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No. 425761
This topic has been unbanned, so vent about XY's here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible,
abusive men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
-Please do not respond to scrotbait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging.
-Gender critical discussion goes to
>>418616Previous thread:
>>411618 No. 425763
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Just a friendly reminder as scrots still lurk round these parts.
No. 425784
The one black man /tv/ doesn't hate and actively respects Patrice O'Neal
A small dicked, morbidly obese jackass who hated women and feminists and died due to his own lack of self control No. 426047
>>426043This has already been discussed numerous times in the last 3 Pink Pill threads but here we again
many Incels are actually not that bad looking and some are actually very handsome but the Incel mentality has convinced them that all women want 6 feet plus + Uber jock bros with comically large penises and that any woman who says she's not attracted to that type of guy is lying,they try to conceive other young men that they will never be loved and no one woman would ever like them in any way
No. 426055
>>426048Agreed, he's not attractive. But still, you wouldn't be surprised to see him with a gf.
The real problem with many men is that they are socially retarded and fucking AWKWARD. And the less success they have with women, the worse it gets. Most girls will take a funny, charismatic uggo/fatty over a normal looking guy who spergs out and can't talk to her or touch her without making her feel uncomfortable. Good looking guys might be able to get away with it, but a positive feedback loop when they're young usually turns them into socially adept adults anyway.
No. 426065
>>426048It's probably just one person.
That anon's writing style is easy to recognize.
No. 426106
>>426048i agree, he looks really average. the other incel mod (pictures of him have been posted many times) on the other hand looks extremely beautiful. i think it's just that they won't accept anything less than 10/10 young girl, so they don't even try dating. most of them haven't even asked a girl out once in their lives.
i remember the other incel, elliot rodger. he rejected normal-looking girl, as he wasn't able to accept that tall, blonde "stacies" aren't interested in him.
No. 426266
>>426258It's his skin that is gross, I bet he doesn't use a dedicated cleanser and face cream. But his face looks normal average to me?
In the end though I think women are less likely to agree if a given man is attractive or not.
No. 426274
>>426048He's not completely irredeemably ugly, but you can tell that like most men he doesn't do basic shit to take care of himself and become more attractive for women. This anon is right
>>426266 his skin is kinda gross and I thought the same thing when anons first posted that video. The bitch needs to exfoliate and use a daily cleanser and moisturizer, good god.
No. 426289
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Was a mistake to check what's going on on Reddit after months…
No. 426309
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>>426291>>426289You're posts reminded me of this-I will see if I can find the actual thread I remember it was gold.
No. 426310
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>>426309Oh and for anyone interested this is Ria Ciuffo, the kind of girl he thinks he deserves.
No. 426315
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As a user said in cap he has posted this several times however not with the intent of getting advice, but to WHINE and act like hes somehow a
victim. I now remember where I saw this post, on choosing beggars, where they really rip into him
>>426289>>426291seriously check this thread out hopefully you will get a chuckle No. 426317
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>>426314>>426316Was about to say this but some argue they "peak" even younger and have this weird conspiracy theory that society is trying to bamboozle then when in reality many people are just trying to stop them fucking kids.
No. 426328
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Any one else feel like the dad bod movement is only allowed because it gives middle aged men a way to cope? Think of other expressions of female sexuality (twilight, boy bands, 50 shades) or think of the last time a women set a single standard ('I only like tall guys' 'you judgemental bitch'). All this threatened guys so it was mocked and discouraged, but when the new form of female sexuality is average looking men everyone supports it. The Dad bod is pure cope CMV.
No. 426329
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>>426323Not sure if he created the term "the wall" but he seems to be very well known for it. Also his name is coach redpill and yes as you can imagine he really is that cringy. He thinks his videos of him talking into a fucking camera is "art". he doesnt even look like this anymore hes older and hairier but this is what he looked like when he talked about women hitting the wall at age 26.
No. 426361
>>426179Aren't like a half of incels non-white?
"currycels and ricecels" are a big thing. Most of them are obsessed with white women too.
No. 426366
I've been browsing r/PurplePillDebate/ recently, a subreddit where you normal people and red pillers/incels debate gender relations. It's amazing how the men there want to avoid any responsibility for children and want to end child support laws.
>Why doesn’t the manosphere ever talk about the father who abandoned the single mother?>For thousands of years women controlled human evolution by selective breeding. Man will generally mate with whoever is willing to mate.Men are so superior to women but when it comes to sex they can't help themselves and women have to take all the responsibility! No. 426367
>>426328Men around my age range with average bodies is fine to me, tbh I don't care that much about looks when considering a relationship. The term "dadbod" sounds like men in their 40s going through a midlife crisis trying to find a way to feel hot and desirable though. They can try to meme this all they want but most sane women in their 20s still aren't going to want their creepy old asses.
>>426333Otter bodies are the most aesthetically pleasing to me, I think a lot of other women would think so too. I'm not into super muscular guys and really skelly dudes just look like I could break them.
No. 426530
Should be interesting. They just started it and I hope it grows.
>>426517It's just numbers, imo saying someone is super ugly and saying 2/10 is the same.
No. 426535;DR: OP’s boyfriend has been secretly drugging her with sex pills that interacted badly with her anti depressants, causing her to be heavily sedated.
Men will do anything for sex even if it means sacrificing the safety of his girlfriend. Fucking animals. Men act like it’s some horrible trauma that they suffer from blue balls or don’t get enough sex. I’m absolutely convinced all men are disabled by their own sexuality. Women never do shit like this because unlike men we can control our sexuality and at least have empathy to never harm people we love in such a secretive and perverse way. Disgusting.
No. 426593
I hate men. Fucking stupid, useless rats who can't think of anything besides their worthless dicks.
What kind of subhuman lifeform literally pays for sex? Who is that driven by their sex drive, besides an idiotic animal?
They rape anything and anyone, too. Animals. Children. Elders. Women they know. Women they don't know. Relatives. Strangers. And when you put them into jail cells, they rape each other.
They shouldn't be given free reign, they're like animals compared to women. They should have vasectomies and be legally required to take something that completes kills off their sex drives from the time they hit puberty. They should only be off it when it's to start a family, and even then they should have a background check to make sure they're worthy of being fathers.
They literally should not have rights, much less be the heads of any households.
Notice how they hate us because we won't have sex with them. That's literally all their complaints boil down to, because they are animals. Meanwhile, we hate them because they rape, abuse, and kill us. They even take away our rights. Their only excuse for this is "Not all men!". Misandrists and misogynists will never be comparable, because we actually have good reasons to hate them.
No. 426654
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No. 426678
>>426671Well it does affect your life in some way, especially if you're straight.
It is frustrating to see all the shit they do on daily basis but yet still having to coexist with them…and knowing you can't do much about it is even more frustrating.
No. 426683
>>426671She's protecting her own psyche. The "Not all men are like that" mantra is the only way a woman in this society can block out the truth. It's still too painful for many of us to accept.
The more women turn against men, the more your therapist will be forced to recognize the elephant in the room eventually.
No. 426686
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If you're going to die alone, then just die already. Stop irritating us scrote. You're talking up too much space.
No. 426691
>>426673Get out of the manhate thread
>>426674NTA but
No, you don’t
need to give men a chance to prove they’re shit, that’s how so many women get murdered, raped etc. It’s perfectly acceptable for women to want to be separatist considering the near 100% chance of bullshittery
No. 426700
>>426698oh me too. if they are such assholes to women's aging then i'll definitely bring up how sexually incompetent men get as they age. it's like their
trigger sentence.
No. 426715
>>426681wish I can find that graph of a guy falling down stairs that start with tfw no gf, hating women, going mgtow, liking only anime traps, and eventually "become the gf" and going full troon. Wait for that poster to start saying he's mtf.
>>426690Idk if it will tbh. Whenever Kylie or kim release something, I've seen people only tired of them. Look at Kylie skincare. We know kylie doesn't use any of that shit, especially that horrific walnut scrub. If Kim pushes hard at her full body makeup, it'll just flop because we all know they're getting full body procedures done to look like that.
No. 426801
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What is it with men and the hoops they will jump through in order to make it seem that it's women who are the sex-craved monsters and that they're doing us a favor by fucking us when it's them who go on shooting rampages and commit suicide of they can't get prestine pussy?
They can't make women orgasm for shit, drain womens bank accounts (in this day and age) cry and play victim if you ask literally anything of them, but act like they're gods, why?
No. 426802
>>426777Men do not deserve sex with women especially him, if he did get laid he'll probably go back to Reddit and scream and bitch about how her pussy didn't smell like candy and how she didn't look like a sex doll and fuck like a goddess
Males are choosing beggars, everything they say about women is projection
No. 426806
>>426801>it smells, and tastes bad.lmao as if peen was any different.
Also cum tastes like shit too, so idk how they can cry about that shit.
No. 426808
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>>426654>QT traps>"I remember watching this hentai"Why are they always like this
No. 426836
>>426801>women like performing oral sex, men generally don'tlmao does he think porn is an accurate representation of what women want? does he think dick tastes and smells like chocolate and roses?
men are so obsessed with their own tiny dicks it comes off as extremely gay. please don't fuck retarded men who prioritize their own pleasure, anons. women deserve better.
No. 426846
>>426801I hate how porn convinced men their penises are some sort of magical candy that all women are just dying to have inside them, even fat hideous men with chodes are convinced they're literal God's, no wonder they spend their day's going on and on about how entitled women have become if we dare have a preference - it's projection
See what I mean? Men can write paragraphs about how great their dick is and how women are dying without it, and it's ignored or marked as a kink, a woman can just compliment herself and they act like she's committed the ultimate roastie sin
Men - women HATE sucking your yeast sausage, for sex most women can't orgasm and most likely either don't feel anything or just feel unpleasant pain, your dicks are literally useless for most women hence why so many have to fake orgasms just to get the sex over with, your dicks are gross, smelly, shitty to look at, just useless essentially except for reproduction and that's it, there's a reason why there's no subreddits or pretty much anything for dick pics, yet for our so called undesirable vaginas? r/simps r/largelabiasgonewild r/lipsthatgrip r/fatpussy r/munchbox just to name the few, but where is it, that women have boards and threads dedicated to your so-called, to-die-for dicks, posting pictures and worshipping it and going on about how great dick is, where is that at men? I only ever see gay men worship other men's dicks
Stay mad men, keep hating us, cry about it all you want, the fuller you get of yourself the more you ask for it, lose touch of reality and I'll be happy to hit it right back at you
No. 426848
>>426846Men need to be shamed a lot more for finishing after a few seconds or for not being able to give a woman an orgasm for once in their fucking lives.
There's so much women can make fun of but most of them are too good to men and put on their best fake orgasm act just so his tiny ego isn't destroyed or so they can finally end the terrible sex.
No. 426856
>>426846Related to your post, I'd like to toss in that dicks are easily replaceable.
Dildos/vibrators come in all shapes and sizes,give you orgasms, don't get tired/erectile dysfunction(lmao), cum too early,get you pregnant etc..
No. 426866
>>426854Agreed. I assume before porn men would practically come in their pants at the sight of a naked woman letalone being inside of one, I think being a bit overwhelmed by sex is much more attractive and natural than training stamina for a pornstar sex life.
I do think men should be shamed for having small dicks though, instead of girls pretending it doesn't matter to spare their fee fees. Men pick on every part of our bodies even when they don't impact the feeling of sex like dick size does, so I don't feel bad. We can't immediately tell what size a man will be, so if an otherwise good looking guy has a tiny dick, he should take responsibility and date down in looks to compensate. I look better with clothes on than without and I take that into account when considering who to date, they should do the same.
No. 426883
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A cam girl died of asphixia after a male with a snuff fetish paid her to strangle herself on camera. He didn't try try to alert the emergency to save her. Of course males don't think he should have gone to prison for it. No. 426900
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i look at a lot of concept art and see this bullshit so much lol. a man will draw stereotypical military dudes in normal gear, but all the women he draws have to have their tits out and body on display with smatterings of the clothes the men wear. of course they're an artist and ~they can draw whatever they want~ but it instantly makes me judge them and unfollow them if i see this garbage. unless they're also drawing needlessly sexualized dudes. which they rarely do.
No. 426901
>>426856can confirm after i got a dildo i pretty much stopped looking for a bf entirely.
i'm still open to the idea of a relationship but i ask myself,
what will a man give me that i can't already give myself with my dildo and imagination?it's a nice filter so i don't jump into something just because i'm sexually attracted to someone. the dildo is perfect, so the guy really has to be exceptional for me to want to spend time and effort on him.
No. 426946
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>>426892Is it any good
also is their any other media with similar "pure" male characters who are not corrupted by male society
(fuck off back to Reddit Neccesaryspeed4) No. 426978
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Warning: animal abuse
No. 426983
>>426966I always took it to mean something along the lines of "haha pathetic girl expects/wants male compassion and didn't get it kek"
They are just reveling in the fact women generally value men (from childhood, hence daddy issues) and are primarily disappointed. Just my take on it.
No. 427058
>>427011Exactly. Same with shelters for male
victims of abuse. They expect women to do all the work of starting them and running them and funding them and screech when we're too busy with shelters for the many many many more abused women.
No. 427071
>>427018Fucking libfem will keep poisoning each other with delusions about some nice kind old man who will put her through college and only fucks her Sometimes while they’re on some sunny tropical island.
Every mid-large city has huge active forum of scummy men sharing infos on “sugar babies”. They tell each other who’s cheap, who’s dumb, who lets him put it in her ass raw. They even keep list of “pros” to avoid ie women who trick for a living and know (more than others) how to keep themselves safe…
No. 427079
>>427073But anon
>Not all men!!!(this is sarcasm)
No. 427086
>>427073Right? In a perfect world where men see a hooker the same way they see the IT guy then sure, hoe yourself to your heart’s content!! But that’s not this world, no one is getting sold into doing landscaping.
Same with political structures tbh, it’s not the concept of communism or capitalism or whatever that are evil, it’s the fucking innate psychopathy in men that simply will not allow a utopian system to exist. They HAVE to exploit and abuse everything.
No. 427101 woman gets shot while pregnant, and is charged with
manslaughter because of the fetus's death.
What the fuck is going on? How can this be real?
>“The only true victim in this was the unborn baby,” Lt. Danny Reid of the Pleasant Grove Police Department, said after the shooting in December, reported. “It was the mother of the child who initiated and continued the fight which resulted in the death of her own unborn baby.”Even
if she was fighting, she didn't fucking shoot herself. I don't even know what to feel.
No. 427103
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>When you've learned nothing
No. 427106
>>427096Vaush is a piece of shit, lmao. He'll take basically any excuse to call a woman a "dumb bitch" whenever possible. His followers either have brain worms, are trannies, or some morbid combination of the two.
He also said something about how portraying graphic child rape in media is okay.
He's a bizarre hybrid of those predatory male feminists and your typical misogynistic neckbeard with a porn addiction.
No. 427114
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>>426946Wow Neccesaryspeed4 got recognized and banned? About time. But I will miss the posts about pimping out retarded men kek.
>>427093I do life drawing, and it brings home even more how insane popular art of women is. The real female human body is so different from the snake spine boob shit.
No. 427120
>>427101God that's just depressing. "pro life" especially pro life men do not and will never care about women, only the unborn fetus. Women are merely incubators. Wait for thr stories to out that Alabama and the other states start to criminalize miscarriages. Then pregnant women working or doing anything that is outside the home for "fear of hurting the baby" Their keep em barefoot and pregnant agenda never left mind.
>>427113There are alot of handmaids and trad girls on board with the legislation though. Theyll never move until they're the ones being forcibly told what to do.
>>427118Hope you leave soon anon!
No. 427177
>>427103I don't see a reason why they can't discuss their problems if it won't just boil down to
>hurr women just want to fuck bad boys and Chads, not nice guys like me!! Get raped roastie!Because that mentality is what people are criticizing. If none of that applies to him why is he bitching? Is it because he just goes around patting himself on the back for being a "nice guy" like in this post and catches shit for it? That's generally for other people to decide.
No. 427183
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It's disgusting how he just reverted on this. "It's extremely painful and she doesn't enjoy it but I'm going to put her through it anyway"
No. 427200
>>427188>“The world is not yet ready for DeepNude,” the statement concluded. The DeepNude website has now been taken down.When is it ever supposed to be ready?? What is the need for this app? Who is helped by it?
What the fuck is wrong with them? What do they even want from us?
>complain and bitch all day about how women in the modern age are whores and sluts>find photos of women who are clothed and digitally strip them nakedAll I can think of is how many guys must have planned to use this to ruin women's lives by spreading fake nudes of them, assuming that hasn't already happened.
No. 427263
>>427244Everyone is like "Oh, he's autistic so it's totally fine". It's obvious to me that his alleged autism has nothing to do with how he spoke to this girl. He knew very well that she wasn't comfortable. It stuns me that a guy can be this fat, unattractive, and annoying, and still think that girls who say "if you send me a dick pic I'll block you" still want to see their diabetes tier dick. The male ego is like being on fucking life-long Haldol, holy shit.
He's a whitetrash Pennsylvanian neckbeard of the highest order. He's honestly one of the more disgusting lefty sphere dudes. How old was this girl again? I recently learned he's only 25, too. That's a HARD 25. Like, you-must-be-a-sheetrock-and-bricklayer-for-a-living 25, because that's rough. I truly thought he was like, 33. "Left" men leave me feeling like I've just bathed in an oil slick.
No. 427329
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A dude trying to free himself from the redpill expose the beliefs that are hurting his current relationship.
(He can't get over the fact that his gf has one night stands in the past)
No. 427334
>>427244>Alright, I'll try to put it as neutrally as possible. I don't actually support bestiality, but…Lmao. That's not something you add a "but" at the end of. Fucking disgusting.
As for the other shit, why can't he just take "No" for an answer? Why are they like this?
No. 427366
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>>427329I like it how men have communities with a specific philosophy with specific terminology on how to get laid, and the community ends up hating women because not only do they find out that women Have Sex just as much, but because that's also the kind of woman the community looks for most. Do they not see the connection? "Hmm, I need to stick dick in hole" -→ Finds a woman who will sleep with him that very night -→ "O no, this has happened to her before because she's very attractive, outgoing and didn't seem to care that I invited her inside after meeting her just hours ago" -→ All women are whores! Not to mention they think hypergamy is the worst thing to happen to humankind, when philandering is "just part of masculine nature bro".
I'm not going to even talk about how childish it is that men think it's gross that other guys ejaculate into vaginas, 'cause no, your baby isn't going to slip on Dylan's spurt like a banana peel out of the birth canal.
No. 427386
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No. 427401
>>427329> women present a loving, committed personality when they are in love (…) and a different, more sexual personality with a short-term matehow are men this fucking retarded. yes OF COURSE i'm not gonna drool and swoon over your peenuus if we have a one-night stand. women act romantic when they're in love BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE??????
you bet anything that if suddenly all women were to act romantic and involved with men they have casual relationships with they'd be called "clingy bitches" or sth by those same men who REEE about cold-hearted whores not putting their micropeens on a pedestal. damned if we do, damned if we don't.
No. 427420
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>>427397You reminded me of this picture.
No. 427429
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>>427420you reminded me of this one
No. 427440
>>427386This is the only lefty meme I've ever laughed at.
>>427420>>427429Spread this shit like wildfire.
No. 427472
>>427114That pic makes me happy, I need to show it to my sister and try to get her to do figure drawing. So many teen girls have issues with feeling fat when they just have normal internal organs, we are never taught at a young age how much effort and illusion goes into perfect model photos but they are all around us.
Imagine if everything around us had adverts with barely dressed sexualized men, or men in submissive poses, they'd go batshit. I hope some photographer did a series like that to point out the difference between the way people percieve the sexes.
No. 427478
>>427103in my experience, genuinely kind guys with attractive qualities that seek women on their level and fail at dating have one of two problems
>too on the spectrum to communicate with normies/doesn't seek online communities>internalized low self confidence (people don't like me bc i suck. compare this to incel/niceguy logic: people don't like me bc they suck)neither group are motivated to share their experiences with others, hence why no subreddits. redditors are braindead.
No. 427503
>>427497That's because men are attracted mainly to childish characteristics, such as hairless body, ""innie"" vagina, big eyes, small skull/jaw, short, etc.
There are almost no men attracted to truly masculine women (so not just muscular women, but women with manly faces and bigger waists).
No. 427534
>>427497The Beauty Myth is a great book to read, it basically comes down to control. Every generation, beauty standards change, but why is it that the men of that generation always desire what's being marketed? It holds women down. Women are too busy depleting their energy and resources trying to maintain their identity of womanhood through whatever is being marketed to them as "feminine," otherwise they lose credibility in the workplace. Women are gaslit as crazy for even recognizing the phenomena that we're treated differently in media, work, and politics. Women were objectified following the second wave of feminism. Since women were starting to move away from being suburban housewives and becoming professionals, advertisers could no longer market that housewife using a whirlpool appliance, and slowly creeped into the weird lifeless sex dolls we see marketing something as unrelated as beer or perfume.
Men like us being skinny, hairless, and plastic curves, not because it's actually better, but because it shows mental submission to the surrounding culture, and therefore vulnerability and an easiness to manipulate. Too busy trying to be sexually desirable that you can't get ahead in life, otherwise you won't be taken seriously. You see how certain women in politics or in acting are negged as bad, not because of their policies or performance, but because "she's old and haggard" or something along those lines.
No. 427550
>>427329>Being this obsessed that women have sex with men who aren't himSomeone put him out his misery pls
And I hope this supposed girlfriend gets out of the relationship soon, if he breaks up with her he'll being doing her a favor
Srs there are men out there willing to marry ex sex workers and here this dude is throwing a damn tantrum because their girlfriend has had sex with others in the past
No. 427551
>>427329>Sucks in bed>Can't please a woman for shit>Wants sex to be all about him>Is ugly>Instead of actually caring about her or attempting to please her and get better in bed, he rather just go out of his way to explain why she's valueless except the sex he claims to hate, continues to tinfoil about what goes on in her mind without even talking to her, and demonize her for not being a perfect young sheltered virgin>Insecurity and tantrums are some how better than getting over the fact women have sex with men who aren't himHuh
If these men are so traditional, you'd think they wouldn't demonize older women so much, out of fear of scaring girls that they'll get into a relationship with someone and when inevitable aging happens she will become worthless and undesirable to him, but these males aren't smart and would rather shit themselves and throw tantrums everyday for no apparent reason other than insecurity and realization they ain't shit
No. 427588
>>427183same anon as above and also sorry for venting. I got
triggered from that asshole in
>>427184 ‘s post for refusing to change his ways after discovering butt play ain’t fun and still continues to engage in butt sex with his gf.
A guy I was totally head over heels for dumped me because I refused to give him anal. He kept pressuring me into it, even comparing me to his “crazy ex gf who was totally kinky and not like other girls”. She was into anal sex, rimming and was perfectly fine with pornography (watching it with him and letting him watch it.) He boasted that she had alllll these sex partners before him that taught her a bunch of hardcore stuff, making him very happy she was the one to take his virginity away. His logic was that because he had a very experienced partner as his first, he could spread his sexual prowess to other women even though he had only one sexual partner in his history, not a string of girls that so many men desire and use to boast that they’re a sex god.
He also got a thrill out of the idea of corrupting me because I was a pure innocent virgin uwu at the time. He definitely had a Madonna-whore complex. Just because I was a virgin, he thought he could easily manipulate me into anal because I was very intrigued by sex and everything but I told him again and again I didn’t want to do it…. and then, just like that, he dumped me out of the blue and blocked me and ignored my calls and everything. Not even a formal breakup. I got fucking ghosted.
I guess anal is THAT necessary for men that they’ll break it off with a girl who doesn’t even want to do it. How the hell did it become so fucking prevalent in today’s society that it’s expected women to give in to anal sex? Why do men obsess over how many girls they sleep with and how experienced their partners are to get even more girls to sleep with them? After this fiasco, I honestly prefer a virgin over a man who’s slept with a “kinky” girl.
No. 427593
>>427588That's where all the projection comes from, men aren't able to have sex with women without enjoying it unless the woman was some super kinky goddess, once a man supposedly has sex with a woman who's into all this stuff or has x features he is essentially ruined and isn't able to enjoy sex with other girls unless you can somehow one up them but you aren't able to do that without pretty much pretending to be into something and just going through with it or plastic surgery
Funny you hear many stories like yours even though it's supposedly us who are unhappy if we fuck Chad
Men can't enjoy what they have without moping and crying about how she isn't begging to be anally fisted or how she doesn't have Barbie tits, at least with women we actually look for things to appreciate our partners over, men can't, men don't deserve women, WGTOW is the right way
No. 427603
These threads have been enlightening. It's nice to know that others realize men are garbage too. Wish I had come to terms with this before I got married.
>>427546You know lolcow isn't a hivemind, right?
No. 427613
>>427588The vast majority of men expect anal these days, it must be porn. I've had a guy tell me my boyfriend would leave me because we don't do anal. I've had other men talk about women "giving anal as a birthday present".
Thankfully my boyfriend has zero interest in anal and he never even touches the region. He's disgusted by feces and anal by association.
No. 427622
>>427600>Promotes putting your dick in a place where literally the worst body fluid comes out of>Not even pleasurable for women>Have to douche, bleach, use lots of lube and stretch properly for anal>Even if you used an enema shit can still get on your dick>Even if done correctly still has lots of consequences for the bowels and anal tearage, can also give utis to the woman if his dick goes near her pussy after analMen:MORE WOMEN NEED TO DO THIS OR SHES WORTHLESS
>Hole made for fucking and reproduction>Stimulates organ literally only there for pleasure>Orgasms for both>No before hand prepping needed other than possibly a shower if you didn't shower for days on end>Naturally lubed literally for sexMen: yawn boring
No. 427627
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>le intelligent gender
>would rather put their dick in the objectivly most dirtest, smelliest, most disgusting part of the human body
>because the hole literally made for them to put their dicks in is gross because they all don't look like sex doll vaginas and smell like rainbows
Oh men
Same goes for gay males too, all the shit talk about how gross vaginas are but turn around and put their dicks and other men's shitholes, they really do think their shit doesn't stink
Newsflash males: human genitalia, male and female isn't always pretty and smells that great, humans are disgusting, if sex is gross to you then avoid just don't contradict yourself by making women feel gross for having vaginas but turn around sticking your dicks in poo poo holes
No. 427634
>>427329All men are autistic, it's confirmed. This reminds me of the guy who would hang around /g for awhile writing books breaking down the "reasons" a woman wouldn't want him because his dick was 5 inches instead of 6
Like guys will really imagine a problem, and then make 100 bullet-points attempting to validate the problem to themselves and give themselves an excuse to be unhappy with their "problem" while never attempting to get over it or work around it
No. 427642
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>>427636nta, but this is the first post of his I ever saw.
>>>/g/101117His replies get even longer so have fun. He's also posted in the mh threads but most have been deleted (it gets redundant). Some have also stated he's the same anon who spams scat porn.
No. 427708
>>427622Probably a mix of porn influence,
, men not realizing they're gay and just purely getting off to making women be in pain. There are plenty of guys who admitted that it doesn't feel good as only the sphincter is tight.
>>427627How old is he? Sounds like an angry tween edge lord. Or an mtf angry that he doesn't have a vagina. Or just a gay man.
If men had vaginas you know they'd never stop praising it. Anything men have or are is praised. What women have is "absolutely abhorrent"
No. 427741
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how much do you have to hate women to claim women lactating = must be ready to get used and abuse like worthless animals
No. 427765
>>427718He looks like a literal child and I’m concerned. Must be fujos or weebs or some shit.
Actually every guy posted in these threads as “attractive” has been fugly as hell. Get some standards anons!
No. 427770
Why do so many men demonize women who enjoy going out?
I understand getting drunk, smoking, and shagging strangers is unattractive for both genders if one is looking for long term
But you can literally just go out with your friends, dance a little, go shopping, and have a healthy social life and men will deem that as unattractive, why?
Why is it men going out, they're just dudes being dudes and it's controlling to tell him he can't
Women hang out with their friends? Must be fucking every dude she sees, using them for drinks, getting gang banged, fucking Chad, and just a woman telling you she's going out with her friends is worthy of a divorce/break up
No. 427779
>>427775>They must have Stacey blinders on and ignore all the average girls who don't party that hard.That's what MGTOW/incelism/redpills is essentially
They cry about "where have all the good women gone" and either
a)ignore average women and think all women to be Stacy, refuses to get to know other women who aren't necessarily out there but sums up all women because of those women they cherry picker
b) create this "no-winning" standard of shit like, wanting a good girl with a personality, but not one that goes out with her friends or enjoys socialization, wants a woman who takes care of herself but doesn't go to the gym or take up any sports, wants a woman with common interests but if they do have common interests she's a hoe and attention whore, they want a virgin that's willing to put out on demand but also somehow fucks like a porn star
c) if you do somehow beat their standards they'll do lolcow tier tinfoil where literally anything you do must be some conspiracy against them of evil women fucking tons of Chad's behind their backs
And that's why these men will always be bitter and lonely, which is good,they don't deserve happiness or someone that loves them
No. 427809
it bothers me when people compare pink pill thread users and incels, or call us "femcels". femcels are just mad that they don't have boyfriends but i'm willing to bet half of the people in MH/pink pill threads have boyfriends or husbands. there have been way too many personal stories for this not to be the case.
incels are mad because women don't want shit to do with them. we're mad because men won't leave us the fuck alone. all the incel's shit is based on their assumptions with no basis in reality. our shit is based on personal experience, the things men actually say to each other or about themselves when they're given a safe space, and statistical data. and even then, IMHO if men just started acting decently on average by not raping, killing, harassing, abusing and victim-blaming us starting from the moment we hit puberty (and sometimes even earlier), most of us would probably drop the whole thing.
meanwhile, misogynists have existed since the dawn of time. even when we were considered actual property with no rights to "oppress" men with, they still hated us. just our existence is "wrong" to those people.
not to mention there aren't misandrists out there killing and/or raping men, but plenty of misognyists doing just that to women.
like, i'm all for valid criticism, but when it's "you're just the same as INCELS", it reads as if the person is in denial
No. 427813
>>427809All femcels are pinkpilled, but not all pinkpilled are femcels. They aren't as bad as incels, they lack entitlement, aggression, etc. They mostly hate men for being looks obsessed and themselves for being ugly.
But yeah absolutely agreed with everything else. The idea that man hating comes from not being able to get one is serious projection. Most of it comes from men we've dated or who tried to have sex with us or whatever.
No. 427824
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>>427813>>427813>They aren't as bad as incels, they lack entitlement, aggression, etc. They mostly hate men for being looks obsessed and themselves for being uglyMost pink pilled ladies aren't ugly, a good portion of them are actually attractive universally, it's that standards for women are so fucking high nowadays that an 8/10 woman is considered average and mediocre
No. 427868
>>427721All the good looking ones on tinder are fuck boys that just want to hook up before they settle down. You literally have to swipe through 1000 ugly guys and 20 ~poly~ couple to find one decent looking man who doesn’t have a shit personality. Usually the ones who with model tier looks, normie interests and a post-secondary education are trolls/catfishes or just want to hump and dump.
Tinder is a shit show.
No. 427880
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Men project so much and rightfully believe women have more sexual partners on average than men when they're the ones obsessed with having sex. They're the whores, not us.
I've also seen men claim women are cheaters when again, on average men cheat much more than women do.
No. 427884
>>427880Incels always refer to the "the top 20% of men get the top 80% of women" meme and call it the cock carousel but all it demonstrates is that 20% of men are enormous sluts.
Also of course none of them understand that the vagina works through muscles that become more powerful through constant use, including the pelvic floor muscle and bulbocavernosus muscle, and is not just a limp sock, which is a concept equally ridiculous and hilarious as the squashed banana.
No. 427937
Oh God, reading the replies in this thread made me remember my /soc/ days.
I made friends with a few guys on 4chan who were "possibly interested in something more" and I went along with it (I was naive then). Over the course of a month, a lot of those friends got narrowed down, and of the friends left that I got along with whom sex was mentioned with, every single one of them brought up anal. One guy even offered to buy a plane ticket to fly and see me just to have anal sex. I told him I wasn't comfortable with that since we hadn't been talking long, and he kept pressuring me. He told me I wasn't really losing my virginity since it was in my ass (Firstly, kek. Secondly, that's not why I'm worried about having sex with you. STDs exist no matter what hole you stick it in). I said "no." He said that was okay, but then kept telling me to "think about it" every day and wouldn't take my answer. He eventually ghosted me, but I was kind of glad because some of the things he said were terrifying and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. He said that raping women in times of war was okay, and made statements about how the "enemy's woman wasn't really human." I was going to block him right then, but I found that mentality so fucking bizarre I kept talking to him just to see how he thought about other issues. It was so novel to me, like observing another species.
Another guy I was talking to, I can't even begin to describe the whirlwind he put me through emotionally, but he ghosted me eventually as well (thank fuck). We got along from the start and were very flirty with each other, so we did requests for each other. It was very mutual at first, but the things he asked for started getting more and more porn-like, and he assumed it was because I had "low self esteem" I wouldn't do these things for him that he started negging me and telling me that other women would do those things. Excuse you, I'm not other women. I'm my own individual with my own wants and needs. He told me I needed to say "no" more and assert boundaries, but almost every time I did, he'd pitch a bitch. This guy went on and on about how he wanted an equal partner to him, that he despised traditional pedestal mentality, and yet he got upset I wouldn't get jealous when he told me he was flirting with other women. He made it clear we weren't together and didn't see any potential for us outside of friendship. He'd teeter back and forth telling me we were "very close" and "didn't know each other at all." It was a lot of gaslighting. He thought I didn't want to have sex with him because I was scared of losing my virginity and becoming "used." No, I was afraid of being USED and wasting a precious moment I saved, on someone who doesn't care about me at all. I say I'm waiting until marriage, but I'm open to it with the right person I've known a long time. He thought I was uncomfortable with my body; I'm not! I'm only uncomfortable around him because he had so many preferences before he'd consider dating a girl, let alone making her his girlfriend. Why would I have sex with a guy who doesn't think I'm even worthy of dating? "Sex is just an act, it means nothing." FOR YOU. He wanted me to get an IUD, just for him, just so he could have sex with me without a condom. When I told him I wouldn't have sex with him when we'd meet in person, he said that was okay. Yet around the date we were supposed to meet, he fucking ghosted me. Shortly after, I found him posting on another board. He found a girlfriend. What's hilarious, is that he said he needed to date a girl for a very long time (like a year) before considering her a girlfriend, which means he was talking to her for a long time, while talking to me (he told me he wasn't talking to anyone, and I didn't even bring it up. I didn't care). I don't know what's worse, the fact he said he'd never "back-burner" me (make me his emotional side-chick), but he did, or the fact he was sending nudes to me on the side while with this girl. I feel bad for her, in all honesty. This guy told me a little about his past relationships, and now that I'm out of my mental fog and in therapy, I can see he's a pretty toxic person. He's in his mid twenties, is fit and very good looking, has a well paid government job, and says he wants to marry and have kids… but somehow couldn't find someone? Yeah… there's something wrong there. In his own words, "I could do better."
No. 428064
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No. 428082
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>>4280641. hentai doesn't count as anime girls apparently
2. Most anime girls are just 1 note characters. Also Tsundere
3. Tsundere dude
4. watch some soap dramas or some good tv show thats not trashy hentai.
5. Tsundere
6. Most anime girls have no hobbies besides being sex objects unless it involves their story (Ex: cooking harem has chef girls, magic harem has mages, so on)
7. Most harem anime depend on basic misunderstandings. Also Tsundere
8. Tsundere
9. Tsundere
10. He wont work out though
11. Anime girls do that 24/7. Also Tsundere
The fuck kind of anime does he watch? I can't think of a single character like that
No. 428094
>>427905In my area (Toronto) it’s full of desperate guys. I set my age 19-23. Most are already balding. Some went really try hard with their photos with cutesy powerpoints and photos of fake hobbies like hiking and rock climbing or photos with puppies that didn’t belong to them. Very pathetic lol. The ones I’ve matched and conversed with got overly comfortable and ask me what my fetishes are, how sexually experienced I am, give gross pick up lines etc. There’s even 50-year old men larping as 20 year olds and then there are the weird couples looking for a threesome. I once matched with a FTM because I thought he had a very feminine face for a boy (which I love) but it turns out he was trans and didn’t tell me at all, probably planning to leave me in the dark and find out when we hit the bedroom. Telltale signs when I met up with him: high pitched voice, feminine body fat distribution, and the arm scar for phalloplasty. He also kept acting overly masculine like a macho man. I noped tf outta there.
Maybe I have high standards for tinder. I try to go for decent looking men (not chubby/skelly and not bald) with a good job and education. It took a lot of swiping to get twenty or so matches with my type. There are also a lot of partiers and weed smokers that made me swipe left.
Tl;dr: tinder is a cesspool of desperate pathetic men. If you live in a city, expect to swipe left a lot as a woman and run into troons, creepy old men, sexual perverts, and swingers. Swipe right if you want to troll.
No. 428102
>>428094>fake hobbies like hiking lmao yep. How convenient for these boring ass males to have a hobby that requires no money, skills or time commitment and gives them an excuse to say 'I want a girl who can keep up on hikes!' ie 'no fatties'. Skiing/snowboarding seems to be a vital hobby for 90% of men too, also convenient considering most people only do it once a year in winter.
But yeah, honestly tinder is depressing because it seems like 80% ugly/fat/old looking guys (and I hate beards, which most guys have because it's like makeup for men, so that takes it up to 90% guys I'm not attracted to), and the remaining men are such stereotypical hot, ripped male model chads that I won't bother talking to them.
No. 428112
>>428106I posted it in the ideal boyfriend thread but it doesn’t matter anymore. I’ve found someone and it definitely wasn’t off tinder. What a waste of time that was for me. And like what
>>428102 said, there were ripped ~Chads~ on there that didn’t interest me at all. I liked them and they liked me back and I got a boost of self esteem from that but, like typical dick brained men, they unmatched when they found out I didn’t wanna hook up.
No. 428113
>>428102chiming in to say I hate beards too
beards are scratchy
No. 428154
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Men don't know how to groom themselves properly and choose a facial hair style and hair style that flatters their features
The thing is literally just a haircut and the right facial hair can completely transform men and men are too fucking lazy to use it to their advantage just to stand around and cry about women not finding them attractive
No. 428187
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Oh, looks like she hit a nerve. Did that anon hurt your precious feefees, scrote? Wash your ass and leave
No. 428193
>>428192I'm dead at some scrot camping in our thread, lurking to read our discussions on how men are subhuman, evil, incapable of empathy or love, hideously ugly, etc and the thing he gets
triggered by is anon's anecdote about how men have shitty undies. Must have hit a nerve, kek.
No. 428194
>>428154the only flattering facial hair style is clean shaved
literally every single man looks better without pubes on their face lmao
No. 428200
>>428167Men have horrible hygeine when it comes to their junk. I feel like half of them don't wipe more than once. The advantage of having a period is that it makes us more aware of the importance of vaginal hygeine.
A lot of TiMs actually need to be
told to wipe front to back when they get neovaginas. Do men not wipe front to back? Fucking gross, that's a great way to get shit on yoir taint and balls.
>>428189>>428190Real talk, though? Stop fucking hovering when you pee. Half of the messes in ladies' rooms are caused by prissy bitches hovering and pissing all over the seat.
On Mythbusters, they proved that toilet seats, especially public ones, were sanitary. But if you're so fucking concerned about your thighs touching the seat, then put toilet paper on it and flush it after you're done.
>>428198Also, that's what vaginas are supposed to do? A healthy uterus sheds its lining, and a healthy vagina cleans and lubricates itself (this is why doctors discoirage douching).
Guys WISH their dicks could do that.
No. 428212
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I know we're not supposed to respond to scrotes but this guy being so assblasted about skid marks is cracking me the fuck up.
Like he doesn't wipe his ass and is mad that someone insinuated that other men also don't wipe their asses.
No. 428222
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>Anime girls are how girls use to be before feminism
No. 428223
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Saw this being posted around.
Do men really think women only care about these things?
No. 428225
It’s not fucking normal. Like I’ve seen them Japanese documentaries on YouTube with Japanese men where they’ve got a pillow or a video game character as their wife.
They need lobotomising.
No. 428226
>>428200Lots of men stink.
But you’re right about their cock. The last guy I slept with - Christ.
His breath started to piss me off and his semen stunk. It really grossed me out. I had to tell him in the end “we’re not doing this again…” and he said why and I said “Because you fucking stink”
His face
No. 428267
The whole 'oh no boys are doing worse in school!' thing is so dumb. The only solutions men can come up with is to literally pander to little boys.
>Boys don't readOh just put some graphic novels in school
>Boys misbehave?Oh have recess and incorporate more physical activities for them!
>Boys get bad gradesIt's because female teachers are biased! Get more male teachers
None of these involve telling men to grow up and act mature during school it just tells them the world will pander to their every weakness. Those little boys are either going to have a big wakeup call in college or privilege will give them another free ride. Same in the workplace.
>>428260I can't control my laughter annon.
No. 428300
>>428275That's disgusting and I feel for you. Chiming in with another true story but I used to stay with my dad at his friend's home, and this man was like, 44 at the time, employed, had a paid-off home, and he would refuse to throw his shitty toilet paper into the toilet. He would toss it in the bathroom trashcan. He genuinely thought it would clog the toilet. I was like, 13 and had to to tell him that's not how toilet paper works. It's pretty amazing that men are so unbelievably babied that this man was able to go through life for so long without knowing how toilet paper works. He owns his own $900,000 condo in Queens. Really fucks me up to think about it, that from the outside he seemed to be able to take care of himself, but had been tossing his shit-covered toilet paper into bins all over NYC, for at least 40 years. He also had this pushover nurse pining after him for many years despite him being so disgusting (on many levels, he's like, a short mestizo, pock-marked chubby dude, yet women fall for him, IDGI). I don't know wtf incels are talking about because my experience with men has shown me that they're clueless toolbags who frequently find doormat women with no standards that carry torches for them.
No. 428308
>>428296This weird man I used to date always bragged about how older women are superior. They are more sexually experienced. They’re more mature and have a steady job. Older women know what they want in life. Etc. he just wanted a mommy type to take care of him and bring in the dough while he sat on his ass and played video games. Seriously. He was on discord 24/7 with LoL playing in the background or browsing reddit all day. He was also a dropout and had no prospects in life so he just wanted to leech off a successful older women and be a trophy husband (he was def not trophy husband material and just had a big ego). Anyways, if men do like older women it’s usually a fetish or they’re looking for a mommy-gf.
Bonus cringe: he was a fake feminist boy and was super creepily into menstruation and pregnancy preaching that “it’s not your fault your body punishes you for not being pregnant.” I always thought it weird his female friends would complain about their vagina and menstruation cramps to him. I think secretly he got off on that. And when we initially started dating, he always joked about impregnating me spawning a lot of babies with his seed, as well as doing various sex acts while on my period.
I think he had a serious case of womb envy.
No. 428342
>>428313Can confirm. Mentally ill myself and always date older. I've always been okay with my dad though.
It's amazing how delicate the brain and emotions can be and influence our decisions. That's why it's so important for men not to be disgusting to young girls and also to take care of their children/protect them.
No. 428346
>>428342i hope you are able to maintain healthy relationships. it's really
abusive and scummy of older men to take advantage of girls who have mental health issues or girl with daddy issues.
No. 428376
>>428167My dad gets them too. I barf every time I have to do his laundry. He defends them and says they're normal and "everyone gets them." Ew, bitch no they don't.
>>428223There's an entire podcast of Joe Rogan just gushing on and on about J-Los ass. Lmao.
No. 428377
>>428313>>428346 My current partner is 9 years older. He's not an
abusive piece of shit which is neat but the bar is low.
We both have pretty serious mental health issues but happen to be people who work on it and take it seriously. We both take meds, both go to therapy, don't party, don't drink often.
The age gap initially really freaked me out because my ex I who I met when I was 18 and he was 25 was a classic narcissistic abuser who got me drunk all the time and used my age and mental health against me constantly (and eventually raped me.)
I think you can date older responsibly but my best advice is wait until you can really hold your own or at the very least have a good support network. Stash like at least 1k for emergencies? I mean that's my advice for dating all men honestly just be ready to run?
No. 428439
>>428433Eh, the mentally ill/daddy issues thing is overblown. I think popular media plays a big role, and I think it has more to do with being a mentally malleable dumbass than anything. The media really loves to shill how it's more sophisticated and glam to be with an older dude (tumblr 'daddy' trends and Lana are proof of this, and for whatever fucking reason, there are a lot of LDR fans on here). This board also seems to attract a lot of camgirls, so again, I think the dumbassery is doing
a lot of legwork. Chalking it up to 'daddy issues' is reading waaay too far into it when the majority of these people are puddle deep, and also makes it seem as if it's just an inescapable consequence of their development or whatever. I think it ends up letting girls get away with not questioning themselves when they're considering getting involved w a sun-damaged divorcé and father of 3.
No. 428441
>>428437Agreed and same to me. But I'm not a virgin and I drink but not that often.
They do this, they reel you in and fuck you off when they've got what they want. I don't like dating men in their 20s at all. I've started to date men over 30. Usually 30-32. I'm 25 anyway. I find them sexier a bit older to be honest. 20s are teenage boys with a bank account and a bigger allowance tbh.
I feel bad for some girls who marry at like 21/22 to guys who are the same age. I just think "He'll be fucking someone else in about a year or two love". They always do.
No. 428446
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>mfw this thread has been taken over by women with daddy issues defending their "daddies"
We really can't have nice things.
No. 428450
>>428445They're cute at best but they act like fucking cunts.
Men between probably 25-32 usually look the best if they take care of themselves. Anything below 25 is just twinkified and they're got peanuts for brains.
No. 428454
>>428260I'll never get why some people don't ever wipe their ass. It always bugged me whenever I used a toilet in college or school and some dirty bitch didn't use paper, her shit floating at the top and she was too lazy to flush it.
How does someone just take a good shit and not wipe their own ass though? Like the butt cheeks must be like a ski slope. Skidding together at a pace and her knickers must be soiled to fuck. Jesus.
And to see and hear men doing this, my god. We really do have no hope. Fucking rancid.
No. 428456
So many want the money for a night out, a house, followers cash to top up on her instagram or a gucci bag. I mean the list is endless. We girls all know what she's up to and she's probably in the will by now. Fucking her actual boyfriend on the side while this old cunt is watching daytime telly in his arm chair or at bingo.
As long as her tits are perky, pussy is shaven, pink and tight. Old men aren't bothered. Put a skirt on a pencil sharpener and they'll hammer into that too.
No. 428540
>>428446I know, right?
What a joke. I can't take most anons here seriously, what are they even doing in this thread? Why can't they just fuck off and not my nigel about their sugar daddies somewhere else?
No. 428792
>>428723Literally most of these are "my girlfriend took a shit and it smelled like shit, thinking of breaking up"
I wonder how many of the men bitching about messing around with girls who have yeast infections or UTIs at the time constantly pushed and pressured the girl into giving in despite her saying no, men talking lowly of innocent women they have sexual experiences with is one thing, but it takes an entire new level of disgusting faggotry to go out your way to convince a woman to have sex despite her saying no (or even raping her) just to later talk lowly of the body they begged to see, why are men like this?
No. 428795
>>428723lmao theyre all retarded.
the only reason for why they think that their own shit doesnt smell is because theyre probably already used to the smell. the funny thing is that the average man has abysmal hygiene, but theyre so used to living in their won filth that they think theyre clean.
No. 428797
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why do males act like women are the ones into bestiality when they have been consistently shown to be over x2 as likely to rape animals as women kek
No. 428921
>>428913This. All men have shit skincare unless it’s a narcissist or a gay man.
I had to urge my boyfriend to develop a skincare routine. Previously he just splashed water in his face. I ain’t gonna marry a raisin when we hit our 30s.
No. 429069
>>429061>why would you bother with a man who sees an expiration date on you?Exactly. And you would think women would question why the praise they lavish on old men about being superior due to maturity, confidence, money etc dont apply to them…
Giving older men the time of day indicates a total lack of dignity and self respect tbh.
No. 429097
>>429082I can't find it in my heart to feel sorry for men who get falsely accused, and that's the truth. How many hundreds of millions of innocent women throughout history have suffered because of men? Retribution would be more than justified. Female rape
victims in parts of the modern world get killed by their own family members as punishment but the real tragedy is that some worthless scrote got his reputation mildly tarnished for five minutes.
No. 429102
>>429097I feel like if every woman who "cried rape" was believed, we'd catch way more actual rapists.
I'd rather have a man falsely accused of rape in prison than an actual rapist being free because his
victim didn't have "enough proof"
No. 429114
>>429111I think they're convinced that if there are actual consequences to rape, they'll get falsely accused and then it'll be game over.
Being more afraid of a false accusation that having rapists walking among us is… disturbing to say the least.
No. 429127
>>429122Tell that to logic and common sense as well. Literally no men side with women so that's 50% of the population gone, and then there's an infinite number of handmaids, tradthots, self hating women and women who are too nice and naive for their own good. It's literally impossible for the majority to back women.
But, of course, actual equality is seen as women getting too much. Eg if women do 50% of the speaking in a meeting, people perceive them as dominating the conversation.
No. 429133
>>42912750% is generous, it's not even close to 50 before they start crying about us dominating a space
>in crowd scenes, women tend to comprise about 17 percent of any given crowd. She's argued, based on outside data and her own interpretations, that this imbalance relates to and reinforces the way men perceive the actual number of women in any given room. “If there's 17 percent women, the men in the group think it's 50-50,” she told NPR. “And if there's 33 percent women, the men perceive that as there being more women in the room than men.”the """more logical""" sex
No. 429136
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Men are constantly in a state of brain damage.
No. 429266
File: 1562067149159.jpeg (269.25 KB, 750x878, 466837EE-B705-4715-89C3-663972…)

This happened near me recently. The fact that sick bastards pull this shit all the time is a pink pill in and of itself. But, on top of that, almost all the men I’ve seen talking about it online are basically using it as an excuse to blame the Mayor of London and harping on about the rise rise in knife crime. I’ve not seen an ounce of sympathy for a woman who was fucking murdered or the child left behind…
No. 429471
Anyone else tired of men's hypocrisy? Especially when it comes to cheating
It's sad how many men will make women jump through hoops to prove their loyalty, start accusing them of cheating as an act of manipulation over things that don't even have anything to do with cheating, but when it comes to them they'll just flat out show huge red flags of cheating and pull the "of course I'M loyal it's the woman who needs to prove herself" card
Just got out of a relationship with a guy like so, I constantly felt like every move I was doing was wrong because he would accuse me of cheating if there was any slight changes in me at all, I can literally take a new interest in a show or something and he will accuse me of cheating, or sometimes I won't do anything at all and he will go to me and be like "anon you're acting funny, you're cheating on me, I don't care about you anymore" and if I question it he will claim about how "he can't put his finger on it he just KNOWS I'm acting funny and must be cheating on me", the worst was when I wanted to vent to him about having bad days and he just decided to attack me, accuse me of cheating, accuse me of changing, all of course without explaining how but how "he just feels that way", but him? Disappear for days on end, when questioned about it he doesn't give a clear answer, gets distant to the point where I've injured myself and he doesn't care when I tell him because "you've been acting strange lately anon" nevermind about my well being,asking for pictures of my body just to ignore them and claim he didn't see something that takes up most of his phone screen when you open up the messages, I've written out paragraphs about how I feel before and his reaction "huh, I see", and then finally when I started pulling away and realizing these manipulation tactics aren't worth it he starts lovebombing and the cycle starts all over again
I'm just sick and tired of men's mind games, anyone else have a story like this?
No. 429483
>>429476I mean scrotes
are banned on sight here, gotta give a shout-out to the mods for their rapid-fire deletion yesterday evening.
In all honesty, I just come to the pink pill looking to talk mad shit. A lot of anons start interesting discussions and post relevant info, but a lot of it could be used more effectively in the radical feminism thread. I guess I'm looking for more shitposty content.
No. 429486
>>429476I wish more women are pinkpilled, I live in a conservative area and men can make obnixious jokes out loud about women and go on for days about how all women are evil and get everything handed to them, but make a joke about men here they'll start screeching about 'reversed roles" which is ironic, and then talk about "not all men"
On women's day people in my work place started talking about how gay men make the best parents statistically and how women suck at everything, when I decided to point out that percentage of violent crimes, murders, robberies, etc are done by men everyone threw a screeching fit, it's insane these people have no self awareness
No. 429492
>>429141>but lbr even without the porn 70% are unsalvageableThat's generous, really. One of the things that drives me insane about liberal feminism is the whole "we can teach men to be better people uwu" lie. No, we can't. This is their natural state.
Even if I thought it were possible to force men to live less disgusting existences, they still wouldn't be worth lifting a single finger for.
I especially fucking hate it when dumbass *~sensitive~* liberal men talk about how "
toxic masculinity" is responsible for all of their terrible life choices, therefore they can't be criticized. I don't even believe in
toxic masculinity as a concept. It's just called being born a male piece of shit.
No. 429510
anons, what do you do when you're out and about to avoid men and male attention as much as possible, or "avoid" getting catcalled? i hear you!
- i haven't smiled at a strange man in public in years. >feelsgoodman.jpg
- when i'm walking alone in the street or in public my face goes into resting bitch mode, and deadpan stare at the ground or whatever's in front of me. if i make eye contact with a man in public, ever, it's to frown at him or i at least keep a serious, cold stare.
- this is a personal favorite: when i see older men standing in porches or tresholds outside i deliberately and almost theatrically dart away from them. i'll be walking down the street in a straight line, resting bitch face in tow, but the second i spot a man on a porch or anywhere near me i exaggeratedly circle around him, trying to put as much distance between myself and him as possible, and once i've passed them i immediately return to walking in a straight line. it's even funnier when i notice they're staring at me as i walk down the street and very much notice me darting away from them only to retake my original route once i've put them past me.
- this isn't gender-specific, i do it to everyone, but especially men: if i notice a man is staring at me in public or looking in my general direction i actively stare back, and visibly frown or look disgusted, signaling to them that yes i did notice you staring and ew i think you're gross. they almost always look away when they notice me noticing them.
- if possible, i try to never find a seat next to a man. in crowded buses or trains i'll always go for a seat next to a woman, but when i do have to sit next to a man, especially an older man, i always try to shrink into my seat and, if possible, not touch him at all.
yesterday i was looking for a seat on the back of a bus, i saw three empty seats, two next to men one next to a woman, and i almost sat down next to this old guy before noticing the woman and immediately walking back through the bus to sit next to her. the guy noticed and stared at me for a minute or two, he looked piss lol.
- public transport is where i best avoid men. sometimes if a man i find creepy or is way older (= creepy, lol) sits next to me and the vehicle isn't too crowded i just get up and find another seat. i used to be too socially anxious to do anything about it but ever since i've started doing as much as i can to avoid being uncomfortable it's boosted my self-confidence a bunch.
- it's not unheard of where i live for men to strategically rest their junk on your trunk in crowded buses or subway cars, and my way of handling this is that when i find myself in one i visibly put my hand on my buttocks if there's a man behind me, to signal that i'm alert and not an easy target, or i pull down my sweater/jacket to cover my ass.
- the last two times men have catcalled me, i turned around almost instantly and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!". i don't even think about it, it's just a reflex reaction to the situation. yes i know this can kill me someday, i'm working on keeping my cool, but when i've done so it was mildly satisfying to see them surprised or try to clap back.
- this is more of a personal thing than advice, and it's winter here so i have to do it anyways, but i've started covering up A LOT MORE. as in, you can only see the skin on my face when i go out in public. i haven't been catcalled or recieved any male attention in over two months. i'm in HEAVEN, i love this, might get myself some trad-y dresses if i can for the summer.
- i don't shave at all, so armpits are a jungle. sadly, avoiding male attention during the summer when it's hot as balls is a lot harder, so a newfound technique of mine whenever men notice me in public during hotter weather is to raise up my arm so they can see my disgusting hairy armpit, or just act gross in general: pick my nose, burp, scratch my crotch very obviously etc.
- i generally try to make strange men in public notice that i want absolutely nothing to do with them, that they should not ever engage with me, and that if i do have to interact with them i am often not pleased.
No. 429524
>>429510A lot of these I do as well. I don't bother making eye contact or smiling. I like to look like a bitch. Though last time I got catcalled (by a man old enough to be my grandfather), I just laughed.
Scrotes' expectation that you'll smile for them is the funniest shit. When I was in elementary school, there was this obnoxious, fat-ass janitor that used to harass me every day when I would wait in line for lunch, simply because I didn't smile enough for his liking.
No. 429635
>>429631>because she was a "domineering bitch" Jesus, I had no idea people said that about her. The dude killed his pregnant wife and own two daughters in cold blood, even as one of them begged him not to do it. He discarded their bodies in concrete and he basked in the media attention, playing the part of the grieving husband and father. There's nothing to justify here. He killed them because he wanted to be with his mistress and she didn't want to deal with his children.
I don't understand how men can simultaneously play up their ~uwu strong man protect weak woman~ fantasies and try to defend the men who use this strength against us. If men are the loyal, honourable sex, they should fucking hold each other accountable for this.
No. 429640
>>429631people I work with have also said "well she shouldnt have been around all these shady men…"
its disgusting.
No. 429648
>>429631it reminds me of when i wathced a video about a scrote who murdered his wife, who was a mail order bride, and people in the comments were screeching about how she deserved it because she was "scamming poor lonely innocent men out of their money uwu"
as if buying a person, essentially to be your sex slave, and then murdering her is in any way comparable to being a mail order bride.
No. 429653
>>429635>and she didn't want to deal with his children No, HE didn't want to deal with his children because he knew he'd be unlikely to have fun side dishes with the financial and emotional responsibility of still having kids.
It's so sad how we can't even hold nasty men 100% accountable in the way we word things.
No. 429679
>>427770The comment section is an absolute Pink Pill.
"My girlfriend left me because her friends told her to. She didn't know she had it bad until she started talking to them."
Uh, yeah, because narcissists often prevent their partners from going out and gaslight them into denying there's a problem? I didn't know I was abused, even though I was raped as a child, until I was laughing about something really fucked up that happened to me (that I just assumed was normal) and the whole room went silent.
"Never let a woman have a "girls night out. Leave he immediately."
Yep, Narcissists.
No. 429712
>>427770lmaoo what kind of alternate universe are these dumb ass scrots living in where its not acceptable for men to hang out with their friends
i bet every single scrote that commented about how their married friends wont hang out with them are all insufferable cunts, and their friends are just saying their wives wont let them so that they have an excuse kek
No. 429748
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This is the hero we all need.
No. 429796
>Teen accused of rape deserves leniency because of his 'good family', judge says
>Boy, 16, allegedly raped girl while recording incident on phone>New Jersey judge praised suspect’s ‘very high’ academic scores
>A judge suggested that a teenage boy accused of raping a drunk girl at a party should be treated leniently because he came from “a good family”, and cast doubt on whether such an attack amounted to rape at all.>Judge James Troiano in New Jersey made the remarks while ruling that the boy, who was identified only as “GMC”, should not face trial as an adult for allegedly raping a 16-year-old girl while recording the incident on his mobile phone.>“This young man comes from a good family who put him into an excellent school where he was doing extremely well,” Troiano said. “He is clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college. His scores for college entry were very high.” Troiano, 69, also noted that the boy was an Eagle Scout.>Investigators said GMC sent a clip of the alleged rape to seven of his friends, and later sent a text adding: “When your first time having sex is rape.” Yet Troiano suggested that, in his view, the alleged incident was a sexual assault rather than a rape.>Troiano’s remarks, which he delivered at a family court hearing in July 2018, were highlighted this week in a sharply worded overturning of his decision by an appeals court. Prosecutors told they would now seek an indictment from a grand jury so they may prosecute GMC as an adult.>Prosecutors had alleged that GMC’s attack had been “sophisticated and predatory” and that he showed “calculated and cruel” behaviour by filming the incident, sharing the footage and then lying about it.>Adult cases are heard by a jury and typically involve harsher punishments for those convicted. Records of juvenile cases are largely kept secret from the public.>But Troiano refused, pointing to GMC’s background and saying that, in his view, a “traditional case of rape” involved more than one attacker using a weapon to take advantage of a victim in a remote location.>The judge also cast doubt on allegations GMC’s victim was too drunk to understand what was happening, asserting that she “walked hand-in-hand” with GMC to a basement area where the alleged rape took place.>And he dismissed the significance of GMC’s boastful text messages, describing this as “just a 16-year-old kid saying stupid crap to his friends”.>The appeals court panel said Troiano had exceeded his role and “decided the case for himself” rather than properly reviewing the application by prosecutors to try GMC as an adult.>In one drily scathing passage, the appeals court judges said they hoped juveniles would not be made to stand trial as adults if they “do not come from good families and do not have good test scores”. No. 429851
>>429510>Avoiding menI'll share mine from the other day.
>At DSW clearance section (shoe store)>Standing up and trying shoes on with that little disposable sock>Man walks into aisle and stands near me>Almost immediately realize why TF is he even in the women's aisle (unless he's a crossdresser with small feet)>Make a show of grabbing my stuff and moving to another size/aisle>He leaves the whole store shortly afterI suppose he could've been buy shoes for his girl but who does that? Shoes are something I personally think you want to try on. He was a pervert. I wonder how offer footfags creep at shoe stores.
I have decided to stop that bullshit of being nice and worrying about feelings. I still catch myself sometimes being too nice, but I refuse to be your fucking fetish material.
No. 429863
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These are comments on a child's ice cream ad. The absolute state of korean men.
No. 429875
>>429863I thought she wasn't actually a child, just styled to look like one (not that it makes the sentiment any better). I wanted to reply to this in the Kpop critical thread but didn't want to derail. Anons complain that the man-hate gets brought into other threads but it happens on its own, kek.
Anyway, I feel sorry for all the young Koreaboos who want to move to Korea to find an Oppa to marry. They have no idea.
No. 429885
>>429878So this is what korean incels claim women/feminists are jealous about…?
They talk about her "beautiful face and body", I expected some jailbait, but she looks and acts 10.
No. 429886
>>429875Samefag, but…
>>429878…holy fuck. I was confusing something else for the ad in question. Yep, that's an actual child. I feel grateful that feminism is growing in SK, maybe it'll rub off on Japan.
No. 429899
>>429894Samefag, but just see how it sounds, if you flip these comments around…
>people who blame this ad are all Korean men. They just envy pretty young boy.>Korean men jealous about kids wearing suit and hair wax what a shame>Korean fat men are jealous of 11-year-old boy :p How pathetic>I think they are jealous of his beauty and slender figure>It's the radical maninist men that are pissed. The women just enjoy the cutenessUndeniable pedo vibes.
So why do men constantly get away with making these "harmless" statemeant about young girls?
No. 429984
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>>429949courtesy of the female gaze thread, Photoplay Magazine January 1925. Ain't nothin' new, young women have long preferred men closer in age to them.
No. 430027
>>429984This was back when "finding a rich well off guy to marry and pop out babies" was pretty much shoved down young girls throats though, and they weren't taught they could do anything better,nowadays since girls can earn for themselves they can look for things like looks and personality hence why so many are straying from older men and only going to them for money if they have expensive taste
That's why men hate feminism and think "Western women should be beat and have their rights taken away" and taunt career women, because when more and more women become career women and look for more than life than just a man men will have no choice but to actually put effort into their looks, personality, being interesting, treating women right, etc or else it's them who's lonely and we all know how so-called lonely women react vs lonely men
One plays with animals, reads, bakes, and does arts and crafts, one plots murders against women and rapes them
No. 430029
>>430027From what I remember of the context of that post, it's actually a male writer shilling old men as main leads, even though the anecdote shows that the female audience wants younger men in roles. It's not meant to be evidence that women really believed that about old men. Not that your post is wrong in general.
When women are honest with themselves and don't let insecurity or inferiority complexes or men's opinions warp their perspective, they want young and attractive guys. It's natural, but when women are constantly accused of being shallow whores for having the slightest preference in appearance, expected to be super hot pornified 10/10s, and bombarded with the idea that you lose all appeal past 30, it's unsurprising that they would lie to themselves like that. If you ever read the 'loser ex bf' sort of threads, it's full of girls who had low self esteem or were afraid to be seen as shallow dating fat ugly nerds they met online.
No. 430250
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How exactly is it a bad thing tha unattractivet men are becoming incels? As long as they don't shoot anybody. If anything men believing they can't get laid due to cosmic/evolutionary circumstances will make them expect sex less and thus, bother women less.
No. 430258
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>>430254These males don't go outside and just look at attractive women on the internet all day, so their definition of an average girl is skewed related, this is what they think an "average, 5/10 woman" looks like
They think attractiveness is the default in women, it's unfair to naturally attractive women because eventually we'll get to a point in time where literally no woman is attractive, the standards keep going up and up especially with how much photoshop and plastic surgery is out there
To an average person these dudes can get someone in their standards or someone even more attractive than them it's that their definition of average is so damn skewed they'll just go up to literal Stacie's, beg for them to put out, and claim how they tried going in their league
No. 430261
>>430258I was browsing /ic/ and somebody recommended using swimsuit magazines to practice figure drawing and someone commented 'why can't I get a 6/10 GF like them!'
The fucking delusion.
No. 430269
>>430246I'm sorry, anon. I fucking despise male 'feminists'. Seems like every man who brags about being
such a feminist eventually gets outed as a rapist/pedophile. At best they're narcissists with savior complexes, at worst they're predators attempting to hide in plain sight. They are just the same in the end, with the added insult of trying to ingratiate themselves with women like the lowly maggots they are.
No. 430286
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>>430261Drawing and art dudes are the most cringe because they look at objectively attractive women all day and draw insane proportioned bodies that women would have to get several surgeries and waist train for years in order to obtain
Look at the body type they consider average or how many male artists in cartoons will draw every woman who's supposed to be average, attractive or even below average to be slim with insane curves but draw men with more variety and average proportions
No. 430308
>>429612It's not shocking that a vigilante would rise up in situations like this. The fact that there were multiple gang rapes in one month is horrendous but it's probably a reality for almost everywhere in the world. When so many go unpunished, it's not surprising that somebody would take justice into their own hands.
>>429796>New Jersey judge praised suspect’s ‘very high’ academic scoresThey always drag this one out. The rapist wasn't clever, he literally recorded his own vile, disgusting crime. He recorded himself admitting that it was rape and he didnt even come close to believing there was consent there. As well as being cruel and awful, he was thick as pig shit.
I don't care if somebody comes from a good family and gets a few As if they're a fucking terrible human being. Maybe his family and grades are good but he is not.
>>429949Lol and they always say it's normal to want them young but never consider that maybe young people would want other young people and not some weird old men. A biological attraction to youth and vitality is the lie the creepy old men cling to, but they expect young girls to want their dusty dried up dicks. It doesn't make sense. They have a "biological clock" too and children born to older men face more possible issues but that doesn't matter because really they don't care about biology, they just want power and control.
No. 430334
not really, most of the girls I know who get upset about men liking breasts are as I said, early bloomers and asexual women , look at all the #freethenipple women, boobnazis, most if not all of them either have average or large breasts, I have yet to see a flat chested woman get upset about breasts being sexualized unless they don't like getting insulted, which is understandable and just
also flat chested women still have breast tissue, there is no such thing as no breasts unless there is literally no breast tissue
what exactly are trying to get out of claiming random anonymous women you haven't seen are flat chested because they don't like breasts being sexualized so much? you just sound exactly like the types of males anon was talking about, her (assumed) breast size doesn't make her invalid, the fact you and other people think like this is exactly why we need this thread.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 430352
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Reminds me a little of the Gulabi Gang, a group of Indian women who wear hot pink saris and beat the shit out of men who abuse women. They're really fucking cool, I wish it were easier for international women to send them money and stuff to keep up the good fight
No. 430424
>>430418Men like acting as if sapient, civilized, modern beings are purely sexual creatures led by nothing but survival instincts. You can justify every gross, violent sexual behaviour if you pretend it's "natural" and you have no free-will.
They can also simultaneously justify their sexuality and blame women, who supposedly select all traits to be passed on (but in reality evolution is more complicated, some traits they discuss are neutral, consequences of other selected traits, genetic disorders or not genetic at all). It's truly a win-win for them, they can be innocent slaves to their biology and women the scheming slavers.
No. 430576
>>430408That dumb shit about the penis head removing sperm is from a book called The Myth of Monogamy by a psychologist (not an anthropologist or biologist) giving his uninformed pet theory to justify open relationships.
In reality the human foreskin acts as a one-way valve to keep fluids
inside the vagina to lubricate the proceedings, but the author is an American male so probably didn't want to face that his circumcised penis scraping his wife's pussy dry during sex is not natural, which about sums up how stupid evo-psych can be.
No. 430584
File: 1562346497631.jpg (324.3 KB, 1440x1920, yqrvl3zqcg831.jpg)

>Umm how dare you not let me into your house? I won't rape you, you feminazi WHORE. I bet you'd love to be raped anyway
I want to believe this is fake, but I don't expect any level of decency from scrotes.
No. 430587
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>>430584Apparently, this is the same guy doing this shit to another woman.
No. 430623
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>>429878A lot of us have long experience with the Internet, creepy men, and have read what they REALLY think when they can be anonymous. I don't see how you can come to any other conclusion than that most men are pedos. If there were no laws and no one found out, most men would have sex with that little girl.
No. 430664
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How can someone be this evil? Reading this fucked me up. I wanna cry for this mother.
No. 430669
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>>430657I've seen a lot of text conversations online where guys try to hit on girls they bought from or sold shit to. It's so weird.
No. 430681
>>430663>girl shows how fucking insane this man is at a woman for wanting to be safe and watching out for herself>men go in on her looks and ignores everything elseWhen women want to be safe, they hate it. When women aren't watching out for themselves, they blame everything bad that happens on them and says women should be smart.
They actually truly believe that the only bad men in thr world are cartoon trench oat wearing men hiding in a alleyway.
and also
>"you want to be raped"why do they insist on this all the time. Bet he straight out of r/trp
>>430664They say this shit and have surprisepikachuface.jpg when women avoid them.
No. 430700
>>430618>I wish there was a female based forum where there was no males and NAMALTs and I could freely hate men.You’re on it, bb. Hate away.
>>430685This is what cracks me up. Scrotes constantly try to use biology to explain/justify the stupidest shit and yet are mystified when women are attracted to successful, good-looking men. Like, yeah, why the hell would a woman want to pass on a 10/10 Chad’s genes when we could just pollute the gene pool with ugly incels? Holy kek
No. 430745
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Them's the rules.
No. 430748
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>>430745>no "intersectional" infightingBased Korean feminazis. Sign me the fuck up. I wish I could read more of their content besides the little that has been posted in English. Fun fact- Womad was created by former members of the radfem group Megalia after infighting over trannies split them up. Nowhere is safe from gendershit.
No. 430754
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>>430653I saw a girl aged 7-9 wearing neon pink hotpants like pic related. The fabric was even thinner. She was wearing a backpack and looked like she was going home from school. It was in a big, crowded city and when I saw her I felt panic. Parents have to be completely delusional to let their child out like that. She walks by a crowd of people, and I saw 3-4 men CHECKING OUT HER ASS. I felt sick to my stomach and can only imagine how many more stared at her that day.
No. 430767
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My favorite thing Womad has introduced me to: the hilarious tale of Sung Jae-Gi
>men's rights retard
>anti-feminist fuckass
>pro-porn, wahhhh censorship of porn is oppressive to men
>stages fake-ass suicide attempt to get money for his bullshit pro-scrote cause
>accidentally succeeds, drowns
and my favorite bit
>Korean radfems turn "Jae-Gi" into slang for male suicide
RIP pornsick-oppa, forever in our hearts
No. 430772
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it's sad how many men unironically believe this
No. 430775
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>>430770Kek, I can't stop laughing. Not that I know of, his body wasn't pulled out of the river for three days so I don't think anyone filmed it. Apparently a bunch of his scrotoid followers also drowned themselves in the following month, truly the superior sex.
No. 430787
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>>430780Kek if you think thats bad india, which has been declared the number one most dangerous country for women and young girls has a huge MRA movement. The article documents that now Indian women have realised they should be treated like human beings and asking for rights they are being oppressed-seriously men across the world are whiny pissbabies.
No. 430789
Where is all this free stuff men like to claim we have?
>>430787Never underestimate the male
victim complex, this is a reminder that reality doesn't matter, men will always find a way to victimize themselves so you take any time some incel starts screeching about easy mode and gynocentric society, with a grain of salt
No. 430797
>>430794Yeah, MRAs rarely talk about actual male issues such as circumcision or the toxicity of machismo culture. It amazes me how the solution to their problems is right there at their hands: to reform their ideas of manhood
but instead, they try to justify their deranged thinking and blame shit on women. I swear, men are so fucking stupid.
No. 430806
>>430787Indian MRAs will Jae-Gi themselves when?
Men are single-handedly responsible for all of their 'problems'. Never mind a solution, I'm just grateful for the laughs.
No. 430811
>>430767ngl totally down to watch that vid. what a fuckin idiot.
anyone who uses suicide as bait deserves to be laughed at if their death actually happens.
No. 430828
>>430780>>430787feminism is slightly catching up in east asia, south asia and the middle east and men from these places are already butthurt. look at the korean incels sperging about feminism ffs. you're a man in south korea, how bad can evil feminists effect your oh so oppressed life?
even in the west it's really hilarious to see men whining about feminism and claiming to be oppressed because they can't get laid uwu. mras always talking about these dumb things shows that men actually face zero oppression other than no one wanting their incel ass.
No. 430847
>>430839Regardless of how you feel about it, there are logical explainations for that. As you no doubt know, men aren't exactly attractive, in fact most of them are pretty ugly. So to be attractive to a larger subset of women rather than the unicorn that tolerates their particular brand of goblin face, they have to be masculine in one way or another: Make more money, have a deep voice, be smarter, be stronger, be more stoic and emotional, be on top of things all the time, have more interests. It's especially important to be those things in regards to women when one lacks conventional attractiveness. They shit themselves in insecuri around you because as IT guys the masculinity script they're following is being smart/capable, so they need to try hard to be more smart/capable than you otherwise there's no way you would find them attractive. This is also the reason men are so aggressive in general, why they get insecure and aggressive so quickly when they are rejected for example, why they're arrogant and full of themselves or why "weak men" become introverted and withdrawn so quickly, because they don't want to compete anymore.
No. 430851
>>430770Sasuga lolcow desu.
>>430767He has a glorifying Wikipedia article.
>He also argued for free love and sexual and male liberation.Liberation from WHAT
It says nothing in his Legacy section that now k-fems use "jaggy" for dumb male suicide, which is his real legacy
No. 430857
Yeah most men are ugly as sin and need make up for it with other qualities but I wouldn't generalize women as only being attracted to men who are better than them. There's more to relationships than that.
No. 430859
>>430857>but I wouldn't generalize women as only being attracted to men who are better than themNo, but it makes it much more likely a girl finds you attractive to have higher status in one way or another. Obviously it's more complicated than that:
>So to be attractive to a larger subset of women rather than the unicorn that tolerates their particular brand of goblin faceThere can always be connections that go beyond such things, nonetheless, when you go to a party or make a profile picture on tinder, you try to appeal visually to the largest amount of people, even if there is more to love than visual cues. Think of "trying to be better" and showing off what one has achieved/done as men's make-up, as what they use to compensate their original buttugly state of being.
No. 430863
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No. 430865
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I just got pinkpilled again
No. 430866
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This Womad "poem" post made me kek a lot
No. 430868
>>430675thanks anon, they seem interesting
>>430866>shakes his balls shamefully, reveals his sluttish attitudeOK that had me howling
No. 430869
>>430865Please tell me this isn’t real
Jesus fucking Christ on a platter
No. 430870
found another amazing, k-fems are some next level shit
No. 430893
>>430892>talking at women on every and any subjectWhy do you consider that to be negative?
Also, being emotionally stunted and a permavictim is still better than being a raging macho sexist. At least they leave you alone.
No. 430899
>>430893They talk at them, not to them. Mansplaining essentially, except it's how they operate all the time/how they begin simple conversation.
Ehh, I'm not preferring either. They all hate women. German men really think that because they aren't outwardly raging assholes that that alone makes them good men, and somehow I find that more sinister.
No. 430991
>>430892>German men are terrible.>pornsick permavictimsPart of the reason I asked if they are as bad as they seem is because I've read lots of articles about the (legal!) sex trade in Germany and that was a pink-pill in and of itself. I was studying the German language but dropped it partially because of that. How can women who live in Germany live with seeing advertisements for brothels everywhere? It's like a (legal and widely accepted!) slave trade is going on right before their eyes.
Catcalling isn't the only thing that can wear you down.
No. 431004
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>>430991There's also a lot of prostitution going on that include mostly poor Eastern European women.
Germany also has various red light districts, the most notorious one being the Reeperbahn in Hamburg, where women aren't allowed to enter and the windows display barely-clothed women posing, as if they were mannequins. And no man in Germany really sees an issue with that. In fact, it's a popular male tourist attraction.
German men are as pornsick and as any other men and most of them cannot fathom why feminism is "a thing" and even if they're respectful and not overt assholes, you best believe that they still think women are inferior to them.
I won't even start with the foreign men living in Germany…
No. 431047
>>431004>>430991This is also a problem in the Netherlands. If you're not a submissive giant titted woman your presence is an offense. Even outside of the MRA communities, on mainstream news you have men complaining about Dutch women.
In this article a Dutch guy talks about how Dutch women are too independent and feminist and are only good to take care of children and make money. But you need a Russian woman on the side, ie. he encourages people to cheat on Dutch women with women from the East. Guess what most prostitutes here are? (NRC is kinda our wallstreet journal) No. 431067
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>>430991What you described might be my main issue with r/gendercritical. They quite often talk about prostitution being legal in Germany and that sexism is huge in general too. Then some German women butt in and try to tell them that it's not that bad (which I completely agree with), but other non-German users (Americans) always talk over them, basically telling them they're sheeple who just don't get real feminism, who are stupid obedient little slaves to their men etc. (Same with always dismissing it when German women try to tell them that harassment by refugees really is a lot more rampant than it ever was with native men.)
You don't live here, so don't tell us how it
ackshually! is.
Many years ago my male friends told me they went to a strip joint, which absolutely shocked me. I asked whether they don't feel bad for the women, what if they're forced to do that, are in a bad situation financially, but they said that a good portion of them were actually German, not only eastern euro girls, and that some of them were old and doing that because they want to. Not all strippers and prostitutes are 18-year-old trafficked slaves.
A lot of people post statistics about human trafficking being worse in Germany than in most 3rd world countries - do you really believe that?? By legalizing prostitution, the government is at least able to have some control over it. Brothels get checked quite frequently, to make sure non of the girls are illegal, underage, etc.
>>431047>dutch men complaining about dutch womenIt's the same in Germany. See pic for example
No. 431072
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The fact men openly say this shit just shows how scummy they are. Fuck them, and fuck anyone who complains about any woman saying she hates men openly.
No. 431073
>>431067What a crock of shit, I think I lost a couple IQ points reading that. I'd bet my life savings that this is guy is a skinnyfat autistic manlet with no fashion sense and yet you don't hear German women complaining about how German men aren't masculine or strong enough or whatever bullshit.
>This shows that women are not very open minded about meeting someone.God forbid a woman date a man who she already knows from a safe environment, they should be more open minded like the greasy man who complains about how ugly, mannish, and uptight women in his country are!
No. 431089
>>430831French guys are entitled, lazy manbabies with a superiority complex but at least they're equal opportunity sleazebags and (usually) very upfront about what they want. Maybe it's a cultural thing but every German I've met has been super autistic bordering on rude and seemed to be almost repulsed by normal conversation and human contact.
Scandinavians and some Slavs are alright, Italian guys are fucking goofy and I can't take them seriously at all. American/Canadian men I've met were all disgustingly enamored by the smell of their own farts and liked to be the "leader" wherever they went, which was beyond annoying. MENA guys have the same problem on top of being overly aggressive about it and always get butthurt when nobody gives a fuck about their opinions. Jews are alright but there aren't many, and half of those I see are Orthodox which is a hard pass. Asian guys I've met were mostly cool.
No. 431096
>>431089It’s all very personal. Imo Asian men who grew up in China/japan/Korea etc. are the worst. They’re very domineering and most want a perfect traditional submissive wife. I have a friend who is engaged to a mainland Chinese man. He emotionally abuses her and is very manipulative. She never wanted to be in a relationship with him yet he forced himself on her, breaking down her barriers by consistently stalking and harassing her until she went on ONE date, just ONE kiss, and it eventually snowballed into sex that she never wanted in the first place — she basically got raped. He begged her to move to California away from all her friends and family to be with him and she complied cuz she thinks he’s special just cuz he was her “first”. Since she can’t find a job and isn’t assisting him in paying rent, she’s reduced to his personal chef, maid and sex object.
I feel so fucking hateful of men rn. I want to help her but all I can do is FaceTime her every now and then when he’s out of the house and convince her to come back to the east coast.
No. 431098
>>431094Nobody ever said anything about brown girls…?
And I'm not denying that those statistics are true, I'm just pointing out that you've got to be very naive to think that it's somehow better in other, much poorer countries just because it's illegal (that's what radfems on reddit claim). It still happens, just in the dark.
No. 431105
>>431098Ok that was me going off a bit about you and them assuming that plenty of them “chose”/“want” to be there just bc they weren’t visibly trafficked
But aside from the fact that basically no on chooses it for various reasons, are you really dumb enough to think that these inspections are actually done right and anyone gives a fuck about these women? And even if they are all it does is increase the trafficking of brown women from 3rd world countries
No. 431113
>>431067Oh, aren't you cute.
>Prostitutes do it 'cause they want to!>Legalization means no coercion/children/trafficking are involved!>It's worse elsewhere!>My male friends say…I guess all those cases of trafficking in legal German brothels were flukes and all those German women talking about how bad it is were lying.
A libfem Deutsche brainlet who can't accept that some inferior
Americans are ackshually right about something.
No. 431120
>>431113Maybe I'm just tired of you trying to make out my country as some shithole, when it's actually very nice?
OP asked whether german men are bad, which is not the case imo, but now you won't stop about prostitutes. Yes, I feel for them, but it has zero affect on how good or bad the life of your average german woman, me included, is. Should I be sorry and feel like shit 24/7 because of it? If you lived here, I bet you'd like it too - despite prostitution being legal…
No. 431122
>>431113Does criminalizing it actually prevent it?
From what I understand, there's still plenty of trafficking happening in places where it's illegal, even in the US
No. 431128
>>431120No one's making your country out to be a shithole, libfem-chan. Stop making it about yourself, you're just broadcasting your insecurity by getting defensive.
Lots of countries have been shat on these threads for their shitty conditions for women, you aren't exempt.
>>431122>Does criminalizing it actually prevent it?No, but legalizing it increases trafficking.
No. 431130
>>431123I think you replied to me before I deleted and fixed a typo.
Yes. There are Swedish men who import Thai wives, keep them as house slaves for under 2 years then throws them out and get a new one before the women can get permanent residence. These women are extremely vulnerable as they don't speak the language and don't know anyone else.
And then they whine about Swedish women (doing bad things like ageing and not being happy all the time) when they are utter psychopathic trash themselves.
No. 431132
>>431128>Lots of countries have been shat on these threads for their shitty conditions for women, you aren't exempt.Once again, the conditions for women in Germany are
not bad. The conditions for prostitutes are bad (as they are everywhere) bit not for normal girls. There's hardly a less sexist country in this world, everybody who's born here is glad and thankful.
No. 431133
>>431128What about some sort of system where prostitution isn't legal, but being a prostitute is decriminalized?
That way more people will be able to speak out if something is wrong?
No. 431143
>>431132>My country is littered with legal facilities where our brothers, fathers, boyfriends pay to rape and torture vulnerable women, many of whom are destitute foreigners being held against their will, but I feel okay therefore Deutschland is a utopia uwu.Well as long as
you are doing fine, that's all that matters. The absolute state of liberal feminism.
No. 431144
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No. 431146
>>431138I repeatedly said that I feel sorry for them, so no, I'm not psychopath lacking any empathy.
If the situation is as grave as you say, then what could one single woman do to stop that? What do you expect from me? I happen to be born in a country with prostitution, period. That's not my fault. And hating on everybody and everything won't change anything.
No. 431149
>>431146Holy fuck, what is wrong with you? Are you autistic or just brand new to the concept of manhate? Every single thread has been full of women criticizing men from their own country. It's not a fucking call to arms or expectation that you need to solve the it on your own.
>And hating on everybody and everything won't change anything.We're hating on MEN, it's not our fault you take it as a personal attack on your precious Germany.
No. 431154
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>>431130I've heard that dating in Scandinavia is really bad. Is it true that men except to sleep with you on the first date and will never consider dating you UNLESS you sleep with them first? And that they basically throw fits if you don't want to sleep with them right away?
And this is considered a modern, feminist group of countries?
No. 431158
>>431120People aren't shitting on your country anymore than they would others, they are criticizing you because you have the mentality of
>it's not happening to me, so my country doesn't have an underlying problem with sexism uwuAnd defend the men while they pay to rape Eastern European women. This is obviously not the thread for it.
No. 431161
>>431154Depends on the man anon, aren't there fuckboy scrots like that trying shit everywhere in the West? There is a variety of different levels of shitty to less shitty man here.
Here is the thing, Swedish women have worked hard for equality but there is still a problem: MALES.
For example, we passed a great law that other anon mentioned that criminalizes men who buy sex but any man and little boy can now watch hateful porn online so their brains are destroyed by misogyny anyway.
No. 431163
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>>431125All men around the world are lining up for Scandinavian (type) women so your men better put their shit together cause with whining and games they can only lose.
No. 431165
>>431125Fuck, this remind me of this American autist who wrote a book titled ''don't bang Denmark''. Danish women were too masculine for him because ''They don’t know how to treat you well, cook for you, or make you laugh. They don’t know how to look sexy''. sure he has been shitting on Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian and Icelandic women as well. You know, independent women in general.
No. 431170
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>>431167>>431165the way he fetishizes eastern european women is disgusting. he thinks they're all submissive and that they worship western men completely. i have to laugh
No. 431181
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>>431177Lmao no need to get so defensive
I only said that I've met my fair share of slav women who unironically let lose statements like 'us russian girls are the hottest''why don't … take more care about their appearance?' Which is rather hurtful of course.
>>431165Anyway, is this him? How can he judge anybody's appearance?!
No. 431183
>>431161Man, that sucks to hear. That feels like so much of the modern problem: women work harder and harder, earn more degrees, take on so many jobs at home and in the workplace, and men do……nothing. They're so lazy, so passive, so totally entitled. I'm old enough now that I feel like my female friends are all growing up, interested in putting together a nice home, knowing how to cook, advancing in their careers, having a solid wardrobe, and the men………left alone, live in shitholes and wear the same five t-shirts. I hate that this is an international problem. We've done absolutely everything we can, we just need them to try EVEN A LITTLE harder to be better people, and we just….can't.
No. 431199
>>431096Asian men, not asian-American/European, are fucking the worst. Asian cultures literally haven’t changed the past 1000 years with all their chauvinistic bullshit. Asian men are sooo emotionally stunted and babied. They have such huge inferiority complex with men of other races that all their violence is redirected to their women.
It makes my blood boil every time I heard some first world dumb ass is trying to score a visa husband in Korea or Japan. Like it’s literally a huge trope in every SEA country that Japanese/Korean/Chinese men routinely mail order SEA bumpkin 15 year olds to be bangmaids. Even when I was a hardcore weeb I still never stopped hearing about someone’s daughter is being beat the fuck up by her husband in a foreign country. Not even talking about rampant human trafficking… I hate the fact that the internet and western world thinks being rice-chan is so fucking dandy bc ~anime~ and ~idol~. They make me want to go be third world Aileen Wuornos, god knows it’s incredibly easy to get away with murder around these parts.
No. 431200
>>431003This is what made me truly hate men. Society-wide pornsickness and the commodification of women singlehandedly pink-pilled me. I went from non-feminist, to liberal, Jezebel-reading nicefem, to raging radfem in a matter of years because of this.
On some level, I understand why so many young women are taking testosterone and cutting their tits off. We grow up being exposed to psychotic pornography and just the run-of-the-mill objectification that permeates all aspects of life and so some of us think:
>women are subhuman>I'm not subhuman>therefore I'm not a womanrather than just rejecting misogyny outright. I'm so grateful for these man-hate threads, I'd be worse-off without a place to vent about these things.
No. 431215
>>431199I’m not condoning violence, anon, I’m just saying that’d be badass, kek. Sex tourists and traffickers deserve fear.
This reminds me, I once read a post online by a woman saying she’d been drinking in a bar and overheard a man bragging about going to Thailand to fuck pre-pubescent girls. She should have killed him in the parking lot.
No. 431252
>>431211>i feel really bad for all sex trafficking victims from these countries and the way men treat normal women of these nationalities is so retarded.Have you heard of the Page Act of 1875? It was basically a ban on immigration of East Asian (especially Chinese) women into the US because so many of them were forced into prostitution and were therefore considered inherently immoral and a threat to white family structure. Imagine being so misogynistic and racist that you blame sex trafficking
victims for corrupting the men who choose to rape them.
No. 431256
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I read this post and wanted to agree, but then I remembered how many men think that even basic niceness can be considered "leading them on".
No. 431260
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>>431211>mostly about eastern european and southeast asian womenDon't worry sis, we're used to it. Sadly it's not just middle eastern guys.
No. 431270
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>>431260Why do so many modern men hate women of their own nationality?
I wish I can find the MGTOW video where Western tourists are pointing out the issue with sex trafficking in Thailand and hoping the sex trafficked girls get help, mgtows reaction? "Evil western roasties are furious that western men are having sex with Thai women"
Incase you can't grasp men's true evilness
They'll sex traffick women, blame them for getting sex trafficked (seriously, most men I've talked to claim that sex trafficked girls get into because they're "dumb girls who would do anything for a free drink), use and abuse the sex traffickers and claim any woman who has an issue with this is just jealous and scared of becoming disposable
No. 431297

>>431290Constantly giving men their way will only make them try even harder to find something to be unhappy over, even men in the past few centuries have been extremely unhappy, bitter and
abusive, you'd think all this talk about how modern women are ruining everything, back then would've been perfect? Nope, not one bit, people only knew how to fake it better which says everything
I find that men are unironically most happy when they're in a more liberal city and stay at home husband
This is likely due to
>Women are a lot less abusive even when they're head of household than vice versa, thus leaving a happy and fufilling relationship where the woman is more secure and less emotionally and financially black-mailed while men could be used for man-things like physical labor>When women are happier the relationship is more fufilling as well as setting a good example for the children>Men are happy to use as much resources as needed where as women are afraid to be marked as gold diggers if they want the 3 dollar vegetables and not the 2 dollar vegatables or whatever men are crying gold digger about now>Men overall are less likely to be accused of gold diggers regardless of their behavior, this they're not as emotionally strained or made to feel ashamed if they aren't a "perfect" househusband>Men are better at dirty jobs like cleaning, yard work, etc>Women are great at certain fields such as the medical field, architecture and IT field, having more stay at home husband's would encourage women to take these up where as the modern man isn't nearly as ambitious as the modern woman, therefore it works>Men in 2019, if they are ambitious a lot of it is stuff like running a business which can easily be done on the side at home, therefore better for men to be at home while women are out saving lives>More liberal area means "man good" isn't forced down men's throats which is essentially to treat women horribly, men can do what they like without being judged as long as if it hurts no one>Liberal ideology promotes attempting to fix relationships and make them fufilling for both parties, conservative ideology promotes just staying and for the woman to be submissive and man to be dominant even if it doesn't work but muh tradition>Liberal areas are more open minded when it comes to arts and music, conservative areas push science and math down people's throats even if one size doesn't fit all and not everyone is fit to do just thatMales only get mad because of how true it is and how much liberal mockery is shoved in their brains, but at the end of the day those evil modern men and women go to sleep with smiles on their faces, money in their pockets, and a child that is well learned, conservatives go to sleep on their phones bitching and crying about "where have all the good women gone? Why aren't Stacie's appearing at my doorstep begging to serve me while money comes from their ass to support both of us?"
No. 431308
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Why are men like this? This is an interview with Chris issak about his wicked game video, imagine being this obsessed with women you claim to not want to have anything to do with, to the point of constantly looking for any excuse to talk about women's looks and how women aren't worth it because they age just like everyone else, god forbid women be human therefore somehow they're evil and all men should MGTOW, logic
No. 431317
>>431308 >>431309Men are absolutely obsessed with women and MGTOWs are the most obsessed of all. “Women don’t reject me,
I reject
them” yet:
>constantly talk/think about us>spend most of their waking hours jerking their micro-dicks to us>seek us out online constantlyThey’ve been completely beholden to women since they were inside their mothers, they just can’t admit it to themselves kek
No. 431320
>>431297>Men are better at dirty jobs like cleaning, yard work, etcYes.
Obviously, mother nature gave men big hands and broad shoulders so they could do heavy tasks like big loads of heavy laundry and clean effectively. They should leave the intellectual work and leadership to women.
>>431314Pornaddicts saying that probably don't even know the difference between purple and lilac, say that they don't see dirt at home when their wife complains, and probably think they are hot stuff while wearing socks with sandals.
Anyway, it's a bad excuse.
No. 431322
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This is the "ugly post-wall hag who is the reason all men should MGTOW"…
I mean, she's seen better days as all people do when they get older, but with how this dude talked about her and how he went out his way to mention her not being attractive on a video that literally only mentioned her name once, I was expecting some Lindsey Lohan and Olsen twin level premature aging, she's gorgeous!
No. 431327
>>431314>Cumbrains cuck themselves into impotence, can no longer ejaculate without viewing extreme pornTrue aesthetic visionaries desu
Men aren't more visual, they're just retards who can't grasp abstract concepts and need everything spoon-fed to them.
No. 431332
>>431329my dad was kinda like that. he was always against me having a boyfriend. when i was 12 and met up with a 13 year old boy in my neighbourhood he lost his shit and yelled at both of us. i've always kept my interactions with guys on the down low since then.
the same man cheated on my mother with a prostitute and threatened to beat her up if she tried to leave.
No. 431333
>>431329Did you mean every country?
Compare how people react to women dying vs men dying
With women they'll dig any excuse possible as to why she deserves it, why no one should show empathy for her, etc and if they're out of excuses no one will simply care
With men, men could literally be hauling ass in traffic on a dirtbike, be scum of the earth rapist, and people will still pull the "poor baby didn't deserve it :( rip"
No. 431379
>>431270I remember reading one american mgtow witnessed a prostitute in the Philippines, blamed her for being a haggard sex worker because she's living on easy mode having sex for money so he gave a man on the street who wasn't doing anything some money as a way to "punish" her. Men demand sex workers, trafficked
victims to serve them then blame them for not being happy about being abused. Mgtows especially see the world as unfair to men but they see face to face how women all over are forced into vile horrible shit as a privilege.
>>431317They want the power to reject women and desperately want women to want them back more than anything. Only so they can reject them and humiliate them. Anytime I notice a YouTube comment like that, they're always subscribed to a mgtow channel and tradthots that pander to their fantasies of being a quiet waifu who hates having rights uwu. They're transparent as fuck about it
No. 431402
>>431380The "leftover" women are women who are educated, have good jobs and ambitions and don't want to be burdened by a man. Men are just so incredibly bitter about it that they try to pretend it's the women who are undesirable or guilty of letting down society.
Not only that, but the men still have non-sensical standards. They'll go to matchmaking and speed-dating events being unemployed and 35 and ask for a 20 year old, cute, educated girl who will want to marry within a year or two and drop everything to have their kids. I don't know if India is the same, but Chinese men are entitled and delusional.
No. 431529
>>431518>>431524A lot of Indian men are thirsty for white women for sure but theres a lot of Indian men who are thirsty for Indian women or mixed Indian women too
Not every race of men is abandoning their women and lusting over white women jfc
No. 431566
>>431557yeah this is pretty much true. since western cultures have less taboos of female sexuality and premarital sex, men from more traditional ethnicities tend to think of white women as easy and objectify them. yet they harass women of their country if they are sexually active.
men are just shit regardless of race.
No. 431592
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Man charged with 2 counts of murder, kidnapping in death of pregnant woman
>A man being described as the boyfriend of a missing pregnant woman whose body was discovered in Holmes County Monday was charged Tuesday with two counts of murder and one count of kidnapping
>The body of Makayla Winston, 21, was found Monday, days after her family had reported her missing.
>Bobbie Wade, a neighbor of Winston for many years, described Winston as a “quiet,” “very loving and kind person” who “wouldn’t harm no one.”They found her body because someone saw scavenger birds circling the body. No. 431593
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>>431581I watch several far right websites to monitor how they plan and influence others. I have to wonder if they ever think about how their rhetoric looks from the perspective of a woman because I see this shit all the time.
>Ewwwww women over 25 are all used and dried up old hags, and you're a loser if you're with one.
>Women better hurry up and marry young or else they won't be able to get a good man and will be all alone.
>Did you see that 20 year old hottie that (insert rich man's name here) married after his divorce? Wife upgrade!
>Women don't need careers because their husbands will always love and support them forever. Feminism tries to sow discord between men and women.Is it any wonder that women want to work, even if their current job is a pain? I'd rather be poor and in control of my life than have my personal finances controlled by someone else and worry about the rug being pulled out from me at any moment.
No. 431598
>>431595Men are the ones who killed the family unit by cheating, constantly leaving women once they get old all while not being self aware of their own aging, so you'd think with how much these dudes shove muh tradition down womens throats, they'd find a good way into meme women into getting married, right?
Nope, they just taunt women, insult their appearance, go out their way to make women feel like they have an expiration date if they get married, blame women for getting cheated on if they're old, and don't even get me started on males who taunt women into getting married just to act disinterested or like they're too good for their wives the entire time
I'm honestly sick and tired of men's manipulative bullshit, so glad I'm gay
No. 431602
>>431593Well its obvious how much it appeals to women. Someone did some demographic thing and the alt-right is about 97 percent male. It's a total cockfest. So them overlapping with incels and troons shouldn't shock anyone.
Of the ones that do exist, voat /r/tradwives is the funniest dumpster fire of a sub. The funniest thing about it is that the administrator (Empress) is literally a fucking troon or crap crossdresser who does 1950s LARPing. Somehow the handmaidens don't notice this.
Sometimes its legitimately disgusting like this one thread I saw. Some tradman (a divorcé, kek) went on there ranting and raving about how his 13 year old daughter has been in his words 'a piece of shit whore since the age of 2 years old' who refuses to 'bend to his authority' and 'break like a female should' and how he had been beating her up since that age. Some of the handmaidens opposed his rhetoric and got told to shut the fuck up by tradcels constantly monitoring the sub. Another thread I saw by some tradman was admonishing shieldmaidens on there and telling them to be humble because 'they'll never be as attractive as a 12 year old'
One of the big trad honchos (Matthew Heimbach) behavior should speak volumes:
>He is married to a stepdaughter of Parrott but had been having an affair with Parrott’s wife, according to an account given to Paoli police. On Tuesday night, Parrott had confronted Heimbach over the affair and poked him in the chest, whereupon Heimbach “grabbed and injured my hand … then choked me out with his arm,” Parrott said in a statement to police. Heimbach then reportedly chased Parrott and again choked him until he passed out.>The police went to Heimbach’s home where an officer witnessed him having a verbal confrontation and scuffle with his wife while she was putting their young children to bed, during which he “grabbed her face”, causing bleeding, and threw her on the bed. No. 431608
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Can't we enslave men already? we're just keeping alive for their cocks, we're better off without them in everything else.
No. 431614
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>>431602>Another thread I saw by some tradman was admonishing shieldmaidens on there and telling them to be humble because 'they'll never be as attractive as a 12 year old'What the actual fuck
No. 431654
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Is anyone else disturbed by how common it is for men to abandon their own children as soon as they get remarried and acquire "a new family"? I hear stories like this all the time. In pic related he only stayed in contact with his daughter because the stepmom begged him to. And terpers will say we're the sociopaths??
No. 431661
abandon their children
also men:
>rEeEEEeeeEeee why do women get primary custody???? No. 431695
>>431592Not racebait, I'm black, but has anyone else noticed more and more black women are becoming more "pink-pilled"? I lurk lipstickalley and hear them all the time about their dating pool being fucked by default of having like 10 black women with a college degree and good paying job to 1 average black man who the community sees as "good" because "at least he's not in jail".
Black guys online are starting to act like white incels now.
No. 431709
>>431697I remember reading a study that said that black women have equal opportunity to leave poverty like poor white women, but what stops thousands from doing so is literally marrying a black man. How fucked up is that?!
Here it is: No. 431711
>>431695>>431697African-American statistics between the sexes are part of what pinkpilled me, to be honest. I had a chip on my shoulder about the whole 13% meme until I realized it was all black males inflating crime rates, not a magical 50/50 split. Despite the way racists like to lump us together, violence and general crime has always been a scrote hobby.
And tbh black women are just doing so much better academically and financially than black men on average. If racism was the only thing to blame for black men being like this, black women would be much, much worse off since we live in a male-centric society.
No. 431717
>>431711Literally almost all the negative stereotypes about us come from our male side, so it's not fair when we are lumped with them and at the same time the men we try to protect, protest and advocate for shit on us andd gaslight us
to say "no one wants you", when there are more and more black woman dating and marrying out. When black men marry out they date down and non-black men laugh at them for "taking out the trash". When black women marry out they know to not look for trouble and marry a man that would guarantee them a two parent household and stable wages.
No. 431728
>>431717>>431725But don't men call women that do this "golddiggers"? Interesting that that term came from from black men. It seems like they don't want their women to have options and want to keep them on the backburner.
When you go to black-male centric boards like the coli they call it a "bedwench and white supremacy conspiracy" when you throw facts at them.
No. 431737
>>431728Also noticed that black men compare themselves to black women A LOT. Why would you compare yourself to a woman? Is it because,
gasp you can't even compete with men of other races?
No. 431740
>>431725those statistic were comparing Interracial marriages with white partners to standard white marriages in the US
So WFBM marriage were 70% more likely to end up in divorce then WFWM Marriage
while BFWM marriage were 40% less likely to end in divorce then WFWM marriage
No. 431743
>>431740The point still stands, the problem with with black dysfunction that black women are sick and tired of is due to black men. They call black women who blindly support such disgusting behavior as "pickmeshas" and it's catching on.
It's similar to women all over the world waking up. I have a Nigerian friend and she says men in Nigeria hate "feminism" and call it a "white / western virus" that tempts their own women from leaving the country to go to school in the developed world.
No. 431744
>>431602>raving about how his 13 year old daughter has been in his words 'a piece of shit whore since the age of 2 years old' who refuses to 'bend to his authority' and 'break like a female should' and how he had been beating her up since that age.I hope he dies.
>>431659I hate when the man says things about your looks as if talking to someone "damn look at that ass etc…" What am I supposed to do? I give mean looks or say fuck off sometimes but they think you are engaging them then. I dress modestly to repel them.
>>431697This. Black men treat black women horrible it seems. I grew up in a very mixed races neighborhood and seen the black women go to college and the black men to jail. Not that the other men weren't going too but the incarceration rate for AA men was higher. (I'm sure that's it's own thing, sex aside)
No. 431745
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>>431740Went looking for the old infograph, and it seems they redid the study.
No. 431760
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>white women + black men divorce rate is the highest
Colour me shocked…
No. 431766
so another fake infograph from /pol/ typical
>>431763makes sense, I remember seeing this on /pol/ and they would say that it was "disinfo and (((shills))) where trying to push racemixing"
especially if it implied what this anon was saying
>>431740>while BFWM marriage were 40% less likely to end in divorce then WFWM marriage No. 431774
>>431770Not a male, how am I derailing when I'm saying black MEN not WOMEN are the problem. It's solidarity of black women being pink-pilled with other women. Stop shutting us down.
You're probably another pickmesha, don't worry, you'll get your wakeup soon, hopefully soon rather then later.
No. 431779
>>431777Huh, I guess everyone can be pinked-pilled except black women. We aren't "supposed to be".
We just have to deal with shitty men. Everyone else gets to be pink-pilled and embrace feminism. We got to continue struggling and fighting for our men while they make things worse for us.
No. 431782
Guys, let's not fight. Focus on the common enemy. For example>Man annoyed by fireworks shoots teen, 12-year-old, neighbor and then gets shot by bystander
>A teen, 12-year-old and a bystander were shot by a man who was annoyed by kids setting off fireworks in Washington Park Tuesday night, according to Washington Park police.
>The incident occurred in the 4700 block of Caseyville. The man in his 40s approached the kids with a gun.
>The children – a 6-year-old, 7-year-old and 12-year-old – flagged down a car with a 16-year-old and 24-year-old in it for help. The 16-year-old rolled down the window and asked the suspect why he pointed a gun at the children – that’s when the suspect started shooting at the car.
>The 16-year-old was shot in the stomach and leg, the 24-year-old was not injured and during the shooting a 12-year-old was shot in the leg multiple times.
>The suspect dragged the 12-year-old into his home and then went back outside and started to shoot at the 6-year-old and 7-year-old as they ran to a neighbor’s home. The neighbor was shot in the leg by the suspect. A bystander pulled out his gun and started firing at the suspect and shot him several times.
>All four people who were shot were transported to a hospital. The neighbor who was shot in the leg has been released from the hospital. The 16-year-old and 12-year-old are in the intensive care unit and the suspect remains hospitalized.
>Police said charges are pending.But it's women that are the "irrational gender", I guess.
No. 431785
>>431781Because they know they are losing and black women are on twitter not taking shit from dusty people, regardless of race. This unfortunately means less access for black men as a side effect.
>>431782It's so mind-boggling that men are so inept and incapable of just admitting: "I was wrong." and when they do, they expect everyone to fucking clap for them. I can't stand it.
No. 431797's in german and I couldn't find a translation, but two 12-year-olds and a 14-year-old raped a young woman in Germany. 12 years old!!! They can't even be punished by law, since they're literally just children. How much porn and shit have they seen already to violently gang rape somebody before they themselves even reached puberty?
Of course no adult women would be scared or careful about such little boys, they could have easily lured her in by asking for help etc. On the one hand you're supposed to and want to help children, but if you can't even trust 12-year-old "men"…
No. 431799

>>431784Here's a pro-black man talking about the evils of white supremacy but focuses his hatred on black immigrants and biracial women (at the 1:15:57) only because she didn't "step in line" and he even calls the choker necklace the woman wears is as "dog collar". MGTOW and incel vibes.
Notice the hipocrisy in the comments of the live chat. See that one of the guys in the comments that donates Korean won has an avatar with him and is married Korean wife. I think the hypocrisy is proof.
Notice how hoteps and pro-black men talk out of one mouth and then say something different.
It's no differrent from hipocritical muslim men saying chasity is a virtue while they rape their underage virgin daughters for having the audacity to go to school.
It's no different from white men who same white women for trying to protect themselves first by promoting the #metoo movement, which by the way, came from a black woman when black women were not being heard about the sexual abuse they experienced (from, black men).
No. 431800
>>431788i think more anons need to realize that the sooner black women stop giving black men permission to use them as shields and be shitbags because of racism, misogyny as a whole will take a huge hit.
it's all connected. "non-white" and "PoC" low-key still put
men at the forefront, while "woman" alone still has
white at the forefront by default. that's why misogyny is still one of the strongholds in society. it's why it's okay to bash women as long as you make sure to put "white" in front of "woman".
if we cancel that by not caping for men just because of their race, and co-opt the struggle of racism to be a
woman's issue instead of a men's one masquerading as an all-humans one, more people will have to wake up to men as a whole being a problem. letting men be the face of experienced racism for so long has only caused non-white women to be
victim-blamed, since men love being rapists, murderers and thieves.
tl;dr: as long as men are a plague on women all over the world, any notion of racial unity is detrimental to our wellbeing. it just separates women and stops us from talking about our issues. we need to unite on our shared struggle through gender, and use our combined strength to improve society.
No. 431805
>>431800Ding Ding. You got it.
This is why men of all races, not only white men afraid. This is why they call feminism a "white problem". It's a way to say, it's not part of their culture so they can continue to get away with what they have been doing for a millennia.
No. 431808
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>>431799Black guys are getting into incel mentality.
No. 431820
>>431809our best bet is to probably spread this mindset as far as possible, and make the full push when it's clear most women are on the same page.
it's actually kind of a favorable situation for race and feminism to be considered different things right now, because we can start out with a quiet "racism is a woman's issue too" as a new, revolutionary idea until it gets strong enough and it can just be "racism
is a woman's issue".
non-white men won't be able to fight against it because they'd inevitably end up trying to discredit the idea of racism altogether, aka shooting themselves in the foot. women of all races will be able to talk about interracial male-on-female crime without any uncomfortable racist baggage since the focus will be on their
maleness, not their race. also, non-white women will be able to discuss what the men in their communities do to them without being shamed for "making [x] men look bad".
white men's incessant cries of "you don't have it that bad, women of [x] race in [y] country have it so much worse you privileged white bitch" will also be silenced because the women of [x] race are standing in solidarity with white women as well. on top of that,
racist white men's screams of "race-mixing", "rapefugees" and "le 13% but 50%" will be silenced because non-white women aren't responsible for literally any of the downsides of a multiracial society. they'll have no weapon and be forced to differentiate between genders, weakening their own arguments and inevitably attacking their own gender.
they can try to dodge it forever, but when they keep having to say "non-white
men are responsible for this and that" instead of just "non-white people", people will notice the "men" part and start asking questions. the only reason it's not happening now is because "non-white" puts men as the default unconsciously, and we need to destroy that.
i honestly think it's possible. women of all races are waking up to male bullshit. we just need to usher things in the right direction little by little
No. 431837
>>431820>racist white men's screams of "race-mixing", "rapefugees" and "le 13% but 50%" will be silenced because non-white women aren't responsible for literally any of the downsides of a multiracial society, weakening their own arguments and inevitably attacking their own gender. I agree with some of what you say, but I don't think that's going to work because white men's ultimate target of hatred (at least in colonial regions) has always been black women, no matter how much they agitate towards Muslim men (half of them are schizophrenic and want to 'convert to kill degenerates' anyway) or black men. /pol/ hates the 'loud black woman' and 'black single mother' more than anything. The extreme burden placed on black women specifically during slavery was not a mistake.
The same is more or less true of Arab men and the Muslim world as a whole. Black women bear the brunt of hatred and sadism and again it was expressed through the degradations of black women in slavery. This is not even a conversation the woke set wants to have. They don't talk about black women being put in fucking cages in Libya, or harassed off the streets in France.
Furthermore I honestly feel like everything has taken a gigantic step backwards with the troon shit. Now entire movements are centered around their fee fees, their bullshit and nearly all of the loudest ones are wealthy white men who can't be criticized on any level because 'muhhh troon epidemic of violence'. It's a gigantic wedge. I would bet most retards on twitter unironically put white wealthy troons 'below' black 'cis' women on the oppression scale. I've seen them bark at 'transphobic' women of all races to shut the fuck up and 'know their place' countless times. You can't discuss male violence when these people think troons were unironically far more disprivileged than 'cis' women PRE-TRANSITION. Or think women need to shut the fuck up and listen when troons demand to dominate discussions about periods and abortion. Even someone as DISGUSTING as Jonathan Yaniv gets a total pass and glorification from the media. It's only us, the TERFosphere, PULL, kiwifarms and 4chan that are even criticising his filthy behavior.
Then there are the libfems who reduce everything to '
toxic masculinity' (I actually loathe this term, '
toxic malehood' would be better) and think their soybeard nigel boyfriend wearing eyeshadow is the exception to the statistics and facts about males. As if wearing a dress or not being masculine makes any difference. There are retards caping for hyper-misogynistic and extremely racist kpop stars too since 'they're not white men/OMG THEY'RE WEARING A FLOWER CROWN'
I think one of the best strategies to use is pointing out the degeneracy and depravity of male-centered misogynistic civilizations, especially to the tradwife set. Most of which (from Rome to imperial China to Afghanistan, all regardless of race or ethnicity) seem to revolve around fucking and raping 10 year old boys endlessly while keeping women of status in a shack (and poor women as workhorses or slaves). Men being able to spread their seed with breeding machines plunges civilization into total shit. Femicide results in dozens of useless incels due to gender imbalance.
No. 431846
>>431837i get what you're saying, but can't that actually be even more of a point for racism being a women's issue? the shit black women go through completely dwarfs what black men go through, but it seems we only ever hear about black men's struggles. if we start those conversations, who can argue? as for /pol/, they'll still grumble but they'll be rendered kind of toothless when the "single black mother" argument dies after they remember it's black men who impregnate black women and walk away, meaning they'll only have "the loud black women" left. you'd have to make even more delusional twists and turns than most /pol/tards are capable of to blame non-white women being loud sometimes for the fall of society tbh
the arab/libya mess is one can of worms i think we'll need a whole new solution to tackle. the way arab societies have men running wild with racism, misogyny and pedophilia is sickening. i hate that even the "woke" people will want to shut that conversation down because "PoC solidarity!!!", and it's one more consequence of allowing non-white men to be the poster children of racism IMO.
i agree with you on the troon/nigel/pop star stuff, but i don't know how we can go about dismantling it now that people are convinced that a man trying to superficially divorce himself from masculinity makes him a special exception. we'll unfortunately probably need to wait for more proof that even "soft bois" in flower crowns are fucked up to come out, and spread it around like wildfire until that narrative dies. i know one k-pop star was outed for running a night club where a bunch of women were drugged and raped, and also participating in it himself.
as for MtFs, it's sadly gotten to the point where we can't say anythng without being called TERFs and being screamed at, but i think they're doing a pretty good job at making all women hit peak trans with the way they act out on their own. it's a silent but slow change i'm noticing
>I think one of the best strategies to use is pointing out the degeneracy and depravity of male-centered misogynistic civilizations, especially to the tradwife set. Most of which (from Rome to imperial China to Afghanistan, all regardless of race or ethnicity) seem to revolve around fucking and raping 10 year old boys endlessly while keeping women of status in a shack (and poor women as workhorses or slaves). Men being able to spread their seed with breeding machines plunges civilization into total shit. Femicide results in dozens of useless incels due to gender imbalance.this is a really great suggestion. killing the tradwife narrative by pointing out that "tradition" spearheaded by males is often barbaric and even more "degenerate" than many societies today
No. 431867
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Kek, are normie women swallowing the pink pill as well?
From this thread:
>Single childfree women are statistically the happiest and live the longest. [+954]
>"They don't even want dick" Shit they gotta bring so much more to the table than just dick. Vibrators have a lower failure rate than random penis.[+570] They’re also not likely to kill you. [+153] Or rape you. [+43]
>My oldest daughter is asexual, and I think she is the happiest and least stressed of all my kids. [+217]
>I feel a little bad for all the non-asswipe males out there. I know a lot of them/you do speak out and hate that shit, and you're probably not used to getting drowned out by super vocal super terrible people. We don't blame you guys, just the other ones. We know that feel. [+69] I don’t feel bad for them at all. What the fuck are they doing about the terrible ones? Clearly, they’re not doing enough. That kind of inaction indicates their complicity. Fuck the so-called “good ones,” they’re shitty allies. [+104] I've never met a man with the spine to confront other men about their shitty behavior. They were perfectly capable of yelling and screaming at me when I had the sheer nerve to stand up for myself, though. [+127]
>I have noticed that all my straight/bi/pan female friends keep taking steps to the right on the Kinsey Scale, especially after a breakup with a man. Myself and other lesbians who are already at a 6 are also cutting a lot of male friends out of our lives because most of them are jerks and only trying to get into our pants despite us being out lesbians in monogamous relationships.Myself and a lot of my friends never really spent time with other women. We had a lot of internalized misogyny and believed the stereotypes about other women and why would we even want to be friends with and date people like that. Once we started hanging out with each other without men or the media around we realized we have a ton in common and we're just incredibly cool, smart, and supportive. Completely different from male friends. We're here for the other person, not just in case we can get into their pants. Friendships are suddenly 2-sided.Imagine you're hanging out with your female friend and you say you aren't feeling well. She will probably make you some tea, give you a blanket, put on a show, and ask if you want to cuddle. Your male friend will probably make it about himself and try to have sex with you. [+30]
No. 431877
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>>431867>Vibrators have a lower failure rate than random penisHoly shit, my fucking sides
No. 431885
>>431875I can't stop laughing
>>431882Yeah, creeps me out. Women in Korea are getting pink-pilled left and right by this alone. Male degeneracy knows no bounds.
No. 431898
a little vent but really hate scrotes who think explicit violence towards women in film is art uwu some friends of friends recommended The House That Jack Built as a movie to watch and really learn some "deep meaningful things"
I'm just tired of seeing naked women get sexually tortured to death and call it a fantastic movie or just art in general.
>>431797That's horrific jfc. Can they do anything to those boys?
No. 431901
>>431898Lars von Trier's entire filmography is a pink-pill on its own. He's been one of my personal cows for a while and the fact that people (scrotes really) think his misogyny is super deep desu pains me. Dude
hates women and his entire career is proof, but cinema bros will fight you on it. Saged for von Trier sperging.
No. 431915
>>431898the only Lars von Trier movie i've sort of managed to complete is Dancer in the Dark, which doesn't have any explicit sex scenes that i know of, bc I love Bjork and musicals. but even then it was heart-wrenching and so uncomfortable i don't think i've ever really finished it, only got to the trial scene.
a movie i literally cannot physically watch is Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible" bc of the infamous 8-minute-uncut-rape scene where a woman is raped in all of her holes by a homeless man in an underpass. i literally cannot watch it bc i know if i ever did and somehow made it past that horrific scene i'd have anxiety and panic attacks for hours or days on end and i'd never be able to walk alone at night ever again. both Von Triet and Noe's movies make me feel sort of uneasy, I do want to watch some of Gaspar Noe's movies like "Climax" and "Enter the Void" but i get terribly, crippingly anxious from seeing women get tortured in movies.
No. 432042
>>431772It doesn't work for me either. Show us a screenshot oh miraculous anon for whom the nonexistent study shows up! It's literally the same link without the "full" from the original link lol.
On the topic of fake studies, I hate that shit so much. Pol is full of it. As if men weren't shitty enough without getting radicalized… It really shows that they have to make shit up to get men to be angry and want to oppress women or other ethnicities though. I wish they'd die.
No. 432050
>>431898The 12-year-olds were immediately sent home to their parents, the 14-year-olds had to go to the police station and then their parents got them. One of them already commited sexual assault (or even rape) multiple times before that. The police advised them to not got to school until summer vacations.
It's really a joke.
The only possibility they have to punish the younger ones is to take them away from their parents, but doing so is extremely difficult in Germany.
No. 432075
>>432064You shouldn't let race dictate your relationships, why not just love who you love and if it works out, it works out, if it doesn't, it doesn't
If you let studies like this dictate your relationships you don't deserve to be happy anyway
No. 432094
>>432091I mean, if you fall for someone and back out the relationship because you saw something on the internet about their race you don't deserve a relationship, plain and simple
>>432093Ah yes it's the Jews plotting against you by telling you that avoiding getting in potentially successful relationships because of someone race is dumb, so suspicious uwu
No. 432101
Religion made by scrotes is brimming with misogyny.
Corinthians 11:8-9: “For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.“
Ecclesiastes 25:22: “Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.“
Sahih Bukhari 6:301: ”[Muhammad] said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.’“
Sahih Bukhari 2:28: The Prophet said: “I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.”
Torah Shabbat 152a: “A woman is a sack full of excrement, brimming with niddah (menstrual blood) at its opening, yet everyone pursues her!”
Asheela kamvrto 5/157: “Men may be lacking virtue, be sexual perverts, immoral and devoid of any good qualities, and yet women must constantly worship and serve their husbands.”
And quotes from Buddha:
“Women, with their two-fingered wisdom, have a difficult time understanding what I teach”
“If it were not for women being admitted to our order, my teachings would have lasted 1,000 years; now they will not last 500.“
Like…they've hated us since the dawn of time. Even their most celebrated figures in literally every field loved to attack and dehumanize us. What have we all collectively done to them to deserve this treatment all throughout history? It doesn't make sense.
No. 432108
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Why do men beg for sex and act like they're literally dying without it, but when they get it they complain and act disinterested they entire time
I just wish women would stop wasting time with men who act disinterested, I never understood that, just comes to show how manipulative men are
Also why do men hate foreplay and act bored from it? Is this another case of men acting like they're doing us a favor by fucking us as if they didn't funnel their life savings into porn and camgirls and pathetically beg for sex from any woman who shows even the slightest interest in them?
No. 432110
>>432101I wish other religions would be as exposed for their misogyny as Islam-and that only happened because of the anti-Muslim sentiment in many parts of the world.
A lot of conservatives use the misogyny thing as a tool to attack Muslims and don't really mention the misogyny in their own religion, or care for it.
Especially "peaceful" religions such as Buddhism need to lose their positive image.
No. 432123
>>432050I can't find an english source, but in the exact same town today again a girl was assaulted by a group of boys - and this time some of them were just 11 years old.
What kind of 11-year-old has the desire for sex, so strong that he'll resort to rape?
No. 432129
>>432123You ever been to public school anon?
I don't think it's too much a strong desire of sex, it's that other males instill in their head that this is what they need to do, males like to tell other males how they need to have insanely high sex drives and want to overpower women in order to be an alpha males so instead of letting their desires fall naturally they just instill bullshit in their head like this
No. 432131
>>431579The reason for this would be these men being unable to adopt any perspective other than their own. They can't imagine not being with a woman and being okay with that. If they're single this will infuriate them and drive them to desperation in no time.
For this reason it baffles them that women do not in fact live for the sole purpose of getting dick.
No. 432132
>>432129Don't act as if preteen rapists is something completely normal that happens all the time!
It's a very new phenomen, thanks to exposure to violent porn at younger and younger ages…
No. 432141
>>431867women all over the spectrum of experience are getting pinkpilled. I'm women-centric and actively seek out female spaces and it more or less ALWAYS diverges into "men are trash" discourse at some point. It always has too, it's not a recent thing. But like, before, women got together to complain then go "well what can you do?", but now they want to DO something about it. Like wgtow, for example, or becoming more women-centric.
In a way I think part of it is a natural backlash. Somehow the 2000s and 2010s have bred some aggressive cool girls/not like the other girls. So as we all grow up and realize how much bullshit we were programmed to believe, the deprogramming is hard and radical.
actually, the straight women in my life have always talked about men this way. i don't know any handmaidens irl.
No. 432175
>>432123Boys always been piece of shits at a young age especially in teen years where they get away with a lot of things cause no adult ever speaks up or teaches them.
It is a very wierd thhing that young kids do sexual crimes. Its not such a new phenonom i think cause I seen reports like this before. Like kids doing sexual things, drugs, etc. I think its just about exposure.
No. 432189
>>432151>Plus a weird game called “are you nervous” which was just sliding your hand up someone’s thigh?Nta but holy shit kids would do that at my public school too! Especially the weeb kids, because we all know how touchy they can be.
I actually witnessed a friend get touched in the crotch by some fuck boy kid that she talked to, but it was part of a game apparently? Something along the lines of "tapping" or something. Before that I only really saw dudes to it to each other. Never underestimate how gross kids can be.
No. 432198
>>432137I was in middle school in 2009/2010? (I'm 21 now) but when I was in 6th grade I had one boy threaten to rape me after school in front of other students + try to grab my vagina in the middle of two different classes MULTIPLE TIMES FOR YEARS while other male students laughed at how uncomfortable I was. they also followed me to my grandmas house and would yell my name in front of her which scared the absolute shit out of me. also had one weeb faggot who still attempts to message me on my social media used to whisper to me when I would walk down the hallway to "suck his cum" and other nasty shit that my preteen ass couldn't understand???
besides those two incidents, "slap ass Friday" was a thing in my school too and I used to be terrified to wear any kind of skinny jeans or leggings to school ever…shit like this is the reason why im scared to have a daughter and have her go through this bullshit
No. 432232
>>432123Wtf Germany?! Why are kids free from punishment?
Can you provide a link in German?
No. 432259
>>432151>>432189Boys would do this at my school too. Ass slapping, pulling bra straps, unhooking bras, feeling your thigh under the table… we put up with it because "boys will be boys" but it's so gross to think about now.
I got felt up a lot in school as a "joke" and didn't think anything of it at the time but as an adult I feel so disgusted that boys felt entitled to do that. It's sick.
No. 432262
>>432254I've watched a true crime report/documentary about a woman who was molested by her teacher for years (and eventually murdered by him when she finally was about to testify at his trial) and he used that game to begin molesting her, too. Her allegations to the police detail how he'd play the game in public places so that she'd feel too awkward to say anything, which allowed him to touch her crotch and pressure her into more sex acts.
It's terrible to read that this has happened to anons here too. It makes me really fearful of what might happen to my future daughter. How can we protect our daughters when boys and men can so easily get away with "playful" sexual harrassment ?
No. 432325
I want to say sorry, the person who posted those stats are wrong. Black women are leaving black men but they are staying single and are happy. I applaud it.
>>431745The inital infograph study is flawed because of the terribly small sample size and categories.
The second one infograph with the link here:
>>432064Is real, accurate and more up-to-date.
No. 432349
>>432325Even the second one is slightly dodgy. 93% of the couples used were same-race (21,547 same-race vs 1592 interracial), and the interracial pairings were "1% White-Black, 3.5% White-Hispanic, and 1.4% White-Asian pairings, as well as 0.6% of all types of minority-minority marriages combined"., for some reason, both visual charts leave out Hispanic couplings entirely, even though the actual study makes it a point to include them. Interracial relationships between non-white people are also only billed as "minority-minority" with no other data.
I find the topic somewhat interesting, so I hope they conduct this study again, but try to be a bit more balanced with numbers and classification. Also, that whoever's behind those charts (doubt the actual researchers put them together, with all that missing data) doesn't try to use it to push an agenda again.
No. 432378
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I really hope Nikki from 90 day fiance isn't tied up in his basement. people say they are still married. he really just put his sex tourism out for the world see huh
No. 432390
>>432378Was this the pig that asked his 18-year-old daughter if he could give some of her clothing to Nikki? He was SO SHOCKED when she was disgusted.
Fucking animal. He’s a pervert sex tourist for sure.
No. 432405
>>432378And he tricked her into signing a prenup. So if she ever decided not to gargle his old balls anymore she would be out homeless in a foreign country with zero assets or familial support.
He gets a hot young exotic wife to use up and she gets absolutely nothing out of the deal but residence in a cheap condo.
No. 432406
>>432101Hah, these stupid religions love to throw us shit for being supposedly "full of excrement", prey of our impulses and being subhuman when their beloved scrots have done and promoted more unnecessary war, pain and misery than we could only dream of. Dictators, rapists, abusers, almost all of humanity's crimes are over-represented by men, they have proved to be destructive and trash even against other men, are grossly obsessed with sex at such an autistic level that they are capable of the most pathetic and vile acts to have it, no matter if it's a woman, a literal baby or a sheep, and are so, SO fucking obsessed with women that, among other shitty things, they literally created entire religions in an attempt to convince themselves that their animalistic lack of control and psychopathic thoughts were our fault, only to prove us again and again exactly the opposite, because in the end, inevitably, they always ruin everything. At this point, society's obsession with men just seems like a cope for all the fucked up shit they have done, because nobody wants to assume men are inherently this fucked and regressed. They can talk shit all they want, but men are indisputably more subhuman than women, and their eternal projection proves it, pathetic. Testosterone is one hell of a hormone (safe for rant)
No. 432428
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As if drag queens don’t already……
I know this is tumblr bullshit but I have to laugh
No. 432435
>>432232because up until you're 14 years old the law deems you as too young to understand crime properly or some shit
which makes sense when an 11 year old steals some candy or whatever, but fucking rape??
No. 432453
>>432151I went to an all girls grammar school and some of what you're describing still happened. I don't think it was sexual, it was a passive aggressive way of threatening or humiliating another girl. It was ironic because dyke was the default playground insult and the girls using it were usually the ones going around pinging other girls's underwear and poking their tits.
>>432324>The five suspects, which German media reported were Bulgarian, were suspended from school. This also happened in Spain>Spanish prosecutors claim sex attack was not rape as victim 'did not fight back No. 432470
>>432390even worse! His daughter is older than her.
The daughter on the show cut him off, I've heard all his other kids had stopped talking with him before that. I really feel bad for her, she really did not want to go back to the Philippines so she did whatever he wanted.
No. 432473
>>432470>>432390When you look at comments on clips of this couple, most people blame Nikki for being a "gold-digger" (even though her family is well-off by their country's standards) and being the one at fault for kicking the daughter out. As if Mark had no responsibility in this.
In general, the show is an excuse for a lot of viewers to show their hatred towards young foreign women and old white women. The foreign men who want nothing but a visa rarely get blamed for it, because they're amazing for "putting up with gross old white women". The old white men basically buying a foreign bride are poked fun at but not villified like the women, because they're "taken advantage of by foreign gold-diggers".
Men can never lose.
No. 432476
>>432453>Spanish prosecutors claim sex attack was not rape as victim 'did not fight backThis is incredibly vile, she probably didnt fight back because it could have made the situation worse, they could have killed her ffs, they only look for pathetic excuses to blame the
victim. Poor girl, i hope she can overcome this.
No. 432488
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No. 432546
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Evelyn Cunningham in The Pittsburgh Courier, Pennsylvania, December 29, 1956.
No. 432569
>>432563Some men are so pathetic and childish that if you have 01 (one) thing in common with them, they immediately start projecting their delusions onto you. All of a sudden you are the perfect waifu and their life would only be complete with you. They think it's so sweet of them but honestly, it is kind of dehumanizing, bc
not only they do not know anything about the girl but also are not interested in any part of them that does not appeal to their fantasies.
The other half of men act maybe even more childish when they take upon themselves to test (so do you like football? name 7 players of this club or else you're such a poser) since how dare a woman like the same stuff as me, a guy (maybe it makes them feel less masculine, and they are already that insecure incel type).
No. 432598
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this post kind of fucked up my day. i was always vaguely aware of this, but seeing it stated out in the open is actually kind of horrifying on an existential level.
being a woman means living life being perceived and treated as a means of reproduction. A machine. cattle.
it makes me almost want to never have children as a huge "fuck you". the "biological clock" is probably just one more projection created by men who are triggered by the fact that some of us aren't fulfilling our "duty" as breeding factories. they are jealous we have the ability to create life, and their aim is to not only control us, but punish us for making them feel inadequate. some of us just end up internalizing their madness and self-flagellating.
i hate being a woman so fucking much sometimes
No. 432637
>>432488this makes me so sad, this woman seems so intelligent and so close to
getting it but shes still trapped in "redpill" hell
No. 432702
>>432592I've only recently realized how much of a
victim I am to men, like, breaking out of believing strongly I had any fault in my trauma.
When I was around .. 5 or 6, I was assaulted by my father's friend who had been watching over me.
By 10 I was cybering constantly, and then by 14 through 16 I was an actual 'sexworker' (I say this in quotes, because someone had brought up to me how children cannot consent therefore it's murky waters in what to.. call it.)
They knew I was underage, probably some didn't, but I didn't look a second over 15, I did play up the 'cute young dumb girl' but fuck. So many men fucked me and pumped me up with drugs instead of the promised payments. I was also groomed online by lolicons and shit during all of that, who'd get off to the idea of not only a girl liking degen things but an
underage girl..
I'm such a mess now and I can't trust like any man aside from my boyfriend, I'll trust a guy and then he makes rape jokes, pedo jokes, actually DOES like pedo anime.. so much shit. I'm tired of shit men and I'm tired of shit men reminding me of my childhood that was stolen away by awful men. Yet most don't believe me when I talk about my trauma, because obviously 'i should've known better' 'you could've backed out' I was a mentally ill child, ffs.
No. 432713
>>432488lol @ retarded pornsick scrot acting like he "gave up" casual sex with young hotties like any of them were offering
this pickme ass wife needs to start banging dudes from tinder and he will quickly realize that she's the one with options here
this is like every time when a scrot offers an open relationship bc xhamster told him that at least 125 sLuTty tEeNs In hIs ArEa CanT wAiT To SeE HiS CoCk & it ends with wife getting all the side action lmfao
No. 432733
Just reminding the unloved little boys spending a productive evening cranking their chafed-to-hell microdicks to this thread that they're a burden to their families, disgusting maggots in the eyes of women, and are statistically destined for suicide.
>>432720I also like Gender Critical for actual discussion, but I wish they were a little more free with their language.
>>432722The terven rudefems of Tumblr were the best.
No. 432738
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>>432623Challenge to male subhumans: gobble each others' minuscule crotch-nubs then kill yourselves.
But yes, they are cowards.
No. 432742
>>432488Oof that was depressing to read. And no you're not wrong.
Hate how it's perfectly acceptable for men to act like this and even encouraged and if women are bothered by it we're just being too sensitive and possessive but if we (god forbid!!!!) wear something too revealing we get called slurs, whores, thots etc
No. 432750
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>>432744I have this quote from cocksmasher69 that I think applies to this manlet quite nicely.
No. 432770
>>432768It started when he was born an ugly little incel with a comically undersized, unsatisfying micropenis and just sort of went downhill from there.
But us women get some good laughs out of it, all is right with the world desu.
No. 432777
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>>432738Hot take: masculinity is a form of narcissistic false self. Men are not equipped to perform it, but they really want to see themselves as strong and capable. Obviously they're after perception only, so women are expected to participate in their narcissistic wish fulfillment fantasy through self belittlement (femininity).
No. 432779
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>>432776>tfw you're not God, you're not my dad, and you're nawt my bwoss!Men are toddlers.
No. 432785
>>432781We mean
cute manlets
That don't throw away perfectly good bagels and pick fights
No. 432788
>>432781Hey. As a big manlet chaser, this guy is too far gone even for me (also old).
And honestly chances are he's on dating apps looking for women who are much younger, perhaps one of those who sets his age young to avoid being filtered out.
No. 432790
>>432785>>432788Sisters, you are women of taste.
if my manlet threw food like this dumb idiot baby though, I’d take his car keys and put them on top of the fridge.
No. 432793
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>>432781we like attractive Manlets that are playful about their height
(t. pedochan) No. 432810
>>432797>>432803>>432807Ravioli Ravioli do not bully handsome manletmoli
but seriously Its fairly impossible for a woman to rape or significantly physically harm a man without his consent or unless he has some physical or mental disability even If he is a small manlet
(necessaryspeed4) No. 432811
>>432803>Mother Nature has already dommed themAHHHHHHH
I just prefer a man I can physically dominate/intimidate easily; in my (admittedly small) experience, they tend to submit easier.
No. 432812
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>>432803>>432807lmao absolutely based
Also, any of y'all ever lurk those cheesy monetized dating advice accounts that are vaguely pinkpilled? Like @not_ur_typical_woman etc. They're mostly dumb, but there are some valuable tips on scrot psychology (don't help a man, he can't waste your time if he pays for everything, always have other options, etc)
No. 432820
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>>432812>@not_ur_typical_womanHaving a scroll through and it's mostly sad red pill woman tradthot shit. It's good they aren't total pickmes and acknowledge scrot faults but instead of eschewing men forever as they deserve, it seems like those girls are just trying even harder to ensure they are the most valued by men.
No. 432829
>>432799'pedochan' is in reference to a highly specific autist that keeps ban evading
>>432795as a femlet I feel attacked.
No. 432831
>>432820These idiot tradthots thinking they understand male sexuality is hilarious. It isn't about big or small, fat or skinny, pretty or ugly etc. It's about old and new.
Men just want variety and as soon as they fuck one woman they want a new one. No woman is ever good enough for a man because they will always get bored of her. It's why Arnold Schwarzenegger cheated on his wife with his middle aged overweight nanny. Male sexuality is all about novelty, taboo and domination. They need to keep pushing the boundaries of what's considered acceptable to keep it exciting for them. Thats why all the porn nowadays is aboit "teens" and incest.
No. 432833
it's the same mentality behind porn addiction, they need to keep pushing the boundaries until it takes headless horsedick futa lolis for them to cum.
No. 432904
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from another thread but Mumkey Jones(edgelord Youtuber)cheated on Sheepoverhis gf who supported him financially and emotionally throughout his Youtube career with his Twitch Mod LiutheKitty.(who is a Furry Pron artist and had also had previously Statutory raped a 15 year old boy)(ban evasion)
No. 432936
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>>432831Yeah but I think a true tradthot would never imply that you shouldn't do anything for a man until he spends a lot of money or proves himself consistently useful otherwise. Same for juggling several men until one of them marries you. They seem to realize that men aren't loyal, but it doesn't matter if he's bled dry before he switches to another thot. Honestly pretty based advice, he can't waste your time if he pays by the hour. Personally I love lying to men about how traditional and submissive I am while doing nothing of the sort.
No. 432959
>>432946Tumblr repeatedly deleted her accounts after she made some rather obscene comments to a 13 year old MTF
I also heard she got a bf and also didn't wanna deal with Troon bullshit anymore so she just stopped
No. 432973
>>432891The amount of comments I've read in regards to the original video saying "Man I feel bad for him, this must have been building up inside him for a long time and he finally let it out :(" but turns out no, he's just an absolute asshole constantly harassing people.
Men constantly get the benefit of the doubt from people, but they always turn out to be as shit as they seem.
No. 432983

"I Dreamed A Dream" is my personal pink-pill anthem. for anyone unfamiliar with Les Mis, it's a musical based off of a Victor Hugo novel about a bunch of people being miserable before and during the French Revolution.
context cannot be stripped from the song, it's 100% set during a shitty time period in which women were (as always) treated like absolute shit, namely poor women like Fantine, the character who sings this song. but i find that the subject is very much applicable today, esp on the topic of absent fathers and shitty, manipulative men who only take take take and then they leave you in the dust.
Fantine sings about days gone by when she was young and pretty, and men were kind to her because of it. she sings about a past lover who "filled her days with endless wonder" but abandoned her when she got pregnant, so now Fantine had to abandon her child with shitty, abusive people to go work at a factory in Paris that barely pays her any money, all of which she has to send to her daughter Cosette. tl;dr she gets unjustly fired from the factory and has to resort to prostitution and sell her hair and her teeth bc if she stops sending money Cosette will be homeless.
the performance i embedded isn't from the Broadway show, it's from Anne Hathaway's portrayal in the movie and, musically-wise, it's not the best, but it's my favorite bc of how she portrays it, how raw and emotional it is. the part that always gets me is when she sings "he told my childhood in his stride", she does it with such rage, such anger, you'd believe it was Anne Hathaway herself who got taken advantage of by some scrot who walked out on his own family.
No. 433024
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>>432820Reminds me of this, cant remember the thread its from but made me laugh.
No. 433052
>>432959>she got a bfSmashley no
>>433049Yes, thank you. Marie Antoinette was the target of seething misogyny and homophobia, which was used to undermine her husband and the entire monarchy. The whole 'let them eat cake' persona is a retcon, during her time the arguments used against her were "she's a slut/whore/cunt" and "she's a lesbian".
Saged for #justiceformarieantoinette sperging.
No. 433056
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>>433053>“They just invited me over for a free bagel,” claims Chris Morgan
>But the store Thursday said they made no such offer for him to return to the shop, let alone get a freebie.“No one invited him for a bagel. He’s not welcome,”
Probably no women hitting on him either. Maybe a couple of girls who want to be in the news as ''pathetic bagel mans new girlfriend''
No. 433083
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>>433067Men are the same in every era. How do you take down a powerful woman and turn other men against her? Call her a slut and a dyke, of course. So-called progressive men pretend to be feminists until there's a powerful woman they don't like, then she's a bitch/slut/whore/cunt who deserves to be raped. They're all the same and always have been.
No. 433089
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>>433088NTAYRT, but her twitter's been nuked and so has her blog.
No. 433104
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>>433099If you've got any Wheaton shit-talk left to spare I'd love to hear it.
There's nothing more feminist than throwing a piss-baby tantrum when Tumblr (rightfully) bans porn! And using the "kweer community" as a justification! He's what I picture when I picture shit-tier scrotes who spew libfem bullshit to get pussy. Him and Joss "Gave my wife PTSD" Whedon.
No. 433113
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>>433104Male feminists always turn out to be rapists and otherwise fucking disgusting pigs
No. 433120
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>>433104>>433099Christ, I hate that smug little shit. Remember when Wil "boo hoo omg my feelings"'d his way off of Twitter because he's BFFs with Chris Hardwick (whose ex-gf accused him of sexual abuse)?
Men have no place in feminism. No. 433133
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Wasn't sure whether to post this in the pink-pill thread or the gender critical thread, but I went with what was in my heart kek
Men are the source of the world's problems and will never change, farmers.
No. 433144
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>>433130lmao all those build-a-dick thots can attest to the fact that men are hypergamous and materialistic
No. 433146
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Seriously most men are a detriment to society and always blame others for their behaviour.
No. 433150
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>>433132I've got mixed feelings about this. I still use the term, but it's been watered-down to the point of uselessness.
>>433142>convicted of having sex with a 12-year-oldNo, he raped her.
>>433146Men: I wouldn't condescend to sully my kingly bepis with a femoid over the age of fourteen
Also men:
No. 433152
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No. 433252
>>433191Slightly related? This picture reminds of these one guy that was in my class that would constantly talk about how all women are cheaters, no woman is worth being with because of them cheating, how hurt and broken he is over his girlfriend cheating once in high school
Basically later in the year he started revealing more and more information about himself and the whole crazy high school girlfriend cheating thing
As it turned out, his idea of cheating was the fact that after they broke up she got in a relationship with someone else not long after, never actual proof of her cheating or if she did anything that could be considered cheating
The best part? He admitted to cheating on her several times but claimed it didn't count "because he was drunk"
No. 433273
>>433132You might enjoy the book Why I Am Not A Feminist by Jessa Crispin
Modern feminism sells itself by "helping all people" and "everything a woman (who calls herself feminist) does is automatically a feminist act"
Honestly I'm foremost a misandrist too kek
No. 433293
>>433133>Upon discovering her pregnancy, her angry father King Lleuddun sentenced her to death and she was hurled from Traprain Law. Miraculously she survived the fall; when discovered alive at the foot of the cliff, Teneu was set adrift in a coracle and travelled across the Firth of Forth to Culross, where she was given shelter at the community of Saint Serf. There she gave birth to and raised her son Kentigern, whom Serf nicknamed Mungo, "very dear one".so legend is a woman was raped and punished for getting raped and pregnant but men, really tras, only saw
>omg a TRANSWOMANwhen said transwoman was really just a male rapist. How fitting.
No. 433321
>>433301>>433301Same but I just stopped caring and now I'm completely comfortable spreading man-hate
The thing about feminism is that you can't ever treat men like they're anything less than pure perfect angels who can never do no wrong without them pulling the whole "you wanted equality bitches?here it is skanks!" Because in their minds when they see men beating each other up, their reaction is to start beating women because that's equality too, they aren't intelligent enough to comprehend that there's choices like "maybe nobody should hurt each other"
Now I just openly hate men and when men try to call me out with the whole "I thought you dumb bitches wanted to be equal" bullshit I just pull the "I'm not a feminist, I don't believe in equality, I believe women are superior" and watch their jaws drop at the fact they can't use emotional manipulation with me
Nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine ladies
No. 433334
>>433321Thank you…that actually felt good to read and you're absolutely right, women should be unapologetic like that.
I actually saw a thread on Reddit about the whole hitting back thing (seems like men are obsessed with that idea) and while most of them acknowledged that they're physically superior, they still argued how they'd still hit back ~lightly~ because she knew what she was getting into.
I like how Reddit pretends to be all progressive and female-friendly yet is still home to incels, covert misogynists and mansplainers.
No. 433338
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this was an (admitted) troll post and MGTOW and incels are defending it with their life
No. 433339
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has any of this been proven or is this another one of MGTOWs tall tales?
isn't it convenient, even with evidence, women are called liars, yet men can sprout shit like this with no sources or proof and it's 100% believed, the mental gymnastics men will play is astounding
No. 433351
>>433321Well put and I feel the same. I no longer claim to give a fuck about equality because men will never be our equals. Women would have to regress in every single aspect to finally have equality with men, so it's nothing to aspire to.
It kills me when naive libfems get manipulated into going on the defensive:
>I don't hate men, I love men uwu!>I'm not a feminazi, I just want equality!I've embraced my identity as a bitch, essentially. I enjoy playing into men's fears.
No. 433352
File: 1562950819168.jpg (Spoiler Image,378.49 KB, 1920x1273, warren12-1920x1273.jpg)

Reminder that when men run societies and create "great cultures" like ancient Greece, Rome, current Middle-East and feudal Japan they think the ultimate system is one where they lock all the women in the house as baby machines while they fight wars with each other and rape slaves and little boys.
If history tells you something it is that men as a group are raging chimps who love class differences and are prone to pedophilia.
Basically if reading the news, being around men irl or on the internet doesn't piss you off, reading a bunch of history books will.
No. 433372
>>433365Men who think those societies were great have a fantasy of being the healthy, rich rulers who are the oppressor in every way possible : raping, murdering, owning slaves, beating the weak. They can't imagine not being in a position of absolute privilege, and since they have no empathy, they don't care for anyone else's suffering.
I honestly find it hilarious when men who objectively wouldn't be alive without modern medicine and healthcare (like fat manlets who have no skills other than jerking themselves off) talk about how they'd totally be a warrior in Ancient Greece or a rich businessman in the 50s, and the only reason they're so pathetic in the real world is because of the ~evil women ruining society~.
No. 433378
>>433376>>433372Also, 30-40% of the population in Rome were slaves.
Guess what your average talentless neckbeard would become.
No. 433379
>>433365Scrotes love to airbrush their own history.
Just think about Rome and look at all the historical scrote channels covering that subject. Anything they don't like in primary sources is 'exaggeration' or 'obscene'. They'll dedicate 100 minutes to the type of siege engine Julius Caesar's army used, but don't bring up Catullus or Martial's boyfucking poems (censored by Victorians) or Trajan's harem of boys. They'll ruminate about tax reform but make no comment about the part in the Satyricon where people are clapping around a bed as a girl gets raped. They drone on and on about types of armor in the 3rd century AD but they won't discuss how most of Rome's wars were totally narcissistic, psychotic, bankruptcy-inducing and pointless messes and more than one was started by a centurion taking a foreign boy and raping him. They don't talk about the mass of peasants, serfs and slaves who constituted 99 percent of people in any given society, and this never, NEVER EVER, comes into play with how they view women and what women 'should be like'. It's nearly always modelled on a historical elite of women in gilded cages, not the majority of women who needed to be workhorses to survive (granted, the gilded cage women usually did a lot of work as well, like weaving, and barely if ever raised their own children, which is also never discussed). The reality of an androcentric society is always prettied up, domesticated, 1950sised.
History is a place they can retreat into and feel secure about their inadequacies. For most scrotes its no deeper than some tacky love hotel room with a theme or a historical porno.
No. 433381
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>>433365All this history talk reminds me of this classic post
They're literally the cause of the problems
No. 433383
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>>433365Men when women tell them that they've have always been raped, abused and killed throughout history -in every "great" society:
No. 433417
>>433338You can make a troll post there about advocating for all women to be tortured, raped and murdered and still garner support from them. It's what they all want deep down. All while they hide behind the thinly veiled excuse of "I'm really just focusing on myself!" when they're called out for being transparent. I've seen some want sex segregation but only if women were miserable on their side.
>>433365Power. The same reason they fantasize about said society they built collapse. They want power over women and children to hurt
No. 433423
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>>433252As you proved, its projection anon, men are fucking dogs but try to make themselves feel better by believing women in general are the same.
No. 433441
>>433365Because those societies are reflections of men's true nature.
>>433379>History is a place they can retreat into and feel secure about their inadequacies. For most scrotes its no deeper than some tacky love hotel room with a theme or a historical porno.Well put.
awe of the fact that this albino deep sea creature found two separate women interested in his rancid bepis.
>>433437Yes. Even castration can't prevent men from being degenerates. Trannies who've had their balls cut off and dicks turned inside-out still commit these crimes. Men cannot be improved.
No. 433499
>>433494women want male sex robots because you get the benefits of sex without having to deal with emotional, whiney, ungrateful men
men want sex robots because they think putting their dicks in silicone will get back at teh ebul wimminz
No. 433511
>>433494Women will assume power once scrotes are too busy crying themselves to sleep next to their stinking, semen-encrusted dolls kek
Anyway, men are ugly, and their only value is in their wallets, amen.
No. 433515
>>433509What else do men have to offer? Most people say money, but realistically men are a financial liability. Having a child is a massive expense and detriment to your earning potential, divorce statistically leads to a downgrade in lifestyle for women and often impoverishes them while a man's earning potential remain unaffected (contrary to scrot whining about alimony and child support), men are more likely than women to develop expensive addictions such as drugs and gambling, and they use their financial power over women to abuse them. There is zero reason to ever assume a man will stick with you long term, they so often tell us we're worthless past 30 so why would you ever rely financially on one? The safest choice is to stay single, childless, and earn, save and invest your own money.
Anyway I often find myself wishing I had a non sentient male body to have sex with. I like the body, I don't like the male consciousness within it. I really can't stomach the thought of giving an ungrateful scrot access to my body.
No. 433518
File: 1562979414835.jpeg (99.5 KB, 1550x982, 831B0ECC-99DA-40C2-BD57-34628E…) are collectively going infertile as generations pass due to plastics in the water lol. wonder how they’ll justify controlling women’s bodies when Mother Nature is trying her hardest to phase males out of humanity altogether.
No. 433524
>>433520Well it's not realistic but ideally the body would feel and react like a normal human (physical responses like touch, noises, etc) and be as lifelike as possible. If I wanted a plastic body dildos already exist.
I just don't want an actual person with thoughts and feelings, because those thoughts and feelings are inevitably negative about women willing to sleep with them. I fuck a guy and then what? He thinks I'm a slut, he thinks my body isn't good enough, all the while thinking highly of himself because he managed to get one over me. I don't need empathy or support, I have female friends for that.
No. 433533
>>433531kek it was the picture of Sung Jaegi throwing himself into the river but it got yeeted 'cause I already posted it in this thread.
It's upthread if you want it
No. 433546
Weeaboo incels are the worst pieces of shit. The majority are pedophiles and hebephiles.
When I was a young teen my then friend and I went to our first anime convention. We were approached by a textbook neckbeard. Obese, stunk like shit, balding, and covered in fifty anime girl pins. He wanted a photo of us but was really creepy about it so we hesitated. He kept talking to us as if we were the real characters and asked creepy questions like if we were dating or not. We were cosplaying as characters that were often shipped together by the fandom, but we did not intend to be a couple at all, we simply picked our favorite characters from a series we both liked. He eventually backed us into a corner, shoved a camera at us, and begged for us to kiss each other. I had to grab my friend, who was frozen in shock, and ran. It is disgusting how common this is.
There needs to be more awareness for girls that not everyone wanting to take your photo "likes your cosplay". A lot of those creeps just want photos to fap to kids. Maybe it is just where I am, but security is nonexistent for these situations. I doubt conventions would implement background checks, especially because a lot of the people that run them are sex offenders themselves, but it would weed out a lot these freaks.
No. 433553
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1. According to manufacturers, male owners routinely get buttmad at their sex dolls and stab/shoot them in the boobs and vag. I would probably chimp out too if I spent 5k+ on a reminder that I am missed by exactly 0 real women.
2. Most men have no money that would justify babysitting a smelly, missing link looking, braindead scrot. Most women can make average scrot money themselves. The only trump card you have is that some women want children, but there's fewer and fewer of them.
3. Most of you are already triggered by vibrators, so I can't wait to see you screech over a 10/10 body safe silicone Chad. Start working on your copes in advance, kek.(do not reply to the scrotes)
No. 433562
>>433546What? are you saying weebs tend to be pedophiles?! Well I never!
No but for real, my sister used to know this one guy a looong time ago, literally a neckbeard weeb, and recently found out that he had been banned from anime conventions for hitting on underage girls.
>>433352Yes, and whenever a woman makes any kind of mild failure as a leader, they get all "this is why women can't run countries!!1!11!!" ignoring that pretty much every empire in the past that crumbled was run by men.
No. 433573
>>433570maybe that's it. but it's so common. my ex bf really wanted me to swallow every time.
and it's not just a sensory thing either because I've heard of guys wanting to jerk off into things (like a shot of alcohol) and then wanting a woman to drink it. it's disgusting.
No. 433607
>>433605Don't feel bad anon, your feelings are totally
My ex bf was the same way, acted like I was absurd for having an issue with porn.
No. 433614
>>433608It's disgusting that so much porn revolves around incest and teens.
They make the pornstars out to be "step" siblings, but we all know the people watching want to think it's real. Someone who gets off to incest porn should not ever have a family.
Same goes for the teen porn. The pornstars are not underage (hopefully) but they make them dress young and the people watching still pretend that it is someone below 18.
No. 433619
>>433614I remember telling a guy that incest was disgusting even as a fantasy and his comeback was "Well why is it the most popular searched type of porn"
I was so in shock, like.. that's my point..
No. 433630
>>433614The "teen" genre is so rampant and it's always the top videos on porn sites. I've seen girls in porn who could legit pass for 12 and it makes me feel sick to look at.
There's a youtuber called redheadredemption who made a video about why she quit porn and she said that there are porn agents who will go to house parties of teenagers and find underage girls and convince them to do porn as soon as they turn 18. She said she did a shoot with these 2 girls who just turned 18 and they dressed them in clothes from the "girls" section in target.
I truly believe most men have pedophilic/hebephilic tendencies.
No. 433643
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Sorry if this has already been posted but its so vile, men demand so much and give nothing back.
No. 433648
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No. 433660
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Men would never.
No. 433668
>>433661Lol I'd do that, even that's more realistic than porn
>>433643Men want women to act like porn stars in bed but shit themselves at women who have high body counts, make up your minds men, virgins aren't going to magically turn into porn stars within the first few times you fuck, even then they have to understand porn is highly edited with women who have had crazy amounts of practice, they probably had to shoot several times, delete any footage of unflattering angles, guide and cue the woman, etc, I wish men will get through their monkey brains porn is not and will never be real life sex
No. 433682
>>433643I had TWO exes who wanted me to do the pornstar riding. They wanted to lie there and do nothing at all while I had to sit on my knees and bounce the length of their stupid dick. Even with how much I worked out, after a minute I was too tired to keep going. I hated being on top and one told me the same "Just watch porn." and started comparing porn sex to real sex.
Men are so stupid and actually believe women aren't acting in porn. I've seen some of the porn my ex liked, I couldn't even begin to count how many times the girl made a face of pain or discomfort and quickly had to change it into pleasure and fake a moan. Annoying and fucking stupid.
No. 433730
>>433352>>433543>>433365>>433379There's a really interesting part in Caesar's De bello Gallico in which he talks about the Germanic and Gallic people. Caesar wrote both genders bathed together naked to teach them to resist temptation, sex or marriage under the age of 20 was not allowed because it was said to stop growth and make you weak and in case of a war women sometimes had to fight as well
In battles Gallic women would stay behind and cheer for the men to fight on but also care for the wounded and injured men,If any man came back that was not properly Injured they would hassle and at times beat him to go back and fight in the front lines. These are the societies the Romans considered backwater and uncivilized while they themselves treated women as cattle
(necessaryspeed4) No. 433760
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>>433743Another example to
>>433730 would be Pre-Islamic Arabia
Greek,Persian and Egyptian historians often remarked how hardy and resourceful Bedouin women were,also various tribes in Arabia had female chiefs and queens,It was only in the Hejaz region(Far western Arabian region) near the Red sea where Women were treated as subhuman,this is also where Muhammad was born and raised,when Muhammad conquered the Arabian Peninsula he spread Islam and this unifying Hejaz Arabic culture to Arabia
No. 433780
>>433730I'm fucking dying at all of NecessarySpeed4's posts getting exposed and redtexted as they appear.
It's like a running gag. Farmhands waste no time.
No. 433781
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>>433743>The Scrotman EmpireI'm wheezing.
No. 433783
>>433760as an ex muslim we were taught that pre islamic arabia was a disaster, people were idolators and fire worshippers, the crime rates were so high, female children would be buried alive (i still don't know if this is true or if it was made up to make islam look good??) but then islam came and saved women and fixed everything. i'm not even kidding.
also, fuck muhammad. he was a pedophile who got married to his best friend's 6 year old daughter. he had like 15 wives. now there are millions of people worshipping his name. fuck him
No. 433813
>men are responsible for almost every atrocity in human history and shouldn't be allowed out after dark or to congregate with other male subhumans, for the good of the people Unironically this
The joke is men have this false sense of solidarity with each other instead of realising that if they'd take each other out (at even higher frequencies) and leave women alone they'd up their market value so much. If you'd just kill off/lock away forever every scrote that abused a woman, child or animal all of the halfway decent ones could be drowning in pussy. Too bad they actually all low key identify with pedos and abusers and their base violent instincts are only kept in check because they're afraid to get caught.
No. 433826
>>433815Some autistic Redditor who often posts the same things over and over again in multiple threads or boards.
I think people first recognized her when she made the exact same post on /ot/, /g/, and Reddit discussing how she's glad her boyfriend is basically a shut-in who reads all day and doesn't eat fruit or potatoes.
She's also posted repeatedly about a radfem public figure "giggling and flirting" with some male YouTuber who was interviwing her (always with a link to the video), shared multiple screencaps of posts made by some other autistic Redditor she's e-stalking (he's an incel that she has a crush on), etc. No matter how many times she gets called out and told to fuck off, she comes back. She's like the village idiot.
No. 433827
>>433643I'm in a country where women are shamed for not being married by 25, yet I have absolutely no desire to have anything to do with a man ( it also didn't help to always have had shitty, misogynistic,
abusive men in my family.) and seeing shit like this makes me wanna die honestly. Radical feminism has really shown me that even the "good ones" will show their true colours sooner or later; I'm so disillusioned.
No. 433833
>>433826I began to notice their posts after an anon pointed out their "unique" typing style and shit, what a cow.
Is s/he also the one who the farmhand banned as pedochan?
>>433819>Send him cock and balls torture and ask him why he can't perform like thatThe only
valid use of the porn industry.
No. 433848
>>433643It's always these types of posts too that's so sad. Gf feeling bad over bf watching porn and it's always scrots that say in thr commentsq
>all men watch porn just get over it uwu>all men have a favorite porn star they live to watch get fucked but don't feel bad uwu Meanwhile they'll throw a tantrum over a vibrator or a dildo their gf has.
No. 433862
>>433833>Is s/he also the one who the farmhand banned as pedochan? nta but probably, she used to sperg out about women fucking underage boys because they're beautiful or whatever.
She also hates dommes but I'm pretty sure she was the one in the fetish thread who wanted to pimp out a retarded Chad. Amazing…
>>433829That's just sad.
No. 433866
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Men fight against women's equality because marriage is an absolutely shit deal for women. Men know that in a truly free society no woman would choose married life.
Why do males pressure their partners into marriage/kids and then act like this? Men are irredeemable.
No. 433880
>>433866i feel bad for op. she deserves so much better.
i really think i'd be like 90% more likely to have a happier life raising a child by myself than with a man. men suck at parenting and being spouses. in almost every family i've seen, the mom is the better parent or the wife is the better spouse.
No. 433911
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>>433866Men demand so much yet act like spoilt brats, they really are a waste of space.
No. 433914
>>433893>If it weren't for the fact that this is someone who posts (and get banned) on LCWe had a Mystery thread though. And she has an actual labelled account somewhere so her antics can be tracked.
…I'm not as familiar with cow boards though (/ot/fag) so this may not actually be enough.
No. 434053
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>>434028>white women/liberals successfully convinced black women that black men are the face of all of their problems.Men
are the problem. Just a run-of-the-mill pick-me who wants to play the part of the heroic mommy-defender. 'Men of color' still victimize women as much and in the same ways that white men do, and they'll never repay you for 'standing up' for them.
Also here's a still from the Bagel Boy sperg-out that I, personally, think belongs in the Louvre.
Also can we stop shitting up the man-hate thread with talk of reddit-chan, take it elsewhere No. 434115
File: 1563084786887.jpg (13.68 KB, 640x198, eL8Njaj_d.jpg)

I dont even know where to start with shit lile this. No one who's ever been in a relationship would make this image.
No. 434116
>>434115no wonder there are so many
abusive men they don't even understand how abuse works
No. 434118
>>434116They have it mixed up to hell and back
If a woman claims to have been abused, pretty much no one will believe her, if she explains how most people would claim it wasn't abuse, or claim she's the abuser, don't even get me started on people who are trying to claim men who insult their girlfriends aren't
abusive but women who don't have sex with their boyfriend's everyday are
abusive just for them to deny any of this happens
You can never win
No. 434223
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>>433630The younger looking the girl, the more popular she's going to be, even if she isn't super pretty. Riely Reid is the most popular porn star and she isn't even that pretty, but she looks fucking 14 amd men love it. It's so fucking creepy. Not to mention, the ridiculous amount of school girl and step daughter porn within the teen genre.
Men are revolting.
No. 434231
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>>434218Inceloids who peddle shit like this deserve death. Boys should have their hands broken upon reaching puberty so they can't grow up to pollute the arts with their retardation, like foot-binding but actually beneficial to humanity kek
No. 434252
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>>434209There is a group here called fathers for justice who claim that society favours women and got press attention for scaling london monuments dressed as superheroes. There was a documentary on them-long story short the reason they were denied access to their kids was because they all had a history of domestic violence> When confronted with this information they went apeshit.
Pic not related to above story but some men dont deserve to breathe, so many abuse kids but then wonder why people dont trust men in general with kids.
No. 434276
>>434257The meme about older men is yet another example of men living in Opposite World as a cope. They need to convince themselves that they won't peak until 50, where they'll be ultra successful, fit, and drowning in barely legal pussy, while women hit the wall at 24 and will be forever alone if they're not married by then. The less successful a man is in his 20's and 30's, the more he needs to cling to this delusion.
The reality is that when women want older men, they are after this ideal of a Robert Downey Jr. type who is financially successful and emotionally mature. The older man meme is the female equivalent of how men think photoshopped Instagram models are a realistic standard to hold women to. They don't want real men, they want a Hollywood fantasy. And obviously the vast majority of men, especially these red pill types, don't even come close to measuring up. It is absolutely laughable that these men think that's what their future looks like. Unless you are rich enough to have a sugar baby or are okay with a broken trainwreck with extreme daddy issues, no attractive woman in their 20's is going to want you. As for gay world, they have the exact same mentality when it comes to the supposed appeal of older men. I'm a fag hag to many and very familiar with the gay obsession with youth. They literally call 30 the "gay death" because other men won't want you hardly at all unless you're very rich or look like George Clooney.
Meanwhile, straight men in their late teens and 20's are obsessed with older women and cougar porn is one of the top porn genres. Fucking a woman 20 years older than you is considered bragging rights and everyone wants to bang their friend's mom if she's above a 5. As I stated, men who sperg about women hitting the wall by 30 and how much 20 year olds love older men are simply living in Opposite World to cope with no one wanting them in their actual peak years (their 20's and early 30's).
No. 434298
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It's cute when inceloid subhumans take the time to type-out a whole bunch of big-boy words as if any woman here is going to actually engage in conversation with a 'life'-form that isn't capable of cleaning its own anus.
This world belongs to women and the top 10% of male specimens and every rejected male knows it in his heart. Anything they do other than end their worthless lives is just a embarrassing waste of time. I almost pity them.
No. 434312
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>absolutely seething
The state of males.
No. 434315
File: 1563136526444.png (108.83 KB, 485x504, thefacts.png)

What lovely weather we're having, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping. What a perfect day for laughing at male suicide statistics! Hope the end was terrifying and painful, incels
Anyway, daily reminder that cumbrains don't belong anywhere near any position of authory or government office. Literally and willingly cuck themselves into retardation.
No. 434322
My grand-father killed his wife when my mother was a child. He took his car out when she was driving somewhere, cut her off on the road and forced her to crash into something. Then he refused to get an ambulance, pretexting she wouldn't make it. He blamed my mom (who was six years old) for her death, telling her her mother had had an accident because she was angry at her. Somehow the local police never considered this to be anything other than an accident, and he got away with it.
Then he embezzled all of his dead wife's mom's money. She was a widow struggling to take care of her aging dad and my mom, who my grand-father couldn't be bothered to dress and feed, so she couldn't do shit about it and he got away with that, too.
It makes me so angry that we live in a world in which a man can kill his wife, steal from his mother-in-law and abuse his daughter and suffer no repercussions whatsoever. He gets to do this shit to three generations of women in my family and get away with it all, because this world coddles men and doesn't punish them for the shit they do to us, unless another man can use it to his gain somehow. But ~women live life on easy mode because they can get sex~ or some shit.
No. 434326
>>434318I do not laugh but deeply appreciate their sacrifice. A moment of silence to honour those men that sacrificed their lives for the good of the species and their fellow humans.
The fuckers that murder-suicided are excluded obviously.
No. 434358
>>434326most men that i know irl and over the internet who have commited suicide were just really shitty people. some were people who were actually dealing with mental health issues but the majority is just killing themselves over not being able to pay their debt and shoving it all to their family, over getting rejected after being
abusive, over their wife wanting a divorce, over not being able to take the backlash to their actions.
No. 434370
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>tfw when you're incapable of empathy
While we're at it, male soldiers are subhuman filth and killing themselves in shame is the only honest thing they'll ever (statistically) do.
No. 434371
>>434360This tbh especially in the first world
Imagine if they excluded all murder-suicides, the "I just caught molesting a child" suicides, the "my high school girlfriend broke up with me" suicides, the "I'm in debt, instead of fixing it I'll commit suicide" suicides, and see what the suicide rate is per gender now
Scrots know exactly what will happen if we do that which is why they're so scared and refuse to acknowledge the fact the vast majority of male suicides are exactly that
No. 434389
File: 1563143413697.jpg (205.97 KB, 1189x669, palliot_article-3262051.jpg)

A few years ago, some 40 or 50 y/o scrote in my city got rejected several times by a neighbour he had "fell in love with". Instead of coping like a big boy and just leaving her alone, he tried to commit suicide by blewing up the entire appartment building with gas bottles.
Luckily no one died, including the scrote himself, but 30 people or so lost their home and their material possessions, 13 people were injured, many are still traumatised by the event, and most severley an innocent woman lost her leg and is now permanently disabled. All because of some scrote who couldn't cope with romantic rejection.
To top it all, the woman who rejected his advances said she feels guilty of not having been able to fall in love with him. Can you imagine this shit with the genders reversed?
No. 434395
>>434276This. So much.
When I was 13 I had so many sexual fantasies about older men in their 40s and 50s and thought it was the hottest thing ever. But I only had fantasies about Hollywood actors that age, real men that age repulsed me.
No. 434399
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No. 434407
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"Innocent men" is an oxymoron, rudefems, so don't feel bad about laughing at their retarded 'problems' or cowardly ways they escape them.
No. 434417
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God bless men's ahem, under-endowed little brains, but I've noticed this propensity on their part to take statements from multiple, completely different women and react as if they were one person.
>Aha, one woman said my beenus is the size of a shriveled button mushroom but another said it's more like a moldy baby carrot. A contradiction, you see, make up your minds ladies, I'm very smart
I gleefully judge men's appearances and anything under a 8/10 is best used as cannon-fodder, amen
No. 434420
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leaked image of scrotes reading this thread, unable to contain their hurt fee fees and anger
No. 434423
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>>434420Kek its more like this, such angry little balls of worthlessness the scrots patrolling this thread are.
No. 434426
>>434424I remember reading a story some guy posted on 4chan that when his gf got a baby bunny, he would torture it when she wasnt in the room and it developed PTSD and his gf had to give it away to a rehoming place.
Imagine being a man so pathetic you are jealous of a little rabbit? Maybe its dick was bigger than his, most likely. Men are fucking monsters.
No. 434432
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Found this awesome photograph of the lotsoflovecow dot farm mods. (Colorized, 2019)
Wow, the micropenises are in a tizzy this fine evening. Let us hope that they are preparing to join their lord and savior Jaegi in Valhalla or wherever scroties go when they (finally) die.
>>434424>>434426Men shouldn't be allowed to adopt pets. Look at how many men admit to sexually/physically abusing animals. They simply can't be trusted to care for lives more important than their own kek
No. 434434
>>434426There's a special place in hell for animal abusers
Anytime scrots spazz out about how women are evil, remind them who abuses animals more
No. 434437
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>>434433Fucking haram, why did America waste those nukes on Japan. Animal brothel is cursed phrase. Men shouldn't be allowed… just allowed. In general.
No. 434449
>>434440>2015>2018How much you want to bet if I looked up male animal killers there wouldn't be that big of a gap in time. Although, men killing animals is a common occurrence so it probably wouldn't make the news. Those articles have "woman" in the title because it's so rare and shocking it will get clicks. Now fuck off scrot.
>>434445I saw that growing up too. My uncle actually killed both of his dogs for "barking too loudly. He dug a hole, shoved the dogs in, and beat them with a shovel.
No. 434453
>>434449>>434452Little birds too, I remember boys loving to shoot at birds for no fucking reason and break their eggs.
Thank god nowadays there's technology to detect if the fetus you're carrying is a boy or a girl, if I ever decide to have children and if y chromo is detected I'm aborting.
No. 434454
>>434449The few stories I read about "women" abusing animals? Plot twist
it was transwomensame goes for murder-they are skewing the murder stats now too.
No. 434458
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Whoever makes the new thread please consider
and the not keen on men doggy as options.
No. 434467
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>>434462Thirding, we need scrot bashing images not porn that some scrots will like
(Not to mention I'm sure some of them read this thread to jerk off to women calling them disgusting kek)
No. 434470
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>>434467we could get our gal valerie or aileen as the thread picture
No. 434471
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My third suggestion is the cumbrain meme some delightful farmer blessed us with upthread.
No. 434476
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fucking kek my sides!
No. 434479
>>>434475I should be able to remember her name, I've seen it written on a dumbass scrote's forehead kek
>>434476Such an improvement. Now he actually looks worthy of passing his genes on.
No. 434486
>>434480>he's a decent looking guyum anon…..but apart from that yeah, incels done realise, especially the dumb ones who love getting banned here lol, the reason they are hated is because they are assholes to women, thats it.
And speak of the devil….
No. 434487
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No. 434488
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Thanks anons! I found her. More women need to be like her.
>>434487 would also make a good OP imo.
No. 434490
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Hanna is truly a queen.
No. 434491
>>434487Always a pleasure.
>>434488>>434490Such a fucking legend, we should
all be so committed to the pink-pill life
No. 434493
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>>434476literally just grooming their facial hair that's flattering to their face and getting a good haircut can transform most men into chad, working out would just be an even bigger bonus as well as keeping good hygiene and dressing fairly nice, even if the guy doesn't have the best face or clear skin
men are just so insanely lazy and delusional they think doing things that are practically expected of women is just "too much!!!"