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No. 437537
>>437532i don't live in such a race-centered country where these issues are relevant, but the music part made me chuckle bc so often i've read about people of color telling their stories of listening to anything that's not 100% "black ppl" aligned and getting called "white" by their fellow poc, even really innocuous stuff like listening to the arctic monkeys or not dressing "hood" (whatever that means).
i keep my opinions to myself about black culture bc i don't belong to it and don't intend to participate in it, but some black people sure do end up stereotyping themselves in their attempt to be "woke" like your roommates. talking about things like music, liking food or even going to certain places being "whypipo shieet" is…very racist, imho. people of any race and color can listen to whatever music they want, eat whatever food they please and go wherever they hell they wanna go, the concept of specific races "owning" that stuff is racist within itself.
No. 437541
>>437532People of color is a myth so I know right there they probably have white bfs or secretly yearn for white dack while subscribing to insane SJW tier pro TRA ideaologies
And tbh, the USA is extremely racialized in a very shameless and shocking way so I am not surprised many people decide to be reactionaries to it even for attention.
>>437537Why do people of color have to automatically mean black people though? This is exactly what I mean lol, its like everything non white is black in peoples eyes and it means exactly as bad as it looks.
No. 437547
>>437544I'm Asian. My roommates are Latino, Black, and Asian. I've never heard anyone say that Natives aren't PoC. I do think that Asians are considered PoC when it's convenient.
One of the most vocal girls is Asian. I'm not really sure what her deal is. THe kicker is even though she hates white people, she decided to go to a fancy preppy white liberal arts college instead of stay in Seattle where there's a ton more Asians. lmao
No. 437552
>>437544Black people say people of color isnt a term and is a safe catch all term liberals made with otherizes every non white individual which is ironically a racist term in itself. It is also derived from the US term coloured to describe black and black admixtured people.
>>437547I had a feeling one of them was Asian. There are a lot of Asians in the US who larp as black panther type of characters and really hate on white people a lot but of course they get ignored and the blame is automatically put on black people as usual
No. 437555
>>437552>Black people say people of color isnt a termSome black people do and some don't. It really depends. But a lot of black people on college campuses definitely do think it's a term.
>>437552>I had a feeling one of them was Asian. There are a lot of Asians in the US who larp as black panther type of characters and really hate on white people a lot but of course they get ignored and the blame is automatically put on black people as usualwtf are you talking about? lmao
No. 437557
>>437555Wtf do you mean wtf I am talking about? Im not talking about the marvel movie but the Black Panther movement of the 60s lmao
>>437555I suppose it does depend but ngl, I wouldnt say black people with an idealized view about other races are going to be the majority anymore. The Aados movement is gaining traction and I wont be surprised if the majority of black people have more exclusionary and realistic views about non black minorities soon.
No. 437560
>>437558American blacks are the racist ones but no word for American whites or American latinos lol
Americans in general are race obsessed and extremely hateful and suspicious of other races. Pinning it only on black americans is pathetic
No. 437561
>>437544>excluding even NativesReminds me of a post I saw making fun of (North American) white people claiming Euro heritage to seem diverse and it included "56% Native." Bruh, I'm half Native and people treat me like a non-white person. They often assume Mexican or Filipino instead but still.
People called it out though, but idk if this happens more often in the African American community?
No. 437562
>>437560Never said other Americans weren't
At the same time you'd expect better from a group of people who are constantly talking about how racist America is towards them. Yet they uphold ideals and cultural norms that reinforce everything white people have used against them for centuries.
No. 437564
>>437558sorry that you had a bad experience with african americans but lumping us all together is uh…racist lmao
black americans are not a monolith and comparing all of us to the scumbags on lipstick alley would be like comparing all white people to the weirdos that frequent reddit
No. 437565
>>437562Most people are bullied by those of their own race, yet I see only black people deciding to exclude other black people for their childhood and adolescent experiences with their peers, in a world that is maliciously anti black overall. Your experience is neither unique nor different. Caribbean and American blacks have parallels in racial admixture, colonial and slave history, and being both of the New World so I dont see how this is meant to be a universal truth and why you chose to proudly declare this but okay.
Caribbean blacks and other blacks have their own problems being because of the same prevailing factor I mentioned in my previous statement. Singling out to Black Americans is poor overall. You also seem to not really gaf about the unique and complex history AADOS have in the US as well, and obviously think yourself as better than us.
No. 437574
>>437563I'm from Puerto rico and latino men are the epitome of garbage. they are babied their mothers and dont do ANYTHING (Cooking, cleaning, etc..) even in their 30s and they treat women like maids or their mothers. zero respect. the machismo attitude is
toxic as fuck
No. 437582
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I spent the weekend feeling sick while hanging out with friends, I nearly passed out from hypoglycemia or low blood pressure at some point and my chest still hurts. I'll go to the doctor tomorrow and I should be used to it by now but I'm scared shitless.
>>437558>Posts on websites like LipstickAlley are a true representative of how most of them are.Is it? I never really notice who's American or not on this forum when I lurk but I got the feeling they had very diverse ideas and opinions. I do see them sperg endlessly when the subject of North Africans or Sudan is brought though.
No. 437594
>>437574exactly, they also take zero care of themselves , they are whoremongers , love prostitutes and underage girls and think being a decent human is for gays and babies. Is all
toxic masculinity to the extreme. Is so revolting that latam is such a mess that they get away with being like that with no repercussions.
American girls, be safe alright? demographics there have more and more latinos, acceptance is cool but don´t go full tumblr, a bit of prejudice might not be so bad.
No. 437612
>>437564I'm speaking from my own experience, obviously. Most of the black americans I have dealt with whether at college or the places I've work have been like those people there. I hoped I would've escaped this nonsense once I got to college but it didn't change, and in many ways got worse.
>>437565>Singling out to Black Americans is poor overall. You also seem to not really gaf about the unique and complex history AADOS have in the US as well, and obviously think yourself as better than us.I made my post in response to another. I wasn't the first or only person talk specifically about black americans so it's interesting that you'd say this to me and not the other posters here. I am familiar with this kind of animosity tho, so I'm not at all surprised.
No. 437625
>>437620>black americans should've treated me better starting from elementary schoolare you really basing your opinion on an entire race of people because of a bunch a mean elementary schoolers??? lmao
im a black american and i have been bullied by other BA because i didn't fit in with the culture of the area. but once i got out of hometown and saw more of the country, i found out that (wow!) people are different everywhere!
No. 437644
>>437622nta, but by that logic every black person on earth is entitled to despise all white people, but we all know the stock response if anyone would try to argue that: it's wrong to blame an entire group of people for the actions of a few. people aren't monolithic hiveminds.
men are another story thoughplenty of black americans have gone through the same kind of bullying anon has for the same reasons. they don't all stick together to bully the foreigners. it's just silly to paint them all with the exact same brush lol
No. 437645
>>437634if conformity means that I'll go around treating other people who look like me but are from the caribbean or africa as primitive garbage, openly making fun of people and behaving badly then saying "b-b-but white people do it too!" or "we're all black so it's not offensive!" as defense when people call me out on it (because somehow it's better to join in with racist shit instead of rising above it), then no I won't be like those "other negroes"
thanks for proving my point with that image. it really sums up the entirety of my ongoing experience.
No. 437649
>>437645nta (and also not african-american), but anon, there's more black people in america than the ones you've met who were assholes to you. individuals don't stop being individuals just because they have the same race or nationality.
you might even be focusing more on the shitty ones than the nice ones out of confirmation bias. it happens.
and tbh, do you extend these opinions to other races in america, too, or do they get a pass for racism?
No. 437653
>>437649>do you extend these opinions to other races in america, too, or do they get a pass for racism?I never once said blacks are the only ones who are racist. I've had racist white teachers, racist latino or east asian neighborts, etc. My point is that blacks are very much racist too. As evidenced, the conversation is always redirected to whites and/or other races and american blacks never want to own up to the shit within their own community, which isn't right. When another black like myself says it, it's even worse because somehow this means to them that I'm either "sticking up for white people" or "think I'm better".
I guess it's wrong to ask people who have been subject to racism as well to be better than our adversaries.
No. 437658
>>437653>I guess it's wrong to ask people who have been subject to racism as well to be better than our adversaries.the point is that america is a racist country full of fucked up people. internalized racism is a thing just like internalized misogyny.
they're literally a meme to the rest of the world, but there are also lots of good people too, so…
No. 437663
>>437620Honestly black americans are just like most americans, they hate people who are too foreign. Africans, Asians and Latino immigrants get a lot of shit usually, the only way not to be mocked is if we assimilate.
I was obviously foreign and not the good kind, so black and white people gave me shit. I got over it though, I don't blame you for resenting them.
No. 437701
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My ex already has a new gf and it has only been a week since we broke up.
No. 437748
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I really want to adopt a pom.
No. 437783
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I'm tired of my girlfriends constant talking about their boyfriends, how they're waiting for them to propose, weddings and kids. What the fuck has happened, suddenly my every friend who's in a relationship is going crazy about marriage. We're all 20-25 and they behave like 30 y/olds.
There's no conversing with them that doesn't end up on this topic. Maybe I sound like a bitch but they're crazily monothematic. I'm getting so annoyed with it, but at the same time I feel detached and like there's something wrong with me (for being frustrated, for not being interested in it, for being childish maybe?), even though I know I shouldn't feel bad. I guess the feeling of being left behind never changes, and you're never too old, too wise to beat yourself up over it. It's not rational at all.
At this point, there's a friend who texts me essays about her bf and I just ignore them completely and only reply to other stuff. This does not stop her at all. Boyfriend-splaining lol.
Seriously, throwing all your relationship-related irrelevant to anything thoughts and your marriage dreams and proposal thirsting on your single friends should be a crime punishable by law.
No. 437843
>>437762Did you not actually train your dog or what?
>>437748Poms are a great breed, but if you’re not familiar with dogs or training already, be prepared for barking and being ignored. Also, if you’re lazy and don’t keep them stimulated enough they can get neurotic and over protective. It’s super important to get them socialized with people and other dogs early too, as they’re really prone to being one-person pets otherwise. I wouldn’t recommend getting one if you have a regular day job either. They really need company, and leaving them alone for 8+ hours most of the week will wreak havoc on their mental state.
Anyway with that being said, they are so sweet and smart and full of personality. I have a 6 year old pom and I will probably never own another breed now. Best mix of cat and dog tbh (aka stuck on the floor and not knocking shit off your shelves)
No. 437873
Exercising has been helping me deal with my anxiety symptoms, but God, I can't find a good time to go to the gym. Some weeks I'll only go to the gym once or not at all and it's so noticeable. I'm trying to work out at work, but I don't want to be sweaty and gross in my uniform, they only supplied me with 2 shirts and pants.
>>437748My best friend has a pom and he's so cute. He needs lots of care, mostly the grooming aspect and training. Her pom still barks for the littlest things like not being given cold enough water or he's picky about food. Basically like another anon said, a cat that barks.
>>437532Tell them to get off social media and stop competing with each other on who's the most ~woke~. In a few years when you get a house and start having to pay bills and have a full time job and see your friends maybe once every other week, at most, none of this will matter and you'll realize you sounded incredibly silly and stressed out for no reason other than to one-up each other.
No. 438015
>>437931Not the same band but I was in a similar situation with another band. Not underage girls but mostly teens to early twenties girls. I went to the cops but they all lied to keep each other safe. They were so popular and well liked in the community I basically went into hiding. Eventually they disbanded when the stories started to pile up.
It's not your fault anon, you protected yourself the best you could. It's so hard to make a case even if you go to the police.
No. 438054
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Fuck my mouth!! I just want my wisdom teeth to heal so I can fucking eat real food again!
I asked my dad to make me rice porridge because it's one of my favorite soft foods and super versatile so I could mix and match toppings and bases so it wouldn't feel like eating the same bland ass shit every day, but I have a hard time even gently chewing shit like eggs so I can't even put in the salted or century eggs I bought.
I'm about to treat myself to some grass jelly or passion fruit jelly to make myself feel better. Not being able to eat solids is making me crave super high calorie junk foods even more than usual. I'm holding out to eat this baby once I'm sure that my mouth has healed enough (planned to go get it with a friend last week and when the day of our lunch date came, my wisdom teeth pain was at it's absolute peak. fuck me). Someone's gonna call me a fat fuck but I don't even care.
No. 438076
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Someone I sorta run in the same circles with who's incredibly attention seeking, lies about EVERYTHING, and is currently going through a fakeboi phase is now claiming to have fucking PTSD. I know for a fucking fact that nothing PTSD-worthy has ever happened to her and I don't even want to know what stupid bullshit she's claiming caused it. She's tried to claim so many other mental illnesses in the past, too, but I guess those aren't trendy enough and now PTSD is the hot new thing to garner attention and ass-pats. Fucking hate people like her.
No. 438079
Should I get rid of my cat?
I work from home most days due to chronic illness and used to feel pretty lonely, as my old cat passed away a few years ago from cancer. I went to a shelter and specifically asked for a cat that was more independent and wouldn't mind being the only cat since that's all my landlord allows. The shelter made a recommendation for a 4 year old cat and I adopted him. This was 6 months ago.
He is not independent at ALL. Despite me playing with him several times a day as my workload allows and after work, he is constantly begging and meowing for my attention. I even got him a harness and taught him to walk to see if that would stimulate and burn off his energy but it doesn't. If I don't pay attention to him when he demands it (often while I'm working) he will destroy shit he's not supposed to - literally clawing the walls. He has toys, TONS of them, that I rotate out weekly to keep his interest, but he refuses to play by himself. He ignores automated toys, barely engages with puzzles or hiding treats. He has 2 cat towers situated by different windows but he rarely uses them except to scratch. He's got kickers and jingle balls. He will not play with anything except a feather teaser when I'm doing it.
It's literally getting to the point where I'm constantly having to entertain him or get him out of trouble that it's affecting my performance at work and already had a talk with HR about it. And I had to make excuses about health issues because how the fuck could I tell them that my cat is literally a toddler in terms of neediness and attention?
I've had him checked by the vet, he's perfectly healthy. The only advice they had was getting another cat since he sounds lonely. but my LL won't allow it anyway, and even though I could sneak having 2 cats, I don't want a situation where I have 2 cats vying for my attention. I feel like an awful pet owner. I always find it hilarious when I see websites saying "play with your cat 15 minutes a day a few times!" I literally play with my cat for hours and he's still miserable. We both are. I've had friends tell me to just let him outside for a few hours but I signed an agreement with the shelter saying I wouldn't do that, or I could be fined if he got picked up by animal control (considering how he will literally walk up to any stranger while walking and is totally fearless, it would happen).
Even though he exhausts and frustrates me I love him. It would kill me to send him back to a shelter (where he already was stuck for a year). But I'm at my limit. It's affecting my health and work performance. But I feel so awful and guilty and I'm scared if I try to adopt him out myself he will end up in a worse situation or back in a shelter.
No. 438084
>>438080I might try this, thanks. I'm willing to try anything at this point.
>>438081I have been putting out feelers for awhile but the only person who is interested is someone who I know is a cat hoarder, which is a situation I don't want him in. I'm not sure he would be good for an old person either, as he plays very roughly and I'd be worried he would accidentally hurt them since elderly people have fragile skin. Same deal with kids. He is very sweet and friendly but goes ballistic when playing tbh.
No. 438088
>>438079Like the anon above me said, try asking people you know if they want to take him in.. older cats arent likely to get adopted sadly. Also, in regards to adopting another cat: from my experience, if your cat is older, they arent likely to accept new cats. I had one cat and when she was about 2, I brought in a kitten. She did not like her from the start and to this day still bullies her - they're both over 16 now. This also happened to another kitten I brought in and I chose to give her away because my friend wanted her.
Maybe you could try putting on some cat or classical music for him to help relax? Or use a laser pointer to play with her? They're pretty good since its low effort but you it gets them moving a lot.
No. 438126
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I shouldn't even be upset at all but I was talking about a character that reminded me of myself to my boyfriend and he kept talking about how awful she is and how her personality is the worst and everything he hates about female characters.
No. 438186
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>thought I was recovered from disordered eating and purging behaviors
>notice I feel softer, doughier
>don't like this at all
>weigh myself
>I've gained 4lbs
And to think, earlier this year, I was actually satisfied with my weight, started to like my body and ate whatever I pleased without thinking too much about it (like "normal" people do, I guess).
I know 4lbs is nothing from a non-retarded viewpoint, but I have to do something about this before I put on more weight and it becomes a real problem.
I refuse to be a living example of those "Weight loss doesn't work! Your body will go back to its natural fat self within a year or two, so just give up" HAES arguments.
No. 438195
I'm in my 20's and have never heard "I love you" come out of my mother's mouth. The one time I mentioned this, I was made fun of. My mother has always been distant and passive throughout my life, not showing her love verbally or through her actions. The aftermath is me feeling empty, stupid, worthless, and unlovable everyday of my life. I mentioned feeling like no one invested time and effort in me growing up, especially in order to instill confidence, self-discipline, and self-esteem , and I was met with "oh poor you, you've had such a hard life haven't you. It's not like I hit you or starved you"
No. 438203
>>438195same anon… I even had the same "conversation" about it.
last time my mother hugged me was probably when I was a child, but even then I remember moments when other kids got physical affection from their parents and I felt left out
I found out this year that all this time my mom has been bragging to her friends about me, but I'm not sure if that's love or if she just wants to flex that she's the only one in her friend group with a kid who's in university
do you still live at home? you'll feel better independently, hope you can regain your self worth
i feel with you
No. 438238
>>438195Lmao same.
I also noticed she acts the same towards my father and it made me realize how it passively fucked me up a bit.
She also wonders why we don't have a good relationship.
No. 438349
I rant here a lot soz I don't like ranting too much to people irl cos they just get tired of it after a while.
My nan was supposed to come to my graduation, but she isn't anymore. It's a very long journey for someone her age, so I'm not made at her for it. I'm just sad because my parents behave themselves around her, and now that she isn't coming it's going to be hell.
I can't fucking stand being around my parents (they're super abusive) and now I have to do it for hours. My mood crashes SO fucking badly just being around them. I would just get high af, but that means I won't be able to hold my mouth. I have to hold my mouth fucking constantly around them. It's that dynamic where they can do whatever they want to me, and I have to just be silent and not react at all. I'm just sad that something that is supposed to be one of the biggest achievements of my life is going to be fucking awful.
I also have my absolute dream dress for it, but I just tried it on and it's fucking massive. I lose a lot of weight when at my parents, so I should have known this would happen. I just didnt think I would drop that fucking much so fast. The bust is honestly like 10 cm too big, and it's a strapless dress fs. I have fashion tape, which I'm hoping will work. I'm happy I've lost weight, cos I am kinda chunky (like 180 pounds) but the starvation (by my parents) is taken a massive toll on my body, so I would rather stay fat than feel this unwell. idk idk idk I could rant forver tbh.
No. 438355
>>438195The only time my mother said she loved me was when I broke down recently, to complete hysterics, confessing to her that I have never been happy my entire life and that I've been suicidal and hurting myself since I was 9. I also got a pat on the back.
She has never once hugged me in my entire life. I don't think she actually held my hand ever either.
No. 438356
>>438355 ugh i feel that anon! I now can't stand anyone hugging me, even my best friends. It just feels so weird and too intimate.
I will never fucking understand why some people become parents when they know damn well they aren't capable of it. My parents have told me straight up they regret having kids. How they have ruined their lives. SO WHY DID YOU HAVE MULTIPLE CHILDREN THEN, HUH?
No. 438401
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I started talking with this 4chan autistic boy about a week ago, he is pretty entertaining; Incel, misogynist, racist, ignorant, a Nice Guy™, right winger…
He keeps asking for nudes too, when I tell him that I'm not doing it in a way that a brain dead autistic can understand and not snap he plays it off as a joke or straight up deny it.
Since I'm unemployed at the moment I made it my mission to unbrain wash him and I feel like I made some progress since he is pretty young.
No. 438415
>>438410It happens to me too all the time. I don't get why nice old ladies ask me for advice when I have headphones on and I can't hear a word they say.
I am not the only person (or even a woman) that they can ask for help.
No. 438420
>>438415>>438417omg i am so glad i'm not the only one, i was afraid i was a total cunt or something.
i wouldn't mind being stopped by nice old ladies, but when it's nasty old men asking me to get them cigs in the shop it gets a bit annoying. and just not when it's 3 times a day every day.
No. 438431
>>438424Is it just me that prefers talking with strangers?
It feels nice to feel helpful and there's none of the baggage that come with knowing someone, no expectations and such.
I'm specially bad with acquaintances, I'm never sure about how should I react or how much should I talk with them.
When meeting strangers the first-meeting script is so comfy for me though, you ask the standard question, get the standard responses and then it's done.
Maybe that's just due to my intimacy phobia though.
No. 438450
>>438401I did this with my first 4chan boyfriend. He's still incredibly racist, but he does actually listen about shit women have to deal with now with an open mind, which is something. Also said he wants rapists to hang, and that he understands why cat-calling is a shitty thing to do. Told me the other day (we still talk) that he completely 100% understands why women are afraid of saying no to men and that it's not right that they should have that fear, but that he differs on what the solution should be.
You can lead to some improvement if he's not the dyed in the wool incel type tbh.
No. 438458
>>438410I get this too and I don't understand it! I don't look approachable in the slightest, I think I look kind of bitchy actually. Tourists are always asking me for directions or what bus to take and it's a waste of their time because I never know the answer. I'm also always wearing headphones so I have to awkwardly take them off and ask them to repeat. I think the worst is when junkies ask me for money. I once had a woman come up to me, ask me to take off my headphones and gave me this big speech about how kind I looked and how I'm different from everyone else and then begged for money lmao.
I've also noticed that some people are more prone to being stolen from than others. All of my friends who have been stolen from, have been stolen from again and again.
No. 438460
>>438458yes the junkies are unreal! last month a woman asked me for, quote, "change for bus" and tried to throw her tea at me when I refused. then didn't ask anyone else on the street and there was loads of passerbys around.
i started to just flat out say no or nod and walk past, unless it's an older lady or someone disabled who genuinely needs help. i know it may seem very rude to individuals, but i learned how much time you waste for strangers when you stop and engage.
No. 438489
>>438476the tumblr ideology shit just moved to twitter since tumblr tied, it's pretty much ruined my experience on there
i miss having tumblr as a containment site
No. 438501
>>438484It's not like you're forcing someone with severe allergies to eat at a place that can't cater to their needs, this is entirely on your friend and it's not anybody else's responsibility to bend over backwards for her, especially when it's YOUR birthday. Your friend group needs to start holding her accountable for having the palate of a picky 4 year old, she'll certainly never stop being like this if everyone just caters to her childish whims.
Go have your birthday dinner at the Mexican restaurant, tell your friend she can either grow up and eat there like everyone else, or she can decide not to go. If you want to be nice you can warn her and tell her she can eat at home beforehand and just get drinks or something at the restaurant but it's not your responsibility and the only inconsiderate person in this situation is her.
No. 438546
Anon with the racist roommates here
>>437532So yeah my roommate is pretty fucking racist. I guess it's hard being a ~woman of color~ or whatevs.
But apparently she's having some issues with a difficult subletting situation. Somehow she has to turn it into a race issue because the subletter is white and bring out "reparations", "emotional labor" and the whole shebang.
I told her to just not rent to white people in the future and put out an ad saying people of color only. (Which I'm pretty sure is illegal here in the US, though I'm not sure about subletting situations) She thought it was a good idea lmao. Not really sure what white people did to her but that is really fucked up.
>>437873Some people have their jobs to be woke. Like they'll probably end up being diversity officers and make a living off of being super woke lmao
No. 438619
>>438616Why not? Don't tell it all at once. Space it out, change minor details.
Even if someone correctly guesses who 'you' are, you still get the probable doubt of being anonymous. Kinda cringe on whoever's part to be that obsessed anyway haha.
No. 438671
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When you're so angry you post into the wrong thread…
Anyway, I work with a foreign company from my country and none of my bosses speak proper English. We have to talk to them over Skype, which doesn't have the best quality calls and it's a fucking nightmare.
I don't expect them to know English perfectly but holy shit I understand maybe ever second or third sentence because they make no sense whatsoever. They keep jumping around from subject to subject and it's difficult to piece it together while also having to respond and sadly I can't keep saying "what" 3+ times in a row or they get pissy and I end up looking like an idiot. They also never try to help one out since they seem to think they're "flawless", which is also why their business isn't going well here and they don't care about customers.
Half of their workers only speak Chez and they don't even bother to translate their mails with Google translate so we end up wasting so much time again trying to figure out what the fuck they need.
Once I save up some money I'm quitting because I absolutely can't stand it anymore.
No. 438680
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I realised today that the genuinely cool guy in my class that keeps reaching out to befriend my autist ass has a voice so similar to my abusive ex's that my retard monkey brain is now legitimately scared of him lmao
No. 438718
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>>438707you don't have to contribute anything. Life isn't about "contribution". Life isn't about anything other than living. You don't have to achieve shit. Live your life as you want - you owe nothing to no-one. What do you like to do? Focus on this. Do what you have to survive, and spend your free time doing something you like or love.
We're here for a short time. You might as well live it through.
No. 438719
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This probably belongs in /cgl/'s own vent thread, but i like you guys better.
I hate that there isn't a concise Lolita community in Brazil. It's already bad that i live in a third world country, but i can't even find the things I'm interested in here, and it's expensive to boot. I'm not interested in Brazilian fashion or culture, hence me locking myself inside my home and mastering english by myself ever since i was small. Alternate fashion is very looked down upon here (whenever people hear that word they think of punk, or of an attention seeker), I've heard many people tell me i shouldn't dress like a foreigner, i should dress like a Brazilian or that I'm plain weird and autistic.
I have to dig deep to find shit in here, and even then i have to resort to taobao or aliexpress. I'm planning my first lolita coord and i already feel the pressure from normies. I want more normie friends but nothing that i like attracts them. I just want other people like me to sympathize with and hang out, i want to feel like i belong. I don't want to be "not like the other girls", i want to have a girl group to belong to. But i can't help it… nothing about Brazilian culture and fashion enamors me like lolita, jfashion, American fashion and the like. Is it weird? Am i weird? Am i too much like a foreigner? Am i not Brazilian enough? I don't feel accepted in my own country by my own people.
It's so weird. Being raised bilingual was both a curse and a blessing. I think it would be best for me to move far, far away.
No. 438725
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Why the fuck do men retweet shit like this??????
No. 438734
>>438719I'm not Brazillian, but I know this feeling.
Can't get out of here soon enough so I can find some friends with similar interests.
No. 438736
>>438719>I've heard many people tell me i shouldn't dress like a foreigner, I should dress like a Brazilian or that I'm plain weird and autistic. Taking into account that you are posting on lolcow and obsessed with lolita fashion… yeah. They are rude, but not wrong. Embrace your autism.
>Nothing about Brazilian culture and fashion enamors me like lolita, jfashion, American fashion and the likeWhat even is American fashion and how is it different than Brazilian?
Do you mean that you guys do not get the same mass produced crap that USA sells worldwide?
>Am i weird? Am i too much like a foreigner? Am i not Brazilian enough? I don't feel accepted in my own country by my own peopleSorry about that, but you might not necessarily have better luck in Sugoi Japan. America might be slightly better in that regard, but I feel like you suffer from the grass is greener elsewhere mentality.
No. 438737
>>438725They think they're supporting feminism, while also getting to degrade women as either whores or losers.
The correct answer is probably, "You're right. Thanks for making me see the light, sis. I won't fuck men or send them nudes at all from now on, period! :)".
No. 438742
>>438736>What even is American fashion and how is it different than Brazilian? Do you mean that you guys do not get the same mass produced crap that USA sells worldwide?
Not really. If it's brand it'll have a price hike just for being "gringo" clothing, cheap alternatives are stores like Forever 21 and the like that sell replicas. If i could best describe Brazilian clothing in my opinion it would be simple, lightweight and with bright colors like white and yellow. (remember, it's hot as fuck here and people don't want to sweat to death so clothing is also thin and lightweight)
>Sorry about that, but you might not necessarily have better luck in Sugoi Japan. America might be slightly better in that regard, but I feel like you suffer from the grass is greener elsewhere mentality.I could honestly do with the USA and Canada too, not just Japan. I don't know Japanese yet so I'd be shit out of luck, lol. I feel like I'd feel better if i could find a group to belong to and dressing like how i want to dress. I don't need to dress like I'm Brazilian just like nobody else from different countries is expected to dress the exact same way. I've been literally approached in the mall and asked "why do you dress so asian/foreign/gringo" more than once so I'm just at a loss.
No. 438744
>>438719honestly, if you're not happy there you should try moving
america would be good because at least there it's easy to find others with the same interest (though i personally wouldn't like to live in america, but i dont know if brazil is better or worse)
thankfully we have several lolita comms in my country
hang in there!
No. 438764
Started talking to someone I met through an online community. Just random shit, banter about our shared interest, etc. I started to develop feelings for them, I guess… I'd get really excited when they messaged me, and I'd anticipate their messages as the first thing I looked at when I woke up. They recently admitted to me they have a crush on someone else in our community, and I'm a little heartbroken. Apparently they've been spending way more time talking to this person than they have to me; I had some idea that they were close, but I didn't realize to what extent. They told me this after the person they have a crush on went afk for a few days due to some irl issues. During the period of time that they were afk we were talking almost all day, everyday, but now that their crush has returned we talk maybe once a day over the course of a few messages.
I'm really, really hurt, even though I shouldn't be. It's like they were using me as a replacement for this other person… I know that's not what was really happening, but it feels like it. I'm so fucking lonely and I miss them a lot. There are deeper issues in my life that are making me feel this way, I know, because in the long run it's not like anything would have happened between us. I'm just in a dark place right now and their companionship really helped me get through the day.
Even now I'm sitting here, waiting for them to message me. I would message them first, but I just feel annoying and embarrassed at how desperate I am for their attention.
No. 438790
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this is so pathetic but
>be me last year
>eating 0-800 cals a day, classic "green tea and 6 strawberries is a meal" MPA-lurking idiot
>start birth control, turn 21 (drinking age in US) and get into a happy loving relationship
>eating out a few times a week with him
>slowly over the months begin to develop good relationship with food because he's concerned about my eating
>sometimes gets me high before we eat so I can enjoy it even when I don't want to
>stop scouring the menu for nutrition and calories, stop obsessing about entering exact numbers for MyFitnessPal, stop crying in the restaurant bathroom over the calories put into me, just enjoy dinnertime with him
>start birth control, feel a little fat between this and all the regular eating
>despite this, always being told nice things about my body by him, feelsgoodman dot jaypeg
>going out so often to clubs and bars because being 21 is fun, calorie-laden shots and cocktails
>whatever i'm having fun for the first time in a long time, eat drink and be merry
>slowly leave disordered tendancies behind because life is good for once and somebody loves me more than i hate myself
Fast forward to last night, something in me absolutely SNAPPED for no reason; I was in bed thinking about what I ate in the past few days and absentmindedly started adding up the calories…I was fucking mortified, I wanted to die, I sobbed for like 20 minutes. It freaked me out so badly, I'm just so nauseous and ashamed and exhausted from overthinking it. I'm going back to my 500 cals a day and I can already feel how annoying i'm going to be with it. I worked for a year to be this happy and carefree, but one night of anxious thinking and I'm back at square one of being absolutely horrified of food. I can't believe this…anons y life hard
No. 438794
>>438790Moderation, anon! If your boyfriend cares about you, he'll understand you want to eat a bit healthier and maybe go work out together.
I slowly puffed up like a balloon after meeting my boyfriend and I brought up the issue with my clothes feeling uncomfortable, he totally understood and said we could try making food ourselves. It turned out to be a fun experience. We made some super salty and greasy shit, but it definitely felt healthier than getting something at a restaurant because we got to choose our portions and save the rest for later. We started doing planks in the living room and going on little walks for a few minutes and it's also improved our moods.
My bf says he likes how I look even if I'm chunky, but he definitely understands my concerns.
Being in a happy relationship is wonderful, but I understand why you had a breakdown last night, take it easy.
No. 439024
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I desperately want a group of girl friends. I had a horribly abusive best friend throughout my entire time at high school who isolated me from being friendly towards anyone else, and put me down/made me feel like shit constantly. But she was my ‘best friend’ so I just took it.
I finally stood up for myself and broke the friendship, but it really fucked me up in terms of becoming friends with anyone else. I feel so distrusting and feel like everyone hates me all the time. Whenever I see groups of girls in public having fun, I feel achingly sad inside, all I honestly want is for friends who give a shit about me. Like ride or die friends.
I feel like I come across pathetic as hell that I don’t have any friends, cause ‘who doesn’t have friend?’. Like there must be something wrong with me. I feel like there’s something wrong with me. I feel so fucked up.
No. 439061
These past few days I feel like a have a big empty hole in my chest, and it's all because of a kitten that doesn't even belong to me.
Last week a relative left his adorable russian blue kitten at my family's house to look after while he was away. It was really nice having a kitten to take care of, and I got really attached to it. Then on the last day I went out for errands and the cat's owner came and picked the cat up early so I never got the chance to say goodbye and see it one last time. Ugh the way I felt when I got home and realized the kitten was gone….utterly heartbreaking. It makes even more mad that my relative doesn't know how to take care of his kitten properly. He never holds it, washes it, or clips his nails. The poor thing is home alone all day, then when his owner gets home he feeds him and has him chase around a laser point. That's it. It's a kitten, a baby, not some little beast to watch you heartless freak. I think my relative just sees the kitten as a prize possession because he's a russian blue. Who the fuck owns a kitten and doesn't even cuddle it?
I just want that kitten back even though I know it's impossible
>>439024Anon I relate to this so much it's like I typed it myself
No. 439093
>>439062everyone does anon. They are pathologically awful people.
Had a friend who ended up diagnosed with that, i still have trust issues remembering all the awful shit she pulled on me before i finally cut ties. They will always use you best intentions and goodwill against you and is like their whole purpose is to fuck everyone unlucky enough to cross their path and trust and be good to them.
No. 439123
>>439117I hope you can at least get out and enjoy some sightseeing in NZ? The actual tragedy would be flying all that way just to be couped up in some guy's dingy home just to suck his cock for a few days.
I hope-speaking of worst case scenario-that you're at least telling some living soul be it irl or online that you're traveling internationally to meet a man and to alert the authorities if you don't come back as scheduled. I know you say you don't have anyone, but no one will notice you're missing? You don't even work and have an employer?
No. 439179
>>439117hey anon, which side of the country will you be on? or city? i live here and if things go south i can help you sort something out.
but can't believe you'd go for a kiwi guy, our accent is so awful, get some bloody standards smh.
No. 439209
I didn't get in any of the Master's degrees I applied for which sucks. I aimed high because I felt confident, sure my Bachelor degree is nothing special but I've had good grades, went abroad and had responsibilities in extra curricular stuff. I didn't expect the ones I wanted most would accept me but I thought at least the more humble ones would.
It wouldn't hurt this much if I wasn't about to finish a gap year. Now my gap year is just going to be two years of fucking around I guess.
I applied for some state sponsored volunteer positions but the only ones who came back to me thus far didn't want me. I guess they were nicer about it than the schools tho, telling me they're sooo sorry and it doesn't mean anything about myself or my qualifications but they just had someone else. Guess I'm supposed to jump in joy hearing that or something.
My brother's coming to see me in a few weeks and idk how I'll deal when he asks me what I'm going to be doing. I don't want to talk about it, and he's the one who's always made me feel like shit for being bad in science and math subjects, who'd always tell me I'm wasting my time whenever I'd do something I enjoy, and plain ignore me the rest of the time. Incidentally he's the one in the family who went to the most prestigious school or whatever. And then in a few months there's going to be a family dinner with the extended family so I'll have to justify myself to them too… I think I'll just drink a lot and have fun and be myself while dodging the question or something. Though by that time I might have figured something out, who knows. I've got stuff I want to do to, and I'm still fucking young. It's not like I have no ambitions.
Also I'm living abroad with my bf and I thought he'd come back home with me but he's staying in this country for a few more months which SUCKS. I hate it. I don't want to be away from him. Not to mention going back means I won't be seeing all the friends I made here anymore and I love them. I'm happy to go back to my other friends but it's just not the same… many things have probably changed between then and now too, I hope we'll still get along like before.
I lost the ring my bf gave me for my birthday and cried about it all day.
I feel stuck in this weird place between letting myself have hope and feeling like my future is bright, and a voice in my brain pounding and screaming that I should just kill myself right now.
Also I think I poured my wine in the glass I was cleaning my paintbrushes in before, just hope I don't die.
No. 439212
>>439209Sometimes I'm glad I grew up poor with my family having a loose grasp of what college is even.
Good luck anon.
No. 439260
>>439246It's good that you're trying to consider the wellbeing of your brothers, but your mom's boyfriend is objectively an evil person.
If you know your mother would despise him if she knew, I think the longer you wait, the harder it will be for her to deal with the fact she has been with someone who has molested her own child for so long.
Also, your brothers may be at risk living with this man, except they might not be able to comprehend what's going on, or tell your mother.
Obviously I only know what you've written, but if this guy likes to molest kids, it may just be a matter of time until your brothers are at risk too. I hope everything works out anon
No. 439263
>>439123If he's really normal and safe, we will be going places and doing regular cute couple things; that's the plan. I will be staying in a hotel room with him which is still dangerous, but slightly better than being couped up in his personal shack. My job does know I'm leaving for a vacation.
I'm just in disbelief that I'm doing something rash like this when it's not even someone I'm 100% head over heels for.
No. 439295
>>439290what an asshole. take care of you, screw him.
when i had a major surgery a few years back my ex was mad because dishes werent done and the floor was dirty and i didnt fix it. like homie, i was in the hospital for a week, thats all you.
No. 439377
>>439283Same. There has been little to no original content in American media for the last 4-5 years; all reboots, sequels, or owned by the fucking Disney corporation.
And not to sound like a boomer, but social media was a mistake and should be limited or at least age restricted.
No. 439384
>>439383Sucks you got made fun of, your insecurities are
valid, but hopefully you realize that women are usually perceived and thought to be as small and ‚dainty‘
No. 439386
>>439383Lmao you really let a manlet bully you about your average ass height? Sis cmon. Also as
>>439384 says, being petite is a positive (or at least neutral) thing for women. I know those legs 4 days models look amazing to you right now but dating is a nightmare for them and they have bone density issues later on in life. Enjoy your better health and larger dating pool!
No. 439411
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I need an advice kinda.
I've moved to a new flat a month ago. Week after I moved the rest of people (4 other girls, 2 of them are friends and moved there together) came.
Two girls that don't know each other are barely there, only come there to sleep.
Other two girls are messy as fuck and don't clean up stuff like they prepare food in the morning and leave messy cutlery FOR DAYS.
They also use normal towels to wipe dirty stuff instead of paper ones.
Not to mention, our sink is full of their leftovers. I bought like 90% of stuff (toilet paper, paper towels, washing liquid, cleaning agents etc.) and am the only person to ever take out the trash.
Now the owner mails us that there is a mess in flat and if we won't clean it up he will hire someone and every occupant will pay extra price for it.
I'm fucking angry and not have enough balls to point them stuff, because there are one me and two of them (I see another girl once a few days and haven't seen 5th girl for a week or two now).
What do.
No. 439414
>>439377I feel like american media has always been like that tough? , granted, there has been periods that you feel a push in innovation and creativity, but mostly everyone plays safe and the content is redundant. If one thing sells there will be a thousand similar things trying to capitalize and you have 1001 samey thingies that become a genre of same thingies been made yearly on perpetuity.
I agree with you about social media, they are a satanic entity and i´m not even religious, its just the best way i can describe them.
No. 439448
I need to vent. Today has been the worst fucking day of my life. It was also my graduation.
So the day started with my 2 k camera breaking. A memory card broke in it, which meant small amounts of the card got lodged into the slot. My dad then makes it worse by basically stabbing the slot. He broke the camera even fucking more. I've been told that is likely the camera is a write off, or fixing it will basically cost like 75% of the camera worth. I can't afford this. I have like - £90 in my bank account. I don't earn enough to replace it for months. Photography is honestly one of the only things that makes me happy. I feel so fucking awful without the camera.
This then obviously meant I couldn't have nice photos of my grad. Yeah I have phone images, but it's not the same.
After this happened, my mum had a fucking break down. Threatening to ill herself because she is so fucking fed up of being a mum. She wants out. She took a day off of work for this and it isn't fucing worth it. I'm a parasite.
This all happened hours before I was supposed to even leave the house.
The whole day they were fuci=king awful. They were saying the most horrible things. How I'm a worthless waste of space/They don't love me/ They don't want to be here. This went on for hours.
They also caused so many fucking scenes. They were screaming constantly. At one point, I needed to find a bin. They went fucking nuts? Everyone else was just staring in disgust. Today is supposed to be a day of celebration for everyone, but nope some white trash is highjacking the fucking day. I hate the pity in everyone's eyes. It's so humilating.
They lashed out at so many members of staff for no fucking reason. We went to go get the tickets, but we arrived too early. Instead of just leaving it and coming back later, they went off on the poor guy about how unacceptable it is. He has one fucking job abd he can't even do that right.
So the ceremony ends, and my parents said we could go get a couple of drinks and then get takeaway. When we get into the car, they're saying how they don't want to spend anymore time with me. They've done enough for me today. I'm just being fucking selfish and difficult. We still go to the bar though, which again results in a massive scene. The bar was semi filled. They get in and start saying how they want this to fucking be over. I need to order my drink straight away, down it and then leave asap. Obviously the general public stared again. They started whispering and rolling their eyes. There's a 2 for 1 on drinks, so obviously I take the free one? This results in my parents coming up to the bar and demanding to know what the fuck I think I'm doing. They don't believe me when I say it's 2 for 1. The bar man has to get involve.
So next came the drive thru. I knew they were going to give me shit for eating junk food. But I had lit like 400 calories so far, and it was like 7 pm (excluding 2 drinks) so I'm so fucking hungry. They rant to be about how I'm going to be dead by the time I'm 30 because I'm so fucking fat. I'm like 170 pounds, so yeah I'm fat - but I'm not THAT fat. My weight is also stable, so like?????
We get home finally. Once again, they're ranting about having to attend my grad and what a burden it was on them.
I also popped so much fucking xans today, but it still didn't make it even remotely tolerable. I've cried so much. I fucking hate my parents. I fucking hate how I can't even celebrate my degree. I am so fucking miserable.
To top it off, they played proud parents online.
/rant over. what a fucking novel. So much more happened as well.
No. 439514
>>439508sorry youre going through it too but it feels nice knowing another anon gets it
hopefully we’ll both get over it but jeez its really messing with me right now
No. 439530
>>439211I really hope I don't come across as an asshole either, but what exactly makes you too unstable for an abortion? To me, pregnancy and childbirth are way more terrifying things to experience as an unstable person. Not to mention being forced to adopt out after all you went through, or facing being an unstable parent.
Just…how could you think abortion is worse? Think, think, think.
No. 439557
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>be me
>retailfag who's been working in the industry for nearly 3 years
>never been promoted to manager due to mood issues or other various excuses
>late at night after hours me and one of the co managers are dealing with the three registers, everything seems to be going well
>at the last register a problem crops up
>manager from last night forgot to reconcile the total amount and the computer program we use to input the digital count for the money is disallowing count for the third drawer
>coworker gets this look on her face of dread and asks me what big bosses number is
>i tell her
>big boss doesn't answer and her voicemails full, she has a problem answering her phone on off days
>call another co manager who's been doing this longer than my co manager who's relatively new to this, she says call tech support
>call tech support, wait on hold for fucking ever
>keep trying to call big boss hoping she'll answer
>tech support guy finally picks up and coworker out of frustration accidentally jams her finger on the end button
>I find out there's online help guide for the program, pull it up on slow ass dinosaur store register computer
>nothing is of help
>phone battery for the handheld phone and my cell is dwindling
>big boss finally calls back on store phone on line 2
>tech guy picks up again on line 1
>keep tech guy on line telling him we're seeing what big boss says
>big boss says she'll take care of it and that we don't need to talk to tech guy
>by this time it's probably been a fucking hour of this nonsense
>literally want to strangle the previous night's manager for not reconciling the safe correctly after me and my coworker ran around like headless chickens for a fucking hour extra that I'm not sure we'll even get paid
>wanna lowkey strangle big boss for not answering her phone when she says she'll answer her phone on her offdays if we need help
>lowkey wanna strangle myself for not being enough help to my coworker even though I try
>reaffirms that I'm honestly never going to be good enough to be a manager because I run around like a headless chicken
>me and coworker leave feeling dejected and shitty and hangry because we haven't eaten for a good while
>and my birthday is tomorrow or like in 7 hours I don't know? it's now tomorrow here so I guess it's in 7 hours
>fucking hell at least I don't have to work on my birthday
No. 439572
>>439370That actually made me laugh out loud. Nah dude I don't have psychosis, the only thing I've been diagnosed with is general anxiety disorder.
>>439371Nah no BC but most likely could just be my anxiety being constant due to incoming period. stupid hormones
No. 439643
>>439411Welcome to the world of shitty roommates, everybody gets one/some/many.
Try to propose making a cleaning schedule and have it posted in the kitchen. Take into consideration the two girls who are almost never there. But I can almost guarantee that'll cause I problem "why do I have to take the garbage out when X doesn't have to do anything this week"
Make a rotation for buying cleaning supplies, but keep a back up for yourself in case they don't follow through. Keep a roll of paper towel and some dishsoap, and an all-purpose cleaner in your room.
You can try just "casually" bringing up points like "hey there's j-cloths or paper towels for wiping up messes so we don't have to worry about washing towels", "I've noticed some flies/smell coming around, it might be because of the sitting dirty dishes" "if we can just clean up after ourselves [like functioning, self-sufficient people] we don't have to pay for a cleaner"
Seriously none of this may work but I wish you the best of luck. I've always been of the belief that if I'm washing [my] dishes, I should wash whatever else is in the sink even if it's not mine. The favour usually gets returned but I also had great/clean roommates. Also I'm talking like, a couple plates or maybe a pan and some cutlery - not a pile that accumulated for days.
Roommates suck
No. 439688
I'm so sick and tired of always feeling gross and dirty, and worrying if I smell or make weird body noises. I bathe every day, wash my face and hair, and brush my teeth and wear clean clothes, but I always feel dirty and gross and feel like people are judging me for being dirty. I have bad skin and I'm finally taking medication for it after going to a dermatologist after years of trying to fix it myself, because the first dermatologist I went to was extremely unhelpful and just trying to sell me expensive makeup. But My face and skin look really gross, and I just feel so oily and nasty. And also my stupid stomach gurgles and my knees and legs pop, and I just always feel like a big, fat, gross blob monster that makes gross noises and is too disgusting to look at. Why can't I just ever feel at peace in my body? I wonder if other people (especially women) feel like this, or if it's just my stupid social anxiety being turned up to 11 all the fucking time.
No. 439697
>>439688do you browse /pt/ or /snow/? just taking a guess since theyre right there, but you might have to step back from them and threads like that if the nitpicking is getting to you at all.
No one in real life picks people apart or focuses on menial details that way, its just something for fun here
No. 439770
>>439448Expose their shit on facebook and then block them. Well, maybe not until you get to move out. Also if you do move out do
not tell them where you live. I have a few friends who separated themselves from their insane families and not telling them where you live is a huge life saver.
No. 439786
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>>439785Per the U.S. Department of Labor.
No. 439795
>>439787I'm on a very similar boat. Whenever I've been close with a female friend, I've become their platonic girlfriend who treats them the way a good s.o. should, while they fuck these losers and rely on me exclusively for emotional support and often times life advice as well. I in no way think they owe me intimacy or something but sometimes I feel like they don't understand what bisexual means and why I shouldn't be tasked with their sole romantic burden when their boyfriends should be at least partially taking that burden.
None of my female friends ever cared to visit my home even though they expect me to come over at odd hours and go all out for them constantly. Outings? Have to be around their favorite neighborhoods, I'll commute for an hour because fuck me right? They won't hang or even make appropriate time for me unless I just tag along like their fucking purse or something. They don't give a shit.
I love women and I really want more feminine energy in my life but not as their weird pseudo-gf. I'll treat women right regardless, they bring out that kind of feeling in me, but I hate it when I'm just giving and giving with seemingly no return even in terms of whether they'll make time for me. Just be my fucking friend. I'm not here to be your slave.
No. 439820
>>439812Reddit has a fuckton of communities and they rely on the culture the cultivate to keep the community intact. Rules=elements of that culture.
Also lolcow is extremely hawkish in its moderation and rules, which change relatively often, for a chan especially but unless you're a newfag you won't notice it. It's not a bad thing, it's just an effort to keep the discussion on a level that is consistent and a pursuit of maintaining a userbase that is fully assimilated.
Subs with a fuckton of weird vernacular and abbreviations are weird and too much effort, but you won't be spending time on those unless you're just as crazy anyway lel.
No. 439851
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My life is so depressing even though I have some considerable privileges and would be considered advantaged in comparison to a lot of poor souls. I also find a lot of global trends very depressing, especially environmental issues that are apparent to me everyday almost everywhere. I know my feelings are subjective and shaped by my experience in life and that I can heal and move on and get over it and maybe learn something. But it's hard rn to be positive. I want to be a better person and also healthier and feel more at peace with global developments, tragedy, suffering at large and individually and at peace with my own life. I'm sure that's possible somehow but so far, I'm not there yet. I have also felt really down about myself and hated myself a lot this week and partially somehow justified. I wish I could be a better friend and parent to myself and pick myself up ya know and do better. Or process these feelings and move on from them. Maybe I'll get there
No. 439859
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My roommate is on a week long vacation and ask me if she can have her boyfriend over for a couple of days. This is her first boyfriend ever and I want to be a supportive friend and roommate, so i said sure. Thinking to myself 3-4 days isn't a long time. I met the guy once and she told me about him. He seems okay.
BOY was I WRONG! It not like he spoke to me once, since they been laid up underneath each other every second of the day. They BOTH are messy and eat out everyday. So my living room and kitchen is fuck up now.
I have a sneaking suspicion that he is trying to move in by testing how the two can live together during this week. BUT GUESS WHAT BUCKO, I have the FINAL say and I SAY NO! I REFUSED to live with a male who is as unhelpful and disgusting as you. You are so disrespectful that you are sitting on MY couch in just a pair of shorts or taking a shower after fucking my friend?
SERIOUSLY? FUCK YOU! Now I have to find a way to disinfect my couch of musk. While you are just a lazy mama boy, with no car, no job and living off the government.
I will not parents TWO people, because my roommate is enough of a womanchild for me. I can't take care of a manchild too. I can't wait for him to leave, because I'm going to nip that idea right in the bud as soon as that door is shut behind your flat ass.
No. 439866
>>439789>>439781If you dont want to tip, just get fast food
kitchen/bussers/everyone else makes more than minimum wage generally. The reason its set up this way is because their job is the remnants of a type of indentured servitude. Theyre generally doing much more than typing in an order and waiting for it to come out- the jobs require a lot of work and they should be getting a fair pay for it
beside the fact that its a fucked up system, anyone choosing not to tip is still the asshole
No. 439884
>>439881It's insane to me that some of the richest, most developed countries in the world allow businesses to rely on customer's voluntary contributions to subsidize their employees wages. Absolutely ridiculous.
Do any places ever raise prices and publicly state no tipping? You'd think the customer base would stick around if the cost was about equivalent. Or do businesses prefer the tipping system for tax purposes? It's basically unreported cash in hand and presumably lowers their income tax.
No. 439888
>>439881i DID say that the way it works is fucked up, i never stated anything in support of it, but you could literally NOT go to a restaurant to eat. Youre punishing the employees for a service your demanding
>>439879if you dont think the job is important, then why is the service in such high demand? I never worked as a server personally, but ive worked in a restaurant. Everyones working hard, possibly moreso than whatever shit job youre working
No. 439893
>>439888NOBODY is being punished because
>>439786, dumbass. Should we also start tipping McDonald's workers? The person who checked me put at Walmart? The janitor at the mall? There's plenty of people making minimum wage that don't get tipped.
No. 439903
>>439893these jobs arent minimum wage with opportunities to earn a raise or, in the case of mcDs, is just restocking and getting the order typed in and it isnt even uncommon to tip them
if you cant afford to eat at a restaurant, dont go
No. 439913
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Everything about this is weird and sad
No. 439915
>>439911janitors and cashiers typically earn more than minimum wage and mcd employees arent responsible for the same duties servers are and are still able to earn tips on top of minimum wage
if you cant afford to sit and eat at a restaurant, grab some fast food or eat at home
No. 439917
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>I have been in a committed polyamorous dominant submissive relationship for the past three months
Stopped reading right there
No. 439923
>>439913>>439919>>439917>>439914>>439922I know it's weird but can you guys offer some actual input? Some advice? Or maybe just not reply if you have nothing good to say?
Not everyone will have the same kind of relationships you do….
No. 439932
>>439923>>439909Well, first off, I hate polyamory with a passion.
That being said, allowing your subs to kiss seems reasonable. If it's poly, why deny them sharing their affection through kisses.
If they "unionised", it sounds like it was really important to them and you should respect that.
A power-hungry domme can soil the fun and come across as mean. Maybe the communication there can be improved. Idk talk about your feelings with "I statements" and not just rules and contracts and relationship bdsm politics.
If you as a domme feel undermined in the dynamic, think about that for yourself. Are you really undermind or do you still feel as powerful as ever? If not, is it something personal or does it have to do with this event and what can restore your needs (internally vs. externally). Idk if you wanna show them for unionising (which can be a good thing if it is about needs) you can always take a small break and treat yourself and make them miss you idk. Or have them do something special for you after which you make a whole lot softer rules.
No. 439936
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Mamma mia! Buon appetito!
No. 439972
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If you're serious about this, you seriously need to get off the internet and reevaluate your life.
No. 439973
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>>439944It's too delicious for me to pass up, forgive me
Imagine this joker in >>439909 meeting up with their pOlYcULE pretending to be a "dOmMe" and not even knowing how to periodically and consistently make a series of statements that claim you're willing to meet for negotiations, keep delaying and only partially address or offer a mostly insignificant concession to demands, then when you're met with further resistance asking you to address the original complaints in their entirety, decry this as unjustified stubbornness and insist that you have already shown willing to meet for negotiations and have offered [aforementioned insufficient] concession and that really it's
them who aren't willing to properly negotiate or come to talks?
>I'm a dOmInAnT but I don't even know basic union busting tacticslmao u fkn scrub anon, honestly
No. 440005
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I feel like i need to stop browsing imageboards, i hate it, i always come back and is like a crotch. I already stopped using social media, the problem is that ok, sure i stop but my life is so fucking lonely and sad i just sink deeper into misery and it makes me notice my isolation and the endless void i've been in for years. I need to focus on constructive shit like going back to study stuff but i have zero motivation, i feel i will always be just as sad no matter how much i stress and fatigue myself.
I was thinking of just deleting my entire folder of reaction images and ib related stuff. That would feel crippling to my posting habits because is like a collection of the last 5 years of browsing the intertubes. I wish there was something else i could replace my compulsions with and not feel as empty inside and lacking purpose but i don´t have friends, family, all my hobbies feel like garbage to me know and i hate my job and everything that ever gave me excitement or motivation seems trite an dull including my trade.
No. 440019
FUCK I hate myself. It’s 6 days post getting my wisdom teeth out and I’ve been meticulously been keeping my mouth clean with gentle brushing after each meal, salt water rinses every 2-3 hours, and taking my antibiotics. I didn’t even touch the extraction site until today! But of course today, when I went out to see friends and got some mac and cheese (been working my way up on solid foods, still keeping to relatively soft and easy to chew and trying to keep food chewed towards the teeth right behind my canines) and a tiny fucking chip of stupid baked cheese slithered on to the back and I thought it got jammed back there. I tried getting it out with my tongue- nothing. Had a really hard time distinguishing between food and my stitches back there. I bought a dental mirror and went to check it after I got home to make sure there wasn’t food lodged in there and lo and behold, my socket is empty and I can see something whiteish in there (probably bone). Other socket is fine.
My stupid paranoid ass doesn’t know what to think. I thought it might be okay because I’m supposed to start irrigating out the sockets with the provided syringe starting tomorrow, and when I was looking up exactly how to do it (because I didn’t know where my sockets were or how they looked before today), one website said it’s normal to dislodge the clot and for some bleeding to occur. I figured if I had to start irrigating it anyway, then the clot was gonna come out anyway right? Then google takes me down a trip and NO, DUMBASS, the blood clot isn’t supposed to come out at all. Congrats, now you’re gonna get the dreaded dry socket you’ve been meticulously trying to fucking avoid. I’m going to call my oral surgeon’s office tomorrow morning since they’ll know best, but fuck I’m so mad at myself. Going to probably have to pay a bunch more money to fix it. Ughhhhh.
No. 440049
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i have nightmares every time i go to sleep and i wake up exhausted and panicked. idk i try to talk about it but it sounds like a stupid problem to have since they're just dreams. i have PTSD after a break-in and being raped and beaten to a pulp in front of my mother but that was like a couple years ago
i could just do with a night's sleep where i don't have nightmares about home invasions or rape or dying. gotten to the point where i dread falling asleep because fuck these hellscapes i see at night. got a script for sleep meds but that just means i'm in hell longer
No. 440051
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>>440005>it's like a crotchfuck lmao
No. 440052
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was gonna have a mattress delivered thru FedEx to my future apartment on a date no one would be at the house. called FedEx to see if I could set up a pick up date and they told me I would have to wait until it was delivered to do so, there would be a manager to call, etc. so I Stupidly assumed it would be brought back to a FedEx storage facility or some shit, right? because if no one’s there to pick it up, as I told them! turns out it was delivered today, no one signed, they just dropped it off. what the fuck! they’re opening some sort of investigation, but if they can’t prove it was stolen I can’t get my money back. I feel stupid but at the same time, how could I have fucking scheduled a pick up when I’m working and can’t check my email every 5 seconds to see whether or not it was delivered then take the time out of my shift to call them and shit! I’m so fucking pissed I spent 300$ on that mattress and I can barely afford to get another one at this point. guess I’ll have to settle for something cheap and uncomfortable. but I feel like I took all the necessary steps to avoid this. I hope they recorded the conversation I had so I can confirm if I was being an idiot or the person over the phone was. FUCK
No. 440074
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I feel like I'm stuck in a rut with myself. Doing the same shit everyday without actually getting anything done. Even things that I usually like aren't making me feel good. There's this lingering feeling of existentialism, like what's the point of doing anything?
I want things so desperately to change but I'm too afraid to do anything. Like I'm 20 years old, I feel like I should be able to go anywhere I'd like on my own, but i never left home and can't really afford to go anywhere. I have 'goals' I'm working to achieve but there's still this fear that I don't actually want what I'm working towards and it's just a distraction to put up with the fact that I don't really know what I want to do. I'm in college & my parents are helping me pay which I'm grateful for, but I'm not enjoying my major as much I thought I would and feel shitty if I changed in the middle of finishing up.
Right now I'm out of school and a job so I don't really know what to do. I've been applying to jobs everyday but every time I'm optimistic it's going well nothing happens. So I'm basically spending most of time home not going out or spending money online while I wait for the days to pass. Extremely pathetic for someone almost 21 years old.
I feel terrible about feeling like this when I have it better than a lot of people so I just kick myself more for this.
Things were going so well for my mental state that it just feels out of nowhere.
I know this is just a phase in my depressive episodes but I had gone for so long without one I forgot how to cope with this.
No. 440090
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I’m so sick of my pathetic NEET brother. He’s almost 30 and my parents do nothing but baby him. He’s been a NEET throughout his 20s and my parents did nothing to get him to be productive. Nope, they just enabled his NEET lifestyle. Ever since he was diagnosed with depression last year, my parents only babied him even more. Taking him to therapy has only stopped his violent outbursts. He’s still the same fat, pathetic NEET who won’t do errands, find a job, or cook his own meals. He just sits in his room all day playing vidya or sleeping. My dad even got him a gym membership and my brother is too much of a lazy shit to go to the gym and lose weight. My parents have spoiled him since birth and they still spoil him, only now they use his depression as an excuse to be a NEET.
Pic related is an accurate representation of my brother minus the porn and anime figurines.
No. 440091
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>>440074I'm in a similar situation, except I changed majors halfway through. Everyone I started with is done and continuing with their actual lives. It's depressing as hell.
I'm here getting straight A's and still feel like a failure, lol. I'm trying to convince myself to not care about grades so I can attempt to enjoy my life a little, but I'm shallow and like the positive attention my grades get me. It makes me feel like I'm worth something, but then I remember nobody truly cares. Then I also feel stuck because for my entire academic life I've been branded as "THE SMART ONE" and I've accepted that role for myself. I want to believe it won't make me stupid in people's eyes if I just do the bare minimum and get Bs and Cs. I care too much about dumb shit.
No. 440172
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In a few weeks I'm officially moving 8 hours away by train to study, to a city I've never been in before and know nobody. I'm pretty much already friendless with intermittent depression, mild 'tism, and bad social anxiety. My habits are not the best and I have a LOT to learn when it comes to self-care and living on my own, and I'm already 22.
I'm so fucking terrified of not making any friends and being ostracized there, my dad just now stressed the importance of making friends in the first few weeks because 'after that everyone has their groups' and 'these are contacts for life'. Yes, he meant well, but I'm fucking panicking. Do I be myself (kinda weird, awkward, direct) or try to be some kind of fucking TurboNormie in the beginning so I don't get judged as someone to avoid? Do I just take it as it comes when I'm there and try to make things grow naturally from doing things in proximity to people? Am I gonna be alright?
No. 440177
>>440172Been there Anon. Tried to be TurboNormie but it didn't change the fact that I eventually got ostracized from any group and ended up being all alone anyways.
I hope you find nice people to be together with, I got my present irl friends from random telegram groups, if you're mildly 'tist as I am it may help a lot.
No. 440184
>>440172You CAN make friends after the first few weeks so don't worry if it takes you longer as long as you continue talking to your classmates, looking and trying. I ended up making my closest friend group towards the end of my first semester by approaching them after I heard them talking about doing something I really like.
Anyway you can connect better with people for real friendships if you display more of your real interests but you will want to cover up awkwardness and act out a more outgoing normie facade even if you feel shy since putting yourself out there and talking jovially with peers is the best way to make new friendships. Look around for anyone who seems somewhat nerdy like you and maybe see if there are clubs available. Some schools have clubs for nerd interests and those can be easy access to an accepting social group.
No. 440195
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i've started writing shitty vent poetry and have no one to share it with so here. this is about the time i dated a drug dealer and got addicted
choking down the poison
in my lungs
show me what it means to be happy
god im in heaven
not for long
i don't want to feel don't want to see
i'll take a hit for my next hit
i need i need i need i need i need
i need something else in me
but happy doesn't come for free
the warmth the glow
calm the demons i've grown
and i don't care
if it eats at my nose
i'll run to you
and you will know
that my hurt is high
but my stash is low
sleeping with the devil
far too young
anything you say i will believe
please put another
on my tongue
let my body rot into your sheets
i'll take a hit for my next hit
i need i need i need i need i need
i need something else in me
but happy doesn't come for free
No. 440196
>>440172If your school has clubs, join those!
Making friends is easiest in the beginning, but it isn’t the end all be all time of making friends. I made friends all throughout the year over my 4 years when I was studying away at college! Be yourself, if not just the best version of yourself to new people. If you force yourself to be a turbo normie, people will eventually find out your true self when you burn out from keeping up that persona.
Best of luck anon! Don’t sweat it too much, I’m sure you’ll make friends, even if it isn’t immediately.
No. 440198
>>440177>>440184>>440190Thank you, this calmed me down! You're all great and I love how supportive lolcow can be sometimes.
I think I'll try to act natural but a little more cheery and open to feel welcoming, see where things go, while focusing on myself as well.
No. 440231
>>440223seconding the diatomaceous earth thing, it's pet-safe since it works on small animals with exoskeletons. It absorbs the oily/waxy coating on their outer shells, leading them to dehydrate. It just doesn't work as well if you live somewhere very humid, so you'll have to sprinkle more frequently, but it's a great non-
toxic option. I put it on windowsills, door jams, corners of the kitchen, and anywhere I see bugs chilling.
No. 440235
>>440230thanks for feedback anon. everything i've written so far is pretty slutty since i pull from my own degenerate memories
currently writing one about a night when i was 15 and got proposed to by a man twice my age. i said yes. wonder if we're still technically engaged
No. 440236
>>440195I'm not much for poetry, but it sounds good.
It's just relatable to me. Since I dated a drug dealer too. Though he forced me into that kind of life. He fucked me up so bad, god.
Also the picture is really cute. Do you know the artist?
No. 440251
>>440249kinda cute kinda fucked up, i was a kid in love and he was a hurt man. the technical term is grooming but i have no malice, the engagement ring is in my jewelry box
>>440236thanks anon! unfortunately i don't have saus on the pic, sorry. glad you could relate to my writing. thinking about making it a song, it's already structured like one
No. 440256
>>440250I really wish it was weed. He forced me into a lot of different shit. I don't even remember most of it. He thought that if I would be high, I wouldn't mind if he raped me. I still don't know how the fuck I dated him for 3 years.
Well, I was extremely young, stupid and never had much self-worth. Now I can say I tried most "prominent" drugs tho. For the hip points or something. Hah, no, there was nothing good about it and there is nothing good about having that kind of experience.
I think I'm going to kill him if I ever see him again. My entire identity got destroyed in the process of dating him. I was never a really bright or interesting person, but he reduced me to a doped out cum-rag for a long while. I am still picking up the pieces. 5 years have passed and I still can't think of myself as anything but a wothless pice of human trash he made of me.
No. 440262
>>440250I have ptsd from growing up in an
abusive environment and poverty in a country that detests the poor and that's why I became a drug addict. It is romanticized a lot and I do admit to falling in love with drug culture and doing stupid suicidal things to myself. I can't stress enough how addiction actually ruins lives though and if you've ever seen junkies they are nothing to romanticize cause we ugly.
No. 440264
>>440258Well… don't be ashamed about that. Even if I say it's the worst experience of my life, having that kind of trauma so early in my life made me crave the same abuse. That's just how my brain got wired in the teens.
It's incredibly fucking shameful and disgusting to me that I sometimes get off to the fantasies of being used like trash I am. But I still do.
It's not healthy, but I think a lot of insecure girls with zero self-worth share the fantasy. Because from early teens we are taught by society that we are nothing but pieces of meat existing to satisfy men. And because being someone's doped out slave takes the responsibility away from you. If you're suicidal or depressed, it's easy to surrender control to someone who "knows better", it's so tempting to belong to someone, to be "useful" for once. That's how a lot of mentally ill or otherwise damaged girls end up in the clutches of
abusive men. And drugs make it easier for both parties.
I literally gave my life away to that man. He tried to kill me several times and I was okay with it. Just resigned. Because I hated myself so much. Because his opinion, his decision was that much more valuable and because I didn't want to take responsibility for my own shit existence.
No. 440265
>>440262>>440264Even with all the warnings about what it's really like I wish I could just experience it. I feel worthless and I don't feel like I deserve love. I feel like men who talk about things like love are actually kinda disgusting. In my mind a real man is one who hurts me and treats me like shit and pimps me out to his friends because it's so unfeeling. I'd love to feel useful like that. Like even if I'm stupid at least my body can please people and can earn money for him.
Sometimes it makes me wonder whether the shit men say about us is true. That we are all just broken and fucked.
No. 440269
>>440265We aren't anon. Men just like to prey on broken girls and perpetuating a stereotype so that we ourselves would believe in it. Gives them more "material" to work with.
After that guy I have met a wonderful person, who truly loved me and whom I truly loved in return. It was good. Extremely good to finally have someone who sees actual worth in you, who sees you as something other than a body to use and fuck. Love, actual, sincere love is everything you can hope for and more, everything you need. It doesn't fix you, but having someone who truly loves you for who you are helps immensely. That person i met was actually the one who made me understand that what I went on while on dugs with that guy wasn't what life is supposed to be and that I'm worth more than that. I am eternally thankful to her, despite her no longer being in my life.
No. 440315
>>440273I know spouting
omg go to therapy is a big fuckin meme, but I really do think you would benefit from talking to a professional, anon, and I think you feel this too. If you're Ameripoor I know you can occasionally find therapists who run sliding scales. I'd recommend trying to find a female who tends to work with young women who have experienced abuse; you could even try contacting a woman's charity or shelter for a list of recommended practitioners.
Take care of yourself.
No. 440415
My "friend" has been implying that she thinks I'm ugly for awhile now and it pisses me off so much.
The times that stick out the most are:
>Friend says she wants to find me a boyfriend since I'm a shy kissless virgin, recommends her male friend
>the dude is a repulsive neckbeard, has bad hygiene and is just overall unpleasant
>uh, no thanks
>"come on anon, don't be picky!"
>Other friend comes to my defense, says I could do better
>Friend looks doubtful but drops it
>Fast forward few weeks later, an attractive male classmate sees me sitting alone in the college library
>He sits next to me and we have a nice conversation with some flirting
>Later I tell my friends what happened
>"Lol chill anon he was probably just being nice, i doubt he likes you"
>Other friend backs me up, says I'm pretty and he could like me
>"Yeah, I guess, just seems unlikely that he'd be interested in anon when there's other options"
>I laugh it off and change the subject
I know I'm no 10/10, but damn I'm not hideous! It just hurts that she seems to think no decent looking man would dare to find me attractive. She has no problem insulting my personality as well (says she finds me "dorky" and weird) and I can tell it pains her to give me a compliment even when everyone else does. I'm not even sure if I should confront her about it because there's a good chance she'll just deny it and say I'm being dramatic. Technically we're only friends because she's close with all the people in my friend group so I'm forced to be around her if I want to be around them. It's hard to tell whether she's purposely tearing down my self-esteem or doesn't realize how rude her words are but god I hate her.
No. 440418
>>440415it sounds like she's insecure and needs to make someone feel bad about themselves to feel better, and unfortunately you are the person she picked. i don't know exactly how you should navigate this issue considering she's attached to your friend group. maybe you could privately go to some of your closer friends in the group and let them know its really hurting your feelings. maybe they can tell her to chill. if they're your friends they really should just do this anyway.
i'm really sorry she's making you feel like shit though, no one deserves that and I know its hard to deal with even if it is coming from a place of hatefulness and insecurity from that person.
No. 440509
>>440499Yeah I don't get this holier than thou attitude when it comes to air con, it gets 40c where I live for like half the year and it's fucking absurd to expect people to not want to cool off, we get sent home from work because it's dangerously hot. While I can tolerate the heat ok while I'm awake and will use a fan instead, you better believe I crank it down to 18c in my bedroom to sleep.
Old and sick people die in heatwaves all the time, it's not a "weakness" to be comfortable. Sheesh. Good for you if you live in a climate with short mild summers but some of us live on the equator.
No. 440560
>>440509>Old and sick people die in heatwaves all the time,Yep.>Heat waves are the most lethal type of weather phenomenon in the United States. Between 1992 and 2001, deaths from excessive heat in the United States numbered 2,190, compared with 880 deaths from floods and 150 from hurricanes.[25] The average annual number of fatalities directly attributed to heat in the United States is about 400.[26] The 1995 Chicago heat wave, one of the worst in US history, led to approximately 739 heat-related deaths over a period of five days.[27] Eric Klinenberg has noted that in the United States, the loss of human life in hot spells in summer exceeds that caused by all other weather events combined, including lightning, rain, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes.One specific example is that elderly people in Japan are very reluctant to use air con because of energy conservation measures that, iirc are no longer in place, but they still stick to. And not using air con literally kills them during heatwaves.
No. 440576
>>439851I could've written this about myself tbh word for word
have you tried meditation? there are lots of guided meditations out there to help make peace with/accept the things beyond our individual control (if that's a direction your interested in) the app insight timer is free and has thousands of guided mediations. I use it daily.
try being gentler with yourself anon, you will get there.
No. 440579
>>440564that's so cute how excited your bf was at being around other veggies/vegans and the fun he had, fuck his mom. he's allowed to be excited. his family sounds pretty awful, especially the tricking him into eating meat, wtf.
vegans can be annoying (and this is coming from a vegan lol) but some meat eaters (of course not all) know no bounds to their childishness. I'm really happy for your bf
No. 440660
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>>440564vegetarians and vegans are extremely annoying people
No. 440667
>>437532It was a mistake that we allowed them to stay after slavery was abolished.
We should definitely ship those niggers back.
(3edgy5me) No. 440752
>>440739>because you're having a meltdown because you lost in your gameOh my god my nephew is like 8 years old and already rages at Minecraft like this, angry sperging, hitting his iPad, and completely ignoring everyone around him until they take it away.
Sedating your kid with video games seems nice now, but I'm ready for the "told you so" moment when your sperg gets addicted to games and throws controllers at the wall. Apparently parents of this gen just missed the boat on learning about screen addiction and wondering why they cant get their little boy to get off the vidya and take out the trash. Fuck em, they've had since early 90s consoles to figure it out.
No. 440774
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my relationship with my mom is deteriorating. as much as i try to save it, it seems like she just doesn't want anything to do with me. i think she's embarrassed of me bc im not a successful doctor/lawyer/whatever at the decrepit age of 22. she looks annoyed everytime i try to talk or joke around with her. i dont think she hates me, but its like that saying "I love you, but I don't like you".
sometimes i just wanna down a whole bottle of pills and walk into the forest and end this miserable existence.
No. 440813
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made bolognese with soy-based fake mince today, it tastes really good tbh and the texture is right, but it was a BIG mistake, i'm so incredibly gassy my stomach hurts from the expansion. and i still have like 5-6 meals worth left
No. 440814
>>440813wtf anon same
I just made some today with some balsamic vinegar and tomato sauce (top notch btw) but they make me so bloated
No. 440841
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Not sure if it's just the summerfags pissing me off but think I'm starting to fucking hate this website. The userbase has become unbearable and I can tell that it's only going to get much, much worse from here. Been here for around 4 years and this might be the one I finally dump this site for good.
No. 440883
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I hate being social.
I like my pals. I really do. I have maybe 4 people I can hang out with and enjoy it. But. They all have jobs. I have constant medical appointments, a job that has a random schedule and a lot of days I can't physically go out. So not a lot of times when both the parties are free. And everyone wants to hang out with me at the same time. I can stay home and be free for a week straight, but three people would hit me up for hanging out on the same day.
I end up shafting someone when I agree to meet the other person inevitably. And then my plans fall through and I'm alone anyway because everyone already made other plans without me.
To boot I am a literal autist so I forget about messages even if I saw them or read them and I disappear for days without explanation just because I forgot or can't really muster up the social skills to compose an answer. Especially if it's not an overwhelmingly positive response. Even something like "sorry, I can't, I have an appointment that day" fucks with me so I end up stretching it out and then have to answer like 5 days later with "sorry I disappeared I am a fucking asshole oops" which is even worse. Disgustingly worse.
How do people even want to be friends with me still. Honestly everyone seems so patient with me which makes me paranoid about them hating me, but not telling me.
I'm a mess.
I'm writing this here as a promise to myself to get better. At least answer people when they message me, even if my answer is "I can't tell yet", if not for the people I like, but for myself to not feel like absolute piece of garbage that ignores her friends.
No. 440885
>>440883Maybe your friends understand you better than you think, and that's why they are still friends with you. They must know of your health and work situations, but it's still worth asking you if you're free.
Anyway it's not mean or rude to not always want to hang out with friends, everyone has a different tolerance level for socializing and for some it might be much less often than others. As long as you treat them well when you do hang out, you're not wronging them. Maybe you should just make an effort to organize something yourself when you're feeling up to it, so it's on your terms and you're less likely to bail.
No. 440893
>>440829tbf I do eat way too quickly but I only experience bloating this severe from soy products and
some milk products. will try chewing more next time I eat, thanks!
No. 440903
>>440852I award your boyfriend a gold medal in the Selfish Pig competition
All he had to do was
go out with his girlfriend on her Birthday and he sabotaged it (and then turned down a future event too)
I'm annoyed for you, just reading it.
No. 440992
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Recently I've been thinking a lot about an old friend from high school. We used to be decently close, honestly when I first met her she was literally my only friend, but eventually we started to drift apart and it turned into dumb high school drama where we both were pretty nasty to each other and eventually cut contact and pretended that the other didn't exist. For the longest time I was so damn bitter about it and stewed in my hatred for her. Yeah, she was kind of a bitch and did some irritating things but I definitely buried my head in the sand and acted like the innocent victim when I definitely did my fair share of bitchy things. It's the kind of shit that you lay awake at night cringing about, sometimes I really want to punch my younger self for being so immature and awful. But I guess everyone feels like that sometimes.
I logged into an old social media account and found our messages to each other from 5+ years ago and it made me reminisce on when we were still friends and I felt kinda…sad. Like I missed out and ruined what could've been a good friendship. She was the only friend I ever had who liked nerdy shit like me, even if we didn't always play the same games or whatever we still could bond over similar interests. She took me to my very first con and even though it's cringy looking back, it's one of those comfy memories, it was such a simpler time. I think I'm just feeling lonely since I moved far away from my hometown and have no friends here but a secret part of me deep down is hoping our paths will happen to cross so I can reach out and apologize for how shitty I was in high school. I'm afraid she still hates me or most likely, she doesn't give a shit about a loser like me.
No. 440999
I just WISH there was a reliable platform to work through the morality of eating meat.
I think the meat industry and its process is disgusting, I think there‘s a cognitive dissonance in the majority of the population about it, I‘ve straight up heard "I don‘t want to think about it, it‘s depressing“, then there‘s the edgy ones saying they‘ll eat twice the amount of meat if there‘s a vegan there. On the flip side there‘s people judging you for eating any met, or any dairy products. And it‘s even worse if you‘ve looked into it and decided you‘ll still eat meat.
Personally, the mass production of meat, to me, is wrong. But it‘s not wrong to eat an animal. I think that if I was not able to face killing the animal myself, morally I shouldn‘t eat it. So that leaves chicken and fish for me. Mind you, still I might eat some once a week, as I‘m learning to cook dishes and while often meats don‘t add much to a dish, sometimes they do. If it‘s the key ingredient in a recipe, I may do it. If there‘s a good, cheap similar tasting alternative I‘ll go for that.
ANYWAY. I came up with this mess of an opinion probably completely on my own, because I haven‘t found a source that isn‘t heavily biased. I‘ll come out feeling like a piece of shit for eating any meat, every time. I don‘t think it‘s inherently wrong, but they talk about it in such an emotive way it can‘t be helped.
And THAT, those extreme views of either you eat meat and are cool with it, or you don‘t and are fully morally correct, that split is exactly why people are turned off of the idea of vegetarianism, it‘s the fucking elitism, and if it was just more generally accepted and vegetarians were cool with there being a spectrum of meat eating, more people who frequently eat meat would be open to listening to the other side and cutting down their consumption.
They‘re fucking shooting themselves in the foot here.
No. 441001
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>lurking online stores a month or two ago
>find two T-shirts with designs I like a lot
>order them because they're so cute
>they show up in a week, and are sitting in my closet right now
>check the artist's social media
>"This artist is so good, I love their style of drawing!!"
>scroll through
>naked loli drawing out of nowhere
>I gave my money to a fucking nonce
God fucking damn it. I really like those shirts, too. No one really knows who the artist is, so I might still wear them, but I'm so disappointed that I ended up supporting someone like that.
No. 441005
>>440999i feel this. and i feel like i am on the same wave length as you. i really love meat as a food, but it disturbs me to think about the disgusting conditions the animals are forced into because of industrialization. i live in a pretty progressive city area so i have access to consciously raised animals and can even talk to the farmers/tour their farms. i'm waiting for lab grown meat to be a thing too! (i just hope that the more extreme vegans don't have issues with that somehow) also if it makes you feel better, farmed fish is actually becoming good for the environment since they are moving fish farms to factories. my fiance is a marine biologist and fish factory farms are fully sustainable and are basically just big fish tanks! and most of the hype around anti-farmed fish is from the fishing industry itself rather than environmentalists.
either way just know there are some of us that are on the middle ground and ethically sourced meat is becoming more available.
No. 441007
I wish my mom and family in general could stop being so weird about fitness and weight loss.
My mom has always been critical when me and my siblings put on weight and will often lecture us about eating habits and the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle, which is good, but as soon as she sees me working out, make healthier meals or hear that I've joined a gym, she will act all weird about it and tell me not to overdo it or I will develop an eating disorder, become too skinny or "not look like yourself anymore", whatever that means.
She's been doing this ever since I was a teenager. I've moved out now but we meet fairly often since she's otherwise very nice to be around, but there's barely a time where I don't hear her make a comment about me having gained or lost weight, followed by why it's bad.
I am currently overweight and I just want to be able to work out without the nagging comments from my famly in the back of my mind telling me how 'you've never been fit, it's too late to start now' and other such nonsense as 'your bone structure will never allow you to be thin, so what's the point?'
I just want to be comfortable in my own body. Of course I'd like to be skinny, but I also find working out enjoyable for the mere fact that I enjoy feeling my muscles work and my body being active. My family mostly just think that I'm being vain, because to them working out is all about looking good and never about health, apparently.
No. 441022
>>440999I've been a vegetarian for many years and I used to be involved in animal rights activism, and everyone was the sort of crazy elitist you describe. Their arguments never went beyond "animals are nice so eating them is evil", couldn't explain anything about the meat industry's flaws apart from it being painful to animals, didn't really care about over-consumption of resources or things that damaged the environment that weren't meat-eating. They'd really just screech about how cute animals are and how if you wouldn't eat your pet dog, you shouldn't eat a pig ; all while abusing their own pets by putting them on a vegan diet.
I think your opinion isn't a mess at all, though, it's what I believe too. Meat consumption isn't inherently evil, but the enormous scale of the meat industry, our over-consumption of meat and general desire for immediate gratification are just not sustainable in the long term, the strain they put on the environment is insane. This isn't so much about morals as it is about being responsible and sacrificing some of our luxuries for the sake of preserving our environment.
No. 441088
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>>441005>i just hope that the more extreme vegans don't have issues with that somehowOh ho ho they absolutely do. But at least their opposition is consistent, in that their argument against meat comes from an ethical objection to the commodity status of animals, and ergo all human use of animals right down to the origin of cell lines used for in vitro culture of meat is by definition not vegan.
On a pragmatic level, I've been following the lab-reared meat thing for a while and I think the point is effectively a moot one for now: the issues with overconsumption of meat and factory farming contributing to climate change and environmental collapse are too pressing and the technology for in vitro meat culture won't advance quickly enough for it to be able to effectively replace or fix the damage, if that makes sense. We're too far gone in terms of being locked in to global temperature rise and increase in extreme weather events and seasonal shift that I usually end up agreeing with the XR types who are drastically reducing or eliminating their meat consumption entirely IN ADDITION TO completely refusing to consume air-freighted food, avoiding any travel by airplane at all and trying to become car-free. (Not saying that I've followed exactly in their footsteps and started growing my own carbon-sequestering hemp to weave my own tampons but I respect the activists I've met who really commit to it, and some of their points have rubbed off on me. I've not flown anywhere since 2016 and have also drastically reduced my meat consumption because I'm a poor.)
No. 441168
>>441075It sucks because the masses can be memed into liking it so easily. I convinced my hickass stepdad that lab meat would be great because it'll piss off vegans since it's technically vegan too. Like "HAH checkmate vegans! I can have my meat and eat it too and still be as goody-goody as you." It's a very republican mentality.
Then everyone's vegan, and the earth is the real winner.
No. 441266
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>Bf got admitted to the hospital a second time for an infection
>This time they're actually not going to let him out until he actually gets his transplant
I know it's the best for him, but the wait for an organ is so brutal. Doesn't help that the drive to the hospital is also long and stressful.
He's been bringing up marriage a lot recently too, but it just adds more pressure to my conscience. There's no way of knowing how this is going to turn out.
I'm just really scared, man.
No. 441298
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>match up with guy online into my same kinks
>figure I'm horny and whynot, proceed to chat and swap pics for a week
>wants me to drive to see him, it's outta my way but figure if sexual needs are met it's something to do if we are compatible
>tries to sweet talk me about being his waifu and trying to make me feel special
>I have my suspicions
>over the course of chatting his 2edgy4u personality leaks through
>idc but he tries to pickme by calling me "based"
>he really wants me to think I'm someone special
>almost like he's trying too hard to throw me off something and make me comfortable quickly
>notice for past couple days he's awful silent for someone unemployed and who has fuck all to do every day
>chats me in the evening, he's acting somewhat manic
>sends me a pic of pills and a lot of money
>weird and strange flex
>also sends me a picture of his """ex""" sucking his cock and it's a pic linked from b on 4chan
>claims it's an "old" picture that he wanted to show me
>what tard would even think this is a good idea to show someone he's trying to hook up with?
>tries to gaslight me about having requested to see it
>go to the b thread where he posted that to investigate
>in short his captions were "hurr she's so eager just took these tonight anyone know a camming site since she's willing???"
>it all fucking clicks lmao, no wonder he was silent today
>screengrab the thread and send it to him
>caught redhanded
>he replies
>"no I was just flexing they really are older pics from my drive y are you upset if i found other thots id let you know kk? youre still coming right?"
>don't buy it
>"cmon you're way cuter than my ex…unless you're all angles, filters, and contrast ;3"
>weird neg, maybe it is
>"Eh it's whatever you want to do."
I'm sure it is, since he's obviously facefucking someone else tonight and doesn't need me. All he had to do was keep his retarded ass shit to himself and he might've gotten away with the lie. It blows my mind.
Oh and the age gap between him and the "ex" he got to suck his cock was 10+ years according to the b post. What a stupid bad liar fucko. Got himself exposed and tried to play it off.
I'm not even mad that a kinkster turned out to be a ho, I'm mad because he obviously thinks he's smarter than me and thinks I'm gonna dismiss that dumb shit.
No. 441408
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i don't know how to stop loving the man who groomed me starting at 14. it keeps me up at night. it's my greatest shame. i miss his voice, i miss being taken care of, i miss the feeling that no matter what i'd be okay because i had him. i miss him as the only father figure i had.
i'm in a healthy(?) relationship with someone nearer my age but there's an itch i can't scratch because… i guess because i'm not being babied, it's not unconditional, i can't rely on him to carry my burdens like the dynamic i had before. i'm still so immature, despite being on a path of success and independence. i want to be told what to do. i'm lost without instruction, without surveillance. i know it's my fault, i know it's all me. i don't know if i'll ever be satisfied in a relationship again. to be frank, i miss what i now know was abuse. i was essentially his child. i feel weak.
No. 441412
>>441410i have a very dysfunctional family with narc parents–i would look to my older sibs but they're also unhealthy and
toxic in their own ways. i kind of raised myself before him. i really yearn for somebody i can look up to and be guided by without ulterior motives or tension, i just don't have anyone healthy in my life. you're right though, i just wish it were something i actually had
No. 441436
>>441412Agree with
>>441410 but I have another solution: a therapist or counsellor could be exactly this kind of person, and will also eventually encourage you to not feel you need a parental figure any more.
>>441266That sounds really difficult anon. I really hope your boyfriend recovers as much as possible, at least he's in three best place for him if there's any problems.
No. 441517
A few months ago I have posted about being on a fence wether I should contact a certain edgy blogger that I related to tons, but who also had strong cow tendencies (a druggie, a drama queen and an emotional exibitionist).
A week ago I have finally gathered strength to reach out. She has not been posting on her blog for months (which was slightly weird, I guess, as she was doing it frequently for years).
Well, I was late. By the time I wrote to hear, she's been dead for months. She died in a car accident.
I have just found out as her friend replied to my comment.
I am at work currently and I am in a complete shock. I don't know what to do with myself. She was one of a kind and I wish we became friends when I had the chance a few years back, but my mental health fucked it up.
I had so much in common with her and now I know I will never meet someone so similar.
It's fucking tragic that she died so young, she was special. I wish I was as open as her, I wish I was writing as much, I wish I was capable of expressing myself so that other broken souls became my friends… She was so mamy things and now she's just dead…
Sorry if I make it all about myself, but I need to get this out. I don't know how to focus on work.
No. 441518
>>441514If they directly link the two, yes. Threatening to kill themselves if you were to leave them is manipulative.
If they're suicidal and expressing their despair by mentioning thinking about wanting to die but not trying to leverage that to make you stay with them, then they should really be talking to a mental health professional first anyway. It's a real tough call, go with your gut.
No. 441551
>>441535Hah, my ex also was nice/cordial to me until he realized he wasn't going to get me back. After that he was nothing but manipulative, threatening suicide/self harm if I didn't do as he said, calling me names… These men are so fucking worthless.
You're above this Anon, fuck that idiot and the people who believe him.
No. 441560
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>>441298Update: Out of morbid curiosity I asked for this man's address under the guise that I still wanted to meet up.
Once he gave me the address, I ran it through state sex offender and criminal databases.
I found his mugshot. Turns out he is a level 3 sex offender who had lied to me about his name which is why when I searched him before nothing appeared. He has a criminal history that goes back as far as 2005, including online sexual exploitation of minors and failure to report as a sex offender. The reason why he insisted I go see him and not the other way around is because it looks like he's on probation for the next 10 years and probably has an ankle bracelet for the fact.
I went to some 4chan archives next for boards he mentioned frequenting. I searched key terms like his location, some personal details he mentioned regardless if they might've been lies, and key terms he used in chat. I found numerous posts of his that I can confirm were his because he used the same pictures he showed me, and among the posts were various "jokes" about minors. It was pathetic trying to see this 33 year old blend in with 4chan culture knowing his lies.
>>441321He did give me a reason but it was not "Hey I'm a level 3 sex offender and I am unemployable."
He told me he was an accountant and ex military going through PTSD, while on 4chan he flexed about living off his mom and NEETbux. Obviously his income is government assistance. Some world we live in, right? A criminal commits crimes and because he cannot retain employment the government takes care of him.
>>441330Trust your gut. Just because I was looking for a hookup doesn't mean I wanted to enable a sex offender.
You know what duping delight is? It's when liars think they're clever and cunning enough to get away with lying, and so they signal consciously or unconsciously their thrill in knowing that they're duping. It's the pleasure a predator gets when he thinks he is in control and can manipulate you.
I was right.
I just wonder what I should do? Clearly he's soliciting people off 4chan. Should I report this to the probationary office? Post a macro warning others on 4chan where he lurks? Be glad it wasn't me and sweep this under the rug?
No. 441568
>>441564>>441561Late 20s. I'm not trying to flex, but I think it's because my demeanor comes off as younger than my actual age.
The reason why I'm so suspicious of men is because I have attracted predatory ones before and I'm quick to spot tactics based on past experience.
I've never had one this bad before though. This is huge.
>>441562>>441564I think I'm gonna blast him. Just gotta get all the evidence I need in order.
>>441563I have made friends from 4chan from back in the day. I know a lot about them and having their social media for several years. The guys I know are employed even if they were assholes and edgelords back in the day. But who knows with current 4chan culture? These days it feels less like something introverts and geeks use to connect and more like a honeypot for predators and people with bad intentions. Times have changed. It's why I don't browse there anymore.
No. 441608
>>441602I kind of suspected that may have been the issue, darn.
It was on plebbit though and not a dating site, and he said I was the first person he'd ever pmed but…people do lie.
No. 441761
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>>441436Thank you anon, I needed that.
You're right and he tells me the same thing, but it's hard not to think about the possible bad outcomes.
No. 441764
>>441602>>441626>guys are basically casting a giant net and always have a backupNot the OP but this is why I struggle to not be jaded in the current dating culture. I know two wrongs don't make a right but it's hard for me to emotionally invest in a single person while being aware that a guy is after his top 10%. It makes me want to juggle multiple people and go after mine.
These days I try seeking men organically via friends and real life interactions, but sometimes it's tempting to want to jump into the pool of online dating knowing the options out there. Guys seem to want endless options but no commitment in case someone better walks their way.
No. 441772
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This could also go into the employment thread but this is really just a general vent:
I work underneath a great supervisor, and as my work contract will be coming to an end he's been making sure I and a different coworker have an exit plan so we're not left with no employment afterward. Specifically the supervisor has been talking to the project management because he knows that I have higher degrees, and all I have post-grad five years out are menial entry jobs that didn't require any type of degree.
Even though I'm thankful for him arranging this sort of connection I feel wholly inadequate and dumb. I'm looking at online resume samples for the position in question and all I see are highly accomplished examples with relevant portfolios, jobs, and intern experience. I have nothing relevant besides an obscure project I did in grad school and some clinical exposure from this current job, which isn't saying much. Anything else narrative wise I would be completely BSing. Faking it until I make it-so to speak.
I remember when I left grad school I was thankful for just getting the degree and not having killed myself. No joke. I was so depressed from my parent's pressure and not having a vision of what I wanted to do with life. I attempted suicide twice during the program because I couldn't see a future. I gave myself credit, because I thought I'd be dead before I made it that far. Then I graduated, but had no career plan. I moved and struggled to find employment with my equally useless ex boyfriend in tow. I applied to many relevant jobs but encountered rejection every time for lack of experience. I wound up getting a sales job out of desperation and stuck with it for years as I was baited with promises of advancement that never came.
I kept my head down, clocked in, and made the money. I lived paycheck to paycheck. My headspace was in survival mode as the sales job was incredibly stressful and inflamed my anxiety disorder. I came home and performed more emotional labor via picking up after my shitty ex and trying to take care of my own shit. Forget having the peace of mind to think about career advancement. Every day was about keeping my head above water.
When I finally got the grapes to ditch my ex and the fragile security the sales job offered, I was at ground zero with nothing but ~customer service~ to show for those years.
Even though my friends say otherwise, I view this current job as a complete fluke. By the grace of a video interview, my supervisor happened to like me better than another candidate.
Up to this point I feel like I've coasted by on luck and a prayer, but I'm finding that any type of job worth a damn wants hard evidence of skill. They want to see something concrete that my so-called skills have produced and I've got nothing. There's no internships for people not in college, and any type of credential programs cost hundreds of dollars that I cannot afford.
My supervisor says that the worst that can happen is they say no, but truly that is the worst that can happen to me. How pathetic that I have a network into a type of job that I want and pays well, but I'm going into it with a subpar resume and no experience. It's an awful feeling knowing I'm not the best candidate and-unlike my supervisor-big companies don't have time to give stupids like me chances to prove themselves.
Well, anyways, wish me luck anons because I really need it. I'm re-doing my resume as we speak and trying not to bawl. I'm bringing it in tomorrow so me and my supervisor can figure out how to tailor it better.
No. 441798
>>441795You're not retarded, your mom clearly just has weird views on masturbation/sexuality.
Sorry you're in this tight situation though, anon. I hope she isn't too mad that you're an adult with physical urges.
No. 441812
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I downloaded teamspeak (don't ask lol)and joined a server. I didn't realize for ten minutes that I was automatically moved into a lobby with my microphone unmuted. And unfortunately, I was speaking to myself the whole time… The only upside is that all except one person was completely deafened, but I don't know who went through the lobby and if people muted because of me.
I'm so embarrassed, and this could've all been prevented if I was careful.
No. 441826
>>441821>I am seriously considering only looking for 40-50+ year old men because I'll always be young in their eyes.Ugh, come on. That is so much worse than just being single. Why does life have to revolve around finding a husband? Aging isn't scary when you have sources of happiness other than male validation. But yeah, you're right, it is easy for them. And the ONLY thing women can do to fight it is not fuck old men. Anyone who does is indirectly screwing themselves and their fellow women over, and for what? Dusty wrinkly old dick, that's the big reward. Keep in mind that men have spent all of history creating a social system that forced women to rely on marriage to survive, and now we can survive on our own, they focus their energy on making women scared to death of being single so that we date down and desperately try to appease them. It's all a big fucking con, don't fall for it.
But either way, you're being naive if you think super old men will be grateful for your youth. They'll just take it as confirmation that they are entitled to 18 year olds forever and will dump you for aging anyway.
No. 441827
>>441821Please don't enable gross men. There are plenty of normal guys out there that date within their age and it's not a big deal. Also what
>>441826 said.
No. 441833
>>441825Thank you anon. I know this sounds so stupid but it means a lot for someone to verify I'm not totally crazy.
I know I've made and deleted a couple posts but I'm just afraid of him somehow finding out that I put him on blast on some lady imageboard.
I'm just sad and lost right now but thank you to the few anons who've replied to my vents
No. 441864
>>441827But the young ones are just as gross, they just aren't old enough yet for it to be exposed and obvious.. Every man is a future old pervert.
>>441826You're right that old pigs aren't grateful either.. Guess I'm pretty delusional to think that because of their life experience they might realize when someone is our of their league. I truly wish I felt the same as men so I could be fulfilled by focusing on earning money and being a cougar who fucks young men or something.
>>441856Interesting how you get more attention now being 30+, did you lose weight or something like that? I read a study saying men choose looks over youth when it comes to long term relationships, slight hope..
No. 441871
>>441867I'm not sure yet. I don't hate it, it's just a bit confusing.
And yeah, there's that too.
No. 441872
>>441864I didn't lose weight, if anything I look frumpier and more disheveled than I did when I was younger. I don't know why I get more attention now, possibly because I don't care as much what men think so it comes off as confidence. I have no idea.
You mentioned in a reply to someone else that old pigs aren't grateful either.. That is very true. Any man that is below you will suddenly think he's hot shit when you give him the time of day. They inflate their egos to the point that they cheat or break up because they have the illusion that they can do better. Dating down is always a mistake. Don't be afraid to have standards.
No. 441898
Sometimes I don't know why I keep going. I wish I was dead at this point.
Some days are better than others when I try not to think about it but then something happens, my boyfriend screaming at me, my friends ignoring me, even family members talking bad about me. And it's like the world comes crashing down.
The thing is that the only person I could talk with, the only one who could understand me without judging me, the only person who made an effort to understand me even when I couldn't understand myself…Is dead. Has been dead for a few years now.
And I have to live everyday accepting that she's never coming back, not even for a hug, I'm afraid someday I'll forget her voice.
As I said, it's not always that bad, because my mind doesn't let me think about it. I just panic whenever I have to accept the fact that I won't see her again, ever, like right now, when I'm having an anxiety attack because if this is the life I have to live without her, I don't want it.
No one could ever replace her. No one. I feel so alone all the time. Even when I'm feeling happy and better, there's this voice at the back of my head telling me I'm just fooling myself.
When I was little I had panick attacks at night thinking about losing her, it was my worst nightmare. And then it happened. If life was like a movie, it would have been easier. All would be fine and dandy, I'd feel better by now and even I could have had a proper farewell. But this is not the situation and it's killing me.
And I tried everything. Therapy, pills, comfronting my own trauma. I just can't stand it anymore. Instead of keep going I feel like I'm stuck and in denial and I feel like I can't get better because that would mean having to accept that she's never coming back and…I just. Can't.
No. 441900
My ex and I broke up one and a half months ago, or I broke up with him because he didn't have the balls to do it himself. We were only dating for a couple of months but the breakup left me confused and devastated, especially because I coudln't (and still can't) wrap my head around the reasons for why it happened. I had been single for 3 years before meeting him, so he was the first guy I really liked in a long time. Unlike me, he seemed completely indifferent about the breakup and seems to have moved on already.
I texted him around a week after the breakup to ask if he would like to talk, because I had regrets and felt that we never actually tried to solve the issues he had with our relationship (the thing is, the whole breakup took place over text and we haven't talked on the phone or in person because he refused to do so). He got really defensive and needless to say, the conversation blew up into my own face, so instead of fixing it I somehow just made it worse.
I haven't talked to him since, but I'm still thinking about him all the fucking time and I just can't get over it. To make things worse I keep dreaming about him on a regular basis. The dreams are always super realistic and usually consist of him texting me to apologize/ get back with me (which will obviously never happen). I just really, really want those dreams to stop because they make me feel like shit from the moment I wake up and keep me from moving on.
Call me stupid, but I'm again at a point where I'm thinking of texting him. I know it's a bad idea, but the no contact thing is driving me insane and I feel like I just can't get over him this way. Every single thing and place reminds me of him.
I wish I could just move on.
No. 441901
>>441898I'm sorry anon.
Can you tell me 5 things that make you happy, or that interest you?
No. 441904
>>441900Do not text him.
You mentioned it's a bad idea. You know nothing good will come from it.
No contact is meant to be hard. There's no easy fix (we all wish there was)
I still have dreams about my longterm ex and we broke up 3 years ago, and I've been in another longterm relationship since then. Sometimes I still dream about the exes I had before my 20s. Every one feels weird.
Stick with no contact. You'll slowly and eventually move on.
No. 441940
>>441772I really, really wish the best for you anon. I hope you'll get that job and keep succeeding in life!
You getting your current job might have been a complete fluke, but hey, if you were truly as inadequate as you believe you are, you would've been fired by now! Your supervisor going the extra mile and making sure you're set for the future after this job is a testament that you're great at what you do, so believe in yourself! You're great! You're amazing! You'll get this job if not another one that's equally as good!
You have someone who believes in you, so don't waste that. Prove to those other companies that you're worth taking a chance on! If your supervisor can see yout potential, someone else will as well.
No. 441968
>>441798>>441799Thanks for the support, but last night I overreacted. I have a habit of being really emotional at night and I never realize that in the moment.
This morning when my mom asked me what happened she begged me not to lie. I guess she didn't catch that I had my hand in my pants? I couldn't bring myself to straight up say I was masturbating. She then suggested "Were you texting your friends? Playing phone games?"
I went along with the phone games excuse. She just scolded me "you're going back to college you can't do this there, honey."
It's sad that I'm so paranoid, but I still don't understand my parents/ the strength of their beliefs and so avoid setting them/ their boogeyman versions in my head off. But lying about dumb stuff makes me feel like shit and wish I didn't place myself in these situations.
No. 441975
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I think I'm turning into a lesbian volcel. Every girlfriend I've had in the last 3 or 4 years have trooned out into fakebois that at this point I don't even pay attention to the bullshit and put up with it for coochie. But now, even that is wearing me thin.
No. 441995
>>441392i want to add on this
fuck studio killers, lana del rey, grimes, die antwoord, alice glass, and all and any other of these vapid cunt wannabe arthoes and millennial teenbands that you stupid washed up used goods women 'stan'. you stupid cunts need better taste in fucking music. literally all of these artists are god awful and the entire fucking universe would be better if they were incinerated via a gamma ray burst. grimes should literally be dead from that untreated chlamydia she contracted after spending a week with her meth dealer and not showering on that shanty 3rd world tier """boat""" they sailed in CANADA. CANADA!!!! you bitches really stan a fucking canadian???? her production is such amateur unappealing bs, same with d
e ntwoord, speaking of them they really need to die in this supposed south african racial war happening because they are literally disgusting and untalented. lana del rey's voice sounds like that of a 40 year old smoker from tennessee who's already had 2 kids and lived her best life, and her lyrics are all shit, materialistic and out of style regardless of if they're ghost written or not, her production is wack and low-quality, i could really go on about how worthless these pedo and rapist supporting feminists are but as much as i hate them i hate their fans (you dumb college arts major womanchildren) more. not because you enable them but because when i think of you, a very specific group of images conjures up in my mind. the most prominent one being that of a short-haired overweight glasses-wearing plaid scarf neck who huffs and puffs her way to her humanities classes at the university of whogivesafuck in vermont; another is an aging 30-something year old woman with a big head but a skeletal, short body, with itty bitty flappy mom titties, hunched over her computer in a dark room in her 7-year-old green macy's tanktop and JEANS reading blind gossip and talking about ""her boyfriend"" in these vent threads to make sure all the anonymous transients knows he exists; and another, a budding instagram cosplayer who rants about tHe WeEbS despite being a manufactured product worshipping koreaboo, calls other women out for ps but in the same turn would get a bunch if she didn't spend her $35k salary on shitty plastic props that are more suited for a four year old than a 23 year old woman, and plushies, lots of plushies, all disorganized in style strewn throughout her room in a way only an autistic man would appreciate. she would have a thread on /snow/ if she were more honest. anyway regardless if you fit into any of these stereotypes you all need to get your life together and be normal. fuck abnormality for real. and get better taste in music.

No. 442029
>>441995Hope you feel better now, anonymous ranting man on a message board for women to chat shit on.
No. 442134
the obvious projection and autism made me kek
No. 442191
>>442166I'm in the middle of a protracted job hunt and the rejection emails always sting, especially when the interview went (imo) flawlessly. But no matter how well the interview went and how qualified you might be, there can always be someone who did better, if only slightly. Just think of fruitless interviews as practice.
Congrats on the job btw.
No. 442198
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Some idiot on craigslist is selling this rabbit. This pic infurates me. Rabbits shouldn't take baths! They shouldn't be cold, it stresses them out and it's dangerous for their health! The idiot describes themselves as someone who's not a "rabbit person", and details how they found the rabbit in a parking lot. If you don't know how to care for a rabbit, DON'T FUCKING DO IT. Find a shelter!
No. 442223
>>442198That bun doesn't look very well, and almost looks like a hare crossed with a rabbit. His eyes are bulging which means rabies?? I think
I agree the seller seems dodgy, that bun doesn't look like he's gonna last the week. The posture is really strange, bunnies normally sit completely straight, not bent like that.
No. 442243
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I feel like Illegal Drugs helped my mental health more than any fucking medicine i ever tried. And I Tried almost all in the book. Being a mental fuck up since childhood is tiring.
Its not just The High but also the comedown of hard-ish drugs(mainly coke) sort of of lift up the sick fog from my brain, during the high i feel like the best version of myself, I don’t act coked up, i act like normal, pleasant and outgoing human being and when i come down im not depressed, im thoughtful and at peace.
Its not a everyday thing and i have no reason to make it so, its just on social occasion where i have to interact with too many people.
Does that mean im an addict? Is it wrong to want to self medicate this way?
No. 442253
>>442252Either you're depressed, subconsciously trying to sabotage your degree or you have adhd.
Get yourself checked out, it could be a mix
No. 442283
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>post on a lesbian discord server asking for girls to play a game with
>first person messages me
>it's a tranny
No. 442333
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I am
horny and sexually frustrated
No. 442368
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So this dude who strung me along for fucking months and used my body suddenly comes to my Instagram (I forgot he had on, blocked him everywhere else) to apologize. I never wanted an apology. I never asked for one. He makes me feel like absolute shit and his flowery little apology just made me feel worse if anything. He doesn’t understand how he made me feel. Fuck, I feel pathetic for letting a pathetic scrote get so entangled in my emotions but i’m A lonely little piece of shit who just wanted affection.
Any advice on how to feel less shitty after you’ve been essentially pumped and dumped?
No. 442450
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i have this guy ""friend"" (a guy in my friend group who forces his friendship on people) who annoys the absolute shit out of me. he's super obese and always complains about the air force won't accept him because of his weight, is in to the most degenerate porn known to man (loli, scat, bestiality) and thinks its so fucking hilarious to send me screenshots of one of these disgusting videos. he hits on me constantly even though he has a gf whom he has a child with (god only knows how he got a gf).
he also has a strange obsession with billie elish. he claims he hates her, but brings her up in any conversation he can somehow make sound relevant.
i fucking cant stand this guy but its hard to get away from him since we share so many friends.
No. 442502
>>442497Hello anon, all is not lost. I work within the HEI library sector and about 60% of my job is copyright and license advisory. You may yet be able to turn this law degree into precisely the job you want so seriously, don't give up just yet. Find a way to make it work for you: there is a HELL of a lot of copyright and intellectual law involved in libraries (and even more in publishing, like if you're a little more morally grey and want to make fucking bank go work for Elsevier lol, I'll call you a cunt tho) that a law degree would be ideal starting point for. Although you do have to deal with people (you need to deal with humans in all jobs, sorry) none of it has to be like public speaking as if you're a barrister or something, depending on what job you go for. I find the people working in the sector to be similarly eccentric or less-social-butterfly types, and they're usually more tolerant of oddballs or mild autisty traits. If you have the right mind for attention to detail, problem-solving, and dealing with repetitive regulations/databases/procedures then you'd be a great fit for librarianship or archivist post-grad qualifications, and you can take the skills you learn doing law straight into the industry.
I'm going to bed now but if you want to ask me any questions I'll be around tomorrow and will give you as much info as I can without doxxing myself
No. 442506
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Typical feel but I feel fucking disgusting and ugly. Seriously. I've dropped 9kg but the more I lose the worse I feel attractive-wise. I expected to gain some confidence but I only realize just how far I am from my goal.
I can't bring myself to leave my house or see my friends because I just feel embarrassed and ashamed.
No. 442520
>>442497Don't. I know someone who was in the exactly same situation, this person ended up dropping out shortly before graduation because the family pressure became unbearable. They left the country, got out of a socially acceptable marriage, came out as gay and studied something completely different which is what they always wanted.
You are going to waste your youth on something you hate, and once you give in your parents will keep pressuring you into other things you don't want. Become independent and set boundaries, it's your life and you can always back off if that's what you fucking want. Just my 2 cents.
No. 442591
>>442578Agree, I'm planning to do this. My mom married a man 9 years her junior who only ever dated women much older than him…I'm assuming it's his taste hehe.
Also this reminded me of that anon kept posting about her bf watching granny porn. I wonder if they stayed together.
No. 442617
>>442049God I really liked this song in 2013 (and the rest of their music) but it annoyed me when people didn’t understand it, either being turned off by the title or thinking it’s a straight up man hating anthem when there’s a subtlety to it! It’s in the lyrics where the most damning things about men are … sung by the guy who’s pulling the ‘I’m not like other guys’ card to get into the girl’s pants, Cherry’s not being an edgy misandrist.
And speaking of, it was annoying as fuck as people began to headcanon her as trans because of her voice. Why can’t she just be a female character who is voiced by a man? It took me like 15 minutes of googling around to find who the singer’s speculated to be and all three members of the band are all dudes.
No. 442620
>>442578Smart. Anything but a teen obsession.. I rejected this reeeallly cute 18 year old guy (I'm 23) because I was so insecure about aging too fast for him and hanging out around his young female friends. It's dumb.
>>442591That's so cute. Maybe all of us who are scared of aging should run cougar game. The fantasy makes me look forward to the future atleast.
No. 442722
>>442716Maybe channel your efforts into consuming what you already have and only buy to replace? It's what I did and it helped a lot. I found a billion new ways to use up what I had and a lot of things I used and hated I didn't rebuy. It's so much nicer looking at my medicine cabinet now than when I had a bunch of things stuffed in there, it feels like I can breathe so much better now.
You're not alone though, I clean people's homes for a living and almost everyone, rich and poor, big and small, has a fuckton of things they obviously never use up and all of them always have more the next time I come over. Women in their 30s especially have a LOT of clothes and cosmetics of which half will have a thick layer of dust on it and be untouched from where I left it months ago. And I don't even go through drawers or anything, this is just stuff they have lying around on random surfaces.
I don't know if it's just me or if companies have doubled down on marketing shit to us recently. There's so many choices for cosmetics and clothes and yet most of it is just kind of samey and trendy, I get pushed ugly "revolutionary" Chinese crap from Kickstarter as soon as I open my Instagram, and a lot of my clients own exactly. the same. stuff that they clearly don't use and don't even like.
No. 442725
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>>442662This is probably bait, but to any other anons reading this:
17 is an underweight BMI. It's what I have, and I'm frequently told by doctors that it's not healthy. Trust me, a BMI of 19-24 is perfect, and if that's what you have, don't worry about losing weight.
Anyone who thinks that a BMI of 18 or lower is "fat" seriously needs to see a therapist.
No. 442757
>>442747sage for not being helpful, but I read that Elizabeth Warren charges something like $600/hr, and she was criticized for it while others pointed out that she's really undercharging herself considering some fresh out of law school dipshit men charge the same rate for a fraction of her experience and knowledge, simply because she's a woman.
Don't do it unless you think you can spin it to work in your desired field.
No. 442781
My boyfriend of four years is now the breadwinner after three years of me carrying his costs and college texts. Ever since then, I have been handed every chore (or this place goes to Hell) except for scrubbing the bathtub (I have a bad back) and doing his own pots and pans. The bathtub is disgusting and the dishes are more full than the sink can offer. I'd do them, but I have my own extensive list of chores to do today, including things he already won't help me with like changing over insurances or remodelling of the living room. Beyond that, sex is 100% only catered to him. I have a weird fetish about having my nipples touched, and when we had first met he always did it. So one day I complimented him, saying "it was amazing", "thank you for doing that", "most men won't do that sort of thing even when asked" and he responded by almost never doing it again. He only cuddles me to have sex or to fall asleep at a retarded hour, but he makes all of the money. I almost feel no love for him anymore because of how little my feelings matter to his daily life. He's buying me a laptop today and that might make me stick around for a little longer but this is absolutely just dragging on because I have nowhere to go with my cats. If I could take my cats with me to my family home, I would have left in 2017. I kick myself in the ass for getting cats. I feel like he only loves me because I cater to his very disgusting fetishes without question and became a total anxiety ridden NEET when I quit work, which appeases his ravenous jealousy problems. I just do not like today and writing this seemed to help in the moment.
No. 442797
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>see farmers mention fucking younger guys and convince myself it's just a meme
>am 27
>met a qt 18 year old, he picked me out
>super eager to please
>innocent yet rough in bed
>all that young energy
>wants to be stylish
>good to go two times in a row and then wanted a third before he left
>his "first" on a few things
Hnghhhhh I'd forgotten these feels. I'm glad he wants to come back huehuehuehue.
No. 442802
I can't stop thinking about my ex. It's been months since we've broken up, and I got over the worse of my post-break up blues, but I still can't stop thinking about her. We didn't have a fight or anything, we ended on good terms- we just weren't compatible as partners in the end.
But almost everyday since we've broken up I've thought about her. She's the first person I've been with who treated me so well, like an actual person deserving of love and affection outside of what I can provide as a human cumrag (I was only with men before this- lo and behold my standards were on the ground lol). We had a lot of the same interests in hobbies and shows, and she had the same taste in food as me (a weird and unfortunate rarity in my life because so many of my friends are picky eaters). Aesthetically too, she was 100% my type. It's so rare to just find a girl who likes to dress and present androgynous who isn't a fucking fake boi.
Maybe it's because we didn't even make it out of the honeymoon phase. Maybe it's because I was infatuated with her for so many years before I worked up the courage to actually talk to her (and fucking lucked out that she didn't think I was a creep and liked me back). I feel so awful every time I think about her, because it just proves her point that we aren't compatible lol. I liked to be around her so much, I liked to be physically close to her, to hold her hand and shower her in kisses, to send cute little love notes in the middle of the work day, to always wish her good morning and good night. But she realized she didn't want any of that, couldn't keep up with any of that, and ultimately just doesn't really want a relationship at all- with anyone.
I get so sad wondering if she misses me. I wonder if maybe I wasn't so overbearing, if things might have turned out different (I don't think it would have). I wish I could stop imagining a future where she's in it- where we live together or we get married. I get a bit angry because deep down I still feel so torn up about it, while she's seemingly moved on just fine. We haven't talked in months, we just keep each other on our public twitters. I want to send her dumb things that remind me of her, but I think that even that might be crossing a line. I hate that I even dated her in the first place, now I'm even farther from her than I was when she didn't even know I existed. I can't send her stupid memes, I can't tell her about a concert that's coming up of our favorite artist- because then I feel like I'm being too much and I'm bothering her. She doesn't want to talk to me, she wants her space.
I thought I got over her, but I was only temporarily attracted to other girls who don't even hold a candle to her. In the end I got over those feelings and went back to thinking about her all the time.
I don't really know who I am as a person anymore after all of this. I ended up disassociating for a really long time after out break up and I feel like I came out of it a new person. I like things that she likes, but is it because I actually like these things or because she just liked them? Is my need to have set boundaries and a lot more personal space and time just a new thing that I like, or am I trying to be a person that would be more compatible with her? Sometimes I don't really know who I am anymore. Is this really me? Am I actually a lesbian now? Do I really like and enjoy my life now? I think I am and I do, but sometimes I still feel like an impostor who's driving this body until the previous me comes back. I really fucking hate myself and wish I could move on lol.
No. 442805
>>442723Hah, it was a phone interview actually. It was supposed to be a video conference, but the interviewer's camera froze after one minute which completely destabilized me. I barely said anything when she asked to introduced myself, only the basic of basics even though I know I should have talked a lot more about my extra curricular activities, personal life etc because it's much more in touch with the position. Also we lost connection for a good five minutes half way through and then she barely asked me any questions, and I couldn't find any good way to start a conversation. So many little blanks.
The position has to do with communication too so I obviously did a poor display of skills lol.
I hope yours goes well Anon. And if it doesn't, know the sea is full of fish. Even if I keep getting rejected I know I'll find something if I keep trying, so don't get discouraged either!
>>442730It sucks. I think after a while it becomes more efficient in regards to time and emotional investment to just wing interviews, so at least if you fail you can tell yourself it's because you didn't give it your best, rather than because you're worthless as a person.
I'm trying to not be too bitter about it because I have to keep applying to other positions though, lol. Good luck Anon, may your interviewer be in a swell mood.
No. 442814
>>442797oh anon, I'm in a similar situation right now.
I'm 29 and met this really awesome guy. I thought he was in his mid 20s, maybe 23 youngest, but then he told me he was 18.
We jog in the same place and share many interests. He seems mature for his age too. After he casually mentioned that he's now preparing for his first year in uni, I got my first suspicions. Then he told me his age but the thing is he also thinks I'm about the same age.
Before that we had such great time together. He wants my number and to go out and I honestly don't know what to do.
No. 442839
>>442781Anon dump him. You know you deserve better and there are men out there who will give you what you need.
Men are like monkeys. But you gotta think the way a male does sometimes, externalize your needs, feel fucking entitled. Males never do things for others first if it’s not self serving. Reward him with your nice actions (chores, sex, gifts) AFTER he has given you those things first. This way you train them to think that doing things for you is self serving, thus motivate them to give on their own and never take you for granted.
No. 442847
>>442845Exaggeration. She knows 18 year olds aren't 12 but does think they are childish. I won't dispute that, it's why the anon in question shouldn't expect more than a few months fling out of the guy.
Wanna know what her skin routine is like though if the guy thinks she's around his age.
No. 442871
>>442863not to mention she talks about hentai on twitter compulsively, dresses up in like, zero suit samus skintight costumes, and doesn't let manchild musk pay for anything but lets him fuck her on the LITERAL FLOOR of the tesla factory, iirc??? she panders so hard to the worst men, how could they not love her? she has no spine and she depresses me. sad because visions was a pretty good album.
>>442862they really don't? it's also fucking stupid to expect 19 year olds to get married. they literally are not fully developed and are impulsive with 0 life experience. we shouldn't be harking back to 1956 by acting like children aren't children. 19 year olds were dumb as fuck in 1966 and they're still stupid today, they just have less responsibility. there's a reason why scientists and doctors are advocating for officially changing the legal span of adolescence from 10-19 to 10-24.
No. 442876
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I woke up with mild angular cheilitis one morning from drooling in my sleep and it's stressing me tf out because I'm on a time crunch and have a really important event coming up. It feels gross and hurts. I read that the cure is most likely solved with clotrimazole (especially in my case) and I want to give it a go. Does anyone have any experience with this??
No. 442887
>>442658>>442695How did you anons get over your shopping addictions? How did the therapy help? Was it like CBT or something?
I could really use help with mine. Can't believe I am addicted to shopping, yet it clearly happened. I feel so stupid and worthless. I want financial security, but my impulsive want of pretty things makes it impossible.
>>442859What exactly is /mu/core? Asking as I don't frequent 4chan. I know the board, I am unaware of the exact tastes of people posting there.
No. 442936
>>442930so by your insane logic a 24 years old should be able to date 12 years old because they both developing children?
stop making the world even crazier
No. 442950
>>442928Like the other anon said, don't worry too much!
I didn't really have plans after college either except to work, and that's what I did. I worked 2 years in retail right out of college. It wasn't really the routine that I needed, but there was some semblance of structure in my life- I at least had a purpose and was earning money to pay off my loans and buy dumb shit. Now that I've got a basic bitch 9-6 office job, I have an even better routine on top of purpose to wake up every morning.
There's something freeing and refreshing about coming home after work and having a few hours to be able to do whatever the fuck I want. Yeah, there are days that I really have to be an adult and spend my time cleaning or running errands or spending a whole ass day at the DMV, but not feeling the crushing weight of needing to succeed in all of my classes lest I be a failure for the rest of my life or the impending feeling of doom for an upcoming exam that covers material that you don't get no matter how much you review your notes is great. Sometimes I come home and start feeling a little anxious because I keep thinking I have a paper to do or something, then I remember that's all past me and if I wanna watch dumb youtube videos until it's bedtime then I can without screaming in the back of my head.
There'll be catty people in the workforce that you can't avoid, but you'll probably be able to make friends with your future coworkers! I still frequently talk to my college friends while also meeting a crazy amount of cool people while I worked in retail.
You'll figure out something for yourself. A routine takes some discipline when you don't have something as rigid as a class schedule to keep you in check, but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier. Or maybe for me, after 2 years of an erratic work schedule, I desperately craved static routine everyday and clung to it once I got it lol. Good luck anon!
No. 442958
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I'm so fucking sick of my family. I'm trapped living in the shitty Midwest, and I don't think I'll ever be able to leave. I live on my own, but I still live near family, and I feel trapped by them. They kept me from following my dreams, by giving me horrible anxiety about leaving or trying anything, just because they never did. I have insomnia thanks to my dad. Coming over unannounced and lecturing me, and making me feel like an idiot. I had to kick him out of my house once because he came over just to yell at me and call me a shit, because I was horribly suicidal and depressed, and didn't want to go to my uncle's b-day party. My whole family hates me. They think depression and anxiety, and things that are wrong with you that can't be physically seen must mean I'm lying for attention. I just wish I had gone to school far away, and now I'd live in another state and have a job, and I'd never have to see my family again if I didn't want to. I'd probably be healthier, and more mentally stable and not have insomnia. I'm never allowed to feel bad. They tell me I'm "bitching" if I dare to complain about anything in my life. I hate my family. They kept pressuring me for years to fill out a will so I could leave my money to them, because they know I'm suicidal, so I better fill out a will to them so they can get my money. That's all they care about.I was told that when I kill myself I better not hurt anyone else! Oh no! That would be awful if I hurt a stranger when trying to kill myself. If I die, that's fine, but leave us your money!! Fuck them. I don't know how to leave. I can't afford to live in another, nicer, state. I don't have a job, and never went to school. I only have money from a settlement, and it's not nearly enough to live forever off of, or enough to live in a non shitty state. I'm trapped. And I want to die. I've tried therapy for years, and have been on so many drugs, my brain is per-mentally messed up from taking Klonopin. I already don't talk to over half my family that don't live near here. I just wish I could get away from my other relatives I still live near. But it sucks that I'll just be replacing one shitty Midwestern town for another. If I could go back ten years, I would take my settlement money and go far away to a school in a different state and not give a shit what my family had to say about it. Follow my dreams, and at least TRY. Now there is nothing, and I'm nothing.
No. 442961
>>442837Of course I'm going to tell him. I was so shocked when I found out I just hurried home. It was our last encounter.
>>442827Yeah, I wonder if he's going to be into me when I tell him. If anyone told me that there's this guy that's awesome but 18yo, I'd nope out and wouldn't hear the rest. Now that I know him I can't wait to see him again.
>>442841I know, I know.
No. 442962
>>442958WTF anon I'm so sorry your parents can't respect your boundaries. Your house/apartment, your rules. Stick up for yourself and if you don't want them to come in unannounced, don't let them in. I know it's easier said than done, but for the quality of your life to improve you have to set your boundaries.
I recently went no contact with my parents because they were also trying to come over to my house announced and would always complain to me about miniscule things and took large amounts of money away from me by using threats of calling law enforcement on me. As it turns out, these were empty threats to try to manipulate me.
Honestly, fuck your parents, you're an adult. Get anything that belongs to you that you still want is out of their home, make sure nothing of yours is still under their name (insurance, car title, phone bill) it's a big financial situation, but trust me, you will feel tons better with no way they can try to further harass you during the process. I lived on $25 to my name for a brief week. Also block all numbers and emails and be wary of any other family members trying to contact you for your parents. Take care of yourself anon, go to therapy if you can afford to. I wish you all the best.
No. 443044
>>442502>eccentric or less-social-butterfly typesliterally me. i can fake pleasantries but it eventually drains me
>oddballs or mild autisty traitspeople think im autistic but ive never been diagnosed
>attention to detail, problem-solving, and dealing with repetitive regulations/databases/proceduresi loved all my previous jobs that were paperwork and repetitive tasks. its like meditation to me. plus i don't have to talk to anyone and can listen to music.
>copyright and intellectual law involved in librariesthat sounds amazing and i hope you can tell me all about it without doxxing. what experiences would look good on a resume? what steps do i need to get there?
ive talked to my parents about it and they're alll for it. after crying and thinking about it ive inevitably decided to accept the pressure and just stick with law; they're paying for my degree(s) and i have no backbone/independence to do what i originally wanted anyways. they planned for me to do municipal law but i convinced them that copyright law is ideal for me so at least that's a small victory. when im older and i find out i hate law, i at least still have my undergrad in history… maybe i can work in a museum/archives later in life.
No. 443207
>>443171Are you in a cohort with them? Because I've been in that situation. Maybe just pretend to be friendly lol. I was in a similar situation where my classmates pretended to like me until I got sick and then asked to leave. School is the fakest
toxic environment. I'm in contact with none of them now.
One of my classmates was a racist alcoholic and I couldn't stand her so I opted to hang out with people I actually liked and had no regrets
No. 443278
Currently in my country there are countless instances of police brutality aimed at innocent people, who are tired of authoritarian regimen on all governmental levels. 2\3 of my country's population are old, dumbed by totalitarian and authoritarian governments of the past, lack any sense of freedom in their minds, and they see no harm in police brutality. I hate this place. For the last 10 years I hoped that I could stay here, that all can change, that us, people can change something, only to see videos of peaceful, unarmed people, who do not agree with our current state election system - to see them being beaten each by 10+ heavily armed policemen, being arrested, seeing having their limbs and heads broken (all of it is filmed by bystanders and other protesters!) - all because this year there are new, fresh candidates who are not connected to a ruling party, and govt is doing everything to stop them from even being registered. This is ridiculous, scary, tiring. The more I learn about all this, the more I want to leave.
No. 443282
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I caught feelings for the second girl I've been talking to on the internet, in the span of three months. We're not very far from each other, and I'd even consider her below my league if I just saw her scrolling on tinder, but our chemistry is so good and we share the same values, we'd be so compatible as a couple and we flirt a lot.
Too bad I'm pretty sure she's just joking with me, and is actually thinking of dating another girl near her that doesn't even fit her type.
It hurts and I'm so sick of catching feelings so quickly. I'm so sick of this loneliness.
Sometimes I see people on here wishing they were lesbians because men are terrible etc, but the big downside is that your dating pool is so small you have to resort to "meet" people online, hoping they're real, hoping they meet your basic standards, and hoping they're not just playing with you.
Now excuse me, I'm gonna cry a bit more
No. 443290
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My narcissist mom texted me the other day after almost three months of no contact with a "Let's get dinner and catch up I miss you," and I'm sure because I didn't respond to it she's going around to anyone who will listen about what an awful daughter I am (which means family, because she has no friends). She's just looking to manipulate and intrude into my life again, probably because she's bored and doesn't have any useful idiots in her house to terrorize. I'm sure my stepdad tells her updates about me, but I can't do anything about that.
I don't miss her. I enjoy coming home to my apartment everyday and not fearing that I'll be screamed at over something petty, or have to endure a five hour argument before I exhaust to bed. I enjoy being able to sleep in and doing chores at my leisure on my weekends without that projecting retired bitch telling me I'm lazy. Among other quality of life improvements.
And you know what? Between me and her, nothing really changed. I never felt I could trust her to talk to her or open up about anything without being yelled at or criticized, and now with no contact it's the same. I didn't love her when I lived with her, and I still don't love her now.
And the only thing I grieve is the fact that she set me up for a lot of failures and how I have had to unlearn a lot of her toxic traits, and I mourn that if I had a better mother I might have been a better off person. That's what makes me sad.
No. 443291
>>443288What are those curriculums, anon?
Do you mean stuff like Montessori, or for older kids?
No. 443301
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I can't fight with my mom without triggering a massive panic attack, usually making me cry in public situations.
Not only that but she makes it 30000x worse by telling me I'm over-reacting and that there is something seriously wrong with me.
My mother physically beat me throughout 5-19 and would come into my room multiple times(once every 5 minutes) to come back and shout/beat me, creating my trauma towards repetitive actions. I immediately start crying and losing my cool when people repeat phrases/actions during arguments or discussions.
Yesterday, my mother and I went to get sushi. We were discussing something really stupid and I just said "I know, mother, I get what you're saying. I agree." but she kept repeating her point over and over again which triggers the absolute hell out of me. I started freaking out and told her to stop but she again would repeat it as if I didn't agree with her. I started crying in public around a bunch of people which just heightened my anxiety and she would keep saying that I'm ill. I've told her multiple times that repetition makes me very stressed but she never listens. It makes me want to cry even writing this because it sounds so silly.
No. 443306
>>443301I really hope the only reason why you do things like go get sushi with your abuser is because you're not financially independent yet to move out on your own. Not that you're independent and actively choosing to continue a relationship with this sick woman.
It's never going to get better anon. Never.
No. 443326
>>443301you really should find a way if you can to get away from your
abusive as fuck mother. my step father was the same but i havent been around his ass in a decade but i still struggle with the ptsd from it all. please take care of yourself
No. 443329
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god dammit i hate being a "cute" girl I HATE THIS
i have NO friends at ALL, i had ONE and i told him from the beginning i wanted to be friends, he comes at me today saying he wants romance with me, i told him no, i'm in a relationship, now he refuses to talk to me. he was so fucking cool and i thought he could be a great friend but NOPE
every. single. guy. i meet. in real life. does this. i can't help that i'm attractive enough to pull guys in in the first place and i think my personality is shit and annoying but i'm just a desperate boy magnet and i'm tired
all i want is friends and girls refuse to talk or interact with me so i'm stuck with guys who always end up developing feelings
i want to die why can't i be born ugly, everyone is jealous of pretty girls but it's so hard to be one for shit like this
i cannot wait to leave this place because right now i have no one to hang out with and i can't trust any man here to just be my friend
i'm so upset i lost my one and only friend because he thinks with his dick and not his head after i told him i didn't want to date
i am exhausted someone save me
No. 443334
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>>443329holy shit i hope this is bait lmao
No. 443338
>>443336i don't even like how i look, i've just been told my entire life i'm beautiful/pretty/cute and guys literally flock to me, i wish i looked different but it's hard not to feel like you're not pretty when you're told that by literally everyone you meet
>>443334i wish
No. 443341
>>443340you know what that's true you're right
nvm i'll shut up i'm just frustrated bc i thought i had a friend for once
No. 443344
>>443342yeah i know i've really been trying to better myself as a person, i have like genuine autism so it's even harder for me to make friends because i come off the wrong way
i don't really know if i'm a narcissist because i do hate myself to a degree and i hate how i look and i hate my body, just it feels like everyone else does like it, when all you're given is constant ego-boosts it's hard not to have a giant ego
but i'm working on it, just wish i had a genuine friend
No. 443346
>>443344Stop holding out hope that you'll find genuine friends in men.
Instead ask yourself why you can't maintain any female friendships. Autism is hard but I do know women autists with friends so there's gotta be more to it than other women just being jealous of you anon.
No. 443347
>>443343That's fucking terrifying anon.
I hate to suggest something so pathetic but could you write a journalist piece and gather every irrefutable piece of evidence possible and beginning to hassle journalism or media outlets to take the story from you. I would suggest recording interviews with
victims but it's not worth putting yourself at risk of being discovered, don't put yourself in harms way at all.
No. 443348
>>443346i actually don't think women are jealous of me, i think my personality just turns them off, i'm socially awkward and have nothing in common with girls around here, and i dress eccentrically which is a deterrent (or maybe attracting to some people)
if i came off as if i was saying women are jealous of me i didn't mean to come off that way, i really don't see what they'd be jealous of tbh, i just think women don't like me bc of my personality and clothing choices
No. 443350
>>443348Well you didn't just come off as saying that, you've
literally said that–twice now.
I don't think women are jealous, I think they pick up that you see them as jealous outsiders and so even if they did have something in common or to talk about with you your attitude turns them off.
Humble thyself.
No. 443354
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>>443348The fact that you're holding a "I'm not like the other girls!" stance already explains exactly why other women might not be fond of you. Stop thinking you're so special. Every woman gets hit on and find it difficult to make friends with men. Women are only hard to make friends with if you think you're better than them.
No. 443355
>>443350yeah you're right
i don't remember saying it but maybe i did i can't remember
>>443351i said girls around here where i live, not girls everywhere, i can easily be friends with girls online, but in real life, i live in a hick town in the middle of no where. everyone here is into "country" stuff. which is fine, i don't care, but i can't be friends with people who don't like at least one of the things i like. and i've tried to be friends with these girls, but when they realize i'm not like them, they distance themselves. i actively seek out people to be friends with both online and offline and it just rarely seems to work in person, i don't expect anyone to come to me at all
my personality really is shit and there's not really an excuse for that but i'm actively trying to become a better person but it's not easy especially when i have no therapist and i'm all on my own you know?
>>443354you're right, thank you
anyways i appreciate the responses i've gotten here cause i know i need to wake the fuck up and get over myself, so thank you girls for slapping me in the face and telling me not to be such a little bitch. wake-up call. i know i gotta work on myself
No. 443371
>>443362exactly this. no one wants to be friends with someone like vickey shingles.
>>443355i can totally understand that you would hate to be trapped in a life such as yours. it sounds insufferable. it sucks to have such a huge reality check but its super common that people are told as children that they are the chosen one and super special over literally nothing. but it does suck when the reality of adult world hits and super intelligence turns into average and that model looks are just a regular everyday build. finding an irl therapist to help with your insecurities absolutely can help but youre limiting yourself. what im getting from you is that you hate yourself and think youre shit but you still blame others and foist the responsibility on others to avoid the work of becoming secure and learning to be okay with yourself. the same way an addict can both hate and love using at the same time, youre comfortable where you are at but at the same time want to change but its all you know.
at this count, you have blamed guys, girls, clothes, autism, childhood praise, bumpkin town, and no therapist for your awful attitude. you can say that its all you, but between the lines you can tell that you still dont believe that and will go on finding another reason to be miserable.
No. 443443
>>443434Don't even bother sticking with this group, anon. "Nerds" usually make the worst players, because they project their weeb power fantasies on the game and refuse to engage in proper socialisation.
Tabletops are much more mainstream nowadays, so you should be able to find normie players, or even introduce normie friends (if you have any) to the hobby. I've had the same experience as you having my love of tabletops ruined by edgy, rude weebs but DMing for normie newbies was genuinely great, they were creative and actually willing to be sociable.
No. 443468
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>>443451Don't you owe it to yourself to find a more peaceful way to die than..slicing arms and taking painkillers? Also based on the facts, that's very likely to fail and that instant notification you mentioned would most likely result in EMS saving you and then having to deal with the 'embarrassment' of having to look your loved ones in the eyes as you recover in the hospital.
No. 443474
>>443451I'm going to be the asshole and say please dont.
but if you're going to, I agree with anon above. you deserve to go out peacefully. instead of organising what you're leaving behind, find a cosy way to go so you feel safe. carbon monoxide poisoning is like falling asleep apparently, and easy to rig.
again, please dont. who gives a fuck about having a future, live out of spite. if you have nothing left to give, start taking. there's a million other options besides death. please reach out to someone. tell anyone, it could be the point that you look back on in years as the catalyst for getting out of your hell.
No. 443475
>>443451I’ve gotten purposely very drunk and attempted to kill myself by cutting. I ended up in the hospital with staples in my arms, with my very disappointed mother making my psych hospital arrangements. I ended up getting the help I desperately needed, but I have to live with the scars forever and my friends & family are way more on top of how I act so it doesn’t happen again. I’m really lucky I didn’t lose my job after missing two weeks of work and even luckier that I had savings to cover my bills.
What I’m saying is.. cutting is a cry for help. The will to live is way too strong to let yourself bleed out. If you really want it, find an alternative way. But if you really need help and don’t know how to get it, don’t seek it by scarring up your body. My heart really feels for you and I hope you find a better way out of this.
No. 443506
>>443301My mom is
abusive and she also likes to repeat things. She yells at me like I'm disagreeing with her and half the time the arguments consist of me desperately pleading for her to stop and trying to explain that we actually are in agreement and we don't need to be fighting. She convinced everyone in my family and all of my neighbors and loved ones that I'm insane and that there's something wrong with me. I finally moved away from her last September and you know what? I live with someone else and he never treats me like that. We fight but it's normal and gets resolved and he doesn't gaslight me constantly and try to prove to other people that he's the best and I'm crazy. I know it's almost impossible to get away from someone like that when they constantly make you feel worthless and you are so depressed you can hardly function, but I really hope and encourage you to do your best to leave. You will thrive without her, you don't need her in your life. You will realize that life isn't supposed to be like that, it's not normal. I really hope you can get away from her. I want you to feel better.
No. 443608
>>443402can incorporating more snacks into your normal diet help?
it's how i've gotten over sugar cravings, i'll eat a normal balanced diet and one chocolate bar or something like that a day, and i'll buy the snack on its own and not in some value pack with several pieces because i know i'd eat the whole bag if i had it laying around at home
but it's helped me curb the craving enough to not need to binge
No. 443678
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I just bought some stuff for NYC comic con but I’m thinking about not going. I’m terrified there’s going to be a shooting, and I can’t shake the feeling. It feels like this is DEFINITELY it, and it’s DEFINITELY going to happen. I know I can’t live in fear but at this point, is it even anxiety anymore? Isn’t shit that crazy??
I was SO excited to dress up as AND MEET my hero Uhura (with my boyfriend being my fat lil Capt Kirk), and now I’m dreading it and want to back out. I know this is exactly what these assholes want, but it’s working.
No. 443689
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Been seeing ads for this everywhere on buses lately, it makes me feel sick - why can such a vulnerable demographic be openly laughed at and used for entertainment, do people actually feel good for laughing at kids that are in shitty conditions? Because obviously what girls need is further ridicule and be solely blamed for something that more than not is a product of their environment. Feels bad
No. 443697
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>>442114>"""""chunky""""""Those are some clear man shoulders anon, he's even putting hands on his hips to make him look more girly lol. Why would a Japanese mom give a shit about american vidya politics in the first place? It makes no sense
No. 443715
>>443697From what I know about her, she lived in the US until she was in her teens. Her husband is American and her job requires her to translate English article into Japanese. Literally we have cows featured here from the all over the country like Nobita who are too into US politics so it's not as absurd as you'd think.
She was into a lot of things troons and men normally wouldn't like when trying to mimick women. I lurked on her likes a couple times and saw general boho arts and crafts shit.
No. 443749
>>441007I‘m sorry to hear that, anon.
I got the same flip flopping treatment, when I was young (but started puberty), my mum would constantly insist I try on clothes too small for me and SHE would get frustrated that they wouldn‘t fit, never mind what it was doing to me. Similarly when I got to my older teens and started to thin out a bit she‘d insist I‘d eat more, and it‘d be a battle to say no, because she would never actually take no for an answer.
Anyway, even when I‘m nearing 30, I went out with her recently and she was trying to get me to wear sizes I knew were too small, not taking no for an answer. I tole her that just because they CAN fit, doesn‘t meant it‘ll fit well. Thankfully I‘ve had the time away from her to build up confidence in myself and solidify a more healthy body image.
She constantly thinks she‘s too fat, and her sister (they‘re both nearing 60 now) makes comments on her weight.
Frankly it‘s all on her, and her unhealthy views on what a perfect body should be. Maybe it‘s insecurity, jealousy.
These days I just try and build her self image up, because I find it a bit sad that all my life I‘ve heard her say openly disparaging comments on her body, and for at least 25 years has been deeply dissatisfied with it. Why waste your energy on it? Keep fit and chill out.
Go you, seriously. Their concerns are more about themselves than you, and I‘m sure you know that. Work hard and be content with yourself.
No. 443754
>>442114Does suspended mean she will be able to use her account again in a few days or it's permanently deleted? I've seen both cases were the profiles were described as "suspended" so it's confusing. I've always been curious about mombot, either she's really a Japanese mom who works as a jp/eng translator and a total westboo, or she's actually a western weaboo who's good enough at Japanese to fool people online, but in both mombot is definitely a nerd. People say so many things about her with no sources other than "trust me I know what I'm talking about, I read it on the internet" too.
>>443697I'm not an American and I like video games (mostly Japanese ones) so personally I keep up with the news and what's released. Almost all of my friends do the same thing and none of us speak English as a first language. If she's not lying about who she is she could be the same type of person, but at the same time I don't get why she would still care so much about gamergate or whatever else was going on. Also the angle of this photo is kind of shit so it's hard to see anything with her baggy clothes.
No. 443758
>>443754Suspended means she'll be able to come back in a few days or weeks, banned means she can't come back, or at least sign into that specific account ever again.
I remember looking through her old tweets pre-GG and she posted a little here and there about herself compared to now. She's also mentioned being hafu.
I also specifically remember her posting a photo of her cat and you could see the outside of her apartment in it, like some spergs on 4chan could definitely find out exactly where she lives or lived and maybe confirm something. I might've saved that pic on an old laptop.
No. 443771
>>443762That was when that person went by the name Brian or something to befriend some of the anti-gg crowd to get shit on them. Regardless, it's a trashy reactionary account for raking in attention from drama. I hate the "woke" side of twitter but mombot's takes are often "rules for thee, not for me" and supporting whatever opinion is popular on reddit/4chan to get attention.
There was that time when he was quitting twitter forever and came back in a week when that neckbeard notch tweeted at him, lol.
No. 443826
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I think my good friend is extremely anti-Semitic and I don't know how to handle it.
I don't want to reveal too much here but she has had some bad experiences in the past and people were giving her trouble due to her upbringing.
Meanwhile my hometown is historically very Jewish and I'm very close to many people who mostly fled to Israel in the late 90s, some of whom even invited my family over to live with them and still visit my mom whenever they can.
I like her a lot as my friend but I can't stand her shitting on everything that has to do with the religion when it shouldn't fucking matter.
I don't want to pick sides and ruin relationships with people who I consider as close as family because of your dumb préjudice, even though you cry and play victim whenever someone does the same to you.
No. 443873
I work at the front desk of a university library and someone turned in a flash drive as soon as we opened. Whenever one gets turned in, we look at the files to see if we can find someone's name and then e-mail them telling them we found it and it's at the front desk to be picked up, and so I looked at this one and it had a shit ton of files for what seemed like some kind of music major and the files seemed pretty important. Finally found his name so I looked him up in the system and sent him an email from the desk saying we had it and he responded back saying how relieved he was and all that, and I don't know, it just really made me happy that he knows where it is and he didn't lose it forever. Maybe it's because I can commiserate. I just finished this huge project where I was toting around a flash drive every time I went to work so I could work on it whenever I had a spare second, but I hardly backed it up because I'm a dumbass, so if I lost that flash drive, I would've been completely destroyed. Hopefully he does have his stuff backed up somewhere, but if not, he was a grad student and there were a lot of presentations and compositions on there, I'm sure he would've been devastated if he lost it.
A few hours later, I bought Wingstop for my coworker and I because he always brings me sbux and I wanted to finally pay him back because I hate not having the playing ground completely even, especially when it comes to men (even though it seems innocent and he gets food/drinks for our other coworkers, including guys). I'm not usually very comfortable feeling or expressing emotion/general appreciation so whenever I have genuinely pleasant days like this, it's like the dark cloud above me lets some sun through for a bit. It's nice to not have to feel constant fucking bitterness once in a while.
No. 444282
>>443918I'm so sorry about your dog anon. Would you possibly be able to do a video chat with your family back at home or something so you can see her like that? My own dog is a senior and I know her day is coming soon, and even though it's silly, it makes me feel a little bit better hoping that there's life after this for her. I'm not even a religious person, but I like to imagine that all dogs do go to heaven, where they can run free and no longer be in pain, be fed the best food, and be loved on 24/7.
I posted this link to an anon a few vent threads back. I hope it might help you. No. 444327
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>>444286Thank you so much. I hope your dog is on the mend and can fully recover. I recently lost two of my family dogs (both 16, died within a couple of weeks of each other) back in the US and I’m still so broken up about it. I think that’s why I’m extra stressed about her being ill.
No. 444458
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My stepdad is being such an entitled, woe-is-me boomer and it makes me sick to my stomach. I've never seen a person change for the worst in such a short period of time.
I moved into an apartment with him after he separated from my mom–and she's an unbearable narcissist psycho so living with her wasn't an option. We split the rent down the middle and yet he's still paying bills for her ass at their house. He's constantly pressed for money and he takes it out on me but it's. not. my. fucking. fault! It's not my fault their marriage went to shit and it's not my fault he's irresponsible with his money. I'm the one who's helping him lest he'd have no one to split the rent on a "luxury" apartment or help pay for non-necessities. He'd still be bumming off his alcoholic friends and crying because they don't pick up after their animals taking shits on their carpets.
Right now he's throwing a mantrum and screeching about "HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE TO BLEED ME DRY?!?!" in the other room right now because he forgot to pay his cable bill and just got a call about it. You know what I said to him when we first moved here? That he should go without, because cable is an unnecessary expense and we only need internet. I lived by myself for several years with my ex and we never had cable. Only boomers think they need cable.
He basically told me to shut up and acted like my ideas for streaming internet were dumb.
Meanwhile I can't even buy food at the grocery store without him squealing at me like a stuck pig. I went to go buy a tin of canned fish for myself (a whopping $2.20) and he stormed over to me and berated me about how he needs to watch me because I "go crazy and do shit like buy $3 cans of food." Y'know, because he had to tack on the extra 80 cents as a round up to make out like an extra piece of shit. Meanwhile he has cans of cat food tuna in the pantry that he doesn't even eat and then bitches about there being "no food" in the house because, unlike my mom, I work and don't cook for him. He's too lazy to cook for himself so he spends a premium on buying frozen tv dinners which are way more expensive per pound than my little tin of fish. And no, he doesn't let me buy any frozen premade dinners because he doesn't want to spend the money. He shoos me away to go pick out my $1 bag of veggies while he blazes through the pricey snacks and dinners for himself.
I have one meal a day that consists of white rice (cheap filler), frozen vegetables (cheap filler), and a quarter serving from a package of cheap protein (usually pork). I would say my day to day meal doesn't cost over $3 to make, but the second I want to buy a $2.20 tin at the grocery store I'm a spoiled fucking princess. You should've seen him give me the evil eye when I dared put soy sauce in the cart so I could season the cheap food I eat.
He buys milk but he constantly guilts me if I have a glass from it and "jokes" about it being gone the next day even though one of his nightly rituals is to have a giant bowl of cereal.
All that resentment towards me for a meager couple of bucks so I can feed myself, and yet he gets charged a $300 cable bill thinks it a justified albeit difficult need.
I feel like shit. And then these stupid fucking people who had no business being parents or being married wonder why I try to get into relationships. It's so I can fucking escape so I won't have to deal with them and their bullshit anymore.
No. 444460
>>444458300 fucking dollars for cable? He is an absolute retard to pay that and then flip out over a $3 meal.
I hope you can get out of this living situation when your lease ends.
No. 444473
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I’m being a big baby about flying in a few days, I’m really excited for my trip but my anxiety (ON top of the excitement) really makes me feel crazy. I know planes are safe and security is fine but anxious brain aways convinces me that something will go wrong on THIS FLIGHT because I’m there.
No. 444497
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My coworker is pregnant and already having major pregnancy brain. She is outright forgetting to tell me things that I wouldn't know about otherwise because she has direct contact with our client and I have limited contact (she's my superior) she's also getting super pissy and generally having a bad attitude too, when usually she's nothing but nice. I'm trying to cut her some slack but she's really pissing me off. I'll be filling in for her when she's on maternity leave so maybe she's trying to toughen me up? Idk, just super frustrating
No. 444507
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hi my name is anon and I am so ashamed of my flat ass I have just now, at the age of 22, decided to start buying/wearing pants I like, paranoia be damned
I know they’ll look like shit but I can’t live my life under imagined hyper scrutiny (likely male) like this. so maybe step #1 in my personal journey of feminist liberation is as early 20th century as “start wearing pants”
No. 444637
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My (ex) bf is an imitation of an actual human.
>Anon, I bought chips and salsa!
>It's veggie chips and salsa
>He never remembers that salsa is with totilla chips. Once bought vinegar potato chips for salsa.
I know it's a little thing but he does this all the time with so many things. He washed his hands with toothpaste. He's either completely unsocialized or he's an alien. Also he is super awkward, unnatural, and lies about things to pretend to understand.
His mom also babied him so he's incompetent now. Good luck next gf!
No. 444693
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>>444637>Washes his hands with toothpaste…At least they're minty fresh?
No. 444783
I feel fully disrespected by my 2 closest friends.
I live in another country now and we keep in touch daily, but it often feels like the 2 of them vs. me.
Like we play a MPG together. One weekend they ask if I have time free, I say I can do an hour at 6pm and they‘re like "no thanks, we were looking for more time than that" so we don‘t. Next weekend they tell me they‘re going to play, and I stop what I‘m doing to join them. One botched game (5 minutes), and they log out, having decided to have dinner and watch a movie instead. Like fuck me making the time, right?
We organise to watch a TV show, and when it‘s time to start they tell me oh… another 40 minutes, actually yet another 30 minutes. Oh we‘re going to do this first, we‘ll be about an hour, then 90 minutes later with no contact I give up and go do my own thing or go ahead and watch it, and THEY have the gall to get annoyed at ME.
And so on. We have daily correspondence but since the last transgression I‘ve muted their chat and only come on every so often and basically treat it like I would a very casual acquaintance group chat. I‘m worried because…we‘re early 30s, I don‘t have a job (looking) and I have been emotionally close friends with these guys for SO LONG, but it‘s almost like they don‘t realise how inconsiderate they‘re being, that i‘m not just text on a screen, you know? I rant, and get something along the lines of “you‘re right sorry" from the pacifist, but the behaviour repeats.
I don‘t want to lose them, they‘ve been with me through a lot. But at this point my standards of a friendship is higher than they‘re meeting. IT feels like…when you were back at school, and the lowest "ranking" in the friend group, and your opinions or feelings were never thought about.
No. 444809
>>444783I'm definitely going to come off as harsh but I do think you should distance yourself/cut off ties with them.
My best friend went through similar troubles with our friend group last year. They were slowly distancing themselves from her, giving her excuses as to why they would never invite her to hang out with them (it was always "well we assumed ____" but never actually bothering to ASK her if their assumptions were true), and then at some point, being straight up malicious to her (they told me they posted photos of them hanging out with one of our other friends all of us barely get to see strictly because they knew my best friend would see it and get upset- bitch who the fuck does that to their best friend?). Even though she confronted them multiple times throughout the years, they would all just end up crying and make up, and then the cycle would repeat. It was like talking to a brick wall.
While your friends are probably not as shitty as my old friends, if they don't make the effort to make time for you when you make time for them, it's time to start moving on. If you talk to them about it and their behavior doesn't change, it's time to start moving on. It's definitely harder as adults to match up your schedules and make time, but they should consider your feelings too.
No. 444811
>>444804Anon you should definitely at least call out, that is if you intend to keep that job. Mental health is hard and no doubt I and others like myself have called out for mental health days. What will stymy your recovery however is a hostile or more strict work environment when you return because your boss feels disrespected and your coworkers think you're irresponsible.
A phone call telling them you're unwell is very simple, you don't need to explain beyond that.
No. 444816
So, this person who I've been talking with/flirting for months suddenly told me she's going to date another girl soon. While still flirting with me. When for all these months she flat out said she wants me, flirts with me all the time, sends me pictures, sends me vocal messages, stays awake until 1am just to talk to me, has 10/10 chemistry with me, shows jealousy when I talk about other women, and basically talks to me all day long since she wakes up until she goes to sleep. Her justification is that "this girl is closer to where she lives", even though she admitted she's not even her type, only because she flirted with her and lives closer than me apparently. I'm pretty heartbroken, but most of all I'm fucking mad. Who does that? Why saying all those important words to me if you didn't really mean it and I was just a toy to keep occupied with until you found the first girl who shows interest in you? Fuck you, bitch, I hope she turns out to be a grade A cunt and breaks your heart badly. You deserve it.
No. 444817
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I'm spoilt/very badly raised with an absent father I now live with and who I am dependent on financially. My dad is pretty much rich and I get to live in fancy places but I'll never be like these people and never live a life like this in the future. I've always been subhuman in these areas.
School was shit and my siblings are both autistic and took most of my mother's time. I isolated myself with videogames during most of my "upbringing" and when I was a teen I engaged in abusive sex - because daddy issues and bullying by males for being ugly, yada yada. I don't think I'm attracted to men either but that's a different can of worms.
Me and my father, while living in the same apartment (he recently divorced and got himself a young pretty little servant) barely speak but I know he resents me for becoming a depressed, childish slob. He believes I just have to Pull myself Up by the Bootstraps and not that I have decades worth of depression and mild autism/intense social anxiety to work through and that I'll always be unattractive and a little odd. Also, he has absolutely nothing to do with my mental state and I'm just blaming it on other things. This could be half true, I've been navel gazing a lot, but I'm so fucking sad and lonely and have been since my tweens.
Fuck you, dad, why did you have to uproot my life every other year so you could further your career? Why can't you just love me a little? I'm not like you and I never will be, and I feel worthless because of it. I know you think I'm a disappointment but your silence is worse than if you'd just say it to me.
I'm moving away to study to a place far far away from my family and "friends", where I know nobody. Any ideas of how to stay afloat? People usually don't like me, I think it's a combination of my meekness/social inexperience and offputting looks. I'm on antidepressants and will probably need to find someone to talk to again - a counselor in uni? - eventually.
No. 444825
>>444816She sounds like garbage and at least she took herself out to the trash rather than making you do it. Hope you'll find someone great eventually anon!
>>444817I always suggest this to university anons, but join clubs. Look on your school's website, there will probably be a list of clubs. Find ones that pique your interest and go to their general info meetings (pretty low commitment, I was heavily involved in a school club and we knew most people who came to our GI meetings probably wouldn't return, but we also try to put our best foot forward here). You'll have the benefit of shared interest with a bunch of strangers, and people are usually nice so it shouldn't be too hard to hit it off with at least one person. I was in a lot of nerdy/weeby clubs (pls no bully) and even the grossest neckbeard was treated nicely by all club members and actually had friends they would find through clubs.
I would definitely suggest going to a counselor in uni if you can! You sound like you've got a lot to work through, but I hope one day you'll be able to flourish and became a great person with a fulfilling life. Best of luck anon!
No. 444841
>>444737Similar situation in my retail job. Funniest thing is, on an individual basis, they think they are sooo hard working and agree that other men are shit and lazy and just faff about to look busy yet they don't see themselves doing the same bs. My other coworkers are elderly ladies and they are hard as nails and don't give a fuck about being civil to them and point their fault out openly, which
obvi makes the men confide in me (as I'm young an naive and eager to listen to their moaning in their eyes) about how the ladies are big bitches and how
they are
different and
not like all men and
def the most hardworking person in the entire chain lamo.
Honestly, I'm very thankful for this job as before I used to be intimated by men to the point I'd refuse to talk to any, even when spoken to, or would like profusely blush when that would happen. Now I literally do not care what they think of me as I know they will be eager to please me if they esteem me fuckable enough or quickly turn to resent me as I age/loose value in their eyes. They are literally worthless, occasionally entertaining, but ultimately worthless.
Also it made me realize older women don't have to be boring and motherly, they can be just as silly as teen girls fucking around after school and have friendships just as intense and close.
No. 444855
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>>444825Thanks, anon. I just hate that I had to have such a great chemistry with such an asshole. Even our other friends who saw us interact always pointed out how great our chemistry is, how our humor matches perfectly and we should totally date etc., and I've never met anyone else like her. I can do much better, but right now I'm just sad and scared that I won't meet anyone that matches me so well again.
No. 444864
>>444855AYRT I had/have the same feelings about my ex. She dump me to chase after someone else (rather, she respectfully as possible broke up with me for a lot of other personal reasons), but I think one day we'll find our match.
Sometimes I think about the men I used to fuck and caught feelings for. Validation from men being virtually useless and my dumb teenage decisions aside, I thought the first one was the best thing to happen to me. He was attractive, smart, and we got along very well. I thought I couldn't do better, and ultimately got treated like garbage by the end of it. The next guy was so sweet to me, treated me (in hindsight, just barely) like an actual person deserving of genuine care and affection, but left me for some other girl because he couldn't handle me telling him to stop being annoying for once. I thought I wouldn't ever find anyone who would treat me like an actual person. And then I met my ex, who treated me like an actual human being deserving of love and affection outside of sex, and cherished me so much that even til the very end, her choice to break up with me was out of concern that she wouldn't be able to hold up her end of the relationship and didn't want to drag me around.
The point is, someone better has always come along. Even if the most recent person seems absolutely perfect, you'll definitely find someone better. I still wonder if someone will ever top my ex, but I think someone eventually will. In the meantime, now it just means I won't settle for subpar treatment, and you shouldn't either.
No. 444881
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>>444864Thanks for the words anon, they were helpful. I hope you find someone even better than your ex soon.
As for me, I'll probably cry it off for a week or two and then get better until I won't care anymore.
No. 444915
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I owe it to my sweet ldr boyfriend to break up with him because i've fallen for a close irl friend. didn't mean for it to happen but we got close over the summer and although I like them equally (or thought I did idk) it's hard to give up all the possible and genuine physical intimacy I can receive from my friend.
I can't get myself to break things off however, I feel like a coward. And awful because he's pretty much the only boyfriend I've had thus far that has treated me well. I keep waiting for "a good time" but there really won't be one. I need to do it soon though as I don't want to cheat on him. Glad to get this off my chest at least.
No. 444934
So I recently started doing strength training because I enjoy feeling my muscles work and the feeling of being strong. I'm not into fitness and find it one of the most boring topics to talk about ever. I really just enjoy my body getting some work and decided that I would see my daily workouts as a hobby rather than a path to weight loss or fitness. No dieting. No difference in food intake. Just have fun and swing some damn kettlebells and such.
But, it's been two weeks and I've wasted hours googling, researching articles, watching youtube videos and reading forums on weight loss. I was just googling exercises to do at home, but stumbled into the fitness-wormhole of mixed, confusing advice.
One article says calorie counting is all that matters. Another article states that yes, you should count calories, but only the weekly amount. A youtuber says she didn't count calories at all. A friend of mine who is a personal trainer swears on cheat days and eating what you want within moderation, while another article tells you to restrict sugar and carbs, food prep, protein shakes, you get the idea.
I'm notorious for always wanting to do things the right way, hence the amount of time I spend researching stuff, but all this varied information is making me go crazy. The last four days I haven't done anything but think about food, weight and fitness. I have other hobbies I love to do, but instead of doing them I distract myself with another article hoping to find the "right" answer, completely forgetting why I started doing this in the first place.
I'm sitting here now with a calorie counting app on my phone. I've reached today's limit, but can't focus on anything because I would really like a sandwich, but mentally debating whether I will feel like shit after eating it or not.
This wasn't what I was supposed to do. I just wanted to get a sweat going, dammit, how did I manage to trap myself in a mental battle over a damn sandwich?
No. 444941
>>444934>because I enjoy feeling my muscles work and the feeling of being strongstick with that. that is a perfect way to approach exercise. (well that and making sure to do the motions correctly) as far as the food component, im in the camp of calories in calories out. just avoid eating like amberlynn and you should be fine.
enjoy your sandwich, enjoy your exercise.
No. 444956
>>444934i agree with
>>444941also calories = energy = being able to work out more.
if you're not desperately needing to lose weight, i wouldn't worry about the nutrition aspect of it too much. it's one of those things where everyone thinks they knows what is best and you will read 100 varying opinions.
No. 445032
>>445021I draw mediocre pin ups of conventionally unattractive men (and a webcomic), work out, am interested in arthropod husbandry (I only have a tarantula atm though) and bugwatching, and like dolls and shit. Sometimes I watch western cartoons and horror movies but I'm no buff on either.
Maybe I need deeper, more intellectual hobbies like analyzing literature or something. Is that what's missing? But I thought the whole "girls who have hobbies outside of dating!!!" thing was about wanting a partner who is self-sufficient, which I am. And one of the men who only wanted fwb shared a similar hobby that I was surprisingly more knowledgeable about, yet he wouldn't even engage in conversation with me.
No. 445035
>>444958having a partner is just about putting yourself out. you're not unlovable or anything, don't bring yourself down like that.
i don't know how old you are but you should go to your local communities irl and share it with others
i met my two boyfriends in college because we had the same hobbies (i'm studying video game stuff) - you can also search for communities online but sometimes you won't see they are crazies so be careful with that
>>445032he was just a dick who was afraid of a woman being better at something than him
will find someone, just be confident and trust yourself, i'm sure you're an interesting person - the truth is: if you believe you are attractive, others will find you attractive too
don't change who you are for a partner tho
No. 445036
>>445032No, your hobbies sound super cool. I was wondering because I've had similar things happen to me, but I am a plebeian into Japanese media and games and surprise surprise, most of the guys who like those things are extremely unromantic and gross.
Thankfully I found my boyfriend who is extremely respectful, thoughtful, and loving who also shares my hobbies, so if I can find a nice guy you can for sure.
No. 445047
>>445035Thank you anon, perhaps you're right. I'm not very social outside of just cold approaching random men lmao, and the one club at my uni that I wanted to join never replied to my email. But I'll try again this year and with different groups I guess. It might help me be less awkward if nothing else.
As for the guy…maybe that was it. It left the worst taste in my mouth out of all of them since on paper we were such a good match.
>>445036>plebeian into Japanese media and gamesNah, that's pretty based. I often wish I could get into vidya but I just can't for some reason.
Maybe it is all just luck and continuing to search. I'm glad you were able to find a nice bf! I hoped my post didn't sound bitter at all since it actually is heartwarming and encouraging when other women find good partners.
No. 445151
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>tfw I got interviewed for my dream job today and was told I was a 'perfect fit' but I know I still won't get hired because this same exact thing has happened in the last 3 interviews I've done and I still don't get a job offer
please, I don't want to be a NEET anymore, stop getting my hopes up just to crush me
No. 445179
>>445151I had the exact same thing happen to me, anon. I even went to the same college as the hiring manager. The hiring manager later told me that
she wanted to hire me, but that the owner wanted someone else.
Meanwhile my mom's coworker's criminal druggie son gets a job at a restaurant just because his dad knows that owner.
No. 445202
I don‘t know if I‘m an elitist or what but I‘d like, FOR ONCE, I‘d like a boyfriend who can watch films with me appropriately.
So my last relationship I refused to watch "serious" films with my partner, because they‘d make light of EVERYTHING, so I just stuck to light stuff that doesn‘t need attention or investment. It was a source of contention, because my ex thought I didn‘t take him seriously (which tbh I didn‘t for that aspect).
Not wanting a repeat of that, I‘m trying to watch more serious films with my current bf since he wants to share my passions but he just…can‘t seem to take things seriously, or get invested.
Like for films where things escalated into some absolutely horrific scene and I‘m frozen in terror, and he starts to laugh because if you just view it as its own scene and through the viewpoint of "it‘s just a film", it does look a bit silly/dramatic.
Like that scene where the woman breaks down in possession, the end of the original wickerman, "that scene" in mother!, the last act of hereditary. All of these have been near ruined because I have someone next to me guffawing at how it looks.
I…just not watching it with a serious partner is insulting, but in the moment I‘m not going to pause the movie and call him out because I just want him to stop, and I know he‘ll get sensitive and moody about it. Also he‘s never watched movies with other people, I‘ve tried to delicately readjust his etiquette but it‘s hard. And it FUCKING fucks me off.
No. 445208
>>445155This. I have the same issue, anon. It's no fun and I feel for you.
I wish I could bring this up to my doctor without her deferring to, talk to your gyno.
No. 445218
>>445210>Record whilst blackout drunkIt worked for David Hasselhoff.
Good luck anon and try to cut back if you can.
No. 445236
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an outrageously hot spanish guy came to view the flat I am about to move out of, I am almost mad I'm moving out as he is also looking for a flatmate but I know this is just a moment of thirst I'm having. but seriously, he was so fucking chiseled and his lips looked so soft and he was really into holding overly long eye contact and all of this was happening in the room I rent. wow.
No. 445327
>>44529729 soon too lmao oldfags unite
i dont agree with banning anyone from the internet, but maybe we could trick the boomers, set them up something like creed's blog in The Office and let them loose by themselves
No. 445375
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I got an assignment at work to write about a famous artist and basically this summary has to be compelling enough to get the exhibitor to convince why his work should be shown, except I'm uncultured swine and I hate modern art so now my brain is absolutely fried. At first it was just a summary of him, and now I got asked to elaborate on his artistic style and even write a short analysis or two about some pieces.
I'm paraphrasing a bunch of shit about his style, but he also doesn't fit into any specific art movements and everything I find just sounds like 3deep5me shit. I found an interview he did, but it just reads like loads of baloney to me. I'm not a big art nut, especially modern art, and I don't find his works particularly compelling, so I have no idea how I'm supposed to write something convincing. I feel like I'm back in college and just bullshitting an art history paper, except this is something important and big for the company I work for so…
Pic related is the dude and one of his paintings.
No. 445380
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>>445377This made me feel better lol. Honestly can't tell if I'm just an unappreciative piece of shit or if this really isn't that good. I don't want to say "I could do better" but… (he also does landscape paintings and this is one of them)
No. 445385
>>445375Lmao I just googled him and on wikipedia it says:
> Since the 1950s, he worked to create art more freely in the sense that he tried to paint "faster than [he] can think." His works seem simple, but according to Katz they are more reductive, which is fitting to his personality.What a pretentious way of saying he's doing lazy, beginner tier symbol drawing.
Reading his interviews is a good idea though, I hope it helps. One strong argument I can see is that he's apparently a precursor to Pop Art (according to wikipedia, again), so showing his work could be part of an initiative to make people discover an unknown root of a well-known art movement.
No. 445403
Sorry if this ends up being too blog post-y but I genuinely don't know if I'm bi, lesbian, or just fucked by avoidant personality disorder? I try and imagine my future, who I want to spend it with, and 90% of the time I'm picturing a woman. However, I also think that if the right guy were to come along than that would be fine? I'm a 23 y/o virgin and have never had a crush on anyone so any label out there feels so uncomfortable to use, almost as if I'm invading that space and don't belong. Also scared of intimacy and being vulnerable, I have no close friends besides my parents, and feel like most dating apps are a waste for someone looking for anything other than a good fuck. It shouldn't stress me out this much but it does, I'm terrified of dying alone, and being romantically and sexually unlovable.
No. 445404
>>445393lol I just found this:
>Katz claimed his art to be about "surface," which can be understood both in terms of his penchant for flat fields of color and clean lines, and also in the fact that his imagery is not particularly psychologically complex.It took a couple reads for my peabrain to get it, but man now I feel like all these other sites are actually reaching. Dude knows his work is simple as fuck lol.
My superior who gave me the assignment actually said she's gotten someone else to do it so I don't have to finish it, but I'm going to try my best so I don't look completely fucking useless. Turns out she tried to do it at first but also found his shit really hard to define and write about lol
No. 445405
>>445403Hey anon, I've actually posted about the same thing before! I ended up chatting with other anon about here, and I had the same fears about invading a space that doesn't belong to me. I'm 24 now, but up until about last year, I identified as bisexual and hooked up with men and had genuine feelings for them, and then suddenly it just sort of… stopped? Whereas I used to only be able to picture myself settling down with a man, now I can only see myself with women, but I feared that if I identified as a lesbian (with my newfound repulsion of men), I would get called out for my past or I might fall in love with a man again and get called out for being a fake even though I believe my feelings and love for women is very much real.
I would recommend checking out the comphet subreddit, and reading the masterpost on there. I think things can change, no need to beat yourself up for it if you try on a label and then later find that it doesn't suit you. Best of luck in figuring this out anon! In the end, you don't have to put a label on yourself if you don't want to. Even just deciding "I like whoever I'll like" is okay if that's what you want. I hope you'll find the right person for you. At the very least, don't settle for someone treating you like garbage just because you don't want to die alone. I've learned that it's better to be alone (and I'd rather die alone) than put up with some unappreciative fuck.
No. 445469
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I feel annoyed/sad/extremely repulsed when my boyfriend recognizes (?) my gender. I mean, obviously anyone can see I'm a woman lmfao but how do I describe it…we'll be talking and he'll say "you girls' blah blah" or something along those lines (also note the apostrophe, he's not even saying stereotypes or boxing women all in one category)
I feel retarded for saying this but it makes me feel like he sees me as other and it makes me really uncomfortable and repulsed. What is this? It makes me not want to be around him or talk to him at all. Kms. Am I being too feminist-y? I feel dumb for being super upset over something as minor as this.
It feels wonderful not having to deal with this feeling with my best friend, like we can just talk about anything and everything without her saying dumb shit like "you all or you guys". I mean is it necessary?
No. 445474
That's enough lolcow for me for today
No. 445531
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My narcissist mom is going apeshit and cannot handle the fact that I've cut her from my life completely and I'm better off for it.
I didn't respond to her text message the other day about her wanting to intrude into my life aka "catch up over dinner" so she must have went crusading to my family members again about how meeeeeeeean I'm being. I know that because a family member who doesn't have social media made a profile on facebook just to comment on one of my public pictures with a completely irrelevant snippet about being supportive of my mom during her "trying and difficult time." This relative barely glossed over asking me how I was doing and went straight to task like a proper flying monkey for the witch. Where was that cannibalistic bitch for me when I needed love and support from her for years? Fuck her. She made her bed and now she can rot in her selfishness. Those other family members–IF they care so much–can be her punching bag and take her in and see what a toxic dog she is to live with if they ~wuv~ her so much.
I used to get terrible stress acne from living or having to interact with her and now I don't anymore. Coincidence? I used to spend a lot of time in my room because I felt like I couldn't exit it without being screamed at or treated horribly by her, and now I come and go as I please. Coincidence? I used to have crippling anxiety because she always made me feel like a moron for making certain choices or made me feel like I couldn't function in life without her, and now I'm independent and it turns out I'm doing well by myself. Coincidence? Children actually miss their parents when they're away from them because they have deep emotional bonds and attachments; I don't miss her. Coincidence?
I'll sound like an edgy teenager but she enrages me so fucking badly. Had I not come to places like lolcow or the internet in general to find out more about toxic parenting I would've been trapped as her useful tool for forever.
No. 445535
>>445531I know those particular feels, anon. And you are better off cutting her out of your life. It hurts to lose family members while improving your mental health. Just know that there are a lot of people doing the same thing, and you aren't a worse person for cutting someone
toxic out of your life. I honestly don't care now that my family members think I'm a bad daughter. I'm also a bad firefighter and karate instructor. Some roles don't have to be filled.
No. 445537
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A mosquito has taken away from me yet another night that I'll have to compensate by sleeping in the afternoon.
Fortunately, I've had my vengeance. As I've reached to smash the troublemaker, I've only managed to break one of its wings. Seeing it writhe helplessly gave me an idea. So I took a ruler and got rid of both of its wings. Then I carefully took it and placed it on one of the spiders webs.
It was a joy to behold. The moment the mosquito was dropped onto the web, the spider immediately sensed it and went for it. The act of seeing the despicable nuisance devoured slowly was oh so gratifying. I know, mosquitoes don't feel pain, but I imagined it did. It made the entire spectacle that much more satisfying. Plus, the spider is well fed now, what a lovely spider.
No. 445542
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>>445537>mosquito lands on you>drinks your blood>mosquito lands on spider web>spider drinks your bloodYou're just acclimating the spider for its attack when you least expect it.
At least start charging that eight-legged bum rent.
No. 445549
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I'm literally unable to use glasses (those colored ones) and hang out with people without them wanting to try them on. It enrages me so much for some reason.
Like, no, you can't touch them. They are expensive and I know you don't give a shit about it. They are an accesory for my outfit, not toys or part of a costume. Why the fuck can't people control themselves when they see that I have glasses on?
It's specially annoying when men want to put them on because you just KNOW they will mishandle them and either leave fingerprints on them or accidentally drop them.
The worst part is that they try them on and don't even look at themselves in a mirror. Like, they didn't want to see how they looked with the glasses, they just want to have them on their face??? It annoys me so, so much. They have the audacity to get angry or treat me like a party pooper when I don't let them take them, too. Why can't people keep their hands to themselves, christ. By the way, these are all people who I'm not close with. My closest friends do this annoying shit too, but at least I can understand why they would do it. But if you are not close to me, keep your paws to yourself like I do with others.
It sometimes happens with my prescription glasses, but it's not as bad. (It used to be a fucking nightmare in school, though. Like, all my 30 classmates touching my glasses with their nose-digging sticky fingers, ugh.)
Also it mostly bothers me when it's about my glasses; I don't really get angry if people want to try my necklaces/bracelets/rings/etc. I don't know why I am like this specifically with glasses. Maybe I have some weird trauma from the kids in school lmao.
No. 445551
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>>445548Nta but, you must be fun at parties anon.
No. 445552
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>>445537Are you sure you didn't just kill a mosquito hawk? Mosquitos are so small, I can't imagine it was easy to remove it's wings or that a spider would enjoy the meal that much.
No. 445617
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I'm not going to lie, being on LCF has eroded by self esteem. I feel so ugly when people call cows prettier than me ugly. I have a lot of the traits people on here call ugly. I have no hips, no butt, a huge nose, flared ribs, huge pores, acne, dark circles, and large labia minora.
I'm healthy, albiet slightly underweight. I feel like society is punishing me for a bunch of arbitrary details of my body I have no control over. Everything is my fault regardless of how much control I have. I get plenty of sleep, but by dark circles are "my fault". It's my fault I have bony hips. It's my fault I have a small butt. It's my fault I have acne, even though I'm doing literally everything I'm told to do.
I hate my body. I hate my skin. I hate my bones. I feel so ugly, like everyone prettier than me is judging me and laughing at me. I wish everyone looked the same so people could be judged by their actions and not the appearence.
No. 445635
>>445617You realize nobody is following, even hate-watching someone they think is ugly? I don't think any cows are ugly except margo, and that's mainly for her personality. nobody, especially not other women care about the size of your butt and front butt.
As for the other features, it sounds like you have body dysmorphia which is making you focus on certain features excessively. I have never once looked at a woman online or off and thought "man, she has a large ribcage"
Focus on what you can change, makeup, hair, clothes (like most of us do) and know only the most pathetic people would even consider judging you on the size of your ass.
No. 445636
>>445617That's the thing anon.
No one is laughing at you if you act normal and not like a cow. We laugh at cows cause of their actions primarily and the what follows is nitpicking.
You wouldn't see a thread pop up just to make fun of someone appearance exclusively on here.
Also, people irl are not as catty as people on here. They probably don't think twice about your insecurities cause they have their own to focus on.
No. 445658
>>445617I take it that you're pretty young? Don't mind the autistic nitpickers, usually when they call a cow ugly/hideous they're doing it out of spite. An ugly personality shows on the outside, you might be the most beautiful person on god's green earth but if you're a relentlessly shitty person it affects peoples' opinions on your looks. For example I think Momokun has an objectively cute face but I have a hard time calling her attractive because she has such a bad personality.
The anons on this site need to chill with the nitpicking of looks though, it derails the conversation and takes attraction away from the actually awful things they do. Having crooked teeth or flat ass isn't milk, scamming or pathologically lying is.
No. 445665
>>445661>I hate it when voice my disgust with couples who have huge age gaps, especially when the woman is only in her early 20s, and then have a bunch of women (even irl) getting all triggered and writing paragraphs about how I'm close-minded and wrong. "But but but my dad was 40 when he met my mom and she was 19 and they're still together!"
OK so your dad is gross too. Next.
No. 445711
>>445661The people defending that shit to you are either middle aged, handmaidens, or naive. I'm totally on board with you on this, anon. My divorced dad is seeing a woman 15 years his junior and she's nice but it fucking baffles me why she's with him lol
Obviously you don't choose who you fall in love with, but I think people who latch onto s/os old enough to be their parents have latent psychological issues.
No. 445712
>>445661The people defending that shit to you are either middle aged, handmaidens, or naive. I'm totally on board with you on this, anon. My divorced dad is seeing a woman 15 years his junior and she's nice but it fucking baffles me why she's with him lol
Obviously you don't choose who you fall in love with, but I think people who latch onto s/os old enough to be their parents have latent psychological issues.
No. 445732
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I want to be friends with benefits with my roommate.
I live with my boyfriend and my roommate.
My boyfriend has a cuckold fetish so he actually supports it and knows about it. Nothing romantic at all I just think it would be really hot to play around with him casually…drunk at a club or casually while he’s in the living room….
But it can NEVER happen because that shit never works and we don’t want to ruin a great thing. Our roommate is great, we party with him, take ecstasy with him, we even meal prep together. It almost feels like a poly thing, minus the sex…
It hasn’t left my mind for weeks. He’s too good of a guy to try anything on me when it’s just the two of us at the clubs we go to on weekends.. which is great but yep. The mind is so nagging when it comes to sex.
No. 445741
>>445705You are retarded, it's a fucking mosquito. They have no feelings and they can't feel pain. They are not people.
>>445712Agreed, people have to be either fucked up or ignorant of power dynamics to be in favor of massive age gaps. I wish they'd shut the fuck up about defending age gaps when they're simply ignorant but everyone has a big opinion…
No. 445766
>>445756In some sects of Buddhism, shitty people get reincarnated into gross bugs.
Anon could have been killing bug-Hitler or bug-Jeffrey Dahmer.
No. 445774
>>445665People who use the whole "well my [insert male figure] got with [significantly younger woman] and their relationship was great" as some sort of checkmate against people who call out age-gap relationships are the absolute worst. No, your grandparents meeting when your grandma was 13 and grandpa was 27 doesn't prove age is just a number, it just exposed the fact the men in your family are fucking disgusting.
Related rant: I hate when people defend certain relationships that have huge age gaps by saying "well it's legal". For example in Call Me By Your Name the main character is 17 and the love interest is 24, and so many fans defended the pairing by saying "actually the age of consent in Italy was 14 so their relationship was okay". Uh–since when does legal = morally okay? Just because it might have be allowed by law doesn't mean it can't negatively impact someone's life. What if the age of consent had been 12? Should we be okay with adults preying on young people because it wasn't "technically illegal"? That's why predators get away with this shit, people will look at an age-gap relationship and shrug it off by saying it's legal so who cares. It's still fucked up even if it's not against the law.
No. 445831
>>445779Honestly it doesn't sound impossible at all. My situation isn't nearly as bad but recently I've found it very hard to stay calm when hearing loud noises. When I hear alarms I've never heard before they make me shake A LOT and lots of other unexpected loud noises scare me so badly I nearly throw up or it
triggers dizzy spells from the anxiety. Now it's to the point where I sometimes think about it and hope someone or something doesn't decide to make me feel like I'm dying for the next 15 minutes.
No. 445895
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>been doing good at current job but will have to start hunting again soon
>generally people have been supportive
>like my supervisor writing me a letter of rec and one of my friends offering to be a great reference bc she's in the same industry I'm applying to
>been feeling like I undersell myself and the assurance from others has given me a boost of confidence
>got brave and applied to a trendy, in demand company
>made a short social media post about it bc I was excited, I mean I'd be happy to just get an interview
>people wishing me good luck and being nice
>friend out of the blue DMs me to say it's gonna be a shit job and there will be overtime among other things she perceived as negative
>reply that it pays so well that even if it were the case I'd be willing to put up with some stress haha
>"Lol k"
? It just seemed pretty bitchy. I feel like she went on glassdoor and looked at the reviews from other irrelevant positions and made assumptions about my position. Either way she came off as super passive aggressive and unsupportive even if she meant to aim for helpful.
I feel like there's something else going on. She doesn't work because her husband pays for everything, and any job she's ever had she hasn't lasted more than a few months at. I feel like she doesn't really have a leg up on me to tell me what's shit and what isn't. My last job before my current one was a shitshow. Not only was it high stress and mandatory overtime constantly, I received shit pay as well as zero respect. I stuck to it for years though until I got enough experience and accomplishments to seek something better, and it worked. I think she's wrong and might've said what she did out of not so good intentions.
I'd never pick a battle over these types of things but sometimes it does get me a bit.
When I first met her she used to neg me a lot about my weight and appearance I think because she felt threatened by me. They were just these little jabs that I couldn't really respond to without coming off as insecure. I gained a lot of weight at my stressful job and suddenly her negging stopped so I hoped she had chilled on that whole competitive vibe she gave off but I guess she feels seethe towards me about other things now…
It makes me a little peeved because I don't think I'm better than other people. Yet she, who I've never done an ill thing to, constantly puts off airs that she is better or knows better than me.
The worst is other times she acts like she wants to be this buddy towards me, but when she sends off these messages it doesn't make me want to be involved with her at all.
No. 445947
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My mother wont let me lose weight.
I have no fucking idea why. My mother and I are the same height but I used to be chubbier than her before. Now that I'm losing weight and she's gaining weight, she's insisting that I'm "starving" myself despite me eating normal foods and not a whole fucking meal like she does (5+ vegetables ontop of 8oz meat PER meal). She keeps picking at me like I have an eating disorder when I'm trying to be healthy and finally losing weight. I don't know if she genuinely believes that she says or if she's just doing it because she's jealous/controlling.
The fuck.
No. 445992
>>445956Maybe you have pmdd. I'm finally growing out of it in my 30s but it was a life ruiner. I thought it was curious how once a month I ruined all my relationships and wanted to kill myself.
>>445983Your boyfriend is very annoying. Kiss tax? Yuck.
No. 445996
>>445983That immediate defensiveness and pouting after crossing your boundaries is a red flag, anon. Not saying your bf is a predator or anything, but he clearly doesn't respect your space or attempts at setting boundaries, and it's not because he's too stupid to understand the situation. If you want to give him a chance, sit him down and tell him very seriously that you like and appreciate affection, but that you want him to listen to you the first time you say no and that you find it stressful when he does it while you're getting ready in particular. He will definitely try to spin it around to make you the bad guy, buy you're never wrong for respecting yourself.
reposted bc I forgot to sage the first time around.
No. 446035
Yesterday I found out -again- that my friends spent the afternoon together without telling me.
We're not kids anymore, we know people can't be close all the time, we try to meet up and it's harder and harder as time passes by (people have to work, study, not living in the same city…)
What pisses me off is that they’re not doing this on purpose or with malice. They just keep forgetting to tell all the other friends from time to time.
Last saturday I was supposed to hang out with one of my closest friends who live in another city. We didn’t talk about the hour so I asked her to tell me when she was ready and she left me on read. She’s terrible answering texts and I know because she’s always apologising about it and then we meet up as if nothing had happened. Last Saturday she didn’t told me anything so I supposed she was busy or whatever.
Yesterday she -along with other four friends who aren’t that close to her- posted photos about their dinner together and whatnot.
Today I woke up to find apologies from all of them because they claim it wasn’t a planned meet up and I know it’s true, I know it wasn’t decided before hand, I know they wouldn’t do it with malice but c’mon, why can they just ask if someone wants to come when they’re hanging out?
When I have to cancel any plan or I can’t come to whatever they’re planning I feel terrible because they’re my friends and have been for more than 10 years now and I really want to see them. And then they meet up and couldn’t care less about me, what I’m doing, if I’m available.
Just because I can’t come to all their plans doesn’t mean I can’t always meet up and I know this sounds childish and immature but seeing those photos yesterday while I was at my house doing NOTHING felt like a slap on the face.
They know I’m pissed off because we’ve been having this problem for years now and I already told them if I knew they were together I would have come. Not in a passive aggressive way, more like I wish I was there with you.
It triggers me because it reminds me of the bullying I suffered during HS, when all your friends turn your back to you and you end up all alone. I always try to include people whatever I do, even if they can’t come, it seems logical to me. I feel like I’m running after people who sleep well at night because they’re not afraid to end up alone like me.
No. 446044
>>446026Thanks, but I peaced out when he essentially implied that women through history weren‘t oppressed. I just won‘t check it because chances are he‘ll backpedal and say he didn‘t ACTUALLY say that, or he‘ll infer that because women didn‘t have to fight wars, they were privileged. Instead of, you know. Second class citizens treated as objects to be traded.
I‘m ranting here so that I won‘t reply to it.
No. 446046
>>446035That sucks anon. I know the feeling and it's shit even if the others aren't leaving you out on purpose.
Speaking as someone who's also bad with answering texts (I often feel kind of anxious answering and then put it off until I feel ashamed for being so late to answer) it definitely isn't a bad idea to remind them if you don't get an answer in a day. As long as you aren't pushy they probably wouldn't mind that at all.
No. 446063
>>445898Reason why I brought up glassdoor is because there's no other way she'd know anything about the company. Coincidentally, the cons she brought up to me match the negative reviews left by ex employees whose positions aren't what I'm applying for. Plus the complaints just aren't relevant. For instance, the reviews complaining about too much overtime mention a 9.5 hour shift (my current job is 10 hours and the job before that made me work anywhere from 10-14 hours).
While it sounds like torture to this woman, I'm used to working those shifts full time. I find my current job very tolerable.
Secondly, these types of reviews are coming from ex floor employees. Which leads me to believe she truly has no idea what my position even is. I'm applying for the management/HR department, a department that even these employees think have it better than they did. That said, the company has a 4/5 rating on less than 100 reviews. It's not a bad place regardless.
I really do think she's just jealous and trying to discourage me like
>>445902 said. I let her have the weird appearance ego boost because I think she needs it more than I do, and she finds looks a lot more important than I do. Yet her trying to talk down to me about employment when she has no education, has never worked for more than a year solid, and depends on a man to support her for everything? Nah, this sis can have several seats before she thinks she can give unsolicited career advice.
No. 446097
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I managed to avoid being arrested today, but fuck am I tired.
Absolutely fuck the stupid cunt that called the cops.
No. 446113
>>446105I know I'll come off as cheesy anon, but you're still young and have so much time ahead of you!
I'm 24 and I only got my permit a few months ago, I haven't even started driving lessons and I dread it. Don't be ashamed that you can't drive! There are plenty of adults that can't. Also, don't stress about knowing what to study right off the bad. I'm not sure if your college does it the same way, but mine required a bunch of gened ones that spanned pretty much all subjects, so even if you didn't know what you wanted to study, you could take the gened courses to 1) knock off that for graduation requirement and 2) hopefully discover something you'd like to continue studying more in depth through that! Take courses that sound vaguely interesting, you never know what new subject you might like and be good at!
Hell, I've been out of college for two years now and I still don't know what I really want to do with my life. I liked my area of study, but in the end I know it's not what I want to do with the rest of my life. Now you at least know you have to face yourself, so pick yourself up and move forward. You can't change the past, but you still have so much time ahead of you to make up for it.
No. 446131
>>446105I know this might sound cliche, but as someone with ten years on you, you are really so, so young. I was in the same boat – honestly, even older than you. I felt so drowned by feeling like this worthless fuckup. It's heavy and it's real and it sucks.
But here's something insane I've learned over the last few years: it is never too late to start. And even beyond that? I promise you, you're doing fine. So you don't know how to drive or what classes you want to take? Fuck it. It's okay if you make mistakes. I wish I'd done things differently in college, but you know what? It was okay. I fucked things up. I made mistakes. I felt extreme shame.
But 1. you can always try again 2. the failures are NOT as damning as you thought 3. there is no cosmic scorekeeper who's sitting there like "WOW YOU FUCKED UP AGAIN NOW YOU DESERVE NOTHING."
I have two pieces of advice for you:
1. Thinking of things you want. Nice clothes, life goals, whatever. Break it down into tiny steps. Start with the first tiny step. Then keep going. Some of the things you try, maybe even most, won't become wild successes. You'll fuck up a lot. Even the most successful (for whatever that means to you) people fuck up A LOT, LOTS of things are tried that don't go anywhere. You can try something and realize you're not actually into it. You can think it's just ok. You can find it totally sucks. It's okay. It's all part of the process.
2. I know this one feels impossible, but try to be a little kinder to yourself. You are struggling in the middle of this stormy sea and yet you are STILL kicking. Do you know how fucking hard it is to look at yourself and face what you're dissatisfied by? Incredibly fucking hard! I know you'll feel like you don't deserve kindness to yourself, but just try. Instead of thinking "wow I suck I haven't done xyz" try "I want to do xyz. What do I have to do to do that?"
Your life is way bigger than you realize, anon. And you're a lot stronger than you realize.
No. 446149
>>446104>avoid him and anyone else and stay worrying about being kissless forever>don't avoid him, have one or two awkward kisses with a guy you actually like, and now never have to worry about it againIt's really normal to be bad at kissing, he isn't going to be grading you out of ten and he might be bad at kissing even if he's experienced. If you don't know what to do just let him take the lead and copy what he does.
Also, if he's going to kiss you, you can literally just tell him you've never been kissed and you're nervous! Only an asshole who isn't worth your time would have a problem with that. Just make sure that you feel confident asking him to stop or show things down if it moves too fast.
No. 446154
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>>446111Ironically, trying to stop people from doing something
actually illegal that outside of its illegality was a fucking bad idea for everyone involved. Somewhat unsurprisingly, everyone where the police got called to agreed with my actions and obviously I wasn't arrested, as there was no serious wrongdoing on my part.
Everyone today has been telling me how brave I was and saying I did the right thing, but it's been a stressful few days. I don't like interacting with the police under any circumstances for different reasons, and being on edge all day and dealing with a crisis has just wiped me out a little bit.
No. 446181
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my boyfriend was bitching about how twitter is big bad for banning porn artists (obviously for his cock's sake) and how it is a bad thing to censor freedom of speech but leaves me on fucking read and disappear because I didn't agree with him (was trying to convince him it will be unbanned pretty soon) and didn't even express how glad I was for they did it but no, gotta be nodding yes to everything while he complains about 'freedom of speech'… where is MY freedom of speech you fucking cunt?
I unloaded everything I've been holding in for months in 48 lines of text, let's pray he would at least read 10 of them.
No. 446186
>>445947I feel you, my mom does the exact same thing. I can't wear any kind of form-fitting clothing anymore or she'll make a comment about how I look starved and all that shit when I'm just eating better and being more active. Being stressed/anxious/depressed makes me nauseous and unable to eat so a bad bout of depression did make me lose a lot of weight quickly about a year and a half ago (I didn't lose weight just from that though, the only food I had around to eat then was super unhealthy so once I pulled myself together, the disgusting and lethargic way I felt kickstarted me into eating better and taking care of myself). I understand that my mom is genuinely worried about me and is justified in being worried since it was a really rough time, but it's been a year and she's still constantly accusing me of having an eating disorder that I don't have. No matter how much I eat in front of her or how many times I explain what's really going on, she doesn't believe me and it feels like the only way to appease her is to become fucking overweight again. Makes me not wanna go to the kitchen to get food because I fear I'll run into her and she'll make another comment or give me one of her accusing looks. It's ironic because she's really biting herself in the ass and making me less likely to eat. I guess all that long spiel means is that even if you feel like bitching your mom out because what she's doing is incredibly frustrating, keep in mind that she probably is coming from a place of concern but is going about it really poorly. I'm going to sit my mom down sometime soon and have a heart to heart about all of it, and you'll probably have to do the same because I assure you this is only the beginning.
And congrats on eating healthier! Don't let your mom discourage you!
No. 446212
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>>437519My dad was such a bully, i never undertsood why a parent would act like this, when i was a kid he would constantly put me down and make me feel like shit for the most stupid of reasons, make drama, laugth at me, be
abusive and have 0 tolerance or patience with me while unashamedly treating other people and kids better, he was so fucking fake and
toxic it was ridiculous, bitch couldn't live a day without fighting or acting like a raging teenager, i was constantly feeling like going through eggshells with him and this experience mad me be the bigger person at fucking 10 and turned me into a premature adult who had to coddle him even when i knew damn well this wasn't supposed to happen, and no matter how hard i tried or how talented i was, he would always have a reason to think i was a failure, and when i got to accomplish any achievement or acted mature for my age he said shit like "well you're such a good person because of me :) I WAS the one who raised you to be such a good invidual :)))" and like, no?, i was the one who conciously avoided to mimic your shitty attitude, this is not about you.
No. 446254
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>tfw currently taking a mega deuce in the hotel bathroom while my guy is on the bed watching tv hoping he doesn't hear the song of my people
No. 446280
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>>446256oof anon you got me with the annoying child bit, sometimes it feels like i didn't grow with a dad because i was mostly dealing with an angsty, angry teenager who projected his
abusive past on me, and also, are you me anon?, my dad used me as a spy cam too, i'm truly sorry for you. Recently i found out he did all of this because he felt jealous of the attention my mom was rightfully giving to me and my sister when we were young and i feel so damn confused and lost
No. 446339
>>446280totally !! he was jealous of the attention I was given because I was a gifted child in a field he would pride himself in being good in. he would also actually display his superior strength to me and bend my arms behind my back, like no shit I'm a nine year old girl, you are so pathetic. he was drunk by 11 am and would drive me around everywhere because he didn't trust me staying at his house alone.
now I'm searching for a father figure and am substituting one of my professors for him, because he looks like him and has the same interests while being wise, kind and sensitive, but I'll be done with school next year so that will be taken from me too.
I hope you find peace, anon.
No. 446397
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i really want to start working and make my own money and life, even if it's just minimum wage (since you can actually sorta live off minimum wage in my country).. but i have no idea where to start. i'm a 23 year old neet who dropped out of uni 3 times, have no references for the only job i ever had (disability childcare where i had nearly no interaction with my boss, and quit a few years ago already).
my health made me unable to work/do anything for a long time and my social anxiety spiraled out of control since then and i don't know how to explain any of it.
even supermarkets want experience, i got rejected from fucking mcdonalds due to a small tattoo on my wrist and i have no connections family or friends. guess i'll die
No. 446410
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No. 446415
>>446149thanks for answering, kind anon.
>you can literally just tell him you've never been kissed and you're nervousThat's what I stress about the most! I'm afraid he'll think oh my god, at
this age? And he'll judge me,or maybe laugh at me with his mates. I guess I have a problem with being vulnerable and on disadvantage.
I have to own it, I usually can fake confidence using blunt honesty and I think that's what I'm going to do, I'll just admit being a kissless loser and pretend I don't care lol. I don't know yet if he's really worth going through all that anxiety, hope he is.
Thanks for encouraging me, it helped.
No. 446429
>>446411If you have this self-awareness and you're tired of how futile it feels to resist change, then don't you think it's time to tell yourself to have a genuine try at doing something different?
You needn't reply, btw. We both know this is a rhetorical question.
No. 446434
>>446431Block him. Block him. Block. Him.
Then go outside.
No. 446474
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I'm on vacation until next Monday and I can't.fucking.relax..
My parents aren't at home so it's just me and my older brother. It's hot as fuck outside so this is giving me additional stress, but I can't sit the fuck down because I can't stop thinking about all the things I have/could/should do.
Just fed the dog but I keep thinking about how I'll have to feed him tomorrow, exactly how much and what. It's not an issue but thoughts like these won't let me relax, I just have to be doing shit constantly. Maybe if I was completely alone or my brother was in his room, instead of occupying the fucking living room, I could relax a bit more, but like this? No happening.
No. 446530
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Finally told my friend off for being a leech. I pretty much regret it instantly after sending, im just so tired how selfish she is combined with the shitty day I am having. I’m so happy her parents finally told her no, the fact she complains she can’t move in alone because her parents won’t pay for it then goes on rants of how “broke” she is, after buying an expensive cat from a breeder when i constantly told her to look locally and possibly adopt, then she gets depressed parents buy her an expensive car she doesn’t drive, happy again, and the cycle continues. Pretty much she’s only happy when she gets expensive things, or she’ll threaten her parents with depression episodes. I hope this doesn’t end our friendship because she does have good aspects but it probably just did.
No. 446537
>>446131Thanks anon! You don't know how much this means to me.
p.s. nta but appreciate your post
No. 446539
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Not a vent, more like a request for advice:
I have feelings for a close friend of mine (she knows about it). We talk everyday. However, this friend is going to date another girl, and it's killing me. Should I stop talking to her?
A part of me is telling me that it would be the right choice, so that I can heal and get over it since everytime she mentions the other girl it's just painful, but the other part doesn't want to, because I'm so used to having her in my life and I can't imagine not talking to her now, and it'd be weird to just stop talking to her out of the blue, we didn't argue or anything. What should I do?
No. 446648
>>446593Yeah, needless to say I most likely won't be going back there lol. Thanks anon, I've calmed down a bit but ugh I wish I had chosen a better place to go to.
>>446616You're right, it was super risky of me to hope the timing would work out for everything. Definitely won't do that again, lesson learned.
>>446625It actually did lol, so at least I got a cute new style out of it.
No. 446692
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i have many regerts.
No. 446740
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I'm scared of eating more than 800 calories. Don't know what to do about it or who to see. I don't want to gain weight nor do I want to pay for a professional over something that's just "eat more"
No. 446742
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i'm a really thoughtful person who's always surprising people with things i know they like and it never gets reciprocated and it sucks. i'm known for being very independent and strong-willed and always getting what i want and people use that as an excuse to not even consider doing the same in return for me. they aren't bad friends, it just seems like it's not innate in them to even consider doing something nice for me without me directly saying i want that thing, even if it costs no money or little time/effort. it's like they think i'm a robot who doesn't need or want silly human things like the warmth of knowing someone thought of you unprovoked. my efforts are always appreciated, but nothing but thanks in return builds up into hurting after a while.
No. 446747
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Have been on a penultimate year placement which I only took to enhance my puny cv lol, but it has made me realise I'd actually like to have a masters or even possibly phd (depends on my performance this school year lol). However, after looking around a bit, I don't think I can afford it out the gate even with government assistance. It's not like smerican-tier crazy expensive, like 2-4 grand out of pocket depending on uni, but I don't have any significant savings as I can only work part time and have to sustain my everything out of that and my family is extra europoor. Plus the thought of getting masters at the same uni is bit lame but moving and finding a new job to cover living expenses sounds very stressful and I would have little to no safety cushion to do so. I am so jealous of people who can just rely on their parents a bit and it's nbd. Guess I'll need to have a gap year or two working full time to save up funds. I'll be like 25 by then ahh
No. 446782
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everyone takes having normal hearing for fucking granted and so did i until i got partial hearing loss and now everyone is muffled and quiet and i have to ask them to speak up
i don’t remember what wind rustling through leaves outside sounds like anymore and i have to put my head on my cats’ bellies to feel them pur
i’m angry
No. 446792
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i really worry that i'm a freak. aside from my baggage/being broken goods i have dumb hobbies (collecting bones, bugs, teeth, knitting weird shit), prefer staying inside all day, wear weird clothes, talk to stuffed animals like they're my friends, am heavily medicated… i feel insecure around more normal girls who don't have gross proclivities. i'm not entirely stunted, i function as an adult. but i compare myself to other women my age who like to go out, have large groups of friends, are the normal kind of pretty, and i feel inferior. my normie ex really hated these things about me and called me a crazy freak a few times and even though he was terribly mean i feel like i'm just. made wrong.
No. 446795
>>446793Wow this is some nightmarish situation for everyone involved
>there's lots of kids without parents out there but despite not even science being able to help my wife get pregnant I still want my kid to look like ME!>never mind that this child has been brought into this world by us playing god due to our vanity and will suffer from severe psychological trauma, we don't want it because it doesn't look like ME>still more worried about appearing racist than the future of this child and rest of this absolute shitshowWow.
No. 446798
>>446792Don't worry too much about it, anon. Lots of people have weird hobbies, and adults usually stop giving a shit if your hobbies are "gross". In my experience people aren't even grossed out by me being very into insects and making bug-themed jewelry, they just think it's cool I have hobbies. Your ex sounds like an asshole who would have used any excuse to insult you.
Also, all women are insecure to a degree. The girls you compare yourself to compare themselves to yet other girls, they might even compare themselves to you and your unusual, creative hobbies and feel like they're boring. Society memes us into seeing our fellow women as competitors, and it's unproductive for all of us.
No. 446801
>>446782How did you get partial hearing loss? I don't have that but I understand your situation to some extent.
I used to listen to loud music with my headphones for a while (I needed to forget about my surroundings for a while)and then one day I woke up with tinnitus and I hated and still hate myself for it cause I was too uninformed and ignorant about tinnitus and thought it's only something people are born with; I had no idea prolonged exposure to loud noises could cause it so now I'm living with this ever since my late teens.
I really took my healthy ears for granted and I feel like shit when I see people blasting their music at full volume without any consequences.m cause that means I was somehow more susceptible to it, and now I have to live my entire life with it and avoid loud noises everywhere.
No. 446834
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>>446821I'm sorry about that anon. I blame myself too (it
is my fault after all) but now that it happened we can only move forward and take better care of ourselves.
No. 446841
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My friends tried to get me with a younger guy that they worked with claiming he was an ok dude whose relationship was currently going out the door. We went to a concert together as a group where he seemed to be flirting and really liking me, and after that we hung out two more times; once at his place and then another time at my place. Each time we had sex–which he instigated. I made sure to ask him if it was alright and if he really wanted to beforehand, but he insisted everything was good. When he invited me over to his place he didn't want me to tell my friends because he didn't want them "jealous" that he invited me and not everyone. Lol, sureeeee. But he'd dupe me by saying how much he really liked our visits and how I was really nice. We chatted a bit over messenger, even sent me a dick pic, but I noticed he had a tendency to ignore me a lot or not get back to me for days. He'd either claim anxiety or being too busy for work, which was bullshit. I'm not fucking stupid, and I knew that a guy who keeps doing that isn't really interested in a woman. Another thing that bothered me was that he still had his profile pic set as him and his ex and his online status still had it set as in a relationship even though his ex had long taken hers down. I asked him about it and he said he didn't have the time to get around to changing it. Lmao, again, stop fucking lying dude.
Either way I knew he didn't give a fuck about me and I was done playing nice. I was just hoping my friends didn't set me up with a scumbag.
So I put up with this treatment for about another week before I got tired of his dumbass game and told him off out of frustration. He slung me a bunch of copouts about how it's not me, it's him. And he's just soooo busy. Whatever, I told him he used me for rebound sex and it wasn't cool, and he gave a "I'm sorry I made you feel that way." I unfriended him and hadn't talked to him since.
My friends finally hung out with me and I spilled the tea about what happened including the fact that we fucked twice.
They were shocked.
Because not only had he not told them that we fucked, immediately after the concert he told them how he felt I was too aggressive and that he wasn't really into me. He basically painted a narrative that I was after him and he wasn't interested.
I had receipts from the messenger conversation and pictures from around his house to prove I was telling them the truth and I showed it to them. They agreed that our conversations seemed really normal and nothing I did was "aggressive" or desperate or whatever because behind closed doors he was willing.
My friends told me all those times he was "busy" was probably when he was calling and trying to get back with his ex because he's still not over her. Oh and his ex is so nice. She threatened to kill his dogs and is a massive leech, but men are fucking stupid about their oneitis. Even my friends said that I have way more to offer and that him being stuck on her must be a losing his v card to her type of obsession since she's a piece of shit on top of being uggo.
But you know what? After all this I think they deserve each other. I hope the bitch takes him back and rings him for all he's got. He doesn't deserve someone nice and caring.
I noticed as I was showing my friends the messages that he blocked me after I unfriended him. I guess on top of being a lying scumbag he's also a "You reject me?! No, I reject you!!!" type of person. Good riddance either way.
I'm still mad that he was so fucking pathetic.
I hate lying men the most.
I've got half a mind to screenshot all of the sexual conversations and the dick pic he sent me and send it to his psycho bitch just to make his life that much more difficult.
No. 446845
>>446742I know the feels, anon. I had to plan my birthday gathering among my Mom and brother today bc if I don"t plan it, it doesn't happen! It sucks. But at least it feels good to do things for others…
Meyers-Briggs is a meme anyway but do you happen to know if you're INFJ too?
No. 446861
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Yep, I'm right there with ya anon. Not to sound too first-world-problems but I actually asked my dad for sentimental jewelry (not expensive, mind you. Something like pic related since he's been living abroad in China for the past decade), and even though it was lame and embarrassing to flat-out request sentimental items, it was even worse when my request was completely forgotten and disregarded. Idk maybe I'm just sensitive but i can think of kickass presents for most people I know…
I wish I had a grandma or aunt or other matronly figure to give a shit about me. Oh well, at least we're aware that others aren't likely to be in tune with us.
God I sound like a selfish asshole lol
No. 446862
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>>446764you're pretty accurate with that, anon, i'm notoriously hard to figure out gifts for. i don't really think i am, i make my interests clear and have tons of public wishlists, i think it's just not easy so people don't care to think hard about it. i know they appreciate me and theyre good friends otherwise, its just the lack of reciprocity thats a bummer
>>446845yup same with the planning! i keep doing things for people because like you said it feels good, just sucks having people feel complacent about your needs.
INTJ af for all the best and worst parts of it lmfaoo
No. 446868
>>446841>I've got half a mind to screenshot all of the sexual conversations and the dick pic he sent me and send it to his psycho bitch just to make his life that much more difficult.DEW IT.
Post results.
No. 446872
>>446866Ugh yes and it makes me feel so yucky and self-centered to even address it here on lolcow…
Idk any answers, but just know I'm with you anon!
Also i noticed you said you have public wish lists, etc… been there, done that. It feels inappropriate to hawk a wishlist to people who don't ask lol
No. 446876
>>446792>called me a crazy freak a few timesOh my god, fuck him. If people don't like your quirks, they need to not date you. I don't know what it is with guys resenting their girlfriends when they're the ones who initiate. I want to punch him.
Also, there's nothing wrong with you. People are diverse in their interests and level of social interaction. I know a popular "normie" girl that collects bunny skulls, and she only showed me and one other friend because she was scared of being ostracized. Those aren't friends. Find your crowd if you need it, otherwise trying to fit in will make you miserable. You're not inferior for sticking with what you know you love. Some people love going out, you might not. The important thing is you do what makes you happy.
No. 446880
>>446878That's so nice to hear! I think that may be karma coming back to treat you!
It was nice connecting with you in this thread, friend.
No. 446968
>>446658Sorry anon, but my advice is don't get intimately involved with someone you work with.
He probably knows it's not a good idea to do this either which is why he may seem cold to you, and at most tolerant towards the more forward woman.
Work crushes happen a lot, but try to nip it now and let it go.
No. 446994
>>446821Hey, anon, you're not alone. I got an ear infection when I had the flu and didn't know I had to get it treated until it's too late. I don't hear much worse though, but any normal sound causes this grating throbbing rumble in my ear. The best I can describe it as is the sound speakers make when there's interference. It sucks. I can't listen to normal volume music, or movies, and it happens when cars pass by….
I flinch when people talk to me. It blows.
No. 447006
>>447004I've been avoiding my sister for the same reason. The worst part is though that she is friends with the gf and the bf… It makes me repulsed to be around them, especially since I can't tell anyone since I'm her only family.
Cheaters are scum.
No. 447020
>>447017I went through this too, I relapse into it less and less but it does still happen. It doesn't sound useful but the only thing that helps is keeping busy and surrounding yourself with other people. Also having someone to talk to about it, not only a counselor or therapist but also just telling a friend that you're going throug something. That way you can just tell them that you're obsessing on something bad that day so they know to distract you from it.
Good luck anon, I hope we become free of it one day
No. 447036
>>447031>>447024Nta but you sound like those cunts who view being mentally ill as a competition. We get it, you have the ~deepest truest depression~ imaginable.
Maybe some of us can't afford to give up on our public/professional life to be a dirty blob like you, maybe some only has "dolling up for the gram" as cope because internet validation is the only thing stopping them from ending it all. Fuck off and get help.
No. 447046
>>447036Yikes. I wouldn't go that far. All I was saying is that you can't judge someone's health based on the little that you see of them. It's like with chronic illnesses, some asshole sees you out of your wheelchair and decides you're not
really disabled, but you've spent the whole week preparing for it.
Like I said, you don't know what's going on in someone else's head so stop speculating that they're not as sick as you are and just focus on getting better. You are probably able to do things that others can't. Speculating about the health of others is a waste of your time.
No. 447052
>>447036you sound so stupidly upset over this. depression exists on a spectrum. no, sorry, for people with severe depression, insta likes do fuckall for them. quit publicly pissing yourself because people understand that depression is being used as an aesthetic, and that severe depression means you haven't the energy or interest in attention seeking, getting 'validation' or even maintaining relationships because you can't even take care of yourself.
>because internet validation is the only thing stopping them from ending it allright, if 'likes' are literally the only thing keeping you from offing yourself, you're just an impulsive idiot and/or 16. i can understand internet validation in the form of developing relationships with people, but fucking LIKES on instagram? please bih, this is absolutely indefensible and impossibly dumb
No. 447070
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Gained around 20 pounds due to a massive depressive episode and some hormonal issues and been struggling a lot with it lately specially the realization that i don’t fit into any of my old clothes. Heard my grandfather who is one of the most important people to me say “this is why she’s a fat whale” in front of my other family members while I ate my yogurt, which is literally the only thing i eat for dinner. Wish the earth would just swallow me whole already, as if the criticism from other family members and friend wasn’t enough the one family member I thought was nice and could always count on pretty much just made my day 100x worse. I hate feeling sorry for myself but honestly i’m not motivated enough to feel happy or even try.
No. 447204
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>>447145It's alright anon,you're not genetically inferior to anyone else you're just a human being whose had a hard life and is struggling with it and I know you can overcome this pain and I know you can be a great mother
No. 447213
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>>447056You're right, these fuckers who pretend that they suffer from mental illness, because it's trendy rn are the worst. Mental illness became a meme just for laughs. I feel like we have second emo phase, but now with memes. And yes, it actually impact us, who actually struggle from it.
No. 447226
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Pic related are bra sizes in my country. I thought people were making insane standards with DD cups and that stuff, that it's porno fiction, now I find out how insanely differently American sizing works. I feel both incredibly stupid and betrayed.
No. 447229
>>447213Honestly though, is it a surprise with how celebrities act? Every single one is "anxious" and "depressed" and "struggles soooo hard with going on stage!!!" It's pathetic.
I honestly think the issue is a normal amount of anxiety etc is normal and people have forgotten that in the "everyone is
valid!" wave. It's completely normal to feel anxious before performing in front of a big crowd, but the message comes down that any anxiety at all is a medical issue.
Look at Julia Michaels. Big ass career, written for some of the biggest performers, now performing herself, most of her songs are about how depressed and anxious she is. The truth is, people suffering from anxiety disorders etc don't go into those jobs.
And yeah, it pisses me off that a song randomly came on with her and Selena Gomez crying about how hard their lavish lifestyles are because they have anxiety and don't always want to go out with friends a few weeks after my friend hung himself.
No. 447231
>>447226What's this chart say?
But you right, my tits ain't shit and I'm a 32D, given it could just be my body dysmorphia speaking and the whole "you have to have insanely large tits to even have tits" in America thing, but some people do carry it differently, like I knew a girl who was a B who could easily have cleavage and another girl who was a DD who barely had cleavage
You have to take in the obesity rate too, despite ghetto and white trash memes, to most people bigger doesn't always mean better and most people would prefer perky, round, proportional boobs compared to saggy large and disproportional boobs
No. 447233
>>447231According to this chart, an F cup in America is equivalent to 85B here, a 6 inch difference is B cup recommended.
The first column is band size in cm and the other columns are breast measurement in cm.
No. 447313
>>447309Anon, you're most likely responding to the resident scat-scrote who has finally gone completely insane. He's been posting these in the pink pill thread too, for some reason.
The guy he's posting is just some scammy guru.
No. 447378
>>447370Thanks anon. After typing out my vent I felt a bit bad that it was too demanding because it probably will skyrocket our rent range, but fuck. I don't even mind long commutes on the subway, it's miles better than dealing with "when is the next bus coming"/"will this next bus even stop here?" stress.
What really gets me too is that she's job hunting at the moment, but her choice in schools that she can apply to is severely limited unless she wants to deal with a 2+ hour bus+subway commute because she lives in area that's surrounded ONLY by bus stops- most of which don't even run most of the time (only one bus line by her runs consistently and is a 10+ minute walk away, the closer ones only run during rush hour).
Neither of us have our license yet but we're both planning on getting it, but even after getting my license I'm not paying city prices to park my car there (and also FUCK driving in the city).
No. 447421
>>447416I do, but he goes to art school so everything that isn’t Damien Gazelle directed
or whatever his name is is “commercial trash” basically
No. 447424
>>447421Good luck with your bf, artfags are fucking annoying
And Kimi no Na wa is trash and not 'artsy' at all
No. 447426
>>447424Yeah thanks. I’m very girly at heart and he keeps insulting things I like and it just kinds hurts. Meanwhile I’m not allowed to make fun over anything he likes because it’s serious art. Hate that about him.
Also I thought I was alone in my hatred for that movie, it just was so boring. Like, I don’t even dislike me some anime sometimes but that was just straight up garbage and everyone acts like it’s the best animated movie ever.
No. 447438
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I wish I had the talent to journal my travels like pic related. I've been to so many beautiful locations and all I have to show are some shitty tourist pictures of buildings that you could easily find with a google search. I'm not even in most of the photos because I'm ugly and I like to be the one behind the camera. I just think it would be such a personal and unique way to remember my trips, especially if I included little notes about what I did that day. I have so many ideas about what I'd paint like sculptures or pottery that catches my eye in museums or the view from a restaurant while I'm waiting for my food or a portrait of a cute street cat. I think watercolours are gorgeous and I have no idea how people achieve things like pic related. My attempts are usually wonky perspective and gross colours, the kind of thing you'd see a child create. I just cannot for the life of me draw what I see in front of me and I have no understanding of what colours compliment each other.
I hate that I have this impossible to achieve dream.
No. 447462
>>447437Because it’s a fast fashion store.
They will only sell what’s trendy for a season and it’s poorly made fabric sewn by kids and women in sweatshops. You’re not meant to be able to put together a tasteful, lasting outfit with their stuff. It’s wear it three times and buy a new one once this one is out of fashion.
If you want good clothes, shop at a good store or start sewing. You’ll never find what you’re looking for at a FF store.
No. 447486
>>447438Just keep practicing. Trying a handful of times and saying "oh no, I just CAN'T" would be silly for
any skill. Imagine thinking learning another language is impossible because you didn't learn it in 3 days. I've been a drawfag for most of my life but my work was trash for most of it lmao, but if you focus and study it's amazing how quickly you can improve.
Get painting, anon!! And have FUN!
No. 447528
>>447415insecure art noobs think they can make up for their lack of skill with their "superior" taste whic separates them from "non artists". Go figure, their tastes are never really as superior as they think.
That guy basically like a corny commercial romantic comedy excet from a different country. At least it could be worse , like the ones that like obscure and objectively terrible shit just because "its secrit underground 2deep4u" even when it appears in every other artfag imdb list.
No. 447547
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>>443329Hey moron, wanna know something? There's a magical invention called makeup and fashion. Dress in rags and make yoye face look like a clown it's fucking easy to be ugly, but you know you won't do it because you're too busy playing the
victim. You're like fucking Notch complaining about being so sad cause he's rich. Literally run a buzz saw over your face, you have the easiest problem to solve. But you won't, cause you know it isn't yoyr problem. You know that it's your stupid ass personality, not your face. If yor face is the issue, smash a brick into it or slice it up with a knife. Stop doing your hair, stop wearing nice clothes, stop posting filtered photos on your insta, etc.
Your looks aren't your issue. The sooner you come to realize that, the better. If, after you've evaluated your life completely, you still come to the conclusion that it is because of your looks that your life is in shambles and not because of your own ineptitudes, then feel free to make your life better by rubbing your face in a bowl of bacon grease every morning.
No. 447602
>>444497Old post, but same. My coworker is starting to write those long paragraphs when something doesn't go as she planned and is generally always waiting for someone to make a mistake to rant. It's only her 4th month so I haven't thought much about it but now I realised it's pregnancy throwing her out of whack.
I think my coworkers are noticing it too but everyone's too nice to say it.
No. 447633
>>447476>>447486Thanks anons! You've really inspired me. I'm searching for classes right now in my area because a teacher can tell me immediately where I'm going wrong and what steps to take to improve. I'm also going to stop being so hard on myself while I'm in my baby stage lol.
I can't wait!
No. 447642
>>447635If you want to do it then just do it, you could die tomorrow.
But also why do you want to stream? Is it because you want to perform an entertaining persona, or is it because you want others to provide a community? Decide what you want out of it and you'll succeed better
No. 447678
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I'm starting to get pissed off by certain people constantly crying about "but what about the minorities/children/the poor/immigrants/other marginalised minority?!?!" as if the world's governments are charities.
I was reading an article ( and even though Bloomberg is a tad more civil than regular news sites, some people in the comments already started crying and accusing the author of only wanting to limit tourism to the filthy rich which is not the case.
I used to live in a tourist-heavy country with sea access and when Ryanair/Vueling/easyJet started jetting British students and New World backpackers over to have their stag dos, get ossified and act like animals, things took a turn for the worse and they started pushing locals out of their own homes because prices skyrocketed. Now the place is full with British-owned nightclubs that milk white trash for their money. They don't come here to learn about my culture and enjoy beautiful sunsets, they come here because it is cheap. If a tax will make those people fuck off, I'm all for it.
Furthermore, we can't cater to everyone and we shouldn't cater to everyone. Pouring resources into helping trans kids transition takes away from the mouths of many more kids whose parents can't send them to school, and for whom going to school would make all the difference whereas these trans kids would need constant treatments and they'd start demanding more and more resources as they grow because it isn't natural. Likewise, putting a congestion tax would stop many poorer people from going on holiday to Greece, Venice and Mallorca, but it would make the locals of those places able to move back where they lived and the poor students would just go somewhere else anyway.
Many people in Lefkada can't afford to go on any holiday outside of the country, and those poor students mostly spend money on booze, so it's not like they're losing profit. Funny how the poor are only important if they're Westerners, though.
No. 447691
>>447680I went and Googled the science for you, although obviously there's not much real research into it because lol science caring about women's bodies when old men need boner pills. Unsurprisingly it's all to do with hormones: period diarrhea in particular is basically due to prostaglandins which are produced in endometrial cells, so when your endometrium is about to break down or is shedding at the start of your menses if there's a lot of prostaglandins being released they can travel to the next nearest tissues to your uterus, such as the muscles around the intestine. Prostaglandins cause (amongst other functions obv) muscle contractions. Et voilà, period shits. Prostaglandins are what cause period cramps too, and I certainly get those, so if you get bad cramps you probably also get unstoppable stools.
I've gone three times today already and my ring is as frayed as my patience.
No. 447716
>>447690> are British students a marginalized minority or protected class worth extending resources or charity to?Because they're the "poor" the comment was referring to as a reason to not impose a tourism tax, have you even read my comment?
>Also, most of us have bleeding hearts because we see ourselves in other people and imagine suffering in their placeSure, but most people suffer in some way and going out of your way to help everyone takes the help away from those who need less of it to become productive and contribute to society, so you're effectively just flushing that help away without it doing anything.
You can throw money at homeless alcoholics and junkies all you want but they won't get better. You can throw money at illiterate refugees who don't take steps to learn your language or get a job but it's a money sink that could be invested in those who do.
No. 447733
Someone posted a creepy image used for a screamer in the stupid questions thread (now spoilered, thank god) and some other anon used it in the Phoebe thread and I'm sad. I'm a big weenie when it comes to scary images like that and I've hidden it and just moved on, but fuck, the image has burned itself into my brain and now I'm too fucking spooked. The other night I woke up at 5am and had to go pee and I literally just laid in bed until 6am when my dog woke up and started barking so I could feel safe enough to go. At work I use the fire stairwells to go between the two floors of our office because it's faster than using the elevator, but now I get super creeped out because my dumb child brain wants to rear it's ugly head and nonsensical logic and make me think something with that cursed image's face is gonna come and get me. Fuck, I thought I was over being so easily frightened by things that aren't real, but I guess I'm not. To top it off, a bunch of promoted tweets that twitter keeps showing me are related to the new It and Scary Stories movies (not particularly really creepy, but I'm already feeling really jumpy and on edge about things so it wasn't a great time to see those tweets).
I wish those anons would at least spoilered it to begin with, so if I saw it by opening it myself, then it'd really be my own fault, but fuck. I hate being such a stupid scaredy cat.
No. 447761
Ughh how can someone be so suicidal when they can afford medication, therapy, have nice apartments, boyfriends and when their country's medical system cares about them enough to give them a suicide hotline and paramedics. I have nothing in my life, I've been homeless, my mother committed suicide, I'm alone and extremely poor and have to prostitute myself for money. I know you can be mentally ill even if you're in a good situation but I think people that are like that just don't want to get better or appreciate what they have. I'm tired of the "you can be depressed no matter what" meme, if you can afford living a comfortable lifestyle, have supportive people around you, can afford medication and therapy in my opinion you just don't want to get better and keep holding onto negative mindsets because that's what you're comfortable with, even if those mindsets might end up making you kill yourself but people don't want to acknowledge that those who have everything or almost everything in their life yet are still depressed are somehow brining that upon themselves.
No. 447789
I'm giving up.
There's nothing in this world for someone like me.
I am extremely ugly. I am physically inferior and can't do anything to fix that due to a genetic illness. I used to think I was smart, but I managed to ruin that too somehow. I have zero concentration and zero ambition. I don't understand emotion or feelings. I am incapable of feeling most things too. I've never made a genuine friend or truly been in love. Everyone only tolerates me really. I've squandered all my talents and I can't find motivation to get good again, even to pick something up again, because I don't feel joy from doing things anymore, I just feel like everything I do is useless and worthless either way. I was abandoned by everyone I've ever held dear. No one in my family ever liked me either. I have failed to study in a field I cared about and now I don't care at all to be able to get back in. I have zero drive to keep up with even my personal hygiene to be honest with you. I just don't care. Might as well be just as gross on the outside as I am on the inside.
I don't feel sad really. I don't feel miserable or suicidal either. I don't care enough to actively harm myself. I don't care. I just feel alien and broken. Most days I just want to quietly waste away in my bed. I have no will to do anything. Most days it's exhausting just to breathe.
I've been depressed since childhood, suicidal even before I went to school really. I never saw any meaning in life, but before I had hope that one day it will get better. It never did. It's been 10 years since I've been officially diagnosed. I've been in therapy extensively, took all kinds of medication, been committed to a mental facility several times. Nothing helped. And when I tried to kill myself, I inevitably failed too every single time.
I think I am just that bad of a person. Just that weak. Even writing this out makes me feel like I am wasting your valuable time. Or like I am pathetic and fishing for compliments. Hah.
I wish there was a way to stop existing like I never was even born. Because even if my parents despise me, losing a child would still destroy them. I want to just fade away quietly, in a way that no one would be hurt, no one would remember me, no one would care at all.
I regret being born. I will never amount to anything and I don't even want to try at this point in my life.
No. 447799
My parents won’t let me break up with my boyfriend. I’m a fucking adult. I have no feelings for my boyfriend anymore— we haven’t had sex in 2 months, I try to distract myself when we’re making out cause I hate it so much. He’s a very nice guy, super sweet, and I’m the first girlfriend he’s had since he got out of high school (he’s 21 now). However, he’s the third boyfriend I’ve had in the past 2 years, and I’ve only been single and not talking to any boys for a total of 2 nonconsecutive weeks in the past 20 months (single but still talking to guys for 4 nonconsecutive weeks). My bf asked me for my number a week after I broke up with my last bf. I’d like to be single for once, but I don’t want to hurt his feelings cause he didn’t do anything wrong? My parents won’t “let me break his heart over nothing he did”, and keep telling me if I break up with him I’ll just immediately get into another worse relationship. I get that, but at the same time pretending nothings wrong and forcing myself to hang out with him when it’s so boring is just awful. I know I just have to wait until I move out of my parents house again in 2 weeks to break up with him,, but shit sucks.
No. 447807
>>447799Your parents don't get to have a say in this, I don't know what weird and unhealthy dynamic they have with you but.. they don't get to decide that. Sure they can have an opinion, but that's all
Single life is underrated, enjoy it. If your parents are as overbearing as they sound you must be longing for freedom and independence
No. 447814
>>447789I can relate to most of this, depression took away all of my teens and twenties really. All I can say is that since turning thirty I noticed a huge shift in my mind, I don't know whether that is 'mellowing out with age'
I've known women from messed up families who've been diagnosed with depression and personality disorders from it and even illnesses like that are known to be at their worst in the teens and twenties and less so later on in life
No. 447819
>>447802Thank you, but I really don't deserve it. I am to blame for this after all. I could have pulled myself up. Could have forced myself. But I didn't.
>>447814I have a pd too, yes. I sincerely doubt that I will live past 30, or 25 really, considering I am 24 and completely done with everything. But then again as a kid I never thought I'd live to be 18.
And like, what is the point? My health is terrible as it is and it will only deteriorate. I will age and look even worse. These are literally "best years of my life" and I wasted them all on this shit.
No. 447829
>>447827Good luck anon. Yeah it can hard when parents give dating advice but they come from another time, one where divorce didn't exist and people stuck around unless something truly horrible happened
Losing your feelings for him is a perfectly good reason to split. You certainly shouldn't feel forced to kiss him when you want out btw, that's messed up
No. 447837
>>447832At least you found out and dodged a (maybe literal) bullet there
Incels always insist that it's not their personalities condemning them to a sexless life and that it's their genes/looks… deluded fucks. Let him enjoy his self-inflicted misery
No. 447842
>>447837thankfully. he literally is an elliot rodger fanboy and has some videos of him shooting on instagram.
>>447838i'd rather die a virgin than fuck someone like him. at least i'm not as pitifully insecure as he is. he is even obsessed with his wrist size. he's fucking crazy.
No. 447852
>>447831I've read that you "grow into" your pd at around 25. I was diagnosed with schizoid in my teens and since then I've really gotten used to it, even if it gets worse every passing year. It really doesn't matter probably, since it doesn't bother me much on it's owm, it's one of the tamest pds you can have, but having that on top of depression is terrible. Complete anhedonia combined with zero motivation is just so bad. Schizoid limits your enjoyment, interest and emotional capabilities heavily, which makes my depression almost unbearable. At this point I doubt I will be able to feel anything "good" ever again. When my depression used to ease up, I didn't mind being a turbo schizoid at all, heh.
>>447836Ah, I heard that song before. Made me tear up a bit. I am not actively trying to harm myself or trying to die. "Giving up" simply means that I don't care what happens to me anymore. If I die, so be it. If I don't, I don't care either way.
No. 447873
>>447761I've had some shit years before coming into money. I used to think it was the thing lacking from my life. Now, I'm 30, am somehow functional enough to work a good job and able to lie to hide my intense performance anxiety.
Turns out money is doing shit for intense pd or whatever the fuck is wrong with me. It just adds the guilt of taking up resources to all of this shit. I've been throwing fancy therapy,nice stuff and all the things I was deprived of all my life at it for absolutely nothing as a last resort.
Honestly, it just makes it clear that I'm unfixable whatever I try and it was actually was what made me try to rope myself.
It was easier to believe that I would just need some therapy or more money to get better. Now I just know I won't and am a waste of space.
I sincerely hope what you need is help and money to fix your issues.
No. 447886
>>447654honestly an anon on another thread changed my life with regard to this. you can get medicine with the active ingredient drotaverini hydrochloridum (or similar funky spellings of it), it's meant to relax cramps/help with child delivery lol, but as
>>447691 said, the horrible shits are due to essentially also cramps, so it helps with that as well. I have been taking it as recommended on the 1st 2 days of my period (aka when the horrible cramps and liquid diarrohea hits) and it makes me feel almost normal. It needs a bit to kick in so I usually pop a paracetamol as well for the cramps but for the shits it is excellent.
No. 447909
I'm angry because I'm jealous of people who have free time/nothing to do.
My father got diagnosed with depression and has been at home for over a month already. I really don't understand why. I guess in a way I'm mad about this out of jealousy, because whenever I vent on lc people tell me I need to go and see a therapist / move away from my family, but my family doesn't think there's anything wrong with me. My father frequently goes out with my mother and friends, he eats a lot, he has hobbies and so on. Can this really be depression?
My mother, my sister and my brother all have summer holidays and I studied for months for maybe the most important exam in my life until 2 weeks ago. I too should have some free time now, but instead I'm working nearly every day. My brother is only a year younger than me and doesn't work. He also doesn't have any assignment for uni, meanwhile I need to finish 3 longass papers within a month, so I basically need to start studying again already.
My mother never has my brother do any work. I'm the only one in our family who's working and yet it's still me who has to do stuff for her. I know that I'm an adult and therefore have to help in the household, but so should my brother.
Today I came home from work and both my mother and my sister were sitting at the table, watching me eat dinner while complaining about feeling bored and about time flying by so fast without them getting done anything. I feel guilty for being mean to my little sister, but this makes me so angry, I wish I could afford being bored. I know that I spent too much time on the internet, but I really can't remember the last time I had a proper break. I feel constantly stressed, I'm only living from one exam or paper to the next. I still have more than a year in uni and the first couple years working won't be easier either, so it really seems as if there's no end to this. I don't have any friends or a bf, so there's nothing for me to look forward to.
No. 447912
>>447832never give incels the benefit of the doubt. they don't change.
your post makes me think of a certain incel. is he one of the forum mods?
No. 447962
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I was looking trougth the videos of my favorite youtuber and i stumbled on one that i liked and everything was going fine until he suddendly started talking about that one spanish trans model and he started going from normal person to fucking feral, insulting and shouting some bullshit TRA doctrine, it's really jarring and heartbreaking because i had my favorite youtuber screaming to me on screen about how i literally should eat shit for not suporting her and it didn't have any sense because the motherfucker is gay and should know about how homofobic these trans people are but he just doesn't give a shit??, it isn't any better he is a man so ofc he doesn't care about verbally abusing women to protect these assholes, he even started talking about how they were better because of their designer vaginas and i'm fucking losing it rigth about now i can't believe he is so fucking misogynystic, i'm so scared that i migth get canceled for "wrongthinking" and that there are people out there who think so lowly of me and other women and we can't do shit about it, there is even a fucking gay guy who told my butch sister he was more of a woman than her because he was flamboyantly feminine and i bet that if he transitioned and said the same shit everyone would be praising him, and don't even get me started with the gross transbians who would cancel her (or worse) for not dating them, this is it, i want to die even more than before, what kind of cursed timeline is this?
No. 448027
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Cut up a pork butt to marinate overnight for some al pastor tomorrow, but I kept the bone to make a bone broth soup out of.
It smells so delicious. I added some extra salt, onion, garlic, and rice towards the end. I can't wait to have it.
No. 448043
>>448027aaah you made me so hungry from reading that anon! bon apettit
> dat filenameLMFAO
No. 448061
>>448039Coming from another NEET: would you enjoy or tolerate your job if you weren't suicidal? If so that's your personal issues at play that I, an internet stranger, cannot identify without armchair diagnosing. Therapy or small lifestyle changes help. If your job sucks or is too intensive, then you're not a right fit for the company or it just sucks. Five steps forward with one step back is four steps further from the hell of NEETdom. I wish I had your courage to make something of your intelligence and freedom. Go on a day off for R&R outside home and think about what you really want. The great thing about suicide is that there's no rush to do it right now; it can wait tomorrow!
Seriously though, Anon, please find happiness outside NEETdom for slugs like me. We'll catch up. By then you'll have evolved from woman child to adult who's gotten their shit together.
No. 448102
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>>448039Story of my life anon, i am incapable to perform even decently for more than short periods of time. I will probably off myself when i can't even afford to eat anymore. I know i don't have anything or anyone to blame, i had my chances but i could never stand to any tests and i failed everything i ever tried even when i felt i was doing my best.
the part that fucked with me the most was realizing all the sacrifice and pain i felt was not because i was improving or overcoming something hard, it was just me being weak and still getting surpassed by literally anyone thats not as inherently incompetent at life as me.
No. 448121
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This is so stupid but I'm finally at the point where I have nagging impulses to self harm when I get upset and I want to cut myself but no matter what I can't break skin and make a cut? I have an xacto blade and a boxcutter and I press and drag and I only get itchy indents in the skin and no actual cuts or marks or blood so it's like what's the point? Even if I press or try to go for more puncturing I can't draw any blood am I so incompetent I can't even self harm correctly? How do even middle schoolers manage this.
No. 448138
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>>448121feel free to disregard my post
i cut for a while (now 2 years free), but now i'm just annoyed at all of the scars i have. not that i'm ashamed of them, or that i've necessarily moved on from self-harming, but i just hated dealing with having to explain my scars in a palatable way to people.
if you really need to feel something painful or sharp, try other methods like taking a rubber band around your wrist/forearm and snapping it. it sounds silly lol but it won't result in permanent scars. there are apps out there like Calm Harm that will give you a bunch of alternate things to do when you feel that burning nagging impulse to self-harm.
>>448131 said it's just gonna be itchy and an embarrassing reminder of the rough patch you're going through. you're not less-than for self-harming though, i understand how you feel, i hope you figure out a good way to cope. it's a learning process and i'm still figuring it out myself but i believe in you anon