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No. 739039
Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.
previous thread
>>>/ot/469216 No. 739477
>>739402I'll bite. You wouldn't be able to use this job as a reference in the future (or a good one, anyway), and that would probably bite you in the ass. I suggest giving a short notice. You do NOT need to give companies a two week notice if you're in an at-will state. They can fire you with no notice, you can quit with no notice too. If you're not a burger, my apologies and I have no idea how things work for you.
Otherwise, make sure you have your money situation sorted out. This isn't exactly the best job market ever right now, and you'll be competing with the following:
>Recent grads willing to work for just the experience>Single parents who don't care how little it pays as long as it pays>People in the same field as you who are significantly better candidates but just had the poor luck of being part of a mass layoff>People in the same field as you but a higher level applying to every level because they just need a fucking jobIf said soul crushing job is retail or something, ignore the above. You'll be fine. That was advice for office anons. Good luck, anon.
No. 739836
I have 2 college degrees, 10 years of experience in my field, a track record of success in that fucking job, worked at fortune 500/ blue chip companies, what would be called a 360 degree of skills and training in that field. Speak 3 languages fluently, have lived in 3 different countries.
Back in my home country because covid and despite my best efforts in the past 6 months, recruiters insist on proposing me entry level jobs with matching salaries. The last one who actually did this was met with a laugh. Not a haha laugh, a "laughing with discomfort and in disbelief" type laugh. I was interviewing for an experienced-level position, and the hiring manager switched mid-call, proposing me the kind of job I did as a graduate with an 80% pay cut. The recruiter who arranged the interview was livid. So was I- waste of time.
I hate that time of my life right now.
>>739477>This isn't exactly the best job market ever right now, and you'll be competing with the following […]So true anon. Depressing market right now.
No. 739839
>>739384I feel that anon. My younger brother just graduated and all he's finding is internships that pay not even a third of minimum wage.
It's gonna be extra tough, especially for graduates, but the covid crisis won't last forever. You'll find something to do, trust yourself.
No. 739860
>>739836Your degrees and experience in one country might be completely worthless in another and this is why they're offering you these jobs.
If I went back to my home country I'd be unemployed despite having also lived in 3 countries, speaking several languages, having 2 degrees and working at one of the biggest global multinationals. They simply don't give a shit unless you have local connections, experience and degrees to be measured by, with the exception of Harvard, Oxbridge etc. It also has to do with average salaries, where I live I make as much as some bigger CEOs do in my home country. It sucks, but it is what it is.
No. 739954
>>739860I actually graduated from a top business school in my home country, which is very much recognised here. I have not only connections but also experience because I was selling into this territory while living abroad. It's more the mentality of that specific country I suspect, because a lot of similar profiles among my friends have been struggling a lot, some taking 12+ months before finding a decent job/salary matching their experience. Plus current crisis put employers in a position of power they haven't had for a very long time.
You're absolutely right that it depends on the country though, both in terms of recognizing the experience and salaries to match.
No. 740042
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One of my co-workers revealed to me that he's searching for a new job because this one is boring. I offered to help with his resume. If he leaves, that means the rest of the staff gets moved up and I might get a weekend day off. And I'll be closer to a supervisor position!
Another co-worker has also said he wants to go back to school in his home state this year, and both supervisors seem to be about to move on for personal and career reasons.
Is 2021 actually going to be my year?? I fucking hope sooo
No. 741014
>>740401Well done anon, keep working on that. It will pay off eventually.
>>740411Whatever you do, think it through long and hard, anon. Are you ok for money? Do you have enough savings? How fast can you bounce back? Have a plan and think about it thoroughly. I know it's hard when the job is a mental pain but be careful about your options.
No. 741627
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>had an internship at my current workplace as a bachelor student
>got offered a part time position
>decided to continue studying and am on my last semester of my master studies
>recently got offered a 70% temp position at my workplace
i love my workplace and the ppl there really seem to like me. i'd like to ask if there's a possibility for me to work there after my temp contract runs out. i think my boss actually said that this is a possibility, but she mumbles a lot so i'm not sure if i heard her right smh @ myself. should i just be straight forward when asking her about this?
they recently had a couple of job ads for positions in the department that she is the head of. i didn't apply for these because i literally don't have the time (in addition to my temp position i still have my part time shifts and work over 100% together, in addition to writing my masters thesis) and assume the positions will "start" this winter or spring. i'd assume that she would advice me to apply for the positions if that was the only way i'd get a job there? when she offered me my current temp position, she told me that she wanted to hire me (for a temp position) after i finished my bachelors studies before she knew that i was continuing my studies. instead, she hired someone else who now works there full time.
No. 741758
I kind of want to get into a more exciting field. I love the pay I'm getting, but I feel like I'm wasting time being at my job. Not only that, but I want to do more stuff besides walk and drive around for about 2 hours total every 8-hour shift.
I noticed my employer is implementing a wage cutoff unless you have a college degree, non-specific, but I don't have to worry about now. Also, I'm a few dollars almost there and with the fact the plans of minimum wage going up, they're most likely not going to change the wage without a degree limit. Fuck college, why don't my years of experience count? I'm sure discussing this frustration with a higher up can make an “exception” but why is this even there in the first place?
Either way, I've discussed with my spouse about me getting certified for IT shit. He's encouraging me to take a class during my downtime at work, and I'm all for it, honestly. I really do enjoy the free time I have at my job currently, but I find myself almost dozing off every couple days, and I'm certain this is fucking up my sleep schedule due to the lack of energy I'm exerting.
We're being told the job is going to get more active in the next few months, but we were told the same would happen starting September 2020. That didn't happen, however things are moving a long a little.
No. 742115
>>741627Yes, be straight-forward! Put it out there that you have a real interest in staying. Say something like, "I really enjoy working here so far, so I'm wondering if you've considered a position for me after my contract."
If she wants you to apply instead, she'll say so then. Rooting for you, anon!
No. 742132
Anyways i'm starting a small perfumery business and my first product is going to be lilac/gooseberry spray perfume based on the witcher three. I think its a good idea because you can't find those notes in any decent perfume on the market, and only a few people are custom making em, plus the fact its a nerd niche for witcher fans with pretty packaging.
Im starting with perfume because its the cheapest to make with fragance oils, alcohol, and carrier oil, plus cardboard stock and atomizers for packaging (ive got a good deal on both)
Next up is candles which will require wax, wicks, more expensive containers, then finally if thats profitable enough i'll do bar soaps (although people don't really buy them)
I'm also working on distilling essential oil from geraniums growing at home, it will take some experimenting to figure out ofc but when I get it right I can start growing specific flowers (violets first) and creating my own fragrance oils for cheap.
I guess my niche is gonna be movies/video games turned into perfume, although I have no idea what to do with that other than the witcher, not many forms of media are associated with smell? but its a starting point anyway and theres some rare flowers growing around where I live.
would you guys buy my product or is this a long shot? I'm selling them very cheap compared to other perfumes on the market, and its a local business using all natural ingredients
No. 742140
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Is becoming an accountant still a viable job in burgerland? I want to go back to school to study for a higher paying job and am stuck choosing between that or nursing. Thing is I'm not sure if my social skills are sufficient enough for anything medical related (I kind of have a short temper that I'm still working on) but I also hear that accounting jobs are at a high risk of getting automated.
I just want a job that pays well enough for me to live alone finally.
No. 742148
CPA takes a special masters and honestly most accounts are women!
No. 742185
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Ok so a thing happened, and I don't know if I should bring it up or not?
Usually my team has weekly meetings to split tasks, but our lead took a week of vacations and usually when he does that we just split responsibilities using task management tool and skip the meeting. This time one of the colleagues asked to do the meeting without the lead and basically larped as him, but even more "intense" than our lead normally would, assigning tasks, asking rest of us about how our week went etc, it wasn't harmful in any way but uncalled for. I know for a fact he was not asked to do so, and it weirds me out he'd jump into this larp like that. I don't think it's a huge deal but I definitely would NOT want him to every be in any kind of leadership position, do you think I should talk about it with the real lead when he comes back from vacations?
No. 742209
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finally got a partime job! it's just starbucks but I quit my industry job to find another job but wanted something part time in the meantime. I quit because I was miserable and thought making less money but working towards something better would be nice.
Being unemployed for two months was nice but still couldn't get over the deep routed anxiety capitalism has engrained in me. even if i had savings for a year I hated seeing rent digging into my savings so much.
No. 742226
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Applied for this summer fellowship and got a rejection email
I'm hoping to I get an internship to fluff up my CV at the very least
No. 742252
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>>742222Unsure as I had a really lucky process, but I basically followed the tips of a bunch of online videos.
What I personally did was, before applying online I wanted to call the store manager to get their names so I could put it on my cover letter. Most people recommend applying then calling the SM to speak with them personally about your application. Either way she asked me to come in the next day for an interview. Simple as!
The interview went really well because despite being really introverted I have good customer service and had liked their vibe when working on projects at their locations throughout college. Just be genuine and say the typical buzzwords and highlight what makes good service.
I unfortunately had to wait a month because COVID but was then brought on, so I'm super hyped to at least socialize, be on my feet and get free coffee. I'm sure the learning curve would be steep but if you have any customer service experience and seem to vibe with the store manager it's pretty much guaranteed if they need people. It's a minimum wage entry level jobs that highschool students can do honestly. sorry if this was TLDR!
No. 742377
Am I stupid for wanting to go to school again for an esthetician certificate when I have a bachelor's? It doesn't pay great but I think I'd enjoy it. I wanted to go to cosmetology school as a high schooler and my dad didn't let me and shoved me into college. 5 years later after switching my major 3 times, I graduated. But I'm disillusioned because finding a job is difficult, and because I know at the end of the day, I'd dislike doing whatever job I'd get with this degree, at least from the descriptions I've received from those who worked in the field (software developer). Maybe I'll work in that field for a few years, save, and then do something having to do with an esthetician. I also wish I could be a piercer, too, because I think it'd compliment being an esthetician well. Oh well. I feel like I'm living the life of others, not what I'd want, and I just wish I could move out so I could live on my own, but these plans would delay that, too.
No. 742393
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It is so hard interviewing rather than getting a job, I fucking hate it
I applied to a lot of jobs via indeed and I ended up missing an interview because of my stupid timing. I also have an interview with a retail store coming up soon so yeah it’s very weird that someone like me would finally be able to be invited to interviews for these jobs with virtually no experience and then be very anxious because these people offer you opportunities at first and then rip your heart out after all of the stress of that interview just to say “I’m sorry after viewing all of our candidates blah blah wouldn’t be good fit” because how dare I be in school and not have my whole schedule full so I can show my fake devotion and loyalty for a company I want to work at only for money. I’m so highly worried of my future employment, I’ve never held a job before in my entire life and I’m trying very hard to at least go part-time because I’m worried about my future both financially and my personal life. Is it wise to take summer off school in order to job search?
No. 744768
>>744761basic guidance:
- research the company, look for a motto/company slogan that you'll want to tie into your answers somewhere
- use the STAR technique to answer question - situation task action result. what happened, what was required of you, what did you do, what was the outcome of your actions?
- look on glassdoor etc. to look at questions that may have been asked previously by that company
- look at common interview questions and have a basic response in your mind - why do you want this role, what do you know about our company, what experience and skills do you have that make you suitable for this role, how are you working in a team/independently/under pressure
- remember that the interviewer wants you to succeed - they're not trying to catch you out, they want to hire someone at the end of the day!
No. 745297
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got my contract terminated for a temp receptionist job i was working and don’t know why. i think it was because i came in sick for a week bc i had missed a few days after getting my second covid vaccine and i didn’t wanna lose anymore money since i get paid hourly. i got tested a few times and none were positive so idk what the issue was but i guess it was scaring the guests bc i was coughing and blowing my nose a lot and couldn’t really be 100% on the ball even tho i’d pumped myself full of meds to try to get through the day. im sad i don’t have a job rn but my temp company called me and offered me another job and i have an interview with another company tomorrow! feels bittersweet but i hated the receptionist job so much but liked being employed and making money. at least i got vaccinated and was able to adjust to a full time working schedule.
No. 747665
>>747622Unless you work at a super woke trendy company filled with 20something Tumblr chicks you'll find that nobody actually gives a shit about diversity and inclusion policies. It's funny because I've had the same experience where with majority non-white spaces there's even less interest in discussing that sort of thing compared to majority white employees.
It's honestly just being shilled. I don't use the terminology easily but when you hear about the topic all the time but can barely find anyone irl who cares about it that's some astroturf shit.
No. 747713
>>747680>>747665OP and I agree with you. My favorite comment was someone saying all the focus we are putting on it is overkill and nothing will actually come up it.
I'm jealous of all the newly hired Heads of Diversity and Inclusion because they're making bank while not really doing anything except setting up workshops and telling us to hire a certain minority.
My poor boss is scrambling to come up with ideas for diversity, but no one gives a shit. It's hilarious. When I speak to her I'm like "Wow can you believe no one cares about this stuff???"
No. 749477
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>>740042I'm this anon, I think I might've fucked up.
Next month, I'll be working two days a week in the most physically stressful station on two of the most busiest days (no other coworker's weeks are like this). It was the same for this month and I asked my manager if she could change it but she said no and probably it'll change in March. Well it hasn't and I endured Feb in the hope that it will, so I asked her again now. She sent me a long and polite email that basically amounted to, "no, it's your job".
I got home almost everyday this month cranky and my body hurting, I dread doing it again. I just emailed her in response, expressing my disappointment but basically saying I get it and I'll deal with it. Then hours later I sent in my letter of interest in the supervisor position.
Honestly, it's not looking good cause I was hoping to quietly slink into the running and have a campaign based on my general agreeableness, and I feel like it'll be written on my face that I might be trouble compared to my other coworker who's applying too. I'm just trying to reassure myself that at least if I fail and a spot opens up again in the future, management will remember that I showed interest
No. 749532
>>749483From my experience, it’s a pretty chill industry where most people will have alt hobbies and if you’re being interviewed by people who are also into IT, they’ll just be interested in your coding skills. Especially if you’re bottom of the ladder and just sticking to coding.
However if by IT you mean Product owner or manager, and the people interviewing you are going to be big team managers, then you might try to dress business casual if you can, or at least for the first few days.
I always hide piercings and wear nice clothes at first then gauge the office ambiance. It has always worked for me in the past since some roles might be client facing or delivering presentations to stakeholders.
No. 749738
>>749490You did the right thing, anon. I hope you can stay anonymous or find a better job soon.
I wish I’d reported my previous workplace for their negligence with biohazardous materials, dangerous chemicals and patient information. I didn’t because I was afraid it’d be easy to trace it back to me (as one of the only people there who didn’t think it was okay to leave open, unlabelled tubes of fucking phenol chloroform standing around) and affect my ability to find another job in the field, but I haven’t found another job
anyway so I might as well have reported them.
>>749649Same but with a master’s.
>go into STEM, they said>finding work will be super easy, they said No. 751910
>>750735I have a STEM degree (geology/soil sciences) and now have a great job that I got easily. There's lots of viable paths in STEM, people just go for CS and math because they're the most popular and well-known since people think they will all get a higly paid job in a fancy office with them.
My industry has lots of jobs available and the pay is pretty good, but young people just aren't interested because they either don't know or don't want to work in agronomy. Everyone has been told they 'deserve' to be a heart surgeon or rockstar programmer, so working with farmers seems demeaning and gross to them.
These jobs are not only in high demand but are more needed than ever, but everyone would rather be a cool programmer or a youtuber I guess.
No. 751917
>>751903I've spoken with a lot of recruiting agencies and got my last job through one, though the recruiter approached me rather than me approaching her. All of the ones I've used don't have me pay to use their services, they get paid by the company who hires you (usually a percentage of your total salary or something). I would say some recruiters would have access to jobs you're not seeing. My old company
only hired through a recruiter, it meant a lot less work from them and also weeded out a lot of people who were not worth their time. It's not like you can't find perfectly good jobs on a job board, but I don't think it hurts to also be in contact with a recruiter as well. A lot of recruiting agencies will have the job posting on their website sans the name of the company and I like to look through those because it also weeds out fake job postings too.
No. 751954
>>751916Not very. You will have to take a few statistics courses and there is a good deal of chemistry. The rest is just theory. It will be different depending on whether you want to work in water quality and waste management, food production, soil and wetland conservation, etc.
None of these fields are very popular so cross-hiring and retraining happens all the time where I live. If you don't like working in one industry, you can easily cross over into another if there's enough overlap. The pay isn't exactly as high as in banking, but there is a lot of travel involved if that's what you like.
No. 751963
I asked my manager about my hourly wage. It was because in my team the wages are all over the place, and there's someone with a very similar background/experience level that's being paid more. We all do the same thing, and I can't see any other pattern except that the higher paid ones are native to the country and male.
So I brought it up and asked what's needed and before I could get to pointing out that this higher paid guy has a similar background, he said he'd have to ask someone else about it. I was told my manager's directly responsible. I got myself so worked up for what seems like no reason, because given his responses to what I said, it's like he wanted the conversation to end.
The pay is still amazing though.
>>740401Congratulations anon, keep up the spirit! I've been where you are before, IMO it's about pure luck until you actually get to an interview, so keep applying! And applying for any 1 thing is better than nothing.
No. 751993
>>751910>>751954Is there much call for lab work?
>>749738 and a turbo-autist who ideally wants to work in a quiet laboratory all day. I went into biomedical sciences because everyone kept saying that’s where all the jobs were but I’d be just as happy working with plants or fungi or cultured animal cells (though maybe not so much live animal models unless they’re like, microscopic). I’m not really into travelling or the business side of things, though.
No. 752229
>>751985Don't change careers if you don't feel passionate about the field. I don't live in America so I don't know what $50k means. €4000-6000 is the usual monthly salary for my industry in my country, which is on the higher side of average.
>>751993Yes actually! If you are interested in wastewater treatment, pollution reduction, that sort of thing - that's mostly lab stuff and it's very meaningful, noble work. Soil scientists often work in erosion prevention, which also has lots of lab work (testing soil quality, pesticides in agriculture etc).
Conservationists do some but most of the jobs there involve field work, population control and monitoring.
What you're describing with plants and animals is biology, which I unfortunately don't know much about past what little I've learned over the years. Most of that is academic research to my knowledge, are a lot more hands-on.
No. 752253
hit one year at my job just before reviews and I ended up getting a small raise, and even a decent bonus! the amounts aren't anything to write home about, but seeing as I've only been working part-time and minimum wage before this job, the idea of this shit still blows my mind. getting PTO (and being encouraged to take it) blows my mind.
and honestly anons I'm proud of myself. I'm not making amazing money by any means, but I'm so amazed that I'm able to fully support myself now. I was able to move out, pay my bills, I don't have any debt. I never thought I'd be able to live "comfortably enough" without a degree, without any crazy skillset or talent. just being able to get by when I never thought I could makes me want to cry, everything else just feels like extras. I don't want to get too stuck in this mindset, I don't want to "settle", but shit. it's a weight off.
No. 754342
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I want a better job and to make more money but I have no idea what my skills are and how I can advance, besides going into sales which I refuse to do. How do people figure out their career paths? I’m a coordinator for now.
No. 754349
>>754342I'm in software sales and make a shitload of money. People have no idea how much insane money we make in that industry. But sales is definitely not for everyone.
What industry do you work in anon ?
No. 755457
>>754602>>754560I cannot think of a worse career for a NEET than digital marketing other than like something super face to face. Look into UI/UX design, though. That might be what you want.
>>754887It's not super common to have a LinkedIn in my industry (design), but that's because everyone connects using Instagram and Houzz.
>>754982I think you might want to take the emotional part to the vent thread, and as for the rest, probably not the best time to open a bar up, especially something as niche as this, with zero experience.
No. 755524
>>754952NTA but also been through the same process
>Did you need a visa to work in that other country? Yes
>If yes, how did you persuade the company to pay transfer fees and help with the accommodation (basically what was your experience)?Big conglomerate so this was standard procedure for them. They paid for accommodation for a month and then I found my own place, as it was a permanent transfer. Didn't need persuasion since the employees here do it all the time.
>If not, then you can still tell whether or not the company was apprehensive to move you. And tell at least general region that you moved from and to.If your company is apprehensive to move you (as seems to be the case for you), you might not be able to do this since everything goes through them and they have the final say. You might have to find work elsewhere at your new location. I moved from Europe to Northeast Asia.
No. 755665
>>755524thank you so much! Right now I am at the internship phase of my life, so I am not moving anywhere yet, but just wanted to know how realistic this plan is and whether or not transfers happen often.
>Big conglomerate so this was standard procedure for them [..] Didn't need persuasion since the employees here do it all the time.So I guess at a big international it shouldn't be too big of a problem. Thanks once again
No. 755905
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Someone tell me to do callbacks. I need a job and I know I need to do them but goddamn I don't want to.
No. 759116
>>754887Anything related to software/tech,sales, marketing, recruiting, it's very common in those. I don't expect the nurse at the local hospital or a guitarist in a band to have a LinkedIn for example, but definitely someone working any kind of corporate role should probably have one.
>>754952>Did you need a visa to work in that other country? In one of these no (UK was still EU then), in two of these yes (UAE then the USA)
>If yes, how did you persuade the company to pay transfer fees and help with the accommodation (basically what was your experience)? In both cases (with and without visa), I had probed right at interview stage if they did offer the possibility to work in different locations worldwide seeing as it is an international company, and under what circumstances. At transfer stage, like the other anon, it was pretty much standard stuff, so it was not complicated. All I needed was negotiate the relocation package and what it would include in details (apart from internal interviews for the job I wanted). Also needed to work out details such as local law for workers, contract, and taxes in target country. Relocation-wise, exactly like
>>755524 they did include a one month accommodation while I sorted my place for example.
All I'll add from this other anon who pretty much describe exactly the same experience I had is, apprehension was more on my side seeing as my Visa depended on this one job/one company entirely and it can get worrying to have 0 option should things go south for any reason. But everything went well.
No. 763941
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I'm currently a waitress at a sushi bar, and I'm really getting frustrated with shitty, lazy parents with young kids leaving the table looking like a fucking nightmare. Why the fuck anyone would take their toddler to eat raw fish with messy rice and spicey sauces is fucking beyond me. When they left, there was rice everywhere. It literally looked like someone tripped and spilled a whole cup worth of it under the table. There were dirty napkins all over the place– on the floor, ripped up in little bits, and glued to the table with teriyaki. It seems like only a third of the sushi I served them ended up getting eaten– the rest was smeared all over the table, spat into napkins, or on the floor. In the middle of the dinner rush, I had to spend fifteen minutes clearing just that one table. It took me like four trips, and I had to move the tables to sweep up all the crap they spilled. Also, I didn't even get a tip.
Are parents just shittier these days? My mother would have been completely humiliated to leave a table like that when I was young. Frankly, she didn't take me out at all until I was five or six. For fuck's sake, I would at least have thrown away the napkins on my way out, or apologized to the staff.
No. 764494
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A coworker (on equal level) that I'm sure dislikes me has been talking to my manager about me, and how I could've gotten fired over my recent behavior if I had one of the worse managers (my manager is a sweetheart). She told me this directly.
But we had a casual chat for 2 minutes, then she comes out with "you know you could've been fired if your manager was different, you're lucky". And it has me fucked up. For one, it would be baseless because I've got plenty of evidence that I was clear with my actions and made sure everyone was fully on board (taking on more than my share of administrative tasks to do less practical tasks). And the only reason I could've been fired is from people who don't know shit about my job judging what I'm doing and thinking I'm lazy for it.
I'd brush it aside as shit-stirring, but a coworker brought up me possibly being fired with my line manager. Like those words were said in a conversation between the two of them, without me involved. This is my first job and she's been in this industry around 15 years, I see her constantly talking 1 on 1 with the higher ups, absolutely sucking ass. This is a problem, right? And I'd bring THAT up with my manager, but I've been upfront about all my concerns so I think I'm pushing it and have nearly, if not already, crossed the line into being a problematic employee. If I came in guns blazing talking about why should I be fired, man I don't want to think about the outcome.
No. 765154
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Anyone know a better coding place to go to?
Kinda boxed in to Irvine when it comes to job-finding.
No. 765800
>>765154>>765740Gaming industry is literally the worst place to work. Lowest pay in software industry and worst hours.
Best coding jobs in terms of pay, benefits and not having to try hard is in-house software development in other industries like banking, insurance etc… software development companies that work for those industries are second best place. Highly cool and hip tech companies like game development companies get tons of people wanting to work there and consequently pay is shit. And any manager can shit all over you (hello sexual harrasement) and they know if you say anything you'll get kicked out the door and they have 100 more candidates waiting to start work tomorrow.
No. 769318
I can't stand the passive aggression at my job when I've never given off that I won't accept criticism or won't be open to any feedback.
So I was assigned to scribe for my company's audit which has been a 3 day ordeal. The woman whose role this used to be didn't tell me jack shit about what to do beforehand, just how to create a form document in the drive. She gave me no clue about what the managers look for or what they want in the notes, she just told me to look at past audits which…doesn't really tell me much as I wasn't here to compare what was said to how it was recorded? Stupid fucking bitch.
So anyway, I tried my best. The first day was an in-person audit so I typed literally every word dictation style which was supremely difficult. Oh and btw I'm relatively new to the company so the phrases and shit they're going over barely make sense to me. Imagine walking around trying to listen to people talking fast over masks and background noise about Greek shit, and then trying to type it on a laptop while walking because nobody told you that you could use a device like a phone but that it all had to be updated on a live document for back room to see. So I typed it all, and meanwhile other people were going in the document to paraphrase the dialogue I'd written or going back to delete and reword things. There were some comments made that if I've worked in the courtroom before because of the way I type. And idk, all that would lead me to believe maybe I was typing too much? Nobody gave me direction on how much or little I should be typing! Not even the auditor lead which is who I was scribing for.
The next two days were awful. We had remote auditors with thick foreign accents who had a nasty habit of hopping between different documents each while leadership tried to answer their questions. It was extremely difficult to keep up with and there's no way I was getting it all. Not to mention they brought up stupid shit that was right in front of their faces and I wasn't even certain that I should document what?
On the third day I eased off the notes big time. Then a supervisor from the back room messaged me and told me to take more notes because apparently I missed something. I straight up told her that I didn't know if I was typing too much or too little. Then she said "Oh just paraphrase and write key points," uh, okay? Thanks for telling me this NOW when if you would have told me this was expected on Day 1, I would have had a way easier time. I wrote literal pages of dialogue. "Oh but we'd rather have you type too much than too little because we can go back and fix too much." I don't care, there's a huge difference between "much" as in typing pages when I didn't need to, and "much" as in one extra key bullet point. Fucking assholes, but whatever, I just told her to feel free to point out anything else I'd missed and in response she gave a tone about how she was busy but would try…lol, okay.
I caught her and the audit lead (my manager) at the tail end of a secret convo they were having out in the hallway in a huff about my reduced notes today. Gee sorry, guess yall should have been leaders and gave me feedback about the job I was doing and maybe gave me pointers before I began, instead of feeling sorry and frustrated at yourselves now. Sucks to suck!
No. 770445
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Anons, is getting a job in IT worth it? How do I break into it? Do I need some certificates or a whole ass diploma? I need a job that pays a living wage asap so I can move out on my own finally.
No. 772715
>>772703yes, it's a bad idea, don't spoil the market you want to work in. mockups are enough, eventually with just these in a portfolio you'll be able to land a normal paid job.
The only situation I'd think it's worth considering doing stuff like that without working against the general market would be helping some charitable / non-profit organizations.
No. 773336
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I still haven't heard back from the job I interviewed for but I'm getting extremely anxious because one of the other therapists at my current job put in her two weeks notice yesterday. I feel so guilty about potentially quitting because now even MORE kids would have major interruptions to their plan of care. I'm still gonna do it, of course, but damn.
No. 773901
>>773246Good luck! Emphasize your people skills!
>>773336Always look out for number one, anon. Hope everything goes well for you
>>773528Congratulations!! Great job for going for it, and good luck with the interview!
No. 774419
>>774415>>773901Thank you anonitas, the interview was a bit short and my interviewing skills are definitely lacking, but I'm glad its over and done with.
Also to the anon who deleted her post about the racist coworker. Can you alert your HR department about the person and the racist shit they've said?
No. 774683
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god i hate the modern job search process
No. 774713
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I sent an e-mail a few weeks ago about a writing job I was interested in (I sometimes do freelance writing to supplement my small disability pension) and I finally got an e-mail back from the editor and they told me my background in writing sounded interesting and welcomed my interest in submitting something for them and gave me the guidelines. I'll be writing a romance novella and I'm so freaking excited!
It's still far from the literary career I want, but money is money and experience is always good. I've got to admit, I think writing romance is pretty damn fun because fantasy men are better than men in general though I'd prefer writing lesbian romance.
No. 774809
>>774683sameanon who posted this but i just got a job offer fuck yes i am finally getting out of
toxic hellhole that is my current job
No. 774879
>>774730Thank you, I'll keep going so that someday it'll become my reality!
>>774834It's like I don't have to think so much and feel more the stuff I'm writing, it's a huge change of space and it has been good for me so far.
>>774866I started out writing to porn magazines for money when I was still studying, just short erotica, and the ladies running the mag were really keen on it and I just basically applied stuff I had learned from fanfiction (I was virgin as fuck back then).
Later I did some self-published erotica as it's more for the ladies, on Amazon, (I still get some passive income from it and I really liked doing the covers too) and now I'm graduating more to romance. I don't love writing erotica as much anymore and the change seems natural as when doing erotica you really have to pump out new content to keep afloat but romance is in the more long-haul and the skill to write long works and write so that people are entertained seems very desirable to me.
I love writing, have written and read for years but the paid stuff in Finland is very limited. My self-pub stuff is in English and I mostly read in English, so the market seems more interesting to me and self-publishing in particular. It's more legit now than it was years ago.
I just hope I'll get together enough experience and money to start self-publishing lesbian romance well (paid covers, editing, so on) and/or other stuff later.
No. 774883
>>774809Congrats on the job offer anon, hope the new job isn't a
toxic hellhole!
No. 777373
>>777329ECON DEGREE? Anon you're the first farmer I've met who is an econfag as well. I can't give advice bc I've never been hired with my degree and I'm
>>777370. But to be fair I wanna work in policy related stuff and not banking. Corporate/finance should be easier to get into though. Don't get your hopes down, you can do it.
No. 777396
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I hate how whenever I finally have an opportunity to have a better life something crazy and out of my control happens and ruin all my effort and my small and temporary amount of luck. I really need to vent right now. It's like I'm a sitcom character or some shit:
>looking for a mandatory internship to graduate, literally cannot graduate without one that lasts 6 months
>employers in my country don't even read my resume or misread it in a way where it's obvious they read the word "language" and thought I'm a literature major
>suddenly, I have interviews with several companies in Japan
>all 5 interviews go well but because of the bad timing, they can't hire me yet
>all the managers send my application to one specific manager
>get horribly sick during this final interview because of an epidemic, lose consciousness on the phone, throw up, can't speak, can't hear shit because my data plan provider was fucking up this specific week only and never again
>new interview scheduled, the guy never calls back again though, essentially ghosts me
>finally, I have an internship
>the manager is a passive-aggressive bitch, more than half the employees and interns leave, she's not happy that I don't stay overtime everyday despite me being paid way less than minimum wage
>judges me and thinks I'm immature for living with my parents, when she pays me way less than minimum wage
>100% she would give really shitty references in the future just because she's a salty bitch
>after graduating, some manager from the same company wants to hire me after two successful interviews
>says no 2 months later because the CEO cut this team's budget specifically
>I decide to go abroad to get better job opportunities after all this bullshit
>suddenly, corona-chan
>the manager who wanted to hire me messages me on linkedin instead of sending an email or calling me on the phone the day before I bought my plan tickets because she can finally hire me
>too late, I'm already abroad because this bitch could be bothered to call me
>all job interviews there cancelled one after another because businesses close
>finally get a part-time job
>suffer from covid for months right after I get a full-time job proposal that could have allowed me to extend my visa and have a comfy life for a few years
>go back home to recover, the cool manager sends my applications to another manager
>can't hire me right now because of some timing bullshit
>tells me she'll call me back personally to add me to her team, but the girl she hired instead of me call me back by sheer coincidence
>when I mention the interview that took place 3 weeks earlier, she gets weirdly salty, her tone changes completely, doesn't give any info to the manager like she was supposed to, tells me the next day I'm not hired for not writing a new cover letter she didn't even ask me to send her
>amazing job opportunities missed soon after because I get emails in my spam mail box ALL THE TIME
>now stuck in a call center with retards who blame me for their mistakes
No. 777413
>>777402>More degrees is always a plusNot necessarily. It could be seen as delaying entering the jobmarket
>>777396Anon…I didn't believe in curses until I read your post lol
No. 777447
>>777406I have a degree that could allow to do a lot of things, but the focus is international business, marketing, importation. I never got to work in any of this because everytime I applied I got ignored and told that I wasn't qualified. Turns out that after some research I come from a public university with an excellent reputation and shitty but expensive schools with programs straight out of high school have deals with a lot of companies so they're prioritized for internships and apprenticeships. I couldn't leave my city because I was always too poor for that, so I have all my classmates who left who found cool, well paying jobs without even trying or they were given jobs by friends and family. Basically being poor but working hard means nothing, the only thing that matters is money and connections with other middle class people. I have experience as a recruiter because of the internship and that's what I'm looking for, except it's going to be very difficult because most companies don't hire, so they don't need recruiters.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that time when I had a job interview for a job I really wanted in England but the English borders got closed soon after the second interview, in which the recruiter ask me something, told me I got the answer completely wrong, and when he gave me the correct answer he literally just said the first answer I gave almost word for word so I was fucked over anyway.
>>777413I wouldn't even be surprised if someone cursed me before my birth, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
No. 777471
>>777456I type way too long posts, I'll reword it:
>nobody wanted to hire me because no experience, but I need a job to get experience, etc.>recruiters don't read resumes for the most part so they don't even know what my skills and degree are, it shocked everyone when I read resumes and cover letters when working as a recruiter even though that was also their job, it was seen as a waste of time>still from that experience, people are openly biased, clients/companies openly discriminate but manage to keep it a secret, I got replaced by another intern I had to hire myself just to rub salt on the wound and everyone was like "oh, hire a guy, it'll change the atmosphere and the team's dynamic~" very openly but never read the resumes I sorted for them>this company is very prestigious and seen as trustworthy by job seekers, lol>I'm not white>my masters degree is too expensive for some smaller companies, supposedly>I'm probably cursed No. 777485
>>777478They don't read the whole thing, they just read the schools or universities' names, half the name of the degrees of the candidates I had to sort, and called it a day. In my case I got the internship because during the interview I explained that I never studied literature in my life and I explained in details what I studied, the manager back then was impressed and very surprised. But she shouldn't have been because I was just repeating what was on my resume and cover letter. Basically my team was half-assing everything and still getting clients because f the companies' reputation as a whole.
>>777476The manager is friends with the women at the HR department, it would have backfired since I was "just" an intern and she was there for years because someone offered her the job on a silver platter.
No. 780916
>never had a job>looking for entry level coding positions>>777824 in a nutshell
>except saw an internship that was looking for a master's degree a while back>shits really fucked honestly>want to look for jobs again>portfolio has a cryptocurrency related project on itIf I ever get asked about cryptocurrency (the non-technicals) I can just decline to answer, right?
No. 782349
>>782348You ran out in the middle of job interview? How urgent could it be?
Just go to a different McDonald, it's not like they keep track I'm sure.
No. 782362
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OK so I have a job interview on Wednesday, for a dream job. I'm amazed I even got my foot in the door.
This would be an incredible thing, if it weren't for my current circumstances. I had a significant event at the end of last year that left me with brain trauma and a spinal injury. I wasn't told what to expect after all of this - or if I was, I can't remember it.
It's become pretty clear that chunks of my knowledge and memories have gone. I remember bits and bobs but I've lost periods of months, maybe even years in my memory. I had to use my phone photos and Instagram posts to learn what happened and how I used to be.
Trouble is, I'm still finding it hard to memorise things and the last few months are so blurry. I'm worried I won't do the job well, and extremely worried that all my knowledge relevant to the role won't come back to me when I need it in the interview.
I'm also physically disabled now and it's taking a lot of getting used to. My nerve is damaged down my leg but it's had knock-on effects. I get tired extremely easily and find it hard to lift even a plate. My muscles ache for days if I do too many stairs in a day. I'm on 29 pills a day to control my pain and heal my body, and I have minimum three appointments a week with different nurses and physios.
I applied for disability living allowance but I can technically do things like walk a certain distance with aids and make simple meals and wash myself so I'm not considered significantly disabled according to the assessor.
That means I have to find work sharpish but I just don't think I can do it. I don't even know how I'm going to get to the place for the interview since I can't drive anymore.
BUT that said: it's a permanent role as a curator in a lottery funded institution, the gallery works closely with working class communities in the county and people with mental health/developmental issues. It's an art centre that isn't shitty and elitist. It's exciting and aligns with my values. How many permanent paid jobs in the arts are there? It's the first one I've ever had an interview for, tell you that for sure.
I feel like I need to get this job but I just can't physically do it, no matter how perfect it is or how much I want to. I'm trying to put together a presentation on my experience with curation and I'm drawing blanks on names and things I've done. I used to teach art history at a uni so it should be a piece of cake but it isn't. Anons what do I do? I feel like I'm going to cry. If I go and get rejected it's going to add insult to literal injury. If I get the job and realise I'm completely incompetent because of my fucking brain damage and crippled leg what do I do then?
Sorry for whining I just feel so conflicted and need some straight advice
No. 783507
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After 3 years of slave labor my company finally decided to give me a raise! I'm not sure the exact figure but it comes with a title change as well. I'm trying to not get my hopes up too much.
No. 783531
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>>782442>>782362Thank you for replying anon. I just came back to update; I retracted my application and thanked them for the opportunity. My medical team doesn't think I'm well enough. I didn't want to listen, but last night I cracked because I was finding everything so hard and my body hurt so much. I realised I just can't physically or mentally do the job to the best of my ability like this, and I hated myself for being so weak.
My mum and best friends comforted me and said it's OK to take my time and that there will be more opportunities when I'm better.
I still feel like dirt, under normal circumstances I would never turn down work on principle, but I know it's the right choice for me right now. Thank you for listening.
No. 784111
Has anyone had an issue with someone who is not your supervisor repeatedly providing non constructive criticism?
My coworker and I are tutors in a middle school. She has an education degree and I don't, so I guess she knows more about teaching. But in any case, our positions are the same.
We've had a lot of issues, which I won't get into here. But I feel like it's spilling into my work directly. In the afternoon, we work in the same room. While she's been waiting for the clock to run down, she's been sitting there judging how I tutor.
The first thing was she said I was being too mean to the students. Like who tf sides with students over their coworker? It did make me realize I could improve so I've tried to be nicer. However, what ticked me off is that she unilaterally decided that she should tutor the student that accused me of being me without asking.
Then yesterday, she asked if I was completing enough assignments with a student. I said no, I didn't turn anything in that day because we were reviewing and the student didn't remember the concept at all. My coworker then said I should be turning in one assignment per hour. I guess I could have reviewed while doing assignments, but there's no way the student could have completed the assignment without me doing most of it for her. I just do NOT feel comfortable doing that.
I'm very new at tutoring so I realize there's room for improvement. But I still feel like my coworker is overstepping her bounds. I do not feel like it is her job to hold me accountable, especially when none of my actual supervisors in the administration seem to care.
No. 785582
>>739039What's a passable wage for South California?
I'm stuck with Craigslist as the last job finding site left and the wages are below $20/hr.
No. 788339
Anon from
>>784111, I'm so fed up with my coworker. Today she accused me of ignoring her text messages about doing something for her even though I did respond and just ended up doing it late.
Now she's threatening to report me to our supervisor for being "passive aggressive". idk I'm kind of nervous because I've been in trouble with this supervisor before but I'm not sure if I did anything against the rules.
I should just wait and not say anything to our supervisor until I get an email first right? Or should I be proactive and message our supervisor before my coworker gets to her first?
No. 788380
>>787629How hard is it to be an UX designer?
I might try it out, I'm already a graphic designer.
No. 791100
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feeling very stressed and dejected after getting to the second interview stage of this job and now being ghosted. The last interviewer even apologised for how long the process was taking, it's coming up on two weeks since the last interview and it's been radio silence even after I sent a follow up email. They're recruiting a lot of people right now and mentioned they had some applications after mine to consider. I'm going insane hoping that they're just busy with onboarding and simultaneously trying not to get my hopes up. This was a really amazing job, and the furthest i've gotten since i've started applying for jobs in my graduate field. I feel so stupid for pinning all my hopes on this and I'm dreading going back to job hunting.
No. 791108
>>791100Ahhhh, so close! Be proud of being able to go that far in recruitment process, usually at that stage it's a very close call between candidates. Also, it's not over yet. I've been hired when my company had a very hectic employment process, multi-stage like yours, took 3 months total to hear their final decision. Since you've gone so far it's pretty much guaranteed you'll hear from them about their final decision, they'll definitely not ghost you, especially since they've already shown they are willing to communicate by emailing you that apology earlier. So, don't lose hope, be patient, hope you get that job!
No. 792079
>>792077I wanted to do the same but instead went for jobs. I think I prefer having the stuff to do and then on the weekend you can just do whatever and there's no financial stress.
If you can afford it and not care about having 0 responsibility/to do stuff each day then why not. You could even just apply for 1 or 2 jobs rather than really trying during that month off.
No. 792689
>>792566I replied back with the range I'm looking for (their salary being the bottom end of it). They're an NPO so I know I shouldn't expect the best pay. It's the same as I'm getting paid now, but on their glassdoor people say there's good benefits so it might be worth trying to pursue (although the general reviews are pretty meh). I don't really hate my current job, just about as much gripes as you would have with any mediocre admin job, but getting an HR related position would start moving me where I want to go at least.
I know my current job might take me back for any reason because a girl I work with now left and came back after a few months, and they're super small and tight knit, but I fear that leaving before my 1 year anniversary with them is really going to burn some bridges. It's going to look even worse if I have to leave in the middle of busy season.
No. 793335
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Are there any anons that work as a receptionist? Especially at a decently-sized corporation? How do you manage the high stress levels and what do you find most rewarding and taxing with what you do? I have an interview to be a receptionist at a law firm that I've always respected and have a previously-established connections with the HR manager there as well as one of the attorneys, as he is a frequent customer for a store I worked at for many years. The firm is medium-sized with ~50 attorneys, so I know I'd have my work cut out for me should I get the position.
I'm nervous for the interview because it's gone from me meeting with the HR manager and benefits coordinator via Zoom, to the HR manager's schedule being too packed that day to join so I will be interviewing with the other woman via FaceTime while she is driving to an appointment she has later that afternoon. Considering they are mainly a real estate firm, this makes sense – the last week of the month is always a dumpster fire for real estate firms and everyone's schedules are extremely tightly packed. I know is a good sign that they are still so gung-ho to meet with me in spite of this. I'm about anxious informality of the initial interview for reasons I can't quite pin down.
Getting this position would hopefully open a lot of doors for me, as I was going to school for a paralegal degree before having to drop out in order to take care of my dying grandfather. He passed in Dec 2019 and I'd always said I'd go back to school and finish my degree for him. Then COVID happened and no one wants to be learning law-lite via Zoom. So this would essentially be my way of taking the backroads to get where I want to be, especially considering many firms will offer to train a receptionist in paralegal work should they do an excellent job as is and express interest in it.
No. 794056
>>793269Oh god everything is happening so fast and all at once. I got a phone call from the HR girl I'm friends with at my old company about applying to the position and am going to send her my updated resume and will be going in next Monday for the interview. I just got off the phone with a recruiter for another place I applied to and the recruiter thinks the position wouldn't be a good fit for me,
but he did recommend me another position that he thinks is better and the pay is a lot more! The interview for that might be next week too… so much is happening all at once ahhh. I'm going to try my best!
No. 794423
>>793225You really think they wouldn't dump your ass for someone willing to do your work for half the rate? Your employer is not your friend.
>>794309Depends on the job. Something in banking or for a law firm, probably not okay. Tech, definitely okay. Most everything else, also probably okay. When is the interview? My real suggestion is just buy another blazer. If there's an H&M near you, they're my pick for good, cheap office clothes.
No. 794649
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>I want to ride around in a small vehicle in nature or forest, be alone not talk to anyone, checking up on the wildlife, maybe do some simple lab tests on the earth and weather.
>No crazy long work hours or bureaucratic paperwork, just a fairly autonome job.
I don't want to go to university because I hate the academic environment and pressure.
What kind of career fulfills this? And where do I get training? I am eurofag.
No. 795024
>>794419Ohhh, definitely did not think about using an iron, thanks anon!
>>794423It's a news company! I went to H&M today to see what blazers they had- the last time I went in for a blazer they didn't have any in plain black for whatever reason. Most of them also have the sleeves hit my knuckles, but I found one where the sleeves are just tight enough that when I push them up to scrunch them they stay up! I found one that was made with already scrunched sleeves but the fabric looked too much like linen even though it wasn't and I didn't want to risk it looking too casual.
No. 795959
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>Every job thread online, no matter the website
>"Get an office job, anything else will destroy your body"
>All my office worker friends in their mid twenties are constantly complaining about their backpain, their joints clicking doing basic movements
No. 795965
>>795959all you can do is exercise and get ergonomic chairs/desks/etc so you minimize the damage. stretch, drink water, sleep enough hours so your body isn't exhausted…
and avoid being american. the fact that cashiers over there can't sit down is retarded beyond belief.
No. 797458
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>>797327Anon don't worry about it. Just do the job, you don't even have to do it that great. If you exceed expectations then that's all that they'll expect from you, but right now since you're new, all they expect is the minimum. Bask in the benefit of doubt while you can
Everything's going to be fine, I believe in you
No. 797609
>>797368The only job i got call backs from were related to my undergrad degree, teaching…… so im gonna be teaching at a school. I was also applying to office jobs too and retail but nobody called back for office jobs and retail said i was overqualified, and im not cause i dont know how to do anything in general and forgot everything i learned in school.
>>797384Ive always dreamed of living off grid and i think i could but dont have the base money to start off. Id have to buy a rv/camper or maybe a small cottage? Cause i wouldnt be able to be living in tents. A nice cottage, cutting my own wood, having my own garden, every once in a while go to the nearby library and checkout/return books. Thatd be my ideal life.
>>797458>>797492Thanks anons! I know its not feasible to live off grid and everything but its nice to dream. I will be trying my best and hope that i dont mess up too much my first year and if i get fired and burn bridges/disappoint people i hope i at least get unemployment kek. Thanks for the encouragement! It feels different from strangers than it does from people around me.
No. 797631
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>>797609Anon when you apply for jobs you need to tailor your resume. For example if for applying retail, leave college out. They won't background check you lol
Good luck with teaching though, that's way better than retail! I'm sure you'll do great, no sarcasm
No. 800154
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what are some skills I can learn in 6 months or less (I plan to go REALLY HARD) that will allow me to work remotely from home full-time? i'm rock-bottom desperate here because i feel so hopeless and due to severe mental illness i can't work a regular job (yes i am in therapy/treatment and have been for a long time).. please and thank you ;_;
No. 800187
>>795959Sitting all day is very bad for your body, probably worse than doing menial labour*.
The best jobs in terms of protecting your health, are the ones where you are on the move all day, but don't do any physically taxing work, so like being a postman or a site supervisor or some shit like that. Any job were you are walking around with a clipboard all day is perfect.
*menial labour used to be much worse and more hazardous but today there are better working conditions mandated by law, but the idea remains that office work is healthier, although of course there are exceptions
No. 800510
>sexual misconductuhhh its kinda hard to explain the context to someone who wasnt there but i think he probably clocked that i was only joking
i'm not trying to do anything, he probably knows that, i am in a committed relationship and so is he.
the responses here have been a wake up call for me so i will stop now and not say anything else like that
No. 800518
>>800510Anon, it's just a FYI for you in case you will be surprised if he would sexually assalut you 'because you were asking for it', leaves his wife because of you (which is unlikely, because in 99 of the time they just end up giving you a role of mistress (and trust me, he will
never divorce) ). The whole situation sounds disgusting, you are probably not even aware of how men are.
If you want to keep friendly attitude, keep it PG. I do not understand how a 20yo can be horny for a 51 year old, sounds like someones fantasy to me. There are lots of fishes in the sea, and you never mix love and job together.
No. 800927
>>800923Imagine if your boyfriend was making sexual innuendos about his coworker's tits to them. Inappropriate for his colleagues and disrespectful for his partner.
The fact that you're also in a relationship makes this situation even worse… I hope you mature soon
No. 801078
>>801057Don't mean this in an offensive way but I could tell you're autistic before I got to the part where you addressed that. Are there services you can get in touch with?
Where I live there's services that hook up autists and others like that with basic jobs. I think even social workers help with that sometimes, or they know who to refer you to.
No. 801265
>>801078Not sure how you clocked it, but good job. You're automatically better than most of the professionals who were supposed to help me
And unfortunately no–Well maybe I can, but I don't know of any. I've never thought of looking into one, usually I do things through my school and they haven't alerted me of anything
>>801115Those that I applied to rejected me unfortunately. Someone told me that it was because I didn't have a resume, but that just leads me back to the beginning.
>>801066Oh I am SO sorry I troubled your delicate sensibilities. I just assumed that a thread about jobs would be a good place to vent about my difficulties in finding jobs. I'll think remember what you said for the next time.
No. 801658
>>801057Just say you worked at Pier 1, dummy. Then when they ask why you're looking for a new job, you answer that you're currently unemployed because the store you worked at closed. They went out of business. How are they going to verify that?
By the way, you have all of humanity's knowledge at your fingertips. Google how to write a resume, resume templates, and retail resume templates. It's all there for you. You just copy and paste. At least pretend to give a shit. I can already tell you're the type to be happy staying miserable.
>>801427Not at all. At my old company, we were always hiring people for IT. Huge turnover rate there. It's not as bad as my current company, but I always see IT roles open on LinkedIn (I guess LinkedIn thinks I work in IT and shows me a bunch of IT roles in the jobs section). If you can handle a lot of boring work and some crazies freaking out about how they got god knows what on their work laptop god knows how, you've got a nice and steady career ahead of you. My favorite IT person at my company has been around for nearly two decades. I'm at a tech company. People usually stick around for two YEARS. I think you should give it a shot.
No. 802310
>>800184 anon isn't wrong that a lot of graphic design jobs do offer work from home but its a highly competitive and broad job market. You have to get really good at one specialised area (web design vs editorial for example) or be a jack of all trades that can do all of it to a decent standard (advertising, print and digital, web design, packaging, merchandise.) I recommend learning some coding languages because that can be utilised in a lot of jobs from backend development and admin through to design in the web/mobile/gaming industries. Codecademy is a good place to get started, there are tons of free coding courses and resources. I would also recommend taking some courses in marketing and social media management, i see these jobs all the time and they will only get more popular, often fully remote even for non-freelance jobs. A lot of it is mostly admin work, online customer service and basic content production.
No. 802713
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does this person have a problem with me or am i just imagining it? for context, i teach swimming on weekends.
>first day of work was today
>coworker with no superiority over me tells me to take my hat off
>even tho she has no authority to do so, i remove it not wanting to ruffle feathers
>ok sure whatever
>interrupts my lesson to tell me to move my hat even though its fine where it is
>i tell her im a student teacher
>goes on to tell me how she gave a student teacher a good dressing down
>implies we're inexperienced and unworthy of respect whatever
>stops her entire fucking lesson to stare at me with an appalled look on her face
>i have no idea why
>her students look around in confusion as to why she's stopped
>start reading swim teaching manual during break
>'you're not looking very confident with that book luv'
>starts interrogating me on my preparedness/lesson plan
obviously shes retarded and i know the things she's saying to me are totally inappropriate and snarky but my true worry is that
>this is only my first day
>i havent done anything wrong
>i happen to be very good a my job, which i have been doing for 3 years
i just wonder if this could be the start of a process of her trying to get me sacked. she's old and has been there for a long time
how do i protect my job from this witch?
No. 802742
>>802713Are you keeping to yourself a lot?
Try to make friends with other faculty.
Maybe that will help keeping her away.
Bullies usually prey on the weak.
No. 802749
>>802742Yeah, good suggestion tbh.
I did actually reach out to another member of staff who seems very nice.
I have an advantage cos the lifeguards are both girls my own age, so I will make more of an effort with them next week.
No. 803414
>>802713Document everything unprofessional that she does. Write it down with time stamps and email it to yourself every day so you have further proof of those timestamps - do it on your personal email.
Don't tell anyone that you are doing this, but documentation is extremely important and could potentially come in handy for you in the future.
No. 803476
>>803405>So I've been unemployed for a while but I worked at a place for 3 months from last year's November until this year's January. Now obviously I can't put that on my resumeWhat? Why not? Did it end very badly?
>>803434You should start off with reminding them that the offer said "no job experience". Then go "however, I do have X skill…" and talk about your qualities/skills that you've earned from other experiences (school, other jobs, hobbies, etc) that would, in your understanding, be useful for the job. Generic ones would be attention to detail, flexibility, I guess endurance for farm work? And conclude with saying you're very eager to learn the job.
No. 803491
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>>803462Congrats, anon!!!
No. 803607
>>803579LOL what complete retard told you that?
Every single experience is good to put on a CV, even a one week internship if it's relevant to what you're applying to.
As long as your CV is only one page there's no reason to take out a good experience.
I find it so funny you thought that. Do you think every single person who's ever sent a CV had had jobs that lasted over a year? LOADS of jobs don't last a year. And
obviously a 3 months job that went well looks better than a huge gap.
No. 803802
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>>793335Me again. Within 5 minutes of the Facetime interview, the benefits coordinator let me know that they definitely wanted me to come in for an in-person interview. The first one lasted about 25 minutes and I absolutely killed it – a very casual interview, more akin to getting a feel for one another.
My second interview was Friday at 10:30 AM. Ended up starting closer to 10:45ish, what with COVID paperwork and the little bit of wait time in between. I met with both the HR manager and the benefits coordinator. It was mainly more getting to know me, HR lady and I catching up, discussions of what an average day looks like there (no such thing), compensation, when I'd be able to start, etc. and me posing questions as well. Upward mobility looks more like receptionist > legal assistant > paralegal, which I honestly like better than what my best friend has at her current job, wherein she was thrown from receptionist straight into paralegal and it was a bit of a culture shock. I asked about when I would hear back and was told they weren't sure yet because they were still interviewing others. I got out at 11:20. At 1:15 I got the call that I got the job! Words can't express how grateful and excited I am to finally have everything falling into place for me at 22. I no longer feel like I'm behind all my peers. I'm actually starting a career, and at one of the top firms in my city, no less! I put in my 2 weeks at my current call center job and now everyone is saying I'm calling for a sidebar whenever I grab a superior for something lmao
No. 804011
>>804009From what you've written it really feels like you'll regret not following your passion at this moment
You can get a hobby lobby kind of job later in life, but following your creative passions is something for the present. You will absolutely lose financial security by following your dreams, but as long as you can theoretically sleep on your parents couch then you may as well try it for a bit to see if you can make it work. Why even live if you don't try what makes you happy?
No. 810220
Currently dealing with an asshole bitch in my office who's been maligning me against my manager and coworkers behind my back. I think it's because I had the audacity to ~annoy~ her by asking her questions on my job and how to do things when I was new here and taking over her old role. I'd ask her like three questions a week and she eventually started whining about how she didn't have time to help me even though nothing I asked had ever taken her but a minute or less to answer. She was supposed to have trained me and integrated me into the role but she was a terrible trainer who just wanted to wash her hands of it. Since the manager is remote 100%, I couldn't really ask her site-specific questions or get on her good graces unlike the opportunity that this coworker had before I got here and before covid. This coworker literally learned her job one on one with the manager when they were small, but I'm treated like an idiot for not reading their minds or not automatically following how their business works. My responsibilities have actually expanded beyond the scope of what I was originally hired for tbh. The manager is bad and is the type to pretend like she's open to questions. Yet when I ask her something she acts like I'm stupid, demands my justification for asking, proof that I tried to figure it out myself, or she doesn't have time for it cause she's "too busy." That's everyone's favorite line here, being "busy," as if I just sit around doing nothing besides cooking up ways to "bother" people. I went to HR about this because I think it's shitty that I'm trying to be decent at my job by asking questions and verifying processes, yet I'm treated like I'm just around to be obnoxious and shirk. I do a lot of shit every day so it makes no sense why I catch this attitude…until I account for the coworker who talks massive shit about me.
Anyway, this coworker has a huge chip on her shoulder because she was here when the company was still a startup and believes that means she's worked harder than others, especially me. Ex: When I got Adobe Acrobat Pro to combine and edit the massive amount of files I had to process, she just had to pipe in about how she used to have to print out and rescan everything even though I too did that the first few months when I was new here. Actually, the small size and close knit atmosphere of the company meant she worked in a more casual environment and had more hands on experience–and she had less shit to do because there were less than 40 fucking employees to process shit for. She got to see the company and its processes grow from the bottom up so she understands the workings better. She got to cultivate a golden child relationship with the manager that she can do no wrong even though she's a pretty mediocre employee who does in fact make mistakes. Based on the messes I've had to pick up after since taking this position, clearly she's sly and just swept shit under the rug until it was someone else's responsibility to clean it up (mine). Now I get to be treated like the office punching bag for it. And regarding this role: There'd been attempts to fill it at least three times before me, but everyone mysteriously was let go or left. I'm starting to think it's because this bitch and the department are toxic as fuck. And I recently found out she acts as a pseudo supervisor over me, despite having no such authority or position, because she reports any little thing I do to the manager meanwhile letting people on her good side ie. A contractor who's been bribing her with free salad lunches from her second job, do shit like arrive to work 2 hours late without tattling.
I dislike them but I'm not quitting cause the job just isn't stressful on paper outside of dealing with these assholes. I'd wait for them to fire me first so I can comfortably collect my unemployment, and I'm sure this fact is the only thing that holds them back from doing so in addition to the reality that I'm clearly the only one willing to put up with their shit for a paycheck and benefits unlike the others before me.
No. 810225
>>805347>a desk that is too high to have a half-decent camera angleAnon I don't know what to tell you, if you can't work out some makeshift solution for that then you probably don't have much motivation for finding a job
Where are you living? Different sites do better for different countries
No. 810363
>>739039im a busser I clean tables and I want die externally whenever I see like a 12 top with a bunch of kids I swear to fucking god I know you want to eat out but I am very tired of cleaning up after your children :C :C :C
>>805347i found my job using indeed but they're really annoying with their emails
>>810280the only job I can think of is house-sitting since you're looking after a home and you'll probably be looking after a dog with that home
(:C :C :C) No. 810384
>>810365Did you ever discuss your plans for the summer to the supervisor and head before any of this?
It's weird how they did not have a meeting with you at all. I'm in a very similar position and I have to do meetings at the end of each semester to see what we should do next.
Hugs to you. I hope you can find a better gig, soon.
No. 816317
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this thread moves so slow but i thought i'd come back and share my success because i've used this thread many many times over the last few months to vent my frustrations and delusional overthinking after getting rejected over and over. I'm also holding off on telling anyone irl until my references are checked and the offer is 100% secure but I GOT AN OFFER FOR THE BEST JOB VACANCY I'VE APPLIED TO YET! They even agreed to pay me my requested salary which is 2k higher than what they were originally offering. The recruiter said I was a standout from the beginning as well as a lot of other things that killed my imposter syndrome for a hot minute. The second interview was over an hour long and afterwards I just felt so depressed and convinced myself that it went badly, then they fucking offered me the job an hour later!!! I'm so glad I was rejected from the last few places I applied to, because I would've accepted them in a heartbeat and end up in roles that were way less suited to me.
Imposter syndrome is creeping up on me still, I've had some paranoid thoughts about my references somehow not coming through or that I will mess up the job when I start - even thinking "what would happen if i dont accept it?" I'm trying to embrace those fears and just trust myself. Any anons feeling a similar way remember you were selected for a reason and your achievements are not a fluke!!! It's all about quantity and every rejection letter is just one step closer to that job.
No. 816391
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Anons, how do you know if a company / jobs place is not fishy or dangerous?
I am a 20yo immigrant who is all alone in a foreign country, still looking for a job for a year now (thanks to COVID ruining the economics).
My parent tells me that I shouldn't go work as a waitress (at least to places that has alcohol) because of sexual assaults cases (grabbing your butt, etc, I worked in a small place as a teen and that happened to me before, ended up working only for two months) and worse.
I told them that I am so desperate (because I am sick of being a useless leech) that I wouldn't even mind being a janny, but they thankfully told me not to.
Ive been taking care of children for my whole life, so I think that this job will fit me the most, or maybe something basic as secretary. I enjoy helping people and taking care of them, especially kids and elderly.
I have tried applying for customer support places, but due to a high % of unemployment and how small this place is, they said they preferred native citizens. I am still trying to knock on the last place which interview I sadly failed last year.
What do you think? Sorry for such noobie question, I am feeling a bit lost.
No. 816398
>>816391>due to a high % of unemployment and how small this place is, they said they preferred native citizensThis is overt discrimination and potentially illegal where you live. Look it up and complain, you can even sue them for money.
t. fellow immigrant who had similar issues back in the day, they count on you not knowing how the system works and not being able to fight for your rights so they can underpay you or pass you over for someone else.
No. 816399
>>816391You can look up employees reviews, and general customers reviews just to see what kind of place it is in general. From my experience waitressing jobs are mostly normal, there's only a few sleazy places. I can't imagine you'd be groped in a pizzeria or whatever.
Maybe tell us what country you're in, there could be someone native to this country who could help you better?
No. 816464
>>816419I'm so sorry this happened to you, anon. Do you think sending a follow-up email or a reference letter from someone you trust would hurt? I personally think at this point you have nothing to lose. In any case, fuck 'em, they lost a great potential employee. I'd also look into how soon you can expunge your misdemeanor.
>>816450Acknowledge that it's over. Send a follow-up email if appropriate. Reflect to yourself on what you could do better next time, and most importantly what you did wonderfully. You did it, anon! That's all that matters right now, I promise. Then put all your energy into the next interview.
No. 816478
>>816419That is so awful anon, have you had a chance to explain yourself and point out that it was something you were honest and forthcoming about? Maybe that was overlooked if there were multiple people interviewing/processing your application. Like other anon said you have nothing to lose if you just remain polite and respectful.
>>816450Agreed with others that even just telling yourself and others that it went well will help. Remind yourself that you have no way of knowing for certain what the recruiters think, and acknowledge how easy it is for your brain to distort small comments or moments to convince you that you should feel bad.
No. 816822
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My coworkers have been reduced from 6 to 4 people, no plans on replacement, another due to leave in 2 months. Our workload has actually INCREASED, with it taking up half of our working hours (and half our equipment) each day. Of course, then our standard work suffers and we have to delegate that to the other team because it's the end of our shift. However, the other team are complaining and the only possible way I see this going is splitting our hours to interchangeably work later shifts. I don't want to work til 9pm. I've had enough shitty customer service jobs working later hours and I'm done with it.
I'm still finding job searching kind of traumatic though, because I spent so long unemployed…I have a lot of feelings there.
>>749477Is there any update on this?
No. 816945
>>816902Don't fall for this trick. They know you intend to leave so once they find a replacement, you're kicked to the curb.
Once you tell your old employer there is no going back.
No. 816975
>>816822Classic terrible boss move.
On the bright side, consider that since you have a job already you can afford to take time and be picky when applying for alternatives. It’s not quite the same increasingly desperate exercise it is when you’re unemployed.
No. 817465
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>have a job at a call center I'm way overqualified for because of the economic crises
>supposed to be for cars breaking down and insurance for workers in healthcare, some basic shit
>after 6 months, am trained for other basic insurance shit
>"we barely have any weird calls, you'll sometimes get calls for that one specific service but it's super rare, like once a month at the very most :)"
>it happens twice a week at least
>customers won't stop asking me advice because they may or may not be sued for maybe having indirectly killed a patient to me way more often than to other coworkers, have to tell them to call the proper department since that's the point of that "service" or give them a specific lawyer's phone number
>today just got a call from some landlord who's asking to some cleaning service after the guy who lived in his apartment died and was found rotting on the ground ten days later and covered in blood and shit, and right after that another call from a doctor who was being sued for the death of a sick baby
I'm THIS CLOSE to quitting and becoming a worthless neet.
No. 817476
>>817469Honestly if it weren't for the whole covid bullshit I wouldn't even have come back to my country to begin with, let alone gotten a job like this. I'm trying to stay until the very end of the year so I can get as many bonuses as possible, after that I'll just stop coming back so I'll be fired and get unemployment, then I'll look for something I'm qualified for. I've had some job interviews that went to shit because of super bizarre situations
I mentioned some stuff earlier in this thread and because the businesses that want to interview me had to close for 7 months because of covid.
No. 817478
>>817469>>817465These jobs sound so stressful but I'm really curious about the things you both heard
I once had a job that was kind of similar because it involved typing up police reports but it was all either dry DUI arrests or upsetting domestic violence cases, I didn't realise how much it affected me until I left. I hope you both have non traumatic jobs forever in the future
No. 817481
>>817478It's less traumatic that when I worked part-time at that one shithole of a clothing store where costumers would shit, piss and fuck in fitting rooms, insult us for closing the store on time and leave change their dirty underwear in front of everyone to still clean underwear.
Oh and one manager got supposedly fired when I was on holidays for punching a supervisor he was cheating on during their free time. I will always remember this dick head for hiring some guy pretending to be a customer who was actually from another security company than the one we worked with who insulted me and shoved me, a 40kg short woman, so he could pretend to go to the fitting rooms to still something and see our reactions. Fuck this guy, I hope he'll be homeless.
No. 817591
>>817578Sometimes when I asked where someone was they answer over and over again with where it was BEFORE they started driving or where they were going to. Once I asked a guy where he was at the moment with his car and he told and he gave me his home's address. Here's how it went:
>Where are you right now?>My car is parked right next to my house>So I should send break down service at [home address], correct?>No, don't send them there! That's not where I am!>Where should I send them then? Can you give me an address?>Well, usually my car is parked next to my houseRinse and repeat for over 5 minutes, I was going to lose my shit and insult the guy.
No. 818306
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Just had a job interview and I fuckin nailed it! No matter what happens I know I did my best and had a great attitude and felt really good about the ppl who were interviewing me, like they would be great to work with. I'm hype and I just wanna keep this positivity and happiness going!
No. 818434
>>818191anon wtf
>>818306ooo that's awesome!! What was it for?
>>818350good luck, you're going to do fantastic!!
No. 818501
>>818434>>818361Thanks, ladies. I know this site can be really critical and is based around drama, but the discourse encouraged and enabled by the anonymous nature of the boards has really helped get the gears in my head turning and you guys have been a true inspiration. Y’all really have aided in fueling my desire to devote myself to women and children/family social and health issues. I can’t understate this. Thank you.
>>818306Rooting for you,
I don’t have the time to comb through the most recent posts between my readings and certification studies but I really do hope the best for all you girls. There truly are some positive takeaways from this site, and the insight/encouragement from you guys are one of them. Love all you bitches lmao
No. 819129
>>818804Thank you anon!
>>818501Was a little drunk and gushing the last night but wanted to reiterate how positive this female only space has made me feel. I’ll be sending a good vibe to all of you awesome women tonight. I hope all of you girls land the career of your dreams.
No. 819460
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Anons, all the admin positions that open up above me require some or heavy bookkeeping, accounts payable, etc. I have none of these skills, and I'm sick of passing up all these positions because of it. Has anyone taken any free bookkeeping classes and can point me in the right direction?
No. 819614
>>819492There's probably a lot of countries who have positions like this right now but we may have applied to the same job lol
I'm worried about the same thing. I don't know when I can start yet and I'm excited to be able to work from home but phone calls are not exactly my strong suit so hopefully it'll be easy to get used to.
No. 819819
>>819579I'll keep that in mind, thanks!
>>819614Wanna reveal where you're from? I feel the same way as you, bleh. Good luck when you start!!
No. 821316
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Currently a student in animation and Im super nervous about graduating and actually working
>crab mentality rampant in the animation industry
>not being good enough to be accepted at any job
>need some connections if you want to get into the animation industry
No. 821434
I got hired as a research assistant for a foreign news company. It falls in line with my major, and I did study the language for a few years (but have forgotten a lot of it and I'm basically illiterate when it comes to reading/writing it) but holy FUCK do I not know what to do. I'm terrified of my manager realizing I'm a sham. I worked here before at the front desk and everyone knows me, and they all gassed me up to my manager, telling him how I'm so bright and smart and he made a really good choice in hiring me. The job doesn't pay enough for me to bust my ass that hard (just barely above minimum wage) but I'm afraid of looking like I'm not doing my job at all because I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing.
I guess it's good to not have a micromanaging manager looming over me, but I feel like I have too much freedom, and in the world of politics and news, being vaguely told "we cover the americas but also basically the whole world because we follow the UN" I have no idea where the fuck to start. My manager is the one who writes all the articles and I really do want to try my best to support him, but I can't proofread any of his work because I can't read the language very well, and everything is so vague that even when I read the news I always wonder "is what I'm reading even relevant?" He told me to skim the newspaper of our department so I can get a gauge of what to focus in on, and I've resorted to just google translating the website, but even then… just what kind of assistant am I?! At what point am I actually doing the job that I was hired for? He isn't even here today so I'm just watching recordings from UN meetings and skimming the news again, because I have nothing to really zone in on and do in depth research on. He was already writing an article when I came in yesterday so I was just left to browse through all of our news subscriptions and read a bunch of things.
I also assumed he would be coming in everyday (other departments are rotating between in office and working from home) but he's not here today… Yesterday he asked me what days I would be in the office and I said I thought it would be everyday… HR told me it's up to him, and he just say "oh, yes it's good you'll be here everyday! You'll get the hang of things faster!" but he's not in today?! So here I am, on lolcow, with some recordings playing in the background.
It's only my literal second day but I'm already nervous. I don't do well with this much freedom, I wish there was at least some sort of "Can you look more into XYZ current events" or focusing on a specific conflict or something. Do I take notes on what I read? What the fuck am I doing? The guy before me would actually write articles and visited the UN and did actual journalism things, and when I was hired they told me I wouldn't be doing the same, maybe occasionally visiting the UN, but mostly I'd just be doing research. I'm fine with that but fuck!! I'm so lost all the time!
No. 821643
>>821434You need to study the language again ASAP instead of stressing out you dumb dumb
Then when you can actually read you can start to ask him what you can do to help or what to research for him.
>>821434 No. 822283
>>821434Sounds like you might have some imposter syndrome anon? If your colleagues backed you then they at least believe you're competent to some degree.
Study up the best you can and fake it til you make it.
No. 822438
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don't know what to do, nonnies. i've been in my current job for almost three years, the only problem i've with it is the salary, which is a joke. to add more insult to injury, we have a predatory union that takes away 60CAD monthly, plus next year i'm gonna face further discounts, which will affect me pretty bad. like, everything goes up but my salary. today i got this job offer out of the blue, with just one interview, no technical or portfolio review, no evaluation. nothing. and a couple hours later i got a call telling me i got the job. weeeird. of course i'll make more money, but at the expense of working more hours, no pension, no healthcare or no paid extra hours. did a bit of research and it seems this company it's just a huge IT maquila. since i don't have any friends or close ones to talk about this but my parents, which just told me to read the contract carefully and ask questions before signing (a very sensible answer), i just want to talk about this with someone. i feel like i just should say no. i guess something else will come up before the dreaded next year. i still have my badly-paid nice job, but i don't have the guts to jump ship, specially after today's odd situation. i feel so discouraged.
No. 822620
>>822438if you've got a gut feeling that something just isnt right with this job then listen to it. I didn't know what an IT Maquila was until I googled it but maybe you should look online at places like glassdoor to see if its common to have only one interview for similar jobs or if there are reviews from ex employees. If it turns out they have rushed through the interviews, i'd pass on the offer because it already sounds like the possible downsides outweight the benefits.
I had a similar thing happen my first interview out of university. I quickly realised this company was not as well established as initially thought, took forever to respond to emails, tried to hand work over to me before I'd even seen my contract. I passed up the offer and felt terrible and disappointed for weeks, blaming myself and wondering what might have happened. Just had to keep telling myself it would have been more hassle than it was worth and I'd rather have less money and a stable mental state.
No. 822669
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>>822620thanks for your reply. as i was so weirded out by the way things carried out, i went and looked on glassdoor and indeed and it does look like a corporate hellscape, just like you mention: horrible management, overwork, no extra hours compensation, etc etc. i think i need to avoid this bullet. the contract hasn't arrived yet, but i already have this list of questions that probably will direct me to tell them no. thanks for sharing, it means a lot!
No. 822699
>>821643The company has a tuition program that basically only covers language study but I won't be eligible until I've been here for a year but I'll be taking advantage of it when I can. The language is Japanese so the hardest part is all of the kanji.
>>822283I'm hoping maybe I just can't see what all of my colleagues see. My manager has finally given me some topics to look into and research so I've been able to actually focus in on a topic and work and things have been going well! I don't know if he likes the work I'm producing but I think in due time after working with him for longer I'll be able to predict the specifics he's looking for and work more efficiently. This is the first job I've had that actually uses my brain… since I've only held retail/receptionist/admin positions before this so after getting the basics down I just become a robot and run on autopilot lol.
No. 822894
>>822801good luck and go for it! you know, when a door closes another will open.
sooo, an update regarding my shady instant job offer i got yesterday. it happens that the yearly salary is obscene. it's even more than i understood yesterday. but the thing is that the lady who called me yesterday saying that the job was mine (to which i said yes), sent me this morning a "contract", which is not a proper contract per se, it's an email to which i need to reply with "i agree" to the offer, so after that they'll send me a proper contract that i already committed to, which i haven't signed or read. i talked again with the lady which called me in the beginning to clarify all the doubts i had (extra hours, flexible schedule, timesheets, etc etc) and she couldn't reply a thing. she had to talk to other people to give me not-so clear replies. the entire thing smells like stinky bait. i know the obscene salary sounds amazing, but this offer smell so fishy, plus my personal time will take a hit.
my parents are the only people i trust enough to talk with them. my mom just wants me to take it, she won't sit down and help me put my thoughts in order, she considers whatever else i do in my spare time a waste of time. my dad is trying to help me out at least. he told me to call my bosses to see what they could do, because my current job is super nice and has everything the new offer doesn't, but the salary. i was super nervous, but my boss told me to talk directly with the main boss and she is willing to raise my salary, not by a large amount, but a sensible one that will allow me to, at least, pay pension next year and live withou pulling the calculator. i'm a frugal person and i like to save, and this raise will allow me to do that. tbh, i'm happy with it. i haven't taken a decision yet, i want to let it brew during the weekend.
No. 823429
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Why is it so hard to get a job close to you? Everyone I know has at least an hour long commute, just seems like unnecessary traffic pollution, are employers biased to locals or something?
No. 823724
>>823451It's not bad manners, it's just awkward and weird for the schedule. If a manager's busy and you come more than 10 minutes early it could be cutting into their lunch time, or they're finishing up a meeting or another interview, and then reception has to make you wait somewhere that isn't in the way but able to be kept an eye on.
>>823550Have you gone to a CS internship fair? My college has those and they've been helpful. I would reach out to your departmental assistants.
No. 825274
>>825211>>825251Lmao you two; this is called networking, not nepotism. A friend or associate puts a good word ahead and that's it; what happens next relies solely on whether recommended person is actually a good fit or not, they'll not hire anyone incompetent just because of a recommendation.
If her boyfriend was the only one doing the hiring and only hired her because she's his girlfriend, that's unethical, sure. But this is not the case so don't get so heated.
No. 825419
>>825211>>825251I'm OP and no yeah I completely agree with you guys, and this specific company has a track record of hiring friends and family of current employees which I think is stupid even if they're good at the job. I hate it too since it's a big reason I've been locked out of good jobs, but like
>>825274 said unfortunately this is just how it seems to work.
And for the record, the only thing my bf did was message his friend "haha wouldn't it be funny if Anon worked for you" and Friend was like, "yeah send her over I want the referral bonus." My bf could have sent him anyone, I don't think my status as "girlfriend of former employee" would have any influence on my hiring, and like I said I do actually have some experience in the field. So it's equal parts "knowing someone" and actually having a hireable background
No. 825628
>>825620You're always going to lose to work bitches, anon, no matter how friendly you try to be. I remember being a suck-up to the work bitch for a year because otherwise she was exhausting to deal with, but then I fucked up one time by not following her orders (we were in sales and she micromanaged me in front of my customer), and then I was on her shit list forever. There's no pleasing these bitches.
If you're able, I'd go looking for another job.
No. 828467
>>828405My sister used to be a hair stylist, got back in a salon recently and to be honest it sounds like she’s doing really good. She said before subtracting supply costs she made $1600 in two days last week. I think covid made a lot of people stop doing hair, and with salons reopening before summer everyone wants highlights or new cuts.
I’m not sure if some places let stylists do color only but you could talk to the instructors at the cosmetology school and see what they have to say
No. 830198
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there is a profound lack of respect for teachers in the UK.
>be fully qualified English teacher
>have 4 ENTIRE YEARS of experience teaching English as a second lang and other subjects during undergrad
>be rejected for TEACHING ASSISTANT (this is a min wage & unqualified job)
>as in not even an interview
>teaching assistants are minimum wage and unqualified positions
>teachers in Dubai recruited from the UK are paid £54,000 per year no tax.
>average Californian teacher is paid $86k
>UK pays teachers less than half that
>UK asks the world and demands they complete unpaid overtime
>UK only pays teachers £26k
>finally get an interview as a teachers assistant
>find out I have to compete with 2 other suckers for a literal entry level job in a demeaning ritual
>am already extremely overqualified for this job
>do it because its the best I can do so far
How can schools be so selective? I thought there was a national crisis shortage of teachers?
No. 833341
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I’m feeling over the top because I just had a phone interview and absolutely killed it. I made notes before it and wrote everything down the employee told me, they’re setting up a second interview so I hope I can get the job if goes well
No. 834056
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my aunt's being annoying about me becoming "stagnant" in my full-time 100% work from home public sector job because the salary is very mediocre, but i hate interviewing and job searching. i’m not ambitious and as long as i'm able to save some money while buying a few things for myself i don't care. why the fuck do i have to grind so hard and put myself through the stress of career advancement when i can just be content with this? it's not like i have to provide for children. i wish people would stop shaming me for my lack of ambition when it doesn’t even effect them.
No. 834469
>>834056Any chance she's jealous? If she's working a stressful job with long hours etc I could imagine it's a misery loves company situation.
I feel you though. I'm solidly underachieving and unambitious, but idgaf what anyone thinks. I've got the money I need to live comfortably, barely any stress and way more free time than people with impressive careers do. We just have to do our thing and ignore everyone else, they can have fun working themselves to death while we chill.
No. 835029
>>834981Short of a felony, nothing you do at your age is going to actually, seriously ruin your life. Take a breath. It's going to be okay.
You changed majors. You did it late. That's fine. You didn't drop out. When you do get to working, you'll find that many of your colleagues did the same. I work in a big tech company and I'm actually one of the only people on my team who finished in 4 years. Many people do take that extra year, and some might take two years or even take a long break from uni before going back.
You're getting a comp sci degree. Have you heard of 1337code? This is a site where my company gets a lot of our software devs from. You can also apply to internships at companies. Do this directly through the company sites. They're not just for students. My company is open to anyone from juniors to graduates who graduated less than a year ago, and I know that's the case for a lot of other companies as well.
If you haven't done so already, set up your LinkedIn. Start building a network with your fellow students, your professors, and anyone you run into at things like career fairs or networking events (both things your school will be able to guide you towards). A lot of application sites will ask for this, and even if they don't, the hiring manager will probably check there first.
No. 835074
>>835029Thanks for the comforting words. At least it is nice knowing that I'll probably see other people like me in the future.
I haven't heard of 1337code before but thanks for bringing it up. I'll check it out for sure.
Only thing I've done so far is set up a LinkedIn so I just need to go to career fairs and networking events now that everything seems to be clearing up.
Thanks Anon! You've lifted my spirits up a bit!
No. 835224
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I'm the cursed anon
>>777396, I still have my call center job, I was on holidays for two weeks and went back to work last week, and OF COURSE I always get the worst phone calls in my entire team all the time. My managers were shocked. My schedule for this summer is a mess, I'm gonna have to work until nearly midnight one week, then the other I'll start at 7am, and it'll be like that for the next 3 months. That was also the case before I was on holidays and it was so tiring that I spent my first week doing nothing but sleeping.
Anyway I'm thinking about getting another job somewhere else so I can stop dealing with these retarded clients, and maybe I could have a stable schedule for once in my life. I just added info on my linkedin profile, and I've been checked job offers this weekend. Please wish me good luck.
No. 835421
>>835202>>835083>>835082aww thank you
i should also probably mention that she tried to go to school when i was a kid and nearly flunked out because her major was so wrong for her. if anyone reading this is struggling with finding the right career path, it isn't the end of the world, i promise
No. 835763
>>835744This is my dream job but job listings are far and few in between, not to mention competitive…
>>835747>warehouse management>securityI'm a small and weak female. Not sure if these would work for me. Especially security, my partner would never let me work that since he had a buddy who got slashed up working in security despite being a big guy.
>Data entryThe office job I worked at was advertised as a data entry job but ended up being a regular office job in disguise. It's also extreme boring, but I'll still keep looking into it.
Night shift stocking is something I'm looking for but it's not well paying or a career, unfortunately. Thanks for the suggestions anons.
No. 835776
>>835763I’m tiny and weak and they hired me for them. You’re an operations manager in the warehouse so you tell the blokes where to lift and what to lift. You don’t move anything.
Security is literally just walking at night. If anything happens you’re meant to retreat and call the cops. Lots of watching cameras and kinda wishing teenagers with spray paint would show up.
It sucks but if you don’t want the social side your job will usually be boring until you’re like, doing lab work which requires a degree or two. It’s like that cheap healthy tasty triangle but it’s well paid, interesting, and asocial. Pick two.
No. 837016
got in with a firm that has a really impressive name. finally graduated and started working there, and my soul is crushed after the first few days.
my degree was extremely programming heavy, i have multiple certifications in technical skills and services, and i even performed research and wrote curriculum for the new [redacted so nobody recognizes me, but it’s a technical subject] degree program. buuuuuuuut i got assigned to a team that doesn’t take advantage of any of those things i can do! and there’s an engineering team that’s a perfect fit for me, but i guess i just got unlucky. i don’t think they put much thought into it, like they kind of just put people places. and i get that because they can’t know everything about every single employee, it’s a big corporation after all.
i talked to family and friends about reaching out to some of my HR people to see about getting switched over, but everyone is telling me something different. it’s not like i would complain like i am here—I’d just gently make my case, be enthusiastic, and say i’d be really happy and interested to work with the other team and go through their training program instead.
some people are telling me i’ll get fired, others are saying it’s worth a shot, others are saying just put up with it and don’t even try. but this is the only opportunity in my career to go through extensive training for stuff that’s relevant to my future career path. tl;dr i’m freaking the fuck out and i just want to be a security engineer, it’s my only goal, dear god please wish me luck because i’m going to speak up and ask
No. 837164
>>837024>>837033hey, thanks for the encouragement anons. i have so many people in my ears telling me that it’s wrong for me to ask and they’re all making me feel so stupid.
so what’s going to happen is, i’m going to meet with an internal career guidance person, express my concerns delicately, and ask to be directed to who i can talk to about pivoting. i’m also going to meet with the staffing head of the team i’m currently on (aka the team I don’t want to be on) and ask for further details about the position, and how she thinks my technical skills can be applied there.
if the latter meeting goes well, I might reconsider pushing for a pivot immediately and just make the best of it. if not, i’ll meet with the person my career counselor suggests and make a case for myself about the value I can bring to a different team.
if all else fails, i will stay with my current team for 6 months to prove my work ethic and then ask to pivot again. i don’t think I can bring up discrimination because there’s actually a surprising amount of women at this company. please wish me the best…. this is all so stressful
No. 837743
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>>833341 I just got an email expecting it to be the time for my interview and it said they were looking into other candidates. Guess that’s over.
No. 837769
>>836167are you interviewing them about their craft (I doubt, since you say you have no experience to judge their skill level?) or for team fit? There are always questions you can ask that will tell you about the candidate, that are not craft related. For example:
>Tell me about a time you experienced a challenging task. What was it, and how did you handle it?>Describe a time when you under-delivered. Why did it happen, and what would you do differently if you found yourself in the same situation today?>How do you mentor those more junior than you?>Tell me about a time when you worked with a challenging stakeholder. etc…
No. 838232
>>838217Usually they just have you start the job and training or w/e right away, on the assumption that all your documents etc will work out to be fine once you get them in. If its a big company you might need some info to get your ID card made and accounts set up and stuff on the first day but other than that its nbd.
I think it works the way it does because if whoever hired you had to have HR work this stuff out beforehand, it would take weeks of back and forth b/c you arent there yet and its not urgent. Instead theyd rather just hire you and have you come in, and then be like "hey HR get this person their stuff" and send you down to HR so they have to do it faster.
No. 838337
>>837769Wow I reread my post and realize how confusing I made it sound after throwing in the second half about getting a job interview lol. Sorry about that anon!
I'm interviewing people about their craft/field of study. I actually just got an email back from a university professor and our meeting is set for Monday but I'm so terrified. Like, this man is basically an expert in his field of study, I don't want to ask super dumb-dumb questions. I have a few written out that I think sound pretty okay and might get me some good responses (I'm looking for answers about race relations and specifics about this one ethnic group). I was forced to do some interviews in college, but back then it's like "hey I'm still a student!" so it feels like people will cut me slack if I fuck up, but now it's like… I'm a working professional and I represent the company I work for. It's not a tiny independent news company, it's an actual place that has a channel and newspaper that a lot of people pay for, and it's absolutely terrifying lol.
I also am trying to figure out how zoom works since I've never been on the other end of setting them up and being the host. I think I have it set up okay but ugh… I've basically done fuck all the past two days my boss has been out so I'd like at least one interview to have
something to give to him when he comes back, and then I'll say no one else got back to me for interviews (which is not entirely a lie but I didn't start sending out email requests until this morning lol).
No. 838343
>>838337Not to diagnose you or anything but it sounds like your imposter syndrome is getting in the way of you doing your best at work. (You putting off emailing people, etc.)
If your company didn't think you can handle this task - you would not be chosen to do it, so stop doubting yourself and just do your best! If they gave this task to some dude he would not for a second doubt himself, so you don't do it either, OK?
You will do good, just own the situation with transparency. The guy and you will both know he is more senior than you, and that is OK. Just ask your questions, and follow-up on whatever he answers.
I believe in you. :D
No. 838440
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>>749477>>816822ayrt, sorry for late update. They got us a chair after my last email. Whenever we do that station, we can sit down from time to time, and it helps so so much. My coworkers really liked that so I got extra cool points with them. My managers have their hands full with a genderspecial they hired who's causing headaches every week and with time our relationship went back to normal. I'm now seen again as the low-key girl who's pleasant to work with.
Oh, and I didn't get the supervisor position. I do think my emails were part of their decision, but my rival worked there longer so that's fine. I've realized that I really enjoy not having responsibility over operations/staff. Instead, I have my sights set for an admin position deeper within the institution.
No. 841702
>>838343Thank you anon…!!
I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stretch out the interview long enough or that I didn't prepare enough questions but the interview went on for an hour and I only got through 4 questions… Or it's mostly that he rambled on for an hour and I only managed to squeeze four questions in lol. I went back through the audio and removed all the fluff but it kind of sucks that I ended up with not that much information at all haha. My boss comes back tomorrow so I hope it's good enough. I did contact some others but no one else is available for an interview so whelp.
No. 843245
>>843243also the breakout group i was in, 4 of us, 3 white and one black girl. and she literally left midway through the group meeting. unbelievable LMAO
so cringe i really just want to exit the meeting right fucking now but my supervisor is attending as well.
No. 844172
>>844166UI is user interface i.e. the front end of what users will be interacting with. This is more of a conscious thinking on the actual interaction between users and the software/hardware.
UX is like the user experience. You conscientiously design based on HOW you want the user to experience your product and what you think they might feel when they use it.
They go hand in hand most times. Think of it this way:
A door handle. The functionality of it is to open a door right? The
UI of the door handle would be that the user turns the handle and the door opens. That's the expected outcome. Will the doorknob have a lock on it? The
UX is the decision of whether or not we want the door handle to be shaped in a weird goofy way. How would the users feel if they had to interact with the handle like that? Do we want the doorknob to be wet? Do we want the doorknob to be course? How would the user feel about those particular shapes? That would be more like the User Experience of it.
No. 844344
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I graduated college in late 2019 and was lucky enough to bag full time work that’s somewhat in the industry I want to be in. It’s really unique work and I have a lot of fun doing the parts that I like, but the other half is pretty boring and menial. I knew this going in so it’s not really a shock, but the disparity kind of highlights how much happier I am when I get to do the parts of the job I got my degree for. Recently thought I’ve been having these thoughts of quitting my job and do streaming. The Pandemic essentially allowed me to both clear my thoughts and leave an abusive relationship and I’ve been realizing just how much I like entertaining people. I really like making my friends laugh and I think I have a decent stage presence. My entire life has been so miserable and I feel like transitioning to a risky but rewarding career would be worth it and I’d be able to not only support myself but have a lot of fun doing it. I have a lot of ideas for how’d I’d like to incorporate my art into the streams as well. My current job skills are pretty niche as well and sought after so I think I would be able to fall back on those and have a good career if being an internet clown didn’t work out. Is it worth trying or am I just chasing a pipe dream?
No. 844488
>>841702I keep checking the thread to see how you are doing kek. <3
Tbh whenever I interview people I never get more than 5-6 questions out of the way. And that's fine. I hope it all went well and your boss is happy with your work. :)
(emoticon use) No. 844489
>>842558Where do you live? Join a UX writing group/meetup. Look for keywords like "copy writing, UX copy, content writing". People in this industry are super happy to network and help juniors get a leg in.
There are also Slack communities dedicated to UX writing, where you can network, etc.
No. 844634
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I just started working at a retail job a few days ago and I'm already miserable. It's a "store cleaner/custodial" position and was told that they've never had this position in their store before so they're just kind of winging it and wanted my input and experience since I used to be a housekeeper. They specifically said I'd be doing custodial work like cleaning the breakroom, bathrooms, etc.
So far, they have me coming in 2 hours before opening to do detailed work like spot cleaning walls and floors (literally on my hands and knees), tidying up the break room and doing odd jobs here and there. Once the store opens, they've just got me dusting shelves for hours. I don't mind hard work and labor but this is so boring and unrewarding. I've just been finding time to hide in the janitors closet and use my phone.
I don't know if I should stick it out or look for something else. Cleaning jobs are hard to come by so I was happy to get this one but it really sucks. Plus my coworkers are all anti-social zoomers. The managers are nice but kind of aimless when it comes to this job. I dunno what to do. I just wanted a nice cleaning job where I can work alone and not deal with customers all day.
No. 846177
>>841740>How are you feeling about returning to in-person work? I'm so fucking excited. I miss MY space being MY space. I hate working from home. My job pre-covid was 100% work from home (I'd try to swing by the office 1-2 times a week anyway), then I got a new job mid-covid so that was obviously work from home, but now I'm finally going to be able to return to the office. I hate this blurred line between home and the office. I'm going to be the first one back I swear.
>Do you think you'll be able to continue working remotely? Do you think it'll become more common? Maybe after like two years of staying in the office I'll be mentally prepared for WFH again. It's becoming more common but companies that have invested a lot in their offices (like mine) definitely aren't going to let you work from home full time the way companies that just rent their offices will.
>How have people you know reacted to remote work/returning?It's been an honestly even mix. I'm probably the outlier single, no kids person who actually wants to go back to the office but I know a lot of the parents are looking forward to going back even more than I am. On the other hand, you've got people who just don't like office culture (which I personally love but I get it) and a lot of new parents who'd normally have to drop their kids off at daycare but now actually get to bond with their babies. I hope they come up with something that works for everyone.
>>844411Nope, go for it. It's really just used to weed out anyone they don't want to pay relocation fees for, so if you're willing to move yourself there, hell yeah pretend you already live there girl.
No. 846690
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Started my second week of work today. My first week went great and I was excited, but today they threw me into more stuff and I got so overwhelmed and frustrated with new duties and things to remember that I started crying after a phone call to schedule a patient went horribly. My coworkers told me things only got harder from there, and I had to step away because I couldn't stop crying! I've never been so embarrassed. Is it even worth sticking it out if I've made such a jackass of myself so early?
No. 848087
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>>846690Your workplace doesn't sound like it has a good onboarding process and your coworkers sound like they've forgotten what it's like to be new. EVERY new job takes time to get up to speed on, even for a veteran in the field; hell, I work for a tech company that's known for recruiting top talent and it's expected that newcomers take 6-9 MONTHS to become fully acquainted with the work and internal processes. I'd recommend hanging in for at least a couple of months, and please don't be hard on yourself because nobody knows what they're doing two weeks into a skilled job and imposter syndrome leads to self-sabotage.
Rooting for you
No. 850162
>>849770Look for work elsewhere. Petty bullshit like that will make you unhappy in ways you won't even notice until you work in a better environment. If you're not using your skills now then moving to a job where you can will only become harder the longer you delay.
-t. left a similar situation complete with a promotion to the role I wanted getting waved over my head
No. 850185
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do they really mean this or am I right to abandon all hope on this one
No. 853594
>>852435well my bfs mother who has another younger son was targeted by women in her neighbourhood because they had an issue with her and she had to fight tooth and nail for her son in court, and eventually won.
making people fight for their children is such a perverted, british ritual. i understand kids who are genuinely in grave danger, but the reality is that even children who are abused are probably better off in an
abusive home than in state care.
her social workers would come to her in completely bad faith and feed back negatively to their superiors.
i just can’t imagine how insulting it must be to be constantly monitored my CPS even though you’re 1) not a chav and 2) not an addict of any kind. the whole thing was humiliating for her.
No. 854047
>>854030I used to be one too and usually we contacted candidates once more if they didn't reply to us, just in case. Maybe it depends on teams and companies though. On the other side when I get recruited usually I tend to get answer super fast from companies.
>sourcing is tedious and messy unless you're really organized and disciplined (most of them aren't)I'm having flashbacks of former managers being retarded and not even reading resumes and cover letters and thinking I studied english literature and not international business….
No. 856356
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Anons help me I'm starting to feel really hopeless. I've lost my job in January. In the first few months after that I didn't really look for a job because of mental health reasons. I feel fine now and also I'm running out of my savings so I started looking (luckily there's a family member who helps me out financially). I applied to numerous places and I either don't get a callback or I fail the 2-3rd round of interviews or I show up on the interview and it's a sketchy place.
I mean, it is summer, so things are obviously slow right now, but that's only part of the problem. I feel like I'm essentially unemployable. The stuff I would love to do I'm unqualified for, the stuff I'm qualified for I'm not getting callbacks and also I just…hate it with a passion and I think it showed at my last workplace. I wouldn't say I got burned out, I was just grumpy all the time. I have a degree in humanities and most of my career I've worked as a translator (even though I only have a bachelor's), translating manuals from the local language to English or vice versa. After I worked at a place as a web administrator but only for 3 months and I was fired after that. I honestly don't see any reason why anyone would employ me. In this country, English is still not spoken by a lot of people, but it is a basic requirement at better companies and I don't really have other skills to offer other than that. I'm also brushing up on my French and taking private lessons but it's a really slow process.
UX is a really fascinating field to me and I feel like I could be great at it, and I've been taking courses, reading the literature and slowly building a portfolio. My dream would be to work in UX as a freelancer, as I find the socializing aspect of workplaces super draining. So far my schedule is that in the morning up until noon I search for jobs and then, after lunch, I learn UX and continue building my portfolio. I guess my question/point of confusion is I'm not sure which one to focus on. Sometimes I get really discouraged because I only see positions for Senior UX designers and feel like noone would ever hire me. But it seems like noone wants to hire me based on my previous experience anyway (and BOY did I send my CV to a lot of positions, mostly administrative stuff, back office stuff, front office stuff, secretary, receptionist, hotel maid, administrator in a kindergarten, caretaker in a care home, cleaner, nanny etc), and I feel hopeless.
Any advice is welcome, thank you
No. 856377
>>856356"My dream would be to work in UX as a freelancer, as I find the socializing aspect of workplaces super draining."
Anon I cannot even begin to tell you how much socializing, schmoozing, bullshitting, ass kissing, & mental dexterity it takes to freelance. You've got to win those contracts and network and it never fucking ends. I make good money but it is a fucking slog. A 9-5 is so much easier in that way.
No. 856645
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>>856356>UX is a really fascinating field to me and I feel like I could be great at it, and I've been taking courses, reading the literature and slowly building a portfolio. My dream would be to work in UX as a freelancer, as I find the socializing aspect of workplaces super draining.I'm not sure what country you're in and I'm more familiar with the research side than design, but even in the US, UX is a hard field to enter; freelancing is actually the way that most hopefuls start out because the job market is so shit, but I get the impression that it's very unstable. My advice would be to look for a contract position if those are available wherever you are (the bigger the company the better), continuously look for a full-time position (again, could be regional and it's also really stupid but some hiring managers in UX are sketched out by people who work >1 year as a contractor), try to spend a couple of years in a full-time position, then transition to freelancing if you still want to. It becomes way easier to have a stable career in UX once you spend a couple years full-time, and if you eventually spend some time in a full-time role at a big tech company then you're set in terms of being able to choose where or how you work.
>I guess my question/point of confusion is I'm not sure which one to focus on. Focus primarily on getting a job because a large gap in your resume may make it even harder to find one, but keep learning UX and try to start freelancing once you feel confident enough.
>and I feel hopeless. If it makes you feel any better, many MANY people have been in your situation, myself included. I spent months trying to get my foot in the door when I was starting my career, got fired from a contract job after a couple months, and now work at one of the big five tech companies. It's possible to drag yourself out of a pit, but you have to be persistent, passionate and enthusiastic during interviews, and know how to sell yourself. lmk if you have any questions!
No. 858153
>>858007I used to get so depressed looking at job ads. Most applications won't ever get a reply. It takes time and money and for what? Don't worry about that.
The shithouse places I've worked also had really picky ads which is hilarious. It's all bullshit. If you get an interview and seem like you'd be able to do the job/fit in then you'll probably get it. Getting fired is what it is. Quitting is a mistake, don't do that.
No. 858672
>>858669Are you planning to stay working there for a longer period of time?
If no then nope, they should've managed the situation better
No. 859299
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>>818306 and I ended up not getting the job. I found out that they gave it to someone internally. I was sad for a bit but since then I've been getting job interviews almost every week. I'm trying to look at it all as practice until I finally land a job. Keep your head up girls, we're all gonna make it.
No. 864843
>>864840A few handful have become motivational speakers which is great (easier for me plus I think their stories are amazing- there's a blind guy who was led down by his dog and another guy was buried
twice after each tower fell) but I'm pulling names from existing articles so they've been okay to speak about it before.
No. 864928
>>864856Dang guess I'll sign up for one to stalk these people haha. Surprisingly I've found a lot of their LinkedIns but who knows if they check them that often.
>>864906Thanks anon! I try going through some comment sections to see if I can find anything!
No. 866250
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I just submitted my first job application ever. Well, that’s not quite true, I once applied to Zurcher’s when I was 16. They never called me back.
But anyway since then I’ve kind of just fallen into jobs and now here I am at 26, about to get my masters degree but I’ve never gotten a job the traditional way. Im keeping my expectations low but hopefully someone decides to hire me someday.
No. 866345
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I'm putting my free services out there as a resume reviewer. You can upload it here and block out any revealing info or send it to my email. Like not to brag but I actually have gotten many many many job offers with my resume so I think I'm considered a "pro"? Idk. Anyways, don't be afraid nonnies and you can use a throwaway email address if you want. block out as much info as you need to feel comfy.
No. 866562
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>>866483haha I love you nonna
No. 866949
>>866843To add to this, this is an emergency so I gave her the bitvhy racist manager's phone number. Pray for me. I wanted to give a former coworker's phone number but she left the company and she told me on linkedin that she wasn't my above me in the hierarchy so her opinion wouldn't be relevant (except she acted like she was anyway and she was working way more closely with me as well)
I'm absolutely cursed, if I still get the job despite all of this I'll be so shocked I'll have a heart attack.
No. 867068
>>867042Its a pretty loose mechanical engineering branch that specializes in how well things flow in a factory or any other place where you have something happening over and over again.
So basically all you do all day is try to come up with new ways for things to be better and more efficient/safer/more reliable.
It really depends where you work to be honest but its fun and I recommend it, even with it's downsides its very fun.
No. 867104
>>867086I'm not in the US and in my country what you said works the same way, but when I was still working there I caught her ranting about a previous apprentice about petty shit instead of just saying "yes she worked there and was a competent/incompetent employee", saying shit like
>I don't get why she leaves right on time everyday, she's not married and doesn't have kids so she doesn't have anything better to do, she can stay 30min more everyday to finish some stuff>she lived with her parents back then too, she has no excusesAll of this completely unprompted. Literally none of this is anyone's business but she described her that way and made fun of her for not getting a new job after her apprenticeship was over once the phone call was over. She was lowkey judging me for still living with my parents during my internship even though she payed me way less than minimum wage so you can already imagine how she is.
They're the type of company that (illegally) hires interns and apprentices all the time for jobs that should be permanent because it's cheaper that way, and since that's illegal they can't say it outright I'm worried she'll try to cover up something if the recruiter asks her why they didn't hire me properly after my internship. During the interview I said I wanted to focus on preparing my thesis and oral presentation to graduate so that's why I didn't want to stay in the company but you know…
No. 869277
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>>868212>>868221Thank you ladies! I did really well!
Pic related - you giving me support.
No. 869906
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I got the job! I complained about how the recruiter who interviewed me couldn't contact previous managers because one of them was on holidays but they want me in their team so they're hiring me and they'll try to contact them afterward anyway to get a reference. I can finally quit my shitty call center job and I'll finally have a normal schedule for the first time of my life. I'm waiting for the recuiter to send me an email as proof she'll hire me and then I'll send an email to my company to tell them I'm leaving.
No. 869922
I just had a phone interview with a recruiter who had the thickest Spanish accent I've ever heard. I had to ask back multiple times what she said because I couldn't understand. I don't think I'll get the job kek
>>869906Congrats, nona!!
No. 870045
>>869897my mom has a master's in social work and she also didn't stay in it very long, maybe 5-10 years, then she went to law school so she could be a type of public defender. Law school is expensive ofc but if you're going to work for a government agency afterward you can get most of the debt forgiven after not that long. She was able to work mostly alone as i recall, just reading documents and writing idk legal things, with an occasuonal hearing or court date.
I would also recommend looking at fields that are closer to yours so you can build on the experience and degree that ypu have. For example i think ypu could sell yourself for a corporate HR position which has the potential to pay quite well, but that isn't solitary, so idk.
Honestly i think a lot of farmers would be very well suited for law in the sense that there's a general no nonsense attitude am0ng farmers, as well as incisive intellectual aggression. And not much of a desire to have some family that takes up your time. And kim from better caul saul is very mean and hot.
No. 872489
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I wanna fucking leave my job. I’m sick of having to babysit everyone and being responsible for other people not doing their job right. Why the fuck am I getting yelled at because a manager didn’t do their job correctly??
Problem is that I literally don’t know how to describe my job duties or apply them to another job out of my narrow ass field. When I try to pick apart my skills it’s like “knows how to use this very specific program for this very specific job” or “I do this very specific thing daily”. I suppose the closest thing I can look at is marketing or operations, but can’t find anything lateral that pays better.
tldr I’ve hit a wall and don’t know how to describe my skills in any way I could apply to various jobs.
No. 872882
>>872254Thanks, anon. I'm still sitting here praying that I don't get the job. I feel like the reasonable thing would be to accept it, learn Excel and stuff on their training (I think the first week or month is just training), give it a shot for a month and resign if I don't like it… but nothing seems interesting or exciting about it (beyond the money). I also find it sus that the interviewers didn't want me to ask a lot of questions (to be fair, they also didn't ask me the usual bullshit). They hurried me up, so I only asked like 3-4 questions and the male interviewer was like 'okay, so can we move on or do you have any other questions?'. A few days ago, I had a job interview with (what turned out to be) a scammer company, and even they allowed me to ask as many questions as I wanted.
It would be good to keep looking for the job that I want while working, but I'm worried that I will be too tired to do that. Plus, I will be expected to work 9 to 5, so when would I set up a job interview?
I have a big problem with accepting the first thing that I find because I don't believe there is anything better for me and I'm afraid of the risk of losing money (been superpoor most of my life)
No. 872910
>>872498I'm seconding/thirding the wig idea. I could see a fashion related position tolerating some sort of hat during the interview process, but a wig is your safest bet
>such a visible "yikes this bitch is nuts" conditionThey don't know and
don't have to know why you're wearing a wig. You could have alopecia areata, you could have had chemotherapy that made your hair fall out, you could have had a hair treatment in the past that went wrong and burnt your scalp, you could have worn one too many hair extensions that weakened your follicles, you could have a genetic hair disorder that run in the family, you could have had moles removed from your scalp because they were cancerous, etc there are literally myriad of reasons why one might want to wear wigs. And if they ask you about it, you could always lie and say one of the previous things that I listed
>it still looked so fake and awkwardJust focus on being presentable, no stray hairs, make it sure it doesn't fall off, wash it before you put it on and also make sure that your outfit is suitable for the interview. Maybe you could do try-on sessions and just wear it around the house or wear it to the store or just go for a walk in it to get used to it. It only draws attention to it if you're visibly uncomfortable in it, if people see that this is something you always wear and you look natural, they are not gonna ask questions
No. 874277
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Any anons work with Tableau and freelance? I'm looking to start trying to freelance in addition to my 9-5 so I can get more experience in it, I use it some at my job but I want to eventually move into a full time job only doing Tableau. The work I do is mostly intended to be internal and is confidential so I can't exactly show potential clients. What are good projects to build your portfolio? Also is it worth it to get certified through Tableau?
No. 874348
>>874345Hey anon, you can totally quit when you want. 2 weeks notice is a curtesy. If you have any friends at that job, make sure to get their contact info and permission to use a referral.
On your resume or application for your next job, you can say “ I left for personal reasons and for more opportunities.”
Hope this helps.
No. 876021
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Sharing because I thought it was funny
>Quit from lab job a month ago bc they fucked me over in a promotion by moving me to a different department out of no where (had to "start over" with my experience basically)
>Finished summer classes a week ago
>Rev up in applying for positions
>Get first response within first week
>Get excited then realize that this company has next to no online presence
>1st red flag
>When the company reached out on LinkedIn they said "volunteer"
>wtf I wouldn't apply to an unpaid position
>Try to check posting that I applied to, its gone
>more red flags
>decide to just do the (phone) interview to see what's up
>First thing that happens is earrape feedback from interviewer
>Thick af Indian accent
>Goes on whole spiel and finishes with "and I just want you to know its unpaid, is that ok?"
>silence then I say "…no"
>"understandable, have a nice day" and quickly hangs up
Obviously this one was a scam, but how tf are unpaid positions allowed still?
No. 876448
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Anons who have a job that they actually like…what job is it? What field do you work in? I need to get inspired.
No. 876769
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Do any of you work as 3d artists? And what are the best places to post your works? My guess is Artstation, Dribbble, and Behance.
No. 877037
I just got a call for an interview for a library aide position at a middle school. I've never actually worked in a school before, does anyone here have a similar job? One of my old coworkers got a job at a library and he seems to enjoy it so I hope it wouldn't be too crazy with kids.
>>876873Anon that's awesome. Alcoholism is so hard to beat but the recovery process can make such a huge difference to both the people willing to attend meetings and their friends/family
No. 878665
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I just got a job as a tutor and while I'm excited to finally earn some money I am insanely nervous about fucking it up. I'm currently tutoring a student who needs help with statistics for an assignment and the whole thing is stressing me out so much. I'm afraid I'll make mistakes and teach her to do the wrong things, I'm afraid of not communicating in a professional enough way, not wording emails right, generally failing… I can feel my heartbeat and adrenaline going crazy when I'm tutoring. Especially when it's an online zoom session and I can't read their body language.
How do you look confident and like you know what you're doing when in reality you're extremely insecure? Everyone else seems so sure of themselves and natural while I feel like I'm an incompetent child just pretending to fit in with the grownups. Advice very much welcome because I'm at a loss.
No. 878728
My old job that I hated contacted me back. They want me to come back work with them again, possibly on slightly better conditions. I have already agreed to another job that I'm not super excited about
>>872882, which would allow me to learn new things, but pays much less. Honestly IDK what to do. I need money so bad, but the previous job has been ruining my mental health. IDK if the new one is gonna be better tbh.
No. 878833
>>878739>If you learn new things, your gonna become more marketable in the future and therefore you can earn more.I'm thinking about this too. I don't want to be stuck in the travel industry forever.
>Also your mental health is invaluableThe only problem is that my old, shitty job would allow me to pay for weekly therapy, ADHD diagnosis (which will cost 1/3 of my new job salary) and physical therapy for my broken wrist (trying to get this paid by national healthcare, but not sure how it goes). It gives me some money to burn (or spend on my health), while the new job barely covers credit card payment (me and my bf use them like debit cards). It's also not clear if the new job will allow me to work remotely, while the old one guarantees this. On the other hand, I've been fucking miserable for 5 years in that old job and I doubt that small changes (no phone calls, only chat and supposedly one booking system) will change that. I cannot stand waiting for the next contact and wondering what insane shit will I have to fix this time.
>>878746How are you dealing with expenses? Or were you smart enough to spend only half of your salary and save the rest? I'm really nervous about barely having money…
No. 879579
>>879516not sure where you're from anon but in the UK at least you need to exaggerate the fuck out of your symptoms to qualify for disability - even if you have a
valid disability. Don't feel bad about exaggerating symptoms as lots of us tend to play down their severity/ what we might be able to do on a good day. Speak on disability forms as to your abilities on your very worst day, not your good days
No. 879600
Today I (>>877037) got the call for a clerical position at the school. The library opening wasn’t a perfect fit because it also requires doing lighting/sound/audio and I have no experience with that. But the principal said she really liked all the candidates and that I could use my background in graphic design to help the different departments. I’m kind of nervous but also excited because the school is near a Uni I could transfer my credits to!
>>878773I was wondering about that as well but the woman who interviewed me said they contact the reference after they choose who they want to hire.
No. 879605
Still trying to get a job in the graphic design field tbh. I have everything I need but can't seem to get any callbacks except for customer service jobs. "networking" is bullshit
>>879575They literally only shill literal slavery jobs unless you have a super phd masters and personally shook the hand of your nation's leader.
No. 887471
>>882488If you've worked retail, then try aiming for a receptionist position. I worked retail for two years before I quit because it was taking such a large emotional/mental toll on me and found myself a receptionist position. I will admit that I got very, very lucky that a recruiter found my profile on indeed and my company hired me. It takes a little bit of adjusting to, and it's still customer service so you'll have to deal with shitty people, but ended up being significantly easier to me than working in a retail store. Once you get your foot in with at least one admin/receptionist position, it'll be significantly easier to move around from there. I was interviewing for an HR admin position to get into HR work (without the degree) and one of the interviewers told me she sort of stumbled into the field too so she didn't mind that I didn't study it. I opted to return to the company that first hired me as a receptionist for a different role that was related to my field of study (politics, just wanted to try it out and see if it was for me). If it doesn't work out I'll go back to admin work/trying to aim for an HR role again.
I'm also supposed to be off my probation period at the end of this month which means I'll be eligible for my company's health insurance plan… I know I should cancel my current plan before it happens so I don't get charged for it but I'm paranoid that they might not actually want to keep me and if I cancel my health insurance then I'll be screwed for the rest of the year. My boss likes me enough I think, but he's quiet and a little hard to read so I'm not entirely sure… He did just have me apply for a long term press pass to cover a certain place though, so I guess this is basically the green light that he wants to keep me?
No. 888141
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>>888074Look at fancy pants over here getting rejection letters.
No. 888196
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>>888158Praying for you, anon!
No. 888262
>>882488Call-centers/Customer Service like
>>887860 said can be done from home nowadays. I'd also encourage getting into some form of development work…Data analytics or web development is highly in demand and you can learn everything for free online.
Microsoft certs are always good and carry a lot of weight like Azure developer. Also Comptia certs like A+, security, network+ etc.
No. 891380
>>891361Good luck anon! At my retail job I averaged
at least 20k steps a day, now I’ll be lucky if I hit even 5k! I purposely get off a stop before/after my actual stop and walk 10-15 minutes to work/home to get myself moving a little bit more… I’ll admit I do miss being able to be on my feet for 9+ hours and feeling absolutely nothing, now I can’t even walk for 2+ hours without my feet hurting, even in my comfy sneakers! I do morning yoga as well and I’m trying to figure out when to figure out time for the gym
No. 894494
>>894154I had to do the same thing for a job I just got (high risk environment) and I passed even though tbh I’m pretty mentally ill.
Hope you do fine anon.
No. 894503
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I got ghosted earlier this week for an interview for a phone repair job. The male that called me I guess thought that I was also a male (I have a boy's name) and I corrected him. We set an interview up for the next day and he never called me back. This was one of those 'we will train you' positions. His loss honestly, because my autistic ass is a very quick learner and I love working with my hands to repair and make things. I was also fucked out of a job because the manager had a crush on my bf years ago and he didn't return the feeling so now she hates me for some reason. I've never said a single negative thing to the girl. I hate that hiring managers can throw your application out just because they don't know how to separate their personal feelings/beliefs from their professional lives.
No. 894741
>>894421>>894476>>894494It's because it's an high risk environment like anon said. I'd work in hospitals and social service centers.
I still felt really uncomfortable answering that question, it also asked for my weight.
No. 896270
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>>895305>>895334Tried it and it didn't go well. I only had one try left on one of the questions and started to stumble a bit in my words, paused, and then blanked out like a moron. I realized then that there's probably not even going to be a real person watching these videos, and probably not even a real person who decided to read my application either. I didn't deliver the interview and instead sent an e-mail to the hiring manager stating that I would like to withdraw my application. They just replied today asking me to finish and deliver my online interview with no mention of the e-mail I sent, so that's probably also just a bot with a woman's name attached to it, kek.
No. 896286
>>896272I googled and it seems like they are pretty popular already. It kinda sucks. I have become very good at doing face to face, video and phone interviews, so to think that I now have to start practising being just as energetic and relaxed in front of a robot is just demoralizing.
No. 896767
Tomorrow I'm supposed to start my job as a junior data specialist, and I'm having a nervous breakdown. I'm in poor mental health (seriously thinking of going to outpatient) and I'm horrified of meeting all those new people that will expect me to do a good job. I will have a training, but it doesn't change that I hate counting, hate excel, and this is what I would be dealing with. I feel pathetic for agreeing to this offer in the first place (because of money, of course). Should I go? On one hand, maybe it will not be as bad as I think. However, if I do go, I will have to immediately sign the contract which will make me lose unemployment benefits (low, but better than nothing). If I decide the job is not for me, I will still have to work 2 weeks since I inform that I want to resign.
I'm such a mess right now. Big problem is that I really have no idea if there even is a job suitable for someone with my low skills and huge mental health issues. I suck at maths, I suck at manual work, I thought I could write but turns out that's bullshit (and my messed up brain makes it impossible to focus on anything, so yeah). I am seriously so sick of myself and the world, it's like there is no place for me
No. 896792
>>896788I'm sorry about that anon. I know how you feel. I did not major in something art-related but I also fell hard for the "do what you love!11 be in a creative field" meme and majored in something that is "creative" and that I absolutely hate. I was actually thinking of getting my Masters in Teaching myself but I just don't want to get into more debt and I'm scared that I will make super low pay/be treated like garbage.
If you are still into CS, from what I understand it is not difficult at all to transition into it and you don't even need a masters degree for it. You can just get certificates or do a coding bootcamp and learn a lot of it by yourself. I have no experience with CS though, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt when it comes to it.
No. 896815
>>896792I wish people were more honest about how hard it actually is to be successful in creative industries, sure it's possible but you really have to weigh up whether it's viable for you personally. Just being good at art isn't enough. What pisses me off is that I had extremely good grades and could've studied a much more lucrative degree - this isn't meant to be a humblebrag because it's literally impossible now - and no one ever sat me down and said 'what the hell, you're ruining your life'. I mean, that's just common sense. Don't be an artist instead of a lawyer or a programmer as if it's the same fucking thing, it's a much riskier venture and it shouldn't be controversial to point this out.
Thanks for your kind words, I'll probably pursue the CS thing but the amount of time and money wasted on my 'art career' will haunt me.
No. 896835
>>896815NTA but I get how you feel. I was (and sort of still am) in a similar place, fucked my education situation up, and just got marched through it due to sunk cost fallacy. But I’ll say this: anon, it was the best path we could’ve chosen at the time, with our situations, and with our choices. You probably did the best thing with what you had back then. No use letting it “haunt” you— or it will quite literally paralyze you, keep you regretful and anxious forever, stuck in a cycle of powerlessness. What’s done is done, you can’t change, we must accept that we made retarded choices when we were 18 and accept them with a smile. Take the L and move, or you’ll find yourself in the same place in a couple of years. Let it be a lesson: you weren’t immune to the “cultural moment” back then. Now try to cultivate mental independence, and become less “porous” and more resistant to your surroundings.
I’ve also seen lots of people with creative backgrounds in CS. Most importantly, have fun. Lots of people looking for a role or an image to adjust themselves around, but you’ll stop giving a shit once you stop letting people’s judgement impact you in any meaningful way and realize that most of them are retarded. And avoid people who willingly paralyze themselves. Learned helplessness is a contagious disease.
No. 896942
>>896815Just wanted to chip in and say I also went through the same thing. Art teachers remind me of remorseful parents that bug other people to have kids just so they can stop suffering alone. A lot of people talk about the disdain people in STEM have for people in arts and humanities but nobody really talks about how it also applies the other way around.
Something to think about is that your art background could come in handy in the future depending on what you want to do professionally, maybe it'll even open some doors for you.
>>896835>Now try to cultivate mental independence, and become less “porous” and more resistant to your surroundings.This is one of the best pieces of advice I've read in a bit.
No. 897010
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Somehow the concept artists get yelled at for fucking up the tiniest details, but when I ask two separate guys from the 3D department for a simple screenshot from the game's engine, they BOTH manage to fuck it up 5 times in a row. Christ on a bike.
No. 897894
>>897689You're going to need to learn all the current words and pronoun habits.
Try to emphasise that you want to "make space for everyone" that way you can justify why you don't overshare your own experiences and opinions
Read Pink News and Autostraddle every day so that you've got all the hot conversation pieces
No. 899633
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I start a new job cleaning in a hotel soon.
Can anyone tell me what I can expect at this job? Any advice, tips, etc on how to not fuck this up?
No. 899642
>>899633Hit the gym, it'll be a lot of heavy lifting and being on your feet all day. People will treat you like garbage and talk down to you, you might get blamed for things you didn't do. Turnover is very high, prioritise being fast over being meticulous. Nobody wants meticulous, everyone wants fast. If it
looks clean and passes the usual checks, it's clean as far as you're concerned. You will seriously get fired for being too slow.
No. 905267
>>905243Not in the field but I think you have to aggressively market yourself and put yourself out there. Are you on behance? Do you have your own website with your portfolio? Do you post your art regularly on social media? You have to grab every chance you have to expose people to your art and get potential clients
Are you in therapy? You don't sound like you got out of that mental health rut, your self-esteem sounds super low. You have to practice self-compassion and avoid labeling yourself as a loser
No. 906911
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After nearly 2 years of being unemployed I've got accepted into an internship as a Javascript developer. I've been learning by myself with FreeCodeCamp/Udemy and other random resources because irl courses are all too expensive. I'm so happy because I've got to start all over again + it's a paid one and the company has positive reviews.
No. 906924
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>>905940>Study medieval artists, because their art is beautiful and earthy and realkek
No. 907071
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>>906912>>906924Nta but I give these 100% beautiful and earthy grade
No. 907080
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>>906924to be fair, the columbine flower is very realistic in this piece
No. 907337
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Does anyone have any experience working in the financial sector in the UK? how easy is it to get a job? how competitive is it? I wanted to become an accountant or actuary, and I plan to do an accounting course that allows me to become an accountant and doubles as an apprenticeship at my local college. I want to do this before I go to uni because I don't want to be one of those people that get out of uni and are unable to get a job and are crippled by debt (even though my dad insists that I should go to uni straight away because I'm 'guaranteed a job' once I leave, which I contest because I don't want to risk it)
No. 908035
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I was a NEET for my entire early 20s and it wasnt until about 2 years ago that I turned it all around- got a salaried office job, moved out on my own, got friends, dated. My life is objectively better but secretly sometimes I feel like working a 9-5 has made me so much dumber.
I think part of it is that I'm just…so tired, all the time. My job is really cushy and a desk job and it can be stressful but it doesn't take much creativity or problem solving. Just a lot of data entering and customer service. I spend most of my time just listening to audiobooks or podcasts while I work and it's ok but I'm never fully engaged I guess. and at the end of the day I am just exhausted, I don't ever do anything creative or exciting anymore because I just want to relax and mindlessly watch TV or scroll on my phone.
Most of my friends are this way too so I don't think it's unusual and honestly I'm really happy and thankful for my job. I was so lonely and depressed when I was a NEET. But I can't deny that I felt like I was more creative and just more idk, interesting. But that was because I had literally all day to do whatever I wanted (at the expense of being in a toxic and abusive home). I would never complain about it out loud because I do like my life now but I hate feeling like I'm just getting dumber. I legit don't understand people that have the focus, drive, and energy to maintain a 9-5 and also have hobbies…I know they exist but just, how???
No. 911661
>>894154I'm this anon.
Yesterday morning I had the call with HR.
So finally this is clearly not ok. They asked really intrusive questions like if I ever tried to commit suicide or been inpatient. They asked me to agree to let them consult my medical file. I still havn't filed the paperwork.
There is no reason for them to ask me these kind of things. I emailed the syndicate yesterday as a friend suggested. I am still waiting on a response.
I would really love to get this job but this crosses the line. If because of that I don't get the job, it will at least prevent others to have to deal with that.
After the call I called my mom almost crying because I was so upset.
No. 914222
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Anons I REALLY need some advice, please.
I lost my job but found a new one within 2 days of my contract ending, so it's really sudden. However I don't know if I should take it or not, the problem is that it's a customer support/call center type job with shit pay, working 365 days per year, night shift etc.
I usually woudln't even consider it BUT it's IT support for Linux so I'd get to work with servers and stuff like that. HOWEVER, the chances of actually learning anything and getting put into some kind of shit role are 50/50. I'm interested in IT (fontend stuff tho) but it might give me tiny help with getting into the field.
I'm in no hurry to find a new job and idk if I should take this one or chill and hope for something with better pay or maybe even try to start to get an education.
No. 914275
>>914222I'm a graphic designer for a company but somehow also have a salesperson role forced on to me. I do not envy the anons stuck doing fetish art though lol
>>914222Anon, I think unless you really need a check it's not worth it. If you're a real go-getter and willing to work toward a department job you actually want, then you can try. Otherwise I think just take some time to chill and browse for jobs that actually seem exciting to you. Really, I think it comes down to your money situation.
No. 914489
>>914423The contract is 6 months at first and after that I think it's permanent, which would require me tto quit if I wanted to leave.
Man, idk, I'm getting mixed replies everywhere on this whole situation. It's way underpaid for a L1 position but I have 0 experience and education so it's somewhat understandable. On the other hand it's hand on exp which I could use to build some kind of fundation.
I'm not too broke, just burnt out from my previous shit job and getting another shit job is just tiring since I spent my entire early 20s in shit jobs.
No. 915224
>>914896That's a cool ass job,
nonnie. You should try to find a mentor ASAP. I bet there'd especially be women who'd be willing to take a new member of the press under their wing. Even without, though, your employer saw your potential through your lack of experience, so don't worry too much about having to take some time to learn the ropes. They surely understand.
No. 915400
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No. 915737
>>914896>>915264lmfao UN people are a bunch of spergy boomers, don't expect anything else and you will be pleasantly surprised if some of them are normal and not whiny pissbabies.
I know, I've worked for them (not AT UN, though).
No. 917968
>>915821>apply for internships (this is your best bet by far)>go to company-hosted events for new grads and free conferences>sign up for industry mailing lists (and join the industry slack if there is one and you want to)>volunteer in the least shitty professor's lab>>915818Either by showing a lot of skill and promise, getting an offer after doing an internship, or
>>915886. In tech at least, big companies have new grad programs, though I imagine they're extremely competitive.
No. 919552
okay so, this is gonna be a blogpost and for that I apologize
but anyway. I'm a delivery driver for a restaurant chain. I started this job summer of last year, which means I've been working there just over a year. they started me out on like 25 hours a week then moved me up to 30, which I worked all last winter. it was mostly earlier shifts and made decent money. well they keep changing shit and trying to find ways to save money, which is understandable. for example they used to have a driver and a manager come in before opening, then a second driver come in at opening. they stopped doing this and only have a manager come in before opening, then a driver come in at opening and another driver a few hours later. they also changed the way we do prep so that we don't need as much of it. we have a high turnover rate and I've seen so many people get hired, work a few weeks (or less) then disappear completely I've lost track. but back in spring they hired this guy to work earlier shifts, and me and him worked side by side for a while and then when summer started they put me on late shifts. I was making bank. but then in july I took a week off to go on vacation and when I got back he cut my hours to 25, and now I'm working 2 earlier shifts a week and 3 late short shifts. tips have also been really shitty lately.
at first I didn't take it personally when my hours got cut, cuz I was just like, he (my boss) is probably cutting everyone's hours. but then I looked at the schedule and the guy they hired back in spring (so he has only worked here like 4 months) is getting 42 hours a week. mind you, there are a lot of drivers here as we cover a wide area and only one other driver before this actually got 40 hours a week. ngl, I am salty, and it's hard not to take it personally. there is also another female driver who gets more hours than me, even though the managers are constantly complaining about her and writing her up for doing shit like being on her phone when she's not supposed to, she's also late a lot (but so are a lot of the other drivers and non-drivers). when another driver started a few months ago, my boss had me train her and told her I was one of his best drivers. yet he cut my hours, and gave even more to someone way newer? Idgi but whatever. on top of that, they are pretty much always hiring more new people and advertising on indeed.
I like my boss and my coworkers, and the job in general, but it is kind of a dangerous job. it is also getting to be winter again, which means it's getting darker earlier, and people don't turn on their porch lights 1/2 of the time, don't answer there phones 80% of the time either. then when I have to go back to the store (because they don't like us to just leave food sitting out there) the person will call and yell at us for not delivering their food. this used to just happen once in a while but lately it has been happening all the time. also in the past few weeks I almost got attacked by people's dogs twice, at the second time it happened the guy didn't even tip. I understand that some people are broke, but some people will be ordering $50, even $90 worth of food and not tip- one time a car dealership ordered $197 worth of food and didn't tip. also I live somewhere where the roads get completely covered in snow/ice for 6 months out of the year. if the shitty tipping keeps up this job will definitely not be worth it.
even with crappy tips and cut hours I am making more than I made at 30 hours a week at my old job, so I kind of can't complain. all of that being said they're actively trying to replace us with self-driving cars though. I don't have any other skills, can't afford college, not eligible for loans either. I have been aiming to teach myself to code for about 5 years now and still haven't done it, even though I have a stack of coding books and some udemy courses on it. I also tried taking a computer science course at my local college and failed it. Idk what to do, sometimes I think I'm too stupid for anything but a customer service job.
No. 920722
>>920704>Nonitas what would you feel its your limit in a job? Like at which point do you decide you no longer wish to work there?When the pay no longer justifies the shit I have to deal with.
I'm not one of those people who works in my dream field, nor do I have a dream field or job I want to do. My bare minimum is a (mostly) low stress job with decent pay. I left retail for admin work and took a pay hit, but it left me with more time and the mental capacity to enjoy life outside of work because I had solid hours. There will be annoying people no matter where you go, but I don't think anything compares to customers who treat you as less than the gum on their shoe. The pay hit was more than worth it for me anon. What is good pay when I'm spending it mindlessly to try and escape the depression my job gives me? Even though I worked a lesser paying job, I was able to pay off loans and save more because I didn't feel the need to always buy stupid shit (but I think this depends on the person lol I'm not very materialistic anymore).
People who tell you you're a whiny bitch for not wanting to stick with retail probably haven't worked retail. It's dehumanizing, it's soul destroying, and I will sooner commit suicide than ever going back to it because I will be depressed and off myself anyway working it again.
No. 921888
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New boss is a munchie confirmed. Wtf do I do??
We spoke briefly about health on my first day because I asked about sick leave policy, and it led to her telling me a half hour story of her nearly dying from mysterious shit the doctors couldn't diagnose. Red flag of course. Soon after I'd say hi to her and she will randomly bring up her other health problems, I think whatever, some people just don't know how to make conversation. But the weird thing is she looks so happy telling these stories about being in the ER or breaking her leg on the train or some shit. Creepy. Now she's coming to me out of the blue ranting about how sick she feels (of course she looks fine but muh invisible illness) and it's always when I need stuff from her or she's got a big deadline.
Fuck I wish I'd stonewalled her in that first conversation, now I have to do a fake sympathy dance several times a day.
Is there a way out of this dynamic anons?
on the bright side she has low expectations of me because she never gets anything done herself so I'm coasting like a pro kek
No. 922420
>>921923Thanks for the suggestion
nonnie but it's hard for me to avoid her or slip away. There are only four people in the company. Even when we don't talk we're in an open plan office so she sends me Skype messages and then looks over to see if I've opened them. I am going to try changing the subject before she gets on a roll but I've literally been here a week and it's like every day she ratchets it up lmao kill me
No. 929735
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I was laid off from my dream job that I wasn't at for very long thanks to the pandemic last April. Since my area was taken off of serious lockdown I've been applying to jobs. It's been a year. Not one call or email back from any place I applied. I'm not applying for jobs I'm not qualified for; most have been retail and eateries. Nothing. I don't know what to do.
No. 929983
>>929735Listen, I don't know if this will help you, but it is my belief that the universe balances things out, so you are going through a tough time right now because you had the luck of landing your dream job, in the first place. Similarly, this period of transition will pass, and you will find a great job again, at some point, a job so great, it will bring out the best in you, professionally!
Hang in there. I know it sucks, but remember that a lot of people were laid off because of the pandemic, so probably lots of people apply for the same position. Try to change your approach, I don't know how, but do it!
No. 930393
Oh fuck I forgot I posted this work vent haha.
>>914942>>915224Thank you nonnies! I saw a girl the other day approach other journalists and start talking to them and overheard that she was new and I'm so jealous… I think after years of retail I'm pretty okay at talking to strangers, but there's a definite feeling of unworthiness since this wasn't something I studied to do. I did introduce myself to someone last week though! Here's to hoping I can suck it up and start introducing myself some more. Now that high level week is over, things have calmed down thankfully.
Unfortunately my boss (an expat) just came in this year too and the person he replaced didn't explain much to him either so we're both pretty much headless chickens kek.
>>915264>be polite, but if there's something you want, be firm.Damn that's just good life advice, thanks
>>915737Definitely scary talking to anyone here, it feels like something I'm not allowed to do!
No. 931608
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I think my desk neighbour at my new job is trying to flirt with me. I'm 21 and the youngest person in the office, he's 30 and married with 3 kids. At first I thought he was just being friendly but every now and then he winks at me or gives me like a knowing smirk. We did a Zoom meeting during our last lockdown and were discussing social distancing if/when we went back to the office, and he made a joke about how we should stay away because "anon and I are basically sitting in each others laps haha". Am I overreacting? What would you do?
No. 931863
>>931856My heart goes out to you anon and I hope you nail the bastard
It's not snowflakey or lazy at all, anyone with any awareness would understand
Do you think it's a possibility that you might actually become cold and distanced after the proceedings, in which case the crash might not come until immediately afterwards?
You don't need to tell your coach everything if you don't want to like you said but imo it would be best to let them know you're going to face an abuser in court and may need time off, but leave the possibility that you might be fine because maybe there will be a pause before you really need that time off and actually keeping busy immediately afterward might be something you want
No. 931877
>>931856anon im really sorry you’re going through that. i also had to testify against my abuser, i was uni at the time and took the semester off except for 1 online class. i was also working at a student arts organization and i managed to speak to my boss to get a month off. totally different, but i really don’t think you’re asking too much, in fact i think you owe it to yourself to take care and pay attention to yourself and your emotions. it’s going to be hard. personally i don’t think four days is enough. do you think you could take leave for a month, could you afford it? i’m sure any human with a conscience would empathize. i understand your hesitancy, but this is a crucial time for you and if you just grit your teeth and work through it you might end up doing more psychological harm to yourself in the end. you’re not lazy or unprofessional, you’re a normal human being deserving of understanding. you’re not a machine. best of luck to you
No. 932901
>>931863>>931870>>931877thanks for the advice/insight/best wishes nonnas! i had to talk to my boss about it pretty much immediately after i posted and he was really awful about it ("you should have predicted this would happen and have let me know a month earlier; why do you need that much time; this is your responsibility" etc etc)–newsflash boss, the legal process is long and unpredictable and i told you as soon as i knew. i can't believe he reacted like that even with the brief description i gave ("i was the
victim of a violent crime, i have to testify in a long trial and it will be very hard on me.") well, i can believe, he's a rich man with no empathy, what else did i expect lol.
but then i had a chat with my coach and told her about his behavior. she was furious on my behalf and just wanted me to be okay. i think she gave him some very strong words about his behavior being inappropriate for the situation and that he's lucky human resources isn't getting involved. she told him that he is not to contact me during those 2 weeks whatsoever, and that it's non-negotiable. she also told me that, if 2 weeks isn't enough, i just let her know and she'll make sure i can take more time if i need it. thank god for women.
>>932848congrats anon!
i think the hardest thing for me when i started a career was that you have to be extremely accountable. i don't know what type of position it is, but if somebody's talking at you, take notes because you never know when they're going to turn around and say "anonette, you can do that, right?" so always listen with at least one ear, because what they're talking about might land on your plate.
No. 934729
>>934618Hey anon, did set work for years in LA. It doesn’t seem likely they will give you a raise. I remember having to fight tooth and nail for my pay.
Isn’t there a union strike going on?
No. 935229
>>934729Most my work was on location. I did work the BET awards in 2014, pretty sure that was downtown. (That was a blur, I was so damn nervous)
I was AC and also helped out occasionally in G&E. (Non union, day player stuff mostly)
But hey LA pal, hope you’re surviving and thriving!! Don’t take shit on set and keep rocking it.
No. 940720
>>939570I think that's way too far out, places are usually expecting 2 weeks or so (for you to give in and do your 2 weeks at your last company). They might be accommodating since you are still in school, but it really depends on them.
>Never having worked even part time before, could I handle it?You have to fumble and learn to handle it at some point, no one's ever really "ready" for their first job I feel. Every place you'll be at, whether for work or internship or other, will most likely be vastly different environments. Go for it. If it's just an apprenticeship I think they might be more understanding of your fuck ups, but there's only so much people will tolerate.
No. 940836
>>940821Congrats anon! I hope it all goes well. I was pretty wrecked when I started my first job in retail, it took me like a month to adjust. Not sure what your company is like but here are some things that helped me:
>wear comfy shoes>have water on hand and sip it regularly>keep snacks in your locker/bag/break room in case you feel low on energy>rest before/after your shift>make friends with coworkers if you can, shifts go much faster if you’re in the company of someone you enjoy>just chatting to customers if they’re niceAlso actively travelling to/from work really helped in regaining energy and decompressing after work.
No. 942892
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How do you deal with a useless manager? Our manager is like a David Brent-lite (also I hate Gervais so Brent was the perfect character for him). He is genuinely a nice man but he is terrible at his job. He is constantly wasting our time with useless crap whilst falling behind on his own tasks. Dealing with his incompetentence is really starting to grate on me. He clearly can't do whatever it is that he is paid to.
Does this shit ever end? Do I just need to suck it up?
No. 947247
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>be me min wagie slave
>used to be a manager with this company but stepped down to staff bc shit pay overworked etc
>it’s not so bad as staff but my hours have been cut recently and min wage is min wage
>so I’m staff but know how to do everything
>had some really bad experiences in the company that sucked a lot but I learnt what I could from them and moved on
>well. still kinda bitter
>”we care about mental health!” = turns a blind eye to years of very nasty WELL-documented bullying in stores, pressures people into working entirely unpaid overtime every single week blah blah blah
>anyway mgt relies on me a lot, no-one else in store knows as much as I do from years of taking job autistically seriously
>still not treated well
>few incidents recently prove that I am not going to be treated any better in the future
>want to leave but waiting for the right time
>stars align
>savings in bank
>BF/Xmas approaching so everyone is hiring
>PTO booked for half my potential notice period
>store has already lost several staff/mgrs recently
>did I mention it’s retail and BF/Xmas is approaching
>know full well that the store is hanging by a thread, one more key member of the team goes and they’re going to have a bad time
>notice waiting in my bag downstairs for the morning
This farmer is ready for a fresh start. The grass might not be greener elsewhere, but I’ve got a lot more backbone and a lot more common sense than I did when I started here, I don’t mind. Wish me luck frens.
No. 947272
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>>947247good luck anon. u got this
No. 947284
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How do I pass the programming test for Amazon?
I failed one a year ago. Also I recall a forced webcam rule.
No. 950707
nonnie. Never answer calls or texts or emails outside work hours.
No. 954257
I had a job interview to pick up a second job, there's not much work out there because of covid but I had the interview. The place in town is notorious for workplace abuse and I've known people that have been hurt there, mostly teenage girls that don't know better.
It was all set to go ahead, but at the last minute I said to the boss and the boss's son
>This here's your son right? I don't know if you know this, but -everyone- around town has been saying that he abuses his workers and staff. Normally I'd say it's just gossip, but it's like 40 people I've heard this from and most of my family too. When I was in here for construction, all the other builders were saying it. The girls at X coffee shop he goes to say he's always in there yelling about how his coffee is not exactly right. When my mum was doing bread deliveries, she said he made a worker cry by humiliating him publicly, he was found crying in the toilet. Now I personally don't care that you abuse your workers, just don't do it to me and I'm all good to come in for the sundays
They told me to fuck off, which I expected, I laughed and said "I guess it really is all true then". I had like several job interviews all lined up for that day though and I'm confident I'll get a callback from one of them. And also part of me was just curious to see if the gossip was true. It was extremely satisfying to see him get angrier and angrier the more I listed all the things people have been saying.
No. 954818
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Anons, is there a way to blacklist a company's job postings? Also, why are the algorithms not doing their job by sending underperforming spam to the back of the line?
No. 954917
>>947293Assuming you're doing software engineering:
Study leetcode/hackerrank
work on your people skills (once you prove basic competency, most of the interview is just assessing whether or not you'll be a nightmare to work with)
Have tech things to talk about that you care about and know about. Personal projects are great for this, and even if you haven't made anything that's even halfway finished, they usually won't ask for proof of a completed thing.
anyways, good luck anonita.
(Esp if you get the job! All the female swe's (and most the male swe's) I know at Amazon are miserable!)
No. 957655
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I gave my boss a one month notice yesterday in confidence and she told literally the entire office by the end of the day today. I came back from lunch and was bombarded with questions from my coworkers.
No. 958450
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I accepted a job offer about a month ago and was supposed to start late October, however after going to HR and filling out paper work they said my start date would have to be pushed to process everything and I didn’t hear back for almost a week. When I called for a follow up they set up a date for new employee orientation; which I attended. When I asked again about my start date the HR lady told me I should receive a call from my new manager but it’s taking so long! How long should I wait? I don’t want to be pushy but I’m ready to call HR again…this sucks I just want to work.
No. 959120
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>>931608Hey y’all it’s this anon back again and my coworker is still being a weirdo. Since this post he’s still winking at me and keeps trying to discuss true crime with me, especially the gabby petito case.
What broke the camels back today was that he was having a phone call at his desk with an outside contractor and discussing a new system I set up. My name starts with an L, and when talking about the system with the contractor he said “yes it’s a new system our lovely Lanon set up” and looked at me. I kind of smile-grimaced in response and tried to hold back my vomit.
We were meant to be travelling to another city, just the two of us, for a three day conference at the end of the month but he’s just said he can’t go because his wife doesn’t want him travelling long distance during a COVID outbreak when they have 3 kids under 10. Thank God for small miracles amirite ladies
No. 959208
So I brought over three colleagues from my old job because we shared an
abusive boss and I thought they would enjoy the peace and quiet of my current workplace. BIG mistake. One is great, but the other two are bringing noise, competitiveness, and drama into what is usually a very quiet and stress free team. Now I feel like my boss gets along with the noisy two way more than me. Also pretty sure I heard one of them complain to our boss about me saying that I was happier to take the more difficult task because I enjoyed the challenge? (heard the words "we all have tertiary education" come out during that conversation, WTF)
>>957320Ask about the team, what kind of projects they have been working on, etc. It shows you have great interest in the role, organisation, and are looking forward to working with everyone.
Also for business casual a great way to build a wardrobe is by investing in several different coloured turtlenecks for AW, and silk blouses with varying sleeve lengths and necklines for SS. Pair with a variety of skirts (add tights for winter) and pants.
No. 959303
>>959160Some people are just like that. Guess your best bet would be to interact normally with them and hope they forget about it and start treating you like before.
>>959298I feel you. Had an warehouse job that was hard as fuck but somehow I prefer to run through a warehouse for 8 hours than to sit and stare at a screen. If you're not being monitored maybe you could just google around on your phone or play games? Or study something, watch educational stuff etc?
No. 959321
>>959317Depends where you live. They always count on someone being desperate or naive enough.
I'm from the fucking balkans and even we started to import workers because we have a "shortage" of them aka no one wants to work for shit pay
No. 965093
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>>943748Belated, but thanks for the reply anonita. A different manager was also fed up with this guys shit and politely inquired me on my grievances. Shit manager is now demoted and now ranks beneath the other one. We're not allowed to say this upfront however and he's now trying to throw one of my coworkers under the bus to save face. Fucking pisses me off but all I can do is stay put for now and keep an eye out for my coworker.
I take what my coworker says with a grain of salt but basically the managers been lowkey threatening to fire her for awhile. Is that shit ok???
No. 965843
>>965168They also had me come in for a “working interview”, paid that day and it went great. But the truth is, I have interviews elsewhere, so it’s really a game of who bites first.
It doesn’t make sense they would want me to work a whole day and then sit around a wait weeks to get hired.
No. 966178
Oh fuck, I made an error on my resume and got the job. I thought they already ran the background check, but they have not.
I was in a trade school for film. I had the opportunity to move before the last credits were completed for the associates degree. The director of the program encouraged me going, and said we could get my real- set work experience to count for the class credits. So I went out to LA, did the damn thing and didn't look back.
I made two mistakes; assuming I was graduating, and trusting my mentally ill mother to forward me any important mail. She never said anything, but she also snowballed two extreme addictions behind closed doors. Turns out, my credits were never taken care of, and I didn't graduate. (and I've had this on my resume for years)
Since I never heard of any issues from my school, I assumed my diploma was mailed to my mom. I was working 60 hour weeks in LA, so I clearly was using my education.
Now, 7 years later, I am in a completely different field, and I am working a position that requires the skill sets I have and no degree. Now I'm getting a job in an office doing paperwork for onboarding therapy clients.
Is it worth bringing up my education details on my resume, or do I let it be until it's brought up? They are going to run a background check, but I don't know how in depth it will be.
Fuck, nonitas, I'm sorry for the ranting but I dont know how to navigate this, and it was an honest mistake.
I'm not even sure if this is a real problem? I've had background checks done in between these years, and I've never had an issue before. I just hope I don't lose this opportunity, I could use a peaceful job.
No. 966189
>>966168>>966176Working this job for a bit I've come to realize the whole "young person job" is a bit of a myth. This isn't "high schooler/young person work", the average age there is like 35. There are more people on my shift that have been there for 5+ years than there are under 21s waiting to start their IT course. At other supermarkets I've been sent to fill in shifts for, it's exactly the same, there's more people there in their 30s than 20s.
>>966180Yeah, I'm loving how lowkey and stressfree my life is right now. It's such easy work we just waste time with the most petty of gossip, nothing about it is hard hitting and nobody gets upset because no one really cares.
No. 966233
>>966178This seems like a nonissue. You worked for years in the industry related to the degree you would have had, and you're now being hired for a job that's not even in a similar field. Unless there's some legal issue where they've made it explicitly clear you
must have a degree to hold the position, it likely doesn't matter to them at all. Most background checks are not for education but for clearing criminal history which is especially important working at a therapist's office. Otherwise, I wouldn't say anything unless they bring it up. You did attend the school and have equivalent work experience. If, somehow, they find out and say "I see you attended school but didn't finish a degree" just play dumb and say you'll look into it and act like you're just finding out everything you've explained here. Considering you essentially have the job already though, I imagine they'll make sure you've never been in jail and then simply proceed to onboard you.
No. 966235
>>966233Nonnie, I just wanna let you know, that this help me calm down a lot. Thank you for helping, and I hope you get all the jobs you want.
I will follow your advice, thanks!
No. 966391
>>966178You're worrying over nothing. This would
maybe be a concern if it was your first job, but even nowadays a degree is more of a bonus as companies are moving away from it being required for every role. No need to bring it up. You have actual experience in the field, and no degree can get you that.
No. 968654
>>968629This really depends on what kind of chat you guys were using and if they even check that. Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to not talk bad about anyone with coworkers (especially if you’re new) because some people just love to stir up drama like that. I almost got in trouble at an old job because I offhandedly complained about an annoying coworker to the wrong person, and he went straight to my manager and exaggerated what I said. It’s just not worth it, even if other people are doing it.
If they do bring it up, as long as you didn’t call him anything shitty like a slur or something, I don’t see why it would be a big deal to express frustration about poor training.
No. 968935
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I am currently looking for a new job and just had my first interview, it was a shitshow.
I was headhunted by a rival company but in the interview the guy kept talking at me as if I didn't know what I was talking about; grilling me on my six-sigma like it was an exam.
I chocked up at one point like an absolute idiot too. I don't think I presented myself well at all. At one point I autistically blurted out 'I like quality!' Like a fucking retard. I wish I had more tact.
He told me there is a two step interview and the second step is an 8D analysis with a little knowing smile like I don't know what that is even through I obviously do? Fuck that company man writing this post I realized I don't want to work in a place like that.
No. 969367
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>>968935>"I like quality!"kek anon for what it's worth, that would make an amazing t-shirt
No. 969837
>>969160Thank you!
>>969811Just lie to yourself, basically. I used to be very unsure about my work but once I started bullshitting people by acting confident (be very careful not to cross the line into cockiness though, it's easy when you're lying to come off
too confident) my coworkers were more receptive to me and even when I fucked up they didn't chew me out too badly over it. I guess it's a "fake it 'til you make it" mindset because I've actually grew to be better at my job and genuinely more confident since I knocked it off with the uncertainty and doubting myself. It definitely sounds easier than it is, but it helped me a lot. If you've got a close friend or partner try practicing with them. It's silly I know but being able to "rehearse" with my partner was a godsend. Good luck,
No. 970235
>>968935>Six sigmaFUCKING RUN
That company has been infected with MBA brain rot I promise you working there would be a miserable experience and no amount of money would make it worthwhile
No. 972200
>>972192They're usually scammers.
Look up what type of jobs you want and tailor your cv for it. Use fancy words, remove anything unrelated to the position, make sure things are spelled right, that's not too long and try to sell yourself like you've invented that type of job. Usually works for me. I even have "great at managing groups/teams" in my cv even tho my only experience with groups comes from doing dungeons or PUGs in video games kek
No. 972409
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>>972366haha cool. why are you posting spidie tho? anyway, tell Pieck i said hi, love that bitch!
No. 972940
>>972498The most successful person is my dad who has 10 years of trade so i doubt it will help and then the person next to him neve remade a resume. Everyone else has been at the same job for years. None of my friends would i say are successful.
I'll start looking at the senior position keywords as well.
>>972200I keep hearing mix advice about the length. Some say a page because recruiter won't look at it and then I hear other say 2pages gets you more call backs.
No. 983774
>>983772I hate it when it happens. Even when you're on a permanent contract you can STILL lose your job, especially in times like these, hard to achieve stability.
Hope you find something soon anon
No. 984066
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Any tips on how to deal with anxiety before coming into work? We're understaffed so I keep getting called in, I can't keep saying I can't, I feel horrible. At the same time I have autism and changes in routine are very stressful for me. I used to cry and freak out when I got called in unexpectedly, but now I just get severe anxiety. I don't think I could even sleep tonight if I told my manager I can come in tomorrow. I feel like such a bitch. Uggghhh. Pic unrelated, I just thought it was cute
No. 984125
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>Reformed NEET ready to move on
>Get hired for seasonal, go in for orientation
>HR person called out sick, do cashier training all day
>Next day: we're not even on the fucking system and wait 15 minutes, they fix their mistakes and we proceed
>Not able to finish orientation, get told to wait for a phone call for scheduling
1 day later
>Call 5 times, get called back 6 hours later "come in tomorrow thanks" (will most likely be cashier and specific area training)
>The entire time my sore throat has gone from itchy, manageable nuisance to full gagging, dizzy cold
>Call to reschedule, no one picks up for hours
I'm really going to have to call and wait at least 5 times tomorrow morning to reschedule if my cold doesn't magically disappear, or they put me as ncns
No. 984135
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>>984125don't give up hope yet, I'm rooting for you
No. 984435
>>984082Contracting SUCKS, but if you want stability then you're not going to find it in non-profits and you're DEFINITELY not going to find it in academia. Non-profits are constantly strapped for cash and in academia your success is based almost entirely on luck, who you know, how well you can play politics, and how much funding you can pull in; most people in academia are temps of some sort. If you want stability then a full-time position at a big company is a much better option, and if you really value comfort then a govt position is the best way to go. Seriously, don't let your awful experience as a contractor make you think academia is a better path because it's really, really not unless you're the like 1% of graduates who can
eventually land a tenure track position at a decent school. But I guess you'll learn more about that world from experience soon enough.
No. 984529
>>984125You might be in luck anon- most stores are desperate for seasonal temp staff, there's no harm in calling around while your current job is busy fucking you over. You now have experience and employment, which makes it a million times easier to find another job. Nobody gives a shit that you didn't technically complete your training, you can work a till and that is all they care about.
Also, congratulations for recovering from NEETdom! I suggest you get into the habit of looking for new jobs literally all the time, since there's a high chance you won't be kept on past the holiday period. Get shitty jobs in whatever sectors you can, it'll get you an employment history and more skills that you can use to climb the ladder and land a job you like.
No. 985150
>>985131i'd remove the ones that arent relevant to the ones im applying for and include a short sentence saying something like
"placement/experience as/in
insert job field from
insert time period" but dont actually go into any detail about it, that way they see what you have experience in without reading loads of stuff and can just ask you a direct question about it if they want
eg- "placements in the hospitality field from May 2017-20"
No. 988230
Same anon as
>>878833 and some more posts I'm too lazy to look around for on my phone. Just noticed the reply
>>949515 so I guess this is an update for the anon (if she is still around)
I'm extremely stressed about surprise quitting my job almost immediately after a COVID sick leave and in order to go to a mental health program. I would like to file my notice early, but I'm risking not getting sick leave money (which you get when you go to a psych ward) if something goes awry and salary. I hate corporations but feel bad for the 5 people I worked with even though I don't care about them as people and vice versa. My stomach hurts all the time, IDK what to do. I feel like a cheater even though I postponed my therapy group for a month because I didn't want to leave my team in the middle of all the black week work. Of course I cannot tell this to anyone… I had multiple sick leaves before due to various reasons. I've been asked how am I feeling about this job on an employee meeting and when I said that IDK because I'm in poor health that affects my performance (I didn't say more), the manager started sperging that he doesn't want to know anything about it. Excuse me? I'm extremely tight lipped, so IDK why he thought that I will start whining about my problems. When I got sick with COVID, he immediately implied that I should work from home cause there is a lot of emails and another worker (on quarantine, not actually sick) had no problem. I explained him my situation and he fucked off, while hoping I will start working ASAP.
IDK if I am more afraid of causing problems for others or getting chewed out for going on sick leave once more and quitting. Any encouragement or advice deeply appreciated. I would like to be fair, but I'm risking my ass by that (which my co-workers don't care about).
No. 988757
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Wish me luck, ladies, I have a zoom interview tomorrow for my first salary position. It won't pay very much, but it's 7-10k more than what I'm getting right now. I'm trying not to get too psyched out about it! If I don't get it, it's fine with me since I like my current job a lot, but I just want to get the interview over with lol.
No. 989692
>>989671I would just ask if they have some time to have a private talk with you. Then I'd just go forward and say it, that you're leaving and would like to put in your two weeks, and explain that you found a different company that you really like. You can say that you think it would be a good place for you to grow and further your career and don't have to mention finances at all (unless you want to see if you can get your bosses to match the pay).
People will get that people will leave for better opprotunities/pay, it happens all the time. You can't control how they might view you leaving. Some might take your words of gratitude for the company as honest, and some might think you're covering up why you really want to leave, but express it to them anyway if you want to. I think the best thing you can do to leave on a good note is to actually show up during your two weeks. I also like to privately leave messages for select people I was very close with on my last day, expressing my thanks to them, but that's just me lol.
No. 989719
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>>988763>>988805JUST FINISHED THE INTERVIEW AND IT WENT AMAZING!! I'll post here again on the final verdict, but I think I got it, anons. Thank you so much for the positive energy, love you guys
No. 989738
>>989710>>989712thank you guys so much this really boosted my confidence and made me feel less stressed and depressed. Also
>>989710 thats such a shitty thing because the years where you could gain experience you were probably in school studying like society tells you to!! wtf do they want from people!? I hope you find a job that takes you soon too if you havent already good luck!!
No. 989828
>>968935Samefag, I got the job. I will now make an extra third of my salary which is cool. I start in January. Turns out my autistic floundering was successful and the guy interviewing me was just awkward which he felt bad about, he later called me before the recruiting agent did and asked if I could come down just to see what they had to offer me. I got to meet the engineer team I will be working with and they were all very nice people.
>>970235I get what you mean, during the second interview I probed a bit on what they actually us the principles for. Turns out its just from time to time they use it to help them solve quality issues in the factory which is alright with me.
It actually turned out alright in the end.
No. 991123
>>991106Is she making money off of it already? You can’t quit a job if you’re not making money elsewhere.
I’d be more mad cause I’d feel like she’d be cheating on me in a way by having people thirst watching her.
No. 991129
>>991106kek what does she stream? just video games or something more unique?
it seems really hard to get started in video games or art streaming, but easier to get known in smaller hobby circles. Even if it is video games, it's important to have a unique niche, like playing only old games or only dwarf fortress or smth weird like that.
On that note what ever happened to the angry nintendo nerd? the og ganer streamer. People like when those animegirl streamers get mad & hit things, it makes for good viral clips too. So i think theres a niche for pissed off raging gamer girl.
No. 991650
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>>991471I'm so proud of you anon, wow
No. 992599
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have any of you dropped out of (grad) school because academia was killing you and found happiness or at least something close to it when working? i'm waiting for my bachelor's diploma to come in so i can start applying for jobs. i'm in my 1st year in grad school and i hate everything about it. academic writing, academic research, everything. probably because it's in the humanities so no fucking impact on the real world at all ever. not to mention the whole woke bullshit and not calling women women anymore and twans wights are human wights uwu bullshit. i wanna try and land a job as an in house translator at a company because i always enjoyed translating and i know of the difficulties too. i just worry that i'll regret it like picrel. my dream is to just get up, work for 8 hours, then go home and do nothing before going to bed. i'm so sick of not having a fixed routine and having to worry about stupid research projects and shitty homework all the time. i'm also almost 30 so i feel like it's time to finally start working seriously.
No. 992701
>>992599I was in college and i took one year off to make a little bit of money by working. Sure it's minimum wage but i kinda like it and my depression is 10 times less worse than last year when i was writing three 8 pages essays per week and and listening to boring classes 8 hours a day.
I was in art college (i guess you could call it that) and it was 90% classes abt philosophy, history etc and 10% actual art. Absolutely not what they told us what it actually was during presentations and other pamphlets. And all the students were ultra left wokies. Got scolded by one because i said "women condoms" instead of "feminine condoms" lmao. Problem is mom and dad want me to continue my studies even if all the deadlines, stress and shitty schedule make me borderline suicidal (and can't really say no cause i'm still fiscally with them etc). Istg i want to work as a minimum wage receptionist and make extra with my art, i don't want a prestigious job.
No. 992954
>>992599I was in a BS/MS program in chemistry where in theory I would do one extra year + a thesis and get a masters. In theory that would give me like a 5 year headstart on the usual career track or w/e. The department head was like "So basically you would be able to start out managing a lab instead of working in it."
As it turned out I guess I wasn't self motivated enough to do a whole research thesis thing on my own, I guess. But in my defense/cope, I was doing undergrad research in the same lab for a couple years and didn't really have anything worth talking about to show for it (results were basically "don't do this in water treatment, it may create more endocrine-disrupting conpounds than it eliminates" which is not very conclusive or interesting. And of the actual PhD students in the lab, one quit in the middle and one was graduating and wouldn't be there anymore. It was probably the most chill lab at my uni which is why I joined it, but I felt like I wasn't really getting any guidamce in terms of what to do, and I guess I wasn't enough of a keener to press people into giving me tasks, or to come up with something to do on my own.
Then the department head sent me & the one other guy in the same program an email that we hadn't paid the course fee for the thesis thing. Bullshit, because I am a fuckup and might have missed it, but the other guy was like a State Dept glowie's kid and very on top of it, so he wouldn't have - she definitely just forgot to tell us there would be additional tuition for that, and pretended like we fucked up instead lm fucking ao. Bullshit.
Anyhow at the same time I fucked up and got fired from this online shilling side job I had by submitting retarded shit about Yugioh when I was supposed to be shilling some Israeli politician (genuinely true believe it or not). I had been submitting rambling garbage about Yugioh for months and no one noticed for a long time. So I had to get a job to pay rent or ask my parents for money (fuck that) so I quit the MS thing cause I wasn't getting anywhere anyway, graduated with just the BS and got a near-minwage job at an ice cream store. I had a couple minwage jobs which like
>>992701 said were probably the happiest ive been in my life on a day to day basis although I guess I was worried about the future. But now my partner makes money online and I just help her as best I can kek. Anyway academia & offices fucking blow, I'm too lazybrained & antisocial for that. Things worked out for me but only because I decided fuck all that… if I was still trying to make it like a normie I would still be dead beat depressed every day (instead of just some days). I have no fear of the future because I know from experience that I'm perfectly happy doing a gritty job well if I don't have to be nice & social to do it.
Genuinely just do whatever tf you actually LIKE doing the most and even if it's flip burgers you will be fine. You don't know how rare it is to find someone who's not retarded who likes to flip burgers. You could be the best burger chef in America. There's so much to do outside academia and it's so much more fun without some fucking Department to think about… like .. fire me boy kek I'm the only burger flupper you have that isn't a merh head. It'll be fine just flip the fuck out when you want to. Don't bottle that shit… the world is retarded and gay, your earnest honest feelings and endeavors are the only thing worth a god dman bent dime. All the rhings you love…
No. 992971
>>992954Kekkk you'd be able to manage a lab with a BS/MS?? Were they trying to tell you it's equivalent to a PhD? That department sucks
BS/MS degrees are bullshit, I mean they're more work than a BS and can get you more money when you graduate, but a serious research environment will not consider them the same as a masters
No. 993056
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>How to get a job at the grocery store (in France)?
I’m taking the first steps out of NEETdom. I’m just very, very, anxious about the interview, and approaching an employer with my CV. The job tasks are not so daunting. I have no prior work experience, and my nerves manifest unappealingly through my speech. Wtf do I put on my CV. Any eurononnies that have advice?
No. 993166
>>993127lol it's different in France. She better prays she knows someone who works in one store personally so she can have her resume pushed to some recruiter or manager there. Even getting a part time job is hell on earth. She shouldn't give up though and pay attention to when winter and summer sales will start so she can apply at the right and place.
>>993056Va en agence d'intérim pour les tafs "simples" comme ça, et espère ensuite que ton contrat soit prolongé.
No. 993204
>>993189Too many people and not enough jobs, plus if you're looking for your first experience ever you'll have a hard tim getting a job because you don't have enough experience yet. It's crazy shit, I've looked for a similar shitty job in
Lyon as soon as I started university to save enough money to go on an exchange program and managed to find my first job at a total shithole in my very last year of university only because of the insane turnover rate. I couldn't go on the exchange program I wanted because of that shit. I also had to redo my last year because even for underpaid internships I struggled so hard I found mine way too late and had to be enrolled again. Most of my classmates had their first jobs or internships thanks to friends, nothing to do with networking, just pure luck.
No. 993356
>>993215Depends on the city and districts. Paris is fucked up like the other anon said, other big cities are less expensive but it's getting worse and worse because Parisians are coming here and the demand is raising prices quite fast. It also depends on neighborhoods in each city and whether your close to a subway or tramway station or not. In my city one room apartments are more or less the same price regardless of neighborhoods or districts or whatever you call them in English, but the prices start getting WAY more different as soon as you have two rooms. Having roommates can be a good way to save money but it's not as widespread as it is in, say, Paris or London.
>>993286Yes, absolutely, unless they study in very specific fiels like STEM, and not even then. I applied long ago for a summer job at Monoprix and in the quiz you have to fill in their website they blatantly ask you if you know someone who already works for Monoprix, and who exactly. It's some crazy shit for the equivalent of putting stickers on products for fucking Walmart.
No. 993450
>>993430Yeah I tried that and failed because I caught covid soon after leaving. And I left when the only recorded cases of covid patients were in China. I'm probably cursed but as soon as there's no more danger from covid I'm getting the fuck out of here.
>>993381All my friends are just like me and we met in uni and bounded over weeb shit, but it's a near miracle because most of our classmates were typical extrovert chainsmokers who only talk about being dumped by their bfs and having everything paid for by their parents.
No. 993584
>>992971Not like a uni research lab I assume, but rather a like company manufacturing facility thing? Idk really, never did an internship or anything in chemistry outside of uni because it seemed like shit work kek. Liked the science but the industry generally pays little and seems boring as shit.
My uni was quite good and I liked the professors but the department head had been there forever, didnt actually have a PhD herself somehow as it turned out (idk how that works) and was a random ass to me on a number of occasions so idk. My professor did say that I should just do a PhD but I didn't want to.
>>993248It was this site where you'd get paid about a penny a word to write SEO, blogspam and fake social media posts. I can do about 100 wpm if I'm just halfass rambling so it was $1 a minute = $60 an hour. Way better rate than mturk or other sites because it was supposed to be coherent and reasonably well written… but as it turned out literally no one was checking on the results.
So I just basically made sure to use the keyword 3 times, which was the only thing it checked, and then around that I would just literally free associate. Eventually, the site's biggest client noticed that he'd been getting fed crap for months and blew up at the site owner, who in turn blew up at me and tried to claw back my last 3 paychecks via paypal (he lost the dispute kek).
For a while I could find the crap I'd written on random weirdass spamblogs and stuff but idk if any is still there. No regrets really because although it was a sweet gig it was genuinely unethical and the owner was some kind of ayn rand lover with a creepy mormon wife. I shouldv'e written an exposé tbh…"I was a teenage shill"
No. 993625
>>993562Is it good depends on what they have in mind for you.
Shoot a mail and ask them what they're offering.
No. 994774
>>994759Research positions are equally scarce in private sector as in public, maybe even more so. Most ML or data science people are expected to be a part of production process instead, that is to develop their own soultions are integrate them with a product.
Try applying your techniques to actual usecases so you get a feel for the field.
No. 995386
>>992701>it's minimum wage but i kinda like it and my depression is 10 times less worse than last year when i was writing three 8 pages essays per weekyeah i think this will be my experience too. i don't have a fixed routine right now, every day starts at a different time and we only have like one class a day, but a lot of it is working on your own, doing research (aka reading shitty lit/cult studies papers) and just wasting time. if anything, my work/life balance is just too heavily leaning into the life direction, which would be good if i had a lot of friends and hobbies, but my hobbies are reading books and going to the movie theater, so i really don't need that much free time.
>>992954>Genuinely just do whatever tf you actually LIKE doing the mosti'll try my best to get to this point, nonna. i kept pushing myself to go to grad school because people always say that you earn more with a master's degree but lbr it's a fucking humanities field and i have no professional experience (turned into a shut in when the pandemic broke out because i have a chronic lung disease and didn't want to be exposed to it, so i ignored any and all internship opportunities for fear of my life) so when they see that i got an MA they're going to ignore my application because just based on that they would have to pay me more. i think it's smarter to just apply with my BA and some job experience later in life.
>>994693>congratulate yourself for getting out earlythank you, i was thinking that too re: dropping out in the 1st semester. i will have to try and find a job within the next 4 months because if i take another semester, i'll be 2/3 done with classes. i'll only have one semester of classes to go and then the 4th semester will be dedicated to writing my thesis. but i don't think i can stomach this bullshit anymore. it's just so stupid.
thank you for all your replies, anons, i feel a bit more secure in my decision now!
No. 996252
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Anons, is it worth it to accept a low paying job in Southern California if I haven't had a successful application in about a year or so?
Does my resume benefit in any way from a job like this?
No. 996538
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How do you get excited for a job you REALLY don't want to do?
I accepted because it pays well but it's a shit call center job and I don't want to take calls for 8 hours straight and shill shit to people. But I need the money. I only need to last 4-6 months to save up but that's still 5-6 days per week and 8 hours.
And no, sadly I can't look for anything new yet because it's the end of the year and most jobs pay minimum wage, this one pays 2-3 times as much.
I also feel like I won't last that long because it's in german and I'm rusty as fuck.
No. 996980
>>996252I wouldn't. You should probably change your application/interview approach instead
>>996538I just don't, lol. Work as little as possible and keep applying for jobs.
No. 1001669
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>>989719Guys I got the job!!! Apparently a unanimous decision too! Salary, bay-bee!! Oh man I can't wait to kill my student loans quicker. Next step is I have to tell my awesome boss that I'll be leaving her, not looking forward to it but I hope she understands.
No. 1002285
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pray for me, nonnitas, i just sent in my application for a job i really really really really REALLY want. i have zero professional experience for the main tasks, and the only professional experience i could flex is from years ago, but i really just need a fucking job that doesn't make me want to kill myself. it would be my first job out of uni too.
No. 1038568
>>1032008I mean, what kind of competencies do you have? There are tons of desk jobs, best paid ones will be in the tech industry.
If you have no skills, go for call centers/customer support.
If you have some inclination for design, UX is a great field to get into. Tons of resources are available, you can self-learn a lot and they are all extremely well-paid jobs. UX designer/UI designer, copywriter, UX writer, etc.
No. 1041742
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>late 20s neet with severe social anxiety, AVPD
>had some work experience before I lost my job a long time ago
>halfheartedly apply for a clerk job
>they call me back, do a phone interview and don't even offer me the clerk job but a more senior role
>tomorrow is the last in person interview with the director
>shitting bricks because this higher role is well paid but would be severely stressful for me
The job involves public speaking and lots of nuanced software I'd have to learn. I didn't realize what type of job it would be because this all happened within a few days and Im suddenly not interviewing for the simple role I wanted but another thing altogether. As someone who is basically a mute and freaks out over nothing I've always done well in repetitive and lonely office jobs, but ones where I have to have actual relationships with clients and coworkers is completely out of my element. Hell, I used to eat lunches in the bathroom in high school and can't make a friend to save my life let alone coordinate with professionals all day. I don't know if I should just come clean and say I can't do this type of work and would rather be paid less to just silently type all day. I don't think I'll sleep tonight.
No. 1041746
>>1041017Yeah the last thing I want is any sort of responsibility or extra work or difficulty added to my job. I want an easy, stress free role where someone tells me what to do, and I don't care if I get less money or respect than them.
I work very average admin jobs without any particular career progression, but my team lead recently got a new role and I get the feeling she wants to push some aspects of her old role on to me. I don't want to be a fucking leader in any capacity, I hate delegating! I don't want people coming to me with problems! Let me slack off in peace!!!
No. 1041788
>>1041017Nonna, this video is for you. I thought the exact same way as you in my early career. I've come to realize that management is kinda like driving. It took me a while to get my license because it seems intimidating when you start. But you reach a point where you've seen enough of the stupid manoeuvres other people pull that you realize "hey wait, everybody
else sucks at driving. I'm actually OK" lol.
In particular, I think that this woman makes a good point about approaching your imposter syndrome in a solution-focused way. If you think that you're not ready for a leadership role, that's ok, just see if you can dissect why. Then think of some concrete things that you can do to address those reasons.
If you want to that is. You don't have to be a manager. Personally though, I am really glad that I transitioned out of a junior role. I would feel out of place there now at 25 if I was amongst the fresh grad zoomers.