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No. 469442>>478508
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>>460444i got called for an interview with the ceo even though my application was terrible lol. this is my first proper job interview and i'm not sure how to prepare? it's next week.
idk what it'll be like to have a male boss. all my previous bosses have been female, and they have been wonderful.
No. 469762
>>469753Depends, if you know there's a lot of competition I'd suck it up and go. If your employer can't put two and two together and realize you might come of as less enthusiastic because of your cold he's dumb.
On the other hand asking to reschedule isn't inconsiderate of the employees' schedule at all, you can't help you caught a cold.
No. 469805
>>469753If you are going to go, make sure to let your interviewers know that you have a cold and don't shake their hands (just break the 4th wall and tell them "I would shake your hand but I caught a cold and don't want to get you sick")
if you don't, there is a good chance they will be able to tell you are sick… and if they realize you shook their hands etc and didnt tell them they will be disgusted…
No. 469946>>470009>>480252
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Starting to realize the awful truth—literally everything is luck and connections.
Three years ago, couldn’t get hired on as a receptionist in a big city even with a bachelors degree.
Moved, randomly asked an old acquaintance to vouch me for an admin job at her company. Now?
About to be promoted, move to my dream city and make twice my hourly wage.
Seriously. Stay in touch with people. Even if they’re not doing anything amazing right now they might be just what you need in he future. I was cashiering with this girl as a 20 year old. Stay connected. Seriously.
No. 470077
>>469670Please hang in there anon. After I graduated, I was desperately looking for almost
two god damned years before I finally got a break in my field. I thought about suicide all the time and even had a mental hospital stay. It's just fucking tough out there, so much competition. Try not to take it personal because I guarantee you're not the only one rejected for any given position.
No. 470169
>>469853>>469860I've only had short jobs, less than a year.
Good to know it's normal but I'm kinda bummed out bc I'm only going to be in this one for 8 months too. Hope I can somehow feel at ease before it ends so it doesn't become another awkward memory.
Thanks guys.
No. 470325>>478818
>>470289I love how you've put my exact thoughts into words. I felt what you feel on a visceral level.
I always feel so phony when I come up with this bs answers and wonder if the interviewer really believes that or just plays along. Why ask this shit?
Maybe for certain job positions it makes sense, but for the ones that I've worked at? No.
No. 470504>>470753
>>470493>Study fashion design and work on my cousin's storeIs that a guarantee from your cousin? Is it a plan for the future or is their store is already up and running and profitable? It's not the safest choice to study, so unless it's a passion of yours ideally it should be a sure thing.
>Maybe study administration and open my own storeStarting your own business is hard mode, high likelihood of failure. I would recommend just getting normal, steady jobs before going on ambitious routes like that. Studying admin is a good idea for at least getting an office job though, and being bilingual can give you more options.
And I don't know if there's any particular reason you can't work part time while studying, but if you can make more than $100 a week in retail or fast food or whatever, you should do it.
No. 470753
>>470504>Is that a guarantee from your cousin? Is it a plan for the future or is their store is already up and running and profitable? It's not the safest choice to study, so unless it's a passion of yours ideally it should be a sure thing. Its not really guaranteed but she did help me in the past (if she doesn't help me then i will just study administration), i discovered they don't really have a store but have a stable business with regular costumers as she lives from it. I guess fashion design it's kinda like illustration since its not really a safe choice unless you really like it, i like creating designs and dressing people up, also dresses are horrible here so that's an extra inspo.
>Studying admin is a good idea for at least getting an office job though, and being bilingual can give you more options. I think you're on the money , that's what everyone has told me actually, i have relatives that got office jobs after studying admin, and they also said being bilingual could get me very high since almost anyone does it and CEOs need someone to translate their products and shit.
>I don't know if there's any particular reason you can't work part time while studyingI'm still trapped in this third world country so my only chance at earning dollars is by doing commissions to US citizens.
Thanks for the advice anon, have a nice day!
No. 470837>>470861>>471011
>>469944Would any waiter with several years of experience and two licenses actually apply to a $2/hr job like that?
Just try and apply anon, employers usually put crazy requirements like those but they are aware of the job market. It's basically just testing your resolution and confidence.
No. 470933
i have a variety of invisible chronic health problems (mostly mental but not all), one of which qualifies me for FMLA. i'm always using my limit of FMLA callouts and still have mild but constant attendance problems because of it; i'm never late, i just often call out sick. it's been like this my entire life, from when i was in school through every job i've had. i never take advantage of it (like call out just to be a lazy ass, or when i should have gotten pto instead, because im hungover etc). no matter how few hours i work, my work is always done on time, at or above expectations, and completed quickly if needed on-the-fly. actually, i'm notorious for taking on special projects and extra work for others on top of generally being the IT of the office.
i'm very lucky that my boss is extremely understanding (i've been pretty candid though nonspecific with him about my health problems) and we're a small, tight-knit department that is managed in a less "corporate" fashion. i get about a coaching a year because he has to based on our company's points-based system, and he always seems to feel bad that he has to write me up. i don't get any personal complaints or comments from him or my coworkers about my absences. he always encourages us to go home when sick and take time off when needed. PTO is essentially guaranteed, even if unpaid time.
despite that, i still feel guilty and bad whenever i do call out. like many others with invisible illnesses, i know i have a habit of invalidating the severity of my problems and feeling like i should just be able to work through it, which is a separate issue i'm working on. work-wise, how do i extricate this aspect of my work performance from my overall self-confidence? i'm not a "career is my life" person at all, but i'm excruciatingly type-A and it bothers me to have a glaring weakness or character flaw. the tight-knit and small nature of my department also makes me feel like my absences are especially noticeable to others; i don't care what they guess i'm absent for, i just don't like being known for something negative (being absent a lot, being sick).
how do i truly become someone who doesn't let their feelings about their job/work performance bleed into their off-work time? how do i compartmentalize those feelings to keep them on the clock?
No. 471011>>471040
>>470837>Playing games and putting shit tests up instead of just being fucking straight forward on what they wantAre American employers a bunch of little girls or something?
This is seriously behavior I expect from petty middle school girls. Not grown ass adults in positions of hiring people.
No. 471059>>471121
>>471040Most low skill jobs are sought by desperate young adults, if this was the case they sure suck at it because anytime I go shopping or dining most the employees are lazy ghetto fucks, and the hard-working overachieving type young adults who don't have a college degree yet are the ones struggling to find work
Back then it was as easy as making a simple resume, printing it out, handing it to different places, some places will hire you on the spot and others will interview you and hire, now most employers play the game of "put in your resume, we'll give you a call if you're a match" while expecting you to call them and not being clear, putting up ridiculous requirements they don't actually need and don't have anything to do with the job but not actually needing those just looking for a person with certain personality traits, the whole "we'll call you back" thing and either never calling or again expecting them to call, thinking employees should want to kill for their shitty position at a clothing store or else they don't want the job enough, not being straightforward with hiring and firing, etc.
It's just difficult and mentally exhausting what so many employers acting this immature just to avoid being straightforward because "muh muh opiod addicts"
No. 471121
>>471059those kinds of places want unquestioning wageslaves, of course they would pass up ambitious young adults. it's frustrating because you're one of the types they're trying to weed out. they don't want you, they want the type of person who will jump through ridiculous hoops and still want to show up the next day. it's not immature, but a calculated tactic esp if it's some huge corporate chain like Walmart.
people with any sort of ambition are better off picking up a skill and trying the skilled market. could be any skill and doesn't have to be related to your major if you go to uni. the more skills you have (or more valuable) the easier it is.
it seems to me that 99% of low skill college graduates get their first non-retail tier job thru networking. if you don't have a network, get a skill.
and I get it, it sucks to hear when you're just trying to figure out how to survive. but looking back, I wouldn't hire the me with low skill if I also had to consider people with good skills and/or good personalities.
No. 478626>>478769
>>478508thank you anon! i got called into a second interview, but totally bombed the technical test and kinda rambled due to nerves. i'm afraid my anxiety driven rambling made the ceo think i had the wrong impression of what the position entitles. the second interview was 100 times more embarrassing than my application kek.
i doubt i'll get the job, the second interview was really that terrible. on a positive note, this process has been a learning experience. and it's in the IT field!
No. 478769>>478902>>478917>>478932>>492398
>>478626Great job. Interview practice is always valuable no matter the method or result.
I also prepare my ass off before any interview so I'm barely nervous at all when I get there. I'll spend around 4-8 hours studying, making up my own tests, and most importantly, talking to myself out loud and rehearsing what I want to say to make myself sound cool, and what I think they would really like to hear.
The root of all confidence is competence, and you only get competence through DELIBERATE PRACTICE, by yourself or with others.
What really changed my perspective on interviews was that it's one of the only rare times in your entire life where you're ENCOURAGED to brag about yourself. Unfortunately, this is the same reason why many people don't like the process. Not because they don't want to brag, but because they don't have enough practice bragging lol
Despite that, always remember that IT'S YOUR SHOW, anon! Enjoy it!
Bring "props" (your portfolio information or a tablet, like I do), pick your "costume", tell informative stories related to your work, and crack a joke or two to get them to like you.
They don't like my show? Cool. Either I'm not the right fit for their environment, or I change up my "set" so I can have a better "show" next time.
I was in a psych class in college and my teacher discussed interviews. He said something that permanently influenced my approach to interviews to this day:
Most interviews actually aren't the best way of getting to know an eventual employee. Alot of it is bullshit and formalities.
But, getting them to LIKE you is just as important, if not slightly more important than how skilled you are.
Aside from being chosen for the job, everything else is under YOUR control. In a paradoxical way, that's liberating!
I hope you remember all this for your next time :)
No. 478779
>>478760Multiple ways, what kind of lab work are you thinking of? Labmonkey or god mode?
They are (for now) and if you're a labmonkey the highest paying trade leveled jobs for obvious reasons, if you're in godmode it pays ok, depends which company actually. Doctor labmonkeys tho…cashcashcash.
No. 478900>>479070>>479074
I work retail at the equivalent of about $14.50/h and get anywhere between 28-40 hours a week, which is pretty decent considering I have no real qualifications, but man.
I'm always on my feet and I'm so. fucking. tired. My legs always hurt, my back always hurts, I'm always clenching my jaw to the point where my back teeth have started to move because we have to deal with so much shit from customers. Me and my coworkers are busting our asses while our new manager throws our rota to us one day before the start of the working week and disappears to other stores in the chain for "training" while making almost twice what we make. Our company is like a cult, and I hate so many things about the "culture" they try to foster.
My hours are unpredictable so my social life is non-existent outside of holidays or if I get my two days off in a week together. Am I going to be in work for 7am after finishing at 10pm the night before? Are we going to know what hours we're working Monday on Saturday night? Who knows! I'm missing a halloween party and a friend's hen party this week because they "didn't have anyone else" and because I'm on a contract, I can't swap my shifts.
I know this sounds terrible, but my boyfriend is about to start making an absolute killing and has essentially said that he doesn't want me to ever worry about money… and honestly I'd do it. If I thought I could be financially secure by someone who genuinely WANTS to give me money, I'd do it. Probably not forever, but I'd even love to be able to go back to college and learn to do something I actually like instead of working retail for the rest of my life.
To have a break like that would be magical.
I've been working non-stop since I got through a lot of pretty bad mental health shit and college and I just jumped into the first job I could actually do. College didn't qualify me to do shit and I have no other applicable skills. I always tell people I'm happy with my job because I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I wish I could do something I loved and have enough money to do great things and buy my bf and mom nice things.
No. 478902>>478915>>479068
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>>478769oh my god, anon.. thank you so much. seriously, thank you for such a lovely response. i will def memorize all of this! it really warms my heart.
it has been a week since my interview and the ceo dude said that i'd hear from them in about two weeks. i just want to get a response (hopefully a positive one kek), so i can finally relax and focus on other things…..
i will speak it into to existence…
i will get this job No. 478915
>>478902You're welcome.
I also recommend not waiting for his response at all and keep applying to more. You interviewed, but you're not officially hired yet. Another key of having confidence is having options ;)
No. 478932>>479062>>489453
>>478917>>478904>>478769You wouldn't believe how sick people are of this stupid gameshow.
I know you're all still young and trying to put a foot in the door, but call that bullshit out. Say what you really think about it. Keep it real. The older HR staff will gleefully hire you, the younger HR staff will remember you. And you'll help put a stop to this ineffective circus.
No. 479062>>480138>>489453
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>>478932Thanks but I want to be hired, not remembered.
"Wow they were cool. I wish we could hire them." lol
So many things in life feel like a gameshow. If that's the case, fuck it. Learn how to win.
Losers complain, but once you learn how to win, you magically start complaining less.
We already know life isn't fair. What are you going to do about it?
No. 479068
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>>478902Dat rare Tyler tho
No. 479070>>479071
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>>478927>>478931>>478900If anyone else wants to look for a job like this, try FlexJobs. For my field I have gotten as far as the phone interview stage, but didn't get a job.
>"Unfortunately we found someone else, but your profile is great! I'm sure someone will be lucky to have you!"
>"Y-you too"But I like the site. Really informative and generously affordable.
No. 479779
>>479774My tips depend on your job, I don't know if you've found one yet but if you're currently looking keep these in mind…
>a short commutePeople underestimate how much a short commute improves their lives and their happiness levels, travel time takes so much out of your day and adds stress because of traffic etc.
>flexible hoursSee if you can adjust your hours to suit your productivity levels. I work 7-3 because I get nothing done in the morning but can do a tonne with a big chunk of time in the afternoon.
>work on your hobbies while at workIf you can get away with it, obviously. Maybe in your lunch break or once you settle in you can use your phone to research or learn things. I do language flashcards in my downtime for example.
Also just in general, unrelated to work but I use spreadsheets and daily/weekly/monthly to do lists so I don't forget or feel comfortable skipping my usual routine.
No. 479798
>>479786>you failed at LushLmao, don't take it this way anon.
Retail jobs are stupid finicky and the hiring HR aren't exactly bright bulbs. You got a way better job at a Uni while you would've wasted time with Lush.
No. 479808
>>479786Lush gets 20 applicants, they can hire one. Don't beat yourself up for not being that ONE.
Funnily enough, I'm in the same situation as you with a university job with benefits but rejected from Mcdonalds lol
No. 479846
>>479774Literally just start half-assing your hobbies. Don't drop them because that sucks but you can't engross yourself in them anymore unfortunately
Adult life just SUCKS
No. 479955>>479973>>479994>>479998
>>479947Seriously apply anyway.
It's said that men apply for jobs that they don't meet all the requirements for, and women only apply for jobs where they do meet all the requirements.
You do not need to meet all the requirements of a job to get it. I will apply to any and every job where I meet at least 60% of the qualifications, and I have gotten a few of them.
Additionally, I recommend writing an awesome cover letter to go along with jobs that you do not have all the qualifications for. I've gotten a few callbacks based on my cover letter alone.
I have a generic one that I will tweak for each job.
No. 479960
>>479947Apply! You're given the opportunity, do it anyway. I apply to any job that I know I'm qualified for despite it asking for random requirements or preferences. Most of the stuff asking for years or months of previous experience doesn't really mean shit. There WILL be someone who's worked 2 years in the same field as you probably knows as much as someone who's worked there for 2 weeks. Also, most of the time after a few weeks, you just get comfortable knowing how your specific place works. I've applied to places that have ~preferred~ college degrees and I have none, only a year of college experience, and still have gotten an interview. As long as you have some experience, definitely apply. Don't underestimate yourself, anon!
Honestly I think having interviews should be seen in a more relaxed view. I've had plenty of interviews where I walked in and the interviewer was basically just setting me up for the job. It didn't even feel like an interview, but more like a rundown of what goes on during each day and they ask me if I'm comfortable doing it and what day I'd be able to come in for orientation. Maybe it's easier for me because the last few positions I've been hired on for are overnights lol.
No. 479976
>>479975The Taylor one is a direct copy paste from the lolcow OP!
Definitely ditch this website Anon. One lolcow is enough.
No. 479994
>>479955>It's said that men apply for jobs that they don't meet all the requirements for, and women only apply for jobs where they do meet all the requirements.Yep. But honestly this is simply what I learned to do from multiple career blogs and forums.
I have a theory that there has been a trend of inflated job postings over the years, therefore there's no way anyone is 100% what the job posting is asking for. It's just their ideal preferences for a candidate. This really should be common knowledge by now.
No. 480138>>486748>>489453
>>479062You CAN get hired for being you, instead of being hired for performing a clown routine.
Guess what job will make you happier?
No. 480252
>>469946this is legit so true. My aunt has no complete university degree but managed to get a job at the european parliament through networking.
I'm currently getting a teaching degree but a part of me just wants to quit it all and ride on my aunts coattails.
No. 480445>>480450
>>480441Avoid: indeed & craigslist
Why: Craigslist is too scammy - never had a promising lead end up to be more than a scam to get my info. Indeed is just not user friendly, kind of a redirect site that feels like an endless loop of signing up for different job hunting sites.
Use: zip recruiter, Glassdoor, or go to the employers site directly.
Take this all with a grain of salt tho because I haven’t had the pleasure of job hunting for a while. Also, my employer uses zip recruiter to hire, but I haven’t used it personally.
No. 480819>>480822>>480831
>>479973I recommend what
>>479995 said, but here is a cover letter that I wrote two years ago for a hair color company. I got an interview, and was offered the job but turned it down for another one. I will say that I remember their ad being really quirky, so I tailored my cover letter to it. So do know what job/industry you are applying to. For some jobs this cover letter would be a hard pass.
Dear Hiring Manager,
Fantasy, excitement, and ease of maintaining a creative color is what I see in XXXX, and is why I’m excited to apply for the Client Services Representative position! With my previous customer service experience, I have learned to engage customers by asking questions, listening to their needs, suggesting products, and helping them the best I can. Using these skills, I believe that I can help the XXXX team make the customer experience a magical one!
As I built relationships with customers as a XXXX at XXXX, I realized that not every dog, customer, or situation was the same, so I would need to come up with creative solutions. For example, a dog may be wiggly for their face. And I would then try singing, or comforting them, only to find that a dab of peanut butter on the nose was the solution!
Similarly, at XXXX, I also used my problem-solving skills to help customers. Often I would speak with customers who were stressed, and I empathized with them and ensured them that I was there to help.
Overall, I believe great customer service is a service that meets the customer's needs, while being friendly, and I wish to work with the XXXX team to provide that for their clients. I am excited for this opportunity and look forward to hearing from you.
No. 480822>>480831
>>480819Another one from a few years ago that got me an interview with no references even though they requested it upfront. I got another job and ended up declining the interview. I hope these help someone:
Dear XXXX Hiring Manager,
I was excited to see a part time Sales and Visual Merchandising position at XXXX. I know that XXXX is known for high quality products, and a great atmosphere. I would like to be apart of the team that provides that.
Currently, I am a full time college student at XXXX and I am majoring in XXXX. At my previous jobs I have learned customer service techniques such as engaging the customers by asking questions, listening to their needs, suggesting products, and helping them the best I can.
I have also always believed that if customers have a clean and visually appealing environment, they will be happier in the long run. When I worked at XXXX and XXXX, I worked hard to make sure things were as clean and neat as I could make them. I often got compliments from guests that ranged from, "This is the cleanest bathroom I've ever been in." to " It is so clean, it doesn't look like you groom dogs here.". So, I do take pride in maintaining the spaces I work in; and along with the customer service skills I've learned, I think I would be a great fit for this position and XXXX team.
For my current school schedule I have classes in the morning and afternoon. My last class ends at 1:50 PM, so I would be able to work anytime after that.
I look forward to speaking to you and thank you for considering my application.
No. 480831
>>480819>>480822Many thanks.
You're an angel.
No. 481570>>481788>>481789
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I'm currently a receptionist at a foreign news company in my country. By the grace of whatever higher being, I was able to land this position after quitting my shitty retail job that I was suffering massive burnout from. I literally just wanted any sort of fucking office job that would give me stable hours, I didn't care for what company or what field. I'm lucky that our branch is very small and slow, so I spend most of my time on here or browsing through random stuff on the internet (no one cares as long as I answer the phone lol not that it rings more than like 3 times a day). It's only a temp position and only pays minimum wage but I accepted it because I needed office experience on my resume.
Currently, the news department is hiring… or they've been hiring for months but the head of the department hasn't found anyone he likes. I'm sort of close with some of my coworkers here and one of them told me about it and sent me the job posting, trying to see if I would be interested or not. I mean, I guess it would be nice to not have to worry and deal with job hunting when my time here is about to end, plus the commute is ultra convenient, and I pretty much know everyone who works here already. The downsides are it's the news department, which means sacrificing my soul to the news gods and never leaving the building. Also, I told myself months ago that I wouldn't want to stay because I didn't want to work this specific sort of company because of cultural differences and struggles (last company was from the same country and had the same cultural differences/standards that led me to burnout).
I don't even know if the head of the department would even consider hiring me because I have zero experience in news. I feel like I'm just sort of stuck. When I left my retail job, I told myself that I don't really care what company or what field I end up working in, as long as it would afford me stable hours so that I could come back and relax with my family and friends, but the news position would be the exact/near exact opposite of it lol. What do you think farmers? Is it worth trying for? Should I bother or should I just job hunt for a different position (mostly would be looking for admin assistant positions)
No. 481797>>481840>>482360
>>481789dumbass advice. news jobs are grueling hours and high pace and high stress. that's 100% the opposite of what anon wants. if retail burned her out, news will destroy her.
anon, figure out what you actually want and want to do (tbh you should have been doing this at your temp job). job seeking is so much easier when you have a clear plan or vision. taking anything and everything is unsustainable. you don't need a high ambition career plan, but unfocused searching just means you miss a bunch of opportunities & also basically start from the bottom at almost anyplace you end up.
No. 481831>>481841
Need to rant a bit. About two months ago, a coworker of mine was promoted manager. At first, I was happy for her because she's a great seller, but her behavior changed totally. She became very condescending towards regular employees (which other managers don't do), always spying on us to check if we follow the planning, giving orders while not really helping… She became particularly contemptful towards female employees, as if she views us as inferior because we didn't get a promotion. While being a great seller, she's not that good at the other positions (has no idea how the stock works, never went to any other store of the brand, bad at repairing products…), it's obvious she was promoted because of favoritism. She acts all cool with the other manager staff, so complaining would not be taken seriously. What pisses me off greatly is that before, she was super nice and friendly, I think she just showed her true colors with her new position (I should have guessed though, she's a huge Beyoncé fan).
Hopefully I'll get a new job in the near future finally related to my studies, I'm getting tired of all the coworkers I don't like.
No. 482360
>>481788>>481789>>481797>>481840Thank you for your input anons!
I'm still trying to think it over. It might be too naive/optimistic of me to assume that I might actually like it in the end or grow into it, but I'm still relatively fresh out of college and treating it one of baby's first real jobs. The job posting mostly described going through local news and finding stuff that local viewers back in my company's home country might like to know about, and I heard that they go to the UN quite often. It doesn't sound too crazy, but then again I imagine bigger US news corporations to be people running about chasing after the newest stories and whatnot. I'm going to try and speak with some of the people who work in the department if I get the chance!
I figure
>>481840 does have a good point. They won't take me if they don't like me, and I won't have any hard feelings over it. They're desperate to fill in the position, but even of the few people I've seen called in for interviews, I haven't seen any of them hired, so they aren't willing to settle. At least I'll be able to leave/job hunt without thinking 'what if' if I get rejected by them. My coworker is encouraging me to do it for just a year to test it out.
No. 483180>>483290>>484121
Oops. I was despairing so much I didn't see a newer thread was available.
I'm going nuts. It's been 12 months since I've last done something full time. I can pretend it's not so humiliating by saying I graduated this July (technically), but I've been doing nothing since I relocated here with my bf. When I research I see expats taking 1+ years to find a job, and I haven't even landed an initial interview. I'd do anything at this point. Back to customer service, factory work, whatever. But since I don't speak the language the minimum wage easily obtainable jobs aren't within my reach.
It'll be christmas soon and I'll have to carefully and awkwardly explain over and over why I'm not employed yet, and it just sounds like a bunch of excuses. My friends back in my home country think I've just decided to stay unemployed and leech off my bf. They don't say it, but their questions and comments are becoming more pointed in that tone that implies "but are you actually trying though?". It's as if they haven't known me to be a fiercely independent person my whole life, and just think I've happily taken on this tradwife role. And they laugh about how I'm becoming a trophy gf, as if I don't very genuinely feel like I have no purpose and am a useless sack of shit for not contributing and having no objective purpose, day to day.
I feel judged. Judged when I need meds/a doctor and my bf pays, not benefitting him in any way. Just money lost for him. I feel judged by my and his family, and my friends. I feel incompetent because honestly, why, with quite a qualified and specific degree to an industry with lots of entry positions, has there not been a modicum of interest? Is there sloppiness in my CV? I've revised it plenty. Is there something wrong with me alone? Do I just come off as a child/stupid in every way?
I'll be starting an intensive language course soon, so at least I might be able to take the minimum wage jobs at some point. But I have 3 months until my job seeker permit runs out, I'm kicked out the country and will subsequently break up.
No. 483290>>484121
>>483180Hey anon, I'm in your boyfriends exact shoes at the moment. With gender roles reversed. My boyfriend is English and hasn't had a job in 1.5 years (only landing a few interviews).
I have to be honest, I genuinely don't think people judge you as hard as you think they do. This is shame and guilt that is making you feel this way. It's clear to me that you seek independence and you value you capabilities as a person. And this "failure" is making you question it.
I don't blame my boyfriend. It's hard for people speaking the language to get jobs, but 10x harder for foreigners. Even with qualifications and education.
And my friends have asked him similar questions and teased him about me being his "sugarmomma" but they don't genuinely think he is using me for that.
I would love to say don't be so hard on yourself and you would magically feel better but being unemployed for a long period of time is soul crushing.
I'm sure the language lessons will help you out! And if you need to occupy yourself I'd sign up for volunteer work like at short movie festivals or charities where English is acceptable. This will keep you on your feet while you look for jobs and maybe even land you a temporary contract to extend your permit with.
Good luck!
No. 483715>>483758
>>483565Welders, carpenters, plumbers, electricians all get paid extremely well where I lived around Europe.
Also amongst people who get a crazy salary are garbage collectors and communal sanitation workers (Street washers) but for obvious reasons not many want to do that job. Also street washers work at night and early morning so that also sucks.
My friend worked as a garbage collector for two years and he says you can make stupid amounts of money for not that much work.
No. 483758
>>483715Even in my third world hellhole those jobs are well valued and you would make more than someone with a degree and can even charge in $ cash rather than our devalued local coin.
Theres not always fancy jobs in tech and design and when they are you take whatever shit wage they offer so they don`t hire any of the the thousand over educated tryhards applying for the same position, but theres always a ton of people with broken ACS and with their gasoline tanks leaking so mechanics, plumbers, refrigerator technicians, welders they always do just fine, specially if you have good word of mouth on a wealthy neighborhood or in the corporate sector or have some friends with the many union mafias.
No. 483893>>483915>>483947
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I'm shitting my pants a little, since I need to give out references to get my offer. I don't mind doing it but man, I asked one of my old managers from an intership for a reference over Linkedin… but has only read my message for him with no reply. One of my other references hasn't read my message. It's been about 11 hours. I'm definitely panicking but it's slightly worrying since I really, really want this job.
No. 484121>>484154
>>483180Hey this person here, should I take this job? I've been unemployed nearly a year now and this is a ~2 month position doing some work behind the scenes of a clothes shop
>yay somebody wants me!>actually gaining money for once>financial cushion will help no matter what happens>fucking doing something with a purpose>the migration office may look upon me favourably and grant me an extension on my permit due to having been employed (the info I received was confusing. It won't change my current permit at all but it may possibly help me in my case applying for a different kind of permit)>could build a small social network other than my bf>might be easier to get relevant work if I've worked in the country beforeCons:
>would have to cancel the language classes I had planned and would slow down progress significantly or stop it for that time>relevant job search may slow down>may prevent me from attending interviews for graduate jobs (unlikely)>will have to cancel my trip to see mom's side of the family for christmas>bf booked his flights to his home country so I'd spend christmas day alone in our flatIt's the christmas thing that gets me the most. Even the hypothetical of spending my christmas alone in a foreign country with no friends is getting me down. If I could get 24-26th off and blow a few hundred more euros getting a new flight I'd be much more on board with it. I thought this christmas would be magical, my cousin had a baby (first of the newest generation) that I wanted to spoil this year, and I convinced my mom to come with only for me to maybe pull out and say "oh, sorry not coming!".
>>483290thank you, that was an uplifting reply! Stuck now though. I did those exact things! Volunteered at an arts festival and for an environmental group, it really did help.
No. 485924>>485938>>485940>>486137
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Today I went in fully prepped for interview 2. I was so nervous and had been studying all night.
As soon as we sat down:
"Anon, we want to offer you the job."
I'm so fucking happy.
My first non-shitty job working at a big university with people who actually have degrees (while I do not) and are kind and passionate.
And an actual salary I can live on.
No. 485960>>485963
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>>469670It’s been a month and still nothing. I’m reapplying to the same companies that have rejected me twice before because it’s all that’s available. New Years funeral ftw
No. 486137
>>485938>>485940Thank you!
>>485944I'm the anon above who got hired at a university.
The skills that got me hired were being able to create static websites (limited to html css) and explaining why that would make me suitable for a position as pedagogic system administrator.
You can do anything you set your mind to, anon
>>485924Side note:
I want to mention I was unemployed 7 months before I landed 2 jobs at the end of the year. I didn't even get a response back from 99% of all my applications.! I was ready to give up.
No. 486278>>486381
>>486262Everything is hard.
I say go for it! Worst thing that happens is you give up. Maybe you love it - maybe the person you called is a pussy - maybe it's totally normal job once you get used to it.
No. 486283>>486381
>>486262Bullshit. I'm an electrician (Canada) and I've seen plenty of female welders on jobsites.
Sign up anyways. This person is being super unprofessional by discouraging you.
No. 486381>>486510>>486622
>>486304>>486283>>486279>>486278Thank you anons for both your support and concerns! It means a lot. I'm going to see if I can still sign up. I did research online and it's nothing like hard construction work. It is physical to a degree but far from being an obstacle just because someone is a woman, so it did catch me off guard when I was told that.
Thank you once again. I would really hate it if I missed this opportunity.
No. 487406>>487409
>>487143Is this your first job? Don't be surprised if they make you leave as soon as the moment you hand in your resignation. You're not as irreplaceable as you think you are. Especially being a call center person.
So leave. Leave sooner. Based on what you've shared, no one cares anyway.
No. 489453
>>486748>>480138>>479062>>478932 question is another reason why you can't just walk in, say whatever "feels right to you :))))) #FuckCapitalism", and expect a red carpet to roll to your feet. Real life isn't a Mary-Sue fanfic.
You have to say what will most likely get you hired. This will vary by position, but the overall principle is the same.
It's a game.
Accept the game.
Learn the game.
Practice the game.
Play the game.
Win the game.
No. 490424>>490652
>>490354You can email them too, just say "Hello, my name is xxx I have just finished completing the application for x-position posted on and I noticed it said to send a resume to your email as well. If you need anymore information or questions please let me know, thank you!"
Usually that gets them interested.
No. 490659>>490811
>>488524OK, this is me in the vent thread just catching up to the concept of networking and not liking the idea at all. I'm socially incompetent and tbh also isolated since I live with my boyfriend who does have a job.
Anyway, networking is the way to go, and I received the email to say that the networking event I signed for has a place opened up and it's TOMORROW. I don't want to mess this up. What's acceptable wear? Can I just go up to people and start talking to them? won't they lose interest when they realise I have no job I could offer them? Do I have to have a super clear goal of what I want or just say I'm looking to go into X industry? Should I present a very specific skillset? Will I hand out my linkedin?
And how can I hide my disdain for the whole thing? Free food though, which is nice.
No. 490864>>490927
>>490863I fucking hate that too. I have a friend who works in tech and basically any time he's out, it's with his coworkers. Like, does a personal life truly exist in these fields?
I remember going on vacation in a larger city and hearing people at multiple shops saying they HATED workers from Amazon coming into their stores, calling them Amazombies because they're nonstop talking about work.
No. 490878
>>490743Make sure you solidify the mindset that when someone's acting shitty towards you they've had a bad time of it and have poor coping skills and take it out on you. Don't take personal responsibility for their feelings. Otherwise it can be very emotionally draining. Quite often I'd see girls running to the bathroom crying, and I'd say it's not worth it if you think it'll get to you like that.
But then again I was CS at a toy company around christmas, so emotions generally ran high and sometimes I could either "make" or "break" their kids christmas. What is it you'd be doing?
No. 490927>>491273
>>490864>any time he's out, it's with his coworkers. Like, does a personal life truly exist in these fields?most of these people barely have friends outside of their job. it was described to me as a bunch of people who relocate to some tech hub, meet their coworkers who have also relocated alone and they just stick together instead of going through the process of making non-work friends in a new city where you don't know anyone. coupled with the fact that many are low-key spergs who could have work/life separation if they wanted to but their job topics are also their hobbies/special interests, etc. and the other fact that these companies love hiring fanboys bc it makes them easier to exploit into doing more work.
like, these are all nerds who have issues with social skills, probably have some hangups about normies, and want to make other nerd friends to sperg with. 99% of the time they'll find this in their coworkers.
short answer, yes a personal life is achievable, most of these people just don't want one.
t. tech adjacent and continuously amazed by how these people live
No. 491273
>>490927My main issue is that even if it's not really your thing, you're still expected to attend team building events/after hours work parties, and some companies do these weekly. If you don't look like you're a "team player" excited to hang out at a bar with your co-workers for 3-5 hours on a Friday night, it can actually affect your chances of getting promoted, or get you fired for not "fitting in with the culture."
There's no reason you can't enjoy your work or your co-workers, but being obligated to hang out with people on your off time or else your job could be in jeopardy is inherently unfair and should be the same as your employer asking you to work off the clock.
No. 491424>>491916
>>488451Is flexjobs worth the price? I want a part-time job and have advanced skills in very specific areas but if it's going to take months to find something then ehh I don't see this being worth it
Basically how is this site not scammy
No. 491439>>491777
>>491389Not sure if this will help you, but I always like to make a little review sheet for myself. I google up the most asked/typical interview questions and write down bullet points that I would like to say if that hiring manager asked me those questions. I don't write out full answers because I don't memorize things very well and don't want to sound like a robot, so at least remembering what points I want to touch upon helps. If you can find interview questions for that company on glassdoor, that's the best possible thing. I always practice saying out loud what I'd like to say since I realized that I will definitely stumble thinking out full answers on the spot and this helps normalize/helps my mouth remember how to say things the way I want to lol.
I also have a quick rundown of the company in there so I don't make a fool of myself lol. As for the test, I wish you the best of luck anon! I hope you get this job!!
No. 491777
>>491423Sorry for the late reply but IDK they haven't told me what it pertains just that there is a test!
>>491439Tysm! that's actually really helpful!!
No. 491916>>492405>>492682
>>491424>I don't want to wait months for a jobYou sound entitled. A free site will never be as good as a paysite. This keeps out spammers and freeloaders.
The website isn't a job-producing machine. The best way to know if you will like it is to try it out yourself for a bit. You can even find partial search results without signing up at first.
No. 492398>>492969
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I bumped into this article a few minutes ago. It's a great refresher of one of my most favorite and powerful tools I use when I'm at an interview: interviewing the interviewer. know how some people say that interviews are mostly bullshit? This part of the interview session is definitely not. I would even argue that it's far more important than the early part of the interview. Everything you both have discussed leads to the moment where you can shine the brightest.
At this portion of the interview, I use up as much of their time as possible to ask knowledgable, penetrating questions about the position. Obviously I come up with them days before hand. I try to make sure the questions are those I would ask if I already work there. The ultimate goal is to get the interviewer to start imagining about what it would be like if I worked there. I want to plant a distinct, me-shaped seed in their mind long after I'm gone.
Don't just be knowledgable, be MEMORABLE.
Here are the ones I asked at my recent interview last week:
*"Does your team use the same Framemaker template for every employee? Or does everyone just use their own templates?"
I call this a "show-off" question. I may not even really care about the answer, but asking detailed information about a tool or procedure used at the job helps prove that I know my shit. It's always better to show what you know, rather than say it. And the best way you can do that in an interview is either by sharing your success stories and experiences, and asking questions like this.
*"Explain to me your technical content work flow from content draft to finished content. How does your process work?"
Typically my best one. One reason is because they're always so different from my past jobs.
*"What was the most recent accomplishment your team has had? For example, maybe you guys just beat a really tight deadline or something."
This general one I added to my toolbox a few weeks ago. When I help them think of a struggle that their team has surpassed, they will now more likely associate those positive feelings with me the next time they think of me and/or that struggle. Subconsciously, it will almost feel like I was there too, struggling with them. I'll experiment with this one more to make the "emotional-link" even more powerful.
You know you had a great interview when the lead interviewer literally and confidently says: "You did very well"
knowing smile. Aw yeah!
fist pumpIn summary, the more of these questions I ask, the more I stand out against the other candidates, and the further I move to the front of the candidate pile, if not THE front.
Usually 3 of these questions are enough. They really do ask a lot of the interviewer and me. but I can spend all day making myself look cool. I try to always let THEM end the interview.
Fully taking advantage of this session was how I got hired at this temp call center job I had, IMMEDIATELY after the interview was over. Dude literally stood up and introduced me to half the office. That's how good I did.
Like I said in
>>478769, this is MY show, bitches.
No. 492405>>492416
>>491916why would wanting a job quickly be entitled ? it used to be that you would walk in any supermarket or diner and they could offer you a job on the spot if they had room.
I get the economy is shitty and everybody suffers, but idk if redirecting your anger on other people who struggle with making money is the smart thing.
No. 492450>>492470
Oh shit, looks like I didn't repost correctly. Doing it now.
Anons, I need your advice. I’m stressing the fuck up.
I’ve been working for a few years in a travel agency call center The job has been killing me, but I stayed for the good money and benefits. Now it seems like I might be forced to change a workplace very soon as there is a lot of evidence that the client will not renew contract with our company and therefore we will all lose job in a few months.
I do not plan to work in this industry again if I can avoid it. My hearing has worsened to the point were work medicine doctors informed me that I might not be able to work with headphones for more than a year (I am fine for now, but most likely will not pass the next test). TBH the doctor advised me to check with my managers if it’s possible to shift me to a position where I do not need to use headphones all the time. I have spoken with my manager and if a doctor gives me a paper based on my hearing exams that yes, my hearing has worsened, they might be able to give me a different position in the company.
Do I pursue the opportunity or shut the fuck up and keep quiet until I lose the job? If they move me, I might avoid being fired but it’s not sure and I might get a position I’m comfortable with. At the same time, I’m worried about fucking up my hearing even worse.
My company is known for not firing people unless it absolutely cannot be avoided.
Another thing. I would love to become a copywriter. I have a fitting education, but zero experience and actual knowledge. I’m gonna take an online course by a respected professional (no, it’s not udemy or anything like that, though it’s online) to learn real skills, but it’s not enough. I need to get my first job in marketing though, it would be best if I could get hired and trained. I would love to be a completely self-taught copywriter, but it’s not so easy for me as I have a lot on my plate. My second question is what do I write in my online resume so that I have a bigger chance of being asked for interview? As I have mentioned, I have the right education, my English is good enough, ATM I’m brushing up on my Office/Excel/Powerpoint skills as they are necessary. I’m lacking the experience in marketing and it’s a big issue.
What do I write in my professional summary and professional goals part? I want to change the type of work so it seems pretty difficult to me.
>>492448thank you for your advice! I really need some more time to be able to find a different job, so I wonder what will be the smartest thing to do. It all depends on what my manager says and if I get the paper from the doctor (tbh I'm not 100% sure if she will give me one in this case since I'm still able to work…).
I'm a bit worried cause what if my team will keep on working for a year more or so and I will get fired from the new position cause I suck or something… In my current team at least I feel safe and respected…
I'm also super worried cause I've sent my resume to like 50 job offers and got no reply yet, most people haven't even opened my CV. I know it's kind of normal but it also stresses me the fuck up. When I was looking for my current job, a lot of people called me back though tbh I was applying for much less demanding positions…
No. 492470
>>492450Well, it seems that the first step should be trying to get that paper, and then you can decide what to do if you'll get it.
You've said it yourself that your company doesn't like firing people, so don't worry about being fired from the new position, it will be fine and you might get more valuable skills and work experience.
Are there any marketing jobs available in your company? Maybe you could get one of those without even changing the company?
No. 492600>>492616
>>492591You need to give more detail, like what country do you live in and did they say how long its closed for? Are you permanent staff etc?
Sounds illegal to me though, but if you're in the states you might need to take legal action in order to get paid
To me it sounds illegal
No. 492616>>492668
>>492600I'm actually in Canada
Frenchfrog, I'm a permanent worker part time, they'll be closed for 5 days but that's 800$ from my paycheque.
I called the employment services or whatever it's named in English, but they told me that I can't do anything, although he sounded really confused and lost. Perhaps I should go in person.
No. 492969>>493015
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>>492398Update: aaaand I just got hired!
I'm glad other anons here have appreciated my advice over the past few months. It's crazy how I'm so passionate about this process. I wasn't even looking for a job at all, I just enjoyed sharing the cool stuff I learned and helping people out. Maybe I should be in the recruiting field instead lol.
Have a happy holiday everyone!
No. 493015>>493016
>>492969Congrats anon! I'm starting to job hunt a little and I'll definitely be trying to apply some of the stuff you've posted!
I think during my last round of job hunting I started to really get the hang of it and hopefully I can get some of my confidence back!
No. 493016
>>493015Thanks and good luck!
Remember: confidence < competence < practice.
There are plenty of lessons in every single interview. You just gotta look for them.
Also keep in mind that knowing that your skills, availability and expertise are in demand also adds to your confidence, like it does for me.
No. 493617
>>493022Just get a job, any job, for experience. When I graduated college, I immediately went to work in retail for two years straight. Did I use my degree? No. Did I learn a lot of other transferable skills and develop a good work ethic? Yes. I'm still not sure of what I want to do for a long term career (not really too keen on using my degree lol), but I feel like it's a bit easier to figure that out by working and doing things and thinking "do I want to do XYZ for the rest of my life" or "how can I leverage this job to give me skills that I need/want to move in the direction I want to go" rather than just thinking about the steps when you're an unemployed student. People might shit on me and say it takes too long to figure out what you want to do via just working with only a vague direction in your life, and they're not wrong! But work is work, money is money, and experience is experience. If you already sort of know what you need to do and don't want to waste time on a random job, get an internship!
You can do it, I believe in you! All it takes is that first step.
No. 494945
>>494549Start with your name to verify who you are. Give a brief summary of why you applied/why you'd like to work there. Then, state your skills which you can apply to the role, such as: active listening (read up on this if you're unsure) - understanding the customer's needs and tailoring the service to them so it's a personal experience for the individual customer - cash handling skills - good team working - adaptability - flexibility. Terms like that really get employers tongues wagging. They love buzzwords. For each skill you bring up, give a brief summary of when you've utilised that skill, normally in this format - issue/problem arises, thoughts/actions you took to work through it, and the outcome. Remember to focus on YOU. 'I did this' 'I was responsible for'. Don't use we!
Good luck anon! I hope you get it.
No. 495171>>501778
>>493035I had a micromanaging boss and the best thing to do was inundate them with information, constantly ask their opinion/for their response on things, and go to them with stupid little shit
Eventually they should get sick of it and leave you alone, but no telling how much time that will take
No. 495194>>501788
>>492684>>495172Whether before or after the interview, follow ups are a waste of time. Outdated Boomer advice.
Maybe send a thank you email the next day if you have their information on hand, but that's all. Don't waste time hunting down emails and phone numbers that they don't want you to have anyway. Companies are very spam-averse these days. Use this time to look for other jobs.
If they really want you, they'll follow up with YOU.
No. 495746>>495969
>>495714Kind of, there are plenty of reasons.
Most of it is just down to location in my opinion. Where I live you can easily get a food service/retail job in about two weeks that will pay you more than minimum wage but in other places it can take many months to obtain one of those at minimum wage, and employers treat you like shit because they know there isn't much else around.
Also people who have a troublesome history (NEET) are going to have a harder time.
No. 495758
>>495707I'm sorry but, LMAO. I've kinda been there, though.
>>495714Not stupid. Just too broad.
No. 495923
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I don't know what career to choose, i like technology but it's becoming more and more cheap (while being hard and time consuming) thanks to companies hiring chinese and indians. I just don't know what to do, my country is slowly becoming more commie and the only good thing about here is free education (it's really bad though) but the future that awaits me is the one of automatization…
No. 495969
>>495746>>495883>>495775and to the other (you)s i'm too lazy to click on,
I hope everyone who is looking for a job will get it
No. 497114>>498041
>>495939I actually got the job through a temp agency, they saw that I worked at a non-profit before and interviewed me for the position. They were very desperate for someone and hired me quickly even though I'm still a college student. All the skills I do on the job I learned during training. I'm so fucking thankful for this job, prior to this I was a custodian at my university and made almost half of the pay I do now for twice the work.
At my job, I mainly just put checks into a payment system and print out acknowledgment letters for them.
Btw, when I say I worked at a non-profit before it was mainly just basic volunteer work I did during high school that included using excel.
No. 497120>>497130
Sorry if this is inappropriate for this thread, but here goes.
I have an art degree (i know, i know) but I don't work in my field and haven't since I graduated two years ago. I'm depressed and pretty much gave up on my desired field and starting working as an accountant's assistant - basically an AP clerk. It's like data entry, inventory, invoicing, and some low level accounting. So I don't really have skills and it's not a "career", but just a job that pretty much anybody could do once they are shown how. I do, however, make more money than I ever did in retail so I would like to stick with this kind of job for now.
My issue is that I desperately want to leave my state for various reasons - but I don't have friends or family in other states, and I certainly don't have the kind of job that would ever give me an opportunity to relocate. And it's not as if I have super in demand skills that companies states over would offer me a job.
I want to have a job lined up before I moved even though I have a ridiculous amount in savings so technically I might be able to take the leap and move first (but I would prefer not to do this.) I'm thinking if I tried to apply to a similar job in another state and put my current address on the application, they wouldn't go through all the trouble of trying to hire someone out of state who is basically a glorified secretary, when they can find anybody down the street who could do the same shit. I have a money I can use to travel for interviews, but it's not like they know/care about that. Has anybody with a job similar to mine ever been in this position and pulled it off successfully? I'd really like advice on this or to be told how stupid I am being.
No. 497130>>497153
>>497120I sort of did this. Left my shitty economically depressed area and moved to a big city. It was a great decision and I can't imagine having not done it. Do you have a particular state in mind or do you just want a change?
If you want to move to New York for example, look for rooms/apartments and set up a budget. See how long you can last with no job while paying X amount of rent with just your savings. Take into account your other bills like food, utilities, phone, etc. Use Indeed/LinkedIn and look at jobs in the area you want to move to. Are there a lot of jobs? Do they pay decently? How far will the commute be? Do they offer benefits?
It's not easy, but it's not stupid. Making your way on your own and moving to a completely new area is incredibly refreshing and rewarding if you plan correctly. My best advice is to do a lot of research on the area first. See what the median rent is, how the wages are, how the job market is, and if it looks good, go for it!
No. 497153>>497177>>498042>>498043
>>497130Thank you for the advice anon. If I can ask a few more questions though - did you already have a job lined up when you moved, or did you survive off savings for a little while? And were you highly educated/already have a career path prior to moving or just a useless degree and a job like I do? Thats one of the things that worries me.
And yes I have a specific state in mind…which is another thing that worries me because I live in a shithole in middle America and my dream city is a major city and much more expensive, which I know I need to be concerned about. I have wanted to move there my entire life, no exaggeration, and I recently had medical issues that made me realize how much shit can just fall apart at any moment and my life is extremely short and I have done absolutely nothing I actually want to do. I would like to think I am smart with money and I already survive off bare necessities, but I have looked at rent here and there and I definitely think renting a room is a better idea for me. I've done it before and though it's not ideal and a bit scary at first, it is more feasible for me financially. I make about five dollars above minimum wage in my current state, but I still never feel like it's enough rent-wise for an actual apartment and my own space.
No. 497177
>>497153I had an idea of where I wanted to go, but it wasn't lined up before I moved. I understand your concerns, because they were my concerns as well before I finally took the jump. My career path/education was practically non-existent, and I only had limited job experience, but I was able to stick it out with my company in my non-professional role and eventually get promoted.
It will be more expensive, no doubt about it, but you'll also have more opportunities and (usually) better wages. If you're already doing clerical work, I'm sure your new city has plenty of similar jobs. It's much easier to find jobs in larger cities compared to small towns. There's also likely to be jobs related to your degree.
My situation was pretty similar to what you're saying, down to living in a shithole and dreaming of a particular city. I hope you try it out. I'm giving you advice like I would give to me 6 years ago. Be realistic, set a budget (sounds like you're good with money already), but don't focus on the negatives and what-ifs too much. People told me I was crazy for moving here initially, saying "it's too expensive, there's more crime" and all the usual, but I'd never move back. It made me so much happier to leave rural, church on every corner life behind, and it sounds like it would make you happy too.
I believe in you anon, and from how seriously you're taking it, I know you will succeed.
No. 498630
>>498380Regardless, it's always best try your best. Also, I feel like girls have a higher bar set for their appearance, and therefore are more harshly judged by men and women.
On a tangential note, the sex of the interviewer definitely matters much more than people realize. And in so many ways, obvious and subtle. I'm kinda just realizing it myself.
No. 499481>>499534
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Applied to a position for the EU (related to the UN). Even though it's just for a receptionist, the pay is good and I guess I'd technically be working in my field (International Relations, but tbh I don't really care about ending up in my field).
Don't have high hopes, but a bitch can dream.
No. 499894
>>499810The work wasn't that demanding (I was admittedly one of the lazier workers), but I did have some scary moments. One guy threatened his dogs on me, another dude flipped out when he felt like I was hanging around the property too long.
I realized the hard way that a few of these "missing" people don't want to be found. If you consider yourself a meek person I wouldn't recommend doing it alone and risking your safety.
Its sad that i have to mention this glaring caveat because everything else was pretty cool. Learned about my hood and the people who live there, Great pay, set your own hours, and its not that hard. Almost fun in a Pokemon kind of way.
No. 500409>>500410>>500411>>500426
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i'm starting to really give up hope.
i just got denied from a job where i did three rounds of interviews for one position and had several connections, some personal/some alumni, at the company. i thought i was a shoe-in.
i'm still waiting to hear back from another job where i did four rounds of interviews and even had one interview with the FOUNDERS of the company. it's been over two weeks since, but i'm hoping now that the holidays are over i'll hear back soon.
i just quit my shitty part-time job, too, because i thought i was finally going to have a big-girl salaried career.
i don't know how much longer i can endure the godforsaken song and dance of interviewing and waiting and waiting and interviewing ad infinitum.
h-hold me, /ot/.
No. 500410
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>>500409Wishing you the best of luck anon!!! Hang in there!
No. 500426
>>500409I'm so sorry anon, I am in the same boat as you where nothing is panning out even after interviews
Here's to getting a new job and staying strong in the meantime
No. 501715>>502499
>>501681Anon, you'll find something else. I believe in you! There's probably some skills to be gained even working at a dog boarding facility- just learn how to sell yourself! Customer service skills from dealing with owners, adaptability because dogs can be unpredictable, knowing how to multi task/prioritize tasks maybe?
I worked retail for two years, and job hunted for a couple months while still working my job without any luck. It was taking such a huge toll on my mental health (feels like such a cheap excuse but I was cutting and having a meltdown almost every other day) that I finally just quit without anything lined up. I'm fortunate that my parents don't make me pay rent, and I had a decent amount in savings to cover any of my own emergencies anyway, so I bit the bullet. It took about 2 weeks before I got a new office job.
I don't think the guilt of leaving a job will ever leave you. It's a huge leap of faith and you just have to trust yourself and know that you work/paycheck don't define your worth as a person. I struggled with that and the two weeks I was out of a job felt like months. I had to pull myself into a routine of taking walks and doing things like drawing or something so I wouldn't feel like I was in such a hopeless loop sending out job apps for hours and hours and hours. I hope the best for you and I hope you'll be able to find a place that lets you work from home or support yourself selling 3D prints!
No. 501777>>501778
>>501429Your manager gave you great advice!
Stop taking work so seriously!!!
Instead of being over emotional and defaulting to 'cope' and depression, can you not just put things into perspective by considering the fact that in 5 years time you'll be in a different job and nobody will care about how you did in this job? Really, work is just a pay check. Stop obsessing. Your boss literally just wants to use you to make themselves money, that's all. They pay you, and in exchange, you give them your time. And then everyone moves on with their life. In 50 years, nobody is gonna look back and go "she REALLY nailed that task!!!!". Nobody. Not even you! Just do your best, that is the best you can do, not some nonsense fanfiction about what you imagine your 'best' actually is. Just be your best. Your best is fine! Stop thinking so negatively about yourself.
Are you using work as an emotional crutch to make up for a lack of a fulfilling life? Your depression talk, and "work is all I've got to be proud of", and "I'm 30", all that talk, sounds like you might need to get some action going on outside of work? Can you try to pick up a hobby or two? And get on tinder or hookup with dates somehow.
Work is lame. Stressing about work is only hurting yourself like some teen who cuts. As your boss said, they'll give you the tools/training to succeed, so don't stress about work. Instead, focus on filling your life with things that make you proud! (Work can be 'a' thing that makes you proud to be you, but work should NEVER be 'the' thing that makes you proud to be you!)
Don't give up, you're amaze! Just let yourself relax and enjoy your life instead of stressing.
No. 501778
>>495171Late for this but can 100% confirm that this works. Micromanagers are annoying as fuck but burning them out with constant questions and throwing the ball to their court makes them give up. People who are prone to micromanaging usually do it to cover up the fact that they have no professional credibility so when they're actually put to test they'll give up.
>>501777Not the anon you replied to but I love this post. Giving your all and sacrificing your mental health for your work is
not worth it. Nobody will appreciate it, ever. You'll only be rewarded with more work, not respect and fulfillment.
Making your job your identity is never, EVER a good thing. It will always end up badly. I've been the happiest when I treated my work just as a paycheck and did my best without constantly overdoing it and instead focused on my hobbies. Aiming to be the employee of the month every month only makes you miserable.
No. 501782>>501791>>501794>>501796>>501805>>501816>>501826>>501834>>501837>>501864>>501905>>531664
>>501773What did you expect? You work in tech lol
I do too.
Are you young? Is this your first proper job? Where do you work? (Or what kind of tech does your company make, if you're afraid of doxxing yourself?) The bigger social media and classical media companies, and stalwarts like Apple/Amazon tend to be more diverse, and thus, more likely that you will find a crew you can relate to. Heavy engineering like car co's or Boeing tend to be way less diverse and more male dominated. Banks, the big ones, are a mix. And are usually fine, if you work on a large campus.
But for real, it's tech. It's not gonna be girly!
Guys in tech tend to be autists. You literally described autistic behaviour in your post. That's just how tech guys are. They're nerds who can't connect with non-nerds, let alone with women. (Even if you are a nerd, you'll always be a woman to them). And if they're not nerds, they're likely gonna be super-competitive jock-types. Again, not exactly the kind of guys to understand how to connect with women on a professional basis.
You really need to figure out how to deal with those types of characters, because that's just how guys that go into tech are. (Women in tech can be worse! Beware the female autist! And beware the radfem who'll make out that all of your achievements and skills are thanks to your ovaries instead of your skills. You'll have a whole lot of fun navigating the female tech hordes to find a few you can connect with, so good luck with that! If you think the boys are bad, just wait till you meet the girls!)
Seriously though, ranting and joking aside. You may need to just search elsewhere for a job. But if I was you, I'd use this as a learning opportunity and try out a few experiments: Like, ask your manager for help. Simply lay out what you wrote here and see if they can help. You're not gonna be seen as a troublemaker. If he's a good manager, he'll do his best to figure out how to welcome you into the group better, and how to maximise your productivity by assigning work that matches your skill set. If you're the only chick in town, it could simply be that they don't actually know how to use your skills effectively and they may not even consciously understand that there's a problem (all because they're autistic and you're a girl!). Bringing this to your manager's attention might get their gears grinding and open their minds to updating their behaviour.
Or just look for another job. As a female techie, you literally have the golden ticket to work almost anywhere you want, so don't be afraid to apply everywhere!
And lastly: don't stress about the HR and ops women. They probably do think you're a loser! But mainly either because of jealousy of your skill set and the options available to you, or because they're just basic bitches that can't understand why a girl would be a nerd. The kind of basic that unironically watches the youtubers we laugh at on here :) Do be kind to them, at least publicly. They are much better to have on your side if you ever need them. (And please remember that you likely earn at least triple what they do, and your career trajectory will always be better than theirs, so if they're jealous, while it's not "ok" per se, you can hopefully understand why they're jealous. They'll probably never be able to command 6-figure salaries like you will.)
Personally, while I still love tech and building things and the creativity and all, I've had enough of tech people after a decade (of success tyvm), I'm sticking it out for another year or two to save up the big bucks then moving on from tech in 21/22 and getting an mba so that I can deal with some non-autistic people for the rest of my career. Yes, the biz guys may be more misogynistic than even the tech nerds but I don't care if they pay me well, I'm old enough that I just want to raise some kids and chill. Crunch time isn't conducive to being a mommy (and neither is putting up with autistic behaviour!) Hopefully with an mba, I can just rock in and go: pay me, give me a cushy number, and I'll be happy managing the autistic tech boys instead of arguing with them to explain why some of their ideas about tech and dev strategy are outdated and wasteful lol
Or I might flip altogether and switch careers into marketing and laugh at the basic bitch mar-stars for the rest of my career while using my big brain to outperform them at their own speciality hahahaha
Good luck with your career!
No. 501796
>>501782AYRT and I mentioned I'm a senior level developer in my post, so obviously it's not my first job and I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm well aware of the autistic men in tech but quite honestly they're the ones who overlook gender and treat everyone in an equally autistic way, not in a passive aggressive "yeah diversity fucking rocks but uhhh mind if we have our guys only club here" sort of style. I'm not going to mention where I work and risk doxing myself, but most of my coworkers are the hipster type of IT guys, not the "they're just shy!" type of nerds who would at least have the excuse of being completely socially inept.
I've already approached managers concerning my feelings about the work community but they don't care because again - I'm the only woman, I'm the only one having trouble, so it's my problem alone. They can't relate. And I really doubt you did either.
>>501794Yeah I was actually thinking this same exact thing reading this ramble that didn't seem to understand where I was coming from at all.
No. 501826
>>501773It really depends on what you do. "IT" is a very, very broad term and the closer you go to your typical modern dev jobs the more you'll run into younger "no girls allowed" types and techbros bragging about their salaries and big brains like old Bob here
>>501782, despite devs being a dime a dozen and easily replaceable.
Instead of switching workplaces, I'd advise you to look into pivoting towards backend and then infrastructure. I work in infra for a big finance firm and ALL of my coworkers are 1) over 40, with wives and kids nearing my age, 2) very chill people, 3) very helpful and genuinely glad that someone younger is willing to take up the reins.
If someone makes you feel disgusting, I implore you to keep evidence of that in a Google Drive folder or somewhere (so that you can always access it), and let it pile up. If the firm ever contests your negative experiences and tries to brush it under the rug, threaten a lawsuit if nothing is done about it and show the evidence to HR, keeping a copy for yourself. If you have enough material to make a case for yourself I would even suggest going to a counsellor, your supervisor or HR and doing it now. Just remember that the HR are there for the company's protection, not yours. And if any of those HR ladies are any nice, try to be a friend to them, you might need them more than you think. If they're being bitchy though just ignore them lol, our receptionist hates me for some reason but coos at all my male coworkers.
>>501782Have you forgotten to take your anti-psychotics or estrogen today?
No. 502478
>>495707OP of this comment giving an update. So the higher up brought up this incident why my supervisor within the past few days. Supervisor honestly didn't care that much or he would've talked to me about it, he always comes in an hour before we check in/out and makes himself coffee and has a smoke so there's time for him to bring up issues with me. I'm literally the one out of three employees he likes, he's even given me the OK to skip a task one day out of the week and take a quick nap if I ever needed to, because he used to do what I did, same hours, & that's what he would do.
Another worker in the building, separate company, got a chance to bring it up with me when my supervisor was out of the room for a bit "Hey, did the supervisor let you know what was going on?" And he explained to me the higher up is trying to walk in on me slacking off, hopefully sleeping. He asked for a key to be made so he can enter the building without he knowing.
Obviously, the supervisor can't really deny his request because it's company policy so even if he tried, he'd probably be suspect by the other higher ups.
But God, this is so stressful. I'm not even trying to get away with not doing anything, like yeah some days I just don't want to do anything, but I do what I'm supposed to by the time my shift is over. It's just so unneeded. Anyways, this is what I get for fucking up LMAO what's worse is this dude is probably two or three years younger than me and I'm not even in my late 20s.
No. 504205>>504223
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>>504135Pick two. This is the unfortunate reality (though I would probably replace enough sleep with work in your case).
Networking is crazy important. A lower GPA might suck, but I know a girl who's doing physics and astronomy and was STRUGGLING grades-wise, but she gets invited to do cool shit and special programs at places like Harvard because- you guessed it, networking. I remember seeing an anon's post somewhere about how some rich kid spent all this time fooling around and partying and still landed a cushy job because he made good connections. Work smarter, not harder as they say. Making connections and meeting people who will know who you as a person, your work ethic, and hopefully also like you, means a lot more than a number on your resume. It'd be really nice and swell to have both, but I had to pick, networking would be more important.
Unfortunately that's just how things work. If you do end up leaving your job, I'd replace it with an internship or something similar- anything to get you closer to people working/about to work in your field.
No. 504213>>504223
>>504135>because I study so muchYou've probably heard this before, but have you tried studying smarter not harder? You should find how you learn and try to study like that.
You could also get a flash card app and use it to study in down time, I recommend anki.
No. 504223>>504261
>>504205Thanks anon, I think I will probably quit my job as it isn't really doing anything for me in terms of future goals. I'm not sure if I will be able to get an internship because I don't have a portfolio and there isn't much offered at my community college to begin with. But if I quit my job I could at least get started on programming outside of school and I would be able to go to events, join my major's club, and overall be less stressed out all the time.
>>504213I think my methods of studying are fine, I probably do more that's necessary but I just get paranoid about not doing well on tests because in most of my classes 3-4 tests determines 90% of the grade.
No. 504781>>504979
>>504639I can only speak as an American who has family members and friends who are teachers/planning to become teachers.
Anyway, it's demanding as fuck and people like my cousin and best friend chose it as a career because they really do it out of love for the field. I can only hope it's a little better in Canada, but teachers in the US are (for the most part) terribly underpaid considering all the work they have to put in. You have your regular work hours at school, then you have all the time you put in outside of school to do grading, lesson plans, and god knows what else. My aunt said she almost never sees my cousin anymore because she's so damn fucking busy grading all of her students work all the time. They have standard curriculum they have to stick to that's mandated by our state and standardized tests that force them to teach to the test because those numbers mean everything, but it creates a push and pull because not every kid is a good test taker you know? Do you measure growth by the numbers/set milestones, or just by overall growth? Oh teachers get summers off? Probably off teaching summer school or attending conferences/classes/seminars to learn better teaching methods to help their kids or something else. It's never ending.
There's probably a lot more that I haven't even mentioned, but this is all I remember because my friend and roommate in college would always be telling me about it. A lot of it might be unique to the US/our state in particular, but I don't imagine the "you put a lot more in than you get out" is very different. I also have friends who were pressured into becoming teachers who absolutely
loathe it. You can easily come to hate it. Kids and teenagers are unpredictable. Good public schools may be difficult to get at job at because theyre, well… good. No one really wants to teach at an underprivileged school with a bunch of problem children who have home issues that affect their performance at work if they have the opportunity not to. You could also have a class full of angels or a class full of fucking demons and you just have to roll with it.
No. 504979>>505032>>505101
>>504781My dads a teacher so I know a little bit about it. After school hours, he always grades 6-9 pm every week night. He gets summers off, xmas break and March break so it seems very chill, plus day holidays like labour day, family day, thanksgiving etc. In Canada, you can make ~$100,000 a year after 10-15 years of teaching, with a starting salary of $40,000-$50,000 depending on the subject and grade level (High school makes more). Plus you get benefits like massages, braces, dental care, chiropractor bone cracking sessions, glasses, and dieticians/nutritionists. It seems like a good deal here in Canada hence why I’m interested in it. But then again, it’s stressful and teachers always go on strike.
No. 505867>>505927
>>505843 Good luck!
Hopefully you get the job and that your temp experience would boost you quickly through the ranks.
No. 505927>>506100
>>505867Thank you anon!
I haven't interviewed in so long… thankfully I feel pretty confident bullshitting my way through them and also have a lot of interview prep notes that I prepared during last year's job hunting so I'll review some of those!
No. 506100
>>505927bank anon again.
My interview is scheduled for tomorrow after work! The company is literally down the block from my current job lol.
The recruiting company I'm applying through even sent me a whole pdf packet on how to prepare myself for it. I know it's definitely in their best interest for me to get hired anyway, but giving me as many tools as I can to succeed makes me feel nice too. They even sent me a sample thank you letter to send to the company after the interview is done looool.
No. 508206>>508265
Bank anon again. I'm waiting to hear back from the recruiting company, they said they would probably have an answer for me around the end of this week.
I'm sort of anxious and hoping they'll reject me to some extent? I'm worried about having to pay for business formal clothing since it's a bank, and even though the listing said no Japanese language skills were required, I'm still worried about a possible language barrier and that causing miscommunications or mistakes. I've never worked in a super professional office setting before so I don't have that many business formal clothes to begin with. I'm slowly trying to buy more now, but pieces can be really expensive even if they're still technically cheap for what they are. I don't expect fluent no accent English from these people, but one of the interviewers (most likely the person I'd be working under) had a very thick accent and also a bit of a lisp so he was sort of difficult to understand. They were both very reserved and quiet and didn't ask me too many questions at all, almost none about my working abilities outside of "do you know how to use word/excel? do you know how to do scheduling?" They mentioned it would be sort of HR work too, so this position (listed and paid as entry level) would be receptionist/admin assistant/HR/a little bit of accounting? all rolled into one.
A lot of my coworkers at my current job are a bit hesitant about me going for it. Whether they're trying to get me to stay until my full year is up so they don't have to pay to get another receptionist right now or not, I think some of them do have valid points. The HR person at my current job is worried because it sounds like they don't have an HR department at all. It's fine and dandy if I learn HR but who would I even learn under? Would I just be thrown into the shark infested waters that is labor laws and what have you to learn all of it on my own? Who does payroll, do I have to learn to do that too on top of budget and expense reports (former is not a listed duty but the latter is, in the job description)? It's not like I don't think I'm incapable of learning these things, but at the same time I'm worried about learning all of this at once for an entry level position, getting overwhelmed and making mistakes, then getting reprimanded and possibly fired over it. Is this even appropriate for "entry level" or are they just listing all the misc tasks as entry level so they can get away with paying the bare minimum for a bunch of work?
If I get it, turning down a job always feels pretty shitty of me. I'm not super pressed for one at the moment, but I'm scared that another job won't roll around by the time I leave and I'll have wasted my one chance at a full time job. At the same time, I don't know if it's worth it. Part of me thinks "just grit your teeth and bear with it for the experience" but am I actually just a huge sucker willing to take low pay for all this work? I wonder if it's worth trying to get a second interview or asking the recruiter to clarify these things with the company for me before I accept if I'm even offered the job.
I feel like I'm just over thinking things too much but fuuuuuck.
No. 508265>>508276
>>508206 Bank-chan, take a deep breath.
You interviewed for an entry position. They know you don't know everything there is to know and that is OK. You will learn new things and yes, probably make mistakes, but nothing at a level that would be disastrous. You will get more important projects as you go up the corporate ladder.
Making mistakes is how one learns. As long as you take them as learning experiences and get better, you will be fine.
As for your current job situation, the one you have, it isn't long term, yeah?
You took an opportunity for a more attractive job. If your current place wants to keep you, they will have to offer you something better.
You are on all accounts in a good situation.
It might be overwhelming right now, but you did your best and took a chance at a promising opportunity!
Keep your cool and things will go well!
No. 508276
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>>508265Thank you anon, your words mean a lot to me. I think I’m a very capable person and I
do want to learn, but I feel so anxious just from the uncertainty of what their office is like (I didn’t get to go in) and also coworkers here sort of spooking me even though I know they mean well. I’m just going to hope for the best like you said!!!!
No. 508971
>>501681Same anon from this. I'm currently looking for a new job that will allow me to pay off my remaining balance of last semester and keep up with my car payments. I'm honestly done with the place I work at. Today was the last straw and I've realized I hate going to that place now.
Do I have to include my employment history on an application if the skills/tasks aren't relevant to the job I want (I currently work with dogs, the job I want is seasonal reception)?
No. 509072>>509107
>>508386>>508386Possible, but you have to build a portfolio and dodge a minefield of HR with worthless degrees who think you need a degree to program.
I'd personally just do a coding bootcamp instead. You'll actually learn something, build a portfolio, and the good camps literally refund you if they can't land you a job after completion. Considering you already have a degree, I don't think it'd be worth it to get another. CS courses are a joke.
No. 509107>>509121
>>509072How are CS courses a joke?! Sure, some may argue that that CS courses are too theoretical, but the application of code is relies on the theories. You need to have CS fundamentals down pat to know what you are doing!
>>508386That being said, make sure to look at the curriculum thoroughly and ask questions to the school. Or, take a look at Coursera. They do have streams offered by universities (ie. Stanford, and more) for what kind of career you want and will definitely guide you through more than just the code, but also algorothms, data structures, optimization, etc.
No. 509880>>511269
>>509121Agreed that getting a theoretical foundation in a field will take you way further than simply learning the techniques (which are much easier to learn when you understand the theory); if you are comfortable working as a front-end developer at a middling company with not much opportunity for growth then maybe a boot camp and portfolio is sufficient, but there will be a limit to how far your career will go.
I've noticed this in my field, which also has people flooding in via bootcamps; the people who are self-taught or have gone to a bootcamp can be great at some of the basic methods, but they don't understand why the methods are constructed as such, struggle to learn new methods, and have trouble solving unusual problems. If you have the time and money to go to school for a field like this then it's worth it to go to school.
No. 509957>>510557>>510605>>510608
How do you anons deal with awkward flirting from supervisors? I've only had 3 jobs since I started working, and they were all at relatively established companies with HR, but I always find what's written in their harassment training is completely different from what actually goes on. I've had at least one creepy manager at every job. My previous manager used to give the women back massages for "morale," play with our hair, look us up and down, etc. One of the women apparently complained because he took it further, and people started talking about she was making it up because she wasn't that pretty anyway. She wound up getting fired later on for something "unrelated."
I've never seen any HR complaints for this shit go anywhere, especially if the manager is well-liked. It seems like the women who do complain get told they're being too serious, manager was just being friendly, etc., then other people also call them liars. Is there a better way to handle this?
No. 510484
>>510381Hi anon, it's my 5th year at CC and I'm finally transferring. I don't want to get into the reasons why but my life hasn't been easy.
Anyways, it's not a race it's about the journey there. You've made it this far.
No. 511269
>>509880My professor was talking about this the other day when discussing the importance of understanding algorithms and mathematics. I mean considering engineers and every field steals the hard work from autistic math fags…
But seriously, real world software problems require complex solutions. For example how do you ensure an algorithm will never fail? That's the difference between pajeets and codenonkeys and software engineers.
No. 511918
>>511902She acted pretty harshly either way, but perhaps your resume could use some tailoring if data entry is what you're after? Seems like she couldn't grasp what you wanted, dhe seemed to think you wanted a supervisor position. If you Google data entry resumes there are some skills you should include in order to make your application look more relevant and focused.
Having a one page resume is ideal, don't make it wordier just to satisfy the tastes of one interviewer.
You shouldn't have to list personality in your resume but you could say things like 'detail oriented' to give an idea about your work ethic. As far as interests go, unless your work and volunteer history are barren and the interests are relevant to the job for experience, there's no reason why they should be anyplace other than your cover letter.
Also don't put your English skills down. Even if you intend to get better assume you're fluent to everyone else and that your skills are fine. It probably spooked the interviewer that she thought your English wasn't developed well yet, after that she probably wasn't really listening and already made a mental note that you were out of the question.
Also you gotta find an answer with direction that fits the 'What is your future plan?' question, it's very common in interviews.
No. 511949>>511951
>>511946Oh my god take the damn job. "Ethics" lmao.
Meanwhile people work at shit mills like Wal Mart for $7.25 an hour.
No. 511951>>511954>>511966
>>511949>take the damn job.Did you miss the part where I already live on 60-70% of what I make currently?
>"Ethics" lmao. I'm lucky enough to be in a position to exercise my principles. It is a privilege to be able to say "no" to so much money.
>people work at shit mills like Wal Mart for $7.25 an hour.Because they have to. I don't look down on them for that. It's an unfortunate consequence of the world we live in.
No. 511954>>512011
>>511951So invest the money miss privilege.
What are these big ethical conundrums anyway?
No. 511975>>512011
>>511966agreed. im wage cucking myself for 10$ hr overnight but i like the work, its easy and its the best for my anxiety. just thinking about suffering through something i hated just for a check is miserable.
>>511946you just had some salty poor anons get pissy at you. do whats best for you
No. 511976
>>511939I think I’ll put the PDF on my tablet and bring that in. I had put on my resume that I do graphic design do they might want to see my work or something.
I’m just a little nervous because it’s a local cafe job and I work in retail. I’ve never had a food job besides washing dishes and scooping ice cream cones but I hope they might be willing to train me.
No. 512011>>512013
>>511954They are notoriously disrespectful of their users' privacy. I'm sure you can figure out what it is.
>>511957See above.
>>511966>>511975Thanks, anons.
No. 512076>>512374
>>512040Yes, unfortunately. I really like where I'm at in my work now – I work with people I really like, and even though it's in a male-dominated place, they're good dudes who have worked hard to do better and have the backs of the women in our office. It's a much, much better situation than others I've been in.
But the bullshit is still there. There are just so, so many men who don't treat me like a real equal in terms of work/knowledge. So much of the time it's not obvious, and you know they think of themselves as woke, feminist, not a mansplainer, whatever, but it's still the automatic default in how they treat me. So often I feel like men in my field treat me like this audience they have to perform their genius in front of, rather than a colleague they should collaborate with. I've gotten better about saying "yes, I know that," but 1. it's EXHAUSTING having to do that all the time, and 2. sometimes they get pissy, and even though I know I'm justified in telling them, it can be…easier to not, because then their hurt feelings become my problem. Which is of course bullshit but it's still a choice I find myself making. But I'm never not aware of the bullshit unfairness of it.
That and being sexualized are the biggest problems. The guys in my office don't do this to me, thank GOD (or if they do they keep it to themselves), but in the field in general…yeah. Even if it's not the most horrible stuff, you can tell when a dude is making you into his fantasy girlfriend, when he's totally unable to view you as another person in your field. The anxiety of it, hoping he'll stop, hoping he won't get creepy about it, all of that, is so draining.
But I stay here because I love the work. And I have found wonderful people within it. If I can offer you any piece of advice, it's to seek out other women in your field. I was always the girl who mostly hung around with guys growing up, it did not come naturally to me, but having female friends has been crucial. And if you can, older women – they can help you out and teach you and provide mentorship you never have to be worry is going to turn into something creepy.
No. 512084>>512374
>>511946. I've never experienced any sexism in undergrad or otherwise. Make sure you take a good look at team culture before joining a company. Honestly though, if you're legitimately good at your job, you will be treated as such. The only bad part is that if you fuck up it'll be held against you more. So basically don't fuck things up and you'll be good
No. 512221
>>512212Apply, apply, apply. And I don’t mean just flinging you’re resume everywhere (but also do that) are you:
1. Doing ranked coding exams on leetcode or hacker rank?
2. Going to tech meet-ups in your area and volunteering or socializing?
3. Writing small portfolio pieces and posting on github often?
4. Taking online courses on things you see are top skills so you can be more competitive?
Apply to stuff you’re not qualified for, and look for startups. It’s not enough to have a degree anymore.
No. 512436
>>512409When it comes to retail, it's really about making yourself out to be a yes man and sales drone while coming off as aloof enough for management to exploit.
Individuals with qualifications who make it clear they're not desperate for the job, or that they may overtake(!) current management are never considered lol.
No. 512443
>>512384First, congrats anon! Second, deep breaths! I'm sure you'll do fine. Give yourself some time to adjust. I used to think 'fake it til you make it' wasn't really a thing in the workplace but people just get really fucking good at hiding their incompetence. Don't be afraid to ask for help or clarification. I mean, they must have seen that you don't have the proper background for it based on your resume/interview, so they probably just liked you as a person/how you presented yourself in the interview and thought of you as someone worth taking on even if it means having to teach you some of the stuff.
I believe in you anon! Go there and do your best! I hope everything works out wonderfully for you at your new job.
No. 512529
>>512407Yes, but the reason this person quit and how it got to that point just made him out to be a drama queen. You wouldn't have to "quit" if you had watched where you were going, didn't walk into a pole and end up in a hospital for a week. Lol, the people who deal in theatrics do so for a reason.
Are you leaving a job that has no connection to your new one? If you're going to burn a bridge, just quit and never come back. I considered doing this myself, but I would hate myself for doing it, so two weeks notice it was.
No. 514156>>518649
>>513986>>513660If interview anxiety is bad enough where you're sabotaging your chances of ever getting a job, it's possible to go a medical route so long as you understand how what you're taking affects you beforehand.
Before job interviews I'm nervous about, I take a propanolol or some kava extract in order to prevent/lessen an autonomic response. Before job interviews that I'm extremely nervous about, I take one of those plus .1mg clonazepam to prevent my thoughts from racing/brain from emptying. It's not ideal but it does the job.
If it's an issue that extends to a work environment in general, yeah, you should probably see a CBT therapist and sort out your issues.
No. 514159
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i walked out of my job back in december since i couldn't fukcing take how the company was treating me. been vibin off of my fafsa money (+ money i've saved up) since then but i'm really not looking forward for another position as a barista while being screamed at by karens all day.
No. 514292
>>514273Its a 6 day training program ( 3 days of training and 3 days of try-outs), when i ask the manager she told me its against company's policy to pay me for just participate in the program even though they said PAID training programs and even insisted me on working for another week. I really want to rage quit though…we just dont have good policies around these kind of fickle situations and part timers usually take the hit most of the time. At the same time i kinda want to left this job with less noise as possible, i dont want to be a doormat but u felt like its not worth it dealing with these people.
But thank you anon, your comment really snap me out of this shitty situation, ill keep u updated.
No. 514319>>514338>>514349>>514390
>>514286If I was truly incompetent they would have never hired me to begin with you dumbfuck,passing various Psychological tests and evaluations
Taking calls for a while, at least I managed to do that,you would have not even survived at where I live at,I bet you work at McDonald's
No. 514338
>>514319Yeah don't listen to that anon, they don't get it. Call centers are hell. I'm not even introverted and yet even I struggled so badly with constantly having to deal with attitude and verbal abuse with a smile in my voice. Not to mention the metrics and sales.
I held that job for a few years until I couldn't take anymore, but had I not accrued paid time off and could get people to take shifts, I would have quit in the first year.
I've worked retail and I'd pick those jobs over call center work again. Absolutely inhuman.
No. 514385
>>514384I don't know your circumstances or your country but you need to let your manager know about this .
He is obviously suffering but he is over stepping the mark and you need to be moved to another patient if at all possible . As tragic as it is for him , his sexual appetite or need for companionship is not your concern .
No. 514387
>>514384Oh anon you need to be stricter. You also need to look like you're very sure of yourself next time he does something like this. I think your answer about dating was good but don't explain yourself, if he asks you again just say "No, I don't want to date anyone right now". If he asks why, that's not his business.
Next time he is saying some weird sexual stuff, a very serious "Excuse me ?" (almost) always works. It's my go to reaction because they either repeat themselves so the effect is lost, explain and dig themselves deeper or realize you will not be treated this way.
Like the other anon said, you also should tell a superior about this.
No. 514539
>>514534It's easier said than done, but please don't give anon. You were dealt a shitty hand of cards but that doesn't mean you can't live a comfortable life down the line. I have a friend who had to move out around the same time you did, she moved cities and worked here and there until she caught her big "break" working an entry level job in her preferred field (arts/media) and now she's got a pretty comfy position that's pretty close to her dream job. She never went to college either. I graduated university about 2 years ago and worked retail up until a few months ago until I caught a lucky break and now work in an office (not in my field tho. pretty much wasted time/money going to uni but whatever lol live and learn, I guess).
Shit is hard, and it fucking sucks. I can only hope that things will look up for you one day. Definitely try for a cleaning job! The cleaning people at my old retail store and at my current office building get paid BIG BUCKS because they're union workers, but their work isn't terrible and is definitely worth the pay (I don't want to say it's easy because I worked at a big retail store and the bathrooms were hot garbage, but they got paid like $90k USD lol. The cleaning people at my current job only have to change out the garbage bags, they don't even clean the floors or anything unless we specifically put in a request for it). Try it out anon! I hope you'll land something good.
No. 514540
>>514534Work as much as you can to get yourself into a position where you can at least take community college courses or some type of training, even if you can't do a full load while you work, no matter how long it'll take. No dead end unskilled retail or cleaning job is ever going to make you happy or put you in a good position. The only reason to job hop at that level is if your coworkers/managers are making your life active hell or you can get a higher wage somewhere else.
From am outsiders perspective, Target employees seem more grounded and like they're at least not miserable at work than employees at other retail stores I've seen. If I had to work retail that would be on my list of places to apply.
No. 515149>>515156>>515349
>>508980The update that nobody asked for: I didn't pass out and in fact got an offer!
It was only four years ago that I was essentially an alcoholic, anxiety-crippled NEET who had dropped out of grad school, and now I will be making 170k at one of the most desirable companies to work for. It just goes to show how quickly life can change, even beginning from a situation that feels hopeless.
No. 515164
It may not be much coming from a stranger on a gossip imageboard, but I hope that everyone who is struggling to find a job or enter a new field ITT can find some hope that this will soon pass- once you enter your first position, even if it's a shitty contract job, the doors will open.
As far as getting your first offer, I've found that displaying that you are passionate about the field and eager to learn goes a LONG way and will make you eligible for opportunities that you are otherwise less qualified for compared to other applicants. From what I've heard from some hiring managers, apparently personalizing your cover letter for each role is something that is surprisingly rare and helps you get a first interview as well.
No. 516647
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i work as a circulation clerk at a county library. i like the job itself, but cannot stand management. they enact the dumbest fucking policies and try too hard to pretend that they give a fuck about us. i live right on the border of two counties and i'm considering quitting and working for the other county because they pay more + give more hours but i have to impatiently wait for an opening. the other county has less human interaction too (greater focus on shelving + self check out kiosks). i just want a job that doesn't piss me off until i finish my MA to find a better job. realistically i know i should stick it out but goddamn
No. 518649
>>514156 if you're willing to go the medical route for it.
However, you should also keep in mind that the people interviewing you know that interviews are nerve-wracking and (if they're in an organization worth working for) won't hold it against you unless you are completely unable to function or can't demonstrate that you're qualified for the job.
If you come off as friendly then you could joke about how you're nervous towards the beginning of the interview; ime that helps with relaxation and helps interviewers connect the dots if you are visibly anxious. I did this during my last two on-site interviews and got an offer from both. You may also find that you start to relax once you get there and start talking. Unless you do end up having a trainwreck interview, the days leading up to the interview are by far the worst because you have a bunch of 'what ifs' swirling around in your head and you are anxious at the possibility of being anxious. Actually starting the interview can be like gently releasing a pressure valve.
One more thing- you're probably going to be told 'no' at some point in your career, probably more than once; it's something that you can't take too personally. Even the most talented and experienced professionals get rejected, and most of the time it's just that the candidate isn't a good fit for the role, or that another candidate is a better fit.
Good luck, anon!
No. 518886>>518992
>>518867They're absolutely lazy cunts, yes. I have friends like that and it's true.
BUT anon, they have zero independence and literally are in no position to make any decisions. They are at the mercy of their husbands or boyfriends. If the men are doing well, things are great. Yet when they're doing bad, those women receive the brunt of their blame and agitation. Women like that are extremely vulnerable when things get ugly.
Friend #1 developed a health condition that she pretty much extrapolated and exploited in order to quit her barista job. Her boyfriend-now fiance couldn't handle the sudden financial pressure at the time. He was already being a shit but that sent him spiraling with crazed behavior, you know how men get when they get strapped with responsibilities. The friend stayed at my place until he calmed down, but it was annoying because she couldn't drive and was unemployed. I remember her complaining about my one bedroom apartment I shared with my ex, because she was so spoiled from having a house ergo more space to throw her things around. Anyway they got back together because they're in their 30s and were too panicked to be single. She was jobless for a spell but it could not continue for long. He forced her to get a job where he works so he could supervise her and not have to commute her to a separate job. Sounds like hell to me. She still can't ever go anywhere or buy anything on a whim.
Friend #2 lives with her husband and also doesn't really work. Sometimes she'll have hobby related side gigs but never enough to pull income. She at least can drive herself and has her own car that's paid off. It seems nice that she has so much time for random nonsense and hobbies, but her husband is an alcoholic toad and she's told me as much. He yells and screams like a manchild. She's also hinted that he cheats while he is on business trips, which I wouldn't doubt.
I'd hate to be in their positions. Imagine feeling forced to live with and marry people because there wasn't another realistic choice.
The reality is while work is a shitshow, our financial independence is tremendously valuable to our happiness. Make no mistake, men seek out those women on purpose for how easily controllable they are.
No. 518890
>>518867It only works when the man isn't an
abusive shithead. So, not often. You have to be lucky enough to find a guy who truly loves you and is a decent person. These types of men are actually happy to provide for their gfs/wives, and don't get bitter over it.
No. 518992>>519160>>519175
>>518886Yeah, if you want to live the housewife life then not only are you contributing absolutely nothing to society (unless you do have kids, in which case once they're in school you're contributing nothing that a working parent couldn't do), but you're leaving yourself vulnerable to the whims of your partner, who probably won't respect you or be able to relate to you because you're probably a lazy piece of shit who's opted out of a major part of adult life.
I have zero sympathy for anybody who willingly chooses to be a parasite and ends up ruining their lives over it and somehow even less sympathy for those who make that decision against the wishes of their partner.
No. 519150
This reads as a rant, but I promise it's ontopic
My company is changing buildings, it was supposed to be a new exciting change, but we got our room assignments and they fucking sucked.
We're all in separate rooms and all of the veteran employees share space with new people which isn't terrible except it's going to be noisy as shit.
I'm stuck inbetween a friend and someone who is super loud, so naturally I asked to switch places so I could feel like I could breathe–
Now I'm on the end, my friend is in the middle (she doesn't give a shit), and 2 seats away is the loud dude
Now, everyone else hates their assignments too, so while we go over the assignments we're allowed to make some changes
This person who is now forever a jerk in my eyes complains that she has to be in a windowless room, so she asks to switch into the room I'm in with my friend
But our boss never put the change I requested in, so now the seating arrangement has it so that I'm back where I started
I complain but then he says "work it out amongst yourselves" and I'm totally fucking screwed because how the fuck am I supposed to convince someone who got everything they asked for
The cherry on top is that she's directly training newer classes of coworkers so
1. She won't be at the desk for at least a week
2. She won't be at the desk consistently because her job has her going off to supervise newer workers
I'm mad as shit and she's not budging, my friend doesn't want to get into it, and my boss doesn't want to hear it even though HE was the one who made the change permanent (AAAAAAND I audibly asked my friend to change in front of everyone)
My first thought was, fuck it, I'll just move her stuff and I'll be the asshole but at least I get what I want–but I really don't want to cause trouble and I hate that I can't get what I want without fucking over someone else
So, I made the decision to move to the room with no windows because at least I'll get some quiet and there's only 1 other person in the room
I want to fucking die because so often I just feel like nobody fucking cares about me
So my question is
How the FUCK do I fight for myself? Without coming off as whiny. I swear, I felt like I had to cry because I was so powerless and unheard. I can't just start a fight because that's not how the real world works.
Nobody fucking listens to me unless they want something from me and I'm ALWAYS getting the short end of the stick
How the FUCKING GOD DAMN SHIT do I fight for myself in a work environment that really doesn't have a lot of options for me?
I'm always commended on how helpful I am whenever someone has a question–this person who got my desk constantly asks me for help and favors but when I want something, dead fucking silence
At most, the last favor I asked her was "can I have a chip?" because I read somewhere asking for small favors is a good way to get people to like you and I wanted to transition into a nice conversation because I'm shy hence the need to figure out how to fight for myself
I'm also suicidal so I might actually end up killing myself over a bunch of small things adding up over the years
No. 519160
>>518992Having a job isn't the only way to contribute to society and housewives generally aren't lazy unless they are rich
Calm down
No. 519175>>519205>>519372
>>518992>then not only are you contributing absolutely nothing to society (unless you do have kidsHow brainwashed are you? Learn to think for yourself for once and adopt your own values instead of mindlessly following and parroting what others believe.
I work, but I realize it's a fucking waste of time that drains you. No matter whether you have a degree or not, the matter of the fact most people are going to be stuck at a desk doing trivial shit that barely matters. Not to mention, most people who have children aren't even competent, leading to those children having to pick up the broken pieces later on in life. Hell, a lot of them don't even plan to have children, it's just something that happens because they're irresponsible.
I wish I could fucking be a NEET housewife because then I would have all the time in the world to pursue my hobbies and improve myself. I could live life on my own terms and do whatever the fuck I want. It is truly sad that you believe an individual's value only comes from working and having children. What if they are a wonderful, loving partner? A great friend who is always there to listen and support? That changes and positively impacts others' lives more than being a wagecuck. Get your head out of your ass.
No. 519350
>>519310Have you tried one of those screen protectors that obscure computer from people who aren't at the right angle?
As far as appearing busy, you can always try working on some sort of proposal to improve the quality of your work/workplace
Even if it's something small like efficiency in how you move data around
No. 519372>>520031
>>519175>I wish I could fucking be a NEET housewife because then I would have all the time in the world to pursue my hobbies and improve myself. I mean yeah, that all sounds great and I agree that work fucking sucks. But you are forcing someone else do suffer through work for your sake and that's honestly something I would feel ashamed of. I want the NEET life eventually but I'm gonna do it via financial independence and early retirement so I'm not living the good life off someone else's time and labour.
> What if they are a wonderful, loving partner? A great friend who is always there to listen and support? This is not equivalent to a paycheque by anyone's standards. You really have to question what sort of man would financially support a woman who isn't even raising kids, and the answer is almost always an
abusive, controlling one who doesn't want her to have any independence.
No. 520011
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I have a job shadow tomorrow morning. Extremely nervous despite going to an open-house there prior. I just would like this to turn into an internship opportunity.
It's also my first time getting a job shadow opportunity in general, anyone have any tips? I'm thinking of bringing my laptop just incase but most likely relying on observing and taking notes in a notebook
No. 520888
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I have an interview tomorrow for a job with a recruitment consultancy. They are going to ask me to do role-play where I essentially try to sell a candidate to a potential employer, they want me to invent my own candidate, their story etc. and think on the fly because the interviewer will try to challenge me… has anyone does anything like this? I am comfortable role-playing but am not comfortable with the idea that I have to imagine a lot of the details because I don't know what really in the realms of the job is conceivable…
No. 521127
>>521002When I was a student I got into cleaning gigs. These are the very best.
It paid super well by hour, there was work a plenty (more than I could take on), you didn't need much training or skills, you were working with virtually no supervisor because cleaning stuff after hours/on you own so pretty independent. I got a gig cleaning at an upper class lady's house once a week (very flexible, not a lot to do because she was tidy and lived alone - bonus she gave me all her expensive clothes / shoes that no longer fitted kek, so cool).
I also got a gig at cleaning offices in banks in the evenings - 4 branches from the same bank. Easiest job ever. I was alone, could pretty much chose when I'd come in after hours, and being an office it was always easy to clean up - hoover the place, mope up, clean desk, dust stuff off, empty bins, done.
I remember making over a 1000 euros a month at one stage. I don't regret having found this as my student job, it was awesome.
Maybe something to look into.
No. 523754>>525719
>>523717Lolcow banned gender critical, and PP for a bit, so they had to find a new imageboard. Some one made a site called
. Someone doxxed the admin reveling they're a male. Some drama about how it was a trap to doxx, get IP and info, pink pilled/gender critical anons (why would a dude make a PP board, they used unsafe code, hiding gender). Think the sited died after that was revealed. I made 2 posts on there and if they were attacked to my name I'd be kind of fucked.
It's a dumb fear, but I'm paranoid he turned on my webcam or went through my hard drive, all unlikely. I think I logged on without a vpn a few times, but didn't post without a VPN. The dude wasn't the best with coding either, acdiently gave ever new and old user an infinite ban, so he couldn't pull off a basic or complex dox. he also used a premade board with very few edits so he'd lack the time/skills to turn it malicious in time for the GC migration.
No. 525716
>>524159In the short term, poorly.
There are quite a few sectors that have decreased income because of it (think hospitality/tourism), so that means lower workforce is needed.
No. 526325
>>526080I'm job hunting right now and have a feeling that the coronavirus is impacting it negatively, but at the very least I'm glad I'm out of my retail job.
One of my old friends is still there and was saying how they refuse to close the stores. This store is HUGE and very well known, on one of the busiest streets in the middle of NYC, and sees hundreds if not thousands of tourists everyday, but of course management won't close the fucking place. They'd much rather stay open and put their employees (and then the rest of the population!) at risk just for some extra dollars here and there.
No. 527634
>>527621Not sure where you're located, but I don't think a basic 4 year degree is going to make you look overqualified. On the contrary, a lot of jobs require a college degree now, even if it's just for the most basic bitch office job. Some places don't even give a shit about your major, they just want to see that you have a degree (which is stupid imo).
I wish you the best of luck anon. I'm coming up on 3 years out of college and I still don't know what I want to do, in or out of my field of study.
No. 528574
Pretty sure I'm gonna get shitcanned because of corona. Not because it'll shutter as it's an essential industry, but because I'm a contractor and just not worth keeping as another head to pay. I was on a six month contract that expires in May, I don't think they're gonna renew it and no less offer me direct hire with all the instability and uncertainty. But even before corona got here I felt like I was getting mixed messages, kinda gaslit.
It's basically an admin assist job, I do all the shit in the office no one else wants to do as I'm the lowest on the pyramid and also the youngest (despite being late 20s). I don't mind per se, but the work is easy and unchallenging. I think I'm guilty of doing things "too fast" as I tend to get done with the work in a day or a few when I'm meant to stretch these assignments out a week or two to make it appear like I'm working busy hard. I get compliments like "Wow so fast" and "Amazing" but they feel kind of patronizing over email sometimes, like maybe backhanded. Often I don't have shit to do. I ask around and offer help of course but sometimes people legit don't have anything for me. I get a little embarrassed being seen looking at my phone at my desk, but it's not as if I'm not doing my work. No one ever bothered to train me for a concrete role where I could pull shit to work on, so I'm basically sweeper for most unwanted projects and work. It doesn't help that I'm a contractor so I'm already somewhat treated like a leper separate from the company anyway even though people try to act friendly. In fairness, I've learned lots of transferable skills for my resume but this would be my second contract hire in two years and I'm so sick of having to look for new work and constantly readjust to a new environment with different demands.
I think one corporate suit lady doesn't like me. There's backstory but I don't feel like typing it out. Anyway in no uncertain terms she said how she thinks I'm (wanting to leave?) leaving come my contract end, and she and the ops manager consort so it's got me nervous. He holds the power to renew my contract. The actual operations manager seems to like me but obviously I'm no priority, he forgets about my existence most of the time. He's said stuff like how he needs to put in an order for a desktop add on for me, or this or that which would indicate they want to keep me around, but those things are never followed through with. Busy, or just giving me false hope?
No. 529039
>>528978Probably, but more so because they didn’t have anymore projects from our local county’s records resource and all the data-entry was finished. And I wasn’t a contractor but a direct employee.
I had a feeling I was gonna be let go eventually but chose not to entertain it, Corona-chan just sped up the process.
No. 532089>>532885
>>531767I’m going through the same thing right now anon. Assuming the money is that good, stick with it and build a cushion. While you’re wasting time at your current job figure out what steps you need to take to find a job that you love, that also keeps your pockets lined.
That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway. Save up money to study something that interests you.
No. 532885>>532965
>>531767>>532089Can you make a lateral move to another role in the company, or ask your boss if you can take on different/more responsibilities that require creativity?
That said, yeah, the economy is going to be in the shitter for a while and you shouldn't quit without having another offer lined up. You could passively search for a new job while continuing to do what you're currently doing.
>>532328Are you going to be considered an employee of Amazon or a vendor?
No. 545282
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Has anyone ever heard of Citigate Group before? I got an email today with an application to work from home. I googled if it might be a scam or not but found no results besides their website and LinkedIn account
No. 545446>>545451
I got hired for a job that starts in two weeks.
I've usually always been the nervous new hire that smiles, says yes to everything, is timid and feel bad when I have demands or wishes, but it has caused me more stress than I need in my past workplaces, so I decided to be more firm and sure of myself this time.
Due to the pandemic everyone has to work from home, so they are going to deliver a work laptop to my door with the necessary tools. I live about an hour and a half away from the office with public transport, 45 minutes with a regular car (which I don't have), so when they asked if I could take the bus to the office and bring the laptop and an extra screen home I stated that we would save time if they could drive it to me instead. Didn't demand it, just told them it would make things easier for me if they could. They've done the same with other new hires, though none of them has lived as far away from the office as I do. They also knew where I lived when they hired me, so it's not like this was an unreasonable thing for me to inquire at all, but I still feel bad. Ugh. I was really close to offering the guy driving to me gas money for the trouble, but another part of me tries to stay relaxed with the fact that if they want me to work there, they should at least provide me with the necessary tools.
I'm super happy that I managed to land a job despite everything going on, though, so maybe I feel ungrateful for not going out of my way to make things easier for them. I just wish I was more confident. Fake it till you make it, I guess.
No. 545451>>545504
>>545446anon, don't feel bad. unless its a mom and pop company they most likely could have spared the money to overnight ship your equipment. if it's a decent company they would most likely be worried about giving you the most positive onboarding experience possible and catering to your needs.
but congrats on the new job! i hope it works out for you. fake it til you make it and work to build your confidence!
No. 545504
>>545451Thank you, anon <3
It's a quite big international company, so that makes me feel a lot better when you put it like that.
No. 556734>>556747>>556817>>560239>>560249
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I am looking for advice/help about what I can do with my life. I am currently a 2nd year university student studying Mathematics and Computer Science, and I have no idea what I am going to do with my degree in the future. Since the semester has been coming to an end, I've seeing how there are many old classmates who already have many internships and experience, while I am here not doing anything to advance my future career. I have no interests so looking for what companies or places to intern at is hard and not to mention I also think that I am really under-qualified compared to my other classmates at uni. It's gotten so bad that I've been contemplating suicide because I have no idea what I want to do and being around others is also giving me anxiety because I know that I am under-qualified and have no experience. How can I compete with people who have been studying the same things as me for longer and they actually have connections? Any advice would be helpful. Please help.
No. 556805>>556860>>556876
>>556747nice and helpful! not shitty at all
>>469216i'm yet to go to college but not everyone is good at this shit and that's okay. it's all so fucking hard and compulsory and i don't even want to do any of the courses i have down. you could try applying for smaller companies just to have something down on your cv. i'm not sure what exactly involves computer science but is there any chance you could do a few nixers online like helping ppl with tech on sites like fiverr (not the site itself but ones like that) and you could sell it as freelance helping people w either maths or computer science. just find something to put down that you've been doing w ur degree and it'll be okay
No. 556860>>556876
>>556805Shitty? She's made a dozen thread asking this exact thing on reddit and apparently none of the advice satisfied her.
At this point she needs to talk to a real person about her anxiety. Literally who the fuck knows what their career will be after 2 years of uni. She needs a reality check.
No. 556876>>556889
>>556747>>556860kek I don't even have a reddit account, but do you have the reddit account link of the person you're talking about or the subreddit they posted on? If they've asked this question many times and have got advice then it would be nice for me to check there. I've been trying to see if people have asked the same things as me on reddit and I couldn't find anything other than people asking if they should major in what I'm studying.
>>556805That sounds like a good idea! I haven't even thought of that. So far the only jobs I've had are not related at all to my major. I'll star researching some of that stuff up, since even freelance work is proof of experience. Thank you!
>>556817Thank you for the advice! I was getting really anxious about internships because I know other people in different majors that are already interning and I started to feel so behind. I'll work more on my personal projects because I didn't even think of that as being something I can talk about when getting an internship/job. Thanks again for the advice. It's helped me clear my head a bit.
No. 560249>>560839
>>556734Anon, I've been in your shoes and I can relate entirely. It seems really daunting when a lot of your peers are getting these juicy interships, but you can be one of them too. Do you have any projects that you can show off? If you don't there are a ton of project ideas/tutorials that you can do to build up your portfolio. Put all your projects that you're proud of on Github and put it on your resume.
Internships are really frustrating to get, because even if you have a good resume/portfolio, someone might be better than you or the company just overlooks you. Just keep applying. If there's a cover letter portion, do write one. It'll help you a little since you don't seem to have a lot of experience. Highlight your enthusiasm and how fast you are at learning something.
It's really hard but I believe in you, anon!
No. 560258
>>557162From what I've heard it's to vet off people who aren't serious shows 'initiative' or whatever stupid corporate speak they drabble. They just don't want to deal with entry level applicants for entry level positions because they're lazy and don't know how to pick good people.
I have a lot of experience with 3D Printing while I was in College, about two years worth, and I was a Lab Monitor for a semester. I know how to use the actual printer as well as modeling software. I applied to a position that was looking for exactly those things, in fact I had more experience than they were looking for, and I got absolutely nothing in return. Not even a 'Sorry, no thanks.' after months. The postings are still up.
No. 560557>>560560
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>>469216Help! I’m not sure what to pick? Should I keep all my benefits/money or should I not?
No. 560839
>>560239I'm trying to build up my portfolio before I apply to internships because I think I need more experience with the programming languages I'm learning. But yes, I do need to apply to internships or else I'll have no experience when I actually get a job. Thank you!
>>560249I'm currently working on a project since I started doing research on how to get more experience. I'm actually feeling a bit more at ease now that I know that projects are really useful in your portfolio and I've been looking for more project ideas and tutorials. Thank you for believing in me! And thank you for the ideas and tips for applying for internships! I really appreciate you giving me advice! I hope you're doing well!
No. 561938
>>561804Have you read up about how to build a community on instagram?
And it could be useful thinking about who you want to target, what kind of people should commission you. Like, if you want to work for big companies, maybe an art station account would be good.
If you want to work for non business people 40+, facebook would be a better marketing plattform than instagram.
Maybe try pinterest (short timelaps videos work good there) to get some traffic to your instagram page. Plus you should get your own website.
For instagram it's important to post on a regular base, like at least 4-5 times a week. Videos work good there, maybe post some WIPs and interact with others! Look up some artists who have a similar style like you and comment on their work. People will start to notice you if your comments aren't just "How Pretty" or something like this.
Anyway, good luck!
No. 574624>>574728>>574780>>574787>>574814
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I have no idea what I want to do as a career. Literally no idea at all. It's driving me insane and I'm really depressed and anxious over it. Even just searching job sites trying to narrow down my options will send me spiraling. I don't have any desire to do most of the jobs I come across, and on the rare occasion that I do find one that looks good, they list a whole bunch of requirements that I don't meet.
I'm graduating with a BA in psychology in the spring, but it's just because it's the only subject I didn't absolutely hate. I don't plan to pursue grad school. I don't want to work with mentally ill people, or in research. People ask me all the time why I'm studying psychology, and I don't know how to answer them anymore except to say some autistic shit like "the study of human behavior fascinates me."
I'm a really artsy person. I like fashion and design. I am also a very competent writer and really detail-oriented when it comes to things like spelling and grammar. I'm outgoing and like working with lots of different people. I'm organized and very productive, don't mind data entry as long as that's not the entire job. I need my autonomy and like the idea of working with some structure, but not having to report to someone constantly, or be micro-managed non-stop. Ultimately, I like the idea of having a small number of people working under me, but I don't want a ton of responsibility. Like, the idea of being a CEO sounds awful. Being a supervisor would be okay.
I genuinely have no idea what kind of job or industry would allow me to do all of this, particularly with a BA in psychology and a bunch of service-oriented work experience. Please help.
No. 574780>>574787>>575088
>>574624Not exactly sure what this type of jobs these are called but if you are into fashion and have a psych degree, then you could work with fashion companies to help design magazine layout, websites, even retail store front. I know those type of jobs required you to have an understanding on how to keep people interested and how to entice them to stay and spend money.
I think you can do a lot of jobs, you just need to know how to market yourself. Sorry I'm not the most helpful.
No. 574787>>575088
>>574780>>574624UX Design.
>>574728If OP doesn't like research psychology then she'll probably hate UX Research unless she manages to land a position at a company that doesn't know what UX Research actually is and allows her to half-ass it (which tbf is plausible). UX Design or Product Management could be up her alley; they're respectable roles that allow for a decent amount of creativity.
I would recommend UX Research for anybody with a Psych BSc (Master's recommended) who loves research and hates academia, though. It's extremely fun and gratifying and you can make a lot of money if you're good at it.
No. 575088
>>574787I'll look into it. Thank you!
>>574780I'd say I actually am pretty good at marketing myself, but I often do so for things that I'm not actually passionate about out of fear that I'm going to go broke.
Tbh, out of everything I wrote about in my first post, I think writing is what I'm best at. Only problem is I have nothing to prove that I'm good at it other than writing samples and a few years of writing tutoring experience. I don't have an English degree and have never been published or anything. I wrote an essay once that was good enough to get me a $1750 scholarship, but I don't think that's really all that impressive.
No. 575861>>575873>>575876>>575885
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Anons, any advice or at least peace of mind would be extremely valuable to me! I'm 26 years old I have never had a job. I got an associate of science degree from a community college just this Spring. I am transferring to a 4-year this Fall. I plan to be employed at the university for the (hopefully) 2 years it takes me to complete my bachelor's; I'll be applying for jobs as soon as they open up for the upcoming semester. I also plan to do an internship, ideally more than one, & volunteer/join clubs.
What have I been doing all this time? Well, I started community college at age 19 in the Fall of 2012 (graduated high school in 2012, my birthday is late in the year.) From that time up until the Fall of 2015, I tried 2 different degree programs. Neither of them worked out for me for a variety of reasons. I went full NEET from Fall 2015 until Fall 2017, at which point I went back to school for a science degree. Thankfully, I actually enjoy this program and I'm good at it.
There's no real, good reason why I haven't been employed. All I can say to summarize it is that I've been stupid, lazy, depressed, anxious, and enabled by my parents. So I'm more or less 6 years behind in my life, a 20 year old living in the body of a 26 year old. I'll be 28 when I get my bachelor's, theoretically. I am undecided about whether or not I want to go to grad school or try to find employment in my field once I graduate. Maybe both, if possible?
So, now that the lore has been established, here's what I could use a bit of advice on:
Will my lack of an employment history bite me in the ass once I get my BS and try to get a "real" job?
By that point I will ideally have two years of on-campus work experience. But I will also have 6-8 years of essentially nothing to account for.
Does it count as a gap in employment history if said employment history never really began?
Is this a death sentence?
Will they not immediately disregard me if I have at least some work experience and a relevant internship?
Sincerely, thank you in advance for reading this and for offering any help or peace of mind. I know I'm a dumbass, I'd do it all differently if I could start again.
No. 575873>>575878
>>575861First, your self-awareness about your past is half the battle. I would avoid drawing a lot of attention to the employment gap and instead focus on your work experience at school and your motivation as you move forward.
If they bring it up, I’ve found that being candid and honest without being ashamed or TOO honest is the way to go. Place the gap in the context of your life, maybe saying you dealt with some medical issues and struggled a little to find your path, and then quickly bring it back around to how you went back to school, discovered something you’re really into and are looking forward to diving into this career. If you have to, you can probably dig around for -something- you learned during this period.
Please take my advice with a grain of salt, but I’ve found that (besides having the skills for the job) having a good attitude about your setbacks and crafting a narrative that shows your trajectory is upward really reflects well on you.
Good luck anon!
No. 575878
>>575876>>575873Genuinely, thank you so much anon, this definitely made me feel a lot more optimistic!
I always have this feeling in my head that tells me my life is over and there's nothing I can do to make things better, but none of it is really true.
No. 576224>>576256>>576286
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How do I 'network'? Where can I find people to network with?
No. 576274
>>576255I make about the same amount, but this is really hard to answer because it depends on where you live a lot. People in more unstable economies invest in real-estate, but if you live in a place where families own their houses and will inherit property later you might want to invest in something else instead.
My generic answer is to invest in things you know about and want to support, since buying stocks and commodities is how companies are funded in the first place. So, if you care about clean water and renewables, invest in a clean water/renewable energy fund. If you care about small businesses, invest in SME funds.
Always have some amount of money saved for medical emergencies, legal fees, emergency repairs etc.
No. 577531
After so many incredibly stupid and unlucky things happening to me for years I'll finally look for a long term job. Wish me good luck because I'm pretty sure I'm cursed at this rate.
>>577409I can confirm this from when I was an underpayed intern. My manager was trying to make me feel guilty for going home on time when she barely gave me shit to do all day long, everyone was a passive aggressive little bitch and back stabbing each other, I'm almost glad they never renew my contract as an actual employee after that.
No. 577538>>578054
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currently sitting on my break on my last day at this job and I can't believe it. I met a lot of good people here but it was literally making my hair fall out from how overworked and underpaid I was so it feels good to escape and start a new chapter at last.
the new job at big company's american hq is going to be at home for the time being until the office fully reopens and i'm nervous about it (never worked from home before let alone have a job that is completely customer service and not like 6 positions crammed into one, hence why i'm okay with the pay being the same) but i'm looking forward to what's in store as theres way more growth as opposed to working in a crummy retail job. guess there's hope after all.
No. 578524>>578537>>578684>>578708
Tech anons, help please. ;_;
I'm a CS major who started off at a pretty shitty, underfunded school and at this point, I just finished sophomore year with still no good skills (despite having a high GPA, ironically). I never coded before college and made almost no friends, so I'm especially lost with personal projects because I've never even gone to a hackathon. I know C++ and basic Python, and I was thinking of studying some web dev over the summer to at least make a website, but besides that, I don't know where to start with doing anything on my own. I know I have to brush up on data structures and do a lot of Leetcode, but past that, I feel lost as fuck.
I feel really hopeless about finding an internship for next summer. I'm transferring to an exponentially better school in the fall (and that may give me another summer before graduation if I have to do an extra quarter or two) but I feel like it's too late for me to catch up.
Idk, can someone give me some guidance please? I'm so stressed that I'll never find a SWE job after graduation because I'm halfway through college and still fucking useless
No. 578537>>578540
>>578524Not a tech anon, but saw an anon post this website in the vent thread to someone else, hope maybe it'll help you in some way!'s never too late to catch up or start. I graduated college 3 years ago with a different degree, and am trying to figure out a place to start learning CS myself! Network as much as you can at your new school, maybe join some clubs, or at least befriend your professors (good for references and they might send internships or jobs they find your way!). If you can't find an internship for next summer, then look for one for the winter or the following summer, or even one that you can do while attending school. Try sending out general interest emails with your resume to companies you want to potentially work for, letting them know you're a student and to keep you in mind if they ever have any internship positions open, it never hurts to just put yourself out there. Good luck anon, I believe in you!!
No. 578540>>578596
>>578537Thank you for the really positive reply, anon!! I do have high hopes for my new school since it's an ~elite~ university, so hopefully networking there will help and I can reach out to people for extra support as opposed to feeling really lost at a huge state school.
What sucks is that at my old school, I befriended almost all of my professors but there really just weren't many opportunities. I
did get promised (for half a year!!) a paid AI research position for this summer, but that professor turned against me and started weirdly insulting me when she found out I was switching schools and withdrew the offer immediately. ;_;
No. 578611>>579065
>>578607I wouldn't be surprised if
>>578601 was right about not having a position to give you. Seems sus that even after having you read research papers and write weekly critiques, she suddenly starts berating you. If she truly thought you weren't worth it, she wouldn't have had you done it for so long. She really should have been more professional. Professors who berate their students are the absolute worst. There's no doubt in my mind that they get power trips out of feeling better than their students, because
how dare their own students be so bright and smart and full of promise?
Well, either way, I'm sure the future holds better things for you! I'm such a spiteful bitch, I'd work my ass off just to show that bitch up one day.
No. 578684>>579065>>579068
>>578524I'm kind of in the same boat. I started off at a community college and had to work (no prior CS experience either) so I only know theoretical stuff, not really anything practical. I almost got an internship through pure nepotism but because of COVID they did a hiring freeze. Now I'm going to go to an actual university and don't have any good projects.
My tips would be
>You aren't as far behind as you think I joined a discord for people majoring in CS at the university I'm going to (it is a good one) and you would be surprised by how many people haven't done shit either. The people who had internships in high school and who have had fancy internships at Google are in the minority. People who haven't done shit don't post shit to github so it makes it look like everyone is super accomplished but this is not the case.
>start small for personal projectsI read Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, it gave me a lot of ideas for personal projects and also I learnt Python which was a bonus. My first "real" personal project was only about 20 lines of code (basically it checks the tracking number on a package and sends a reminder to be ready to sign for it if it's in transit). But it felt pretty nice to make something that I actually use. I think if you try to focus on making a really big and impressive project it's easy to get overwhelmed and give up.
I think you should maybe focus on making projects before you do a bunch of Leetcode, just so you can have stuff to put on your resume. I do completely understand your feelings anon, I don't really know what I'm doing either. Good luck!
No. 578709
Also when your applying to jobs if you see entry level but with 2-3 years experience, or similar just apply anyway, nothing to lose, and most of the skills and experience listed are a wish list.
No. 579065
>>578611I actually know several friends who did get hired by her, so there's that. :( I think she just got bitter since people at my old school have an inferiority complex to private schools and I'm going to be attending one now… Thanks for the encouragement!!
>>578684Thank you, it's nice to see someone else in the same boat! A lot of my friends (from different schools) did intern/now work at at Google, Twitter, etc so it's hard especially to compare myself to them, but they also started coding way earlier than me. I'll look into that book since I did use Python for a semester and just need help getting started with projects for sure! Good luck to you too!
>>578708Thanks! I'll definitely focus on projects first. I just wrapped up data structures a month or two ago but definitely need to start Leetcode now.
No. 580198>>580252>>580292
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took up animation for college. im enjoying it yeah and im about to get into my 2nd year in August. 3rd semester got fucked because of Coronavirus.
But im genuinely curious how do u get into the industry + i'm thinking of migrating to another country once I've finished my studies and take up whatever fucking job canada or australia or anywhere in europe has to offer while trying to find some studio who is willing to hire a fresh graduate.
(i've had some experience with freelancing which is some art commissions lol)
i dont know if it sounds too optimistic or unrealistic(?) but its shit here where im from and i'm trying to keep my mind off of things
I'm just looking for advice at the moment and I'd like some input. thanks anonettes…
No. 580252>>580272
>>580198If you're already considering moving out to another country, search for animation internships and junior level jobs instead going for "whatever job". Don't ignore countries that doesn't have english as primary language, a lot of studios in a creative industry would be international with english as primary company language.
I think best course of action would be internship at your country and then looking for longer term thing somewhere else.
No. 580272
>>580252Same anon from the post you replied to : our school requires us to get into internships for half of our 3rd year in college and for 4th year just a whole year interning so uhhh im a bit hopeful about it
Also thank you for the advice. Ill keep that in mind since ive had my eyes set on Canada or Australia
No. 580292
>>580198You sound like you need to read through some Gen Z career websites. No studio/agency wants to hire someone with no legit job skills, especially if you’ll be in another country. The idea of a company hiring a “fresh graduate” in 2020 is unlikely unless you’re connected.
Find unpaid internships, volunteer opportunities, whatever you can. Everyone can animate these days, I wish you luck in finding your space.
No. 580713>>580729
>>580689try reaching someone else at the company, explain what is going on, and ask them to forward your resume
dont take a loss on this one
No. 580804>>580860
>>580752>>580752i feel this anon, but for perspective: i lost both my jobs/incomes all at once about 3 weeks ago, i'm about to help my mom and me finally move out of our
abusive living situation and i had just bought a new phone for 700$ days before unexpectedly losing all income, only had 1000$ plus 700 of credit card debt, i did one interview at my dream place to work and when the lady didn't call when she said she would and it was like 4 days after the orginal hiring deadline i was so stressed depressed and devastated, then this morning?? she calls, hires me and i begin tomorrow (i start as part time then move to full time, keyholder, raise and benefits in a few months assuming i pull my head out of my ass and do good enough) so it can honestly get better. but i have not worked an actual job like this in almost 2 years, so yeah it can be very hard. getting hired is about 1. putting your all into the interview assuming you get that far, and applying to places that are not through those piece of shit scam sites like taleo etc where you have to spend an hour making an acccount just to send in a resume that will not be seen by anyone.
No. 580845>>580851
>>580807Will keep it in mind in the future! I started applying directly whenever possible now to see if the listing actually exists, plus in hopes that they'll see it if it's a really old posting on indeed that still exists on their career page.
>>580809She's head of HR so I just think it would be a little awkward/funny to just turn around and be like "hi! me again!" lol. But will do! Nothing to lose now lol
No. 580851
>>580845yeah, I'd turn around and say something like 'thanks for connecting with me! I've found my skills and interests are also a good fit for account manager, and have prepared a cover letter'
I'm also on the job hunt right now, I log in to linkedin and see jobs with 300+ applicants and am always trying to figure out how I can stand out
No. 580868
>>580829Write what you need to and present it to a good friend or spouse. Someone who can give you
valid feedback. Practice is good to do, but dont overstress or over think anything. Be yourself and drink a big glass of water before your interviews.
No. 580956
>>580829- focus on being natural and chill. a big part of these exercises is seeing how you act under stress. interviewers are normal people and would rather hire someone who's personable but imperfect.
- be concise. most people don't actually want to sit through a 10 minute presentation.
No. 581086
>>581070Always try to look as professional as possible. It's not like the interviewer will see your tote bag and think "Can't hire her", but it definitely contributes to your whole look.
Then again depends on the position.
No. 583793
>>583764Smile. I cannot emphasize how much this helps you. Twice now I've been hired for jobs I wasn't totally surprised for because of some reason like "your attitude stood out compared to other candidates" which really means, you're a ray of sunshine and we like having that on the team. Even if you're not a ray of sunshine, you can pretend to be one for a paycheck, right?
Rehearse your answers to common interview questions and take the time to look on GlassDoor for the specific questions candidates applying for your position (or at least in the same department) have been asked in the past. Confidence matters.
Good luck, anon!
No. 584616
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I'm currently working a dead-end retail job and I honestly have no clue what I want to do for the rest of my life. I guess the best I could do is network and get a higher paying retail job, but I'm not sure exactly how to network. Do I just go on Linkedin and hope for the best?
No. 584690>>584716
>>584684Depends what job. I'm sure you'll find something knowing three languages.
>>584688I'd still say don't mention it at all. They'll ask you about your availability, just say you can begin in two weeks - it's not even that much so there's high chance they won't even ask why, but if they ask all you need to say it's personal matters you need to attend. Scheduling an interview will definitely be more
problematic, from personal experience even if I had a job and recruiters were aware of it, they rarely would be able to schedule interview outside usual working hours. Your best bet is requesting time as early or as late as possible an just deal with being late to work, or requesting an early leave on that day.
No. 585154>>585177>>585192>>585349>>585413>>585446
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Do any anons here do part time, full time, or even hobby fashion reselling on Poshmark, Ebay, Depop, Mercari, etc.? I guess it's kind of been a side hustle for me for a while but since the pandemic and my work/life schedule changing I feel like I have so much more time to devote to it. I would love to discuss with other anons whether this is their main income/job or side hustle.
No. 585413
>>585154I used to be pretty active on Depop, and sold the majority of the items I listed. What I like about it is that it seems less brand oriented than some of the other apps. If you have an interesting looking piece, or can at least style it well, it will probably sell. Since there are so many listings on Ebay and Poshmark, desirable brands stand out more. I've never sold on Poshmark, but the interface is horrible for buyers. You can't DM sellers and many accounts are inactive anyway. I've heard of people being successful on there, but I haven't been too inclined to list stuff after the awful buying experience. Mercari was just ok. I sold a few items on there but I remember there being a cash out limit before you got paid. I much prefer Depop and Ebay.
Hope that helps.
No. 585446
>>585154i do it as a hobby + to clean out clothes for my family, but also to get income because ive been unemployed all year
i sell best on depop although im not mega popular i would say i do pretty well!! poshmark i sell okay on, but i dont like the app as much and they take a lot of ur profit so i have a hard time trying to overprice just to get profit only to get priced down constantly. i think my prices on depop are very affordable especially in comparison to other sellers in my country; however, i feel like i get priced down more often too which sucks (im canadian and some other canadians use US dollars for their pieces which = more money and its really irritating imo bc fellow canadians are overpaying like crazy in those cases). i think u should go for it, it is fun if u like clothes but as i noted i guess there are pros and cons lol
No. 585447
>>585417yes, you would be surprised! people are still buying but there are always slow days/weeks vs. other times where u may all of a sudden get a surge in sales
i only had one experience and the person was understanding enough, but ive seen ppl face much worse.. the main thing to avoid is having them write a review before them expressing why they are unhappy to u directly (not always controllable but some ppl are kinder than others)
No. 587562
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Got a terribly fake job scam email lmao. I was hopeful since I haven't really been keeping track of my job hunting like I usually do, but when I saw the highlighted name at the end… I think I was BCC'd into it since the recipient is a completely different email from my own.
No. 591037
>>590968I wouldn't say it's unreasonable to be upset about it.
You say you've been working for a 3 years there already. Why don't you just talk to your supervisor about it? May seem like an awkward topic to bring up but if you do it in a smart way you can only benefit from it. Don't bring up any of your coworkers, just say that you're looking forward receiving your recognition card since you work here for so long and ask for tips what could you do better to receive one. Even if you feel you already deserve one for a while, being humble about it is gonna work really well with the person you're talking to because people love being asked for advice. Good luck!
No. 591877>>592014>>592018
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>>591438I graduated my degree with the top grade possible in may, it's been two months and i can't seem to catch a break with job applications. nobody is hiring!
it's not even like i'm expecting to get a job from my grade alone, I worked part time jobs throughout my degree in hospitality but even that doesn't seem to count for anything. Each week i churn out applications, making sure to put thought into each one so I come across well, i've had three interviews at coffee shops and none of them will take me. I can't be completely unemployable as i've had jobs before, so what is it that i'm doing wrong? i know we're all in the same boat but this is the longest i've not had a job since i was a teenager and it's becoming more emotionally exhausting than the worst jobs i've worked.
Sorry for sperging, an interview i thought went well just texted to cancel my trial shift and it's hit a lot harder than it should have.
No. 592569
>>592018>>592036damn last year i tried to land part-time retail jobs and no one would hire me even tought i had experience, now im thinking if it was because of what you anons say…i wonder if it would be better to say i have no higher education at all…
btw does anyone knows if web developing is still something profitable? bought an udemy course and im thinking of giving it a go, at least "part-time" but i honestly dont know if theres still a market
No. 592640
>>592637There's always ways to climb the career ladder from the bottom up, nobody gets a high paying job right away nowadays, even less so without some kind of degree of training.
Maybe you could look for a job as a receptionist at a zoo or vet? that way you'd be around animals and get to show your passion but not have to do vet shit.
Alternatively find a job that pays you whatever you need to maintain urself and try and make time to volunteer at a shelter, so you're getting to do what you're interested in on the side.
No. 592642>>592714
>>592637I just graduated with bachelors in public accounting and plan to be a CPA just because it’s a reliable stable career and you can go into industry practically anywhere. It’s obviously not my dream or anything and I don’t think anyone in this field feels that way but it’s better than not having any options.
I loved biology but it didn’t intrigue me as much career wise than it did just being a student and learning.
No. 592643>>592665
>>592564>>592622Making money on depop or eBay is a such a gamble and not really worth it unless you're willing to really put the time and effort in. You won't make much selling generic brands, the only people who make big money on it are people who know how to find vintage/designer stuff for cheap and flip it.
Even if you have great clothes you're not gonna get anywhere unless you can take great pics and write good descriptions.
By all means make some pocket money by selling old clothes but don't stake your livelihood on it
No. 592714
>>592642honestly I may keep on the accounting route because I was fairly good at it
is there any hope of being a work from home accountant in the future once you climb the ladder or being self employed?
No. 592770>>593395
>>592637Went to school for International Relations, ended up not going into it because lol fuck politics. Worked retail then was at a news company just as their receptionist, took on my current job at a medical training place as admin asst for now since covid fucked up my job hunting. I'm trying to go into HR eventually, and industry doesn't really matter since office work is pretty flexible. Ideally I'd like to work in a creative place like a marketing or animation place, but I'd like to go back to another news company too. Maybe I'll even leverage my current place to get work in a medical office.
My career goals are "pays enough that I won't be scrounging around for pennies and lets me have a life outside of work." After leaving my retail job and getting my office job, I realized I find a lot more fulfillment outside of work than at work. Still need money to keep food on my plate and a roof over my head of course, but I'm not willing to kill myself for a super demanding super high paying job that I have to dedicate every second of my life to. I like to come home and see my dog and my parents yknow? I'm like 3 years out of college and still feeling like I'm wandering from place to place, but with every job, I feel like my image for the future gets a little more clearer every time.
Maybe finish up accounting in the future when you can afford it and then work for companies like Bark (they do barkbox) or other pet oriented companies. Or even do accounting for a vets office. Accounting is so versatile, almost every place needs an accountant. You can take that and go anywhere you want really! Good luck in the future anon! I believe in you!
No. 593475>>593483
>>593395I won’t lie, it was stupidly hard. I only had retail under my belt so I really hammed up my customer service skill/working in fast paced and high stress environment to my advantage. Literally no luck for 6+ months because every place wants office experience beforehand, it’s fucking dumb. Being an admin asst isn’t rocket science lmao. I got my first admin job through a recruiter who found my indeed and contacted me and was EXTREMELY lucky in that regard. I know when I eventually start up job hunting again (really do not want to stay at my current place for longer than I have to) it’s still going to be hard as shit.
What work experiences do you have now? Retail gave me so many transferrable skills and all the interviews I went on were good practice, but at the end of the day, admin jobs can be hard to break into imo bc of how so many people want it for being relatively easy work. I wish you the best of luck anon!! You just need one person to hire you for whatever reason to get your foot in the door (legit the hr girl at my old company told me she pushed for me over the other candidate to prove her own point hahaha on top of liking me of course). I really wish I could give you a solid 1-2-3 process of everything, but I think job hunting is mostly luck anyway nowadays; the right person coming across your resume at the right time and liking you for whatever minute reason over someone else.
No. 595651>>596147>>596618>>596964
>>595456Thank you for the tip!!
>I don't think there's a right font that everyone should use;I was asking because years ago when I was looking for a job, I got rejected from a place precisely because I used Times New Roman for my CV. The guy said that 'someone who shows this level of carelessness in their CV alone can't be a good employee'. I was surprised to say the least
No. 596578>>596616
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The place that hired and let me go when all this corona chaos started reopened without putting me on the schedule, and they already posted online that they are hiring for two positions. I went there today and it felt so embarrassing asking the girl working to let the manager know I’m still available if she wants me back
I need to figure out how to escape this cycle of entry level job hunting
No. 596618>>597192
>>595651I can see this tbh lol but you don’t want to work for someone like that so tbh….
If he’s a guy like my boss, he didn’t like serif fonts either lol
No. 597304>>597350>>602677>>603161
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I've been taking steps towards getting my life back on track after putting it on hold to take care of my beloved grandfather for the final 2 years of his life. This includes going back to school to get my paralegal degree, something he always urged me to do and felt guilty about. He blamed himself for my declining happiness with my dead-end retail job but I have bills to pay and he knew I wasn't in school so I could spend as much time possible with him before his inevitable death.
Well, he passed in December and I planned to go back to school in the summer. Then COVID hit. Embarrassingly enough, I was making more money on weekly unemployment than I'd make in a single pay period at work. Layoff, sitting around doing nothing but reading and writing again, and falling down rabbit-holes of various true crime cases helped me realize that I definitely needed to go back to school. So I am! I'm just waiting on my FAFSA results and to meet with my academic advisor. Having a long-term goal again after years of making my grandfather's health paramount with little outside emotional support made me snap out of my depression overnight. I haven't feel this emotionally stable or consistently happy in years.
Then two days ago, an attorney I had all of 3 mutual friends with added me on FB. Slid into my DMs and helped me narrow down the areas of law I'd like to go into – I'd originally thought I'd do civil rights, but there's no money in it, at least around here. Mainly non-profits. He works in trusts and estates; I've always had good repertoire with the elderly, more intergenerational friendships than with my peers. I also told him about a family lawyer that comes into my store whom I admire a lot. He then let me know that he's the person reading cover letters at his firm. I got back to him yesterday after my girlfriend was let go from her miserable kitchen manager job and told him he'd definitely be receiving one in the next few days because my manager can't promise to up my hours. My girlfriend already has a new job lined up, thankfully. He said, "I'd be happy to look over your cover letter. You deserve a good job opportunity." and "I suppose her losing her job removes the best part of the work environment for you [social aspect, I've been there since I was 16 and they're all like family], so this appears to be an obvious time to find a better fit for your professional aspirations."
As of right now, I'm tweaking a basic cover letter I wrote months back with the help of my coworker's wife that works in career advising. I'm trying to beat my paranoia that this man has ulterior motives into the ground. I'm reminding myself that although I haven't met many of them, there are genuinely kind people in this world helping the underdogs when they spot potential. I'm not going to sabotage an opportunity I thought would never come – hoped and prayed for, even – for years. I can't continue self-sabotaging. I just worry that in being 22 and having been told I'm beautiful my whole life, I'll end up falling into some sexual harassment trap due to my naiveté. What I am going to do is ask my lawyer friend of 5 years whose the same age as my aforementioned granddad if he knows anything about this man's firm, or the man himself (I doubt it, estates attorney appears to be mid-late-30s while grandpa-age attorney is in his 60s and is a personal injury litigator) since he knows practically half of our city.
No. 597350>>597361
>>597304I'm a bit older than you (nearly 30) and I've been a paralegal for about 6 years, first in private practice (sucked) now in a pretty cushy in house role and I'm here to tell you: if you have a bachelors dont get another degree, a certificate is fine (unless you're in a state that requires a degree). If you become a paralegal it's unlikely you'll become a lawyer once you see what their lives are like and work under them, but plenty of them do because they feel like it's the only option (it's not). Estate law sucks and was the worst to deal with, you're not dealing with the sweet elderly you're dealing with the shithead heirs or pretend heirs. What's the size of this guy's firm? Small, mid, big law? Anything but small its not likely he reads any or all cover letters. They have HR departments that filter applications and then if you get phone screened and make it to interviews, 4 or 5 attorneys will get a copy of your resume. Apply through the formal channels, dont get into a high drama or unprofessional firm, you seem like you're doing your due diligence, it should be easy to verify everything related to law thru the aba, your state bar, linkedin, etc. I like my job but in private practice its just as dead end as retail (unless you go to law school).
No. 597361>>597385
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>>597350It's a four attorney firm founded in 1988, so quite small. Has excellent reviews. My coworker's father works at one of the biggest firms in the city so I'm waiting to hear from him, re: if he knows what the office environment is like there. The attorney I've been approached by has worked in a number of areas of law and claims to have settled down in this firm due to pic related.
No. 597384>>597529
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Anyone have good advice beginner hotel housekeeper? I'm applying to multiple places but, the one I really want to work at is very small (less than 40 rooms) inn. Do the amount of rooms per day change depending on how big the hotel is? I'm hoping to find one that's more about quality than quantity.
No. 597385
>>597361Also I forgot to add I think you're an amazing person and I'm very sorry for your loss. In private practice, big or small it all comes down to billable hours. This is what kills your work life balance. Not because you have real billable requirements like the attorneys but because you have to support multiple attorneys making their billables. A 4 atty office also means you'll more than likely pick up the secretarial work, the office manager, in addition to drafting filings, making binders, scheduling meetings, whatever side work pops up. It can be good experience but probably less substantive than a bigger firm, and probably lower salary and benefits. A big firm already has the overhead covered so a paralegal is more dedicated to doing attorney work, which is still billed at like 180-250 an hour to clients, while you make like 45k, which is a good deal for the firm over 1 more first year. But the good parts are better benefits, possibly more growth, easier to jump in house or into another big firm with the brand name, more connections, and you get more exposure to different practices. Of course more competitive but for paralegals theres either lifers or people who jump after a year ime. My honest recommendation is learn IP law and become an IP paralegal for the lowest stress highest return specialization but there's a lot of options if you get creative. Wishing you the best anon.
No. 602441
I hate that the VP of the company I'm at now felt the need to send out a company wide email (it's a VERY small company) saying how we aren't supposed to write anything before a certain time as our clock in time, even if we do arrive early and set up early (and putting a clock out time as later than 5pm is unacceptable too even if you do have to leave late for whatever reason) since we manually enter in our time into an excel spreadsheet. She also wrote that we are not supposed to work more than 40 hours despite that she keeps scheduling me for 6-7 days each week. There's only three new girls, including myself, so thanks for just calling us out even though she could have just send us an email privately asking us not to do that. She does everything so I understand that things slip through the cracks and she's only human, but I was speaking to another coworker who says that she's hellbent on not giving up any of her responsibilities (everything HR and operations related, and sometimes even some admin stuff we do too). I posted it in another thread, but the president of our company is coming back from Texas, where he lives and mostly resides, and is refusing to quarantine. Even though everyone is uncomfortable with this fact, she defends him by saying "it's fine! He's coming from (area that is not Houston)! He's also flying first class so he's going to be separated from everyone else" as if everyone on an airplane is not breathing the same fucking air at the end of the day.
I don't understand how they are too cheap to buy us more cleaning supplies but the president can stay for over a month at a swanky hotel and fly first class. They only give us alcohol and straight up bleach, and the alcohol is because the VP knows someone who works at a nail salon and got it for a discount. My coworker buys lysol wipes and sprays with her own money to clean everything down in the office and for some reason thinks this okay even though the company pays like shit. We have to frequently clean because we have students coming in and out almost everyday.
Yesterday we didn't have any classes at our office so we spent most of the day just answering whatever calls came in, and she emailed us some stuff to do mid-afternoon. Suddenly, 20 minutes before we're supposed to leave, she emails us this BIG, long task. Somehow she didn't think to email this to us HOURS ago? Or actually DAYS before, since what she emailed us is usually emailed days in advance. We aren't allowed to nickel and dime the company for their money, but they're allowed to nickel and dime our time I guess. Would be fine if they didn't pay absolute fucking shit but they do.
No. 602468>>607462
>>601099Depends on your long term goals imo. It might be a waste of your time and waste of opportunities that will further your current career in the direction where you want it to go.
At the same time, I think everyone should work customer service at some point lol. I think it's good to build empathy for customer service workers who deal with so much shit on a daily basis by literally putting yourself in their shoes. I worked retail during/out of college as my first real job, and even though it hasn't really gotten me any closer to my career goals, I think it gave me the skills I need to get where I want to go. There's no downside in learning how to deal with people. I like to think that I have really good interpersonal and communication skills because I've been forced to talk to strangers day in and day out for years. Retail absolutely drained the life out of me and I was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted in those years, but the work ethic and people skills it forced into me are things that I'm grateful for (but I definitely would not go back).
No. 602510>>602778
I work for a call center that does human resource referrals - shelters, doctors, etc. Once and a while we get callers who are in emergency situations and don’t call 911, but us, for whatever reason.
Well, tonight, one of my fellow employees got a call from a woman in a domestic violence situation - the caller told her to call 911, panicking, and then hung up the phone.
My poor coworker is not new to the job, but she was shoddily trained because she was initially working at a different agency within the nonprofit. She was rushed into the job because we needed more call specialists. So she didn’t know how to retrieve the phone number the DV victim called from on our shitty office phones (I work from home, so I wasn’t at the office, and my phone system is different as a result).
So while I’m trying to help guide her to figure it out, I call my supervisor. He goes into a rant about how she should have been trained to know how to get info from the getgo, how we’re not saviors, etc. I realize he’s probably pissed at the helpless feeling then situation has caused us, and that he’s on his break after working all day, but holy fuck…
First off, how are you supposed to retrieve data from an 18 second call where the woman is shouting call 911? She clearly didn’t have time to give out any info. Second, no, we’re not saviors, but if you got a call on your personal phone and heard someone yell call 911 while her ass was getting beat, wouldn’t you feel a little obligated to try and help in any way you can?
I helped her get connected to the dispatch line after a phone call, and as soon as she signed off my supervisor made it home and signed on.
Moral of this story? Compassion fatigue sucks and makes you waste valuable time. I drank a lot tonight. Fuck the job sometimes. Fuck how little we get paid and fuck the state for having shitty resources. Fuck it all. Don’t work in a social work setting unless you want to kill all feelings of hope placed in the system.
No. 602677>>602692>>602712>>602718
>>597304 again. I'm so fucking disgusted and livid right now. Always trust your gut, ladies.
I finished my cover letter for this attorney and sent it to him. We've also been having friendly conversations, just getting to know each other as people. Everything was hunky-dory until today when we were talking about books and I mentioned
My Dark Vanessa as an example of autofiction I love. He looked it up and then we had this exchange:
>Attorney: It looks like a fascinating read – issues of consent are so multifaceted and intriguing.>Me: [upside-down-smiley-emoji] Tell me about it.>Attorney: There's a lot more I could say in that regard, but I'm choosing to focus on the book, haha. Incidentally, my partner and I were [in the shopping center I work at] the other day in a quest for [local ice cream chain] the other night. Alas, they closed early[.]>Me: Oh, trust me, I have many thoughts on the matter. Anyway, you should read the Vulture interview with Kate Elizabeth Russell if you have the time. Also, I prefer [independent ice cream shop in my neighborhood] to [the one he was going to].>Attorney: Are you by chance on a certain consent-themed website…? [shocked emoji] And now I'm distracted by thoughts of ice cream. Superior to [ice cream shop he likes], you say? Can it be so?>Me: I wouldn't know what that site is. They just have funkier flavors.>Attorney: Ah, then forget I asked [nervous laugh emoji] how late is the parlor open, anyway?I've been livid about this for hours. I've drafted what I'll say when telling him he crossed a major, thick line. I'm going to send it tomorrow because I still want honest feedback on my cover letter. What I plan to say is, "I'm laying down some boundaries after a question you posed yesterday. 'Consent-themed website' was you clearly alluding to FetLife, Only Fans, Seeking Arrangement, etc. I am not someone who's open about my sex life or sexuality in general, even with my closest friends. I will be cordial with you and chat about media and most anything else, but I will never disclose those other details. This is a friendly, professional relationship wherein I view you as a mentor and nothing else."
No. 602712
>>602677Welp, I guessed he didn't corner you and whip up his dick or anything but still- but that's so fucking gross.
I am sorry to say tho, and of course you have every right to be livid right now but, be careful with you want to say to him. He only tested the water and balked away. If you push it, he could start blackballing you around either as a someone who made advances to him (so he won't look like the pervert) or as someone crying wolf that you should avoid.
Men have no shame doing this shit to protect their reputations.
I don't like giving you this advice and it's a hard one to swallow but are you ready to take a hit career wise for standing up? More power to you if you are, just hoping you're not in a desperate need for a job.
No. 602718>>602723
>>602677The more I think about it, if you think it's Fetlife, I'd troll it and try to find him. Leak it screenshot of choice from an anonymous email to his peers. He shouldn't mind since he doesn't seems shy to make his inclinations clear even to younger paralegals seeking advice.
That's what I'd do ine you got the feedback from him. Shame is the only way stop these pigs will stop daring doing this shit. It's the only consequence they understand.
No. 602723
>>602718Sorry, looks like I had a stroke and can't delete. ESL, rewrote this 3 times and it ended pure gibberish.
Hope you get the gist of it, I'll see myself out.
No. 602777>>602781
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Any other public sector farmers here?
No. 602813
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So tomorrow it's going to be a week since my job interview (which went really well) and I was given every implication that I'm going to be hired but, they are claiming to be waiting on the manager who just had an out of state trip to get done quarantine before they can start my training and figure out a schedule. The last time I got contact from them was this weekend and they said they'll keep me updated but, I'm starting to get nervous. How long should I wait?
It's frankly not a money issue, I just do not like the stress of not knowing if they're dragging me along or not because I had this happen before where I waited 2 weeks for a position I was promised then was laid off and I felt super taken advantage of. I'm willing to be patient for the place because I really like it and it's location is very convenient for me. Thoughts?
No. 602863>>603215
I started working for an insurance company in march. I work for their customer service department where I answer customer e-mails and answer phones all day.
People get sold these insurances when they take up a loan for something, so they barely think them through or read the terms and conditions. Some banks even keep billing their insurance even if they weren't granted a loan. It's all just super scammy, and there's a ton of conditions you have to fill to even get to use your insurance when you need it.
Since I started this job I've had recurring migraines, loss of sleep and my stomach is constantly upset throughout the work day. The worst part is that due to Covid-19 I get the luxury to work from home, but even without the dread of a commute I feel worse now than I've ever done in past jobs with commute and longer, harder work hours.
People are of course constantly upset when they call in. The worst calls are from people who tell me they are dying in a few months due to an illness and wants to know if they can get their insurance covered, only for me to tell them no due to some dumb "you should have known you were sick when you were sold the insurance" rule. I'm basically telling people already struggling with money problems and cancer that they're not getting any help from us because screw you.
I'm constantly applying for other jobs now. The only reason this company started hiring new people was due to the pandemic which caused insurance claims through the roof. All in all I'm thankful to have a job, even more thankful that I'm not going through the stuff some of the people calling in are, but this might be the first time in my life where I was generally better off health wise while being unemployed.
I had the energy to go to the gym, work out, make good food. I slept well. Didn't have any pains or aches. Was sociable (before the pandemic). Now I'm just numb and incredibly angry at the world.
Last week I went to the work psychologist to talk about how I was struggling, and was basically just told "everyone here feels like you do, it's okay, just turn your brain off".
At least I've learned that I'm gonna stay miles away from loan insurances in the future.
No. 603161
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Yet another update from
>>597304 >>602677
I walked into work today and explained what happened to my boss. She and her brother (the manager) literally said, in unison, "Called it!" and we laughed because I did, too, and it's taught me to trust my gut instinct. I've been advised to not even send the boundaries statement, just to say thank you and no longer speak to him after he redlines my cover letter. If he keeps pushing it, I will not hesitate to report him to my state's bar.
Otherwise, things are looking up. I was just speaking with one of my favorite customers, just catching up, and I mentioned the shitty lawyer, etc. and she said they're looking for a new paralegal at [biggest university in my city] (where she works) and are always willing to train. So I'm going to send her the cover letter tonight.
No. 603351>>603473
>>602780So there are many options here but I'll offer a couple. Just a note this is all in the context of US work relations.
If you want a more soft approach, when asked the question "What are your salary expectations?", something like this might work: "Well, right now in my current position I'm making X per year, so obviously I'd hope to make more than that." This kind of puts the ball back in their court. They will throw out a higher figure - I think generally the standard is 5-10% raise (50k becomes 55k-60k) if you're moving from one company to another. Then you can either accept their offer or say "I was actually thinking something like X might be more appropriate."
A harder approach would to answer the salary question very directly with something like, "Right now I'm looking to make at least X, I can't go lower than that at this time." It depends on your field but IME they will usually accept it right there if your figure is within reason for your position/area/experience. My personal thought is that (1) it's a nerve wracking interaction on both ends of the negotiation so the sooner it ends, the better. (2) The employer has more respect for the person that knows their worth and is confident enough to ask for it directly. It also gives the impression you know what you're doing, even if you don't lol.
It is especially important to know your worth. In general you can't expect a business to define that for you because a business by definition exists to turn profit, which means finding the cheapest labor possible. You can look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics to get an idea of what others in your field are making, but also need honest with yourself about how well you do your particular work, the general "demand" for your skills, and what you really have to offer your potential employer.
No. 607972
The way my boss speaks to me confuses me and I don't know how to handle it.
So basically it feels like he's treating me like a child by being overly cautious about how he talks to me.
Like when giving me new tasks or having a general conversation about my work, he will preface every meeting by telling me "don't be afraid, you haven't done anything wrong!". When talking about the new things I'm about to learn he will keep using the words "I hope this doesn't threaten you/sound too hard/please don't be afraid!" while instructing me.
Ever since the interview I talked about how I'm a person who likes to get to the point. I'm good at taking criticism and I have a degree which proves I'm able to learn difficult things. I keep telling him that "nothing about this work scares me, just tell me what you need me to do", yet he keeps stepping around the bush and being all awkward when talking to me.
What I'm most afraid of is that there's something wrong I'm doing or similar that he's - for some reason - too cautious to tell me about. I don't know if this overly softspoken way of being is him trying to hint at something. I've asked him straight out if there's anything I can do to improve, and he gives me the usual "you can be more productive, but you're still new and we want you to focus on quality over quantity" speech.
Today we were discussing a case I needed his approval to finish. I asked him about it last week, but he forgot about it and informed me today that I should have reminded him. I apologized, and he said we could discuss on the next team meeting the proper timeline for when we should remind him about something we need his approval for. And then, for no reason, told me not to be afraid that he would make me a scapegoat at the meeting etc.
I wasn't afraid of that at all? If we all can benefit from knowing this, I'm more than glad to be used as an example. Where on earth would I be a scapegoat in this situation?
I miss my boss at my previous job. She always got straight to the point, would inform me in no time if there was something I did wrong and just be done with it.
No. 608117>>608128>>608166
Is it a bad idea to intern with someone whose personal values you clash with, and whose communication style is so hurried and difficult to follow that you still can't understand what they're asking for after they've already repeated themselves twice?
I just interviewed for a position and it looks like I'm going to get it, but she's already given me a list of about 8 extremely vague things that she wants me to do, and I'm not even 100% sure if they're for my personal benefit, or if it's work she wants me to do because it's going to be relevant to later tasks she's going to assign me. Meanwhile, I'm literally (to my understanding) not even officially working for her yet.
There's also been no mention of any sort of contractual agreement I'll sign to do work for her, so I'm a bit nervous about that as well. The whole thing just feels off to me, but I'm also not familiar with internships at all and how they're typically supposed to go.
This type of internship is hard to get, and it seems like she'd be a great reference in the future, so I want to take it, but she's so different from me that I don't know if the relationship will actually benefit me all that much in the long run. I'm also already having a ton of anxiety just imagining trying to comprehend and complete daily tasks for her.
No. 608166>>608169>>608196
>>608117It really depends.
More context would be helpful- how long is the internship? What kind of organization is it? Are you doing it to try and enter a field or for fun? Is it easy to get your foot in the door without an internship? Do you have other options? Are you sure that the list is vague, or could it be that they're well-defined terms in the industry?
No. 608169>>608196
Samefag of
>>608166, but
>>608136 how did you ask for clarification? For people who are super vague, one thing you could try is to say 'to clarify, [your interpretation of the ask, make up some bullshit if you need to]' and hopefully she'll affirm or correct you and tell you more concretely what she wants.
Is this in the arts or something?
No. 608196>>608226
>>608166>how long is the internship? What kind of organization is it?12 months. It's for an individual, not an organization.
>Are you doing it to try and enter a field or for fun?I'm interested in doing proofreading/editorial work as a career, so the former, mostly. I'd be getting experience in publishing as well, which would be nice as someone who is also an aspiring fiction writer.
>Is it easy to get your foot in the door without an internship?Not as far as I know. There aren't many internships even available for this type of work. I usually only get about 15-20 results if I search for anything like "editor" or "proofreader" on job sites.
>Do you have other options?Technically yes, but as I said, these types of internships seem to be either in high demand, or not commonly offered.
>Are you sure that the list is vague, or could it be that they're well-defined terms in the industry?It's a bit of a mix of both. She used a few terms I didn't understand and she didn't clarify them, but they aren't so industry-specific that you'd have to work in publishing to know them, I just wasn't familiar with them personally. Otherwise, the issue becomes that she speaks very fast, doesn't give many context clues as to what she wants, when she wants it done, etc, and has a thick accent.
One example I could use is that she wants me to email her a paragraph "about confidentiality" before I meet with her again tomorrow. I'm guessing she means like, type up a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement myself, which seems kine of weird in itself, but when I asked her to clarify, she sort of brushed it off and was like "just type up a brief paragraph stating your confidentiality." To me, that's not enough for me to know for sure what's she's asking for, but I'm also really nervous and tend to over-analyze things, so it's hard to say for sure.
>>608169>Is this in the arts or something?Marketing/editorial for a fiction writer and public speaker. It's basically an author who wants someone to act as her personal assistant, organize her schedule, draft business emails for her, edit/proofread her work, etc. I'd be working with another intern as well, who is more on the social media side of things.
No. 608203>>608279
>>608136You didn't explicitly state in your post you asked for clarification. Just that it gave you anxiety.
Literally just say "can you clarify what you mean by that?" or "sorry, I'm not understanding exactly what you need me to do," or "______ is what I think I need to do. Is that correct?" Part of being someone's employee is learning their communication style and patterns and being able to pick up on it. You're not expected to immediately know, of course, which is why you need to be up front and communicate clearly that you need clarification.
It's your responsibility to get the clarification you need in this situation. If you're unable to do that, I wouldn't think you'd be very good at this job and I'd caution against taking it.
No. 608226>>608279
>>608196Based on what you've said, I would try and land something more corporate if at all possible, or at least something from an individual that you can communicate well with. I'm seeing a few issues here:
- 12 months is a long time to spend working a job you hate, especially in your youth
- 12 months is a LONG time to be working under someone who has sole discretion over what you do and whether you succeed or fail if they turn out to be incompetent or awful. If you ever wondered why so many grad students are mentally ill alcoholics, this is a major factor. But even they have some options for mediation.
- you won't be able to learn the tools, language, and processes employed e.g. in a publishing house; being able to discuss these things in interviews makes you a more attractive candidate for full-time positions and makes onboarding into said full-time positions much less awful
- if you work for an individual then you don't have any protections if that person turns out to be an asshole. For example, if things do sour between you two and there's no contract, W-2, etc. then she could deny that you worked there
- little to no chance of receiving a full-time job offer even if you do happen to like it
Some potential benefits:
- If you have no other options, you could just take the offer and leave if you get a better one or SHTF. Unless she's well-connected in the industry it's unlikely she'll be able to blackball you.
- Given that it's a small operation, she could be a fantastic mentor, teach you a lot, and tell you stuff about the industry that the average corporate type is unwilling to tell interns. You can get that from the right person in a corporate environment, but you will also get less attention because your supervisor will be busy in bullshit meetings and such.
- Since it's an informal internship, if things go well then there may be a lot of flexibility in terms of what she'll let you take on if she gains trust in you, which could let you dabble in different fields and gain skills that you otherwise wouldn't have had
- Sometimes pathologically vague people are easy to work for because they don't know what they want and as such are easy to satisfy. Usually they're horrible to work for because they do know what they want and can't articulate it, but you could get lucky.
Have you been able to talk to the intern one-on-one at all in order to pick up on what they think about working under the author? You can pick up on some hints about what it's like to work from her even if the intern is using office language.
No. 608279>>608284
>>608203Okay so I re-read my post and realized that you're right, I didn't actually state that I had asked her for clarification, only that she "repeated herself twice." To be clear, she did that because I asked her to. Sorry I went off on you like that. It's been a rough day.
>>608226>12 months is a long time to spend working a job you hate, especially in your youthI'm about to turn 30 lmao. I'm finishing college late. You make a good point though.
>little to no chance of receiving a full-time job offer even if you do happen to like itAlso a good point. Tbh though I knew this going into it. It's a fully remote position and she lives in another state.
>For example, if things do sour between you two and there's no contract, W-2, etc. then she could deny that you worked thereDefinitely thought of this. It honestly bothered me a lot that she started dictating tasks for me halfway through my first interview with her. Like, there aren't going to be any contractual agreements here? I'm just working for you now because you started telling me things to do?
I'm supposed to be meeting with her and the other intern again tomorrow, and I'll ask whether or not there is going to be any sort of contract. If the answer is no, then I'm definitely out.
>Sometimes pathologically vague people are easy to work for because they don't know what they want and as such are easy to satisfy. Usually they're horrible to work for because they do know what they want and can't articulate it, but you could get lucky.Yeah, I've definitely mostly experienced the latter with this. Or, they're intentionally vague because they're trying to manipulate you.
>Have you been able to talk to the intern one-on-one at all in order to pick up on what they think about working under the author? You can pick up on some hints about what it's like to work from her even if the intern is using office language.No, and I don't think it would have been possible to pick up on any hints, since the author was on the conference the entire time with all three of us (me, current intern, and the other intern she wants to hire). It was really weird because she wasn't on camera and we couldn't actually tell when she was listening in. She would just butt in randomly and start telling me or the other intern things she wanted us to do. I also witnessed her start dictating jobs at the other intern who, like me, has not yet signed any sort of agreement stating that we're going to work for her.
Honestly, it really bothers me that she's already giving me tasks with almost no clarification on why I'm doing them, and without any sort of contract stating that I'm going to be working for her. Especially her asking me to send her a paragraph I've written myself stating that I intend to keep everything between us confidential. Like, isn't that something she's supposed to give me to sign? Since when do employees/interns write up these things themselves?
I feel like there are so many red flags here and I'm seriously considering just emailing her tonight and telling her I can't take the position lmao.
No. 608284>>608288>>608289
>>608279>I'm about to turn 30 lmao. I'm finishing college late. You make a good point though.Nothing wrong with that; I was actually going to say that the fact that you weren't just jumping into this internship makes it seem like you have a well-attuned bullshit detector.
How old and 'big' is the author in question? This does seem sketchy, but some of the things that you mentioned could be a function of her age and/or the fact that she's inexperienced at hiring, which would mean that the internship would involve some frustrations but wouldn't necessarily be bad.
No. 608288>>608333
>>608284She's definitely an established author, but not that big from what I can tell. She's also a bit older, almost 60.
According to her and the current intern, she's had a lot of interns over the years though, so she certainly shouldn't be this inexperienced at hiring.
No. 608998>>609002
>>608702Update: well, apparently there is a contract she intends on having me sign, but we're still in a "trial period." Essentially, she's having me compete with other interns for the position and assigning us various duties before we're even hired so she can get a feel for each of us and make a decision for who she wants. I did not know this was the case. I was under the impression that she was only interviewing two of us for separate duties. She also expects a commitment of 12 months if we want a referral from her by the end of things.
My boyfriend thinks she's taking advantage of me and wants me to pull out, but I don't know if it's that serious. Her standards seem ridiculously high for an unpaid position, but she is an established author who is somewhat well known in a particular genre. She has a ton of awards and has been in the field for decades. It does kind of make sense to me that the position would be in high demand. I just can't decide if it's actually worth it.
No. 609338>>609365>>609390
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I have a job offer but the company is sketching me out so I'm not sure if its worth it. It's very few hours (will JUST be able to fit it in with my other full time job) but it's in the design field I just graduated into. Im not desperate for the money but these kinds of jobs are few and far between where I live and I want to get more experience and real-world work for my portfolio.
At first they appeared to be just a little print shop in a rougher part of town. They want to hire me to do social media design work. I had an interview with the director and someone else which I honesty thought I'd bombed and was really surprised when they hired me, especially cos they were a bit condescending about my age. On to the points that are concerning me:
>appear to have dissolved and started several businesses under almost identical names
>only have 2 online reviews despite operating for over a decade, one is okay, the other is complaining about not recieving half their order
>struggled to answer my question in the interview "who will I be working with on a daily basis?"
>very very few hours despite it being a new service they're setting up, no mention of what kind of support I'd get from other employees and designers
>their social media was hard to find cos its been abandoned since 2015
>their website looked like hot garbage, like html early 2000s tier outdated
>website had outrageous claims about being "one of the most popular design agencies in (my country)"
>found out in an interview that was their "old website", took some real digging to find their new one
>asked them to forward the original job listing information because they took months to respond and it was expired now, said they would before the interview, did no such thing.
>asked about 5 of the most basic interview questions, none of which related to design particularly
>I sent my website portfolio with my CV and prepared a tailored one for the interview but they made no comments or requests to see my portfolio at all
>said they would send the contract over after I accepted the job two weeks ago, haven't heard anything from them since.
>to top it all off, their design standards are clearly leagues below my own. Their logo is terrible to the point of being unusable, the few designs on their website are very low-res and look worse than free design templates
having written all this it seems obvious these guys aren't the real deal. In all honesty their design standards are pretty amateur and below my own standards but I figured if I handle it all myself I might just get some decent portfolio pieces out of it which are kinda crucial in such a competitive job market. I'm predicting some poor communication considering how long it took them to respond to each email and it might not be worth the headache, I already agreed though I'm just still waiting on the damn contract.
No. 609628>>609714
>>609457I also pursued one degree, dropped it for another which I'm about to graduate with, yet find myself seeking work that is more relevant to the first degree. I'm in liberal arts though, and there's enough of an overlap between the two that it hasn't been an issue for me yet. I also have a lot of experience in the industry I'm trying to find better work in, which helps more than anything.
I think job experience is more what potential employers are interested in, at the end of the day. Do you have engineering work experience already, or are you saying this is the field you're trying to break into that you're worried about being seen as weird in?
No. 618946>>618954
>>618549Sans serif on the screen while serif font if on paper. Imagine you're the recruiter and see where your eyes go to first; keep in mind that they have other resumes to look at so they will probably just skim yours. Keep everything on one page. I'd recommend a thicker paper (thinner than cardstock though) if you're printing.
Work experience first. Only include personal interests if you need to pad it.
>>618938Newsletters are usually bunk. I'd stick to Indeed or even Craigslist, and always include a 1-2 paragraph cover letter with your response.
No. 618954>>618964>>620075
>>618946Craiglist isn't really a thing where I live but it was very useful when I was abroad. You made me curious so I checked and the very few job offers there near my city are for students who would like to be babysitters. Indeed is the platform with the most job opportunities from what I can tell so I'll focus on that one.
By the way I thought I'd see more interesting stuff from linkedin but that's not the case. Whenever I see job offers that interest me and that seem recent (like posted a week ago at most) I click on the links provided to apply and it turns out that most of the time the actual, original job offers are so old they're not relevant anymore and I can't even apply.
No. 618964>>619017>>620075
>>618954LinkedIn is terrible and filled with bots, at least in my experience. The only offers I got from there were sketchy door-to-door things and call center jobs. The only real benefit is that it establishes online presence for when HR googles you
Indeed is also filled with scams but at least there are some gems every once in a while! Same with Craigslist, but you have to wad through tons of shit. I actually just got my museum job from there lol
No. 619017
>>618964>The only offers I got from there were sketchy door-to-door things and call center jobsI got two interviews for door-to-door jobs in July and nothing else, and both jobs were shady and barely legal, the type where there's no fixed salary whatsoever and you're only payed based on how much you sell random crap to random people. I didn't even go to the second interviews in both cases. So yeah, since then I find linkedin way less reliable than indeed. I have no idea how the second company that contacted me even got my phone number to begin with.
>Same with CraigslistSeems like it's really popular in English speaking countries but as I said it's not a thing in my country. It's seen as super shady if people even know it exists. We do have a French alternative but it's not very reliable for job hunting either, unfortunately.
No. 620009>>620124
>>619939Well, calm down first.
Think about what went wrong with your previous jobs and more importantly, what went right. What are some techniques that helped you do a better job on some projects more than others? Read about planning, organization and time management techniques. If you're introduced to new concepts or softwares at your new job, take the time to try to become proefficient at them. I'm not an advocate for thinking about your job after you've clocked out, but if it can help you feel more confident then maybe you could train yourself on those subjects and do other stuff that can help you familiarize yourself with the company (read their linkedin, re-read training material etc.) during your free time, at least the first weeks.Try to have a positive and cool attitude. Maybe do some meditation or yoga before going in the morning, make sure your lunches are filling and tasty.
Take some time to take your head out of work, read a book, watch movies, hang out with people.
Impostor syndrome is really common so just try to let it go, it's a very trendy topic too so I'm sure you can find tips on how to overcome it easily on google. You've got this Anon, they hired you for a reason.
No. 620075
>>617397Oh, you crack me up anon. You haven't done anything of the sort, so please keep your hands to yourself. I'm a competitive candidate (young, experienced, worked at big companies, good skills) and it still took me almost four months to get hired. You're competing with people with decades more experience than you who HAVE to stoop down to your job level be cause they have to pay the bills to feed the kids or whatever. You're going to be fine. Spray and pray with your resume and remember that a real person isn't seeing your resume until you get it past the bots first. What does that mean? It means take thirty seconds to edit your resume so that it uses key words from the job description before you apply. It makes all the difference.
>>618549Personal interests and objectives aren't really needed. Skills and education first only if you just graduated and literally have no relevant work experience. Otherwise, work first, skills last. They know to scroll down.
>>618954>>618964LinkedIn can be incredibly annoying for job hunting, especially when one company just floods the new listings with shit like internships and volunteer positions. You still want to make a nice, solid profile and do the open to work stuff. The profile because everyone interviewing you will be LinkedIn stalking you, guaranteed. The open to work stuff just because a lot of corporate recruiters won't use Monster but will use LinkedIn.
And I just came here to share some good news: I got the job! I was laid off a while back but this thread helped keep me sane. I hope you guys get the dream job, too, whatever it is.
No. 622001>>622030
>>621949Hey, imo if your parents live comfortably enough and they themselves wanna help you do something worthwhile and productive I'd say don't feel guilty about it. I get the guilt factor as someone who grew up poor in a tight-fisted family, some of whom became wealthier later on and can now help me out. I feel terrible asking for money for anything but people like me deep down just wish we had that stable support system to help us out if we need to. It sucks growing up knowing you have limited opportunities so take advantage of it if you can.
It sounds like you've put a lot of consideration in already but just make sure it's a sensible investment. You said you'll be making a bit of money and getting experience so that sounds worth it to me, I'd just say make sure its something you wont just give up on in a few months.
No. 622030>>622048
>>622001Right now I'm taking some time off for the Coronavirus. For various reasons, it doesn't make sense for me to go to college while things are so shitty right now. I need something to fill up the next year until things might improve and I'm desperate to get out of the house rn.
tbh, I don't really care about teaching kids. I feel bad because preschool work is really low status and I kinda feel like it's below me. I do want to go to grad school in a social justice heavy field in the future so I can talk about how I contributed to bringing equity to my Alaskan community, blah blah blah.
Last summer I had a legit non-profit job in an office and this feels like a step down. But jobs in that field are really competitive. I could keep looking for a volunteering position in that field but there's no guarantee I will find one and even if I did, it probably wouldn't end until next fall, so I wouldn't have anything to do between then and the start of the next semester.
But I doubt I would ever have an opportunity to live in Alaska after college. I'm just fantasizing about walking around in the forest and looking at totem poles.
No. 622048
>>622030Looking at Juneau, it's actually really expensive. Apparently there are a lot of trust fund kids who live there so I would fit right in.
I can't help but feel bad because so many people I know from friends to family friends to family members are all things like doctors right after graduating college. But you only get one chance on this earth, and me giving this opportunity else isn't going to help anyone else.
No. 624632>>624781
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>>624619CV advice, stick to something as simple as this one, in my country it's better to also include a photo but it might be different somewhere else. It's pointless to provide any more information than it's shown in this sample so forget summary. Even describing your past job experience details keep it as simple as possible, essential info has to be visible on the page at one glance, recruiters love that. Don't make it longer than just one page too.
I think using sans serif is the most clean, you can differentiate between bold and regular versions of one font for headlines / most important info and rest of the information provided.
No. 628159>>628164
>>627998Smile all the time, open your mouth when you speak. Wear comfy shoes and clothes (that also are professional depending on what job it is). Keep the conversation flowing and speak slowly/deliberately.
Good luck, anon! Tell us how it goes!!
No. 628164>>629346
>>628002thank you anon, actually it's completely unrelated to my degree which is why i'm shocked i even got to a 2nd interview
i have some experience tho, i did part time in administrative jobs which is pretty good for the specific position i applied to, but i don't have any specific experiences with finishing projects and whatnot, it was a pretty mundane job
i think you're right about the passion thing - i was super enthusiastic about their company and what they do so maybe that's why i got this far with them
>>628004yep i actually got the 'weakness' question during the phone call and i think i nailed it, i'm pretty much prepared for every single generic question i could find online
>>628159thank you anon
smiling won't be a problem lol i'm pretty cheerful by default and i'm already pretty excited about the job
i actually haven't even thought about what to wear yet, i guess i should plan that ahead too
No. 629172>>629208
>>629146I did Twitch a while ago mostly for fun, but the amount of thirsty comments you get as a woman is tiring (and yes, I was wearing normal non-revealing clothing). Every day I'd get guys in my stream who would be annoyed if I didn't reply to their messages fast enough (while playing a
game) or want to play with me and get pissed off if I politely refused.
My advice is put up boundaries on your channel straight away, like "I won't add you unless we're friends." Not that you can't play with viewers, you can always have a set day for subs who want to play, but adding every rando gets old and interferes with streaming. Have rules up, prepare to ban obnoxious people.
No. 629346
>>628164Nice, just keep on continuing displaying your passion and think about examples you can use to show that you're good at solving problems or dealing with people or whatever. Good luck!
>>628743Don't lie, most people have been in your situation. Just say something like 'I like the job I'm currently in because [bullshit reasons], but I want to grow as [role] and this opportunity will help me do that' with some sweet-talk about the particular role and/or company. Just don't shit-talk the company or role you're currently in and you should be fine. Couch your reasons for job-hunting entirely in positivity.
No. 631500>>631515>>631542>>635208
>>627998i'm this anon and i just finished the interview if anybody is interested lol
the managers were so nice and i have a good feeling about it but i also don't want to get ahead of myself, there might be other better candidates
anyways, should i send a thank you email to the people that interviewed me? would that be a good idea?
No. 631533
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>Have a mortgage
>Lost my job due to Corona
>Getting $450 NZ a week NEETbux
>Only work available is part time casual as everyone is too scared to hire due to the market.
>$100 in the red per week
I realistically have about five or six weeks before I have to talk to the bank about my mortgage or scrounge from my family for money. I'm honestly terrified like fuck about housing prices crashing, and praying to god that Ludwig von Mises and Hayek weren't right about devalued capital being the inevitable result of artificially low interest rates and money printer burrring. Everyone around me is going like "Haha, housing prices only go up :)))" and are optimistic as all shit, and there's enough boomers, Chinese and Americans dumping all their money into property here as there's nowhere they can shove their money to avoid inflation. But I'm just apprehensive of the worst case scenario where housing prices crash something like 40%, I lose the $90,000 equity I have in the house, have to sell it due to no job and end up $50,000+ in the red after everything.
No. 631705>>631754>>631769>>631771
Accidentaly posted in old thread, so reposting here as well. Sorry, too late to delete!
Anons, I need your advice.
I have applied for a job offer within my company (that I've been working for 4 years, even got some ~employee of the year~ award 2 years ago). The job offer is for basically the same position as I have now, but working with client via chat and not phone and emails. I will have a Skype interview in a few days. What can I do so that don't bomb it and get the position?
I absolutely cannot pick up phone calls anymore, both due to a strain on my mental health as well as worsening hearing. The head leader of the team I'm applying for is a lady responsible for me getting the award years back, but she will not be the one interviewing me and IDK if she has any input on who gets hired. I look like shit on webcam and my house is a mess, plus I get nervous AF and I don't know how can I prepare for the interview.
I will really appreciate any advice since I'm desperate to get the position. If I have to pick up phone calls and live with irregular sleep patterns, I'm gonna blow my head off lmfao (I know I cannot bring that attitude to the interview, but it feels good to vent and be honest here).
No. 631754
>>631705I can't really offer advice for your actual interview but in terms of appearance, just do a practice run in front of your web cam so you can see how you look and if your able to move things around some, try to find an angle and lighting that you find flattering, and maybe alter your makeup if you wear any to work with how you look on screen.
If you're house is messy, you can either move your set up to where you can be in front a wall so they can't see you house, or if you can't, just see how much of the room will show on webcam and spend the next few days cleaning and decluttering that specific area so it looks clean and professional
No. 635208>>635325
>>631500>>627998anons i'm too excited to not share but I GOT THE JOB!! thanks everyone who gave me advice
now it's time to get drunk and celebrate hehe
No. 635223
>>632672I wish I had good news but I have no news at all so far. The manager said he'd tell me whether he'll schedule a second interview with me or not on Friday so I wouldn't worry about it during the weekend (his words, not mine) but I never received any phone call or email. I think it's going to be a complicated situation no matter what because the job is based in England and the recruited candidate would have to start in mid-November but with the closed borders, the brexit and the pandemic I'm not even sure he'll be able to hire anyone who isn't already in England.
I also have another interview scheduled for a job I'm overqualified for and that pays minimum wage but it's a permanent and full-time contract with a lot of potential bonuses. It's from the company that tried to call me in the middle of the interview, I managed to call them back after several attempts the next day. If I didn't worry about my career on the long run I'd think that's a great opportunity but I have mixed feelings about this one. It's not like I can afford to be picky given the current situation but I don't want to have a simple, boring job with little to no way to evolve in the company after working so hard to get my master's degree and I'm worried it will trap me in a career I don't want with a low salary in the next few years when other employers wouldn't take my years of experience into account. I already had a phone interview that went very well with them and it lasted way longer than it should have because of it but who knows…
No. 636828>>636829>>636858>>637363
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>lost creative field job
>live in a super expensive area
>job market is hyper-intense right now with tons of people gunning for the same positions, many of whom are more talented that i am and have far more experience
>companies i applied to are hiring by lowest bidder
>one offered me $1 above minimum wage and told me to fuck off when i tried to negotiate
>minimum wage is FAR below living wage (you need to make at least 6 figures to live here. working for minimum wage at full time only gets you about $35k a year)
>no money to move
>job i lost was literally my first non-retail job
>companies won't even hire me as a receptionist because i don't have any experience
>no available internships
fuck me, anons. i'm dreading going back to the karen-infested waters of retail.
No. 636861
>>470830I made this post and I just got a job. It took fucking ages, and funnily enough I'll need to cancel my volunteering at the same event this year.
It's temporary but it's well paid and it'll get me started. I want to cry but I'm just buzzing with energy.
Funny enough through my interviews I'd always freak out and worry about not having enough technical knowledge or I'd flub behavioural questions, but I think I got this position because I just chatted with the interviewer like an equal, and acted like what was asked of me would be almost too simple, but obvioiusly beneficial for my career track.
All that negativity about jobseeking and the hoops you need to jump are just melting away in the comfort I can finally be financially dependent and invest in my interests.
No. 636976>>637018>>637064
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Anons I need advice, I'm super worried. I already talked about it in a few posts but basically: I had one interview for a job as a recruiter in London even though I'm in France, it seems super interesting, especially because this is the first experience I need for the rest of my career, I'm think long term here (so it's my plan A). I also had an interview for another job the same week, it's way less interesting when it comes to the tasks and the pay and I didn't get a Master's degree to be stuck in a minimum wage job with no opportunities to move up but it's close to where my family and I live and there are a lof of bonuses so it's a safer option (plan B).
I have a second interview for plan A scheduled this Friday online, and they told me in the first interview that there would be a total of 3 interviews and that I should get the final answer in mid-October so I can move to another country and start working in mid-November if I'm hired. Problem is, I just had a second interview for plan B a few hours ago and they want to hire me and make me start on Monday. This Monday. They can't make me start later so I can have an answer from plan B so I either
>start working for plan B and keep having interviews so I can either leave soon after starting or have a stable job if plan A doesn't work out
>or refuse the job despite the difficult situation because of COVID and take the risk of both plans failing
I need to give plan B an answer tomorrow morning and I can't move plan A's interview because tomorrow morning they're not available for the interview and I have a doctor's appointment I planned 2 months ago. I need opinions. Why the fuck do I always either have no news and answers from companies for months or two things scheduled at the same time and no in-between? Fuck.
No. 637363
>>636828i got rejected from 3 separate jobs today, one of which was a retail management position (said i was underqualified). fuck the job market rn.
>>636858i actually was planning to move to somewhere with way more job opportunities and had some savings for that, but i had to use part of that money for living expenses. i tried looking for remote creative jobs but i design products so most places want me in the office to create physical prototypes and whatnot.
i still haven't heard back from a couple of places that specifically advertised remote jobs, so fingers crossed!
No. 640482>>640501
>>640473Damn this comment was a rollercoaster lol
I don't know anon, sounds like you have a pretty serious case of imposter syndrome, which is common in women and minorities because society wants to see us fail. I recommend you start some sort of therapy to manage it and boost some confidence in yourself. Best of luck
No. 640495>>640501
>>640473Just something to give you food for though anon:
If a job has 10 requirements listed, on average, woman will feel unprepared for the role if they do not have all 10 requirements and likely not apply.
Men, on average, will apply if they have met just one of the requirements.
This is something I’ve seen many times, you will never be fully prepared for a role and that’s normal, because most of the men you’ll be working with were barely qualified either. Don’t underestimate your ability to learn anon, you’re clearly a capable woman.
No. 640501
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>>640482>>640493>>640495You guys are right. I even had to work with a QA tester earlier this year who didn’t know what the “open in a new tab” button was supposed to do.
I’m doubting myself because it’s a recruiter headhunting me and they usually don’t know the role as well as their client, so they can be hit or miss with gauging people’s qualifications. I still sent an email today highlighting that I didn’t have experience with the software they mentioned but that I learned a similar one in the last months.
I’m going to start pretending I’m a solidly average male when replying for jobs now. Thank you kind anons, I already feel a bit more confident.
No. 640542>>647106
>>640473Anon, you should never let those feelings hold you back from opportunities. Give it a go, go to an interview and see if it's for you or not. Ask others who work/have worked at the company for insight too, that might help ease some of your doubts about your ability because they might have been in the same boat.
But do what makes you happy, for example; if you are not money motivated and it's highly commission based, it might not be for you.
Always gives things a go, because keeping a door open as long as possible and not stepping through it's better than shutting it as soon as it opens.
For some context, I'm a Headhunter and placed many candidates who have increased their salaries by staggering amounts, just to find out it was right move at the right time for them. They all did their research beforehand though and made sure the company was the right fit for them, culturally and ethically.
No. 640679>>640696>>640758>>640935
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>>469216I have no college or money to go to college and I was forced to move out at 18. I've been working retail (hell) on and off because I quit after a year because I hate it. I'm now working remote at a call center job but I can't retain the information and I'm doing worse than others and my anxiety makes me cry and fuck up each call I've taken. What can I do? I have no actual skills and I have a hard time learning and retaining information. I feel like it's endless and I get a job->like it for the first 1-2 months-> realize it's shit and hate it yet again. I HATE working I mean I fucking hate it. I become depressed/anxious each time I work and end up crying myself to sleep. If I had the option I would become a NEET and enjoy my life for what it is smell the flowers etc but that's not possible. What jobs can I work that are entry level and make enough but also aren't fucking awful?
No. 640999>>641020
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>didn't get job i felt like i was more than qualified for
I guess this is the problem when you apply for a tech job and instead of being interviewed by the tech lead you get interviewed by the CEO and HR.
No. 641970
>>641957I'd say absolutely don't. If the system relies on unpaid labor to get what it needs to do done, something is very wrong.
I'd try convince your coworker to not work overtime either and suggest to your boss that you'd love to work the extra hours, but not without overtime pay.
No. 641975>>642242>>647106
>>641914Nope. I'm four years out of school and my new job pays six figures (it's the really low six figures that's five figures after tax, but still). Don't just put every skill you have on your resume. Design your resume around the job you want, and then each time you submit your resume, ever so slightly tweak it to match the wording in the job description (so for example maybe your resume says you do social media marketing but the job says digital marketing- make sure you have digital marketing on the resume). A real person isn't looking at your resume until the interview stage 99% of the time. Don't expect the resume bot will make assumptions in your favor.
Other tips: It's ok to be a job slut. You should be a job slut. Your employer would dump you if they needed the money. You can do the same. Update your resume as soon as you get a new role and keep it updated so you're not trying to remember everything you ever did in a role while trying to apply to a new job.
You don't need a graduate degree. I have a bachelor's. Not even a B.S. It's a B.A. It's not even related to my job! I just applied for a role I happened to have skills in at a small business right after graduating and kept working my way up from there. The first job is the hardest to get. After that, no one gives a shit about your education- just the skills you have and your personality. Speaking of personality, make an awesome amazing fake work personality. I've literally been picked over other candidates who met more qualifications than me because of my personality. You can teach hard skills on the job. You can't teach someone how to not be an autistic jackass.
Another anon mentioned this one above- don't be afraid to apply for jobs you're not completely qualified for. If you meet one or two of the qualifications, you should do it anyway. Treat the job listing as the company's dream candidate. That person doesn't exist. Do your best to emulate them, but don't worry if you don't get everything right. If you see a skill you don't have but you could have with a few hours of teaching yourself, add that shit to your resume and get to learning.
Apply to 10 jobs a day or more. It seems like a lot. It's not. I basically just submitted my resume to every new job listing that was relevant for me every day until I got hired at this job after being laid off from my last one. It took me a month to get back on my feet. I have coworkers who I can still see job hunting after six months. Be shameless. That's how you get places.
No. 647106>>661163
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>>640542I wanted to give a quick update on
>>640473I got a callback from the recruiting agency and they still believe I could be a good fit. I decided to go ahead and will send them my updated resume and see how it goes. I might not get the job and that’s ok.
One part I didn’t mention though is that I’m not a citizen of the country I’m currently in, which means they need to be able to fill out conditions if they want me to be a full-time employee. That’s why I’m always an even more nervous wreck when I apply for higher positions because I feel like I need to compete even more with native speakers who don’t need any kind of special paperwork.
Inside I’m basically a shakey chihuahua, but when I look back on all the things I accomplished (even if it’s not that crazy), I’m pretty proud of myself.
Also, everything said by
>>641975 is absolutely right. Despite all of my stress I always aced any interview I went for.
Why? Because if they call you in for an interview, they most likely know you’re a technical fit and all there is left to judge is your personality. Do you hair, do your makeup, wear some casual business outfit (you can go in regular jeans and boots if you have a blouse or a blazer on for example), smile a lot and maybe crack one or two light jokes.
No. 648123>>648128
>>648103The interview is at the office in the city where the person is, not at their house, but either way, I already don't really want the job anymore.
Asking me to drive 3 hrs (or more, depending on traffic) round trip just for the first interview is ridiculous. There's no reason why they can't do a phone interview for a remote position.
No. 650252>>650450
I've got a problem. I started my brand new job this month (first job in my desired field, short term contract adn seemingly unlimited chance of training) and it turns out it's shift work instead of the 9-5 I was told it'd be in the interview. I'm going through a recuitment agency and the contract just says "40 hours a week". Nothing on paper indicating the hours.
The early shift is inconveniently early (like I'll be catching several buses instead of a train early), and the late shift basically uses my entire day.
I'm kind of screwed on this, aren't I?
On top of that, we were told we'd start shifts in 6 weeks or so, but another new coworker who completed her training was suddenly informed she can start shifts NEXT WEEK. Which sounds pretty shitty.
I can't if tell the trainer who informed us is power tripping or being pushed by managers to get us in shifts asap. I haven't interacted long enough to know her character, she's either anxious or a micromanager at least.
Two big factors that make me not want to speak up are that I was jobseeking for a year before this and want good references/connections. But then it was maybe a month between my interview and first day, surely they knew that the schedule had changed to shifts, and I should've been informed instead of having it dumped on me matter of factly a few days in?
At the same time if this cow says I can start 7am next Monday (way ahead of time)…I'm not sure if I can hold back a "yeah no, fuck off". But…first job in my field, I've been strugglng precisely because I have no connections from education. Is there any level headed way I can ask to come in at more convenient times that won't call for me being up at 4am or literally moving to that town? Or hell, even just keeping it from starting sooner than 6 weeks?
It's tough for me to speak diplomatically and professionally, especially when I kind of feel taken advantage of like this. Can anyone help?
No. 650432>>650497>>650583>>650631>>650637>>659723
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Does anybody else work a “get-well” job? A job that’s low stress, low effort, just to get out there and not be a NEET anymore? That’s the boat I’m in, working a minimum wage job that I don’t mind because the stress isn’t hard to cope with and it’s reletively easy. My job has benefits as well that covers my medication for my mental health disorders. Trying to not think about what’s next after this and just focus on the now, but I’d hate to get stuck in a job like this for life
No. 650450
>>650252This agency sounds like shit tbh, but speaking up is basically going to lead to unemployment, so it might be a good idea to stick it out for a bit.
On the plus side, with a few weeks experience in your area, you can find a better job with less shit hours. You might have been put in the shit job pile if you have too little experience or not enough qualifications. Hopping from agency to agency is pretty common so it's a good idea to revamp your CV with your newfound experience and try somewhere else. They don't care about helping you achieve your dreams, they want to fill jobs, so sell yourself based on what you can do for the company. If you have a track record of turning up, doing your job and never complaining, they'll give you better jobs because you're a good investment. One of the few good things about agencies is that they can get you into a fuckton of different jobs in various fields. You can then find something decent that you actually enjoy and has normal hours.
No. 650497>>650631
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>>650432I worked in a mailroom for a couple of years, and I actually really loved it. I'm trying to work towards a "high value" career now, but I miss how much less stressful my job there was. I'm not a big fan of the rat race. I've worked other dead-end, minimum wage jobs that were stressful because of the nature of the work or the shitty working conditions I experienced. The mailroom, however, was a cushy and stable gig despite being a relatively dead-end, unskilled labor type of job.
I don't think there's anything wrong with a job like the one you've described, especially if it's providing you with benefits and keeping your life stress-free. I know plenty of highly intelligent, capable people who choose to work "low value" jobs because they simply don't want stressful careers or jobs that impede on their lifestyles.
No. 650631>>651366
>>650432What job was it anon?
>>650497Sounds like a dream tbh.
No. 651426
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I just finished an interview for a company I really want to work for and the panel interviewing me said they really liked me but the pay I asked for was too high. I really need the money and the pay they said is average for my role is pretty low, so I have a strong feeling I won't be getting a call back.
No. 654324
>>654195Cliché answer you probably don't want, but the more you go and do them, the easier it tends to get. Making sure you did good prep work before hand (researching the company, having answers to generic job interview questions prepared, and possibly answers to questions specific to that company if you can find it on glassdoor), and rehearsing your answers out loud definitely help.
I usually go through a phase of calm, then extreme stress while prepping and the very moments leading up to an interview, and once I am seated and waiting for them to call me in, the stress is so overwhelming that my emotions tend to just "shut down" so I end up going in not giving a single fuck which ultimately helps because I'm no longer stuttering or nervous lol. Years of customer service helped me learn how to turn myself "on" and put on the best version of myself without feeling too fake in front of others. I've also gone through so many bullshit interviews that sometimes I really don't give a fuck because I'm so fed up with being ghosted by recruiters or companies that it's less fear and more annoyance haha.
Getting a laugh or a casual comment in to make your interviewer smile or something and make it feel more like a casual conversation definitely helps me relax and think better. You'll get there one day anon! It's all about practice, practice, practice. Interviews are awful but I believe that you can nail them down one day!
No. 659132>>659723
>>658880Pharmacy is piss easy and a lot of people in my country go for it because pharmacists in state-owned pharmacies where I live generally do fuck all and get paid well. Galenic pharmacists (don't know if you have them where you live) are more hands-on since they prepare things on the spot for the customer but most of them really like the job.
People in the West have this idea that your job is supposed to be something you love, but we can't have a world full of youtubers, astronauts, fashion designers and robot builders. Most people don't love what they do, they somewhat enjoy it at best and mostly do it because they have to, leaving their hobbies for their spare time.
I know artists always get salty about this but you can't willingly go into a field with precarious job opportunities at best and then whine when you don't get a job or aren't being paid well.
No. 659723
>>658919Getting an art teaching degree sounds like a good idea but I don't know if taking on more schooling would be good for my situation right now. Unless there was some sort of loophole that would help me delay my debt/not accumulating more… But thanks for replying!
>>659108>>659132It probably is easy and I feel like a huge, whiny cry baby for not being able to handle it. Like, I get that it's just a job and that you don't have to like it but at this point, if you take school out of the equation I'm basically a NEET and I'm not handling it well at all. I can't fall asleep at night, I wake up in a cold sweat and feel like throwing up when I think of going into my pharmacy placement the next day.
Piggy-backing off of
>>650432 if some anons could give more examples of "get-well" jobs, that would be great.
No. 661054
>>661008It's possible to make 6 figures a year at your first job depending on where you live. If you're in the Bay Area, 6 figures is pretty standard. I know people who live outside the Bay who don't make 6 figures, but still make a LOT of money adjusted to their cost of living.
Be warned that there is a major oversaturation of software engineers. Competition is already super stiff at top tier companies but now other companies are starting to hold applicants to the same high standards. A masters might help you stand out from all of the other applicants since most people get their bachelors and go straight to trying to find a job.
As for getting a linguistics degree, only get it if you know you have possible job prospects at somewhere other than a tech company. A lot of people I know with humanities degrees ended up at tech companies anyway, myself included (illustration major, ended up in ui/ux design). I know 2 people with English degrees from top tier unis and one does tech documentation at a startup and the other is an executive assistant for a tech nonprofit.
No. 661088>>661148>>662240
Okay hopefully this doesn’t get me fired since I get pretty specific but I work at St*rbucks. Recently we hired this new person and she just completely and utterly lacks self awareness. I don’t know her age but I’d guess it’s around the early 30’s range. Anyways she’s been working here for over a month, but… she needs to be watched over and babysat at every moment, consistently shows up wearing dress code violating clothing and clothes that don’t fit, her ass crack is constantly out because she doesn’t own a belt and her shirts ride up and show her stomach because she’s fat. She also keeps calling everyone in the drive thru ‘hun’ and ‘love’ even though we’ve repeatedly told her that’s not appropriate to say to customers. Yesterday, she was running drive thru by herself, because there were only 3 of us. It’s honestly really simple to do alone, but she managed to make it so ridiculously difficult… At one point, I said to her “I know you’re trying but you need to be taking orders at the speaker, even if you’re just letting them know it’ll be a moment.” Because me and the other girl making drinks had been doing it for her. She flipped out, and said to me “So you want me to not only be handing out drinks at the window but also taking orders at the speaker?” As if that was some ridiculous or unfair request…. today she was literally just brewing coffee and doing simple tasks but kept making tons of mistakes and remarking “You’re killing me here guys!” I just don’t understand why this incompetent mess is allowed to stick around especially when an entire person is sacrificed to babysit her. She can’t do extremely simple things even now, yet we have a 17 year old that’s been here an even shorter amount of time but is way better than her. All of my partners and I are just sick of her so I’m hoping she gets fired but… I really doubt it.
No. 661148
>>661088Take these issues to your manager, but my guess is that if you're posting here you already tried and nothing happened. Typically if a green bean doesn't show at least
some improvement in their probationary period (first 90 days) they can be let go without issue, but often managers at stores that are understaffed will just keep them and schedule them with good baristas who can pick up their slack.
If this new person is actually effecting
your ability to adequately work your position, and the manager ignores your complaints, you can call the Partner Resource Center and report the issue in detail and corporate will investigate the issue. It can seem like a whistleblower move, but literally the purpose of the PRC is to encourage open-door communication and prevent shitty, clique-y stores from gaming the schedule in their favor.
Also since times are rough and this is Starbucks we're talking about, any other (corporate store) baristas who need help financially can apply for the CUP fund and may be able to get up to $1000 for bills or debt or whatever. Google has the #s for both resources.
No. 661163>>661173>>662240
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>>647106>>640473No one asked for it but I thought to give an update. I got the job!
I’m still shocked. I was this close to declining the position to the recruiting agency because I clearly didn’t have experience with their software but still decided to give it a go.
I had a very short interview and then nothing for about 2 weeks so I assumed they just went with a more experienced candidate. On top of that it’s a major company in my country and the pay is pretty great so I thought the competition was pretty intense.
I’m so shocked they called me to let me know I was selected. No second interview, no nothing.
I might still be hallucinating in a hospital bed after a failed skydive jump after changing career.
I will be making about 3k more per month and have this huge brand name on my resume. I’m fucking glad the anons on this board are pretty educated when compared to other chans and give solid advice. I love you guys.
No. 662240
>>661088I'm sorry to say but I doubt anything will happen to her. At my last retail job, I worked in a store that's like the low end of what's considered high end (purses in the $300-1,000 range) and had a coworker that was similar yours- wore revealing clothes, was rude to customers, complained about everyone else "not working hard enough", etc. and managers just shrugged her off. My manager, district manager, and HR didn't do shit.
Once, I told her to stop insulting me in front of customers and I was the one who got written up for "unprofessional behavior", even though the customer told my manager I didn't do anything wrong. And no, she's not related to the manager or district manager. She's just some random bitch that management sided with for no reason.
>>661163Congrats, anon!
No. 662934
>>662921>>662919I personally hate spins like this, they contribute to the workplace being full of fakeness and that's a shitty atmosphere to work in. The interviewer knows you're bullshitting them (believe me they do), you know you're bullshitting them, whats the point? You can choose a relevant truth.
I always say my weakness is vaping and that I will need regular smoke breaks. It's true and actually valuable info to them.
No. 665001
>>664650The interview went pretty well!! One of the upsides to online is that nobody has to notice my nervous ticks like cramping my legs and stuff since it’s not on cam. However I also have a hard time controlling my facial expressions when I’m nervous and I think those are even more on display.
They immediately set up an appointment with me to let me know whether I got it for next week. Not just a “we’ll contact you” or “we’ll let you know through email”. So I think that’s a pretty great sign.
No. 667089
>>665223Realistically, probably nothing. Companies will want you to be able to commute to various job sites and those places aren't always going to be reachable by public transportation.
Could you find a workplace that pays for classes and pay for some or all of a 4 year degree that way? My last retail job did tuition reimbursement for classes as long as they could further you in their company (e.g. business or marketing classes). One of my friends works as a receptionist for a nonprofit and they also paid for her to take classes (she did training courses for various software like Quickbooks and took a few business classes).
No. 667285
>>667268Absolutely do it, you can't rely on whatever HR department they have to see it. You speak that language and they need someone who speaks it, that's vital information for them to know.
>anxious that I might come off as annoying or desperateI don't think that really applies professionally. People apply to multiple job opportunities at the same company all the time. If anything you look motivated and confident.
No. 668366
>>668360I wanted to do the same, but didn't pursue it because it's not taken seriously in my area and it's expensive to go through the education process.
You should do it if you're able to.
No. 668380
>>668360What is your intended goal in becoming a herbalist? Being able to heal people? If so, you would be better off studying traditional medicine. Yes, licensed NDs do require a decent amount of schooling, but the standards are much laxer and frankly lead them to be far less equipped to actually help people. could always become a doctor then specifically do research into natural medicines. Remember a lot of the medicine we have today was originally synthesized from natural components, though. In 2012, it was determined 50% of approved drugs during the last 30 years were either directly or indirectly created from natural products. So even if you're not feeding people leaves and flowers you could still focus on compounds from them. No. 674876>>675100>>675188
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>>469216Looking for job now, a translator without specialization (had some experience translating in a niche sphere, but it doesn't really help). I desperately need money, but there's only a few more or less decent offerings and I'm afraid I won't be hired.
There's a webcam studio in my city that hires translators to help some models communicate with viewers… and they offer pretty good money by my country's standards. I'm not a fan of sex work, to put it mildly, but I'm beginning to seriously consider this option. Meanwhile, I could attend courses to learn a new skill or two, get prepared for a better job, maybe start working on my rating on freelance sites.
Have someone here worked as a webcam model translator? lol
No. 675136
>>675100I was also surprised to find out about it, hehe
Our job search sites are full of offerings for marriage agency translators, but this one is something new. Seems ironic that it's also kinda better than working at marriage agency, because it's at least pretty straightforward and honest, while MAs make you pump out all the money and gifts you can get from foreign husbandos.
No. 675188
>>674876(Sorry if this post doesn't link, mobile is looking weird atm)
Same anon as above, but I just secured a job in translating without a specialization. If you're really desperate, I'd say go for it and see how it is. If it makes you uncomfortable still, it's still good to have it on your resume of experience. Just write down something vague like "real time virtual translator" since there's quite a few of those types of jobs open now cause of covid.
No. 675541
>>675497Those places are indeed hell, but it's not the worst work for someone with ADHD.
>Clear goals>Set script>Fast paceAs long as anon can get the hang of the work, being yelled at on the phone and doesn't get terrible managers the days will fly by for her. Unless it's a commission based sales role, which nobody should ever do.
No. 675582
>>675542>Would it be stupid to leave my job to do contract roles to build experience?Yes, it would be since that job is your main source of income and you're the breadwinner. I did freelance design for a while and income was unreliable not only based on how much work you can get but also how much you make from each job. Unless an employer REALLY likes you, there's a chance you could get passed over for someone who will do it for cheaper too, even if their work is shittier. If you're in 'murica, you could also lose out on benefits like insurance or 401k, which some companies don't offer to their contract workers unless the job is going to take a long time to complete.
If you really want to get into contract work, I suggest cutting back hours at your normal job (I went from 35+ hrs a week to 25-30 hrs) first so you can juggle your main job and contract work. The toughest part for me was finding someone who would hire me so there were a few weeks to months in between each of my freelance jobs where I was only making income from my normal job.
No. 676759
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Two rants here:
1. I never seem to fit in at my workplaces. I never fit in much anywhere outside of social groups that share my interests and passions so it’s not like I’m surprised but I know this affects me negatively in regards to how people view me and having others realize I’m not fitting into company culture.
2. I want to quit my job so bad so I’m starting to look for another industry job. I want the switch so bad but it’s hard with Covid. I saw my company post a job posting of my role and saw there were 180 applicants in a week so I feel very ungrateful and dumb for wanting to leave but I dislike my job and want to make a switch to have tasks and roles that I’m more passionate about. Lots of run-on sentences here sorry but yeah. I’m planning on staying at least until after Christmas break so I get paid time off but I probably won’t get a job before then anyways. I’m so tempted to quit right after the holidays and work some shitty minimum wage job until I get my next industry job. Can someone let me know if I’m being a complete idiot?
No. 677559>>677591
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I work at a university, and I've wanted to jump ship for a while. My team is amazing, but because my department is traditionally male dominated, I'm constantly babied, talked down to, and overlooked by students and professors. The only thing that keeps me at work is our amazing benefits package and comfort with my team.
I want to apply for more creative/design jobs, but I don't want to make this switch until I can find a job that provides me with health insurance, PTO, and an equivalent salary that allows me to stay in my expensive city.
Recently I learned about a similar position at a rival college. I want to apply because it pays more, but I worry this position will have the same issues as my current one without the support I've found in my current team. I don't know if I can handle moids telling me how to do my job without a supportive team and a responsive HR department.
What should I do, girls? Stay at my job where I'm comfortable and bide my time until I find my dream job? Or should I try to get this job at a rival university for a higher pay rate, even though I kind of hate the field I'm in?
No. 677591>>677687
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>>677559Idk anon more money is usually a big pro for me… does the rival college have other benefits than the current ?
No. 677687
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>>677591You're right, anon!
I went back and looked, and there are no benefits because it is part-time. I'm a fool who can't read and got my hopes up. I guess this means I'm stuck at my current job a little longer…
No. 678229>>678253>>678269
>>677865No, just watch some YouTube videos. Most ‘resume coaches’ fucking suck anyways.
Ok so I posted about this in the happiness thread but I’m really happy about it so I’m posting about it here.
I’m in the final round of interviews for an up and coming med-tech company
I got through the recruiter and vp/hiring manager. Next week I have sr Vp/hiring manager who makes the final decision.
Job pays 80k salary with 20k bonus if I perform well 100k total. 10k upfront to help with relocation. If I hit my numbers I get promoted to account executive which means 200k salary 50k bonus for hitting numbers.
I dropped out part way through college, but I’m 22 and I don’t think they really care.
My boyfriend keeps saying they’re only thinking about hiring me because the hiring manager wants to sleep with me. But like, once they hire me I would be able to sue them if they actually tried to so even if that is the case idc
No. 678237>>678549
>>677865Anon, get on LinkedIn and add some BDRs/AES who work for startups. Tech is one of the only industries that is growing and actively hiring during corona.
If you’re over 27 with no professional experience the chances of this working out are very slim because it’s an ageist industry, but especially if you are in the 21-25 range and attractive/well spoken your chances are pretty good.
Make sure you have a professional looking headshot. Pictures with nature backgrounds are good. Anything slutty or super Facetune dis very bad. Add slack, zoom, sales force, etc as skills on LinkedIn and make your headline something like ‘analytical and data driven solutions specialist’ and write up a blurb about how your a passionate bdr in training who enjoys solving complex problems
No. 678277
>>678269I’m aware. I mean, it’s a growing company in an area I’m interested in. BDR jobs don’t require anything you would learn in college except maybe business psychology which I’m pretty sure is an MBA area anyways?
At the end of the day, if he did just hire me for that reason, a 200 million dollar company is not going to risk a sexual harassment suit by firing me if I’m not interested in sleeping with an employee, and it’s a job I’m fairly confident in my ability to do.
No. 678549>>678753>>679080
>>678237I'd said I'm average looking. 22 but I tend to look younger do to a babyish face and height, usually getting anywhere from 16-19. Do you think that would affect me in a negative way. Like I might look too kid like in the face.
Also I got a job in retail rn because I need the money but as I apply for other jobs should I put that as my most recent job even though I've been there for like less than a week?
No. 679080>>679207
>>678549So, on LinkedIn or in a resume you want to write up a description of your performance at your previous job that implies you would do well at the job you want.
Eg when I put my law firm receptionist job on my resume for the BDR job I said ‘qualified inbound leads for firm partners and set up appointments with potential clients whose needs were suited to the firmed specialty’
‘Helped the firm acquire 15 new major clients by directing qualified leads to the appropriate attorneys, resulting in over 300,000$ in revenue for the firm”
(In this case inbound leads are literally just people who called into the firm)
And for my waitress job
‘Collaborated with a team of over 50+ employees to create an upscale dining experience. Regularly led team wine sales competitions, and outsold other team members by 25%.’
Always find a way to incorporate metrics of success into a job description, you can just estimate them if you aren’t 100% sure.
You can do the same thing for retail jobs or any other customer facing jobs you may have had. Looking young is a positive, at least it was in my case. You do definitely want to have a nice looking LinkedIn profile picture, and find a good banner photo that coordinates with the rest of your profile.
I wouldn’t recommend putting jobs on your resume that you were at for less than 6 months. If you have a resume gap, try to fill it with volunteer experience or travel experience if you have either of those things.
Since updating my LinkedIn profile and getting the first interview, I’ve had 3 other recruiters contact me for BDR job interviews with good salaries. I just sent connection requests to lots of people, and usually attach a personal message like ‘Hey! I really admire the platform you have developed at x company.’
No. 679207
>>679080I lost my job with Covid so I don't have any way to fill in the gap really but I guess I could say I took online classes in the mean time?
I wish I could see your resume lol so much easier to see how other pay out theirs but I'll revamp mine in the mean time and redo my LinkedIn as well
No. 679799>>679808
>>679796I’m not technical at all so I’m not sure, but I do know that ui ux is a VERY in demand area, and a lot of recruiters specifically look for female engineers because it’s such a male dominated field.
I would reach out to some people on LinkedIn from companies you’re interested in, either other engineers or recruiters. And look up example resumes from other people in that area.
No. 683865
>>682141academia is hell, even at private unis where they pretend they have money but don't
source: me, working at a private uni with an endowment in the billions while being told there's a hiring/raise freeze and the best they can give us is mouse pads to wfh while I read job descriptions where people get brand new laptops and home office stipends
No. 683883>>683890>>683891>>683897>>683898>>683899>>683941
Spent 5 years of my life dedicated to a mortuary company where I live. 2 years getting my life in order so that I was eligible to work there, and a little over 3 years working 5-7 days a week, 12 hours a day.
It was my dream job, despite the terrible management. I quickly became talented at mortuary services, my job was to assist families at the scene of the death. My boss praised me on a daily basis for the various families that sent compliments my way, I knew our 50+ funeral home clients well and personally, trained endless new hires, the company became my home and I even met my fiancé there.
Over a year ago, I was hit at a stop sign and my car was totaled. This ruined insurance for me.
This week, on thanksgiving day, my boss laid me off without any warning due to insurance issues
This company has been my home, and I’ve given it every bit of myself. I even moved to this city for the job. I’ve sacrificed everything else in my life to be constantly available to the grieving families and to our clients
I’m seriously considering suicide - since I can’t drive for the company or any other company that does similar work at the moment, I’m completely lost. I feel like I’ve been robbed of my dream job, and everything I’ve worked hard for over the last half decade.
It feels like a very painful breakup, like I’ve lost my home, my family, my talent and passion all at once. I have no sense of identity anymore - I was a mortician and a good one at that, now I feel like I’m nothing.
I’m 26 years old now - I was only 20 when I decided to pursue this job and made it my life’s goal. I was finally a happy, financially well off, talented professional. Now I’m unemployed and I’ve lost my home and passion
No. 683890>>683917
>>683883Don't kill yourself.
I saw your post on /g/ on what you want for christmas, I think this is hurting you a lot. Please reach out to a friend or family member, wanting to kill yourself is not ok.
No. 683899>>683917
>>683883>I'm seriously considering suicideWell, that's one sure way to get back in the mortuary
In all seriousness, please reach out to a professional that can help you deal with your grief. Losing something or someone you love is always a life-shattering event, you need to give yourself time to recoup and just live day by day until then.
No. 683917
>>683899>>683898>>683897>>683890That was me in the Christmas gifts post… I am hurting so badly and feel like my life shattered into pieces without warning.
I really do appreciate all of these nice replies. I’ve been laying around drinking alcohol and binging on shit food, crying like a worthless idiot. It wasn’t even a dignified exist on my last day - I was sobbing in the office in front of everyone. I’m pathetic
No. 683941>>683964
>>683883OP, I'm so sorry. Don't kill yourself please! Can you get a similar job elsewhere? Just think, in the future you could have your own mortuary house. You've got the passion and knowledge to pursue that goal. I believe in you!
>This company has been my home, and I’ve given it every bit of myself. I even moved to this city for the job. I’ve sacrificed everything else in my life to be constantly available to the grieving families and to our clients An important warning for other anons to never give 100% of yourself away to your job unless you are your own boss. Don't buy into the whole 'we are one big family here uwu' because once it benefits the bussiness, they will fire you with no regrets. They may sugarcoat it by calling it giving you an opportunity for growth, but they obviously don't give a fuck about what happens to you.
No. 683964
>>683941Right now I’m stuck waiting for my insurance rates to improve, but I am applying to work at medical examiner’s offices doing similar work
I second this, sacrificing everything I had and giving this company my all left me in ruins. Always have a backup plan, and always keep in mind business owners don’t give a shit about you long term
No. 684057>>684070
>>684039How much is the difference and how long have they been working there?
>>684048 said, she may have requested a wage increase. It you have been at the company for over a year, it could also be based on performance and that employee is actually a higher performing employee, so her raise was higher.
No. 684070>>684072
>>684057>>684048No one asked for a higher wage the company just raised everyone's base since they can't keep employees and it's a high risk job. She has been at the company 2 months longer, has a slower productivity rate, and definitely didn't ask for more money.
Thanks for the quick responses.
No. 684076>>684078
>>684072Last thing I would consider is her experience. She may be less educated, but she may have more years in the workforce than the other, and therefore has more experience, which could be looked at differently.
Discrimination is extremely hard to prove, and depending on the ages, usually the cases are discrimination against older workers, not younger workers (unless you are super young for your field). I recommend the younger employee ask HR for higher comp. If they're struggling to keep employees, chances are that $1/hr increase will be worth it for her to stay.
No. 684596
>>684286Job that pays well and is what you want > Current job > Shit job
Don't feel guilty. It's all business. None of these people give a shit about you and you'd better return the feelings.
No. 684700
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>>684695Because it is a scam. Just treasure your time off as much as you can. You can def work for yourself but it takes a lot of investment (of your time) before it has any chance to start paying off. It's a difficult thing to do by design.
No. 684735
>>684695You don't have to be happy, in fact I believe no one actually is. All the people who say they're happy are either copany CEOs who use other's labour to fullfill their dream or employees who only pretend to be happy. Your time is the most important time for you, and it should be that way for everyone. Slaving away 40h a week is just a mean to survive.
Are there actual ways to cope with this feeling? I also get a sense of dread and anxiety just thinking about how much time of my life I'm wasting working and coming home too exhausted to do anything I like. Do you just turn your brain off?
No. 684827
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>>684695>How can you be happy in your job?Unless you're saying kind of elite high-flyer you need to decide what it is that you value. Enough money that you can rent a nice apartment and go on holidays? Free time? Good relationships with your co-workers and projects you actually care about?
The people you work with can also make or break a workplace. I will bend over backwards with a smile for the right people.
No. 685236
>>685015anon, it is pretty much like this
>>685102 at amazon
However, if you learn to work the system and can tough it out, you can squeeze amazon for the horrors they put you through
Base is $15 at all warehouses and the work schedules are accomodating, for example you can work only sat-sun or three 12hr shifts out of the week
If you are strong minded and learn how to use HR to your benefit when your managers squeeze you like a lemon you will be fine. And if you can do it for two(?)years,they will pay for classes they sponsor as well as give you some money for college too so you can further your education.
I would honestly only recommend you apply if you are able to not let pressure get to you. The worst you'll get is a manager telling you to work faster and that your performance is bad, but if you pay attention he is most likely bullshitting you and trying to squeeze you, don't let them. They won't fire you for being a poor performer although they will try. As long as you know you are doing your work and escalate to HR if needed, your job is secure. Your body will hurt, but it comes with benefits and if they like you you might just rise in the hierarchy, if not, just use it as a security net whilst you find something better.
You work alone and nobody bothers you.
If you decide to work for amazon, or at any other mill like it my advice is: do the bare minimum, never get too good if it doesn't benefit you. Once you get too good, you will be expected to always perform at that rate and higher, which is impossible.
anon, I recommend you sit down and really think what you want to do and how you will take care of yourself as you get older. You don't want to end up a greeter do you?
No. 685295
>>685292My position is a vague “Email campaign specialist” and at first I was just presented the role with “making the email templates” for the other teams to use for their following campaigns.
They don’t have any of those because it was all handled previously by an external company. I don’t want to reveal too many details just in case, but the software is kinda sucky and you can’t insert custom HTML and edit it easily later on, you’d need to replace that HTML with a new file, and nobody has that skill set internally. So if I were to insert complicated code snippets, then it wouldn’t exactly be usable again.
It’s hard to understand exactly what they want when they don’t seem to understand how coding or their software work. I feel like they were kinda expecting me to be a coding magician.
No. 685315
>>685015So, on your 15 minute breaks, you cannot sit on the floor or anywhere but the break room which is typically a 10 minute walk away.
So, why walk all the way there just to turn around and be late starting back and get screamed at by upper level management when you can stand there and keep working through your break.
The join issues after standing and running literally all day for shit wages isn't worth it in the years after you leave.
Amazon is slave labor, don't support it.
No. 687203
>>687136>waxing hair off>essentialU wot m8?
I'm as confused as the rest of the anons. Nurses and care workers will cut hair and overgrown nails and trim beards if it presents a real health hazard and there's nobody else to do it, but nobody
except Yaniv will die without a full Brazilian wax.
No. 689487>>690766
>>689473Idk about computer science but I'm over 25 and high school drop out and I also plan to finish my education and hopefuly get in college by 2022 or 2023.
You found something you like, I'd say go for it, nothing stupid about getting better education, and I feel like many older people are focusing on improving themselves (learning a new skill, going back to school or college) for a better paycheck these days
No. 689493>>690766
>>689473I don't think it's ever too late. I thought the same when I was in my early 20s. Now I'm 30 and I wish I enrolled few years back. I work in IT without a degree so I'm plaiged by the imposter syndrome.
It's difficult to say what your experience is going to be like. Mine was mixed but just like you, computer science is something I genuinely enjoy and I think it's worth it. It will make it easy to finish your degree if you're passionate about the subject and if you work with competent, smart people, they won't care about your gender, only what you can deliver with your skills. Shit people are sadly everywhere so you're bound to experience unfair treatment eventually but that shouldn't prevent you from pursuing what you truly love.
No. 689560>>690766
>>689473anon, please.
I don't know what country you're in, but in america it's completely normal to go back to school in your 20's or beyond. I just took a computer science class at college (I'm 26) and there were people in it older than me. there was only one other girl, but who the hell cares? it would be nice to have more women in computer science. you're still really young. I wish I had been more diligent about getting an education when I was 21, I would be graduated by now.
think of it this way. you're going to be 25 anyway someday, you might as well be 25 with a degree.
No. 690766>>690938
>>689487>>689493>>689560>>689595No no I meant that I'll start (be in my first year) when I'm 25, sorry for being unclear.
I think I'll do it, thanks for the advice!
No. 695533
My boss is so infuriatingly terrible at communication and doesn't give a fuck about covid at all. She knows that I'm extremely wary because my parents are high risk, but recently we had a little bit of a scare (a coworker had to quarantine because his wife was potentially exposed to someone who tested positive) and she didn't even let us know. We found out because another coworker called us in a panic (tried to get quarantining coworker to cover one of his shifts and then found out he couldn't because of quarantine). When I went to my boss to ask why the fuck she didn't tell us anything, her response was "well, it's not that big of a deal." Like, what the fuck? If it's not that big of a deal, then you should have no problem saying "Hey, XYZ is quarantining right now because of (details). He is confident he is negative but got tested anyway and will be returning to work shortly if the results come back negative." Why is that so hard? I met with that coworker yesterday and he, for some reason, felt the need to apologize to me, saying that he's usually on top of texting us himself to let us know, but it slipped his mind in the midst of everything going on. But I don't think it's his fault, my boss should've fucking let us know too! Why do I have to find out that a coworker was potentially exposed from a different coworker calling me in a panic? I like my job and how easy going it is, and recently got a raise too, but honestly it's infuriating how fucking little they care about us. There's also no HR department to complain to, because my boss is basically is HR. I miss my old temp job where we had a proper HR department, and although the HR girl was a fucking pain in the ass about everything, she was so strict about making sure we were following covid procedures and that everyone was being safe. I've been trying to leave, but in the midst of everything going on, having this job is better than having no job.
No. 695585
>>695548You could them a question when you say hello, so when they don't answer you can just repeat the question at them until they do. And then stay an annoying level of cheery the whole time so that they learn it's easier to just say hi to you so you'll leave them alone
However it's better they just ignore you and you do the same, save yourself the hassle of wasting your time on then
No. 695687
>>695609Anon, unless you like computer science and can see yourself in that field of employment without killing yourself, I'd stick with history/philosophy. Sure you'll have a more difficult time finding a job but having
any college degree opens a lot of doors, not necessarily in the field you're expecting.
t. me who went for CS and dropped out due to my hatred for it. Shoulda went for an art degree.
No. 696531>>696626
Just some standard job gossip.
Started a new job recently where I have access to all company files, including personal employee files located in an archive vault. I've snooped. Looking at everyone's saved resumes from the time that they applied, to trying to see through the redacted lines to sus out their rate of pay if I can. Maybe it's shitty, but I wanted to see if the people I reported to actually earned their clout.
One thing I was super curious about was the fact that a certain department director's daughter started to work for this company while still in high school. Usually people who are hired into here have at least college degrees and some job experience, certainly none are ever teenagers.
Turns out, she works for the company as a "contractor." Meaning no conflict of interest, but it's not like mommy would ever refuse to renew her contract and could move some numbers around.
Another interesting thing: When she was 19, her bill rate was $19/hr. I saw it through the half-assed attempt to sharpie the rate of pay out.
I'm not saying this is highfalutin' CEO tier nepotism, and to be fair to the girl she does have academic honors from hs, is currently enrolled in college, and seems like a typical ambitious normie. Yet how nice would that be for everyone else? I was academically successful myself. It took two college degrees and years of minimum to menial wages to work my way up past $20/hr, and this girl got that right out the box just cause she's a director's daughter. I know my and other people's parents never helped us for shit. I've only ever have had suspicions and hearsay anecdotes about nepotism, but to see it on paper in physical proof is pretty jarring.
Can't say I wouldn't do the same for my daughter, though. Humans suck.
No. 697571>>697766
>>697196Just apply, apply, apply. I know a lot of people recommend tweaking your resume for each job application but I usually don't. I shove as many keywords as I can into my resume, and I have a several masters of cover letters depending on the job I'm applying for that I use.
My last and current job took me about 6 months to find and get. From application to hiring to interview took maybe 1-2 weeks, but the majority of those 6+ months was mostly just sending out applications. I didn't even get an interview for 99% of the ones I sent out. I stopped feeling self conscious about not meeting the requirements 100% ever since I read an article about how women tend to not apply for jobs if they don't 100% meet the requirements, but men will apply for jobs way out of their league anyway. Be shameless.
No. 697573
>>697196oh also forgot to add but I would
occasionally really adjust my resume and maybe write a new cover letter for a job if it was something I would consider a long term dream job. I took my current job because of covid (last job was a temp position), and my last job was my first office job after retail so my applications were pretty lackluster compared to what I would send out to a cushier, long term position.
No. 697592
>>697196It takes me about a month, usually. Since you don't have a job, treat job searching as one. Make it a point to send in at least 10 applications a day. Get a second opinion on your resume, you'd be surprised how many people have crap resumes and don't know it.
I mostly used Indeed, Craigslist, and sometimes I go through a company's website (I do museum work so I just googled every museum in my city). Always submit a 1-2 paragraph cover letter to go along with your application, whether they ask for it or not.
No. 697766>>699360
>>697571I'm going to strongly disagree with this anon
If you want a professional level job, do NOT apply online, unless you are heavily qualified, because 99% of the time your resume never gets read
Message hiring managers at the companies on Linkedin to get referred to recruiters
I have an 80% success rate of getting at least to a round 2 interview that way
No. 697978>>698765
>>697770Honestly though if they really wanted you and you standard out that much for then they would have given you an answer that same day. It's seems your competition was just as good and hence we're able to let you go without really having a hard time.
Reality is there was a chance you could have lost out on both jobs if you attempted to wait.
No. 698765>>699345
>>698724What was the lesson learned in your opinion? Personally I think she did good, and this anon is right
>>697978>Reality is there was a chance you could have lost out on both jobs if you attempted to wait.No need to grovel now like an
abusive bf dumped her for being 5 mins late. It's just a job, she had other offers, they had other candidates, neither need push their limits for each other. I don't think she should change her strategy and put herself at a disadvantage by going all out for one job and disregarding other offers. It only benefits companies, not her personally.
No. 699360
>>697770Don't beat yourself up, if you're at entry-level and doing this well in the hiring process then you'll probably be able to land a job at your dream company after a couple of years anyway if you keep growing. Trust me- many people make MUCH larger mistakes when they're trying to find a job.
>>697766This definitely doesn't apply to all white-collar professions.
>>699045It sounds like you have imposter syndrome. Everyone fucks up at work, especially when they're just starting out. The problem is that this mentality/anxiety can cause you to become worse at your job and even self-sabotage. You should really consider seeing a therapist. At the very least, you should try to mute these feelings while you're working and pay disproportionate attention to the positive feedback you get and successes you have.
No. 699536
>>699457That's life anon. If you find so much of your identity in your work then you may want to look back into going to school for a career you'd like. And since it seems career security is something you value, then ensure it's a career with plenty of availabilities.
I hope you realize that you don't know the whole picture. There might have been someone in management who had a friend that needed a position or what have you. You just don't know. If you were confident in your performance in your previous job then there isn't much you could've done differently and it's not worth your time to think about. It's rough but that's the nature of life; things come and go, seasons change etc.
As a general rule though, if you're not happy, change. Good luck anon!
No. 700075
>>699457>Anons, how long does it take to get over being fired?It depends on the situation and who you are, really, but one thing that I've learned over time is that a career is like a love life; there will be ups, downs, false starts, and situations that leave you with scars that heal with time (and therapy if they're particularly bad). You just have to keep persisting. At least you weren't fired for fucking up somehow.
Some words of advice:
>It's fine to have your career as an important part of your identity, but don't make '[role] at [company]' your identity.Even when you do everything right and are the very best at what you do, you're ultimately a row on a datasheet to your company, and shit like layoffs and acquisitions can force you to leave against your will.
>For the same reasons as above, never get too comfortable in your role at your current company. Always be keen to grow your stillset, regularly save stuff you need for your portfolio to your personal computer if you can, and keep your resume updated. I had to learn this the hard way after an acquisition of a company I wanted to be a lifer at. Having to find a new job ultimately turned out fantastic for my career growth, but the situation was borderline traumatic
>If you're underemployed, don't stop your job search. You don't have to stay in your shitty situation just because you're expected to stay at a job for two years. Most hiring managers will understand if you had to support yourself with a shitty job while looking for something better, so long as you're not a chronic job-hopper
>You don't have to tell the truth about why you left your last job. iirc HR isn't legally allowed to ask, and with COVID I imagine that most employers assume that job-seekers were impacted
>If you're coming out of a shitty employment situation, be honest about the degree to which you vs. circumstances beyond your control contributed so you can understand where you need to improve>Be resilientAs I mentioned, it's normal for a career to have major shitty points and for you to feel like shit as a result. Even the most competent and high-level workers have experiences like yours and feel the same way. During the acquisition I mentioned, everybody in my department was called into a conference room for a Q&A, and it was striking to see the same almost child-like fear and anxiety on the faces of the directors that you could see on the receptionists. Your experience and feelings are normal, and all but the most lucky career people have been there; you have to power through them and keep trying your best. Good luck!
No. 700588
>>699457A long time. It sucks and it can feel hopeless, especially when you have to work for another 40 years… I had a horrible experience with my first employer, and though I didn't get fired, it gave me very bad and persistent work anxiety I'm still dealing with three years later.
You're only hurting yourself by keeping your anxieties and fears bottles up, however. Do you think you would be able to talk about how you are feeling with your manager? I understand you may not trust management (and in a lot of places, that unfortunately is
valid), but it could be helpful to get a reality check with how you are performing. I'm always thing I'm going to get fired and everyone thinks I'm stupid, but turns out I was in the top 20% of my department. Even after that, I still feel insecure, I'm falling behind on everything, and I'm gonna get fired.
If you can't speak to your manager, do you have a mentor program? It could be good to speak to someone and get a different perspective on your work or your approach to your work.
If this isn't an option, ask your manager for feedback. If you don't have regular meetings with your manager, schedule one. Ask for feedback in the meeting. It will be SO HARD and scary to do, but it won't be as bad as you think it will. Take notes to document what your manager tells you and be open to feedback. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand something. Again, it's gonna be so hard, but you're not making it any easier on yourself by dwelling in your own anxieties.
Lastly, if you are feeling overwhelmed, take everything one step at a time. Don't worry about your deadlines, all the stuff you have to do, all the emails you have to reply back to, etc. Think of the task/step at hand - all you have to do is this one thing, there's nothing else you have to worry about until you get that task/step done. When you get it done, celebrate it, and move on to the next thing. The more you can simplify it, the better.
No. 705077>>705113
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I graduated from college and I'm applying for jobs every day now. I already have a 5 year part time job as an office-type cataloguing clerk and my major is interdisciplinary (I won't go into the specific one because it's so specific it may reveal the college I graduated from, kek) with minors in computer science and philosophy. I don't know what to expect in terms of how fast online job applications get back to me - I know since it's been the holidays they probably won't get back to me until next week. But how fast do they reject/not respond normally? Am I awful because I'm only applying for jobs that pay 80k+ for year and should I need to lower my standards? So far out of all the jobs I've applied to, only 2 really interest me and out of those 2, only 1 seems like it might value my background in cataloguing.
No. 705110
>>702758I'm a nosy bitch anon who got access to her company's employee files including their resumes. Yes, most if not all had 2-3 jobs listed in their work history where they only stayed for 1-3 years each. It seemed very common to do, and I will say this from personal experience: The only time I ever have a significant raise in pay is when I blatantly apply and get hired to a new job. I've never had a raise worth a damn for the time I put in. At least not as worth as had I just applied for a better paid job elsewhere. So, I'd say it's true.
Oh and don't feel bad if you feel like you're fucking over your company and the people there for leaving too. They'd have no problem fucking you over if it came down to that.
No. 708344
>>708284Working with
victims of domestic violence, or in a kindergarten/with preschool kids. Midwifery, though consultants are often male. It’s hard to avoid them 100%. Start up your own female-only business?
No. 709638>>709657
>>709620If I were you, I would lie. I dunno what field your degree/career is in, but 10 years is a hell of a long time and will give you a disadvantage compared to more experienced applicants. All you really need is to able to get your foot in the door and stretching the truth is fair game imo. Do you have any hobbies that are related to the field? Can you claim you did freelance work? Do you know anyone else in the industry that you can use as a reference?
In my experience, employers aren't going to waste their time verifying the entire work history of every single applicant, especially for entry level positions.
No. 709657>>709671
>>709638Thanks for the advice anon, it's very nice.
I have done freelancing. But it was bs like translation (some of it under the table) so I basically nothing to show for it.
Honestly at this point I feel I can't get myself out of this hole
My newest degree feels useless. I can't even do physical work, I'm a fucking whimp unable to carry anything heavy. I didn't not even a licence because of a car accident trauma (lack of money). It really feels like there's no issues.
I feel hopeless at this point.
No. 709671
>>709657You can still write about your translation experience, even if it’s not relevant it shows you have skills and experience with work. If it was under the table you could write that it was voluntary or work experience? Employers are famous for using inexperienced people as free labour. I doubt it would be questioned.
The trick is to pad that shit out as much as possible. Write lots about the experience you do have and at least they’ll see that you are self-aware and always seek personal and professional growth.
Good luck anon.
No. 709946
>>709853i think men/women/GN is a good idea.
at my uni we have mens/womens separate w the traditional cubicles for women and urinals for men. we also have gender neutral/disabled where they're either a single bathroom where the door locks, or a much smaller bathroom with like three cubicles w doors that lock and zero urinals (like a smaller womens bathroom basically).
in my experience, the majority of men stick to their bathrooms and women switch between the womens and GN/disabled bathrooms depending on availability, so it all works itself out fairly well.
No. 710069>>710071>>710168
i just got offered a temp position at the place i have my part time job. i really love working there and i think my boss said that she could get me some kind of position for next fall? either way i'm happy!
>>710061ooh nice! you're my money saving inspo, anon. do you mind telling more about the field you work in/your career?
i'm 25 and graduate this summer, my entry level salary will be about $60k (i live in europe tho) and i'll try to keep my student habits and save most of my money. do you have any specific saving tips?
No. 710071>>710164>>710168
>>710069Congrats on the offer, anon!
I'm a software engineer at a big-N company in the USA and I'm also 25.
>do you have any specific saving tips?I don't consciously save beyond what I talked about. It's important to mention that I am making about $9K USD per month after taxes, though, so it's incredibly easy for me to put $4500-$5K away and live off the remaining $4K-$4500.
I've never really been interested in buying a lot of things (clothes, gadgets, etc.) and I do my best to make my own food (since cooking is a basic skill that every adult should have). That ends up saving money too. On top of that, I live in a downtown apartment complex which is very close to public transport/groceries/pharmacies so I either walk everywhere or take a bus/train around the city. I don't own a car.
What might be best for you is to also learn to cook cheap meals, and find hobbies that aren't too expensive.
No. 710168
>>710071Damn bitch, you're living the life lol.
>>710069I'm also 25 but my salary right now is barely half of what your entry level salary will be lmao. I'm making just barely $2k a month but I'm lucky enough that my parents don't make me pay rent (I live in a very expensive city). I only spend maybe 1/4th to a half of my monthly income on things, and save the rest by moving it out of my hands as soon as I get it. My bank's autosave comes in very handy since I have it set to take out 70% of every paycheck for my savings. I used to have student loans that I paid off quickly because put half my income into it every month, and now I put that same amount towards my retirement account (then when it's maxed out, back into savings it goes).
Nothing gets me as frugal and into saving as tricking my brain into thinking I have significantly less money than I actually have lmao.
No. 710892>>710917>>710929>>711914
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I've been working for my brother-in-law's startup and while it's definitely a "cool job" it's driving me crazy. I get paid only $800/month and it takes up all my time, I'm required to be available at the drop of a hat, I do a ton of different jobs like web design, customer service, retail management, shipping, etc, yet I'm so poor I'm on medicaid.
I just feel too invested in this project and do so many critical tasks I'm worried how it would go without me. I've also only worked retail before so I'd go back to another thankless job, at least this is one I can do from home.
To do any better jobs I'd have to go back to school and finish my bachelors.
My friends keep telling me I'm getting taken advantage of but I don't know what to do to improve my station, and I don't really feel like I deserve any better.
No. 710917>>710927
>>710892Girl stop being fucking stupid $800 a month??? how are you paying rent and eating???
How long have you been with this job? If it's been a decent amount of time you can use your experience here to get another job in the same field, you don't need to go back to school.
You ARE being taken advantage of. Quit with the "oh woe is me i dont even know if i'm WORTH anything better than this
:(" it is so annoying to watch women say this about themselves. You're doing professional level work. Buck up and act like a professional.
No. 710927>>711113
>>710917lol, basically I'm not I still live at home so I've just been saving up my money.
Thanks tho, I need to hear shit like this.
No. 711113
>>710927I worked at a startup like this before. I was a fresh student out of school so I didn't know my worth and the startup got me for "cheap" despite 30-45% of the entire company basically running off of my back. The instant I found a better job and was willing to leave, they were willing to pay me over 6 figures. I left anyways, because they couldn't pay me to stay at that job and the other job I was looking at was legitimately better.
Not saying you can apply this to your situation but your job doesn't know your worth, and sometimes the only time they think about that kind of stuff is if there are signs of you wanting to leave. But who knows, you can also just have an "easily replace-able" job and it backfires.
Either way, press on and save money to get out of there.
No. 718416>>718566>>719140
I'm going to spam this in all threads, but I honestly just can't remember applying to this job. I am do desperate, I said yes and they sent me the whole "employment employee" form to fill up, and it's just odd because they have a preferred method of pay and one of them is by fucking PayPal lmao???
Apparently they're HQ is in London, so I can't call myself since I'm NA but
> I falling for a scam?
No. 718566
>>718416Can you post a screenshot of the form, anon? I used to work for a sketchy loan company and this sounds like something they would do to avoid paying taxes
(Scam or not, it seems really sketchy/illegal so I'd steer clear)
No. 719122>>719159>>719173
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I've been working in IT as Application support specialist even though I have BA in a completely different field.
While I like working in IT and in my free time I also am working on getting a Bsc in CompSci (flexible distance learning program) along with getting certificates etc, my current workplace is…bad.
It was already demanding as you work in shifts, answer phone calls and you have to deliver solutions quickly without proper documentation, you have to be good with your toxic coworkers to get the job done. Salary is not good and our CEO is using covid crisis to profit off even more. (business never suffered under covid, there was even more work to be done and the company is expanding, but they lowered our wages anyway due to the "crisis")
Anyway there is a job opening for the same role but in a different company that has much better work enviroment, benefits and wages. I decided to apply and the person that is leaving gave recommendation for me. Problem is, I fulfill every requirement except one, they require candidates to have Bsc Information Technology (or similar).
I am getting super anxious over it amd I have no idea why. I've been rejected before and I know it's about luck but I can't stop thinking about it.
I feel like not having chosen the "right" field of study the first time along with current economic climate, I'm always going to be stuck on the current job or risk having no job at all. I think stress from current job is piling up so much that I see every new oportunity as some kind of life saving rope before my toxic workplace drowns me.
No. 719140
>>718416Partners Capital is a registered UK firm but are the communications actually from them?
And it sounds scammy. I work in HR and we wouldn't be discussing payroll until you'd done ID and RTW checks.
No. 721470
>>719209No, it's not. It's still a qualification and it still opens doors for you.
Plus TSR is straight up full of losers that just RP that they have normal and successful lives.
No. 725093
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I have a good job, but I stupidly revealed that I was planning on moving to a different state sometime around the end of this year. Am I boned?
No. 728927
>>728895Same, but I AM that undesirable of a candidate.
>28>multiple years between shitty retail jobs>never lasted more than a year at shit jobsI've been trying to bullshit and stretch those months into years, but I wonder if they can see that when they look into me? I got married last year too and changed my name. I wonder if they think I have no job history at all because I don't list my maiden name? I'm a loser, I'm aware.
No. 731576>>737985
>>730931I have a B.A. in foreign affairs and my career is going really well. I don't think it's a useless degree at all (I'm working a job related to my major and I'm bringing in way more than I thought I would- 90K USD with just under 5 years of experience) but I would like to ask if you did any internships or research or just anything outside of getting a degree during your time in school. The internship I did my junior year and the research program I was in my senior year (that makes it sound more important than it is- it was just a 3x a week thing) helped to kickstart my career. I actually listed both in the employment section of my resume when I was looking for jobs after graduation. I also want to add that you don't need to go back to school to learn to code, it goes hand in hand with this major and you know it, and CodeAcademy is just a click away.
Stop applying to shitty retail jobs. You're better than that. Redo your resume completely with the fact that a human isn't reading your resume until the first interview. You need to beat the resume bots before you can even think about interview prep. Make a resume for each job you apply to (not necessarily from scratch, just copy/paste the skills that the job description has that apply to you). You can't have one resume for every job you want to apply to- it just doesn't work. Resume templates for recent grads with zero experience exist. Use them! You are not the only person in the world in this situation, and you will get out of it. You're just in a rut right now.
Don't beat yourself up about this, anon. You're looking for a job in one of the absolute worst job markets right now, and building a resume is its own skillset you need to learn. You'll be fine. I believe in you.
No. 737985
>>731576Damn 90K USD is insane. I'm another foreign affairs graduate chiming in. Do you work in academia?
I graduated from a small college and I literally worked my ass off trying to get an internship, connections or experience in my field with no results. I managed to get into the JET program but of course it is postponed indefinitely, so I've also been working in whatever jobs I can get (I also worked for Amazon lmao and basic hotel jobs).
Life is looking bleak right now and I don't know if I should pursue going back to school. I want to work in international education or another field in IR.