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No. 411618
This topic has been unbanned, so vent about XY's here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible,
abusive men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
-no femcel sperging
-please do not respond to scrotbait
-chill with the handmaiden accusations
Doing so will result in a 3 day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
Previous thread:
>>398590 No. 411622
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>>411621I dunno, I think it's mostly because men don't take any pride in their hygiene/appearance, and when they do it's about machismo; they want to look like the biggest alpha dick instead of being appealing to women
No. 411633
>>411622I wish their idea of fit wasn't just building up their torso and arms. It's crazy how so many of them hate personal hygiene, a good skincare routine or healthier diets. A friend's ex used to just peel flakes of skin off his face and scalp but hated moisturizer or anyone telling him that shit is nasty. Would always complain about his skin being burnt and but thought sunscreen was stupid. Complained about his belly and teeth yet continued drinking and smoking.
Have any of you anons had experience with vegan/animal loving guys? Most of the ones I met were actually really nice and had some empathy for the environment and animals. This one guy at the animal shelter I used to volunteer at was so considerate especially since he was in school to be a vet, kinda gave me hope that some guys aren't sociopaths towards women.
No. 411652
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>>411633>Most of the ones I met were actually really nice and had some empathy for the environment and animals.Vegans are very obnoxious and male feminist are always predators.
Moralfags love clout because it disguises their
toxic behaviour and lowers female defenses for their harmful intentions. The proverbial nice guys™ are the only ones who always make their moralfagery their identity and social hook, actual good people don´t advertise themselves like that, they are probably too modest which is a real virtue, but modest kind peolpe are hard to come, you only know the product that is most advertised and those are the douches.
Ask yourself truly if what you are seeing is true compassion and empathy or just what he wants you to think, has he gotten pussy using the ecology/vegan social aspect before? true questions, not if he looks cute holding some puppy, even hitler loved his dog , was a vegetarian and outlawed public smoking. Big deal.
No. 411677
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This is what MRA actually believe.
No. 411712
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>>411710must be so weird and tiring to resent women so much and yet still be desperate to stick your dick in
No. 411755
>>411633One of my experiences was that the vegan guy was okay, seemed nice but I resent him now because we were talking for weeks and he didn't tell me he was into fucking nonmonogamy and I think you should state this asap if you're being all romantic for all that time with someone, I stated many times I was monogamous and he kept quiet. And he sort of acted like nonmonogamy is the most liberating and progressive thing for humans and I was prudish for not liking it… So beware of the package that comes with those "enlighted" guys.
The other guy I know lives alone with two dogs, is a vegetarian and is a sweetheart. He's constantly sending me pics of the dogs with funny captions. He's pretty much the only dude in this world I can't picture doing the shit other men do.
No. 411792
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>>411633never waste time with a vegan. they're always more interested in sperging at you and virtue signalling than the actual welfare of animals. they're also generally psychos who would save a dog before a human in a life-threatening situation.
No. 411833
>>411795There actually was a female politician who was going to propose a bill banning vasectomies as a protest and it got the male politicians so
triggered they refused to let her speak. The same house of representatives also banned a female politician from speaking for saying the word "vagina" when discussing abortion since that's "offensive".
No. 411854
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In not American so I'm just sort of watching this from the sidelines, but I get the impression that the whole abortion thing is mostly the result of a minority of christian extremists lobbying for years, and only now getting things through because of the gerrymandered districts allowing a bunch of bible thumpers into power. Isn't this VASTLY unpopular with the general american population, men AND women?
This lady, Janet Porter has been lobbying for the heartbeat bill for YEARS.>For nine years Porter lobbied on the fringes of the abortion debate. The six-week ban was not supported by mainstream anti-abortion groups, such as Ohio Right to Life. It was vetoed twice by a Republican governor, who argued it would contradict settled law on abortion. The bill, and often Porter herself, were considered too extreme.But with two recently appointed supreme court justices nominated by Donald Trump and a growing number of anti-abortion federal judges, Porter’s law has now been introduced in 11 states and passed by legislatures in four more, as conservatives seek to mount a frontal challenge to Roe v Wade
No. 411856
>>411833We should praise vasectomies since it's non invasive, reversible, and I think covered by insurance. No snip, no sex.
>>411854Wish the pro life crowd would attack the laws that allow rapists to sue their
victims for visitation rights and share custody vs attacking women at PP centers. I've seen so many of them defend the act of forcing a pregnant rape
victim not matter the age to stay pregnant without much solutions other than adding "punish the rapist too!" as if they truly believe that rapists get life in prison all the time
No. 411860
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Gotta love men
No. 411873
>>411860That is not even the same thing in any way, shape or form. WOW
Deadbeat dad alert. how many men abandon women in need or cheat on their during pregnancy, after they've had a kid? how many children dont have dads because men like to run?
No. 411912
>>411618NTA but true. The only way to completely avoid pregnancy is to abstain from sex or get a vasectomy. Men should do both if they don't want to be fathers, but they NEVER will and nobody will ever expect them to. The onus is always on women, making the decision to have sex is enough to put 100% of the blame and consequences on her.
Too bad that once a baby is born, that baby's needs supersedes the parents right to opt out of parenthood and the guy is gonna be paying for it whether he likes it or not. If they knew what was good for them, they'd aggressively and vocally support abortion.
No. 411950
>>411914>>411946what world do you live in ?
guys(and women) obsessed with history are viewed as nerds and losers
its not nor has it ever been viewed as cool hobby by people
No. 411962
>>411960I mean learning to shoot a gun is a useful skill that come handy pretty soon
>>411961>but nearly every guy has a baseline interest in guns and tanks and plays video games revolving around warfare on a regular basis.I would love to meet these men because I have all these interests (minus the video games)I love tanks,guns and military history but the vast majority of men and women avoid it
No. 411964
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>>411962just keep an eye out for guys that look like this, i'm sure they'd love to discuss WWII with you anon!
No. 411987
>>411986Yes, we know anon.
You’ve posted this before in a different thread.
No. 412001
>>411962Get out of the man hate thread, cool girl
Find any random white boy and there’s a 50% chance he’s a “WW2 buff”
No. 412007
>>412001More often than not i find these "history buffs" to be nothing other than nazis that really know jack shit about world history outside of very biased version of WW2.
"I like history" is almost like a code phrase for "i like nazi stuff" or simply "i am a conservative that glamorizes the shit out of 50s america"
No. 412018
>>411976Most men are Germanboos or Russiaboos.
If you are really into strategy then you know germans were fucked from the start. Nothing would really make this work, economically.
No. 412020
>>412018Germany had no chance of winning against the soviets due to a number of reasons chief being lack of Oil and Iron but a lot of things that happened in the war were basically 1 in a million even If Germany could never win the world would be completely different today
both sides weren't perfect In the military sense not the ideological sense the allies fucked up in a lot of ways as well
No. 412032
>>412029I think you should quit, especially if it's volunteering. It's a shame though, because if you ask for a reference you might be fucked.
I blocked my manager once because she used to harass/bully me over text
No. 412033
>>411986Jesus you are fucking annoying.
Why don't you do us a favor and fuck off now then.
No. 412076
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Literally just typing in the word "women" into Reddit (lol I know) to try and find something about women's health and all the recommended subreddits are NSFW. They really can't think of us in any other context huh? Gotta love how r/WomenOfColor is literally just fetishising black women.
No. 412112
>>412001nta but why are you so hostile?
I'm interested in these things too and I'd love to find other women to talk about it. I get that it gives the cool girl vibes but I can't control which hobbies I like doing. I hate that you can't mention stereotypical male interests without being accused by either side for being an attention whore. It also doesn't do any service to our entire gender.
I'm not upset it's just frustrating.
No. 412126
>>412123the number of both men and women interested in military stuff is very small alright and Listen I understand wanting to hate men and believe you should have the right to hate men but please don't lie alright the number of men interested in war stuff is rare
If you wanna say "all men are rapist animals" I won't care but If you "all men are interested in military history" then thats a clear lie and a problem
No. 412131
>>412126It’s really not, there’s tons of big and popular events in the US every year for people into this shit. Have you really never heard of re-enactments and those other events? There’s an entire community full of women that call themselves historical costumers and they have events too.
It’s so common for white dudes to be into history especially world wars that it’s a fucking meme
No. 412143
Recently I learned about the existence of Doosh V because he posted this article about women from my country and someone linked it on a popular women's forum here:'m appalled at the way he compares people from different countries as if we're prize cattle, but not surprised since Eastern European women usually get stereotyped as hookers and golddigging harlots and I've been told that before also. I'd noticed that sex tourists were getting more frequent in my city lately as well and it's just so gross. He's getting roasted left and right by the local men here and I'm pretty sure the comments he made in the blogpost are because he's butthurt most girls he tried to pick up told him to fuck off.
I wish fat Americans would stop thinking everyone wants to either bang them or be them, most of the women here can't stand them.
No. 412144
>>412133Are you talking about the /Christian/ board on 8chan?
Because it's one of the main reasons I was put off of Christianity, and the main reason I started reading the threads on there anyway was to try to strengthen my faith.
After reading through a couple threads I realised what most Christian men are actually like.
The sense of entitlement for men who were supposedly meant to be humble and selfless was surreal. The amount of vitriol and hatred centered around women really changed what I thought about all the Christian's around me.
Imagine trying to emulate Christ, his disciples, or even saints and thinking this way.
Reading the shit on that board really opened my eyes.
No. 412146
>>412143Croat here and I detest that image foreigners have of slavic women in general, that we're docile and know where the woman's place is.
I'm glad to see foreigners getting BTFO here and in Serbia too.
No. 412150
>>412143I hate being reminded that roosh and his followers exist but it's nice to see them get btfo from everywhere except their echo chamber.
roosh is in his 40s and panicking anyway. He wants to sleep around but marry an 18-22 year old traditional hippie girl to have a family with. he tried to be close with white supremacist men only to be surprised that they're for white people only, not him and blame him for ruining european culture and women by being a brown muslim man seducing white women. it's crazy that roosh even has fans left for the shit he demanded. Like government oriented girlfriends, rape being legalized
No. 412153
>>412151I live in europe and all I ever hear men say is how mich more beautiful slav girls are…?
(And sadly I also sometimes witness eastern euro women themselves brag about that.)
But never anything about submissiveness. I guess that's an american-who-have-no-idea-about-europe thing
No. 412170
>>412153Why are men so retarded? Like rhwy go on and on about how a group of women is universally like this buy women have enough sense and sanity not to do this retarded sickening shit.
Not only is it childish but also dehumanizing because they dont even see the women as worthy as having individual character traits and if they have one bad experience it is now booooo all women are eviil for being humans like me but since women arent people to me its baaad
No. 412175
>>412153NTA but I always see men thinking Eastern Euro girls are poor, mail order brides who are desperate for any western man to take them back to his home country. I guess desperation and submission are connected, since they'll do whatever he wants to get a green card supposedly.
But whenever I see an actual slav talk about it, esp female, they always say they are nowhere near poor enough and the west is nowhere near glorified enough these days for that to be true at all.
No. 412192
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>>412175I'm Slavic and I met one American guy while studying abroad who was kind of shocked with how "tough" my act is. Even though it's not considered tough in my home country at all and many women act that way.
Idk where does this "slavic girls are frail" idea even come from?
No. 412267
>>412153I don't think we're more beautiful, but women in my country really like to dress up. We don't do it for men, it's just seen as respecting yourself, good grooming here = good manners. Some rich girls also do it to flex on peasants, those are the really tacky ones you see on instagram. The bad side of that though is that everyone is super conformist and folks can be really nosy and gossipy, a lot of people say that they love Western Europe because everyone there is more relaxed and doesn't care about appearances as much.
>>412184I think I've seen a Louis Theroux documentary about something like that but all the guys were creepy boomers and were practically decomposing on screen from old age.
No. 412277
>>412192I don't think there really is a stereotype that Slavic or Eastern European women are submissive/frail. In fact there's a stereotype that Slavic women (and people in general) are strong and hardy.
I love watching documentaries about pathetic American/British men who go to Eastern Europe/Southeast Asia in search of a slave-wife and end up getting played like a fiddle by women who prey on these rejects for a living.
No. 412339
>>412336You can't read and that's your problem. In my initial post that you took issue with, I said:
>80% of the guys I know irl have shot guns.Which is true, and a large percentage of men I know IRL shoot guns for sport and go to the shooting range every so often. Men all of the time in my area say "do you want to go to the shooting range?". My mom has asked me to go to the shooting range (for fun). It's very popular.
Most men will go to the shooting range given the opportunity, I would say. It's definitely seen as a normie hobby thing.
No. 412342
>>412339To help you out, 7 in 10 people have shot guns in Murrica. is still the majority.
More: Americans do not currently own guns.
BUT of those not owning a gun want to own one (bringing it up to majority being interested again).
History buff anon may be a Canuck though, and it is less common up here. Or she may be from a more lefty/anti-gun state?
No. 412347
>>412342Right, and that's "people who have shot guns" in America. Distill that 7 out of 10 of all people down to just "American men who have shot guns" and you'd be at damn near 100%. On the other hand, it's going to be impossible to get a percentage of gun hobbyists shooting on ranges and their habits, because they're private/public, some public, plenty totally private, people shoot on their own, etc.
But also, plenty of people don't own guns. They use someone else's guns. Young men use their dad's gun or their mom's gun, etc. We see it happen all of the time. Look at Adam Lanza. Most high school guys I grew up with just used their parents guns and continued to do so after they were 18 or 21.
Shooting for sport is hideously popular and I would say that given how idiotic and impulsive men are, given the chance, plenty of them from Canada or Australia or the UK would have the same mentality based on the weapons glorification in most of their media if their gov allowed for such easy access. Thankfully they don't have as much of an opportunity. I think the only thing holding plenty of men back is sane legislation. They're definitely easily propagandized into glorifying war and violence and weapons.
No. 412755
>>412123Literally no one did that
Stop being paranoid
No. 412783
>>412775Anon was wrong
At no point did they try to appear better
No. 413089
>>412101>>412094I'm sorry you had to go through that, anon. For the record, I'm able bodied, and I've also had a guy stick his face in my crotch before. It was in the seventh grade, a guy was sitting beside me in class, he grabbed my tit and stuck his face in my crotch, took a sniff, then announced that "Ew, she on her period".
Me and a girl I was friends with at the time reported his ass to the principal.
No. 413411
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We really need to start loving ourselves and our fellow women because this is incredibly sad to think we should settle for a man like that, let alone be his teen side fuck. If only every woman was aware of how too many men view us as. /posting the rest of the screenshots after this
No. 413413
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No. 413414
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No. 413531
File: 1558600290401.png (480.73 KB, 1242x2208, 5C27D246-3DCD-4B8E-A8C5-839809…) whole thread about men crying about porns negative effects and they can only think about how it negatively effects THEM. How it robbed them of their childhoods and motivation, and how the industry prays on the poor men by poisoning their brains. Not one mention about how women are effected by porn, it’s all about them and their dicks, even when they realize porn is bad. It’s still funny to see this dude realize that his and every other mans sexuality is a pathetic joke and can be manipulated and memed into anything. That feeling of having no control over your individuality or your life isn’t something that privileged straight men feel as frequently as other groups, so he’s freaking the FUCK out. Women have to deal with harsh realities like this more often and are expected to just accept it and shut up and stop whining. Men, on the other hand, are coddled, and of course as soon as it involves dick function and decreased quality of life, it’s a disgusting, immoral, crime.
No. 413547
>>413531I'm just glad that some men are actually against porn. I wish all men would turn against it so we could feel safer and happier when in a relationship with them. Too bad they will never be able to control themselves.
It's like they get shown something over and over and basically get memed into wanting that thing. Like how many men actually jerk it to traps now that never would have even dreamed of jerking it to a penis before? It's so disgusting; it's like they have no minds of their own to see that they are being brainwashed. At least the person who made this post can see the truth about how being a slave to porn makes him a pathetic weakling. Most men aren't so self aware (if you can call it self awareness, which it isn't really but it's the best one can hope for).
No. 413570
>>413564Personally, I did enjoy mainstream porn as a horny teen but it doesn't fit my higher, more specialized interests as an adult. It just doesn't cater to my taste in men in the positions I want to see them in. The morality was the biggest turn off though.
I think for most women it's just not made with us in mind. Like
>>413566 said other types of sexual material
are made for us and that's what's appealing.
No. 413572
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>40 yrs old woman give a hall pass to her "bf"
>He immediately try to fuck a 16 yrs old girl
No. 413575
>>413572I don't get why women stay in relationships with men who cheat on them.
at the very least I would get my own side dick as well.
No. 413584
>>413572I'd contact the authorities, her school, and her parents. Age of consent be damned. Fuck this predator.
Guess I'll never be the "cool girlfriend."
No. 413599
>>413564because men are retards who think that a woman screaming and moaning in pain = pleasure. so many of the actresses in mainstream porn are explicitly in pain.
theres also the fact that 99.9% of it is designed FOR men. i cant speak for other women, but when about 40% of a video is taken up by some disgusting blowjob, as it is in most mainstream porn, its not going to interest a woman as much as a man. when i did used to watch it id just skip over that part kek because its so gross and boring. add on the fact that the woman in the video rarely ever recieves oral, and if she does then its for about 10 seconds or less.
ill just stick to the things
>>413566 said, where the actresses arent being hurt and abused, and the content actually appeals to me.
No. 413667
>>413575>at the very least I would get my own side dick as wellThis. Ever notice how the women in these deals never seem to cheat? Why is that? Are they not allowed a side piece or are women just better at being loyal and in love?
>>413564I don't like porn because I know most of the things the woman is doing is painful and unpleasant for her. I know that as a woman I am expected to mimic these retarded things and it makes me feel depressed and sad for everyone involved. I don't like it because I read stories from ex-porn stars that talk about how they were injured doing anal or how they were pressured on set to do things they didn't sign up to do. I read about the permanent health problems of the women involved such as incontinence. It's not sexy, it's damaging and then that damaging behavior is projected onto normal women who are expected to fulfill the fantasies of pornsick men. It's a disgusting industry. Also, the men in porn are kind of ugly and the women look cartoonish. It doesn't turn me on.
That being said I do enjoy watching amateur porn between real life couples because at least then you can tell the woman is enjoying herself and it's easier to self insert.
No. 413782
>>413776>1 example >that came AFTER you did it first >and is more justified than your complaints as well
>>whose entire premise was "stop talking about abortion rights That's not what was said. It was a simple question of why are women mentioning bodily autonomy as a reason they deserve abortions, yet have been COMPLETELY silent about men not having such a right for decades? It's a perfectly
valid question, which instead of answering, you just came here to bitch about men having the audacity to point out your hypocrisy.
(maleposting) No. 413800
>>413782Lol what bodily autonomy do you not have that's even close to on par with being forced against your will to endure pregnancy and childbirth?
Hint: none.
No. 413947
>>413946That's my issue with the "women are evil for circumcising us" argument too. Women who are pro-circumcision legit don't know that it affects sensitivity, fucks with their self-esteem and can be terribly botched. Their circumcised husbands, friends and relatives tell them circumcision is fine, even good, so they trust and believe them.
If those angry scrotes truly care about circumcision and want to work against it, they need to complain to doctors, law-makers and other men. But they complain to us, because they don't actually give a shit. They just want to blame us for something.
No. 413977
>>413974I wonder why it became so popular in white, Christian America. A lot of American women (that I know) don't even realize that the average English guy is uncircumcised.
I'm sure this has something to do with porn.
No. 413984
>>413977The major reason is because one doctor, Dr Lewis Sayre, was a big fan of circumcision. That doctor became the president of the American Medical Association, which put him in a very influential position. Because the president of the AMA was so in favour of circumcision, other doctors followed his lead.
For a while circumcision was popular in the UK too, because Sayre's influence was so strong it even stretched over here. But around the 1950s, other British doctors began to do research into Sayre's claims (he thought circumcision could stop just about anything, from STDs to asthma to epilepsy) and found they weren't based in fact, so the NHS stopped funding it. And the vast majority of Brits did and still do get their healthcare from the NHS, so since it wasn't funded anymore they stopped circumcising their kids.
The US, on the other hand, doesn't have an NHS equivalent, and there is considerable financial benefit for doctors to go on claiming that circumcision is a benefit, so they continued doing that to make money and here we are.
Basically it's almost entirely one man's fault.
No. 413991
>“Women also were thought to be the more carnal sex in the Middle Ages. Debilitated by sexual urges, women’s limited moral judgment and rational capabilities were easily overwhelmed by desire. The suggested derivations for another Latin word for woman, femina, underscore this point. According to the same text quoted above, “We get the word femina… from those parts of the thighs (femorum) by which this sex is distinguished from the man" Others think that femina derives by Greek etymology, from the phrase ‘fiery force,’ because a woman lusts fiercely; for females are most lustful than males, among women as animals. Given these associations between women and the sin of lust, it is hardly surprising that later the Malleus maleficarum would derive femina from a compound of fe (faith) and minus (lesser), “since she is ever weaker to hold and preserve the faith.” Although this particular etymology does not appear until the fifteenth century, the sentiment it expresses about female weakness and lack of moral sense is fully in accord with the content of the late medieval tradition.”
- Nancy Caciola, Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possession in the Middle Ages.
Men: Projecting their issues onto women since the dawn of time.
No. 414055
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>>413991That's an intriguing quote I'll have to read that book sometime.
Adding to your point about abstaining from sex being viewed as an admirable trait for men in the past, in ancient Rome promiscuous men were viewed as lacking self-control and incapable of governing others. Roman men who came from elite backgrounds and frequently had sex with different people risked losing their esteem in the eyes of other elite men and were thought to have low impulses. See pages 67-68 of "Roman Sexualities" by Judith Hallett and Marilyn Skinner for a source.
Roman women were expected to be chaste virgins if they weren't married, but at least the Romans were consistent enough to realize it takes two to tango and apply sexual restrictions to men too.
I have to say I prefer this to the current Western cultural standard of expecting women to stay as virginal as possible and never experience sexual desire unless married while saying the more sex men have with more women increases their status. This results in a very predatory male sexuality that tries to force or manipulate a woman taught her whole life to avoid sex into having sex with him. He then takes away, or absorbs, her status and adds it to his. It's nearly parasitic.
No. 414074
>>413544I think most guys who are addicted to porn don't interact with women enough to know they have feelings. That or they're still bitter about whatever girl rejected them in high school.
They're worried about their dicks because that's all porn is for. They stare at a screen, shoot their goo and trick their brain into thinking they got laid. It's likely the only gratification throughout the day.
No. 414088
>>414082Eh, so I read this and objectively:
>Husband walks into the room and sees me cleaning up a mess and I tell him “you left a drink right next to your keyboard.” She immediately accuses him before he even says a thing. Male to female, female to female, male to male, this would be ineffective in any circumstance. It is accusational, and because she is married to a brainlet main child of course he is going to react defensively and try to redirect blame (which he does to his own child). The rest is all just abysmally stupid and there's a lot of pent up resentment coming out from the woman and a lot of emotional immaturity coming out from the man. At least she did confront him over it but demanding ("I deserve") an apology is also not right either. I feel bad for the kid though because clearly neither of these two people are emotionally ready for co-parenting and a lot of these warning signs were probably there before they had a child.
No. 414096
>>414088The normal response to "You left a drink next to the computer is "Oh sorry, you need help cleaning that up?"
No. 414098
>>414096Yeah, he honestly sounds like how I was when I was emotionally fucked up teenager with rage issues. Falling apart because I tripped or left my wallet at home or something.
A parent should not be that explosive.
That said I also agree with
>>414088 No. 414264
>>414239I hate when I see women tripping over themselves in the WokeOlympics to befriend them.
Them, men dressed as 8 year old girls.
No. 414322
>>414317Lmao you're lucky if they think of you as human
All men are pornsick, you can only hope they're not too far gone. Like the women that marry men who get busted for CP
No. 414336
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>>414086It's just not the mindset they go into porn with. It's not "I'm going to watch 2 human beings with parents and emotional needs copulate for my amusement." All porn is to them is something that makes it easier to pull their dicks. Weather it be the typical power fantasy or amateur porn or being stepped on by a 500lb furry hermaphrodite.
Watching porn is a solitary activity for most men, so from there perspective, there's no real person's feelings to consider other than their own.
No. 414549
>>414545Articles like this make me certain that I'm not going to look for another man if my current relationship ever ends.
Are any of you against having children? My bf wants them but I'm not really up for sacrificing my finances and potentially my life to raise some parasite who will inevitably hate me at one point in time because, "ugh my mom is SUCH a bitch."
No. 414574
>>414549I will never has kids.
1. I don't want to grow up that much. I like working just enough and having lots of free time.
2. I like my freedom.
3. They're not always cute (teenagers).
4. I have to live forever even if I'm in pain. (Can't suicide with kids, even grown ones)
5. I think the planet will be garbage for humans in the next few decades. I wouldn't want my spawn to suffer. I also don't think humans deserve this planet any more.
6. I don't want to put my body through that. I also don't trust doctors much.
Since I'm mid 30s now, I don't forsee changing my mind.
No. 414608
>>414564It's horrible. One of my roommates is a male friend, and yet he leaves dishes in the sink constantly, leaves garbage out, eats the food I buy without sharing his when he buys any, etc. Sometimes I get home from work/school and he'll have the nerve to ask me if I can clean a mess he made.
If he does do any chores, he has the need to announce it to the rest of us as if it deserves praise, when we clean 99% of the time. It's scary how he doesn't know how to clean the floors (leaves pile of swept stuff in the middle of room and does nothing with it), clean dishes (they always remain sticky, doesn't soak things), etc.
It's really draining to have to keep asking gently to just clean up after himself, like I've really snapped at him. It's crazy because I know for a fact his background is anything but posh, and yet I feel like in comparison to women who grow up impoverished, men who grow up impoverished are totally coddled.
No. 414699
>>414608Some woman will be tripping over herself to marry this child some day.
Send him back to mommy.
No. 414730
>>414564>we become the evil nags for asking them to clean This is the worst part. When I lived with male roommates, you'd think I'd asked for them to behead their families with the way they reacted when I asked if they could clean their shitty skidmarks off the toilet bowl or even if I asked if they could at least scrape their leftovers into the bin before leaving their dishes somewhere stupid. Yet when I was doing my laundry or cleaning my room, they'd say I should just do some of theirs while I'm at it. You can't clean rotting food out of your room but I should wash your sheets? Fuck off.
>>414317I was seeing a guy that was actually really lovely in these respects. He was the only boy out of a bunch of very feminist sisters so I think he was taught about respect quicker than he got indoctrinated into the stupid boys club that society seems to have going on. I actually don't think it's something they're born with, I just think that your average guy is coddled and taught that women are there only to enrich his life.
Women have been taught for so long that they must be married to matter and now they'll settle for men who don't respect them and this will inevitably pass onto their sons. Honestly gross men will never stop themselves because they're being babied for it. We as women should just make the decision not to settle for these losers, even if it means being alone. Tradthots and edgelords especially need to have some self respect and let the pornsick and the disrespectful die out.
No. 414736
>>414564Men will pretend to believe in equality but evidence shows otherwise in the disproportionate distribution of domestic labor and the added constant strain of mental domestic labor on women as the ones delegated to constantly be the only one planning out each day/week's tasks, thinking of every tiny thing that needs to be done and keeping things running smoothly while assigning tasks to an unthinking and unwilling husband/boyfriend.
Future men need it drilled into their heads from childhood to look around their rooms and homes for chores to do themselves, to not rely on women to tell them everything to do, and to know from childhood that not doing their part in the family will not be forgotten and their work simply picked up by a resigned mother. I've seen so many sons who grew up knowing if they don't clean their room, their mother will clean it eventually (because it's the dynamic she was taught by her own family, her husband, and indirectly through more general values instilled by gendered socialization), and when these guys grow up and look for a relationship they look for a new mommy maid.
I've spoken with so many older women who have spent their lives working full time, doing nearly all the work raising their children, and doing nearly all the domestic work in their homes while their husbands laze about, bitch and moan "my wife is such a nag, she's been yelling at me all week to vacuum even though I said I'd do it!" Yeah, you said you'd do it 7 days ago and then never did. The amount of sorrow and anger I've seen simmering just under the surface of elderly women who realize this isn't how it has to be when I speak with them about these issues is incredible and heartbreaking.
No. 414753
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Saw this reposted on /pol/.
The absolute irony is lost on them.
No. 414761
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Not exactly man hate but does anyone notice how every single time someone does a "seven deadly sins personified" type of deal, "Lust" is ALWAYS female? The only time I can think of when this didn't happen was The Sandman, though "Desire" switched between male and female so it wasn't fully male.
Dumb male gazey shit. As if women are more lustful than men ever will be, or that women just exist to tempt and corrupt men.
No. 414789
>>414774But… why? Why is Lust "supposed" to be a sexy woman. That's not sinful Lust. A man who guns down a college because he hates women that don't fuck him is a sinful representation of lust. A man who commits adultery or rape is a sinful representation of lust. Women don't do these things anywhere near as often as men, so why is Lust associated with a woman? Also why would a woman be "tempting" straight women?
It's just a dumb concept; Lust should always be either a male or goes between male and female.
No. 414828
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4chan sometimes has gems
No. 414842
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>>414833good drag isn't just about how "slutty" the character is. it's an art form and a person playing a character. bad drag performers are just men in wigs making sex jokes, but good drag performers have a skill like comedy, entertainment, dance or a combo of things. they are also artists who make their own clothes and do their own makeup. they're 99% gay men who follow the trend of gay men idolizing female celebs and being inspired by them. it's pretty harmless, at least, again, at a high level. if you watch RPDR the sexual jokes are amped up for entertainment but if you see a lot of those queens live it's less of it.
No. 414843
>>414789It comes from the perception most ppl have that associates sexiness to women
It's the same reason why Wrath is portrayed as a muscular man and Gluttony as an obese man
If you draw Lust as a horny man literally no one would guess what sin it is I'm saying from the artist's pow
No. 414854
>>414765i think it should be one of those men who actively take part in the sexual trafficking and explotitation of vulnerable women just to satisfy his own lust, like a man who goes to prostitutes and watches porn. since thats the one of the most harmful and sinful versions of lust because it actively harms multiple other people.
its a lot mroe ominous than just some sexy woman imo.
No. 414856
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>>414545I always knew this. I always felt stressed when I was dating men. Men are retarded cavemen who of course are happier when they have a female around to be an emotional cumrag to soak them up, and of course, the woman is expected to do all the emotional labor. And the woman is tasked with all the cleaning and homemaking chores and continuing to make her man happy while he goes out and works and is "the man of the house" and fucking kill me.
I love being single and childless. It's so fun and freeing.
No. 414860
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>>414856Women are better MGTOW's then man.
No. 414878
>>414549Even when I was younger, I always said I'd rather adopt or foster than have my own child. And now I'm 34 and still childless, and I can still say, I don't want my own child. Not only is the whole pregnancy process just stressful, but I can't afford a kid, and I'm probably not mentally stable enough for a kid.
I'll just stick with pets. Plus my mom is getting older, so I'll probably wind up having to look after her in the future anyway.
No. 414879
>>414869God, this. I remember encountering this for the first time in college, when I lived in an eight person house as one of two girls, and at first I (and the other girl) were incredulous at them saying "lol I don't care" when we brought up the mess, but they really don't. What really pisses me off though is when they then act like it's YOU who has the issue, and if it's such a problem it's all YOUR job to clean it up, but it's never like……some clutter, maybe the floor needs mopping, some dust bunnies, whatever. It's absolute filth. Like CPS would be called if kids were there. And they act you have the problem and they get away with it because men have absolutely no fucking initiative to take basic care of themselves, let alone get anywhere near thinking "huh this matters to my friend, I'll wipe down the counters."
No. 414899
>>414880Your tinfoil is too much of a reach for me anon, I'm willing to bet that the cervical cancer stats are recent and peer reviewed enough that there will be truth in there.
However I agree there are probably many old-fashioned doctors pushing very outdated opinions on everything. I'm not disputing the raised risks of downs syndrome etc, but this bbc article from a few years back really stuck with me on the topic of how long outdated research can continue to influence medical opinion No. 414911
>>414880I've also heard you can ward off cancer by having an orgasm, so.
I'd rather be childfree and keep masturbating to my pretend BF than ever deal with a real man and kids.
No. 415006
>>415005It's incredible that they think women are the evil ones for caring about their jobs, finances, education, etc. They are things that actually show something about someone's personality and, judging by the divorce rate due to financial stress, are a serious indication of how a long term relationship will fare. All men care about is looks and doing literally whatever they want us to (aka 'submissiveness').
I personally think women need to judge men by their income less, but mainly because it does our own gender a disservice when we assume men should make more than us. But that doesn't mean it isn't perfectly reasonable to want a financially literate man who can manage his money and demonstrate enough responsibility to keep a decent job, money problems doom marriages.
No. 415054
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>Feminism is a mental illness
>But muh men's right is a necessity, I don't want to be divorce raped!!!
No. 415085
>>415069I witnessed my mother get raped by a stranger when I was 7. She hadn't done anything to 'deserve it'. A random guy just broke into our apartment and raped her.
>>415080It's not even legal to own weapons in my country. I wish I could own some sort of handgun for defense.
No. 415089
>>415043some forms of birth control (the pill) actually might increase your risk of developing beast cancer, along with increasing your risk of developing blood clots, but it decreases the risk of certain kinds of cancer due to decreasing the amount of times you ovulate bc of less exposure to hormones, like
>>415023 mentioned
No. 415091
>>415085Holy shit, anon. That must have been horrifying. Ain't nobody ever deserves it.Is she doing okay now at least?
Just, I still need to stress that it can't really count as feminism issue when boys and men are often the target of it as well. Heck, it's not even really a "change rape culture" thing since they already know it's evil but choose to do it anyway.
Being old won't stop them. Being young won't stop them. Having a penis won't stop them. Teaching them not to won't stop them. Showing them what the bottom of a shallow grave looks like will.
No. 415124
>>415091>I still need to stress that it can't really count as feminism issue when boys and men are often the target of it as wellcan we please stop this meme, the overwhelming majority of rape
victims are women and girls. like im pretty sure its over 90%. its a feminism issue.
No. 415129
>>415091How is it not a feminist issue when there are types of violence against women that are specific to our sex ? Men don't have to deal with getting pregnant from rape. They don't have to deal with knowing that they will almost always be physically weaker than any male, and at a terrible disadvantage if attacked.
Yes, they deal with violence too, and yes, assault and rape are terrible regardless of your gender, but women are a prime target and we suffer consequences that men don't.
No. 415130
>>415124You're forgetting prison rape. Men are literally locked in cells with people that rape them every day.
>>415129You're forgetting plenty of men are weaker than most other men as well.
No. 415135
>>415124>>415130Per the fbi and Wikipedia,
>Sex offense victims in 2012 (FBI):
>67,345 female>12,100 maleI checked the source. Children are in a separate category. If it was just forcible rape, I'm sure there would be an even larger disparity.
No. 415144
>>415130but the feminist point is that MEN are the majority of rapists. Prison rape is committed by men themselves.
Men are the problem, that's the pink pill.
No. 415156
>>415153Following this up, here are the stats from the National Inmate Survey (U.S):
4.8% of men in prison reported rape or sexual abuse versus 6.8% of women.
Women are at higher risk of prison rape than men are.
No. 415176
>>41516399% is bullshit too. 99% is probably a lot closer to the number of men who
have sexually harassed or assaulted women
No. 415193
>>415176And how about all the Kavanaughs out there? So many men push the limit with drunk girls and women.
I never allow myself to let loose and drink too much because there's a very real threat from men to take advantage of you. I learned that real quick in high school.
No. 415216
>>415214it is. ive only looked it up a couple of times out of curiosity, but a lot of the posts were about bettering yourself, the bitter posts about chad and stacey were quite rare, although maybe its changed since i last saw it.
meanwhile incels cant talk about anything other than the mythical chad and ~roasties~, and there have also been posts about wanting to rape and assault women.
No. 415256
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yay. 4 in a row
No. 415266
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the porn men get off to is fucking ridiculous lmao. warning there's giant tits under here.
No. 415270
>>415266I actually like busty women myself (perhaps because I'm flat?), but this is hilarious.
The tiny woman on there who ALSO has proportionally unreal tiddies…I'm losing it. Nipple fucking also always kills me.
No. 415281
>>415266no offense to women with big boobs but this looks terrible. why are men so weird? like almost all men have weird, aesthetically retarded fetishes, while we rarely have them.
like, i definitely dont get wet thinking of a MASSIVE dong or a guy with ABNORMALLY CHISELED jawbones. it's like they're literally retarded children. female visual taste is so much more refined
No. 415312
>>415281this was discussed last thread with the gigachad thing
>>408227weird how women don't tend to care for exaggerated, deformed features yet men love it?
No. 415374
>>414545Thanks for sharing the link anon, it's good to know and makes me feel more determined and justified in not marrying a man.
Funny enough these threads have really helped me in bonding with my mother. She use to be the type that asked why I wasn't married or having kids yet but after sharing these facts and stories (like husbands murdering their wives and children to be with a mistress), she's finally accepted it and now we talk about how awful men can be.
No. 415388
>>415386How ridiculous. They are pretty but you see groups of girls who look and dress like them all the time in the west, it's just generic cute girly outfits. And it has nothing to do with what they are like as people.
Men just see what they want to see, and that's a fantasy country full of perfect wholesome waifus who have nothing better to do than be cute and young and pine after western dick.
No. 415400
>>415386I too saw that video a while ago and yeah, the comments…
In my country live a lot of russians and you really can't tell them apart from the native girls? Their faces and bodies look the same, they dress the same, they have the same interests…, yet they're muh submissive trad wives while we are roastie whores.
I'll simply assume that most of the commenters are muricans who never even visited europe.
I get your anger, but tbh I'd rather be hailed as some pure waifu than constantly having to read seemingly everywhere on the web about how much of a disgusting slut (who should just die) girls like me are.
No. 415407
>>415400Are you a Finn? If so, if it makes you feel any better most women in my country (Balkan Slav here) admire Finnish women a lot because they're strong and fight for their rights, and in the media here you're always an example of how people are supposed to behave.
Also I don't think these guys would like it if they knew their pure trad Slav waifus had to have jobs in the 50s and many worked in STEM or operated heavy machinery, and that it's perfectly normal to have women programmers nowadays who are paid more than their asses could ever provide.
>>415391I mean, a lot of people where I live do make fun of American feminism but that's because they don't understand what they are talking about since we don't experience that kind of treatment here. We're not exactly equal ourselves but our feminist movements often try to ape their American counterparts even though we don't get treated like American women.
For example, if someone told a girl here to smile, talked over her or said her skirt was too slutty he would get a slap in the face. Nobody would ever say that here. Some girl on a local forum talked about her experiences with American men and was pissed off that they always assumed authority over her and everyone else. Like, try that with girls here if you like having their moms and grandmas destroy your spine and will to live when they find out.
We have other issues, like the fact that you're judged hard if you're a mother and want to look nice/buy yourself something nice/go to a spa, because as a mom you should give everything in your life to your child and you're not doing it right if you're not an impoverished old crone by the time your kid starts school. Also we have really good laws on maternity leave and pregnant employees but companies routinely ignore that and just make up reasons to fire pregnant women instead. The system is corrupt so they can just pay their way out of anything.
No. 415450
>>414761YES. That was something recently on my mind. Even in FMA Lust is female, while the rest of the sins are blokes.
>>414777Great point.
No. 415486
>>415460Men: I want to murder women. I want to rape women. Here's an entire forum I made all about how women are sub-human animals who don't deserve rights. Here's my story I wrote about cutting the legs and arms off of teenage girls, stringing them up in a cupboard and allowing other men to rape them for a small fee. Here's some pictures of women who were violently murdered for us to jerk off to.
Everyone: Well, boys will be boys!
Women: I don't like it when men rape me.
No. 415488
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>>414777It's weird because even tho the Lust sin is presented as a sexy and seductive woman, I never thought she was meant to just lure men. Imo it's more like a woman who owns her sexuality and likes having a lot of sex, kinda like Slan in Berserk. Always having Wrath as a big strong male is far more mysoginist to me
No. 415506
>>415391Slav here as well and I hate it. They expect you to be a domestic goddess but at the same time to work 24/7 to finance the entire household. Since families are closely knit, you're also constantly on edge because of the mother in law who thinks her boy is the most perfect man in the world and who should never ever do anything in the house.
> It's even more disheartening, when you see other women following this and attacking other women because of their feminist beliefs.It's funny because, in my experience, those women tend to be fat, stupid and ugly. I guess they have nothing going for them so they become a useless housewife who can only attract other men by being a complete doormat.
No. 415509
>>415460The most irritating part to me is seeing the usual suspects bitch about this thread's existence (or literally anything less than favorable to men) on /meta/ and demand bans for wrongthink ("pls don't be harsh on men ://"), or for suspecting anti-woman posters might be scrote (like that one self-proclaimed lesbian who wrote that gross, misogynistic rant all to whiteknight gay men).
I know the admin/mods just ignore it, but the fact that they feel self-righteous enough to even try? Repeatedly, at that? Fuck off.
You have the whole damn internet as your hugbox, but we should be the ones banned for not keeping quiet to spare the men's and handmaiden's feelings?
No. 415514
>>415512Best bet is probably to work in a retail store that sells children's clothing. You will literally only interact with mothers and women looking to buy clothes for their sister's friend's cousin's baby. Actually, anything involving children is probably a good bet. Men avoid anything child-related like the plague because they have no sense of responsibility when it comes to child-rearing.
If you hate kids– you probably won't find many men in any store that sells bath bombs or lotions and stuff like that. The few that are there will probably be buying gifts for their SO.
No. 415533
>>415506>Those women tend to be fat, stupid and ugly. I guess they have nothing going for them so they become a useless housewife who can only attract other men by being a complete doormat.You don't have to like what they say, but it's completely understandable that they'd look out for their own job security by arguing that being a housewife is the utmost virtuous and prudent.
Do you expect stupid, ugly, fat women to gain education and meaningful employment in a society where they're called "useless" as women for being any of those things? Pandering to men is safest for them.
No. 415535
>>415512I'd say any store that carries exclusively women's clothing. I worked at a store that sold loungewear and underwear for women and it was a nice environment without any creeps. Pretty much any man that walked in was some bored guy on his phone tagging along with his girlfriend or wife. The store I worked at was also marketed to teens and young college age girls and honestly I preferred that, teens are annoying but usually way more polite than adults. All the entitled and rude customers I've ever had working customer service are always adults or seniors. Plus a teenage boy in a store that has frilly cutesy bras everywhere is gonna be awkward and not raise a fuss lol.
Pretty much anything youthful and girly would work, like Claire's or even something like Justice, haha. Men would avoid that like the fucking plague, as long as you don't mind dealing with kids and tweens it honestly doesn't even sound that bad.
No. 415566
I was talking with friends about past teachers, friends were saying I was harsh on male teachers, so I brought up one who was nice to me, after hearing my experience with him my friends went "he's a fucking pedo!" I thought more about it, and the realiazation hit me that he probably was, and all the red flags popped into view. Incoming wall of blogpost.
He's a foreign teacher (my country doesn't have English as a first language, so schools would hire foreign teachers to teach supplementary English lessons), old af, like 50-something. The school year he came I was nine, the school then have this routine, where the foreign teacher would stand at the foot of the stairs to the classrooms, and students were encouraged to have conversations with the teacher before they go to their classrooms. The teacher was pretty popular so usually a crowd of students would talk to him, including me. He'd tell me that he'd love to talk to me more, and I'd bring my lunch to his office next to the staff room so that we could talk more, he said he'd eat with other students but I was always alone with him 3-4 days out of the 5 school days a week. He said he liked hearing me say his name and sometimes would make me say it multiple times. Sometimes I'd talk about boys being bullies, and he'd tell me that he wouldn't be that mean to me, and talk about if he was my age how nice he'd treat me, also he'd pat my head and grab my shoulder a lot.
There was a 2 day joint-school English summer camp that I was chosen to join, and he was one of the supervising teachers. All teachers and students of one school sleeps in one room regardless of gender, he said he wanted to be close to me and wanted me sleep in the bed next to his, but I wanted to be with my friend so I refused, he said fine but I have to sit with him during meals and activities. During that he commented that I didn't have a phone, and he would buy me a phone if I wanted and we can talk on the phone outside of school. I didn't say yes because my family was against me having a phone.
At the end of the year there's this teacher's appreciation event after the awards ceremony where the teachers would go on stage and receive a flower from their favourite students, and he selected me. The week before he asked me to find him during recess, he wanted to play me a song on his guitar because that song's title is my name. But I threw up right as recess starts, and a teacher took me to the school clinic. She said I needed to rest until recess is over, and I told her that I was going to find the foreign teacher because he was going to play me a special song. She said she'd tell him that I wouldn't be going. That lunch he was not at his office so I went back to my classroom.
The next day though, there was another teacher standing with the foreign teacher, and he doesn't talk to me as earnestly, and told me I should stop going to his office for lunch. Later my class teacher told me I didn't have to go to the rehearsal for the teacher appreciation event, and another student will be giving the flower. I was seeing the social worker once a week then, and that day the social worker asked me about what me and the foreign teacher would do and talk. During the teachers appreciation event it was announced that he wouldn't be back for the next school year, which came as a surprise to everyone. The morning talk routine was also cancelled the next year.
I'm so surprised that I remember so many things but I did not recognize them as red flags until in retrospect. I suppose the teacher got busted for his pedo behavior and I dodged a bullet, thank the stars. I've believed since young that most men are garbage and I'm right.
No. 415572
>>415391>>415392I’m from Balkan Slavlands as well and I had my Western Euro raised female relative scream at me for wearing short skirt and shorts in the summer. Mind you, it wasn’t a mini skirt or anything that shows off your butt.
>>415386 more like something like this.
It’s something that I’m completely used to wearing here, along with leggings. It’s not considered distasteful here, I even asked my father and male friends if my outfits are revealing but they said no.
I never had problems, was never catcalled, touched, yelled at, or had some guy stare at me. Yet my relative was screaming I deserve to get raped for tempting men. I told her nobody gets deserved to get raped, but she called it me living in fantasyland. I told her I’m dressed like an average girl my age over here in the capital during the summer, but she mentioned how I must have shopped in the district for prositutes, lmao and how she wants to take me in the forest to see them, double lmao. It’s sad women think their own family deserves to be raped for wearing something they’d usually wear in their country.
Also, I happen to be seeing an American…and my god….our men are not saints, sure he won’t assign me gender roles….but the entitlement and me me me attitude are driving me insane. Men are men, but there is something specific about tumblr like attitude and pretending to be God’s gift on Earth and for other cultures to adapt to him. He could be the author of that troon tweet if few things changed in it.
Sage for blogpost, but I thought maybe slightly different cultural observation will be an interesting take.
No. 415654
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Reading pic related (a book about abusive men) at an anon's recommendation, and damn. Everyone should read this, whether you've been abused or not. I'm only about 1/3 through and it already shuts down so many scrot arguments - one thing he mentions a few times is that men who claim to be physically abused are usually the abusers themselves, and how often abusers try to say that women can get away with everything and have more power in society, etc. Men online say the same shit all the time, gaslighting and manipulation comes so naturally to them.
No. 415656
>>415654Seconding the recommendation for this book, though reading certain sections of it made me see the femcel red mist at times. Mostly from the stories of DV
victims. Men are a fucking disease.
No. 415659
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>>415386>scrots think slavic women don't twerk, have tattoos, edgy haircuts and piercings, dress alternatively, drink, hook up, go to bars, or go on their phone and are feministsthey can't be serious can they….
please don't tell me they think people who are known for vodka drinking, partying, being edgy, having a literal twerk team and feminist groups, and being IG models… are actually pure virgin waifus unlike those evil western roasties
No. 415660
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>>415654genuinely thank you for this anon, I'm buying this right the fuck now.
I've been abused mostly by male family members, even as an adult. my older brother has actually bent me over a couch and beat me on the back of the legs with a metal rod because I accidentally broke a window. I was 27 he was 30. he also weirdly "stalks" me, calls me a hooker when I leave the house with a bag of clothes (?) and gets weirdly into my business. the day after I slept with someone he came right up to my face and said "How is _______?" and named the dude. so fucking weird, I feel like I can't escape.
My S.O. is the opposite though, I gravitate toward the most lovely men usually romantically but cop family abuse on the daily unless I literally disappear.
there's also a book I've been perusing called Nice Girl Syndrome, been too in denial to finish reading it but it's good so far ;__;
No. 415661
>>415659i dont think they actually believe what they say about ee women being "pure". otherwise western men wouldnt be going to eastern europe in masses to take advantage of the often poor and disadvantaged prostitues and they also wouldnt feel the need to traffick women from that region so much. its just something they say to stick it to the "evil western roasties".
also, if youre a woman from eastern europe, please dont fall for the "uwu liberal and accepting western man" meme. they are just as bad, if not worse, than the local men, although probably in different ways. the men who come here to find girlfriends are all trash. every single one. they will literally never see you as an equal, they will see you as either some kind of savage from an inferior culture who needs to be saved, or as someone they can use. although i guess this goes to women from other cultures as well.
No. 415689
>>411618lately, i have not been able to stop thinking about the horrible things men do just for sick, sexual pleasure.
for example, i saw an incredibly cute puppy walking home today, and the first thought that popped into my mind was that there is probably a man somewhere out there that would and has raped a cute little puppy like the one i saw. the intrusive thought made me so sick to my stomach i almost had to stop walking.
this is probably a result of me recently investigating CP in an academic sense. i'm a
victim of CSA, and so I sometimes do academic reading on the subject, and it's fucking morbid. only an actual demon could see the happiness and innocence of a child and want to ruin it so violently, disgustingly and selfishly.
it feels like i can't escape men and their sexual violence even when reading about other men. just yesterday, i was reading about russian prison tattoos, and i came across how some men would be forcibly tattooed and branded as bottoms against their will. prison rape is no secret, and yet, it's simply accepted. it's just men doing what men do, and i hate it so much.
men are a blight upon this world. the cycle of violence and suffering that has eternally spun continues to be perpetuated by men. people always refute my point by saying that there are awful women, which is true, but nearly always the actions of terrible women stem from abuse at the hands of even worse men.
No. 415712
>>415695Not exactly and depends on where you live/the people you socialize with
I'm sure you'll find this type amoung very religious males, but reality is a lot of men don't care and some even preferred more experienced women, the only types of men I've known who were really persistent on finding "pure" women we're low-tier neckbeards or highly religious men, I have a past of being promisicious and sex work but I've had no trouble finding a high quality man who knows about my past and is happy with me
No. 415718
>>415654Wanna join the chorus and say that this book is necessary reading for EVERY woman, Lundy Bancroft is the only man I've ever read who truly, actually holds men responsible for what they do. I'm really glad he knows that people will listen to him as a man and uses it.
A rec for after: Loving to Survive, which is sort of about taking Bancroft's theories and applying them to how all women are raised to love all men in spite of the violence they inflict on us. Super interesting.
No. 415722
>>415689I feel you anon. I do a very similar thing, but with serial killers. I read about them all the time and the ways they select
victims has really impacted the way I see the world. For example, if I see a gay man of color, I think of how Jeffrey Dahmer would have gone after them or if I see a pretty college girl with long brown hair I think the same but with Ted Bundy. If I see someone hitch hiking, I get a sense of dread on their behalf. Same whenever I see a child whose mother isn't watching their every move, like if they're at the grocery store and she's too busy looking at the food to pay close attention to them, I start to worry any male within close proximity is going to snatch them. The amount of people who want to harm children has actually played a huge role in why I don't want any, especially considering attackers are usually people you know.
Once you're aware of how mamy monsters there are and how often this shit actually happens, it's hard not to think about it all the time unless you're really fucking good at denial.
No. 415726
>>415723>>415712derail but would you gals say virgins women are fucked when it comes to dating, then?
I don't want to have casual sex and also don't want to date redpillers/robots/Religiousfags. Seems like I'm best off staying femcel for life at this point.
Fuck, I just want to have a life partner but everything men do and want makes it so difficult.
No. 415729
>>415726I wouldn't say you're fucked, it's just that you'll have a more limited dating pool outside of trash and religious guys. You'll probably have more luck by going the "start out as friends" route with a guy, but that isn't a bad thing at all. It's not that quality men won't date you at all, it's just that they'll be more weary and only want to take the next step if they think you're end game because they won't want to risk seriously psychologically damaging you.
But you want guys who are weary because it shows they actually care about your feelings and how their actions affect you. Avoid guys who fetishize virgins like the plague because they will see you as skme sort of sick trophy or their preferences are the result of misogynistic puritain bullshit. It's fine for them to prefer virgins if they are also a virgin, though, as long as their motivation isn't sketchy.
No. 415733
>>415729>>415731Thank you, anon. Ideally I would actually like to date another virgin so there's no power imbalance/we can figure it out together. I figure at this age the nice young virgin men are also this way because of traits we'd share (introversion, ugly duckling past, not into casual flings) so it may work better in general anyway.
But I'll be sure to drop anyone if it seems like fetishization then. And with the perspective you mentioned, it probably is sometimes an act of kindness for men to avoid virgins, rather than "discrimination" lol. I just worried that it would be a major setback, even among fellow virgins.
No. 415813
>>415809Moids want any excuse to hate women regardless of whether they actually make sense or not. Best thing to do is to ignore them (if you can).
Also @ all of you moids lurking and role-playing here: fuck off. There are plenty of other forums for you to whine in, and you’re making yourselves look more pathetic by trying to “debate” so that you can feel smug about being male and entitled.
No. 415841
>>415759In a way, he really just proved himself wrong on his entire world view.
>"No woman likes virgin men. We are cursed by an unjust society and might as well neck ourselves since these useless WHORES won't give us a chance">meanwhile in reality: "There's nothing wrong with a guy who's a virgin wanting to be with a girl's who a virgin. In fact, they'd have more in common and it's actually quite sweet">"No! Shut up! Anything other than my pathetic self-victimization can only be cope from another incel!"I wonder how he'll twist this in his mind. I know they'll do anything to dodge the real reason they're alone. It's almost nothing to do with society, Chads, Stacies and a stigma around male virginity, but everything to do with him (and other incels) being completely shitty, disgusting people. On top of that, we all know the bar is low for men, as it always has been, so to get to this point, they really
must be the trash of their gender.
No. 415850
>>415841Their absolute insistence to the point of LARPing about how doomed they are reveals that le redpill is all just an excuse to not bother improving themselves and their lives.
If only women had such meme problems that we had to astroturf male spaces pretending to be judgemental shallow men to handwave away our personal short comings lmao.
And the most amazing part is this is in the extremely rare phenomena of an actual misandry thread but that's not enough for this very specific brand of self-excusing persecution complex.
No. 415866
>>415567Hong Kong (inb4 HK belongs to mother China bs)
There probably was, and I do hope nothing else happened to other students. God being an Asian girl sucks mighty ass.
No. 415936
>>415733My first boyfriend and I were both virgins (and I had never had a boyfriend before). We were both 19, which isn't "late" by any means but by current incel standards it is.
Would highly recommend. Discovering sex and each other's bodies together was beyond great. Still to this day the best sex I ever had, the most responsive sexual partner. He also didn't watch porn (which I thought was silly at the time), maybe that had something to do with it. We dated two years and fucked nearly every day.
Apologies for the blogpost but this is all to say 2 virgins is A++++
No. 416084
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Should men this weak be allowed to live?
This is from the documentary "Tokyo Idols", currently on Netflix. Grown men, most with more opportunities and privileges than 90% of humans on the planet, are not being able to cope with life or a single romantic rejection and become obsessed with teenage idols and jerk themselves broke.
It's pathetic but also really funny
No. 416116
>>411618Not sure where to post this aside from the vent thread, even then I think I may be redirected here.
Is it really "progressive" to fight for women's rights?
My mother seems to hate modern politics and thinks that women should always be accompanied by a man, abortion is murder etc. and my brother is following in those ways. He's a bit softer and thinks that abortions should be regulated and with the partner present.
I'm not certain but at least in 3rd world countries, wouldn't rape be far more common?
Future apologies, I'm not sure quite where this belongs.
No. 416123
>>416116Yes, you're correct in your assumption. Rape is far more common in 3rd world countries where women have less rights than a barnyard animal. That's even if you don't count the child bride phenomenon as being a form of rape, which why the fuck wouldn't you? Heck, there's certain tribes in Africa where they don't have a word for it. That's how little the men there care.
I can KINDA get the argument that fighting for women's rights in the context of most modern secular democracies is somewhat frivolous and redundant. After all, we already have the vote, and at least on paper are guaranteed equal wages for equal work, etc. Especially since it's almost half of women that are anti-aortion themselves. But even then, it's still a global struggle. I wouldn't want to be someone that would leave a sister behind just because I've gotten mine.
No. 416140
>>416127We need to say this more to "the good ones".
They enjoy feeling like one of the good guys just because they raise their eyebrows at shit, like when they hear their boss being a misogynist at work, but they need to actually follow through with it and do something about it.
No. 416168
>>416084I have been watching documentaries and reading articles about idol fans, and I agree with you. What struck me the most was how the vast majority of them completely dropped all irl relationship because of one rejection, like you said. Some of them also weren't satisfied with their current relationship bc the woman was not young enough, not beautiful enough, etc so they dropped them for idols. All those men expected to have gfs in their teens or early 20s, with perfect, childish, submissive personalities, stunning faces and many talents. Of course, they also had to be pure virgins. But the men themselves didn't even bother to shower. Expectations for Japanese men are so low already (maintain basic hygiene, have any job or income) and they can't even meet them.
No. 416173
I was reading an article about the current education system "failing boys", but all it looks like to me is that boys can't handle girls doing things better than them.
At least in my country (which the article was concerned with), the current education system is based on the same one we had in the 1800s, when girls were not allowed to go to school. The system seemed fine back then, and women were deemed too stupid to be educated. Same in the 1930s, when peasant women were only allowed to finish the first 4 grades of primary school so they could learn to read and write. In the 1950s with the introduction of socialism, education became free for everyone, and women could and did get good jobs but also had to take care of childcare and household work whereas men could faff about, having been raised not to know how to do any of this because there would always be a woman to take care of them.
Eventually girls overtook boys in school and at university and also learned how to take care of themselves and the house, having been taught that by their mums. Many women now have good jobs, live by themselves, often with pets, and still manage to have a neat house and afford holidays with their friends. Meanwhile most men are lazy, unemployed (see: lazy), can't even boil water because they were mama's golden boys taught to rely on women for household chores and cooking, except women just aren't interested in taking care of whiny manchildren who don't even treat them right in return anymore. Of course, it's the system's fault and women's fault for "failing boys". Give me a break. Nobody complained when women couldn't vote, nobody complained when women couldn't work or go to school.
No. 416174
>>416168I think I saw the same one as you. It was about two very young men, who looked so normal, but they completely gave up after being rejected a single time. The male reporter even said that he was rejected more than a dozen times already, but who cares, that's life.
They then went to a group date and he constantly nitpicked the girls. Like "she's cute and nice, but if my favourite female idol is a 10, then she's just a 1".
>>416169>>416171Either rich daughters or prostitutes, but most of the time simply hostesses as well. A normal student or worker couldn't afford that without going into debt. Maybe once, for a special party, just to try it out for fun, but not regularly.
>>416173I think it's the same about everywhere. My mother and my brother still go on about how the female teachers back when he was in primary school (he's 22 now) were so biased against boys and in university (i study teaching) we also talk about how boys have it harder … Hell she even blames the fact that boys go through puberty later for them not being as good as girls when they finish school. Most high school teachers are male and they also show no consideration when a girl complains about cramps or nausea, but boys acting out and being lazy should be pitied.
No. 416184
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>>416173There's a theory that the main reason why women and doing better in universities now is that they made them easier. Sounds stupid? I'll go on.
So like back in they had a reputation of being for the absolute best and brightest people you'll ever find only, and given that human IQ distributions curves are generally patterned so there's more male geniuses than female geniuses this also meant more men would be likely to qualify. But now that they're designed to maximize profits via maximizing attendance even an average IQ is passable. Therefore it's predominately very stupid men excluded, leaving mostly women instead. Plus there's an unrelated grade gap that bites into their chance;, wherein female teachers have been shown to have an unconscious bias towards marking girls slightly higher for otherwise identical work. Finally there are men that flat out don't give a shit if they live squalor or not. They used to work hard to provide for a family, but now that women can do this to themselves they're happy to scratch their nuts and jerk off while the world leaves them behind. As in rat utopia studies where populations rise to their level of consumption without any fear of predators they've just recognized their redundancy and are more or less content to roll over and slowly die. Not saying that this is true or not, but they are the excuses they go with.
No. 416188
>>416184>female teachers have been shown to have an unconscious bias towards marking girls slightly higher for otherwise identical work. male teachers do the same thing with boys though.
also, opening schools to average iq where it used to service practical geniuses is making uni easier.
No. 416196
>>416188>male teachers do the same thing with boys though.Good thing I never had a single male teacher in 16 years of schooling.
>also, opening schools to average iq where it used to service practical geniuses is making uni easier.Yes, that's what I said.
No. 416206
>>416201Yeah, this reads like thinly veiled scrot logic.
>Sounds stupid? I'll go on.That's exactly how males on reddit and 4chan write…
>So like back in they had a reputation of being for the absolute best and brightest people you'll ever find only, and given that human IQ distributions curves are generally patterned so there's more male geniuses than female geniuses this also meant more men would be likely to qualify.The sole reason you male geniuses qualified for uni was simply because women had close to zero rights. This was during a time arranged marriage with underage girls still existed, just shortly after women were finally allowed to vote and long before women could work etc without their husbands permission, so do you really believe that they treated girls who wanted to get into higher education fairly? All these "statistics" are very likely to be altered to fit their bullshit agenda.
No. 416212
>>416184But by your logic it should still be a similar amount of each gender.
It would be the smartest males (of which there are more) and average males (of which there are less) with average females (of which there are more) and smartest females (of which there are less).
No. 416216
>>416209Why would we all need to adjust?
Girls already did throughout the last decades, we're doing well enough now.
It's males who cannot keep up, they need to change and get better.
No. 416222
>>416212If 40% of men have lower than than 90 IQ, but only 20% of women have a lower than 90 IQ then that's twice as many men than women below 90, and therefore unable to meet a 90 IQ requirement.
>>416216Okay, but what if they don't ever change their attitude for the better? What if the predictions in rat utopia experiments are accurate and they won't ever do anything? Then we'll still need to adjust.
>>416221Okay then, they're lazy. Good for you for not being lazy, but bad for society when so many with potential are no longer motivated to use said potential.
No. 416223
>>416221It's pretty clear that most elementary school teachers - where pay is the worst - are women. During high school it might be 50:50, but female professors are still so rare.
Is it because females are dumb? Or maybe because back when the old farts who teach me were young themselves, women had no real chance of ever getting into a higher position or better paying field?
>>416222You're no longer even trying to pass as a women, do you?
I don't give a fuck if men waste their potential.
No. 416226
>>416223>It's pretty clear that most elementary school teachers - where pay is the worst - are women.So then the first teachers that children are exposed to are women - where they first make up their minds if schooling is for them.
>Is it because females are dumb? Or maybe because back when the old farts who teach me were young themselves, women had no real chance of ever getting into a higher position or better paying field?Eh, the old farts today would have started their careers in the 70's-80's, and back then the ratios were already close to even so I couldn't tell you really.
>I don't give a fuck if men waste their potential.Well yeah, not now you don't. You just might in a few decades when the lasting consequences of it begin to manifest.
>>416226>So then the first teachers that children are exposed to are women - where they first make up their minds if schooling is for them.So it's those evil female teachers fault that boys decide that "schooling isn't for them"…? (hint: children at that age don't make such decisions, it's dumbass parents telling them that they're treated unfairly for being men)
If this is really the case, then how about males studying teaching instead? But oh wait no, they don't want that, because they're too good to be lowly paid primary school teachers, that's not prestigious enough for them lmao
Shitting on women won't help
your boys, you need to start taking action yourself.
I wish all men would have to try and teach children for one hour. Then they'd quickly change their mind about male superiority…
No. 416246
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>>416221Same with this "reading gap" shit
No. 416292
>>416246Damn, now that I think about it, throughout all of school, we've never read a single book written by a woman in class.
And the only one that (kind of) had a female main character was Pygmalion - and even there you could argue that Henry Higgins is the
actual main character.
No. 416319
>>416234this whole thing is such bullshit, schools have been pretty similar for the last few centuries in that children would have to sit and learn for longer amounts of time, so the whole point about boys suddenly doing worse because they have to sit all day doesnt hold up. in fact id go as far as saying schools are a lot more relaxed nowadays than they were in the past. the only reason for why girls are doing better is because theyre actually given a more equal opportunity and they actually work hard to get the grades they want. this whole meme is men and handmaidens trying to cope with the fact that their precious little boys are mostly lazy spoilt retards.
we had to do coursework for school in my country when we were about 16 (theyve actually gotten rid of them now) and the boys did nothing, i remember the task we had to do was something to do with the heart and the boys would just fuck around all lesson, some of them even started throwing the pig hearts we were meant to dissect around the room. meanwhile most of the girls actually did their work and ended up getting good grades. guess whos parents came in to scream at the teacher for "not doing her work properly" kek
No. 416338
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>>416184>Sounds stupid? I'll go on.In a nutshell.
No. 416340
>>416292In my country we had plenty with female main characters but they were mostly realistic portrayals of women at the time and they were horrible to read. In one book, Koštana, the MC is a girl from a poor family who gets married off to her much younger relative (as in, a toddler while she's in her late teens iirc) for money so she can be his mother figure and teach him different skills, how to have sex amongst other things. This really used to happen in the specific region the book takes place in. Another one, Gospodjica ('Miss' in English) is about an old spinster who dies alone in an empty old house because she jealously guarded her inheritance money until she became paranoid, mean and miserable.
We read both of those in high school.
No. 416379
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Men are disgusting, I mean where to start with this?!
No. 416415
>>416379That's so gross, kids are going to see that. Also good luck ever getting a date with that thing on your car. How embarrassing.
Also unrelated to the tagged post; but I'd like to add my own little rant about men always assuming women have smelly vaginas and need to douche and stay perfectly waxed to avoid having an odor. Their dicks always smell bad and they project that onto women and assume we all have fishy smells. It makes me so angry. I could not shower for a week and the smell wouldn't even be close to what a man smells like at the end of the day after showering in the morning. They make me sick.
No. 416471
>>416447That's awful anon I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I still can't believe you guys have to pay for those things too
until Unladylike podcast did an episode with a trauma nurse. It's awful and just not right at all. Maybe you can look for survivor support organisations in your area though, in case they have any sponsored clinics. Take care of yourself
No. 416567
>>416379The most outrageous thing about this is that he'll probably find a woman who stands this kind of shit
I'd drop a guy any second if he expected me to do it
No. 416587
JuSt TyPiCal LaD BaNtEr, guys honestly wonder why a girl would want to just house share with other girls.
No. 416592
>>416587Reminder that all men are like this, even your father and boyfriends.
All men want to rape.
No. 416616
>All rape is false accusations or consensual sex women lie about!Also men:
>>416587 No. 416626
>>416616Males casually chatting with friends about violently raping, mutilating and abusing women as just boys talk uwu but women reacting to it is bad! And they call women paranoid when we avoid them. You can't win
i don't women could ever reach the levels of hatred towards men as much they openly despise women.
No. 416632
>>414753I know this is old but as an example, it's hilarious that men like this even think we want them around us considering they talk and think like this. Like oh, you think I'm dumb and useless? Honestly cool dude,
stay the fuck away from me then?
I guess the shitty part is that they're so manipulative and shady that they hide that they are like this in real life to everyone they know (or they're incels that live in a basement that don't know any women except their mother personally)
No. 416678
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Oh god…
Given the pressures for women to wear makeup, shave their whole body or they are disgusting, have huge tits and ass, have amazing hair, dress slutty but not too slutty and so on… What does a man have to do to look good? Basic hygiene like washing his face and brushing his teeth. Just look at actors, when a woman is out of her 'prime', she will struggle to find work but you have uncountable older male actors worshipped for looking basicly normal.
The comments are full of whinig about 80/20 rule (some stupid research from a dating app that actually proves women talk to ugly males more than men to ugly women but they are too stupid to interpret it) and about how men can't control their actractivenesa but women can (she just has to be not obese while I have to have a big dick!1!!).
Ruined my morning.
No. 416685
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>>416678The delusion, they seriously think any uggo can ascend to a perfect instagram goddess if she really wants to, just stop eating so much and you'll get Megan Fox's face.
No. 416688
>>416678Samefagging but the 'look at porn' point is just trash. Of course you'll have more kinds of women (still all are generally the same anyway - unless you go into fetish stuff, the only different thing is color of their hair and few years of age difference - all
mainstream porn stars have pounds of makeup, beautiful face, surgically altered bodies and are skinny as fuck), because porn is generally made for men - porn actors can look disfigured and no one gives a shit because you almost can't see them, camera is always pointed towards the woman. That doesn't have anything to do with 'female shallowness'.
Also sorry for the typos, phoneposting.
No. 416695
>>416678kek, I was just reading this and it ruined my morning too.
One comment on how porn only show chad beefy dudes and it's proof that it's what women like had me seething.
I like my dudes with long hair and lean muscles at most. I would be fucking over the moon to get (hetero - not interested in watching men taking it up in the ass) porn with that kind of men but to get even close to that I have to sift through hours of 'goth couples' and cross my finger that I don't end up AGAIN with the ONE video I already watched. That's why I don't look at porn.
No. 416706
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>>416700Yep, my sympathy for men is down to zero. When they talk about how virginal and unwanted they are, how no woman has ever paid attention to them or complimented or touched them, etc I almost feel bad for them, because I do understand that the majority of pressure is on men to pursue us and that we can, at least, get used for sex if we're that desperate for validation.
But then I remember that they consider us worthless outside of sex and after age 30 (we peak as minors and they peak as elderly men, of course), they take the best they can get at the time, even if that means fucking/dating someone they don't even like or find attractive while waiting for an upgrade, they complain about the friendzone, but all that means is that they cannot tolerate the presence of a woman they wouldn't fuck, and all the shit in pic related.
No. 416708
>>416706Brutal pinkpill.
The only thing missing is the studies about life expectancy for married men vs married women, married men live longer healthier life, whereas married women live shorter more stressful life, and we're more likely to be divorced if we fall ill.
No. 416710
>>416706This image is so stupid and full of misinformation. That section in the top right is particularly bad.
It says the sentence "men are more likely to end up with someone who's above their looksmatch", and even puts it in bold letters. The phrase "end up with" implies going on a date or having sex.
However if you read the very next sentence, all it actually means is that they "exchanged 5 or more messages".
This conveniently ignores the fact that the overwhelming majority of messages sent by men never get responded to and tries to paint it like men are somehow coming out on top in the messaging game when it's the exact opposite. Also, if 5 or more messages got exchanged it means the woman CHOSE to talk to that guy, so why are you bitching about talking to "ugly" guys after you chose to talk to them?
(mad at chad) No. 416712
>>416706>When they talk about how virginal and unwanted they are, how no woman has ever paid attention to them or complimented or touched themthere are often good reasons for that.
>because I do understand that the majority of pressure is on men to pursue us by who exactly? other men? from what ive heard most women just want to be left alone.
No. 416714
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>>416706Actually reading this more closely, I'm not sure where the femcel who compiled it got the idea that women shoot for chads in online dating.
As per the complete OkC data, the opposite is true. Men always cut out that bit of the blog when they want to cry about women giving men low ratings kek.
No. 416718
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>>416717>Later the plumber said he'd come back to fix our sink which was also clogged and he wouldn't tell us when he was coming. He said sometime late at night because he works until 1 a.m. or sometime in the morning. Then he tells us that don't worry, he won't bother knocking to wake us up, he'll let himself in because he has a key to the apartment (we rent). My boyfriend works the night shift and I would be home alone sleeping if he showed up.Reminds me of this thread I read yesterday where multiple women shared that they've had male maintenance staff go into their apartments unannounced using their master key.
Nightmare fuel.
No. 416737
>>416723Wtf these apartments don’t have deadbolts that are only accessible indoors? Mine does
Also bf sounds like an idiot, and fuck that shit with the plumber, I’d have made him leave and launched a complaint
No. 416739
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>>416735Men just don't understand how dangerous that could be because they never face that stuff. My bf wouldn't understand why I would push myself againt the wall, waiting for the elevator at our residence so I wans't visible from the street.
Had to explain to him that it was a habit for safety because people seeing I was alone inside from the street could be dangerous and dragging me to the stairs noone takes or following me to the appartement was really a thing that could happen.
Just clueless.
No. 416741
>>416740Yeah, swallowed the pinkpill hard when I saw it. Hard to read about incels whinning the worst happening in their life is feeling lonely when you're thinking about women being followed and raped in the safety of their own homes on the regular.
Muh life on easy mode, for sure.
No. 416742
>>416739Where is the gif from? the girl's face is blacked out and she moves stiffly, arms limp, and then he moves stiffly too but his face is shown.
But men absolutely do that shit, even if the clip is fake. It's easy to feel crazy/paranoid but I get followed and watched by men everywhere I go. Taking precautions is normal.
No. 416743
>>416742Saw it on reddit with this incredible title : "Drunk girl dodges a bullet by a hair" : like this is the source with some other gif with the guy still lurking around, visibly frustrated he missed his attempt : No. 416745
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>>416743Of COURSE some guy has to jump in with a retarded comment about women being 'just as bad'. They were talking about Brock Turner and somehow that means they don't care about 12 year old boys being raped? And somehow the tiny number of incidents of female teachers sleeping with students, who are older teens judging by every news article I've seen, is equivalent to a man literally trying to break into a woman's house to rape her. How often do women do that to men? Probably never?
It's not surprising that men are so paranoid about women raping and falsely making rape accusations when redditors upvote every isolated incident of a woman doing the wrong thing and ignore the nonstop stream of news stories and data and studies proving men really are just responsible for almost all violence, sexual and otherwise, and it happens on such a massive scale that false accusations are a tiny percentage.
No. 416747
>>416678theres so much delusion in that thread. they always drag up that stupid 80/20 "rule" even though the only thing that proves is that women have no problem messaging ugly men, while men will only go for the most attractive women.
i mean i kind of agree with it, because 80% of males do look like shit tbh at least compared to the average woman. the average man looks bland boring, and often straight up ugly.
>>416745scrotes will start screeching if a female teachers sleeps with a 16-17 year old boy, even though its always a rare isolated incident, but claim that a grown man who raped a 12 year old girl was being tricked by the said girl, and ignore the fact that men commit roughly 99% of rape against women.
No. 416780
>>416745Why are men so obsessed with making every fucking thing about them??? It's so sickening.
Also, female teachers are faaaaaar overrepresented in conversations about teachers sexually abusing students. They're disproportionately reported in the media compared to males because it happens far more rarely. People always sperg about the female teachers as if they're some kind of smoking gun that women are just as bad as men, but they are a small fraction of teacher sexual abuse cases. Like with every other fucking kind of sexual assault, the majority of teacher/student abuse cases are male.
No. 416781
>>416739Oh god that is terrifying. My husband thinks I'm paranoid for always locking the door even when it's the middle of the day, but it's because SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS.
Are there anymore gifs like this?
No. 416816
>>416747>scrotes will start screeching if a female teachers sleeps with a 16-17 year old boy, even though its always a rare isolated incident, but claim that a grown man who raped a 12 year old girl was being tricked by the said girl, and ignore the fact that men commit roughly 99% of rape against women.This reminds me, once a female teacher forced a young boy to sleep with her (I think he was 14-15?) and the boy didn't know how to get out of the situation until his parents commented something and he started crying and told them.
You know how supportive other men were? They called him a faggot, pussy, idiot who ruins everything because that teacher was "hot" and he was "living the dream." Those who were actually supporting were women.
So they should all shut the fuck up pretending they care about male rape
victims, they belittle them even if the
victim is a child.
No. 416929
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>>416910>Losing weight doesn't magically give you a huge ass and tits Men have a very warped perception of what 'thin' looks like naked thanks to porn. They'll screech over and over about how women just need to be not fat and they are automatically attractive, but they've never seen a real woman naked. They think being 'not fat' is being very slim and toned with no excess body fat and perky everything.
See pic related, I used to see it posted on 4chan all the time. They're just average girls, none of them are overweight and in clothes every single one of them would look fairly slim. Every time the pic is posted men are DISGUSTED at the audacity of them to have cellulite or flat butts. That's how I realized men are 100% lying when they say 'not fat' is their standard. 'Thin and fit' is their standard.
No. 416931
>>416929Honestly I lift weights pretty frequently but still have cellulite like some of those girls because I have similar bf% to them and just have the genes for it. Also hips dips.
Their standards are airbrushed instagram girl with plastic surgery.
It's upsetting that women on this site perpetuate this, too. The Shay thread is sad.
No. 416961
>>416938>>416931This board honestly makes me go between less hard on myself and too hard. Girls ITT and on threads more like this one are a godsend for giving me a reality check so I can lay off myself with the bullshit body standards. Cellulite is always being blasted as ugly and women with it as ugly, then I realized that it's literally how we fucking store fat and we're being expected to store fat the way men do to be attractive. Wtf.
I'm in good if not very fit shape and I started noticing cellulite /after/ I started to work out more, too. I have stretchmarks all over my ass /because/ I have decent hips/ass, they showed up as I gained weight and muscle there. Some of the Irish girls in pic have fairly round butts too, they're just not overly fit/huge-assed and have cellulite and stretchmarks, besides that the lighting isn't flattering to all of their complexions and they aren't airbrushed.
These men complaining about girls like them are probably uggos or have shitty bodies compared to the girls so I'm not sure what they think they have to complain about. Time to get an ego check, maybe. I'm sure there are scrots like that reading and criticising this thread and I hope they can look in the mirror and see how rotten they are, inside and out.
No. 417021
>>416989Why does he have to hit on his cousin of all people? Has he run through everyone else in town?
I'm sorry he made you uncomfortable and I'm glad you listened to your instincts about meeting him, anon. Idk what goes through men's heads…how did he think this was gonna play out?!
No. 417063
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Another reddit jewel.
'Boys don't have to wear makeup while girls do, are physically stronger, aren't stereotyped as whining drama bitches like girls are, hmm, how do I spin it so boys are the victim.'
And oh gee, the most extreme hardship one can experience, boner-hiding.
No. 417069
>>417063>Boys are expected to be good looking without makeupIts even worse for women? We have to put up with mens 'I like women without makeup' when they realy just mean 'I don't like women with heavy makeup'
Also did this girl, or incel role play, compare woman's oppression over hundreds of decades to having to foot the bill?
No. 417092
>>416929If any of these women were one of the snowflakes, weebs, or cows, there would be hoards of women ripping their bodies apart over how they looked. This website is evidence that shitting on women with perfectly fine bodies is not a "male" thing.
However it is more enraging when they do it aince the implication is they think they deserve a 10 and most men are ugly.
No. 417109
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Anyone got anecdotes on old dudes hitting on you?
I was waiting at the gym waiting for my friend to pick me up and this old guy — at least 55 (I’m 18 when this shit occurred) — pulls his car over, rolls down his window and leers at me beneath his sunglasses. He asks if I wanted a “ride” in a very sexual manner. And I just responded no, I’m waiting for someone. He scoffs and blasts off in his vintage car, squealing his wheels to get his man mojo back after rejection (I don’t get why males like car shit).
Another time I was waiting at a bus stop and this short man with grey hair and wrinkles starts talking to me about Trump (this was 2016 so again, I’m like 18 here). I had my headphones in and was fiddling with my phone so I obviously didn’t want to be bothered but this bitch just keeps tapping away ughhhh. So I make small talk to be polite and just think how I should’ve just ignored this weirdo as he proceeds on how his proTrump while I just smile and nod and pretend I’m listening. Then he suddenly asks for my number saying that I’m a cute girl and not like other women because I like politics. I am fucking speechless. This 60 year old man is asking me out. Of course I say fucking no! You’re older than my own father! Is what I thought.
“You got a boyfriend I’m guessing?” He asks and I lie and say yeah to be polite instead of voicing my thoughts that he’s a creep.
Thank fucking god the bus pulls up. But this creep sits near me even though I picked a single seater to indicate I don’t want to sit next to him. He then proceeds to talk about how he ALWAYS dates 18 year old college freshmen because a younger mind is a refreshing mind and that age gap doesn’t matter in a loving relationship. He starts talking about his ex who was 18 and from somewhere in Africa and how she loved him so much they were planning to get married and for her to permanently live in canada. I’m just glad that whoever she was she’s no longer with him because this guy was really a creep preying on younger girls.
Mind you, I’m a bit of an easy target then for this old men because they can smelllll vulnerability. I was 18 at the time and visibly skittish in public coz of social anxiety. I also had freaking low self esteem coz of zits and being overweight.
I just had to vent sorry if this was the wrong thread but this is why I hate males. Especially older predatory males who like vulnerable younger women that are easy targets to pick up.
No. 417116
>>417109Anon I feel you so hard right now. On the plus side you’d be a good autobiographer because that was an interesting story!
My cure/advice is to act overly hostile. I tried so many different way and this was the only one that seemed to work the best. If some guy starts hitting on you look him in the eye and say “what the fuck do you want” or “if you don’t fuck off, I’ll cut you/your dick off” or “don’t fucking talk to me bitch”. Added words of “fucking” and “bitch” for bonus points. Or you can say “keep walking bitch keep walking no one cares” and just interrupt him saying that until he walks away. When you say any of this, spit on the ground like a construction worker. I’ve found men become very intimidated when females talk like that or are overly hostile/masculine sounding/acting. They get caught off guard and either call you a bitch and walk away or runaway because they’re scared pussies. They expect the woman to be “polite” and use it to pressure them and wiggle their way in. When you act the opposite of that they get really nervous and usually walk away anxiously. We don’t have to be polite or nice, they’re a stranger, you owe them nothing but a “go fuck yourself”. You know if some big dude came up to them saying “hey you so beautiful where you goin baby” the men would act overly aggressive, so why not act the same way twords them.
After multiple years of testing techniques (saying I’m a lesbian, I’m married, pretending you can’t hear them bc of earphones, pretending your in a rush, pretending your ride is about to be here, etc) I’ve found this works the most effectively. Hope this helps.
No. 417169
>>417109I hate old men more than any other. The mix of boomer entitlement and nasty perspectives on women. Yikes.
I've said this some other thread but I had a college professor who was 60 and would berate female students to make them mad and nitpick arguments that he knew he'd win, while also checking them out and telling stories about the hot young students he's had (plus it was a general ed class so he had literal 17 and 18 year olds often). He also had a child daughter and commented on how her tits will be as great as her mother's. I'm just waiting to hear about him making the wrong move in the local news someday.
No. 417214
>>417109I go to bars quite often by myself to see live shows, and almost every time there's gonna be at least one 40-60-year-old dude, completely shitfaced, wobbling over to me trying to "innocently" chat me up, asking me if I want to go out for a smoke or slow dance with him, or whatever shit like that. Honestly I don't mind a truly innocent, friendly conversation with a stranger, but it's never just that with those old creeps. What the fuck makes them think a young woman would be interested in banging an old, fat, balding man who's dressed in dirty sweatpants, has a couple of missing teeth, bad breath, and eyes looking at different directions because he's so goddamn drunk. I almost envy them since their self-esteem seems be through the fucking roof.
I've started to become a bit more harsh with them though, at first I would just awkwardly smile and nod at whatever they were slurring, but now I've learned to act a bit more rude (not looking at them/looking at my phone, one word answers, not smiling) if someone's making me uncomfortable and I want him to leave me alone. Still not confident enough to be straight up hostile like
>>417116 said, but maybe I'll get there someday.
No. 417226
Guys who ask "where's your ring?" when you say you're married or engaged are fucking revolting. I had a guy I never met until then interrogate me about it when I mentioned being married (he hadn't hit on me yet, but I got the vibe he was going to eventually, so I mentioned my husband to our mutual friend in front of him in a pretty subtle normal way). The reason is because I'm a dishwasher and just got off of work. When I explained this to him, he acted like I was making excuses then got all pissy and walked away. What the actual fuck is wrong with men?
>>417219Sadly lying and saying you're already taken is the safest way to turn a guy down. Though I've heard stories of women being killed even when they say they have boyfriends, just seems to happen far more rarely.
It sure is great living in a world where strangers might kill you for refusing to cheat on your SO with them.
No. 417233
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>>417219Honestly anon, a tazer goes a long way. They have ones that attach to the back of your cell like a phone case. Also this object (pic related) aka safesound personal alarm releases a sound that is as loud as a jet engine when it’s taking off. Not only does it scare/kill their eardrums but it alerts others to your area. Continues until you re-cork it, like a grenadine. Self defense is extremely helpful since men don’t expect young girls to be able to fight. The “hostile/aggressive attitude” works well with older men, regular dudes, creeps, non mentally ill homeless, fuccbois. The only exceptions might be the mental ill, gang bangers, buff dudes, and anyone looking like they’re violent. The majority of regular, annoying, creeps and pervs will fuck off. You can also just take it halfway and pretend your deaf, not smile, no eye contact, and respond solely in rude grunts ?
Link to some items: No. 417289
>>417226Sounds like the typical irrational anger they get whenever they hit on a girl only for her to say "oh I have a husband/bf" as a clue to back off
You'd think they'd accept it with grace but most just become pissy because they're incapable of taking rejection. Anyways sounds like he projected, thinking you were interested in dating and then tried to accuse you that you wanted to cheat to defend his own hurt ego.
Regardless, saying you have a husband should've been enough as like showing a ring lol
No. 417317
>>417226I'm certain that some men are just incapable of empathy. Even if they can't understand how a woman feels, they should at least be able to imagine what it would be like for them if another man was trying to flirt with their wife.
I don't even visit bars without my husband and I still have men approach me. Eight times out of ten, they will politely back off if I raise my left hand to my chest so they can see my engagement and wedding rings. Some of them will not fuck off until I point out that my husband is literally stood a few feet away from me.
No. 417411
>>417226That's the part that I don't get. Even if they do suspect a woman is only fibbing to provide them a soft landing, the heck are they gonna get from it by pressing the issue further?
"Oh damn, you're right, I'm just not attracted to you, and your attitude is repulsive. Or at least I wasn't until I found out how incredibly sharp you are, you Miss Marple, you. Now I can't wait for you to rip my clothes off."
That's never gonna happen, but mace to the eyes might.
No. 417416
>“The campaign against body hair on women originates in Darwin’s 1871 book Descent of Man, explains Herzig. Men of science obsessed over racial differences in hair type and growth (among other aspects of physical appearance), and as the press popularized these findings, the broader American public latched on. Darwin’s evolutionary theory transformed body hair into a question of competitive selection—so much so that hairiness was deeply pathologized. “Rooted in traditions of comparative racial anatomy, evolutionary thought solidified hair’s associations with ‘primitive’ ancestry and an atavistic return to earlier, ‘less developed’ forms,” Herzig writes. Post-Descent, hairiness became an issue of fitness.
>An important distinction in this evolutionary framework was that men were supposed to be hairy, and women were not. Scientists surmised that a clear distinction between the masculine and the feminine indicated “higher anthropological development” in a race. So, hairiness in women became indicative of deviance, and researchers set out to prove it. Herzig tells the story of an 1893 study of 271 cases of insanity in white women, which found that insane women had excessive facial hair more frequently than the sane. Their hairs were also “thicker and stiffer,” more closely resembling those of the “inferior races.” Havelock Ellis, the scholar of human sexuality, claimed that this type of hair growth in women was “linked to criminal violence, strong sexual instincts … [and] exceptional ‘animal vigor.’”
>By the early 1900s, unwanted hair was a significant source of discomfort for American women. They desired smooth, sanitized, white skin. They wanted to be feminine. “In a remarkably short time, body hair became disgusting to middle-class American women, its removal a way to separate oneself from cruder people, lower class and immigrant,” writes Herzig.”Source:, men are allowed to be hairy, but women aren't, because it makes us dirty, insane primitives and lesser as human beings. I didn't even know there was a fucked up racial aspect to all this, and I would've rolled my eyes and called someone crazy if they stated there was.
No. 417447
>>417416this is insane. its a lot more sinister than i thought it was tbh.
but at the same time its so funny that men think that the relatively fine body hair most women grow makes us unhygienic, disgusting and lazy, but they can walk around looking like wild boars and be completely hygienic. cognitive dissonance at its finest.
No. 417533
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>>417448That is so messed up. Yesterday I read an article where the 2012 Delhi gang rape was mentioned and there were certain disgusting details
like how one of the rapists pulled something out of her, some part of intestine maybe or something else. That was so vile and I just thought HOW can men be like this? What is wrong with their heads?
No. 417604
>>417533>>417448And wait for the racist men to blame it on culture
And when India strives forward to protect women from rape and violence, men cry and try to be mras because
m-my rape accusations :( despite gangrapes, violent assaults and torture like what happened to this woman happening already too frequently
I watched a vid on someone asking former prisoners of reddit what's the worst thing they witnessed in prison. One guy mentioned a man who stabbed his daughter in the back then raped her. And in that particular prison, the rule was whatever you did out there you get it in prison 50x. So the man was stabbed 50x and raped 50x. And some of the comments were just "uwu that's too much"
No. 417688
>>417671Because being a backwards trad 50s character should only be applied to women anon. Go to any tradfem/pro trad tumblr. It's always
>how to be a good submissive quiet housewifeAnd never will you see a trad male post or how trad men should behave. They don't want to be brought back to an era where they have to work. It's should only be women who shouldn't work… But somehow support them both with a magical trust fund from somewhere. If anything, the only male voices that support this are those who run porn blogs that want women to be a house and sex slaves for them
Kidna funny too since most of these red pill trad women are larping men and the occasional tradthot trying to build an audience for camming or patreon
No. 417704
>>417604Makes sense to me. Psychopaths can't sympathize/empathize with their
victims and only care about themselves so might as well use the same monstrous acts they did back at them. I'm sure they'll think twice if they had to be executed in exactly the same manner they killed their
No. 417726
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So a guy in Japan got divorced after playing a video game (Granblue Fantasy) too much, 5 hours later he posts about his weapon/character grid.
Good for his wife to dump a dead weight, the amount of manchildren ruining their relationships with friends and family because of vidya is fucking embarrassing. Especially in cases when it's a game for children like fortnite.
No. 417736
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>>417698They're just assmad that fewer and fewer women are cowtowing to their crap kek
Oh man, you mildly inconvenienced our mods. You sure showed us!
No. 417737
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thank you to everyone for being so well behaved and not feeding the scrot!
No. 417744
>>417740Men constantly bash women who write fanfiction or ship characters because they don't understand what it's like to care that deeply about characters.
So many men I've talked to think fanfiction and shipping is just fap-fodder. If that's the case, then how come the majority of fics on AO3 are G-rated? Most men are literally incapable of appreciating characters beyond self-insertion or fetishization. It's fucking sad tbh. Honestly? Shippers are autistic, but I'd take them over the droves of neckbeards who draw/fap to giant titty versions of 12-year-old characters.
No. 417754
>>417734It will never not be funny that a neet incel with a scat fetish thinks anyone gives a fuck about what he has to say in his (literal) shitposts that get deleted within an hour. He's poured
hours to xd trollin a board 12 people go on and 11 of those 12 people don't even see his ebin trolling.
No. 417805
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>>417729Turkish woman discovers 1 weird trick to stop re-offending - rapists hate her!
No. 417818
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>>417805it's really disgusting that rape
victims have to do this for their own safety because the authorities are shit at protecting them.>health minister>"killing the baby in the mother's womb is a greater crime than the deeds of the rapist.">"the wrong path of western countries"" No. 417858
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No. 417896
>>417886In her eyes they're not innocent. They did not help her when she got raped and needed an abortion. They sided with the authorities.
Imagine how traumatized her child will be when it eventually finds out (and it will!) that it's the product of rape?
I wish the world would finally do something about Erdogan and his followers.
No. 417974
>>417818They don't realize even stress hormones can affect the fetus. Trauma can be passed down due to transgenerational epigenetics. Obviously the woman is going to be very upset due the fact that she's carrying a child she didn't want and that's going to effect the fetus which in my opinion is even more cruel because now there will be two
victims suffering.
No. 418025
>>417818this was 2012. What's happening now if any turkey anons can fill us in.
>>417896Wait until more and more women just straight up brutally kill their rapists. There would be protesters fighting for rapists to be protected because their
victims are too violent and shouldn't protect themselves uwu. I'd see that debate between scrots and gun supporters in the US. Alot of them always push for women to carry something for defense.
>>417932Hope every one of them stays the hell away from women for the rest of their lives.
No. 418115
>>417744Yes, I always found that confusing and hilarious.
>omg these women are so stupid for making stories about these characters and seeing them for anything deeper than mindless entertainment. they're so silly and funny for writing heart touching stories for them and developing creativity and emotional connection for them haha
>but it's totally cool for me to masturbate to this character and make it my waifu xD and find it totally hawt and obsess over this fictional character's sexuality like a hedonistic slave to my impulses and desires! XD but yeah women are stupid!!!!I noticed this in the RP community as well. Scrots will say RPing to develop characters and make your own world, or even just for silliness and fun, is stupid but ERPing with as much as your shitty, cringy fetishes as possible is acceptable. Tell me where is the sense in that?
No. 418232
>>418230She's clearly not using it normally (because she's from the south), but because she's a tumblrina.
And btw, both of you need to learn when to sage.
No. 418241
>>418236It's insane because this extends to every female-associated media/interest. Boys' cartoons, toys, comics etc are seen as fun, formative parts of their childhood and remembered fondly, but any cartoon, comic, book that specifically targets girls is seen as silly and shallow. Men are allowed to enjoy bad action movies "ironically", but if a woman enjoys hate-watching dumb romance movies/shows, she's obviously a stupid roastie. Men can indulge in wish-fulfilment isekai where they self-insert as the neckbeard-turned-hero MC and get a harem of waifus, but women are laughable if they read romance novels or fanfics.
I don't know what men expect of us if we're trash for enjoying stereotypically female things, but also are trash when we like their ~secret boys' club~ stuff. Are we supposed not to enjoy anything ?
No. 418312
>>418265> but something chillingly similar happened to computer science in the 1970s.When I was a kid in the 90s, one of my earliest games were the text input type of games like King's Quest and lots of those were surprisingly well-made and developed by women so I never thought of IT or game development as a male dominated field until I reached my teens.
I find my experience similar to that with chess where you don't see an issue with it until somehow everyone's calling it a guy thing.
Though, I'll also be honest that I see a lot of women perpetuating those stereotypes. I come from a first world country and it wasn't rare to see mothers trying to raise their daughters liking the "right" stuff like barbie dolls, toy kitchenettes, teaching them house chores from the early age which their sons (if they had any) didn't have to practice.
No. 418325
>>418322You had me until about >I wish women would be as aggressive, egoistic and psychopathic as men are to end up killing men that are against their world view.
That's a yikes from me, dawg. Attack them and you're no different from them.
No. 418349
>>418322Also your last paragraph is completely nuts. They "punish" us enough for the crime of, uh, being sexy, nevermind if the literal weaker sex took up arms we would all be reduced to slavery. It hasn't been that long since slavery was abolished in the US. That would absolutely be the result of any "uprising"
What women really need, all over the world, is money and freedom to live, work, eat, care for family etc without the fear of being hurt or killed by a dominant partner or just a stranger. That's why real feminists (not counting the ones obsessed with nipples and underarm hair) focus on freedom.
No. 418406
>>418265Yes, exactly. In the 70s, CS was seen as being 'for women' because it utilized their "natural secretarial abilities". Literally they said this.
Now CS is "too logical for women", lmfao.
No. 418423
>>418406Lmao, people really enjoy making subjective shit up and then pretending like it's facts and them shamelessly going the opposite way and still acting like it's facts.
These people constantly re-write history and no one cares despite it being easier to research information more than ever. And when you wanna tell them about it they wanna act coy or outright ignore it because it doesn't fit their narrative, like ironically like a bunch of NPCs.
No. 418434
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This is related to the conversation. Just a drawing of a barely recognizable female human is enough to send scrots into a frenzy, but yet fujos and women who love fanfiction and fictional characters are the creeps meanwhile they are so obsessed and fetishistic of womanhood they go insane even for fake examples of them lol.
No. 418438
>>418265this probably sounds like a nitpick, but i always avoid the male sides of a fandom, they always assume everyone else is also a male and they get really pissy if they find out youre a girl.
i think this is one reason for why a lot of people went to tumblr for fandom shit, because from what i remmeber most fandoms on tumblr were mostly female orientedi remember one of my (female) friends was into mlp, and she always told us how men would get pissed of if she called herself a brony, because she wasnt ~opwessed~ like they were for liking mlp lmao
No. 418440
>>418436Because they have psychosis and extreme mental illness that they pretend is normal when it's the exact opposite of. They go into these extreme escapism and it's not as harmless as they like to believe, since it unfortunately bleeds over to, and affects, the real world and women.
Basically, everything men do in comparison to women is intensely malefic and always troublesome no matter what, they can't just do things like sane, socially and emotionally functioning individuals. No. They always have to do things completely shamelessly like a pack of hyenas without any form of reasonable thought or cognizance. They're literally insane. More destructive than a pack of rodents.
>>418435Pokemon's doing this on purpose with this waifu shit tbh, they aren't shit for putting this in video games meant for children. Nintendo in general has been purposely pandering to manchildren after Iwata died. Even shit like Mario has it now. It's honestly disgusting how everything has to center to and cater to men's genitalia and sexual desires and it's virtually inescapable no matter where you go. They try to force this as normal and sane when it's anything but.
>>418438I'd argue women on average, are more worthy of being in a fandom than men. Men either mindlessly promote violence and obsess solely on the pure entertainment factor of fiction or they intensely sexualize and fixate on the objects in a form of mind-numbing, stupid escapism. I suppose it was more true before they got full retard in the nerd communities that they had more substance, but waifu pandering has gotten off the charts in everything, god, it's gotten so awful. Women are the ones who make fandoms interesting and with the ingenuity and creativity it had in the 90s and 2000s these days.
No. 418445
>>418437>>418434>ppl get super pissy when girls make art of male charactersForgive me if this is ignorant since I haven't run in fandom circles for years really, but I never experienced this? Shitting on fujos sure (usually by SJW types or getting dunked on for being female neckbeards or whatever), but never disproportionately more than men for lusting after male characters. I was pretty much nemu-tier with my husbandos (and was also a fujo) growing up but none of my male friends ever made a fuss over it. Also I think waifufags and anime-obsessed men get laughed at as much as fujos when normies are the ones making fun. Otaku, neckbeard, living in mom's basement, etc. are frequently used insults. Not that they're
oppressed or anything ffs, but they do get made fun of and called creeps also.
Although I guess shows like Osomatsu did sort of make a dig at their female fanbase in the show itself, so maybe I'm just missing this. Online, I also ran mainly in female fandom spaces like
>>418438 mentioned.
No. 418485
>>418450How can you not see Nintendo is purposely creating female characters to be waifubait for men, though? They're also doing it with Pokemon, since Gen 3 really, but it's become more apparent now.
I know it's controversial to criticize Disney and Nintendo on the internet but they have many parts of being
problematic. It's not as simple as it looks like. They're Japanese businessmen they know what they're doing..
No. 418497
>>418447Yeah, I guess I just always saw women in fandom spaces also acknowledging the opposite (waifu bait). Although it's more of a known fact that no one really talks about, so if men are actively angry about women having husbandos then that's rarted.
>>418467Thinking back, maybe they never complained because my husbandos were ugly (like I said, nemu-tier) lol.
No. 418555
>>418540That's not really what I meant. I think people can draw or write whatever they want, I just think the way those 3 were talking about themselves and their writing was obnoxiously self-important.
>meanwhile characters in fanfic get thousands of words developing their characters and relationships beyond their canon. The love and care put into it is obvious,Fucking BARF.
(ban evading scatfag) No. 418766
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>the person who was REEEEing about women creating content that isn't catered to men turned out to be the scatfag scrote, not just a farmer with differing opinions
Like pottery.
No. 418955
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I’m sorry to clog up the discussion here because there are some great points being made (doubly sorry if this isn’t the right thread), but does anyone else watch the Handmaid’s Tale on hulu?
I watched it with my sister who is a radfem as well and we both went insane with anger just from watching it. I’ve read the book as well and love the works of Margaret Atwood, but to see it all played out on screen is so biting and raw. It’s hard to watch but it just fills me with misandry and rage because it seems like something that could actually happen in real life. The book was published over thirty years ago, and yet it still seems like something that could feasibly be real in modern time. It’s so sad to see that women who warned us such a long time ago about things that would just get worse because of men (like Atwood and also Andrea Dworkin) were completely ignored.
I myself would like to publish a book one day about the modern woes of misogyny affecting women globally, and I’d probably title it “Andrea Dworkin Was Right”.
No. 419007
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These always send chills down my spine.
No. 419065
>>419007And they get so offended if I say men are the worst. Sorry but the data doesn't lie.
They are predators. They would all rape if they could.
No. 419073
>>419066I do see the real life parallels and yeah that also makes me incredibly incredibly angry as well that women are literally treated like that on a global scale especially within religious communities
It really is a travesty and fills me with rage that women are treated like garbage but men are the real garbage
No. 419112
>>418955as someone rad-leaning i can't stand the handmaids tale but not for the reasons you state. i think the show, which is mostly written and directed by men, doesn't do a damn thing with any message it's trying to tell. a true radfem show wouldn't show june madly falling in love with nick and fucking him doggy style, or her caring about the pregnancy shes forced to bring to term. the show also spends too much time on the men, nick is the worst.
i know the show is toothless when the subreddit is full of tradfem men and women who enjoy the show and think it's just an exaggerated fantasy that shows how "both sides are bad" and not a harrowing tale about the oppresion of women.
i also don't trust atwood after in the book its explicit that gilead came to power because radfems and conservatives teamed up.
No. 419137
>>419049Most of them are pedophiles. Others I bet still believe that kids are fully developed at 13 because for alot fo shows and movies, young kids were played by adults. I kinda have a tinfoil that Hollywood has slowly pushed this imagery to normalize pedophilia as being ok because "they look old enough"
>>418535Sometimes I read exredpill stories and it's always the same thing. Sad lonely boy or man is upset and the red pill or black pill helps them by giving them someone or something to blame for their problems rather than self reflecting. Men preying on other boys and men because misery loves company and women get the blame.
The amish got it right. No internet for kids if you want them and want to raise them to be normal
No. 419141
>>419112Huh, I thought that June was just blatantly using Nick. Different interpretations, I guess.
Man, I can't believe I was even kinda sympathetic to his character before he started treating his child bride like shit.
No. 419143
>>419137>Men preying on other boys and men because misery loves companyThere's also men that prey on sad boys because they're literally preying on them.
"All women are shanks and whores, you can't trust them at all, you can only trust me, so come hang out on my couch.."
No. 419146
>>419141no, going by other audience interpretation and cast interviews, they are definitely setting up june and nick as a serious romance, and i wouldn't be surprised if they even tried to introduce them having a love triangle with luke if they all ever escape.
nick is a shitty character, atleast in the books he was part of the revolution, in the show we're supposed to feel bad for him because he couldn't find a job and had no choice but to join gilead.
No. 419176
>>418228I think its ironic that the media hypersexualises lesbian relationships for men (lets be honest most lesbian porn is made for men) and people dont bat an eye but girls who like gay drawing are somehow the worst in society.
Even though I dislike yaoi i'm also not going to give fans shit for it given the glaring double standard.
No. 419281
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>>419176>media hypersexualizes lesbian relationships for men Speaking of which..
No. 419314
>>419302NTA, but I think the narrative is this: If men start to believe high schoolers can be hot, it'll be less of a taboo to them to
imagine an adult dating a kid. Seeing it is one thing, but hearing or reading about it will translate differently in their minds.
No. 419454
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>>418485>They're Japanese businessmen they know what they're doing..NTA but for real.
I can't blame them tho since nerds are horny and are willing to shell out the money for it. It's death.
No. 419521
>>419487I've heard horrifying stories about these kinds of incidents for years, but seeing clips of these perverts in action makes it a whole other level of vomit-inducing.
Remember reading an article specifically of a woman who stopped being targeting to train molestors after she stopped wearing a school uniform.
>After I graduated from high school, I was no longer a schoolgirl, and so I no longer wore a school uniform. As soon as that happened, the frequency with which I encountered chikan immediately dropped by a huge amount, and when I realized that, I was filled with despair.
>Chikan realize that wearing a school uniform means that the girl is a minor, and it’s insane how in this country a uniform becomes an icon that makes the wearer a target for this kind of behavior.It's already been established that many men are perverted pedos but it seems so much worse in Japan.
No. 419526
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>>419521Men are fucking retarded with their pedo mental gymnastics
No. 419527
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>>419526>"w-we just like loli because we like flat/small breasts!"Why can't they just make or enjoy petite adult female characters instead of making them fucking ten then? It's that easy.
I love tiny men but just like small male characters because I'm not a goddamn pedo even in ~fiction~.
No. 419530
>>419527Somebody in that thread talked how a 13 year old girl in a game has boobs, flirts with you and acts older than she is, then the question pops up
>ok but if she doesn't look 13, act 13 or sound 13- what's the point of her being 13?And they can't fucking answer aside circular arguments. They don't have the brainpower to realise they're attracted to a low number because of the characters' vulnerability and undeveloped body and mind
No. 419534
>>419530I'm not sure who I hate more; lolifags like that or the ones who argue "men are PROGRAMMED to fuck children even if it traumatizes them for life and you're just a jealous roastie"
Fuck pedos.
No. 419551
>>419527If you've ever seen a small-breast porn thread on 4chan (or anywhere on the internet) the replies are all "reeeeeee pedos"
so, no, men cant like small breasts on a woman or else they're a pedo anyways. I say this as a very tired, very-small-breasted woman who has to wonder if any guy who likes me is a closet pedo.
No. 419557
>>419551ayrt and I agree acting like that is stupid as hell. I've gotten it myself given my tastes.
On the one hand it's great people are on edge about anything pedo, but on the other hand they're legitimizing dumb logic like
>>419526Anyway, I'm sure if a man just likes you being petite and doesn't push DDLG onto you/doesn't fap to loli he's most likely not a pedo.
I (luckily?) have broad hips to even out my flatness, but I do have sympathy for my itty bitty titty sisters who happen to have a smaller stature.
No. 419565
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>>419281Apparently the attackers were teenagers and arrested?
But whatever the case that kind of shit is fucking disgusting, and it's shitty that lesbians always seem to get it the worst.
I've had a couple of friends that dress masculine/boyish? on purpose to deter predatory people. Butch women tend to scare them off.
>>419531Yeah, same. I do think it may be coming around though.
No. 419612
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>>419611Try requesting the desktop site
No. 419614
>>419450>spoke in SpanishNot even a britfag but based on the evidence going to throw it out there that they were Moroccan immigrants.
>>419454As a disgusting fujo I would've liked the "Link in harem clothes" concept but men absolutely ruined it by making it into a trap porn thing meant for their penis. Waifupandering wouldn't bother me so much if women genuinely received attractive male characters meant for their gaze too, but naturally that would upset the poor men and their fragile heterosexuality so it would hurt the sales. Men can't deal with it as they get irrationally jealous or feel threatened over finding another male, albeit fictional, attractive. Just think back to that Final Fantasy mobile game that actually fucking had the male protagonist cover up because men were reeing over his scanty clothing. These fucking babies couldn't survive a day as a woman.
>>419545Yeah I never thought about it until now, I had definitely felt something "off" about modern Pokemon games but couldn't put my finger to it.
No. 419644
>>419612Disgusting pervert manlet. I hate men. I hate Japanese men. That poor girl. He was probably jamming his erection into her for the entire ride. It's so sad.
>>419613Yes, the old divorce your wife because she won't shave her legs bit. Proving once again that men are shallow and completely incapable of love and commitment. Why am I not surprised.
No. 419654
>>418241I always found it weird that self-inserting into action films/games and fanatasizing about violence is seen as better than self-inserting into romcoms and fantasizing about a functional human relationship.
I get that one is a bit more thrilling, but it's weird to look down on people wanting love if your own desire is to shoot people.
>>418322I hate when you're talking to someone, agree on almost everything, have similar political and social views and then they get ratty when you call yourself a feminist. We have the same views but suddenly now I'm an extremist because I've used the word "feminist"? Okay.
No. 419691
>>419610I honestly believe men mock that because they're jealous and competitive over women objectifying men off of looks for once and showing that they too, have a preference for youth and beauty.
I also think it's actually cause men think they owe every woman and women exist for their pleasure and entertainment tbh
No. 419699
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've been following this tumblr account that focusses on posting wholesome memes. However, it must have switched admins because this type of shit is appearing on my dash…
Why. This is not wholesome at all.
No. 419708
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>>419699this is the same type of girl to loudly proclaim "actually I like the taste of cum" to get more male validation , aka a pickme
also ignore the moid
No. 419824
>>419820"male spider literally sacrifices his life to give the female and their offspring a better chance of survival. Still gets chastized by some chick who thinks she deserves more."
Dude the male spider destroys both the black widows web and reproductive system so other spiders don't mate with her. How is this survival?
Also you don't see this much rage at men making "give me back my kids Sharell".
No. 419836
>>419829iirc it has something to do with leaning towards being a "tournament species" where physical strength was used in competitions. No one wants to say it, but I also suspect it's because males would just straight up rape women in the early days. So of course they had to be physically stronger AND aggressive to do that.
I wish human males were smaller and prettier. That would be so cute. Sad!
No. 419839
>>419829>>419836Women of old used to be a lot stronger than women now, maybe it was due to working on farms/harsher environment.
Also smaller and weaker women were positively selected for genetically because easier to rape. Pretty fucked up.
In addition, women who are larger than average have an easier time giving birth.
No. 419843
>>419842I am weak and small-limbed so fit into the critera somewhat, where before I used to wish to be shorter, now guys have got worse and aggressively harass me even at my height (5'7") I'm grateful I'm not smaller. We are just seen as
victims by the vast majority of men. Anything you can do to negate it, do it. I bet they only pretend to hate fat women because fat women are usually really strong, due to carrying around so much weight every day. No good to overpower. People should really question
why men's tastes are what they are. Big breasts causes backpain for all women who have them and reduces mobility slightly - is that weakness what is really preferred? How come men don't think strong women are "sexy" even though objectively they totally are?
No. 419850
>>419843I feel like we've cracked something here. Huh. And men call women dumb for liking strong attributes in men for protection. Meanwhile mainstream beauty standards for women are to make us as weak and vulnerable as possible. But how sick of women to just want to be kept safe by a rare special man they trust!
Also have never been more grateful to be a naturally sturdy and abnormally strong woman. I struggle in dating (also because my preference is smaller men than myself) but holy fuck. At least I know if a guy likes me it won't be because he can victimize me. He'll be a real keeper.
>>419849I respect your taste anon. Tbf I don't really dig that exact look either.
I guess I'm imagining in this alternate world that pretty males would evolve to not retain a needlessly aggressive nature (manifesting as emotional abuse in some weaker men). So we'd be emotional equals. Insert mandatory "yes ik women can be emotionally
abusive garbage too" here.
No. 419969
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>>419951Virginal men who don’t care about sex and prefer celibacy are ideal to me. They’re not horny horn dogs who stick it in any warm hole or fuck anything that moves, nor do they have sex constantly on their minds. For example, whenever I talk on the mic while gaming I always get sexist jokes. Like this one time I complimented someone’s wolf avatar and jokingly asked if they were a furry and then they responded with, “I bet anon wears one of those furry-tail butt plugs” for no fucking reason other than the fact that I’m female. I doubt he’d say that to another male because then that makes him gay. And my male relatives were joking over this coat rack, saying that it looked like dildos for anal and vaginal stimulation. Like wtf, it’s just a mundane everyday item. You must be really dirty minded to think that about a coat rack. Seems like to me only men make these pornographic sexual innuendo jokes all the time and find it funny but it’s just so gross and shows how porn sick they are.
No. 419986
So, I'm reading "Pornland" by Gail Dines, and it turns out that men were even bitching about women and playing the victim in the manosphere-coveted "good old days", the 1950s (and even earlier):
>While pop psychologists criticized the corporate world for reducing American males to “little men,” it was women in their roles of wives and mothers who were essentially singled out as the cripplers of American masculinity. As Ehrenreich has argued, because “the corporate captains were out of the bounds of legitimate criticism in Cold War America,” women were the more acceptable and accessible villains. Described as greedy, manipulative, and lazy, American women were accused of emasculating men by overdomesticating them.
>Probably one of the most woman-hating books of the time was Philip Wylie’s Generation of Vipers, first published in 1942 and reprinted after World War II. For Wylie, wives were the cause of men’s problems because they controlled the home with an iron fist and worked their spouses to death in order to enjoy a life of leisure. As Wylie so eloquently put it, “It is her man who worries about where to acquire the money while she worries about how to spend it, so he has the ulcers and she has the guts of a bear.
>Dangerous women were also the focus of Wylie’s article “The Womanization of America,” published in Playboy in September 1958. Starting from now-familiar themes, Wylie accused American women of taking over the business world, the arts, and, of course, the home. It was the home, according to Wylie, where men especially ceased to be men: the “American home, in short, is becoming a boudoir-kitchen-nursery, dreamed up for women by women, and as if males did not exist as males.” According to Playboy, the position of American men continued to deteriorate; by 1963, an article in the magazine claimed that the American man was being worked so hard by his wife that he was “day after day, week after week . . . invited to attend his own funeral.” This state of affairs could not continue, according to the writer, William Iversen, because “neither double eyelashes nor the blindness of night or day can obscure the glaring fact that American marriage can no longer be accepted as an estate in which the sexes shall live half-slave and half-free.
Sounds exactly like MGTOWs.
Even when we stay in the kitchen, we're apparently enslaving men and doing them so much harm. I guess being a femoid means being all-powerful, after all. If this doesn't prove they'll never be satisfied and just hate us for existing, I don't know what will.
No. 420004
>>419999Sounds like you really don't know who Phillip Wylie was, or Playboy's image to the general public in the 50s. The latter was considered very credible because it had sexual imagery, while still touting itself as a classy lifestyle magazine (which is how it got so famous in the first place, as opposed to all the trashy porn mags getting printed - bourgeoisie men didn't want to buy low-class
real porn because it was shameful, so they flocked to Playboy because it told them what the best ice bucket to buy was, discussed Picasso and told them how to live a high-society bachelor's life. Even if they weren't that rich IRL, it allowed them to LARP and look at porn while still carrying some sort of legitimacy in the conservative era), while the former was a prolific writer who literally inspired Superman.
No. 420033
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>btw I’m a guy
No. 420054
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Mens ability to blame everyone besides themselves amazes me.
Like video games are aimed at a male adiance. Men are whats ruining games not fucking women.
No. 420068
>>419699Too bad men are too focused on the shape of her tits and ass and whether or not she was a pure sheltered virgin to find a woman who's standards they meet
They all chase Stacy but run around whining about women's standards and can't even be bothered to even give anyone but Stacy a compliment
No. 420077
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>>419986Why won't these fuckers ever truly go their own way?
They seriously act like they're forced into marriage… Oh no my wife turned our home into a domestic paradise and makes me take off my shoes before I enter the house… WAH men rise up
I wonder how many of these men throughout the ages who whine how women are too powerful would actually be willing to trade places with a random woman in the world. Pic realted, probably zero
No. 420087
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tbh im seriously considering dressing like an amish woman to be as unnapealing to men as possible, just more or less shapeless boring long dresses, horse girl hair, no make up.
Tomboyish "butch" young-looking girls is actually trendy amongst the male youth where i live so thats out of the question if i truly want to be unnapealing
it doesn't really matter in my job area because im going to be an english teacher no one cares if Ms. Hampshire isn't hot.
does anyone else outward their non-conformity?
No. 420090
>>420087tbh I dress in a similar vein (although slightly more form fitting). I've still had a couple men show interest, but they were very respectful. Might be my area though and not my modesty, since even when dressed in "normie" getup I've never been outright perved on.
Personally I find being so modest fun and powerful in a way. idk I feel more like a matriarch than a young woman.
No. 420110
>>420087You’d probably attract guys who has a fetish for a submissive wife and trad lifestyle with like 9 kids tbh
Amish porn exists… no matter what you wear there’s going to be creepy guys
No. 420119
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>The same magazine which posted literal child porn is "art".
This is why men should learn to stfu they are fucking idiots kek.
No. 420281
>>420034Eh, handmaids do. But it's less self important and not done to (wo)mansplain, they just want asspats. In askmen you get shit like
>omg you poor thing, unlike your awful frigid wife I LOVE the taste of cum and anal sex! in response to male whinging.
>>420077>Oh no my wife turned our home into a domestic paradise and makes me take off my shoes before I enter the houseGoing on a tangent here but I recommend all women who are on the fence about marriage visit the breakingmom subreddit. We know domestic labour is split unfairly but it's so much worse than I realized, since I've never cohabited. Today I read a thread of tonnes of women who share the experience of husbands taking 30 minute shits, but actually just sitting on their phone in the bathroom to avoid responsibility while their wife gets the kids sorted, cleans etc. Saw another thread about a woman going through chemo and finally getting her husband to admit cheating on her, but his response was that he stopped so what's the problem? The whole thing is eye opening and scary.
No. 420405
with the wave of me too having hit men with the reality of sexual harassment yet still blaming women, I kinda hope women just start building companies and businesses for only women and hiring primarily women. And I hope it's a quiet thing that happens slowly and under the radar.
>>420281see, I don't get how so many guys will say they want a family when so many of them cheat during pregnancy since to them being pregnant ruins women and avoid their families after the baby is born like the plague.
If only we followed elephants. Fuck for a season then go back to living with your female relatives and friends to raise the baby with.
No. 420461
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No. 420631
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World’s smallest violin intensifies
No. 420666
>>420631How come men only ever care about their issues when they're tying to stop women from talking about ours?
The world has belonged to them for so long, so the only reason they could possibly be dealing with this much is self-neglect, and that's not feminist's problem.
The funny thing is, they
still won't do anything about this. They actually want other men to keep suffering so they can argue with feminsts some more and use it as a "gotcha". Truly the worst gender.
No. 420761
>>420727Yes this is true
Apparently everything women do is for attention, no matter what
Which is hilarious, considering the fact that they think women do things for attention reflects moreso their entitled and self-centeredness, rather than some innate nature in the female sex.
No. 420772
>>420631Wonder why they never mention how many of those suicides are murder suicides, or "I just got caught molesting a child" suicide, or "my girlfriend cheated on me once" suicide
And isn't it funny how when women have mental issues it's because they're evil western roasties who get what they deserve for not shutting up and staying in the kitchen, when men have mental issues they're poor oppressed babies who need help… Laugh at women's issues we'll laugh right back at yours
No. 420773
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Submitting my vote early for the next thread OP
No. 420840
>>420832Some have appeared and basically confirmed it in past threads.
I don't exactly hate it tbh, it's better than having a fetish for harming women.
No. 420852
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Today a pedojared-style scandal broke wherein a youtuber was accused of raping a girl in addition to other heinous things: even posted a video with solid proof after scrots doubted the veracity of the screenshots: course, after scrots got the proof they demanded, they showed their true colors and are defending the shit out of him, e.g. are numerous examples of this across social media. They care more about the man getting 'cancelled' (i.e. deleting his twitter account) than they do about a
victim of rape and abuse.
And you know that they would never let a woman 'give their side of the story!!'. They don't even ask for proof when a woman (or male feminist, who turn into honorary women in terms of the respect that is afforded to them) is accused of doing something wrong.
Scrots like to position themselves as cool and logical compared to 'hysterical' women, but their logical consistency is shit and the ones online are driven purely by emotion for the most part. Their brains are so clouded by fear and tribalism that they're willing to write off a violent crime because the fear of getting 'cancelled' on social media is something that is more likely to happen to them. Fucking idiots.
No. 421048
>>420852Wow wasn't expecting Slazo, but then again it could be anyone,, like theres no limits ever.
I only stumble into his videos and his content aint anything new and typical, but people like him and ususually fine with him.
No. 421049
>>420959I remember watching an interview with one of the women Castro abducted and she said he'd get the other two women to be compliant by beating them. But she wasn't afraid of him because she'd grown up in an
abusive home so every single day he'd order her to do something and every single day she'd tell him to fuck off. Which is inspiring in a messed up way that she didn't give in even after a decade of daily abuse. Then of course when the tables were turned he couldn't take 4 months in captivity and hung himself like a coward.
No. 421082
>>421047They whine and hate pregnant women for being pregnant and "ruined" and the same breath hate it when women aren't. There was a law that passed allowing rapists rights to sue their
victims if they had an abortion. And males response?
>yeah that's wrong BUT!… They don't give a flying fuck about women in any regard besides being brood mares.
No. 421140
>>421049It makes me so mad that he hung himself. Although, what he deserves we can't legally do. A lot of these sick fucks get put into ad seg or molester jails. I think it's a misconception that they are raped daily in jail. It is truly frustrating.
That really is inspiring that that woman stayed so strong at such a young age and traumatic time. Women really can endure more than men. My heart will probably never be not broken thinking of all the women who been through it and will go through it.
No. 421214
On the topic of pregnancy like 10 reasons to avoid marrying men and baring their children
Even when women
bare human being we can't get cut slack and get the shit end of the stick
Men can scream bitch and cry about how their wife doesn't put out on demand anymore while trying to care for
his children, act like vacuuming and missing a football game to take a class makes them saints and fathers of the year, women change their diapers, teach them everything they know, feed them, clothe them, bathe them, and what do they get? Barely any thanks at hell, if men bitch about things like not being able to touch their wives tits while she breast feeding or missing football games he's a poor brave man and also a comical genius, a woman complains about standing on the subway ? "Reee stupid bitch should've closed your legs next time fuck someone with car"
Everytime I find myself fantasizing about having children of my own I just look at stuff like so, men don't deserve women.
No. 421271
>>421214The article itself was written by a woman on what her
hubby had to say. I think it's more telling that reading the comments there's a lot of "HEY X MONTHS PREGGY HERE, OMG SOOOOO HILARIOUS AND TRUE XDDD"
…Really? Going to doctors, attending classes on how to parent, and thinking up baby names is so fucking "sucky" when it's just an ordinary part of pregnancy?
Half of the problem here is women enabling men to belittle them in this way in order to be the "cool" and "funny" wives/girlfriends.
Just a bunch of evolved pick mes. I wonder if Sh0e wouldn't be this way too if Pregory actually knocked her up.
No. 421295
>>420959hey anon I'm looking for this movie and every time I try to find it the fucking Tommy Wiseau one comes up. can you drop any info on it? interested. thank u cutie <3
I really want to read The Yellow Wallpaper, incidentally. anyone have any more Gaslight-themed movies/media?
No. 421300
>>421299this one?
cheers cutie <3 love u
No. 421308
File: 1560414686959.png (308.41 KB, 597x855, Screenshot_8.png) what we need, rapist politicians hanging around incel communities making incest and pedophilia legal
No. 421413
>>421374Just another example of men can't standing attention not being on them, women carry their children, risk their lives through pregnancy, do one of the most stressful and painful things one can put your body through, all of course while being women aren't allowed to get praise or thanks or even vent about pregnancy because "YOU SHOULD HAVE CLOSED YOUR LEGS WHORE!!!", And then when the baby is born you have to feed, teach them, clean them, change their diapers, get no sleep in order to feed them all while going through post partum depression and still not being able to vent because "should've closed your legs whore if you cant handle this women can't do anything"
Meanwhile, for men "wah my wife doesn't pay attention to me as much when she's taking care of the baby I think I'm experiencing post partum male depression!" And everyone reacts by "you poor helpless man! Get a better wife"
Being a male is truly life on easy mode, if men went through pregnancy you'd never hear the end of it not to mention they're actually able to vent and talk about the difficulties of pregnancy without the world back firing and screeching about how they should've closed their legs or suck it up
No. 421447
>>421298If you're a very high functioning woman that chooses as a doctor you're providing society exactly one great doctor.
If on the other hand you're a very high functioning woman that focuses on raising three very high functioning kids there's a decent chance they could all end up doctors. Three times the doctors is three times the importance.
No. 421455
>>421447Be a doctor, have your husband raise the three kids.
Four doctors, four times the importance. Why are more men not staying home and raising future doctors?
No. 421501
File: 1560459863990.png (89.44 KB, 718x625, Screenshot_2019-06-13-16-51-52…) Mr. Erotic code explain the microaggresions men face
>Men only think with their dicks.>A man wouldn’t understand.>Men just want a hole to put it in.>Men can’t hear the word no. (when rejected sexually)>Men are obsessed with lesbian porn.>Really? You don’t like sports?>He’s, you know, ‘artistic.’>Be a man.>Men are womanizers, man-whores, man-sluts”These are in equal value to these comments
>Are you the first in your family to go to college? (To a black person)>I’m not being homophobic; you're being too sensitive>If you dress like a slut, you’re asking for it. (On rape)>Why do you sound white? (To a minority) The worst part is that all the latter comments are stereotypes forced upon marginalized groups, these people can't make the comments go away by changing their culture. If the men change though those comments will disapear.
He also made an article on finding the right sex therapist because of course he did.
No. 421502
>>421271Alot of them were military wives too
>>421308Holy shit I remember him. Luckily he has no right s or custody of his daughter and barred from seeing her, I believe. He remarried after his ex wife passed away (suicide I think too) but I think they divorced? Hardly anyone noticed him politically and those who did passed him off as some sick fuck with a humiliation fetish.
>>421413If it's any consolation, read up on some reddit posts about 1 guy who tried to force the courts to make his ex gf be a mother to his son that he forced her to have. She bailed after he was born and started a new life elsewhere but pays around 175% in child support. She even calls herself an egg donor than a mother while the man who forced her through pregnancy and to give birth is miserable as a single dad even resenting his son, asking r/legaladvice what to do. And he was dragged through the fucking mud all over the internet for being an asshole. Then there was another guy who asked if it was OK to put his two year old child up for adoption because he couldn't take being a young single dad anymore. He claimed to be a Christian pro life man, so pro life that he's ready to throw away his 2 year old for some 'me time'
Men will shit and whine all over pregnancy because they simply cannot empathize. But when they have to work as a single parent, the same type of single parent they love to hate, it becomes too much and they have to bail.
No. 421557
>>421539I made a general list for now. I'll try to actually write down my stories. My autobiographical memory is embarrassing.
First of all, the girls either have drug problems, man problems (controlling bf/pimp), or mental problems. Luckily mine were just mental (light bpd, typical of that line of work). Anyone who says they didn't have any of that shit going on is a goddamn liar. It's not her fault though as all of those problems usually boil down to abuse from men and abandonment from fathers. So many girls had to get bombed to work. And they would say they couldn't do the job sober. I smoked weed to cope and pounded energy drinks to give me life.
>Overdoses. Lethal and non; in and out of the club. Staff, mgmt, and dancers. It wasn't that many years ago when I quit, so heroin was widespread.
>Multiple murders. These women met the wrong men outside the club. Two of which were burned afterward to hide the bodies (unrelated incidents).
>Verbal abuse. I heard men call these women every word in the book, in probably 5 languages. They speak about womens' labia so disgustingly and derogatorily I would absolutely lose my shit. I won't repeat any of that garbage here (we all know the usual bs). But they would also speak about a "young" looking labia. My stomach would absolutely turn. To me this was worse than them trying to actually touch you. (Pedos are legit everywhere)
>Penises. The men WILL take out their abused penises if you don't pay good enough attention or you're not looking.
>Prostitution. Maybe some states or clubs don't allow it, but this club and most others in the area and neighboring states do. You could be fired for soley working at the club to get prostitution customers. They would rather you fuck them in the VIP. Local police were assumed to have been paid off. There's a lot of clubs in this general area. Some get shut down for a little bit only to reopen a few months later. The worst bit of the prostitution was how little most of the women made (imo). Some men would shop around. They don't care about anything but their penis.
>Fees. This isn't really a pink pill, but it can shut a pro sex work shouter down a bit. Where I worked the fees were typical for the area. A dancer paid the club 20% of every lapdance. Huge fees for VIP plus tip to bartender to clean up all the jizz tissues even if you don't do that. Also, a fee to work that shift, $20. If you're late, that's $5-10/half hour late. Leave the stage early, suspended one weekend. DJ, at the least $20. We didn't get free drinks but most clubs will give you one. Soda, $5.50+tip. And if you make 0 you leave with negative. The house may waive the fee to work but the DJ won't.There are so many slow days. And with this heroin epidemic there are so many girls. It really is dangerous. The men are preying on the weakness brought about by drugs. It really is supply and demand. Women are in dark times right now.
No. 421597
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>>421562i made a mistake of visiting /tv/ ust now and its full of men sexualizing underage millie bobby brown.
men were a mistake and 4chan should be nuked
No. 421615
>>421455Dunno, it should be possible.
Maybe a lot of women just figure that staying at home is more fun.
No. 421621
>>421597Last time I visited that board was a few years ago and actual child porn was posted. Never seen it before, fucking broke me, especially how dead eyed the kids were. Some people were screaming MODS! Others were laughing.
I reported it to the online cyber crime site but it was deleted before then.
I totally agree with you.
No. 421629
I'm just gonna come out and say it. Every controversial take sounds 100x worse coming out of a man's mouth than a woman's, because we know they love to take things too far, and they're always using something as an "in" for whatever fucked up mindset or agenda they have.
I don't trust a man who has any weird, fringe opinions on shit, because half of them will turn out to be some sort of freak who believes what they do not for "good", logical reasons, but on the basis of misogyny, nihilism to its extreme, entitlement, pornsickness or some bizarre sexual kink that they want the world to accept by force. It feels like it's always the beginning of some stupid hidden mental maze or a form of large-scale gaslighting when they try to introduce "wild ideas". They can't be honest, because they know they'd get shut down, so they have to weave it in by other means.
Listening to men being weird and giving them the benefit of the doubt is how we ended up validating AGP bullshit, and I'm convinced it's how some naive idiots will end up supporting pedophilia, bestiality or some other deleterious philia.
No. 421780
>>421738I've seen Reddit AMA threads by women who were used for CP and hawked as "child models", and I've used 4chan since I was like 14 where the posters who brigaded boards would openly discuss this shit.
From what I've gathered, a lot of those weird photos are from dodgy studios. The really well-lit, professional-looking ones are typically from some Japanese company called "candydoll" or subsidiaries of it (unfortunate name, considering there's a Japanese makeup company that's also called "candydoll"). It makes a ton of content that's clearly suggestive, but not outright illegal. The models are usually young Eastern European girls. The photographers seem to mostly be professionals, Japan has a fucked up culture that doesn't seem to mind exploiting young people as much as other places.
The ones that are a little bit more low-budget looking with those weird stock backgrounds are usually from actual CP rings. From the Reddit threads I read, the rings would consist of seemingly normal fronts for amateur "child modelling", which would consist of sites filled with SFW photos of the girls in weird costumes or outfits. Every girl would have her own "site" with images of her. Pedos would use the sites as a catalogue, and email the owners for actual CP. The photographers in cases like this are typically the children's parents or guardians. Some of these "studios" have been closed down and the adult participants jailed, but I'm pretty sure they still exist.
I don't really want to look for it, but there was one bizarre "interview" video of adult women who were former child models for one of the rings that were busted talking about their experiences. They all insisted that the main photographer who was jailed did nothing wrong, and that they "had fun". One of them said she remembers "running and screaming laughing" during photoshoots. The video was clearly coached or scripted, there was this weird music at the end, and the whole thing focused a little too hard on making them look as "happy" as possible, complete with them swaying their shoulders to the music and giggling at things. You could sort of tell that even that video was trying its hardest to pander to pedophiles, despite the fact that they're all grown women now. They even used old photos from their "child modelling" days at the end. It's like they never really escaped that shit, and it kind of sickens me even now to think about. I still wonder if they were paid or blackmailed to film that video for whatever reason, or if being groomed since childhood had just completely brainwashed them, but I hope they don't have kids.
No. 421792
>>421779Hmm. Girls like doing gymnastics. They're gonna do gymnastics. They like eating icecream. They're gonna eat icecream. There's nothing inherently sexual about either activity. Though with that said there's nothing inherently photogenic about those activities either. So I guess, you're right, good point. Unless there's not many reasons for those photos to exist except to wet the appetites of pedos that will view about anything kids do through a sexual lens. Even if he's not arrested for anything explicit he should still have the police knocking on his door.
>>421780Well that's just horrifying. Stockholm syndrome is one helluva drug.
Have you ladies heard of this child drag queen Desmond? That's another situation where there's clear cut abuse and nothing being done about it.
No. 421794
>>421780I seen that ama linked in another thread. Terrifying.
I feel like people don't want to talk about the widespread issue of men being disgusting perverts in the same way women's anatomy makes people uncomfortable. We need to talk about how common it is for children to be abused in one way or another. It's like people have their heads in the sand.
I was never physically abused as a child, but I have had enough odd experiences with men or heard them say disgusting things when I was younger to make me uncomfortable and leave a lasting impression. You don't have to be outright molested to be damaged by men as a child.
I remember finding my dad's porn stash as a young girl. That alone a child shouldn't have to see or become aware of. I'm sure it did mature me more than if I hadn't seen that stuff. Also it opened the door to losing trust in my father in a sense. To see him not only as my father anymore but as someone who keeps these images I don't understand but know are wrong. Never found a degenerate porn stash snooping through my mom's stuff though…
No. 421804
>>421795That was my birth father's porn. My step dad was worse though. He never laid a hand on me I can say. But, if I had a half day at school or something, he would always be home walking around the house with his robe wide open and nothing on or just butt ass naked walking around. He always seemed extra surprised to find me walking through the door. And would bound out of the room or co er up. It seemed genuine at the time. I was still terrified to go home early ever, or even near his bedroom. I would get absolutely shaking scared going into the house on a half day. I would be super loud so he would know and cover up. For a long time I was very uncomfortable with nudity.
When you're a kid, you're so naive. Looking back, he should've talked to my mom the first time it ever happened if it were an accident. Also he should've started to cover up after just once exposing himself to a 10 year old girl. I never told anyone myself because it felt too embarrassing. One time I came home from school and he was just laying on my bed. On top of the covers, fully clothed. I was like wtf are you doing in here you fucking weirdo. He's dead now so there's that lol. Natural causes unfortunately.
No. 421844
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>>421828It's no surprise, men are pedophiles.
No. 421861
>>421794>I remember finding my dad's porn stash as a young girlMy dad didn't have a porn stash but he did have 100s of condoms in the drawer under his bed (for use with his girlfriend, divorced at this point from my mother). He also had internet access quite early compared to other people, but isn't a nerd and doesn't have niche hobbies, so probably for porn - as I only recently realized. One of the reasons my parents got divorced is he was trying to force her to do anal sex, among general financial control and emotional abuse. He would talk about ass all the time and even tried to do anal sex unnannounced, while she was asleep and pregnant. She got up out of the bed, shaking, and vomited in shock.
Anyway dads can be perverts even if not directed at their children. Once he told her he had a "dream" where me and my sister were lying naked on the sofa and he could see our vaginas. She never left us alone with him after that.
No. 421942
>>421934They're definitely going to have their work cut out for them for a little while, especially on weekends.
Hope they can remain diligent.
No. 421944
>>421928pmuch men are so fucking stupid.
>>421934Dunno but just report and hide it for now.
No. 421960
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Sure feels like summer in this thread.
No. 421982
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>>421962Any one know the orginal comic?
No. 422007
>>421629I agree with this. Every man I've known to take extreme stances like you're describing came from a place of bizarre fetish/extreme misogyny/total inability to think abstractly. They all think this inability and their lack of empathy makes them """"better"""" and the world validates them. Women who do it…..not that women can't be fucked up, but so many are doing it to impress men. I used to be one of those, and it was so, so much harder to admit that it was fucked up than to jump on the "tee hee i'm a sexy objectivist porn loving cool girl" train. I was fucking terrified of feminism making sense to me, but I couldn't ignore it forever.
And honestly, it's the same with lefty guys. The guy who never shuts up about being a chapo commie fuck bootlickers guy w/ endless jokes about weird fetishes (who may or may not consider himself a lesbian nowadays) is the same guy as the "race realist" proud boy. It's all about their ego.
No. 422016
>>422002The fact that there are men out there that get this
triggered over anime shit and have THIS much loliporn saved really just makes me depressed for humanity. Tfw the separatist anons were right.
No. 422071
>>421844>>421933Women apparently peak from 9 years old (and I'm sure there were lower answers they edited out of the results) absolute best at 14, and rapid decline until 30 where 40 is basically invisible. I love a chart which demonstrates the pedophilic, retarded male mind so successfully. The truth is the "peak" is when women are most vulnerable to men, and the "decline" is when women have woken up to how sick, dangerous and deranged they are, and are also usually financially independent and capable of avoiding unwanted males.
I wish handmaiden types were all mailed a copy of this chart so they could take some responsibility in protecting young women from sexual assault.
No. 422186
>>416712>>416981That's because all the ugly ones can do is look,
legally anyway.
No. 422198
>>422071>the "peak" is when women are most vulnerable to men, and the "decline" is when women have woken upI remember when I first started to catch on to these real reasons had agesism is so stacked against women. I wish there was a way to explain this sooner to girls.
A man doesn't want a younger girl because she's magically better than his last old bitch, he wants her because she hasn't had enough experience to spot his bullshit, or grown the confidence to be equal to him. Men don't age any better than men, they just make the rules.
No. 422246
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>>422007Like clockwork.
I swear, it's always,
always something with them. When a man is some heavily politicized public figure, it's literally always a fucking veneer. The details are also disgusting.
No. 422371
>>422362Men always use serial killer fangirls as proof women want to be raped and love violent men, but whenever something like this happens they fangirl just as hard if not moreso. The vast majority of male commentary I've seen about this is calling her gorgeous or their waifu as if she was some kind of anime character.
Hell, just the fact the yandere trope even exists and is so popular shows men fetishize mentally ill violent women.
No. 422515
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I came across this image and fuck, how can a dad be so shitty to his son.
No. 422569
>>422456They don't even take evil women seriously lol
And the woman was average looking, yet they call her gorgeous explicitly because her mental illness and insanity TURNS them on.
But yea le serial killers xD
Bet if women were as violent as men there'd be more male serial killer groupies too
No. 422624
>>422623>What can be done to fix them?Nothing. Being aggressive, sexualized and horrible is what brought progress in early human society, it's part of human nature. Warlike men conquered and destroyed non-warlike men. For many many generations over and over.
>How do you get away from them?A monastery-type society for women who hate men to retreat to while occasionally contracting men from the outside to do the heavy lifting construction work/deliver stuff under strong supervision. It's both possible and happened before, there have been female-dominated societies after war for example.
No. 422699
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No. 422705
>>422699Nothing about that poor kid, 14 year old boys are literally children, but just "she's not hot so it's bad".
Even lolcow, which is also an anonymous image board, wouldn't say this shit, and def not for the reverse.
Men are retarded.
No. 422707
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>>422699>mfw they complain about how men are abused too but then pull this shitI noticed when it comes to things like this women are the first ones there to defend the
victims and shut down that predatory shit. Men on the other hand are fucking clowns and if the woman is hot they applaud it. Them encouraging shit like this is why so many boys grow up to be fucked up.
No. 422709
>>422707And then when women try to discuss little girls getting raped by men, they try to flip the script and accuse
us of being the ones to think it doesn't matter when a boy is raped by a woman.
They're so pathetic it's hilarious.
No. 422766
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It's always sad to see a handmaiden in the wild. They're always out there defending males and their precious porn.
Btw this was a response to a woman who don't know how to handle her barely legal anal teen porn addicted husband.
No. 422777
>>422766What I hate most is the fact that they cape like it's LITERALLY their fucking job. They campaign for dicks. It's so bad. It's all for nothing, too. ON FACELESS, NAMELESS REDDIT, ffs. Like, even if you didn't see the harm in this, who has the energy to cape like this for literally no tangible benefits? Handmaidens are obv
victims, but they're also incredibly stupid people, like, remarkably unintelligent women.
Like fuck, at least save this bootlicking bullshit for some scenario irl that'll actually earn you something, at least.
No. 422796
>>422707Boy: I was raped by my teacher.
Men: Haha, nice! That's fucking hot. I wish my teacher had raped me when I was a kid, you're living every man's dream. Mmmm.
Women: It's a problem when little girls and women are raped.
Men: Female teachers rape boys. :(
No. 422809
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I usually avoid this thread but I stumbled upon something that reveals the true disgusting, selfish, hypocritical nature of men that is worth sharing here. man says that he wants a woman who is devoted only to him and he finds one. But he is unhappy because he wants to fuck other women. Just read the comments, they are repulsive. >Just cheat on her
>Just open up the relationship but only for you >You deserve to fuck others because all she provides is a holeOn the very same subreddit that complains women are evil because apparently they want to fuck everything in sight. Visiting places like this remind me why I will never trust men.
No. 422810
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Can I just say that I fucking hate -most- men?
today I was disgusted even more; my little sister is fifteen years old and she has zero posts on her private Instagram account yet she gets DM requests with photos from guys all the time, this time round she said she was curious to see what's the content of the video, I kinda knew it wasn't anything good so I said let's open it together and behold! it's just what I expected, NUDES luckily he was wearing his boxer but fucking bloody hell I felt uncomfortable.
I never get dick pics from random dudes since all my accounts are non gender specific and are private but leave kids the fuck alone!! I can only imagine what kids with bigger following and posts get in their DM requests, the sad thing is that we can't stop them and you don't wanna control this kid because I pervert is sending his nudes to everyone with a female in their pfp.
PS: It's not okay to send random dick pics to anyone, its not for kids alone but I'm just pissed over the fact that kids are getting this too.
No. 422825
>>422766>>422774>>422794>>422795Sad how she is degrading herself because of an asshole she has married, sadly enough I know women like this IRL and they're very unstable, also insecure.
What's wrong with stretch marks and saggy boobs? not the best to look at but it's the price of bearing children for this wanker, and he himself isn't any better looking with his bald head, erectile dysfunction, hairy: balls, belly, chest, bum, asshole, back…whole body, and let's not forget his bank account, yet he says that his biology made him attracted to 'fertile looking' female and he can't help it? this loser can't even get a real one of these young fertile women IRL because even those who are attracted to older men as claimed wouldn't bother even looking at his sagging balls face. delusional selfish men always thinking that they deserve better when they got more than they even should, women ought to stand up to their shit from time to time.
No. 422826
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>>422809Everything they preach is bad about women, they encourage eachother to do. It's insane.
>AWALT! They all cheat!"Just cheat on her"
>AWALT! They all want to fuck as many guys as they can in their prime years and settle for a LTR when they get older!"Just fuck as many girls as you can and settle for a LTR when you get older bro"
>AWALT! Always looking for a better man, their hypergamous nature makes them evil!"It's in human nature bro you can't help wanting to fuck as many chicks as possible"
They're all so completely blind to it too.
No. 422827
>>422818The single most easily recognizable GUARANTEE of fertility is pregnancy, so if it really were all about finding the most fertile woman, all men would be after single mothers.
They're not.
Guess fertility isn't that important then.
No. 422828
>>422825i know a woman like this. she sucks up to her husband like it's her job, her life seems to revolve around being attractive for men. she's boasted before about how much money she spends on fillers, manicures, hair, make-up, and other stuff to "keep it all looking good for hubby."
he's had two affairs (that she's told me about, he may have had more), and both of them were with older women. one of them was with a woman she described as "disgustingly fat." even after she apparently spends every weekend at the gym keeping fit for dearest darling hubbykins.
just proves you can literally give up your entire personhood to please a man and it still won't be good enough for him. they only know how to take.
No. 422848
>>422843this would all make sense if not for the fact men claim fertility is
the most important thing to them, more important than literally anything else. obviously they're lying, and this proves that.
No. 422905
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kill men
No. 422927
>>422862Since women are more prone to fertility problems, it's easier for them to place women's worth or attractiveness around fertility and it's easy for them to convince themselves to treat women like shit
Men truly have not revolved past the Stone age, they think they can tell a woman's fertility soley by her attributes even if said attributes has nothing to do with fertility but in a situation where a young and attractive woman is infertile, they're quick to drop her because how dare she not be born with perfect sex organs, nevermind other options
You'd think with how obsessed these dipshots are with fertility as they let on, they'd go for mother's, women in their mid twenties, but they bash those, you'd think assuming their obsession with fertility they must love kids right? Nope, adoption isn't even an option to them and they make fun of people who adopt and call them cucks, and best of all? They see nothing wrong with any of these behaviors or just deny them
Men are literally
toxic, avoiding them is the best option
No. 422956
>>411618>>422927Men are pretty prone to fertility problems as well.
men now are having more than ever erectile dysfunction because of pornos and such, they would go soft in 5 minutes and it is a big insecurity they have, how do you think these men would react? maybe seek professional help or perhaps cut off porn, right? wrong. they only cut sex with real women and stick to their pornos…
No. 422957
>>422766>go ahead and shit on me. I'm The Cool Girl.Thats all I'm remembering from this post.
>>422826Combat that by reading exredpill. I don't see alot of exredpill women there but it's still surprising. They woke to the bs that rp is a cult meant to destroy your relationships to stay in their cult. Nobody is successful in that sub because they will never be satisfied. Like almost all those guys aren't even in relationships and are just larping, outdoing one another by saying more outrageous shit than the other guy or bitter angry old men alone that their draconian marriage didn't work out. Take everything you read there with a mountain of salt. If anything, it's just an online group of miserable lonely men that want to ruin others lives because misery loves company. And to attract women, some of them larp as redpilledwomen. Not all, since some of them are just homely women desperate to not be alone either. Those subs are just depressing all around tbh. But I hardly ever believe what they type.
A friends brother got shucked into it for less than a year after he and his gf broke up. And he was already struggling with depression and and anxiety. After actually getting real therapy, he left and said that the sub really tries to attract broken guys to stay and become more broken. Also you have to be pretty retarded to find an amazing woman , cheat on her than act surprised when she leaves. So eh
>>422904>capitalized M in maleWodner if anon is threatened by men in childfree communities too.
No. 422965
>>422963They claim it's because women naturally have less hair than men, so removing the hair entirely exaggerates the dimorphic feature. But men grow more hair ALL OVER naturally, which is why men actually have longer eyelashes and longer, thicker hair on their head than women if they don't cut it. But women are still expected to have long eyelashes and long hair.
Funny how the only symbols of our dimorphic sex men like are the ones that makes us look like kids and/or cost money to upkeep.
No. 422967
>>422905Disgusting. Same thing happened with
lolita, but at the end of the day women just want to be left alone ffs
Imagine if more women would exclude dudes with small dicks because of "fertility", they'd lose their damn minds lmao.
No. 422972
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>>422967When will scrots learn fake evolution science is a two way street?
No. 422986
>>422967>Imagine if more women would exclude dudes with small dicks because of "fertility", they'd lose their damn minds lmao.they're already losing their damn minds and acting suicidal over women preferring taller men, they literally would not live one day as a woman, all you can literally say is "I just want a man I'm dating to be taller than me" and they'll go on a screeching rampage about how "women's narcissism knows no bounds, you're not even human unless you have that 1% trait to women"
what they want is to find young maidens who all have big perky tits, wide hips, big round butts and tiny waists and baby faces and innie vagina, impregnate them and then leave them because muh used goods and do it all in the name of fertility and evolution, it's a joke, but when women like manly men? reeee evil women deserve to be beat
nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine
No. 423034
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>>422986The funny thing is, they're already being excluded from sex without us even having to be direct with them! Men are going without sex more than any of the last two generations. And Japanese men are even worse off. These scrots are getting exactly what they deserve!
No. 423045
>>423038As other anons are pointing out, it's because of porn sickness, they think that any sort of attempting to communicate with women is "too much!" And if you point out screaming "hey sexy nice tits" from the side of the rode isn't respectful flirting, they go on a rant about how "evil women won't even let men call them pretty! I can't even talk to women nowadays without being PCed!!"
The most men nowadays are willing to do is invite women over for a blowjob every now and then, a typical "he picks you up, takes you to movies and dinner" is too much for men nowadays if you're even lucky enough to find a man who isn't a homebody, asking them to dress in something other than their high school basketball shorts and a stained Walmart shirt is too much
Dating has become pathetic over the past few years, men love claiming how easy access to sex has made us entitled but never took a good hard look at themselves, the fact any man who dresses half decent, has basic hygiene and knows how to do their hair and fix their facial hair is considered a Chad and women can have classically beautiful facial features, an hourglass figure and healthy body, dress good, smell good, have a good career path, healthy social life, and she's just a basic bitch, just shows how "hard" it is for men, even then the bare minimum is too much for them
No. 423125
>>423121go visit the "unattractive men you'd fuck" thread for some perspective bro, plenty of women have weird tastes, barely anyone is only into r9k's Chad photoshops and nothing else kek
you're just unbearable and no women will fuck you, it's not your face/height/dick, it's your very being
(responding to an incel) No. 423128
>>423125The argument will be "N-No they're rich you just don't get it roastie".
Just don't even respond to scrotes, they're beyond reason.
No. 423129
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>>423121>It's just unattractive men that aren't getting anyunattractive men can get some if they are realistic, since most women date down I can't really say to stay within their league, in which ugly women would be thrilled to have someone show interest in them, but that's not what ugly men want they want some frat boy movie fantasy about being an anti-social loser who treats women like shit and refuses to even show interest but also have attractive women chase him
the issue is they look at attractive women on the internet all day and don't go out, so an attractive woman is considered average to them, thus they don't appreciate or act interested in most women therefore women aren't interested in them
>inb4 you evil women only want someone to worship younope, mutual feelings are important, feeling like you're attractive to your SO is important especially nowadays with how much emphasis is placed on looks and how much emotional abuse revolves around looks
and if you're trying to claim those evil women wouldn't get abused if they date ugly dudes, take a look at the guys doing the abusing lmao most of them are ugly ass niggers or white trash, most women I know who fell for the ugly boy meme ended up abused, cheated on or in shit relationships
men are just getting what they finally deserve, men truly do not deserve women
No. 423143
>>423129>they want some frat boy movie fantasy about being an anti-social loser who treats women like shit and refuses to even show interest but also have attractive women chase himIt's crazy how offended men get when women in their league pursue them. I've had a lot of "nerdy", below average-looking male friends and they'd always complain about how lonely they are, how they'd treat a girlfriend right and appreciate her, but they'd RAGE if a below average (or even average) woman showed interest in them and shit-talk her for hours on end.
Meanwhile we're evil whores if getting approached by men makes us uncomfortable. We're supposed to be ~grateful~ and ~flattered~ no matter how disgusting and insulting they are.
No. 423148
>>423143This. I remember seeing this up close for myself,they bitch and ree when less attractive women show interest, but we're evil if we express discomfort when persued in a vulgar way.
Funny, because that's what caused me to see men for what they really are.
No. 423159
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>>411618>>423129I do hate entitled abusing men but there are a few decent guys out there, believe me.
Plus men can't survive without women and vice versa, we do not hate all men, we hate stupid men (in other words most men) who follow some political movements blindly and we shouldn't do the same, we cannot be the female incels.
Following a group of people with their ideology can make you do big mistakes preventing you from seeing good things; like how that douch wanted to cheat on his unicorn waifu because he was listening to people saying 'WOMEN ARE BAD!!' some of us might be doing the same, it is not comparable in any way since men are literal pieces of shit but at least there is out there a low chance that maybe you can finally meet a decent bloke, IMO settling and having a carefree relationship with a man is the biggest fuck-you to them, they think it's impossible because they're insecure themselves and believe they can never reach that.
I myself have fallen into a relationship with a guy who was close to falling into that fuck-all-women hole, luckily he is now a changed man and he doesn't follow politics any more.
again, men are evil but so are the political movements that no one benefits from…
>Most men are not very good>Most doesn't mean all >By turning against all men you are potentially missing on a jackpot>Don't be the female version of incels>Don't follow political movements without a critical take >Don't allow others' experiences cloud your judgement>Please do have a good day/evening <3>Pedos rot in hell No. 423291
>>423156Something about how he's admitting women are attracted to unattractive men but still calls them picky because women still want features they like in men
He KNOWS unattractive men can get women but calls them picky because men aren't getting laid, but also goes on to sprout MGTOW narratives in which men pride themselves in leaving ~ebul ebin~
Like which one is it incels? Do you pride yourself in distancing yourself from evil women or are you upset men aren't getting laid?
No. 423454
Yes, yes, feminists very good, very good. HOWEVER you cannot escape incels. We're too powerful.
I agree with most of what you've posted. Men are dicks and a great evil. But us incels, we're a different breed. Sure fuck chad and bully us incels, I dont care. You can#t stop me.
Fact is, I have, all to myself, a harem of the most beautiful girls. At the click of a button, I can have a women with a big, beautiful bell, a big fat belly, rub her beautiful; feet on my face while performing a nurse examination or giving me a scalp massage, maybe even with her sexy feet, while her exquisite belly wobbles in front of me. All the personal attention I want. The fact is, you stupid whores will just fuck Chads anyway, I agree with most of what you said but in reality, we all know you're just going to fuck evil; chads anyway. Meanwhile, I'll be here getting a face-foot massage off a chubby bird, getting in lost in her fat rolls,in pure ecstasy, using the internet AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.
How's that? You've lost, just admit it.
No. 423465
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So, has anyone managed to explain this? Why are they such babies over menstrual blood, despite loving gory bloodbaths?
No. 423483
>>419850>>414761>>414765>>416427Because a man undressing a woman with his eyes is sinful behavior. So an attractive woman that men would be tempted to do that to is a more effective representation of that.
>>419843>>419850I think you're tinfoil hatting a bit too hard now.
I wish the meme of "Carrying all that fat around makes them stronger" would die. If they have poor posture, knocked knees, flat feet, and rounded shoulders like most overweight people tend to, that's a sign they aren't strong enough to carry their bodies around. IT doesn't put tension on their muscles, it puts it on their joints.
No. 423489
>>423454>Men with dicks and a great evil.As opposed to men without dicks? What are you trying to say with this lol is it that you may be a misogynistic incel but transmen are aight?
I know not to reply to scrotebait but this is unintentionally funny and someone had to point it out to laugh about it
No. 423522
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>>423494Yeah this. But if we are to use dumb scrot logic then allow me to post the ultimate personification of lust kek
No. 423526
>>423522OT but his arm looks like a loaf of bread and I'm
triggered by the inconsistency between his nicely rendered face, and the baguette arm and attached claw made of dough
No. 423594
>>423587>jokingI have this gut feeling that half of them
aren't joking
No. 423608
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>>423589Him or this hobo that everyone kept posting for a while.
No. 423612
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>>423589he's our king, pt is our queen, and majima goro is our prince even though hes the oldest of the three.
No. 423628
trigger discipline!
No. 423644
From a babysitter thread
>I babysat for a wealthy family in college where the husband was on his second wife and he worked at a bank in the city. He was never around - I worked for the family for months before I ever met him. The wife was pregnant with her third and she was always exhausted - a lot of the time she just wanted to nap while I was there helping with the kids. On the outside they had the perfect life - a gorgeous house, the wife looked like a blonde julia roberts, two adorable kids and a third on the way, tons of money.
First time I met the father, I showed up at 5am to babysit because he had to take the wife into the city for a doctor's appointment because she's hella pregnant at this point. He's down in the garage doing stuff w/ the car and they live on a cul-de-sac, very safe. The mom's running through stuff I have to do in the kitchen and I see the little girl wander down the stairs into the garage, I assume its fine because her dad is down there and the mom saw her go down the stairs and didn't stop her.
Minutes later the dad comes tearing up the stairs screaming "WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE??" Then he just starts screaming "BABYSITTER?! BABYSITTER?! WHERE ARE YOU." I shit you not… this man didn't know my name. I'd been alone with his children for months and he didn't even know my first name.
He then tears into me about how his daughter was "wandering alone" downstairs and "could have walked into the street." I was so confused - growing up, my dad like… raised me. If I was in a room with him… he'd watch me. And the mom had watched her go down to the garage and said nothing. They also live on a culdesac with like… literally no traffic. I felt so bad for that woman, the man was clearly terrible… if not fully abusive. At one point she asked me if I could come watch the kids on a weekend so she could get errands done because when her husband's home he doesn't want to watch the kids on his days off work and it's hard for her to get much done when she's 8 months pregnant and has to drag two kids with her to fucking Target (paraphrasing…).
I didn't know what to do or what to say but I felt really bad for the wife and just was in shock. She kept running me through what I had to do to get the little girl to daycare and she was shaking. The moment is seared in my memory after he screamed at me- her helping me pack the little girls' backpack in the kid's bedroom, two floors up from the garage where the husband was in the car just LAYING on the horn and screaming at her to hurry up.
I also told them I had exams that day and had to be back to classes by 9am, which was fine because they were taking the boy with them. But after the dad's freakout, the little boy refused to go so I wound up having to watch him after I dropped the little girl off at daycare. They didn't get back early enough and I missed my class with my exam.
Not related to shitty dads, but relevant to the thread - I also babysat for another rich family with two kids who were pathological liars. I quit after the boy threw an adult sized bike at me because I wouldn't let him ride it (he was 5) and I still have a fucking scar in my leg to this day (I'm 31) from where the bike chain gauged my leg.
No. 423657
>Minutes later the dad comes tearing up the stairs screaming "WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE??" Then he just starts screaming "BABYSITTER?! BABYSITTER?! WHERE ARE YOU." I shit you not… this man didn't know my name. I'd been alone with his children for months and he didn't even know my first name.
>He then tears into me about how his daughter was "wandering alone" downstairs and "could have walked into the street."
Not to blog, but this was my childhood. My dad was exactly like this. Always on some trip, always isolating me.
The only difference is that my mom agreed with the isolation and effectively crippled my social life. I'm hoping it's different in college.
Anyway, I guarantee a man like that is abusive, no maybes about it. I think my upbringing and the things I've seen (and experienced) are two of many reasons why I'm so misandrist today. Men are so full of shit. I feel like with 70% of them, you literally have to maintain this weird form of matronly mental dominance over them at all times, or they'll get too big for their britches and treat you like shit. They're like toddlers with hulk strength, and it's fucking horrifying. It's like all they respond to, at their core, is caveman-tier mind games mixed with some tender coddling and ego-stroking here and there. They're not logical beings. It's a whole fucking process getting most of them to respect you (and I mean actually respect you as a valid human being), and many aren't even worth the trouble.
No. 423691
>>423522Yeah that would be consistent if they were all male. You could even go so far as to make lust androgynous.
Usually the "attractive man" falls into pride, gotta give him a reason to think he's god on earth apparently. (surface level writing but I think that's what we're talking about.)
If you want lust to be some fat rich Arab or Hugh Hefner that could work as well, you've just got to write it.
Why is Wrath usually an angry muscular man and not an edgy school shooter type with his dad's revolver? Or someone who cuffs their jeans while wearing boots? That would personally incite some wrath.
Same reason, no one's written it.
Or we could go galaxy brain and just make lust a mirror, since (You), the viewer are at fault! Just not for the other sins, those are personified.
No. 423742
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>>416989So an update on my weirdo cousin. A couple days after calling me beautiful he hit me with the old “i was drunk” spiel.
I block his number and his social media accounts. By now he's moved out of state.
Today I get a text from him with a new area code asking me how my new job is going.
I never told anyone about his previous transgression because he was moving away anyway and I felt no need to bring up a weird topic but….what the hell! I thought he’d have slunk away in shame once he got an unfavorable response?!?!
No. 423799
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In my libfem days I thought menslib was the shit, but looking back they're just MRA in a pretty pink bow. Menslib pull MRA level logic all the time
Context: This was in response to how they can reconcile wanting to destroy all gender roles while also knowing men and women have pretty clear sex differences.
No. 423810
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>>423799sage for samefagging, but how did the menslib movement get so big? They're entire premise is 'we have the same problems as MRA, but we don't hate feminism. We actually try to fix it ourself!". If you tried this shit like this by using white people or the bourgeoisie class everyone would mock them, but menslib gets a pass?
Menslib also feels really gay for some reason?
No. 423977
>>423917This is a character. He's an obvious parody of bro culture.
"Because of this we are seeing girls, or as they like to be called, "women" Using their butt thunder to out lift men. This seems like a scary thought for a gym bro. Who's invested his entire life in the belief that people actually give a shit how strong you are."
If you can hear that and take him seriously I have no hope for you.
No. 424072
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Throughout the OP's thread she talked a lot about how the men who hung around her thinner friends would blatantly insult and disrespect her for being unattractive. Maybe this is a nitpick, but it bothers me that this dude thinks her situation is somehow comparable to his female friends thinking he's nice. Like do men always have to be so fucking resentful that some women just aren't interested in them. Get over it. Mate, those girls aren't "trash" for simply thinking you're a nice person.
No. 424078
>>424072So basically it boils down to:
>men treat me like shit because I’m unattractive >WELL women are nice to me but because I’m ugly they WON’T FUCK MEMen will literally never get it.
No. 424087
>>424072Men treat sex like the ultimate compliment and they don't understand why a woman wouldn't view it the same.
I've read horror stories of fat women dating men, getting to the point of trust to sleep with them, but the men dump them afterwards. Because that's the thing: Men don't even care about loving or finding a woman attractive if it means they get their dick wet. Women are just holes they can get an ego boost from.
Then if we don't put out for fear of the former scenario, we are labeled frigid, bitchy prudes.
The fact of the matter is every man wants his target woman to have sex with him on demand and only him and act like desperate lambs who chase after only his dick. But even then we are disposable.
No. 424184
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No. 424205
>>424184Husband sounds insufferable, if a woman went to the police after digging in her husband's bag and finding broken plastic and thinking it was drugs and going to the police she would be blasted instantly right now
When will we genuinely start treating men's behaviors like how people treat women's?
No. 424224
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How would you respond?
No. 424293
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Imagine caring THIS much about scrote feelings. Strippers are a rare breed indeed.
No. 424300
>>424293I doubt she's a stripper just because she wuvs men, why moved you to post this here? Either she's working on customer relations, because she needs their money to live, or she has such a terrible life that the scraps of kindness her Johns throw her is all she has.
Hate the men that create this system, not her
No. 424317
>>424300Nta but there are a lot of retarded sex workers that are total handmaidens and they don't have to be this level of pandering. No one is requesting she post this. Trust me, literally every male that follows her would rather she posted a titty picture than this story. I don't have a problem with her, but js, I doubt this is a customer relations move or that she's got nothing else in life but this dumb cake. Like, not all sex workers are
victims in the classical sense, like a number of camgirls, for example.
No. 424358
>>424296Agree. If anything this should be in the handmaid thread.
>>424317ntayrt but,
You sound like you don't really know about how women get into the sex worker industry (even if it seems voluntary on the outside). Most of the women were abused as children in one way or another. Also, we have a society built around the needs of men built BY men etc. that contributes to a woman becoming a sex worker. Even camgirls and strippers. I would bet the strip club she works in is owned by a man.
No. 424585
>>424392I and plenty other women have high sex drives and don't consume porn or sex work
>Inb4 muh easy mode lifeAnd no we don't go out and fuck strangers either, it's called self control, a foreign concept to men sadly
No. 424633
>>424585T also encourages risk taking behavior and men have like 20 times more than women do on average (why there's also way more male criminals and men getting killed in dumbass accidents). There's also the difference that when women orgasm it's mostly oxytocin releasing which makes you feel affection, relaxed and satisfied but when men orgasm there's also a lot more dopamine which is related to forming repeat behavoirs and encouraging escalation. It makes them want to do that more often and with a bigger hit, which is why men get addicted to porn and go down the porn degeneracy spiral of needing more intense material more than women.
I'm sure there's also societal components like attitudes to female and male sexuality making it worse or even providing an opposite effect (men considering that loser behavior, women considering it cool and le empowering) since you can meme humans into doing some real weird shit. But at the end of the day men are basically getting dosed with "act like a fucking retard" juice to varying levels throughout their life.
No. 424679
>>424665>>424666It's always stupid because their counter to this is, "you'd like it if they were an attractive Chad!!!1"
No, I would like being intimate with someone who I can feel safe and loved and have a long-lasting relationship with. Not some predatory loser who I would be scared around who just uses people for his own gain, thanks. It doesn't matter if they're conventionally "attractive" or not if they are a horrible dangerous person.
No. 424849
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I was messing around on reddit and I found this post that
triggered a bunch of scrotes. She even stated the penis size wasn't an end all be all, but scrotes are acting like her having a single standard is the dreaded 'REVERSE SEXISM'. She was oddly kind about the dick size thing too. Like any normal man who likes big breast would ask for advice on how to kindly reject women with small breasts.
Dick size standards are different from breast size to me. It's like you can see breast, but you can't see a dick so you would ask about it no? Breasts aren't that important to sex, but a penis is. No. 424867
>>424849That top comment though.
>hurr sorry womyn I only like petite c cup busty women does it offend u Saying this like men aren't blatantly like this to women already. Lmao.
No. 425204
>>425104Only in America can they be that self race hating but also racially obsessed
Even in places that are more open minded to interracial dating it's like "he's x race she's y race, cool"
In America it's like a damn lolcow thread with all sorts of tinfoiling and
toxic shit both from the people in the relationship and people watching it
No. 425206
>Men: Harm, rape and humiliate us, mock our suffering, support highly anti-moral 'industries' just to jerk off, support sexual trafficking/prostitution, force their gross fetishes on us, are unable to feel empathy for anything with a vagina, doubt our humanity and intelligence, erased our historical achievements, blame us for all their misery and all this just because we have wombs and are weaker, basically they hate us for existing and being different.
Women: wtf is wrong with you degenerates? God i hate men
Sexual segregation is the way to go (if you dont support this i respect it, but in case it were to happen i would pack my shit and fuck off in a blink, no more bullshit)
No. 425211
>>424920>I feel like they look 11 to westerners because they aren't used to the asian phenotype and have an obsession with infantlizing asian women. No, it's because they obviously specifically go for girls who look as young as possible. There'd be plenty normal or mature looking asian 18-year-olds, but that's not what they're into.
And it's not (only) a western/american problem either, koreans are the number 1 offenders when it comes to sex tourism to SEA.
>>424924Same with those 'blacked' videos as well, it's always small/cute white girls with gigantic black men.
Don't know why you seem to not hold this against the japanese porn actresses who participate in perpetuating that stereotype…? There's no way they don't understand what they're doing, Japan isn't some 3rd world south asian country where girls are absolutely desperate and willing to do anything for a bit of money, like
No. 425220
>>425211>Don't know why you seem to not hold this against the japanese porn actresses who participate in perpetuating that stereotype…?Goddam it are you really
victim blaming
No. 425226
>>424920>Creators of Lolita culture>Weird obsession with youthfulness, but not early 20s youthful, looking as close as a child as possibly youthful>Having traditionally womanly features is shamed in Asia>It's westerners who infantize Asian women thoughLet's not pretend Asians are the poor
victim here being made into children by sleezy gross westerners, the most you'll hear from even yellow fever Westerners is that "they look young", it's Asians mind you who go out their way, Photoshop all of their selfies to look as child like as possible, try to imitate that of a child running around screaming and squealing, evil gross westerners didn't force that upon them
>>425220NTA but I can see where they're coming from at least, if your cultures beauty standards revolve around being as close to a child as possible and your porn is the same it will give westerns certain ideas about said culture, just like how Americans like putting fast food and violence everywhere and now everyone else thinks that's what Americans do. I don't like it but it's true and sadly not everyone is open minded
No. 425235
>>425231Ok I have seen this and the guy specifically blames men for this and says men need to change their mindsets not women
also the rest of his channel is literally about pop culture feminism
No. 425240
>>425235ig but you don't always agree with everyone on everything, I still agree this guy does blow things out of proportion at times though but the men in the comments egging it on about how they're in complete agony and going through the toughest of tough that no women can get is what got me
I know we're getting tired of this argument but what if it was a woman pointing out the misogyny on big bang theory, or a woman who pointed out all the times sexual assault and rape was used as a comedy bit, feminists are already getting mocked and dragged to hell and back if they even barely poke the idea that making fun of rape
victims and threatening to rape women for the sake of humor is wrong
No. 425243
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>>425240except this is Jonathan Mcintosh he's been mocked by the internet for years now,Hell I used to make fun of him when I was in my edgy anti-feminist phase
No. 425246
>>425220No, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of
>white women in porn with black men = racists!>japanese women in porn with black men = victims of western men who went to Japan to make said porn.Both are from 1st world countries, yet people see them in a completely different light.
No. 425250
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>>425246All women who are in Porn are
victims it doesn't matter If its with a white man,black man or Asian man
No. 425252
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>>425250I want this shit outlawed
No. 425259
>>425250People don't see that if the women happens to be white. Maybe not here, but on any other site, people always call blacked actresses disgusting racists and only see the men as
No. 425264
>>425259I hate that it's always one or the other with people.
Either the black man is a
victim of racism, or the white woman is a
victim of the porn industry.
In reality, both are being exploited to please sick white men's fantasies.
The black man panders to their racism, while the white woman panders to their misogyny. The black man is seen as a virile, horny animal, and the white woman is seen as "degraded" for "stooping so low". Both are dehumanized for someone's boner.
The issues of racism and sexism can coexist and often intersect (most notably when someone is both non-white
and a woman, then it's both at once every fucking day), but some people are too fucking blind to accept that.
No. 425267

>>425259to the blacked porn actress their woudln't be any difference in being degraded and abused by either a white man and being degraded and abused by a black man
>>425264not a polfag but
(Then do not polfag) No. 425273
>>425264The Only man I have known who used to watch blacked porn was a Hispanic man and Kanye West himself said that his favorite porn genre is blacked because he's married to a white woman.
So I think the people who watch blacked porn are unironic cuckholds and black men
>>425273>But Kanye westNow I know you're definitely the same /pol/tard as before who shat up the anti porn thread with anti-Semitic horseshit. You made this exact same argument like a year ago.
Remember this?
>>317007and then someone replied with
>>317055. You had no
valid response, so you just stopped, but I see you haven't changed your mindset.
You even posted
the same image>>316950Begone.
No. 425281
>>425276I'm not that non
>yeah. Most actual homophobes avoid looking at that shit and call anyone who forces it on their eyes a gross faggot. Somehow, the same is not true of /pol/aks. They consume and share IR cuckold porn like it's candy, and even force it on other boards. They love it, they love typing delusional, factually inaccurate fantasies maske as rants about black men "taking their women", they love editing white celebrities and fictional characters into cuckold porn and claiming it's a "political message".Thats no really true I lurk /pol/ occasionally and its mostly just Indian men who spam blacked porn
Its really not that complicated
No. 425287
>>425286They're referring to
>>425267. They want us to blame "the jews" for porn like they do lmao
No. 425293
>>425288>>425287I wanna give an example
In pre-Nazi Germany Jews who were a minority made up a good chunk of the wealthy but those Jews were an extreme minority making up less then 10% of the Jewish population and the Average German Jew was still relatively poorer then the Average German
so it's not all Jews are Involved in the Porn Industry but a disproportionate minority
>>425292Just report them. They've already been called out for doing this shit, and they're not going to stop.
I wouldn't even be surprised if it was some Kiwi Farms refugee scrote who got redirected here and has since taken it upon himself to try and "redpill the roasties".
No. 425306
>>425304That's literally always the scrotoid excuse, too. Make it a race thing, not a gender thing.
They absolutely refuse to acknowledge that across all fucking races and every culture on earth, men remain the problem.
(Your previous posts made it about race though.) No. 425315
>>425313>these people*men
There's nothing special about not having a foreskin that makes them another species.
Stop pretending this is some racial thing, they're
all going to jail.
No. 425321
>>425319It's a figure of speech, anon. As in, "they are all culpable for this issue, and as such, will each be held accountable (in spite of some of them trying to shift the blame here and there when it's being acknowledged)".
In this case, the "all" is men. We're not going to be fooled by racebait, only they fall for such stupid tactics.
(Please take your own advice and do not racebait) No. 425330
Farmhands must be asleep, hope they take care of the racebait soon.
Anyway, I remember this being briefly touched upon in another thread, but I think it warrants a wider discussion.>The science of medicine is based on male bodies, but researchers are beginning to realize how vastly the symptoms of disease differ between the sexes — and how much danger women are in.>Perhaps the greatest contributor to the numbers of women dying following a heart attack, however, is that their heart attacks are simply being missed by their doctors. Research from the UK has found that women are 50% more likely to be misdiagnosed following a heart attack (rising to almost 60% for some types of heart attack). This is partly because women often don’t have the “Hollywood heart attack” as it’s known in medical circles (chest and left-arm pains). Women (particularly young women) may in fact present without any chest pain at all, but rather with stomach pain, breathlessness, nausea and fatigue. These symptoms are often referred to as “atypical,” a designation to which the British Medical Journal took exception in a 2016 article, saying that the term “may lead to the under-appreciation of risk associated with this presentation.” And under appreciation of the risk may in turn explain why a 2005 US study found that “only one in five physicians across multiple specialties was aware that more women than men die from cardiovascular disease each year, and most of these physicians did not rate themselves as effective in treating sex-tailored cardiovascular disease.”Women are literally going undiagnosed and/or dying because men are seen as the default in illnesses, disorders, etc to the point where there flat-out isn't enough research done on how symptoms manifest in women. And as for the "But women live longer!" argument:
>A 2013 paper that examined trends in US mortality rates from 1992 to 2006 in 3,140 counties reported that even as mortality decreased in most counties, female mortality increased in 42.8% of them. And while men’s years of good health have increased in line with their longevity, both women’s longevity and active years have increased at a much lower rate: thirty years of US health data showed that, while women live on average five years longer than men (in Europe it is 3.5 years), those years are spent in ill health and disability. No. 425354
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this armor could hurt her and it enforces a sexist, negative stereotype that women in armor need it sculpted around their tits, but also it looks sexy which is badass so it's fine
No. 425355
>>425335>>425337 they kill themselves way more often too! what the fuck! these dudes are so privileged but their poor feefees get too hurt and they're too retarded to get a therapist because they're brainwashed by the patriarchy not to have feelings so they just kill themselves.
>“A third of the firearm suicides in Utah happened during an argument,” says Bryan. “Two people were having at it. Not necessarily physically violent, but they were yelling. And someone in the moment, almost always a man, basically just says, ‘I’m done,’ grabs a gun, shoots himself, and he’s dead.”they're such children
No. 425362
>>425355Its a bit more complicated then that A quick check on google shows that the suicide rate has risen from 11.6 to 14.0 per 100,000 in 9 years in a slow upward trend that very likely correlates with our aging population.
The Men killing themselves are the ones who live in isolated rural communicates and have no proper access to mental health resources
No. 425382
>>425366Honestly, it's partially a good thing trooning out is "hip" now because it's filtering out a lot of the narcissists and porn addicts. In five years, only the sane sub boys will be left, while all the crazy ones will be wearing bras and taking horse pills.
Trooning out is basically like hanging a sign around your neck that says, "I have a cluster b personality disorder!"
No. 425412
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In case you forgot how special men think they are
No. 425422
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>>425413that's what I thought too, sadly I've seen the lengths MGTOWs/incels will go to and the amount of tall tales they make to make women look bad
No. 425442
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>>425425>Men also are the ones who throw massive baby tantrums when they are denied their porn, or any access to female sexuality whatsoever.I'd like to see men try to go on a sex strike, when they're the ones who go insane and start plotting murder-suicides if they don't get their dicks wet.
>>425422I've seen quite a bit of these weird claims (never with any sources) that women are into bestiality and like to fuck dogs, and that it's one of the reasons why they're becoming more independent from men. Because when a woman would rather get a dog than a husband that obviously means she's fucking it, right?
No. 425534
>>425506Very sad. I know so many like, 23-24 yos like this tbh, like, "I'm not 19-21, and being so fanatical as to reject all porn is IMMATURE and EXTREME, so I'm definitely mature for accepting 'nice' porn and allowing my bf to make many micro-tears in and around my anus, on occasion". Hate it, hate him. Throw him the fuck away and don't look back. I hate that making concessions with sleazebags is seen as "mature". There's nothing reasonable about compromising with disgusting people when it involves your personal safety and personal life! I understand making concessions with your neighbor about sharing fencing costs, sure, but not a man you're sharing your life and body with!
>>425219This isn't manslaughter. This is bullshit. If you ever come across "individual freedom" retards (including female ones) that defend men abusing women as long as it's sexualized, there are actually countless cases of this sort of thing, and guess which one is always the one to die "accidentally"? The female.
No. 425563
>>425506This is heartbreaking. I know her fear and that hurts, I just feel thankful I didn't deal with exactly what she did. Some men are just gross creeps from the start and porn memes them into shit too. Guy I'm with dropped porn and talks about what a beautiful old lady I will be, thankfully. Do most men just not give a fuck about their girlfriends' self esteem and prioritize their cocks and jackoff time? I hate it. I pray to god I never deal with this bullshit again.
The comments are even worse, one woman found CP on her ex's desktop.
No. 425576
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I just watched
Hot Girls Wanted. I've decided that I'm going to force every man I ever date to watch it. They need to know what their little "hobby" does to women.
I'm so sick of this bullshit where any complaints about the porn industry are waived away with "slut shaming". What the fuck!? When the FDA was created, people weren't running around calling it food-shaming!
Porn is so under-regulated it's not even funny. If we're going to make a move towards an anti "slut-shaming" society, then we need to bring porn out of the underground and fucking regulate it. This is ridiculous. There's nothing "slut-shame-y" about wanting to make the industry more safe. These people, particularly women, need a fucking union.
The porn stars that came out to oppose California's porn regulation bill were such obvious astro-turf. Porn stars are
forced to say nice things about what they do. Obviously current porn stars are going to lie about the industry, because when they tell the truth they lose followers and worse yet get blacklisted and harassed.
>>425534I feel like a fucking dumbass because I might have
invited by boyfriend to start watching porn. I was on a date with him and we were chatting about past relationships came up. He told me he doesn't look at porn, that he tried it and it made him feel gross.
I was like, "Don't lie to me. There's nothing wrong with watching porn. It's like anything else- a little bit here and there is fine." I kept pressing him, saying things similar to that, but he kept insisting that he wasn't into porn. (He's on an SRI that reduces his libido, so after I while I decided to reluctantly believe him).
So on the off chance he
was telling the truth, I probably fucked him up by making him feel like he was weird for not liking porn. Now if he turns into a pornsick perv, it's all my fault. He's so cute and femme, too, so if he gets into porn he'll probably troon out.
No. 425588
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>>425582>>425582Loool, tbh I'm tempted to make a recreation of their grotesque Zyzz-inspired monsterman out of photos of men that aren't posing in front of a backdrop and mine OKC for women's (predictably) horrified responses.
Also, they're so fucking dumb. Some tard posted this and even his incel brethren are like "umm, it's probably a bot", but it's still upvoted to karma heaven when it's so clearly a fucking bot. I hate them.
No. 425590
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>>425589Just search dogpill on their sub.
No. 425592
>>425589Not that anon but it's a common discussion point on /r9k/ and /pol/. They post that one white trash girl who does seem to be into bestiality (or trolling) and use her as "proof" that all white women fuck dogs. They say the same about horse riders.
Like the "all white women only like black guys" meme, it's just them projecting their own fetish and insecurity onto women. Imagine being so self-hating you feel threatened by dogs.
No. 425593
>>425592I understand their obsession and projection/fetish with black guys or even horses, because they're reputed to have huge penises, but even if like, all huge dongs got us mad wet, why would a dachshund get us hot and bothered? Even a rottweiler is going to have a smaller peen than almost all men. Why and how are they so stupid? Do they literally eat paint chips for breakfast?
And I really love how literally one incident of some white trash porn star means we're now wanting to fuck dogs. They're the ones always in the news for fucking them though. Can't let reality get in the way of a good psychological meme!
No. 425604
>>425582They're pretty mad, there are two women mods. Can't imagine what they're like.
>>425593Not a dachshund! lmfao.
No. 425605
>>42559There was actually a study posted here a while back that polled men and women on various kinks and fetishes. Bestiality was one of the things polled.
For women I can't remember the exact number into it, but it was under 1%. I think it was 0.7% or 0.8%.
For men it was 4%.
Men are the ones who want to fuck dogs lol. Projecting as usual.
No. 425623
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can we hate on Andrew Dobson ?
No. 425645
>>425640>tfw my sexuality is such that I only care about touching male bodies and not actual orgasmsAbsolutely cursed. Although I guess I'm joining you in being WGTOW volcel since no men have been pure and good enough for me to want to touch anyway lmao.
It definitely is the best way if you can't find a "decent" male companion. Would rather be in this position than settling for a completely sociopathic degenerate.
No. 425658
>>425612Both of my exes had shitty hygiene. Like I often had to ask them when was the last time they showered, and they legit just skipped showers and brushing their teeth out of laziness. Then they acted like their acne, shitty skin, greasy hair and dry scalp were something that they just had to live with since they already "tried everything :(". Sure, men have naturally rougher skin and stronger BO than women, but you'd think that it would make them work HARDER to take care of themselves, not give up completely.
Men really have the audacity to spread around that "men age like wine women age like milk" meme when they have the hair- and skincare routine of a fucking caveman.
No. 425674
I'm fucking sick and tired of emotionally retarded men coming into my life, becoming my friends bc i let them bc i'm a gigantic moron who thinks the best of people, and then turning out to be complete emotional retards who can't relationship for shit, who can't communicate properly, who wah wah whiiiiiine about how they're sooo lonely how depreeeeesed they are how they neeeeeeeever get laid how they can neeeever get a grillfrond. if they don't ghost you or act shady (and become the biggest sadsacks when you promptly call them out on it) then they turn on you and call you a bitch for setting a boundary or denying them something, which is very On-Brand with men in general.
i wish i'd been born with a dick and balls just so i could have whined my way into having someone else baby me through my depression for the rest of my life, but bc i have a pussy and titties i had to, GASP, go to therapy and, GASP, hold myself accountable for my own wrongdoings and work through my issues without dragging someone else down. men can go their entire lives without ever being held truly accountable for how shitty, irresponsible and moronic they are, but women don't even get 1/4 of the slack they get cut just bc they've got The Almighty Phallus. i have so many former guy friends and flings/boyfriends who were like this, and i admit it's my fault bc i clearly seem to gravitate to these types, but the last guy friend who did this same old song and dance of WAAH WAAH I'M SOO LONELY MUH DEPRESSION, shit-talked my boyfriend publicly in front of me and had the goddamn audacity to be offended and sad when i dropped him like a hot potato bc he dismissed my feelings of being upset that he was being knowingly shitty to me, and i'm still lowkey seething over it bc i know he's still doing this to other women. men are actual goddamn retards.
i know a few amazing guys (who still have their shortcomings but they don't eclipse their virtues) but the older i become the more i'm convinced that, generationally, men are fucking retards. i wish i could track down every last guy i was ever involved with and tell them to their face that their dreaded virginity status is their own goddamn fault, bc they're never gonna bury their microsausages into a vagina if they keep being such lame fucking sadboys, and that they're not gonna whine their way into sleeping with anyone if they keep being the pathetic losers they know, deep down, that they are.
No. 425687
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Is marriage with males even worth it anymore? Imagine having a husband this pathetic.
Who would want to marry a pornsick male who doesn't even carry his weight with his own family? This category encompasses 99% of males. Which makes it all the more hilarious that scrotes blame declining marriage rates on feminism. The truth hurts their feelings.
No. 425689
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No. 425695
>>425689What. The. Actual. Fuck.
I know a lot of men can't comprehend that there are types of rape outside of dragging a stranger kicking and screaming behind some bushes, buh t this is next level.
No. 425720
>>425687How was this received? I feel like this was drowned out by porno apologists considering how shit plebbit is, but maybe breakingmom is actually a sane subreddit.
>>425714Again, anon, he is not beautiful. He looks like a smug child and it is not hot. He literally looks like a child. I can understand looking youthful but he looks legitimately 12. I feel like blue eyes, upped contrast, and a little soft focus really fools you or something bc I don't see it.
>>425716Iirc, this shrimp-dicked faggot raped women while they were asleep or something equally as heinous. I don't remember the story but it's in the old threads. He's truly vile.
No. 425722
>>425720I wouldn't date him either because of his personality but If he weren't an Incel I would peruse a relationship with him
physically he fulfills a niche taste some women have.
No. 425738
>>425728Do you actually think I don't know that everyone has different taste? You really think that needs to be said? We've had the discussion about how "beautiful" he is before.
>as evidenced by how many women have voiced physical attraction to him.Wtf are you talking about? "As evidenced by how many women"? Are you under the impression this dweeb has many women coming out of the woodwork to praise his beauty? It's primarily just one anon (who I know by name) who has a fixation with certain specific men, and continually insists he's beautiful.
No. 425797
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>>425752I found a different photo of him (pic rel). He is incredibly attractive visually, has 10/10 features, but like previous anons said, he is so rotten. Apparently, he raped an unconcious woman and he is proud of it.
No. 425827
>>425797yeah, obviously. just a quick google search of his username leads to many of his pictures of him
>>425819he doesn't look like a child anon, but i agree that he isn't the "hot" type.