely books
inb4 50 shades of faggots and rather a cerebral connection rather than physical.
but since your mind is just full of retard, you won't be getting any action outside of your palms.
Keep up the good work protecting that virginity
No. 50144
>>50140I'll admit I'm a bit defeatist now because I've accepted how things are. I used to be a happy and outgoing guy but it never went my way
>>50141What part of my post do you take issue with?
Hispanics do hate white people
Women do find darker skin more attractive because it indicates more testosterone
>>50142>Stop living in a little box and watching mandingo porn and getting off to it thinking that's the world. See my post above. I haven't watched porn in years. I also have traveled outside the country. Been to South America and the Phillipines after I dropped out of school. They were interesting places but I was very much alone
No. 50145
>>50127Why can't you find a woman if you're such an expert on what women want?
>The biggest pushers of polygamy are women LOL. Men consider it to be completely normal for them to sleep around with lots of women. The worst nightmare for a man is monogamy, they hate it. If they could be polygamist, they would be in a heart beat. Men are always bragging about how many different women they fuck. They don't empathize or feel guilt, they're completely lacking in love and loyalty.
>meme infographsCan't check sources?
No. 50150
>>50149>but blonde men are always fucking stupid and go for mud women.Can't tell if you're trolling here.
>That's why women want love and men want sexYou're pretty deluded if you think this. I don't care about sex anymore. If this is your impression quit liking douchebags
No. 50152
>>50150If you don't care about sex why are you so concerned about what white women put in their pussies?
>>50147Well if you're just gonna go "o-only chads do xyz" they why won'tyou listen when we tell you only whoreish women do xyz?
No. 50154
>>50139Well hispanics do talk a lot of shit about white people, but everyone talks shit about other races. Hispanics I know mostly DESPISE black people.
Anyways, I work in the academic field so all the hispanic women I know are college educated and sort of hipster so they gravitate towards white men. Maybe not a generalization but I live in New Mexico which has the biggest hispanic population in the US. I also know hispanic women who like black men or dislike white men, but a large portion of women I personally know date white and never admit that it's their preference.
>>50139Your source is porn sites you haven't visited in two years? That's quite a sample source.
No. 50156
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>>50151I wish I was Asian a lot of the time tbh.
>>50152>If you don't care about sex why are you so concerned about what white women put in their pussies?For the thousandth time I don't care, but I want you guys to be up front about not wanting white men instead of beating around the bush about it
>>50153Yes. I have chosen this. Epicly meme'd my friend. I went to bars and festivals and shit to try and make friends, but it didn't work out
>>50154There's a bunch of infographs I've seen in addition to this. To be fair, I find the men's side to be pretty disgusting, but the women's side is far more depraved imo.
No. 50158
>I went to bars and festivals and shit to try and make friends, but it didn't work outBecause you're a whiny little cockwad.
People seem to not like those. Wow what a surprise.
No. 50159
>>50155Armenian is pretty specific. I can see the Asian one pretty easy though
>>50157>Then why do men go to such great lengths to avoid commitment? Any examples of this? All comes back to the Chad archetype and how women can't help but be attracted to the worst type of men tbh
>>50158You seem upset
No. 50160
>>50156How much times do i have to say individual women cannot represent the population, and the population can not represent the individual woman?
And no, women still want white men. Just mot beta fucks like you.
No. 50164
>>50161Asian is pretty high for both genders
What's your point? I'm right about women being more into gangbang and rough sex type stuff which was the whole reason I posted the infograph
>>50160>And no, women still want white men. Just mot beta fucks like you.Find me a video akin to the video of the sluts on the beach for white men and I'll reconsider my stance concerning this
>>50163Not asking for help I'm just trying to make a breakthrough in the female mind so you can finally admit things us men all know about you
No. 50170
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>>50168Yes I've heard this before too
>>50167>getting married soonI'm so sorry
>>50169More tame than most women
No. 50173
>I'm so sorryI'm happy as fuck, this is exactly what I want, because I chose who I wanted.
Because I'm not a whiny little cockwad like you.
No. 50176
>>50175>Porn isn't popular among womenI wish this was true
>>50174Just shows a general undeniable trend.This one's allowed
>>50173Have fun becoming a cuck and losing half your income when she dumps you
No. 50178
>>50164>Not asking for help I"m just trying to make a breakthrough in the female mind so you can finally admit things us men all know about you…
Why wouldn't we tell you what we know about OURSELVES? Is our gender full of liars or idiots?
The hell, man? You wonder why you have no friends.
No. 50181
>>50175Lmfao bitch, touch your pussy, it will thank you. Stop depriving yourself of shit, pint isn't exclusive to men because every
Animal enjoys sex.
No. 50182
>>50176Is it because it's yours?
This is why white girls won't date you.
No. 50184
Wish porn wasn't popular at all
>>50179No marriage is great if women, specifically white, weren't complete dogshit with a complete lack of empathy. This has nothing to do with the fact he won't be able to fuck random hoes. This is about his wife fucking the whole office and then taking half his money in divorce
>>50178Women are very strange creatures. This has been reinforced by my time here because you people can't even tell the truth about not wanting white men and enjoying gangbangs
No. 50189
>>50185k den.
why u salty then, go die alone. Shoo, shoo.
No. 50190
>>50184>oy vey >all women want is your money and to fuck the whole office>everyone needs to work in an office>porn is real guys>i can only stereotype outliers don't exist, all marriages fail, everything is sorted out for you so why don't you have friends?
Maybe because noone likes a cockwad.
No. 50196
>>50189Probably millionth time now. I just want you to give me your reasons for refusing to date white men
>>50193I've just seen some examples irl and more than you can imagine online. I find them beautiful, but they are toxic and I'm pretty convinced they have no theory of mine (ie they cant comprehend others point of view)
No. 50200
>>50195Because it's fun as fuck, join in.
>>50196Then why bitch about it if you have it all figured out?
Just hurry up and die alone cockwad, you're wasting my oxygen
No. 50202
>>50198Hahahahahahahahaaha lmfao!!!!
Wtf bahahaha, sure, blame it on that. You are so fucking dense dude. Get a grip.
No. 50203
>>50200I'll be offing myself when I'm 30 don't worry
>>50199I just want explanations
No. 50204
>>50203This whole thread has given you the explanation, you're a cockwad. Stop being a cockwad and your view would change.
Maybe you may even make friends. [b] gasp [/b]
No. 50205
>>50203The explanation is that you're a fucking faggot who wants to blame his unlovable personality on his race.
That's it. That's all folks.
No. 50207
If we lived in a tribal type environment or any society where strength and physical prowess were values above dumb shit like skin tone I wouldn't be having this issue
>>50204I've only developed these views in the past year or so.
You guys are posting a lot, but you aren't giving me an explanation
>>50205Except that's not true
No. 50209
>>50208I don't want to be coddled here
I just wish you guys would stop spouting stupid memes and give me a solid explanation
No. 50210
>>50207Except that is the truth.
You're just a little whiny cockwad who cannot get any friends.
Because of your attitude, you're not going to make any friends. You're not going to get any women either.
No. 50212
>>50210Then explain how I managed to make no friends before I became a bitter old man
>>50211In direct response to white women having some sort of mass exodus to nonwhite dick. White women are to blame for that
No. 50213
>>50197Uh, I'm sure there's good porn out there, but I'm generalizing it because, generally, that's why women don't like porn. My initial response was when you responded to anon about women not liking porn and saying she's a prude. Porn is over-saturated with the worst stuff ever.
Link me to something you like? I'm done being antagonistic and I'm just curious. I'm up for good porn.
No. 50214
>>50213I'm disgusted now
That's also a main reason white men are undesirable is because nonwhites are being pushed in the porn industry like no other
No. 50219
>>50212read the thread, see how much of a little shit you've been and understand that people don't like to hang out with people like this.
people like to have fun, women like security, assertiveness (not to be confused with domination), affirmation and most importantly confidence.
If you can build that up and share that with a woman (as in make her feel the same way) she's yours.
No. 50222
>>50220I wasn't. I was very happy and outgoing, but I was crushed and turned down repeatedly and voila.
>>50219Those all come second to physical appearance though. You can't even begin to get to know or talk to women if they don't like your physical traits
No. 50230
>>50222You can't begin to get to know or talk to women if your physical traits are WORSE than theirs.
Maybe you need to talk to women that are either at your level as far as physical attraction or lower?
No. 50232
>>50230Not the cockwad, but you can punch above your level if you have balls.
I've done it a few times. It's not hard.
No. 50234
>>50229Okay just some fat guy with acne everywhere
>>50228Honestly I haven't seen my reflection in 4 months now. I have a thing against looking at myself in the mirror (I removed my bathroom mirror in fact). I've done this since I was about 15. Whenever I catch a glimpse of myself I just want to die so I dont have any reflective things around the house. Even stabbed out my phone's selfie camera because I accidentally flipped it towards me
>>50230>this meme againThis is fundamentally why women can never understand how it is to be a man. I literally tried hitting on bbws for a year and they wouldn't give me the time of day. I have no standards in terms of looks
>>50231She was white hispanic. I said earlier I liked med features and she was olive skinned with brown hair and dark eyes. Really liked her tbh.
No. 50241
>>50235>acne is solely hygieneI've never had a problem with acne but my skin is pretty dog shit which is definitely a factor along with being white. Shitty skin and being white kind of ties together though lol
>>50236Who'd you leave him for though?
>>50238I can't though. I've been to therapy for this before ffs. I even have had meds for a bunch of shit, but I'm not a big believer in them. Last time I took anything was when I was like 20
>>50239I meant BBWs as in just obese chicks. Idk if there's a difference. I'd see one I thought looked nice and try talking to them
No. 50242
>>50234Ok but did you already state what ethnicity you are? Because that seems to matter to you.
Honestly, you seem neurotic as fuck, and that might be a turn off. Totally depends on wher you are though.
No. 50243
>>50242I'm white and this causes most of my problems
I also don't believe in any sort of mental illness. You can't just label people who view the world differently as mentally ill and ignore them
No. 50248
>>50246Well I'm almost 30. Wish I didn't just realize this…
Want to go to bed and never wakeup tbh
No. 50250
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Welp now I'm just completely drained and depressed. Overall good conversation and I will see you guys tomorrow
No. 50253
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>>50249Sorry to hear
>>50251I mostly like chubby mexican girls tbh
This girl is hardly chubby but I look through all my pics of her every morning. I don't want model women. Just a nice 4-6/10 who won't cheat on me and is fun to have around. I don't deserve any of that though because I bring nothing to the table. I wouldn't date me
Good night for real now
No. 50254
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Lol I'm in bed
I kinda worked myself up into a rage. I'm so fucking frustrated about everything I just let it all out every once in awhile
No. 50258
>>50256They're just the most common. If anything redheads and sometimes blondes are the most desired.
Some guys like brunettes because it's a lowkey "undesirable" trait and therefore makes them more attainable.
No. 50269
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>>50264Reverse traps are A-okay.
No. 50272
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>tfw read Muv-luv Alternative again>tfw extreme feels>tfw all that suffering>that ending is still my favorite VN with G-senjou.
No. 50273
>>50260This, this, this.
I think the one thing that irritates me the most is not them generalising all women, that shit actually makes me laugh, but them generalising all men and trying to bring them down to their dirty, stooped level is maddening in its hypocrisy.
I've been with my fiancé 9 years and he's the best human being I've ever known and my beet friend, and he tells me likewise.
Like if soulmates really exist then this is legit it.
However the amount of times I've been discussing our relationship casually on places like /r9k/ as proof of evidence against a claim and I've received a torrid of replies along the lines of shit like "implying he's not just with you because he's been unable to trade up yet", "implying he doesn't constantly compare your pushy and tits to other girls when he's with his guys friends" or "he's definitely fucking other women when you're not around you dumb whore".
They just don't get it. They seriously, SERIOUSLY believe that every man is this horrible little clone of themselves and identical in their depravity and lack of honour or dignity and it's not only insulting to these other men specifically but to all men as a whole.
These are the same guys who claim that it is women who are without love or reason or morality, but with every other breath they're promoting this notion of every man being this romantically absent, clunge-hunting beast who's secret desire in life is to attain peak polygamy and is constantly thinking of his next sexual conquest; that men are incapable of desiring love and romance and stability and adventure with a single partner.
Don't bring all the good, decent men of this world down to your level creeps.
No. 50275
>>50241perhaps you should reconsider your stance on meds and go back to taking them, m8
>>50273those replies from r9k just sound like trolls. tbh r9k just seems like the troll board, but some retards are dumb enough to believe the shit they spout. it is all practically shitposting. hiroyuki should just delete it at this point.
No. 50276
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>>50275/r9k/ was deleted once, in 2010 or 2011? It was gone for over a year and there was such an enormous backlash and the faggotry inevitably polluted every other board that after a while it was brought back as a containment board.
You wouldn't know unless you were around at the time though but /r9k/ was opened in 2008 and it was a wildly different board from what it is today.
It was frequented by both men and women equally with zero complaint and actually functioned as a more tame /b/ and /soc/ combined, but then a few years later /soc/ was made and a vast portion of the traffic redirected there and /r9k/ got left with all the misfits who didn't feel like they belonged on other boards and eventually it came to be what you see today.
Original /r9k/ doesn't resemble present /r9k/ in any way.
One of the biggest tells for me is that the present users of /r9k/ refer to themselves as /robots/, but the original pseudonym was actually /arcanines/ (/rk9's/, get it?).
No. 50278
>>50277Completely personal preference. Some will care a lot, others won't.
Know what will really kill your chances? If you act unconfident about it. Don't go the extreme combover route and don't constantly fiddle with your hair in public.
No. 50279
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>>50278Been keeping it buzzed lately, I have the head shape for it so it looks good I guess. Still I'm gonna miss my hair.
No. 50284
>>50279Well, I can't see any thinning at all from the photo but if you say it's bad then that sucks Anon.
This it's just one of those unfortunate things men have to cope with, like we get periods and shit.
No. 50285
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>>50284Just gotta deal with it I guess, gotta work on my other parts. Still being the second bald guy in the family sucks, hell grandpa still has shoulder length hair at 70. I just liked fiddling with my hair.
No. 50287
Good God, robots. At least try.
>it's been proven girls like men that are darker!>no, we like white men better. >l-liar! I'm a man, I'd know what you like better! >>50277Not really. I've dated a man who was balding in his mid 20s. He shaved it and looked a lot better without hair. He had the face for it. It really depends on your facial features if you can pull off a shaved head.
No. 50292
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OP's view of the world.
No. 50296
>>50117>ImplyingBro.. no.
Unless you're like fuck ugly you shouldn't have a problem pulling a bitch.
Only people who might have a problem pulling a girl due to their race are either blacks or middle eastern dudes.
No. 50297
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>>50121You're delusional if you think any man(besides chads) want's more than one woman at once.
One of you is already hard enough to keep happy because really 90% of the time we have no idea what the fuck it is you want
No. 50299
>>50258Keep lying to yourself lol
Guys like brunettes because a lot of the time they ain't stereotypically airheads, whores, or bimbos like blondes for example.
Dunno about redheads though, They're like the niggers of hair
No. 50301
>>50297Fucking this. I don't know what that chick is smoking
Have you noticed a lot of women are "polyamorous" these days or is it just me?
No. 50303
>>50276Cool story?
>>50264Are you serious? That'd be awesome. Especially if they brought cute costumes into the bedroom
No. 50308
>>50307How old are you? I'm 20 and see polyamorous chicks everywhere. Same with bisexuals.
On the other hand I go to university so it's full of special snowflakes
No. 50309
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How do I find a casually (not neo-nazi) racist gf (any race) who won't leave me for Tyrone?
No. 50310
>>50308I'm nearing 24. The only times I've heard of people wanting multiple partners are guys talking about their fuck fantasies with their friends, but that's different from wanting an actual relationship with multiple women.
>polyamorous chicks everywhere>bisexual>at universityGee, what a surprise.
>>50309They are everywhere, just don't expect someone to be a casual racist in public.
No. 50312
>because that's what women are attracted toBut they're not. That's an extreme minority of women.
Mostly you're just angry and upset at your inability to procure a partner so it's easier for you to just label every male who does have one as a "douchebag" rather than acknowledge and accept your own failings. I see it ALL the time.
No. 50316
>>50299I'm a brunette myself. I'm talking from experience.
I agree most guys who must have blonds are usually into stereotypical bimbos. And guys like redheads almost solely because their rare. But those fetishes are way more common than simply liking brown hair.
No. 50325
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>tfw thread goes in to turbo shitposting
>tfw I just want to talk to people
No. 50333
>>50329I did
>>50331To be fair girls going on Springbreak like them are generally huge whores so this is hardly surprising
No. 50334
>>50330Only size queens want huge dicks. You do realize most women get nothing from penetration no matter the size, right? Less than 20% percent of women can orgasm without clitoral stimulation. And that's at all not regularly.
If you actually want to be liked learn to eat pussy.
No. 50335
>>50334But anon, he's
white! That's a curse straight from hell! Women absolutely hate white men. All of them. Every single one hates white men and will never, ever consider dating a white guy.
Being white is the only reason this
nice guy is alone. It's a curse he can never change!
No. 50342
>>50164>Not asking for help I'm just trying to make a breakthrough in the female mind so you can finally admit things us men all know about you>Please justify my bigotry, I can't find evidence anywhere and want to finally be right about something>>50176>This one is undeniable because I think so>It's allowed because I think it's right, and that trumps my previous "no meme graphs" statementChrist almighty, I had thought you were just misguided by too many years on a cesspit like /pol/ or /r9k/, but now I think you're actually touched in the head.
>Have fun becoming a cuck and losing half your income when she dumps you>cuck cuck cuck cuck>No stable fulfilling relationships can happen because I can't possibly think of a women that doesn't fit my preconceived idea.You fucking degenerate.
>>50156>Yes. I have chosen this. Epicly meme'd my friend. I went to bars and festivals and shit to try and make friends, but it didn't work outWell shit, when you come across as so open minded and friendly, I have a hard time seeing why!
>>50184>No marriage is great if women, specifically white, weren't complete dogshit with a complete lack of empathySee, friendly and treats each person like they're an individual capable of independent thought. What a catch!
>This has nothing to do with the fact he won't be able to fuck random hoes. This is about his wife fucking the whole office and then taking half his money in divorceFuck sake man, I'm going to give you the same advice I give borderline SJW retards. Stay off /r9k/, /pol/, or whatever hub of retards you visit daily, for at least a month. Your view of the world will change, and things will be so much nicer.
No. 50347
>>50345Meant for>>50343
I slept like shit last night.
No. 50348
>>50345What state?
completely different from where I live
No. 50349
>>50344>I go to /r9k/, wizardchan, /pol/Jesus cock-sucking Christ, nothing about this surprises me. Stay out of those hugboxes for at least a month, you will see the world open up.
Go outside, hide your powerlevel, and just meet people. Very few people are the walking caricatures that /pol/, /r9k/, and wizchan portray them as.
No. 50350
>>50348I told you, I live in Texas. More specifically the shit parts of Houston.
>>50323 Here
No. 50351
Okay what body type is most attractive to women?
I'd also like to know what women find attractive in general nowadays
>>50338Best example to counteract your delusion is the /r/ladyboners subreddit. It was almost entirely pictures of white men being upvoted everyday so nonwhites created their own /r/pocofcolor or some shit. This happened a year or so ago
No. 50353
>muscles>6'+>big frame>full head of hair>blue/green eyes>thick eyebrows>sharp jawline and a jawOnly type of man majority of women like.
No. 50354
>>50352I mean I'm guessing it's mostly populated by women so yes?
Can any women confirm?
No. 50355
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>>50353>tfw all these things but also have severe rosaceaI almost made it bruhs
No. 50356
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>>50352Just checked it, god damn I feel like an ugly piece of shit already. Fuck this cosmic lottery bullshit.
No. 50357
Me too. Shit sucks
>>50356Are you a guy?
No. 50359
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Did all the femanons leave?
>>50358Most women don't look like your waifus either fam. Those are the ideals, but that doesn't mean you have to look like that to find someone
No. 50360
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>>50352Yes and no. It's on reddit and full of fatties. In my experience fatties prefer muscular men much more than normal women do.
>>50351Body-type preferences range from girl to girl. I've never actually heard of a girl liking a bodybuilder. Almost every girl I've talked to thought they were disgusting even. Most women like skinny or ottermode.
My favorite body-type is skinny. I can still find more muscular guys attractive, but not as much as skinny ones.
No. 50363
>>50359I'm just slow and tired as fuck.
>>50353muscles - depends definitely don't be fat
6'+ - not unless they're tall themselves
big frame - definitely not
hair - Yup, unless you pull off shaved
eye color - most don't care
eyebrows - What?
Jawline - depends on the look you're going for
Women like different things. Other than a few things they hate like fat, combovers, bad hygiene, and bodybuilders they have different preferences.
No. 50364
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So I was looking on /r/ladyboners and this was one of the only black guys on there. I'll be the first to admit I'm pretty awful at judging male attractiveness, but I really don't think this guy deserves 3k upvotes kek. Was this a "oh we're not bigoted :p" type of upvote?
I mean his suit is spot-on though. He's certainly not ugly, but he seems out of place with all the other top spots on the subreddit
No. 50365
>>50361Some girls like abs when their subtle, but most don't care. They might like big arms if they're into big guys, but the body has to match.
The body has to be proportionate. So no tiny waists and huge upper bodies. I've seen women like wrestlers, but they've never had that waist to shoulder ratio.
No. 50368
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I'm sure this has been discussed quite a lot, but height ladies. How important is it?
I'm 5'11 which is manlet by a lot of 4channers, but I've never felt disadvantaged because of my height. Certainly other things though. I've also noticed at my height that a lot of men shorter than me claim to be 6'
>>50365>Some girls like abs when their subtle, but most don't careHmm that's entirely new to me. Proportionate makes sense though
No. 50369
>>50361depends on the woman. no point in pigeon holing the preferences of 50% of the world population.
like even pic related in
>>50360 is generalizing. nobody has met "most women," so it is hard to say what "most women" want.
No. 50370
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>>50368I know, or at least like to think, that most women aren't this cuntish (can't think of another word). I'm not a manlet, but it really pisses me off seeing shit like this. I seriously want to just smack the chick in this photo
No. 50371
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>>50369Obviously, but I've been lurking in different women's only places for over five years and talk to women almost exclusively in real life and I've never seen anything different.
And when I say women I mean around 16 to mid forties.
Also I made that pic from this one.
No. 50372
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>>50364Childish Gambino is cute as hell, dude. I prefer black guys over any other race and he's one of the cutest black guys I've seen. But it wouldn't surprise me if lots of the upvotes were white girls who wanted to avoid that white guilt by upvoting a black guy lmao.
No. 50377
>>50368We are all so seriously tired of answering this question.
There is whole other /robot/ thread prior to this; go look there.
No matter how many times it's said you don't fucking listen.
No. 50378
>>50368>>50370Most girls don't care about height unless they're tall themselves or are overcompensating like fatties tend to. I do hear tons of women complaining about guys who think they're short and refuse to date any girls less than five inches shorter than them. Or boyfriends throwing a fit when girls where heels because they're insecure.
I'm a 4'11 womanlet and had a guy that wasn't even interested in me throw a fit because I "was making him look like a midget on purpose."
No. 50379
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>>50374Ya I guess I was a bit out of line
>>50377I'm willing to listen here. Just trying to get simple answers for the height question
>>50378Would you say the bigger problem with short guys is low self esteem and confidence because of it?
No. 50383
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>>50351For me, men with a rugby players physique with a bit of fat, long hair and facial hair.
Basically, the bear type I guess?
Hmmmm Sébastien Chabal… he could wrestle my bear any day.
No. 50385
>>50379Definitely self esteem. Seriously, when I say "throw fits" I mean screaming and threatening to break up over 3 inch heels.
>>50382If you are than so am I.
No. 50386
>>50382He's a pretty popular guy, you might be a bit of a shut in. Its kay.
>>50351Quit asking these questions. We do not represent the general population of women, we never will.
I prefer muscle on my guys tho. Chubby white guys with beards are also a personal favorite, or any chubby guy who smells good.
I'm not really into skinny guys.
No. 50388
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>>50383This is what I mean by proportionate.
I guess might as well show you what I like too. I
No. 50389
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I know it says that any guy posting outside of designated robot threads will be banned, but would I be banned or just shat on in general for going into skincare threads on here? I have a lot of self confidence issues concerning my skin and I sure as fuck am not going to ask on /fit/ about this again. I asked in a designated skin care general on /fit/ and was basically just told to kill myself. I love 4chan, but it really isn't the most supportive place.
No. 50395
>>50389You only get banned for making /robot/ posts or creating /robot/ threads, so basically shit like barging into a skincare thread and saying "ALL WIMMYN R WHORES Y DO U LIKE BLACK DICKS SO MUCH LOL ROASTY TOASTIES".
Normal posting is of course fine.
No. 50396
>>50394Ya I'm there right now. Seems like people are a lot more helpful to others. Thanks!
I'm not going to get my hopes up though. Seems most people just have acne problems there which is not my issue. I've been to a dermatologist once and she just said deal with it pretty much kek
>>50395Thanks wasn't aware. Don't plan on memespouting here
No. 50397
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What would you if you discovered your boyfriend or a guy you like unironically listened to TayTay
I'm asking for a friend of course
No. 50403
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>tfw girls in my country don't give a shit about me
>I get a couple of grills interested of me when I go abroad
No. 50405
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>>50399Nice nice. I'll be sure to tell him that
>>50400Her cat love thing?
There's no way TayTay could be a bitch ;-;
>>50403I've never been abroad, but I've talked to quite a few Indian women online though. I'm never sending my face again though. About a year ago there was this girl from Mumbai who I talked to for a few weeks and we both had blank profiles on interpals and whatsapp. She sent me pics of herself and asked I did the same after a while. She was actually really pretty, but I sent a pic of myself and then she blocked me. Kinda hurt tbh
No. 50407
>>50353>musclesI actually like my men soft, but not blobs. I want somebody to cuddle, not a hard body that looks like lumps of shit.
>6'+It's hot if he's tall, but as long as he's not as short as I am then it's fine.
>big frameWhat is this even suppose to mean? That he's a whale? That he's incredibly buff?
>full head of hairDepends. I think men with shaved heads are hot.
>blue/green eyesEye color doesn't matter.
>thick eyebrowsDon't care.
>sharp jawline and a jawIt can be good looking, but a man looks best with a nice beard.
No. 50410
>>50405That picture was proven false.
I'm not sure about the bitch part tbh. People love to think that the sweeter you are the bitchier you are. Then again she does seem kinda off sometimes.
Most people on interpals are looking for money or casual sex. You won't find anything else unless you're super lucky.
No. 50417
>>50412I almost can't even tell you have an accent. You have a really nice voice too. Where are you from?
Also this might sound kinda stupid, but you have a really European sounding voice.
No. 50422
Muslim men are the only ones i won't give the time of day, they're fucking insane.
No. 50428
>>50427If your father isn't religious than your mother is already breaking the rules. Men are allowed to marry multiple non-religious people but women are forbidden.
Of course they are some muslims that are muslim in name only. I've heard that's how a lot of Turks are.
No. 50429
>>50335Uhhh, white is right.
Is there anything wrong with being a racial purist? I mean, I know there is according to the current fashionable opinion, but is it really so bad?
No. 50430
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What candidates are you currently going for in 2016? I only really talk about politics with men so I'm curious. I might not even vote at this point. They all look like shit.
Trump is a meme and I can't believe he's getting so many votes. We're fucked if he's elected, but it'll be funny as fuck
Hillary is equally awful and sleazy. Definition of career politician. She'll say whatever it takes to get elected and I just don't like her
Bernie: Meme
Carson: Might be a decent vp because he could address race relations better than some old white guy who nonwhites will just tune out
Rand: I actually like him but he's not going to win. Also don't think he's strong enough to run a country. I like him though
Jeb: I'll pass on another Bush tbh
>>50429Female? Most women I know don't really give a shit about race
No. 50437
>>50430Yeah. Maybe they say they don't care, since caring is racist, but I find women almost always prefer guys of their own race.
Statistically, black men are more likely to beat on white women, but it's usually the desperate type to date them in the first place. I'm not saying all black guys, but mostly one's raised in predominantly black areas. It's just a different culture.
No. 50439
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>>50435I'm hoping for some other candidate to jump in with common sense, but that's not going to happen. Might just vote third party this year
>>50437>Yeah. Maybe they say they don't care, since caring is racist, but I find women almost always prefer guys of their own race.True
No. 50440
>>50434I'm gonna butt in despite not being European, but everyone especially women are pissed that were even getting any in America. I can't imagine how bad it must be in Europe.
>>50437That's been my experience too. I know women who say they don't care but have only ever liked white guys.
No. 50442
>>50441Why would you think that? It's always guys going on about how they like exotic girls. And it's much more acceptable for guys to date out of their race.
Seriously where did this meme come from?
No. 50454
>>50450I'm a guy and want that more than sex for sure
I doubt a woman would complain about it unless it was really excessive
No. 50455
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>>50260>>50273>>50334I agree 100% with these posts, and it's a shame that they weren't really acknowledged.
>>50445>>50443I concur with these as well. A lot of you guys frequently visit/read/post on 4chan, reddit, maybe even 8chan or wizchan, etc. While the former two might have more girls posting than they used to, in the majority of threads – and probably the population as a whole – there is still the same kind of circular male-to-male logic many of you spout and reinforce one another's insecurities with.
>Can't find a girlfriend? Can't find love or even someone to just have sex with? It definitely has nothing to do with you m8, it's the sexual revolution, before this men didn't have to be 10/10 Chad with money, women took what they could get! Nowadays you hold a door for some Stacey and the next thing you know she and her friends are laughing about how ugly you are! Check out my greentext story or this set of studies about females/porn/fantasies/penis size/racial preference/etc. as evidence, bro.& so on.
What would REALLY truly benefit any one of you is looking into what could be wrong with your attitudes, or trying to dissect the rigid dichotomy you've set up between "men and women," which is really the worst thing you could do if you desire a fulfilling relationship in any regard with someone of the opposite gender, including platonic. This anon said it well
>>50160 (which, funny, the robot responding to her post didn't acknowledge the first and more important statement, just the jab at the end).
But instead of doing all that, because "wah it's too much work and women NEVER improve themselves!!", you've come to post on lolcow. This is a very niche- and female-oriented chan, yes, but it's unfair to see it as a place which 8chan described as a "female wizardchan," or represented best by the misandry general we had a while ago. I – and some other girls here, I'm sure – have no problem engaging in discourse with your viewpoints (and to put it in plural is putting it nicely), but so many of you say you want "honest answers" and for us to "admit" some kind of bullshit you've concocted internally, and are not truly open to any kind of discussion which might emulate progress.
No. 50456
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>tfw reading Goebbel's diaries and identify quite a lot with him as a young man
I don't know if this should be troubling or not
No. 50458
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>>50455Most women are shit, and I'll admit most guys are shit. It's all about sifting through the shit imo
No. 50461
>>50455>What would REALLY truly benefit any one of you is looking into what could be wrong with your attitudes, or trying to dissect the rigid dichotomy you've set up between "men and women," which is really the worst thing you could do if you desire a fulfilling relationship in any regard with someone of the opposite gender, including platonic.Eh. Frustrated virgin robot here. My lack of success with women isn't really a mystery. I don't view myself as a particularly high-quality person. I'm cowardly, overly-emotional, have poor impulse control, arrogant about the good qualities I do have, etc. I wouldn't want to date me.
I think my opinions on the nature of male-female relationships rank pretty low on my list of problems. Unless you meant to include the kinds of things I'm talking about in "attitudes", in which case, we're in agreement. I don't blame feminism for my lack of dating success, and I generally hate redpill/MGTOW ideology.
No. 50468
>>50463I'm nice to everyone tbh
I know I'll get the "hurr durr nice guy xd" meme but I don't like being mean to anyone. I used to joke around a lot when I had male friends. Problem for me is really that I've never had so much as a female acquaintance. I've never had an actual conversation with a woman aside from my mom. Women are complete mysteries to me
The people I've asked about this aren't talking about teasing, but like making women feel uncomfortable and lower their self esteem which I just don't want to do. Works on bar sluts pretty well I imagine, but I like to think most women wouldn't fall for this
No. 50469
>>50467Nah, you're good. I appreciate your honesty in
>>50461 re: "isn't really a mystery" and "I wouldn't want to date me." The sheer admittance of that says that your self-awareness is already ahead of some robots who just can't see an issue with themselves, or won't.
Not that I'm trying to "get beta males to post how shitty they are" or anything. Just a suggestion to anyone reading to consider themselves in a different way than they have been if they really can't find a solution.
No. 50477
>>50476Mmm, I don't. It's like playing on easy mode. It's just straight up easier to seduce a man than a woman, men have higher sex drives, and I don't think anything will ever change that. I kind of like the challenge of getting a woman, because they have higher standards.
Plus I really want biological kids of my own one day.
No. 50480
>>50475Uh, I've never heard of girls sharing guys nudes like that. Girls do sometimes gossip about dick size (not nearly as much as guys think tho) but I've never heard of showing their boyfriend's nudes off.
That's also why I don't send nudes, I don't want my guy's friends to see them and I'd also be worried about them ending up on 4chan lmao.
No. 50485
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>>50483I can't imagine getting as much attention as women do on a daily basis
No. 50486
>>50475Why would show of nudes of gf? Unless you have a cuck fetish or something that's pretty weird. The only time women talk about dick size to each other is to argue with one or two size queens. No one else cares. Un/Circumcised arguments go on for several pages though
>>50476Gay men have ten times worse when it comes to monogamy.
>>50483Men approaching 9.9 times out of ten just want to pump and dump.
No. 50495
>>50485Fuck off. The only attention I get is guys telling me to get a boobjob or that I should be grateful to suck their dick because flatchested girls don't deserve to have sex. Or that I should just accept the offer for a casual relationship because no man could live without having tits.
>>50488Again pump and dump. A lot of guys spam messages without even looking at pictures. They just want a living cumrag.
>>50490Now that I think about it it's probably about showing off "things you own." Like a car or a gun collection.
No. 50501
>>50497>>50498I've never even hugged a guy I'm not related to before. I was even desperate enough to ask a stereotypical neckbeard with a pony fetish out and got rejected. That was probably a blessing in disguise though.
The worst ones are the ones that say they don't mind but never shut up about how they wished they were bigger. or about how they "wouldn't mind" if I got a boobjob.
When I say flat I don't mean a b-cup. I can't even fit into an a-cup.
No. 50505
>>50495>They just want a living cumrag.Right, and I understand that you don't want to do that and I empathize with you, but do understand that there are lots of guys who would love to be used as a living dildo, they would love for a woman to say "get over here and lick my pussy because that's all you'll ever get", but they can't even get that. You're already in a place where a lot of men would love to be, but can't reach, even though that place doesn't personally satisfy you.
I'm not trying to argue with you or tell you that your feelings are wrong, I'm just explaining where some of the disconnect comes from.
No. 50506
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>>50501>I've never even hugged a guy I'm not related to beforeDidn't you claim earlier that people said you should be grateful to suck someone's dick?
Now I feel the whole dick size argument turned around on me a bit. Boobs aren't a big deal, but I see you've convinced yourself otherwise. Boobs are not important to me at least and I know plenty of plenty of men who have the same sentiment
No. 50508
>>50501Forgot to add my part of town is less than 20% percent white. Even the white are usually only into super curvy women. Three women in my family alone have gotten boobjobs. One of them even went from a d-cup to an e-cup because her husband wanted her to. I always knew that guy was a douchebag.
I went to my little sisters play the other week and I was even flatter than 7th graders.
>>50505Have you ever even eaten a girl out? Most men seem to hate it and hate the way average vag looks in general. The most common complaint women have is that men refuse to return the favor.
About being used liked a fucktoy. Men can get pleasure from that. Sex without both foreplay and lube is extremely painful for women and creates tears in vaginal canal.
>>50506A lot of it was in high school. Now I've also been randomly approached at places like outside buildings or at malls. It's part of the redpill/pick up artist shit. The tell men to pick up girls with no self esteem and my resting face is naturally sad looking. The other comments I get are when I've tried to ask a guy out.
This tiny box is really annoying when you're trying to type.
No. 50510
>>50508>Have you ever eaten a girl out?Yeah, I like it a lot. I know that not all men are into it, but a good number are.
>Sex without both foreplay and lube is extremely painful for women and creates tears in vaginal canal.You're right, fair enough.
No. 50511
>>50508>Forgot to add my part of town is less than 20% percent whiteWhy are you even living there kek
Boobjobs are also disgusting please don't ever get one
>Now I've also been randomly approached at places like outside buildings or at malls. It's part of the redpill/pick up artist shit. The tell men to pick up girls with no self esteem and my resting face is naturally sad looking.Or they think you're cute and want to get to know you. Don't mean to be rude but
>>50485 seems kind of accurate in your case
Do you really think all the people who approach you just want to pump and dump? What if there was a guy you would have gotten along great with who liked smaller chested women, but you turned him away because of your preconceived and distorted notions of men?
No. 50513
>>50506Again men almost always say they don't care. It's almost never the case. "I don't care so long as you have some" is also common and I don't count as having some. The same guy who say he likes all kinds always has to talk about how big breasts would be better.
Even when you do find someone who is actually okay with it or even likes it they're generally over 35. I'm 18 I don't want to date someone who's almost twice my age.
No. 50514
>>50513lol you're 18 and complaining about lack of experience.
Seriously, just chill out and don't worry about it. You have plenty of time. Especially if you go to college, you'll have lots of opportunities.
No. 50518
>>50514Currently in uni. Not the case for me
>>50513You're 18, you have lots of time to find someone
No. 50519
>>50511I already told you what they say. If they were actually okay with someone like me why would they constantly hint about boobjobs or just flat out say they don't like the way I look but "they can get over it eventually".
The neighborhoods went to shit. As soon as renting starts white people leave. There was a guy selling drugs three houses away.
>>50514Maybe, but I've never seen anyone actually have completely monogamous relationship with a flat girl. When I say completely monogamous I mean no strip clubs or burlesques or whorehouses.
Like I said the only small chested women in my family got boobjobs. When I asked them they admitted they got because of their husbands. I really really don't want to get a boobjob. I genuinely like my chest and always have. It's just other people who hate it.
No. 50520
>>50519>I genuinely like my chest and always haveWell that's good at least. I'll just leave it at that you have a lot of time and you'll learn many men don't care about it as much as you think they do
Wish other women were here to share experiences
No. 50522
>>50511The only guy I've turned down that didn't do the things I've talked about was a muslim man. No matter how lonely I get I could never ever date a muslim. Or at least not so long as I value my life.
>>50520It's not about thinking they do. Would you tell a girl with a doubles ds to get a reduction the first time you talk to her. How would that be any different?
No. 50524
>I genuinely like my chest and always have.It doesn't seem that way. If you liked your chest, you wouldn't care what other people think about it. And there's plenty of flat-chested girls in monogamous relationships, you must be dating shitty guys.
>>50520I'm a femanon but I really don't know any other women that have had experiences like that anon's. Even it that is a real issue that she's facing, it's not something lots of women have a problem with.
No. 50525
>>50522Honestly I can't even comprehend someone saying that especially upon meeting someone for the first time
You must be dating scum of the earth tbh
No. 50526
>>50519Move? Or go to college somewhere else (if you plan on going)?
Plenty of men don't care about breast size. Your neighborhood just has shitty men. Don't get a boobjob just to please one of those idiots.
No. 50527
>>50524I like my chest but I'd also like to have a relationship. I rather be an 80 year old kissless virgin than get fake tits. Even if it was just a b-cup. I find big breasts completely unaesthetic. Even if I do feel really guilty about saying that.
I live in a really shitty area. It's borderline 3rd world in some parts. There's also a problem with catcalling and stalking here.
>>50525I've never dated anyone. These are just pick up lines and reactions to being asked out.
No. 50528
File: 1449960765613.png (294.59 KB, 600x900, 1449904743321.png)

>tfw no nature loving tomboy gf
>tfw no tomboy gf to drag me out for jogging so I'll actually have motivation to lose weight
>tfw no tomboy gf to stargaze with
>tfw no tomboy gf to say she's cute and seeing her getting flustered
No. 50530
>>50527So people haven't actually told you that you should get a boobjob upon meeting you?
>>50528I'd like a sort of motherly gf who can wean me out of my autism and make me go out and do things and enjoy life. Not happening though because I'm shit
No. 50531
File: 1449961054328.jpg (53.23 KB, 375x500, e4534535436537456.jpg)

>>50527Then don't get a boob job. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and no decent guys care about your boob size. If you don't want a boob job, don't get one.
>>50528H-Hello, Robot-kun…
No. 50533
File: 1449961288552.png (257.49 KB, 600x1000, 1449845060917.png)

>>50530I like rr and gfd too but tomboy's are miracles of universe.
>>50531Hello to you too anon.
No. 50534
>>50532That's pretty awful tbh
That's the advice I've been given by people online but I can't do that
No. 50540
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>>50533Why is it so rare to find guys that are into tomboys? Grrr
No. 50541
>>50540A lot of guys are
Even harder to find rr gfs though
No. 50542
File: 1449962300906.png (601.59 KB, 696x1000, 1449859006770.png)

>>50540I met couple of tomboys in my life but only got close to one, she was great but she didn't wanted to do anything with me romantically due to my weight. It was crushing but at least now I'm 15 kg lighter because of it, gotta lose 25 more. M-maybe I'll find my happiness someday.
>>50541Yep, only met one girl genuinely in to gfd/rr.
No. 50544
>>50316Well i like brunettes and dark hair in general.
Plenty of guys think it's attractive.
Only people i've known who have gone for blondes are the stereotypical chads of my friends.
Never met anyone who went for a redhead though but i had an autistic redhead crush on me during secondary
No. 50545
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>>50543I haven't really looked much into gfd/rr. I don't want to get pegged or whatever if that's what it entails
Basically I just like the idea of falling asleep on a girls lap while she runs her fingers through my hair. Another one would be being cuddled up with her while she plays with my dick until I cum. I don't know if we have the same definitions of rr, but that's what I want. Someone who will take me under her wing so to speak and push me to do my best
Pretty cringe-worthy seeing it written out tbh
No. 50549
>>50547Ya I guess I'm probably asking the wrong place.
No. 50550
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>>50368Only speaking from experience but i'm like 5'8/5'9 and never really had a problem.
Not gonna tell you that shallow women don't exist who will reject you for your height but for me personally i've never experienced any "discrimination" for my height.
It could be because all women here are short as fuck but i dunno.
No. 50551
>>50545Nah dude, I know 100% what you mean, I want exactly the same things.
One night I was sleeping with my girlfriend and I woke up in the middle of the night. It was kinda cold so I turned over to face away from her and scooted closer to her, then she put her arm around me. Her body was so warm, I think I fell back asleep in like two seconds. It was heavenly.
No. 50557
>>50556I mean, the girls here are.
Not sure about other areas since i rarely travel around England.
No. 50558
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>>50545>>50533>>50542In the second thought, why not both?
No. 50559
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Time to go start that essay due in 4 hours
No. 50560
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I finish all the movies I start though
No. 50576
>>50575Femanon here. My boyfriend and I both watch porn. We send each other porn, hell, we've watched it and got each other off to it (not saying it's a common thing we do, just that its happened before).
Not here to judge or patrol what you want to do or anything. Porn's just porn to us and sometimes (most of the time as of recent… RIP student life) we can't go over and bone every night so it's quick fap fuel. Besides, it's not like I'm fapping to the dudes, I'm fapping to the acts themselves. Nothing more nothing less, and honestly I think that's how most porn watchers think of it.
No. 50577
>>50576That being said though, if my bf sent me a video of himself, I'd much rather fap to that than anything I could find online.
Polite doublepost sage.
No. 50580
>>50575I don't like porn as much as I used too because I have been reading about the fucked up shit that happens in the porn industry.
I wouldn't expect my SO to stop watching porn, though. I feel like it is inevitable, and it wouldn't be far for me to have a problem with it.
No. 50590
>>50575Dealbreaker tbh. Porn has been proven to make guys not able to orgasm when they're having sex (and not care about their partner's orgasm as much) and I don't think you really have a reason to watch porn if you're banging on the reg. Plus, I'm really jealous.
They can watch porn as much as they want but I'm gonna break-up with them if they do.
No. 50591
>>50589Wait it's a plus to have a bf to not watch porn?
I have an advantage it looks like
Fucking finally
No. 50592
>>50575It if was just quick fap material and he didn't compare me to it and it didn't affect our sexlife or his libido then I guess it's fine.
But if he so much as hints that I need to change my body. Or if he starts saying I'm an evil heartless bitch because I won't do
blank then I'm out.
No. 50595
When I did watch porn I watched the women's shit because it's more intimate and I'm beta like that. I don't know how people can think the mainstream porn is how you do it. It's just cringey and impersonal to me.
>>50594Okay how do you eat pussy? I've heard just say your ABC's
No. 50598
>>50595I've only ever heard of women complaining about that technique. It's different from woman to woman so just pay attention to how she reacts.
Nearly all women hate it when you change what you're doing constantly. Find a good rhythm and stick to it. Don't bother with putting your tongue inside. If she wants to add penetration use a finger. Start off slow then eventually go to clit. Some clits are way too sensitive to touch immediately and some need a lot of force.
No. 50606
>>50559I just flunked an exam for an online course I only half did
because I was pretty certain I'd give in and kill myself before the end of the quarterI feel your pain and hope it went alright
No. 50607
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>>50606That was fucking exhilerating in a way fuck
Sorry to hear about your exam lad. It's just a class. There's far more to life
No. 50608
>>50607Fucking great to hear m8, what was the essay on?
And yeah, I'm thoroughly fucked with that class anyway. I still feel shitty for being such an all around failure though.
No. 50609
>>50608It was a 7 page essay on three countries of my choosing and I just had to compare a bunch of shit. Made needlessly complicated because my professor is fob chinese and I could write an essay in itself on her kek
Honestly it's my philosophy that you're only a failure if you're unhappy. Don't base your self worth off of grades or income or anything like that
No. 50634
>>50632I lost my hair pretty fast, think it'll work?
>>50633But it's not %100 surely to work right?y hair loss is pretty aggressive(lost all that hair in 2.5-3 months)so I'm a bit skeptical that it'll work. Is it possible to get it without seeing the doctor, how do you manage the doses?
No. 50644
>>50633Balding would be curable already but there's a huge industry for placebo balding creams and such.
Same with cancer. Fucking hate this
No. 50653
>>50647I have a baby face so being bald probably won't suit me at all, it might change after losing more weight though, people say I look good even though I'm fat.
>>50644Yep, best we'll get is follicule cloning and they'll probably gonna make it expensive as fuck to keep the big pharma products afloat.
No. 50657
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>>50647Uh, most girls don't like it at all.
Anyways, guys can get hair transplants but they're really expensive apparently. That's what Machine Gun Kelly did (pic related). Sucks for you broke guys, though.
No. 50660
>>50575I don't mind, tbh. He'd much rather have me pose for him.
I view porn casually. I look for the most heinous and disturbing shit. I look into their eyes.. It's so sad to think about how they ended up there. I also stay on the lookout for certain 'ownership' tattoos. (blue stars and butterflies much?)
It's really a disgusting Jew-controlled industry. I don't understand how some feminists believe that it's 'empowering'.
The only things I actually fap to is extreme close-up solo material.
No. 50663
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>>50655>>50657Not like I had a chance before
No. 50665
>>50660>It's really a disgusting Jew-controlled industry. I don't understand how some feminists believe that it's 'empowering'Glad women realize this too
>The only things I actually fap to is extreme close-up solo material.What is this? I have no idea
>>50661There was just one drunk autist here earlier. I've appreciated the answers here
No. 50668
>>50665I'm a bit of a /pol/lock, but it's so obvious. All the bigshot porno moguls are -steins, -burgs and Golds-
It's just close-up masturbation.
No. 50671
>>50594I knew a guy like this except he's a virgin who complains about women. He cries about how women don't like the ones in porn and he expects his "future girlfriend" to have gigantic tits, a fat ass without a "dirty, brown butthole" and to do whatever he wants with her. He got pissed when I and another one of our friends told him women outside of porn usually don't act nor look like porn stars and didn't believe us when we told him these women get breast jobs and have their anus bleached. He's fucking turning 30 next year.
It's pathetic how there are grown men who do not know nor refuse to believe this.
No. 50678
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>>50677>foreskinI hate my parents for this hell
I was under the impression women thought red heads were disgusting on dicks tbh
No. 50679
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>>50650Don't be fat then? Do some starting strength and eat better? It's really not hard and super important not to be fat
>>50653have u tried growing a beard
>>50655no, but I think guys are too worried about their dicks in general, same with height
>>50656HURRR because I like bald guys I'm not a real wimman like youuu. Baldness signifies a high amount of testosterone, male pattern baldness is natural and manly. Enjoy your manlets.
No. 50682
>>50674Thankfully. He's the only robot-like guy I've met in person who didn't know what /r9k/ was. He's everything bad about it rolled into one.
>working with a girl, she didn't say bye to him when she left at night even though they didn't talk before, so he did the sane thing and left early to follow her home>scared her shitless by trying to drive up side-by-side to her to wave goodbye>she got scared and called the police after he pulled in behind her>he didn't get fired from work, but he quit because she hated him and he was embarrassed>mentioned before about his lack of understanding of an actual woman's body>doesn't believe that women grow facial and armpit hair unless something is wrong with them, or that they're "TRAPS! XD">whenever I was upset he'd ask if I was on my period>"Yeah, but all women are…">"I think I know what a woman wants, anon. I've seen a lot of videos. XD" >broke up with his only girlfriend after a little over two weeks because she actually listened to him when he wanted time alone and expected her to have sex with him right away>he brags about going to a "special class" as a kid aka the class full of retards>has temper tantrums and he's nearing 30>spends all his money on action figures to play with>admits to hating his parents because they don't buy him Christmas presents anymore.The worst thing is he was actually attractive, but acted like a giant man baby.
No. 50683
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How big of a turn off is rosacea to women? I got an unbelievable amount of shit for it from men and women in high school, and I don't even want to remember that.
It's not so much bullying anymore but people still make comments about it and ask if I'm feeling okay or will ask why I'm always blushing. I avoid a lot of social events because of this sadly. Also doesn't help in that it actually fucking hurts out of nowhere. I don't even know what triggers this, but it almost feels like someone is holding a lighter to my skin and needless to say I become really irritable and not pleasant to be around. I've left a party a minute after arriving to go home and just dunk my head in ice water
It's like the pic here. Maybe a bit worse I don't know. I make a point of not looking in the mirror. Been a few weeks now since I've seen myself
No. 50684
>>50679All of this.
>>50683>people still make comments about it and ask if I'm feeling okay or will ask why I'm always blushing. I avoid a lot of social events because of this sadly.I know that feel anon. I moisturize with oils and wear bb cream to disguise it, but I understand if a male doesn't want to do that. Since it's causing you pain, you should really get it checked out.
No. 50686
>>50675The majority of girls prefer manbuns over baldness, bald-sama. I didn't say all bald men are ugly, I said most girls don't like it (which is true).
>>50683I don't mind it. One of my first boyfriends had it and I just never mentioned it. Have you seen a dermatologist? I'm sure they can give you something that'll help it.
No. 50690
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>>50683Are you overweight? That tends to make rosacea worse
>>50688Kek probably, since most men develop male pattern baldness, and humanity hasn't gone extinct yet from women preferring men who look like justin bieber…So you guys are fine.
I've noticed that younger women tend to prefer a full head of hair, but that varies with individual and cultures
It's kind of like people saying "All men prefer blondes". A lot of men like them, or even prefer them, but there are so many other factors they take into consideration (her personality, looks, body, mental and financial stability) so it's not as simple as saying xyz prefer x
No. 50693
>>50688>>50689>>50690Chill out, it's not like I said no bald attractive guys exist. I've just never seen a girl say that she prefers bald men over a guy with a head full of hair but I'm sure there's plenty of girls out there who do prefer bald men. You guys like bald men and that's fine, relax.
>>50678Why do robots care about foreskin (or lack of) so much? Like yeah, it's shitty if your parents circumcised you but I don't think there's that much of a difference.
No. 50694
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I don't really like balding guys either. If I was older, I'd be more lenient, but at 20 I'd want my guy to still have all his hair.
If you're going bald the best route in most cases is to shave it off. Or get a tattoo like this.
No. 50696
>>50684I've been to a dermatologist once and she told me I had a pretty severe case and that I'd just have to live with it
>>50686How big of a deal was it to you? I think it looks disgusting on me and I can't stand to look at myself
>>50690No I'[m not overweight. I'm not the pinnacle of fitness either but I'm not overweight.
I'd take out loans if it meant getting rid of this tbh.
It's especially bad because I can remember not having it or at least it not being noticeable. Started coming on when I was about 14. I remember when it first started showing up crawling across my face. I could actually map its progress it was weird and pretty awful to see.
No. 50703
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>be really into chubby mexican girls
>they don't like white guys
End my life fams
No. 50708
>>50706I mean I know some already. Easily like toddler-tier but I've been able to use it with many people who didn't speak English when I worked at Wal-Mart.
If I had a Hispanic gf I'd hope to improve it with her for one thing
All pointless fantasies though
No. 50711
>>50710It's super common. Watch out for creeps who want a
traditional submissive waifu. Those are super common too.
No. 50712
>>50709No one to practice with really. I just have an efriend in spain
>>50710My town was around 30% hispanic and I just ended up liking them a lot more than others at school. I really like dark eyes and olive to brown skin so it suits me better I guess
>I get all the Asian fetishists hitting me up.I'm not huge on Asians myself, but why is there such a hate for people who like Asian girls? They're always called weird fetishists and looked down on when it's just a preference. Don't really get it
No. 50715
>>50713Are you the person who said they looked hapa? Why would you/her assume the people hitting on you are Asian fetishists?
I'm probably ignorant as a guy, but I don't see that dynamic with really any young guy who likes Asian women. I've only noticed that sort of thing with like 40 something guys who go to the Philippines to find a wife
No. 50717
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>>50686>>50657>>50655Okay, sorry but I'm gonna attention whore a bit, only females I can ask are my mom and sister and I'm not gonna get honest answers from them. How fucked I am? Will weight loss fix it? Please give me honest answers, /soc/ is also the same with my mom with their answer so I can't also go there.
No. 50719
>>50716What's so wrong with weebs wanting a qt asian gf if she's into the same hobbies and things as him? I know it sounds like I'm butthurt about this because I have yellow fever, but I'm not and I don't.
I also feel pretty strongly about the whole short guy hate despite being tall
Just confused about this tbh
No. 50720
>>50717Weight loss will make a huge difference. Right now you look like a middleschool bully. Try shaving your stubble and cleaning your eyebrows up a bit.
There isn't anything horribly wrong with your facial features. The extra fat on your face combined with your nose makes you look really childish. Once it goes you should be average.
No. 50722
>>50717You look ok. You're not fucked, and have the potential to be hot.
Things you can change RIGHT NOW
-shave that monobrow. Just run a razor in the middle and voila. You'd think nobody notices or cares, but it's a big deal.
-Invest in some antibacterial facewash. You have ok skin, but you can get rid of those spots on your forehead by using some face wash every day. Just grab something that says it will kill spots, garnier is a good brand
-Backhairs. I see some long hairs on your shoulders. Chest hairs are fine, even attractive, but keep an eye on the ones in weird places so they don't get creepy long. It's not a big deal, but check for yourself to see if they're noticeable or not.
Things you can change IN THE FUTURE
-this one's tough, but basically get on starting strength (SS). Start browsing 4chan 8chan fit, learn what to eat and how to exercise. Invest in some dumbbells and later maybe barbells. You have a great base and your face looks nice and symmetrical. You're just at a stage in your life where you're not perfect, and that's fine. It just means you can become awesome one day. You should take some pictures for your before and afters, and get into it! I believe in you anon!
No. 50724
>>50719Do you ask women out solely because of their race? Do you think every Asian woman is a qt animu waifu? Would them being a different race make them boring?
No, then your not a fetishist.
No. 50726
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>>50719>>50720>>50721>>50722I've been plucking the monobrow but I guess shaving would be better. I'm already lifting 3 times a week doing stronglifts 5x5, was 128 kg before now I'm 110 kg. As for grow out your hair thing, I can't. I'm balding. I have hair on my back and shoulders, thinking of getting laser treatment for them or something, it's really tiring to keep them off. Here is a pic of me from April, lost all that hair in three months.
>>50725Can't grow any on my cheeks, I can grow a glorious neckbeard but none on my cheeks and lips.
No. 50727
>>50726Your hair looks fine to me, it's just a detail and besides, it makes you look more masculine to have a male hairline and a shaven head. Great work with the lifting, I'm sure you'll make it eventually!
Don't bother plucking your eyebrows, just shave 'em, a lot of people have this problem so no worries.
Good luck anon!
No. 50728
>>50724>Do you ask women out solely because of their race?Never asked anyone out
>Do you think every Asian woman is a qt animu waifu? No but there are a few I know that I think are cute
>Would them being a different race make them boring?No?
No. 50738
>>50736I just turn the camera around tbh
Is there a guide somewhere?
No. 50743
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>>50727Thanks, having curly hair was so tiring. I think I feel more liberated after shaving it off.
>>50729I have a pretty shitty phone, no matter how good I try to take it, it looks potato tier. I think this is the only decent one I took.
>>50734Yeah, posted a couple of times in the old thread. I go in to attention whoring sprees once in a while.
No. 50745
>>50744iz a joek
a top kek
No. 50746
>>50743Just keep lifting and you'll make it bro.
We're all gonna make it.
No. 50752
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>>50746I regress back once in a while succumbing to depression but I go back to gym after a week. My only problem is lack of motivation, I just need something to look forward to.
>>50749Thanks, thankfully Slav genes work pretty well with shaved heads. Maybe I could keep it at this length too.
No. 50755
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>>50753Yeah, don't know why but I aged quite a lot this year. Maybe it's just the weight loss, okay enough attention whoring.
No. 50759
>>50755>>50752You know Anon it looks like you have a very nice facial structure under there, it already looks like you have a nice jaw and decent cheekbones.
Once you lose weight you'll become very attractive.
Right now you're just plain, but I wouldn't say you're ugly at all.
If I were your gf I'd drag you to the gym with me and push you into becoming the man you were born to be. You should go get it.
No. 50764
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>>50759Thank you, I've been going to gym since August made some decent gains I guess. Went from flabby fat look to a bit of a flabby strong fat look I guess. Had problems even with the bar at first but now I bench 105 kg, squat around 50(can't do more because of my body weight) and deadlift around 90. Hope I get more stronger by Spring.
>>50761T-thanks. Changing my eating habits was really hard, quit smoking after 10 years, stopped soda and every other shitty stuff. Quitting smoking was a nightmare, I got pissed about everything, had awful headaches and worst was that all my friends smoke so it was hard to take my mind off of it. Now I'm smoke free since March, just smoke 1 or 2 when I go out to drink with friends.
>>50763Yeah man, it would boosted my motivation %10000
No. 50776
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Okay so I started lurking /r9k/ and I can't tell if some of these pics are bait or if people are actually this… I dont even know
No. 50778
>>50776It might be bait/fetish stuff, but there are tons of men that think like that. Why do you think women hate neckbeards and robots so much.
Not all robots I know, but that doesn't make the other ones go away.
No. 50782
>>50780Depends where you are and who you're interacting with. I know a few chubby women who are into similarly built men. It's a huge turnoff for me, but women vary a lot in their preferences.
>>50781Fat are just as common as skinny people in America. If not more common in some areas.
No. 50784
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>>50783Just don't go anywhere beyond Ankara, seriously. Visit the ancient Greek sites near shores and stay a while in Istanbul. Turkish women love foreigners yeah, but I just can't like them for some reason. They are too fixated on money, status and violent assholes and it's hard to find one that shares my hobbies/interests.
No. 50786
>>50784>They are too fixated on money, status and violent assholes and it's hard to find one that shares my hobbies/interests.Sounds like women everywhere tbh
>>50785I'm in uni now so that won't be happening for a while. I have a lot of friends in other countries I would like to visit.
No. 50788
>>50787I wish I could just take a year off but my scholarship at uni won't allow for that I think.
I have about $6k saved up from working throughout high school too. How was Japan? That's a place I'd like to visit too but I feel I would have a shit time because I'm gaijin and kinda awkward and shy
No. 50792
>>50791I don't even know what I want to do as a job let alone field of study. I literally have efriends I talk to everyday across all continents except Africa so I hope that might make travel easier
How hard of a time would an American have getting around Turkey assuming I barely knew conversational Turkish on arrival?
No. 50801
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>>50799Also holy shit feels weird not getting insulted and called a roach when I tell people I'm Turkish on internet.
No. 50804
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>>50803Dear god you're disgusting
No. 50808
>>50806have fun dieing alone, desu~i-it's not 24/7, maybe like
Is it really t-that bad?
No. 50810
>>50808I'm not mad at all
I just feel bad for people dating you because they're going to get cucked hard by you
No. 50814
>>50813Stop replying to me
No one wants chubby guys
No. 50817
>>50764Good job Anon, you're really gonna make it.
Also please ignore the chubby-chaser in this thread. You don't need to become Zyzz or Scooby or any thing, but your health should always come first. Please don't let others encourage you into an unhealthy lifestyle based on their aesthetic preferences. People might say they love "chubby guys", but they probably don't love heart attacks and beetus.
No. 50818
>>50814Unfortunately fat fetishists do exist. Google gaining and BBMs.
>>50817Exactly. I've got faith in you anon.
No. 50821
>>50819Lad you can get support but not from women tbh
You're invisible to women unless you're ripped and good looking already. Basically see
>>50268Here's my email if you ever want to talk for whatever reason. You seem like a cool guy
No. 50822
>>50821Not all women like muscular men. I only like skinny men for example. How many times do we have to say this.
Do you only pay attention to women with big tits? Is that why you think women do the same?
No. 50826
>>50823Then why do you think women are different? If it's because they don't approach you it's not necessarily personal. A lot women avoid talking to unknown men in general because a lot of them tend to assholes.
I have a really hard time talking men. As in I literally can't force out more than a few very quiet words before I start shaking. My entire face turns firetruck red and it's not uncommon for me to start tearing up. Yet I can talk to women without any trouble at all. Even right now I'm blushing and my heart is beating fast.
I'm an extreme case obviously, but a lot of women feel similarly.
No. 50840
>>50837Honestly as a guy I don't see what's so bad about it…
Like it'd be awful if you were waiting for marriage or something along those lines, but rape is still just regular old sex for women if you get down to it.
Don't kill me for asking this
No. 50843
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>>50828It's not cute at all. I get called a manipulative bitch and a man hater all the time behind my back. Crying because someone talks to you is just downright pathetic. I'm better than I used to be, but that doesn't mean anything.
I've never seen a guy who acts even remotely similar so I wouldn't know. I wouldn't judge you obviously. If anything most of the insults would come from other men. Men hate "girly" men way more than women do. Whenever I say I like skinny pale guys a man always has to argue with me(outside of this thread).
>>50832Probably like this.
>>50840It's extremely painful, causes unrepairable tearing in the vaginal canal, everyone tells you that you deserved it, that you could've fought harder. Police won't believe you. You're "damaged goods" and no one will ever want to deal with you. You remember it every time anything related to sex is near you. You could be kicked out of your family and home for being a "slut". It gets you burned alive and stoned in some countries. I could go on forever.
No. 50844
>>50575Guy here.
It's porn, It's not like she's gonna suck the dude's dick through the screen.
Although i'm dating a clingy girl at the moment who hates it when i look at porn
No. 50846
>>50842Asshole is not the same thing as a vagina. Vaginas are made to have dicks in them
>>50843>everyone tells you that you deserved it, that you could've fought harder. Police won't believe you>this tumblr memeHow would it cause tearing and regular sex wouldn't? I've read many cases of women feeling guilty because they came harder than they ever have during rape. It's a primal desire to be dominated
No. 50852
>>50846No lubrication will cause friction. It's like using a sander on your arm. Men get more pleasure from anal penetration due to prostates than women with vaginal. Less than 20% can orgasm through PIV at all.
Ignore everything on tumblr. Every sjw faking being a rape victim doesn't change what actually happens. You only hear about the one that actually listen. If you wait more than a day for whatever reason at all or don't go to a hospital immediately they'll think you're faking it. If you're not at least an 8/10 they'll think you're faking it. Every time someone gets raped people say they shouldn't have gone outside in anything but a burka or gone out at all. In rape trials they list what the victim was wearing. Even for children.
Orgasms are a result of clitoral stimulation. The same way men can orgasm while being raped or tortured despite the pain. Rapists purposely cause orgasms so women are less likely to be taken seriously.
No. 50858
>>50840Physical effects like vaginal tearing aside, you could also get pregnant or catch stds.
But the most horrible part is just the invasion of your body. Sex is (for most women) very intimate. Someone completely disregarding that and penetrating you without your consent… sucks a lot. It makes you feel like absolute trash. And the aftermath (other people) can make that feeling worse.
No. 50863
>>50861I'm genuinely curious…
I mean it's something you would want to avoid but I fail to see how it's that bad and worse than getting punched in the face or something
No. 50866
>>50860Even if you're a huge slut, you're still giving permission for that person to fuck you and probably trust them to some degree.
The fact that some person just disregards your "no" and does it anyway is pretty shitty. It completely devalues you as a real person with feelings etc.
No. 50868
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Why is it that whenever the "Sexy clothes causing rape" debate comes up, people only chastise women's clothes? Why does no one ever talk about men and children wearing modest clothes to avoid rape?
No. 50870
>>50860Most don't sleep around and it shouldn't matter if they did. How could you even tell?
>>50863I would commit suicide if there was even a chance of me getting raped.
>>50864Do you not see the men saying rape is harmless? But yes it's that easy unless she's really that unlucky. How many men do you know that actually eat a girl out for more than a minute?
No. 50878
>>50867I just explained to you why it can be scarring. That and a million other reasons. It's not like being beaten up at all, it's a person getting sexual pleasure against your will by degrading your body and personhood. It shouldn't be hard to understand why that can mess with your life/mental health.
And if you mean physically, well, imagine you just got raped. Maybe you're pregnant or caught HIV. And if you did, you won't find out for a while. Pretty agonizing and it could ruin your life even more than the mental effects.
No. 50881
>>50860One isn't consensual, the other is? What the hell?
>>50867It isn't "just sex" though. A lot of times violence is used to get the non-consenting person to do what they want.
No. 50882
>>50874I got catcalled in a dirty baggy unisex uniform. I'm ugly and flatchested. It's about control and nothing else.
>>50872>>50875I'm starting to think so too. Who cares if we get flooded with muslims if you're going to get raped and beaten anyway.
No. 50885
File: 1450065812454.jpg (30.83 KB, 575x360, kissing-couple.jpg)

>This triggers the robot
No. 50888
>>50875you're not wrong
>>50877you are, however
No. 50889
File: 1450065989019.jpg (73.82 KB, 480x720, tumblr_nc45n7KcmK1tfrkylo1_500…)

>>50885Maybe we should just start spamming this thread with Chads and couples until they go away.
No. 50890
File: 1450066034705.png (1.8 MB, 914x1386, tumblr_nwd7d5Q2pJ1qzjwylo1_128…)

>>50889Would we get banned?
No. 50891
File: 1450066038120.png (13.96 KB, 437x137, ss (2015-12-13 at 11.06.35).pn…)

>>50880Heeeeeey, look who commented on this video!
No. 50892
File: 1450066097041.jpg (71.11 KB, 600x398, happy-couples.jpg)

>>50890>>50891Will Mira ever fuck off?
No. 50896
>>50868I'll give you a straight answer that you probably won't like.
Rapists tend to target women who look vulnerable or easy.
I'll give you an example.
Lets say i went out drinking with some friends and i'm now heading home drunk on my own.
Would me wearing an expensive designer watch and carrying a wallet stuffed with cash increase the chance of me getting mugged or not?
No. 50899
File: 1450066260090.jpg (52.58 KB, 570x881, 1420004573317.jpg)

>You will always be a fat lazy neckbeard who can't get out of bed.
>And you have no one to blame but yourself :^)
No. 50901
File: 1450066269616.jpg (135.15 KB, 866x577, cineva-pe-care-sa-iubesti.jpg)

>>50894>>50895They're gonna whine anyway. Why not have some eyecandy too?
No. 50902
File: 1450066324073.jpg (61.2 KB, 586x680, 1415236334493.jpg)

Every robot in Chinese cartoon form!
No. 50903
File: 1450066339237.jpg (485.36 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nxalssr3FL1r3iw7zo3_128…)

>>50899Chads make me so wet. <3 Unlike those disgusting neckbeards.
No. 50906
File: 1450066441671.jpg (41.34 KB, 500x730, GregoryPeck1.jpg)

>>50903You'll never look like this no matter how much weight you lose.
No. 50907
File: 1450066450038.jpg (110.47 KB, 943x640, CoeqSKi.jpg)

No. 50908
File: 1450066504113.jpg (216.99 KB, 470x590, tumblr_ntq63iwM101unygono1_500…)

>>50906Even Asians can be Chads, but you can't.
No. 50909
File: 1450066560216.jpg (595 KB, 1500x1500, relatie-te-mooi-om-waar-te-zij…)

>>50908Even nerds can get women, yet you can't.
No. 50910
File: 1450066666213.jpg (94.54 KB, 455x750, tumblr_nh34p6S9gm1tfrkylo1_500…)

>>50909Slavs make good Chads too.
No. 50911
File: 1450066722789.jpg (29.3 KB, 720x385, 2014-08-01.profound-habits-of-…)

>>50910You'll never have this no matter how much you shitpost.
No. 50912
File: 1450066749009.png (512.83 KB, 515x620, sean_large_01.png)

this thread is now post a sexy chad thread
No. 50913
File: 1450066854454.jpg (38.19 KB, 420x420, david-gandy-TGJ.00-420x420.jpg)

No. 50914
File: 1450066867563.jpg (61.11 KB, 600x338, 1353843326950.jpg)

>>50906Got more like him, anon? I have a weak spot for "classic" men.
>he can probably grow a full beard while robots only sprout sparse patches at best>pic related, average robot on a rare trip outside to get more pizza rolls and energy drinks No. 50915
File: 1450066893914.jpg (463.2 KB, 1082x1920, tumblr_nom4j5zXXO1r6gbhjo2_128…)

>>50911I <3 nerdy guys. Only buff ones though.
No. 50916
File: 1450066946852.jpg (112.3 KB, 500x657, GregoryPeck2.jpg)

>>50914He's Gregory Peck if you wanna search.
No. 50917
File: 1450067063102.jpg (197.64 KB, 426x594, 1412693918544.jpg)

>>50916>>50914Here, another guy with a beard robots will never be able to grow.
Also brb, gotta pee.
No. 50919
File: 1450067135934.jpg (80.07 KB, 640x360, damn.jpg)

>When u love bears but so many of them are gay ;-;
No. 50920
File: 1450067156186.jpg (263.18 KB, 800x1200, frankie-morello-mens-spring-su…)

No. 50922
File: 1450067391208.jpg (298.8 KB, 950x1266, 1449588521231.jpg)

>>50917Imperfections are what make you perfect.
No. 50923
File: 1450067469300.jpg (87.83 KB, 640x640, 0482007e21d28fe00a9f0f35fb0f4a…)

>>50922I really love nerdy guys.
No. 50925
File: 1450067587313.jpg (60.97 KB, 405x720, 1359085971757.jpg)

>even on an internet image board all the robots flee when chad enters
No. 50928
File: 1450067687386.jpg (82.61 KB, 736x1049, daf67133f25a294e4b8886d4f7ecc3…)

>>50115don't let chad steal your oneitis!
No. 50930
File: 1450067791652.jpg (28.62 KB, 500x715, large.jpg)

>>50924Look there's even a pinterest dedicated to Chads.>>50925Of course. Why wouldn't betas flee when the alphas come.
>>50927Oh you <3
No. 50931
File: 1450067903483.jpg (124.87 KB, 500x750, tumblr_muto2zW4uU1svu7e2o1_500…)

>>50930tfw no dog or Chad bf
No. 50933
File: 1450068030990.jpg (82.28 KB, 500x650, tumblr_mtctsaE4YL1qfw1n6o1_500…)

>>50931I love sensitive guys like Chad.
No. 50934
File: 1450068103335.jpg (107.9 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mif65gN3qp1rmpu2oo1_500…)

There's something that I just love about a hot, strong guy holding and protecting a baby. It's so cute <3
No. 50935
File: 1450068259246.jpg (60.22 KB, 500x667, (1450005754793.jpg)

>>50933Where did all the robots go? Do you think they might be
triggered, because they look like this? I thought that we deserved to be raped and that they needed to show us why.
No. 50936
File: 1450068260061.jpg (22.48 KB, 500x698, 48447e79c8463c54acf68dbff51740…)

>>50934Cute baby! You know its dad is a chad.
>>50930Thanks for sharing!
No. 50937
File: 1450068386679.jpg (78.68 KB, 525x700, 548a5d2914fc7_-_rbk-dads-babie…)

>>50934>>50936Of course, why pollute the gene pool with undeserving nerds?
No. 50938
File: 1450068464481.jpg (60.46 KB, 542x650, man-and-baby.jpg)

>>50937Robots will never reproduce, thank god.
No. 50939
>>50935>pointy fedora and collar to match his pointy nose and chinJesus Christ, I'd kill myself if I was a male who looked this unfortunate. They're probably smashing their keys angrily to their fellow robots about how
triggering chad is.
No. 50940
File: 1450068612288.gif (1.9 MB, 312x250, 1446852706994.gif)

>>50939Here's another one if you wanna laugh at losers. It's one of their precious idols.
But remember this is Chad's domain now. We can't get out of hand.
No. 50943
File: 1450068848346.jpg (78.5 KB, 634x794, 1413283694528_wps_23_MANDATORY…)

>>50941I've gotta go to bed soon, but I'll be back tomorrow. I need my daily dose of Chads.
No. 50944
File: 1450068929988.jpg (208.34 KB, 800x1074, chris_evans_captain_america_sh…)

>>50943Right after this dump of the ultimate Chad, Chris Evans.
No. 50945
File: 1450068970767.jpg (13.37 KB, 236x312, 2b9d6712ece4eca0078769b564866f…)

>>50943Don't worry about that, chad and classy chad will be here when you return.
No. 50949
File: 1450069125335.jpg (48.64 KB, 400x701, Chris-Evans-buffed-body.jpg)

>>50947Even in clothes he's buff as fuck.
>>50948Who wouldn't laugh at robots?
No. 50950
File: 1450069148334.jpg (50.63 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mzwq0gbpmb1scbh3so1_500…)

No. 50951
>>50886That's pretty slutty
>>50885Not really. It's beautiful and something I hope to experience one day
>>50891Who is this?
>>50935No I went to take a shower. Why is it so hostile all of a sudden?
>>50934I want to do this tbh
I want kids more than a gf
No. 50953
File: 1450069264928.jpg (156.22 KB, 650x387, chris-evans.jpg)

>>50949Even directors know women only like Chads.
>>50951Fuck off rapist. Besides no girl will willingly mate with you, you know.
No. 50955
>>50952It does
Wish I could adopt, but they're not going to let a 20something single dude adopt
No. 50957
File: 1450069360071.jpg (53.86 KB, 618x360, 5313275.jpg)

>>50953If he can do it why can't y'all?
>>50955Good, creeps like you shouldn't be near children.
No. 50959
File: 1450069372505.jpg (213.21 KB, 1268x900, oooo.jpg)

Robot, tell us what it's like having to spend about an hour lifting and washing your rolls during your monthly shower.
No. 50961
I'm not exactly offended but why is everyone so hostile all of a sudden? I was hear yesterday and it was nice
I guess it's interesting to see what women find attractive with your dumps I guess
No. 50962
File: 1450069553832.jpg (88.07 KB, 800x548, a9fb444819de2a4449de12044d5e22…)

>>50957Chris Pratt did it too. No one liked him before. Now women are lining up to give him bjs.
>>50961Because robots think women should get raped. I was here yesterday too, but I know better now.
No. 50965
File: 1450069613303.jpg (91.81 KB, 800x586, clint eastwood.jpg)

No. 50967
File: 1450069719516.jpg (830.49 KB, 3874x2451, Chris-Pratt.jpg)

>>50964Finally someone else who likes Slavic Chads. <3 Where do find pics of them? It's so hard when you only speak English.
No. 50969
File: 1450069847202.png (111.21 KB, 728x557, 3772501 _41e8e7b4572c16e08e7a4…)

No. 50971
File: 1450069900798.jpg (44.21 KB, 430x600, 272250_600.jpg)

>>50966What's so bad about being burned alive? Or Being tortured? Or being anally raped in prison by Chads? Not that a Chad would actually touch you.
>>50964>>50967Seriously, where? Google is useless.
No. 50972
>>50967Someone tell this dude to stop with the squinty eyes and ducklips
He is gonna be a fatty again as soon as he smell a hamburguer
No. 50976
File: 1450070026738.jpg (80.71 KB, 605x607, screen shot 2013-07-08 at 2.19…)

>>50972>>50969He certainly has no trouble with women. Unlike you.
No. 50978
File: 1450070095960.jpg (107.68 KB, 500x668, tumblr_myuxqhgPFI1sisx9co1_500…)

>>50975>>50977Of course, all Chads do.
No. 50981
File: 1450070247745.png (22.93 KB, 357x270, 2015-12-13_21-29-51.png)

Please stop spamming the thread
In other news how many pics do you guys have on your computers? This is a source of pride of mine sadly
No. 50982
File: 1450070280414.jpg (368.75 KB, 1512x668, supremely gentlemanly.jpg)

>>50969The idol of all robots
No. 50983
File: 1450070302763.jpg (51.74 KB, 650x310, 40437dbf3082ebb66c666c34a72813…)

>>50980Who doesn't love alphas in uniform.
>>50979>>50981Why listen to a disgusting rape apologist.
No. 50984
File: 1450070389961.jpg (76.06 KB, 600x360,…)

What's your opinion on the mujadhideen look?
>>50982Elliot's sister was fucking hot tbh
All this could have been avoided if she just fucked him
No. 50985
File: 1450070400378.jpg (1.09 MB, 1868x2015, 1417895973881.jpg)

>>50983Slav dilfs are the best.
No. 50987
File: 1450070470211.jpeg (40.7 KB, 300x420, (1264388420751793.jpeg)

>>50985>>50984The entire middle east should be nuked. So should robots tbh.
No. 50988
File: 1450070485492.jpg (217.01 KB, 1159x957, 1436956412945-4.jpg)

Some of Elliot's posts are golden. He had literally zero self awareness
No. 50989
File: 1450070536984.jpg (242.06 KB, 900x400, 1438745297436.jpg)

No. 50990
File: 1450070560522.jpg (73.82 KB, 500x648, tumblr_ntbqjeXdSD1thlx0no1_500…)

>>50987Seriously, I want a qt Slav Bf.
No. 50991
File: 1450070563433.jpg (207.58 KB, 800x1106, 9c61f9_5701796.jpg)

Yuck, this is the average robot. Why stop posting chads? I'd rather look at someone who doesn't make my eyes burn.
>>50981>24,645 Files, 600 FoldersMore than you, beta bitch.
No. 50993
File: 1450070666524.jpg (104.54 KB, 620x803, tumblr_nvyha0F32A1qcksf5o1_128…)

>>50990>>50992Not all that different from robots though. They could be besties. They both love suicide, right <3
No. 50995
File: 1450070728216.jpg (751.6 KB, 1080x1920, 1439699516803.jpg)

>>50991Okay seriously don't hate on Eggman
Also I'm impressed with your amount of pics
No. 50996
File: 1450070734328.jpg (29.96 KB, 593x910, vladimir.jpg~original.jpg)

>>50994Who needs sleep when there are Chads to post.
No. 50998
File: 1450070815732.jpg (300.42 KB, 1280x1792, tumblr_nxfu9cBYDV1ubdo56o1_128…)

>>50996>>50995Disgusting and yet still better than most robots. How sad. :( There are multiple women here dumbass.
No. 51000
File: 1450070830093.png (399.43 KB, 567x585, 1449801219425.png)

>>50997>hating MuslimsCome on man
No. 51001
File: 1450070892459.jpg (250.49 KB, 600x900, tumblr_nnaixymg7L1tkbxbjo1_128…)

>>50998And now for my favorite Dimytri Lebedyev.
No. 51003
File: 1450070913394.jpg (129.19 KB, 572x845, A3eygcX.jpg)

>>50995>Okay seriously don't hate on EggmanYou guys idolize this fucking monster. No wonder you retards are so pathetic.
No. 51009
File: 1450071007890.png (665.57 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_np3awpDAP71tkbxbjo1_128…)

>>51004>>51002Chris Patt, an ex-fattie who was still hotter than robots when was fat.
No. 51010
File: 1450071065507.gif (1.74 MB, 480x720, tumblr_ns2q4yf5Id1rdkvxmo1_500…)

>>51009That Smile makes me melt.
No. 51011
File: 1450071074799.jpg (468.03 KB, 1920x1080, 1439728332675.jpg)

>>51003Please stop. Eggman is a good guy
>>51006No he didn't. Cats are revered in Islam. Also you'd better get used to Muslims. We're only growing in number while you all shrink
No. 51013
File: 1450071207219.jpg (591.37 KB, 2000x3008, josh.jpg)

>>50997Josh Peck lost his weight and is now a qt
No. 51014
File: 1450071236123.gif (1.9 MB, 400x600, tumblr_ngsvmdLYEA1rdkvxmo1_400…)

>>51010>>51011Disgusting. And no they aren't, everyone hates muslims here. There aren't allowed in gun stores and women never stop talking about how they hate them. Shouldn't you be fucking goats anyway?
No. 51015
File: 1450071308540.jpg (30.57 KB, 468x625, Joe-Manganiello.jpg)

>>51013didn't mean to reply oops
No. 51016
File: 1450071343712.png (24.81 KB, 359x259, 2015-12-13_23-33-53.png)

>>51012Step it up
>>51014Doesn't matter how you feel about Muslims. We're here to stay and only growing while you're shrinking as I said before. Islam is well on its way to becoming as large as Christianity and secularism in the West.
No. 51017
File: 1450071349998.gif (1.53 MB, 640x360, tumblr_nq0wwwjTt91rdkvxmo1_128…)

>>51014>>51013Too bad robots will always be
ugly and fat.
>>51012Projecting much? Girls gotta stick together. Robots can die with their gay muslim lovers.
No. 51018
File: 1450071353345.jpg (244.24 KB, 1152x2048, 1443054319526.jpg)

>>51011Yeah, what a good guy. I'm sure that's why women dry up the moment they see his mug and would rather date anyone else.
Don't you have some pedophile warmonger to pray over, mudslime?
No. 51019
File: 1450071427561.jpg (114.21 KB, 560x725, 1444280994003.jpg)

>>51018>Don't you have some pedophile warmonger to pray over, mudslime?Nice meme
Why are you basing Eggy's entire worth off of his looks? He's a fucking good guy and I talk to him on snapchat quite often
No. 51020
File: 1450071440137.jpg (128.51 KB, 1159x1600, tumblr_ntyxbwwimL1skwwuto1_128…)

No. 51025
File: 1450071716906.jpg (225.5 KB, 500x667, 1438745543021.jpg)

>>51021No they're all of age
>>51023They were married and didn't have sex until she hit puberty which was common as the time. Quit nitpicking
No. 51027
File: 1450071777346.png (199.19 KB, 493x2493, Nmm5t.png)

Kek, you can tell the last panel was made by a robot. They're always too stupid to understand anything not concerning muh feels and muh dick. Their brain has been destroyed by McDonalds vat grease.
No. 51028
File: 1450071778327.jpg (180.29 KB, 576x1024, pcC4jwI.jpg)

No. 51029
File: 1450071798999.jpg (249.06 KB, 950x1267, tumblr_nur4orjvZ91sqbbv8o8_128…)

>>51024>>51025Pedophilia is always common in the middle east.
No. 51031
>>51029White people are pedophiles the most dumb ass
And the idea of pedophilia being anyone under 18 is a recent belief. 14 year olds having children was common around the world until quite recently
>>51028Stop posting him
No. 51034
File: 1450071929433.jpg (318.13 KB, 722x552, 1450071859133.jpg)

>>51031Chad thread
and anti-muslim thread?
No. 51037
File: 1450072032026.jpg (30.97 KB, 360x640, Neb3r6yl.jpg)

>>51034Yes! <3
>>51031>Stop posting himOr what? allahu snackbar?
No. 51038
>>51036You've never talked to him
>>51037No I obviously can't do anything. Just calling on common decency to stop bullying someone you don't even know
No. 51040
File: 1450072101328.png (193.06 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_nwpi33jtAt1r4a3s…)

>>51035Like being muslim isn't the prime example of being edgy.
No. 51041
>>51039We've been over this and only reason they're doing that is because white women aren't big fans of white men anymore. I'm not even white either
>>51040It's not
No. 51045
>>51043I talk to him pretty often
Do you mean actual pedophile or he likes 16 y/os?
>>51039Lel read through the thread and everyone is hating on the op and dumping blonde chicks. Try again
No. 51047
File: 1450072416911.jpg (152.6 KB, 1056x594, 1439822720177.jpg)

>>51038One pedophile defending another. Typical.
No. 51054
>>51050Lol Europe isn't going to do shit. I'm muslim and I think it's pathetic what they're doing. Voluntarily being invaded
>>51049Opposite is true actually
No. 51056
>>51045what do you consider an "actual pedophile"? vyro and him are both into 12 year olds. that's pedophilia.
>>51051are you just mad because the trips left you out of the circlejerk or what
No. 51058
File: 1450072614914.png (1.11 MB, 750x732, tumblr_nvkbd7oUUP1u5en8po1_128…)

What would you do if you saw this failed abortion in front of you? Would you date him because he's a nice pedophile?
No. 51062
File: 1450072694705.jpg (113.21 KB, 620x536, 1450072504159.jpg)

>>51054>>51057I hope you aren't getting turned on you sick fuck.
No. 51063
>>51056I consider actual pedophile as liking girls who haven't hit puberty.
>>51058>failed abortionWow you're nice
>>51061Thought girls weren't racist tbh
Anyway I'm Levantine Arab, so white
No. 51069
>>51064I'm not the same guy(s) from above. I have nothing to provide but my own observations
>>51065Good thing I'm white muslim then
My brother got a blonde wife and she converted to Islam. I plan on doing the same
>>51067I just want proofs
No. 51071
File: 1450073027967.gif (1.73 MB, 540x304, tumblr_nq0wwwjTt91rdkvxmo2_540…)

>>51069All muslims are shitskins at heart.
No. 51072
File: 1450073045737.jpg (38.49 KB, 800x429, 661844dc9f380d59fe539ea8313d14…)

Why are pedophiles so ugly?
No. 51075
File: 1450073086479.jpg (24.69 KB, 438x600, tumblr_nvopq1zlEn1swmejfo3_500…)

>>51073>>51072Why else would they go after kids?
No. 51080
File: 1450073224104.jpg (271.45 KB, 601x900, tumblr_nvopq1zlEn1swmejfo4_128…)

>>51078>>51079Most muslim men would enjoy taking cock up the ass.
No. 51083
>>51077Meh they didn't choose to be that way. As long as they don't act on it they're fine assuming you're telling the truth
>>51079>>51080>>51081Bit rude
No. 51085
File: 1450073343997.jpg (93.69 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nukp6zsqTa1tcifzoo1_128…)

>>51080>>51082It's only fair for the pigs to return the favor.
>>51083Please die <3
No. 51086
File: 1450073346769.jpg (162.12 KB, 568x640, 1406166793681.jpg)

No. 51087
File: 1450073424240.jpg (57.48 KB, 800x533, tumblr_nw0son4L6D1uncmamo1_128…)

>>51086Men actually fap to this, because Chad takes all the women. How pathetic.
No. 51088
File: 1450073424923.jpg (36.21 KB, 400x368, 1391364261332.jpg)

This is why the West needs Islam tbh
This is disgusting and way too common
No. 51089
File: 1450073448110.jpg (43.52 KB, 344x477, 1429844474516.jpg)

Where were you when you first saw the most hideous face that is Eggman?
No. 51090
File: 1450073460402.jpg (72.23 KB, 800x533, tumblr_nw0sncXy2U1uncmamo1_128…)

>>51087Cute even with a shirt on.
No. 51091
File: 1450073491848.jpg (718.61 KB, 1297x1080, 1398092908534.jpg)

No. 51093
File: 1450073507097.gif (1021.18 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ngsw9m9byT1rdkvxmo2_500…)

>>51090>>51089Throwing up in the toilet
No. 51094
File: 1450073547451.jpg (50.2 KB, 675x615, 1402818355964.jpg)

No. 51095
File: 1450073615713.jpg (188.68 KB, 1841x1227, Muslims-hate-babies.jpg)

No. 51097
File: 1450073623858.gif (1.19 MB, 540x304, tumblr_ngsvaegwnX1rdkvxmo1_128…)

>>51092lol no, I'd rather die.
>>51093 No. 51098
File: 1450073672632.png (507.51 KB, 800x795, unnamed.png)

>>51097He's a qt. I'm sure babies don't cry when they're around him. <3
No. 51100
Well if you guys don't want to discuss anything and just spam pics I'll leave you be. Gotta go to bed because finals tomorrow
>>51095He's not chopping the baby's head you idiot
No. 51102
File: 1450073837771.jpg (174.82 KB, 938x1280, tumblr_nur4orjvZ91sqbbv8o3_128…)

>>51098Of course they wouldn't. Even babies love Chads.
No. 51103
File: 1450073847092.jpg (562.59 KB, 1080x1920, 1439822275879.jpg)

>>51093>>51099Stop, guuuuys. Don't bully him. He's nice! :^)
No. 51106
File: 1450073970501.jpg (179.08 KB, 1024x1313, tumblr_ntrn9gUqIz1swmejfo1_128…)

>>51102Almost outta Dimytri pics :(
>>51104Chads love every woman. Just because they can.
No. 51108
File: 1450074048780.jpg (149.84 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_nqzx5uhz8V1tkbxbjo1_128…)

>>51106He can even pull this off.
>>51105Muslims do have high illiteracy rates.
No. 51109
File: 1450074072768.jpg (48 KB, 500x589, tumblr_mbg3okoRo81qjideqo1_500…)

>>51106Classy chad's got your back.
No. 51114
File: 1450074209886.jpg (111.27 KB, 578x1024, 1414762812403.jpg)

>>51113I've got even more qt Slavs.
No. 51117
File: 1450074301855.jpg (19.81 KB, 600x449, 2hqb09i.jpg)

>>51114>>51116I told you silly. Chads fuck even the ugliest women just to spite you.
No. 51119
File: 1450074385325.jpg (79.89 KB, 638x906, sereed3.jpg)

>>51117Chads can even pull off nerdy haircuts.
No. 51121
File: 1450074465347.jpg (95.86 KB, 800x791, tumblr_lwxj82hvwU1qgop8jo1_128…)

>>51119>>51120But they even donated a couple grand to her. Are you sure she won't fuck them?
No. 51129
File: 1450074787356.jpg (314.62 KB, 1201x1600, page0110_large.jpg)

>>51124>>51126>>51128We've been doing this for hours now. Besides women love to show their devotion to Chads by posting them. Chads are communal property remember?
No. 51130
File: 1450074839382.jpg (113.51 KB, 500x750, 83h02qcg378g439128.jpg)

>>51114chad slavs are super qt
No. 51131
File: 1450074935158.jpg (57.79 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n3p8o7eKn11tvsutdo1_500…)

>>51113Gotta keep it classy.
Thanks for all the chads tonight. Good night.
No. 51132
File: 1450074943545.jpg (279.46 KB, 720x540, 1417775654_714261_71.jpg)

>>51129>>51130Don't worry, I've got even
more Chad Slavs.
No. 51133
File: 1450075000348.jpg (240.18 KB, 720x540, 1417776774_777176_7.jpg)

>>51132I hate smokers, but I'm okay with it if Chads do it.
No. 51136
File: 1450075162347.jpg (14.03 KB, 252x200, 1414717422848.jpg)

>>51130Slavs are rapists, they raped the fuck out of germany but it gets swept under the rug by kikes
No. 51137
File: 1450075249377.jpg (79.04 KB, 798x710, 1419974831535.jpg)

Best Chad <3
No. 51138
File: 1450075307714.png (10.2 KB, 645x130, lol.png)

>>51135Why should I when I can get fucked by Chads whenever.
>>51136It isn't rape when Chads do it silly. Only robots and muslims can rape.
Also lol at Slavs being included in this group.
>>51137Cute and still manlier than robots.
No. 51140
>>50488Even ugly girls can get Chad with little to no effort!
>>51135lel this coming from a robot. That's rich.
No. 51145
File: 1450075557299.jpg (418.36 KB, 1280x1799, tumblr_no0deklZgz1qlvk8do1_128…)

>>51142>>51140>>51141>>51143I love how women come together to fight for Chad, just like we should.
No. 51146
File: 1450075631760.jpg (88.45 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mns4mfce851ru87eco1_500…)

All I want is a white boy like pic related but they're all degenerate shitskin lovers. Being a white woman, I'm doomed to only attract douchbag spics. Robots think I'm lucky cuz Tyrone wants to muh dick me.
No. 51148
File: 1450075747059.gif (3.28 MB, 320x240, 393303Gifp2.gif)

>>51145This is for classy Chad anon when she comes back.
>>51146I know anon, but remember every girl finds their Chad someday.
No. 51151
File: 1450076085967.jpg (25.5 KB, 500x333, 6a01287734c58f970c013485f46115…)

>>51149I found my other Slav folder <3 Look how cute he is.
>>51150Tons of beta males go for Asians and Hispanics, because white women are too "bossy". More Chads for us I guess. No one cares if they have to share Chads right?
No. 51152
>>51145I'd sacrifice a million virgin robots for a one night stand with a Chad and no call back.
>>51147Sorry, even ugly fat girls are too distracted by big black dick Chads.
So serious question Robots:
How does it feel to know the world is only getting more and more feminist? How does that frustration feel? That you have zero power. Women get to say when and where they have sex and you'll be cowering, lonely and blue ball'd. Is that knowledge suffocating? That there's nothing you can do, but let your loneliness fester? All your little rape fantasies would end with you getting fucked in prison by the big black dick you despise so much. You have no chance but to stand back and watch us burn the world. How does that fear and powerlessness feel?
No. 51153
File: 1450076145969.png (928.3 KB, 640x1136, 1359077526001.png)

>>51150White men group white women in along with all their other enemies, we're on the same level as kikes and niggers to them.
No. 51154
File: 1450076295212.jpg (382.78 KB, 1080x1080, 1445103702739.jpg)

>>51153I mean as a whole yes tbh. Not gonna lie
Not to say all are though
>>51151Meh I like whites and Hispanics and I'm pretty beta I guess. Might be onto something
No. 51155
File: 1450076373052.jpg (336.54 KB, 1920x1440, putin.jpg)

>>51151Not much left unfortunately. :(
Also I unironically think Putin is a qt dilf.
>>51152Robots love bbc. Why do you think they have so many pics of it.
No. 51156
File: 1450076456224.jpg (17.33 KB, 290x340, v-putin-290.jpg)

>>51155Look at that qt face. He's a bad boy with a soft side all grown up.
No. 51159
File: 1450076671643.jpg (143.94 KB, 1024x678, putin.jpg)

>>51158He has such pretty eyes.
No. 51161
>>51152Serious question:
Are you really that delusional that woman will ever have any power? If you hold any power is because we want to, if you vote is because we let you vote, If you are allowed to have any opinion is because we want to.
If you actually have any role in society apart from being our sevants it's because we are empathetic with our inferiors. If we were not, you would be a slave to a man.
Remember that you have rights because a man wanted you to have rights.
No. 51162
File: 1450076868934.jpg (223.68 KB, 1600x1276, 1444740454_1.jpg)

>>51159>>51160Someone else who thinks Putin is cute. Yay! He's around my father's age, but a girl can dream.
>>51161Then why are men getting in trouble for "stare rapes"?
No. 51165
File: 1450076999346.jpg (151.73 KB, 2011x1506, vladimir-putin-calls-out-ameri…)

>>51163And who let them have that power? Are they the reason you can't get a gf?
Also shoo. Putin doesn't like betas.
No. 51167
File: 1450077141148.jpg (114.94 KB, 1100x619, 150830142131-01-putin-medvedev…)

>>51165Okay last one of Putin.
I love a man in touch with his soft side.
No. 51168
>>51166Wow ebun cuck meme
First off I'm not the guy who said you have no power in the US. White men have been effectively castrated by white women and Jews. It's really quite sad and I hope it turns around
No. 51173
File: 1450077399599.png (349.64 KB, 374x366, 1450060106988.png)

>>51168Yup, nothing to do with your ugly face, fat gut, tiny dick, and shit personality. Don't worry, Jamal will still fuck you.
>>51170There are two non-white men in this thread.
No. 51177
File: 1450077534781.webm (1.47 MB, 1080x1270, PracticalTeemingAfricanwildcat…)

>>51174>>51175If they're doing what
you want why complain?
No. 51178
>>51172>They hate on subhumans,and nigger pop culture while emulating it in it's fullestTIL wiggers are all white men. You're talking maybe 5% at most.
>They're the biggest racemixers and the biggest traitorsJust lol
No. 51181
File: 1450077660517.png (210.12 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lmxtyiq5cF1qi0hsfo1_500…)

>>51177>>51178Look up the okcupid chart faggot. It's in this thread.
No. 51184
>>51179>white men insult white women on a daily bases and race mix with the sole intent of spiting white womenIn what universe?
>these same white boys get upset when white women fuck niggers Not really upset. I don't care and it's way overdone in media. Not really all that common
>>51181The okcupid chart shows all races prefer their own pretty much. What am I supposed to be seeing on it?
No. 51187
File: 1450077856650.jpg (86.22 KB, 720x720, tumblr_nr4nu7RPc81sj2ni9o1_128…)

>>51184>shows all races prefer their own pretty muchExactly white women prefer their own more than men do.
No. 51191
File: 1450077998128.gif (995.8 KB, 500x288, tumblr_nufdiommjF1ue625co1_500…)

>>51190>>51189So you're admitting you love the bbc? That's not something to be proud of.
No. 51192
File: 1450078194918.jpg (289.77 KB, 500x500, chad.jpg)

>>51189So inspire! Funny, if
I had the power to be anything I wanted, I'd be a sexy chad that as drowning in pussy with zero effort.
No. 51193
File: 1450078274065.png (9.75 KB, 310x446, FT_15.06.12.Intermarriage.Newl…)

>>51187I think you're meaning to reply to other guys in this thread
I never said white women were huge race mixers. I'd say maybe 1/4 of white women have had an interracial relationship and even then probably with something like white Hispanic
>>51191Stop replying to him he's clearly baiting. Also do most women believe the black stereotype? Sounds kind of cuck to ask I know, but I'm bombarded with posts talking about how all women want a ride on it.
No. 51196
File: 1450078386758.jpg (63.14 KB, 680x1102, 1410922986842.jpg)

Wish this thread didn't go to such shit
No. 51199
File: 1450078738743.jpg (100.76 KB, 522x522, tumblr_nvp9rleh3p1uhwu7do1_540…)

>>51193Robots all sound the same tbh. And some guys do believe shit like that.
I don't know any white women that have ever been attracted to black men and my area is full of them. Personally dick wise I only like white cocks. All the other races coloring looks gross to me. And i'm only really attracted to white features.
I've got a whole folder full of dick gifs.
>>51196Shouldn't have associated with rapists. I getting along just fine until then.
No. 51200
File: 1450078810779.jpg (38.56 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nuj0guN8Bm1tk395co1_128…)

>>51199I'm getting sloppy. Time for some coffee.
No. 51201
File: 1450078869414.gif (801.72 KB, 320x180, 1415506608243.gif)

What kind of hobbies do people have here?
Mine are pretty beta and tbh I'd be embarrassed telling women about them
I like drawing even though I am at like a gradeschool level
I also like origami but havent found time to do it lately
I like reading more than anything. All kinds of stuff from fiction to nonfiction. Been into autobiographies lately because I'm trying to learn from other people I believe were in a similar situation
Movies and documentaries but I don't know if that's a hobby
I used to be into video games. I don't know if it's because I've been getting more depressed or if I'm just losing interest, but I can't play them like I used to
I like just walking aimlessly thinking about everything and see where I end up after a few hours. Not a hobby but I do that a lot and enjoy it
Fuck I'm boring
No. 51202
File: 1450078884127.gif (1.95 MB, 245x368, 1427600580389.gif)

>>51199>I've got a whole folder full of dick gifs.So, where the fuck are they? Post some chad cock plz
No. 51204
File: 1450079098785.gif (3.19 MB, 768x432, gRGsJn4.gif)

>>51202Jiggling dicks are adorable.
>>51203I'm sure he was very happy to see it. Also post it and I'll judge.
No. 51208
File: 1450079443605.gif (1.39 MB, 384x288, nUUm4.gif)

>>51201I'm into fashion, dolls, sewing, knitting etc. Girly shit basically. I also play video games, but I refuse to interact with gamers.
>>51206Yup, the only thing farmers love more than arguing is The Queen PT herself.
No. 51209
File: 1450079548856.gif (1.97 MB, 313x261, jiheuMO.gif)

>>51208Also, I promise to stop posting dicks if robots promise to behave.
No. 51210
File: 1450079642857.gif (631.03 KB, 500x477, tumblr_nguudxZqwi1u5pclpo1_500…)

>>51209Tfw when you'll probably never see foreskin irl. I love you America but you fucked up big time.
No. 51213
>>51209Everyone has been behaving for a while I think
Anyway I'm not even a robot I just felt like checking this chan out and asking questions
No. 51214
File: 1450079911559.jpg (25.69 KB, 336x229, 1350404960442.jpg)

>>51210Adds fuel to my jew hate furnace
No. 51216
File: 1450080036217.gif (1.79 MB, 586x440, tumblr_n2vkctAxNH1s2cuhao1_400…)

I love dicks that are pink on the end. It looks really thick too. Overall 10/10 no complaints.
Uncut or cut? Nationality too if you want I'm curious.
That looks bigger than average though. Average is 5 to 6 inches all around the world. Very few women are going to care about size unless you have a 1 incher or one that's to big.
No. 51217
>>51201It's cute. A little baby robot.
I read a lot. More obsessed with fiction, but I'd like to read more non-fiction. Video games, horror movies and make up are things I likes. Shit…sounds like tumblr hobbies. I also like going out to a quiet bar and have a drink with a pile of nachos. Go to crafts fairs, farmer markets and all that hippy stuff too.
>>51214Shiat, anon. I hate uncircumcised. Looks like a monster.
>>51210>murrica No. 51218
File: 1450080223953.jpg (101.52 KB, 514x639, tumblr_mkadxz75oE1r5km5ro1_540…)

>>51216*too big
I'll stop posting dick now. This is the most fun I've had in ages tbh.
Triggering neckbeards and muslims, shitposting, and discussing hot guys with other women is great.
No. 51219
File: 1450080273040.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.88 KB, 723x558, 00076.JPG)

Looks similar to mine. Yours is bigger tho
No. 51220
File: 1450080286181.jpg (Spoiler Image,539.47 KB, 745x1420, 20150903_191017-1.jpg)

>>51216Well cut obviously and American
I really wish I wasn't circumcised to be honest
Here's the other one because why not
No. 51224
File: 1450080682182.gif (39.46 KB, 304x200, 200_s.gif)

>>51219Qt, big heads are supposed to feel good inside of you. They create a vacuum in the vaginal canal and help keep semen inside.
>>51220It's hard to tell when dicks are hard and aren't moving. For the longest I thought the reason guys had foreskins was just because they had more skin. Like women with long labias.
No. 51226
>>51225It's so you wouldn't catch aids honey!!!
No. 51228
>>51225Why would anyone? Very few Americans have done it lately now that people know more about it.
I was told in sex ed that the foreskin removal was just a necessary snip. Like cutting the umbilical cord. Many men and women were probably told the same.
No. 51230
File: 1450081061676.jpg (16.9 KB, 460x300, h9991308-001.jpg)

>>51227Here you watch a lot of porn you're in for a shock when you see a real one. Most vags in porn are surgically "enhanced" and bleached. Lots of assholes are bleached too.
No. 51235
File: 1450081287637.png (42.15 KB, 650x607, Uterus.png)

>>51230Labia are sometimes referred to as vulva as well.
Here this website has more info. It has some on penises too. I know it's from a shit company, but the info is good. No. 51238
>>51234Really? A lot of men are so used the extreme innies in porn that they think even normal innies are gross.
Divorces because of porn addictions are also extremely common, unfortunately.
>>51233That's not all that uncommon. :(
>>51236Not anymore, I don't think. A lot of people are more educated about now.
>>51237I hope so
No. 51239
File: 1450081567813.png (Spoiler Image,161.07 KB, 1054x1348, 20151214_022310.png)

>>51235The vagina is this small?
What the fuck, I'd always pictured it as a sort of giant canal/cavity. Even less worried about my dick not being enough now.
>>51236Yes it's the norm but it's falling out of favor slowly but surely
No. 51242
>>51238I've seen porn before as a teen but I always felt disgusted with myself afterwards. Wasnt a hard habit to kick. I really think that whole industry is fucked and just poison for the viewer. I know it's because I'm still naive but I like to think of sex as being more intimate and between two people who have feelings for eachother, and also most importanlty should be private.
Bit outdated thinking I've been told and probably part of why I'm virgin kek
>>51241What do you mean horribly bad? I have a friend who is overseas in Taiwan and first had sex with his gf of 6 months a week ago. She was a virgin and he said the first time they tried to do it he couldn't even get anything in even with foreplay and oral sex so vaginas obviously dont always accomdate well
No. 51245
>>51239Yup. The vaginal canal will loosen as the woman gets more aroused. I can't even get a lubed finger in without pain if I'm not aroused. Yet I can always fit several later.
Full female arousal takes about thirty minutes straight of stimulation. Less than 20% of women can orgasm from PIV at all. Even the few that can are still having clitoral orgasms. The clitoris is mostly internal and definitely not just a tiny penis like trannies claim. The longer the foreplay the more women will feel PIV because the clitoris swells up and can be massage easier.
>>51242>>51243Either not enough foreplay or she wasn't calm enough. Losing your virginity won't be painful if you go slowly and use enough lube. Vagimitus is often caused by nerves or fear and can be extremely painful.
No. 51246
>>51243Haven't talked to him since then. Also he's a virgin too so doesnt really know what to do either. I hope they managed to make it work
Brings me to another question. Would a guy being a virgin be a big turn off to women, or would they view it as kind of sweet or whatever?
No. 51247
>>51244Yup, it's either not enough foreplay/lube or nerves 99% of the time.
>>51246I'd think it's sweet. The only problem with virgins is that sometimes they decide that they "didn't experience enough women" and either leave or cheat.
No. 51249
Good night everyone
>>51247>>51248Thanks, these make me feel a bit better about it
No. 51259
>>51256Noted I'll try this next time too
Thank you
No. 51260
>>51258I've gotten her to orgasm from piv a handful of times while we've been together. This discovery though has really done wonders. She had a pretty decent sex drive before, now it's even higher. Pretty great
After a bit of fucking I'll just start running my hands and fingers over and she'll arch her back higher and higher while I keep going. Nice thing is I can feel her building up to it and then woosh
No. 51263
>I dont know if this works for all womenloooool no, we fucking wish.
The reality is that the overwhelming majority of women are incapable of experiencing orgasm through penetrative sex alone, but most guys don't know this because >porn
I've never had an orgasm through just sex, I always have to stimulate myself clitorally and even then the conditions have to be just right. Sometimes you can be so close to the edge but then if one thing throws you it's almost like it resets. The vagina is a goddamn Rubix Cube.
No. 51266
File: 1450086308726.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-27-03-30-06…)

>>51058Go figure it's other men who're attacking Eggman for his looks and not women. And they say that we're shallow.
I have Eggy/Mills on Snapchat and he's a legit nice dude and actually has a gf, which can't be said for the ones shitting on him kek
No. 51273
>>51272He's /r9k/'s savior and very likely a pedophile. Why would I be nice when the same men posting him were the ones saying women should be raped.
Lolcow isn't your safe place.
No. 51276
File: 1450089689088.png (26.25 KB, 775x591, 1411707425274.png)

>went to sleep after having a nice conversation last night
>woke up to this
Good god what the hell happened here?
No. 51277
File: 1450089704996.jpeg (131.47 KB, 480x800, 6608_3e74.jpeg)

>>51275Huh. Good to know, thanks anon.
No. 51278
File: 1450089825721.jpg (26.28 KB, 367x500, 1450060524124.jpg)

>>51276The rise of the fedoras anon. It can happen at any time any place.
No. 51279
>paedophilelolwut, evidence?
And he has a gf; /r9k/ hates him for it and calls him a normie now.
No. 51281
>>51279I said likely one. I'll take femanon's experiences over someone who has a reason to lie for him.
Again possibly not definitely, but when the people defending him were defending rapists I'm gonna be suspicious.
No. 51283
File: 1450091054295.jpg (23.52 KB, 534x401, 1446720515982.jpg)

>>51282Calm down tubblrite/neckbeard.
No. 51289
File: 1450091844255.jpg (467.01 KB, 1280x1707, 1449841294323.jpg)

>>51288Possibly anon. Possibly.
>>51288Also, help me figure out what their spawn would even look like. Something like this?
No. 51291
>>51290Nevermind, she isn't really gross.
But maybe their ugliness comes together and creates a decent child.
No. 51306
>>51239"size" (mostly how muscular it is) varies from woman to woman. Some are naturally big, some are tight, some do kegels on top of being tight.
I think loose ones are pretty uncommon though, and no having lots of sex won't stretch it out, tearing the muscles and tissue (such as by giving birth or showing 20 dildos up it) will.
No. 51307
>>51305I don't think anyone really hates them. They're just honest about his looks.
>>51306Not enough lube will cause tears too.
No. 51308
>>50840Imagine walking home after work in the evening, suddenly a car approaches and a man pulls you in. He's big hairy and holds your arms back. It hurts and you're scared. He ties you up, smacks your around and rapes you violently. Because you're scared and not excited this will wound you and make you sore (no lubrication). You're thrown out of the car (if he's done and you're lucky) ,with semen inside you that might impregnate you. You may have STDs now, even HIV. You must now go to the police station because if you wash it out they won't hae DNA evidence, and know they can't do shit, and nobody will ever catch that piece of shit who thought it would be ok to ruin your life just to use you as a cumdumpster.
You will likely never be able to have sex normally again. You will always have flashbacks, you will always feel bad, you will always feel anger that people can just use you like ragdolls.
iono if you robots will or can understand, I genuinely think a lot of you have some sort of mild autism which makes it difficult for you to empathise with people you perceive to be as too different from you. Iono if it's curable, but good luck
No. 51319
>>51308They will never get it because they are still virgins who rely on porn that have this warped perception of what intercourse is and in their minds all sex = good sex, because it's the thing they crave most in their life.
Men are dangerous tbh.
I know not all of you are like this, but as a woman these kind of attitudes are extremely frightening, that somebody could respond so blasé to notion of you being pinned down and physically, repeatedly and utterly violated.
It's not the same for you because your dicks are an external part of your anatomy that you frequently distance yourselves from and personify, but we can't externalise our genitalia because it's a part of you as much as your internal mind is, it's literally inside of you, so to be raped is to also be psychologically violated. You can't distance yourself away from it the same way you can with a dick.
Men will never understand what it's like to have an internal part of their body compromised against their will until they are anally raped.
No. 51322
File: 1450107723576.png (211.95 KB, 500x292, 1436485841186.png)

>>51313I was the one who started spamming Chads.
No. 51325
File: 1450108226491.jpg (70.02 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mus3dmu6TV1slrgbmo1_540…)

>>51324You wouldn't like being raped as a woman.
No. 51331
File: 1450108407653.jpg (320.05 KB, 1280x1723, tumblr_n8cqodyaUU1tegrn7o6_128…)

>>51329Then don't throw a fit when women say they don't wanna be raped.
No. 51332
File: 1450108419575.jpg (51.7 KB, 599x800, tumblr_n8cqodyaUU1tegrn7o9_128…)

No. 51333
File: 1450108478050.jpg (60.41 KB, 589x790, tumblr_n8cqodyaUU1tegrn7o10_12…)

>>51332I really like the posing in these pics. It's almost like how women pose.
No. 51334
File: 1450108534355.jpg (524.37 KB, 700x1039, griffith_in_berserk_by_garakto…)

>tfw no femanon gf to sit at home watching anime all day and ordering j-fash on the internet until I come home and dick them to release the stress of dealing with normies all day
Why live, bros?
No. 51338
File: 1450108951819.jpg (64.64 KB, 500x609, tumblr_nkh409A1St1tyvp6wo1_500…)

>>51335So far every maleanon talking about rape has either said that women shouldn't be upset about being raped or that they deserve to raped.
You worded it in a similar way they did.
No. 51341
File: 1450109869586.jpg (93.48 KB, 500x650, tumblr_nz3jv074pt1rskcrvo1_500…)

>>51339I said the other maleanons did. The way you worded it made it sound like you wanted to start an argument.
>>51340This too
No. 51342
>>51340Well that's gay and also unnatural to have a dick in your ass unlike a vagina which is meant to accomadate a penis
I'm not the guy your 2arguing with. Can we please steer away from this dicsussion. It go comfier last night when we dropped it
No. 51343
File: 1450110011978.jpg (94.7 KB, 347x477, griffith.jpg)

>>51340Being raped by a man would really suck.
No. 51346
File: 1450110287014.jpg (115.61 KB, 500x704, tumblr_nmwz5kOItL1us3554o1_500…)

>>51342You're arguing the same way the "other" guy did now. Word for word. It's
not natural for women to have unlubricated sex either. That's why it's extremely painful and causes bleeding and damage.
If you don't want to argue then stop talking about rape.
No. 51349
File: 1450110961637.jpg (111.54 KB, 516x766,…)

>>51347>>51346How the FUCK do I get clear skin.
Someone tell me.
No. 51351
File: 1450111223786.jpg (51.27 KB, 621x270, berserk_manga_by_lalykiasca-d4…)

I just realized that I've had shitty skin all my life looking at those images. I think I need vitamin supplements due to my shut-in lifestyle, and an improved diet.
No. 51352
>>51351It's best to get your vitamins directly. I used to take supplements and they were a huge help at first. Then they started causing problems. I didn't need them anymore anyway once I started eating better. The only ones I still take are Magnesium and some IBS stuff.
Also those pictures are probably smoothed out. Nearly all pictures of men and women are.
No. 51353
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>>51350I wish we had pills that removed all body hair below the neck too. Maybe even some facial hair as well. Shaving causes me problems even when I take all the precautions.
No. 51355
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What are some memes on this chan? I like memes
No. 51356
>>51355We don't have too many yet. We have a copypasta, but I don't have it saved.
It was an ex-fattie bragging about being hotter than all the other women.
No. 51357
>>513491) drink more water
2) stress management / decent sleep
3) consistent skin regimen based on your skin type (basically clean and moisturize) - soap dries out your skin too much so don't use it on your face. Find a cleanser with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide (low percentage to start with as they can be irritating initially). Use once or twice a day. Don't wash your face too many times a day.Don't scrub at it with a towel or over exfoliate. Pat dry. Make sure your towel is clean, and your pillowcase as well. Try not to touch your face with your hands throughout the day. If you have body acne, use medicated body wash and exfoliate with a loofah or scrub like 3x/week. Wearing breathable fabrics may also help.
4) exercise to flush out your skin and improve blood circulation
5) drink more water!
Those are the basics. Try those first. If you have spot breakouts, benzoyl peroxide spot cream may help (don't like/prod at your spots). If none of this works or you have nodular or cystic acne, go to a dermatologist.
No. 51358
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>>51354I'd be fine with no pubic hair. For a girl I'm not sure, it can be cute. It would probably be a good idea.
How do they do that anyway? Shoot lasers at the hairs on my dick? Sounds unsafe tbh.
No. 51361
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>>51359>>51357Thanks a lot for the advice guys. I think with normal skin the only problem I have left is my huge nose, but that's sort of grown on me.
No. 51362
>>51358I'm already 4'11 and flat-chested with a mild babyface. Having pubic hair makes me feel more secure if someone were to be attracted to me. On the other hand my pubic hair grows back in less than a day so idk.
Yeah, basically. It won't hurt unless you leave stubble. You have to stay out of the sun for a while after you get treatments.
>>51360I forgot about 32inch waist-chan.
No. 51363
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>>51362>4'11>tfw even a 5'8 skinny boy like myself could probably princess carry you and bicep curl youOn a scale of 1-10 how vulnerable do you feel when you go outside?
No. 51365
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>>51362You might unzip your coat to take it off and a gust of wind blow you away.
How old are you anyway? And how does it feel knowing that if you were a guy 99% of women would treat you like you're invisible?
Do people give you headpats?
No. 51366
>>51365I'm eighteen. I'm the same height as one of my grandmothers and 1' shorter than my mother and 2's shorter than my other grandmother.
I don't even feel short most of the time. Most women around me are short too.
No, but they sometimes rest their arms on my shoulders.
No. 51368
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>>51366>No, but they sometimes rest their arms on my shoulders.Kek. My super tall friends have done this to me before to be fair.
It's weird that you're shorter than your grandmother and mother, are they in some sort of manlet breeding program?
>>51367That's actually heartwarming. I hope he wasn't getting cucked by some 6ft7 chad.
No. 51369
>>51368Not really, I just got it from my dad's side.
Nope, I live in Texas.
I highly doubt it. I live in an area with tons of short Mexicans and none of them have problems getting gfs. Lots of black guys are short too.
I do get way more short comments than my Hispanic friends do. I guess because white people are expected to be taller.
No. 51370
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>>51369Also, >I live in texas
RIP, unless you want to get into a mentally debilitating LDR with a Brit.
Whats it like being the size of a child and having a dfc? Do you get harassed by lolicons or something? Or do you just look like a regular girl but shorter.
No. 51371
>>51370I don't think I look like a child. More like a scaled down woman with stumpy limbs.
Guys don't really like the way I look tbh.
No. 51372
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>>51371>I don't think I look like a child. More like a scaled down woman with stumpy limbs.O am I laffin
Send skype or kik or something because I have way too many questions to ask and don't want to keep posting here. This fascinates me. No. 51373
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>tfw no chad bf
No. 51383
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>>51382I didn't get them.
Why won't you just send them through skype or something, emailing is garbage.
No. 51385
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>>51384Download it and add me, you got my e-mail right?
>don't have skypeI'm genuinely surprised
No. 51386
Is skype that common? I don't really talk to anyone online outside of here.
No. 51387
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>>51386Add me on skype
>I don't really talk to anyone online outside of here.Oh wow. I really don't believe you.
No. 51389
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>>51388Just message on skype already, jeez.
No. 51391
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Holy shit that thirst lol
No. 51392
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>>51391I just want to study the oompa loompa in it's natural habitat.
No. 51393
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Oh man, everything sure gone to shit while I was away. Fucking trolls, anyways how is everyone? Just came back from eating out with friends and a good gym session. Don't know why but depressed feels are gone tonight.
No. 51394
How often do girls masturbate? I'm a guy and find myself beating off once when I get up and once when I go to bed most days. Depending on my mood maybe sometime in the afternoon.
>>51362Sounds qt tbh
No. 51395
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>all these desperate robots trying to pick up a vulnerable girl
absolutely disgusting
No. 51405
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>>51402You get rejected 8/10 times for sex from your bf?
No. 51407
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>>51406I mean I've never been in a relationship, but right now I can't imagine turning down fug 8/10 times
Should talk to him about it before you find yourself looking outside of him to fill those needs
No. 51408
>>51407When you're in a relationship, the honeymoon phase only lasts so long. You can only fuck like rabbits for so long.
Nah, I would never do that. Dick is too bomb.
No. 51410
>>514094 years. We just started living together so there's less of it going on than before.
Idk, it depends. This is only my second serious relationship. It lasted about a year.
No. 51411
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How do I go about getting a soulless plastic kpop gf?
>>51410Wew that's a long time
Hope it continues to go well and better
No. 51413
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>>51412Overall pretty true. Maybe 1% of hot asian women would be willing to date outside their race, but that's still quite a few girls considering there's so many of them
No. 51417
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>>51415>>51416Since when are girls racist?
No. 51421
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>>51420They are tbh
Not like hyper neo-nazi type ones, but casually racist is pretty goat. I think girls are more racist than they let on tbh. They're not really outspoken about it
No. 51440
>>51436 and I'm male.
>>51439Ok, I admit that not
everyone likes being dominated. A lot of people don't want any pain or roughness whatsoever, and a lot of guys have hangups about being submissive to women but there are still a lot more male subs than people think. And when I say "being dominated", I include pretty much everything, just allowing your partner to control the flow and control what happens, let them touch you and be active, tell you what they want, etc. It often feels good to give control to other people.
>>51437Well that's not quite true, but yeah, male subs are in oversupply. Thank god I'm a switch.
No. 51441
>>51440I'm into being a dom, but I also really want a mommy-esque gf at the same time kek
Life is suffering
No. 51445
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>>51436Yeah, I'm pretty sure every guy likes being dominated too. I mean, men are expected to be in control, extremely confident and other insert masculine stereotypes here. Of course they'd want to give that up once in a while inside the bedroom.
No. 51448
>>51447i think it's just a preferance.
i'm a girl and I find it hot when guys try to dominate me.
i don't understand how it could "go against everything I was raised to know."? lol
No. 51456
>>51321That's because women are very gentle and none-threatening. Men are brutal in their sexual interests.
Another thing, women have different reproductive interests than men. The feeling of being used for sex is horrible for a woman, while men are programmed to seek as much sex as possible with as little commitment needed.
Female biology is also different. Sex is painful when not aroused for a woman. When left to their own devices, men will fuck hard and cause tearing. They'll also shove their penis down your wind canal and probably your anus.
TLDR rape isn't traumatic for men, but it is for women. Most men are aroused by the pain of a female during sex or they just don't care, so they don't understand it much.
No. 51459
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>>51458>All white boys I know hand out with niggers and lust after mud womenI can't tell if you're trying to show the irony of some of the robots here, or if you're actually serious about this
No. 51460
>>51413Asian women are the most likely to marry outside their race within the US.
>>51402What a fucking faggot, dump him or cheat.
No. 51464
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>>51462>cool like the black peopleOkay, now I know you're joking around. Or your only interaction with white men is J-Roc on trailer park boys
No. 51465
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I think I did pretty well on my final
No. 51473
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>tfw having difficulty writing my ISIS paper
>only managed to write 100/2500
Already prepared sources, notes and shit. Just can't be fucked to write anything.
No. 51474
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>>51473>ISIS paperNigger that should write itself
No. 51482
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Who actually came up with the "once you stop looking for a gf she'll come to you" meme. I stopped trying 2 years ago and still nothing
Is this a chad saying?
>>51473You can do it anon
No. 51501
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Messaging a girl from interpals who lives in Indonesia. We've been talking for a week or so now and she just dropped the big question. She wants me to send a pic of myself.
It was nice while it lasted. She was funny and nice to talk to. I never realize how much my looks incapacitated me until everything has gone south with 3 qts so far after sending my face pic. Two of them just began answering my messages very slowly until we just stopped talking, and one just straight up blocked me
No. 51506
>>51501How bad is your face? Do you have a monobrow? Do you know ho to take selfies?
You should post your face, we can help
No. 51541
File: 1450203795681.jpg (Spoiler Image,154.54 KB, 605x1017, photo_2015-12-15_12-08-27.jpg)

>>51506>Do you know how to take selfies? lol no. I just turned the camera around in different rooms earlier today to try to find lighting that covered up my blemishes the best. I don't know which to go off of irl tbh. I look fine in this pic, but there were other ones I took in more intense light that just made my rosacea and acne look absolutely disgusting. I've also been gaining weight lately and you can kind of see it in my face I think. I'm usually around 180 and am currently in the 190s, but this usually happens in the winter and then I burn it off in the summer.
This was the absolute best I could do and I actually thought I looked halfway decent for this one. I should probably have smiled or something, but I really can't do that on command without making it look super awkward and awful. I ended up sending her this one and she's been reading but not responding to my messages. I'm not doing a "pls respond" type deal. I just asked her how she was after a few hours passed. She is reading them though
>>51520Kinda given up on girls irl tbh
I realize ldr is pointless and the odds of anything actually coming from it are extremely small, but it's nice to have someone to talk to throughout the day and someone to greet you in the morning and wish you good night
No. 51546
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No. 51548
>>51545What mix? Not the person you're replying to btw
Just curious
No. 51550
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>>51548Dad's white, Mum's asian/middle eastern.
No. 51551
>>51541(pic related stolen from google)
Photographer guy anon here.
For a guy it's better for the selfie to look as natural as possible. Use daylight, for example look for a window and stand in a way that the light hit your face from a side like in pic related. This lightning looks flattering for most people.
Dont let the contrast between the light and the shadow in your face be to hash(you can use a filter to make it more homogeneous)
Don't take the photo from behind of your eye level, always from your eye level or a little up.
One trick to have a good expresion is to close your eyes and look a little down for a few seconds and relax, then look to the camera, open your eyes and take the pic.
If you dont like the results take a bunch and them and select the best. Most of people that put their selfies instagram etc take one millions and post one
Sorry for my english and I hope it helps
No. 51554
>>51549Thanks man
I have no idea what to do about hair tbh. It's slav hair and it looks weird long but short hair also doesn't suit my face imo. I'll take any advice. As is I just go to a cheap barber and get it buzzed every few months and just let it grow until it starts bothering me and then get it buzzed again.
>>51551I kinda have to be hesitant about daylight especially in Winter because I just look really discolored because of rosacea. Thanks for the advice though. I don't plan on taking selfies a common occurrence. Today was pretty much the only time I've taken any and I don't have any social media so I have no real reason to. Doesn't help I look awkward and uncomfortable as shit in pics because I am. I'm the anon earlier who makes a point not to ever look in the mirror
No. 51560
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>>51558Alright I'll do that next time. I've been doing the same thing with my hair since I was like 6.
Good luck to you man. I think you've got a lot of potential too
No. 51577
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>>51575Nah that one was my bad. It was stuff I was expecting to be said to me. Carry on
No. 51580
File: 1450211207901.jpg (Spoiler Image,316.88 KB, 1284x1230, dfg.jpg)

>>51567Thank you, man this thread really pumped my motivation up. Gonna increase my lifts this week.
>>51568They were thicker and better in the past, I really gonna miss my hair but at least I'm not fat as before.
tfw can't stop attention whoring someone stop me No. 51601
Listen Robots - I know that many of you are missing empathy chips, but you guys seem pretty sheltered so I'll blame it on naivety and your indulgent attitudes.
Rape isn't about sex. So even if a girl sleeps around, it's not like it's just another random guy fucking her. It's like someone is spitting in your face amplified to a billion. Think of all the self-hatred you've felt your entire life - you'll experience that in one moment during rape. Understanding the violation of rape doesn't involve just logical though progression, but emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a lot more abstract and difficult to understand than logical. If you can't understand how horrible rape is then I encourage you read more and think about furthering your education because you're lacking a very fundamental part of advanced intelligence.
>>51541You're cute, but that fucking expression. Smile and you'll look more attractive. The thing I love most about a guy is his smile. I'd be turned off by this picture because you look like a debbie downer. Girls wanna have fun, man.
No. 51604
>>51601I have a nice natural smile according to all many old ladies I used to work with (take that as you will) but it just looks really awful if I try to do it on command
Practice in the mirror or what? I tried one smiling and I just felt like a self absorbed prick trying to pose for a simple selfie and thought that would come across in the photo. I mentioned before, but I've probably taken a total of less than 10 selfies in my life
No. 51605
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>>51601Also thanks, never been called cute before aside from old ladies and I'm guessing you're under 50
No. 51606
>>51605I'm 30, so almost there?
I hate taking selfies and will only post pictures I look nice in that my friends take so I feel your pain.
Try thinking of something hilarious and genuinely laughing and take a picture. Even if it's not your best angle, it'll look better to a girl who is trying to get to know you. Really mopey pictures, even if they are at a good angle and lighting are disturbing to some girls who don't know you. You might have scared those other girls away because you seem upset.
No. 51609
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>>51606Nah 30 is still young famlam
My default facial expression is just that which sucks I guess. I always look sad even when I'm not. You're probably right about it scaring girls off online. Can only imagine the turn off in real life. I go most days without talking to anyone so my mopey face is all they get as an impression of me
I'll just grin and bear it for smiling for selfies I guess despite how I feel about it
Thanks for the answer btw. I asked this to an efriend of mine and he just said I'm ugly and look like I'm 30 kek. He's also a 27 y/o khv, so I guess I probably shouldn't listen to him for advice on things like this. Unless you're the one bsing me of course :^)
No. 51613
>>51606Any haircut recommendations? I've had the same for as long as I can remember and the other anon said it could make a big difference.Just want an opinion
I'll stop bothering you now
No. 51615
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>>51609Guys like to think they aren't catty bitches, but they are. Not saying he's "omg jealous" but dudes with low-esteem will do the same as girls; insult someone to make themselves feel better.
I'm a femanon and we're brutal. So I'm not bsing you, but keep in mind I'm Hispanic and have a thing for white guys so you might be graded on a curve because of those white-power features.
Honest Advise:
1) You expression is awful. You look boring and negative. Girls love to feel excited about things so smile even if you look dopey.
2) Try skincare. You don't look old, but you also don't look fresh-faced. Google "skin care for men." Get the basics:
Wear sunscreen or you'll age horribly
Redness, acne and other skin problems need specialized products so do your research on those.
>>51613I like the old gentleman hair cut that involves a bit of styling.
No. 51619
File: 1450217267226.png (60.88 KB, 252x221, 1399849668158.png)

>>51615>Try skincare. You don't look old, but you also don't look fresh-faced. Google "skin care for men." Get the basics:Wear sunscreen or you'll age horribly
Rosacea so can't do anything about that
I wish I had some sort of skin problem that could actually be treated so I don't feel so powerless against it. At least if I had severe acne or something I could try changing diet or go on accutane. With rosacea or kprf (been to 3 derms over the years and they gave different diagnoses) I can't do anything to even lessen it.
I'll try to smile more though. That much I can do
No. 51621
>>51620I'm pretty plain looking so I get mixed up for a lot of people
One of those faces I guess
No. 51622
>>51619Don't wish acne on yourself!! Rosacea is much better look at it. It can even be kinda cute if it's rosy cheeks. It's shitty to say, but a guy with acne looks dirty.
Btw - sent your pic to a friend because I was curious because she can be harsher than I on men's looks, but she said you look 19. Your "friend" is an idiot.
Oh, this isn't for ldr's but girls are super sensitive to smell. Find a nice, classy understated cologne and girls will find you more attractive. Don't get anything close to old spice, because you'll smell cheap.
No. 51624
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>>51622>but she said you look 1920 actually, so pretty accurate
I'm not really in any situations where I'm close enough for anyone to smell me either way, but I'll look into it.
>It can even be kinda cute if it's rosy cheeksEh you can't see it in the pic which I really tried to cover up, but it really isn't pretty to look at at all. I wish I had acne instead of rosacea. For one thing, rosacea fucking hurts, and secondly it's not so much rosy cheeks as it is giant asymmetrical blobs on either side of my face.
I forget if it was in this thread or the other one where I mentioned being forcibly sent to the nurse's office by a substitute teacher in the middle of class for it in high school because she refused to believe I was alright. Either way that happened and it still sticks with me. Sucks because I didn't have it until I was a teenager, and then blam it took over half my face
Don't know if I want to know, but did your friend say anything else?
No. 51627
File: 1450219075666.jpg (51 KB, 704x396, 143148366480.jpg)

>you cannot delete your file since its over 4hrs old
Bit embarrassing having my pic stuck there…
At least there are no archives
No. 51628
>>51625Burberry is perfect. Subtle, warm and sweet is the way to go in my opinion. I suggest you put it under your shirt because it gives you some light airy warmth that makes a girl want to get close to you. Women usually have a more sensitive nose than men so we can get offended by being drowned in cologne.
>>51624Nah. I was just wondering why the hell men who look perfectly fine have no self esteem. She's thirty too so she said "he looks 19. too young." She said she noticed how sensitive men are when they don't need to be. That's about it.
Guess your rosacea must be bad, but meh…I'm only put off by acne. I've seen guys with those red blotches and it's not the biggest deal to me. I had mild symptoms of Rosecea when I was younger and no longer have those red bumps now that I take proper care of my skin. Not sure your condition and if it's treatable, but do your skin care basics and see how it goes.
No. 51630
>>51628Thing is it's not really skin related though as far as I can understand. Just my blood vessels somehow became dilated as fuck for no reason when I turned 14 and hasn't gone away. Rosacea is kind of confusing to research because there are a ton of different variants. Moisturizing is supposed to help, but I don't see how since it's dilated blood vessels. Anyway, I don't know if I'm doing it wrong but moisturizers and sunscreen cause my cheeks to get super irritated and often feels like they're burning more than usual
I know it's dumb, but I'm super self conscious about it like you wouldn't believe
I have bumps on my arms and legs, but I really dont care about those.
You're not a dermatologist, so I don't know why I'm bothering you with this. Just venting I guess. Sorry
I'll quit hogging the thread and let other people with questions come in
No. 51642
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>>51625Hmmmmm you didn't by any chance pick it up after I recommended Burberry London in the scent/perfume/cologne thread did you?
That's the scent I buy for my partner and it's divinnnnne.
He's always used Old Spice as well, the original stuff (before the rebranding), but they also brought out some new scents/sprays recently and one of them, Wolfthorn, I've even began wearing myself because it's similar to Burberry London in it's "feel". I absolutely love it, you should grab a can.
No. 51645
>>51639Pre-med. Have a bachelor's and work multiple part time jobs.
>>51630Nope, but girls definitely have a billion suggestions as far as skin care advise.
Moisturizing will help with dilated blood vessels because your skin will be more elastic.
You probably have super sensitive skin that reacts easily. I suggest you find brands meant for sensitive skin and avoid any moisturizers and cleansers with fragrance. I don't know why skin care products have fragrances when you're rubbing it into your skin and almost all fragrance are irritants.'s choice has some decent advise despite it trying to sell you it's products.
No. 51646
>>51644>>51643I'm probably at least clinically depressed tbh although I am not really big on mental illnesses being real.I won't get into sob stories, but ya I'm not happy at all and haven't been for quite some time. When it gets really bad I've stayed in for days in bed just fantasizing about killing myself
I don't even have a valid reason for feeling like this. I just get hit by a truck of feels so to speak
No. 51649
>>51646That's clinical depression. Best thing to do is get therapy. Save medication and SSRIs as a last resort. I'm on them to treat anxiety and they're fucking shit. I hear dopamine re-uptake inhibitors are far better, but switching to those, I had the same terrifying side effects.
I don't mind giving skin care advise, but see a doctor about those suicidal thoughts. Anons can't help with depression too much other than relate.
No. 51650
>>51640I'm going for 4th and probably last laser treatment around Christmas actually. I saw some results from the second one but I haven't really noticed anything since then
There's this cream called mirvaso I was given by one of the dermatologists I went to. That's the only thing that has ever had any sort of effect on me. It will completely make the redness go away in little blotches all over my face, but it will also really aggravate the remaining areas and it hurts quite a lot. So it's pretty much more intense redness but with little blotches of my natural skin throughout
>>51645>Nope, but girls definitely have a billion suggestions as far as skin care advise. Ya that's why I was asking here kek
I'll try moisturizing again especially because it's winter and it makes it a lot worse. I don't really think of myself as having super sensitive skin anywhere else but my cheeks. I don't get sunburned easily or anything like that
No. 51653
>>51648I won't get huge into it, but basically I'm pretty against artificially pumping chemicals into your brain because you're sad
I haven't looked into this and done research and I'm only 20 so I'm not going to get up and act like I know everything. It's just a personal feeling I have. However I'm kind of desperate now and tired of being like this, so I've been getting less and less opposed to artificially making me happy
Part of the reason is my best friend offed himself with a shotgun while on some of those prescription meds for social anxiety and depression so I'm a bit weary. I don't know how much they had to do with that (probably not alot), but I'm still wary
No. 51654
>>51650Oh okay. Sounds like your derm is doing what he/she is supposed to. Rosacea can be really tough to treat (my dad has it) so I sympathize.
Some skin care tips from a professional site – your derm may have told you all this already:
It is unclear whether subjective skin sensitivity and dryness result from abnormalities in skin barrier function that precede the development of rosacea, or whether they occur as a consequence of the inflammatory process [21]. Regardless, gentle skin care practices may help to reduce symptoms. Appropriate measures include:
●Frequent skin moisturization – Emollients help to repair and maintain cutaneous barrier function and may be useful in rosacea. In a 15-day split-face study of 20 patients with erythematotelangiectatic rosacea treated with metronidazole 0.75% gel, concomitant application of a moisturizing cream twice daily was associated with a significant reduction in experimentally-induced symptoms of skin sensitivity. Relatively greater reductions in scores of skin dryness, roughness, and discomfort were also detected.
●Gentle skin cleansing – Patients should be instructed to cleanse their skin gently with lukewarm water, to wash with their fingers, and to avoid harsh mechanical scrubbing. Non-soap cleansers with synthetic detergents (eg, beauty bars, mild cleansing bars, many liquid facial cleansers) are usually better tolerated than traditional soaps. The latter are alkaline, which may raise the pH of the skin to abnormal levels and impair skin barrier function. In contrast, synthetic detergent cleansers typically have a pH that more closely approximates the normal pH of the skin (skin pH = 4.0 to 6.5).
●Avoidance of irritating topical products – Patients should avoid topical products that may irritate the skin, such as toners, astringents, and chemical exfoliating agents (eg, alpha hydroxy acids). Manual exfoliation with rough sponges or cloths also should be avoided. Skin care products in the form of powders or creams are generally better tolerated than gels and thin lotions. In addition, cosmetics should be easy to remove to avoid the need for harsh cleansing
No. 51657
>>51654I've been to 3 and finally found someone who didn't just say to deal with it so that's nice. Thanks for the info btw. I don't mean to ask you to spoonfeed me more, but I really don't know the differences between all the creams and stuff. I mean I can take this somewhere else and ask for a sort of regiment and what moisturizers/creams/whatever I should get and in what order to use them. I've never gone out and looked for my own stuff for that. My dermatologist just gave me a few tubes of stuff and told me to put them on everyday. So from what I gather I would need a moisturizer, exfoliate, and what else?
>>51655>Things I've learned dealing with anxiety and depression is that the best treatment is regular exerciseHonestly I think this is a big part of it. I'd still say I'm pretty depressed while active. It's kind of a constant thing for me so I'm used to it, but in the winter when I'm cooped up all day is when it gets the worst.
I ordered a few books recently at least to try to distract myself
No. 51663
>>51658As a thirty year old - I can't really think of anything I can't do now that I could do earlier. I did have more free time and less cautiousness so I travelled more…but I can still do that, it just takes more planning, with work and all. If you've got a family of your own you've got to plan even more. On the plus side, I don't have to stay in grotty hostels because I've got money for better accommodation.
I would like to take up an instrument, which I didn't do as a youngun . Probably would have been easier to learn it at a younger age but oh well.
You do get more efficient and organised with your time as you get into a routine of work and family life, so you can still find pockets of time to do what you want to. It has to be prioritised though.
No. 51664
>>51657Don't exfoliate with cloths/scrubs, per the advice above. Use your fingers to rub cleanser in and wash it off. Cetaphil cleanser is supposedly really gentle, try that.
If you're in the US, Cerave and Eucerin are usually the moisturisers dermatologists recommend. Get the cream version if available, not the lotion (unless it's thick). No fragrances. Eucerin makes a fragrance free face sunscreen, see if you can find that.
No. 51676
I've been dating a girl for some months, and I think I really love her. She is so cute, slim with good body, great sense of humor, honest with me, easygoing, always with a smile, kind, etc
the problem is, when she is with me and her friends, or any other human being( and thats lately way more often than before) she becomes all the things I hate the most: SJW, vegan, a pseudointelectual hipter who knows EVERYTHING, so mean with kids and old people… and tell big lies to make everyone envy of her (she tell her friends things that I make for her that never happenned, like how I buy her a car)
What should I do? speak with her about it? run away?
She has two facees and I love one of them, but the other…
No. 51680
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>>51661Started around 16 or so. Happened right after we graduated high school
>>51664Wait you're supposed to wash it off too?
I have a lot to learn…
I'll look into the stuff you listed
>>51676Should probably speak to her about it fam
No. 51688
>>51685No, she is the "third" one, I was almost 5 years with my first gf, then a very short relationship with another girl ( I don't know if it count as gf since was like two months)
Both were more "normal", no extreme changes of personality
No. 51724
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>>51720I would have deleted my pic but I didn't realize there was a 4hr time limit now it's kinda just stuck there. I don't consider myself a robot either. Don't have anything in common with them and I don't go to /r9k/. I don't blame anyone for my problems but myself
Anyway thanks to everyone who took the time to reply with advice
>>51701Alright once finals are over I'll check it
No. 51733
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Got a girl in SEA who wants to rp with me and exchange sexy pics
I'm gonna make it bros
No. 51749
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>>51733She said we'd rp and exchange lews pics later after her morning class
She's back from class and hasn't messaged me but I don't want to look desperate
No. 51819
>>51818Nah she's sent me enough pics and we've talked on the phone
She's a grill
No. 52376
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Can someone explain me the logic behind women doing this? I cant comprehend women wanting to be in a relationship like this
No. 52377
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>>52376Europe is very worrying lately
No. 52379
>>52376>>52377So what is it Robots? Are women liberal feminists who destroy your mating options by refusing to be tied down or are women attracted to real masculine traditional men like Muslims who want them barefoot and pregnant?
I don't get it.
No. 52380
>>52379Those go kind of hand in hand though
Women act out and refuse to be tied down because they know they can get away with it because western men are beta, but they actually want nothing more than to be completely subservient in every way to a man. Basically a fucktoy who just pumps out babies
No. 52385
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These sum things up pretty well
No. 52389
>>52388ahahahahaha. You speak about women as if they're garbage than say that you're too much of a gentleman because you don't treat people that way.
I tip my fedora to you, good sir.
No. 52391
>>52389>You speak about women as if they're garbageWut
I never said I was a gentleman either. I just don't have it in me to treat women like muslims do
No. 52393
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>>52392I'm not even a robot
No. 52395
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Why are men much nicer to women on imageboards than vice versa? It's really hostile here