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No. 482594
Previous thread:
>>472904Tell it all, anons!
No. 482660
>>482635The janitor is an asshole, don't worry about him.
As for the rest, I understand your frustration anon. What's done is done and beating yourself over it won't help. For now you can focus on resetting your sleep schedule. Take care!
No. 482683
>>482680 It's especially hard at uni and I feel the same way. All the professors that like me are in the transcult and my uni friends would think I'm evil if I ever let them know. My gender studies class definitely frequently got hijacked and it was honestly painful to be the only one in a room who disagreed. I would have anxiety attacks over going to class.
I feel a lot better though when I go to work and hear people openly disagree. Most people outside the academic setting don't buy the trans shit. I'm just scared bc it might fully seep into normie culture too.
No. 482690
Apparently my Hinge date must have been recently sick because now since I saw him Friday I'm sick as a dog. I even asked him if he was feeling okay when he seemed off, yet he said everything was ok and blamed it on some other medication. Except I later saw he had cold meds and boogers in his nose, so he lied for his own self serving reasons.
It's too late now. I know it's possible to have caught it from someplace else but I doubt it. It makes me hate him.
I have a fever, chills, aches, congestion, and a swollen throat from the nasal drip. No health insurance (not that it would matter, I think what I have is viral and docs can't do shit for it besides charge a co pay for showing up).
My new job is really chill in that they let me take a long lunch and and early out yesterday, plus a late show today. Supervisor even asked if I should stay home but I came in. I basically can't sleep until I'm exhausted because of the mucus in my airways and general discomfort, so all I'd do at home is lie in wakeful suffering anyway. Oh and I would need to make up the hours to get my 40 in so nah.
I tried to grab a soda from a vending machine on my way in. But apparently I only have $1 left in my fucking bank account ($17 if you count the pathetic $16 I have in "savings"). Thanks to this recruiter that I got this job through, who's allegedly sending me a paper check in the mail for my first week of work. Direct deposit be damned, they can't even guarantee my next check will be direct deposit. It's bullshit but I have no say.
Pretty sure a debt collector for Paypal is calling me because I missed my payment a couple days ago so now they're all bothered at me for money as well. I've tried calling PayPal before when I thought I'd miss a payment, and all the representative told me was that they don't offer help so if it went to a collector that's when I could negotiate it. So whatever, I let it slide because fuck those assholes.
The good news is all I have to do is sit my ass in this cubicle and bank pay until 6:30pm. Unfortunately it's only 10am.
It could be worse. I could be at one of my old jobs threatening me with points and occurrences and whipping me to do flips for customers from the time I'd clock in.
No. 482694
>>482686Damn anon. Old people can be poorfags too. Not all boomers grew up fortunate and now they're as fucked as we are + they're old.
Sure, some are just there to ~have something to do in retirement~ but for many it's just sad circumstances.
Idk maybe I'm too soft and forgiving haha.
No. 482714
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This is such a fucking first world problems/"just close the fucking tab" vent but my whole twitter feed is full of nothing but Disney+ and Pokemon discourse.
I like to go through my explore feed and read whatever news or top stories are on there, but today it's just overwhelmingly about Disney. Like… it's a streaming service, why is it taking up half of the explore page? I wish I could mute the word disney but I'm pretty sure muted words don't get blocked on explore/searches unfortunately.
I also keep seeing discourse about Pokemon, with people still shitting on Gamefreak about not including the national pokedex and now getting upset about the animation for one of the apparent legendaries looking like shit anyway. I'm so used to people whining about the national dex, but now I keep seeing people attack others who are still eagerly awaiting the game nonetheless by saying that they're just shitty apologists and making excuses for Gamefreak's shit game, acting so holier than thou with their "I'm criticizing Gamefreak because I want them to put out a good game!" as if it's that big of a deal. It's a fucking children's game, just don't buy the game if you're that miffed about it. Maybe it's because I'm a filthy casual gamer, but I'm still going to buy SS and I'll probably enjoy the shit out of it.
No. 482724
>>482705Not to be all "Not
my generation!" but I genuinely believe millennials are gonna be less entitled and more altruistic by the time we are at retirement age.
If not because
1. We've been made to work shit and underpaid jobs so what's a few years when we're a foot in the grave?
2. We've never been told it will be easier or that we will have a safety net by the time we are that old. So we already expect a shitshow by the time we're in 'retirement' age. It's hard to be entitled to something that you knew was never gonna be around.
No. 482782
>>482724you're really giving our generation too much credit.
>we've been made to work shitno, most of you just stick to working retail and are too afraid to work in warehouses and other types of jobs where you're supposed to get your hands dirty. it's an option we all have and majority of these positions don't require a college degree.
No. 482785
>>482757So why do social skills magically don't apply when boomers are barely able to communicate?
Also here I always see boomers work in retail or fast food, jobs reserved for teens and college kids. It's just hypocritical to refuse to hire hard working and capable young people over dumb shit but turn around and hire elderly who can barely do their job right
No. 482796
I almost got hit today while I was driving.
This is hard to explain but I'll try my best. I was driving through a yellow light and the guy in the opposite side, who was turning left, also wanted to zoom through the yellow light. I saw him going through the light and I was like well shit, but it was too late to stop at that point, I was already past the white line. I tried to speed up so that we wouldn't cross paths, but I wasn't fast enough, and his car was going directly at me. I thought he would stop or at least slow down but he didn't, he just kept going directly at me. His car was so close to me that I literally had to swerve so that he wouldn't hit me and if I didn't swerve he definitely would have. Not only that, but his car would have hit exactly where I was sitting, not the back seat or another part of my car. I probably wouldn't have died, but still.
Neither of us were in the wrong per se, neither of us were running a red light, but he HAD to know he was going to hit me if I didn't swerve. He was SO CLOSE to my car and kept going????? It was like he was intentionally trying to hit me which I find upsetting.
No. 482800
>>482782There are hardly any warehouse jobs where I live, and the ones that do exist have requirements that stop me from working there. Trust me, I'd much rather get my hands dirty and be sore than work retail all day, but retail places are the only ones that will hire me.
Also most factory jobs have been outsourced.
No. 482859
>>482851Your phone was probably dirtier than the piss water in the first place KEK
>>482714This shit makes me mad too. Like i just get frustrated, because you know they're harassing randos for not agreeing with them or someone agrees but they're not mad enough as them so they just assume they're the "enemy" or something. Honestly they need to calm down, I just try to see the humor when they grasp at straws and see how ridiculous it is. I'm just glad most children don't actually care and just want to enjoy their Pokemon and Disney movies. I mean, us as children, compare to what they're getting now to what we've grown up with. We didn't care either lol.
No. 482884
>>482806You must be naive, most warehouse and non-retail positions pay way more than retail. And many people who have these jobs also go to college AND have children to take care of. Don't make up excuses.
College is a choice and a privilege. I know tons of people my age who have college degrees, are out of college, and they are still working retail and now talking about how they have student loans to pay off. Every time I tell someone to start looking in non-retail positions, it suddenly goes in one ear and comes out of the other and then weeks later they keep complaining about how they hate their retail jobs.
I had one retail position, got paid $10.50 an hour. I didn't last a year. I was constantly waited on by customers and co-workers who couldn't pick up the slack on my shift. I didn't get enough break time, most days I had no break time at all, I was working for 7 hours straight. My hours were never consistent or even with the schedule, some weeks I got 12 hours in, others I got in 38. And all of this messed up my sleeping schedule, especially nights I closed and the next day I had to open. My supervisor didn't care when I brought up these issues and neither did HR. I would come home exhausted as fuck, some days I cried before getting ready to go to work because I just wasn't getting paid enough to deal with this shit.
I decided to start looking for a new job and found a janitorial position that paid $12 an hour. It was full time and 2nd shift. Getting that job was the best decision I ever made. My time was consistent, I was guaranteed a 2 day weekend, and the majority of the work was just me emptying out trash bags, wiping tables, and mopping a few floors. The bathroom shit was nothing new because that was also part of my position when I worked retail. The best part was, I chose my own pace. I didn't have to rely on any co-workers and my co-workers never relied on me.
I'm now working a different position getting paid $15 an hour and majority of my work is just observing cameras and driving around in a vehicle with flashers on. The best part about this job is the fact you don't need any degree, just a high school diploma. I have a coworker who's fresh out of high school and he tells me he's so glad he never had to step his foot into retail.
No. 482891
I wish people could stop being jealous about my ltr and most important I wish people could stop trying to sabotage kek
Just because I don’t tell everything about my relationship it doesn’t mean it’s not perfect to me. One close friend is always making small comments about every thing I say about my partner and it’s pretty obvious she only does it because she’s jealous. I mean, why does she have to care about what my partner eats tomorrow? I didn’t ask for her opinion anyways.
People came to me multiple times telling me some things she said about my relationship and even they questioned why she was being so judgemental (also they told me every time they thought she was just jealous kek)
Idk…I could make a list of things she said and did but it’s so childish I think I would start laughing. She didn’t even think we would be last longer and she made sure I knew it when we were starting and now we’re here, 8 years later, happier than ever and she can’t stop.
Yesterday out of the blue she started to ask how much monkey my partner earned and when I told her something in between she was all pissy and replying only with emojis (smiley faces, aaw, ok….)
Last week she asked me if we wanted to marry anytime. I told her yes, some day, in the future. And then she started to talk about how being married ruins it all and that she knows it would probably happen to us because statistics are there.
It’s kind of funny somehow because I feel like she has these moments when she’s holding her rage and at any time she can explode and that’s when she asks me those questions, waiting for me to fuck up or say the wrong thing. Then I stare at my phone laughing because it’s pretty absurd, thinking she’s trying to get me all hurt and sad when it’s not going to happen.
She was always this extroverted girl, funny and sarcastic but she has something which makes her not being seen as a potential girlfriend. I feel kind of cruel saying it but it’s true, she always ended with guys who only wanted to sleep with her and that’s when it ended (her longest relationship only lasted four months)
And I feel sorry for her because if she didn’t act like a child and started to be a nice person, I’m sure she’d be in a happy relationship too. What she does reflects what she is and obviously when she has a date with someone and the only think she talks is about herself and bad about other friends, people ran away.
Then she wonders why people don’t tell her anything…
No. 482901
>>482896If you also have no paper towels or napkins, bring a plastic container into the bathroom with you so you can put water in it so you can wipe your ass clean.
Also, why can't you go to the store? There's none you pass while driving to work or school? Any busses that stop by a store?
No. 482910
>>482901Fifteen kms from the bus, forty kms too far out for delivery, I don’t drive because disabled, and nobody in the house gives a shit that there’s no tp or tissues until they need it.
I’ve been showering but can’t really take ten showers a day even if they’re quick. I’m legit convinced that the goal is for me to get a uti. Last week I brought home a ten pack of bog roll and three other people managed to use or hide all ten rolls before I needed a second one. It’s pretty normal that my needs come after family wants. The reason nobody could get any today was because of knitting and going to the movies.
No. 482931
>>482930Yeah once someone else needs to take a dump the fact that there’s no tp will become an immediate problem and they will go buy some right then and there. Just not, y’know, when the packet is empty or when the one person in the household who tracks groceries says we’re out.
Same goes for food, I basically stopped baking entirely cause a sheet of brownies or fudge would be 75% gone before my bf was home to try it. He’d get home just in time to hear complaints because what I cooked had stuff they’re mildly allergic to in it.
Saving up to move, but it’s so shit in the meantime.
No. 482987
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I'm high key jealous of anyone who loses their appetite when they're stressed, depressed, or sick. It's always the opposite for me.
I'm sick as a mf right now but all I wanna do is eat everything even if I couldn't taste more than half of what I'd eat. The only thing that would stop me are literal physical barriers like an extremely sore throat or vomiting but even during that I'd feel starved the whole time.
I need to be put down.
No. 482989
>>482987Honestly same,anon. My roommate entirely loses her appetite when stressed out and mine just ramps up to 1000.
You can try snacking on healthy things! Not exactly what the cravings are calling for I'm sure but it's better than shoveling down garbage.
No. 482990
>>482987Me too, anon. But I think when it comes to physical ailments it may be the body's attempt to get more nutrients to heal. So eat healthy stuff, like the other anon said. It can't hurt.
Perhaps even emotional eating is caused by this? Sort of like how anxiety can make you feel sick, the body thinks it's sick but really you're just stressed.
Idk. I'm no doctor.
No. 483025
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Its been a month after a close friend broke up with me, i still felt so sad and clueless after all these times…i thought she was the one, we got along well on everything from everyday life, weeb shit to the things/people that we hate. I always wonder what i did wrong, but after she list everything that she hate about me it was the last straw, the sweet and kind friend image in my mind before was gone instead it was replace by something demented and evil. It was hurtful to the very core of my existence, the sad thing is we have a lot of mutual so whenever i saw her liking their photos i felt like i was not worthy of her time and love…im still learning how to move on now, it still hurts but im getting better, im not letting anyone into my life anymore after this because i need time to heal, like really heal.
No. 483069
>>483025psst there is no shame in blocking someone if you need a break. social media is weird and forces us to keep interacting with people we need to step away from. it should be a leisure activity not an active minefield imo.
if i want people to be mean to me I come here lol
No. 483140
>>483066That the fucking worst.
My friend once fell onto a fence (flat not spiked) and she had to go to the hospital cause it hit her between the legs and she bled like a mf.
No. 483183
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I'm still not over cutting ties with my home town area. Basically, a shitty childhood lead me to act out at some point and unfortunate, really embarrassing events. I cut ties out of shame and because of all the trauma with my family. I guess I'm lucky I didn't get bullied all these years but I still felt out of place and misunderstood and like I was constantly being scrutinised and nitpicked for every little thing and every little oddity. Gossip is crap, too, and didn't help my feeling of alienation (I shall make an effort not to gossip).
Now I feel like a scrutinised second-class person for having a mental illness and doing my darndest to recover and live well but never meeting normie expections by a long shot. It never really goes away that I long for that approval and acceptance and put myself down. Kinda my job to develop that secure sense of self but fuck it's hard a lot of times.
Just the other day, a childhood friend unfollowed me on an obscure art account of mine they had found somehow after some time and it really got to me. It's a non-issue really but stands for such much loss and pain and lost potential and dreams of an irretrievable dream life I could lead with childhood area ties intact. And it also makes me wonder why and if it was because of the same painful scrutinity I used to experience when it could be a billion things and not that deep and her following me doesn't mean that much either. It just makes me angry and stirs up stuff because of everything that was.
I mean it's all a non-problem for the most part and normal and ~societal~ and due to my emotional challenges and bad life experience but I just need to cope with the fact that I don't have healthy, wholesome relationships with the people from my childhood and youth somehow. Part of me longs for that and needs to do some healthy grieving and accepting. It's not easy to allow that pain and grieve it and move on from it. But I can do it and it will be fine. I'm in a good place. Life is livable. It's good. It can be good. Become good. I have prospects
No. 483185
>>483183Anon I didn't even mess up yet even I am not really friends with most people from my childhood anymore and I have limited interaction with the few friendships I have from my hometown.
I know you're telling yourself it's meant to mean something, but it doesn't and it's pretty normal for anyone whose peak wasn't in middle or high school.
No. 483214
I'm finding it harder and harder to talk to my bf. He has almost no thoughts or opinions on things and doesn't think much beyond surface level, even when it comes to his interests. Whenever I make a comment on something he throws out his generic stock phrases like "it is what it is" or "I don't know about that." It's how he talks to other people as well. I hate it because it shuts down the conversation completely.
I don't think he understands feelings well either, because he constantly remarks about not understanding how people get upset, angry, or nervous, like it's a choice to have that sort of instant reaction. I tried to explain it to him, and he didn't really get it until I brought up something that made him upset recently (staying late at work). He even has panic attacks sometimes too, but he can't seem to make the connection to that and other people also having instant emotional reactions?
He has very good qualities like being extremely loyal, helpful, and very generous in bed but spending time with him is mindnumbingly boring sometimes. I am very introverted and stay home a lot so it's not like I need to be on some emotional roller-coaster. I just like having interesting and heartfelt conversations with people close to me. It makes me sad because I can talk to my best friend for hours about a multitude of things (and she and I are dumb NEETs) but I can't even muster up a good conversation with my bf…
I don't even know how to bring this up. He would be understanding for sure (another thing I like about him is that he is mature and knows we need to bring up and talk about problems instead of letting them fester), but I don't think he would be intuitive or smart enough to know how to change, even if I give him direct examples.
No. 483225
>>483223I don't think that's necessarily true. You can have plenty of good qualities besides your occupation. I still have savings so I'm good, and if I have to I will work free-lance which doesn't make the most but I can live fine off of it. I still have things I'm passionate about, but climbing the corporate ladder is not one of them.
I mean I used to have an ex that was what most people would consider "high quality." He made 300k a year and was attractive, but didn't have hobbies or a personality besides work and I couldn't see a future with him. People are more than checklists, and that's why you need to get to know the person more than defining them by labels.
No. 483226
>>483223>>483222their are definitely a couple of anons who are somewhat "resentful" against Neets with caring bfs, believing those Neets aren't "deserving" of them
Its kinda like standard nice guy tier rhetoric "why does becky date brad he's such a deadbeat jerk, she should be with a nice guy like me"
No. 483227
>>483226It's silly because most NEETs have low self-esteem and tend to be preyed upon by
abusive men anyway, so shouldn't people be happy for them, they aren't being mistreated for once? Once again women are meant to feel like they have to compete for a good man, there are plenty of them out there so there's no need to fight over them like they are some sort of limited resource. They should be fighting over us.
No. 483230
>>483227You suck at math. There are more good women than good men. Unless you're expecting women to double up, women will have to fight for the good men.
>>483226It's because we are all so jealous of you NEETs.
No. 483235
>>483232Lesbians are like 5% of the population anon. Most women are straight or seeking heterosexual relationships.
I would say that 70% of women are good and straight and 20% of men are good. What do lesbians do with anything? There's just way more good straight women than good straight men.
No. 483243
>>483237>>483235Ok, I believe you have surveyed every human being in the world and come up with accurate statistics. Just because you see women on here and reddit putting up with shitty
abusive men doesn't make them good people, they just have low-self worth and like I said, the scarcity mindset. They redirect their hatred inwards instead of outwards like scrotes tend to do, but it doesn't make them good people or partners. It makes them desperate and sad.
Maybe that's why you see there being more good women than men.
>reduce the competitionLmao, no. I don't see other women as my competition but my allies. I'm telling women to value themselves more and have men fight for them, not the other way around. We are meant to choose and men are meant to impress and be useful to the woman, it is like that in most species. Men literally kill themselves over us. There is no need for us to fight each other.
No. 483247
>>483245I'm advocating you don't need to extend yourself to please men and you're twisting my words somehow. I keep saying men should go out of their way to please you not the other way around.
Casual sex/fwb/one-night stands are cancer and don't benefit women but men.
No. 483248
>>483235The way I see things:
>any job at all>supportive/not abusive>compatible sense of humour>not dangerously obeseIs the bare minimum standard for every guy on the planet that no woman should should settle for anything less than. Though if you're shooting anything more than this, like say chiseled abs, a six figure salary, or an intelligence that puts Hypatia to shame you really ought to bring something more to the table as well.
No. 483250
>>483243>Men literally kill themselves over us. There is no need for us to fight each other.Men only do that for certain women lmao
You just sound delusional and you believe in the Secret or something
>>483247I'm just being honest. You're being delusional.
No. 483252
>>483250And you sound like a pick-me who is desperate for whatever scraps they can get. Let's agree to disagree.
>>483251I have no idea how you thought I was advocating polygamy. I just don't believe in the 20% bullshit. I think there are enough good men for good women and it's nowhere skewed to 20%/70% like that one anon said.
No. 483254
>>483252It sounds like you're arguing with that Mary chick lmao.
>weird reverse incel logic>mix of pinkpill and pickme mindsetFucking bizarre.
No. 483260
>>483252>I have no idea how you thought I was advocating polygamy.The part where you started talking about men killing each other. There's still plenty of places where it's normal for men to outright kill each other to claim the most wives, and I assure you that none of them are enjoyable places to live.
Yes, the most attractive women have plenty of suitors to choose from, but the most attractive men have admirers as well. Your dream man is most likely the dream man of many, and outside of polygamy he can't possibly marry all of them. Show him you're a better match than everybody else by stepping up your game or accept he's out of your league and lower your standards accordingly.
No. 483261
>>483252>I just don't believe in the 20% bullshit. I think there are enough good men for good women and it's nowhere skewed to 20%/70% like that one anon said.You sound delusional and a pick me. How the fuck can you believe that more than 20% of men are good?
>>483254You never answered my point. If there's way more good women than good men, then some women will have to fight or choose to do without. It's just reality.
>>483260This so much.
No. 483267
>>483260Not just attractive, but good quality. In my opinion a good quality man isn't promiscuous. An physically attractive man who sleeps with many women is not a quality partner. And you should put your best foot forward for sure, but a woman should never be a pick-me because women are the ones who pick and choose, not men. If he doesn't like you for who you are or you're not compatible it's not your role to change yourself to suit him. There are plenty of other men.
>>483261>How the fuck can you believe that more than 20% of men are good?Come on, this is like with MGTOW or TRP who think barely any good women exist. You can't see it with limited world view and bias.
No. 483301
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>>483267Nobody is saying you should act like a pickme. You shouldn't a be a June that looks the other way while a Greg spends your money on strippers. What we're saying is that the more effort you put in to becoming your best self the more men you'll get to choose from. Desperate and generally undesirable men will line the block for anyone, but the men that are generally regarded as superior will only ever pursue who they regard as the best women.
No. 483305
>>483140Yeah I bleed a fucking lot too even tho it's not that deep I guess Idk I can't see everything.
My underwear looked like a crime scene lol
Hope your friend didn't have too much pain tho!
No. 483316
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>be slim look old
>be fat look young
I just came across a pic of myself at 15 - and jesus christ, it's no surprise why nobody liked me, I look extremely bad and old. Not like a teen who could pass as a hot 20-year-old, but old as in stressed, working 24/7 and being 30+.
I'm not fishing for compliments, I still look bad now, but while my body is disgusting my face looks a lot younger, my nasolabial folds are less prominent and because my cheeks are chubbier my nose no longer looks as big and my jaw no longer that square.
I have such a hard time losing weight and knowing that this (+9 years and lose skin…) will await me just makes me lose all hope.
No. 483322
But they probably wouldn't have become friends in the first place if she wasn't an accomplished woman in her own right. Her outward achievements were manifestations of other inner qualities that good men can find attractive. Showing off your attractive qualities by achieving things in life is a better dating strategy than being a layabout NEET.
No. 483340
>>483316Go easy on yourself.
Humans are complicated and the truth to being liked is more complex than just how you look as a factor. Being harsh and superficial on yourself is likely to project in your outward demeanor and carry the vicious cycle of attracting shallow and judgemental people.
You are a valuable person who's got something to offer. I'm not saying you are–but old, tired, fat, and ugly women are deserving of relationships and companionship all the same. And as we age, we'll come to accept that one way or another. Don't beat yourself up, just be the best you can be.
No. 483346
>>483316You honestly look cute in that pic anon, you have a nice jawline.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
No. 483376
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Has anyone in the dating scene noticed an influx of obese and ugly dudes thinking they're king shit?
I'm all for confidence, but a lot of these dudes have unrealistic expectations and are awfully nitpicky of women who are even a league above them if they possess a flaw.
I've especially noticed the behavior in fat dudes lately.
No. 483384
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>>483376This and old guys saying they don’t want an older lady. fuck right off older men, no younger girl wants you unless you have the money to make up for it
I feel like men are used to their looks not being as important because all they see in movies is guys like Adam Sandler being married to Kate beckinsale in movies
Older male celebrities will marry a teenybopper supermodel every 5 years. Even some ladies I know of in real life are really pretty, yet they get with the ugliest hambeasts because they think that’s what they should settle for. I don’t know why society shills unattractive males and attractive females to be together
No. 483388
>>483376Samefag as
>>483384 but another thing is girls probably think that if they give an ugly nerdy guy a chance, they’ll be better than a handsome douche
They are the fucking worst. The audacity of these cockroach ass males irks me to hell and back never get with a guy out of pity, ladies. You deserve the best, don’t ever feel pressured into dating an ugly guy.
No. 483390
>>483348Honestly I really wanted to get into lolita and similar fashion, but I hate the fact that it's associated now with submissive ddlg nymphos or sissies. At it's core it's extremely modest, cute clothing that isn't remotely revealing, why does that have to be objectified? It makes me sick.
>>483384Women getting memed into ~looks don't matter it's personality that does~ so they give fat/old fucks a chance and it feeds their ego like crazy. These men end up being more
abusive and cruel than your average guy. So you get the benefit of the guy looking like a bridge troll and acting like one. Great.
No. 483391
>>482841Sorry this is a late reply but thanks anon and I'm glad you're okay too (at least I'm assuming you are because you're typing). The weather here is usually really icy/snowy here which causes a lot of car accidents but thanks to global warming it isn't like that yet although it has been raining.
Anyways take care.
No. 483462
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I've got this lidded plastic organizer in my bathroom for qtips and cotton pads. This is the second time I've done this, but I went to lean in towards the mirror that accidentally pushed aside some stuff which caused a chain reaction that tipped the organizer onto the floor. Spilling the contents. There are qtips everywhere, even underneath that annoying crevasse between the wall and toilet.
I left it there. I don't want to pick it up. I hate it automatically.
No. 483467
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Gave a guy at work my discord because I thought since I have no friends irl it would be fine to do, but I was hesitant about giving a guy my contact information since I have a bf. We’ve had a few small convos about anime and just mundane convos about life, never happened to mention my bf. Today at work he gave me a small box of chocolates. I really hope he’s not developing feelings for me or thinking of asking me out, rejecting someone feels so uncomfortable. I’ll probably just try to find a way to mention my bf in the next convo we have but it still feels so awkward as a person who hates confrontation. I don’t know if some people will think I’m an idiot for being unhappy about a guy liking me, but it stresses me out and idk if the fact that I just ate a few of the chocolates makes me a shit person.
No. 483483
>>483476> I've seen memes and complaints about girls unnecessarily inserting "I have a boyfriend" into conversations early onYess, this is one of the reasons I was too anxious to mention having a bf and now I feel bad.
>you must try to find a way to casually fit a reference to your bf into the conversation as early as you can: "My boyfriend likes that too," "I did that once with my boyfriend" etc.That’s exactly what I’m going to do even though I know it’ll feel awkward. I don’t really care if he stops talking to me because of it.
No. 483498
>>483493Your husband works? Does he get insurance through his job and would it be cheaper than $200 if he added you to his plan?
I know some employee plans are shit but that's part of the point about combined incomes when you're married.
No. 483525
>>483504I generally don't like law enforcement either, but I would definitely call them or go to a court house to file an order of protection if I felt like I were in danger.
I've done it twice before and it at least gave me relief knowing I wouldn't see them any time soon.
Whoever called you a bootlicker doesn't realize being in shock, you have trouble figuring out how to think critically. You wouldn't believe how many people call 9-1-1 because they're having a panic attack, it's almost first instinct. Also like you said, most people don't know they can go to a hospital. I don't remember being taught these steps in school, if anything it's told only once or twice.
No. 483535
>>483522Idk…there are a shit ton of mainlanders in Singapore
>>483507Do you think so? Their government seems extremely cucked.
No. 483586
It really shows who cares when you're sick and live alone. In my case, that would be no one- at least not enough to check on me or help with stuff. I wouldn't mind if it was a week or two, but I've had lung infection for like 2 months and I feel like crap. Can't do sports, I'm tired and unwell… and no one cares. It would be different if I lived with my family or had roommates, but I'm alone and super lonely. The one time I went out was because this one guy (not sure if we're friends) is suicidal and needed someone to spend time with him, take him to the doctor. I did so under the condition I'll go home because it's cold and I'm messed up. But no, of course he had me stay for long and now I feel worse. Not to say I'm being treated for depression and anxiety and somehow that's not something he considers. I wanted to help, it made me happy because he's going to get help now, but whenever we talk he just waits for me to finish my sentence to talk about himself. I don't want to be pessimistic or focus on dark thoughts, but the one I have is: I don't matter. I will never matter. People will only care slightly if I literally run to their rescue. Even my own parents message me mostly when there are things that need to be done, not to socialize. If I didn't post silly things on my social network or reach out to my "friends" and family first, no one would even know if I died. I'd be found half rotten in my "apartment" within a week. Or two.
No. 483596
>>483586I get that you're lonely anon. But if someone told me they had a lung infection that's two months in, I'd think it was highly contagious and particularly nasty sickness. People probably figure you need to spend time recovering as opposed to galavanting around. Just look at what that longish trip escorting your male friend to the doctor did to set you back.
What kind of infection even is this?
>whenever we talk he just waits for me to finish my sentence to talk about himselfTypical male self-centeredness, plus he sounds on the spectrum. Got a male friend who does the same shit and he's autistic. Which is probably why he asked a sick woman to take him to the doctor, because he has blinders on and only thinks about his selfish needs.
>>483571Stop fighting everyone in the dumbass shit thread.
No. 483624
>>483592Yeah, I did, couple of times. I even opened up about this few times, as my therapist recommended. But after I saw no change, I became very discouraging.
>>483596Sure, I don't expect them to hang out, but it's not like I get concerned messages either. It may sound demanding but it would have been nice if my parents asked if I need help with groceries. Even if they didn't bring something or help carry the bags, I'd at least be happy they offered. It's not like I want to get people sick (one of the reasons going to shop for food is stressful now, because I don't want to contaminate anything).
It started out as mycoplasma pneumonia, not sure if I just caught something else as I was getting better or not and it's still just that. Antibiotics are kinda tricky since I'm allergic to few of them.
About that guy… yep, he's pretty self-centered. I felt bad though because he really has no one (admittedly, that's his fault). I know it's my fault for being stupid, but I guess hearing someone say they're suicidal mobilizes me.
(Sorry for ranting so much)
No. 483627
>>483624I will admit it is awfully weird that your family hasn't asked if you needed anything recently.
I've been fighting a nasty virus myself but at least I've had a member of my family ask if I needed anything.
Anyways, my friends are no show lol. I guess sick people are pretty boring and we generally aren't up to ultra fun things. Maybe they presume we don't want to be bothered, or have nothing to update with besides our conditions.
Anyway, my condolences anon. I hope you get well soon. Just wanted to relate and say you're not alone in your solitude. I'm not sure if it's a normal thing but I've never had friends much involved when I was sick. They avoid me haha.
No. 483643
>>483637I try to remember that everyone has their flaws and their own failures or embarrassments, that and as I get older I see how much we're all just winging it in life. The underlying feeling still annoys me but it helps that as an introvert I enjoy my own company
If you're more socially inclined I can see how that makes it harder. Positive affirmations can help (I know it sounds bullshitty) but they can help you slowly replace all that negative inner talk
No. 483765
>>483627Thank you! Knowing it's not always the norm makes me feel like I'm not missing out too much.
It's kind of funny because I think we should have many thoughts and topics to talk about when we're sick because, well, it's accumulating. As long as you're not asleep 3/4 of the day.
I hope you're doing better now.
No. 483766
Ever since I lost my job in April my depression and anxiety has been getting worse and worse. We (Me + Husband) live in an extremely small town (Walmart, a couple fast food places, a CVS, a couple banks, and a car dealership, thats it.)
I've applied literally everywhere, for every position, even the ones I didn't really have the qualifications for, and I've only had three interviews. We did OK at first because of our savings but now that is completely gone and after my husband gets paid we only have about $40 a week to use on groceries and gas.
I cant look for work outside of our shitty town because our car broke down, my husband gets rides to his work from his co-workers so its no problem for him, but I literally cant go anywhere, our apartment is starting to feel like a fucking prison.
I have no friends, I was homeschooled all my life so the 50ish friends I have on FB are all ex-coworkers or mutual friends of my husband, none of which ever really talk to me or interact with me, my instagram has quite a few followers but because I'm just an aesthetic account no one really talks to me on there either. I've had so little social interaction in the last six months that I can't do anything or go anywhere without my husband with me, just so he could talk to people so I wont have to.
Our walmart is a 1 hour walk, the CVS is next door to our apartment, but even if I need something CVS has I'll walk to the walmart instead just so I can use self-service check out and avoid contact with people.
I hate how I've become, I was never the most outgoing but I used to be able to talk to and laugh with strangers, I used to be extremely independent and headstrong, and now I cant even make eye contact, I feel so ashamed of myself and how little I'm doing with my life that the few people who used to talk with me occasionally I've completely cut off, now I have no one to talk to. Other than my husband, I dont have a single friend, and I hate it so much.
Between having no money, no job, and no friends I feel like I dont even need to be here.
I'm not suicidal, but I'm so fucking tired of what my life has become, if I had supportive friends, maybe I wouldn't be as bothered about my lack of job, if I had a good job, I probably wouldn't be bothered about my lack of friends. But without both I just feel like a husk of a person, with no personality, jusy wasting air.
I wake up, clean up a bit, check to see if any new jobs were posted, apply, then spend the next 16+ hours of my day refreshing fb and ig over and over. I dont even have the mental energy for my hobbies anymore. I feel like I'm in a constant state of autopilot, like I'm not even a living breathing human being, I just.. exist.
No. 483828
>>483766Your husband should in touch with your local food stamp office. Sounds like he makes just low enough to qualify for aid with you as a dependent. You can be the one asking for it too. When I was a NEET with no dependent, I was getting $400 a month for food and $60/week for gas.
If you’re not in school, the only requirement is that you have to /try/ to get a job. Their government work finding database is indeed on steroid, it may be a bit of traveling for you but I’m sure you’ll find something. People that specifically try to evade employment are made to do several hours of volunteer a week, easy mode, which can be put on resume too. On the other hand, if you’re qualified for food stamp then you can easily get FAFSA grant for college. I attended 4 full time semesters without having to pay a cent, in fact I had leftover grant money for books.
TLDR; reach out to government benefits/work force offices for options. There are resources out there if you want them.
No. 483829
>>483825I honestly can’t see myself having sex with a post op troon
Look up “trans women periods”
It’s just leftover blood, pubes and pus from the wound and they’re trying to label it a period, they have to shove a glass dildo up their fake hoo-ha every so often so the wound doesn’t close. FTMs can’t even get hard without pumping their fake wieners up and I can’t imagine how gross and floppy they would feel inside me,
the troon agenda is being pushed so hard you would think there are more of them, I’ve never met one personally idky they’re being normalized (and lumped in with the gays) when about less than 3% of the population is trans
No. 483831
>>483825Samefag as
>>483829 but Fuck anyone who calls themselves Demi or ace. It’s not a real sexuality, and they just want to be a part of a smaller community
No. 483890
>>483886Yeah I need help deciding if I'm totally LGBTQXYZ. After all I am persecuted by society.
This a hypothetical question if you haven't got it…
No. 483908
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>catch a bunch of Pokemon Shield exclusives
>put them on surprise trade, hoping a like minded person with Sword is doing the same
>level 5 Wooloos and Nickits every time after 3 hours of trying
I just want a Swirlix or Farfetch'd, mannnn
No. 484010
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>>48399630% of the world's population is LGB, retard. 0.17% of the world population is troons. Where'd you get your 3% statistics?
No. 484016
>>484012The population rises because of troons and straight people identifying as queer.
Remove them and the population will be back to 1-2% again.
No. 484017
>>484012Nta but literally the first article you linked
>percentage of American adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) increased to 4.5% in 2017Also, one of you is talking about
global population while the other is referring to
USA population.
No. 484034
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>mom calls me and informs me that she got a breast exam earlier this week and the doctor "found something"
>won't know if it's cancerous until after the weekend
>on top of that my step-dad had some complications due to his diabetes and got an infection on his foot
>had to have emergency surgery and get part of his foot amputated
>ON TOP OF THAT his job fired him this week so my family has no income now and won't until he recovers
>i have to find a way to pay for my college housing which means probably going into even more debt from loans
>i'm behind on my school work and it's nearing exam weeks so I'm hitting new levels of stress
>to top if off i got my period this morning so I feel like shit
If this all hadn't happened within of a week I'd be able to process it better, but I just feel overwhelmed. If anything happens to my mom I'm gonna jump off a fucking bridge…I'm sad for my step-dad but tbh this could have been avoided if he had actually told us something was wrong with his foot! Instead he ignored the signs and waited until it was too late, my mom is furious because she didn't even know anything was wrong for weeks. Only have one more semester of school left but I'm struggling to care about anything academic. Fuck.
No. 484042
>>484031Itayrt and …that's my point?
Eta: oops I'm an idiot I got the anons confused idk why I said the greentext part on
>>484017 bc I'm agreeing with them. My mistake!
No. 484061
>>484017 Can you count? you know theres a difference between 4.5 and 30%. 4.5 is considered super high and inflated already.
>>484017>one of you is talking about global population while the other is referring to USA population.See if it makes a diference, rest of the world is even less.
No. 484128
>>484034that's so fucking shitty anon, I hope your mom is okay and you figure everything else out
>>484115girl same, my legs are so fucking disgusting, even girls who are fatter than me usually have much nicer legs
No. 484135
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I'm so upset/pissed off/angry right now, this is gonna be so long and I'm sorry, honestly not even expecting anyone to actually read this lmao just wanna get it out
>coworkers with guy over a year, we both quit, we become friends for a while, start dating
>relationship started out amazing, took a downhill turn and deteriorated rapidly
>bf and I broke up 4 months ago after a 4 month relationship (his first relationship, my second)
>bf did douchey things while we were together, here's a few examples (but it's not everything)
>right after he got back from a 3 week trip, I gave him a blowjob and the entire time he kept looking over at his computer screen that was playing youtube
>after blowjob, we're cuddling in bed and he looks at his phone, has hundreds of pictures of anime girls that he's looking at, makes comments on the pictures like "wow I love the detail they put on this fit chick's abs"
>when he wanted me to leave after that he literally just said "I'm gonna hang out with my brother" and handed me my keys
>wanted me to go with him to a pub with his friends, I could have taken my own car but he wanted to drive me for some reason (which would have been find if not for what happened later)
>he has a few drinks
>he wants to sit in his car for 20-30 minutes to let alcohol ware off
>I'm talking about something completely unrelated to porn, he laughs as I'm in the middle of talking, I ask what he's laughing about and he says it's because him & his best friend have a pact to destroy the other one's computer if one of them dies because of the "grotesque pornography" on their computers
>we get in an argument about porn for the 3897th time
>he drives me home, I ask if he's sober enough to drive, he says "I think"
>I'm sarcastically like "oh I might kill my gf but that's okay"
>he's just like "yep"
>I know he was joking and probably didn't mean anything by it but it hurt my feelings, wtf
>whenever I told him something bothered me (like his porn habits, among other things) he'd say it was my mentality that made it bother me or that I had insecurity/self esteem issues
>when I expressed being bothered or disgusted by his habits, he'd act like I was just doing it to kink shame him instead of caring about my feelings
>we break up, I've told him repeatedly that I have abandonment issues, he says he doesn't want to abandon me and help me get on my feet (I was friendless & jobless)
>he says he wants to be friends and see me like once a month
>I say it will be harder for me to move on if we're still friends, but agree to be friends anyway because I have no other friends and will miss him
>however, he literally never texted me ever after we broke up
>I texted him once to say hi, texted him a second time a few weeks later to say I felt like he didn't want to be friends with me and was avoiding me
>he gets butthurt and says that I'm patronizing him and trying to make him feel bad, says he's "still having a hard time over our breakup"
>I text him again like a month later, asking him why he wanted to be friends with me, he just said it was because he didn't like being on bad terms with people and didn't think I was a bad person
>the last time I texted him he said that I was being "insensitive" (lmfao)
>yes, he makes jokes about killing me while driving drunk, and looks at porn in front of me after we have sex, but I'M insensitive
>I try to point out his hypocrisy time and time again but he never acknowledges it
>it literally drives me fucking insane that I can't make him see his own hypocrisy
>he never takes responsibility for his actions, always acts like the victim and I'm this evil abusive ice bitch who just wants to make him feel bad
>I realize I'm never going to get over him if we're still "friends", I need to break it off but don't know how
>I texted him yesterday just to test the waters and see how he acted
>we had a short conversation, I told him I missed him and he never replied
honestly there's way more I could say but this is already too long. I'm thinking of just blocking him instead of telling him I can't be friends. I hate it when people do that to me, but I'm pretty sure if he wanted to get rid of me he would just block me anyway. I would prefer a more conclusive end to this but I know that if I text him again he's just going to act like I'm bullying him and it's going to piss me off. and yes I know I'm a pathetic ass bitch.
No. 484139
>>484135He's immature and you're clingy. Sis, I'm saying this for your own good but if he really cared about you and prioritized you, he'd at least text you or reply when you do.
You're clasping onto him because you don't have anyone else, and that's the actual problem. If you had some other friends or even started to see someone else romantically, you wouldn't tolerate this treatment nor pursue him because you'd have another option.
Just block him, he's done enough to you.
No. 484279
>>484064You're being very
toxic. Your bf should be allowed to have fun with other people than you.
No. 484283
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My only option to have a somewhat normal life right now is to save up money, move to a different town and find a roomate. Might sound easy but I have no idea how, what or where to start. Most people who are looking for roomates are students and I'm not one, which means there's a chance I'd get kicked out once college or whatever ends. I'm also terrified of moving out to a bigger and somewhat unknown town.
What if I fail and just waste more time? I have to succeed asap because my parents won't be around forever and I can barely count on them now. I just want a stable life jesus fuck why is this so hard??
No. 484285
>>484283>What if I fail and just waste more time?If you try moving it MIGHT be a waste of time.
If you do nothing it's 100% a waste of time.
No. 484290
>>484064People are saying you're overreacting, but I think you should think about why you feel paranoid and evaluate it.
Does he have an actual pattern of weird behavior and/or secrecy? Does he make it a continued point to exclude you from things? If this is the first time anything like this has happened, you can safely say it's nothing and chalk it up to your own personal hang-ups and maybe some jealousy (like you said). If he
does act this way often, though, then you might not be wrong to feel uncomfortable about this.
Even if there isn't some big reason he doesn't want you there, it's definitely possible that he's too callous (as in he doesn't look out for you and try to make sure you have good times, too). There are tons of guys like that, and they suck. Best of luck, anon.
No. 484318
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For the past two nights I've left Moomin episodes streaming on my laptop next to my bed while I sleep, and I've had crazy Moomin dreams. Adventures in my own fucked up dream sense, but it's cozy still having them there.
No. 484335
>>484301Do you nitpick his eye area in every photo he sends for evidence of catfishing?
Chill out anon, it's normal to feel self conscious about how you look and accepted that people only send the best possible photo. Guys normally can't tell the difference between a filtered photo and a bad photo either, if he's a decent guy and he likes you then it's not a problem. Rip the bandaid off and have a video chat.
No. 484358
Saw a post on reddit where a 17 year old wanted advice because her parents make her babysit younger siblings when they go out on date night. They didn't go into much more detail other than it annoying them because they want to do other things with that time. Of course there's a response of "You should check out the Raised by Narcissists sub" … and she starts a thread on there too. What is with people turning everything into abuse and narcissism? I see people directing teens to this board all the time over normal teenage disagreements with parents and convincing them their parents have serious personality disorders??
>>484337My experience with Bumble has been that guys on it aren't ones to put much effort into even keeping up a convo going. Have heard alot of similar experiences where guys on there are so casual about it that nothing comes out of all that chatting or even meeting them. It has a reputation for that
No. 484375
>>484367It was keeping an eye on her 12 and 13 year old sisters, hardly a disgusting task lol
Most people pointed out that 13 year olds don't even need babysitting so apart from just staying home what's so difficult?
No. 484380
>>484375Are you ESL?
Babysitting a 12 and 13 year old isn't literally disgusting. What's disgusting are parents who have the means and capability of hiring a babysitter but choose not to. Instead forcing their older child to watch after children that aren't her responsibility whenever they want to go out. Because her parents are 1. Cheap and 2. Think nothing of their own child's time and feelings.
It would be one thing if she volunteered her time, but otherwise it's fucked up that she can't have a life or any spare time cause she's bespoke to watch kids that aren't hers. Horrible.
>>484373Why carry on the relationship with that gutless coke addict? He's just making you feel even more lonely and worse.
No. 484383
>>484382Oh, no wonder you stan this. You'd do this to your own teenage daughter.
Newsflash: Your poor teenage daughter also wants money for her time, and if you're going to force her to do it out of guilt and obligation that's the least she can do while you stifle her independence in lieu for your selfish needs.
No. 484384
triggered by babysitting lol
No. 484386
>>484384I'm not the one
triggered by a reddit story where everyone called this behavior narcissistic to the point where I had to bring it to lolcow for validation….
Btw, you're still wrong.
No. 484401
>>484394>>484397>>484398The teenager expressed their own need of wanting to do something else with their time and her parents steamrolled it because they put their own selfish desires first. These kids are not a teenager's responsibility.
If you see nothing amiss about that, I feel sorry for your kids.
No. 484403
>>484394once in a while is fine, but many parents appoint their eldest daughters as 2nd duty mom, caretaker, housekeeper, etc. to the point where it strips the girl of being able to explore herself and her world for herself. giving your children adult roles like that, or treating them live your mini therapist,or 2nd shift wife/husband is
abusive. I forgot what the term for it was tho.
No. 484405
>>484383>>484403This. Every time I see parents talking proudly about how their older kids take care of the younger ones, I feel bad. They've probably had to deal with that since the birth of their little brothers and sisters. When the oldest kids have to make sure the younger ones get up in time, eat right, get dressed etc. they miss out on their own childhood and are cursed with the feeling of constant worrying and fear for having to take such great responsibility at a young age. Like it's one thing to be there with your 13-year old sibling every now and then and make sure they don't have a house party or something and maybe warm up a pizza but when your parents make you miss out on your own personal life due to your obligation to babysit it's just unfair and all sorts of inappropriate.
And naturally it ALWAYS happens to daughters. No parent ever made their son look after the younger siblings.
No. 484411
>>484405>And naturally it ALWAYS happens to daughters.This right here.
I know firsthand because my mom is perpetually bitter at my grandma for forcing it on her to constantly watch her two younger brothers when they were growing up. Even sicker is if they caused trouble or hurt themselves, she'd get the blame. What's more is that not only was babysitting used as a tool to take the burden off her parents, but they "kept her busy" constantly as a form of control.
She placed a lot of inappropriate expectations and responsibilities on me as a kid, but one thing she never asked me to do was babysit. She fucking knew.
No. 484427
>>484424His behavior won't get better after you get a job, anon. You'll just be the maid after you've come home from a day of work, having to pick up and clean while he plays video games. The least you can say right now is that you're not paying half the bills to be treated this way, but in the end, no mature adult comes home and goes straight to funsies all the time.
Don't settle for it, you deserve better. Let him live with some slobby girl who doesn't give a shit if the place is a pigpen.
No. 484429
>>484405>No parent ever made their son look after the younger siblings.???? This is insane and not even close to being true. I've definitely seen enough Intervention episodes to know (lol). Sure, girls mostly get stuck with this type of duty, but
no parent
ever has done this to their son? That's ridiculous.
No. 484432
>>484405jesus christ calm down anon. kids babysitting other kids for a short amount of time is good as it teaches them to be responsible. stop thinking in such an extreme black/white way.
baby sitting younger siblings =/= your demon parents have stolen your entire childhood.
No. 484449
>>484335That's true, I don't nitpick his photos at all. Thank you anon. I think it's just my anxiety acting up + PMS that's making me a bit emotional about my face, especially since I've broken out in spots.
It really helps to hear common sense from someone else though, thanks again. <3
No. 484509
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>>484507Thank you anon, I needed this.
No. 484543
>>484514He needs to go through the proper channels in court to prove the mother is purposefully canceling and switching up plans in order to cut his visits shorter.
If he's not willing to put in the money and effort to win his son, then what's the real purpose of showing tears around you…
And by the way, unless his son is attached to you in some way this isn't your fight. You can be supportive, but I really hope you aren't doing any legwork for his responsibility.
No. 484544
>>484543Not to mention why they're
supervised visits. Very curious for such a concerned father willing to provide.
No. 484548
>>484543I mean I did say we are taking legal action for this, he’s never actually given up on this fight. It’s just disheartening dealing with it to begin with, definitely worthy of tears. He didn’t do anything before now because his living situation couldn’t accommodate a child, but it’s changed since. I haven’t met his son because the mom doesn’t trust me, doesn’t like that I want to be involved in any way (she told us to go have our own kids if I want a kid that bad, missing the point entirely). My only ‘legwork’ is reading up on stuff to make sure we do everything properly and spellchecking lol.
>>484544Their divorce was messy, she cheated on him multiple times and wouldn’t go to couples therapy despite him pushing for it. Her family doesn’t know this and her mom encouraged supervised visits (also made her get child support taken out of his paychecks, despite always paying early and occasionally extra) because she explained everything without ever mentioning the real reason they were splitting up. Of course he seemed crazy lmao. He was a stay at home dad when his son was an infant and that worked out really well for them, plus we babysit for my family occasionally.. so from what I’ve seen, I wouldn’t be worried about him alone with a child. I was wary of the fact that they were supervised in the beginning too and wondered if marriage would make him show me a side of him that was alarming.. but nope, nothing.
No. 484553
>>484548>his living situation couldn’t accommodate a child, but it’s changed sinceWell hopefully he can prove that it is.
>I haven't met his son, the mother doesn't trust mePut yourself in her shoes: Would you want your son to become involved and possibly confused with an ex partner's girlfriend? When that ex hasn't even proven that he's fixed up his own living situation yet?
I'd be watching out for my kid too. This is reasonable and it's not an attack against your character so don't take it that way.
>she cheated on him multiple times and wouldn't go to couple's therapyThis is a he-said she-said. How do you know this for a fact? How do you know he's not the cheater?
>her family doesn't know thisConvenient.
>made her get child support taken from his paychecksThis is standard and only a retard wouldn't do it. If he was paying early and extra on his own then this should have been a non-issue for him…yet he's complaining.
>he was a stay at home dad while his son was an infant Yikes. Unemployed while making the baby mama work, and she had time to cheat on top of all this? Or did he?
I think you're being sold on a tall tale anon.
I think your involvement, while good intentioned, is inappropriate and any decent man would have been ashamed to have gotten you involved to this degree.
You're free to think and support what you want, but I see a lot of bullshit in this. I really do.
No. 484570
>>484543Agree. My bf has a kid and he'll get upset over how he states the mother is, but he also doesn't go out of his way for his son or anything. My dad left my family when I was wee and I've got the normal daddy issues, so it really breaks my heart to see a dad not really giving a fuck. The mother of his son he says she cancels and messes plans up but I've known he's cancelled or not got replied back to the mother in good enough time. He has a good paying job and sometimes gets on even at me that he's the only human in the planet with a stressful job and office hours lol.
I've felt bad that the mother didn't let his son see his dad because of him dating but they were never together and he moved out before his son was 6 months.
I'll snap at my bf sometimes and bitch him out if he's making rude comments against the mum. My own mum always encouraged us to see my dad and I remember my brother use to be a dick and refuse to see my dad. I remember a few times I cancelled or told my mum I was suck because kids are sensitive and sometimes it'd be too overwhelming for me to see my dad so I think that's also something to consider, does the kid feel comfortable to see his dad? I know it's tough and it's hard to know boundaries when you don't live with a kid.
Honestly if a man has a good wage and just pays the bare minimum court ordered child payments I don't think they can dictate to the actual mother the schedule which is what I've witnessed from my bf. We've been together a few years and the ball has always been in his court. He even told me he has missed payments to his son and felt bad, but the week before he had been out partying etc.
If anons bf can prove the mother is intentionally fucking over the kids relationship I hope it works out for everyone but it's not the other women's battle. I think the most respectful thing to do is just be mindful of the parent that lives the day to day with the kid.
No. 484577
>>484554Can we hold the retards who'd vote for Trump again accountable instead of acting like it's the rest of the country's onus to provide the most agreeable candidate for everyone when that's never going to happen?
Quit voting for that fucker.
No. 484579
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This is superficial and really not a big problem, but just a super big blow to my self esteem.
My cousin just got a really modeling gig for a really big fashion brand. My brother has modeled too. I hate being the ugly one in the family, I feel like I'm treated worse because of it.
I'm working on losing weight and toning up though, helpfully that will make it better.
No. 484583
>>484553Oof too much to unpack here. I’ve seen the screenshots of her cheating, it was with people she knew through work (not coworkers, but same building). He even had messaged the wife of one of the men she was seeing to let her know about it, which the wife said he had done it before (also screenshots). He chose not to let her family know, just to minimize drama. Her job also could drop her if it got out that she did it because it’s a fairly public position. Her job paid her more but even with two incomes, they couldn’t afford childcare hence him staying home for a little while.
He moved back into his parents house after their divorce and his family smokes inside, not child appropriate. Now we live on our own, with extra space, so we can have his son here.
I understand that she doesn’t want me around, but it’s totally normal for people to have two households they bounce between with dad/stepmom and mom/stepdad. I haven’t spoken to her more than pleasantries, so besides him asking when he can bring me to visits (which was twice, in the last year).. she’s not totally aware of how supportive I am of his efforts. Just doesn’t like me by default.
He didn’t complain about the wage garnishing either, he just didn’t understand why it was so necessary. He still pays more than their legal agreement, simply because she asked for more. There was no hesitation on his end.
No. 484588
>>484583It's one side of the story and you don't have hers, and it sounds like she's not keen on talking to you anytime soon. It's still wise to take that situation with a grain of salt.
Anyway, so what's his employment situation like now? What if you indeed want to have children with him, but with child support needing to be paid, run into the same financial shortcomings as his first relationship? Would you be willing to take on burdens like him wanting you to work full time while he stays at home?
>he just didn’t understand why it was so necessaryBecause men tend to slip and miss payments if they're not mandated by law, and maybe what you said about the cheating made her think he might get petty as revenge. Who really knows, but that's the reason.
No. 484589
>>484583My dad was a high up in a company where him and my mum met. When she had kids he was making good money that she left and he had an affair with the secretary. Everyone knew. I find it weird that apparently an affair between not Coworkers would impact someone's job. Is she a politician or some shit even then I doubt it would lose her job? And why hide it from her parents? If she's such a bitch and chested why is she being given so much respect and consideration?
Also weird you haven't been introduced to the child and you want joint custody and for them to bounce around houses which is always disruptive I fucking hated it as a kid the only pro I could manage was never doing homework because teachers would feel sorry for being from a broken home but I think that lasted maybe a few months before teachers cracked down on me lol.
I was
>>484570 and have had a few meetings with the son but never introduced to the mother. However the mother knows his family and the situations I've met the kid has been where the mother knows its been a family occasion (one instance a wedding) and grandparents were present. Are your husbands parents involved in the kids life?
No. 484592
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>>484575>>484554F O U R M O R E Y E A R S
No. 484593
>>484588He makes what she did when she was the only one working, I work part time and go to school. He’s taken on most our bills lol. In my future career, we could afford childcare when we needed it. But if I made significantly more than him, I would be okay if he stayed home.
>>484589She’s a police officer. It’s enough public standing that her personal life could affect her job. She had affairs when she was a dispatcher with cops, then she pursued that as her own career. We’re not asking for joint custody right now, just unsupervised longer visits and alternating holidays. His parents are pretty uninvolved honesty, they’re nice people, just kind of in their own world. They weren’t supportive of him having a kid to begin with so the issues he’s been having are kind of “well you shouldn’t have had a kid!” to them
No. 484594
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>>484592Similarly to the first time around, I won't vote and I will also be hoping that Trump wins again because FUCK the DNC. I truly don't care anymore if this country burns to the ground with me in it. At this point, we all deserve it.
No. 484595
>>484593I get you with the grandparents, honestly my bf has two sisters and you should see his parents dote on his sisters grandkids whereas the few times his son has been invovled in a family gathering is when the elder sister reached out to include him. They had the attitude that their first grandson was a mistake but a happy one. However there is like a clear divide.
Ah being in the police makes more sense sorry for badgering you. Hopefully your husband can start bridging the gap of normal with the visits and you both can have a few holidays together with his kid.
No. 484604
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>call off sick
>the day flies by
>go in to work
>the day drags on
I hate this.
No. 484606
>>484577>Can we hold more than half of a country with 300 million inhabitants accountable for taking part in a democratic election and not voting for whom I wanted to win? >>484580>muh superpower>better than europe in every instanceThis is why you have trump and deserve him.
They don't notice it and would always deny it, but the average american behaves so similarily to trump - just in less rich lol You're so self-righteous. Always thinking you're better than others, always wanting to fight against others, never just being neutral and accepting of differences like normal adults.
I hate the leader of my country, but I acknowledge that many other people choose her and that she therefore was rightfully elected. No big deal, I just move on, no need to throw tantrums.
No. 484607
>>484604fuck, i feel your pain
>goes into first job. day drags on
>goes into second job that i actually love. day rushes byi want to quit my first job already, but i already cut them down to two days a week
No. 484609
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>>484606>You're so self-righteous. Always thinking you're better than others>hur dur from my euro bubble looking at the silly americuns >wait what, shut up you are the self righteous one reeeeeok, enjoy your 60% income tax for shitty healthcare and 50 euro pension
No. 484610
>>484606>Can we hold more than half of a country with 300 million inhabitants accountable for taking part in a democratic election and not voting for whom I wanted to win? He didn't win the popular vote. Many Americans didn't vote at all. A chunk of his voterbase only voted for him because "Hilary can't win!" And another chunk regret their decision altogether.
Yeah, I'm holding people who voted for him responsible because there were other options. People have their heads too far up in their ass with identity politics, doing spiteful things just to make the opposing team "lose" even if it means they elect a moron to office.
People are strange.
No. 484611
>>484606i really hate politics talk on /ot/ because the state of the world is just so depressing and this board is kind of an escape from daily life (at least for me). but i need to say that the kind of person you described - self-righteous, always looking for a fight, unable to be neutral and accept differences - is the kind of person who screeches about how terrible trump every two seconds and actively and vocally hates everything american. so… you kind of have it backwards there.
>I hate the leader of my country, but I acknowledge that many other people choose her and that she therefore was rightfully elected. No big deal, I just move on, no need to throw tantrums.and this is what those people will never, ever do.
No. 484633
>>484618For stuff like this, it's always best go go by what you think and not what the other person thinks
If you spend too much time thinking about how they feel, you lose yourself
If you want to be friends with someone, reach out to them and never stop unless they ask you to. If you don't want to be friends, you can just slowly move out of their life.
I know it hurts to be pushed away, and I'm sure there are personal reasons that really have nothing to do with you personally as to why it happens, so if you do want to be friends with someone–just keep an open mind and heart (and ask them to get therapy)
No. 484645
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>>484610>He didn't win the popular vote.Why do people keep repeating this like it's relevant at all?
Maybe a system where it counted would be better, or maybe a system where it counted would be worse, but either way it isn't the one that we have, so it isn't the one he played around. For all that anyone knows if the popular vote counted, and he campaigned based on that, and all the silent Republicans in hardcore blue electorates this time bothered to show up, he'd have have won even harder.
No. 484659
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>>484645>cherrypicking that one thing out of the entire paragraph just to sperg about your 5D chess and a draconian system that for decades political scientists have said needed reformation>and thinking this is a gotcha If this is the hill you want to die on anon, I don't care.
No. 484667
>>484659representative democracy is of the reasons the US is not another latin american failed state right now.
>political scientists have said needed reformation you do realize how dumb this statement sounds? reddit tier, absolute seething.
No. 484672
>>484667Yeah, we should ignore educated people on the subject and listen to internet denizens like you. That's the true non-seethe way.
>>484669Fair enough.
No. 484694
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>>484594>>484620I know you struggle to bang your last two brain cells together to form a sentence but there are people whose lives and wellbeing actually depend on who is president. You're not being treated like a retard just by leftist politicians, you actually
are fucking retarded. The government is never going to fail you absolute turkey. Republicans are just going to keep winning and fuck over poor people/nonwhites/women/anyone who isn't a rich old white dude.
>>484610One of the main reasons Trump won was that he appealed to a sizable demographic of white blue collar workers, farmers, and agriculture workers who typically don't vote. This demographic is what won him key states like PA. Unless Democrats actually get their shit together, stop being butthurt bc Bernie isn't the nominee, and vote for whoever
is the nominee, Trump will absolutely win again. Honestly I think Biden would be the most likely to be able to win because he has a lot of appeal to black voters and moderates, probably two of the most important demographics - but then you have the Bernie bros who aren't actually affected by any of Trump's policies because they're either 19 year olds whose parents pay for everything or white 30 year old men who protest vote or vote for Trump bc ~fuck the establishment~
We don't need the perfect candidate. We need someone who 1. can beat Trump and 2. actually govern
No. 484697
>>484694No one ever denied that Trump won because he appealed to hicks and blue collars.
The problem is that almost half of Americans didn't bother to vote.
>Unless Democrats actually get their shit together, stop being butthurt bc Bernie isn't the nominee.Terrible strawman.
Oh, and Biden is awful.
No. 484707
>>484704Someone having a different belief and choosing not to practice abortion if the situation befalls them is completely fine.
Fostering a movement that has wrought tangible setback (to a throughly tested right) that is fundamentally rooted in emotion and not fact, does not belong in an educational institution.
A community church group is more appropriate.
No. 484771
>>484770Why does that bother you?
If he's not prioritising them over you it should be fine?
No. 484776
>>484707Not if you believe it's murder. Murder isn't something that anyone has a right to. As
triggered and disgusted as you are by them existing there's a good chance they currently think even less of you. Fortunately all of are attending a school that exists to help people think, and as it happens part of that is the ability to debate. So have an honest discussion with them and find some common ground.
No. 484784
>>484770As I get older I'm less jealous over partners that stay friends with exes and I find it more concerning when guys don't speak (or are on bad terms with) every single one of their exes
Depends on the guy, but it can be a sign that he actually values women
No. 484787
>>484785This. One of the biggest red flags when dating a guy is if he passionately hates all his exes or describes them all as bitches
This guy is showing he's not the type to get
abusive and then cut them off
No. 484972
>>484833I'm the original anon and I didn't even seriously consider going to their event tbh, I go to a STEM focused school on the smaller side and I myself don't have a lot of knowledge/debate skills. Plus I'm kind of an autist and don't want to make a fucking fool of myself. Hence why I made the post here instead.
I figured my vent might get a few responses but lol. I mentioned throwing the flyer away because it was kind of pathetic and in a place I don't think anyone would have noticed.
No. 485025
>>485019In the process of moving out (meeting with a case manager tomorrow) but saving up money still takes time plus I need money to pay for my classes.
Basically everything is taking awhile and I hate waiting.
No. 485044
>>485030Agree, I made sacrifices to escape my family. My situation was more my parents disabling me instead of enabling so the incentive to leave was really strong for years.
They tried their best to burden me financially and make me feel like I couldn't be independent unless I was going to college full time and simultaneously had a full time job that paid at least $14/hr. I ultimately became poorer living under my parent's roof because they increasingly "borrowed" money from me and made me pay for things I had no need for, like the $250 TV bill and my grandfather's & sister's phone bill on top of my own, which left my mom and dad to pay for their own phones.
I was making $10/hr working at a restaurant, where my paychecks fluctuated between $60 - $250 a week. Imagine your parents demanding you give over $400 a month for nonsense with that kind of job, on top of them asking you literally every other day if you were going to apply for college classes.
I initially escaped my parents house working that restaurant job. It was tough at first, but I did it. At my new place, I lived in a room. I bought my own used car, paid my own insurance, no TV needed, or phone bills that weren't mine. Just had to pay for myself and quickly realized how much money was just going down the drain living with my parents. I eventually found a nice full time job within a few weeks that paid $11/hr where my paychecks were a constant $380 every week. I moved in with my boyfriend shortly afterwards, where I was lucky enough to save even more.
I left my parents not getting a lot of things, but I knew it was the best choice I could make. My mental health improved so much, I stopped having to go to therapy about a year and a half after leaving my parents house.
I honestly thought, upon escaping, I was going to end up like those people on Tumblr and Twitter who would have to e-beg every day because bills and rent were going to be abysmal. It ended up being the opposite for me, the only help I received was a friend giving me $30 for gas money after buying my used car. Everything else I was about to handle, to my surprise. One thing I ultimately learned, which I regret not doing earlier, cut all ties to your parents names. If anything you have is under their name, leave it with them because they might try to threaten you with legal action down the road. Other than that, good luck and you'll be fine.
Didn't mean to reply to this with a story but oh well lol
No. 485071
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I’m so, so tired in the morning. It doesn’t seem to matter what time I go to sleep at, I always have dark under eyes and am in a constant state of sleepiness.
No. 485187
I have been dealing with increasingly frequent flashbacks and realizations about things that happened to me when I was a teenager the last few weeks. I was sexually manipulated, physically abused, groomed, emotionally isolated and encouraged to hurt myself by multiple older men when I was 15 and alone, and had nobody to help me. The first man was 15 years older than me. I somehow never thought any of what happened to me was weird or abnormal until this last month, 12 years later. It has gotten to the point where I cannot sleep because every time I sleep my nightmares get worse and worse. Somehow I feel as though if I were to tell anyone all these horrible things that happened, it would be a burden to them to know it. I can’t really explain why I care about burdening family members with the knowledge of what their own neglect of me caused to happen, but somehow I am. I don’t know who to talk to or how to feel better about it and mostly I have been cycling between depressive exhaustion and straight up not wanting to live with the pain these things have caused me. I don’t know what will help make it better, I don’t know if talking to people will actually help, and I don’t really know how to keep living life like this. Still, I somehow have the energy to keep worrying about making other people sad or uncomfortable.
No. 485216
>>485187Just know you got through the last 12 years despite this happening to you, so you can keep going.
You're right that your families' neglect was what caused it (and the predation of those sick fucks) and it was
not your faultWhen I start getting into "whoops remembering awful stuff" territory I reject those thoughts and keep doing what I'm doing in the present. Look after your health and safety and these things won't happen again.
>>485199He sounds really gross, I hope your mom gets a divorce asap
What a manipulative creep.
No. 485257
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okay for the sake of being progressive or just when you have to use the bathroom I don’t care what bathroom you use. I don’t, it’s a function and we all do it no matter who or what you are. what gets me here is that this is, a 100% gay male. no crazy pronouns no special taglines. BEING A GAY MALE DOES NOT MAKE YOU A WOMAN or give you access to female spaces?
You're literally a man in a women’s restroom. You have a full beard are not “female presenting.” You’re completely enforcing the stereotype of “haha gay men and women amirite” and your outfit looks like some sort of burger joint uniform. Why even be in there in the first place besides the quirky caption and perhaps a slightly better background?
it’s a personal cow I needed to needed to vent where someone would maybe understand.
No. 485264
>>485257the fact that he felt the need to point out he's in the ladies' room just gives off giant "lol fuck women" shit-stirring vibes. it's like he wants a woman to get mad at him so he can clap back. it's not even one of those nice women's bathrooms with a full-length mirror lmfao no excuse.
this is pink-pill territory though so be careful anon. i guess.
No. 485274
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I really worry about and hate that other than gender-, sexuality-, race-, political spectrum and now age related fights between people keep getting more vicious and vocal. But at the same time..
No. 485297
>>485274Completely unrelated but I fucking hate Rick in the walking dead. HATE HIM. Fucking cocksure, hypocritical, over aggressive piece of shit throughout and I was so thrown off when I looked up the subreddit and he was adored for some reason.
Is there some deeper reason I'm too stupid to get as to why this violent moron is beloved?
I mean I love a good antihero and grey morality characters but I really thought the show was challenging us by having a truly hated main character.
No. 485343
I'm visiting my parents and spent hours cleaning up the bathroom today. All available space was taken up by toiletries, stuff that I know had been there, same position, for 5+ years, when I left home. All those hours were spent getting rid of stacks of dusty, moldy or stale shit, didn't even do more than dust. Massive bag of toiletries to be binned and honestly? Doesn't look much different. I've made a dent, but it's not enough. It's like they can't just buy shampoo, it has to be 4 bottles, all opened at once with another 4 half done rotting in a corner.
I keep trying to have a heart to heart with my mom about the fact that she needs to stop buying new shit because it's "such a good deal". And only afterwards seeing there's no space, so piling it up while trying to find someone to "gift" it to. Whenever I've tried to clean up in the past they'd freak out and conjure up some bs reason as to why it's useful to them despite them not touching it in probably a decade.
I'm a bit worried because as the years go by the old shit doesn't go, but the new shit just stacks on top of it. I can only see this behaviour getting worse, and tbh I feel all I can do is try and get one room to a decent state every time i'm over, IF they allow me to. What's sad is that my little brother seems to have given up. He used to get annoyed at all the mess, but now his room is awful and for the first time he didn't want to help when I asked to clean.
And idk, it's just stressful. It's stressful always trying to find a place to sit, or to put your plate or cup without knocking something over, or putting everything on the bed so you can move around, you know?
No. 485352
>>485343My mom does the same thing. I don’t know if it was because she grew up in a poor family but she always buys stuff because it’s on clearance and holds onto things for way too long. I used to toss the almost empty shampoo/conditioner bottles or lotion in the trash and then she would pluck them out again. And I started buying bulk hand soap so she would stop putting water in almost empty soap containers.
One day when she wasn’t at home I threw out a ton of old hair brushes and donated the old hairdryer and some unopened lotions/sprays that had been in the closet for years. I never told her and I don’t even know if she noticed.
No. 485387
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My parents have passed and my house has been destroyed by water damage. I'm living out of hotels right now by the insurance without a job. I quit it before I knew all this would happen but I did hate that workplace.
I'm honestly so damn alone and depressed right now. Almost just tried to end it on friday after hours of crying. My friends aren't taking this situation seriously and one has been mopping to me about their life. This person has a good income with loving, living family, and their own place. I'm at a loss for words how I'm supposed to care for them on top of this disaster.
No. 485452
>>485376Not married to an alcoholic but shacked up with my long term bf and he is a lazy ass when he’s not working and uses the “I work tho” excuse to make me feel bad even tho I go to school and babysit for money sometimes ugh men are so entitled.
Pick up the shit tho, I’m stubborn too but I can’t imagine the smell wafting in my house
No. 485474
>>485376Working nights gives him no excuse to not take the dogs out. If he's home when the sun's up, he definitely has the time to take the dogs out. Drill it into him, every 4 or 5 hours the dogs need to go out. Set a timer, anything. It only takes 5-10 minutes to do.
Buy him a pack of antiviral facemasks from the dollar store and tell him next time the dogs shit in the basement, wear one of those. No excuses.
No. 485477
>>485387I'm so sorry. Maybe point this out to the friend? Maybe she's not seeing it right, and I could see someone making that mistake because your situation is so hard to relate to. If she stays defensive though I'd remove her for a bit at least, there's no excuse for being self centred like that. Maybe your perspective is skewed because of where you're at but nobody would expect you to emotionally support someone at this time.
You should reach out to some kind of support group, therapy if you can, and I hope you get through it soon.
No. 485479
>>485392More info? Where are you? I'm in a kind of similar situation. After 9 months though I'm enrolling in a language course. I tried volunteering and made some fair weather friends at least that way. Do they have meetups in the country you're in? I don't think church is the place to go to socialise if you're young. Have you brought up that you feel alone in the country? What about work colleagues, could you deepen relationships with them?
A big problem is that you feel like your partner doesn't care. The number 1 person in your life and you feel like he's not on your team? That's bad.
No. 485499
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>>485497Happy Birthday anon!
treat yourself to something small
i recently celebrated alone aswell, even my parents forgot lmao but i bought some cake and watched a movie and it was nice
No. 485500
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>>485497Happy birthday, anon. You don't have to do that forever, try to take some time to pursue the things that you enjoy.
If your life is so meaningless now, there's no reason not to do whatever you want with it while you still can.
I promise you won't always feel this way.
No. 485503
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No. 485508
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I'm trying to go abroad for a year and for that I have to apply for a specific visa. I can because I have enough money to apply and I have nothing holding me back, and my parents will also lend me money so I can give it back at my own pace. But I keep getting interrupted, I have so many problems with so many administrations doing stupid shit and taking so much time and I just changed my bank because the one I used before was complete trash, I wasn't even able to apply for my visa yet. I want to get this over with asap and it's just so frustrating.
Related to that, because of that I can't get a job in the meantime because nobody wants to hire me for a few months or weeks for anything and I've been a neet for a few months. I hate this shit, it's so boring. I've been trying to beat a few video games in my backlog until I get things sorted out because I really have nothing else to do that.
No. 485541
>>485507Aw thanks anon, for real
Although I didn't get any sleep and my head is spinning haha But that legitimately made me smile and made me tear-eyed
Second vent I guess but I am just so stressed because I think I'm gonna flunk college cause I am a piece of shit and my mom is going to be fucking disappointed and mad at me (she made it clear), especially cause she is a professor herself and she pays for everything in my life
There is a slim chance that I will pass, everything is so shitty right now that I am basically losing hope
I just wish I could fall into a coma until next year and everything was resolved (or not, but at least I've slept), cause 2019 had been a fucking shitty year and here I was thinking that 2018 was shitty
No. 485563
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>sole mental health organisation in the area dedicated to helping people with social anxiety
>only reachable by telephone
No. 485605
>>485563have you tried text lines anon? not great for like longterm support but they have helped me in the past when I just needed someone to work stuff out with.
there are a lot so I don't have a particular recommendation
No. 485615
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i get so jealous of smart people. people that can work hard. those born with incredible minds.
knowing that they could, in an instant, grasp a concept i've been struggling with for an hour; or that a genius will do better than me in my field or in academics or make a bigger contribution to the world by merit of being intelligent makes me not want to try at anything, and gets me so depressed.
i am seeing a psychiatrist this december though (since for the longest i've suspected i suffer from add or something) but i'm also scared they're gonna diagnose me with a learning disability or something.
i don't know. at the core of this post i'm just sad my brain don't work too good and i wish it fucking did i wanna be a top level computer scientists physicist bioengineer too god damnit
No. 485630
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>>485629That are Muslim swimsuits in AliExpress, maybe you could try Amazon as well, anon. Good luck!
No. 485690 are high ranking officials in churches so well protected? Why do they bother protecting abusers? I just finished reading above article and I'm so dumbfounded over it all. Some lines that stood out to me:
>Hanssens believes his decision to act as a whistleblower – reporting the abusive actions of Delft and other priests – was held against him by the Salesian order, and says he was later forced to leave the school in Ghent and work more than 100 miles from his home.What is the point in punishing the whistleblower when you have a pedophile that you keep in constant contact with children?
>Loots says the Salesians are in a difficult position when it comes to dealing with abusers like Delft.What's the difficult position? What do they have to lose to turning over him over to the police? Isn't this just making a worse image for their church and their mission?
>“Most of the time, it’s impossible that he can stay in the community or the place where he lives or works,” Loots explained. “We have to remove him immediately and then because Salesians are working with young people, we don’t have so much alternatives.”And yet… you move him into a place where you
know he will be with children. Uh.
>But Delft being in the CAR meant he was soon working again in close proximity with children and with little monitoring of his activities. This gave him clear opportunities to violate his court restrictions, and Delft’s latest accusers indicate that he did.why why why why why
>“We look at that moment for the best possible alternative with the lowest risk that he would repeat his bad behavior. What you are doing is confronting us with that – what we have thought to be the best of all … scenarios – even that wasn’t enough.”Your "best possible alternative" was putting a pedophile near children?? Does
anyone have any brain cells here or???
I was originally going to post this in the stupid questions thread because I really was hoping for a legitimate answer as to why they bother to protect abusers, but then it turned into a vent so I'll leave it here. I'm so frustrated at the stupidity. Like, no one is this dumb to believe that if you put a convicted pedophile near a bunch of kids that something won't happen.
No. 485706
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I just haff to scream
No. 485709
>>485684Anon, you are beautiful just because you’re not a cute kid anymore doesn’t mean your life is over and I’m willing to bet you don’t even look that bad. I really hate how society makes it seem that women when they’re not young just aren’t as pretty nah fuck that I’ve seen plenty of women who were beautiful with mature features.
Start taking care of yourself, moisturizing and eating a little healthier to look and feel better about yourself
dress appropriately too, you’ll only look old and ridiculous if you desperately cling to your youth by dressing like a teenybopper
No. 485713
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the guy I'm seeing and I don't seem to be working out or just encountered some problems. It's a rather sober thing and we're both rather guarded and cool and distant and it has it's ups and downs. I feel terribly lonely and weird today and a bit neglected. Maybe talking it out would be a good idea but I'm frustrated and lonely and don't wanna be vulnerable right now. So we're just not talking. Idk maybe we weren't ready or it's not a good match. I honestly have no clue right now.
No. 485717
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don't mind me whilst I scream
No. 485723
>>485718nta but I could classify as a bdd fag and i always feel/have felt way older than I am, prolly due to being praised for being "mature for my age" and generally being perceived as older than I am throughout my life, yet whenever I think about myself even just a year ago that disappears and it feels like I was just a tiny babby. Like two years ago when I was forced to take 1st year courses I felt like a legitimate haggard grandma despite being like 20 lol, but in hindsight wtf was I thinking! Truly a mindfuck.
>>485719why not try meeting women instead then? I'd say women are more difficult to befriend than men but only because women kinda care about who you are as a person kek
No. 485726
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>friend gets a bunch of dumb tattoos the second she turns 18
>of stuff that's trendy that she barely cares about
>Edgar Allen Poe's face
>a decade on and everything's going blobby now
>makes a status about how someone mistook her EAP tattoo for Hitler
>she keeps posting statuses about it bc she's insanely hurt by someone thinking she got a tattoo of Hitler's face
No. 485743
>>485723I have a lot of acquaintances both male and female and one female friend who is local currently. However, I don’t feel like I can be as open with them as i can with a male partner who cares. I do go out and try to be social at least twice a week but I have problems forming meaningful connections. I don’t think I have a bad personality but I’m definitely not someone who exudes warmth and openness.
In the past when I was younger, I’ve accidentally destroyed friendships because I used my friends as therapists basically and they couldn’t stand it. I think a lot of my problems forming interpersonal relationships stem for that as I’ve become reluctant to open up about my feelings. I’m not traditionally feminine and have some interests that aren’t mainstream so I feel like I’m even more isolated and have more difficulty making friends in general.
No. 485870
I don't want to talk to her. I haven't spoken with her since spring after she rejected and cussed me out for the last fucking time. I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with her, but the bitch still attempts to call me and comment on things I haven't blocked her from seeing on social media. Because now after the dust has settled, she wants me back on her terms and now that she wants me. Fuck what I want and my boundaries.
Even though before she outright resented me, never called, never cared about my social media, claimed I was being horrible to her, that I was being needy, and she flat out rejected me whenever I sought her for affection or reassurance. She was a cold, bitter woman to me then. Yet now that she's lost control she wants me back in her clutches again.
She refuses to see that she's done anything wrong, and she doesn't believe that she has. And that IF she has done something wrong to me, it was because of someone else causing her to act that way.
And IF it wasn't someone else, then she didn't mean what she did.
But IF she did mean it, then I deserved it.
She's even got some family in on this, and there's actually a narrative that she's a victim. That I'm just being a grudge holder.Maybe it's easier for other people to believe that. Since she's been peachy sweet to them and have never been treated like how she treats me behind a closed door.
There's attempts to guilt me into continuing a relationship with someone who has caused me such indescribable stress and grief.
If I'm so shitty, then why is she the one crawling back? For more of my alleged "abuse," or is it cause she done fucked up and none of her manipulation tactics are working anymore?
I'm no longer anxious about coming home after work. I don't have stress acne. I don't tense at the thought of going to gatherings and being around her.
I'm better off without her, and for once I don't care if the feeling isn't mutual.
This isn't a vent about my gf, it's my mom.
No. 485909
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fml i just found out this cute guy i was interested in is related to me, i guess thank god nothing happened between us or it wouldve been even more awkward seeing him again
No. 485969
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>>485959sorry that you're unhappy or in a bad place or that life is bad rn and that your surroundings aren't understanding of your pain.
I sometimes say optimistic stuff because I genuinely feel that better days can come and that it can be nice to look forward to sometimes. But that's clearly not true for everyone or in every situation and I don't wanna dismiss the problems and pain and understand it can be patronising or come across that way because most people think when you have extreme problems that a certain attitude can "fix" it when it's not that simple.
You're right that faking optimism when you're drained and don't have it in you is no help. You are important and your experience is real. You wanna be seen as you really are without keeping up appearances and heard in your pain without glossing it over.
I hope people cross your path that do listen and empathise.
No. 485978
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lo and behold, the time has come to scream yet again
No. 485979
>>485978Same anon
I wish we could do this together irl, like some version of fight club except we just arrive alone, scream collectively and then leave alone whenever we feel it's enough
No. 485980
>>485974>do you want someone to wallow with or whatnot everyone wants contrary input to their feelings. some want to be understood and heard and listened to. It can be healthy to cry and be sad and a relief and just be honest and not glossing your honest thoughts and feelings over. Sadness and anger and desperations are emotions like any other and not bad to face and feel. They can pass on their own, too, and it's soothing to be understood.
You could say affirming things like "I understand" or "I'm here for you" or "I know it's hard" and just listening and being supportive without compulsively fixing everything. Are you unfamiliar with the concept?
No. 485982
No, I am familiar and have felt very bad in my life. But it seems that an "I understand" or relating it to yourself even in a small way could be read as stealing their misery and being selfish. But like you said, saying optimistic things is invalidating. But just saying "that sucks for you" seems cold.
Would "I wish you didn't have to hurt" work? That seems like it could be taken as blowing hot air and not truly caring though. Yet "what can I do to help?" could seem dismissive, as if you're tired of them being sad.
Nothing is right. Idk. I don't want to apply what I like to hear since it varies from person to person.
No. 485983
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this fucking cringy incel in my class has a crush on me. i'm already in a bad place mentally what the fuck do i do?? i hate that i have to deal with this shit too
No. 485999
>>485992well, i forgot to mention that he's been stalking me irl and harrasing me online. he also screeches about "femoids" to everyone and frequently mentions how much he hates feminists blah blah.
but yeah, like i said i've been going through so much lately, i don't have the energy to deal with this. too bad i have to see him everyday…
i know i'm probably overreacting and it's pretty easy to deal with this stuff. i just needed to vent
No. 486034
>>486026I sound sarcastic now I read it again but I'm serious, stalker men are dangerous pieces of shits. Also
>>485999report him because he's screaching disturbing shit.
No. 486036
>>485982Oh, I understand then.
It's not easy that's true but I wouldn't say nothing is right.
Sometimes, you can't help them or say the right thing, that's okay, too. But it's good to be there, to try, to listen, to talk and see and hear their feedback. It doesn't have to be perfect imo. With time, maybe some mutual trust can develop and these talks get easier.
Your suggestions are actually really good. Even offering help is good. Just saying "If there's anything I can do, tell me" or "you can message or call me anytime if you need me" is good. It's just an offer.
And yeah, it's awkward and hard sometimes and sometimes all you can say is "damn that sucks, I'm sorry" but even that and just being there can help. You don't have to turn into a perfect psychotherapist, you can just be you and try as awkward as it is. Maybe not everything I say is right or I touch a nerve sometimes but people usually appreciate being listened to and just an opportunity for a heartfelt, honest exchange. I just watch their feedback and maybe I can help somehow and they feel better. Maybe not. That's all anyone can do.
And it's good to encourage someone, too. But don't expect them to respond enthusiastically and agree right away or ever. These things are a balancing-act and constant back-and-forth. Sometimes you're off, sometimes you're bang on
No. 486043
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>>484959You sound exactly like me right down to your parents and the ocd. I'm by no means "cured", but what has helped me since starting therapy is learning to be able to step outside myself and analyze a situation. I try to pay attention to my body and realize when I'm starting to get anxious. So when I'm freaking out over something minor, I stop and think to myself "Oh this is just my brain being stupid.". I know how incredibly hard it is, but don't fight it. Don't fall into the trap of beating yourself up over your thoughts, it drags everything out and makes things /so/ much worse. I still deal with anxiety, but my panic attacks go away much faster now.
Anyway just letting you know you're not alone and I wish you the best. I hope things get better for you.
No. 486047
>>485979Welcome to the screaming club. Bring yourself and your vocal chords for some carthartic screaming together. No introduction or talking needed. You arrive, you scream.
Place: In the middle between our locations.
Time: Next full moon
See/hear you there
No. 486059
>>486002i wish
>>486003>>486034thank you for the concern anons. i think i'm just gonna take the weekend off and clear my head. then i'll talk to some people about it.
>>486047can i join you guys?
No. 486063
should stop being bitter anon. Chances are that someone will find you not-repulsive. You kind of sound annoying.
No. 486092
>>486088Oh wow. I can understand why someone would be in denial and on the defensive for something awful they did at 12 because they were groomed into that behavior. I understand why you can't have a relationship with someone who won't admit to the wrongdoing.
That right there is a tragedy.
Your mom is being an asshole though, it's not her place to force you to have a relationship with someone who abused you and won't acknowledge it. She Just wants her happy family, which is very selfish.
No. 486105
>>486074I just meant to say that I hate compliment fishers chill the fuck out, i barely even know what body dysmorphic disorder is and i couldn't care less about mentally ill people complaining about other mentally ill people. Fuck your friend really good, though. And fuck pedos.
No. 486106
>>486104Basically you sign up and put in details about yourself and what you're hoping for, usually presents are around $20 so don't really ask for anything too special. When sign ups are done, you receive a user's username and address and can see whatever they filled out for you to get them within the time frame. Someone else gets your username & address & details you provided and they send you your gift within the provided time frame. If the worst happens, the gift for you doesn't end up being delivered, like the person dunked out for a free gift, there's people who signed up to be "elves" and one can provide you with a gift to make up for the inconvenience.
Overall not too risky. They have year round and more specific exchanges if Christmas ain't your thing, or you just like giving and receiving more gifts.
No. 486114
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I just listened to my roommate's dad SCREAM at him for about 2 hours, calling him worthless, a piece of shit, and that he's better off dead because the house isn't spotless and it's a "shitpile", now I have to clean the entire downstairs when I just cleaned – It's just being… lived in. There's no garbage, I admit that I left my purse on the table as I've been running around lately and it slips my mind that that was okay at my old place but not here. I could be losing my room here if things aren't "completely spotless" by Monday.
I'm also just fucking terrified of this man now. I hate men who blow up completely like that, and I feel even worse for my roommate. We also have to COMPLETELY empty out the garage that's currently holding for a lot of our stuff, like future things for an event we hold, or just general stuff that can't be used right now, he wants it completely and utterly empty, including bikes and shit.
No. 486133
>>486114Both my parents are like that. I hate when my friends or roommates are exposed to that so I never invite family to my place.
I would move out for your own sake if it happens again. Homes are meant to be relaxed in and lived in.
I hope your roommate can find a place of their own too one day.
No. 486202
Have posted before about my woes of living in roach-infested NYC, made only worse by my borderline hoarder parents and living in an apartment that was built no later than 1950, but tonight… tonight I just want to fucking SCREAM!!!!!
I was cleaning the floors and getting ready to mop. Having a roach of two hiding in the mop only to get washed out when I dunk it into the mop water is nothing new (though it’s only started happening with this new mop, yes I do rinse it clean with water after mopping). Tonight I dunked the mop in, watching the twisted and dried little strands begin to rehydrate and spread out, and for the inevitable roach or two to come out. I usually watch and wait lest one try to craw up the handle and escape. Tonight it was one… then two… THEN AT LEAST EIGHT MORE SWARMING OUT ALL TOGETHER. I WANTED TO SCREAM AND VOMIT INTO THAT FUCKING BUCKET. There were no less than 10 in that bucket, I didn’t bother to count.
I had to learn the hard way that roaches don’t drown easily, so I just had to stand there and swish off the roaches who kept hanging onto the mop and making sure none were coming up the handle, and then just stand there and pray that the detergent in the mop water wouldn’t take forever to drown and kill them. I dumped the water out into the toilet and made a fresh batch to mop with.
I’m so disgusted. I use diatomaceous earth but I know it can fuck up vacuum filters so I try to limit where I put it to cracks and whatnot (we have an expensive dyson vacuum that I love with all my life, no way I’m fucking that thing up- who knows when I’ll get a new vacuum?) but tonight I went ham and dusted it everywhere. All over the floors, all over the walls, all over every possible surface in the kitchen (where my dad likes to leave a mess long after I’ve gone to bed to yell at him for it, not that yelling at him does anything because he always whines about how he’s too tired to clean up his mess). Also I’m pretty sure I inhaled way too much of the DE. I only have regular face masks, no respirators unfortunately.
Fuck my life.
No. 486204
>>486202Holy shit I’m having flashbacks. Me and my roommate were renting this apartment that turned out to be an overpriced rip off. I kept the place fucking spotless constantly and had the apartment people do sprays. It didn’t help like at all. Roaches infested the drains and dishwasher. I started running the dishwasher empty every day just to kill them. They infested my loofa and I was scared to take showers. One FELL ON MY FACE in the middle of the night when I opened a door, and I had moved my bed in the middle of the room to get away from walls but I still had at least one roach in bed with me once.
Finally I had a fucking all out meltdown when I spent all this time making a perfect BLT and set it down on my desk and looked away for LITERALLY LESS THAN TEN SECONDS and picked it up to take a bit and several roaches scurried our. I dropped it and started screaming and crying and my room mate tried to console me but he ended up having a meltdown too and grabbing the back of diatomaceous earth and dumping it everywhere literally all the floors and counters covered in piles and then we went and stayed in a hotel.
I’m so glad to be out of there. I cleaned that place spick and span on move out day and they charged us for cleaning which is BS, probably all the roach carcasses that died in the 10 mins between us leaving and inspection. They also charged us for a bunch of other “broken” bullshit that I know for a fact was a lie but we were so traumatized we didn’t want to even go back there to contest it.
No. 486208
>>486202>diatomaceous earthYou'll need something more heavy-duty for your situation anon. That will only kill the bugs who happen to trot through the powder, it does nothing to address the colonies which are no doubt within the walls and in places you haven't even discovered yet.
You need something like boric acid powder, which can be bought in a big bottle at Wal Mart near the rat traps for less than $4. You finely dust the same way you do DE, but here's the rub: If you see live roaches, dust them with the BA powder but let them live! They'll return to the colony and die with the powder on/inside them, and when they die the other roaches in the colony will cannibalize the dead roach and they will die as well. It's important that the powder is carried back through their routes of travel.
Boric acid powder isn't
toxic to humans (unless one is dumb enough to put it in eyes or snort a line) and I don't believe it will harm pets unless they purposefully ingest it.
If you're using DE for pet reasons, then it might be worth it to have someone petsit for a couple of weeks, which is about how long it will take to kill the roaches with this powder.
I stand by this because my apartment had a roach infestation when I first moved in and the shitty apartment management told me pest control wouldn't be able to spray for another month. I didn't have time to wait.
I sprayed powder underneath the fridge, along kitchen walls, cabinets, between the crevasse of the dishwasher and counter, and basically every place I could see a roach crawling and traveling along. I sprayed roaches with the powder when I saw em alive and let them return to their mother roach to die.
No roach activity within a week. A bunch of dead roaches. It works.
No. 486212
>>485974That sounds hard, are you coping okay? Would be a great start.
Hell, even a ‘shit sucks’ would be something since it doesn’t give the message that the sadness you feel is a burden and should be kept private.
Anything that isn’t patronising. Any variation of ‘be positive’ is not encouraging like they think. It’s just another punch to the face when you’re already down. It also puts the onus on the person who’s miserable because it implies that if they spent more time invested in magical thinking, the impossible thing will happen. Total cruelty.
No. 486216
First world problem, ahoy.
Just don't get mad at me anons, it sounds silly but I promise it meant something sentimental to me.
This Thanksgiving is one of the firsts that I'll be having with myself and my stepdad. Because I decided to cut contact with my mom, and they're separating. It's gonna be one of the first years that I'm going to be cooking the dinner. Even though I've lived alone before I never got to cook for Thanksgiving specifically. I love to cook, I love new recipes. This year work gave me a free turkey and I was so excited to plan the dinner.
My mom has always been a control freak when it comes to food and completely ocd in the kitchen. Every year it was always the same bland and uninspired slop because she hates cooking and the effort that goes into it. I wasn't ever allowed to make anything, lest I be put down for suggesting anything other than her norm or harangued for disturbing the sanctity of her kitchen. There's actually a running joke in my family that I'm the "gourmet"–always said patronizingly–because I dare want to try new or fresh things. I mean these are the same people who think seasoning beyond salt, pepper, and parsley is "too spicy." They say the stuff I want to make is "too expensive" because they equate quality and fresh food to $$$, when actually most of their pre-processed junk is more expensive dollar for dollar. I digress, the point is that this year was going to be different. Or so I thought.
Lately I'd been juggling a nasty cold alongside my new job. I had zero mental energy left by the end of the day. As soon as I would get back to the apartment, I would fix food for myself and then go straight to bed. Admittedly, I was behind in my Thanksgiving planning but I had an idea of what I wanted: Chestnut, sage, and sweet potato stuffing made from bread; a green bean casserole made with fresh beans and a mushroom cream sauce; cranberry mould from scratch with orange zest; gravy that I'd make from caramelized onions and the turkey drippings that day. Just to name a few.
A few days ago stepdad asked me what I wanted to prepare for Thanksgiving to make a shopping list. I told him a few things off the top of my head but not everything, mentally I just wasn't there. I assumed I had more time. I had assumed we'd go together, to split the cost as well.
Disappointedly enough, he went today without me while I was at work.
He bought garbage. Powdered gravy in a packet, canned vegetables, cheap boxed stuffing. Junk, just like mommy would make. Shit that he wanted because he's nostalgic for it and didn't want ~gourmet anon's~ pretentious dumb ingredients and fresh vegetables and ballyhoo.
He was so dern proud of this haul that I didn't want to rock the boat by telling him just how I really felt. Obviously I can't go out and buy the actual ingredients now because he'd be injured and take it as an insult for not using what he bought. These are turds that I didn't want to have to polish but now I have no god damn choice lest I appear ungrateful even fucking though I ought to be since he was inconsiderate.
I just feel like telling him to make it. Hell, the instructions of how to make everything are written on the packets and boxes he bought so who's to say he can't? Right then.
No. 486222
>>486204God I’m fucking shivering just thinking about that. I’m sorry you had to live through that ordeal anon!!
>>486208Thank you anon! I was hesitating on the boric acid because of my dog. She doesn’t really eat what she isn’t supposed to (except for the rare occasion she somehow gets a hold of unwrapped chocolate. stupid dog doesnt care for any human food EXCEPT CHOCOLATE) but I did catch her licking the wall where I had dusted DE once. It most likely was because she knocked some food out of her bowl and was trying to get at it, but she’s such an old dumbass I don’t really know what goes through her head. I’ll try to get a pet sitter but our main roach area is the kitchen where she doesnt really wander into so hopefully things will be okay!
>>486211I want to fucking cry I walked into my just cleaned kitchen and what do I see? A GIANT FUCKING ROACH. Our apartment building has quite a lot of them but I’ve only ever seen them in the basement, never actually inside our unit until today. I want to cry so bad, I keep feeling like bugs are crawling all over me. I’m gonna douse the whole damn place with boric acid.
No. 486271
>>486266>Oh and I have no health insurance at the moment so I can’t even see a doctor, shit.Whenever I read things like this I can't stop being surprised at how anyone is even alive in the United states. How the fuck can you deal with a society where you
can't afford to see a doctor? Or get treatment?
No. 486275
>>486271it depresses me so much, anon. how do people have kids like this? they just don't give a shit and/or are idiots. i can't take any american with a child seriously because of the healthcare situation. surely you'd not have kids if their wellbeing can't be close to guaranteed by at least having coverage for all citizens, and coverage that isn't massively marked up, for worse results? americans will defend this system to death. they truly don't care about their kids. even with an absolutely 'great' insurance plan, you should still be under constant anxiety. i have a 'great' plan and i'm always stressed still. i'm constantly anxious given the healthcare situation. and i will absolutely tell you, as someone who has had a multitude of health problems, our outcomes are MUCH worse. we are severely overpaying and have no security, and the doctors are terrible, the quality of care is horrendous, even if the cost goes up. people assume a higher cost means better quality of care, but it's so much worse. it makes me want to cry constantly. there's no reasoning with most americans about the healthcare situation. they bullheadedly believe this is the best situation and that it gives them "choice" and better outcomes when we know for a fact that it doesn't. the american populace just loves to get anally fucked raw and then beg for more.
No. 486288
>>486275At least poor people with kids can get on Medicaid and pay relatively little if anything at all.
It's when you make a working class wage or are an adult with no children that you're absolutely fucked.
No. 486297
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I hope I'll make it short. I know, that vent is quite dumb, but I want to throw my thoughts somewhere.
I have been a part of a circle for two years. Only recently, when I've finally left it because they tried to make up rumors about one of my closest friends because he was really done with them acting like 'mean girls' club, being rude around people who are more popular than them, or around people who don't praise them in general.
But the issue is that I have been around them for so long that I never realized how much they affected me. I have almost healed myself from it, recognized all the toxic traits that I took from them but the issue that still stands is the fact of how much I want to be a short uwu gf. I know it's really stupid and delusional, especially knowing the toxicity of entire uwu-movement, but sometimes I really wish I was 153 cm instead of being 166, because everytime people would talk about height, it would turn into some weird 'who is the tallest cutie' contest, people would keep talking about how short they are, while adding 'ah! u are so short, but me… i am < >- cm shorter than you! uwu life sucks' which led into me, being insecure about having average height. I know men are all about dating 'as short as possible' women because they always want to feel dominant, and I got a boyfriend who is okay with my height, he is my taller than me, but still. It oftenly bugs me in a really stupid way. I also was the tallest one out of this circle which always made me feel weird and uncomfortable, since people would always 'bully uwu' them and call them ~ smol ~, praising them for their height like it's the most important thing. Makes me wish sometimes I was praised for such… Trait? Too. I just want to always feel small and cutesy even though I am cute and such. It just feels like I had x100 extra cute points if I was shorter lol. It is really stupid, yet this thought keeps bugging my head. Hell, I am a part of Lolita fashion and having to experience the issue that a lot of dresses are from 'ultrashort' and girls without bodyshape is pretty lame.
Circle was not related to Lolita Fashion, but uwutuber community and girls were asian.
No. 486303
>>486297It's okay anon, you're most likely super cute at your height and I'm sure your bf doesn't give a fuck. I've noticed even girls on here calling cows who are your height "ogres" and it's really odd. I'm a couple cm taller than you and can only imagine how it makes even taller women feel.
But even a girl who is 180 cm+ can be super adorable, so I don't get it. There's a girl I see around my university around that height and she's cuter/more feminine than me lmao.
…and as a side note, although it is common, not all men prefer super short girls. Some want to date taller girls, too. Just like some women love manlets.
No. 486308
>>486297they were asian, that's why. it's not like this is super pervasive anywhere else. although i can tell you that being short is super fucking annoying precisely because the most napoleon complexed manospheric men with the worst tempers have a target on your back. they are super invested in finding the shortest woman possible because they're psychotically obsessed with their shortcomings (kek). basically being that all of the incel shit is now obsessed with height + the natural propensity for insecure men to target short women means short women are going to get ALL of the most psycho men coming after them, for the most part.
also i find that height really doesn't matter that much like, more how you appear. i don't feel like i look as short as i am, whereas ariana grande is apparently 5'3 but imo looks shorter than me, or at least people seem to think she looks 4'11 when she isn't. not all short women look petite. i see a lot of women who are taller than me that look more petite so the petite super estrogen thing imo is not all up to height, it's just some evopsych stuff. i think being super thin contributes to uwu more than height honestly.
No. 486318
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I'm about to spend Christmas Eve second year in a row only with my mom and brother, while my sister spends it with her bf's parents and comes the next day.
Being in hometown alongside my older (I'm 22 and he's 27) brother makes me uncomfortable since the last time I visited him kinda. He showed me some games on steam, because he had to do something meanwhile. Besides that I had to buy train tickets, so I opened the browser. Out of curiosity I peeked at his bookmarks tab. There was ero-dating page and links to the site's profiles. Next to it was folder named "stalk" full of women's facebook profiles.
I still hope it won't turn into something worse.
No. 486375
I had tonsilitis and conjunctivitis for over a week not long ago. I was really fucking ill, knocking back antibiotics and painkillers, lozenges, anything to get through the day with as little pain as possible. I have an active toddler and a husband who works full time so I was still doing mom and wife stuff on top of dying. Eventually recovered, still don't feel 100% but I'm better than I was.
Husband gets a cough. An annoying cough, but no aches, pains or sore throat. Oh my god he's being such a wuss. Suddenly looking after the child is too much because cough but he's well enough to play video games cough but he's soldiering on, how brave. cough I swear our family would fall apart if I wasn't around to do literally everything for everyone.
Also, a friend of mine lashed out at me because he asked if I had a problem with him moving in with his girlfriend of three months, and he pushed and pushed until I gave him an answer. I said I thought it was too soon and OH BOY DID HE NOT LIKE THAT. Because TWOO WUV and WHY CAN'T YOU BE HAPPY FOR ME and a bit of HOW CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF A FRIEND IF YOU WON'T SUPPORT ME. In the end I was just like, okay whatever, you do you.
Anyone wanna take a vacation with me? I'll get the drinks in.
No. 486382
>>486340id rather taxes over the near 500$ deduction from a paycheck every month to ensure i actually get to use my insurance.
the money is pooled together so essentially when you pay for insurance, even if you dont use it, someone else will. even though i need care, someone else is receiving it whether i can use it but thats not taught so instead its wrapped up in the idea that oh no we are all going to be taxed more uwu fight that.
so all those tumblr idiots that think taxation is theft is feeding into that because lets be real if we all had a little more tax, our healthcare would be taken care of and school could be better or roads or whatever. yet they will bitch about not being able to afford housing food or healthcare
No. 486408
>in english class yesterday
>almost the end of the semester
>so far this class has been really nice, no major arguments or anything
>everyone seemed so mature
>discuss our readings for the week from our book
>it's about femininity and such
>doesn't even mention a lot of politics, just talks about cultural perceptions of femininity, etc.
>discussion goes haywire
>this is unusual for our class as some people in particular are just being rude
>wish I had videotaped it because words cannot convey how bad it was
>one dude who is usually very pleasant was just bitching in the corner, obviously triggered
>he would not stop talking oh my god
>another older gentleman was being stupidly aggressive as well
>professor is a doofus and they're all just having a circlejerk about feminism and women's rights
>getting angry because corner idiot and old man are saying inappropriate things and the professor isn't catching on
>me being retarded, I blurt out "why are the men are dominating the conversation" since this is about women and no one is asking us how we feel, it's just them having a male moment
>whole class: shocked pikachu face
>explain that this class has been so good up until that night, wtf happened
>also mention that the two idiots in particular were out of line
>professor looks embarrassed
>pick me bitch starts defending them and getting worked up, saying "women are an issue too uwu"
>tell her she's not the problem, why is she making excuses for their bad behavior?
>keeps talking and putting me down, don't understand why she's lashing out at me as I thought we were on good terms
>can tell she wants to say something rude so start ignoring her because it's like she's trying to bait me or something
>I decide to leave the class a few minutes early because I'm hungry and am just over it, pick me won't stop talking
>I know I'm stupid, but I was really disappointed last night
>I really thought things were so good after being in terrible classes where people have meltdowns over discussions like this
>was surprised at my professor for not seeming to care or realize how some of the men were acting until I mentioned it
>oh well, life moves on
>I know they're going to be upset when we come back from holiday but it is what it is
No. 486410
I have no medical insurance with my current job and Im kinda regretting it now. The due date has already come and passed but I didnt want to get it because im rarely ever sick and they take it out of your paycheck, and I already make so little. The other day I was sweating at work and starting to get the itchy feelings on your breasts that you get sometimes. I didnt really scratch it or anything but when i got home i did. I didnt look at my tits before to see why they were itching i thought it was just because i got hot, which happens all the time. All the sudden i felt pain. I looked at my breast and there was an almost lesion? looking mark on my breast where i had scratches. Almost like a circular area(think from a cigarette burn, but i dont smoke or anything) where it appears a layer of skin got sloughed off? Its not big at all and it doesnt hurt too much, but ever since then it has stung/itched a little, and it has a clear liquid coming out which im assuming is plasma, but after putting bandaids on it, when i take them off, the liquid shows up yellowish on the bandaid. There was never any blood, theres no pus or anything. But i looked up so many different things and couldnt find a picture of anything that looks remotely like it. And its scaring me. Also, after I take the bandaids off I started noticing that made the area hurt worse, and where the sticky parts of the banaid were, there are little rips starting to form on my skin in those areas too? There isnt really any redness around the actual wound, just where the sticky tabs were. I know the skin on the breast is more sensitive than most skin but im so weirded out. Its been two days. Its still not bleeding or excruciating pain or anything but ugh. I really wish i had signed up for insurance though it would have cucked me out of even more of my paycheck. This sucks.
No. 486415
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how to survive frend's party despite being umcomfortable and not able to talk to anyone. it's so awkward aaaa
No. 486452
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>>486417If you're a Eurofriend you can get sun-ripened canned tomatoes from Italy easily and for relatively cheap all year around and maybe more regional ones, too. Other places, I'm not so sure. Probably an organic, expensive brand. But you can get lucky by researching it and maybe there are brands with sun-ripened tomatoes
>>486424I'm guessing ESL and they just forgot the word for greenhouse
No. 486467
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My emotions have been all over the place these last couple of weeks.
I just get depressed, anxious, then suddenly happy again. Even my dreams are getting scarier.
what is going on?
No. 486486
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>date comes over who I met through an app
>get into bed
>making out
>feeling my ass
>squeezing my boobs
>light spanking
>eats my ass
>"Oh man anon, if it wasn't my personal rule to not have sex on the first date…"
You put your tongue on my butthole but some basic intercourse was gonna push the envelope, eh bud?
No. 486494
>>486491so? common =/= safe
>>486493okay, that's better
No. 486512
>>486511Anon, I think you might be missing the biggest issue with everything you just related.
Why the fuck would you let your bf take your face picture engaging in a sexual act? Don't you know how common is for men to share those, not only after a bad breakup, online?
You can't have that kind of liability around, that's just putting your image in future danger. Fuck being pretty while sucking dick, only a porn actor should care about that kind of thing and not care about her image doing the act existing in digital format one button away from being shared online.
No. 486519
>>486511He likes it cause it's his dick your mouth. The goofy face you're making is just the additional ego trip.
It ain't that deep sis. Although next time you meet I'd ask him to delete that pic. He's already proven immature enough to send it through text. Just hope he's not the bragging type for your sake, otherwise he's probably sending that embarrassing pic to everyone.
Never agree to pictures like that unless you wouldn't be ashamed if they were publicly posted someplace.
No. 486555
>>486511This sounds like a disaster anon
>Taking porn photos of you>sending them across the internetLike everything sent online gets put into databases and servers, and in goverment records: to quote Snowden "Yes, the goverment have your dick pics" and even if it's just on his phone it might be automatically uploaded to a cloud server if his settings are to do that.
Apple phones automatically scan and tag images with keywords so you can find them again
screaming into pillowObviously it's different if you're an online sex worker and your image is already out there, but if not, this is very concerning.
No. 486580
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>liking your straight friend
>liking your straight friend especially if she's in shit relationship that she won't leave
what the fuck anons what will Freud say about me
No. 486642
>>486605The post about the estonia in the "down the rabbit hole" thread sent me on the same track as you anon.
But I had to stop after the 2014 SK ship. Broke my heart
No. 486665
>>486605anon, keep in mind that ship accidents are rare.
but I feel you, I also made myself paranoid by listening to black box recordings, and now every time I get on a flight I have panic attacks.
I was also obsessed with reading about the Sewol ferry disaster, couldn't believe something like that could happen. those poor kids
No. 486683
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I don't want to study anymore, I don't want to go to uni anymore. It's not fun, it's not interesting, it's not even good for my future, at this point I only do it because it's better than nothing. I wish I wouldn't have felt for this retarded meme. Just so my family could gloat about their (grand)child going to uni but now even that became worthless because they are disappointed in me anyway and shit on me behind my back under the pretense of being concerned for me. Must be nice to be in their shoes, always able to switch standpoints to be right and make themselves the center of attention. But I can't even drop out because then I would confirm their belief that "I wouldn't make it" and "they knew it all along". Deep down all I wanted is for them to be proud of me and finally respect me as my own human being. All my life they shut me down, screamed at and punished me whenever I voiced my thoughts or my own opinion "because they knew better", interfered every single time I tried to be even a bit inderpendent and made everything about them at all times. I was nothing but a pillow for them to lean into and only existed for them, as an extension. And now, almost 26 years later they turn around and say "oh how could this happen? Why doesn't have my (grand)daughter any goals of her own? Why doesn't she have any motivation? Why is she such a failure, what did we do wrong? We must have been too nice, we coodled her too much :((". No you don't, you fucking suffocated me and any sense of self and confidence I had and then tried to fix your abuse with food. The truth is I did have secret goals and motivations but you either never even bothered to listen to them, talked me out of it or immediately made fun of them. You only ever cared about yourself and how you appear. I wish I could go back and tell my young self to say fuck it as soon as I finished 11th grade. Fuck aiming for higher, fuck having a bachelor in my resume, fuck the higher paid job meme. I never cared about any of that, all I wanted was a quiet life on my own, to be able to live out my creativity and independence. But now I'm almost 26, tired and mentally stunted, with no experience in anything and still stuck in this grey, dirty shithole infested with stubborn mold on each wall, monthly burglaries, dogshit and sad faces everywhere and still the always ready pillow to punch it out at. It's basically a dead end. No matter what I end up doing, I already missed out on any chance of happiness or satisfaction.
No. 486700
>>486683you are young and your whole life is still yours to claim. cut off contact to a
toxic family isn't easy, but it's feasible. they need to stop judging you by their values on you and let you be. if you feel overwhelmed by your studies, there is alway the option to take a break and resume your studies later, or never, your choice whatever feels right for you. most unis have an office for helping students under mental strain, please reach out for help.
whatever happens, do something today to live out your creativity and pursue your own goals, you'll feel better right then.
No. 486717
>>486713I remember reading that if you hurt a kitten, then pet it/show affection after immediately it will understand that it wasn't your intention to hurt it.
Kind of like when kittens play with their mom, mom gets a bit too rough, the kitten cries, mom starts licking it, all good.
No. 486734
>>486642>>486665AYRT and the Sewol one easily fucked me up the most. I couldn't watch the videos or listen to the messages, it was too sickening. I don't know what kind of monsters could leave hundreds of kids to drown.
But yeah, while logically I know that there would have to be a huge chain of fuckups for the ship to capsize and murder me, my dumb lizard brain is yelling at me to flee the giant metal floating thing. Reading those accounts made me wonder seriously how I would perform in a life-threatening emergency. I want to believe I'd be heroic and brave but I feel like I'd just panic and get myself killed, lol
No. 486752
>>486751How is asking someone else for plans and then expecting them to make plans for you not entitled and lazy?
Anon if you do this stop it. The people who you do this to are annoyed.
No. 486847
making friends in college is such a tiresome process.
i’ve been casting a wide net and talking to lots of people, as well as joining clubs related to my major / hobbies (though such opportunities are more minimal due to being at community college).
however, it just seems like i get along (surface level) with lots of people, but resonate with almost no one? in high school, i has a pre-ordained “friend group” that i hung out with (hyper-online, tumblr queer kid types), but i’ve fundamentally changed since then, and no longer share many commonalities with that sect of people.
yet, i can’t really seem to find anyone that i just “vibe with”, like i used to with my old (high school) friends. it seems like i tend to find enjoyment in intial conversation, but then everything peters out, and i realize that i just… want socialization but don’t actually like or feel engaged by the person i’m trying to befriend, for the sake of having anyone to talk to.
i’m just fucking sick of the friend making process. i met another philosophy major that i’ve gotten on with, but i suspect they already ghosted me because i played devil’s-advocate to one of their baseline “woke” platitudes, despite the fact that i was very thorough, and gave lots of concessions to their original argument, establishing that we were both coming from a place of relative agreement.
i dunno. shit is exhausting. has anyone here has similar experiences? did you inevitably find “your people” in college?
No. 486889
>>486847I live in a dorm with almost 60 people and my class has over 40 people.
Out of all of them, I've only met like, 3 people I vibe with.
I don't really talk with anyone in class because 75% of them seem like they need some reality check asap. Also, I get so invested in the activity we are doing that I kind of isolate myself to work better. Some months have passed and I think I'm lucky I didn't aproach anyone too quickly, because I realize a lot of them are not what they seemed at first hand.
At the dorm I get along with almost everyone, but I only have a deep relationship with a group of girls. I have a few acquaintances and that's it.
I'm also tired of meeting new people. Don't sweat it and try to have a time for yourself. Once you're a recovered from the experience, open yourself to new people again. Right now I'm just enjoying time alone, doing my thing without having to please others.
I'm sure you'll meet someone, sooner or later. I did, so you will too!! I wish you the best of lucks.
No. 486986
>>486985Not really related but one time I got chewed out by an officer in the library because I was sitting at one of the many “student only” tables.
There were literally no kids in the entire library since it was a weekday during school hours, and the few non-student seats were already taken.
No. 487078
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Forgive me if this is better suited somewhere else but I unironically hope onision fucking kills himself. Like yes he has kids but he’s proven to be an abhorrent father who does bare minimum. He’s been around for 10+ years and only exists to do evil nasty shit and he will never stop or change. He’s rotten to the core and will never do anything good for this world. Fuck that guy.
No. 487089
>>486905>>486916Almost everything men say about women is projection
>Women are so ungrateful no matter what you do!Men
>Women just give silent treatment instead of discussing issuesMen
>Women always take men for grantedVice versa
>Women judge men's body's so harshly!! If you don't have a male model face, 6'3 and a body builder body women find you uselessMen
>Women look to cheat every chance they getMen
>If a woman dated Chad she will never be satisfied with other menMen
They project more than movie theaters
No. 487100
>>487063society and lacking upbringing adds (delayed) pressure. sounds like you lack self-worth and never feel good enough and compare yourself compulsively (with others or just an inner image of
better than you because if you don't feel good enough, there has to be an idea of what would finally make you good enough like an unreachable carrot on a stick dangling in front of you). that's why your accomplishments don't feel rewarding and you're not happy with them or yourself. maybe you're not making up reasons to feel bad but you actually do feel bad and some of your emotional needs aren't met. as adults we are responsible for all our needs. some of them we don't even realise because nobody ever taught us to feel them and care for them.
No. 487105
>>487074this can even happen through obvious or subtle neglect and/or nagging and these critical attitudes. When children get (partially) neglected and (some of) their needs aren't met, they falsely burden themselves with the responsibility and develop a subconscious attitude that it must've been them and because they weren't good enough, these needs weren't met. When they don't feel good enough, they start to make inner images of that idealised state of being "good enough" and run after it.
That's why caring for ourselves deeply and self-soothing and healing is so important.
No. 487129
>>487063You're not alone my dear, please don't hurt yourself. I and many of my close friends have felt the pointlessness of it all. It sucks, but you've got to stop comparing yourself to others.
You are you, you have a lot to offer. You aren't just your talents and your successes. You are your kindness, compassion. Others love you not just for how well you are doing in life, but for the person you are and the soul that's inside you.
Life's a bitch. Sometimes we have to force ourselves to look at the good bits, but they're always there
No. 487159
>>487155Jane foster as thor was only bad because she had cancer and was told there was a cure and she said “no thanks, I’ll beat it on my own”
And some of the, “look at us, we are liberals” junk was annoying too
The rest was fine as far as mantle passing goes
No. 487209
>>487198baby steps, we can do it!
No. 487232
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Found out the guy I was crushing on fucked a prostitute
No. 487257
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I've been struggling with my weight recently. I've been eating regularly, but I've been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety so sometimes I feel like my stomach is shut down. I'm not ana tier yet thankfully, and I'm going to see my GP this week to ask for help.
However, my mom is stressing me out even more by screaming at me because she can't deal with anything that requires good parenting skills, so she calls me names, says I'm crazy, threatens to take away my laptop and my books (??) and overall acts as if I want this and as if it's all my fault.
Now she brought it to the next level by asking "You're thinking of suicide, aren't you?" with a mocking/defiant tone, and by saying "I hope you start losing all your hair, so it'll teach you a lesson".
In such an environment, no wonder I'm fucking depressed. Why even having kids when you're such a shit person?
No. 487261
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Period brain is turning my stupid brain into absolute mush. I feel like I'm stuck in the feedback loop of hell, going back and forth through thinking about my ex, being sad about our break up, then being sad and upset about me being sad and upset because I should be over this by now!!! I hate being so self aware of what my brain is doing and how awful it's making me feel and feeling so helpless that I feel so powerless to do anything about it besides sitting here, waiting it out, and trying my best not to cry. I normally do just fine dealing with these thoughts but my period makes me feel like I'm being crushed under the weight of it all.
I wanna go rock climbing and take my mind off of things but I'll have to pay an extra $10 to go in since it's after 3pm (have an early pass cause it's cheaper and I normally only go weekend mornings) and it's going to be crowded as fuck and I don't want to deal with my inevitable climbing anxiety on top of all of this. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck please send me cute puppy and kitties.
No. 487270
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>>487261Here you go, anon. Hope you feel better soon.
No. 487274
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>>487260You will not be considered old, not by a long shot. People won't even be able to tell you're older than 18/19 unless you tell them, and if you do they won't care. Your friend is either really fucking stupid or deliberately trying to upset you.
>>487261a cat for you anon!
No. 487275
Sometimes I feel like I'll never be loved the way I want to be loved. I've been in relationships before, I've had people say they love me, they do things for me and show they care… but it's never in the exact way I want and I end up disappointed. I guess most people would be lucky to have bfs that treat them the way my partners have, but I'm still uneasy about it.
When we got into disagreements and I felt hurt, it always seemed like it was about them winning the argument and preserving their ego, instead of looking from my point of view and considering my feelings, and that's where I believe their true self lies. In the end men don't seem to care much about our feelings if they deem it to be trivial or illogical. No matter how good they are, they'll just be stubborn and cold and never apologize from the heart like most women would. Women would be empathetic and feel bad for hurting you, even if it's completely unintentional. Men would think that they shouldn't have to apologize because they didn't mean to hurt you, that you're at fault for feeling that way. I understand since people are indeed responsible for how they choose to react on their emotions, but it's still a cold robotic way for someone who is close to you to think.
I just have a bad view on relationships right now.
No. 487279
>>487260I started uni at 25 just this year finished with a masters at 29. You'll make friends at 20. What I noticed was that the mature older guys that were like in their 30s had no issue having friends with the younger guys, but I didn't get the same comrade. Not to say I never worked with amazing students and I never experienced hostility. The only time I got fucked over by another student is when I teamed up with a 40+ year old woman and she tried to email a lecturer that I didn't do any work. It was for a video presentation. We scripted it, I was in front of the camera and she wanted to edit it cause she bought a new mac book. Little did I know she was going to try and fuck me over. The lecturer emailed me and I was completely baffled, showed him our plan and pointed out I was the only one in the video demonstrating the procedures. We both got As and she never spoke to me again lol
You'll be fine at 20, remember that you're going to be mixing in with a lot of new students, it's not like following on from the last year in highschool were everyone is familiar. People won't know your age til your asked.
No. 487282
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I want to apply to a job again so bad but I can't get passed my stupid anxiety about interviews.
I can handle crazy/nasty customers anytime but it's the interviews that make me want to die. How do I get over this anons
No. 487307
>>487262>>487263>>487274>>487283>>487279Thanks for the replies- yeah she said it so offhandedly and it just stuck in my head. She already knows I feel bit apprehensive about going since I've skipped a few years.
>>487301No, she definitely wasn't joking, I was more venting the question in disbelief that someone could think so matter-of-factly that 20 was a mature student. Now I'm pretty sure she was just saying it to get a rise out of me or something.
No. 487308
>>487302I don't feel like they are particularly milky or anything. My problems are pretty minor stuff I just wish I didn't get as many negative reactions.
These events were all spread out over this past year.
>in break room at work taking my lunch>about to leave>coworker stops me and apologizes to me>apparently he was talking shit about me and didn't realize I was in the room, I didn't hear him because I was concentrating on my own stuff>ask him what he said because I try to be polite and nice and keep a low profile, sad that someone thinks of me enough to talk about me in that way>he refuses to tell me, feel even worse>talk to people online about it, give a description of myself and my behavior to try to find out possible things that people dislike about me (a stupid idea but I was pretty sad about it)>they tell me they think they would dislike me irl because of my typing style and that suicide is a solutionSome time ago
>talking about fear of being alone after moving away from hometown because I haven't made any new friends for a long time and have forgotten how to form new friendships>get told to stop being an autistWith an irl friend
>we are relatively close, she vents to me about her relationship and other problems on a regular basis>tell her that I feel like I'm losing my personality because I don't have any time to do anything but work and study (was a difficult semester for me) and that I don't want to become someone who only complains about work and school>she goes quiet for a minute and then tells me "ok then…" No. 487313
>>487307she sounds like a bitch that's trying to make you insecure/pull you down. go to uni if you so want to! if you feel insecure about your age, i understand it can feel like those 2 years between 18 and 20 is approximately 2 decades and you're an absolute hag but literally no one can tell how old you are exactly, even if you're particularly haggard or something (t. particularly haggard anon who had to take courses with people 2-3 years younger than me and was terribly insecure about it at first).
learning wise, i'm sure you'll still be able to retain information and, if anything, you'll probably be better equipped and determined to face your studies than those fresh out of hs!
also i fucking wish i qualified as a mature student, the financial aid they get here is insane, a coworkers wife went to college at like 50ish and got paid 3k a semester in living grants hnggg (the studies were free themselves)
>>487308if it makes you feel better, i'm a fairly regualr lurker but had not come across your posts/have replied to them in a disparaging way. it probably is your wording, even in these short rundowns you sound very insecure and self depreciating. like i understand how you'd be upset in these situations as i'm also those things kek, but sometimes people can get annoyed when you're overly meek and whiny. hang in there, fellow whiny-chan!
No. 487319
>>487150>I, as a feminist womanI only watched the original movie a couple years ago and the feminist inside me was kinda annoyed at how creepy the protagonist was towards the woman. He's really an unbearable character made for "the guys" but its a fun movie otherwise.
Idk you made me think.
No. 487321
>>487319The movie has a lot of boring sexism/sexist tropes, and lets be real. It wasn’t even that fucking good to begin with. It had a catchy song and a dorky idea that makes kids like it. That’s about all it has going for it, it’s not some masterpiece
it’s just as dumb as the new one and actually most people don’t hate the new one, and all the kids I know who saw it liked it just as much as the old one
No. 487323
>>487321The old one made me laugh a few times, but yeah it's dated as hell. Seeing all these men crawl out of the woodwork suddenly defending fucking Ghostbusters, like it was some great artistic masterpiece, was baffling. I can at least understand the anger if you're defending the sanctity of, you know, Apocalypse Now. But Ghostbusters? Fucking really?
The whole drama around that is when I officially stopped giving a shit about Hollywood remakes and reboots. I used to get so pissy about them. But after seeing the mass sperging that one caused, I was just like "Fuck it, Hollywood's gonna make em, stop crying all the time and just don't go see them".
No. 487346
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My dad started screaming about how awful I am because I started a load of laundry before HIS bedtime. I don’t even know if he had laundry tonight.
He texts me shit about how much he loves me and is proud but then turns around and calls be a stupid bitch behind my back because he thinks I can’t hear him. Screams when I dropped a sandwich, screamed at me when the person I asked for a letter of rec from was taking too long, told me that I was lying when I told him I loved him. One time when I got home from school and locked me car, I could hear him screaming all the way from the sidewalk because he was mad I had gotten home. I want to escape this hellhole but I’m too financially dependent, and even if I wasn’t I’m so depressed from growing up here that I can barely think about functioning. It’s honestly a miracle sometimes that I’m graduating college, or that I’m even still fucking alive.
No. 487356
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>>487347Thanks anon, I appreciate it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. My dad has PTSD and while I’m empathetic to the fact that he goes through a lot it also means that I’ve grown up as an emotional punching bag. For years I never even was able to classify as what he did to me as abuse because he never hit me, always had food and shelter, and since I’m an only child I had a lot of toys. I was always seen as the lucky rich kid so I never felt like I had a right to complain.
He yelled at me when while I was crying as he was being deployed to Afghanistan. During middle and high school both my parents would come in and yell at me for crying, even if it was completely unrelated to them. They couldn’t handle my emotions on top of all the tension so I always had to push down my feelings. I had this habit when I was younger of just completely shutting down, not being able to talk or move for fear of making things worse. This would only make them angrier because they couldn’t coax shit out of me. They’d always blame my computer addiction and being a teenager for my extreme moodiness and isolation. In hindsight it was because staying in my room on my computer was the only way to entertain myself while still being out of the way. There was one time when I was a SOPHOMORE in high school and they found this quiz from 8th grade that I had flunked. Literally a 10 point daily quiz that had such a little impact on my grade. I got yelled at and berated by asking me how I was gonna ‘fix’ this even though I had already graduated middle school, got an A in the class, and was a fucking sophomore. My dad gets visibility agitated if I go in and out of my room too much especially while doing chores. He likes to stand in our kitchen and watch TV while eating microwaved canned soup because he’s a grown man who can’t cook, but huffs and puffs if I’m standing there too long actually making myself food because I’m not a fucking idiot. Just last week I had gone to thr bathroom at around one in the morning. When I laid back down I noticed that the hallway light was on so I figured I had accidentally left it on. Get up and turn it off and immediately hear “JESUS CHRIST ANON!” Apparently my dad had gotten up to check on our pets who had been freaking out, flipped his shit when I turned off the light, and then accused me of b4ing why they were upset because I had been getting up too much. He threatened to kick me out over something a few months ago, I honestly can’t even remember at this point but it’s because he thought I wasn’t grateful enough. Also told me I had developed really ‘convenient’ migraines because I had been missing school, even though there had been several weekends where I had spent the entire day laying in darkness, he just thought I was being a shitty recluse and never bothered to check. All of this and yet he pouts at the thought of me moving out soon and always insists that this is my home but never fucking acts like it.
Sorry for the wall of text but I needed to just pour this all out anonymously. I feel like my friends don’t take me seriously because I’m such an airhead because of the depression and an angry mess from everything else.
No. 487357
>>487308those situations all suck, im sorry anon
maybe there's something about the way you type that attracts the edgelords on here
No. 487359
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My company is getting acquired.
I love(d) my profession, colleagues, company, clients, company culture, etc. I even loved the stupid shallow morale-boosting emails upper management sent around crunch time and holidays. I can't surface any major complaints that I could have had while working here. It was the perfect job for someone in my profession with my specific professional values.
Finding a new job in and of itself won't be too difficult, but god damn this sucks. This job provided me with the first few stable years of my post-undergrad life, after suffering through some seriously fucked up work environments, and now it's like the rug got pulled from under me and all of the work that I have done over the past few years may as well have never existed, and soon I will likely never speak with most of my colleagues again.
I will probably get paid more in my next role, but the work culture at this company was perfect and my manager is an extremely good mentor who more or less runs an egalitarian team and encourages mutual learning and innovation. Following a strict chain of command and standard procedure is now wholly unappealing.
As a passionate corporate drone in a particularly gratifying line of work, it's easy to get invested in the business, which makes it all the more devastating when someone has removed your purpose. This situation is especially crippling if stability is one of your main values. But the most humiliating part is that the business tries to retain their worker drones against their best interests with cheap, shallow attempts at morale-boosting so that they can keep the company running as smoothly as possible until the drones' years of work can be properly erased from all but the memories and portfolios of the workers, and all of the especially loyal drones who were dedicated enough to stick around are dumped and given a few weeks to figure out how to feed their families, while the acquiring company celebrates the completion of the weaker company's death and those few drones who managed to stick survive the acquisition put on a smile and try to adapt.
Still better than academia tho
No. 487384
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>>485387Well my computers motherboard has now died I no longer have a computer. Thanks to the anons who replied to this. Hope I can find a job soon to fix everything
No. 487427
>>487423It's the same for me anon, I will graduate next year and am absolutely scared. I study to be an primary school teacher and am doubting if it's the right choice for me. While I like working with young children, I'm very afraid of having to move out, being the "new" one at school, the older teachers and all those tests I still have to do in front university officials during the first years of my working life. Plus I'm scared of not passing my final exams, one of them will also be oral which I'm obviously shit at.
I always think what if I just worked in a office? But then my hours our lounger and I hate being away from home for long. What if I just became a secretary? Low responsibility, but I'd have to take phone calls and I absolutely can't talk on the phone. It feels like there's not one somewhat nicely paying job that doesn't involve acting extroverted. I have been saying that for years, my ideal job would be the night shift at a gas station lol
My parents were super strict when I was a child and now wonder why I'm so quiet and scared all the time. And all that pressure to "Go out! Smile/talk more!" just makes me feel worse and causes me to act even more retarded.
No. 487429
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>>487423>>487427You two should try recovering NEET thread, its for us anons who want to learn how to be normies
No. 487440
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>>487270>>487274Thank you anons, my period brain has calmed down today.
No. 487448
>>487423>>487427anons I'm the same (especially that part about the night shift at a gas station kek). I've finished my master degree (law) this July and I had my first internship during this last year where I had to talk to a lot of people. I thought like you, I could never do it or feel comfortable. But it actually went totally fine. Of course I still didn't like being around so many strangers and having to be friendly all the time but I didn't hate it, I did my job and people were happy.
For tips, I don't know if other anons feel the same but when I was working my mindset was different. When speaking with a client/coworker I wasn't thinking as much about how to not be awkward, I was just more focused on "I need this info" "I have to tell them this/make them sign this". You will be more confident in what you do as time goes on and become more assertive.
Another tip is basically that you can be introverted, people don't really care, just don't appear unfriendly/rude. For example I know I can appear very cold so I smile a lot (I know very cliché) but it absolutely works. When your coworkers greet you or whatever do a real big smile as you greet them back it will make you seem nicer and more open.
When you'll be starting your new job, if you don't work with terrible people they will pick up pretty fast that you're introverted/quiet and will be nice to you as long as you're not fucking up your job.
No. 487464
My boyfriend decided to throw a massive bitch fit an hour before we were supposed to go to a dinner I planned for a friend from out of town. I'm very introverted but work in the entertainment industry,and had a very busy weekend with people everywhere so by the end of it I was completely over any form of human interaction and just wanted to have some time to myself.
He knew I was in a bad mood and tired yet kept pestering me for sex and attention, then had a fucking meltdown over being "neglected". I've been with him for 10 years and he knows that I've never been a touchy feely/affectionate person and like my space, (he is the complete opposite) yet he wants to drag all this bullshit up before I have to go to a dinner with friends, on my only day off? Wtf.
I probably should have been more sympathetic, but I tried to get him to stop crying so I could calmly explain that I had just had a rough weekend and wanted space but he kept wailing about himself "woe is me, nobody cares about meeeee" type bs, and completely ignored what I had to say, which caused me to get extremely pissed off.
It was a terrible reaction to have to someone who was upset, but I was so unbelievably disgusted by his behavior that I just absolutely lost it on him. If I want my space, I'm going to have it and he can fuck off. I'm not here for his convenience, I'm a human with boundaries and feelings too.
No. 487485
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I can't help but be jealous of some of my old classmate/acquaintances because they're being "successful" in the fitness "industry" or whatever I should call it. I don't dislike them for it and am not saying they didn't put in work, but most of the time they have no idea how fucking lucky they are that they could afford the stuff that brought them the success - school, paid apartment, classes, gear, training, food etc.
I never even considered taking it up as a career simply because it's not peofitable in my country and because the nearest school is 2 hours drive away. Must be nice to have enough money to pursue something you really like without having to worry you're wasting your time.
No. 487506
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Just deleted my social media apps (not accounts but those weren't active anyways). Basically I have no friends and no use for social media and i can feel myself relying on imageboards and anime again to keep me occupied. it sucks. I have around a 90% average in my 7 classes yet I feel dumb, unfulfilled and tired of everything. I feel like I have no hobbies and truly no one to talk to and it's my own fault. I just want to give up and be a neet again but i already had to redo a year of highschool so I don't want to be behind in life again. Not that I feel like I could start my career anyways but im just. idk. that's my shitty vent. I guess ill be spending more time on here again, just like old times minus the pt and snow shit.
No. 487510
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>>487427>>487448>>487429Thanks anons, it’s good to know others have been in the same boat and gotten through it
No. 487540
>>487308>talk to people online about it, give a description of myself and my behavior to try to find out possible things that people dislike about me (a stupid idea but I was pretty sad about it)Why was it a stupid idea? If you knew it was a stupid idea why did you do it anyways expecting a positive response? It sounds like you kind of know why this was insufferable to other anons. I'm sorry for what you're going through though and the anon upthread who told you to kill yourself is a dumb cunt just fyi
Edited to add more bc you deserve to feel like you're being heard: your coworker sounds like an asshole and he really fucked up in that situation. Not only should he not have been talking shit at work, but he outed himself and you didn't even know. What an idiot asshole. It sucks that you now have to wonder what was being said but try to let it go, or write it down so you have a record of harassment if it comes down to that. No one deserves to feel like that at work. You were just minding your own business too… I feel you. Your irl friend who brushed you off sounds like a bitch but of course I don't know the context… maybe tell her that it hurt your feelings when she said that? And as for the autist comments regarding you struggling to make friends, that's just how lolcow is sometimes. Sometimes you get a cunt replying to you and sometimes you get a caring person. If you really need wholesome support I suggest you go to Reddit (not kidding). Good luck anon!!
No. 487556
I hate the word "ghosted" so much. So many people think they deserve to hear an excuse to cut off a relationship. Majority of the time they're not literally ghosted, it's just a gradual thing and they try to guilt the other person for not being their friend anymore.
Maybe I'm just used to people dropping me as a friend so it doesn't hurt me as much. I remember when I decided to stop partying to focus on my mental health and to stop feeling miserable at work, so many people acted disgusted towards me because I said I don't like drinking anymore. Over time I realized I'm glad they stopped talking to me because I wouldn't have to hear them talk about their drunken escapades all the time, like it almost became the only "interesting" thing to happen to them. It got boring.
I recently saw a comment on a Facebook post from someone I went to high school with trying to act all boo hoo because one of her friends she's known since childhood stopped talking to her "out of nowhere" and apparently it was worse than a break up. Her friend is an elementary school teacher, this girl complaining is an EDM DJ. I knew exactly which friend it was right away and I can see why they'd break off their friendship. As I see it, the friend parted ways like that so she wouldn't burden her with guilt for growing apart. Priorities change and it sucks seeing this girl trying to guilt her via Facebook.
I also hate when people complain about someone they thought they were planning to date or something ghosting them. Like, be glad they did it so abruptly, now you can focus on someone else instead of them. Yeah, maybe it sucks, but they're literally giving you the freedom to find someone else, no explanations needed.
No. 487557
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fattychan rant incoming
I'm so sad, I wish I could wear outfits like these and also have enough confidence and beauty to pull it off. I'm so sick of wearing jeans, oversized clothes and jackets to hide my chubby body every day.
In the city I live in, Japanese and Korean fashion is very well known and I see people like the girl in the picture every day and each one of them look like actual models and I cannot help but feel so incredibly jealous like an absolute pathetic fuck.
I started dieting this summer and I lost some weight which gave me such an incredible confidence boost, but then I fell back into my unhealthy eating habits again all thanks to the abuse I face at home and now there is still a long way to go. Immediately back to square one.
I'm also kinda tan so I'm even considering buying those nasty face masks that bleach your skin a paler shade but cannot find them anywhere IRL.
My envy for people who can wear stuff like this and look so incredibly good while doing so is so, so big.
No. 487562
>>487557Honestly anon, there is nothing special about the outfit you posted. I know it’s being modeled on a thin asian girl, but nothing about it stands out as something really j or k-fashiony. It’s not really girly or frilly, I think you could pull off an outfit like that without being stick thin.
And you definitely don’t need to lighten your skin. I think you need to detox from asian fashion accounts on social media because they might be warping your self perception.
No. 487573
>>487557>jeans and oversize clothes Less is more when you're bigger anon. I know those choices feel safe, but you're actually adding bulk and-let's be real-everyone can see what your body is regardless of how you attempt to hide it.
I know you might not be able to wear the waist high shorts like in your picture, but you could get a similar silhouette with a cute a line skirt and top. If you're self conscious about your legs, opt for some smooth and slimming control top black tights.
But please don't bleach your skin. I'm sure your skin is very pretty on its own.
No. 487574
>>487556ghosting=/= growing apart and whining about it on fb is definitely cringe but also like you must see how either one is painful, no? you say you are desensitized to people dropping you but surely you must remember how you felt the first times it happened? also why couldn't an elementary school teacher and a edm dj be friends? people are more than their professions. yeah, indirectly trying to guilt trip someone for not wanting to be friends anymore is not cool but understand the edm dj bitch too, she obviously liked being friends with the teacher.
>>487557don't fall for the skin bleaching meme anon, wtf. 1stly, works very marginally at best, 2ndly, looking sickly pale isn't cute. furthermore, tan is kinda optically slimming too!
also you'd need to be a considerable hamplanet for a short and shirt combo to look
so obscene that people notice or remember. trust me, people don't even notice most people on the street, a chubby girl wearing cutesy clothes would garner next to no malicious attention, better than absolute slobtown anyway. also before fawning over asian exchange students dress sense, critically evaluate whether the outfit is actually cute or they're just thin/your weeb tendencies deem them cute looking.
No. 487577
>>487557hi anon, good luck on your weight loss journey i think if youre prepared to make your own food this is a helpful blog (has the yt video i watched on it as well) has lots of good videos on her channel with meal plans and recipes so check it out (sadly with clickbait titles that can make it a bit hard to find them again)
anon, im sure your skin complexion is truly gorgeous the way it is, bleaching products are incredibly harmful and permanently damaging to the skin, the other anon is right, take a break from looking at asian fashion its warping your perception. i wish you all the best anon>>482594
No. 487580
>>487557hi anon, good luck on your weight loss journey i think if youre prepared to make your own food this is a helpful blog (has the yt video i watched on it as well) has lots of good videos on her channel with meal plans and recipes so check it out (sadly with clickbait titles that can make it a bit hard to find them again)
anon, im sure your skin complexion is truly gorgeous the way it is, bleaching products are incredibly harmful and permanently damaging to the skin, the other anon is right, take a break from looking at asian fashion its warping your perception. i wish you all the best anon
No. 487584
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>>487557Not all asian girls are skinny, and those skinny models aren’t usually that thin. Asian fashion brands might abuse photoshop more than western clothing brands.
Try to find girls on social media with a bodytype like yours and look to them for fashion inspiration. You don’t have to be extremely skinny to dress cute. You can be on a weight loss journey and still be fashionable, you don’t have to wait until your body “looks right”. The happier you are with your body and how you look, the easier your weight loss journey will be.
No. 487589
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I applied for a job and I got a call back from HR or the recruiter the next day. They left a message, and asked me to leave a message. So I did that. And now it's been a few days and they haven't called me back or e-mailed me or anything.
Why do they get my hopes up like this? Why does this keep happening?
No. 487590
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>>487557I feel you anon, I absolutely do, I also often have those thoughts (minus the skin bleaching) but the other anons are right. There's something that inevitably looks "korean" about that pic you posted, they all seem to photograph their outfits in a very similar way (which is very trendy right now thanks to kpop) but if you take all that away and put those clothes on a white or black girl when you'd see that they're literally just average clothes. I didn't want to search for a long time, but just try googling black skater skirt + white blouse/shirt and you'll immediately come across dozens of pics of not super skinny, non-asian women who also look cute in it. There's nothing special about it, it's not kboo-ish at all, everybody could wear this.
No. 487638
I spent a year finishing my studies in my hometown where all my friends and family lives, saving money by staying with my sister who I get along really well with. I recently moved back in with my boyfriend in another town far away since my studies ended and he got a permanent, well paid job that he enjoys. Problem is - I'm unemployed and this town is small, shitty and not at all as pretty and welcoming as my hometown. I have no friends here, job opportunities are small unless I want to spend two hours on an expensive commute to the nearest big city (which I'm currently applying for jobs in), as opposed to my hometown where busses and trains are close by, plus if I'm lucky I could either bicycle or walk to work.
I'm going home to visit my family for Christmas and I'm sincerely considering just staying there. I don't own more than what can fit in a suitcase anyway. My boyfriend lived in the apartment before me and filled it with all his stuff, so I basically just brought my clothes and my laptop here.
I feel so stupid. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I love my boyfriend, he's a great guy and I missed him dearly while we were apart, but not as much as I'm now missing my friends and family and a sense of being independent. Despite being a broke student and living with my sister, I still had a sense of freedom. What makes it even harder is that my family and friends all express how much they miss me and are looking for jobs for me so I can move back.
I've been with my boyfriend for eight years. He keeps encouraging me assuring me that I will eventually get a job and that our lives here will be good.
I think what I hate the most is that he's so happy to have me back. He keeps telling me how being apart this one year was horrible for him and how he can't imagine a future without me, while I wouldn't mind if we had just stayed in a long distance relationship. I'm so afraid of making yet another stupid decision, yet the more I longer, the more it will hurt.
I'm such a mess.
No. 487644
>>487637that is NOT okay. he doesn't respect you if he's doing that.
>>487642right? one that starts with "R"
No. 487646
>>487637Let me guess he laments the no fap November decision because he’s just sooo horny all the time
High libido isn’t an excuse for using someone’s body when they’re incapable of consenting (unconscious). Unless you’ve negotiated that into the relationship (bdsmfagging), holy fucking shit you deserve better than assault
No. 487656
>>487356all of that sounds so stressful and horrific, I can only imagine the impact that must have had on your mental health growing up.
hugs you're strong anon.
No. 487664
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I can’t stop thinking about self harming despite not doing it for years and it’s killing me
No. 487691
>>487689Ew yeah anon, it is never worth it to send those types of pictures to men. I never have. I do ask them for pictures in specific poses if they're attractive (not dick pics). It's also hilarious if they get buttblasted when I don't send any back. As of they're entitled to them. Men should be putting themselves out there for us, not the other way around.
Don't let yourself be vulnerable as shitty men will take advantage of it. They get free pics to jerk off to while they disrespect you the entire time. What do you get from it?
No. 487717
I hate when people are willfully obtuse, but frame it as if they're being cautious of ambiguity in a given situation. Skepticism and open-mindedness are both good, but some people just take it way too far.
You could show a clip of a guy in red attacking a guy in yellow while verbally abusing him and hinting at why he's doing it, and the types of people I'm talking about would be like "Uhh, maybe the guy in red didn't realize he was actually beating up the guy in yellow? He could've been half-asleep, and thought he was just peeling a giant banana or something. Maybe he's not even hitting him that hard, and the guy in yellow just has a nosebleed and pukes up blood when he's excited. The video cuts out mid-punch. Maybe the guy in red immediately woke up and realized what he did, apologized, paid the guy's hospital bills, and they're friends now. We don't know the full story, guys. Don't be so quick to call everything assault".
They lean on the most unlikely excuses to obscure what's obvious, then accuse everybody else of being too pessimistic or quick to jump to conclusions.
I can tell part of it is just not wanting to believe people or society can be that bad or insane, but they're unwittingly letting people who do bad things get away scott free.
Like…Not everything is "just one big misunderstanding". Sometimes, shit just happens in broad daylight. That's how it is.
No. 487718
>>487676Thank you for your reply and your kind words, anon! A lot of the
triggers I have to wanting to do it is do to a lot of my childhood trauma(I.e being sexually abused and abused by my mother), which I cannot talk about because feeling shameful about it all. I’m going to talk to a crisis line the next time I’m feeling out of control though!
No. 487740
>>487718>talk to crisis line>they make fun of me and say bye and hang upnever_forget_the_pain.jpg
and i can relate, what helps for me is to draw with crayola pens on my skin and then the urge goes away.
No. 487757
>>487652This is a normal/necessary step for your recovery, anon, I'm proud of you! You need to lay down a boundary here and tell your friend that it's flattering that she thinks you're beautiful, but that this is something you only want to discuss with your therapist/doctor/support group/etc. and that if she respects you she'll stop bringing it up.
>>487700Good luck, anon! You deserve friends who support and uplift you!
No. 487795
>>487758Go to a female doctor and let her know that you have a history and trauma and might get anxious. I know it's hard to tell other people, but total honesty is usually your best bet when dealing with health issues. Telling her will help her do her job in a way that serves you best. If you have close female family members or friends, ask them if they know a gyno with a gentle bedside manner.
>>487784Delusion, jealousy, bitterness. There are public figures I could understand those comments being made about (Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence come to mind) but Naomi is one of the greats, and I have a hard time believing that the average Redditor resembles her in any way.
No. 487800
>>487429I read through the neet thread and didn't see any helpful advice.
Plus I'm not a neet. I go to uni, I work, as a child I was in sports clubs, I tried going to bars and clubs, but no matter what, I always stood out because of my awkwardness. A couple years ago I still had some friends and I really tried to be like them, joined them when doing stuff but I always felt horrible while doing so. And while they found a bf and new friends, I just never made any progress.
No. 487850
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>huge cold sore in the middle of my upper lip so I look like a deformed snapping turtle and don't dare to go out anymore and I can barely talk or eat without it hurting
>dermatitis got way worse, I have rashes all over my scalp and some less visible ones on my cheeks, but also on top of my eye so I can't use any treatment for that
>have to complete annoying paperwork for a bunch of things but administrations are fucking incompetent in my city so I have to postpone some important long-term project for the fifth time
>male "friend" won't stop asking me to hang out with him to play video games but he's more and more obnoxious, thinks he's hot shit and complains about everyone in his life for not being a perfect copy of him, talks over me about topics he knows nothing about, is passive aggressive but always use the "oh but I'm just kidding, chill!" excuse when I don't laugh, won't even let me play video games after I come over because he wants to avoid spoilers for games he had since 2017
>said "friend" I can't stand anymore won't stop trying to analyze everything I or other friends say or do because he thinks he's Freud or some shit, can't even have normal daily life conversation without him rambling about being a male feminist who noticed so easily that women consider each other rivals and that's why I use slang terms for men and women or why he's having trouble fitting in at his job, or him rambling about in what way I fit insulting racial stereotypes (which is wrong in the first place) or religious stereotypes (even though I don't have a religion in the first place) but it's ok if he says that because he's black
>can't really hang out with actual friends I like because they're all busy or not motivated enough for one reason or another
No. 487886
>>487869nayrt but it's hard not to care when you have friends blowing up entire social scenes because they're trying to fix mental illness by throwing it onto equally ill people.
Poly ends up either being a partner taking advantage of their other partner, too cowardly to break up and lose that sweet sweet finanical / social support. Or it's two hilariously damaged people who instead of fixing their own shit just drag more and more people into their own mess.
I separate poly from open relationships. Open relationships are about getting dick, poly's about getting dick and being an emotional vampire. If you're poly you're a lolcow.
No. 487896
I want to physically vomit whenever some dipshit uses "proper pronouns" or enable troonies by calling them by their delusional personas.
>>484012I think the "rise" is from general porn addiction where everyone has easy access to the internet. There's studies where the over consumption of porn could lead to increasing the intensity of it (if continued), regular vanilla sex to hardcore niche bdsm stuff. I went through something like this, thought I was bi, but then realized that I wasn't because I was only interested in boys before I was exposed to the internet; and seeing the bizarre glorification of sex, this all makes sense now. This doesn't mean that lgb is from sex addiction and that its legitimate, its been going on since the beginnings of human civilization.
But the problem is that you have these mid to late teens discovering this and aren't clear of wtf is going on, along with dealing with their puberty, etc. And you have shitty mainstream websites/organizations that do a half-ass job because their main goals are having money + power. So they'll include garbage like Demi-sexuals, which was invented by a fucking 14 year old on deviantart.
I have a tinfoil conspiracy that the reason why LGBT was pushed as well as being funded/promoted was just so that creepy fat rich men can harass women and diddle kids and get away with everything.
No. 487967
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Today a lady at a course I'm attending clocked me as having no friends.
We were talking about books when she suddenly asked what I was going to do afterwords and after hearing my answer, that did not include hanging out with friends I guess, she slowly paused and asked me
>Anon… don't you have any friends?
My panicked ass answered I had "online friends" or some shit.
I hate how upset that made me. Why can't I just own up to not having a bf or friends?
Why do normalfags ask questions like that?
Why am I now thinking on strategically dropping cues about me hanging out with non-existent friends in conversations with classmates so that they think I'm less weird?
No. 487970
>>487718same anon from earlier, sounds like you've got a similar story as me. Hugs!
>>487740as a former crisis line counsellor, I wish to kick the person who did that to you in the asshole. Or report them to their superior and get them fired, either one would do.
No. 487974
>>487967This hit home anon.
I don't have friends either (even online friends). When ever I'm in a situation where I have expose that I don't have friends or always makes me feel terrible. Especially since I always have to deal with the shock on their faces when they find out I don't have friends and they usually say things like "you dont have friends??????? Why??????"
No. 487987
>>487557anon please listen to
>>487572When I studied abroad in Korea, I lost 40 pounds and I came back with everyone shocked. Seeing thin people made me want to starve myself. The sad thing is, I still felt that I wasn't skinny enough.
This Kpop and Kbeauty shit ruins people's brains.
No. 488010
>>487540>Why was it a stupid idea?The way I phrased my writing that time was in a question format of "why do you think my personality is terrible enough for other people to talk about me behind my back?". I was basically asking to get insulted, and it's not like anyone knows me personally or the guy I work with so no one could give me a right answer as to why he was talking about me anyways. I think my main problem is that I write about these sorts of things right after they happen and since I'm upset about it I sound whiny and like I want people to pity me (because in the moment I do).
I don't really think my coworker is an asshole, it was a shitty thing to do but I don't hold anything against him. I think he outed himself because he assumed I had heard him. He seemed genuinely apologetic (I probably made him feel bad too since I was crying when I asked him what he said). My friend as well is just the type that likes talking about herself most of the time we hang out, she probably just didn't know what to say to me since it's rare I talk to her about my thoughts.
You are right though, trying to get emotional support from imageboards is probably not ideal. Thanks for the thought out reply anon, I appreciate it.
No. 488079
>>488016please take care of yourself. ditch your boyfriend and pick up something like baking or sewing, ie an activity where you feel good about producing something tangible + an added bonus like better self image thanks to the clothes or eating your own delicious food.
I don't have any money for therapy and that's how I stay afloat.
No. 488080
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I fucking hate sharing a room with my bf. (Won't go into detail but basically we moved into an apartment temporarily with roommates and we have to share a room, it's far from home.)
He leaves his shit laying around everywhere and I'm always tripping over it. I hate being a nag but I have to be so it'll sink into his thick skull and none of us get hurt.
He also snores so fucking loudly and I hate it so much. I haven't slept properly in weeks. He always leaves trash in the car and I have to clean out the damn thing constantly.
I vented to my mom about it all but she just brushed it off and basically told me I'll get used to it. Lmao. Apparently my dad does the same thing and my mom just puts up with it even though he's been awful to her.(imo she's just too scared to divorce him)
Am I a baby for not wanting to get used to it? I don't want to deal with this bullshit at all. I hate having to pick up after him and remind him about shit. Sometimes it feels like I'm taking care of a giant manchild. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life. At this point I'm so ready to move back home and have my own space back.
No. 488083
>>488078Thanks anon, you are completely right. During the last disagreement we had I actually broke down crying because I felt unheard by the person who was supposed to love me the most. And I haven't cried in years. He half-heartedly hugged me and held my hand during it, but was disturbingly silent. It felt so wrong because I tried to tell him how cold he seemed but he claimed it was just him being "serious." He'd always blow off my feelings like that… I told him the reason I cried because how he talked to me reminded me of my emotionally
abusive and neglectful parents.
Before I broke up with him, I actually tried to work things out with him… I told him we had to see things from each other's point of view and I did my best to relate to him. Then I asked him, "why do you think I felt bad during our argument yesterday?" so maybe I could understand what he thought. He tried to go full arm chair psychologist said that I was just holding onto stuff from then, and that's why I broke down. Just no… I know I'm responsible for my feelings but it didn't happen out of nowhere. It was a huge wake-up call.
I should have known when he constantly showed signs of low emotional intelligence. He mentioned he couldn't understand or relate to why people get upset or angry. And he never thinks about the past or does any self-reflection. Doesn't realize how his body language/speech/tone can possibly come off as rude to me or others. He probably thinks I made a big deal out of nothing and STILL doesn't understand my point of view.
It's so jarring and confusing when he treated me so well besides that. That's why it caught me completely off guard. But I know I can't settle with this or it'll set me up for the same or worse treatment in the future.
>>488082That's exactly it! It's just so hard to deal with someone close to you invalidating you. Worst of all it feels like something a stranger would do not your partner. I'm glad you found someone who treats you better.
No. 488088
>>488080I think you should sit down with him and have a calm but honest talk about what you are experiencing and what you need to feel comfortable and happy in your living space together. If you can work out a compromise like him just chucking all his clothes into a box or hamper when they’re not totally put away maybe that could work. I’m kind of old so I see this all the time as one of the major issues that arises in relationships and most women I know in their mid to late 20s are in the process of working things out still with their fiancés and new husbands, but it is possible to solve. It helps to sit down and talk clearly about what standards you need upheld and why, otherwise men do see it as “just nagging” and think they can ignore it seeing it as an extension of their moms telling them to do chores. Most men need to have their minimal expected duties very clearly mapped out for them and told what the balance will be (what your part of the work will be as well, having a clear divide in who does what type of chore is good as it removes ambiguity of who can or should do a given task) so they understand what is fair and reasonable in keeping a home running together.
Guys snoring is unfortunately very common as well. Definitely try earplugs and the old time honored method of shoving him onto his side when he snores and don’t care if it wakes him up. Those nasal strips help in some cases too, or going to sleep before him and having him quietly come to bed after you so you don’t wake up.
No. 488243
>>488237>he cheated>he deserves betterNo.
You both fucked up, but he's a shit for sure.
No. 488253
>>488237I've only ever snooped on an ex's phone once. It signaled that up to that point, somewhere along my relationship had become seriously flawed. I no longer had trust in him, never felt safe, or could communicate in good faith in his eyes. I resorted to what I did because I felt lied to and shut down. The phone snooping was the dagger in the coffin, and confirmed my suspicion of many things. I guess my point is that while that act is clearly a sign of a broken relationship, it's not your "fault." You had your reasons that turned out to be consequential.
I'd leave, and give no reason. He isn't owed one. Knowing men as I do, he'd take your apology as something that victimizes
him in all this, and shift blame onto you for 'violating his privacy.' Didn't you know shit like that is why he can't talk or be honest with you in the first place anyhow?
Don't do it anon.
No. 488257
>>488253>>488237In all my years dating I only got 'paranoid' about cheating once and I turned out to be right. Dude I'd been living with for 3 years was planning to run away with someone and start a new life all while telling me he was fine and just stressed from work. We were about to get a mortgage right before this. Gut feelings!
If you find he's been up to something it should really cancel out any guilt that you feel for snooping. Stay strong anon, your trust in men might take a while to come back. I'm personally staying single for a while to get over it
No. 488262
>>488237You don't owe him shit.
I was in the exact same situation and stayed, told him what I found out and he only got upset that I looked at his phone and tried to use it against me lol. It is a shitty thing to do but NOTHING excuses cheating. Once the trust is broken it's really over, please just leave
No. 488285
>>488275Rather than give you the trite "everything will be ok" routine, let me ask you if the expectations you're trying to meet are your own?
College is next to impossible if you're living in an unhealthy environment and you shouldn't kill yourself over that. After three years of being where you are, I can say that you always have options, especially when you're college age. They might not be easy options but they're there.
If I were you, I wouldn't be focusing on graduating as much as I would be on getting the fuck out of the situation you're in. If you truly want that degree, you can wait till you're in a better place. Building a new support structure, working a shit job, saving up, and going back to school when you're slightly older is a much much better alternative than destroying yourself when you're still young.
You can still make it all work, you just have to listen to your needs
No. 488321
>>488297You're annoyed because it absolutely is questionable behavior for a man to be talking to his female rapist over her private matters while showing concern.
Something's missing here.
Something not quite right, anon. Ho hum.
No. 488327
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I hate sports. How did it ever get so ingrained in every culture to sit around a tv for hours screaming and yelling?
No. 488330
>>488321It's not that lol I already had that cross my mind. I've read their messages to each other, basically just her reminiscing about the "good ol days".
I've talked to her before he told me she raped him, she is literally a stress bringer. I used to get Snapchat messages from her and she would tell me how depressed she was about not having friends because she apparently
has to travel all the time. His best friend even talked to me about her about how she's purposely tries to create dramatic scenarios to be like in a movie.
No. 488362
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I was sitting in line at the grocery store check out and in front of me was an old lady and seeing her bend over to pick every item from her basket I decided to pat on her shoulder to say I'll help her so she won't have to bend anymore. After she paid I helped her put them in her shopping bag on wheels. But what struck me was how rude were the people there to her. Telling her to hurry up or to get the shopping bag herself.
Majority of us will end up old one day and I wish people would show more compassion to those around them, instead of just living in their bubbles, thinking about themselves.
No. 488382
>>488374I already tried talking to her. I always tell her that her body looks perfect, I nudge why she suddenly no longer wants to eat that, but seeing as I'm ugly and fat, why would she take my advice? I know that deep down she only thinks "but I don't want to look like you…".
And my mother doesn't see it as this big of a problem.
No. 488427
>>488382i would advise reminding her kpop idols are very physical, that's basically how they get their bodies is because they are moving around all the time. if she wants to be a "true" kpop fan and look and dress like them, do it properly. make healthy food choices AND eat enough, but also incorporate an exercise routine. you'll look good and feel good and energetic. a lot of kpop stars are skilled in athletic sport as well, i think that'll motivate her to eat well so she can be as sporty as the idols.
>>488408i have work and i thank the lord i don't work retail kek. my building is empty as hell, it's just me and a few coworkers watching the place.
No. 488433
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i, after just having turned my state's consenting age last friday, am going to meet up with a 25 year old math teacher and roleplay teacher/student sex in a hotel room. what's an appropriate amount of shame and disgust i should feel for doing this? because right now, it's a lot.
No. 488516
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My old ass sports bra is such thick weird material that it bunches up weirdly and shit looks and feels awful! It's my only one but thank you sales, I got new ones but they won't get here for a few weeks. I just look at every flat bitch and men with anger and envy today.
No. 488519
>>488515Anon what thread are you reading, the ED one?
Maybe I'm just not paying enough attention but the average farmer doesn't seem to hate normal fat people, they usually bitch about fat people that shoop themselves into anime skeleton lolis online, have terrible hygiene or are so morbidly obese that it becomes a problem for others. Farmers nitpick cows because they're already on a pedestal but nobody really cares to hate normal people irl.
Maybe you should take a break from lolcow and other sites like that
No. 488520
>>488515Anon, losing weight is nice and all but you need some self-respect. Even if you drop to your ideal weight, there are still going to be flaws - and by the way you talk about yourself, you're probably going to hate yourself even more then. We've had an influx of scrotes lately and combined with some persistent ana chans, you get that weird debate. You aren't worthless, you aren't disgusting. Many people lack compassion, true, but most don't actively think about hating fat people all night all day.
If you want to lose some weight, go ahead, but don't talk yourself down like that. You're still a human, not some animal and you deserve to be regarded as such.
No. 488524
Maybe this should sgo in the careers thread but it is a VENT.
So I'm desperately looking for a job, and have now turned my eye to networking. Apparently 85% of jobs are obtained through networking and I know nobody. NOBODY. Because I was antisocial and thought I'd get something through my qualifications (hahaaa).
Anyway I listen to lessons and stuff from Linkedin premium and the whole professional "culture" I guess just disgusts me. So they suggest making one phonecall a day to your top 100 contacts during your commute. They suggest doing time consuming favours, and for example volunteering or donating to their causes. In one example, somebody donated MONEY to a cause in the name of a number of their more "superior" contacts. The one example that had me sitting here with impotent rage was them managing to do a senior contact a favor, because the contacts son wanted a job in their industry, and so was given an "interview" aka a job simply because his father knew the right person. How can someone say that they did that with a smile on their face, as if it's not something to be ashamed of? And it's all in the name of having them like you. Another piece of advice? Look over your contacts list, and if someone has retired be sure to take them off. If that doesn't highlight how transactional the whole thing is, I don't know what does.
I was mad when I got my undergraduate degree, and someone I knew, who did an arts degree, got a job as a pharma technician, my field, because her dad worked there. I was unemployed for months then eventually got a call centre job. Little did I kow that was just a TASTE of what's to come.
And I HATE that networking is essentially using people as a tool. You do favours for people on the off chance they'll do something for you one day. Like workplace advice is that you do things for your coworkers, get them coffe, help them out, never tell anybody they're wrong, especially never your boss! Essentially be both a lackey and a suckup so that you MIGHT get a promotion or raise. If you have a great idea? Give it entirely to your boss, because "that'll certainly get you noticed", or "they'll be sure to remember you!".
I mean it's not enough to have technical skill and be a nice person, it's like you have to give your entire being just to function and move up in a qualified job. Like TELL ME how this isn't just a recipe to create the ultimate people pleaser who will always be taken for granted, looked over and exploited? Because that sure as hell is what it looks like! And yet that's just how it is, and it's amazing how they manage to get so many people on board of this horrible, horrible, unnatural way of doing things.
TBH I say this as someone who's been unemployed almost a year, and it's beginning to really get to me. Maybe it's not that bad but the educational videos certainly make it seem that way.
No. 488526
>>488524Networking and corporate culture is an effective technique for streamlining empathy-free sociopaths into certain fields.
You seem to be a human with feelings. I suggest seeing what you can lend your expertise to that doesn't involve acting like a disgusting bootlicker, because you are right. There is no pride in crawling and nepotism. We
should be able to just be nice and be skilled at our jobs and that be enough.
If you are disgusted by the "contacts" system, imagine being constantly surrounded by folk who took part in it without question? These are your future colleagues, should you follow the path of the bootlicker.
No. 488537
>>488515If my post counts, I don't really find fat women disgusting barring those 600 pound life types because they genuinely look unhygienic. Even then it's not like I encounter anyone like that irl.
Most fat women I know these days are pretty good at taking care of their hygiene and clothes. Then again I'm also an adult in a professional field so obviously the people I encounter tend to be more mature and have likable personalities. It's not like I'm a costhot who's pissy at fat cosplayers shooping themselves to hog the precious male attention. I honestly can't be assed with most of the jelly costhot/camgirl wank on this site, where nitpicking about bodies tends to conglomerate.
No. 488562
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Me and my boyfriend were finally having sex again after like 2 months of him not initiating and I was so happy and now I have a fucking kidney infection and it’s so bad I can’t leave the bathroom and I might have to go to the ER later today AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I’m never having sex again
No. 488567
>>488562Recurrent UTIs ended my fucking marriage, no joke
Good luck anon
No. 488570
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Boyfriend forgot my birthday…again. I thought I made sure last year I'd really appreciate if he remembers my birthday. Even gave some hints a month before.
No. 488572
>>488570You hate yourself THIS MUCH that you've let this happen more than once?
Let me guess, your confidence has slumped since getting with this guy and you're not sure why?
Dump him and find someone who fucking respects you, this guy doesn't give two shits.
No. 488575
>>488570Is it today? You share a birthday with a fun and sweet friend of mine, I'm sure you're also fun and sweet.
You deserve better, anon. I hope your next birthday is with someone who actually cares.
And happy birthday!!!!
No. 488586
>>488575It was actually two days ago but today is my dad's birthday though. Thank you anyway!!
>>488572I'm not sure if it's my confidence or…
Basically I always fall for his
victim act. He does this "I'm so busy and lost poor me I just keep forgetting because this and that happened feel sorry for me ;___;" thing and then I feel bad for getting angry at him. But it keeps happening.
No. 488594
>>488586When you ask him to do basic stuff like remember your birthday, he hears it as nagging. And to get you to stop nagging, he manipulates you into feeling bad for bringing it up.
This guy doesn't respect you. Would you let a stranger treat you with this level of disrespect? Even if you would, I guarantee you'd be more pissed about it.
No. 488606
>>488594>>488589You are right anons, I think it's time to stop this "relationship" and move on
>>488597You are strong anon.
No. 488607
>>488382i'm an ex ana-chan and honestly you can't beat around the bush about this. she needs to talk to someone that isn't disordered that is also equipped to talk about it, like a therapist. the concern she hears from you won't have much of an affect on her decision… at best she'll feel guilty for worrying you and keep starving herself anyway, and at worst she will be proud as she'll take your concern as a sign that she's "doing it right."
you gotta be as blunt as possible, like, look i know what's going on. i don't want you to destroy your body and ruin your relationship with food for the rest of your life. i know me saying this doesn't fix anything, so i want to ask that you please see a therapist, if only to ease my fear. if there isn't a problem then the worst thing that'll happen is that it ends up being a waste of time.
or something like that… i feel for you anon. i wish i knew what do do and say
No. 488608
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>post about how most american men can't seem to wipe their butts properly
>be accused of sounding like an incel on a women's only imageboard
you really can't say anything mean about men without someone sperging
No. 488630
>>488618Somehow this excuse is only
valid when it's guys who look, smell and act disgusting.
No. 488635
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I posted earlier about my bf telling me to suck it up when I was in the ER for suffocating from the pollution in a third world city. I was looking forward to going home because he said sorry and was really excited to see me.
I came back two weeks ago, and he's been really mopey every single day. I was really tired from the trip and he just wouldn't stop egging me on. Also, his mom moved in with us for a week and had to listen to us fighting, then she felt bad because she thought it was because of her (she doesn't speak English too well), then after she left we got into a big fight because he won't stop complaining about my behaviour being weird and me not wanting to spend time with him, and now he just hasn't come back from work at all.
I have been avoiding him and I don't want to go back home because
>whenever I do he looks so glum and serious and gives me smarmy, sarcastic answers and acts like some strict Asian dad disappointed in his only son and heir to the business
>turns everything I say against me
>uses "cold logic" against me in emotionally charged arguments
>complains because sex is very important to him and I "rejected him" by saying I'm too tired to have sex (I am)
>am "lying" whenever I say I don't want to have sex because I'm tired ("just say you don't want to, I'm not stupid, say what you mean, don't beat around the bush")
>am hurting him and making him feel like a rapist whenever I say it's not okay that he behaves this way. This man is 32.
>corrects everything I say ("no, you didn't say that, you said ___")
>applies different standards to me than to himself (if I get offended then he didn't mean it that way, if he gets offended it doesn't matter if I didn't mean it because I said it anyway and it hurt him).
I haven't had ONE day of rest since I came back because of his constant bitching and his mom's lovebombing (she's a sweet woman but I spent two months in a shithole and almost died, now is really not the time). I have to do constant emotional heavy lifting and I'm just very, very tired of everything right now.
No. 488636
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was talking with people last night about movies we loved as kids and started talking about the land before time dinosaur movies. i was looking up pictures of the character ducky whose catchphrase was "yup yup yup"
accidentally found out that the voice actress who played ducky died at 10 years old and they wrote "yup yup yup" on her gravestone. her dad shot and killed her and her mother in a murder suicide i'm sad why do things like this happen
No. 488644
>>488636why do they happen? i mean, unironically, men? like literally. family annihilators are almost always male. revenge, misery, etc, seems to typically be a zero sum game for them, so they often don't even want to let their innocent kids live, even if incidents like this are caused by strife between husband and wife or whatever. this is why it's very scary to me for women to normalize having families with them. familicide is too common for comfort, and in a lot of cases, the family never sees it coming. poor Judith barsi was physically and emotionally abused by her father, so this could've potentially been prevented if the father had been put in prison, but having grown up with a physically
abusive and dangerous father myself, I can say that the system fails women and children much more frequently than it does protect them. the only solution is to not have children with them imo.
No. 488645
>>488633You don't know what their relationships are like behind closed doors or how long those relationships will last anon
Signing a lease, getting married or getting a mortgage with a partner is all a gamble
No. 488647
>>488636That whole 'men are the head of the household' thing has given men the impression that they quite literally own their family
Women will take their (typically very young) kids lives before committing suicide but they don't kill their partners. Men tend to kill partners and older kids too. I've looked into the differences before and it's disturbing
With women alot of it is related to postpartum depression being on record
No. 488649
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I think I'm a closet alcoholic and I don't know how to get help. I don't even know if I want help. I just don't want to hurt my loved ones.
No. 488658
>>488649if you don't want to get help for yourself, do it for your loved ones. sometimes that's all you can do, then over time it can morph into a desire to do it for yourself, your health, and your future.
maybe tell your loved ones you've been thinking about this? when i thought i was developing a problem i told my sister, even though at the time i didn't want to stop. just knowing that she knew made me think a little more about my choices.
No. 488659
>>488651yep. mind you, shannan never knew what a piece of shit chris was until, well, he murdered her. having watched plenty of his videos, having seen what everyone said about him, having seen his texts, there was 0 indication that he'd kill those kids and his wife, and that's the scariest thing. that's why i'd never dare to bring a child around a man, ever, even, or especially his own. i think he did play the part of a decent father until he decided he didn't want to play act anymore. i see a lot of men that i feel are play acting the roles of father and husband. it's really sad and worrisome, really. and look at the way he blamed her for the murders he committed, look at how quick people are to blame her for being "too controlling" and CAUSING the murders.
No. 488689
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Bf basically just broke up with me, he said i drain the life out of him and i don’t even know what to say to that. I… don’t know.
No. 488702
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>>488689I’m so sorry you’re going through this, Anon, but I couldn’t help but remember this tweet.
No. 488712
>>488649hey! I’m a recovering alcoholic (sober 10 months!) and I was aware of my problem for years before I finally made the jump to quit. Talk to someone you trust about it, first and foremost. You don’t need to make any drastic moves right now, but admitting your struggle out loud to someone who will care is a very important step. Read some books written by alcoholics (drinking: a love story, was very important to me prior to getting sober). Look into low cost or free centers for your first week of sobriety, so when you need it, you’re already prepared. I didn’t pay a cent at the crisis center I went to and it literally changed my life, it made sobriety feel possible for me for the very first time and medication made it easier to detox. Maybe think about going to an AA meeting or two? You don’t have to be sober to go, it might help to gain some perspective.
Alcoholism is awful and unfortunately will touch those you love, no matter how hard you try to keep it to yourself. My wake up call was a drunken suicide attempt, after a year of spiraling downward, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. And that’s lucky! I could’ve easily killed someone else driving drunk literally any night I went out, I could’ve actually succeeded in killing myself and forever damaged my family.
No. 488716
>>488649Long time alcoholic, short term sober here. I tried quitting so many times. I can wholeheartedly recommend the book This Naked Mind (you can find it free on the stopdrinking subreddit and I think on youtubes)
If you don't feel up to AA there are also SMART meetings and also a couple of online ones so you don't even need to leave your house.
No. 488718
my life is pretty much a trainwreck. i moved really far away from everyone i've ever known.
my fiance owns HALF of the house we live in, his meth head younger brother owns the other half and lives here. he steals money, identities, and anything else he can get his hands on so we have to keep all of our doors and windows locked.
their dad and dad's gf also live with us. dad is in his 80s, gf is in her 50s-60s. she has severe mental problems and brain damage from a stroke and she CONSTANTLY knocks on our bedroom door for no reason. or to talk about some made up shit, like how she needs to put her eyeballs back in.
on top of this, the house is trashed because its essentially been a trap house for the last year that only meth head was living here. so once we figure out how to get him out and get dad and gf out, we have to renovate the ENTIRE house, including the front and back yards, pool, everything.
and of course, fiance's older brother gets out of PRISON in january and will be coming to live here as well. its a 2 bedroom house, we have 1 bedroom, dad and gf have the other (the master). meth head lives in a 2nd living room type room. theres no where for older brother to live when he gets here.
i'm just at my breaking point. i'm trying really hard to be sympathetic to everyone but i didn't move 7 hours away from everyone and everything i've ever known to confine myself to a single bedroom every single day.
No. 488719
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a friend of mine threw a fit the other day because the security at a store we went to was hovering around while we were checking out. she insists it's because shes a young white female and the store is mostly staffed by mexicans + the security was a mexican dude, so she was being "profiled". She was buying necessities (towels and toilet paper, etc.) and also was doing some christmas shopping and was putting the smaller gifts inside a box of shoes she was buying in the middle of her cart (there was jewelry in there, a bluetooth speaker, etc) so they wouldn't fall through. I explained to her that yes she literally was being profiled – not because of her race, but because she was coincidentally building a pushout cart – and in the end it doesn't matter because she paid for everything, but she still won't stop bitching or calling them racist. i know it's just the anxiety speaking but that doesn't mean she needs to assume she's being oppressed kek.
No. 488720
>>488649Speak to your GP. They will be able to give you advice, help you contact recovery groups and refer you for therapy.
You do not want to become addicted to alcohol. It doesn't just wreck your mind, it will ruin your body as well. My mother was an end stage alcoholic. Even though she's sober now after going through detox in October, the damage from alcoholic neuropathy is permanent. She's been left unable to grip objects in her hands, needs a stick to walk and is incontinent. My sister and I will have to care for her for the rest of her life and my mother isn't even 50.
No. 488727
>>488719lmao security is told to peek inside boxes and buckets because we know people will try to hide shit in them upon checking out. i used to do similar shit when i was a poorfag. security can't stop you because of your race kek our job isn't
that boring.
No. 488774
Do some people have the problem that they just can't let themselves enjoy things in front of others, even when said others are excited too?
I went to see a play today with my bf and some friends. I love watching theatre, but the whole time I acted neutral and even bored by the experience. During the play I made sure not to smile or react much, and afterwards I said very little about it even though my heart felt like it was about to explode with excitement.
I realized I do this with many things. Music, movies, even my own hobbies. I'm so excited about these things I daydream about just talking about the subjects to someone else. I don't even know where this feeling of shame for enjoying things came from. I feel like as an adult it's just cringy to get overly excited about things like a theater play, a music album, a piece I created or a story idea I have. Even typing this out feels embarrassing because I'm now gonna admit in writing that I like those things, even on an anonymous board.
I think I just got fed up with myself because there were certain moments in the play we saw today that I just turned my eyes away from, focusing on anything else on stage than the actors and the scene in front of me, but since it wasn't a movie I could just return to and watch clips from in the comfort of my own home, I'm now stuck with the fact that there's whole sections of a thing I really enjoyed that I just refused to watch because of my own retarded brain.
No. 488806
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>>488327I like things such as the Olympics since it really is nice to see what the best of humanity can accomplish. But yeah the typical things like soccer and basketball I don't really get. Starting a riot or abusing your family because you're upset that your team lost is just unacceptable. In the past summer when the Raptors won the NBA a million people showed up to the victory parade in Toronto. Meanwhile people are becoming increasingly unhappy with the provincial government for being incompetent and screwing up things like the education system but it seems like barely anything is done. Not to say that people can't care about two things at once, but imagine if a million people also showed up to protest the policies they didn't like.
No. 488853
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my dog has cancer and i'm so fucked up about it
i don't want to lose the only thing that makes me happy
No. 488872
>>488854you deserve better than having to sleep in piss
especially when he cant even take responsibility for himself and admit it
No. 488888
>>488825There are people on that sub who are really pushing it, I had to stop reading cos it's such a mix of very real abuse being described and then people who just label others as narcs cos they have a small disagreement. The amount of posters I've seen label every last member of their family as a narc ..
Like wow must be exhausting to happen to know 20 'narcs'
No. 488904
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>tfw no gf
my only requirement for a girl is to be taller than me and treat me with some basic respect, why is it so hard to find someone
oh yeah right because i barely leave the house
No. 488905
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I'm a Junior in art school and I still don't have a job in art. I've heard that most successful artists already have one sophomore year.
I feel like a loser. I went to the only art school in my state because my mom wouldn't let me go out of state. I could have gone to Ringling, but instead I just go to a small art school because I had to stay in my home state. I've learned a lot at my college but I've made no valuable connections. There's one professor here who worked and Disney like fifteen years ago and that's it. Connections are everything in art, but I'm horrible at socializing.
I have bad filtering because I'm high-functioning autistic. I don't kiss ass enough to network well, I just say stupid things and no one wants to be my friend, let alone hire me someday.
I fell like I'll never be an artist at this rate, but I'm terrible at everything else. My art is the only thing half-decent about me and I'm otherwise worthless. If I can't be an artist, I'll kill myself.
No. 488911
>>488905It's gonna be okay anon, you can do this! I've been to a small, not so great art school as well, and no one here got an actual art job until they've graduated (and even after they graduated only like one-fourth actually gets into the industry right away).
I barely talked to anyone there, I'm shit at networking, but I put 100% of my energy in improving my art skills and right after graduating I got a couple of freelance gigs, because my art is actually good. So bottom line: if you suck at socializing, make your art kick everyones ass so they can't help but notice you!
No. 488930
>>488907If family traumatized you, you deserve to stay away from them. I didn't visit my family this holiday because of my mother. I'm able to see other family away from holidays so it's not too bad, just as long as she's not there.
Don't feel bad about missing out, you're saving yourself from further stress. Block and don't unblock, doesn't matter who's feelings you hurt, you're only protecting yourself. Social media doesn't mean shit. If you family wants to assume you're overreacting, let them, they'll realize it's the other person. You can continue having a good life and the person who traumatized you can keep crying wolf.
No. 488956
>>488718Are you also a junkie? Is this reddit fiction post? Any person with a grain of sense would use the last of their savings to get a ticket across the country to get out of that situation if that was what it takes
>>488905Try starting an Instagram/online business meanwhile? Networking doesn’t have to be attending stuffy affairs and sucking up to boomers.
>>488924Absolutely get a car first unless where you move to has incredibly reliable public transit. Do you have friends that would want to live with you? If that town has young adult population I’m sure there’s a constant search for new flat mate lol.
No. 488972
>>488956It has pretty okay public transport but it depends where exactly I'd live. It's still better than where I am now, tho.
And nope, no friends, so I'll have to with a stranger/s but I guess I'll manage
No. 488982
I've been seeing a lot of similar posts lately about men, I'm starting to wonder if someone's trying to troll or something
No. 488984
>>488982Could be
People do tend to learn with age that everyone is basically living in their own bubble so when you leave the house very few people actually give a fuck whether you look good or bad
No. 488994
I'm depressed and somewhat suicidal (as if there are varying degrees), but also I'm obsessed with this girl I know (even though we never really hung out)–I would say that would be the main issue with my mental stability.
I've been getting therapy and I now understand, at least partially, that the main reason I'm so fixated on her is because she made me feel heard and wanted–that's been missing from my life in a big way. It doesn't make it any easier to get over her, but at least it made me feel somewhat hopeful that I could find someone who reciprocates in the future (though I really can't imagine anyone but her)
I've been trying to avoid creeping on her social media for my own benefit, just so I don't keep obsessing over her and how she's not in my life, and I went at least a month without really doing it. She doesn't have much social media and I never actively added her new account to my new account (we've both been through stuff and felt it best to delete in the past)–but just the 2 pictures I have access to make me remember and feel deeply about her, they make me feel really attached to her and her life.
I was expecting to feel worse, partially because I know she's with someone else (or assume, I didn't see anything that would definitely tell me, but most of her selfies are taken from the passenger seat of a car–which doesn't technically mean much), but I feel okay. I feel like I miss her and miss talking with her, and I do still love her and I do still want to be with her, I'm just not crying like I expected to.
I actually did something constructive instead. I wrote half, or maybe a quarter, of a song and I cleaned up my room a bit. I'm going to finish up after I take a shower and maybe sleep a bit. Though I'm not overwhelmed with negative emotions, I do feel a depression nap coming on.
I'm really glad to see she's doing so well in her personal life and it makes me want to do better too. I forgot how much interacting with her inspired me to want to do better–I really love her for being this force of positivity for those around her. I really love her and I really want to tell her or anyone, but I know that's not for the best. For her or especially me.
It feels weird saying I love her, but I really don't know what else to call these feelings. It doesn't feel obsessive, there's this melancholy haze around those words because I know I can't be in her life like I want–but I do still feel strongly.
My medications is making it easier for me to get up and do things (20 mg Citalopram) so that's really nice–Hopefully I can finish learning how to make a scarf this weekend. Wish me luck!
No. 489002
>>488997lesbians are financially better off than straight women? or are femme lesbians like 3 times as successful then and the butches are dragging them down by your logic kek
you obviously have issues and I understand it must be hard dealing with them but please do seek help.
No. 489005
>>488994I'm glad therapy is going well and you have a healthier attitude towards her, I'm kinda similar with fixating on people so I understand a little, especially the compulsion of checking up to feel like you're part of their life. it's admirable that you realise that maintaining that fixation isn't good for you either as it does feel ?soothing? in a way, which is usually what draws me back in.
hope you learn how to make that scarf, (I'm assuming) knitting can be both really annoying as it makes my fingers hurt but really satisfying once you have the finished product!
No. 489013
>>489009I'm leaning towards thinking that anon is trolling, but as a lesbian can confirm I only care about whether other lesbians find me attractive, oh and I somehow own a house despite me having a lesbian haircut and comfortable shoes
kek I guess I really beat the odds that are stacked against lesbians??
No. 489020
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spent time abroad, fucked a guy who had a gf, had some kind of ambiguous friendship with him. everyone's back home now and i'm still not sure how much he actually likes me (as a friend, i'm not that delulu) because he doesn't keep in touch with people that much unless he sees them irl.
i can't stop thinking about him because of our history and the vagueness of his feelings/thoughts about me. i'm sure i'd get over it super fast if i had more things going on in my life, but i find it hard to connect with people in my classes (my university and major are the ultimate shit cocktail, lmao. not to mention having half my credits already gives me less opportunities to socialize) and haven't had enough luck with dating apps before exams hit.
at some point he wasn't really watching my stories on instagram (which he never posts on) and i had this whole scenario of him cutting me off forever and avoiding me even if i go visit his country (where my best friend, who is our mutual close friend, lives). lo and behold, he probably just didn't open the app very much and he's back to watching my stories. i'm just insecure like that, i guess.
sometimes i think about messaging his gf and telling her everything (he confessed that was his biggest fear) but i know deep down i could never; it'd fuck me up as much as it would fuck her up.
posting this here in part because i can't talk about this with many people since it's so dumb and our mutual friends can never know.
No. 489038
>>489020You're worthless and at least owe being honest to the gf. He doesn't give a shit about you btw and used you for easy sex. Deep down you know that but are trying to delude yourself otherwise. Pathetic.
>>489034She's in another country. It doesn't fucking matter.
No. 489047
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>>489043Seriously though I wonder if some of these stories aren't just straight up bait
>Hey farmers, what do you think of me pursuing a (re: thinly veiled romantic feelings that I caught post-coitus) long distance friendship with an absolute human dredge who proceeded to both disrespect me and the other woman he was allegedly committed to by literally fucking us both? Yeah, these are traits and values I admire in a friendship to the opposite sex and I need some closure. Idk I'm insecure or something. No. 489067
>>489051Women tend to not want to know the truth about their men, I assume this is not his first rodeo. He is probably flirting and acting suspicious constantly. I don't think anon "owes" the girlfriend anything but she should steer clear of both of them for the time being. Eventually shit will hit the fan and she should have some graceful distance.
Also someone watching your IG stories means nothing. It may be habit, curiosity or a form of breadcrumbing/shit stirring to get you thinking about them. I woudn't read too much into it.
No. 489191
>>489157To make it even more frustrating, any rare guys who are normal people are going to take the hint and leave you alone. It's only
ever the most obnoxious asholes that persistently intrude into the lives of busy women who don't need them.
No. 489231
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The fact that Michael Vick / Dog fighter apologists EXIST makes me so sick.
Such soft-brained normie reasoning.
fuckin' yuck.
No. 489303
>>489293there are hobbies you can pick up for free anon. hell, there are games you can play for free.
Vidya addicts are the worst type of people, huh?
No. 489336
>>489231>>489235People who defend
abusive public figures, especially over something as paltry as being athletes, have actual brain rot. Disgusting.
Those poor animals.
No. 489368
>>489366Why did he immediately jump to thinking about your pussy?
Sounds like he's one of those "friends that ruin friendship later by confessing their 'love'"
No. 489417
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I feel like Japan and Korea has better looking men. In the west men look run down and like they're 45 after the age of 24. I set myself to Tokyo on tinder and there are so many guys who look so cute and youthful at like 30. Why the fuck do men in the west look so shit?I'm not saying all Japanese guys are gorgeous but it's a lot easier to find one that doesnt look like a obese 40 year old chain smoker after the age of 24.
No. 489429
>>489417I normally don't think most Japanese/Korean men look feminine enough to be mistaken as a woman, but your picture definitely HAS to be a girl. Not attractive at all. You are definitely right about them aging better though. Best would be a Japanese guy with a cute face, but healthy muscular body.
>>489418You'd be surprised, but a lot of young Japanese men don't expect women to adhere strictly to gender roles. It's mainly the middle-aged uggos who want to keep everything backwards over there like always. Korean men are awful no matter what the age and should be avoided at all costs though
>>489423Probably their shitty diets of mainly carbs and sugar doesn't help. The average young man in the US doesn't know how to cook and will just eat pasta, rice, snacks instead of proper meals. My ex had to get a colonoscopy at 25 and he definitely hasn't age well the past few years. Kicker was he was skinny, and convinced because he wasn't fat he was healthy. Many men think if they aren't obese they are eating well.
No. 489481
>>489417I don't know how to feel about this…
Recently my little sis got two bts albums and my mom looked through the photobooks and she wouldn't stop laughing about how girly they look, pose and dress. Then she asked how old they are and was utterly shocked that they are older than 14-16 (tbf those pics are very shooped but nevertheless…).
It makes me feel weird, I'm an adult, I shouldn't be attracted to guys like them. Makes me feel like a pedo despite being their age lol. I know I shouldn't care what she says, but…she's kinda right? I wonder if I really look so much older than them (seeing as I look my age) or if it's just because men are supposed to look old in their 20s already? Nobody talks shit about female idols looking too young, people still find them attractive, it's mostly asian men who are called childish looking.
Yellow fever really is one hell of a drug…
No. 489522
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>>489417>unironically thinks average jap/kor men look like shota trap Kek take off the weeb glasses. Most of them are pic related.
No. 489541
>>489522Is this supposed to be a bad example…?
He's not fat and none of his features are particularily unattractive, the only things less than ideal are his glasses and the clothes (and maybe he should style his hair a bit), but those can be fixed easily.
No. 489544
>>489530Sorry I'm totally uninformed but is that a normal thing to happen?
And if you're that embarrassed you could pretend you got your period maybe.
No. 489572
>>482594Really sick of my roommate being a big baby. Been lowkey trying to make our apartment look like a “home” for literally 2 years. We don’t have any chairs or anything and stuff is just cluttered wherever. My room is kind of organized but I don’t spend much time in there, and the rest of the place is fucking depressing.
I keep bringing up organizing his shit to put in our half empty bathroom closet to get it out of the living room so we can have a clean space to decorate/put a couch and every time I make the tiniest hint or offer to help he immediately gets a whiny and aggressive tone, and keeps saying “but what about this, what about that” like as if it’s some big thing that requires a master plan and elaborate inventorying. Like dude it’s not that deep, you literally never even touch that shit either way.
Also he hoards food and candy randomly in some of his “storage boxes” and I don’t get why. Like we have pantry space. I make hot cocoa for us and he likes marshmallows in his so he bought more marshmallows but I just found marshmallows from before in one of his boxes. Wtf
No. 489586
>>489583Oh shit! You're the anon with the coke addict bf! Good on you though, it takes a lot of guts to leave a relationship of 5 years and no less one that you sacrificed and invested so much of your time and emotions for.
Hey, give yourself a pat on the back, you did something early that other unfortunate women take decades to do.
No. 489587
>>489583And to add on: coke sex is fucking shite! Coke dick is shit. Him not being able to cum but treating you like a fucking fleshlight. Not to mention the fucking faces a coked out person makes and they fucking stink too. The fucking twitches, its so God damn unappealing yet coke heads have this fake confidence and heightened obnoxiousness. I've heard the ugliest shorted balding men in the world remark at the bitches checking them out and dripping for them. People should be locked up for the sheer delusion they possess on it.
>>489584Thank you.
No. 489594
>>489294Holy shit anon, I'm really sorry to read all of this. Any chance to reach for psychological help on your own, without involving your parents? Like any sort of support groups where you live, anything like that may help and it'll make you a little less lonely. I can't say I was in the same situation like you short ago, but I was definitely feeling like shit and alone like you, I started going to meetups every week where we were partaking in the same hobby and things are slowly improving, and I am at least not isolated anymore. If there is any hobby you enjoy, like anything at all, even if it's stupid or you aren't good at it, you could start out by there.
At the worst of cases I think you should try to reach your parents out anyway before it gets out of hand. I'm sure they prefer two mentally ill children than one mentally ill child and the other one, dead. Look at it like this. If you're worried about fucking them over, you'll bring them more psychological distress if you kill youself than not.
No. 489605
>>489202sorry for the flood but oh god anon you just show like me when I was hooked over my asshole exes. Anon give yourself time to heal and to let the love draw away naturally, and you'll probably be able to see his real self and to forgive yourself for letting this retard go and do your life. I don't know if he's a good man or not but what he did is, for sure, not an intelligent move.
Also, no dear, no, it's not selfish at all to say that getting married and having children in a year is fast. It's common sense. God you sound so hurt and confused, I wish you best and that you recover.
No. 489625
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I don't know where to post it, so I'll try here.
Little background, I have this ex which has been traumatic to me in different ways.
I thought he was MTF at the time, (s)he's very androgynous and speaked as a male, we never got to have sex, as he wasn't ready for it because of a trauma he'd had (I later knew my ex have had sex with other people while with me). It was a bonus to me since I was abused by men and wasn't ready either.
He would always be kind of enigmatic, he used to tell me a lot about his personal life, but a lot of stuff he said seemed off. He always had an answer ready for every doubt I had anyway, and I stupidly and blindly trusted him everytime since I didn't know it was a major redflag for manipulative people. He also said he suffered from PTSD (allegedly, I never got to know the truth but he would wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares so it may be true).
Once I broke up with him, I discovered he cheated on me, probably multiple times with different partners; for six months while with me he was also in a relationship with this other person etc. The most shocking thing, though, was that he was a she, and had been lying to me on basically any aspect of his life and anything he/she would say me.
Recently, after years of healing
I got into contact with this ex again recently. She told me some psychologist diagnosed her with dissociative identity disorder and that I've been together with an alter of hers.
Thing is, I don't know if I can trust her anymore. On one hand, I guess it makes sense and I don't want to be judgemental as I don't know anything about such disorder, it would also explain a lot but I'm pretty much positive my memories are too messed up to rationalize the past. It seems like this alter has been integrated or something and his memories gone. She also holds some profile online where she tries to spread acknowledgement about DID and stuff.
Still, the back of my brain tells me it's bs and she's fooling people around her again as she used to. I am so scared of being naive once again and falling for her lies.
Has someone of you had any experience? I need someone to tell me how to know if it's plausible and it's just me finding excuses for my traumatized ass to deny the "death" of the person I loved fondly and who betrayed me deeply. Not to speak about the feeling of having loved someone who doesn't even exist.
I hope all of this make sense, since I am so, so confused right now and I need a hand to try and dissipate my confusion… I don't know where to start.
No. 489630
>>489625Anon for your own sake you need to distance yourself from that person. Their turmoil is not yours to wrangle. You sound like you have a lot of issues on your own and you dont need someone else's on your shoulders to add to it. They sound
toxic as hell.
No. 489641
>>489636You must be joking…?
>you're a bad person, you don't have empathy, you have control issues, you abuse vulnerable people, you make him feel like shit because he doesn't just do his homework and go to churchHe's a fucking cokehead who cheated on her with prostitutes, you dumbass! You don't need to be a tradthot to see that he's absolute trash.
Quite telling that you see your fellow druggie as a mere
victim and find that behavior a-okay…
No. 489670
>>489648Hard agree. Some don't want to recover, even with all the help they are given. They'll pretend they're getting help and just continue buying shit. Fuck them and their selfish asses.
My boyfriend used to do hard drugs and he said one day he just decided to full on stop because he realized he was only doing them to fit in. On top of that, knew he didn't want to lose his life. Hasn't touched them since.
When I first started dating him, he smoked cigarettes, I mentioned the fact I don't like the smell because it's
triggering to me, he stopped smoking the next day.
You're absolutely right, junkies with empathy get sober.
No. 489681
I sometimes troll my father's social media for the lulz, as he's a social media whore, and his side of the family is milky as fuck and it's entertaining seeing them contradict themselves in public all the time.
I hadn't looked at his shit in quite some time and out of boredom, was scrolling through his kinja and discovered that he is now driving for Uber (again lol) and delivering meals with Grubhub, which knowing him, means he either got fired from another good job or just up and quit for "reasons", as per his modus operandi.
My father is not stupid, as much as I don't really like him and despite all of our personal issues…he is well educated, has done a lot of interesting things with his life like screenwriting, working in television, being an assistant during his Phd with a well-known professor in his field, he had a podcast, and I think he also co-authored a book a few years ago. He is a great networker and has a lot of connections, so it's not like he can't find work, or doesn't know how to social climb when he has to.
I sometimes laugh because he used to blame everyone but himself when my parents were married for his own self-sabotaging behavior. People are always willing to give him opportunities, he'll climb high and then something in him causes him to turn his back on his own successes, and he'll go from working on a tv set to living in his car at the beach, writing in his journal and obsessing over some retarded gadget he doesn't need to buy.
I suppose I shouldn't be interested, but I find his life fascinating in a strange way because the man I see online was not the man I knew when we were living in the house and my parents were married. On the outside, he's really bubbly, extroverted, talkative, intellectual, and people really like him. But the person I knew as my father was sullen, mean, bitter, misogynistic, and selfish. And there are times when I realize how opposite we are to each other, and that perhaps his hatred of me was a reflection of something in himself he couldn't relate to. It's making me want to write about it, just to try to understand it.
No. 489700
>>489686An inch gone all around is a pretty noticeable loss, and 50 lbs lost overall is definitely very visible. Hope you can see it soon. A lot of people around you probably can but it’s not the same as feeling better in yourself.
You’ve clearly put in a fair old bit of effort and it sucks that you’re not able to enjoy it rn. Do you have an old pair of pants? Seeing how much they no longer fit might help you see your progress.
Grats I’m getting healthier. Feels good. You deserve that
No. 489732
>>489700Thank you for the kind reply, anon!
It is actually slowly improving, but things like this (losing a bit more yet feeling bigger) just make me feel delusional. It's scary, like if I can't see myself than what else am I misperceiving?
Hopefully with time the whole issue will be minimized.
No. 489740
>>489732Its scary shit, but it’s unlikely you’re perceiving anything else so distortedly.
Do you have a support network to help you manage feeling like this? It’s not fun and it would suck so hard to not be able to express it to anyone or for it to build and build without you having some support.
No. 489760
>>489740I'm lucky in that I do have a very supportive mother. Although I don't think she fully understands, she always listens and helps as much as she can.
Therapy is hard because of wait lists and scheduling, but overall I think I'm fine with help of loved ones for now.
And thank you for being so caring, anon. The occasional kindness on lolcow always blows me away lol.
No. 489787
>>489625>MtF tranny>omg I can't believe he was a she!!1Are you for fucking real now?? God I hope you are underage because otherwise you sound like a piece of work. Lucky this experience teaches you not to trust mentally delaired trannies. Why the hell do you think this site, and literally everywhere but Twitter/tumblr shits on them….
>after years of healing I got into contact with this ex again
>I don't know if I can trust her anymore.Ok that's it. You gotta be joking. God I hope this is an elaborated troll post.
No. 489789
>>489681I agree with the other Anon, he seems quite lulzy and milkeable, fr what you are describing in here you 'd seem to have for a pair of books at least.
>>489696Shut up.
No. 489797
>>488853Is there a scheduled time to put your dog down (sorry)?
If I were you I'd spend every available moment with them. Read stuff on getting over your dog dying, it helps. Give your dog the best life it can have.
I spent the weeks I had at home just petting and being with my dog when I could instead of studying for my masters examination, and I don't regret one minute of it.
No. 489806
>>489546>I've always been quite "male" in that aspect, always headstrong, stubborn, rebellious, opinionated, etc. Qualities people would find positive in men, tbh."Look at MEEE I'm not like other girls I can think and opinate so ungirly and quirky XD"
Do you also believe wearing your hair very short and shopping in the male clothing section makes you a boy? Holy shit the cringe.
No. 489808
>>488825Just saying, my parents are good at keeping a façade but they also beat my and my sister up and have mental problems, my mom in particular has very poor hygiene too and has made us pick up several illnesses already and becomes violent because being told to wash her hand before manipulating aliments is an attack towards her. One of my friends has also a "functional" family where his mother is disabled and an
abusive piece of shit too.
Don't pretend that because someone's family isn't a reality show tier mess they are perfectly functional and can't be violent indoors and in private. Or that emotional and psychological abuse isn't as bad as being beaten up. Your abuse isn't the only
valid form of abuse that exists. That said, it's true that subreddit is trash.
No. 489816
>>488524I could've written this post and I feel your frustration, anon. We're even in a very similar field. My last job I only got because I knew someone who knew someone who needed someone with my skillset asap. Then I found out that everybody working there got their job through social contacts, some not even remotely related to the field. In my country, institutions that receive government funding (like universities and hospitals) are legally obliged to put every vacancy online so that applicants get an equal opportunity, but it's all a farce. They published vacancies for positions that had already been filled through nepotism and then laughed about all the clueless applicants who thought they stood a chance. To put salt on the wound, some of these people were barely competent and I spent way too much time cleaning up their messes.
>>488526In a sense I agree, but in the case of that anon and I the alternative is being unemployed. If it were possible to just opt out without wasting 5+ years of our education we would have done so already. Having scruples is great but it doesn't pay the rent.
No. 489818
>>489809I feel like there has to be some sort of online quiz for that, I dont know of one though. Maybe look at different professions, try to imagine yourself in one and see how you feel.
If you think of something you might want to do, maybe ask someone in that field what it's like. If you want to be a nurse, interview a nurse. If you want to be a programmer, interview a programmer etc. Or just Google "what is it like to be a (insert profession)" and just spend some time doing research.
Also ask yourself what's most important to you in a job. Is it money? Is it expressing yourself? Is it helping people? Etc.
Look at your aptitudes. Would you rather do something you're naturally good at, or would you rather develop a skill and feel challenged? Are you laid back, or competitive?
These are all things to take into consideration when choosing a profession.
Sorry if this didn't help lol. Best of luck to ye
No. 489820
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I have no energy left. I'm so tired of my life, so tired of being me. Of being a failure. I have lost all of my "friends" (did they even care for me as much as I cared for them? doubt it), can't finish my studies and I'm stucked at home with my mentally abusive parents. I just wanna die peacefully in my sleep. It doesn't get better.
No. 489827
>>489808NTA but I'm always seeing posts on raisedbynarcs that really don't belong there. Narcissist has become a popular armchair diagnosis
It has teens starting threads like 'how to convince my parents I need a new iphone' another today was asking how to get past a porn filter. Stupid shit being posted on a serious sub
No. 489832
>>482594Sorry for the illegible rant but I’m sick and tired of trying to juggle my mental health with everything else, I’m sick and fucking tired of being on hold for up to 1 hour and 40 minutes with the fucking drs. Or having to wait 6 months to speak to a fucking therapist who will then asking me to go to appointments miles away when they know I don’t have a car. I’m sick of not being able to go to the dr without coming in late to work or having a day off because they’re fucking closed on the weekends after 12pm Saturday. Like why? Why do you close on a weekend but McDonald’s fucking stays open? And the chemists are even worse. I just spent 40 minutes on hold to be told haughtily that I’d rang the wrong number, when it was the number they fucking
gave me! I’m sick of wasting my time because I honestly don’t think I’ll ever get better
No. 489856
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Just saw "Pretty baby" with Brook Shields, wanted to see some reviews and found pedophilic shit and women complaining that this isn't a love story they expected because literal child gasp acts like a literal child. Honestly what did I expect.
No. 489870
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>>489856Those are the same people who read Lolita expecting it to be some sexy taboo love story, like those tacky bargain bin romance novels with muscular men on the cover. They're just in it for the cooms. Worst thing is that they actually sell Lolita with some very stupid cover illustrations that have nothing to do with the book. The one on the right even says "a classic of erotic literature, a middle aged man's love towards his stepdaughter". Kidnapping, child sexual abuse, so erotic~~~~
No. 489879
So uh.. I have a bit of an issue, anons.
TW for drug use, incest, just fucked up shit in general.
(I swear to God this is not bait, BTW, despite how fucked up/ridiculous all of this is. I just want maybe a little advice on how to deal with this.)
My little sister (25) has been addicted to heroin for ~6 years now. She also has a 7 year old daughter that is currently in the custody of my parents. Both of them currently live with my parents, and share a bedroom. Sister has been kicked out a few times for her drug use, but always winds up back at my parents because my mom is a giant push-over and my sister has always been perceived as "the golden child", despite her illicite drug use.
My step-sister is a recovering heroin addict (1 and a half years sober currently). She shared some… REALLY fucked up shit with me over Thanksgiving weekend and I just.. don't really know how to process it, let alone deal with it.
So let me start a few years back. My sister was kicked out of my parents house after ODing and receiving some child neglect charges (her then 1 y/o daughter was present in the house at the time). Parents ended up with custody of her daughter. Sister was off & on dating some way older men (she's 20~24 at the time, dating 50-60 y/o men), so she was living with them for a bit. Things fell through with them and she ended up living at my Grandparents.
My dad visted her at my Grandparents at one point. I had a phone conversation with him a bit later and he made a strange comment to me, saying that he & my Uncle had both noticed "something fucking weird going on between Sister & Grandfather".
Fast foward a year or so. Sister gets kicked out of my Grandparents for stealing money. She stayed at my house for around 2 weeks, but we kicked her out because she was literally prostituting herself in my house. When my Mom approached me about letting my Sister stay with me, she specifically stated that she can NOT go back to her Grandparents. She ended up moving back in with them when I kicked her out. I just assumed it was because she was stealing from them.
My Grandmother died a few months after.
I didn't talk to my sister at all really for around 2 years. My Grandfather lost his house and ended up moving in with my Uncle. Sister is constantly being driven around by him (she has no car and has literally flipped like 4 of them because she drives while high on heroin) and they both seem to be in close touch with eachother.
My step sister has been living in Florida at this point in time. She was down there for around 2 years. Moved back to my state after a lot of bad experiences, but she was prostituting to support her heroin addiction so yeah, I can imagine it was a bad time for her… She moved back in with my parents and ended up getting pregnant. Got caught with paraphernalia and sat in jail for 5 months. Had her baby when she got out. She's been sober since.
Anyway, here's where shit gets fucked. Over Thanksgiving weekend I spent a lot of time with my Step-Sister. She's doing great and it was nice to reconnect with her while sober. I absolutely cannot stand both of them when they're using and prefer not to even be around them. The fakeness & lying is just frustrating/depressing. They cannot be helped when using. But anyway, Step-Sister unloaded her experiences with my Sister while they were using.
Remember how I said my Grandfather was driving my Sister around everywhere? Well he was driving my Step-Sister & my Sister's friends around as well (my sister deeply enjoys infecting everyone around her with her addiction.. Normal addict shit, I guess). He was straight taking them to dope spots and giving them money to buy Heroin/Fentanyl. In return for the money he gave them, apparently my Step-Sister had to flash him her breasts and the same was asked of my Sister's friends.
Step-Sister watched my Grandfather and Sister full on make out in the front seats of the car.
She had also overheard conversations between Sister & Grandfather, with Sister calling him "baby" and low-key mentioning sexually explicite things.
Apparently this all started when Sister first started living with my Grandfather. He, while drunk, went into Sister's room, lifted her blankets, and took pictures of her fully naked in her bed. Approached her the next day and showed her said pictures.
Apparently Sister was also sneaking Grandfather into MY HOUSE while living there.
I know there is a possibility that my Step-Sister may be lying about all of this, but I have no clue what she would have to gain from it. All this is going to end up doing is tearing my family apart, and I don't think she maliciously wants something like that to happen. I'm leaning towards believing it as truth considering multiple family members have had suspicitions, as well as myself. I just didn't know the extent of everything…
So this is where I'm at currently.. I want to break this to my family so bad. I want to tell my Father, especially, as he has had suspicions already. I don't think it's remotely fair to subject my Niece to ANY DOSE OF THIS while my Sister is living with my parents.
I just don't know how to even begin to explain everything to my family. My Mother coddles the living hell out of my Sister and will get mad at MY STEP-SISTER AND MYSELF if we break this to her privately without any evidence. My Mom is also a bitch to my Step-Sister and probably wouldn't even believe anything that came from her. It's one of the reasons I need to collect evidence before I even bring it up.
I honestly don't care what happens between my Mom & myself, but I want to ensure there is no doubt what-so-ever that my Sister and Grandfather have an on-going incestous relationship. I'm not sure how far it's gone, but my Sister is a gigantic whore so I can only imagine….
This whole thing is so far past the definition of disgusting- I don't care if they're consenting adults, this entire situation is beyond fucked up. He is literally buying Heroin/Fentanyl for his GRANDDAUGHTER so he can get sexual favors in return.. At one point while his WIFE WAS ALIVE. Considering my Grandmother/Mother told me that my Sister can't move back in with my Grandparents when she was kicked out, my Grandmother potentially died knowing about their relationship!! THAT IS SO!! FUCKED!!
Anyway.. Sorry.. Just had to vent a little bit.
My Step-Sister and I want to collect evidence. Here are a few things I've thought of:
- Voice Recorder under Sister's bed (though this may be a little difficult to capture anything on if she's referring to him as 'baby')
- Camera in Sister's bedroom (there are a few places I might be abe to hide one… Would def be better if I can find a battery operated one, so there are no wires/cables involved…)
- Accessing my Sister's phone when she's asleep. I can try to watch her for when she inputs her password. Hopefully it's numerical and doesn't involve face recognition or a thumbprint.
- I'm not sure if my Sister is on a family plan with my Mother, or if she is using a pre-paid phone, but I may be able to access her text messages via my Mother's family plan if she's on it. I know my Mother's passwords to everything.
- I could potentially access Sister's Facebook for any information, though there wouldn't be any conversations between Grandfather/Sister (he doesn't have FB), but she might mention it somewhere?
So yeah… Any advice would be sincerely welcomed. I don't want to hold this in my heart forever. It's disgusting, vile.. So far beyond anything a normal person could observe and just let go.
I should reiterate again that I swear to God this is not bait, despite how ridiculous this entire thing is. I tried to give as many details as possible (Sister has no clue this website exists; she doesn't even know what an imageboard is). If I need to include any additional (non-doxing) details, just ask.. Thank you for taking the time to read this wall of text and Thank you in advance to anyone who helps out. I really appreciate it.
(PS I know the thread is almost maxed out, but I can't hold this in any longer.. I'll just repost it to the next thread or something as well.)
No. 489882
>>489879That’s a terrible situation, I’m sorry Anon. It’s hard to think about a family member being so awful as to have a sexual relationship with his heroin addicted grandfather
I know heroin addicted people are hard to deal with (my schizophrenic 30 something heroin addicted brother has recently been institutionalised) but I dont recommend sneaking around to collect evidence. If your step sister has had experiences with him I think she should share but you should leave it up to your sisters to say anything, but again heroin addiction makes things hard
If your sister isn’t completely gone and eaten up by heroin, talk to her. I’m going thru a similar problem with my half brother. A bit different because he hallucinates and has delusions but he implied my dad and some family members on my moms side molested him. It could be delusions (he has hallucinated me doing and saying things I haven’t done) but it hurts to even think about.
Sending hugs to u anon I hope your sister gets better, sounds like a nightmare
No. 489891
>>489879The problem is that you've got a family of enablers. Grandpappy, who's willing to give his own kin their supply of heroin in exchange for sexual favors. The mom, who plays favorites with the children and especially coddles the one in most need of strict intervention. The stepsister, who will keep secrecy in exchange for peace.
What a mess. I don't think there's any kind of evidence collection you could do to fix a dysfunctional family dynamic such as this. Frankly I think your involvement will just cause you further headaches and maybe turn a few enemies.
No. 489901
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>>489900You could try this one, it's free: scores you based on Building, Thinking, Creating, Helping, Persuading, Organizing
my results don't surprise me at all kek
No. 489914
>>488854hey anon know this is late but my ex used to do this too. usually when I was sleeping next to him, even at other people's houses/on their beds. Also used to have to hold a bucket for him while he shit and vomited at the same time. a literal man-baby. RUN.
god speed. you deserve so so much better that's so fucking gross.
No. 489926
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One of my friends was talking down on people who read self help books and didn't get why people even bothered with them because they all spew common sense. It just made me feel bad because I said I was reading this book again. It's one of my favorite self help books and I didn't even realize how much of it I had incorporated into my life until I started rereading it. I don't think my life has gotten better solely because of this book, but applying some of the mentalities of this book really made a huge difference on how I approach life and living for the better.
Yeah it's common sense but a lot of the things the author goes on about, I didn't really ever think of until I read the book. It's like when I used to go to therapy and my therapist would tell me the most obvious answer and suddenly things would just… click. It's like my brain was just too foggy and depressed to think logically about things.
I'm salty that my friend is prattling on like he doesn't need these books but he's just as depressed as I was lol
No. 489933
>>489929>not to be mean but you're dumb Fuck off. Why shit on someone who is trying to help themselves? Save it for the cows.
>>489926I know exactly what you mean about seemingly simple things clicking in therapy. It's been a great feeling for me. I've been thinking of picking up this book bc I can't afford therapy rn and I'm overthinking everything. Especially since I'm transitioning in my life and a lot of new anxieties are popping up that I need to learn to cope with in order to …function properly. Lol. I understand that it's "just common sense" but whatever; I'm so sick of feeling ashamed and anyways, that's how the brain works. Our minds seem to react well to that type of organized outside input, so let's just go with it anon!
>I didn't even realize how much of it I had incorporated into my life until I started rereading itWhat parts of the book stuck out to you, if you don't mind sharing? It's just the best feeling to realize something resonated and has changed your thought patterns.
No. 489934
>>489933sorry you're so
triggered, but it's true.
No. 489951
>>489933I highly recommend the book! I read it when I was going through a really rough time, and now I'm reading it while in a significantly better place and I didn't realize how much of it I ended up adopting. It's a nice book to reread so I think it's a good investment, but I'm sure there are pirated versions online. I've been reading the book through my public library's ebook system (though it's usually on hold and I have to wait a few weeks for it, but at least it's free!).
Things that stuck out to me were discovering important values to define your life as successful, values that are not dependent on other people/things (living an honest life vs being popular on social media), measuring your personal success in a realistic way (comparing yourself to someone wildly successful will always make you feel like a failure no matter how far you get, and comparing yourself to bottom of the barrel scum won't make you strive for more because you'll feel an undeserving amount of success), life is a never ending loop of problems and is more about discovering what problems are worthwhile for you to suffer through rather than chasing happiness which is always futile/a short lived high (he also talks about the feedback loop from hell), and there's a whole chapter about relationships that's too long to summarize but really fucking hit me because I had just gotten out of a break up lol.
Yes, a lot of these are common sense, but the book helped me so I don't really care if someone thinks I'm dumb as long as I now have the mentality to go about my life in a more productive manner. The author gives a lot of examples so it's a bit hard for me to summarize, but I really hope you give the book a go anon! I also read tidying books (Marie Kondo's book, "Goodbye, Things" and "The Art of Discarding") which may be a good read for you. They're more about tidying up physical spaces but something about them really cleared up my head too (or maybe it was just a tidier space made my head feel more clear? I don't know, but I really liked them too! Especially Goodbye, Things).
No. 489962
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>>489926No comment on your post itself, just a recommendation I think you might also enjoy.
No. 490029
>>490007In America something like 40% of murders go unsolved. Live your dream anon.
Either that or ruin his life. Anonymously convince people he’s a kiddy fiddler, have dealers rock up at his house expecting a buyer, doxx him to autistic 4channers who will swat his house for fun, put heroin or something in his car and then dob him in as a dealer, print posters identifying him as a rapist and anon mail them to his work and mother. Fuck him up
No. 490063
>>490052Please don’t marry that dweeb. He thinks his orgasm is more important than your grief. That’s not going to change with time, it will just get worse.
You wanna be pestered to suck his dick when you’re planning your parents funerals years down the track?
No. 490067
>>489930Classic lovebombing, happened to me once with a guy at a convention. "Love at first sight", knew he wanted to marry me and have my children, felt the chemistry, never seen anyone so beautiful bla bla bla.
Had a girlfriend while pursuing me, so was cheating on us both, also was using tinder for hookups in-between, dropped me after sex.
DON'T GO THERE, it's manipulative bullshit designed to trap you and it's effective because these assholes can detect insecurity and know the ego boost is addictive to us
Pls be careful, block him if you can.
No. 490079
>>490052my condolences anon, it must be really hard. at least he passed easily but I understand it still hurts.
your fiance has made it obvious he doesn't care about your feelings whatsoever and his dick is his priority. is it worth it marrying someone like that?
No. 490080
>>490076That sounds really hard to handle. You gave her a wonderful long life, and all the love she could possibly have, and when you let her go it’s another act of love. You’re not prolonging suffering to keep yourself happy, you’re allowing her mercy and a gentle sleep at the cost of your own happiness with her. You’re a good pet owner and if she could tell you she’s grateful she would.
She got to be warm and fed and loved and comfy every day for years, all because you had kindness to give her.
It hurt so bad when my rats passed away, and it’s no doubt hurting you a lot right now, and it’s not enough to fix it but you if you can remember that she’s gotten the best life a rat could have, and will never have to suffer because you chose to be kind and loving until the very end.
Hope you’re okay anon.
No. 490081
>>490076that's terrible, anon. but you gave her long and beautiful life and are spending her last hours with her, I'm sure the bond you feel is mutual. hang in there, tomorrow will be difficult but it's the right thing and for her best.
also very tonally out of place but margaret is such a cute name.
No. 490168
>>490140Hey, you don't know any of that to be a fact. I'm sorry you guys broke up, but imagine if you'd lasted another year and had his baby and broken up then instead!
Everything happens for a reason. He obviously didn't appreciate you enough, the right person will. Stop checking on him, he sure as hell isn't checking on you. Leave that loser in the dust and work on being the best you can be. You can do better!
No. 490176
>>490171True. I might’ve making another mistake. Trust me, I think about that a lot too. But I do feel chemistry here I’ve never felt before that I can remember. Especially physically. I never in my life even enjoyed sex or cuddling, kissing, hugging. I felt weird and uncomfortable about it, but I actually like all of those things with him.
However there have been red flags, but we’ve been able to work out any problems through good communication so far. I clearly have rose tinted glasses on but am not completely naive here.. i know I’m definitely not making a mistake in leaving my husband. I think I want children and somewhere in the middle of our relationship I found him searching for child porn in his phone history. I could write so much about him but that basically sums up the worst.
The new relationship could fail but the old one definitely isn’t worth it (minus the place to stay/easy visa)
No. 490184
I've never posted on one of these threads so I hope this is ok -
I'm 18 right now and I ran away from home when I was 17 because my mother was really abusive and shitty, my brother turned against me too - I know I'm so much better off without them and the past year has been the happiest of my life, but I can't stop thinking about what she's thinking of me, what she makes of where I am now, I can't stop checking her twitter account or checking my spam emails (all other form of contact has been blocked) because I worry so much that she's going to be able to keep inflicting harm onto me and I want to stay one step ahead of her.
But it just makes me so fucking sad seeing what she posts and I can't bear the distance. I don't even like her as a person, I find her utterly repugnant, but it's still so important to me to know what she and my brother think of me. My friends tell me to 'just block her' but I really don't want to because I want to know what she's planning, and if they knew her like I did, they'd know why I was worried about the threat she poses to my safety.
Otherwise… I am stressed about university applications, I am pissed off at my good friend for bad reasons, I am annoyed because the dermatitis on my eyelids has come back, I am unable to cum because of my new medicine, and this fucking psychiatrist I am trying to see in the country I have just moved to has taken so fucking long to process my referral I feel myself spiralling again
No. 490329
>>490324Eh, same. I moved in with one of my friends and she obsessively buys nendoroids and other anime merch. She must have over 200 nendos by now, and I don't get the appeal because she never even looks at them. Hell, I look at them more than she does. They are collecting dust because she doesn't take care of them. She also buys other random anime merch and collects sets instead of just the things she likes. Such a waste of money and so much clutter.
I feel like people who obsessive collect things only enjoy the initial purchase and then the items just become background noise. One of my male friends was the same way. So many people just vapidly collect shit nowadays.