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No. 448186
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>>448184it happens to me too, i love cats so much but can't have them. I always imagine an imaginary cat i can pet, sometimes is some creepy tulpa shit but it makes me feel a bit better fantasize about a cute cat in my lap.
No. 448198
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Guess we're all venting about how much we love cats kek.
I miss when mine was little, he was too cute. He still is but sometimes I forget how tiny he was.
No. 448225
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i was about to vent some sad shit but these chubby babies cheered me up, thanks anons
i can't have a cat but the next big city has a cat cafe (it's vegan and houses rescue cats, really wholesome place) so it's bearable
No. 448257
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I want a cat
No. 448283
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i’ve carried a sense of shame and wrongness for so long, i feel like even my physical presence is apologetic — constantly “body checking” in terms of the space i take up, shrinking and folding, trying to minimize it as much as possible while i’m in public spaces, always in a state of restlessness because of it. a large part of this is paranoia re: being stared at. it’s like going outside and being a young woman, regardless of what you look like exactly or how you behave, you’re getting stared at (by men). i’m sure you all can relate to that on some level. the conditioned purpose of the young woman is to be visual, to be seen, and no matter if you “succeed” or “fail” they’re still going to scan you up and down. sometimes i feel like i can never blend in or fit inside the crowd or something. i can never go “unseen”.
at the same time my insecurity shrieks it’s impossible for me to be seen sexually, so feeling those eyes sets me even more on edge because there’s no understood motive — they stare out of removed yet strangely persistent interest, as though they’re reading an advertisement on a subway train. i’m not a meek person, either, so i resent myself tenfold for having such a disconnect with my body! when speaking is when i can feel i can actually assert myself, or level the playing field, if that makes any sense.
also, for like the past 3+ years i’ve gotten anxious re: losing my sanity because getting older means learning the ways my mind differs from others’. it’s like my brain is a fucking shinkansen sometimes and i get irritated and lose steam when others can’t keep up or when i have to slow down. maybe less of a bullet train and more of a goddamned vortex.
early onset schizophrenia when, just bite the bullet God cmon hit me w it already
No. 448285
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i am procrastinating hard on writing a paper which is due in a few days and I just can't.
I am filled with dread but I have no motivation and no discipline, I am paralysed. and I like studying, I like my field, this is how I behave even with what I like.
I hate myself for being so lazy, weak, unable to delay gratification, I am a spoilt brat.
advice to anons who have bright children : teach them how to fucking WORK even if school is easy for them, or they'll end up depressed and unable to function.
somebody please slap me twice in the face.
No. 448291
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>>448231>>448250Inspiring posts, thanks anons for reminding me that I need to get through this breakup so I can get eventually get a cat too.
We are all gunna make it bruhs
No. 448319
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I’m so broke that I’m seriously considering selling nudes to pay for FF14. I really want membership but I have literally no money. I already tried doing surveys for money but after 2 hours I only managed to get 50 cents. Fuck me.
No. 448329
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>>448319Its a videogame anon, come on, not worth putting your dignity on the line unless you are truly on the lifeline.
There's also better ways to make a few extra bucks online, like go on reddit and fiverr and advertise 5$ psychic readings lol. There's thousands of very random completely disposable services that still sell as long as they are cheap for first worlders to buy.
Work around it until you build up some skill in something more stable run with it and buy 10 chonky cats.
No. 448346
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>>448322Sadly I don’t own any books but thank you for the advice anyway!
>>448329I’m a shameless loser. I just really like the game and became quite desperate out of addiction.
>>448342I don’t know of any reddits like that but if I did I would’ve done it earlier.
No. 448359
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>>448346Maybe it'd be better for you if you wean yourself off of it for a while then, it's not worth spending your money for a game.
Or replace it with an even dumber addiction like runescape, they've had free membership with twitch premium for a while and you can grind in-game to earn it too. It has a lot of Venezuelan bots though.
No. 448365
>>448355Aether. I’m level 32 working towards 35 but I just know I’ll grind through the game as much as I could. I’ve been playing for 2 days only but I already feel how soul-sucking it is.
>>448358Wow! this is actually very cool. I’ll check transcribing out for sure. I guess 130wpm can finally be put to use.
>>448359I played osrs for yeaaaars but I cant seem to get back into it.
No. 448371
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>>448365I'm on Aether too. This is probably weird and sounds like a scam, but hit me up if you want.
No. 448379
>>448365They just released
Prifddinas so now it's finally worth checking out
No. 448451
>>448448once you become the yes man, you will be known as the yes man.
i struggled with this in the workplace for a long time, but you have to be able to advocate for yourself and not take on too many additional responsibilities outside of what you're being paid for.
people just start taking advantage of you and it won't stop until you're inevitably burnt out like you mentioned.
just remember to put yourself first if everyone else is putting themselves first too.
No. 448452
>>448285Maybe I'm wrong but that doesn't sound like laziness to me because you are not enjoying yourself. Your dread, paralysis, inability to begin even things that you like, and self-hatred remind me of this: reading it will help you.
No. 448472
>>448459Anon I used to be like you years ago and the advice I can give you is to calm down.
People like you or don't. It's not that important. I know it hurts probably because you love them so much and need to feel they will be there for you no matter what but what you're doing being this emotional is to push away people because they might feel overwhelmed by you.
You think they hate you because that's your biggest fear but try to remember that only because they don't say they love you all the time, you're still important to them.
This is not a competition, try to picture it as if it was with your partner: if they told you all the time out of the blue how much they love you, even when you already know, wouldn't be strange for you? Almost forced, I'd say.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh but this way of thinking it pretty
toxic, I know because I was like you and I almost lost all of my friends, just one stayed by my side after asking me - more than ten times - that I needed to calm down. He told me that sometimes I was exhausting because by the way I acted it always looked as if I was feeling guilty about everything even if it wasn't my fault and that he was actually tired of having to be there for me and TELL me because if not I'd be paranoid.
No. 448485
>>448184>>448186Now I'm sad because I'm thinking about a cat I really wanted to get a few years back when I was at the pound. It was hissing and angry at everyone because they were approaching it so quickly or tapping on the glass; you could clearly tell it was abused. She had a missing eye and patches of fur missing. One guy laughed at it, "It shouldn't act like that if it wants to get adopted, looking like that." The girl who was with him giggled. That's the point, it doesn't want to be adopted, it doesn't know who to trust, the poor thing. It sounds like I'm making this shit up, but I was appalled. Everyone went after the clearly "cuter" orange kittens and ignored this one, as it was old and black. I could relate to the shivering that cat was going through, it reminded me of my PTSD. Funnily enough, I was the only person that cat would let get close to her. She would walk away from the other guests when they reached to pet her (the staff opened up the container to get another cat out), but she let me hold her. The staff said that no one has ever been able to hold that cat except two other girls working there. I had such a connection to this kitty, I felt it, but my parents hated cats and would not let me get her no matter how much I pleaded. I hope she found a good home, if she wasn't put down.
I hate people.
No. 448488
I miss the early, non-corporate days of the internet, when forums were educational, YouTube had quirky skits, and Tumblr was a welcoming place to find friends. I'm so frustrated and lonely; modern social media sucks the creativity out of everything, especially with the bland new layout designs and rules that will get you banned for just about anything. 4chan is no longer funny, and is just filled with the same recycled stale memes and political racist/misogynistic cult dogshit. I don't know why I use the internet anymore. Maybe I'm just getting older (doubt it, when I see pics of old myspace, deviantart, etc. I feel a tinge of joy). Are there any websites that remind you anons of the "gold ol' days" I can use? If not, I think I'm going to be tapering off and leaving the web soon.
No. 448491
>>448487>why didn't you do something nice like go volunteer thereI was 12 you retard. I can't volunteer now because I'm always working just to stay afloat financially.
>you seem just as bad as the other people who didn't want an abused cat And you seem like a scrote. Go back to your containment site.
No. 448494
>>448487You're a dick and probably a maleposter.
She's allowed to feel bad for the cat and hope it was adopted, try growing some empathy.
No. 448495
>>44849112 year olds can definitely volunteer at shelters to serve food and just play with the cats.
and no, sorry, insulting you doesn't make me a man. i just think people like you are morons. it's not the job of people adopting any strays to try to fix broken cats that someone else broke. adopting from a shelter is a mixed bag anyway and often ends up in them taking the cat back for a second/third time. your parents didn't want to adopt a problem cat that would likely have high medical bills and need a lot of extra time and care just because you developed empathy at a young age. and neither did those other parents who were probably just trying to smooth over things for their small children. how young are you? because you still seem really fucking young.
No. 448498
>>448496You know infighting is not allowed here? and this is the
vent thread? Are you lost?
No. 448500
>>448495The minimum age for volunteering at that shelter was 14. I don't expect people to want to adopt the cat due to financial reasons, but making fun of it is uncalled for. My parents were looking to adopt a pet at the time and said I could help pick. We had more than enough money to care for it, my dad made 70k a year. It wasn't the abuse or financial aspect that put my parents off to adopting it, they literally said it was because she's a cat. Learn to read.
And we're wight to assume you're a scrote because of what
>>448498 said. Learn board rules.
No. 448503
>>448500sorry but you're really whiny and don't get what goes into adopting pets like that. that's why i didn't go into detail and just called you retarded. grow the fuck up and stop trying to act like your empathy for a cat somehow makes you a better person when you wanted to use it to burden everyone around you. you are just making excuses for everything. i absolutely hate people like you.
btw, if you have time to argue on lolcow you have time to do more productive things kek.
No. 448505
>>448501I never said I was a better person and you pulled that out of your ass. Stop projecting your self righteous bullshit on others.
>>448504I'm not bothered on a day-to-day basis by this, but reading posts about cats reminded me of it. Sounds like you need therapy if you could pull all of this strawmaning from a single post.
Fuck this thread. I'm done.
No. 448507
>>448487>>448495>>448503Don't cut yourself on that edge, anons.
There are tons of far worse anons on this board, but you chose to call someone retarded, a bad person and generally go off on them all because they shared a single childhood memory about a kitten they wish they could've adopted? I just can't relate.
No. 448542
>>448528Woah could you please post articles or stuff you've read about the link to organ trafficking?? I haven't heard anything about that part.
I knew that the extradition bill was actually in response to the fact that they couldn't extradite a man who admitted to murdering his gf in Taiwan and then fled to HK and they couldn't do anything, so in some ways I thought it made sense to cover up those loopholes, but of course China being China…
No. 448548
>>448452thank you for this perspective, anon. there's definitely things keeping me from working, but I have so much guilt that I can't be that nice to myself, I have to shake myself up and get to work, which is hard because I usually rely on other people's anger, when they are finally done with my shit, for motivation (wow unhealthy).
thank you though, I feel a little bit better and I'll try to seize this little moment of relief for productivity.
No. 448556
>>448285going through exactly the same right now, just studying for an exam instead
it sucks, i never had to study in highschool and suddently in university i need to be able to study and do this work and i can't bring myself to it
and when i start it's not really effective
wishing you the best that you can get out of this though, i'll cheer you on for the next few sentences/ paragraphs you write
No. 448567
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Would I be an asshole if I didn't go to my cousin's wedding for being a huge bitch to me?
We've never been close, she's 5 years older than me. She's the daughter of my mother's brother and I feel like their family has always alienated me and seen me as an othered person. There's three siblings total including her, plus another cousin from another branch of family I don't speak to. Regardless they've always been super close while treating me like a black sheep. We only really communicate during holidays and on occasions where we are together due to family events. I've been around them when they talk nasty and judgmental shit about other people, so I always knew they were giving me the same treatment behind my back. They distance themselves and don't even act like they know me in some cases. I'd describe them respectively as unironic Chad and Stacey stereotypes that 4chan tends to screech about. Except now they're in their 30s and are pretending to be adults with their shit together.
Anyway, when this cousin was planning her wedding she let her sister and the other cousin I mentioned be her bridesmaids. I was the only female family member left out. It's not that I care because I frankly find weddings tacky and I hate being a bridesmaid, but I think it goes to show how much she doesn't care for me to have not even asked. Bet she'd still expect a gift from me!
Needless to say, bride cousin hasn't stopped harping about this wedding. She loooooooves my mommy dearest because she's giving the cousin thousands of dollars for a few venues for this wedding. My mom is a master at buying love out of people with money and gifts for her favorites.
I went no contact with my mom a couple of months ago because she is an abusive narcissist. I had the last straw with her. Her abuse was so bad that I left home in a hurry-threw my shit in storage and lived out my car and my gym membership for awhile as I worked because it was still better than living with her.
I finally found a place to live with my stepdad (who separated from her) and we split rent. But before that my friends had helped me a few nights so I'd have a comfortable place to crash besides my car. I made a post on social media intended for my friends only, just to update them on my situation and highlight some of the abuses that pushed me to make such a decision. It wasn't really scathing or dramatic, just honest. I got a lot of support from my friends and people who weren't aware of what I was going through became empathetic.
I made one mistake, however. I forgot to block one of those distant cousins in my privacy settings for the post. I later found out that this rat screencapped my entire post, and sent it out in a mass email to every single member in my family–who of course would stan for my narc mom. Hey, my narc mom isn't so bad if you don't live with the cunt and aren't her emotional target. I'm sure to outsiders she's just swell and looks like a great parent.
So bride cousin gets ahold of the email and thinks she's going to text me in order to bitch me out about what I posted. I was with friends at the time and it was upsetting to read. She had no idea what I went through and didn't care, because she cares more about being a goldenchild to my mom than me. She wrote to the tune of: ~*~HoW dArE U sAy ThAt I cAnTT bElIeVE yOu PoStED ThAT AbUT uR MAaWwWMm! JUst WaIt TiL ShE SeEs ThIsSSS~*~
First thing I replied to her about was how it was funny that she's more concerned about me telling the truth about her abuse, than her being concerned about my homelessness and living out of my car.
Secondly, that I knew for a fact that she was blocked from seeing the post and so if mom found out about it, I'll know who was in on snitching me out. Ergo she can't be trusted.
She backpedaled and gave me a few more copout lines, but it's been a month and she hasn't bothered me again since. I deleted most of them off social media.
I frankly don't like them, and the cat's out of the bag now as to who they'll cape for in the end.
I don't want to go to her wedding where I'll have to see her traitor face and then be made even more uncomfortable for the fact that my mom will be there as well.
I feel like sending a card, with no money in it, and being done with them all. I hate them very much, and I know they have no love for me at all.
No. 448739
>>448567it would probably be even more awkward to attend the wedding after all of this than not going
sending a card sounds like a good plan, go with that and live your best life (which is without them)
No. 448755
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>when you learn your abusive serial killer in the making NPD ex managed to hook some poor girl into being his gf
the fucker almost killed me twice. i told stories about him here before when i was too scared to break up with him and everyone told me to run the hell away. i wish we lived in a more trusting world where i could tell this girl to gtfo but i just have to sit back and try to hope she doesn't end up dead
No. 448800
I really wish I didn't have to be on birth control, I recently started taking it again and the one method that was working was too expensive and the one I'm on now is making me break out and its almost all mildly cystic. I'm not even sexually active right now I just couldn't control my periods because of the other PCOS medication I'm on. I was basically having multiple "periods" a month. I might just bite the bullet and join
>>448763 and stop taking it again and hope I've been on my other medication long enough that my body doesn't make me bleed on and off every other week.
No. 448841
My anxiety is so much worse than before.
My parents were alcoholics since I was a kid. When they finally give up alcohol, almost 15 years has passed. Sadly my mother died afterwards (nothing to do with her alcoholism which makes it so much harder to handle) and I almost have no contact with my dad.
I always thought this started when I was 7 or 8 years old but now I know I was wrong, that was when I started having memories of it.
I talked with some family members (we never discussed this situation because it felt wrong or like a secret we should keep) and they told me that even when I was no more than two they started noticing signals. I was only two.
I’m scared and pissed off. So, so angry. I have many questions that won’t be answered and I feel bad for getting mad, I feel bad because I loved my mother with all my heart and she did her best to give up alcohol and when she did it, she died anyways. I feel like I put her on a pedestal and now I can only think about why, she told me already the reasons that made her drink (as well as my father) and I understand it but…I was a baby. A baby.
I wish I didn't know all of this because I feel disappointed with the only person I truly loved and cared, with the one who always was there for me. I lost my best friend and now I feel angry and betrayed.
I.e. I bit my nails for many years (maybe from 3 to 8 years old). I always told this to people because I find it peculiar but now I realise it was probably because of my anxiety.
My emotional dependence and my fright of losing people probably is explained by how I was left alone crying for hours in the street where my family members found me asking for my mom (who was drunk sleeping).
And I feel ashamed and guilty of writing this because it was a secret, nothing to be proud about, she was better and in rehabilitation and now dead, it feels wrong.
I only told my best friend part of it (she knows all the problems with alcohol because for years I couldn’t take a shot without crying uncontrollably and started to apologise to everyone, also she met my parents while they were drunk) because I can’t say it out loud to anyone, nor my boyfriend.
I don’t want to meet up with other friends, I want to be left alone, I don’t even want to talk because as selfish as it sounds, every time they complain about their lives it seems nonsense to me because for the things they’re complaining about I know they didn’t have it as hard as me and probably won’t. It’s not a competition and I know it’s not right to feel resentful but I can’t fight this feeling, I’m in so much pain.
What’s worst is knowing that even if I search for help there’s nothing I can do, the only thing I want is to hear my mother’s voice, to reassure me it’s okay, to talk about it and that’s fucking impossible.
No. 448845
>>448842Anon did you write here before, right? I remember you bc of the last part were you felt abandoned by your primary school…
I’m sorry this is happening to you, I well know how terrible that feeling of insecurity and vulnerability is but try to see it this way…people notice things, even if they don’t say anything and now they’re worried about you.
I really hope you the best, I’m sorry your life’s this hard atm.
No. 448859
>>448472Thank you for your honest reply anon, I'm glad you hear you got past this. I hope that I can get over it too, I don't want to be a lame friend anymore either!
>it always looked as if I was feeling guilty about everything even if it wasn't my faultI really related to this, I guess it's something that needs addressed somehow
No. 448860
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My panic attacks are getting really bad again. I've been dealing with them for my entire life, but I thought I was finally figuring out how to manage them a bit better. I'm so tired but also so agitated! I feel like the constant fight or flight and sense of imminent death are actually going to kill me. I need a hug.
No. 448885
>>448859Trust me, I know it's easier to say it than to do it but the moment you just try to not care (even if it seems wrong to you and you have to force yourself somehow), you'll understand that it's your mind telling you everything's wrong when actually your friends probably won't care if you send one, two or three messages.
What opened my eyes was exactly this, trying to reduce the number of messages I sent (even when the urge was strong because I didn't want them to think something was wrong with me) and seeing how even if I didn't talk with them for two days, everything was fine and normal, norhing has changed and they didn't think bad about me.
I'm sure you're not a lame friend because they choose you to be their friend in first place, so I'm also sure you have a good and kind personality.
No. 448892
>>448576Wow your realtor sucks. Not saging this because it's important you see this answer - it's very possible that the realtor and the seller are in cahoots. That they're deliberately setting things up so that you'll pay more in the end (and the realtor gets a bigger %).
This is what my realtor tried to do to me. I caught on to her, amazingly she didn't even deny it. They agreed to close the deal immediately the way it should have been before the delays.
Please be aware of this and do not let yourself be duped (I have a feeling you won't, you're already rightly suspicious). The law is on your side.
No. 448904
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One of my favorite pet instagrammers just posted this on their story and I'm so fucking heartbroken. I have a senior pekingese too, and we found out she has kidney issues last month. We're treating a stubborn UTI at the moment, but I don't have high hopes that that'll be the end of her problems.
A few weeks ago I used up half of my savings to pay for her burial plot and the maintenance fee for it. She bounced back from when we got the initial diagnosis and is back to her annoying and yappy self, but it hurts to know her time might be soon. I love Chewlia too, she's so beautiful and cute. This post was just an unfortunate reminder of why I give my dog medication every morning, why I fret over every little thing, why the mornings when she's too lethargic to walk or eat are the worst because I don't know if it's her last day or not. I'm so fucking sad. Why can't dogs live forever? I've had my dog for 15 years, how am I supposed to live without her? Chewlia was adopted as a senior dog after being found as a stray, I'm so sad thinking that she finally has loving home, warm bed, and food and her time might be soon too.
Fuck I'm about to make a fool of myself at work and start crying.
No. 448916
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>>448860Iktf. Here's a virtual hug, anon.
No. 448923
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>>448724consider vintage!! there's a lot of vintage stuff for about the same as or cheaper than new, especially for things that aren't branded. like your standard kmart/sears sweaters & button downs and stuff used to be, maybe not well-made per se, but at least cotton or ramie/linen and not the rayon disasters they sell at big stores now. i really can't believe the amount of like, under armory synthetic type stuff people wear. to me it just isn't comfortable and it also deteriorates really fast in my experience.
imo etsy is really good for vintage basics, since people tag things well in terms of size, color and material as opposed to ebay/poshmark where people tag mostly by brand. full disclosure though, if you buy vintage stuff on etsy in some categories, there is a good chance you will be buying from me. so i am not an unbiased advisor in this regard.
No. 448954
>>448945If anyone thinks that's ridiculous then let them, it sounds like you had a wonderful bond with him right up until his last moment, and still.
Loss is intense, and a week is nothing.
No. 448958
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>>448934it's more possible than you think. this waistcoat is actually late 1700s but it auctioned for only $287 - was in 2007 though so things are probably more now. that site has some really funny stuff so i spend a lot of time on there, and there's really nothing that's much more expensive than modern designer. which is just insane honestly.
No. 449047
>>449045>I recently found out the girl, who was valedictorian and went to college to be a pharmacist and do chemical engineering, wants to marry her now army boyfriend and become a stay at home mom.She sounds smart. Why not let the man pave her way if he can provide? If having children is something she wants then it's much easier done as a stay at home mom than balancing the hell that is childcare and job.
If she already has the education and some experience it means she can always pick her career back up again if military hubby doesn't pan out.
You should definitely be concerned about the brainless unemployed thot friend giving her offspring away to family between boyfriends though.
No. 449051
>>449050>Nta but because he can withdraw that support at any time? Which can happen regardless if she has a job.
>Because you can't leave someone you depend upon to liveShe has an education, why couldn't she find a job and leave if it came to that?
It's a bit of a different situation. For anon to have started out with the jobless educationless thot and then fixate on this woman who relatively has her shit together is a bit…odd.
No. 449054
>>449051women can still get jobs after they have children so I think they are comparing the graduate to the lifestyle of the lazy baby momma too much
there’s nothing wrong with staying at home for two or three years to take care of a kid until they’re in school
No. 449073
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One of my friends just vented to me about how he's gotta move back in with his parents because the sister that he was renting from wants to kick him out specifically because she wants to walk around the house naked.
Lmao, can't make this shit up.
No. 449208
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I am jealous of people with thick hair density. My hair is curly but really thin so I look like I have random bald spots on my head because the curls stick together. My brothers and sister all have thicker hair than me. I'm also the shortest of my siblings but I'd trade two inches of height for hair like theirs. As the youngest, I feel like my mom's body just gave up and handed me all the bad genes.
No. 449213
>>449208I'll commiserate with you anon. My hair is also very thin and it has a frizzy curl to it. I basically walk around looking like I have damaged witchy hair most of the time. It's quick to grease at the roots while the ends look permanently dry and frazzled, even with hair masks.
When I heat tool my hair it looks okayish, but it's too damaging to do everyday. I just get people commenting on how nice it looks compared to when I let it go natural and it makes me feel bad. Yet even when I heat tool and style it, it's only a matter of weather or a little bit of sweat for it to poof out and refrizz.
I look like an extra monkey right now because my hair broke and shed a lot recently so now I have a lot of flyaways from regrow. It's a hot mess.
I want to be one of those girls who wake up everyday with silky, gorgeous hair with no effort.
Thicker hair would've been a blessing for me not only for the fact that it generally looks nicer, but it also would have balanced out my moon face and square jaw better.
No. 449222
>>449212Is your family patriarchal?
Mine is. I never had siblings but the eldest and only male cousin in my family was mollycoddled in a similar fashion and is now a psychotic piece of shit in his 30s.
Antics include: Repeatedly crashing expensive cars his parents bought him and trading in lesser cars he was bought for more expensive trucks; stealing gas and getting into legal trouble whereby he'd bilk my grandparents for thousands for lawyers; hooking up with floozie women from bars for social clout and getting into fights; having an out of wedlock child with one said bar floozie that he uses to curry pity gifts and money out of other family members; constantly pretends to be a good single dad even though he refuses to vaccinate his child or put him in early schooling; stole a firearm from an uncle and became enraged and entitled when the uncle called him to give it back.
!*!BuT hOw DiD hE bEcOmE sUcH a SpOiLeD BrAt~*~
When my grandparents were alive they were super deluded about him, thinking he'd become a dentist (lmao). He never did well in high school, was a partier, and had no interest in college.
His current job is being a mid manager in a timeshare selling company. So basically a scam artist. And it must hardly pay the bills even though he posts on social media about flying to exotic places because he always acts hard up for things like furniture and stuff for his kid. I'm sure he'd be a slob too if it weren't for his image that he's so desperate to cling to.
Men have shit on easy mode and they still manage to fuck up everything and blame someone else.
No. 449224
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I sound like a jelly hater but influencers that put relatable captions on photoshopped images bother me more than they should
I don't have anything against photoshopping, or girls trying to seem relatable even when they don't realise that they aren't, but the combination of the two gives me a bad taste. Don't call it irl when it isn't.
No. 449225
>>449215Thank you, I’m hoping something will happen to change him but deep inside, I want him to fuck up so badly that he wakes up or gets tossed out.
>>449216I think it has a lot to do with the fact she didn’t really raise us, all of my childhood memories up until I was old enough to babysit are mostly from shitty cheap daycares that we’d be moved around to. She worked a lot and never really established parental authority, and he has always abused that.
No. 449229
>>449224The pic and caption just scream 'I'm self obsessed' to me
I only ever like pics of animals and cute things on insta cos I hate that shit
No. 449241
>>449221We definitely do. She told me a long time ago how we have to do it because we're the women of the house and I almost lost my fucking shit. The only reason why I clean the floors and help her with laundry is because I know no one else with help her and she'll end up having to do all of it alone. There were so many better ways to frame it to not make me so mad about my dad and cousin very barely contributing to the household chores, but this is the way she chose to go about it. She's pretty old fashioned so I can't blame her, but fuck does it really boil my blood.
My dad isn't completely irredeemable as a person and is very loving, supportive of me, and defensive of my mom when her friends/family treat her like shit, but he's got his bad qualities and it's so unfortunate that they're huge glaring problems that sometimes completely cloud over his good qualities rather than just being small nuisances. My cousin really needs to pick up the fucking slack though. It's not that he's spoiled and rotten as much as he definitely should contribute considering all he does is play monster hunter all day. My parents gloss over him because he's not technically their kid (staying with us while he studies at uni), as if he's a guest at a hotel and not basically just a freeloader at this point.
No. 449283
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I am so jealous of people who had normal childhood. They can always at least look back at memories and shit when they get sad or some shit. I was just sat here thinking back and I have tried to block nearly everything, so if there were some cute moments, can't fucking remember in the midst of all the shitfuckery. Same goes for the people with a safety net made of family, bitch you do not understand the panic and depression you have knowing you're fucked if you fuck up. You fail and fucking uwu yourself into your pillowy ass family. I am so mad wow. Same goes to these weirdass snowflakes who claim to be so banned from their family, such black sheeps they are, their parents hate them yet when any holiday or even the occasional weekend comes, it's mommy, daddy and me selfie galore. I am jealous goddamit, why the fuck do you get that, what the fuck did I ever do to not get that shit even as a kid, I want answers. Let me just scream into the void for a bit, I know I am pathetic right now but jesus fucking christ I am Salty.
No. 449286
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>>449283I empathize with you entirely. When I see people my age who have a great family and good upbringings I tell myself it's stupid to feel jealous and bitter and that I should be happy for them, since every child deserves that. But when it comes to people who claim that they've had such a terrible experience with their parents, only to fall back on them every time they want money, nice items, or trips, it angers me to no end.
No. 449289
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>>449283this is only pertaining to the picture and not a slight at you, but who tf looks at memes to cheer yourself up. memes are depressing. cute animal pics are where it's at.
No. 449291
>>449286 I always feel extra awful because I am getting salty for something everyone should have? Glad (I guess) someone else gets it too!
>>449289 I just chose a pic I first found on my phone, I usually get even sadder with animal pics because I can't see mine anymore due to the shit family, but you have a good goddamn point.
No. 449335
>>449318I agree, and I disagree. She's probably going to end up very mentally unstable
more than she already is from this, at the same time, we need to care about our planet now so much more than ever. Whatever inspires some change in the mindset of the general population, I guess I'm for it.
No. 449346
>>449318I have a hard time believing that she only has Aspergers, she's already 16 yet looks like a 10-year-old with down syndrome. She's just a mere puppet of her fame and money hungry parents and also of leftist/green parties.
So many kids in my country used to protest during that last view months and now cause there are summer vacations nobody does lol
Only spoiled brats whith the newest iphones who have their moms drive them everywhere…
Plus her sailing stunt is actually less environmentally friendly than flying. A couple people had to fly the US to bring the boat back and the crew who sailed with her needs to fly back too.
No. 449421
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Some pedo that online groomed me when I was 14 is sorta big now.
I recently went through my old snapchat and saw our messages… He was 20 at the time and now he's big on twitter with around 10k followers for being an esports coach and I feel really weird about it. Thinking back to it now is messing me up and even more so for the fact that he's actually somebody notable online.
No. 449429
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I've had my cornsnake for several years, and the other day he had his first incomplete shed. He basically had leftover skin bits still stuck to him, usually he only gets it on the tail but this time it was up near his neck and face.
I was too afraid to leave it on him, so I soaked him for a spell and attempted to peel it off but he gave me a bigger fight about it than expected. He doesn't bite, but he struggles a lot. The only times he was still was during little spurts of exhaustion but shortly after that he went back to wacky flailing inflatable no arm flailing tube man.
I feel like he's still stressed out by me. Is it pathetic that I just want my snake to love me in the capacity that a noodle can love a human? I wish he understood my good intentions.
No. 449452
>>449429I recently got a blood python, a hatchling. People keep telling me they're aggressive and nippy and whatnot. But mine is…chill? She does well with handling but still gets antsy sometimes. I want to try building a bond with her and maybe she can like me in some capacity. Or maybe I'll always be that annoying moving tree thing that picks her up sometimes.
On another snake related thing: it bugs me when people just buy a snake (or other reptile, etc.) and just shove it in a tub, on a rack. With minimal substrate or decoration. What's the point? What kind of life is that. I want my snake to be enriched, and thrive instead of just surviving. I'm planning a bioactive enclosure and it's more expensive but she deserves the best. I just love that little sausage.
No. 449461
>>449452Right? I have a huge terrarium setup for my snake. He has several hides and natural log branches for him to climb up on. His tank is in my room so I can see him from time to time, and I think he enjoys scoping on me when I'm on my laptop sometimes.
I don't believe reptiles really care about being constantly enriched but it seems so nasty and indifferent to shove them into plastic tubs like what so many of those reptile hoarders do. It disturbs me when people treat animals as objects like that.
No. 449467
>>449461Exactly. I guess if you're a breeder and you need to have a lot of snakes in one area…but I still don't understand it. I don't care about morphs/bred color patterns, or people valuing the color over the actual snake itself. Especially when in some cases (like spider ball pythons) it can lead to actual neurological issues. I have a friend who has a WIDE variety of reptiles and it kind of bothers me because I hear her get something new every so often.
Also my dad is still kind of annoyed with my decision to get a snake, despite it living in my room and he literally never has to see or touch it. He seems to legit think they will carry salmonella or are all disease carrying wild animals.
No. 449541
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I think I’ve developed an ED.
It started out with dieting, keto, then intermittent fasting and now I can’t eat anything without guilt or numbers running in my head like the fucking math lady meme. I’ve tried throwing up several times but I can never do it properly. If I managed to throw up successfully I’d probably do it all the time.
I’m trying to focus on exercise and healthy dietary choices for the most part but god am I tired of trying to be “good” all the time.
I wish I could go back to my teen days and eat whatever I wanted without caring so much. Now I’m miserable just trying to lose 5-10 pounds.
No. 449554
>>449421Ruin him.
He did the crime, force him to do the time.
Victims of grooming often empathize with their attackers too much to press charges by the time they e grown to realize what happened. Don't do that, it's how groomers win and the goal they want. He fucked with your life when you were powerless, now you have power. Bury him.
No. 449705
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ughhh my boyfriend is at a party with a bunch of dicks and i feel bad even though i shouldnt because thats toxic or whatever, so now im drinking alone to compensate.
No. 449719
My longterm relationship fell apart out of the blue but I guess there were a lot of issues building up that we didn't acknowledge until the end.
He got really into fitness and health. Gym every single day, sometimes doubling up, but cannot miss a single day. Started with vegan diet, then intermittent fasting, then OMAD. Plus he's sober. So not only could we not go out to drink, we no longer could go out to eat. Or even really cook. And if I was hungry or ate, there'd be tension and judgement.
I tried to support him for so long but it got to a point where I could see him trying to do week long water fasts "just to push himself". And I was so sick of being judged for wanting to eat. Going out for dates was out of the question because he only ate after the gym, at work. But he made his own exceptions when he wanted ice cream or junk food. But only when he wanted them.
Plus when we started dating, and he was drinking at the time, we had rough/kink sex. He would tell me he got hard just if I was in the room.
But he got sober (good), the sex slowed down, then happened maybe once a week, or two weeks. For ~5 minutes. Just felt like obligation. I started feeling like shit about myself, and even now my libido is still fucking shot.
Anyway now I realize when I'm ready I can see someone else and be able to eat/drink but it seems ingrained into me that no one will want to fuck someone who doesn't go to the gym 7+ times a week and eats <800cals a day and doesn't have veins showing in her hipbone area.
No. 449720
>>449705I'm doing the exact same thing except it's a concert instead of a party.
Also, what anime is this character from?
No. 449723
>>449719This sounds like the nightmare gymbro experience, you have my sympathies.
Know that none of his behavior was normal, is sounds deeply eating disordered. I'm glad you're out of there. I hope you meet a normal guy who loves food next time.
No. 449729
>>449575If they're still kpop fans it makes sense that a lot of them would be ana-chans since they idolize people who display their anorexia like a prize
>>449577Yeah it kinda defeats the purpose of the thread
>>449683I feel for you anon. People can be so disgusting and horrible, and siblings are no exception, despite what some people may think
No. 449926
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Dear friend,
I know you think this guy you met 3 month ago is the love of your life, but c'mon. He a shitty man child. He is a disability check weeb with no car or job. The only thing he is good for is being a human dildo. You may be a fat girl, but you can do better than this fat manchild.
To answer you request on him staying a week every month. Denied. I told you I don't want to live with a man. I don't feel comfortable or trust him to be left alone in my home. So, you are gonna have to go back to fucking him at his mama house.
You decided you love this lazy POS, so you are gonna have to lie in that semen stain bed next door. Gosh, you better hope to not get pregnant by this man, because I can't support this. I'll leave and you'll never hear from me again.
you thought i was joking when I said I'll leave when you start to get serious with him. I wasn't, I can't take this relationship seriously. you both act like unsupervised 15 years old. All you two do is eat fast food and fuck.
If he doesn't care about your diet, or how you live in filth, or improving yourself. Than I don't give a fuck about him.
the last week he was here, prove how little he truly care. He just using you to get a cheap room and cheap pussy from. Wake up. The only true date place you went to was the movies, you both stay inside or ate fast food. How is it that your relationship is base around eating and fucking?
I wish there was more to complain about, but there honestly nothing to your relationship I can honestly think about. It sad, boring and I can't believe this is who you want? You.Are.Settling. Trust me, I know it hard being close to 30 and this is the first guy to EVER like you, but you can't settle for bottom of the barrel dick. C'mon, you can do better.
As a friend of 10 years, I know I am being incredibly mean and cruel, but Damn. I don't know how to tell you how worried I am about you. My gut is telling me this guy is all red flags, but I hate to be the person to make you sad. So, I'm struggling to be okay with this. I want you to be happy. I want to see you get married and have children. You'll be a great mom and wife. I love the years we been friends.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore.
No. 449940
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I hate my height. And the fact that nobody takes me complaining about it seriously. Whenever I vent about guys not liking me everybody comments "Why don't you go for shorter guys?" - as if they would like me. Short to average men usually are the most cruel.
Short men on reddit, 4chan, youtube, simply everywhere on the internet go full on incel, yet while us tall women would also have a billion reasons to sperg out just like them nobody of us does. Something like a female bagel-man would never happen. Instead of getting angry I as well as other tall girls only turn more and more quiet and insecure.
My biggest wish would be to look normal and not have such a hard time dating.
When I was a young girl and getting mocked for being tall by other students and receiving nasty comments by adults I always thought I'd be more confident as an adult.
Tomorrow I'll turn 24 and it's still a massive (literally) problem in my life, I feel as if it'll never get better.
Whenever I meet somebody new I'm bound to get not so nice comments for it. I'm 5'10 while my coworker is probably 5'8 and she constantly comments on how small she feels next to me, how glad she is that she's not as tall as me… She's just 16 so she doesn't know better, but it hurts nevertheless.
Just recently I went to a new doctor and of course the first thing she says is "OMG you are sooo tall! How tall are you?!" She probably didn't mean it in a bad way, but nevertheless why does everybody think this is okay? I didn't think of telling her she's short and old either…
When I was younger I comforted myself with unironically wishing to become a model, but now that I'm a not so pretty, not so skinny adult, being a giant is literally useless. The only thing I'm good for is helping grannies get stuff of the top shelf in supermarkets.
Pic related, I'll probably really do that lol
No. 449942
>>449940I think tall girls are hot tbh. And there's definitely hope for you, anon. My brother and his girlfriend are the same age as you, and they're 6'5" and 5'10" respectively.
Tall guys being into short girls is a meme, methinks. All the tall guys I know are with tall girls.
No. 449948
>>449940i’m 3 inches taller than you and all it’s gotten me is attention from weird dudes who have a height fetish so
it’s really not a big deal anon, you get one body and you’re allowed to bitch as much as you want but it’s not going to help you in the long run. just be your tall ass self and live your best life
No. 449953
>>449940I feel you anon, I'm 5'9", been mocked for my height my whole life, especially by strangers. Had a friend who was about 5'6" and would make non stop comments about how tall I am. My sister is about 5'3" and always reminds me of how tall I am and loves to remind people of how short she is. And I'm the unfortunate kind of tall, because even though I'm tall I'm not slender, I'm still very round and my torso is what makes me tall rather than my legs which I fucking hate. If you're the kind of tall girl who has long legs then you should wear outfits that accentuate that, or that accentuate whatever you like about yourself. I've heard that having short hair can make you look shorter.
>>449942I don't know about that. My ex boyfriend liked to talk about how much he wanted to fuck short girls with small tiddies and ass too (I'm the opposite of all three of those) and when I would get offended he would just tell me that I had insecurity issues, which I did, but I told him it upset me and yet he kept doing it. I think tall men get an ego boost from being around short women, it's a domination thing, or at least it was with my ex.
No. 449961
>>449953Your ex is a shithead. If he was with a short girl, he'd probably neg her by saying she's too short. He was probably intentionally negging you because he thought that destroying your self-esteem would make you stay with him. It's what psychos do when they're worried that girls will leave them.
Sex between a tall guy and a short girl is literally painful because of the size disparity. I've been told as much by a couple short women already.
No. 449974
>>449965I'm thinking short girl = short vagina = hitting cervix = pain
Plus he's using more strength and force to hit that cervix than a smaller man can
No. 449975
>>449943>They can eat more. But since my body needs more calories I also get hungry quicker than shorter girls.
>They look so mature. That's one of my main problems tbh, since I always wanted to look and dress cute, but was never able to, even as a child. I don't have the typical "stacy" personality, so dressing elegant or sexy feels super odd to me. But whenever I try something more girly it also looks weird. So I dress just super plain. Plus finding winter coats that don't leave a good portion of my arms bare is also difficult. Same for shoes.
>>449953My friends also constantly said rude things, like comparing their small body parts with my bigger ones. I can't believe thtat this wasn't intentional.
>my torso is what makes me tall rather than my legsI'm the same, super tall, but stumpy legs.
>>449961>Sex between a tall guy and a short girl is literally painful because of the size disparity.Just because a woman is tall doesn't men that she's looser than you down there…
No. 450003
>>449493thanks anon, you're very sweet! that shift went okay but i actually just got sent home from today's shift cuz i had a panic attack in the middle of the tea room and threw up from stress (which i didn't realise was a thing!)
maybe i AM overworking myself…
No. 450075
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I keep hearing about these genius kids that graduate from HS early (around 15 or so) while also going to a community college so they can enter university as a junior and it makes me so feel so stupid.
I'm attending community college now, I'm 20 years old, a semester behind because I started late, and I'll probably not even have my degree until 2022.
Comparing yourself to people is dumb, I know, (especially since a lot of those guys are coming from these mega rich families) but goddamn. I can't help it.
No. 450081
>>449629not really? I never update my fb either and just keep it for events and about two groups I'm in
If my local lolita community didn't organize their events through facebook i wouldn't even log on anymore
No. 450092
>>449940too bad you're not a lesbian, anon
tall girls are so hot
No. 450097
>>449983i hope your plans still ended up fun anon, that sucks i feel with you
make the best out of the day and treat yourself
No. 450126
>>450119The most relatable post, why do we cling to shitty relationships?
I was so unhappy in my last relationship that I developed all sorts of little health issues..they all disappeared once I was living alone again
No. 450237
>>450225i feel you. i have cute clothing i never get to wear and use flavoured lip balm as though I'm going to get kissed but i never do because the person I love doesn't love me back.
and it's been that way for years, I have robbed myself of my teens and now sorely regret it.
i hope you reach your goal anon, I definitely wish I had had the drive to put myself out there and be more social.
No. 450258
You know what? It fucking pisses me off when my bf pretends to be sad about someone dying or having some disease or whatever.
Like he won't care about the big stuff on most days, he'll downplay historical tragedies and shit, but here, for example, he'll message me during a work day;
>oh no, Roger passed away
>Roger X, a coworker in X department, died of X at whatever time
>oh right shame, did you know him?
>no, but it's so upsetting, apparently he was a great guy
I paraphrased, but the initial messages were done in such a way I thought it was someone close he knew, only to realise he probably just read it in some announcement and wanted to virtue signal all over the fucking place at the expense of this dead stranger.
Trying to paint traits of him to make it seem like more of a tragedy when he'd never fucking seen or heard of him before. It's gross and exploitative and I can see right through it.
Man I was so annoyed by it I didn't message him the rest of the day. SO many people do that too, it's terrible.
No. 450318
I know you guys hate fatties but I needed to vent somewhere.
I'm feeling so insanely discouraged about losing weight. This summer I've lost 15lbs (down from 200) through a combination of intermittent fasting, healthier eating and extremely expensive weight loss medication, which wasn't nearly as effective as my doctor promised it would be (this expectation set me up for failure big time already). I have hit a hardcore plateau already on the max dose. My doctor told me I need to start doing at least 20 min of cardio a day, not just a few times a week, because I am insulin resistant with PCOS, so I've stepped it up these last 2 weeks. I missed 1 day but otherwise I've been doing high intensity rowing for at least 30 min a day, as well as a 1 hr cardio spin class 2x a week. My eating has been perfect. All lean protein and leafy greens. No refined carbs or sugar. No cheat days. Water only, no soda, juice or milk. 1400 calories or under a day, as my doctor instructed. Stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh in - I had gained 3lbs. I hadn't expected enormous losses, but to GAIN kind of sent me over the edge and I broke down crying for hours.
It just sucks to work so hard and see no visible results, even my measurements haven't really changed. I know I should tell myself that even if my weight doesn't change, my diet and exercise is making me healthier every day. But all I can think about is my bulemic mom shaming me just like she did when I was a teenager because I was a size 6 and not a 2 like SHE was when she was in high school. I feel like I'm never going to be good enough.
No. 450319
>>450318It's highly unlikely you have actually gained 3lbs in fat. Weight fluctuates small amounts like that all the time, because of water weight or your digestive system or whatever. Just stick with it, you've already lost a good amount.
But yeah I can relate because it's so disappointing when the scales dont reflect your hard work, I feel so nervous before I weigh myself. But you just have to trust the math behind caloric deficits and keep going.
No. 450333
>>450318>>450319to add to this, if you've been exercising a lot more you've also probably been drinking a lot more water. water weight actually fluctuates a crazy amount. if I eat salty foods for two or three days in a row i start to physically look like i've gained a significant amount of weight due to water retention. also, if you stopped drinking/eating certain things that act as diuretics or laxatives, you might retain water for a while before your body gets back to normal after losing the external diuretic/laxative.
coffee/caffeine in particular does this to me. whenever I quit drinking coffee I get really tired & bloated for a while….basically feels like i have 3 days worth of poop in me and I have to eat a lot of kale for roughage and then shit like a lot to get back to normal
No. 450338
>>450318>>450336oh and it makes complete sense that you feel this way with that mom. Try to be kind to yourself and heal if you can. We're here for you.
>>450323I hope that kitten has a guardian angel watching over it till rescue! And it's not on you, it's on the owner or it was an accident. Good luck
No. 450385
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>>450366That's how a lot of us if not all of us are raised (not like its any excuse when critical thinking skills are something everyone hopefully has).
Fun/sad story: I remember being in kindergarten, before any of us could read, and after we recited the pledge of allegiance one morning I asked my teacher what a poster on the wall said because I kept trying to figure out what the words were and it was literally the pledge. I hate using the word indoctrinated but that's basically what happened, before we even know how to read the words to what we're saying. Texas (unsurprisingly) even has a pledge for their state flag too.
I stopped reciting/standing for the pledge in high school and people looked at me like I was doing something insane, and it just reminds me of how weird other countries think we are for reciting some weird nationalist thing to a flag every morning. Most kids here don't even know the pledge isn't mandatory either, you'll likely never ever hear anyone telling a student its well within their rights to refuse to stand or say the pledge, or the national anthem. Usually you also one way or another get accused of hating veterans and/or active military too because… why not I guess.
No. 450423
>>450371I think you're the first American I've ever encountered that understands the risks to other countries political systems posed by the virulent nationalism inherent to the American mindset. I don't want my fucking socialised healthcare sold off, and the abuse of our supposed "special relationship" by the conservative right in my country (when previously for the past 60 years we've always viewed Americans with something approaching mildly tolerant distaste, because you are all just so very
loud) after the 08 global recession has made growing up with the effects of neoliberal policy nothing short of devastating to my generation (I'm not even going to get into how prescient and self-aware Zoomers are, they absolutely know they're fucked and I respect that kind of nihilism). Your country was built on the worst kind of "fuck you, I've got mine" principles and everyone around the world suffers because the American ones influence our own greedy capitalist pigdogs who share that mindset.
No. 450490
My parents agreed to let some family friends stay with us and I'm so upset that they agreed because our apartment is a FUCKING MESS. Our apartment isn't small by NYC standards, but there's so much junk in our apartment that it makes it feel smaller and stuffier than it actually it. My dad buys so much stupid ass shit there's literally piles of random junk on the floor because it couldn't be contained to one spot. My cousin started living with us so he sleeps on the couch and there's his junk all over the couch (no matter how neatly piled and folded, I think it just's a bad fucking look).
I'm so fucking embarrassed that these people are staying with us. I told my dad to clean up his shit and he said "how?" Are you fucking kidding me? I refuse to do no matter how bad my embarrassment because I hate enabling behavior like this, I don't want to start letting him think that he can make a mess and I'll pick it up just like how I always have to clean the dishes he leaves in the sink after I've gone to bed. I went through several major cleaning sweeps to get my room into decent order, and there's still work to be done, but it's miles better a less full of junk than anywhere else in our apartment.
When my dad called our family friend to confirm when he would be coming, he also said "Oh! Our apartment is really messy, sorry~" and the guy (who was on speaker) said, "No, no, it's okay! Don't worry!" and it reminded me of when you're a kid and your friends are coming over and your parents scold you to clean your room, and once your friends come over you they're like "well idgaf if your room is messy or not lol" so you say "see! I didn't have to clean! They don't care!" I feel like the parent now. Sure, they might not care, and I don't give a shit about whether they care or not because I care.
No. 450507
>>450438Weight loss is a lot of blandness, repetition, frustration, and disappointment.
I'm sorry you're going through this anon. You'll pull through if you stick to it.
No. 450522
>>449712Some times I lie about pointless details in a story if I think it will get the point across easier. Like for example, if I read your post correctly, the lie here is that she said they went one town over instead of the friends actually visiting them in their town. If, for any reason, I thought that particular friends coming to visit me would bring hiccups/misunderstandings to the conversation (e.g. "Oh but I thought John had X on that day and his car would be elsewhere etc.) then I'll just change the story to skip the fuck around, as long as the
actual point of the story (that your friends met each other) gets across… I don't know if this is weird, unhealthy, wrong or whatever, and I realise my example was a little contrived in this case since admittedly that
does seem like a weird thing to lie about, but that's my perspective anyway.
No. 450535
>>450494Haha are you me anon?
I idealized the hell out of my stepdad until he told me a few months ago that he was cheating on my mom with a 30 year old mother. Only a few years older than me, and he's almost 60.
I always thought he was the trustworthy, charismatic voice of reason "not like the other guys." Compared to my psychotic mom I guess maybe he just didn't hold as many red flags.
Now I'm living with my stepdad after the fallout and their split. He's acting like a giant manbaby. Better than living with my mom but not by much. He throws tantrums, never cleans, and constantly tries to guilt trip me about going no contact with my mom because he feels like he started everything by cheating–which was certainly a catalyst. Not that he actually cares about how I feel towards her, he just wants to be relieved of the guilt he feels.
When he told me he was cheating he added "I'm not looking for your opinion or advice, I'm going to do what I want," yet he's trying to force me to have a relationship with my mom as if I have no autonomy on the matter.
I don't really have faith in men anymore. I recognize my biological want for them, yet I always anticipate the punches now and never stick around for a second hit to the face.
No. 450537
>>450518Heartbreak isn't easy, it'll never be easy, so take things slow! It really took me several years to get over my first relationship. I'm several months out from my most recent breakup and things still weren't easy, even though we ended on really good terms with each other. Heartbreak is heartbreak.
Distract yourself, find new motivations. It's a lot easier said than done, but the world is still moving around you, so the faster you pick yourself up (even if it's just small steps!) the more you'll thank yourself in the future. Let yourself cry it out and indulge in your sadness, you just lost someone very important to you! But there's a very fine line between letting yourself live through that sadness and letting it completely consume you. It also helps to talk to people (or in my case, I took to writing in my journal since that helps me best).
It sounds fucking impossible, but there will come a time when you look back at her and realize you have no feelings for her anymore. That time will come anon. It might take a long, long time, but it'll come.
I'm so happy that you got into your dream university. Even if it'll be hard, join a club or something! Make friends to help you forget about your troubles. Walk around campus and enjoy your current surroundings. One door has closed behind you, but so many more have just opened before you. I know my post may come off as overly optimistic and cheesy, and I might not be one to talk since I'm still feeling my own heartbreak, but I hope things will start looking brighter for you anon. Don't let the heartbreak you're feeling right now ruin your future by affecting you academically. Don't let it take over too much of your present moment either! Also, don't beat yourself up if you get sick of feeling so sad all the time.
No. 450623
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Someone just rage quit at my job. We've been losing coworkers by the week. People who have been there 3+ years. Our new manager is satan's daughter and i've been on the verge, so i'm looking for new jobs right now. This bitch is gonna lose all the best employees because this doesnt treat us with a shred of respect of dignity.
No. 450630
>>450627I told myself to buy granola bars when I was at the store yesterday, but for whatever stupid ass reason I didn't. Will buy some crackers though! I have a really small appetite so almost everything will ruin it but hopefully just some saltines will be okay.
I didn't use to have these before at my old job- it was just regular hunger pangs (which suck on their own but honestly I'll take being hangry over being nauseous). I drink a lot of water/tea throughout the day but since I work the front desk at an office now I can't really have snacks to nibble on/easily leave to grab something small to hold me over.
No. 450632
>>450593Literally every man in a poly relationship I've met:
>Hipster or a hippie>Narcissistic and manipulative>A complete slut who wants to fuck around>Can't be alone and breaking up would result in a wounded pride so instead of dumping the gf he got tired of he guilt tripped her into a poly relationship>Humblebrags about it to everyone, bringing up his special poly setting in any discussion by starting everything with "My PARTNERS….". And it's always PARTNERS to avoid sounding like a womanizing creep– I mean to be ~woke and gender neutral~>If the girlfriend is upset about the situation, the man just pressures her into "trying it out" and once she tries to be involved with another guy, the man uses that as a weapon against her every time after that ("But you had that one other guy too didn't you?")>"I mean monogamy works for some people, but this just works for us the best! All you need to do is to ~communicate~!"Applies to poly women too but like 90% of the time it's always the man who wanted a poly relationship.
No. 450698
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i made a long drive to visit a friend i haven't seen in a while and she kept coming onto me. despite telling her i'm not interested she constantly forced her hand into mine, snuggled up to my shoulder in public, and got into my personal space/grabbed my arm under the context of being so uwu scared by everything.
she had asked me out a long time ago and i already said no. thought that was that, but when i commented on thinking a guy was cute she was like "UH!!! I'M OVER HERE YOU KNOW!" and "if you ever think about dating someone… y'know… i'm here!"
i feel really angry and i'm in a weird position because i don't want to be mean or perceived as mean by our mutual friends. but like holy shit get off of me
No. 450706
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>tfw asshole
whats my damage? why am i so mean?
No. 450741
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There is a mosquito in this room and I lost sight of it before I could kill it. I'm really tired but I know for a fact that as soon as I close my eyes that bastard will sting me and I react 10x more allergic to insect bites. It will ruin my whole week.
No. 450744
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>>450741Bloody hell…. I must say, I feel really bad for you. I hate those bloody blood sucking bastards.
(namefagging) No. 450796
>>450793I've had all the tests, been to the doctors, had my hormone levels tested and the like. There's nothing wrong, and it correlates perfectly with antidepressant usage and follows the pattern most men on the drugs follow.
>Tell them that you have this issue before doing something intimate so it won't be like the "he didn't know i was trans!!" stories.Yeah, heh, that's a given. I'll keep it as a third date rule.
(not a pander group for your penis problems) No. 450816
>>448848I went to my doctor and he prescribed me mefanamic acid, initially got it because I had painful cramps. It just about halves my blood flow, or if i‘m light it stops it completely.
Would fully recommend if you don‘t want to spend the first 2-3 days wearing the heavy tampon/pad combo.
No. 450876
>>450865A few stories from back in my fetlife/local kink scene days: I met one convicted sex offender (child porn) he had aspergers and told everyone about his conviction openly but was still allowed at all events for some reason. I googled his case and it was sickening as he communicated with a child porn ring and requested specific things
I had a threesome and afterwards found out I'd fucked a 16 year old who lied about her age (met her in an over 18s kink club night and she was with her 30 year old master)
I saw open relationships where cheating/emotional cheating still happened at alarming rates and ripped relationships apart in a dramatic fashion where it created a bad atmosphere at most events, you were expected to take someones side
That same 16 year old later moved from the Uk to the US to meet a master and she got engaged the day she landed, tattooed with his name that week and pregnant that month..she's now living back here as a single mother
Sorry just reminded of all them interesting 'fetlife' types. You sound level headed and a world apart
No. 450940
>>450752Then move back where you came from.
I'm really hating all these out of towners coming into the region and driving up prices…
No. 450950
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This kind of person pisses me off. He is an incel conspiracy theorist who doesn't have a girlfriend. Also uses made-up pseudointellectual terms while clearly never having picked up a philosophy or social science book in his fucking life. The kicker is he is obsessed with his music taste because he loves Radiohead and Modest Mouse.
I hate to admit this but this person seems like such a miserable and emotionally draining person to be around. I hate to admit this but no one is going to live up to his standards. I don't usually say this but I really hope this kind of person kills themselves.
Honestly it makes me so mad there are so many people, usually guys, who are satisfied with their intellectual capabilities while studying ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOTHING. Why the fuck do I try to learn all of the time when these guys pat themselves on the back for nothing? These guys do exist irl. I went on a date with a guy who thought he was so deep for thinking that Dr Strangelove was a parody of the cold war. It makes me so mad.
No. 450955
>>450075anon I graduated college at 25 after suffering for almost 8 years. My husband was the same pretty much. Think of it as being exactly where you’re supposed to be right now.
I wouldn’t have been able to start a decent career if I had graduated when I was supposed to because of mental health issues and shit. Try to avoid those types of stories/articles because I know it’s hard to not compare yourself to other people no matter how confident you are
No. 450956
>>450950It's like this guy never matured of this 16-23 yo period where you feel so edgy and profound and that you're so much better than everybody for liking some obscure shit you think you know a lot about.
It's pathetic in a 29yo and the reddest of flag.
No. 450970
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>>450950This might be the single most pretentious shit I have ever read in my life.
No. 450984
>>450960i get that same treatment. im quite irl and i dont like to get into deep conversations with people because they have no need to know the 'real' me but people are really dismissive when they speak to me and think that im not skilled in anything i guess because i dont brag about how much i know about stuff? i wonder sometimes if its because i may come across as a big ol bitch but i dont know. i let people lead the conversation and laugh at their tired ass reddit jokes.
but i worked in the game industry. women were only around because they had tits and could part men of their money easily.
No. 450994
>>450984I honestly think it’s because you’re not constantly bragging and talking over people like others do. I’ve noticed that with both friends, old project partners and coworkers alike. Though it’s pretty easy as a quiet female for people to simply write you off as a bitch, especially if you don’t constantly smile or spazz out.
I almost wish I spoke to other quiet women in the industry more often. Even having you reply to me makes me feel better so I bet it’d feel awesome irl lol
No. 451023
>>451004I tend to be attracted to categories of men that they claim stand no chance because of 'us heartless women. I like short guys, kinda feminine guys, Asian men, introverts etc
The amount of Asian incels that insist it's race affecting them.. meanwhile I also see women almost fetishising them in the same way men do with Asian women ?
No. 451029
>>450839I feel similarly. It's just so apparent that they don't leave the house.
When I was younger I felt bad for them but as I interacted more with the outside adult world I've come to find many women are fine with short men. Shut the fuck up manlets, lmao.
>>451023Big same, are you into South Asian guys too or just East Asian?
It's hilarious when I see incels use the "what about muh Indian turbomanlet, huh?? No woman wants that!!1" argument because that's
literally my type.
No. 451035
>>451023>The amount of Asian incels that insist it's race affecting them.. meanwhile I also see women almost fetishising them in the same way men do with Asian women ?I've noticed this, too. I believe it's a specific "type" of woman they want, and they consider all others completely unacceptable or non-existent.
Elliot Rodger (he was Eurasian, so maybe this is more r/hapa shit too?) literally only wanted to date really normie blond women with blue eyes in sororities and stuff. He lamented them not giving him the time of day. He was an overall very superficial person, concerned with nothing but being rich, having the best material possessions, and popularity.
He wasn't ugly, by any stretch. He easily could've dated some weeby girl who would've taken his race as a "plus", same with the rest of these incels who are Asian or Eurasian. They just want "Stacies" and "Stacies" only, so they play
victim and RP about being hated all the time. Kind of pathetic.
No. 451038
>>448171My dad is a hoarder. A few years ago our central A/C broke, leaving our house without air conditioning, in TEXAS. Couldn't we just get someone to come over and fix it? No way, my dad won't let anyone come into our house because of said hoarding. Will he clean up all shit? No way, that's just too hard despite him being retired and sitting on the couch all day.
I recently got a pet snake, so with the need to provide her with climate control and my own self feeling beat down by living in the miasma of heat all day I got myself a room a/c unit. But apparently I should not have done that, and I get criticized heavily for it. I get told I can only have it on at night (not you know, during the peak hot hours of the day?!) despite needing a stable room temp for my snake and me. I offered to pay for the extra cost of our electricity bills because of it, as well as saying before I bought it all with my own money. I don't get how I am in any way in the wrong?
No. 451041
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Why can't people follow their own logic? Do they not realize that it costs zero dollars to block the account/close the window/press the back button?
No. 451042
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>>451041For context these are the images in the first tweet. I saw the tweet on my timeline and made the unfortunate mistake of looking through the replies. Not sure what I was expecting but after this vent I'm going to take my own advice and block and move on. Ugh.
No. 451050
File: 1566327153966.png (82.53 KB, 640x276, tumblr_fdc05143bb55c04d5cc8863…) is real. reason #394830948389 why living is hell
No. 451056
>>451051Some people just won't listen until they've seen for themselves.
He probably has her convinced that you and everyone else are crazy, malicious bitches.
It's sad, but you've done your part to warn her. It's out of your hands.
No. 451057
>>451056I needed to hear that. Thank you.
A part of me is really bitter too. They seem happy. They are a couple, married even. He ruined me so bad I ended up fucking over my entire life, losing everything and everyone and how fucking dares he look so good, look so mirthfull. I want him dead.
No. 451060
>>451051Fuck anon I feel for you; this is a situation I was in a few months ago similarly.
But some people won't listen until it's too late. Hopefully that isn't the case, but it's more likely that it will be. Just remember that it's not your place anymore, someone who won't listen isn't going to listen no matter what.
I felt a similar bitterness, but eventually, you focus on your own life and let their dumpster fire be their dumpster fire, if that makes sense.
No. 451081
>>451073'Are women with endometriosis more less fuckable than those without'. I would genuinely like to know who exactly came with what hypothesis and thought : yeah, sure, good research, it's going to be help those women with a crippling medical issue to know for sure if they are hot.
>For this reason we are eager to investigate new ideas that might help shed light on the still unclear causes of endometriosis. This is why we did this study and we hope our research can become another building block in our quest to understand why some women develop endometriosis – or even different types of endometriosis – and others don’t.Kekked at the quote, too. They could have spinned it as trying to scientifically look at the basis of the stigma regarding women suffering from endometriosis (hairiness and all - and it that light, the conclusion is actually somewhat interesting) or even go all out on the correlation between attractiveness and fertility but nope. Just some bullshit about the cause of endometriosis that doesn't even make sense.
No. 451135
>>451133You should take her on her offer.
RIP your other 3DS
No. 451147
A year ago I ragequit my creative job due to burnout. I was so stressed I developed severe insomnia, would have panic attacks before work, started losing hair, dropping weight, etc. I figured in a year I would find a new job in a different industry, even if it was just crappy retail or dishwashing, anything was better than my last job. But despite sending hundreds of job applications ranging from minimum wage retail work to generic office administration, I've only been called into 4 interviews, none of which culminated in a job offer.
My husband works a good job and it's enough to support us both, but we aren't saving any money and we want to get on track to buying our first home. He's also expressed that the burden of being solely responsible for all of our expenses is beginning to be a source of stress. I felt really guilty and understood 100%, so I decided to apply for a couple jobs in my old industry again. I got a call immediately for an interview for tomorrow.
I spent the whole last night awake, so stressed and panicked about the prospect of working this job again that I made myself sick and threw up a bunch. My husband woke up and told me that it was ok if I wasn't ready to work this job again and he didn't mind supporting us while I found a job that didn't make me want to kill myself; he said he didn't want to go through what happened last time again because it was really stressful for him too.
But I honestly just wish I could get over myself and work this stupid job and make some money. It's obvious that I'm either never going to be able to switch careers or if I do, it will take a really long time, and I just want to shore up our savings and feel like I'm contributing to our household. I'm going to my dr today to see if she has any ideas on how to cope. Seriously, how do I get over the burnout if I haven't been able to after taking a break for a year??
No. 451155
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this is pathetic but i posted in the friend finder in /g/ a while back and no one ever added me. the ladies i did add never responded. i have no irl friends and no female friends at all so i just wanted to sperg with another farmer about nerd stuff, tfw even farmers can sense the autism
No. 451156
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mine and my bfs flat got infested with fruit flies a while back because of our plastic recycling bag (uk recycling is hella retarded and we have these massive pink bags with velcro for solid plastics) and there’s still a few around. my bf kills them without even thinking but i’ve always refused to because i’m a weak ass bitch and i don’t think it should ever be a human’s place to end the life just because they can. today i killed one intentionally and also put out a cup of apple cider vinegar which they essentially drown to death in and i feel so god damn awful even though i know i have no choice at this point. pls no bully i know most people do it without thinking twice but i’ve never in my life purposely hurt or killed anything but now i feel so guilty taking an innocent insects life just to convenience myself
No. 451165
>>451156Apple cider traps are good and also don't forget to pour boiling water down any kind of piping like sink and bathtub pipes, since the flies like to hide there.
I wouldn't feel bad about it anon. If you were a nuisance to an animal it would snuff you without thinking about it if it were capable.
No. 451188
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Couldn't wait to get home after work because I had a giant pimple festering on my forehead all day. I tried popping it at work but it was really deep and I needed my comedone extractor. The pressure behind the pimple built up all day.
I put my extractor to it and felt immediate gratification as the thing popped and shot all over the mirror. There's nothing more satisfying in the world than popping a nasty zit.
No. 451248
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i wish my boyfriend wasn't the stereotypical emotional cripple who shuts down so badly in any kind of conflict. i understand wanting space to cool down or process and i'll give him that but then he does it to what i think is an extreme. also since i have anxiety when he does ignore me for days during or after an argument it consumes me. he knows how it makes feel, like he's gone forever or preoccupied with another woman, but he still doesnt take the two seconds to say, "i don't want to talk right now but i love you." which gives me enough to not get to that point where i spiral and i end spamming him which makes him only want to avoid things more. we basically intensify each others issues since they're the opposite and when it does get to that point i basically have to say, "since you wont reply/deal with this like an adult i can only assume at this point we're done." it's only after that he'll finally talk usually saying, "i'm sorry i just didnt want to talk about it but i love you."
i feel bad for the ultimatums but it's the only way with him and while i know my issues and have bettered myself he hasn't. i love him and want a real future with him so it worries me he shows no improvement with baseline communication. i figure it'd be easy to take the two seconds to communicate literally anything to avoid hurting me and making him overwhelmed but he still doesnt so at this point i truly just cannot understand why he does this.
No. 451272
>>451248anxious attachment type (you) + avoidant type (ur bf) is supposed to be the most
toxic relationship… consider if you two are a good fit.
No. 451474
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I still have no career plans or whatsoever and I'm going to college pretty-fucking-soon. I told my parents I wanted to take up wielding and construction cause I want to make pretty furnitures, they laughed at me at told me I wouldn't be able to feed myself. They're really pushing me to take up med and though I actually enjoy learning about human biology, the idea of studying for the entire fucking half of my adulthood already makes me want to kill myself.
I want to take up Physical Therapy, but then I'd have to go abroad for work because the demand here is low which sucks ass because I love my city. I want to be an ob/gyn too but that's 12 years of studying, fuck that shit.
I swear to god my future is bleak and I don't want to kill myself thinking about it. Any strong career women here who would like to give me advice would be appreciated.
>inb4 "just do what u love 2 do"
No. 451487
>>451474Trades can be very lucrative if you're able to start your own business. It does take hard work and some charisma, but a career in medicine would be even more demanding in that regard. I know people who were very passionate about becoming doctors and were very hard-working, and the pressure of med school still fucked their mental health so hard they had to switch fields.
You should so some research on the trades you're interested in, maybe even call up some professionals in your area. My mom teaches in a trade high school and employers tend to be be pretty impressed with kids that are genuinely interested, so they easily give information and even placements to those that put effort into contacting them. And her former students that started their own businesses are doing very well financially.
Hopefully if you can show your parents that their idea of a trade job is completely false, they'll change their mind.
No. 451500
>>451248stop trying to make anything out of this retard. you continue letting this happen and so he will continue not working on himself. you make an effort and give him space, and not only does he not meet you in the middle, but he only reacts after you are so worried that you freak out and give him an ultimatum.
find somebody who's willing to do his part, this one seems to think it's OK to make you carry everything that's heavy. I think you deserve better.
No. 451636
>>451589you are fully wrong and should not pretend to be well-informed. drone strikes in the middle east have risen dramatically under trump, and then they stopped reporting civilian casualty numbers ( he pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, and pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords, endangering the world. These were both negotiated by Obama. In addition, two anti-abortion Supreme Court justices have been appointed. Your false equivalencies are puerile and you're not cool for pretending there's nothing wrong, especially as a non-American with less skin in the game (until climate change starts to affect you).
>Hillary is very manipulative in how she pretends to be a feminist but blamed white women for her failure in the electionsWhat the fuck does this even mean? 1. when did she do that, and 2. why would talking about conservative white women be non-feminist? Stop letting your pissbaby too-cool friends make your political opinions for you. It must be sooo annoying for you that your parents are politically passionate and care about the future world you'll live in. Just more evidence that everyone with some vague "thing" against Hillary really mostly resents their mom for telling them stuff they know is right but don't like to hear.
>>451632this too lmao although that's more idiocy than policy. the dangerous policy comes from John Bolton et al, but we've known for a long time that he'll just do whatever the last person he talked to says is right. I honestly think he's too terrified of blood and has too little confidence to start an actual war, but that doesn't mean his advisors won't set up a situation where he feels like he has no other option but to retaliate to a perceived attack.
No. 451644
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>>451500i posted that since we were in the middle of another fiasco like that. he last said, "i love you." so i said, "then talk to me tomorrow." then today just sent the usual, "if i don't hear from you once i'm done closing at work then i can only assume separation." this is the worst it's been. i even un-added him on a social medias. i added him back on snapchat since that's how we primarily talk but he hasnt added me back so i think it's just over at this point. and i guess i am better off.
No. 451648
>>451636Anon, did you read my post ? My dad stands in front of the TV to yell at a screen. It's not healthy, it's not being "passionate". It's a waste of time.
The other post you responded to as if it were me is another anon, I'm really not pretending to know the details of what's going in the US. My country has serious issues, our president is a fraud who was elected on false promises, the two main parties have almost entirely crumbled for the first time in centuries, we've had violent, destructive riots for a while now and those things are much more immediate issues for me and my family, but they don't care about that nearly as much as they care about what's happening on the other side of the world.
I just really resent how obsessed everyone is with America and Trump, and not even in way that is productive. My country's going through awful, chaotic changes but everyone's too busy making Trump memes to care.
No. 451662
>>451648since you started out talking about "trump derangement" and "hillary is manipulative" which are conservative/chapotraphouse canards i'm inclined to distrust this "oh I'm just worried about my country" turn. You can say you're worried that politics is damaging your parents' mental health without being edgy and pretending to have informed opinions.
If you were actually interested in making your parents less upset, you could talk to them about the fact that although you understand how awful it is, it's not healthy to engage in that much anger and anxiety. Or you could try to get them involved in your country's politics, since working actively brings more day-to-day fulfillment and a feeling of meaningfulness rather than being furious about stuff you can't control. That would be fair and a good tack to take. But it sounds like you're mostly trying to tell them that the issues aren't that serious. If I was your parent I'd ream you out for that.
>>451651They're reading the correct post but they're not reading it correctly. They thought I was still talking to them in the second reply but I was not.
No. 451663
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I have a friend who's very nice and fun to hang out with but whenever anything gay comes up in a conversation with our friend group she always visibly cringes and acts disgusted. At first I thought she was just like that when the topics of BL and ships came up when talking about series and manga we all like, but when we talk about more serious things like activism, the news, gossiping about who's dating who, etc. her reactions are the same but worse. She suggested we became room mates once because of the high rents in our city but I refused because I can't 100% feel comfortable with living with her even though she's harmless. I'm just disappointed.
No. 451699
>>451662>They thought I was still talking to them in the second reply but I was not.I was actually talking about how you responded to that one anon saying they weren't American, which made it seem like you assumed my first post was theirs too.
I also didn't mention "Trump derangement" anywhere ? I think you're conflating
>>451589 and my own posts, that's another anon.
I did try to talk to my parents about their angry reactions (not just to this but other things too) but it accomplishes nothing, they immediately block me out and yell some more. I just can't help but feel that the media is partly at fault for encouraging this passive anger and obsession with America, because they weren't always like this, they used to be a lot more active in their beliefs.
No. 451729
Long af, but here it goes: I have this friend (who is also my dormmate) that really likes to give hugs to her friends that are only girls, so I'm included. We were both freshmen last year, and now, we're still dormmates. I wasn't really bothered by her hugs since it was her personality (bubbly and kinda aggressive), so I let it. This occurs almost daily, and even twice or thrice in a single day.
But a few months before the end of our first school year together, every time she hugs me I would just feel very nauseated. Whenever I see her, I would just have this feeling of dread at the pit of my stomach, and I would stiffen up as she hugs me. I would even hold my breathing at times.
Fast forward to a new school year, we're still dormmates, and she still hugs me, but the feeling of nausea was gone. I was still uncomfortable at times, but not as bad. But I think that by the end of the school year, the feeling of dread would be back again.
I know it sounds petty compared to the other posts here, but I just really want to tell her to fuck off sometimes. I'm really not that confrontational, so I don't want to tell her about this since it also sounds really petty, but at the same time, she should really know her boundaries. I've also just known her for a year, so I don't know how she will react.
That's not the only reason why I vented here tho, because at times, she would just be condecending af. I know that sometimes maybe she just wants to help, but her tone of voice just grates on me. Sometimes when we're at the dormer's lobby, and someone from the other table would have trouble with something, she would offer "help". Stop trying to talk them down. And when someone is talking about their experience, she would sometimes butt in about her OWN experience about the same topic or something.
What really gets me is when we were chatting on messenger, and somehow the topic of depression came up, and I told her that I was depressed (not really clinically diagnosed). I told her about my experience of crying myself to sleep almost every night for almost 2 years, only to stop for almost a year, but then it came back worse. She told me that maybe I'm just "sad" and not depressed at all since I haven't been officially diagnosed, and then proceeded to ask me questions in her attempts of "diagnosing" me. When I told her that I tried to attempt suicide twice, that shut her up. I just hate how "all-knowing" she is at times when it's not needed.
I also haven't been clinically diagnosed because I don't want my parents to worry about more things other than the shit they're going thru (finance and a possible divorce), so I kept shut most of the time. But they caught me attempting one time and told me how much they love me. And my mom reminded me of how long she carried me in her womb thru all those 9 months, only to end my life. That sure got me to shut up since I know how distraught they were when my mom had 2 miscarriages before having me. But my depression never got better after that day. It was only a few years later when I finally got better.
I also didn't want to consult a professional because my mom believes that depression could just be turned around if you just "have a positive thinking" bullshit. It also irks me how she would sometimes tell about this story to her friends. Like. Wtf woman. Your daughter just had a fucking breakdown, tried to kill herself, then you go off and tell it to your friends. Such fucking class.
My life is much better now - my parents' life too (didn't got thru the divorce), but that experience still left an impression on me till this day. Sorry for the tangent.
No. 451735
My sister is currently on her way for a psyche eval because she told her therapist she is having suicidal thoughts. I'm at a loss on how to help her anymore tbh. She's a 25yo neet and she has been struggling with bulimia this year. It's been a really hard year on my family (sister mentioned was attacked by a dog at her job, aunt died, my mom & I were accused of killing my aunt and it had to be investigated bc I work in home health and so does my mother, our grandpa had a dangerously low sodium level and almost died. He lost alot of his cognition and phys health though he's made good progress this month my sister, my mom, and I all take 12hr shifts because Drs say he & our grandma can't be home alone anymore) I understand why she's struggling, this year has been one punch after another and we're all exhausted. She has anxiety issues and had recently told my mom that she can't keep working (taking the 12hr shifts at our grandparents) but we really need her to. I had seen that she has started purging again (saw evidence twice in the past 2wks) and told my mom she needs to talk to her. I have caught her two other times relapsing with her ED and I really can't talk to her again about it. I'm at my wits end, I just wanna scream at her to knock it off, get out of her head but I know that isn't the solution. I'm the younger sister and I feel like I'm always playing 'my sisters keeper' type of role where our parents always just relied on me to handle whatever was going on with her because her and I have always been like best of friends. I just don't know what the fuck to do anymore, like does she need to be in an inpatient? Are we asking too much of her with the shifts? Usually she only has to do 2 nights and 1 day, I know she sees herself as a burden on our family and we're always trying to tell her she's not and that she needs to not focus on that but because she feels that way we're all so worried about how to talk to her about anything because we don't want what we say to make her feel worse or use our words as ammo against herself. Idk if I'm making any sense, I'm so overwhelmed and just over it. I want to check out too sometimes but I can't, it's a part of being an adult I got shit to do and people that rely on me I can't be entertaining suicidal fantasies atm. I really love my sister, she's one of my greatest friends but I don't know what to do and I am angry at her for this (again I know thats not rational and I would never tell her that I am). Everything has just been so hard and I don't know what to do anymore, idk how to fix any of this. I've struggled with self harm and sometimes still do but I have never experienced an eating disorder idk how to help with that. Everything is just starting to feel so hopeless and like none of this will ever end or get better, and i sound like a titty baby i get that its just hard to stay positive and keep fighting when im so over it all.
No. 451772
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An insidious strumpet keeps discarding used gum up all three flights of stairs to my apartment and it pisses me off. I know it's the same culprit because it's the same gum.
What dumbfuck discards gum wads on the same space where they walk! Animal! If I catch this bitch in the act I'm going to scrape that doughy mouth refuse off the fucking concrete and plug her nose with it.
No. 451776
>>451759For what it's worth I thought /m/ was /meta/ until last week, when someone on the confessions or dumbass shit thread said they like posting there when drunk.
Now I post there.
No. 451789
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Yesterday I hooked up with a long time fwb and after he started showing me pics of kreyshawn (of all people) and said things like this pic drives me crazy and how all her thirst traps turn him on. I am honestly gutted by this and so unbelievably pissed off I didn’t say anything before he left because I didn’t want to get emotional but after I told him what he did was fucked up and he’s like “if it’s any consolation I never hesitate to tell you how good you look” bitch and?? That means nothing if ur thinking about other women when ur with me who does that. My self esteem is in the pits now I feel like shit and I hate myself for feeling this way and letting a stupid hookup fuck with my emotions like this
No. 451800
>>451735I have to agree with
>>451784 on this one.
I was in a very similar situation to your sister, acting as a caretaker for an ailing family member while struggling with my own mental health (including an eating disorder). And it is so fucking hard. My mom and I were the only ones caring for my dad. While my other siblings got to continue on with their normal lives, I had to put my education and career on hold to help my mom so that she didn't have to do it all alone. I can't even tell you how much I began to resent my sister who I felt had absolutely no right to criticize me for my failing mental health when she and my other siblings put the entire burden of helping my parents out onto me. That time I spent prevented me from graduating college and took years out of my resume. Most employers don't care that the reason you have a big employment gap was because you were busy feeding and changing the diapers of your dying father. They just see that gap and write you off immediately.
This is turning into me ranting and seeming angry at you specifically, but I don't mean to. I'm just trying to get you to empathize with your sister right now because it's so hard being in that position. I wish I had more specific advice but idk your family's financial situation or other details like that. So I realize your family might not be in the position to hire someone to help you.
The best thing for your sister right now to get out of that situation - whether that's for treatment, schooling, trying to find a job, whatever…
So yes, you guys kind of are asking too much of her with the shifts. That kind of work takes a huge emotional and physical toll, and is definitely not for everyone - especially not someone dealing with so many big traumatic life changes along with mental illness. This isn't an easy thing for anyone involved, so I wish your whole family the best.
No. 451842
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>>451826this shit makes me hate men so much. i have a few decent men in my life but then this kind of stuff happens. ugh
No. 451862
>>451784I've got a couple of unemployed friends I am thinking of talking to. We have someone come for Mon-Tues from 9:30-4:30 but we don't have alot of money to pay for more.
>>451800I know what I said sounded callous, I didn't mean for it to. I feel for her I really do, I help her in trying to get hobbies, I invite her out with me & my friends (and they all adore her). I think the best way to put it is I'm mad at the situation. I don't know what to do to help & I feel like my family looks to me to be the one to fix it all when it comes to her. I think she looks to me for that too. Back when I was a jr. in hs i helped her a lot when she was suicidal and would stay home from school if she had asked me to. I kinda went off the deep end and would use school hours to get high/fucked up and went off the deep end for a bit. I can't do that again, but I don't think it is going to be like last time, I'm just paranoid. I really do empathize, I love her. I wish I knew what to do.
They decided she should stay at the inpatient place, so I'll be taking over her shifts for now. I hope that where she is will give her some kind of useful tools in how to deal with her bulimia. That's my biggest concern right now. We've talked about it a couple of times, and I've confronted her (not rudely but in a "hey don't lie I know you what you're doing " kind of way) but I really have no idea what to do when it comes to that.
I want her to be okay, I want her to do well and feel good about herself. I want her to get out and enjoy life. I just feel overwhelmed and hopeless with everything going on and i'm not handling it well, my emotions are all over the place.
I really appreciate yalls input, I will talk to our mom and some friends of mine and see what we can figure out from here.
No. 451921
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I'm generally pretty good at living off a minimal amount of interaction with my friends but holy shit tonight I just feel so lonely and so anxious. I think its because I'm PMSing but I just wish I could have an actual good conversation with someone. I'm seriously considering reactivating my tinder just for some human interaction.
No. 451939
>>451729anon, you need to tell her to stop hugging you, if you feel uncomfortable. I recognize this from my past, where one of my friends was way too touchy and after awhile it made me very uncomfortable and I started to dread our meetings and when we did meet, I felt nauseated when she touched me. You have the right to decide when it comes to your body and right of inviolability and it sounds like your friend doesn't seem to respect those rights. If she touches you and talks down to you, it sounds manipulative af.
I'd like to add, if she reacts badly when you confront her, it's not because you did anything wrong.
No. 451954
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i have been binging eating constantly today and i hate myself.
also i just want to have sex with a sorcerer up in his stupidly tall stone tower with the permanent lightning storms flashing and shit.
i really dont think im handling my depression very well
No. 451956
>>451950it's still selfish and cruel to the cat you would have adopted who's still in a cramped shelter. needing your perfect cat is not a
valid excuse. you aren't "evil" because you got a cat from a breeder, but it is cruel and irresponsible to get a cat from a breeder. honestly, if you really love cats, if you looked at shelter cats for long enough, you would fall in love with one. you don't have to live your life perfectly - everyone gets to indulge in some things. but don't try to say it isn't wrong. it can be wrong and not mean that you're a bad person. you don't have to be able to justify every choice you make to be a good person.
people who let their cats outside to kill birds can get shot, but that's a separate issue
No. 451981
>>451956cats are not indoor pets and you are beyond cruel if you don't let yours roam in nature.
the problem is not cats killing birds, it's too many cats killing birds, and the solution is to sterilise them to get that under control.
No. 451986
>>451663that sounds really shitty anon, i'd feel awkward around someone like that too
you'd think she'd at least try to hide it since being a homophobe isn't socially accepted anymore
but showing such an obvious reaction is gross
No. 451994
>>451981>letting your animals, that you're supposed to watch over and protect, roam freely, where they can contract disease, get attacked, poisoned, run over and killed, shot with pellet guns, etc etcwhat fucking other animal do people have they they allow to do this? none. the answer is none. people who actually like, love their pets and can't stand to see them harmed, just use enrichment and play with them, rather than allow them to be exposed to the elements and exposed to all sorts of other animals, disease, and people. i can't even tell you how many cats i've known who have been "indoor/outdoor" cats that have been run over.
No. 452006
it's not some insane hippie liberal belief to take care of your fucking animals. People who let their animals roam the streets are complete morons and shouldn't be allowed to have animals
>spending money on your animal just to let it die because you were too stupid to watch over and protect it like a good owner>letting an animal corpse just rot in the streets for all the family and children to see, sorry I don't think little jimmy should see mr whiskers head splattered open and maggots everywhere because some dumbass couldn't even be bothered to take even the most BASIC of care of an animal which was watch over it>it displays irresponsibility >people who have vicious animals can let them roam the streets attacking other animals and people sucks most people are so fucking black and white lots of people think telling someone to act like responsible pet owners is some extreme liberal crazy
toxic belief
No. 452011
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My dog is becoming more demanding. I've tried ignoring it/not rewarding it like I read but my dog constantly is grabbing my hands to pet him.
He wakes me in the middle of the night to tuck him in and pet him till he goes to sleep. If I ignore this behaviour he will whine until he gets his way (he will go a looong time till I give in). I admit I have spoiled him, but it seems to becoming worse to where it affects my sleep. I fucked up anons. I tried increasing playtime because I thought we weren't spending enough time together and we go on longer walks even. It seems to just be the result of spoiling him too much.
No. 452012
>>452010The anon is just simple minded and black and white, they think there's no other option than "let a helpless cat get mauled by animals" or "just lock it a room all day"
I wonder if they think all the indoor cat toys and activities as well as cat owners often owning more than one cat is all for decoration. Clearly no other activity is better for a cat than roaming the streets and woods digging in trash cans for food, scurrying for a place for shelter when hard weather hits, and running from cars, animals, people, etc, just to have it's guts splattered all over the street for all the kids to see. But it's the people who allow their cats to live a healthy, stimulating, social lifestyle that's also indoors who are the true evil torturing animals
No. 452030
>>452012looks like i'm not the only one assuming things. my cats don't get run over because I don't live in an area with a lot of cars, and if I did I wouldn't have cats, because I am not selfish.
they are welcome at my home for shelter or food at anytime they choose.
I just am not controlling enough to reduce their world to one little house or apartment and shake plastic toys in front of them to ease my guilt for not allowing them to explore outside, hunt, smell things, have an actual social life with other cats, eat disgusting stuff behind my back to make themselves an immune system, hide, play, say hello to the neighbours, etc.
I'm quite shocked so many of you guys lock up your cats. i hope for their sake you are at least neets or homemakers and keep them company, because imagining them sleeping all day bored and declawed, having never seen a deer or climbed up a tree, and wheezing because of the litter they are forced to shit into, while youre gone from 9 to 5, is beyond sad.
actually what you are doing is exactly like people who put a goldfish in a tiny bowl but cats are so common that encaging them in your living room is normal.
No. 452032
>>452030>>452030>my cats don't get run over because I don't live in an area with a lot of cars, and if I did I wouldn't have cats, because I am not selfish.??? one car is still a chance to get run over, and if you didn't there's more chance a wild animal would maul them, if you truly weren't selfish you wouldn't think it's better for cats to die a slow painful death than to be in a safe comfy home and do stimulating activities
>I just am not controlling enough to reduce their world to one little house or apartment and shake plastic toys in front of them to ease my guilt for not allowing them to explore outside, hunt, smell things, have an actual social life with other cats, eat disgusting stuff behind my back to make themselves an immune system, hide, play, say hello to the neighbours, etc.they can… literally do those things while living in a house or apartment. you clearly didn't read in which I listed ways cats can live stimulating lives while being safe therefore just shows me you're purposely ignorant and that there's no point in repeating myself, hopefully your brain cells can rub together enough to comprehend what me and the other anon said, or else you wouldn't be so damn insistent that we're evil cat torturers and who only want cats to never leave our couch
No. 452065
>>452057You're sounding like you're trying to blame being a doormat on being a ~uwu smol weak girl~, tbh. No woman is born being a "strong perfect warrior woman", all women develop muscles slower and with more difficulty than males, so you being weak is totally understandable. We're also all potential targets for male violence, and it'd be easier for all of us to be doormats who agree with men all the time. You're likely not any weaker, physically or emotionally, than the average woman, you just think so because it's easier to see yourself that way, and/or men have told you you are.
The only difference between you and the feminists that supposedly hate you is that they made the choice not to rely on men, no matter how much easier their life would be. If you live in a country where you can legally be independent, work and support yourself, you can make the same choice.
No. 452072
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>>452057Just because feminism has been brigaded by bull dykes pushing for their own fag agenda for years doesn't mean you have to give a crap about their shitty ideas of what a woman is like or is not.
No. 452075
>>452034how common is it for people to walk their kitties on a leash? I've only seen stuff like that online. Like people who travel and hike with their cats, the leash is not like a dog leash but more comfortable one.
Where i live is not safe to leave cats to wander, they get poisoned by garbage neighbors or Santeria practitioners (no, its not a fake stereotype, santeros sucks) .
No. 452083
>>451981see, the funny thing is, by buying a cat from a breeder, you're letting another cat languish in a shelter. doesn't that make you beyond cruel?
>>452001you fucking bought a cat from a breeder and you're lecturing us about how cats deserve freedom and independence? who's treating a cat like a possession here?
>>452030you can literally let them do everything you listed by taking them outside on a leash and arranging meetups with other cats, but you're just too fucking lazy. Where does declawing even come into this?
this person thinks there cat has more right to a fun & fulfilling life without them having to put in any effort, than about 10 songbirds a day have a right to live.
>>452034take your cats outside on a leash then. walk them like people walk dogs. if you don't want to train them that just means you'r fucking lazy and selfish.
>>452075poisoning cats to defend birds & other wildlife is fully
valid. cats are an invasive species. we cull invasive species. they don't have any special right to exist over other animals just because we think they're cute.
No. 452093
>>452006Whenever people post in local groups about their lost cat, 9 out of 10 times it's an outdoor cat. Don't let your cat out. I've even seen people make posts for their barn cats.
I've had my cousin lose his cat for over two weeks and came back severely underweight. Turns out the cat was in the neighbor's yard and afraid of their dog. They stopped letting him out after that. Learned their lesson.
If you REALLY wanted to, leash train your fucking cat and go outside with them. My cats are comfortable enough being set outside in a large dog cage while I relax out on the porch.
Do these same anons claiming keeping a cat indoors is cruelty let their pet birds roam outside too?
No. 452097
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I feel like everything I have done to this point in my life has been pointless. I always believed in hard work, in fights and social battles, but now it just seems so doomed to nothingness.
For each good news, there is a big, fat, one as a sign our future is destroyed and there is nothing left to do unless big Corps vanish in a day.
I had have always a bright smile and optimism for the future, everyone knew me for my energy and my will to go on and fight for the future, for the first time ever I feel defeated. My time wasted.
I just want to live by the day waiting for the day in which there is nothing left and I can pull the trigger without regrets.
No. 452106
>>452057You don't sound very happy about yourself, anon. You know you can change the things you've listed as not liking about yourself?
>I'm not strongNobody is born strong. People don't come out of the womb able to lift a 10kg dumb-bell. Buy some home weights (start small, like 1kg) and try working out at home a little bit each day. No, you probably won't ever be able to pull a truck yourself but you can get to the point where you can lift 10lbs with a bit of exercise.
>I just agree with men all the timeThis sounds like a self confidence issue. Do you often find yourself giving way in discussions and arguments? Your opinions and feelings are as deserving of respect as anybody else's. Yes, even if you were born with a vagina. Have you thought about therapy to address your lack of confidence? Short-term therapy can actually be a really great way to get yourself on track for who you want to be.
>I get needy in relationshipsIs this because the people you're dating are emotionally distant or is it because you require levels of attention and validation that no human can reasonably be expected to give? I would say consider this question (don't just default to "It's my fault" but don't write off the possibility that it may be either).
No. 452114
>>452111>I don't like that I let men talk over me but I hate arguingDo you let women talk over you or shout you down?
If yes: This is a self-confidence issue and therapy really would help you. I used to be like this and it led to people walking all over me and put me in a lot of situations I hated because I didn't feel like I could stand up for myself when it counted. I still don't like arguing and will avoid it if I can, but I don't let people shit on me.
If no: This is a self-confidence issue and an internalised misogyny issue. Therapy can help you gain the confidence and respect for yourself to stop letting people treat you like you're worth less because of your sex.
No. 452119
>>452104they are separate issues. Buying a cat from a shelter contributes to the abuse of cats. Letting a cat outdoors contributes to the death of birds. By buying a cat, you are culling a shelter cat who will be euthanized, or will live its life in a most likely cramped shelter, so that you can have the perfect aesthetic kitty for your self-image. You're doing the same thing, but for your own selfishness. The purpose of culling cats is to protect wildlife populations.
To lay it out clearly for you:
- buying a cat contributes to cat overpopulation and euthanasia at shelters
- culling wild cats via euthanasia is to protect wildlife
it's the same action, but one is for a purpose.
>>452107Yeah, it would be great if everyone supervised their cats outdoor time. but they don't. It would be great if neutering strays stopped the mass murder of birds by cats for fun, but it doesn't, because people buy cats from breeders and let them go outside unsupervised. These are partial solutions, but there needs to be a way to deal with people who let their cats outdoors and don't give a shit.
Ideally non-stray cats caught outdoors could be traced back to the owners who would be fined. But we don't have a system for that, and there isn't likely to be one anytime soon, especially in developing tropical countries with endangered bird species. So I can't really blame people for taking direct action.
If birds could fight back on their own, people wouldn't let their cats outside.
No. 452139
>>452135This is a britfag perspective but here basically shelter cats are outdoors cats. Unless it's a cat with specific trauma or a health issue, they won't let you have a cat unless it can be an outdoors cat.
Most cats from breeders are indoors cats here.
No. 452156
>>452011I know that feel anon. I've vented about my dog a number of times here.
She's old and going senile, and a while back had a death scare that seemed to reset her and she forgot a lot of the house rules about when it's acceptable to bark. She would go several nights in a row just barking up a storm, running between my room and my parents room until someone got out of bed to pet and cuddle her, but of course it wasn't enough for her. I try my best to use positive reinforcement and had to scold my parents into ignoring her throughout the night too (they spoil her a lot more than I do, and behind my back), but it didn't work because
of course the only time she has hours worth of energy to spend barking is during the middle of the night. She doesn't care if you ignore her, she'll just keep going until it's time to wake up and inevitably people will get out of bed and pet her. I love my dog so much, but it's downright fucking infuriating when we've been kept up multiple nights in a row because of her. I thought it might be because she's hungry so I switched from giving her one big meal a day to splitting it into two, to also trying to play more with her/longer walks (but she's a senior dog so there's only so much more playtime/walking we can do), to cuddling her more but it just wasn't enough.
It sucks, but you might have to use some negative reinforcement. Not Brooke Houts levels of course, but I'll usually stick to a quick, firm tap on the head/nose and telling her no. This works best for me and my dog to get the message across that she has to knock it off. Sometimes she'll keep going but I'll watch her for a bit and repeat if necessary until she's completely stopped/given up. I've heard of some people spritzing their dog with water/vinegar or some just grabbing and holding their dog's snout to 'reset' them, but I haven't tried any of these since just a tap will do with my dog.
Best of luck anon! I love my dog, but there are some nights where I'm absolutely at my wits end with her. I don't like to see her sulk after being punished, but I enjoy my full nights rest and she gets plenty of love/is allowed to get her crazies out in the morning time when it's an acceptable time for it.
No. 452157
>>452147>endangered native bird species = verminyeah ok
we cull invasive species. that's a fact. invasive species disrupt native ecosystems in ways we can't predict. if you're against the culling of invasive species, that's a whole other can of worms.
I would support a system of fining the owners of cats found outdoors, in preference to culling, for the record. But you're taking the easy way out, crying about the culling of cats while pretending that outdoor cats don't have negative consequences.
No. 452172
>>452167>>452167>>452157Rat ladies and commander Holly seething about their dumb vermin.
I actually live in a tropical city with plenty of birds, cats mean shit for their population, we have an increase of population of several bird species actuall and one of the parks that have a large population of birds happens to be nearby an area with lots of strays, Like 90% of hat they would hunt are dumb street pidgeons and rats that are available and at ground level. Your argument is retarded.
The biggest danger to endangered species is never cats, not even close, is poachers and retarded humans that hunt them, catches them as pets or fuck their habitats like you are doing with cats.
No. 452175
>>452167Anon, most people in this thread who are disagreeing with poisoning cats are arguing for walking your cats on leashes, building catios or supervising them in your garden so they don't actually kill birds, rodents and the like.
Also, why do people only care about the ecosystem when they can criticise cats? No one says anything when humans import non-native insects that kill the local insects and can't even pollinate local plants, which is a much more serious issue than cats are. Caring about the environment is great, but a lot of people seem to actually just be looking for an excuse to kill cats.
No. 452183
>>452167People just don't think about the environment, like at all. All native species are important, in ways that we can't even predict. In India, their native crows almost all died due to a livestock medication that was
toxic to them. This meant that dead livestock were consumed by dogs instead of crows. Crows, when they eat carrion, have strong digestions that destroy bacteria. Dogs don't. This led to the spread of disease, as you might expect.
Cats don't hunt crows of course, but they do hunt a lot of birds that control other pests, mainly insects.
>>452172From wikipedia: In Australia, hunting by cats helped to drive at least 20 native mammals to extinction, and continues to threaten at least 124 more. Their introduction has caused the extinction of at least 33 endemic species on islands throughout the world. Feral and domestic cats kill billions of birds in the United States every year, where songbird populations continue to decline.
No one is talking about rats, and I don't know what the fuck "commander Holly" means.
just because there are bigger issues than cats doesn't mean they aren't an issue. No one needs to have a cat, much less an outdoor one.
>>452175There are several people arguing that cats should be allowed to roam free outdoors, and I would assume they are against culling. No one is "looking for an excuse to kill cats", jesus christ. You are taking the easy way out of a sticky issue with no perfect solution, and taking a simplistic and naive moral stand rather than discussing a complex issue. Are outdoor-cat people "looking for an excuse to kill birds"? No, I don't think they are, they just don't like to think about it. Again, cats obviously aren't the world's biggest environmental issue, but keeping a cat indoors (or supervised when outdoors as you said) isn't fucking hard. It's literally the same amount of work as people do for their dogs.
To be clear, I don't support culling cats, I support spaying & neutering strays and fining the owners of cats found outdoors repeatedly.
No. 452194
>>452191Samefag but, she also always puts out this really weird energy whenever I'm busy studying or specially when I'm working or looking for a new job.
Maybe it's the crabs in a bucket mentality taking effect…
No. 452374
I'm happy I left my retail job but I feel so awful for my friends who are stuck there. Newer bottom of the barrel employees have nothing to hold them there, but a lot of my friends are in slightly higher management so their pay is pretty damn good (bottom of the chain employees used to be paid a few dollars more than minimum wage, but now it's just minimum wage) so it makes it harder to leave.
It's a fucking hot mess. It's the biggest flagship store in the world for that brand, but they're horrendously understaffed and overworked because of company standards (which by themselves aren't bad and have honestly helped me build up a good work ethic). There's a huge culture clash because they're a foreign company here in the U.S. and refuse to adapt, all of upper management is filled with expats who refuse to budge and listen to the employees. They cut corners constantly and haven't stopped, the worst of which was deciding to not renew the contract with the cleaning company that came with the building they lease. Yes, the cleaning company was expensive, but we don't have the minimum number of employees even needed to run this fucking monster of a store and on top of regular cleaning duties (sweeping floors, dusting the tables and fixtures, lint rolling- not bad or difficult, but again, literally the largest store of this global company) employees have to clean the bathrooms.
I went to visit my friend the other day and he said that both the employee and customer bathrooms were fucked and closed off. Well okay then, what about the bathroom in the subcellar of the building? It's our last resort option aside from physically leaving the building to bother nearby businesses for their bathroom. Nope, the building shut off the water supply. Get fucked if you want to drink water or pee! HR demands that employees clock out if they have to go outside to pee (we later found out we technically don't have to and it was an empty threat).
There's rumors that they might shut down the store and I fucking hope they do. Every general manager that store has had has slowly plunged it deeper into hell, and there's no saving it now. There are so many bright, wonderful, and truly hardworking people who work there who get scammed into that "just continue to work harder!"/"wow you're so dependable!"/"who knows, we might just put you up for a promotion next period!" shit and get taken advantage of and burned out.
Anyway, fuck retail. I shouldn't even be complaining anymore because I'm out of that hell, but I feel so awful working a nice, stressfree job while my friends are still in the clutches of that inferno.
No. 452382
Usually people who don't adore their grandmas are treated like their scum, but I can't stand being around my Chinese grandma tbh. I know she loves me a lot but she is so negative and annoying to be around. Then when I'm not receptive to talking with her she passive-aggerssively goes, "Why don't you love me anymore?"
For example, I recently told my friend was learning Chinese and moving to Taiwan soon. Being the brainwashed mainlander she is, she told me that my friend should move to Beijing instead because China was going to take over Taiwan soon. Nevermind the fact my friend is a lesbian. Later my mom mentioned the fact to her, and my grandma proceeded to tell me it was wrong to be lesbian and I should tell her to stop.
My grandma is also a vocal atheist so I didn't want her to find out I go to church. Well, someone in my family told her and she asked me, "Why didn't you tell me that you go to church? Can't we talk about these things?" Then she told me that it was a waste of time. No wonder I don't want to talk with her.
This trip to the grocery store was the breaking point. Before we left, my grandma asked me why I had bought reusable tote bags with me to the car. I said it was to reduce waste. Then we went to the store, and she started complaining about a bunch of things like the quality of the produce I picked out. I forgot something I wanted to make for dinner, so I went to the butcher and she complained how I made her wait even though it was ten minutes max. The kicker was that at the checkout, I put our stuff into the tote bags and she scolded me because we could have gotten free plastic bags from the store. I lost it at that point.
What makes things worse is that my Chinese is pretty good for someone who grew up abroad, but I still struggle with more advance phrases. She acts like I am suppose to have perfect Chinese, but it's impossible for me to reason with her or defend myself. My sister's Chinese is noticeably worse so my grandma doesn't bother to engage with her as much.
Next week, the rest of my family will be gone and I will be stuck with her alone at home. I'm really dreading it.
No. 452398
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I'm so alone all the goddamn time and deep down I just really want somebody who will comfort me when I cry. I hate being single but most of all I hate that I crave intimacy so badly. I wish I could be a robot with no emotions.
No. 452481
>>452382I'm not Chinese but I know this feel so hard. You're not alone, anon.
One of my grandmothers is a narcissist. She'd constantly pit me and my cousins against each other by having an ever changing favorite that she would lavish attention and special outings on. To this day, she treats everyone like they're 5-year-olds and even asked my 50-year-old dad if he picked his clothes out himself.
Things got especially bad when my grandfather developed dementia. She would tell at him, berate him, and be the biggest bully to him for forgetting things. She tried to ruin Christmas once because he accidentally left someone's gift at home. I don't even remember her crying at his funeral which is really messed up because she was clearly the love of his life but she treated him like dirt.
Everyone secretly can't stand her but no one can say anything.
No. 452546
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Can I say how much I fucking hate ita bags.I get picking up a little keychain or pin of your favorite character, but to spend all this money on useless plastic and rubber trinkets in a shitty little aliexpress bag that will rip after a day seems like a huge waste. Sorry for the vent My friend keep sending me pics of her bags and I want to scream. She's not hurting anyone so I shouldn't be such a bitch about it.
No. 452551
Just feeling really appreciative that my bf is so attracted to me when I'm hairy all over. He isn't an overly sexual person, but he always says my pubic hair is "really pretty" and loves going down on me, and thinks my hair all over is cute. It makes me feel like a person and not like I have to worry about pedoshit. The hairyness isn't a kink and it doesn't matter what I end up looking like, somehow he's more attracted to me than I've ever seen any guy be attracted to anyone, so I'm blessed, but having dealt with men that complain about hair and say "ew" to PUBIC hair (idgi, pubic hair is really aesthetic), I'm just feeling appreciative. I can have lots of dark hair on my legs (and I mean a lot), dark, long armpit hair and rock a voluminous bush and he still thinks I look incredibly feminine. It's very heartwarming in comparison to how quick men are to jump to how anything that isn't performative femininity is masculine and that tranners are actually peak fem, kek.
No. 452561
>>452551This is cute. My boyfriend is the same way and I love it. He just seems to find me attractive no matter what. Even if I don't shave, if my hair is messy, if I dress in baggy unflattering clothes, etc. It's just really nice that he finds me attractive unconditionally, that I don't have to dress up perfectly, shave, do my hair, etc just for him to find me attractive (although I enjoy dressing up and looking nice anyway)
One time I got really busy with work and forgot to shave my underarms. The hair got really long and I accidentally raised my arm as we were being intimate and he definitely saw it. I apologized for forgetting to shave and he panicked thinking he made me feel bad and he buried his face in my underarm and kissed it a bunch so I wouldn't feel bad lol. It's definitely not a fetish of his but he always does things like this to reassure me I'm attractive to him no matter what and it's so lovely
Honestly it's really surprising because he loves anime and video games, and you know how it tends to influence men's perception of women… It's so refreshing to finally meet a guy who enjoys the same things, who doesn't have a bad/judgemental view of women
No. 452565
>>452551what's your hair type?
posts like these depress me because it's always written by women who naturally have sparser hair. always. body hair positivity is only accessible to those with light colored or lightly sparsed body hair.
No. 452589
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>>452565I TOTALLY feel this, and honestly it pisses me the fuck off. Like when you see charlotte free or miley or whoever who have literally like 3 blonde armpit hairs that have a max length of 2 cm, but no, I have A LOT of hair on my legs, armpit area, and pubic area, and it's dark. It's not "a lot" in an unhealthy way, it's a normal amount not indicative of a disorder, just not anywhere near sparse. I hate the hair on my legs and i have long, pin straight black armpit hair. Whenever I see women talk about not shaving and being "confident" they look like pic related. It's like… yeah, who the fuck is gonna see that? I should mention that I'm not in general confident about having my body hair grow out. I don't care around my bf, because he likes it (not in a kink way) but I hide it from everyone else. Worse than the armpit hair, are my legs though. I have really hairy legs and whenever you see women that are ra-ra about not shaving almost every time they have sparse hair or sparse BLONDE hair. GTFOH trying to make women with lots of dark hair feel ashamed about not being able to be as "confident" as someone with barely visible body hair anyways.
>>452561That's really cute of him and you guys sound like you work really well together. Tbh, thankfully mine isn't into anime or video games, but it's really nice that your bf doesn't fit the mold. Most guys into anime by default probably aren't going to fit that though because, well, 2d 'women' don't have body hair.
>>452572It really is great. It's a huge stressor to be with someone that really ties femininity to hairlessness. And it's just so relieving to know the attraction and love is still there despite all of the insane expectations. When I look at women, tbh, like, I hardly even notice the body hair, even if they have lots of dark hair like myself. I don't see how that detracts from the overall picture of a woman at all. I don't see it as a masculine trait. Our body hair patterns are and distribution are just so different. Meanwhile, men will literally try to claim trannies with hairy backs and man-asses are feminine. People (and men) are also really prone to thinking like, a slight happy trail is an automatic marker of PCOS or something when it's totally normal.
No. 452604
>>452565I think sparser hair looks worse and I'm envious of girls with thicker, coarser body hair. Like, if you're gonna be hairy it looks better being actually hairy (if that makes sense). I've never shaved my pubic hair and probably never will, if I do get a bf I might get it waxed into a cute V shape but it does make me kinda self conscious because its not a nice full bush, it's light and doesn't cover the mons pubis fully.
sage for being blog posty but thick pubic body hair is beautiful and needs to come back into fashion and this weird pedo culture needs to go. We are WOMEN not little girls.
No. 452612
>>452604Hear, hear anon.
I'm a white girl with red hair and DARK thick body hair- people would not believe it since only my forearm hair is sparse and light. My armpit hair is way thicker and darker than my bfs. I mean, hell, I probably have more hair than he does which I always like to joke with him about. He doesn't mind it at all.
No. 452732
>>452689Its the ((algorithm))
>>452589shaving is not hard at all, how lazy can you get? its pretty easy not to be gross. Next thing you know people won't want to wear deodorant or clean their asses after going to the toilet and everyone will pretend is liberating after all, its so natural uwu.
No. 452741
>>452731Adding to my sperging:
I feel bad because my parents rarely get time off and I think I've only taken one vacation with them that wasn't filled with dealing with our shitty extended family, but that was only because they came to visit me while I was a student abroad, and I still couldn't even spend that much time with them. I really want to have that nice picturesque family vacation, but this trip is way too last minute (dad's been throwing it out there but hasn't bothered to actually look into transportation/hotel at all, just mentions it like once in a while quietly) and it's too much of a financial strain on me at the moment. I know they would cover my costs without a second doubt, but then I just feel like it's a financial strain on them.
Maybe I'll just suggest a trip to Atlantic City or some shit instead. I saw nice airbnbs the other day on the beach, and it's a driveable distance, so I think that would be a lot nicer. Not the aquarium my dad wants to see, but at least a nice break from our home city.
No. 452744
>>452734So women should turn into men, got it.
I can't wait to grow my first beard, maybe if i take hormones it will grow faster so i can brag about it.
No. 452799
>>452797Extremely low job security, most positions are contract-based and underpaid to the extent you can get a similar job title in a different industry and make far more money than working as a game-anything. Also long hours that don't justify the amount of work you put in.
Project leaders are cynical and will prioritize unethical practices I don't wan't to get too specific about, but the "suits ruining games" idea is not far off. Even small indie devs are super-duper in it for money and will calculate things like Epic store not allowing reviews or making a game multiplayer so that "people will judge it less hard and we won't need it to be that good". Lots of shit like this. I've worked both indie and bigger, both PC and mobile.
Also the majority of jobs are mobile jobs and if you've ever worked in a casino in some capacity, that's pretty much that experience. I feel dirty helping people become addicted and broke.
No. 452823
>>452802Nta but obviously it wasn't a serious question. It's just pointing out that the people who call women disgusting for not shaving won't say anything about men despite them having coarser, thicker, and a far greater amount of hair than women like you said. Men usually have jungles of hair on very visible places: face, legs, arms, armpits, etc but no one says anything despite it being disgusting and smelly 99% of the time. A woman has a slight amount of arm or leg hair and people freak out.
>>452817Imo it's just a weird particular thing to say. It's like saying that you don't like your clit stimulated… obviously a good amount of women don't but don't expect people not to raise eyebrows
No. 452911
>>452881>>452887I've heard a lot about tea tree oil, I think I'm gonna give it a shot.
Also btw I'd totally believe the remedy with the tomatoes. When I was a kid my grandparents grew tons of tomatoes, and every summer they'd pick bushels of them and ask me to grind them for sauce. I used a hand grinder. After an hour or so of grinding my hands would always sting from the juice. I assume because the tomatoes are acidic it helps kill bacteria and get rid of dead skin.
Thanks for the memory anon haha.
No. 452995
>>452860Have you tried salicylic acid? It and glycolic have been nothing but good to me.
I'm with you though dear anon. Although I did it to myself by taking probiotics that SOMEHOW
triggered my fungal acne that I had just cleared up. Wish you luck.
No. 453043
>>452799I've heard of the horrors of game developing. I was interested in game developing and always assumed it would be in high demand because of the popularity and profitability of video games but I did some research and apparently it's highly competitive and unstable and takes a toll on the devs mental health.
>>452689yeah, some times weird shit will pop up in my recommended and I don't know why. youtube kept recommending me art restoration videos even though I had never watched anything art related. and art restoration just seems so niche and specific and I had never searched for that before. still not really sure why it started popping up.
but some times it has to do with tags, and two seemingly unrelated things can have similar tags, and I think that's why that happens, sometimes at least.
>>453028kek I bet it's cos people go to watch cat videos to make themselves feel better after getting creeped out.
No. 453063
>>453061god, i feel this so hard. i could deal with things being shit a bit better if people
just didn't fight you everywhere, anywhere you go, when you see an opportunity to improve something. they fight tooth and nail to keep things inefficient, stupid, and senselessly cruel.
No. 453076
>>452546to be fair, it's a good way to support the show you like from overseas if it's something that didn't get licensed or you streamed illegally anyway
good merch sales are what get you another season of your fave show
i get that it looks tacky but some of my fave series have gotten an extra season or two because of the itabag hype so i'm biased
No. 453111
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I just need to get this off my chest so bad. I don't even want help I just want to let this all out, it doesn't matter where.
I feel like I'm stuck in the same place and it's killing me. I still live with my parents because I haven't got a job or money (even part time work is hard to get here) and I just want to move out so bad. We're all kind of the same with few friends, don't go out or even do much. I hate it. I also broke up with my bf and he was the closest person aside from my family I had. Now, I haven't got anyone close other than my family and I hate it.
The only new thing that's happened to me is going to university and I'm happy that I'm able to go but it's still not enough. I only have a class a day bc of doing part time and after my classes it's either going to stores or going home. I am making friends but there hasn't been anyone I'm becoming close with. There's also I guy I'm trying to talk to but I never get the right moment and it's pissing me off.
I'm sick of it all. I want to get out and start new but I feel like it's impossible.
No. 453117
>>453115Yes I've always found it immature when people make fun of others who haven't had sex yet or are waiting for the right person. Like, what's it to you? Why is it so hard to just mind your own business? Sex can be a very private thing for some people and their choices should be respected - and then promiscuous people demand the same kind of respect lol. I don't think it's very good that sex at a young age has been normalised, people think there's something wrong with you if you're like twenty and haven't done anything, which I find nuts.
Kinda related, the youtuber Curtis Conner did a video with a friend watching like a teenage dating show and one of the male contestants said he was waiting for the right girl to kiss, and they snickered and made fun of him the whole time. I found that so rude and it put a bad taste in my mouth regarding him.
No. 453118
>>453115Me and my SO were both inexperienced virgins who waited for 4 months before we did anything serious in bed,I'm not gonna lie the fist time wasn't that great as we both had no Idea what to do but we got the hang out of it through trial and error
some people actually do make fun of me because I have only been with one person and they say I should try different variety of men but I'm really happy with my Sex and romantic life and wouldn't change a thing
No. 453125
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My dog peed in my car and I was in the middle of the highway so couldn’t clean it till I got home, the whole thing soaked into the seat. My car smelled slightly of urine but not like very strong so I got these scented things and they only had orange and it somehow made the smell worse, my car literally smells like absolute hell, I get out and all i smell all day is the scent of urine and citrus and i wanna rip my nose off. I’m literally trying 4 different methods to get rid of the smell but i’m so worried my car is just gonna smell like orange scented pee forever. I know it’s not my dogs fault and i love her but this has me so stressed because I have an extremely sensitive nose and the faintest scent can linger in my nose all day and now i’m smelling this shit no matter what i spray or try even outside my car and I literally feel like throwing up.
No. 453144
>>453117>Why is it so hard to just mind your own business?This. It's no one's business who other people have sex with. I lost my virginity to my husband. It's not something I tell to other people because it's completely irrelevant. It's a personal choice that has no impact on anyone else. The only people that know are a few of my close friends. I told them because they thought it was weird that I would go quiet when they were talking about past relationships. I had to explain that I wasn't judging them, I didn't say anything because it's not something I have any experience with. Now I get lightheartedly teased and me being pure, naive and innocent is a in-joke.
>>453134Enzyme cleaners work. I started buying Urine Off because my mother wets herself on the furniture. It's the only thing that I've found so far that gets rid of the smell permanently. The only problem with it is that the stain must be completely saturated with the cleaning liquid.
No. 453150
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I keep wasting my days on youtube and lolcow instead of cleaning, studying or even doing something productive like playing guitar.
Nope, I just sit in front of my desktop or ipad and refresh this hell site over and over again and listen to some male talk about video games in the background.
I hate this but I’m also too retarded to stop
No. 453224
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>friend asks me how I'm doing
>say not well
>friend asks what's on my mind
>spill about how my life right now is really hard, I'm basically taking care of an ungrateful parent, and if I didn't have a date to take me out and treat me I'd never do anything and never be able to afford food outside of rice and vegetables
…I don't care about your fucking anime convention…
This autismo friend always does this. They never ask me how I am out of genuine concern, it's always so they can lead into talking about themselves. I always think it's going to be different.
It never is.
I want to be mean and respond with "I don't care" but all I can muster is a passive aggressive "haha" and let it die.
No. 453241
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I just got into an argument with my boyfriend, and I actually came very close to calling him a "dumb scrote" in the heat of the moment. He was acting almost as low-empathy and retarded as the ones who invade LC to post bullshit, it just set something off in me.
I'm glad I showed some spine, but I've got to be careful how much I pick up from these pink pill threads.
No. 453244
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People who demand spoilers for certain tags on IG are trash. If you are not done with a series or refuse to read the original source material, dont then follow certain fan blogs and cry about year old spoilers.
No. 453247
>>453224Yeah, you need to ditch that friend anon. There's nothing worse than turning to a friend for venting only for them to make the convo about themselves. Especially if they're immature autismos.
I was in a similar situation where an ex friend would literally just tell me the
entire plots and twists of the cartoons she was watching. I didn't care and wanted to talk about more serious things but she just couldn't hold the convo. She also didn't know how to control the volume of her voice so it was embarrassing hanging out in public with her. I feel bad for her but also she's a grown ass adult that needs to get it together.
No. 453254
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>tfw no sleepy millionaire tech bf to put an end to ur wage cuck suffering
No. 453261
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Somehow I forgot that dairy makes my period cramps way worse and ate a whole pint of halo top. fuck.
No. 453294
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I just want to be held gdi
My bf has been in the hospital for weeks and it's been really lonely without him. Won't go into detail but he's in a delicate condition. When I visited him I couldn't kiss or hug him. Shit is brutal. I miss him a lot.
No. 453319
>>453318>sperging out even more because no one liked your retarded racist post>thinking you can "hide" posts in a threadGet some help and stop flooding a decent board with your mental diarrhea.
You've been shitting up this place for days now.
No. 453321
>>453319Well, thank you for proving my point about entitlement. Enjoy your type 2 diabetes.
>Everyone I don't like is the same poster! Reeeeeeeee!Utter kek. That was literally my first post in this thread (mods can check) and it came about because I deal with entitled welfare queens like yourself all day. Fuck off to whatever liberal hellhole you come from.
No. 453337
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>>453265I'll just leave this here.
No. 453339
>mysteriously leaves out butt fillers/injections, the main point of the first postHmmmm. It's almost like you don't want to admit that women
gather fat in the same places you do.It's almost like you're just mad because other women are receiving the male attention you desperately crave yourself, despite the fact that male attention is shit anyway.
Also, these stats have nothing to do with the majority of women as a whole. They merely count the ones who do have surgery, and I'm sorry to tell you, sweetie, but the majority of women have the natural bodies they're stuck with.
But you keep convincing yourself those evil whities are "stealing" your body from you, lol.
No. 453341
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>>453340White women are queens
(samefagging) No. 453343
>>453340Annnnnd in one post I realize why I don't want to be associated with people like you, either.
My point is that the majority of women, as a whole, do
not have surgery and this whole "wahhhh that white lady has a fat ass, cultural appropriation!1!1" shit is just another form of 21st century libfem entitlement. Especially when icons in the black community, like Nicki Minaj, have had tons of injections/fillers/etc that the average black teenage girl is never going to be able to achieve on her own.
Ya'll bitches watched "Get Out" too many times.
No. 453347
>>453339So, you don't get ass implants, you just get literally everything else done?
Powerful. Welfare queens BTFO.
Do you have data on ass implants to back up your claims?
>>453342It's just statistical data on plastic surgery, for personal reference. I make no statements about or in relation to its data.
No. 453350
>>453314. How am I /pol/ or an incel? I was literally complaining about that kind of /pol/ shit, and then this "person" started screeching at me, calling me "entitled" and "liberal" for not enjoying him/her/it defacing this site with their bitter, hateful nonsense.
No. 453352
>>453350Sorry, I meant
>>453265Incels from /pol/ always come here trying to start stupid arguments about race, trying to put women against one another.
No. 453358
>>453355So, a woman's race is grounds to exclude and shit on her? Some women are the same as trannies?
No, thanks.
No. 453362
>>453360This anon actually did shit on black and Latina women is the point. She's not a feminist, she's just a piece of trash who thinks she's saved herself by launching all her internalized misogyny at non-white women.
Feminism is directly related to being female. Focusing on other women when you're in a society that's 100% just one kind isn't mandatory, but when you decide certain women, because of the race they were born or where they come from, are okay to attack, demean, denigrate, or very deliberately exclude (and we all know the difference between a circumstantial "I live in this country, so I focus mostly on my fellow countrywomen's issues" and a very purposeful "Feminism is NOT for latinas, blacks, asians, etc - just me", so please don't try to equate the two) you go against the core meaning of the movement. That's that.
No. 453367
>>453365>Feminism is to focus on women and issues that pertain to why women suffer for simply being born female.We're not going to go far if we decide it's smart to fight against ourselves on the basis of those same things you mentioned. They're all issues that relate to women and their suffering, especially in communities made up of different types of women. Misogyny is literally everywhere that men occupy, and it manifests in all contexts in its own way.
If you are Malaysian or Swedish and only care about Malaysian or Swedish women who grew up in your neighborhood, have your specific genetic makeup, don't wear glasses, are wheelchair-bound, and know how to cook, thinking "Fuck the rest, god I hate those bitches who aren't like me", that's whatever, but definitely don't call yourself a feminist or try to speak from a feminist standpoint, because feminism is about women, period, not just certain kinds.
No. 453368
>>453362>"Feminism is NOT for latinas, blacks, asians, etc - just me"I can't see where they said that, or anything like it.
I wrote out and deleted a longer reply from this point after having second thoughts while writing it. I don't think you can take away being a feminist from someone just because they don't subscribe to other unrelated causes. I doubt 1st wavers gave a shit about WoC. You can't seriously suggest they weren't feminists.
No. 453372
>>453368Then you're blind. They literally atttacked those same women, called them disgusting names, and then tried to RP that they just hate libfems.
It's clear racism against women, and that has no place in a
women's movement. Maybe a community of tradthots, but not feminists. Misogyny is misogyny. If you want to be 1st wave so badly, build a time machine, go back to the period where only one race of women in a country like the US had the means to fight for their rights, and die of old age with the rest of them, taking any bigotry you hold for women who aren't like you with the rest of them, and leaving behind a legacy for all women to flourish. The reason the racism was dropped is because it does nothing for women as a whole, and actually holds back the movement. End of story.
No. 453380
>>453372You can shoe-horn a lot of social causes into feminism by following that line of thought. It doesn't change what feminism is at its core.
>Lesbians are women. Therefore gay rights are a feminist cause.Before you sperg out I don't have a problem with lesbians. You don't need to be on the front line of every social justice cause to be a feminist. You just need to support women's rights.
No. 453381
>>453380Throwing tantrums about lesbians does, in fact, diminish your validity as a feminist.
Sorry to break it to you.
No. 453384
>>453383Trannies are not women, so libfems are arguing stupidity and backwardness.
You think that not being white or being gay makes someone less of a woman, so you are also arguing stupidity and backwardness.
No. 453391
>>453380>You don't need to be on the front line of every social justice cause to be a feminist. You just need to support women's rights.And to add, this is a complete strawman. No one ever said you have to be on the front line for every social justice cause.
You just can't claim to support women's rights while also attacking women for stupid reasons. If you can't even pull that off, and honestly think the barest minimum of not being a racist or otherwise hateful piece of shit to other women is "being on the front line of every social justice cause", then you're lost.
No. 453395
>>453391 and
This is not about not wanting to make every social issue central to feminism, it's about not attacking other women for being gay, non-white, having red hair, whatever. A "feminist" who targets lesbians does not support the rights of women, she supports the right of a certain kind of woman. Equating the two is frankly, on the same level of choice feminism BS.
My complaint here
>>453348 was about the anon who thought it made sense to shit on black and Latina women, then try to bounce back by claiming to be a feminist after the /pol/ incel came to meet his sister in arms, lmao. I don't know why that anon is trying to change the story, especially since
>>453265 has literally nothing to do with feminism and is just misogynistic bullshit to its core.
If another person popped up to bitch about lesbians like this, and then claimed "I'm a feminist", yes, that would be bullshit. Not directly being involved in support is no big deal, but being part of the problem that fuels misognyny is.
No. 453401
>>453355 what her deal is. I responded literally like 8 minutes (not 2 hours) after the "I just did it to own the libfems, pls im no racist" with two lines showing disdain for the hypocrisy, and then got hit with this "ugh, stop being so INTERSECTIONAL" bullshit.
No. 453434
>>453428thanks anon, i appreciate it. No need to apologize for anything btw.
I agree with you and I did explain how I felt over a text and they haven't responded so idk. I feel like I'm expected to be perfectly supportive and endlessly giving for them and it's just frustrating sometimes. Of course I wanna be, but I'm not a goddamn buddha, yknow? Shit gets real and life really sucks sometimes. I love my friend and they're a great person but I feel like we're very different people and sometimes they really just don't get where I'm coming from.
No. 453537
I was on 3 different psych medications for 1,5 year. (For those who know 20mg of Lexapro, 10mg of Frisium and 20mg of Abilify).
I had reach rock bottom with my depression and anxiety due to a traumatic event, to the point where I'd eat once every day, shower once every 2 weeks and couldnt go outside because I was terrified of everything. Plus id get terrified and my heart would beat fast and id start shaking for no reason. The meds didnt cure my depression but did stabilise me.
However except ruinning my sex drive forever, they made one of my biggest fears a reality: I gained weight. A lot of it, about 15kg total. I was skinny all my life, even underweight but naturally, and I had never learned how to restrict because I had a great metabolism and could junk food freely. Meds have been off for months now but my metabolism is ruined forever. I don't know what to do. Last night I had this episode of crying to the point where I was screaming into my pillow not to wake my parents up. I was terrified to find I have reached a BMI of 24.4
I panicked big time. I knew I gained weight from my meds but I thought they weight would go back since i stopped taking them.
I started looking at thinspo feeling dead inside and compulsively saved like 20 pics. I know how they are shunned in this site but I also looked at some pro ana forums and websites. What was the most disturbing thing is that I found my self agreeing with things they said, like "Skinny people are more desirable" or "Everyone is prettier skinny".
The fact that I used to be skinny was my only source of attractiveness. My face is ugly, so fucking ugly and now that I'm ruined I have lost my last good attribute. I don't think I deserve to eat anything but 100cal cereal bars anymore.
No. 453553
>>453549light skin has been a beauty standard for e.asians before white people even showed up, and nobody wants "european features" besides maybe a slim nose, lol, but even that isn’t exclusive to white people. tons of asians are born with double eyelids too.
it’s just such a reach to think everyone wants to be you when you don’t even want to be yourself and are obsessed with asian pop culture
No. 453593
>>453544Tbh, there is a lot of white guys who say that about asian women too. I am sure the anons on non female majority imageboards arent just so called jealous white women posting all the time.
Also, has anyone noticed posts online regarding race always follows a racial pattern, and if it doesnt conform to it it either gets ignored or derailed in the discussion to the acceptable racial pattern?
>white and asian couples >white men love asian women>white women jealous of asian women>black vs white>black men love white women>black women jealous of white women>black and latino vs white and asianThe NPCdom or agenda pushing is real.
No. 453598
>>453553Come on, anon. You KNOW white features are idolized in many East Asian countries. Blond hair, blue/green eyes, freckles, pale skin with pink undertones (ever seen a Korean BB cream?), high nose bridges, these are all qualities that are seen as beautiful in East Asia. Olivia Hussey is seen as the standard of ideal beauty in Korea, even though barely anyone in the West remembers who she is.
You're the one who sounds crazy when you try to deny obvious facts. It's like when people in the West try to deny that Asian women are seen as beautiful and fetishized here. They sound crazy for denying reality. And so do you.
No. 453609
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>>453598TIL only white people can get freckles and asians only have one color undertone and type of nose, i guess? you sound super delusional. also olivia hussey literally looks more asian than white besides her eye color so you just shot yourself in the foot by mentioning her.
wearing contacts and dying your hair every once in a while is something literally every culture does, it doesnt mean they want to be a different race.
white women, on the other hand, are basically the only ones to do this
>#halfjapanese #halfkorean lol
No. 453641
>>453622yeah … you are definitely delusional. there’s a reason it’s olivia hussey and not anna nicole smith, kek
no one’s clenching but you here lol, enough with the projection and go do some yoga or something
you’re even throwing shitfits at random people over this. it’s embarrassing
No. 453661
>>453655i’m not trolling, i posted a vent. somebody was posting about beauty standards too earlier but it was about blacks vs hispanics vs white so what’s your problem now, autismo? it’s only okay if it’s americans doing it? are you another delusional white weeaboo? kek
just go to another thread if it
triggers your feelings so much
No. 453668
>>453664we are powerless to do anything, it doesn’t mean we are as bad as men. you sound like the pretentious one tbh
of course some women don’t care but we’re definitely not as evil. what do you mean by imaginary good girl points?
No. 453670
>>453666She wants it ALL legible. I tried saying "OK, I guess I can try putting it at the bottom" and shrank the font down to fit it all, and she said "No, now they can't read it."
There's no room for anything except text squeezed into the margins in her "design" and she's complaining it looks boring. Yeah, because it's a wall of text because you left me no space for literally anything else, not even white space.
No. 453672
>>453669that wasn't even a no u. and what have you done? are you just here to bitch and act superior? is the dumb hurr we all primates thing your excuse?
your attempt at a discussion is useless shit that could only come from an arrogant mind
No. 453674
>>453672You're literally "no, u"ing again by calling me arrogant/pretentious, and are absolutely proving my point about women facilitating this shit while still having a
desperate need to be called a good person. That's where the imaginary good girl points come from; you needing to tell yourself you're doing something for other women when you aren't/are allowing abuse to occur with the pathetic "we're powerless" excuse.
You want to be considered a good person without actually putting any work into being a good person, which you literally admit by offering excuses instead of solutions. At least I can admit that I'm focused on my own needs, why can't you?
This desperation to be seen as a hero seems pretty scrot-like, tbh, so it's kind of hilarious. You claim that men are evil (true) and then emulate their behavior. You're a pretentious cunt, and probably a libfem.
No. 453679
>>453674i’m a scrote for not attacking women when men are the ones who do the most damage on the planet? nice handmaiden logic.
nice to see you admit you’re actually a shit person who only cares for themself. that’s great but don’t push that on the rest of us and bitch about it, we aren’t all happy parasites like you
keep ranting about the evil wimminz and maybe you’ll look less low IQ after a while, i’m not going to waste any more of my time on someone this up their own ass lol. hope you get over that inner misogyny one day ((assuming you’re not a tranny larping of course))
No. 453704
>>453664Abusing and killing things will always be the worst actions.
It's not pretentious, it's objective.
The opposite of being an activist is not being a bad person. There's a lot of grey area in the middle. Like a woman can be a fighter for some things at certain points in her life while other times she cannot be.
You're viewing things in extremes and that sort of lens doesn't work in today's society.
Sad how women are criticized for not self-sacrificing enough as if it's on the same level as telling men to quit being violent.
No. 453741
>>453535me neither … he has zero redeeming qualities
>>453682"he's sober now" yeah …….. right … i don't understand this kind of thinking … but i do hope your mom has a safe space she can go to if she leaves him for good
No. 453745
>>453704My point is that the majority of women are not the social activists they think they are. Even your post reeks of someone who posts a lot to FB while wanting to be in the same category as women who kill rapists in India; you're an entitled, delusional Western idiot who has convinced yourself that you're "not as bad" while you happily lap up the profit from women's suffering.
White Western women aren't feminists, nor do they give a shit about women as a whole. There's always an excuse for why they're "powerless." Thanks for proving my point.
I'm sorry I refuse to jerk off your egos, but I'm not the one with a misogyny issue. Take a good, hard look on the mirror, sweetie.
No. 453746
>>453743lmfaoo anon literally what part of the other anons post was "anti female"? did you get
triggered because anon called you a handmaiden(which you are)?
No. 453756
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>>453747NTA, but it looks like you're the last person who should be scolding anyone for "anti women insults", considering your existing track record in this thread. You haven't even been trying to blend or adopt board culture.
Isn't summer supposed to be over? Stop trolling on imageboards and return to your studies.
No. 453757
>>453745>My point is that the majority of women are not the social activists they think they areUm, no. Your original post called everyone "gross primates" equating lack of social activism to men being violent.
>Even your post reeks of someone who posts a lot to FB while wanting to be in the same category as women who kill rapists in IndiaNot even close.
But I guess killing Indian rapists is the only
valid action for feminist activism, hm.
You don't even know who you're replying to.
You're one pretentious ass bitch not even worth the argument since your tardbrain can't even formulate a thought without a cheap insult.
Hope you're trolling/10
No. 453763
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>>448171>broke up with my long term LDR bf >was because he wasn't in a good place mentally>we remain just friends>I still love him to death>he knows that>me big attention whore >I send him nudes now and then trying to wake something up in himHe either ghosts me or just act as nothing had happened. I crave attention from him so fucking bad, my day would be going so great but I would feel sad because he ignored me even though WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!!! In my head, we're still together and I can't live a life where I don't get compliments from him and he hasn't in like five months now.
Got lots of thirsty orbiters in my DMS and all my socials but my sicko brain (and vagina) only desire him. I'm usually cold and mean and the type everyone thinks is probably the child of satan but he is my soft spot and lord I can't handle this anymore, waiting by my phone for hours on end refreshing every other minute to see if he replied or send something. He mostly got over me before we even broke up but I'm still trapped in his hole.
I'm tired of feeling sad and empty just because he left me on read, I'm tired of turning men away because I still think of him, I still can't even look at dick pics I receive because I'm oh so faithful.
Until yesterday I was thinking of how I'm going to do with our wedding and what would we name our children (pls don't call me out for this, I know it is mental).
I never thought I would listen to breakup songs or that I would even care about anyone let alone a man. I'm -or used to be- a man-hater and was all about independence and not ever having children, until three years ago when I was in a very dark place struggling with my family, my identity, I felt empty half of the time and had lots of depressing times, he was messing around in my comments so I DMed him to distract me from myself and the rest is history.
He changed me a lot and so did I, it is very painful for me to let go of our relationship because it felt -and still feels- like we were made for each other… pray for me anons
No. 453778
>>453763I’ve been in this situation before. Was with my LDR boyfriend for about 3 years before he cheated on me with some Russian art hoe once he developed some weird fetish with Slavs. During the process that I was moving to his state, too. He left me for her. 6 months later , broke up with her. Right after he came back to me and the whole time I was missing him so bad. I let him use me when he came back hoping he wanted to get back together. He would ask for nudes and I’d send them. I spent 60 dollars on him for his birthday after driving two hours to see him, and only hung out with him for about 2 hours. I gave him gifts. I was always desperate to talk to him, always being kind to him, despite everything he put me through. I saw him putting flirty desperate comments on more russian bitches instagram photos and that’s when i told him I’m done. He apologized that he can’t give me what I want. I blocked him. A month later he sends me a happy birthday text. I called him a manwhore and told him to go fuck himself. Blocked him for good. Four months later I found the love of my life (who, ironically, is russian also lmao) blocking him was the best decision I made. The whole time I was being a pushover cuck for that guy I hated myself and I was so constantly stressed out about whether or not he wanted me. Now i’m just super happy and focused on my boyfriend and i never even think about him really. Fuck you, Sam.
TL;DR Block his ass and it will be the best choice you can make.
No. 453787
>>453763I think he's doing the wrong thing by not addressing the nudes you are sending. He's making himself Mr Unattainable MySterious Person which obviously is furthering your interest (I been there)
Things would be a lot easier for you both if he was more honest.
No. 453798
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"Haha, I don't really care if they reply back. :) "
I care immensely.
I wish I could self-control my emotions. Like, I've been getting better at pep-talking myself that it's just my bad anxiety making it out as worse than it probably is, and that's it's going to be fine. Stop worrying that this person might've muted you on Twitter, there's no basis and you're reading way too into it. It's a really bad habit of mine that I want to break.
Then I get ~triggered~ by seeing said person somewhere and I feel like I have to spill my guts about all my worries to a friend, feeling pathetic I couldn't just let it go and feel like a stupid loser for it. A similar thing like this happened years ago towards a person I wanted to befriend but the feeling wasn't mutual and I had annoyed them with my slight pestering of trying to chat with them…. I have moved on from them since then and feel at ease if they pop up, but that might be because I have this other person to be anxious about.
I just want this whole thing with this current person to end up being at least neutral on both sides and with no hard feelings. It's also a lot harder since he's a non-native English speaker as well. So this is one hard rut I'm in.
No. 453803
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Have been working on this drawing in procreate for weeks now, the app crashed and erased the entire drawing. I was getting back into art but guess that’s not happening anymore, there goes weeks of work. I want to scream.
No. 453812
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i hate constantly swinging from feeling good/neutral about my appearance and hating my face. it depresses me thinking that i have days where i feel absolutely amazing but in reality when people look at me they're not thinking that, at all. i've seriously considered plastic surgery but i will never have the cash for it. it's just so weird being content with yourself when you're actually quite ugly in reality, because no guy wants to be with you, and you get reminded of the ugliness when you remember no one hits on you or makes any romantic/sexual advances toward you.
No. 453814
>>453803Dang anon, that blows. That’s happened to me before.
Maybe you can start new, and make something even cooler.
No. 453822
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I've been dating someone that a friend introduced me to for a few weeks now. For the first time ever-I'm 27 and I've been with so many people-I feel like I'm truly in a nice relationship and I have zero complaints.
Usually I get mistreated or find glaring flaws that I justify and put up with because of my low self worth. Yet so far, nothing.
It could be because he's older than me and is a bit more traditional, all I know is that he's such a breath of fresh air from the fuckboys, users, and low efforts disguised as pseudo progressives that I've dated.
He's doing such a good job that I'm almost nervous that he's being too good to me.
I mean it when I say: No one has ever treated me like they desired me in this way before.
He texts me every day multiple times a day. He drives out to see me whenever possible and sometimes even drives me back to his place, making sure to bring me back on time for my job in the morning. He pays for all our dates and takes me out to restaurants. He reminds me that I'm beautiful every single time I see him, and multiple times a day he says it. He loves being physically intimate with me and he has never rejected my attention. The sex is amazing, and he's very considerate going so far as giving oral every single time. When we go out he holds doors open for me, and even gets the car door. In public he's close to me and is around me so much as if to convey that he's not ashamed of me. We talk about our futures and he includes me in long term plans. He shows genuine concern when I rant to him about my troubles and offers to do things for me.
Even today after he dropped me off after my night with him, he offered to take me to buy groceries for the week after I mentioned how I'm taking care of my stepdad and money has been really tight for me. No previous guy would have ever done that for me, at least not begrudgingly.
My skin broke out bad recently, and I didn't bring an overnight bag to his place to neither treat the acne or wear makeup. This morning before taking me out to lunch he still told me I was beautiful.
One ex was so repulsed by my acne before that he scalded me in the shower with hot water thinking that it would 'burn' away the zits on my back, he didn't care about my pain.
And among other things about him…he doesn't care about video games and he's a normie. He dresses in nice brand clothes every day. Has great hygiene. He's a hard worker and strives to get better things. Comes from a troubled family so he's very sympathetic when I talk about my own troubled family situation.
I just want to cry.
I almost wrote him off and judged him for something stupid early on but I'm glad I gave him a chance.
No. 453829
>>453812>it's just so weird being content with yourself when you're actually quite ugly in realityI feel you, I almost never see anyone say this but I don't think I'm ugly/fat, I just assume men think I'm ugly/fat due to a lack of attention in a world where most women apparently get hit on more than they can tolerate.
Feels alright I guess. I can always apply plausible deniability, maybe I just don't meet/interact with enough men to give them the opportunity. Doubt it though kek.
No. 453832
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I feel like I've been lonely for so long i'm physically incapable of having friends anymore. I'm so lonely i could scream and all my attempts at befriending people go nowhere or we literally have nothing in common. tbf I could put myself out there more and like join an uni society but the though of being around that many people I don't know and having to mingle with is paralyzing but trying to make friends organically through practicals etc has gotten me no results in these 4 years. I have been trying to be a more easygoing me, a more adaptable, normie me, just plain old myself, none of it has worked lol. this is going to be my last year of uni and I don't see things changing/see them only getting worse as I have exhausted the "coursemates to try and befriend" reserves and my only actual friend has graduated and is moving away. this is supposed to be the best time of my life but tbh it could rival 11th grade which was previously the lowest point of my life. I do work but all my colleagues are older than my parents and we can't talk about much besides the generic weather, local news and "this job sucks" topics. after graduating I'd like to do masters but I'd need to work fulltime for a year or so to afford it and the thought of that being my only human interaction for that long is so depressing. I just want to talk to someone about things I actually care about and laugh and maybe walk around or go somewhere (tesco's is fine) and exchange memes with and have fun. sometimes I can hear young people being rowdy on my street and it just fills me with sadness as it seems like an unattainable dream I'll never achieve. I literally feel like some sort of 4chan incel more and more by the day (don't mean all their incel ways, just the incredible isolation and mental derangement parts)
I'm going through the society catalog just now but idek what society I could try joining, anime and manga one will be male neckbeards only (checked out their fb page), I tried badminton for a semester as I like it (despite being horrible at it lol) but it was dreadful as everyone else was like semi-professional and would only play with their friends and would avoid me as I'm very beginner-tier so now I'm kinda afraid of other sports based-ones (that and I hate my body moving around in front of other people), I do draw like chinese cartoon cringe but the art society is like fine arts you know and like the rest of them are very irrelevant to me/are related to skills I don't have. I don't even feel human anymore.
No. 453870
>>453832You could try joining a Women's lifting community,those ladies are great and always help out newcomers
a lot of people in the fitness community(male and female) are like you,lonely depressed people who want to make themselves better
No. 453872
>>453863drink some water maybe?
I'm so out of it today, I've been on edge this past week so of course my mind's trying to take a break. I just want to feel grounded for a little bit. It's been a while. I don't have therapy for another three weeks and even though going probably won't change the way I feel, I just feel numb atm. Maybe I'll go to the store when I get out of work or something.
No. 453938
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I can't help but feel my boyfriend has low standards for dating me. I have just awful self esteem as of late and believe that I'm not even close to a catch. I'm not particularly attractive, smart, witty, funny, or interesting. The ultimate plain jane but he tells me how perfect I am for him but it almost makes me want to cry just in how much disbelief I am of this statement. When we talk about it or I hear it, I tear up every time. I know I should just work on myself on this because its purely based on my own insecurities and it's completely destroying me. I can't help but think he could just do so much better than me and I feel sick and sad that someone so good is stuck with me. Am I just sulking in self hatred and pity? What the hell do I do?
No. 453945
>>453938Yes you are anon if he's with you it's because he sees something in you he appreciates whether you see it or not and your self destructive attitude is going to end up pushing him away eventually unless his love is that strong, try to do exercises(not physical) that are going to help your self esteem so you aren't constantly projecting.
Trust I'm speaking only cause I've dealt with this
No. 453971
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I'm not cute and only have a laundry list of flaws with basically nothing good about me on paper but for whatever reason pretty desirable men end up obsessed with me. I really don't get it because I see way prettier girls than me being treated much worse and settling so much harder when they don't need to at all. Dating really is all about how some decent people happen to fall into your lap or something, I guess.
No. 453987
I feel like nobody will ever love me.
How long will I have to keep trying and trying to finally find friends, a bf? It seems so hopeless. Girls think I'm weird and guys find me repulsive.
I will always be the least important family member, despite trying my best to be the most filial. All my life my younger siblings overshadowed me, while my parents additionally tell me that I need to take care of them more, that I need to treat them better etc. Nobody has ever taken care of me.
I sometimes think about how it would be to have friends or a bf, but just imaginening being intimate with anybody scares me.
Last week on my birthday my aunt called - but not to congratulate me, no, to chat with my brother. Most relatives don't even know me, but if they do they only ask "How's your brother/sister?" How would I know, it's not like my brother talks with me.
I barely get a word in at home, my teachers were shocked to find out who my siblings are because they're so outgoing, talkative and extroverted, meanwhile I'm a total recluse. As a result I of course also am not brave enough to talk much with others, be it in uni or at work. I'm always scared of sounding stupid and embarrassing myself.
No. 453992
>>453987I used to be a lot like you and I still am to a certain extent,My mom set up on a blind date and I met the love of my love and got married
I get all my socializing from my husband and occasionally his brother and sister when we visit them. I genuinely don’t have an issue with my lifestyle though. I’m just really glad I married someone who’s understanding and loves me for me.
No. 454057
>>453149I started weaning myself off of social media for those reasons- trying to fill in the blank in our lives, keeping up an image for people to see, constantly posting about things that happens. It got tiring and it was taking a toll on me. I don't really use facebook anymore, but I'll browse through my newsfeed out of habit but nothing really piques my interest because it's all people I'm distant from and if it's events or something big that happened in a friend's life, we'll talk to each other one-on-one about it. I also think its nice to have stories saved up to share that others might not know of, kinda kills the mood when you try to talk about some big fun event that happened and the other person says "oh yeah I saw your post already." I haven't deleted it because I joined a bunch of groups recently (mostly shaming groups) and I quietly lurk on them for laughs whenever I get super bored. I deleted everything off my instagram and I feel so much happier. I'm happy to just browse and save food spots and post dumb shit to my stories.
The only place I'm super active is on twitter, but it's mostly me blogposting dumb ass mundane shit on my private account to friends. I feel like it's my only social media over the years where I've never been concerned about the image I put out on it- it's basically just a digital diary for me to put all of my dumbass thoughts.
Social media sucks. It's freeing and nice to live life without it. I hope one day I'll be able to stop browsing, but even just stopping myself from posting and caring about post interactions feels like such a great improvement to my mental health.
No. 454062
I'm jealous of all the people who don't need friends. I spend so much time and energy maintaining friendships. Even if I had a boyfriend or husband I would still want other friends. Life would be so much easier that way.
>>453987Are you in uni? How do your teachers know who your siblings are?
No. 454067
>>454057you havent really weaned yourself off social media though. its good that you seem to not be so attached to it but you still have them
>freeing to live without itbut you admit you still use socials. try having zero. i know for sure its my bias towards people who think they are better than the masses because they only indulge in it a little but you still use them and are reliant on the mental tug and pull it provides. youre really just trying to convince yourself you are better than that while still doing the exact same thing.
No. 454086
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This is the second time this year that I have my heart broken by a bitch that plays with my feelings. Now I'm legit scared of girls, everytime a girl flirts with me I feel a pang of pain in my stomach and only want to run away. I wish I had a cold heart, and I wish I didn't want a girlfriend so badly.
No. 454102
>>454096I feel you anon. My family has always had bad eating habits (though my mum and brother are both thinner than me), so the food we have at home always fuels my binge eating. My family has an abundance of sauces in the fridge too, it's ridiculous - I have a running joke with my friends that the only food in my house I can eat is sauce and bread. If you're dependent on them with food shopping, maybe just suggest a few things to switch out that are healthier? Or if you can work or get money buy your own food that you make and eat yourself (I keep fruits and veg and some other stuff for meals in so I can try to eat somewhat healthy).
I can't wait to move out so I can just cook my own stuff. I will literally have a bowl of rice for lunch and my mum will act like I am starving myself and offer me more food.
No. 454114
>>454102I do work and usually buy my own groceries, but I'm limited in what I can buy to what little fridge space opens up unfortunately. It sucks that whenever I go over to my best friends house and she opens up her fridge, what she calls "full" is so… sparse compared to my fridge. I wish I had that much space! Sometimes my dad will complain about me buying food and overstuffing the fridge but it's like… my stuff makes up the tiniest fraction of what's actually in there and most of it is stuff that I cook and eat. Other times he'll just complain in general about the fridge as if most of it isn't his shit. I used to make iced tea in the summer but I stopped because as soon as the fridge got full, my tea was the first thing to come out. They would take it out when I wasn't home and leave it in the hot kitchen, completely spoiling it. Our freezer is completely stuffed too full of frozen meat. Why do we even need this much frozen meat? I don't get it, I really don't.
When I studied abroad for a while, I felt so great that I could buy whatever foods I wanted to cook with. Despite my slightly disordered eating at the time, I ate so good- mostly fish and vegetables (I'm not vegetarian, but also not that big of a meat person). I can't wait until I move out and can go back to that life. I love indulgent foods as much as the next person, but I'm perfectly happy with really simple meals full of veg. I also unfortunately have a huge sweet tooth so I'd much rather indulge myself when it comes to dessert than with my actual meal…
One day we'll be free anon…!
No. 454124
>>454114 are you me? Literally there is never space in the fridge because it's packed with my mums boyfriend's food and sauce. That's why most of my foods are snacks because they can be kept in my room or in the cupboards, there is literally no space for actual food, and the amount of bread that is bought and goes to waste is ridiculous (so if I can actually fit my own bread into the bread bin it's a win). Maybe you should invest in a mini-fridge for your room? That way any food you have that doesn't need to be frozen can stay fresh.
My family also cook with way too much oil, so I don't eat much of what they make and most of my meals tend to be snacks or coffee, which makes it easier for me to indulge too. I love plain food, so oily veg… is kinda gross.
One day we can move out and eat like normal human beings lol. I used to be anxious about ever living alone but I'd rather do that and be responsible for my own food and meals than live with people who stuff the fridge with junk.
No. 454132
>>454124I actually do have a mini fridge in my room lol… my dad got it for me when I was younger to hide our junk food in but over the years I stopped putting stuff into it. I'm in the process of decluttering my room and there's some stuff in front of it that makes it difficult to open all the way, but aside from that, it also doesn't seem to be that cold?? It's cranked up to the max setting but whenever I do put the occasional drink in there it comes out… just slightly colder than room temp. It's 50% being hesitant about food keeping well in there, and 50% it's been sitting in my room for so long that I tend to forget it even exists. I'm not really sure what's wrong with it but I'll see if I can fix it and start using it to store food and stuff.
My dad's the main cook of the house so if he's off for the day I won't bother to cook, but there was a time where he kept frying stuff non stop and he made something wrapped in filo dough and it was so… tasteless. It was so upsetting lol. I get the appeal of fried food is that it tastes good and the crunchy texture is great but this was somehow just BLAND? Sometimes I can just eat some chips (we have so many around the house) and call it a night without eating a real dinner, but fuck man, it makes me feel bad about how unhealthy it is to keep doing that.
It feels good to hear about other anons having the same fridge troubles haha. A lot of my friends seem to have parents that really emphasize healthy living and have "normal"ly stocked fridges that I felt like it was just my family being fucking weird with all this sauce hoarding.
No. 454136
>>454132maybe try to fix it, or find a better one if possible. it'd be easier than not being able to store food constantly. I wonder if there's mini fridge's with the same temperature as a normal fridge? maybe that's something to look into.
My mum's boyfriend is the main cook of the house and basically makes the same meal every night - meat, veg, and potatoes. Mostly some form of pork, beef or chicken. It's so boring. Obviously I'm not going to say anything because it's ungrateful and rude, so I just deal with it for now. Sometimes I replace my dinner with a small snack or small bowl of cereal if I'm really not feeling it, or even just a serving of rice. He uses so much oil with stuff I think replacing dinner with a snack is healthier lol. I don't mind bland food but if you're going to fry food the point is that it's unhealthy and tastes good?? lol
Most of my friends have healthy, normally stocked fridges, especially my boyfriend, which was a shock to me since my ex's fridge was awful (literally nothing but snacks, I gained so much weight in that relationship it was ridiculous).
No. 454226
>>454188There is no such thing as "productive" hobby, a hobby is a hobby, if it is productive and you do it as an investment then its something else.
When it comes to hobbies and activities done purely for leisure it truly matters little what you do unless it override your main directives. Its supposed to be your time out anyways.
A few years ago it suddenly became "hip" for 30 yr olds to game and sperg about comics and shit like that, now i start to see how its suddenly cool again to insult people with pastimes outside of just "work and don't complain" because soy or woman/manchild or something or maybe resented people are jealous of those with disposable income and free time.
No. 454255
>>454226I'm not knocking the concept of hobbies, I'm mostly pessimistic about my ability to moderate my time playing games. Maybe I have more self control than as a teenager, who knows.
I'm also not shitting on videogames to be contrarian, but I think there is a definite hierarchy of how edifying a particular hobby can be and I would place most games near the bottom. I understand that it's a massive industry and there are titles that cater to many different audiences, some "smarter" than others, but so many of them hinge on the same basic dopamine reward cycles that are designed to keep people playing. I'm only speaking from past experience, there are games I sank thousands of hours into as a kid and you wouldn't be wrong to argue that as long as I enjoyed myself it was time well spent, but when your /played returns literal WEEKS of time I find it hard not to think of all the things I could have learned in that time.
No. 454262
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Why does the geographical area where I live always have to be so fucking humid?
Feels like I'm trapped in mother earth's swamp ass 24/7.
Oh and of course I have thin hair so I have to look like an ugly humanoid poodle as if the insult of constantly being sweaty and uncomfortable wasn't enough.
No. 454276
>>454255I have avoided all online games for this reason and i am kinda thankful i am naturally bored with open worlds and "infinite" games like Minecraft and stuff like that were you endlessly wander and play with no particular purpose.
I like to play games that are single player, mostly linear and X amount of hours long. You beat them, feel great about the experience and thats it. You know that X amount of hours each session will get you to the endgame in Y amount of time while Online gaming has no end in sigh that and makes you loose track of time, that's the danger zone.
naturally i like games from the Ps2 era downwards. After the 6th gen is all fucked.
No. 454293
>>454226a productive hobby is one that produces something. many hobbies are productive: art, writing, crafting, programming, music composition, woodworking, etc.
and some are consumptive: art appreciation, music appreciation, video games, watching films, reading, etc.
and some are what I would say is "nuturing": gardening, vehicle maintenance, restorations of all kinds, etc.
these are all things that can be done more or less at leisure. we're just stuck in a capitalistic hellscape that says only things that can be monetized (e.g. productive hobbies) are worth our time.
No. 454314
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>>454309Same. I know a lot of video courses are scams, but I kind of want to believe. I don't buy them, but I feel so dumb for being tempted by them.
No. 454325
>>454276>P2 era and downBased anon. I agree. I love games that let you explore and wander. Competitive games are such a man thing. One of my male friends keeps asking if i'm ever gonna download battlefield V. No way in hell. I hate PVP shit. that kind of mindset is massively
No. 454351
>>454293 and
>>454346. I'm not shaming any hobby as being "unproductive" in the sense you mean. I mean that some hobbies literally produce something tangible. There is nothing wrong if your hobby doesn't. A lot of hobbies don't, and a lot of hobbies that aren't typically shamed (like gardening, restoration) aren't technically productive either.
Even if you're sitting alone in your room making art no one but you will ever see, you're still producing something. That's just a simple fact.
Anyway, you're also insulting every single serious hobbyist who put in quite a lot of time and resources doing something they love, just because they love it and not for the potential income stream it could bring. Maybe we should mourn the fact that people can't have serious leisure hobbies anymore without trying to monetize them.
No. 454502
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My brother has recently been hanging out with an extremely creepy guy who legit scares me. I want him gone but my brother gets extremely defensive of him. Pretty sure its a drug-related thing which just makes it worse on me and my sister.
No. 454532
When I first met my bf I didn't know how porn sick he was, or careless before meeting me. It only transpired later when we lived together. I never had confidence issues with how I looked naked and even think some parts are great or whatever. When we first got together I was more relaxed and free. He made me feel confident because he was just so accepting. However, since coming across his porn, and seeing the various things he's into etc., I've become more embarrassed in the bedroom.
I tend to turn away from him getting undressed now, embarrassed that when my bra comes off i don't have the fake tits of porn that stay up. See, when I found his porn and talked to him about it he tried to ask to watch together. I said no. We have never done that, but since I know he likes porn and what he's looking up, he's pushing more during the act to constantly switch up, do this, move like that, do this now blah blah blah.
I'm not a porn actress getting paid to perform. What the fuck about my experience. I honestly feel like I'm a prop now, he seemed to have more respect before I knew about his porn habits.
Majority of the time we have sex now I don't even know where to look or what to say, I'm just going through the motions and awaiting directions. And half the time he cums too early and then I get to use his semi to get myself off on top of him. It's not hot.
No. 454533
>>454229Nta but could you list the parts you used? Like the graphic card etc.
There are so many new games I want to play and if I could have a good gaming PC for just under $500, I'd do it running
No. 454541
>>454532Can you have a word with him before things get unfixable?
Explain that you need more connection during sex, that you feel like you're posing and being a prop, and you want more time spent on making sure you feel satisfied?
You shouldn't have to endure shitty sex and issues like that only get worse if not discussed
No. 454586
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one of the people i was talking to kept supporting my histrionic mythomaniac sister who has hurt so many people and got me so mad i deleted all my messaging apps without even thinking about it.i dealt with so much but this was the last straw.i dont fucking care that this person is my relative,i dont care if she has made a fool of herself and now has to deal with it.she says she is an adult and she has to act like one.she has hurt people so badly they cried and harmed themselves while she finds her next victim to have fun and lie without thinking of the concequences
fuck this shit.fuck those apps.fuck the people who dont want do realise the shittiness in front of them while i lose years off of my life trying to help
fuck all of this
No. 454604
>>454599A mentally ill furry…unheard of
Reminds me of people with amputation fetishes who do similar, strange world
No. 454640
>>454351i have no judgement about "unproductive" hobbies, but for me the pleasure of a hobby is also being able to say "I did that myself".
but I dislike when people, especially adults, define themselves with what they consume (being a potterhead, a comic book fan, etc). I think making your whole identity something passive makes you less hands on or creative.
No. 454657
>>454649Most relatable, with me it's exes
Leaves you wondering if they repeat the pattern and eventually abuse the next person too
No. 454669
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I'm bawling my eyes out because I got denied roaccutane NOT because it might cause kidney damage but because it can cause issues with your reproductive system and possibly cause autism in future kids or make you sterile. I DON'T WANT KIDS. EVER. I told her that but nooo. I might even be autistic ffs
I literally wasted a lot of money to get the problem checked out by a private professional, only for my doctor to tell me no because of children that I'll never have and instead prescribed me some useless shit that'll dry out my skin and not to anything because the problem is internal.
I can buy the stuff under the counter but I can't afford it and I really needed it to be prescription. Holy shit I'm mad.
No. 454683
>>454669that shit happened to my mom. she had her tubes tied and they still denied her until she reached age 45
just incase fuck doctors.
No. 454691
>>454669This makes me so sad because so much of the medical industry is still very anti women. not every woman wants kids. this is horrible. So sorry you had to go through that. maybe find a different doctor??
(Also, that gif gave me a good chuckle)
No. 454700
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>>454669Fuck them! I'm so mad for you. Once again, women aren't trusted to make their own reproductive decisions.
Whenever I mention I don't want kids, people still insist, "you may change your mind!" I am 30+ and people still say that. It's so fucking condescending. It's usually always men (both sides politically) that say that.
I want to say, "If I wanted kids, I wouldn't have aborted that one in 2010." But I can't because of repercussions.
We feel your pain, OP. I hope the best for you.
No. 454701
>>454605I was in your same situation until just about 2 weeks ago. The crush was objectively a bad person, racist as fuck, narcissistic, insensitive, a liar with an incel-like attitude. And physically wise, way below my league, too.
>i'm trying to look at the good in him and want to have a healthy relationshipI did the same, still didn't work.
I admit that in this period I feel extremely lonely, have no way out until this winter and this made me vulnerable and desperate for some form of love, even from a person that usual me would've never looked at. Now my self esteem is lower than usual, thanks to the cunt, but I'm slowly getting better.
The answer is: drop him asap, because he's dragging you down in his misery like quicksand and it will get even worse with time. Rip the bandaid before it's too late. It won't get better. It might hurt at first, but you will get better, and one day soon you'll look back and think "How could I associate with such human scum? What was I thinking?" as you cuddle with an actually good boyfriend.
No. 454703
>>454700Diff anon but at what age will a woman saying 'I don't want kids ever' be taken seriously? When I was in my twenties I wasn't believed and I thought it'd get better. Now like you I'm in my thirties and it's exactly the same
Do we need to be menopausal?!
No. 454712
>>454703When you're post-menopausal, people will go from assuming you'll change your mind eventually to assuming you'll regret it eventually.
I feel you guys, though. I'm 27, married to someone I've been with for 5 years, he recently had a vasectomy, and people STILL dismiss our childfree stance. Why is it so fucking unbelievable to some people that someone could possibly not want children?
No. 454717
>>454612>>454701thanks for your responses. the latter anon, i hope you'll also be in a better place and be happy with a loving person. i tried, i really did. we aren't good for each other.
>>454707yeah. i couldn't cut him off right away, we haven't met in real life yet because he's too fucked up to leave the house but we have some ties in real life and do actually live like 2 hours away from each other. we have been talking for a long time too and i don't want him to lose his shit over me cutting him off out of nowhere. he says that he can't form emotional connections or trust women but he gets angry when i mention something positive about other men. i don't think he cares about me though, it's just his inner narcissism speaking.
No. 454755
>>454669Your doctor is a stupid fucking bitch.
The only requirements when I wanted to go on it were to be ok birth control and get monthly bloodwork.
Those things happen to the fetus only if you were attempting to get pregnant while on it.
She's confused and doesn't know what she's talking about.
No. 454775
>>454717I think you are stuck on showing him that his idea of women is fundamentally flawed. The thing is, no matter how well you treat him, no matter how you prove him wrong, he is stuck in his way of thinking and biases. He only chooses to see the negative so he will see any good thing you do as fake, manipulation, etc.
Yeah, in the end when you leave him, he might say "she didn't stick around, all women are shit etc" but who gives a fuck? He needs to open his eyes and give people a fair chance instead of being a
toxic drain on everyone he meets. He can't even stand to be around himself, that tells you the kind of person he is
No. 454786
there was a guy i knew who i kind of always thought i would end up with because being with him felt almost fated. even after we stopped talking (literally five years ago), i thought we'd find our way back to each other. i had a casual (and naive) sort of confidence in that because he felt so right for me. i guess i kind of thought, how could the universe see that and not bring us back together? we were only ever officially friends for the four years i knew him, but there was always the hint of something more to our relationship. it was acknowledged but never acted upon, mostly because i was so young at the time that to do something about it would have literally been illegal for him. i had maturing to do and he was too good of a guy to mess with that. i still kept tabs on him over the years after we lost touch though, and after he pretty much dropped off the face of the earth about two years ago, i wondered nearly every day what he was up to and if he was okay, still truly thinking i'd be led back to him someday. even when i was in a relationship with someone else during that time, i thought about him all the time.
then today i found out that i'd be spending some time in the city where i knew he'd last moved and my curiosity got the better of me. i did a whitepages search on him (i know, i know, it's pathetic) and i saw that he still lived there. just as my thoughts got ahead of me and i was thinking about fate putting me in his city and wondering if there was any way to get in contact with him again and get coffee while i'm in town or something, i came across three words: marriage record found. just under that was 'divorce record found', but… he's married? was married? is married? who knows. i did a deeper (creepier) search into the county marriage records and there's no mistaking the accuracy of those - he is, or at some point was, married. i didn't see a divorce record there.
i think i'm having an actual mental break which is just silly, right? he's just some guy i crushed on when i was a sad little teenage girl, some guy i haven't even exchanged words with in five years. but i feel like i've slipped into some horrible parallel universe or something because this surely can't be reality, right? he wasn't even in a relationship or dating anyone as of two years ago - how could he just meet someone, get married and possibly divorced in a matter of two years? did he get this girl pregnant or something? is that the reason for the marriage? does he have a kid now? what happened? i feel insane for caring so much, but this can't be reality. this can't be who he is.
how the fuck do i let this go? how crazy am i for even giving a fuck?
No. 454804
>>454786A lot can change in five years, anon. If this guy thought about you as much as you thought about him, he would've already reached out to you and most certainly would not have a marriage record.
Doesn't seem like he had a problem getting over you.
Don't you deserve someone who's going to spend a lot of time thinking about you and romantic ideations about how you were fated for each other? The more you dwell on this closed door from the past, the chances are you're missing the door to your fated someone for the future.
No. 454824
I got out of an abusive relationship four months ago with a guy I was engaged to. He got arrested for a fairly minor incident by my standards, I was not the one that called the cops, but they came and I ended up in the hospital anyway. After a fugue state of a week where I just did nothing at all, I packed my things up into my car and I essentially fled the state and moved in with my 15-year-older sister that I had only met once previously in my life. Things are going well. I loved the drive out here (took four days) and feel pretty content to rebuild my life. I'm objectively in a really good position, the best in my life. I have 10k saved, a car, a job, a rent-free living situation, and I am around family for pretty much the first time in my life, and going out and getting to know lots of new and interesting people.
Everyone expected me to be a complete wreck, since I was essentially locked inside and beaten daily for years, but I really feel rather fine. I went to therapy at others' urging and it was a disaster, I was encouraged to color and make collages about my feelings and all this other shit, and was just asked useless questions about things I liked about myself. It was humiliating and pointless. I just don't seem to take much of anything seriously, I guess, I always just go with the flow. I don't think of my ex practically ever, and when I do, it's just with mild distaste or curiosity about what he's doing when I see he logs into a site we both use. We legally can't have any contact and I'm quite glad for that because I frankly just don't want him to bother me. It's over and that is that.
My only real problem is a tendency to be somewhat awkward socially and quiet, due to literally not speaking to a single person in over four years while with my ex (besides him, occasionally), which is already going away after quickly a month of having a customer-facing job. And also avoidant tendencies, which I have always had. I met a guy I like a lot and who likes me as well, and I keep sperging out of texting him because I convince myself I'm being annoying or autistic, and now he probably thinks I'm just disinterested in him or offended that I didn't reply quickly enough.
I think there's just something off about me as a person that makes me not really care what happens to me. I would have been fine to live the rest of my life with my ex, and never would have taken initiative to leave if I wasn't literally forced to by the state. I don't particularly care about being beaten up or having hurtful things said to me. It just doesn't seem to effect me. I can easily imagine myself as the accomplice to one of those horror stories on the news like the Genie case, about women that are with men that lock their twenty children up for their entire lives and never teach them to read or speak and torture them simply because it doesn't strike me as that bad on a fundamental level. I know it is objectively, but on an emotional and personal level, I simply don't seem to have an issue with it.
IDK. I'm just happy to be alone again and to be free with my actions and words after so long of meticulously planning every word and movement to avoid pissing off my ex (spoiler, it didn't work). I have a phone and laptop and can read stupid fanfictions and reddit threads and write on my notes app, and speak to my old internet friends again, who never forgot me. Life is good. But I have the nagging suspicion that only trouble can await me with my outlook on life… and at the same time, am fairly indifferent to that prospect.
No. 454830
>>454824It just sounds like you've had the emotion literally beaten out of you. You are not your ex, it's not unusual that you are a little numb now after going through all that.
I'm super happy for you that your life is better now, you're organized and safe in a new place, with family, and talking to new people.
No. 454838
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>>454502Wow. A lot has happened in 17 hours. Brother and creepy guy got super drunk and high and passed out. Later at around 3 am, I catch creepy guy going through some drawers in the living room.
He attempts to seduce me, which, I don't take the bait. Creepy guy is ugly white trash with greasy skin and trucker breath. I turn him down. I'm a guy. I know we're not supposed to say it but its relevant.
The next morning I tell my brother and he goes ballistic, texting creepy guy, telling him to never come back or he'll kill him.
I come to find that him and creepy guy have been sleeping together while trooning out and doing drugs. I need brain bleach. I really really didn't need to know that.
No. 454845
>>454745noo i'm not planning to meet up with him, my wording is kinda retarded because i'm esl. what i meant was we live kinda close so if i cut him off rigt away i'm afraid he might go after me irl. he doesn't know where i live exactly but he knows which ditrict and we have common acquaintances. i think these friends would be on my side though because they know how weird he is.
>>454775so true but he just doesn't want to see this… at least i can tell myself "i tried, whatever he does from now on is his choice" i guess. he is such a dick to everyone he talks except his autistic incel bros. how do you expect to integrate back do society with this attitude..
No. 454847
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So i have a Huion610 pro, its kind of an old model and i don't think the drivers work anymore, the lag is to intense constantly in Photoshop and can't remember ever being this bad. I've tried the drivers from their two fucking different sites(why 2 fucking sites hosting driers??? which one damnit!) but all version are pretty outdated anyways, i don't think they have released any updates for my model since 2017 so i would not be surprise my updated windows and photoshop simply don't work anymore with my outdated tablet.
Fuck, i wonder if this garbage driver problem Huion has is still the same with their newer models. I can't afford a Cintiq but was thinking of saving for one of the tablet screen from Huion or that other chinese brand . Even that is expensive for me so it would suck to spend like 400$ on hardware thats generally ok but rendered obsolete by shitty software they won't update. I am so fucking pissed because i have to suck it up and work like this for who knows how long ;_; i am cursing and grinding my teeth every few brushtrokes because it lags and suddenly does like 20 strokes at once, ugggh, i tried everything including older driver versions and disabling windows stuff, the only thing i can do is maybe try Clip Paint to draw but i absolutely need photoshop too for photo editing.
No. 454858
>>454840that piece of info does make the
>creepy guy seduce me>i say no>no rapey stuffbelievable in this case
No. 454892
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Just remembering about how my sister's ex-boyfriend would make creepy sexual comments about 14 year old me behind my back to my sister, and instead of defending me or getting upset that her adult boyfriend was being a perv towards her younger sister, she got fucking jealous and refused to speak for me for months. At the time I didn't even know why she cut me off, I only found out about his creepiness years later when she brought it up casually. I kinda laughed it off but the more I thought about it the more disturbing it became. I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering I've always come second to whatever guy she's fucking. I get so fucking jealous seeing cute sister relationships where they genuinely care and look out for each other instead of throwing each other to the dogs for male attention. Must be nice.
No. 454907
>>454892Not to defend her, but as an older sister of a 14yo I too get people who say stuff like her already being more attractive than me. And even when I say something against it that doesn't change the fact that deep down I know that those people still find her better than me, which - despite it being fucked up - naturally hurts me a lot.
I mean, there are even mothers out there who are jealous of their daughters. On the one hand they're dumb for being affected by this but on the other hand putting teenage girls on a pedestral while treating older women as worthless is also the fault of society as a whole.
Cute sister relationships can be possible, but persisting against literally everybody always comparing you to each other (be it when it comes to looks, grades or success in work and relationships), in a way pitting you against each other is definitely hard.
No. 454928
>>453099not sure if there's articles on it but a good example would be osomatsu-san
it was only expected to have one season but then merch sales took off immensely, and it was a very popular series to make itabags for
No. 454945
>>452546What I hate about these things is how much people spend on plastic trinkets made in China that will either end up as a pile in the trash or on some random eBay account’s 99 cent auction once the series’ three months of popularity pass. And now more series than ever are getting this stuff.
>>454928Blu-Ray sales are what drive series renewals, not merchandise.
No. 455048
>I can’t stop thinking he’s kind of perfect when we don’t argue.
You're wading through a dumpster looking for decent scraps, I can't tell you to stop doing this to yourself but no relationship is worth that level of abuse. It doesn't matter that he's nice to you when he isn't angry at you, he shouldn't be engaging in that type of behavior AT ALL when he's angry. It's clear that you're already aware that his behavior is unacceptable, and no one else can force you to make the move to separate from him. If you're worried about other's opinions of you when you do go through with it, don't. They clearly weren't able to read the signs of a shit relationship to begin with. If it's being alone that you're worried about, that takes time, but I can tell you that it is entirely worth it not to be beholden to such a massive pile of dogshit and to do your own thing. As far as you loving him, that's what happens when you make an effort in a relationship and that's the hardest thing to get over. I got out of a relationship that I knew was going to be terrible for me and I was very much in love with the person. It's been over a year now and there are still moments where I pause and wonder why I did what I did, but I will never regret doing it. You can still even be in love with him while recognizing that he is a piece of shit who would have made life miserable for you had you stayed. He isn't ever going to change, anon, I know this and you know this. The only thing you can do to get yourself out of this situation is to physically/emotionally/and mentally take the first steps and commit to them.
No. 455051
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No. 455165
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All I want to be able to do is live comfortably. I'm not concerned with excess, or amassing a ton of wealth. I'm not particularly ambitious-mostly due to burnout-but I'm also hard working and take pride in that.
I just ask for the simple ability to have my own space and not having to worry about bills.
I don't feel good enough.
I feel like I spent my 20s worming my way through stressful and hard jobs for shit pay (with the justification of the pay being 'stepping stones' to a better job…maybe) and getting college degrees (with the justification of taking on debt that they will also be 'stepping stones' to a better job…maybe) just to wind up a couple of years shy from 30 with nothing to show for all this debt and labor.
I feel like I was sold under a bunch of lies.
I haven't even broke making over 16 per hour with over several years of college education and a decade of entry level work. There are people who didn't go to college at all and have a smaller work history than me who are making more at my age just for knowing the right person or nepotism or picking the better job titles or diploma titles and it makes me sick to my stomach. Not because I think they should fail or deserve less but because I've done all this work and apparently the combination of the way I did shit merits nothing.
I feel worthless.
I've tried applying to so many jobs hoping for better, and get dumb little confidence boosts every time I reformulate my resume or write (what I believe) is a great CV. Only to never hear anything back.
My stepdad is squeezing me for more money for rent and bills (because he's fucked up with his money and hence he couldn't live alone without me) but I have nothing to give.
The difference between me and him is that he makes close to triple what I do. How could he not have money?! How could he scream at me about rent because I had to pay him less this month when I promised to give him the rest of the extra money with $100 interest on my very next paycheck?! It's so unfair that he never gives me credit for helping him and he believes he's a martyr for this shit.
It should be the other way around. My parents should be helping me, and yet here I am helping stepdad pay his rent and cleaning his apartment because he fucked things up with my bitch mom.
It's not fair.
He doesn't understand that with my wage versus my bills, he's asking me to give an entire paycheck and then go without for another two weeks. It's IMPOSSIBLE for me to live on no money for four weeks. And then come next paycheck, that money is technically bespoke for as it starts the next cycle of bills that he will be wringing me of money for.
I don't like this life and I hate waking up everyday knowing that I am existing for someone else.
Nobody knows the depth of my struggles and my friends think I'm this stronk womyn badass, but I just want to die. Or fake my death and live off grid so I won't have to deal with this hopeless cycle anymore.
No. 455249
My ex best friend is a literal slug of human being. No spine. She ghosted me out of the blue for the summer. It turns out that we have a class together, which was awkward, because she acted like I didn't exist. Today I confronted her, asking what was up and why she blocked me everywhere.
She proceeded to bring up stuff that apparently bothered her over the years and it was shocking. Like for example, she gave me and my roommate(her "best friend" too) rides to the grocery store and she resented doing that without any "reciprocation", even though I offered to pay for gas all the time (she never accepted) and I always said thank you. She never once indicated an issue and everything felt fine. She literally told me that she felt used during this time, which by the way, she would tell me to my face that she didn't mind and she wanted to do it. She would literally message us "Hey, I'm going to the grocery store, want to come?" regularly.
She also mentioned how she wished we hung out in her dorm instead of our apartment. Wtf. Her dorm is crammed and shitty but obviously I would have gone there if she brought literally any issue up.
What bothers me the most is that she actually gave up on the friendship because random solvable issues that festered in her crazy head. Literally all she had to do was speak, which is what friends do, but she didn't have the fucking guts. Pathetic. It's obvious her high school friend influenced her spineless ass, because she didn't like me at all.
Ultimately, she compared me to her best friend since high school (who literally belittles her intelligence in front of others) and said I just don't match up to her. She gave an example of how her and the friend just naturally understand each other, and take turns paying for pizza or movies or whatever. She brought up this comparison for how I should have made up for the rides she gave… like as if I should have bought her things. Well, I'm broke and in college, also I was under the impression that she actually didn't mind driving… And she even had the audacity to imply she didn't know if we'd return the favor. What the fuck, yes we would, but also we didn't have a car.
I actually got mad during the convo, but ultimately I told her, good luck finding mind readers like your one friend, I wish you the best, and walked away.
She said she wanted things to be neutral in class but tbh I'm going to act like she doesn't exist. Fuck that fake shit.
No. 455297
>>455249I wanna ask, did you ever just take initiative to do shit for her? not just offer or ask? made me think about the mental load stuff with married couples where the wife will do all the housework and get frustrated and the man will just say "all you had to do was ask!".
anyway she sounds kinda borderline.
No. 455305
>>455249I live in a country where most people are too polite for their own good and this kind of thing happens, people insist they don't want favours back but you buy em a small gift here and there cos they are obviously only saying 'no it's fine' out of politeness
You have to take the initiative to return favors whether people ask or not, that's just being thoughtful. Kinda bitchy that you think returning favors isn't necessary and you belittle the concept by talking about 'mind reading skills'
No. 455322
>>455249it sounds like she was mindful of your situation (no car) so she offered to drive, (no money) so she wouldn't accept gas money, (best friends are roommates) so she went to your place all the time. she did this for years and all you have to say is you're broke (does she have money), in college (uhh isn't she as well), not a mind reader (neither is she, how could she know you would've gladly changed if she brought it up), and oFfErEd tO hElP (coulda just helped and not offered).
fact that you didn't even notice until she cut you off speaks volumes. hope you learn & grow from this (and I hope she does too).
No. 455341
>>455339I've been sexually abused at 8 and after that I started developing PTSD and a panic disorder and I would end up going to the ER almost everyday and they couldn't tell I had panic attacks they instead got mad at me and told me I'm faking to get attention from my parents. When I was 12 I swallowed a handful of pills trying to kill myself and went to the ER and again they blamed me. At 16 my panic disorder has gotten so bad that I almost entered psychosis and finally I was taken to the mental hospital where I was treated like human trash, I didn't get therapy and instead I got sexually abused and groomed by a much older man that prayed on my emotional instability and absent parental figures.
Doctors here don't even have to study in school if their parents have enough connections and money, they basically get through med school with their parents connections and money and then they end up doctors in hospitals and ruin lives.
My life is a fucking joke and this world is a fucking joke.
No. 455357
>>455297To be honest with you, no, I cannot say that I did special shit for her. However, she didn't really do much shit for me. I mean, sometimes we'd make a buddha bowl station and share it with her. A lot of times I have helped with her classwork and given her support to accomplish things related to that. I mean, I tried to make her bday special, but that's expected. I didn't go out of my way to do extra stuff, I completely admit that.
She kept saying she sucked at boundaries, and yeah, she absolutely does. She says one thing and wants another thing. Like for example, she mentioned she was upset how I didn't check in on her after her grandma experienced health issues. However, she literally told me she needed space for a while, and she disappeared from our group chat on and off all the time. She disappeared as she said she would, we said supportive things, but we let her have her space. I thought if she wanted to talk and was ready, she'd do it. She says I was supposed to check on her anyways and it really hurt her. I apologized that she got hurt. However, we did ask about how her grandma was in the group chat at least once after that, and she seemed distant. When we spoke she even acknowledged that people deal with that stuff differently, but that she deserved to be checked on more. During her time of having space, my roommate/friend and I bumped into her and her friend laughing and hanging out at our favorite restaurant. She didn't need space from that friend (who traveled hours to stay with her), so I assumed she didn't want to discuss that kind of stuff with us.
>>455305I live in the US. When someone I'm "best friends" with says something, I believe it. Maybe I fucked up on that, but if needing her to speak about literally any issues in our friendship makes me a bitch… well I'll take that into consideration.
>>455322She has a ton of money from her parents. They pay for everything. She also said she likes driving over and over and over.I didn't think to do special things and I accept that not naturally doing shit(but what exactly) is probably shitty, but I still believe that I deserved a chance to learn what she wanted and fix it. I did not even to know what bothered her. That's what bothers me. I feel lied to because she acted totally happy and normal. Me and my other best friend, sure, we do things for eachother spontaneously, but I know if he had an issue, he would say something. That's how we function. I can't imagine her style of doing nothing working well for her in the long run.
No. 455387
>>455357You both sound way too emotional about basically nothing, neither of you has actually fucked the other one over in any major way but the friendship wasn't working
Why examine all the details of something that's over?
No. 455393
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Did anyone ever felt bad for a friendship and then regret it later? I did, i used to have a friend back in high school, she transferred in my class around 11th grade. We used to talk a lot bcuz we usually have similar interest (art wise and hobby wise) i thought things were going great for us at the beginning but boy was i wrong lol. At the end of my senior year in hs, i posted a rant status update ( mind you i never mention anyone, just expressing my thoughts ) and she thought i was shit talking another girl and snitched. That girl never personally read my rant stt and thought what she said was real and took me too the pricipal office, luckily the principal thought it was just a misunderstanding so we let it go. But im a bitter bitch so i never let things go, she made me felt like i was the one at fault while im not, a part of me wanted to forgive her but the feeling of betrayal is too much to handle…remembering what she did to me every now and then makes my blood boil, i just cant forgive someone like that ( did i mention she was a crazy fujo shit obsessed with small boys? )
No. 455415
>>455403I mean yeah but if you're emotional and angry maybe calm down before examining it with a clear mind
My point is it didn't seem like they wanted productive feedback, only to be told they are right. Getting passive aggressive with constructive replies on here showed that
No. 455424
I'm looking up health insurance because I realized once I finish paying off my student loans I'll probably be able to finally afford health insurance. I used to be on my parents medicare plan, but I made too much money at my shit retail job (that I ended u quitting from) so I got kicked off. My current job pays minimum wage and doesn't have any benefits, but it's temporary so whatever.
I really wanted to stick with my old insurance that I got through medicare, but I made just a bit too much to qualify for essential care, and their regular metal level plans don't even include adult dental or vision! What the fuck! Vision, alright, not everyone needs glasses but I definitely do, but why not adult dental? I don't get it. I was looking through my state's health insurance website and another health insurance popped up and their silver and gold plans are just slightly more expensive (by like $30ish dollars) and they do include adult dental and vision.
My old primary care doctor accepts it, and they're part of a larger community health center thing, so my OBGYN is with them too. Check. Pretty sure the optometrist I always go to accepts them too. Check. My only concern is my dentist, who I know takes my old insurance but I can't find online whether they would take this new one. It's taken me so long to find a dentist I'm relatively ok with and I really don't want to fucking go on the hunt for a new one. I don't know why I'm so hesitant to just accept that I should get this health insurance, not like that $30 will really make a difference for my financial situation, but I feel like committing to it is a mistake. If all my old doctors would accept this new provider, would it really make that much of a difference? I'd have to pay co-pays and deductibles for the first time in my life irregardless of who I go with.
Fuck. Health insurance is so annoying and I wish we had a better system for it. I make minimum wage which is still technically too much to qualify for essential care/medicare for myself, but it's definitely not enough to move out (even with roommates)! I don't really have health issues or anything, but I haven't gone for a regular check up in so long and I have to get my iud replaced this fall. Fuck.
No. 455439
>>455357>she didn't really do much shit for meshe drove your ass to the store, for years. Even if you like driving, that's a lot of effort to expend on someone else.
And you only assumed she was fine to deal with her grandma's issues, did you even ask her straight up what she wanted? You only check in with her via a couple group chat texts? Not everyone deals with stuff by venting, maybe she wanted you to take her out somewhere as a distraction? Like the friend who traveled hours to see her did.
She never felt comfortable talking about any of these issues with you?
And y'all were "best friends"? The American interpretation of friendship is wild.
No. 455458
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This is really stupid but I wish one of my friendships I’ve had for the last couple years would fizzle out on its own already. It’s not a particularly harmful friendship or anything like that, but she has a lot of behaviors I can't vibe with and our conversations are so goddamn vapid.
We hardly share any interests, and she only ever comes to talk to me about whatever new samey prettyboy OCs she’s pumped out for the express purpose of shipping with her friends’ male OCs. She’s actually the biggest fucking fujoshi I’ve ever met, and I feel it wouldn’t bother me as much if she wasn’t in denial about it or constantly trying to inject her yaoi shit into our unrelated conversations. She claims she’s bi but based on the complete absence of any interest from her in yuri or het shit or in dating women I’m starting to suspect she’s really just a straight girl using “queerness” to excuse her fetish. Considering we only ever started talking because of how badly she wanted to push one of her male characters onto one of mine, she probably doesn’t care much for me nowadays beyond the “oh, she has characters I find attractive and makes good art” factor and sees me as just another avenue for her to amass jack off material.
She also wastes her money on the most frivolous shit like game lootboxes/currency and art commissions (she once spent around $150 on a character design auction and I haven’t seen anything of it from her since except for some gay porn of it she made that she sent to me, of course) and there have been several times where she’s outright begged me and her other friends for extra cash to spend on commissions. She’s old enough to at least have gotten a part-time job between semesters, but she seems too intimidated by the idea, and I highly doubt any of her psychological problems are that debilitating for her to go bag groceries or something.
One thing she did that especially bugged me was when I invited her to a server with my longtime friends in it and she didn’t make any effort to know or talk to any of them before begging them to send her some money to unlock her bank account, which she claimed was keeping her from updating her apps because it was in the negatives (yeah I have noooo idea either). Sure she was only asking for a couple dollars, but I couldn’t help but feel disrespected that she thought to ask my irl friends she barely knew instead of any of her fujo friends. I’m pretty sure her parents make big money and give her huge allowances but she spends it all so fucking quickly on the most indulgent shit.
She also aggressively traces art, adamantly calls it “referencing” and wants to be a concept artist despite having lackluster art skills. I like to draw exclusively as a hobby and by no means consider myself a professional, but it’s hard not to feel kind of insulted that she thinks she has a chance getting an industry job - let alone getting accepted into an art school - with her abilities. And of course, any ounce of criticism makes her shrivel up.
I don't really know where to start with confronting her on some of this shit. I don't know if I want to outright ghost her, but I'm tired of her waving her unhealthy habits in my face. I hate feeling too scared to call her out on her shit because of how many times she's guilted me into feeling bad for her when I have any kind of problem with her.
No. 455470
>>455469I hope it's just me getting the wrong message and not you actually planning to commit suicide… cause your posts sounds like that a bit…
Anyway I wish you all the best.
No. 455489
>>455474I had a friend in college who I severed ties with who was exactly like this. Was constantly moaning about what a "sad and depressed uwu princess" she was. The dumb bitch failed her classes and got kicked out of our school
twice because she literally just didn't show up to class. She would make up excuses that she was too sad or tired. Well, so are the rest of us you dumb bitch, but here we are dragging our asses to class because we pay to be here. She was constantly romanticizing her depression and trying to be the saddest bitch of us all.
My whole friend group would confront her
repeatedly for a lot of other aggravating behaviors and she would just start crying and expecting us to just drop the conversation- but we wouldn't because
bitch this is the 5th time we've had to tell you to knock your shit off and here you are crying to get out of being told off again.
What does she do for you as a friend? I'd say just cut her out. My life and friend group has improved exponentially since we cut our leech out of our lives. All she did was drag us down and constantly play
victim. Also, I'm in the cosplay community (and my friends are as well) and yes, bitches like this are definitely a dime a dozen. It's really difficult to find sane, normal people who enjoy this hobby, but I guess it just comes with the territory unfortunately.
No. 455505
>>455447if it hurts, are you even getting the right size?
there's muscle under breast tissue. it feels weird and awkward going braless or in a bralette after wearing bras for so many years, but you get used to it. the muscles in your chest get stronger and your boobs may improve. and imo it improved my self esteem because I got used to seeing my natural breast shape and stopped comparing me to unnatural round bra boob shapes.
No. 455545
>>455489>What does she do for you as a friend?Well, she’s a genuinely nice person but still somewhat self absorbed. It’s easier said than done to cut her out of my life completely because my family practically unofficially adopted her and gave her absolutely no boundaries, so now she’s a major womanchild like this at 27. We literally don’t have anything in common either (she literally is only interested in anime and Kpop). I feel like my parents have giant savior complex and are most interested in filling that than genuinely helping her out.
A long time ago, my mom would tell me to keep my room clean so that it would inspire her “to keep her own room clean.” How the fuck is that my responsibility? Why don’t you tell her yourself to keep her own room clean since you wanted her here in the first place? (she was living with us at this point)
No. 455592
>>455568While I don’t think you’re wrong, I still think Japan needs to owe up to what they did (in regards to comfort women) and the fact that they downplay or even outright deny it is disgusting. I can see why some Koreans are still pissed about it.
I do agree about Korean society being sexist and right wing though.
No. 455607
>>455592Honestly not trying to be a shit stirrer here, but what would you consider an appropriate apology the Korea should accept? Japan has verifiably apologized verbally in the past, and has paid out money to Korea on at least two occasions. Once for 800m in 1965 for “diplomatic aid”, and again in 2015, where 8m was set up in a fund for
The fund was suddenly dissolved this year with no notice, and despite every
victim “choosing to accept or reject” the payments mysteriously there’s a bunch of money left over and a former comfort woman who died this year said in an interview that she never received anything from the government.
While I think Japan should personally apologize (via letter or representative) directly to the remaining
victims, I can’t help but feel like the Korean government would find some way to claim it’s not good enough and demand more.
Park was willing to play ball with Abe to smooth things over, but Moon is clearly prioritizing N. Korea, China, and national pride over actually having talks with Japan. (At the end of the day all these people suck and I’m on nobody’s side so I don’t even know why I’m rustled at the topic)
No. 455668
I found out today that my boyfriend has fake accounts he made to stalk my social media. I found out about this when I borrowed his phone to log into my account. I immediately recognized his other accounts, as I've had a brief conversation with one of them.
He says he's only done this because I block him online too often. The said brief conversation took place last winter, while we were split. Pretty sure he was also following my (now past) flings on his fake account.
He brushes this off as some silly prank, saying it was funny to him, even though he had no intention whatsoever to tell me about it.
I feel very disturbed and conflicted about this situation. I don't even think he feels sorry about what he's done, probably just sorry about getting caught.
As much as I feel betrayed and creeped out by this, I don't want to break things off with him. He's a sweet and caring person in general. I really don't want to fight anymore. I know if I bring this up again it's definitely gonna lead to fights, which I am so, so tired of.
Maybe I'm just overthinking this. It's definitely creepy, but it's not like he had malicious intentions. I'm gonna forget about this, hoping that this isn't some red flag I chose to ignore and I'm gonna end up murdered lol.
No. 455673
>>455568Holy shit this so much. I'm so happy I found someone who actually gets it. Bless your life anon.
>>455641I feel the same. The anons who do this ridiculous nitpicking claim it's "just for fun banter lol!!" when it's so obvious they're simply jealous and bitter to the point they're feeding off any small flaw or misstep the cow might take, even if it's insignificant. I also hate the excessive "speculating" which just evolves into a huge fanfic of whimsical twists and turns and ends up being spread as the gospel truth. As a result nobody takes other claims against the cow seriously anymore because they might as well be made up by some obsessive stalker.
No. 455682
>>455680i would tell you to just let her till she takes some responsibility but the self-harm stuff is terrifying.I'm sorry you have to go through this anon
out of all these doctors,has she been to therapy?cause it's definitely some mental shit going on
No. 455698
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My ex messaged me saying he was sorry for something, but didn't explain what, and said not to ask about it at least until the next day.
I don't really know what to feel. I don't know if he's done something to hurt himself or to hurt me, and the thought of either makes me worry, but also upset. If he has the decency to apologize, why not enough to explain, even just a bit?
It almost feels like he's trying to manipulate me into a state of anxiety and paranoia for his own amusement. Maybe that's not the case. I don't know. I didn't try to pry, or give any particularly entertaining response, anyway. I just said that I hope he's okay. If he did do something to hurt me, I can't say I understand why. I never purposely did anything to hurt or spite him, quite the opposite. I told him that even though I don't want a relationship, I'd rather try to be friends than completely remove him from my life, so why? I thought everything was alright.
I don't want to cut him off, despite our history, but it honestly does worry me for him to do this. I don't want to be in pain or fear anymore, and I don't want that for him, either, but it's not like I can do much besides listen when he's down.
I don't even have the energy to be fully anxious. I just feel numb, and sort of sad.
No. 455727
>>455686Are you the sperg who had a fit over people telling you that even if you were a "gay asexual" the oppression you would experience would be because of your homosexuality, not your asexuality?
See using the word "acephobe" unironically and whining about muh sexuality being invalidated shows that you probably try to shoehorn your asexuality issues somewhere it doesn't belong. Trying to claim that "asexuals" are oppwessed in the sense homosexual people are is ridiculous, someone telling you that isn't "acephobia". It's hella disrespectful to try to butt in into a discussion where gay people have been oppressed and invalidated for all their lives. You don't get kicked out of your home or disowned by your family for not having sexual attraction to anyone. You don't get denied jobs or security for being asexual. You don't have to fear for corrective rape or fag bashing attacks for being asexual.
No. 455775
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I used to have regular migraines and I've made some drastic changes to my diet, routine, habits etc so now I have them occasionally as opposed to regularly. However, I started to get cluster headaches and oh boy, do I really get why they call them suicide headaches. All of a sudden I started getting them at the age of 27. I got my first one at the start of this year and thought that would be the end of it. I was wrong of course. I dread thinking of going through it in the future. If this becomes common, I will definitely seek out euthanasia. I can't stand the pain. During the winter with the cold, fresh air it's even bearable but I've just been through Hell in the past week with this stiff, suffocating hot air and a swarm of mosquitoes to top it all.
No. 455805
>>455665Why not work at the library/computer lab for homework? I was the same way and big on procrastination, and I honestly barely did any work when I was in my room. Environment played a big role in my relaxation/studying habits. I started to head off to the computer labs/library between classes or after my classes were done for the day and spent time dedicated to working on any assignments. People can also fuck around in there, but I'm a bit self conscious so even though I knew the people around me were probably just browsing facebook or watching youtube, I couldn't help but try my best to only focus on assignments (even if the image of ~*~*~studious college student~*~*~ I was trying to portray was only for me lol).
I almost only fucked around and chilled out in my dorm room (I did do the occasional assignment in there when needed), so having very strict associations with certain places really helped when I needed to buckle down and get shit done or to relax and unwind from being super stressed about a big project coming up. I hope you'll find something that works for you!
No. 455835
>>455814I'm so sorry. I can't imagine dealing it from such a young age.
> Feels like a knife in your eyeball.Exactly. How long do your cluster headache on average last? Because my first one was three days straight. Just constant pain with no pause. Then on the third night it just stopped suddenly, not gradually.
> Best thing honestly is just an otc pain killer and a dark, quiet place.I did use an otc pain killer but they only numb partly like the regular headaches while the sharp knife-in-the-eye pain remains constant no matter what. Sadly, the pain killers are also short lasting so I end up chugging 4-5 pills in a day, maybe more.
But yeah, anything that helps. Cold air was a true blessing though. At least for me.
Thanks, I'll see a doctor after the next occurrence. Hopefully I'll get a numbing medication. But man, I can't imagine how terrible it must have been to be a kid and having to go through that pain.
No. 455838
>>455665Thanks anon! I really need to buckle down and better separate free/work time but I don't know if going to places is enough, when I'm more tired I get off track easily. Once I start wasting a lot of time online I usually feel kind of disgusted with myself and don't really want to leave my room/ be around others… and when I'm alone I usually don't decide to do my work until the deadline's very close.
I was working at the library last year lol but usually just goofed off during my shifts; most on campus jobs require work study and I don't have that this year. I did apply for a cool women's research opportunity and they're reviewing apps next week so I'm excited to see if that pans out.
No. 455857
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When I was young, there were incidents in my country that left me with a permanent fear of flying, planes and loud airplane noises. I moved abroad permanently years ago and now live with my bf.
I don't get to visit my parents often because of money and time constraints, but I did two weeks ago and it involved taking 2 flights there and 2 back, and my bf is staying there for a few days so I returned alone.
I started working for a big corporation and part of the training is done in SEA, the other part is in Germany. That means next week I have 2 more flights, and immediately after that 1 long haul flight, then 1 short haul to my destination, then 3 more until I come back.
I panic and cry before every flight, make sure I tell to my parents and boyfriend that I love them in case it is hijacked/crashed, can't eat or think straight all day before flying and am super jumpy all the time. Ironically, my own father is a pilot and loves flying.
And the thing is, it's completely unavoidable and something I have to take care of all by myself. I'm flying again in a week and I'm already starting to panic, especially since during this whole thing I'll be away from my bf the whole time and completely on my own.
I'm scared and exhausted beyond belief and I don't know how much I can handle this anymore. People think I'm being silly but I just can't help it, it's always been like this, even when I hear loud airplane noises I immediately get an urge to hide and run downstairs. I can't take it much longer but I have to, all I can really do is sit there and let it happen.
No. 455859
>>455835It’s been hard, but I’ve learned to cope with it as a part of my life. I don’t remember what it’s like not to have them. I remember keeping a whole bottle of pain killers in my bag in elementary school, and would take like 6 at a time, desperately trying to stop them. The crazy thing is, almost no one I knew had ever experienced a headache at those ages, and could not relate.
Usually, if I start to feel pressure behind my eye (before the headache starts) I take two extra strength Tylenol and that helps to dull it. You can’t always hide away in a dark place, they seem to come on a lot while I’m working.
And I found the medication! Its called “Imitrex”. I would ask your doctor about something like this. There are a few other variations of it too.
Good luck. From one anon’s mobile screen to another. I hope you can put an end to your pain and continue living your life in peace.
No. 455860
>>455859And sorry to Samefag, but they usually last about 4-6 hours, though if I catch it early with a painkiller, it’s dull.
The longest episode I had was over 10 days, when I was in high school.
No. 455868
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God I'm horny as fuck. I broke up with my ex about two months ago and I haven't had sex since. I know I get used to not having it when time passes but MAN. I'M HORNY. I've noticed that my disgusting fetishes have gotten worse because the no-sex thing and I haven't been even masturbating properly. This sucks!
No. 455875
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I work with one girl I absolutely can’t stand and I think today was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
We work a computer task based job in an office. The tasks can get really tedious and it’s natural from time to time to go and browse other websites as a brain refresher or to keep your motivation up. It happens.
Except this person is constantly shopping. Like always. At least 30% of the day. Their work isn’t turned in on time. It’s an in-joke among staff when their work gets shifted to keep work on track for deadlines. They will take open offices to privately fuck around on the web. They take long lunches and long personal calls frequently. The quality of their work is what I’d consider subpar.
Today, they tattled on half the staff for leaving anywhere between 30 and 5 minutes before dismissal time. On a holiday long weekend. When their work was completed. Proudly and openly.
I’m so mad.
There almost certainly isn’t anything that can be done and it’s infuriating.
No. 455885
I wish I was less sensitive and had less empathy.
Most customers at my retail shop treat me like shit, but nevertheless I constantly feel sorry for so many of them, give them discounts or even stuff for free, because I can't help but imagine what shit life they must live (e.g. old people being poor, lonely,…)
Anyway, there's this teen girl who's acting really odd, always going shopping alone, always in a hurry, talking really fast, so my mind made up stories like, what if she's abused? Has to hurry home really fast, otherwise she gets beaten?
Yesterday she came by really late, asked for a coffee and I told her that I had already cleaned the machine.
Fast forward today my coworker tells me that the boss was screaming at her, because we got an email complaining about yesterdays incident. I told her my side of the story, saying it was really late, she's just a kid, so I didn't think anything about it. Another coworker helped me and said that the girl is really weird and always wants to order coffee right before closing tine.
I was mad for hours, I was feeling sorry for her, meanwhile she fucking conplains to my boss. And he of course goes berserk over losing out on 1,30€.
What really broke the strand for me was that her email was called something like embarrassing like "snow white" and then some number, and she ended the complaint with a crying laughing emoji…really?
The shop I work is in the ghettoest part of the town, people constantly come in wearing neither shoes nor shirts, stinking like alcohol, yet they want to be treated like royalty…
No. 455888
>>455885i worked for a small business that had a lot of people come in trying to use sob stories and stuff to get discounts or hand outs. be empathetic but also understand that your workplace isnt a charity.
also fuck those customers who bitch about not getting their usual pity discount. youre doing them no favors.
No. 455890
>>455888did you even read anon's post?
she is the one making up sob stories for people and giving them discounts. they're just being cunts like people do. she didn't even say anything about people bitching about discounts, she literally got bitched at for denying someone service because it was a pain (despite also worrying that she's an abuse
No. 455895
>>455892it makes you an asshole because assuming that kind of stuff is an asshole thing to do. your entire post amounts to…
>i imagine customers at my store are victims of abuse or have shitty lives so i treat them nice~>this girl always comes in alone and seems rushed, is she an abuse victim?>i work in the ghetto part of town>teehee i have oh so much empathy~ woe is me!you sound like a holier than though privileged teen. don't treat people nicer because you assume shit about them, treat them nice because they
are nice.
No. 455901
>>455896again, empathy is more responding to real situations and not random daydreams you force on someone. i'd be pissed as hell if every time i wanted to rush to buy coffee and get home to sit on my ass someone assumed i was a poor abuse
victim. anon's version of the ghetto sounds like some shit she saw on TV. anon is a shit worker and she sounds like an ignorant jerk, especially if she can only be nice to people after making these kind of assumptions.
No. 455902
>>455895They aren't nice at all though, so according to that logic I shouldn't give them anything.
And about that
>she literally got bitched at for denying someone service because it was a painI started cleaning before closing time because not doing so (like I had to do today for example) takes up an extra hour, which I don't get paid for - and that obviously sucks.
No. 455913
>>455904For somebody so rightous you're assuming a hell lot about me, anon.
Clocking in/out doesn't exist there I work/live, I myself close the shop at a set time - the time I get paid for - and then I have to clean as fast as possible.
But yeah, that little bitch (who I now know has very nice parents) and you taught me a lesson, from now on I won't give anybody even just a cent. Thanks.
No. 455946
>>455859>>455860I'm really sorry. Just the thought of having a cluster headache again fills me with dread, I can't imagine how tough it must have been on you from such a young age.
> You can’t always hide away in a dark place, they seem to come on a lot while I’m working.I don't want to spam this thread with my questions but I wanted to ask how you deal with it during work? Luckily (or not) all the times I've had them so far was either during holidays or weekends, but I could barely open my eyes. It's not that I wanted to because even the faintest of light was painful, but when I tried, the tearing of the eyes made it impossible to see almost a thing. I think I'd just call in sick.
> The longest episode I had was over 10 daysHoly shit. That's terrifying. I'm so sorry you had to go through that nightmare.
Anyhow thank you kind anon. I've written down the name and hopefully I can find it in my country as well. I really appreciate talking (writing?) with you. It really calmed me down in a way.
No. 455949
>>455946Hey anon, not the person you're replying to but I deal w/ them. Totally get the hopeless feeling, that's where I was a few years ago. They are so debilitating, and you just feel so incredibly helpless against them.
What's worked for me: seconding Imitrex, and all of the triptan medication family. My doctor also has me one a once a day prophylactic pill, to stop them before they start. The options for that are mostly pills intended for something else–propranolol is what we tried first, which is for blood pressure. Didn't work for me, but works for lots of other sufferers. Then we tried Nortriptaline, usually an antidepressant, and that has really cut my headache days in half. Even if those don't work, other options are out there. There's a new injectable med that hit the market this year, can't remember the name, and I have a few friends who've really responded to Botox treatment.
As far as dealing with it at work, I just told my boss about it and he was sympathetic. I work in a shop, and I just take a while in our basement stock room, waiting for my triptan/Excedrin migraine combo to kick in. Other things that have helped: making sure I don't wait too long to eat, sleeping more, stretching. I've heard massages can help too–a lot of people carry tension in their necks and that can be a factor.
It's all so hard anon, but for real, this is not hopeless. You have a lot of option. Your life does not have to be lived taken over by headaches.
No. 455976
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I swear to God why do people pretend to be retarded online for attention. She could've clicked the arrow next to the chat box to hide it and her THINK OF THE CHILDREN spiel wouldn't mean shit lmao. Most online games warn you children are at risk of being exposed to harsh language & those companies state that isn't their liability. Kek. I bet teenagers are the ones dunking on her anyways.
No. 455983
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Vented to my supervisor about how a manager was dismissive and rude towards me when I asked him to get some files only higher ups have access to that we needed and asked if she could do it before she left so i wouldn’t have to ask him again. Supervisor proceeds to tell manager that I complained about him and said he was rude to me. I told my supervisor this in confidence since I really like her and think she’s amazing. Manager pulls me aside and gives me the most passive aggressive apology pretty much saying he’s sorry I took offense to his stress and how hard his job is and how he has more important things to worry about. He’s only gonna treat me worse now and i have to see him everyday she literally made the situation 1000x worse. I’m so so embarrassed, literally can trust no one. Now this is going to get around and all the other higher up will dislike me or thing i’m dramatic. Time to find a new job I guess.
No. 455984
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Sometimes I get sad because one of my best friends moved away to the other coast to be with her boyfriend due to the industry of their jobs. I miss her a lot. We still talk and sometimes when we get money for plane tickets we see each other for special occasions, but it's not the same as hanging out every weekend. She's special because she's the first friend I made as an adult, I feel. To me it's different to make a random friend out of actual interests and bonding than just out of forced proximity via school.
Sometimes she'll talk about moving back here but it's hard because of the nature of her bf's job. Today in chat we were just letting off steam about financial issues and wanting to live more relaxed lives. Made a joke about bugging out and living in the mountains. She likes the mountains.
Low key she has me fantasizing about being little old ladies living in a cabin in the mountains after we don't have men or children in the picture; growing weed, having animals, and only ever venturing down for music festivals and food.
I wanna believe.
No. 455986
>>455983It sounds like the supervisor is in your corner though? The reason why she reprimanded him is because it's part of his job description to get you those files and things you need aka the important stuff he
should be worrying about. He's affecting everyone's productivity by his inability to handle his own shit. Oh, he's stressed. So what? So is everyone, and it's no excuse.
You don't need to be his friend. He's just gotta be able to perform the job functions that are above your head when you request them.
If he acts up then go to your supervisor again. Thump his ass.
I've worked with guys like this before and trust me, they bank on the passiveness they expect of women to get away with their lazy shit repeatedly.
No. 455988
>>455976She didn't even have to bring up teens. Even other adults think this shit is
toxic and a nuisance. Why should anyone have to turn off a chat function for a game when it should be expected that not everyone be a raging prick?
But gamers will never clean up their own house.
No. 455994
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Theres this girl I follow on Twitter and she pisses me off to the max. she constantly drinks, complaing about fucking trashy men, and being lonely. She is one of the most horrid people I have ever found on twitter but watching her is so fun. I just wish they would take her kid away cause shes so unfit to be a mother. I feel once you have a kid you got to grow up. Having a raging alcoholic whore as a mother is just shitty.
No. 456007
>>455994Well this is what happens when girls fuck up their lives early with children. No one would care if it was only her ass getting drunk and fucking shitty men, that's literally what 20s are for. But she has a child to think about, children don't need to see their moms puking in their own filth while fucking a revolving door of bad guys.
Fucking ghastly.
No. 456014
>>456008Tomorrow I'm stopping it. My doctor is on holiday so I can't call her about it so here's hoping I don't get withdrawal or something. It's only been two weeks so I think I will be ok.
>>456010Is this what meth feels like? It's fucking awful and I'm on the lowest dose. I feel like if I took anymore I'd just stroke out and die.
No. 456017
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I like to think I don't take myself that seriously but looking back at some of the stuff I used to post online is really embarrassing. On the one hand, I don't wanna take any of it too seriously still out of principle but on the other hand, I regret it all and I want a personality transplant and be a pretty, hot, mild-mannered, inoffensive normie with a decent lifestyle and a good, respectable front. Should I just end it and kermit slip and slide? Anyways, I need to change. Into a normie. I hate myself.
No. 456020
>>456014Yep. Specifically the restlessness, inability to sleep, and heart palpations.
Now you realize why women snort coke and take amphetamines. Great appetite reducers.
>>456015A lot of people don't like eating at a deficit.
It sucks.
No. 456023
>>456020That’s no reason to give people amphetamines. If someone is fat enough that doctors are involved in their weight loss, feeling a little hungry is the least of their concerns and addictive stimulants aren’t helping.
What’s gonna stop them from gaining weight immediately after their appetite returns?
No. 456030
>>456024Lmao only America thinks it’s normal to get diet pills on demand because your doctors are owned by pharmaceutical giants.
Taking habit forming drugs that overwork the heart instead of eating fewer snacks isn’t medically reasonable and if you need a doctor to tell you that, you’re a little fucked.
>>456028It sucks that anon is getting terrible side effects, but the problem is a doctor handed them an addictive drug that damages the heart instead of giving decent advice. Anons problem wasn’t solved, they got another problem to temporarily replace the original one. Patients should get better from doctors.
No. 456040
>>456030>I'll trust that doctors probably have a better grasp on medications and understanding their side effects in relation to anon's health than you do.How are you qualified to say anything on the subject? Anon needs to go back to her doctor and say what's happening. It doesn't mean weight loss medications never work for anyone just because it didn't work for anon, you muppet.
>people taking pills for weight loss?! well I never!Lol. You sound so arrogant.
>omg doctors ripping open your innards and cutting your stomach…they call it…bariatric surgery, muh ethics! No. 456043
>>455984I wanna believe too anon.
My best friend moved away too and it feels like nobody understands, because people only value romantic relationships, I hope you feel ok and have other friends you can fall back on. Being without close friends seems to get harder as you get older, I can only dream that platonic friend apps are a thing in the future.
No. 456049
>>456047Here's another one for you doctorchan:
>people take medications for their mental illness>oops, one person had bad side effects from one medication>that means all medications are unethical because it didn't work for one person>mentally ill people would get better with just therapy and thinking positiveThat's you. That's how much dumb bitch juice you've drank.
No. 456054
>>456049Holy shit it’s autism AND amphetamine rage.
Sorry you can’t read btw.
No. 456056
>>456053>she's literally saying not to prescribe off-labelLmao. No, that's not what she argued and there is no difference between the ingredients in "off-label" drugs and the ones with the brand names.
>>456054Autistic back pedaling ahoy.
No. 456063
>>456058>prescribing a strong stimulantThe majority of weight loss pills are stimulants and the "strength" depends on the dose.
All shit that anon's doctor would be privy to, not you.
>with severe side effectsAll drugs have side effects. Those are typically discussed with the doctor and they typically have the knowledge to weigh those effects against their reading of the patient in question's health.
If they don't work for a person, they get switched to something else.
>for a minor issueAre you anon's doctor? You don't know.
>can be resolved completely without use of any drugsAgain, are we in an obesity crisis and is the majority of people overweight because these other abstract methods you refer to work so well?
>massively profitingThe dieting industry is a profiteer.
The exercise industry is a profiteer.
Things that make money are not necessarily bad.
You are not a doctor and you don't know better.
No. 456066
>>456062Phentermine has never been used for anything else than appetite suppression. What are you talking about?
>>456065>how do you somehow think you know more about drs than anon? Nice try, but I'm not the one giving out medical advice and moralfagging about americans.
No. 456068
>>456063Just curious about how many times it’s gotta be pointed out that it’s not about anon specifically before you stop getting mad about your precious phentermine being criticised?
Cause twice hasn’t done the trick.
All drugs have side effects..yeah and usually those drugs are necessary, not used to speed up something that was 100% going to happen anyway.
Pharmaceutical profits? Nobody is telling anon(lets be honest that anon is you) to buy special diet shakes and ten gym memberships. Weight loss is actually free.
You’re clearly personally upset about something here cause you haven’t even grasped my argument despite it being repeated and reworded just for you. Rage on lil amphetamine Queen, rage on.
No. 456073
>>456068>it’s not about anon specificallyIt can be both about anon and patients in general when the original argument is
>Lmao only America thinks it’s normal to get diet pills on demand because your doctors are owned by pharmaceutical giantsWhere's your evidence that these pills don't help anybody?
Do I get to call you upset for sticking around to argue? You think you know shit but you don't, my beef is clear.
>>456069>it took you long enough to look that up bbRight, you used a term incorrectly because you're pretending to be dumb in order to troll. 4D chess.
No. 456084
>>4560731. You think at least two anons are one person.
2. Sorry I hurt your feelings about taking weight loss pills.
3. Yes American healthcare. It’s a shot show and pretty fuckin unique. Nobody is attacking eagleland.
4. Nobody said it’s never helped anyone lose weight. I’ve repeatedly said it’s not necessary and the risks outweight the benefits because it’s only benefit is speeding up a process that was guaranteed to happen anyway and only makes the impatient bitch less.
Carry on your imaginary fight now, phentertard.
No. 456093
>>456084>You think at least two anons are one person. You're both idiots but at least the other one is only shitposting.
>Sorry I hurt your feelings about taking weight loss pills.It's not about my feelings or the pills, you're an arrogant stupid bitch. Even if you won't learn a thing from this, it's made me feel better to give you a little written spank.
>Yes American healthcare.What about your precious asian countries who also prescribe and consume ebil diet pills?
Or perform bariatric surgeries on women who aren't even overweight a la Venus Angelic in Korea? Hm.
>the risks outweight the benefits I know it blasts your ass reading this but I'll type it again: You're not a doctor, and you're not qualified to say this.
No. 456098
>>456093So what specifically hurt your feelings so badly about my opinion on medical ethics that you’re this chafed?
You’re not quasi a-logging and building strawmen as fast as you can just because you feel so strongly about the sanctity of amphetamine prescription, that’s obvious.
Get the sand out of your vagina and get a point other than guzzling down bait
No. 456104
>>456102Acting like Korea isn’t a fucking nightmare land of surgical butchery to normal people and thinking it’s a decent argument for prescribing fatties stimulants that damage their already strained hearts because it’s easier than telling them to eat less.
If the only other place you can come up with that’s less ethical about medicine is the country that expects sixteen year old girls to radically alter their face, you’ve got no defence, really.
Other than sperging out about murica you’ve not had a single reasonable point that supports phentermine other than “ur a dumb Bitch wah wah”
No. 456110
>>456104They use diet pills too.
Alongside Japan. China. Thailand. Philippines.
But sure, only fat Americans dear doctorchan.
No. 456112
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>>456110So the answer to how many times you’ll miss the point is over five. Wow.
Is it hard to be that obtuse? Like, how do you get through day to day conversations with your condition?
No. 456117
>>456116You’ll have no room for dinner if you keep gobbling up bait. Also, your point about Asia abusing diet pills and giving surgeries a la Venus’s stomach almost says that shit like that is unethical, kind of like the point you’ve argued against like a retard.
All around fuckin outstanding performance.
No. 456119
>>456117>You’ll have no room for dinner if you keep gobbling up baitAt least I won't be fat!
>kind of like the pointYour shitty point from the beginning stated that it's an american thing. I only brought it up because you're a weeb and evidently didn't realize other countries also do this, which begs the question why you thought op was even american and doubled down on it.
My point, the one you hate and have been missing all along is that you're not a doctor and not qualified to make assumptions about the efficiency of pills. It's between patients and their doctors (which is way more vetted in america btw).
Screech about ethics all you want. That's not what your originally said.
No. 456131
I hate the way my step mom talks down to me like I'm a dumb kid. Recently a family member I was very close to died, and talking about it of course makes me sad. So stepmom thinks she can tell me how to grieve, and when to grieve, and how much I can grieve. Like bitch, I can grieve for however long I want, whenever I want, wherever I want! I'm not your kid, you made that very clear when you married my dad, so quit being so condescending and treating me like a dumb kid because I'm fucking mourning! I loved deceased family member 100,000x more than I'll ever love her. And I can't say anything to her or to my dad, because they'll just get angry.
No. 456138
>>455727I'm not that anon, and I never said asexuals were oppressed. You're assuming things about me and trying to form arguments around things I've never said. Acephobia doesn't mean I'm referring to oppression, just that people think it's a "snowflake" sexuality. It's not. I just wish people would acknowledge it exists. It causes a lot of problems in my dating life, even though I'm up front about it the very first day and my partners confirm it's not a problem, only to make it one later on.
>You don't get kicked out of your home or disowned by your family for not having sexual attraction to anyoneActually, I have. I refused to be in an arranged marriage because I have no interest in faking my attraction and having routine sex with someone for the rest of my life just because of my parent's religious beliefs. They were incredibly angry, my mother telling me I was brainwashed by "Jew media" and Tumblr… lol
No. 456152
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I grew up with an emotionally+physically abusive alcoholic father. A few years ago I got started on my dream career and was able to move out but some pretty serious medical issues came up and destroyed my budding career.
I had a boyfriend who I'd been living with since then but he cheated on me with someone he met in a gas station parking lot (for fuck's sake) and was generally starting to be very emotionally unstable and we broke up.
So I had to move back in with my parents and moving out on my own is proving to be very difficult for me because my area's so expensive and my financial situation is a shitshow thanks to my career crumbling from factors beyond my control.
(Oh also when my bf and I broke up he wound up getting 'custody' of our cat because my parents are allergic so I couldn't take her with me. I miss her so much. Whenever I'd cry she'd meow at me until I let her sit in my lap and cuddle me. If the door was closed and I was crying she'd meow until I let her in to cuddle.)
I need to escape so bad and every time it looks like I'm going to be able to get out something happens and I'm just dragged back in.
I keep seeing friends and acquaintances from loving, supportive families get nice jobs in their field and then move out on their own and I know I should be happy for them but I'm so bitter about it.
I know it's not a good mindset but I really hate that my friends who could live very happily with their families are able to set out on their own but I can't.
The only thing that kept me going as a teenager was this thought that hey, I'll be able to be out of here soon. But now I'm 25 and still living with my subhuman, garbage father and if I'd known this was how my life was gonna be I would've just killed myself when I was 14.
No. 456203
>>456196Dunno if I'm making this a 'man thing' when it's not I had an ex age 40 with no kids who had a vasectomy, didn't like kids and said he'd never date a single mom etc. I never want kids so we seemed well matched and I was grateful for his vasectomy
3 years into dating he dumps me for another woman and moves in with her within the week, she has four young kids and he immediately starts playing stepdad and talking about how great she and the kids are… how can anyone change so quickly on such an important part of life?
Understandable that you need therapy tbh, 12 years is a long time to then be hit with that
No. 456204
>>456168It's not that unusual for women with mild autism to go undiagnosed. I was in my local mental health system since childhood for anxiety problems and blamed all my social difficulties on anxiety. Moved to a new area and the new mental health team immediately picked up on me having mild autism
Getting help for anxiety since the age of 12…get diagnosed with autism at 30…
No. 456207
>>455949Thank you, anon!
I've noted all the medication and hopefully some of that will help, if I can find it in my country that is.
Also sorry for the late reply as I went to sleep right after my last post.
It's such a stressful thing to deal with as you never know when it will strike but seeing you and the other anon deal with it for so much longer, I feel bad about complaining for just having a few.
> Other things that have helped: making sure I don't wait too long to eat, sleeping more, stretching.Thanks. I'm guilty of not doing those. In fact, I've started fasting regularly but if these headaches continue, I'll have to reconsider.
And you're completely right, with the advance of medicine and all these new meds on the market, it's going to be alright. At least I have an excuse now to treat myself with massage on the regular.
No. 456209
>>456204NTA but I'm wondering about mild autism too. I'm 30 and doing kinda better now but I've had to literally teach myself to make faces when I talk to people because I tend to blank stare otherwise. I've also forced myself to learn talking points so I'm not just nodding at people.
I also deal with really hard sensory issues. Being touched in certain ways feels like burning and I can't stand anything loud. I've actually sperged out two or three time in my life feeling overwhelmed (like screaming actually really to hurt someone to make it stop).
It's never something that have been talked about in the numerous therapy sessions I've had in my life.
No. 456250
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My stepdad was salty because his nephew (my step cousin) didn't tell him that he and his wife were expecting a baby. Apparently they claim it was announced on facebook but neither I nor my stepdad ever saw it.
I thought it was really unusual, I told my stepdad not to take it personally as anyone could have missed it if it was posted to facebook, No one has eyes glued to news feeds from facebook.
To prove it to him, I tried looking up the post myself on their facebook pages.
I couldn't find this pregnancy announcement anywhere! I kept seeing some dumbass post from my other cousin (cousin's older brother) and it looked like some group video of them all in front of a stadium with some caption about his kids and their dumb sports.
It had a little over 100 likes on this video, but since the older cousin posted it, I wasn't surprised as usually his sports posts about his kids get about as much.
I don't know what the fucking deal is with people acting like child sports are so important.
The older cousin is one of those sports-obsessed parents that pushed his children into it at an early age and wants everyone to take their munchkin games ~super seriously~
Anyway I was about to give up but I decided to actually read the essay-caption on that cheesy video with all the shit about the older cousin's kids and their sports. I realized…omg, the video was supposed to be the pregnancy announcement!
This is how it started:
>I finally have permission to share this magic moment and special father’s day on social media. After falling short of my boys travel team’s first attempt to win a championship in [city], which has way too major of an impact of my mental and emotional status, this video happened and helped put everything back into perspective.
The cousin's older brother is just such an attention whore about his kid sports that he couldn't make clear the video wasn't about his kids. Nobody would have known what this video was about unless they scrolled to the bottom of the caption or watched the entire video.
It's no wonder neither my stepdad or myself saw it, we probably DID see it in our feeds but assumed it was the older brother's usual kiddie sports post.
I don't think anyone else on their facebooks knew what it was either, they're all super popular with hundreds to thousands of friends added and a pregnancy announcement only rings in 100 likes? No fucking way is that not a coincidence.
I don't know how people can do such shameless plugins like that.
No. 456275
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>>456253I have a job (that makes me want to blow my brains out, so in the next months I will attempt to find something else… hopefully they will not kick me out before that) and a boyfriend, but zero friends.
I will be keeping my fingers for you! Are you doing exposure therapy by yourself or with a psychologist? I really need therapy for various issues, but I tried free one years ago and it was shit (I didn't feel safe with my psychologist), so I will have to try again, but cannot waste money on it ATM.
What helped me a lot was talking with people online (that's how I met my boyfriend) and going on tinder dates. I almost got a few friends from those (had bad mental health issues and dropped them) and managed to become more comfortable with people. Don't get me wrong, I am still socially retarded, just slightly less scared and anxious. I wish I could talk to people so that I could find a close friend.
I hope you will get a job soon! Working in something that makes you talk to people can be also helpful a bit, even if it will not help you with social skills.
Are you applying now? Interviews are the worst, but you will get through this!
No. 456290
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I ordered a cute clothing set that was for sale on Mercari through a shopping service, but it's been 2-ish days and they haven't gotten back to me on whether they've actually successfully gone through with the order, and I'm stressing.
I just checked the listing page, and somebody asked if they could just buy one piece out of the set (the seller said no), and they just thanked them for their response.
I saw it first. Don't take it away, please, it's so rare. This brand doesn't even make that print anymore, who knows if I'll find it again, especially in that particular color? Fuuuuck. I've been dreaming about finding a set like this for so long.
>tfw first world problems
No. 456301
>>456275Bunny believes in me… Thanks for the reply.
Even though every person with avpd has a different experience with it, seeing someone in a place I want to be (job+so) makes me happy? I'm happy for you. I used to work a bit but left both jobs, that's before I was diagnosed. I'll be doing exposure therapy together with a professional I guess. I doubt I'd get out the door if I were to do it alone haha. You sound like you'll be able to make friends if you set your mind to it, I believe in you! You should also try therapy when you can afford it, it helps so much. It did for me, at least. Good luck with new job and finding friends anon!
No. 456307
I broke up with a long distance boyfriend over two months ago and we started talking again recently. Which was a bit silly because he talked trash to me last time we spoke, I still had feelings for him though I wasn't sure I wanted to try a relationship with him again because of the distance and previous issues we had. But we start talking a lot again, he even says romantic things about visiting each other again and our conversations turned into sexting at a couple points.
Because I am kind of crazy and nosy, and because we had communication and trust issues concerning his ex who he was adamant about not being involved with when we were together, a long time ago I followed his ex from a snapchat account I made for the purpose of lurking on people without them knowing. Today I noticed she posted pictures and videos from a small amusement park that my ex also took me to some months ago when we were together. It is a small park with not many rides, most of which are for kids. Sure enough a few hours later I get a message from my ex saying he just got back from that same amusement park I saw on his ex's stories. You might wonder if it was just a coincidence and they could have happened to go the same day, but I am confident that he was with his ex because he claimed he was with a group of friends and in all the time I have known him he never really went out on excursions like that, not to mention aside from going to smoke with a friend every so often, he barely discussed doing things with friends no less a group of people. That particular park would also be a weird choice for a group of adult friends to visit. After asking him how it was I go ahead and ask if his ex had fun too, to which he responds "wtf are you talking about” and asks if my mood is off. I persist a little bit to and he finally says, “I wasn't with her and you broke up with me bitch so I can go out with whoever I want, fuck off" at which point I say ok cool bye.
This may be a stupid vent in the end because I'm getting mad about a guy I chose to break up with, but it seems this particular event needed to happen so I could realize he is actually kind of not worth the trouble and I need to move on with my life
No. 456382
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I truly and honestly have no complaints about my new boyfriend so far-I've been seeing him for about 2 months so the relationship is really new.
The only thing I don't dig is how he'll last minute tell me if he's gonna come see me or not. It's just that it makes it really hard for me to know what to expect, or plan. Like if I make a dinner after work it seems like a waste of my food if he was going to see me that night and take me out anyway.
Thing is, that's due to the nature of his job and I completely understand why he can't give a definitive yes or no answer. I don't want to be the overly clingy girlfriend who texts him every so hours to ask over and over.
We both want to see and be with each other at every opportunity, and unfortunately this is just a thing really beyond control unless we wanna agree work days are a no completely and only ever see each other on planned mutual days off which really sucks.
Sucks to suck.
I just get disappointed because I really like and miss him…
No. 456396
>>456248I would hit up the online dating/dating app thread on /g/
it's hit or miss (contrary to popular belief, there are some misses)
I just checked my ok cupid and it looks like it is slowly dying
Tinder is "fine", but don't be surprised if people just flat out lie to you to get you into bed
No. 456592
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I think next week I will finally bite into the sour apple and finally make the dentist appointment that I should have made like a half year ago. Last time I was there I got told that almost all my back theet need to be crowned because I manage to inherit the weak ass theet from my fam. The thing is just that I have m a j o r dental phobia, so the idea of the entire procedure makes me already feel like vomiting out of stress. I've never got any theet crowned before, so I also have no idea what I'm going to experience (well, they told me what they do but experience it first hand is another thing). Another thing is that I heard SO MANY horror stories of people getting there theet crowned, which had so many problems afterwards that it just makes me go full "NOPE"-mode when I was close to make the said call. On the other hand I really, really need it because not only do I have one theet missing, but the other ones are holding it just together and it's just a question of time until they fall apart. This makes me also feel like shit because I don't dare to open my mouth when I talk because I feel people will see this mess. The idea of actually being able to not be insecure about smiling and talking feels really great but GOD the idea of getting it fixed makes me go fucking mental.
In two weeks I'm off of work for 3 weeks so I thought that this is the time to get it done because I could go there right in the morning and not wait the whole day after work for the appointment.
I feel like an idiot, I got all my paper work done and never went there ever again. I better ask them if it's still valid what the health insurance approved back then. I always found a way to trick myself into thinking that I can procrastinate it, but my guilty conscience is killing me these days.
I just fear that it will feel super odd to have all that material in my mouth and that my theet will it fuck up in a way as they always do …
No. 456614
>>456463How about a bullet to the head for reconciliation?
What the fuck is wrong with society? We continually coddle and spoil the absolute dregs of society for no reason other than virtue signaling.
No. 456645
>>456463>comments are disabledLol of course they are.
>because Youtube's comment moderation tools are not up to task of maintaining quality discourse No, people just wouldn't take well to a message that says we have to bond and reconcile with our abusers.
No one needs to watch a TT on how not to be a rapist. People who aren't entitled rapists are never going to rape. This rapist is getting money and positive social media attention for his crime instead of doing time and being shunned. Clown world.
No. 456654
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Mom can barely cage her ape anymore. She knows I'll ignore her, so she's aiming her narcissistic shit at my stepdad at every opportunity as they sort out bills and payments for their divorce.
My stepdad fucked up to have caused the divorce, but he seems to be doing the right thing by paying for the majority of her bills despite not living at their house anymore.
He only asked her to pay for the cell phone bill recently because he got behind, which is fair because he's always paid for it. I tried my best with money this month but I won't be able to give any more until I get paid again. Me and him live together so this shit directly affects my livelihood.
Mom is a spoiled boomer living on a pension as well as other government welfare. The truth is she's straight up refusing to pay for her own shit because she doesn't want to and claims she doesn't have any money which is bullshit. Even if she weren't getting paid handsomely, she could get a j-o-b like how my generation will have to work until we fucking die. I have zero sympathy for her entitled ass.
She was asked to pay a bill and she lost her shit.
She sent him pictures of a $19.20 dental bill, and a $107.00 physician bill. When stepdad asked her why she sent him these, she told him these were her ~medical bills~. He replied that he had medical costs as well.
She raged hard at him and called him an indecent human being.
He gave her the wrong answer.
In a narcissist's mind, the 'correct' answer would be praising and poo-pooing her for being so gracious and selfless for paying a one-off bill. He was supposed to have kissed her ass and baby her over a $20 dental bill and tell her how brave she is. She's still on his insurance too so he's paying the premiums while she pays nothing by the month for her doctor care. Clearly she just took a picture of a co-pay and what was probably out of network blood test results.
Meanwhile I haven't been to a physician in over two years and haven't seen a dentist in a year. But sure, the entire world should feel so fucking bad for her. Everything revolves around her.
I hate her, she's a vampire.
No. 456658
>>456645Yes, you’ve articulated how I felt about this - he’s being REWARDED for abusing this poor woman. I felt so angry when the crowd cheered and clapped whenever she said something along the lines of ‘being a rapist doesn’t define you!’
Why the fuck should I have to forgive my rapist, I’ve never understood the sentiment that it will somehow ‘free’ me. The way I see it forgiveness absolves them of the guilt they should be riddled with for the rest of their days, but what the actual fuck is it supposed to do for me
No. 456667
FUCK I accidentally rubbed egg yolk on my only clean undershirt for work. I'm too fucking lazy to do laundry right now. Holy shit. I need to go white shirt shopping for my spouse and I soon anyways, but still… I need this shirt, it's my comfiest one lol
>>456654I'm glad you're not getting the shit stick from your mom anymore. I went NC with mine a few months ago and I'm now just curious if she's targeting anybody else in the family with her nonsense. I'm just waiting for a family member to reach out to me one day and tell me "Shit, you were right about your mom…" I basically had my whole family act like I'm just a burden the entire time I tried exposing her, growing up the scapegoat is no fun.
No. 456740
>>456717They hardly sound dense, it's an emotional subject and that forgiveness is a huge task if people even choose to go there
I've sat and had tea with my childhood rapist and people think I'm crazy for doing that, the expectation is that you'll hate this person passionately forever, everyone deals with it their own way
No. 456746
>>456740they definitely sound dense because they were thinking of it in a literal sense. no one asked your life story btw, you just clearly didn't get what my point was. i wasn't telling anon she needs to forgive anyone, but her idea of what forgiveness is in this scenario is wrong. it's not the same idea forgiving your sibling for breaking
something of yours. it's letting go of your anger because anger isn't worth it.
No. 456769
>>456746So maybe society should preach acceptance and personal healing instead of forgiveness?
I honestly believe that forgiveness should be earned and not given away because apparently otherwise you cannot move on.
You absolutely can not forgive your rapist/abuser and live your best life, fuck that masochistic bs that only helps predators.
No. 456837
>>456781 said. Alternatively, start finding new brands. It gets pretty easy once you have a feel for what you like.
No. 456847
>have social anxiety and have been trying to go out on my own and meet people>finally hype myself enough to do it after months of excuses and hesitation>go out to a bar and awkwardly drink by myself for an hour and a half >only interaction I had was a drunk guy yelling BOOM BITCH into my earAt least I got to watch the sunset
>>456168It's like I wrote this myself
No. 456878
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I'm gonna be going offline for a while, for my mental health, and to start studying again. I just feel disconnected from everything, and I know this dopamine hit machine is never going to pay out the way setting goals will. The internet, as most of my old hobbies like anime just lack the charm they used to have over me. I've been endlessly scrolling image boards like these day in and out for years out of habit, rarely ever deviating from them to even do something as mundane as watch TV. I just need to be pulled back into the real world, and perhaps that may help. I can't keep living like this.
I dread going back to work, and I can't really see myself on the clock for the rest of my life if I don't find something I enjoy. I'm just going to keep pushing towards things that seem vaguely interesting, even if I am mostly numb, and hope as I am seeing a therapist and putting in the work, someday it might get easier. If not, I have a plan to kick the bucket relatively peacefully.
So long anons.
No. 456880
>>456873>>456874this might lead to drama, but honestly, I would absolutely love to hear what happens if you just say
"ope, sorry dad" and just throw all of that shit away (or just shove it into a box and leave it in the garage where it's out of the way)
This isn't an advice thread, this isn't even good advice, I just hate it when people just expect you to sit there and let them get away with doing you wrong
No. 456912
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tfw eating disorder is flaring up again
it's not even about my body, it's more like i hate myself and feel like i don't deserve to feel whole. when i look at food i don't see something that should be eaten, almost like… like a piece of food might as well be a stapler or something. stupid analogy but the point is i just don't find it appetizing. i'm even hestitant to call it an ED or anorexia or anything. i don't know. all i know is food repulses me right now and i'm probably going to drop back to sub-100 like i always do when this happens.
No. 456937
>>456927Hey I know how to communicate boundaries tyvm. If I say I'm only interested in experimenting, it's on the other person if they create higher expectations for a relationship than what was already discussed. At that point it's their responsibility to remove themselves from the situation if they're not interested in that type of thing.
>>456934You again? Gtfo homophobe-chan.
No. 456958
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Im 21 and I rent a room at my dad's with my boyfriend.
I used to have 2 jobs but lost one just recently, which i was pretty happy about since i wanted more time to work on selling my art again. And my current job is just a chill short shift that i can definitely make rent with if im smart with my money.
Then today my dad recommends me to work this full time job at the hotel he works at thats higher paying but a very long shift. 3pm-11pm. All for the express purpose of being able to use me as a co-signer on a mortgage to buy a house. I wouldn't have to stay or help him pay the mortgage.
Im just so conflicted on taking the job because i wanted to work less to work more on art. I was even going to try shadowing in a tattoo shop. But honestly im a fucking slacker who browses youtube and lolcow all day and i take forever to get any art done. I was gunna change that but now im thinking it might be better to do the good thing and just help my dad out.
But on the other hand if i sign a mortgage and leave it up to my dad to pay, something could go wrong and i could end up w debt
No. 456962
>>456958>Then today my dad recommends me to work this full time job at the hotel he works at thats higher paying but a very long shift. 3pm-11pm. All for the express purpose of being able to use me as a co-signer on a mortgage to buy a house. I wouldn't have to stay or help him pay the mortgage.That's a normal shift length for anyone with a 9-5, if you're on youtube and lolcow all day you don't have any reason not to work full time hours.
Take the job, save money, and don't co-sign the mortgage. 'Making rent' is a pretty low bar for financial stability, at your age you should be saving for retirement and a deposit on a home.
No. 456978
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i caught my mom and her bf watching porn and i am seriously contemplating suicide i am so fucking disgusted. i need to move out.
No. 456984
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I hate dating/talking to men so fucking much. It feels like I just sit there like a naive little bitch while they circle around me like a vulture thinking about fucking me. Like why can’t guys just be normal? I’m tired of going into every conversation feeling like prey to them.
No. 457004
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I fucking despise the """"beauty"""" standards in my country. These women all look so fucking ugly. I cannot stand this inbred Kardashian look being shilled as the norm for a beautiful sexy woman. The biggest shame is that they would be beautiful if they hadn't done that to their faces. Solidarity for other Eastern European/Balkan farmers whose PTSD will flare up by pic related.
No. 457006
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>>457004I feel you anon. Most people in my country are naturally pale and blonde or brunette, but many women on tv look similar to your pic. How is this supposed to be achievable for any normal person (without loads of tanning and plastic surgery)? What kind of message does this send to young girls? You're shit unless you get massive breast, butt and lip implants? I also don't see the kardashian trend dying soon, so we will still have to bear with this for a long time…
No. 457008
>>457004>>457006Another Balkan anon here (Croatia) and I hate it too. I never found it beautiful but I was surprised how many men consider it hot. It's always the poor, simple-minded, alcoholic men that have a preference for these types of women, at least from my observation and it may be because it's just a brunette version of the blonde bimbo.
Fortunately, a lot of common and decent people don't care and don't seem to aspire towards that look. Bronze tan and brunettes are considered beautiful but definitely not the kardashian overly done plastic look.
No. 457011
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>>457004Sandra Afrika comes and slaps your gf's ass, what do you do?
No. 457017
>>456875There definitely are sex scenes just for the male gaze.
But sex is part of a healthy life and that's why it has a place in movies with stories about people.
No. 457023
>>457006Ugh, Shirin just makes me mad. Her butt implants are awful - she should have had enough money to get some decent ones, but no…
She was a cute girl before all of that ps, very sad.
No. 457033
>>456912You sound like a weak willed faggot.
If you hate yourself, why don't you try to get stronger, either through weight lifting or martial arts? You know, things that actually require active effort and constant discipline.
It sounds like you want attention more than anything else.
Stop being so mentally weak and decadent and actually use your body the way it was meant to be used (ie hard physical work) and you'd probably stop hating yourself so much.
You're so unbelievably disconnected from your body and you can't even fathom how much you are.
Derp sorry for all the deletes and reposts farmhands lol
No. 457035
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>>457023She looks like she's in blackface now and unedited she could pass for mid 40s
No. 457051
>>457033>use your body the way it was meant to be used (ie hard physical work)kek
also, you sound like male
No. 457057
>>457051I'm not lmao. I'm tired of women being weak and being destroyed by these mental traps (that are almost entirely rooted in the male gaze) when they have neglected the power and freedom in their own bodies.
Who gives a fuck what your body LOOKS like when you are strong and capable?
I strongly believe a lot of women's depression/anxiety/mental anguish would be alleviated by having them seriously physically push/challenge their bodies.
No. 457069
This might be a bit long and incoherent. I'm a really unhappy third year med student. My grades are horrible, I don't like medicine anymore and I don't want to work as a doctor. My mental and physical health is turning to absolute shit and I don't even know what to do anymore. It's become normal for me to cry till I sleep and have mental breakdowns. And it's kind of normal for med students in my country, they overwork us way too much in the med school I go to.
I thought about it a lot and in the end carefully decided I want to become a lawyer instead because it's a much less stressful school, I am interested in law and I could work since my first year. I would much rather be a lawyer than a doctor. And I'm not being delusional about it, I know it's not always fun but I don't mind. I'd rather be bored sometimes than sleep deprived and so stressed I use my free time to cry. I was always interested in learning languages so I could at least use the five languages I can speak fairly well. I could even try and become a diplomat after I graduate which has been a dream of mine for several years. Where I'm from, education is free so I don't have to worry about debt.
But the problem is, I am gonna be 5/6 years older than my classmates. I had a gap year and also went to Japan for a year while in high school plus I will nead to have another gap year now for the entrance exams (they are very easy so I have no doubts I'll get in). I plan to work two or three jobs, get my driver's licence and study languages in the gap year but it still kind of stings to even think about it.
On the other hand, while I will get my diploma 3 years later, I will finish the law school training only a year after I would finish my medicine training since it's 5 years long here (as opposed to 3 years of law training).
And I can work sooner, so on a financial side of things, I'll be better off this way.
But still, 5 years gone to shit, wasted. Starting from absolute zero.
The biggest problem is my family. My mom and grandma are absolutely freaking out. I am dreading being at home and since I couldn't work while in med school, I can't move out now. They don't want me to be a lawyer, they want a doctor. They emotionally blackmail me, telling me how they can't sleep or feel sick all the time because of me.
They don't care that I'm really unhappy, they are convinced I won't like law and should just suck it up and finish the three years I have left (conviniently forgetting the very stressful five year long training I would have to undergo). My mom seems to hate lawyers and is for some reason convinced I won't finish any school at all if I quit medicine now. I just don't get it, I just don't want to cry all the time and feel like I'm wasting time whenever I'm not studying.
I can't remember the last time I wasn't stressed about school. I just can't do it anymore. I don't even want to be a doctor anymore since I'm my country, it's a very stressful job that's not even well paid. I understand where they're coming from but to me, being a lawyer is not that much worse than a doctor and I will end only a year later than I would if I continued medicine. And I will get more money for less stress.
I just don't know what to do anymore. My mom is making me feel worthless for wanting to give up and I kind of agree. But at the same time I just can't continue living like this.
Sorry for mistakes in English, I'm very sleep deprived and honestly just feel like dying.
No. 457101
>>457069Do it!
Fuck age, i have people in my courses that are like 30 and have had four different jobs before they decided to study. Also ignore your mom, she’s probably just scared that you’re making an impulsive decision but if you hate med school and don’t wanna do this anymore, why give a shit about the last three years.
You’re not getting that time back anyways, no matter if you stick with it or not. Just be sure you can finance the transition and stuff.
No. 457113
>>457088Growing up my dad would randomly go into my room while I was at school and clear out my room, just throw away anything he wanted.. I've never lived with him as an adult cos if I'm paying for shit with my own money I'm not risking that happening
Some parents have an authority/power issue that they never give up. Before moving out I started to collect a lot of sex toys.. so at least I have the satisfaction of knowing his snooping grossed him out towards the end lol
No. 457119
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I’m planning my own suicide
I realised I can’t escape my past
No. 457129
>>457110I do self inserts bc I know no one would ever love me in real life so I fantasize about companionship and adventures through drawing and storytelling. I'm sure most self inserts are socially awkward people who do the same.
>>457119Spill your worries anon, let us listen and try to help.
>>457113>>457121My parents do the same to me too. I'm not allowed to lock doors, even to the bathroom. My parents, specifically my dad, always want to be able to barge in at any moment. My mom just opened my mail this morning too.
No. 457131
>>457124>bringing up personal details in an internet slapfight with a male Don't do this ever. It's bad enough when males go after a woman's looks in an argument, anything further will just increase their ammo.
Be brief, stick to the facts, say no, and if they're still arguing then leave. They'll stop at nothing if they think it will upset you-and they KNOW that waving your rape survivor status in your face will upset someone.
Pick your battles wisely.
No. 457133
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No. 457139
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>totally just wasted my effort this evening getting ready to go out with bf just for him to tell me he's staying later for work
I hate it. And then he says he wants to do shit tomorrow but idc, maybe I don't feel pretty or feel like doing shit after I get home from work tomorrow. I wanted to do shit today, that was the point.
No. 457194
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>>457004A lot of them look like men in wigs. And, I'll be honest with you, they still look a bit better than their American counterparts. Their eyebrows are more natural looking, as is the shape of their bodies, at least from those photos. It also tends to fit these women better because they are naturally darker as South Eastern Europeans than white Americans, who are usually of North Western decent. Seriously, everyone is starting to look like a dark haired version of this ugly bloke.
No. 457207
>>457017I don't think sex needs to be shoehorned into movies because it is "part of a healthy life." otherwise there would be a lot more gratituous scat in movies, because it's "natural."
If you think these scenes aren't put in simply to degrade women while turning on men, you're kidding yourself.
No. 457209
>>457204nah magpies won't swoop you if you befriend them. my neighbour feeds them daily at the same time every night and they're all pretty polite about it. they've never gone after anyone in my building complex since she started feeding them. if you do it on a schedule they'll probably be less aggro about it.
I love magpies so much tbh
No. 457215
>>457204Feed them so they know you're not an enemy. They remember faces and people, they'll know who you are, very intelligent.
I wish I lived in a country with magpies.
No. 457228
>>457204Feed them once and let them see you fed them, fixed
Do it often enough and they will protect you
No. 457229
>>457119Fucked up childhood abuse and trauma, I’m going to a therapist and gym
Planned everything wrote the letter and started crying, my housemate heard it and got me veggie patties and hugged me without saying anything for like an hour
We finally stopped hugging and he brought the dog in
The problem is above lolcows outrace however thanks to
>>457129>>457130>>457133For being wholesome, I fucking love lolcow
No. 457331
File: 1567515017981.jpeg (23.31 KB, 450x450, end me.jpeg)

I had the worst binge yesterday that I've had in awhile. Mostly because it was a binge entirely based on sugar, whereas before if I binged it was at least concerning home cooked meals with lots of protein.
There's nothing I can do to alleviate my guilt right now. I can't even promise myself that I'll do better today because of the spiral it put me on, I feel full on self-sabotage mode.
>half a liter o cola that I'll surely finish today
>an entire package of pic related
>12 chicken wings
>probably an additional 1000 calories in beverages that I can't even bear to mention
Just take me to the juicing room and squeeze me until I die.
No. 457352
>>457337Fuckups happen. It can happen to anyone no matter how many years you work in a certain field.
It is your fault but things like these are going to happen occasionally no matter how much you try to do your best.
Please don't be so harsh on yourself.