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No. 42018
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>>42000This. I've always interpreted a 'curvy' figure to be synonymous with having a very defined waist, regardless of how much body fat you have.
Chubby =/= curvy if the natural structure of your body isn't curvy to begin with.
No. 42019
>>42018Thank you! I lost weight because chubby or thin I don't have much shape. My torso is short so no matter what I had a more rectangle shape.
Lots of girls are rectangle or triangle shaped not gifted with a nice hourglass.
No. 42020
>>42019I looked horrible chubby with no shape
*forgot to add
No. 42024
Hate when I use the word "curvy" to describe myself or another and all the Ana-chans rush in screaming "FAT, FAT, FAT".
No. 42092
>I will never let that happenI used to say that to myself all the time.
It creeps up really quietly on you :(
No. 42116
>>42092I have depression, I tend to loose weight tho, my pills take away my appetite.
It's hard to be motivated while depressed but it's something you have to do. Get up and active!
Walks and jogs are two of the best ways to clear your head, feel good and forget how messed up your brain feels for awhile
No. 42123
>>42116Yh, I tend to find that people who have depression tend to either go one of two ways; overeating or underrating. Unfortunately I was the latter.
Forcing myself to be active, working out almost every day and paying proper attention to my dietary intake and nutrition has gone such a long way in helping my mental state and my weight now.
No. 42128
>>42127My teen years sucked, I let all my anxiety and depression eat away at junk food so I gain so fast.
I was 19 when I finally really gave a hard look at myself and started to loose the weight. Even now I might freak out over gaining 5lbs, but 5 leads to 10, which leads to 20, ect.
Not going to happen again.
No. 42162
>>42156Not that anon, but I think it really depends on your body's composition. Muscle weighs more than fat and some people are just naturally have a lot of muscle mass. (Not even referring to people who are super ripped/toned, just people who are naturally muscular.)
This may or may not be the case with the anon you replied to, but it's something to consider. tbh I don't put a lot of stock into BMI for this reason. An extremely fit person with virtually no excess body fat would probably still weigh more than a skinnyfat person of the same height.
No. 42168
Fit (slightly to moderately toned) ≥ Curvy > Fatty > Ana
Also, taller is better.
>>42161Google "calf reduction surgery" and you will rage
No. 42173
>>42156>>42127100 pounds at 5'2 is fine. 113 at 5'2 is fine.
jesus christ you ana-chans here sound like fucking idiots, just as bad as the HAES people.
no one body type is better than the other. as long as you aren't severely morbidly obese or spooky skeleton i dont care. you guys are in for a rough awakening when you hit 30 or 40 and no longer have your kawaii loli teen bodytypes anymore.
No. 42279
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>>42255i wanna know what you look like if you think this is dumpy. lol.
No. 42281
>>42279….did you think this would prove her wrong
holy shit why do people self post on here
No. 42285
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another dumpy fatty according to the MPA users itt :)
No. 42288
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obesity according to the retards in this thread
if you work out instead of starving yourself, you should look like this at 5'2"/100lb because this is what normal, healthy people look like. if you starve yourself, you're nothing but fat and bone and you're BF% is probably 25 and that's why you look so gross at the weight that normal ppl look hot at.
stay salty anachans. so sad that you dont have the energy to move around :,'(
No. 42289
>>42286Ok, you weren't selfposting. Grats.
The first girl does look dumpy. Her stomach sticks out, she has a wide waist and thick thighs, and she's posing to make it look like she has a thigh gap. I certainly wouldn't say she's fat, but I wouldn't call her skinny. She's just average and unremarkable.
2nd is a deceptive pose. Hips way back, torso stretched out. You can't actually tell anything from this picture.
No. 42308
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No. 42309
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No. 42310
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No. 42311
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No. 42313
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No. 42314
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No. 42315
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No. 42317
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No. 42318
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No. 42319
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No. 42320
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No. 42321
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No. 42342
>>42313 Before is way better.
>>42308 before looks like average teen, latter looks like pre-teen.
>>42309 Not a fan of either, somewhere in the middle would of been a better weight.
>>42310 The latter only looks much better cause she was super overweight in the picture before.
>>42311 Second last would've been better to stay at.
>>42314>>42315>>42316>>42317>>42318the lasts are way better.
>>42319>>42321Too far.
>>42320lol that white bg. Looks fake af.
No. 42345
>>42343I had anorexia during early teens actually. (Relapsed later in life due to stress, but I'm fine now.)
Idk the suffering it takes to achieve that level of skinniness just put me off it's 'appeal'. All I see when people are so underweight is misery that is in their lives and most likely the lives of people around them.
No. 42349
>>42345are you the fat chick who was shitting all over the lotte thread
working out a few times a week and not eating garbage isnt suffering
No. 42350
Anorexia isn't 'not eating garbage and working out a few times a week'
I'm sorry, there isn't a healthy way to become this weight:
>>42319>>42321I genuinely think everyone that obsesses over these bodies, are slightly chubby and up >.
Because, once you are at that weight, you would not conciser the girls above thin, you would want to be even slimmer.
So I know everyone praising anas, have never been at a similar weight themselves.
No. 42352
>>42350anorexia isn't just "being skinny" either
you're not a psychiatrist so you're not qualified to tell if any of those girls are anorexic
No. 42355
>>42352They are either anorexic or doing drugs.
I'm sorry but no sane person can get that weight.
No. 42358
>>42356Like I said, former anorexic.
It's not willpower, it's a disease.
You probably think you have willpower, and I know for a fact you are nowhere near that weight, and trust me, you never will be (Unless you go over the deep end).
But yeah keep projecting how
>>42358yeah you're definitely the girl who couldnt stop selfposting in the lotte thread.
you're incredibly salty that you're not skinny anymore and you should stop embarrassing yourself.
No. 42363
>>42361I have the lotte thread hidden because it is boring af, I wasn't around for her dramu. Sorry, so no.
(I'm still very low on the weight charts because I still can't enjoy food the way I used to. Fuck you girls idolizing this shit. is disgusting.)
No. 42377
>>42361lol no just scrolled past and idk who you're talking to but it isn't me. If I wanted to be anorexic again I'd just stop eating again; it's not like losing weight is hard or anything.
Also Admin banned the faggot who started that shit anyway so obviously I wasn't in the wrong :^)
No. 42383
>>42377Hahaha what? He banned
you. Maybe some others too but I don't see any other posts marked in the thread
>>>/pt/189220 No. 42392
>>42377HAHAHA ya salty fat bitch I wasn't banned???
I mean sorry for the ot and all from the thread, I was just saying that Lotte was looking pretty big for a previously skinny-fat girl. (but decided to self post like a dweeb)
You flew off the fucking handle like a fat bat outta cake.
No. 42462
>>42174Except I don't eat sweets, and also own guns myself.
Stay pathetic.
No. 42507
>>42488I'm dead, you fatties really think that you have to absolutely cut pizza to be skinny?
No. 42548
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>>42488So what's funny about a mentally hill person being unable to do what normal people can do?
>AhAh Fatties can't wash their own ass No. 42551
>>42548I'm 5,5 and I weigh 107. I can enjoy tastey pizza without eating the whole box and puking it up and I can have Chinese food.
Hhahaha you suck Anas
No. 42552
>>42551Why post your height and weight? Do you need validation from the ana chan?
There is nothing to be proud of about being painfully average.
No. 42553
>>42552I'm "average" but I can enjoy tastey food without binge eating and cutting myself.
I'm not mentally ill. It feels good man.
No. 42561
>>42555Binge eating is more onbe line of Bulimia, Anorexics still binge eat but not as often, they tend to eat something over their cal limit, cry, give up for the day, eat normal amounts of food and cry over that.
I know, I am anorexic. My binge eating has only ever happened when I was under weight and my body was in need of nourishment, so I'd binge eat without noticing most times.
We don't look at pizza and go "OH MAN WISH I COULD EAT IT"
We look at pizza and go "It's good and all, buuuuuuttt…"
No. 42565
>>42564lol yes all anas are loli wannabes
Some weeaboos are I guess? I don't know, mine was always stemmed from being a fucking fatass most of my life and hating it so much I stopped eating.
But you know, body dismorphia only occurs in Transgenders to you people.
No. 42566
>>42565No you're attention starved and your parents ignore you.
You know Anas there are more productive and less life threatening ways to get attention.
No. 42572
>>42569I'm kinda half on that. It's a mental illness and I do think it is. But one that is very manageable and easy to take care of if you can get yourself into that right mental state.
A lot of "anorexics" ive meet tend to be way over weight and can't go a day or two without actually eating something fatty, so no I don't think it counts for a lot of girls who say they are.
But I know people are effected by it. It hung hard with me, even to this day and I'm considered 'recovered' but still struggle to eat normally, hold weight and keep it.
I can look at a scale and see "115" and it translate as "Fucking fat ass needs to eat less" literally.
It's a mental battle, little depression. You can fight a lot of those feelings yourself but you should have a doctor and meds to get you fixed.
No. 42574
>>42569That's not "politically incorrect" that's just retarded. It's a mental illness not something that gets turned on my a whim.
>>42573maybe a little. It's usually a control thing (kids who's parents divorced, abused children, children who are ignored etc)
No. 42575
>>42569I'm an ex-anorexic and I actually thoroughly believe in this.
If I was placed on an secluded island at the height of my eating disorder with no chance of escape any time soon of course I would resume eating a normal amount in an attempt to survive.
No. 42577
>>42569Hm, yeah let's just act like mental illness is not the product of a whole life, in a particular society and a way of living in general.
Let's just be dumb, really.
No. 42578
>just stop their behavior>mental illness>just stopwat
No. 42579
>>42576>>42574>>42575So mental illness doesn't exsist on your home planet I take it?
No, anorexia is a mental illness.
You are not "Ex-Ana"
You are "Recovering ana' because eating disorders don't STOP, they minimize.
If I was on an island where I had to eat to survive I wouldn't? Anorexics will DIE to be bone thin do you realize that?
No. 42581
>>42580I'm not, I was a poor native girl my whole life.
Same with other ana's I knew, color and class don't mean shit when you are "MENTALLY ILL"
No. 42585
>>42580How dumb are you?
Do you not understand how mental illness work? Do you think every single country in the world have the same kind and the same amount of mentally ill person?
I can't stand people who don't know how to use their brain.
No. 42589
>>42588If a man came at you will a knife, tried to drag you into his car etc I doubt you wouldn't try to fight back.
I think if a suicidal person was diagnosed with a terminal illness most of the time they wouldn't be happy about it.
No. 42590
>>42586That still sounds like a situation where you could eat if you wanted to.
Were you in a improvised country side in Africa, where donation trucks bring in grains once a day and still denying food?it sounds ridiculous thinking about it.
No. 42593
>>42590What is so surprising about mental illness being prevalent in country where you don't have to fight for surviving?
I'm pretty sure the weirdos from wizard chan wouldn't have existed without internet, how crazy is that?
No. 42594
>>42590???? having the option to eat or not has nothing to do with it?
Holy shit you are dumb aren't you? Mental illness doesn't hit rich people you know.
And guess what. I know a girl from Zimbabwe who has Anorexia??? Is she a dumbass for not accepting her oh so cherished donation food? What a horrible girl she is, using a fake mental illness like that.
No. 42596
>>42593No, they'd probably not care/think this is what I was waiting for/this is what I deserve.
I was suicidal, that's how I thought.
You are mentally sick you don't think the way others do because you CAN'T
Why is that so hard for you to understand?
No. 42597
>>42594I really need proof of this girl you're talking about lol sounds like a lie. Anas are known for being liars. I don't think it's a fake mental illness but I think it's something that stems from boredom and having no goals.
That's why if I ever have children I'll teach them not to value looks, put them in tons of hobbies, teach them how to be in control over their own money because Anas are really just people with no goals and having nothing else going for them so they think starving is their only way to be special.
No. 42598
>>42597Your thinking is wrong.
Most anas don't want to be conventionaly attractive, so teaching them that look doesn't matter won't change jack shit.
It's more of a control thing and never a "I want to be a ugu kawaii princess dainty doll" those are the PRO anas, or wanarexic. Learn the difference.
No. 42600
>>42598This is how I think Anas think and I've seen it before
"That girl is really outgoing, she does really well in school and guys like her etc….well, she's 120 and I weigh 96 pounds which means I'm better than that fatty. She may be good at those things but I'm thinner which means I'm better"
They used weight as their value when comparing themselves to other girls because they have nothing else.
No. 42601
>>42600Nah, it's bullshit, most of them think that "bigger" (aka average) girls are good looking and know that what they want to be or find beautiful is fucked up.
Not every anorexic girl is Ash material. Only pro ana and wanarexic judge others, they are dumbasses and not mentally ill persons.
No. 42616
>>42614Just curious, what do you consider ana?
Would you say that
>>42319 is probably anorexic? What about
>>42318 or
>>42314 No. 42629
>>42628Even before someone said that I was mocking Anas. I just don't like Anas, it's nothing personal.
Why do do I have to like them?theyre terrible people usually.
No. 42637
>>42635Who care about your sister really?
It's cool that there is someone in your family to counterbalance your stupidity and boringness.
No. 42638
>>42637My point is you're saying I'm jealous but the thing is people who are thin and tall can be nice and not ana.
>>42633Explain to me why I should be kind and sweet to Anas but not morbidly obese people?
No. 42639
>Iif I was on an island where I had to eat to survive I wouldn't? Anorexics will DIE to be bone thin do you realize that?What an absurd blanket statement.
I was very much severely in the grips of anorexia, but it was never about dying, that was just something that was always potentially on the table.
You don't get to say "Oh all anorexics would do this, it's a mental illness, they would continue to starve to on an island!". You don't get to say that. You are not every person that has ever experienced anorexia; only one woman.
And yes you silly mare you do become an ex-anorexic immediately upon exiting the minimum criteria for anorexia.
I am an-anorexic, but I am recovering from my eating disorder, which yes in all likelihood will probably never leave me.
No. 42642
>>42641You clearly aren't ana but you are also clearly a cunt, most people are cunt, but you have an extra hate for anorexic girls, the only explanation is jealousy.
And please don't go on the "I hate everyone" wagon, I will judge you extra hard.
No. 42643
>>42642I don't hate Anas I just don't care for their behavior and the way they treat people. Even if an Ana is nice she still wouldn't be pleasant to be around.
I guess when I talk shit about fat people it must be because I'm jealous lol
No. 42644
>>42643If you didn't care you wouldn't be on this thread for almost 4 hour, kek.
>Even if an Ana is nice she still wouldn't be pleasant to be aroundIt just highlight how boring and ignorant you must be IRL, I'm pretty sure most people around you hate you, including you beautiful skinny sister.
No. 42645
>>42644I didn't say I didn't care I said I don't hate Anas. Learn to read.
I don't like Anas for the most part and I'd prefer not having them around me, but I don't hate them.
No. 42650
>>42649so you met one ana who was a cunt and said you were fat and ate a lot and now you hate on every anorexic girl, such a smart reaction of yours.
Everything that you say is an incoherent mess with info pulled out of your ass and your one experience with a cuntish anorexic person. You sound bitter and stupid.
No. 42661
>>42654No, most people with ED's tend to have a variety of other illnesses and/or are to the ash and erica point and really truly ARE sick. Like you don't drop to 83lbs and be mentally stable? You loose most control of your emotions and how you react to shit.
It's a mental illness. Not an excuse but a reason to see it more from their side.
No. 42690
>>42675Anas hate the morbidly obese but they're a lot a like
>expect to be able to say whatever they want about people but saying something about them is completely out of the question>treat their friends and family like trash and when they're called out on it they claim it's abuse>waste foodThe only difference is the obese know they're disgusting Anas think they're attractive which makes them believe everyone is jelly